HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/2009 - Minutes ���i��191�OA9 RENTON�ri3LIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUS'I`1�S MEETING ,iA�i � 9 �O1Q November 12,2009 Renton Public Librar����Ri R�� ���� Thursday, 7:00 p.m. MISSION STATEMENT Renton Public Library supports lifelong learning for the public by anticipating and responding to community needs for information, and by inspiring and encouraging the community's desire to read. ATTENDING: Members: John DuBois Peter Hartley Heather Nugent Amy Pieper Catherine Ploue-Smith,President Staff: Bette Anderson,Library Director MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: The November 12,2009,meeting of the Library Board at the Renton Public Library was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by President Catherine Ploue-Smith. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Amy Pieper MOVED THAT THE AGENDA FOR November 12, 2009,be approved. SECONDED by Peter Hartley. The motion CARRIED. 3. REVIEW OF MINUTES: Amy Pieper MOVED THAT THE MIl�UTES OF October 8,2009,be approved. SECONDED by John DuBois. The motion CARRIED. 4. PUBLIC CONINIENT: None. 5. COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. FINANCIAL REPORT: The Expenditure Status Report for October 2009 was not yet available. 7. MONTHLY REPORT: STATISTICS—The October 2009 Renton Public Library Statistics report was distributed to the Board. 8. OLD BUSINESS: 2010 BUDGET-Public Service Ixnpacts—Bette Anderson distributed information from the City of Renton Finance Department describing how the proposed budget reductions will impact services to the community. KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM(KCLS) Preliminary Budget—Bette Anderson distributed a copy of the KCLS proposed budget for 2010. Staff-Bette Anderson and Community Services Administrator Terry Higashiyama met with KCLS Human Resources staff and the City's Human Resources department on November 9 to discuss the results of the position analysis to match our employees with KCLS job descriptions and duties. Matches were agreed on for most positions. There are still unresolved issues concerning availability of some positions as well as bargaining unit concerns relating to longevity and seniority. 1 RENTON P�,IC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTE�MEETING November 12, 2009 Annexation Information Documents—A"Frequently Asked Questions"document was distributed to the Board. PROJECT UP-DATES Outreach Services—Outreach Librarian Kris Baker began in March 2009 serving two homebound patrons. Since then, she has expanded service to include one group home, one assisted living facility,and several additional homebound individuals, 17 patrons in all. Men's Restroom—To improve the condition of the restroom, Seattle Building Maintenance,Inc has agreed to deep clean,restore the grout, and Hard Shell the floor. This coating will seal the floor,making it easier to clean and preventing odor-causing contaminants from accumulating. The work will be done the night before Thanksgiving. 9. NEW BUSINESS: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TRAINING-The training will be November 30 from 5:30-8:30. NEW BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION—The Board considered an applicant for membership on the Board. It was decided to delay making a recommendation for appointment until after the annexation election in February 2010. 10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Library Board is scheduled for 7:OOpm,Thursday,December 10,2009, at the Renton Public Library. (,/� • f<T"J-1--�' 1.� Catherine Ploue-Smith,President Renton Public Library Board Cc: Denis Law,Mayor Terry Higashiyama,Community Services Administrator City Clerk City Councilmembers 2