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04l27l20t6 14:47
Grantor: King Caunty Housing Authority
Grantee: City of Renton
Legal Description: Lat 2,City of Rentan Short Piat Number LUA-0$-SHPL, recorded under
Recarding Number 2010011 t900006, in King County, WA Assessor`s Tax Parcel ID#: 322305-
IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City of Renton permit for application file No.
LUA/SWPt4-OOQ226 relating to the real property("Property")described above,the Grantar(s},the
owner(s) in fee of that Property,hereby covenants(covenant)with the City of Renton,a potitical
subdivision of the state of Washington,that he/shetthey}will observe,consent to,and abide by the
conditions and abligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1 through 10 belaw with regard to
the Property,and hereby grants(grant}an easement as described in Paragraphs 2 and 3. Grantar(s}
hereby g,rants(grant}, covenants{covenant),and agrees{agree}as follaws:
t. The Grantor(s) or his/her(their) successors in interest and assigns ("Owners af the
described property") shall at their own cost, aperate, maintain, and keep in gaod repair, the
Property's stormwater facilities and/or best managerrtent practices ("BMPs"} constructed as
required in the approved
Page 1 of 3 Form Approved by City Attorney 10/2013
( �
construction plans and specifications dated July 3,2014 an file with the City of Rentan and submitted to
the City of Renton for the review and approva!of building permit B 14001163.The property's stormwater
facilities and/or best management practices("BMPs")are shawn and/or listed on Exhibit A. The property's
storrnwater facilities and/or BMPs shall be maintained in compliance with the operation and maintenance
schedule included and attached herein as Exhibit B. Starmwater facilities include pipes, swales,tanks,
vaults, ponds,and ather engineered structures designed ta manage and/or treat stormwater on the Property.
Stormwater BMFs include dispersion and infiltration devices,native vegetated areas, permeable pavernents,
vegetated roofs,rainwater harvesting systems, reduced impervious surface coverage, and other measures
designed to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff on the Property.
2. City of Renton shall have the right to ingress and egress over those portions of the Property
necessary to perform inspections of the storrr►water facilities and BMPs and conduct maintenance
activities specified in this Declaration of Covenant and in accordance with RMC 4-6-030.
3. If City af Rentan determines that maintenance or repair wark is required to be done to any of
the stormwater facilities or BMPs,City of Renton shall give notice af the specific maintenance and/or
repair work required pursuant to RMC 4-6-030. The City shall also set a reasonable tirne in which such
work is to be completed by the Owners. If the above required maintenance or repair is not cornpleted
within the time set by the City,the City may perform the required maintenance or repair, and hereby is
given access to the Property, subject to the exclusion in Paragraph 2 above, for such purposes. Written
notice wiil be sent to the 4wners stating the City's intention to perform such wark. This work wi11 nat
camtnence until at least seven(7)days after such natice is maited. If,within the sole discretion ofthe
City,there exists an imminent or present danger,the seven t7}day notice period witl be waived and
maintenance andlar repair work will begin immediately.
4. If at any time the City of Renton reasonably determines that a starmwater facility or BMP on
the Property creates any of the hazardaus conditions tisted in RMC 4-4-060 G or relevant municipal
successor's codes as applicable and herein incorporated by reference,the City may take measures
specified therein.
5. The Owners shall assume all responsibil'rty for the cost of any maintenance or repair work
campleted by the City as described in Paragraph 3 ar any measures taken by the City to address hazardous
canditions as described in Paragraph 4. Such responsibility shail include reimbursement to the City
within thirty(30)days of the receipt of the invoice for any such work performed. Overdue payments will
require payment of interest at the current legai rate as liquidated datnages. If Iega1 action ensues, the
prevailing party is entitted to recaver reasonabte litigation costs and attorney's fees.
6. The Owners are hereby required to obtain written approval from City of Renton prior ta
filling, piping, cutting, or removing vegetatian (except in routine landscape maintenance) in open
vegetated stormwater facilities(such as swales,channels, ditches, ponds, etc.}, or performing any
atteratians or modifications ta the starmwater faciiities and BMPs referenced in this Declaration of
7. Any notice or consent required to be given or otherwise provided for by the provisions of this
Agreement shall be effective upan personal delivery, or three(3)days after mailing by Certified Mail,
return receipt requested.
8. With regard to the matters addressed herein,this agreement canstitutes the entire agreement
between the parties,and supersedes all prror discussions, negotiations,and all agreements whatsoever
whether oral ar written.
4. This Declaration of Covenant is intendetE ta protect the value and cEesirability of the rea!
property described above, and shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its
Page 2 of 3 Form Approv�d by City Attorney 10/2013
� '
successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon
Grantor(s),and Grantor's(s')successors in interest, and assigns.
10. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a written agreement by the
C)wners and the City that is recorded by King Caunty in its real property records.
IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF,this Declaration of Covenant for the Inspection and Maintenance of
Stormwater Faciiities and BMPs is executed this �/ day of��~'il , 2016.
King Co y o sing Authority
By: � ���
Dan Watson, Deputy Executive Qirector
On this day persanally appeared before me:
_����Jt • /..��/�� , ta me knawn to be the Deputy Executive
Director of King Caunty Housing Authority and the individual(s) described in and who executed the
within and foregoing instrument on behalf of such entity and acknowledged that he signed the same as
his free and votuntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated.
Given under my hand and official seal this�day of ,�����!'° I .2016.
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Page 3 of 3 Form Approved by C'ity Attorney 1012013
Number TBD
(provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Locatio�i)
Project Name
Downstream Drainage Basins
Major Basin Name GREEN RIVER
Immediate Basin Name PANTHER CREEK
Flow Control:
Flow Control Facility Name/Number DETENTION POND
Location 17901 105th Place SE,Renton,Washington 98055
If none,
Flow control provided in regional/shared facility(give
No flow control required Exemption number
General Facility Information:
Type/Number of detention facilities: Type/I�Iumber of infiltration facilities:
1 ponds ponds
vaults tanks
tanks trenches
Control Stntcture Location
Type of Control Structure FLOW RESTRICTING ORIFICE TEE Number of Orifices/Restrictions
Size of Orifice/Restriction: No. 1 1-1/16"
No.2 1-1/2"
No. 3
Flow Control Performance Standard LEVEL 2(FORESTED CONDITION)
Live Stora e Volume '�,z "��"�*
g Depth -�F�- Volume Factor of Safety
1.0 26,500 CF 5.28 FT
Number of Acres Served 332 AC
Number of Lots 1
Dam Safety Regulations(Washington State Department of Ecology)
Reservoir Volume above naturai grade 0, POND CUT INTO EX GRADE
Depth of Reservoir above natural grade 0
Facility Summary Sheet Sketch
All detention,infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch.
(11"x17"reduced size plan sheets may be used)
Water Quality; RAIN 6ARDEN-1
Type/1�Tumber of water quality facilitiesBMPs:
biofiltration swale sand filter(basic or largc)
(regularfwet/or continuous inflow) sand filter,linear(basic or
combined detentionlwetpand sand�ilter vauit(basic ar
(wekpond portion basic or large) sand bed depth (inches)
combined detentiontwetvauit stormwatcr wetiand
filter strip storm filter
flow dispersion wetpond(basic or targe)
farm management plan wetvault
landscape management p(an Is#acility Lined?
oil/water separator If so,what marker is used
(baffle or coalescing plate)
catch basin inserts:
pre-settling pond
pre-settting structure:
high flow bypass structure(e.g.,fiow-splitter catch basin)
source controls
Water Quatity design flow
Water Qua(ity treated valume(RAIN GARDENj 238•726 AC-FT
Water Quatiry storage volume(wetpoat}
Faciiity Summary 5heet Sketch NOT UPDATED
, '
Water Qaality: RAIN GARQEN-2
Type/Number of water quality facilitiesBMPs:
biofiltration swale sand filter(basic or large)
(regular!weU or continuous inflow) sand filter,linear(basic or
carnbined detention/wetpond sand filter vault(hasic or
(wetpand portion basic ar large) sand bed depth (inches)
cambined detentionlwetvault scormwater wetland
f lter strip storm filter
f7ow dispersion wetpond(basrc or targe)
farm managcment plan wetvauit
landscape management p(an Is facility Lincd?
oil/water separator lf so,what marker is used
(baffle or coalescing plate)
catch basin inserts:
pr�;-settling pond
pre-settling structure:
high flow bypass structure(e.g.,flow-splitter cakch basin}
source cantrots
Design Informarion
Water C�uality design flow
Water Quality treated volum�{RAIN GARDEN) 53.578 AGFT
Water Quaiity storage voiume(wetpaol}
Facility Summary Sheet 5ketch ASBU ILT
Niatntenance I Defect or Pro6lsm 1 Canditions When Maintenance is Needed I Resutts Expected When �
Compnnent I ( Maintenance Is Performed
_ _ __
Site Trash and debris Any tresh and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debns cleared from site.
per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the
amount of krash it would take to fill up one
standard size o�ce g�rbage can). In general,
ttsere shauid be no visuaf evidence of dumping.
Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may NoxSoUs and nuisarice vegetation
cons6tute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable
pubiic. regulations. No danger of noxious
vegetation where Caunty personnel
or the pubiic might normally be.
Contaminants and Any evidence of cantaminants or potlution such Materiais removed and disposed af
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or pa�nt. according Yo applicatale regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
apprapriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
IGress/groundcover � Grass or groundcaver exceeds 18 inches in � Grass or groundcover mawed to a �
{ height. height no greater than B inches.
Top or Side Slopes Rpdent holes Any evidence of rodeM holes'rf fadiiiy is acting � RodeMs removed ar destroyed and �
of Dam,Berm or I � as a dam or berm,or any evidence of water dam or berm repaired.
Embankment piping through dam flr berm via rodent fiotes.
Tree growth Tree growth threate�s intsgrity of siopes,does Trees da not hinder facility '
not allow maintenance access,or interferes with performance or maintenance
maintenance activity. If trees are not a threat or activities.
not interfering witt�access or maintenance,ftrey
do not need tp be removed.
Erosion Eroded dama[�e over 2 inches deep where cause Slopes stabilized using appropriate
of damage is stili present or where there is erosian cantra!measures_ If erosion
potential for cqntinued erosion. Any erosion is occuning on compacted slope,a
observed on a compacted slope. Iicensed civii engineer shauld 6e
consulted to resolve source of
Se#tlement Any part of a dam,berm or embankment that has Top or side stope restored to design
settled 4 inches lower than the design elevation. dimensions. If seHlement is
signifcant,a licensed civil engineer
should be consulted ta determins
the cause of the settlement.
Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10%n of the Sediment cleaned out to designed
accumulation designed pond depth, pond shape and dspth;pond
reseeded if necessary to control
� liner damaged Liner is visible or pond does not hald water as liner eepaired or replaced. �
{If Applicablej � designed. I
InIeVOuUet Pipe. � Sediment � Sediment filling 20%or more of the pipe. ( InleVoutlet pipes clear of sediment. 1
accumuiation � �
� Trash and debris � Trash and debris accumuia#ed in inleUoutiet � No trash or debris in pipes. �
pipes{includes floatables and�on-floatables).
Damaged Cracks wider than'/:-i�ch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at '!
� inleUoutlet pipes or any evidenee of saii entering � the joint of the inleVouttek pipe.
� at the joints of ihe inleUoutket pipes.
Emergency Tree growth Tree growth impedes flow or threatens stabil�ty of Trees removed.
Overflow/Spillway ( � spiliway. �
Roak missing Oniy one layer of rock exists above native soil in I Spiilway restored to design �
� �area five square feet orlarger or any exposure of f standards.
native soil on the spillway. �
Maintenance Defect or Problem � CondEtion When Maintenance is Needed � Resuits Expected Wfien (
Camponent Maintenance is PerFortned �
Strudure Trash and debris Trash or debns of more than'/z cubic foot which No Trash or debns blocking or
' is Iocated immediately in irant af the structure potentiatly blocking entrance to
opening or is blocki�g capacity of the skructure by structure.
' more than 10%.
Trash or debris in the structure that exceeds�13 � No trash or debris in the structure. �
the depth from tha bottom of basin to invert the
' Iowest pipe into or out of the basin.
( Deposits of gari�age excezding 1 cubic faot in 1 No conditian present which would
} volume. 1 attract or suppart ihe breeding of
I insects or rodents.
Sediment Sediment exceeds 60%of the depth from the Sump of structure contains no
battom of ihe structure to the invetf qf the towest sediment.
pipe into or out of the structure ar the bottom of
the FRdP-T section or is within 6 inches of the
, iavert of the fpwest pipe into or out ot the
' structure or the bottom of the FROP-T section.
Damage to freme � Comer of frame extends more than'/,inch past � Frame is even with curb. 1
andtar tap slab curb face into the sireet(If appticable}. �
� Top siab has holes larger than 2 square inches or � Top siab is free ot holes and cracks. �
cracks widerthan Y.inch.
_ — _ _..
i Frame not sitting flush on top siab,i.e., I Frame is sitting flush on top slab.
i separation af more than'l.inch of#he frame from i
I the tpp slab. k
Cracks in walls or Cracks wider than/inch and Ipnger than 3 feet, StrucWre is sealed and structurally
bottom any evidence of soit partictes entering structure sound.
through cracks,or maintenance person judges
that structure is unsound.
� Cracks wider tfian%inch and tonger than 1 foot ( No cracks more than'1,inch wide at �
at the joint of any inleUouUst pipe or any evidence the joint of inleUoutiet pipe.
of soil particles entering structure through cracks.
SettlemenV I Structure has settled more than 1 inch or has � Basin replaced ar repaired to design �
misalignment i rotated more than 2 inches out of alignmer�t. standerds.
Damaged pipe joints G�acks wides than Yrmch at the joint of the No cracks more ihan'l.-inch wide at I
� inletloutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering � the joint of inleUoutlet pipes.
the structure at the joint a#the i�IeVoutlet pipes.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or po{lution such RAaterials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slunies or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs impiemented if
appropriate. !Uo conCaminants
present other than a surface ail film.
Ladder rungs missing (I Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards and �
or unsafe E misalignment,rust,cracks,or sharp edges. ( allows maintenance perso�safe
� access.
FRORT Section Damage T section is not securely at[ached to structure I T section securely attached to wali �
� waii and outlet pipe stnacture shouid support at � and outtet pipe.
( least 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. �
( Structure is not in upright position(allow up to � Structure in correct position. �
10°l0#ram plumh}.
Cannections to�utlei pipe are not watertight or Connec#ions to outlet pipe are water
� show signs of deterioreted grout. � tight;structure repaired or replaced
and works as des+gned.
� Any holes--other than designed hoEes—in the Structure has no holes other thart I
structure. dasigned holes.
Cleanout Gate Damaged or missing � Cleanout gate is missing. ( Replace cleanout gate. !
Maintenance � Defect or Probiem � Condition When Maintenance is headed � Resuits Expected When
Companent Maintenance is Performed
� Clea�out gate is not watertight. I Gate is watertight and works as �
! Gate cannot be moved up arrd down by one � Gate moves up and down easity and �
Imaintenance person. is watertight.
� Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. � Chain is in place and works as �
Qrifice Plate I Damaged or missing I Control device is not woricing properiy due to � Piate is in place and works as �
! ! missi�g,out of place,or bent orifice plate_ designed.
, � ObsVuctions � Any trash,debns,sediment,or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions and 1
b�ocking the plate. works as designed. I
' Overfiow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris biacking(or having the Pipe is free of aii obstructions and �
� � potenUa!of blocking)the overtlow pipe. � works as desfgned.
Deformed or damaged Lip of overftpw pipe is bent or deformed. � Overflow pipe does not ailaw
� pp � overflow at an elevation lower than
lnietJQuUsi Pipe � Sediment � Sediment fiNing 20°lfl or more of the pipe. � InleUouilet pipes clear of sediment.
i Trash and debris � Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlet I No trash ar debris in pipes.
{ pipes(includes ftoatabies and non-8oatables).
� Damaged Gracks wider than I inch at the jflfnt of the � No crac#cs more than'l,-inch wide at �
� inleUoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUoutlet pipe.
� at the joints of the inieVautlet pipes.
' Fheta!Grates � Unsafe grate opening � Grete wiih opening wider than'tB inch. � Grate opening meeis design
(If Applicable) siandards.
I Trash and debris � Trash and debris that is blocking mpre than 20% I Grate free of krash and debris.
jof grate surface. i footnate ta guide�ines for disposai
' � Damaged or missing I Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. � Grate is in place and meets design �
Manhole Cover/�id Cover/Iid not in place Caverflid is missing or only partially in place. � Gover/!id protects opening to �
( � Any open structure requires urgent structure.
I Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by ons Mechanism operss with proper taois.
' Not Wnrking maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts
cannot be seated. Self-locking caverllid does not
I work.
Coverllid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and
' � Remove � caverflid after applying 80{bs.of Iift. � reinstalled by one maintenance
Maintenance Defect or Problem CandEtion When Maintenance is Needed Resu{ts Expected When
Cpmponent I Maintenance is Performed
Structure Sediment Sediment exceeds 60%of the depth from the Sump of catch basin contains no
bottom of the catch besin to#he invert of the sediment.
bwest pipe into or out of the catch basia or is
within 6 inches af the invert of the lowest pipe
into or out o#the catch basfi.
Trash and debris Trash or debns o1 more than%,cubic foot which No Trash or debri&blocking or
is located immediately in front of the catch basin potentially blocking entrance to
apening or is biacking capacity of the catch basin catch basin.
by more than 10%.
Trash ar debns in the catch basin that exceeds No trash or debris in the catch basin.
�1,the depth from the bottpm of basin to invert the
lowest pipe into or out of the bas3n.
� Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation
odors that cauld cause complaints or dengerous � present within catch basin.
Oeposits of garbage excesding i cubic foot in No condition present which wouid
� volume. attract or support the breeding of
insects or rodents.
Damage to frame Comer of frame extends more tha�'1.inch pasi Frame is even wifh curb.
and/or top slab I curb face inta the streei(If applicable).
ITop slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or � Top slab is free of holes and cracks.
cracks wider than'l.inch.
IFrame not situng 8ush on top slab,i.e., � Frame is sitting flush on top siab.
separation of mpre than'/,inch of the frame from
the top slab.
Cracks in wa0s or Cracks wider than'/:inch and ionger than 3 feet, Catch basin is sea�ed and
battom any evidence of soi!particles entering catch structurally sound.
basin through cracks,or maintenance person
judges that cazch basin is unsound.
Cracks wider than'l,inch and longer than 1 fpot No cracks more ihan'i,inch wide at
at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence the joint of inleUoutlet pipe.
of soil partictes entering catch basin through
SettlemenU � Catch basin has settled more than 1 inch or has I Basin replaced or repaired to design
misalignment rotated more tttan 2 incfies out of alignment. standards.
damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than!inch at the joink of the No cracks mare than%inch wide at
inleUoutlet pipes or arry evidence of soi!entering the joint of�nleVoutlet pipes.
the catch basin at the joint of the inleUouUet
Contammants and Rny ev{dence of cantarninants or pallution such Materials removed and disposed of
paltution as oil,gasoline,cancrete slurries or paint, according to applicable regulations.
Sourr,e cantro!BMPs implemented if
appropnate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oii film.
In1eU0utlet Pipe Sediment � Sediment fillmg 20°I or more of the pipe. � inteVouUet pipes clear of sediment.
Trash and debns � Trash and debris accumulated in inleVoutlet � No trash or debris in pipes.
pipes{inctudes floatabies and non-flaatabtes}.
Damaged � Cracks wider than'Irrnch et the joint of the � No cracks rnore than'l.-inch wide at
inleUouNet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe.
at the joints of the inleVoutiet pipes.
Maintenance ( Clefect or probiem � Candition When Maintenaoce is Needed � F2esuits Expected When i
Component I Maintenance is Performed �
Metal Grates i Unsafe grate opening � Grete with opening wider than'/8 inch. � Grate opernng meets design I
{Catch 8asins} � standards. I
( Trash a�d debris + Trash and debns that is biocking more than 20°l0 � Grate free of trash and debris. �
( I of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal
� Damaged or missing � Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. � Grate is in placa and meets design
My open structure requires urgent standards.
Manhole Cover/Lid Cover/lid not in place Cover4id is missmg or only partially in place. Coverllid protects opening to
� Any open strudure requires urgent structure.
Locking mechanism Mechenism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools.
Not Working maintenance person with proper toals.Bolts
cannot be seated. Seif-Iocking coverllid daes not
Covedlid diffcult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and
( Remave � coverllid after applying 80 Ibs.of Iift. reinstalled by one maintenance
( person.
Maintenance � Defect or Prablem � Conditians When Maintenance is Needed F2esuiis Expected When
Component Maintenance is PerFormed
Pipes � Sediment 8 debns I Accumulated sediment or debns that exceeds � Water flows freely through pipes. �
accumutation 20°!0 of the diameter of the pipe.
� Vegeta6aNroats � Vegetationiroots that reduce free movement of � Water flows ireety through pipes. �
water through pipes.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollutio�such Materials removed and disposed of
potiution as oii,gasoline,concrete siurries or paint. according to applicabie regulations.
Source cantroi BMFs implemented if
apprapriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oit film.
Damage To proteciive Protective coating is damaged;rust or COtroSiOn Pipe repaired or repiaced.
� coating or corrosion � is weakening the structurel integrity of any part of �
� Demaged � A�y dent that decreases the cross section area oE � Pipe repaired or repiaced. �
pipe by more than 20°/a or is determined to have
weakened s#ructural integrity of the pipe.
Ditches � Trash and debris � Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 � Trash and debris deared from �
square feet of ditch and slapes. ditches.
ISed'+ment Accumula2ed sediment thal exceeds 2Q%ot the Ditch cleanedlflushed of all sediment
accumulation ' design depth, and debris so that it matches design.
Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Nqxious and nuisance vegetation
consiitute a hazard to Ca�nty personnel or the removed according to appiicabte
public. regulations. No danger of noxious
vegetation where County perso�rnel
ar the public might normally be.
Contaminants end Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete sturries or paint. according ta appiicabte reguMations.
Source conVo!BMPs implemented if
eppropriate. tJo contaminants
preseni other than a surface oii fiim.
I Yegetation � Vegetat�on that reduces free movement of water � Water flows freely through ditches.
through ditches.
( Erosion damage to � Any erosion observed on a ditch slope. ( Slopes are not eroding.
� Rock lining out of One kayer or iess at rock ex�sts above native soil ftepiace rocks to design standards. �
place or missing(If area 5 square feet or more,any expased native
APPEicable) � sail.
Maintenance Defect or Probtem Canditiqn When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Expected When
Camponent � � � Maintenance is Per#ormed.
Site Trash anct debns � Trash ar debris plugging more than 24%of the I Barrier dear tp receive capacity flow.
area of the barcier.
1 Sediment I Sediment accumufation of greater than 20%of � Barrier dear to receive capacity flow. �
accumulation ! the area of the barrier
Struciure ( Cracked broken or � Str�cture which bars attached to is damaged- � Structure barrier attached to is �
� lopse pipe is loose or cracked or concrete structure is sqund.
� cracked,broken of toose.
6ars � Bar spacing � Bar spacing exceeds 6 inches. � Bars have at most 6 inche spacing. �
Qamaged or missing � Bars are bent out of shape more ihan 3 inches. i Sars in ptace with rta bends more �
b�� I than'/.inch.
� Bars are missing ar entire barrier missing. � Bars in plece according to design. �
( Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% � Repair or replace barrier to design I
detedora6on to any part of barrier. standards. i
MaiMenanae Defect or Froblem I Conditions Wfien Maintenance is Needed � Resuks Expected When �
Component ! Maintenance is Perfortned
Site Erosion or hales Erosion or hales more than 4 inchss high and 12- � No access under the tence. J
� under fence � 18 inches wide pertnitting access through an �
apening under a fence.
Waod F'osts,Boards Missing or damaged M�ssfng or broken boards,post out of plumb by Na gaps on fence due to mtssing or �
and Cross Members � parts � more than 6 inches or cross members broken � broken boards,post plumb ta within
t Y�inches,cross memtsers sflu�d.
� Weakened by roit's�g � Any paR showing structura!deterioratiar�due to � AII parts of fence are structura(Iy �
or insects rotting or insect damage sound.
pamaged or failed Concrete or metal attachments deteriorated or � Post foundation capable of �
1 post foundation � unable to suppork pasts. supporting posts even in strong
Metal Pasts,Rails Damaged parts ( Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. � Post plumb to within 1%inches. ,
and�abric �
� Top rails bent mare than 6 inches. I Top rail free of bends greater than
( 1 inch.
� Any part of ience{inciuding post,top rails,and Fence is aiigned and meets design
fabricj more Yhan 1 toot out of design alignment. sts�dards.
I Missing nr loose tensian wire. � 7ension wire in p4ace and holding
� fabric.
� Deteriorated paint or I Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling � Structurally adequate posts or parts �
prntective coating f condition that has aftected structural adequacy. with a unitorm protective coating.
Openings in fabric I Openings�n fabric are such that an 8-inch ! Fabric mesh open}ngs within 54°/a of 1
diameter bali could it through. I grid size. �
Maintenance � Defect or Probtem � Conditions When Maintenance is Needed � Results Expected When
Compa�ent Maintenance is Performed
Chain Link Fencing Damaged or missing ! Missing gate. ( Gates m place.
Gate members __
Braken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Minges intact and lubed.Gate is
be easily opened and dosed by a maintenance working freely,
Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches a�d � Gate is aligned and verticaf.
more than 1 foot out pf design aiignment.
� Missing stretcher bar,stretcher bands,and ties. � Stretcher bar,bands,and ties in
� locking mechanism Locking device missing,no-fUnctioning or daes �ocking mechanism prevents
daes not ipck gate � not link to ali parts. opening of gate.
� ppenings in fabnc � Openings in fabric are such that an$-inch � Fabric mesh openings within 50°/u of
diameter baii cauid fit thro�gh. gnd size.
Bar Gate 1 Damaged or missing � Cross bar does not swing open or cinsed,is � Cross bar swings fulty open and
� cross bar missing or is bent to where it does not prevent closed and prevents vehicle access.
� vehide access.
� Loc#cing mechanism Locking device missing,no-functio�ing or doss �ocking mechanism prevents
dpes not lock gate I not link to all parts. opening of gate.
ISupport post ( Support post does not hold cross bar up. � Cross bar heid up preventing vehicle
darnaged access into facility.
Boilards � Damaged or missing � BaNard broken,missing,dqes nat fit into support ( No access for motarized vehicles to
hole or hinge broke�or missing. ( get inCo facility.
� Does not lock Locking assembly or lock rnissing or cannot be No access for motorized vehicles to
( attached to Iock bollard in place. get into facility.
Boulders Qislodged Boulders not located ta prevent motorized vehicle No access for motorized vehides to
� � access. ( get into facility.
( Circumvented I Motorized vehicles going around or be2ween � No access for motorized vehicles to
boulders. get into facility.
Maintenance Defect or Problem � Conditians When Maintenance is Needed � ResuRs Expected When
Component Maintenance{s Perfortned
Site Trash or litter Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site.
per 1,000 square Teet(this is about equal to the
amount of trash it would take ta fiit up one
standard size o�ce garbage can). In general.
there shouid be no visual evidance of dumping.
Noxiaus weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation wttich may Noxious and nuisance vegetaUan
cons6tute a hazard to Gounty personnel or the removed according to applicable
pubiic. reguiafions. Na danger of noxious
vegefaiion where County personnef
or the public might normally be.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or poliution such Materials removed and disposed of
paflutfan as od,gasoline,concrete siurries or paint. according to appiicabie regalations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropnate. No cgntaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
Grass/groundcover � Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 mches in I Grass or groundcover mowed to a
height. � height no greater than 6 inches.
Trees and Shrubs Nazard Any tree or 8mb of a trae identified as having a No hazard trees in faciiity.
potential to fall and cause property damage or
threaten human�ife. A haxard tree identified by
a qualified arborist must be removed as soon
as possible.
Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or I Trees and shrubs with less than 5%
broke�which aflect more ihan 25°fo of the intai of#otal foliage wiih spiit ar broken
foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs.
I4 Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or No blown down vegetatian or
+ knocked over. knocked over vegetation. Trees or
� shnibs tree of injury.
� 7rees or shrubs which are not adequately I Tree or shrub in place and
suppprted or are Ieaning over,causing exposure adequately supported;dead ar
of the roots. diseased trees rempved.
Maintenance � Defect or Probiem I Candition When Maintenence is Needed � Ftesuks Expected When
Component Maintenance is Perforrned
Site Trash and debris � Trash and debns exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 I Roadway dnvabie by maintenance
square feef(i.e.,trash and debris woutd fiiI up � vehicles.
one standards size garbage can). �
EDebns which could damage vehicle t�res or 4 Rfladway dnvable by maintenance
prohibit use of road. � vehicles.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or paliution such Materiais remaved and disposed of
poilution as r»i,gasoline,cancrete slumes or paint. accnrding to appiicahle regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. Na contaminants
present other than a surFace oil film.
Blocked roadway � Any obstructian which reduces clearance above I f2oadway overhead dear to 14 feet
road surface to Iess than 14 feet. higfi.
Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10-to A#teast 12-foot of width on access
12 fook width for a distence of more than 12 feet road.
or any point restricting access ta Iess than a 10
foot width.
Road SuKace Erosion.sstflement, ! Any surface defect which hinders or prevents � Road drivable by maintenanoe
potholes,soft spots, � maintenence access. vehicies.
� Vegetation on road Trees or oYher vegetation prevent access to Mair�tenance vehicfes can access
surface � facility by maintenance vehicles. � facility.
Shoulders and Erosion Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and
ditches � � inches wide and 6 inches deep. ( matching the s�rzounding road.
Wseds and bnssh � Weeds and brush ext;eed t8 inches in height or � Weeds a�d brush cu#to 2 inches'rn
I hinder maintenance access. height or cleared in such a way as to
aliow maintenance access.
Modutar Grid Contaminants and Any evidence of cantaminants or potlutian such Materials removed and disposed of
Pavement poilutipn as oil,gasoli�e,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs impiemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
i Damaged ar missing � Access surface compacted because of broken on I Access road surface restored so
( missing modular biock. road infiitrates.
Maintenance � Defect ar Probiem { Conditions When Maintenance is Needed � Results Expected When
Component � Maintenance is PerFormed
Media lnsert I Visible Od I Visible oil sheen passing through media ( Media inset replaced.
� insert does not ft � Flow gets intq catch basin without going through I All flow goes through media.
catch basin praperfy media. !
� Fitter media pi�gged � Filter media plugged. � Ftow through fiiter media is normal.
Oil absorbent media Media oii saturated. Oil absflrben#media replaced.
� saturated � �
� Water saturated Catch basin insert is saturated with water,which Insert replaced.
� no bnger has the capacity ta ahsorb.
I Service lite exceeded ( Regular'tntenra(replacement due to typical � Media replaced at manufactt�rers
I average life of inedia insert praduct,typically one recommended interval.
� month.
Seasonai When storms occur and during the wet season. Remave,ciean and repiace or instali
mai�tenance new insert after major storms,
monthly during the wet seasnn ar at
manufacturer's recommended
If the rain garden flaw controi 8MP is propased for a project,the fottowing maintenance and aperation
instructians must be recorded as an atiachment to the required declaradan of covenant and grant of
easement per Reguirement 3 of Section C.1.33(p.C-I 8). The intent of these instnictians is ta explain ta
future property owners,the purpose of the BMP and how it must be maintained and op�rated. These
instructions are intended to be a minimum;DDES rnay require additional instructions based on site-
specific conditians. A1so,as the County gains more experience with the maintenance and operatian of
these BMPs,future updates to thc inswctions will be posted an King County's Stcr�ace Water 1?esign
Munuul website.
Your property contains a stormwater management flaw cantrol BMP(best management practice)called a
"rain garden,"which was installed to mitigate tfie stormwater quantity and quality impacts of some or al�of
the impervious or nan-native pervious surfaces on your property. Rain gardens,also known as
"bioretention,"are vegetated closed depressions or ponds that retain and frlter stormwater from an area ot
impervious surface or non-native pervious surface. The soil in the rain garden has been enhanced to
encour�ge and support vigorous plant grawth that serves to filter the water and sustain infiltration capacity,
Depending on soil conditions,rain gardens may have water in them throughout the wet season and may
over�aw during major siorm events.
The size,placement,and design of fhe rain garden as depicted by tha flow contra!BMP site plan and
design details must be maintained and may not be changed wiiho�i written approvat either fram the King
County Water and Land Resources Division or khrough a future development permit from King County.
P�ant matenals may be changed ta suit tastes,but chemical fertilizers and pesticides must nat be used.
Mulch may be added and additional campost shouid be worked into#he soil over time.
Rain gardens mus#be inspected annually for physical defects. After majar storrn events,the system
shauld be checked to see that tfie overflaw system is working properly. If erosion channeis or bare spo#s
ars evident,they should be stabilized with soii,piant materiai,mutch,or landscape rock. A supplemental
watering program may be needed the first year to ensure the long-term survivaf of the rain garden's
vegetation. Vegetation should be maintained as follows: 1}replace all dead vegetation as soon as
passibte;2}remove fatien leaves and debris as needed;3}remove all noxious vegetation when
discavered;4}manualiy weed witfiaut herbicides or pesticides;5}during draught conditions,use mutch to
prevent excess solar damage and water loss.
some ar all of tha paved surfaces on your property. Permeabte pavements reduce the amaunt of rainfail
that becarnes runoff by ailowing water to seep thraugh the pavement into a free-draining grave[or sand
bed,where it can be infiltrated into the ground.
The type(s)of permeabie pavement used on yo�ar property is �parous concrete,�parous asphaitic
cancrete,0 permeable pavers,0 modular grid pavement.
The area covered by permeable pavement as depicted by the flow controi BMP site p3an and design de#aiis
must be maintained as permeable pavement and may not be changed without written approva!either frorn
tfie King Gounty Water and Land Resources Division or through a future development permit from King
Permeable pavemen#s must be inspected after one rnajor starm each year to make sure it is warking
properly. Prolonged ponding or standing water on the pavement surFace+s a sign that the system is
defective and may need to be replaced. !f ittis occurs,contact the pavement instal3er or ih$King County
Water and Land Resources Division far further instructions. A typical permeable pavement system has a
Iife expectancy of approximately 25-years. To help extend the useful life of#he system,the surface of the
permeabie pavement shoutd be kept clean and free af leaves,debris,and sediment thraugh reguiar
sweeping or vacuum sweeping. The owner is responsible far the repair of aH ruts,deformation, andJor
broken paving units.
Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP(best management practice)called
"grassed rnodutar grid pavement,"which was installed to minimize the stormwater quantity and quality
impac#s of same or ali of the paved surfaces on your property. Grassed moduiar grid pavement has the
runoff chaeacteristics of a lawn while providing the weight-bearing capacity af concrete pavement. T'ha
grassed surface not only minimizes runoff quantity,it helps to filter poliutants generati�g by vehicular use
of the surface.
The compasition and area of grassed modular grid pavement as depicted by the flow cantrol BMP site plan
and design details must be maintained and may not be changed withouk written approval either from the
King County Water and Cand Ftesources C7ivision or khrough a future development permit from King
Grassed rnodular grid pavemenE musE be inspected after one major storm each year to make sure it is
working properly. Prolonged ponding or standing wsEer on the pavement surface is a sign that the system
defective and may need ta be replaced. If this occurs,contact the pavement installer or the King County
Water and Land Resources Division for further instructions. The grassed surface of the pavement must be
regutarly mowed and maintained in a good candition. Bare spats must be replanted in the spring or fall.