HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-16-118 ___..�..,�.�-a � � � . �� � �... C4NTRACT AGREEMENT FOR Genetec AutoVu Parking Enforcement Software and Equipment THtS AGREEMENT, dated .1une 17, 2016, is by and between the City of Renton (the "City"), a Washingtan municipal corparation,and PC5 Mobiie ("Consultant"),with headquarters in Denver, Calorado. The City and the Cansultant are referred to collectiveiy in this Agreement as the "Parties." This Agreement is effective as of the last date executed by either Party. 1, Scoqe of Services: Cansultant agrees to pravide the hardware, saftware and services as specified in Exhibit A ithe Proposal}, which is atkached and incorparated herein. The Scape of Services may hereinafter be referred to as the"Services." 2. Chan�es ir�Scope af 5ervices: The City, without invalidating this Agreement, may order changes to the Scope c�f Services consisting of additions, deletions or mt�difications,the Campensation being adjusted at the rate of$125 per haurfor harctware support and$150 per hour for software suppart ar as atherwise mutually agreed by tt�e Parties. 3. Campletian Date: Cons�rltant shall cornmence performance of the Agreement within 3tT days of its execution. The estimated compfetion date for the cs�nsultant's perFormance of the services specif'red in Section 1 is to be agreed upan by the Gty of Renton and PCS Mobile vuith an estimated completion 60 days after the execution date and in no event wi!! the completian date be more than 90 days after the effeetive date of ihis cantract, unless otherwise agreed to by the Pacties, in writing. Consultant will diligently proceed with the work contracted for, but Consultant�ha(! r�ot be held responsible for delays accasioned by faetors beyond its control which cauld not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the execution af this Agreement. If such a delay arises, Cansultant shall farthwith notify the City, In such event, the Parties shall cooperate to modify the deadline for completion. 4. Compensation: A. Arnount. Total compensation to Consultant for Services provided pursuant to this A�reement shall not exceed $54,845, plus any applicable state and lacal sales taxes. Campensation shall be paid based upon Services actually performed accarding to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit A.The Consultant agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it far its Services shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(sj unless otherwise provided in Exhibit A. Except as specifically provided in this Agreernent,the Consultant shaN be solely responsible €or the payment of any taxes irnposed bY��Y Page 1 af 11 jurisdiction or authority as a result af the performance and payment of this Agreement. B. Method of Pavment. �n a monthly or no less than quarterly basis, the Consultant shall submit a voucher or invoice in the form specified by the City, including a description of what Services have been performed, the name of the personnel performing such Services, and any hourly labor charge rate for such personnel. The Consultant shall also submit a final bil{ upon campletion of all Services. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis by the City only after the Services have been performed and within thirty(30)calendar days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the voucher or invoice. If the Services do not meet the requirements of this Agreement,the Consultant wilt correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. The City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the Agreement requirements. C. Non-Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City shall not be obligated to make payments for Services or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Services far which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies. 5. Termination: A. The City resetves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause by giving thirty (30} calendar days' notice to the Consultant in writing. In the event of such termination or suspension, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, worksheets, models and reports, or other material prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted to the City, if any are required as part of the Services. B. In the event this Agreement is terminated by the City,the Consultant shall be entitled to payment for all hours worked to the effective date af termination,less all payments previously made. This provision shall not prevent the City from seeking any legal remedies it may have for the violation o�nonperformance of any of the provisions of this Agreement and such charges due to the City shall be deducted from the final payment due the Consultant. No payment shall be made by the City for any expenses incurred or work done following the effective date of termination unless authorized in advance in writing by the City. C. The Consultant resenres the right to terminate this Agreement with not less than sixty (60) calendar days' written notice, or in the event outstanding invoices are not paid within thirty (30) calendar days. D. If the Consultant is unavailable to perform the Services, the City may, at its aption, cancel this Agreement immediately. Page 2 of 11 ��.�. 6. Warranties And Ri�ht To Use Work Product: Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant will perform all Services identified in this Agreement in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with afl reasonable and professional standards and laws. Cansultant further represents and warrants that all final wark product that is created for and delivered to the City pursuant to this Agreement sha11 be the original work of the Consultant far which Corrsultant holds the titfe and intellectual property righ#s. Consultant grants to the City a non-exclusive, perpetual right and license to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, and display a!I such final work product. Products are covered by manufacturer's warranty only as described in Exhibit B. ?. Record Ma'sntenance: The Consuitant shaii maintain accounts and recards, which properiy r�flect ali direct and indirect costs expended and Services provided in the performance of this Agreement. The Cansuitant agrees ta provide access to and copies af any recards reiated ta this Agreement as required by the City to audit expenditures and charges andjor ta camply with the Washingtan State Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW}, 8. Public Records Comaliance: To the ful{ e�ctent the Gity determines necessary to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act,Consultant shall make a due diiigent search ofi all recards in its possession, including, but not limited ta, e-mail, correspondence, notes, saved telephone messages, recardings, photos, or drawings and provide them ta the City for production. in the event Consultant believes said records need to be protected frorn disclosure, it shall, at Consultant's awn expense,seek judicial protection. Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for all costs, inciuding attarneys'fees,attendant to any claim or iitigation related to a Public Records Act request for which Consuitant has respansive records and for which Consultant has withheld recards ar infarmation contained therein, or not provided them to the City in a timeiy rnanner. Consultant shall produce for distribution any and all records responsive to the Public Records Act request in a timely manner, unless thase records are protected by court arder. 9. tnde�endent Contractar Relationship�: A. The Consultant is retained by the City anly far the purposes and to the extent set forth in this Agreernent. The nature afi the relationship between the Consultant and the City during the period of the Services shall be that of an independent contractar, not employee. The Consultant, not the City, shall have the power to contral and direct the details, manner or means of Services. Specificaiiy,but not by means of iimitation, the Consultant shal� have no abligation to work any particuiar haurs ar particular scMedule, unless otherwise indicated in the Scope af Wark or where scheduling of attendance or performance is mutually arranged due to publicized classes or activities. Consultant shall retain the right to designate the means af performing the Services cavered by this agreement, and the Consultant shall be entitled to employ other workers at such compensation and such other conditions as it may deem proper, provided, hawever,that any contract so made by the Consultant is to be paid Page 3 of 11 by it alone, and that employing such workers, it is acting individually and not as an agent for the City. B. The City shall not be responsible for withholding or otherwise deducting federal income tax or Social Security or contributing to the State Industrial Insurance Program,or otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to Consultant o�any employee of the Consultant. C. If the Consultant is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual,the Consu{tant agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Consultant retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Consultant's failure to do so. 10. Hold Harmless: The Consultant agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its agents, attorneys, elected officials, employees, insurers, officers, representatives, and volunteers from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, fees, penalties, expenses, attorney's or attorneys' fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or in connection with this Agreement or the acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant in performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, (Validity af agreement to indemnify against liability for negligence relative to construction,alteration,improvement,etc.,of structure or improvement attached to real estate...) then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concu�rent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, Consultant's liability shall be only to the extent of Consultant's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided in this Agreement constitute Consultant's waiver of immunity under the Industria( Insurance Act, RCW Titfe 51, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. The Parties have mutually negotiated and agreed to this waiver. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration ar termination of this Agreement. 11. Gifts and Conflicts: The City's Code of Ethics and Washington State law prohibit City employees from soliciting, accepting, or receiving any gift, gratuity or favor from any person,firm or corporation involved in a contract or transaction. To ensure compliance with the City's Code of Ethics and state law,the Consultant shall not give a gift of any kind to City employees or officials. Consultant also confirms that Consultant does not have a business interest or a close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in selecting the Consultant, negotiating or administering this Agreement, or evaluating the Consultant's performance of the Services. Page 4 of 11 12. City of Rentan Business License: The Consuitant shal! obtain a City of Renton Business License prior to performing any Services and rnaintain the business license in gaod standing throughout the term af this ag�-eement with the City. Information regarding acquiring a city business license can be found on the web at: http://rentonwa.�ovCbusiness/default.aspx?id=548. fnformation regarding the requirement to register with the State of Washington Repartment of Revenue can be found on the web at: htt : dor.wa, ov contentldpin�businesslreQistermvbusiness/ 13. insurance: Consultant shall secure and maintain: A. Comrnereial general liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,Ofl0,000 aggregate far the Term af this Agreement. 8. In the euent that Services delivered pu�suant to this Agreement either directly or ind�rect{y ir�volve or require Professional Services, Professianai Liabi#�ty, Errors and Omissions ct�verage shali be provi�#ed with minimum limits of $1,OQt},000 per occurrence, "Professiona! Services", for the purpose of this section, shail mean any 5ervices provided by a licensed professiona! or thase Services that require a professianal standard af care. C. Warkers' compensation coverage, as required by the Industrial lnsurance laws of the State of Washington, shal! also be secured. D. Comrnercial Automobile Liability#or owned,leased,hired or non-awned,leased,hired o� nan-owned, with minimur►� iimits of $1,OQ0,000 per occurrence combined single limit, if there wii! be any use of Consuitant's vehicles ort the City's Premises by or on behaif of the City, beyond normai commutes. E. Consuftant shail name the City as an Additianai insured on its commercial ger�erai liability policy on a non-contributory primary basis. The City's insurance po{icies sha11 not be a source for payment af any Cansultant liability, nor shalf the rnaintenance of any insurance required by this Agreement be construed to limit the liability of Cansuitant to the coverage prouided by such insurance ar otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy avaiiable at law ar in equity. F. Subject to the City's review and acceptance, a certificate af insurance shawing the proper er�dorsements, shall be delivered to the City before perfarming the Services. G. Cansultant sha11 provide the City with written notice of any policy cancelJation,within two (2) business days of their receipt af such natice. 14. delavs: Consuitant is not responsi6ie for delays caused by factors beyond the Consultant's reasonabie cantral. When such delays beyond the Consultant's reasonabfie accur, the City agrees the Consultant is not responsibie far damages, nor shall the Consultant be deemed to be in defauit of the A�reement. Page 5 of 11 15. Successors and Assi�ns: Neither the City nor the Consultant shall assign, transfer or encumber any rights, duties or interests accruing from this Agreement without the written consent of the other. 16. Notices: Any notice required under this Agreement will be in writing, addressed to the appropriate party at the address which appears below (as modified in writing from time to time by such party),and given personally, by registered or certified mail,return receipt requested,by facsimile or by nationally recognized overnight courier service. Time period for notices shall be deemed to have commenced upon the date of receipt, EXCEPT facsimile delivery will 6e deemed to have commenced on the first business day foflowing transmission. Email and telephone may be used for purposes of administering the Agreement, but should not be used to give any formal notice required by the Agreement. City of Renton: Consultant: Debbie Scott(Project Manager) Sean Bruecken 1055 South Grady Way 1200 W Mississippi Ave Renton, WA 98057 Denver, CO 80223 Phone: (425} 430-6939 Phone: 720-708-9277 dscott@rentonwa.gov seanb@pcsmobile.com Fax: (425) 430-6893 Fax: 17. Discrimination Prohibited: Except to the extent permitted by a bona fide occupational qualification,the Consultant agrees as follows: A. Consultant, and Consultant's agents, employees, representatives, and volunteers with regard to the Services performed or to be performed under this Agreement,shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, marital status, sexual orientatian or preference, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment, in employment or application for employment, the administration of the delivery of Services or any other benefits under this Agreement, or procurement of materials or supplies. B. The Consultant will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that ernployees are treated during employment without regard to their race, c�eed, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical, sensory or mental handicaps, or marital status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the foilowing employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other farms of compensation and selection for training. Page 6 of 11 C. If the Consultant fails ta comply with any of this Agreement's non-discrimination provisions, the City shall have the right, at its option, to cancel the Agreement in whole or in part. D. The Consultant is responsible to be aware of and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations that may affect #he satisfactory completion of the project, which includes but is not limited to fair labor laws and worker's compensation. 18. Miscellaneous: The parties hereby acknowledge: A. The City is not responsible to train or provide training for Consultant. B. Consultant will not be reimbursed for job related expenses. C. Consultant shall furnish all tools and / or materials necessary to perform his / her Services. D. Except as otherwise provided in the Services, Consultant shall not be required to provide tools and /or materials for the participants/students in classes provided as Services. E. In the event spetial training, licensing, or certification is required for Consultant to provide Services he/she will acquire or maintain such at his/ her own expense and, if Consultant employs, sub-contracts, or otherwise assigns the responsibility to perform the Services, said employee f sub-cantractor/ assignee will acquire and or maintain such training, licensing,or certification. F. This is a non-exclusive agreement and Consultant is free to provide his/her Services to other entities, so long as there is no interruption or interference with the provisian of Services called for in this Agreement. G. Consultant is responsible for his / her own insurance, including, but not limited to health insurance. H. Consultant is responsible for his/ her own Worker's Compensation coverage as well as that for any persons employed by the Consultant, 19. Other Provisions: A. Approval Authoritv. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Consultant represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the City or Consultant. B. General Administration and Mana�ement. The City's contract manager is Debbie Scott. In providing Services, Consultant shall coordinate with the City's contract manager or his/her designee. C. Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing, duly executed by both Parties. Page 7 of 11 D. Conflicts. In the event of any inconsistencies between Consuftant proposals and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Any exhibits/attachments to this Agreement are incorporated by reference only to the extent of the purpose for which they are referenced within this Agreement. To the extent a Consultant prepared exhibit conflicts with the terms in the bady of this Agreement or contains terms that are extraneous to the purpose for which it is referenced, the terms in the body of this Agreement shall prevail and the extraneous terms shall not be incorporated herein. E. Governin� Law. This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and the City of Renton. Consultant and all of the Consultant's employees shall per#orm the Services in accardance with all applicable federal, state, county and city laws, codes and ordinances. F. loint Draftin� Effort. This Agreement shall be considered for all purposes as prepared by the joint efforts of the Parties and shall not be construed against one party or the other as a result of the preparation, substitution, submission or other event of negotiation, drafting or execution. G. Jurisdiction and Venue. Any lawsuit or legal actian brought by any party to enforce or interpret this Agreement or any of its terms or covenants shall be brought in the King County Superior Court forthe State of Washingtan at the Maleng Regianal Justice Center in Kent, King County, Washington, or its replacement or successor. H. Severabilitv. A court of competent jurisdiction's determination that any provision or part of this Agreement is illegal or unenfarceable shall not cancel or invalidate the �emainder of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. I. Sole and Entire A�reement. This Agreement contains the entire ag�eement of the Parties and any representations or understandings, whether oral or written, not incorporated are excluded. J. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the esse�ce of this Agreement and each and atl of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forth in the desc�iption of the Services is essentiaf to the ConsultanYs performance of this Agreement. K. Third-Partv Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to, nor shall be construed to give any rights or benefits in the Agreement to anyone other than the Parties,and all duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Parties and no one else. L. Assi�ns and Successors.The Parties each bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement, and to the partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all cavenants of#he Agreement. Page 8 of 11 M. Waivers. RI)waivers shall be in writing and signed by the waiving party. Either party's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be a waiver and shall not prevent either the City or Consultant from enforcing that provision or any other provision of this Agreement in the future. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach unless it is expressly waived in writing. N. Counterparts. The Parties may execute this Agreement in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Agreement as of the date last signed by the Parties below. CITY OF TON NSUlTANT �''""�--.._—.._.-- By: By: I Denis Law r � , �`,,, '� Mayor, City of Renton � �����"�t ���/l.� �/�/��� Date � / pate Att t \\��������\'(��uo�►��tE�RF�����i � � G ��� � � � �/ ;:� �C, 2': lason A. 5eth — _ 5.�;� T _ City Clerk � � L �.�1 ��/'/' 61�,�`\`: Approved as to Legal Form ti',�i����('r�rs,��`,,,,,\\�`''�� l�.��„t��„�` �����G.'"'�-- lawrence 1. 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Page il of 11 Exhibit B . � � . ' � . . , , , . , � � .�4� . . ' .. Version 5 +�i�"1�;�` Table ofi Cantents 1 Overview 5 2 Genetec's Standard Warranty Levels 6 2.1 Standard Software Warranty 6 2.1.1 Standard Software Warranty Coverage g 2.1.2 Products Covered by Standard Software Warranty g 2.1.3 Summary of Standard Software Warranty 7 2.2 Genetec's Standard Hardware Warranty 7 2.2.1 Standard Hardware Warranty Coverage 7 2.2.2 Products Covered by Standard Hardware Warranty g 2.2.3 Summary o#Standard Hardware Warranty g 2.2.4 Warranty on repairs and replacement parts g 2.2.5 Exclusive Warranty Remedy g 2.2.6 Warranty Exclusions g 2.2.7 Relocation of AutoVu Mobile Systems g 3 Software Maintenance Agreements(SMA) 10 3.1 What is an SMA? Zp 3.2 Products Covered by SMA 14 3.3 SMA �1 3.4 SMA Plus j2 3.5 SMA Value-Added Services Descriptions �3 3.5.1 Priority Queuing 13 3.5.2 Technica!Appointments �g 3.5.3 Remote System Assessment 1 g 3.5.4 On-Site System Assessment �3 3.5.5 Dedicated Support Engineer �3 a) Shared Dedicated GTAC Support Engineer �4 b) Dedicated GTAC Support Engineer 14 cj Dedicated Onsite Support Engineer 74 3.5.6 Discount on Professional Services 14 2 4 Genetec's Hardware Extended Warranties 15 4.1 What is an Extended Warranty? 15 4.2 Summary of Extended Warranty with Return and Repair Coverage i 5 4.3 Summary of Extended Warranty with Advanced Replacement Coverage 16 4.4 Exclusive Extended Warranty Remedy 16 4.5 Extended Warranty Exclusions 16 5 Pricing &Ordering 17 5.1 SMAs 17 5.1.1 SMA Pricing Structure 17 5 1.2 SMA Multi-Year Discount 17 5.1.3 Multi System/Site SMA 17 5.1.4 SMAs for License Add-ons 18 5.1.5 SMA Renewals 18 5.1.fi SMA Ordering Inforrnatian 18 5.1.7 SMA Quoting Examples 19 a) Example 1: Unified Video/ACS SC5 System 19 b} Example 2: Muitiple Systems with a Single SMA 19 c) Exampie 3: Single Year SMA Add-on 20 d) Exampie 4 : Multi-yea�SMA Add-on 20 5.2 Hardware Extended Warranties 2i 5.2.1 Hardware Extended Warranty Availability 21 5.2.2 Hardware Extended Warranty Muiti-Year Discount 21 52.3 Hardware Warranty Renewals 21 5.2.4 Hardware Extended Warranty Ordering lnformation 21 5.3 "A la carte" upgrades and GTAC support 22 5.3.1 Software upgrade—Major Release 22 5,3.2 Software upgrade— Minor Release 22 5.3.3 GTAC Support 22 5.3.4 Qn-Site Technical Support 22 5.3.5 7echnical Appointements 23 6 The Genetec Technical Assistance Center 23 6,1 Contacting the GTAC 23 3 6.1.1 Via the Genetec Technical Assistance Portal (GTAP) 23 6.1.2 Via Phone 2g 6.2 Escalation Process �3 6.3 Support Case Life-cycle 24 7 GTAC Service Levels 25 7.1 Support Case Severity Leveis 2� 7.1.1 Descriptian af Severity Levels 25 7.12 Severi#y l.evei Exampiss 2� 7.2 Respanse Times 28 7.2.1 First Response 2g 7.2.2 Status Updates 28 7.2.3 Three Strike Rule - Follow up 29 7.3 Resource Cammitment 29 8 The Genetec Technical Assistance Portal 30 8.1 Accessing the GTAP �p 8.2 Avaitable Resources 31 8.2.1 System Management{�icenses) 31 8.2.2 GTAC Case Management 31 8.2.3 Documentation and Knowledge Base 31 8.2.4 Video and Webinars 31 8.2.5 Community Forums 32 8.2.6 Arrange for Technical Appointments 3� 8.2.7 Supported Device Tooi 3� 8.2.8 Known Issues 32 8_2.9 GTAC Monthly Minute g� 9 Appendix A—Software Warranty Lengths 33 10 Appendix B—Hardware Warranty Lengths 34 4 1 C}verview The follawi�g document describes the warranty levels, Softvuare Maintenance Agreements (SMAs) and Hardware Extended Warrankies offered by Genetec for products developed, manufactured and sold by Genetec. 5 2 Genetec's Standard Warranty Levels 2.1 Standard Software Warranty 2.'1.1 Standard Software Warranty Caverage Genetec warrants tha# its software products wili perform in all material respects in accardance with the accompanying user manual, and the media an which#he Software Product resides will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. The Standard Warranty covers any Technical Assistance required fram Genetec as a result of a Softwars de#ect 2.1.2 Products Covered by Standard 5otiware Warranty All packaged software products developed by Genetec, including but not limited to, Security Cente� Security Center Mobile, Omnicast. Synergis and AutoVu Patroller. All custom software applications developed by Genetec using one of Genetec's SDK. 6 2.1.3 Summary of Standard Software Warranty GTAC Support � GTAC Hours I GTAC business hours' Support Cases � Optional� On-Site Support � Optiona! � Priority Queuing � nla � GTAP Access System Management � Included � Case Management � Included Knowiedge Base � included Computer Based Training Courses � Included User Forums � Included Month{y Minute Newsletter � Included Software Subscription Services Service Releases and Hot Fixes � Included Minor Release Upgrades � Na � Major Release Upgrades � Na Value Added Services Technical Appointmenis � Inciuded4 Remote System Assessment � n/a On-site System Assessment � n!a f Dedicated GTAC Support Engineer � Na Dedicated Onsite Support Engineer � n/a Discount fln Services(including training) C n/a Warranty Period � Length of SMA � Accordingtoproduct3 � Warranty Start Date � 30 days after license issuance �:GTAC busines>hours are hom Monday ihrough Fdday,8am to Bpm Eastern Tsme The GTAC is Gosed on Canad�an statutory hotidays Sup�rort cases ara avadabla for purchase on systams withqut SMA coveragr w+th the exceplion oF Iscense refaied issues a�d product defects }:Praduci standard warranty Isrtgths and maximum extended warranty lengths can 6e fpund in Appe�dix A 2.2 Genetec's Standard Hardware Warranty 2.2.1 Standard Hardware Warrenty Coverage Genetec warrants each product it manufactures to be free trom defects in materials and assembly in the course of normal use and service, and provides technical assistance related to these de#ects. Genetec Hardware Warranties cove�both the product Nardware and Saftware running on the product, with the exception of appliances running one af Genetec's software products(ex:SV-16}in which case the Software Warranty takes precedence over the hardware warranty far software related issues. 7 The Genetec Standard Hardware Warranty does not cover labor to send a Genetec engineer on-site to evaluate a system probiem andlor determine if there is a warranty issue or not and/or replace a defective product 2.2.2 Products Covered by Standard iiardware Warranty Ail hardware products manufactu�ed or resa{d by Genetec, including but not limited to, AutoVu Sharp, AutoVu SharpX, HID VertX, SV-16 are c�vered by the Standard Warranty. 2.2.3 Summary of Standard Hardware Warranty GTAC Support GTAC Hours � GTAC business hours� Support Cases � Unlimited On-Site Support � Optianal Priority 4lueuing � n/a In Warranty Repairs Product Return and Repair � Inciuded3,a.s Advanced Replacement of Defective Product � Incl�aded within 90 days of purchass Unit Repair Turnaround time � 10 business days between receipt by Genetec and shi�date to customer Functional Product Return � Sennce charge for retumed praduct wEth no defect found Product DOA(within 90 days of shipment) � �r�'e a��nced replacement af a new product. Product Software UpdatesNpgrades Product Software Updates/Upgrades � Included GTAP Access System Management � Inciuded Case Management � lncluded Knowiedge Base � Included Computer Based Training Courses C Inciuded User Forums � Included Monthly Minute Newsletter � included Warranty Period Length of Warranty � According#o produc#s Warran#y Start Date � On the day the product is delivered GTAC business hours are trom Monday through Friday,8am to 8pm Eastem Time The G7AC is dosed on Canadian statutory holidays Suppart cases are available(or purchase or�systems under Standard Warranty witriout Ezkanded Hardware Warraniy with the exception of product de£ect reiated issues ':Acidiiional charges may be apphed if damage is a rasuit n#us�ng the produ�.t m a way that d is not typicelly intended to be used `:Praiuct may be repfaced by a t�ily iunChonai returb�shed product 5:Customer is responsi4le foc ai�shipping charges tca return the product f�a�k b�Genetsc,and Genetec wiil cover ihe shrpping efaarges to send the product back to the customer e:Praluct slandard warranty lengths and ma.�cimum exiended warranty�engihs can be taund in Appendix B $ 2.2.4 Warranty on repairs and repiacement parts Alf Genetec produc#s serviced by Genetec for repairs and replacements parts are warranted against defects in workmanship and materials far a period of 90 days, ar the remainder ot the original warranty, whichever is the longest. 2.2.5 Exclusive Warranty Remedy During the applicable warranty period and in the event that a product is determined by Genetsc to be defective in materials ar assembly, Genetec wili at its sole discretion either credit the customer the price paid for the defective product, or repair the defective product without charge, or replace the defective praduct with a new or refurbishsd product, or replace the defective product with a different product with identical or better specifications. 2.2.6 Warranty Exclusions The following items are not covered by Genetec's Standard Mardware Warranty: • Any equipment not furnished by Genetec • A product which is used with non-supported ancillary equipment or software. • Freight cost ta return a product to Genetec. • Defects or damage resulting from custamer's improper testing, operation, instaliation, maintenance, modification, alteration, or adjustment. • Defects or damage from misuse,accident or neglect. • Defects or darnage resuiting from use of the product in other than its norma!and customary manner. • Defects or damage resulting from drilling holes, adding decals or ather adhesives, or by painting the product. • Defects or damage due to lightning or other electrical discharge. � Product that is disassembled or repaired in such a manner as to adversely affect performance or prevent adequate inspection and testing to verify any warranty ciaim. � Modification or abuse of, or tampering with,the product. • Normal wear and tear. 2.2.7 Relocation of AutoVu Mobile Systems F3elocating a hard mounted AutoVu Mobile System from one vehicle to another will void the warranty on the cables.This does not appiy to po�table systems with magnekic mounts. 9 3 Software I!/�aintenance Agreements t�MA) 3.1 What is an SMA? An SMA provities custamers w1#h any new sofitware releases, both minar and majar updates,as we11 as un3imifed access tc�Technical Support. The SMR p�otects the investment thai is made in the solution by rnaintaining the systems up tta da#e with the latest technoEogical innova#ions deveioped by Genete�, by ensuring that the system operates and functions optimally and that the users leverage the system's full potential in order ta gsnerate maximum ROi af the soiution. 3.2 Products Covered by SMA All packaged software products developed k�y Genetec> including but not limited to, Security Center Secu�i#y Genter MobiSe,t�mnieas#. Synergis and AutaVu Patroller. Ail custom sottware appiications devel4ped by Genetec using ane of Genetec's BDKs. Aii saftware upgrades perfa�med�ander the SMP�coniinue to be covered by#he SMA as long as it is in force, 9� 3.3 S MA � GTAC Support � GTAC business hours'+customer's GTAC Hours business hoursZ Support Cases f Unlimited On-Site Support ( Optional Priority Queuing ( Included3 GTAP Access System Management � I�cfuded Case Management � lncluded Knowledge Base � Included Computer Based Training Courses � )ncluded � User Forurns � Included � Monthly Minute Newsletter � Included Software Subscription 5ervices ( Service Releases and Hot Fixes � Inciuded � Minor Release Upgrades ( tn�luded Major Release Upgrades � Inctuded I Vatue Added Services � � Technicat Appointments � included4 I Remate System Assessment � Optionai jOn-site System Assessment � Optional I Dedicated GTAC Support Engineer � Na j Dedicated Onsite Support Engineer 1 n/a � Discount on Services(inciuding training) � 5% � SMA Period Length of SMA � 1-5 year terms SMA Start Date ( 30 days after license issuance or on 5MA anniversarV date for a renewat ':GTAG business hours are ham Mo�dey through Friday,Bam 40 8pm Eastern Time The GTAC is closed an Canackan statutory holidavs Z:Done via pager if autside GTAC standard support hours with the except+an al Canadian statutory holidays when ihe GTAC is clased ':CusFomers mnth a valid SMA wiil get prioriry queaing aver customers without an SMA when contacting the GTAC via phone ':Each SMA inciudes A hours of Technica!Ap�miments pe�year. � � 3.4 SMA Pius � GTAC Support i � GTAC Hours ! 7�4' { � Support Cases � Unlimited � � On-Site Support � Optionai � Priority Queuing � lncludedz � GTAP Access System Management ! Included Case Management � inciuded Knowtedge Base � Inciuded Computer Based Training Courses , lncluded User Forums � Included � Monthly Minute Newsletter � included � Software Subscription Services , Service Releases and Hot Fixes � Included � Minor Release Upgrades � included � Major Release Upgrades � Included � Value Added Services Technical Appointments � Included� Remote System Assessment ( Inctuded'4 On-site System Assessment � Optional � Dedica#ed GTAC Support Engineer � Optional Dedicaied Onsite Support Engineer � Optional � Discount an Services(inciuding training) ! i09�o � SMA Period Length of SMA � 1-5 year terms SMA Start Date ( �0 days after license issuance or on � SMA anniversary�date far a renewal ':Done via pager outside GTAC standard support hours. 2.Customers with a valid 3MA will get priprity queuing over customers without an SMA when contacting the GTAC via phone ':Each SMA Pius includes 8 hours of Technicai Appointments per year ':Each SMA Plus includes one Remota Sysiem Assessment per year �2 3.5 SMA Value-Added Services Descriptions 3.5.1 Priority Glueuing Gustomers with a valid SMA wi11 get priority in the queue over custorners wi#haut an SMA when calling the GTAC.When multiple customers with valid SMAs are in the queue simultaneously, priority is given an a first come first served basis 3.5.2 Technicat Appointments Customers wi#h a valid SMA may schedule technical appointments wi#h a Genetec Technical Support Engineer.Technical appointments may be used to discuss system design, plan a system upgrade, assist during a system upgrade or used for any other product-related technical work. Technical appointments can be booked on the GTAP. Technical appointments must be scheduled during regular GTAC hours bui are aiso available after hours, if needed, at an extra cos#. Each SMA type includes a predefined block of hours to be used each year for technical appointments as detailed in the table be(ow. Additionaf hours may be purchasad ii needed. Type of SMA ( �ncluded appointment I Maximum number of ! hours appointments ( SMA 1 4 hours � 2 � SMA Plus ( 8 hours � 4 3.5.3 Remo#e System Assessment A GTAC engineer will remotely connect to the customer system and preform a standard technical system assessment and provide recammendations. A report will be sent oui to the customer a#the end of the remote system assessment. The Remote System Assessment is a complementary service offered to SMA Pius custamers ance per year.This service is aiso available for purchase to SMA customers In arder to provide this service, cuskomer must provide the GTAC with a valid remote connection to their site. 3.5.4 On-Site System Assessment Receive a visit from a Genetec Field Engineer onsite. During this visit: the Field Engineer can do a technical assessment of the system, perform system maintenance, discuss system design or perform various other#asks.The length of the visit will be evaluated by Genetec based on the Scope of Work. 3.5.5 Dedicated Support Engineer Customers wi11 be assigned a Oedicated Support Engineer. This Engineer will act as the main point of contact for all support related issues an8 wi11 be familiar with the system design and its intricacies. There are three different options available for this service: 13 �j Shared Dedicated GTAC Suppart Engineer The assigned Dedicated GTAC 5uppa�t Engineer wiil be responsible to support several dedicated client accounts.Therefore, customers acquiring this service wi(I essentially be sharing the Dedicated GTAC support enginesr with up ta 5 oth��customers. Gustomers with a Shared Dedicated GTAC Suppart Engineer wifl be assigned a speci#ic i-800 numb�r(for North American customers aniy}and email address. Outside af the GTAC's business haurs, custamers musi go through the reguiar support queues in order ta obtain immed�ate assis#ance. b) Dedicafed G7'AC Su,ppvrt Engineer The assigned Dedicated GT'AC Suppo�t Engineer wiii be responsible to exclusively support a single custpmer. Customers with a Dedicated GTAC Suppart Engineer wiil be assigned a specitic 1-800 number {for IVarth American custamers aniy}and emaii address. C7utside of the GTACs business hours, customers must ga through the regular suppart queues in order to abtain immediate assistance. c) Dediaated Onsite Supporl Engineer The Dedicated Onsite Suppart Engineer will reside at the customer"s premises and provide proactive assistance, reactive support and system management. The Dedicated fJnsite Support Engineer is generally available during business haurs on business days unless otherwise agreed upan. 3.5.6 [3iscount on Professiona)Services Customers with a valid SMA will benefit from discounts on aU Genetec prafessional senrices, inciuding Technical Training as detailed in the table belaw Type of SMA f Discoun#on Services SMA � 5°1e SMA Plus � 10°l0 14 4 �er�etec's Hardware Extended Warranties 4.1 What is an Extended Warranty? An Extended Warranty pravides the means to extend the standard warranty length of hardware products sold by Genetec and that are eligibie for a warranty extension. {See Appendix E3- Hardware Warranty Lengths} 4.2 Summary of Extended Warranty with Return and Repair Coverage GTAC Support GTAC Hours � GTAG standard suppart hours' Support Case Allowance � Unlimited tJn-Site Support � �ptional Priority 4ueuing � n/a In Warranty Repairs Product Return and Repair � Inciuded�a4 Advanced Replacement of Defective Product � �ncluded within 90 days of product purchase Unit Repair Turnaround time � 10 business days between receipt by Genetec and ship date to customer Functional Product Return � Seroice charge for retumed praduct with no defect found Produc#Software Updates/lJpgrades � Product Software UpdatesiUpgrades � included GTAP Access System Management � Inciuded Case Management � Included Knowledge Base � Included Computer Based Trairting Courses { Included Use�Forums ! Ir�ciuded Monthly Minute Newsletter � Included � Warranty Periad Length of Extended Warranty � According ta praduct� Warranty Start Date � Qn the day the product is delivered ':GTAC standard suppoR hours are from Monday through Friday,Sam l0 8pm Eastem Time The GTAC is closed on Canadian statutory hoE�days 2:Additio�ai charges may be appiied N damage is a resuit of using the prc�duct in a way that it is not typical�y iniended to be used ':Aroduct may 4e replaced by a tuliy functionai returbished product. ':Customer is responsible for a!i shipQing charges io return the produr.t back to Genetec,and C,eneteC will cover the shippmg charg?s to send the �roduci back to 1he customer. Product standard warranty lengths and maximum ex�ended warranty lengths can be taund in Appendix S i5 4.3 Summary af Extended Warranty with Advanced Replacement Coverage � GTAC Support G7AG Nours � GTAC s#ar�dard suppork hours' Suppart Case AlEowanc+e � Unfirttitet# On-Site Suppcsrt � C}ptional Priari#y Queuing � n!a In Warranty Repairs . � Product Retum and Repair � �� � Advanced Repiacement af Defective Praduct � lnciudeda.s,4 Customer is responsibie fior replac'ing and returning the defective product to Unit Repair'Furnaround Tirne Genetec�within 3(}days, atherwise #he MSRP of praduct wil!be invoiced to the custamer Functional Product Return � Senrice charge for retume�i product with no defect found Product Software Upda#estUpgrades � Product Software Updates/Upgrades � inciuded � GTAP Access � System Management � Includr�d Case Managemsn# � Included Knowledge Base � Included Computer Based Tra'sning Caurses } tncluded User Forurns � InoEuded Monthly Minu#e Newsletter � lnciuded Warranty Period Length af Ex#ended Warranty � According to Producf5 � � Warranty Start Date � C}n the day the product is deiivered ��GTAC Standard support houss ere irom Monday through�ridey Bam tg 8pm Eastem Time.The GTAC is clased an Cansdian siahstary holtdays :Additional charges may be appl�ed if damage is a resuli of using the praluct�n e way that ik is�ot typically intended to be used " Produei may be replaced by a iuViy functional refurbished product ` �Senstec is responsible for shipping charges tas bofh sending the replacement product to ihe customer and returmng t3�e delective proauct back t� Genetec Product standard warranty lengihs and maximum extended warranty lengths can be Iound in Append x 6 4.4 Exclusiv� Extended Warran#y Remedy See Sectian 2.2.5: Exclusive Warranty Remedy 4,5 Extended Warranty Exclusions See Secfion 2.2.&: Warranty Exctusic�ns 16 5 Pricing & Ordering 5.1 SMAs 5.1,1 SMA Pricing Structure SMAs are assembled in a similar fashion to Genetec software licenses, meaning that it's compased af a base package (for either an SMA or an SMA Plus) and a number of options depending on the system{s} covered by khe SMA in question. It is important to note that not a11 software license aptians have a correspanding SMA iine item; in fact very few license options have that. If we take the example af Omnicast, only camera connectian licenses are counted when pricing an SMA, ali other license optionslconnections are SMA-free. It is therefore very simpie to quickly assemble an SMA quote with just a few line items. Since the difference between the SMA and the SMA Plus is taken into account in the SMA base package, al!other line items that farm the SMA are the same regardless what type of SMA has been selected SMA or SMA Plus i Base Package 1 � � � � Camere tonnections � Reader Connections� Sharp Connections ; Patro(ler Connections, SV-16/Std/Pro/Ent Std/ProJEnt ` � Pat/City/Uni/MIPi � 5.1.2 SMA Multi-Year Discount Geneter+ offers multi-year SMA terms in the form of a 2-year, 3-yea�,4-year or 5-year agreement. All SMA line items have their respective multi-year caunterparts that are used for ordering a multi-year SMA. Since these multryear SMAs represent a long#erm comrnitment to Genetec, an additional discaunt is factored in all multi-year SMA line items. in order to benefit from this multi-year discount,the full amaunt fo�a multi-year SMA must be paid in full at the time of purchase or renewal. 5.1.3 Multi SystemlSite SMA An SMA can cover multiple System IDs, therefore an end-user with multiple system can consolidate all his systerns under a single SMA for added simplicity. Since there's effectively only one SMA in this scenarEo, the end-user will only pay for the SMA base package once for the entire SMA and NOT once#or every System !D covered by the SMA,therefore benefiting from a volume discount fo�placing ail of his Genetec systems under a unique SMA. It is impor#ant to note that a reseller CANNCIT place muitiple System IDs fram multiple end-users under a single SMA. 17 5.1.4 SMAs for License Add-ons An SMA is mandatory for ail add-ons done ta an existing system that is currently under SMA. Nowever, this applies only to software options for which Genetec charges an SMA for{Cameras, Readers, Sharps and Patroilers}. When adding a software license option that has a corresponding SMA line item, the SMA price for that add-on must be pro-rated to co-terminate with the SMA's anniversary date.This is accomplished by using a series of"1 day"SMA part numbers that are created solsly to feciiitate the pro-rating calculation. In order to comgute the price, simply take the appropriate SMA 1 day part number assaciated to the license option that is being added to the system, multipty that by the quantity ot license aptions ordered and then multiply that again by the number of days remaining in khe SMA term. Information on an SMA's anniversary date and remaining days in the agreernent is readily acc�ssible through the system management section o#the GTAP. 5.i,5 SMA Renewals Renewal notices are automatically sent 90 days and 45 days prior to the anniversary date af the SMA, indicating that the SMA is about to expire. In the eventua(ity that the SMA is not renewed by the anniversary date, an additianal notice is sent advising of the expiration of the SMA. SMA caverage must be continuous. For example, if year iwa is skipped and an SMR is desired for year three,the cost af the SMA will be retroactive to include the year that was skipped, thus wil!cover both the second and third year. A!I SMA r�newals are priced according to the mast recent price list in effect at the time of the renewal. 5.1.6 SMA Ordering Information SMAs must be purchased together with a new system sals or in con}uncFion with a system upgrade. If an SMA is purchased as an add-on to an existing system, it will be priced retroactively as if it was purchased at the same time as the system it will cover. Ta order an SMA,the base package must be seiected first far either an SMA or an SMA PLUS by using the following iine items: SMA-BASE-XX or SMA-PLUS-XX Unce the SMA base package has been selected, the other SMA line items are chosen based on the content of the licenses that the SMA covers. The format for all SMA part numbers follaws the following standard: SMA-0000-E-XX or SMA-�000-XX 1$ W here. 0000 License op#ion reference. CAM (Camera Connection), RDR(Reader Connectian}, SHp (AutoVu Sharp Cannection}, PATR (AutoVu Patroller System}, UNlV(AutoVU University System), CITY{AutoVu City System)and MLPI (AutoVu MLPI System) E: Editian of the software if applicable: S {Standard}, P{Pro), E (Enterprise) XX: The term of fhe SMA: 1 Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y. 5Y and 1 D. Complete SMA pricing information is found in the SMA price list. 5.1.7 SMA Gluoting Exarnples a} Example i:Unified Video/ACS SC5 System Customer purchases a un�fied VideoJACS SC5 system. He purchased the Enterprise version of Synergis with 50 Readers, the Pro version of Omnicast with 75 Camera, has 2 Sharp Cameras and rsquires a 3 year SMA. l`he parts required to assemble this SMA would be as foliows: � Part No � Description � Qty � SMA-BASE-3Y � 5MA Base Packat�e�-3 years 1 i SMA-CAM-P-3Y � SMA for 1 Omnicasf Pro Camera—3 years � 75 SMA-RDR-E-3Y � SMA for 1 Sy�nerpis Enterprise Reader—3 vears I 50 SMA-SHP-3Y � SMA for 1 Sharp Camera— 3 years � 2 b) Example 2:Multiple Systems with a Single SMA Customer has an extensive muiti-site deployment with federation,with both Video and ACS. Customer requires a 1 year agreement with raund the clock access to 7echnical Support and has the following sites to depioy: Site � Video ( Access Controi Sife A , Omnicast Enterprise 350 cams � Syner,z�is Enterprise 40 readers Site B � Omnicast Enterprise i20 cams � Synerqis Enterprise 25 readers Sife C { Omnicast Pro 60 cams � Synerqis Enterprise 10 readers Site D � Omnicast 5tandard 15cams � Svnergis Enterprise 5 readers Site E { Omnicast Standard 15 cams � Synerqis Enferprise 5 readers 19 To summarize, the customer has 470 Ornnicast Enterprise cameras, 60 Omnicast P�o cameras, 30 Omnicast Standard cameras and 85 Synergis Enterprise readers. The parts required to assemble this SMA would be as foliows: Part No � Description i qty j SMA-PLUS-1Y � SMA Plus Base Packa,qe-- 1 year � 1 � SMA-CAM-S-1 Y � SMA for l (Jmnicasf Standard Camera— 1 year � 30 SMA-CAM-P-i Y ( SMA for 1 Omnicast Pro Camera— i year � 60 � � SMA-CAM-E-1 Y � SMA far 1 Omnicast Enterprise Camera— i year + 470 SMA-RDR-E-1Y ( SMA for i Synerqis Enterprise Reader— i year � 85 � c) Example 3:Single Year SMA Add-on Custamer has an existing unified Video/ACS SC5 system. He purchased the Enterprise version of Synergis with 50 Readers, the Pro version af Omnicast with 75 Camera, has 2 Sharp Cameras and has an SMA Plus that ends on C7ctober 12"'2012. (Information avaiiable on the GTAP) Customer adds an extra building to his system with an additianai 25�mnicast Pro cameras and 12 Synergis Enterprise readers on.fuly 16'h 2012,which means 89 days are left on his SMA (Infarrnation available an the GTAP} Since the customer is adding 25 carneras and 12 readers, this means that we must compute 25 x 89 Omnicast Pro Camera 1 Day SMA parts and 12 x 89 Synergis Enierprise Reader 1 Day SMA parts as shown below: � Part No � Description � Qty ( SMA-CAM-P-1D � SMA for 1 Omnicasf Pro Camera- � day � 2,225 � SMA-RDR-E-iD � SMA far 1 Synerqis Enterprise Reader- 1 day � i,068 d) Example 4:Multi-year SMA Add-on Customer has an existing unified VideoILPR SC5 system.The system is composed af 500 Omnicast Enterprise Cameras, 20 AutoVu Sharp Cameras, 5 AutoVu Patrollers and has an SMA that ends on March 14"'2014. (Information is available on the GTAP) Customer expands his fleet of AutoVu Patrollers by adding 5 extra vehicies on September 4"' 20t2, which means there are 557 days left in the SMA. {information available on the GTAP} Since the customer is adding 5 patrollers,this means that we must compute 5 x 557 Patroller 1 Day SMA parts as shown below: � Part No � Description � Qty � SMA-PATR-1D � SMA for t AutoVu Patrolle�— 1 day � 2,785 20 5.2 Hardware Extended Warranties 5.2.1 Hardware Extended Warranty Availability Eutended warranties are anly avaiiable for certain hardware products and kits. In order to determine for which product line is eligible for an extended waRanty, please refer to"Appendix B- Hardware Warranty Lengths". 5.2.2 Hardware Extended Warranty Multi-Year Discount Genetec offers multi-year Extended Wa�ranty terms in the form of a 2 year, 3 year, 4 year or 5 year agreement; however the maximum fength of an extended warranty wiil vary d�pending on the product it is purchased for. {See Appendix B-Hardware Warranty Lengths)All Extended Warranty line items have their respective muiti-year counterparts that are used for ordering a multi�year Extended Warranty Since these mu(ti-year agreements represent a long term commitment ta Genetec. an additianal discount is factored in to all muiti-year Extended Warranty line items, In ordar to bsnefit from this long term commitment discount, the full amr�unt far a multi-year Extended Warranty must be paid in full at the time of purchase or renewai. 5.2.3 Hardware Warranty Renewals Hardware Warranty renewaf notices are automatically sent 90 days and 45 days prior to the anniversary date, indicating that the Warranty is about to expire. In the eventuality that the Warran#y is not renewed by the anniversary date, an additional notice is sent advising of the expiration of the Warranty. Hardware Extended Warranty coverage must be continuous. ff the warran#y is not extendedlrenewed prior to its expiry, it wifE not be extendable any more. All Hardware Extended Warranty renewals are priced according to the most recent price list in effect at the time of the renewa! 5.2.4 Hardware Extended Warranty Ordering Information Genetec's hardware extended warranty pnces can be found in Genetec's price book. Different product cpdes have been created for each product as weli as their respective list af available extended warranty options. Please use the following rule to build the product code associated to the warranty options you have selected far the product you are purchasing AU-K-KKK-EWLL-YY or AU-S-EWLL-YY Where KKK: Type of AutoVu kit, according to the part number of the kit that you ordered, the warranty applies to 21 LL.: Level of Warranty: RR far Fieturn & Repair, AS for Advanced Replacement and AP far Advanced Replacement with 7x24 support YY: Term af the Warranty{Y for year and P for prepaid): Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, P2, P3, P4 and P5 When purchasing an extended warranty on a kit, oniy serialized items are covered by the extended warranty. (Jther iterns such as cabies and mounting hardware are anly covered by the standard hardware warranty. 5.3 ",4 la carte" upgrades and GTAC support 5.3.1 Software upgrade—Major Release Customers without an SMA may upgrade to the latest major software release, provided tha#their current system is oniy 1 major release back. For exampie, you many upgrade from vsrsion 4.2 to S.Q, but you cannot upgrade from version 3 5 to 5.0. The upgrade cost is 35°0 of total system price based on the latest software price list and comes with a limited 90 day warranty as detailed in section 2.1 5.3.2 Software upgrade—Minor Release Customers withaut an SMA may upgrade to the latest minor software re4ease pravided that they are within the same major release. For example, you may upgrade from version 4.7 to 4,8, but you cannot upgrade from versian 4.7 ta 5.1. The upgrade cost is 25°0 of total system price based on the latest software price list and comes with a limited 90 day warranty as detailed in secfion 2 1 5.3.3 GTAC Support Customers wi#hout an SMA may contact the GTAC but must pay a flat fee in order ta open a support case, with the exception af ail license related issues Pricing information on support cases can be found in the SMA price list lf the product is still under warranty when the support case is opened and#hat the investigation reveals that the root cause of the incident is a product defect, the full amount of the purchased support case wi!( be refunded 5.3.4 On-Site Technical Support On-site Technical Support is available to all customers and subject to availability of the Genetec Field Enginesring team. Pricing infarmation on Genetec Fieid Services can be found in the Genetec Professiona!Services price list. 22 5.3.5 7echnical Appointements Custorners with an SMA wha have consumed afl of their Technical Appointmeni hours or cusfamers who do not have an SMA and that wish to purchase Technica! Appointment hours may do sa by purchasing a minimum biock of 4 hours. Pricing information on Technicai Appointment hours can be found in the Genetec SMA price list � The Genetec Technical Assistance Center 6.1 Contacting the GTAC 6.1.1 Via the Genetec Technical Assistance Portal (GTAP) The GTAC can be contacted by opening a Support Case through the Case Management Section of the GTAP. All support cases whether opened ar resolved, created through the GTAP or through other means can be consul#ed through#he GTAP in arder to get the latest status or to communicate with the GTAC Engineer assigned to the case GTAP URL� http://qtap.qenetec.com 6.1.2 Via Phone The GTAC offers phone support from IVlonday to Friday 8am-8pm EST/EDT and is closed during Canadian Statuary Fkolidays. After-hour support is available to SMA and SMA Plus owners according to the terms stated in the agreement. When calling the GTAC it is important to have the Genetec System ID and the SMA Contract number(if applicable) in order to speed up the entitlement process: Direct Dial: 1-514-856-7100 TaU Free: 1-866-338-2988 (Canada 8� USA) � +8Q0 01818200{Europe) 6.2 Escalation Process In the event a support case needs immediate attention of the GTAC s leadership team, there is a quick and simple way to ensure this will be done.Cases can be escalated via the GTAP's case management section. Clicking the"escalate"button will send a notification email to all members of the GTAC �eadership#eam regardirtg the urgency of the issue. We guarantee that the awner of the case will be contacted by a member of the GTAP ieadership team within 1 business day. 23 6.3 Support Case Life-cycle ^ �ncoming� " 4 Y TIE„R 1 � AYM1 TIER 2� � Vakdate contact P� Ya6date system ID TechNcal Enpineers � GTAP , . ; Ve6dete SMA E�°�O Advenced ' " r1 Troubleshoobnp ' �evetopment Create Case rRBD ResoluUon i (itneeded) Probiem Descriptlon(Set ' Priority) ` Troubleshoot ! S ` � R , �. Resohili4n trou oi Y crnc ; ' q, cuas.nmsa+eo�tim�) �' ' ` '` 4 � � i � � Value-Added Servlce Dedicated SuppoR ' `; Enpineer i , � � �.' 24 7 GTAC Service Levels 7.1 Support Case Severity Levels 7.1.1 Description of Severity Levels � Severity I Description Critical Product is not functioning or functionality is significantiy impaired. High Majar featu�e af product is not functioning or functionaiity is significantly impaired. Medium Minor feature of praduct is not functioning or functionality is signifioantly impaired. Low Genera4 question on functionality. The priority of a case may be escalated based on current customer situation or overall satisfaction fevel of the custamer. 7.1.2 Severity Level Examples Severity Examples Video Surveiilance ✓ Entire systam is down and nat operational ✓ Videa is not being�ecorded Access Control ✓ �Jone of the ccedenfial work Critical ✓ none of the doors are opening ✓ Main daors don't apen/lock License Plate ReGoanition � �PR System is not starting/nat able to read plates/ crashing frequently ✓ Touch Screen is�ot functional � Autofind w!chalking has no GP5 25 ✓ Right LPR/Tire camera is nat wo�lcing ✓ Production database not accessible/not functianal ✓ Match process is not functionai ✓ IRWS is not functianal 1 not able to connect to LPR SeNer{s) ✓ Images are not displayed from IRWS ✓ Not enough frae space on the LPR SeNer(s) ✓ LPR Server/Lane/lRWS computer is crashing frequently General ✓ Users unable to log in(AD) ✓ Alarm Management not func#ioning ✓ Services not being res#arted by WD ✓ Service crasheslrestarts sporadically ✓ Unable to launch ciient application Video Surveillance ✓ Poor image quaiity ✓ Video not�ecorded on a few cameras or large number of cameras not available ✓ DFC not functioning Migh Access Controi ✓ Secondary door daes not openliock ✓ Synchronization problem License Piate Recoanition ✓ Hotlist not updated ✓ Not able to offlaad ✓ No wireless connection ✓ GPS problem ✓ Left LPR 1 Tire carnera is not working � Mobile LPR System is working but on occasion ii is crashing ✓ Back-Office saftware is crashing ✓ System is missing plates (less than 90°�o read rate) ✓ System is reading plates poorly(less than 70°0o perfect read 26 ' � rate) ✓ F3eview Server is not functianal ✓ Archive database is not created ✓ Archive/Backup job is not enabled � Custom Replication is not enabled in a multi LPR Server environment ✓ Images not pushed from lane computer to the LPFt Server(s) ✓ Lane computer is missing license plates {less than 9Q°� read rate) ✓ Lane compute�is reading license plates poorly(less than 74°�o perfect read rate) ✓ l.ane computer is not functianal!able to capture license plates ✓ Lane computer is not able to send transactions to the lPR Server(s). ✓ Back-Office appkication is not functional on the IIS server ✓ Back-Office app(ication is unable to show open/closed transactians or to show images, with or without ActiveX contra� ✓ Back-Office application unable to export to client/I!S computer ✓ Lane computer is not able to send reviews Ggneral ✓ Licensing ✓ PTZ functianafity ✓ USB Joys#ick functionality ✓ Macros/plug-ins not functioning ✓ DB problem ✓ Unit occasionally not available Medium � Casmetic problerns � Problem with some credential Access Contrql � Some controiters are offline ✓ Badge designer issue License Ptate Recoq '��' .n 27 ✓ System is missing plates {mare than 90°fo read rate) ✓ System is reading pfates poorly{mare than 70°r`o perfect r�ad rate) ✓ Hardware broken, buE system sfili can read plates ✓ Missing functionality(Upgrade requsst) ✓ Lane computer is missing piates(between 90ao and 95°� read rate) �' Lane computer is reading plates poorly(between 70°� and 809'o perfect read rate) ✓ Feature reguests Low ✓ General question 7.2 Response Times 7.2.1 First Response GTAC wiil respond to a!I new calis p(aced within the foNowing time frames: � Cai! Entry Point I Response Time � � Phone aali � 15 minutes`yr � GTAP I 1 business day j :Phone calts piaced outside the scope of khe customer's support agreement wiA be returned tirst thing on Genetec's next busmess day GTAC obiectives are 3 minutes average speed lo answer and ta answer 90%of cails within 10 minutes 7.2.2 Status Updates GTAC wiil provide continuous updaies on the status of the troubleshooting based an the severity and priority of the case as detailed in the table below. In Progress Customer Action (hours)' �equired (days) Critical � 4 1 � High I 24 � i Medium � 48 � 3 Low ( 72 f 5 ,itatus updates are provided within regular GTAC Uusines�hours 28 7.2.3 Three Strike Ru1e-Follow up The GTAC will follow up with customers for cases in the Customer Respanse Pending (CRP} state according ta the tabie abave in order to ensure#irnely resolutian af issuss. For low and medium severity cases,the GTAC wiN foilow up 3 times at intervals of 3 business days. After 3 consecutive and unsuccessful attempts,the ticket will be automatically ciosed For high and critical severity cases,the GTAC will follow up 3 times at intervals of 1 business day. After 3 consecutive and unsuccessful attempts,the priority of the case will be lowersd to medium severity and the cycle will start again as detailed above. 7.3 Resource Commitment Genetec cannot guarantee a resolution time for issues but can guarantee resources committed to fixing the problem. The folfowing table details the resource commitment based on the severity of the case � Severity � Resource Commitment Critical � FuA-time resource around the cbck I High I Full-time resource within business hours Medium � Based on availability with a priority over"Low" Low I No commitment 29 8 The �enetec Technical Assistance Portal " Techni�.al � , Assistance Portai �er"!� �%5�''�',f'1 i�^�.;i� c,5��,F: -" , . .. 3.��� r.ms'�rt'1.,�e.,v�r����,r',a� '°;::n'.°..;.n3„�...,, . � :�`�"�M R. . .. .. 9�lmY1WRM�Y•t: .�1�kA� :$M� �X'�v.- ,.,a V ba,�K`" ��'�` 3i;S� ,°�" w'^ �w i�� ���� �'�� `� ._ w ,,.., - . ... . ���m t�ih�ri.i+�ior�.. , .,„ . c...�«wo�u�� ' a l wdr CN�asy t*at SYtis�n�amc �1:!Ncdta GntrwaY iesl . '- �� G`wR«11CIOQM SYkten�ttE , � • '�l1Kb .t a rc5:n.�wewe tntepr��ar E�d�ar•� . i . Ceew�tMe� O[p "�,..,I��.�,'�,I . �i.��,����,� W 1 r���cne{Cewre 1Hs.n• y�.... . ..8 .�y.� .„„ �,ipiM���ibk�+ie°+4.�. • . . . •. . ^ , k�fct I�+e 4!°s<bm PARsv+dd Ca��1aa NQ i bEM ♦ . . , rv . �• ap,w r.. Pr�edu�t •� .. l haosc , kefeP V Lw�l�a i1Q 1 OEN Vi�kA(IG " . .. ... Yl�Yin� �, sr CxA1rN�rvn .< . + >Nslem uaCreds�s c...e..�Q t w r �vadsSla �,��y„w Yprade 4 G�w1+cN4:OCM .�,e�w� Y A+chlve.71 ..- s � � •n.n lnla F4.r:iKS D¢wfdaxf C�+.e.r HQ i Dew �^�^� W •kd�ivar3 ,&„: P.y,zi '� +M�reinfo ��rnv'3e�•�u e...�«�+otww Y DheRuY '.l.e,�.s::�a. i.1 .n.re�nf. r n»r.en w.a.;.�.,, cvxie,*x reocr. Generste 1Y e...'u W�oE► �niYe ArchwM i ...:,'*-:: "L .Mere Inl� 8.1 Accessing the GTAP GTAP access is currently reserved to Genetec's customers and partners in order ta access the GTAP. yau wii!need the following: i. System ID and Password • This wili only give access to the System Management(license) section af the porta{ for#he provided System ID. 2. User Credential and Password • This will give full access ta the Rortal. • To Register use the following link htttks://c�tac�.c�enetec.com/Reaister.as�rx 30 8.2 Available Resources 8.2.1 System Management(Licenses) The GTAP aliows you to manage your system licenses without the intervention of a GTAC representative by: • Resetting your system passward . Resetting your license • Upgrading your system • Downioading the newest product version • Generating systems reports 8,2.2 GTAC Case Management GTAP case management system ailows yau ta manage your GTAC support cases by • Creating new support cases • Srowsing through apened and closed support cases • Taking ownership of suppo�t cases in your organization • Updating suppart cases and attaching files to them • Escalating support cases to GTAC leadership • Requesting call backs on support cases • Closing/resolving open support cases 8.2.3 Documentation and Knowledge Base The GTAP is afso a repository for considerable amounts af dacumentation such as �elease notes. instailations guides, user guides, tu#orials,application notes, and much more. It is also a repository for a continuously updated knowledge base#hat contains hundreds oi articles that wiil help you troubleshoot your system. 8.2.4 Video and Webinars The GTAP is also a repository of other multimedia items such as videos On the GTAP, you will find short tutorial videos (GTAC Tech Tube). monthly webinar archives (GTAC Tech Talk)and computer based training courses that will enable you to increase your knowledge on Genetec's products and solutions 31 8.2.5 Community Forums GTAP users also form a community and share on the GTAP farums. A variety of topics regarding best practices, issues and instaliations are discussed on the community forums. 8.2.6 Arrange for Technical Appointments P{anning for an upgrade and need the assistance of a GTAC representative?The GTAP ailows you to arrange for technical appointments included in your SMA. 8.2.7 Supparted Device Taol The GTAP's Support Devices tool gives you access ko Genetec's comprehensive compatibility database that contains�aluabie information on which third party devices are supported on which version of Genetec softwa�e with which version of firmware.When available, the latest firmwares are published on this tool and available for downioad. 8.2.8 ICnown tssues �n the GTAP, the known issues lists will provide you with insight on possible issues that may affect yaur system. From this list, you will know if there are any warkarounds in knowledge base articles or hotfixes. You wili also know in which version the knawn issue is tixed and you can also request a hotfix for your version. 8.2.9 GTAC Monthty Minute The GTAC Monthly Minute is your one-stop update on all that is happening in the GTAC. This monthly newsletter keeps you up to date with new product releases, GTAP updates and GTAC news. Subscribing to this newsletter is the best way to s#ay informed about what is new in the GTAC. sz 9 Appendix A — Software Warranty Lengths � Product Farniiy � Standard Warranty Length � Omnicast � i ysar ' � Omnicast(Upgrade) � 90 Days � Security Ceitter � 1 years � � Security Center(Upgrade) � 90 days Security Center Mobile � 1 years � Security Center Mobile I 90 days (Upgrade) Pian Manager ( 1 year Pian Manager(Upgrade) � 90 days 5V-16 � 2 year,s SV-16{Upgrade) � 90 Days � Custom peveloped Software ( 6d Days � 33 1 U Appendix B — Hardware Vtlarranty �engths Maximum Extended Warranty � Product Family Standard Warranty Length Length(in addition to standard warranty) Au#oVu Sharp � 1 year � 4 years SV-16 � 2 years ( nJa HID VertX � 18 Months � n/a HID Edge � 18 Months � n/a 34