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•� �c 3 I o�Pi�t,..
/WR�lT AN1? �A.S!��'�Ni' �£60ROE0 KC RECltRO.
�" Tl�ia� Jl,�r�a*s.nt midf Ltsii ,�-�'d�ay at -.IG�i�` , 19?8 �
� �..■...... �..... .■ ���
I 1�t�rerr� !►,Mriaan li�+orial 9�anrie�a, L�o.. a ltaaltixsgtcm caxyontioa (i3ra:st,ir li
� �2'��:� �tld 1�' .1L �St'•�.�LdSy x2lOat � 1�IAs�3S,�ti031 CO2'ji0#"�1S�.0Sk ��!'ilYtQ�t A�x'!'�.iT�t I
� ����� ,i
-��, t}ra�nLar� tbr ra].ua�le aanside�tion, does by these pres�►ts 6raat, i
o�p� bsrgai*�, aell, aonve7 aad oox�!"i� unto aaid t3rantee, iLe suaeeeeors� or �i
t�- �
.. aaeig�s, a�t� eaament and righi-of-x�,y �ar ingresa axul egreae atsd ut3,Iitiee
� i
�t xi`h necea�r sppurGRaaaaaa over, thra�lgkt� aeroaa and upon ttie followina
� descri'aed rea3. propertT aituated in tht Clt�► af R�ntan, KSnQt Cou�'ti*� li
ro Washiagtans P�cularly deaaribed aa follouat ' II
rl II
� A pez�anent Easement abd right-ot-xay for ingrsaa e�nd egreen azd
v II
'"� ut3litiea with neceaearT ap�purGerunaea deacribed aa a at.rip of lwnd eixty �
(60} ZeaL and rridth, the eaaterlq a�arg:^ o! Miiich ie to lie one faot rdtt�•in �i
� i
the aaaterly aaarg3n o! Jl�eriaaa t�mari.a�]. Sertieee, Iae. praP�'r'tY +u�d described �i
aa iallo�ra t �
A atrip of ].aM sixtY leet Sn rridth avMsr, ur�der an�d aer+�saa a i
pprtion of tbs aaut�esat riva►rt�er of the rbart�h_�►at quarter oS
sect3on a7. Ta�e�ahiP 23 No�. �aa 5 �'�. w.x., in xing �i
C.oamtY, IisaGit�to�, more particu7.sr2y cleeoribed ae iallows s �
Hegirn�in8 at t2sa iat�eraeation of the eouttr�+sat+erly mmrgl.n af I
tb�e Paget Samd Po�rer eubcl Z,ight Ca�Y �►'t-� -�Y vrifixt the
north line o! aaid aubdivision; `uizer.�e aautb 'S4" east
a2ong sa�id sau�ateriy mssl3ln a distanae of 581.26 feet;
theace sautb. 5�+'ll" esat contir�uing Along an'..d eauth�neaterly
�argtn � c+±st.�r,ce af 23$.35 feet 'to tha east 21n�e cf aafd
eubdi�3 eion; theace eouth 1°�'f"56^ vro$t $lan8 aaid emst liaa a
dS,etaace o! 5�3•67 teet; thexx�e narth $8 52'0#" weat a dieta�nee
af 6p.OQ feeti thence narth 1 tYl'S6`� eaat parallel ta the
3iata�n.t 60.00 leat °z+am t�e eaat line o aaid aubdiviaion a
diatat�e af 539•�i6 feet� t.htnce narth 54+11te �st pa�►lle2
to ar�d 60.00 feet dietaut irom eatci aautMveaterly mnrgin a
diata�rxse oi" 123.69 feet= thenee r�aact�h 26°�8'S4" weet eontiuu�-
�8 P�►Ilel with and 60.00 S'eet distsnt trom aai� aouth�reat-
erly mai"B1r� a diatanee ot 49c�.82; tlunce narttz 6� 21'06" eaat
a di,,e�tance of 60.00 fest ta the poir:t ot begirinir�g.
i d � ,�. Thia eaaement ia gx�artted sub3eat to ancj condit�oned upan thd fai2 owing
I� t'" vi q
I� : " p Le�, eonditiona, ar�d aovenaz�te whiah Grantea '�ereby pramiee$ to fal.ttttlatlly
� � .
I` � �; ' obeerve a:►d perfonns
i .
� �� : 2. T�he aruiitor, ita eueaeaaora� heir�, ex,eeutcra or �►e�signa aha21
I y , v.
' �� reta3n the right to use th� aurta.ae o2' said easea�ent, so lbn� aa said uaf
�, �
� ~'y��does noL inteMare with the in�reea nnd egresa right grantrsd herein.
, 2. The arantee eh�ll provide ta 4rantar ite aueceeaors. heirs, ex�eutorss
✓ � "i r
f �
� ar a�a�igna dcaae� ta tk,e ra�twsy dev�lopcd frnm arsntor e property at tl�e 1c�-
�i c�tlan aset farth by tirantar.
------------------ �
r —------------------------------- . �,. . ,. I
�. Qriurtor ite euco�eaoref beire, axeoutcr�� or asei�ss in �ra�tt�d the
ri�ht and +►�srmsnt far utili�tiae, coru�oti.oae, ri�h�of-way or inst+►12atioa
•s nsy L�e n�casa,►xy for tiren+or ita heire, e�ceoutora, s�ai�ne, or ru,cc�saora
S'or xat�rr, 1lahts� potiner, ee�rr. eta. alon� ar ca�enensuratN wi»th asid e�se-
m�z►t property. lt► Lha event roadxay ie di.atttrb�d Ay i3rantor, it will be
rsstored by eau�e.
�. Roadway deY+elapaoent, conatYttctian � malntena:��a aha12 be psid for
ar�ti aasuned by tirantee a�cnd aald'Grantee ahall aam�ly xith a�12 Loca�l, Co�unLy*
5tata +�zul F�edera]. ood,es aad r^qaix�anenta xitli mapeat thereto,
5. t3ruaLee ahall l�ald Grantor ha�xmlans fran a�r and ali cla3�oe: euite,
actior:a, ar proceedi.nga xhieh may ariae against tirantar ita heira, erucceaears,
e�oecutom, or aeaigaa w2�atsoe�rer tta may arise fran tts�.a eaaement or the giviss8
� thereaf.
�j 6. �3rantar fa herein granted audditional eaaement ar�d rlghte !or
� i.�stallation of r+r►ter � house, water eollection, water atarage and general
� use a.� m�cy be necessary witti respect to tbat certain strip of prnp�_�tp belong- ,
ing to 3tonexay and zs�ing east anst weat a3ang 3rd Ave�aue N. �. ao Iong as the
same dnes not inter£ere with the gratated rigttta ta Gz�u�t�e herein. That certain
piece of property is described a.�:
fitse aorth 35 feet of the sauth 115 feet af that portion of Lhe
Northeast quarter of the northeast quarter af Sectian 1�, �`or+n-
shtip 23 Noxth, Range 5 East, W.M., lying east af Mt. Olfvet
Cea�etery �.�ad; EsZCSp!' t'ssat portion tdrer�af within txse rig3�,t-taf- .
♦+ay af Puget Sound Poxer � Light Company, ALSO tht north 35 feet
of the eauth 115 fest af the xest 179 feet of the narthwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of Seetian lb� Township 23 No�s �8� 5
East, W.M.
?. Grantor ita heirs, auceessors, executors, or aasigt►s shall have ��,
no tlu�her duty ar responsitiJ.ity with respect to said ease�aen�, raad �,
develc�ment, evnstruct�an, or maintenance whatsoever and in the event �
Grantor desirea ta eace.cise s*�y rights reaerved herein unto Gx�rstar, tlien i
the ezercise of �ueh righta s2=all be the rEspansibility of tiran�Lar and i
ahall be paid for by Grantor,
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C(�7N.['Y OF lC�iiMq }
Qn thfs /�� day of' �-� tsNC � 19Tg: Personally appeared before
me ..1/f»1c t C�,r� anct ✓/A�1tJ �011� to me l�arm
tc be the Presiden*. a9d Searetary, respectively, of AMERIGAN t+�SORIAL SERYICE.S,
INC. the cosyoration that executed the forego3ng instr�mient� and acknowledged
the eaid instnm�ent to be the free and voltu�tar3r act and deed of said eorporation, �I
Por t�e uses and p�up�sses therein men�ioned, and an oath stat«ed that they are �I
autharized to execute the said a.►stxwnent and that the sea2 affixed {�f any) �II
ia the corparate seal oY said carporation.
WI"P2�SS MY HAND and officia2 aeaZ hereto a2'fi�sed the day and year firet
above wr�tten. 'I�
� �
- �tr��. t �
, NOTARX Pt7�LIC in atxi f the 3�te of
waehington, re�iding at ,���e.*.�i"'C__�_,_.,�,�. I�
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Qn Lhf a ,�� duy of f �'/� , 1978� pereona l,y (
� . �r
appeA2'Rd be1'Ol^e me f %!� '\t=�' �, � /C .'r �'�t'�I�G.r�.•' �I
to me k�rn to ta� the Pres�.den: a�n�d Secretary� reepectively, ot I�Nf Iff�, I
Il�1C. tthe carpor�►�ian thst e�oacuted Lne faregaisig instnaent, asui aciau�rledg+ed I
. the aai.d ias�Ensnent to be the free �nd voluntary act an�d deeQ oi said caarparatian,
far the usea and puzpusea therein m�ntioned, and on oath atated that they are .y
aut.horised ta eaoceute the aa3d ir.,at�cnt arrd ttsat the senl afYized (if t�nq}
is the eorporate aeal ot' said co7rporation. ~ � �
, �
� I
� KI.TbtESS MY HAhID and official sea], hereto affYz�ed the day aad year fiz�st �
� above writt+ea. I
� r � �
� F wa�
� �
PUBI.IC in and for t�h� Stay�e of � �_`, � �
iiashin�ton, resicil,ng at �,_,���;_,. "�, , I
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