HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20160426001509 � � , � 20�fi04260��50g CITY OF RENTON EAS 76.00 PRGE-003 OF 004 04/26/2016 15:34 RetL[rn Address: KING COUNTY, WA City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 r EXCISE T C T REQUIRE� King . R crds�Division By ` � �� , Deputy , ��, SIDE SEWER EASEMENT (Cover+3 Pages) GRANTOR: City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation GRANTEE: F& K Investments,A Washington Corporation Limited Liability Company LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3,Block 6 together with the north 25 feet of Lot 2,Block 5,Renton Real Estate Company's First Addition to Renton,according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Plats,Page 50,Records of King County,Washington. TAX ACCOLTNT NOS: 7229300610, 7229300615 SIDE SEWER EASEMENT For a��aluable consideration,receipt of���hich is hereby acknowledged,the Grantor, Cit} of Renton, (hereinaftzr"Grantor"), the owner of that certain parcel(s) of land described as follo�i�s: Lot 3,Block 6 together with the north 25 feet of Lot 2,Biock 5,Renton Reai Estate Company's First Addition to Renton,according to the plat thersof recorded in Volume 21 of Plats,Page 50, Records of King County,NJashington. Hereby grants and conveys to the Grantee, F&K Investments, a`VashinQton corporation limited liability company, (hereinafter"Grantee"),current o���ner of that certain parcel(s) of land described as follows: Lots 4 and 5,Block 6 of Renton Reai Estate Company First Addition to Renton,according to the plat thereof record2d in Volume 21 of Plats, Page 50, Records of King County, 1�Jashington: EXCEPT that portion convsyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Recording No.3250233. A sid�sec��er easement of the purpose of installins.usin�. maintainin�,repairin�or replacinQ a side sew•er pipe for the sole purpose of conve}�ance domestic sewaQe generated by the de��elopment on said Grantee's property. Thi� side se���er easement is described as follows: The �cest 10 feet of Lot 3,Block 6 toQether�cith the north 25 feet of Lot 2,Block�, R�nton Real Estate Company-'s First Addition to Renton,accordin�to the plat thereof recorded in`'olume 21 of Plats,Paae�0,Record�of Kin�County,�`'ashington. The Grantee shall be responsible for the maintenance and/or repair of the side seci-er pipe up the point �chere it connects to the se���er main. Responsibilit}�for repair shall include tha restoration of the ground surface to oriainal or better condition if it is disturbed. The arantor shall not construct any structures ���ithin this easement. The grantee shall indemnify,defend and hold Grantor harmless from and against an5-and all claims, costs and damaQes, including reasonable attorney's fees, arisina in connection �z�ith Grantee's use of the easement riaht granted herein. This easement shall run �i�ith the land dzscribed herein, and shall be bindina upon the parties, their heirs, succe�sors in interest and assiQns. Grantors co�-enant that they are the lawful o��nzrs of the abo�e properties and that have a good and la�i ful riQht to execute this ag-reement. L�T WITNESS �'VHEREOF, said Grantor and Grantee have caused this instrument to be executed this l�day of ,���[. 20/�. Grantor: Grantee: /4/ ) , � r, ��f�.:f=�-�fi/."�%. n s-=��"��i�� City of Renton F&K In�estments.LLC Denis Law Mayor REPRESfNTATtVE FORM OF AtKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHIN6TON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that l2.�i t�c-�2T. �f�-•`T1�i_�-� signed this instrument,on oath � �. �;�����f 7�, stated that�he she/they was were authorized to execute the instrument and . �:-� �,.. . �. ; �. acknowiedged it as the and = � � f' � of to be the free and voluntary act of such • �,, ,_ '-, . party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. �.. t � ��������.�-�-,�-�-�.-t�' Notary P��lic in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) ��$' �'V► tK�4�-1Z � � My appointment expires: � � l- 1 � Dated: �-� � - � �, REPRESENTATlVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ``````\\`������„`��`1j''' Den i s L aw signed this instrument,on oath ����N A• S��hy� stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and � �`�a��a�a�p i ��Q;�`SgtON F„y!A�i���' �i��� acknowledged it as the MayOr ar�d----�� , � :��rQ�AR�. ��p�� �of RentUn ��Bethefreeandvoluntaryactofsuch s � �V _ � _ N� �party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. � � � i :� 'oUB�,�G �2 $ �� N �'4 6. 1��:���= ��4�'9 �����p��29�a`�����,.+ 5"� � �l pJl'�����F��W A�������`` ` Notary Pu ic in and fd the State of Washington � Notary(Print) Jason A. Seth My appointment expires: l0 ' �` �� � Dated: ���O�7�OI �v EXHIBIT "A" SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT � � . ' � ����P�� ' �0'�S�F,P�P�(���0 ' �����0/��,QG � A' 1 �p\,. '� 1 � I ' I C7 " a � � 7229300615 I 36 LOGAN AVE S r—I-� � - - � � I 7229300610 � � II_ _ 10' SEWER v� i I EASEMENT � � � � � � I I c.� .� �'o� O I I �PQo�� � O I pF ` I - - � � 1