HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA 8806270418 �"�y ""j' ..�:'"�°'! F���".'"�1i;`s.�'A'"•.�{ �� }.r�=�it;?�.E.�' y • �
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� '�``'��`f3 " �"'' '` COVENANT TO ANNEX TO 7HE CITY OF RENTON '`
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` /�l C��� �1 C�'��l���� �' �cJ�oLYt�1 ��4ZLlp-��`y , herei nafter
referred to as "owners," hereby covenant and agree to sign the necessary
petitions far annexation to the city limits of the City of Renton, I
Washington, for the praperty herein described and an the terms more fu11y set
forth below.
1. Legal Description The legal description of the property to
which this covenant sha11 apply is as follows:
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� hereinafter referred to as "the premises." ~_.^� � --
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2. Basis for Covenant This eavenant to annex is given�-�.a�s:�_a � 2��
;�_'�' �
eondition to being permitted to hoolc up to sewer and wa�er service `from the
City of Renton to serve the premises.
3. Parties Bound This agreement and the covenant to annex shall
be binding on the owner and all persons subsequently acquiring any right,
title or in�terest in or ta said praperty referred to as the premises, and
, �
j shall be a covenant running with the land.
I4. Time far Performance The owners, their heirs, successors or
assigns, agree and covenant to sign a petitian to annex the above described �
premises unto the City of Rentan at such time as the` assessed valuation of �
j the subject premises is sufficient to qua1ify under the 75� method pursuant I
I to RCW 351k.14.120, together with such other adjoining or contiguous area as '
' the C3ty or other petitianers may determine. The awners further agree, when
so notified by the City, to pramptly circulate and execute such Petitian and
to camply with all the requirements of law regarding such annexatian. If the
owners, their successors or assigns fail to da so, the City reserves the
right �o terminate such utility services. �
5. F51ing These covenants sha11 be filed with the King County
Auditor. I
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� IN WITNESS WHEREQF the owners of the premises have signed these
covenants this ;2 a day of �� , 19��
. �
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On this day personally appeared before me I
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' to me known to.be the indiv9dual(s� described in and who executed the withirr �
R} °` and faregoing instrument, and acknawledged that they signed the same as their I
; free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes th�erein mentioned.
GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ,�- day of
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� � Notary Public in and for t e State of I
P(��i�6� �,�, Washington, residing at j
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1J.C.OII.mf 09/09/87
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the owners of the premises have signed these
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covenants this L�r day af ��t..�^4�.� , 19g� I
; � �
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� �. On this day persanally appeared before me
�i � °—'i'�����C.�� .�����`--"�'� .
� to me known ta be the individual (s) described in and who executed the within �
� GI� � I
I and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that t ey signed the same as t�a��
� � � free and valuntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentianed.
GiVEN under my hand and offieial seal this �.,°'.� day of
��i._..__. _._.� 19��'`�
;: �� �����
�} i
� I Notary Public in and for the State of
Washington, residing at--���,x.�.•��'+d--~�
. �
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1J.C.08.mf 09/09/87 �f /� �D� /'►
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THIS AGREEMENfi, made and entered into this __�__ d�y o�
, ____ fVt?v���r3c;2_----, 19$4, by and betwe�en: � -
as his separate property, and as the Persoaal Representative of the Estr
RICHARI� L�. BE1NK.:,f ancf 3�TUITH A. BANKS, husband and wife, es p� A��y, ,
F "S�31Gz�", . wY�ich tEr�m includ�a th� heirs, succesa�r�, p�reanal W. Banl �
- representatives and assigns of s�id pers�ns, deceased , i
AND: �y`i'`'� I
MICHAEL A. HUDSON and CARqLYN R. HUDSQN, husbsnd and wife, � 1,✓ !
�_ as "Buyer" , which term include� the heirs, successors, persanal "� v
representatives and assigns of sa�d persons . ,� ; �
/' .
GJ I T N E S S � T H :
That Seller, for and in consideratian af the covenants and i
� agreements herein atated to be kept anci performec! by Buyer, has ��
, agreed to sell and canvey to Buyer, and Buyer has �greed to �I
purchase and ta pey Seller the aums of maney hereinafter stated �
- for the following described real estate• located in King County,
, Washington, together with a21 and singular tenements,
hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto beionging, ta-wit:
i "A" That portion of the northwest quarter of the
�i � northwest quarter a�' Section 3, township 23 north,
�i � range 5 east, W. M. , described as fo2lows:
� Beginning at the northwest corner af said subdivision;
i ` �� =. thence south 88 degrees 29 ' 33 " east alang the north
� line thereaf 65£�.'71 feet to the true point o#`
�. beginning; thenc� south 88 degrees 29 ' 33 "' esst along
�� saic3 n�rth line 245 £eet, more ar less, to the east
� line« nf said subE3ivisian, thence south 1 degree 40' 27'"
west to a point 441 . 16 fePt southeriy of the northeast
�'� , corner of said subdivisi�n ; ttzence north �9 degrees
` ' 13' 49" west 91 .33 feet, thence south. � degrees
I 38: 28"' west 22 feet; thence north 89 degrees OS'
I 08' west 18S.0o feet; thence north U decrre�s 3f?' 28"
ea�t 2^3. ;c� j.CCi..: C,.hence south 88 degrees 29' 33" east
75.U0 feet; thence nar�h 1 degree 48' 23" eest 264 �eet
to the true paint of b�qinning, ALSO
"B" An easement for rt�adwsy purposes avar that
portion of the northwest quarter of the nprthwest
quarter of a�ction 3, tawnship 23 north, renge S ea�t, •
W. M. , described as follows; Beginning at the northwest
corner of said subdivisian; thence south Z degree 56'
19'" west along the west Iine thereof ?48.72 feet to the
true point of beginning; thence north 1 degree 56' 19"'
� east alang said west line 30 feet; thence south 83
de�rees 03' 41" east 660.84 feet; thence north 1 degrez
48' 23" ea�t �53.97 feet : thence south 89 degree� Q5'
0�3" east 2U feet; thence south 1 degree 48' 23" west
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� • , 253.98 feet; thence south 88 degrees (?3' 41" east 641
feet to the east line of the northwest quarter of the
� ' northwest quarter a� said Section 3; thence sauth 1
degree 40` 27'" west alang said east line 30 feet to the
sauth line of e tract o£ land canveyed to William H.
Msrshall and Esther F. Marahall . his wife, by deed
recorded under Auditor's �ile No. 379�993; thence north
88 degrees 03' 41" west 1321 .81 fe�t to the point af
beginning .
The 2 1/2 acres of land more ox les,s without house ',
which is legally described a� faliows: '�
That gortian of the northwest quarter of the northwest
' quarter of section 3, tnwnship 23 north, range 5 eest,
W. M. , described as fallows:
Beginning at the nor�.hwest corner of said su�division;
, .,
then�e sauth 88 degrees 29 33 east alnng the north
line thereof 863.71 feet ta the true point of !
beginning, thence south 88 dearees 29' 33" east alang
said north line 103 feet, more or less, ta the '�I
' southeasteriy line of county road Cfios� Bou3evard) ;
� thence south 48 degrees 5$' 00" east along said '�
,!„{ southwesterly 2ine 450 feet, more ar le�s, to the east
, � line af said subdivision; thence sauth 2 degree 40' 27"' �',
(� west aiong said east ].ine 257.37 fEet, mare ar Ie�s, t�
', � a point 442 . 16 feet southerly af t,he northeast corner �p� �
�, � of said subdivision; thence north 85 degrees 13' 49" ��!
� west 457.23 feet; thence north 2 degree 48 ' 23 " east ���� '�
� 446.40 feet, more or less, to the tru� point of ',
� beginning . �
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