HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/2010 - Minutes �"�' �•► �CITY vF RENTOt� ��� 1 � 20�� .v�'�� t'� �t t'Ct1r�/? CITY GL R S C�FFICE �y �„�� � .1 .l�r��t"•x,���r1` '� �`�t�l.� �'��:�:�,t�t`�."� �;r�rr?r.r�r��.�•rc�r� RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetine Minutes September 7,2010 Renton City Hall 4:30 pm Conferencing Center(7`h Floor) Municipal Arts Commissioners Present: Patricia Pepper, Dalia Amin,Jerri Everett, Doug Kyes, Fred Lund, Britt McKenzie,Wesley Van Doren and Denise Zullig Municipal Arts Commissioners Absent: Linda Middlebrooks and Evelyn Reingold City Staff Present:Jennifer Davis Hayes, Community&Economic Development Vincent Orduna,Cultura)Arts Coordinator Vivienne Lietz,Administrative Secretary,Community&Economic Development Sc].r CJ�} Guests:5r.+�a Eldridge and Peter Hartley CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Pepper called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Britt McKenzie requested a modification on the Artists Edge Trust Program meeting location— it should be changed to the Artist's forum.COMMISSIONER FRED LUND MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST MINUTES AS AMENDED,SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DOUG KYES. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTIOIV CARRIED. Pat Pepper iqtro�ced the two guests who are in the process of being appointed to the Arts Commission��axa Eldridge works for the Renton School District and Peter Hartley lives and works in Renton. One of his interests is opening an art school. Both expressed they are excited to be joining the Arts Commission. PUBLIC ART PIECE OF THE MONTH:Vivienne will present in October. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Lund distributed mail highlighting local art events. One exciting new connection was made through Peggy Weiss to bring an art program called Combat Papers to the Compass Regional Veterans Center next spring to work with Veterans and their families. OLD BUSINESS: Local Arts Asencv: There will be a meeting on September 23. r.r �..r Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 June 1,2010 ACTION ITEM LIST: Communications: • Nothing to vote on. • Discussed Artists' Forum and what will need to happen to make the event happen and be successful. • Farmers Market posters are up in the City Center Parking Garage display cases on S 2"d St. The Arts Commission poster project is still moving ahead but need to review the lamination process before continuing. • Don Hagerty's reception is Saturday,September 11,from 5-7 pm at Carco Theatre.A call for artists for 2011 was sent out and we are already receiving applications. Resource Development: • Application to 4Culture for sustained support grant due September 29,the committee will be busy pulling that together this month,. • Logan Avenue project starting in the fall. Art work will be installed towards the end of the project. The project manager stated at the pre-construction meeting that at the end of the day, the public will view the project as a success by how it looks and the quality of public art installation, not the impaction rate of the asphalt and other important items related to the construction of the project. He encouraged the contractors to make sure that the art be embedded well to reflect the quality of the whole project. • 4 Cow project,currently writing an RFQ. Waiting for the neighborhood write-ups and will finalize. • Jennifer Davis Hayes mentioned we need to start moving on the Rainier Avenue project, bringing it to the attention of Council and preparing an RFQ. Need to solidify a gateway location and concepts for the art. Master Plan: • Arts commission liaison to help form a bigger committee. • Doug Kyes has been researching local Arts Centers and he feels Renton is 40 years behind the times. He visited the Burien center and they are doing many good things. Discussion ensued about the five focus areas of the master plan. • Wesley Van Doren shared about the upcoming conference, Mayors Institute on City Design. He felt it would be a good opportunity for the Mayor to attend. . The question was asked, "Does the commission focus on one or two Master Plan topics and have a commissioner lead an outside group?" Liz Stewart stated that having a commissioner in each area would allow them to have their finger on the pulse of the community and opportunities will arise. Commissioners stated their preference on which topic they would like to work on. Renton FilmFrenzv: September 1 registration opened. There is still an opportunity for a Commissioner to judge the entries. Britt McKenzie showed interest and Fred Lund will judge if no one else is abte. Renton School District: No update. Dalia volunteered to help Evelyn reach out to the School District. Sarah provided new contact for School District Fine Arts Director. �+`' �..i Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 June 1,2010 Artist Ed�e: Artists' Forum will be held in February 2011.The hope is to raise interest in the Artist Edge program. The Artist Edge workshop is$50 for members,$95 for non members but which includes a year's membership. Commission Bud�et: Jennifer passed around a budget amendment proposal to adjust for budgeted expenses that will not occur and additional revenue that was received. The proposal included an additional allocation to Allied Arts of Renton,Small Grant Program,Training Scholarship Program and Commission retreat and Master Plan preparation.She explained that the Training Program was not to benefit individual artists but for someone in a group that can learn something that will benefit the whole group. She is exploring an opportunity with someone from SoCo Culture who may facilitate the retreat at no cost. VJ mentioned the lights in Carco Theatre need replacing and this money could be used for that. They were originally purchased by the commission for displaying the art work. WESLEY PROPOSED A MOTION TO REALLOCATE$2,000 IN THE BUDGET AND TO APPROVE THE FALL TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AND THE SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM, REQUESTS NOT TO EXCEED$250. FRED LUND SECONDED. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. BRITT MCKENZIE MOTIONED TO REALLOCATE$750 FOR THE COMMISSION RETREAT&MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PREPARATION. SECONDED BY DOUG KYES. COMMISSIONERS CONCURED, MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Arts Commission Retreat: What would people like to work on? Jerri Everett will help with food. Tuesday, November 9,from 5—9 pm. Pat,Wesley, Britt&Dalia will help arrange. Art brochure: Britt passed around draft of an art brochure and requested comments by September 14 to Britt. Adiournment: The September 7 meeting was adjourned at 6.20 p.m. The next meeting will be held on October 5 at 4:30 p.m. � � �'6����> �..-� ( � Patricia Pepper,Chair