HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/2008 - Minutes i ' �iTY�JF REN70N � CITY OF RENTON `'�' �.tY APR 0 9 2�0$ 0�,,, ;� . RECElVE� ��N�o� �(TV CLERK.`8 OFFIGE RENTON NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes February 7, 2008 Next Committee Meeting: Next regularly scheduled meeting is Apri13, 2008, 4:30—5:30 p.m., Conference Room Liberty Park Community Building, 1101 Bronson Way North, Renton, WA Committee Members Present: Bob Elliot, Margaret Feaster, Jean Hobart, Pete Maas, Craig Paynter, Robert Peterson, and Frances Pieper Committee Members Excused Absence: Dorothy Flower, Janene Sestak Committee Members Absent: Paul Wantzelius City Staff Present: Leslie Betlach, Parks Director Margie Beitner, Recording Secretary, Community Services Admin. Guests: Ron(Earl) Pieper The meeting was called to order by Pete Maas at 4:36 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Pete Maas requested one new item be added to the agenda; under Old Business, add Renton River Days. Jean Hobart made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Margaret Feaster seconded the motion; all were in favor, agenda approved. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bob Elliot made a motion to approve the January 10, 2008,meeting minutes as written. Craig Paynter seconded the motion; all were in favor,minutes approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 1:12008 Files12008-084mb(NonMotorized-Feb08 Minutes).doc r � Renton Non-Motorized�nsportation Advisory Committee � February 7,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 IV. CUMMITTEE CCIMMUNICATItJN Craig Paynter shared a"Vehicle Energy Efficiency Comparison"sheet far gas pawered vehicles vs. electric powered vehicles with the cammittee. A short discussian followed. Bob Eiliat asked where the committee was as far as memberships and if there were any openings? There are na current openings an the cammittee. Bob indicated a co-warker may be interested if anything opens up. Pete Ivlaas mentioned that the National Trails Committee added the Burke-Gilman Trail to their list ta be recognized. V. C4NSENT ITEMS None. Vi. DIRECTUR'S REPCIRT Leslie Betlach advised the NMTAC members that as of noon on Friday, February 8, 2008, the Cammunity Services Administration Division will be movin�;to the Liberty Park Community Building. This move is part af the accommodation af new employees that will be hired due to the Benson Hill Azlnexation. Approximately 90 new employees are expected to be hired and in order ta keep those empiayees within their respective departments some mavement is necessary. Leslie also noted that the next regular meeting of the Nan-Matorized Transpartation Advisory Gommittee will be held at our new lacation, Liberty Park Community Building. VIL OLD BUSINESS 1. Meeting frequency for NMTAC—Now that the Trails Plan is nearing completion, the committee is in a pasitian to change meetings ta every other month. Mernbers suggested rneeting on the"even"znonths, so that rneeting dates wouid not conflict with the New Year and 4�'of July Holidays. The meetings will continue to be scheduleci on the first Thursday of the manth at 4:34 p.m. Sub-committees can rneet rnore frequently if necessary and do not require the cornmittee to meet as a whole. Bob Elliot made a motion to change meeting dates to the months of February, April, June,August, Uctober, and December. Jean Hobart seconded the rnation, alI were in favor motion carried, 1:�2008 FIIes�2008-084mb(NonMotorized-Feb08 Minutes).doc t � � Renton Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee February 7,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 2. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Update: Leslie Betlach explained that the consultant's submittal was about 30% complete. Leslie and the Transportation Division met with the consultant about 1 '/2 weeks ago to review and reformat the document. Meetings for the City Council and Public will be rescheduled once this document is more complete. There is no revised completion schedule yet. 3. Sidewalk Study: The Open House schedule can be found on the City's web site. 4. The Interurban to Cedar River Trail—King County is considering Two Rivers Trail for the name. 5. Benson Hill Annexation: Leslie Betlach brought in a map showing the annexation properties; approximately four(4) square miles. Discussion followed on what types of properties this included and whether the City received any new parks. Cascade Park will be transferred to the City effective March 1, 2008. At this phase, the City will take over three fire stations and one park. The city will receive two more parks over the next ten years. Current plans for Cascade Park are vegetation management and some minor improvements. 6. 2008 Goal Development: Committee to develop a flyer for Renton River Days. 7. Renton River Days: Pete Maas discussed having a flyer for Renton River Days. It was thought that NMTAC could have a committee member present at the Community Services booth to share bike safety and trail information with citizens. Margaret Feaster has placed a call to Sonja Mejlaender to discuss possibilities. The committee would like to develop a flyer to include some safety ideas, trail etiquette, etc. Margaret Feaster indicated that Janene Sestak was taking the lead on this. Craig said he could make a chart on Carbon Dioxide Emissions and the move for transportation to be carbon neutral. The idea was questioned as to whether this sort of information would represent the goals of the committee and whether the City promotes this concept. The Committee may want to revisit how the committee's goals relate to promoting carbon neutral information and whether or not to support this idea. Discussion followed regarding budget; including the City logo; city approval; including NMTAC name on the flyer; color copies and number of copies. 1:�2008 FlIes�2008-084mb(NonMotorized-Feb08 Minutes).doc � Renton Non-Motorize�nsportation Advisory Committee � February 7,2008,Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 One of the committee members will try to develop a sample flyer for next meeting. Janene Sestak,Jean Hobart, Margaret Feaster, and Pete Maas will work on a brochure for trails which could include health benefits of non-motorized transportation such as hiking and biking. VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1. NMTAC representation on Park Board: For all future meetings, the Chair of NMTAC (Pete Maas) will attend the monthly Park Board Meetings. If one of the other members would like to attend the meeting in the Chair's place, they can contact Pete directly. 2. Road Closures—Handout: Leslie distributed a copy of the City's webpage showing road closures in the city. Most of these closures are due to construction. Bob Elliot inquired about what is going on at Oakesdale and Grady Way. Leslie Betlach informed him that this is part of the I-405 expansion project. IX. CORRESPONDENCE None. X. ADJOURNMENT Robert Peterson moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Elliot seconded the motion, all were in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m. { �`�.%�'Z�,,,C�., ��� �-- �_, Signahcre ;�. :��u,:.. .. _.:; ��t�:q . ., a . , ,. ..�,. ,r.... i`� ",i� �" ::..'.,..`: .• �c-.. :;�..� ����.�a �4 �?�.��•�> � ;�. �� .V :.1' ���;:r �;�i.,,�''F�x•�A�, �s...�°'��;r:a� �k ' `�':f " 'a� "a" �,�:�;>`t_;:� •_ ,s����,�`"'•;" �� . _%; ,��,..� • ;,�� ,�-' `�..� �,, , �`� ...g��� �°� � �} F, f i '��% •��' � � •'p .�.-. �?�.1" . �i,z»� "t , ' s . � r�4�.. `i yy,�� ..�' :,� �:�� ,'� ..� '� , ��.�� i� _<.,. $ �� 1:�2008 Files�2008-084mb(NonMotorized-Feb08 Minutes).doc