HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/2007 J�ealon. 'WM'� c , ""�" l�anrcipa/ �i•fs �7�mmf.rsron i�-��t�{��o�i!�^•��-•li�+ _i4)� � �d ��t�� City of Renton RE_.��,�,E�, � C{�Y CLERK'S OFFI�� Community Services Renton Municipal Arts Commission Meeting Minutes October 3,2007- 8:00 am Renton City Hall,7th Floor Council Conference Room In Attendance: Pat Pepper, Chair. Eleanor Simpson, Secretary, Linda Middlebrooks, Patricia Riggs,Jerri Everett, Dawn Murin Absent: Mike O'Halloran, excused. Evelyn Reingold, excused. Kristi Hand, excused, Britt Peterson, excused Staff.• Peter Renner, Vincent Orduna, Diane Wagner, Alex Pietsch, Cindy Zinck. Chair Pat Pepper called the meeting to order at 8:00 am. GUEST/VISITORS: Alex Pietsch-City of Renton, Economic Development Administrator, attended the meeting to discuss the new Photo Online Submission Project. This project creates an opportunity for digital imaging to the City website and possible showing in Renton at the City Center Parking Garage off Logan Street for submissions by the public. The submissions would be different than images currently posted to the City website. The public could submit their photos to the webmaster for approval, along with a digitally created signed use permission form, and then submissions would become the property of Renton. No compensation would be considered but contact information and recognition would be allowed. Alex envisions many pieces, possibly up to 50, displayed in the windows at the garage. Preeti Shridhar, City of Renton Communications Manager, is working on criteria that would include, but not be limited to,pictures taken in Renton, tasteful photos, and nothing obscene, etc. Alex mentioned the art could be changed out a few times a year with the help of the Arts Commission, the Economic Development Department, and possibly the Facilities Department. Peter advised the course of action intended would be a motion in support of this concept. V.J. requested a clear sense of the Committee's involvement and stated he thought most likely the Committee would be responsible for set up and take down of art. Mats and frames were requested to be a standardize size so they could be reused. Alex agreed. Linda Middlebrooks made a motion to support the Photo Online Submission Project and use of window space at the City Center Parking Garage, Patricia Riggs seconded. All voted in favor, the motion passed. Cindy Zinck-City of Renton, Financial Analysis Supervisor, attended the meeting to discuss the reimbursement process and procedures. Cindy briefly described the State Auditar requirements and gave a few tips on how to properly submit claims for reimbursements. These tips will free up City staff time and speed up reimbursements. 1/4 , , "'�'' l�iinra�i�a% y�� �rls �iomm�s.rion Stuart Laughlin-The Puget Sound Group of Northwest Painters, observed the meeting. Ms. Breed- Renton Business Owner and Musician observed the meeting. C. R.Bob Bryant-Artist/Emerald Island Studios and the Puget Sound Group of Northwest Painters, was in attendance to give a presentation. He said they now have a place to call home, located at the Cugini Center for Arts at the old McLendon's building/sharing with Evergreen Ballet, and described their exhibit space. He mentioned they applied to 4Culture for a grant but was declined due to a communication issue. Their organization decided to organize a pre-holiday art show with small works, $300-$500 range, to generate funds to purchase materials and continue the build-out of their space. He said if a grant comes in down the road, great, but for now they want to continue with their remodel. Bob discussed the ideas of their group such as a possible big art show in Renton similar to what Bellevue did previously. There also would be art instructors supporting many realms such as Senior Citizens to Baby-Boomers in their facility. Their goal is to get started by January 2008. He believes Renton would benefit greatly from this forum. PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTE APPROVAL: Change minute on page 3, last column, add"derived from old Welcome to Renton sign" after refurbishment. Jerri Everett made a motion to approve minutes with correction, second by Linda Middlebrooks. All voted in favor, motion passed. BUDGET REVIEW: Peter Renner briefly discussed the budget and added there were no changes since the last meeting. He also talked about the carry forward funds for next year and anticipates the same budget funds as last year. CORRESPONDENCE: Miscellaneous materials from other organizations were mentioned and passed around. It was noted the 2008 Renton River Days information packet and magnets were received. OLD BUSINESS: Linda Middlebrooks handed out invitations to the Piazza Renton Auction which helps raise funds for the Farmer's Market, etc. The Carco Theatre art/statue relocation were discussed, Peter suggested a site field trip after the November meeting. It was decided to have the November meeting at the Carco Theatre and view the statue after the meeting. Please dress accordingly. The Library art/statue was briefly discussed. Peter has not received a response from the restoration company. This item still pending. Tiffany Park Building dedication was successful, despite the weather. Mike O'Halloran was out of town and hasn't had time to have art repaired for placement but the building is open and being used. It is a beautiful building and if anyone has a chance,please stop by and check it out. 2/4 . � 7i�enlo�7 y�,r l�i�nrcip¢� %��fs �omm�,s,siun ACTION ITEM LIST: Please see Action Item List attached and information listed below. SCULPTURE PARK Patricia Riggs discussed Sculpture Park art ideas. It was requested for her to complete and present a written proposal. Patricia voiced her frustration with opportunities that come up for the purchase of art but that there are too many hoops to go thru to make a purchase. Pat Pepper explained the 1% for Arts procedures and Peter provided background on the need for the processes. Pat Pepper appreciated Patricia's comments and time spent thus far and mentioned when the time comes for the Master Plan, it would be a good time to bring up her thoughts on possibly having discretionary amounts available. Boards and Commission training is Monday, October 29, at City Hall beginning at 5:30 pm. All members are encouraged to attend. Commission Appointment: There was discussion about filling the open positions. Doug Kyes had questioned the length of process. Doug's application was submitted even before the opening was posted. After the opening was posted, some time was allowed for applications to arrive. All the applicants were interviewed at least once and the interview panel sent their recommendations to the Mayor. The lesson learned here was to make sure prospective members who are personally contacted understand the application process and timetable. The Mayor's decision is pending. Maintenance/Repair of Art: Schedule provided to Facilities maintenance crew is to schedule/perform the work and Peter will give an update at the next meeting. Peter mentioned that Linear Park art is being repaired and discussed the Park's sculpture being moved to the South side of the Park by the City's Parks Division. The Park is being redone. Linda Middlebrooks made a motion to approve request to move and refurbish the art, second by Ellie. All voted in favor, motion passed. NEW BUSINESS: V.J. announced a Seattle website that has a calendar of different community events that celebrate national events, i.e. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. He received suggestions to coordinate artists' selections to correspond with calendar events. This was done in the past but not everyone was comfortable marrying a show with the monthly event. The RMAC has an established track record for art diversity and aligning it with a specific calendar event seems contrived. Anyone can view and submit work, from any age or ethnicity, it is not a defining selection criteria. Allied Art will hold a concert, October 14, 2007, including the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra and five or six Hazen High School students. The concert will be held at IKEA Event Center on Sunday, October 7, 2007,beginning at 3:00 pm. This has been advertised in the papers and flyers have also been posted in many locations in Renton. 3/4 �67110lI � . , . "�+� l�inicipa/ �i•!s C`omm�.r,sr��n The 4Culture grant is due on December 10, 2007, and the website will be up and ready to go by October 10, 2007. There is an opportunity to work with a freelance grant writer who currently works with many companies to obtain grants and is very interested in assisting with grant projects/proposals. Use of display windows at City Center Parking Garage was discussed. Currently, a portion of the building is being used as the Renton Police Substation with King County Sheriff's office and Transit Operators use also. Renton Police have maxed out their space on the second floor of City Hall and now are using the substation space as a permanent location for some patrol officers. They have requested an addition to the current space. The idea of having police at the garage and transit area is great and Council is very supportive of this. With this remodel, it currently leaves the other side of the building for posters and notices far IKEA and Renton Ballet's use. Committee motioned to recommend update of window space for art display uses. All votes were in favor, motion passed. Meeting changes were discussed and it was agreed that time and location should be convenient for both committee members and staff. This item is still open for discussion. Linda brought up the Harvest Festival to be held this Saturday, October 6, 2007, in conjunction with Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. The event runs from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 am. I �������i'�` �� ��'� �� 4/4