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HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/2009 - Minutes . � � City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners �: D C�ty of ;�'' f��> � _._.. o O . � . �r�`�`� Meeting Minutes September 15, 2009 4:30 p.m.—City Hall-1St Floor City Hall--Human Resources Training Room In Attendance The following were present: Members: AI Dieckman, Cynthia Burns, Mike O'Donin, Ron Regis, Larry Reymann,Troy Wigestrand Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach,Jerry Rerecich, Kelly Beymer,Todd Black, Bonnie Rerecich,Tina Hemphill, Peter Renner Absent Tim Searing I. CALL TO ORDER AI Dieckman called the September meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Cynthia Burns and seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All were in favor, motion carried,the September 15, 2009, agenda was approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mike 0'Donin to approve the July minutes (the August meeting/tour was cancelled). The motion was seconded by Ron Regis. All were in favor, motion carried,the July minutes were approved as written. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC COMMENTS Mike O'Donin inquired about an altercation at the Aquatic Center. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, explained the situation and how fortunate the bike patrol was City of Renton r.r °`�"' Park Board Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 2 of 4 close by to handle the situation. Troy Wigestrand asked if there was any information to share on the potential flooding. Terry Higashiyama said we would focus on that topic at next month's meeting and invite a staff member from Public Works to answer questions. V. CONSENT Proposed 2010 fee increases Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager, reviewed proposed fee increases for 2010 and the proportionate revenue increase based on the number of rounds played from last year. She also provided fee comparisons from other municipal courses, as well as private courses. The Maplewood Golf Course continues to remain competitive and affordable. The combined increases proposed based on the number of rounds in 2008 would equal approximately an additional $129,027 in revenue. Kelly answered questions including the bonds will be paid off in 2015, a market analysis is done three times per year and figures are based on 2008 number of rounds which is 64,120. Additionally she indicated budget cuts could negatively affect revenue mandating deferred maintenance and the decreased staffing could affect customer service. lerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, reviewed the proposed fees for the recreation division. These fees comprised current and proposed for both resident and non- resident participants. The fees included boat launch, Carco Theatre rental and technician fees, picnic shelter rates, swimming lesson rates as well as admission fees and season passes. Henry Moses Aquatic Center group and tent rentals were also included as well as field rentals, racquetball, banquet, and gym rentals. Jerry answered questions noting this year the picnic shelter fees were higher than ever before, yet we had an all-time high number of rentals for the season. The good weather additionally set a record for paid admissions at the pool this year. Troy Wigestrand commented he would like to see the picnic shelter fees for residents remain at the 2009 level and pass on that proposed increase to non-residents. He felt residents should get the 'price break' and he would like to see picnic and family activities remain affordable for our residents. Jerry explained we cannot charge a non-resident over twice the amount that residents pay. Troy made a motion to recommend approval to Council of the proposed fee increases with the exception of the picnic shelter fee increase for residents. Larry Reymann seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried. H:\Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2009ParkBoard\0909min.doc City of Renton "� ""�'� Park Board Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 3 of 4 VI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Anyone interested in attending the WRPA Mid-Year Conference and Trade Show on November 20, 2009, should let Sandy know. Early bird registration is open until September 30, 2009. Carpooling will be available. VII. OLD BUSINESS Budget 2010 The City initiated a new budget process this year. Revenues have been decreasing and there is concern about Initiative 1033 on the upcoming ballot and the negative impact that it could potentially have on our revenue stream. The level of service we have previously delivered will change. Business will be done differently. This Thursday Council will review the proposed cuts and on October 19 the Mayor will bring the budget to Council. This year furloughs cannot be avoided. In February the library issue will be on the ballot also. CIP Peter Renner, Facilities Director, reviewed the Capital Improvement Projects for the upcoming budget year. The majority of projects are major maintenance related. The Senior Center is closed this week undergoing yearly maintenance. Reorganization A new organizational chart was distributed defining new areas and shifts of responsibility. The Finance Committee would review the proposal on Monday. The goal was to match up like areas of business to improve efficiencies to allow the department to move ahead. VIII. NEW BUSINESS The October meeting will be held one week later (third Tuesday of the month) in order to disseminate information regarding the Mayor's budget proposal to Council presented on October 19, 2009. The meeting will be held at North Highlands Neighborhood Center. Terry also will have a staff person come to discuss the Howard Hansen Dam and potential flooding. IX. OTHER COMMUNICATION Status Reports and a newspaper article noting the Renton lifeguard team winning a challenge was distributed to the Board members prior to the meeting. Additionally a letter from Barbara Gamba and a parent of a Day Camp participant acknowledging the good work of our employees was shared. The Board members were reminded about the upcoming Off-Leash Dog Park grand opening on September 19, 2009, as well the Senior Center Fitness Room and Way to Go Employee Luncheon on September 30, H:\Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2009ParkBoard\0909min.doc City of Renton °�.° `'�+'` Park Board Minutes September 15, 2009 Page 4 of 4 2009. AI and Terry will look at possible dates to reschedule the tour cancelled in August. They noted a weekend date would be better so it would be light out, rather than planning after work. They will report back. X. ADJOURNMENT Larry Reymann made a motion seconded by Mike O'Donin to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor, motion carried meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. ► Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING October 20, 2009 @ 4:30 P.M. North Highlands Neighborhood Center 3000 N E 16th Street H:\Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2009ParkBoazd\0909min.doc � � �, � ' . � I � ■ ■ �� ommun � erv� ces � � '� � � '���� ro ose ees � � �� ,� � � . ' Cit of t � � � V�)f� I ! 1�`� ,I �� h•'�r•CJ• 'I I I li � s� i � I' P ro osed Fee I n c rea ses , p � . � � � � ���� Ma ew r F � o0 0 o u se ees �, urrent an Pro ose , � �'� 9 Hole 18 Hole 18 Hole 18 Hole � '; Weekda Weekda Weekend Sen ior � v v �' Weekend � � , Current $20 $29 $35 $20 Proposed $22 $31 $37 $22 � �, � Increase $2 $2 $2 �2 � � � Revenue $30,698 $ 17 260 $35,582 � 16,878 , ., Increase � fl 9 Hole �.8 PQWer 9 Nole �en ic�r Ca rt Power �a rt , � '� �4 � 1� 24 $ � Current $ $ , � - . ' �6 $ �.6 � Pro osed 16 $ � p $ Increase $ �. $ � $2 _ _. I' 6 333 �.8 27� $4,��0 � Revenue $ , $ � � ' � Increa�e i . � � `,, . 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Hen r M oses A uat� c enter 1 ea so n P a ss ee � (Purchased after.1une 1) � Season Pass Resident Non-Resident Under 1 Free Free 1-4 yrs $20 . 00 $33 . 00 5- 12 yrs $50 . 00 $83 . 00 13- �.7 yrs $6Z. 00 � � 10 . 00 � Adult $75 . 00 $ 165 . 00 Senior (50+) $62.00 $83 . 00 Fa m i ly pa�s $ 175 . 00 $330 . 00 Lap Swim only $37. 00 $55 . 00 � er , '� ��� er� �,a � . e�► � , s �,a o �n � C '� en'� ��1 C'C1 �� �C a� �,� �ma e� e �e �.�-5 �► arg `� s � tJu a�e 5 � � �� Gr ov►p � �,45 6 �er �on � I � 2� � . �, �2 es�de�' S � �7 t �o� � CurCe�r 8 'Per I 5 � � . �, ��- es���� R p�1 2p sed eC� �2 r�p° �.01 'P P . �,t � a _ es��'e 3� Non � � r��� eCSoC� � �u� �� � . �, ��- rQ�►'S,de'� �� ` � � d P ro'P°s� �. ■ H n e r M os es A � uatc enter c o0 enta s 1 Number of students Renton School Other districts � District 1-299 Current $ 1,675 $2,211 Proposed $1,800 �2 300 , 300-399 Current $2,010 $2,662 Proposed $2, 100 $2,700 ) 400-499 Current $2, 180 $2,888 Proposed $2,200 $3,000 500-599 Current �2,345 $3, 113 � Proposed $2,400 $3,200 ' ■ � e ena ae � ' Ad u It Youth Pre Li ht p 9 � (range) (range) Fee fees (ra nge) � Cu rrent $ 12- 15 5 22-38 Res. 15 $ $ $ , N . R. $ 18 � � Proposed $ 17-20 �25-40 Res. $20 N . R. $24 ' Pass ar � r� � Dro - � r� I ac u �� � ����3 � d Ra�e Racquetbaf! Dro -�n Rate Pass Car � p �o u rt Fee _ 2�-225 $� $ 3 6.�4 $ � R ������� � � � � V� � �� * �� n�a ate ���' � � . t Banquet Classrooms Classrooms Res�dent ga�au� Current Proposed �' Raam Room Current Proposed Any time Any time ida 5 hr $5�0 $ 6U� $20 $30 �r y ( min.) �a ia �i,000 ��,zaa Satu r y ( hr. min) � Man -Thurs $65/hr $75/hr (3 hr min) � $100/hr $124�hr Add I weekend hrs. �. Ban uet ar� assroom w ���� ���� � � � � � \��' �� 1�e � Nan- ganquet Banquet Classrooms Classrooms , Room Room Current Proposed Res�dent Current Proposed An time An time Y Y Friday (5 hr $500 $7QQ $24 $35 min.� S�tUrday {1� $1,200 $1,4aQ hr. min) � Mon-Thurs $80/hr $9a/hr (3 hr min} Add'! $120/hr $i4Q/hr weekend hrs. , m en a s � � - � � � RESiDENT Gym G m G m G m v v y , Athletic Athletic Commercial Commercial Current Proposed Current Proposed Single gym $35 $40 � 1,000 No � (carpet lay if cha nge � needed � f �300) � Double gym ��� $80 Z �. � R� r�t� � Pro os� ���� �� _ NC�I�-RESIaENT � m �y�n �ym Gym y Athietic Athietic ��mmercial �ommerciai Current Proposed Current Proposed houriy hourly Single gym 40 $45 $�,2Q0 No $ (carpet lay if cha nge � needed � .�.�oo� Double gym $$0 $9� i ■ � erans ar � e � Cu rrent Pro osed p 50 for th ree I i nes 75 for th ree I i nes $ $ � �..✓ `�` CAPITAL 1NVESTMEIVT PRC�GRAIVI � r . . � SUMMARY Ty� Pr%cted Pro%ected Pr%cted Projected Pr%cted Pr%ctedl Pr%ct� Development (n►ore) �' � 20�0 2011 20�2 2o�s 2o�a 2o�s rorai Maintenance Building and Pump House D - - - - 300 2,500 2,850 Reconstruction of the 13th and 15th Greens D - - - - 130 - 130 Reconstruction of the 10th and 16th Greens D - • - 130 - - 130 Irrigation Mainline Replacement D �� - - - - - 850 850 �ex Golf Course Major Maintenance M 150 150 150 125 65 150 1,744 Total `°� 150 150 150 255 495 3,500+ 5,704 ProJected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Project Resources: ,„� 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015I Tota! User Fee _ _ _ _ _ _ . REET . _ . _ _ _ _ Fuel Tax _ _ _ _ _ _ . Utility Tax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bond Proceeds _ _ _ _ . . _ Operating 150 150 150 . 255 495 3,500 5,704 Grants/ContribuGon Received - - _ _ _ . _ Mitigation Funds Received _ . _ _ _ _ _ Grants/Contribution Mticipated - - . _ . _ _ Mitigation Funds Anticipated - - _ _ _ _ _ MisGTrans/ers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Interest/ncome _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � Totai 150 150 150 255 495 3,500� 5,704 �BaJance Available/(Unfunded Needs) � ��9,� - _ _ _ _ _ � _ � NOTE:A-Acquisition,D-Development.M-Major Maintenance,R-Regulatory Compliance,T-Transfer Amounts are in thousands of doilars Golf Course Page 1 � � CAPITAL 1NVESTN1EiV7� PROGRAM :��� �� ��,������ ���;�, � �� ,�� �� ,�� , � � � � ,�, Descri tion Year Cost P Course Maint.-topdress,cartpath patch 2010 $ 25,000 Building Maintenance-restripe parking,security cameras,etc 2010 $ 25,000 HVAC Repair(2004) 2010 $ 50,000 Pumphouse Overhaul(2008) 2010 50,000 $ 150,000 Carpet replacement clubhouse/dr range 2011 $ 95,000 Course Maint.-Netting,retaining walls,topdressing 2011 $ 30,000 Building Maintenance-plumbing,doors,striping,etc. 2011 $ 25,000 $ 150,000 Replace range hood,walk-i�cooler,freezer,bar top 2012 $ 150,000 Clubhouse/driving range interior painting(2006) 2013 $ 50,000 Clubhouse/driving range exterior painting(2006) 2013 $ 55,000 Crse.Maint.-topdress,netting repair 2013 $ 20,000 $ 125,000 Replace worn netting panels-#7 fairway(2001) 2014 $ 35,000 Bldg./Crse.Maint.-bunkers,electrical,etc.(2007) 2014 $ 30,000 2014 $ 65,000 Repair driving range stall dividers(2005) 2015 $ 20,000 Renovate pro shop counter (2004) 2015 $ 50,000 Bidg./Crse.Maint.-topdress,parking lot stripe,etc 2015 $ 30,000 Clean out#18&#6 pond,add retaining walls(2004) 2015 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 - - - Amounts are in thousands of dollars Golf Course Page 7 '�.r rrr+ CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRANI A . ; a ,,,,,. ,, '� � . � � ��_�' � , SUMMARY DeveloPment I rYPe (LlThru2009I Proje2010 Proje201d Proje20� Proje2013 Proj 2014 Proje20151 PrTotal Security Upgrades F - 90 90 90 90 90 - 450 Henry Moses Aquatic Center F 5,243 120 120 120 120 120 - 5,843 New Maintenance Facility F 928 - 3,600 3,000 10,000 - - 17,528 North Highlands Community Center F 38 - 2,000 - - - - 2,038 Leased Facilities F 2,694 100 260 127 140 - - 3,321 Public Restroom Renovations F - 265 - 120 - - - 385 Disaster Repairs F 200 200 200 200 200 200 1,200 Grant Matching Program P/F 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1,750 Black River Riparian Forest P - - 90 100 200 2,000 - 2,390 Maplewood Community Park P - - 100 400 4,000 400 4,000 8,900 Parks,Recreation,&Open Space Plan P 371 25 - - - - 180 576 Regis Park Athletic Field Expansion P 380 - 300 4,400 - 350 4,000 9,430 Springbrook Trail Missing Link P 711 - - - - - - 711 Urban Forestry P 331 110 60 100 60 200 200 1,061 Park Master Planning P - - 90 90 90 90 90 450 Highlands Library Natural Area P - - 50 230 - - - 280 Integrated Pest Management Program P - - 100 - - - - 100 I-405/Talbot Road Streetscape Impr P 50 - - - - - 50 Offleash Dog Park Development P 50 - - - - - - 50 KC Proposition 2 Cap Exps Levy Fd P 211 160 160 160 160 5 - 856 ParksGeneralMajorMaintenance P 4,211 85 1,035 375 365 695 2,395 9,161 Irrigation Renovation&Conservation P 352 - 425 250 250 250 400 1,927 Irrigation Automation and Conservation P 111 60 60 60 60 60 60 471 Parking Lot and Drive Repairs P 132 - 90 90 50 50 60 472 Ball Field Renovation Program P 50 - 50 50 50 75 50 325 Pathway,Sidewalk,Brdwk Repairs P 540 50 65 40 90 90 90 965 Court Repairs P - . - 20 40 120 20 80 280 Tree Maintenance P 152 70 70 70 70 70 70 572 Capital Project Coordination P 48 68 70 72 74 76 78 486 Total� � 16,854� 1,653 9,355 10,434 16,439 5,091 12,203� 72,029 � Total Six-Year Project Costs I 16,854� 1,653 9,355 10,434 16,439 5,091 12,203� 72,029� Amounts are in thousands of dollars Capital Investment Program �Page] , I � . " � i i I ' CC"�NYIVI�JNI`Y`Y SE�VICES �l►���2T�N'� �I � i i I' Cammunity Services Administratar � ' Terry Higashiyama �, j Community Resources&Funding Mahager Bonnie Rerecich I Community Rela6ons&Events Coordinator Administrative Assistant ' Sonja Mejlaender � Sandy Pilat '� Secretary II Secretary 11 � Margaret Beitner Glaria Gamba Sec�etary II ! Diaf�e Wagner � � 'I Recreation Director Parks&Golf Caurse Director Parks Planning&Natural Resources Director Facilities Director ! ,►err}r Rerecicl� Kelly Beymer Leslie Betlacf� Peter Rehner i ' Libraty Directar Human Services l�ahager Museum Manager � Bette Atldetrson KareA Bergsvik Elizabeth Stewart � I II Crril�svcs.opx Last Madfied 8/18/2009 i p.��5�0� � ����� . 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'�� l�n°� \ � �� �S��51b� \ ��s��� . � �. �� ana�,�.`� t�� ,, Y��� � ���� _--j' �SQUCce p e�tor &Nat�ra�Et ``� packs p�ann�t�g `es�ie'��tia�h ..-'i aord�fiator � � ect C �ap�ta�FrO��da 8ia�k T a`�e�oucces Ma�'a�er &Nat�{ Urban Fo,�estrl��rre�+�e�\at�ey '` , , , , � \ 813�12049 `as��d�{ied \ ,� � , at�, 1 atkg� ` ��ceg•O4X �. _ � � � � August�M';2009[7�l - � ��'��. -..� � ��. �'.:�-' �„ > � i�I II��il�I� :� ,-. .... Members of Renton's lifeguard teams"A"and°B"cefebrate their victory in the Regional Lifeguard Chal(enge.susM�rt�o PHOTo � of Ren�an life uard tY � team wins cha[len e � 9 The C'ity of Renton A Team recently won the annuaI life- guard challen�e. The Aug.13 win came much to the surprise of Bellevue and Seattle lifeguards,who traditionally dorninate the campetition. "It was a major apset and it was very exciting;'said JiII Ander- , son,a mother of a competitor on the 7-person tearn. This annual event matches many of the best lifeguard teams fram cities that border Lake Washingtan.Based on a variety of relay situations"and first aid scenarios the guards dispIay their fitness>strength,team work and problem salving abilities,ac- cording to a press release. , "People were throwing up,it was really grueling;Anderson said. • Unlike lifeguarding at a pool ar aquatic center,guarding on j Lake Washington presents unique challenges,With wave ac- ` tion,glare,murky water,and other distractions guards need to constantly maintain their focus and vigilance,according to the ti� release. ��,._ ,i Renton team members include Ar►dy Stetzler,Lauren Molnar, � Jens Anderson,Ancly Dean,Jenny Lee,Carneron Moak and Jil- �''� lian Chong. ;� -,� ,, i�; l� �" �r✓ July 10, 2009 R����'�/�� �C �. 3 �AY��`� O�FIC� City of Renton Human Services 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 980�7-9808 To Whom It May Concern: I would like to say how deeply grateful I am for the assistance I have received from The Home Assistance Prag�-am. Although your work is often done behind the scenes I wanted to acknowledge tvc�o wonderful employees Tim Lawless, Housing Repair Coordinator and City staff worker, Lynn• Tim visited my home, assessed my needs,And�han sent his wondei-ful repair worker Lynn to take care of alI of my needs. Lynn is a very compassionate person who has the wonderful ability to calm � anyone when�he sink is backed up or the toilet is over flowing and won't flush! He is right there, with a fi-iendly smile and the knowledge to fix anything! He gives a 110% on any jab t17at he does. I have had many challenges these past couple of years my h�ealth issues were bad for awhile, I was lost my job and my income has dropped from a reasonable amount to below the poverty level. I was depressed and my� hause was in need o�repairs that I couldn't afford to have done. Than, I heard about the cities Housing Repair Assistance Program and I now have �he repai�s I needed dane !! Th�you for the assistance I am deeply grateful. ,� Sincerely, �� t Gz�,�'.� . . � ' . ' ��ld�a�i�in�.,."��� , ^=-_.�.r,...,�. " Denis_Law � � ~ Mayor :�1 -:O� r��y � „ _ � �> . . - `. �':," . .� d , _ - - �� . � - � -, ; .Mayor'stO.�rce: . _ . , - -Ai�ust 18; 2009 - .- _ , . ; -. � :. -.�-Ba�6ara;��Cam'bar - - � , � - ' ` =�.01�.Un'`ion Avenue S� : . .. . " ... . _ - � _; . . . . ....:. ... . :. . . _ _ ,. . .. _ - . . : _ _ - _ . � - . . . . . _ . _ .. •�1nFt 125. :.. • . . _ . .. . . _, ,. , ,:. ....: _ - � � > . � - - . =.. ' , �R$er�:ron;:VVA 980�9. , , ' , - - � � . - - ,- , .. . _- _ , - _ - ' - _ . _ . - ;Dear.•Ms:�Gam �}= ba: _ -_ F� , . .. � . . . � - -- - - _ _ -y; ; . : _ -- -- , � - ' . . � - " -_" . . _Y.' - ' .6 - .. ..5 _ _ . , '3 " ',1.' 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