HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/2008 - Minutes � � •!�r•f ,�r , .,-�.-,,�,� , �a r,r,� ``' CITY OF RENTON � : �,,.v„ ��CY ` ' _ p �� � � _�-;,c,r , . �� � ._ � ��n Ta ,. - p_ RENTON NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes August 7, 2008 Next Committee Meeting: Next regularly scheduled meeting is October 2, 2008, 4:30—5:30 p.m., Conference Room Liberty Park Community Building, 1101 Bronson Way North, Renton, WA Committee Members Present: Jean Hobart, Pete Maas, Craig Paynter, Robert Peterson, Frances Pieper, Janene Sestak, and Paul Wantzelius Committee Members Excused Absence: Bob Elliot, Margaret Feaster, and Dorothy Flower Committee Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Leslie Betlach, Parks Director Guests: Ron(Earl) Pieper The meeting was called to order by Pete Maas at 4:30 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Pete Maas requested one new item be added to the agenda; under New Business, Bike Racks at The Landing. Jean Hobart made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Paul Wantzelius seconded the motion; all were in favor, agenda approved. II. AYPROVAL OF MINUTES Paul Wantzelius made a motion to approve the August 7, 2008, meeting minutes as written. Craig P�aynter seconded the motion; all were in favor, zninutes approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENT5 None 1:�2008 files�2008-162mb(NonMotorized-Aug08 Minutes).doc � Renton Non-Motorized�nsportation Advisory Committee � August 7,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 IV. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION Craig Paynter shared a web page article entitled,"Car Free Day—Columbia City to Genesse Park, A fun, affordable,healthy way to enjoy our streets". (To be held on August 31, 2008.) "Bus, Bike Walk Around Central Renton" flyer was also routed at the meeting. V. CONSENT ITEMS None VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORT , Springbrook Traal: The City and contractor will be meeting on site to review what has been constructed to date. Missing components at this time include signage, benches, approaches, and litter receptacles. Logan Avenue Bike Lane: The bike lane is currently under construction. Park Board: Leslie Betlach will call Pete Maas and Janene Sestak as they want to attend the upcoming Park Board tour of the King County Park facilities located in the newly annexed Benson Hill area. VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. Leslie thanked Janene Sestak for preparing the draft flyer relating to bicycle safety and also thanked Pete Maas for donating time at the Community Services booth during Renton River Days. 2. Draft flyer—Pete Maas: Copies of the"Draft" flyer Pete prepared on Renton Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee was passed out to committee members. The following comments were made: • Keep flyer for future—possibly put on City's web page. � • Look at flyer during the next scheduled meeting. • Revise flyer to include residendnon-resident requirements. • Revise flyer to take off personal phone number. Craig Paynter noted that some people have asked about the Renton Non- Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee and the flyer would be useful information for future members. 1:12008 Files�2008-162mb(NonMotorized-Aug08 Minutes).doc Renton Non-Motorized Tr�'sportation Advisory Committee � August 7,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 3. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Update: A draft document was circulated at the RNMTAC meeting. Leslie Betlach noted that the next Open House would likely be in September 2008. Pete Maas and Jean Hobart volunteered to review and comment on the draft plan. VIIL NEW BUSINESS 1. South King County Trail Planning: King County Parks and the cities of Renton, Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila, and Des Moines have been meeting with King County Councilmember Julia Patterson regarding trails in South King County including the Two Rivers Trail (Fort Dent Coiinector). There is strong support by all to make the connection from the Green River Trail in Tukwila to the Cedar River Trail in Renton. More meetings will be scheduled in the future. 2. Bike racks at The Landing: There are currently no bike racks at The Landing. Ho��ever, the developer is still developing land and bike racks will be installeci 'i'n the future. Bike racks should be tfie in front of shops, in close proximity, and in view. 3. Robert Peterson reported that on Garden Ave&6th Street, the signal at the SW corner- Pedestrian signal bell housing is falling off. Boeing employees have been complaining. 4. Paul Wantzelius noted that the 4`h light above Cedar River Pedestrian Bridge is not working. 5. Jean Hobart also reported that on the SW corner of 2nd Street and Burnett Avenue the dance building shrubs need pruning for visibility. This will be referred to Code Compliance. IX. CORRESPONDENCE None. X. ADJOURNMENT Paul Wantzelius moved to adjourn the meeting. Robert Peterson seconded the otion, all were in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. � ��l � Signature .� .�IE.�T'RE�1.lLAR�E�;`1`[IdG , _ . �., 4 T��:� C��to`ber.�,;2p08--4:30 P.fiA.' . :. ��>�<`Liberty�Parlc Gammuni#y�Bu�tding,Conference-Room, 1�Flvoir : 1:12008 Files�2008-162mb(NonMotorized-Aug08 Minutes).doc