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''� , . ; " � _ Tax °Lot 160 T�G #37 . ,
'� t �. Frank Bro�r�vich `
` 7547 S. Laurel St. �
^ Seattle, �JA 98178
,� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
� TNiS II�JSTRUMEPI7, made this day of �'� � '
� by and #�etweet� Frank Brozovich a�.d Darlene, Brozovich, his wife •
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�, hereinafter ealled "Granto�(s) ," ar�d the CITY OF REN70N, a P9unicipal Corporatit�� of
a; King Cour.ty, Washington, here�nafter cal�eci "Grantee."
� That said Grantor(sj , for and in consideration of tf�e sum of $
,,'�"�-� _ __p aid by Grantee, and other valuable considerat�on, da
� �y these presents, grant, argain, sel3 , convey, and warrarat unto tlae said �rantee,
c� its successors and assigns, an 2asement for public utilities {including wa�er and
sewer) with necessary appurtenances over, through, across ar�d upc�n the foilowing
described praperty in K��g Cc�unty, Wasj�ington, more particularly described �s
The east 10 feet of the fol�o�ring:
Main Tract
All that portian of t}�e. H��tt y 1�� "�'��bin i�onotion Cla�m �io. 37 withi�n the N�N i/4 of
Section 17, Twp. 23 ���� �ti�;a.'� �. , �►.M. more particuiariy described as foliows:
�I. 130 gt. o�. S 4'7Q f�.. of W 12U ft. of por of .Donation Claim ly. btwn N'e1�s and� �
Wi��lailtS Streets� and N of Block 23 '1'o�an of ltenton as recorded in Volume 1 0� �Iats
page 135 records of �iCing Gounty Washington.
i,ess Co�nmexciai Waterway District No. 2
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Together with a temporary construction ease�r�ent described as:
The west 10 fee� of the east 2d3 feet of the abc�ve desc�ibed main tract. '
Said tempor�ry construction easem�nt shall remain i.n force during corastruc-
tion and until such time as the Utl�l�]�5 and appur�.enances have been accepted
for the operation a�d maintenance by the Grantee but not 3ater than_`����_
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Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have
the right, without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be ,
necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purp ose of construct- ,
ing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said roadway and utilities, �i
or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligations or �
liability therefore, provided, that such construction, maintaining, repairing,
alteri ng or reconstruction of sai d roada�ay and uti li ti es sha71 be accompl i shed i n _'
such a manner that the private improvements existing in the right(s)-of-way shall
not be disturbed or damaqed, they wi71 be replaced Zn as good a condition as they
were immediately be;�re �he �t^ODe:^ty v�as enter�d u,��n �y thQ Grantee.
N The Grantor sha11 fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises, including
� p the ri ght to retain the ri ght to use the surface of sai d ri ght-of-way i f such use
'y N does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the roadway or utilities .
� � However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across
the right-of-way during the existence of such roadway and utilit�es.
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� This easement, sha11 be a covenant running with the land and shaii be bind- ''-^
ing on the Grantor, hi s successors , hei rs and assi gns. Grantors covenant that they f'�
are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful `
ri ght to execute th�s agreement. � �rt
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STATE OF bJAS�-!T��:CT41� 7 I
I , the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby
certi fy that on this.�"..,�_day of �j� , 197� personal ly appeared ,
before me I
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a n d ��,�y.0.. `�3,20'zc�J �.-c�--� � '
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and ; to me known to be individual s described
in and w o executed t e foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that �.�-�:�
si gned and sealed the same as �1-'.k-S�i�free and vol untary act and deed for the uses
and purposes therein mentioned.
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