HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5806 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5806 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, REPEALING CHAPTER 3-5, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 2-4-1, 2-4-2, 2-4-3, 4-3-050, 4-4-080, 4-4-110, 4- 5-020, 4-5-070, 4-5-120, 4-5-130, 4-6-030, 4-8-060, 4-9-110, 4-9-240, 4-11-060, 4-11-080, 5-3-2, 5-12-5, 5-22-2, 8-4-35, 9-3-2 AND 9-11-2 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, TO REFLECT THE RENTON REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY'S ROLE IN PROVIDING FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES AND TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE AND AMEND THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE THAT WAS ADOPTED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING COUNCIL, WHERE SUCH AMENDMENTS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO REQUIRING OPERATIONAL PERMITS FOR MOBILE FOOD FACILITIES, UPDATING AND CLARIFYING DEFINITIONS, UPDATING OUTDATED REFERENCES, AND CLARIFYING THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE CITY'S EXISTING PROHIBITION OF FIREWORKS; AND ESTABLISHING AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF J U LY 1, 2016. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Sections 2-4-1, Creation of Civil Service Commission; 2-4-2, Authority; and 2-4-3, Function, of Chapter 4, Civil Service Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, are amended as follows: 2-4-1 CREATION OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: There is hereby created the Police�e Civil Service Commission. 2-4-2 AUTHORITY: The Police a��+�e Civil Service Commission is established under the authority of RCW 35A.11.020. 2-4-3 FUNCTION: The Police�e Civil Service Commission shall have power to make such rules and regulations as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of Chapters 41.08 1 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 and 41.12 RCW. The Commission shall also have the power to make rules and regulations governing the Commission in the conduct of its meetings and any other matter over which it has authority. Any police civil service rules and regulations ^� {��^ � ��� � ���^� �^� - ����+' in effect as of the adoption of this Chapter are hereby confirmed as the present {��^ �;,,;� �^�„��^ �- police civil service rules and regulations SECTION II. Chapter 5, Fire and Emergency Services Department, of Title I11 (Departments and Officers) of the Renton Municipal Code, is repealed in its entirety. SECTION III. Subsection 4-3-050.G.8.b.vi(a)(2)(A)(iii) of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: (iii) Hazardous materials stored outdoors and their attendant secondary containment devices shall be covered to preclude precipitation with the exception of hazardous materials stored in tanks that have been approved by and are under permit from the r;+., „� o„�+,,.. �;..,, or,,,,,,�+;,,� �ea�Fire Department. Secondary containment for such tanks, if uncovered, shall be able to accommodate the volume of precipitation that could enter the containment device during a twenty four (24) hour, twenty five (25) year storm, in addition to the volume of the hazardous material stored in the tank. SECTION IV. Subsection 4-4-080.F.6.d, Surfacing and Construction Requirements, of Chapter 4, City-Wide Property Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows: 2 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 d. Surfacing and Construction Requirements: Fire lanes shall be an all weather surface constructed of asphalt or �^'^,�{�Q concrete Ee�i#ie�desi�ned to be capable of supporting a���thirty (�9 30) ton fire apparatus vehicle. SECTION V. Subsection 4-4-110.D.7.c, Emergency Vehicle Access, of Chapter 4, City- Wide Property Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regutations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: c. Emergency Vehicle Access: When on-site emergency access is required for fire or other emergency equipment, a through route shall be provided and maintained in a free and open condition at all times, with an exit from the lot different from the entrance and separated by at least three hundred feet (300') when not on opposite sides of the lot. Any fire or emergency access, including but not limited to this subsection, shall conform with the recommendations of the ��Fire Department and together with a traffic flow pattern, when required, shall be clearly defined on a site plan. SECTION VI. Subsection 4-4-110.D.12.e, Fire Suppression System Standards, of Chapter 4, City-Wide Property Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: e. Fire Suppression System Standards: On-site fire suppression systems shall be fully automatic with manual overrides from at least two (2) locations outside the barrier. The fire suppression system shall be connected to central dispatch of the ��+�• ^{ °^^*^^ Fire Department by means of a remote 3 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 station protecting signaling system, in accordance with the specifications of the National Fire Code, Volume 7, of the National Fire Protection Association. SECTION VII. Subsection 4-5-020.B, Fire Department Duty, of Chapter 5, Building and Fire Prevention Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: � Q...,,.,,. „� �:.,, o..e.,e,.+:,,� r�+..�.r.��,,,�. The � International Fire Code shall be enforced by the °i��^,�� ^� �;�^ o�^„^^���� :� *"�Fire Department „�+ti„ r�+., ,.,�;�w .-w..ii ►.o�, • � �+t,,, �t,• � �+h �• .. .,....., ..��era�ed �n�e�-the �pper�»��,�. �T���,-.�� �e�a�e� pursuant to interlocal a�reement and Renton Municipal Code Section 2-21-2. �T-n�pein�rnen� ef rir�T�-���!: T.".�Fir�--Marshal in st}aTge ^�� n,..-,,.,,� „f �,..,, �.,,,,,,r+.,,., �h-,�i h„ ., .,,,��+,,,� ti., +h„ �• rti• � „� +ti �•+ u• r+.�...,,..+ ��-,ii ,. �+;.,,�„ .���.-;.,.. .. ,,.� h„�.-,.,;,,. ., .� -,+• �., + 4NN� . '] Dno. .F Der.�� .,.J. A ...-+ ..�' +1�.., Q. ..F [:.- n. ...+:.... JL.MII L.� �-��w�: ..........�h, -,.,.J +.-�.,�,�.,�++,,.J +„+1,,, nn-,.,,..- .,.,.J r�+.,r,,,�.,��� ,.�+1,,, r�+„ TL.i� rr,.,�� �"M!! �en�ain, ame�t�c+-�eeeed'"��. :.".:., Eed�^;�; �-r"�'Tc-F r�i�l, .-+�+��+�.- .- +L,., !'h' � F+4.., ['.�, f1.,.,�.-+.,,, r ' l-, + ' 1 .J +4. ' c�i i c��rcrt�.Tn-s_�cpvrcrri cn c��-ra-y--vv-r7n cv-rrrcr�.-rcr�crr�.Tcnr T L,., !'L,�.,�.,F*L,., C�.., Il.,.�,-,.+.,�..,..+ �h-,I I �I.-.. . .,.-I -. .J `.-.+.. +.. +L.� E9�e� W r1 i c i i i i� i i i.�i7u asriTcnrin'�urf�c-iTccc�:rar'T �4,--11��eir��rr�en� ef I►�speE�ers b�-;T�6�Te€c T—,��Ehief e# �#��i�--� � ..+ Y... ., �+ .- ,.� .., w.ti„ „�+�,,, �;.,, n,,.,-„-+.,..,,.,+ -, + ��... ...�, 4 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 iw,�, +., +iw.., h., r. �"��--,r.� i., .�, rl + + .J � r +l, ti,r / 7 n.J � .,.J�+�.,r� .,F+h., [�r., r.,,�., SECTION Vllt. Section 4-5-070, International Fire Code and Fire Prevention Regulations, of Chapter 5, Building and Fire Prevention Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 4-5-0701NTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE AND FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS: A. PURPOSE: The following provisions and regulations are adopted as part of the City's fire prevention program to abate existing fire hazards, to investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of fires, to inspect potential fire hazards, to control the means and adequacy of the construction and safety of buildings in case of fires, within commercial, business, industrial or manufacturing areas and all other places in which numbers of persons work, meet, live or congregate, as hereinafter more particularly set forth. B. ADOPTION OF FIRE CODE AND STANDARDS: The City does hereby adopt the �� 2015 International Fire Code pursuant to Chapter 51-54A of the Washin�ton Administrative Code and Appendices B and H published by the International Code Council, by reference as provided by State law, with the amendments, additions, deletions or exceptions as noted herein. C. AMENDMENTS,ADDITIONS,AND DELETIONS TO THE FIRE CODE: 1. Subsection 101.1, Title, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 5 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of the City of Renton, hereinafter referred to as "this code." Any references to "this jurisdiction" shall be references to the City of Renton, Washington. 2. Subsection 101.2, Scope, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 6, to read as follows: 6. Matters related to preparedness for natural or manmade disasters. 3. Subsection 102.7, Referenced codes and standards, of the International Fire Code, �8�-� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 102.7 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 80, except the phrase "Electrical Code adopted by the City of Renton" shall be substituted for all references to the NFPA 70-� 14 National Electrical Code. Such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference �� a^+^��^;^^-� ^- meaf�ied b��k}e �;.-„ r,,,�� n��,,.:..i �� �wo „ .,+ +�„ .-„�,,.,,.,,.,,,� ,.,,a„� -. inEe�sis�en� wi�h�hEs c���^,-�his se�e �'��,�� and as further re�ulated in Sections 102.7.1 and 102.7.2. 4. Subsection 103.1, General, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 103.1 General. All references in this code to the "department of fire prevention within the jurisdiction" shall be synonymous with the Fire a� 6 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 �m^�^^^�„ �^�.,;�^� Department under the direction of the Fire Code Official. The function of the department shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code. 5. Subsection 103.3, Deputies, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by changing the title to "Fire Marshal /Deputy(ies)/Assistant(s)," and to read as follows: 103.3 Fire Marshal/Deputy(ies)/Assistant(s). In accordance with prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction, the Fire Code Official shall have the authority to appoint a Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal(s) and/or Assistant Fire Marshal(s), other related technical officers, inspectors and other employees. 6. Section 103.4.1, Legal defense, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 103.4.1 Legal defense. �-�uw:;�:���:���e aa�heri�—sr aAny employee performing duties in connection with the enforcement of this code and acting in good faith and without malice in the performance of such duties shall be relieved from any personal liability for any damage to persons or property as a result of any act or omission in the discharge of such duties, and in the event of claims and/or litigation arising from such act or omission, the City Attorney shall, at the request of and on behalf of said ,�'m;^��*��+;.,� �e� employee, investigate and defend such claims and/or litigation and if the claim be deemed by the City Attorney a proper one or if judgment 7 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 be rendered against such administrative authority or employee, said claim or judgment shall be paid by the City. This subsection applies onlv to emplovees that are paid bv and work directiv for the Citv of Renton. It does not applv to those workin� for other entities, includin� the Renton Re�ional Fire Authoritv. 7. Subsection 104.1, General, of the International Fire Code, �9� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection�, to read as follows: 104.1.1 Discretionary authority. The Fire ChiefT€r►�e��e�c�-�e��� , Fire Marshal, Deputy and/or Assistant Fire Marshal(s) and Inspectors assigned to the Fire Department 6�:�::�:;:�:�� °:�!; �e��� �^���shall have the authority and discretion to enforce this code. 'IAA 1 'f I►A�..:c+.�.n:�,l �,��+L....C+.. AA.,w.L,.,rr .,F +k,., C:.,. ......�I Cw,.,r..n.,.�.. Snr•,�•-�� Il.,..-.r+w..,.,+ ...hr. -. .�+ -� .,.J +�, +4, !" '+ D' . D�,.d +' ....- -•--- —_r_._..._..' -'.... .,..... ...,. ....�:a:'...,.. ... �.... ................��r �.�,,�. .....�......�-�ro�r-r ci+r+i�r� �F +1�� rl....-..+w.....+ .,L.-.11 e..�rr� ��+l�..ri+�. -�r rl�e,inr�-.+�rl 1�.. +l-... Cir� ..r,....,......� ........ ;n+..��hr�r,ri-cvv� 8. Subsection 104.10.1, Assistance from other agencies, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 104.10.1 Assistance from other agencies. Police and other enforcement agencies shall have authority to render necessary assistance in 8 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 the investigation of fires or the enforcement of this code as requested by the Fire Code Official or his/her designee. 9. Subsection 104.11.2, Obstructing operations, of the International Fire Code,�8�-�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 104.11.2 Obstructing operations. No person shall obstruct the operations of the Fire an� €merger�s�•�� Department in connection with extinguishment, control, or investigation of any fire or actions relative to other emergencies, or disobey any lawful command of the fire chief or officer of the Fire an� €merser�s �^�:� Department in charge of the emergency, or any part thereof, or any lawful order of a police officer assisting the Fire�^^� r�^^^�^^^^„ �^�,,;^^� Department. 10. Subsection 105.1.1, Permits required, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: Operational permit fees. The fee for permits issued in accordance with Subsection 105.6 of the International Fire Code and permits issued for underground tank removal shall be as stipulated in the City of Renton Fee Schedute Brochure. Fees for tank storage shall be assessed for each individual tank. Exceptions: 1. Permit fees for Class IIIB liquid storage shall be assessed for each tank up to a total of five tanks, and no additional fee shall be charged for 9 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 the sixth through the tenth tank. The eleventh tank and each subsequent tank of Class IIIB liquids shall be assessed per tank. 2. Permit fees for carbon dioxide svstems used in bevera�e dispensin� applications shall be waived. The permits shall expire one (1) year after date of issuance or as otherwise noted on the permit. The permit fee shall be payable at or before the time of issuance or renewal of the permit. In the event of failure to remit payment for an operational permit within thirty (30) days after receipt of application or renewal notice, the fee for the permit shall be double the amount of the above-stated fee. 11. Subsection 105.3.2, Extensions, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 105.3.2 Extensions. A permittee holding an unexpired permit shall have the right to apply for an extension of the time within which the permittee will commence work under that permit when work is unable to be commenced within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Fire Code Official is authorized to grant, in writing, one (1) or more extensions of the time period of a permit for periods of not more than one hundred eighty (180) days each. Such extensions shall be requested by the permit holder in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated. 10 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 12. Subsection 105.4.1, Submittals, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as follows: Construction plan review. Plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to issuing a permit for work set forth in Subsections 105.7.1 through '^�:'.�� 105.7.18. Plan review and construction fees. Construction plans required to be reviewed by this Chapter and the International Fire Code shall be charged in accordance with the City of Renton Fee Schedule Brochure. 13. Subsection 105.6.16, Flammable and combustible liquids, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: '^�0 105.6.17 Flammable and combustible liquids. An operational permit is required: 1. To use or operate a pipeline for the transportation within facilities of flammable or combustible liquids. This requirement shall not apply to the off-site transportation in pipelines regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) nor does it apply to piping systems. 2. To store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of 5 gallons (19L) in a building or in excess of ten (10) gallons (37.9L) outside of a building, except that a permit is not required for the following: 2.1. The storage or use of Ctass I liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or mobile heating 11 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 plant unless such storage, in the opinion of the Fire Code Official, would cause an unsafe condition. 2.2 The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or similar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting or similar purposes for a period of not more than thirty (30) days. 3. To store, handle or use Class II or Class IIIA liquids in excess of twenty-five (25) gallons (95L) in a building or in excess of sixty (60) gallons (227L) outside a building, except for fuel oil used in connection with oil- burning equipment in single-family and duplex dwellings. 4. To store, handle or use Class IIIB liquids in tanks or portable tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel-dispensing facilities or where connected to fuel-burning equipment. Exception: Fuel oil and used motor oil used for space heating or water heating in single-family or duplex dwellings. 5. To remove Class I or tl liquids from an underground storage tank used for fueling motor vehicles by any means other than the approved, stationary on-site pumps normally used for dispensing purposes. 6. To operate tank vehicles, equipment, tanks, plants, terminals, wells, fuel-dispensing stations, refineries, distilleries and similar facilities where flammable and Class II, IIIA or IIIB combustible liquids are produced, processed, transported, stored, dispensed or used. 12 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 7. To place temporarily out of service (for more than ninety (90) days) an underground, protected above-ground or above-ground flammable or combustible liquid tank. 8. To change the type of contents stored in a flammable or combustible liquid tank to a material that poses a greater hazard than that for which the tank was designed and constructed. 9. To manufacture, process, blend or refine flammable or combustible liquids. 10. To engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments. 11. To utilize a site for the dispensing of liquid fuels from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, marine craft and other special equipment at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments. 14. Subsection 'n� 105.6.24,, Hot work operations, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: '^�� 105.6.24 Hot works operations. An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to: 1. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted. 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 2. Use of portable hot work equipment inside a structure. Exception deleted. 3. Fixed-site hot work equipment such as welding booths. 4. Hot work conducted within a wildfire risk area. 5. Application of roof coverings with the use of an open-flame device. 6. When approved, the Fire Code Official shall issue a permit to carry out a hot work program. This program allows approved personnel to regulate their facility's hot work operations. The approved personnel shall be trained in the fire safety aspects denoted in this Chapter and shall be responsible for issuing permits requiring compliance with the requirements found in Chapter 35. These permits shall be issued only to their employees or hot work operations under their supervision. 15. Subsection �34� 105.6.36 Places of Assembly, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: '^��.�.�� Temporary place of assembly/special event permit. An operational permit is required for any special event where three hundred (300) or more people will congregate, either outdoors or indoors, in other than a Group A Occupancy. 14 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 16. Subsection 105.6, Reauired operational permits, of the Internationai Fire Code, 2015 Edition, is herebv amended to add a new subsection to read as follows: 105.6.49 Mobile Food Facilities. An operational permit is reauired to operate a mobile food facilitv. �17. Subsection 1Asv�rTs�j 105.7.10 Hazardous materials, of the International Fire Code, �93� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1AG�7 p� 105.7.10 Hazardous materials. A construction permit is required to install, repair damage to, abandon, remove, place temporarily out of service, or close or substantially modify a storage facility, tank, or other area regulated by Chapter 50 when the hazardous materials in use or storage exceed the amounts listed in Table '^�� 105.6.21. Exceptions: 1. Routine maintenance. 2. For emergency repair work performed on an emergency basis, application for permit shall be made within two (2) working days of commencement of work. �18. Subsection 107.1, Maintenance of safeguards, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 15 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 107.1.1 Malfunctioning alarm fee. Whenever an alarm system is activated due to a malfunction and the Fire and €mergen��e�-�Ees Department is dispatched, a report of the false alarm will be recorded for the building or area affected. For the first, second and third false alarm within a calendar year, no fee will be assessed. For every false alarm caused by a malfunction of the alarm beyond the third false alarm a fee will be assessed as per the City of Renton Fee Schedule Brochure. �19. Subsection 108.1, Board of appeals established, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by changing the title to "Hearing Examiner," and amended to read as follows: 108.1 Hearing Examiner. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Fire Code Official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, the Hearing Examiner process established by the City of Renton as set forth in RMC 4-5-110, shall have authority. �9�.20. Subsection 108.3, Qualifications, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby deleted. �21. Subsection 109.3, Notice of violation, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 109.3 Notice of violation. When the Fire Code Official finds a building, premises, vehicle, storage facility or outdoor area that is in violation of this code, the Fire Code Official is authorized to prepare a written notice of 16 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 violation describing the conditions deemed unsafe and, when compliance is not immediate, specifying a time for reinspection. �21. Subsection 109.3.1, Service, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as follows: Reinspection. Whenever the Fire �^�' r^^^-^^^^., �^-.,;�^� Department has given notification of a violation that required a reinspection and thirty (30) days have expired with such condition or violation still in existence, a "Subsequent Reinspection" will be required. Reinspection Fee. Any Subsequent Reinspection, after the original thirty (30) days period of time, shall require the payment of a reinspection fee as specified in the City of Renton Fee Schedule Brochure, to be assessed against the person owning, operating or occupying the buitding or premises wherein the violation exists. This reinspection fee must be paid within ten (10) days of the notice for the reinspection. However, any building owner, operator or occupant, upon a reasonable request to the Fire Code Official, may obtain an extension of said thirty (30) day period for a reasonable period to be established by the Fire Code Official to allow such time for compliance. The request for an extension must be received by the Fire and €me�ge�ae��� Department prior to the expiration of the original reinspection date. 17 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 �23. Subsection 109.3.2, Compliance with orders and notices, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: Notice and Responsibility. Whenever the infraction, condition or violation involves the structural integrity of the building, then the notice of the infraction, condition or violation shall be sent to both the building owner and its occupant or occupants. Should compliance with the fire code so as to remedy the infraction, condition or violation require additions or changes to the building or premises, which would be part of the structure or the fixtures to the realty, then the responsibility to remedy the infraction, condition, or violation shall be upon the owner of the building unless the owner and occupant shall otherwise agree between themselves and so notify the City. Should the occupant not remedy the infraction, condition, or violation, then the City shall have the right to demand such remedy from the owner of the premises. �24. Subsection 109.4, Violation Penalties, of the International Fire Code,�9�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 109.4 Violation Penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the Fire Code Official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a 18 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 misdemeanor and subject to the penalties in RMC 1-3-1, except as provided in RMC 4-5-070.C.43 and 100. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. �25. Subsection 111.4, Failure to comply, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 111.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, subject to RMC 1-3-1. �26. Section 202, General Definitions, of the International Fire Code, �93�2015 Edition, is hereby amended by changing the definitions of"Fire Chief" and "Fire Code Official" to read as follows: FIRE CHIEFr€M�R6€N�Y-�€RV�€�-A�41A��T�A�BR. �#e �t.�„���.-+.-.+r-►r aharaad u�cith +�„ „ ��� �• +• � ti+ f+�, r•+ f p b zTrc-a�'c-y--vT D.,.,+.,.�,�� ,,., ' ' I .J'.. '+ '�I �„d r' F' / "�ac�:c y�-�c i v i cc� i i i c�a a i��S com�"rr"'r�a'rrrc�y-rr Tccacrcc�vTr-rmcTrc�cac �PKa�i�P�� amaraanc�mcdic�l cor�icc6 aiia ciiicrSc116TrT1a11ascF71211�, ar�� �hall +��e-aAll references in this code to the"fire chief.-" shall mean the Fire Chief or chief administrative officer of the Renton Re�ional Fire Authoritv, or a dulv authorized representative. FIRE CODE OFFICIAL. The Fire ChiefT€merge�c��e�ees �r�t�, who shall be the chief law enforcement officer with respect to this code. 19 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 �27. Section 202, General Definitions, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following definitions: AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR (AED). An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable automatic device used to restore normal heart rhythm to patients in cardiac arrest. MOBILE FOOD FACILITY. Permanent and nonpermanent food operation vehicles that store, prepare, packa�e, serve, vend, or otherwise provide food for human consumption, on or off the premises. SHALI. The word "shall" is defined to have the following meaning: a. With respect to the functions and powers of the Fire Code Official, any agents and employees of the City of Renton, and any Board authorized hereunder, a direction and authorization to act in the exercise of sound discretion and in good faith; and b. With respect to the obligations upon owners, occupants of the premises and their agents, there is a mandatory requirement to act in compliance with this code at the risk of civil and criminal liability upon faiture to so act. SI4Y 6A NT�R�JTM i►�i a��-��a��ed a i r �a�l����—,�;e3--e�-�r� �: ..., .. �:�'a� seFrse �A rlca� t��air +ps+c���hi. i'anccrirdr'�m +crtt: i.ntcntinn—of c�_�t�n��f t., I'F+ ' + �he aTme.SpheC2 T�isall�m�,�2 A�FFC-� cc+c+� ��.���ccr—�i i c i i�tv ��.J L.M� v �,�.,I �.,11 �., +1,., ., 2� ORDINANCE N0. 5806 SPECIAL EVENT. For the purposes of this code, events that have large occupant loads or create a potential hazard to the participants or the community shall be defined as a "special event" including: a. Any event that occurs in a permitted place of assembly that introduces a hazard regulated by this code and not approved at the time of the issuance of the Place of Assembly Permit. b. Any event with an occupant load that exceeds three hundred (300) in a location that does not have a Place of Assembly Permit. c. All temporary places of assembly. TEMPORARY PLACE OF ASSEMBLY. An occupancy not classified as "Assembly Group A" that is used for activities normally restricted to assembly occupancies and limited to a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days of assembly use. �28. Subsection 307.1, General, of the International Fire Code, �A�-� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 307.1 General. Open burning is hereby prohibited in conformance with the Puget Sound C�ean Air Agency and the Department of Ecology regulations. �29. Subsection 307.2, Permit required, of the Internationat Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby deleted. 21 tJRDINANCE RIQ. 5806 �3Q. Section 308, Open Fiames, of the International Fire Code, �8� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to add a new subsection 308.5, Sky �anterns, to read as follows: 30$.5 Sky Lanterns. The lighting and/or release of sky ianterns ar (ike materials shall be prahibited in the City of Renton. �31. Subsection 314.4, Vehicles, of the International Fire Code, �8� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 324.4 Vehicles. liquid or gas-fueled vehicles, fueled equipment, boats or other motar craft shall nat be lacated indaors except as follaws: 1. Batteries are disconnected. 2. Fuel in fuel tanks does not exceed one-quarter (1j4) tank ar five (5a gallans (19 L) (whichever is least�. 3. Fuel tanks and fill openings are closed and sealed to prevent tampering. 4. Vehicles, boats, ather motor craft equipment, and fueled equipment are not fueled or defueled within the building. �32. Subsection 4813, Emergency respander natificatian, of the Internationai Fire Code, � 2015 Editian, is hereby amended by changing the title to "Emergency services natification," and ta read as follows: 401.3 Emergency services notification. In the event an unwanted fire, medical emergency, or hazardous material release occurs on a property, the owner ar occupant shal! immediately report such conditian to the Fire a� 22 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 €merg��c�Se�Ees Department. Building employees and tenants shall implement the appropriate emergency plans and procedures. No person shall, by verbal or written directive, require any delay in the reporting of a fire, medical emergency, or hazardous material release to the Fire ar�d �^�^~^^~�„ c^�.,;�^� Department. 401.3.1 Making false report. It shall be unlawful for a person to give, signal, or transmit a false alarm. 401.3.2 Alarm activations. Upon activation of a fire alarm signal, employees or staff shall immediately notify the Fire �^^' �m^�^^^�„ c^�.,��^� �n + „+ c*,-�• 401.3.3 Emergency evacuation drills. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the sounding of a fire alarm signal or the carrying out of an emergency evacuation drill in accordance with the provisions of Section 405. �33. Subsection "^� 403.2, Group A occupancies, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections to read as follows: d^� 403.2.5 Automated External Defibrillators (AED). Group A-1 through A-5 occupancies and special events, with an occupancy load or event of three hundred (300) or more persons, shall have available and maintain an AED on the premises. 23 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 "^�.� 403.2.5.1 Placement. The location of the AEDs shali be as determined by the Fire Code Official with a one way travel distance not to exceed six hundred (600) feet. ^^�,�,= 403.2.5.2 Notification. The Fire ��' r�^^-^^^�., c,,.-.,;,.,,� Department shalt be notified in writing of the installation and location of an AED on the premises. "^�� 403.2.5.3 AED Maintenance. AEDs shall be maintained as per the manufacturer's requirements. ^^�.�,:403.2.5.4 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Training. Where AEDs are required by this code, employees shall be trained in the use of and be familiar with the locations of the AEDs. 33�34. Subsection 498.� 403.8.1 Group I-1 occupancies, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4A8r� 403.8.1 Group I-1 occupancies. Group I-1 occupancies shall comply with the requirements of Subsections 49�� 403.8.1.1 through SR�t�,,.,.- nn� +h.,.,,�.ti nnc -,r.� c���.� +• � nn4 �� +h � 4 .�883—� �... ....., ..,_ �.,,.,..b. T.,., �r . n n�a �35. Subsection 4A8�C�, 403.8.2 Group 1-2 occupancies, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 24 ORDINANCE Ni�. 5806 498=E"i 403.8.2 Group 1-2 occupancies. Group I-2 accupancies shall comply with the requirements of Subsections 4E3�� 403.8.2,1 through 48�-�� 403.$.2.3. 401, 404 throu�h 40b, c� +c,,.,� nn� +N..,,�.,,� nn� and c,�ti�o,-+.,,.,� nn4 �� 403.13 through �^-,�.'�.�: 403.13.$. A��--a�r-�--pe� �36. Subsection 488,-?� 403.8.3 Group I-3 occupancies, of the International Fire Code, � 2Q15 Edition, is hereby amended to read as foilows: 488,r� 403.8.3 Graup 1-3 accupancies. Group I-3 accupancies shaH comply with the requirements of Subsections 488�� 403.8.3.1 through 488�4;403.8.3.4. c„�+•„�� �n, +�,�,,,,,,� nn� M�,� �..�,. +•„ .- nn4,,� ��.-,,,,,.�, n n�� �37. Section 498r 403 Emer�encv Preparedness Requirements, of the lnternational Fire Code, �� 2015 Editian, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection ta read as follows: 4�88r��403.13 Boarding homes and residentiai care facilities (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, R-2 and R-4 octupancies), Facilities classified as nursing homes by Washington State Administrative Code subsection 388-97-0001 shall camply with Subsections 408.12.1 through 408.12.8. Facilities ciassified as boarding homes by Washington State Administrative Code subsection 388-78A-2Q20 shall comply with Subsections 408.12.1 through 408.12.5 for those residents wha are unable to care for themselves because of special needs due to 25 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 health or age. Boarding homes shall comply with Subsections 408.12.6 through 408.12.8 regardless of the capabilities of their residents. R-2 and R-4 occupancies that do not fall under the State definition of boarding homes (Washington Administrative Code subsection 388-78A-2020) are exempt from requirements under Subsection 408.12. �'^�s 403.13.1 Receiving facilities. The fire safety, emergency and evacuation plans must include memoranda of understanding (MOU) with appropriate facilities that can receive residents with special needs if the host facility must be evacuated. 488,3�� 403.13.2 Transportation agreements. The fire safety, emergency and evacuation plans must include memoranda of understanding (MOU) with transportation companies or services to provide sufficient transportation resources for residents with special needs and their attending staff in the event of an evacuation. ^^�� 403.13.3 Residential tracking. The fire safety, emergency and evacuation plans must include provisions for tracking residents with special needs in the event of an evacuation. The facility must be able to account for each resident's method of transportation and destination including residents who are picked up by non-staff inembers, even if a transfer of care occurs after the resident's arrival at a secondary facility. ^^��^. 403.13.4 Medications and medical equipment. The fire safety, emergency and evacuation plan must include provisions for 26 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 transporting medications and essential medical equipment for residents to the receiving location in the event of an evacuation. "^�4�§403.13.5 Access to patient medical records. Staff must have access to patient medical records and information in the event of a disaster or emergency. It is the responsibility of the facility operators to arrange for secure records storage to access vital medical records even if residents or patients have been evacuated to a secondary facility. 488,�6 403.13.6 Emergency communications. The facility must maintain the ability to receive emergency warnings and public information messages even during a power outage. A NOAA weather radio along with a battery operated AM/FM radio provides sufficient warning and information capability to meet this requirement. The facility must have an emergency communications plan to communicate with off-site staff to inform them of the facility's status, evacuations, or a need for increased staffing levels if normal modes of communication are not operational. The emergency communications plan will also address communication with the families of residents regarding residents' status, location and safety when the resident is unable to carry out communications on their own. �^�4�r 403.13.7 Environment. The facility must have a plan and readily accessible provisions to maintain a safe temperature environment and adequate ventilation for residents in the event of a utility or equipment outage. The facility must also provide non-flame sources of lighting sufficient 27 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 to keep residents safe when moving around the facility. Candles or other flame sources of heat and light are not approved due to the increased risk of fire. 4A8,3�8 403.13.8 Supplies. The facility must have a minimum of a three (3) day supply of non-perishable food, water, medical, hygiene, sanitation and other supplies necessary to provide a safe environment and sustain the life, health, and comfort of the residents and the staff that care for them. All supplies must fit the dietary and medical needs of residents and staff. The supplies should also be transported to the receiving facility during an evacuation if the availability of the necessary supplies cannot be guaranteed at the secondary location. Exception: If there is backup power for refrigeration, the three (3) days' supply of food may be stored in any form. 3,�38. Subsection 503.1, Where required, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 503.1 Where required. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Subsections 503.1.1 through 503.2. �39. Subsection 503.1.2, Additional access, of the International Fire Code, �&� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to add a new subsection, to read as follows: 28 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 503.1.2.1 Two means of access. Two (2) means of approved access shall be required when a complex of three (3) or more buildings is located more than two hundred feet (200') from a public road. (RMC 4-6-060.H.5) �40. Subsection 503.2, Specifications, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 503.2 Specifications. Fire apparatus access roads shall be installed and arranged in accordance with RMC 4-4-080 and 4-6-060. 4A�41. Subsection 503.4, Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 503.4.1 Enforcement. The Fire � r^�^�^^^�„ c^�,,;�^� Department may issue non-traffic citations to vehicles parked in a fire lane or blocking a fire hydrant in accordance with the Bail Schedule established by Renton Municipal Court. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. 4�.42. Subsection 505.1, Address numbers, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as follows: 505.1.1 Identification size. In order that the address identification is plainly visible, the following minimum sizes, figures or numbers, in block style in contrasting color shall be used in accordance with the following: 1. Single-family residential houses—four inches (4"). 29 �RDINANCE N0. 5806 2. Multi-family residential, commercial, or smal! business: fifty feet (50') or less setback—six inches (6°}; more than fifty feet (50'} setback— ten inches (10"}. 3. large commercial or industriai areas: one hundred feet (100') or less setback — eighteen inches (18"'); more than one hundred feet (100'} setback—twenty-four inches (24"�. 505.1.2 Rear Daor Marking. When vehicle access is pravided ta the rear of commercial, industrial and warehouse buildings, the rear doors servicing individual businesses shall be marked to indicate address and/ar unit identificatian with letters ar numbers at least four inches {4"} high. 505.1.3 Suite numbers. Buildings consisting of separate suites with the same building address shail have their suite number marked so that the suite is readily identifiable and the numbers or letters sized as per Subsection 5Q5.1.1. Exception: Suites located on an interiar hall or corridor shall have lettering at 4east one inch (1") high. 4�43. Subsectian 507.5.1, Where required, af the Internatianal Fire Code,��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 507.5.1 Where required. Where a portian of the facility or building hereafter constructed ar moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than one hundred fifty feet (150'� from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of #he facility or 30 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the Fire Code Official. Exceptions: 1. For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, the distance requirement shall be three hundred feet (300'). 2. Deleted. 4�44. Section 510, Emergency Responder Radio Coverage, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 510.1 Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide minimum standards to ensure a reasonable degree of reliability for emergency services communications from within certain buildings and structures within the City to and from emergency communications centers. It is the responsibility of the emergency service provider to get the signal to and from the building site. 510.2 Applicability. This section applies to new construction permits issued after the effective date of this section. A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued to any structure if the building fails to comply with this section. 510.3 Building radio coverage. Except as otherwise provided, no person shall maintain, own, erect, or construct any building or structure or any part thereof, or cause the same to be done which fails to support adequate radio coverage for City emergency services workers, including but 31 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 not limited to firefighters and police officers. For purposes of this section, adequate radio coverage shall mean that the in-building radio coverage is sufficient to pass the testing procedures set forth in this section. Permits to install any In-Building Radio System will require a construction permit issued by the City of Renton n,,.,,,�,,.,.....,,.,+ c„r,,; .- n;,,;�;,,.,. Fire Department. 510.4 Exceptions. This section shall not apply to the following: 510.4.1 Existing buildings or structures unless undergoing renovation. 510.4.2 Single-family and duplex residential buildings. 510.4.3 Structures that are fifty thousand (50,000) square feet in size or less without subterranean storage or parking. The subterranean areas shall not be exempt from these requirements. 510.4.4 Wood-constructed residential structures four (4) stories or less without subterranean storage or parking. 510.4.5 Buildings constructed prior to the implementation of this section shall not be required to comply with public safety radio coverage provisions of this section. However, should exempted structures undergo renovations, restoration, significant modifications or provide an addition in area greater than twenty percent (20%) of the footprint of the original structure, exemption from the provisions of this section shall not apply. 510.5 Adequate radio coverage. Minimum signal strength of three (3) micro volts shall be available in ninety-five percent (95%) of all areas of the 32 (JRDiNANCE Na. 5806 building and ninety-nine percent (99°la) in elevatars (measured at the primary recall floar), stair shafts and Fire Command Centers when transmitted from the Regional 800 MNz Radio System. 510.6 Minimum signai strength. Minimum signal strength of one (1) micro volts received by the Regional 800 MHz Radio System when transmitted from ninety-five percent (9510) of all areas of the building and ninety-nine percent (99%j in elevators (measured at the primary recall floor), stair shafts and Fire Command Centers. 528.7 Frequency range. 510.7.1 The frequency range which must be supparted shal) be public safety frequency spectrum as determined by the regional Radio System operator in all areas of the building. Measurements in buildings for the purpase of this section shall be to a portable radio af the type the City and the 911 system then currently utilize. The Fire Chief may designate alternate methods af measuring the signal level, which satisfy appropriate levels of public safety grade caverage. 510.7.2 The amplification system must be capable of future modifications to a frequency range subsequently established by the City. If the system is not capable of modification to future frequencies, then a new system wi41 need to be installed #o accommodate the new frequency band. G1A 4 Te,�+Cw.�r++rr+e��+e���rne_ 33 ORDINANCE NtJ. 58Q6 C1A 4 1 1A/hnrl 4+ i�+�'r+ r�+e^�ir� r�ir+nm ir rnr���iraa _�n_t{ u.^�r+n � � O i .�ir.�� r+ I.+ +Mo o �F +4� + +l�ri+n f 2� �f+4�� �rnzc � � �.,+ �,..M.,;�.�,�..�,�.�..Eq.} . ., _ .., �,�,�,��:�+�nr�* �r�+-+r Y '� +4�` +yr�F Af+�+ +I�n Fr�r+�r lAl11 -�ro-� .��,�..�.� .. ._....,... . ..,. . ..� .,,,. i � 0 ��Itl 4 'f TI-i + + r) ha +{1' n�+' c,I+ IE I�n r__ar+ed�E.-tnrt � STfl7 7GCC1911 711P11 pG G01 vGltiGt �b . v{ .�.. ��C^"���i��91T1"'�C 34 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 , ,c i i ., + ti •++ a r p �c'�'�'z-cccr G1A 4 � TL.., .* -.L�.,r .,��II -. I'�' 4. II l.. r --� ��_ _ �.�..�: ......... �n:T^a�narad an� o�;;{e� eaFh�ear ��,rin�he ewner� a��;-�es�s�s �..,,,,�,�,,,� �,,,.-,,;� i., +t,� „ `�+�w.,+ +�.e .�, n+ .- ��i+.- ti i + +h � ,,..... �.. � 1����,�;.,,, „ �►,.,ii �.,+.F +t, Q •i,�• r a n��• • i ti •ti a 7 b �f th� � �+.,.,,.,,+„�++„ „ +-,��• � +� � �r ��}::'. u.. ,.. ...-+.,.., � .. .,.J +h L, 'I.d' o �� �'��� � �''_'s e�c� �.".:!! �au;��o�r - . .n c�s�es3ien ef a Earrenr i i i ci a i r i � F�� I I ccl?52�r-c3 *���� .,r+��;.,,� ti +ti norn +N D(`IA + + + ii +• . c y c r c� c v v i c�i c � cnrcv cc�c-pTr-crctrorcvtlt�7CftCttt�tit i � �aEl�e�+��, ,. ,,,.:::mam ef ense eve�twel����,'-�T�qs.��er� .�k,al��,p--���pd �o �;�.��re �ha� �he�ain rerr�ainszhe�w:� w� �.".;� #e�-�� t,,, +„�+„a � .,,�,,.- i,,.,,� f,,.- ., ��� � + + ,� �.. �w t�Xin�z-�kaahniaia� if +F+^ G+�+*r+ +h + + 6, II o � c���vvcccl'�2�fI11�1�5 SpI71p�AC�S Af f�l�al'e, k�P-ax#andarl fnr ,rlrl�+����� ��� � a +•i +� + +• + M � / N ��.+f�.- � +k... .�.+.. .�+ F +4. 4. ++ A II +L. +' a L. 11 I.. b �Tv� c��c o'a crc r��u r v c�i c i a c c�v eetyrttp tJti etFt7—�Ficltl—bC cM.,�LacLt�dctcrm���e�ha� �he�-ar�e�eraTi�gwi�hin�he � + � ��^^�{��atirant fcr�lic in�ci�aca-�ai�ASe ��le �eshnisi�,r� shall-�rePare� 35 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 , w:~....�.:-v��-a �^ Q < <v�Ei+l�in�ewner�ha�l�a�mf�--a�leas�et�e ��}-#+e�� �es�, Ar as deT�rm�ne� ��-�k�E�.�::::�:�:::�--an� €ser�e�-BcSv��Te+� , �,��,=�s#ange—�he erigin�� fi�l�-�erfermanse * * " �* pci�vi�i�viicc ccoc 5�'1��� inEl��e�,� minirra�m�, f�A�" "�'"' ;Tl� +�'}e � � p.....� c �nirr �C1 A A A I:�'nn+' r� �vc♦ rMc II�...er1 ITCQ RVTr7'rSCCTTTpRV7r'pqT S1AS1 1 Ruildinac �nd ct��E��r25 yyhlck� eanne� S�IppAf��h2 -,1 �,..��I+;.,1., �..+ � •+L, �rr + + ,a � � N .� w:::N!�fiers, er s�s�ems s�k�erwi�e a��reue��-+;�. r�.,.,,,.,..;� n.,.,�1 + n.J • + + .J + N• 1 M +M., r .-.,.J -,.J�,.,���+., .-..J�., S7A..aZlf , �r+ „s+h„ ; .-+-,li ,� + + + �� r o I.,�+. .,I 1.. .,.J .,+ +6, + I I �J + • 6. �i �. i F,ara�latci�f nnar�ti��* � ��� .� + t.. ++ + f ,.� f + r r p Y I.,-.�+ twal�ra-1.12Lhaurs �,;�;;oa�e�E�err�al�ewer inp�� The ba�er�-s�s�e+� 36 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 5�8�3�3 �lm�lifisa�ie� e��c;;: .,.,.�� !:;�,te ,�^^ ,+^ �n�~��! �an�rel� �e mee#�k�e bcw�:;;b, :ten�il��+e^,T—sc�eli��a�� h��.+�irl�+.. r ..+�. �F +L� `...+ +I....,+ .�erill l�� ��+717��i•1 +� w� + +l� t�t�t�-c�S� :::.,:�+ �1., f..,., �4.-.�-..-rl ���cc vr�ra=a�aB�S CT���erlv�� s�Eh as faels�,��e5i9r2�E n���::�::::;:^:,.-,+,,,�� „n,,,.,w,,,.,+ ;.,,.�,,,�;.,b w:::N!;fisa�ien s�s�e�a-s, Ea",�'^--� ..w.,u t,,, „ .,,�,,,� ,.,;+� -, i + ,� + f�• � ......, ...... �.,, �o r b /C1 .,4,.�.� ,,. I.,.-.- TI,., ,,.,,�,„,.I + + ' I .-1 + I +' + '+6,'- � � o � tt„-.,,, ���+ ;��� of�h��.,,N.����a���.�� e�aipmen�--�Ys�e� �ran�sie��-s����e�s+e� . , .,,+,,,.+;,, ,-,,,� -, ,,,� ,� r�vc , ��O�g�� �-�l���l� -,F.,*., -,.J�., .,I7f;��+�„ .-F:... ��'M�� :�E3 filt�r� ta ra�acLfra�a�;,F1e, �elc�;nr eish�-h�n�red fif#�-ene�,o�s` ^"�-� frr1^ �t,,, �,t,+ t„ ..,�.-�,� + �Qcn� nnu t, ..c+�.:.-� �� „ia � � i Wj .. .....���;.}F�.,. �....�r'-�+1F2 � ��A�9�5 The fellewi ^{^�.,,,+��� ����! �^ ,;��� +� *�� ����^rr�^t chcwinb thc ;o�o�i^o�� of��le ampaifisa�ien e��ipmenT-a�� #��aauiqmant� andsch4��oTi�d�-awinss ef �#�e eles�riEal, �d6IEc��-�9UY�2F; -�ntanni �,�tp�„ an� �.,�oT"�, as�esiaz�� eq�ipmenT-relaTive �e �he 37 ORDINANCE N(J. 5806 ���51Q.8 Approved prior ta instaitation. No amplification system capable of operating an frequencies used by the Regianal 800 MHz Radio System shali be instailed withaut prior coordination and approval af the radia system licensee (Vailey Communications) and any such system must comply with any standards adopted by the King County Regional Communications Board. �9,� 51Q.9 Nancomp#iance. After discavery and notice of nancompliance, the building owner is provided six (6) months to remedy the deficiency and gain compliance. �8,��510.10 Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisians of the sectian shali be subject ta penalties in accordance with the generai penalty provisians of RMC 1-3-1. In addition, any building or structure which daes not meet the requirements set forth in this code is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the City may, in addition ta seeking any ather apprapriate legal remedy, pursue equitable remedies to abate said nuisance in accordance with RMC 1-3-3. �.�� 510.11 Severability. If any subsec#ion, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this section is far any reason heid invalid or uncanstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shail be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such halding shall not affect the validity of the remaining partions hereof. 38 ORDINANCE NtJ. 5806 44=45. Subsection 502.1, Definitions, of the Internatianal Fire Code, �� 2015 Editian, is hereby amended by adding the folfowing definition: POWER TAP. A (isted device far indoor use cansisting af an attachment piug on one end of a flexible cord and two (2} or more receptacles an the opposite end and over current pratection. 4�46, Subsection 604.2, Where required, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 604.2 Where required. Emergency and standby power systems shall be pravided where required by Subsections 604.2.1 through �"��: 604.2.18. 46r4�7. Subsection 604.2, Where required, of the International Fire Code, �A-� 2015 Editian, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as follows: �^�a 604.2.17 Graup 1-1 and Group I-2 Nursing Nome Clccupancies. In additian to specific requirements listed elsewhere in the codes referenced in Subsection 102.6, appraved manually switched standby power systems in new Group I-1 and I-2 oceupancies shall be provided to power the foilowing aperations: 1. Heating and refrigeration. 2. Cammunications and alarm systems. 3. Ventilation systems. 4. Emergency lighting. 39 �RDiNANCE N0. 5806 5. Patient-care related electrical circuits. 6. At least one {2) elevator used by residents. Existing Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies and boarding homes wi1) have two (2) years from the effective date of the ardinance codified in this section to comply with this subsection. b84.�.�2-0 604.2.18 Automative Fuel Dispensing Facilities. All new commercial fue! dispensing facilities shall be provided with an approved �enerator quick connect tap bax and transfer switch for a standby power system to provide pawer to facilitate maintaining fuel dispensing during lacal power outages ar disaster. 4�,48. Subsection 605.10, Portable, eiectric space heaters, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection,to read as follows: 605.1Q.5 Tip-C?ver Switch. All portable electric space heaters shall be equipped with an autamatic tip-over shut-off switch. Exception: Approved liquid-filled portable heaters. 49. Chapter 6, Buildin� Services and Svstems, af the International Fire Code, 2015 Edition, is herebv amended to add a new sectian, to read as follows: SECTION 612 MOBILE FOOD FACILITfES 612.1 General. Mobile food facilities shall comnly with this section. 40 ORDItVANCE NC3. 5806 612.2 Ki#cl�en Naod. A Tvqe i hood shail be instalied at or above ali. commerciai cookin� appliances and damestic caakin� appliances used for commercial purposes that nroduce �rease laden vapors. Commerciai kitchen exhaust hoods shali compiv with the repuirements of the International Mechanical Code. Hoods shall be inspected, tested and maintained in accardance with NFPA 96. 612.3 Fire Extin�uishers. Appraved 2A:2QBC and Tvpe K rated fire, extin�uishers shall be provided in each mobile faod facilitv as determined bv the Fire Code Official and the individual hazard �resented bv the individual mabNe food faciNtv• 612.4 liauefied petroleum �as iLP-�asl. LP-�as shall be in accordance with Cha�ter 61 and sections 612.4.1 and 612.4.2. 612.4.1 Maximum number and quantity. A maximum of two LP- �as containers (ane hundred (100! pounds each�with a total a��re�ate water capacitv of two hundred (2001 pounds is permitted at one mobile faod facilitv• 612.4.2 LP-�as cvlinder hases. Hoses shall be desi�ned for a workin� pressure of three hundred fift� t350� psi�with a safetv factar af five to one (5:11 and shall be continuauslv marked with LP-�as, propane, three hundred fifty (3501 workin� pressure and manufacturer's name or trademark. Hose assemblies, after aaplication of couplin�s, shall have a desi�n capacitv of seven hundred (700} psi�. Hose assemblies shall be leak 41 ORDINANCE N�. 5806 tested at time of installation at not less than the operatin� �ressure of the svstem in which thev are instailed. 612.4.3 LP-gas cvtinders. lR�as cvlinders shal) be secured in an approved manner in an upri�ht position. LP-�as cvlinders shall not be stored within the faciiitv at anv time. If stored within a compartment, the compartment shall have approved ventin� directiv to the exterior and must not allow ventin�to the interior of the facilitv at anv time. If LP-�as cylinder stora�e is added to the rear of the facilitv. an appropriate. apt�raved bumaer shall be added to the rear af the facilitu ta provide adequate impact pratection. Bellv cvlinder tanks shall be installed accordin� to DOT standards. 612.5 Location. Mobile food facilities shail not be located within twentv feet (20'1 of buildin�s, tents, canapies or membrane structures or within ten feet (10'l of any other mobile food facilitv. Exception: When mobile food facilities are �ositioned on public streets, the distance from buildin�s mav be reduced to five feet {5'1. This exception is desi�nated far events lastin� a maximum a# no more than three f3) conseeutive calendar davs in a raw. 48,�58. Subsection 806.1.1, Restricted Occupancies, of the International Fire Code, �A-�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 806.1.1 Restricted occupancies. Natural cut trees shall be prohibited +t�within ambulatorv care facilities and Group A, E, !-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2 42 ORDlNANCE N0. 5806 providing licensed care to clients in one of the categories listed in IBC sectian 314.1 licensed by Washington State and R-4 accupancies. Exceptions: 1. Trees lacated in areas protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Subsections 903.3.1.1 or 903,3.1.2 shall not be prohibited in Groups A, E, M, R-1 and R-2. 2. Trees treated with a flame retardant and renewed to maintain flame resistance, subject to the approval of the Fire Code�fficial. 3. Trees shalE be aliowed within dwelling units in Group R-2 occupancies. 4�9�51. Chapter 8, Interior Finish, of the international Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new section, to read as follows: SECTION 809 ATRIUM FURNISHINGS Atrium furnishings shall comply with Subsections 809.1 and 809.2. 809.1 Potential heat. Ratential heat of cambustible furnishings and decorative materials within atria shall not exceed nine thousand {9,000) BTU per pound �20,9341Jg} when (ocated within an area that is more than twenty feet (20') (6096 mm) below ceiiing level sprinklers. 809.2 Decarative materials. Decorative material in atria shall be noncombustible, flame resistant or treated with a flame retardant. 43 ORDINANCE N�. 5$06 �52. Subsection 9Q1.5.1, Occupancy, of the International Fire Code, �A�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 901.5.1 Occupancy. it shall be unlawfu) to accupy any portion of a building or structure untii the required fire detection, alarm and suppression systems have been tested and approved. All acceptance tests shall be witnessed by the Fire �at��—€-+�e�ge�+e� ���::�� Department prior to occupancy being granted. �53. Subsection 9Q1.6, Inspectian, testing and maintenance, of the Internatianal Fire Cade, �8-1� 2025 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as fallaws: 901.6.3 Annual Certification Required. Al) sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers, smoke removal systems, air replenishment systems, and other fire pratective or extinguishing systems shaN be certified annually by a qualified agency, except, hood fire extir►guishing systems shall be serviced every six {6} months. Documentation of such servicing shall be provided as indicated in Subsectian 901.6. 9U1.6.4 Annual Hazardous Systems Certificatian. All electronic monitoring systems used in connectian with fiammabie, combustible iiquids and/or hazardous materials shall be certified annually by a qualified agency, Documentation of the system certifications shall be forwarded to the Fire „�+ rm��^^^�„ �^�,,;f^� Department indicating each system has been tested _.._ _...--�- —� -- and functions as required. 44 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 �54. Subsection 903.2, Where required, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in this section. All newly constructed buildings with a gross square footage of five thousand (5,000) or greater square feet, regardless of type of use as well as zero lot line townhouses with an aggregate area of all connected townhouses equaling five thousand (5,000) or greater square feet must be sprinklered. Additions to existing buildings which would result in a gross floor area greater than five thousand (5,000) square feet must be retrofitted with an automatic sprinkler system. Exception: 1. One-time additions to International Building Code Group R-3 occupancies of up to five hundred (500) square feet are permitted without compliance with this section. 2. Single-family and duplex dwellings and townhouses built in compliance with the International Residential Code and meeting fire flow and access requirements of the City of Renton. When not required by other provisions of this chapter, a fire- extinguishing system installed in accordance with NFPA 13 may be used for 45 _ _ .��. �RDINANCE RIO. 5806 increases and s�abstitutions allowed in Subsections �� SQ4.3 �8�:� 506.2 and Tabie 601 af the Sui{ding Code. �55. Subsecfion 903.2.1.1, Group A-1, af the internationa) Fire Code, ��2015 Editian, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.1.1 Group A-1. An automatic sprinkler system shafl be provided far Graup A-1 occupancies where one (1) of the fallawing conditions exists: 1. The gross floor area exceeds five thousand (5,000� square feet; 2. The fire area has an occupant laad of three hundred {30Q} or more; 3. The fire area is located an a floor other than the ievel of exit discharge serving such occupancies; or 4. The fire area contains a multi-theater complex. �56. Subsection 9Q3,2.1.2, Group A-2, af the International Fire Code, �A�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.1.2 Graup A-2, An autamatic sprinkler system shafl be provided for group A-2 occupancies where one (1}the following conditions exists: 1. The gross f(aor area exceeds five thausand (5,000} square feet; 2. The fire area has an occupant load af one hundred (100) or more; ar 3. The fire area is located on a floor other than the level af exit discharge serving such occupancies. 46 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 �5.57. Subsection 903.2.1.3, Group A-3, of the International Fire Code, �9�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.1.3 Group A-3. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-3 occupancies where one (1) of the following conditions exists: 1. The gross floor area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet; 2. The fire area has an occupant load of three hundred (300) or more; or 3. The fire area is located on a floor other than the level of exit discharge serving such occupancies. �58. Subsection 903.2.1.4, Group A-4, of the International Fire Code, �A3�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.1.4 Group A-4. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-4 occupancies where one (1) of the following conditions exists: 1. The gross floor area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet; 2. The fire area has an occupant load of three hundred (300) or more; or 3. The fire area is located on a floor other than the level of exit discharge serving such occupancies. �59. Subsection 903.2.1.5, Group A-5, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.1.5 Group A-5. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-5 occupancies in the following areas: concession stands, retail 47 ORDINANCE NfJ. 5806 areas, press boxes and other accessory use areas in excess of one thousand {1,000) square feet. �►8.60. Subsection 903.2.2, Group B ambulatory health care faciiities, of the Internationa) Fire Code, � 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as foilows: 903.2.2 Ambulatory care facilities. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughaut all fire areas containing an ambulatory care facility where either of the foilowing conditions exists at any time: 1. Four (4� or more care recipients are incapable of seif- preservation, whether rendered incapable by staff or staff has accepted responsibility for care recipients already incapable. 2. One (1) or more care recipients who are incapable of self- preservation are located at other than the level of exit discharge serving such a facility. In buildings where ambulatary care is provided on levels other than the level of exit discharge, an autamatic sprinkler system shall be installed thraughout the entire floor where such care is pravided as well as ail floors below, and all floors between the levei of ambuiatory care and the nearest level of exit discharge, including the level of exit discharge. �61, Subsection 9p3.2.3, Group E, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follaws: 48 C3RDINANCE NtJ. 5806 903.2.3 Graup E. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided far Graup E occupancies as follaws: Exceptians: 1. Throughout all Graup E fire areas greater than five thousand (5,OQ0) square feet in area. 2. Throughout every portion of educational buildings below the lowest level of exit discharge serving that portion of the building. 3. Portable schoo! dassraoms, provided #he aggregate area of any clusters of portable school classraoms does not exceed five thousand {5,000) square feet, and clusters of portable schooi classraams shall be separated as required by the Building Cade. �A.�62. Subsection 903.2.4, Group F-1, of the International Fire Code, �$� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by changing the title to "Group B, F and S Occupancies," and to read as follows: �43.2.4 Group B, F and S Occupancies. Ar� automat+c sprinkler system shall be provided throughaut all buildings eontaining a Group B, F or S occupancy with aver five thousand {5,000} square feet r�f gross flaor area. 903.2.4.1 Waodwarking operations. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all group F-1 occupancy fire areas that contain woodworking aperations in excess of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet in area which generate finely divided combustible waste or which use finely divided combustible materials. 49 QRDINANCE N0. 5806 �63. Subsection 903.2.5, Group H, o#the Internationa! Fire Code, � 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as failows: 903.2.5 Group H. Autamatic sprinkler systems shall be pravided in high-hazard occupancies as required in Subsections 903.2.5.1 through 9Q3.2.5.3. 903.2.5.1 General. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group H occupancies. 9Q3.2.S.2 Group H-5 occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings cantaining Graup N-5 occupancies. The design of the sprinkler system shall not be less than that required under the Internationaf Building Code for the occupancy hazard classificatians in accardance with Table 903.2.5.2. Where the design area of the sprinkler system consists af a corridor protected by one (1) row of sprinklers, the maximum number o#sprinklers required to be calculated is thirteen (13�. TABLE 903.25.2 GROUP H-5 SPRIRIKLER DESIGN GRITERIA OCCUPANCY HAZARD LOCATION CLASSIFICATION Fabricatian areas (Ordinary Hazard Graup 2 Service corridars �Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Storage roams without dispensinglOrdinary Hazard Graup 2 Storage roams with dispensing IExtra Hazard Group 2 Corridors �Ordinary Hazard Group 2 50 ORDINANCE N(J. 5806 903.2,5.3 Pyroxylin plastics. An autor»atic sprinkler system shal! be pravided in buiidings, or partions thereof, where cellulose nitrate film or pyroxylin plastics are manufactured, stored ar handled in quantities exceeding one hundred (10d) pounds. 6�.64. Subsection 903.2.6, Graup I, of the International Fire Code, �8� 2015 Editian, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.6 Graup I. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided thraughout buildings with a Group 1 fire area. Exceptions: 1. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.2 shai) be permitted in Group 1-1 condition 1 faciiities. ��� ����m���r e•r�rir�L��r c�iefnrv+ .+r+-.1� r� -�e�n�rrj�+n��+ ���ith C��4,co.�+ir.r, C1I12 2 9 ? .�4,-.11 ���� '"} '? C rn +' n 1 ��C {tcc�cti ' Nr � •—' ----r---- -- ' - rn n f� ..f C��l�c�rfi�n ��l'2� -�_..._.--- --- - --__ �-2. An automatic sprinkler system is not required where Grauq I- 4 day care facilities are at the level of exit discharge and w�ere every roam where care is provided has at least one (1� exterior exit door. 51 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 4. 3. In buildings where Group I-4 day care is provided on levels other than the level of exit discharge, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.1 shall be installed on the entire floor where care is provided and all floors between the level of care and the level of exit discharge, and all floors below the level of exit discharge, other than areas classified as an open parking garage. �65. Subsection 903.2.7, Group M, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as fotlows: 903.2.7 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings containing a Group M occupancy where one (1) of the following conditions exists: 1. Where a Group M gross floor area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 2. Where a Group M fire area is located more than three (3) stories above grade. 3. Where the combined area of all Group M fire areas on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 4. Where a Group M occupancy that is used for the display and sale of upholstered furniture and/or mattresses exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 52 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 b4r66. Subsection 903.2.8, Group R, of the Internationai Fire Code, �1� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, and to read as follows: 903.2.8 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Subsection 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area. �r D_/1 �wr��ren�+4 ec'rl �ec A + +' --•—•— —.__.r. .. .. ... .. T � �., .-�.d.,.�+.- 903.2.8.1 Group R-3. An automatic sprinkler svstem installed in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.3 shall be permitted in Group R-3 occupancies. 903.2.8.2 Group R-4 Condition 1. An automatic sprinkler svstem installed in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.3 shall be permitted in Grouq R-4 Condition 1 occupancies. 903.2.8.3 Group R-4 Condition 2. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.2 shall be aermitted in Grouq R-4 Condition 2 occupancies. Attics shall be protected in accordance with Subsection 903. or 903. 903. Attics used for livin� purposes. stora�e or fuel- fired equipment. Attics used for livin� purposes, stora�e or fuel-fired 53 C}RDINANCE NiJ. 5806 equipment shall be protected throu�hout with an automatic sprinkler system instailed in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.2.. 903. Attics nat used far livin� purposes, stara�e or fuel-fired equipment. Attics nat used for iivin� purposes, stora�e or fuel- fired equipment shail be protected in accordance with ane of the followin�: 1. Attics protected throu�hout bY a heat detector svstem arran�ed to activate the buildin� fire alarm svstem in accordance with Subsection 907.2.2Q. 2. Attics constructed of noncombustible materials. 3. Attics constructed of fire-retardant-treated wood framin�camplvin�with Subsection 23.3.2 of the international Buildin� Code. 4. The automatic sqrinkler svstem shall be extended to provide protection throu�hout the attic space. �^��9Q3.2.8.4 Care facilities. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.3 shall be permitted in care facNities with five (5} or fewer individuals in a single-#amily dwelling. a^�,� 903.2.8.5 Group R-3 C}ccupancy. When the accupancy has over five thau�and (S,Q00) square feet af gross floor area. �^�� 903.2.8.6 Dwellings. When praposed within ail residential zones, clustered or constructed so that, when attached, the total square foot gross floor area af all dwelling units exceeds five thousand (5,000� square feet. For the purpose of this subsection, portions of buildings 54 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 separated by one (1) or more firewalis will not be considered a separate building. �67. Subsection 903.2.9, Group 5-1, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.9 Group S-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a Group S-1 occupancy where one (1) of the following conditions exists: 1. A Group S-1 fire area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 2. A Group S-1 fire area is located more than three (3) stories above grade plane. 3. The combined area of all Group 5-1 fire areas on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 4. A Group S-1 fire area used for the storage of commercial motor vehicles *�„��� ^- ""�^� where the fire area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 5. A Group S-1 occupancy used for the storage of upholstered furniture or mattresses exceeds two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet (232 m2). 903.2.9.1 Repair garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as repair garages in accordance with Section 406 of the International Building Code, as shown: 55 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 1. Buildings having two (2) or more stories above grade plane, including basements, with a fire area containing a repair garage exceeding five thousand (5,000) square feet. 2. Buildings no more than one (1) story above grade plane, with a fire area containing a repair garage exceeding five thousand (5,000) square feet. 3. Buildings with repair garages servicing vehicles in basements. 4. A Group S-1 fire area used for the repair of commercial motor vehicles *����',� ^- "���^� where the fire area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. 903.2.9.2 Bulk storage of tires. Buildings and structures where the area for storage of tires exceeds twenty thousand (20,000) cubic feet shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.1. �68. Subsection 903.2.10, Group S-2 enclosed parking garages, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.10 Group S-2 enclosed parking garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings classified as enclosed parking garages in accordance with Subsection 406.4 of the International Building Code as follows: 56 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 1. Where the fire area of the enclosed parking garage exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet; or 2. Where the enclosed parking garage is located beneath other groups. Exception: Enclosed parking garages located beneath Group R-3 occupancies. 903.2.10.1 Commercial parking garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for storage of commercial motor vehicles +����'-� ^� "����� where the fire area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet. �69. Subsection 903.2.11, Specific building areas and hazards, of the International Fire Code, �93� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.2.115pecific building areas and hazards. In all occupancies other than Group U, an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed for building design or hazards in the locations set forth in Subsections 903.2.11.1 through 903.2.11.6. 903.2.11.1 Stories without openings. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all stories, including basements, of all buildings where the floor area exceeds one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet unless there is at least one (1) of the following types of exterior wall openings: 57 �RDINANCE NtJ. 5806 1, Clpenings below grade that lead directly to ground level by an exterior stairway compiying with Sectian 20Q9 ar an outside ramp complying with Sectian 1010. Openings shall be located on the exterior wall of the story on at ieast one (1} side. The required openings shail be distributed so that the lineal distance between adjacent openings does not exceed fifty feet (SO'). 2. �penings entirely above the adjoining ground level totaling at least twenty {2Q) sqtaare feet in each fifty (5Q) linear feet, ar fraction thereof, of exterior wall in the stary an at least ane (2) side. The required apenings shail be distribu#ed so that the lineal distance between adjacent openings does not exceed fifty feet (50'}. The height of the bottom of the clear opening shall not exceed forty-four inches (44") (1,188 mm) measured from the floar. 903.2,11.1.1 Opening dimensions and access. Openings sha!! have a minimum dimension af not less than thirty inches (30"�. Such openir�gs shall be accessible to the fire department from the exterior and shall not be abstructed in a manner that firefighting or rescr�e cannot be accomplished from the exterior. 903, Openings on one side only. Where openings in a story are provided on only one (1) side and the opposite wali of such story is more than seventy-five feet {75') from such openings, the story shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system or 5$ ORDINANCE N0. 5806 openings as specified above shall be provided on at least two (2) sides of the story. 903. Basements. Where any portion of a basement is located more than seventy-five feet (75') (22,860 mm) from openings required by Subsection 903.2.11.1, or where walls, partitions or other obstructions are installed that restrict the application of water from hose streams, the basement shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 903.2.11.2 Rubbish and linen chutes. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed at the top of rubbish and linen chutes and in their terminal rooms. Chutes shall have additional sprinkler heads installed at alternate floors and at the lowest intake. Where a rubbish chute extends through a building more than one (1) floor below the lowest intake, the extension shall have sprinklers installed that are recessed from the drop area of the chute and protected from freezing in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.1. Such sprinklers shall be installed at alternate floors beginning with the second level below the last intake and ending with the floor above the discharge. Chute sprinkters shall be accessible for servicing. 903.2.11.3 Buildings fifty-five feet (55') or more in height. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings that have one (11 or more stories with a-fl^^� '^•�^� "�••��� an occupant load of thirty 59 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 (30) or more #�a��s located fifty-five feet (55') or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, measured to the finished floor. Exceptions: ' . 1. Open parkin�structures. 2. Occupancies in Group F-2. 903.2.11.4 Ducts conveying hazardous exhausts. Where required by the International Mechanical Code, automatic sprinklers shall be provided in ducts conveying hazardous exhaust, flammable or combustible materials. Exception: Ducts where the largest cross-sectional diameter of the duct is less than ten inches (10"). 903.2.11.5 Commercial cooking operations. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in a commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct system where an automatic sprinkler system is used to comply with Section 904. 903.2.11.6 Other required suppression systems. In addition to the requirements of Subsection 903.2, the provisions indicated in Table 903.2.11.6 ake require the installation of a fire suppression system for certain buildings and areas. 68r70. Subsection 903.2.12, During construction, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 60 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 903.2.12 During construction. Automatic sprinkler systems required during construction, alteration and demolition operations shall be provided in accordance with Section 3313. �71. Subsection 903.2, Where required, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as follows: 903.2.13 Automatic Sprinkler Systems in New Buildings. 903.2.13.1 Buildings over five thousand (5,000) square feet. A fully automatic fire protection sprinkler system is to be installed in all new buildings in excess of five thousand (5,000) square feet total gross floor area, regardless of vertical or horizontal fire barriers. Such sprinkler system shall be designed, installed and tested as per Subsection 903.3. 903.2.13.2 Buildings less than five thousand (5,000) square feet. A fully automatic fire protection sprinkler system may be required by the Chief of the Fire an� €merge�s��� Department or the Fire Code Official for buildings less than five thousand (5,000) square feet gross floor area when, in their judgment, supported by written documentation from a professional organization (such as NFPA, ICC, SBCC, U.L., ISO, etc.) verifies that hazardous operations, hazardous contents, critical exposure problems, limited accessibility to the building or other items may contribute to a definite hazard. 61 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 903.2.14 Sprinkler Systems in Remodeled Buildings. The requirements for the installation of fire protection sprinkler systems in remodeled buildings shall be as indicated in Subsections 903.2.14.1 and 903.2.14.2. 903.2.14.1 Existing sprinklered buildings. When existing buildings with full sprinkler systems are remodeled or added onto, the remodeled or added on portion shall be fully sprinklered. 903.2.14.2 Existing non-sprinklered buildings. When an existing building is added onto or remodeled and the resulting total square foot gross floor area exceeds five thousand (5,000) square feet, then the entire structure shall be fully sprinklered. All existing non-sprinklered buildings currently exceeding five thousand (5,000) square feet where a remodel, alteration or repair exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the building valuation within a three (3) year period shall have a sprinkler system installed throughout. Valuation shall be determined from the King County Assessor records at the time of the first application for a permit. �&72. Subsection 903.3.1.2, NFPA 13R sprinkler systems, of the International Fire Code, �9� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.3.1.2 NFPA 13R sprinkler systems. Automatic sprinkler systems in Group R occupancies up to and including four (4) stories in height shall be permitted to be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R. NFPA 62 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 13R systems shall be limited to buildings with a maximum gross floor area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. �73. Subsection 903.4.2, Alarms, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 903.4.2 Alarms. Approved audible and visible alarm notification appliances shall be connected to every automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 907 and throughout areas designated by the Fire Code Official. Sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Alarm devices shafl be provided on the exterior of the building in an approved location. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system. Exceptions: 1. With approval of the Fire Code Official, �4e�►d visible alarm notification appliances may be omitted for approved residential sprinkler systems in single-family or duplex dwelling units if not otherwise specifically required. Audible alarm notification shall be provided and accomplished bv connectin� the waterflow alarm initiatin� device to the multiple-station alarms, household fire alarm svstem or other approved methods. 63 ORDINANCE NtJ. S$06 2. Alarms are not required for approved domestically stappfied local systems with ten (10) heads or less per building. �7�. Subsectian 903.4.3, Floor Cantrol Vaives, of the International Fire Code, �2Q15 Editian, is hereby amended to read as foliaws: 903.4.3 Flaor Control Valves. Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be pravided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor. Exception; When approved by the Fire Code Official in NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R Systems. �75. Section 903, Automatic Sprirtkler Systems, of the International Fire Code, �8�.�2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, ta read as follows: 903.7 Riser Room Access. All NFPA 13, 13R and any 13D systems serving five (5� or mare dwelling units, sprinkler system risers shall be located in a dedicated raom with an exterior door, lighting and heat. Exception: 13D single and two-family residences or townhome sprinkler systems with four (4) units or less. �76. Subsectian 984�-1� 90�.12, Commercial cooking systems, of the internationa) Fire Code, � 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as foilows: °A� 904.12 Commercial cooking systems. The automatic fire- extinguishing system for commercial cooking systems shalt be of a type recognized for protectian of commercial coaking equipment and exhaust 64 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 systems of the type and arrangement protected. Pre-engineered automatic dry- and wet-chemical extinguishing systems shall be tested in accordance with UL 300 and listed and labeled for the intended application. Existing suppression systems not in compliance shall be replaced with a conforming system whenever any of the following occurs: • Any modifications are made to the structure of the kitchen hood. • Re-arrangement of appliances under the hood requires change in nozzle placement. • Any additional cooking appliances are added to the cook line. • The system can no longer be serviced due to the lack of available manufacturer's listed parts. • Lard or animal fats are replaced with one (1) or more cooking medium that operates at higher temperatures than the suppression system was designed and tested for in the UL listing. If the manufacturer's original listing was conducted using animal fats, the business owner shall provide a letter to the Renton Fire ^^�' ��^�rt^^�., �ewi�es Department certifying that the cooking system will only be used with animal fats. A sign with three inches (3") high letters stating "Animat Fat Oils Only" shall be installed on the front of the hood. Existing wet-chemical systems that are not in compliance with current UL 300 Standards shall be updated. Wet-chemical svstems that were located within the Citv on Au�ust 25, 2008, were reauired to be updated to UL 300 65 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 Standards by no later than Au�ust 25, 2010. All existin� wet-chemical svstems that were le�allv installed prior to annexation into Citv boundaries are required to be updated within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation that brou�ht the svstems within the boundaries of the Citv. e# ��„ ,..-,�:.,.,..,.,, ,.,,,,,�,,,,� • �►,• � + Other types of automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be listed and labeled for specific use as protection for commercial cooking operations. The system shall be installed in accordance with this code, its listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems of the folfowing types shall be installed in accordance with the referenced standard indicated, as fotlows: 1. Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems, NFPA 12. 2. Automatic sprinkler systems, NFPA 13. 3. Foam-water sprinkler system or foam-water spray systems, NFPA 16. 4. Dry-chemical extinguishing systems, NFPA 17. 5. Wet-chemical extinguishing systems, NFPA 17A. �77. Subsection 905.3.1, Height, of the International Fire Code, �8� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 905.3.1 Height. Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than twenty feet (20') above the lowest tevel of the Fire a� 66 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 �m��^^^�„ �^�„��^� Department vehicie access, or where the floor level of the lowest story is located more than twenty feet (20') below the highest level of Fire� �m^-^^^�., �^�.,;�^� Department vehicle access. Exceptions: 1. Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Subsection 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. 2. Class I manual standpipes are allowed in open parking garages where the highest floor is located not more than one hundred fifty feet (150') above the lowest level of Fire � ��^-^^^�„ �^�,,;�^� Department vehicle access. 3. Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed in open parking garages that are subject to freezing temperatures, provided that the hose connections are located as required for Class II standpipes in accordance with Subsection 905.5. 4. Class I standpipes are allowed in basements equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system. 5. Group R-3 does not require standpipes. �78. Subsection 905.3, Required installations, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 67 dRDINANCE NO. 5806 905.3.9 High-Rise Building S#andpipes. Standpipe risers shall be cambir�atian standpipeJsprinkler risers using a minimum pipe size of six inches (6"} diameter. Two (2) twa and ane-half inches {2-1J2"} hase cannections shall be provided on every intermediate flaor level landing in every required stairway unless otherwise approved by the Fire Code Official. Where pressure reduction valves (PRVa are required, each hose connection shall be provided with its awn PRV. The system shaA be designed to provide a minimum flaw of three hundred (300) gpm at a minimum pressure of one hundred fifty (150) psi (maximum two hundred (200} psi) at each standpipe connection, in additian ta the flow and pressure requirements contained in NFPA 14. �79. Subsection 905.8, Dry standpipes, of the International Fire Code, �93�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follaws: 905.8 Dry standpipes. Dry standpipes, when appraved by the Fire Code �fficial, are acceptable in other than high-rise buildings. �0. Subsectian 907.1.3, Equipment, af the Internationaf Fire Code, �-�2015 Editian, is hereby amended ta read as follows: 907.1.3 Equipment. Systems and their components shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they are instalied. All new alarm systems shail be addressable. Each device shall have its own address and shail annunciate individual addresses at a UL Central Station. 68 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 Exception: Systems that have not more than twelve (12) zones and not more than five (5) devices on each zone. �9�81. Subsection 907.2.2, Group B, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 907.2.2 Group B. A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in the following Group B Occupancies: 1. Those having an occupant load of five hundred (500) or more persons or more than one hundred (100) persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. 2. Those that are two (2) or more stories in height or three thousand (3,000) square feet or more in area. 3. The fire area contains an ambulatory care facility. Exception: Deleted. 8A.82. Subsection 907.2.3, Group E, of the International Fire Code, �A�-� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by deleting Exception number�3. 8�83. Subsection 907.2.4, Group F, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by deleting the Exception. 8,'�84. Subsection 907.2.7, Group M, of the International Fire Code, �A-� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by deleting Exceptions number 1 and 2. 8�.85. Subsection 907.2.8.1, Manual Fire Alarm System, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by deleting Exceptions 1 and 2. 69 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 84r86. 5ubsection 907.2.9, Group R-2, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended by deleting Exceptions 1, 2, and 3. 8�87. Subsection 907.2.9, Group R-2, of the International Fire Code, �A3� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 907.2.9.4 Multi-family complexes. Multi-family complexes with three (3) or more separate buildings within the complex, including recreation and/or day-care buildings, shall be provided with approved fire alarm systems regardless of size. The buildings within the complex shall have each building monitored by an approved central station. 8bi88. Subsection 907.2, Where required — New buildings and structures, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 907.2.24 Structures in excess of three thousand (3,000) Square Feet. An approved total coverage addressable manual and automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with NFPA Standard 72 in all structures in excess of three thousand (3,000) square feet of total floor area. Exception: For the purpose of Section 907, fire walls constructed in accordance with Chapter 7 of the IBC, in Group R-3 and U occupancies, shall not define separate buildings. 70 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 8�89. Subsection 907.8.5, Maintenance, inspection and testing, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 907.8.5.1 Nonconforming alarm systems. In the event that an alarm system does not meet these requirements, it shall be a further requirement of this chapter that modifications necessary to meet these minimum levels are made to the alarm system and subsequent testing is conducted prior to any occupancy being granted. 88T90. Subsection 914.3, High-rise buildings, of the International Fire Code, �9�2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 914.3 High-rise buildings. High-rise buildings shall comply with Subsections 914.3.1 through 914.3.8. 8�91. Subsection 914.3, High-rise buildings, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, to read as follows: 914.3.7 Air replenishment systems. All high-rise buildings shall be equipped with an approved rescue air replenishment system. The system shall provide an adequate pressurized fresh air supply through a permanent piping system for the replenishment of portable life sustaining air equipment carried by Fire an�zrr�ers�r�sT�e�-�Ee; Department, rescue and other personnel in the performance of their duties. Location of access stations, as well as installation and maintenance of the air replenishment systems, shall 71 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 meet the requirements as determined by the Fire Code Official. A specifications document for the construction of air replenishing systems that conforms to the breathing equipment used by the �e�e� Fire a� €mergens�,�«� Department will be made available by the Fire Code Official. 914.3.8 Fire equipment. A cabinet or other enclosed facility shall be provided in every stairwell, smoke tower or such similar structure on designated floors, commencing with the third floor, seventh floor and every fourth floor above the seventh floor for the storage of fire hose and retated equipment. Facilities, cabinets, devices, hoses and related equipment shall be furnished by the building owner. All such equipment and the specific location thereof shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Code Official. These rooms will be inspected annually by the Fire � rm^-^^^�„ �^�.,��^� Department and equipment replaced by the building owner or his/her representative at the appropriate service life. �&92. Subsection 1103.7.6, Group R-2, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1103.7.6 Group R-2. A manual and automatic fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Subsection 907.6 shall be installed in existing Group R-2 occupancies more than three stories in height or with more than sixteen (16) dwelling or sleeping units. Exceptions: 72 QRDINANCE NO. 5806 1. Where each living unit is separated from other contiguous living units by fire barriers having a fire-resistance rating o€ nat less than three quarters (0.75} af an hour, and where each living unit has either its own independent exit or its own independent stairway or ramp discharging at grade. 2. A separate fire alarm system is not required in buildings that are equipped thraughout with an approved supervised automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Subsectian 9Q3.3.1.1 or °^�:T� 903.3.1.2 and having a loca! alarm ta notify afl occupants. 3. A fire alarm system is nat required in buildings that da nat haue interior corridors serving dweliing units and are protected by an approved autamatic sprinkler system installed in accardance with Subsection 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, provided that dwelling units either have a means of egress daor opening directly to an exterior exit access that leads directly to the exits or are served by apen-ended corridors designed in accordance with Subsection . , . 1027.6. Exception 3. 4. A fire alarm svstem is na# reauired in buildin�s that da not have interior carridors servin� dwellin� units, da not exceed three (31 stories in hei�ht and compiv with both af the followin�: 4.1 Each dwellin� unit is separated from other conti�uaus dwellin� units bY fire barriers havin� a fire-resistance ratin� of not less than three-quarters (31l of an hour. 73 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 4.2 Each dwellin� unit is provided with hardwired. interconnected smoke alarms as required for new construction in Subsection 907.2.11. �93. Section 3317, Safeguarding roofing operations, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 3317.1 General. Roofing operations utilizing heat-producing systems or other ignition sources shall be conducted in accordance with Subsections 3317.2 through 3317.4 and Chapter 35. 3317.2 Asphalt and tar kettles. Asphalt and tar kettles shall be operated in accordance with Section 303. 3317.3 Fire extinguishers for roofing operations. Fire extinguishers shall comply with Section 906. There shall be not less than one (1) multipurpose portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 3-A 40B:C rating on the roof being covered or repaired. 3317.4 Fire Safety. The roofing contractor shall notify the Fire a� €me�--�e�e��TDepartment before leaving the site of torch-applied roofing system and report each day's completion and the presence of any hot spots or fires that were suppressed during the roofing process. �94. Subsection 5001.5, Permits, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 74 4RDINANCE N0. 5806 50Q1.5 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Subsections 145.5 and 105.7. When required by the Fire Code afficial, permittees shaN apply far approvai to permanentiy close a storage, use, ar handling facility. Such applicatian shail be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination of the storage, use, or handling of hazardous materials. The Fire Code Official is autharized to require that the application be acc�mpanied by an approved facili#y closure plan in accordance with Subsection 5003.6.3. All new installations andJor madifications or additions ta existing systems shall require plan review and permit fees as stipulated in the City of Renton Fee Schedule Brochure. �95. Subsection 5003.2.6, Maintenance, of the International Fire Code, ��2p15 Editian, is hereby amended to read as follows: 50Q3.2,6 Maintenance. !n addition to the requirements of Subsection SQQ3.2.3, equipment, machinery, and required detection ar�d alarm systems associated with hazardous materials shall be maintained in an operable condition. Defective containers, cyfinders and tanks shall be removed from service, repaired or disposed af in an approved manner. Defective equipment or machinery shail be removed from service and repaired or replaced. Required detection and alarm systems shall be replaced or repaired where defective. All manitoring systems used in connection with hazardous materials shall be certified at least annually by a qualified agency. 75 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 Documentatian of the system certification shall be forwarded to the Fire� Cmnrrrnr+r�t co.-,,;,.n� Department indicating the system has been tested ar�d functions as required. �14,�96. Subsection 5003.9, General Safety Precautians, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: 27Q3.9 General Safety Precautions. General precautions for the safe starage, handling or care of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Subsections 5003.9.1 through 5003.9.11. �97. Subsectian 5003.9, General Safety Precautians, of the International Fire Code, �A�-� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to add a new subsection, to read as follows: 5003.9.11 Manufacturer's limitations. The starage and use of hazardous materials shall not exceed the manufacturer's limitations on shelf life and any other restrictians an use. 98. Subsectian 5343.5.3.Securin�Compressed Gas Containers, Gvlinders and Tanks, of the Internatianal Fire Code, 2025 Edition, is herebv amended to read as follow: 5343.5.3 Securing compressed �as containers, cvlinders and #anks. Compressed �as containers, cviinders and tanks shall be secured to �revent fallin� caused bv contact, vibratian or seismic activit�r. Securin� of 76 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 compressed �as containers, cvlinders and tanks shall be bv one (1) of the followin� methods: 1. Securin� containers, cylinders and tanks to a fixed obiect with one (1) or more restraints. Restraints shall be constructed of approved materials such as metal chains, metal cables or other materials as approved bv the Fire Code Official. 2. Securin� containers, cvlinders and tanks on a cart or other mobile device desi�ned for the movement of compressed �as containers, cvlinders or tanks. 3. Nestin� of compressed �as containers, cvlinders and tanks at container fillin� or servicin� facilities or in seller's warehouses not accessible to the public. Nestin� shall be allowed provided the nested containers. cvlinders or tanks, if dislod�ed, do not obstruct the reauired means of e�ress. 4. Securin� of compressed �as containers, cvlinders and tanks to or within a rack, framework, cabinet or similar assemblv desi�ned for such use. Exception: Compressed �as containers, cvlinders and tanks in the process of examination, fillin�, transqort or servicin�. �99. Subsection 5601.1, Scope, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows:� 5601.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the possession, manufacture, storage, handling, sale and use of explosives, 77 4RDiNANCE NO. 5806 explosive materials, fireworks and smal! arms ammunition. The indoor use of pyrotechnics in the performing arts in conjunction with theatrical, m�sical, ar similar praductians before a proximate audience, performers, ar support persanne) as aliowed by WAC 212-17-350, is hereby prohibited. Exceptions: 1. The Armed Farces of the United States, Coast Guard or National Guard. 2. Explosives in forms prescribed by the afficia! United States Pharmacopoeia. 3. The possession, starage and use of small arms ammunition when packaged in accordance with DC1Tn packaging requirements. 4. The possession, storage and use of nat more than one (1) pound (0.454 kg) of commercially manufactured sporting black powder, twenty �2Q) pounds {9 kg) of smokeless powder and ten thousand {10,OQ0) small arms primers #or hand loading of small arms ammunition for personal consumption. 5. The use of explasive materials by federal, state and local regulatory, law enfarcement and fire agencies acting in their afficial capacities. 6. Speciai industrial explosive devices which in the aggregate contain less than fifty (50� pounds (23 kg� of explosive materials. 78 aRDiNANCE NtJ. 5806 7. The possession, starage and use of blank industrial-power laad cartridges when packaged in accordance with DOTn packaging regulations. 8. Transpartatian in accordance with pOTn 49 CFR Parts 100-185. 9. items preempted by federa) regulations. �100. Subsection 5601.1.3 Firewarks, of the International Fire Code, ��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follaws: 56Q1.1,3 Fireworks. The possession, sale, and discharge af all fireworks are prohibited in the City of Renton, as o#May 21, 20Q5. Exceptions: Passessian, stora�e, and dischar�e of fireworks mau be authorized bv the Fire Code Official or City Council for special events ar public dis�lavs pursuant to an operational fire code qermit or other aqplicable permit issued in campliance with the Renton Municipal Code and ather a�plicable laws, includin� but not limited ta Part VI and Part VII of Cha�ter 212-17, as now or hereafter amended. , �..,. . 7 AA - f r+ i mhl r1 +� +' �f fir�iare+rLc� ac �+Il�aa:`_��.,r� . ..�....� .,...__..._-i ----- `---- .... - Cn.�t'.+n CG({C �'. ��-� i � . r�.l.. h-�rirll'n -.r�rl � `+�' rr�orifir , � � .......1 ..... � . � 79 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 , , ar �n � , an p---4�—.r.C�� !'wr�s �� ��s, �5�� c v i i�ariTci�'�c tivvs�,`'T, 85.101. Subsection 5601.2.4.2, Fireworks display, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by changing the title to "Public Display; Insurance Required," and to read as follows: 5601.2.4.2 Public Display; Insurance Required. Any applicant shall, at the time of issuance of such license, submit to the City proper evidence of public liability and property damage insurance and such applicant shall maintain the insurance in a company or companies approved by the City with amounts as follows: One million dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more for injuries to any one (1) person in one (1) accident or occurrence; two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) or more for injuries to two (2) or more persons in any one (1) accident or occurrence; one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for damage to property in any one (1) accident or occurrence. Such insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and shall not be cancelable except by a forty-five (45) day pre-cancellation notice in writing to the City. Further, the insurance required herein shall be primary insurance as respects the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be in excess of the insurance required herein and shall not contribute with it. 80 �RDiNANCE NfJ. 5806 �102.Subsection 5601.2.4,2, Fireworks display, of the International Fire Cade,�8-1� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, ta read as follows: 5681. Pyrotechnic Qperator Required. Every City-authorized display of fireworks shall be handled and supervised by a state licensed pyratechnic operator. �A9s103.Subsection 55Q1.7, Seizure, of the Internatianal Fire Code, �8� 2Q15 Edition, is hereby amended by adding new subsections, changing the title ta "SeizureJPenalty," and ta read as follows: 5681.7 SeizurejPenalty. The City of Renton may emplay either, ar both, af the following processes. 5601.7.1 Seizure. The Fire Code Official is authorized to remave or cause to be removed or disposed of in an approved manner, at the expense of the owner, explosives, explosive materials or fireworks offered or exposed for sale, stored, possessed ar used in violation of this chapter. 5601.7.2 Penalty. Ar�y vialation of this �#a{�e�'-er� sectian related to firewarks classified as "cansumer" bv RCW 70.7?.136, as now ar hereinafter amended. shall be punishable as a class 1 civil infraction under RCW 7.80.120. m"�IE '' � ' *''`'�'' �' �� °-����_�, e��e� �Possessian, sale ar discharge of fireworks not classified as "consumer" " + * * � � "A~^�{+�~ '�"^"^^� shaU be sub}ect to 81 ������ ORDINANCE Ni�. 5806 such fines and penalties as set farth in RCW 70.7T.488, 7Q.77.540, and Chapter 212-17 WAC. �1Q4. Subsectian 5?84.2.11, Underground Tanks, af the international Fire Code, �2015 Edition, is hereby amended ta read as follows: 5704.2.11 Underground Tanks. Undergraund storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks shall comply with Subsectian 57Q4.2 and Subsections 5704.2.11.1 through 5704. Corrasion protection shal! comply with WAC 173-36Q-3Q5. AI! new underground storage tanks shaN canfarm ta the standards as defined in t�e RMC 4-5-220, "Underground Storage Tank Secandary Containment Re�ulations n��'�^,^�`^" �Qnnr� � � ��n�, Ali provisions af t-k�e �� " RMC 4-5- 120 shall apply to the installation, use, maintenance, and abandonment of underground storage tanks. All unauthorized releases from undergraund storage tanks shaN be reparted in conformance with RMC 4-5-12Q.K, Release Reporting Requirements. leaking tanks shall be promptly emptied and removed from the ground and abandoned in accordance with Subsection 5704.2.14. Ail new above-ground and underground tank installations and modifications or additions to existing systems shall be subject to plan review and installation fees as described in the City af Renton Fee 5chedule Brochure. 82 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 �105. Subsection 5704.2.11.5, Leak prevention, of the International Fire Code, �� 2015 Edition, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection, to read as follows: 5704. leak Detection System Maintenance and Certification. Leak detection devices and monitoring systems installed in accordance with this subsection shall be inspected and tested at least annually by a qualified third party, and the test results maintained on site for at least one (1) year. �tF3r106. Appendix B104.2, Area separation, of the Internationa) Fire Code,��2015 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: Appendix B104.2 Area separation. Portions of buildings, which are separated by one (1) or more four (4) hour firewalls constructed in accordance with the International Building Code, without openings, and provided with a thirty-inch (30") parapet, are allowed to be considered as separate fire areas. 107. Appendix 6105. Fire-Flow Reauirements For Buildin�s. of the International Fire Code, 2015 Edition, is herebv amended to read as follows: SECTION 6105 FIRE-FLOW REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS B105.1 One- and two-family dwellin�s. The minimum fire-flow and flow duration requirements for one (1)- and two (21-familv dwellin�s havin�a fire-flow calculation area that does not exceed three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet (344.5 mz) shall be one thousand (1,000) �allons per 83 tJRDINANCE fttd. 5806 minute (3785.4 L/min} for one (1} haur. Fire-flow and flow duration for dweliin�s havin� a fire-fiaw caiculatian area in excess of three thousand six hundred (3,600) sauare feet (344Sm2) shall not be less than that specified in Table 8105.1(2). Exception: A reduction in reauired fire-flaw of fiftv percent (50%1, as approved, is allowed when the buildin� is equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler svstem. 62Q5.2 Buildin�s other than one (3?- and two (2�-familv dwellin�s. The minimum fire-flaw and flow duration far buildin�s ather than one i11- and twa f21-familv dwellin�s shall be as specified in Table 8105.1f2}. Exceqtian: A reductian in repuired fire-flow of un ta seventv-five percent (75%), as aqpraved, is allowed when the buildin� is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler svstem installed in accardance with Subsections 903.3.1.1 or 9Q3.3.1.2. The resultin�; fire-flow shall not be less than one thousand five hundred (1,5QQ1 �allons qer minute (5678 Llmin� far the prescribed duratian as specified in Table B105.1(21. D, FIRE HYDRANTS: 1. Required for Canstruction: All buildings construc#ed within the City of Rentan shali be served by fire hydrants installed in accordance with the requirements of this Section. 84 tJRDINANCE N(J. 5806 a. Fians Required Prior to Permit: No building permit shai! be issued until pians required under this Chapter have been submitted and approved in accordance with the provisians contained in this Chapter. b. instaltation Timing: No construction beyond the foundation shall be allowed until hydrants and mains are in place, unless approved by the apprapriate City authority, following appropriate application and a finding that there is na life or safety threat involved. c, Upgrade of Existing Hydrants Required: tn additian, presently existing fire hydrants which do not conform with the requirements and standards of this Section when replaced shall be replaced with hydrants which do conform to the standards and requirements of this Section. 2. Fire Hydrant Requirements in Cammercial, Business, Industrial and Manufacturing Areas: a. lnstallatior► Required: The awner of any building hereafter constructed or used in the City which building or structure is not located ar accessible within one hundred fifty feet {150") af any fire hydrant and such building or structure being iocated or situated in any area zoned and ta be used, or actually used for any commercial, business, industrial or manufacturing purpase shail, at his or her expense, install or cause to have instalied fire hydrant or hydrants together with the necessary pipes, appurtenances and connectians in order ta connect and hook on said hydrant or hydrants to the City's existing water supply. It shall be t+�#t�4 a criminal misdemeanor for any person to own, 85 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 occupy or use any building or structure as defined in RMC 8-4-24.B, C and D, unless such building or structure is located within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any fire hydrant. b. Number and location of Hydrants: The number and location of such hydrants shall be in accordance with good fire engineering practice and standards, the size, location, and construction to comply with the rules and regulations ef �,",�^�,,;Te;;�w� ;���,ra�,�e �sseEia�ien ferm�rl�l�newn as �he in Appendix J of the 2012 Water System Plan Update, adopted bv Citv of Renton Resolution No. 4154 on Au�ust 13, 2012. as now or hereinafter amended, and all of such installations to be duly approved by the Fire Department prior to its acceptance thereof by the City. c. Applicability to Annexed Properties: The aforesaid requirements shall likewise apply to any such building or structure as hereinabove defined which is hereafter annexed to the City. 3. Fire Hydrants in Other Areas: The owner or party in control of any building hereafter constructed in or annexed to the City and which said structure or building is used for school, church, rest home, hospital or multiple residential apartments (four (4) individual apartment units or more) or any other place of public assembly, and wheresoever located, shall at his expense install or cause to be installed fire hydrant or hydrants unless adequate and sufficient hydrants are located or accessible within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any such building or structure. The number, location, size and type of such hydrant or hydrants to be 86 �RDINANCE NtJ. 5806 installed shaU be as specified in RMC 8-4-24.B, further reference hereby had thereto, ancf ali of such instai{a#ian to be approved by the�Fire Department. 4. Fire Hydrants; Speciat Lacations: In addition to the foregoing requirements, additianal hydrant or hydrants may be required or separately required in areas which are being utilized for open storage of flammable products, including flammable liquids, or other areas of special fire hazards with spacing and floor requirements based on the fire pratectian required in each instance; #he number, size, type and location af hydrants for the aforesaid purpose shafl be as specified in subsectian D.2 of this Section and ali of such installations to be subject ta the approval af the Fire Department. 5. Multiple Uses— Contract: In the event that the installatian of any such fire hydrant or hydrants as above set forth, and the connecting system pertaining thereto, should benefit two (2) or more properties then the owners of such benefited properties shall share the cost of such installation in the proportion of the ber�e#its sa derived. Whenever an owner is required to install such fire hydrant or fire hydrants under the pravisian of this Section and which installatian will benefit auter properties nat owned ar cantroHed by such owner, then in any such case such awner may apply to the City far an agreement under the provisions of the Municipa) Water and Sewer Facilities Act known as chapter �C� ^�*� C •^��-L�,r:� of =°�° 35.91 RCW and any such agreement between such owner and the City shall run for a period nat to exceed five (5) years and thus permi#such owner to recover a portion af the cost of such initial installation 87 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 from other parties in the event of any such future hook up or connection. Such contract shall further provide that the owner of any building or structure subsequently erected shall not be permitted, during the term of the aforesaid contract, to make any hook up or connection to the City's water system or to any such hydrant until such owner has paid his proportionate fair share of the initial cost of such installation as set forth in said contract. Any such agreement entered into between such owner causing such installation and the City shall be filed for record with the King County �� Recorder's office and thereupon such filing shall constitute due notice of the terms and requirements therein specified to all other parties. The City further reserves the right, upon approval of the City Council, to participate in the installation of any oversized water line extensions or additional or extra improvements relative to such installations. 6. Fire_Flow Requirements: a. Basis for and Computation of Fire_Flow Requirement: The fire= flow requirement applied by the Fire Marshal under the provisions of this section shall be based upon criteria established in Appendix B of the International Fire Code as amended, added to or adopted herein. Appendix B of the International Fire Code is hereby adopted by reference. One copy of that document shall be filed in the City Clerk's office and be available for use and examination by the public. b. Unknown Fire=Flow: Where the existing fire_flow is not known or cannot be easily determined, it shall be required of the developer to compute 88 _ . CIRDINANCE N0. 5806 the available fire_flow using standards and criteria set forth ,* °�^*^^ ��+•� . in Appendix 1 of the 2012 Water Svstem Flan Update, adot�ted bv Citv af Renton Resalution No. 4154 on Au�ust 13. 2012, as now ar hereinafter amended. �. Residential Sprinkling Permitted: When the fire_flaw is iess than one thousand (1,OOp} gallons per minute but greater than five hundred (500) gallons per minute, then residential structures shaU be permitted to be served by sprinklers unless the Fire Chief has made a written finding tl�at the pubNc safety, health or welfare will be threatened, stating the factars upan which such finding is based, in which case residential structures shall nat be permitted to be constructed at such iocation. 8. Number of Hydrants Required: The number af fire hydrants that shail be required for the new construction or a defined risk shall be based on the amount of fire=flow that is required to protect said risk. The requirement shall be one hydrant per one thousand (1,Q00) g.p.m. fire-flow. 9. I.acation of Nydrants: • These fire hydrants shai! be located no daser than fifty feet �50") from the structure and na greater than three hundred feet (30Q'}. The primary hydrant shall be nat further than one hundred fifty feet (150') from the structure. 10. Hydrant Accessibility: Hydrants shall not be abstructed by any structure or vegetatian, ar have the hydrant visibility impaired within a distance 89 ORDiNANCE N4. 5806 of one hundred fifty feet (25Q') in any direction of vehicular approach to the hydrant. Ail hydrants are ta be accessibie ta Fire Department pumpers over roads capable of supporting such fire apparatus. • The Fire Marshal shali have discretion to determine the locatian of the hydrants based upon a review af the iocation of the existing utilities, topagraphy and the characteristics of the building or structure; minor deviations may be granted by Fire Department approval of written requests. 11. Design and Installation Requirements: The installation af all fire hydrants shall be in accordance with sound engineering practices. In addi#ion, the failawing requirements shail apply to all buiiding construction projects: a. Two (2) copies of detaiied plans or drawings, accurately indicating the lacation of afl valves and fire hydrants to be installed shall be submitted to the Fire Marsha! prior to the commencement of any construction. b. All fire hydrants must be appraved by the City af Renton, Public Works Department. c. All canstruction of the fire hydrant ir�stallation and its attendant water system connection shall canform ta the design standards and specificatians of the City af Rentan. d. Fire hydrant installation shall be adequately protected against vehicular damage in accordance with RMC 4-6-010.A. 90 ORDINANCE NtJ. 5806 e. An auxiliary gate valve shaA be installed at the main line tee to permit the repair and repiacement af the hydrant witho�t disruptian of water service. f. RII hydrants shail stand plumb, ±3', to be set ta the finished grade with the battom flange two inches (2") above ground or curb grade and have no less than thirty_six inches (36"� in diameter of clear area about the hydrant for the clearance of hydrant wrenches on both autlets and on the cantrol valve. g. The part shall face the most likefy route of approach and location af the fire truck whife pumping; distance from pumper part to street curb shaf! be na further than twelve feet {12'), all as determined by the Fire Marshal. h. The lead from the service main to the hydrant shali be no less than six inches (6") in diameter. Any hydrant leads aver fifty feet (Sp') in length fram water main in hydrant shall be na less than eight inches (8") in diameter. i. All hydrants newly installed in single family residential areas shal! be supplied by not less than six inch (6") mains, and shall be capable of delivering one thousand (1,000) g.p.m. fire flaw over and abave average maximtam demands at the farthest point af the instalfation. Hydrant leads up ta fifty feet �50') long may be six inches (6"} in diameter. j. All hydrants shail conform to the latest revised City of Renton Standard Detail and Specifications. k. All pipe shall meet City of Rentan standards�pursuant ta RMC 4- 6-Q10.A. 91 ORDINANCE N�. 5806 1. The maximum distance between fire hydrants in single family use district zanes shail be six hundred feet (600'}. m. The maximum distance between fire hydrants in cammercial, industrial and apartment (including duplex} use district zanes shal) be three hundred feet (300'). n. lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall be predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. a. The appropriate water autharity and Fire Department shalE be notified in writing of the date the fire hydrant instailation and its attendant water connectian system will be available for use. p. The Fire Marshal shali be notified when ail newiy installed hydrants or mains are placed in service. q. Where fire hydrants are not in service, they shall be identified as being out of service by a method appraved by the Fire Marshal. 12. Special Requiremer►ts for Buildings More Than Two Hundred Feet {200') from a Street Property Line: The requirements of this Section apply to all building construction projects in which buildings are lacated or are ta be located such that any partion is more than two hundred feet i200'} in vehicular travel fram a street praperty line, except detached single family dwellings: a. Buildings that have required fire fiows of less than twa thousand five hundred (2,500) g.p.m. may have fire hydrants on ane �side af the building only. 92 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 b. When the required fire=flow is over two thousand five hundred (2,500) g.p.m., the fire hydrants shall be served by a main which loops around the building or complex of buildings and reconnects back into a distribution supply main. c. The number of fire hydrants that shall be required for the new construction or a defined risk shall be based on the amount of fire-flow that is required to protect said risk. The requirement shall be one �hydrant per one thousand (1,000) g.p.m. fire flow. These fire hydrants shall be located no closer than fifty feet (50') from the structure and no greater than three hundred feet (300'). All hydrants are to be accessible to Fire Department pumpers over roads capable of supporting such fire apparatus. The Fire Marshal shall determine the location of the hydrants based upon a determination of utility, topography and building or structure; minor deviations may be granted by Fire Department approval of written requests. 13. Water System Requirements for Hydrants: All fire hydrants shall be served by a municipal or quasi-municipal water system, or as otherwise approved by the Fire Marshal. 14. Service and Testing of Hydrants: All hydrants shall be subject to testing, inspection and approval by the Fire Department. 15. Prohibited Hydrants: The installation of flush type hydrants is prohibited unless approved by the Fire Marshal and such approval shall be given 93 ORDINANCE NO. 5806 only when permitted fire hydrants would be dangerous or impractical. The showing of such danger or impracticability shall be the burden of the builder. 16. Dead End Mains Prohibited: Provisions shal� be made wherever appropriate in any project for looping all dead end or temporarily dead end mains. A minimum fifteen foot (15') easement shall be required. Construction plans must be approved by the Public Works Department as per this Section and other applicable City regulations prior to commencement of construction. 17. Meter or Detection Required for Private Water or Fire Service: Services for fire protection must be metered or detector checkered at the expense of the owner and fitted with such fixtures only as are needed for fire protection and must be entirely disconnected from those used for other purposes. 18. Use for Other Than Fire Protection Prohibited: In no case will any tap be made upon any pipe used for fire service purposes or any tank connected therewith, nor shall the use of any water be permitted through any fire service nor through any pipes, tanks or other fixtures therewith connected for any purposes except the extinguishing of fire on such premises or testing flows for fire control purposes. 19. Changes Requiring Increased Fire Protection: Whenever any change in the use, occupancy or construction of any premises or purposes as hereinabove defined require any increased fire and hydrant protection, the owner, owners or person in charge of such premises shall proceed promptly 94 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 toward securing adequate protection and all such installation or changes to be completed providing for such increased fire protection, prior to the use or occupancy of such facilities. 20. Violation of This Section and Penalties: Unless otherwise specified, violations of this Section are misdemeanors subject to RMC 1-3-1. Each day upon which a violation occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense. SECTION IX. Subsection 4-5-120.J.5, Fee, of Chapter 5, Building and Fire Prevention Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows: 5. Fee: The application for a permit pursuant to this Section shall be accompanied by the fee stipulated in R�4� ^. � ��n� �;.,, o.-,,,,,,�+;,,., �,,,,� the Citv of Renton Fee Schedule. SECTION X. Subsection 301.3.4.1 Fire protection systems, of subsection 4-5-130.B.2, of section 4-5-130, International Property Maintenance Code, of Chapter 5, Building and Fire Prevention Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows: 301.3.4.1 Fire protection systems: All fire suppression and alarms systems shall be maintained in a working condition and inspected as required by the Fire�nd-�m^�^^^�.,�^-,,;�^� Department. SECTION XI. Subsection 301.3.4.3 Fire inspections, of subsection 4-5-130.B.2, of section 4-5-130, International Property Maintenance Code, of Chapter 5, Building and Fire 95 tJRDINANCE N0. S806 Prevention Standards, of Title IV (Qevelopment Regulations� of the Renton Municipai Code is amended as failaws: 301.3.4.3 Fire inspectians: Periodic Fire ^�' �m^�^^^^�� ��r�i'�"nc Department inspections may be required at intervals set forth by the Fire Chief. SECTION XII. Footnote 8, Requirement, of subsection 4-6-060.F.2, Minimum Design Standards for Public Streets and Alleys, of Chapter 6, Street and Utility Standards, of 7itle IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Cade is amended as follaws: $ Requirement: Either fire sprinklers shall be provided as approved by the Fire g �m^��n^�"' `d"'�tII� Department or a clear roadway area shall be provided far emergency vehicles midblock. All of the clear area must be 20 feet in width for vehicular movement with a minimum length of 50 feet and maximum length of 100 feet, so as to provide emergency access to homes within 150 feet. Along the clear area onty, the planting strip would not be required and the clear area will be in place of the landscaping area. SECTION XIII. Subsection 4-5-Q60.N.3, Turnaround Qesign, af Chapter 6, Street and Utility Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows: 3.Turnaround Design: The hammerhead turnaround shall have a design approved by the Administrator and the Fire Department ,^�' �m��R�^�'�t c^��. 96 tJRDINANCE Na. 5806 SECTION XlV. Subsection 4-6-06Q,N.4, Cul-de-Sac Design, of Chapter 6, Street and Utility Standards, of Titie IV {Development Regulatians} af the Renton Municipai Code is amended as follows: 4. Cul•de-Sac Design: Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum paved and landscaped radius of forty_five feet (45`) with a right-af-way radius af fifty_five feet (55') for the turnaraund. A landscaped center island with a radius of twenty feet (20'� delineated by curbing shall be provided in the cul-de-sac. The lar�dscaping shal! be maintained by the homeowners' assaciatian ar adjacent property owners. The cul-de-sac turnaraund shall have a design approved by the Administrator and the Fire ^ �' �m^�^^^��r c�"'"'� Departmen#. SECTION XV. Subsection 4-6-Q60.H.6, Waiver of Turnaround, af Chapter 6, Street and Utility Standards, of Title IV (Develapment Regulations} of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows: 6.Waiver af Turnaround: The requirement for a turnaround or cul-de- sac may be waived by the Administratar with approval of the Fire ���' �^^��^�n�.1 �v+e;es Department when the development proposal will nat create an increased need far emergency aperatians pursuant to RMC 4-9-250C, Waiver Procedures. SECTION XVI. Subsection 4-8-06Q.C, Application Locatian, of Chapter 8, Permits — Genera) and Appeais, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follaws: C.APPLICATION LQCATION: 97 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 All land use, buitding, and public works applications addressed in this Title shall be filed with the Development Services Division. All fire permits shall be filed with the Fire D�^„^�+�^^ Q���^,�� Department. SECTION XVII. Subsection 4-9-110.E.2, Referrals, Recommendations of Department, of Chapter 9, Permits —Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 2. Referrals, Recommendations of Department: The Development Services Division shall transmit copies of the proposed mobile home park plan to the Public Works Department, the health agency, the Fire �� ��^^�^^^�„ ��es Department and copies to other department heads and agencies as necessary for their review and recommendation. Two (2) copies shall be retained by the Hearing Examiner. These departments and agencies shall make, within the scope of their municipal functions, their respective recommendations regarding the mobile home park plan to the Development Services Division, in writing, not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of hearing. SECTION XVIII. Subsection 4-9-240.C.3, Exemptions for Special Sales and Ancillary Events Promoting and Located on the Site of an Existing Permanent Business and Not Requiring a Separate Business License, of Chapter 9, Permits — Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 3. Exemptions for Special Sales and Ancillary Events Promoting and Located on the Site of an Existing Permanent Business and Not Requiring a Separate Business License: If determined by the Community and Economic 98 QRDINANCE RItJ. 5806 Development Administrator to be of limited duration with minimal impact on neighboring properties, such special sales/events shall not require issuance of a temparary use permit but may require a permit fram the Fire Department andJor King County Health Department. SECTION XIX. Subsection 4-9-240.K.3.j, Inspections, of Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations� of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: j. lnspectians: The temporary home4ess encampment shall permit regular inspections by the City, including the Police Department and the Fire� �^�^rrt^^r�� c^����r^� Department, and King County Health Department, to check -�----o-�--. — - compliance with the standards for the temporary homeless encampment. SECTION XX. Subsection 4-9-240.N, ather Required Permits, of Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, af Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Rentan Municipai Code, is amended as follows: N. OTHER REQUIRED PERMITS: The temporary use may alsa require permits and inspections from bath the Fire �^�' �m^r�^^�'�� c�"`°�" Department andJor Development Services Division to ensure that the temporary use is in compliance with FireJBuilding Codes. SECTION XXI. The definitions af"Fire Chief" and "Fire Department" in section 4-11-060, Definitions F, af Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Deveiopment Reguiatians) of the Rentan Municipal Cade, are amended as follows: FIRE CHIEF: The ��� Fire Chief or�ig►�ee chief administrative officer of the Renton Re�ional Fire Authority. 99 �RDiNANCE NU. 5806 FlRE DEPARTMENT:The Renton Re�ianal Fre Autharitv. SECTlON XXIL The definitians of "Hazardous Materials" and "Mazardous Materials Inventary Statement" in sectian 4-21-080, Definitions H, of Title IV tDevelapment Regulatians} of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as foliaws: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL5: Thase chemicals or substances which are physical or health hazards as defined and classified in Chapter 50 of the Internationa! Fire Code as adopted or amended by the City whether the materials are in usable or waste conditian; and any material that may degrade groundwater quality when improperly used, stored, disposed of, ar atherwise mismanaged. �""'' " 2 f1C(1Q r nn '�- !-! �'�rr�nii NA inri (c I'r+ r� e� 'r�nc � (" + �� ..`. +�'.�,.} �.. •� {�n 1���^�r����r__ m-.t-or���c�,. N.-a:.�i.. lIF A ..� t{�o �r�Appendix H af the International Fire Code provides further informatian, explanations, and examples of hazardous materials. HAZARDOUS MA7ERIALS INVENTORY 5TATEMENT: A form provided by the Department ar the Fre Department and completed by a faci{ity awner that pravides specified infarmation regarding hazardous materials at the faciiity. SECTION XXH1. Section 5-3-2, Salaries af Appointive tJfficers, of Chapter 3, Salaries, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations} of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 5-3-2 SALARIES OF APPOINTIVE OFFICERS: 100 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 The appointive officers shall receive such salaries as are fixed and established by City of Renton ordinances and such salaries shall be paid in equal semi-monthly installments unless otherwise determined by the City Council or by State law. For the purpose of this Section the appointive officers are those appointed by the Mayor and whose appointment is subject to confirmation by the City Council. They shall include, among others: Chief Administrative Officer, Administrative Services Administrator, Hearing Examiner, Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Community Services Administrator, Community and Economic Development Administrator, City Attorney, Police a�-�i�e Chief as per applicable civil service laws, and the City Clerk. SECTION XXIV. Subsection 5-12-5.A of Chapter 12, Adult Entertainment Standards, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: A. The Fire �^^� r�^�^^^^., ���.,��^� Department and the Community and Economic Development Department for reports on compliance with all applicable fire, building and zoning codes of the City, SECTION XXV. The definition of "Substantial Public Services" in subsection 5-22-2, Definitions, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: SUBSTANTIAL PUBLIC SERVICES: A material increase in the amount, scope or level of necessary fire, police, traffic control, crowd control, or other public 101 ORDINANCE N0. 5806 resources above those that would narmally be required withaut the event. With respect to poiice resources, "substantial public services" means resources for crowd management or traffic cantrol required far the event. it also includes instances where Fire a�►��e��e�s� �^—��,^� Department personne) are impacted by the volume of participants, or when environmental conditions are such that the impact to the crowds would be anticipated and that these canditions would reduce the effectiveness of on-duty persannel requiring the recall of sufficient personnel to assist the participants as wel! as maintaining the required level of service ta the City. SECTION XXVI. Section 8-4-35, Interference with Fire Hydrants Prohibited, of Chapter 4, Water, of Title Vlil (Health and Sanitation} af the Rentan Municipal Code, is amended as fallaws: 8-4-35 INTERFERENCE WITH FIRE HYDRANTS PROHIBfTED: It shall be unlawfu! for any person except when duly authorized by the R4a��c�g�Public Works Administrator, or who shall be a member of the Fire Department,to open, operate, close, turn an, turn off, interfere with, attach any pipe or hase ta ar connect anything with any #ire hydrant belonging ta the City. SECTION XXVII. The definitian of "Authorized Emergency Vessel" in section 9-3-2, Definitions, of Title iX (Public Ways and Property) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follaws: �.oz ORDINANCE NO. 5806 AUTHORiZED EMERGENCY VESSEL: Any authorized vessel or watercraft of the City Police Department, � Fire Department, King County Sheriff's Department, the United States Government, and State of Washington authorized patrol vessels or watercraft. SECTION XXVIII. Subsection 9-11-2.H, Structure Address, of Chapter 11, Street Grid System, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: H. Structure Address: One address shall be assigned to each building, except residential accessory buildings, and except nonresidential buildings that have more than one street frontage with approval by the Fire Department a� ��^^^�„ c^�,,;�^�. In the event of planned urban development, office park, or industrial complex which incorporates several buildings, or has the potential to add one or more buildings, provision shall be made to allow for buildings to be addressed as separate addresses, one per building. In the event address numbers are not avaitable for more than one building, alphabetical suffixes for each building in the complex shall be applied. Structure addresses shall be expressed in whole numbers, with no fractional appendages. SECTION XXIX. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on Juty 1, 2016. A summary of this ordinance shall be published in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordnance's title. 103 ORDINANCE RIO. 5806 PASSED BY TNE CITY CQUNCII this 20th day of June, 2016. lasan . Seth, C�y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20t'' day of June, 2Q16. Den s Law, Mayor Approved as to farm: �t,�tt!�;R;�',��,�;;j,f,,,,! ��;�.`;`���fl�- R�'�T�f�,„. . R,�.��a.�a4w„�+►�,/,���G-+-.�ac�,, w�C� 2 _ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney �� S��.R��-a �~ � � � �, ` `�.� �, Date of Publication: 6 24I2016 fsummary� r:, ��� '�7k=Y; 1"�`. ORD:1922:6/14 j16:scr 104