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02836 - Technical Information Report
Dodds Consulting Engineers TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR LEGACY PARTNERS "THE BLUFFS" PHASE 1 & 2 RENTON, WASH C�iY CF RE ON � R������� � JUL � 2 1999 BUi;.�71NG DIVI�ION Prepared by: Bruce J. Dodds Approved by: Bruce J. Dodds, P.E., L.S. Date: July, 1999 -'��� � �,..:° ���•. Project No: 97169 �v �W .., �,�,_„ �° �tiQ. �� , �• '� z �� . 9� : O • t . ��.�.� - S��NAL E��.�``.�l� .�� � � -- ,�0� a?OS-148th Avenue N.E 6el:e��e,WA 98007 T_I 425.861.1928 fax. 425.885.1963 283 � �r_�r��.�. or c�o�-rF`�rs L E'RO.IEC"l 0�'ER\'IE�1' II. PR�LI�II\_�R1" CO\DITIO\S SL�1�1.-�R1' III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS IV. FLOW CONTROL AI�D �1'A�I�R QUALI�I��' A�;ALYS1� _�tiU 1)��Iv\ V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUD'` � r „ � ',i__ ;��,,1 �� ���� ..,� � . �� , � , ! , !�; 1,`,I\ \� :l i ( i\'.`,!= \' (not applicable or inclua� VIII. OTHER PERMITS (not applicable or included) IX. EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL. X. BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET. APPENDIX: 1. EIS Drainage Study I. PROJECT O�'ERVIEW This total project site(Phases 1 and 2) contains approximately 22.6 acres (including roadways proposed to be vacated) lying between I-405 on the east, Lake Washington Blvd. on the west, N.E. 20th. St. on the north and N.E. 14th. St. (vacated) on the south. From a drainage standpoint, the proposal is essentially the same as the 165 unit proposal approved on the parcel under City of Renton File No. RSA-044-89 and the contract Rezone under City of Renton No. R-89-044. For a complete discussion of the elements of this project, the reader is directed to those documents and the supporting EIS. Phase 1 includes the three most northerly and westerly buildings below and west of the hillside and adjacent to the Marina Landing complex on Lake Wash. Blvd. A Vicinity Map and a reduced site plan showing the relationship of Phase 1 to adjacent topography and improvements follows. Phase 2 will be located east of and above the bluff adjacent to I-405. A map and reduced site plan for Phase 2 follows that of Phase 1. The two phases analyzed separately because they are both hydraulically and hydrologically independent of one another. The soils which undcrlie this site are Alden��ood and Kitsap (AkF). See soils map follo�ving and Golder Associates soils report at "Special Reports" Section VI. � � ..w+ a isu��w.� � �. � � :re...� �,.,r— rtrt�'�jf—' �` fK t �.....�,,R � �c` 9Z QO ?�'� �w ""� e '� OOt'[ ���Otl :'� * � � ��: ��� ��� ,x N ,a � ; , ,� � � ; ��v�,F�, ; y� w �lIV � �! 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I � 4205-f48thAvenue NE Sufte 200 DODDS ENfiIiVEERS Ii�i�;. Beilevue,Washingion 98007 DATE I� _ . re1.415-E�S-7877 Fax.425-885-7963 ' iE MaiJ.O�ce@DEbnGne.com BY , _.. .__.._ , - . . - � ��_ �.� : '.'��.�. fL�. .� '� . . . - �-1 -�� +i '' May g � KPC��Fa `I, r�. i � , EwC�s BM � ' ' ��� / . . . — � - , . La endQe SekS� .,� ; 9 • � . , 0 • F ' � • ��s,� a"� : :-. ,*'.'.. + ::� ' -t . . .. ... — � � .: .. _ _ _' �___ _ y :Sr _ . . . . , � �, �'i5 �` . :� ' r�i a 1 tnao ;'- j + 1'r ."t! ' �.. � : � �ao. '�' - :' � ; � . 4�. �v::: No � `�x��— � i �T t� �- � `:p : : � u�e._ _ '� :,' ,. io . P� p - - ; a.� � 4 ' ,,� r �� v t � ,� .:�' � , _ �♦ �' �' �,' j.,,, n �+ :-� � ' .,. Kpg '' �' � - rt . . . , ,. , � „ � . , .� . __:� .. �i� ., _ , . ._ f .: -- , ' • - . . , . , • a— , � � ,_ � - _ , ,� •_ ` - s � � yV lt � �+ r• } ' � �'�-,-� / �C � n� � _ _ � �� -�;FFtk . ..:{¢`t� 't'�.+C � •• ��. : 1_ __ r $ x � �f �� � � ' + , �:;• � .- ; - y qgC r . .� . 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F . . , -� . ,: :tF P� �1S'�t�� 1 � Bryn Mawr ' � _ X���,�,�� � � ' , • ' , �µ � �. \• }� � • - y '_ � s� �• � t � ,� � u. , � r _ •� � _ 9`, � -.�;1 �_ '` ;-� _ anY �� _ F r - ', � -- .-- '�"��.�� � � A _� +a. i'.?: :} - . . t•':•• E Y. ��� Flanl � r . q�C •': f.�; ' ` '�� ... ` i Ur _ - $ TON' , �' • -� - �RaE �s�� yoo�a°' .. ; '_ _ � _;. E. R.S E. .. .RENTON 1.9 M!. 1Z�3V' (Joins shaet 1 I) i-�.-_�..-j__t_.-_:_:_;-_; ... ..'...._..__' !...;_..:.�.J__;__.:--;- R£NTON IJ Ml. '.;...',..;._,...'.._;_; _ �-T--,---:-' :-; - --,-`-----' ' Alderwood and Kitsap soi ls, �ery steep (AkF) �-� '-` - -- --- --- -- --- --- ;..: ,_...:_- � - , • -- - - - -- � ...... � � :_=-� '•.-�-�--;..' ' ;. �- - r , , , _ ' .:_....'_.: � : , 'I'his mapping unit is about 50 percent Alderwood � '--�--� >-: ' < :-;-=-?- ;_�-.;_..> �-�- -{--> +-; � -�-' - --� � � gravelly sandy loam and 25 percent Kitsap silt __ loam. Slopes are 25 to 70 percent, Distribution ' � -:- • � + - of the soils varies greatly within short distances. About 15 percent of some mapp.ed areas is an ' ' ' i i ' ' ' '• � -- included, unnamed, very deep,' moderately coarse ; � : : : . .. `--- •-----'---'---'- ��--;-=--` � il; and about 10 percent of some areas '- -- - -- - -- -- -- � • . textured so � � =--�--�-�--� :__ : . : . . ._ : ._'s . _ . ._ : is a very deep, coarse-textured Indianola soil. ' ; _ . � � :. - '- Drainage'and permeability vary. Runoff is rapid -� ' -'t � - ; : to very rapid, and the erosion hazard is severe to : f �-i-+-> i_�- - - e . . - - - -; ;-�' ; v ey severe The slippage potential is severe � � � = � These soils are used for timUer. Capability -- � ` � � F ' � ' ! unit VIIe-1; woodland group 2d1. __ ; : ' SHEET OF � �` � �.. .�;r�,b�'t,s'.;�.` ��, � `�' .+'"� ' �., S; .� `�,�� i ;: a ' . . .. . �rti� �t+[J] ��r� �s,`� �'"'�yh t�l. -� �?g �S� `1� PY�� ��yRw�t � � � .y:'W , ��' lb4�v` .'.� � �i �; < r',w gUR y-� � � `� "j `N. �, �/ , ��� � �� � � rn ! : �,�; , � �4 'R'r �� ' .[� . . . �'� �"`�t "'� r^�','K�� � ,�:� ,�' d ra� 'ti ` ., /� .� C . s ��. � ;:: S ' .:. t �v � ,� i�� .. � �Y"i r . � �� i �ra '�. � N�:. �4• W�''v� i� (�j��F _� ��� � ��`` �W�����\ � " ' _ . � V'� � ��� � �� F`4`bp M�n�1 ��' y�3 (�Its°_ .._, �, t � } t � � � [�( �� ��\`�\�� „'vt ) i � ��;u` �,yl1� w�4A qt'.� �� � � \ �` ,y h t .,+ � 1�\ Y a��\ � i t.' F K N � � ! ��X ^-�k � ��. t ' � � :. 1 `�``� ' � '1��\ J�a � i ��tr `v�+.` y,�,t�: r.,` � ��c.��} �'�' �,��� , , � �, `dM �� t � �� �q � ,� �'���J � N 1� �y/, � n � 1; {� r;� xr' t � � '�f A �� � �r ' � y ����1 \���M� �\`�`�\�\���1�\\�\`� \aq`.`i„�� ('� � ,, fy # �� � . 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Bellevue,Washington 98007 DATE TeL 425-885-7877 Fax 425-885-7963 E MaiL Oft'ice@DElonline.com BY •-----•---....--•-----•----�---•--•-_....-.--- : --�--•----..--•---•--... - - - ------• - - - - --- -- -- - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . , ._._......�..,_...__,._.-�-�- �-.....,. - -- � - -- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- --- ------ - . . . . . . . , . . , ._: . . . . . . ; ... . _� . . . .. ...,_... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ...: ..... .... ,._._....... ...._�........,--, ._._._..---�•--�---- ..._--�- -... _ ..- .._. ..: - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- --- , . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. ,-. . . . =-�- , • . . . .._: ; : ,.-�-- ---�------�---. ---- ' - __. - � �- � - - - , , . : ;.A..: ; ; ;..:--i-- . • i r { . . 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Runoff is rapid :_�.�----•�--�--=---•---� �----: --�-- - - -- -- -- -- ;_.;._.;..�.-�-->--�--+-.T..;..:--� -- t° : ;_:._: � •�� .--: . i c- -i--��-;--:..:---i �-;_i _.;_;_; to very rapid, and the erosion hazard is severe ;..t--;-.:_.r_.;..;-.;._;..�..:..:..:...:..:...:..:..:..: �-.;---;--�---------=---=--;..-;.-;--?--.;-� --very severe. The slippage potential is severe. - --- -- -- - -- - , . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,_�.., , . . ..._...._ • . . ,.__,...�.., . :--�..:..:..:--:-_..s-�=--:._:..�..;..!..:. >--=�--�-����-+---F--<--�}--i�-{-� _--...;.__: i us fo tim er. C p b i li y - - - ----- ;._�______________________________� _ unit VIIe-l;lwoo andegroup 2dlb These s s are a a 't :---�-�---: :-�`.--:..i �--'----=--�-�'.-:-', :. _._... - . dl �-+-+---F•;--��--->--+---F i---�--r--+---�..:...:..:..:..' SHEET OF II. PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS SUMNIARY Please refer to the EIS. The only drainage/grading preconditions which apply to the surface water management designs in this project are that drainage features comply with the 1990 SWM Manual and current City codes. See previous section for soils information and the following section for drainage basins and offsite drainage analysis. ,I� IIL OFFSITE & LEVEL ONE DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS, PHASE 1 The existing conditions at the Bluffs are the same today as they«ere when the EIS was prepared in 1989. The design for both Phases, and particularly for Phase 1 for this TIR, is predicated on the fact there is adequate do�;-nstream capacity so that no detention is required or provided per KCSWM Manual 1.2.3 core requirement#3, exemptions. To accomplish this reference will be made in part to the EIS drainage calculations, a full copy of wrhich is included in the Appendix. The following two pages contain reproductions of two exhibits from the EIS drainage calculations which show the original topography/drainage basins for the subject site and for Marina Landing (Exhibit III-A, "Pre-development Basins") and the downstream conveyance system (E�chibit III-B, "Downstream Culverts"). As the EIS drainage study states, the topography shown on Exhibits III-A and B is from 1960 era City of Renton maps, and therefore does not represent current conditions but does show the drainage basins for each of the culverts prior to the diversions made by Marina Landing's development. Exhibit III-A is included mainly to show the original drainage basins/patterns and III-B is included to show downstream culvert number designations. Exhibit III-C shows the basins as they will exist after construction of Phase 2 of The Bluffs. The only significant difference beri��een these basin maps is that on map III-B sub-basin F and G are shown to drain through culvert#6 to #11 and then to Lake Washington where this is not the case on III-C. Flows from culvert#2 will now be redirected back through culvert#5 as they existed prior to construction of Marina Landing. The remainder of basin F plus a portion of basin G will continue to flow to culvert #6, the upper portion of basin G draining to the hole west of I-405, the hole never having drained to culvert #6 in any event but still considered to do so in the EIS drainage report. The remainder of the downstream analysis is contained on the following pages: i , � �_ � : � . r , .� � � ,�. 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""'}'.{._j..�..:'..�_ SHE`t' OF IIL OFFSITE & LEVEL ONE DO`'�'NSTREANi ANALYSIS, PHASE 2 II !, The drainage conditions at Phase 2 of the Bluffs are almost the same today as they w ere when the EIS was prepared in 1989. The design for both Phases 1 and 2 is predicated on the fact there is adequate do���nstream capacity so that no detention is required or provided per KCSWM Manual 1.2.3 core requirement#3, "exemptions." To show this is the case, reference will be made in part to the EIS drainage calculations, a full copy of which is included in the Appendix. The following foldout page shows the drainage basins contributing flows to Phase 2. This map is a composite of the project site's existing topography, a worksheet site plan overlaid on the topography (the southern portion of which also sho�vs proposed grading for the entry road), asbuilt drainage plans from the WSDOT for I-405 (most current) and the topography on the east side of I-405 taken from the drainage basin map used in the EIS. This map, together with the map on the page following, show that WSDOT has made alterations to the I-405 drainage system from that described in the EIS, in particular with reference to drainage basin 8 as defined in the EIS. Notice on the EIS map this basin is shown draining to the southern portion of the Phase 2 project site. With the changes made by WSDOT, this drainage now is directed south along the off-ramp so basin 8 no longer contributes flow to the site. This may have been altered by the state because the flows from the original system backed up and formed a pond east of the railroad embankment, and thereafter overflowed and washed out the embankment (see grading plan topography). We have confirmed there is no longer drainage from I-405 entering this swale where the washout occurred. The other change which���ill occur as a result of this project's construction is the I-405 flows now entering the"Hole" shared by the project and WSDOT (see callouts 21 and 14 on the WSDOT plans for discharge pipe lying east of and bet��veen the third and second most northerly phase 2 buildings). Where flows from this basin (EIS basin 3) now are captured by the hole and percolate into the soil, this project will route those flows throu�h its conveyance system directly to Lake Washington. On the follov��ing pages is a set of calculations which show the do«�nstream system is capable of accepting flows up to and above the 100 year event for the ultimate development of the basin upstream of the conveyance system analyzed. Note the final configuration of this site«-i11 represent the maximum development (i.e. increase in flow) which could reasonably be expected to burden the do���nstream system. � �, .1 �^t'�' .� � ��� 1�� - p ' i:��; � �'p � ��I ,11 � ,�� ���- --•!•-��, u�,; , �"�`s: � j �!� III� r ' '�'�;�L�''' � �1��1,�,I ; ' r .s . � � I �� .� ,._ = ,�•'� � ���) � / E �'r - -�,_�; �� ( E -� �� p � ��� �;`�1 �I_�'�,+'�� '' � �� � , ;;� *� 1 , �� ��'i�`�� � i t � _r � ���'�'`_,��'� ...ab `� ��,�/�� ii�� • /, +�I � , ',.,,4, ,�''1, ;,. ;i ��l ' � �, , ��i� , . o c� , ,, ��' � �� � � ► r �rj � .. o �� ,� ';-' , ..��� :.- -y � ti ��/� .����'�'�.';,�':��', I � • / Y' c 1- ,II 1 r ; . ,�, f � Jll ,,.,� 1��s�,.:;,;,�,;;!;,,��,.� �,, . 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FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Unlike the original proposal, this proposal does not advocate the provision of detention. The downstream conveyance system covers less than 300 feet between the site's west boundary and Lake Washington, an acceptable receiving waterbody according to the 1990 SWM Manual. Because the downstream conveyance system is adequate even for the 100-year event, and because detention is only employed for the benefit of the downstream properties, such a system would have no beneficial function and therefore there is no reason to install detention facilities on this site. In addition, the upstream basin is developed to its currently zoned density so no significant additional future load on the downstream system above that calculated in the previous section is anticipated. There are, however, water quality enhancement features proposed for the site. By their presence they will have some detention effects but the storage volume in these facilities is far more beneficial for water quality purposes than for detention. There are, however, water quality enhancement features proposed for the site. By their presence they will have some detention effects but the storage volume in these facilities is far more beneficial for water quality purposes than for detention. __.. � L } �\ �, � Planning•Engineering•Surveying JOB NO.� 1, t6� 1DODDS�IGiI�E�� Il��'C. 4203-148thAvenue NE Suite 200 Sellevue,Washington 98007 DATE '^ � Tel.A25-885-7877 Fax.425-885-7963 E MaiL Of�'ice@DElortline.com BY �� �,JV_�--�-�`tZ---�_tJ�_3�'. ���.5_1�'�.,�-:--�.---�--._-------.-----.-�---�---�---�-----,---.----�-----,---.----------,---:-----�---................_.., : , . . : : . . . . . .. � > _ _ - _ . ...:. . .. - :�?�2:: Ir-� ��v �' �,,�r� t.� ,;� ' ,=�:t�::�;1�a12.��� ;��:� �.s.���� . . � �' _ '- � . _`i��.: t1�.�L.C.4't ���ss� ' :. ,� � 1��� - �- . , , � I'�,: tY� 5 S� �:�-��-�-�v�� �. ��; =�;�Q.��'G;::'�r�;� ., . : _. . ..__.. : .-� � �4`�� C.�v ���- �� � � �'�� �., .., c._ a ; ��. �. - ♦ �� � �� ..__.. t},��{�,� , _', � � �-:_- �« � :-: ���� � . � . � � � v:r - G�-..:� �. 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TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 83 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs - =- - _ , -';..�. ;._ , RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERVIOUS AREA �-� PRECIPITATION. . . . : 0 . 67 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres - - ;_< _ TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 81 . 00 ` � ' _. _. _< :----_. ` ' . TIME OF CONC. . . . . : 10 . 00 min IMPERVIOUS AREA - --- � - ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 AREA. . : 0 . 83 Acres ---.... CN. . . . . 98 . 00 .. 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SHEET � CF �% Planning•Engineering•Survering )OB NO.� l� DODDS E�GIP�EE�Z.S�NC. 4205-148thAvenue NE Suite 200 � � Bellevue,Washington 98007 DATE�.��. 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PAGE 1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 6.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WQ FACILITIES This section presents the general requirements for water quality(WQ)facilities. When detail in the WQ designs is lacking,refer to Chapter 5 for guidance. In cases where requirements are extremely costly,a less expensive altemative that is functionally equivalent in terms of performance,environmental effects, health and safery,.and maintenance can be sought through the adjustment process(see Section 1.4). Use of Metal Materials Galvanized metals leach zinc into the environment,especially in standing water situations. High zinc concentrations,sometimes in the range that can be toxic to aquatic life,have been observed in the region.'° Therefore,use of galvanized materials in stormwater facilities and conveyance systems is discouraged. Where other metals,such as aluminum or stainless steel,or plastics are available,they should be used. b.2.1 WATER QUALITY DESIGN FLOWS Water Quality Design Flow Th water qualiry design flow is defined as follows: � • Preceding detention:609'0 of the developed twayear peak tlow rate,as determined us' e '�'�� KCRTS model with 15-minute rime steps calibrated to site conditions(see Chapter 3). Note:If KCRTS is not being used on a project, the WQ design fInw may also be estimated u b4%vf the 2- year 24-hour precipitation in the SBUH model." • Downstream of detention:The fu112-year release rate from the detention facility. The KCRTS model will typically be used to compute the WQ design flow. Wt�en examining the peak flow rates associated with various runoff volumes,it was found that detained flows and undetained flows must be described differently. However,unlike peak flows,the KCRTS model computation of volume of runoff is unaffected by whether or not the runoff is detained. Therefore,facilities such as wetponds, , which are sized by a simple volume-based approach that does not route flows through a detention pond, '� are the same size whether they precede or follow detention. Note that facilities which are sized based on volume and which include routing of flows through a detention pond,such as the detailed sand filter method,are significantly smaller when located downstream of detention,even though the same volume of water is treated in either situation. This is because the detention pond routing sequence stores peaks within the pond and releases them at a slow rate,reducing the size of the sand filter pond subsequently needed(the volume needed to store the peaks need not be provided again in the sand filter pond). Flow Volume to be Treated - When water quality treatment is required pursuant to the core and special requirements of this manual,it is intended that a minimum of 95% of the annuai average runoff volume in the time series,as deternnined with the KCRTS model,be treated. Designs using the WQ design flow(as discussed above)will treat this minimum volume. Treatable Flows As stated in Chapter 1,only nmoff from pollution-generating surfaces must be treated using the water quality facility options indicated in the applicable water quality menu. Pollution-generating impervious � � 10 Finlayson,1990. Unpublished data from reconnaissance of Metro Park and Ride bt stormwater characterisdcs. ��The Deparhnent of Ecology WQ design flow is based on the flow predicted by the SBUH model for 64°k of the 2-year 24-hour precipkation. This is roughly equivalent to the WGl design flows given here for the KCRTS model. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-17 SEC1'ION 6.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WQ FACILTITES surfaces(PGIS)are those impervious surfaces which are subject to vehicular use or storage of erodable or leachable materials,wastes,or chemicals;and which receive direct rainfall or the run-on or blow-in of rainfall. For subdivisions,pollution-generating impervious areas typically include right-of-way �'` improvements(roads),parking areas and driveways. Metal roofs are also considered to be PGIS unless - they are treated to prevent leaching. Pollution-generating pervious surfaces(PGPS)are thase non- ' impervious surfaces with vegetated ground cover subject to use of pesticides and fertilizers. For subdivisions,pollution-generating pervious areas typically include lawns and landscaped areas. Gold courses,parks and sports fields are also typically PGPS. The following points summarize which site flows must be treated and under what circumstances: _ • All runoff from pollution-generating impervious surfaces is to be treated through the water quality facility(ies)required in Chapter 1 and specified in the Chapter 6 menus. � Runoff from lawns and landscaped areas generally overflows toward street drainage systems where it is conveyed to treatment facilities along with the road runoff. However,sometimes runoff from backyards drains into open space or buffer areas. In these cases,buffers may be used to provide the requisite water quality treatment provided(1)runoff sheetflows into the buffer or a dispersal trench is provided to disperse flows broadly into the buffer,and(2)the flow path through the pollution- generating area is limited to about 200 feet. � Drainage from impervious surfaces that are not pollution-generating(such as most roofs)need�not be treated and may bypass the treatment facility.1z Roof runoff is,however,still subject to flow control per Core Requirement#3. Note that metal roofs are considered pollution-generating unless they are treated to prevent leaching. � • Drainage from areas in native vegetation should not be mixed with untreated runoff from streets and driveways,if possible. It is best to infiltrate or disperse this relatively clean runoff to maximize recharge to shallow groundwater,wetlands,and streams. � • If runoff from roofs or areas in nadve vegetation reaches a water quality facility,flows from those f areas must be included in the sizing calculations for the facility. Once runoff from noh-pollution- generating areas is combined with runoff from pollution-generating areas,it cannot be separated before treatment_ 6.2.2 SEQUENCE OF FACILITIES As speci6ed in the water quality menus,where more than one water quality facility is used,the ordes is often prescribed. This is because the specific pollutant removal role of the second or third facility in a treatment train often assumes that significant solids settling has already occurred. For example, phosphorus removal using a two-facility treatment train relies on the second facility(sand filter)to remove a finer fracrion of solids than those removed by the first facility. There is a larger question,however,of whether water quality facilities should be placed upstream or downstream of detention facilities. In general,all water quality facilities may be installed upstream of detention facilities,although presettling basins aze needed for sand filters and in�ltration basins. Not all water quality facilities,however,can be located downstream of detenrion facilities. Those faciliries that treat unconcentrated flows,such as filter strips and narrow-area biofilters,will seldom be practical downstream of detention facilities. Other facilities present special problems that must be considered before placement downstream is advisable. Two facilities that fall into this latter category are the basic biofiltration swale(see Section 6.3.1,p.6-37) and the sand filter or sand filter vault(see Sections 6.5.2 or 6.5.3). For both of these facilities,the 12 Available data on the quality of roof runoff was examined. Although ihere are instances of polluted roof runoff,they tend to be � related to galvanized roofing materials or industria!processes. There is also data That suggests the pollutant concentratlon of ` �'� aUnospheric fallout decreases with vertical elevation. See'Water Quality Thresholds Decision Paper,'April 1994,King Couniy Surface Water Management Division(now Water and Land Resources Division). 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-18 �', KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 6.3 BIOFILTRATION FACILITY DESIGNS This section presents the methods,details of analysis,and design criteria for biofiloration swates and filter strips. Included in this secdon are the following specific facility designs: • Basic Biofiltration Swales, Se�tion 6:3.1 'l • Wet Biofiltration Swales, Secdon 6.3.2 • Continuous Inflow Biofiltrarion Swales,Secdon 63.3 � Basic Filter Strips, Secrion 6.3.4 � Narrow Area Filter Strips,Section 63.5. � The informadon presented for each facility is organized into the following two categories: 1. Methods of Analysis:Contains a step-by-step procedure for designing and sizing each facility. Information presented in the procedure is based on available literature,but clarified or modified where deficiencies were identified.t5 2. Design Criteria: Contains the details, specifications,and material requirements for each facility. 6.3.1 BASIC BIOFILTRATION SWALES A bio,filtrasion swale is an open,gently sloped,vegetated channel designed for treatment of stormwater (see the details in Figure 63.1.A through Figure 63.1.E beginning on page 6-49). The primary pollutant removal mechanisms are filtration by grass blades which enhance sedimentation,and trapping and adhesion of pollutants to the grass and thatch. Biofiltration swales generally do not remove dissolved pollutants effectively. Applications and Limitations A biofiltration swale is designed so that water will flow evenly across the entire width of a densely- vegetated anea. A swale can be designed for both treatment and conveyance of onsite stormwater flow. This combined use can reduce development costs by eliminating the need for separate conveyance systems. Biofiltration swales are best applied on a relatively small scale(generally less than 5 acres of impervious �� surface). They work well along roadways,driveways,and parking lots. Swales are more costly to apply - in situations where the swale channei would be deep;in deep swales,self-shading can inhibit the necessary grass growth,resuiting in poor pollutant removal perfonnance. 5ome specific considerations for biofiltration swale applications are as follows: • A biofiltration swale should not be located in a�shaded area. For healthy grass growth, a swale should receive a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight daily during the summer months throughout the length of the swale. • To maintain healthy grass growth,a swale must dry between storms. It should not receive continuous base flows(such as seepage from a hill slope throughout the winter)or be located in a high groundwater area,because saturated soil condirions will kill grass. If these condirions are likely to occur,design options are given under"Design Criteria" (p.6-4i), or the wet biofiltration swale design can be used(see Secrion 63.2,p. 6-52,for details). • Stormwater runoff carrying high concentrations of oil and grease impaits the treatment capability of a swale. Oil control options given in Section 6.6 (p. 6-135)should be applied in these situarions. 15 Such modifications are often based on computer modeling using tt�e lGng Counry Runoff Time Series(KCRTS)model. OccasionaUy they were based on bench-scale studies. Back-up studies are listed in Reference Section 5. 1998 Surfaoe Water Design Manual 9/1/98 , 6-37 SEC,TION 63 BIOFILTRA'ITON FACILITY DESIGNS • Modifying an e�sting drainage ditch to create an engineered biofiltrarion swale may be difficult due to physical constraints and because ditches often serve as conveyance for flows from larger offsite areas. . � • Utilities may be located in swale side slopes above the WQ design depth. However,the repair or placement of utilities in swaie side slopes requires aggressive implementation of erosion control pracdces to prevent soil and sediment from reaching the treatment area of the swale. Note: Consult the water quality menus in Section 6.1 (p. 6-3)for ircformation on how this facility can be used to rneet Core Requirement#8. Also see Tabde 6.I.I.A on page 6-S for guidance on which type of biofiltration swale(basic, wet or cnntinuous in,flow)to use for a given set of site characteristics. METHODS OF ANALYSIS Biofiltration swale sizing is based on several variables,including the peak water quality design flow, longitudinal slope,vegetation height,bottom width,side slope,required hydraulic residence time(i.e.,the time required for flow to travel the full length of the swale),and design flow depth. Swales sized and built using the method of analysis outlined in this section and the required design criteria presented in Section are ezpected to meet the Basic Water Quality menu goal of 80%TSS removal. Procedures for sizing swales are summarized below. Step 1: Calcnlate design flows. The swale design is based on the water qualiry design flow Q„,�(see Section 6.2.1,p.6-17,for a definition of water quality design flow). If a biofilter is used for conveyance, the capacity requirements of Core Requirement#4 must be met These flows must be estimated using the hydrologic analysis procedures described in detail in Chapter 3. If the swale is located downstream of an onsite detendon facility,the swale design flow should correspond to the 2-year release rate from the detention facility. Step 2: Calculate swale bottom width. The swale bottom width is caiculated based on Manning's equation for open-channel flow. This equarion can be used to calculate dischazges as follows: Q _ 1.49�o.s�so.s (6-1) n where Q = flow rate(cfs) n = Manning's roughness cce�cient(unitless) A = cross-secdonal area.of flow(s fl R = hydraulic radius(ft)=area divided by wetted perimeter s = longitudinal slope(ft/ft) For shallow flow depths in swales,channel side slopes are ignored in the calculation of bouom width. Use the following equation(a simplified form of Manning's formula)to estimate the swale bouom width: b _ QwQn,� (6-2) 1.49 16�Sos y� where b = bottom width of swale(ft) Q,�,q= water quality design flow(cfs) n,�= Manning's roughness ccefficient for shallow flow conditions=0.20(unitless) y = design flow depth(ft) s = longitudinal slope(along d'uection of flow)(ft/ft)_ See "Water Depth and Base F1ow" (p.6-42)to determine the allowable design water depth. Proceed to -- Step 3 if the bottom width is calculated to be between 2 and 10 feet. 9�1�9g 1998 Snrface Water Design Manual 6-38 63.1 BASIC BIOFILTRATION SWALES—METHODS OF ANALYSIS A minimum 2-foot bottom width is required. Therefore, if the calculated bottom width is less than 2 feet, increase the width to 2 feet and recalculate the design flow depth y using Equation(6-3) as follows: y ( Qwqnwq % (6-3) 1.49s0�56) where Q,�,y,n,,,y,and s are the same values as used in$quation(6-2),but b=2 feet The maximum bottom width is 10 feet;therefore if the calculated bottom width exceeds 10 feet,then one of the following steps is necessary to reduce the design bottom width: • Increase the longitudinal slope s to a maximum of 6 feet in 100 feet(0.06 feet per foot). • Increase the design flow depth y to a maximum of 4 inches(0333 feet). • Reduce the design flow rate by rearranging the swale location with respect to detention facilities; a swale located downstream of a detenrion faciIity may have a lower flow rate due to flow attenuation in the detention facility. However,if a swale is located dovsmstream of a detention pond providing Level 2 or Leve13 flow control,and it is located in till soils(according to the KCRTS soil group in Chapter 3),then the swale must be designed as a wet biofiltration swale(see Section 6.3.2,p.6-52). • Place a divider lengthwise along the swale bottom(cross section)at least three-quarters of the swale length (beginning at the inlet),without compromising the design flow depth and swale lateral slope requirements. See"Design Criteria" (p.6-41)for swale divider requirements. A flow spreader must be provided at the inlet to evenly divide flows into each half of the swale cross section. See Secdon 6.2.6(p. 6-31)for details on flow spreaders. Step 3: Determine design flow velocity. To calculate the design flow velocity through the swale,use ihe flow continuity equation: V _ Q,«� (�) �v � where V„�- design flow velocity(fps) A,� by+Zy2=cross-sectional area(sfj of flow at design depth Z = side slope length per unit height(e.g.,Z=3 if side slopes are 3H:1� If the design flow velocity exceeds 1 foot per second,go back to Step 2 and modify one or more of the design parameters(longitudinal slope,bottom width,or flow depth)to reduce the design flow velocity to 1 foot per second or less. If the design flow velocity is calculated to be less than 1 foot per second, proceed to Step 4. Note:It is desirable to have the design velocity as low as possible, both to improve treatment e,ffectiveness and to reduce swale length requirements. Step 4: Calculate swale length. Use the following equation to determine the necessary swale length to achieve a hydraulic residence rime of at least 9 minutes(540 seconds): L=540V,„� (6-5) where L = minimum allowable swale length(ft) UW� design flow velocity(fps) The minimum swale length is 100 feet;therefore,if the swale length is calculated to be less than 100 feet, increase the length to a minimum of 100 feet,leaving the bottom width unchanged. If a larger swale could 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-39 . SECTION 6.3 BIOFILTRATION FACIIITY DESIGNS be fitted on the site,consider using a greater length to increase the hydraulic residence time and improve the swale's pollutant removal capability. If the calculated length is too long for the site,or if it would cause layout problems,such as encroachment into shaded azeas,proceed to Step 5 to further modify the layout If the swale length can be accommodated on the site,proceed to Step 6. Step 5: Adjust swale layout to St on site. If the swale length calculated in Step 4 is too long for the site, the length can be reduced(to a minimum of 100 feet)by increasing the bottom widtFi up to a maximum of 16 feet. However,the length cannot be increased in order to reduce the bottom width because Manning's depth-velocity-flow rate relationships would not be preserved. If the bottom width is increased to greater than 10 feet,a low dividing berm is needed to split the swale cross section in half. Length can be adjusted by finding t6e top area of the swale and providing an equivalent top area with the adjusted dimensioas. a) Calculate the swale tr�eatment top area based on the swale length calculated in Step 4: Arop = �bt+b:�o�)Li ��) where A� = top azea(sfl at the design treatment depth b; = bottom width(ft)calculated in Step 2 bs� = the addidonal top width (ft)above the side slope for the design water depth (for 3:1 side slopes and a 4inch water depth,bJ��=2 feet) L; = initial length(ft)calculated in Step 4. b) Use the swale top area and a reduced swale length L f to increase the bouom width,using the following equation: Awp (6-7) � (bj +bslape� where I f = reduced swale length(ft) bf = increased bottom width(ft). c) Recalculate V,�according to Step 3 using the revised cross-sectional area A,„�based on t6e increased bottom width bf Revise the design as necessary if the design flow velocity exceeds 1 foot per second. Step 6:Provide conveyance capacity for tlows higher than Q„q. Biofiltration swales may be designed as flow-through channels thai convey flows higher than the water quality design flow rate,or they may be designed to incorporate a high-flow bypass upstream of t6e swale inlet A high-flow bypass usually results in a smaller swale size(see flow splitter options,page 6-27,for more information on designing bypasses). If a high-flow bypass is provided,this step is not needed. If no high-flow bypass is provided, proceed with the procedure below. a) Check the swale sized using Steps 2 through 5 above to determine whether the swale can convey the 25-year and 100-year peak flows consistent with the conveyance requirements of Core Requirement #4 in Chapter 1. The roughness ccefficient n in Manning's equation should be selected to reflect the deeper flow conditions with less resistance provided by grass during these high-flow events. The bottom width(Step 2)should be calculated as per Section,"Methods of Analysis"for open channels. b) The 100-year peak flow velocity(Vt�=Q��/A��)based on the 100-year flow depth must be less than 5.0 feet per second. If V��exceeds�0 feet per second,retum to Step 2 and increase the bottom width or flatten the longimdinal slope as necessary to reduce the 100-year peak flow velocity to 5.0 feet per. second or less. If the longitudinal slope is flattened,the swale bottom width must be recalculated _. (Step 2)and meet all design criteria. 9/1/98 1998 Sudace Water Design Manual 6-00 - . . . _ __ _. _ . 6.3.1 BASIC BIOFILTRATION SWALES—DESIGN CRrl'ERIA c) The conveyance requirements in Core Requirement#4(see Section 1.2.4)must be met. DESIGN CRITERIA An effective biofiltration swale achieves uniform sheet flow over and through a densely vegetated area for a period of several minutes. Figure 63.1.A(p.6-49)shows a typical biofiltration swale schematic. Basic design requirements for achieving proper flow conditions through a biofiltration swale are described below. Swale Geometry 1. Swale bottom width shall be between 2 and 16 fee�'s a) Minimum bottom width is 2 feet to allow for ease of mowing. b) If the bottom width exceeds 10 feet, a length-wise divider shall be provided. The divider shall extend from the flow spreader at the inlet for at least three-quarters of the swale length. c) Maximum bottom width is 16 feet,excluding the width of the divider. Note:Multiple swales rnay be placed side by side provided the flow to each swale is split at the inlet and spread separately for each swale. Adjacent swales may be separated with a vertical wall, but a low berm is preferred for easier mainlenance and better landscape integration. 2. The longitudinal slope(along the direction of flow)shall be between 1 percent and 6 percent. a) If the longitudinal slope is less than 1.5 percent,underdrains must be provided(see next page and Figure 6.3.1.C,p. 6-50,for underdrain specifications). b) If the longitudinal slope is less than 1 percent,the swale must be designed according to the criteria pr,esented in Section 6.3.2(p.6-52)for wet bio6ltration swales. c) If the longitudinal slope exceeds 6 percent,check dams with vertical drops of 12 inches or less shall be provided to achieve a bottom slope of 6 percent or less between the drop sections. 3. The swale shall be 8at in cross section(pecpendicular to the flow d'uecrion)to promote even flow across the whole width of the swale. 4. The minimum swale length shall be 100 feet;no maximum length is set. 5. The swale treatment area(below the WQ design water depth)shall be trapezoidal in cross-section. If trapezoidal,side slopes within the treatment area should be 3H:1 V or flatter whenever possible, but not steeper than 2H:1V. 6. Side slope sections above the treatment area may be steeper than 3H:1 V,subject to the following provisions: a) If there is an interior side slope between 1H:1V and 2H:1V outside the treatment area,the slope shall be reinforced with erosion control netting or matting during construction. b) Any interior slope steeper than 1H:1 V shall be constructed as a rockery or structural retaining wall"to prevent the swale slope from sloughing. To ensure that adequate sunlight reaches the swale bottom,only one wall can be tal{er than 2 fee� If possible,the higher wall should be on the northern or eastem side of the swale to maximize the amount of light reaching the swale . bottom. 1e Experience with biofiltraRion swales shows thet when the width exceeds about 10 feet it is difficult to keep the water from forming low-8ow chamels. It is also dlHicult to construct the bottom level and without sloping to one side. Biofilters are best constructed by IeveGng the bottam after excavating,and after the soil is amended. A single-width pass with a front-end bader produces a better result ihan a multiple-width pass. ��Soil bioengineering techniques may be used as an eltemative to a rockery or structural retaining wall. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-41 SECTION 63 BIOFILTRAT[ON FACILTTY DESIGNS , 7. Curved swales are encouraged for aesthetic reasons,but curves must be gentle to prevent erosion and allow for vehicle access to remove sediment. Criteria for maintenance access road curves should also be applied for swale curves(see Section�53.1.1 for design of access roads). � �� Water Depth and Base Flow 1. A swale that will be frequently mowed,as in commercial or landscaped areas,shall have a design water depth of no more than 2 inches(0.17 feet)under the water quality design flow conditions. 2. A swale that will not be frequently mowed,such as along roadsides or in rural areas,shall have a design water depth of no more than 4 inches(0.33 feet)under the water quality design flow - conditions. 3. If a swale is located downstream of a detention pond providing Leve12 or Leve13 flow control, and it is located in till soils(according to the KCRTS soil group in Chapter 3),then the swale must be designed as a wet biofiltration swale(see Section 63.2,p.6-52). 4. If a swale will receive base flows because of seeps and springs on site,then either a low-flow drain shall be provided or a wet biofiltra.tion swale shall be used. Low flow drains are narrow surface drains filled with pea gravel that run lengthwise through the swale to bleed off base flows;they should not be confused with underdrains. In general,base flows less than 0.01 cfs per acre can be handled wit6 a low-flow drain. If flows are likely to be in excess of this level,a wet biofiltration swale should be used. 5. If a low-flow drain is used,it shall extend the entire length of the swate. The drain shall be a minimum of 6 inches deep,and its width shall be no greater than 5 percent of the calculated swale bottom width;the width of the drain shall be in addition to the required bottom width. If an anchored plate or concrete sump is used for flow spreading at the swale inlet,the plate or sump wall shall have a v-notch(maximum top width=5%of swale width)or holes to allow preferential exit of lo�v flows into the drain. See Figure 6.3.1.D(p. 6-51)for low-flow drain specifications and details. Flow Velocity, Energy Dissipation, and Flow Spreading 1. The ma�mum flow velocity through the swale under the water quality design flow conditions shall not exceed 1.0 foot per second. 2. The ma�num tlow velocity through the swale under the peak 100-year flow condidons shall not exceed 5.0 feet per second. 3. A flow spreader shall be used at the inlet of a swale to dissipate energy and evenly spread runoff as sheet flow over the swale bottom. Flow spreaders are recommended but not required at mid-length. For details on various types of flow spreaders,see Section 6.2.6(p.6-31). 4. If check dams are used to reduce the longitudinal slope of the swale,a tlow spreader shall be provided at the toe of each veRical drop. The spreader must span the width of the swale. An energy dissipater should also be provided if flows leaving the spreader could be erosive. 5. If a swale discharges tlows to a slope rather than to a piped system or confined channel,an energy dissipater shall be provided at the swale outlet. This requirement also applies to discharges from swale underdrains. The outlet energy dissipater can be a riprap pad sized according to the speci�cations described in Table 4.2.2.A for conveyance system outfalls. Underdrains If underdrains aze required by Criterion 2 under"Swale Geometry" (p.6-41),they must meet the following criteria: 1. Underdrains must be made of PVC perforated pipe(SDR 35),laid parallel to the swale bottom and bacicfilled and bedded as shown in Figure 6-50). � 9/1/98 1998 Sudace Water Design Manual 6-42 . 63.1 BASIC BIOF[LTRATION SWALES—DESIGN CRITERlA 2. For facilides to be maintained by the County,the underdrain pipe must be 6 inches or greater in diameter. (Six inches is the smallest diameter pipe that can be cleaned without damage to the pipe.) 3. Six inches of clean drain rock(5/e-inch minus)must be above the top of the pipe. 4. The drain rock must be wrapped in geotextile. Geotextile requirements are summarized in Table 6.3.1.A below. 5. The underdrain must infiltrate into the subsurface or drain freely to an acceptable discharge point. � E.�..... " `' p �"' .: ..'�. :L'" ,, 'i ` ., . ,; .. _.,. � ...� ,.�".. :. ., . �, � r � ` TABLEiG��i A,;s GEOTE�TILE,IVIATERIAL MINI'�iJM�REQUIIrEMEI*1TS� �' � .:; � . y . _ .. . _ Geotextile Property Value Test Method Trapezoid tear(Ibs) 40(min) ASTM D4533 Permeability(cm/sec) o.2(min) ASTM D4491 AOS(sieve size) #60-70 (min) ASTM D4751 Ultraviolet resistance 70 percent or greater ASTM D4355 Note:If construction conditions dictate use of a more durable geofextile material to prevent punctures or tearing during insta!lation, a heavier fabric shoufd be used. Swale Divider 1. If a swale divider is used(such as when swale bottom widths are greater than 10 feet),the divider should be conswcted of a firm material that will resist weathering and not erode, such as treated lumber,concrete,plastic,or compacted soil seeded with grass. Selection of divider material should take iato consideration swale maintenance,especially mowing. 2. The divider shall have a minimum height of one inch higher than the water quality design water depth. � ' 3. Earthen berms should be no steeper than 2H:1 V. 4. Materials other than earth(e.g.treated lumber,recycled plastic lumber,concrete,etc.)shall be embedded to a depth sufficient to be stable. Access 1. For swales to be maintained by King Counry,an access road shall be provided to the swale inlet and along one side of the swale according to the schedule shown in Table 6.3.1.B below. Note: County streets and paved parking areas adjacent to the top of slope may be counted as access. x��i�Y���ABLE G3'1�x��€'REQ��REME��TS a OR BI(�FiL��i1�U�T� ,����C�iC�E����O�D�� ��, � � x� � `� i �d��� 't �' Y � �s � r � "i r�a ��_ k, „e�°; ..;�x.� �.. r=� t�,<.-* � f� �-x�.K�,,�z �'�t .Swale Area:L x w(s� Access Rosd Length 200- 1000 1/2 swale length L 1000-1600 2/3 swale length L Over 1600 entire swate length L y�''�`;�'� 1998 Sucface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-03 SECTION 6.3 BIOFII..TRAT[ON FACILTTY DESIGNS 2. In areas outside sensidve area buffers,wheei strips made of modular grid pavement may be built into the swale bottom for maintenance vehicle access instead of an access road. 'Ttie subgrade for the strips must be engineered to support a vehicle weight of 16,000 pounds and installed according to the E manufacturer's recommendations on firm native soil or structural fill,not on the amended topsoils. Each strip shall be 18 inches wide and spaced as shown in Figure 6.3.1.E(p. 6-51). The strip lattice should be filled or covered with native soil(no amendments required)and overseeded with grass. If a low-flow drain is also needed(see "Water Depth and Base Flow"on page 6-42),a portion of the wheel strip may be filled with pea gravel as appmpriate to form the drain. Wheel strips shall not be counted as treatment area;therefore,the swale bottom width must be increased accordingly. Soil Amendment �•'° 1. Two inches(minimum)of well-rotted compost shall be tilled into entire swale treatment area to � amend the topsoil unless the soil already has an organic content of lp percent or greater. This applies to both till soils as well as sandy soi(s. In very coarse soils(gravels or coarser),top soil must be imported and amended to the required organic content. � a) Compost must be tilled into the underlying native soil to a depth of 6 inches to prevent the compost from being washed out and to avoid creating a defined layer of different soil types that can prevent dovmward percolation of water. � b) Compost shall not contain any sawdust,straw, green or under-composted organic matter,or toxic or ofherwise hazmful materials. c) Compost should not contain unsterilized manure because it can leach fecal colifortn bacteria into receiving watets. 2. Soil or sod with a clay content of greater than 10 percent should be avoided. If there is concern for contamination of the underlying groundwater,the swale bottom should be lined with a treatment liner to prevent groundwater contamination. See Section 6.2.4(p.6-22)for details on treatment liner �� options. Planting Requirements 1. Grass shall be established throughout the entire treatment area of the swale subject to the following provisions: a) Seeding is best performed in spring(mid-Mazch to June)or fall(late September to October). For summer seeding,sprinkler systems or other measures for watering the grass seed must be pmvided. b) Seed may be applied via hydroseeding or broadcast application. c) Irrigation is required during the first summer following insta.11ation if seeding occurs in spring or summer. Swales seeded in the fall may not need irrigation. However,the maintenance and d'efect financial guarantae will not be released unless-a healthy grass cover is established. Therefore, site planning should address the need for sprinklers or other means of irrigation. 2. Swale treatment areas are subject to both dry and wet conditions,as well as accumulation of sediment and debris. A mixt�re of dry-area and wet-area grass species that Can continue to grow through silt deposits is most effecrive. Two acceptable grass seed mixes for the King County area are listed in � Table The mixes should be applied throughout the swale in the treatment area at a rate of 8U pounds per acre. As an altemative to these mixes,a horticultural or erosion control • specialist may develop a seed specificadon tailored to the site. Table 6.3.1.D(p. 6-45)lists grasses or other plants particularly tolerant of wet conditions. Some of these seed types,however,may not be commercially available. i � 9J1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-44 6.3.1 BASIC BIOFILTRATION SWALES—DESIGN CRITERIA , . . , t �e � Y .a1 f � �n{ _ � . ) �..:� t t _ L �� �3 , GIrASS SEED.b�ES SUTTABI:E•FOR�BIOE fi 31:G , 5 = ' TABL - - , . ; ,,.,R., �,:: ,... _ . �'� � " � � FILTRATION SWAZE TREATMENT:�AREA,S�g:�..�' '; . . . , _ . . . _ � "��.. .:.. . .., . . . .. . . . . � . .��,:.1,: . �... ...�.:� . �-, '..� . ,.. �.�.� .� . . �: ...:.._....� 1 Mix 1 Mix 2 75-BO percent Tall or Meadow Fescue 60-70 percent Tall Fescue 10-15 percent Seaside Creeping Bentgrass 10-15 percent Seaside Creeping Bentgrass or Colonial Bentgrass or Colonial Bentgrass 5-1 D percent Redtop 10-15 percent Meadow Foxtail &10 percent Alsike Clover 1-5 percent Marshfield Big Trefoil 1-6 percent Redtop Nofe:All percentages are by weight. . _ , , ._ _ __ ,. ;. :�-� �"�# - T�BI:E:6.3.1.D :FINE�Y=TEXTLIRED PLANTS.TOVERANT OF'.` � 4> :'{ � ; EREQTIENT'SATUR�iTED,SOIL CONDTTIONS OR STANDING'WATER . . - . . .. � . . . - r Grasses Wetland Plants Water Foxtail Alopecurus geniculatus Sawbeak Sedge Carex stipata Sh�rtawn Foxtail Alopecurus aequalis Spike Rush Eleocharis palustris Bentgrass Agrosits spp. Slender Rush Juncus fenuis Spike Bentgrass A.exarata Redtop A.alba or gigantea Colonial Bentgrass A. tenuis or capillaris Mannagrass G/yceria spp. Western G. occidenta/is Northem G. borealis Slender-Spiked G. lepfostachya Rough-Stalked Poa irivialis Bluegrass - Velvet Grass Holcus mollis 3. A newly constiucted swale shall be protected from stormwater flows until grass has been established. This may be done by diverting flows or by covering the swale bottom with clear plastic until the grass is well rooted. If these actions are not feasible,an erosion control blanket shall be placed over the freshly applied seed mix. See detached Appendix D,ESC Standards,for details on erosion control blankets. 4. Above the design treatment elevation,either a typical lawn seed mix or landscape plants may be � used. However,for swales also used to convey high flows,consideration should be given to the soil '�, �. binding capacity of the vegetarion. Acceptable grasses and groundcovers are presented in Table 6.3.1.E(p.6-46). Plant material other than that given in the table may be used if the swale is 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-05 SECITON 63 BIOFII,TRATION FACILIT'Y DESIGNS privately maintained and the plants selected will not spread into the swale treatment area. Ivy may not be used because of its tendency to spread. Native plant species(e.g.,kinnikinnick)are prefened. Note: These recommendateons are for the King County area. If these designs are used in other areas, � `' local knowledge should be used to tailor these recommendations to local conditions. � : . . . . � . , . : ; > .. � k. � , ` �-TABLE 6:31 E "GROUNDCO.�RS AND�GRASSES. � ` „ �.` � k-�; 5UITABI:E FOR T�IE�PPER SIDE:sLOPES OF�A'BIOFILTRATION SWALE r r. Groundcovers Kinnikinnick` Arctostaphylos uva-ursi EpimediUm Epimedium grandiflonim — Euonymus lanceolata Strawberry* Fragaria chiloensis — Genista St.John's-Wort Hypericum sempervirens Broadleaf Lupine* Lupinus latifolius Whfte Sweet Clover* Melilotus a/ba Creeping Forget-Me-Not Omphalo'des vema — Rubus calyanoides White Lawn Clover Trifolium repens Yellow-Root Xanthorhiza simplissima Grasses(drought-tolerant,minimum mowing) � Buffalo Grass Buchloe dactyloides Tufted Fescue Festuca amethysdna Ta�l Fescue' Festuca arundrnacea Hard Fescue Festuca ovina duriuscu/a(e.g., Reliant, Aurora) Red Fescue• Fesiuca rubra Dwarf Tall Fescues Festuca spp. (e.g., Many Mustang, Sitverado) Blue Oatgrass ` Helicfotrichon sempervirens Low-growing turf mix: 40%dwarf tail fescue 30%dwarf perenial rye"Barclay' - 2�%red fescue 5%colonial bentgrass ' Native species. No[es • Many other omamenta!grasses which require only annua/mowrng are suitable. • Ivy is not pe►mitted because of its tendency to spread. 5. Sod may be used as a temporary cover during the wet season,but sodded areas must be reseeded with a suitable grass seed mix as soon as the weather is conducive to seed germination,unless the sod is grown from a seed miz suitable for the wetter conditions of a biofiltration swale. Sod must be (, removed or rototilled into the underlying soil before reseeding. Criteria#1 and 2 above for seeding should then be followed. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-46 Plonning•Engineering•Surveying JOB NO. ��� " DODDS ENG'IIVEERS lNC. � 4205-148th Avenue NE Suite 200 Belfevue,Washington 98007 DATE l�NG - Te1.425-885-7877 Fax.425-885-7963 �''"�_ E MarL Of�ice@DElonline.com BY�7, \/C�L�"�7S , _. . - . .. ��.�. �''�'� �'��- '��,�K ua. �G�t�� � �'� t;a 1 ti . �' � : ��r�� �i� ���.���� � . : :�u��� �,�.� �t.,� ���.�-����� , ��, F ;� � � ; . : . � ; . � , . �...� : . , � � - T"���-� �-c�r�?a�"� ��'�.-�►-�; � �` t?��uu��- ����"�..���� '��.� , . . , j � � : , : -�1 + . �'`' -�174 1 `r w` _ n�[ � \.�+1�I� y�.��y} i� �M"^"�� f �" _ 1�'.1_)� . ��"� �1��,�__/• .. f �-k��"�"'���.� -hT-1'�%1 �4�1���y..i� .�� j- , � S � 6� , k�- : : . -� _ : .-,-` � . �:�..1'�-'���t ...� �1�--,. .�P�:'�'.�...�»�: . . . _ . , _ . . ._ ... . , . . . , . . . � , k.- ' _� ��.��� ... . �_�' _ _IL �" " " �T� �.�0. � ` _ T9rr� � � -d"q i•� ' ' � �-7P t/ `_ �' __._� �r —� �_ � � `� ' ( . � , _ .. , � . i � . � � , � , � __ � � . , . �� � � f , _. . }__';__�___� — � ' ' ' -. - _ _ _ ! � ` � ♦d 4 _ � - -' � _ _ _ _ . . . . i � _ . � � . . . _._.._.. . . � . . , . . . : . . � . . � .� � t . - . _.� N . •"_'•_' / ,.. -__ � / i � . ._'�_`_ . �s I' _ .!_ ''." -r90 . � nz - � � . i � � _,. 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TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 95 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs :_.:__.; ` - ' ` RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USERl PERVIOUS AREA '--'--' =-=--�-�--- =-----� PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres " �-'--�--'- - -=--:--� ._�_:__'..:_ TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 89 . 00 _:__;_-; : : :_, -� - TIME OF CONC. . . . . : 10 . 00 min IMPERVIOUS AREA -`��'�"' . . . , -------- � � � � ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 AREA. . : 0 . 95 Acres -- -- ---'_ CN. . . . . 9 8 . 0 0 -- - - --- - PEAK RATE : 1 . 09 cfs VOL: 0 . 29 Ac-ft TIME : 470 min ---------- ' : ' BASIN ID : WQP22 NAME: WQ POND, PH2, 2YR EVENT ----.- -- . --- . -- �-- SCS METHODOLOGY - -- '._�---�---- -:__, ;----: - --�- TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 9 5 Acre s BASEFLOWS : 0 . 0 0 c f s . -- ----: , . :.._`-=- - � � '__:__�__:__ RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERVIOUS AREA � :------;-.-; : --. . � '--'- PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 0 . 00 Acres -_,::-:_:_�::;::; � �-:-<-�- ; ; : : � � ' TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 0 0 min CN. . . . : 8 9 . 00 -=, -�-----'--� _:__ TIME OF CONC. . . . . : 10 . 00 min IMPERVIOUS AREA --,--- - ; ---;�-: , , . , ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 AREA. . : 0 . 95 Acres :__',-�-'���--'�--` - - --- - CN. . . . . 9 8 . 0 0 ---- - .. �._ PEAK RATE : 0 . 54 cfs VOL: 0 . 14 Ac-ft TIME : 470 min �- :-- --- --- , - - - i -. � -- � - - - ,. . 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' - . - �- :��a��p�,-�✓'� .�;.-' , . /i SHEET OF �-r- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL 6.4 WETPOOL FACILITY DESIGNS This section presents the methods,criteria,and details for analysis and design of wetponds,wetvaults, and stormwater wetlands. These facilities have as a common element a permanent pool of water, the wetpool. Each of the wetpool facilities can be combined with a detention or flow control pond in a combined facility. Included are the following specific facility designs: • Wetponds—Basic and Large,Section 6.4.1 (p.6-67) � Wetvaults,Section 6.4.2(p.6-80) • Stormwater Wetlands,Section 6.43 (p.6-86) • Combined Detention and Wetpool Facilities,Section 6.4.4(p.6-92) The information presented for each facility is organized into the following two categories: 1. Methods of Analysis:Contains a step-by-step procedure for designing and sizing each facility. Informarion used in the procedure is based on available literature but clarified or modified where deficiencies were idenrified?� " 2. Design Criteria:Contains the details, specifications,and material requirements for each facility. 6.4.1 WETPONDS - BASIC AND LARGE A wetpond is a constructed stormwater pond that retains a permanent pool of water(a"wetpool") at least during the wet season(see the wetpond detail in Figure 6.4.1.B on page 6-78). The volume of the wetpool is related to the effectiveness of the pond in settling particulate pollutants. The following design pmcedures,requirements,and recommendations cover two wetpond applications,the basic wetpond and the large wetpond. The two sizes are designed for two different levels of pollutant removal. Applications and Limitations ', A wetpond requires a larger area than a biofiltration swale or a sand filter,but it can be integrated to the contours of a site fairly easily. In rill soils,the wetpond holds a permanent pool of water that provides an attractive aesthetic feature. In more porous soils,wetponds may still be used,but water seepage from unlined cells could result in a dry pond,particularly in the summer months. Lining with impervious material is one way to deal with this situation. _ Wetponds may be single-purpose faciliries,providing only water quality treatment,or they may be combined with a detention pond to also provide flow control. If combined,the wetQond can often be stacked under the detention pond with little further loss of development azea. See Section 6.4.4(p.6-92) for a description of combined WQ and detention facilities. Wetponds treat water both by gravity settling and by biological uptake of algae and microorganisms. Wetponds can remove some dissolved pollutants such as soluble phosphorus by this uptake mechanism. They are therefore used in the Sensitive Lake Protection menu for phosphorus control in addition to the Basic WQ menu for solids removal. Wetponds work best when the water already in the pond is moved out en masse by incoming fiows,a phenomena called"plug flow." Because treatment works on this dispiacement principle,the dead storage pool of wetponds may be provided below the groundwater level without interfering unduly with treatment effectiveness. However, if combined with a detention function, the live storage must be above the seasonal high groundwater level. Consult the water quality menus in Section 6.1 (p. 6-3)for information on how basic and large wetponds can be used to meet Core Requirement#8. �Such modifications were often based on computer modeling using tlie King Couniy Runoff Time Series(KCRTS)model. Less frequently Mey wera based on bench-scale studies. Badc-up studies are listed in Refere�ce SecGon 5. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-67 SECTION 6.3 BIOFILTRATION FACILTT'Y DESIGNS METHODS OF ANALYSIS This section describes methods of analysis for the following two wetpond sizes: • Basic wetpond(see below) • Large wetpond(see page 6-71). 0 BASIC WETPOND � The primary design factor that deterrnines a wetpond's particulate removal efficiency is the volume of - the wetpool in relation to the volume of stormwater runoff from the mean annual storm.� The larger the wetpond volume in relarion to the volume of runoff,the greater the potential for pollutant removal. Also important are the avoidance of short-circuiting and the promotion of plug flow. Piug flow describes the hypothetical condition of stormwater moving through the pond as a unit,displacing the"old" water in the pond with incoming flows. To prevent short-circuiting,water is forced to flow,to the extent practical,to all potentially available flow routes,avoiding "dead zones" and maximizing the time water stays in the pond during the active part of a storm. Design features that encourage plug flow and avoid dead zones are as follows: � Dissipating energy at the inlet • Providing a lazge length-to-width ratio • Providing a broad surface for water ezchange across cells rather than a constricted azea. Maximizing the flowpath between inlet and outlet,including the vertical path, also enhances treatment by increasing residence time. Wetponds designed using the method below(with the volume=3Vr) and the required design criteria in Section are expe�ted to meet the Basic WQ menu goal of 80%TSS removal. The actual , performance of a wetpond may vary,however,due to a number of factors,including design features, ' maintenance frequency, storm characteristics,pond algae dynamics,and waterfowl use. Procedures for determining a wetpond's dimensions and volume aze outlined below. Step 1:Identify required wetpool volume factor(fl. A basic wetpond requires a volume factor of 3. This means that the required wetpond volume is 3 times the volume of�unoff V�from the mean annual storm(see Steps 2 and 3). Step 2:Determine rainfall(R)for the mean annnal storm. The rainfall for the mean annual storm R is cbtained by locating the project site on Figure 6.4.1.A(p.6-69)and interpolating between isopluvials. Convert to feet for use in Equation(6-13). Step 3: Calculate runoff from the mean annual storm(V,)for the developed site. The runoff volume Vr is the amount of rainfall that runs off a particular set of land covers. To deternune V�each portion of the wetpond tributary area is assigned to one of four cover types,each having a different runoff coefficient: impervious surface,till grass,till forest,or outwash. • Impervious surface is a compacted surface, such as pavement,gravel,soil,or other hard surfaces,as well as open water bodies. Note: The efJ`eclive impervious computations given in Chapter 3> Table 3.2.2.D may be used if desired. • 'Iill grass is post-development grass or landscaped azea and onsite forested land on till soil that are not permanently in sensidve area buffers or covenants. Till is soil that does not drain readily and,as a �The mean annvaf storm is a statistically derived rainfall eveM defined by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency in'Resufts of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program,'1986. It is defined as the annual ralnfall d'ivided by the number of storm events in the year. The NURP studies refer to pond sizing using a VdV�ratio:the ratio of the pond volume Vb to the volume of runoff from the mean annual storm V,. This is equivalent to using a vdume fador f times V,. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-68 6.4.1 WETPONDS—BASIC AND LARGE—MElHODS OF ANALYSIS FIGURE 6.4.1.A PRECIPITATION FOR MEAN ANNUAL STORM IN INCHES(FEET') ST 1.0/ � 1 2 ST 1.1 , ; ST 1.0 LA 0.8 LA. 0.9 LA 1.0. .: ,� r�`..a �r�t va���,t� f,l��s� q zz�a�cuo�rr � �:.�; ;r. . .�.x :.� ' '�; � , �. �:,.� ���^ ;- .�.!'.i�,�" '�'`t�'�°•� � ;i ,3C .i"" ��`.'"� + Y— `�_ � i 4 ti.s' . . . ; ✓ .fyf0 � /,.s �/� I.r %,;( 'w� ♦ t L . . ��''V ' l�I r' .,� i/,T �r �J i a ��r / �y,:t �� 'I ���.R O � a / N�.� \\ . . r . y''� '•�f'� � _ •i.h�. ♦ f 2��/' .I. f 1(l � 1 !.l Y'�' �� "��S �� p . - !s�" , � ! ��, � j�� ; .. a � � � /' ' � �' .', - �-� \-�� �. ,'�'',�'.� � �, r , � � j^e" . `:,t �ucc�� .-a- � ��'� '��'°'S{"JE-�'�y � � �� gy' � t ,.. � e� 7 '. � � ;✓I� J 1� F�t l. �5; �.4�`i�t i � i "' b � , i �, i t •., ' i :; � ;� ' � •,� � ��r i % : . �i i ��,'•� � �a/ ��y z � �1 X j, ' ✓��- ., r ' �l ^� ' � � Y ,. ' `� a+,+ �^� � � � � � �''`� , �-2i.� � 'y���N� l �t�� �� ^--r--- � . }'+ *.: �y � "...; ;� ,, ;. i i . �'i ��� �� ' � ! � � ,� - .c.. - �� � � �1 ,�' ' �� n_:. 1 . _�;1 � ' � ,,�°i5 0 --�;� ( \ -. �� ;+ ' ,'�:� ' '~' e ;. e;� 5 - . ��, �� V���j�..{� tit� l� �. � ."ir 1 � i � f� .. ��_.ti � , � �' '�' ''' \ . r ` g �•� � � �:. - _ ,..� �-� �� � ���`�`"" a ,� � � � �+'' � � �. � '� '�� s� %�� i �. 4 /J �I��. Nfi ��'�' '/ � j`� ��` ' �`��9 "'`',�`.�� '- _ � _ �� ��� Q .�?•r' ���:+�.�II/ i _._1 P ..� � ; .. ; ��i �`�—>/� �—� � `� s �`S . _ _ ���J - 1. /� / � `i .= �� � � r j '�� . �'�i' ;\ � ''r i�"�-. � i. .`.i i3', ��� ;� �''� �- y�� t�I - �✓ 9�'i >� ,�� � �� "��..� , e�,� ,�� � ,i 0.54" ,-!�( �, , �� , (0.045` ) �� � B�;-f�;��� '�,✓r y-' � b ;>•,-a�x�ru.,eu,nsti �� �i sra�c• .-oorrr '� � - 0.4 T `�, (0.039' ) ., a i . +.-�__.. v;�� [� lncorporated Area �,� ==� � � � ..� River/l:ake 0.4 7` ` — Major Road (o.o 3 9' ) 0.52" ��.�f--� {0.043' 0.65" NOTE:Areas east of the eastemmost isopluvial shouid use 0.65 �.56" (0.054' ) inches unless rainfail data is available for the bcation of irrterest (0.047') �The mean anrwal stortn is a mxeptual stortn farW by dividing the annual precipkation by tha total nwnber of stam events per year , result,generates large amounts of runoff. For this applicaTion,till soil types include Buckley and '� bedrock soils,and alluvial and outwash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are underlain at ' a shallow depth(less than 5 feet)by glacial till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service{SCS)hydrologic soil groups that are classified as till soils include a few B,most C,and all D soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-69 SECTION 6.4 WETPOOL FACILITY DESIGNS • Till forest is all permanent onsite forest and/or shrub cover located on till soils that retains the natural understory vegetation and forest duff,irrespective of age, if densities are sufficient to ensure at least 80 percent canopy cover within 5 years. To be counted in this category,forest must be protected as permanent open space. Such areas may be placed in a separate open space tract or may be protected through covenants or c�nservation easements. Section 5.2.1 has a brief discussion of forested open space under the heading "Rural Residential Projects." • Outwash is soil that inf'�ltraxes well and as a result produces small amounts of runoff. SCS hydrologic soil groups classified as outwash soils include all A,most B,and some C soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. Cover categories are based on existing U.S.Departrnent of Agriculture soil survey data or site specific data where available. Next,ccefficients specific to the four cover types aze weighted by the drainage areas and then multiplied by the rainfall R from Step 2 to produce the runoff volume Vr: VT = (Q.9A;+0.25A�g+O.10A�+O.OIAo)x (R/12) (6-13) where Vr = volume of runoff from mean annual storm(c fl A; = area of impervious surface(sfl A�g= area of till soil covered with grass (s fl A�= area of till soil covered with forest(s� Ao = area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest(sfl R = rainfall from mean annual storm(inches) Step 4: Calculate wetpool volume(Vb). Use the results of the previous steps to calculate the required wetpool volume according to the following equation: vb = .f Vr � (6-14) where Vb = wetpool volume(c� f = volume factor from Step 1 V, = runoff volume(cfl from Step 3 Step 5: Determine wetpool dimensions. Detemune the wetpool dimensions satisfying the design criteria outlined below. A simple way to check the volume of eaci�wetpool cell is to use the following equation: h(A,+AZ) (6-15) Vb = 2 where V6 = wetpool volume(c fl h = wetpool depth(ft) A1 = water qualiry design surface area�f wetpool(sfl AZ = bottom area of wetpool(sfl Step 6: Design pond outlet pipe and determine primary avertlow water surface. The design criteria for wetponds(see Section for a pond outlet pipe to be placed on a reverse grade from the pond's wetpool to the oudet structure. Use the following procedure to design the pond outlet pipe and detem�ine the primary overflow water surface elevation: a) Use the nomographs in Section 4.3 (Figures 43.1.B and 4.3.1.C)to select a trial size for the pond outlet pipe sufficient to pass the WQ design flow Q,Vy. b) Use Figure 43.I.F to determine the critical depth d�at the outflow end of the pipe for Q„�. 9�1�g 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-70 6.4.1 WETPONDS—BASIC AND LARGE—DESIGN CRITERIA c) Use Figure 4.2.1.G to deternune the flow area A�at critical depth. d) Calculate the flow velocity at critical depih using continuity equation(V�= Q,,,y/A�). e) Calculate the velocity head VH (VH=V�2/2g,where g is the gravitational constant, 32.2 feet per second). � Determine the primary overflow water surface elevation by adding the velocity head and critical depth to the invert elevation at the outflow end of the pond outlet pipe(i.e.,overflow water surface elevation =outflow invert+d�+VH) g) Adjust outlet pipe diameter as needed and repeat Steps(a)through(e). ❑ LARGE WETPOND Large wetponds are expecied to meet the Sensitive L,ake Protection menu goal of 50%total phosphorus removal. The actual performance of a wetpond may vary,however,due to a number of factors. The methods of analysis presented above for basic wetponds apply to large wetponds,except that Step 1 is modified as follows: Step 1:A large wetpond requires a volume factor of 4.5. DESIGN CRITERIA This section sets forth design criteria for the following: • Basic wetpond(see below) � Large wetpond(see page 6-7'n. General wetpond design criteria and concepts are shown in Figure 6.4.1.B (p. 6-78). 0 BASIC WETPOND Wetpool Geometry 1. The wetpool shall be divided into two cells separated by a baffle or bercn.24 The first cell shall contain between 25 to 35 percent of the total wetpool volume. The baffle or berm volume shall not count as part of the total wetpool volume. Intent: The full-length berm or baffle promotes plug flow and enhances quiescence and laminar flow - through as much of the entire waCer volume as possible. Use of a pipe and fnll-width manifold system to introduce water into the second cell is possible on a case-by-case basis if approved by DDES. 2. Wetponds with wetpool volumes less than or equal to 4,000 cubic feet may be single celled(i.e.,no baffle or berm is required}. 3. Sediment storage shall be provided in the first cell. The sediment storage shall have a minimum depth of 1 foot. 4. The miaimum depth of the first cell shall be 4 feet,exclusive of sediment storage requirements. The depth of the first cell may be greater than the depth of the second cell. 5. The maximum depth of each cell shall not exceed 8 feet(exclusive of sediment storage in the first cell). Pool depths of 3 feet or shallower(second cell) shall be planted with emergent wetland vegetation(see Planting requirements). 24 As used here,the term baffle means a verticai divider placed across the entire widih of the pond,stopping short of the pond bottom. A berm is a vertical divider typically built up from ihe bottom,or if in a vautt,connects all the way to ihe bottom. 1998 Surface Water Desigo Manual 9/1/98 6-71 - SECTION 6.4 WEIPOOL FACII,TI'Y DESIGNS 6. Inlets and outlets shall be ptaced to maximize the flowpath through the facility. The ratio of flowpath length to width from the inlet to the outlet shall be at least 3:1. The flowparh length is defined as the distance firom the inlet to the outlet,as measured at mid-depth. The widlh at mid-depth � can be found as follows: width=(average top width+average bottom width)/2. 7. All inlets shall enter the first cell. If there are multiple inlets,the length-to-width rado shall be based on the average flowpath length for all inlets. Benr�s, Bafftes, and Slopes 1. A berm or baffle shall extend across the full width of the wetpool,and tie into the wetpond side . slopes. If the berm embanlanents are greater than 4 feet in height,the berm must be constructed by excavating a key equal to 50%of the embankment cross-sectional height and width. This requirement may be waived if recommended by a geotechnical engineer for specific site conditions.� 2. The top of the berm may extend to the WQ design water surface or be one foot below the WQ design water surface. If at the WQ design water surface,berm side slopes must be 3H:1 V. Berm side slopes may be steeper(up to 2:1)if the berm is submerged one foo� Intent: Submerging the berm is intended to enhance safety by discouraging pedestrian access when side slopes are steeper than 3H:1V. 3. If good vegetation cover is not established on the berm,erosion control measures should be used to prevent erosion of the berm back-slope when the pond is initially filled. 4. The interior berm or baffle may be a retaining wall provided that the design is prepared and stamped by a licensed civil engineer. If a baffle or retaining wall is used,it shall be submerged one foot below the design water surface to discourage access by pedestrians. 5. Criteria for wetpond side slopes and fencing aze given under"Genecal Requirements for WQ Facilities," Section 6.2.3 (p.6-20). 6. Berm embanlanents shall be the same as for detention ponds(see Section 5.3.1). Inlet and Outlet See Figure 6.4.1.B (p.6-78)for details on the following requirements: 1. The inlet to the wetpond shall be submerged with the inlet pipe invert a minimum of two feet from the pond bottom(not including sediment storage). The top of the inlet pipe should be submerged at least 1 foot,if possible. Intent:The inlet is submerged to dissipate energy of the incoming flow. The distance from the bottom is set to mininuze resuspension of settled sediments. Altemative inlet designs that accomplish ' these objectives are acceptable. 2. An outlet structure shall be provided. Either a Type 2 catch basin with a grated opening(jail house window)or a manhole with a cone grate(birdcage)may be used (see Section 53.1.1). No sump is required in the outlet struct�re for wetponds not providing detention storage. The outlet structure receives flow from the pond outlet pipe. The grate or birdcage openings provide an overflow route should the pond outlet pipe become clogged. Criteria 5 below specifies the sizing and position of the grate opening. 3. The pond outlet pipe(as opposed to the structure outlet)shall be back-sloped or have a turn-down elbow, and extend 1 foot below the WQ design water surface. Note:A}Ioating outlet, set to draw water from 1 foot belaw the water surface, u also acceptable if vand.alism concerns are adequaiely 25 The geotechnical analysis must address situations in which one of the two cells is empty while the other remains full of water. _ These situations can occur,for example,during pump down of eittier cell for sediment removal,or when water firom the second unlined cell percolates into the ground. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-72 6.4.1 WEI'PONDS—BASIC AND LARGE—DESIGN CRITERIA addressed Intent:The inverted outlet pipe provides for trapping of oils and floatables in the wetpond. 4. The pond outlet pipe shall be sized, at a minimum, to_pass the WQ design flow. Nore: The highest invert of the outlet pipe sets the WQ design water surface elevation. 5. The overflow criteria for single-purpose wetponds are as follows: a) The requirement for primary overtlow as described for flow control ponds is satisfied by either the grated inlet to the oudet structure or by a birdcage above the pond outlet structure as shown in Figure 53.1.C. _ b) The bottom of the grate opening in the outlet structure shall be set at or above the height needed to pass the WQ design flow through the pond outlet pipe(see page 6-7�for sizing details). Note: The�grate inven elevation sets the overflow water surface elevation. c) In flow-through ponds,the grated opening shall be sized to pass the 100-year design flow. 6. An emergency spillway shall be provided and designed according to the requirements for detention ponds(see Section 5.3.1). 7. A gravity drain for maintenance shall be provided if grade allows. a) The drain invert shall be at least 6 inches below the top elevation of the dividing berm or baffle. Deeper drains are encouraged where feasible,but must be no deeper than 18 inches above the pond bottom. Intent:to prevent highly sediment-laden water from escaping the pond when drained for � maintenance. ' b) The drain shall be at least 8 inches(minimum)diameter and shall be controlled by a valve. Use of a shear gate is allowed only at the inlet end of a pipe located within an approved structure. Intent: Shear gates often leak if water pressure pushes on the side of the gate opposite the seal. The gate should be situated so that water pressure pushes toward the seal. Intent:It is anticipated that sediment removal will only be needed for the first cell in the majority of cases. The gravity drain is intended to allow water from the first cell to be drained to the second cell when the first cell is pumped dry for cleaning. 8. Operational access to the val�e shall be provided to the finished ground surface. a) The valve location shall be accessible and well-marked with one foot of paving placed around the box. It must also be protected from damage and unauthorized operation. b) A valve box is allowed to a maximum depth of 5 feet without an access manhole. If over 5 feet deep,an access manhole or vault is required. 9. All metal parts shall be corrosion-resistant. Galvanized materials are discouraged where substitutes are available. Access and Setbacks 1. The location of the pond relative to site constraints(e.g.,buildings,property lines,etc.)shall be the same as for detention ponds(see Section 5.3.1). See Section 6.23 (p. 6-20)for typical setback requirements for WQ facilities. 2. Access and maintenance roads shall be provided and designed according to the requirements for detention ponds(see Section 5.3.1). Access and maintenance roads shall extend to both the wetpond inlet and outlet structures. An access ramp(7H minimum:lV)shall be provided to the bottom of the first cell unless all portions of the cell can be reached and sediment loaded from the top of the pond. Also see Section 5.3.1, "Access Requirements"for more information on access altematives. 3. If the dividing berm is also used for access,it must be built to sustain loads of up to 80,000 pounds. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 6-73 SECTION 6.4 WETPOOL FACII..TIY DESIGNS Signage 1. Signage shall be provided according to the requirements for detention ponds(see Section 5.3.1). 2. If the wetpond is in a lake or sphagnum bog protection area,t6en signage discouraging feeding of waterfowl shall be provided. The following or similar wording is suggested: "Please don't feed waterfowl. It's not good for them,and their droppings aze not good for the lake." Planting Requirements 1. Planting requirements for detention ponds(see Section apply to wetponds. If the second cell of the wetpond is 3 feet or shallower,the bottom area shall be planted with emergent � wetland vegetation. See Table 6.4.1.A(p.6-75)for recommended emergent wedand plant species for wetQonds. Intent: Planting of shallow pond areas helps to stabilize settled sediment and prevent resuspension. 1Vote: The recommendations in Table 6.4.1.A are for western Washington only. Local laeowledge should be used to adapt this information if used in other areas. 2. Cattails(Typha latifolia)are not recommended because they tend to crowd out other species,and the dead shoots need to be removed to prevent oxygen depletion in the wetpool. 3. If the wetpond is in a sensitive lake or sphagnum bog protection area,shrubs that form a dense cover shall be planted on slopes above the WQ design water surface on at least three sides. For banks that are berms,no planting is allowed if the berm is regulated by dam safety requirements(see Section 5.3.1). The purpose of planting is to discourage waterfowl use of the pond and to provide shading.� Some suitable trees and shrubs include vine maple(Acer circinatum),wild cherry(Prunus ernarginata),red osier dogwood(Cornus stolonifera),Califomia myrtle(Myrica californica),Indian plwn(Oemleria cerasifornus), and Pacific yew(Taxus brevifolia)as well as numerous omamental species. Recommended Design Features The following design features should be incorporated into the wetpond design where site conditions allow: 1. For wetpool depths in excess of 6 feet,it is recommended that some form of recirculation be provided in the summer,such as a fountain or aerator,to prevent stagnation and low dissolved oxygen conditions. A special use pemut is needed for a pump or fountain in a County maintained pond. 2. A flow length-tawidth ratio greater than the 3:1 minimum is desirable. If the ratio is 4:1 or greater, and a gravity drain for maintenance is provided 12 to 18 inches from the pond bottom,then the dividing berm is not required,and the pond may consist of one cell rather than two. 3. A tear-drop shape,with the inlet at the narrow end,rather than a rectangular pond is preferred since it minimizes dead zones caused by corners. 4. A small amount of base flow is desirable to maintain circulation and reduce the potential for low oxygen conditions during late summer. 5. Evergreen or columnar deciduous trees along the west and south sides of ponds are recommended to reduce thermal heating,except that no tr�ees or shrubs may be planted on berms meeting the criteria of dams regulated for safety (see Dam Safety Compliance in Section 5.3.1). In addition to shade,trees and shrubs also discourage waterfowl use and the attendant phosphorus enrichment problems they cause. Trees should be set back so that the branches will not extend over the pond. Intent:Evergreen trees or shrubs are preferred to avoid problems associated with leaf drop. ' Columnar deciduous trees(e.g.,hombeam,Lombazdy poplar,etc.)typically have fewer leaves than other deciduous trees. �Waterfowl are believed to limit use of areas where their view.of predator approach paths is blodced. Some suitable native shrubs include vine maple,Indian plum,bitter cherry,red osier dogwood,cascara,and red elderberry. Omamemal hedge plants such as EngGsh laurel,privet and barberry are also good ctaices. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-74 6.4.1 WETPONDS—BASIC AND LARGE—DESIGN CRITERIA � TABL;E�6:4:1.A -EMERGENT WETLAND PLAI�IT SPECIES RECQNIlGIENDED�'OR.W�TPONDS Species Common Name Notes Maximum Depth INUNDATION TO 1 FOOT Agrostis exarata�'� Spike bent grass Prairie to c�ast to 2 fest Carex stipata Sawbeak sedge Wet ground Eleochaiis palustris Spike rush Margins of ponds,wet meadows to 2 feet G/yceria occidentalis Westem mannagrass Marshes, pond margins to 2 feet Juncus effusus Soft rush Wet meadows,.pastures,wetiand to 2 feet macgins Juncus tenuis Slender rush Wet soils,weUand margins Oenanthe sarmentosa Water parsley Shalbw water along stream and pond margins;needs saturated soils aN sixnmer Scirpus atrocinctus Woolgrass Tolerates shallow water;tall clumps (formerly S. cyperinus) Scirpus microcarpus Small-fruited bulrush Wet ground to 18 inches depth 18 inches Sagiftaria latifolia Arrowhead INUNDATION 1 TO 2 FEET Agrostis exarata�'� Spike bent grass Prairie to coast Alisma plantago-aquatica Water plantain FJeocharis palustris Spike rush Margins of ponds,wet meadows Glyceria occidentalis Westem mannagrass Marshes,pond margins Juncus effusus Soft rush Wet meadows, pastures, wetland margins Scirpus microcarpus Small-ftuited bulrush Wet ground to 18 inches depth 18 inches Sparganium emmersum Bur reed Shallow standing water, saturated soils INUNDATION 1 TO 3 FEET Carex obnupta Slough sedge Wet ground or standing water 1.5 to 3 feet Beckmania syzigachne�'� Westem sloughgrass Wet prairie to pond margins Scirpus acutus�2� Hardstem bulrush Single tall stems, not clumping to 3 feet Scirpus validus�z� Softstem bulrush INUNDATION GREATER THAN 3 FEET Nuphar polysepalum Spatterdock Deep water 3 to 7.5 feet Nymphaea odorata�'� White waterlily Shallow to deep ponds to 6 feet Notes �'� Non-native species. Beckmania syzigachne is native to Oregon. Native species are preferred. �2� Scirpus tubers must be planted shallower for establishment, and protected from foraging waterfowl until established. Emerging aerial stems should project above water surface to allow oxygen transport to the roots. Primary sources Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, Waier Pollution Contro!Aspects of Aquatic Planis, 1990. Hortus Northwest, Wetland Plants for Westem Oregon, Issue 2, 1991. Hitchcock and Cronquist, F/ora of ihe Paci�ic Northwest, 1973. . 1998 Surface Water Design Manual g/�/98 6-75 SEC'TION�.4 WETPOOL FACILTTY DFSIGNS 6. The number of inlets to the facility should be limited;ideally there should be only one inlet The flowpath length should be mazimized from inlet to oudet for all inlets to the facility. 7. The access and maintenance road could be extended along the full length of the wetpond and could double as playcourts or picnic areas. Placing finely ground bark or other natural material over the road surface would render it more pedestrian friendly. 8. Signage discouraging feeding of waterfowl is recommended. Signs entided"Four reasons not to feed ducks and geese"aze available for purchase from the King County Department of Natural Resources. 9. Stortnwater tracts may be credited to meet recreational space requirements under some circumstances(criteria in KCC 21A.14.180.D)or may sometimes be located in open space set aside through the four to one program. See Section 53.1.1 for details. 10. The following design features should be incoiporated to enhance aesthetics where possible: a) Provide pedestrian access to shallow pool areas enhanced with emergent wedand vegetation. This allows the pond to be more accessible without xncurring safety risks. b) Provide side slopes that are sufficiendy gende to avoid the need for feacing(3:1 or flatter). c) Create flat azeas overlooking or adjoining the pond for picnic tables or seating that can be used by i, residents. Walking or jogging trails around the pond are easily integrated into site design. ' d) Include fountains or integrated waterfall features for privately maintained facilities. e) Provide visual enhancement with clusters of trees and shrubs. On most pond sites,it is important to amend the soil before planting since ponds are typically placed well below the native soil I horizon in very poor soils. Make sure dam safety restricuons against planting do not apply. � Orient the pond length along the direcrion of prevailing summer winds(typically west or southwest)to enhance wind mixing.�' Construction Considerations 1. Sediment that has accumulated in the pond must be removed after construction in the drainage area of the pond is complete(unless used for a liner—see Criteria 2 below). If no more than 12 inches of sediment have accumulated after plat construction,cleaning may be left until after building construction is complete. In general,sediment accumulation from stabilized drainage areas is not expected to exceed an average of 4 inches per year in the first cell. If sediment accumulation is greater than this amount,it will be assumed to be from construction unless it can be shown otherwise. The Counry will not release maintenance and defect financial guarantees or assume maintenance responsibility for a facility unless it has been cleaned of construction phase sediments. 2. Sediment that has accumulated in the pond at the end of construction may be used as a liner in excessively drained soils if the sediment meets the criteria for low permeability or treatrnent liners defincd in Section 6.2.4(p.6-22)and in keeping with guidance given in Table 6.2.4.A(p. 6-23). Sediment used for a soil liner must be graded to provide uniform coverage and thickness. Maintenance Considerations 1. The pond should be inspected annually. Floating debris and accumulated petroleum products should be removed as needed,but at least annually. 2. Site vegetation should be trimmed as necessary to keep the pond free of leaves and to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the site. Slope areas that have become bare should be revegetated and eroded areas should be regraded prior to being revegetated. 27 Wind moving over the surface of stanc�ng water can otten induce some mixing of surface and near-suriace wate�, __ replentishing o�cygen and reducing stagnant conditions. If the pond is aligned with the prevailing wind�rection,this effect can be maximized. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-76 6.4.1 WEI'PONDS—BASIC AND LARGE—DESIGN CRITERIA 3. Sediment should be removed when the 1-foot sediment zone is full plus 6 inches. Sediments should be tested for toxicants in compliance with current disposal requirements if land uses in the catchment , include commercial or industrial zones,or if visual or olfactory indications of pollution are noticed. 4. Water drained or pumped from ponds prior to sediment removal may be discharged to storm drains if it is not excessively turbid(i.e.,if water appears oranslucent when held to light)and if floatable debris and visual petroleum sheens are removed. Fxcessively turbid water(i.e.,water appears opaque when held to light)should be discharged only after the solids have been settled and removed. 0 LARGE WETPOND II All design.criteria for basic wetponds shall apply to large wetponds,with the following modi5cations: 1. T1ie wetpool for a lazge wetpond shall have a volume factor of 4.5. � 2. If the project is subject to the Sensitive Lake Protecrion menu or the Sphagnum Bog Protection menu, the following shall apply: a) Shrubs that form a dense cover shall be planted along the top of the wetpond bank on cut slopes. Planting is recommended for bermed slopes,except for berms meeting the criteria of dams regulated for safety(see Dam Safety Compliance in Section 5.3.1). Evergreen trees and shrubs are preferred. Intent: Trees and shrubs discourage waterfowl use. Waterfowl tend to avoid azeas that aze not visually open. b) Measures to enhance waterfowl habitat value(e.g.,nesting structures)are not allowed. c) Signage discouraging feeding of waterfowl is required. Signs entitled"Four reasons not to feed �I ducks and geese" are available for purchase from the King County Department of Natural Resources. 3. Recomraended Design Features:If joint use of the facility is planned,public fishing or water contact access should be limited to the second cell since the first cell functions to collect and concentraEe sediment and attached pollutants. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9!1/98 I 6-77 SECTION 6.4 WEI'POOL FACILTTY DESIGNS _ FIGURE 6.4.1.B WETPOND inlet pipe&catch basin per access road to iniet sfructure deterrtion facility requirements _ ,;` , .� , ., , � � access ramp to bottom of first • � � �� wetpool cell (7H: 1 V) (see text) " , �� ' �� � , - �� ,, �� , , �� , , �� , , �� FlRST WETPOOL CELL ' ' �� 2596 to 35%of wetpool volume, , , ��� berm or baffle at design �� WS or submerged 1' excluding access ramp � � � � below design W.S. � ' � , , , � , � � � Extend berm across entire ; �� wetpool width. berm tap width 5'min.(if earthen) �; , , , „ , , ,, _;(\ , , �� � � �' �� SECONDWETPOOLCELL � �; ;; � , ,� � ; ; ;� A WG�design WS , , �� I ' ' � � , �� „ ; � we ool " _� overflow WS ' � ' , � � width , , � ' „ emergency overflow WS � ; ; ;; '�Plantings required on cut ; � B ;; slopes for lake protection ' � " facilities � � �� � � �� � � II �� � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � , � emergency spillway per � ' �� + � „ detention facility requirements � ' ���� manhole&outtet pipe pie � ' �' sized to pass peak fiow per _;� ,, �g�; `;, conveyance requirements �°��c; �� J�Do� � P� ir �O �i � �� •� �oe a�C' , . >> . � �, �• � O � �_�_ -_-_-� _ ______ � �J�ob, - �� oo''o�C access road to outlet erosion control& ���SQ� ouUet structure. energy dissipation per �,�r detention facility requirements �'� � ❑ -� o a-.- — '�._._.--_-°O- u_--.�'�'1 B NOTE: Berm not required for ponds PVqN VIEW with length to width ratio>_4:1 or'rf volume less than 4000 c.f. NTS 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 6-78 �_ V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I �!anning•Engineering•Surveying OB NO. � ���"� 1 4205-148ihAvenue NE Suite 200 � Q-� DODDS�/G;1`•ig=,� �iNC. Bellevue,Washington 98007 DATE ,�t,jt v t�;� Te1.425-883-7877 Fax.425-585-7963 � ;—�., E Mail.o f�'ice@DElonline.com BY � :;�' � ��' ' � r. ,., - �, r ' �-^ � '���1'�� ��,r"� \� �� , •-----•----�-- -----•----•---•----- --�-----`--^---•---r>-�-�-•-'----•---------------�----.,_...--•---•--�..-•---------•-----•---�-r--�---•-�----------•-----•---�------�-----•-----•---•------•---•------------�-......---•----�---, .__ , ,- - . , .. _ , ; ' - - - -�� - - '-- . . � �1�.�_\!�,�1E�;�,ti� , ���,�'f, : : - - - - -- - -- _ _ : - - . . ..-- � . . . -� . . . . . . . . . � --•-- •- -..___.---... •-�-•----•....-..._._._.. �-;-� -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - --- --- - - - , . ,- � . . . . . . ,.., . . . . . . . �__'__,.A.�......._�"ye".""�" .._ _�- 'r�.'___._._.._.�. .lr�_ ..�_�_ �_ __ _ , � . `� . .� ,� 1 �� ' : : :._ .- . _ �'-." 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O'IVlalley Robert L':P�um,P.E. ' Staff Geologist Principal �?3'���~��� e� �� ���R �.J�� � ,, �•� ~'�, � '�' �w, June 26,1998 � 983-1098 :.,\17:;��� �,��� obox,�.aa '0� Rrc,[�-;-� > o ,-�.. _w� ,.� �sio;�p.��'=� •� w 1 � OFFICES IN AUSTRALIA.CANADA,GERMANY,HUNGARY,ITALY,SWEDEN, UNITED KINGDOM,UNITED STATES June 26,1998 i 983-1098.200 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • SITE CONDITIONS: The 22 acre project site is located between Lake Washington Boulevard and Interstate 405 in Renton,Washington just east of the Gene Coulon Park as shown on Figure 1. In general,the site is composed of steep slopes above Lake Washington Boulevard rising from about elevation 40 to 60 along the road to about elevation 150 to an upland portion. The upland portion continues to rise to about elevation 200 along SR 405. A relatively level lower area of the site at about elevation 50 to 60 occurs in northwest portion of the site adjacent to the existing Marina Landing apartment complex. � MAN-MADE FEATURES: An old abandoned railroad grade winds north soutll along the eastem portion of the site. The railroad grade was established by cutting through the ridges and filling the ravines that the rail grade crossed. The approximate location of the railroad grade is shown on Figure 2,which also indicates general locations of the cuts and fills. Fill has also been placed to reclaim the old gravel pit area. In addition,numerous steep cut slopes above the old gravel pit occur. We understand that the access road to Uniis 16 and 17 will be from the upper apartments across from Building 12. The upper access road to Units 16 and 17 will cross a major depression some 40 feet deep formed when the railroad fill was eroded out by drainage from above. These fieatures are shown on Figure 2. • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: The proposed development will consist of the construction of 17 multi-story,multi-family apartment buildings,with associated roads,parldng areas,and utilities. • SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS: The site can be considered to be underlain by three soil conditions: 1)native glacial soils,2)Thick railroad fill embanlrnlents,and 3) Fills placed to reclaim the old gravel pit. The approximate areas underlain by the rai]road fills and the old gravel pit fills are shown on Figure 2. • OFF SETS FROM SLOPES: There are numerous locahons on the site where buildings,roads,and parking lots are proposed adjacent to steep slope areas. Section 5.2 discusses criteria to off set the new construction from these steep slopes. • FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Except for areas of thick railroad fills or the thick fill in the old borrow pit area,conventional,shallow isolated or continuous spread footings may be used. Section 5.2 discuss options for these areas which includes piles and subgrade stabilization • RETAIIVING WALLS: Retaining walls will be rnquired to support cuts and fi]]s both above and below parking areas and roadways. A variety of wall types are feasible as discussed in Section 5.6. The actual location and height of the walls h�d not been determined the time this report was prepared. Once specific wall locadons are determined detailed design recommendations can be developec� Golder Associates June 26, 1998 u 983-1098.200 • SITE DRAINAGE PROVISIONS: Due to the steep topography and occurrence of springs,proper mntrol of both permanent groundwater and surface water is essential on this project. General recommendations are provided in Section 5.9 and include foundation drains,wall drains,toe drains,drainage provisions in filled gullies,and surface drainage. • CONSTRUCTION: Site development will involve sig�ificant cuts and fills in areas of steep slopes and thick existing fills. Proper construchon sequencing and procedures are essential to maintain site stability and minimi�p mnstruction problems. The ability to use soils excavated from cut areas as structural fill in fill areas will have a major impact on construction costs. Since much of the excavated soils will be fine grain,dry weather will be essential to maximize the use of on site soils. Accordingly we strong�y recommend that the majority of the major earthwork be completed during the drier late spring,summer and early fall seasons. Section 6 includes detailed mnstruction recommendations. • ADDITIONAL WORK: Since the detailed site and grading plan was not developed at the time this report was prepared,we recommend that Golder review the final site grading plan and provide specific comments and criteria related to retaining walls,foundations and grading. Due to the complex site mnditions and topog�aphy this review is particularly important for this project. Golder�4ssociates June 26, 1998 iii 983-1098.200 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 2. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION 2 2.1 General 2 2.2 Site Conditions 2 2.3 Proposed Project 3 3. SUBSURFACE INFORMATION 5 3.1 General 5 3.2 Site History and Old Aerial Photos 5 3.3 Previous Work 5 3.4 Recent Field Work 6 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 7 4.1 General Geology 7 i 4.2 Site Soil Conditions 7 ', 4.2.1 General 7 I 4.2.2 Native Soil Conditions 8 �. 4.2.3 Railroad Fills 9 4.3 Borrow Pit Fills 10 4.4 Groundwater 10 4.5 Slope Stability Conditions 10 4.5.1 General 10 4.5.2 Native Slopes 11 4.5.3 Railroad Cuts and Fills 11 4.5.4 SR 405 Fills 12 5. DESIGI�1 RECOMMENDATIONS 13 5.1 General 13 5.2 Off Sets From Slopes 13 5.2.1 General 13 5.2.2 Set Back Top of Slope 13 5.2.3 Set Back Tce of Slope 14 5.3 Foundation Recommendations 14 5.3.1 General 14 5.3.2 Areas of Railroad Fills 15 5.3.3 Areas of Borrow Pit Fills 16 5.4 Floors 17 5.5 Foundation Drainage 17 5.6 Retaining Walls 17 5.7 Permanent Slopes 18 5.8 Upper Access Road to Uniis 16 and 17 19 5.9 General Drainage Provisions 19 Golder Associates June 26, 1998 iv 983-1098.200 5.10 Pavement Subgrade 20 6. CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 21 6.1 General 21 6.2 Wet Weather Construction 21 6.3 Fill Materials and Placement 21 6.4 Use of On Site Excavated Soils 22 6.5 Temporary Excavations 23 6.6 Subgrade Preparation 23 6.7 Utilities 24 7. USE OF THIS REPORT 25 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 Site Plan APPENDICES Appendix A Current Boring Logs � Appendix B Current Test Pit and Hand Auger Logs Appendix C Previous Test Pit and Boring Logs � Golder Associates iune 26, 1998 1 983-1098.200 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation and was performed in accordance with our proposal dated Apri19,1998 and a May 12 addendum. The purpose of this study was to investigate the site conditions and develop geotechnical recommendations suitable for project design. The scope of our geotechnical work consisted of reviewing previous informahon,geologic mapping,completing test pits and borings,excavating shallow hand augered test holes,engineering analyses,and the preparation of this report. We also completed a separate environmental report dated June 9,1998 and titled "Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the Bluffs Project." Golder�sociates � Tune 26, 1998 2 983-1098.200 2. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 General The project site is located between Lake Washington Boulevard and Interstate 405 in Renton,Washington just east of the Gene Coulon Park as shown on Figure 1. The irregular elongate parcel of property is approxunately 22 acres in size. Figure 2 shows the general site topography and property lines. This map was based on a map provided by GGLO,project Architects,and was based on older aerial photographs and does not show much of the site's smaller topographic features. We understand that Dodds Associates is preparing a detailed site topography map which will show the correct topography and details. In general,the site is composed of steep slopes above Lake Washington Boulevard rising from about elevation 40 to 60 along the road to about elevation 150 to an upland portion. The upland portion continues to rise to about elevation 200 along SR 405. A relatively level lower area of the site at about elevation 50 to 60 occurs in northwest portion of the site adjacent to the existing Marina Landing apartment complex. Based on the proposed site plan as shown on Figure 2,the proposed development will consist of the construction of 17 multi-story,multi-family apartment buildings,with associated roads,parking areas,and utilities. The rr►ajority of the units will be constructed in the upland areas of the site except for Buildings 13,14,and 15,which will be located in � the lower area adjacent to Marina Landing. 2.2 Site Conditions The site generally consists of bluff-like variably sloping ground that slopes down to the west,with deeper,east-west trending ravines incised into the bluff areas. No structures ,� currently exist on the property,however,we understand that structures were located in ��,, the central and southern partions of the site in the past. The site slopes range from ' gently sloping(5.7H:1V to 3.7H:1�in the upper east-central area,moderately to steeply sloping(2H:1V to 1.3H:1�in the central portions of the site,and steeply sloping to near , vertical bluffs in the western portions of the site. The western portion of the bluffs generally terminate in near vertical slopes in the southern portion of the site. In the northwest area adjacent to the e�cisting apartrnent complex,the ground is relatively flat , lying. We understand that extensive gravel pit mining work was performed in the area ' of the existing apartrnent building complex,and to the east and southeast of the complex. An old abandoned railroad grade winds north south along the eastern portion of the site. The railroad grade was established by cutting through the ridges and filling the ravines that the rail grade crossed. The approximate location of the railroad grade is shown on Figure 2,which also indicates general locations of the cuts and fills. The maximum fills i are on the order of 40 to 60 feet where the grade crosses ravines with maximum cuts on i the order 15 to 20 feet. In the northern area of the site just north of Building 12,it � Golder Associates Iune 2b 1998 3 983-1098.200 appears that a portion of the railroad fill was washed away by drainage off of SR 405. North of the washout it appears that some of the railroad fills were excavated as part of the old gravel pit operation. Currently there is are steep slopes at the head of these excavations which occur in the area of Building 17. Along the eastern side of the site,fill was placed previously in the ravines to establish grade for Interstate 405. The site vegetation generally consists of trees with heavy underbrush. The trees include mostly cottonwood and maple,with lesser amoun�of fir,hemlock,cedar and alder. Trees up to three feet in diameter were observed on the site. The underbrush at the site consists of blackberry bushes,vine alder and maple,ferns,stinging nettles,and salal. Grass was observed at the lower Building 13 and 14 area. Ground water seepage was observed at the tce of the truncated ravine west of the Building S area,and from the from the vertical cut face west of the Building 9location. We did not observe any signs of deep-seated instabilities at the site. However,we did observe that shallow slope failures have occurred in the area west of Building 9 near the ground water seep area. We observed that trees on slopes across the site were g�enerally showing some signs of up-slope bending. This was most pronounced on the steeper slopes greater than about 35 degrees. 2.3 Proposed Project The proposed project layout is shown on Figure 2 and will consist of 17 multi-story wood frame apartment buildings with associated roads,parking areas,and utilities. The i comments below are based on the existing topography and preliminary proposed grades presented on a plan by GGLO dated 3/24/96. The topography of the site plan was developed from air photos and locally may not accurately depict the existing site conditions. Specific comments on the proposed construction include: • MAIN ACCESS ROAD: The main access road will be located in the southern part of the site and will wind up through the steep portion of the site to reach the upland areas. Construction of the road will require cuts on the order of 30 to 40 feet deep on the uphill side. As currenfly proposed,the ridge above the road �vill be exravated to a slope of about 2H:1V. Retaining walls will likely require be required adjacent to the road possibly on both the uphill and downhill sides. • BUILDINGS 1 THROUGH 6: These buildings are located in the upper central portion of the site adjacent to SR 405. Buildings 1 through 3 on the uphill side will be in modest cuts with the downslope Buildings 4 and 5 being placed on modest cuts and/or fills. Building 6 spans a portion of the cut slope area of t}le old railroad grade and will require cuts up to appro�cimately 15 feet and modes t fills. The adjacent parking areas will generally require modest cuts and fills. C' � up to 15 feet mav be necessary in the area of the railroad grade cii Golder associates iune 2b,1998 4 983-1098.200 � • BUILDINGS 7 THROUGH 9: These buildings are located in the central portion of the site below Buildings 1 through 6. Building 7,the north end of Building 8,and the south end of Building 9 will requirn cuts between 10 and 15 feet in height. The central portion of Building 9 and the south end of Building 8 will require fills up to 10 feet in height. The fill at the south end of Building 8 will be constructed over a smaller railroad grade fill area. • BUILDING 10 AND THE NORTH END OF BUILDING 9: These building areas are located within the thick railroad fills. As currenfly proposed,some excavation will be required on the eastern side with some fill on the downslope western side. The roadway/parking areas east of the Building lO location will require placing fill up to 30 feet thick out over the low area east of the railroad grade fill. • BUILDINGS 11 AND 12: These buildings are located north of the main filled gully and will require modest cuts and fills. The adjacent parldng areas will require cuts on the order of 10 to 20 feet in height with retauung walls or rockeries. • BUILDINGS 13 THROUGH 15: These buildings are located on the lower northern portion of the site in a relatively level area adjacent to the existing apartrnent complex. Based on old aerial photos,this area was part of the old gravel pit. Steeply sloping cut slopes are located along the east side of the proposed parking lot area,and may require cuts up to 20 feet in height with retaining walls or rockeries. � • BUILDINGS 16 AND 17 AND CONNECTING ACCESS ROAD: These buildings are located in the upper northern portion of the site. Building 17 is to be placed on what appears to be an existing cut bench area,and will require cuts up to 15 feet into the existing slope on the east side of the building. Building 16 is proposed to span a ravine,over the downslope portion of a moderately large old railroad grade fill that is approximately 30 feet high. The adjacent parldng azeas may require cuts on the order of 15 to 30 feet in height with retauung walls or rockeries. We understand that the access road to these units will be from the upper apartrnents across from Building 12. This road will cross a major depression some 40 feet deep formed when the railroad fill was eroded out by drainage from above. i Golder Associates Tune 26,1998 5 983-1098.200 3. SUBSURFACE INFORMATION 3.1 General The subsurface information includes previous test pits on the site,borings drilled upslope along SR 405,old aerial photos,new test pits and borings,new hand auger holes,and geologic mapping. 3.2 Site History and Old Aerial Photos As discussed in Section 2,an old railroad grade crosses the upper portion of the site as shown on Figure 2. The alignment includes cut and fill sections as indicated in Figure 2. Review of old aerial photos dating back to the 1930's indicate that a gravel pit operation was located within the area of the adjacent Marina Apartment complex,the general area of proposed Buildings 13 through 15 and extended upslope to about the locations of the proposed Buildings 11,12,and 17. It appears the railroad grade in the Building 17 area was lowered by excavation during the gravel pit operation. Based on the current topography and review of the aerial photos,it appears that the gravel pit was reclaimed in areas by placing fills to form genfler slopes. Review of the aerial photos aLso showed that the embankment fills placed to establish grade for SR 405 were eroding and depositing material downslope or west of the highway embankments during the several years after placement of the fills. In the area north of the Building 12 area,drainage from SR-405 appears to have caused erosion of a railroad grade fill,and a portion of the SR-405 fill may have failed and slid to the west. 3.3 Previous Work Golder Associates performed a pmliminary geotechnical investigation of the site on August 21, 1989 consisting of nine backhoe test pits and a cursory site recotu�aissance. Golder prepared the geotechnical portion of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)for the site,dated December 12, 1989. In addition,Golder provided responses to the City of Renton s review of the DEIS,dated March 5,1990 and July 3,1990. The test pit locations are shown on Figure 2 and the logs have been provided in the Appendix C. In addition to the test pits,Golder was involved with a geotechnical investigation related to widening of SR-405 including several borings located just upslope of the site. The locations of two of the deeper borings are shown on Figure 2 while the logs are included in Appendix C. Golder Associates iune 2b, 1998 6 983-1098.200 �I � 3.4 Recent Field Work � Our field investigation work for the current project consisted of performing a site I recoiuiaissance,excavating four backhoe and 19 trackhoe test pits,excavating three hand augered test holes,and drilling seven borings. The work was completed in two passes I with the initial phase completed in April and the second phase in May,1998. We also �, performed geologic mapping of exposures on the site. The backhoe test pits were �� excavated using a Ford 555E Rubber-tired Extendahce,and the trackhoe test pits were i excavated using a Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator. Both were provided by Custom , Backhoe (Fed-Fx Construction)under contract to Golder Associates. The borings were '� performed using a CME-850 track-mounted drill rig provided by Gregory Drilling,Inc., under contract to Golder Associates. Dodds Engineering,Inc.staked the building corner locations. The test pit,boring and hand auger locations were established in the field by pacing or measuring from the staked building corner locations and/or topographicJgeomorphic features as shown on GGLO's site map,dated 3/24/98. The approximate test locations are shown on Figure 2. A geologist from our firm examined and logged the soil conditions observed in each of the test explorations. Pertinent information including depths,stratigraphy,soil engineering characteristics,and g�oundwater occurrence were recorded. The stratification depths indicated on the sumrnary logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. The soil and groundwater conditions were those recorded for the locations and dates indicated and may not necessarily represent those of Nother times and locations. The test pits were backfilled and tamped with the backhoe/trackhoe after the completion of the soil logging. Some settlement of the test pit backfill should be expected with time. The borings were backfilled with the drill cuttings and bentonite chips,in accordance with State of Washington regulations. Disturbed but represenfiative samples were obtained from the explorations. All samples were sealed in plastic bags to prevent moisture loss and returned to our laboratory for further examination. The soil samples were classified in accordance with Golder Associates Inc.Technical Procedure for Field Identification of Soil TP 1.�6 which is presented in the Soil Description Index in Appendix A. The approxirnate locations of the explorations are shown on Figure 2. The logs of the borings are included in Appendix A with the test pit and hand auger logs presented in Appendix B. � � Golder�4ssociates Tune 26, 1998 7 983-1098.200 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4.1 General Geology The general site area is located to the east and above Lake Washington and is underlain by local fills and glacial deposits. Based on stratigraphic units identified soil types named by Mullineaux in mapping the area just south of the site,the area is underlain by: Vashon stade lodgment and ablation tills; Pre-Vashon Age undifferentiated glacial dri.ft deposits of till,glaciofluvial sand and gravel,glaciolacustrine clay and sand; non-glacial sand,clay and peat;and localized areas of Vashon stade recessional outwash sand and gravel deposits. The recessional deposits and the undifferentiated deposits were mapped by Mullineaux in the areas along the margins of the Cedar River and Lake Washington. The glacial till was mapped in the upper bluff areas located to the east and north of the Cedar River and Lake Washington. These geologic units are described as follows: • Vashon Recessional Outwash—These deposits consist of gray to oxidized, mosdy clean,loose,strahfied,well-sorted sand and g�avel that was generally laid down in large meltwater streams during the retreat of the Puget lobe Vashon stade glacier. The deposits mapped south of the project area consist of kame terrace sands and gravels. This material is deposited in ice marginal streams along the perimeter of the glacier. When the glacier recedes,the material looses � the support of the glacier and collapses. • Vashon Glacial Till—Till consists of a glacially consolidated,heterogeneous , mixture of clay,silt,sand and gravel with occasional boulders. Till is deposited, or smeared across the ground surface beneath a glacier as it moves across the landscape. Till deposits typirally mantle the pre-existing topography and can be ! found on the crest of hills,on slopes and beneath recent alluvial sediments in valley floors. The till deposits were consolidated with the weight of the overlying ice. • Pre-Vashon Undifferentiated Deposits—These deposits may include several older till layers,glaciofluvial sand gravel,glaciolacustrine clay and sand,and non- glacial sand,clay,and thin peat. These glacial and non-glacial deposits occur beneath the Vashon advance deposits. 4.2 Site Soil Conditions 4.2.1 General For engineering purposes,the site can be considered to be underlain by three soil conditions: 1)native glacial soils,2)Thick railroad fill embankments,and 3)Fills placed � to reclaim the old gravel pit. The approximate areas underlain by the railroad fills and the old gravel pit fills are shown on Figure 2. • , Golder Associates Tune 26, 1998 8 983-1098.200 4.2.2 Native Soil Conditions The native soil conditions on this site are highly varied and complex. The native soils are both vertically and]aterally discontinuous and/or gradational. The native soil units encountered in our explorations and exposed in cut slopes induded topsoil,slope debris/colluvium,and glacial deposits. The glacial soils consisted of Vashon stade advance and recessional outwash sand,gravel,and glaciolacustrine deposits,till,and Pre-Vashon undifferentiated glacial drift deposits. The eastern-most portion of the site appears to be manfled with a layer of dense glacial till. In the southern portion of the site,south of the Building 10,this material appears to lie conformably over,or is lapped over by,outwash to lacustrine deposits (coarsening upward sequence). In cut face exposures at the toe of the western slopes in the southern part of the site,we observed a glacial till deposit that was overlain by a gradational outwash sequence and/or a lacustrine deposidsequence of clay silt and sand. This is not clear if this gradational outwash material and the till material is Vashon Age,or older Pre-Vashon Age material. In the northern portion of the site,north of the Building 10 area,the glacial till appears to overlie advance outwash sands and gravels. In the Building 16 area,lacustrine fine sands were encountered north of the building location. The native soil units encountered on the sifie are described as follows: • Topsoil—Most of the site was covered with a relatively thin layer of forest duff(2 to 6 inches thick) which consisbed of leaves,twigs,and organic material. In the Building 13 and 14 area,the topsoil consisted of grassy sod. In the relatively flat, low area east of the railroad grade fill at the Building lO location,the topsoil encountered in the test pits was up to S inches thick • Slope Debris/Colluvium—Most of the slopes induded an upper loose zone of colluvium composed reworked soils generally one to three feet thick We also observed that most of the steep or near vertical slopes appeared to have developed debris/colluvium accumulations generally on the lower half of the slopes or along the tces of the slopes. These materials were generally loose to compact and composed of silty sands. • Recessional Outwash—Recessional outwash composed of compact to dense sand and gravel may have been deposited as a kame terrace sediments in a large I quantity prior to mining in the eastem portion of the apartrnent complex area. There appears to be remnants of recessional outwash in the Building 12 to Building 17 area,in the eastern portion of the site. In addition,the fine sand,silt and clayey silt enrnuntered west of the railroad grade in the area south of the Building 10 area could be recessional glaciolacustrine deposits lapped onto the till. These materials were generally mmpact or firm. • Glacial Till—The material was generally composed of silty sand with occasional gravel and boulders. It was compact to dense in the upper weathered zone grading to very dense at depth. In the lower portions of the till unit in the upper/eastern portion of the site,and the upper portion of the till in the lower/western portion of the site,the till appeared to be locally stratified and/or Golder Associates Tune 26, 1998 9 983-1098200 transitional. In Test Pit TP-15,the till was cobbly,and in TP-7 the till was silty. Till material was exposed in the rail grade cut slopes,and in the cut slope fac�es along the western portion of the site. • Advance Outwash-Advance outwash is similar to recessional outwash and is composed of coarse sands with some gravel and is generally more dense because these sediments were over-ridden by the glacial ice. The material is well stratified, unconsolidated,and tends to be cleaner and less oxidized than the recessional outwash This material appears to be present below the till in exposures in the northern portion of the site,north of the Building lO location. The material south of the Building 171oration appeared to be coarser/cobbly in the upper portions. • Glacio-Lacustrine deposits-These finer grained sediments were mosfly deposited in lakes some distance from the ice front,and in fluvial systems prior to the advance of the ice. The soils include dense fine or fine to medium sands,silty sands and silts and stiff to hard silty clay. The fine sands and clay/silt materiaLs encountered in Borings BH-1 and BH-2,and in Test Pits TP-7,TP-11 and TP-14 appear to correlate with this description. The sildclayey silt material enmuntered at depth in Borings BH-1 and BH-2 appears to correlate with the clayey/silt unit exposed in the cut slope face north/west of the Building 9location In Borings BH-1 and BH-2,we observed some minor fracturing and slickensides,interpreted as related to ice shear,in the silt/clayey silt materiaL The fine-grained soils fnund below the fill in Borings BH-5 through BH-7 may correlate with Post-Vashon units. 4.2.3 Railroad Fills There appears to be six ravines that were crossed by the railroad alignment across the site. At each crossing is a fill embankment which typical had side slopes ranging between 1.5H:1V and 1.2H:1V. The railroad fill thickness encountered in the borings ranged between approximately 30 feet in borings BH-2 and BH-4 to over 60 feet thick in boring BH-3. Figure 2 shows the approximate areas of the railroad fills. The thickness can be esti.mated by projecting the original topography of the gully up and downslope of the fills. Based SPT blow counis during drilling ranging from 2 to 5 at shallow depths to 10 to 20 below depths of 40 feet,the material is loose to compact with zones of very loose material. Since the fill was used to fill in gullies,the thickness ranges from essentially zero on the upper slopes of the gully to as much as 40 to 60 feet in the deepest part of the gully. The material was composed of a mixture of coal chunks,cinders,slag and the native soiLs (till and lacustrine%utwash materials)excavated from the cut areas of the grade. Based on the relatively low SPT values,it is likely that the fill was placed in an uncontrolled manner without compaction. Fi11s were also placed in the ravines upslope of the rail grade fills as part of the SR 405 construction. These fills are along or just east of the project area and may extend onto the project area. This appears to be most prevalent in the area east of the Building 10 railroad embankment. Golder/lssociates Tune 2b,1998 10 983-1098.200 It appears that the railroad fills placed across the gully north of Building 12 was partially eroded out by drainage from above. This likely occurred because a suitable drain was not installed below the fill to drain the gully. Thus during major storm event,the water likely ponded above the fill,saturating the base of the fill and 'unposing seepage forces on the fill. In this way the fill had been acting as a dam Given adverse conditions,the fill probably become unstable and wash out. Thus the current condition in this gully includes old railroad fill covering the sideslopes of the gully with the center washed out. There appears to be about a 40 foot elevation drop where the fill was washed out. 4.3 Borrow Pit Flls Building 13 through 15 are located in the area of the old bonow pit. Based on the borings and the test pits,the area is underlain by unrnntrolled fill likely placed as part of the pit operation and/or reclamation. As encountered in the explorations,the fill consisted of excavated native soils mixed with debris including wood,organic material, plastic piping,etc.. Test Pits 2 through 4 and Test Pits 18 and 19 did not penetrate through the materiaL Borings BH-5 through BH-7 showed the fill thickness to range between approximately 15 and 21 feet below the existing grade. With SPT values from about 5 to 20,the densities are variable ranging from loose to compact. Based on the operation of the gravel pit and possible undocumented fill,the fills could contain various materials including rnncrete,boulders,and other debris. Figure 2 shows the approximate extent of this fill based on the explorations,current topography,and old aerial photos. 4.4 Groundwater Groundwater seepage was observed in some test pits and borings. Based on the variability in the depth to the groundwater and limited rates of seepage,it is lik�ely that the majority of water enmuntered represented seepage from permeable zones perched on underlying � low permeable zones. These conditions tend to vary seasonally with higher flows and shallower water encountered during the wet winter,early spring seasons. The mntinuous water table is likely relatively deep. Surface seeps were observed at the tce of the ravine west of the Building 8location,and from the cut face north/west of the Building 9location. 4.5 Slope Stability Conditions 4.5.1 General The e�dsting slopes on the site mnsist of natural and man-made�altered slopes. These range from 1)Genfly sloping(approximately 5.7H:1V to 3.7H:1�in the upperleastern portion of the site;2)Moderately to steeply(approximately 2H:1V to 1.3H:1�in the central portion of the site; and 3)Steeply to near vertical in the western portion of the site. Golder Associates Lune 26, 1998 11 983-1098.200 Relatively flat-lying ground was encountered in the lower/western portion of the site, southeast of the existing apartment mmplex. Activities as described in Sections 2.2 and 3.2 have occurred over time on and along the boundaries of this site that have altered the natural topography. 4.5.2 Native Slopes We did not identify any evidence of deep seated slope instability on the site. The steep slopes along Lake Washington Boulevard in the southem part of the site appear to be cut slopes that truncate a portion of the bluff ridges that extend out in that area. The cut slopes appear to be from the establishment of Lake Washington Boulevard and are generally near vertical in the upper part of the slope. The lower half of the slope generally is flatter and appears to be mvered with debris/colluvium. The near vertical slopes are ± susceptible to periodic sloughing and toppling of the material. The transitional glaciolacustrine deposits at the south end of the site appear to be more susceptible to sloughing than the till soiLs to the north part of this area. We observed fractures parallel with and normal to the cut face in the fine sand glaciolacustrine deposits. The debris/colluvium may be less stable than the in-place material. The old gravel pit operation in the northern part of the site has left large areas with steep or near vertical slopes in native ground. Based on our review of aerial photos of the site, the gravel pit work appeared to have been performed in stages over a long period of time. Most of the near vertical slopes have flatter slopes at the toe consisting of debris/mlluvium. The near vertical slopes are susceptible to periodic sloughing and/or toppling. We observed that there are several shallow failures occurring in the area north and west of II', the Building 9location in an area of a steep scarp feature as shown on Figure 2. This feature appears to be a manmade and may have been related to the gravel pit operation Lacustrine clay/silt overlain by sand is exposed in the seep cut face. There are ground � water seeps in the area including one that appears to be associated with one of the more recent failures. We also observed that some of the trees on the site show upslope bending. � We also observed evidence of old debris flows below this area that likely occurred within the last few years during heavy precipitation events. ; 453 Railroad Cuts and Fills II As discussed in Section 3 and shown on Figure 2,there appears to be six ravines that were I ," crossed by the rail grade fills on the site. The fill embankment slopes are typically range between about 15H:1V and 1.2H:1V. The material on the slopes is relatively loose and trees growing on the slopes show minor up-slope bending. It is likely that these fills were end dump and the slopes are at about the long term angle of repose. Although we saw no evidence of significant sloughing,the slopes likely have a low factor of safiety against shallow failures and should be considered susceptible to shallow sloughing failures particularly during extreme rainfall events or during moderate seismic events. Upslope to Golder Associates Tune 26,1998 12 983-1098.200 the east of the fills,the ravine areas are relatively flat. The exposed fill slopes on the sides of the ravine north of Building 12 where the embankment was eroded should be considered over-steepened and suseeptible to sloughing failures particularly at the fill/native cnntact. The fill embanlanents were plaoed in topographic depressions or gullies. These tend to collect both surface and groundwater. It dces not appear that drainage pipes or a suitable gravel drainage layer was placed in the bottom of the depression below the fills. Thus,as discussed in 4.2.3,these embankments are acting as dams and as was the case for the fill north of Building 12 could bemme unstable and be washed out. However it appears that drainage provisions have been installed along SR 405 to intercept and collect surface water from above the ravines. Thus the only runoff entering the ravines will be from direct rainfall below SR 405. Based on the small catchment areas,it appears unlikely that the remaining fills could fail from the ponding of excessive water. The cuts made through the bluff ridges for the rail grade had typical cut slopes as steep as 1H:1V. The slopes are covered with a relatively thin layer of colluvium. Trees on the cut slopes show strong up-slope bending,especially on the steeper slopes. These slopes are considered susceptible to shallow sloughing failures. 4.5.4 SR 405 Fills Upslope of the rail gxade fills,fill was placed in the ravines to establish grade for SR-405. The fill embanlanents generally border the eastern boundary of the site,but may extend onto the site in areas. The fill material appears to be a compacted till fill. Based on a review of aerial photos and reports by WSDOT,a portion of the roadway embanl�ent failed in the area upslope of the railroad fill north of Building 12. WSDOT completed several borings and stabilized the area with drainage improvements and placing a fill buttress. Golder/�ssociates Tune 2b, 1998 13 983-1098.200 5. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General Based on the results of our study,the site is suitable for the proposed development provided the geotechnical engineering recommendations presented in this report are carefully followed. The primary geotechnical issues relate to slope stability,earthworks, drainage,and foundation support in the railroad and borrow pit fill areas. 5.2 Off Sets From Slopes 5.2.1 General There are numerous locations on the site where buildings,roads,and pazking lots are proposed adjacent to steep slope areas. As discussed in Section 4,these include both steep native slopes and steep man-made cut or fill slopes. Buildings placed too close to the top of a steep slope have the risk that the slope could fail and damage the building by undermining the foundation. Buildings at the toe of steep slopes could be damaged by debris flows and/or slope failures from above. Based on the current site plan,the buildings appear to be suitable located. However,for final design the building locations should meet the minimum off set criteria presented below. 5.2.2 Set Back Top of�lope Conservatively buildings should be setback from the top of these steep slopes such that ' an imaginary line from the foundations drawn downward at a 2H:1V to 1.5H:1V slopes 'i do not intercept the slope surface. Depending on the final grading plan and the detaiLs ', of the revised current site topography,this criteria may result in unacceptable ' constraints. As an example,Building 9 is located in dose proximity to a steep slope based on our field observations and the current topo plan on Figure 2. Thus steep slope drops about 60 feet at 1H:IV. To meet the 2H:1V to 1.5H:1V criteria,depending on the final ' grading he building would have to be off-set about 80 to 1?A feet from the top of slope. At its closest location,Building 9 is only about 30 feet from the top of the slope. A less conservative criteria would be based on an assessment how far back to top of slope could slough within the life of the project. This depends on the soil conditions,current , slope inclination,occurrence of any seepage and surface drainage conditions. Based on I this approach,the off-sets would likely range from 20 to 40 feet depending on specific , conditions. If the off-set creates a signifirant g�eometric problem,the footings elevations could be lowered to provide additional protection and thereby reducing the off-set. I Based on the level of the current information,we cannot make specific off-site recommendations for each building. Once the updated topo map by Dodds is finalized I and the grading plan developed,we can assess off-set criteria and methods to mitigate any conflicts with the design locations. Golder Associates L � Tune 26, 1998 14 983-1�98.200 5.2.3 Set Back Toe of Slope The tce area of steep slopes are subject to landslide and debris flows from above. In the area north and west of Building 9 we observed evidence of previous mud flows which failed down the steep slopes. The current project plans do not show any new mnstruction at the tce of steep slopes. However for final desig�,the location of any structures at or near the tce of steep slopes should be evaluated. The buildings should be located an adequate distance from the toe such than a potential mud flow muld not impact the buildings. This disfianee depends on the height and inclination of the slope and the seepage and ground conditions. 5.3 Foundation Recommendations 5.3.1 General Except for areas of thick railroad fills or the thick fill in the old borrow pit area, conventional,shallow isolated or continuous spread footings may be used,provided they are founded on the compact or der►se native glacial soils,or compacted structural fill placed over these soils. The recommendations presented below apply to Buildings 1 through 7,the north end of Building 8,the southern 3/4 of Building 9,Building 11, Building 12,and Building 17. Conventional,shallow isolated or continuous spread footing foundations should be designed based on the following parameters: • MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURES: 2,500 psf; these values may be increased by 1/3 for short-term wind and seismic loading. • MII�TIMUM EMBEDMENT: Perimeter footings should be at least 18 inches below adjacent exterior grades; Interior footings should be at least 12 inches below adjacent grades. • MINIMUM WIDTH: Isolated footings is 24 inches; Continuous footings is 18 inches. • LATERAL LOADS ON BASEMENT WALLS: Basement walls should be designed to resist a fluid with a density of 50 pcf assnming a level backslope. • RESIST LATERAL LOADS: Lateral loads can be resisted through a base friction value of 0.4 and a passive earth pressure based on a fluid with a density of 250 pcf assuming level ground below the footing. • SETTLEMENT: Total Settlement less than 1 inch; differential Settlement less than 3/4 inch i � Golder Associates iune 26,1998 15 983-1098.200 53.2 Areas of Railroad Fills General Buildings which appear to be in areas of railroad fill indude: • SOUTH END OF BUILDING 8: The south end of Building 8 appears to occur within the old railroad fill as shown on Figure 2. Although there are no explorations located within the building area,the embankment is relatively small and the thickness of fill is likely on the order of 5 feet. Based on a proposed grade of about El. 160,the structure will be at or above the current grades. • NORTHERN EXTREME END OF BUILDING 9: The northern extreme end of Building 9 appears to encroach onto a thick railroad embankment as shown on Figure 2. The thiclmess of fill likely ranges from essentially zero at the edge of the fill embankment to about 25 feet at the northern edge based on boring BH-3. Based on a proposed grade of about E1. 160,the structure will be at or about 10 feet below the current grades. • BUILDING 10: Building 10 is located within the thickest section of a large railroad embankment as shown on Figure 2. Based on boring BH-3 and BH�,the thickness of fill ranges from about 30 to 60 feet. Based on a proposed grade of about E1. 155,the structure will be at or about 15 feet below the current grades. • CENTRAL PORTION OF BUILDING 16: Based on Test Pit TP-17,the central portion of Building 16 is underlain by up to about 12 feet of fill. With a proposed grade of about E1. 180,the central portion of the structure will be about 5 to 10 feet below the current grades. The fill could be over-excavated to native soils and backfilled with structural fill to allow the footings to be places as described above in Section 5.2.1. However,once the thickness of fill below the final footing elevations exceed about 4 to 6 feet,this option , becomes expensive. It appears that the required over-excavation to reach dense native soils from the design slab levels is relatively shallow for Buildings 8 and 16. With fills up to 60 feet deep,the excavation option becomes impractical for Building 9 and 10. We recommend that three options be considered where the depth of over-excavation is too deep. These include moving the building,piles and subgrade stabilization as discussed below. Moving the Building Relocating Building 9 some 40 feet to the south-west would move the it outside of the thick fills. Another option would be to eliminate the southern units to avoid placement on the thick fills. There is no obvious place to move Building 10 to eliminate the deep fill problem. Golder/�ssociates I iune 26, 1998 16 983-1098.200 Piles The structures could be supported on piles bearing in the dense native soils below the fills. Suitable pile types would include drilled auger cast piles and driven steel H or pipe piles. Due to the light loads and costs,auger cast piles would likely be the most cost effective. Due to the lengths and possibility of encountering dense zones,wood piles are not recommended. The auger cast piles can be designed based on an allowable shaft friction value of 1 ksf and an allowable end bearing of 24 ksf in the dense native soils. The lengths can be estimated by estimating the original ground elevations in the g-ully. The contractor should be aware that obstructions may be encountered requiring re- drilling. , Subgrade Stabilization As an alternative to pile,the footings could be placed on spread footings on the fill ' provided the subgrade is surcharged and thoroughly compacted with heavy compaction equipment. This option would include: • SURCHARGE: We recommend that the building area is temporarily raised to at least 4 feet above the final slab elevation for a period of two weeks. It appears that at least a portion of Buildings 9 and 10 are in a cut section,thus an effective i surcharge may have already been placed. • COMPACTION: The entire building area underlain by railroad fills should be excavated to the elevation of the bottom of the footings. At this elevation the ground should be thoroughly proof-rolled and compacted by at least six passes of a both a fully loaded ten-wheel dump truck and a large vibratory compactor. Any soft or loose zones should be over-excavated and backfilled with structural fill. The intent is to form a firm stable base with the upper 18 inches of soil compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum Modified Proctor dry density. • FOOTINGS: The footings can be placed on normal spread footings as discussed in Section 5.1. This option may result in slightly more settlement. It may be appropriafie to provide a transition zone of fill if a portion of the building is supported on dense native soils and a portion on the embankment fills. 5.3.3 Areas of Borrow Pit Fills Buildings 13, 14,and 15 are underlain by about 15 to 20 feet of loose debris fills. We recommend that these structures are supported on auger cast piles. The piles can be design based on an allowable shaft adhesion value of 1 ksf in the dense native soils and an allowable end bearing of 24 ksf in the dense native soils. Resistance in the overlying fills should be ignored in the design. The lengths can be estimated based on the borings which unply an average of about 2A feet of fill with a range of about 15 to 30 fieet. The actual depths would be determined during drilling based on the results of the borings and the auger cats drilling observations. The drilled piers should extend a minimum of 5 feet into the dense native soils below the fill. Althoug�a subgrade stabilization option Golder Associates Tune 26,1998 17 983-1098.200 similar to that discvssed in Section could be used,we are concerned that the fills underlying the old borrow pit are more likely to contain extensive debris and organics than the railroad fi1Ls. The contractor should be aware that obstructions may be encountered requiring redrilling. Although unlikely,contaminated soils could also be encountered. 5.4 Floors For buildings supported on spread footings,normal slab-on-grade floors can be used. Slab-on-grade floors should not be founded on soft,uncompacted,disturbed,or organic soiLs. The slabs should be underlain by a capillary break material,consisting of at least four inches of clean,free draining sand and gravel or crushed rock containing less than 3 percent fines passing the #200 sieve(based on the minus No.4 sieve fraction). A vapor barrier consishng of reinforced heavy plastic sheeting should be induded between the slab and the capillary break If desired,an additional a two-inch thick layer of sand may be placed on the vapor barrier to aid im m�crete curing. Framed floors should also include a vapor barrier placed over any areas of bare soi]s and adequate crawl spaoe ventilation should be provided. Where piles are used,the slab could be a struc�tural slab supported on piles. 5.5 Foundation Drainage We rernmmend that fiooting drains be included in all the building designs where adjacent slabs are below grade. Footing drains should consist of a four-inch diameter,perforated, I rigid plastic pipe,embedded in a clean,free-drauung sand and gravel,meeting the requirements of Sections 9.03.13 and Section 9-03.12(4),respectively of the 1997 � Washington State Standard Specifications for Road,Bridge and Municipal Construction. The ground surfaee adjacent to the buildings should be graded to drain away from the building. � Roof drains should be mllected and conveyed in a system separate from the footing drain � system 5.6 Retaining Walls I Retaining walls will be required to support cuts and fills both above and below parldng areas and roadways. A variety of wall types are feasible including. • ROCKERIES: Where the cuts are less than about 8 feet high and made into dense,competent native soils,rockeries could be used. In fill sections,rockeries up to about 3 to 4 feet can be used. For thicker fill sections,the fill could be i reinforced with geotextiles or geogrids and then faced with a rockery. �I Performance of rockeries depend on the use of suitable rock sizes and types, proper rock p]acement,and placement of a drainage layer and footing drain Golder Associates Iune 2b,1998 18 983-1098.200 behind the wall. We recommend that rockeries are designed and constructed in accordance with the Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines developed by Association of Rockery Contractors. • MSE WALLS: MSE or mechanically stabilized walls include a variety of proprietary systems including Reinforced Earth,VSL,Keystone,Hilficker,and others. These walls involve using reinforoed fills with a facing normally composed of precast concrete blocks or panels. These wall types are appropriate to support thick new fill sections. • GRAVITY FILL WALLS: These include gabions and other wall types that provide support by acting as a gravity wall. The thiclmess of the wall section increased as the wall height increases. These wall types are appropriate to support thick new fill sections. • CONVENTIONAL CONCRETE WALLS: Conventional concrete walls are suitable to support both cuts and fills. In cut sections,a steep temporary excavation is required to install the wall. Although appropriate in many situations,these walls are generally relatively expensive compared to MSE walls and rockeries. • SOLDER PILE WALLS: Soldier pile walls,either cantilever or tieback,consist of installing drilled piers on about a 6 foot spacing,and placing lagging as the excavation proceeds. These types of walls would be used in deep cut areas where rockeries are not fieasible due to the height or soil type and conventional concrete walls cannot be placed with shoring the required excavation. For esthetics,a facia wall can be poured against the laggulg. These walls are relatively expensive and would only be used if other wall types were not feasible. • SOIL NAILING: Soil nailing can be used in areas to support cuts in dense native ground and would be cost effective in areas that rockeries or conventional concrete walls cannot be used. The actual location and height of the walls had not been determined the time this report was prepared. Once specific wall locations are determined detailed design recommendations can be developed. 5.7 Permanent Slopes As discussed in Section 4.4,there are several areas where the current slopes are susceptible to shallow sloughing such as the railroad fills and existing man-made cut�. If future sloughing failures of these slopes might impact the proposed development,the slopes should be stabilized or the consequence of the failures reduced. This mig�t include drainage improvements,vegefiation planting,use of geotextiles,regrading,placement of a catchment berm,etc Specifiic comments on these slopes can not be provided until the defiailed grading plan is developed. Golder Associates Tune 2b, 1998 19 983-1098200 Long term permanent cut slopes should be 2H:1V or flatter assuming proper drainage and erosiom m�trol. In the dense nahve soils cut slopes up to about 1.5H:1V could be used provided additional drainage and erosional measures were implemented and the owner could accept additional maintenance associated with periodic sloughing of the slopes. Long term permanent fill slopes should be 2H:1V or flatter assl�ming proper compaction, drainage and erosion control. Steeper slopes up to about 1H:1V muld be used if the fill was reinforced and special erosional measures were unplemented. There may be special conditions such as cuts below thick,loose railroad embankments where the above criteria may not be suitable. Golder should have the opportunity to review the final grading plans. 5.8 Upper Access Road to Units 16 and 17 As discussed in Section 2.3,the proposed aceess road to Units 16 and 17 will cross a major depression some 40 fieet deep formed when the railroad fill was emded out by drainage from above. This wash out will have to be filled in to construct the road. This could be acmmplished by simply filling the gully with new structural fill. Alternatively an MSE wall could be mnstructed across the wash out to reduce the volume of fill required. Althoug�i we understand that WSDOT has made drainage improvements upslope of the wash out,we remmmend that a drainage blanket of drain gravel be placed as the initial lift of fill. The project Civil's should also assess the need to place a drainage pipe in the new fill to drain run-off from above. 5.9 General Drainage Provisions Due to the steep topography and occurrence of springs,proper control of both permanent groundwater and surface water is essential on this project. General remmmendations for underdrains include: • FOOTING AND BASEMENT WALL DRAINAGE: As discussed in Section 5.7, footing and basement wall drainage is required. • RETAIIVING WALL DRAINAGE: All retaining walls and rockeries should be constructed with a permanent drain system that conveys the water under gravitv ' flow to the storm water collection system The drains should consist of a properly sized perforated drain pipe bedded in a clean gravel backfill. • CUT SLOPE TOE DRAINS: In areas of deep cuts,a toe drain consisting of a perforated pipe bedded in drain gravel should be placed. The depth and extent of the drain will depend on the actual conditions encountered during construction. The intent will be to intercept and groundwater seepage and drain the flow into the site storm drainage system. This will prevent surface seeps from occurring at the toe of slopes and prevent saturation of adjacent pavement subgrades. Golder Associates ]une 26, 1998 20 983-1098200 • DRAINAGE OF FILLED GULLIES: Site development will require filling in existing gullies. Gullies tend to concentrate and transmit both surface and groundwater. To avoid the filling acting as a dam,either drainage layer of gravel possibly supplemented with a drainage pipe should be placed prior to filling. • SURFACE WATER CONTROL: We assume that all surface water from the developed portion of the project will be drained into a storm water system and tightlined down to drains along Lake Washington Boulevard. It is essential that no surface runoff from roads,parking areas,roof drains,or footing drains be allowed to flow onto the native slopes. 5.10 Pavement Subgrade Asphalt pavement will be used for the access roads and parldng areas. Subgrade conditions will be variable ranging from dense native soils to loose exishr►g fills. In general,the intent is to develop a pavement subgrade that provides a firm stable base capable of supporting a fully loaded dump truck Section 6.6 discusses recommended construction procedures to provide an adequate subgrade. �-_ _ i ��/ �:' � i � v .' :-�`���,` _ � $ ., �,j ; T=, � i r.'` - i �± ^ �; r �.,. . . . . � . . .� �,. �:� i.;+ ` - . . . . �;i��. �., . _ � . � �' ' �, ��� � �' ' C Golder Associates iune 2b, 1998 21 983-1098.200 6. CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General Site development will involve significant cuts and fills in areas of steep slopes and thick existing fills. Proper mnstruction sequencing and procedures are essential to maintain site stability and minimi�p construction problems. The ability to use soils excavated from cut areas as fill in fill areas will have a major impact on construction msts. Since much of the excavated soils will be fine grain,dry weather will be essential to maximize the use of on sifie soils. Accordingly we strong�y remmmend that the majority of the major earthwork be completed during the drier late spring,summer and early fall seasons. Based on the preliminary site plan shown on Figure 2,significant cuts will be required in Iportions of the site,particularly for the main access road. Due to the steep terrain it is unportant that these excavations progress from the top of the cut area towards the bottom to maintain slope stability. The construction should not pro�ess from the toe of cuts uphill as this will tend to destabilize the slopes. 6.2 Wet Weather Construction As discussed in Section 6.1,strongly recommend that the majority of the major earthwork be completed during dry weather. Although it is feasible to work the site during the wet fall and winter season,the costs and schedule will be significanfly impacted. It should be assumed that virtually all of the excavated soil will be unsuitable for structural fill and will have to be disposed of off-site. In addition,considerable volumes of crushed rock and , geotextile will be required to maintain haul roads and stabilize worldng areas. �', Wet weather construction will significanfly increase surface erosion concerns. The public agencies will likely take a hard position on allowing silt laden water to drain into Lake , Washington. Similar projects in the area have been stopped and/or fined due to wet weather silty runoff problems. 6.3 Fill Materials and Placement Struclural fill material should consist of native or imported granular soils,be free of organic � and inorganic debris,be near the optimum moisture content,and be capable of being compacted to the required specifirations listed below. The fill should be placed in maximum 12 inch loose liffs and mmpacted with suitable mmpaction equipment. For sand and gravel fills a vibratory compaction would be appropriate. For finer grained Sheepsfoot would be appropriate. Other types of equipment could also be used if shown to be eff�ective. A jumping jack or hce-pac is suitable fior trench backfill. The fills should be rnmpacted to at least 95 percent of ma�cimum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 below buildings,below retauung walls,and within 18-inches of final pavement grade. Elsewhere the fills should be compacted to 90 percent density except in Golder Associates ]une 2b, 1998 22 983-1098Z00 non-critical landscaped areas well away from any slopes. If the required densities cannot be met then the material can be excavated and replaced or a soil admixture used to dry the soil. New fills placed on e�cisting slopes should be benched in to eliminate a potential weak plane and allow proper placement and mmpaction in horizontal lifls. This would involve cutting benches into the slope to form level surfaces to place the new fill lifts. End dumping of fills or pushing fills down slopes to create"slivei'' fills should be prohibited. 6.4 Use of On Site Excavated Soils �I A major mst impact will be the use of excavated on site soils as new structural fills. Based �� on the preliminary site plan,the major excavations will occur above the main entrance road with smaller cuts azound the apartment units and parldng areas. The materials to be excavated above the entrance road will mnsist of native soils and the toe area of the railroad fill. The native soils will include lacustrine deposits composed of silty clay,silt, I silty sands and sand. The tills will be composed of silty sand with gravel and occasional ', cobbles and boulders. Based on boring BH-2,the railroad fills to be excavated are ' composed of clean and silty sands with cinders and mal debris. Excavated soils around ', the buildings and parldng areas will vary from nahve soils to existing fills. The ability to use the excavated soil depends on its mmposition,uutial moisture,and the weather. During hot,dry weather even material that are excavated wet of optimum can be worked and dried to allow proper mmpaction. During extended wet weather only clean sand and gravels,which are not sensitive to moisture,can be placed and mmpacted. We expect very little clean sand and gravel to be encountered in the site excavations. General mmments on the use of the excavated soil included: • RAILROAD FILLS: We expect the majority of excavated railroad fill to be useable as struch�ral fill during dry weather. The minor percentages of cinders and coal should not adversely effect the ability to properly compact the fill. Locally it should be anticipated that zone of predominately coal debris or other debris may be encountered which will be unsuitable for structural fills. • NATIVE SOILS: The majority of the excavated native soils contain significant amount of fines,which would make proper placement and compaction during , wet weather impractical. In addition,some of the soils will be plastic silty clay or ' clayey silt. These are not ideal material for fill and can only be placed and ' compacted if within a few percent of optimum moisture. Under ideal conditions ' with proper moisture control and compaction effort,even plastic soils can be placed and properly compacted. However,we recommend that to the extent feasible plastic fills should not be placed in the lower portion of thick fill section, under buildings,or within 18 inches of pavement grades. To avoid the expense of off�ite disposal of unsuifiable excavated soils,an effort should be made to leave these materials on site in non-structural landscape areas or in permanent stockpile areas. Non structural]andscape areas are considered areas where poor fill performance such as long term settlemenis will not impact any buildings,roads,or Golder Associates Iune 26, 1998 23 983-1098.200 utilities. In addition,unsuitable fills should not be placed in a manner that would create a slope stability problem particularly in areas above lower portions of the development. Normally any fill that can be placed in thin lifts and compacted without the equipment becoming"stucK' can be considered suitable for non-critical landscape areas or stockpile areas. However end dumping of loose,wet fills require careful assessment to insure that they will not pose a long term stability or mudflow risk Recently the use of soil admixes such as cement,lime,and kiln dust has increased in the Puget Sound area. Depending on the specific conditions at the site,these admixes can be cost effective in maximizing the use of excavated on-site soils for fills. 6S Temporary Excavadons Safie Temporary excavations are the msponsibility of the contractor and depend on the actual site rnnditions at the hme of construction. In general,appropriate temporary excavations up to about 15 fieet in height in the dense native glacial soils would be on the order of 1H:1V. Safe cut slopes in the railroad and old borrow pit fills could be as flat as 1.5H:1V depending on the composition of the materials excavated. Cut slopes higher than about 15 feet should be evaluated separately to assess both the local stability and any potential impacts on overall deep seated stability. Steep cut slopes exposed for any length of time,particularly during wet weather,should be covered with visqueen to maintain stability and minimize erosion. 6.6 Subgrade Preparation Due to the variability in subgrade mnditions,it is essential that all subgrades be observed by Golder Associates prior to placing the initial structural fill lift,fiootings,slabs,and � pavement sections. Ideally all subgrades should consist of dense/stiff undisturbed native soiLs. Since much of the native soils are fine grain,construction activities can disturb even a competent subgrade resulting in an upper zone of soft,unsuitable soiLs. During wet weather it may be necessary to protect the subgrade with a gravel worldng mat,crushed rock,and/or geotextiles. In Section an option was presented to stabilize the railroad fills to allow placement of buildings on thick railroad fi1Ls. Detailed mnstruction procedures are presented in that section Subgrade for pavements underlain by railroad fills should be stabilized as described in Section but will not require surcharging. � ; � Golder l�ssociates june 2b, 1998 24 983-1098.200 6.7 Utilities Maintauung safe utility excavations is the responsibility of the utility contractor. T'he soil and gmundwater conditions in the utility excavations will vary across the site. We expect excavations in the till will difficult in places because it is very dense and occasional boulders and mbbles should be expected. Fxcavations into sandy native soils and particularly the railroad and bonow pit fills should be expected to cave more easily. Where the utility crosses pavement areas,the trench backfill should be placed in thin liHs and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 and to 95 percent within three fieet of final grade. In many areas the excavated soils will be silty and difficult to compact. In these areas it may be appropriate to backfill with off-site clean fills �T ��, t; r�r �. ,,.; ;:�, �L "� i � R� : ' ��-^' f�'`� i>;- ��:: j�' _ . '��":.:: ,_�,.: ._ �� ti �=; <_ �,, t�� . ' ��i r; ' �"� ;�� Golder Associates Lune 26, 1998 25 983-1098200 7. USE OF THIS REPORT This design geotechnical study has been preparnd exclusively for the use of Lincoln Property Company and their mnsultants for specific application to this project. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty,expressed or implied, is made. We remmmend that Golder review the final site grading plan and provide specific comments and criteria related to retauung walls,fnundations and grading. The explorations were performed in general acmrdance with locally accepted geotechnical eng�neering practice to provide infiormahon for the arna explored. There are possible variations in the subsurface conditions between the exploration areas and in the groundwater conditions with time. Therefore we recommend that a contingency for unanticipated conditions be included in the mnstruction schedule and budget. Further, we recommend that Golder Associates Inc.be retained to perform the construction monitoring and teshng during rnnstruction to mnfirm the conditions indicated by the explorations and or provide mrrective remmrnendations adapted to the conditions encountered during the work � � Golder Associates N a1 w v cn 'u � � � � v 0 � r '�� .� -. � :�.�' y--� ' 1 � - • \ � � � '� . i�. a ;�.` ' �:. J' !�" . .,��i �'' � -\��'����. } t :, ' ; 11 \'' � .; 1���. t � , -�'^�. 4 �� �. , - �..�� �� � �� r �f; �I ' l `'� i ; �, ' �� � � ,� s/,! 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This determination can be made during construction. NORTHERN ACCESS ROAD TO LOWER BUILDINGS The location of the access road for the lower building$has changed. The new location will be about 180 feet south of the existing tennis courts for the Marina Landing Apartments as shown on the attached drawing. During our site explorations on Apri12,8, 1999 we excavated two test pits along the proposed roadway,TP-28 and TP-29 as shown on Figure 3. The test pits encountered loose to compact fill to the full depth explored, eight and eleven feet respectively. The fill consisted of a silty sand with some gravel with scattered debris and organics such as wood,pipe,concrete,and plastic. The access roadway construction is fieasible in this area. The roadway subgrade should be evaluated once grading is completed. If the mnditions are dry,we reconunend that the fill be mmpacted with a large vibratory roller to densify the upper several feet. The upper 18 inches must be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557. If wet subgrade conditions aze encountered,then imported fill,or soil drying admixtures such as cement kiln dust or CTB can be used to dry and compact or strengthen the subgrade. We recommend that any utilities constructed in the roadway be backfilled with clean native or imported structural fill. The fill materials being excavated from the utility trenches may only be accepted as backfill by the field engineer if they are observed to be free of significant debris. We trust this letter meets your needs. If you have any questions,please give us a call. Sincerely, i� GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. j � � ; , r/:�����:��\�/���n----� ` `, ;/ /� `��� � � James G.Johnson Robert L.Plum,P. . Associate Engineering Geologist Principal JGT/RLP/ms o���.�� cc: Mr.Bruce Dodds, Dodds Consulting Engineers,Inc Mr.Glenn Gronnerude, Windsor Construction Mr.Pat McBride,GMS Architectural Group Golder Associates N � C/J �(� � •y V � w ,`�'o 0 � -�,�,,�;��,; �, � � , , , � ; , , � ; � i ; , , ,i� ,;� -_-- _ _ _ __� �--� �, � �� �, � � �� -i��%l�l � j' l ' ���� � i � � / / �� � � ! ��k-'� � �, �� - _ _ ' - '��r. \�\ ei. � I � � 1 � �� I��j� I� � ii//;l �I � ; l ° � � / � / � l � � � ' . �-•• -_- _ `�`� ` � s� -1 1 � I I . 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'`�/�J�.���y�i!/��� � . , APPENDIX A BOREHOLE LOGS Golder Associates + Unit�ed SoU Ctassification System Component Definitions by Gradation soil closs:ficat�on Crrter�o tor Assign�ng Grou� Symbols ond Nomes Generolized Component Size Ronge 1 Group Descriptions 6ou�aen �bwe t2 a+. CWRSE-CRNNED SOtlS GkA�/ELS CLFiW CRAvElS Gw weu-proded Croyeis Wore lAan 50.Z More thon SOS of Lesa than SS ti�ea Co�bks J �+. to 12 �n. nto7neE on coorse Iroct;on �p p,,,y_o.,�a qrevds llc, 20(1 •�eve �eLow�eO on Grooel 3 in. to l�o. a (<.76mm) No. � S:e�e ��yELS Wi7H fINES G4 y��� �n Coone qrovel 3 in. to 3/� in More thon 72x i'nes a„�I onG by �ine qrove: 3/a ;n. lo No. a (4.J6mm) � Miilurct ywp5 ClE/W SWDS SW Weli-qroded Sonds S°rW ►b. 1 (a.76mm)to No. 200 (0.07amm) SOx or mon d lasa tt+on SZ fna Coane tan0 No. 1 (a.76mm) to No. �0 (1.Omm) coorse imclion 5p p��y_��Q Sonds ucQwm aonQ Ho. 10 (2.Omm) to !b. s0 (O.t2mm) pasad No. 4 Sevt Fne son0 No. �O (0.42mm) to No. 200 (0.07amm) SwDS r+fTH FlNES SM Sond m+d 5�4 41.tura 4bra thon 12S fuies SC Sond cM Cby IAiriurca Sill ona Clq Smallcr thon No. 200 (0.07amm) FlNE-GRAINED SOILS StlTS�ND C1AY5 CL Lo�-D�asticity Cbys SOS or enore possn L'puid FmA NORCIWIC No�-plost�c on0 Low- iht Mo.2D0 s:e`e lesa 11ron SO Ml Ploslititr Siltc Samples Non—pUstic ana Lor— ��� a Pfosticity Otponit Cloys Hon—plo:Lk onE lo�+— 55 SPT Sompier (2.C1 OD) Ploriicity O�qon�c SiNs 1� Hcoy� Duty Spfit Spoon S�LTS /wD CUK ���� CH 1lqh—phsticity Cloys SH S�eroy TuDe Liquid Gmil P Pitthet Sumpkr qreatet Mon 50 IAH HiqA—plastitity 5�ns B Bulk riqh—p ostxny ORGANIC OH �9enic Cbys C Co`ed Hph—Dkriicily Orqonic Silb Unkss otnen.ise eo[ed, dr'rve so�npYs M�GHIY ORGANIC 501L5 Primun7y orqarrc motter, dork in tolor, o�d oavor,�ea with 1�0 Ib. hpmmef w�tn orqonic odor PT Peot 30 in. Erop. Relative Density o� Consistency Laboratory Tests Utilizinfl Standard Penetration Test Values Test Designotion Cohesionless Soils��� Cohesive Soils �b� uol:tu�e (t) Densily D ��� ��� Relotive ��� Undroined (d) Groin Sixe G Density N, blows/it. Density Consistency N, blows/ft. Sheor Strength �Z� �PS{� Mytlrometer H Atterbery L�mib (1) Very loox 0 to 4 0 - 15 Very soft 0 W 2 c250 Cauol�Eat�on C ILoose 4 to �0 t5 - 35 Soft 2 to 4 250-500 Unconfned U Cortipod 10 to 30 SS - 65 Pmm t to 8 500-1000 UU Trior UU Oence 30 !0 50 65 - 85 Stif1 B l0 75 1000-2000 CU lrioc CU very Dense o.ror SO >85 Very StiH 15 to 30 2000-s000 CO Trio■ CD Ho.d o�er 30 >�000 Permeob��ity P (o) Soib eoroiatinq ot qrwel, sand. and silt, eitAa seporotely or in comDinatior4 Doasesainq ro Morocteristiu (1) 4Ao�sture and AtterDe�q Limita ot pbslicity. ond e�ctibitinq Oro'meQ behovior. plotted on bq. (E) Soib C����^9 the cfw'nctefistica ot pinsticily. enE eahibifeq undm:md Cefw.ior. (t) ReM to k+A d ASTY D 15B6-Ba tor a defmilion of N; in nortno�y co�xolidoled eofxsonksa so�s RelatiH Ocrorty tem+a an bn:ed on N volues cortecteE tor o-.erDurOen pressures. (� u�aa„,ee an�o.�m�,qcn� ,�s ��«,r.,�a �«���«, s�cn. Silt and Clay Desc�iptions Oesc�ption Typicoi Unitied Oesignotion Descriptive Terminolofly Denotm� Compo�ent Proportions sae � ���-p,�e�� Cwyey S�n CL—ML (low p�asticily) Descriptrve Terms Ronge oi PropoRion �Y pO�' �� �Y � Troce 0-S7G Pbstic SM 4H s� e.na��rn.�Of �i� a9o� so��, a..oH. �e MO 30-SOS (a) Uu Gwey.Sondy a Shcr es app'vpriote. �p Golder Associates Figure SOIL CLASSIFICATION/LEGEND __ _ __ __ r�r�ow/foau sn Golder Associates ST: ��rG FIELD TEST PIT LOG " Fa �Z4� . w�.� k TEM11,t2.?F. NEATNER ���� EN6INEER f'�-�-+-� OPEAATOR P•�rT"*'sP'�" TEST PIT �`' EOUIPMENT �� �S� Q� tw CONTAACTOR ����w DATE t�2gl� IOC�TIOM ELE�ATIOM "'��� DATUM 10! `�� 3- roq g -�—t- —T_�� � S 10 15 2 � ' SAMPlE5 O — / �.S z Ra4 s J _ - z �3- � 3 3 r3.j ---- - - '- -' -�.. _ 4L �9, p�«� �� �J� 5 — 9e4 s w1�`/dor4'l` � 7�F +G.,;,- �..� • 9'ay S�l�(��+� 3.6 /•J ---. — .,-�-� �.8 3.} 0,';S 'g"'" �� 8.e' �bj s.� n.y Cw+d�(}r'..1,� 10 q.s o,S _ t..w.��..�-J rS.S'd...R I� YQn.4 a� �CeVe� ��- - ---1M�.• ���3� I - rt �Kt `�vJ �.o u w7i �p�CJ�Gt�p a�G-tYv� � � s � I O � �s.s IS - h.v f.u� oLscr.�-Q 20 SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS AND fXCAYATION MOTES TIME DEPTN OF NOIE DEPTH TO W/l � Lo� d x � �.�s o,.�N � ' s c s �i�i t'c O (e p ` + r SPECIAL NOTES� Sr-r �, � ' H L� CO uvtvw ' � �C �� 1 (. O M � ' �k b � C f.l • S S Co I � / .-� ., . G M c 2' S w r �� F E � s r v�..+,.. t�. s�l SANe r .....� v` •�wN 5 C1 1 ��S W 5� J t � 1 �S i /��s •.f �R }� t� �n! w As !��Se u.... C w.t�c ,�. . c. So.. r. coa 3 �L � • �.• os �e (ML)( Golder Assocfates FIELD TEST PIT LOG ��•.� R TEMP145F. WEATN:R �"� EN6INEEA i. Byers OPERAT011 P� teJ�exs���" TESi PIT TP-2' EOUIPHENI �r`"��5� T�-+ CONTAACTOR �"5�"' D�TE +�2r�/9g ST� �� LOC�TIOM ELEY�TION OATUM 10! 9g3-io9'8 F-,�/ �3� 5 -�— � N � 0 5 10 15 2 I � � SAMPlE5 ,- �------- J.6 _._._-- -�-- � --- _. __._ . .. .---� � ' j � �- S –_ - l_. ._ _ .. __– _.. Z. q U 'O � � _ __ .. � - tr 9 � 3.8� 5 � — S� 3 Q �.�s.�"�� 3--�� 5.3� ' � T� ' �.� o .} r,c /•�S 2,L 3•� 10 - - 9.q 3� �4 � a T.s� p.� lev ww ..f I o.S� d,,.o �•• A:��� o�cca,.•.'�-�-++� � z &S -� /W ,ro v�n,r/wcv �� 01�x I> Iv� c e v wM o Sev v� �! 15 � 20 SAMPLF DESCRIPTIONS �ND EXCAY�TION NOTES TIME DEPTN OF NOIE OEPTH TO W/l o �o < < c.,,�.,�, r rnor f e..�.w � i (�.a o z 1 +{ � SPECIAL NOTES� ,h� e sa S l.T 1� -�• � r ' o � Cc 1tt�+E C6� " 1 �•5�� ^�Z.S ' \ loWN R O � f ♦N ��' .�'� � = �,. o „s e�k St , c. Nc 'TY�N erosrr �J e cc �ML L f EP ' ' ' - o .� a,..fl 1 i v - �v� i ..iw� v...a� h- M S 1 Vt - Qt S LC� � Q C �. woo . l�Ka1 T �NJ6 E OS IT �hYOJS ��t �i� G So tc0� .w� � � � k �1� M ' e� t..+G[ ��^P � t6w�^- _ I - • � - t� Golder Assocfates � FIELD TEST PIT LOG ^ �c . E ' TEMP�� NEATH:R C���*� EN6INEER �:�•+r,� s_OPERATOR P.Ft�wspie�i TEST PIT TP_Z� E�UIPMENT �'^ P� �� CONTRACTOR C� OATE +�zS I99 tOCATION EIEYATION DATUM 106 S 3-ro9� S 5�:�s�r-o �-f-- � nl fn( �c�5 0 S 10 15 2 � SAMPLES u� -�----- - -- �__ _ a � / (3j Z s S 8 - -s"' ¢ �z.3 � - _ _._ _ I'_�� �._, -_ ` - '- -- 3.A S _� �_ '_ -- — --- - _..._... � 5K� wul«.,! _ - _ — --- — -- S�� peOK s�-aie.w� . _ _ _ -� �.-3 o.?S � z•z i.� gro,Q.w�t i.c i.o �.•,� 3.� z z S i 0 � �E �,�o. 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EN6INEER T�+�✓t OPERAT01 P��9''�P'+ � TEST P1T �Z3 EOUIPMENT /�a� �<� P�'�� CONTRACTOR ����� DATE �1�8�9'9 tOCATIOM ELEYATION DATUM IOd Sa'3"io��T sr��/,m E �-'t--- -�- v� Fn� JS)S 0 S 10 15 2 0 __ S�MPLE5 C� ' woo� � g.6 �. -- � iZ.t -- � - . _ __ t,2 � `-_--�Q - ��. w.,*.�.�.���„�t �! _ C d�sl�.,. 4.+�.a�ov.a4 �, —�'F _ - - - r--� - 3.3 -� _.,. a�c..�c SEr�-�ger 5 —S ---� � _ '_'.�„_-. S� � tsF --��—_ — -- - --- - — — Z t.. Z.zS �a�. '�,,,,�� z,� z.8s �D � 3.0 3,0 � 3.} 3,/ ^ r� �4 �-�'Qt} pi� � �'�a�� �.� 13 �+ �w io �s�l+e+�r..�.� d�9 S'''�'', � QF t�.vt �n o-�A.. � 7 W-��tov.v vJti Ss�A�o..l� O Vi S-��.r�L �S I —� vw G0.�1r"' ` r 20 SAMPLE �ESCRIPTIONt ANO EXCAYATION NOTES TIME DEPTH OF HOLE OEPTN TO W/L � � luou k 'S ���^ti � rv� o► h�t S( ! q.i N C Gu r n �a�se�.�r z � Mo Au+�S ' �'0i'� SPECIAI NOTES� C J 1 SI � �-r � in o w+ i �,. ♦ �.a sr �ce �S CML cv Tp�wl� ak S i +` 5 (a...�w.,4+.a+. 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I SHEET OF ,li � � ;h SECTION D.4 ESC MEASURFS � � ,�.. .��h, . I;h Natural Vegetation:Whenever possible, sediment-laden water shall be discharged into onsite,relatively ��� level, vegetated areas. This is the only way to effecdvely remove fine particles from nmoff. This can be � I� particularly useful after initial treatment in a sediment retention facility. The areas of release must be � . I' evaluated on a site-by-site basis in order to determine appropriate locations for and methods of releasing r; runoff. Ve etated wedands shall not be used for this u se. uend ,it ma be ssible to u ,,, g P � �9 Y Y P� P m P y: water from the collection point at the downhill end of the site to an upslope vegetated area. Pumping shall II only augment the treatment system,not replace it because of the possibility of pump failure or runoff 'y� volume in excess of pump capacity. � i �:t � ' D.4.5.1 SEDIlViENT TRAP '� i, �� � � Code: ST Symbol: � i Purpose . I ''� Sediment traps remove sediment from ranoff originating from disturbed areas of the site. Sediment traps „ I i �� are typically designed to only remove sediment as small as medium silt(0.02 mm). As a consequence, I they usually only result in a small reduction in turbidity. ; I �. 0 Conditions of Use k A sediment trap shall be used where the contributing drainage area is 3 aeres or less. , !: Design and Installation Specifications � �; 1. See Figure D.4.H for detaiLs. i � ` 2. If permanent runoff control facilities are part of the project,they should be used for sediment retention (see"Use of Permanent Drainage Facilities"on page D-25). 3. To determine the trap geometry,first calculate the design surface azea(SA)of the trap,measured at the I ; invert of the weir. Use the following equation: SA = FS(Q�/VS) where QZ= Design inflow based on the peak discharge from the developed 2-year runoff event from the concributing drainage area as computed in the hydrologic analysis. The 10- year peak flow shall be used if the project size,expected timing and duration of construction,or downstream conditions warrant a higher level of protection. If no hydrologic analysis is required,the Rational Method may be used(Section 3.2.1 of the Surface Waier Design Manuan. VS = The settling velocity of the soil particle of interest The 0.02 mm(medium silt) particle with an assumed density of 2.65 g/cm3 has been selected as the particle of interest and has a settling velocity(VS)of 0.00096 fdsec. " FS= A safety factor of 2 to account.for non-ideal settling. Therefore,the equation for computing surface area becomes: SA = 2 x Q7J0.00096 or 2080 square feet per cfs of inflow Nou:Even if permunent facilities are used, they must still have a surface area that u at least as large �� � as that derived from the above formula. If they do not, the pond must be enlarged. �' �j� , 4. To aid in determining sediment depth, all traps shall have a staff gage with a prominent mark one foot above the bottom of the trap. I 9/1/98 . Erosion and Sediment Conttol Standards � � D-26 ' D.4.5--SmIMENT RET'ENTTON Maintenance Standards � � 1. Sediment shall be removed from the orap when it reaches 1 foot in depth. � 2. Any dazciage to the trap embanlanents or slopes shall be repaired. FIGURE D.4.H SEDIMENT TRAP � SURFACE AREA DETERMINED AT TOP OF WEIR 4� M�N• � � � � � � � � � � � � � � t' MIN. OVERFLOW ,ty 1' MIN. ,�� �L � 1' MIN. �y 3.5'-5' � Yf 1.5� IAIN. FLAT BOTTOM RIPRAP 3/4"-1.5" 2"-4' ROCK WASHED GRAVEL GEOTEXTILE NOTE: TRAP MAY BE FORIIED BY BERM OR BY DISCHARGE TO STABWZED I PARTIAL OR COMPLETE EXCAVATION CONVEYANCE, OUTLET OR LEVEL SPREADER CROSS-SECTION r U 6' MIN. �I�I I—I I I—I I�=I I I—I 1' MIN. DEPTH OVERFLOW SPILLWAY —I I I=�I� �)I�I I ir-�ii—ii�i�ii�ll —I c� Il�ii�iirl-ii�ii�iir_ �II MIN. 1' DEPTH NATIVE SOIL OR� ��I , • , . , I)�r- 2"-4" ROCK COMPACTED BACKFI�L y ' - MIN. 1' DEPTH 3/4"-7.5' GEOTEx�ILE _�I — I�i I�I I�I I I—I I I—I I�I I I—I I I=' WASHED G�VEL , _I I 1=1 I .�,�, I(�I f=1 I .�.—I,i�I I .�.—I, I .�.�, ' : � TRAP OUTLET — � I ._ � &osion and Sediment Control5tandards 9/1/98 D-27 �� �,; �• , -�` �,,,�,.�, ,� s T k r - - - - — - - .- _ .--. _..___... - � f,,1� � t'�����t115.L`w�w��.�..��1�,..�`,�,.fi��.�:.�.�, .,..��_: .i�. ..�:�.: . , . ... . ,..�. . _ ;.�.� _.. . .. , ..... _.__...,� ....... _ �Z...:S~l.�h., � . , ..�. � 'i�� �I'. � `�! SECITON D.4 ESC MEASURES ��� � . ', D.4.5.2 SEDIlVIENT POND �', ;: �i ;� n , �' c�: sP sya►eot: ,i' ' Purpose , � � Sediment ponds remove sediment from runoff originating from disturbed areas of the site. Sediment � ponds are typicaIly designed to only remove sediment as small as medium silt(0.02 mm). As a ' j consequence,they usually reduce turbidity only slightly. ;� Conditions of Use ; � A sediment pond shall be used where the contributing dra.inage area is 3 acres or more. � ,: . � Design and instaliation Specifications I i 1. See Figure D.4.I,Figure D.4J,and Figure D.4.K for details. � 2. If perinanent runoff convol facilities are part of the project,they should be used for sediment retention ; (see"Use of Permanent Drainage Facilities"on page D-25). Determining Pond Geometry 1. Obtain the discharge from the hydrologic calculations of the peak flow for the 2-year runoff event i (Q�. The 10-year peak flow shall be used if the project size,expected timing and durarion of ,� conswction,or downstream conditions warrant a higher level of protection. ff no hydrologic analysis �;;�i� is required,the Rational Method may be used(Secrion 3.2.1 of the Surface Water Design Manuan. ���' 2. Determine the required surface area at the top of the riser pipe with the equation: ; i SA = 2 x Q�/0.00096 or 2080 square feet per cfs of inflow '�� See Section D.4S.1 (p.D-26)for more information on the derivation of the surface area calculation. ' 3. The basic geometry of the pond can now be determined using the following desiga criteria: . i • Required surface area SA (from Step 2 above)at top of riser � � • Minimum 3.5-foot depth from top of riser to bottom of pond � � • Maximum 3:1 interior side slopes and maximum 2:1 exterior slopes. The interior slopes can be ; iincreased to a maximum of 2:1 if fencing is provided at or above the maximum water surface � • One foot of fireeboard between the top of the riser and the cnest of the emergency spillway - � I • F1at bottom a I � Minimum one foot deep spillway ' i � I � Length-tawidth ratio between 3:1 and 6:1. � � ! Sizing of Discharge Mechanisms j Principal Spillway:Determine the required diameter for the principal spillway(riser pipe). The diameter � shall be the minimum necessary to pass the pre-developed 10-year peak flow(Q��. Use Figure 53.4.H � (SWDM Chapter 5)to determine this diameter(h=one foot). Note:A pernlanenr control structure may be '��� ; �` used instead of a temporary riser. 911/98 Erosioa and Sediment Control Standards D-28 � — D.4.5—�SEDIMENT RETENTION - i ; Emergency Overtlow Sgillway:Determine the required size and design of the emergency overflow ' 'Ij , :;`� spillway for the developed 100-year peak flow using the procedure in Section 5.3.1 ("Emergency ��. � Overflow Spillway" subsection)of the Surface Water Design Manual. � Dewatering OriSce:Determine the size of the dewatering orifice(s)(minimum 1-inch diameter)using a I modified version of the discharge equation for a vertical orifice and a basic equation for the azea of a circular orifice. 1. Deternune the required area of the ori�ice with the following equation: A1�2h�o.s A° 0.6x3600Tg os where Ao = orifice area(square feet) AS = pond surface area(square feet) h . = head of water above orifice(height of riser in feet) T = dewatering time(24 hours) g = acceleration of gravity(32.2 feedsecond2) 1 2. Convert the required surface area to the required diameter p of the orifice: D=24x A° =13.54x Ao � ��, i� 3. The vertical,perforated tubing connected to the dewatering orifice must be at least 2 inches lazger in diarneter than the orifice to improve flow characteristics. The size and number of perforations in the tubing should be large enough so that the tubing does not restrict flow. The flow rate should be controlled by the orifice. Additional Design Specifications • The pond s6a11 be�divided into two roughly equal volume cells by a pem�eable divider that will reduce turbulence while allowing movement of water between cells. T'he divider shall be at least one- half the height of the riser and a minimum of one foot below the top of the riser. Wire-backed,2-to 3-foot high,extra strength filter fabric(see Section D.43.1)supported by treated 4"x4"s can be used as a divider. Altematively,staked straw bales wrapped with filter fabric(geotextile)may be used. If the pond is more than 6 feet deep, a different mechanism must be proposed. A riprap embankrnent is one acceptable tnethod of separation for deeper ponds. Other designs that satisfy the intent of this provision are allowed as long as the divider is permeable,structurally sound,and designed to prevent erosion under or around the barrier. • To aid in determining sediment depth,one-foot intervals shall be prominendy marked on the riser. • If aa embanl�ent of more than 6 feet is proposed,the pond must comply with the criteria under "Embankments"in Section 5.3.1 of the Surface Water Design Manual. Maintenance Standards 1. Sediment shall be removed from the pond when it reaches 1 foot in depth. 2. Any damage to the pond embanlrn�ents or slopes shall be repaired. � '-'���'� � i Erosion and Sedimeat Control Standards 9/1/98 ' D-29 L � ..,,.,..�s�,.� L_� -- -- - -- - D.4.5—SEDIMENT RETENTION � � � FIGURE D.4.B SEDIMENT POND RISER DETAIL s �� POLYEThIYLENE GP PROVIDE ADEOUa7E STRAPPING PERFORATED POLYETFM�IE _ DRAINAGE TUBING, DUWEfER — CORRUGATED MIN. 2' LARGER TWW — YEUL R15ER DEWA7ERING ORIFlCE. TUBING SHALL COAIPLY — � WRM ASTIA F667 AND — 3.5'. WN. MSHTO M28a. — — wA�� OEWA7ERING ORIFlCE, SCHEDULE � — COUPLING TACN WELD 4O STEEL STUB �IIN. ���� — . DIAMETER tiS PER C�1.CULATIOMS ', �.� �I���I 1 I I �. I 6� NIN. r--_ - L--- ---� 9LQED 18� YIN. " { AITERNATIVELY, ►IETAL STAKES E7 O�t � AND WRE MAY BE USED TO CONCRETE B0.5E PREVENT F'�pTATON � �ZX RISER DIA WN.—+� . I � D.4.5.3 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION { � � "1 ,� � Code: FFP or CBI 5ymbol: II II or II II �� � s Purpose � Storm drain inlets are protected t�prevent coarse sediment from entering storm drainage systems. ; Conditions of Use � 1. Protection shall be provided for all storm drain inlets downslope and within 500 feet of a disturbed or construction area,unless the runoff that enters the catch basin will be conveyed to a sediment pond or trap. 2. Inlet protection may be used anywhere at the applicant's discredon to protect the drainage system. This will,however,require more maintenance,and it is highly likely that the drainage system will still require some cleaning. _ Design and Installation Specifications 1. There ue two options for prntecting storm drain inlets:filter fabric protection and catch basin inserts. Filter fabric protection(see Figure D.4.L)is filter fabric(geotextile)placed-over the grate. Catch basin insens(see Fgure D.4.M)aze manufactured devices that nest inside a catch basin. Both options are much simpler to maintain than many other methods of storm drain inlet protection and are not a hazard w traffic.Both options provide adequate protection,but filter fabric is likely to result in ponding of water above the catch basin,while the insert will no� Thus,filter fabric is only allowed � where ponding will not be a traffic concem and where slope erosion will�not result if the curb is ; overtopped by ponded water. � Trapping sediment in the catch basins is unlikely to improve the water quality of runoff if it is treated .;.,,,,�� ���� in a pond or trap because the coarse particles that are trapped at the catch basin settle out very quickly �' Y in the pond or trap. Catch basin protection normally only improves water quality where there is no treatment facility downstream. In these circumstances,catch basin protection is an imp�rtant ilast line of defense. It is not,however, a substitute for preventing erosion. �ds I Erosion and Sediment Controi Standards 9/1/98 D-31 � � ' SECTION D.4 ESC MEASURES , i �. � FIGURE D.4.I SIDIMENT POND PLAN VIEW � I ; , � � I � KEV OMOER Wf0 SLOPE q � AR0111N SCES�� F 4 TME POND LENCtH SNALL 8E J 70 6 T11E5 lME WUf4U4 f+OND W101M - - EYp2GENGY OVERi1.OW SPILLWAY ...�^ / Vv ! PONU LENGIM i NFWM RISQt PIPE C ' SLT fENCE OR EOUIW4FM OMOEP OISCMARGE TO STABILJZFD �� CONVEYNrCE. OUTLE7 OR LtbEl SPREhDER i{ d '� �' NO7E: POIO WY 8E FORYED BY BOW OR � . BY VARTULL OR COYPLETE EXCAWTION - t' . c I, ( Y �� FIGURE D.4.J SEDIMENT POND CROSS SECTION I . RISER PIPE CREST OF 6' YIN. WIDTH ' (PR�NCIPAL SPILLWAY) ENERGENCY SPILLWAY OPEN AT TOP WITH � . TRASH RACK � PER FlG. 4.4.4\ 1' MIN. ��KMENT CONPACTED 95R. �I 1���� L =___= —{- PERYIOUS MATERIALS SUCH AS � 1�� DEWA7ERING DEVIC � �� _____=__ } GRAVEL OR CLEMI SAND SHALL ` �`I`�; (SEE RISER DETNI) _ �-________ � NOT BE �SEO. � L �- I .�' __=_�_=___ �i � _ , ------------- � . 1=-= � � A Z W a a � � � �os No. ��o�o I � �DATE ��� -� � Q � DOD � S ENGINEERS. INC. SHEET OR GI V�L ■N O�Nt Q N�NG BU F1 V C Y INO 'L.A NNINO 1 A000 1�OTN AV�. N�� 8UIT6 QOO � S�ILlVUQ. WI� YO(�07 �j..-/ I �aoe� ees.�e�� osa �n.-a��� BY -^—�-`�•� I . 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City $usi.ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.85 Q.90 Apartment Dwelling Areas . . . . . . . 0.80 0.85 Industrial Areas (Heavy) . . . . . . . 0.70 0 .80 • � Industrial Areas (Light) . . . . . . . 0.60 0.70 I Earth Shoulder . . : : : : : . . : . : : 0.50 0. 50 � P:layground . . 0.25 0. 30 Lawns., Meadows �$ �Pastuxes . . : . . . . 0.20 0 .25 Parks � Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .15 0.20 I . SINGI.� FAMILY RESIDENTIAL . , • - (Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre) ' ' • 1.0-1 . S � DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . .� . . . . 0.30 - 1 .5-3.0 DO/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35 ' 3.0-3.5 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.40 3.5-4.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.�5 • 4.0-6.0 . DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. SO , 6,0-9.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,60 9.0-15 .0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.70 � 18 . S/79 . . 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NIE., SUITE QOO - BELIEVUE, WA 66007 i�� �ZOB) BBB-7877 OR 484-37a3 BY 77�r4G T/f�� Drc ��,�/G��'�'.�-�-�'O�r/ � .�G���/�/��'`.. �S� �,�1//Dl/5 �'l���'�>�O�l/ O�lr� �, �'l/L��` �i.��J��� TI.�G�.S� �/�/� �/�1� � � L�i ��;BS/yli.v. .5 a l��B �1'/,r/. �v � /�S/�i,r/. o,� � 2�/�/�i�r/. a,e C �s.� --�- ��99���, � ��B 2lo,DD/1r�i,�/ . 8 l'f/� �7�llv�i�r/ � ��B�Gj Zlo,/O ��.r/. !l ��i��� ���i3 �'�,U �5r/��r�a� �` /D�' Z5 �`� O.�i.�o,��D ��� � �«/�/��.�: �/�/�.,�r�;� �� ,B.�i.v ,� _ �.y�� i�,Q�� Tc Bi�ir/.� x �5��.5 /19i,r/. �/o y �7��'v//� ..Z�� /,/Z�'�/f� G�/o " �25'C'f� �1�s= ���� �� _/�9�Cff� �/1��..�`'r,�� �G� ,c�i�i!/Sf��B= �,.s✓�l' /f�li��s T B,9�i,v.5,¢� - 2lv,aa /�i,v �o T D��'/� r� = �iz��/�,�. -�iv s �z�G� C��� Y 3910� Q� _ ���C'� , • , •�oe r+o.�/D/D DATE 7 �G�� Qi- DODDS ENGINEERS, INC. SHEET�OF C�VIL EN6�NEfP�NG BURVGYING PIANNINa ♦C06 1�9TH AVH.NE.6UITE 800-BlLLEVIIE.WA 90007 ��G �208�BB}7877 ON Q6A�37a3 BY G'���-,�-'9 �9L' B��s.�e�= 3,���/��°-�5 � ,B�•vs.9��' � 2d,�o /�i,ri .�O ' �93%��/� .Izs '//2%"�.Sse Q/o ' 3.s/� Qzs- �Z3� Q�_ �DO� G�!/L�F�T�S �Br��r/D � Z�y3 /�r,o�.s � B�irr/ D = /,1.��/B ill��/• Zo� /3/ %"/.f.� .Z'Z�-_ /.�vf��/�,e Qiv � 2�vB� Q�- _ �3s� �=2G9� Cv��,�� f 9G'a.�•�s�tEr ��9z/ /�/�5 Ta Br�i.�/� > 3�A9 /��� ro� DB3//.sfe .Zzs= D.Q9�''���/� �,o = �so� D�- 883� ���_�y�� G�i�r,� �G'8��s O�'f Fflr� �/,3�/����9�'s T Br�����J 37f�1v/�r.P/. �io ' D 7Z i'"/.t�e .Z�-= D�v �'"�.si� �iv=�i�G�s �zs- 9�.5'� �� _ /Z� �,���i� �G 8.�si.vso��Gt,s��z T �/9� i���s � ���ufs ��/� } 37D3/�i,�/ ..zia= D.7Z �% .T�s- D.�/o '"'/.s� �iv = 8�� �zs= /D.23� l��_ /22C�� � i � �oa Ho. 8/�/D I // DATE y-���- � DODDS ENGINEERS, INC. ,�OF � � C 1 V�L B N[3�N EE E R 1 N G B U q V E V 1 N 6 P L A N N�N� SHEET 4806 14BTH AVE. NE. 3UITE 200 - 6ELLEVUE. WA 99007 �206] 880-7677 OR 4$4-37Aa �Y �D�,oi���r/ D.� O�ri�Lo,� �'isi� �,�9,� ,��s� o�i�� ,8�4''v/�t/ .��.�i.�J -.- 3SD �G�yG�' G'�O.IvD = 2/00 //�.�i��� ,�.�'i� D�.r.�.r�� �-- ��� �'�?�"s C C=��o = 2, gBZ �/����s ,�/�iit/ ,��D.r��ir.�> � /,���9�'�'C �>O�a = /a2�i�%�Gfs �i9= /O,DD� 5a � 4`�� � /��giJ�i,r/. l��l/.i8� ���)�s�) ��= r000 � ��� � -�_ i3���,.� l�1 GS�� �����.�� � T� � /3.s/�%� ����� �� � = 2/DD /���s 7c � = /��9 /1�i,r� �- //��`'�� .zz� � /�s�/� �I��= �����s �'�- = 3a.s-��s Q�,�T iz�4�� � ����- �� �� ,D =- 29�� ����� T D = /.��� ���� lv- /.3�5i��i�,� .z"zs- /�D�%� �o - yo3�� ��- .�o��� Q� . z�.9�� ����-�� �9� .� = �az9 �����s � T�. .� = J�5-� ,�li�, I10 � /3�%�/�,e ,Z"�= /,�D ��/a�.� I �ia ' /5�D Gfs qZs = /,�.5"�� -�� = /���%� � . � � � i --/Y�.so�'r� sd� �,� /��1d0 -- . ��� � ����d���� �,�� •s��� a�������a�''�� � s��' ��'��O ����' � p����o�'a' � �� �o����� �is'yp � ����/� 3--����r� /���� �o� ��' f�/�f'� �-��s"il� �'�'%S �iy,�si,� ��� � O�OI��'� �A Q7/Il� �f/��'a0 , �/ '�/O�/dc�' �� f���� p�'o�' ��' �f.�' ��.����o� ��,y�� ����� ���.� ,�����-� a�� ��d����y �1 ��r���� ���s�� �•�� --r���� j���✓ �/� '��` r-��/f/��(/ �0 �1��y l�i�l����� �� i��/�� G3o�'��" �/�'� ���' �� ��� ��/��� o";��-,�10�'f/ '� �'�/s��O�r'j%�' �/l�o�'��d�' :��1 /s'�//�'/' .�`'o 'D/1� �4 .1/�'/rD�/�'-/ ��� �/ �'��'�/��'O� /�/�'� ��''� .i���r�/�'� G'�'���9'd� �� ��r�� r� �O ���a��� �� ���� ����������' /���'����/�" v�"1�/�7!� O/�G' G�.�/�/�� ��'�'�/�/�r� � ��'-��/rI/rJ ��� �S.i�G�� p'�'O�'`7/�' �fl.� �p �O%� �1s6� �f/�� �r� ��'o,f��O �f� �'f�a"��" : = S�%���1/� �'��S%'�1�0' ��'�0�0/l�' �'��-' ��.�o ;��;� �.s z� '�1/.s� G'%��/�� ��� ��� ��'�� a��it s2 f' �'o� ���� �����'�' /��� �'O�/ �-�'���' � ���'a�� ��'` ���r�r� ���' �� if�G�✓��.� �Y/ s�z-� =��� �����r = �a �� ���� = ��a �/�o�/ =sT �,�/�� s�/ = �� r•��s a����,r��o��-�����-a.� ���'� ��'�� -,- O L �'� ��s�� >�� ��ssd ��� s���i ���G �-�6� .z '��p ����2-�- s� �S'���`1 ��%�� ' 5�,��1������ � ��;'���� � s�y-o'��i//o� ; ��� �6� �� ���� � �8 £YLE�bSV ki0 LLBL-4BB IHOZI LDOBB VM '3Il/�31188 - 00� 321115 `9N 'HnV HiBVL S'iOZd �O 133H8 �n�irvniv�a �roi,,�nens �ro�aa3�v��w3 ��n�o •D �2 '� N1 'S �l � � NI �JN � S ❑ 000 T �i _2/-� alva O/O/ 'oK sor � � - - - - � � '��_-------..__-`_` � � _� � �� Q ��"8 ' P� f O sfTE � • .,, . k y O O Lck� � aPPr�ofe SCak �'��� ` � � 0 40 90 I60tt. �-7 TP_4 � � � � ' N � � .� � � � ' a ,.�� Tp.6 �3 � � vl�iNlrt� LEG�ND � � ��,uP M. � � � �TP-3 Approximate Test Pit Location 1 � ' Possibte Buildi,g M OO FroWrtY SftE � Line � Q Tp-I I TP-2 O * 1�''12��'� �TP'5 �` ' ``�� . O , RefereneQ � Preliminary Sife Plon O OP TP-I � �_�_ By Goe�, Guthrie d Aesociates, Inc. Undatad { ��9 � � �-p �q 1 Earth � ^ -, F � ConsuIt�nts Ina '� OEOTECNNiCA� EkOiNEERiNG t GEOIOdr „ LAKE WASHINOTON BWD. N. r Test Pit L.ocatioa Pian Apartment Site Renbn, V�shinqlai Pro�.No. i62:f Data Aup. �I Plete I � � � � INCRE- RUN-OFF TIME OF RAINFALL RUN-OFF PIPE PIPE VELOCITY FLOW REMARKS � LOCATION MENTAL COEF. AC E AC CONCEN-INTENSITY CAEF. DIA. SLOPE AT LENGTH TIME U.S.W.B. CHART, N0. �Z AREA TRATION Q � DESIGN IN PIPE STORM FREQUENCY_�YR. A C TC I (£AC•I) (n) Q FROM ' TO ACRES MIN. IN./HR. C.F.S. IN. % F P.S. FT. MIN. QCAa. VcaP. i srus �' /8 5177/ D 35 /,lv 70 /la7� f'�j,7/ /D� /, ,U/O 8 �f O JZ� �/3 D UB �/�2 90D/ j /B L'.B/� D.2�5 D,7V O/5/ /Bz/ Zo.79 /08 /.9(v7 .O«l /Z / 7 �.s�1 /3/ D.(�Z �5✓/0 �7�� s� G'B/� p i3D D iv DDi3 O,G�/3 /O.GYJ ,OZ/ ,O�O 8 .O 220 �9 O�3� ? � /%D2� Clj/7 L�B/ D205 D�o ,i ,/ /,9�8 Z/.�/ ,D(v ?Gg� DDZ� /2 3,0 5� O,/Z �958 , 59 '�" L'B//o ,Z� ,/O ODZS Q,/J25 /OpU ,lo ,O�fO ,D/O lv O .��v� �5 O.// / 787 9/G+� �B/�o CB /5 O�1v3 ,70 , z z.327 �/�5� /D ,�/l07 ,D /z ,O ,05 /DD OZ� ��9� / s L'B 2� , .ZD ��O/ 4 BD/ /B�B /./.5 D92� �D/D la ,D /3.79 �O �OZ >�0�5 /5,7 / L'B27 LB 2(o pOr�o D.7D D.D3Z DB33 /�� //5 4��8 O.OZ/ �lo ,9/p SS O� 2 �B/� �o z� ezs o,� o.�o ,O� ��s /�� 40�� i2 2a �za iz .�s � z9 3� D i�9 ,�o p, yOzsC y0 z5;4 D,i3B O,7V p,DQ7 �G�'l 5�a 2zD p,�3 p,oi0 �v 2�l y,,�3 i p Z7 /i3D 5 5 OZsB yo zs,9 O,/93 D,7o D/3S li,i35 SDv zzp ,z97 O oio b ,D 3,s/ .,�v D.zz O�z9 3.7r5 025.4 ZS O US D. 7D �O3 O,Z�O ,Z3 Z/5 O�9/ p O/O ���o �yD 3 D, /B7� .s�,Uf . ZS L'8 2� ,35�0 O 7D ,Z36 7 /9.3 //Z /lv3Z ,D /z /D 2 75 /� Q,�/ / �J ,,�57 C,B Zf< C'B/5 p,/53 D.7D 0/07 .s�� D, 5 /.D� /,7D5 D.OZS� /Z �lv 57/ 37 O// .�f,�� ,�/3 /.c�fr�0 L'B /5 DOf�3 D,iO ,q�j ,p�� /p,OD /loD p,/D ,OZS� 6 7 2!�v .Z/ , /9 Q OB� p,70 p.Q'o/ �'B 15 � / ,/5 D,7D O,/DB Z/.77 /05 ,?�07 p,0� /� 50 �o,Zlv /OU D,z7 ,3/S S�9 CB 23 � / ,039 O.�D O,DZ7 O.OZ7 S,OD ZZO p,D5� ,OZf! 7( Z.3B .0.25 /, �! S/� .�'� / 0077 O/O p,OU ,Ds/ /DOo /!� OD Z Zs� 2 3 ,7z 3 4.33 O Z , lo/ D.7D 3 L'B/f� /3 �/�/ ,7U Z.f1/ Z2D /,U %f,r// O OZ /U lo,3 �p0 /�j O 3B ' ,/ ZZ � Z/ OZ.SZ D.7D p,/��o O,/76 50o Z ZO ,3 9 p<OZ 8 Z,3 z�7 /30 G�B� 4 q93 Z z/B z/-.4 O 253 D. O ,/77 D/77 S;Gt� ZZd Q�D/O lo .� S� /'lo O,53 /,/� ./G� 7J z/ O, O.7v ,/3�v O•3/3 5•s3 2,// p,� ,D/D � 3� G,�S O,// /3Z5 �.7f� Ct3 z/ /3 D Z�1Z D.70 D,/� D,lvsB ,S,B/ 2G;� /.9s/z .D7/L /Z B 5 � 7 35 D/O 3�� , /� /rllFTzB L'B /3 O//� D�O O,OB3 D.OB3 5GYJ ZZO , 3 OOzf1 B 2 2Z/ 3 ,7�v /D/ Z G� ' B /3 �B /z �lvs p.�o O,/�( 5,o9B 2?y2 /.03 5;zs/ ,ozs� /5 �,B 770 90 O,ZO 9,/z,� 7/35 O/Z ,� p, lv Q 7D GYv7 G�Olv7 50V ,2p ./f! Q,O/D (m Z�D , S 3Z 40 3.� / ,�s CB /Z � i� Z7 G17v Gf/Q3 535 2z Z /od S�vS QO 5 . 3� .�'s9 �3 OD7 .o�a �q� 0 ZD- zD O,Z G!7D O/ S O,/95 5,DD ��p ,D/O (P 3 S (�./2 3 O,d /3/v5' ,950 ZO CB � O./5Z D. �O p,/O6 D.3D/ 5,D9 2/8 O�vSG D�Z� /L /B 2� /�"O o9/ ZS99 �zQ7 (2061 a54-37a3 OR 6B5-7B77 N0. REVISION DATE BY STORM SEWER DESIGN '` q ► DODDS ENGINEERS. INC. �sier�o BY�D4TE=� SHEET � or !L�`1��� G/5f/��� �D/D 4205-'148th AVENUE NOFaTHEAS7 �HECKED 8Y DATE qAECT ALl REPVO TO RiOJ.MGq. PROJECT NQME JOB N0. BELLEVLlE,WASHlNGTDN 9BC.7CT7 �y��� APPROVED BY DATE � . I � � 1NCRE- RUN-OFF 71ME OF RAINFALL RUN-OFF PIPE PIPE VELOCITY FLOW REMARKS LOCATION MENTAL COEF. AC �AC CONCEN-1NTFJJSITY COEF. DIA. SLOPE AT LENGTH TIME U.S.W.B. CHAAT, �VO. l� AREA TRATION 0 DESIGN IN PIPE STORM FRECUENCY_(.Q__YR. A C TC I (EAC•I) (n) Q FROM ' TO ACRES MIN. IN./HR. C.FS. IN. % F.P.S. FT. MIN. QCaa. VcaP yD.�A Ca /9 p,z�i D�� 4i�z ,i�z ��,ov ��.o o,�� Ooro � � �3s � o.� .� 7�9� _ B�- // l,/Uf� ll,7D D,//B ,5d/ �4D 20 //BS OUZf� /Z �7 �,3 //2 Q,�s 5 3s5 / P // /O — .5939 ZZ�� /OZ (�i�5£� �OZl� /s �� .5, 8 �3 ,/B lo•3�v S�� L'�S /D ,�� Q/53 070 D,/O> .p �B7 /U/ �/�lo ,D2f1 /5 ��3 ��/ /,� - DO �3�� �/�O r9l�r� /'� � — — � �� ��9/ /0/ ,/Olo DOZf� /5 3 3 :>�GJ/ � _�O/ �3s(v �/f�D _. - - --- -- 9� � � -3a/ 4, 7v 4 2!/ 0.2// /O,OD O 33B p�D/o � ' -�--_ - -- ' __ �v 3, Jzs - i DO(o �'l0 70 /�sy� �B � � —_ — — lo. _T-s� L"�9Z /O/ ��'l0_ OO/� � ZO B.�o ---- �0 3 �// :4�1�59 /03Z - 03sA � 35 O Z� D,/O ,0�3 D0�3 p�OD ,lvD OG�'a� �D/O_ _ � .�,z s!a� �A5 DZ� /G/v3 B�/7/ �5 �'B 33 p,%Z� D, 7D OG90__ O/33 .27_ /57 OZG� �DZ_ �f5 ��� 9� Q,�S /,3B9 3.978 O 3yC y0�,�,9 D,Z� 0,70 _p./�/ D/!�/ ,SOU �ZO D.3/O_ p 0/0 � Z P� s/� /O O35 ,zz/ �+Z�(p - - ���/.9 y0 3%,4 O/5 D 7v G?/o D,�O� �'GY� �zo ,Z�o DO�D lv Z 3 ,�% 7 - � --- 03/ L'6��/ 4/UZ D,�D p,07/ _L 3Z/ � Z/3 OIaB� ,O/U � �,O ,s 2�� ,iU�o 1,G3� _ � DO9 ,�f�� ,ioo � lB lv ,? O.Z�O ,59/ s� 2/2 /Zs� DDz /z 5 /9� /�lp /Zy /3(05 /�3� - _d_.33 �a�z ,359 �7o Gi25/ D,9�5 O.pz /,�2 /�BZ d,DZ� /z 2� 3lvB �3z p.�D Z�vZ 3�s�s 3Z-6 yD�;A /,D.3� D./O D,/O� O i�S/ / ,C� /l00 O,72Z �U/O Q /,Q_ /,�// --%O/ , B ./57/ SOU O�9S D,70 0.3�7 � �Z �2 O, 1 070 ,/�3 �5 /0.38 /51.0__ G.9T9 p�0/D /,O /G/ /7 DDZ .��578 /(aJ33 CB 3�v � 3z D,i�7 0,7D O/o3 U�v3 �;oo ,zv p,�� p,pz d /�o �a� l00 O�9 D Bz8 Z 37z �.�l � 3/ — -- — , �� ,�/Z ,�9 2�f9/ 00�l� /5 �/5 �(�/ /30 �(p0 %ZBS .�2 �8 !1'3 �/ D,39.S D,�7o D Z77 D,Z�7 /D,GU /lao D S/�3 ,DZs� /v � 3�-- - B2 O.�//_.�� ,�-�/5� 3/ ,f�Y.r G' — — /. y� 20� • .� �BZla p DZ� - /5 .7 �9U �3 O,/B ,5�z 3•7/ ' /��c C'e��n�� — — /, �_ /Z zo /.�3 2�B7 4DZ� /� /7 3�0 5 ODZ �lsloz �.7i8 l'0��+'�s�Q'i� — — -�- , �1 Z ZZ /,�f3 Z 7B7 4D/z z;r� /O,(� �B3 �2 0/5 1�/���� .7lvB _ 7 CB 7 pio�O O�U D.07 O 7� 5oU z,z� O//o� 4D�v _� .s� 5�/ 3� p,i2 /�� B 79/ C�3 7 �'B (v /l,z�d .7U �/lo / /U,OD /,lop O,�9.5 �DZr/ B d O �/9 /.�s' o,�02 /,rys/ 53 G'��5 0,3�// D,7D ,Z39 , BD /O,� /,55 ,� �pZ /z lp, rf3� z� O09 7z7 10�0/9 O sr4 L'B 5 OG� D 7D D.Dlv9 D.O� SOD �,zU D,/sZ OO/D l� %3 ,3� D,/3 �7,�5� //.3G� 9� CB � O s� l 7D l,Zf�3 OQ3z /�7/ /,55 /,��O Dz Z �,5 ,zi '" ,/5 .��i0 �59� CB B C,B � Oi�/ D,7U DO _D,D99 .SDD ,2U O�/B UDzs� - /z- .3, ��> /05 0'/ 3ssB 53/ C�3 � CB � O�s�3 D�v D/� /D3/ /Oel /5'Z /5107 O OZS/ __/� /, ,/,/ /D(o Gf�v Zz 3 �'�7 �a CB 3 ^— — — 5 DD Z ZD — O�O/O l0 7 U ---- /�O — /930 9BZ� �2067 4�4-37a3 OR 965-7677 N0. REVISION DATE BY STORM SEWER DESIGN !y a�� DQOOS E1VGfNEERB, iNc. �� 4205•146th AVENUE NOR7HEAST �gIGNEO BY�DATE � $MEET � OF ' -�/1�� ��/� �j"`- BELLEVIJE,W�4SHINGTON HBOO7 CHECNED BY DATE qRELT AL REPlIE4 TO PROJ. MCR. PROJECT NAME JOB N0. appROVED BY p4tE �����E-�� INCRE- RUN-OFF TIME OF RAINFALL RUN-OFF FIPE PIPE VELOCtTY FLOW REMARKS I LOCATION MENTAL COEF. AC £ AC CONCEN- INiIIVSITY CQEF, DIA, SLDPE AT LEN�TH TIME U.S.W.B. CHART, N0. �2 AREA TRATION Q DESIGN IN PIPE STORM FREOUENCYI�.YR. A C TC I (�AC•I) (n) p FROM ' TO ACRES MIN. IN./HR. C.F.S. IN. % F.F'.S. FT. MIN. QCa�. VGnP. S�UB C�3 33,l�M Q,232 ��95 1195 �Q,9� DB3 /o�;��D D�DZ� /8 2 __ �F�> � O/.5 ,�rB� �S�B3 l'�� U/k�.4 _.— — — ,���o �/.i v�3 �32�v ,DZ /B �O ��3 z — /�093 a/o7 l.�A CP�'EX,�r� _� � �� �Bz�v 3/.� 0,63 /.�� 44l BU .9� z � _ //o,D93 9/07 CB�6"'�S��Bz ,/9/0 ,70 D/37 ,�1v3_ �//r,/ D,63 ��139 ,D/Z /B /Z_ `,3 �v O/s /��,// jos� - --- _ _ .���I�9 C�B Z O/ D.� 0 7lo D,D7lv._ D,Cb ,/ol] O,�ZZ ,O%Z /8 U.� /55 IS 0,27 BOS17 y,55� 2 CB/ — — , � �/,29 O,6z �yiz 4 D<' G �v ti!O� I D.30 /Zc'S 3� OD C�/ _ CG — — � ,D3� 3/,59 ,8Z 7��� �D/Z �� D 5" �,3v /Z5 D 39 /73Z� 5 S/ 1206)n5a-37a3 OH BBS-7877 N0. REVISION DATE 9Y STORM SEWER DESIGN ?y r. DC]C7�S ENGItVEERB, INC. aDESIGNEO BY��ATES� SHEET�OF �O�_ 4205-'14E3th AVENUE NORTHcAST ���y� ��/� . F3[LLEVLIE,�NLISHINGTON 9BOO7 CHECKEU BY OATE DIRECT A�l. REPLIES TO PROJ. MGH. i pROJECT NAME JOB NO. APprtpyEU BY DATE _— ��r �--f1-�� � - � Ea�thcalc, Inc. � � 270 Lund Road 360 533-2007 _ � ) � - '� Cosmopolis, WA 98537 FAX: (360) 533-1618 �` �,� .�"..,�-.�—=._��. ._.�:F�.-: INTERNET: http://www.techline.com/�earthcic July 7, 1999 Earthcalc Job# 7303 Bruce Dodds Dodds Consulting Engineers 4205-148'�Ave N.E. Bellewe, WA 98007 RE: The Bluffs Dear Bruce, Enclosed please find grid elevarion cut/fiIl graphics and volumes for this project, which was calculated using the average end area method and the following assumptions: 1. A stripping depth of 8"was applied to the existing terrain. 2. A depth of 6" from design elevations to subgrade in the landscapes. 3. A depth of 12" from design elevations to subgrade in the paving. 4. A depth of 10" from finish floor elevarions to subgrade in the bnild.ings. TOTAL RAW VOLUMES IN PLACE (Yolumes are in Cubic Yards) Region Area(ft�) Cut Suitable Fill Volume Stripping Volume Lower Site 89,334 3,163 14,728 2,175 Entrance Road 131,943 40,455 3,939 3,219 Main Site 283,606 98,278 22,943 7,037 405 Cut 19,187 11,826 0 476 * Raw volumes are calculated after existing terrain has been stripped, thus creating less cut and mare fill of suitable material. Raw volumes have not been adjusted to reflect shrink or swell for compaction and expansion and are volumetric areas only. i -----�---------------------------�---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------�----------___-__----------------- S�� i�nrv� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB A�1tB : THB B�,IIFFS LOWOt SI3'B BUILD&R : DODDS WISULTI�G �G OPER�TOR : F�RY'HCgI,C 360 533-Z007 DgTB : 07/06/1999 PRI�P� : 07/06/1999 01:34:35 P!( voLv�Bs x�oRT JOB NA!!E : 344.F,�S THE BLUFFS LOWER SITB PRINTED : Oi,�06j1999 01:51:42 PN STRIPPING RBGIOIi DBPTH AREA 70L01� ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- STRIPPIHG LOWER SITE 0.67 87665 2175 V4LQHES CY AREA, SF (AFTER S'P�tIPPIHG) ---------------------------- ------------------ REGION I,�YER 1�iATERIAL SEC'1' TOTAL CGT FILL CUT FILL ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- BLDG � HAT'L GROOND SOITABLE 0.83 5207 2605 2602 250 224 BLf� B NAT'L GROIIND SQITABLE 0.83 5198 0 5198 0 633 BLDG C NAT'L GROOND SCITABLE 0.83 5145 0 5145 0 625 ------------ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- SUB TOTAL: NAT'L GROUND SOITABLE 15550 2605 12945 250 1482 LDS O1 HAT`L GROOHD SUITABI,B 0.50 22960 3351 19609 265 4841 LDS 02 NAT'L GROQND SQITABLE 0.50 13491 9017 4474 1698 428 ------------ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- SUB TOTAL: N�T'L GRO(1ND SOITABLE 36�51 12368 24083 1963 5269 P���ING N�T`L GROUND S�ITkBLE 1.00 3;333 5887 31446 950 ?9?7 -------------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- JOB '1'OTAL NAT'L GROUND SQITABLB 89339 20860 584?4 3163 14?28 SITE AREA: 113609 UNSPECIFIED: 242�5 ese ro unes ;aere ca a e using e . _ � .. ne o . 4499 cross sections Were computed at an average separation of 0.24 feet. BALANCE REPORT JOB NA�iE : 344.EAS THE BLOFFS LOWER SITB 1 D : 07!06/1999 01:51:42 PN VOLQNBS CY BALANCB (AFTER ST�IPPING) COHPACTIOH VOLOF[BS CY BXPORT (Il�IPORT) CHAHGB ------------------ ---------- ------------------ ------------------ -------- REGIOA L,'�YgR HATBRIAL COT PILL COT FILL COT FILL DNSDIT SOIT PBR .1 FT ------------ ------------ ---------- -------- -------- ---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- BLDG A HAT'L GROIJHD SQITABLE 250 224 1.00 1.23 250 275 0 (26 22 BLDG B NAT'L GROQHD SQITgBLE 0 633 1.00 1.23 0 778 0 �778 24 BI17G C HAT'L GROGND SDITABLB 0 625 1.00 1.23 0 769 0 1769 23 LDS O1 NAT'L GROG'HD SQITABLE 265 4841 1.00 1.17 265 5664 0 (5399 47 LDS 02 NAT'L GROCND SOII'p.BLE 1698 428 1.00 1.17 1698 501 0 1197 53 PAVING NAT'L GROUND SUIT�BLB 950 7977 1.00 1.00 950 7977 0 (702?} 138 ------------ '------------ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- JOB 'lY?TgI, 3163 14728 3163 15965 0 j12802} 357 � f�� 0 v� c a � p t� co � � �t d �, ,), ,r [�n �tj�����,�'�'{ t r, ' ��� � t t tEf'r,1`F�r{.;�;�i ,,y � � �` J�,�I {� ��� r� ` � �� k� ��i , "' �'��� x'�1�i�iJ'"ja'f ���i� � �. '�J 1 � ,� ;���, � "{t`�����r�`�r't �,.�. � `� f � �� r � � ���1iFl�,f{•tf,��t t t� ���`����?t�;�� t r�rr�9f�'f�f f�'�rr,:�,;�'�`C��;. ����?����f��;i��r����,fl�;����i;£ _ r,��yk� � ' ,a���; ,r11�� �� ������{;ff�lfl��t,'�?,��`�� " � t :�fj'E������,,,t6rr � — r� 1' ' il'�.�.,�. � i,����{?� � � ��' � - -- r, i �(i j r��, � �, - � � J�t ���. :� �: ���} ��f f�� �� - , <� � � � . �� �t�. _�� } � � 1;� r� , ,� � � - �f r. +t t �� r�,� � � � � r ..�� � ; , ' � j�" �J � �F+�.�j� �� 1 '�;=1 ��it�- � ��. i ��r+lTr�rt��� G r � 1 -- ,� � Ci ���i � . r�::_�� �rj�,_I't f��� � . � .�-] j��� ,� ��, � ,� � . . ��� j �� �r� .. ' �s� '-�!, � � r �t� , - - - � -1�i,�y�'�1. ' �. � �+ + r t'� _ + rf r .},..+�f � ._ - . f + '... � � . ....� . . . . .. 7��1 .. r ,� . - _ . _ -� _.�..� `� �� ` —v----'�.`' K� _ �� �__� _-�"s. �,_r _ �.��;- . �-� "'G K-'- -- , - `��: �5` =� - �` . '�_�" �' - ' '�� �;:=._�T. �r �� - �.cc-' _:��- � - - �,.,` _ ^/_ � Sc �t " { � .K �� _ _ _,f .f. i � `�` S � �\ 1y� �.� \l� � • ` Job Nane:T� BLOFFS LOWBR SITB � 0 � x a � , S Er Y` � f {Y�y;> � 5 d Yo„ : y ;�a��� � � ,���'S�x�j ������ , I;j�.). i�,frn � i [!] � ' '�ry{ .�1'9 �i i�k < < ~ rti � � 'i i�'���� ,i �' � , � , ea ,,'•�� ��4��1�� ,:� '� f }���.��� r� �.i ` i ' �5 54) F f t� e'',, 1,l; � ° F� �� �' 'r � it '�' i 11� ' `�y��, Pn ti u a - ' i�f ��,�,�A � ' �'� d1"' p� �i i,� ..� �! + �^ i P�^�. ��;�'!�,X> ' 1 ��'�kr,"i�p, ' ��Ftr� �7 � h'�rf;fr'4�, Fry,a � � r � ,,����1 �. , �1, y�,��, �p p�, � .7:h �,.�A 4��i� ; � .+���fyi.� _-�` �\'�j5`!�� �3 �n t�P��y,��yI = ,/�^� �,f� ,1• ���/�'% s/�1k{f�i�� — � `.� -- r }. ,�n��, n 'd.��.$. � '��� .,p r ,,�� I d:�h�!. �'� �1,i, f � � i������ � ���f�r,� ��n. ?'/���'. � � R�,'�?�,�,) ��r ���: f{���� p ����� rr���� �Fl� � � ;`> r,'r EJ�� , �� �� __ f � �r� r � 6{� ' �f r�l��% �` ��11�-�,+;;� (�i� �, � , ;r���,r�� ,, f. � r ��h,�, �`� �;�r� �-� j � ��� ) ,(r T)�� fh/ � f+ /�t`.f ���r ��id� ~;r���ltr�� Y f j 1�I �f �i�'`�, t ;`_r,f �(;tt�r / �,�1` � � .� ���T�����; � r t���, /�� �j�� '� > f. �,, � �f %�'�ir�i'��7�1�� .� �.. X� } � '�t� r ;i ,� ;`.• �" �v y � �, 1 f .`..V I � � _ - 4:, � ; :. �: . - ,. _ - _ _ - _ ; • ��_ ��� --__--- ' _.. - -- - _ _ ; � V� -- ,: - : _ :. � �,.--- --., , — - �_� _.� _- _ -� ,.. w= __... . ... ,.. �...:. _:._ _ ,, . . - .. ,. ., �. � Job Hane:THB BLDFFS LOWER SITE �,,_. ����- � ?x�rnu�� �'S�;Y�~� �,,�,,.V;Xf7�,7� �x��.�r.�S, y� ��2. _ m. 1. �" .``r',��'��' - _ ` �,•�i: �'��� � _ .: �' `ti`,kt,x> �:� _ ��, �.����;�^X����k%`t. .'�`C'CSa't��`i,'�t-'�•,'a- _ . .�.:x. �ri:'t•. •,'. , . �\'�- '�Kw` -�"'� _ K `- '�-� .. 1 - . '�-. -�^�k,-?s.'. •` . �4< ''Z `��,42. F'4 `<..�.,����.�:�`�� s�_--' t�v1'� ��. `KS ����v���� `tyti����i'�� l �-Y\ '� ,�`f`;':ys.���.�� '�t�r�� r'�j�l\li ` -^���„>', '� X T., i I��-�C� -�1�� ,�Gt� �,'� ��`.� ti:�a \ '`X - ''" �.���'�`'�,5���c` Xxr - '�`•.J f ` '`��r�`{'..� � "�`"��f ' �`i ,J\ ` ���-'"r v 'v' / � �<� Job Nane:I'HE BLDFFS LOWER SITE � � 2 , � v t � � �.o t , I 67.3 '� € f t i 3 1 6s.Q i � 3! 6B 9� 12! 17! THB BLDFFS LOWER SITS HORIZ 30.00 FT/IIi. ELEO 15.00 FT/IH. POINT 1 X= -125.1 Y= 28.3 2 -187.0 -113.$ � � 21 R /�� � -�\ � 19 �. � �.� ��� /:,. �7`��� � � �� ���, �� �� � t6 / �� �!� i � ��,.--�`"'� � �u�..y=—'��-�—'__'-r-���\�` �j�� �. '�_� � is �,, � � l ��`� �.// � ' �-.l�� � - - ; =\��i�-_��J� v ` ``` � t< � ��•��^-�����- � 'Z+�.* - �����_�lr=^ - - .� t2 S' _ ��=� _ �'*.���T `:�^. 4. -. — .c. / � 11 1 ., ; _ �_ 4 ��, � :� �� � d: �"4�'4.. ,' �� �� -` �,� (\ � 9.: � f�- �� , J�° I �� � . .---��<� �-`� � �` � e�� ;, `����: .� �� =� _ , � ,, ��'� �`-�� � �,'`v' - - - �.� ��. -�� j � _ _ �" ,.-� 31� �� ''' l, � ,\ _Z> � �..r'r' - -� �,���� 1 � � ,.: �I �� �:. - �` ' � � z.. I , .,'. �' \ .. ; L / . � � �� "'�l �:�� .� i.• ! ,: \ ,.'1 � __�\\����^ � � - � � ���� a:: _ �.• �� �,� � >.�,. � qk�� 2.1 � �,�� '.' 'I r..�: � s.� � � �.� e � a iee 2ee 8' 9.: � � 14 IS 16 18 19 � 21 A='-435.2,139.6) B=}-435.2,-264.�) C=(28?.8,-264.4) Job Nane:THE BLDFFS LO�iBR SII'E � X � � n � $ � � Y ffi , $ � � � " � 0 A 3 � � � � $ m � � R X n N � m � n � � � a o ri � rv � � � rv i ri r a a ry � � � m � N � � � � �� «...,� I�.i . � AbRS' i�#F iS�C2Y4 �� � � ..... . � � .. .. . ... � � SY 1 'lY,��j'� 4, y. g t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITBAORR R&PORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB � : 'PHS BLUFFS N�Il� SPlB BQILDSR : DODDS 81(GIIIEERS I]1C. OPER�TOR : EgRTHC�LC (360� 533-200� D�7B : 07/06/1999 �x�r� : o7/m/i9� ii:n:�s � , trnr nuvS RBPORT ,NE : 654.BAS THE BLUFFS NAIN SITB � : 07!07i1999 11:27:26 AH STRIPPIIIG REGION DEPTH �REA VOLQME ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- STRIPPING EAST 0.67 210112 5214 STRIPPING WEST SIDE 0.67 90425 2244 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- TOTAL: 300537 7458 'JOLQHBS CY _ ARBA, SF (�FTHt ST�tIPPING} , ---------------------------- ------------------ REGIOA LgYER NATERIAL SECT T�TAL COT EII,L COT FILL -------------- ------------ ---------- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 405 COT NAT'L GROUND SUIT.�BLE 0.50 19187 19129 58 11826 0 BI,DG A HgT`L GROOND SUITABLE 0.83 17409 15724 1685 6669 61 BLDG B HAT'L GROOND SDI1'l�BLE 0.83 4967 4767 200 1940 5 BLDG C HAT'L GROfJND SUIrABLE 0.83 21102 16823 4279 7197 1350 BLDG D NAT'L GRO[JND SIIIT�BL6 0.83 4897 4897 0 3114 0 BLDG E HAT'L GROfIHD SfiIT�BLE 0.83 4906 4858 48 1728 1 BLDG REC. AAT'L GROOND SUIT?.BLE 0.83 35i9 3102 47? 754 41 ------------ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- SIJB TOTAL: NAT'L GROUND SQITABLE 56860 501?1 6689 21402 1458 LDS O1 NAT`L GRO[JND SCITABLE 0.50 7166 6321 845 2640 55 I,DS 02 NAT`L GROCTND SOITABLE 0.50 29385 24408 4978 6568 1408 I�DS 03 NAT'L GRO(JHD SGIT�BLE 0.50 ?048 6677 371 2404 22 LDS 04 NAT'L GROCND SDIT�BLB 0.50 775 775 0 631 0 LDS 05 NA`P`L GROCND SOITABLE 0.50 41140 40525 615 167?3 6 LDS 06 NAT'L GROUHD SUITABLE 0.50 3541 3451 90 2115 1 LDS 07 HAT'L GROQHD SOIT.�BLE 0.50 18200 1?583 51? 4965 10 LDS 08 POND 11AT'L GROIIND SOITABLE var 34710 1279 33431 02 16041 ------------ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- I SUB TOTAL: HAT`L GROQND SQITABLE 141966 101019 40947 35658 17543 P�UING O1 NAT'L GROUND SOITABLE 1.00 53810 47649 6161 29173 3121 P�VING 02 NAT`L GROUND SUITgBLE 1.00 24855 22496 2359 11311 481 ------------ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- SIJB TOTAI�: HAT`L GROIJND SUITABI,E 78665 70145 8520 40484 3602 POOL DSCR ARBA NAT'L GROUND SOITABLE 0.83 6115 3783 2332 734 340 ---------------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- JOB TOTAL NAT'L GROUND SDITABLE 302793 244247 58546 110104 22943 � 0 tr � /• , y.'',. ' '•�....,'! ' � �,.�, /. %.;'' � �'"��/ �., �`.1���%;,.,.f.,.'<.,: 'L�� -,. ,... •���•..� ��'.�%'.:-�� 's7 �.�/ /�;, i. /{ l�.,,� � : }(��� }}}''' : .... y �\,{`��T�fr`}���/ �)"..��: �•.!, '`..,�;`'�;� ' /1( �y � .r_ `r-`.�.. �`•.1 � �.,`'•.. � h�� `���` �� ,%J....:;�,:,/ , �, . � ,���•h?�X�<�? i�.��;�: i�����'+. ,e ��'� � ''., , ; ' H , % ", '^` '',. ,.� ,�� �lr:<'��!,�`,�,.�- .', :. '�:": � � �';;� `,� 'c',">, .',;e^p' ; �; �'`—���� • >� i•, ,•� :.• ,5;.; .�.�: ���/� .,i��,;�.� ;.�, ,,K,,: ,';:;�a, tic�� '� �� � �,~,r '', ` ,'-,,.�.� '�:,,i,^r�.; ��-�. .;,� x s.�i�1;��` .';•. .�i ; �r ;'jc`, � i ,,i ., ;.. .;�. ,�.. ,x ,� � �,,, ,!�., , •�'`..�; p �- '�';`( r`ht� t, i',t �r�-''�.;��,h �; ^;',�J`<. ;:�� x.,i r..�, ...`(f, �� ��, -� . , . 'l, .�'�{;�' l �`�'i:., ��.!`,<,f�' i i•, ,� � % ';, :ti r'"r: 1..�,�_ �\rI`-�. 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COARSE-CRMNED 5045 GRAVEiS CLFJW CRAVE�S cw wd�-qrodee Groveis Yo�e lnon SOx Moro thon SOx ol Le�t lhon 57L f'�nes CobEles ] �n- to 12 in. r�lained on coorae frocllon pp Poory-qrodea grovds No. 200 s�e retoined on CrevN ] �n. fo No. ♦ (<.76mm) No. 4 Sieve CRAVEIS YnTM i1NE5 CM fOVN on0 �l Mixturea Coorse qrove� J ++. to �/a in. uwe tlan 12S fu�es � e� �ne qrovd 3/a in. to No. ♦ (�.76mm) CC 4Cudurea S/�DS CLEAN WdDS Sw wNt-groCed Sonas Sond No. a (t.76mm) to Na. 200 (0.07tmm} 507[ or more ol less thon Sx fnes Coorx so�A No. 4 (s.76mm) to No. 10 (2.Omm) coorse froclion Sp poory-qrotled Sonds Medium sano No. 10 (2.Omm) to No. �0 (0.�2mm) posses No. � Sieve Fine saW No. 10 (0.�2mm) to NO. 200 (0.074mm) SM105 WRH FINES SN SOnd ond Sip A/i:lures IAore tnon 12x ��nes yK o� qq, Snaner lhan No. 200 (0.07�mm) SC Sond orW Clq 1A'slurca i1NE-GRUNED SqlS 50.T5 ANO CUYS N��� CL La.-P�t'Kity Cloy� SOx or more posses Lpu�d Iim�t _ Ih� No. 200 s�e.e �ess lnon SO �- oslK ontl . uL RasGcity 51ts on-p oal¢ o�d Low- SSR1pIBS ORCANtC a PloslicRy Orqonit Cloya . Non-plostic ond Lo.- SS SPT Sompler (2.7 00) PlosGeily Orqo��e Sib � �� � Sp`� �� SIlTS AND CU1Y5 ��,�C CH NiqA-pkslicily Cloys $M Shelbp TuOe LiQu�d imil P atchtr Sompr qrloler thon 50 YM Miqh-plosCKity Sills B Bu1Y Mpn-p�os�aty �.�� � Orqorwe Cbys C CoreA Hiqh-ploftkity prgonie Silts Unlesa otnerwise noleC, Crive samples � HIGHLY ORGAHIC $OILS Primariy wgonit mollN, doK in color, ontl adwnted r�ll+ 110 Ib. hamenv .ith organ�c o0or PT Peal 30 �n. drop. Relative Density or Consistency Laboratory Teata �1Hlizinq Standa�d Penet�ation Test Values _._... resc oes�gnot�on Cohes�o�less So�ls�O} Cohesive Soils �b� Mastun (i) I pensity 0 ��) ��) Relalive (�� Undroined (d) G.o�n x:• G Oensity N, Wows/ft. 0��{ity Co�sisteney N, blows/(t. Shea(P��englh �yyroTeeer N ) AlterEerq lin+ih (t) Very ioosa 0 to a 0 - �S Very wfl 0 �0 2 <250 ConsoWol:on C loose t W 10 15 - 35 Solt Z to s 250-500 Uneon�'v�ea u Compoc( 10 l0 30 JS - 63 Frm � to B 500-1000 W Trio. UU Oense 30 to SO 65 - ES St�lf E lo t5 1000-2000 CU Trio. W Very Dense ovrr SO >BS Vary StAf 15 l0 30 2000-a0p0 CD irioa Cp Hord � over 30 >4000 Pameopilily P (o) Sods consistie�q of qrev�l. sond, ontl s�11, elMr seporotNy or in ca�npinotion, poss�pirq no chorxt�ristics (1) 1/astun ond Atlabrq lim� ol pbslitity. ond e:lw�ilinq draneA btAovior. pbtled on b¢ (E) Soils poasessinq tM cAuacleristics ol pWstieity, ond sYhibitinq unOrained beMvGor. (c) Reter to te:l ot ASTN 0 1586-84 1or o aefinil'an of M; in earmoly conw�laoled cohesionleaa aah ReloGw Mnsity lams on Doud on N wlup cqrected tor ov�rburoen pressur�s. (d) UndroineE s�ew �V�nqlh . 1/y �onlined compresaion stra�qtR .Sl�t and Clay Dese�iptiona Typ�cal Unified Oescription Desiqnotion Descriptive Terminology Denoting Component Proportions s��c u����,-,wn��> _ ao� s� a-r� (b. y�p�,) Deseriptive Terms Ronge of Proportion S�h' G°p a C�q' p1 Trx� 0-57i PlostSe 9t YX �soms w�ej.cC�e�0� 12-�3oR Or9w,�c sa'�s a. oN. Pt Md 30-S07G (o) Ua� Grova9r� Sandy o�5dty as ePDroDriaie. �p° Golder Associates Figure SOIL CLASSIFICATION/LEGEND )7]-1064/FORu57� PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-1 SHEET �oF? DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1058 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 � SOIL PFOFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWShT � PIEZOMETER W w 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � = E��! ¢ BLOWS/6 IN. _ ? a m N a WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER H DESCRIPTION m w w O � ¢ p � a 140 Ib.hammer V ,�V LEVEL � m � �� DEP7H z � 3p inch drop ¢ WP� 'm -135.0 � Compact Nery stiH lo denselhard,light brown g�,p_ :�" 0.0 (5YR 5/6)to moderate yellowish brown(10YR Ml -' 5/4)to pale yelbwish Wown(lOYR 2/2)to light olive gray(SY 5/2)(SY 6J1)to medium bluish gray (58 5/1)to medium dark gray(N4),motlled,iron stained,sitty very fne SANDNery fne sandy SI�T, damp to moist(GLACIO-LACUSTRWE DEPOSIT) -Iron staining banded and vertical to near verticat in places -Laminations 1 SS 5-1410 20 18/18 5 -Mica -Sandy irtegular ro stcepy dipping partings -7race f ine gravel T 2 SS 9-14-22 36 18/18 � �I 10 I ¢ I � ' = I � 3 SS 13-18-23 41 18/18 iS L U C _ � O 20 a ss io-�s-2s az �ena � 2s s ss 9-�a-22 3s 2a2 . 6 SS B-12•16 28 18/18 � � Log conlinued on next page DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley � DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: �- �id� DRILLER: �ad Gregory pp7�: 6!8/98 ���SS�� PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-1 SHEET ? oF 2 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 � SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE � F BLOWS/FT � P��OMETER W 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � v ELEV. Q BLOWS/61N. � Z DESCRIPTION rn Q m w N a WATER CONTEN�PERCENT WATER w O � � a 140 Ib.hammer � o m � �� DEPTH z � 30 inch dro ¢ wP' � �yy� LEVEL P 30 � � , ,__ , — — — — — — — — — — 1 : Very stilf,medium dark gray(N4),SIU to 1 _. CLAYEY SILT ro SILTY CLAY,damp to wel (GLACIO-LACUSTRINE DEPOSII) ' 1.:' -Horizontal ro irreguWr Wminae/partings -Fradured and possible minor CL- 7 SS 6•9-10 19 18/18 35 ML � 8 SS 6-9-13 22 18/18 � ¢ � - _ - � 9 SS 8-10-72 22 2(N2 � 4S t - U C O O r — — — — Dense,darfc yellowish lxown(tOYR 4r2)to lighll �olive gray(SY 6!7),fine to coarse SAND,trace � ' silt,Hnle rou�ded gravel,dry to damp (OUTWASH) SW — — �Hard,moderate yetbwish brown(70YR 5/4)to 1 pale yellowish brown(10YR 6✓2),mottled to iron ��A stained�„e SANDY SILT ro SILT,damp to mast — `:;�- - — � 13-26-22 48 18/18 `� (GLACIO-LACUSTRINE DEPOSI� ML � � 108 Bottom o1 hole at SO.S 1t 55 60 ORILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGEO: O.O'MaUey � °f"" ��Goldex DRI�LJNG CONTRACTOR: ��Y 9 CHECKED: DRILLER: �ad Gregory DATE: ��8 1���� SHEET 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Lincoln/The Bluffs/WA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-2 - - , DATUM: MSL i PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 O SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE �'�. = BLOWSIFi � PIEZOMETER 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � v ELEV. ¢ BLOWS/6 IN. z a m N < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER � DESCRIPTION rn Q(� w w O vVi ¢O DEPTH � a 140 Ib.hammer W .Y4 LEVEL o m � � -' z � 30 inch drop Q WP� �� -145.0 � Very loose to loose,pale yelbwisb Wown(tOYR gyy� - 0.0 6/2),tine to coarse SAND,trace fine rounded ML- �- gravel,interbedded with bWdc(Nt)coal chunks, SM and light gray(N7�cinders,dry to damp(FILL) 1 SS 4-4-3 7 2J18 � �. 5 2A SS 2-7-2 3 12/1 � 10 2g . 1 �:'.:.. :t�.-.�.:r. _ — — — — — — _ _ — 1 �''ra'.':: Q 1 . = 1 }.. � 3 SS 2-2-2 4 12/18 � 15 � Very bose to bose,motll�ron stained. SP- a moderate yellowish brown(10YR 5/4)to pale SM 1 � � yeliowish Gown(tOYR 4/2)to light dive gray(SY 'Q 6!1)(SY 5/2),tine SAND,trace to little si�,and silry fine to medium saM,trace fine rounded gravel,dry to damp in upper part(FILL) -Increasing wetness with depth,especialty ac-ao n 4 SS 33-3 6 14l16 � 20 5 SS 2-3-4 7 12/18 � 25 � log oontinued ai next page DRILL RIG: �E 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DHILUNG CONTRACTOR: G��Y��ling �� CHECKED: GOIdPY ORILLER: Chad Gregcxy DATE: ��8 �`��` I � PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNYA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-2 SHEET ?oF? DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 0 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE � BLOWSlFT � P��OMETER W 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC uW. � = E�� ¢ BLOWS/6 IN. � Z DESCRIPTION v� a m W N < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a ¢ U a� f a 140 1b.hammer � wp Om � � � DEPTH Z � �p i�ry dro Q Wp� �—+WI LEVEL P -145.0 � 0.0 Very loose to loose,monled/iron stained, SP- moderate yelbwish brown(10YR 5/4)to pale SM 6 SS 2-2-2 4 18/18 � yelbwish bram(tOYR 4/2)to light olive gray(SY 6!i)(SY 5!2),fine SAND,trace to little sift,and silty line to medium sand,trace tine rounded , gravel,dry to damp in upper part(FILL) 1 � \ I Dense,moderate yellowish Wown(tOYR 5✓4)to 1 ��i pale yHlowish brown(tOYR 6�2).silty(ine SAND, 1 `:: '�, iron stained,mica,wet(GLACIO-LACUSTRINE �5 DEPOSI� ' SM 7 SS 7-1&18 37 18/1 �� \ I� ......�.���. 1 I Very stiH to hard,mecium dark gray(N4),SILT to 1 �'�, CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY,moist(GLACIO- 1 r"; LACUSTRINE DEPOSIT) 40 -Cantains stcep angle banded iron staining and sandy paRings CL- -Areas of(racturing and possble minor ML . 8 SS 612-16 28 20/2 � � slidcensides? � -Laminated in areas,hor¢ontal to irteguWr and discontinuous ¢ � 2 O ' 4S t - c a 9 SS 7-1320 33 20/2 � v �\ , Dense to hard,interbedded,lighl oYve gray(SY � 5J2),fine to medium SAND,trace sdt and gravel, � pale yelbwish brovm(10YR 62),highly 12ctured 50 �LT,pale yelbwish brown(10YR 6J2),fine lo coarse SAND with Gtlle to same sill,and mode2�e gp_ ' 10A yellowish brown(tOYR 5/4)to Ight olive gray(SY �„�� `- �� � 8-27-24 45 20l2 � 5!2),fine SAND to SILT,that coarsens up and 10C cmtains ravel in r rt ALLUVtUM tOD Botlom ol hole 51.5 ft 55 60 log continued on next page ORILL RICa: �E 5� LOGGED: D.O'Malley � DqIWNG CONTRACTOR: G��Y���^G CHECKED: �_ ��� pp���q: Chad Gregay DATE: �B �;�� PROJECT: Lincoln/The Bluffs/WA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-3 SHEET 1 OF 3 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton, WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 � SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE � F BLOWS/Ff � PIEZOMETER 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � v ELEV. ¢ BLOWS/61N. � Z DESCRIPTION v� a m w N a WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a ¢ U a C7 � a /401b.hammef w O cn ¢ O DEPTH � w W � ;W� LEVEL o m � � � z � 30 inch drop ¢ p` -172.0 � Very loose,moderate yelbwish brown(10YR gy,q 0.0 5/4),fine to coarse SAND,Gttle to some gravel. Coal ���� lrace to ittle sift,damp to moist,inlerbedded wilh black(N1),coal chunks and light gray(N7). cinders,dry to damp(FILL) 1 SS 1-1-1 2 12116� 5 2 SS 2-2-2 4 78/i � 10 ¢ x � 3 SS 1-1-2 3 M18 � 1S L c v a ,` � ::�::.:'��; �::. - - - - - - - � �.:;._�..�.. Loose to compad,moderate yeilowish brown \ - (10YR 5/4)to light olive gray(SY SY2),tine to medum SAND,trace sit1,damp to moist. � _' interbedded with silty fine to medium SAND,trace 4 SS 23-3 6 14/16 � pp coarse sand and i'ne rounded gravel,damp to moist,black(N 1)coal chunks,and Ight gray S� �� (N7).cinders(FILL) Coal .��. ' II 5 SS 4-2 3 5 161 8 � , 25 I � Log continued on next pa9e DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRIIUNG CONTRACTOR: Gregay Driling CHECKED: ���jQld� ORILLER: �d Gre9ory DA7�: 6/8/98 ��rSSO�� � PROJECT: Lincolnlfhe Bluffs/WA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-3 SHEET 2 OF 3 � DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton, WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 � SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE x g�py,r� � PIEZOMETER � ELEV. 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � ¢ BLOWS/61N. � Z DESCRIPTION v� Q m W N a WA7ER CON7EN7,PERCENT WA7ER a ¢ U ¢� � a 140 b.hammer dN LEVEL w� m j � � DEPTH z � 3p inch dr ¢ Wp r i yy� oP 30 loose to compact,moderate yellowish brown gM/ (tOYR 5/4)to kght dive gay(SY 5/2),fine to �a� .� 6 SS 23-4 7 12/1 � me6um SAND,irace siR,damp to moist, interbeddt.d vrilh siky fine to medium SAND,lrace coarse sand and fne rounded gravel,damp to moisl,black(N 1)coal chunks,and ight gray(M), cnders(FI�L) 35 - 7A �B SS 5-8-5 13 13/18 � ' �0 B SS 4-5-5 10 14/1 a3.0':Becomes compaa a � x 0 15 t U a s ss e•io-s �s 12/18 � so io ss s-a�2 2� is�ia 55 �i ss s-io-io zo iai eo Log continued on next page DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILUNG CONTRACTOR: G��Y���^9 CHECKED: ��GOIdP_Y DRILLER: �+ad Grepory DATE: ��8 ��1$��` PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-3 SHEET 3 oF 3 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 � PENETRATION AESISTANCE O SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES 8��� x � F�EZOMETER 0 0 0 0 Q GRAPHIC w � v ELEV Q BLOWS 161N. r z DESCRIPTION m a m W N a WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a � U ¢� � a 140 b.hammer V YJ �EVEL w O m �OJ DEPTH � � 3p inch dro ¢ Wp� v �yy� o m � z p � SP-SM:{:_::c:' 12A Loose to 1irtn,interbedded:moderate yelbwish brown(10YR 5/4)to light olive gray(5Y 5/2),tine SM �:� - �2C SS 3-3-4 7 14/7 8 � to medium SAND,little to some silt,woad chunk, ML 12D moist to weh moderate yellowish brown(10YR - - - 5/4)to pale yellowish brown(10YR 6/2)to light � 'gray(Nt),SILT,ci�ders,coal chunks,mast lo I SM :� 13 SS 4-3-2-4 6 24/24 � wet;and dusky yellowish btown(tOYR 2/2),silly �fine to coarse SAND,liltle fine rounded gravel, �I �charcoal,moist to wel(FILL)_ _ _ _ � 1 Firtn,dusky yellowish brown(tOYR 2/2)to pale I I ye9owish brown(tOYR 6!2),motlled,iron stained,� SM ���� _ 14 SS 4-67-4 11 18l24 i 65 fine sandy SILT,aganic material,charcoal,mast; '� I to wet(OLD TOPSOIL) � Loose to dense,moderate yeliowish brown(10YR 3/4),mottled,silty fine to coarse SAND,little to SW �:= 15 SS &15-22-24 46 22/24 I some rounded gravel,wet(ALLUVIUM) � —Becomes less silty and more gravelly with I depth �I Bottom of hole at 67.5 ft �I 70 a i 0 75 L c e a 80 85 90 DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILUNG CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: ��Golder ORILLER: �ad Gregory DATE: �8g8 ���5`� PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNYA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-4 SHEET y oF 2 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 O SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESI.ANCE PIEZOMETER o BLOWS/Ff O 0 GRAPHIC LL � � ELEV. ¢ BLOWS/61N. F Z DESCRIPTION v� a m W N < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a Q U a � � a 140 D,hammer V w O u� ¢ O DEPTH � w y,� � LEVEL o m � �� z � 30 inch dtop � P� �WI -168.0 � Very loose.moderate yelbwish brown(tOYR 5/4) Syy 0.0 and bladc(N7),tine to coarse SAND,sane tine rounded gravel,irace silt and coal chunks,damp (FILL) 5 7 SS 1-2-1 3 8/18 � � 1 , Loose,black(Nt)and light grey(N7),coal � �% chunks and cinders,dry(FILL) ` �_::: 10 0:... p�., 2 SS 2-3-2 5 8/18 � � '� �Qo , p , �O` 0 0� — — — — — — — — — — ,1 .. Loose to compacl,interbedded,light olive gray p�Q � (SY 5/2)to moderate yellowish brovm(10YR 5✓4), , ''0 '�, = silry fine to medum SAND,trace coarse sand ` � � and fine rounded grevel,mast lo we4��h bladc po� � /S t (N1)coal chunks and light gray(N7)cinders " (FILL) SM . a 3 SS 1-3-2 5 8/18 � v � 4 SS &3-4 7 10/18 � 25 5 SS 4f-6 12 10/18 � 30.0':Material conWins coal chunks and is mottledfiron stained 30 Log continued on next page DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: ��Golder DRILLER: Chad Gregory DATE: ��8 ���5$� PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-4 SHEET 2 oF 2 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: Renton,WA BORING DATE: 4/30/98 � SOII PFiOFILE PENETRATION RESI�ANCE pIEZOMETER = SAMPLES BIOWSlFL W W 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � = ELEV. ¢ BLOWS/61N. H Z DESCRIPTION cn a m W N < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a ¢ � U a� � a /40 Ib.hammer V w O cn ¢ O DEPTH � w W � ;W� LEVEL o m � � � z � 30 inch drop ¢ p� 30 - -Chunk of log in sampler at-31 ft 6 SS 5-11-4 15 12/18 � — �- - �- - -�- - , � ..... , ` .�:.::i.: '�. Very dense,light dive gray(SY 5!2)to pale 1 ` ' yellowish brown(t 0YR 6/2),silry fine lo medium �� SAND,ittle to some gravel,damp to maist(TILI) 35 _Silry areas at depth SM .: 7 SS 50/4 50/4 M4 40 8 SS 5015 50/5 5!5 a w x a 45 r c 9 SS 47-50/3 50/3 9/9 � � Bottom ot hole at 45.6 ft v 50 . 55 60 DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILUNG COHTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: ���ld� DRILLER: Chad Gregory DATE: �8 ����5 APPENDIX B CURRENT TEST PIT AND HAND AUGER LOGS Golder Associates �I PROJECT: Lincoln/TheBluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-7 SHEET �oF? DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: N of Bldg#13 Location gORING DATE• 5/19/98 O SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS/Fi � PIEZOMETER 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC W � = ELEV. w BLOWS/61N. N � � Z DESCRIPTION v� Q m W < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a ¢ U � � a 140 Ib.hammer U o m j �� DEPTH Z � 30 inch dr ¢ Wp' ���WI LEVEL oP � Loose,dusky yellowish brown(tOYR?l2}fo SM medium bluish gray(58 5!1)to light olive gray " (5Y 5/2)and dive gray(SY 3!2)(mixed),silry tine to medium SAND ro SAND with some sil�trece to litlle tine rounded grave�,wood,coal pieces, organic material,moist to wet(FILL) 5 1 SS 24-3 5 7/18 � 10 2 SS 3-3-4 7 11/18 � a � S t5 � Very stifl,moderate brown(SYR 4/4)to light oGve � ���� _ _ o gray(SY 5/2)and medium bluish gray(56 4Jt�, � CLAYEY SILT to SILT,moist la wet(GLACIO- M� 3 SS 8-11-13 24 18l18 � LACUSTRINE DEPOSI� ' –Horizontal iron staining(bands)in upper . 4-inches - � - 4 SS 9-11-17 28 18/18 � � 1 Compaa to dense,medium bluish gray(58 4/1), 1 silry tine SANO,mica,laminated in bwer part, moderate to sUong dilatency,wet to saturated SM� � 25 — 5 SS 11-11-16 27 18/18 . � Log coMinued on next page DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRIILING CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: � �- GO1d�Y ORILLER: Chad Gregory DATE: �B/9B ����$ PROJECT: Lincoln/The Bluffs/WA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-7 SHEET 2 OF 2 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: N of Bldg#13 Location gORING DATE: 5/19/98 0 SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE = BLOWS/FT � P�EZOMETER W W 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � = ELEV. w BLOWS/61N. � Z DESCRIPTION u� d m W N < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER a ¢ U ¢� � a 140 b.hammer V w O an �O DEPTH � � 3p inch dr ¢ Wp r � +yy� LEVEL O m � z pp � Compact lo dense,medium bluish gray(56 a/1), SM '. silry fine SAND,mica,laminated in bwer part, 6 SS 10-16-20 36 18/18 � moderete[o strong dilatency,wet to saNrated (GLACIO-LACUSTRINE DEPOSI� 35 - 7 SS 11-18-24 42 76/18 . � Bottom of hole at 36.5 fl � Water�77.5 ft AFD 40 a x 0 a5 L U C � O 5� 55 � II DRILLRIG: CME550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRIILING CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: � ���jQid� DRILLER: Chad Gregory DATE:�8 ��rS$�tL-'S PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-6 SHEET �oF 2 !, DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: W of N end of Bldg#14 Location gORING DATE: 5/19/98 O SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE ���. x g�pyyS� � PIEZOMETER ' 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � = ELEV w BLOWS/6 IN. z a m N a WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER r DESCRIPTION cn w w O cVi� ¢ � DEPTH � a 140 b.hammer w W aN �� LEVEL o m � � � z � 30 inch drop ¢ P� � Compad to dense,dusky yelbwish brown(tOVR SM 2/2)lo dark greenish gray(SG 4/1)to ight olive gray(SY 4/1J and grayish ora�ge(10YR 7/4), silty tine to medium SANO,trace to litlle grevel, wood,organic material,damp to wet(FILL) 5 - 1 SS 8-16-14 30 15118 � 10 2 SS 7-fi-6 12 10l18 � ¢ � x 0 �5 L U a 3 SS 8-7-7 14 16/1B � 0 � 4A _ _ _ _ _ _ SS 4-2(Y25 45 18118 � Dense,paie yellowish brown(10YR 6!2)to $p � 4B moderate yellowish brown(tOYR 5/4),fine to medium SAND,lrace to little siH,damp to weUsaturated(ADVANCE OUTWASH) —Finer in lower paA 25 5 SS 1318-19 37 16/18 � � ATD' � _ Log continued on next page DRILL RIG: CME S50 LOGGEO: D.O'Malley DRILUNG CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drillimg CHECKED: �Golder - DRILLER: Chad Gregory DATE:�8 ��`��'S PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-6 SHEET ?oF 2 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: W of N end of Bldg#14 Location gORING DATE: 5/19/98 � SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE = g�pyy� � PIEZOMETER W W 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � U ELEV. ¢ BLOWS/61N. = z a W N a WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER r DESCRIPTION vi Q m w a � U � � a 140 Ib.hammer o m � �� DEPTH Z � 3p inch dr ¢ WP' �—�WI LEVEL � 0 6 SS 10-14-20 34 18/18 � i 1` Hard,pale yellowish brown(tOYR 6�2)to 1 medium gray(NS).CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY, 1 �: damp to moist(GLACIO-LACUSTRINE ����������� DEPOSI� 1'` '.'' 5 -Banded iron staining in upper part - - MU CL 7 SS 17-20-30 50 12/18 Battom of hde at 36.5 fl 'Couldn't establish water level after drilling due to flushing work 10 a x 0 15 L I 0 c a a 2(1 I 25 � DRILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILUNG CONTRACTOR: Gregory DriHing CHECKED: ��Golder � DRILLER: Chad Greflory DATE: �ge �L�S`S�1'T�S PROJECT: Lincoln/The BluffsNVA RE RD OF BOREHOLE BH-5 SHEET �oF 2 I CO DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: SE part of Building 15 Location gORING DATE• 5/19/98 I O SOiI PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RE51.ANCE PIEZOMETER r o BLOWS/FT. Q O GRAPHIC w � � v ELEV. ¢ BI.OWS/61N. z a m N a WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER � DESCRIPTION �n Q w a ¢ U ¢� � a 1401b.hammer LEVEL w O �n O DEPTH � � 3p inch dr ¢ Wp� � �� o m � �J Z aP � Loose to compact,moderate brown(SYR 3/4)to gp/ :: moderate yellowish brown(10YR 5/4)and lighl SM - olive gray(SY 5/2),silry tine lo medium SAND. trace to IitUe tine rounded gravel,damp to moist (FILL),with thin interbeds of moderate yellowish brown(tOYR 5/4),fine to medium SAND,dry to damp(FlLL) 5 t SS 4-2-4 6 12/18 � 10 2 SS 4-4-10 14 10/18 � ¢ � x :....., — — — — - - — ,:. . o \ :. _ 1S L = Compact to very dense,moderate yelbwish gp- � Q Drown(tOYR 5/4),fine to coarse SAND,trace lo gyy �� 3 SS 1d14-19 33 16/18 � � little sift,trace to little gravel,moist ro wet (OUTWASH) –Sa�dy and silry zones –Layering�bedding in bwer part –Fining upward sequences 20 4 SS 17-24-17 41 18/10 25 5 SS 26-15-19 34 16l18 � 30 Log continued on next page ORILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: ��Golder DRILLER: �ad Gregory DATE:��8 ���SSOCIT�.' PROJECT: LincolNThe BluffsNVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE BH-5 SHEET 2 oF 2 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 983 1098 BORING LOCATION: SE part of Building 15 Location gORING DATE: 5/19/98 � SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS/FT. � FIEZOMETER W W 0 0 0 0 0 GRAPHIC LL � = ELEV. Q BLOWS/6 IN. � � DESCRIPTION rn a m W N < WATER CONTENT,PERCENT WATER o m � �� DEPTH Z a 1401b.hammer w Pi aN �W� LEVEL � 30 inch drop ¢ W I _ 30 Compact to very dense,moderate yellowish gp_ : 6A i brown(10YR 5/4),tine to coarse SAND,trace to SW � sB SS 21-2444 64 17/18 � little sih,trace to litlle gravel,moist to wet (� _ 6C , . •,(OUTWASH)— — — — — — — —/ D�v� .� Very dense,moderate yellowish brown(10YR GP �b 0'.: ATD 5!4),sandy GRAVEL,trace silt,wet(OUTWASH) �C7�D b:�_, d�� �0.: O'.L�:. � . �Q�II�� 7 SS SaJ5.5 � 4/5.5 � �� _p�. 5.5 Boriom d hole a135.5 ri ! Water(ATD)at 32 ft I 40 a x 0 45 t c e 50 55 _sp ORILL RIG: CME 550 LOGGED: D.O'Malley DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Gregory Drilling CHECKED: ��Golder ORILLER: �d Gregory DATE: �8 ���� �� - - GOI(l� FIELD TEST PIT LOG A.S.SOCl�teS emp. 50° Weather Hazy sun Engineer D.O'Malley Operator Pat Federsoiel Test Pit � Equipment Ford 555E Rubber Tire Extendahoe Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�28�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 85 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 W � —� E 0 5 10 15 20 o q Samples `-' No Depth 1 0-0.3' � 2 1� . �` 3 2 5, 4 5' p 5 7+' 6 10' 5 � �r 8 13' � ,'�. ' 10 15 20 II Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth b W!L 0815 Start � A 0-0.3' Forest Duff—Moderate brown 5YR 4J4 fine to coarse 0 00 inish No roundwater SAND some silt trace rounded ravel or nics moist TD=13.5-max of hoe ' No cavin 0.3-1.3' Loose to com act li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 fine to I medium SAND trace silt little fine rounded ravel Special Notes charcoal dam SP FILL C 1.3-3.3' Loose to com act dark ellowish brown 10YR 4/2 fine to coarse SAND little to some silt and fine rounded ravei or anics charcoal dam to mast SW-SP FILL F 7.0-13.5' Com act to ve dense 5Y 4/4 to dark ellowish brovm 10YR 4/2 fine to coarse SAND little silt some D 3.3-4.5' Old t soil-as duff above rounded ravel and cobbles,moist to wet SW OUTWASH E 4.5-7.0' Loose to com act moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 fine to coarse � 10'becomes dense to ve dense and cobbl SAND with some silt to sil sand little rounded ravel M W A 12' ec rvll PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-1 DATE 6f2lg8 DRAWN BY EA � ` - Golder FIELD TEST PIT LOG - Associates �mp. 50° Weather Hazy sun Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 2 Equipment Ford 555E Rubber Tire Extendahoe Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4/28/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 60 Datum MSL Job 983 1098 W �— — E 0 5 10 15 20 o q Samples � No Depth 1 2' Boulder 2 3' 3 6' 4 10' 5 13' 6 14' 5 7 15' �: : � 10 _._ Boulder �� 15 E I � � ' 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 0920 Start i A 0-0.3' To soiUsod-dusk ellowish brown 10YR 2/2 sil 1 00 Fini h 13.0'-moderate see a e I fine to medium SAND little to some ravel or anics TD=16.5 moist SM Bailin mud Moderate cavin below 13' ' 0.3-3.3' Com act moderate brown 5YR 4!4 to li ht olive ra Special Notes I 5Y 5/2 sil fine to coarse SAND some rounded ravel lar e boulder wire tastic ba s moist SM FILL I C 3.3-13.0' Loose to com act dark reenish ra 5G 4/1 fine to D 13.0-16.5'Loose to com act dark ra N3 fine to coarse ' coarse SAND with some silVsil sand some rounded SAND trace to little silt little to some ravel wet to ' ravel or anic matenal lo s rass branches saturated SP FILUOUTWASH � bamboo lastic i e lar e boulder mast to wet SM I FILL E �15.0' Thin la er of laminated mottled li ht brown 5YR 5/6 '� to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 ve fine SAND wet i �10'-mixed with to soil and rass SM/SP � r < 'I PROJECT NO.983 7098 DRAWING NO.TP-2 DATE 6/8l98 DRAWN BY EA I II � �� ' _ - Golder FIELD TEST PIT LOG - Associates Temp. 55° Weather Hazv sun Engineer D.O'Malley Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 3 Equipment Ford 555E Rubber Tire Extendahoe Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�28�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 55 Datum MSL Job 983 1098 W �— � E 0 5 10 15 20 o q - - - - Samples - — � No Depth 1 1.5' - - - 2 3.5' I 3 4.5' 4 11' 5 13' 6 15+' 5 : `: ,. : :., � 10 15 � i 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time De th of Hole Depth to W/L 1015 Start A 0-0.4' To soil/sod as TP-2 11 Fini h See at 2.5' minor TD= 17.0-max of hoe See at 12' minor 0.4-2.5' Loose to com act mottled moderate brown 5YR 4/4 Moderate cavin below 12' to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to medium SAND little to some fine rounded ravel moist to wet SM Special Notes FILL C 2. -17 ' Loose to com act d rk reenish ra 5G 4/1 sil fine to medium SAND little to some rounded ravel as halt chunks lastic debris or anic material roots branches rass bamboo mast to wet SM FILL —Becomes softer with de th �9.0'-mixed with dark brown or anic silt/si sand �15'-mixed with cla e sil sand reenish ra 5G 6/1 to r PROJECT NO.983 1098 ORANANG NO. TP-3 DATE 62/9B DRAWN BY EA �� = �1��� FIELD TEST PIT LOG emp. 55° Weather Hazv sun Engineer D.O'Mallev pperator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 4 Equipment Ford 555E Rubber Tire Extendahoe Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�28�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 50 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 S � — N 0 5 10 15 20 o q _ Samples � No Depth 1 2' 2 3' 3 3.5' C p ` q s� : ; 5 a, 6 12' 5 E 7 14' :.LJ 10 - Organic Material I 15 � I 20 ' Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1110 Start A 0-0.3' To soil/sod as TP-2 12 0 Fini h Minor see at 6.0' TD=14.5-max of hoe 0.3-3.0' Loose to com act moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to li ht No cavin olive ra 5Y 5/2 ,sil fine to medium SAND little to some rounded ravel brick/as halt chunks moist SM Special Notes FILL E 4.0-6.0' Dense dark ellowish brown t 0YR 4/2 to dark C 3.0-3.5' Loose to com act mottled moderate brown 4YR 3/4 reenish ra 5GY 4/1 , ravell fine to coarse to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine SAND trace medium SAND/sand with some ravel little silt minor cobbles sand little rounded ravel as halt chunks moist SP minor or anic material dam to moist SW FILL FILL hard di in p 3.5-4.0' Com act to dense moderate brown SYR 4/4 to dark F 6.0-14.5' Dense to com act,mixed/mottled,moderate brown reenish ra 5GY 4/1 mottled iron stained sil fine SYR 4/4 to dark reenish ra 5GY 4/t sil fine to to medium SAND some rounded ravel or anic medium SAND some rounded ravel or anic material material wood small branches dam to moist SM roots branches bamboo etc. moist to wet FILL SM FILL -stabilized fill -softer with de th _ �10.0'-compact PROJECT NO.9B3 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-4 DATE 6!8/98 DRAWN BY EA �� = �0��� FIELD TEST PIT LOG femp. 62° Weather Hazy sun Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federsaiel Test Pit 5 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4/28/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 165 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 W �— —� E 0 5 10 15 20 0 Samples A Roots/Charcoal No Depth 1 1.5' �; � 2 3' _� ;. . �`" 3 4' � Roots �: ; >. 5 _. :: . :. .::. 10 � 15 20 Sample Descripdons and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1400 Start A 0-0.2' Forest duff 1425 Fini h No water TO=7.0'-chi in ieces 02-2.0' Com act to dense moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to li ht of GII wfth hoe olive ra 5Y 5/2 fine to coarse SAND,littfe to some No cavin silt some rounded ravel charcoal roots moist SW- Special Notes WM WEATHERED TILL C 2.0-7.0' Dense to ve dense li ht brown 5YR 5/6 to li ht oiive ra SY 5/2 il fine to medium SAND/sand with some silt some rounded ravel minor cobbles dam to mast SM ILL —iron stained in u er 1 ft PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-5 DATE 6/2/98 ORAWN BY EA �� = �O(1��� FIELD TEST PIT LOG �mp. 65° Weather Hazv sun Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 6 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Oate 4�28�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation -15 Datum MSL �pb 983 1098 N �---- —� S 0 5 10 15 20 Q ,.... _. � Samples No Depth B 1 1' C 2 1.5' 3 2. � 4 3.5' 5 4.5' - - 6 6.5' 5 �-- — _�t� — -.�-;,=__:; ___ 10 15 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1435 Start A 0-1.5' Loose to com act li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 fine to 15 Finish No water medium SAND little to some silt and rounded ravel TD=6.5'-chi in moist SP-SM FILL No cavin 1.5-2.U' Loose brownish black SYR 2/1 to li ht olive ra 5Y Special Notes 6/1 fine to coarse SAND little to some silt and rounded ravel or anic material coal chunks cinders? moist SW OLD TOPSOIL E C 2.0-2.5' Loose to com act moderate ellowish brown tOYR Y 4 i h liv r Y /1 liv r 5Y 5/4 fine to medium SAND little to some silt little 4/1 ve fine SAND to SILT dam SP/ML GLACIO- rounded ravel moist SW-SP OUTWASH LACUSTRINE DEPOSIT -sand sections D 2. -4.0' Com act to dens moderate brown SYR 3l4 to li ht dive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to medium SAND/sand with some silt trace rounded ravel iron stained dam to mast SM TILL -sandier sections PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-6 DATE 6/8/99 OFtAWN BY EA �� - - GOI(�� FIELD TEST PIT LOG AS.SOCl�eS femp. 65° Weather HazV sun Engineer D.O'Malley Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit � Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�28�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation ��� Datum MSL Job 983 1098 S �-- � N 0 5 10 15 20 o q ___ __ __ _ _ -- __ -_ Samples - - -- - — -_- -- --- __ No Depth - --- — - -- — _ — _ — __ 1 <.5' - - _ _ _ -- - - - " - - — 2 2' _ — -- — — __ __ _- - - - __ 3 6, -____ -- __.___..— - -_ __ _ --- - --- - _.. - - _— -- - - ' ___— _ ___— _ _ ___— 5 10' = -_ , —_ _- _ — _ _ _ -- _____ -- 6 16' 5 _--- -_- .__.—.—____. � ` Q` 10 �;. 15 I I 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1515 Start I A 0-0.5' To soil as in TP-6 1540 Finish No water � TD=17.0'-de th of hoe B 0.5-6.0' Com act to dense mottled iron stained moderate No cavin ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 and li ht bluish ra 5B 4/1 SILT to SiLTY FINE ( SAND trace rounded ravel dam to moist MUSM Special Notes i I OUTWASH - �2.0'-becomes dense-encountered localized areas of fine to medium sand with little to some silt and trace rounded E cobbies m ilt micac u dam o m i P- M i ' GLACIO-LACUSTRINE DEPOSIT � ' C 6.0-8.0' Com act to dense moderate ellowish brown 10YR I_ 5/4 fine ravell SAND,little to some silt Vace rounded 'material comes out in blocks easil destro ed and is eas to cobbles moist to wet SW OUTWASH �� D 8.0-10.0' Dense moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to li ht � olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine SAND thin localized silt r i M LA I - T INE EP I �' PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO.TP-7 DATE 6/BKJB DRAWN BY EA i i �� - - GOI(�er FIELD TEST PIT LOG A.S.SOCIc'1�C'S � �- Temp. 68° Weathe� Hazv sun Engineer D.O'Maliev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit e Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�28�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 195 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 N �— � N 0 5 10 15 20 0 � � Samples 4 No Depth � A f 1 o.e' 2 2' , B :: 5 . �_ `: ;. lJ . � 10 15 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W!L 1555 Start A 0-0.3' Forest duff/to soil-loose dus ellowish brown 10YR 1620 Finish No water 2/2 fine to medium SAND some silt trace ravel TD=5.0'at center of it or anics moist SM -No cavin -Chi in ieces at 0.3-1.3' Loose to com act daric ellowish brown 10YR 4/2 Special Notes bottom of it fine to coarse SAND some silt little ravei moist SM EATHERED TILL C 1.3-5.0' Com act to ve dense moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 iron stained sil � fine to medium trace coarse SAND little fine rounded ravel trace rounded cobbles nonstratified dam to moist SM TILL PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-B OATE 6f2/98 �RAWN BY EA �� � - GOl(l� FIELD TEST PIT LOG ASSOC1TteS femp. ��° Weather Hary sun Engineer �•O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 9 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4/28/98 Loca6on The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation �92 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 N �- -► S 0 5 10 15 20 0 Samples A . No Depth � 1 1.5' U�; 2 3� 3 4' ��_ 5 10 i 15 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Dep���tu b'J,L 1630 Start A 0-0.3' To soiVforest duff as TP-8 1650 Fini h No water TD=9.0'at center of it B 0.3-2.0' Loose to com act moderate ellowish brown 10YR Chi in 5/4 ,fine to coarse SAND,littie silt little to some fine rounded ravel roots dam to moist SW Special Notes EATHERED TILL C 2.0-9.0' Com act to ve dense moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to No roundwater/No cavin ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 and li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to medium SAND little to some fine rounded ravel nonstratified SM ILL - �2.0-4.0'-material mottled iron stained and moist to wet �4.0-9.0'-material dam to mast �3.0'-becomes dense �8.0'-becomes dense to ve dense PROJECT N0.983 1098 DRAWING NO.TP-9 DATE 6/8/9B DRAWN BY EA �� _ �0�� FIELD TEST PIT LOG Temp. ��° Weather Hazy sun Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 10 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�28�98 LocaBon The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 185 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 S �- � N � ' 0 5 10 15 20 o q Samples � No Depth 1 1' 2 3' 3 4' �: 5 10 15 i 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1710 Start A 0-0.3' To soil/forest duff as in TP-8 17 Finish No water TD=10.0' 0.3-1.3' Loose to com act moderate ellowish brown 10YR Chi in 5/4 ,fine to coarse SAND little to some silt and fine rounded ravel roots dam to moist SW-WM WEATHERED TILL Special Notes C 1.3-10.0' Com act to ve dense moderate brown 5YR 5/4 to No roundwaterMo cavin ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 and li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to medium SAND littie fine rounded ravel dam to moist SM TILL �1.3-3.5'-material mottled iron stained and becomes dense �9.0'-becomes dense to ve dense PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-10 DATE 6�8J9B pRAWN BY EA �� _ - GOI(�� FIELD TEST PIT LOG ASSOC12teS :mp. 48° Weather Sunny Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit » Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4/29/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 150 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 W � -► E 0 5 10 15 20 0 � Samples No Depth 1 0.2' /� 2 1.5' 3 4' `� 4 8' 5 10' 6 11' 5 7 12' 8 13' 9 13.5' 10 14.5' •� I 10 D - _ -�- � ��.-- - 15 - =--`--:��:.� 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 0820 Start A 0-0.5' To soiVforest duff -dusk ellowish brown 10YR 2/2 0910 Finish Minor see at 11.5' fine to coarse SAND IitUe to some silt and fine rounded TD= 14.5'at center of it ravel or anic material roots dam SP-WM No cavin B 0.5-2.0' Loose to com act moderate ellowish brown 10YR Special Notes 3/4 to ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 fine to medium SAND little to some silt trace to little fine rounded ravel roots dam to moist SW-SM EATHERED p 11.0-11.5'Com act dark ellowish brown 10YR 4/2 medium ALLUVIUM w P ALLUV M C 2.0-11.0' Com acY moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 fine to medium SAND E 11.5-14.5'Com act to dense moderate ellowish brown 10YR little to some silt trace rounded ravel 5/4 to ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 SILT to SILTY I ered/laminated in laces mica/micaceous dam to moist SP-SM GLACIO-LACUSTRINE DEPOSIT -becomes finer with de th w ML- M GLA I -LACU TRIN E I 'comes out in blocks that are easil destro ed and is eas to di �10'-moist to wet,banded iron stainin sand,trace fine ravel,dam to mofst SM PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO. TP•11 DATE fi�8l98 DRAWN BY EA �� _ - Golder FIELD TEST PIT LOG - Associ�tes Temp. 50° Weather Sunnv Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 12 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�29/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 172 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 E �- -► W 0 5 10 15 20 0 Samples - A No Depth _ � �, � 2 3' 3 4' 4 6' 5 8' , 5 � 10 15 20 Sample Descriptions and Excava6on Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 0910 Start A 0-0.3' Forest duff as TP-11 1 0 Fini h No roundwater TD= 15.0'at center of it ' 0.3-3.0' Loose to com act moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to ale No cavin ellow brown 10YR 6/2 ,fine to coarse SAND little to some silt and fine rounded ravel charcoal u er art Special Notes roots moist SP-SW EATHERED TILL C 3.0-15.0' Com act to dense dark ellowish oran e 10YR 6/6 to li ht olive ra Y /2 iron tain d sil fine o coarse SAND/SAND with some SILT little fine rounded ravel trace cobbles moist SM OUTWASH -discontinuous sand sections/-sli htl sandier with de th n and becomes fine o ellow ra Y 7 2 PHOJECT NO.983 1098 DR/1WING NO.TP-12 DATE filBKJB DRAWN BY EA �� _ - GOI(l� FIELD TEST PIT LOG AS.SOClc'1teS emp. 65° Weather Sunny Engineer D.O'Mallev pperator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 13 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�29/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 165 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 N f-- — S � 0 5 10 15 20 � ` A Samples �1 No Depth ��J 1 0.3' 2 1.5' .�` 3 4' U 4 7' 5 8' ,:. ..-�-�-- -- ; 6 13' 5 �,... 7 15' B 17' Thin,Siltier Zones 10 - - � - �I i - '� 15 20 �I Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L I 1140 Start ', A 0-0.5' Loose dark eilowish brown 10YR 4/2 sil fine to 1220 Fini h Minor see at 10.0' I medium SAND little to some rounded ravel or anic TD=17.0' material moist SM OPSOIUDUFF No cavin ', 0.5-2.0' Com act to dense moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to Special Notes moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 ravell fine to coarse SAND little silt some rounded cobbles and small boulders moist SW OUTWASH , C 2.0-17.0' Dense moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to ale I ellowish brown tOYR 6/2 fine to medium SAND i trace to little silt iron stainin dam to mosit SP ' OUTWASH I �5.0'-encountered thin -6-inches thick zones that also I contained little to some silt trace coarse sand trace to - little fine rounded ravel SM � PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO.TP-13 DATE 5/28P98 DRAWN BY EA �� = �I(���� FIELD TEST PIT LOG �emp. 65° Weather Sunny Engineer D.O'MalleV Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 14 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4�29�98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 165 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 W �- -� E 0 5 10 15 20 0 � Samples No Depth ! q 1 �� �., 2 2 . ::: tS : _ ,, 3 3' C 4 7.5' , ; 5 9.5' . : ; .. .: .; :, 6 13.5' 5 U � 10 15 � 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1230 Start A 0-0.3' To soil/forest duff as in TP-13 1330 Finish No water TD=14.0'-hoe max 0.3-1.5' Com act to dense moderate ellowish brown 10YR No cavin `r 3/4 fine to medium SAND,trace silt,dam SP OUTWASH Special Notes C 1.5-2.0' Dense moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to li ht olive ra SY 5/2 sil fine SAND iittle rounded ravel trace cobbles dam SM FIUVIAL D 2.0-14.0' Dense ellowish ra 5Y 7/2 to li ht olive ra 5Y 6/1 sil ve fine SAND micaceous laminated?in areas dam to moist iron stained SP LACUSTRINE �7.5'-encountered iRe ular deams of sil fine sand to test it termination de th PRQIECT NO.9B3 1098 DRAWING NO. TP-14 DATE 6/8/98 DRAWN BY EA �� - - GOl(1Cr FIELD TEST PIT LOG - L�.SSOClc'�C'S emp. 65° Weather Sunny Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 15 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4/29/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation -185 Datum MSL Job 983 1098 W �-- � E 0 5 10 15 20 o q Samples No Depth � 1 2' 5 10 15 I 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1345 StaR � A 0-0.2' To soiVforest duff as in TP-13 1410 Fini h No water TD=5.5' 0.2-5.5' Com act to ve dense ellow brown 10YR 5/4 to Chi in I , li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 ,iron stained sil fine to medium No cavin SAND some rounded ravel and cobbles dam SM ILL Speciai Notes i � -roots to 1 ft � 1.o'-becomes dense.Hce luckin cobbles/ ravel from , sidewall of it '� PROJECT NO.983 1098 DRAWING NO.TP-15 DATE 6l2P98 DRAWN BY EA �� ` - Golcler FIELD TEST PIT LOG - A�sso�i�tes - �mp. 70° Weather Sunnv Engineer D.O'Malley Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit i 6 II � Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 4/29/98 LocaGon The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation -195 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 N �— —� S D 5 10 15 20 � A Samples - - - - - - _____ - — - ___ _ - No Depth -- — — -- 1 2.5' _ _._ B — _: _— - _ 2 4 - -__- - _ - - _- 3 5' _ -. -_ _ ----- - — - - q �� 5 —_..-- _---_- � ' 10 15 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1415 Start A 0-0.5' To soil/forest duff as in TP-13 1440 Finish No water TD=7.5' B 0.5-6.0' Com act to ve dense' moderate ellowish brown Chi in 10YR 5/4 to ellowish ra 5Y 7/2 to bluish ra SB No cavin 5/1 SILT trace ve fine sand and rounded ravel and Special Notes cobbles roots moist ML GLACIO-LACUSTRINE DEPOSIT y C 6.0-7.5' Dense to ve dense ale eilowish brown 10YR 6/2 to li ht olive ra 5Y 6/1 'sil fine SAND little to some fine rounded ravel dam SM ILL -areas of irre ular laminae 'iron stained/mottled PROJECT NO.983 1098 DHAWING NO.TP-16 DATE 6/8/98 DRAWN BY EA �� .- - GOI(l�Y FIELD TEST PIT LOG A►.SSOClTteS -amp. 53° Weather Sunnv Engineer D.O'MalleY Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit » tquipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 5/4/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 190 Datum MSL Job 983 1098 N f- -� S 0 10 20 30 40 o q Samples o_.q•ooti4o�04 �D�oo�Qdood�4IIDo � QQ;R.4 0 0=0 o c� ::r'°oQ.(i4�qoQGjooQti_ No Depth oDDoDao. B pd pdOpOOp.O'7apt0.: 1 2' t{Qq�QQ��M ':�M O-NJ O'O 2 7� O O'.Gp.O CJ: O � ������ .3 �0� 4 17' � Benched down 5 1 g� C 6 20' 10 � � D _ � W E ' a o p'F o:: �g� S _ 20 G \ ' Goa ! G�'� 1 S a� �ge a Caving G° Cavin;: Topsoii \ Rotten 30 eathered �O9 Soil Unweathe re Soii View at North Face of Test Pit 40 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 0745 Start A 0-0.3' To soil/forest duff as in TP-13 920 Finish No water TD=22' 0.3-6.0' Loose black N1 COAL CHUNKS u to 1 (t diameter Moderate cavin in fill Vace boulder d to dam FILL matenals C 6.0-13.0' Loose moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to ale Special Notes ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 sil fine SAND trace coal chunks moist SM FILL F 18.0-19.0'Com act moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 sand �10-13'-sil fine sand is mottled iron stained and contains TWA H zones of coal chunks as above �', 19.0-22.0'Com act to dense ale ellowish brown(10YR 6/2). p 13.0-14.0'Old to soil la er/root zone sil fine to coarse SAND little to some ravel moist E 14.0-18.0'Loose to com act moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 sil fine to coarse SAND •fill I i tee I -4 ° w some rounded ravel and cobbles moist to wet SM A � � PROJECT NO.983�098 DRAWING NO-TP-77 DATE 6l8198 DRAWN BY EA �� _ �1��� FIELD TEST PIT LOG �emp. 62° Weather Partiv cloudv Engineer D.O'Malley Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 18 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 5/4/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 68 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 E �- � W 0 5 10 15 20 � �:: A Samples No Depth :: ,. :: :: ',:: : � , .: , � :: 1 0.1' � 2 1.5' 3 3' 4 T . : .. - ,. 5 10' . -: . . :. g 12' 5 7 15' : ;: : . :. . : ;..i. :.: � 8 16' 10 �_:: 15 I � 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Oepth to W/L 1210 Start ! A 0-0.4' Loose dusk ellowish brown 10YR 2/2 sil fine to 1300 Fnish Minor see s � medium SAND trace fine rounded ravel or anic TD=16.5-max of hce 11 and 13.5' material moist SM TOPSOIL Minor cavin � 8-9' B 0.4-14.0' Loose to com act ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 to Special Notes moderate brown 5YR 4/4 to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to medium SAND trace fine ravel moist to wet SM FILUCOLLUVIUM -material is'umbled u -�8-9'- raveli /cobbl ocket ; � C 14.0-15.5'Com act moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 to I� � li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to coarse SAND little rounded ravel moist to wet SM � -chunks break u easil FILLlfILL CHUNK D 15.5-16.5'Com act to dense moderate eilowish brown 10YR I 4 m N r il n m r i ravel,moist to wet SW FILUOUTWASH ! PRQIECT NO.9B3 1098 ORAWING NO.TP-18 DATE fiJ8J9B DRAWN BY EA �� _ - Golder FIELD TEST PIT LOG - Associates Temp. fi8° Weather Sunnv Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Pat Federspiel Test Pit 19 Equipment Komatsu PC-120 Track Excavator Contractor Custom Backhoe Date 5/4/98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 55 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 E f- -► W 0 5 10 15 20 o A _. :: ., .. . _.. __ <:. Samples Boulder No Depth 1 2' �y ` Till Block 2 5� v 3 7' , : 4 10' : .. , ; - - . . 5 14.5' 6 16' 5 �`. Cut Log 10 Branches I 15 �<;.... . � 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavatio�Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L 1315 Start A 0-0.5' To soil as in TP-18 1410 Finish Minor see s � 7.0' TD=16-max of hoe Groundwater� 16.0' B 0.5-6.0' Loose moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 sil fine Minor cavin above 6 ft to coarse SAND little rounded ravel moist to wet in de th SM FILUCOLLUVIUM Special Notes -mixed with chunks of to soil and till blocks -lar e boulder near surface C 6.0-14.5' Loose to com act dark reenish ra 5GY 4/1 to medium dark ra N4 SAND with some silUsil fine to medium sand trace coarse sand little to some fine rounded ravel o anic material lo s branches roots boards , lass moist to wet SM FILL -sand and sil areas D 14.5-16.5'Com act moderate ellowish brown 10YR 5/4 fine to coarse SAND little to some rounded ravel trace il F TWA H PROJECT N0.983 1098 DRAWING NO.TP-19 OATE 6JB/9B DRAWN BV EA �� � - GOI(l� FIELD TEST PIT LOG A.SSOC1�eS emp. ��° Weather Sunnv Engineer D.O'Mallev Operator Test Pit HA-2 Equipment Hand Auger Contractor Date 5���98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation �38 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 �- � 0 5 10 15 20 �0 Samples A No Depth B � 1� 2 2' - C 3 3' 4 3.5' 5 10 15 I 20 I Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L I A 0-0.7' To soil as in HA-1 = Groundwater-3.0' � B 0.7-3.0' Loose to com act li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 fine to meidum SAND,little to some silt trace rounded ravel moist to wet SP-SM FILL Special Notes -�2.0'-becomes wet C 3.0-3.5' Loose to com act li ht olive ra 5Y 4/1 fine to coarse SAND trace silt wet SW PFQIECT NO.983 1098 ORAWING NO. HA-� DATE 5l28/98 DFiAWN BY EA ��_ - Golder FIELD TEST PIT LOG - Associates Temp. ��° Weather Sunny Engineer D.O'Malley Operator Test Pit HA-3 Equipment HandAuqer Contractor Date 5���98 Location The Bluffs/Renton,WA Elevation 140 Datum MSL �ob 983 1098 �- � 0 5 10 15 20 o A Samples No Depth , •--�f`1 1 2" v 2 6' D 3 2� 4 3' 5 10 15 ! 20 Sample Descriptions and Excavation Notes Time Depth of Hole Depth to W/L A 0-0.3' To soil as in HA-1 - No water 0.3-1.5' Loose dus ellowish brown 10YR 2/2 to dark ellowish brown 10YR 4/2,sil fine to medium SAND or anic material dam to moist SM Special Notes � OPSOIL FILL C 1.5-3.0' Loose to com act �i ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 fine to medium SAND trace o little silt dam to moist SP FI LL D 3.0-3.5' Loose to com act ale ellowish brown 10YR 6/2 to li ht olive ra 5Y 5/2 sil fine to medium SAND trace coarse sand and fine ravel moist to wet SM FILL PRQIECT NO.9B3 1098 DRAWING NO. HA-3 DATE 6/8/98 DRAWN BY EA APPENDIX C PREVIOUS TEST PIT AND BORING LOGS Golder Associates TEST PIT LOGS Test Pit 1 Approximate ground surface elevation : 55 feet. 0.0 - 0.4 ft. Forest litter 0.4 - 1.8 ft. Compact, pale yellowish brown, fine silty SAND, little rounded gravel , roots and organics present (SM) (TOPSOIL) �, 1.8 - 4.5 ft. Oense, dark yellowish brown, fine to medium SAND, some j rounded medium to coarse gravel , roots to 2.4 ft. (SW) I (OUTWASH) , 4.5 - 4.9 ft. Very dense, light brownish gray to brownish gray, fine to medium SAND, little rounded gravel and cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH} ' 4.9 - 6.8 ft. Dense, dark yellowish brown and brownish gray, medium SANO, some rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) 6.8 - 9.O. ft. Dense to very dense, dark yellowish brown and brownish gray, medium SAND, some rounded gravel , little rounded cobbles, trace silt (SW) (OUTWASH) 9.0 - 11.0 ft. Dense, dark yellowish brown, medium SAND, some rounded g�avel , trace rou�ded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) 11.0 - 12.0 ft. Compact, olive gray and dark gray, silty SAND, some rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles (SM) (OUTWASH) 12.0 - 14.5 ft. Firm to stiff, greenish black and dark gray, sandy SILT, little clay, trace rounded gravel (ML) (OUTWASH?) 14.5 - 19.0 ft. Compact to dense, dark gray, olive gray, and greenish gray, silty fine to medium SAND, some rounded gravel , little rounded cobbles, roots present (SM) (OUTWASH) No caving observed. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 19.0 feet. 9/21/89 � � i_ Test Pit 2 Approximate ground surface elevation: 165 feet. 0.0 - 1 .4 ft. Dense to very dense, pale to dark yellowish brown, fine to medium SAND, some rounded gravel , little rounded cobbles, roots to 0.5 ft. (SW) (OUTWASH) 1 .4 - 2.9 ft. Very dense, pale yellowish brown, and yellowish gray, fine SAND (SP} (OUTWASH) � I ! 2.9 - 6.2 ft. Very dense, pale to dark yellowish brown, fine to medium SAND, some rounded gravel , little rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) No caving observed. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 6.2 feet. 9/21/89 i Test Pit 3 Approximate ground surface elevation: 160 feet. 0.0 - 1 .5 ft. Very loose, grayish brown and black, FILL, composed primarily � of cinders, roots present 1.5 - 2.5 ft. Loose, dark yellowish brown and pale brown, medium to coarse ' SAND, some rounded gravel , roots present (SW) (FILL) �i 2.5 - 3.0 ft. Loose, pale to dark yetlowish brown, medium to coarse SAND, I!I roots present (SP) (FILL) � 3.0 - 6.0 ft. Loose, pale to dark yellowish brown and medium dark gray, medium to coarse SAND, some rounded gravel , roots present (SW) (FILL) I Extensive caving throughout excavation. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet (due to caving) . 9/21/89 Test Pit 4 Approximate ground surface elevation : 165 feet. 0.0 - 0.5 ft. Forest litter 0.5 - 1.0 ft. Very loose, pale to dark yellowish brown, fine SAND, trace rounded fine to medium gravel , roots and organics present (SP) (TOPSOIL) 1.0 - 4.5 ft. Compact, light olive gray, fine to medium SAND, some rounded gravel , roots to 2.5 ft. (SW} (OUTWASH) 4.5 - 7.4 ft. Dense to very dense, light olive gray, fine to medium SAND, some rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) 7.4 - 8.0 ft. Very dense, pale to dark yellowish brown, SAND, little rounded gravel (SW) (OUTWASH?) 8.0 - 9.4 ft. Compact to de�se, moderate to dark yellowish brown, medium to coarse SAND, some rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles {SW) {OUTWASH) No caving observed. j No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 9.4 feet. 9/21/89 i, Test Pit 5 Approximate ground surface elevation : 155 feet. I 0.0 - 0.4 ft. Very loose, pale yellowish brown and light olive gray, SAND, ' roots and organics prsent (SW} (TOPSOIL) 0.4 - 5.4 ft. Compact, moderate yellowish brown, fine to medium sand, ' little rounded gravel , roots present to 3.7 ft. (SW) (OUTWASH) 5.4 - 9.8 ft. Dense, pale to moderate yellowish brown, fine to medium sand, trace rounded gravel (SW) (OUTWASH) ', No caving observed. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 9.8 feet. � 9/21/89 Test Pit 6 Approximate ground surface elevation : 135 feet. I 0.0 - 1 .6 ft. Very loose, dark brownish gray, fine SAND, little silt, trace � rounded gravel , roots and organics present (SW) (TOPSOIL) ' 1.6 - 3.8 ft. Compact to dense, light olive gray and dark yellowish orange, mottled, medium SAND, some rounded fine to medium gravel (SP) (OUTWASH) 3.8 - 4.3 ft. Compact, dark greenish gray, medium SAND, some rounded fine to medium rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles (SW) (OJTWASH) 4.3 - 6.5 ft. Compact to dense, medium dark gray and light olive gray, fine SAND, little silt, trace rounded fine to medium gravel and cobbles (SP) (OUTWASH) 6.5 - 10.6 ft. De�se to very dense, medium dark gray fine silty sand, trace rounded gravel and cobbles (SM) (OUTWASH?) No caving observed. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 10.6 feet. 9/21/89 Test Pit 7 Approximate ground surface elevation : 175 feet. 0.0 - 0.5 ft. Forest litter 0.5 - 3.2 ft. Compact to dense, pale yellowish brown, fine to medium SAND, some rounded medium to coarse gravel , little rounded cobbles, � roots present (SW) (OUTWASH) 3.2 - 8.0 ft. Compact, pale yellowish brown, fine to medium SAND, some rounded medium to coarse gravel , little rounded cobbles, roots present to 6.2 ft. (SW) (TILL? OUTWASH) 8.0 - 10.5 ft. Compact to dense, pale yellowish brown, SAND, some rounded gravel , some rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) No caving observed. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 10.5 feet. 9/21/89 , Test Pit 8 Approximate ground surface elevation : 155 feet. 0.0 - 0.5 ft. Forest litter 0.5 - 1 .4 ft. Very loose, dark yellowish brown, fine SAND, little rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles, roots and or�anics present (SP) (TOPSOIL) 1 .4 - 3.5 ft. Loose to compact, pale yellowish brown, fine SAND, little rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles, rotted wood 2.6-3.5 ft. (SP) (FILL) 3.5 - 6.5 ft. Compact to dense, light brown and pale yellowish brown, fine to ��dium SAND, some rounded gravel , tra�e rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) 6.5 - 8.5 ft. Dense to very dense, light olive gray, fine to medium SANO, some rounded gravel, some rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) 8.5 - 10.5 ft. Very dense, light brown and pale yellowish brown, motled, SAND, some rounded fine to medium gravel , trace rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) No caving observed. No groundwater observed. Test pit terminated at 10.5 feet. 9/21/89 Test Pit 9 Approximate ground surface elevation : 165 feet. 0.0 - 1 . 1 ft. Loose, pale yellowish brown, fine SAND, little rounded gravel ,roots and organics present (SP) (TOPSOIL) 1 . 1 - 4.5 ft. Compact to dense, pale yellowish brown, fine to medium SAND, some rounded gravel , trace silt roots present to 2.0 ft. (SW) (OUTWASH) 4.5 - 7.0 ft. Dense to very dense, pale yellowish brown and light olive gray, medium SAND, little rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles (SW) (OUTWASH) 7.0 - 9.2 ft. Yery dense, light olive gray and light brown, mottled, medium SAND, some rounded fine to medium gravel (SW) (OUTWASH) ' 9.2 - 9.7 ft. Very dense, pale yellowish brown and light olive gray, fine to medium SAND, little rounded gravel , trace rounded cobbles, lenses light olive gray fine SAND (SP) in coarser matrix (SW) II (OUTWASH) � No caving observed. No groundwater observed. ! Test pit terminated at 9.7 feet. 9/21/89 '� I I 1 � I� � SHEET 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Tudor/I-405NVA RECORD O� BOREHOLE PB-6 STATION: 369+05 DATUM: MSL � ` PROJECT NUMBER: 913-1149.808 BORING LOCATION: I-405 OFFSET: 87R BORING DATE: 6/10/93 I p SOIL PROFp.E gpMp�g PENETHIQqN RESISTANCE I � �� � BLOWS/Fi� PIEZOMETER I i i W � 52 �� BLOWS/12 W. 0 10 20 30 40 50 H� � � z DESCRIPTION y °�p m W N < WATER CONTENZPERCENT WATER I a °C �i ¢O DEPTH � a 140 b.hamrt� W WP W � LEVEL I �„ o � � �� z � 301nch drop ¢ � 2126 r+w�a � � Very bose,dusky yelbw(SY 6J4).unsVatYlied. SIA- . 0.0 y�;,K I sity SAND and flne GHAVEL,(FILL) GM 0 p< �,� „ .,� 3'wet �;�o � �G: � �;p' 3.0 1 SS WA 1 1.d1. p;d:' .D.�o: aA � ""' S b,��� S.0 2 SS il728 35 1.571. � Conaw . I ��'d e.��w Cortpad b dense.dtttky yelbw(5Y 6�4) SM ::. .r+e nv�e ' unatratified.cIRY Ilne to medium SANQ 4tle fine 6.5 mu•n� � gavel.damv(F�W Har0.ous�cy ye�aw�sv�raj.u�raur�ea.s�rY C� � 10 CIAY,sorre sand.Vace fine gravel and 22.7X 1 I organks,dartp to dry,wel from 10 to 11 leet 0.0 3 SS t?/21/35 56 1.91. � (PROGLACIAL LACUSTRINE CLAY) P�,r�c,de t t.5 �'a�+^� � FlarQ dusky yelbw(SY 64)to medium dukh a B"'�~ talnt SLTY CLAY wAh - I ss sn a�r�ed � � �in fine sand larninae(PROGLACIAL _ - :<, '• LACLISTRINE CLA`n _ 15 75.0 4 SS 11l14r12 36 1.5/1. �'tx �- - �..�� : 16.5 � I � --- �azo — aK. — � .v � e.sx Very dense.duSkY yelbw(SY 6�4)faiMy SP : �.0 5 SS 21l37/505 e� 1.5/1. O .". - atratified,fine to medium SANQ trace sik damp �::� : to mo'st(PROGLACU1LLhCUSTRINE SAND) Z�S �.. 7rz��w �;: ;: w � sr�I ` :;::::•. • <: . .....: wNn �'' ... _ Har0.IipM dive pray(5Y G�t>.tainty�tratified. a = • � CIAYEY SILT,trace fuw w�d.mokt " 31.SX u�p (PROGLACIALLACUSTAWESILn 25A 6 SS 11QB134 62 1.5/t. i "� o�q rpm anre y��r esv s�>>.��iMiy�um�r�d. sP• ::: zs.s � Me SAND,trace slt,mo'ct(PROGLACULL SM ' ��� ��' LACUSTRINE SAND) '�'�""'a ���``�'' ■- n� 30 3a31.5 grades downwazd b sYly 1'uie SIWO ,'' � - 30A 7 SS 16/16/23 3� 1.5/1. �;'`':i- � 31S - 35 3536.5 Dry to dartp 5.5% 35.0 B SS 17l24/21 45 1.S/1, p � � Pw�Ga�e _ 36.5 uwium �4 BeMarits � 40 Lop comfnued on ne�t pape DRILLRIG: 8-24 Skk LOGGED: F.Modcer DRILIlNGCOHTRACTOR: Baetec CHECKED: J.JoMson � '(� DRILLER: R GDsan DATE: 7/21193 ������ � PROJECT: Tudor/I-405/WA RECORD OF BOREHOLE PB-6 SHEET20F2 � STATION: 369+05 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 913-1149.808 BORING LOCATION: I-405 OFFSET: 87R BORING DATE: 6/10/93 � SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWSrFT� PIEZOMETEH w LL � � E� Q BLOWS!12 W. 0 10 20 30 40 50 GRAPHIC � �z pESCpIPTION q a m N a W/QER CONTENxPERCENT WATER � �8 oErna Z � �ao n.n�,.,,w Q WP w `,yi �� o C7� � 30 Irch d 40 Dense,IipM oAre pray t5Y N1).talntly�ied. SM :`. 40.0 9 SS 11/15121 36 1.5f1. � slty fine SANQ dry to dartp(PROGIACIAL LACUSTRINE S/W� 41.5 Pv�C3aw Ydum 40'MICiC60U5.IfOf1 mti06 SfdlflBd.RDISl B�iM l0 YY9I . 45 � 15.0 10 SS 21/24J33 57 1.S/1. � 46.5 Very Aense,medium du'aA gay(SB 5/1), ML• — Sp stratified.dayey SIIT and city SAND.little 6re SM Sp.O 11 SS 1 S117/79 36 1.5l1. gravel(dropatones)dartp Mterbedded wilh�ery ■ _ dense,moderale yelbwish bam(tOYR 5!4), G„� fine SANQ some line gra�ittle sltt,dartq a m�� " _ moist(PROGLACIALLACIISTRINE DEPOS(T) 51.5 55 55.0 „$9 ' 12 SS 21l39/505� 11' 1.5/t. 56.5 � 60.0 13 SS 50 0.75/ 27I505� � 0.7 Borehole termina2ed al 60.751eet 60.75 65 70 I � 75 80 DRILLRIG: 8-2a LOGGED: F.Maiter DRILUNGCONTRACTOR: Boretec CF�CKED: J.Jdnson �Go�ld DRILLER: f�Gbson DATE: 6/18/93 ����5`^""`�� � PROJECT: Tudor/I-405NVA RECORD OF BOREHOLE PB-7 SHEETI OF2 STATION: 366+87 DATUM: MSL PROJECT NUMBER: 913-1149.808 BORING LOCATION: I-405 OFFSET: 93R BORING DATE: 6/10193 O ��P�� SAMPLES PENETR/KTqN FESISTANCE BLOWS/FZ� PIEZOAIETER w � ELE1C 0 10 20 30 40 50 GRAPHIC � Q BLOWS I 12 IN. z pESCpIPTION � °�p m W N a WI(TER CONTErJT,PERCENT WATER Q $ � ¢O DEPTH Z a 140 b.hamrt� Q w W � IEVEL a� � 30 Inch d P p 2082 qww Very boae,duekh gray(SPB 5J2)to praylsh Ml• : 0.0 ��,y broMm{SYR 3!2)moqled.unstratHled.dky fine GM - �a„Q;h ~ SAN0.n�e aandY SILT and tine GRAVEI,damp � (LAN0.SUDE DEBRIS) ,�n � �_• Wdngs 0 i� �!t'I _ Ol�nk 5 �. . I � s.a � ss a�rs s �.sn. � v�..qde m.0wn � 6.5 � _ en�r . • 7.5 2 SH WA WA 1/1.1 I $ - 8.65 _ tozo W�n 70 ��u rt�odera�e yelbwish bram(10 YR 5!4) SM b:0' 10.0 3 SS 6/6!6 12 1.5/1. 8.3% �I and dueish gray(5PB 5�unsVatHfed,CLAYEY }1,�0: O ■ _ SILT and line to med'um SAND,line to coarse y�p-, ��.5 yr wc :� gravel.damP.ironcxide staioed(TILL� Q�0 w..n . FirrrL duefsh gray(5PB 5r2),finely lamhated, CL- ( SILTY CLAY to CLAY,Vace flne sand and (� .' apanks.damp{PROGLACIALIACUSTRINE i�a•;;i _ �� 29.BX 7n�.:: :. t5 15.0 4 SS 6J7/9 16 1.5/1. � Botlom � 16.5 � D�i� C�Nngs _ ( vu•yda - m W i�m p 20'Becomes hard,whh sorre minor 20.0 5 SS 619�13 72 1.51. � ben0on1Y sYdcensaed wAaces 21.5 Dri1 Cutlnys � � zs.o s ss �a�erzs aa �.y�. 2a. ■ ------- --- — 26.5 ^ �ense.due'ah pray(5P8 Sm to oAve pnY(N MIL• -- -- J4!1).IMerbedded.SILT and si�y tne SM ! snraaa��aocucuu u►cusrawE s�� — 30 30.0 � ss �orzarzs 49 �.y�. ��a Dense to very dens0.�derate yellowish brown SP ,•': 31.5 _ (10YR 5/4)ctratNied,fine SAND,lace sIR,damp (PROGLACIAL LACUSTRINE SIW� - � - Becomes very dense and stratHied �� 35 35.0 8 SS 21/3W34 64 1.5l1. .:. 36.5 - t^' 40 Lop oontinued on next paqe .. -a DRIIL RIG: 8-24 Skid IOGGED: F.Modcer DRIIUNGCONTRACTOR: Boretec CHECKED: J.JoMson �� `���id �,,� DRI�LER: Fi.Gbson DATE: 7l30�93 ��5^^-�`�-u � PROJECT: Tudodl-405/WA RECORD OF BOREHOLE PB-7 SHEET 2 OF 2 STATION: 366+87 DATUM: MSL ROJECT NUMBER: 913-1149.808 BORING LOCATION: I-405 OFFSET: 93R BORING DATE: 6/10/93 p SOILPROFILE SAMPLES PENETRNION RESISDWCE � BLOWSIFL� PGRAPHI�C a w � U ELEIL BIOWS/t21N. 0 10 20 30 40 50 LL Q � Z pESCq�pTpN � a m w N a WATER CONTENLPERCENT WATER � S � 0 8 oEPTM Z � '30��e� ¢ wP "' "" �� i � Very dense moderate yelowish brown�tOYR SP ::� 40.0 9 SS 24/37/48 85 1.5l1. Cu� 574)satrati'ied,fine SAND,dartp (PROGLACIAL LACUSTHINE SAND) i Borehole terminated at 41.5 faet 41.5 a5 � 50 � 55 � 60 65 i I' � ii 75 DRILLRIG: 8-24 Sk{d LOGGED: F.Modcer DRILUNGCONTRACTOR: Boretec CHECKED: J.JOMson �` DRILLER: R.Gbaon DATE: 7l3p�93 ��� Ii: �I'1 Golder Associates Inc. ��' 4104-148th Avenue,N.E. � �� Redmond,WA 98052 r Golder Telephone(425)883-0777 �S��.u`t�s Fax(425)882-5498 May 6,1999 Our ref: 983-1098 Legacy Partners 1756114th Avenue S.E.,Suite 135 Bellevue,Washington 98004-6931 ATTENTION: Mr.Scott Sprin�eer RE: ADDTTIONAL GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES THE BLUFFS PROJECT RENTON,WASHINGTON Dear Scott: Golder Associates,Inc.is pleased to present this report summarizing additional geotechnical investigations and recommendations for the Bluffs Project. During the course of the civil design of the project,we have been asked to provide some additional information in two arnas of construction: 1)the main entry road for the upland parcel; 2) i and the new location for the access road to the lower buildings. At this time we are still discussing possible alternative options for the pile supported foundations in the lower portion of the site. We will meet with you to discuss that issue at a later date. MAIN ACCESS ROAD FOR UPPER BUILDINGS B ackground The design for the main access road calls for the rnnstruction of two parallel roads separated by a short wall. The upper,two lane road will be the everyday access road into and out of the project. The lower,single lane road will be an emergency access road only. The topography and grading plan,prepared by Dodds Consulting Engineers,Inc. I shows cuts for the roadway up to 28 feet high and fills for the downslope road up to 13 feet high The road has several sharp bends to gain elevation and contour the hillside as it climbs to the upper portion of the site. Our geotechnical study had limited subsurface mverage along the roadway rnnsisting of two borings in the areas of deepest cuts. The borings indicated that there was fill within the limits of the planned cuts in the area of the abandoned railroad grade. The native soiLs included silty sands overlying very dense clayey silt soils. There have been shallow slumps and debris flows on the east cut slope of SR-405 directly east of this porlion of the Bluffs site. Therefore,a mncem was raised about the planned cuts for the southern entry road. nGFi�'Fc iN AI ICTRA�IA <'ANAf>A rF4tinANv HI IN!�ARV ITAIV S1NFnF^J I INITFI�K!Nrf�C�M UNITED STATES May 6,1999 2 983-1098 Additional explorations were necessary to determine if the planned 2H:1V cut slopes would be stable,deternune if groundwater seepage could be a problem,and determine the limits and effects of the fill in the planned cut footprint for the roadway. In addition, we collected soil samples fior laboratory testing to determine if they were near optimum for mmpaction. Soil and Groundwater Conditions We excavated eight test pits along the main entry road on Apri128,1999,labeled TP-2A through TP-27 as shown on the attached site drawing. The test pits were excavated to a maximum depth of 16.5 feet Logs of the test pifs are attached as Appendix A. The soils encountered below the topsoil layer in TP-21 throu�TP-26 consisted of compact to very dense silt,and silty sand,with occasional discontinuous lenses of silty clay and clayey silt The soils are fine grained lacusterine deposits that have been consolidated during the last glaciation. In places they were difficult to excavate and no significant sidewall caving was observed in the test pits. With the exception of a minor groundwater seep noted at a depth of 4.5 feet in TP-24,no seepage was observed in any of the test pits on Apri128th The soils are generally strong,but highly erodable when exposed on slopes,and moderate to highly moisture sensitive when used in compacted fills. We completed three Modified Proctor tests on samples of soil collected from test pits TP-20 and TP-25. The natural moisture rnntent of the samples ranged from about 11% to 17%. The optimum moisture content for the samples as determined by Modified Proctor ASTM D-1557 ranged from about 12.3% to 18.5%. Test pits TP-20 and TP-27 were excavated in the shallow ravine that leads upslope to a fill embankment for the abandoned railroad. The fill embankment has failed some time in the past depositing material into the ravine below. The two test pits enrnuntered, colluvium which slid or eroded from the embanl�ent above,filling the ravine bottom to a depth of about 13 feet The colluvium generally consisted of a loose silty sand,with zones of coal spoil used for the railroad fill embanimient as well as scattered organics. Geotechnical Recommendafions Based on the results of the explorations the entry road construction is feasible. However, we have remmmended the following design modifications and construction procedures during roadway rnnstruction � Cut Slope Inclination: We recommend that the permanent cut slopes above the entry road be flattened from 2H:1V to 2.5H:1V. The native soils aze highly erodable,and we ' are mncerned that the planned 2H:1V slopes will require excessive long term maintenanoe and erosion controL It will be susoeptible to sloughing during heavy winter rains,particularly until new vegetation has been well established. In addition,we recommend that an intermediate drainage bench be installed at the nud-point of the cut slopes where the fiotal cut slope height exceed a vertical height of 30 feet. T'he purpose of the drainage bench is to intercept sheet flow and near surface water on the slope to , reduce the pofiential for surface erosion and neaz surface sloughing. There are many , Golder Associates May 6,1999 3 983-1098 different options fior the design of the drainage bench,such as a short bench with a half culvert drain installed in the bottom or a gravel filled ditch with a drain pipe buried in the ditch,or others. We recommend that we work with the civil engineer,Bruce Dodds, to provide a drainage design for the bench drain The drainage bench should drain by gravity to a collection point and into the storm sewer system Ravine Fill: There is up to about 13 feet of loose mlluvium located in a shallo��ravine to be crossed by the entry road (see attached drawing,Figure 1,for approximate limits of the colluvium). The fill extends upslope and increases in thickness to about 30 fieet, below the railroad embankment that spans the ravine. The exact lateral limits of the fi'; along the planned road are not known but we would estimate the fill to underlie abou � 70 foot long section of the roadway centered at the apex of the bend,with the fill �, thiiuiing at the ends. The fill material will be suitable for support of the roadway after '� some improvement in rnmpaction. However,the current design showing a rockery facing about an eight foot high cut on the upslope side of the road will not be suitable in the fill area. We remmmend an engineered wall system coupled with specific construction grading sequencing in this fill area. Specifically,this would include: • The construction sequencing for the grading of the roadway should begin at the crest of the slope above this curve in the road to help maintain slope stability during the roadway cuts. The attached cross secfion,Figure 2,illustrates that the crest of the railroad embanlmlent will be removed as part of the upslope grading, reducing the load on the slope in the ravine. Once the upper slope grading is complete,the roadway cuts can be made to install the reinforced fill in the area of the ravine fill. • The upslope cuts for the roadway through the fill can be supported using a geogrid reinforced fill faced with a rockery. Other wall facing�could be used,but a rockery facingµa.yr be the most desirable option,since it would maintain the same visual look as the rest of the rockery walls along the road. Other alternatives include a Criblock wall,welded wire wall,cast-in-place concrete wall, or gabion basket wall, Temporary construction cuts can be maintained at an inclination of about 1H:1V in the fill during installation of the reinforced fill wall. This will result in a temporary cut height of about 15 feet. The fill material for the reinforced fill wall should be a granular,firee draining sand and gravel. We can provide a design for tlte reinforced fill wall. If the wall is designed by others,we recommend that we review the design It is critical that the fill walls be constructed of free draining fill and with adequate drainage between the wall structural fill and the colluvium soils below. • It is critical for the stability of the slopes in the ravine below the abandoned railroad embankment that no surface water drainage collect or be directed to the ravine upslope of the embankment, Any e�dsting culverts or drainage ditches in or azound the embanl�ent should be abandoned or collected and rnnveyed in a tightline to the stormwater system • Once the entry road subgrades have been reached in the area of the ravine fills, we recommend they be examined by the geotechnical engineer. If the fill material is competent and free of organics and debris,it should be compacted with a large vibratory steel drum roller to densify the upper few feet.The upper Golder Associates