HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-045r;~ r ;> I'· '. ~: n·-- ~. > -:; SHORT PLAT NO. ___ _ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICATION DCIf AU. P£rFl£ BY n£SI: FR£SilItS t=t .... u:. ~ -<-l r:d~1aa.1c::at5lll:rt~pftII:BlttD9lartA::l'" ItIc=rQ cllCI::Q ~ c:.:=. ~~ ~;-;-=-=",,:;;--­SIlat~CDIl.""'dldl::nC:b"""CDIl""SbcrtPlct t:ot.a.~~dU. __ dao""'dlda::bt:o tba-dbpc:e:.-.-. ..... CIId_DIIl.cc.: _p!Ic!:a t=--CCit~b_e-tfl;rdprdb~ccl~ ~ tb_ tt:wct_p;I!:ID;~~ c::dCIiD e.rtgbt to mac. d~ __ ftrc:,lbcadm.!;paIe.ta:b ... e..alat!l-. ~r-=-~dctd ..... ..t_Gldlt1r1t:lr~ to b a-d tb pcdt cd b -e. o-t --=ta c:.:-: ell tIQ ID:Irt ~fl;rdpc!db~_~e.-.~bI;t_1bzbd _~::;;.,u:=:.~7C1t~~~ taa~I3' __ ~ttI=bp;lt:llk,.b'lldl:b=-_OI~ dII!b:t:a -= *-b,. -=-=-t& ., tro=ta to b...., 13' ctItJ ~ ==tftre:.~-==-~ .. t::.~~dt!l-.laIdbwCJea't~ .... ftr~t!I*t.hcM ........ CJ~.,-m, ~m:.fhme:.~..,. .... ctm:n.ftr=:::a;..c;=-.CItJ'd ..... tb_Ilalt~~.GICJ'.~b:)' ~~a:-;::;:s~~ QJGbI ~ by CtJ r:d "-taL ~.e:.~_.,tb .... 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ARniENT OF ASSESSIIENTS RECORDING NO. \IOI.../pAGE DEPNfJlmIIT OF DE\ti.tFWENT NfD E!'MROJQIENT,AL SER\I!CES ~«Id~ttb __ d ttI_ ~ccd~t!:b_""d IW-. WC=;;W. 1..=4 U. s.-c. 0lIfIb0 ec:cmt.d end a;:;n.d CIllo __ d 18_ --PORTION OF ------------SoW_ 1/4 of NoW_ 1/4, s.-E-T, 24 N R.~.M.. -I i: ~i NO~ __ ';~ ,.; ~ . sF 2.-• ___ ~-~ I I1ruxl ! .. L-,. I Ogl5'3!1'~ 1It.~-"""" 0-15'J!!'4(/' ," L -.. .89 '3'-L _ 4<1_69 _ ---(' , ~I , I NORTH r--___ ~2! 3tr w 15' zl ~ R -181.98 ..... ~~-~ R _ 18U18 ~ I ~ } ~ /' . ~~ s \ --~) ,,! \ /7 c. ./ ~~ Hi - - . II a ~ ~m V te~ , I enl LEGEND ~I +-Rl.",""""","QO! """''''''''' o -SEfRe!MAlllDCllPMAEI .... ~2 FlS 213M 011. A3 SHea --f!{ t~ ,~ a --a1lE1lll ~-RmElI'PCIZ,/!LS:. UIIE EJ -CICDI BISII C> -"""""" LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION: Ulf2.. ats:K 1.ISUIIID"AC!lIIJllI /lIS FiLED. \Q1DI( So OF FUl3. p,tg .... RSlCIDRDS r6 tcaIG """""""""""'" SCWIr-2II' CXlH11lIJRS _ 2JlO FEU DATUM: ~; QTT OF RemIt PmCf Mao. 11!!S 1Ii£ ,. fX8El ~ sa:tDt 8-'RJIII!HP 23 lCImt. IWIGI 5 BSr. .. a&. CJ:I 'JlDI' ~ ..:IIltIIIE!IT DO ...... EL£Y,. -TCU% FEr 4Q 211 10 o I t-I ~ I~ g 'il~ b-lod z ~ 'Q. '" ~ ~ ~ ~~ ____ ~~~----_________ ~ _ _\_ ____________ ----J l: b~ NORTH 30th STREET :i ~ Q;l to..., NOTE: Z ~a: FD.. P.It,/tIII:SHEIlS uS'! SURVEY /Il:t:1JRN:t UE£iS OR EXCEEDS i3: ~ WAC JJ2-1J0-090 ;:J bC ,.:. RB.D EIl1..IlAIENT co z ~ :,c:::-~ ~= ~sarAElD TRAVERSE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERllFlCA TE This Shart Plat _y ~ a """'"Y maa. by me aT under my dkwctJtJn In canfcrmance with the ~ of the ~ State and c;aunty statute and CIrcDnan:ca In ~ 19.~_ .-""~ ;2_#~9.J-?'i ~----- Cerifftcate Ne. ~_~1384 KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT .,.. BY Go L V_ 0iICIL BY GI.lI DAlE 9-1--;;& SCAl£ 1" -211' ..... NO. = SlIEr 1 OF 1 ItI::MJ AI.£: iCD07e2 II'. ". i SHORT PLAT NO. --,.,...-:-::--:-:: CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICAnON ICIII3 AU. P£IA.£ BY' tH£!iE fII!IESDnS b;t __ ~ --w ct t=..t 1:1 e. b:Dt 9I:crt ~ pn::a:t to 9xrt PIc! IIka. ======Q -=-a:dw~ IIka. .~ ___ _ ==-~~==-~~='::"~Ptct tDl:eo.~~r::I_-=-Qlld""'~to C. a. d e:. ~ e:.-cd ..,... cd _ =* -=-CI pmcta __ azd:~e._e..:tftrc:!l~~a:at~ 'tI!eI~_~t:rpc!:ll:~~c:;:CcDobr!;:d'l:i:I=-::;:-;UJ .,..~=:,:. ~ :~e::. ~ tDe:._fIIe:."cde.~CIIIII:~lIIIbc.ncal:!llllmart C=~cI:.::-~~~~~.::=am:-tr=t cn~~CllttD*-'t_ClbecI~"c::ano.JIId toCl...-" __ ~~e.,,,"~ __ =e.e, Qd:::I:D -= m.ta. -a. w tnaa to e. ~ or em, ~ cad t:r e. ~ -=-. ~ .. e. ~ __ d e. aas..". -=rt ~ .... b~l:*~cat ......... c::IJ'.--cr-tItF ~ ae. taa t!:8 ~.,. ..... c:tc!m. ... ~ cw::=-lItatrd-'-'b_CDd~-=t;!:Ic=Jt.~trJ ~~~~=~ cpct. ~ trJ CIlJ' Gf AMtaI. A::rt!:w.e:.~_de:.Imd.~....-t~ ~f:r~e.~aad~tz:t~c::d:tdrtatJ cI"-tat.Ib_c::z:d~ ___ tftcI=1d:;a:a;&.~ ClJ oc:c.b 01 e.a... ~ bJ p.-=-d:Ir t:If -=::o:;t t::z!a dIa't __ .,....b'-C-c::aIIIII:trJ~cte.FUId~ ___ .. r:rc=:;..wcrf=:8.~ ....... ~t!::fIoliIa't ::e=!z!l~ .:--=--~~ lIbd"I:e~_""""CbdR-t:..ZIII __ "c.I;IIa frcID-=-rftr~~e.c..tct~~b "'.b pgte.t "~dat;JfIIActan.Ib--. .. -1* ~ ~ .... ttl ddI:a c=I...,.--t b bdd -=--b~.a!I"ha~aM'"~woItI:I ...... ...... - IN 1ItIIES3 w.&EOf ........ bc:a CIt .... --Ibco -.. -.. ------- """-I ~ t::::t 1 __ .c:Gf:-:-:-,-_.,.,..---,"":---- ....'*-=-=-t_~ltbbe~fIwoc::::ld ~ctft;re._C=~~btbe~ _ .. ~"~~~;;;:::::::::::: ::;""...,;;,....-- """',,-I ~t::::t 1 __ crc:d:-:-~,-_.,.,..---,_:-c---- ~ttD~a=II~lttl:l,.~n.== ~ac:tftrbo_Clillt~~be.~ _of ::7'~~~~:::::::::::::: "'------- RECORDER'S GERTlFlGA IE mod fur record tht& ____ day of •••••••••• 19._.at._ .• .M In book... ___ .of •• _.at page-._at the roquat 01 "gr. ---S;;Pt:··~R;;;;;.:J;····· APPROVALS: DEP ARlJiENT OF ASSESSIIDIlS DEPNfI'WEffT OF DE'JEI..OFU!NT NIl ENWn2GIENT.AL SER\I:aS ~c=d~tI:b __ cf t8-~cad~=-_"fII 1'8..-. "==;IF. L=d u.. s-.r.:-~ -~ cad c;:;:n-d ttIb __ G1 tll_ -------------- il ~I Zl 1 RECORDIHGNQ. VOL/PAGE. PORllDN OF S.W. 1/4 of NoW .. 1/4, s.~ T. 24 N R.5 E. W.Y. !m.ImC....3Qt ... ---~. I NORTH r------~Z~· 315" \I [51 ~I ___ I c ._ ~.~ ...... ". I Z I .. ~~ L 1 I :1" ~I .----.-J LEGEND +_Rl.'--'''""," CIII .. """" , ' . .'.. ~ h .' rOO ~'. .. !:l:i , h . ,'.. t ~ lJ~ ..... . ._ Ill! o -tiEr E!MI ..., CIP WACED RS ~ CIt AS SHDIf a -..... ..a ~-PUlERPOL.£,IEl.S:.UII! c::::J-cc:HBIISIJI C>-_ CQHTOlIRS ARE 2.OQ FEEi ~ t~ I~ SCAUI r = 20" ~~ J , =__ m !t~-._"_':''l''---..' . --~ _ .... -· -~...... ., • • < _. ,. I:: "'t =~""--I -. "0 I>l ~ _____ '-"-.. 1", 'I~ z .. :;i NORTH _-b :><I 0:: 0 C'4 FQ.p __ Z o ,. -~""-----""'" ,-' ~ · . '.-.... --,--------j Q. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATUM: urr 2.. euxx 1. ISlAID .. ADIIClCI'f AS FU!J IJII \1QL1lII[S"OIflUliiS.fWiiE""l'EXDIlSaFlC!!GO al1.1III\'_ 10 em' OF SEA 1"7JN. 1m. ------~--....... ----SUIiV£Y N:1:JJf/JCt ~3J2_13IHlS01IEEIS OR EXaEIIS sotOOA-SIJlM'IEl~FlEIll TRAVERSE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTlFlGA TE Thb Short Plat e<>mJCiIy ,-to Q 8IJ1W)' m_ by me or under my dIrctb1 In c:cnformance IWfth the requlrwne1b at tho __ ~b:t>o and~ statute and ~~9...1-1Y GMrt L ~ NESS c.tIftort& No.. ~_~ KIMIAl FAMILY SHORT PLAT D1IN. er Go LV. QiMD. er GllI DAlE a-l~ SCAL£ ,.. -20' .... NO. 7S2 9ET1 aF1 /IIOD Rl.E:KDD762 ( 3119003 6--· d?{l" 1 I 'v I 1 Lot 3 t>,\19 PIO;#, ~i 01 (,OP I I 1 r ~ ~5b --., ):1' I) -,;~.,~ I 12S I \1';'0 I oPI o (,D 8°(11... /1-1 ~"I .~ I 0 o 140 2/0 j "2.1C,· '.,.L.;!i1 ~iE.1 ~ 8~~~ /6, o. d'<~z.. lIS 2.00 ZDO " . ~ 'Z,t!' 5 Z."044+ 1401: 91 ;3 VOL. );.0 O/S p1. I -I" 1 '1-... I '04'4' J .~ ,"0 600 y50 7S I ~4 '" ACR 1'" ",,~ _.____ • \ q t~4~!!· -.. -.-.~~~-, . cc •• ~~i42~:",:;-~~;~~'Z N-', ...•.. \.. ~'" rti~+:";~~~~~'''- . \\ :I. . \ '- CI \! oa r..: ~ SE. 86TH I J , (zI c S~.DI IZO ---, REN SP 359-75 LOT I ~ I~ 79".059003 o ~I~ ~~ IO}16 .A? Q)":' LOT 2 "" ~ ,0. 011-'-' l~~' ~ 1%.0 . uAR A~-~7"" IB~.4.1 '" 0 ~ ~ <l _-'~Cf ~ u • a _~t.~ .. ~It R£N SP 193- 7811039013 LOT I ,/7/.%1 /00 ~'6j /8, o4"1~ I II~ Jj 1 ,I', 0411 1.' o DD '/Y B ~ SE~:. BST Smooth feed Sheets™ --------, 334270044509 BLOOD J D & P L 3713 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 2 i , I' I' I 334270044400 SMITH MICHAEL E 3706 WELLS AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270045902 PICKLE LESLIE RAY 16843 SE 134TH RENTON WA 98059 .l.. 2 Use template for 5160@ ! ; 334270044608 BLOOD DURWOOD E I: 3711 PARK AV N ,I RENTON WA 98056 1 ) 2 -------------------------1 , I I ____ ~' 1 334270046108 ROBINSON LLOYD & SANDRA M 3607 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 1 , I 334270047007 SAMPSON STEVE B 1310 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1-. I, 334270047403 : ! LINDBERG DONALD E & SHIRLE 3610 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 362860001001 KIMIAI ALI REZA 1201 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2. 362860000607 , : JOHNSON DARRELL W 1213 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860002009 RIGHI ANGELO M P+DORA LEE 1109 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98055 z I 334270046207 THOMSON WALTER J 3604 WELLS N RENTON WA 98056 , I, 334270047700 DALY SHAWN M+DEBORAH A 3700 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 ,,~ -~ -------------------- --" I 362860001506 I PORTER WILLIAM J , I 1115 N 37TH ST ,I RENTON WA 98056 2.. ------l 2- z -------------------------------~ r----------------.--------.--~' , ! 362860002504 OKIYAMA ELAINE H 1103 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1- I , I Address labels ,j ! 362860003007 DURANLEAU GREGG J+LISA K 3701 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 laser z. ~' . :"r..!\\YJ~ . r _,.".'A'''I~.~,. I . , -------~-,..- ~ AVERY ~'" ~I AV~RY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / 334210284009 YAKUSHIJIN ED & MAXINE 1] 17 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210286509 GEORGE DORIS M 2409 NE 20TH RENTON WA 98056 334210306109 SEGUR JOYCE 1100 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 334210309509 HERPICK GARY R-t-MARYANN 1116 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210311703 BENITEZ STACIE M 1210 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98055 -~ I ! I 2 2 , , , i Address labels 334210283506 LANK MYRTLE L 111l NO 36TH ST RENTO ltlA 98056 2. -------------""\ 334210285501 HICKERSON OSCAR 0 1207 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2.. -----, 334210287507 CHRISTENSEN RICHARD L+TERE 3507 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334210309004 HASTINGS STANLEY 0 1110 N 36TH RENTON WA 98055 1 RENTON WA 98056 2. 2 z I I I I: Ni Use template for 5160® 334210284504 DUBIE TIMOTHY J 1203 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 ) 2.. ,------------------------------, 334210287002 YAGI & KAWAHARA 25800 SE 39TH ST ISSAQUAH WA 98027 334210308501 I HUNTER KENNETH 0 1108 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 r ------------------ RENTON WA 98056 J ) ,------------------------------------""\ 334210311109 I' COOKE ROBERT F & RONNA L 1204 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 : , , I 334210312008 z CASIMES CHRIS T+YVONNE M 1216 NORTH 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 ------------------------~ -~ AV~~Y 1<_-. J ===j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j 362860004005 SUMMERS ROBERT N+CHERRY S 1202 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860005507 SHIMEK PAMELA S 1102 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 ,'.4- :~ ~ .. \ '\. 'l:~. '~ .. ?~;~~;: 362860003502 PETERSON JOHN M+ROSE ANN 18805 SE 168TH RENTON WA 98058 362860005002 MARTIN DAVID F+JAMIE L 1108 NORTH 37TH RENTON WA 98056 ®AlI:lI\VG ,......,,~., .... ...,......--,--~ ... .,.....~-~ 362860004500 HANSON C L 1114 NO 37TH RENTON WA 98055 A~31\\1 ~ A~31\\1 ~ j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j A~31\\1 j j j j j j j j j j j IIIIIi-.. j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j I Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Pro ert Tax Parcel Number: Graotor(s): A L \ K \ Q'\ \ A-I , are the owners oflhe followin real ro in the Cit of Renton. Count of Kin • SlJIle of Washin Ion as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated leggl description MUST go here.' Additjonallegal is on page of dgcument. LoT 2 aI= t 1f\"\IA I FAml'-Y S·l{oe,,. \)!..A T) LIlA 04-04 r J...to-t~ , &(...lc/.c' ) IsLc..nJ V,elJ .AdJ(.j-,·Qn) OI..CC,:)...-d.l"~rt.o ~ pleA+ +J..4v'flcJ: (e (o-rcltJ 1:,\ 11~\~ 59 of PLI!l.J.Sj pe\~44Jva.. cavd of Kr'b ('~1'\~)~4. . Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish. grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned. his successors. heirs. and assigns as . follows: Installation or Off·slte Improvements: The owner(s) of the above described property. their successors. heirs and assigns. hereby agree and covenant to participate in. sign a petition in suppon of. and accept any future Local Improvement district (LID) or city initiated proposal, and pay their fair share dlerefore, for die purposes of providing the necessary off·site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improvements shall include but may nol be limited to the installation of curbs. gutters. sidewalks. street paving and stann sewers. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1 105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land. If at any time impro~ements are installed pursuant to these covenants. the portion of die covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton. shalilerminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenantS may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. IN WITNE. $S WHEREOF. said Grantor has caused Ihis instrument to be executed this __ day of'lV'\.o...'tr-20.0J2... "( R ("to,)..:L ~~ 'STA;1l0PWASHINaroN lSS I-':-~~'t"\" I' <t 'I, COUNTY OF KING) A I) , \ " ff ~i~tO~~!It%/~/ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that I 1M I q I : M +0 T -11' +-a'\t'/ signed. this instrument and acknowledged ~ fO _ -'-~~ ~ it to be his/her/ ,cir free and voluiuary ac for tb~uses and purposes mentioned in ~ (Jt~ • -tn~ ~ the inslru I. .~CY). \ .. ~ -\ ~.() = :; .--f-~.,.\ .; uSl.,/j f : . 'It/~"'''11~1 v-1 o~,~o~ff I" ~ u~,,~ 0...1.0 .:::-"1 ryASti"~ ... , ..... 1'1\,,,\\,,\,,, Page I -----_._--_ .. ---------------_ ....... _---_ .. _-_._-_ .. --._----"'--'-"--"-- RJRM 01 OOIOlbh Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton ,1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 Pro rt Tax Parcel Number: ~' -_~~U---I-~.u.L~::::<L _______________ " are Ihe owners of the followin real ro in the Cit of Renlon Count of Kin ,Slate of Washin ton as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbrevigled legal description MUST go /,ere,I Additional legal is on page of do cum eO!. Lo+ 2-0 ~ K\ (\'"\ I J\ \ PA yY\ l L>, Slt(ol,-T PtA T ) tuA 04-04 ~ Lot 2., B lo:k I ) :r s l.A.",-d J ,'ew Ad~ \~~'" I ~cca r~ to iN pl"..f ~ r.e Corru.J 'If" l/olu.1I"4. ~ cF Pt...~~ I ~+4) (eC4vrl,s of Kt~II\.I'\.~) IVA '. Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impose the followin~ restrictIve covenants running with the land as 10 use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned. his successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: I () ?. ()f'i\A./Yl~" 11lJ(. WlJl.S ; The ownt:r(s) of the above described property, their successors, ~eirs llI!d . assIgns. here~y ag,ree a~! coven~un to ''I' \. Gl.V\h V\() ~ a r"'n eLm 0,11\ -t-r.:Q "'iViZ.£. 5 ~1:l W\l~.~ : ~\ ~~VO ~kWV'\ ~ \.~V\ .\-k f(Qt/\+ ")o.vcJ .k.fbcAc,~ o~ ~ ru.~ k-It. 'ThA.s (~,f1,)" s~ll _bll ~""~j c~c+-\b ~ ~~v'\'elt\l ~: ~pr(.acl~' oF-~ Delfe-[ "'pmlnt .Se.~"\(:Q. Div\ ~I:"I'\ • ,":' . ',', _ DpraUon: These covenants shall run with the land. Jf at any time impfl?vements are instalJed pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton, shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Page 1 FORM 01 OOIOlbh ---------_. ----------_. __ ._-----------"'. __ ._-_._"-----' DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 10,2006 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review X723(9 KIMIAI SHORT PLAT LUA-04-04S-SBPL Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\1:\PlnnRevieW\COLSON\Shortplols 2006\Kimioi Fomily SHPL OSm ZimSign.doc Retllrn Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 DECI.ARA TION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Tax Parcel Number: Grantor(s): A L \ \<.. \ !Y\ I A. I , are the owners oflhe followin real in the Cit of ReniOIl. Coon 0( Kin • SlJIle of Washin I0Il as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION; (Mbrevialed legal description MUST go IWe.} Additional legal is on page of dQcument. L-a,2 oj: tlf"Y\.AI ('Am.I'-'! S'li.oe:T \)LAT J ,-vA o4_o4S J..,o--r~ , (31..c:1. c/.C' ) Is ~nj v,ew ,11 dJ rJr'",n) c\'CC.:lrd.l ",1'to -tk pto.+ 1-N.tlfltf: r'C? (o-rdJ.J It, II~\~ 59 of PL,:t+S/ p",{¥44J va. ct)VtJ cf tl~ ('~t'\~)""4. . Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property. desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use. present and future. of the above described real property. NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish. grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respecllo the use by the undersigned. his successors. heirs. and assigns as follows: InstaUgUon of Off-sltc Improvements: The owner(s) of the above described property. their successors. heirs and assigns. hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of. and accept any future Local Improvement district (LID) or cily initiated proposal. and pay tlleir fair share dlerefore. for the purposes of providing the necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improvements shall include bUI may not be Iimiled to the installation of curbs. gutters. sidewalks. street paving and storm sewers. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renlon. Duration: TIlese covenants shall run wilh the land. If at any time improvements are installed pursuant 10 these covenants. ilie portion of the covenants pertaining to ilie specific installed improvements as required by ilie Ordinances of the City of Renton. shall terminale wiiliout necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenantS may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by eiilier the City of Renton or any property owners ruljoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. ~\\eswlll sTA'l'BorWASHINGTON )SS . ~ ':-~~~"~I'J" -f3!, COUNTY OF KING ) AI) . l,o " #' Cf;~'$atOIV~,''tI7b'It" I certify thaI I know or have satisfactory evidence that • W ''1 I : g +OT -1" ~\~~ signed,this instrument and acknowledged ~!O .I.. 'i~ ~ illO be hislherl ir free and voluiltary ac for ilil!"uses and purposes mentioned in ,,, -• ",~", , I' ~ (JI~ t.n~ ~ Ihe inslru I. '~o.--)_ 1... ~ ~~ ~,. r i: ,..-,::. ~.,. \ J,v8t.'~ : 3 ~/~"''''' 7~_1~~ .. ~~.: 'I, q,;: f\1t\\1\"""~'.t"4 .$' 'II ~ASt\\~-;'" II" \\\\"",'\; Notary Pu. ic in ~fqf the Slpte of Wj!3hin~tpn r (d No"", (Print) C 1~ I£J , }-,fa> ~ My appointrnen expil' s: ~7111( () Daled: ~ ~'6~ O~w'(}OC)G Page I FORM 01 OOIOlbh ._-_ ..... _._ ... _-----, -.-----.. _--........ _-,-_.--_._- Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton -1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 DECLARATION OF RF..8TRICTIVE COVENANTS Pro Tax Parcel Number: Grantor(s): , are the owners of the followin real ro in the Cit of Renton Count of Kin State of Washin ton as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (AbbreJlialed legqldescrlption MUST go here.' Additional legnl is on page of document. Lc:.+ 2.. 0 ~ k"MIA-\ PAm l L)I 5It<oJ"l.T PeAT) t.u4 04-()4~ Lot2 I Bto:k' I J J s~v...a oj {e...JAd~\.\-tuV\ J o..ccor~ to ~ plo-.+ ~ r.e eorcl2.J ',,,, Volll~ ~ of p/...~ts I ~ +4 J (eco~ of fCitlil.~1I) IVA._ Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property. desire to impose the foUowin restrictive covenants running with the land as to use. present and future. of the above described real property. NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish. grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heirs, and assigns as foUows: I () ?. u"'i\/:\'IYl~" 11I.X. wu.s ; The ownc:r(s) of the above described property, their successors, ~irs Ilf!d , asSignS, Iiere~y ag.ree ~!covenant.tol'\.Gl.l/\hV\() {)... Ol'nA.mo.V\-hJ2"·r"V~~ ~"cl. W\~:~\~\a ~W' \oJ I~V\ .\-k J?(c:>V'.~ "Io..vcJ -k.fbcAck, c~ ~ ru.~ J..ct. -"T"h,\.S ci>'\lh ·h<H\ s~tl .b.2 ~""'~j c;c+ .~ ~ ~~J"ew ~. a..pr(QcI~ oF-& Deve.CnplYllnt . .se~" u:a D,v\ ~';"I'\ • .... .... . . DuratJon: These covenants shall run with the land. U at any time imprqvements are instaJled pursuant to these covenants, the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton, shall tenninate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenaniB may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. IN WIT~.SS W!:!!:.~ F, said Orontor has caused this instrument to be executed this ..uLday of vY\.'¥(J 20 ./ .. Ik: .. STATBOFWASHINOTON ) SS COUNTY OF KINO ) Page J RJRM 01 OOJOfbh ____ ._._. __ . __ . ___ ._ "'_00._'.' _. . . ........ ___ ... . CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 22,2006 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review cSJ KIMIAI SHORT PLAT LUA04-045-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Letter of Compliance • Short Plat drawings ~v~ I.M-~ML., 10 .... ~,O ~s\<MI\t4v-O Approval: _ K \<.J.kV0.. Ka e ittrick ____ ,Date:'2!~ Arneta Henninger I I Cc: Yellow File DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 22,2006 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 c.p KIMIAI SHORT PLAT LUA04-045-SBPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance (States two covenants have been recorded. Please request recording numbers be included on mylars.) • Lot Closures • Title Report • Declaration of Restrictive Covenants: LID & Trees • Short Plat drawings rf all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. APproval~"-'---,:;~=-' =~~-----' (Q:.....::~_(_.)~_~ JSi. .JuQ)fhJJ.te:~(, RO~Jr. son()essr(!' Cc: Yellow File 1:\PlnnReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Kimiai Fnmily SHPL 0 1m PRo TS ReviewStnrt.doc ... DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM June 13, 2006 Carrie Olson Sonja J. Fesse, ~ Kimai Family Short Plat, LUA·04·045·SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above reFerenced short plat submittal and have the Following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the addresses for the two lots as follows: Lot I is 120 I N 371" Street, and Lot 2 is 1205 N 371 " Street. Note both addresses on the short plat drawing. ~ J;~ L9-'(.... ;/ The "DECLARATION" block is incomplete. See the attachment. ... The Declaration of Restrictive Covenants documents for both the tree planting and off-site improvements have been recorded (per the plat approval conditions memo, dated April 20, 2006, provided by the applicant). Reference both of these documents on the short plat drawing and note the recording numbers thereof. It is suggested that the names of the two new short plat lots be changed. Drop the "NEW" and use "LOT A" and "LOT 13", or other. \I-\:\Filc Sys\LND· Lund Subdivision & SUl'wying Rcconls\LND-20 -Short Plnls\0374\RV060613.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 19,2006 TO: Jennifer I-lenning, Planning FROM: Carrie Olson, Plan Review aJ SUBJECT: KIMIAI SHORT PLAT LUA·04-045·SHPL Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me know. Please return comments and folder to me by Monday 26, 2006, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. • Mitigation Fees were paid prior to recording. • Demo Pemlit B060144 was finaled 03-27-06. • Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Off-Site Improvements and for Trees Planting in Lot 2 will be recorded with short plat mylar. Approval a.» 1( &";0 -lOr-Je,nn'~ I/vnYl'(jnate: {o ~iao .~ng I Cc: Yellow File (:\P(nnRevieW\COLSON\ShortplnlS 2006\Kimini SHPL 03m P(nnningReview.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 07,2006 Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie K. Olson, Development Services/Plan Review x7235 KIMIAI SHORT PLAT LUA-04-045-SBPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your infonnation. If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. \\1:\PhmRevicw\COLSONlShortplnts 2006\Kimini Fnmlly SHPL 04m JnnC.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Pro ert Tax Parcel Number: Grantor(s): A L \ I<-\ 0'\ , A. I , are the owners of the followin real ro in the Cit of Renlon, Counl of Kin • Stale of Washin Ion as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreylgted legal description MUST go here.) AdditionallegaJ is on page of dgcument. La; 2 ~ tlMIAI FAfY\.IL.y Sitae, \)l.AT J LilA 04_04S .Lo""~ J /.3(..Q.tk' ) Xslo..Y\J ",·e"" .A.dJ(-h"on) o..cc.:,.r~\~cr-to -tk pt.o.+ +N.tlrlt:J:: Y4? (orcltJ II, V-o\",-'(Nl. 59 oF-PU:l.J.S j P"'"'i4AJVQ.. 0;)V"tJ cf k:r'b ('~"-ho)~A.. . Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use. present and future. of the above described real property. NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish. grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned. his successors. heirs, and assigns as follows: Installation or Off·slte Improvements: The owner(s) of the above described property. their successors, heirs and assigns. hereby agree and covenant to participate in. sign a petition in support of. and accept any future ulcal Improvement district (LID) or city initiated proposal, and pay their fair share therefore. for the purposes of providing the necessary off·site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improvements shall include but may not be limited to the installation of curbs. gutters. sidewalks. street paving and storm sewers. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9·1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land. If at any lime improvements are installed pursuant to these covenants. the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installel:l improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton. shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenanis may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners lUljoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. IN WIT~S WHEREOF. said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of'N'o..'rr-20~. /~ 'STAleoPWAsHiNOTON)SS ; .:?"~~ ~ II 'Ir,"" COUNTY OF KING) AI} . l '\ :-c1;~~t~W'~!!1~/~~ [ certiry that I know or have satisfactory evidence that j W ,q I : Ii! ~OT~" +~/~~~ signed this instrument and acknowledged ~!O .I. ~\ ~ it to be hislher/eir free and voluntary ac for ti:utuses and purposes mentioned in , ;> m.. ,. h" . , ~ ~~ -a/. r r: . , . -; (JI ~ tng ~ I e mstru t/~~ \, ' ~ ." \ Il. VA l. I, -' .: -... ~'I~ ""1J~1 ~-1 ~~ ... ~o~.ff ~-___ """'-Io'-~~-,.-~-~_.:.-.a"--....---------I I, ~ It\\\\ ...... o.l.G .$ 11'1 WASH"·\ .. , .... ' In\\\",,'" Page I FORM 01 OOIOlbh Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 ." ; DECLARATION OF RF..8TRICTIVE COVENANTS Tax Parcel Number: Grantor(s): , ore the owners oflhe followin real ro in the Ci of Renlon Counl of Kin ,Slale of Wnshin on os described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated leggl de.wjption MUST go here.) Additional legal is on page ofdocumen!. Lc.+ 2... 0 ~ K"mlA-\ rAm l L)' Sltto(2.T PLAT) t.u4 04-Q4~ LoT'2., B to::k' I ) :r s \o.~a J (fl..,.,) Ad~ \~u\'\ J (kCUI r~ 1V ~ plu..f ~ r.e 0orcl.R.J ',t\. 1/ olu ft\Q, ~ <!IF PtA tr. I p~ +4 J (eeovJ,S of fC'(~G","~ 17) IVA • , Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, (fesire to impose the folJowinl restrictlve covenants running with the land as to use. present and future. of the above described real property. NOW. THEREFORE. the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish. grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned. his successors, heirs. and assigns as follows: I () ? cJ,.. i\ ",nt~" 111X. WUS ; The owner(s) of the above described property, their successors, heirs and asslgns.herebyagreean~covenanuo "'l'lCAVd-\V\d {). O('n'LYnQ,V\~ ,'""iV.u~ a;Yltl. W\cUV\tl.\\~~O ~W' \-I ;~V\ ,\k f(c:W\~ '1(AvcJ ~+-bt,\d) ol? ~ ru.~ J..dt .''\hA.s (~··h~)" ' s~t' .b~ 't.'-~j e;,c·t~ ~ ~~,v\'e"" ~, "'PPiOcl,..Q{ oF-~ Deve.(apll"Clnt .. Se(I!ICQ. Di\.I\~,al'\. "',, '. " " DuratJon: These covenants shall run with the land. Jt at any time impr9vements nre installed pursuant to these covenants. the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the ' Ordinances of the City of Renton, shall tenninate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach, IN WIT~S WHERE F, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this l£...day of \fY\..<¥() ,/(~(r::t.. ' 200 . STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Poge 1 fORM 01 OOIOlbh Printed: 05-18-2006 CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-045 Payment Made: 05/18/2006 02: 13 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,205.75 Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Payee: ALI KIMIAI Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #2089 1,205.75 Account Balances Amount 488.00 717.75 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5023 0 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5045 304.000.00.345.85 5050 305.000.00.344.85 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0602527 Printed: 12-30-2005 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U050178 12/30/2005 03:09 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,615.00 Payee: JULIE CAMPBELL Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4040 421.388.10.00.0020 Spec util Connect Sewer 4069 421.388.10.00.0040 Spec util Connect Stormw Payments made for this receipt Amount 900.00 715.00 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Che~k 2073 1,615.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 401.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 421.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 401.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 401.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 421.388.10.00.0010 Spec UtE Connect Water .00 4057 401.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 401.388.10.00.0013 fviisc. Water Installation .00 4061 401.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 40G9 421.388.10.00.0040 Spec UtE Connect Stormw .00 5025 000.322.10.00.0017 Street Lighting Fee .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 R0506976 June 19,2006 Mr. Ali. Kimiai , 10227SE 16th Street Bellevue WA 98004 , , " .. , , "C.lT,y'.F'RENTON Planningl8hildinwPublic Works Department. , ~r~g'g zlminc~~an P.E., Adminlstrat~i' SUBJECT: KlMIAI SHORT PLAT LUA04-045-SBPL OearMr. Kimiai: The. review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed andth~ following comments have been returned. '. " SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be ccimpleted:Jlrior·to recording of the short plat.) , , ' 1. Note the addresses for thdwo lots. as follows:' Lot 1 is 1201 N 37·th Btreet;and,Lot 2 is 1205 N 37th ~. Note both addresses on the shOrt plat drawing.' . ' .. 2. It is suggested that,the na1l1es' Of the, two new 'short plat lots be changed. 'D~~p,the ','NEW" and, use "LOT An and "LOT B. '3. The "DECLARATJON'~ block is incomplete;, 'See the attachment. ;", '.. ~ • ; J. • 4. Have the Declaration'ofRestrictive Cov.6riants~ocuments for both the tree planting and off·site improvements been reco~ded (per ,the plat 4pp.royaL conditions memo'; .dated April, 20, 2006, provided by the applicant)? Tiso, plea'se'reference both ofthese'dociirrien'ts: oil the short plat drawing and note the recording numbers thereof. " ~ ':' '. J • 5. If not already recorded, subm.it one origin~l;notarized, signed and' stamped D,eclatation of Restrictive Covenants for Off-site Improvements'(LID) and one tree planting coYeri~nts'.: ' 6. If not already recorded, submit one original, notarized, signed and st~m'P~d D,ecIaration of Restrictive Covenants for tree planting covenants. ' , " , ' "",::: When the above items are completed; you maysubmit th,e signed and nota'rii~d shorl plitt mylar (o~e orlgln~al " mylar and one copy (on ffiy,hir) of cac,lshcct) ~lorii with.a check in t'le alJlount'6f$15. 73 (currentcciu,fier' , fee) made out to CD&L. " '," ,. '" ' ' Should you need to discuss any-portion Of t1iistetter please,contact me at (42,5) 4.3'0;.:7235. .. .," . ( ,', Sinc~rely, '~',' , , ., , ·arri~ K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review FAXED To': Gary Van Ness: 425-i71~1308. Cc: ' Yellow File , : , 1:\PlnnReviewICOLSONIShortplnts 20061Kimiai SHP'L 02L RequeiuMylarStop.doc '~, . ' --------.;--10-5-5 -So-u-th-a-r-ad-y-W-a-y-. -R-en-to'-n-, W-as-h..;..in-gt-on-9S-0-55-----'--,.--..--' R E N T 0, ,N" (it) ,'ThiS paper contains 50~ racyck;,l,materiat, 30% post consumer "AI-IEAIl OF THE CUR,VE . \ , • April 20, 2006 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Attn: Public Works Department Subject: Short Plat Recording Kimiai Short Plat LUA 04·045 1201 N 37th Street Renton, WA 98056 The plat approval conditions for Kimiai Family Short Plat has been met as followed: 1-The portion of existing house has been removed and signed off on March 27, 2006. 2-Two ornamental trees has been planted within the front yard setback of the new lot and a Restrictive Covenant has been prepared and recorded. 3-The subdivision requirement of installing full street improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the site's N 3ih Street frontage pursuant to (RMC section 4-6-060) has been deferred on Febmary 8, 2006 by your Department. A copy of the deferral notice is enclosed. A restrictive Covenant has been prepared and recorded to that effect. 4-A Transportation Mitigation fee of $ 717.75 has been paid to the City of Renton. 5-A Fire Mitigation fee of $ 488.00 has been paid to the City of Renton. 6-A sewer stub was placed on the new lot and the System development Charge of $ 900.00 has been paid. 7-The system Development charge of $ 1,525.00, and water installation fee of $ 1,060.00 has been paid on November 22,2005. 8-The Surface Water System Development charge of $ 715.00 has been paid. Please contact Ali Kimiai at (425) 221·5547 if you have any questions or need additional information. Si:~.®-_____ ~ Ali Kimiai 10227 SE 16th Street Bellevue, W A 98004 ! J SHPL REC SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SHORT PLAT RECORDIN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 MAY 1 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 8 2006 PURPOSE: To ensure the proposed land division is in accordance with City of Rent'!n~CSJ~ standards and consistent with the approved Short Plat. In addition, final review is used to verify compliance with any required conditions. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED: In order to accept your application, each of the numbered items must be submitted at the same time. If you have received a prior written waiver of a submittal item(s), please provide the waiver form in lieu of any submittal item not provided. All plans and attachments must be folded to a size not exceeding 8% by 11 Inches. APPLICATION SCREENING: Applicants are encouraged to bring in one copy of the application package for informal review by staff, prior to making the requested number of copies, colored drawings, or photo reductions. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for application screening. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS: Applications should be submitted to Development Services staff at the 6th floor counter of Renton City Ha", 1055 South Grady Way, between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. An appointment to submit your application is not necessary. Due to the screening time required, applications delivered by messenger cannot be accepted. All Plans and Attachments must be folded 8 Y2"b 11" APPLI~ON MATERIALS: 1.~ ~UbIiC Works Approval: Please provide confirmation that required improvements have either .., /een substantially installed or deferred. 2. '\Q/' ~alver Form: If you received a waiver form, please provide 5 copies of this form. 3. tQ/' C.onflrmatlon of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval: Please provide 5 copies of all Environmental Review Committee, Administrative, Hearing Examiner, or Council Conditions of Approval along with a statement detailing how each condition of plat approval has been vfressed. 4. Plat Certificate or Title Report: Please provide 3 copies of a current Plat Certificate or Title Report obtained from a title company documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances of the involved parcel(s). The Title Report should include all parcels being developed, but no parcels that are not part of the development. If the Plat Certificate or Title Report references any recorded documents (i.e. easements, dedications, covenants) 5 copies of the referenced recorded document(s) must also be provided. All easements referenced in the Plat Certificate must be located, identified by type and recording number, and dimensioned on the Site Plan. PW/DevServ/Fonns/Plannlng/SHPLrecordlng 04/06 5., -) Draft Legal Documents: Please prov;de 4 copies of any proposed street dedications, restrictive t.Y . covenants, draft Homeowners Association, or any other legal documents pertaining to the / development and use of the property. 6.~ Additional Requirements for Plats with Private Utility and Access Easements: Short Plats . with parcels requiring access via a private easement shall show the locations and widths of these proposed utility and access easements. The following two notes shall be included upon the face of the short plat: • Declaration of Covenant: The owner of land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefits to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivision thereof. The covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. • Private Access and Ut!litles Maintenance Agreement: New private exclusive easement for ingress and egress is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this short plat. The owners of lots shall have an equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of the private access road, drainage pipes, and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement, private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on the paving in the access easement is prohibited, unless pavement width is greater than 20 feet. (NOTE: If only one lot is subject to the agreement, contact the Public Works Department at /425-430-7235 for special language.) 7. ~ Aquifer Protection Notice: For Short Plats within either of the Aquifer Protection Zones, the following notice must be included upon the face of the short plat: The lots created herein fall within Zone (1 or 2) of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area and are subject to the requirements of the City of Renton Ordinance #4367. This City's sole source of drinking water is supplied from a shallow aquifer under the City surface. There is no natural barrier between the water table and ground surface. Extreme care should be exercised when handling of any liquid substance, other than water, to protect from contact with the ground surface. It is the homeowners' responsibility to protect the City's \" / drinking water. ~ I~r~nsity Worksheet: Please submit 5 copies of a completed density worksheet for all residential ~prOjects. . Short Plat Plan for Recording: Please provide 3 copies of a fully-dimensioned plan prepared by a State of Washington registered professional land surveyor, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40' on an 18" x 24" plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by the Development Services Division) and including the following information: • Name of the proposed plat • In the upper right hand corner include the City land use file number (e.g. LUA02-037) and below in smaller font, the city LND number provided by the property services section (e.g. LND ) • Name and address of the licensed land surveyor/engineer • Legal description of the property to be subdivided • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet • Location and dimensions of all property lines including the square footages of each lot • Location of the subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections, alleys and other rights of way • Names, locations, types, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations PW/DevServ/Fonns/Planning/SHPLrecording 2 04/06 • Data sufficient to readily determine and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing and length of every street, easement line, lot line and boundary line on site. Dimensions shall be to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of a foot, angles, bearing, degrees, minutes and seconds. All measurements and bearings shall be mathematically correct • Coordinates shall be included per City of Renton surveying standards for permanent control monuments • Location and dimensions of all easements referenced In the plat certificate (or Title Report) with the recording number and type of ea'sement (e.g. access, sewer, etc.) indicated. If any recorded easement is unmappable, include a note on the face plan indicating the recording number and reason it cannot be mapped. • Location and dimensions of any existing structures to remain within or abutting the plat • Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site, which could hinder development Certifications: • Certification by a licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes will be set • Certification of City approval to be signed by the Planning/Building/ Public Works Administrator • Certification of approval to be signed by King County Assessor and the Deputy King • / County Assessor 1 O~l::(andscape Plan, Detailed: Please provide 3 copies of a Landscaping Plan (Detailed) meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-1200. 11. Irrigation Sprinkler Plan: Please provide 3 copies of an Irrigation Plan meeting the /qUirements of 4-8-1200. 12.:;:-etland Mitigation Plan: (Only for projects with wetlands on or within 100' of subject site) Please provide 3 caples of a Final Mitigation Plan meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-1200. 13. Stream and Lake Mitigation Plan: (Only for projects with streamsllakes on or within 100' of subject site) Please provide 3 copies of a plan meeting the requirements of RMC 4-8-1200. Calculations: Please provide 3 copies of complete field calculations and computations noted for the plat and details (if any) of all distances, angles, and calculations together with information on !the error of closure. The error of closure on any traverse shall not exceed l' in 10,000'. 15. 0 / Monument Cards: When a monument(s) is installed as part of the project, please provide :if 2 copies of a form obtained from the City Technical Services Division and filled out by a surveyor proviping information regarding a single monument, including the Section, Township and Range, ~~Od of location, type of mark found or set, manner of re-establishment of the single onument (if applicable), description, and a drawing showing the location of a single monument and Indicating a reference point to that monument. 16. Proof of Improvement Deferral or Installation: Please provide 4 copies of the Improvement Deferral Form located in the Customer Service Center on the 6th Floor of Renton City Hall. Any deferrals of improvements must be approved by the Development Services Director prior to the recording of the short plat. 17.0 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication: if any public right-of-way Is required for your project, please provide 4 copies of a draft deed of right-of-way dedication. PW/DevServ/Fonns/Plannlng/SHPLrecordlng 3 04/06 18. D Plan Reductions: Please provide one 8 %" x 11" PMT reduction of all required full size plan sheets; i.e. landscape plan, Plat Plan, and neighborhood detail map. A PMT reduction is an original white/opaque (Not transparent) photographic reduction. Xerox reductions or plotted reductions cannot be accepted. Please ensure the reduced Neighborhood Detail Map is legible and will display enough cross streets to easily identify the project location when cropped to fit in a 4" by 6" public notice space. Once the PMT reductions have been made, please provide one 8 %" x 11" photocopy of each PMT sheet. Royal Reprographics (425)-251-8230, The Copy Company (206) 622-4050, and Reprographics NW/Ford Graphics (206)-624-2040, (425) 883- 1110, (253) 383-6363 provide this service. All Plans and Attachments must be folded to 8112" by 11" REVIEW PROCESS: Once the final short plat information is submitted to the Development Services Division, the materials will be routed to those City departments having an interest in the application. Reviewers have approximately two weeks to return their comments to the Development Services Division. All comments and any requests for revisions will be sent to the applicant. Once all comments have been addressed, the applicant re-submits the revised plans and/or documents for review. As part of the review process, the Development Services Division will ensure improvements have been installed and approved and that all conditions of the short plat approval have been met. Once the applicant has demonstrated these items have been addressed through either a confirmation of improvement installation approval or letter of deferral, the City will send a written request for the final mylar, courier fees and any associated legal documents. Once all of the City's required approval signatures have been obtained, the City will transmit the mylar via courier to King County for recording. J The entire recording process typically takes four weeks to complete. However, the time frame for getting a short plat recording is largely dependent upon application completeness and prompt turnaround time for revisions. Lots cannot legally be sold until the Short Plat has received its recording number. DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS: If a developer wishes to defer certain on-site or off-site improvements (Le. landscaping, curbs and sidewalks), written application with full and complete engineering drawings must be submitted to the Development Services Division. The application should explain the reasons why such delay is necessary. If approval is granted, security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, set-aside fund, assignment of funds, certified check or other type of security acceptable to the City shall be furnished to the City in an amount equal to a minimum of 150% of the estimated cost of the required improvements. DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY: If right-of-way dedication is required for the short plat, separate application for City approval is required. The associated deed of right-of-way dedication must be approved by City Council prior to recording of the short plat. This process may take six weeks, so early application is encouraged .. PW/DevServ/Forms/Planning/SHPLrecording 4 04/06 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: _________ _ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: _________ _ 4. Development Planning Section Q:IWEB\PW\DEVSERVlFormsIPlanninglwaiver.xls 11/04/2005 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites ~AND3 Lease Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site ConditionS 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosim 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECTNAME: ______________________ __ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: ________________________ __ 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEBIPw\DEVSERv\FonnslPlanning\waiver.xls 11/04/2005 \ . • April 20, 2006 City of Renton lOSS South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Attn: Public Works Department Subject: Short Plat Recording Kimiai Short Plat LUA 04-045 1201 N 371h Street Renton, WA 98056 The plat approval conditions for Kimiai Family Short PIal has been met as followed: 1-The portion of existing house has been removed and signed off on March 27, 2006. 2-Two ornamental trees has been planted within the front yard setback of the new lot and a Restrictive Covenant has been prepared and recorded. 3-The subdivision requirement of installing full street improvements, including curb, gullel, and sidewalk along the site's N 371h Street frontage pursuant tv (RMC section 4-6-060) has been deferred on February 8, 2006 by your Department. A copy of the deferral notice is enclosed. A restrictive Covenant has been prepared and recorded to that effect. 4-A Transportation Mitigation fee of $ 717.75 has been paid to the City of Renton. 5-A Fire Mitigation fee of $ 488.00 has been paid to the City of Renton. 6-A sewer stub was placed on the new lot and the System development Charge of $ 900.00 has been paid. 7-The system Development charge of $ 1,525.00, and water installation fee of $ 1,060.00 has been paid on November 22,2005. 8-The Surface Water System Development charge of $ 715.00 has been paid. Please contact Ali Kimiai at (425) 221-5547 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sil:e~t!J _____ J Ali Kimiai 10227 SE 16th Street Bellevue, W A 98004 .. HNDRY BHARING N 00 00 00 E N 89 24 36 E DISTANCE 100.590 98.310 NORTHING 5000.000 5100.590 5101.602 BASTING 5000.000 .5000.000 5098.305 RADIAL BEARING (IN AND OUT) N 00 35 24 W 11 21 15 211. 980 . 42.008 41.939 21.073 S 11 56 39 E DELTA RADIUS ARC CHORD TANGENT TANGENT BRG (AT PC 8& PT) N 89 24 36 E RADIUS POINT PC TO PT N 83 43 59 B S 00 00 00 W S 89 23 48 W S 00 00 00 W S 89 23 48 W MISCLOSURE IS S 7 02 51 W AREA N 78 03 21 E 5313.571 41.939 58.760 5.000 45.940 135.000 5106.181 5047.421 5047.368 5001.428 5000.006 -.006 x -.001 .006 5000.000 5096.122 5139.993 5139.993 5134.993 5134.993 5000.001 5000.000 485.539 DISTANCE TRAVERSED 76334 PRECISION 13906 SF .3192 ACRES ,. t LUT 1 BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING BASTING 5000.000 5000.000 N 00 00 00 ~ 100.590 5100.590 5000.000 N 89 24 36 B 82.830 5101.443 5082.826 S 00 00'-00 W 100.570 5000.873 5082.826 S 89 23 48 W 82.830 5000.001 5000.000 MISCLOSURB IS -.001 X -.000 S 15 27 31 W .001 5000.000 5000.000 366.820 DISTANCE TRAVERSED 487210 PRECISION AREA 8331 SF .1912 ACRES MAP CHECK LOT 1 BEARING DISTANCB NORTHING BASTING 5000.000 5000.000 N 00 00 00 E 100.590 5100.590 5000.000 N 89 24 36 E 82.830 5101.443 5082.826 S 00 00 00 W 100.570 5000.873 5082.826 S 89 23 48 W 82.830 5000.001 5000.000 MISCLOSURE IS -.001 x -.000 S 15 27 31 W .001 5000.000 5000.000 366.820 DISTANCE TRAVERSED 487210 PRECISION AREA 8331 SF .1912 ACRES • . LUT 4' ( BEARING N 00 00 00 E N 89 24 36 E DISTANCB 100.570 15.480 NORTHING 5000.000 5100.570 5100.729 BASTING 5000.000 ·5000.000 5015.479 RADIAL BEARING (IN AND OUT) N 00 35 24 W 11 21 15 211. 980 42.008 41.939 21.073 S 11 56 39 E DELTA RADIUS ARC CHORD TANGENT TANGENT BRG (AT PC & PT) N 89 24 36 B RADIUS POINT PC TO PT N 83 43 59 B S 00 00 00 W S 89 23 48 W S 00 00 00 W S 89 23 48 W MISCLOSURE IS S 5 55 25 W N 78 03 21 B 5312.698 41.939 58.760 5.000 45.940 52.170 5105.308 5046.548 5046.495 5000.555 5000.006 -.006 x -.001 .OQ.6 5000.000 5013.296 5057.167 5057.167 5052.168 5052.168 5000.001 5000.000 319.859 DISTANCE TRAVERSED 56945 PRECISION ,. 10227 S.E. 161h Street Bellevue, Washington 98004 Attn: Alec Kimiai RE: Kimiai / TBD 1201 N 37th St Renton, Washington 98056 Rainier Title Date: March 10, 2006 File # 354065 In connection with the above captioned transaction, enclosed please find the following: o Commitment o Document Copies o Loan Policy o Owner's Policy (8 Other: Updated Plat Certificate and Docs We trust the above is satisfactory to you. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. • "!-" . :\. Brenda McCoy, Sr. Title Officer, Unit Manager Ken Vedders, Title Officer • Mitch Huntley, Titl~ Officer Genevieve Luke, Assistant Title Officer • Rhonda Caton, Title Assistant Direct: (425) 551-5501 (888)828-0018 • Fax: (425) 742-7972 Email: brenda@ralnlertltlc.com.NTU@ralnicrtltle.com 1501 41h Avenue, #308. Seattle, Washington 98101 Rainier Title Builder Services Unit Brenda McCoy, Sr. Title Officer, UnitJ>1anager Ken Vedders, Title Officer • Mitch Huntley. Title Officer Genevieve Luke, Assistant Title Officer • Rhonda Caton, Title Assistant Direct: (425) 551-5501 (888)828-0018 • Fax: (425) 742-7972 Email: brenda@ralnlertltle.com.NTU@ralnlertltle.com IS014th Avenue, #308. Seattle, Washington 98101 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE UPDATE #1 Order Number: 354065 Certificate Fee: Tax: $350.00 $29.05 This Certificate does not purport to reflect a full report on condjtion of title and shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the Certificate appli~ for. NOTE:No search of general taxes or assessments has been made. This Certificate is restricted to the use of the addressee and is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. Liability of the Company is limited to the compensation received therefor. Title to said estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: Ali Reza Kimiai, who acquired title as Ali Kimiai, as a separate estate ." And is a Certificate for a Short Plat Certificate Update # 1 of the property deScribed in Schedule A, attached. Exceptions: See Schedule B, attached. Records examined to: MARCH 6, 2006 at 8:00 AM Rainier Title, Agent for Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation By: ~ ~c.f-l/(};~ Brenda McCoy, Sr. Title Officer, Unit Page I of6 Order Number: 354065 Manager " ' " ., . " PIlge2of6 Order Number: 354065 SCHEDULE A Lot 2, Block I, Island View Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, page 44, records of King County, Washington. End of Schedule A , .. Page 3 of6 Order Number: 354065 SCHEDULE.B EXCEPTIONS 1. Deed of Trust and the tenns and conditions thereof: Grantor: Ali Reza Kimiai, it married man, as his separate estate, who acquired title as Ali Kimiai ..• Trustee: Transnation Title Insurance Company Beneficiary: Secured Banks Mortgage Company, a partnership Original amount: $272,000.00, plus interest and penalties, if any Dated: September 13,2001 Recorded: September 21, 2001 Recording No.: 20010921001965 2. Deed of Trust and the tenns and conditions thereof: Grantor: Ali Kimiai, who also appears of record as Ali Reza Kimiai, as his Trustee: Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Beneficiary: Asia Europe Americas Bank Original amount: $75,000.00, plus interest and penalties, if any Dated: November 8,2001 ' Recorded: January 4,2002 Recording No.: 20020104001867 3. Easement and Agreement and the tenns and conditions thereof: Grantee: Todd G. Campbell Purpose: Side Sewer Area affected: Described therein Recorded: April 29, 2004 Recording No.: . 2004042900157 separate estate 4. All covenants, conditions or restrictions, all easements or other servitudes, and all reservations, if any, but omitting restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by the Plat of Island View Addition. End of Schedule B Exceptions Page 4 of6 'p. :\. Order Number: 354065 Notes: A. Abbreviated Legal Description: B. Property Address: 1201 N 37th St Renton, Washington 98056 .. ~ . ..s. ·f - PageS of6 Order Number: 354065 Rainier Title PRIVACY POLICY We Are Committed to Safeguarding Customer Information In order to better serve your needs now and in the future, we may ask you to provide us with eertain infonnation. We understand that you may be concerned about what we will do with such infonnation -particularly any pen;onal or financial infonnation. We agree that you have a right to know how we will utilize the personal infonnation you provide to us. Therefore, we have adopted this Privacy Policy to govern the use and handling of your personal infonnation. Applicablllty Depending upon which of our services you are utilizing, the types of nOllpubllc personal iiifonlintion that we may collect include: • Information we receive from you on applications, forms and in other communications to us, whether in writing, in person, by telephone or any olher means; • Infonnation about your transactions with us, our affiliated companies, or others, and • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. Use of Information We request information from you for your own legitimate business purposes and not for the benefit of any nonaffiliated party. Therefore, we will not release your infonnation to nonaffiliated parties except: (I) os necessary for us to pro~ide the product or services you have requested of us; or (2) 08 permilled by low. We may, however, store such information indefinitely, including' the period after which any customer relationship has ceased. Such information may be used for any internal purpose, such os quality control efforts or customer analysis. We may also provide all of the types of nonpublic personal infonnation listed above to one or more of our affiliated cotripanies. Such affiliated companies include financial service providers, such os title insurers, property and casualty insurers, and trust and investment advisory companies, or companies involved in real estate services, such 08 appraisal companies, home warranty companies and escrow companies. Furthermore, we may also provide all the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf, on behalf of our affiliated companies, or to other financial institutions with whom we or our affiliated companies have joint marketing agreements. Former Customers Even if you are no longer our customer, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to you. Confidentiality and Security .,. We will use our best efforts 10 ensure that no unauthorized parties have access 10 any of your informl.thm:· We restrict access to oonpublic personal information about you 10 those individuals and entities who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. Wc will use our best efforts to train and oversee our employees and agents to ensure that your information will be handled responsibly and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We currently maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with fedeml regulations 10 guard your nonpublic personal information. . Pnge60f6 Order Number: 354065 ..;. ~ en -Q CI - .I AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO All KJmlal 1201 NsThSt Renton. WA 98058 Filed for Record at Request of MG8 81S OF lel FILED BY PNWT QUIT CLAIM DEED L(4oe=r(,~ \l 'i The Grantor. Julio Campbel" WIfe of All Kim/a/ and al$o Icnown as Aft Reza Klmlalfor and In conslderabon of removing any community propetty Intel'Ollt, conveys and qUit claimS to AI. Rezs Klmlal, 8 married man 88 his separate OstlJte, the folloWIng descnbed real estate, SItuated In the County of King, State of Washington. together Wlfh alf after acquired We of the Grantor theroln Lot 2, Block 1, Island View Addttlon, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 69 of' Plats, page 44, In King County, Washington ABB LEGAL DESC Lot 2, Block 1. Island View Add. Vol 59, PO 44 Assessor's Tax Parcel/Account Number 362860-001~1 Dated September 17,2001 State of Washtngton County of KIng NOTARYACKNO~DGEMENT ) ) I hereby certify that I know or have satlSfactory eVldence Julie Campbell SIgned thiS lRstrument and aclalowledged It to be hiS free and voluntary act for the \UIeS and purposes menuoned in the lRstrument. Notary My commlSSlon expues _....t..I_"_f_l_ . ..;:;.D~,/,--__ _ CITY IF RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator February 8, 2006 Ali Kimiai 1201 North' 37th Street Renton, Washington 98056 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL KIMIAI SHORT PLAT, LUA 04 -045 1201 N 37TH STREET RENTON, WA Dear Mr. Kimiai: On February 3, 2006, the Development Services Director reconsidered your application and granted your request for deferral off-site improvements with a'restrictive covenant to be recorded with the short plat for curbs, gutters, 'storm 'drainage, and sidewalks fronting the site in N 371h Street. . As per Ordinance 4521, Section 4 -34 -14, you have fifteen (15) days from today's date to appeal the Board's decision. Appeals are to b'efiled in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of $75.00. You may contact Jan lilian, Engineering Specialist, at (425) 430-7216 if you have any questions or need additional information. ~.~ Linda Moschetti Administrative Secretary " Planning/BuildinglPublic Works LM:lsm cc: Gregg Zimmennan,PlBlPW Administrator Neil Watts, Chainnan . Juliana Fries, Dev. Servo Engineering Specialist' Jan lilian, Dev. Servo Engineering·Specialist LUA 04-04S -------------10-S-S-S-ou-t1-1G-r-ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-,W--as-h-in-~-on--98-0-S-S------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% posl consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Tax Parcel Number: Graotor(s): A L \ t<.. \ IY\ I A. , , are the owners of the followin real ro in the Ci of Renton, Coun of Kin ,Stale of Washin Ion as described below; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Akbuyiated '''MI descrlptiqn MUST go here.) Additional legal is on page of dOCUment. L<ar 2 ~ t IIY\.A I FAf'(\\L.~ rli.oe'T PI.A r) LVA, 04-04 r J.,o-r~ / (!'i..4,tic I ) :t:s~Y\J ",~IJ ,AdJr"fran) IAcc.!)1"'~\~3'to #.0. pL~+ #o.tI"cf,: t' C1 (o",c:ltJ \ ,'\ 11-;:. \1Aft\R. 59 oF-PL~.J. s I po..~ 44J va. Q) v-d cf t:r~ ('~I'\~) ~4.. , Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impose the following restnctive covenants running wilh the land as 10 use, present and future, of the above described real property, NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish. grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heirs. and assigns as follows: InstaUntion of Off-site Improyements: The owner(s) of Ihe above described property. their successors, heirs and assigns. hereby agree and covenant to participate in. sign a petition in support of. and accept any future LOcal Improvement district (LtD) or city initiated proposal. and pay their fair share therefore. for the purposes of providing Ihe necessary off-site improvements required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, Said improvements shall include but may nol be limited to the installation of curbs. gutters. sidewalks. street paving and storm sewers. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. Duration: These covenants sholl run with the land. If at any time improyements are installed pursuant to these covenants. the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton. shall terminale without neeessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenantS may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners a(ljoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. " OF. said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of\lV'\.o..'a-20ob. ... STA ASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING) A /) I}, l ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that /C j 1M I q I . signed this instrument and acknowledged ilto be his/herl 'cir free and voluntary ac for tlier-uses and purposes mentioned in the instru ,,~. /~ ~ \,. Page I FORM 01 OOIOlbh Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 ... i Tax Parcel Number: _--'-"-=u.... __ "-"-........ .o..::;;~ _______________ " arc the owners oflhe of document. Lo+ 2.. o~ k"MIA-\ F"ArnlL7' Sv(of2.T PlAT) lu4 o4_()4~ Lo1-2, Blo:k' I ) :J sk",-d V {ewAd~\~\:.", Ilkccorr1.tn~ to tk plg..f ~ y.eeorru.J \0'\. Vol\.l~ ~9 ~F p(,,~4s 1~+4)reGo~.oF ~~G~I'\.~) IVA •. Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impose the followinl restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE. the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned. his successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: I () ? ()""i\",tn~t\T1l.X. WlilS ; The owner(s) of the above described property, their successors. heirs and ~SIImS. hereby agree an~ coven.anHo"? ~~V\ h V\() {). a r"n elm (l. VI ~""-v.u. t) atl1:l. W\r;U VI ~;~~{t -\k"" ~ i'~Y\ .\-k f{c:>V\~ \JfAvcI &f~d) o~ ~ ru.~ J..<I·t .'1'"hA.c; (~'-h~),\ s~tl .b.e 'i.""~j ~.c+ .~ ~ ~~.J,·er,J ~ 4..1'r"orl,.,Q,i oF-~ Delle.{DpMln'" • Se.-:'vH.a Dill\ ~I:':'V\ • .,' " '. . Duration: These covenants shall run with the land. It ar any time imprqvements are instalJed pursuant to these covenants. the portion of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton. shall tenninate without necessity of further documentation. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. day of VY'\..~ 200 Page 1 FORM 01 OOIOlbh CITY OF RENTON Demolition Permit· Permit Number: 8060144 Permission Is hereby given to do the following described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Renton. Nature of Work: Job Address: Owner: Tenant: Contractor: Other Information: Date ofIssue Date of Expiration Construction Value Parcel Number DEMO 400 SQ Ff OF SFR & 400 SQ Ff CARPORT d. 1201 N 37TH ST KIMIAIALlREZA 1201 N 37TH ST RENTON W A 98056 03/15/2006 04/15/2006 $0.00 9958500010 Contractor License Contractor Phone City License Tms PERMIT IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS Expiration Date: 04/15/2006 I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton codes and Subject to compliance with the Ordinances ofthe City of Renton and information filed herewith permit is granted. ordinances. . .. Applicant X Building Official $20.00 WILL BE CHARGED FOR COPIES OF LOST OR DAMAGED PERMITS DEMOOI 1101 bh Nature of Work: Job Address: CITY OF RENTON Inspection Record Permit Number: 8060144 Call by 4:00 pm for Inspections the following day -Phone 425-430-7202 Call before work Is concealed or concrete poured/Do not pour concrete until approved Do not cover until approved/Do not occupy until final Inspection Is complete DEMO 400 SQ Ff OF SFR & 400 SQ FT CARPORT 1201 N 37TH ST Lot#/UnitlllBldgtfrrennnt: Owner: ... KIMIAI ALl REZA Contractor: Phone: [nspection Type Date Inspector Comments Final -100 3-Z'}·a I/1M- FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED Post this record. at job site at all times i .• DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: .) . 1. \ ~ ,907 square feet ... 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public .roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, (', and critical areas.· Total excluded area:·· 2. __ ----tr~ ___ square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4 .3\ . ___ .........-_ acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. _____ units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: d.u.lacre . d lots or units would result In a net density of i;. t/ ~.. dwelling units per acre. *Critlcal Areas are defined as "Areas determined by. the. City to be. not suitable. for development and which are subject to. the. City's Critical Areas. Regulations not including very hl9tt landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are'not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSER V\Forms\Planning\density.doc07/18/03 1 , Date: From: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 30, 2004 City Clerk's Office Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following Information to facilitate project closeout and Indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: 1<lmlal Family Short Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA~04-045, SHPL-A ' , Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Nancy Well , Acceptance Date: June 2, 2004 Applicant: All Klmlal Qwn~r: All Klmlal Contact! Same PID Number: 3628600010 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: July 15, 2004 Appeal Period Ends: July 29, 2004 . Public Hearing DCite: Pate Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: DCite Appealed to CounCil: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning Is Resldentlal-8 (R- 8). The existing single-family residence will remain on Lot 1, However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is propose.d for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will I,ave direct access to N. 37th Street. Location: 1201 N 37th Street Comments: , All Klmlal 1201 N 37th Street Renton, WA 98056 applicant/owner .• !'. PARTIES OF RECORD Kimlai Family Short Plat LUA04-045, SHPL-A Walter Thomson 3604 Wells Avenue N Renton, WA 98056-1512 (425) 226-5332 party of record Patricia Johnson 1213 N 37th Street Renton, WA 98056-1567 (425) 255-8079 party of record CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 30th day of July, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Final Letter -No appeals documents. This information was sent to: Ali Kimiai Owner Walter Thomson Party of Record Patricia Johnson Party of Record (Signature of Sender),,: .;e:r.~~~,.-..:.:x..:~~~----~~I=IAI~~M~ -: . KKO COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19, 2006 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. I.. IJ.~ /'\ )" I Dated: rJ /3v /0 cf ili~ J#fWr I I Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (print):_.......,C_J-r~-:::'v...,...U::-l.s .....-f_~_IL_fIo ______ _ My appointment expires: 3 ( I cr ( Dh Kimiai Family Short Plat LUA04-045, SHPL-A AR! ...u. . -Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor July 30, 2004 Ali Kimiai 1201 N 37th Street Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: Kimiai Family Short Plat LUA04·045, SHPL·A Dear Mr. Kimiai: CITY IF RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Administrative Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout; titled "Short Plat Recording;" provides detailed information for this process. . The advisory notes and conditions listed in th~e City of Renton Report·& Decision dated July 15, 2004 must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this short 'plat proposal, please call me at (425) 430·7270: For questions regarding the recording process for the short piat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Carrie Olson at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, NancyWeil Associate Planner cc: Walter Thomson, Patricia Johnson / Parties of Record Enclosure ------------to-S-s-So-u-th-a-r-ad-y-W-a-y-.R-.e-n-to-n,-W-a-Sh-in-g-to-n-9-80-S-S------------~ * Tills paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 15th day of July, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision documents. This information was sent to: ~i'i·:T",.:liil:!'1;!I"J'I:'·I:"'··I':iUl)I···riijWIil"~j~'I'·jl·ti;'illr!f 1!~f:jV .. r ! .' r'" ... " 'f ~ .,'''" ',' "r'f' I" ""111';' I I' .,," 'ItT"r'! '1'1 'I"U, Il'nT!," fl'" 'I"T~" "11''1'' I,dI' iIIW'k"':j~ l!'r~Hl'me\: '''.:r·''i:E!'' ~r:!lil;11 Ji,; : If :.: 1'1,""1.11111 '. ;~,,~.;,;iU'L!I~ Billi!~11 ,;,eD:!I,;: 'tIJjlg(1 iit;,j,: 1:'\1 ,"if,I',! 1'\:\: ' {'I ,i II .... ('1,1 ~:;of:;. :.1j. ,:'::.!i;:!" ,;, ::,.:b:l:l'Ii'!.: 1 ~ 'n~$Q'iL n . ::H;>i:I>~;:;II:i: :1)1:::,I:l:. '~:IiJ11 i'~i::i ,.",!. HI, II ,Ii ".11, ,. " ....... .J:l . ",. I·.: . H ..• :,': .. ,E' ". ) Ali Kimiai Owner/Applicant Patricia Johnson Party of Record Walter J. Thomson Party of Record (Signature of Sender): ~A t:Clt--,~J.l,V ... -...... ,',,'\\\\ /' U ........ ~N KA "-..... ~ I, STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ;.:'·-~'J.\SSioiVt7i:.", ) ss ; ~A~ ~~' .. '~ ~ COUNTY OF KING ) : :8 ~OTA~", ~\ ~ ~ g: -'-'-' ~: i , • A .'- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker \ '; \. lJ(fLIC /~ j signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary/~~oP.'~~~8·~gr purp~oe mentioned in the instrument. ""I~/:' WAS~\':~"""- "\\\~~~ ... ,, .. Oat d:,/' / 'iii ~~ / of Washington Notary (Print): MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointment expires: MY APPOINIMENI EXPiRES 6-29-07 Kimlai Family Short Plat LUA04-045, SHPL-A -CONCURRENCE DATE .., ~ \j?-oi 1t.lITIAI InATE REPORT City of Renton i3:D ,\.o.w'"'\h~~ Department of Planning / Building / Public Works l~~~ rJ'M·"1I,1~/~ & .~ ,lS~~' ~7;* ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPORT ~~~. .~ DECISION ... _-_ .... , .. , ... -:.-....-..' . 10 __ .-- A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DA TE: July 15, 2004 Project Name Kimiai Family Short Plat Owner/Applicant! Ali Kimiai Contact 1201 N 3ih Street Renton, WA 98056 File Number LUA-04-045, SHPL-A I Project Manager I Nancy Weil Project Description Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a two-lot subdivision of a O.31-acre site located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. Tile subject site is currently developed with an existing single-family structure, which is proposed to be partially demolished with a portion to remain on what would become new Lot 1. Lot 2 is intended for the future construction of single-family residence. Both proposed lots have public right of way frontage on N 3ih Street. Project Location 1201 N 37'h Street Project Location Map shplrpt D£CLARA TION KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAIID HEREIN DESCRIBED 00 HEREBY MAKE A SHORT PLA T SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58. , 7.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLA T IS MADE WITH OUR FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SCALS • . t.", ~ ... _ .• · ..... -. .. :...z" .. _..:..:..:.: .. :.......... ~.f:'-~_' ... L •• .' •• 4.: " .... : ...... ~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM June 17,2004 Nancy Weil Sonja J. Fesse~ Kimiai Family Short Plat., LUA·04·045·SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: None. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: The subject short plat property appears to have been surveyed 6 years ago. Has anything changed on the ground since the survey was prepared? Are there encroachments? Provide a direct dimension to the set monument on the north line of proposed Lot 2, since said monument is not located at the point of curvature. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-040-45-SHPL and LND-20-0374, respect.ively, on the short plat drawing. The type size llsed for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network do not agree with existing city records. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note all easements, agreements and covenants of record on the drawing, if any. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. \H:\File Sys\LND -Lund Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plnls\0374\RV0406II.doc June 17,2004 Page 2 Note whether the adjoining properties (east, west and south) are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The city will provide an address for Lot 2 as soon as possible. Note the addresses for both lots on the short plat drawing. On the final short plat submittal, remove ill.!. references to water meters, power poles, catch basins, trees, rockery, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Encroachments do need to be noted on the drawing. The "APPROY ALS" block is in error. The City of Renton Administrator of PlanninglBuildingiPublic Works is the only city official who signs the short plat drawing. Provide an approval block and signature line for him. Be sure to reference the City of Renton in said block and note the current year. The "DEDTCA TION" block shown is more appropriate for a long plat than the short plat currently proposed. See the attachment for an acceptable dedication block. The existing block notes that the subject short plat is a revised and altered short plat. Said property ~ a lot in an existing plat, but not a short plat. The "RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE" block needs the year ("]9_") updated. Also, update said year within the "APPROY ALS" block, for the City of Renton and Department of Assessments. See the attachment for a noted spelling error. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive covenants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat shall have the first recording number (from King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) need to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary shOl1 plat is provided for your use and information. H:\Filc Sys\LND -Lllnd Suhdivision & Surveying Rccords\LND-20 -Short Plals\0374\RV04061I.doc\cor REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works & DECISION ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DA TE: July 15, 2004 Project Name Kimiai Family Short Plat Owner/ ApplicanV Ali Kimiai Contact 1201 N 37'h Street Renton, WA 98056 File Number LUA-04-045, SHPL-A I Project Manager I Nancy Weil Project Description Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a two-lot subdivision of a 0.31-acre site located in the Residential-8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. The subject site is currently developed with an existing single-family structure, which is proposed to be partially demolished with a portion to remain on what would become new Lot 1. Lot 2 is intended for the future construction of single-family residence. Both proposed lots have public right of way frontage on N 37'h Street. Project Location 1201 N 37'h Street Project Location Map shplrpt City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15, 2004; LUA·04-045, SHPL·A B. GENERAL INFORMA TION: 1. Owners of Record: Ali Kimiai 1201 N 37'h Street Renton, WA 9B056 2. Zoning Designation: Residential-B dulac (R-B) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Des/gnatlon: Residential Single Family (RSF) Page 2 4. Existing Site Use: The site is currently developed with an existing 1,630 square foot single-family residence proposed to partially remain on what would become new Lot 1. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential (R-B zone) East: Single Family Residential (R-B zone) South: Single Family Residential (R-B zone) West: Single Family Residential (R-B zone) 6.Access: 7. Site Area: Lot 1 and Lot 2 would have direct access from N 37'h Street. 13,907 square feet I 0.32 acre C. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No. 449B 4404 1B27 Date 2/20/1995 6/711993 5/3/1960 Water: There is an existing 6-inch diameter water main in N 37'h Street. which is capable of delivering 700 GPM. The static pressure at the street level is approximately 76 psi. Sewer: There is an existing B-inch diameter sanitary sewer main in N 37'h Street. Surface Water/Storm Water: There are existing storm drainage facilities in N 37'h Street. 2. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 4. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Section 4-7-0BO: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots-General Requirements and Minimum Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria shpltrpt.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15, 2004; LUA-04·045, SHPL·A Page 3 F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element -Residential Single Family 2. Housing Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. Prolect Description/Background The applicant, Ali Kimiai, has proposed to subdivide a 0.32-acre parcel into two lots. The property is currently developed with an approximately 1,630 square foot single-family residential structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. A portion of the east side of the existing house is proposed to be removed as part of the short plat approval in order to meet the required side yard setback to the proposed new property line. Tile lots are proposed at the following sizes: 8,330 square feet (Lot 1) and 5,577 square feet (Lot 2). The subject property fronts on N 37'h Street, approximately 180 feet west of Park Avenue N. As there are no environmentally critical areas, right-of-way or private easements serving more than 3 lots to be dedicated, the net site area of the property is the same as the gross square footage (13,907 square feet or 0.32 acres) of the site. This in turn, equates to a net density of 6.25 dwelling units per acre (2 I 0.32 = 6.25 dulac), which is under the maximum (9.7) allowed for properties one-half an acre or less in size within the R-8 zone. The topography of the subject site slopes approximately 6% from the southeast property line to the northwest property line. The subject site is developed with one single-family dwelling and coniferous trees. No critical areas were found on the subject site during the review of this application. The proposal to divide the parcel into two lots requires an administrative short plat review. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or critical areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions Not applicable 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. Consistency Short Plat Criteria Approval of a short plat Is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation shpltrpt. doc The site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The RSF designation is Intended to promote and enhance single-family neighborhoods. The proposal is consistent with the RSF designation in that it would allow for the future construction of new single-family homes, thereby promoting goals of infill development. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Element policies: Policy LU-34. Net development densities should fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The net density of the proposed subdivision is 6.25 dwelling units per acre, which is within the density range prescribed. Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. The applicant has proposed a two-lot subdivision. Lot 1 is 8,330 square feet; Lot 2 is 5,577 square feet. Both of the proposed lots meet the minimum lot size requirements. City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15,2004; LUA·04-045, SHPL·A Page 4 Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes, which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. The applicant has proposed the orientation of Lot 1 and Lot 2 to be similar in regards to street frontage, lot configuration and building envelope as the remainder of the block. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would divide the property into two lots retaining the existing single-family structure and allow for the future construction of one new single-family dwelling. The existing structure will require modification and removal of approximately 410 square feet in order to meet the required 5-foot setback to the proposed side property line. The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 9.7 dwelling units per acre for lots one-half an acre or less in net size. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private easements serving 3 lots or more from the gross acreage of the site. The property does not contain any environmentally sensitive areas nor areas required for private drives serving more than three lots. Therefore, the gross and net property area (13,907 square feet or 0.32 acres) are the same. This in turn, equates to a net density of 6.25 dwelling units per acre (2 I 0.32 = 6.25 dulac), which is within the allowed density range of the R-8 zone. The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. The short plat would create two interior lots; Lot 1 would be 8,330 square feet and Lot 2 would be 5,577 square feet in size. The proposed lot sizes are compatible with other existing lots in this area under the same R-8 zoning classification. The allowed building lot coverage in the R-8 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size and, lots 5,000 square feet or less are allowed to have up to 50% lot coverage. Lot 1, with the modified existing residential structure of 1,220 (1,630 -410 = 1,220) square feet, would have lot coverage of approximately 15% (1,220 18,330 = 0.15) after the short plat, which is within the allowed range. The proposed lots also comply with the R-8 requirements for minimum lot width (60 feet for corner lots and 50 feet for interior lots) as well as minimum lot depth (65 feet). Both lots are interior lots. Lot 1 would be 82.83 lot width and average depth of 100.58 feet. Lot 2 would be 57.49 feet width and 102.64 feet average depth. Setbacks in the R-8 zone are as follows: front yard 20 feet, side yard 5 feet, side yard along a street 15 feet, and rear yard 20 feet. Upon recording of the short plat, the existing single-family structure on Lot 1 would need to meet the minimum required setbacks; the proposed plat indicates the structure will comply with all the setbacks once approximately 410 square feet is removed from the east side of the house; staff recommends that a condition be placed on the short plat requiring the confirmation that the structure has been modified to meet side setback prior to final short plat approval. While no construction is planned for Lot 2 at this time, the lot appears to have adequate area for a new single-family residence while meeting the required setbacks and lot coverage. In addition, each lot would have adequate area to provide two off-street parking spaces as required by the parking regulations. c) Community Assets shpltrpt.doc The applicant noted the site is vegetated with grass lawn and five coniferous trees along the rear property line. No trees are proposed to be removed however in keeping with the code, which requires adding attractiveness and value to the property, staff recommends the following condition: the applicant be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-112 inches (deciduous) or 6 - 8 feet in height (conifer) per each newly created undeveloped lot, within the 20- foot front yard setback area. This condition would apply to Lot 2 only. In order to ensure the trees are maintained andlor replaced if damaged, the applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property. The restrictive covenant shall indicate that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15, 2004; LUA.(J4·045, SHPL·A Page 5 setback area of each new lot. The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with recording of the short plat; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: No new public streets would be created as part of the proposed short plat. The Subdivision Regulations require the installation of full street improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the site's N 3ih Street frontage pursuant to (RMC section 4·6·060), unless waived or deferred through the City of Renton Board of Public Works. Staff recommends the applicant be required to install the street improvements, unless waived or deferred by the Board of Public Works, to the satisfaction of City code prior to the recording of the short plat. The proposed subdivision is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. In order to mitigate transportation impacts, staff recommends a condition of approval be placed on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. The additional lot is expected to generate approximately 9.57 new average weekday trips per new lot (credit was given for the existing single family residence). The fee for the proposed short plat is estimated at $717.75 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 1 = $717.75) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks will be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The proposed division would create two lots with property lines at right angles to street lines and having public street frontage, as discussed above under subsection b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the development standards of the R-8 zone. e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Both lots would have the direct access to N 3ih Street. Topography: The topography of the site gently slopes downwardly from southeast to northwest, at an average slope of approximately 6%. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-8) on the City's zoning map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourage residential infill development. f) A val/ability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) shpltrpt.doc Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff Indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the applicant providing the Code required improvements and mitigation fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential Impacts to City emergency services. The fee is estimated at $488.00 ($488 x 1 = $488.00) and Is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Therefore, it is antiCipated that the proposed short plat would result in 0.88 (0.44 X 1 = 0.44) new children to the local schools (Kennydale Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School). The Renton School District has indicated they can accommodate the additional student generated by this proposal. Streets: The subject site Is located on the south side of N 3ih Street. The street fronta~e is not improved with sidewalk, curb, and gutter. A storm drainage facility is located on N 37 Street which is an improved surface. The applicant would be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75.00 per each new trip generated by the proposal prior to the recording of the short plat (please see discussion under Streets subsection d) above). City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15,2004; LUA-04-045, SHPL-A Page 6 Storm Water: Storm water facilities are located in N 37'h Street. A drainage narrative was submitted with the application and has been reviewed by the City of Renton's Plan Review Section. An engineered design will be required to be submitted (prior to recording) for the storm water drainage from the new dwelling. A Surface Water System Development Charge of $715.00 per new single-family lot would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: There is an existing 6-inch water and 8-inch sanitary sewer main located in N 37'h Street. The applicant would be required to make all other necessary connections to serve future development on Lot 2. A Water System Development Charge of $1,525 per new single-family lot, as well as a Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00 per new single-family lot. These fees would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested Administrative Short Plat Approval for the Kimiai Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-045, SHPL-A. 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file. 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designations of the Single Family Residential (SFR) land use designation. 4. Zoning: The proposal as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Residential Single Family - 8 (R-8) zoning designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal complies with the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations for the short platting of two lots provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 6. Existing Land Uses: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8); East: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8); South: Residential Single Family (zoned R- 8); and West: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8). 7. System Development Charges: A Water System Development Charge of $1,525.00, a Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00, and a Surface Water Development Charge of $715.00 will be assessed for the additional lot. These fees will be payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Single Family (RSF) comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre zoning deSignation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 3. The proposed two lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by city code and state law, provided all adviSOry notes and conditions of approval are complied with. shpltrpt. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15,2004; LUA·04·045, SHPL·A Page 7 J. DECISION: The Kimiai Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-045, SHPL-A, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be required to demolish or remove that portion of the single-family residence which will achieve compliance with the side yard setback located on proposed Lot 1. The satisfaction of the completion of this condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division at the time of the final inspection of the demolition permit. 2. The applicant shall record a restrictive covenant that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard setback area of each new undeveloped lot (Lot 2 only). The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with recording of the short plat; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. The SubdiviSion Regulations require the installation of full street improvements, Including curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the site's N 3ih Street frontage pursuant to (RMC section 4-6-060). Staff recommends the applicant be required to install the street improvements, unless waived or deferred by the Board of Public Works, to the satisfaction of City code prior to the recording of the short plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the required Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of $75.00 per net new average daily trip associated with the project (estimated at $717.75). The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the required Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single-family lot estimated at $488.00. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURES: shpltrpt. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15,2004; LUA·04·045, SHPL·A ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 8 The following notes are supplemental Information provided In conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as Information only. they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions Planning 1. Work hours for new single-family developments are limited to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Nor is work permitted on Sundays. 2. Applicant shall be required to have planted a minimum of two trees in the required front yard for the new residential lot. Review and approval of this requirement shall be at the review of the building permit and prior to its issuance. 3. The applicant shall be required to demolish or remove that portion of the single-family residence which will achieve compliance with the side yard setback located on proposed Lot 1. The satisfaction of the completion of this condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division at the time of the final inspection of the demolition permit. Fire Prevention 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. A Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. Plan Review -prainage 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715.00 per each new lot applies to this project. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. An engineered design shall be required to be submitted for the storm water drainage from the new house as part of the utility plan. This submittal shall be required prior to the recording of the short plat. Plan Review -Sewer 1. The System Development Charge for sewer is $900.00. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to the recording of the short plat. 2. The applicant shall install a 6" individual side sewer from the 8" main in N 37th Street to the new lot prior to the recording to the short plat. 3. The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private sanitary sewer easements prior to the recording of the short plat. Plan Review -Water 1. The System Development Charge for water is $ 1,525.00. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. Fire flow requirement for single-family residences under 3,600 square feet including attached garage is 1,000 gpm. One hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structures and if existing must meet current City code. 4. The applicant shall submit a utility plan showing the location of existing utilities and design of the new utilities including street improvements. 5. The existing water service may need to be relocated and lor upsized to meet current City code. The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private water easements prior to the recording of the short plat. 4. Water service shall be required to be provided to each new lot prior to recording of the short plat. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. Per City of Renton code projects that are 2 to 4 residential lots in size are required to install half pavement width per standard plus a minimum 10 feet along the full frontage of the parcel being developed. The project is also required to install curbs, gutter and sidewalks on the project side of a development. 2. The Transportation Mitigation Fee of $717.75 shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. All new utility services to the plat must be underground. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton Public Works inspector prior to recording of the short plat. Plan Review -General 1. All utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. All projects need to be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton current Horizontal and Vertical Control network. Property Services -Comments for Final Short Plat Submittal 1. Please see attached memo from Property Services dated June 17, 2004. shpltrpt.doc City' of Renton P/B/PW Department REPORT AND DECISION DATED July 15, 2004j LUA·04·045, SHPL·A TRANSMITTED this July 15. 2004 to the owner/applicant/contact: Ali Kimlal 1201 N 37'h Street Renton. WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this July 15. 2004 to the partles·of·record: Patricia Johnson 1213 N 3th Street Renton. WA 98056 Walter J. Thomson 3604 Wells Avenue N Renton. WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this July 15. 2004 to the following: Larry Meckling. Building Official Stan Englar, Fire Marshal Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning Kayren Kittrick Jan Conklin Carrie Olson·Davls Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney South County Journal Land Use Act/on Appeals & Requests for Reconsideration Administrative Land Use Action Page 9 The administrative land use decision will become final if the deCision Is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. An appeal of the decision must be flied within the 14·day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075 (3); WAC 197·11·680). RECONSIDERATION. Within 14 days of the effective date ot the deciSion, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator, The Administrator may modify his decision If material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision Is found or If he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, If the Administrator finds Insufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the following appeal tlmeframe. APPEAL. This administrative land use decision will become final It not appealed In writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 29, 2004. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4·8·110. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430·6510. Appeals must be flied In writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. EXPIRATION DATE: The Short Plat approval will expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4·7·080.M. shpltrpt. doc ~ t1:] (j) r?5 ~, ';~Q' ·~·:."';;l , 9 .;. '.-~ I' i-· r. f r ","" OJ' ~E;' o ;~ ;;Jef; r: 11"-; .:..~ .. - 2~'~' :;,- f.J SHORT PLAT NO. ~-:-=-~= CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICATION ... oW.. AIJII.I: 8't' lNaiI fIE!DnS t:I!ct ... it. ~ -<-l "t:t.n.t .. e.Ialda.t~~taa.t:PIIIIl'" ..... .,Ib;a~~-:-... =::.':I11~_=-:_:;;--­ a.t~OId""""""''''''''CIId'''''~ft::t __ .. ~~ctIe._ ... _.....,. ...... t. 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BY Go L V. CHICI). BY GI.Y 0..,. 9-'~ SCAl£ ,. -2D' JOB.ND. 7B2 SHEET I OF 1 N:N> F1IEl KlWJ7I12 L. ,~ E:i~ C:"» (i?iJ """" 00<-" .... ITJ~ © .l" •• ..... "< t' ('") Ll <::;" 0'': =is -<-. C-:·· 7;;1" ..." -, -'~ "-L? ., ..:. ,., ~~~: L... ~~-: -::; u SHORT PLAT NO. -:-.~~c= CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICATION ... ALL PC:Pl! BY nen N!3Dll'5 Cat -. e. ......... ~ rII ...... u..bd!b:rt~p:n:aaI tDa.tft:t ... -=====::;:: _....s.d...-r~ Ib. ,-,,_-,.,. __ ~~=-...::=.-z.:===-~ftat tD .... 'IJ"CPI*~Gf ... _ ... _ ........ b OIIl_tIIt!.-~ ..... cI"""OII __ -=--_"" ~_~"_~"f:IrCl~~_~ dtI .. _....,_p:!:a:.....,.~ =d da biIod;ld DDIIIIIII. dI~ .... tar .. -.t .. -=-..... ____ tl_ 1d;IIlII~~at ............ _a:::Id~ ..... tit e. _ .. t:.. pdD .. e. --=alllll-.:b tIbaID lID tID ~ ~_ClpIMa ........ _~-.~ ... lIIIle:dlld _Fa. .. ~c:=:..-:.n7_~ -=--~-:.,:= tD • ....., _.mr .... tIaa .. ,...aa.1b ~ __ Ot.I:bJ ~ -= c:rw!:a. ---." ......... ..-=n" ct:J--=--_tare.. ....... 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"" .. _ All !l __ ...... .",. ._ if ~:=-==-f!J t ~ SCAtBl"-2Il' I!:! a»m:JURS ARE 2.00 FEET ~40 . 2D .. lD 1< t-'I ;~ art DF RDmJtt PCIIlT Itt. U!II5 lH£ .. c:IIIDt " IiECI!:II :l" ~ D cmH, ..... , USI. .. iii. CM lIlP tE IDUIEJD 40 2D 10 o . 1m : Il: . I %1 ~ Z --., P. ~ '" ""'~~~~----~~~-------------~-~----------------j I: lilt NOHTB 50th STREET a:u:rt_ ......... ElDI'. -lQ0U2 FEf ~ ~ FI). P.ItJ'OISHDI15 ".., = NDJ1W:'f IIEEIS DR £lCI:EEDS c: . C) ~ WAC ~tJG..OaO ;:) be> ~ RElD EtIlIAENT = z ~ :rc:-~~= ~~F1ElJ)lRAVmS£ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERllFlCA 1E Ohio Short Plot corno<:tIy reproMIb Q """'"Y mado by m. or under my d!NctIon In confoTmDnCle wtth th. ~"",onts of In. oppr:.priote state and County . StaUlto and ~ .~-'-Is.A ....".; .i!:.~9J-?y CAItf L AN NESS c.rtJficote No. ~_~ ~ ~~~ KIMlAl FAMILY SHORT PLAT DI1M. BY G. L Y. CHCD. BY Gl.Y .... tE D-l~8 SCALE ,. -2D' .JDD NO. 782 lIta:T I r:JF I ACJJ) FIlE:I<IIII7B2 j' ,1(,OrJ :i~!"""." I \ ') r ~\ ?,5D I ..... ,. I~' ,.1 o~"1""· IZS I 1140 I "PI o (,D BOP I" ,7.1 ~." -~ I ° ., 140 2"D ~ rA~O _ _ '},0oIJ/Pb ?:i c-,-- " .5 7.00 16,8;~~ , d<k"?- ~ ."t:1 5 1,"044+ ZDO .'40 1: '-.£-9 ~iE-J;1 Dc\''':=~ ... _O( -.. ~ ."'-. '(;,~ ::.~-;,: ... _·s r . ,-r (;; :-. _;.J . --~ _.~.r,._ -j. ,-.--.-... ' .J -. \ .;: N cfIl'0 91 AVe: ~ c 7S I ~ VOL. 518-46 cP1? I &,0 ),-0 -/" p1 ,1,'V ... --oA' .... J _~ &:.0 \~ \(\ <)f.,S. I-;?. 5" 600 -r __ S-_o __ _ I SE. 86 TH I t { I <Og ___ _ I \'00 -./ (~ /Z.o Il!.!R£N SP 35[) 79 LOT I ~ I~ 79110590 o ~I~ ~~ ~16 .A~ Q).!. LOT 2 ;II ~ ,0. ott" l~ V' o~ ILO UJIIR A~-~7W 16&.4/ Ie 0 -, 11#5_0/ tl' N 6"""'t-~ Ili "Gk15 If: ;70-/3' ~ REN SP 193- 781103901:3 LOT I /7/_ZI 100 IS 4-PS J. , n4"T~ .-/ I ( ,1 JJ I JP" _ 041/ 1.& d 10D ,/Y' 49· SE~,. 88 Tj 'l ,-----------: -B4" 29 T24N RSE W 1/2 -.-.---.. --.' .... --.. -~ .... ~.-.-.--.-.-.... -.-... ------,-.'7L ,,-- CDR / ,I :' + 9R + PIBIPW TBCHNlCAL BBRVlCB8 e ZONING ----Renton dill lJmIilI llI04/Ol bdl'0 -400 1,-4600 ti='-A -_I!.J I I 32 T24N RSE W 1/2 5431 6-.0NING MAP BOJK RESIDENTIAL ~ Resource ConservaUon IB ResldenUal dulac ~ Reeld.nUal 5 dulac a ResldenUal dulac I RHH I Residential Manufactured ~ ResldanUal 10 dulac EI nesidenUal 14 du/ao ! RH-I! ResldenUal MulU-Family Homcs Inlm MIXED USE CENTER o Cenler Neighborhood' ~ Center Suburban' IUC-NJ! Urban Canter -North ~ Urban Center -North 2 ~ Center 'Downtown' [E§] Center Omee ResidenUal COMMERCIAL ~ Commercial Arterial' [§] Commercial Office' [1£] Convenience Commercial INDUSTRIAL ~ Industrial -H.avy o Industrial -Medium CD Industrial -LlShl (P> Publicly owned ____ Renton City Limits ___ Adjac.nt City Limits _ Book Poges Boundary KROLL PAGE I RM-N I Residential MulU-Family Neighborhood Centor IRH-C I ReBid.nUal MulU-Family Suburban C.nler IRH-r I R.Bid.nUal MulU-Family Traditional • May include Overlay Dlstrlota. Soe Appendix mapa. For additional regulaUona In Overlay Districts. please see RMC 4-3. I RH-U] Rosidential M~.JlU-FDmilY Urban Cenler' PAGE# INDEX SECTITOWNIRANOE • Z .·:":"'~4" ................. ~ .. . .. -=-, "'~i~ri" " FRAME " b o o o b Iz, HOUSE S 89" 23' 4S' W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT,2. BLOCK 1. ISLAND VIEW, AD~LED IN VOLUME 69, OF PLATS. PAGE 44. REDCOft 'KING COUNtY WASHINGTON. , i o I CONCRET[o WALl( 'j I o o DATVM: CRY OF RENTON POINT No. 1888 THE TOWNSHIP 23 NORtH, RANGE e' !ASI', V IN COVER.' ELEV. -104.72 FEET CRY OF RENTON No. 1838 N 89' Q2' 1~ E 1IJ --- ---o NORTH o FD. P.I<./WASHER LS 11891 ~ , ... ~ , , z ... NW COR. SEC.I5. 123N, ABE. CnY OF RENTON No. 1888 'LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by , me or under my direction In conformance wIth the : requirements 'of the appropriate state and County 0 statute and Ord~ce In .~~. 19 ••• 9.~ .. . ~·~~ES~~9..1-fY CertIficate No. P.~ .. ~.1~~f PROPERTY SERVl("!>:'S FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS ]'1-~004 -_C,-,-8<L-__ APPLICANT: _\::{_Lbd-lAL)-AL.L...1 ______________ _ RECEIVED FROM ___ --;-;~- (date) .JOB ADDRESS:_I.E.o.l_bJ. ·57..:ti=L-5:t ~"f-') WOH_.::L7L4.8 _____ _ NATURE OF WORK: -~LoT-.s-ldOF-Q: :p--LA.T_LI:=s.LI:::UA.Lf-"Ah::f.l.i-~D~ LNO H _PO -O!3U'---___ _ .. PREUMINARY REvmw OF SuUmVISION BY LONG PLAT, NEED MORE . ~ORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SnORT PLAT, IHNOING SITE PLAN, ETC. I'ID #'s .. VICINTTY MAP -FINAL REVrEW OF SUUDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGI~ -OTHER PREUMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SlIUJECT PROPERTY PARENT Pm#~28~o-Q:)1C! X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned hy King County. II is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice. that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All qUilted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the constmction permit is issued to install the on-site lind off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities. street improvements. etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will he hased on rates in effect at time of Building Pennit/Constmction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this suhdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. 11 ~ II I' d NOT' I I . ~'d I f le 0 oWing quote< fees . 0 mc II< e inspectIOn ees 51 e sewer permits. r w permit fees or t le cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DlSTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER Lntecomer Agreement (~vt) WASTEWATER Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTlrER Special Assessment District/WATER Special Assessment District/W ASTEW A TER Joint Use Agreement (METRO) Local Improvement District Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP CALCUI"ATED BY TRANSPORTATION FUTURE OBLIGATIONS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER" Estimated # OF UNITS/ " I'dl'rev. .. I'nrtially I'd (Ud Exemption) " Never I'd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1 ,525/lInll x i Mobile home dwelline unit $1220/linit in pnrk Allartment, Condo $915/linit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing. by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2.800 aPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER" Estimated -I'd Prevo O! Partially I'd (Ltd Exemption) O! Never I'd Single family residential $900/unit x 1 Mobile home dwelling IInit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/1Init not In CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated O! Pd Prevo O! PartiallY Pel (Ltd Exemption) O! Never I'd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x 1 All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ -tJl~~~.J.tQOW~------(Q/A~- SignatllCTf R~a~ing AUlhority DATE OR FEE -0- -0- -0.- / /-0- / /-0--... --- SDCFEE $ J 52.5.00 Eb qOO.OO 4:> 7/5.QO 3 J I40.oo t\) o o ... .. "'If suhject property is within an LID, it is developers responsihility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage figures arc taleen from the King County Assessor's map and lire suhject to change. Current City SDC ree charges ;Ipply 10 __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January I. 2004 City oftllm Department of Planning / Building / PUb.kS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: P<a.t'k:, ~ COMMENTS DUE: I JUNE 17 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-045 SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3 2004 APPLICANT: Ali Kimiai PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil PROJECT TITLE: Kimlal Family Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Hennln(:ler SITE AREA: 13 907 square feet BUILDING AREAJgross}: N/A LOCATION: 1201 N 3ih Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77248 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2-lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning is Resldential-8 (R-8). The existing single-family residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More EnvIronment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housln(J Air Aesthetics Water Li(JhtlGlare Plants Recreation LancVShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS ~cue,/U)~~ k~~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas wher additional Information Is n d to properly assess this proposal. • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM June 17,2004 Nancy Weil Sonja J. Fe8Se~ Kimiai Family Short Plat, LUA-04-045-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and 1 have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: None. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: The subject short plat property appears to have been surveyed 6 years ago. Has anything changed on the ground since the survey was prepared? Are there encroachments? Provide a direct dimension to the set monument on the north line of proposed Lot 2, since said monument is not located at the point of curvature. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-040-45-SHPL and LND-20-0374, respectively, on the short plat drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network do not agree with existing city records. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note all easements, agreements and covenants of record on the drawing, if any. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. \H:\File Sys\LND • Lnnd Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 • Short Plnt.~\0374\RV040611.doc .Tune 17,2004 Page 2 • Note whether the adjoining properties (east, west and south) are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The city will provide an address for Lot 2 as soon as possible. Note the addresses for both lots on the short plat drawing. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to water meters, power poles, catch basins, trees, rockery, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Encroachments do need to be noted on the drawing. The "APPROVALS" block is in error. The City of Renton Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works is the only city official who signs the short plat drawing. Provide an approval block and signature line for him. Be sure to reference the City of Renton in said block and note the current year. The "DEDICA nON" block shown is more appropriate for a long plat than the short plat currently proposed. See the attachment for an acceptable dedication block. The existing block notes that the subject short plat is a revised and altered short plat. Said property is a lot in an existing plat, but not a short plat. The "RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE" block needs the year ("19_") updated. Also, update said year within the "APPROVALS" block, for the City of Renton and Department of Assessments. See the attachment for a noted spelling error. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive covenants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The shOlt plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat shall have the first recording number (from King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) need to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\Fill! Sys\LND -Lllnd Subdivision & SUlveying Rccords\LND-20 -Shol1 Plnts\0374\RV040611.doc\cor D£CLARA TION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. rHE UNDEiiSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAIiO HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY /JAKE A SHORT PLA T SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58. , 7.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLA T SUBDIVISION TO ·8E THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLA T IS MADE WITH OUR FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. • •• 4 ... -"" ~ ••• ~.. • . . , ......... ~ ........ __ .... e.... ' __ 5:==_= __ .. L ~.' .. ~. ··I.,"f .... , ... ,~ • z o c b Iz, . j '-----.,r---:-, i CONCRF.re WAU< 'j LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ,2-BLOCf( 1. ISLAND Vlf.W, AD~ IN VOLUME 69. OF PLATS. PAGE ..... REDCOR 'KING COUNtY WASHINGTON. I o c DATUM: ....... ;.: .. CRY OF RENI'ON POINt' No. 1888 lHE TOWNSHIP 23 NOImt, RANGE e' EASI', V IN COVER.' EL£V •• 10..72 FEr CnY OF RENTON No. 1838 N 811 q2' 16' E '----- LaJ --- ---NORTH : FD. P.J<./WASHER LS 11891 ~ , ... z ~ ... NW COR. SEC.S. T23N. RSE. CRY OF RENTON No. 1888 • I 'LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represent8 a survey made by , me or under my dIrectIon In conformance wIth the : requirements 'of the approprIate State and County , statute and~ Or Ina C& In .~~. 19 ... ~.~ .. . ~.n?:, .... ~~ 9-1~Y , y -L-9AN NESS CertIficate No. p.~ ... ~.t~~1 • PROPERTY SERV. FEE REVTEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS .004 -ee APPLICANT: -~lbd-'.Al--,-ALJ RECEIVED FROM ___ -;-:-~- (date) .JOB ADDRF..8S:-J..e.OJ_bI....--5.7_T-i::l.--5..1: ~,.._ ') WO#_':JJ-Z-4I!3 _____ _ NA TIJRE OF WORK: -E..=.LoT-S:I:IoI3:I: ~T-6.s./JdJAI_F_~.LL'Y~I:IO~ LND #-60?""'O<!..;-:::..lO~3cL'Z4!:J~---- .. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUlJDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, NEED MORE FORMATJON: -LEGAL DF..8CRIPTJON SnORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID #'s .. VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACF..8 SQUARE FOOTAGE -OnIER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUB.mCT PROPERTY PARENT pm#~~o-COlo X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. II is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the. developer/owner on notice. that the fees quoted below may be applicable 10 the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to insmll the oo-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities. street improvements. etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by tlle applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will he based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SOC fees, rlue to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SOC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future SOC fees If triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. ~ l' NOT· ~ I· ~ The ollowll1g quoted ees do II1clude II1spectlon ees Side sewer permits, r w permit ees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSF..8SMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSF..8SMENT ASSF..8SMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WASTEWATER Liltecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER Special Assessment District/WATER Special Assessment District/W ASTEW ATER .roint Use Agreement (METRO) Locill Improvement. District Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCUI .. ATED BY TRANSPORTATION FUTURE OBLIGATIONS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estinmted # OFUNlTSI .. PrJ Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family_ residential $1 ,525/unit x 1 Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park Apartment C0I1do $915/lInlt not in CD or COR zones x CommerciallIndustrlal, $O.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing. by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2.800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER·· Estimated .. Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x 1 Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Almrtment, Condo $540/llnit not In CD or COR zones x CommerciallIndustrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER -Estimated .. Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) " Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x 1 All other properties $O.249/sq ft of new imper.vlous area of property x (not less than $7]5.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ _~~.a) 11 . L1L1.J:;)DIoL!o:W~ _______ --.G,r=J/A'!.f-"/0.4~ SignatllGof Retk~lI1g Authorltyr/ DATE OR FEE -0- -0- -0.- / /-0- / /-0--* --- SDC FEE $ IJS2.5.00 ffJ qOO.OO .$ 7/5.00 3140.00 I\) o o ",. .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage figures nre taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. Current City SOC fee charges llpply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE .ranuary I, 2004 City o.on Department of Planning / Building / pUbllRrks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: f("of>e.-r-~ S.;(..<;. COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 17 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA·04·045 SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3, 2004 APPLICANT: Ali Kimlai PROJECT TITLE: Klmiai Famil Short Plat SITE AREA: 13 907 s uare feet LOCATION: 1201 N 3ih Street SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2-lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat t~/~~ {frllJl 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning is Resldential-S (R-S). The exls m~ single-family residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 is proposed for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Elemont of the Probable Probable Moro Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Nocessary Earth Houslno Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LancVShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Fee! 14 000 Fee! B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional Information Is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date • CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRA TEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: June 16,2004 Nanc~V:~iV RebeJ~Hnd Don Erickson Kimiai Family Short Plat, 1201 N 37th Street; LUA-04-045, SI-IPL-A The applicant is proposing a two lot short plat on a 13,907 square foot parcel located on N 37th Street between Wells Avenue N and Park Avenue N in the Kennydale Neighborhood. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned R-8, eight units per net acre. The applicant is proposing to maintain an existing single- family dwelling on Lot I, the larger of the two lots. Access to both streets would be from N 37th Street. Relevant land use policies are attached. Analysis: The subject proposal complies with Policy LU-35 in that both lots exceed the suggested 4,500 square foot minimum lot size. Although the proposed new lots will be smaller than abutting lots it is likely that these larger lots will eventually be short platted as well in the future more consistent with the allowable density of the R-8 zone (Policy LU-40). With increased densities in neighborhoods such as this new sidewalks should be required at the time these existing parcels redevelop and subdivide. A doubling of density will result in more pedestrians and children walking to school, for example (Parcel LU-70). Recommendation: Support this proposed two-lot short plat. cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\lntcrdcpartmcntal\Dcvclopmcnt Review\Prcnpps\Comments\RS\Kimiai Family Short I'lat.doc\cor • • Relevant Comprehensive Land Use Policies: Residential Single Family Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4.500 square feet should be allowed in singlelamily residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations. lot configurations, and building envelopes. which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Policy LU-40.1. New plats proposed at higher densities than adjacent neighborhood developments may be modified within the allowed density range to reduce conflicts between old and new development patterns. However. strict adherence to older standards is not required. Design and Improvement Standards for Residential Areas Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The extensive or predominant use of cul- de-sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent Clndfuture development. Policy LU-76. To visually improve the public streetscape and the safety of perimeter sidewalks and facilitate off-street parking. construction of alleys providing rear access to service entries and garages should be encouraged. Policy LU-BO. Land should be arranged in blocks divided into lots with all lots required to front on a public street or a park. Documcn13\cor City of.n Department of Planning / Building / Public .1 LH£.~ I~ orks / _~ .c: " .... ,. ~ ( R "-Z'-~-"--~. -~/ ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION , "~~-' '~'! .teo! REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: oPJI\OVV\.\ '-~. COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 17,2 APPLICATION NO: LUA·04·045 SHPL·A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3, 2004 1lI/l..: ~ 17 ~--~PW APPLICANT: Ali Klmlal PROJECTMANAGER: NanCyWeld -,-' , . ---. PROJECT TITLE: Klmlal Family Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger I SITE AREA: 13 907 sQuare feet BUILDING AREA (Qross): N/A JUN I 2004 LOCATION: 1201 N 3ih Street WORK ORDER NO: 77248 ECONOMIC DEV!:CL1f':,;ENT NEIGHBO-RHOOO:, ' '1/\ !~(j PLANNING SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2·lot short lat retalnin exlstln house. A lication for an Administrative Short Plat to sUbdlVlCT'e me p g g pp 13,907 square fool (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning Is Resldential·8 (R·8). The existing single·famlly residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 21s proposed for construction of a slngle·famlly residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment MInor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary EnvIronment MInor Major InformatIon Impacts Impacts Necossary Earth Houslna Air Aesthetics Water Li(JhtlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShorellne Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY·RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE·RELATED COMMENTS • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In whIch we have expertIse and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional Information Is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM June 11, 2004 Nancy Weil Arneta Henninger X7298 A g • KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT APPLICATION 2 LOTS LUA 04·045 1201 N 37TH ST I have reviewed the application for this 2 lot short plat located on the south side of N 37th St between Wells Ave N and Park Ave N in Section 32-24-5 and have the following comments: Existing Conditions: Water--The proposed development is within the City of Renton water service area. This site is located in the 320 Water Pressure Zone. The static pressure at the street level is approximately 76 psi. There is an existing 6" watermain in N 37th St. This main is only capable of delivering 700 GPM. Sanitary Sewer--There is an existing 8" sanitary sewer main in N 37th St. Storm--There are storm drainage facilities located in N 37th St. This site is not located in the Aquifer Protection Zone.' CODE REqUIREMENTS WATER: • All plats are required by City code to provide a fire hydrant with a minimum fire flow requirement of 1,000 GPM within 300 feet of any proposed single-family structure. 11 the proposed single-family structures exceed 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM. This distance is measured along a travel route. The existing fire hydrants need to be per current City code. The utility plan needs to show the location of all fire hydrants within 300 feet (as measured by a surveyor) of the development. The plan needs to show that the existing fire hydrants are up to current code and no further action is required or it needs to direct a contractor what and how to bring the fire existing fire hydrants up to current code. • The project is required to provide water service to the new lot prior to recording the short plat. • Kimiai Family Short Plat 1201 N 37th ST 2 /'" " • • • The existing water service to the existing structures may need to be relocated and or upsized to meet current City code. • The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private water easements prior to the recording of the short plat. • The applicant needs to submit a utility plan showing the location of existing utilities and the design of the new utilities including street improvements. • Water System Development Charges of $1525 per each new unit will be required for this project. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit and prior to recording the short plat. SANITARY SEWER: • The project is responsible for providing sanitary sewer service to the new lot prior to recording the short plat. The applicant shall install a 6" individual side sewer from the 8" main in N 37th St to the new lot as part of the short plat. • The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private sanitary sewer easements prior to the recording of the short plat. • System Development Charges of $900 per new lot are required. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit and prior to recording the short plat. DRAINAGE: • A storm drainage narrative was submitted. An engineered design will be required to be submitted (prior to recording) for the storm water drainage from the new house. This needs to be shown on the utility plan for the site. • The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715 applies to the proposed project. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit. STREET IMPROVEMENTS: • Per City of Renton code projects that are 2-4 residential lots in size are required to install half pavement width per standard plus a minimum 10 feet along the full frontage of the parcel being developed. The project is also required to install curbs, gutters and sidewalks on the project side of a development. • Street lighting is not required to be installed for a 2 lot short plat. • All new electrical, phone and cable services to the plat must be undergrounded. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the short plat. ~ Kimiai Family Short Plat 1201 N 37th ST 3 CONDITIONS: • The Traffic Mitigation Fee of $717.75 shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. This is a condition of the short plat. GENERAL: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • All projects need to be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton current Horizontal and Vertical Control network. • Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. cc: Kayren K. CIIY 0' RI. Department 01 Planntng / Building / PUbliC. ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~fICL.(06lSk.W~~ COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 17, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-045 SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3 2004 APPLICANT: Ali Kimial PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Well PROJECT TITLE: Klmlal Family Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger IU n ,. ')nnl.t JUI'" ...... SITE AREA: 13 907 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1201 N 3ih Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77248 BUILDING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2-lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning Is Resldential-8 (R-8). The existing single-family residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Elemont of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Houslna Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants RecreatIon LancVShorellne Use Utilities Animals Transf)Or1ation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Hlstoric/Culturat Natural Resources Preservation AlrpM Environment 10.000 Feet 14 000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional Information .Is eeded to properly assess this proposal. CIIy of R' Dspartmenl 01 Planning I Building I PUbliC. ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPJl,fENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~ l:ol'\.'S.f.OY"-t.-a..t,..,'oV\ COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 17, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA·04·045 SHPL·A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3, 2004 APPLICANT: Ali Klmial PROJECrMANAGER: Nancy Weil R E C E'-V E 0 PROJECT TITLE: Klmlal Family Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger II IN n 4 ?nnJ. '-_I SITE AREA: 13 907 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1201 N 3ih Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77248 t:lUILUING DIVJSION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2·lot short plat retaining existing house, Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning is Resldential·8 (R·8). The existing slngle·famlly residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a slngle·famlly residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Eloment of the Probable Probable More Envlronmont MInor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary EnvIronment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth HousIng AIr Aesthetics Water L/ahtIGlare Ptants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animats Transoortatlon Environmental Health Public ServlcBS Energy I Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation AIrport Environment 10.000 Feet 14 000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional Information I n eded to properly assess this proposal. Dat'~ I ( COo 1- City of.n Department of Planning / Building / PUbl.kS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'PIevt. 'ktv,.e.,W COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 17, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA·04·045 SHPL·A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3, 2004 APPLICANT: Ali Kimiai PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Well PROJECT TITLE: Klmlal Family Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 13 907 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1201 N 37'h Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77248 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2·lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning Is Resldential·8 (R·8). The existing slngle·famlly residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed in order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a slngle·famlly residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of tho Probable Probable More EnvIronment MInor Major Informal/on Impacts Impacts Necessary EnvIronment MInor Major Informal/on Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Houslna Air Aesthetics Water LighllGlare Plants Recreation LancVShorellne Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HlstorlclCulturet Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ; We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas wilere additional Information Is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of R~nron Department of Planning / Building / Public h ... ,KS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-045, SHPL-A APPLICANT: Ali Kimlai PROJECT TITLE: Klmlal Famll Short Plat SITE AREA: 13 907 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 1201 N 3ih Street I WORK ORDER NO: 7724S SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2-lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning is Resldential-S (R-S). The existing single-family residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Elomont of tho Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necossary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water U(JhtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals TransPOrtalion Environmental Health Public Services ...... Energy/ HlstoricICultural Natural Resources Preserve tlon Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed thl ppllcatlon with panlcular attention to those areas In which we have expenlse and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where a n I ormation Is needed to properly assess this proposal. /, -f-IJ« Date City of R.n Department of Planning / Building / PUblillkS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: uy\'s.W~·OYt ~\lc:::.~. COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 17, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-045 SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3, 2004 APPLICANT: All Kimial PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Well PROJECT TITLE: Klmlai Family Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger RECEIVED SITE AREA: 13 907 square feet BUILDING AREA (Qross): N/A JLlN n 4 :'On" LOCATION: 1201 N 37'h Street WORK ORDER NO: 77248 ... SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2-lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Sho~vp~ri~~u~dY~i~~~~e 13,907 square fool (0.32) parcellnlo two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning Is Resldential-8 (R-8). The existing single-family residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will have direct access 10 N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Mojor Information Impacts Impacts Necesaary Environment Minor Mojor Information Impacts Impacta Necossary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LiahtlGlare Plants Recreation LancVShoreline Use Utilities Animals Tmnsportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HlstorlclCultuml Natuml Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS , {)~~~~~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas whe~ 1ddltlonallnformatlon Is needed t properly assess this proposal. . , Dale DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM June 7, 2004 Nancy Weil, Planner , /J# Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal r/ A-- Kimiai Family Short Plat, 1201 N 37th St. ( Island View) MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City of.n Department of Planning / Building / PUbl!iltkS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~I'~ APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-045 SHPL-A APPLICANT: Ali Kimlal PROJECT TITLE: Kimial Family Short Plat SITE AREA: 13,907 sQuare feet LOCATION: 1201 N 37'h Street COMMENTS DUE!: JUNE 1 ~-cl!OOA , "" DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 3 rap~ 1£ l\!j 1£ U ,1 !£ PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc~ ia.~ PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Hennl BUILDING AREA (Qross): N/A WORK ORDER NO: 7724S JUN - 4 2004 CITY OF RENTON FIRE D~PARnl'lr.,·.JT SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: 2-lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat to subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning is Resldential-S (R-S). The existing single-family residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed in order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a single-family residence. Both lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of tho Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More EnvIronment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Waler LiahtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation AlrpM Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~tM-btf/ ; Icular atlentlon 10 Ihose areas In which we have expertise and have enllfied areas of probable Impacl or 10 properly assess this proposal. Date """"""'" __ .. -:~\\..~N ~""" ?"~~,;:~\S'sjo",~o. .", : ,,'~\'t' '\1&" ~ " ; :'0° Nor ... .i\ to'" ~ I~ ". "'7 .".. -" ~ ~ : ... ;)..~:..,,~ -, CJ) , A ..... m, , ~ -' ' .vJ. (I) , , ~ "'P \. v8L1C .... ! / NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application hal baan fIIod end accoptod wllh tho Dovelopmant Sorvicol Olvilion of tho City at Ronlan. Tho following brlofly d.,crlbal tho appllcalion and tho nooollary Public Approval •. PROJECT NAMI!INUMOBR: Klmlol Fomlly Sho~ Pial / LUA04.()45, SHPL·A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 2·101 .ho~ plol ,alolnlng a.latlng hou.o. Application 10' on Admln"l,otlvo Sho~ Pial 10 subdlvldo tho 13,007 squaro tool (0.32) parcollnlo two lola cr0811ng ana nddltlonal buildable 101. Tho zoning Is Ra,ldonllol·B IR·B). Tho •• I,lIng .Ingl.·lomlly roaldonc. will ,omoln on LOI I. H.w .... ' Ih ••• 01 po~lon ollh. alMI\J,. will ~I~~~~~~~ 'r~~:n'c~~ ~~II~t~t~~~~~:r~C:IO~~~~~~o ~~ ;;I~ ~~:,!:~y IIno. Lol 2 18 propoaod lor construction of a PROJECT LOCATION: 1201 N 37~ 51' •• 1 PUBLIC APPROVALS: Admlnlalrnllvo Shoo Piol APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: All Klml.1 Tal: 1425) 220·7073 Commonts on ttlo above ppplionUon must bo aubmillod In wrftlng 10 Nancy WeU, Projool Managor, Davelopmonl Sorvlcoll Olvl.lon, 1055 South Gmdy W.y, Aonlan, WA 00055, by B:oo PM on Juno 17, 2004. II you hava quo.llono ab.ut Ihla proposal, or wlllh 10 bo modo a party of utOord and recolvo addillonal notllicallon by moll, conlacllhe ProJoct Managor 01 (426) 430·7270. Anyono who submltll wrltton commonlo will automatically booomo a pnrty 01 rocord and will bo notlflod 01 any doolllion on Ihlll proloct. P~EA8E INC~UDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CA~~ING FOR PROPER FI~E IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: April 16, 2004 June 2, 2004 June 3, 2004 II vou would Ilko to bo modo 8 party 01 rocard 10 rocONo furthor Information on this prapollod prolocl, comploto this lorm and rolum 10: City 01 Ronton, Dovolopmonl Planning. 1056 South Orndy WAY, Ranton, WA 98055. Fllo Nomo / N •. : Klmlnl Fomlly Sh.rt Plnl / LUA04·045, SHPL·A NAME: ________________________________________________________ __ AOOAESS: __________________________________________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ________________________ _ CERTIFICATION ,,~,,~ ,': '" "0·,,:<9-07 "~~': ? \t ~ASH\~G~~ ... ""~gh-'\ c..l~ ~ t..\" Y1 , hereby certify that _;:1 __ copies of the '"'\\\'",, ...... ''bbove document were posted by me in ~ conspicuous places on or nearby the descri bed property on ---..:'i¥-J~'if-/. ..... OL::~f------------- Signednl1Ju'y ~~ ATTEST: Subscribed a~worn before me, a Notar~ Public, in and ci~e of . (P Washington residing ~~Z) ,on theg)Y"~ day o. 7"""P '= ......... guy . MARILYN KAMCHEFF MV ~"'M"''''·,qIT EXPIRES 6-29-07 :,' C' t.:: NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master ApplicatIon has been flied and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAMEINUMBER: Klmlal Family Short Plat I LUA04·045. SHPL·A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 2·lot short plat retaining existing house. Application for an Administrative Short Plat 10 subdivide the 13,907 square foot (0.32) parcel Into two lots creating one additional buildable lot. The zoning is Resldenllal·B (R·B). The exlsllng slngle·famlly residence will remain on Lot 1. However the east portion of the structure will be removed In order to meet setback requirements from the new property line. Lot 2 Is proposed for construction of a single·famlly residence. 80th lots will have direct access to N. 37th Street. PROJECT LOCATION: 1201 N 37'h Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Short Plat APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: All Klmlal Tel: (425) 226·7973 Comments on the above appllcallon must be submitted In writing to Nancy Well, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June 17, 2004. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mall, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430·7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: April 16, 2004 June 2, 2004 June 3, 2004 --Sf':' a"ii'T'H "I~ " o' If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further Information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 9B055. File Name I No.: Klmlal Family Short Plat I LUA04~045, SHPL·A NAME: ___________________________________________________________ __ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ___ TELEPHONE NO.: _____________________ __ ~.~. IiIrI, ...u. -Knthy Keolker-Whccler. Mayor June 2, 2004 Superintendent's Office , Renton School District #403 300 SW ih Street . Renton, WA 98055-2307 Subject: Kimiai Family Short Plat LUA-04-045, SHPL-A CITY. RENTON . " PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The City of Renton Development Services Division has· received an application for a Administrative Short Plat located at' 1201 N 3ih Street. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs tokn6w which Renton schools would be attended, by children living in residences at the location indicated' above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below .I\lnd return this'letter to my attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton,'1 055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. ' Elementary School: ______ -'--__ ...,;,..... ____________ ~-- Middle School: __ ...,;,..... ______________________ _ High School: __________________ ---, _______ _ Will the. schools you have indicated be able to handle.,the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes' No __ _ Any Comments: __________________________ _ Thank you for providing this important informat!on. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7270. Sincerely, Nancy Weil Associate Planner _E_n_CI_. ----)-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-a-ra-d-y ...;.,W-ay-.-R-e-n-to-n,-W-a-sl-li-ng-to-n-9-S-0-SS------~ * This paper contains 50% recyclod matarial, 30% post consumer AHI1All OF THE CURVE . Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, MnYQr June 2·, 2004 Ali Kimiai 1201 N 37'h Street . Renton, WA 98056 Subject: Kimial Family Short Plat LUA-04-045, SHPL~A Dear Mr. Kimlai: CITY L F RENTON· Planning/BuildinglPublicWoi'ks Departmerit . Gregg Zimm~rmlln .P.E;,Administrator The Development Planning Seqtion oHhe City of Renton has determined thaUhe subject application is complete according to'submittal requirements and,· therefore, is accepted for review. . You have an outstanding fee of $15.00 with the City's Finance Department. Please· contact Norma Kuhn at (425) 430-68'97 to 'resolve this issue as soon as possible to avoid any future delays in your applic"tion. You will be notified if any additional information is required,to continue processing your application. . Please contact me at (425) 430-7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, NancyWeil Associate Planner ------------I-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-a-ra-d-y-W-ay---R-e-n-to-n,-w-a-Sh-i-ng-to-n-9-8-0-SS------~----~ * This papar oontalns 50% recyclad m'atanal. 30% post consumer ABEAn OF THE CURVE G04-o3S LJ) A 04--04'-?" City of Renton LAND US'E PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Ali Kimiai 1-..J1iE:! Ie :eal,,!lil e=!l:~ PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Kimiai Family Short Plat ADDRESS: 1201 N 37th St~eet Rpnrnn I,a QAnc;j::, PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 1201 N 37th Street Renton, WA 98056 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-226-7973 " KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (If other than'owner) 362860-0010-0 fJIII NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single Family-Residentia COMPANY (If applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): ' family-Residentic Single I ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ~ 'P,S'P CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (If applicable): ;:B.::B:; NA TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: 12-~ SinO'l .. f.qmilv CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (If applicable): S i~~i:mil v .- NAME: Ali Kimiai SITE AREA (in square feet): 11 on7 ~n 1<'r SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (If applicable): FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 0 e- ADDRESS: 1201 N 37th Street PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (If applicable): .~ lo.t.f5 • CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 ~ NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable):' 2 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-226-7973 kimiaia@aol.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (If applicable): 1 Q:\ WEB\Pw\DEVSER V\Fonns\Plnnning\mnsternpp.doc08l29/03 P~~JJECT INFORMATION (Cont.ed) ~--~--------~------------------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): / SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA- SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N,k SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON/\7rtDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): , NET FLOOR Aj!J j! NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO B~JLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): '. PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): a AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE a AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO a FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. a GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. a HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. a SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. a WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on sel!arate sheet with the following infonnatlon Included) SITUATE IN THE I~bl QUARTER OF SECTION3~, TOWNSHIP 211. RANGE£IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. 5~(}f1 ,:;1td-/tXJO~ 3. I 2. 4. . " , Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: ~~L:z.. q . .if AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) A I~ t? 12'( )111 ,'£1 / , declare that I am (please check one) ~ current owner of the property Involved In this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers here. In contained and the Information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best: T~ ::w:~qa and bell~f. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that t1 Lt K Lr2 M } t\ I ~. "'" signed this instrument and acknowledged It to be hlslherlthelr free and voluntary act for the _ _ uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument ~~~:::::::=======- (Signature of OwnerlRepresentatlve) (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\masterapp.docOS129/03 .. :' .. :;'~, CHARLES F. KOKKO NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON -~~~;;:;:~~~~::::rL..-=--:JI-GG~MISSION EXPIRES Notary Public In and for the State of Washington MARCH 19, 2006 Notary (Print) r ~vkj F' }~/L(!o> s !(q ~b My appointment exPlres:. ___ --.L..(J_--:...(_ C __ _ .. \' City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PROJECT NAME:_~~...;.:.:;W\:..:.....:.:..:iCt~i_Fam:........&...::"":';~:..J:...lj-r--::6b~c:";"'~±L-e,-~;;.;:;..:...\ ______ _ APPUC~IONNO:~_~~_~~· ~4_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSER V\Forms\Planning\owners.docOS/29/03 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER I, (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) ADDRESS Applicant Certification ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER K R 16 tJ 0'2 C a f 11 y\ , hereby certify that the above list( s) of adjacent property oc::::: (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: ----~'R"'" Title Comp-~my-Records. __ ._.~ \11 a L8 n cl \ n .... ~~?~,.: .~~ \, K~··Cc50nty Assessors Re~ f ~ ... ~~\ °41 ~'" --. . -1 :'8 NO,-'1,4? ~: .. // _~ ./2-'-7/7 ./' __ ;~ j .1 I:...... Y :n: Signed Jr414/fO?r /' Lt~/c..-.--. . Date-<3 WI DL./ 1 m :. 'tJ8L...... ~..= 0+Cl~P (AppIiC8flt) " 9.A"'~ IC ...- " ~ ' .. 19-06 .. ' NOTARY -\~WAS'H\N~~:- ATTESTED: ..subscribed and sworn before me, a Notaz Public, in and for the State of Wa'sliingtoo,.. .... -- residing at uea-1[k wA: on the D day of March , 20~" Signed_---Ja~d/uA,~...;;...:;tV~MR."'-'-'-.......:;a~~::.,o:~=~""""_= ...... (Notary Public) -For City of Renton Use- CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I, ~\ ~ 'CZo~ "'~ t'\ ,hereby certify that notices of the proposed application were mailed to (City Employee) each listed pruDi!IRV>' Date: ~IJ!0 ~ NOTARY ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at on the day of ,20 __ " Si ned Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\owners.doc 2 ., , ,. 334210283506 LANK MYRTLE L 1111 NO 36TH ST RENTO WA 98056 334210284009 YAKUSHIJIN ED & MAXINE 1117 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210285501 HICKERSON OSCAR 0 1207 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210286509 GEORGE DORIS M 2409 NE 20TH RENTON WA 98056 334210287507 CHRISTENSEN RICHARD L+TERE 3507 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334210306109 SEGUR JOYCE 1100 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 334210309004 HASTINGS STANLEY D 1110 N 36TH RENTON WA 98 0 5 5 334210309509 HERPICK GARY R+MARYANN 1116 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210311109 COOKE ROBERT F & RONNA L 1204 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210311703 BENITEZ STACIE M 1210 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98055 334210283506 LANK MYRTLE L 1111 NO 36TH ST RENTO WA 98056 334210284504 DUBIE TIMOTHY J 1203 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210285501 HICKERSON OSCAR 0 1207 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210287002 YAGI & KAWAHARA 25800 SE 39TH ST ISSAQUAH WA 98027 334210287507 CHRISTENSEN RICHARD L+TERE 3507 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334210308501 HUNTER KENNETH 0 1108 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 334210309004 HASTINGS STANLEY D 1110 N 36TH RENTON WA 98055 334210309608 COOKE ROBERT F 1204 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210311109 COOKE ROBERT F & RONNA L 1204 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210312008 CASIMES CHRIS T+YVONNE M 1216 NORTH 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210284009 YAKUSHIJIN ED & MAXINE 1117 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210284504 DUBIE TIMOTHY J 1203 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210286509 GEORGE DORIS M 2409 NE 20TH RENTON WA 98056 334210287002 YAGI & KAWAHARA 25800 SE 39TH ST ISSAQUAH WA 98027 334210306109 SEGUR JOYCE 1100 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 334210308501 HUNTER KENNETH 0 1108 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 334210309509 HERPICK GARY R+MARYANN 1116 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210309608 COOKE ROBERT F 1204 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334210311703 BENITEZ STACIE M 1210 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98055 334210312008 CASIMES CHRIS T+YVONNE M 1216 NORTH 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 ·- • 334270044400 SMITH MICHAEL E 3706 WELLS AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270044509 BLOOD J D & P L 3713 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270045902 PICKLE LESLIE RAY 16 84 3 S E 13 4 TH RENTON WA 98059 334270046108 ROBINSON LLOYD & SANDRA M 3607 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270047007 SAMPSON STEVE B 1310 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334270047403 LINDBERG DONALD E & SHIRLE 3610 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 362860000607 JOHNSON DARRELL W 1213 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860001001 KIMIAI ALI REZA 1201 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860002009 RIGHI ANGELO M P+DORA LEE 1109 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98055 362860002504 OKIYAMA ELAINE H 1103 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334270044400 SMITH MICHAEL E 3706 WELLS AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270044608 BLOOD DURWOOD E 3711 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270045902 PICKLE LESLIE RAY 16843 SE 134TH RENTON WA 98059 334270046207 THOMSON WALTER J 3604 WELLS N RENTON WA 98056 334270047007 SAMPSON STEVE B 1310 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334270047700 DALY SHAWN M+DEBORAH A 3700 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 362860000607 JOHNSON DARRELL W 1213 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860001506 PORTER WILLIAM J 1115 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860002009 RIGHI ANGELO M P+DORA LEE 1109 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98055 362860003007 DURANLEAU GREGG J+LISA K 3701 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270044509 BLOOD J D & P L 3713 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270044608 BLOOD DURWOOD E 3711 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270046108 ROBINSON LLOYD & SANDRA M 3607 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270046207 THOMSON WALTER J 3604 WELLS N RENTON WA 98056 334270047403 LINDBERG DONALD E & SHIRLE 3610 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 334270047700 DALY SHAWN M+DEBORAH A 3700 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 362860001001 KIMIAI ALI REZA 1201 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860001506 PORTER WILLIAM J 1115 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860002504 OKIYAMA ELAINE H 1103 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860003007 DURANLEAU GREGG J+LISA K 3701 PARK AV N RENTON WA 98056 362860003502 PETERSON JOHN M+ROSE ANN 18805 SE 168TH RENTON WA 98058 362860004005 SUMMERS ROBERT N+CHERRY S 1202 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860005002 MARTIN DAVID F+JAMIE L 1108 NORTH 37TH RENTON WA 98056 362860005507 SHIMEK PAMELA S 1102 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860003502 PETERSON JOHN M+ROSE ANN 18805 SE 168TH RENTON WA 98058 362860004500 HANSON C L 1114 NO 37TH RENTON WA 98055 362860005002 MARTIN DAVID F+JAMIE L 11 0 8 NORTH 37TH RENTON WA 98056 362860004005 SUMMERS ROBERT N+CHERRY S 1202 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 362860004500 HANSON C L 1114 NO 37TH RENTON WA 98055 362860005507 SHIMEK PAMELA S 1102 N 37TH ST RENTON WA 98056 13:39 LI:IWyt:l::> II~'C SCHEDULE A Lot 2, Block 1, Island View Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 59 of Plats, page 44, records of King County, Washington. End of Schedule A Page 2 of5 Order Number: 354065 ...... ' April 1, 2004 City of Renton Planning Section 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 REF: Proposed Kimiai Family Short Plat - SUBJ: Project Narrative The following is n written response to the requested item #10 of the Short Pint Submittnl Requirements. 1. ProJect Name, and Location of Site: The proposed name of the project is Kimiai Family. The size of the site is npproximately 13,907 squnre feet. The location of the site is south of North 37th Street. A vicinity map hus been provided on the Preliminary Short Plat mup. 2. Zoning Designntion of the Site nnd AdJncent Properties: The existing zoning for the site is R·8. Property to the north, south, cast nnd west consists of older residential subdivisions. Snnitnry sewer serves the entire neighborhood. The zoning designntions of all of the ad.incent properties nre to be known as R·8 nt this time. 3. Current use of the Site nnd any Existing Improvements: The current use of the property is single fumily rcsidentlnl. There is a residence within the site. It is proposed nt this time to retain a portion of the existing residence to uccommodate the creation of the extra lot. 4. Special Site Features (i.e. Wetlnnds, water Bodies, Steep Slopes): There nrc no special sensitive areas feutures within the site. 5. Statement Addressing Dralnuge Condition: The site is rectnngulur. The high point (EL= 151 +/.) is located ut the southeastern corner of the site within proposed lot 2. The low point (EL=139+/.) is at the northwestern corner of the proposed lot 1. The elevation change ucross the site is 14.0'+/·. The uverage slope ncross the site is upproxlmutely 6%. The slope of the property, even though being very moderute, Is such thut uny run offs runs into the storm druin locuted In front of the property. Attached, please find a copy of the site plan with the location of the Storm Drain. 6. Proposed use of the Property: The proposed usc of the property will be single·fumily residences. -,0 7. Proposed Off·Site Improvements: The proposed off·slte improvements for the project will consist of sanitary sewer extension to serve the site. Little Body Short Plat is to run Its sewer line through the western side of the property and to leave a sewer stub for the proposed lot 2. 8. Total Estimated Construction Cost and Fair Market Value of the Proposed Projcct: The Estimated Construction Cost for the proposal is approxinmtely: $ 50.000. The Estimated Fair Market Value of Lot2 is approximately: $ 175.000. The Estimated Fair Market Value existing house is approximately: $ 325.000. 9. Estimated Quantities and Type of Materials Involved if any Fill or Excavation is Proposed: Due to the smull size of the site. it is estimated that fill or excavation quuntities will he negligihle nnd will be associated with the construction of the residences. 10. Number. Type and size of Trees to be removed: There Ilre no trees to be removed. 11. Expillnation of any Land to be dedicated to the City. There is no proposed land to be dedicated to the City. 12. Proposed Number and size and Density of the New Lots. Two lots nre proposed for the site. The size of the lots and density information Is provided on the Preliminnry Short Plat drawing. Sincerely. Ali Klmlai 1201 N 3th Street Renton. W A 98056 , AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development ~ervlces Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) , -:--:-__ ----:.6.----..::1A.;"..;.~-1<---:..\ '_fY\.--..:...:.\...;;. .. cu........;....;:. ___________ , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the :8 0 day of ~~~ ,'leoAr, I installed public information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located at \ 'Z.G \ ~ ,37 ~ 5'1JlC€'I, (2£ ",'TO I'l for the following project: • K " ro.\ <M S ~y+ Y\p..1' Project name C\u-+<\o;~tcu.:. Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an /lXn to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public Information sign(s) waslwere constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of· Renton Municipal Code. Installer Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 01 day of dare h , j.9:.2~ '-I: ()du~~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the residing My commission expires on 8 -11 ~ () h Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Plnnning\pubsign.docOS/27/03 . ' .. ' .... ; . .~ ;" . Ej ..•. " ~lt. . Jllst/illei~: Instructions: '. :.' -' .. ,:~ . . , ~ .. . <.:;~.:~~t~~$,~· ·irl,~t~~;th~. ~o~~rn.'9~:. th~it1gn. d~~ 'not· . : .: ~~.:: ':~f' ·?i~~~~;i~~i:·.~:f~~'· l!.·r~i."~1~'J~~t~:~.;~_~f':'~ir' ~ ~·:·.'r .... \ . exceed ,~'" f.rmn'~e-9roJn(r;·~· '. ,"".,'-.",., ..• [4" J .. usc "4~'x 4"'x 1ZPosis-·~~f+.i:)(~!)M4~;~~YW(lQp,. .' . '. .: ." . ;~i:l!1'rzx ... ~'.~~~; ~E}OlZt$. W/WASHeRS .~~~~~l:~~:~~···:::,: .... . . .' ,:. ,:. :,\:ISo He4Wt1~A.~RING" .. , . "~aI!ACK:OttV\if:tI.~~~!<~OVND; ..... ·: .. ,.~.: .. :~;.~~~~~:is,·~~~:.~r.+p~. c~a·. Q:\WEB\PW\DEYSERV\Fonns\Planning\pubsign.doc08/27/03 . .. I . ...,.,..--,--.,-,..,..,..~ o· .~ ~ . . 'b .. ,",'~ ;:~ . ': .'~: .. ' ·I~' • ~.l. r'~; ~" '-.. ' .. ',." DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, square feet and critical areas.· Total excluded area:·· 2. _____ square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. ( ~ I 9tD 7 square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. __ t!l_3_1 __ acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. _____ units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. b -~) d.u.lacre . c!J. lots or units would result in a net density of ~. l{ S-dwelling units per acre. *Critical Areas. are. defined as "Areas determined by the. City to. be. not suitable. for development and which are subject to. the City's Critical. Areas. Regulations not including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded . •• Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\ WEB\Pw\DEVSER V\Fonns\Planning\density.doc07 /18/03 I..tlwyt::l::> IILlt:: 1\IIUlIua \,..0'" UII -.." , (;\,.0 Lawyers Title Agency of Washington North Region Title Unit Brenda McCoy, Sr. Title Officer, Unit Manager • Ken Ewen, Title Officer Genevieve Luke, Assistant Title Officer • Rhonda Caton, Title Assistant Direct: (425) 551-5501 (425)252-1222 • Fax: (425) 742-7972 Email: hrendam@lawyerstttlewa.com·kene@lawyerstttlewa.com 1501 41h Avenue, #308. Seattle, WashIngton 98101 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE To: John L Scott, Inc -Bellevue Place 800 Bellevue Way N.E., #350 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Attention: Alec Kimlal 111 Order Number: 354065 Certificate Fee: Tax: $350.00 $29.05 This Certificate does not purport to reflect a full report on condition of title and shall have no force or effect except ac; a bao;is for the Certificate applied for. NOTE: No search of general taxes or assessments hM been made. This Certificate is restricted to the use of the addressee and is not to be used M a bMis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. Liability of the Company is limited to the compensation received therefor. Title to said estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: Ali Reza J<.imjai, who acquired title as Ali Kimiai, as a separate estate And is a Certificate for a plat of the property described in Schedule A, attached. Exceptions: See Schedule B, attached. Records examined to: APRIL 1,2004 at 8:00 AM J .... 1wyers Title Agency of Washington, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation By: f) Page I of 5 Order Number: 354065 ~/U , 4fl1f.lUU't I,J;,J., L.tlwyt:IO:> 11~1t:: I\UUIIUti \..0 LUll .......-t\ 'CL. • SCHEDULE A Lot 2, Block 1, Island View Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume S9 of Plats, page 44, records of King County, Washington. End of Schedule A Page 2 of 5 Order Number: 354065 ,J10 ;v 't/ll/":UU't ... ; ..... SCHEDULEB EXCEPTIONS 1. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof: • Grantor: All Reza Klmlal, a married man, as his separate estate, who acquired title as All Klmlal . Trustee: Transnatlon Title Insurance Company Beneficiary: Secured Banks Mortgage Company, a partnership Original amount: $272,000.00, plus Interest and penaltles,lfany Dated: September 13,2001 Recorded: September 21, 2001 Recording No.: 20010921001965 2. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof: Grantor: All Klmlal, who also appears of record as All Reza Klmlal, as his separate estate Trustee: Beneficiary: Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Asia Europe Americas Bank Original amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: 3. Judgment In King County: $75,000.00, plus Interest and penalties, If any November 8,2001 January 4,2002 20020104001867 Against: All Klmlal and JUlie E. Campbell, husband and wife, and their marital community and Orville E. Ashley and Noreen Ashley, husband and wife and their marital community In favor of: Ken Nelson and John Murphey d/b/a John Murphey Construction Amount: $18,844.00, together with Interest, costs and attorney fees, If any Entered: May 19,2003 Judgment No.: 03-9-23833-9 Superior Court Cause No.: 02-2-33167-0KNT Attorney for creditor: Herman, Recor, Araki, Kaufinan, Simmerly & Jackson, PLLC Said Judgment Is also recorded In King County under Recording No. 20030527002715. 4. All covenants, conditions or restrictions, all easements or other servitudes, and all reservations, Ifany, but omitting restrlctlons,lfany, based upon race, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by the Plat oflsland View Addition. End of Schedule B Exceptions Page 3 of 5 Order Number: 354065 , 4/~/lUU4 I~:~~ Lawyers tlLle I\llunUl:I l.l:I L un .... /\ 1 tl\,; :"0 • Notes: A. Abbreviated Legal Description: Island View Add, Lot 2, Blk 1 B. Property Address: 1201 N 37th 8t Renton, Washington 98056 Page 4 ofS Order Number: 354065 Ali Kimiai 1201 N. 371h Street Renton. WA 9R055 February 27, 2004 City of Renton Development Services Division Renton City Hall 61h Floor 1055 South Omdy Way Renton, WA 98055 To whom it may concern: fn respect to the drainage on my property, located at 1201 N. 37th Street, Renton, WA 98055, my engineer, contractor, and I walked the property and observed no evidence of standing water anywhere on the site. The slope of the property, even though being very moderate, is such that any run offs runs into the storm drain located in front of the property. Attached, please find a copy of the site plan with the location of the Storm Drain. During the Construction, the site will be grated such that surface water is directed off the site. Water will not be allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs or pavements are to be constructed. Footing drains will be installed around the perimeter of the residences, at orjust below the invert of the footing, with a gradient sufficient to initiate flow. All roof downspouts will be separately tightened to discharge. Cleanouts will be installed at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drain and downspout tight line systems. Please contact me on my cell @ (425) 221-5547, if any questions may arise. Sincerely, .~~-----/ Ali Kimiai • ,,"0" . - DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LOCATION: MEMORANDUM r I '11-18 CITY OF RENTON ° r.:r.E I\'F. 0 AUl3 0 1 1997 W'\JIL..UII-4G DIVISION Construction Services, Fire Prevention, Plan Review, Project Planner Jim Hanson, Development Services Division Director New Preliminary Application: IS1..A7VD VI /S1'\/ SHo(2..J""" PLkT (;)-{;I pJ. 37~ ST, A m~g with the applicant has been scheduled for I():/J() , Thursday, ~t1 t l:t"..... in the 3rd floor conference room. If this meeting is sc eduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11 :00 meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting"with the applicant. You will not need to do a thorough "permit level" review at this time. Note only major issues that must be resolved prior to formal land use and/or building permit application submittal. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please send a representative. ' Please submit your written comments to Pr;;:["f?i2- two (2) days before the meeting. Thank you. d I -.J ! Ll. f /JG r. ) U ' /}r-. /) <)J' e 'r--61CK'S ;11/,111 1.;-1 jl !I t-L /.:. -VI IfCc:;', at least .-/ P!.,A~!~:'~ 1,:,1.~ , , :JUL' :'; 1 '-..)7 " '; L. 1~;;1 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM TO: Long Range Planning FROM: Jim Hanson, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: 151.,AtJD VI.QN ,2HDf2-T PL.A-j- LOCATION: lJ-l? IN. 37 ''#'''-,5T Please review the attached preliminary project plans for consistency with applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. Please submit your written comments to Pl21'fIf?--: no later than A1rG _ {;::)..fA-.--. Th a n kyo u . _:.-.....;.c::'--'-~:...-__ _ We will not be able to Include comments received after this date In the presentation/summary we prepare for the applicant . • ~"i ,~ ()l.;"lt,{,;f, •• ,,-o p(·;"o':'·(')'7""'\i, . ..:.,r\jt.~,i.i:; j:/r;II~,I.;" '\i;;'" ' ... 'Q\I'),;I;-w,::a.,_!,.') (\; I~rt;,.::; .... t G ,'2.. L:,\J,',:? "I'L.~)~ l~c..f..!..L r, I, (l r.. (', I ",I I' ... ' I ,(;:7, .' J .. ' 6" '-.. -'" _' .. ' _ -• ". -: .. DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM August 14, 1997 Pre-Application File Mark R. Pywell, AICP SUBJECT: Island View Short Plat Pre-App 97-78 We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the proposed development. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that Information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant Is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. 1. The subject property is zoned for single family residential development. 2. Minimum distance of five (5) feet from existing house to proposed lot line is required. House remodel would need to be completed prior to recording of the short plat. 3. Distance from edge of parking area to front property line needs to be provided. Front property line and edge of paving for N 37th Street needs to be shown. 4. Will a carport be built over paved parking area? 5. The two lot short plat will be an administrative short plat. It will take approximately six to eight weeks for the City to complete the review of the short plat. 6. An administrative short plat application packet is alta.ched for your reyiew. ,. .- DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LOCATION: MEMORANDUM r I ~1-'8 ::~t:: DEP"i 1 1~197 " ' •.• r··':· .' " II~~ l '. . :', '-.~ .... Construction Services, Fire Prevention, Plan Review, Project Planner Jim Hanson, Development Services Division Director New Preliminary Application: IS1.A1(D VI {31v GH{)P-T PL/rT I ;)-{J I tJ·:3 7 ""-'S1, A me ting with the applicant has been scheduled for I():OO ,Thursday, . ~ J-in the 3rd floor conference room. If this meeting s sc eduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11 :00 meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the applicant. You will not need to do a thorough "permit level" review at this time. Note only major issues that must be resolved prior to formal land use and/or building permit application submittal. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please send a representative. Please submit your written comments to pf2:lf?f2--at least two (2) days before· the meeting. Thank you. ~ ~ t~~ ~f/~1 ~tPJ CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: Aug. 6, 1997 TO: Peter Rosen FROM: Arneta Henninger X6198 ~ SUBJECT: I(IMIAI SHORT PLAT PREAPPLICATION 1201 N 37TH ST I have reviewed the preliminary application for this 2 lot short plat located in the NW 1/4 5-24-05 and have the following comments. SEWER: • This project is not located in the Aquifer Protection Zone. • There is an existing 8" sanitary sewer main in N 37th St. • The existing sidesewer may need to be relocated. • System Development Charges of $585 per new lot will be required if not previously paid. The Development Charges are collected either as part of the construction permit (if there is one) for the preliminary short plat or with the individual building permits for the parcels after recording of the short plat. WATER: • • ~. This site is not located in the Aquifer Protection Zone. This site is located in the 320 Pressure Zone . There is a 6" watermain in N 37th St . Any new house must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM fire and shall be located within 300 feet of the structure. When designing the location of fire Iwdrants, the engineer needs to know that tllis distance is measured along a travel route. • Adciitiullal filf! hyclrElIHS Illay be requireci as a part of this project to meet the criterii:l. TIIi~ u;<i:·;[i!IJ ,,',.:li·: Illl!l'.!' :lllcI :'::'Ivic:c 1I1(~'y' lieecl [8 i)G leloccEl~cl <lid (II' upsizecl tli 1111:)(::[ CIJlr£':I.li e'l v t:(I(j" KIMIAI SHORT PLAT PREAPPLICAT Aug. 6, 1997 Page 2 • Water System Development Charges of $850 per new lot will be required if not paid previously. DRAINAGE: • There are storm drainage facilities in N 37th St. • A storm drainage narrative is required to be submitted with the formal application submittal for the short plat. • A conceptual drainage plan is required with the formal application submittal for the short plat. • The Surface Water SDC fees of $385 per new lot will be required if not paid previously. STREET IMPROVEMENTS: • Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks are required in all adjacent rights-of-way. • Street lighting is not required for a two lot short plat. • Traffic Mitigation fees of $1,432.50 to be paid prior to recording of the plat. GENERAL: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • Permit application must inciude an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvement is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. KIMIAPA DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM August 1, 1997 Peter Rosen, Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal rJ t Island View Short Plat, 1201 N 37¥t Street Fire Department Comments: l. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Printed: 05-20-2004 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-045 05/20/2004 12:59 PM Receipt Number: R0402658 Total Payment: 1,012.95 Payee: FABERGE CAVIAR CO LTD Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #2359 1,012.95 Account Balances Amount 1,000.00 12.95 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81;00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5023 0 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Printed: 05·20·2004 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-045 05/20/200412:58 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: -1,012.95 Payee: Check did not clear Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Void #5094 -1,012.95 Account Balances Amount -1,000.00 -12.95 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 502l 5022 5023 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.B1.00.0017 000.345.B1.00.001B 000.345.B1.00.0019 o 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.B1.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0401949 Printed: 04-16-2004 Payment Made: ...... TY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-045 04/16/200401:04 PM Receipt Number: R0401949 Total Payment: 1,012.95 Payee: ALI KIMIAI & JULIE CAMPBELL Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 500B 000.345.B1.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #5094 1,012.95 Account Balances Amount 1,000.00 12.95 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 500B 5009 5010 50ll 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 501B 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 599B 303.000.00.345.B5 000.345.B1.00.0002 000.345.B1.00.0003 000.345.B1.00.0004 000.345.B1.00.0006 000.345.B1.00.0007 000.345.B1.00.000B 000.345.B1.00.0009 000.345.B1.00.0010 000.345.B1.00.0011 000.345.B1.00.0012 000.345.B1.00.0013 000.345.B1.00.0014 000.345.B1.00.0015 000.345.B1.00.0016 000.345.B1.00.0017 000.345.B1.00.001B 000.345.B1.00.0019 o 000.345.B1.00.0024 000.345.B1.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst·Dev SHe Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/ErS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ',' ';' . . .,' . : ,':; ... '-", :: .... ',' :. , , " , : ... ~ .:. . ,.' ::: .: ,.' ',: .. ,; " .""" ... ,",": . . . . SHORT PLAT NO. __ _ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY lHESE PRESEN'IS that we. the undnlgned ownll'(a) of Int.at In the lond Sheri SUbdMded pUrlUant to Short Plat No. =---:---=~--=:---:-as recorded undw Reoardlng No. ___ -~--Recorde of KIng County. Waehlngton, do hereby mfee and alt .. aald Sheri SUbdMaIon and do hlAby dedcn th'-Re\1Hd and Altered Short Plat to be the 9fCIphic ,. ..... taUon ot the lame and do htnby dedIoate to the u.. ot the public fcrevw 011 etreete and awnue not ehown as prfYate hereon ond dedlcat. the u ... thereot for GIl public pUr'p088ll nat Inoonelet.ent with . the u.. tiI ... t for public hlghwoy purp-. and also the rfght to make all neceaary fIIop. for cute and fli. upon the Iota .. own thereon In the orfglnal reasonabl. grading of eald ...... and ~ and turthr cIedtoate . to tile uee of the pubUo 011 the ....... t. and tNata ehown on thle ehort plat for all publlo purp_ ae Indloated thereon. including but not limited to partee.' 01*1 lPaON, utllU. and dn*Iage unl... such easements or tract en lPeoIfIcaJly IcientHlecl on till. tIWt plat ell being dedlCQted or conw)'8d to a ,...on or entity oth.-than the public, In which caee we do h-.by dedicate IUch atreete. eaeemente. or traot. to the person or entity Identified and for the purpa. Itated. Furth .. , the undenllgned own .. ot til. land hrelsy lIIort IUbdMded walw for thernnlwe. til.. heh and GIIIIgne and any plnOll or entity dlrMng tItI. from the undenlgned. any and all claim. for damages agaln- It, City of Renton. Ita IlUCC ... ct. and Cllllgna whIch may be occaefoned by eatablWlment" con.tructlon, or maintenance of road. and/or drainage 1I)'Irt- ema within thl. ehort llUbdMelon otlw than dafrrls resulting from inade- quate maintenance by CIty of Renton. Furthr. the undenllgned own.. of the land herWly ehort IlUbdMded agree for themnlwe. th .. ~.... and GIIItJIa to indemnify and hold CIty of Renton, Ite SUCC8nOl'll and a_gn.. harml_ from any damage, Indudfng 'any coate of defenee, claimed' by penon. within or ~out thl. abort eub- dMelon to have b.., aauaed by attratlona of the 9'ound .. rfaoe. W9t1ta- tron. 'drainage. or aurface or eub-eurface water ilowe within thl. ehort eubdMelon or by eiltabllehment" conettuotlcn or maintenance of the raade within thl. Ihcri IUbdMafon. Provlded, thl. wahtw and Indemnlflcatlon . ehall not be oon.wed ell releallng City of Renton, It. lUoe ••• en or asalgn. from nabllty for damages, Inoluc:tng the co.t of .,.,... reeultlng In whole or In part from the negligence of CIty of Renton, Ita IUcoeeecn. or aalgne. lhla aubcIMalon. dedlcaUon. wa...... of oIalms arid aar.."ent to hold honnl... Ie made with tile tr.. con..,t and In acoordanoe with the cIatr .. af aald own ... I~ WllNESS WHEREOF we let our handa and seal .. Name Nam. Name stota of WGlhlnGton CClunty of _________ _ I certify that I know or hCM satisfactory evidence that -'gned thl. Instrument and acknowledged It to be (hle,/her) free and voIuntCI'Y act for the u... and PUrpOlet mentroned In the Instrument. Sl9"ature of Natary Public __________ __ Oated ____________________ __ Uy appointment explru _____ _ state of Waehlngton County of __________ __ I certify that I know or have aatletaatory evidence that IIgned th.. Instrument and aoknowledgecl It to be (hle/hr) tree and voluntary act for the UI. and purpOHll mentioned In the Inettument. SIgnature of NatCI'Y Publlo ________ _ Dated ___________ _ "'y appointment explrlle ________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record thls ........... day of .......... 19 ••••••. at •••.•• M In book .••••••••• of ........ at page ......... at the requeet of ................................... , •••• f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .............. .;. ....................... . "'9r• Supt. of Records APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EJCamlnad and approved thl. _ d!ly of _____ 111_ Manager, Land U.e SeNcee DMefon EJCamlnedand approved thle _ day of ___ .._-. 11---:' Dewlopment Engineer .-. == E-4 ~I o 'Z • Z 1i"~P~ i='A'Ii.~ . ~\c..ivE-wAj LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, BLOCK 1. ISLAND VIEW ADOmON IS FlL£D VOLUME 59, OF PLAlS, PAGE 44. REDCORDS OF' COUNTY WIISHINGTON. f>~~o~u:> . E.!."\£"(Uoe. \Ilf\U-' DEVELOPMENT PLANNING t-t ~c '/' 'p \. c,. V\. CITY OF Rr:NTON . APR ,.1 ',62004 " . '.' '" . " .: .::. ': .. "'.':'~'. :', ~. ; .... ',. '. :"': :' '... . .. .:. .: :', ~: .. .. .:': ... .-.. " ',':. .... :, .... -.. DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS , RECORDING. NO. EJCamlned and approved till. _ day of _____ 11_ Dtputy ...... or PORTION OF, ACcount Number ___ -.-______ _ S.W. 1/4 of ......... ___ . ,., ..\....-'--: . ~ __ - -..... --foi-~'" ! .. ' DATUM: 'D = 1~ 38',40'" ' ' .. .,p" fJtj:~ -0 -15" 38' 40" R =181.98 "~'h. ~S 1'5_ ~ .. R -181.98' L = 49.69 S • y.a. , L .. 49.69 . ------' ---, o = 11-21' 15" R .. 211.981 ~ l-r01: :~ LOT 2 ,I AREA: 5577 ~Q. Fjr. I . S89" LEGEND ... -fD. MONUMENt' IN CASE . OR lIS NOTED ' o .. SEI' REBAR AND CAP. MARKED , PLS 21384 OR lIS SHOWN II -WATER t.lEIER , , ~ -POWER POLE,/ELEC. UNE IZI -CA'ICH BAsIN <:::>. ROCKERY . CONTOURS ,ARE 2.00, FEET 40 20 10 40 20 10 o . ........... :.-... . ~. .", It) ,., l:i o fD 0.'.0. ,... , . ,:. ' . ..... . ~.: ... . ... ' ..... . PO. NAIL ' cnv OF RENTON POIMI' No. 18S8 lHE NW CORNER OF SEC'nON e, lOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE e· !ASI', W, .... ON lOP OF MONUYENT IN COVER. £LEV. -104.72 FEET ~.I ~ ~ / cnv OF RENTON No. 1838 N 89" Ct' 1ft E 1299.4~ ~ _' __ ----~j z FD. P.J(./WASHER LS 111191 NW COR. SEC.5, T23N. RSE, crrv OF RENTON No. 1888 NORTH LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE , , i This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my directIon In conformance with the : requIrements ·of the approprIate State and County , statute and OrdInance In .~~. 19 ••• ~.~ .. GiRf.~~ESS~9.1-1V Certificate No. p.~ ... ~.1~~~ 30th STREET NOTE: SURVEY ACCURACY MEETs OR EXCEEDS WAC 332";'130-090 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA SET3BII SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE KIM1AI FAMILY SHORT PLAT OWN. BY G. L V. CHKD. BY GLV DATE 9-1-98 SCALE 1--20' JOB ,NO. ,762 ,SHEET 1 OF 1 ACAO flLE: KIMI782 ." :';~.'-.':: ". . : ... , . ~,' . \::: ..... : !. ~i.t:·,· : . ,', ".' , /;.:, ';.', ",' .. ' ~ '. . I'.' '::.:: ~='. .., , ,,:1,: .. " •... ::, .... ' ..... .. :': . . :.:.:; .. :'. , '~'. '. ". i·.' '., .' '. SHORT PLAT NO. ___ _ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW AU. PEOPlE BY lHESE PRESENTS that we, the undnfgned owner(a) of Interat In the land Short SUbdMded pW'lUant to Short Plot No. ~--:---:~--:~~ as recorded un_ Reoardlng No. . __ -~-­ Recorda of KIng County, Washington. do ....,y mfae and a1t.. aold Short SUbdMaJon and do hereby deoIcn "II ReWlecl and Alt«ed Short Plat to be the 9"GPhlc rep....,taUon of the 80m. and do h'-y decIIoot. to the UN of ". public toreVII' 011 etrHt. and CIVWIue not ehown 011 prtvat. hereon and dedlcat. the u .. th .. f fa' GIl public purpo..e not Inoonllat.«lt with the u.. th .. f for public hlghwoy purpOMl, and also the right to make all neceaary slape. for cuts and fila upon iIIe lot. .. own thereon In the original reGeonable IJQdlng of 801d ...... cmd ~ and furth .. decIIoate . to the u.. of the publlo 011 the ea.nenta and tnIatI ehown on thle .. ort plot far all publlo pUrpOlee GIl Indlaatecl "..." including but not limited to partee. . open 'Po.,.., uUlU. and drainage unl... euch eoeem .. te. or tract ant apeoHlcally Idtntlfted on ttli. II\drt plat GI being dedicated or con .... yed to a p.-Ion or entity oth .. than "e publ~ In which caae we do h'-y dedicate euch Itreet., HHment., or traote to the ,...on or entity Idll'ltlfled and for the purpa. .toted. . Furth ... the undanlgned own ... of the land hereby lI10rt eubdMded wat.... for them ........ th .. heh and GIIIgna and any p.-.on or enUty dll'Mng title hm "II undenlgnecl. any and .• clalme fa' damag_ agaln-81:. City of R.,ton, Ita IUCCU.ON and Cllllgne which may b. occaeloned by th eetabillihment" conetructron. or malntenCilce of roada and/or drainage I)'et- ema within thl. abort ,aubdlvflfon 0 .... tIKIn claims resulting from inade- quate maintenance by CIty of R.,ton. f'urth .. , the undantgnecl own.. of the land ""'y ehort eubdMded agree for them....... th ... h... and Cl8llgne to indemnify and hold CIty of Renton. ItI euccencn and allfgn.. harmr_ hm my damage, including 'any coete of defena. claimed by person. within or wfthout thla ehort IUb- dMllon to have been CQuaed by alteratrons of the ground eurfaC8w vegeta- tion. ·d/'Glnage. or eurface or IUb-lUrface water ftowe within thl. Ihort subdlvllllon or by eetabllllhment" conlrlruatlon or maintenance of the rooda . within thl. Ihort eubdMelon. Pro-.1dec1, thla waiver ond indemnification lIhall nat be oon8lrued GI .... ealfng City of Renton, Ita IUOCI •• an or 088lgne from nabllty for dcmagee, Inoludlng the coat of chfen... reeultrng In whole or In part hm the negligence of CIty of Renton, Ite .. coeucn, or aalgnL lhle subcIMelon. dedIcation. wahler ot claim. md agre«nent to hold harml... Ie made with the tree ooneent and In acoordanoe with the deU .. of aold own .... lti WItNESS WHEREOF we let our hand. and seal .. Nama Hene Neme state of WGlhlnaton County of _________ _ I certifY that I know or hG't'8 aatlafaetory e't1dence that eI;ned thl. Instrument and acknowledged It to be (hle/her) free and voluntary act for the u ... and purpo.e. mentioned In the Instrument. Sl9tature of Notary Public ________ _ Dated _____________ _ My appointment expire. _____ _ Stot. of WCIIIIlngton County of _____________ _ I OII"tIfy thot I know or have aatlefaotory e-.1dence that elgned thle Instrum .. t and acknowledged It to be (hla/her) free and YOIun~ary act for the u... and purpo... menUoned In the Instrument. Signature of Notary Public ________ _ Doted __________ _ My appclntment explree _______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. flied for record thls ........... day of .•••.••.• ,19 ....... at ...... M In book .......... of ........ at poge ......... at the requeat of .. '. ~ :: ....... :. :' ':':":(,'.:,;.~,¥", .":' .. -.... . . ,.;'. . .:".. ' .. ,. ". .' :,,::: .... ' . . ': , "::'.' ,.':-' . . , ' APPROVALS: DEPARlMENT OF ASSESSMENTS . , RECORDING '. NO. VQL/PAGE: . DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Exomlned and approved thl. _ day of _____ 19_ Examined and approwcl ",. ~ day of _____ 11_ Manager. Land U.. Servlcee DMlfcn Examined and approved thle _ day of _____ 11_ D4puty All_or PORTION OF. Devalopm .. t Engln ... ACcount Number ____ ----.....;.--S.W. 1/4· of N.W. 1/4. S, 32 . t 24 '. N' 'R • .$ _ ;"".!I.M~ . • Z • ~ ~ ~ P ,:Q ~-~\~-~ ~Jil;'" " CONCl:RETE W~ " i: 1 STORY FRANE HOUS£ L (:) o b Iz LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, BLOCK 1. ISLAND VIEW ADOmON IS F1L£D IN VOLUME 59. OF PLATS. PAGE· 44. REDCORDS Of" KING COUNTY WISHINGTON. --.---: r I CONCRE.TEi . WALK , CRY OF RENTON No. 1838 N 89' Ot"l' ,I.. 16" -LLI , NORTH FD. P.K./WASHER LS 111591 z NW COR. SEC.5. 123N, RSE, ; , , CrTY OF RENTON Nc. 18815 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE DATUM: .NORTH .·38th . --. ,.-. . .~-- o a 1 s: 38' 40" .. . 1# ~ ~...-t--:: 5' ~, 40" R = 181.98' pt"~~S 13 .... ~ . . R ... 181.98' L ... 49.69 '3 • 'loP '. L ... 49.69 ----..... -------. I f>(2..0 s~.t> II .1-\ ST1'O , LOT 2 I AREA: 5577 'SQ. Ft. r ~~~ }. . S a9" LEGEND Ii -FO. MONUMENT IN CASE OR IS NOTED . o • SEI' REBAR AND CI>P. MARKED PLS 2138+ OR IS SHOWN B -WAlER MErER . . ..:soz.. -POWER POl.E/ELEC. UNE ml • CA'roH BAsIN <::) -ROCKER'I . CONTOURS ARE 2.00· m:r 40 20 10 CRY' OF RENTON POINT No. 1888 lHE NW CORNER OF SEemaN S. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 fAST. W. M. ON TOP OF MONUMENT IN COVER. 40 20 10 o El£V. -104.72 FEET . '''-'-'' E --- 30th 1299,41L ~ ~' __ STREET NOTE: SURVEY ACCURACY MEETs OR EXCEEDS WAC 332~130-090 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA smBII SURVEYED BY FJELD TRAVERSE . I ~. if" U') ", OJ FD.·NAIL . (:, I~ :IS ~ ------j ~ K1MW FAMILY SHORT PLAT This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction In conformance with the : requirements of the appropriate State and County , statute and Ordinance In .$.~'1' 19 .. l~ .. ;/ ~ ~ 9.../-'1Y OWN. BY DAlE JOB . NO. ~~~~~.......... G. L. V. 9-1-98 .762 CHKD. BY SCALE . SHEET 1 OF 1 ............. ~~~-............ ~_~·~~ .. ~·~~·~!~~i.~~·!~~···~~!~~·;~~~·i~··_···_·~~~ __ ~~~~~c:e~~lfl:ca:t:e~N:o:.~~:~: .• :.~:1:~~:~~~~.~--~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~G~~~y~~~~~~1~·~-~2~O~'~_~~~A~C~~~R~~~.K~IM~17~8~2~~ .' ." SHORT PLAT NO. CITY OF RENTON, L UA -040 --45 - S H P L lND-20-0374 WASHINGTON DECLARA TION APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ~_'!'day of -~I!.~t--, 20_0~ Admlnl,;;"to, ° PI~~P;:------ CITY OF RE TON, WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOl./PAGE /5?l+--JUI.-t"" Examined and approved this ___ day of ___________ • 20~ __ ~Ql1 10/8 Sc.o rT" N ~ b Ie.. PORTION OF ~:i~:~A ~_~_~~ ___________________ _ D~Tir~~~ KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED ~.W~_1/4 of ~-=-W~_1/4, S._~2_ T._24_ti R.~~-2.--'yv·M. 5~1-~O -OOLO Account Number ________________ _ OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH OUR FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ~~OF w~ set ~ur hands and seals. Name N~a-m-e-------------------- Name Name Name Name State of WaShi!ton County of ~~ ~ I certify tj! I know or have satisfactory evidence that I\.\i ~MJ4:t1 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (hiS/her) free and voluntary,~\\tw\'*ne uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. ~~S' F:' .. II" :d"~_~.-t:"~~1 C~ 1A-: &"';or", '41t~~ Signature o~ ~ 44 ~ ff+( -t,.l..c"Qt ~ Notary Public --b"-"7'-_->:<.. __ "-·IL---'_'--____ _ ~ ~ ~ '.. . AlIi ~ Dated ___ 1...,/'-4I,( ........ D"-"''"---_-=-__ -~--~ ~ .. "' .. ".\.. " ....... ·;'6lf. ..v ...... Z.·.·.~ .. : My appointment expires -S fl1 (to ~\~~~";~~().~~l I ~1 ... q,;:AS";C' State of Washingt9J& "~""\\\"",,,, County of -----I'ff£=-~~J-------- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this Instrument and acknowledged It to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public ______________ _ Dated ___________________ _ My appointment expires _______ _ -.. ~ E-t ~ o Z I ~TH _S_89_' _24' 36'_' _W_t.~~ __ 383.00 ~I z ~ ~ SET LEAD. TACK. AND PLS TAG 21364 IN ROCKERY LOT 3 BLOCK 1 LESLIE (GRIP FAST) S 89' 24' 36" W OJ I.(') c:i o ---~~~--- w o o o o b Z I I I I I I I 10> I~ I~ I I I I I I I 82.83 LOT A' AREA: 98.31 8330 SQ. FT. 1201 N. 37th STREET",' 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE I I I I I I I"'-I.(') 0 0 w o o o o 15.48 D 11' 21' R = 211.98 L = 42.01 LOT B AREA: 5577 SQ. FT. 1205 N. 37th STREET S 89' 23' I~ 0 .0 1 8 I~ o Ov OJ '01.(') Ov b (() I"'- 00 I.(') 5.00 FOOT PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT RECORDING No. 2004042900157 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SET LEAD. TACK. AND PLS TAG 21364 IN CONCRETE FOOTING OF FENCE POST NORTH 38 th STR""""E:.=E:...=..T _______ _ NOTE: 15' 38' 40" 181.98 49.69 SITE STREET IS 89' 24' 36" W 110.00 z SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC 332-130-090 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA SET3811 SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE N. 30th ST. J ~IW ~ r:o N 0 o o b LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Jl[ 1")1 U11 III I 1")1 \ I I \ b Z z VICINITY MAP N T S LOT 2, BLOCK 1, ISLAND VIEW ADDITION AS FILED IN VOLUME 59, OF PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. DATUM: CITY OF RENTON POINT No. 1886 THE NW CORNER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W. M. ON TOP OF MONUMENT IN COVER. ELEV. = 104.72 FEET , Z SCALE 1" 20' NOTE: BURNETT AVE. N. BEARINGS ROTATED 1" 53' 03" COUNTER CLOCKWISE TO FIT BASIS OF BEARINGS OF PLAT , ALONG PARK AVENUE NORTH ~ Zw 82.83 52.17 S 89' 23' 48" W 135.00 TRACT 45 C D HILLMAN LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION No. 1 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR TREE PLANTING ON FRONT SETBACK OF LOTS A ND B PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 3..~'O.1_~_~_~'2.. __ _ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS ON NORTH SIDE OF PROPERTY PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER hlJ-'-.1l1J~i!UJ.Z~~~_ w > « ~ W Z 0::: :::J IT) ______ N 89" 02' 16" E 1 299 .4_9 __ ...... ~r--_ ~ ~~ ~ ZI"") w..-~ ~ 0::: ~ CITY OF RENTON No. 1836 10 40 20 10 o R E COR D E R' SeE R TI Fie A TE';I:'!!~fJ.7 /j,,-«'tJ/.P 111 filed for record this ... /~ ... day of:7it.~ .. 20dl ... at3.~~ in book .. ;0.1.o6 .• t page.()ti .. at the request of /L)L:LL- Mgr. Supt. of Records E-t lL 00 r~, 0 '<t ~ _ ,-.. v (() Z >-:-NON rvf-00,00 -(3 Z..,t O..,t --- NORTH :::> "'-'(() lO 1 27.1 2 ~ (() Z (() NW COR. SEC.5, T23N. R5E. CITY OF RENTON No. 1886 NORTH 28th PLACE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .?~.f:'r .. , 19 ... ~.~ .. -# ~H.i!:.H~~H~ .M.A.YH'.5., ... 2006 GARY L. VAN NESS DATE Certificate No. PLS 21364 GARY L. VAN NESS f 900 N.E. 48th ST. RENTON. irA. 98058 (425) 27f-f308 PLS 2f364 30th . EXPIRES: 6/1/08 STREET LEGEND ... = FD. MONUMENT IN CASE OR AS NOTED ~ I") I") 0 0 b Z () SET REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 21364 OR AS SHOWN • FOUND REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 30581 KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT 1201 n. 37th STREET RENTON, WA. 98055 OWN. BY DATE JOB NO. G. L. V. 5-15-2006 762 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET FD. NAIL LO (J) 00 (() 0 ,.... OF 1 GLV 1" -20' ACAD FILE: KIMI762 ~~~';!'. ::::":'. ~:~~:.:~.:: ',. :". '. ;-:'~"::" .. -;' t~rL:;: '.' " .. r.-:':,·· "7' ~,:., .:> ~ .:' : · . :' . ''':, .', ...... " :;, ""':" ,," . :: ",'.' " . .:':~-:'.,' . :{' .. '. ;.",:,,' '", ,:,," ,,' I',' ':"': (',.,: ',,', ;. ; .. -', ' ,= ., ';'-:. ," ........ · " :. :'" '0' J, " .. ...... : ,', .~ ", ',;,", ,. :~,." : .' . :.' · ','.' :; .. ' -----................. .. SHORT PLAT NO. ___ _ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW All. PEOPLE BY lHESE PRESENTS that we, the undntgned owner(.) of Interat In the land Sheri SUbdMded pwwuant to Short Plat Na. ___ ----:~~~~ as recorded unW R.oorctlng No. ____ _ RtICOI'd8 of KIng County, Wallhlngton, do ......,y mtn and alt ... ald Sheri SubdMtfon and do h.wy declcn till R,\1McI and Altered Short Plat to be the 9I'GPhlc rep.....ntatlon ot the aame and do h ... y cMdIoate to the u" ot the public toreVII' all etreet. and CI\WIue not lIhown aa private hereon and dedlcat. the uee th .. f far GIl public purp.... not Inoon.t.tent with tie u.. th..of fer public hIghway purp-. and alaa the rfght to make all neceaaary lIIapee for cute and 111. upon the lot. ahown thtrean In the ariglnal reaeonable gradlngot -aid ..... and ~ and furtha!' dedIoate . to the uee of the publlo all the _ta and trao\a ehown on th" Ihort plat for all publlo purp_ ae fnc3cated th..... including but not limited to pCll"ke, . open apacee. utllU.. and cr.oge unl... auch eaeemente or tract are epeoHlcaJly ldentlfted on ttli. Ihdrt plat ae being dedicated or ccn .... yed to a peraon or enUty oth .. than tI. public. In which caee we do hereby decllCClte alch Itreeta, eaHII\.,ta, or tract. to the person or entity Identified and for the pUrpOllll stated. . Furth... the undenllgned own .. of the land hereby .. art aubdMded waJw far them .. ".... th... heInI and GIIIIFa and any p.-.on or entity d..tvJng Utle from the uncMnlgnecl. any and • cIalme far damagee again- st City of R.,ton. Ita aucclun and Glllgna which may be occasioned by establllhment. construction. cr malntenG'loe of road. and/or drainage 11)'\- eme within thl. aheri IlubdMlfon ott. than cIa~8 resulting from inade- quate maintenance by CIty of R.,ton. Furth .. , the undenllgnecl own.. of the IG'ld ......,y lIhart aubdMded agree tor themnlwe. thO' I:Mh and a.IF. to indemnity and hold CIty of Renton. Ita auccenonl and a_gn.. hanlll_ from any damage. including 'any coate ot defen ... claimed' by persone within or wtthout thla short eub- dMeJon to have been eauaed by alt .. allons of the ground surface, vegeta- tion. 'dralnage, or aurfaC8 or alb-aurfaC8 water flowa within thl. short subdivision or by establishment. construction or maintenance ot the reads . within thl. ahcrt albdMalon. Pro\4ded. thle walvw G'ld indemnificatIon shall not be oonstrued ae rtlealllng City of Renton, Ita SUGe • nor. or aaelgns from nablfty for danagea. Inclu6tg the co.t of defwI... r ... ltlng In whole or In peri from the negligence of CIty of Renton. Ita alcaeucre. or ct88Igna. 'ibis aubdMllon, dedication. walvll' of clalma and agreement to hold honnl... Ja mad. with the tr.. oanaent and In accordance with the deaIr. of IIOld own ..... I~ WllNESS w-tEREOF we .et our handa and seal .. Name Name state of WCllhlngton CClunty of _________ _ I certify that I know or have latl.factory ft1dence that 81gned thl. Instrument and acknowledged It to be (hl8/h .. ) free and YOIuntOl)' act for the u... and purpo... mentioned In the Instrument. ~oture of Notary Public ________ _ D~ed ____________ __ My appointment explrea ______ _ state of Waahlngton County ot ___________ _ I certify th~ I know or have eatlafaotC?f')' e\4dence that "gned thl. Instrument and aaknowledged It to be (hls/h«) free and w1un~ary act for the ue.. and purpoeee mentioned In the Instrument. SIgnature of NolOI)' Public ________ _ Dated __________ _ My appalntment eocplrw _______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ..•.......•••.•••... filed for record thls ..•••.••••• day of ••••••.•.• 19 ....... at. •.••. M In book •..••••.•• of ........ at page .•.•.•••• at the requeet of ........................................ Mgr. . Supt. of Records APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Examined and approved thIs _ d~y of _____ 11_ Examined and approved lhl. ___ day of _____ 11_ Manag ... Land U.e S«<llcell DMalon Examined and approved thle _ day of _____ , 11_ Dewlap!"ent Engine« AC:count Number ..;,' --: _____ ....;.. __ . , RECORDING. NO. PORTION OF. '. S.W. 1/4· of N.W. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY Of RENTON 32 t 24N' ·R • .§k ~1I.M~ . ',' . r-------------------------------------------~--------~~---------.~~~~~-.rm -Z LaJ ~ g LOT f AREA: 8330 SQ. FT. 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE I , -, CONGREIE WAI.~ II k I " b 1% I CONCREl'~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, BLOCK 1, ISLAND VIEW ADDmON NS FILED IN VOLUME 59, OF PLAlS. PAGE 44, REDCORDS OF KING COUNtY WNSHINGTON. WAUCj : I I I . " '., '---~------. ·0= 1~ 38~ .. 40'" . . ..' I,&t rot :!.~ -0 =15" 38' 4Cf . R =181.98 . "'A."'~S 1'5_ ~ . R = 181.98 L = 4:9.69 ~Iu.a-· . L = 49.69 . ----. I -~-. o = 11-21' 1S- R = 211.98 L -42.01 I 0 11t 'TREE LOT 2 AREA: 5577 SQ. FT. f 291REE S 89' 23' 48' LEGEND ... -f'D. MONUMENT IN CASE OR AS NOTED . o -SET REBAR' AND OJII. MARKED PLS 21364 OR NS SHOWN I · WATER t.IETER . . ~ -POWER POlZjE1.E'C. UNE lEI -CAtcH BAsIN <::> -ROCKER'f . CONTOURS ARE 2.00· ~ 135.00 DATUM: CRY OF RENTON POINT No. 1888 lHE NW CORNER OF SEcnON e, . 'IOWNSHIP 2J NOR11i. RANGE e !AST. W. M. ON 10P OF MONUUENT IN CO'IIER. ELEV. -104.72 FE£I' 40 20 10 ._----.-~ ----- SCALE '1-=. 20' 40 20 10 o , I ~. ", 11) II) CJ) f'D •. NAIL . • IIIi o CO ~r~ %'1 ~ CRY OF RENTON No. 1838 N 8go 02' 1t' E ----....... -1299.4~ --\---:. __ ~.-j~ LaJ z FD. P.K./WASHER LS 11881 NW COR. SEC.5, 123N. ME. CnY OF RENTON No. 1888 NORTH . LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE , . , This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction In conformance with the ' requirements of the appropriate State and County , Statute and Ordinance In .$.~. 19 •• l~ .. ~~nt~~9./-n Certificate No. E~ .. g.1~~~ 30th STREET NOTE: SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC 332"';'130-080 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA smell SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE K1MIA1 FAMILY SHORT PLAT OWN. BY G. L V. CHKO. BY GLV DATE 8-1-98 SCALE 1--20' JOB .NO. .762 SHEET 1 OF' 1 ACAD FILE: KIMI782 LUA-040-45-SHPL SHORT PLAT NO. LND-20-0374 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARATION KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH OUR FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S} IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ~OF w; set~ur h_a_n_ds __ a_nd~se_a_ls_. __________ __ Name Name Name Name Name Name State of washi'1jJton County of p) ~ I certify tJ! I know or have satisfactory evidence that A.)i ~Mla.l signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and vo'untary!l.~"~'l~e uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. :S;~~* ."'~~'~~"1. C~~1IJk-ff'OT"~~\ Signature of • :: . --t'. ".I-' 0 ~ Notary Public ~ i .,., . -i ~ Dated ___ 1..1.j/HI(If-"D"""IR-_-=..-.. __ -:-____ _ \~\. ;Cle. t'\V .... k .... 1 My appointment expires "S(11 (to \ ~'};.·1'.1!.l~Q$ 'f/~q.;:"", .. WI. ~~ State of WaShingtfb *A'~'~ ~ t\"""'~ County of ---~:""":""~!.(l------------ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (hiS/her) free and voluntary cct for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public __________________ _ Dated _______________________ _ My appointment eKpires ___________ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, BLOCK I, ISLAND VIEW ADDITION AS FILED IN VOLUME 59, OF PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. DATUM: CITY OF RENTON POINT No. 1886 THE NW CORNER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. ON TOP OF MONUMENT IN COVER. ELEV. = 104.72 FEET 40 . Z 20 10 40 20 10 o R E C ( CONFORMED COPY filed f( in boe 20060713900010 CITY OF RENTON SPM 98.00 PAGE001 OF 001 07/13/2006 15:30 KING COUNTY, UA Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE Examined and approved this J1.~~ay of _~ U ~~ ____ , 20~~_ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ~_'!fday of -~f!.~t----, 20_Q.~ Administrator. 0 PI:i"fn(~ks-D;~-. ----- ____ --:J_~lr_-r _l~O_~~ __________ _ Assessor A. . . arn /? CITY OF RE TON, WASHINGTON .,.-.., ::c: E-t ~ o Z I -----~--~-~--------------Deputy Assessor Account Number _3_lf.l!t!.eJ)-:D ~_\ ~ ~TH _S_89_' _24' 36"_W __ 't'E:-----"~.-_ I I I I I I ~I Z ~ ~ rn. ~ ~ ~ ~ '-' SET LEAD, TACK, AND PLS TAG 21364 IN ROCKERY LOT 3 BLOCK 1 S 89' 24' OJ t.() 0 0 --_£.~~--- LESLIE (GRIP FAST) y{f SCALE 1" 20' NOTE: W o o o o b Z BURNm AVE. N. BEARINGS ROTATED l' 53' 03" COUNTER CLOCKWISE TO FIT BASIS OF BEARINGS OF PLAT ALONG PARK AVENUE NORTH Zw 0 1 0 1 .1 01 1")1 I 36" W 98.31 S 89' I 82.83 I I I I I I 10l 1"1 I~ I I I I I I I LOT A' AREA: 8330 SQ. 1201 N. 37th 1 STO~ FRAME HOUSE I I I I I I nl "11 III I n l I I I FT. STREET:>. " t.() 0 '.' 0 5.00 W = 0 0 0 0 b Z D == 11' 21' R 211.98 = I~ L = 42.01 to " 0 0 IX) LOT B t.() 1 8 AREA: 5577 SQ. FT. I~ 1205 N. 37th STREET S 8Q' 23' ! • 0 0 ~ OJ 0 If) 0 v b (f) 82.83 I 52.17 23' 48" W 135.00 TRACT 45 C D HILLMAN LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION No, 1 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR TREE PLANTING ON FRONT SETBAC~ OF LOTS A NO B PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER __________________ _ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTrv'E COVENANT FOR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS ON NORTH SIDE 0.0 PROPERTY PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER _______________ _ PORTION OF ~.W~_1 /4 of ~-=-W....:-_1 /4, S._~2_ T._24_ti. R. 5_~.JJ.M. 5.00 FOOT PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT RECORDING No. 2004042900157 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SET LEAD, TACK, AND PLS TAG 21364 IN CONCRETE FOOTING OF FENCE POST NORTH 38th STREET -- D R L NOTE: ~ = 15' 38' 40" = 181.98 = 49.69 SITE STREET IS 89' 24' 36" W 110.00 z w ~ SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC 332-130-090 ~ 0::: « Cl... FIELD EQUIPMENT SOK1<1.~ SET38H SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE N. 30th ST. J z VICINITY MAP N T s , W > « ~ W Z 0::: :=J CD I o " to ~ IW ~ r:o N 0 o o b IZ 3: I") If) I") OJ IX) 0 to 0 0 ..-- b Z VI f-Z ::c: w :::E E-t :::> z ~ 0 0 :::E 0 Z z :::> 0 u... z w w ~. m+ + IW f-~ 0::« ~a.. VIOl <(If) VI ~w z~ -:::> O::.J iSo m> ~~ VIa.. ~ffi ma.. FD. NAIL ~ ~ < ~ ____ N 89' 02' 1 6" E 1 299 .4_9 ___ --'~----0 S: 1-. ZI") W.-• 0 CITY OF RENTON No. 1836 j STREET LEGEND IY u.."oo Ov ,....... ~'N '-ro u z.i 'o.../f.O to If) ·v to ON ,IX) 0.i Z~ NORTH 127.12 NW COR. SEC.5, T23N, R5E, CITY OF RENTON No. 1886 NORTH 28th PLACE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .?P:'!: .. , 19 ... ~.~ .. ~ ~ .... ~ .. ~ ... ~ .~~: ... 1.~, ... ?006 GARY L. VAN NESS DATE Certificate No. PLS 21364 GARY L. VAN NESS 1900 N.E. 48th. ST. RENTON, irA, 98056 (425) 271-1308 PLS 21364 30th ;J EXPIRES: 6/1/08 ... = FD. MONUMENT IN CASE OR AS NOTED o SET REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 21364 OR AS SHOWN • FOUND REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 30581 KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT 1201 n. 37th STREET RENTON, WA. 98055 OWN. BY G. L. V. CHKD. BY GLV DATE 5-15-2006 SCALE 1" -20' JOB NO. 762 SHEET OF 1 ACAD FILE: KIMI762 APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON LUA-040-45-SHPL SHORT PLAT NO. LND-20-0374 Examined and approved this ~_'!'day of _SJ! .. .b.t-___ . 20f2Q. Examined and approved this ___ day of _________ • 20 ___ _ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Administrator. 0 PI~"'fn(~rkS-D;;t-. -----Assessor DECLARATION KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH OUR FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. CITY OF RE TON, WASHINGTON -. ::r: ~ 0:::; o Z I Deputy Assessor Account Number _____________ _ ~OF w~ set~ur h~a_n_ds __ a_nd~se_a_ls_. __________ __ Nome Nome Name Nome ~TH _S_89_' _24' 36" __ W_-t--t_~.--_ 383.00 I I I I I I Nome Nome State of WOShi!ton County of ~) ~ I certify t~ I know or have satisfactary evidence that I\lj ~M'a.1 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary~_\.tUe uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. ~~ ~ r;/JItr ,F .. ',' ~ft C ~ : .' . . J. .~~\ Signature of , . ; ;oo'....,~", 0 ~ Notary Public ~ i . -. _ ., ~ Dated ___ 1.Lj/~"If-ID£:'IIZ-__ --::,.......,. __ ~ ____ _ ~ ~.'i~' .......... v.. . ..... i .: My appointment expires -S 1,1 (10 ~.,. "',YIIl.' . f~,; I "'t:~, ~Q# "th.~. ~'$~ State of Washin gt9jll ..... '""~" .... ,.... County of ___ ..... ~=--::.....~~ __________ _ I certify thet I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (hiS/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ~I Z r£l ~ rn ....:l ~ r£l ~ -.; SET LEAD, TACK, AND PLS TAG 21364 IN ROCKERY LOT 3 BLOCK 1 S 89' 24' OJ I,{) 0 0 ---~~~--- Signature of Notary Public _________________ _ Dated ______________________ _ My appointment expires ____________ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2. BLOCK 1. ISLAND VIEW ADDITION AS FILED IN VOLUME 59. OF PLATS, PAGE 44. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. DATUM: CITY OF RENTON POINT No. 1886 THE NW CORNER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. ON TOP OF MONUMENT IN COVER. ELEV. = 104.72 FEET 40 . Z LESLIE (GRIP FAST) y{f SCALE 1" 20' NOTE: W '0 o o o b Z BURNETT AVE. N. BEARINGS ROTATED l' 53' 03" COUNTER CLOCKWISE TO FIT BASIS OF BEARINGS OF PLAT • ALONG PARK AVENUE NORTH 20 r£l Z w 0' 0 1 .1 0, 1")1 I 36" W 98.31 S 89· I 82.83 I I I I I 1 IO! III'! I~ I I I I I \ I LOT A· AREA: 8330 SQ. 1201 N. 37th I 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE 1 I I I I I I nl II'! I lfJl "'1 1 \ I I FT. STREEJ:,:~;, r-- l!) '. '.' 0 0 .- 5.0C --- W 0 0 0 0 b Z D = 11' 21' R = 211.98 I~ L = 42.01 UJ r--0 ·0 <XJ LOT B I,{) 1 8 AREA: 5577 SQ. FT. I~ 1205 N. 37th STREET S 89' 23' 4p" W 0 0 "<t OJ '0 L[) 0 "<t b (f) 82.83 I 52.17 23' 48" W 135.00 TRACT 45 C D HILLMAN LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION No, 1 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR TREE PLANTING ON FRONT SETBACI( OF LOTS A ND B PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER ________________ _ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS ON NORTH SIDE OF PROPERTY PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER ____________________ _ PORTION OF ~.W-=-_1/4 of ~~W~_1/4, S._...)2_ T._24_ti. R.~_~~.M. 5.00 FOOT PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT RECORDING No. 2004042900157 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SET LEAD. TACK. AND PLS TAG 21364 IN CONCRETE FOOTING OF FENCE POST NORTH 38th STR~E:!.:!::E!...±.T--I_ NOTE: 15' 38' 40" 181.98 49.69 SITE STREET IS 89· 24' 36" W 110.00 z SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC 332-130-090 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA SET3811 SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE N. 30th ST. J ~IW ~ ~o N 0 o o b z VICINITY MAP N T s w > « ~ W Z 0::: => m 3: -;..-, l!) 1'0 OJ co 0 UJ 0 0 ,- b Z II) I-Z ::r: w ::::; ~ ::J Z 0:::; 0 0 ::::; 0 Z Z ::J 0 lL. Z W W ~. [D'*" '*" IW b:Cl 0< zo.. II)m <If) II) ClW z::::; -::J il::-! LSo [D> t)~ Vlo.. ~~ [Do.. FD, NAIL ____ N 89· 02' 1 6" E 1 299 .4_9 ___ -'~r---~ ~. 3: ZI'0 W~ • ~ n:: 0 CITY OF RENTON No. 1836 STREET LEGEND 10 40 20 10 o RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of.. ........ 20 ...... at.. .... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of Mgr. Supt. of Records ~ LL ro l!) r~' 0 "<t -_ ,.-.. "<t UJ Z ~:.....~ o~ 0:::; u Z ~ b ~ _1--- ~ ......... UJ UJ 127.12 ~ UJ Z UJ NW COR. SEC.5, T23N. R5E. CITY OF RENTON No. 1886 NORTH 28th PLACE NORTH LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .?~?r .. , 19 ... ~.~ .. ~ ~ .... f! .. ~~ .. ~ .~~~ ... 1.~, ... ?006 GARY L. VAN NESS DATE Certificate No. PLS 21364 GARY L. VAN NESS 1900 lV.E. 48th ST. RENTON, irA. 98.056 (425) 271-13()tJ PLS 21364 30th EXPIRES: 6/1/08 ... = FD. MONUMENT IN CASE OR AS NOTED o SET REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 21364 OR AS SHOWN • FOUND REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 30581 KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT 1201 n. 37th STREET RENTON, WA. 98055 DWN. BY G. L. V. CHKD. BY GLV DATE 5-15-2006 SCALE 1" -20' JOB NO. 762 SHEET OF 1 ACAD FILE: KIMI762 LUA-040-45-SHPL SHORT PLAT NO. LND-20-0374 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARA TION KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME. AND THAT SAID SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we set our hands and seals. Name Name Name Name Name Name State of Washington County of __________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signatur/! of Notary Public _________ _ Dated My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary oct for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated My appointment expires ______ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2. BLOCK 1. ISLAND VIEW ADDITION AS FILED IN VOLUME 59. OF PLATS. PAGE 44. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHiNGTON. DATUM: CITY OF RENTON POINT No. 1885 THE NW CORNER OF SECTION 5. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W. M. ON TOP OF MONUMENT IN COVER. ELEV. = 104.72 FEET 40 . Z 20 10 40 20 10 o RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. filed for record this ........... day of .......... 20 ...... at.. .... M in book .......... of.. ...... at page ......... at the request of Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of __________ • 20 __ _ Examined and approved this ___ day of __________ • 20 ___ _ Administrator of Planning /Building/Public Works Dept. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ..-.. ~ ~ ~ o Z I ~TH _S_89_' _24' 36'_' W __ ct~~,.--_ ~I Z ~ ~ Assessor Deputy Assessor Account Number ________________ _ 383.00 I I I I I I 0 1 0 1 .1 01 1")1 I -------rl ~~S~8~9·-=224·~3~6·-·~W~~~-----~9~8~.3~1------~~~~J- I 82.83 r.n ......::l rj LOT 3 i;= BLOCK 1 '-'" LESLIE (GRIP FAST) SCALE 1" 20' NOTE: OJ L() o o ---~~~--- w o o o o b Z BURNETT AVE. N. BEARINGS ROTATED l' 53' 03" COUNTER CLOCKWISE TO FIT BASIS OF BEARINGS OF PLAT ALONG PARK AVENUE NORTH Zw I I I I I I IC» 1U1 I~ I I I I I I I NEW LOT f AREA: 8330 SQ. FT. 1 STORY FRAUE--·- HOUSE rI) <0 ui rI) 82.83 S 89' 23' 48" W l"-ll) o o w 0 0 0 0 b Z I 52.17 0=11'21' R = 211.98 L = 42.01 NEW LOT 2 AREA: 5577 SQ. FT. I~ c.o 0 I"- .0 00 ll) 1 8 I~ S 89' 23' 48" W 5.00 : o o v OJ 0l1"i Ov CIl 135.00 TRACT 45 C D HILLMAN LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION No. 1 PORTION OF ~.W~_1 /4 of .It.W~_1 /4, S._..)2_ T._24_~ R.~_~.1I.M. 5.00 FOOT PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT RECORDING No. 2004042900157 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 z . W > <t: NORTH 38th STR~E~E:.=T--I_ STREET IS 89' 24' 36" W 110.00 15' 38' 40" 181.98 49.69 N. 37 t h ST. ______ ~-----, I SITE NOTE: SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC 332-130-090 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA SET3BII SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE N. 30th ST. VICINITY MAP N T S J z o I"-c.o ~IW ~ r:o N 0 o o b 5; 1"1 L() I") OJ CO 0 c.o 0 0 ..- b Z (f) I-Z ~ W ::;:;; ~ :;:) z ~ 0 0 ::;:;; 0 Z z :;:) 0 u. Z W W ~. [I]'<t '<t Iw I-(!l 0:::<1: ~el. (f)C» <1:<0 (IJ (!lW z~ -:;:) O:::...J ~o [1]> ~5 (lJel. ~ffi [I]el. FD. NAIL ~ ~ < ~ j STREET 0 5; 1--. ZI") W...-: c:r:: 0 CITY OF RENTON No. 1835 N 89' 02' 1 6" E ____ 1299.4-9-----'~-- LLOO ov ...-.. ~. N "'-DJ u Z~ '--"to to ll) ":.:tc.o ON .00 O~ z;g NORTH NORTH 28th PLACE 127.12 NW COR. SEC.5. T23N. R5E, CITY OF RENTON No. 1886 --- LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .?'~.J;':L., 19 ... ~.~ .. ~ ~ .... ~ .. ~~ .. ~ .~~.~ ... 1.~~ .. ?006 GARY L. VAN NESS DATE Certificate No. PLS 21364 GARY L. VAN NESS 1900 N.E. 48th ST. RENTON. WA. 98056 (425) 271-1308 PLS 21364 30th EXPIRES: 6/1/08 LEGEND ... = FD. MONUMENT IN CASE DR AS NOTED o = SET REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 21364 OR AS SHOWN KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT 1201 n. 37th STREET c'rf~~FREVI~VV RENL.,.>J RENTON, WA. 98055 DWN. BY G. L. V. CHKD. BY GLV DATE 5-15-2006 SCALE 1" -20' MAY 2 2 zor~ RECEIVED JOB NO. 762 SHEET OF 1 ACAD FILE: KlMI762 LUA-040-45-SHPL SHORT PLAT NO. LND-20-0374 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARA TION KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH OUR FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ~~OF w~ set~ur ~ho_n_d_s_o_nd __ s_eo_ls_. __________ ___ Name Name Name Name Name Nome State of WOShi!ton County of p..l-~ I certify tJ! I know or have satisfactory evidence that I\.lj ~ M 1a.1 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary Rf.'\tm,t~e uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. ~~~. ,eS,F'!, .. 2",t. ~ rIJk-.::-~~~II 'lQL'1. C f~T'" .~ •. :&~~ ... ~ Signature o~ ~ /}' = 50 ~ -t,.l.. '.1.\ ~ Notary Public -'~6L-_.......::.--",,---==-·LL--'_'-------~ ~ -"-~:; Doted ---1.Lj/ ..... I{IIf-"D.c..:''''----:::c:--7---:----~~'~'"#.~' .. '.06£1 v ... I.: My appointment expires -Sf" (10 ~., .J.8L\ . $~3 I "Ii,~,!ftt '9.1~Q.i" ""'~~ .. A .. S~~ State of Washingt1'!t 4tl\\\\\"",'" County of ----+~"'!-~_.:..s'------------- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this Instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public _____________ _ Dated __________________ _ My appointment expires ___________ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, BLOCK 1, ISLAND VIEW ADDITION AS FILED IN VOLUME 59, OF PLATS, PAGE 44. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. DATUM: CITY OF RENTON POINT No. 1886 THE NW CORNER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. ON TOP OF MONUMENT IN COVER. ELEV. = 104.72 FEET 10 40 20 10 o RECORDER'S CERTIFICA TE.7~~~7/~t:~ filed for record this ... I.~~day of~~Y. .• 20t'-l ... at1.~~ in book .. ;?o.~.o6.~t page.()ti.at the request of 1Lj,,~ Mgr. Supt. of Records . Z APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON ~~ml~ oppm~d thl, ~~=-_=~~:p~ Admlnl,tcotO~lo·~'!~nn9/P"bU, Woe!<, D.pl. CITY OF RE TON, WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS . . / ~1't.J--.::T<JLt ob Examined and approved thiS ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ SC-OTT N ~ble... ~:i~s~:_~_~_() ~ ___________________ _ D;;;iir~~-;;;~-==\; 5~z....5f..D -00 W RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE tR DO" () 713 q 00010 ~og / (JIB PORTION OF Account Number _____________________ _ ~.W-=-_1 /4 of ~~~_1 /4, S._~2_ T._24_ti R.~_~.1V.M. .-... t:O E--4 ~ o Z I l~TH _S_89_' _24' 36'_' _W_'t~~.---_ 383.00 ~I Z ~ :;> ~ SET LEAD, TACK, AND PLS TAG 21364 IN RDCKERY "'\ LOT 3 BLOCK 1 LESLIE (GRIP FAST) S 89' 24' 36" W Ol L() o o ---~~@--- W o o o o b z I I I I I I I 10> I~ I~ I I I I I I I 82.83 LOT A' AREA: 98.31 8330 SQ. FT. 1201 N. 37th STREET;' I 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE I I I I I I I 1"11 Ll"!1 ' .. 5.00 --- r-.. Ii) 0 0 I I I I I I 0 1 0 1 .1 01 1")1 I l-------15.48 I D = 11" 21' R = 211.98 L = 42.01 LOT B AREA: 5577 SQ. FT. 1205 N. 37th STREET 1 " I~ 0 .0 1 8 I~ S 89' 23' 48" W • 0 W 0 -.t m • 0 If) 0 0 0 -.t 0 b 0 (j) <D r-.. a:i L() 5.00 FOOT PRIVATE SEWER EASEMENT RECORDING No. 2004042900157 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SET LEAD, TACK, AND PLS TAG 21364 IN CONCRETE FOOTING OF FENCE POST NORTH 38th STR~E~T---I'" - D R L NOTE: ---¥-- = 15' 38' 40" = 181.98 49.69 SITE STREET IS 89" 24' 36" W 110.00 z SURVEY ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC 332-130-090 FIELD EQUIPMENT SOKKIA SET3BII SURVEYED BY FIELD TRAVERSE N. 30th ST, J ~ IW ';? ~o '" 0 o o b Vl t+ Z ::q W ~ E--4 ::i) z ~ 0 0 ~ 0 Z Z 3 Q I.J... Z W W ~. m"'" "'" Iw !r:t!) 0< zo.. Vlm <10 Vl t!)w Z::i -=> 1r...J ~o m> I.J...~ 0 Vlo.. ~5 !Do.. 10 1 b 1"1 1 I Z Jlf z s VICINITY MAP N T SCALE 1" 20' NOTE: BURNETT AVE. N. BEARINGS ROTATED l' 53' 03" COUNTER CLOCKWISE TO FIT BASIS OF BEARINGS OF PLAT ALONG PARK AVENUE NORTH S 82.83 89' 23' 48" I I I W 52.17 135.00 TRACT 45 C D HILLMAN LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION No. 1 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR TREE PLANTING ON FRONT SETBACK OF LOTS A ND B PER KING COUNTY RE:CORDING NUMBER :l..bll'-'-'J..2,.G_QJ} 2.:137 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS ON NORTH SIDE OF PROPERTY PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER ilJ:1/J....!'.A..lJ.J b.A.Z~~ __ w > <{ ~ W Z 0:::: :=J IT) CITY OF RENTON No. 1836 N 89' 02' 16" E ____ 1 299 .4_9 __ .-J~'----_ NORTH 127.12 NW COR. SEC.5, T2.3N. R5E, CITY OF RENTON No. 1 BB6 NORTH 28th PLACE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .?P~!; .. , 19 ... ~.~ .. ..-$ ?: ... ~ .. ~~ .. ~ .~A.Y .. 1.~: .. 2006 GARY L. VAN NESS DATE Certificate No. PLS 21364 GARY L. VAN NESS 1900 N.E. 48th ST. RENTON. PYA. !J8056 (425) 271-1308 PLS 2'364 30th . EXPIRES: 6/1/08 . ., ,"": STREET LEGEND ... = FD. MONUMENT IN CASE OR AS NOTED 3: t') t') 0 0 b z o SET REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS 21364 OR AS SHOWN • FOUND REBAR AND CAP MARKED PLS .30581 KIMIAI FAMILY SHORT PLAT 1201 n. 37th STREET RENTON, WA. 98055 DWN. BY G. L. V. DATE 5-15-2006 SCALE JOB NO. 762 SHEET FD. NAIL If) Ol co <D 0 .- OF 1 CHKD. BY GLV 1" -20' ACAD FILE: KIMI762 , '. '.