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,�_ TH I S (NSTRUMENT , made th i s � day of �'�v�.r�'GCS� 1 9 7g ;
� by and between Rubin Salant,President ,and Enrique P. Mora, Vice President •
� (Condominium Builders Inca�d (Condominium Builders Inc. ) .
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;� hereinafter called "Grantor(s)" , and the CITY OF RENTON , a Municipal Corporation of King
�-� County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee".
�'� �
o That said Grantor(s) , for and in consideration of the sum of $1. 00
� (One Dollar) paid by Grantee, and other valuable considerat.ion, do by
�`� these presents, grant, bargain, sell , convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, its
successors and assigns , an easement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with
� necessary appurtenances over, through, across and upon the following described property
� in King County, Washington, more particularly described as fo] lows : � �
Rolling Hill Condominium 79-237
Water Line E�sement 7-10-79
Revised 7/20/79
An easement for waterline over a strip of land )5 feet in width, being Revised 8/15/79
7,5 feet on each side of the following described centerline in the
Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North,
Range 5 East, W.M. in King County Washington described as follows:
Beginning at the south quarter corner of said Section 20; thence NO1 °45'37"E
along the east line of saidsubdivision 1271 . 16 feet; thence S89°09' S4"W
parallel with the east-west centerline of said Section 20 ,a distance of
CENTERLINE; thence S00°55'30"W 52.84 feet; thence N39°33 '47"E 17.09 feet;
thence S00°43' 17"W 17•37 feet to a point hereinafter called "HYD-1";
thence S00°43 ' 17"W 98.68 feet to a point hereinafter called "WM-1": thence
S00°43' 17"W 118.41 feet; thence S45°45'02"W 37•72 feet; thence S00°09'S5"E
97.01 feet to a point hereinafter called "HYD-2"; thence S00°09'SS"E
15-7� feet to a point hereinafter called "POINT A"; thence S00°09'S5"E
_ 24.06 ,feet to a point hereinafter calted "WM-2"; thence 500�09 'S5"E 9.88
� feet; thence S38°38'43"E 73•95 feet; thence 503�15'S3"�� 10£3.57feet to
the northerly margin of S. Puget Drive and the terminous of this described
ALSO an easement for waterline 15 feet in width being 7.5 feet on each side
of a centerline described as follows:
Beginning at aforementioned "POIt�T A"; thence N88°54 '27"E 98. 14 feet to a
point hereinafter called "WM-3"; thence N88°54'27"E 14.43 feet to a point
hereinafter called "POINT B"; thence N88°54'27"E 162.44 feet; thence
N00°26'37"E 51 -36 feet to a point hereinafter called "HYD-3"; thence
N00°26'37"E 10.39 feet to a point hereinafter called "WM-4"; thence
N00°26'37"E 188.28 feet to a point hereinafter called point "WM-5"; thence
N00°26'37"E 66.43 feet to a point hereinafter called point ��wM-6";
thence N00°2fi'37"E 34• 15 feet to a point hereinafter calle3 "HYD-4";
thence N00°26'37"E ]4.24 feet to a point which bears S89°09'S4"W from
a point on the east line of said subdivision distant N01°�t5'37"E 1271 . 16
feet from the southeast corner thereof and the terminous of this described
centerline. �
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ALSO easements for waterline 15 feet in width being 7.5 feet on each side
of the following 12 described centerlines:
Centerline No. l : Beginning at aforementioned point "HYD-1"; thence
5 7 3 'Ol"E 2 .. 7 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline No. 2: Beginning at aforementioned point "WM-1"; thence
S7 3 ' 0"E 33-27 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline tdo. 3: Beginning at aforementioned point "WM-1"; thence
N76°3 ' �"W 31 •50 feet to the terminous of this centertine.
— -- -- - - -----
N Centerline No. 4 : Beginning at aforementioned point "HYD-2"; thence
� S 5 50' S5"E 6 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
MCenteriine No. 5: 8eginningataforementioned point "WM-2"; thence
N °3 'S ��W��$ feet to the terminous of this centerline.
C Centerline No. 6: Beginning at aforementioned point "WM-3"; thence
� NO1°OS'33"W 26.32 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline No. 7: Beginning at aforementioned point "HYD-3"; thence
N °20'27"W 26. 7 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline No. 8: Beginning at aforementioned point "WM-4"; thence
N 9 33 '23"W 20.78 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline No. 9: Beginning at aforementioned point "WM-5"; thence
N 9 33'23"W 37•32 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline No. l�: Beginning at aforementioned point "WM-6"; thence ,
N�9 3 23"W ::.:29;''4D�eet to the term i nous of th i s centerl i ne.
Centerline No. 11 : Beginning at aforementioned point "HYD-4"; thence
S 9�12'23"W 23•63 feet to the terminous of this centerline.
Centerline No. 12: Beginning at aforementioned point "B"; thence SOl°05'33"E
53•72 feet to a point which bears NO1°45'37"E 791 .47 f�et as measured along
the north-south centerline of said section 20 and S89°09'S4"W as measured
parallel with the east-west centerline of said Section 20 from the south
quarter corner thereof.
Rolling Hill Condominium 79-237
Sanitary Sewer Easement 7-10-]9
Revised 7/20/79
Revised 8/15/79
An easement for sanitary sewer over a strip of land 15 feet in width, being
7. 5 feet on each side of the followingdescribed centerline in the Southeast
quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 �dorth, Ranye
5 East, W.M. in King County Washington described as follows :
Beginning at the south quarter corner of said Section 20; thence NO1 °45'37"E
- elong the east line of said subdivision 1271 . 16 feet; thence S89°09'S4"W
parallel with the east-west centerline of said Section 20 a distance of
625•35 feet to the east margin of Grant Avenue South; thence SO1°52'o4"W
thence S88°OQ'�6"E 21 .83 feet; thence S00°59`29"W L63•:5 feet; thence
S85°08' ll"E �28,25reet; thence S02"O1 ' 12"W 'jj$,t�j feet; thence S40"38'28"E
219.'48 feet to the north margin of S. Puget Drive and the terminous of this
described centerline.
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Said heretofare mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, sha71 have
the right� without priar notice or proceeding at iaw, at such times as may be
necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of canstruct-
ing, maintaining, repairing, altering or recanstructing said utilities, or making
any connections therewith, withaut incurring any legal � obligations or �I3d�1�1'�,y �•
therefare, provided, that such canstruction, maintaining. repairing> altering or
reconstruction of said utilities shal�l be accamplished in such a manner that the
private improvements exi�ting in the right(s�-of-way shall not be disturbed ar
damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were i.mmediately
before the property was entered upon by the Grantee.
The Grantor shall fully use and enjay th� afaredescribed premises, including
the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-af-way if such use
does nat interfere wi�h installation and maintenance af the utiliti.es. However,
� the grantor shall not erect buildings ar structures aver, under or across the
r. right-of-way dur�ng the existence of such utilities.
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MThis easement, sha11 be a covenant running with the 7a d and shall be binding
--- on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns, Grantor covenant that they
�"'` are the lawful awners of e above properties and that tt�ey ave a good and 7awful -
� right te this ement.
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Rub Sala , resident �nd Enri ue P. Mora Vice President
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fln this � � day of -�tCouS`�' " , 19��� before me�-the undersigned, I
a Notary Pub] 1c �n an�for the State of �Jt�kf,�sni� , du7y commissioned and sworn I
personally appeared �?ec6rn► �a��' and �udLcQc,c� Q. �c�f2Q
ta known to be the �R.�5�46�.t� and ��C@ _ �2y�s�0�''" , respectively,
` of ��,�}�ovn���u,.ri �,c��c,o�,.s „��,�,�, the corporation that executed the fore-
going instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument ta be ti�e free and voiuntary
act and deed of said corporation , for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and
on oath stated that --}��, -d authorized to execute the said 3r��:trument and that
the seal affixed is the c rporate seal of said carporatian.
WITNESS my hand and afficial seal hereto affixed the day and year in this
certificate abave written. .� ,
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