HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 880521 . 88-�s�� . . , -- , . � • - � _ ., - � ' • � � . , ,_ . I NORTHERN PACIFIC �AT��NAY COMPANY -- "- - I_ OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT GEO. T. REID, • , ASSI$TANT TO THE PRESIDENT. � � ._ TACOMA,WASH. � � (?n Line ( Great Nort�zern Ry} Juty 24,1913. � A �O City Clerk, Renton, t�ashington. Dear sir;- I 'r.and you herewith a vrritten aeceptance of the ordinance passed an� appraved July 1,1.513, ' grar�tiilg the Nor�hern Pacific Railway Company a fran- chise over certain streets in the Ci t,y af Rentan. This written acceptance is fi2ed tivith yau in pursuance � of Secti�n 4 of th.e ordinance. I als� han�. you heres��itlz de�d fram the Nor thern Pac if ic Rai lway C o�pany to the C i ty a f R en ton for t;�e property descri�ed in Section 5 of the ordinance. This, I believe, corrpletes tr.e trade made by the City and the Railway Com�ar�y. �ill yau be �ood enough to ackno�mledge receipt of bo�th af these instru- ments and ad�ise rr�e the date of fi3.ing of t�:e acceptance of the ordinance. Yours truly, � . , GTR-e J � ' . • _ . , . � �-, •' _ , � . ' - ' ' � , ' " ' ` , ' r- -- e . , � ' I _ —` , . �i 1 ' A.�.1.1�3 THE GRA..IITOR, NORTI�ARN PACI�'IC �ASI,�VAY COIt'�Pfi�;Y, a V•liscvnsin cox��oratian, x"or t��.e consideration of one dollar (�1•00} an.d other good a,na galuable conside�a�ion, the receipt of :.�Yiic'� is hereby ackno�vledged, conveys anci quitclai�.s to t�i.e GITY. 0�' RF�TTO�T, a � ri�uniczn�.l corporat:ion o�' the State of �as�.ington, �or� �he. use of the �, "���� _ . - . . \,� �� Pu�lie �'ex str�e�; or �.i�i�.vray ��urpases �Gre foZlowing described s�rips N� of land si�:u�tEd �.n said City of Ren�on, in the County of King and StatE ��' �Tashington, to-:�it: - . I Trose por�ions of the present right o#' �v�,y o� the said I : Nari.�.ern Faci.�ic Railway Company in section eighteen (18) , tov�n- , p ; s'_•�i�� tvr�n�ty-t}zree (23) north, range 1'it*e ( 5) east of the �lillamette �;, : P,�erida.an, describe�. as follows: _ � �� : . p : 3. A strz� o� �and f�.ftee� (15) feet in �vidth, being the �est- a : erl�r ��ftPan (15� �'eet of the present right of avay of t:he 1�Tor�Lern I �' Paei3ic Rai�way Co�.npany and rur�ning fro�.�� t�e section line between � � sactions eighteen (18) �nci :�zneteen (19) , �ownship tvrrenty-�nree '�; ( 23) north, rang� fi�e ( 5) east, �illaa�iet�;e �;teridian, to the south j � : line of Si�th Aver�ue �?est, produced easterly. � 4 ' ' W , � I � � ; . 2. A stri�a of land sixtu (60) fee� in �vidth acro ss the present ' . ri�a.t of way oP i��.e 2lorth�rn Paciflic Ra;l�ra� Co�pany, the naxtn and ! soL?th �ines of said s.�rixi being respecti�el;r Lhe. north �,nd soizth • 1i71es oi Slx�c?a .�.'Tt;YiL'�O .;*�8s+ pr�duced_ easterly. . � � - 3. A.� s�rip of land. fifteen (15) feet in �id.th, being the � •�eskerl,y �'i.f'�esn (15) �fest of �he pre�ent right of v�a�r of t}ze • �jori,hern Paei�ic Ra,ilway �Corspany, . and runn�Mg from the siort}� line � • of Sixth Av.enue t�'�lest to tl�'e �south line o� T'i��th Avenue �est. . 4. A stri;� of la�d si�t� (60) feet in «id�� acx�oss the present � ri,ght a�' v��y of the Nart��?ern Pacific RaiZu�ay. C��ap�ny, the north. and sautki� lines o� said strip be�.ng respec�i�ely the north and � so�a.�h �.inas of Fiit�i A�renu� Plest produced e�.stErly. � • 5. A s�txa.� oi 3.an.d tw�eni.y-fiv� {25) ��'eet in y�idt:n, being the ! � ���este�l�;r ��tt�r�ntjr-�ive ( 25) �faet o� the .pres�ni, right of way of the • . I�Torthern Paci�zc Ra.i3u�ay Conipan�r, a:id. .rUnnin� fro� i,he riorth iine � of Fi��i2 Avenue �est to the south�line of tne right .of �firay o� the ' I . �olw.�bia and Puget Sound Railro�,d Comp�ny, ths t�rest line of s�.id � 'strip reing ��.rallel to and tw�nty-�ive . (25.) feet easterZy frorn �he . east li•n� o�' blcck thix'�:y-�srro (32� Sr�.i:t��rs Addition to �he Tocrn � of Ren von. Also �he nox�n.erly fiFty (50) :feet of the �astarly � �twPn uy-fi.�,�p { 25) �'eet of �h� present ri��t of way bet��een �`i:f tka. � � Avenue ��est �,na ro1.v��1�ia �.nd Puget Sound Ra.ilroad Co�.pany' s ri�-,ht of _ tivay'. - , ' _ . 6. A striy� of �land ttrren�y-fi.vp (251 f�e� in �idt'n, be�n� the v�r�st�;x].y ���en���-�ive ( 25) feet of the present ri�ht of �ay of the . �v''orthern Paci�ic Rail��ray Co�a.pan�T, and �running �x'o� �the nari.h line o�' `�he ri�hz of �vay of_ the _ Colun�.bia an_d Puget Scund Rai].r�ad C o�.�any tQ Lhe sou�h Zin.e oP Third A.venue �est, t��e west line �of said str. ip b�ing �arall.el to a:�d t��nty-�i�e t2.5) ieet e�sterly frorti the �ast �.°ine of blocK �hi.rty-+hree (33) Smitners Add�tior�� to the �aot�n of ' -� Hen�on. . � , 7. A 'stri� of 1•�.nd t�rentV-�'�zree ( 23) feet in svid�h, being �he . _� � we �� -+nr�e 2S feet o� �he present right a�' �vay ol, the'• .je.�ter1Y t n ,� ( ) , � � - . ,_ � , , - .;- . • Y . � • s . ♦ r �► - ,` J ^ .. w r , -•� • . --F • r `� ' ` � i3or�her'n P�.cific Rail'v�ay Company, ?nd runni.ng z"rorm the north line o;' Third �.venue t�e�t to -i,he South lin�of Second Avenu� C'est, �he west Izne of said s�ri� being the e�.st lin� of black tc�o (2) Motor Line Addition tio Renton. 8. A strip of land �2xty (60) #'eet in width �,cross the present ri�;ht of way oi the North�rn Pacific Rail�ay i,on�.pany, the nori;h and sou-th lines of sa.id strip being respectively the north and south lines of Second Avenue V�lest, produced easterly. 9. A stri� of lancl, .t�ent�r-t�ires (23) �eet in �rid�h, being the �Nesterly twenty-three (23) feet o� the present right of way o� tha Northern Paci�ic Railway Company and running from the north line oF �econd Avanue West �to the North line of lot �en (10), block four (4) , ��otor Line Addition .�o Renton, produced easterly the w�s� line of said strip being the eas� lirie _ of block four �4) , � �rT.otar Line Addition to. Renton. - _ . . ' Dated this ����%��,��Y o� A.D.1913. /`��/ ` • IdORT�IL+'RN PACITIC �rAY CO1I�ANY, �)� � ��.___-� `�,�, X�: . �y �'��Lt� L�r'�L ! �— '�, PrPsiden . Att�;st: ssistian ec tary. STATF OF luiIr?�TFSOTA 3 : s� County a; Rau�s�y. ) � _ . On th.is � ` day of A.L .1913, befox•e ___._.o-- me perronally appeared �-IO�IAI� EL_LI TT ar�d. .H.RFI.�, to me knotivn to �e the Presiaent and Assistant S�cretary,resp�ctively, of' the corpo���.tion that e�ecu�ted the i�rithin and foregoing instrz�r��n� and acknccvledged the �aid instrur�ient to �e the free and volunt�,ry act and deed of' said cor�oration,far �he us�s a.nd purpo�es therei.n m.entioned, s,nd on oatY= s�ated tha� �hey �ere at�thorized �o exec��e saict �.nstrument and tr:.at tYie sea? a•ffixed is tne corpor�t� se�,l �f said. cor�oration. I IN �Ji1I`.CA:�FSS �IEREOF, 'I have hereunto set ��y ha.nd �,nd affixsd . my o�ficia3 sedl the day and year iirst above v�ritten. � o I3o'�ary ublic,Rar�luey Co . ty , �innesot�,. . My Commission expires:.:ay 1�, 1920, . ' .