HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing LettersCITX415F RENTON - Planning/Building/PubhcWorks Department Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator' April 28, 2004 R. A:. W olf 14702 SE 105th Street Renton, WA . 98059 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION. ADDRESS CHANGE Because of the recent -annexation of your property at 10515 148th Ave SE to the City of Renton, the address must be changed to correspond with the City's address -system'. The new.address is: OLD ADDRESS NEW: ADDRESS. PARCEL NUMBER 10515 148 Ave SE 1815 Nile Ave: NE 0323059014 In an endeavor to assist you1through this transition; I have notified. the local Postal Authority and the utility companies,,as well. as the attached listof other pertinent. agencies. You should also conntact all other -parties who currently retain your old address. When you submit the enclosed card to the':Post Office you will receive.an information.packet:to assist in-thrs notificatiori. Please post your new address numbers within 30 days -and at a minimum .size of 4" (four inches). If you have further questions, please contact me at.425-430-7276 . - Welcome to the City of Rentonl Sincerely, `'Jan Conklin Development Services .Representative Deve.lopment_Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains50% recycled material,30% post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE e: CITY*)F RENTON I P1amung/Bui1(hng/PubhcWorks Department Kathy Keolker=Wheeler, MayorMAL Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April28, 2004 Max :and-Dlpbbie Henderson 10605 148t Ave SE. Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: . STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE Because of the recent annexation of your property at 10605 148th Ave SE to the City of.'Renton, the address must be changed .to ,correspond with the City's address system. The new address is: OLD ADDRESS NE°W ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 10605 148 Ave SE 1753 Nile Ave NE - 032305994e- qD In an endeavor to assist you through'this transition, I.have notified. the. local Postal Authority and. the utility companies; :as well as the attached. list of other pertinent agencies. You should also contact .all`otherparties _who, currently retain your old address. When you submit the: enclosed _card to the Post. Office you will. receive an information. packet to assist i6 this notification. Please post your new address, numbers'withih'30 days and at a.minimum size of .4" (four inches). If you. have' further questions, please -contact me at-425-430-7276 Welcome to the City of Renton! Serely, . e-la G Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development. Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This papercontains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer RENTO.N AHEAD OF THE CURVE ,.,_ e' CIT�F RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department 717, Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 Charles & Virginia Luck 286 Sand .Dune -Dr NW Ocean Shores, WA 98569 SUBJECT: STONERiDGE,ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE, Ih Because of the recent annexation:of your property at 10627'14&. Ave SE to.the . City of Renton, the address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. The new address. is:,. OLD: ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 1.0627148 Ave SE 1727 Nile Ave NE 0323`059035. In an endeavor to assistyou through.this transition,:l have notified the local.. Postal Authority and the.utilitycompanies,. as -.well as.the.atfached list of other. pertinent agencies. -You should also contact all other parties:who currently retain your old address. When you submit the enclosed card to the Post.Office you -will receive an information packet to assist .in this notification. Please post your new address numbers within 30 days and at a minimum size of 4" (four inches): If.you have further. questions;. please contact me at.425-430-7276 Welcome to.the City of Renton! ;.S',cerely, Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains50% recycled material, 30% post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE ® CITYCF RENTON' ' Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 Mildred Sierra 14514 SE 107t' PI Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE Because of. the recent annexation of your property at 14514 SE 107�' PI to the City of -Renton, #he. address must be changed.to correspond: with the City's address system.. The new.address is: OLD ADDRESS, NEW ADD RSS . PARCEL.NUMBER 14514.SE 107 . PL 5402 NE 16 Street 0323059269 In an endeavor to assist you through this transition, I .have notified the local Postal .Authority and the .utility companies; as well as the attached list of other pertinent agencies. You should also contact all other parties who currently retain your bid address,. When you submit.the enclosed card to the. Post Office you will receive an information: packet to assist n this notification., Please post your new address numbers within 30. days and at a minimum size of 4" (four inches). If you have further -questions;. please contact meat 425-430-7276 Welcome to the -City ofrRentonl gerely, Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development. Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains50% recycled material,30% post consumer RENT -ON AHEAD OF THE CURVE R a CIT�F RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 KBS Development Corp P. O. Box 8.07 Bellevue, WA 98009-0807 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGES Because of the recent annexation of your property to the City of Renton, the: addresses must be changed to correspond With .the"City's address system: The new addresses are: -'OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS" PARCEL NUMBER 10731. 148 Ave SE 155.5 Nile Ave NE 0323059042 10723 148th Ave SE 1601 Nile=Ave NE 0823059033 14502 SE 07 ' PI 53Q0 NE 16t - Street 0323059270 10709 148u' Ave SE 1705`Nile Ave NE 0323059084 1n an endeavor to assist you through this°transition,,) have notified the local Postal Authority and the. utility -,companies, as- well as: the attached list of other pertinent agencies. You should,also contact all other:.parties who currently retain your old address. When -you submit the. enclosed .csrd .to the Post Office .you will receive an information packet to assist in this notification: Please post your new address: numbers Within- 30 'days and at a minimum size of 4" (four inches). If you have further:questions,. please contact me at 425-430-7276 - Welcome to the City of Renton! erely," Jan .Conklin Development Services.Representativ.e Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50 % recycled material, 30 % post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE RathyKw1kr-Wheeler, CITYCF RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 New City Resident . 10731 148tAve SE Renton,- WA'98059 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE .Because of the recent annexation of your property at 10731, 148th Ave SE -to the City of _Renton, the address must be changed .to. correspond with the City's address system... The new address is:: OLD ADDRESS _ NEW'ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 10731 148 Ave SE 1555 Nile Ave NE 0323059042 In an, endeavor to assist,you through this transition, L have notified the local Postal Authority and the utility companies; as well as. the attached. list of .other pertinent agencies. You should also ..contact.all other parties who currently retain your old address. When you submit:the enclosed _card to the Post Office you will: receive an in formation.packet to assist'inthis notification.- Please:post your new address numbers -within 30 days and at a minimum size. .of 4" (four: inches). If you have further questions, please contact me at.425-430-7276 .If to the City of Renton! Sincerely, Cif Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 eThis paper contains 50 % recycled material, 30 % post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY*)F RENTON PlanningfBuilding/PublicWorks Department Kathy Keolker-Wheeler; Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 New City Rtesidenf 10723 148 Ave_ SE Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE Because of the recent annexation of your property at 10731.148th Ave.SE to the. City of Renton; the address must be changed to correspond with the City's address., system. The. new address is:... . OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 10723 148 Ave SE 1:601 Nile Ave NE 0323059033 In an. endeavor to assist. you through this transition, I have notified the local Postal Authority. and the utility companies;, as, well as the attached list of other pertinent agencies. You should:. also contact all`;other, parties -who currently -retain your.old address: When you submitthe..enclosed card to. the Post Office you will receive an information packet to as in this notification: Please, post your new address numbers within.30 days -and at a minimum size of 4" (four inches). If you have further questions, please contact,me _at 425-430-7276 Welcome to the City of Renton! Sincerely, Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50 % recycled material, 30 % post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE 0 CITY46F RENTON .. Planning/Bi ilding/PublicWorks Department . Kathy Keotker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 New City. Resident 10709 148 tAve-SE Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: - STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE - Because. of the recent annexation of,your..property at 10709 148t' Ave SE to the City of Renton, the address must be changed to correspond with the-City's address.system. The new address is: OLD ADD . ESS NEW. ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 10709 ,148"'Ave SE 1705 Nile Ave NE 0323059034 In an endeavor to assist you through -this transition, I have notified the local - Postal Authority and the utility companies,;as well As.' attached list of .other pertinent.agenes. You should also. contact .all ether parties who currently retain your oci old address. When you submit the ;enclosed card to the. Post Office you will receive an information. packet to assist: in #his notification: Please. post your new address numbers within 30 days and at a minimum size of. 4" (four inches). If you have further questions, please contact me at 425-430-7276 Welcome to the. City of Renton! S' erely; Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 0 This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30 % post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE 11 CITYQ)F RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Kathy Keolt-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 New City Resident 14502 SE 107th PI Renton, WA 98050 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE Because of the.recent annexation of your, property. at 14502 SE 107' PI to the . City of Renton, the address mustbe changed to correspond with the City's: address system. The new address is: OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRI=SS PARCEL.NUMBER. 14502 SE 107. ' PL 5300 NE 16 . Street . 0323059270 In an -endeavor to assistyou through this transition,. I .have notified the local Postal Authority and the utility companies,,: as well as the attached list of other pertinent agencies. You should also, contact all other parties =who currently retain your old address. When, you submit.the;enclosed card to the Post Office you will receive.an information: packet to assist' n this. notification: Please post your new address numbers' with'in,:30 days and at a minimum size of. 4" (four inches). If you have further questions,..please contact me at 425-430-7276 Welcome to the City of Renton) Sincerely, Jan Conklin Development.Services Representative Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50 % recycled material, 30 % post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITYCF RENTON PUaninWBuilding/PublicWorks Department Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator April 28, 2004 New City Resident.. 10515 148 Ave SE Renton,, WA 98059 SUBJECT: STONERIDGE ANNEXATION ADDRESS CHANGE Because of the recent annekation of your property. at 1051.5 1:48t, Ave SE to -the City of Renton, the address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. The new address is.. .OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER 1051-5 148 Ave SE 1'815. Nile Ave NE 0323059014` In an endeavor to assist you through this transition, I have notified the local-. Postal Authority and the utility companies,=as well as the attached list of other pertinent agencies. You should also contact all other parties iwho currently retain your old address. "When you _subm'it the enclosed card to the Post Office -you. will receive an information packef to assist in this notification: Please post your new address numbers within 30 days and at a minimum size of V (four inches). if you have ,further.questions, please contact me.at-425.430-7276 Welcome to the City of Renton! Si erely, el /`r.. Jan Conklin Development Services Representative Development Services Department 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50 % recycled material, 30 % post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE