HomeMy WebLinkAbout02993 - Technical Information Report - • r � � i TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT � F�R I CAMPEN APARTMENTS � _' � � M , � `r z 6 F; :a o �/ N CLIENT: �'� �'*� '' � � oa TP ,�� � � ��J z .� ¢ oN � �' (� ?�� � v M `� �.,; r- o�c � _�� �: `� �0` c.�, v' M Schneider Homes, Inc. > �� � � ��; � K; � 6510 Southcenter Blvd. #1 � � z�� � `�� �° � x ' Tukwiia, VVA 98188 "'' z� o g = � °� °° P hone: (2 0 6)2 4 8-2 471 p � � J�" � j I U � PREPARED BY: —� � ; t�� Daley-Monow-Poblete, Inc. �l �' � I! 726 Aubum Way N I, Auburn, WA 98003 , Phone: {253) 333-2200 ��TY OF RENTGR RECElV � D , F�A� t : �-,t�1 �I d3Ul�DING D! N PROJECT No. 97390 DATE: Aug. 15, 2001 REV(SED � JAN. 22,2002 ���1��d L j pA �'EUf S�O : MARCN (L, "/_CbZ ;�r�:��;t^. � �E . N� ' f� ECEI _ � � ��fiAR i ; ;. . Z �IJILDING � F '�F�l�� � ��, � G� 5���,�� � I ExPiRES 9 JAN 2002 STAMP NOT VAtf� UNLE55 �GNEU h QATEO � 2��3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' DESCRIPTION PAGE SECTION I—PROJECT OVERV�1� Project Overview 1 I Vicinity Map 2 I TIR Worksheet 3 -5 ' SECTION II—PRELIMINARY CONDTTIONS SLTNL�IARY Core Requirements 1 SECTION III—OFF-STTE ANALYSIS Level II Downstream Analysis i —29 Leve!I Downstream Anatysis 30-55 SECTION N—DETENI'ION FACILITY DESIGN E�cisting Site HydroIogy(Part A} 1 E�sting Condition Drainage Map 2 Data for E�cisting Condition 3 E�sting Condition Peak Flaws 4—5 Developed Site HydroIogy 6 Developed Condition Drainage Map 7 Data for Bypass Area 8 Bypass Area Peak Flows 9— IO Data for On-siie Area 11 On-site Area Peak Flows i2— 13 Hydroiogic Analysis(f'art C) 14 Detention Vauit Design i 5— 16 Wet Vautt Design 17— l 8 Detention System(Part D) 19-23 ' SECTION V—CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS DESIGN SECTION VI—SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES N/A SECTION VII—BASIN A.�ID COMMUNITY PLAN AREAS I -2 SECTION VIII— OTHER PERMITS N/A , SECTiON TX—EROSIOT•I&SEDLMENTATIQN CONTROL DESIGN SECTION X—BOND OUANTI"I'IES WORKSHEET. STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET& SKETCH Bond Quantities Worl:sheet 1—9 Storm Facility Summary Sheet 10— I 1 Pond Details 12- 14 SECTION X-11�iAINT�NAI`CE AND OPERATIONS MANtJAL 1 -6 SECTION I PROJECT OVERVIEW _ ; 'I , ; ; PROJECT OVERVIEW The project site is��ithin a portion of the Northeast quarter, of the Southeast quarter, of Section 31, Township 23 North,Range 5 East, Wiliarnette Meridian,King County, Washinbton. The property is located to the east of Talbot Road between S. 50`h St. and S. �t 51 St Ct. There were three existing residences on the properties that were recently removed. The remainder of the site is presently undeveloped and is mostly covered with pasture grass, shrubs and trees native to the northwest. The western portion of the site witi be deveioped into an apartment complex with associated parking and driveways. Wetland areas have been created on both sides of the proposed entrance to mitigate for the loss of the existing wetlands. Runoff from the upstream areas will be co}lected and conveyed through man-made channels and pipes to the new wetland areas, and wiil bypass the proposed detention facilities. There are two proposed detention vaultlwetvault facilities proposed for this development, which will be constructed on both sides of the entrance road_ The wetvault portion of the faciiity�uas oversized by 50 percent to compensate for the lack of biofiltration facility. Water to the property across Talbot Road will be provided by piping water from the new wetland areas. The construction plans show the proposed drainage facilities. � g�H S� S cARR RD p,D� � 16 , J��:�- . O J�- P S. 45TH PL � SITE � 515 ` � , �r �� , �lIJ � S.t. 1�7TH ST. �I ��. � � � E � � o � 1k � m � � Q > �'� � j' r-- Q I S.E. i 88 TH PL a > I Q ��S.E. 190TN S � � S.�. 190 i H ST. � ` � ~ � j � ( f � � S.E. 192ND S?. � ~ ± /� �� � S. . 192ND ST.� , � i � VICI�iT�T�' 1'�1�� �r. �'.,�. � King County Department of Development and_Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (T7R) WORKSHEET Part 1 PR0.3ECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATiON AND . PROJECT ENGtNEER DESCRIPTiON Project Owner Project Name S��//��/��2 /f 0�1�5,, ��tlG. CAHR�N ,4 P�R%MENTs Address Location tiSio Sa�T�/�.t/iE,e ,C��vo,, �/ ' Township Z3 /✓ T(J�u!/GA � (�(/ft 9B�BB Phone Ran e �S� CZo6J ZS�B- Zy�� g Project Engineer •-•-•••-•••••Section �/ MEc �. ,DALEy ,f?E Company G�LEY -MoRRDuJ-`bl3LETE iNC. Address/Phone �2�3�333� 22Gb Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT `_ Part 4 .OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS - APPLIGATION Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subdivision COE 404 Rockery Grading DOE Dam Safety Structural Vaults ✓Commercial FEMA Floodplain Other Other COE Wetlands � ,. ,: _ , _,. . _ I Part;5_::Sl�i'E CONlMUNITY AI�fD DRAihtAGE BAStN - - � Community ,Scos' C�'c`E,� Drainage Basin G�Ef.�l rei vE2 �3�srn/ Part 6 S1TE CHARACTERISTICS River Floodplain Wetlands ,�� Stream Seeps/Sp�ngs ✓ Critical Stream Reach High Groundwater Table � Depressions/Swales Groundwater Recharge � Lake � Other � I Steep Slopes -- � V 4 � r �I Part 7_ ::SOtLs . ` Soil T Slo s Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties YPe Pe � � /� l M�oE�t�TF. Z. S .15 � 3o f s��ERE s Addifiona!Sheets Attached ; Part 8 'D�VELOQMEM L#MITATiONS RE�ERENCE LIMITATIOWSITE CONSTRAWT Ch. 4—Downstream Analvsis Additional Sheets Attached . _: . , , . . . � Part 9 ESG REQUIREMENTS . . � - I MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MiNIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION '�Sedimentation Faci(ities v Stabilize Exposed Surface ✓Stabilized Construction Entrance t/ Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities �Perimeter Runo�f Control �lean and Remove All Silt and Debris ✓Clearing and Graing Restrictions �Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities ✓Cover Practices Fiag Lfmits of SAO and open space ✓ Construction Sequence preservation areas Other Other 0 Part 10 SURFACE WATER.SYSTEM _ � Grass Lined Tank lnfiltration Method of Anafysis Channel '�gvH Vautt Depression ✓Pipe System Compensation/Mitigati Energy Dissapator Flow Dispersal on of Eliminated Site Open Channel Stora e W etland W aiver 9 Dry Pond - Stream Regional - I Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation TGvIJ Gar'�,P��tl�C1 ��TGniTion/ vAu�r/ GJ�Tt/A�)L�' �,+Jit� t� GZ���G% �`JN ,l3aT/� ..�✓/.>�� of Tl�E Facility Related Site Limitations E����� ��'�� Reference Facility limitation _ Part 1 i -:STRUGTURAfi ANALYSfS Part �2: EASEMENTSlTRACTS `� Cast in Place Vault Drainage Easement �Retaining Watl Access Easement t/ Rockery>4' High Native Growth Protection Easement : Structuraf on Steep Slope Tract Other Other Part i3' SIGNATURE:OF PROFESSIONAL ENGWEER . : : 1 or a civil engineer under my supervision my supenrision have visited the site..Actual site conditians as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments_ To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. • _� ���o Si ned/Dace � SECTION II PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS SUMMARY �� � I CORE REQUIRENLENT#1: DISCHARGE AT T`HE NATURAL LOCATION Post-development discharge from this project will be the same as the pre-development discharge points. CORE REQUIREMENT#2: OFFSITE ANALYSIS The Level 1 and Level 2 Of#=site Analyses are included in the report. CORE REQUIRENiENT#3: FLOW CONTROL Detention and�vater quality facilities will be provided, and will be sized per City of Renton CORE REQLJIRENiENT#4: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM Conveyance facilities will be provided and wiit be designed per City of Renton requirements. RE RE ENT#5• R D NTAT CO QUIREM . TEMPORARY E OSION AND SE IME ION CONTROL Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures wili be provided. CORE REQUIREMENT#6: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS Applicable portions of the King County Maintenance and Operations Manuat are included within this report. CORE REQUIREMENT#7: FINANCIAL GUARANTEES i Will be provided as required. CORE REQUIREMENT#8: WATER QUALITY Wetvaults will be constructed to provided water quality. � 0 SECTION III OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 4 LEVEL 2 DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CAMPEN APARTMENTS CLIENT: Schneider Homes, Inc. 6510 Southcenter Blvd., #1 Tukwila, WA 98188 Phone: (206)248-2471 PREPARED BY: Daley-I':iorrow-Poblete, Inc. ?26 Auburn Way North ��� � ; Auburn, WA 98002 ��,�-�'oF c .���; Phone: (253) 333-2200 � .�� �'''�', ` -Q , z� t `• 13258 ����� �� � ��� F��S T ��'L PROJECT No. 97390 �`s''�'Nq � G`��\ , DATE: A.�ril 11, 2001 (ExPiREs: JAN. 9, 2002 � I t TABLE OF CONTENTS: COVERSHEET . TABLE OF CONTENTS .. NARRATIVE 1 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE 2 DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE REACH MAP 3 MANNING'S FORMULAS 4-11 ASSESSOR'S MAP 12 ASHBURN CONDOMINNM DRAINAGE REPORTS 13-29 CL NARRATIVE: Much construction has occurred in the vicinity of the proposed Campen Apartments since the Level 1 drainage study was done in 7anuary 1998. This Level 2 study incorporates information obtained from the Ashburn Condominium Project located on the east side of Talbot Road at S. 50"' Street. The Ashburn Condominiums are constructed and include the majority of the downstream drainage for the proposed Campen Apartments. Insignificant amounts of water will drain to the north and west to existing drainage systems. Another apartmenVcondo project is being constructed south of the proposed Campen Apartment site and they have e}ctended the 18" culvert to their north property line which is the south property line of the proposed Campen Apartmerrts. Improvements to Talbot Road will eliminate the roadside ditch which currently exists ad}acent to the Campen Apartment site. The Level One downstream Drainage Study did not identify any downstream drainage problems and as the Ashburn Condominiums have rebuilt the drainage system down to the Valley Freeway there are no drainage problems that could occur. Manning's formula has been used to calculate flow capacities for each reach of the downstream drainage system. The Ashburn Condominium project has an elaborate system of flow splitters, pipes, storage vaults, and wet2ands which are all designed to pass the peak allawable offsite flow from the proposed Campen Apartments. DMP, Inc. calculated the peak runoff from the Campen Apartment project to be 6.97 cfs(the peak l 00yr runo� while the Ashburn Condominium project is designed for a peak offsite flow of 11.73 cfs through the 18" culveR under Talbot Road (almost all of the flow into the 18" culvert will come from the Campen Apartments). The 100 year design outflow for the Campen Apartments is 2.44 cfs. � i ; I ' I � � - � i OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Surface Water Design Manual� Core Requirement#2 Basin: f�nuJ�JS7�2-��� 'rc� SUU�'r� Subbasin Name: �g�r;,�r Y*�� P�v ��6�.-„ Co�,d�us� Subbasin Number: � Symbol IJtairtage: pralnage'Component : Slape :'Distance ' Existing Potential IObservations r�f field 'rnspector Component"1`y��, ' besCription' from site �'robiems ' p�dbl�ms resot,rca rdvi�wer, or r�sident :>Name and Size dischar e Type;,she8t ikWv�SWale, '! ' ; CDnelrlCtlofls,Uftd�',CapatltY,C�ondln9� s�e mep stream;Channel,plpe, dr�tnage ts�sln,vegetet)or,,crner, �, 1/4 mi�1,320 it overtopping,flooding,habttM or orgnnlym '' tribut�ry area�nkellhood of probtem, pond;;Ska;tlismeter, depth,type oi aensathre aree,volum� destruction,x�ouring,bank aloughing, < ovetilow pathwayu,pot�tttlal impects, ! i' . iuHece erea' " ' ' ' ':' .sedlmentatlon Inclslon other proslon ;'. i ` '�/�I T C H !' �n�ra. / ND N e D I r c N �r /:U�°11� J)Qij � l c J.` {�t p. �C� �X,'1"C,�.. CO �f�A� C✓nr1', E; �, /l /J u wi<t� 6 , 6c� r���' /NR GE' �'o �r� 0 '^d� r�r<tr �QC..J N� W�rN v p+ PIPt � � � �� Z �- /�C1�'D 6 f �j(,�' NO�J� (A�P�^' ,�,� � �K�Jf,� 1H D rA ��T NON�. ��TMr w,u�oNu ��6� G� � cr ��GQOT l�v�10 (:o��NB��r To A.rrlevnn� coNDU I8" cvcvzz7 �,�e�.r�'s -��1�80� �� ��; �So' N �+�� No�,� F',r tg �►�.;n�� e.. �' I � !� �°l l°� UNL'�2 S�. ���-1 ,S`T 3 S p � c�,�+G ��%p N 0 N i: N J��P�C"0 �i2 A;N�G 6 S � s , f'l/"E FY P�)tr S`YtTC-� o 'UR A!'('��J2N �pi�,pd �/ � � .10� lO�aN � /JOiv � �I .t�� � Z�� ��P� � I.rJG'r�.rWn E Z % �>"� ' NC� � N�N� '� � C N/�NNCL G(J6�'GA�D C J�� (7Sp ' /U(�J G NG►�� No'r�vo I C/IG+�li�r�l l ��j`� � YV1 p C2a ss'tr S/� l67 lr + ZoQ'� I�J��Fj i''a,�� �/�E (j ���� �� C7 � ��I�NNGL. �V�� S, SS �.I� ��o'_ Z�QC7 �C�I�J� lV'0 n1 tr' ��1 C � „ � , CO^�G (' �+ �j ` .S� C V l.�I L R7 C✓'�-U.S,I C�S .�, Jr.J `�N J 1, � �r C. �BD (.�(�I� /l/�l N�, l�/PF, �O C HANticc, ��ONf S.' �'S� S-�. J%,-�. 3 1 a� l'Yf�N � N'�,Nc,! ' j�lTc � 1� ��Vi,�nT OJ�N�,e�� Tu CN�NN6� , �. �� z�� �a c � �8 _ 3a8 0 ����lU ,�o,v� P��°c �� �,z.,�,r�n G�� �rs�-r�l ra E. ���<a�r �wy c N���� c, ���= �#g80 ��r�N % n�o�� dr -� � � LtTeble.doc 11l2/92 N - �I� � , � � � � � .��, �� � � �,� �j�-�� .+, �4 . � � I� �t I+ �� � �, ��I� � �� �� � • �'`� ;;�'��r¢ h�, . � ��1��, 11�����'�l��� _ f',���� �`� �, • .�� � ��� �+ `� ��� �` - � ` �� �l � �.� `: ....r A � � � • T.. ..� n `JI � • �� ' �� -�� �-�"';r; �C� � � �� _��� ----��� ���� � - -�i� ��,�r � � ���� �� � . V• � � � � �� + � � � "'� 1 ��:. , y�,' � tir•���'� l ��4' � '- 1 1�:_ _ _'rr.�'""•�.- - � ��� �„�, ���` �'� :� � . ��G� . �. � : t � ' , _,�,..,_.__...... ��� � � , ,. _ � � � �,_� � �� F - � • ' � � ` � � � � � � •�rfr�.�. ►� 4/11/01 � � Mannings formula V ditch at 6% Value Area= 2.00�� Wetted Perimeter- 4.90C Hydrolic Radius= 0.408163 r�n= � � n Value= 0.03 Siope in ft/ft= 0.06 Velocity= 6.676 fps V=((1.486/0.03 ))'10 408 ^�213))`�0.06 ^(1/2�)1 Quantity= 13.352 cfs Q= 6.676 * 2 �tie ;:e ak develc�ed rur��ii f:ur�� i;,t Carnper, ,�1��[trnE,r;'s ��, ::�Icas;ajed ai 6 9+cfs t�t !he T IR. The ewsting roadside ditch on Talbot Road South has a c��;acit�� of �? 3crs whic;h i� comparable to the 18" pipe into which the ditch drains. � ;��� ���R--- t`(..t`�.,-. x .�� . �� -- � ,y = l • �8 � �� �� = 0 � 1 1rJ = �� ��� . � y 4/11/01 Mannings formuta for 18" pipe �6.0% �e���' Z� � � � Value Pipe Radius= 0.75 Area= 1.766 3.14x(R^2) Wetted Perimeter- 4.710 (Radius x 2) x 3.14 Hydrolic Radius= 0.375 HR= 1.76fi / 4.71 n Vatue= 0.012 Slope in ft/ft= 0.06 Velocity= 15.774 fps V=((1.486/0.012 ))'!0.375 "(2/3))'(0.06 "(112))) Quantity= 27.860 cfs Q= 15.77 * 1.766 The peak developed runoff from the Campen Apartments is calculated at 6.97cfs per the TIR. The downstream drainage system provided by the Ashburn Condominiums provides a a minimum 18"diameter pipe with a capacity ofi8cfs for the downstream drainage system. � 4/11/41 Mannings formula 15" pipe �2% 2�ac� 5 Value Pipe Radius 0.625 Area= 1.227 3.14x(R"2) Wetted Perimeter- 3.925 (Radius x 2)x 3.14 Hydrolic Radius= 0.3125 HR= 1.227 / 3.925 n Value= 0.012 Slope in ft/ft= 0.02 Velocity= 8.065 fps V=((1.486/ 0.012 ))*10.3'i 3 ^(2/3))=(0.02 "(1/2))) Quantity= ����'`` 9.892 cfs Q= 8.065 * 1.227 The peak developed runoff from the Campen Apartments is caiculated at 6.97cfs per the TIR. The downstream drainage system provided by the A hbum Condominiums provides a a minimum 18"diameter pipe with a capacity o 27cfs or the downstream drainage system. The flow from the offsite areas is split by the Ash um�Gondominiums with 3 cfs going to wetland E and 9 cfs going to wetland C. �� � ,I � � 4/11/01 Mannings formula 12" �2% �'-���' S� Value Pipe Radius 0.5 Area= 0.785 3.14x(R^2) Wetted Perimeter- 3.140 (Radius x 2)x 3.14 Hydrolic Radius= 0.25 HR= 0.785 ! 3.14 n Vatue= 0.012 Slope in ft/ft= 0.02 Velocity= 6.950 fps V=((1.486/0.012 ))'t 0.25 ^(2/3))*(0.02 "(1/2))) Quantity= 5.456 cfs Q= 6.95 ' 0.785 The peak deveioped runoff from the Campen Apartments is calculated at 6.97cfs per the TIR. The downstream drainage system provided by the Ashbum Condominiums provides a a minimum 18"diameter pipe with a capacity of 27cfs for the downstream drainage system. The flow from the offsite areas is split by the Ashbum Condominiums with 3 cfs going to wetland E and 9 cfs going to wetland C. l 1 4i 1 1/01 Mannings formula 36" CMP� 1°� +/- n��� C� -] Value Radius= 1.5 Area= 7.065 3.14'(1.5^2) Wetted Perimeter- 9.420 (Radius x 2)x 3.14 Hydrolic Radius= 0.75 HR= 7.065 / 9.42 n Value= 0.024 Slope in ft/ft= 0.01 Velocity= 5.111 fps V=((1.486/0.024 ))"l 0.75 ^(2/3))*(0_01 ^(1/2))) Quantity= 36.110 cfs Q= 5.i 11 ; 7.065 The peak developed runoff from the Campen Apartments is calculated at 6.97cfs per the TIR. The exsisting 36"CMP culvert under SR 167 has a capacity of approximately 36cfs. I� , ✓ 4/11/01 ,2euctits � �0 � rL Mannings fotrnula 6'x 6' Channei Value Area= 36.000 Wetted Perimeter- 18.000 Hydrotic Radius= 2 HR= 36 / 18 n Value= 0.03 Slope in ft/ft= 0.01 Velocity= 7.863 fps V=((1.486/0.03 ))'12 "(2/3))'1 U.01 ^(1/2))) Quantity= 283.065 cfs Q= 7.8fi3 • 36 The peak developed runoff from the Campen Apartments is catculated at 6.97cfs per the TIR. The exsisting 6'x 6' Channel along S. 55th Street has a capacity of approximately 283cfs. 4/11/01 Mannings formula 36"CP � 1°�6 +l- �ea G� q Value Radius= 1.5 Area= 7.065 3.14*(1.5^2) Wetted Perimeter- 9.420 (Radius x 2)x 3.14 Hydrolic Radius= 0.75 HR= 7.065 / 9.42 n Value= 0.012 Slope in ft/ft= 0.01 Velocity= 10.222 fps V=((1.486/0.012 ))*10.75 ^(2/3))*(0.01 "(1/2))) Quantity= 72.220 cfs Q= 10.22 " 7.065 ' The peak developed runoff from the Campen Apartments is calculated at 6.97cfs per the TIR. The exsisting 36"CP culvert under S. 55th Street has a capacity of approximately 72cfs. 1 C> 4/11101 :�Z EAcN �I Mannings formula for 2EA 48"CP pipe�0.5% +1-between S 55th ST and E Valley HWY Value Pipe Radius= 2 Area= 12.560 3.14x(R^2) Wetted Perimeter- 12.560 (Radius x 2)x 3.14 Hydrolic Radius= 1 HR= 12.56 / 12.56 n Value= 0.012 Slope in ft/ft= 0.005 Velocity= 8.756 fps V=((1.486/0.012 ))*11 ^(2/3))`(0.005 "(1/2))) Quantity= 109.980 cfs Q= 8.756 ' 12.56 The peak developed n�noff from the Campen Apartments is calculated at 6.97 cfs per the TIR The two 48"CP culverts have a combined capacity of 220cfs. 11 > --- l� � U16 °� �:�; � — " :✓ • ' '� .�V —zs�,.�,- —,. �I 6�)�0.0� � �� 0. C.°� 2 Ac. _ J' s O ci. � � 69 ,�. .;�,'.. � .� � $. 45TH PL. � � —, aio--- _: � 080.99 j�B M � _ ��ria.. s�+ . � � * —� �1.5� 60 I q ^�� � R g�� 9 I AC. B22 ( I � 2.63 Ac. ��� �—3os.zc– � — �– r iro S� 67 � � � Q,L \�� • �T.e� w.Da u.� v PHAS IV n aASNE e•• a � � e � � � PHABE IV = e i .a �/O ^� 4 - Y � � � f \ . � �.30 I.i! �l�3 d���E.�� 56.± <v' \� ^ �p� PHASE I,/ �• • �' O�.QO.02 AC. � ; �a w.ci 6� :. �� � '�� ' rrr��� � ec.is � � 4� j/ +P AS�II ~ PHA E V i�. i� w e� �.�:�$� Z ` Ig16/_�` � �a 1Q ie � PHASE III �SE III � ,3 oZ --- T � g —T— A ����„� '3-S N � zio --- �r � �� I,ti,t,r � ' `^ � ti _� ��.b� w� IM,i a` 4 � � ,� �.e e�.i� u� � f"".� � �,659 �ccisr •'urit nrr e _ �o ti��� � ^�' � e —PHASE I- - -A C O�I D r— - fJ Y Po u»rtsll ^ � � 1.03 Ac. � � .r �. �N�Ts � � 1�'`r s �s---� � 9a s is it u io � eoi.e� ut�c ��--_ � i/� 1,99 Ac. ––, ; < l53 -- _ � i� wr / \\ 1 / % / I F2o�; REPoI�� 0� ArHBv�N C�OOS D,E r. II. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS UPSTREAM: • There are two parcels west of Talbot Road South which are tributary to the proposed project. The north property is 1.69 acres in size and consists of two separate building structures and a small pond. The south property is 0.74 acres in size and consists of one building structure. The remaining portion of both properties is covered with grass. Drainage flows to the west onto the proposed development and will be intercepted by the onsite drainage system and conveyed through the detention system. An offsite drainage basin of approximately 36.79 acres, contributes runoff to the roadside ditch on the east side of Talbot Road South. A portion of the flows from the basin are intercepted in a 12"CPEP which travels under Talbot Road South and discharges into a � ' catch basin. The catch basin is located approximately 180 feet south of the northeast property corner of the proposed site. The existing catch basin has a solid lid and consists o f t he 1 2" C P E P descri b e d a bove a long wi t h a 4"P V C ou t le t pipe wi t h a 4" down-t u r ne d elbow. Flow out of the catch basin is restricted by a 4"PVC which travels west and � ' dischazges into a small decorative pond on the property. Drainage in the 12" CPEP eventually backs up due to the restriction of the 4"PVC. ' Drainage not intercepted by the 12"CPEP or drainage that has backflowed back into the ditch along Talbot Road South, flows south in the ditch where it is intercepted by a 18" CPEP. The 18"CPEP which travels under Talbot Road South is located approximately , 670 feet south of the northeast property corner of the proposed site. The 18" CPEP appears to have been recently installed or improved. The culvert discharges into a well defined ditch,which flows to the west through the southerly portion of the property, and then continues through the site to a ravine on the south side of the property. At the time of our field visit on February 26, 1998, there was a steady flow of water in the ditch and culvert. The proposed onsite drainage design will include intercepting this -- basin's runoff as it enters the site, conveying it through the proj ect, and discharging it directly into the ravine,bypassing the detention system. � DOWNSTREAM: Runoff from the site sheet flows to the west where it enters one of two onsite ravines, continuing to the west. The ravines are approximately 600 feet apart and both discharge . into the wetland at the west property line. The flows eventually merge within the wetland and continue west for approximately 100 feet to Highway 167. Three culverts cross the Highway in the vicinity of the wetland; one 36" CMP culvert approximately 800 feet to � the south, one 30"CMP culvert approximately 400 feet north, and one 24"concrete near the site. While we have assumed that the northern culvert is the main dischazge route, it is difficult to determine for sure due to the flat terrain. During our site visit in February of 1996, the 24"culvert was dry and appears to be at a slightly higher elevation, which tends to indicate that it may be a secondary discharge for the wetland. It is safe to say that during periods of high flows, the wetland will fill up and overflow into all three of these culverts. �� II. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS (cont.) � The 30"CMP crosses SR167 to the west and enters a well defined channel, approximately 8 feet wide and 8 feet deep. The channel flows west for 1100 feet to the East Valley highway,where a 6 foot X 4 foot concrete box culvert crosses to the west. The channel then tums to the north wbere it continues for over 1000 feet where it enters _ industrial developments. The system ultimately reaches the Green River r The 36" CMP south of the site, crosses SR 167 and continues to the west along the north side of South SSth Street in a 6 foot X 6 foot channel. It flows for approximately 600 feet ' A� and crosses SSth to the south in a 36" concrete culvert. The channel flows south and west for 500 feet to a pair of 48"concrete culverts. These culverts discharge into a large stream, designated as Drainage District#1 on the Kroll Maps. It flows to the northwest for 800 feet to the East Valley highway, where a stream gauging station is located. The stream crosses under the lughway through a bridge and continues west. , The 24" concrete culvert crosses under SR 167 to the west into an industrial development. A dischazge point was not located during field investigations,but this area originally � drained to a wetland with dischazges both north and south, it appears, towazds the � drainage paths descrihed ��h�ve. The �ievel�ncd drainaee svstem mu�t also f�llrnv one �r both of these routes. � � I � � i f � � III. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS (continued) UPSTREAM OFF-SITE CONDITIONS: As described previously, there aze three basin areas that drain from tributary upstream areas onto the proposed site. Two of the basins are located on the west side of Talbot � Road South and are surrounded by,but not part of the proposed project. As described � above these basins are known as the north property which is 1.69 acres and the south — property which is 0.74 acres. These basins will be refened to in the calculations as "Offsite Basin X" and"Offsite Basin W'respectively. The third basin is the basin located east of Talbot Road South and contributes runoff to the roadside ditch on the east side of Talbot Road South. For calculation purposes, the third basin will be divided into two sub-basins. The first sub-basin will be referred to as "Offsite Basin Y". This sub-basin naturally drains into the 12"CPEP described previously. The second sub-basin will be referred to as "Offsite Basin Z". This sub- basin naturally drains into the 18"CPEP described previously. Offsite Basin W In�ut: Total Area=0.74 acres Impervious Area=021 acres @ CN=98 Pervious Area=0.53 acres @ CN= 86 (grass) Time of Concentration=31.49 minutes RESULTS(Peak Flow Rates): 2-year/24-hour=0.12 cfs 10-year/24hour=0.22 cfs 100-yeaz/24-hour=0.34 cfs Offsite Basin X InQut: Total Area= 1.69 acres Impervious Area=030 acres @ CN,,,g=98.33 (0.25 ac. impervious surfaces @ CN=98, 0.05 ac. pond @ CN= 100) Pervious Area= 1.39 acres @ CN= 86 (grass) Time of Concentration=35.48 minutes RESiJLTS(Peak Flow Rates): 2-year/24-hour=0.24 cfs 10-year/24-hour=0.45 cfs 100-yeaz/24-hour=0.71 cfs I� �' S/7/99 2 : 35 :34 pm Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 1 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 --------------------------------------------------------------------- �-_ --------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY � BASIN ID: OZ002 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Z 2YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 31 . 52 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs -�- R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 31 . 52 Acres 0 . 00 Acr� TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 93 0 . 00 _� TC. . . . . 42 . 87 min 0 . 00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0. 1167 TcReach - Shallow L: 250 . 00 ks :5. 00 s : 0. 4200 TcReach - Shallow L: 700 . 00 ks:5 . 00 s : 0 . 1286 TcReach - Channel L: 480 . 00 kc:20 . 00 s: 0 . 0208 � PEAK R.ATE: 2 . 87 cfs VOL: 2 . 08 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: OZO10 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Z lOYR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 31 . 52 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 31 . 52 Acres 0 . 00 Acre, TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 93 0 . 00 -" TC. . . . . 42 . 87 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1167 - - TcReach - Shallow L: 250 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s : 0 .4200 ` TcReach - Shallow L: 700 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s : 0 . 1286 t � TcReach - Channel L: 480 . 00 kc:20 . 00 s: 0 . 0208 i€ PEAK R.ATE: 6 .36 cfs VOL: 3 . 94 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min - � BASIN ID: OZ100 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Z 100YR SBUH METHODOLOGY - "' TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 31 . 52 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs I� RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP I : PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 31 .52 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 93 0 . 00 TC. . . . : 42 . 87 min 0 . 00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1167 , i � TcReach - Shallow L: 250. 00 ks: 5 . 00 s : 0 .4200 TcReach - Shallow L: 700 . 00 ks:5 . 00 s : 0 . 1286 i- ; TcReach - Ch�1e1�L: 480 . 00 kc:20 . 00 s : 0 . 0208 PEAK RATE: 10 . 72 ,icfs VOL: 6 .21 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min I i � . �i , � 1� _ -- � - _ - - _ ____ . _.._ ._.. . �~� II � " 5/7/99 2 :35 :42 pm Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page ] TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 �, ___________________________________________________________________- ' � BASIN SUMMARY ------- I � BASIN ID: OZ006 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Z 6M0 SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 31 . 52 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cf s I � R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 1 .28 inches AREA. . : 31 . 52 Acres 0 . 00 Aci I TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10. 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 93 0 . 00 , TC. . . . : 42 . 87 min 0. 00 min I � ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 .20 '� TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1167 TcReach - Shallow L: 250 . 00 ks:5 . 00 s : 0 .4200 TcReach - Shallow L: 700 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s : 0 . 1286 ' TcReach - Channel L: 480 . 00 kc:20 . 00 s :0 . 0208 PEAK RATE: 0 .80 cfs VOL: 0 . 83 Ac-ft� TIME: 540 min T' I �-� � I 1 � �� --__ � �� III. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS (continued) � Storm Q from Ojfsite Q from Of'fsite Q total -" Basin Z with Basin Y through 18" no Additional culvert Flow 6-month 0.80 cfs 0.0 0.80 cfs 2- ear 2.87 cfs 0.0 2.87 cfs 10- ear 636 cfs 0.32 cfs 6.68 cfs � � 100- ear 10.72 cfs 1.01 cfs 11.73 cfs — In summary, Peak Flow Rates tributary to Ashburn Condominium site via 18 "culvert: ..- 6-month/24-hour=0.80 cfs 2-year/24-hour=2.87cfs � 10-year/24-hour=6.68 cfs _ ._ 100-year/24hour= 11.73 cfs �- �- 1� re f III. EXIS1'ING SITE CONDITIONS (continued) Solving for Q we can obtain the maximum flow through the 4"elbow for the different storm events. The following table shows that the 4"pipe accepts all of Basin Y's flows for the 6 month and 2 year stonn events. The flows to the site are restricted for the 10 and 100 yeaz events. The �low that cannot pass the 4"elbow continues south in the ditch along Talbot Road and is tributary to the 18"culvert that receives flow from Basin Z. Storm Basin 4"ori ice restricted? to 18"culvert 6-month 0.11 cfs 0.62 cfs No 0.0 2- ear 0.43 cfs 0.64 cfs No 0.0 10- ear 0.98 cfs 0.66 cfs Yes 0.32 cfs 100- ear 1.68 cfs 0.67 cfs Yes 1.01 cfs In summary, Peak Flow Rates Tributary to Ashburn Condos (Note: These flows are resultant flows leaving 4"PVC and entering site from Offsite Basin I�: 6-month/24hour=0.11 cfs 2-year/24-hour=0.43 cfs 10-year/24-hour=0.66 cfs 100-yeaz/24-hour=0.67 cfs I Offsite Basin Z Input: Total Area=31.52 acres Impervious Area=0.0 acres Pervious Area=31.52 acres @ CN„�= 84.93 �- (0.56 ac. second growth forest @ CN=81, 30.96 ac. pasture @ CN= 85) I _ Time of Concentration=42.87 minutes RESULTS: Peak Flow Rates (Note: These flows due not account for additional flow coming from Offsite Basin Y due to 4"PVC restriction): 6-month/24-hour=0.80 cfs 2-year/24-hour=2.87 cfs I 10-year/24-hour=6.36 cfs i 100-yeaz/24-hour= 10.72 cfs '' � The peak flow rates coming onto the site through the 18"culvert will be the sum of the flows from Offsite Basin Z plus those fl-ows that backed up into the ditch ! due to the 4"PVC elbow restriction in Offsite Subbasin Y. � � �q � - I � III. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS (continued) The depth of flow in the ditch is calculated using a Ditch Flow Analysis spreadsheet attached. Results of Flow Depth: Storm Flow De th 6-month 0.11' . 2- ear 0.24' 10- ear 0.38' � 100- ear 0.51' I The HW elevation is therefore equal to Flow Depth+Elevation Difference in tHe 12" Pipe- The12" CPEP has the following properties: Diameter= 12" Slope=0.054 Length=35 feet Manning's n=0.012 'The difference is elevation of the 12"pipe is the slope times the length which is (0.054)*(35)= 1.90 feet. Therefore the head working on the 4"PVC is: Storm Flow Depth Elevation Head on Di erence 4"ori ice 6-month 0.11' 1.90' 2.01' 2- ear 0.24' 1.90' 2.14' �� 10- ear 0.38' 1.90' 2.28' 140- ear 0.51' 1.90' 2.41' 4" Orifice Calculation: The amount of flow through the 4"orifice can be calculated using the orifice equation: Q=CA(2gh)°5 , Where:C =0.62 � h=head on 4"orifice(from table above) A=�� ,r=2„ g=32.2 � � I� � 20 ; � .�, s " 5/7/99 2 :28 :42 pm Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page TALBOT ROAD i DEI JOB NO 94172 � -- ----------------------------BASIN SUMMARY ------------------------ - ----------- -- ---------------- -- ---- -------------------- BASIN ID: OY002 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Y 2YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 5 .27 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0. 00 cfs '- RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 5 .27 Acres 0 . 00 Ac TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 17 0 . 00 TC. . . . . 45 . 76 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 ' TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s :0 . 0833 TcReach - Shallow L: 55 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s : 0 . 0909 ' TcReach - Shallow L: 360 . 00 ks:5 . 00 s :0 . 3750 TcReach - Channel L: 610 . 00 kc : 5 . 00 s :0 . 1066 PEAK R.ATE: 0 .43 cfs VOL: 0 . 33 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: OY010 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Y lOYR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 5.27 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 5 .27 Acres 0 . 00 Acr TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 17 0 _ 00 TC. . . . : 45 . 76 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s: 0 . 0833 TcReach - Shallow L: 55 . 00 ks: 5 . 00 s : 0 . 0909 TcReach - Shallow L: 360 . 00 ks :5 . 00 s : 0 .3750 TcReach - Channel L: 610 . 00 kc :5 . 00 s :0 . 1066 PEAK RATE: 0 . 98 cfs VOL: 0 . 64 Ac-ft TIME: 490 mixi BASIN ID: OY100 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Y 10�- SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 5 .27 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP - PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 5 .27 Acres 0 . 00 Acre TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 17 0 . 00 TC. . . . : 45 . 76 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300. 00 ns: 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0833 TcReach - Shallow L: 55 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s :0 . 0909 TcReach - Shallow L: 360 . 00 ks: 5 . 00 s : 0 . 3750 TcReach - Chann�� L: 610 . 00 kc : 5 . 00 s : 0 . 1066 PEAK RATE: 1 . 68 �'cfs VOL: 1 . 01 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min � - Z � �� �� - -- 5/7/99 2 :28 :23 pm Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 1 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: OY006 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN Y 6M0 SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 5.27 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 1 .28 inches AREA. . : 5 .27 Acres 0 . 00 Acx TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10. 00 min CN. . . . : 84 . 17 0 . 00 TC. . . . . 45 . 76 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 _ TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s :0 . 0833 TcReach - Shallow L: 55 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s: 0 . 0909 . " TcReach - Shallow L: 360 . 00 ks:5 . 00 s : 0 . 3750 TcReach - Channel L: 610 . 00 kc :5 . 00 s : 0 . 1066 PEAK RATE: 0 . 11 cfs VOL: 0 . 13 Ac-ft TIME: 550 min � Z'V s � � III. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS (continued) � Offsite Basin Y Input: Total Area=5.27 acres Impervious Area=0.0 acres Pervious Area=5.27 acres @ CN,,,e= 84.17 (1.09 ac. second growth forest @ CN= 81, 4.18 ac. pasture @ CN= 85) Time of Concentration=45.76 minutes Peak Flow Rates: (Note: These flows aze unrestricted) � 6-month/24-hour=0.11 cfs(DOE 6 month storm) 2-year/24hour=0.43 cfs 10-year/24-hour=0.98 cfs � I 100-yeaz/24-hour= 1.68 cfs , Flows Coming On-site from Offsite Basin Y: � Flows from Offsite Basin Y first enter a ditch before entering the 12"pipe that crosses under Talbot Road S to the existing catch basin described previously. Upon entering the i catch basin, flow is restricted by the 4"PVC pipe and down-turned elbow exiting the ', ' structure. The amount of flow that tributary to the Ashburn Condominium site from ��, Offsite Basin Y at this crossing can be determined by calculating the flow through the 4" � PVC pipe and down-turned elbow. The flow through the elbow is the limiting restriction in the system. The flow through it can be calculated by using the orifice equation. The head working on the 4"orifice(elbow)is calculated by finding the flow depth in the ditch on the east side of Talbot Road and then adding the flow depth to the difference in invert elevations from the inlet into the 12"pipe to the 4"outlet in the existing catch basin. T'his overall head will be calculated for the 6-month, 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm- � events so that we can obtain the total flow rates tributary to the site for these separate events. Calculation ofDepth ofFlow in Ditch: ' The ditch has the following properties: L Depth= 1.5 feet Side Slopes= l:l ` Bottom Width= 1 foot _ n=0.03 (earth bottom and rubble sides) Slope=0.9% � i i � Z� 5/7/99 10 :40 :31 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: OX002 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN X 2YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 1 .39 Acres 0 . 30 Ac TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 33 TC. . . . : 35 .48 min 35 .48 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 280 . 00 ns: 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0804 impTcReach - Sheet L: 280 . 00 ns: 0 .400o p2yr: 2 . 00 s :0 . 0804 PEAK RATE: 0 .24 cfs VOL: 0 . 14 Ac-ft TIME: 490 irtin BASIN ID: OXO10 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN X lOYR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 69 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cf s R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV ZMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1 .39 Acres 0 . 30 Ac� TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 .33 TC. . . . . 35 .48 min 35 .48 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 280 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0804 impTcReach - Sheet L: 280 . 00 ns: 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0804 PEAK R.ATE: 0 .45 cfs VOL: 0 . 25 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: OX100 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN X 100YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 69 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV .. IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1 . 39 Acres 0 . 30 Acr TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 .33 TC. . . . : 35 .48 min 35 .48 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 280 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0804 impTcReach - Sheet L: 280 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0804 PEAK RATE: 0 . 71 cfs VOL: 0 .38 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min _ Z`� 5/7/99 1� :40 :4 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 1 � TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: OW002 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN W 2YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 74 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs � RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . ._. : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 53 Acres 0 .21 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 31 .49 min 31 .49 min � ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 69. 00 ns :0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s :0 . 0556 TcReach - Sheet L: 216. 00 ns: 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0685 impTcReach - Sheet L: 69. 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0596 impTcReach - Sheet L: 216. 00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0685 PEAK RATE: 0 . 12 cfs VOL: 0 . 07 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: OWO10 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN W lOYR - � SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 74 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs � RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 53 Acres 0 . 21 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 31 .49 min 31 .49 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 - TcReach - Sheet L: 69. 00 ns :0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0556 � TcReach - Sheet L: 216. 00 ns: 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0685 impTcReach - Sheet L: 69 . 00 ns :0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s:0 . 0556 impTcReach - Sheet L: 216. 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s:0 . 0685 PEAK RATE: 0 . 22 cfs VOL: 0 . 12 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min � BASIN ID: OW100 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN W 100YR SBUH METHODOLOGY � TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 74 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 53 Acres 0 .21 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 � TC. . . . : 31 .49 min 31 .49 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 69.00 ns: 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0556 � TcReach - Sheet L: 216 . 00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0685 impTcReach - Sheet L: 69 . 00 ns: 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0556 impTcReach -. -��t L: 216 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0685 PEAK RATE : 0 .34 cfs VOL: 0 . 17 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min � � � Z5 I IV. DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS (CONT.) 'The developed site will consist of a bypass system that will intercept flows from Offsite Basins Y and Z. In the existing condition, these offsite basins flow through the site and discharge into the ravines on the westem portion of the site. The bypass system will maintain this existing drainage pattern. The other offsite basins either sheetflow onsite and will be included in detention calculations or sheetflow into wetlands which are • drained into a bypass system. Offsite Basin Y is tributary to the project site via concentrated flow in a ditch. The flows , from the ditch will be picked up in a tightlined storm drainage system with a flow splitter. The flow splitter will be designed such that the Offsite Basin Y 6-month storm will be metered into Wetland H. T'his will be done in an effort to provide a base flow to the wetland. All flows above the 6 month storm will be routed through a bypass system which discharges to Wetlands E and F. Offsite Basin Z (and Offsite Basin Y overflow) is tributary to the site via an existing 18" culvert. The 18 inch culvert will be intercepted into a proposed tightline storm drainage system and flow splitter. The flow splitter will be designed such that the Offsite Basin Z 6-month storm will be metered into Wetland E. This will be done in an effort to provide a base flow to the wetland. All flows above the 6 month storm will be routed through the site in a by�ass system which discharges to Wetlands C in the southeastern portion of the devel� , Alloi ..._ .. _.. _. .... . . ...... . ... .. system and therefore will not be included in the detention system calculations. All of thc � flows that enter Wetland H will be tributary to the detention system and will be included , in the detention system calculations. Offsite Basin X, which is adjacent to the site, primarily sheet flows into Wetland `H' in the exiring condition and will continue to do so in the developed condition in an effort to Lmaintain flow into Wetland `H' Offsite Basin W, which is adjacent to the site, primarily stieet flows into Wetland `E' in ^ the exiting condition and will continue to do so in the developed condition in an effort to maintain flow into Wetland `E'. � ■ i �� � � d � .� _ _- - --___� ___�.�,� _ -_��, . _- _;__ .------��L . _ ! . ; � I � � � � ° ! ,' '�1 . � �� , � .� � - _��. ,� . I �I f ! . _ � � - . , �r � X x �" � � / � 1 f f � `� ` +� . 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LEVEL I DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS FOR � CAMPEN PROPERTY CLIENT: Schneider Homes, Inc. 6510 Southcenter Blvd. Suite #6 Tukwila, WA 98188 Phone: (206) 248-2471 PREPARED BY: D.M.P. Engineering Inc. , 1215 South Central Ave., Suite 133 Kent, WA 98032 Phone: (206) 854-9344 � I PR�JECT: 95068 j DATE: January 1998 j � �l �:J TABLE OF CONTENTS TASK 1: STUDY AREA DEFII�iITION AND MAPS TASK 2: RESOURCE REVIEW TASK 3: FIELD INSPECTION TASK 4: DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM SCREENII�IG TASK S: MITIGATION APPENDIX I Typed Field Observation Notes of Downstream com���n�nt s. i � APPENDIX II Copy of King County Drainage Complaint Informatiu�� '�, Copy of Talbot Road Preliminary Plat—Notice of Appl , Copy of City of Page 5331 Renton Surface Water Drainage S EXHIBIT A D.M.P., Inc. Field Survey of Site Showing Location of Existing Drainage Features Onsite and Along Talbot Road. EXHIBIT B Exhibit Incorporating City of Renton Aerial Topography Showing Site, Upstream Contributing Basin Area, and Downstream System. 3i � , .,. _: , . . _. �•�� .-���x,�.:�d��.�.. �:.: _:_: , . �� TASK 1: STUDY AREA DEFINITION The Campen property is within a portion of the Northeast quarter, of the Southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The site is located to the east of Talbot Road between S 50`� St. and S 51�`Ct. The Campen property consists of approximately 19 acres. There are three existing residences on the property that are to be removed. The remainder of the site is presently undeveloped and is mostly covered with pasture grass, shrubs and trees native to the northwest. The western portion of the site has at some time in the past been partially cleazed. The field survey of the existing condition for the site is included in this report as Exhibit A. The existing ground has slopes ranging from generally flat (northeast corner of the site) to 42% (central steep portion of the site). A small area in the vicinity of the existing ditch in the central portion of T�Parcel 87 has slopes that are 67%. The slopes within the area of the proposed condominium development have slopes that average 12%. In the existing condition surface stormwater runoff, and year round spring water generally flows to the west to be intercepted by the existing open ditch drainage system on the eastern side of Talbot Road. A very small amount of the surface stormwater runoffthat enters the ditch near th� northwest corner of the property flows to the north There is a 12" CPEP culvert midway along the Talbot frontage that is designed to intercept spring water and direct it to the west. The remainder of the surface and spring water flows to the southwest corner of the property where it is directed to the west under Talbot in a 12" CPEP culvert. The site is within the Black River Drainage sub-basin of the Green River basin. At the present time, it is proposed to develop the western 10 acres+/-of the property into a 154 unit condominium project. The structures are to be a combination of 3 and 4 unit Townhouses and 6-8 unit Flats. The remaining eastern portion of the property, will in the future, become a separate single family residential proposal. This downstream analysis is primarily for the con�oininium project� however if does contain sforniwater runoff in�ormatiori��nc��ing the- - entire property. A copy of the Thomas Brothers—page 686—with the subject site included vicinity map is included in this section. 3Z ( ��,�n��;� � E 3 I - 23 -- 5 �� �1�' � �I _"�-� M R M.100 � 0 � ! .✓n wwr w ++w• �� _ I � �^_ c wo w►.Ho ""� � � S � � �,V —� -ObII' `_ �T�'FG" `_^`��,, � r.�b � r �.__ _i._._'—_, � �� ,�y�_ \ �iw � +` M. Ace�r L.yMT,^ ----—"—�''� \� �W�� i�bo . 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I fAkAA� a + .a' , r �'c �r t p.� �I R< � . .?�;' -- : P� ��b' .��,or 1��f��. 1- , �I ,� k �u,� � I.�° .l�.. `_ s . ... 1 «t�v I; ~ j _ 1�.� , SYllD��1NU5. ...�__.._... . il .i _� � � . r , I , ..�.. �,� .�en ; ' � .��, _ ... .. ;'� I - .-1 ( �M1-, � 7 5[i771q.V1.� . . . . . . . . . g . .. �.R:` . . -.. . . . , . �-,:t .__ . .,.. . . ._..3; ... . ' .. . .. � � ' . .. . : . . . ,. ... . ,. . .'r.:?' �-e.:?4F'a-... . � .. TASK 2: RESOURCE REVIEW The following resources have been reviewed in the preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. Kin�County Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports The site is within the Black River Drainage Basin. King County is not providing general public assistance for basin information that is within areas recently annexed. 2. Flood plain/ floodway(FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-yr floodplain. 3. Sensitive Areas Folio ' Copies of the Streams, Wetlands, and Erosion Hazard portions of the Sensitive areas Folio I'� showing the location of the site aze ine(uded within this section. There are n� Kine C��unt�� I mapped sensitive areas within or immediately adjacent to the site 4. Drainage Investi�ation Information A chronological printout of historic drainage complaints made to the County within the area on grids 2B &2C of page 686 of the Thomas Guide is provided in Appendix I. This inforn�ation was obtained from King County DNR Drainage Investigations_ The contact person was Dave Hancock @ 296-8230. It does not appear that there are any drainage complaints that relate to the project or the downstream system. The City of Renton has been informally contacted with a request for drainage complaint information within the area. Telephone conversations with Mr. Scott Woodburry at the City revealed that there is not a}ustory of drainage problems within site or the '/< mile distance — ------davv�s�r�am.-�-Iow�v�r;�stor�vv�t�-�no�f�o��h�sit�wi�l-�ue��13L-cgnv€�g�witl�----- -- conveyance systems on the valley floor that are a concern to the City due to past capacity problems. 5. King`County Soils Survey Ma�s A copy of a portion of Sheet l 1 of the King County Soils Survey Map is included. The site is underlain with Alderwood (AgC & AgD) soils_ 6. Wetlands Inventory Ma�s The wetlands page of the folio does not show a King County Inventoried wetland wittun the site. The Existing Condition Exhibit A shows ihe field surveyed wetland boundaries on the property that were identified by the applicant. The City has been provided copies of the Wetland delineation report under a separate cover. 0 ,: Z,v� a$� •�T" � � _� J�'6--i : � •� �-�� • - �i •- � � - •�I, , � � �� � �� i s �.�� 3�V �'� ��� _� � � ep'a � i 5� O �.:. . � 6- 88V � � a 6� _ � -~.�' �f ' - � � n a � � �� ------ - �� - � • � � '� � c -; �-1� d , ■ . � a _ .r�" . • -- -- • � - �. .. �� ,� o _JgV 1� --- �n--�i-- .i� — s• , D �' nd �� � . o 0 0 • ,� - al 1 �I •� . 8 V ��n>r� O i_ � �$e �N �e �/ � 5� -7 � S ' � £i ° — tiT - i iL • _= spw8 . . ,�?,^ ,P, ,". .� ' �Htl wg ^d � � _ 1 .' � • � �a� �r' + -�'� i '� ' . �u'y a�y ; ■ sp �. � �V , - 2 • . '�, • � a � IM. ' � . �$�. lo. �HV ,Mp��boe aa � S,J � sp . �F-c.r�.r----- _ • � � � 2--\���V• --. ��IV 50 ��� - --- ---'al --- L �� . , . • . • - �OO OS . \ . � aa, �i i _ r • . . � ::��a �} p"I � • . �. .d�1tl �u'0,�• •• a�ie� �f1 �� _ J�� aao a �W��• 1. . , � �- 'e ' • .. • ° ea �1: �Wb . 'f. 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'�/.. � �, � • ` , , `, ( .�':;- '���� ' - , ,, � _, , -� I { .ti+1�{, if��l;!� v, . � , , O s,7`rc c�rr�s- � �3:'s:�'�. . . _. . .�... ..�� .. :.-. ��.�� .. � . . . . � : ....-.:.�:-:.-..;., �,.- �. :-.e- � - .� . . .. .- __..:�.` . . . _ _ � ... .. . _. . . � � ..,. �Ii:�2iiF�la:?W.�;.+qxv,.lh.� TASK 3: FIELD INSPECTION The site has been field surveyed. Topographic contours are shown on the site plan-E�ibit A. ', City of Renton Aerial Topographic information has been obtained to determine the route of the downstream conveyance system. The upstream drainage basin boundary for the area that I contributes stormwater to the site has been identified using the City of Renton Aerial Topography data that has been incorporated into E�ibit B. The site and the downstream system for '/4 mile was most recently visited on January 20, 1998. The weather during the sitc visit was overcast, and threatened to rain. Stormwater was observed to be flowing in the majority of the drainage features observed. 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems Durin�Resource Review The review of resources did not indicate that there are any ongoing problems with the downstream system. Due to the absence of significant stormwater it was not possible to observe any problems in the field. 2. Location of�xistin�,IPotential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Draina� System There were no indications that the existing downstream conveyance system for a distance of approximately '/a mile contained any existing constrictions or lack of capacity. It is recommended that there be some coordination between the Campen Design Engineer and the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat Design Engineer to ensure that the design of the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat takes into consideration the capacity requirements of the Campen property in the fully developed condition 3. Identification of Existing/Potential Flooding There were no indications of e�sting flooding within the observed downstream system_ In the future, due to increased impervious surfaces there may be a potential for flooding. 4. Identification ofExistin�/Potential Overto�ping, Scourin�, Bank Slou 7hi�or Sedimentation All of the downstream components observed were in very good condition. The ditches were generally very stable. Given the fact that the soil in the area is Alderwood, it is often the case that conveyance ditches can be constructed in this material with neazly vertical side slopes. 5. Identification of Si�,nificant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms The site is within an area that is in the process of urbanizing and has experienced a gradual decline in the process. All of the historic tributaries west of Talbot Road have been altered or eliminated in some form in the past. The areas with the best observed habitat are the stream 0 � . Y City o/Renton P/6iPW Depaifi�ent —, Tl / , Piefir�nary Report fo the Heanng Exarrnner . CAMPEN SPRINGS v � ��r"� LUA-98-039, SA-H, ECF � PUBUC HEARING DATE: MARCH 23, 1999 Page 4 ot 12 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21 C, 1971 as amendecQ, on March 2, 1999 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated. The commenUappeal period for the SEPA threshold detennination ends on March 22, 1999. At the time of the writing of this report, no appeals have been filed on the SEPA environmental determination. 3 COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of p�robable impacts from the proposal, tf�e foUowing mitigafion measures wer+e issued for the Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated. 1. The rockery wall shown along the far east boundary of the project area intrudes into the 40°k slope area. The Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ondinance prohibits clearing and grading on slopes greater than 40°�. The applicant shall either re�ise the rockery to avoid slope disturbance or apply for a variance from this code provision. 2. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. Weekly reports shall be submitted on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation submitted by the Projed Engineer of record to the Public Works Inspedor. Certification of the installation, maintenance and proper removal of the erosion control facilities shall be required prior to , Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. , ` � 3. The applicant shall provide extra stormwater detention with a 30% safety factor beyond the normal �� requirements for the 2, 10 and 100-year storm events to minimize additional downstream flooding problems. Plans for this facility shall be submitted to the satisfadion of the Development Services �?��� ��/ Division riorto the issuance of constnidion permits. /r l-f�Z� ���, The applicant shall ensure that the existing flow of spring water to the adjacent property across ��''� Talbot Road S. is maintained. The applicant shall provide further information to verify that the ���,f„� quantity of flow to the adjacent property will be maintained to comply with the water rights agreement and that the flow will not include stormwate�from the proposed development. The plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of �zs_Z��_J�n� onstruction permits. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $388 per multi-family unit and w� ��r� ��S_ ���� $0.52 per square foot for the recreation building. The fee for the residential units is estimated at $58,976. The Fire Mitigation Fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. The applicant shall be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee of a75 for each average daily trip associated with the project. The traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $64,650. This fee is ; /��`� a f,� payable prior to the issuance of building permits. // �,�y�ti �p� C,�,, 7�The applicant shall pay a Park's Department mitigation fee of $354.51 per multi-family dwelling � unit. The cost of the on-site recreation facility may be applied for up to a maximum of 1/3 of the ''� total parks mitigation fee. The required mitigation fee shall be subject to the approval of the Parks �q� �,� ,,�^ Department and the Development Services Division, and the fee shall be paid prior to the issuance �/,� of building permits. O�u.�a�'� �,n.� � ���,:��� HEXRPT.DOC �. e.�'�7'{�:..,�;:_,,. �;. ' ... . ..� .. .: . ...� '.�-:. -. _.:�.._..�.. . ... .-.. . � . . . � .. . _ .... .... . . . . .��.- . - . . ... LY✓':�..,,d�a�'iC 'A��:-'TSk- . that is described as System II, Reach 4, and the short stretch of roadside ditch along Talbot that conveys spring water runoff. 1. Collection of Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topo�raphy, and Soil Tvnes The upstream contributing drainage basin that contributes stormwater to the site is mostly undeveloped_ The soil type for the majority of the basin is Alderwood(AgC). The topography of the site, upstream basiq and downstream system is shown on E�ibit B that incoiporates the City of Renton Aerial topography data—Exhibit B. 2. Collection of Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics, and Drainage Structures. Exhibit A shows the field surveyed on-site conveyance system and the existing storm structures along Talbot Road that discharge stormwater and spring water from the site to the downstream systems. The Information provided in the Appendix I is based upon field observation taking measurements with a 25' tape and a distance-measuring wheel. 3. Verification of Tributary Basins The approximate upstream tributary basins is identified on Exhibit B. 4. Contactin� of Nei h�; boring Pro�erty Owners During the process of walking the site to field verify the direction of stormwater runoff, the son of the property owner(Mike Campen) was at the property. Mr. Campen provided information concerning the history of the spring water that leaves the site to the west ', approximatety midway along the western frontage of the property. Mr. Campen indicated that the property owner of tax parce122 had a water right of lcfs of the spring. Mike, the renter of the property to the west (tax parcels 37, 53, and 149)that is currently II proposed for development as the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat, LUA-97-1 lO,PP,SA-H,V- H,ECF, allowed access to the his site and provided information concerning the general characteristic of stormwater runoff once it enters the site he is renting. ' 5. Documentation of Existing Site Conditions The existing site conditions are documented in this report by the field topography, walking ' the site and conversations with Mr. Campen and Mr. Mike. Documentation of the downstream system immediately adjacent to the site along Talbot is based upon field survey. Documentation of the downstream system and condition is based upon walking the downstream and taking notes. The typed field observation notes of the downstream system is contained within Appendix I. �{-I 11. Collection of Quantitative Field Data Quantitative field data has been collected for the site and downstream to Talbot Road in the form of field survey. The off-site culverts and ditches were measured in the field with a 25' tape. The quantitative field data is shown on Exhibit A and on Exhibit �3. 42 I ; „�'.� . :. � ;. . . _ � . - ;: . _ _ : _.,-. , , �_ . _ : ... , _ _ _ ,_ . � � __ . . . _ . - .. •,�;�,: � TASK 4: DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM SCREENING 1. Drainage System Components Attached to this report is Exhibit A that shows the field surveyed storm drainage adjacent to the site along Talbot Road. Eachibit B shows the downstream system from the site west for '/4 mile. A copy of the downstream analysis for the proposed Talbot Road Preliminary Plat has not been obtained in the preparation of this report as the '/4 mile distance is shown on Exhibit B. However, it is important that the design of the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat take into consideration the upstream contributing basin that includes the Campen property to ensure that the conveyance within the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat site provides adequate conveyance capacity for the off-site upstream Campen area. � 2. Existing/Potential Problems There were no indications of existing problems. The majority of the area that contributes to the downstream system is currently undeveloped and covered with vegetation. This condition generally results in relatively minor runoffproblems. � . I 43 ��.�. ; . . :, . ., ,,:. .: .-_ - : . .,. . � - � _-�-.��,:�,.-�..,: TASK 5: MITIGATION The design of the Campen proposed condominium project will provide adequate mitigation in the form of providing on-site stormwater detention and water quality facilities. The detention standards applied to the project will be the standard design criteria contained within the 1990 King County SWM Manual or as determined by the City through the S.E.P.A. process. The formal application proposal to be submitted to the City will contain a preliminary storm drainage plan that will include the proposed area to be used for water quality and detention I purposes. The plan will also include preliminary calculations to substantiate the design. � -, � � �' APPENDIX I The following item is contained within this appendix. Typed Field Observation Notes of Downstream Systems for a Distance of'/4 Mile. The information in this Appendix is to be used in reference with Exhibit B. � 4� .. . . .,:. . . . .: ��:.: . , , _ ., _ . . . .: - - _ . . :. :. .. .. . :: - �.�. e . •��� Field Observation Notes of Downstream Systems for a Distance of 1/4 Mile. SYSTEM I System I consists of the spring water that leaves the site midway along the Talbot frontage. The system was walked/observed on January 20, 1998. The weather was cloudy and had rained within the past several days. See Exhibits A and B. REACA l. Reach 1 is the short section of roadside ditch on the eastern side of Talbot between the outfall of the Existing Type I CB that discharges spring water and the 12" CPEP that directs the spring water to the west. The spring water flows to the south in a well-defined ditch for a short distance of 30'. The roadside ditch is generally 2-3' wide and 1-2' deep. A stack of rocks has been placed in the ditch to direct spring water into the 12" CPEP. REACH 2. Reach 2 is the piped conveyance from the inlet of the I 2" CPEP to the e�sting CB on the west side of Talbot Road. The Existing CB has a shear gate on the inlet side and a 4" PVC pipe on the discharge side. Mr. Campen indicated that the shear gate is in place to regulate j the spring water entering the property that has water rights for lcfs of continuous flow. � During periods of high flow, the shear gate only allows a certain amount of water to flow to � the west. The overflow continues south in the ditch on the east side of Talbot to become part of the System II downstream component. REACH 3. Reach 3 was visually observed from Talbot, as the property owner was not at home. The 4" PVC appears to be buried in the ground across the front of the property and to run in a western direction to discharge directly into the ornamental pond located behind the residence on tax parcel 22. Water leaves the pond on its western side and flows in a shallow ditch to the west where it leaves the parce122 property. REACH 4. This reach was observed by walking on the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat site. A ditch on the western side of the property line immediately intercepts water leaving the tax parce122 propetty(green house). The ditch directs the water to the south for a short distance (approx. 150') where it is intercepted by a 12" CPEP culvert. The ditch is 3'-4' wide at the top and 2'-3' wide at the bottom. Side slopes are nearly vertical. O REACH 5. This reach begins at the 12" CPEP inletting pipe. The apparent direction of conveyance flow is to the south-southwest. T`he natural direction of runoff is to the west. The area to the west was investigated and no outfall was discovered within the logical locations. It is therefore assumed that the 12" CPEP continues to the south to combine with the stormwater runoff described as System II. See E�ibit B. SYSTEM II System II consists of the downstream system that begins at the existing ditch on the east side of ', Talbot at the southwest corner of the site. The system was walked/observed on January 20, 1998. ', The weather was cloudy and had rained within the past several days. , See E�ibits A and B. REACH 1. ' Reach 1 is the short section(160') of roadside ditch on the eastern side of Talbot from the I, southwest corner of the site to the 18" CPEP that discharges stormwater to the west under I Talbot. The ditch CL is 4' east of the edge of pavement, 1-2' deep, 1'2' wide at bottom with i, side slopes approx. 2:1 or greater. At the inlet to the 18" CPEP the ditch is 3' below the edge � of paved shoulder. The 18" CPEP intercepts stormwater runoff from the north ditch, a short section of the ditch to the south and water that was trickling down the bank, flowing overland from the east. ' REACH 2. Reach 2 is the open ditch that conveys stormwater from the 18" CPEP at "Talbot to the west. The ditch varies from a shallow swale meandering through vegetation to a clearly defined channel of 1-2' wide, 1-2' deep with near vertical side slopes. The ditch flows for a distance of approximately 300' to a point where it is intercepted by a 12" CPEP conveyance system. The gentleman who is renting the site (Mike) stated that the water in the ditch flows continuously year round. REACH 3. Reach 3 is the 12" CPEP that conveys stormwater from the end of Reach 2 to a point where it outfalls into a well-defined natural drainage course. The overland distance between the end of Reach 2 and the beginning of Reach 4 is 310'. At some point along this reach there appears to be a convergence with the System I stormwater_ This statement is based upon the observation that the volume of stormwater discharging from the conveyance is greater than the volume of stormwater entering the conveyance at the end of Reach 2. However, no CB structure was visible in the pasture area that would provide a conclusive determination. 47 REACH 4. Reach 3 begins at the outfall of the 12" CPEP within a well-defined natural drainage course/stream that conveys stormwater generally to the west down the hill. The drainage course is within a natural treed area. The stream at the outfall is 3-4' wide at the bottom, 3' deep with slopes that are generally vertical. Within a short distance, the stream enters a wooded ravine with cedars, cottonwood,maple and other brushy vegetation native to the northwest—including non-native blackberries. The stream within Reach 4 continues down the hillside where it eventually reaches SR 167 and becomes a part of the valley floor drainage system. SYSTEM III System III consists of the downstream system that begins at the northwest corner of the site. A project located immediately to the north of the Campen property"Springbrook" is currently under construction. During the review of the Springbrook project, a downstream analysis prepared by Triad Associates was submitted to the City. It is assumed that the City files still contain a copy of the Springbrook Downstream analysis. It is therefore not included in this report. Due to the small size of the Campen site that currently generates stormwater to the System I II route, the applicant is proposing to divert the entire site into the route described in System II, with the exception of the spring water flows that will continue to be provided to the System I route. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: When the information was collected for the City of Renton Aerial topography that is shown on Exhibit B, it appears that the System I and System II stormwater within the Talbot Road Preliminary Plat site was conveyed as surface water within ditches that converged near the southwest corner of t�parcel#122. At some time in the recent past a 12" CP�P piped conveyance system was installed. The visual absence of a junction CB where the System I and System II conveyance lines converge leads to a bit of confusion. However, the quantity of stormwater being discharged from the conveyance at the beginning of the stream leads one to conclude that the to systems do converge. � _ ._- . .. . _ . , .. ;�. ��,: .-.- .,,. _ , . : -. . .,. _ ... ,. -_ _ ...�,..�,.:�x�, . . _ ... . . �.�. ;�;N.. APPENDIX II The items contained within this appendix aze as follows: Copy of King County Drainage Complaint Information Copy of Talbot Road Preliminary Plat—Notice of Application Copy of City of Page 5331 Renton Surface Water Drainage System �, . . . _-. . _. . . . , , . .. ., . .. �1..`.: . ... . ' . �.: _ � ' .��� . �. - '- � . . .. . - �.. �. - . . . . .,.; . .: ; _ � - . � � .. .. � � � -� . . . . . . . _ _ _ . .. : . F•, . . - . . . � . . � l, t-�;'� . � . . . 4g Jrn7.G1. 1770 1•77M1-1 I�l. V7LKU IVV.C74 Y. 1�G � Kin�unty_'V�ater and L:and Resources Division � 700 FiRh Avc,Suita 2200 i Seattle,WA 98I04 , bate: �• �a �� � Number of pages including cover sheet: � � . ` Faxed by: ' • . � - Ta: Vt�.��� � �. .,-� v,; .s. Fram: Candi McKay_Eng, Aide WLR Local Drain�e Services Fax Number:(4?�)1�-Coo�-4' phone: 296-8045 Phone:cr4�s)Ja�-81$ Fax Number: Z96-0192 YtE: I.eve11 Anaivsis To �ollow is a list of complaints received by the Water and Land Resources Division Local Dra.inage Services Unit, Complaint numbers beginning prior to 90-}� (1990) are not easiiy retrieved and/or may not be beneficial duc to their age, development whicb has occurred, etc. If you are interested in revi�wing the actual complaints, I caa pull them(time permitting)�or your rev�ew. Copies can be obtained for $.50 for the first page{8-1/2 x 1 I), $.25 for each additionat page, and$2.00 per page for plans. Additional notes: , � JI"11�.G1.1 770 1•7'M��i 1t1. WLK11 �•�� �•�/� COMPI,Id TY PROBLEM TYPE OF PTFspv NUMBER PE ADDR853 PROBLEM COI�NTS TFi BR __�S�mG c-G OG_v� r0 ___���OG-__��0� —= �oOS=xss� OC__���mC_�_>>OC'-���Q==GGOG== ��.�OG 75-0066 C 19225 SPRINOBROOI{ RD S POND MUADY CONDITION 686B2 82-0163 C I0034 SE 190'TFl ST FLDG 686B2 86-03A7 C 1H600 TALBOT RD S8 FLDG IN RENTON 686BZ B8-0130 7C 19219 102ND AVE SE DRNG � PARKRIDGE EAST/OVERF'LOW AND 686B2 fiROSION 90-2610 C 73Q S 55TH ST FLDG 8R015ZON, SI,IDE/HOIISE CONST 68682 93-008� C IO2 AV � 187 ST INQ WINDSOR fI4HT9 _DHVELOPM£NT 686C2 ' 93-0965 C Z8811 104TFi PL SS DRNG COUGAR l�?ADOWS 686C2 94-0�33 C 19223 98TFI PL S EROSION DETERYORATING FVT ROAD 686C2 94-0955 C 10320 SE 186TH ST' DRNG OROUND WATER ZMPACT TO 696C2 CRAWLSPACS 95-0550 WQC SE 1Q4TH & 19ZND A SE �ER$ICID 1Ci0 EVIDENCE OF HERBACIDE 686C2 APPLICA?ION 95-Q7�0 C 18652 103RD CT SE DRAINAf3E ALLEDGED DRAZNAGE FROM pLAT 686C� ZMPACT PROP 95-0770 R 18862 103RD CT SF DRAZNAGFi ALLEGED DRAINAGE FROM 1?LAT 686C2 IMPACT PROP 96-�015 C 10339 SE 187TH PL C/B PVT DRNG SY3 CONC8RN5 EJ,EV OF 686C2 CB 96-0146 FCR 18H08 202ND AVS S$ POND SHEET FLOPi SPREADSR IMPACT 686C2 NE IGABORIi00D 95-0�46 R 18808 102h'D AVE SE POPTD SHEET FLOW SPRSADER IMPACT 666C2 NEIGH80RH�OD 96-07p1 C 1Q320 SE 194TH ST DRNG SH�$T FLQW GRND WATER INIPACT 6H6C2 PVT PROP 96-0817 FCR 10335 5E 18?TH PL RET WALL VANDALTSM OF BLf?CK RETAZNING 686CZ WALI� 96-I259 R 18862 103itD cr. B EASEMEriT D/S NEIGF�OR wILI, btAINTAZN 696C2 96-1332 FCR �8851 203RD CT. E A/D POND MAZNTENANCE ACTIVYTY R/D POND 68fiC2 97-0600 C 19121 104TH FL E DRAINAGE OBSTRUCTED DTZAZNAGE pVT PApP 6B6C2 IMP 97-Q758 C J,9215 98 1'�I AVE S, #E DRAZNAaB CONCFs'RN RE POPIf) SYDE 5I.OPES 686C2 r�rs srnrm 97-1107 WQC 192Z3 98 TH PL ZRONOXID SFiEET FLOW zRON OXID$ 686C2 . AISCFiAFtGE OVER SW 97-1213 C 18862 103RD CT E PIPE PVT PIPfi INSTALL IN EASIIKENT 686C� PVT REPAZR 97-1384 C 18646 i00TH E C'ULVERT SHEET FLOW �'ROM PRNATE RD IMP 68682 PVT PROP �� �� U��Y �� A ♦ � ♦ '��'N'r�� NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: DECEMBER 30, 1997 Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The .�Ilowing briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. . ROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-9T-110,PP,SA-H,V-H,ECF J TALBOT ROAD PRELIMINARY PLAT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Bumstead Construdion, seeks Preliminary Plat, Site Plan and �ariance approval to subdivide a 26.6 acre site into 51 singie family residential lots and two lots for townhomes and �ndominiums for a total of 53 lots. The proposed site plan would allow for the conslrudion of 106 townhomes and 24 �ndominium dwelling units. The requested variance trom the Wetland Management Ordinance would allow for the �,onstiudion of the roadways and utilities within the buffer areas of the wetlands. �ENERAL LOCATION: 4915 Talbot Road South and 5017 Talbot Road South TUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: WeUand Sludy 'UBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Site Plan Approval Preliminary Plat Approval Variance Approval :omments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Mark Pywell,Project Manager,Projeci Manager, Jevelopment Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on February 9,1998. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on February 1T,1998 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor `Aunicipal Building,200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development �ervices Division,277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in vriting by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your commenls on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions aboul this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive addilional infortnation by mail,contact Mark Pywell,at 425-277-5588. Anyone who submits written comments 'II automatically become a paRy of record and will be notified of any decision on this project_ PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION )ATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 14,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DECEMBER 30,1997 )ATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: DECEMBER 30,1997 �,.-,. � ,•: + � � � '�` �ti . �T �_ ��rW 4tt7's,�`1-���1 �J_ � ��T�� � `. �! _ _ ' �!��- ��-�'��—..� ; _ r� , � � � __ 1 r+ �6 �k"�"K�\:. , '' _ . ; . `, ���i�L - -- 1 '� - o �v'; � L"e' Il}=1 � . �����✓'�s +'E �-�i � . . � •(( ' ' _�'��.. _- -� �� f r ? �r.� " ii - 'I. , �! i .. '_. �; � --'� _ � - I ;. 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' 1 WA R V 7 T - ' ' M:L `�i f 7E T 1' T 5 Ok � 1 �E � �\ � ♦ F AM FqU o � �,c P� 'i i;: L�=_-'- f- � ] I � � � 1 �I' LE�.i56.52 �M � �`,4� {} `�'I 1Yt,C�EC ,����`-� � l f ��'u N, .i� y z. �@' o . , o.: � , � � ,� �S . i. - I . � G LH.t�"'35 ;o, . t2'�C�PEC o o � l `�f�o .� l>.%.-'�... '\- ' � � �-� �� , i�. , , � ' � � � �' � ' . . I` .�. ':\. 1: .) � , � � . . LEGEND � � � `� ' � i � 6 wOOD FENCE i � � • ' i I ` " t ' "�/ . . % ' ' .. I ; { I ' I � ��'\ `���� ' . 6i QS�R�tJ : i � � ❑ CATCH BASIN . I I O SANITARY MANHOLE �y I C£ FIRE HYDRANT h � � WATER METER �� � �Q WATER VALVE +Z I -o- POWER POLE I I � o MAI�BOX � i � SIGN EXIS11NG CONDmON MAP { � --P— POWER CAMPEN APARTMENT SlTE �SEl-�H55J3 —S�— SANITARY SEWER � t.E.B-ta7Z6 EXHIB(T A I I � � SCALE: 1 " = 1 00' �� SECTION IV � DETENTION FACILITY DESIGN EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY(PART A) The project site is within a portion of the Northeast quarter, of the Sautheast quarter, of Section 31, Township 23 North,Range 5 East, V�'illamette Meridian,King County, Washington The propert_y is located to the east of Talbot Road between S. 50� St. and S. 51 S' Ct. Three existing residences ��-ere recently removed frorr► the property. The remainder of the site is presently undeveloped and is mostiy covered with pasture grass, shrubs and trees native to the north��vest_ A wetland area was recently created on both sides of the proposed driveway entrance. The existing ground has slopes rang-ing from generally flat(northeast corner of the property)to 42% (central steep portion of the property). The slopes ��vithin the area of the proposed development have slopes that average 12%. The site is underlain ��vith Alderwood(AgC and AgD) soils. Most recently, surface water runoff and year round spring water flo�ved to the west to be intercepted bv an open ditch drainage system on the eastern side of Talbot Road. A verv small amount of the surface stormwater runoff that entered the ditch near the northwest corner of the property flowed to the north. There was a 12"CPEP culvert mid�vay along the Talbot frontage that was designed to intercept spring water and direct it to the west. The recent creation of the wetlands includes new piping that will continue to provide water to the property across Talbot Road. The remainder of the surface and spring water flows to the southwest corner of the property, where it is directed to the west under Talbot Road in an 18"CPEP culvert. The site is within the Black River Draina�e sub- basin of the Green River Basin. V "fhe eiisting condition peak flows for the development areas were generated, and are included in the following pages. The newly created wetlands and buffers are intended to mimic natural conditions, and�vere therefore not included in the basin. � � � 3s � �� O � � ; � � d /:' � � � \ ;, I ��n �.. � � \'�g g`.. �,.� - •. -%���.i` ;r � � `� � � --,, f � � � � � i � .....,7.._ , i j�' - ' � �ii; �� � ��, v� _ 3.or.r�.�oH . ._ ''�,Y �i J i',' ! �i�h�Ll�OIV /, � ', � �' i f ., � !� ; � , _. ,.. ,l6'B91 , �/. ii \.......�._....� , � - + � , : :i � i� : � : ,......_...�� . % �p , .\-., � i j. 1 •' /�/ .'�, � :��I � i%i�� � ..�. 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Whe '' �, _.............���- � _ � t o�. . .. . ... . — — " ' _ � .!....- ... �� �� � . . ..-'—..-.� ---"' . M��----- T-r1..— � . M M . .pDci'+�i�xx�-- 3S4f.BS.00N — — _... _-�_'_T's'3• I'. ` �a+. s,,b1� '-.�� - - - — •� . ., , .:; ..__ ...._ ..._. .... _.. ..... } . _ n d �I�g6 .; ,� _. "a � y .....p N N ... ... � 167 ^..�,�/.. ••-���^ .. 160- � . . ., .�.� �i�. ,..... . .t �� ,�:..-��i .�..4.,.. ppp yyy��� . .. 1 �.1.:.�.. _, ,..... .� . � 1 � � � ��� � � �N FA �ry�l� O� �J�l S J � � �� -�e �__ ��' � > � � � �di0 B�C � �� $d� N��b � g � s�W a�a � � ��_� ���= . a � ��. d y �- �oB 9739� DMP, INC. Engineering - Surveying - Land Planning SHEETNO. OF 1215 So. Central Ave. Suite 133 CALCULATEDBY AS� DATE�/T/� KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 (253) 854-9344 CHECKED BY DATE FAX (253) 854-6663 SCALE . . .__ ._. ._.._ _ _. .. ... . .. _. . I .DFr��vTioN �Ac���ry �ESi��v_ _ __..... �.... -.. _. _. , �� ��- �� �5 /kc, ' _ _. � _ EX1S 7/NG CoNoi r.�on/ !..... __:_ ..._.._- b�t,�,� _.d��we2�e.d:.= !D � A�...._ .. :_. _ !...._. _. ._._ _� :_.... ...pc� �� _ . ..... 1-s�� ' : _ _ _ _ _ . _... ..�._ ICN UAG� : -... _. ' _ _ ',.... ..._ _ �,�.���►1� ;... .. _ _ _ _ _ C/��r/v ccS� _'._... ._----... A2e,4 ,__._ . :_ ..._..._- : C�✓ ;�:f�e�-�,.,�_, 9..�._ �c� __. ___ P�,E'vio ws _ _ �_ __ ...:. 8_�� _ __ :... ___� � '_... wooOS ___..... _... .. .___ _ _ �g ' _ ......_.'.. .....__ B/ ; ..__.. ....__. . __ _ _ :_......�. _ P�Js�v2� ___.__..... .i. ...:....__ .:_. _ 3.�7 _ : ... ... . :. .. .___ _ �s __ _ ..._ _ __ ': ._.. .. �_... 0./3 _ ...._.. _ � ;__._ ' 8`1 :__ ._ _ _ _ I �l����L --- _. .:. o.�z� ;_/oo .._...:.._ .:.._._. . , 1�1..�E2r'�/oc,�S _._.. _.. _ _ _._._..:.._._... - � _ �'�������.�� __._ 0.07 _ _ . _. _._ _ _ 98'. _ , __ , _._. ..._. : ...._ Gc�ET��N�S �.__ - ._. :.___ 0. 6 5 __ _ .._ : . . ; -.--......: ._ /oa � - ;.._.. __:__. _ __ _ ..._. _._ _ ----- ._ ._. _ Ti,�-�� _o�- e��vc�nir2A�fo�✓ .:_ -� - �. g _ _ � _. _ T _ -' D•:�f2 ��s L) _� � .. :.. .._. ._.. _ ..::..... ...o.... .. � °.s . S' °. � 6vx K so =- __' _ _ _.z o __ : ___ _ .. _... � __ _ I _ _ __.__ __ _.._ __ _ _.. _ _ :.._. L - �/S4_� wN_�RE_.: �� = O. `f0 CwooAS J __ _ _ __. .. _ _ � L_ = �ae'_ ` k_ " L/ _�2 = __2�i�l :__. ': . . :..._ _S'o ti_�2/7 ' �'6Z��5�SD _ _: _ ; `� _ _ S'o v �2 7�f ` Z�� _._.. x 4- /Z.���i` _ __ ��300 ___ ___ _... _ _ _ _ _ z__ a, i9 �`/f� __ _ __ _ _ ;_ _ .. � . _ . . _ • , , �.. . � �c__ = Z6. E, t 2. 0 = 2$ 6__ �i�v_ _.._..._ . _. . _..... . _._�_, , ._ :.._.. .. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _� __ ' 3 PFODL'CT 2C6 1 IS�n�k$n..�tsl F7rt(°aAoedl �X�STiNC� Conl.�iTioN S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP(II�TCHES) 2, 24, 2 , --------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 29-HOUR STORM **** 2. d0" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV� , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV} , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 S . o, 83, .72, 100, 2$. 6 DATA PRINT-OUT: � AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) I A CN � A CN I 9.3 8.6 v 83.0 .7 r100.0 28. 6 � ' PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) 1 .05 7 .83 26784 ENTER [d: ] [�ath] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: a:ex2 � S .C.S. TYPE-IA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION{HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) 10,24, 2 . 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORI�I **** 2. 90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A{PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 8 . 6, 83, .72, 100, 28. 6 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC {MINU'I'ES) A CN A CN 9. 3 8 . 6 83.0 .7 100.Q 28. 6 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) `�OL(CU-FT) 2 . 29 7.83 49908 EAITER [d: ] [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: a:ex10 � O �x�SriN� coN.D�TioN S.C. S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBIITIDiJ ENTER: r REQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , r'RECIP (INCjiES j 25, 24, 3. 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ****************"*** ********* 25-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3. 40" TOTAL PRECIP. ***'��**** L - _ ��� _______________________-_____--_-_-----__-_'_-_-_-_______-''______---_ ENTER: A{PERV) , CN(PERV) , A{IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 8 . 6, 83, .72, 10�, 28. 6 D�1� PRINT-CL��: FiREA(ACRES) P��VIOL'S IMPERVZOUS TC (MINUTES) A ;N A C�� 9. 3 8 . 6 8;. 0 .7 �00 . 0 :8 _ 5 ��F.E<-Q iCFj; i-P:;r;K (HRSj `��0�� (CrJ-F�i) � . Ob 7.83 63887 E::TER [d: J �path] filename( .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMFUTED HYDROGRAPH: � . :�:..'�• S.C.S. TYPE-lA R�TNFALL DIS`�'�IBLT'TICA� ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR} , PRECIP(INCHES) 100,24, 3 . 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** **"*;*� 'r iOO-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3. 90" TOTAI, PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- f=,N1ER: E:{rERV) � CN(PERV) � �(IMPERV) � CN(TMPERV) � TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 �t . 6, 83, . 72, 1CO3 %'8 . �; DATy PR.�P�IT-CL�T: AREA{ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) A CN A CN 9 .3 8. 6 83.0 .7 100.0 28.6 ?EAK-Q (CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-F"T) 3 . 87 ?. 83 78383 ENTER [d: ] (path) filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: a:exiCO O DEVELOPED STI`E HYDROL�GY(P.ART B) � The western portion of the site w�ill be developed into an apartment complex w-ith associated parking and driveways. Wetland areas have been crea#ed on bott�sides of the proposed entrance to mitigate for the loss of the existing wetlands. Runoff from the upstream areas wilt be collected and conve_yed through man-made channels and pipes to the new wetland areas, and wi11 bypass the proposed detention facilities. There are two proposed detention vaulU�i�etvault facilities proposed for this development, which will be constructed on both sides of the entrance road. The wetvault portion of the facility vvas oversized by 50 percent to compensate for the lack of biafiltration facility. Water to the property across TaIbot Road will be provided by piping water from the new wetland areas. The construction plans show the proposed draina�e facilities. Portions of the property that will not drain into the propased detention facility ii�ere considered as bygass areas. Compensating storage for the bypass areas w-ill be provided. The created wetlands will mimic natural conditions and were therefore excluded from the drainage basin. Tbe following pages includes a map and data used in generating the peak flo��v rates from the on-site and bypass areas. :�: .. _ � ,, _ , � _ � _y.:; . < < :: : , � � ,!�� � ;��' r : � � �y�ili������. if�,' [ � _ �!� y���Z^.<;��_ • — ���•��=.iTi..�'..n..n. + 'Y'1�' !�".�S! i.�! "�"" .,r.�:'-:�'.yrye V efaT.••!^'sTT• 4} .t �,�,i� .;:f, . .���. �� ���.. _. . '�r ��9 '�.,.,,y. � . "' �. :`c _ . � Q �� - � � � :(� ��.� � �" "a' � �� � � ; : G � - °�� � 4:� �•._.��� j: �;� �l�� ',� s � � ':,'� ��;} � .� i � 's. � � ,; � �� � ,�� � ��� ��'� � � � .ar� L��'..�' �. i `� �' ��s, �i�„�� _� � s � ' :!.' �s� �� ��rs �,' �.; i � _ �-��.� ��� � , � -� ■ i �. .. .�.����e� .ar �C!�' � . �+v'.'A1i : ���� ` ��'" :. � :���.��f, ����1� � � `�`����� 6�, �„� �;..... �.�a '1N:+=—�:'+'�zr► >`; �—q�! '�� ��j�� �+ �3i��"'.� e.��-"'�w - � ` � �♦ ��a— '' ' � � � � ,�,,� � , : i��! ��' ���� - � �!, . � I R � ��1,�. � — . ��_ _� � �i � .� -- rl\1��!: ,� � I� / �—_ — � ���:�_l�������'��u�° �� .�, L. � • ,- —'��' �� � - 1 �: � , _ �; , ,�� � '; ..� _� � : ; ,�,�� �� � iD',M1 ��i '� � ��� '�. _', , � "` � '���� �� r, '., _ �� ''�i` � �� ��..° � • ' � �! � . , � /: �� � � p �� ��� � a `s � `� �°'��, � I �r'�i:�'� � ,. -� : t �� � ;�: ' ` ���y� r: ��l � �. l� . � `.",_� _ - _ �..✓� �� u� � 6� � �;� � -->`� � _ .�� ;i � ; _.�� � '* p�-�'`� ,._, �-i I 'r�r�+ 'O� =`�u ! 51� + ! � ,�,_ < � +�� �' � =�` � �"fr:�>< e � ��.e� = �� ��� ' � 1 t ��w► ��a � � : � : � � . � � ` ' � ___ ; �"'" _,� �'�' � ��i : o �,�,_ jl � � _ _ � �„ ���� ' � I , / �� � g. , �■ . 1 . � �,1 __,_,..�_ _ �,. ...;c,,,•:w;• ,,,¢c4'":ir`d�r��ws.s..l���...'_." "".�°�y�� . JN��_— , ._.r.�.Bs�.`m�+�'} +Yn1�4'��:Y_.. .. i..�i. :r��.s����4.tilY' �. . �,�� I- I �� � � , , I I � / r , v �oB 9��90 DMP, INC. Engineering - Surveying - Land Planning SHEEf NO. OF 1215 So. Central Ave. Suite 133 CALCULATED BY�.SP pATE KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 (253) 854-9344 CHECKED BY DATE FAX (253) 854-6663 , sca�e I �y�,4ss ,eEA _ '. . ._ :_.._. . ;... : ._.: _ I�E VEL6PF� CDN.o�TibN ± � � ; ' CN'_ VA LUE , ' ' -:-. ..._ ... . :. ._... , Lf+N.D_ u.s� .._.. . ___ A��A _ :.._._.:_._ �N _.:.. :. ; PF�evfou s ... .. .._ --- ... :. o, 39 �......._r ._ 86 _ � .... _ IM/aF�v/ot,c._S_ _. _ _:. (_��5. 1�. _.__ :.... ;_98 _ _ .__ _ _ ;... . __ ' : _.. : ._.._ ��,°� Ac: -._..._.. . _ _ _ _.:.__ ��M� ' OF C0IVCEN T�AT/0/1/_ : _.. .._ ._. ._.a . . ..;.. :._._.. __.. __ ..._:. . .; .__. :.__. : _ O.B _. _. ..._ . ___ . � _ �. �Z ��S L/ __ :_ . .. .. .:. i .__ ._. ..... , .._... ._ , � °, s S °'� _ _ - s _ _: _ Lt/NE2E : __�'L S __= Q. /,S� CG��N�._ ; ........:_ s ` . _ , .._ L _= 88 ' _ __ _ _: -._.. _ .:__ :. _ ' P � Z_ iN : . _ _. _ - .._._ :.. _ z_ - __ _ :. ' ' So : x (!_95 — /88}f 8 �3 ; _� _... - . .. _ _.. _. . _.__. L 4,;_d 8_����� _ __._ . ..._: . ; ._. ..._. ... � : .� �. . __ .. • T� =_ �'._�3 Min�. __.. . . .... , .. .. ._ .. _ ....... .. ..... .. . .. .. . _ . .. .. __. _ _ _ . . . . � . . : ... �.. _ _ � _ _ � NFUDUC-:.��.S�m�VSn��sl2fb 11°erGed� 13 U�/�SS A�F A -.C>E'V E"L�/'F.�? CC�NDI T/ON I S.C.S. TYPE-1A RAINFALL DISTRIBUTTON ENTER: FREQ{YEAR) , DURATION (HOURI , PRECIP (INCHES) � 2, 29,2 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------ I ******************** S.C. S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** '! ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.00" TOTAL FRECIP. ********* I -----------------------------------------------'---——---------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV} , A(IMPERV) , CN{IMPERV} , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 _39, b6, .51, 98, 6.43 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA{ACRES} PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC {MINt3TES} A CN A CN . 9 .4 86_ 0 .5 98 .0 6.4 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK{HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .32 7 .83 4486 ENTER [d: ] [path] filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: a.bp2 ' S_C.S. TYPE-1A RAINFALL DISTRIBUTIOIJ ENTER: FREQ(YEAR} , DURATION(HOJR} , PRECIP(INCHES} 10, 29, 2 . 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ! ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 . 90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A{pERV) , CN(PERtT) , A{IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 . 39, 86, . 51, 98, 6. 43 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES} PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC {MINUTES) A CN A CN . 9 .4 86.0 . .5 98.0 6.4 PEAK-Q(CFS} T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) . 51 7. 67 7172 � ENTER [d: } [path] filenarte[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAFH: a:bp10 � 13`�PASS AREA -DC VELD�E.D Co�D17iON S.C.S. TYPE-1A RAINF�LL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ{YEAR} , DURATION{HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) � 25, 24, 3 . 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C. S. TYPE-1r� DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 25-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3. 40" TOTAL PRECIP. **t****** ENTER: A(PERV} , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV} , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 . 39, 86, .51, 98, 6. 43 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVI�US IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES} A CN A CN I . 9 .4 86. 0 . 5 98 . 0 6.4 PEAK-Q (CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL{CU-FT} . 63 7 .67 8707 ENTER [d: ) [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: a:bp25 S.C_S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRISUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR} , DURATION {HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) 100, 24, 3 . 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-iA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3. 90" TOTAL PRECIP. *x******* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PER��) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV; , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 . 39, 86, .51, 98, 6. 43 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVI�US TC (MTNUTES} A CN A CN . 9 .� 80. 0 . 5 98 .0 6. 4 FEPK-Q(CFS? T-FE'r1h'{HRS1 VOi� (CJ-FT i . 74 7 . b7 1026'�, ENTER id: ] [pa�h] filena�re � .e:�t; FOR S'1'012AGE O� CC^�PliTE� H����OGRA�H: G:bpi00 \ �(.:J DMP, INC. �06 __q�.39 a Engineering - Surveying - Land Planning SHEETNO. OF 1215 So. Central Ave. Suite 133 CALCULATED BY_�•S/� DATE KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 (253) 854-9344 CHECKED[3Y onTE FAX (253) 854-6663 SCALE _ .I,ETFNrioN rAC�Lir�l ..1)�S�GN : _ �. _ ,�o� Y _ . _ _ ___ _... _ __ _ � ` � ___ __. _ _.. .__ . .D�I��LQf-'E.D CoNDIrIDhI _... -��,, -_ _.__ _.. _ � _ .___. _ . __. . _.. __ _ . � CnJ__ i/AC,c.0 E__; __ . _. _ _ __. _ � __ .. L Arvv__(,�-S�_ _. ...� _A,eEq: l . .. _ _ c'rV , , ' �°F�r��oc.�s . . :__ -. ' ':.._ __ _ Z� 29 �_ _ �6 _ . _ : _-- ,_ L.�u��/ , �. . : ; . _ �.�4 , . ; _ 8� __ LMPE,e r//of.cS . _�O, /3 `� _ ;__ : _ � ___ , ___ : ` ,6u���C7rn�GS_ >_- . Z.So _ 9� _..__ ' ...__ _ 0/Zi v��tJA y� S��Fc,JACK�FTE' __..:. 3_, 63__ : _ _ �g _..._. . �'iM� _ 4f Cc��vc�NT�.4T"��N ___: _ . ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ o __ _ %G o, �2 � �'1s C ��� D. �2 �12� � v. � � ` � � ) � _ 1 _ PZ'� So °'°' _ _ P 'S So °� � _ 6o X V _ _ � _ f'L� =_ a��o __ �Zs= o, o�� L. = _6 2� _ G,/f�F�e� : _ L =_ �/S � L. - 3 ' V - f _ _ _ - 9 _ __ . . - 3 �.� _ 2 , ^ _ - __ _�Z __ rd � _._ ;P_- Z,i,/__ �,� ,_ _ _ . _ _ _.__ _... _. S'o -� �2(,�_'ZSo)�y5_. :_So �.:Q,DS /{� ' - �..._. _ _ �__o . 38 ��/�'�_ _ _ _. . -- __ _ _ . . _:.. . . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ . ,',_ T� = �. � f- 0. � __ -�- �. S = 8 • 4� M��v. �._ ,/ PP.ODUCT 2W 1 Itingle St[Plsi 2�Yi-I IPaltletl� ���s�1�" A��� - D� ✓��_���.� cd�vt��r���r'�� s .c .s. r t�E-ZP �z�v�aLL �I s�rRiBt,�mzorl I ;NTER: FREQ(YEAR} , �URATION{HOIIR) , PRECIP �INCHES; 2, 24, 2 -------------------------------------------------------------—-- ******************** S.C.S. lYPE-lA DISTRZ�iUTICN ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 . 00" TOTAi, PRECIP_ ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV} , CN (IMPERV; , TC FCR BASIN NO. 1 2 .29, 86, 6. 13, 98, 8 . 4 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PER�,7IOUS IMPERVICUS TC (MINUTES) A CN A CN 8. 4 2. 3 86_0 6. 1 98 .0 8. 4 PL�-Q(CFSj 'I'-PEAK{HRS) VOL (CU-FT) 3 .27 7. 83 46528 E�;"lER [d: � [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COT�PUTED HYDROGRAFH: � .de:�� S.C.S . T'��E-ir� Rt1II�t�ALL DISTRiBDTICN ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR} , PRECIP(INCHESj 10,24, 2 . 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRISUT'1GN ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2. 90" TOTAL PRECIF. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: P(PER.V) , C?vz t PERV) , A�ZMPERV j , C�1{IMPERV) , TC FOR BAS IN NO. 1 2 . 29, �36, 5 . 13, 98, 8 . 1 DATl-� FR�i�I�-O�T: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPER�lIOUS TC (MiNUTES) A CN A CN B . 4 2 .3 86.0 6.i 98.0 8.4 FEHI{-Q(CFS; T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) 5 . 10 7. 83 72475 ENTER [d: ] jpath] fi�ename� . ext] F�R STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYBROGRT3PH: a:dev�0 �iZ l �r�-5�t�� �rzE,� -Q���c�.��� c::_';�.}r�l�.�I�'f�1`,� S.C. S_ TYPE-1A RAII�r�L•�, DISTRIBU1IaN EivTER: FREQ{YEAR} , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECiP (I�CHLS) 25, 24, 3 . 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ******�r************* S.C.S. TYPE-lA DIS'I'RIBUTIQN ******************** ********* 25-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3. 40" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CNtPERV} , A{IMPERV) , CN (IMPERV` , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 � .29, 86, 6_ 13, 98, � _ 4 �ATA PRINT-OUT: APEA;ACRES) PER�TIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC {MiNUTES) A CN A CN 8 . 4 2 .3 86. 0 6. 1 98. 0 8.4 PEA�:-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT} 6 . 13 7 .83 87154 �NTER [d: � [path] filename [ .ext] FOR ST�RA�E OF COMPIITED HY�ROGR�PH: a:de�-2 5 S.C.S. 'I'YPE-1A RAINFAi�L D�STRIBIITION �.NTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATICN(HOUR} , PRECIP(INCHES) 100,24, 3. 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ****�`**************� S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTICN ******************** ***x***** 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3. 90" TOTAL PRECIP. **�****** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A;PERV} , CN(PER�T) , A(IMPERV} , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NC. 1 2 .29, 86, 6.13, 98, 8 . 4 DA�'A PRINT-OUT: P�EA;ACRES} PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MIiv'UTES) A CPd A CN 8 . 4 2 .3 86. 0 6.1 98.0 8. 4 P�A'�-Q;CE'S} T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CL7-FT) 7 . 1; 7.83 101951 ���1,LR [d: ] [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF' COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: a :de`=1�� /3 � �rz :�.... .,.�;_ ' . . . . -.,�F. .. . :. ..... .,.: . . . . . � - . .. . .� � - . . ,. . . . � .... . -... ... , ., . .. . w .� ' I _ , HYDROLOGIC ANAI.YSIS (PART C) i The proposed detention facility will be divided into t�vo equally sized detention vault/wetvault on both sides of the proposed entrance road. "I'he vaults w�ll be connected to a single control structure that was designed to release the required flow rates. It is required to match the existing peak flow rate for the 100-yr storm. An additional 30 percent t��as added as required by the City of Renton. The wetvault portion of the facility �vas oversized by 50 percent in lieu of providing a separate biofiltration swale. 14 I�ETf!U r/�N �A UL T DF.�!��1/ s, ° SL•I��IARY OF INPUT ITEMS � ` �� � ' � 1) TYPE OF FACILITY: VP_ULT �'°' v 2) STORAGE DEPTH(ft) : 9.50 3) VERTICAL PERMEABILITY(min/in) : .��_� 4) PRIMARY DESIGN HYDROGRAPH FILENAf•t'�: a::::�-✓-0:; �--- /DO��f/2 STp2/`1 S) PRIMARY RELEASE RATE(cfs) : 3.� • b) NUMBER OF TEST HYDROGRAPHS: 2 TEST HYD 1 FILENAME: a:dev2 `i'FsRGE'1 RELEA5��cfsj : .73 �-� 2 - `��Q ST�l2/"J TEST HYD 2 FILENAME: a:devl0 TARGET RELEASE(cfs) : 1.7��-- /UJ- `�%Z STUr`U") -�) NUMBER-OF-ORIFICES, RISER-HEAD(ft), RISER-DIAM(in) : 3, 15.00, 18 � S) ITERATION DISPLAY: NO p. �l-F/`�: PERFOFtMANCE: INFLOW TARG6T-OUTFLOW ACTUAL-OUTFLOW PK-STAGE STORAG�� i?ESIGN HYD: 7.17-lOQYR��7o'� 3.13 3.13 15.00 187i� �- STD2RG� KEC,��J '_"�ST HY"D l: 3.27 .73- .73 12.24 7�30 � '�'LST HYD 2: 5.10 1.7 i 1.78 13.50 1248G ���Ur 3� �O f.S, �� : 3,��- �LcoyR -(�� -o�y( laoy,�-�y-�SS� STRUCTURE DATA: R/D-VAULT � 5 ` , = 1.05 �2y(t-(nt� , �•3Z �2y r -� � L,2�t (10y�-�.e) , O.sl (;e .��., ..� . RISER-HEAD VAULT-BOTTOM-AREA STOR-DEPTH STdRAGE-VOLUME 15.00 FT 4163.6 SQ-FT 4.50 FT 1�71� CU-FT TRIPLE ORIFiCE RESTRICTOR: DIA(INCHES) HT(FEET) Q-MAX(�FS) 50TTOM ORIrICE: 2.78 _00 .$10 use 2 3;4" (���fiJC E S(�� ?4IDDLE ORIFICE: 5.77 12.24 L 50u use 5 3j4" TOP ORIFICE: 4.97 13.50 .820 use 5" _tOU`LZidG L'A'�'A: �"�AGE(FT) DISCHARGE(CFS) STORAGE(CU-FT) PERM-AREA!�Q-FTl _00 - .00 .0 _S 1_50 .26 .0 .i� 3.00 .36 .0 _., 4.50 .44 .0 .0 6.00 .51 .0 _., �.50 .57 .0 .G 9.00 .63 .0 _J 0.b 0 - .68 0 -------. .�_ � �.00 .72 6245.4 .0 i2.24 .73{'2YlZ 7244.7 .0 v.. :' ,-,- :;; . . f _�rr�.; - -� f � i3.50 1.73ir. (ey1� 12490.8 .0 . 1�.00 3.13 E- �ppyR 18736.2 .0 15. 3.65 �9152.6 . � 15.20 9.55 19563.9 .c 15.30 5.70 19935.3 . ., 15.40 7.04 20401.6 .0 =5.50 3.57 20818.0 _ � 15.60 10.04 21234.4 .0 15.70 10.62 21650.7 _0 r�VERAGE VERTICAL PERMEABILITY: .0 MINUTES/INCH SPE�.I1"�': F - FII,E, �I - IdEi^]JOB, P - P�IN`? TFiOF, I: - R^ViSE, S - STOP �S ENLARGEMENT OPTION: ALLOWS FOR INCREASING STORAGE AT A SPECIFIED STAGE HEIGHT, TO PROVIDE A FACTOR OF SAFETY. ENTER: STORAGE-INCREASE('%j , STAGE-HEIGHT(ft) � 30,15 PERFORMANCE: ZNFLOW TARGET-OUTE'LOW ACTUAL-OUTFLOW PK-STAGE STORAGE DESIGPI HYD: 7.17 3.13 2.57 14.38 21004 TEST HYD 1: 3.27 .73 .72 11.86 7350 TEST HYD 2: 5.10 1.?8 1.42 13.06 13860 STRUCTURE DATA: R/D-VAULT RISER-HEAD VAUI,T-BOTTOM-AREA STOR-DEPTH STCRAGE-VOLUME � 15.00 FT 5412.7 SQ-FT 4.50 FT 24357 CU-FT �- STA/ZAG� �E Ci � c�,/ 30 % �ac-ran, a� 5�+f�T y TRIPLE ORIFICE RESTRICTOR: DIA(INCHES) HT(FEET) Q-MAX(CFS) BOTTOM ORIE'ICE: 2.7� .00 .810 MIDDLE ORIFICE: 5.77 12.24 1.500 TOP ORIFICE: 4.9i 13.5D .820 C.C.SF 2 - 4,S D��"�' X Z�.S K 96 LpnI6 vA uG i S 7"0�,4� uo���F �2vurr��� = 2 4,6Z4' >Z�. 357 :. a� Q� / i ;I � � �6 I �oa i 3 c _ _ DMP, INC. -__- _ _ _ ___ Engineering - Sur�eying - Land Planning sHEETr,o. oF 1215 So. Central Ave. Suite 133 KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 CALCULATEDBY ��s� DATE (253) 854-9344 CHECKED BY onrE FAX (253) 854-6663 SCALE w�7vA��r J��S��N __ __: ____ . _ _ . _ __ __ __ �E�C�v/��D _s'v/�/=A C E �12 E/-�= / � O F //�'JPEiE' Vl�Gc..S S�i�Tf1 CE- �ieE�9 __ __ ' Td__FAe/��T`j ' _ _ __ , _ _ -_ 6'- l3 x L/356�X _a- �/ = ,_2,_670 _�2 _ __ ; _ __ _ _ LaC,uM�_ � EQ Ul�2c�D � _ _ '✓bC uME OF'', �3_ oF Z - Y�2 _S7"Q.�'�-t , ` _ / !�_ o Z Q c�c,c.�T. ��E�'. NEX T .��}�E� _ ,2�c� v r2 E� S��i�C� A�f} Fo� �o,�-r��rNE.D l�v�Tv�t U�_T���or-���.�aTio�tl = _.._ _ __ ___ _ __ ;2,_� 7o__�C /,_S = �_ooS �� • �T. _ _ ___ __ __ _ __ _ ____ _ ����12-�t? -U��U M� ��2 C Ot��t3/NEQ f,�J E7�v�4 c1LT���D�/GT�AT�o^J:__ ' ►✓ ' ' _ __ _ . __ _ _ :_ _ _ � /� o_�o x �. S = /_6f6 os �. FT _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Sv�2F�e� ; ��� P.��i.oF,D = _ 2 x 2$.s x �� = _ ��f72 �> �i,� oos .E v� _ _ _ __ _ . ' __ _ � v��v�� i'�vin�n = _ � x Zf�� �X 5_6 �_3 1 _ I_�,9 63 � /6,_��5-,-, �� _ __ ' _ ,_ _ _ �-_ _ _ ._ : _ � _ ._ _ �. _ __ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _.. _ _ _ - ___ . .: _ ; __ : :. _ . _ : _ _ �_ _��' _ _ _._ ._ .._ .__ :__ _ . .._. _ . ._ . .. . ___ __ ; . _ _ _ ' _ __ ' _ � f7S00Uf�i MW-1 i;$rgk Sheets127.r1 IPa0de4,� S.C. S. TYPE-1A RAINFALL DISTRIB�TION ENTER: FREQ(YEARj , DURATION(HOUR} , PRECIP (INCHES) I 2, 24, . 67 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ******************** S.C. S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION�******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** . 67" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN (PERV) , A{IMPERV) , CN (IMPERV; , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 2 .29, 86, 6. 13, 98, 6.5 � D�TA PRINT-OUT= ' AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) A CN A CN 8 . 4 2.3 86.0 6.1 98.0 6. 5 PEAK—Q;CFS) T—PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU—FTj . 78 7. 83 11070 E—WETUAt�LT ✓CSLU/�3� �'cEOUI�'f� ��1� CC�M13 I NEU 1NFT!/.4 U LT��1 DS e.�JA L� AD.0 ,S� �a , ✓ . . eEQ v,,r��D vo c uM� _ //, 07o x �, s = /� , 6 os ccc.�r. �e DETENTION SYSTEM (PART D) I'' The following pages include sketches of the proposed facility and a comparison of the required and proposed volume for both the detention and wetvault portions of the facility. � �... . _ a �3, . . . . . . . . - . ' . . . .'. .�... . . . � . . . . � - . ^ . ' .. . . ' %� . , . . , _ � � . .. . . ' .. . � . . - � - II .��',. . . . . ... - . . . . .. . � . . . . . .. ' - . � . - . _ .. � . . . � .. �� _ .. � �� � � � � � � . . . .. �� � � . . . - . .. .. I � .:r.'.�. � . . .. ' ... :. . .. . '�..� ..., . . . . . ':. . � .' � '� . . . ..:. . .. .. )`"...: ' . - . .. . ' . . ' . . �. . �. .. , . . � . ' . � �' i � � � � . . . . � . � � . .. ' ' . _ � . . . . � . . . - . _- '- , - ' . . . . . �� � ":. . � . . • - . . . . . ' . . . . ] _�..:� .. '� " � � � ..- . . .. . . � . . . .. . �� .. - �_. � ' . . . .. - �i i - � . ' . ' . . . . ' . . � . � . . - � " . .. � � F—.- . � . . . . . - .. . � .. . . . �� � . . � . . 3 Aj:.. . . . . .. � . . �. - � . . . .� , . �,�; - � � . � . ' .. . . . . � . , . . . . . f..� � . . . . . � " . . , " � _� �� .. . . - . . . . . . � �• . . . . � -. � . ' .. . � �.1 E �.. . . _ . . . . � . - . . .�- .. . , � .. �� . -. , . .. . . ' . � ' . . . . . . . � . . . .. � . .. a� Iq i 4. DRAIN 96' ---- I.E. _ ^ 177.90 � ROOF DRAINS ''' I.E, = 181.00 r 12" VENT 12" 0 OUT " �.„Y� 4" G.V. I.E. = 184.92 . . = 181.00 & BOX AND 12" VENT � CONC. BAFFLE I.E. = 184.92 -r 18�� 0 OPENING �Z x�z CUTOUT 12��x12�� CUTOUT � � I.E.= 177.90 (VENT) (VENT) A L 36" m OPENING 18" 0 OPENING JJ I.E.= 177.90 I.E.= 177.90 12"x12" CUTOUT ;� (VENT) � t 2�' � INLET � 12" A INLET CUNC. BAFFLE I.E. = 181.00 I.E. = 181.00 t . r GALV. STEPS (TYP.) (�(' '� - _ _ _ \\, i P�N ACCESS MANHOLE W/SOLID LOCKING LID ACCESS MANHOLE W/SOLID LOCKING UD MAX. W.S, v ' El..= 185.50 �5� „1._w — CONC. BAFFLE Tw � EL.= 184.50 WATER QUALITY v ' w.s. E�.= �e�.00� i.E.= i��.sa r�-�— � EL.= 181.00 M BaT. EL= 176.90 SECTION A—A � 50UTH DETENTION VAULT/WETVAULT DETAIL ` � N.r.s. � y �� 4„ �_ gg' DRAIN I.E. _ 177.90 , i..� ROOF DRAIN --" 1.2" 0 OUTOO I.E. = 181.00 12" VENT ----- AND 12" VENT � � � �gq g2 4" C.V. & BOX I.E. = 184.92 CONC. BAFFLE ;� . 12"x12" CUTOUT 12"xt2�� CUTOUT �8" m OPENING � B (VENT) (VENT) LE.= 177.90 ^ � , �� 36" 0 OPENING �� I 18" m OPENING LG= 177.90 I.E.= 177.90 12"x12" CUTOUT 12" � INLET CONC, BAFFLE (VENT) � I.E. = 181.00 1z" 0 IN�ET "a I.E.= 181.00 ,� \, GALV. STEPS (TYP.) �� i ACCESS MANHOLE p��y � W/SOLID LOCKINC LID ACCESS MANHOLE !� W/SOLIO LOCKING LID 1`� MAX. W.S. ;� CONC. BAFFLE— EL.= 185.50 !k � EL.= 184.50 WATER OUALITY � EL.= 181,00 �.E.= 177.90 � W.S. EL.= 181.00 � � -- BOT. EL.= 176.90 SECTION B-B NORTH DF,TENTION VAULT/WETVAULT DETAIL N rs. 0 ���\ /.:�_ \�\ AENOVABLE �� 1IATER7ICH'[ COVFLIN �..1' -�. �____ � \ ., \ ` 1. ExceF� s� ehow��, �r iolod, uNte ehell ba cun.tructu6 In eowraence wlth th« roqulromen[a for Gatch Bsein Type 2.54" minlmum dlemel�r. �\\�� � � PWSE NITH ORIFICE F,'L��w DC'�rE1�1, 2. For datatte�hawing�nd�rl�y. Isdd�r, et�p�,hendhold�. �nd lop sleb�,�u CITY OF NEdTOH ���`__ 8t�ndard Plan "Miecell�naoue C�tch Baeln Detell�". �'i�Ah V�E�r D. P�p��upport�enE nHrleter/wpar�tor�heLL b�of lM�am• t.rid, u�d b�anchored nt 3' m�:lmum�peciuQ by 5/8"dle.�talnlan�Nel�xpendon bol4 or ambeGCeC E"In�ell. RO��ND NANHOLC COV6fl WffH {. '['1��n�lrlctar/�epe�etor�hali b�(ebrloal�6 tram.0�0" luminum.or.0a� .lumini:•d�le•I. �—LOCR[NG 9oLT3 NARKED DRAIN' or.064'Qel•mined .U�l p1pa�, In aoaard�no�wlth AA9HT0 N 38, N 1Y6,and N 27{. RIN 6L.� 180.0 Gelhnli�d�lNl analt Anw Trsetment 1. � T---"- HAtiDIfOLD9 6. Oullet ehsll be coanected la culverl or elorm plp�.Ith �m�nu(ecturor�peclfled�d�pter II ♦'NlN e. Tho wrlla4 rU�r eum at ch�n�trletor/wp�r�lor ehdl bu cha�emo n�nrt�.ter u tha M1ariaontel IC'NAX. outlet plp�,wlth en B'minlmum dleme6er. � � '� �. Fram��nd laddrr o��t�p� .�to 0�ofl��t w that� � A. Cleenout s�l� I�vl�fbl.trom top. nVERFI.ox f�='Y- tP:!.5� �� � STANDAPD GALVANI2ED B. CIIm6-dom.poca le alear of ne.r n d oste. STEEL LADUER/S7EP9 C. Pr�m�1� ciser ot curb(If any�ri�u�. S"a CftIFICE v LB8.00- 8. Multl-orlflo�el6ons mry h�laentad e�eho.n or ell o • alde of neer ta .a.ura Inddar el�nr�nc�. 91n�of�l6aw� .nd pi�nmant to b�det.rmin.d by th� Enylaur. B. Reetrictor piit�a dth ort(Ic�u�p�citl�d in lh�contreol plen�. Omit pinG if far oil 5 3/!" m ORIPILC� IB0.9� polNclon onty. Sp�dfi.d op�¢in{�a D� cu!round.nd�mooth. 2' IN� 12"LCPC�_NLEI PIP6 l0. Cleenoul/eh�sr�nte: PIPE 9UPP0 T -Aluminum alloy p�r ASTN 8-20-2C-32� r ca�t lron A9TN A4B Cleu 309 u nqulnd. (SEB N0T6 95 -Lifl Hsndle etlh<r wlld or tubin'�Ilh adJu�Gble hook e� �quir�d. J'x 076'ALONINUY -Neapnna rubber{mket rpulrwd bdw�en rbar mountln{tlanp� end�d�flenae. otd 07p"9TEEL �����a� -pl�tin� �urAu� uf lid end bod7 to h�machln�d lor prop�r Ilt. iR"L PE OUT[Ef PIPE 4"U.I.INLET PIPE -fi�np mounttuy eolta a�aLL ba 7/B"al�m�lar�telnlw rt�e1. SEE�__OTES 6.E �— ll AlNrnete claanout/ah�ar yeba to ehe d�alan�hown nro ecc�plahle,pravid�d lh�y mut �'����»� tM materl�l�pecificallon�sbove end h�v� ��Ix bolt, l0�/B"holt clrc�e tar boltln` AJAPTCR__`� -- .� . to the flenQe cannectlon. �g A"Fµ1 RESTppiNi OEVICE'IS ��, ��eenaul`te�ha11 ml open beyond the cl�er opeNny e�e�own on `Yaf Opminy o�GAIe' LE.- 16E3 � .-+� REWIREO ON All�ANHOLES GREA*ER on CRY OF RENTaN dq.BROS by Ilmltinp hlnpe movement.�top teb,ar wme other devlce. TF1AN 20�EEi IN OEPTH. TYPE tv "SUREMACK�LADOER CUM9iNC SYSTEM OR APPRO�EO EOUAL � CL6ANOUT CAT6:eHEM GATF; 7 E" �fAMCfCR MIN. � 60'NIN. � . ftF,.S'CRICTOR PG7 ' DIANETER •�y Wl'f�:1 : 3/4"� ORIFSC� SECTION A-A �. � . � " CB N0. 33 — TYPE li, 54" �/�I 1 I ���`�P�L = IS CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL � �"'��Tt9,,� c� "'^� �-�'�"� �' ' �� N.T.S. ��.///yyy��� '} � - -y� n �,��� ��� r' •�' — I (i . i���- ���I W / I �(nn9u�d � �' , V�,c c�� -e�S �9a f�E-w' ... ;1 n..'�P„C�. . ._ 0 N JOB DMP, INC. Engineering - Surveying - Land Planning SHEETNO. OF 1215 So. 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SECTION X BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET, STORMWATER FACILITY SU Y SHEET & SKETCH � Site Improvement Bond Quantifiy Worksheet King County Department ot Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton,Washington 98055-1219 Pro�ect Name; Date: Location: SIEARA Pro�ect No,: SIERRA Act�vity No,: Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and Clearing greater than or equal to 5000 board feet of timber? profit, Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattie area , or from local sources if not Included in the RS Means database, yes no If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76,09) Page 1 of 9 � , , Unif prices updated 12/97 , S:PUBLIC\LUSD\LUIS\REFBD SITE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET Revision date: 8/22/98 , � Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheefi ' E1nft:, <; # of <> �ei�rence# : Pr�ce ' Unit ' Quantit ;A (fcatfons Cosf �RQS[ONfS�€�IM��1�",CONT�ai. , '; ' ' . , ,, . > ;,. Backiill & com acflon-embankmeni $ 4,89 CY Check dams, 4" mi�us rock SWDM 5,4.6.3 $ 58,70 Each Crushed surfacin 1 1/4" minus WSDOT 9•03.9 3 $ 74,30 CY Difchin $ 7,03 CY Excavation-bulk $ 1,30 CY Fence, siit SWDM 5,4.3.1 $ 1.20 LF Fence, 7em orar NGPE $ 1.20 LF H droseeding SWDM 5.4,2.4 $ 0.51 SY Jute Mesh SWDM $ 1.26 SY • Mulch, b hand, straw, 3" dee SWDM 5,4.2.1 $ 1.75 SY Mulch, b machine, straw, 2" deep SWDM 5,4.2,1 $ 0,46 SY Pipin , tem ora , CPP, 6" $ 9,30 LF Pipin , tem ora , CPP, 8" $ 14,00 LF Pipin , tem ora , CPP, 12" $ 18.00 LF Plastic coverin , 6mm thick, sandbag ed SWDM 5,4,2.3 $ 2.00 SY Ri Rap, machine laced; slo es WSDOT 9-13.1 2 $ 33.98 CY Rock Consiruction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' SWDM $ 1,273.34 Each Hock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'xi' SWDM 5,4,4.1 $ 2.546,68 Each Sediment ond riser assembl SWDM $ 1,695,11 Each Sediment tra , 5' high berm SWDM 5,4,5.1 $ 15,57 LF Sed.trap,5'hlgh,riprapped splllway berm sectlon SWDM 5,4,5,1 $ 59.60 LF Saeding, b hand SWDM $ 0.44 SY � ' Soddin , 1"dee , level ground SWDM 5,4,2,5 $ 5,24 SY Soddin , 1" dee , slo ed ground SWDM 5.4.2,5 $ 6.48 SY TESC Su ervisor $ 65,00 HR Water truck, dust control SWDM 5.4,7 $ 85,00 HR ; :: , 1NR1�'�- N=1 �MS _ . ;. ' ; ; ; , _; ..... . . Each ESC SUBTOTAL: $ - COLUMN; q Page 2 of 9 Unit prices updated 12/97 S:PUBLIC\LUSD\LUIS\REFBD SITE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET Revis(on date: 8/22/98 Q Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet �' : ' '; ! , '' >' < . �zisting �utur�Publlc Arivate BondReduc�on` `Right�of-Wa� ! Aead Improyements' Imptavements , .: ; __ , _ `'&Drc�ina e�acilities ;; ` qiia�t� :' I: l�nit Ptice ; Uriit Qucn; ' Cc�t Qaant. 'C�st L�uani ��st Gvrri Is!a �ost GENE AL ITE 1S ;'. Back(ill&Com action-embankment S a.e? CY Backlll�&Com action•trench � 7.42 CY Clear/Remove Brush,b hend $ 0.31 SY Clearin /Grubbin /Tree Removal $ 7,718.40 Acre Excavation-bulk $ 1.30 CY Excavation•Trench $ 3.53 CY Fencin ,cadar,6'hl h $ 16.13 lF Fancin ,chaln link,vin I coated, 6'hi h $ 11.69 LF Fencin ,chaln link,ca!e,vin I coated, 2G' $ 1,105.?2 Each Fencin ,s Iit rall, 3'hi h $ 10.54 LF Fill&com act•common bazrow $ 19.63 CY r"iil&com act- ravel base S 22.16 CY Fill&com act•screened to soll $ 32.91 CY Gabion, 12'dee ,stone filled mash $ 47.23 SY Gabion, 18'dee stone filled mesh $ 65.09 SY Gablon,36"dee ,stone fllled mesh $ 115,20 SY Gradin ,tine,b hand $ 1.76 SY aradina,fine,wflh rader $ 0.83 SY Moruments,3'lon 3 117.50 Each Sensltive Areas SI n $ 2.50 Eech Soddln , 1'dee , slo ed round $ 6.49 SY I Surve In ,line& rade $ 685.44 Da Surve In ,IotlocatloMines S 1,353,60 Acre Traftic control crew 2 11a ers $ 74.07 HR Trail,4'chi ed wood $ 6.60 SY Trail,4'crushed cinder $ 7,24 SY Tra!i,A'to course $ 7.12 SY Wall,retalnin concrete $ 38,40 SF • Wall,rockery $ 8.25 SF Page 3 ot 9 SUBTOTAL _ � O 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. . , Unit prfces updated 12/97 I S:PUBUC\LUSD\LUIS\REFBD SITE BOND QUANTlTY WORKSHEET Revislon daie: 8/22/98 I Site Improvement �ond c�uantity vvorksneet � < �,�clstinp FuturePublic �'rivata ! >; BohdF�eBUatlop• ,j'f�l�ht•at��ay �ioad'Emprnvemsnte.: ImproVamArrts &braina e Facil{t�ea Quani. Uf'�iSPtICB '< �°il(t GI:1c�.t1l: ' ^v�':: GUc^.52. C�S� G:1��tI._ 'w^Sf " GG71CI9',B CUSf ; _ ROAD':1MPRQUEM�N�' _ ,� , : AC Grindln ,4'wlde machine<100os $ 20,00 SY AC C3rinding,4'wide machlne 1000•2000s $ 5,00 SY � AC Grfndln ,4'wide machlne>2000s $ 1.20 SY AC Removal�D(s sal/Re alr $ 35.77 SY ' Barricade, e i $ 26.11 LF Barricade, e III Permanent $ 39.17 LF Curb&Gutter,rolled $ 11.54 LF � Curb&Gutter,verlical $ 8,43 LF Curb and GuNer,demolitlon anddis osal S 11,81 LF Curb,extruded as halt $ 2.12 lF Curb,extruded concrete $ 2.23 LF Sawcut,asphall,3'depth $ 1.61 LF Sawcut,concrele,per 1'depth $ 1,47 LF ' Sealant,as halt $ 0.86 LF Shoulder,AC, see AC road unit iice $ • SY Shoulder, ravel,4'thick $ 6.55 SY Sidewalk,4'►hlck $ 26.54 SY Sidewalk,4'Ihick,demolitlon and dls osal $ 24.11 SY Sidewalk,5'►hlck $ 30.38 SY Sida���alk,5'thick,demolilion and dis osal $ 30,13 SY Slan,handicap 5 74,16 Each Striping, er sfall $ 5.06 Each Stri in ,thermo lastic,(for crosswalk $ 2,07 SF Striping,4"reflectorized line $ 0,22 LF Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Unit prices updated i2/97 S:PUBLIC\LUSD\LUIS\REFBD SITE BOND QUANTiTY WORKSHEET Revlsion date: 8/22/98 O Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Exlsting ,�uture�'ubltc ',Prfvate;j '�ond Fieducdon' ; qigt�t-of•way �on��rtpravements ; Impravements &C�raIna e�aclllues Q�:aot Unit PricE'. > l�nit ;' Q�ani:i > Ccsi ' ''Quant.> .^�cst QGani. Gt�s3 �om lai� Cos2 AQAD SURFACENG I(�'3�ock�25 base�t S":topoaurse} Fat`�3 KCFis(5.5''Aock�5'base� i:b"tap c�ursa} '', I, ror KCFiS'93, (additional 2,5'base)add: $ 3.13 SY AC Overlay, 1.5'AC $ 6,43 SY AC Overlay,2'AC $ 7.61 SY AC Road,2',4"rock,First 2500 SY $ . 14.99 SY I AC Road,2",4"rock,Q .over 2500SY $ 11.62 SY � AC Road,3',4'rock,First 2500 SY $ 17,12 SY AC Road,3',4'rock,Q .over 2500 SY $ 13.75 SY � AC Road,5',First 2500 SY $ 12.67 SY AC Fioad,5',Q ,Over 2600 SY $ 12.12 SY AC Road,6`,Flrst 2500 SY $ 14.57 SY AC Road,6',Qty,Over 2500 SY $ 14,02 SY i As halt Treated Base,4'thick $ 8,01 SY , Gravel Road,4'rock,First 2500 SY $ 9.92 SY Gravel Road,4"rock,Q .over 2500 SY $ 6.55 SY PCC Road,5",no base,over 2500 SY $ 18,7o SY PCC Road, 6',no base,over 2500 SY $ 19,02 SY Thickened Edge $ 5.99 LF Pags 5 0(9 SUBTOTAL o '�� , "KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. , , Unit prices updated 12/97 S:PUBLIC\LUSD\�UIS\REF8D SITE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET Rsv!sion date; 8/22�98 � Site Improvemen�ona �uantity vvorksneet <': �ci.sting F,ulure�ublk >Private;;: Bond,R�csuctlon' • .I�ight�4(•wuy ; i�aad,tmph❑iremeats < Itnpro�ament; ' ( <: s' ,, i' <;: ` � , ; ' �....»..........«..».. - `R 17rairi� e Kaclliues Quart < Unit Pric� Unit : Qt�ant;'` Cqst :: 'Quarl, . ' ;:I�cs! <'t�aant, ;'Ccsi C�m��te C,a9! DF�INAGE (CE'P�Cottu�ted�?;Eas�c3'ipe, �fi.��T;;�qu�vaf�t��� ;: PorCuiv�r;Cqc�s Avera"' Qt4 cnverw�s�ssvmed,Assume e�taratgd PVC�s s�me n�s�sso�?� pa.: Access Rcad,R/D $ 14.56 SY Bollards-fixed $ 209.34 Each Bollards•removablo $ 393.34 Each '(CBs(nclude frame and lid CB T s I $ 1,093.60 Each CB Type IL $ 1,246.60 Each CB T e II,48'diametor $ 1,768,32 Each (or addilional de lh over 4' $ 379,58 FT CB T e II,54'diameter $ 1,906.56 Each for additional cie th over 4' $ 423.07 FT � CB T e II,60"diameter $ 2,044.80 Each tor additlonal de th over 4' $ 486,56 FT CB T e II,72`diametar $ 2,7s3.6o Each for additional cfe lh over 4' $ 601,92 FT Through•curb Inlet Framework(Add $ 318,34 Each Cleancut,PVC,4" $ 113.52 Each Cleanout,PVC,6` $ 152.09 Each Cleanout,PVC,8" $ 194.95 Each Culvert, PVC,4" $ 7.51 LF Culvert, PVC,6" $ 10,96 LF Culverl,PVC, 8" � 11.59 LF Culvert,PVC, 12" $ 18.93 LF Culvert,CMP,8" $ 15.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 12' $ 23.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 15' $ 28.46 LF Culvert,CMP, 18' $ 32.82 LF Culvert,CMP,24' $ 46.37 LF Culvert,CMP,30' $ 62.13 LF Culvert,CMP,36' $ 97.49 LF Culvert,CMP,48" $ 122.46 LF Culvert,CMP,60' $ 204.74 LF Culvert,CMP,72' $ 263.11 LF Page 6 ot 9 SUBTOTAL 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction, Unif prices updated 12/97 OS:PUBLIC\LUSD\LUIS\REFeD SITE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET Revision date: 8/22/98 6� — _ � � � Site improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet � i Existing 'FuturePubifc 'prlvaia 'I : : Bond Rodua�on• Right•o�•,vak �oaa�nprQvHmsnts : Itnpinvements DRAI�fAGE CO���lNl7Eq &Dratnage Faciltties f�uant, Uni!�n.,� :" �nit '' �l�ar�t,'i ' Cost :< `C�uan: ' i Cast �uani, Gost Cam late Casf CuiVert,Cc7Cfele,8" �w 18.28 LF CuNert, Concrete, 12" $ 26,13 LF � CuNert,Concrete, 15" $ 32,47 LF Cuwert,Concrete, 18' $ 38,70 LF Culverl, Concrete,24' $ 53.10 LF CuNert, Concrele,30' $ 90.59 LF Culvert,Concrete,36' $ 119.68 LF CuNert,Concrete,42' $ 137.76 LF CuNert, Concreta,QB` $ 152,99 LF Culvert,CPP,6' $ 9.30 LF Culvert,CPP,8' $ 14.00 LF Culvert, CPP,12' $ 18.00 LF Culvert,CPP,15' $ 20,00 LF Culvert,CPP, 18' $ 24.00 LF Culverl. CPP,24" $ 32.00 LF Culvert, CPP,30' $ 42.00 LF Cuiverl, CPP,36' $ 48.00 LF Ditching $ 7.03 CY Flow Dlspersal Trench 1,436 base+) $ 22.60 LF French Draln 3'de th $ 19,65 LF Geolexti(e,lald In trench, o ro ylsne $ 2.09 SY Infillration ond tesling $ 65.00 HR Mid•tank Access Risar,48"dla, 6'deep $ 1,396.00 Each � PondOverllowS illwa $ 12.t8 SY RestrictoN011 Se arator, 12" $ 908.86 Each ' Restrictor/011 Se arator, 15" $ 952.66 Each Restriclor/Oil Se arator, 18' $ 996.66 Each RiFrap, laced $ 33.98 CY Tank End Reducer(36'diameter $ 870.00 Each Trash Rack, 12" $ 184.32 Each Trash Rack, 15" $ 206.32 Each Trash Rack. 18" $ 233.82 Each Trash Rack,21' $ 2E6,82 Each Page 7 ot 9 SUBTOTAL 0 "KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. , Unit prlceS updated,l2/97 S;PUBLIC\LUSDILUIS\REFeD SITE BOND QUAN7ITY WORKSHEET . Revision date: 8/22/98 Site improvement �or�a �uantity vvorl��� �e�t � � ����:. �xlstlr�9 ��,ulurePu;blia �;Prlvatb�,��; � f�ond�R�uc�ort' I'R)ghi•at-w�y �iaad Emprov�menta : Imptcvemmnts � ' ' &C)Ya#ftiA e Facllltfes QU2rit. 1Jnif P�(ce tlnU ' QUent:! ' wr;se > L1Udht, ,��st �u�n2, ` Gcsi CcmR'6te G�st A�i}CiNG 4'�'SUR���� G !'. 2'AC,2"tc course rcck&4'borrow $ 13.77 SY 2'AC, 1,5' to course& 2,5"base course $ 14.99 SY 4`select borrow $ 3.96 SY � 1.5'to course rock&2.5'base course $ 9.92 SY E�t7�-1N=tTEMS ,< , �:; , E A. ' EA, SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL(SUh1 ALL PAGES): _ 30% CON7INGENCY&MOBILIZATION: GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: B C D E Pa^ya 8 c(9 *KCC 27A authorizes oniy one bond reduction, Unit prices updated 12/97 S:PUBLIC\LUSD\LUIS\REFBD SITE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET Revisfon date; 8/22/98 � � � . Site Improvement Bo�nd Quantity Worksheet Original bond computatlons prepared by: Name; Date; PE Registratfon Number: Tel,�; Firm Name; Address: PUBLIC ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FERFORMANCE &DRAINAGE FACILITIES Column BOND'AMOUNT MAINTENANCE/DEFECT Stabllizatlon/Erosion Sedlmant Controi(ESC) (A) $ - BOND'AMOUNT Existing Right•of•Way Improvements (B) $ • Future Public Rosd Improvemonts&Dreinage Facilitles (C) $ • (B+C)X 0.25= $ - Private improvements (D) S - (A+B+C+D) =TOTAL(T) $ - PERFORMANCE EOND AMOUNT Mlnlmum bond amount is$1000. SITE RESTORATION BOND (A) $ - (First 57,500 ot bond shall be cash,) RIQHT•OF•WAY 80ND (B) $ - TOTAL R�GHT-Or-WAY&SITE RESTORATION BOND" (A+B) $ - (Flrst$7,500 0(bond shall be cash,) PERFORMANCE BOND TOTAL AFTER BOND (T-E) FEDUCTION"' NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND REbUCTION: Date; 'NOTE:The word"bond"is used to . represent any linanclal guarantee accoptable to King County. "NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes bonds to be combfned when both are required. •"NOTE: Fer KCC 27A,tct�l bor,d amoun!s remaining efter reductlon shall nct be less;han 3C%o�the origlnal amcunt. Page 9 of 9 � , Unit prices updated 12/97 -q S:PUBLIC\LUSD\LUIS\REFBD SITE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET Revision date� 8/22/98 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL STORMWATER FACILITY SUNIMARY SHEET Development �'1/`'1�/1j ,gPi9.PTM£NT$ Date �f�S�ZC�J/ L.ocation �9� ��G�+OT ROAI? .S'�UTH, .eE/1/7"ON , Gt/A 984Ss ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name /v�FL L. O LE N�e CNNE/,9t%1 o fS F� -.`i - 0 L�TE C. Fum •� . Address ?2 BU,Q/1/ f1 Address $ t� �'Ous't� E E Y S � A U 8a 2 ukwi 8 ' Phone Z53 „�33-Zz��o Phone Developed Site: Acres �� � Number of lots N Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: ponds ponds Z vaults vaults tanks tanks F1ow control provided in regional facility(give location) No flow control required Ezemption number Downstream Draina e Basins Immediate Ma�or Basin Basin A LA C ,e/(/ER F�' /f/E,Q Basin B Basin C Basin D Number&type of water quality facilities on site: �' biofiltration swale(regular/wed or sand filter(basic or large?) continuous inflow?) sand filter,linear(basic or large?) combined detention/WQ pond sand fiiter vault(basic or large?) ' �(W rtion basic or large?) combined detenuon/wetvault stormwater wetland I compost filter wetpond(basic or large?) fi[ter strip wetvault ! flow dispetsion farm management plan ' landscape management plan oiUwater separator(baffle or coalescing plate?) catch basin inserts:Manufacturer pre-settling pond pre-settling structure:Manufacturer flow-splitter catctibasin _ DESIGN INFORMATION INDNIDUAL BASIN A B C D Water uali desi n flow Q, 78 C Water uali treated volume or we nd Vr /C� 6U$ , j. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 1 )o KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL DESIGN TOTAL INDIVIDUAL BASIN ' INFORMATION,cont'd Drainage basin(s) A B C D Onsite area 9' 3 Z Offsite area T of Stora e Facili �T. VA 7 � Live Stora e Volume Predevelo Runoff Rate 2- ear ,d$' 1�- ear Z.Z C 100- eaz 3. C Develo runoff rate 2- ear 10- ear 100- ear T of restrictor ��t? F u�t Size of orificeJrestriction No. 1 / �� " No.2 3 f '� No.3 j F' No.4 FLOW CONTROL&WATER QUALITY FACILITY SUIvIIviARY SHEET SKETCH All detenrion, infil�ation and water quality facilities must include a sketch per the following criteria: 1. Heading for the drawi�gs should be located at the top of the sketch(top right-hand corner). The heading should contain: • North arrow(point up or to left) • D9# • Plat name or short plat number •Address(nearest) • Date drawn(or updated) •'I�omas Brothers page,grid number 2. Label CBs and MHs with the plan and profile designation. Label the controi structure in writinD or abbreviate with C.S. Indicate which structures provide spill control. 3. Pipes—indicate: Pipe size Pipe length Flow direction Use s single heavyweight line 4. Tanks—use a double,heavyweight line and indicate size(diameter) 5. Access roads • Oudine the limits of the road • Fill the oudine with dots if the road is gravel. Label in writinD if another surface. 6. Other Standard Symbols: • Botlards: • •�• ■ ■ ■ ■ I • Rip rap o00000 ' 000000 ; Fences --x—x--x--x--x---x-- ; I • Ditches —D----�D--->u---YD ' i 7. Label irash racks in writing. 8. Label all streets with the actual street sign designation. If you don't know the actual street name,consult the plat map. � 9. Include easements and lot lines or tract limits when possible. � 10. Arrange all the labeling or writing to read from left to right or from bottom to top with reference to a properly ; oriented heading. ' I 11. Indicate driveways or features that may impact access,maintenance or replacement. � I 9/1/98 1998 Surface Watec Design Manual 2 I � i 4" DRAIN 96' I.E. _ 177.90 ROOF DRAINS '� I ----- ^I.E. = 181.00 12" 0 OUTLET 72" VENT 4" G.V, I.E. = 184,92 I.E. = 181.00 & BOX AND 12'� VENT M CONC. BAFFLE I.E. = 184.92 � 18" � OPENING �Z�x12" CUTOUT 12"x12�� CUTOUT A '- I.E.= 177.90 (VENT) (VENT) A I L 36" m OPENING 18" 0 OPENING �1J I.E.= t77.90 I.E.= 177.90 - 12"xt2" CUTOUT i7 (VENT) 12" � INLET � 12" 0 INLET CONC. BAFFLE I.E. = 181,00 � I.E. = 181.00 � (� GALV. STEPS (TYP,) ( ` --- t_._ \� ; 1 p��, ACCES5 MANHOLE W/SOLID LOCKING LID ACCESS MANHOLE W/SOLID LOCKING LID MAX. 4V,5. [L.= t85.50 - CONC. BAFFLE WATFR QUAUTY � EL.= 184.50 W.S. tL.= 181.OG I.E.= 177 90 • � EL.= 181.00 N) BOT. EL.= 176.90 SECTfON A-A SOUTH DETENTION VAULT/WETVAULT DETAIL N.T.S. 0 4„ � 96' DRAIN I.E. _ 177.90 l��� 12" A OUTLET I EOOF 18RA�IN� _. _ I �' �;•-�-1 _I.E. = 181.00 12" VENT 4" G.V. AND 12" VENT I.E. = 184.92 & BOX I.E. = 184.92 CONC. BAFFLE ;.; 12"x12" CUTOUT 12"x12" CUTOUT � (VENT) (VENT) �8" 9 OPENING �d B LE,= 177.90 '� B I•�= 361.E �P77I.90 JJ 18" o OPENING 12"x12" CUTOUT I.E.= 177.90 '12" � INLET CONC, BAFFLE (VENT) M 12" 0+ INLET '� I.E. = 181.00 I,E.= 181.00 �� GALV. STEPS (TYP.) �.;? � _� ACCESS MANHOLE py�N I - W/SOUO LOCKING LID i'F ACCESS MANHOLE W/SOUD LOCKING UD —� l" ' UAX. W.S. CONC. BAFFLE— EL.= 185.50 � EL.= 184,50 � WAT�R QUAUTY I��� _ I.E.= 177.90 , W,S. �L= 181.U0 � EL- 181.00 I ilk � �� II --"�---BOi. E'_= 176 90 �_— ----- SECTION B-B NORTH DETENTION VAIJI.T/iYETVAULT DETAII, N r s. w -� REHOVABLL WATER7IGH'[ COUPLIN �� h! L Exc�pL u ihoxr.ur nat�d, uNl��h�ll b.con�tractod in accordenc�wL'h lh. nqu:nmmU � fac Cetch Buin Type 2, 54"minlmum diemeter. � PWT6 RRH � ORIFICC FS�.B�W �L''TAI�. R, !'or ErC�tl� ��or�n¢yr�0�rIM,1�4d�r,a•p�,h�n4hold�, �nd top Asb�,���CRY 0►RENTON 9tan4�rd Pta�"Mdcelbneoun C�tch Buln D�td4", p��t VIF�y 3. Pip�wppart� md rutMclor/up.nlor h�ll b�af lh� nm�met•rl.l, md b��nchored �l 8'maEmum�p�cinr by 5/8"dla.detnleu ilenl�xpantlon�bol4 or embadded 9"In��ll, ROUN➢ MANHOLE COV£P NISH t. Th� n�trictor/wperator�hdl b�febriceGd Irom,060"elumtnum, or.OEI�lundnl��d�U�L �—LOCKINC 80Lt9 MARKED �NA[N' or AE{"y�Ir�nized �l�el pipe�.In wcordanca rlth AA9HT0 M�0, M 198,end N 37l. / RIH CL.. 180.0 Celvnnla�d aleel ahell hew Tr�atmen!1. FIANDHOLD9 6. O�ll�t�hnll b�cannecGd la aulvarl or dorm plp� w11h e m�nul�eluror�pwill�d Rd�pGr v�• �'NfN E. Th�wrttc�l ruv�l�m al eh� rnlrletor/up�»lor�h�71 bo th. .sm�dlam.c.r•.tho honaantd 1e �� aull�l pip�,wlth en E'minlmum diamder. N � 5 7. Fram� �nd l�ddv ar rt�p� �r�to E�oth�l �e lh+t: A. CU�nout�ate U�Ulble hom top. OVEFPLOW ELEY,- t83.6 - BTANDAA�CALVAM26D 8. CIIm6-do.m�pec�1� olur of rb�r a d asts. BTEBL LADD&ft/STCP9 C� fram.I� cl��r o�curb (1( �ny�zuti). p"o ORIFICC� 1B2.00 D. Multl-orlflo� dbo�n may b�IocaC�0.e��hown or 4! on on��Id�of rieer lo �uun InAder � cl��nnc�. 9i��al�lbow��nd pl�c�mmt lo b�d�t�rmin�d by th� Eryinwr. D. Reetr(clar platu wlth orlfla� • �p�elfl�d 1n lA�oanlrw!pl�n�. Omlt pl�l� If tor all 6 3/!"� ORIPICE• 180.74 Z� �N PalluUon only. SpwBi�d op�¢in{lo b•c�!round and smooth. � l2"LCPB�_NLC'[PIPE l0. Cl�enoul/Bhaar aalr . PI7E 6UPP0pT -Aluminum.Iloy p•r ASTd B-Zl-2G-32�a cut Iron ADTN AIB C(m 806 ��nqu�r.d. (SEi NOTB 37 -Llft Hmdla allher wpd or tubin�w(th sdJu�teble hook a�r�Qulnd. �'x 076' ALQNINUH -Naoprana rubber`mkat r��utred Drt.aen r��r mouoUn�tlnnp and e+t�ll�npi. OR .OTG"9TEEL --LC.•I�l.00 -MaUn �urhw�of Ild end bod to be mnchinrd for f ] Prap�r IIL t2" PE OUTI,ET PIPE 4"�.I.MLCT PIPE -Flenp mountloQ bolU �hnLL b�J/E"dl�m�ler�NlnUu rteel. 36C�_OTES 0,0 �— 1l Alt�me0e cleenaul/eh�er yel�� to th�d�elan �horm en cupt�bl�, pravld�d lh.y mul �I.E�•170,50 the materinl�pectfledton� �Oow and h�ve ��iy Loll, f0�/9"holt clrcl. far bolUn/ AOAPTCR � to t�e llen�e eonnaotton. �{qy A"FALL RESiRAiNT�EhCE"IS �2. Clesnaut yete �hell not apen bqond the olear openlny ee ehom on "61Az Opmino o!Cate" LE.- lOB SU- REOUIRED ON AL�MANHOLES GRE4TER on CRY OF REM1"C06' d*. BROS b L'mldn4 hlnQe rc�ovemer.t. to tnb,or�cme olher device, Q iHAN 70 FEEf IN DEPTH.*YPE 4 Y � N � "SUREiRACK"�ADOEF CIIMB�ryG SYSTEM OR APPROVEG EOUAL. $ •C�.EANOVT GATE: 5[�EM GATE a 9'�UNETER MItt. '� !0"HIN Q RESTRICTOR PWT " DNNET6R N NRH 2 3/4��ORIPICC SECT[ON � CB N0. 33 - TYPE 11, 54" CON'1'ROL STRUCTURE DETAIL N.r,s, � � SECTION XI MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS MANUAL ,I �, � APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE[_Y MAINT'AI1dED DRAINAGE FACILTITES NO. 3-CLOSED DETENTION SYSTEMS(PIPES�TANKS) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needeci Resuifs Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Storage Area Plugged Air Vents One-hatf of the cross section of a vent is blocked at Vents free oi debris and any point with debris and sediment sediment Debris and Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10%of the All sedime�t and debris Sediment diameter of the storage area for'fz iength of storage removed from storage area_ � vault or any point depth exceeds i 5%of diameter. Example:72-i�h storage tank would require clearting when sedimeni reaches depth of 7 inches for mo�e than'h length of tank - Jants Between Any crack allowing material to be transported into All joint between hank/pipe Tank/Pipe Section fadlity sections are sealed Tank Pipe Bent Any part of tank/pipe is bent out of shape more than Tank/pipe repaired or replaced Out of Shape 10%of iYs design shape to design. Manhole Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any open Manhole is dosed. manhole requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Mechanism Not person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less tools. Working than'r4 inch of tt�read(may not apply to seff-locking lids.j Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed and Remove appfying SOlbs of lift. Intent is to keep cover from reinshalled by one maintenance sealing off access to maintenance. person_ Ladder Rungs tGng County Safety Oifice and/or maintenance person Ladder meets design standards Unsafe judges that ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, allows maintenance person sate misatignment,rust,or cracks. access. Catch Basins See`Catch Basins'Standards No_5 See`Catch Basins"Standards No.5 1998 Surface Water Desi�Manuai 9/1/98 A-3 �' APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILI"IZES NO.4-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Distance beriveen debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. (Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1-1r2 feet Strvctural Damage Structure is not securety attached to manhole walt Struciure securely attached to and outlet pipe structure should support at least wall and outlet pipe. 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure_ � Structure is not in upright position(allow up to Structure in correct position. 1Q%from plumb). Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to ouilet pipe are show signs of nut. water tight;structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. My holes—other than designed holes—in the Structure has no holes other slructure. than designed holes_ Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up ar►d down easily maintenance person. and is watertight. Chain leading to gate is missing or damaged_ Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50�/of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards._ Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properiy due to Plate is in place and works as missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructio�s Any trash,debns,sediment,or vegetalion Plate is free of al1 obstructions I blocking the plate. and works as designed_ ! Overftow?ipe Obstructions My Vash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions I potential of blocking)the overflow pipe_ and works as designed. Manhole See"Closed Detention Systems"Standards No.3 See"Closed Detention Systems' ' Standards No.3 Catch Basin See"Catch Basins'Standards No.5 See'Catch Basins'Standards No_5 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-4 . � APPENDIX A MAIN7ENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO.5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect Conditans When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Expected When � Component Maintenance is pertormed Generai Trash 8�Debris Trash or debris of more ihan 1/2 cubic foot which is No Trash or debris located (InGudes Sediment) located immediately in front of the caich basin immediately in front of catch opening or is Wodcing capaary of the basin by basin opening. more than 10% Trash or debris(in the basin)tfiat exceeds 1/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest basin. pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and outlet pipes free of rnore than 1/3 of its height trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which volume would attract or support the '� breeding of insects or rodents. � Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more than 3/4 i�ch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top Slab curb face into the sVeet(If applicable). Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks wider than t/4 inch(intent is to make sure cracks_ a11 materiaJ is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e.,separation Frame is sitting flush on top of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. stab. Cracks in Basin Walls/ Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin reptaced or repaired to Bottom any evidence of soil pa►ticles entering catch basin design standards. through cradcs,or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer tnan 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch at the joint of any inleU outlet pipe or any evidence wide at the joint of inleVoutlet of soil partides entering catch basin through pipe. cracks. SedimenU Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. design standards_ 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-5 �J APPENDIX A MAIN'IENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITTES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS(CON7lNUED� Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed �: Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas,al and No flammable chemicals gasoline. present. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more ihan No vegetation blocking opening � � 10'/0 of ihe basin opening. to basin. Vegetation growing in iNeVoutlet pipe joints that is No vegetation or root growth more than six inches tall and less than six inches presenL apart. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than 1/2 cubic foot No pollution present other than per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only paRially in place.Any open Catch basin cover is c{osed catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Not Worldng person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less tools. than 1/2 inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One mainienance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. l.adder Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,misalignment, Ladder meets design standards Unsafe rust,cradcs,or sharp edges. and albws maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design (If Applicable) standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20%of Grate free of trash and debris_ grate surface_ Damaged or Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate_ Grate is in place and meets I�' Missing. desig�staridards. NO.6 DEBRIS BARRIERS(E.G.,TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resutts Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20%of Barrier dear to receive capacity the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches_ Bars in place with no bends more Bars. than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire bamer missing. Bars in place according to design_ Bars are loose and nut is causing 50%deterioration Repair or replace barrier to to any part of barrier. design standards. ; r� f; ' : I 1 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-6 0 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY R4AINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILI"ITES NO. 10-CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS(PIPES&DITCHES) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Eupected When � Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment 8 Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20'/of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment diameter of the pipe. and debris. Vegetation Vegeta6on that reduces free movement of water AfI vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coa6ng is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50%deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. � pipe by more than 20°k. Open Ditches Trash&Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from square feet of ditch and slopes_ ditches. Sediment Accumulated sedirnent that exceeds 20�/of the Ditch deaned/flushed of all design depth. sediment arxi debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through through ddches. ditches. Erosion Damage to See"Ponds"Standard No.1 See"Ponds'Standard No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design Place or Missing(If the rock lining. standards. Applicable). Catch Basins See'Catch Basins:Standard No.5 See'Catch Basins"Standard No.5 Debris Barriers See"Debris Barriers"Standard No.6 See"Debris Barriers"Standard (e.g.,Trash Rack) No.6 NO. 11 -GROUNDS(LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When ComponeM Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20%of the landscaped Weeds present in less than 5�/ (Nonpoisonous) area(trees and shrubs only). of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,botiles,totaling more than t cubic foot Area Gear of litter. • within a tandscaped area{trees and shrF:bs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of irees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than broken whicfi affect more than 25%of the total 5%of total foliage with split or fdiage of the tree or shrub_ broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of knocked over. injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported Tree or shrub in place and or are leaning over,causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported;remove any dead or diseased trees. , 1998 Sudace Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-9 � $ APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAIN'I'AINED DRAINAGE FACILTTiES N0. 13-WATER QUALtTY FACILiT1ES (CONTINUED� D.)Wetvaults � Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Periormed Wetvault Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated in vauft,pipe or Trash and debris removed from Accumulation inleV outlet,(includes floatables and non- vault. floatables). Sediment Accumulation Sediment accumufation in vauft bottom that Removal of sediment from vault. � in Vault exceeds the depth of the sediment zone ptus 6- inches. Oamaged Pipes InIeU outlet piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired and/or replaced. need of repair. Access Cover Cover cannot be opened or removed,especially Pipe repaired or replaced to Damaged/Not Worldng by one person_ proper worlcing specifications. Vauft Structure Vault Cradcs wider than U2-inch and any No cradcs wider than 1/4-inch;:� Damaged evidence of soil particles entering the structure the jant of the inleU ouilet pipe- through the cracks,or maintenance/inspection Vault is determined to be persoruiel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. sVucturally sound. Baffles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs of failure as determined by specificalions. maintenance/inspection staff_ Access Ladder Damage Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not functioning Ladder replaced or repaired to property,missing rungs,has cracks and/or specifications,and is safe to misaligned. use as deteRnined by inspec6on . personnel. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-13 l�l Campen Springs Calculations for Detention Vaults Talbot Road Renton, Washington For Schneider Homes, Inc. 6510 Southcenter Boulevard Suite #1 Tukwila, Washington by Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 2901 South 40�' Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 Contact: Larry G. Lindell January 2002 Job Number 10,256 � —�-9c� , (� —� .- r-. k ) � �_, ,r ,s.- � �'NGINE� - �.., t �.. ���; � � � �� ����-,� � ' Professional Engineer:� & Pl�nn�r � � !`i`��' �T�tlrTi�R:a; -`� 2� � :� Campen Springs Calculations for Detention Vaults FOR Campen Springs Talbot Road Renton, Washington PREPARED FOR Schneider Holmes, Inc. 6510 Southcenter Boulevard, Suite #1 Tukwila, Washington �y G. C/��,C� PQ,�c�wnsN, . ',. . � P� y � �� A�O ��5���:• . �SIO�,�,�-�,G 31 Jr�..�o 2 ExP�tEs: 01/19/o�l PREPARED BY Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 2901 South 40`h Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 C�TY OF PE'.T:�^� September, 01 R E C E I V E D Job Number: 10256 MAR 1 ;� [UO2 3UILDING DIVISIUN Sitts&Hill Job Name Campen Sprinqs Professional Engineers&Planners 2901 South 40`h Street Job No. 10256 Sheet No. 3 Tacoma,Washington 98409 253-474-9449 Fax:253-474-0153 By Iql Date 09101 INDEX BASIS FOR DESIGN 2 DESIGN LOADS 3 TANK LID FRAMING&WALLS 4—12 i Sitts&Hill Job tvame Campen Sprinqs Professional Engineers&Planners 2901 South 40'�Street Job No. 10256 Sheet No. 2 Tacoma,Washington 98409 253-474-9449 Fax:253-474-0153 By Iql Date 09101 BASIS FOR DESIGN BUILDiNG CODE: 1997 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. LOADS: COVER LIVE LOAD = 100 PSF COVER LID LIVE LOAD =AASHTO HIGHWAY HS20-44. COVER DEAD LOAD = 150 PSF. SUPERIMPOSED COVER DEAD LOAD =960 PSF (8 FT. OF SOIL). SEISMIC ZONE 3 (Z =0.30) FOUNDATIONS: SOIL REPORT BY GOLDER ASSOCIATES; JOB N0.983-1037. SPREAD FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON FIRM, UNDISTURBED SOIL OR CONTROLLED COMPACTED FILL PER SOILS REPORT 1'6" MINIMUM BELOW FINISHED GRADE. ALLOWABLE BEARING VALUE =2500 PSF. CONCRETE: P�1INIMUM 28 DAY STRENGTH 3,000 PSI EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: FLAT SLABS, BEAMS,AND WALLS -------------------------3,000 PSI SL,4BS ON GRADE------------------------------------------------3,000 PSI F O U N DAT I O N S ---------------------------------------------------3,000 P S i REINFORCIfVG: BARS#4 AND LARGER: Fy= 60,000 PSI. BARS#3 AND SMALLER: Fy= 40,000 PSI. STRUCTURAL STEEL: STRUCTURAL STEEL: Fy=36,000 PSI. BOLTS: A307 Sitts&Hill Job Name Campen Sprinqs Professional Engineers&Planners 29�1 South 40`"Street Job No. 10256 Sheet No. 3 Tacoma,Washington 98409 253-474-9449 Fax:253-474-0153 By Iql Date 09101 DESIGN LOADS COVER DEAD LOADS: FRAMING 85.0 MISC. MECH., & LGTN. 15.0 100 PSF COVER DEAD LOAD SOIL COVER,8 FT.OF SOIL 960.0 PSF COVER LIVE LOAD: 100 PSF&AASHTO HIGHWAY HS 20-44 PRECAST CONCRETE SLABS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON I I ', SITTS 8� HILL ENGINEERS , INC. DESIGNED 1-��- DATE �oa ��z'�' TACOMA,WASHINGTON (253)474-9449 CHECKED DATE SHEET PROJECT 4 OF ,- �- ~ �. - ,- -�- - _. _. . - � � - - - - i- - - - - � -_- ----- - - _ -- ��_o- �.�r�vc,,usr-N �.�cx srov�w�as �r n rµn�rcrs e i-a'-ee•-o• rt,n.ro' ` 6'OS IME7� 201 /WI�R p01 � 7�'7v�KC[4 w»+OLL CRUN NR� iY.195.96 `ti t �ERIfY OPET,�YIC S1ZE wiM PA£CAS�C'IMC%TE�ESi..i _ _ IfR.'YP.2 RIL6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — WY.19C t9 I 2�5 �j.i� 1 2C2 �• � f�79.00' �;�-: �I B _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ -, _ �. �'LC3E 202 n \" E 17�50' '7'. 'KM BL00( x� o0 20] �� amtr vcc■/ •a'•`°' vsr-a va[c 2� ovEH�c 4ov rw�cE ny — °�'�` - - - - � - - - - - - - - - ,z � 'E 1N.00' Rs��19�.97 , C 2u•189.9B ��� VO��Nl vAFT ND IXl!LfT FLEY�170N5. 2�1 IAGIqNi AND SZCS MIM R/l ptAY'C1CS � 6'DS n4E� �d'�vpfCAfT & YE16Y I�Y C1LVAn0'K MM QJl pUMNGS IAPFRED Bf11 ICfYS$R�A CAVER FRAMNC PLAN-SOUTH DEfENT10N VAULT i :_1 . -- 1 - - - - - ___ _ _ � � ._ -- . _ _. _ _ _ _ -- - ; _ � :_ -- - _ -- •- - _. : _ _ �_ _ - --. :_' : -; - - - _..: _s __<.._;... , ___ _ - -__�- _`_ . _ _ _ t , __ � , ' ' - -- - � t - ----- -- -- _� - - � -- - �� -j : - - - - � - � _ -� + — -- 1 `— . — — — .__ ' . � _ - - — _ _ � _ _� �.-- - _-__ _'—;_� '_'__ __ ._�__. _ _ i ; + I - _ - - _ __ - - - . . � � ,_ �_ = .--. . - .• - -- :.._ . : ..._ � :_ - __ � _ _ � — , ; ' _ : :. __ ' t - _ _ - �--.__..__.__.___ _..�._.. — - - -- _ _-- _— - —-- �� i _ _ �;_ __.., _. __� �- _ -� - - - - - - . ._ �' � - _ � _- _ _ -�_ ' _ _ �_+ ..=_ _— ;,. � . . : . - . . �. . . . .- '_ -. ��! i I � v. Cii�_� Livv��Vl Lt �� , iiv��. ��.> .:'.�� , ���,� .;.,� i . TACOMA,WASHINGTON (253)474-9449 CHECKED DATE SHEET PROJECT � OF _ . __ __ _ _._ _.__ _. .__ _ _ ___ _ _ . . j , . _ _ :_ _ . . _ . ._ . _ . _� i _ .._ _t . .- - - - -r ._�.._ . , ._ . . �.__. . .._. . _.<. _ s2'-a• ea._a. i._o. r�u nvµSqN � �` � �owi iw.(�)Puccs tOt �ot � - ,�.�. r � - - - - - - - - J - - - - - - - - � � \ J I \�$TOP S�MQ7f � I : �11�CWQSiE W7 MfN�S'3�75 G A7 tl150E � 101 I � �i 11�OC.E.1..ipV i�T, � fAQ 0�11NLL ' I 1�7 . o�u+,r aec r�u.-� ? a• a i a: ; _ I toz w•u..ooc'wic �Z, i io� I rt.,��sa'i I 1 0 � � - � I ol a � i � � t--' 9 107 t i 36'M OFFIaNG ie'ov�ovQ+rvc fo3 i 1C2 i E- n�5o' �'-0' I(,1N.W' : # t � I CxVtivQED �SIAB CONiPOI t � I 101 �mEiSn�as� '�� ca�CA[rtsYslc : .purtrm. � j ��'• � � ra a�e:sa' i u) � ; .7 i � 4- 3 a7 i � - - - -.-� � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � ,o� \\ ^ v.r.c:�.ql..s7 .C, _ ��-�i: �wt caraa �� AM.M.1 PLCS. FOUNDATION PLAN-90lJTH DE fFNT10N VAUIT I � . __e , ._... -._. . .._ . ..._. c. __._._. . �:_I :. _.. ...._. ._ ...., � � . . .. ._._� :_. _ .;. _,.. ... � _ . ' .- - � � . - . ...._ _ .�...�.w .-.:.-:-. _.-.�-_- � -.�..-._.---,-..- .��� ` � _ . � ; � ; � � '. ._ '. . _ , c . ....� _.. _. t _._. . _. _ ._. ! ._ ... � .�;_ i-�, ._ _ . .'._i �. s � - ' - - _ . _ _ . . _ -.. . : ; , - . � . . ...� ..._. ._� . �._ . � • ' � , . , _. '_. � ; } ! -._€ . . i_ � �. . —� ._. .._ � _ . . _. ... _. ... � ._ : `.. -...� __: . _... -.- - - - _ t ... _.. ,__ 1..: ,-`- - --: � - � - � � .-- -- ,- - - - • -- -�._ -- ---- - ., � , . .. ._. � _ ��. �~ ; ` . 4 � r __ Y ' - -._ � ._ -._ E _ .- __. - __ . }( . _ .._ : - .__ �_� ....:- .— --� � - '- .- ' ---�-- :... � ; .._ . . �..__ . � :. } . :.._ __..._ . : . .-' --�.. , . --- 3 � t --}' : 7 : . .. . :_ f _ _ ._.4 �._. __. _ . �.._ ._ _. . _ _ , I � E t _.- � = `�_ `.�� .: .-_ _ .' ' .. 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DESIGNED �c-�� DATE �oB ��2�� TACaMA,WASHINGTON (253)474-9449 CHECKED DATE SHEET PROJECT � �F . ,_ _.. __. _ ____ __ V_._ __ ; E � t . _;_._ . . . .. _ _ .�. _ ._ .r ._ _ .__ �._.:__ , . - - - � ,_ � :. + - _� ; -- - - _ _ - - _�- . �_ _ i _ _ . �_� _ - - - --- - -- - - - - - --- - -- - - -- _ . � � � ; ` ' i � -- - - - --- � - - --- � . _---- -- � ` _ - - --.. . - -- - � � _ } __� _,. � . __ __.. . 1 • - -- - - - - I_ .__ . . vacusr c�c� �cccss a� (�orio� R.L Q,YW1Q- 3F�R.w�s3.�'-—•::::::::::�� —-—-�-��-=— vacusr caa�h ewsca[�n mas s�ruv a u.o �ss� (env�o) �' xauar mec �rz� n.i�� -.�.�_�:.__.___... ..,_t�_,... ,.._-...,..."...�.�.......�.�._,.... --�5-4�_�4�L a ,�.�__�...��.v_...,..�_�.�.�.�v._ /GtI��MS_ELf79.70 18'DN OPEMRIC JS'D�l OP[NNG _ __ — �E=17a50' � �E.17�Sp' 18�pA OoC1/IV� � IE.17asp• BOf.fl. 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DESIGNED��L DATE �oB ►02,� TACOMA,WASHINGTON (253)474-9449 CHECKED OATE SHEET d PROJECT b OF CvVE� 'FR�.M1►J E� J T-YP� �-A L� ��� �Z��,L,� '��EP >i REc�asT cA;�vt,�� ._ -' F{.��-w�--� � oct� SR�A�,. r �- _ - - 4 - -- � - - - . . . . _ . !, L .. � ;_ __ _ . .._ -_ ' . �- ' . : i :.... --� , �F-1 �--��-S , � �. 1-�F I y �}j� � v � � � - T�P i �L. ExT��2.�c0. �►'r'"L�. �.1�q - 5'U ��� �.,t o = �s�,i C i o � o -t- � ��S o r`.1 ' ��� �� = I �-!� -:_ ��'�.Z � i�o� = � S`o r c��-- : v bE # S �1 E fLTL c r�L,S .q�- S`� v-C• � �^��a n,f I �s3��� �E�_. Ccr�(�, fl_.�sJ �t�LrMf: '�. Irv�C� Z . 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Igl Date: JAN 30,2002 � use the"Settings"screen Description.... � and enter your title block vault wails,Wall W 1 information. This Wall in File:P:\10200\102561CALCULATIONS\VAULT WP Restrained Retaining Wall Design RetainPro Professional 5.0.7,8-Ju�-99, (c)1989-99 ! Criteria , Soil Data Footing Strengths 8�Dimensions , Retained Height = 10.00 ft Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psf fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Wall height above soil = 1.00 ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Min.As%a = 0.0018 ' Total Wall Height = 11.00ft Heel Active Pressure = 50.0 psf/ft Tce Width = 1.75 ft Toe Active Pressure = 50.0 psf/ft Heel Width = 3.50 Top Support Height = 0.25 ft Passive Pressure = 250.0 psf/ft Total Foo6ng Widtr = 5.25 Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Slo e Behind Wal - 0.00: 1 _ Footing Thickness = 12.00 in P Footing��Soil Frictior 0.300 Height of Soil over Toe = 10.00 in Soil height to ignore Key Width = 0.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf for passive pressure = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Using AASHTO Concrete Load Fac Key Distance from Tce = 0.00 ft Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Cover @ Top = 2.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in Surcharge Loads ' Uniform Lateral Load Applied to Stem Adjacent Footing Load �, Surcharge Over Heel = 100.0 psf Lateral Load = 0.0#/ft Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 Ibs »>Used To Resist Siiding&Overtuming ,,.Height to ToF = 0.00 ft Footing Width = 0.00 k Surcharge Over Tce = 100.0 psf ..,Height to Bottorr = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Used for Sliding&Overtuming Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Axial Load Applied to Stem Footing Type Line Load Axial Dead Load = 7,950.0 Ibs Base Above/Below Soil _ at Back of Wail 0.0 ft Axial Live Load = 750.0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary Concrete Stem Construction Total Bearing Load = 14,473 Ibs Thickness = 12.00 in Fy = 60,000 psi ...resultant ecc. = 0.28 in Wall Weight = 150.0 pcf fc = 3,000 psi Soil Pressure @ Toe = 2,831 psf OK Stem is FREE to rotate at top of footing Soil Pressure @ Heel = 2,682 psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psp Mmax Between Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable @ Top Support Top 8�Base @ Base of Wall ACI Factored @ Toe = 3,738 psf Stem OK Stem OK Stem OK ACI Factored @ Heel = 3,541 psf _ Design height - 0.25 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Footing Shear @ Tce = 55.9 psi OK Rebar Size = # 5 # 5 # 5 Footing Shear @ Heel = 39.3 psi OK Rebar Spacing = 9.00 in 12.00 in 16.00 in Allowable = 93.1 psi Rebar Placed at = Edge Edge Center Reaction at Top = 42,376.8 Ibs Rebar Depth 'd' = 9.50 in 10.00 in 6.00 in Reaction at Bottom = 40,013.0 Ibs Design Data fb1F6+falFa = 0.988 0.000 0.000 Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding! Mu....Actual = 16,704.5 ft-# 0.0 ft-# 0.0 ft-# Lateral Sliding Force = 40,013.0 Ibs Mn"Phi.....Allowable = 16,914.0 ft-# 13,524.8 ft-# 6,038.3 ft-# Shear Force @ this height = 0.0 Ibs 66,657.91bs Shear.....Actual = 0.00 psi 925.80 psi Shear.....Allowable = 93•1� psi 93.11 psi FO to n1 g Design Results- -t� Rebar Lap Required = 21.36 in 21.36 in oe eel Rebar embedment into footing = 6.00 in Factored Pressure = 3,738 3,541 psf Other Acceptable Sizes&Spacings: Mu':Upward = 0 0 ft-# Toe: None Spec'd -or- #4@ 13.25 in,#5@ 20.50 in,#6@ 29.00 in,#7@ 3� Mu':Downward = 0 0 ft-# Heel:None Spec'd -or- #4@ 11.75 in,#5@ 18.25 in,#&@ 25.75 in,#7@ 3� Mu: Design = 2,558 2,558 ft-# Key: No key defined -or- No key defined Actual 1-Way Shear = 55.95 39.34 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 93.11 psi To specify your own Title : Campen Springs special title block here, Job# . 10256 Dsgnr: Igi Date: JAN 30,2002 use the"Settings"screen Description.... and enter your title block vault wails,Wall W1 f (� information. This Wall in File:P:\10200\102561CALCULATIONSIVAULT WP Restrained Retaining Wall Design RetainPro Professional 5.0.7,s-�ut-ss,(c)�sss-ss Summary of Forces on Footing : Slab RESISTS sliding, stem is PINNED at footing Forces acting on footing soil pressure (taking moments about front of footing to find eccenVicity) Surcharge Over Heel = 250.OIbs 4.00 ft 1,0OO.Oft-# P�ial Dead Load on Stem = 8,700.OIbs 2.25 ft 19,575.Oft-# Soil OverToe = 160.41bs 0.88 ft 140.4ft-# Surcharge Over Toe = 175.OIbs 0.88 ft 153.1 ft-# Stem Weight = 1,650.OIbs 2.25 ft 3,712.5ft-# Soil Over Heel = 2,750.OIbs 4.00 ft 11,0OO.Oft-�t Footing Weight = 787.51bs 2.63 ft 2,067.2ft-# Total Vertical Force = 14,472.91bs Moment = 37,648.2ft-# Net Moment User For Soil Pressure Calculations 343.2 ft-# To specify your own Title : Campen Springs special title block here, Job# . 10256 Dsgnr: Igl Date: JAN 30,2002 use the"Settings"screen Description.... and enter your title block Vault Walls,Wall W2 information. This Wall in File:P:\10200\102561CALCULATIONSIVAULT WA,I Restrained Retaining Wall Design RetainPro Professional 5.0.7,8-Ju1-99,(c��sa9-ss Criteria Soil Data , Footing Strengths 8 Dimensions ' Retained Height = 4.00 ft Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psf Fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Wall height above soil = 6.00ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Min.As% = 0.0018 Total Wall Height = 10.00 ft Heel Active Pressure = 50.0 psf/ft Toe Width = 3.84 ft Toe Active Pressure = 50.0 psf/ft Heel Width = 4.50 Top Support Height = 9.75 ft Passive Pressure = 250.0 psf/ft Total Footing Widtt = 8.34 Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Slo e Behind Wal - 0.00: 1 _ Footing Thickness = 14.00 in P Footing��Soil Frictior 0.300 Height of Soil over Toe = 10.00 in Soif height to ignore Key Width = 0.00 in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf for passive pressure = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Using AASHTO Concrete Load Fac Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Cover @ Top = 2.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in Surcharge Loads Uniform Lateral Load Applied to Stem �Adjacent Footing Load ' Surcharge Over Heel = 100.0 psf I�teral Load = 0.0#/ft Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 Ibs »>Used To Resist Sliding&Overtuming ,..Height to ToF = 0.00 ft Footing Width = 0.00 ft Surcharge Over Toe = 100.0 psf ,..Height to Bottorc = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Used for Sliding 8�Overturning Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft i Axial Load Applied to Stem Footing Type Line Load Axial Dead Load = 15900.0 Ibs Base Above/Below Soil _ p.0 ft Axial Live Load = 1,500.0 Ibs at Back of Wall Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary Concrete Stem Construction � Total Bearing Load = 22,665 Ibs Thickness = 8.00 in Fy = 60,000 psi ...resultant ecc. = 1.59 in Wall Weight = 100.0 pcf Pc = 3,000 psi Soil Pressure @ Toe = 2,459 psf OK Stem is FREE to rotate at top of footing Soil Pressure @ Heel = 2,978 psf OK Allowable = 3,000 pSf Mmax Between Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable @ Top Support Top&Base @ Base of Wall ACI Factored @ Tce = 3,260 psf Stem OK Stem OK Stem OK ACI Factored @ Heel = 3,949 psf Design height = 9.75 ft 2.82 ft 0.00 ft Footing Shear @ Toe = 89.5 psi OK Rebar Size = # 5 # 5 # 5 Footing Shear @ Heet = 78.4 psi OK Rebar Spacing = 12.00 in 12.00 in 16.00 in Allowable = 93.1 psi Rebar Placed at = Edge Edge Center Reaction at Top = 89.9 Ibs Rebar Depth 'd' = 5.50 in 6.00 in 4.00 in Reaction at Bottom = 757.1 Ibs Design Data -- fb/FB+fa/Fa = 0.000 0.123 0.000 Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding! Mu....Actual = 0.0 ft-# 976.1 ft-# 0.0 ft-� Lateral Sliding Force = 757.1 Ibs Mn'Phi.....Allowable = 7,247.3 ft-# 7,944.8 ft-# 3,945.8 ft-= Shear Force @ this height = 0.0 Ibs 738.0 IC; Shear.....Actual = O.00 psi 15.38 rs Shear.....Allowable = 93.11 psi :' 1� ;;,_ j Footing Design Results Rebar Lap Required = 21.36 in 21.36 in oe eel Rebar embedment into footing = o.00!�r Factored Pressure = 3,260 3,949 psf Other Acceptable Sizes 8 Spacings: , Mu':Upward = 24,751 28,261 ft-# Toe: None Spec'd -or- #4@ 5.25 in,#5'a�8.00 in.#6(a� 11.25 in,#7� Mu':Downward = 3,505 6,835 ft-# Heel:None Spec'd -or- #4@ 5.25 in Mu: Design = 21,246 21,425 ft-# ��,,. �.y,,,�,_., ,:�.,_, _� �_ �.��- :::,;��� Actual 1-Way Shear = 89.54 78.42 �� I To specify your own Title • Campen Springs I' special title block here, Job# . 10256 Dsgnr: Igl Date: JAN 30,2002 use the"Settings"screen Description.... and enter your title block Vault Walis,Wall W2 �Z ' information. I This Wall in File: P:1102001102561CALCULATIONS\VAULT WP Restrained Retaining Wall Design RetainPro Professional 5.0.7,s-�ui-ss,(c)�sss-ss Summary of Forces on Footing : Slab RESISTS slidi,�g, stem is PINNED at footing I Forces acting on footing soil pressure (taking moments about front of footing to find eccentricity) Surcharge Over Heel = 383.51bs 6.42 ft 2,461.8ft-# 'I Axial Dead Load on Stem = 17,400.OIbs 4.17 ft 72,529.Oft-# Soil Over Toe = 351.51bs 1.92 ft 674.1 ft-# Surcharge Over Tce = 383.51bs 1.92 ft 735.4ft-# Stem Weight = 1,0OO.OIbs 4.17 ft 4,168.3ft-# Soil Over Heel = 1,687.41bs 6.42 ft 10.831.7ft-# � Footing Weight = 1,458.91bs 4.17 ft 6,081.3ft-# Total Vertical Force = 22,664.91bs Moment = 97,481.5ft-# Net Moment User For Soil Pressure Calculations -3,006.8 ft-# I I s I � I T I m I ° � ° � m � � � �� � � � �� � � � � ��� � � � $ � 4� ����` � � �a �����������_ �� �� � �� � � ���t � ������ �� � � � ���� � ���� $� ������ � � � �������� � ��ty�� p �€€p3p�3 � ��� � 4 b�� � � E� � � � JI .�s ��� � �� g ��� � ���+'g�'n � � �w �o^�'n� a�� �$ � S �RS� �5� �µ���'a`� �� 7° �� ������� ��� ��� .. �� � � � � g � � ���'��` ��� ��a �� $_ � Y �� � ��µ� �� �� � ����� � � ��a��� � ��� �� �� �� �� ������ ���� s ��� � �� s�$ §�� ���$ � �� � � ������� - 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