HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/2009 - Minutes + RENTON F"�'3LIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUST�S MEETING ��NOFRENTON FEB 1 3 2009 RECEIVED January 8, 2009 Highlands Branch L[�t�t��I.ERK'S OFFICE Thursday, 7:00 p.m. NIISSION STATENIENT Renton Public LiUrary suppol-ts lifelong learning for the public by anticipatin� and respondiilg to comimulity needs for information, and by inspiring and encouraging the comm�ulity's desire to read. ATTENDING: Members: Kelly Bailey John DuBois Peter Hartley, President Amy I'iep�r Catherine Pluue-Smith Staft`. Bette Anderson, Librarv Director MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: The January 8, 2009, meeting of the Library Board at the Highlands Branch Library was called to ordec at 7:00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF AG�NDA: The agenda �vas amended to elect a ne��Board president. Kelly Bailey MOVED THAT TH�AGENDA FOR January 8, 2009, be approved as amended. SECONDED by Amy Pieper. The motion CARRIED. 3. REVIEW OF MINUT�S: The December 11, 2008, mimites were amended to correct the spelling of Kelly Bailey's name. Amy Pieper MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF December 1 1. 200�, be approved as amended. SECONDED by Catllerine Ploue-Smith. The motion CARRIED. �. PUBLIC' COMMI:N"I': Non�. �. COMMLTNIC'ATIONS: Nune. 6. FINANCIAL REPORT: The December 2005 Renton Public Library Espcnclirtu��Stcrnr., R���r�rt �vas not available for distribution to Board Nlembers. 7. MONTHLY REPOR"I,: STATISTICS—Tl1e December 2008 Renton Public Library Statistics report �vas distributed to the Board. Increas�s for 2008 over 2007 are as iollows: circulntion 12.8%; registrations 12.7`%�; computer use 16.5%. 8. OLD BUSINESS: MASTER PLAN—A special meeting of the Libraiy Board will be held on January 27, 2009, to discuss the status of the Master Plan and information from a November meeting with King Cou�ity Library System. Bette Anderson reported on the status of the potential Fairwood and West Hill Annexations. DVD SECURITY CASES —The transition to locking DVD cases will be implemented first at the Higlilands Branch Library. The initial supply of s�c�u-ity cases has been ord�red. 1 RENTON I�'C3LIC LiBRARti' QOARD OF TRUSTE�ES MEETING .ianuar}� �, ?U09 HIGHLANDS GATES GRANT PROJECT - The Board tow-ed the library to see the new shelving and computer fut-�Iitui-e. Options lor clearing out tlle computer-room for use as a meeting space were discussed. 9. NEW BUSINESS: OUTREACH LIBRARIAN—The Outreach Librarian position closes Friday, January 9, 2009. We have received many inquiries and expect a pool of«�ell-qualified candidates. The applications �vill be revie�ved next ��eek, and intervie�vs �vill be scheduled as soon as possible. The position �vill be paid for from funds i-eceived fi-om the Kir.g Co�mty Library System as part of the Benson/Cascade annexation. �LECTION OF BOARD PRESIDENT: Catherine Ploue-Smith was unanimously elected to serve as Library Board President durin� 2009. 10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at �:38 p.m. The next regulai-meeting of the Librarv Board is sclleduled foi- 7:00 p.m., Th�u-sday, liebruary 12, 2009, at the Renton Public Library. � .---��".�'�-r�•�_'�_.. Catherine Ploue-Smith, President Renton Public Library Board C'c: Denis La�v.Mayor Terry Higashiyama.Communiry Servic�s ndministratur City Cleri: City Councilmcmbers 2