HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/2007 � ' 1��,�>:�,z 11�/ /��nq�cipa/ ��� ,/''�ts '.;R�'�l jF F?�{�1�'C�I'� �'li111lt'!.S Sl�i!? '�`l�AP1 �1 � �U�� City of Renton ;:;ITY�ER�1 S QFF6CE .��. Community Services Renton Municipal Arts Commission Meeting Minutes November 7, 2007�8:00 am Carco Theatre In Attendance: Pat Pepper, Chair. Eleanor Simpson, Secretary, Linda Middlebrooks, Patricia Riggs, Jerri Everett, Dawn Murin, Mike O'Halloran, Evelyn Reingold, Kristi Hand, Britt Peterson. Absent: Patricia Riggs, excused. Staff Peter Renner, Vincent Orduna, Diane Wagner Jennifer Davis-Hayes, Community Development Project Manager, Economic Development Deparhnent. Chair Pat Pepper called the meeting to order at 8:08 am. GUESTNISITORS: Shana Pennington-Baird from Evergreen Grant Services was in attendance to discuss miscellaneous grant opportunities, including the 4Culture Two-Year Grant. Two years ago, 4Culture granted funds to each company that applied. Shana then explained how interested and excited she is to work with the Committee and explained her rates. She requested a notification deadline of November 14 for time constraint purposes. The Committee expressed their thanks for her attendance and information. PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTE APPROVAL: Linda Middlebrooks made a motion to approve minutes as written, second by Michael O'Halloran. All voted in favor,motion passed. B UDGET REVIEW.• Peter Renner advised there is nothing new since last meeting. He explained the 2008 budget is close to council discussion and he does not anticipate any complications, he believes it will pass just fine. CORRESPONDENCE: Miscellaneous materials from other organizations were mentioned and passed around. Michael O'Halloran made a motion to join the SKCC membership at a rate of$25.00, second by Evelyn Reingold. All voted in favor, motion passed. OLD B USINESS: Pat Pepper inquired as to how many"hits"the Municipal Art's Commission web page has received since new format. Diane will check into and respond. L•�RMAC\November 2007\Nov Meeting Minutes first draft.doc 1/3 ' j��,rr:,rz �,,,.. r7t;,n,�,,��� �wr ,%i�•f:; �6�nm.ls sirir. OLD BUSINESS Continued: Britt Peterson asked about adding a botanical aspect to the sculpture park. A brief discussion followed. Mike O'Halloran gave a brief update on the Chamber artwork project. Britt brought up the concrete bench located on Forth and Wells. We are not sure who owns the bench but she thinks adding some art to the area may enhance the bench. Also, maybe the upcoming possible grants could help accommodate the expenses for this project along with other areas of downtown. Pat Pepper needs a systematic plan for art placement and suggested possibly working with the Neighborhood Association. ACTION ITEM LIST.• Please see Action Item List attached and information listed below. SCULPTURE PARK: Peter reported nothing new at this time. COMMISSION APPOINTMENT.• On approximately November 19, the Commission Appointment will be on the Council Agenda. There are currently three appointments to fill, one of which is a Youth position. MAINTENANCE/REPAIR OFART.• The little boy statue located at the Library is being repaired this weekend, then repositioned to its original location. It was noted there are approximately ten pieces of art without name identification. Kiosk language at the new Heritage Park has no information regarding the art placement by Dawn Murin/Municipal Arts Commission. Also,the art work/painting on the 7th floor, received from the Jalisco Sister City, is not identified. Evelyn Reingold offered to give the Committee a tour of the Seattle Arts Museum,just will need to pick a date&time and let her know. The Welcome to Renton Sign art project @ Tiffany Park was discussed. Michael &Britt will continue working on this project. The Council wall art project was discussed and the art is ready to be installed. Britt will contact Dennis Conte for assistance from the Facilities Department to hang art work. The City Center Parking Garage/on line photo submission project is pending. Burnett Linear Park: The repairs for this area are proceeding and moving forward. I:\RMAC\November 2007Wov Meeting Minutes first draft.doc �/3 , j<�.�1.,.� ' �� ��ntci�'i�zl "'�I %lr�., �Gmm.!'ssior. MAINTENANCE/REPAIR OFART Continued: 4Culture Urant: Due date is December, 2007. Discussian followed abaut hiring Shana Pennington-Baird. Michael made a motion to hire Shana Penningtan-Baird for grant assistance and consultation, second by Ellie Simpson. AII voted in favor, motion passed. Garments: Peter mentioned the possibilities of ordering vests similar to the new Parks Commission Member's vests. He will keep the Cammittee informed. Kristi Hand made a motian for funding vests this year, second by Dawn Murin. All voted in favor, motian passed. Diane will bring a sample to the next meeting. It was mentioned that Sierra Heights Elementary received the Doug Kyes grant and they created sorne great artwark. It was suggested ta possibly hang same of the hand-picked pieces to hang at Carco, possibly during Renton River Days &Kid's Day. The Bi-Annual Report was discussed and is in need of updating. Each member will receive a capy of the last issued report to assist with updating. It was recommended this be updated each year vs. every two years. NEW BUSINESS: The sign outside RCC is scheduled for replacement in early 2p08. Name tags are needed for each rnember. Diane will order. Mike advised there is a South King County Coalition tneeting today at 12:30 pm with 4Culture to discuss grants. Meeting Adfourned at 10:00 am. Patricia Pepper Chair I:�RMACWovember 2007\Nov Meeting Minutes first draft.doc �f�