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� THIS IrlSTRU��iENT, made this ��day of December, 1978, by and �etween the
u�� JACK A. BENAKOYA C�h1PAf�Y, a 4Jashington corporation, hereinafter called "Grantor," i,
;� and the CITY OF REIVTOP�, a Municipal Corporation of King County, Washington,
�� hereinafter calied "Gra►�teQ."
' Grantor for �he sum of �10.00 paid by Grantee, and other valuable consi�eration,
� hereby grants, bargains , se17s, conveys and 4ti�arrants to Grantee, its ,successor
� and assigns, an easem�nt for undergrourrd public utiliiies (including water and
� sewer) with necessary appurtenances including exisiing surface ard above ground
o facilities such as hydrants and meters, under, through, across and upon certain
� properties in King County, Washington, which rights-to-way are more particularly
� described on Exhibits A, B and C annexed hereto.
'� Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, without prior
institution of suit or proceeding at law, at such times as may be reasonable and
.._. necessary, to enter upon the rights-of-way for the purpose of maintaining, repairing,
altering or reconstructing said utilities, or making any connections thereto,
without incur�ing 7ega1 obligation or liability therefore; provided the same shall
be accomplished so that the private improvements existing in the rights--of-��ay shall
not be disturbPd or damaged. In the event they are disturbed or damaged, they will�
be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was
entered upon by Grantee.
Grantor retains the right to fully use and enjoy the rights-of-way, including
the right to use the surface thereof, if the use does not unduly interrere with
maintenance of the utility lires. Grantor shall not erect buildings or like
s�ructures over, upon or across t�-,e rights-of-way during i:h� existence of such
This easement is a covenant ru;�nirg with the lard an� is bi��din� o�� th�
Grantor'� 1tS 5UCCESSOY`� dii� uSSl�j^S. a3^di1t0:^ �OVcfidlltS th�t lt �c tl�a laty�f;,il p��nPr
o� the abave described property and has good and la��rfu7 right to execute this ,
agreement. ,
J�1CK q�. BEN 0�0 - :ANY �
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ACCEPTED: By�''' � ` ,. � � -
��`Jac A. Benaroya; President -`�"� i
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On this /�� day of December, 1978, personally appeared before me JACK A. ;
BENAROYA, to me known to be the President of the corporation that executed the �
foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free und ;
voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes mentione� :
therein, ar�d on oath stated that he was authorized to execute th� same and that ;
the s�al affixed is the corporate sea7 of said corporation.
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of '
. ' Washington, residing at .'
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� � strip of land along the north, south, east and west 15.00 feet of the
follov�ing described parcel : I
That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 36,
Township 23 North, Range 4 East, 4J.M. , and of Government Lot 1 , Section 31 ,
Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M. , i� the City of Renton, King,County,
t�ashington described as follows:
Beginning at the narthwest corner of said northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section 36;
thence South Ol °47"51 " West along the Yrest line thereof 1278.87 feet to a
line 48 feet northerly of and parallel to the proposed centerline of S.W.
43rd Street, said proposed centerline begins at the intersection of the
East Valley High��aay with the south line of the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of Section 31 , Totivnshi p 23 P�orth, Range 5 East, l�J. M.
ard runs thence westerly, in a straight line, to the intersection of the
, � centerline of the Glest Valley Highway with the south line of Government
� Lot 2 of Section 36, Township 23 �dorth, Range 4 East, td. P�1. ; -
� thence South 88°36'37" East along said oar.ailel line a distance of 145:39
0 feet to the true point of beginning; �
C thence continuing South 88°36'37" East along said parallel line 2029.52 .
r�.. feet, to a point North 25°05`34" East from a point on the south line of
said Government Lot 1 which is North 89°03'54° t�!est 159.25 feet from the
southeast corner of said Goverr,rr�ent Lot l ;
thence North 25°05'34" East a distance of 98.29 feet to the west line of
the east 94.04 feet of said Government Lot 1 ;
thence Ptorth O1 °04'45" East along said west line a distance of 761 .23 feet;
' thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 55.00 feet, an arc
distance of 86.10 feet through a central angle of 89°41 '22"; �
thence (�orth �8°36'37" irdest a distance of 2004.23 feet;
thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 55.00 feet, an arc
distance of 86.00 feet through a central angle of 89°35'33" to a line �
90 feet east of ai�d parallel to the west line of said northeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of Section 36; '
I thence South O1 °47 '51 " �Jest along said line a distance of 795.95 feet;
thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 55.00 feet an arc
distance of 86.78 feet through a central angle of 90°24`28" to the true
point of beginning.
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That portion of the �dortheast a,uari,er of the Nartheast quarter of Section 36,
Townshi p 23 Plorth, �ange 4 East, 4!.P�I. , i n Ki ng Coun�y, lFlashi ngton descri bed
as fol l ou�s:
Beginning at the P�orthwest corner of said Northeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section 36; thence Sauth O1 °47 '51 " G�est along
the !�Jest 7ine thereof a distance of 1 ,278.87 feet to a line 48 feet
Northerly of the proposed centerli.ne of S. l�. 43rd Street, said
proposed centerline begins at the intersection of the East Valley
Hi ghv�ay ari th the South 1 i ne of the l�dortheast quarter of the North-
west quarter of Section 31 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, 6J. M. ,
in King County, l�Jashington and runs thence tlesterly in a straight
7ine, to the �ntersection of the centerline of the 6Jest Valley
Highway with the South line of Government Lot 2 of Section 36,
Townshi p 23 P�orth, Range 4 East bd. M. , i n Ki ng County, 4��ashi ngtcn;
thence South 88°36'37" East along said parallel line a distance of
798.87 feet to the true point of beginning;
thence continuing South 88°36'37" East a distance of 33.77 feet;
thence Pdorth 01°23'23" East a distance of 263.50 feet;
thence South 88°36'37" East a distance of 16.00 feet;
flC? i.hence North Oj °23'23" East a distance of 47.50 feet;
C thence North 88°36'37" West a distance of 76.00 feet;
� �
� thence Plorth O1 °23'23" East a distance of 207.00 feet;
0� thence South 88°36'37" East a distance of 48.00 feet;
thence North O1 °23'23" East a distance of 10.00 feet;
thence North 88°36'37" GJest a distance of 48.00 feet;
thence tr`orth O1°23'23" East a distance of 69.50 feet; ___
thence Sout11 88°36'37" East a distance of 16.00 fe�t; �
thence North O1°23'23" East a distance of 31 .00 feet;
thence North 88°36'37" •West a distance of 16.00 feet;
thence t�orth 01°23'23" East a distance of 277.42 feet; �
thence t�orth 88°36'37" West a distance of 33.77 feet;
thence South O1°23'23" West a distance of 905.92 feet .to the true
point of beginning. _
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That portion of Government Lot 1 , Section 31 , Township�23 North, Range 5 East, �
W. M. , in King County, �Jashington, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Pdor�heast quarter of the ;
Northeast quarter of Section 36, To��rnship 23 P•lorth, Range 4 East, ,
4J.t�t. , i n Yi ng County, �lashi ngton; thence South O1 °47 '51 " West ,
along the west line oi said Pdortheast quarter of the IVortheast ;
quarter of Section 36, a distance of 1 ,278.87 feet to a line 48 �
feet Idortherly of and parallel �;o the proposed centerline of S.W. s
43rd Street, said proposed centerline begins at the intersection t
of the East Val l ey Hi gh�-ray �•ri th tne South 1 i ne of the Northeast �
quarter of the North��rest quarter of Section 31 , Townsi�ip 23 P�orth, f
Range 5 East L,f.M. in King County, tJashington and runs thence �
4desterly, in a straight line, to the intersection of the center- E
line of the t�!est Highway �vitn the South line of Government Lot 2 ;
, of Section 36, Tol�mship 23 1Vorth, Range 4 East, W.M. , in King :
County, l�lashinoton; thence South 88°36'37" East along said parallel !
line a distance of 1 ,474.68 feet to the true point of beginning; ;
' thence continuing South 88°36'37" East a distance of 33.77 feet; !
op thence (�orth O1 °23'23" East a distance of °05.92 feet; , i
� thence fdortl� 88°36'37" West a d�stance of 33:77 feet; � �
� thence South O1 °23'23" �dest a distance of 278.42 feet; '•
� thence Pdorth 88°36'37" tdest a distance of 11 .50 feet; E
O thence South O1 °23'23" 4!est a distance of 32.50 feet; ;
C thence South 88°36'37" East a distance of 11 .50 feet; f
p� thence South O1 °23'23" �,�est a distance of 52.Q0 feet; ;
r thence Ivorth 88°36`37" tdest a distance of 47.50 feet; �
thence So�th O1 °23'23" d!est a distance of 10.00 feet; ;
thence South 88°36'37" East a distance of 34.00 feet; ;
�hence South 01°23'23" tJest a distance of 14.00 feet; �
thence South 88°36'37" East a distance of 13.50 feet; �
� thence South O1°23'23° West a distance of 206.5 feet; �
thence tdorth 88°3b'37" b�!est a distance of 14.00 feet; �
� thence South O1 °23'23" !�Jest a distance of 35.00 feet; r:
thence South 88°36'37" East a distance of 14.00 feet; i
thence South O1°23'23" b�est a distance of 277.50 feet to the true
point of beginning. +
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