HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-048, "I I i I' II! 1;;r,11 :;'1"1 i I~';' II I. 't7==~~~~~~ .. I~! 'I I.· ~ " ":llj .' 11 I ,,/"il,,' ~ , . /, ,,' ElSBl(TVP) ,/ ," GRAPHIC SCALE 20' .~ ...... ~ " ~' -'Ii! i~ III', Illi '~ilI I,,' I I I 'II z J" UPGRADE CURa CUT TO ~ I' ,,-A !II" 0 / CURRENT STANDARDS .,}-; ,) .:1:,1" ;:1:" ;.(lIf::,.'Yiim '/.'~:1irllll"'lj t r' ... · .,. " . Ij'I:;r:I\IJ'~ III'" l '" "·1 "I~ I k, I '~l,![. rt~. II :::; ,II'! ,r,i'" /1 I;iln H~·li' /" ilit" ' !~ol 20"" :! ,~ : ·1', '11111' L 111 1' :, I II I' I ill i Iii r koor..-LJ-" I :, I II • ([NFUT) ]"""-20" DUNCANSON CO~PANY" INC C .. UIloa' ........ '....,I .. Lond"_, .. U]J1A*"""" BtH.! .... .-dSIf. s..II6JQI ~:!:~!~~06 REVISIONS ORA~. CJ8 , ~ ..• 1'-. ,II-.Tt.;'· .. • , I I I, t;,i" ~i I W' :,;i I:,: "~liir .~'! \ t! :.;1 . : II" ~;'fV, ',,',' }!( , i:: r:, .' ~ , ! ~~JE~W~i1~~g:~ "I -',:" ' NOTE: INOIVlDUAL GRINDER PU~P SIDE SEWERS PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS I.IAYBE REQUIRED FOR NEW HOMES. ~""'''"''""'"' V~DESIGNATlON)CI'~17405~66 ElEV.112.J8 PROJECT ADDRESS: 329 RENTON AVE 5 MSW ;;HORT PLAT CAUT10NI UNDERGROUNO UTlUnES EKIST IN ~E ARE'" ANO UTlLlTYINFORr,j"'nONSHD~r,j"'YBEINCOt.IPLETE ST"'TE lAWREOUIRES n;"'T C~TR"'CTOR CONT"'CT ~E ONE~CAU. UTlUTY Loc"'rr SERVICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE STARTlNG ANY CONSTRucnON. 1-800-424-5555 RENTON PERIoIIT , 0-4-002 329 RENTON AVE S UTILITIES, GRADING AND DRAINAGE C3 .,3 / ~ -~ NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17. TWP 23 N. RGE 5 E. W.M. TREE LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; (PARCEL A,) LOT(S) 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER lUA-97-134-SHPL, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9901269011, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (PARCEL B,) THE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET OF TRAGT 3, PLAT NO. 1 OF RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 29, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. GRAPHIC SCALE • D~NC"'NSDN COMP ... 'Ny. INC C"~!n.o"""'" """""'laId_ /1'SWJjj"SI:rw. SIo/lt 101 .s..tdo.W ... _HIM P_](Y,UII/I/ Fa< ]()6.1111UI ~--LJ.-J REVISIONS /, -~~-! 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POv.t:R POt...( ,.m~~-'-C-;;.-.-.-::,,_ --'::;:":~:::7--<+--; =--I-/' 1 --"I 'I' ;" ---./ ~~ l~r--T--,~;~~;r ~;~y~;:;~. "[' ---.~/. :/ Ii -~ ;,;:i~;~' ====~p::;~=t~=i=~Ef' _ -/ __ . __ / • ~~:.',jg~~ ".J ,rli ''''C' I/,' II ''''J''~'''f--rr'--~ 'I' t""".,,,_,.,,,, ! ---I go. /11 I 87 51 j / 1t>ltll'~I<;J 8 P'IC ---r' 7 I r .-A~-I / I / ,_/, ~/ / / ----I·-"'-~ I _-,~,-! .. I / /9\ I ~~f-'--.l -.. -_ L , I .. / ::!r ___ I', g f ) / I • o " '" f'o / / I ~'/9\1JY .-/ / / /! ' ,,-----" I ' I(Y.;, / / f ,. ,1 : -' ./ ! / ! " / ,,,.oJ .:;;lIIPARCj:L B /, / ,/ I I ._ -" /1 ,/ -""'=-=:'3~~,:,-oS' APN: 72.71400080;, / _·1 I ~~"."''7 --.:--::['::~'~.~-,v-:;~ "" ~ _r~ __ 'C:-::I~~ _ "1_ - ~~ I I UISI llOUSf r' ,c r -' ___ _ ( (_ I ORAI'otj: CJ8 ~ ..,,, 'ON""" V~DE~GN ... nON) GI'~1740~-66 ELEV."2.J8 PROJECT ADDRESS: 329 REI'ITON "'IE S MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S EXISTING SITE SURVEY o EX. OEOOUOUS TREE 1;(-EX. CONIFER TREE ® lREES TO BE RE/oID'<tD CAlJl10NI UNDERGROUND UTlUT1ES EXIST IN ~E ... REA. AND unuTY lNFORMATlDN SHO'M' MAY BE INCDIoIPLETE. STAtE LAW REQUIRES THAT CONTRACTOR CONT ... CT TliE (ltoIE-C.o.u UT1UTY LOCAtE SER'o1Cf AT 1.£ ... 5T ~ HOURS BEFORE STARTING -'NY CONSTRUCTION 1-800-424-5555 RENTON PERIltIT 0"-002 C2 ... 3 / ~ ~ z m " I m o :0 I o 8 o ~ r ~ L-..L I--'---< > ~ ""U L---.I 1 I NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. CONTACT INFORMATION "ARBOR HEIGHTS, LLC' JOE ~EGALE P.O aox 16J·H SEATTLE, WA 96116 (206)276-4498 SURVEYORj'ENGINEER HAROLD DUNCI\NSON,PE DUNCANSON CO~PANY. INC. 145 SW 155TH ST .. SUITE 102-SEAmE,WAUf\166 PH: (206)244-4,41 rA~. (206) 244-4455 UTILITIES\SERVICES aTY Of' RENTON aTY Of RENTON FIRE' DODO SCHOOl: 40J CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE (1) SCHEDULE AND ATTENQ A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH art or RENTON ENGINEERING STAFF. (2) FL"G CLEARINQLlMITS (J) INSTAll. CONStRUCTION ENTRANCE. (4) INSTALL PERI~ETtR PROTECTION (FILTER r,o"aRIC FENCES, SILT fENCE, ETC,) (5) INSTALL UTILITIES (6) PROTECT ExPOSED SOILS AS REQUIREO. (7) R(IoIOve: TESC MEASURES AFTER PERMANENT FACILITIES AND STA8LE GROUND COVER BECOME ESTABUSHED GRAPHIC SCALE k;-.-LOW • ~UNCANSON COMPANY, INC O"'=~H='s.':I:--1<4 s-nlt. W .. ~/ItJfI:>Ot~~Ifl6 p~,,", lM1444UI f'tulOol1444441 REVISIONS MSW SHORT PLAT ,b""" DR"VIN: CJB I I ,I ~ !~ DRAWING INDEX: CI CQ\IEFlSHE(TI.NOINODC C2 GRADING,ORAlNAGEI.NDUTILITYPlAN PRELIMINARY PLAT LEGEND iTOTAl.>.CFlE.lGE AAEA_20,98eSf .e2'>'c NU~BER Ot LI.n:;_ .. ZONING R-8 PROPOSED so FOOTIoGE OF OCH LOT LOT 1-5,JII~ SF LOT2_5,880SF LOTJ_.917SF LOT4_4,99JSF PROPOSEOOENSITY_II.3/AC PERt,jmED DENSITY .. 1I.7/M:. VICINITY MAP CAU110NI ~WSD"","<C"" VCDESlGN"TlONlCP-17Ml5-e6 ElfV-I12.38 UNOERGROUNO ununES EXIST IN 1ltE ARE" AND unuN INFORw.-.nON SH~ W'-'Y BE IHCOIoIPl£1t. SlUE LAW R£ClUIRES lHM CONm.-.cTOR CONT.t.CT ll-IE ONE-CALL unUN LOCAlE SER""a: .-.l LEAST ..e HOURS BEf"ORE ST,t.RnNG MY COMSTRUCTlON. PROJECT ADDRESS: 329 RENTON AVE S MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S SHORT PLAT PLAN 1-800-424-5555 RENTON PERMIT 04-002 C1 ... 3 Joe Megale MSW, LLC PO Box 16344 Seattle, WA 98166 (applicant) Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 155th Street #102 Seattle, WA 98166 (contact) Alex White 22030 7th Avenue S #204 Des Moines, WA 98198 (party of record) PARTIES OF RECORD MSW Short Plat LUA-04-048, SHPL-A James Schmitt 19824 5th Avenue S Des Moines, WA 98148 (owner) Ann Grinolds 324 Cedar Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) Monica Hayes-Bishop 326 Renton Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) Hugo & Uiok Chaves 336 Harvard Avenue Fircrest, WA 98466 (owner) Mary De Laurenti 315 Renton Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) , REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works & DECISION ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DA TE: June 24, 2004 Project Name MSW Short Plat Applicant Joe Megale MSW, LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle, W A 98166 , Contact Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 1551h St, Suite 102 Seattle, WA 98166 File Number LUA-04-048, SHPL-A I Prc}ject Manager I NancyWeil Project Description Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a four-lot subdivision of a 0.48-acre site located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. The subject site is currently developed with an existing single-family structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. The existing detached garage and shed are to be removed. The newly created lots are intended for the future construction of single-family residences. Project Location 329 Renton Ave. S IOV -J~ ~ f,l .~ ,J' ~D , ~ Br W/~ ~ 'l>\ ~ '£I \ li~ ~ " I , W LI ~~ .. .., ... <1' I f----·\\U I-- I--I--~f\\, f----=~-~ r------, r---~ I--'----i J== r----' _ .. Project Location Map shplrpt I City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A B. GENERAL INFORM A TION: 1. Owners of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: James G. Schmitt 19824 5th Ave S Des Moines, WA 98148 Hugo E. Chaves Uiok Chaves 336 Harvard Ave Fircrest, W A 98466 Residential - 8 dulac (R-8) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Single Family (RSF) Page 2 4. Existing Site Use: The site is currently developed with an existing 886 square foot single-family residence proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) East: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) South: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) West: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) 6. Access: Lot 1 and Lot 2 would have access from Renton Avenue S., Lot 3 and Lot 4 through a 26-foot private easement between Lots 1 and 2. 7. Site Area: 20,996 square feet I 0.48 acre C. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation Hugo Chaves Short Plat D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Land Use File No. NIA NIA NIA LUA-97 -134-SHPL Ordinance No. 4498 4404 1827 NIA Water: There is an ~?<isting 8-inGh diameter water main in Renton Avenue S. Date 2/20/1995 6/7/1993 513/1960 1/21/1999 Sewer: There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer line in Cedar Avenue S. Surface Water/Storm Water: There are existing storm facilities in Renton Avenue S. 2. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 4. .. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision .Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan:"GEmeral Requirements and shpltrpt.doc , • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 3 Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots-General Requirements and Minimum Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element -Residential Single Family 2. Housing Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. Project Description/Background The applicant, Joe Megale, has proposed to combine two lots and subdivide the 0.48-acre parcel into four lots. The property is currently developed with an approximately 886 square foot single-family residential structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. The existing detached garage is proposed to be removed as part of the short plat approval. The demolition of this structure is necessary as it is located on the proposed Lot 4. The three vacant lots are intended for development of detached single-family structures. Of the proposed four lots, two will front on Renton Avenue S., Lot 1 sized at 5,396 square feet and Lot 2 at 5,690 square feet. Proposed lots 3 and 4 will be accessed from a shared 26-foot private easement running across the front lots and entering off of Renton Avenue S. The site does contain some slope of 20% however is not considered sensitive slope (25% to 40%) thus ~ot impacting net density. The net site area of the property (site area minus environmentally critical areas, right-of-way to be dedicated and private easements serving more than 3 lots) will remain the same as the gross square foot site area of 20,996 (0.48 acres). This in turn, equates to a net density of 8.3 dwelling units per acre (4 I 0.48 = 8.3 dulac), which is under the maximum (9.7) allowed for properties one-half an acre or less in size within the R-8 zone. The site is located in the vicinity of coalmine hazard and within moderate slope area (approximately 20% at the steepest point). The site is also located in the Aquifer Protection Area (APA)-Zone 2. The subject site is developed with one single-family dwelling, a detached garage and shed, ornamental and coniferous trees ranging in size from 8 to 14 inches. The accessory structures are to be removed along with six cherry and cedar trees. No critical areas were found on the subject site during the review of this application. The project requires Administrative Short Plat review. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or critical areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions Not applicable 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. Consistency Short Plat Criteria Approval of a short plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation shpltrpt. doc The site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The RSF designation is intended to promote and enhance single-family neighborhoods. The proposal is consistent with the RSF designation in that it would allow for the future construction of new single-family homes, thereby promoting goals of infill development. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Element policies: I City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 4 Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. The applicant has proposed a two-lot subdivision. Lot 1 is 5,396 square feet; Lot 2 is 5,690 square feet; Lot 3 is 4,917 square feet and Lot 4 is 4,993 square feet. All of the proposed lots met the minimum lot size requirements. Policy LU-36. Allow development at 9.7 dwelling units per acre on infill parcels of one acre or less as an incentive to encourage single-family small lot development on 4,500 sq. ft. lots. The net density of the proposed subdivision is 8.3 dwelling units per acre, which is within the density range prescribed. The applicant has proposed lot square footages which are consistent with the minimum lot size requirements and this policy. Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes, which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Two new lots will be created to the rear of the existing single-family residence and vacant lot fronting Renton Avenue S. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would divide the property into four lots retaining an existing single-family structure and allow for the future construction of three new single-family dwellings. The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 9.7 dwelling units per acre for lots one-half an acre or less in net size. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private easements serving 3 lots or more from the gross acreage of the site. The property does not contain any environmentally sensitive areas nor areas required for private drives serving more than three units. Therefore, the gross property area is 20,996 square feet or 0.48 which in turn, equates to a net density of 8.3 dwelling units per acre (4 10.48 = 8.3 dulac), which is within the allowed density range of the R-8 zone. The allowed building lot coverage in the R-8 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size and, lots 5,000 square feet or less are allowed to have up to 50% lot coverage. Lot 1, with the existing 886 square foot residential structure, would have lot coverage of approximately 16% after the short plat, which is within the allowed range. Setbacks in the R-8 zone are as foJlows: frQnt yard 20 feet, side. yard 5· feet, side yard along a street 15 feet, -and rear yard 20 feet. Upon recording of the short plat, the existing single-family structure on Lot 1 would need to meet the minimum required setbacks; the proposed plat indicates the structure will comply with all setbacks. The existing detached garage and shed are to be removed prior to final short plat-approval; staff recommends that a condition be placed-on the-short -- plat requiring the demolition permit be finaled prior to final short plat approval. While no construction is planned for Lots 2, 3, and 4 at this time, the lots appear to have adequate area to provide for a new single-family residence while meeting the required setbacks and lot coverage. In addition, each lot would have adequate area to provide two off-street parking spaces as required by the parking regulations. - The applicant proposes a 26-easement when the City of Renton code would permit a 20-foot wide easement with 20-foot width of pavement. A reduced easement width would permit a larger buildable area for lots, especially Lot 2. Staff requests the 20-foot wide private driveway easement be a condition of the short plat approval. c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations shpftrpt.doc Streets: No new public streets would be created as part of the proposed short plat. Street frontage improvements currently'exist along the proposed site however, the curb, gutter and sidewalk may not meet current city standards. Applicant maybe required to install upgrades to meet current standards. - City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 5 The proposed subdivision is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. In order to mitigate transportation impacts, staff recommends a condition of approval be placed on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. The additional lot is expected to generate approximately 9.57 new average weekday trips per new lot (credit was given for the existing single family residence). The fee for the proposed short plat is estimated at $717.75 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 3 = $2,153.25) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks will be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. The short plat would create four lots with the following square footages: Lot 1 is 5,396, Lot 2 is 5,690, Lot 3 is 4,917, and Lot 4 is 4,993 in size. The proposed lot sizes are compatible with other existing lots in this area under the same R-8 zoning classification. However, staff found discrepancies in the calculations of the lot square footage. Staff recommends the applicant have the square footage calculations verified prior to submitting for recording of the short plat. The proposed lots also comply with the R-8 requirements for minimum lot width (60 feet for corner lots and 50 feet for interior lots) as well as minimum lot depth (65 feet). The residence proposed to remain on Lot 1 meets the required setbacks and lot coverage permitted in the R-8 zone. Proposed Lots 2, 3, and 4 (interior lots) appears to have adequate building area for the construction of single-family residences when taking setbacks and lot coverage requirements into consideration. The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the ~evelopment standards of the R-8 zone. d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Parking: A 20-foot wide shared private driveway easement would satisfy code requirements for access to two lots (Lots 3 and 4), as Lots 1 and 2 abut a public right-of-way. The shared driveway proposed to access Lots 3 and 4 is required to be paved to a width of 20 feet for the portion required for emergency access, and a width of 12 feet for all remaining portions. Topography: The topography of the site slopes downward from south to north, at an average slope of approximately 20%. The property is vegetated with grass lawn, ornamental and coniferous trees ranging in size from 14 to 18 inches in diameter. Six total cherry and cedar trees are proposed to be removed. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-8) on the City's zoning map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourage residential intill development. e) Availability ancf/mpact on Public Services (Timeliness) shpltrpt.doc Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code requireoimprovements, and mitigation fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services. The fee is estimated at $488.00 ($488 x 3 = $1464.00) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Therefore, it is anticipated that the proposed short plat would result in 1.32 (0.44 X 3 = 0.44) new children to the local schools (Talbot Elementary School, Dimmett Middle School, and Renton High School). The Renton School District has indicated they can accommodate the additional student generated by this proposal. Streets: The subject site is located adjacent to Renton Avenue S. and would be accessed through a proposed 26-foot private easement. Staff recommends the 26-foot easement be reduced to 20- foot wide paved easement which meets the minimum code requirements for emergency and street· . access. No additional streets are required as part of this proposal. Nevertheless, the applicant I City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL·A Page 6 would be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75.00 per each new trip generated by the proposal prior to the recording of the short plat. Storm Water: Storm water facilities are located in Renton Avenue S. A drainage narrative was submitted with the application and has been reviewed by the City of Renton's Plan Review Section. At time of construction, shallow drainage swales shall be installed to intercept and control the volume and velocity of runoff from the site. Dispersion trenches shall be used to control runoff consistent with pre-development conditions. A Surface Water System Development Charge of $715.00 per new single-family lot would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: There is an existing 8-inch water main located in Renton Avenue S. and 8-inch sanitary sewer line located in Cedar Avenue S. The applicant would be required to make all other necessary connections to serve future development on Lots 2,3, and 4. A Water System Development Charge of $1,525 per new single-family lot, as well as a Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00 per new single-family lot, would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested Administrative Short Plat Approval for the MSW Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-048, SHPL-A. 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plafplan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file. 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designations of the Single Family Residential (SFR) land use designation. 4. 5. 6. Zoning: The proposal as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Residential Single Family - 8 (R-8) zoning designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal complies with the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations for the short platting of four lots provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. Existing land Uses: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Residential Single Family (zoned R-B); East: Residential Single Family (zoned R-B); South: Residential Single Family (zoned R- B); and West: Residential Single Family (zoned R-B). 7. Access: The two pr()posed front lots abut Renton Avenue S. Access to the proposed rear two lots (Lots 3 and 4) would be provided via a shared 20-foot paved driveway easement extending west from Renton Avenue S. across the front lots 1 and 2. 8. System Development Charges: A Water System Development Charge of $1,525.00, A Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00, and a Surface Water Development Charge of $715.00 will be assessed for the additional lot, and will be payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Single Family (RSF) comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 3. The proposed four lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by city code and state law, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. shpltrpt.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL·A Page 7 J. DECISION: The MSW Short Plat, File No. LUA·04·048, SHPL·A, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be required to demolish and remove the detached garage and shed that would be located on proposed Lot 4. Final inspection of the demolition permit shall be received prior to the recording of the short plat. 2. The applicant shall pay the required Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of $75.00 per net new average daily trip associated with the project (estimated at $2,153.25). The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the required Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single-family lot estimated at $1,464.00. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 4. The applicant shall make all addresses visible from a public street prior to short plat recording. 5. The applicant shall install and maintain a temporary erosion control plan for the duration of the project, to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division. 6. The applicant shall verify the accuracy of the square footage of each lot and revise the short plat drawing if necessary prior to short plat recording. 7. The applicant shall revise the short plat drawing to reflect a 20-foot wide access easement prior to short plat recording. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: June 24, 2004 SIGNATURES: shpltrpt.doc I City of Renton P/B/PW Department Admil]istrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA"()4"()48, SHPL-A ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 8 The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only. they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions Planning 1. Work hours for new single-family developments are limited to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Nor is work permitted on Sundays. Fire Prevention 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be 20-foot paved surface. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 4. A Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. Plan Review -Drainage 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715.00 per each new lot applies to this project. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. The 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual dictates drainage requirements for this site. The preliminary drainage memorandum, as submitted with the environmental review information, is sufficient for addressing the drainage analysis for this project. 3. Shallow drainage swales shall be installed prior to start of construction to intercept and control the volume and velocity of runoff from the site. 4. Runoff from the development site shall be discharged in a manner to prevent any concentrated flow onto downstream properties. Dispersion trenches, as shown pn the preliminary site plan, shall be used to control runoff to approximately the pre-developed condition. Plan Review -Sewer 1. The System Development Charge for sewer is $900.00. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to the recording of the short plat. 2. The existing side sewer may need to be relocated and/or upsized to meet current code. Dual side sewers are not allowed. New side sewers are required to be stubbed-out to each of the new lots. 3. The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private sanitary sewer easements prior to the recording of the short plat. Plan Review-Water 1. The System Development Charge for water is $ 1,525.00 per single-family lot. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. Fire flow requirement for single-family residences is 1,000 gpm. One hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 gpm and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 3. A pressure-reducing valve is required for water pressure above 80 psi (static). 4. Fire flow requirements may dictate new hydrant(s} or replacem_ent of existing sub"standard hydrants. Existing hydrants (that are n-ecessary to-meet the fire flow requirements for this project} will be required to have a quick connect Storz fitting. - 5. A new water meter is required to serve each of the new lots. Plan Review -Street Improvements -. _ .. _ --.. _ ---. 1. The City code requires installation (or upgrade to current standards) of curb, gutter, storm drainage, driveways, and sidewalk along the frontage of the parcel being developed. 2. New driveways with a greater than 15% slope require a variance from the Board of Adjustments (see City of Renton Municipal Code Development regulations section 4-4-0801). Driveways over 8% slope must provide a slotted drain at the lower end with positive drainage discharge to restrict runoff from entering the garage/residence or crossing any public sidewalk. Plan Review -General 1. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Standards and the City's departments. 2. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. The total for 3 new homes is $2,153.25. This is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. Prior to any construction activities on the site, Temporary Erosion and sedimentation Control (TESC) shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. ----. 4. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the down slope perimeter of the area that s to be disturbed. The silt fenCe shall be in Dlace before clearina and aradina is initiated. and shall be constructed in conformance with the shpltrpt.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Admintstrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 9 speCifications presented in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. This will be required during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as well as building construction. 5. Any retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height require a separate Building permit(s). Property Services -Comments for Final Short Plat Submittal 1. Please see attached memo from Property Services dated May 26, 2004. TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the owners James Schmitt 19824 5th Ave. S. Des Moines, WA 98148 Hugo and Uiok Chaves 336 Harvard Ave. Fircrest, WA 98466 TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the applicant: Joe Megale MSW, LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle, WA 98166 TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the contact: Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 155th St., Suite 102 Seattle, WA 98166 TRANSMITTED this June24, 2004 to the parties-at-record: Ann Grinolds 324 Cedar Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Mary De Laurenti 315 Renton Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Alex White 22030 yth Ave S Suite 204 Des Moines, WA 98198 Monica Hayes 326 Renton Ave S Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the tollowing: Larry Meckling, Building Official Stan Englar, Fire Marshal Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning Kayren Kittrick Jan Conklin Carrie Olson-Davis Lawrence J. Warren, City Attomey South County Journal Land Use Action Appeals & Requests for Reconsideration The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075 (3); WAC 197-11-680). RECONSIDERATION. Within 14 days of the effective date of the decision, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator. The Administrator may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the shpltrpt.doc I City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 10 reconsideration request, if the Administrator finds insufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the following appeal timeframe. APPEAL. This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 8, 2004. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. EXPIRATION DATE: The Short Plat approval will expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4-7-080.M. shpltrpt. doc n.. « ~ ...J .L-.L~=-::=::~ ~ o r----r-----.-; ~--h-L-H-t-iTl 8 o LLLL~~~=r;=n~ I 8~v~ 00" U, B 111111111'1 i ~. J -----====1 \] I [H I) .-------.--, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. TREELEOEND THAT PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W ..... KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; (PARCEL A;) LOT(S) 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NU"'BER LUA-97-134-SHPL, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NU ... BER 9901269011, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (PARCEL B;) THE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET OF TRACT 3, PLAT NO. 1 OF RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL CO ... PANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLU ... E 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 29, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. GRAPHIC SCALE • OUNCANSO" CO"~AN' tHC. C'~~~=;:,:-- ffooIaIr,lI' ........ HI .. ,-. JIlf,J4.4/fJ ,'" JIlf,J~4.4441 k-.oU-J (lIUA', ,_ .. lOa REVISIONS t _ .. -7f,""," --~rr~;::.-?--/.--/ i' ,.) / --;"'--I ( .... ~, .'fI., ..... ,I'1",u .. r , / --I I L_-t--c. : I<~r-:£:: -=.::=~--::'4'::7·~::rf:~/_-7';!J;. ~ I CARAct 1I1I!:f I I ' • I I I I ---7 I (---' '''1'' I l I _ / / I //9\ t --r-- -_. -..1..'--7 ' / ,~ - / !iRt I / / " ---;1liI./ ___ ___ I j / / , ~/ / 1/ M/ ---___ ! i ! '/' _~~/~:~:,r,~,.~~0e6/ / ;;0- -Ij" ".'--. . '''~." . _ .. _L_ t ---"" r v ~ .. .,--....... EXIS' HOUSE <,,~1~::1 i- . !:f" .~ I' ORA"', C..8 I DAlE: 5/03/04 I CHK'O: HIoiO • DC! PROJECT NO: 03129 .--.--.... ~--... -._ .... _-_ ... _ .. _- DeCiDUOUS fRct AL .. AIJ)(II o ~:=~t~~OJs .... '2-TR1.»III.OIAWETER(IN) IoIA_WADltONA L-f'lPt ~:g:lIlt\' ['t(IIGllUHtR[t: CE_ctOAlil ,,. [lOSI SSIolU 1111.! .. 170.30 ·j/I .... 'u2.11118·P\IC ,,''' .. 163 II' PVC ~_,"".u.tJ" YlOE5IGN ... n~l GP-I740b-1I6 tLLv-lIl.JI PROJECT ADDRESS: 329 RENTON AVE' 5 MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S EXISTING SITE SURVEY ~ or_DOUQ.ASnR HE_HEMLOCK I PI_PINE "" EVC·E't'tR~[[tj L-HDCiHlloOLIF'14ASUIItD AII'NOTTDSCAl[.JIIt[SYHICl.S UICATlDH IN.T. TR\JNI( DIAHtT[RS D " 3.'-10 <4' A.aVE GROUND Io'NAI[rQIIIEr[IttNC[ON..lAND V[G[lATlDI'o MAl eXIST. --_ •••••..• SD .-.. --.... EX. SlOllIolDflA(tI ----$S --.• ---.~ EX. $[Il0l[1 -••• ----\J -._ .. _-EX. WAl'tA o EX. SE'oKR .. AHHOl[ EX. WAHooT [I(. CAtCH IASIH o [I(.STOA .... .fJ04OLE (I(. UflJTY PC!..[ W/AHCHOR EX. GAS VA:..~ [!I lJ., "O'fllll wtTtlt [x.mRtSEA CD nTELVAIJl.T [X. pOfotR ~ou [Il. WAJtR YN.,'A: EX. WATER IoIEI'[R Q £J.,F1ltH'IOAAHT (> !"'."'CHUWEH' a> sv. wONUWtNT " S"'. WQHUt.t£NT 0 EX. DECIOlJOVS TREE * [k.CCIHlfVITIttE ® fll[tsTOKII["O~ CAUTlONI UND[ltGllOUHD unum! [XISTIN 1Hl All[A UTlUTY 'HrQR ...... nON !HOlAN "'AV H ',",CIlIot' StAT[ LAWR!QJIAIS lHATCOtfIJlACTORCOH._, ftftON!-CAU.UTtJTYL.OCAT[stRIotCEATlLAST .. , HOURS BEFORe STAR1'\NG ANY CONSlRUCT1ON. 1-800-424-5555 RENTON PERIo4IT , 04-002 C2 .,3 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. CONTACT INFORMATlON APPUCANT ARBOR H[IGHTS,UC JOEhI.£CAl.( P.O 80X IIl« StAnu. WI< till' (201) 27e-44g, SWI"£YOIIf[HGlN[[R H..uta..DOUHCoVI$ON,P[ OUNCAM$OH CONPAHY ... c. t4~ Sill 1$!lTH ST .. SUITt: 102 SEAtl\.[, WA t111156 PH: (201)2H-4141 Ux. (2oe) 244-.. 4" UTILITIES\SERVICES WA'ltR: st'IrI'EFI: f1II:E: SCHOOL em (7 ROHON CITY tYR[NTON 0000 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE (I) SCKEDuLE oVID ATTEND APJI[-CQt.lSTAUC1IQM CCN"VltHa: 'M'fMCITY OfR£tlTQNENOIN([R1NCSTm. (1) Fl.AG CI,.E.tJIING UUlTS. (J) INSTAll COH!TRUCnON [Nl1IIAIIC[, (4) INSTA.Ll PERIt,/ETtR PROTtCTII)N ("-TER rABRlC rtNctS, SILT rENCE, ETc.). (!I) INSTALL UnUnES (e) Pfl:OTtCT EJPOSEO 501.5 ASREIlVIREO. (7) "'Ei.tO'<!: Tue IoItASURts AFT[lt PEIIWAN[NT ,,,C\Unu..,..o "A.U: QltOUND CO'I(R BEGONE [SIASUSH[O. GRAPHIC SCALE i. __ .i: U • DUHCM<IIPN CO"""1I1,INC O>IMqioocNI~LaoI"'" WlVllJ<i_J.n1f1 s..,::;f ... .:t::".~: .. , .. 1f)6.·4'.44~' , . ..." .... ·UL Re:VISIONS ,.. MSW SHORT PLAT ...;'::....-==-~ttl~ ,r"" , .. ",,,, ......... -- ORA~,_CJB c~ .~ .. ' ,~ DRAWING INDEX: Cl cO'ot:II:SHt['l'-.HDINOO C1suAytYSNE[1 CJ QWlINC;, 0IWHAGt J.H(J urun PlAN PRELIMINARY PLAT LEGEND 'TOTAL.lCII~ AAU,_lO.8USI.4I2.1oC NUWBtR Ot LV':''' • ZOHlHC II-IS PROPOSEO so rOOTAGE or EACH LOT \.01 , .. ~,311 Sf LOT 2_ $.IVO sr \.01l"4,17sr LOT ,_ 4.88,) SF PROPOS[OO[NSlfT-a.l/.loC PEAIIIITT[O OENSir .... '.J/~ (JOSTS$I.IH IUI.I~ I:IJ.JO In:,lC211Ito"PVC "'~I,' ,Ie) 1\" I"VC ,~ L" ~ .... ,.""""" V ~~,~~) "-'10' ..... PROJECT AOORESS: 329 RENTON AVE 5 MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S SHORT PLAT PLAN VICINITY MAP. C1 ... 3 ~"l .;I L ••• ' ~ / / .... .II ~ ..• '.it ...• ,~ ...•. ,. 'Cj;!'";'1"'JO'f ,&,;i"~: "'j !i!::"~;~~::~:;'i~!;:S;:,;:,:::,;,;·;?t·-:~·ii.2,"-.Ii .. , 0" • • . Ill! I 11 ·/r':·r ,I .' r- ..... / I' • . • III . ;' l :'~'" ~'r ' ... /.f I 1(1: ,C,"", :1' I I 'LOT 4, ... ~ . .¥" ~ l ': ""'~!':: .ft I )" DSlf~T'I'P} L 20' ,/ .:~ :·)~·:;.~·:::~·~·7f~~·.:1.:~~~:~ ~k~ ~~,L:~~-.--·:~·~,;·.~ ~-~~-_j'_/ / ... ./ ". GRAPKIC SCALE k-..wU--" • OUHC~HSOH COM PAN V, INC ;;:/~'~~~:::;, r-tI<.W"' ........ NIU 'MO' JUUHUI F. Jf1!JH"I41 ,I'V"''' .~,' A-' RE:VISICNS Of:IA"": C..lJ I I I I II J J ~ " ., uPOIIiADf CIJft8 QJT TO OJRRtNT StAHOAllDS " DATE: ~/OJ/04 I CHK'D: Ht.AO 00 PRO.£CT NO: 0.1129 --_ .. _--... __ ... -.. _----_ ... _-.-- "'~!" (.) .. \JO.:: . .b' ;""" OlsPERSAL 1R[)IOj (mo) /\ 1'''' I, I.A~ .1~~~IC::~ 1/ ",,1 ... ~"Y""" .. ~' .. ,. ,,r.: •. '--'1"'-_. ~~~1., -. -! ,- I ,""\" " I' ,'I ~ i I r ,I, I I I F'" I ~' t .,::/: r ·1 t I ~ il ",) I ~ll, I II I .i 1, :-.. , ~r-, I,,:) I ~;' .c:..~~;:~.:'/:::::: . . ,,' ':" I ilr """'F·., :11 .. >""" ... 7 ':' • '. I ,,/.,-, . , . ~~ .... '/ "";C'r"·J",.JL,. ...• . J ~" /' ~I"'" ,.- .,.:'-j .~' . NOlt: lHOl'o1OUALCRlNO[RPUlolPSU)[ U'CRSPDtCTY(lf'RtHt(lN STANDARDS WAY 8[ R[QUlAtI) rCA N[W H()t,I[S. I ~ ""'Of .OHU"" Y ~~::,.~~,,:) cp." ...... PROJECT ADDRESS: J2V RENTON AVE 5 MSW $HORT PLAT L il /, 'i .. ' J ~ " ." II,' ii I I CAUl10NI UHOERCROUND UTlUn.:S (XIST IN THE ARE" ... NO unuTY INf'OII ...... nON SHO'IfC WAY BE INC(lt,jp\'£TE. ST4l[ LAW A(QUIR[I TI1AT CQoITIIAC'OA CQNT4CT 1M[ ONE-CALl vam' lOCAl[ S£RV.C( I.T LEAST 41 HOURS RErOR[ STARTINC IoHY COHSTRUCTIOH. 1-800-424-5555 RENTON PERMIT 0"-002 329 RENTON AVE S UTILITIES, GRADING AND DRAINAGE C3 .,3 !i~ I~ ; !::j N .. ~ ~ ~ I' ~ ~~ ...... ~,~ ,..N -.I r"\S~ W~()U. -04 ~ s\-\\-'\-~ ~ ;;0 n "-u '-./ f............. . ................. mm' ;q n i /~ ~/ //\ /~ } / i / f I' "'" ""'l ! n (. oj /0 i /"-,," . n o /0 "--0 '-./ U '-./ 1"'"" ,~I'" ri"!~ ~~~r I"·!·,~''''''-' ;"1 0 .1 I"T4V '-II~ .... 5 ,<';Pri! !"I ,; • L' : I~ 'j' ,."",. < ' ,,_,#(, iAJ..:I Ix ..... , '""I •• I ,K! • I ;_' : \. ,-I ~ -, \ 00 ., fIIQ ;41'\1 11 ',,_I ..-__ . I ..... H _.1 -l :J I -~ Z ,",,1+ .. ~: s DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 26, 2004 Nancy Weil Sonja J. Fesser ~f MSW Short Plat, LUA-04-048-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant regarding the preliminary short plat submittal: None. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: , Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-048-SHPL and LND-20-0372, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be_smaller_than_thatused for-the-land-use-action number. A licensed surveyor will need to prepare and stamp, sign and date the final short plat document. --Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network (tie the subject property directly to said Control Network). The geometry will be checked hy the city when the ties have been provided. Note the basis of bearing on the short plat drawing. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note the dates the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the comers of the proposed lots. \H:\Fiie sys\LND -l..!md Subdivision & Surveying Records\LN~20 -Short P1ats\0372\RV04OS75.doc May 28, 2004 Page 2 Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, agreements and covenants of record on the short plat drawing. The city will provide addresses for the three new lots as soon as possible. The addresses need to be noted on the short plat drawing. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utility facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Encroachments do need to be shown. Note the setback distances between the existing houses to the south of the subject short plat proposal and the south line of said short plat. Remove the building setback lines from the proposed lots. Setbacks will be determined at the time that building permits are issued. Because the subject short plat properties fall within Zone 2 of the City of Renton Aquifer Protection area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See the attachment. The City of Renton Administrator of Planning/BuildinglPublic Works is the only city official to sign this short plat document. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. Pertinent King County approval blocks also need to be noted on the drawing. All vested owners of the subject short plat need to sign the final short plat drawing. Include notary blocks as needed. Include a declaration block on the drawing. [Lthe subject short plat properties fall within a coal mine hazard area, note the following statement on the short plat drawing: COAL MINE HA7ARD NOTICE: The lots created herein fall within a hazard area as identified by a Geotechnical Engineer at the time of this subdivision, presence of such a hazard may trigger mitigation measures at the time of construction. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat document will be recorded first (by King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) need to be referenced on the short plat drawing. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\l.ND-20 -Short Plats\0372\RV040525.doc\cor I May 28,2004 Page 3 If the new 26' easement is for private ingress, egress and utilities for the benefit of some or all of the short plat lots, then note that the easement is a "NEW PRN A TE INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT" on the short plat drawing. Note that the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording; therefore, there can be no new easement until such time as ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Also, add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing: DECLARATION OF COVENANTS: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivision thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. The private ingress, egress and utilities easement requires a "NEW PRN A TE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" block. Note the attachment on the drawing. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\FiJe Sys\LNO . Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LNO-20 -Short PJats\0372\RV040525.doc\cor AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. TIllS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURF ACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSffiILITY TO PROTECT TIlE CITY'S DRINKING WATER I . --- Title for both of the following paragraphs: NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HA VE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAYING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HA VB OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE } RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITH.IN THIS EASEMENT,.PRIV AJ:E SIGN-AGE, AND-OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVIN9 IN THE ACCESS_EASEMENT ]S PROHIBITED, UNLESS PA VEMENTWIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. PROPERTY SERVJ 5 FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS II !004 ----"-,ew~ __ APPLICANT: ME:GiAI 6' J' ICE (. I 6C6IH lIT & H. CH~LES) RECEIVED FROM ___ -----;--;-:-~_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: 3eg 1?,t=1....I'foU,.&I.E S. WO#_7.s-7-+-fi-Z ...... 5.J-l-1 _____ _ NATURE OF WORK: 4-1 0l=5HQSJ: p1 q(t.Asw SldoRl= 1?lAT) LND# 2Q -OB7c .. X PRELIMINARY REVIEW O'F SUBDIVIiIoN BY LONG PLAT, NEED iloRE INFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. -PID D's -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTIlER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED -FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# 7?Z140 -0080 -008(;; X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the. developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and detennined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building PennitlConstruction Pennit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ---:-:-_~ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits, r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISfRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW A TER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER -0- ./ Special Assessment DistrictIW A TER /-0- ,/ Special Assessment DistrictIW ASTEW A TER /-0 - Joint Use Agreement (METRO) - Local Improvement District * - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITS/ SDCFEE -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x .~ $.4.575.00 Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x ~"3. $e. 700.00 Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $O.I26/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x a $ZI45.oc All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ $q~ .... eo.oo '< N II) 0 III 0 t1 l>o t1 II) [\) < .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. ... II) .. Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. :1 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 ---~~.--'-.' ------- Board of Public works:. November 10,2004 Page 2 3. A minimum of31 feet of Right-of-Way be established and remain between the existing noise wall and property line. MOTION CARRIED. • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, MOREHOUSE SHORT PLAT, LUA 04- 057, 323 Lind Ave NW -The applicant is requesting a twelve (12) month deferral for installation of additional pavement for a driveway on Lind Ave NW as a requirement for the short plat improvements. Action: Following a brief discussion, it was Moved by Christensen, Seconded by Meckling, to approve the deferral until November 10th, 2005 per staff recommendations, subject to the following conditions: 1. Engineering plans be provided showing the new driveway, grading and erosion control plans. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services. 2. The applicant provides a cost estimate for the deferred driveway and grading. 3. A security device acceptable to the Board be provided to cover the deferred items at 150% of the costs of the deferred improvements. MOTION CARRIED. • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, MSW SHORT PLAT, LUA 04-048, 329 Renton Ave South -The applicant is requesting a deferral for sidewalk restoration, water meters, grading/paving the common access drive and installation of the trench drain and dispersal trenches. The requested time period is 18 months to complete the new home construction and recording of the short plat. Action: A brief discussion was held in which it was assessed that the estimated costs of the improvements must be adjusted to a $1,300.00 unit cost for water meters. It was then Moved by Christensen, Seconded by Meckling to approve the deferral until May 10th, 2006 per staff recommendations, subject to the following conditions: 1. Each individual dispersal trench shall be in place prior to the home being finalized. 2. A security device acceptable to the Board be in place at 150% of the costs (or $25,462.50) of the deferred improvements to cover the deferred items. MOTION CARRIED. • UNDERGROUND VARIANCE, HEATHER REED, SINGLE FAMILY HOME, 2407 Meadow Ave N -The applicant is requesting a variance to the Underground Ordinance for overhead power lines serving a new home. Kathy KooIker-Wheeler, Mayor November 16, 2004 Attn: Harold Duncanson Duncanson Company, Inc. 145 SW 155th Street, Ste. 102 Seattle, W A 98166 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL MSW SHORT PLAT, LUA 04-048 329 RENTON AVE SOUTH RENTON, WA Dear Mr. Duncanson: C1Tye>F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Board of Public Works met on November loth, 2004 to review your application for a deferral for sidewalk restoration, water meters, grading/paving the common access drive and installation of the trench drain and dispersal trenches. A time period of 18 months was requested to complete the new home construction and recording of the short plat. After a brief discussion in which it was assessed that the estimated costs of the improvements was to be adjusted to reflect a $1,300.00 unit cost for water meters, a decision was made to grant the deferral until May loth, 2006, subject to the following conditions: I. Each individual dispersal trench shall be in place prior to the home being finalized. 2. A security device acceptable to the Board be in place at 150% of the costs (or $25, 462.50) of the deferred improvements to cover the deferred items. Please find the enclosed Security Device form, fill out and return to the City of Renton in the provided envelope. As per Ordinance 4521, Section 4-34-14, you have fifteen (15) days from today's date to appeal the Board's decision. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee of$75.00. . You ~ay call Juliana Fries, Board Coordinator, at (425) 430-7278 if you have any questions or need additional information. ------1-:0-=-55~So-u-::th-G=-r-a-:-dy-::W,::-::-ay---::R::-e-n-to-n-::, w,=a-s-:-hl::-' n-gt-o-n -=9-::80:-:5=-=5------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE November 16, 2004 Page 2· Sincerely, Q -r:-~ ~V\.c,Hwt,t,\jj Crystal McMeans Recording Secretary Enclosure cc: Joe Megale,.ProjectApplicant Neil Watts, Chainnan Juliana Fries, Coordinato'r Gregg Zimmennan, PIBIPW Administrator Arnie Herifiinger, piim Review LUA 04-048 File CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGlBillLDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 21,2005 TO: Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office FROM: Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 SUBJECT: MSWSHORTPLATLUA~BPL Attached please find the above-referenced original mylar and one copy mylar, and three paper copies of the mylar for recording with King County. The recording instructions in order are as follows: 1. Record the short plat. 2. Request King County to return the executed copy mylar to us for our records. Please have the Courier take these documents via 4-hour service. A check in the amount of $15.73 made out to CO&L is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.5590.0060.49.000014. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Kayren Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin (please provide PID/recording #'s to Sonja, Came, and Patrick) Patrick (Notice to final short plat on Pennits Plus) Came Olson (Provide any unpaid SOC/SAD fees to Jan for posting to parcels on Pennits Plus) Yellow File \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON'Shortplats 200S\MSW SHPL 12m ClerkReconl.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGlBillLDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM June 6, 2005 Mike Dotson, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review (JJ) MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048-SBPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accel!ted Related Comments NA y Project #s "7 As-Builts 32..2.1 tJrI-5lk ';/orh1 t2'1~ -elde,J ......... Cost Data Inventory Alp ou,~c ~/;bf. v' Bill of Sale " / t( "" V Easements (Water, Sewer, Utilities, I( t·, i"r Hydrant, etc.) ~ Deed of Dedication Square Footage: ,A!PA/{; V' Restrictive Covenants / Maintenance Bond Release Pennit Bond 0 c,....--" Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Sbortp\ats 200S\MSW SHPL 11 m PR-TS Closeout.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBIDLDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 17, 2004 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services ;-V(l Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 LW MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Recorded Easement • Short Plat Map If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Cc: Yellow File I:\P\anReview\COLSON\Shortp\ats 2004\MSWSHPL 09m PR-TS ReviewStaIt.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBIDLDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: December 8, 2004 TO: Nancy Weil, Planning FROM: Carrie Olson, Plan Review c..u SUBJECT: MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048-SHPL Attached is the LUA folder for the above-mentioned short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me know. Please return comments and folder to me by December 14,2004, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. • Mitigation Fees have been posted to the LUA and will be paid prior to recording. • Demo Permit B040442 has been finaled. = ~ ~'<J., ~,,~ \4.,J,-;-'-~ s)""" ~ ~~, J, "'" ~ ,,"""-~ (><r.>:b ~ ~'oe~ ~ ~~\~~ ~f\J.-~ '\-0 c~\\ ~\Y\2-I?-A~~\'I\P-~ ,r~_Q. -\-o~. ~~~e\- ~~~-~~~~~\~~~~ ~~~~~~~\ Approval: a~ GJ NancyWeilU Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2004\MSWSHPL 08m PlanningReview.doc ,Date: J ~. 16.0'1 Printed: 07-19-2005 Payment Made: f.:TY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-048 07/19/200502:50 PM Receipt Number: R0503888 Total Payment: 3,617.25 Payee: AMERICAN CLASSIC HOMES LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #55407 3,617.25 Account Balances Amount 1,464.00 2,153.25 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5023 0 5024 5036 5045 5050 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 304.000.00.345.85 305.000.00.344.85 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 e RECEIPT NUMBER: R0503891 CITY OF RENTON SET RECEIPT SET ID: MSW SET NAME: MSW SHPL -WATER/SEWER TRANSACTION DATE: 07/19/2005 TOTAL PAYMENT: SET TRANSACTIONS: Set Member Amount ---------------------- SS04379 715.00 SS04381 715.00 SS04383 715.00 W040302 1,525.00 W040303 1,525.00 W040304 1,525.00 TOTAL: 715.00 TRANSACTION LIST: Type Method Description Payment Check #55408 TOTAL: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Description Account Code Spec Util Connect Stormw 421.388.10.00.00 Spec Util Connect Water 421.388.10.00.00 RECEIPT ISSUED BY: RKOKKO ENTERED DATE: 07/19/2005 TOTAL: INITIALS: CFK TIME: 03:07 PM 6,720.00 Amount 6,720.00 6,720.00 Current Pmts 2,l45.00 4,575.00 6,720.00 • -1 .' Kathy Kooiker-Wheeler, Mayoi' CITY IF RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator January 10,2005 Joe Megale.. MSW,LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle W A 98166 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Megal: MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat. ) 1. Contact Mike Dotson, Phm Reviewer, at 425-430-7304, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. The, Demo Permit #B040442 has expired without being-inspected. Inspector could not find address~ Please renew Demo permit and have it inspected aild.signed off. The Demo Permit has an expiration date of 09-01-04. 3. Setbacks from existing structure on Lot 1 to all property lines need to be shown on plat. 4. Pay Transportation and Fire Mitigation Fees for 3 lots in the amount of $3,617.25 under- LUA04-048. These fees may be paid at the Customer Services Counter on the -6th floor of Renton City Hall. Wheri the above items are completed, you maysubniit the signed and notarized short plat mylar (one original mylar and one copy (on mylar) of each sheet) along with a check in the amount of $15.73 (currentcburier fee) made out to CD&L. ' , 'Should you need to discuss any portion ofthis letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. ~(~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review ;> F ~D TO:.!,hfls B~, surveyorlE~eer-206:"244-4455 Cc:Ftle ___ -=->~ ~ f~ _ (;lOq O~ 6 -to -05 ~:ct;:J ee.JJ.. j0 _I:_\p_lanR_eV_ie_W_\C_O_LS_O_N\S-:-IO-::-h5-::-°7=-s=-la:_U_2::-4-=;_r:-;:-;-=:--~_y_I~--:LR:-R:-n-:~-'-n-,-::::-:-ar:_;o::-:~:--':-~-o-n-9::-:8:-::0:-:5-=-5-------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE-CURVE .. I, From: To: Date: Subject: Carrie: "Jennifer Kelly" <jenniferk@duncansonco.com> <colson@ci.renton.wa.us> 12/21/20043:13:38 PM MSW Short Plat Per Harold Duncanson and Joe Megale, I am emailing you digital pictures of the address signs put up on site at the MSW Short Plat, 329 Renton Avenue South. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Thanks, Jennifer Kelly, EIT Duncanson Company, Inc. 145 SW 155th Street, Suite 102 Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4455 jenniferk@duncansonco.com en C '" < m -< Z Cl DUNCANSON Company, Inc. TRANSMITTAL LETTER DATE: December 16,2004 TO: Ms. Carrie K. Olson City of Renton • 03129 R OfTYOFRENTON ECJ:IVED Development Services, Plan Review 1055 South Grady Way DEe. I{,J~()()% liB . FROM: RE: Renton, W A 98055 Jon Becker MSW Short Plat LUA-04-048 SHPL BUaDJNG DfVISION THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ENCLOSED: Quantity Descri2tion 1 18"x24" Bond Copy of Revised Short Plat Drawings 1 Copy of recorded easement NOTES: In response to your comment letter dated December 7, 2004, we have modified the drawing as requested for items 4 and 5. Also, attached is a copy of the recorded Rockery and Setback easement as requested under item 3. Please call if you have any questions. 145 SW 155th Street· Suite 102 . Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141 . Fax 206.244.4455' Web www.duncansonco.com I CIVIL ENGINEERING () z z z ..: ~ ll. o z ..: ~ e :: .. ' ':~:"'" Ilttlllll",'11i :: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: :./ ./:-.. :: .... :. ~ICAGO TITLE EAS 25 ee 3 ..... GENl OF ee7 . 12/88/2884 14'0 " ./ JOE :·kEGALE -ARBOR HEIGHTS, I .,.'. ..,:::::,_.,l~~" ./' .::' ":. KING COUNTY. UA \\:." "'. ", .. __ ,.,"'// .... :/ P.~:·B~ If34~ .... ' .. . ' :sEA'riui .rtA 981 i'~"\ . ' .~~. .~. .:. .:/~:~: if "':~: .. :.:::'" .,' :~: ~.' :~i··\""· .... ::., .~. ":" .... , .. '''~'''' ., .. ' ........ . . ~., ~ . . . .~. :,' Doo~~:~':idC,J;~~ -CTI' \I ~S~~· I I .' .' ..... " .' ... :,/:: . .:" ,,:' .,,'........... ...:(.',)~ (i) Reference number(s): ':'., .:' ;:.:. /' ., ....... \ .'-., -----'-..,-••• -i-;: -.,;.--.,.. •. .--....... '--..:... •• --;., .f· ..... :";: Additi~~,:eference numbers on pa#"",f ;' t~,~/' ,I ,i"""""'",\ ':::::. .-.> .,' .' ;.\;,:,;.,{ .... ,,:: .... '. \:. ..... • ••• :.:1 .••. :/' •••• ..' •• :._: :. I..... .:-., ..... :.: .. ~ ... ~ .......... . .:' .' ... :'\. 1. JJOO:S~SCHMiTT .... :;. ;. 2.~/_~.~._~::_~·' ________________ ·_:·_:~; __ "_""_,,,_,,.,_. ~.!_. ~/_!-+/_ .' .-:: ...... :"~ ... ~~?:. ./: .:~-,:' ,iiran~s):/: :;', .'."'-.'. ':,:.:,:,.::: / <!;,::2j::;~:ct;o;:' THARP"-'i Legal descri1>ti~~: :Xb~yf~b~ f9riil:~;::poiTiON ... NE 1/4 OF SW If 4 SECTION 17-23-05 PORTION OF THE:. SOlf,FH :90-tEET'Ot/TRACT/ 3, RENTON CO-OP COAL CO'S ACRE TRACTS NO.'l, VQL. :?! PG. 2~::; R$COR,PS,:OF KING COUNTY, WA. FuUlegal description on page2,· .. ·'6f.~oc~ent; ./ ./ .:".:. Property taxa~Wlt num~(~)~'·""'··"···;:2.2: 4io08'~ 03" ./:. :;;'~~""""""':' .' ·:~~~".i;: ./' .:::-.' .. '_ .• :.:.... ';': .. ,0_ '.' .' NON~STANDARD RECORDING ... /'f .::." /" ./( )) ""'_.~.. .' I am requesting an emergency nonstandai'd:tec~~ing:ior ~ acJditi~naI.ie~:.···or-$5p.OO, as provided in RCW36.18.010. I understand that th~:p~6ces~ng.iequire~t;Il'ts neede(f:to record this document may cover up or: therwise obscure some part.Of t~e te~t oftJie origf~l d~cu.~nt. . . s--';".: ... / /.". :./;.:'/t" :(""'::::::~~: .... :/:::/:' :?~', ........ . (Signature) .... :: :\ .... :: ... :.<:.... '.,. .::' .• "'., .. ~:::. "':':' .:' .' ,-,::::: •. ::,:. .. : ... :~::' .::' -' .:: ... '::.~: . .' .' .' ..... ' .' /~,::/o'·"·"·~;F .//': {;~ X> .... f .. f"::"/ .:: ::' ~:} .:. ... ':'::::)' :: .. ' .' .~.' .':-' AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO Jee Megale -Arbor Heights, LLC P.Q';'B.ox 16344 /S~ttleJw.~bington 98116 ./ / .~::/ "'\. ~; :' .:. ~{ .:' .• :~""'~:' '\,.~,:". .,,.,-,,...... " '-:.............. .' " ':'. /'MUTUA.t ROCKERY't;AN.J):·SETBACK EASEMENT "':";,.,,,,// .:,,:' :,' .. ;;.'" /';.:.,,/::;/( ..... ~ Schmitt Grantors Grantees .: ........ ,/,. .' .' )' /: .:"·:~aril;:··~~, J ea..i~~ Tharp, . " .:' ,j: Eliza·heth··:L. D~Smith, John M. Tharp Abbreviated Legal Description ':':":' .. :i' :' .::.~ .. /PoctI'on\NE~~ ofsw Y4 Section 17-23-05 {. .:' ,:: Portion of'thiSo'iith 9O-feet 9fTract 3, Renton Co- /.::::;; .. :. AssessJ~s pro::;;"garcel Number Ref~ce NC~ ot-Documents Assi'jmed 6r Rel~sed:: . ~. :: .~. .:' .' '::.;,:.",. Witnesseth: -::::~. :'( oP.. C9~1 Co. 78 ,Acre.tractS·N~~-'l~·:yol. 9/ Pg.\~19" ,T~:6i~~y~:~~~;,,/i'// .::::~.; .}' :: -.:. , •• ,I~ .: :.~ .: . N/A . : .....• ; .... ~ ..... ~~~ . .' The undersigned Grantor(s) do hereby grant aru/~~~~ellfQ/~e p~ci~ o(~intainilig a s~tb.ack and rockery from the existing house on grantee's property .. ··th(d~r~r (s}rheiri, su~'ces~~~ . .siid a~ig.gs shall not disturb the land within the easement area without the wiitte~: consfnt oiboUi partieS··hereto. Thf$. easement shall remain in effect until such time as the house on·gran#e's.prop¢fty u.l[~~ovec(The:: .:".: easement area is described as follows: "".; ... / ./ ..... /. :f<. "'::,' <" .:' .::~>'''''''' The south 5 feet of the east 41.83 feet of the west 70.63 feet or"the;~b6ve ~es;';~~&.:/· .... ". property. .:::::: .. :::::",,"//::> ./:. .' · .... . :,,':' ':"', .. :: ~ .~: .~~. ::.- .: .... .... . :': .1N WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantee has accepted this instrument this day of November, 2004 . . -.... :. ;: " :: ':~~"'~~' .. ..... : ... / .. .... .;.; .... -.,' " .. ,.' ... :.:~':""""" ..... .;:. .. -:. " .. .... " ...... ::. -;. -:. ·:~~'~;:::~:"O .. ~./ . '~,:,: :: :: :: .' .: . . ' .' 0',;, . ;: .. ' y ./):l,i· W.t~ESS WHEREOF THE SAID GRANTEE HAS ACCEPTED THIS .:. ':\: ... / i TNSTRUMEiIT THIS 2ND DAY OF DECEMBER, 2004. '\:.".::,.;,.".~.,.", ..... / .:/' .' :: ...... '.:.. .:' .' .: ........ "' .. . .~o .' ~.,: ... ~ .,. '.: .~:' .:' ::' ..... ~:. ; ••• ''-'.' o· .' " .~o" .. ,,:, :: :: :: .' .: .... : . .... :: . ' ,~ ;/ ....•.... :: ;:' .' :: .' ;; \:;:, ... /:. ./Ii Wi~ESS WHEREOF THE SAID GRANTEE HAS ACCEPTED .... ; , tNS';r.R..UMENT THIS 2ND DAY OF DECEMBER, 2004. THIS ~\:. ..,// ... :. :j' ':~ :: '':'''::::. .' .' ., ... --.... ~: ... ~. '".,/ ",' .~ .~ 1:L.~.'} .: . . ~";' STATE OF WASHINGTON. ;";:. COUNTY OF KING .... ,,:.'. .. .' / ') ON THIS 2ND DAY OF ri~C~'Bfu'~):/~;604""'BtFOkE d-t;;>';THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARy··'PuaLI.;C .lNkro ";FoR ::TH~i STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISsioNED" ANn SWORR~' 2"ERSON'ALLY APPEARED ELIZABiTa. L. DESMITH KNOWN TO~:. MEc;'·..r0: ... BE:.:;:TIi,E ],NnIVIDl;1AL (Si ':",;:; DESCRtBEI)"':'IN AND WHO EXECUTED "~=THE Wi'ni'IN.:·'INSTRtiMENf-, AN}) ./ ACKNoWLEDGED. THAT SHE SIGNED .ru.\ft}·,S~D ·.;TaE··'·SAMK·'·AS~; HER fREE AND .c:V-OLUtffARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE :qSES jOO) .PURPOSES'· HEREIN M:~:O~7 ;'''1' t,:/,//,:':/,/,i .~:~OT~: ... :SI~~~ .... "';;: <"';c:::" P:R~NTED ~Ar1E: )~T~CI:j R. IRGENS NOTARX. ... PtJB~IC;/ IN)' ANn .lfOR"··T.HE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT RENtON}: .,:" "': MY COMMISS'lON";"EXPIMs 9N:::. 8/19/.06. ":':';' .• :;:,/ .:./ ;:c" \;':: ••... : .. !! ",// ...... } ,::::, •. ;:~ .... -: .. ,. - .' .' ./:':~' ... : . . :;, ..... <:: .. :... .. ~ ..c ....... ~. ~ ':.\. ,./ /: ;/ STACI ft IRGaNS ~ .;,; ... "...... ..': ? NOTARy·pusue·:: ':STATE OF WASf:flNGTON': .'-'., .' 9OMMfSSlON txPlRES ~ " .. ' ......../ AUGLIST 19 2006 ," ~ .•..• .' :: ....... -:'!'" :: .; .... :. . ::." .-.... ~: ..... ::':::. .' .... .:' :., ...... : .' .. .:' •.. :.:.: •.... /: . .... . ' . . : ..... :. .:' :: .' .' .......... ::.~. .' "'::: .. -.... .•.... ,' . . ,' .~ ... .' .:. ........ ::' ..... 'If. ':~'.. .::',' ,',":' " '; .. ' " . :. " THIS .J'~~::, .' /: H ,., .• _H"~"< . ..... " .' .... :: .:' .' ." .:~' ::.~:. .......... ;: .. " :' .:' " .......... :{ " .::'.:. " .' .~; ;:~. . ...... . .. :-I'·IIHI.' .... ~,:· .~/::::/.' .-: :/' :::.:.~:/: " ,~: " ", ./ ..... :' " "'-""" I ~.t ~ ?~J>.1 Pilll'rlOll 01' \. llo-OPi!!\I-"fI 1 1! ,~ 1 tW ~r~ .cl\l! ij\~i! I~V' .. o"i\~~~\"J ~ ~ ~~\.. u 3;:,""'" = 0> (O~ :-,..... 0'1 f"I o (/) FENCE IS 0.5' EAST-I- FE~ a:::c::: ADDRESS #325 LOT 4 .' .... ., • Co ~ ~I';' ./'." .. ,:',,":.] .. ':'~:"" ,,:,~ N .. I N ~ I:; [ '-aalU?-. ..... ". 0: 0: '" '" ~///&'Y", .... ""'" '" I I'0 N L .... ....... c.o (0 23 NBB'JO'J3 n W T"""" '''1'', .:.~IlRI>,S~'. . ~ Z 0:;0;1 La""" ..... #.3.29 ............ :: ~ ... v.1 I ....... '. !Y' ..... . ....... : .... <!-" ........... . NBB"JO.).} W <.) 5::3' '96. SF .\. :: .......... ::.'. -. '". ..•.. '. lOA. 'P,.. .."-~ ...... "" •.. ( .. T. YP)\ I ~··20' ... J3SBl .. :.' I '::""'~"""'" ..... :.' ..... ~ .... ~ ~·;;·~···'···············,····.·:::::···,·,· .... z ;~~.(: ................. . (n"w':;" ... ," '.' .;::' .... \" 'j:~.. .~::::. «« ~.~I .. Jt .. a;::.'. p .............. ,.,: ...... ,. ';;:" .. ,.. ./ ~ c c c < < < < < «< < < < I _ .':' ....... : .~. ~ 3:. ...... '.. '.: ~ ~ ~J//////~ ........... ~ ...... ....... . ... :.. ,.::....... . ........ :.. -J I .. '..... . .... ,......... . ............. ::. /. ..:.' ....... '.... . ..,........ . ....... .;: ·;,t ...... ):. ;;t GRAP' "'HIG SCALE ~ .~ Z X"0 \. .............. ,:::.. ~ E)(ISi HOUSE. .. :.' . ...,.... ...... , ..... ".,:. \..... :::.~ ~ ~ .. ~ ) of ~'r··"T:"·',"r· l('::::·'::··~·~ij~·i 1))1 • ~:~~ii1~ I . . ...... ,..... '. i ............ :.......... . ...... il.:! L.!J ><::........ ~a~s t ~tl";\~ ttot! ~ .:.::., .............................. { IN F~~ ) (:: .. ;.;., ........ ' ......... ~. ,: ....... ~ .... ~::.'.: .. :-:::.::." ....... , .. :.::.:. cntto\.. 1~tto~1 • ..... ......... 1 il1ch .. ; ..... 20 ft.. . '. .; ... '.( ""w 0 ..... , ....... :. LE G E N 9"/":":';':::·.::~·":",, ... ) ." .:t:::~.::,,,J :: :)) "," I ;p ;z fI@'""'''' · • SET\REB~R .i,·.,C.,AP, '.\,..S. #38975 ... .~ET ... NAN:: }i WASHE~;; L.S. #38975 o·'::·F..Q~.JNb" suJ~VE.Y.. .. MARKER, AS NOTED @"'" FOUND ... SURF'A'CE MONUMENT, AS NOTED Ef( · .. ··~OUN.p MbNVM.E~n IN CASE, AS NOTED (Mf""'OATA 'P"[R F!ff:LD MEASUREMENT .:.: .... (c'Y·····, OAT}\': ... ·.PER ··CALCULATION/PROPORTION ;;:·:· .. , ...... (Hl.).., .. DAlA: "ptR SURVEY REFERENCE NO. 1 . . ..... . ... ,., ................. . ..... ......... CIVIL ENGINEERING' SURVEYING' LAND PL.ANNING US SW 1551" Street, Sle. 102, Seattle, Wasllillgtoll 98166 Pholle: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 24(·4455 MS' ell DWN. BY CHKO. 8' Kathy Keolker"Wheeler, Mayor December 7, 2004 Joe Megale ,MSW,LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle WA 98166 • CITY. RENTON PlanningIBuildinWfublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Adnihiistrator SUBJECT: MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-O~048 SHPL Dear Mr. Megale: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the folloWing comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings'and any other related documents. SHORT PLATREVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Contact Mike Dots~n, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7304, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. '" 2. Show compliance of Deci~ion#4 with digital photo of placement Of address sign. Send photo to me at colson@ci.renton.wa.us. ' " '3. Technical Services wants a copy of the recorded rockery and setback easement document (or the recording number there of). " 4. Reference said easement document on the short plat document, with a space for the re90rding number. 5. Remove the word "proposed" from the reference to the private 10'Utility Easement(sheet 2 of2). Should you need to,discuss any portion ofthls letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, ~~.~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review 425-430-7235 FAXED TO: Chris Battershill, SurveyorlEngineer-,: 206-244-4455 cc: Yellow File I I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2004\MSWSHPL 07L ChangeRequestStop.doc ~R" , -------:1 O-S-S-:-S-ou-th-G-ra-:d-y-W,-ay-, --R-e-n-to-n-, W,-as-h-=-in-g-to-n--:9:-::g-=-OS::-:S=-------'E N TON * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGlBlliLDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 15,2004 TO: Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services FROM: Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 C..D SUBJECf: MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Lot Closures • Title Report -Parcels A & B • Short Plat Map If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. A.~4 lib ~Ecr To : • ""TE"c..~cAL 6E:F==\Vlce;:-.cb w~ A. copy Of"""11-\E "Recc:::>~ ~~y J.-5~ :E::"A~El-...11 ~Urn.e:t...rr (oR"f1-\E -?Ec:t::>Rvtu:; t-...U.Jrn:s~ ~). • ~E" sAlt:> EA~e:HElJT ~umE1...tf" ou 1HE ~Al ~AT -b::::>cl)rnELt[ ) WITH-A 5-PA~ FoR ~ ~1kJG5 /....JO • ,~E'HOVF=:-1HE ~ol=\"D "~et:> f=A:'m 11;E~UCE: TO ~ ~lVA1E-10 I UTILIIf ~euT ('5HEE:::1 2. or 2. ) . -.. __ •... -'~ Approval: <-_-lL\--·_--------f-r--:'~--.:.· ~:=;/=~~.--_\ M/~3~iQ)~' ,:3uOOlU Date: ~. \ .;tco4 Robert T SonJUess/r/ Cc: YeIJow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2004\MSWSHPL 06m PR-TS ReviewStart.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECf: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 15,2004 Mike Dotson, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review ro MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL For your review and comment. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. • Short Plat Map Approval: ____________ , _________ -', Date:, ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Mike Dotson Cc: Yellow File NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. MSW SHORT PLAT Ut/J-6 q -0 t(<6 ~--;'~=;.~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tAlUA.hl ''ttl PM.1IIC HUtU".'! 1M Jt.u ..... ~ QUNt"Ntl ~:c~~o::u '=~~"OH 1.1«1) "" _0 COlo'"" MC. I"IUtlG""7.I ~'C"(HCt t/OCtl. ~LI "NCe. ETC.'. U"U AI'IO 'fA''''' OtIIOUHO I .r ~ -- ORAl'HlC SCALI! . JW . e-S-I .... -i1-L-=1t~~~ ~II!I '"'''''' I .. • ... r' (JQsn", ,1MICM'lQ NfO """O~T1OMt.01I 2.S NfO 4 TO It MNO¥ED ---- 9q~~c() _"",.CJ8 . ca~ Pritrr'" aib ~VqO-()C) ~~ DRAWING INDEX: 0\ eM" tHeeT ANO tHOI. et tI.IIM'I' IMUT Cl._._NIOII1\IT't'"-'" rr'\t.L.lm,nnn I ,1.1"\, .... V .. ,~., TOTH. .t.CfIIWI Nt"'. 10.", II' ,412 II; f'MIIl'" or un.-• tONING ,,-, ,,,~1tO IQ fOOTAGE Of' ~ \,Of t..OT I-•• ltl ., I..DT J. 1."0 ., I.OT ,-'ItT .' I.G'T •• 4,'" " '''0'0110 00CIItT-•• J/N: """""to DCMIIlT-',7/~ V1CINITY_ MA? Nil CAUTIONI ~_,w ......... , V( ...... 11OH> ... " ...... tu. V.111." \MtJI .. _ U11II1!t1 ''''" .. 1ME A~t •• He unun ~"A'ftOI't IHO'fIM ..... , It IHCOWNTt. n,ut ~. ~(I 1MA' CONTIIt"CT~ OOHfACT !HE OIIt-e.li.l. U1'<JI'I' LOCI. It ,~"ct .1 \.L.ST .. HO.nII .~ nAJllnHO ~T COH'Tlll'UCnoN. 1-800-424-eCI:5e NT SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S SHORT PLAT PLAN 0-0 C1 ... 3 • • I ' .. ,. • . Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor CIT.F RENTON' PlanningIBuilding/PublicWorlcs J.)epartment Gregg Zimmerman P.E.;Administrator CITY CLERK (1) August 10, .2004 · TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Subject: Ad~essitig,()fSeveral riewPla~ and ShorLPlats·in Rento,n · Please see attach@ new plats thatha.vejustbeeriaddre~sed~ Please add these addresses to. your City dircctoriesand 'niaps~ .. . . ' . ." , l3artell Short ,Plat. . .. ' '. Camas Estates Short Plat Clover Creek II Plat' . . Good Homes Short Plat . · . MSWShort PIaL :' .' .SampsonShort}>la,t .,. '" .. ' . : Winston's Shadow ShortPlat' BinderShi>rt'Plat ' .. '.' .candiewo&ilIShort Plat· '. . DalpaYESfates n Sport Plat J~~ques 24~Street Plat • ' .. ' ·OliverShortPla:f' ." . , '.' Wh)stonShoft Plat'·;: -, .;. ,', " ~ , .. . ,-'. :." -:.:'.' . ':' ," . '. , ,.Address thanges,OcCtllTedjhthefollowfulpla~:.cWdshortplats.dueJo ~iih~r ch~ges ~n" , _ •• ori~ntation of houses ~ a4di~iona1deYclopiJi,enUn~e~~: " '}". .... ..... . .' ,.... . . . ' ..... 3td aitdUnionPlat: .. '.' . . park PlaCe~)hort'PI~i . artCoflklin'" . . "'DeveloPment Serv:~cesR~p!.~eri!a~ive .• DevelQPfi,lent Servl~liDlvls~()n .:.' .. Telephone: 425430,,:7276 . #l:platadd . . lIoward:oistM'.Sh6rtPlat . Roy Srtrlili. ShoqPlat·· . \ ~. --'-'------}-0-5-5 -So-u-th-G-r-ad-y-'-W-a-y-~-R-e-nt--:on-,-W-a-sh-in-g-to-n-9-8-0-55--------:··· 'R E· N T ON * This paper contains 50"10 recycled material, 30"~ post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BIDLDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 28, 2004 Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie K. Olson, Development ServiceslPlan Review x7235 MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048-SHPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information. If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. Thanks. \\I:\P\anReview\COLSON\Sbortp\ats 2004\MSWSHPL 03m Jane.doc V> C '" < m -< Z G) • • DUNCANSON Company, Inc. TRANSMITTAL LETTER DATE: November 11,2004 TO: Ms. Carrie K. Olson City of Renton FROM: RE: Development Services, Plan Review 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Jon Becker MSW Short Plat LUA-04-048 SHPL THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ENCLOSED: Quantity Descri12tion 3 l8"x24" Bond Copy of Revised Short Plat Drawings 1 Copy of Review Comments Letter, Dated 10105/04 1 Lot Closure Calculations 1 Copy of new Subdivision Guarantee NOTES: 03129 In response to your comment letter dated October 5, 2004, we have modified the drawing as requested for items 3, 4, 8-12 and 14. The new Subdivision Guarantee should clear up the issues from items 5-7. Item 14 was dealt with by granting an easement to the lot owner to the south, as proposed, and approved as to the wording thereof, by City employee, Robert MacOnie. Items 1 and 2 will be addressed by other means than the short plat drawing. Please call if you have any questions. 145 SW 155th Street· Suite 102 . Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141· Fax 206244.4455· Web www.duncansonco.com I CIVIL ENGINEERING l? z z z « ~ £L o z « ~ • Lot Closure Calculations City of Renton Short Plat No.: LUA-04-048 SHPL Prepared by Duncanson Company, Inc. DCI Job No. 03129 Date: November 11, 2004 Parcel name: Overall Boundary Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177502.6836 East: 1302182.1337 Line Course: S 88-30-33 E Length: 150.00 North: 177498.7810 East: 1302332.0829 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 145.22 North: 177643.9521 East: 1302335.8534 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 135.71 North: 177647.4756 East: 1302200.1891 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 55.00 North: 177592.4942 East: 1302198.7611 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 14.29 North: 177592.8659 East: 1302184.4760 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 90.21 North: 177502.6864 East: 1302182.1338 Perimeter: 590.43 Area: 20,996 sq.ft. 0.48 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0028 Course: N 01-29-02 E Error North: 0.00276 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 210,867.86 .. Parcel name: Lot 1 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177500.9771 East: 1302247.7010 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 63.92 North: 177564.8755 East: 1302249.3606 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 84.41 North: 177562.6749 East: 1302333.7419 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 63.92 North: 177498.7765 East: 1302332.0823 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 84.41 North: 177500.9726 East: 1302247.7008 Perimeter: 296.66 Area: 5,396 sq.ft. 0.12 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0045 Course: S 01-29-33 W Error North: -0.00450 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 65,924.44 Parcel name: Lot 2 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177564.5022 East: 1302263.7662 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 81.29 North: 177645.7648 East: 1302265.8768 Line Course: S 88-30-44 E Length: 70.00 North: 177643.9474 East: 1302335.8532 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 81.30 North: 177562.6748 East: 1302333.7423 Line Course: N 88-30-22 W Length: 70.00 North: 177564.4997 East: 1302263.7661 Perimeter: 302.59 Area: 5,691 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0025 Course: S 01-28-44 W Error North: -0.00253 East: -0.00007 Precision 1: 121,036.00 Parcel name: Lot 3 Beginning at the Northeast corner thereof; North: 177645.7669 East: 1302265.8767 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 65.71 North: 177647.4729 East: 1302200.1889 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 55.00 North: 177592.4915 East: 1302198.7609 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 14.29 North: 177592.8633 East: 1302184.4757 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 16.28 North: 177576.5887 East: 1302184.0530 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 80.00 North: 177574.5031 East: 1302264.0258 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 71.29 North: 177645.7691 East: 1302265.8768 Perimeter: 302.58 Area: 4,917 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0022 Course: N 01-28-36 E Error North: 0.00223 East: 0.00006 Precision 1: 137,531.82 Parcel name: Lot 4 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177502.6836 East: 1302182.1337 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 73.93 North: 177576.5887 East: 1302184.0532 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 80.00 North: 177574.5030 East: 1302264.0260 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 10.00 North: 177564.5064 East: 1302263.7664 Line Course: N 88-30-22 W Length: 14.41 North: 177564.8821 East: 1302249.3613 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 63.92 North: 177500.9836 East: 1302247.7017 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 65.59 North: 177502.6901 East: 1302182.1339 Perimeter: 307.85 Area: 4,993 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0065 Course: N 01-29-07 E Error North: 0.00650 East: 0.00017 Precision 1: 47,361.54 Subdivision Guarantee The County of KING within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00 N02OO497875 Fee$200.00 Subdivision Map of Tract No. Consisting of Sheet (s) and any City That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the tit.la to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedicatio~treets, roads, avenues and other ease- ments offered for dedication by said map are: " The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE ~ ATTACHED Signed under seal for the Company, but this Guarantee is to be valid only when it bears an authorized countersignature. OCTOBER. 10, 2004 Company City, State » 10615 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE ellA NO. 14 (Rev. 4-10-75) PLEASE MAIL TO HOUSTON-POliCY ACCOUNTING b ::~:\;;;\,:~~ !!I~t'\.-'~~ II ~i tt~~ "j :,"", t!tUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Guarantee No.: SG-1572-10615 Order Number: 200497875 Subdivision Guarantee: Sales Tax: Effective Date: October 12, 2004 at Total: $200.00 $17.60 $ 217.60 OWNERS: MSW, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO PARCEL A; AND SCHMITT JAMES, AS A SEPARATE ESTATE, AS TO PARCEL B -":":·'-::;""'''':-7':--·~·_''''-.''=::":""".::··':'': .·=-,-_=-_-=--:~"""c:",·-:,~"o:,-,:;·",~.:,"""'--:·.-~"..,.--::---,.-·-'-.-.-::~-~'-'-'~~=--.~=-_-:-.---:-_~::-_-~:'-_"'.;:""--:-::--:-'-·.""_.-::-~-=_="'':::-7:~.:-::-:=--=·:.·~~_-::,',",-:-::"_",,:-= •. --,.~~=.-:-:.~ ... _-:~-=._._--:";".~:.=-__ ,, __ -::: __ ~ _____ = ______ ---."'----= ___ ~ __ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER LUA-97-SHHPL, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9901269011, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET OF TRACT 3, PLAT NO.1 OF RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 29, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SUBJECT TO: 1. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RESERVING: RESERVED BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: (AS TO PARCEL A) MINERALS RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY FEBRUARY 25, 1999 173811 2. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: RECORDED: MAY 7,1991 RECORDING NO.: 9105071373 IN FAVOR OF: PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION FOR: UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION LINES AND ABOVE GROUND CABINETS AFFECTS: NORTHERLY 5 FEET (AS TO PARCEL A) Guarantee No: SG-1572-10615 ttUBDIVISION GUARANTEE 3. RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, DEDICATIONS, NOTES, EASEMENTS AND PROVISIONS DELINEATED AND/OR DESCRIBED ON THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 29 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (AS TO PARCELS A AND B) 4. RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, DEDICATIONS, NOTES, EASEMENTS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED AND/OR DELINEATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9901269011. (AS TO PARCEL A) 5. GENERAL TAXES. THE FIRST HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER APRIL 30TH. THE SECOND HALF BECOMES DELINQUENT AFTER OCTOBER 31 ST. YEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $1,334.44 AMOUNT PAID: $ 667.22 AMOUNT DUE: $ 667.22, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY, IF DELINQUENT LEVY CODE: TAX ACCOUNT NO.: ASSESSED VALUATION: LAND: IMPROVEMENTS: (AS TO PARCEL A) 2110 722140-0086-07 $115,000.00 $ 0.00 6. DELINQUENT GENERAL TAXES. YEAR: 2004 AMOUNT BILLED: $2,731.67 AMOUNT PAID: $ 0.00 AMOUNT DUE: $2,731.67, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY LEVY CODE: 2110 TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 722140-0080-03 (AS TO PARCEL B) 7. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: MSW, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: (AS TO PARCEL A) Guarantee No: SG-1572-10615 COMPANY TICOR TITLE COMPANY HUGO E. CHAVES AND UIOK CHAVES, HUSBAND AND WIFE $119,800.00 JUNE 28, 2004 JULY 2,2004 20040702002031 ttUBDIVISION GUARANTEE 8. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: JAMES SCHMITT, A SINGLE MAN TRUSTEE: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE· BENEFICIARY: NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION AMOUNT: $238,000.00 DATED: JANUARY 7,2004 RECORDED: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECORDING NO.: 20040113001482 (AS TO PARCEL B) Guarantee No: SG-1572-10615 ttUBDIVISION GUARANTEE The Company's liability for this report is limited to the compensation received. This report is based on the Company's property records, and no liability is assumed for items misindexed or not indexed in the public records, or for matters which would be disclosed by an inquiry of parties in possession or by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. This report and the legal description given herein are based upon information supplied by the applicant as to the location and identification of the premises in question, and no liability is assumed for ~ny discrepancies resulting therefrom. This report does not represent either a commitment to insure title, an examination of or opinion as to the sufficiency or effect of the matters shown, or an opinion as to the marketability of title to the subject premises. I certify this is a true accurate reflection of those documents on file at the King County Court House, Seattle, Washington as of the date and time referenced above. Sunny Johnson :dc Guarantee No: SG-1572-10615 "'''''~~'''; ORDER NO:. 200497875 o~ ... :; .. , l .... :...' ,'" .f li~ ---stewart ~title N .= •• _~_~._ •. =.~=.==~~_ ... ,-_>:,,~_, __ , ___ ._ ... ====.~="'-". ==~~=="==,=,,,,-,=-~~-,_o=~"---==~=--:i;)~-~=~--="-.-~ .. ----.~-~-,,=.-.= .... ~ .. -.,-=-=;~.-.~---~~ .. ~,,~ .. ~~ 0l5!5 . I I I I I : c " This sketch is provided without charge for information. It is net intended to show all matters related to the property including, but not limited to area, dimensions, encroachments or locations of boundaries. It's not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or policy to which it is attached, The company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. Reference should be made to an accurate survey for further information. e c§!:ewart 18000 International Boulevard South, Suite 510 SeaTac, Washington 98188 206-770-8700 • 888-896-1443 fax 206-770-8703. 253-882-2033 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS ORDER NUMBER: 200497875 FOR PROPERTY ADDRESS: PARcEL A 20040702002030.001 e AFTER RECORDI:'lG MAIL TO: lu~n Ul n IU til MSW, LLC PO BOl( 16344 Seattle, WA 98116 20040702002030 rlCOR NATIONAL UO 19 00 PAGEllet OF 001 117/02/2004 1&.19 KING COUNTY, UA E2052601 87/02/2804 1~'lle KING COUNTY, IJA TAX S2,73230 SALE SlS3,Dee e0 PRGEe0! OF 001 -nwCL IITLE (d2, 12-'004-2-_ Statl!tQr:-x"'YJl.rraI!1Yl!~eQ.~.~=~==~===~ Grantor(s): Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves Grantee(s): MSW, LLC Abbreviated Legal: AS5essor's Tax Parcel Number(s): 722140-0086-07 Escrow Number: 8467-SS THE GR-\NTOR Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Ch8ve~, husband and wife for and tD consIderation of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION m hand paId, conveys and warrants [0 MS\\', LLC, a Washington limited Liability Company the followmg descnbed real estate, sItuated 111 the County of King, State of Washmgton Lot(s) 2, City of Renton Short Plat Number LUA·97·134-SHPL, recorded under Recordmg Number 9901269011, m Kmg County, Washmglon Subject to El(ceptlOns and reservatIOns contamed m Deed under Recording II 173811 Easemer.t for underground COmmUfJCatlan hncs and above ground cabmets under Recordmg #9105071373 Covenants, condItions, rcstnctlons and easements contamed In Short Plat under Recardmg 1199012690 II Dated June 28, 2004 ~ Ht'go E Chaves State of County of Waslur.gton Kmg SS: I ccrtll)' that I know or have satIsfactory eVIdence that Hugo E Chaves and UlOk Chaves the person(s) who appeared before me, and saId person(s) acknowledged that they SIgned thIS Instrument and acknowledge It to be their free and voluntary act fer the uses and purposes mentioned In thIS Instrument Dated 6-28-04 Sharon Stuart ~-S""H""A"'R""O"'N~''''S-''T'''U''''M'''~-:'R':T'"'''''-1' Notary Pubhc In and for the State of Washington NOTARY PUBLIC ResldlDg at BeUevue ------''''----- STATE OF WASHINGTON My appoIntment ex;mes ...:1;..:,0/:.::2.:;::8/-=:2.:..:00'-'7 _______ _ COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 28. 2007 LPB·\O AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Hugo E. Chaves 1436 Sun Meadow Lane EI Paso, TX 79936 FIled for Record at Req uest of: Assurance Escrow Inc. Escrow Number: 8467-5S 20040702002031.001 I~~~I~II~ III ~In ~I~II 20040702002031 TICOR KATIONRL OT 22 00 PAGlilll1ll1 OF 1111113 07/0212004 II! 19 KING COUNTY, UR ------------------------T)c.oQ.. TJ TLE- 03 12Ld042-DEED OF TRUST (For use In the State of Washington only) ==Gt-~-MSW, bLC-------____ . __ = __ M.O_._= '-~='~~~-' BeneficIary Hugo E Chaves and Ulok Chaves Trustee Ticor TItle Company Abbrevtated Legal ~:r '2, c.ITY c;t= ~ '5p;l.I-LA4-"11-I~SHPL J /(Ja5'L "flo!24Acol AddltlOnallegal(s) on page Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s) 722140-0086-07 THIS DEED OF TRUST, made thIS 28th day of June, 2004 between MSW, LLC, a WashIngton Limited Liability Company, GRANTOR, whose address IS POBox 16344, Seattle, WA 98116 Tlcor Title Company, TRUSTEE, whose address IS 15 S. Grady 'Vay, Sle. #120 ,Renton, WA 98055 and Hugo E Chaves and Ulok Chaves, husband and wIfe, BENEFICIARY, whose address IS 1436 Sun Meadow Lane, EI Paso, TX 79936 WITNESSETH Grantor hereby barga1Os, sells, and conveys to Trustee m trust, wah power of sale, the following descnbed real property 10 King County, Washmgton Lot(s) 2, CIty of Renlon Short Plat Number LUA-97-134-SHPL, recorded under Recording Number 9901269011, m Kmg County, Washmgton Grantor agrees to pat enUre balance In full on Or before July I, 202~ Grantor may not sell or further encumber thIS property w!thou! the express wntten consent ofL~e BenefiCIary Breach of thIS prOVISIon shall result In all sums owed becom1Og ImmedIately due and payable whIch real property IS not used prinCipally for agncultural or farming purposes, together WIth all the tenements, heredlUlments, and appurter.ances now or hereafter thereunto belonging or In any WIse appertamlng, and the rents, Issues, and profits Ihereof ThIS deed IS for the purpose of securmg performance of each agreement of Grantor herein con tamed, and payment of the sum of ONE HUNDRED NINETEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/lOO Dollars ($ 119,800.00) WIth mterest, In accordance WIth the terms of a promIssory note of even date hcrewlth, payable to BenefiCIary or order, and made by Grantor, and all renewals, modlficat!ons and extensIons thereof, and also such further sums as may be advanced or loaned by BenefiCIary to Grantor, or any of theIr successors or assIgns, together WIth Interest thereon at such rate as shall be agreed upon To protect the secunty of thIs Deed ofTrusl, Grantor covenants and agrees 1 To keep the property 10 good condition and repair, to permll no waste therecf, to complete any bUlldmg, structure or Improvement bemg budt or about to be bUIlt thereon, (0 restore promptly any bulldmg, structure, or Improvement thereon which may be damaged or destroyed, and to comply WIth all laws, ordmances, regulatIOns, covenants, condItions, and restnctlons affecung the property 2 To pay before delmquent all lawful taxes and assessments upon the property, to keep the property free and clear of all other charges, liens or encumbrances Impatrlng the securtty of thIs Deed of Trust To keep all bulldmgs now or hereufter erec:ed all the property descnbed hercIn continuously Insured against loss by fire or other hazards In an amount not less than the total debt secured by thiS Deed of Trust All poliCIes snail be held by the BenefiCIary, and be In such companIes as the BenefiCIary may approve and have loss payable first to the BenefiCIary, as liS mterest may appear, and then to the Grantor The amount collected under any Insurance pohcy may be apphed upon any Indebtedness hereby secured In such order as the BenefiCIary shall determ10e Such applicatIon by the BenefiCIary shall not cause dIscontinuance of any proceedIngs to foreclose thIS Deed of Trust In the event of foreclosure, all nghts of the Grantor In Insurance polICIes then 10 force shall pass to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale 4 To defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the secunty heleof or the fights or powers of Beneliclary or Trustee, and to pay all costs end expenses, IIlcludmg c-Ost of tItle search and attorney's fees In a reasonable amount, In any such actIOn or proceeding, and In any SUI! brought by BenefiCIary to foreclose thIS Deed of Trust 5 To pay all costs, fees, and expenses In connectIOn WIth tbs Deed of Trust, mcludmg the expenses of the Trustee Incurred 10 enforCing the obligatIOn secured hereby and Trustee's and attorney's fees actually 1Ocurred, as prOVIded by statute Page I of 3 LPB·22 20040702002031.002 6 Should Grantor fal! to pay when due any taxes, assessments, Insurance premiums, liens, encumbrances or other charges agamst the property herein above descnbed, BenefiCiary may pay the sace, and the amount so paid, With Interest at the rate set forth In the note secured hereby, shall be added to and become a part of the debt secured In thiS Deed of Trust IT IS MUTVALL Y AGREED TRA T: In the event any portion of the property IS taken or damaged In an emment domal1l proceedmg, the enllre amount of the award or such portl0n as may be necessary to fully satlsiy the obligation secured hereby, shall be paid to BenefiCiary to be apphed to said obligatIOn 2 By acceptmg payment of any sum secured hereby after Its due date, BenefiCiary does nol waive lis nght to reqUire prompt payment when due of all other sums so secured or to declare defaull for faIlure 10 so pay 3 The Truslee shall reconvey all or any part of the property covered by !Ius Deed of Trusl 10 the person enl1tled thereto, on wflllen request of the Grantor and the BenefiCIal)" or upon satisfactIon of the obhgatlOn secured and wntten request for reconveyance made by the BenefiCiary or the person entItled therelo 4 Upon default by Granlor In the payment of any IOdebtedness secured hereby or m the perfonnance of any agreement contained herein, all sums secured hereby shall ,mmed,ately become due and payable at the optIOn of the BenefiCIary ln such evenl and upon wntten request of BenefiCIary, Trustee shall sell Ihe truSI property, In accordance wllh the Deed of Trust Acl of the State of Washington, at pubhc auction 10 the hIghest bIdder Any person except Truslee may bId at Trustee'S sale Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale as follows (1) 10 the expense of the sale, including a reasonable Trustee's fee and a!torney's fee, (2) to the obhgauon secured by thIS Deed of Trust, and (3) the surplus, If any, shall be dls:nbuted to the persons entItled thereto 5 Trustee shall dehver 10 the pu:chaser at the sale lIS deed, WIthout warranty, whIch shall convey 10 the purchaser the Interest In the property whlch Grantor had or had the power to convey al the time of hIS execuuon of thIS Deed of Trust, and such as he may have acquITed thereafler Trustee's deed shall reCIle the facts shOWing that the sale was conducted In comphance WIth all the requlfemcnts of law and of thIS Deed of Trust, whIch recIlal shall be pnma faCIe eVIdence of such comphance and conclUSIve eVIdence L"ereof In favor of bona fide purchaser and encumbrances for value 6 The power of sale conferred by thiS Deed of Trust and by Ihe Deed of Trust Act of the State of Washington IS not an exclUSIve remedy, BenefiCIa!)' may cause thIS Deed of Trust to be foreclosed as a mortgage 7 In :he event of the dea!.", inCapaCIty, d:sablhty 01 resIgnatIOn of Trustee, BenefiCIary may appoint In wntmg a successor trustee, and upon the recording of such appointment m the mortgage records of the county m whIch thIS Deed of Trust IS recorded, Ihe successor trustee shall be vested WIth all powers of the onglnal trustee The trustee IS not obltgaled to nOlliy any party hereto of pendmg sale under any other Deed cfTrust or of any aetlOn or proceedmg m whIch Grantor, Trustee, or BenefiCIary shall be a party unless such acllon or proceeding IS brought by the Trustee 8 ThIS Deed of Trust applies to, lOures to the benefit of, and IS bIndmg not only on the parnes hereto, but on the" heIrs, deVIsees, legatees, administrators, executors. and assIgns The term BenefiCIary shall mean the holder and owner of the note secured hereby, whether or not oam ~BeneficI herem ~ '/ MSW, LLC '.",. L- STATE OF County of Washmgton ...:Kl=n:.t:gL-__________ , ss. uW~ U,ok Chaves I certliy that I know or have satisfactory eVIdence that ..lm....'....'-"'tl"'\"''--~=_N~.::::lA=o:.\_..,.,..------ _...,-__ ,--___ --, ______ ...,---,-slgned thIS Instrument, on oath staled that...;H=e..::'s'--___ _ authOrIzed to execute the mstrument and acknowledged II as the ...:M=an=a~g!!m!lgLM~e:;.m~b~e~r'---------- of MSW, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentlOned In th,S Instrument Daled SHARON STlJART NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 28 2007 Notary Pubhc m and for the Stale of Washtngton Resldmg at ...;B=elc::le::.:V1c..::~::::e __________ _ Page 2 on LPB·22 20040702002031.003 My appoIntment ex pIres .:.1.:.O'~/2:.:8~/2::.:0:.:0:.:7 _____ _ REQVESTFORFULLRECONVEY~~CE Do not record. To be used Dilly when note has been paid. TO: TRUSTEE The undersIgned IS the legal owner and holder of the note and all other Indebtedness secured by the wlthlD Deed of Trust SaId note, together WIth all other mdebtedness secured by saId Deed of Trust, has been fully paJd and satIsfied, and you are hereby requested and dIrected, on payment to you of any sums OWIng to you under the tenns of saJd Deed of Trust, to cancel saId note above mentIoned, and all other eVIdences of Indebtedness secured by saId Deed of Trust delivered to you hereWIth, together WIth the saId Deed of Trust, and to reconvey, wIthout warranty, to the parnes deSIgnated by the terms of saId Deed of .. ,",~"~::,."" ... ::.::.:. ,.:c·="''"''''=-'~·'·''''"'"~rust;~an·the~mte"n'Owhetd'byyOU·!fIemmde~~~'··=~=~~~.~===." =====~~~=====. Dated Mall reconveyance to Do not lose or destroy thIS Deed of Trust OR THE NOTE whIch 11 secures Both must be dclovered to tlle Trustee before canceilallon wIll be made rage) of) LPB-22 ·_--..... --2': A·",..~k-,.,-·; '1II.r......,:;~ .. .,; Lb Pen. PU"d Jeb 2.5,~,2:20 pm. Vol /;1 JD Ule 3up Ct ot K ~0,1J I'pbr1aa Whitehead PUt -.1-.u.~rt 1 POr'r08t, AD aoUon to nett I, e;1Yen to lIec (.2~O ., "'loll IDtgo !s reo in Vol 13~ ot Iltee, ., 297;U!d S. apOD thdl! real e,t 1n K ~, ~ t'j-"U: The .. t ot S1J t"'ot S1J i-.Iot ,eo 21 tp 22-)( R 4 R ir1( exaeptine there!rolll one ao d"l!o •• OOODg at tile S1J "or of .d .00 21 runTlg tJ: ~l the '00 11n. Jr 2011 tt; th !I 209 ft; th 1J to the "'0 liDe r,et' •• ". 21 ~rt 28; tll S a.l Id leo 11ne to '.he plot beg. fog ~ tb the ten. ,0,0. hlo:h S1lDcn, P1Ullt.!tt'. At.torney, De~ P1led Feb 2.5,911,2:22 pm. Dated Jan 30,99 ~on •• 2'O Vol .2. J J D (f>Oc II to !Ht)· !be Renton ~o-op"ratl~e ~olll ::OI!lPllny r--",orp ':'0 RYaJ' n Jone. or Rellten,v '~~r .. ;"act -{ 1:1 plat lVo! the Rellton '::0-op .. rat1~~ '=oa1 ~CQ"bnylll (f}'Plat ~ re;: 1-' ... '! a'D off Jr i: '=0, Ilo~ 17,ge. ~ JIo 71tll Renton Co-o~._.-~tIYe ':041 ':0. "P By JlIl:Jee Vel., President (::0 rp d"l) n P. Jone •• S.~'.~sr1 ~ ot .. ';0 ot X).e. Ian 3O.18 C :; },7 J .. and D Ii .1 Ill! pr .. et and 3e<:7 L"r Oeo II: ~1. Y .Il ..... d for '.1'! .. ~ or .. r"l1 a~ ::om 'JX O~t 14.1JOO. •••• ••••• 'C.4 ••• C ... ., •• D.o orlie_., • ..: Ptled leb ? ... ,~9.:!;~!I po. Vol· J.', DJ'l113812 ,/ Dat •• 'eb za ft. KDo. ail ~en; !'1lll.t r do her,,!,:! c"rt 4.W de" tha~. J aID lila,.,. ... the h-.d o! II. fAID '>1ld '0 1:0'0" Il.:tuall:; rIO, 1F1th C"J raa on the. ...... her.ta .. ,.,. d .. o; that c::y ran 'lOn".l~r.r or a .. t eDid one uhlId ,.( .... l.nd and "rc:z" on "~Ieh Jr.,. Ilnt d'.<J U Il It In !'I, K ~o, .. If' '0-.1', ./ / I~-, l.ot, elt ;[l Te.l"r·a Second A. d to th e '! o[ ~ .upplem"ntal .~. ,. reo i'la' • ... , i' t..,. tilt to gfte and elm ad llUld 1I1·h d".111n£11ou8. ther~ oa .. • b .... tead alld r herllb, "el." t Uul 01 aJ. th". ame a. 10. home-~'."J IIlat tt.e ao:ual p.aeh ~al or ad pro), I e.t to lie '1,000; &ad Uta, r hay. D_e,. •• leoted or :Jlal.ed ~1 other hOCle.t'ad. I -at. ~.rl r'a.eh c~.&l) I of W ~ ot K) ••• PM ;U," by '! " ber Jor apll (}roll ,I P In And ror th e If ct ..... at II. ~Oll III ,.b "',1803. (I".; ata att) .. ' •••• ~ ..... -.~& •••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••• r~ Vol .... t. Jf& QII I'ra t t ... , 01. &lHI Joa epl-. Pra.· tIler ., , do b "'0' 1 £ t a ; AI land I. E ~,1J, r~-... lt:1 r.o .. Y and ~ bllt 16 0:-re" Plat. !o Corn.lia J B.atty ot S ,; unto ;' p md ~o hllr h I,uj a tl1 0 nC ,. •• 0 '400 lind il.t J "1t, • ot W ~ of n .. r.b 2!,ge tJ1 A II I' and at l~ p.r an, ned, 1n~ '!O(:l a t fIoo. ADn1e lla\Jd Pratt S.al' .TO'erh Pratt (~.al) • p la lind to,. '.11 e II of .. rei J P her hl.l:>L C.ep oxa.:r.l LIlt .t " 'rate,' .. at S. COlD e. Noy 4,1\X)2. j ... .. 0010· .. 13·Bll EASEMENT Job qo-l-Q41"i KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: (lrlt0~IV 4tH'£.. oS j.J ~,¥. '~:l dlJ For and In conslderoilon of ~ -v -4 a:;D •. Ihe under~lgned. harelnaller referred 10 os Granlor(&). heroby gr8nl.~ 8 pcrpelual e8semonllo Pacific NorltlwoSI Bell Telephone Company. a Wash!nglon Corporallon. liS sur.cessors ond assigns. herolnaller relerred 10 a~ Granlee. wilh Ihe rig hI. pri"lIego and aulhorlly 10 place. consiruci. maintain. Inspecl, reconsiruci. repair. roplace. remove and keep obslecles clear IromGranlce'S lacilliles conslsllng 01 ___ _ Undergro"nd commllnication 11-llgs-and-a~-OUil~e-t~"''r-____________ _ il, anj olMr 8Ppurlenances os Ihe Granlee may from lime 10 lime require ovor. across, upOn end under Iho herolnaller desc:ioed : properly slluated In King County. Siote 0' ~g..t..oO--and ISdescribod as follows: :l J'!l ~ Lot J, Renton Co-Op Coal Camp.:,")" s Tr:Jcts 0 I the t\onh S5 feet. All located in I ."J ~~1'~ Section 17, Tovnah1p 23 Noreh, Ronse 5 East, ILN. ~ 0;> . ____ ._ --.• -.-~=~--...,=c-·1Z~'""=""c='·,O==·"'="""~-""'=:,"'.:-..?' --~.--''' ... -.~-=~===,. -.-; ~ra casement b~':ng Tive =(5') -fc;~ 1n width, he'ing the ~~~ five (5) feet Of' .0 . ~., cr the nbove described propert~·. ~ ;... <: >.Q lJ -g~ "ii:: :l:, ~ W u ILl tX:' c - Subject to easements and restri:tlons of record. ?' --91"05/07 #1~73 RECf) F ~.('l(l ,.., RECFEF. 2.00 ~ -'. CRSHSl. ...... • .. : ... 7.00 ' .. ~~ "-.. : .. " :>->-or ~ r:'j,:~ Granlee shall 01 all limes heve Ihe righl of lull and free Ingress 10 and egress Irom said praceJly described abov~. wllh Ine unders!Dnding II',al Granlee shalf be lespo~sible lor ail damage caused 10 Granlar aris','g Irom Granlee's exerCise ollhe righls and privi1coes herein granted. Granlor reserves the Ilgh! 10 use the eJ5cmcnilor llny purposes as long JS nOI rr.consiSlcrll With nOt an inlcrierence with '11e rights gr~H·lled Grantee herein TM rlghls. condilions ond provlslcns 01 Ihis easemenl sMII Inure 10 Ihe Dcoelil of and be binding upon Ihe h""s. e.eculars. edminislralols. succ~ssors anj assigns of Ihe rcspccllve panics hOlClO In wliness wnereollho undersigned has cxeculed InlS InS\fumenllhls _",3",,-__ dayel _~O~c._J..,~~k-s-,,_ ....... __ , , 9 q 0 Wllness', __________________ _ (Individual Acknowlildgomonl) SIOICOI_~~ Counly or ____ l..K.::>...'-, :::....-..-'-_____ _ On !!'lIS OJy pClpC'n;)Uy LI 000 i)rC'C1' be/oro mtJ LleVl '-O"N\~ t--Ic,uy~t-1 knOvin 10 mo Ie bo IhC I:'ICllviOuOI :? whO cJt'CulcCl Ino fOtc-going insl'umcnl. ana JCk~CCl9~:llh;]1 ~ Glgne" 'he some os =:+-bee ~......... IrCD snd vo1unlJry DC: ana accd, lor ,,,,, uses ana purposos hOloln meniioned Givon und':'f my hnn~ ollil 011iCIJ/ SOJlll"liS 3 cay 01 •• Cs-\.cl,,.-v= .19~ -- "xQi Q<lnft u)'c Liell Nr,lIycn (Corpota'ft AeknowlodgomDn11 SIPJIC 01---------__ 7/'-_ 7 / CoU:'ily Ol / Orema Cf IhO cooo/aiton If'"IJI lcculcd InC' fotegolng instrument. and DClI;noYw'll'OgcCl ,~;tJ IrtSllumQnl 10 bI) 1110 freo and 'folunldl)' OCI ,mel elect of SOld COrpotallon, fOf Iho u~e5 anCl p'.JrpQses thetOIn ~n:'QllOC. one on oalll &IOlod Ihal __ wos/'norc nul rllt'd 10 OIl(!cuID sale InSllumon: on bohrJlI althO corper ion my "'.lnll ana OIlI<:lal 500t Ihi~ _____ doy 0' __ 1-________ .19 __ _ tJotJry ~DhC to unO IOl Ihc SIDlo 01 _____ _ Ics1dlng tll _____________ _ My comnllSSIOll CJ.pifC~· _________ _ . I~ ,.j I' Ii I' '; ·,1 VOl./PAGl CHAVES SIIOHT PLAT PORTION SWI/4, SEC 17, T23N, R5E R[COROING N0li 9901269011 1~7 107 A I SHORT PLATH LUA~9l-134-SHPL CITY OF R[NTON LAND US[ ACTION NO. WA--97-1J4-Sf-IPL CITY OF 1?[N70N LAND R[CORD NO. LNO-20-0212 SCALE-I Ifcn -10 'L [IIJIlX._I_ _ I Ii '0 0 I ....... - ,:1 · ... 1 :~ 1 I I , l' I I-~ ,8 I~ 1 I '" I I~ I I I GRAPHIC SCALE .;:.- ." I I~FEI:T ) _ . .1. Inclr:= 20 ft. COMPM-i'(S , ,rfI'" 1~' lO .. ~. ,'fLAcrZ Of ..•. .' n A'fjVF: COAr., . N COOPF:fV"··· 'll (/1'1'" ,~j L01 ' . F-SNTO .. £ TfLAC'fS p~T ~ ACt' .,' .JOOOO· (ptA-') . HIW,j~[ (PltJ) In "" (IICAS) ""WOO'OO'C . '11 ~ '.Ii ~1! Nli Ii Ii O il! I! I' Ii -Il jl " MOl vr ... "" CASCW[WT ~r:r:~n: ct ,f;:IKMj COUNT'!' "fC. ~f'IO "0,J071J1 il I: sl I I I I I I I I I I 'iSJ!" . ,': N9CTOO'OO·C •.. : ...• ,-.-,:. '.,wOOl! " ", f-----n-~--... -. --, -. --=r= .. -' .-. -. ---~ ---" -. -.-----f. -~::l. ~. .... '", ... ' .... :." ~-. -~-, --~--:,- b;p~ .:: .1,' .: .... [:r1571"fC..A5PHAL~.PA[) .' :~. -,', ~ ~ ,.' .' -'~----c4---'- I , J 16 I I I I L. I q I J .. --to'f ~<fJ t: I I ~ I \'I1,~9''' 1i I , I ,,., 00 '-"'--0 ---ii _J LOT.!<;o~ J~:.~o;~ So. " ~K~f;~' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 ~ ]0' H9(fOO'OO' C r-".ici.~'--~.~.: crj 1 ["jl' :.:::. ~ I~ n::: I ~ "<:[' 1; c:l ,- t31 "" \~ 1f>'J(1), "." : ..... . LEGEND' c;:O:::l roo,.,o 1/4 CQRH{" t.IOM.J6,lfwr AS o;'f()WH ~ FooN{) WONUIIlWT <tS 5,., ........ • S[T ~/,,-R£BAR t4N(J CAP 1.5. 2gS.J7 & SClPItJ.oA,Jf.. HUV(IF..{ POIW1 1 /-r{lUND ~)N /"1 LAS[ N90'oo'O(f"[ s .:~ ~'~'N'/ .. ~,. OF rR,llCI J 1'9'1dJ' (W4S) JOO 00' (pull 1~j L01 f ~.~. ., BASIS OF BEARING. 'H( '1'JA3i5 or fH.~S r()llt ~IS W4P ~ It< CCNT[R(1Ni OF C(DAN A~NUC SOVTH.. QI'I .. ~NC OF souoo',xn, ..-s SU()M'l/ . N9O'OO'fXf( Ntt'T~ I Me (PL"') ....... S 6TH Sf :,-,/9' 1 /' (/\IoU( IN (ONCHfll) ---------4--rOl.JNO C'OfC !ION IN CASE \ • ff)(JH(I WON IN CA.5[ (91USS e,.P fIr/puHOI) ~-:!'mlM:A5) (BASIS or fH..tPINC) (NAt IN COHCRfH) ~ s 1/. C(JRH[R 11-1J-" ~ ./ 50000 R?iI tnY OF "(/ffl)N CONTJIIOt CfTY or RCNTrJN C'ONJJlOI. \ "'->H7 , 41. ('/91) f'OIN1 I 41.5 (~/p]) \ I , __ rOON() /JON IN rA.">( 1027 '6 _ <.., ./ (NAIl'" Co-.cRffl) _ _ SM'JI'OJiIf __ "-------________ ~ _:'_ 7TH S:, -'t-__ «~ __ ~~ ______ ~9~"~) ___ -~~ --J'-----~ ------------V- i l !; I: '!I Ii I ;j I' 'd Ii 1: -'1' 11 ::'l f 'I f/</~ 8 I I i ~ ~ ~ " ~ • \ ~ / 1:, ,.1.. . . . 1 .1 . I 10 20' I 20' I ... I I ~I ~ 81V) ~ I . ,~ I~ I ~ la h '~ 1k1 In::: I I I , T I I 20' '0 I~ I' I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I . I~ :.J s: e 1\ e ~ ~ • B ~ ,~ • ~ . , .... :. RENTON SHORT PL"l'H LU"Cc 97-134-SHPL '", ', . llNO'" AU. P(~('8Y ~[S( ';~[S[Io(1S '"C'::"'_ !toto und •• ,iqnt" ·~~"t., in t •• ~""O'e ~·i"" lone ",....:... d'III:"btd,',dIO " .. _by .... '.".. ,'"...,,, lubdMtion t~ol ClI'd IIlclGt, ,hi, mil" 16 M '''. g,dphOc itP'f'wnlr-ollCin of .o~ •. lIN! ,..".. told tI'\tIrl .ubd ..... OQj'1· .. mod • ...-.I" ,,,. ,," conM""I," and In OC:CD'do"C.'·wt\h.lr.. de..-' 01 ,,,_ 0 .... ., ... Wff!0C55 WH(R(or .... t ou' honOs and .. ot. ~--== N;,;;. ::'Icn. 0' WoI'"nqlon C" .. ,"} of _.Kl ...... ~. ______ _ • e .... lrfy ''''''. I ~no. 00' I>Q'o'I' .a1ltloclQt.,. .. ...o."c. Ihoi _1~~ Cb"vc.1> ______ _ .. .,...d .ht, """_1 on' .,...,,_'-dq<Pd ,I 10 ..,.. I"./"~rl 101M ond ~Io,.,. oct lor In.. IIW'I ond ~ _nr,o"f'd.· ... :!"'-, .... I ...... ,,, .... ' I; .';~";~;"'\ -I PUSlIC : ",~:;~,~;:::.-~:~~~!j ~""'"''''-__ ~''' _ ~ tor"'o.., !:Iuton( ....::...t:T..l. 001.., _~~~_L ._ 1041 oppOl"'~~~" hll;'u _L.:...... .1..9.....':.....13 __ S' 01. 01 w.o""t1~ on. . .". .: : e .. "",, 01 ~---=-_____ .~ 1 unity thol .l.1mo. Of ... a.. 'Oh.to.cto-y ~...:. 1/,(1\. . ' lb) Q &. (kart ~ __ "q.-..d , ..... In.I ... ,., .... 1 0"4 "~ .. 9""~q.d It 10 boI ("IiI/"'u) , ... o ... d· ...,..,..Iory od 10' I ...... _ and JMI':P'O'"' ..... nH(>I'Of"d I ... l"'t· :nwirvm ... ' E-~;l~y.;~~" f .. ~>·~:;'\O--·~;'~.,~~\ ~f/~OlARr~\~"1 '\ ;,V ...-:;L,c; ~j ! l'I\::;:,':;~:~1i ~OIOS~";:~;: ~ . ~:_~...i~~" ~nl",~1 ".";"1 ~.j3~?- RECORDE.R'S cunlFICA I["~/,;;'{., 7Q//. filed lor record thI9>'.',"~. doy 00-.r. ,1999 ot/"'",,!' in book.lJl .. ofl.k'.l"f(al page ~.~1~1 'he request 01 ....-7t=--UI.J Wild SUt.l!. of R~tor(1!.'l APPROVALS: __________ , KING COUNlY RECORDING NO II 99012~9011 Clrr or RlNfQrll DlPAR1MENT or AssrSSMENTS (.omtn~ and oOPt_d '"'' _~~ .• dDY of _~JiJlY-IJ.~.::r_. "~ii;'" o ... ~" ,,,., ler,o, ., J,f/jlU!~;j, "" ;;;.nllt,atoo/f!;.;;~rf!~-----· ---Sell'" N.J.te,.. SCALE: cb.. 10 ft. [lIIJ:C:::=r::::...=r:==:::r=---..:r:="'J 10 01 M ~ ~:~;~~~===~=~ o.P"'1 .......... PORTION or il I 1l...E~_'!4! of Ji,!'c-_'!4, sl [/ __ r",E._ R ._L_ .lrc;ctUli Nu,..,bc:. J--'..l!,y"~=--o~!.r: ___ _ Clrr OF R[NTON LAND USE ACTION NO. LUA-97-734~Sf/PL cm: .. O[r,'[NION LAND R[CORD NO. LND-·20-0212 ~ .. ·~C-{U U{A5U~~ '-OR 11115' S~ Pf.roRI.I(P··" . W",<I" 7' TOPC'OH C1"S JB ~wr:'irr ntn{oVSr W(T><IDS AND W[I all {XC(lO IoC(vt'ACt' ST~OS or I:IO.~· . ," .' BASIS 0,' BEARINGS 1H( 945'5' 0' B(A~INCS f~. rHtS': utP 1'5 TNf C[foI1(RIINl OF C(OAIf .,h["lJ( !J'O(/tH. AS S~_ (SOUOO'lO""; ILGAL DESCRIPTION: r~ IoJOR'''' ,:5 'TLT CY IlIAC' J, PI'" , I or R{NTOH co.JP(1(.tTN(" C(W (OWPA,M-'S ACRl I.Ito&Crs AlX'OROING '0 "# PI,AT TU{R({)I' IIHX1RO£O ,.(IV I-{)(UW[ P or "'LArs. PIICI. 19,; 1Uc:t"'RDS ()I' KIM;. COUUTY. tMA.5HlHC'O~ .' '. ItlSC';""TQNS AN) fIt'[~' AS R[CaRO[O IJhI)(R lONG C'OlIH't'r RCCQlfNNC MJflBCtt "1#" · 1M( G1JAI'fJ'o,IP C.'U'Tl ANJ ~Srot'l£.s AU c.'ON.. · CLAr, S7(lIO,£, 01 AMJ .Al.r .".w('.tAl S QIf ~1fA£ · P<I'OOUCI'1" '04CR('l..WfU sn~. tffTH '/<If IIICWf TO II'N!. Q/,JNl1(Y AIfD PIlOCIJRCTHC SAN[ ., AM" TtAJf J,l£J£AI'T[R .• /tHO n.£ LA"Itl AFORr;AiO 15 SCltO ~ n<c ~IOH ,,..., N["~" rH( Cll.VlTff ':: :::t°'1nlgr6~l~~~ n:'C ~~~ 6iW.T. ~OUS OR O'H(1f'MOI(Q'~ £.IQ(.I()ItS 0" pc/UMT rwt s.wr TO tJ{ sao (tIT·It(PJ 1'011 TkF SALe ()I# -KeeP 011 PCINIT ro et .'CPT JIHY 1oO.IU"-" OF PIfOSmUTJ()N UKJH TI-C ReI/( f'S'A'r ~R(W'I ilevA.rrcw no-rvll 150' (~SU¥£D) ........... oc~o lJ£HC~ WOMJWCNI AI noIT[ltSfC1IOH or C[DAR AIo{M.J( SCUlU AND SOUtH "H S"TR[(' CROSS RE:FERENCE: Rfrt"f"HC( IS ~ 10 me fOl.l(}fltlrNC ~ fOR SCCfIOH SlA6.?M'SOH AND f~ ...,~, __ w . PLM H() I or RC"'ON Co-OPfRArM C().4.I COilPANrS 'ICR( nw:rs, \'O(.u.wr, or PtAF'S", PAG( n ~CCORO or SlPM"Y B(I(lK 'OJ. P~f .Ja AQIlWEH PHOTECTION' HOTICr, .,~:sp~g~~~ J.!l~~~ too;UCffCHTf)N'S rf["OU"'f~ or ,~ orr "c~ ~f 1<l/.>6> .. rJ./15 crrrs SOlI SOURCe OF OIN«~'."ArCR t$' SUPP(Ii'[J IlION A !:"MtJ.lolI' JoI}(6CJl UNDlR JI~' CJTY SUIirACC THrlIf" IS ~ .... rv'W BARRIER lI(Tlr£[H 1hf "'111' .'NIle AJ.I(J (.11(JUHD ~% J~~~C~J.!:fo~:C~ :;:40 10 Pf/I01rC' fROil coNrM'f IoffTH tHe ~ S1Afi"ItCC. " IS r~ OftNCR'S .-.rsro~.uty 'o'~rrc' 1t1£ CYTr"'S "PRI~"'; It'''rc.cr. • , '. . - LANO SURVlYOR'S CERTIFICA TE SiTE ADDRESS,' 10, 1 ..12t'i {c04R AIo{".tlf ~1J.4 R[WTe»<. ~'O/'( M06.5 tor 2 J1~ fU""ON A~NU( SOtf7U ~WTCW, ~100'01~" LOT AREAS, IOTA./: AJlf'" 0 J6 /fCRfS (15,4rKJ Sr) PROPOSCIl 1 or tOrs 1 AIt(" (If lor I: 9,010 SOUARl fCn ARt" or Lor 1. 1,.110 S()UARC frn ARfA or p:mwc; I'()(JSI: 1.41J SCJ(JAJlC rrn 1UM~ 113 ...... Thl, Shorl Piol correcHy rep'e,enI9 0 ,un'ty mode by me or under "...y 'lirection in conlormOnce ..... 1'''' the reQUirement, at the ooprO(:lriole Siote ond Courtly Stotute cnd Qr<.llnonce i,.. June, 1997 ~.t7'~ ( ~ ! 1 CRONES & ASSOC. ~ A LAND SUHVEYORS Cer\tf,eole No .?9!iJ7 1lI0II ItQtI _, U ..... _ ....... _, 4_1 'u.".111 I: II " :) iJ II ~ ~ I I i I ~ ,~ r t·· :1 u I! . r P-i' ~ ~ " " I [ :I,i :1 w C> .. a. ...... ...i ~. Q' :> HUGO CHAVES 0"""I'9Y ~ a',ft ,JOB NO, , _ '!BOH ' "..fiNe 1997 ,'ClIAVCS,Fi.k CHKfI, Sl" SC"'l[ ',SHUT '''l! JOC .r 2 70' Dr 2 • Ie 'e ~ e c§!ewarf 18000 International Boulevard South, Suite 510 SeaTac, Washington 98188 206-770-8700 • 888-896-1443 fax 206-770-8703. 253-882-2033 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS ORDER NUMBER: 200497875 FOR PROPERTY ADDRESS: p~e.EL-B AFTER RECORDI~G MAIL TO Fidelity National Title Company 3500 188th St. SW #300 I-,l(1lflWMdJ WA 98937 JJJJ1'"1UltII II FlDEL.ITY HATlO UO 19 ell PIIGU01 O~ atl 01/13/20&4 14 2B KING COUNT V , UA E2012926 01/13/2004 14'21 KING COUNTY, UA TAX 14,S5400 SAL.E $2 e,e0e 00 P~GE001 OF 00! 20040113001481.001 "~=~-C"-_,.~~=~= .... _~=.~~iled"fur-ReCOI4atRequest..o£=Thc.:ralon,..Group.. U400"SESth Street"B~Ue.~ •. WA~.9800iL~.=~=~= '==~"'~"===='~'=~".~' .• "~'~= ." ··· .. ·EscrowNumberl-OJII-064-c..p.. . ....... Statutory Warranty Deed Grantor(s) Ivana Lillie Grantee(s) Arbor Heights, LLC Abbreviated Legal Ptn Tr 3, Plat No I, RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL CO'S ACRE TRS Addtllonallegal(s) on page Assessor's Tax Parcel Numbcr(s) 722140-0080-03 THE GRANTOR Ivana Ltttle, Tru~tee of the Decedent's trust and I vona Little, Trustee of the Survl vor's Trust established under the George and Ivona Little Revocable LlvlIlg Trust Dated October 29,1997 for and m consideratIOn ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD MTD VALUABLE CONSlDERA TION ill hand paid, conveys and warrants James Schmlll, a single man, as hiS separate estate the followmg descnbed real eS'ate, s!luated III the County of(Kmg), State of Was lung ton The South 90 feet o( the East ISO (eet of Tract 3. PI.t No 1 of RENTON CO·OPERA T1VE COA L COM PANY'S ACRE TRACTS, accordln!! to the PIBt thereof recorded In Volume 9 o( Plats. rsg_ 29, records of King Counrv. Washington. Sltu.te In the County of King, State of Washington. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED HEREIN, THE SELLERS' WARRMHIES AND COVENANTS UNDER THIS STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ARE LIMITED AS FOLLOWS TITLE IS MARKETABLE AT THE TIME OF THIS CONVEY ANCE THE fOLLOWING SHALL NOT CAUSE THE TITLE TO BE l1l'MARKETABLE RtGHTS, RESERVATtONS. COVENANTS, CONDtTIONS. AND RESTRICTIONS. PRESENTLY OF RECORD AND GENERAL TO THE AREA, EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENTS. 1'0T MATER tALLY AFFECTING THE VALUE OF OR UNDULY INTERfERING WITH GRANTEE'S REASONABLE USE OF THE PROPERTY, AND RESERVED OIL AND/OR MINING RIGHTS -, Recorded at the ",,\I"..£t at Dated thiS /2-day Of_~--,-a~_--,=,O~v__ FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE By 'S:. ff-vc?zJ4 ~~<, By ___ --'oUJrLlolde"'-r..!!#_~M=_='--.:._y_1,{)-- Ivana Liltle, Trustee [ F (?1 Dy __________________________ By ______________________ ___ STATE OF WASHINGTON County ofKtng 55 I certtfy thatl know or have sattsfactory eVIdence thatlvona Llttle,J"'\na Little, Trustee of&1are the person(s) who appeared before me, and said pcrson(s) acknowledged that he\~hey SIgned thiS Instrument and acknowledge It as the Trustee of the the Decedent's trust and the Survtvor's Trust establtshed under the George and Ivona Laic Revocable L,Ving T rJst Dated October 29, 1997 to be hlS!~!heJr free and voluntary act for the use, and purposes menuoned In thiS Instrument Dated 122 -/9-0;)- K. A.lENFESTY al'ATU)F WoUHtNGTON Re ~""""'IQI!JQOIIlU' O~7 • NOTARY'_o-I'U8UC V , , 20040113001482.001 Assessor's Parcel or Account Number 7221406080-03 Abbreviated Legal Descnpuon PTN TR 3, PLAT NO.1, RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL CO'S ACRE TRS [Include lot, block and plat or section, townshIp and range) Full legal descnpuon located on page 16 Trustee. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE __________ --IISpace Above ThIs Lme For Recordtng Data)-] ----------- DEED OF TRUST R~{H'detl :It the request of FIDELITY NATIONAL iiTLE Order # ~~..-l--L--'-';:;""-t-- DEFlNlTIONS Words used In muluple secaons of UllS document are defined below and other words are defm m Secaons 3, 11, 13, 18.20 and 21 Certaln rules regardmg the usage of words used m tIllS document are also provided In Sectlon 16 (A) "Secunty Instrument" means thIS document. which IS dated January 7, 2004 together With all Riders to thIS document. (B) "Borrower" IS JAMES SCHMITT ,A SINGLE MAN Borrower IS the trustor under tillS Secunty Instrument (C) "Lender" IS NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION WASHINGTON,SIngle Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT G -6(WA) (0012) ® Page 1 0115 s- VMP MORTGAGE FORMS (80 Form 3048 1/01 0001297037 11111111111111111111111111111111111 Lender IS a CORPORATION organIzed and eXlsung under the laws of CA LI FORN I A Lender's address IS 18400 VON KARMAN, SUITE 1000 IRVINE, CA 92612 Lender IS the beneficIary under thiS Secunty Insrrument (D) "Trustee" IS FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 20040113001482.002 ____________ l~)_ ~'~()~_e~~f!l~'luhU'LOn:!.!.~O!:y_!l.O~ _~!&!!,~ l?X !32I'!.~~e! _~g ciateq _J a~~_!lrY } I = 2 a 0t~ ___ ~_~-~_-~~~ ___ -----_ ~~_____ __ __ -~c_~_~'~_~~_~_ -_--:-:TheNotestiies-ihatBorroweiowesLellderTwo Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand and ~-------~ ---- No/100 -------------------------------------------DollMs (U S $ 238,000. 00 ) plus mterest Borrower has promised to pay thIS debt m regular Penodlc Payments and to pay the debt m full not later than February 1, 2034 (F) "Property" means the property that IS descnbed below under the headmg ''Transfer of RIghts In the Properry " (G) "Loan" means the debt eVIdenced by the Note, plus mterest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note, and all sums due under thIS Secunty Insrrumenl, plus Interest (H) "RIders" means all RIders to thIS Secunty Insrrument that are executed by Borrower The followmg Riders are to be executed by Borrower (check box as apphcable] [i] Adjustable Rate RIder o Balloon Rider o VA Rider o Condommmm RIder o Planned Umt Development RIder o BIweekly Payment RIder o Second Home RIder o 1-4 Famuy RIder LXI Other(s) [spectfy) Prepayment Rider Arm Rider Addendum (I) "Applicable Law" means all conrrolhng apphcable federal, state and local statutes, regulauons, ordmances and admmlsrrauve rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as alJ applIcable fmal, non-appealable JUdlClal opInions (J) "Community ASSOCIation Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges that are unposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominIUm assoclanon, homeowners assoclaUon or sImilar organlZaUon (K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any rransfer of funds, other than a rransacnon ongmated by check, draft, or SimIlar paper Instrument, whIch IS mluated through an elecrromc terminal, telephOniC Instrument, computer, or magneuc tape so as to order, msrruct, or authonze a fmanclal msUtuUon to debll or credIt an account Such term meludes, but IS not iJmlted to, pOlnt-of-sale transfers, automated teller machme rransacnons, rransfers InIuated by telephone, WITe rransfers, and automated cleannghouse rransfcrs (L) "Escrow Items" means those Items that are descnbed m Secuon 3. (M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensauon, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds prod by any thrrd party (other than msurance proceeds prod under the coverages descnbed In Secnon 5) for (1) damage to, or dcsrrucuon of, the Property, (n) condemnauon or other t.akmg of all or any part of the Property, (Ill) conveyance m lleu of condemnanon, or (IV) mlsrepresentanons of, or omISSions as to, the value and/or condluon of the Property. (N) "Mortgage Insurance" means msurance protectIng Lender agamst the nonpayment of, or default on, the Loan (0) "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (I) prmclpal and mterest under the Note, plus (Il) any amounts under Secuon 3 of thiS Secunty Instrument G-6(WA) (0012) ® Page2of15 0001297037 Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.003 (P) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 USC Secuon 2601 et seq) and Its lmplemennng regu]auon, Regulanon X (24 C F R Part 3500), as they mIght be amended from Ilme to tIme, or any addluonal or successor leglslalJon or regulanon that governs the same subject matter As used In thiS SecunlY Instrument, "RESPA" refers to all requrrements and restrlcuons that are rrnposed 10 regard to a "federally related mortgage loan" even If the Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA (Q) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken otle to the Proper[]', whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obhgauons under the Note and/or thIS Secunty Instrument '.-c-=.~=~,-.,--,."':"~~""-::-.:...~"'_'~~'''''=-_"''-"'''''--:;=:-----''''=''''',,,,,,-:-==,",,'''-=':-O::-===-;:::::::'-'==:_''''': ... --:-~.,-:,,~=~~_::-:-.o:=,:,"=;:'~=='_-:-':':-=-::-::::-'': .• '-:-;;:--=:,:_""='_-=".-~~ ... '-_:::,",C-~==_-":"='=::-:-=""~.,...-.";:;"="=":'7:_"":-::-:="'-=--,",,'"'':!'"'''~'--:::-':''=:-~--='''-~=':-=='=::::~'-'':::-~_"':.-=--::''=-""::'''''_'''=",,-.• ':-:'o.'~''=' TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY TIllS Secunty Instrument secures to Lender (1) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extenSIOns and moduicanons of the Note, and (11) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under thIS Secunty Instrument and the Note For thIS purpose, Borrower rrrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, In trust, WIth power of sale, the follow1Og descnbed property located 10 the COUNTY of KING [Type of RecordIng Junsdlctlonj [Name of Recordmg Junsdlcl10nj SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Parcel ID Number. 722140-080-03 329 RENTON AVENUE S RENTON ("Propeny Address") whIch currently has the address of [CIIY] ,Washmgton [Stroet] 98055 [ZIp Codel TOGETHER WIlli all the Improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fIxtures now or hereafter a part of the property All replacements and addItIOns shall also be covered by thIS Secunty Instrument All of the foregomg IS referred to 10 thIS Secunty Instrument as the "Property" BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower IS lawfully seIsed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the nght to grant and convey the Property and that the Property IS unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record Borrower warrants and WIll defend generally the utle to the Property agamst all clauns and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record THJS SECURITY INSTRUJv1ENT combmes umform covenants for nanonal use and non-umform covenants WIth lImIted vanalJons by Junsdlcuon to consulUte a uniform secunty mstrument covenng real property 0-6(WA) (0012) ® Page 3 of 15 1m,,(}£-0001297037 Form 3048 1101 20040113001482.004 Ut-HFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows 1. Payment of Pnncipal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower shall pay when due the pnnclpal of, and Interest on, the debt eVidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Secuon 3 Payments due under the Note and thiS Secunty Instrument shall be made In U S currency However, If any check or other Instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or thIS Secunty Instrument IS returned to Lender unprud, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and thIS Se{:unty Instrument be made ill one or more of the follOWIng forms, as selected ···='·~-~~·.·~~~~·~-:~·-:'"=~~~::::-py-_unaei;-xa)cas1f;'-'(15rmoner~Oidef;Tc)~~c&flfiea"checl('bank:Chea::tteasurei's~Cffea=6f-casmeI"n;neEK;-~'~~-'~.-~~~'=-~~:~.~"~~".~ '.-.... . . provided any such check IS drawn upon an InstItUUon whose depOSits are UlSured by a federal agency, instrumentalIty, or enUty, or (d) Electromc Funds Transfer Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the locauon deSignated 10 the NOle or at such other locauon as may be deSignated by Lender In accordance wllh the nooce provIsIOns m Secuon 15 Lender may return any payment or parual payment If the payment or paroal payments are InsufficIent to bnng the Loan current Lender may accept any payment or parual payment InsuffIcIent to bnng the Loan current, Without wruver of any fIghts hereunder or prejudIce to Its nghts to refuse such payment or parual payments In the future, but Lender IS not oblIgated to apply such payments at the orne such payments are accepted If each PerIodic Payment IS applIed as of Its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay mterest on unapplIed funds Lender may hold such unapplIed funds unul Borrower makes payments to bnng the Loan current If Borrower does nOl do so WIthIn a reasonable peflod of ume, Lender shall eIther apply such funds or return Ll)em to Borrower If not applIed earher, such funds WIll be applIed to the outstandmg pnnclpal balance under the Note Immediately pnor to foreclosure No offset or c!cum whIch Borrower might have now or In the future agamst Lender shall relieve Borrower from makIng payments due under the Note and thiS Secunty Instrument or performmg the covenants and agreements secured by thIS SecurIty Instrument 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise descnbed 10 thIS Secuon 2, all payments accepted and applIeD by Lender shall be apphed III the follOWIng order of pnonty (a) mterest due under the Note, (b) pnnclpal due under the Note, (c) amounts due under Secuon 3 Such payments shall be applIed to each Penodlc Payment In the order 10 which It became due Any remamIng amounts shall be applIed first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under thIS Secunty Instrument, and then to reduce the pnnclpal balance of the Note If Lender receIves a payment from Borrower for a delInquent Penodlc Payment which Includes a suffiCIent amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delInquent payment and the late charge. If more than one Penodlc Payment IS outstandIng, Lender may apply any payment receIved from Borrower to the repayment of the Penomc Payments If, and to the extent that, each payment can be paId In full To the extent that any excess eXIsts after the payment IS applied 10 the full payment of one or more Penodlc Payments, such excess may be applted 10 any laIC charges due Voluntary prepayments shall be applted flIst to any prepayment charges and then as descnbed 10 the Note. Any apphcauon of payments, msurance proceeds, or MIscellaneous Proceeds 10 pnnclpal due under the Note shall not extend or postpone the due daLe, or change the amount, of the Penodlc Payments 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Penodlc Payments are due under the Note, unnl the Note IS prud In full, a sum (the "Funds") La prOVIde for payment of amounts due for (a) taxes and assessments and other Hems which can attam pnonty over thiS Secunty Instrument as a ben Or encumbrdl1ce on the Property, (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, If any, (c) premIUms fOf any and all Insurance feqUlred by Lender under Secuon 5, and Cd) Mortgage Insurance premIUms, If any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender 10 lIeu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premIUms 10 accordance WIth the proVISIons of Secoon 10 These Items are called "Escrow Items" At ongmallon or at any ome dunng the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Commumty AssocIauon Dues, 0-6(WA) (0012) ® Page 4 of 15 cr 0001297037 Initials _ \ Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.005 Fees, and Assessments, If any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Item Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all nouces of amounts to be pard under 11m Secuon Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender warves Borrower's obligauon to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items Lender may waIve Borrower's obligauon to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any ome Any such waJver may only be 10 wnung In the event of such waJver, Borrower shall pay dueetly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow hems for which payment of Funds has been WaIved by Lender and, If Lender reqUires, shall furnish to Lender receIpts =. __ ~~="~=_=_~ __ :_=.=~YJ.qe,.pcmg.~Jlch,pq}'.!:rlenL'~ltbillsllcb).lrn~~nodas._Lender.may_.reqUl(~_Bon:ower;s_obl.lg.auonLQmake."sudL~ __ ~_=~~,,_-_--~~ ____ ._~ . . -payments-and to provIde receIpts shall for all purposes be deemed 10 be acovenanr and agreement' cantamed In thiS Secunty Instrument, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" IS used m SectIon 9 If Borrower IS obligated to pay Escrow Items duectly, pursuant to a WaIver, and Borrower faIls LO pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercIse Its nghts under Secnon 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Secuon 9 LO repay to Lender any such amount Lender may revoke the Wlllver as to any or all Escrow Items at any ume by a nouce given m accordance WIth Seeuon 15 and, upon such revocaoon, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and 10 such amounts, that are then requued under thiS Seeuon 3 Lender may, at any ume, collect and hold Funds m an amount (a) suffiCIent to permit Lender to apply the Funds at the ume speCIfied under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximum amount a lender can requue under RESP A Lender shall esUmate the amount of Funds due on the basIS of current data and reasonable esnmates of expendItures of future Escrow Items or otherwise 10 accordance With ApplIcable Law The Funds shall be held 10 an msUtuUon whose depOSIts are Insured by a federal agency, Instrumentality, or enuty (lOcludmg Lender, If Lender IS an msutuuon whose depOSIts are so msured) or m any Federal Home Loan Bank Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the ume specIfied under RESPA Lender shall not charge Borrower for holdmg and applymg the Funds, annually analyzmg the escrow account, or venfylOg the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower mterest on the Funds and Applicable Law permIts Lender to make such a charge Unless an agreement IS made In wnung or ApplIcable Law requues mterest to be p31d on the Funds, Lender shall not be requued to pay Borrower any Interest or earmngs on the Funds Borrower and Lender can agree 10 wnung, however, that mterest shall be pard on the Funds Lender shall give to Borrower, Without charge, an annual accounung of the Funds as requued by RESPA If there IS a surplus of Funds held m escrow, as defmed under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds 10 accordance With RESP A If there IS a shortage of Funds held In escrow, as defmed under RESPA, Lender shall noufy Borrower as reqUIred by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay 10 Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage 10 accordance With RESPA, but In no more than 12 monthly payments If there IS a defiCiency of Funds held m escrow, as defmed under RESPA, Lender shall noufy Borrower as requued by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defiCIency In dccordance WIth RESPA, but m no more than 12 monthly payments Upon payment In full of all sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and Imposlnons atmbutable to the Property which can attaIn pnonty over thIS Seeunty Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Propeny, If any, and CommunIty AssoClauon Dues, Fees, and Assessments, If any To the extent that these Items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them 10 the manner proVided ill Seenon 3 C·6(WA) (0012) ® Page 5 of 15 cr-0001297037 Inltl ' Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.006 Borrower shall promptly dIscharge any lien whIch has pnonty over thIS Secunty Inslrument unless Borrower' (a) agrees m wnung to the payment of the obllgauon secured by the Iten In a manner acceptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrower IS perfonmng such agreement, (b) contests the hen III good faIth by, or defends agaInst enforcement of the hen tn, legal proceedmgs whIch m Lender's OplTIlOn operate to prevent the enforcement of the !len while those proceedmgs are pendmg, but only unul such proceedmgs are concluded, or (c) secures from the holder of the lIen an agreement sausfaclOry to Lender subordmaung the llen to thIS Secunty Instrument If Lender determmes that any part of the Property IS subject to a hen whIch can attrun pnonty over thIS Secunty Instrument, Lender may gIve Borrower a nOUce Idenufymg the hen. Wlthm I 0 '"'."O'~'~'~O_",.,,""~_,_," -, ·~':-"'~~'--~~"~-~~::-=_'~:days:'6f The~aattonw1lli:trillar~oiice-is-giYen:EorrowetSfuill·saiiSiY~the-fien~or~take-on~-~o;:-r;~~~--;Ci1~=-···.·· -. acuons set forth above U1 thIS Secuon 4 Lender may requIre Borrower to pay a one-ume charge for a real estate tax venficalIon and/or reporung servIce used by Lender In connecUon WIth thIS Loan 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the Improvements now eXlslIng or hereafter erected on the Property msured agaInst loss by fue, hazards mcluded wlthm the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards mcludmg, but not hrnlted to, eanhquakes and floods, for which Lender requlfes msurance TIns Insurance shall be maIntamed m the amounts (mcludIng deducuble levels) and for the penods that Lender requIres What Lender requlfes pursuant to the precedmg sentences can change dunng the term of the Loan The msurance carner provldmg the JI1surance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's nght to dIsapprove Borrower's chOIce, which nght shall not be exercIsed unreasonably Lender may requIre Borrower to pay, In connectIon WIth thIS Loan, eIther (a) a one-ume charge for flood zone determmauon, certIfIcatIon and trackIng servIces, or (b) a one-Ume charge for flood zone determInatIOn and ceruficauon servIces and subsequent charges each urne remappIngs or SImilar changes occur which reasonably might affect such determmauon or ceruflcauon Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees Imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency 10 connecuon WIth the revIew of any flood zone de.termmauon resulung from an obJecuon by Borrower, If Borrower faIls to maIntam any of the coveragcs desCrIbed above, Lender may obtaIn msurance coverage, at Lender's opuon and Borrower's expense Lender IS under no oblJgauon to purchase any parucular type or amount of coverage Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but mIght or mIght not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity In the Property, or the contents of the Property, agamst any nsk, hazard or ltabliity and mIght provIde greater or lesser coverage than was preViOusly In effect Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the msurance coverage so obtruned mlght slgmflcantly exceed the cost of Insurance that Borrower could have obtruned Any amounts dIsbursed by Lender under thIS Secuon 5 shall become addllIonal debt of Borrower secured by thiS Secunty Instrument These amounts shall bear mterest at the Note rate from the date of dIsbursement and shall be payable, WIth such Interest, upon nOUce from Lender [0 Borrower requesting payment All msurance POliCIes requIre.d by Lender and renewals of such POlICIes shall be subject to Lender's nght to disapprove such poLICies, shall mclude a standard mongage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an addlu.onal loss payee Lender shall have the nght to hold the polICIes and renewal cerufIcates If Lender requlfes, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receIpts of prud premIUms and renewal notices If Borrower obtains any fonn of Insurance coverage, not otherwIse requued by Lender, for damage to, or destrucuon of, the Property, such polIcy shall Include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as an addlUonalloss payee In the event of loss, Borrower shall gIve prompt nOUce to the Insurance camer and Lender Lender may make proof of loss If not made promptly by Borrower Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wnung, any msurance proceeds, whether or not the underlymg msurance was reqUired by Lender, shall be applIed to restorauon or reparr of the Property, If the restorauon or reparr IS economIcally feasIble and Lender's secunty IS not lessened During such repw and restoratIon penod, Lender shall have L'le nght to cQ.6(WA) (0012) ® Page 6 of 15 ~' 0001297037 Initials U, Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.007 hold such IOsurance proceeds unul Lender has had an opportumty 10 InSpect such Propcrty to ensure the work has been completed to lender's sausfacuon, provIded that such mspectlon shall be undertaken promptly Lender may dIsburse proceeds for the reparrs and restorauon In a smgle payment or 10 a senes of progress paymcnts as the work IS completed Unless an agreement IS made In wnnng or Applicable Law requlIes mterest to be prud on such lOsurance proceeds, Lender shall not be requlIed to pay Borrower any mterest or eammgs on such proceeds Fees for publtc adjusters, or other thlId parues, relamed by Borrower shall not be prud out of the msurance proceeds and shall be the sole obltganon of Borrower If the restorauon or reparr IS ~"<_~_,_=~~",,"~=_==_~~=!).9.l.~Qf]~[\!.s~Iy',,f~~~~I.t,9J.J·~DQ~t'§.~G~!IP-1Y~"~9Jl!clJ?~J~~~~~,"!J1s~U}~J!~~9~e~.R[9J.c~~~:tsd1l.~!Ut~~R.2.!l~.~L~Q.===~==:=~~.",=~= '"the sums secured by tillsSecuntylnstrument, whether or not then due, -wIth the excess: rrany, prud to Borrower. Such msurance proceeds shall be applied 10 the order proVided for m Sectlon 2 If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may file, negouate and settle any avrulable msurance clrum and related matters If Borrower does not respond wahm 30 days to a nonce from Lender that the Insurance camer has offered to settle a clrum, then Lender may negouate and settle the cirum The 30-day penod will begin when the nouce IS given In either event, or If Lender acqulIes the Property under Secuon 22 or otherWIse, Borrower hereby assIgns to Lender (a) Borrower's nghts to any msurance proceeds In an amount not to exceed the amounts unprud under the Note or thiS Secunty Instrument, and (b) any oLl-ter of Borrower's nghts (other than the nght to any refund of unearned premIUms paJd by Borrower) under aJl Insurance poliCies covenng the Property, msofar as such nghts are applicable to the coverage of the Property Lender may use the Insurance proceeds either to reparr or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaId under the Note or thiS Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, estabhsh, and use. the Property as Borrower's pnnclpal residence wlthm 60 days after the execuDon of thIS Secunty Instrument and shall conUnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princIpal reSIdence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In wnung, which consent shall not be unreasonably WIthheld, or unless extenuaung ClIcumstances eXist which are beyond Borrower's control 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or ImpaIr the Property, allow the Property to detenorate or commIt waste on the Property Whether or not Borrower IS reSiding 10 the Property, Borrower shall mamtam the Property In order to prevent the Property from detenoranng or decreaSing In value due to Its condIuon Unless It IS deterrnmed pursuant to Secnon 5 that reparr or restorauon IS not economlcaJly feasIble, Borrower shall promptly reparr the Property If damaged to aVOid further detenoranon or damage If Insurance or condemnauon proceeds are paJd In connecUon With damage to, or the takmg of, the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repaII1ng or restonng the Property only If Lender has released proceeds for such purposes Lender may disburse proceeds for the reprurs and restoratIOn 10 a smgle payment or ill a senes of progress payments as the work IS completed If the msurance or condemnauon proceeds are not suffiCient to reparr or restore the Property, Borrower IS not relieved of Borrower's oblJgauon for the compleuon of such reparr or restorauon Lender or Its agent may make reasonable entnes upon and mspectlOns of the Property If It has reasonable cause, Lender may mspect the Intenor of the Improvements on the Property Lender shall give Borrower nouce at the urne of or pnor to such an Intenor Inspecoon speclfymg such reasonable cause 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shaJ! be m default If, dunng the LDan appiJcauon process, Borrower or any persons or enuues ac.ung at the dlIccuon of Borrower or With Borrower's knowledge or consent gave maten31ly faJse, mlsleadmg, or maccurate mformauon or statements to Lender (or falled to proVide Lender WIth matenal mforrnaoon) m connection With the Loan Matenal representauons mclude, but are not limited to, representauons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's pnnClpal reSidence 0001297037 cD-6(WA) (0012) ® Page 7 of 15 Form 3046 1/01 20040113001482.008 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If (a) Borrower falls to perfonn the covenants and agreements contaIned m thIS Secunty Instrument, (b) there IS a legal proceedmg that might signifIcantly affect Lender's Interest In the Property and/or nghts under thIS SeCUrIty Instrument (such as a proceedIng m bankruptcy, probate, for condemnauon or forfelUue, for enforcement of a hen WhICh may attam pnonly over thiS Secunty Instrument or to enforce laws or regulauons), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever IS reasonable or appropnate to protect lender's Interest In the Property and nghts under thIS Secunty Instrument, IncludIng protecung and/or assessmg the value of the Property, and secunng and/or repamng the Prop_en)'J=enQe(~ ~c~On~~?Il1nc!.u4~J)~"L3!o~IloL~!TIJl~_~J~2J?~YJ)1g_'IDY~~~"H~.w~ by.? lJeJL:ylnejL ~~_.~~_ ~ __ "~".-_ ._ .. _ -"=-"=="~"-===~~=::haS p~onty-OveilhlS· SeCurlty'liistrUmen!;-(b) appearing In court, and (c) paymg reasonable attorneys' fees to . protect Its IOteJestlfl the Property and/or nghts under thiS SecUrity Instrument, mcludlflg Its secured pas man ill a bankruptcy proceedmg Secunng the Property mcludes, but IS not limIted to, entenng the Property to make repam, change locks, replace or board up doors and WIndows, dram water from pipes, eiJmlflate bUlldmg or other code ViolatIons or dangerous condIllons, and have uuhnes turned on or off Although Lender may take awon under thiS Secuon 9, Lender does not have to do so and IS not under any duty or obhgauon to do so It IS agreed that Lender Incurs no habIlIty for not takmg any or all acoons authonzed under thiS Secnon 9 Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thiS SectIon 9 shall become additIonal debt of Borrower secured by thIS Secunty Instrument These amounts shall bear Interest at the Note rate from me date of dIsbursement and shall be payable, WIth such mterest, upon notIce from Lender to Borrower requesung payment If thiS SecUrIty Instrument IS on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply WIth all me prOVISIOns of the lease If Borrower acqUIres fee tItle to the Property, the leasehold and the fee utle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to me merger 10 wntIng 10. Mortgage Insurance. !f Lender requrred Mortgage Insurance as a condmon of makmg the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premIUms reqUired to mamtaIn the Mortgage Insurance 10 effect If, for any reason, me Mortgage Insurance coverage requrred by Lender ceases to be avrulable from the mortgage msurer that preVIOusly prOVided such msurance and Borrower was requrred to make separately desIgnated payments toward the premIUms for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premIUms reqUIred to obtaIn coverage subslanually eqUIvalent to me Mortgage Insurance preVIOusly 10 effect, at a cost substantJally eqUIvalent to the cost to Borrower of me Mortgage Insurance preVIOusly m effect, from an alternate mortgage 10surer selected by Lender If substanoally eqUIvalent Mortgage Insurance coverage IS not aVa.Ilable, Borrower shall contInue to pay to Lender me amount of the separately designated payments that were due when the Insurance coverage ceased to be 10 effect Lender Will accept, use and retam these payments as a non-refundable loss reserve In heu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notwlthstandmg the fact that the Lo"an IS ulnmately pa.Id m full, and Lender shall not be requrred to pay Borrower any lflterest or earnlflgs on such loss reserve Lender can no longer requrre loss reserve payments If Mortgage Insurance coverage (m the amount and for the penod that Lender requrres) prOVided by an Insurer selected by Lender agam becomes aVa.Ilable, IS obtamed, and Lender requrres separately desIgnated payments toward the premIUms for Mortgage Insurance If Lender requrred Mongage Insurance as a condmon of makmg the Loan and Borrower was requrred to make separately desIgnated payments toward the premIUms for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premIUms requrred to mamtam Mortgage Insurance 10 effect, or to prOVide a non-refundable loss reserve, unul Lender's requuement for Mortgage Insurance ends 10 accordance WIth any wnnen agreement between Borrower and Lender provldmg for such tennmatlOn or unul tennmauon IS requued by App!Jcable Law Nothmg In thiS Secnon 10 affects Borrower's obhgauon to pay mterest at the rate prOVided In the Note Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any enuty that purchases the Note) for certaIn losses It may mcur If Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed Borrower IS not a party to the Mortgage Insurance Mortgage msurers evaluate therr total nsk on all such msurance m force from nme to ume, and may enter 1010 agreements With other parnes that share or modify therr [lsk, or reduce losses These agreements are on terms and condll1ons that are saasfactory to the mortgage msurer and the other party (or partIes) to the.se agreements These agreements may requrre the mortgage Insurer to make payments uSing any source of funds that the mortgage Insurer may have aVa.Ilable (whIch may mclude funds obtaIned from Mortgage Insurance premlUlTls) 0-6(WA) (0012) ® Page8of15 IOcf-0001297037 Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.009 As a result of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another msurer, any remsurer, any other enUly, or any affilIate of any of the foregomg, may receIve (drrecLly or mdirectly) amounts that denve from (or might be charactenzed as) a poroon of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, In exchange for shanng or modlfymg the mortgage msurer's fisk, or reducing losses If such agreement proVides that an afhllate of Lender takes a share of the msurer's nsk 10 exchange for a share of the premIUms prud to the . msurer, the arrangement IS often termed "capuve remsurance " Further (a) Any such agreements Will not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agreements will not increase the amount . _~~._"~~~~=~=~~=."B()JJ:ow_er"FiUo~,rQr.MortgagelJl.$.ura!lC~,.a!M:Lth~y~roUJlQt~mitl~.B.o.rrQ.W~Ltg"~"nY_I;g(1!.lI.9!.=-~"~=,~~_" ..• _=~~~=-.~~_ ... "~ "'C-'"' (b) Any such agreements will not affect tbe rights Borrower has -,faoY-WJthrespect to the Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any other law. These rights may include the right to receive certam disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatically, and/or to receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or termination. 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and shall be paId to Lender If the Property IS damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applIed to restorauon or reparr of the Property, If the restorauon or reparr IS economically feasible and Lender's secunty IS not lessened Durmg such repaIr and restDranon penod, Lender shall have the nght to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds unul Lender has had an opportumty to InSpect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's sausfacuon, proVided that such mspecuon shall be undertaken promptly Lender may pay for the repaIrs and restoraUon In a smgle dIsbursement or In a senes of progress payments as the work IS completed Unless an agreement IS made m wnung or ApplJcable Law reqUIres Interest to be prud on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be reqmred to pay Borrower any mterest or eammgs on such Miscellaneous Proceeds If the restorauon or repaIr IS not economically feasible or Lender's secunty would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be apphed to the sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, With the excess, If any, paId to Borrower Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applIed In the order proVided for m Secuon 2 In the event of a total takmg, destrucuon, or loss m value of the Property, the MIscellaneous Proceeds shall be applIed to the sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, With the excess, If any, paId to Borrower In the event of a pamal talong, destrucuon, or loss m value of the Property m which the faIT market value of the Property Immediately before the parual talang, destrucuon, or loss In value IS equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument Immediately before the pamal talang, destrucuon, or loss In value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree m wnung, the sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the MIscellaneous Proceeds muluplIed by the followmg fracuon (a) the total amount of the sums secured ImmedIately before the parual takmg, destrucuon, or loss III value diVIded by (b) the farr market value of the Property Immediately before the parual takmg, destruclIOn, or loss In value Any balance shall be paId to Borrower In the event of a parlla1 takmg, destrucllon, or loss m value of the Property m which the farr market value of the Property Immediately before the parual takmg, destrucuon, or loss In value IS less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately before the pamal takmg, destrucuon, or loss In value, unless Borrower a'1d Lender otherwise agree In wntlng, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due If the Property IS abandoned by Borrower. or If, after nouce by Lender to Borrower that the Opposmg Party (as defmed m the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claun for damages, Borrower faIls to respond to Lender wlthm 30 days after the date the nonce IS given, Lender IS authonzed to collect and apply the Mlscellaneous Proceeds either to restorauon or rCPaJI of the Property or to the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument, whether or nOl then due "Opposmg Party" means the thlfd party that owes BoO=m"'er MIScellaneous Proceeds or the party agaInst whom Borrower has a nght of acUon In regard to MIsceUaneous Proceeds _-6(WA) (0012) ® Page90f15 'rr 0001297037 Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.010 Borrower shall be In default tf any acnon or proceedIng, whether elVl} or cnmmal, IS begun that, In Lender's judgment, could result In forfeiture of the Property or other matenallffipamnent of Lender's Interest In the Property or nghts under thiS Secunty Instrument Borrower can cure such a default and, Ii acceleratlon has occurred, remstate as provided In Secuon 19, by caUSIng the acuon or proceeillng to be dismissed With a rulmg that, In Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other matenal Impamnenl of Lender's Interest In the Property or nghts under thiS Secunty Instrument The proceeds of any award or c1rum for damages that are attrIbutable to the Impaument of lender's Interest In the Property are hereby assIgned and shall be paId to Lender .~.~~~~.===~~o~==c.=~,~~.A1LMlSreJlaneoUs.Proc.eeds.1ha,t.care:nQ~ .. ~pll.ooJQ.J~~t()f'pJl:QIL.()Jcl.eI1~J~L!Jl~"h9Il..f!JY~.~!t.~t,~~.~R12~,~,= .",~.===.~. ~ .•. In the order provided for mSecoon 2.·' ..." .....• • .. -....... ". ... .......... . 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. ExtenSIOn of the Ume for payment or modlfIcauon of amoruzatlOn of the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor In Interest of Borrower shaH not operate to release the hability of Borrower or any Successors In Interest of Borrower Lender shall not be requrred to commence proceedmgs agaInst any Successor In Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend orne for payment or otherwise modIfy amortlzauon of the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the ongmal Borrower or any Successors In Interest of Borrower Any forbearance by Lender m exefClsmg any nght or remedy mcludlng, wllhout hmltauon, Lender's acceptance of payments from thrrd persons, enutles or Successors m Interest of Borrower or In amounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a W31ver of or preclude the exercise of any nght or remedy 13. Jomt and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants and agrees that Borrower's oblIgauons and lIab1lIty shall be JOint and several However, any Borrower who co-S1gns thiS Secunty Instrument but docs not execute the Note (a "co·slgner"). (a) 1S cO-SIgning tillS Secunty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-slgner's IlltereSl III the Property under the terms of thiS Secumy Instrument, (b) IS not personally obhgated to pay the sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree to extend, modIfy, forbear or make any accommodauons With regard [0 the terms of thiS Secunty Instrument or the Note WIthout the co·sIgner's consent Subject to the proVISions of Secuon 18, any Successor m Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obhganons under thiS SecUflty Instrument m wnUng, and IS approved by Lender, shall obtaIn all of Borrower's nghts and benefits under thIS Secunty Instrument Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obJigauons and lIablllly under thiS Secunty Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release m wnung The covenants and agreements of thIS Secunty Instrument shall bmd (except as prOVided In SeclIon 20) and benefIl the successors and asSigns of Lender 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for serviCes performed m connectlon With Borrower's default, for the purpose of prolecung Lender's mteresl m the Property and nghLS under thiS Sccunty Instrument, mcludmg, but not hmIted to, attorneys' fees, property mspecuon and valuauon fees In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authorIty In thIS Secunty Instrument to charge a specIfic fee to Borrower shall not be construed as a prohlblO.on on the chargmg of such fee Lender may nOl charge fees that are expressly prohibited by thIS Secunty Instrument or by ApplIcable Law If the Loan IS subject to a law whIch sets maximum loan charges, and that law IS fmally mterpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collected or [0 be coHected ill connecuon With the Loan exceed the permitted lImits, then (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permItled lImIt, and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded perrmued lImits WIll be refunded to Borrower Lender may choose to make thiS refund by reducmg the pnnclpal owed under the Note or by makmg a drrect payment to Borrower If a refund reduces prrnclpal, the reducuon will be treated as a partJal prepayment WIthOut any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge IS plovlded for under the Note) Borrower's acceptance of any such refund made by cl.lrecl payment to Borrower WIll conSUlute a WaIver of any nght of aWon Borrower mIght have ansmg out of such overcharge. 15. NotIces. All nouces given by Borrower or Lender In connecuon With thiS Secunty Instrument must be In wnong. Any nouce to Borrower m connecuon With thiS Secunty Instrument shall be deemed to have been gIven to Borrower when mruled by fust class maIl or when actually delJvered to Borrower's nouce address If sent by other means Notlce to anyone Borrower shall consUtule nODce to all Borrowers unless 0-6(WA) (0012) <!l Page 10 of 15 r:f-' 0001297037 Inltl _ Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.011 Applicable Law expressly requues otherwise The nOUce address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substItute noUce address by nonce to Lender Borrower shall promptly notIfy Lender of Borrower's change of address If Lender specifies a procedure for reporung Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure There may be only one designated nouce address under thiS Secunty Instrument at anyone nme Any nooce to Lender shall be gIven by delivenng It or by maIlIng It by fust class maIl to Lender's address stated hereIn unless Lender has deSignated another address by notIce to Borrower Any notice In connecuon WIth thiS Secunty Instrument shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender unul actually received by Lender If ._".c~,c_ .. _~ ,,~,~,,-=·-~"-~,"·~~==~atfrnotiee·teqtrtred"byt:ms Sectiftry--IrtslflifflenfTsruso'teq urrcifujlUer'AppIrcal5feuw,-IDe 7\pp lICaofe LaW~~'='-' ~~_~'_==='C== _'= "-'~~:requirell1ennvl1lSatisry'thecoiresponding requuement iirider"tlus Security 'ri{stitimeiiC"'--'-"--' = -.,"-.' '.. , ... -.. 16. Govermng Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Secunty Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the JunsdlCoon m which the Property IS located All nghts and obhgatlons contaIned m thiS Secunty Instrument are subject to any requuements and limltaoons of Applicable Law Applicable Law might explIcitly or ImplICItly allow the partIes to agree by contract or It might be Silent, but such sIlence shall not be conslrued as a prohlbIUon agaInst agreement by conlract In the event that any provISIon or clause of thiS Seeunty Inslrument or the Note conflicts WIth ApplIcable Law, such confuet shall not affect other provISions of thiS Secunty Instrument or the Note which can be given effect Without the confucung proVISIOn As used In thiS Secunty Instrument (a) words of the masculIne gender shall mean and melude correspondmg neuter words or words of the femmme gender, (b) words m the smgular shall mean and mclude the plural and vice versa, and (c) the word "may" gIVes sale dlscreuon Without any oblIgauon to take any actIon 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of thiS Secunty Instrument 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used m thiS Seclion 18, "Interest In the Properly" means any legal or benefICial mterest In the Property, Includmg, but not llmlted to, those benefICial mterests transferred In a bond for deed, contract for deed, Installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the Intent of which IS the transfer of otle by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser If all or any part of the Property or any Interest m the Property IS sold or transferred (or If Borrower IS not a natural person and a benefICial Interest In Borrower IS sold or transferred) WIthout Lender's pnor wntten consent, Lender may requue ImmedIate payment In full of all sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument However, thIS opuon shall not be exerCIsed by Lender If such exercIse IS prohIbIted by ApplIcable Law If Lender exercises thiS optlon, Lender shall gIve Borrower noUce of accelerauon The nonce shall prOVide a penod of not less than 30 days from the date the nouce IS gIven In accordance WIth SecIJon 15 WithIn which Borrower must pay all sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument. If Borrower falls to pay these sums pnor to the exprratlon of thIS penod, Lender may Invoke any remedies pennllted by thiS SecUnlY Instrument WIthout further nOUce or demand on Borrower 19. Borrower's Right to Remstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certam condmons, Borrower shall have the nght to have enforcement of thiS Secunty Instrument dlscontmued al any ume pnor to the earlIest of (a) five days before sale of the Property pursuant lO any power of sale contaIned ill thIS Secunty Instrument, (b) such other penod as ApplIcable Law mIght specify for the tennmauon of Borrower's nght to reInstate, or (c) entry of a Judgment enforCIng thIS Secunty Instrument Those condlUons are that Borrower (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under thiS Secunty Instrument and the Note as If no acceleralion had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements, (c) pays all expenses Incurred In enforcmg thIS Secmlty Instrument, IncludIng, but not lImited to, reasonable auorneys' fees, property mspecuon and valuaaon fees, and other fees mcurred for the purpose of protectmg Lender's Interest In the Property and nghts under thiS Secunty Instrument, and (d) takes such acnon as Lender may re.1sonably requue to assure that Lender's mterest 10 the Property and nghts under thIS Secunty Instrument, and Borrower's oblIgatIon to pay the sums secmed by thIS Secunty Instrument, shall conUnue unchanged Lender may requue that Borrower pay such reInstatement sums and expenses m one or more of the followlOg fonns, as selected by Lender' (a) cash, (b) money order, (c) certIfied check, bank check, treasmer's check or @.-6(WA) (0012) ® Page11ot15 cJL 0001297037 Initials .). Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.012 cashier's check, provided any such check IS drawn upon an msutuUon whose depOSits are Insured by a federal agency, InstrumentalIty or enUty, or (d) ElectroOlc Funds Transfer Upon reInstatement by Borrower, thIS SecUrIty Instrument and obllgauons secured hereby shall remam fully effecuve as If no accelerauon had occurred However, thiS nght to reInstate shall not apply In the case of accelerauon under Secuon 18 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Gnevance. The Note or a parual mterest In the Note (together WIth thiS Secunty Instrument) can be sold one or more Urnes Without pnor notJ.ce to Borrower A sale mIght result In a change In the entIty (known as the "Loan Servlcer") that collects Penodlc Payments due under the Note and thiS SecunlY Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servlcmg oblIgations :~:-~'_:-_~-'-:'---~~~-~~_-_~~~under:ihe-Noie:-~~SecuntyJnsfrumeiir-an(J:XppllCab1eJ::a-W:':J1i~rr~rQ_-rruglIT_'Deon~of~iTIorec1farrgeroc==-~:~-'~~~~-~:='-'~~ the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note If there is a change of the Loan Servlcer, Borrower will be ------ given wnllen nouce of the change whIch WIll state the name and address of the new Loan Servlcer, the address to which payments should be made and any other Informauon RESP A reqUires In connection WIth a notice of transfer of servicIng If the Note IS sold and thereafter the Loan IS servIced by a Loan Servlcer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servIcIng obligatIons to Borrower will remam With the Loan Servlcer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servlcer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise proVided by the Note purchaser Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, Jom, or be JOIned to any JUdICIal acnon (as either an Indlvidualilugant or the member of a class) that anses from the other party's acoons pursuant to thiS Secunty Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provISIon of, or any duty owed by reason of, thIS Secunty Instrument, unul such Borrower or Lender has noufled the other party (With such nonce given 10 compliance With the requlfements of SectIon 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasonable penod after the gIVIng of such nonce to take correcnve acnon If Appl1cable Law proVides a llme peflod which must elapse before certam acton can be taken, that Ume penod Will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of thiS paragraph The nouce of accelerauon and opportUnIty to cure gIven to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of accelerallon given to Borrower pursuant to SectIon 18 shall be deemed to sausfy the notice and opportumty to take correcUve actlOn proVISIons of thIS Secuon 20 21. Hazardous Substances. As used In thIS Section 21 (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defIned as toXIC or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Envlfonmental Law and the followmg substances gasolme, kerosene, other flammable or tOXIC petroleum products, tOXIC pesncides and herbiCides, volatile solvents, matenals contamIng asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioacuve matenals, (b) "Envlfonmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the Junsdlctlon where the Property IS located that relate to health, safety or envlfonmental protection, (c) "Envlfonmental Cleanup" Includes any response aCllon, remedlal acuon, or removal acnon, as defmed m Envuonmental Law, and (d) an "Envlfonmental Condluon" means a condluon that can cause, contrIbute to, or otherwIse trIgger an Envlfonmental Cleanup Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dISpOSal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances, on or In the Propeny Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythmg affectmg the Property (a) that IS In vlolatlon of any EnvlTonmental Law, (b) which creates an Envlfonmental CondlUon, or (c) WhiCh, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condlUon that adversely affects the value of the Property The precedIng two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantlnes of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogmzed to be appropnate to nonnal resldentlal uses and to mamtenance of the Property (mcludmg, but not lImned to, hazardous substances m consumer products) Borrower shall promptly give Lender wnllen nonce of (a) any mvestlganon, clrum, demand, lawsuit or other alllon by any governmental or regulatory agency or pnvate party mvolvmg the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envlfonmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. (b) any EnvlTonmental Condmon, mcJudmg but not limned to, any splllmg, lealung, dIscharge, release or threat of C·6(WA) (0012) ® Page 12 of 15 0001297037 Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.013 release of any Hazardous Substance. and (c) any conditIon caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property If Borrower learns, or IS noUfled by any governmental or regulatory authonty, or any pnvate party, that any removal or other remedIatIon of any Hazardous Substance affecong the Property IS necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actIons m accordance With Envlfonmental Law. Nothmg herem shall create any obligatIon on Lender for an Envlfonmental Cleanup NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows -_.--,,-___ ~o~~~ __ =~~"=_==_-____ -=c24Acc~lI;G~A(m;_-Rel1JeAj.e.s._1~illt~L_sjglL~y!Egli~_JQJ3QU9~~r~!_!Q-Lt(U:tS_~_~rJ!H!L~Jo112~i!!lt~-~==~o ____ ~,, __ ,-o __ ,_- ---------,-----Borrower's breach of any covenant or-agreement-in thlS-SecurityInstrumenl (but-not prior to_--___ _ ,_ _ __ acceleratIOn under Section 18 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The notice shall speCify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified m the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument and sale of the Property at pubhc auction at a date not less than 120 days in the future. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration, the nght to bring a court action to assert the non-exIstence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale, and any other matters required to be included in the notice by Applicable Law. If the default is not cured on or before the date speCIfied in the notice, Lender at its option, may reqUIre immedIate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale andlor any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thIS SectIOn 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title eVidence. If Lender Invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give written notIce to Trustee of the occurrence of an event of default and of Lender's election to cause the Property to be sold. Trustee and Lender shall take such achon regardIng notice of sale and shall give such notices to Borrower and to other persons as Applicable Law may require. After the time required by Applicable Law and after pubhcation of the notice of sale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of the Property for a period or periods permitted by Applicable Law by pubhc announcement at the time and place fIXed in the notice of sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveYIng the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or unplied. The recitals in the Trustee's deed sball be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the follOWing order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, mcluding, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's and attorneys' fees; (h) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it or to the clerk of the superior court of the county in whIch the sale took place. 23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender thiS Secunty Instrument and ail notes eVldencmg debt secured by thIS Secunty Instrument to Truslee Trustee shall reconvey the Property WIthout warranty to the person or persons legally enutled to It Such person or persons shall pay any recordaoon costs and the Trustee's fee for preparmg the reconveyance. 24. SubstItute Trustee. In accordance WIth Applicable Law, Lender may from Ume to bme appoInt a successor trustee to any Trustee appoInted hereunder who has ceased to act WIthOut conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the utle, power and dutIes conferred upon Trustee herem and by Appbcable Law G-6(WA) (0012) ® Page130f15 IO~ 0001297037 Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.014 25. Use of Property. The Property IS not used pnnclpally for agncultural purposes 26. Attorneys' Fees. Lender shall be enutled to recover Its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs In any aCUOn or proceedmg to construe or enforce any term of thIS Secunty Instrument The term "attorneys' fees," whenever used In thIS Secunty Instrument, shall Include Without hmllaUOn attorneys' fees Incurred by Lender In any bankruptcy proceedmg or on appeal ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND _~"_-_.~~~ .. ~~~_~_~~~_===:~=~ __ ._.-~C.RE.PU1=@"~r_Q.fQEllf;~lLf~QJ~Lf:JIoIXQItG!l':LG.g~r·~'¥~J~~IJ)E~h1L~J1I_A~f:-,-~."~~-::==.=~~~~ __ ~~"_~ __ ,. ___ = . NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDERWASHINGTONLAW......-.-_____ .. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contaIned In thIS Secunty Instrument and ill any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded With It WItnesses 0-6(WA) (0012) ® ~,~~Seal) OAMES SCHMITT -B,",w" (Seal) ·Borrower (Seal) -____________ (Seal) ·Borrower ·Borrower (Seal) (Seal) ·Borrower ~Borrower (Seal) (Seal) ·Borrower ·Borrower 0001297037 Page 14 ot 15 Form 3048 1/01 ST ATE OF WASHINGTON County of On tillS day personally appeared before me ctaLdL-W-~~ 20040113001482.015 } ss: -------------~~-u;--;ne k;;;-;wbe-Ule mdl;~dUa1{srdesci1b.;rm-and-wh'oex=eculEalKe-~lililn"MaToregOing··ili-itru!Werit,a1i~r'~>·=":=~==-=~=~-~ acknowledged that he/she/they sIgned the same as Ius/her/therr free and voluntary act and dWl,'tor the u~e:; -. -~-., '.-,--, and purposes lherem menuoned . ':~-' . . GIVEN undec my h",d ",d off",," so," th~ 9 d,y of ~-7U{ a4<f:J.oo4' 0-6(WA) (0012) ® Notary Public m snd for the State of W. shmglOn, res.dmg at My Appointment Exprrcs on 3~ /? -tJ ~ Page 15 of 15 r:#-0001297037 Imtl ~ \ Form 3048 1/01 20040113001482.016 PREP A YMENT RIDER ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN 'Thi;-~~pa~~;t -Rid~r ismade~tliis-7th ,cday"o{""JaiuJar"y -----'"20"04" ":-andis"- incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Promissory Note (the "Note") and Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure repayment of Borrower's Note to NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION (the"Lender") . To the extent that the prOVIsIons of this Prepayment Rider are inconsistent WIth the provIsions of the Note and/or Secunty Instrument, the provisions of this rider shall prevail over and shall supersede any such inconsistent provisions of the Note and/or SeCurIty Instrument. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Note and Security Instrument, the Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 5. BORROWERS RIGHT TO PREPAY .;f; I have the right to make prepayments of principal any time before' they are due, A payment of principal only is known as a "prepayment". When J make a prepayment, I will tell the Note Holder in writing I am doing so. The Note Holder will use all of my prepayments to reduce the amount of principal that lowe under this Note, IT I make a partial prepayment, there will be no changes in the due dates of my monthly payments unless: the Note Holder agrees in writing to those changes, My partial prepayment may reduce the amount of my monthly payments after the first Change Date following my partial prepayment. If within 2 year(s) from the date of execution of the Security Instrument, I make a full prepayment or, in certain cases a partial prepaymentt and the total of such prepayment(s) in any 12-month period exceeds TWENTY PERCENT (20%) of the original principal amount of this loant I will pay a prepayment charge in an amount equal to the payment of 6 months advance interest on the amount by which the total of my prepayment(s) within that 12-month period exceeds TWENTY PERCENT (20%) of the original principal amount of the loan. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower contained in thi§,Prepayment Rider. /~V~ " accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants /"--YMES SCHMITT ~J------ NCMC Genenc Prepayment Rider RE t03 ReVISed (020800) RE·I03Jld JP 051702 20040113001482.017 ADJUST ABLE RATE RIDER .. ~.~~.-_=~~~~~c,: .. _:.:, -= •. ~" .. :"~:.:~~1~:?-~~~:~!~::~-~~~Y~~[~;1~~~:~(8iK~~~:~~!~}~~~~?!~~~~~~~e~~~~&.~ __ .... _~~"~.=_~.=~.:~:_~~~.= __ THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER IS made thIS 7th day of January 2004, and IS mcorporated mto and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Secunty Deed (the "Secunty Instrument") of the same date glVen by the undersIgned ("Borrower") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION ("Lender") of the same date and covenng the property descnbed In the Secunty Instrument and located at 329 RENTON AVENUE S ,RENTON, WA 98055 [Propeny Address) THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE BORROWER MUST PAY. ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addlUon to the covenanrs and agreemenrs made In the Secunty Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES The Note proVIdes for an InIUaJ mterest raLC of 8 . 6000 % The Note prOVIdes for changes In the Interest rate and the monthly paymenrs, as follows 4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (A) Change Dates The Interest rate I WIll pay may change on the fust day of Feb ruary 2006 and on that day every 6th month thereafter Each date on WhICh my Interest rate could change is called a "Change Dale" 0001297037 MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER-LiBOR SIX·MONTH INDEX (AS PUBLISHED IN THE WALL STREET JOURNAL) ,Slngle Family·Fannle Mae Uniform Instrument ~.838R (0006) <to Page 1 of 4 Initials -p..'--_ VMP MORTGAGE FORM . 11111111111111111111111111111111111 20040113001482.018 (B) The Index BegInmng wIth the frrst Change Date, my mterest rate WIll be based on an Index The "Index" IS the ~'~~"'--~=-~':=~-,:-~"-=:_-:ilverag~~Qri!iier1)anX-ofrer-ed,:'i-aT~rtor::sTxJnQnfu~vr-~~olla:r~aeffgl11iii[tea-'~:ep§SJiS-)n:~-llie_p?!fd()[--IT}p1ZeI":~:~:"_~~:~-=o~:-~~~_~ ("LlBOR"), as publIshed In The Wall Street Journal The most recent Index fIgure avatlable as of the frrst-. - bUSiness day of the month ImmedIately precedmg the month In whIch the Change Date occurs IS called the "Current Index" If the Index IS no longer aVaJlable, the Note Holder wIll choose a new mdex that IS based upon comparable mformauon The Note Holder WIll gIve me nouce of thIS chOIce (C) Calculation of Changes Before each Change Date, the Note Holder WIll calculate my new Interest rate by adding Five and Ninety-Five Hundredths percentagepomts ( 5 . 9500 %) to the Current Index The Note Holder wIll then round the result of th!S addluon to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage pomt (0 125%) Subject to the lImIts stated m Secuon 4(D) below, tim rounded amount Will be my new Interest rate unw the next Change Date The Note Holder WIll then detennme the amount of the monthly payment that would be suffICIent to repay the unpaJd pnnclpal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date m full on the !\1atunty Date at my new mterest rate m substaTIually equal payments The result of thIS calculatIon Will be the new amount of my monthly payment (D) LImits on Interest Rate Changes The Interest rate I am requIred to pay at the fIrst Change Date wtll not be greater than 10.1000 %orlessthan 8.6000 % Thereafter, my mterest rate Wlli never be mcreased or decreased on any smgle Change Date by more than One and One-Ha If percentage POInts ( 1. 500 %) from the rate of mterest I have been paying for the preceding 6 months My lI1terest rate wIll never be greater than 15.6000 % (E) Effective Date of Changes My new Interest rate Will become effective on each Change Date I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment begmnmg on the hrst monthly payment date after the Change Date untIl the amounl of my momhly payment changes agam (F) Notice of Changes The Note Holder WIll dehver or mall to me a nouce of any changes m my mterest rate and the amount of my monthly payment before the effecuve date of any change The nouce wtll mclude InformatIOn reqUIred by law to be gIven to me and also the title and telephone number of a person who will answer any quesuon I may have regardmg the nouce G o 838R (0006) ® Page 2 of 4 0001297037 Form 3138 1/01 20040113001482.019 B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER _._ .. _._._._.~.~~--__ --_ UQ!foirn_ ~Qv~l!~_L_lLClf the S~unLy Instrument lS amended Lo read as follows . -_ .. - -.... --_ .. ---... -----=--'---~~ ...... -_._ ... -.--~----. --.. ' .. --.--."--~ .. -.....:"'" . ..,-::-:-=-......,.--_"'o··~·..,.=.~...,==-=-~,~:-.·.;:;:."'_.,..,..._ .. -=-==-:-':~_~= ... =--:--::..=:':::.<!~"''''_:..~~~:= . ..,.:-.::.::;,.,.:-:~."""'"'~_--._=""~~-:-:::::--;=-_~_=_".:. ... -:-._,."'" ;-.,.':.-;:-~.:-.::-:--:....:."7'7:~..:....-~::., -:-:;-._~,=. -~;-;:;-. -:-'.~ •. -:~. ~,.-. c..:. -: .••. -.--::;-. .:.::-. -::.,---:," -''''':-''.-.' :-:..-::-. ...., - -".----: .•.•• ·c·:.-:~--.-=-: -:' -:-.-':-.-.-:" C---:-::-.-" -::",",:-_ .'," .,...--;-__ . ____ •. __ . ___ _ Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used In thiS Secuon 18, "Interest In the Property" means any legal or beneficial Interest In the Property. mcludmg, but not lImited to, those beneficial Interests transferred In a bond for deed, contract for deed, Installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the mtent of which IS the transfer of uue by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser If all or any part of the Property or any Interest In the Property IS sold or transferred (or If Borrower IS not a natural person and a beneflclal Interest ill Borrower IS sold or transferred) Without Lender's pnor wntten consent, Lender may requrre Immediate payment m full of all sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument However, thlS opuon shall not be exerCIsed by Lender If such exerClse IS prohibited by Applicable Law Lender also shall not exefClse thiS opuon If (a) Borrower causes to be submitted to Lender mformatIon requrred by Lender to evaluate the Intended transferee as if a new loan were bemg made to the transferee, and (b) Lender reasonably deLCnnmes that Lender's secunty will not be Imparred by the loan assumpuon and that the nsk of a breach of any covenant or agreement In thIS Secumy Instrument lS acceptable to Lender To the extent perrmlted by Applicable Law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee as a condruon to Lender's consent to the loan assumpuon Lender also may requrre the transferee to sign an assumpuon agreement mat IS acceptable to Lender and that obligates the transferee to keep all the promIses and agreements made 1TI the Note and In thiS Secunty Instrument Borrower Will conunue to be obligated under the Note and thlS Secunty Instrument unless Lender releases Borrower 10 wnung If Lender exercises the optIon to requrre ImmedIate payment 10 full, Lender shall glve Borrower nouce of accelerauon The noUce shall prOVIde a peflod of not less than 30 days from the dale ihe nouce IS gIven 10 accordance With Secuon 15 WlihlO WhlCh Borrower mUSl pay all sums secured by thiS Secunty Insnument If Borrower faIls to pay these sums pnor to the exprrauon of tlllS penod, Lender may Invoke any remedies permnted by tim Secunty Instrument WithOut further notIce or demand on Borrower G-S38R (0006) ® Page 3 014 '""cr' 0001297037 Form 3138 1/01 • 20040113001482.020 _____________ CSeal) ---------------_______ CS~) ·Borrower ·Borrower __________________ (S~) ____________ (Seal) ·Borrower -Borrower ________________ CSem) --------________ CS~) ·Borrower -Borrower 0001297037 G-S3SR (0006) ® Page 4 of 4 Form 31381/01 .. • 20040113001482.021 ~nNum~r0001297037 ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER ADDENDUM =:.~ .. ~~~~:,-~~::~"':=::=:~:~.~::~:~~:.~::-~==·-~~.::·~:~~ .. -·.:ttH~prJnll~~;-~~-~.:S;~tp:~:~:~:::=.~::~~:.:-:":~"::::.'~.~::~::.::':=.~~~~~:'=~-~~~~ .. :~.-~"--:~-:. ThIS Adjustable Rate RIder IS made this 7th day of January 2004 and is incorporated mto and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Promissory Note (the "Note") and Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") and Adjustable Rate Rider (the "Rider") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure repayment of Borrower's Note to NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION (the "Lender"). Property securing repayment of the Note is descrIbed m the Secunty Instrument and located at: 329 RENTON AVENUE S , RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 (Property Address) To the extent that the provisions of this Adjustable Rate Rider Addendum are Inconsistent with the provisions of the Note and/or Security Instrument and/or Rider, the provisions of this Addendum shall prevail over and supersede any such inconsistent provisions of the Note and/or Security Instrument and/or Rider. In addItion to the covenants and agreements made in the Note, Security Instrument, and Rider, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 4. CD) LIMITS ON INTEREST RATE CHANGES The interest rate I am required to pay at the first change date will not be greater than 10.1000 % or less than 8.600111'0. Thereafter, my interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than One and One-Hal f percentage point(s) ( 1.500 %) from the rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 6 months. My interest rate will never be greater than 15.6000 % or less than 8.6000 %. BY SIGNING BEWW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Adjustable Rate Rider Addendum. Ac~~ ~ JAMES SCHMITT New Century Mongage RE 102 (082296) ndmlnJld JP 051702 • • 20040113001482.022 -4. The land referred to in this Comm1tment 1S s1tuated in the County of King, State of Washington, and 1S described as follows: See Attached LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The South 90 feet of the East {50 feet of Tract 3, Plat NO.1 of RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof recorded 1n Volume 9 of Plats, Page 29, records of King County, !'Iash1ngton. Situate 1n the County of King, State of washington. The follow1ng may be used as an abbreviated legal descr1pt1on on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65.04. Sa1d abbreviated legal descr1pt1on is not a substitute for a complete legal descr1pt1on within the body of the document. Ptn Tr 3, PLAT NO.1, RENTON CO-OPERATlv~ COAL CO'S ACRE TRS Th1s property is located 1n K1ng County. Record1ng to be delivered to: Fide11ty Nat10nal Title Co., 720 011ve Way #515, Seattle, WA 98101 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor October 5, 2004 Joe Megale. MSW,LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle WA 98166 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Megal: • --CITY" RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator . MSW SHORT PLATLUA-04-048 SHPL The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Contact Arneta Henrunger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. Show compliance of Decision #4 with digital photo of placement of address sign. Send photo to me at colson@ci.renton.wa.us. 3. Tie the subject property directly to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. 4. Correct the dimension noted for the south line of Lot 4 (Sheet 1 of2). 5. Supplemental Commitment No. 1 to Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Order No. 0364470, dated April 29, 2004, vests "PARCEL B", as noted under the "EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION" block on Sheet 2 of 2, in James_S~hmitt. However, his name does not appear as one of the owners under the "DEDICATION'; block. In addition, what interest do George and Ivona Little have in said Parcel B? The title report noted that there was a Quit Claim Deed to George and Ivona Little, Trustees of the George and Ivona Little Revocable Living Trust, recorded under King County Rec. No. 9710301121 for said same Parcel B. 6. Centerbank Mortgage Company and USAA Federal Savings Bank (now USAA Savings Bank) are also noted under the "Dedication" block. Neither entity has offices in the State of Washington. The corporate form of acknowledgment appropriate to the j1.irisdiction in which said entities sign will need to be used on the short plat. 7. Note, under Item No. 1 of the "SURVEY NOTES" block on Sheet 2 of 2, that the title information for "Parcel A" (legal description block) is provided by Ticor Title Company, not Fidelity National Title Company. Fidelity National Title Company provided the title information for "Parcel B"; not Ticor Title Company. Revise Item No.1 as needed. 8. Remove the building setback lines from the lots (Sheet 2 of 2). Setbacks will be determined at the time of issuance of building permits. _I:_\p_lanR_eY_ie_W_\C_O_LS_O_N\S_lO_h;_:_~_a:_:_t:_o~_\M_r:-;-:-~-P~-:-5_L-:-e-:-t:-e:-~-~-:-::-t~-:g-d:-:'-n-9-8-0-55-------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE .. • .- Page 2 • October 5, 2004 9. The horizontal line that cuts across proposed Lots 2 and 3 (shown on the drawing on Sheet 2 of 2), that represents the south line of an underlying property (Lot 2 of City of Renton Short Plat No. LUA- 97-134), is confusing for determining the outline of the private ingress, egress and utilities easement also shown on the same drawing. Remove said horizontal line if not necessary to said drawing. 10. A proposed 10' utility easement is noted along the south 10' of proposed Lot 1. Is said easement to be private or public (to the City of Renton)? Determine which it is, and note it on the drawing. If said easement is to the city, then a separate easement document (use the city form) will need to be prepared by the applicant's surveyor. Said easement document should be recorded concurrently with the short plat. 11. See the attachment for spelling errors noted in the "AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE" block (Sheet 2 of 2). 12. There is no graphic scale noted on Shet?t~ o( 2, There appear to be renmants of said scale noted to the right of the "EXISTING LEGAL DE8.CRIPTION" block on said Sheet 2 of2. Revise as needed. 13. The encroachment on the south line of the 'short plat propcr:tY(()ver Lot 1 and Lot4) appears to invest the property owner to the south with rights to this subdiviSion, This issue needs to be resolved before short plat recording. ~ ... : . . 14. Please note the name of the short plat as.MSWSho~tPlat op. the fac~ of the mylar. Should you need to discuss any portion ofthisl~~cipleas~ contactmea.t (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review 425-430-7235 FAXED TO: Chris Battershill, SurveyorlEngineer-206-244-4455 cc: Yellow File <6" DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 1, 2004 Carrie Olson Sonja). Fesse:;p~ MSW Short Plat, LUA-04-048-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Tie the 'subject property directly to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. Correct the dimension noted for the south line of Lot 4 (Sheet 1 of 2). Supplemental Commitment No.1 to Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Order No. 0364470, dated April 29, 2004, vests "PARCEL B", as noted under the "EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION" block on Sheet 2 of 2, in James Schmitt. However, his name does not appear as one of the owners under the "DEDICATION" block. In addition, what interest do George and Ivona Little have in said Parcel B? The title report noted that there was a Quit Claim Deed to George and Ivona Little, Trustees of the George and Ivona Little Revocable Living Trust, recorded under King County Rec. No. 9710301121 for said same Parcel B. Centerbank Mortgage Company and USAA Federal Savings Bank (now USAA Savings Bank) are also noted under the "Dedication" block. Neither entity has offices in the State of Washington. The corporate form of acknowledgment appropriate to the jurisdiction in which said entities sign will need to be used on the short plat. Note, under Item No. 1 of the "SURVEY NOTES" block on Sheet 2 of 2, that the title information for "Parcel A" (legal description block) is provided by Ticor Title Company, not Fidelity National Title Company. Fidelity National Title Company provided the title information for "Parcel B", not Ticor Title Company. Revise Item No.1 as needed. Remove the building setback lines from the lots (Sheet 2 of 2). Setbacks will be determined at the time of issuance of building permits. \H:\File Sys\LNO -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LNO-20 -Short Plats\0372\RV040929.doc · . October I, 2004 Page 2 The horizontal line that cuts across proposed Lots 2 and 3 (shown on the drawing on Sheet 2 of 2), that represents the south line of an underlying property (Lot 2 of City of Renton Short Plat No. LUA-97-134), is confusing for determining the outline of the private ingress, egress and utilities easement also shown on the same drawing. Remove said horizontal line if not necessary to said drawing. A proposed 10' utility easement is noted along the south 10' of proposed Lot I. Is said easement to be private or public (to the City of Renton)? Determine which it is, and note it on the drawing. If said easement is to the city, then a separate easement document (use the city form) will need to be prepared by the applicant's surveyor. Said easement document should be recorded concurrently with the short plat. See the attachment for spelling errors noted in the "AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE" block (Sheet 2 of 2). There is no graphic scale noted on Sheet 2 of 2. There appear to be remnants of said scale noted to the right of the "EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION" block on said Sheet 2 of 2. Revise as needed. The encroachment on the south line of the short plat property (over Lot 1 and Lot 4) appears to invest the property owner to the south with rights to this subdivision. This issue needs to be resolved before short plat recording. Comments for the Project Manager: Please note the above comment concerning the encroachment problem. Said encroachment concern must be resolved before the short plat can be recorded. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plat~\0372\RV040929.doc\cor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 28, 2004 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 ~ MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SBPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • Lot Closures • Short Plat Map If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: _____________ ,'--_________ :, Date: ____ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2004\MSWSHPL 04m PR-1'8 ReviewStart.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 28, 2004 Mike Dotson, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL For your review and comment. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. • Short Plat Map Approval: ____________ , _________ , Date:, ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Mike Dotson Cc: Yellow File V> C '" < m -< Z (;) • DUNCANSON Company, Inc. TRANSMITTAL LETTER DATE: September 27, 2004 TO: Ms. Carrie K. Olson City of Renton FROM: RE: Development Services, Plan Review 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Jennifer Kelly MS W Short Plat LUA-04-048 SHPL THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ENCLOSED: Quantity Descrigtion ()3129 CITY"O'FRENTON IRIECEDVlElD) SEP 2 7 2004 REVISION &===-~====., 3 18"x24" Bond Copy of Revised Short Plat Drawings 1 Response Letter 1 Copy of Review Comments Letter, Dated 09/10104 1 Lot Closure Calculations NOTES: Please call if you have any questions. Thanks, Jennifer 145 sw 155tb Street· Suite 102 • Seattle, Wasbington 98166 Pbone 206.244.4141· Fax 206.244.4455· Web www.duncansonco.com I CIVIL ENGINEERING t:) z z z « --' IL o z « --' V> e: '" < m -< -z C> • DUNCANSON September 27,2004 Carrie K. Olson City of Renton Development Services, Plan Review 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: MSW Short Plat Dear Ms. Olson: Company, Inc. DCI03129 Enclosed are three sets of short plat drawings, revised per your September 1 0, 2004 review comments letter. Your review comments were addressed as follows: l. 2. ... .). We understand the contractor received the appropriate demo inspection. We are filing an Application for Deferral for some of the site improvements that have not yet been completed. The applicant is placing the address signs on site later this week. The digital photo will be sent after the signs are placed. 4. Larry Henke, PLS has signed and stamped the short plat documents. 5. Sheet 1: the numbers have been added accordingly. 6. Sheet 1: the ties have been shown accordingly. 7. Sheet 2: the addresses have been noted accordingly. 8. Sheet 2: the note has been added. 9. Once you indicate the plans are acceptable, we will plot mylars and obtain owner signatures. 10. Sheet 1: the notes have been added accordingly. 11. Sheet 2: the access easement has been reflected accordingly. 12. Sheet 2: sufficient information has been provided on the drawings to locate the easement. 13. Accuracy has been verified in the form of Lot Closure Calculations, which are- enclosed. 145 sw 155th Street· Suite 102 . Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141 . Fax 206.244.4455 . Web www.duncansonco.com I CIVIL ENGINEERING <.9 z z z « --' "- o z « --' Please call me at 206-244-4141 if you need any other information or additional copies. Sincerely, Duncanson Company, Inc. 1wl1 Harold M. Duncanson, P .E. President Enclosures cc: Joe Megale SEP-10-2004 17:40 ~R Kathy Keolker-Wbeelcr, Mayor September 10,2004 Joe Megal MSW,LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle W A 98166 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Megal: C_OF RENTON ~25 430 7300 P.01 CITY OF RENTON P1anningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmermaa P .E.,Acimlaistrator MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubririt three copies of the short plat drawings and any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Call City of Renton, Inspection line at 425-430-7202 to request inspection and sign-off for Demo Permit #B040406 after demolition has been completed. The Demo Permit has an expiration date of !'5{,03-:01-2005. 2. Contact Arneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. . . 3. Show compliance of Decision #4 with digital photo of placement of address sign~ Send photo to me at colson@ci.renton.wa.us. 4. A licensed surveyor needs to prepare and stamp, sign and date the short plat document. 5. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04.048-SHPL and LND-20-0372, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the Hmd lise action number. 6. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network and tie the subject property directly to .... Sa:iCl Control Network. The geometry will be checked once the ties are on the short plat. The monument at the intersection of s 7th St and Renton Ave S is monument #418; the S Y4 corner of Section 17 (#415) is approximately 1030 to the East along S 7th St. r-C-ALL l4er:,)430 -13(o~ . K>fZ-{NFc:;i. /2..E.. kO ~'7 7. See attached for lot addresses; these addresses need to'be noted on the short plat. 8. The sUbject short plat properties fall within Zone 2 of the City of Renton Aquifer Protection area, the Aquifer Protection Notice (attached) needs to be noted on the drawing. 9. All vested owners of the subject short plat need to sign the fmal short plat drawing. Include notary blocks as needed. 10. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or 'Unplatted' _1:\P_IanRev __ i:W_·~_~_1.S_ON\Shortp_l_05_5_S_m:_:_:_G_\Mrad_s_Wy_SHP_w_:_;2 __ LR-0Ian-en-:a_e:_eq-~-:-tShi-t~:-~-:-n-98-0-5-5--'------~ • This paper contains 50% rec:yded 1I'18IeriaI. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THl'. CURVE ~P-10-2004 17:40 *,,25 430 7300 P.02 Page 2 September 10, 2004 11. The applicant shall revise the short plat drawing to reflect a 20-foot wide access easement prior to short plat recording .. 12. Provide sufficient information to locate the 20' portion of the New Private Ingress Egress & Utilities Easement. 13. The applicant shall verify the accuracy of the square footage of each lot and revise the short plat drawing if necessary prior to short plat recording. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at(425) 430-7235. Sincerely, ~.K&7~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review . 425-430-7235 . .. /; I ~ :, .... ---":P FAXED'm Chris Battershill, Sonveyot/l)ngineer-206-244-4455 Q~ cc: Yellow Ftle ,. _ (?) AC())fL~l..{ vJl'\S V6e-'he:D 1\>\ i20 \}<Cv\ LO"l LLOS\Jl'Z..& ~ . "."-". "." ,.' . Lot Closure Calculations City of Renton Short Plat No.: LUA-04-048 SHPL Prepared by Duncanson Company, Inc. DCI Job No. 03129 Parcel name: Overall Boundary Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177502.6836 East: 1302182.1337 Line Course: S 88-30-33 E Length: 65.59 North: 177500.9771 East: 1302247.7015 Line Course: S 88-30-33 E Length: 84.41 North: 177498.7810 East: 1302332.0829 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 63.92 North: 177562.6795 East: 1302333.7425 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 81.30 North: 177643.9521 East: 1302335.8534 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 70.00 North: 177645.7695 East: 1302265.8770 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 65.71 North: 177647.4756 East: 1302200.1891 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 55.00 North: 177592.4942 East: 1302198.7611 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 14.29 North: 177592.8659 East: 1302184.4760 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 16.28 North: 177576.5914 East: 1302184.0533 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 73.93 North: 177502.6864 East: 1302182.1338 Perimeter: 590.43 Area: 20,996 sq.ft. 0.48 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0028 Course: N 01-29-02 E Error North: 0.00276 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 210,867.86 Parcel name: Lot 1 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177500.9771 East: 1302247.7010 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 63.92 North: 177564.8755 East: 1302249.3606 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 84.41 North: 177562.6749 East: 1302333.7419 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 63.92 North: 177498.7765 East: 1302332.0823 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 84.41 North: 177500.9726 East: 1302247.7008 Perimeter: 296.66 Area: 5,396 sq.ft. 0.12 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0045 Course: S 01-29-33 W Error North: -0.00450 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 65,924.44 Parcel name: Lot 2 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177564.5022 East: 1302263.7662 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 81.29 North: 177645.7648 East: 1302265.8768 Line Course: S 88-30-44 E Length: 70.00 North: 177643.9474 East: 1302335.8532 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 81.30 North: 177562.6748 East: 1302333.7423 Line Course: N 88-30-22 W Length: 70.00 North: 177564.4997 East: 1302263.7661 Perimeter: 302.59 Area: 5,691 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0025 Course: S 01-28-44 W Error North: -0.00253 East: -0.00007 Precision 1: 121,036.00 Parcel name: Lot 3 Beginning at the Northwest corner thereof; North: 177645.7669 East: 1302265.8767 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 65.71 North: 177647.4729 East: 1302200.1889 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 55.00 North: 177592.4915 East: 1302198.7609 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 14.29 North: 177592.8633 East: 1302184.4757 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 16.28 North: 177576.5887 East: 1302184.0530 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 80.00 North: 177574.5031 East: 1302264.0258 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 71.29 North: 177645.7691 East: 1302265.8768 Perimeter: 302.58 Area: 4,917 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0022 Course: N 01-28-36 E Error North: 0.00223 East: 0.00006 Precision 1: 137,531.82 Parcel name: Lot 4 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177502.6836 East: 1302182.1337 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 73.93 North: 177576.5887 East: 1302184.0532 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 80.00 North: 177574.5030 East: 1302264.0260 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 10.00 North: 177564.5064 East: 1302263.7664 Line Course: N 88-30-22 W Length: 14.41 North: 177564.8821 East: 1302249.3613 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 63.92 North: 177500.9836 East: 1302247.7017 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 65.59 North: 177502.6901 East: 1302182.1339 Perimeter: 307.85 Area: 4,993 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0065 Course: N 01-29-07 E Error North: 0.00650 East: 0.00017 Precision 1: 47,361.54 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor September 10, 2004 Joe Megal MSW,LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle W A 98166 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Megal: CITY £ RENTON PIanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Call City of Renton, fuspection line at 425-430-7202 to request inspection and sign-off for Demo Pennit #B040406 after demolition has been completed. The Demo Permit has an expiration date of 03-01-2005. 2. Contact Ameta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portionto your project. 3. Show compliance of Decision #4. with digital ph()to of placement of address sign~ Send photo to me at colson@ci.renton.wa.us. 4. A licensed surveyor needs to prepare and stamp, sign and date the short plat document. 5. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04.:.048-SHPL and LND-20-0372, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. 6. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network and tie the subject property directly to said Control Network. The geometry will be checked once the ties are on the short plat. The monument at the intersection of s 7th St and Renton Ave S is monument #418; the S ~ comer of Section 17 (#415) is approximately 1030 to the East along S 7th St. 7. See attached for lot addresses; these addresses need to be noted on the short plat. 8. The subject short plat properties fall within Zone 2 ofthe City of Renton Aquifer Protection area, the Aquifer Protection Notice (attached) needs to be noted oil the drawing. 9. All vested owners of the subject short plat need to sign the final short plat drawing. fuclude notary blocks as needed. 10. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or 'Unplatted' _I:_\p_lanR_e_Vi_eW_\C_O_LS_ON\S_I_Oh_;_:_;_:_:_:_04G_\M_r:_;_:-:-P~-y_02-_LR-Chan-en-t-:-:,-e~-ue-~:-~-::-,:-:c-on-9-8-0-55--------~ * This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Page 2 September 10,2004 11. The applicant shall revise the short plat drawing to reflect a 20-foot wide access easement prior to short plat recording .. 12. Provide sufficient infonnation to locate the 20' portion of the New Private Ingress Egress & Utilities Easement. 13. The applicant shall verify the accuracy of the square footage of each lot and revise the short plat drawing if necessary prior to short plat recording. Should you need to discuss any portion ofthis letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, Carrie K. Olson NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TIfP 23 N, RGE 5 E, MSW SHORT PLAT Lu/Mq-O't·~ d~ ;<j---~[-T--~J' ___ ' --•••.•• 0,7""/,,101/ I EA •• """ P," ",oll,e """,,, ... ,, ~ >'" ~~F-"~ 8£\.1. HI.U·M(JtI41.: cUt.lPAIn _ -.,. • .....,-. ,-.. ~ ___ Q:. -....-• (lJHOCAo,,;ItOUHO I..OWWU,.ICIo.'IUtI U,.,U) ---'-.-.1'----. ~~U~;":~T;:~.I.WIIJW1IJ1J I I "'tRtNct II tHets, SII.T 'tHet, CTC.). I.ITlCS ANO sTABU OIll.OUHD OIW'HIC SCALE ~-Lw>-J r ..::.:..--= ,~/ ,~,..., u .... JO .. RtVISIONS CXlSnHO ,1'PIUCNRP AND "'PRD\'OItHT1 OM \011 '2.3 NIO • TO 8t "EWClYCD DJlA~: .CJB ", .. ",' ~;L/C/6--oo?o W.M. -nvt./o-{)CJ ?b .~ .' DRAWING INDEX: C 1 CQvt" 'MteT ..... 0 INOC. C2 SuRvt'Y SHIET CJ O!llAOINC, OIUlJr4,IiG(. .t.HO U'flUTY 'VoN PRELIMINARY PLAT LEGEND -tOT.-. ,l(R[J.G( Mtl-20,tt. sr ,411 N: HVt.lII[R or 1.015-.- ZONING R .. a 'ROPOS[D sa rOOTAGE or tACH \.Ot 1.01 \-'.l" S' LOT 2-S,"O If 1.01 J. "'7 " I.OT.-'.IU Sf PROPOSto OtN'I1Y_ •• l/~ P[RIoI'"[O DeNSity_ 1.7/J.t. ,." (KliT "IoIH IIIW'·';U.JO ... ·'Hh It,UII II"PVC ~I""J ... ICJ fl' f'VC .,' i:--\ ~ WlDDT "DHU"ENT V(D[s .... nOH) OP-I7.0,-1I tuYa112.JII PROJeCT ADDResS, 32' ReNTON AV MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S SHORT PLAT PLAN \IICINITY MAP Nrs CAUTIONI UNOCltO"ClUNO UTlUT1U EtllT .. n4t .lIlU AND U'nUT'Y 1N1~II4A"OH SHOWN MAl It IHCow.P\Ltt, 'TArt: LAW "'outfits nU.T COHTRACTQft CONr"CT THE ONE-CALI,. UnUTY LOCATt ,tfI:~C[ A1 U ... ,1 .. HOURS IUeI" ITARnNO AHY COHlmutl1ON. 1-800-424-5555 -' ReNTON peRMIT 4-002 C1 .,3 e e " , AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITIllN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. TIllS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURF ACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIDILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 3,2004 Carrie Olson BObMacon~ MSW Short Plat, LUA-04-048-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: A licensed surveyor needs to prepare and stamp, sign and date the short plat document. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-048-SHPL and LND-20-0372, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network and tie the subject property directly to said Control Network. The geometry will be checked once the ties are on the short plat. The monument at the intersection of s i h St and Renton Ave S is monument #418; the S If4 corner of Section 17 (#415) is approximately 1030 to the East along S i h St. See attached for lot addresses; these addresses need to be noted on the short plat. The subject short plat properties fall within Zone 2 of the City of Renton Aquifer Protection area, the Aquifer Protection Notice (attached) needs to be noted on the drawing. All vested owners of the subject short plat need to sign the final short plat drawing. Include notary blocks as needed. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or 'Unplatted'. !l-0~ Provide sufficient information to locate the;M' portion of the New Private Ingress Egress & Utilities Easement. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0372\RV040909.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECI': CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 23, 2004 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL SHORT PLAT AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Lot Closures • Short Plat Certificate, Supplemental Report #1 & 2 • Short Plat Map If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: _____________ ,'--________ ---', Date:. ____ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File I:\PJanReview\COlSON\Sbortp1ats 2004\MSWSHPL 01 m PR-TS ReviewS1lIrt.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECf: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 23, 2004 Mike Dotson, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review to MSW SHORT PLAT LUA-04-048 SHPL For your review and comment. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. • Short Plat Map Approval: ____________ , _________ -', Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Mike Dotson Cc: Yellow File en C "" < m -< Z G) • DUNCANSON Company, Inc. TRANSMITTAL LETTER DATE: . August 20, 2004 TO: Carrie Olson FROM: RE: Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Chris Battershill MS W Short Plat #04-002 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ENCLOSED: Quantity Descri12tion 4 Sets of Titles 4 Closure Calculations 6 Copies Final Short Plat Maps NOTES: Please call if you have any questions. Thank you, Chris Battershill 145 SW 155th Street· Suite 102· Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141' Pax 206.244.4455' Web www.duncansonco.com I CIVIL ENGINEERING CITYOfRENTON RECE'VED AUG 2 3 200~ BUILOINGOtVlStON 03129 l') z z z « --' "- o z « --' r.LUl:.L.LL!l nUL.LUIIU.L I.LL.LC , Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188th Street SW #300 Lynnwood, Washington 98037 (425) 771-3031 / 527-1432 Fax No. (425) 771-7910 Direct Line (425) 640-3509 / 640-3503 Toll Free: 1-800-776-3021 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT NO. 1 TO: GUARANTY MORTGAGE C/O JAY STEWART 1734 ALKI AVE. SW OUR NO: 0364470 YOUR NO: SEATTLE, WA 98116 REGARDING: LITTLE TRUST Attention : JAY STEWART THE FOLLOWING JNFORMATION AFFECTS THE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY COVERED BY OUR COMMITMENT BUT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT A COMPLETE COMMITMENT: THERE HAVE BEEN NO OTHER CHANGES TO OUR REPORT, THE EFFECTIVE DATE HAS BEEN AMENDED TO APRIL 23, 2004 DATED: APRIL 29, 2004 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON By: Stan Kuligoski, Senior Title Officer Michelle Treherne, Title Officer Lynda Stow, Title Officer Kristi Mathis, Asst. Title Officer (425) 640-3509 1-800-776-3021 Fax No. (425) 771-7910 mt .-, . o - 'EASEMENT .lee q~-1 .. q:9Y5 KNOW AU MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: ~~J!f~~':!'Zr"'t.. 9<" U For and In ~1.lIOnOl .~'V ~~ ID'.~ 1Pldt1l'lQnlld. MreMallatlallrrlld to lIS OranIDl(IJ'. bOte, IfIlIIa aJllllPOIUII 8""""nl \Q I'IIt:IIk: NoIII'I •• ool BIll TalaphCInll Company. II WCIIII\~llllgn COtparallon. lie _ InCI .... , h .... lnlllor ,.141n1d 10 l1li (hnkla. ""'" OWl "",I. pdvUege 8tlCl1lllno~1y to plac:a, CIlIIIIlrv;l, mainl"", fIISp.c1, laeon.'Nr:I. rep.t/t. raDlaCII, IfIfIIIMI Pld tcoeD obstaeilli dUBllmmGranlH'1 l.r:IIlllaa ~ 111 __ _ Undert="od e"""trUCat'o" '1"1111-4". ebs"e gr.obG~et~,.-_________ _ l1li4 0111. ~ BIllie GrIllIelIlllY IIIIII! ~O 14 IImll r.qutra 0>'81. ;rr:IlIBII, \IIlIlI\ IIIId IImItr "" nllrntt. dllBcribaCi propen11lWa18c1In K1DK eol,ll\ly, 6l.I18 al .,.lob ... h t batOr\-and IS daliC:lllrrlrloa I(IIIOM; Lat J, Renton Co-o~ CaAt CO~Rny's Tr~ct~ 61 ~ho North 55 fee~. All loea~ed 1n Sectloa 17, 1VwD8h1p 23 NOrth. tonlo 5 iaot, W.K. ... -.Io,",~ .. 1 9:1" .. ollsenent: 1tdng t1VB (5) fl!e~ :In l/ldth. be1ng tho l!ael:Or~ five (5) filet the abave 4Qllcrlbed pro~erty. .. -'-,;.1 ._ C": .~ .-,,' I •••• ....... ., .. _-,-:'.1. :.' ~ t;;-;; rr; 'J",00..-01 ItECDF ItECFEI! .... ~Hs:l. 'U~ IF! Orll"'te ehllllll ad Ilmei have 11'1. rfO/Il Of IuD IItI(IlIIIe Ingre!jS 10 lflii 00'011 IlQm .. Id ptaplrly cllKrtbI!d .... !!IIlh IIIe undetSlaMllll\llll81 G!aJI\8& StlaJI IN! '~I~ lor III dama;& cBUs\!4111 Br".,or arbilg frOn1 Gnml&ll', ... rdso 01 1ft. rights alld pdvIragea herein arllllllld, Gna'l1III ru.lV.,. "" IIgItI to ueo tllO a_"1 IOf II1II' pu_. ;, lOng ~ll1Qll"conI19Ianl witrl nOl GIt InlorleRlIICO Willi tile righI' gronlod Grant8e '*tin- • ThII rlghlo, condIllcum and prow"u", Ollllis I!lIserII8nt ,hal Inur@ 10 l~e C4!lIOrrl 01 a/ld bo IIirKIIn9 upon ilia IIIJlrc. OUC\ItDrl, DCJmInlsI .. IOII.II.ICCOSSCIIS" IIClQIUi of IhO '1l&P1!Cdve pari Ie, 1'101010, lIfM1b ....... ACIIBIIwItd, __ nU 6tQIO", __ "-1=./M..-b"""'· \'::~-'1'\~_"""'Ic........Qo, __ COunlrCOl ___ ..r!<.~'\I,;:"':::J.. ____ _ on "!Is dty IHIlfl'IIIdIf ._dbol ... o,..., b'c'O Go DAN"" tl(f.vyl!!:b1 }. _tOmelObothO_" ~ _0_""" Ilia llIfegalllalnatruntinlanO ~.oI"SI~ &lgned IftO IIIIIIC" A-h .. ~ .... 1100 end 1tGMI.1IIV 001 lind ~ed.1vr IhtI_1 1IIlCI1III'PO$II8"',..,,_IIvnotI. GIo!Oft~mr,IIIIICIarw:lOIklllleaJ"lIS a G., III 0c.:l'a)"e..... .t9~ $1<II'al ________ ...,(L...._ I }" ~IyOI ______ ........ I--_ cullId 1110 IDft!O!IIroa kIt_t. bQt_ IV tro IhCI I .. _ dOl tIIO cOIpCIIllIm,lat II1II alee aNI _thlre'" _,OftdIlll_llalrldll'llll __ wur;/iovl1l ;rul ',III .. oOKUle sllld 11'&1_ On """"" ofl/le_ 'n, GIvvn ""nunc! ard DlIfI:I.1NIIII tNt at NlllirY"""lCinIll'dIOI1ltu811IODI~ ___ _ m~~A~I ____________ -_______ __ ,,,COft1I1llAioItol<GQ,,'-______ _ ..: , , " -~ ., '~ i ;''j ':'j '.>. ,"! :.1 " " ,', '. :t " o .. I 25xUD =: ; = .--I '"--11,,"-- • ENDORSEMENT Fidelity National Title INSURANCE COMPANY Atradted to :PDlI~ No.: 21-131-!n-20S677 Qt'(tir No.: 0364410 1. 1. This endO~Bement shall be effeccive only if at Date of Policy there is located on the land described in the policy a one-co-four family resiaential structure, in which the insured owner resides or intends to reSide. Por the purpose of this endorsement the term "res1dencial Structure" is defined as ~e principal dwelling 9~ruCture located on the land together with all ~mprovements thereon related to residential use Of the prope~y e~cept ~laneings of any nature, perimete~ fences.~d perimeter walls, and t~e term "~nsured owner" is defined as any ~nsured named 1n Schedule A and, SubJect to any rights or defenses the Company may have had under the policy and all endorsement 9 , such insured owner's he1rs, distributees, devisp-es. survivors, pe~sonal representatives or n!'!xt of kin. The Compan¥ hereby insures the insured owner gf the est~te or interest describea ~n SChedule A against 1099 or damage which tne insured owner shall sustain by reason of: a. the existence at Date of Policy of any statutory lien for labor or mate~ia19 at~acbing to ~~e estate or interest referred to in Schedule A ariSing out of any work of improvement on the land, in progress or completed at Da~e of Policy. e~cept those liens arising out of a wor~ of imp~ovement for which the insured owner has agreed to he responsible. b. the removal ot the re~identia1 structure or the interf.erence with the use thereof for ordinary residential purposes as the resulc of a final court order or judgment, based upon the existence at Date of Policy of: (1) any encroachment of said reSidential B~ructure or any part thereof onto adjoining lands, or oneo any eage~ent Bhown as an exception in Part II of Schedule B of the policy. or onto any unrecorded ~ubBurface easement. {2} any violation on the land of enforceable covenants, conditions or restrictions, provided that tbis coverage shall not refer eo or include the terms, covenants and conditions contained in any lease, suh-lease, or contract of sale referred to in the policy. {3} any violation of applicable zoning ordinaneea. but this endorsement does not insure complianoe with nor is it in any way concerned with Quild~D9 codes or other exercise of governmental police power. c. damage to the residential ~tructure resulting from the e~ercise of any right to use the surface of the lan~ for the extraction or de~lopment o£ the minerals excepted from ~e descripcion of the land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B. For purposes of this endorsemen'C, the words "cQVenant:s", "conditions" or "regeric~ion~~ sha~l not be deemed ~o refer to or include any covenants, conditions or restrictions relating to environmental protection, except to the extene that a notice of a violation or a11eged viol~tion affeetin9 the land has been recorded in the public records of Daee of Policy and is not excepeeQ in Schedule S. Thi& endorsement is made a pare of Che policy and is subject to all of the ecrms and provisions thereof and of any ~rior endorsements thereto. Rxcept eo the extent expressly stated, it neither mod~f~ee any of tbe terms and ~rovi5ions of the policy and any ~rior endorsements, nor does it axteD4 the effect1ve date of the po1icy and any pr10r endorsements, nor does it in~ase tbe face amount thereof. IJ'mlLlft l'IA'1'tONAL T:n'lB INSUMa CC*PAltt Dated: January 13, 2004 at 2:2G P.M. FORM W-126.1 eLTA BNDORSEM2NT -Porm 126.1 (9-10-93) Order No. 036~470 Page No. 4. 11a-....... ,L....a-------- Fidelity National Title I?olicy No. 27-031-92-205677 1. General taxes and related charges, if any, for the year 2004, not payable untjl February 15, 2004, in an amount not yet available from the County Treasurer's Office. Tax Account No. : Levy Code: 722140-00eO-03 2110 2 . DEED OF TRUST 1\ND ADDITIOlOLL .ADVJl.NCBS, IF ANY. AND THE TERMS 1.ND CONDITIONS THEREOP: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Original Amount, Dated: Recorded: Recording No. : James Scnmitt, a single man Fidelity National Title Company of Washington New Century Mortgage Corporation $238,000.00, plus interest January 7, 20o" January 13, 2004 20040113001482 END OF EXCEPTIONS l"Jar Order No. 0364470 Page NO.3 .Jrnc.unLc. SCHRDOIaE B Bxceptions from Coverage '-'-''''''' ..... _ ...... - Fidelity National Title Policy No. 27-031-92-205671 This policy does no~ insure against loss or damage (and ehe Company will not pay costs, ~eto~aylg fees or expenses I which a~ise by reason of: A. GBNEIUU. gXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens hy the records of any taxing aUthority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by tae publiC recoxd. proceedings by a publiC agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or no~ shown by che records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which a~e not ehown by the public records but whicb could be ascertained by an inspection of th~ land or which may be asserted by persons in possession ~hereof. 3. Basements, liens or encumbrances, or claim~ ~hereof, which are not shown by the public :.cords. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts, in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmentB or any ocher fac~s which a correct ~rvey would disclo~e, and which are not shewn by the public recorda. S. (al Onpatenced m~in9 claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in pa~ents or in Acts autho~izing the i9~uance thereof; (e) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (al, (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. G. Any lien, or right ~o a lien, for services, labor or materials theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not ShOWD by the pub~ic recor~9. 7. Any service, in9tal1ation, connection, main~enance or conBt~uction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. Reservations or exception9 in Patents or in Acts authori~ing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulation, Indian trea~y or aboriginal rights, including easements or equ~table gervitude. B. SPECIAL EXCBP"tIONS: -CONTINUED - Order No. 0364470 Page No. 2 EXHIBIT A - 1 Fidelity National Title policy No. 27-031-92-205677 The South 90 feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 3, Plat No. 1 of RENTON CO-O?ERATIVR COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof recorded in volume 9 of Plats, Page 29. recorde of King county, WaShington. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. .I."t.J "t.J1 ..... -.4-r .. _-.. _-e -------.- Fidelity National Title INSURANCE COMPANY chk SCHEDULB ]I. DATE OF POLrcy: January 13, 2004 at 2:26 P.M. AMOUNT OF INI31JRANCE: $280,000.00 l'OLlCY NO. : 2?-031-~2-205677 ORDER NO.: 0364470 PREMIUM: $568.00 1. Name of Insured: JAMBS SCRMcrTT, ~ single man. as bis separate estate 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by chis policy is: a fee Bimple. 3. Title to the estate or interest in th~ land is vested in: THE NA~D INStJ'RI!:O 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: See accached Bxhibit A-l 01/27/04 16:13 FAX 1%1 :.:, 5 I\~ 3 30 ;'.~j~::.: ; r~·~f;~.s A' . -:",- t:i;'1C ~(iLiH iY ~'I.lj:.' ." ----_O:.::f.'jj'{ , , Statulory Warranty Deed "'f and in [lIn~illmli,Of1 'JI TI'JI AHD HO/loOW ($10.00) OOLUR5 Ih,' '"I1 .... int fl~ .. ti1'"1 rr~1 ~1.lr •• ilomltd ill Ibr C""nly III Jr:ing \\":.,hin~lnn: Srnrt.h 90 foet or the .,an 150 feet or t.nct 3, PlAt. No. 1 or Rl!ntClll Co~peraU" coal Cta;IIJl;Tl, Acre Tracts, according tg pl1lt rtlcorded 1JI yolume 9 or pls.t.sj pAS8 29, in ling cQUJ't,., Vu~un. . 11~ .. d Ihis 30th ~T,\T~; (If W,':olIIl:q;Tn~. , . ,,~. ,','UhlY f,1 Jl:1nr; \ I4J 004 • '", •• AI I IIw' .. ilh;p AmI "'"'!I";nK il1lll rll~nl, ~'ul rro ~ ~pll nolunlary a.!( .nd dN'4. rOr Ih. - 01/27/04 16:14 FAX WJIq recunk6 retIIrD III; GIIJllt IDellvallll UttIe 319 Rutoa ,.'lff.. S. RelIt ... WA980S5 • • • Quit Claim Deed TIm GRANTORS, Georw! UItI! .ad bDIII Llfde, mrand in ~daBlion or emblisbmeDl and Ir.1IIsfer to ~vocahl~ Li~J Trmtwilh Oramors mil othet spttilicd IruSI bcoe6dari= as '-cli~iui"", ad Ii>r 110 othet etmSidl:nlliOll. COQ\'e)' stnd quil ~lail\l m Gcorte Lltlk aad l~u. Utile, Trustca of u... Geotp ud 1v4U LitdeKe'locableLlriqTl1IItdated ~ 2i~ .1991. tile reDowipc dCIIIll'l"heil relll atilt!!, situalCd in the CounlY DC Wlaleom. SUI'!: ofWasbingiOll. jllcluding ally inlc:tQl IberciD Ylhic;b p10ni m~)I hereafter BCqII~ SDUtb 911 red uribe _I~O red oftnd.3, Plat No.1 DfRmIOll c,.~p~ ... lin Co'" CDlltpqy'5 Acre Iractt, _rdiq 10 IIlal m:unW In vDlume II of p\Al!, pAf;819, ia Kille COIIDty, W~d. Tu ID M R m14lJ..QQ8O~ --:Da;?'I!"~tb';..<l7J~f:l<~.,,.da--r'l~Of~{)(r4.U-r()_f'._"E_R.._. )991. J~~l :>~, ~a ~ ~ .... ~rse ·ltIe 1vona Lilll~ STATE OF WASH&IOTON Couuly or Kr ,,)(;. ::2".-.~ ..• ":'. ) ,ss ) .co • 141 005 .. B .O~ •• TICOR TITLE COMPANY 15 S. Grady Way, Suite 120, Renton, WA 98055 (425)255-7575 FAX (425}255-0285 Admiral Escrow 3212 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116 Attn: Thena #30692 FileNo.: 6312664-2 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT NO.2 RE: Chaves/Arbor Heights, LLC The following information is a partial amendment of our Commitment dated November 26, 2003 and is not intended to represent a oomplete report to date: The following infonnation is an amendment of our Commitment dated November 26, 2003 and is intended to represent a oomplete report to date: There are ,",0 changes as of 04123/2004, except for the following: Those noted in Supplemental Report No.1. Dated: April 29, 2004 jd cc: Thena #30692, Admiral Escrow I I I I I I I ! ~ " i • I ·i ~ • ~ = ~ a _. APPROVALS: ________ _ 0'N-Of ReNTON ~ ... _ ......... lL.,..,,,~:l., ... J'}4/tK¥HleW4Itt "-7PfiM~ _1 ..... - SHOtti' PLAT·/n u:iA·,;;g.7.-134-SHPL _\ .. 1/ ./~. ../: :.~~':"""""""'" KING COUNTY DEPARThiENT OF ASSESSI.IENTS b ...... _ 0''' ..... "" • .J,L fWt 01 ..2A),YAQ . 'M' .s:c,rr: 1fI.'lu -~~ RECORDING NO. 9901269011 SCALE: iJDdr.-lOfL •• '" .. .".'::' .:6~RTlFICAi'ioi-l; .::' --PORnON OF ,.,.,. ..:. .,. ::' ,:" ..-..... ,... _ ... _ 7.UI'f'-.~_ ~_1/4 of ..§:!:.._'/4, s.l.!.L T.~_ R._t __ .............. .' ,:' :,' .: ... ,,, .. /'.::> ./"::::.~:.,:,::?:}~\,." KHtM.tIl. P(':J(.~ 11€S[.HrsrMs t" ...... tIM ~'---A:. .,' """':. :"::"::':'4,. ........... ::"..I.-=~ '::':'::.=_ ''''':'' :::. "" ... , ... ,. crT;f' OF RENTON LANO USE ACTION NO. WA-97-134-SHPL rJI __ • _ lfI4~ .. IIKirt ...w~ ........ ...,.. tII,~,,.. """,,l~" ;: ': ,~. t·' /.'4 ... ~ _· ...... d. -. ... , ... _ ... :: ..•. .,., .... ::. .,,, ., •• " ..... ' cr['(.. .. Q£ RENTON LAND RECORD NO LNO-20-0212 ~~ ~ -~~.' -~~:'~-.. t,{':~//~:.,,:;· .J.)t,/s;,~~:::), ""'_. _:::£;:ziI~":::=_~~_!:!<!1 ...... _____ ·..;h'h" •• I 0' • ,: k \' ":', i::L • .:\' ':'fug 1fOSUIISJIl~ 11M "..,~~ ...... o '~'.' . . ..,\ .."" .. r JQfaW G1J ~/!W n:=: :: =.-.~ ",/' Z,7}i?-);" ,..1"7 7! I Ch;,:-:.w.dIwJ ....... u.t BASIS O"'BIWC!!!~: .:,/' :{:' C/" ..... ':i! .... '""'-"1; ... ~I'-... (NI,...,) ..... " H ... ", ___ 1OIt·~IIn:t' :1 ~ ... eft fet 1M _ tftd ..-.-" "........,!h:~ ~ ~ dr a'DM""" amc. .u ~ ':',. .;. !f:;:~S::;~ ~'~l,i::';:'::' \, ~"¥~.:::"",,,:::"::;:[-::7-;:;) \,~. ··~~WJ ~~ ¥~ ~:;f .,) CROSS REn:R!IICE' &~~. . .. "".~:: "~\iii'~· ....... :;t .\~ .... : .. :... ., ... ~~: •• ~~ .1:.:· .. · :: ... : ./~"""-"""" ::u.:.=:.ni~,.SUMl5trJ1f i!L~~socnH_····hU"'''\~~::.: ....... . .,' c-.I:, .... =t!.~ " ....:-·.·.IItATIO.' .. IItItffJNQ)oo(INJIIMCOlt~ --•••• I CtnI'r 1PICIt.f:;:., h ... "' .... ..;~ \hat .. :' :; '.;tiCfIC nMCI'1 \Q.UW, OT~1.I. N« n LJlrti 0* ~~ S Ii :: ,_""::. ~ "" $UM'Y" lCU IWiC 1I ::""Y~~:.:'::~=:..=:J~~=~~ .: .. ~':'" :? ..at"c ... , .. ,,,'_...... \.. i( ..... ,.// 17f:...;:S:~~·;~ :.:k;.:n:tt::?: .. , \ PUIUC f ..,.~"\:;..~~ ~"'··II"· .~ 111~~(:~'",J!!.i!'v //<,::,:>' ,;:" .... I'" . :" '{~"~:":,f-:' LOT AR!A.5: lDIlIf. MID: CUI ACRE! ('I."" S1) =r~! unr: £.= == g MrA , DtlnM HDUJEJ r •• U .... Itt'f -Ie RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .f1.'I.;U •. :tPI.(. 'filtd for r.eOf'd thl.J.:'.~.~ .. d~Y od'..~",19S9 af.tl,{rJ. LAND SUR\I!'(OR'S CERTIFICATE 'lhla Short Plat correctly repr ... nt. a .urWy maIM by ( .Q A ~ CR~NIll ~ AllioC, ~ A . LAND SURVEYORS 1dtiJ\.·J·S~~R/~~f·"·FOk.'./~UG1/·~\rES . :: >' ':":~"'" .:,.:-.:~."f' ",::' .. If .. :i;···: .... · ':'~u~:.~~ ~l t~~~::o!~~:,=:n:~d ~:u!': ... tIIIo .... "' ....................... Stotut. and Ordlrlar"tC'tl IrI Jun., 'ie7 .Ji-w.J!.:~ C'""'co\. No. .~~?.! ... ' U41 (;J1l!ll ······supt··oi"'R;~;~di······ 0 .... BY BDH CHICO. BY JDC D.qE: .:' ~:a NO. ..:~ :, .... -4!~.'. '991 .t! CHAVES.r(!i, SC .... E i'-.20' .SJ-IE[T -,:-,:1,' .~, I tit 2 "-;"~""; e e CITY OF RENTON RECORDINC NO. CHAVES SHORT PLAT 1/Ol./pACE SHonT PLAT N LUA-97-134-SHPL PORTION SWl/4. SEC. \7. T23N. R5E CITY OF RENTON LANO USE ACT/ON NO. LUA--97-1J4-SHPL CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NO. LND-20-0]1] SC~lE: I ~ ••• If n. ,![JI:lIII"[]~C:=I== .. I::==C::I=:::J .. ~I' I I '" I I ( 18 I I I , I , T , I~ '; I , I , I , I , I ,.. I IS I6IOwiiift .---r-I I I I L_ , .. ,.,,~ LOT 1 Jtl,~::'" ~ N GRAPHIC SCALE W i I (t" r= I I Irfeh • 20 It. ! i TFJ.C1' :1. ~~'fl ... e COA'- CO)dPA~'f'S , .. ,,,, ,,;J' o ., coopE IV' ~ /tE tJ l' 0.. nACTS pt-AT • AC~E TI'" :::.:r.~J, """""P<AQ -""', '0 ... ur.nr r.&SrIC'Nr "" Men: 1M lilt rot"O< co 1'(' .... __ OIl IJa.7U1. ...vQ111Ii1 I IX .. CIIIf1I'C AS_r PAD ~l,t fII,.,"'" _ __ ...J ~I "I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I =-_ .... , "UU· -..oW', + ,..... , r;:I€iif'~:'... 7 '" .. ,' (l/I(foJI ".,..t - f I JCIO.CIt' (IV" I ,.,.. .... , Pu" 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I IV' I ~ ~ ~~~J '1 I '''''''''It '1 ~I-'1;'1 ~I~ ~,~ ~I ~ I I ,.. , I I~ ~ coca IIJuIiIO 'Ill c:o-r. -.,-0-1'OUfG.fIDIC.ICM''' SJCMW • ., J/W' ..... HCII' LS ..., tJ. ,., "'-)It ....-.,..""", ,,,-\,01 , dI.,o BASIS or BUll INC: "......,..,,,,-......c:r,,,,,,,,,""'lSrJC' C'rNfT"'-' 01' C'(tWoIt AwrKC' JIIlm( aM A I(AIMC 0' ~.1d" AS SNMW , _-d:= :SQ II /It-' ~90 \;).q -1a.~01-_A. -~ ~oj< __ .. cur _ ~ (Hq. 1/'4 co"C.-cTt) S STH ST. V 'It' -------4--l1MCJetIfC'lIION"CA.JC , IIWfrIO WII:W'I ., CAll (....r.i ~ "/'f"II'CHI . ~""JI'f r1' «""",.." (HIe. lit ~K1'fJ ~ , '14 COtf!C'If f7_IJ_, '\ ~'iff'r tm''''~~ C'tI'Y'fY''''Hrf)If~ I 110M I .J' ,..,..1) I'OtM I .,,, ('/l1j .l.. /""""",_N_ '''''.''' -.! _ '..r!!..?~ ~ __ 4?-~ =':"2,!,~'. --.*'.2!.!!'!. ~ ----... ~. ---~1..4!!-.. ---.j\---------~ 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ~ I 1 1 1 10' Ill' , I~ I I I I I I oj< I , , I' . ,Ct) I . ,~ I~ '~ Ie ,e-.. I~ I~ I I I I T I I >0' "'. I SIoI[(T I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I 1 ... .., < ~ g " or 7 e e .1' TICOR TITLE CO.ANY 15 S. Grady Way, Suite 120, Renton, WA 98055 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE NO. 6312664-2 INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MADE TO: UNIT 2 (425)255-7943 Brent Mallett Kim Read Effective Date: November 26, 2003 at 08:00 AM 1. Policy or policies to be issued: 1992 ALTA Owner's Policy Coverage: Standard Liability: $ 153,500.00 SCHEDULE .A. Premium: $ 510.00 REDUCED RATE Tax: $ 44.88 Proposed Insured: Arbor Heights, LLC 1992 ALTA Loan Policy Coverage: Extended Liability: $ 0.00 Premium: Tax: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Proposed Insured: TO FOLLOW TO FOLLOW Customer Reference: Chaves/Arbor Heights, LLC 2. Tl:1e estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this commitment and covered herein is a Fee Simple. 3. TICOR TITLE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of appropriate documents, its policy or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on the preliminary commitment; Fee Simple title to the property described herein is vested, on the date shown above, in: Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves, husband and wife subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions, and exceptions contained in the policy form. 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE A CONTINUED Commitment Schedule A Commitment No. 6312664-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE A CONTINUED The land referred to in this commitment is described as follows: Lot(s) 2, City of Renton Short Plat Number LUA-97-134-SHPL, recorded under Recording Number 9901269011, in King County, Washington. Commitment No. 6312664-2 SCHEDULEB Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Rights or claims disclosed only by possession, or claimed possession, of the premises. B. Encroachments and questions of location, boundary and area disclosed only by inspection of the premises or by survey. C. Easements, prescriptive rights, rights-of-way, streets, roads, alleys or highways not disclosed by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not yet payable or which are not shown as eXisting liens by the public records. F. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity, natural gas or other utilities, or garbage collection and disposal. G. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. H. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. \. Water rights, claims or title to water. J. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED: FROM: The Renton Co-Operative Coal Company RECORDED: February 25, 1899 RECORDING NUMBER: 173811 INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: The grantor excepts and reserves all coal, clay, stone, oil and all minerals or mineral products thereunto belonging with the right to mine, quarry and procure the same at any time hereafter. And the land aforesaid is sold on the condition that neither said grantee nor any on deriving title from or through him shall sell or keep for sale any spirituous, malt, vinous or other intoxicating liquors or permit the same to be sold or kept for the sale of keep or permit to be kept any house of prostitution upon the real estate herein described. NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the lands or rights so reserved. 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington corporation, its successors and/or assigns FOR: Underground communication lines and above ground cabinets DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: May 7, 1991 Commitment Schedule B 04/29/2004 08:26 FAX 'EASEMENT .- PI"'~Oi" ItECDF IteCFEI! 1".Q!;Hs:l. :1.00 2.00 .... 7.00 ~ 0111"'" shill .. lIIiftel have ,II_ ""'I 01 lui ana IIee 'nllr~s 10 n Cl9'081 110m .aid prwerly dllcllJad aIJove, IIIIIlh UI8 undlllllalldlnQ IIIaI Goan\88 Sftall 1M! '~D lor III Clama;a CBUa~ III Br"'OI ariSng loon! GnonIBa'e _rdso 01 lilt riglMa lind f)rIYIIa,n "trlln ,,8III1Id. Gl1IIIkII 1111141_ \lie 1IgfI' '0 _ '110 a-"'l rOf l1li)' PU-' ;c lang ~, nallftGDnllal ... 1 willi nOr," ''llarfell!llCII ""III ,lie righi' gronled GllIntOe IIIftIIL ,Tha rlghls, candllIulIII and pnMBlII", c'lIIls ~_ ~111nU1e 10.'" benoQ. 01 a'ld ba IIIn!I!n; UjJDllIIIe ""IC, ~., lICImInIa.raICII,IUCCOSSCII$.u:!lICIQl1&of IhO 'o&IIoclM!par\!cS IIOrala. ~n."~ ____________________________ __ lE-- OfWlbfdldllAdoaawl*dpJl1lllDU ""6$~\~:!= IQo.- GmrnIJor ____ -->K""""· ... ", ..... ___ _ }. ClnIl!l!dl~lIIlflllllllJa_d_n"OI ..J.,.\c'O ... PAN" t4,"uYI$:!:.I b,,"W,lOd 4"0 '+';'< _tome 10 """"-',,-L--_a_UlIif 1 ... 1IIf .... lnltllPlIIl~~N'nB'~ ... ntdtftotruneIlOA,.·.... ftOO""IIGIIInIIllY~Ond dacd,IGrI"" __ putpOSOIllGlaIn_b1oII, Glwtnundel~lIIIII,IaIId_fII.rtalUII$ a GIIr 01. 6~b<r ,'9~ ~t~ lillo IJUYI!D $""'0' ____________ +_ }-~ClI ______ -/-__ _ or lila eofOgfalIooI ... , 1110 IDn!pIIrIg kIS\IUmI!III, MIf a~laIIMIecfgcd 1IqI""""" IV I/o 1110 .... _ WlIIIIIOIYGe'I'" dOl_ dIpcIIllIan.1Itr lNIuI __ _lhwoln _.lIftIIontlllllll'allldllltU __ WlII/M!8IUI • eel IIIUCo11a laid ... _ On ""I11III 041/10 GIvan Ht DI_-I-____ _ "'IIIiii' ...... in IU'dlv' 111& 8\810 DI ____ _ ~~~A.~. ____________ -____ ___ '''_lalllllaqq.''------------ t'''! \ . ~ .~ :~ -.~ , .: I :i ,< . , ' . . ~ : .'. " ~t ., o o ",I 25XUO -=: ; = !ill 002/002 Commitment No. 6312664-2 SCHEDULE B (Continued) RECORDING NUMBER: 9105071373 AFFECTS: Northerly 5 feet of said premises 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT: RECORDED: January 26. 1999 RECORDING NUMBER: 9901269011 4. DEED OF TRUST. AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECOR-DING NO.: Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves, husband and wife Transnation Title Insurance Company, an Arizona Corp Centerbank Mortgage Company One Jefferson Square, PO Box 10300. Waterburj, CT 06726-0300 Not disclosed $147,000.00 September 16. '/996 September 30, 1996 9609301859 Includes other property. 5. DEED OF TRUST, AND TIjE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: 78288-0558 LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves. husband and wife Betts, Patterson and Mines, P.S. USAA Federal Savings Bank 10750 McDermott Freeway, Home Equity Loan Servicing. San Antonio, TX Not disclosed $94,000.00 April 17, 2000 May 2.2000 20000502000895 Includes other property. 6. Title is to vest in Arbor Heights. LLC, and will then be subject to: ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE by Arbor Heights, LLC, a limited liability company, must be executed in accordance with the Limited Liability Comopany Agreement and by all the members and their respective spouses as the date of acquisition, or evidence must be submitted that certain designated managers/members have been authorized to act for the Limited Liability. A copy of the Limited Liability Company Agreement and amendments thereto, if any, must be submitted. 7. Payment of Real Estate Excise Tax, if required. The property described herein is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of the City of Renton. Present Rate of Real Estate Excise Tax as of the date herein is 1.78%. END OF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Commitment Schedule B NOTES: ~ommitment No. 6312664-2 SCHEDULE B (Continued) 1. The language contained in the printed Exceptions from coverage and Conditions and Stipulations of the Policy committed for may be examined by inquiry at the office which issued the Commitment, and a specimen copy of the insurance Policy Form(s) referred to in this Commitment will be furnished promptly upon request. 2. Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, maintenance, or connection charges for sewer, water, electricity or Metro Sewer Treatment Capacity Charge. 3. In the event the transaction fails to close and this commitment is cancelled, a fee will be charged to comply with the State Insurance Code and the filed schedule of this Company. 4. Abbreviated Legal for purposes of King County Recorders Office is: Lt 2, City of Renton SP # LUA-97 -134-SHPL, Rec # 9901269011. 5. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: TOTAL TAXES: AMOUNT BILLED: AMOUNT PAID: TAX YEARS: 2003 $820.47 $820.47 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 722140-0086-07 LEVY CODE: 2110 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $73,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 6. The Loan Policy to be issued will contain a Form 8.1 (Environmental Protection Lien) Endorsement. cc: Admiral Escrow smr/an/12/08/2003 END OF SCHEDULE 8 Commitment Schedule B Commitment No. 6312664-2 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE TICOR TITLE COMPANY, a California corporation, by TICOR TITLE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, its authorized agent, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue the policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and Band to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. T!GOR TITLE COMPil.NY I I : 20 , : ~ ~ ___ •• _;r, .. -_ ----1-:,\'.: --------------'a,'1, f I I 9775 ooa5 10756 04-70 • ..... ' ):' '\., :.'·"SCRO~· MlMB,ri;, lQ'~'!l605'O " .. i .' .' Recorded by Evergreen Trtle 3\'BL'l3-3 ~ ... ~ '.:' .:' .... F~.~ED FO~/~' "T RIIQUB6T OF 19 Sl'ACB JlROVIDBD POll RECORDSR I B 11SB ~ jQ ~ .:!:1 ~ t.~.!tRCORIl)F ,~~,~'~"'" :1 '!llio~t ~ geroW.. -I \.".. ggg""~~d L:':: Suite .26a~ il "··~, .. Beitt1,., 1fA ;810'4' . <I ---------.:----r---i:'---.c:,::,.~--... ~,:-----·:~·:--s~~6-W~~~~;-~~ _n ____ mn ___ • ----------·--------1- .::~. ;. ,:' :: T" ~/J.'~>;...;.L, .. d ;/~'\ ~ •• if. : .' /':.....: .,' .0:"".:': •. for and in conside..fati.~~"O~/· ~:~~ '411&r~>/.:i\?{her good IUld valuable considenti~ 1n han'" paid. C""""yo .,m varr""ta .~i HUJiiO 1I.:/~~/an4'· mOlt CHAVlIS. husblSnd and wife is :.:.:. .:' :.:' ./ .. Y } _"'. ;::. the [0110.-109 deae .. 1.bed real eBtatQ· .. ·.:~iJuat.ed::in ~ c~nt.Y' .f! ~'. tt'O.~.., oE Nasb~·nijt;.~tl! THE NORTH 55.00 FEET OP ~~T 3,:.: PLA'f ~6. i O~.RENTO·~: CO~O~lUi.;IVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TQ.:'THP: PW\'r,'THER5:0F RBCORDl!:rt"IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 29, IN KING cci~. l\'J'.SH;iNGTON,,'/ ':;,:: ..... .\" . . :,:.,': . :. .~ .•. , .... .' .::. .' .:;", , .. '.:' ':: .... - .::. SUBJECT T<Y:'~O~' I~S;~ lIS FULLY DISCLOSED ON THB R~~~tbE'i~~.o..f} :: . / .. .' -;. ~ :.: .. ' " . ' .: . ....... : ...... proven to t'I'I_ on the basis of satiat,"ctory I!!viden.:. or to me known tD be t.be indlviduaUtdesc::ribed .; . .:: .. .. :,,, •... ~~ • .:. .... .' ::..... " Before ~. tb~::\md~rBi~ed, ~: liIot.~·ry ~~bl it;:': it'l ~d .. ";.~r tha S~ate ot Wash- ington. duly c~'~Riori~d a.nd swOrn. (ii.I["SCl~allY app"a:rf!d ~ __________ _ ';.::" :.;. .:. • ::.; :: .,-1' '.: •• and ________________ ~~--~--~ __ ~.~.--__ ~.'~'. __ ~--~~--------- toO me known to be the ~.~.::~Tes/rlen~: ~d "::: ", '····.~~eC'z:~tll.ri. in and who execut.4!d. the Wlthing and fore- 0 0 • 0 C 0 0 ... CU C 0 • CD (') ,.. '" ).. .!..~ ~ ..... 0 C"J ..... eft 0 0 S CD CI ~ ... \II 90~~i nunanl:., and acknowled.gt!d. that ----... ~"'=:T---t'l-r-----signecl the a:acne as tree au,"" valuntl.ry act. 8D" deed, Car the u.e:a: aDd purpou&a reBps~.1.vely. of ::"-:'" r) . ~~f.\ i~;or~.;on that lPecuted tb( .. ~O~ga.~n9 ~nst:niin~~~/ ~d ac1t.'nO"le~ecl t'.''' ...... ::. ,.. ·iF~D .•. ~:~~ \f.t~~t to b~ t:he free "aJ:irj v'~lW'lt-~:t;)I.·~ct: '&n~' ~e~~ ... ~; OAid,.:coe,-:-. { " tberein mentJ..oned.. ~ .. ~ .' p~t,d..pn".:~gx U.c UlieB e.nd purposea tl\er~.~11 menti';ti~~ •. ::...nd ~n ~~b gt.~t~ •.•. ::. . tMt.~ +.~. l~. '!': . auth.o-rl%ed to eX9C'ute\~.~~ Sa.l~il~~i:.ru~t. i!l?d th~~./ ( I:~ . g~~=~f' a1tj ~~j~)'I!: eorpcrate seal of said <:$;;P,Qnti~. :;" .:;' .:.-...... ;r ,. W~~~IB • .ir ~.~~~d official sLI!41 hereto affi.xe4 th.~ dill.~::.and ~et' nrst~: .~"f! ~HJitt~'~. ; " ~ .. ~ t ~ ..... \ .:: .;. Notary PUb it:! in 8I1l1 ~or Ue State o[ .'. '. f Washington resldicg at.. Nol:e.ry Public in and (01." tho Stat:;e of WilMington, MY ~o1llD1Bion expires: • ~sidin9' .t -,:--___________________________________ -;._ My con\1DhioJl Cillpires _____ :::\ './f ~~~.a .. ~ ............ 1I1I1E8*P1I;~BRft.ltiiitIUiiii&ill·InIl~~·I·BIiIaBi1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR-e&*BI~·~ • .'. " .. \ ..... . .,' .. ' ...• ,,~.~ .' ....... ';:. ,:' .'. :( \' /' ..... ~:.~ .. :: .~:?:;~;; t .'.~ : .. ~. "::." .~. ',< " ':" ..• " .. "'~~'\~:: . .. t . .:. I;:~~.. ';::;' / .' " :; '. . )~ . .::: .... / ,f.', .'.;: .... /~:./ .. :". / .... / § ~. . ' ',,:: ':,', ::"~ '.'! RFSERVATIONS A~~~b~oNl;j~l~ED' rn INSTRUME>IT, From: '.,,:' The ~~n~n c;o-9ti~rati~~:Coal qt,~y Recorded: ,.Febrtiary·25/ 1~9~.. .... ':" / Recording No.:t7~lli .,.";: ,,/'\ :: .,:'.: .... ':::' , As Follows: The gf.t.ntot eicepts ana.JQSe~es·).1l coal, clay, stone, oil and all miiier~i!l gr ~lDeral prbduCts:ilierI}LUJ~o belonging with the right to nune; qu8rro/: and ptOCl,1re t)\e samc::at any t~e hereafter. A¥. the l~!i liforf<5wd t~. s91~ oD.}he cqhdl!i0n that neither said grantee nbr anyOne derl'ifing;·.titie from ot' through /:'.\ him shall sell or"keep f~'r s~le ~y'spiriniOuS{ ~t. yinous or ..... other intoxicating liquO~s qf p¢rmit..~ sam~ t~.;:be ,IiOld or kept .'. .' . for the sale or kup or p~tini(to ~ k~t anY hbuslof ./ . prostitution upon the real estate tiereiii de$brihed ::: EASE~'EN::i'A~b TB'k .TBRMS AND CONDITIONS THEREO~::':'''''··:./i' .... .'.. .,' . Grant,ee::,:............ Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Cbqipariy, ~Washington "'::. ./:'./ Corporation, its successors and/or assign( ./ purpose~:":" ./~: Underground com~unication lines and above ground cabinets Area Affeilied~ .. ··'·· ~o~rly 5 feet of said premises Dated: .' /bcto~f . .3. 1990 Recorded.: / .. ::. ~Y. 7. 1.991 Recording No.: ',". :,:: ::; 91·05b71371:····.· .: ',:. " " .... ':::" •• I·~' "1,.". " " ." ':1.:; " .~ . . ;; ·:;.::: ••••••••••• 1 . -:' . , :; .......... . . , ....... . . ::' " .; \ ... .::. II ... ,.···· :t.,·~····· . . ,,;' ,I.·" .. •· .. ·::· " ,\"'';': ".;;.:' .' .' ::' :r·:~~~: .. ' e e ; ./ t,ls pens Pll'!!d Feb 25,')9,2:20 pm. Vol 13 Jdg .4t..;' f113810 • Tn ttl e ~up I;t of y. ~o ,W Bpbrlam ~lttthlJad PItt -.s- Albert ~ ?orrest, Deft An aotlon to fore a I!l~.ge upon th" r 12; prems, e;hen to sec ~250 and lnt, a t a.rn costs, 1Ihloh mtge 1s of reo 1n Vol 135 or lUges p 297;:-nd i8.upon~hurlg real e,t InK ~o, ~ to-wIt: Thlt VI t or Sir t"or sw tlor sec ~7 tp 22--N R 4 R'IM exceptine th erttfrom one ac dese; as cOlllllg at the SW l:or or 3d sac 21 runng th al th 9 BItC: lIne B 209 f t; th ~r 209 f t; th W to th a sec line bet' s eea 27 and 28; th S HJ. 3d sec 11na to th e plot bag. ~og 7l1th the tIns ."'::0. !la.1ph Simon, Plainti!!' s Attorney • • =~ ... ~ •• a~= ••• ===a. Vol ..1, j·3 D j / t :17feu (500 stc att)· (1orm 6) De~ Piled. Peb 25,99,2:22 pm. Da.tad Jan 30,99 C0l1.1250 . .a corp To Evan D Jones Of Renton, • A!The Renton Co-opdrative Coal Company . ~ J.ar.·Tl"a~t .f in plat lv'~r the Renton Co-oparatlv~ Coal Company's ~J··plat as rete In t.he a.m oft or K Co, Nov 17,98. ~ 110 wits Renton Co-operative Coal Co • . ,:~ By James Weir, Presld en t .. (CO rp seal.) D H Jones, secretary 9 of .. ~. or K)ss. . . .T1Ul 30,1899 by J 11 and D H J as prest and seay bet geo B M'orr.1a. N ? 1n and for t.h r3 S of W r~s at r.;. Co:: ex Oc t 14,1900. Filed Feb 25,99,2:25 pm. ~_c ~ .. \iIG"'t.ad Dat .. ·". b· *&,.99. . ~;.;: ··:·:_ .. ~n ~ftIl: That r do hereby cert and dec that r am marr ;';:~:-.'';'' he&4 ot a ram and do now act."-!".ll:: roo .Itil my ram on the . ·..~·.~'i~"~:-!-:·~~!"e!:~~or tiest:; that my ram oonRists of a .. -t aDd oZl-eehlld. : ..... ;~. ",: •.. ::,"~~lt.:~d ull p~ on whioh r res are dest: as sit m S, K Co,. :;',.1-1":,' :"'~.~liot .. " ~lk 48 Yeslerts Second Acid to th a CI ot S supplementa~ {~'··.jlff;:~S:iO .*:0 Jl~!i to nse and elm sd land with dwalllne1lOllse· there-__ ~:.ad and r herobr .ehet and clai. the ...... B a home-:~~... . ,;.~t r.n e Actual casli val of sd prop, I est to be ,1,000. . .n~ '.",' ·I·ha.ve. n.ever se.lected or elaimed any othar hOJllltstead.· " ". 2 .. lti" . Gharles Brasch (Seal) . . . so-i:· ..... GQ·. 01' K)88. hb-'25,99 by ('! B bet' Jos eph Groll N P in l!.nd for th a 3 or Y·re. at S. Com ex Peb 19,19{':). (lOc stm att) .• seFl~ed Peb 25,99,2:27 pm • . ])a:~.d Ye~. 25,99 . ao~.t400 '.; .. " ", . __ .... _~ -A ". __ • .! 1 1 <. Lot Closure Calculations City of Renton Short Plat No.: ------ Prepared by Duncanson Company, Inc. DCI Job No. 03129 Parcel name: Lot 1 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177500.9771 East: 1302247.7010 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 63.92 North: 177564.8755 East: 1302249.3606 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 84.41 North: 177562.6749 East: 1302333.7419 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 63.92 North: 177498.7765 East: 1302332.0823 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 84.41 North: 177500.9726 East: 1302247.7008 Perimeter: 296.66 Area: 5,396 sq.ft. 0.12 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0045 Course: S 01-29-33 W Error North: -0.00450 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 65,924.44 Parcel name: Lot 2 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177564.5022 East: 1302263.7662 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 81.29 North: 177645.7648 East: 1302265.8768 Line Course: S 88-30-44 E Length: 70.00 North: 177643.9474 East: 1302335.8532 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 81.30 North: 177562.6748 East: 1302333.7423 Line Course: N 88-30-22 W Length: 70.00 North: 177564.4997 East: 1302263.7661 Perimeter: 302.59 Area: 5,691 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0025 Course: S 01-28-44 W Error North: -0.00253 East: -0.00007 Precision 1: 121,036.00 Parcel name: Lot 3 Beginning at the Northwest corner thereof; North: 177645.7669 East: 1302265.8767 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 65.71 North: 177647.4729 East: 1302200.1889 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 55.00 North: 177592.4915 East : 1302198.7609 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 14.29 North: 177592.8633 East: 1302184.4757 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 16.28 North: 177576.5887 East: 1302184.0530 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 80.00 North: 177574.5031 East: 1302264.0258 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 71.29 North: 177645.7691 East: 1302265.8768 Perimeter: 302.58 Area: 4,917 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0022 Course: N 01-28-36 E Error North: 0.00223 East: 0.00006 Precision 1: 137,531.82 • Parcel name: Lot 4 Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177502.6836 East: 1302182.1337 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 73.93 North: 177576.5887 East: 1302184.0532 Line Course: S 88-30-22 E Length: 80.00 North: 177574.5030 East: 1302264.0260 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 10.00 North: 177564.5064 East: 1302263.7664 Line Course: N 88-30-22 W Length: 14.41 North: 177564.8821 East: 1302249.3613 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 63.92 North: 177500.9836 East: 1302247.7017 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 65.59 North: 177502.6901 East: 1302182.1339 Perimeter: 307.85 Area: 4,993 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0065 Course: N 01-29-07 E Error North: 0.00650 East: 0.00017 Precision 1: 47,361.54 • Parcel name: Overall Boundary Beginning at the Southwest corner thereof; North: 177502.6836 East: 1302182.1337 Line Course: S 88-30-33 E Length: 65.59 North: 177500.9771 East: 1302247.7015 Line Course: S 88-30-33 E Length: 84.41 North: 177498.7810 East: 1302332.0829 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 63.92 North: 177562.6795 East: 1302333.7425 Line Course: N 01-29-16 E Length: 81.30 North: 177643.9521 East: 1302335.8534 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 70.00 North: 177645.7695 East: 1302265.8770 Line Course: N 88-30-44 W Length: 65.71 North: 177647.4756 East: 1302200.1891 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 55.00 North: 177592.4942 East: 1302198.7611 Line Course: N 88-30-33 W Length: 14.29 North: 177592.8659 East: 1302184.4760 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 16.28 North: 177576.5914 East: 1302184.0533 Line Course: S 01-29-16 W Length: 73.93 North: 177502.6864 East: 1302182.1338 Perimeter: 590.43 Area: 20,996 sq.ft. 0.48 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0028 Course: N 01-29-02 E Error North: 0.00276 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 21D,867.86 • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING I PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: July 12, 2004 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: MSW Short Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Nancy Weil Acceptance Date: May 21, 2004 Applicant: Joe Megale Owner: James Schmitt; Hugo & Uiok Chaves Contact: Chris Battershill PID Number: 722140080; 722140086 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: June 24, 2004 Appeal Period Ends: July 8, 2004 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. Location: 329 Renton Avenue S Comments: CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 9th day of July, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Final Letter -No appeals documents. This information was sent to: Chris Battershill Contact Joe Megale Applicant James Schmitt Owner Hugo & Uiok Chaves Owner Monica Hayes-Bishop Party of Record Alex White Party of Record Mary De Laurenti Party of Record Ann Grinolds Party of Record (Signature of STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the us~s.~""'\\ purpose.s mentioned in the instrument. a ? ~ ... :.~~s~\\ / / /1../ /\ ,/) ":;'910/11 i1!1o", Dated: 71 / tp.(O 'I .vv vt.~~/~ . , Q ... ~ yo ~'" ~ '~ Notary Public in and for the State of Was gtE>J:Il ~; -,J ~ , 'I ~. PuBLIC .: :, . '" // ,/I ( I ,0.'. .. ", Notary (Print):;;rrd VI t:?L ~ '\. P-{ e.-~< a I?c!e r /tl-~~' 1 Q o~ .. ··· &' J' My appointment expires: ~ II ~n ... ·•····· ... \~.: ~ -( 7 -06 \" ""I'-WAS~\"'_:.-:'" """-'''--_. MSW Short Plat LUA04-048, SHPL-A .. Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor July 9,2004 Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 155th Street #102 Seattle, WA 98166 SUBJECT: MSW Short Plat LUA04-048, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Battershill: CITY.F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Administrative Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The advisory notes and conditions listed in the City of Renton Report & Decision dated June 24, 2004 must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. In addition, comments received from the Property Services Department in regard to the final plat submittal are being forwarded for your consideration.· . If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this short plat proposal, please call me at (425) 430-7270. For questions regarding the recording process for the short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Carrie Olson at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, NancyWeil Associate Planner cc: James Schmitt, Hugo & Uiok Chaves / Owners Joe Megale / Applicant Ann Grinolds, Mary De Laurenti, Alex White, Monica Hayes-Bishop / Parties of Record Enclosure ------------1-O-5-5-So-u-ili-G--ra-dy-w--ay---R~e-n-to-n-,W-a-s-hi-n-gt-on--9-80-5-5------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING - On the 24th day of June, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Administrative Short Plat Approval documents. This information was sent to: Joe Megale Applicant Chris Battershill Contact James Schmitt Owner Hugo & Uiok Chaves Owner Ann Grinolds Party of Record Mary De Laurenti Party of Record Monica Hayes-Bishop Party of Record Alex White Party of Record (Signature of Sender): /~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) SS ) """"""'" __ .... ~\~~~.~~'.t" .f ~ ... :; .. "'\SSIO,\;· ••• '1_ ", "'0"'" ~+.,.-~ I, : :'0 NOTA", "0', ':':' ~ '. .~ ~.-,~, ~ : ... J. "": -n ~ ~ II. : ., m. , f v', A CIJ:, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker ~ ~ \ ~8l1C ..: i Signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and vOlunt~~~oge ,VS~ ~d purposes mentioned in the instrument. ', •• ~,c:-~~S"'H"\~G~ ..... --- tl, ." .. .. "h"",' .......... ~ Dated:---...::=.·~",--,· 1.....,2#=.....r.~ !l...;;;;.~_1t' __ tate of Washington Notary (Print): ______ .... MII/:IAy;)IR11Io.1 )'NU¥-IlK""AAlliMCIoHI:l'MOEf$I=I=-__________ _ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 MSW Short Plat LUA04-048, SHPL-A REPORT & DECISION A. REPORT DA TE: Project Name Applicant Contact File Number Project Description Project Location Project Location Map • City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ().."-\ • Ifj'f'A ~h.tlW ft \~ .. ~c j~rw'(Jhv~ ~ ~ . y;, c-6lZ--: >- ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPORT ,t_~n~I.~~~~::,~rOJ~~.~9i,;N,;---r SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: June 24, 2004 MSW Short Plat Joe Megale MSW, LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle, W A 98166 Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 155th St, Suite 102 Seattle, WA 98166 LUA-04-048, SHPL-A I Project Manager I NancyWeil Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a four-lot subdivision of a D.48-acre site located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. The subject site is currently developed with an existIng single-family structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. The existing detached garage and shed are to be removed. The newly created lots are intended for the future construction of single-family residences. 329 Renton Ave. S - - shplrpt • • . REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works & DECISION ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DA TE: June 24, 2004 Project Name MSW Short Plat Applicant Joe Megale MSW, LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle, W A 98166 Contact Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 155th St, Suite 102 Seattle, WA 98166 File Number LUA-04-048, SHPL-A I Project Manager I NancyWeil Project Description Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a four-lot subdivision of a 0.48-acre site located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. The subject site is currently developed with an existing single-family structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. The existing detached garage and shed are to be removed. The newly created lots are intended for the future construction of single-family residences. Project Location 329 Renton Ave. S ~ --DV -l~N o'i ,~ ~~, ~ x# Jrr 0 r L ~ ~ ~ P= OJ \--~ ~ 1--1 L/ ~ \ I--'---' l frT~~ f--J / ~ ... cl> t---\\U -t---~I\\\ - -~ - f--rr- i r-~ f----~F= I----l ( II Project Location Map shp/rpt City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL·A B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owners of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: James G. Schmitt 19824 5th Ave S Des Moines, WA 98148 Hugo E. Chaves Uiok Chaves 336 Harvard Ave Fircrest, W A 98466 Residential - 8 dulac (R-8) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Single Family (RSF) Page 2 4. Existing Site Use: The site is currently developed with an existing 886 square foot single-family residence proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) East: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) South: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) West: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) 6. Access: Lot 1 and Lot 2 would have access from Renton Avenue S., Lot 3 and Lot 4 through a 26-foot private easement between Lots 1 and 2. 7. Site Area: 20,996 square feet I 0.48 acre C. HIS TORICAUBA CKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation Hugo Chaves Short Plat D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Land Use File No. NIA NIA NIA LUA-97 -134-SHPL Ordinance No. 4498 4404 1827 NIA Water: There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in Renton Avenue S. Date 2/20/1995 6/711993 5/3/1960 1/21/1999 Sewer: There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer line in Cedar Avenue S. Surface Water/Storm Water: There are existing storm facilities in Renton Avenue S. 2. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 4. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and shpltrpt. doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA"{)4"{)48, SHPL-A Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Administrative Land Use Action Page 3 Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots-General Requirements and Minimum Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element -Residential Single Family 2. Housing Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. Project Description/Background The applicant, Joe Megale, has proposed to combine two lots and subdivide the 0.48-acre parcel into four lots. The property is currently developed with an approximately 886 square foot single-family residential structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. The existing detached garage is proposed to be removed as part of the short plat approval. The demolition of this structure is necessary as it is located on the proposed Lot 4. The three vacant lots are intended for development of detached single-family structures. Of the proposed four lots, two will front on Renton Avenue S., Lot 1 sized at 5,396 square feet and Lot 2 at 5,690 square feet. Proposed lots 3 and 4 will be accessed from a shared 26-foot private easement running across the front lots and entering off of Renton Avenue S. The site does contain some slope of 20% however is not considered sensitive slope (25% to 40%) thus not impacting net density. The net site area of the property (site area minus environmentally critical areas, right-of-way to be dedicated and private easements serving more than 3 lots) will remain the same as the gross square foot site area of 20,996 (0.48 acres). This in turn, equates to a net density of 8.3 dwelling units per acre (4 I 0.48 = 8.3 dulac), which is under the maximum (9.7) allowed for properties one-half an acre or less in size within the R-8 zone. The site is located in the vicinity of coalmine hazard and within moderate slope area (approximately 20% at the steepest point). The site is also located in the Aquifer Protection Area (APA)-Zone 2. The subject site is developed with one single-family dwelling, a detached garage and shed, ornamental and coniferous trees ranging in size from 8 to 14 inches. The accessory structures are to be removed along with six cherry and cedar trees. No critical areas were found on the subject site during the review of this application. The project requires Administrative Short Plat review. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or critical areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions Not applicable 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. Consistency Short Plat Criteria Approval of a short plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation shpltrpt.doc The site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The RSF designation is intended to promote and enhance single-family neighborhoods. The proposal is consistent with the RSF designation in that it would allow for the future construction of new single-family homes, thereby promoting goals of infill development. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Element policies: • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 4 Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. The applicant has proposed a two-lot subdivision. Lot 1 is 5,396 square feet; Lot 2 is 5,690 square feet; Lot 3 is 4,917 square feet and Lot 4 is 4,993 square feet. All of the proposed lots met the minimum lot size requirements. Policy LU-36. Allow development at 9.7 dwelling units per acre on in fill parcels of one acre or less as an incentive to encourage single-family small lot development on 4,500 sq. ft. lots. The net density of the proposed subdivision is 8.3 dwelling units per acre, which is within the density range prescribed. The applicant has proposed lot square footages which are consistent with the minimum lot size requirements and this policy. Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes, which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Two new lots will be created to the rear of the existing single-family residence and vacant lot fronting Renton Avenue S. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated Residential -8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would divide the property into four lots retaining an existing single-family structure and allow for the future construction of three new single-family dwellings. The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 9.7 dwelling units per acre for lots one-half an acre or less in net size. Net density is calculated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private easements serving 3 lots or more from the gross acreage of the site. The property does not contain any environmentally sensitive areas nor areas required for private drives serving more than three units. Therefore, the gross property area is 20,996 square feet or 0.48 which in turn, equates to a net density of 8.3 dwelling units per acre (4 I 0.48 = 8.3 dulac), which is within the allowed density range of the R-8 zone. The allowed building lot coverage in the R-8 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size and, lots 5,000 square feet or less are allowed to have up to 50% lot coverage. Lot 1, with the existing 886 square foot residential structure, would have lot coverage of approximately 16% after the short plat, which is within the allowed range. Setbacks in the R-8 zone are as follows: front yard 20 feet, side yard 5 feet, side yard along a street 15 feet, and rear yard 20 feet. Upon recording of the short plat, the existing single-family structure on Lot 1 would need to meet the minimum required setbacks; the proposed plat indicates the structure will comply with all setbacks. The existing detached garage and shed are to be removed prior to final short plat approval; staff recommends that a condition be placed on the short plat requiring the demolition permit be finaled prior to final short plat approval. While no construction is planned for Lots 2, 3, and 4 at this time, the lots appear to have adequate area to provide for a new single-family residence while meeting the required setbacks and lot coverage. In addition, each lot would have adequate area to provide two off-street parking spaces as required by the parking regulations. The applicant proposes a 26-easement when the City of Renton code would permit a 20-foot wide easement with 20-foot width of pavement. A reduced easement width would permit a larger buildable area for lots, especially Lot 2. Staff requests the 20-foot wide private driveway easement be a condition of the short plat approval. c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations shpltrpt.doc Streets: No new public streets would be created as part of the proposed short plat. Street frontage improvements currently exist along the proposed site however, the curb, gutter and sidewalk may not meet current city standards. Applicant may be required to install upgrades to meet current standards. City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 5 The proposed subdivision is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. In order to mitigate transportation impacts, staff recommends a condition of approval be placed on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. The additional lot is expected to generate approximately 9.57 new average weekday trips per new lot (credit was given for the existing single family residence). The fee for the proposed short plat is estimated at $717.75 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 3 = $2,153.25) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks will be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. The short plat would create four lots with the following square footages: Lot 1 is 5,396, Lot 2 is 5,690, Lot 3 is 4,917, and Lot 4 is 4,993 in size. The proposed lot sizes are compatible with other existing lots in this area under the same R-8 zoning classification. However, staff found discrepancies in the calculations of the lot square footage. Staff recommends the applicant have the square footage calculations verified prior to submitting for recording of the short plat. The proposed lots also comply with the R-8 requirements for minimum lot width (60 feet for corner lots and 50 feet for interior lots) as well as minimum lot depth (65 feet). The residence proposed to remain on Lot 1 meets the required setbacks and lot coverage permitted in the R-8 zone. Proposed Lots 2, 3, and 4 (interior lots) appears to have adequate building area for the construction of single-family residences when taking setbacks and lot coverage requirements into consideration. The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the development standards of the R-8 zone. d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Parking: A 20-foot wide shared private driveway easement would satisfy code requirements for access to two lots (Lots 3 and 4), as Lots 1 and 2 abut a public right-of-way. The shared driveway proposed to access Lots 3 and 4 is required to be paved to a width of 20 feet for the portion required for emergency access, and a width of 12 feet for all remaining portions. Topography: The topography of the site slopes downward from south to north, at an average slope of approximately 20%. The property is vegetated with grass lawn, ornamental and coniferous trees ranging in size from 14 to 18 inches in diameter. Six total cherry and cedar trees are proposed to be removed. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-8) on the City's zoning map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourage residential infill development. e) A vailability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) shpltrpt.doc Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements, and mitigation fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services. The fee is estimated at $488.00 ($488 x 3 = $1464.00) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Therefore, it is anticipated that the proposed short plat would result in 1.32 (0.44 X 3 = 0.44) new children to the local schools (Talbot Elementary School, Dimmett Middle School, and Renton High School). The Renton School District has indicated they can accommodate the additional student generated by this proposal. Streets: The subject site is located adjacent to Renton Avenue S. and would be accessed through a proposed 26-foot private easement. Staff recommends the 26-foot easement be reduced to 20- foot wide paved easement which meets the minimum code requirements for emergency and street access. No additional streets are required as part of this proposal. Nevertheless, the applicant • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 6 would be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75.00 per each new trip generated by the proposal prior to the recording of the short plat. Storm Water: Storm water facilities are located in Renton Avenue S. A drainage narrative was submitted with the application and has been reviewed by the City of Renton's Plan Review Section. At time of construction, shallow drainage swales shall be installed to intercept and control the volume and velocity of runoff from the site. Dispersion trenches shall be used to control runoff consistent with pre-development conditions. A Surface Water System Development Charge of $715.00 per new single-family lot would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: There is an existing B-inch water main located in Renton Avenue S. and B-inch sanitary sewer line located in Cedar Avenue S. The applicant would be required to make all other necessary connections to serve future development on Lots 2, 3, and 4. A Water System Development Charge of $1,525 per new single-family lot, as well as a Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00 per new single-family lot, would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested Administrative Short Plat Approval for the MSW Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-04B, SHPL-A. 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file. 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designations of the Single Family Residential (SFR) land use designation. 4. Zoning: The proposal as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Residential Single Family -B (R-B) zoning designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal complies with the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations for the short platting of four lots provided all adviSOry notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 6. Existing Land Uses: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Residential Single Family (zoned R-B); East: Residential Single Family (zoned R-B); South: Residential Single Family (zoned R- 8); and West: Residential Single Family (zoned R-B). ' 7. Access: The two proposed front lots abut Renton Avenue S. Access to the proposed rear two lots (Lots 3 and 4) would be provided via a shared 20-foot paved driveway easement extending west from Renton Avenue S. across the front lots 1 and 2. B. System Development Charges: A Water System Development Charge of $1 ,525.00, A Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00, and a Surface Water Development Charge of $715.00 will be assessed for the additional lot, and will be payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Single Family (RSF) comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this deSignation. 2. The subject site is located in the Residential-B Dwelling Units Per Acre zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this deSignation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 3. The proposed four lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by city code and state law, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. shpltrpt.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 7 J. DECISION: The MSW Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-048, SHPL-A, is approved subject to the following conditions: 'V(,' The applicant shall be required to demolish and remove the detached garage and shed that would be located on proposed Lot 4. Final inspection of the demolition permit shall be received prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall pay the required Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of $75.00 per net new average daily trip associated with the project (estimated at $2,153.25). The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall pay the required Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single-family lot estimated at $1,464.00. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant shall make all addresses visible from a public street prior to short plat recording. The applicant shall install and maintain a temporary erosion control plan for the duration of the project, to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division. The applicant shall verify the accuracy of the square footage of each lot and revise the short plat drawing if necessary prior to short plat recording. The applicant shall revise the short plat drawing to reflect a 20-foot wide access easement prior to short plat recording. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: June 24, 2004 SIGNATURES: shpltrpt.doc • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-04S, SHPL·A ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT PageS The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions Planning 1. Work hours for new single-family developments are limited to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Nor is work permitted on Sundays. Fire Prevention 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be 20-foot paved surface. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 4. A Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. Plan Review -Drainage 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715.00 per each new lot applies to this project. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. The 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual dictates drainage requirements for this site. The preliminary drainage memorandum, as submitted with the environmental review information, is sufficient for addressing the drainage analysis for this project. 3. Shallow drainage swales shall be installed prior to start of construction to intercept and control the volume and velocity of runoff from the site. 4. Runoff from the development site shall be discharged in a manner to prevent any concentrated flow onto downstream properties. Dispersion trenches, as shown on the preliminary site plan, shall be used to control runoff to approximately the pre-developed condition. Plan Review -Sewer 1. The System Development Charge for sewer is $900.00. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to the recording of the short plat. 2. The existing side sewer may need to be relocated and/or upsized to meet current code. Dual side sewers are not allowed. New side sewers are required to be stubbed-out to each of the new lots. 3. The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary private sanitary sewer easements prior to the recording of the short plat. Plan Review -Water 1. The System Development Charge for water is $ 1,525.00 per single-family lot. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. Fire flow requirement for single-family residences is 1,000 gpm. One hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 gpm and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 3. A pressure-reducing valve is required for water pressure above 80 psi (static). 4. Fire flow requirements may dictate new hydrant(s) or replacement of existing sub-standard hydrants. Existing hydrants (that are necessary to meet the fire flow requirements for this project) will be required to have a quick connect Storz fitting. 5. A new water meter is required to serve each of the new lots. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. The City code requires installation (or upgrade to current standards) of curb, gutter, storm drainage, driveways, and sidewalk along the frontage of the parcel being developed. 2. New driveways with a greater than 15% slope require a variance from the Board of Adjustments (see City of Renton Municipal Code Development regulations section 4-4-0801). Driveways over 8% slope must provide a slotted drain at the lower end with positive drainage discharge to restrict runoff from entering the garagelresidence or crossing any public sidewalk. Plan Review -General 1. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Standards and the City's departments. 2. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. The total for 3 new homes is $2,153.25. This is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. Prior to any construction activities on the site, Temporary Erosion and sedimentation Control (TESC) shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 4. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the down slope perimeter of the area that s to be disturbed. The silt fence shall be in olace before clearina and aradina is initiated. and shall be constructed in conformance with the shpltrpt.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 9 specifications presented in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. This will be required during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as well as building construction. 5. Any retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height require a separate Building permit(s). Property Services -Comments for Final Short Plat Submittal 1. Please see attached memo from Property Services dated May 26, 2004. TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the owners James Schmitt 19824 5th Ave. S. Des Moines, WA 98148 Hugo and Uiok Chaves 336 Harvard Ave. Fircrest, WA 98466 TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the applicant: Joe Megale MSW, LLC P.O. Box 16344 Seattle, WA 98166 TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the contact: Chris Battershill Duncanson Co., Inc. 145 SW 155th St., Suite 102 Seattle, WA 98166 TRANSMITTED this June24, 2004 to the parties-ot-record: Ann Grinolds 324 Cedar Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Mary De Laurenti 315 Renton Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Alex White 22030 ih Ave S Suite 204 Des Moines, WA 98198 Monica Hayes 326 Renton Ave S Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED this June 24, 2004 to the tollowing: Larry Meckling, Building Official Stan Englar, Fire Marshal Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning Kayren Kittrick Jan Conklin Carrie Olson-Davis Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney South County Journal Land Use Action Appeals & Requests for Reconsideration The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075 (3); WAC 197-11-680). RECONSIDERATION. Within 14 days of the effective date of the decision, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator. The Administrator may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the shpltrpt.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED June 24, 2004; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Page 10 reconsideration request, if the Administrator finds insufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the following appeal timeframe. APPEAL. This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 8, 2004. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. EXPIRATION DATE: The Short Plat approval will expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4-7-080.M. shpltrpt.doc ~ . u !! L..J......J....~---l---l..----...L..~-l.......---L_~--'----L......I~~ ~ &~ c . , --,,,,~ .. ro, . ~ .~ NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. TREE LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; (PARCEL k) LOT(S) 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER lUA-97-134-SHPl, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9901269011. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, (PARCEL S:) THE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THE EAST , 50 FEET OF TRAcr J, PLAT NO. 1 OF RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS. PAGE 29, . RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. GRAPIliC SCALE • , '. DIJNCANSON COMPANY. INC Co"'~ __ ~_ I~S SWISJ,..s.. ..... .s......ta} S"''''If.W ..... , .. _96IH ,. ...... J(I(IJu~W F,.. 1OII.UI~~f/ kw.-LJ-.J REVISIONS Ii.,: I _ ... --.-.--.--. j ,,5~ "/_ ._-~ I I_ .' t~lsr H~~':~ / IJ' I ...... I.i_----TJ_.!-....L /-t !I I" ,'" :iT .--. __ / , _,_ -... ::.:------...-~ ... -;:;:::---,15 ------r= "'-,~~=I~-r---Tc,,,,,j, " :::---~f-----r-I , .. , i' "~:I _i.._ _,-__ I \ \ _~ --r -7 -T / , I ----,-.7 / / / / / _ ._ I I~ I / / / / / / __ ._ =~~~---.W~. ~ '~ .' O(CIDVOUS TREE "I._ALDER O .. P-.. ..."L[ • DS-DEClOUOUS "~12-tRUNj(DIAIII(TER(IN) "".WAllRONA L-rn>( ~:g~y EV(~GR[EH TR[[ CE-croAII t. or"OOUGLASFlR H[-HEW.LOCK .:i Ie PI_PWoI[ § 'G5.2 E~-E'oUIGREEN L-HElGti'AGLI~"["'SIJREO TREE DRIP LINtS ARE N(]t TDSCIIILE. fREE SfMBa..S ~U[RtHC[ tRUNI(, LOCATION DNLY. TRLNK DIAHETtRS >,I(I1E APPROXIMATED AT 3.5" to.' AB;JVE GIIOUND L EVEL. 1~£S SHDIJN A~ for;: REfERENCE ON... l AND OTHER TIIEES AND VEc;(TAUDf'. M.Ii' E)..IST. LEGEND --+ .. ----SC .-"----... EX. StOAWORA¥! 0 " m [!J EIC.SE~ EX. WATER EX. SEWER WANHOLE EX. ClEANOLII [1(. CATCH BoISIN EX. STOAw WANl-jOLE EX. UTILITY PO...E w/AHC>lOA EX. CAS v .... ~ EX. PO¥oUl MtT£R EX.T[lRlSEJI EX. TEL VAULT i ~~~(lE 2~1,ltD098~ I / / / / / / / / / -,' . ~ __ ~' ,(\ /11/ . __ 0. I / 'I /" -"-. .,r , _ I I' Il~ ~~.-. '-f-"""--··-·:;"~·::;:~T~~;r~~~. "r-·- '" , -----; -co,~, / ---l--·L_-I_-T--'n-_.. ""'.''''~ ,.,,,, / ;/ 1'"";; ~-~ -== --~4~1 '~:;;.= :;r·=1f (t "/ !;~::::;~". '''' / Ii~' ~ /) '7' j r ' .--'" .' , .----' ( '--.. ~-}, --L. _.L., ,_ I tX.WA~WE1tR 0 EX. fiRE H'I1)AAHT ~ SV. MONUWrHT .--," 7 I / i'~' -,-/ / I ,,_. .-' , , ',§) -'",iii /' , .. ; j .. , ' / / / ~ ,-/ / / I / __ / I / / ~ / /8 / "I / _ '~/ .. ~~ ~4~',3!!~:'<O?,,~. ;...L 1f -?' v j 1 . ~.-~.---,.,,,, ""'" --. r-____ (. '/ ,--.--" ~/ , II , (Ii ~ OR.liYltl: c..e .l_~~: ~~OJ~4J CHK'O: Ht.lO DCI PROJECT NO: 03129 .. __ .-.......... __ ... -._ ..... _-_ ... _,,- "'" ""''' """""" Y~DESIGNAn(IN)GP-1740!I-U illV.H2.J9 PROJECT "OORESS: 329 RENTON AVE S MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S EXISTING SITE SURVEY Ell SV. MONUMENT " 0 E>.. OECIDUOUS TREE * EX. CONIftR tREE ® TREtsTOB£M.WO..w CAlJTIONI UNor~~~OUND ununES EKLST IN 11-1E -"'!Col .liND unuTY !N~ORWAnON SHOIIN W.liY Bf INCOW"'Litr STAn: LAW REOJIAES THolT CONTRACTOR CONTACT TME ONE-CAlL UT(UTY LOC.lin: SER'otCE AT LEIST ~8 HOURS BEFORE STAR7INC ANY CONSTRUCnoN. 1-800--424-5555 RENTON P[RMIT , 04-002 janC2 .,3 e e NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. CONTACT INFORMATION SURVEYOR/EHGlN[ER ARBORH[ICMTS,LlC JOEMEOAlE P,DBOXII5J« st.t.TTlE, WA 118111 (206)276-4496 HARCUI OUNC...wSotl, PE DUNCANSON COIojPANY, INC, 145 SW 155TH ST" SUITE 102 SE"TTLE, WA 1161156 PH: (200) 244-4a, FAX: (206) 244-4455 UTILITIES\SERVICES ClTY~RENTON ClTYOF"R[NTQN FIRE: oooa SCHOOL: 40J CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE (1) SCHEOUL..t IoNO ATTEND" PRE-CONSTRUCTION COOrER[HC[ ~TH CIlY OF RENTON ENGiNEERING STAfI' (2) FLAG ClEARING UIolITS (ll INSTAll CONSTRUCTION ENTRMOCE. (4) INSTAll PERI~[TER PROTECTION (FllrER FABRIC I'ENC£S, SLT fENCl, ETC.), (5) INSTALL ununE5. (II) PROTECT EXPOSED SOILS AS REQUIRED. (7) REIoIOIJE TESC r.I[ASURES oI£T[R PERMANENT rAClUnES AHD STAULE GROUND COVER 8ECOlolE ESTABUS!iED GRAPHIC SCALE k-.-LJ-.J (I) O\l~CAN50" CaMPA,." !,.e ">UI!qIot< ... , _.,. .. Uo<IPlunIoa 14JJ"WIJJdl/Tftf.S.u.IO} ~:--=r::.?~f1t FlU 106.14.,.4/ ., C ... FU.TJ ' .... 1Oft. REVISIONS 'iimiii MSW SHORT PLAT ~A'o'<N: CJe '~ .; ,,," DRAWING INDEX: CI CJVtR SHEET ........ O INDeX C2SliRV('YStlEEl CJ C'W)INC. DRAINAGE AND UTIUT'r PLAAI PREUMINARY PLAT LEGEND 'TOT~ .l.CROO( All .... -20,g1l6 SF .462 Itt:. HUr.lB(R O. LUI;'_ .. ZONINC R-ll PROPOSED 50 rOOTAGE o~ UGH LOT lOl I .. !>,JIIGSf lOT2"',GIIOSf lOT J_ 41117 Sf lOT 4_ 4,IIIIJ Sf PROPOSED DttolSlT'1 .. 8.J/I<I:. PERM!TTED DtNS/TY" 1I.7/J.C ()(JST$S/ojli !!lU~I;U.JO :a':;:::.~.:~;'~~. ~::c\IC ~ " ~ w,o," "'"'"'" V(OtslCNAnOtllGP_174G'-U mV-112.Je PROJECT ADDRESS: 329 RENTON AVE S MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S SHORT PLAT PLAN VICINITY MAP RENTON PERMIT e e C1 ,,3 . --AI .r ~Il ,ft .!"/ eS9L(T'I1') ,/ , .. <> • (~'i -1)1\-::':(~IF£Na:Uh'[, T'I1'''-.I' 'f\ "". '. ,~.,.. t"~ 1 --"k<!?t r. _ --66 .• ~ ... ~r: .. -J --, -,I' : Lor 3': : 4,:~. SF , \ i / I ,I I '~,:'j'",:':~){ ,-7'-~r~' ~'v' GRAPHIC SCALE k-..wU-J ".i'DiiNC"N'ONCD"'P~~T~-'NC • ·c ..... ~".·5oitw)""".I.oM-.... U1IJA,."" .... -m<tnlSIl".l .. ' ... IUI South, ItOd...,...94It6 """"11lt.1HJ/l1 Fou J!'{l~j f/ll "\f.: ... .. ,,/ I I I r~I::1 "0l1<.,t: I !\' ,.~;~;L~.> ... , REVISIONS OR"IfIIN; CJ9 UPGRAOE CURe CUT TO CURRENTSTANOAROS ! ,,,,,",,,,,, ",:._,;"JJC· ..... _! -'''''', 162.9\ ~."''( r<~ O"TE: .5/0J/04 I CHK'O: HMO 00 PRO.lCT NO: 0.3129 .. --~--......... --... -.-..... _-_ ... _.,-- I,' ;! { I , i~!' I ".. . .', ~;'I' i I' i! 1 (') ":', i ,,," '''':'' I." .'! ~l; II "dt.. _~, }::~. ',: ~~ /,,,. J "il~ ,it" ~I\k" / ' i: If;] ::, I! J' " " -"... ,j![ II ii .... , F· : /' ·'"I't;. :~, il!"" " , I " ., I ' { L; (J') II It., ii~'~h / /' n/ OISPERSAL TRENCH (l'I'F') '·1' ·f I ~~' -f, .,,~ .. : II' i'" . __ , ,I J i ~',,-rt r( "~'. -'/ ~III .. ""., I \ ,.s,.'.' .-' I " .." ~,~' ." NOlE; INOI'l10UAL GAINOt:R PUMP SIDE s[1IIER5P(ROTYOfRENT~ STANOAAOS"'""T8EREQU:REO fOR NEW HOWES. , 'I "I \' I .. ~ .4.(,[.> '" II I-II I // /·B." I..."(Y)..'!~--:t--~ -C'7.0> '-If , ~'I'~ltiIJ rJ ... ='''': ,I/,j Jill., i'II, .. jtl) :jll ""Ill unun (ASOIEtlT I I ,(,I)! '! . SIDE S(WER TO [;gST ,~ :1 I ; r ~:c: 1~0 ~~~~~n~ 'ff!-' "II;:' ' "'11 !~n,'.·I' I I' II !i; . (iii 'I j I' " II CAllTIONI ~ WSDOT ",'''"''T V ~I~::',~~~) 0'-"""-" UNDERGROUND UTlun~S E~15T IN THE ARE.-. .... ND Ul1UTY INfOR~"nOtl 9-iOIlltt "'''Y B£ INCONPL£t(. 5T"fE L"WREOUIRES Tti"TCCN1RACTOA C~T1.CT THE (lNE-C.t.U. unun LOCATE SERVIa: "1 LE"ST 48 HOURS B£FORE 51 AAnNG .t.NY CON51RUCnOt\ PROJECT ADDRESS: 329 RENTON AVE S MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S UTILITIES, GRADING AND DRAINAGE 1-800-424-5555 RENTON PERMIT , 004-002 C3 ... 3 e e ZONING P/BIFW TJ!aINICAL IJDVICBS WOfI03 __ - -_ton dity Umflll CDRCP) 'L-.. 200 no F4 1.- 17 T23N R5E W I '0NING MAP Bcl,j( RESIDENTIAL ~ Resource ~onservaUon ~ Residential 1 dulac §] Residential 5 dulac ~ Residential 8 dulac I RHH I Residential Manufactured Homes 10-10 I Residential 10 dulac I R-141 Residential 14 dulac 10"-1 I Residential Multi-Family Infill M!X!!D USE CENTE!! ~ Center Neighborhood- ~ Center Suburban- ~ Urban Center -North ~ Urban Center -North 2 ~ Center Downtown- I COR I Center Office Residential COMMERCIAL ~ Commercial Arterial- @]' Commercial ~mce. ~ Convenience Commercial INDUSTRIAL ~ Industrial -Heavy o Industrial -Medium o Iudustrial -Ught (P) Publicly owned ---Renton City Limits ---Adjacent City Limits _ Book Pages Boundary KROU PAGE I RM-N I Residential Multi-Family Neighborhood Center IRH-C I Residential Multi-Family S~burban Center I""-T I Residential Multi-Family Traditional • May include Overlay Districts. See Appendix maps. For additional regulations in Overlay Districts. please see RYe 4-3. I""-u I Residential Multi-Family Urban Cente ... PAGE# INDEX SECTfTOWNIRANGE Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor May 24, 2004 Superintendent's Office Renton School District #403 300 SW 7th Street ' Renton, WA 98055-2307 • Subject: MSW Short Plat LUA-04-048, SHPL-A CITY. ~ENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The City of Renton Development Services Divil:iion has received an application for a two lot administrative short plat located at 329 Renton AvenueS. Please 'see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application,the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location ' indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below,and return this letter temy attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. Elementary School: -:r;;----L' ~)~~~\-L--' ______ ~ __________ ~_ ~ ~~~~~: __ ~~~~~M~~_~~_~ _____________ ~~ ~;'f6 High SChOol: ___ ~--,--\ -=e~~=-~..:.::,C/\.,----,,-_____________ -,---_-,-- Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes No __ _ Any Comments: __ --,----,-__ ~ _________ -~----'--------'--~-- Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425)430-7270. Sincerely, NancyWeil Associate Planner Encl. ~ -------lO-S-S-So-u-th-G-ra-dy-W-ay---R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0S-S------R E N T ON <it) This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Date: To: From: June 11, 2004 NancyWeil CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Mike Dotson~ Subject: Environmental and Development Review for MSW Short Plat; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A -329 Renton Ave South The following are Utility and Transportation comments concerning the Environmental (SEPA) review for the subject 4-lot subdivision. EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER YThere is an existing 8-inch water main in Renton Ave S. Fire flow maps indicate that fire flow available to the site is approximately 1000 gpm. Static Pressure is approximately 100 psi. The proposed project is located in the 370-water pressure zone. The site is within the Aquifer Protection Area. v SEWER -There is an 8" sanitary sewer line in Cedar Ave S. SURFACE WATER -E{here are existing Surface water facilities at this site. They consist of a developed street system within the existing frontage to the lots. \ STR~TS 4rontage improvements currently exist along the site. However, the curb, gutter and sidewalk may not meet current standards. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER vi. A new water meter is required to serve each of the new lots. ;Z Afire hydrant with 1000 GPM (gallons per minute) fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures . ..( A pressure-reducing valve is required for water pressure above 80 psi (static). v4. Fire flow requirements may dictate new hydrant(s) or replacement of existing sub- standard hydrants. Existing hydrants (that are necessary to meet the fire flow requirements for this project) will be required to have a quick connect Storz fitting. J5. The Water System Development Charge is $1,525 per single-family lot. This fee is due with the construction permit. SANITARY SEWER v1'. New side sewers are required to be stubbed-out to each of the new lots. j 2. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge is $900 per single-family lot. This fee is due with the construction permit. 1:IPlan ReviewIPlan Review -new computerIMengal greenfolder.doc SURFACE WATER A. Drainage requirements for this site are dictated by the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The preliminary drainage memorandum, as submitted with the environmental review information, is sufficient for addressing the drainage analysis for this project. ~. When construction commences, shallow drainage swales shall be installed to intercept and control the volume and velocity of runoff from the site. v3. Runoff from the developed site shall be discharged in a manner to prevent any concentrated flow onto downstream properties. Dispersion trenches, as shown on the preliminary site plan, shall be used to control runoff to approximately the pre-developed condition. vi. The Surface Water System Development Charge is $715 per single-family site. This fee is due with the construction permit. TRANSPORTATION CJ1. The City code requires installation (or upgrade to current standards) of curb, gutter, storm drainage, driveways, and sidewalk along the frontage of the parcel being eveloped. /2. New driveways with a greater than 15% slope require a variance from the Board of Adjustments (see City of Renton Municipal Code Development regulations section 4-4- 0801). Driveways over 8% slope must provide a slotted drain at the lower end with positive drainage discharge to restrict runoff from entering the garage/residence or crossing any public sidewalk. CONDITIONS /1. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Standards and the departments. ,,2. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. The total for 3 new homes is $2,153.25. This fee is due when the short plat is recorded. J 3. A fire mitigation fee in the amount of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. 14. Prior to any construction activities on the site, Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. /5. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the down slope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence shall be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and shall be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. This will be required during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as well as building construction. 16 . Any retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height require a separate Building permit(s). 1:IPlan ReviewlPlan Review· new compulerlMengal greenfolder.doc e' City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: I ~-t6::\i'()(\ COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25,2004 APPLICANT: Joe Megale PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Wei! PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 20,996 square feet BUILDING AREA (Qross): NlA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivid~!!I.Aeaiirw cMwpl of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private B'1iW. liha'~ is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. -~4I1lI~f!0 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water U~tlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals T ransporlation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Ai1pOrt Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe adcfttiona/· ation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date J e e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: t>\~ ~V\e'\" j COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 CITY";::",,, APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-04B, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25,2004 RECEIVED APPLICANT: Joe Megale PROJECT MANAGER: NancyWeil MAY') 5 ?nnla PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson IDL ,l;.iUIVISION SITE AREA: 20,996 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): NlA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-B dwelling units per acre (R-B) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in whiCf! we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi . ation is needed to property assess this proposal. . • e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 5'-""f'-1T.AtLr COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25,2004 APPLICANT: Joe Me ale PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 20,996 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional· tion is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~ Date ; ---e e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 6t,.\i Id; (\5 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A APPLICANT: Joe Megale PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat SITE AREA: 20,996 square feet LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25, 2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson BUILDING AREA (gross): NlA WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e_g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtIGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Natural ResolJrces HistoridCuffuraJ Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe" dditiona/ information is needed to properly assess this proposal. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM May 25,2004 Nancy Weil, Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ~ IL MSW Short Plat ( Megale ), 329 Renton Ave. S MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 wide. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. e e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fl' ff.... COMMENTS DUE: JUNE --'lnnA DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 2j .r2'Ob4~ (I; IE n 11, ;{ p ~ APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A iJ \ \/ jf=' APPLICANT: Joe Megale PROJECT MANAGER: NandJ I~~i /I PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike DotsoJU II MAY 'A 2nOLl 1/ SITE AREA: 20,996 square feet BUILDING AREA{gros~: Nlf\ L-.I LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 r:~~Y,,9~ .~E!!TON <-. r', ., hi::l~ I 'v.",. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a 10ldl VI The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Natural Resources Historic/Cultural PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet ~J1 B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~ tM-COMmer( t, with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identi("ed areas of probable impact or is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date , . DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 26, 2004 Nancy Weil Sonja J. Fesser yr:t MSW Short Plat, LUA-04-04S-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant regarding the preliminary short plat submittal: None. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-048-SHPL and LND-20-0372, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. A licensed surveyor will need to prepare and stamp, sign and date the final short plat document. Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network (tie the subject property directly to said Control Network). The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. Note the basis of bearing on the short plat drawing. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note the dates the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the comers of the proposed lots. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0372\RV040525.doc May 28, 2004 Page 2 Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, agreements and covenants of record on the short plat drawing. The city will provide addresses for the three new lots as soon as possible. The addresses need to be noted on the short plat drawing. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utility facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Encroachments do need to be shown. Note the setback distances between the existing houses to the south of the subject short plat proposal and the south line of said short plat. Remove the building setback lines from the proposed lots. Setbacks will be determined at the time that building permits are issued. Because the subject short plat properties fall within Zone 2 of the City of Renton Aquifer Protection area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See the attachment. The City of Renton Administrator of PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works is the only city official to sign this short plat document. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. Pertinent King County approval blocks also need to be noted on the drawing. All vested owners of the subject short plat need to sign the final short plat drawing. Include notary blocks as needed. Include a declaration block on the drawing. lLthe subject short plat properties fall within a coalmine hazard area, note the following statement on the short plat drawing: COAL MINE HAZARD NOTICE: The lots created herein fall within a hazard area as identified by a Geotechnical Engineer at the time of this subdivision, presence of such a hazard may trigger mitigation measures at the time of construction. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat document will be recorded first (by King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) need to be referenced on the short plat drawing. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0372\RV040525.doc\cor .' May 28, 2004 Page 3 If the new 26' easement is for private ingress, egress and utilities for the benefit of some or all of the short plat lots, then note that the easement is a "NEW PRIV ATE INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT" on the short plat drawing. Note that the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording; therefore, there can be no new easement until such time as ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Also, add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing: DECLARATION OF COVENANTS: The owners of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement shown on this short plat to any and allfuture purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivision thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. The private ingress, egress and utilities easement requires a "NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" block. Note the attachment on the drawing. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\Fiie Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0372\RV040525.doc\cor AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITIllN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. TIllS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURF ACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSffiILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER Title for both of the following paragraphs: NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIDILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIDILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIDITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to'the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIV ATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIDILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIDILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIDITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. PROPERTY SERves FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS .004 ----""e<D~ __ APPLICANT: M~AI E), ICE ( .. I 6CbdH lIT & H, CHAVES) RECEIVED FROM ___ ~-,-_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: aeg"8P1. q-oW ~, 5 -WO#_7+-l-7.s;..Z ...... 5,,)...L/ _____ _ NATURE OF WORK: 4-1 at: eHaa::t: -p1 q (LA SW SldoRf -P.1.AT) LND # 2Q -0.37C4 X PRELIMINARY REVIEW O'F SUBDIVIiIoN BY LONG PLAT, NEED l\foRE INFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC, -PID #'s -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED -FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# 7&140 -OQAc;:> -008(:; X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT,#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SOC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The followin~ auoted fees do NOT mclude InSpectIOn fi'd I' fi th ees, Sl e sewer permits, r w permit ees or e cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Aaeement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer A2reement (pvt) W ASTEW A TER -0- Latecomer A2reement (pvt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment District/W ATER /-0- ./ Special Assessment DistrictlW ASTEW ATER /-0 - Joint Use Atrreement (METRO) -Local Improvement District '" -Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUfURE OBLIGATIONS I - SYSTEM DEVEWPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated #OFUNITSI SDCFEE -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x .~ 45.4,575.00 Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special AgreementIFootprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER -Estimated -Pd Prev_ -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Sin~le family residential $900/unit x :~ $e. 7OC,oo Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Sin~le family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x a $ZI45.oc All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) l PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ $q~4eo.oo '< I\) m 0 III 11 0 ..", 11 m (\) < .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. .... m :0: Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to ch~nge. :l 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 e e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p, COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25,2004 ~A~P~P=LI~C~A~N~T~:~J~oe~M~e~a=le~ ________________________ ~P~R~O~J~E~C~T~MA~N~A~G~E~R~:~N=a~nc~w~e~iI ____________ ~~~~[) PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 20,996 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LiDhtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ,It ,_ City of Renton Department of Planning / Bui/ding / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ":Pl'lAI"iLS. COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25, 2004 APPLICANT: Joe MeQale PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 20,996 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): NlA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable. More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~c;vtJ2-M~m ~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where itional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: June 3, 2004 NancyWeil JIJ/A.(/ Rebecfa 'fi~d Don Erickson MSW (aka Magale) Short Plat, 329 Renton Avenue S; LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Staff reviewed this short plat on January 16,2004 and did not support it as then configured since there was some question about the viability of the northwestern lot, primarily because of its odd shape and proposed driveway over much of its usable area. At that time staff wondered why the applicant had not considered providing a common private driveway between the two front lots abutting Renton Avenue South rather than their then proposed convoluted private driveway. The applicant appears to have been listening since the current proposal does include a driveway between Lot 1 and Lot 2 that is shorter and more direct. Recommendation: Based upon the current proposal staff now believe that they can support this proposed four-lot short plat. Attachment cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\InterdepartmentaJ\DeveJopment Review\Green FiJe\Comrnents\MSW Short Plat (MegaJe).doc\cor CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACf: SUBJECf: January 16,2004 Susan FiaV Rebe~ind Don Erickson Magale Short Plat, 329 Renton A venue S; PRE 04-002 The applicant is proposing to subdivide two existing parcels, one of which is vacant, into four lot. One of the lots would contain the existing house, which would remain. Two of the lots would access directly off Renton Avenue South and the rear two would be accessed by private driveway easements. The two lots are currently designated RS (Residential Single Family) on the . Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned R-8, consistent with this designation. Analysis: Relevant land use policies have been listed on the attached sheet and are used in making this analysis. All of the applicant's proposed lots comply with Policy LU-35 in that they are over 4,500 square feet. However, in terms of Policy LU-40, staff is concerned that the lot configuration of at least one of the lots does not appear conducive to quality of life and privacy issues given its elongated shape and abutting driveway easement. Either, this lot should be larger to address these incongruities or it should have a more traditional rectangular configuration. Staff wonders why, for example, the applicant did not consider providing a common private driveway between the two lots abutting Renton A venue South that would be less intrusive and considerably shorter than the current proposal. The proposed density for this short plat is 8.32 units per net acre. Recommendation: Do not support this proposed four-lot short plat as currently configured since there is some question of viability of the northwestern lot, primarily because of its odd shape and proposed driveway over much of it's usable area. Attachment cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\Interdepartmental\Development Review\Preapps\Comments\RS\Megale Short Plat.doc\d City Of.ton Doparlnwnl of PlannIng / Bu;/d;ng / PUb/.or, t1Je: t1P -()3 ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIOIJ ~r 1?L. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: !:LcY\C1Y'\;C Dev. I COMMENTS DUE: JUNE a / APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY2511!i€.~ 06-ocP APPLICANT: Joe MeQale PROJECT MANAGER: Nand ~y ~ [ PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike DotsonL #w-JD SITE AREA: 20,996 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A ~ LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 IVII\ T t. 4 LUU4 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creati~~~~~~~ENT' The existin~ res,idence to ~emai~ on one of the newly created lots. The lots will. be accessed by 20' private driv ..... L -.:-<::-:<>. . PLANNING zoned Resldentlal-8 dwelling umts per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range In square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized._ Representative Date ~. e City of.ton Department of Planning / Building / Public WorKs ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Co Svts COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-048, SHPL~A DATE CIRCULATED: MAY 25,2004 APPLICANT: Joe Me ale PROJECT MANAGER: Nanc Weil PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 20,996 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtIGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cu/tural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where dditional infonnation is needed properly assess this proposal. ~ s· Date e e City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 8, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-04B, SHPL-A APPLICANT: Joe Me ale PROJECT TITLE: MSW Short Plat SITE AREA: 20,996 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-B dwelling units per acre (R-B) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water LiqhtIGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation /' Environmental Health Public Services V Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural ResolJrces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe~dd!10nal information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~ahJkO ~~~2~~~~~~/ ____ __ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date r A Master Application has been filed and accepted wtth the Development Services Olvlslon of the CIty of Renton. Tha following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAMEINUMBER: MSW Short Plat I LUA04.()48, SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short Plat to create 4 slngle-Iamlly lots on 20,996 sq. It. T_ existing paroefs with one existing single-famity residence to be subdMded creating 8 total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newty created lots. The lots wID be accessed by 20' private drtve. The property Is zoned Aesidential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the propoS$d lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site Indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. PROJECT LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S PUBUC APPROVAlS: Short PIal APProval APPUCAHTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Chris Battershill Tel: (206) 244-4141 Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Nancy Weil, Project Manager, Development Services DivIsion, 1055 South Grady Way. Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June a. 2004. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and recetve addltlonal notification by mall, contact the Project Manager al (42S) 430-7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automaticalty become a party of record and wlh be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALUNG FOR PROPER ALE IDENTlACATlON DATE OF APPUCAnON: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPUCATlON: DATE OF NOnCE OF APPUCATlON: MAY 7, 2004 MAY21,2004 MAY25,2004 If you would like to be made a party of record to receble further Infonnation on this proposed project. complete this foon and return to: City 01 Renton, Devefopmenf Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 9B055. Fife Name I No.: MSW Short Plat I LUA04-048, SHPL·A NAME: ________________________________________________________ __ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ __ TElEPHONE NO.: ________________________ _ ................. ""'\\"" ,: ......... ~\..~~ .. ~ ... " : ~~:J.\SSIO"'i:.~1t. .", : "O~ :eo .. ~~ ! :U ~OTAI?L ~\ "'" ~ ~: r m: ~ ,-' -._ C/). , ill! • ~ ., f ~ \ lJaUc .: i """'~"" 6'. "'9 07 ·····O~ ; I. "-•• <",.. ..~...-'t OJ:" •••••••• ••• 6' -: ~ 1 ""\ (\ . "'" WAS,",\~ ........ I, ~ W...;J , here~rtify that ~ copies of tl\~h""""'''''''''' above document were posted by me in ' conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on ~~'-Cs.2..'l , "'2..~\..\. . CERTIFICATION Signed:?77~ ~~ ATTEST: S~bscribed~ ~ me, a Notary~c, in;}df();thState of ~ ()V Washington residing ~ , on the ~ dayof~. C)..p:2J! MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6:29=07 • A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: MSW Short Plat / LUA04-048, SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short Plat to create 4 single-family lots on 20,996 sq. ft. Two existing parcels with one existing single-family residence to be subdivided creating a total of 4 lots. The existing residence to remain on one of the newly created lots. The lots will be accessed by 20' private drive. The property is zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) and the proposed lots range in square footage of 4,993 to 5.690. The site indicates some critical areas: steep slopes, landslide hazards, and coal mine hazard. PROJECT LOCATION: 329 Renton Avenue S PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat Approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Chris Battershill Tel: (206) 244-4141 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Nancy Weil, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June 8, 2004. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: MAY 7,2004 MAY 21,2004 MAY 25, 2004 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name / No.: MSW Short Plat / LUA04-048, SHPL-A NAME: __________________________________________________________________ __ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________ _ CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 24th day of May, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: Chris Battershill Joe Megale James Schmitt Hugo Chaves Uiok Chaves Alex White Monica Hayes-Bishop (Signature of STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING Contact Applicant Owner Owner Owner Party of Record Party of Record SS I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. : .. ~~~~ 9> R, ,JCOlI .. ~V:,,~,ss,o'"'~" ~ '" •• ~ =+"..0' ~ '. fJ> ~OTA~;.. ~"'""1\'~ Notary (Print): ____ ~MIWAB:wIlu.YN.IlI...WKA~Mw..CoClHE~Et...E ___________ _ ~ /:) -'-a;y a9pointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXP'''-r;...'2'''l-0/ ~.... Usuc ..: ! of Washington ····~·<9.01 ..•.•• ........... MSW Short Plat LUA04-048, SHPL-A CITY RF ~ENTON Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 24, 2004 Chris Battershill Duncanson Company, Inc. 145 SW 155111 Street #1 02 Seattle, WA 98166 Subject: MSW Short Plat LUA-04-048, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Battershill: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your . application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, S\~~~ Nancy Wei I Associate Planner cc: James Schmitt / Owner Hugo Chaves, Uiok Chaves / Owner Joe·Megale / Applicant Alex White, Monica Hayes-Bishop / Parties of Record --~---------lO-5-5-S-ou-t-h-G-ra-d~y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-,W--as-h-in-g-to-O-9-8-05-5-------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30"10 post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE From: <Monica. Hayes@med.va.gov> To: Date: <Lnicolay@ci.renton.wa.us> OEVELOPM Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:02:43 PM CIT'( cJ'tJP~N/NG Subject: RE: MSW Short Plat proposed at 329 Renton Ave S, City File#LUA04-048 NtON MAY 12200~ Again, thank you. Did receive your first mailing yesterday, and appreciate your answers and expertise. Not that it will change "progress" but will help us prepare for the outcome. Can only hope everyone involved from builder to home owner will respect the neighbors/neighborhood and remember the mantra of good stewardship. -Original Message-- From: Laureen Nicolay [mailto:Lnicolay@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:52 AM To: Monica. Hayes@med.va.gov Cc: Nancy Weil Subject: RE: MSW Short Plat proposed at 329 Renton Ave S, City File#LUA04-048 You're welcome. Please give me a call for further information regarding the future development potential in the Renton Hill area and your density-related concerns. The height limit in your area is 30 feet and 2 "stories", however, how this is measured is more complicated than I can explain via e-mail. I will go ahead and mail you our informational handout with graphics regarding how the 30' is measured and also building code information depicting what constitutes a "story" vs. what constitutes a "basemenf'. So, in your zone, the new houses could potentially be 3 levels and still comply with Renton's 2 "story" limit. The peak of the house roofs would potentially exceed 30' while still complying with the City's regulations. Please feel free to call if the information I'm sending does not clarify the City's height limitations. Laureen Nicolay City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-7294 Fax: (425) 430-7231 Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us »> "Hayes, Monica" <Monica.Hayes@med.va.gov> 5/10/04 3:52:30 PM >>> Thanks Nancy. ***Is there a chance you could let us know how high these houses in the empty lot can go up to? That would be the lot to the right of the existing home. How many stories up from the pavement?*** RECEIVED r From: "Hayes, Monica" <Monica.Hayes@med.va.gov> DEVE To: 'Laureen Nicolay' <Lnicolay@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Hayes, Monica" c'iP:MPNT P~N <Monica.Hayes@med.va.gov> RENtON ING Date: Monday, May 10, 2004 6: 19:23 PM MAY Subject: RE: MSW Short Plat proposed at 329 Renton Ave S, City File #LUA04-048 1 2 200+ Thanks Nancy. RECEIVED ***Is there a chance you could let us know how high these houses in the empty lot can go up to? That would be the lot to the right of the existing home. How many stories up from the pavement?*** If you don't mind our venting ..... lt was just a shock to see the sign. We've looked across the street at an empty lot (where the deer eat the neighbor's trees) with a view of the city lights for many years now. So seeing that enormous sign (which usually means many trees will fall) is a forewarning of the times ahead. The sign seems LARGER in front of our house than the hundreds we've seen lately all over King County. Noise, population growth, no parking in front of our home, people parking in the way of exit-ing our driveway (which they do now) and loss of the open area view of Renton City lights. You can't blame us for not enjoying this or wanting it to happen. Not everyone is for city growth and loss of the natural beauty that once was Renton. Squeezing in as many houses as possible on the small pieces of land still available seems like greed (personal and corporate) to us. Like the 5 houses someone is trying to squeeze along the road that faces the freeway around the corner from us. Where are their visitors going to park? And all the people who live on Renton Ave S. who have 1/2 or 3/4 acres getting permits to short plat adding 2 more houses to their existing lots? Thank you very much for your very quick answer and your putting us on the distribution lists. -Original Message- From: Laureen Nicolay [mailto:Lnicolay@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 2:25 PM To: Monica.Hayes@med.va.gov Cc: Alexander Pietsch; Jennifer Henning; Neil Watts Subject: MSW Short Plat proposed at 329 Renton Ave S, City File #LUA04-048 Dear Ms. Hayes-Bishop: Jennifer Henning asked me to respond to your email regarding a proposed project, MSW Short Plat, at the above location. On Friday of last week, an applicant submitted a new land division application for property located at 329 Renton Ave S. The proposal is to retain the existing house and create 3 new Single family home lots. Although the application has not yet been formally accepted by the City, I have included you on our "party of record" list for this project and you will receive notice via US mail when the City accepts the project and when the City takes final action on this p.roposal. Today I also mailed copies of the proposed land division project plans to you. Should you have:any comments on the proposal, please send them via mail to the City staff person assigned to process the project: Nancy Weil (425-430-7270). Nancy's mailing address is 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. I have also included a drawing explaining the City's public information sign specifications as adopted by the Renton City Council. The City requires the applicant to post these 4' by 8' signs in advance of submitting their land division application, so it is often a few days before the project is officially accepted. Once the project is accepted, the plastic information box will be filled by the City. If, after review of the sign speCifications, you feel the sign does not comply with the reqUirements, please let Nancy know. Please feel free to contact me or Nancy should you wish additional information. Laureen Nicolay City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-7294 Fax: (425) 430-7231 Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. cc: Alexander Pietsch <Apietsch@cLrenton.wa.us>, Jennifer Henning <Jhenning@cLrenton.wa.us>, Neil Watts <Nwatts@cLrenton.wa.us> From: Laureen Nicolay To: Monica. Hayes@med.va.gov Date: Monday, May 10, 20042:25:19 PM Subject: MSW Short Plat proposed at 329 Renton Ave S, City File #LUA04-048 Dear Ms. Hayes-Bishop: Jennifer Henning asked me to respond to your email regarding a proposed project, MSW Short Plat, at the above location. On Friday of last week, an applicant submitted a new land division application for property located at 329 Renton Ave S. The proposal is to retain the existing house and create 3 new single family home lots. Although the application has not yet been formally accepted by the City, I have included you on our "party of record" list for this project and you will receive notice via US mail when the City accepts the project and when the City takes final action on this proposal. Today I also mailed copies of the proposed land division project plans to you. Should you have any comments on the proposal, please send them via mail to the City staff person assigned to process the project: Nancy Weil (425-430-7270). Nancy's mailing address is 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. I have also included a drawing explaining the City's public information sign specifications as adopted by the Renton City Council. The City requires the applicant to post these 4' by 8' signs in advance of submitting their land division application, so it is often a few days before the project is officially accepted. Once the project is accepted, the plastic information box will be filled by the City. If, after review of the sign specifications, you feel the sign does not comply with the requirements, please let Nancy know. Please feel free to contact me or Nancy should you wish additional information. Laureen Nicolay City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-7294 Fax: (425) 430-7231 Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us CC: Henning, Jennifer; Pietsch, Alexander; Watts, Neil From: To: Date: Subject: Alexander Pietsch Monica.Hayes@med.va.gov Monday, May 10, 2004 10:07:06 AM Re: Short Plat -325 Renton Ave S. Ms. Hayes-Bishop ... thank you for your e-mail and your interest in Renton. I am sharing this reply with Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner in the City's Development Services Division. She coordinates these types of development postings and can provide you with additional information. Please feel free to contact me again if you have further questions or concerns. Alex Pietsch Administrator Dept. of Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning City of Renton 425.430.6592 voice 425.430.7300 fax www.rentonmarket.com www.cLrenton.wa.us >>> <Monica.Hayes@med.va.gov> 5/10/2004 9:43:23 AM »> May 10, 2004 Hello Mr. Pietsch: I live at 326 Renton Ave S and came home after this weekend away to see a white "Land Use Action" sign posted like a death sentence across the street. I knew it was happening, but the sign is TOO much. Not only is the sign bigger than a house, it provides NO information for me as a land owner or interested citizen. . First, where it says "contacr' -there is no phone number or name. Second, the plastic box where literature is stored is empty. Third, the drawing of the proposed site is posted so high that someone would need to be 8 feet tall to read it. Who do I contact to get additional information on this proposed action? cc: Henning, Jennifer; Watts, Neil LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300-FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PROJECTNAME: __ ~M==SW~S=h=o~rt~P~la=t ______________________________________ __ APPLICATION NO:. _____ 1-u_-=---A_,_O_V_-_0JL.fK_· ___________ _ The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS Q:lweb/pw/devserv/forms/planning/owners.doc ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 08127/03 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) NAME ADDRESS Applicant Certification ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER I, Chris Battershill , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacemNw~erty (Print Name) ~\\\\'aoli 1111~ owners and their addresses were obtained from: §~~~~: ···o;'~:?a~ §. "'I:o/.. ~ ~ Title Company Records 6. orA ~.~~ King County Assessors Records = : " • R y .: § ~ ~. -4 ~~ 9ca\ PuSL\C /~~ . /,.--: oS~ ,d ~~ •• 6..-. 0 ~ Signed ~ Date ~ =-If-'()L ~+~.OW;.~ .. ¢ .. ~~ (Applicant) ~11~'1'/: WASYt..~\' 11",,,,,\\ NOTARY A nESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at Federa~ on t~ day of May , 20 04 . Sig4r~ (Notary Public) ****For City of Renton Use**** """""""\\ ............ " ... , J(.4J1'~\ •• ...... '\\,,, '" : . .."..,,.,. " CERTIFICATION OF MAILING /~{lj~ssri:/i;~.;;.~~''''' ~--r : ... C! ~OTA ~ .... ~ ~ I,. ~JU.C~ , hereby certify that notices of the proposed ap~cat~ we~.~~e't~ i ty Employee) ~ cP. ~ IlU C • : each listed property owner on n-N4~ -oy ~, ;;\. au ./ ~ ; O~· A. ft -" ••• 6'. I 07 .. ~o .: Signed )d:t]u fr '-ll.lJ'lLtV Date: •• ··:··-:;.\~e..f ~ , ~ ..... \\\\"', ......... NOTARY ~bed and sworn before me, a Notary PUblic, in and for the State of Washington residing a ' ~ on theQIB'IL day of ~cr. ,20f2¥,:. ~ . M lLYN KAMCHEFF C:\TEMP\owners.doc MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 2 12Zl4lr-0001-09 SEATTLE CITY OF SPU/REAl PROP -WTR 700 5TH AVE #4900 SEATTLE WA 12Z140-0020-06 290516 98104 MCNEELAN BETTY JEAN -TRUSTE359999 Zl036 98.Tt! AV S KENT' WA 98031 150309 98055 72214cr003cr04 GLACIER L L C 309999 1800 136Tt! PL NE UNIT 100 BELLEVUE WA 98005 122140-0035-09 GRINOLOS ANN V 150309 324 CEDAR AVE S RENTON lfA 98055 122140.,...OO4cr02 PERSON AND PERSON HOMES 2Z1TACOMA BLVD S PACIFIC·WA 122140-0045-07 DE LAURENTI MARY V 315 RENTON AVE S RENTON lilA 122140-005cr09 WAGNER DALE WARREN 319 RENTON AVS RENTON WA 122146-0056-03 GRINOLDS 324 122140-0065-02 GRINOLDS ANN 324 ceo E RE WA 122140-0010.,...05 WONG KING KUEN+YAU'KUEN 328 CEDAR AVE S RENTON WA 439999 98047 419999 98055 419999 98055 301494· 98466 101543 98055 150309 98055 019999 98055 12Zl4lr-0001-09 SEA TTLE CITY OF SPU/REAL PROP -WTR 700 5TH AVE #4900 SEATTLE WA 290516 98104 12Z14cr0020-06 MCNEELANBETTY JEAN 21036 98,TtI AV S KENT'WA' -TRUSTE359999 98031 150309 98055 12214cr003cr04 GLACIER L L C 309999 1800 136Tt! PL NEUNIT 100 BELLEVUE WA 98005 722140-0035-09 GRINOLDS ANN V 150309 324 CEDAR AVE S RENTON WA 98055 12211t,O.,...004cr02 PERSON AND PERSON HOMES 221 TACOMA BLVD S PACIFIC WA 722140-0045-07 OE LAURENTI MARY V 315 RENTON AVE S RENTON lilA 722140...,.0050-09 WAGNER DALE WARREN 319 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 122146-0056-03 GRINOLOS 324 ~._~ ... ON VA 122140-0065-02 GRINOLDS ANN 324 CEO E RE WA 722140-0010-05 WONG KING KUEN+YAU;KUEN 328 ceDAR AVE S RENTON WA 439999 98047 419999 98055 419999 98055 301494. 98466 101543 98055 150309 98055 019999 98055 722140"";007S-00 GRINOLDS· 324 AR S TON WA 722140-0080-03 lITTLE IVONA 55 WILLIAMS AVE S #305 RENTON,WA 7Z2140-0085-08 PHAM THINH 326 CEDAR AV£ S #2 RENTON WA 722140-0086-07 CHAVES HUGO E , UIUC 336 HARVARD AYE FIRCRESTWA 722140-0090-01 eLISE MARILYN PO BOX 475 DUVALL WA 722140-0095-06 ADAMS CLINT J 400 CEDAR AV S RENTON VA 122140-0100-09 BOZORTH STEVEN C 205 MORRIS AV S RENTON WA 122140-01Z0-05 BAINBRIDGE MICHAEL P 405 RENTON All S RENTON VA 722140-0121-04 WERNER DUSTIN J 404 CEDAR AV·S RENTON WA 122140-0122-03 TATRO DON L+MARIlYN+CURTIS 419 RENTON AVE S RENTON'WA· 722140-0425-07 LESMEISTER RAYMONO+PHYLLIS 412 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 722140-0430-00 MAXWELL ROBERT T 410 RENTON AVE S RENTON VA 98055 421704 98055 302313 96055 301494 98466 399999 98019 259999 98055 229999 98055 199999 98058 359999 98055 030241 98055 109999 98055 360430 98055 722140"";0075-00 GRI.~uLu,~ ...... 3 S 722140-0080-03 l ITTL E I VON A 55 WILLIAMS AVE S #305 RENTON ··WA 722140-0085-08 PHAM THINH 326 CEDAR AV£ S #2 RENTON·WA 722140-0086-07 CHAVES HUGO E , UIUC 336 HARVARD AYE FIRCRESTWA 722140-0090-01 CLISE MARILYN PO BOX 475 DUVALL WA ' 122140-0095-06 ADAMS CLINT J 400 CEDAR AV S RENTON VA 722140-0100-09 BOZORTH STEVEN C 205 MORRIS AV S RENTON VA 122140-01Z0-05 BAINBRIDGE MICHAEL P 405 RENTON All S RENTON VA 722140-0121-04 WERNER DUSTIN J 404 CEDAR AV S RENTON VA 722140-0122-03 TATRO DON L+MARILYN+CURTIS 419 RENTON AVE S RENTON'WA· 722140-042S-07 LESMEISTER RAYMONO+PHYLLIS 412 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 722140-0430-00 MAXWELL ROBERT T 410 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 101543 98055 421704 98055 302313 96055 301494 98466 399999 98019 259999 98055 229999 98055 199999 98058 359999 98055 030241 98055 109999 96055 360430 98055 RdvKhed S/2,f'~V N'b-tde \, IIero-b k asodd~. 122HO-0434-06 NATSIOPOULOS ELIAS 416 RENTON AVE S RENTON:WA S+NANCY 899_ 98055 122140-0442-06 . ATTALAH SAMIR 344 RENTON AVE S RENTON W~ 722140-0443-05 829999 98055 JOHNSON PHILLIP E+BONNIE J 439999 350 RENTON AV S RENTON'WA 98055 722140~04lt4-01t MOSSWIlLtAM G+MOSS FAY A 229999 356 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 980.55 122140~0445-03 YARBROUGH RICHARD A 338 RENTON AVE S ReNTON WA 122140-0446-02 029999 98055 BISHOP MICHAEL JOSEPH+HAYES439999 326 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 98055 722140-0447-01 KATAN VIKTOR M 439999 330 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 98055 722140-0450-05 ARNOLD NORMAN C 939999 320 RENTON AVE SOUTH RENTON WA 98055 72214O-0lt55-00 JOHNSON MARK W+MARIANNE H N949999 316 RENTON AVE S RENTONWA' 98055 722140-0460-03 HOLT DANIEL ON9999 310 RENTON AVE S RENTON ·WA 98055 1221ltO-Olt70-01 ELLIOT ROBERT C+DENISE S 300 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 123150-0200-03 809999 98055 WA STATE OEPT OF TRANSPORT 330165 NM REGION REAL ESTATE SVCS PO BOX 330310 SEATTLE WA 98133 ".;," 722140-0434-06 NATSIOPOULOS E~ 1t16 RENTON AVE ,., RENTON:WA S+NANCY 899999 7221ltO-0442-06 ATTALAH SAMIR 344 RENTON AVE S RENTON W~ 722140-0443-05 98055 JOHNSON PHILLIP E+80NNIE J 439999 350 RENTON AV S RENTON"WA 98055 7221ltO~04lt4-04 HOSSWIlltAM G+MOSS FAY A 229999 356 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 98055 722140-0445-03 YARBROUGH RICHARD A 338 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 722140-0lt46-02 029999 98055 BISHOP MICHAEL JOSEPH+HAYES439999 326 RENTON AV S RENTON WA 98055 72214~Olt47-01 KATAN VIKTOR M 439999 330 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 98055 722140-0450-05 ARNOLD NORMAN C 939999 320 RENTON AVE SOUTH RENTON WA 98055 722140-0455-00 JOHNSON MARK W+MARIANNE H N949999 316 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 98055 722140-0460-03 HOLT DANIEL ON9999 310 RENTON AVE S RENTON'WA 98055 7221ltO;"0470-01 ELLIOT ROBERT C+OENISE S 300 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 723150-0200-03 809999 98055 WA STATE OEPT OF TRANSPORT 330765 NW REGION REAL ESTATE SVCS PO BOX 330310 SEATTLE WA 98133 /.... .} . '.: • 723150-0210-01 369_ 723150-0210-01 El' THARP JOHN M ET At THARP JOHN M 369999 235 WELLS AV N 235 WELLS AV N RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 723150-0215-06 723150-0215-06 STATE OF WASKINGTON 031661 STATE OF WASKINGTON 031661 DEPT, OF ,TRANSPORTATION DEPT, OF ,TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION BLDG TRANSPORTATION BLDG OLYM~IA WA 98504 OLYMPIA WA 98504 (0 ' ('0. ,. ~. AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFO-RMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430,.7231 ~\\\\uII}"'ll #~v.~9M~~~/~ § ~.,. .. ~\sslonf.t·.~_~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ~~.·o~ IO,~,::~~ .... "-.n a> .';n .... :: t'~OTAI?~ <fI.: ... ~ ) -. ----..-i~~ PUBLIC :~§ COUNTY OF KING) \";;"6._ . ..nO. •• ~o§ ~~'~ 5, ~';~f~ ~ ~I.°J:WAS~'\ ~,~ \ " h II J . ~ /J ~ 1111"'1I"\\\\~ ---.1 )c;,ctJ I VU~./ , being . first duly swomOnbath, deposand says: 1. On the 12-day of N\ o..~ ,~ I installed public information s!9~"<s,> and plastic flyer box on the property located at 321, ~25 't.£,JJ7ZJ1J ,fl/b (. "I'bf~ for the following project: • (y\ SWLL C, Project name --11. h' '--.1 m tfS Sc /'}'VIr/-./--t Owner Name l-luji2 ch AveZ. u / l?1c:. Chrt<KZ 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the require s of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 5'b-day of M~ ,~<f. ~t~LG for the Slate of residing at My commission expires on ---,-1_1::._"_~_'_()_L{,,----__ Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\pubsign.doc08l27/03 05/04/04 00:25 FAX 2066503481 BLACK TIE 141 01 e May 4. 2004 To whom it may concern, I Hugo E. Chaves being the owner of Renton eo.op Coal Cos AC Trs#-1 Lot 2 of City of Renton Short Plat No 9901269011 give Mr. Joe Megale permission to apply for the 4 lot short plat at parcel number 7221400086 on my behalf. Owner otary (Print) My appointment expires QS-~ g" -01. May 4,2004 To whom it may concern, We Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves being the owners of Renton Co-op Coal Cos AC Trs#1 Lot 2 of City of Renton Short Plat No 9901269011 give Mr. Joe Megale permission to apply for the 4 lot short plat at parcel number 7221400086 on our behalf. c#~~ HUGO E. CRAVES Owner . .! \ _7 7 ---D le My appomtment expIres --I-.[}._V __ L.-----"v ____ _ State of Washington County of ti~ ) ss Notary PUbl~r eState of Washington, residing at IAJ~ My Commission Expires: 11-$l)f- I --'s:. ........ -:£,,-t:Z---=---P'r-,,--~_5_....::C::...7----,\,-,S,--,(!=-_h:....:...:.;m'-'--;_~_~eing the owner of this property give -->..:.u......<.~----:-~~~:L....L~e=--_____ permission to apply for the 4 lot short plat at 21400080 and 7221400086 onmy behalf. ('-'---~ignature of Owner , \ L. Noble:.. Notary (Print) @~ --r~Vl~ C. 1>CD"A./~1vV~v M~ ~'fir -CJ<{V(S: IlS-O'i .... . ~. DEVELOPMENT PLANNIN(;' CITY OF RENTON MAY 11 2004 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM To: City of Renton From: Harold Duncanson, PE Date: 04/22/04 Subject: MSW Short Plat Project Narrative & Construction Mitigation PROJECT NARRATIVE The MSW Short Plat is a 4-lot short plat of a .48-acre parcel located at 329 Renton Avenue South. The site is in the R-8 zone and will require a short plat land use permit. Adjacent properties are zoned R-8IRC. The southern 2/3 of the site currently contains a residence driveway and detached garage. The northern 1/3 of the site is mostly driveway and asphalt parking area. The existing house will remain and 3 new homes will be constructed after short platting.· The scope of the proposed development includes installing a common access road and utilities to the new lots. The resulting lots will vary from 4,993 SF to 5,690 SF with a resulting density of8.3 units per acre. There are no special features on the Site. The site soils are mostly brown sands (see geo- tech report). Drainage is in the form of sheet flow from west to east. Off-site improvements will be limited to minor reconstruction of the two existing curb cuts. The estimated construction cost is expected to be less than $20,000 not including the new homes. Excavation will be mainly limited to removing existing asphalt and installing utility service lines. Fill material is expected to be less than 50 CY for driveway construction. One existing garage and shed will be removed. Three cherry trees and three cedar tress ranging from 8 to 14 inches will be removed. No dedication is required or proposed. Page 1 of2 '. CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2004. The site improvements and utilities will likely be done in conjunction with the first home construction. Construction on the remaining homes may be concurrent of phased with completion expected in 2005. Hours of operation will be normal construction hours allowed by Renton City Policy Code. The proposed hauling and transportation route will be Renton Ave S. to 1-405. No special hours are anticipated. Page 2 of2 • DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, DEVELOPME CITY OF ~~~~I\ ~G #.fAY 11 200" . RECEIVED square feet and critical areas.* Total excluded area:** 2. _____ square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. _,_11_3_2 __ acres 5. Number of d~ening units or lots planned: 5. unitsllots ----- 6.· Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. __ 7._. _Tc_<::> __ d.u.lacre __ 'Y,--_Iots or units would result in a net density of ;r; J dwelling units per acre. *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations not including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\density.doc08/29/03 1 V> C '" < m -< Z C) • DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON DUNCANSON Company, Inc. MAY 1'1 200~ RECEIVED MEMORANDUM To: City of Renton From: Harold Duncanson, PE Date: 3/12/04 Subject: MSW Short Plat Drainage Narrative [EXPIRES The MSW Short Plat is a 4-lot short plat of a O.4S-acre parcel located at 329 Renton Avenue South. The site is in the R-S zone and will require a short plat land use permit. Adjacent properties are zoned R-S/Rc. The southern 2/3 of the site currently contains a residence driveway and detached garage. The northern 1/3 of the site is mostly and asphalt parking area. The existing house will remain and 3 new homes will be constructed after short platting. The scope of the proposed development includes installing a common access road and utilities to the new lots. The resulting lots will vary from 4,993 SF to 5,690 SF with a resulting density ofS.3 units per acre. There are no special features on the Site. The site soils are mostly combinations of brown sands. Drainage is in the form of sheet flow from west to east. This project site is covered by 7,300 SF of existing impervious area in the form of roofs and paving. Total impervious surface for all lots combined will be limited to 10,000 SF (2,500 SF/lot) by zoning code. Therefore, the net impervious increase will be at most 2,700 SF. Based on this information, this project is exempt from flow or water quality controls. Dispersal trenches are anticipated to serve as a disposal BMP for the new residences and driveway. 145 SW 155th Street· Suite 102 . Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141· Fax 206.244.4455' Web www.duncansonco.com I CIVIL ENGINEERING Page 1 of 1 ] l') z z z « ..J D.. o z « ..J DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) , Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time \ or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for non project proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc04l22l04 A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: MSW SHORT PLAT 2. Name of applicant: JOE MEGALE 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: P.O. BOX 16344 JOE MEGALE SEATTLE, WA 98116 (206) 276-4498 4. Date checklist prepared: 4/22/04 5. Agency requesting checklist: CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN IN THE SPRING OF 2004. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. NO 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. SEE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. N/A 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. BUILDING PERMIT 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. This is a 4-lot short plat, with lots varying in size from 4,993 SF to 5,690 SF. X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 2 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. SUFFICIENT INFORMATION ON MAPS B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) 20% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. SAND d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. SEE GEOTOECHNICAL REPORT e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. LIGHT GRADING FOR DRIVEWAY f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. NO g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 21% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: STANDARD BMP'S WILL BE USED. X:\ProjectsI2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 3 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (Le., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. N/A b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: N/A 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. N/A 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. N/A 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. N/A 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. N/A 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 ~O-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. N/A 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. N/A X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 4 b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. N/A 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. N/A c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. SEE PROJECT NARRATIVE 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. N/A d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: STANDARD BMP'S WILL BE USED. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: _X_ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other _X_ shrubs _X_ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? 3 CHERRY TREES TO BE REMOVED c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. N/A d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: N/A X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 5 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: N/A Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds; other ________ _ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other _________ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other ______ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. N/A c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain N/A d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: N/A 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. N/A b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. N/A c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: N/A 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. N/A 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. N/A 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: N/A X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 6 b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? N/A 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. LOW LEVEL NOISE FROM SMALL MACHINERY AT CITY SPECIFIED WORKING HOURS. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: N/A 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. N/A c. Describe any structures on the site. ONE SINGLE FAMILY HOME d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? YES, EXISTING SHED AND GARAGE e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-8 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? STILL NEED g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? N/A X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 7 j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? N/A k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: N/A 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 4 SINGLE FAMILY MIDDLE INCOME HOMES b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. N/A b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: N/A 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? N/A b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? N/A X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 8 c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? N/A d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: N/A 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? N/A b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: N/A 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. N/A b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. N/A c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. SITE IS SERVED BY RENTON AVE SOUTH (SEE PLANS) b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? YES c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 8-12 PARKING SPACES, WITH ZERO ELIMINATED X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 9 d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? N/A e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. N/A f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. N/A g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: N/A 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. N/A b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES WILL BE PROVIDED TO EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT. c. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non- significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or wililullaGk 01 lull di. IOS~1lY part. Proponent: Name Printed: X:\ProjectsI2003 Projects\03129 Megale Renton\APP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 10 Date: X:\Projects\2003 Projects\03129 Megale RentonlAPP _MATERIALS\envchlst.doc 11 · .. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ARBOR HEIGHTS SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON E-10931 December 18, 2003 PREPARED FOR ARBOR HEIGHTS, LLC IW1~A.I#l;.g~ Mitchell G. McGinnis, LEG Project Geologist Kristina M. Weller, P.E. Project Manager Earth Consultants, Inc. 1805 -136th Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 (425) 643-3780 Toll Free 1-888-739-6670 December 1 8, 2003 Arbor Heights, LLC P.O. Box 48194 Seattle, Washington 98146 Attention: Mr. Joe Megale Dear Mr. Megale: ESIi-ll)lisilcd In7S E-10931 Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to submit our report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Arbor Heights Short Plat, 329 Renton Avenue South, Renton, Washington". This report presents the results of our field exploration, selective laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The purpose and scope of our study were outlined in our November 1 7, 2003 proposal. Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the subject property can be subdivided into two single-family residence lots and the western lot can be developed with a new single-family residence as planned. Support for the proposed residence can be provided "using conventional spread and continuous footing foundation systems bearing on competent native soil or on newly placed structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors may be similarly supported. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service to you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Respectfully submitted, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. M1M lJ· MI{~k~ Mitchell G. McGinnis, LEG Project Geologist MGM/KMW/csm 1805 136th Place N.E., Suite 201, Bellevue, WA 98005 Bellevue (425) 643-3780 FAX (425) 746-0860 Toll Free (888) 739-6670 TABLE OF CONTENTS E-10931 PAGE INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 1 General .................................................................. ;........................................ 1 Project Description ........................................................................................... 2 SITE CONDITIONS................................................................................................ 3 Surface ........................................................................................................... 3 Subsurface .............. ~ . . ... . . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . ... . .. . . .. .. .... . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . ...... . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Groundwater .................................. , .................. , .... . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. 4 Laboratory Testing............................................................................................ 5 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................ 5 General ........................................................................................................... 5 Site Preparation and General Earthwork.............................................................. 6 Foundations ................................... , ..... , ............ , ............................... , . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 7 Rockery Recommendations................................................................................ 9 Retaining Walls ............................................................................................... 10 Slab-on-Grade Floors........................................................................................ 10 Seismic Design Considerations.......................................................................... 11 Ground Rupture.......................................................................................... 11 Liquefaction ............................................................................................... 11 Ground Motion Response............................................................................. 1 2 Excavations and Slopes.................................................................................... 1 2 Site Drainage.................................................................................................. 1 3 LIMITATIONS....................................................................................................... 14 Additional Services.......................................................................................... 1 4 Earth Consultants, Inc. ILLUSTRA TIONS Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 APPENDICES Appendix A Plate A1 Plates A2 through A4 Appendix B Plate B1 Appendix C TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued E-10931 Vicinity Map Test Pit Location Plan Typical Rockery Detail Retaining Wall Drainage and Backfill Typical Footing Subdrain Detail Field Exploration Legend Test Pit Logs Laboratory Test Results Grain Size Analyses Associated Rockery Contractors (ARC) Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines Earth Consultants, Inc. General GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY ARBOR HEIGHTS SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON E-10931 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the geotechnical engineering study completed by Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) for the proposed residential short plat at 329 Renton Avenue South in Renton, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1. The purpose of this study was to explore the subsurface conditions within the western limits the single-family residence lot to assess the feasibility of developing the site with a new single-family residence, and to develop geotechnical engineering recommendations for the new residence. Specifically, our scope of services consisted of the following: • Assessing subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, and their potential influence on the proposed site development; • Providing grading, earthwork, fill compaction, drainage, cut and fill slope inclinations, stripping, proofrolling, and other site development recommendations; • Providing temporary slope, or where applicable, shoring recommendations; • Assessing the suitability of existing on-site materials for use as structural fill, and providing recommendations for imported fill materials; • Providing design criteria for shallow foundations including minimum width and depth requirements and allowable design bearing pressures for shallow footings; and • Providing seismic design parameters. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 Project Description E-10931 Page 2 We understand it is planned to short plat an existing 13,500 square foot, rectangular shaped, residential lot into two, single-family residence lots of approximately equivalent size. Once the lot has been short platted, it is planned to develop the western lot with a new single-family residence. The eastern lot will contain the existing single-family residence. The northeast corner of the western lot contains an existing detached garage that will be removed to make way for the new single-family residence. Based on preliminary design information provided by the client, the proposed single-family residence will be two to three stories in height and will be constructed of relatively lightly- loaded, wood frame construction with either slab-on-grade or wood joist floors. The new residence will likely be accessed from the north side of the property along a shared driveway that will extend out to Renton Avenue South. At the time of our study, the site, existing residence, and our exploration locations were approximately as shown on the Schematic Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. No site plan was available at the time of our study. Based on our experience with similar projects, we anticipate wall loads will be on the order of 2 to 3 kips per lineal foot with column loads of 20 to 40 kips. We estimate slab- on-grade floor loads will be approximately 1 50 pounds per square foot (psf). If the above design criteria are incorrect or change, we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, ECI should be retained to perform a general review of the final design. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, llC December 18, 2003 SITE CONDITIONS Surface E-10931 Page 3 The subject site consists of an approximately 13,500 square foot, rectangular shaped, residential lot located approximately 450 feet north of the intersection of Renton A venue South and Beacon Way South in Renton (see Plate 1, Vicinity Map). The proposed development area is bordered to the north by an east-west trending access easement for an adjacent residential lot, to the south and west by existing single-family residences, and to the east by the existing single-family residence that will remain in the eastern lot following the lot split. The northeast corner of the proposed development area contains an existing garage and concrete pavements that will be removed as part as the planned site improvements. The subject site is relatively level with less than five feet of elevation change throughout most of the site. The immediate northwestern corner of the lot contains an approximately 3 to 4 foot high, 40 foot long east-west trending rock wall constructed along the north side of an upper bench that steps down along the wall to a lower bench at the base of the wall to the north. The immediate western portion of the site contains an approximately four to six foot high west-facing slope that descends from the subject site to the adjacent residential property to the west at around 50 percent. The immediate northern portion of the site contains an approximately four to six foot high north-facing slope that descends to the south side of the east-west trending access easement to the north of the site at a gradient of around 50 percent. The site is vegetated primarily with sod, small diameter trees, and decorative shrubs and plants. The lower bench that occupies the northwestern corner of the site is vegetated with plants and vegetables in a small garden area. Subsurface Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating three test pits to a maximum depth of thirteen (13) feet below existing grade. The approximate test pit locations are shown on Plate 2. Please refer to the Test Pit logs, Plates A2 through A4 for a detailed description of the conditions encountered at each location explored. A description of the field exploration methods is included in Appendix A. The following is a generalized description of the subsurface conditions encountered. Earth Consultants. Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 1 8, 2003 E-10931 Page 4 At our test pit locations, we encountered a surficial layer of topsoil and grass. The topsoil and vegetation layer was in the range of six (6) to twelve (12) inches thick. The topsoil is characterized by its dark brown to black color, loose consistency, and the presence of abundant roots and organic debris. The topsoil and vegetative layer is not considered suitable for support of foundations, slab-an-grade floors, or pavements. In addition, it is not suitable for use as structural fill, nor should it be mixed with material to be used as structural fill. Underlying the topsoil and vegetative layer in Test Pits TP-1 and TP-2 we encountered three and one half feet of loose to medium dense fill comprised of silty fine sand (Unified Soil Classification SM). The fill was characterized by its dark brown color and its disturbed appearance. The existing fill is not suitable for direct support of the proposed residence in its present condition. The existing fill may be suitable for support of the proposed residence, provided it has less than 5 percent organics and it can be compacted to the requirements of structural fill. Underlying the topsoil and vegetative layer in Test Pit TP-3 we encountered silty fine sand to the bottom of the excavation at six and one-half feet. No fill was encountered in Test Pit TP-3. In Test Pit TP-3, the native sand was medium dense to around three and one half feet below grade before becoming dense. The soil became very dense at five feet below grade. Underlying the fill in Test Pits TP-1 and TP-2, we encountered one and one half to six feet of medium dense poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) and poorly graded sand (SP), respectively. The poorly graded sand (SP) and poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) is underlain by dense to very dense silty fine sand (SM) to the maximum exploration depth of thirteen (13) feet below existing grade. Groundwater Light groundwater seepage was encountered in Test Pit TP-1 at five feet below existing grade. The observed seepage is likely indicative of seasonal perched groundwater flowing along the contact with the underlying dense to very dense, low permeability soil encountered at five feet below grade in Test Pit TP-1 . Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 E-l0931 Page 5 Based on observed conditions, perched groundwater seepage may be encountered in footing and utility excavations if the grading is conducted during the winter or spring. The contractor should be made aware that groundwater levels are not static. There will likely be fluctuations in the level depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the water level is higher and seepage rates are greater in the wetter winter months (typically October through May). The contractor should be prepared to control groundwater if seepage is encountered in site excavations. Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were conducted on representative sO,il samples to verify or modify the field soil classification and to evaluate the general physical properties and engineering characteristics of the soil encountered. Visual field classifications were supplemented by grain size analyses on representative soil samples. Moisture content tests were performed on all samples. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided either at the appropriate sample depth on the individual test pit logs or on a separate data sheet contained in Appendix B. It is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. Our geotechnical engineering recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results and their use in guiding our engineering judgment. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. In accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions, the soil samples for this project will be discarded after a period of fifteen (15) days following completion of this report unless we are otherwise directed in writing. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the results of our study, the single-family residence can be constructed generally as planned provided the recommendations in this report are considered in the project design. Support of the proposed residence can be provided using conventional spread and continuous footing foundation systems bearing on competent native soil or on newly placed structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors may be similarly supported. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 E-l0931 Page 6 The site is underlain by up to three and one half feet of loose to medium dense existing fill. The fill is not suitable for direct support of foundations in its present condition. If loose fill is encountered at construction subgrade elevations it should either be compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill or it should be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill. Alternatively, the footing elements may be extended through the fill to underlying competent native soil. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project only in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area for the exclusive use of Arbor Heights, LLC and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report, in its entirety, should be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. Site Preparation and General Earthwork The proposed building and pavement areas should be stripped and cleared of surface vegetation, organic matter, existing foundations and pavements, and other deleterious material. Based on the thickness of the topsoil and sod layer observed at the site, we estimate stripping depths will be in the range of six (6) to twelve (12) inches. Stripped materials should not be mixed with materials to be used as structural fill. Following the stripping operation the ground surface where structural fill, foundations, or slabs are to be placed should be observed by a representative of ECI. Soil in loose or soft areas, if recompacted and still yielding, should be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill to a depth that will provide a stable base beneath the general structural fill. The optional use of a geotextile fabric placed directly on the overexcavated surface may help to bridge unstable areas. ECI can provide recommendations for geotextiles, if necessary. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 E-10931 Page 7 Structural fill is defined as compacted fill placed under buildings, roadways, slabs, pavements, or other load-bearing areas. Structural fill under floor slabs and footings should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding twelve (1 2) inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of its laboratory maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation 0-1557-91 (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or near their optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum. density except for the top twelve (1 2) inches which should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density. During dry weather, most granular soils that are compactable and non-organic can be used as structural fill. Based on the results of our laboratory tests, the soils encountered at our test pit locations at the time of our field work appeared to be near their optimum moisture content and should be suitable for use as structural fill, provided the grading operations are conducted during dry weather. However, laboratory testing indicates some of the site soils are moisture sensitive with between 2 percent and 49 percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. Soil with fines in excess of 5 percent will degrade if exposed to excessive moisture, and compaction and grading will be difficult if the soil moisture increases significantly above its optimum condition. During dry weather, non-organic compactable granular soil with a maximum grain size of three inches can be used. Fill for use during wet weather should consist of a fairly well graded granular material having a maximum grain size of three inches and no more than 5 percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. A contingency in the earthwork budget should be included for the possibility of importing a material meeting this specification. Foundations Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the proposed single,-family residence can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footing foundation systems bearing on competent native soil or on newly placed structural fill. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 E-10931 Page 8 The site is underlain by up to three and one half feet of loose to medium dense fill. The existing fill is not suitable for direct support of the proposed residence in its existing condition. If loose fill or native soil is encountered at construction subgrade elevations it should either be compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill or overexcavated and replaced with structural fill. Alternatively, the footing elements may be extended through the loose fill to the underlying competent soil. Exterior foundation elements should be placed at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches below final exterior grade. Interior spread foundations can be placed at a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches below the top of slab, except in unheated areas, where interior foundation elements should be founded at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches. Continuous and individual spread footings should have minimum widths in accordance with local building codes. With foundation support obtained as described, for design, an allowable soil bearing capacity of two thousand five hundred (2,500) psf for competent native soil, existing fill compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill, or for newly placed structural fill can be used. Loading of this magnitude would be provided with a theoretical factor-of- safety in excess of three against actual shear failure. For short-term dynamic loading conditions, a one-third increase in the above allowable bearing capacities can be used. With structural loading as expected, total settlement of about one inch is anticipated with differential movement of about one-half inch. Most of the anticipated settlement should occur during construction as dead loads are applied. Horizontal loads can be resisted by friction between the base of the foundation and the supporting soil and by passive soil pressure acting on the face of the buried portion of the foundation. For the latter, the foundation must be poured "neat" against the competent native soils or backfilled with structural fill. For frictional capacity, a coefficient of 0.35 can be used. For passive earth pressure, the available resistance can be computed using an equivalent fluid pressure of three hundred fifty (350) pounds per cubic foot (pcf). These lateral resistance values are allowable values, a factor-of-safety of 1.5 has been included. As movement of the foundation element is required to mobilize full passive resistance, the passive resistance should be neglected if such movement is not acceptable. Footing excavations should be observed by a representative of ECI, prior to placing forms or rebar, to verify conditions are as anticipated in this report. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 Rockery Recommendations E-10931 Page 9 The proposed development may include rockeries. A rockery is not intended to function as a retaining wall designed to resist lateral earth pressures. Rockery construction is largely a craft not entirely controllable by engineering methods. As such, it is imperative rockeries are completed in close conformance with the Associated of Rockery Contractors (ARC) Standard Rockery Construction Guidelines and constructed by an experienced contractor with a proven ability in rockery construction. A copy of the ARC Rockery Construction Guidelines is included in Appendix C. The sizing and placement of the rocks, drainage measures and other details of construction should be in conformance with the ARC guidelines. The face of the rockeries should be inclined no steeper than 1 H:6V (Horizontal:Vertical). Drainage should also be installed behind the rockery. At a minimUm, the drainage should consist of an eighteen (18) inch wide layer of two (2) inch to four (4) inch quarry spalls placed along the full height of the rockery. A four-inch diameter perforated collector pipe should be installed at the base of the rockery. The collector pipe should consist of a rigid, schedule 40 PVC or SDR 35 drainpipe. We do not recommend using corrugated plastic pipe. The drain rock placed around the drain pipe should consist of pea gravel or washed rock. The rockery construction should be observed by a representative from ECI on a periodic basis. The purpose of our observations will be to verify our recommendations are followed and that the rockery is constructed in accordance with the ARC guidelines. The general recommendations contained in this section are for rockeries constructed against native cut slopes in areas where no structural or traffic loads will be applied. Rockeries that will exceed four feet in height and are constructed against fill need to be reinforced. ECI can provide recommendations for a reinforced rockery if requested. Please refer to Plate 3, Typical Rockery Detail for generalized rockery recommendations. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 Retaining Walls E-l0931 Page 10 These recommendations pertain to free standing retaining walls and walls that are restrained at the top. Walls that are unrestrained should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressures imposed by an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of thirty-five (35) pcf. If walls are to be restrained at the top from free movement, the equivalent fluid weight should be increased to fifty (50) pcf. These values are based on horizontal backfill and that surcharges due to backfill slopes, hydrostatic pressures, traffic, structural loads or other surcharge loads will not act on the wall. If such surcharges are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressure. The passive pressure and friction coefficients previously provided in the foundation section are applicable to retaining walls. To reduce the potential for hydrostatic forces building up behind the walls, the walls should be backfilled with a suitable free-draining material extending at least eighteen (1 8) inches behind the wall. The free-draining backfill should consist of washed rock or pea gravel extending the full height of the below grade portion of the wall. A rigid, schedule 40 PVC or SDR 35, perforated drainpipe should be placed at the base of the wall, and connected to an appropriate tightline discharge point. The pipe should be placed with the perforations in the down position. The backfill behind the drainage zone should consist of structural fill. Please refer to Plate 4, Retaining Wall Drainage and Backfill for a schematic drawing of a typical retaining wall. Slab-on-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors should be supported on competent native soil, existing fill compacted in-place to the requirements of structural fill, or on newly placed structural fill. The slab should be underlain by a capillary break consisting of a minimum of four inches of free-draining sand or gravel. In addition, a vapor barrier such as a 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed beneath the slab. Two inches of damp sand may be placed over the membrane for protection during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. Earth Consultants. Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 Seismic Design Considerations E-10931 Page 11 The Puget Lowland is classified as a Seismic Zone 3 in the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC). Earthquakes occur in the Puget Lowland with regularity, however, the majority of these events are of such low magnitude they are not felt without instruments. Large earthquakes do occur, as indicated by the 1949, 7.2 magnitude earthquake in the Olympia area, the 1965, 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the Midway area, and the 2001, 6.8 magnitude Nisqually earthquake. There are three potential geologic hazards associated with a strong motion seismic event at this site: ground rupture, liquefaction, and ground motion response. Ground Rupture The strongest earthquakes in the Puget Lowland are widespread, subcrustal events, ranging in depth from thirty (30) to fifty-five (55) miles. Surface faulting from these deep events has not been documented to date. Therefore, it is our opinion, that the risk of ground rupture at this site during a strong motion seismic event is negligible. liquefaction Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which soils lose all shear strength for short periods of time during an earthquake. Groundshaking of sufficient duration results in the loss of grain to grain contact and rapid increase in pore water pressure, causing the soil to behave as a fluid. To have a potential for liquefaction, a soil must be cohesionless with a grain size distribution of a specified range (generally sand and silt); it must be loose; it must be below the groundwater table; and it must be subject to sufficient magnitude and duration of groundshaking. The effects of liquefaction may be large total and/or differential settlement for structures founded in the liquefying soils. In our opinion, the potential for liquefaction induced settlement of the soils encountered at this site should be negligible provided the recommendations contained in our study are followed. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 Ground Motion Response E-10931 Page 12 The 1997 UBC seismic design section provides a series of soil types that are used as a basis for seismic design of structures. Based on the encountered soil conditions, it is our opinion that soil type SD, Stiff Soil Profile from Table 16-J should be used for design. Excavations and Slopes The following information is provided solely as a service to our client. Under no circumstances should this information be interpreted to mean that ECI is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities, such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. In no case should excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state (WISHA), and Federal (OSHA) safety regulations. Based on the information obtained from the subsurface exploration, the loose to medium dense fill and native soils encountered at our test pit locations would be classified as Type C by OSHA/WISHA. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in height in Type C soils should be sloped at an inclination of 1 .5H: 1 V. The underlying dense to very dense native silty sand would be classified as Type A by OSHA/WISHA. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in height in Type A soils may be sloped to an inclination of 0.75 H: 1 V. If groundwater seepage is encountered or a soil unit is wet to waterbearing, it should be treated as a Type C soil and should be sloped accordingly. If slopes of this inclination, or flatter, cannot be constructed, temporary shoring may be necessary. Shoring will help protect against slope or excavation collapse, and will provide protection to workers in the excavation. If temporary shoring is required, we will be available to provide shoring design criteria. Permanent cut and fill slopes should be inclined no steeper than 2H: 1 V. Cut slopes should be observed by ECI during excavation to verify that conditions are as anticipated. Supplementary recommendations can then be developed, if needed, to improve stability, including flattening of slopes. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 Site Drainage E-10931 Page 13 Light groundwater seepage was encountered in Test Pit TP-1 at five feet below existing grade. The observed seepage is likely indicative of seasonal perched groundwater flowing along the contact with the underlying dense to very dense, low permeability soil encountered at five feet below grade in Test Pit TP-1 . Based on observed conditions, seasonal perched groundwater seepage could be encountered in site excavations if the excavations are conducted during the wet season. If seepage is encountered during construction, the bottom of the excavation should be sloped to one or more shallow sump pits. The collected water can then be pumped from these pits to a positive and permanent discharge. Depending on the magnitude of such seepage, it may also be necessary to interconnect the sump pits by a system of connector trenches. The appropriate locations of subsurface drains, if necessary, should be established during grading operations by ECI's representative at which time the seepage areas, if present, may be more clearly defined. During construction, the site must be graded such that surface water is directed away from construction areas. Water must not be allowed to stand in areas where foundations, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. Loose surfaces should be sealed by compacting the surface to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Final site grades must allow for drainage away from the residence. The ground should be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent for a distance of at least ten feet away from the residence. Footing drains should be installed around the perimeter of the proposed residence at or just below the invert of the footing, with a gradient sufficient to initiate flow. A typical detail is provided on Plate 5. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing drain system. Roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to discharge. Cleanouts should be installed at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drain and downspout tightline systems. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Arbor Heights, LLC December 18, 2003 LIMITATIONS E-10931 Page 14 Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the observed site materials, selective laboratory testing, engineering analyses, the design information provided us, and our experience and engineering judgment. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between test pits may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations do appear, Eel should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and to modify or verify them in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Additional Services As the geotechnical engineer of record, Eel should be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications to verify the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction specifications. Eel should also be retained to provide geotechnical engineering services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to facilitate design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. We do not accept responsibility for the performance of the foundation or earthwork unless we are retained to review the construction drawings and specifications, and to provide construction observation and testing services. Earth Consultants, Inc. ·~}. :.i i I "-: •. ,. .. .?-:-:!li -i-: ~ . . ' (',h J ,. / .', '. ." '." ''1' Reference: King County Map 656 ~: I .... ) : 'il ~: ._ .. n,>· .. ;t .. o !Y 'Ie '·W 19'11 ST !-S 5W 2JR:; Sf >-w --' ... _-........ .:::J By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 2004 NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. 5TH I ST i ~ 2: ~! :.~ ~. 'iI;' '·.r ;:i:! ;2:: 51H i !i.~.'':''1.!:: I .~~~ ... ' -.'," C,.i\~ \ ~0~"h ST -..... -.. --.. ------. · .... ··-f4.u·-'-lJ •... ;;. ..... r;,' :.j. ~ =w t--U'~ ' . .0 _t:.._ -o~ ,'. ."",~,!",S~!!~1!~~,:';:n2~,;", Construction Testing & ICBO I WABO Inspection Services Vicinity Map Arbor Heights Short Plat Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Dec. 2003 Proj. No. 10931 Checked MGM Date 12110/03 Plate 1 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1-- - - - - - - - - ---- - --, , , 1 1 ITP-2 -.-I Ir , ~I c%1 Driveway I ~I TP-3i-::31 £1 I TP-1 -.-I OJ 0..1 el ~I OJ 21 OJI "~I "§I £il ~I I I I 1 I I , ____________ ~ ____ L ______________ ~ LEGEND TP-1-T-APproximate Location of Eel Test Pit, Proj. No. E-10931, Nov. 2003 '--I I I Subject Site ___ .1 ~ Existing Building NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. Not -To -Scale .~~~~".s~n~~H~!,1~,"~~s.. Construction Testing & tCBO I WABO Inspedion services Schematic Test Pit Location Plan Arbor Heights Short Plat Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Dec. 2003 Proj. No. 10931 Checked MGM Date 12110/03 Plate 2 Fig. A ROCKERY SECTION SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NOTES: Rockery construction is a craft and depends largely on the skil;1 and experience of the builder. A rockery is a protective system which helps retard the weathering and erosion process on an exposed soil face. While by its nature (mass, size and shape of the rocks) it will provide some degree of retention, it is not a designed or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete retaining wall would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependent on the size of the rock used; that is, the mass or weight, and the height of the wall being constructed. The larger the rock, the more competent the rockery should be. Rockeries should be considered maintenance items that wi" require periodic inspection and repair. They should be located so that they can be reached by a contractor if repairs become necessary. Maximum inclination of the slopes above and behind rockeries should be 2:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). Minimum thickness of rock filter layer B = 12 inches. Minimum embedment D = 12 inches undisturbed native soil or compacted fill placed in accordance with report recommendations. Maximum rockery height H = feet. Rockeries greater than 8 feet in height to be installed under periodic or full time observation of the geotechnical engineer. Unless otherwise specified in writing by the rockery "designers," all rocks placed in the lower two-thirds of the wall should be 5 to 6 man rock, 4000 Ibs. or larger. Rocks placed above this level should gradually decrease in size with increasing all height using 3 to 5 man rock, 700 to 6000 Ibs. The long dimension of the rocks should extend back towards the cut or fill fence to provide maximum stability. Rocks should be placed to avoid continuous joint planes in vertical or lateral directions. Each rock should bear on two or more rocks below it, with good flat-ta-flat contact. Fig. B. ROCKERY ELEVATION All rockeries over 4 feet in height should be constructed on basis ofwa" mass, not square footage of face. Approximate Approximate Size Weight -Ibs. Diameter 1 man 50-200 12-18" 2 man 200-700 18-28" 3 man 700-2000 28-36" 4 man 2000-4000 36-48" 5 man 4000-6000 48-54" 6 man 6000-8000 54-60" Reference: Local quarry weight study using average weights of no less than six rocks of each man size conducted in January 1988. LEGEND: ~ ~:.~:'~.~~~J o Drainage materials to consist of clean angular we"-graded quarry spa"s,With 4-inch maximum size, or other material approved by the geotechnical engineer. Surface seal; may consist of impervious soil or a fine free draining granular material. Undisturbed firm Native Soil. Drain pipe; 4-inch minimum diameter, perforated or slotted rigid plastic ADS pipe laid with a positive gradient to discharge under control we" away from the wall. Earth Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists & Environmental Scientists Construction Testing & leBO I WABO Inspection Services ROCKERY DETAIL: NATIVE CUT, HEIGHT OVER 4 FT. Arbor Heights Short Plat Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Dam Dec. 2003 Proj.No. 10931 Checked MGM Dam 12110/03 Piam 3 1" Drain Rock WEEP HOLE DETAIL 111=111=111 1 foot min. I'" 18 inches min. "-1 Excavated Slope Perforated Pipe Wrapped with Filter Fabric 1 foot min. Compacted Subgrade STANDARD NOTES 1) Free Draining backfill should consist of granular soil having no more than 5 percent passing the #200 sieve and no particles greater than 4 inches in diameter. The percentage of particles passing the #4 sieve should be between 25 and 75 percent. 2) Structural backfill should be free of organics, clayey soils, debris and other deleterious materials. It should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. 3) Where weep holes are utilized, surround each weep hole with 3 cubic feet of 1 inch drain rock. Maximum horizontal spacing of weep holes should be 6 feet. 4) Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight jointed; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Drain line should be bedded on and surround with free draining 1 inch drain rock. The drain rock may be encapsulated with a geotechnical drainage fabric at the engineers discretion. LEGEND Surface Seal; Native Soil or other Low Permeability Material Free Draining Backfill Structural RII compacted to 90 percent relative compaction 1 inch Drain Rock SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING .~~,~~_~!:~I.t~~~.:.!!!"S; Construction Tesling & leBO I WABO Inspection Services RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE AND BACKFILL Arbor Heights Short Plat Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Dec. 2003 Proj. No. 10931 Checked MGM Date 12110/03 Plate 4 6 inch min. 4 inch min. Diameter Perforated Pipe Wrapped in Drainage Fabric o t I~ 2 inch min. 14 inch max. LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability material. 1" Drain Rock Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight jointed; with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie building downspout drains into footing lines. Wrap with Mirafi 140 Filter Fabric or equivalent. 12 inch min. 18 inch min. f 2 inch min. SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • ~:!!:!,J;1~,SS>!:~l!I.t~~.!§.,~~; Construction Testing & leBO I WABO Inspection Services TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL Arbor Heights Short Plat Renton, Washington Drwn. GLS Date Dec. 2003 Proj. No. 10931 Checked MGM Date 12110/03 Plate 5 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION E-10931 Our test pit exploration was performed on November 24, 2003. The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating three test pits to a maximum depth of thirteen (13) feet below existing grade. The test pits were excavated by Northwest Excavating, Inc., subcontracted to ECI, using a rubber-tired backhoe. The approximate test pit locations were plotted on a schematic drawing of the site sketched at the time of our field exploration. The test pit elevations were estimated relative to one another with an assumed base elevation of 1 25 feet for the lower bench in the northwest corner of the site. The locations and elevations of the test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Schematic Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a geologist from our firm, who classified the soils encountered, maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative samples, and observed pertinent site features. All samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System that is presented on Plate A 1 , Legend. Logs of the test pits are presented on Plates A2 through A4. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory tests on field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. Representative soil samples were collected and returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. Earth Consultants, Inc. " r-------------------~------r_----~r_----_,--------------------------_, MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH ISYMBOL LETTER SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTION Coarse Grained Soils More Than 50% Material Larger Than No. 200 Sieve Size Fine Grained Soils More Than 50% Mater;al Smaller n'an No. 200 Sieve Size C qu W P * pet LL PI Gravel And Gravelly Soils More Than ,50% Coarse Fraction Retained On No.4 Sieve Sand And Sandy Soils More Than 50% Coarse Fraction Passing No.4 Sieve Silts Arid Clays Silts And Clays Clean Gravels (little or no fines) Gravels With Fines ( appreciable amount of fines) Clean Sand (little or no fines) Sands With Fines (appreciable amount of fines) liquid limit Less Than 50 Liquid limit Greater Than 50 Highly Organic SOil5 Topsoil Fill ' . ...v ...v ...v ...v .J xx X l~ Well-Graded Gravels, Gravel-Sand Mixtures, little Or No Fines Poorly-Graded Gfavels, Gravel- Sand Mixtures, little Or No Fines Silty Gravels, Gravel -Sand - Silt Mixtures Clayey Gravels, Gravel -Sand- Clay Mixtures Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly Sands, lit tie Or No Fines Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly Sands, little Or No Fines Silty Sands, Sand -Silt Mixtures Clayey Sands, Sand -Clay Mixtures Inorganic Silts & Very Fine Sands, Rock Flot.r,Silty Clayey Fine Sands; Clayey Silts wi Slight Plasticity Inorganic Clays Of Low To Medium Plasticity, G~ave"y Clays, Sandy Clays, Silty 'Clays, Lean Organic Silts And Organic Silty Clays Of Low Plasticity Inorganic Silts, Micaceous Or Diatomaceous Fi"E: Sand Or Silty Soils Inorganic Clays Of High Plasticity, Fat Clays. Organic Clays Of Medium To High Plasticity, OrganiC Silts Peat, Humus, Swamp Soils With High OrganiC Contents Humus And Duff Layer HI\<hly Variable Constituents The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented in the attached logs. DUAL SYMBOLS are used to indicate borderline soil classification. TORVANE READING, tsf PENETROMETER READING, tsf MOISTURE, % dry weight SAMPLER PUSHED SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED DRY DENSITY, Ibs. per cubic ft. LIQUID UMIT, % PLASTIC INDEX Earth Consultants Inc. (i(!Ollxiltllcall£.IghM:crS. (~JloglslS & Envlrunn\(~Ui.l1 SdcIlIisls I 2" 0.0. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER n 24" J.D. RING OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER I WATER OBSERVATION WELL sz DEPTH OF ENCOUNTERED GROUNDWATER DURING EXCAVATION Y SUBSEQUENT GROUNDWATER LEVEL WI DATE LEGEND Proj. No. 10931 Date Dec. 2003 Plate Al Test Pit Log Project Name: Arbor n~lylll~ Short Plat Job No. J Logged by: 10931 SSR Excavation Contactor: NWFl '~:'II!:j Notes: General Notes W (%) 10.4 12.9 12.3 12.6 r--- 1 t--- t--- 2 - - 3 - 4 - t--- 5 t--- 6 - - 7 - - 8 t--- r-- 9 r-- t--- 10 t--- - 11 - - 12 r--- t--- 13 Cl)O o.Q CI) E ::Jj}) SM SP-SM SM I Da~~ 124/03 I Sh;et Test Pit No.: TP-1 Ground Surface Elevation: 130' Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil 8": grass of 1 Dark brown silty fine to medium SAND, loose to medium dense, moist (Possible Fill) Brown poorly graded SAND with silt, medium dense, moist -light at 5' Brown silty fine SAND, dense to very dense, moist -trace gravel -slightly cemented -49.4% fines -becomes light brown -decrease in moisture content Test pit terminated at 13.0 feet below existing grade. Perched groundwater seepage encountered at 5.0 feet during excavation. NOTE: Test pit elevations estimated relative to one another with an assumed base elevation of 125 feet. ~~------~--~~--~~--~---------r--------------------------------~ fi ~ Test Pit Log i ~ ~t.!.s.?~!~~,!~. ~:,:;:~::.!~:;at ~~--------------r--------------r---------------r--------------~---------------.----------~ ~ Proj. No. 10931 Own. GLS I Date Dec. 2003 Checked MGM Date 12111/03 l Plate 1\2. judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of ,n'nrl"'rl"3tinn nr~.on • .on nn fh;~ II"\n Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations ~t the time and location of this '1 hole, modified by engineering tests, analysis and § ~ I-0 (!) u w ..., Q. ~ ;;; m ~ (!) 0 -' l-n: Iii w l- lest Pit Log Project Name: I Sh;et of " Arbor Heights Short Plat 1 Job No. I Logged by: l Da~~ 124/03 Test Pit No.: 10931 SSR TP-2 Excavation Contactor: Ground Surface Elevation: NW Excavating 125' Notes: 0-.e .9! (J)e; Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil 12": grass General W .-0 .e.o a. .Q. 0.0 Notes Q.E CII u: E (J) E (%) e! >-o (U => >-O(J) (J) (J) ~~ SM Dark brown silty fine to medium SAND, loose to medium dense, moist r---(Possible Fill) >< >< 1 r--- ><0 r---- >&>< 2 r--- »<>< r---- 3 r--- >< ><>< 4 SP Brown poorly graded SAND, medium dense, moist 5.8 - :~~ - 5 I----2.7% fines r-----slight caving ijt~ 6 r---- r--- 7 - -{~ 8- - 9- 11.8 ........ ~ SM Brown silty fine to medium SAND, dense, moist 10 Test pit terminated at 10.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. ,"~~,S.?~~~~· Test Pit Log Arbor Heights Short Plat Renton, Washington Proj. No. 10931 Dwn. GLS I Date Dec. 2003 Checked MGM Date 12111/03 I Plate A3 .. Subsurface condillons depIcted represent our observatIons at the time and locatIon of thIS exploratory hole, modIfied by engineering tests, analYSIS and judgment. TheY are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of inft"'l~Mi",," nr~on+an n" fhic-It"V'I 5 (') iii =rest Pit Log Project Name: Arbor Heights Short Plat Job No. I Logged by: 10931 SSR Excavation Contactor: NW Excavating Notes: General Notes W (%) 11.7 9.4 0-.-0 .coO D.E I!! >-C)(/) .c ~ a . c.. CII u:: E o III (/) I-- 1 t-- I-- 2 t-- - 3- - 4- - 5:- 61-- (/)0 0.0 (/) E ::::l >-(/) SM I Date: 11/24/03 Test Pit No.: TP-3 Ground Surface Elevation: 130' Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil 6": grass Brown silty fine SAND, medium dense, moist -slightly cemented -41.7% fines -becomes dense -becomes very dense of 1 Test pit terminated at 6.5 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. ~~---------L--~~--~~~~----~------------'--------------------------------------------4 (') ~ S o NO Test Pit Log Earth Consultants Inc. Arbor Heights Short Plat g ~'hnIcaIFngfn"",s.~r..FJlv1ronn"'"tdISd"ntl.o;rs Renton, Washington I-~~--------------r--------------r---------------r--------------~--------------~----------~ ~ Proj. No. 10931 I Own. GLS I Date Dec. 2003 Checked MGM Date 12111/03 I Plate A4 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our ObservationS at the time and location of this exploratory hole, modified by engrneenng tests, analysis and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of inf't"'u"""'!3tinn "'rCW!o".~ nn fhie I""" 'j , APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS E-10931 Earth Consultants, Inc. Partie e Size Distribution Report t . .E .5 .5 .s· .6 .S .5 <::! .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l. a ~ !!\ W 0 ... 0 UJ M N -I .. Il' ~ I .. .. Il' 100 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ : ~ t--~ : too-90 : ~~ ~ ~i' !\. : 80 \ r'lN ~ ~~ 70 , ~ 0::: ~: w 60 z : ~ u::: ! I-50 Z : III : ''\ l; w () : 0::: 40 1\ w , a... 30 ~: , 20 ~\ : , 1\: 10 l\ : ~ 0 : : 200 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE -mm % eOABLES % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY USCS AASHTO PL LL 10 1.2 49.4 49.4 SM 10 7.3 90.0 2.7 SP 16 6.2 52.1 41.7 SM SIEVE PERCENT FINER SIEVE PERCENT FINER SOIL DESCRIPTION inches 0 0 /'" number 0 0 /'" o TP-I: 5' -SM size size 1.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 #4 98.8 92.7 93.8 Brown silty Sand; 12.9% moisture 3/4 100.0 100.0 100.0 #8 96.4 85.4 90.5 o TP-2: 4' -SP 3/8 99.4 98.3 96.7 #16 91.8 71.4 85.6 Brown poorly graded Sand; 5.8% moisture #30 84.8 44.8 79.8 #50 72.6 13.8 67.5 6 TP-3: 3'-SM #100 58.8 4.5 52.1 #200 49.4 2.7 41.7 Brown silty Sand; 1l.7% moisture 2< GRAIN SIZE REMARKS: 060 0.161 0.848 0.216 o STS 030 0.444 010 0.259 OSTS >< COEFFICIENTS Cc 0.90 /'" STS Cu 3.28 o Source: Sample No.: TP-l Elev.lDepth: 5' o Source: Sample No.: TP-2 Elev.lDepth: 4' 6 Source: Sample No.: TP-3 Elev.lDepth: 3' EARTH Client: Project: Arbor Heights Short Plat, Renton CONSULTANTS, INC. I Proiect No: E-10931 Plate HI I . APPENDIX C ASSOCIATED ROCKERY CONTRACTORS (ARC) STANDARD ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES E-10931 Earth Consultants, Inc. ARC~_e _____ _ 8 oIluccitlt,d ?2cck,ev &ntcact<>u. P.O. Box 1794 Woodinville, Washington 98072 (206) 481-3456 or (206) 481-7222 ASSOCIATED ROCKERY CONTRACTORS STANDARD ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES 1.01 Introduction: 1.01.1 Historical Background: These standard rockery construction guidelines have been developed in an effort to provide a more stringent degree of control on rockery materials and construction methodology in the Pacific Northwest. They have been assembled from numerous other standards presently in use in the area, from expertise proVided by local geotechnical engineers, and from the wide experience of the members of the Association of Rockery Contractors (ARC). 1.01.2 Goal: The primary goals of this document are to standardize the methods of construction for rockery walls over four feet in height, and to proVide a warranty for the materials used in construction and the workmanship employed in construction. This standard has also been developed in a manner that makes it, to the best of ARC's knowledge, more stringent than the other standards presently in use by local municipalities. 2.01 Materials: 2.01.1 Rock Quality: All rock shall be sound, weathering resistant, angular ledge rock. The longest dimension of any indiVidual rock should not exceed three times its shortest dimension. Acceptability of rock will be determined by laboratory tests as hereinafter specified, geologic examination and historical usage records. All rock delivered to and incorporated in the project shall meet the following minimum specifications: a. Absorption b. Accelerated Expansion (15 days) (CRD-C-148) "'I, "'2 c. Soundness (MgS04 at 5 cycles) (CRD-C-137) d. Unconfined Compressive Strength ASTM D 2938-79 (reapprm'ed 1979) Not more thall 2.0% for igneous and metamorphic rock O'Pes. Not more than 3.0% for sedimentary rock types. Not more than 15% breakdown Not greater than 5% loss Intact strength of 15,000 psi, or greater for igneous alld metamorphic rocks, and 8000 psi or greater for sedimentary rock "'1. 77le test sample will be prepared and tested in accordance with Corps of Engineers Testing proced!lre CRD-C- 148, ''Method of Testing Stolle for Expansive Breakdown 011 Soaking in Ethylelle Glycol." Test requirements of not more thall 15 percellt breakdown will be computed by dividing the Ilumber of individual pieces of illitial samplf suffering breakdown (that is, separating illto two or more pieces) by the total number of initial pieces ill the ~a111jlle. "'2. Accelerated e.r:pansioll tests should also include analyses of the fractures and veins found ill the rock. Mall), problems associated with rockery failures are related to the rock fractures and veins fOllnd within the rock alld lIot the rock itself. , , . 2.01.2 FrequenCy of Testing: Quarry sources for rockery rock shall begin a testing program when either becoming a supplier or when a new area of the source pit is opened. The tests described in Section 2.01.1 shall be performed for every four thousand (4000) tons for the fIrst twelve thousand (12000) tons of material blasted and removed to establish that specifIc rock source. The tests shall then be performed once a year or at an apparent change in material. If problems with a specifIc area in a pit or with a particular material are encountered, the initial testing cycle shall be restarted. 2.013 Rock Density: Recognizing that numerous sources of rock exist, and that the nature of rock will vary not only between sources but also within each source, the density of the rock shall be greater than one hundred fifty- five (155) pcf. Typically, rocks used for rockery construction shall be sized approximately as follows: Rock Size Rock Weight Small to large 50-200 pounds one man Small to large two man Sm.all to large three man Small to large four man Five Man Six Man 200-700 pounds 700-2000 pounds 2000-4000 pounds 4000-6000 pounds 6000-8000 pounds Two and one-man rock, and sometimes smaller, are often used to fill surface gaps along the top of the completed rockery to create an aesthetically pleasing surface. This is an acceptable practice provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that the owner prevents people from climbing or walking on the completed rockery. 1n rockeries over eight feet in height, it should not be possible to move the large sized rocks (four to six-man size) with a prybar. If these rocks can be moved, the rockery should not be considered capable of restraining any significant lateral load. However, it is both practical and even desirable that smaller rocks, particularly those used for "chinking" purposes, can be moved with a prybar to achieve the "best fit". 2.01.4 Submittals: The rock source shall present current geologic and test data for the testing for the minimum guidelines described in Section 2.01.1 on request by either the rockery contractor, the client, or the applicable municipality. 3.01 Rocke!! Construction: 3.01.1 General: Rockery construction is a craft and depends largely on the skill and experience of the builder. A rockery is a protective system which helps to retard the weathering and erosion process on an exposed cut or fill soil face. While by its nature (the mass, size and shape of the rocks) it will provide some degree of reten- tion, it is not a designed or engineered system in the sense a reinforced concrete retaining wall would be considered designed or engineered. The degree of retention achieved is dependant on the size of rock used; that is, the mass or weight, and the height of the wall being constructed. The larger the rock, the more competent the wall. To accomplish this, all rockeries in excess of four feet in height should be built on a "mass" basis. To provide a competent and adequate rockery structure, all rockeries constructed in front of either cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height should be bid and constructed in accordance with these standard guidelines and the geotechnical engineers supplemental recommendations. Both the standard guidelines and the supplemental geotechnical recommendations should be provided to prospective bidders before bidding and the start of construction. 2 · . " , The same geotechnical engineer should be retained to monitor rockery construction and to verify, in writing, that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with this ARC standard and with his supplemental recommenda- tions, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable materials. 3.01.2 Geotechnical Engineer: The geotechnical engineer retained to provide necessary supplemental rockery construction guidelines shall be a practicing geotechnical/civil engineer licensed as a professional civil engineer in the State of Washington who has at least four years of professionil employment as a geotechnical engineer In responsible charge, including experience with fill construction and stability and rockery construction. The geotechnical engineer should be hired either by the rockery contractor or the client. 3.01.3 Responsibility: The ultimate responsibility for rockery "design" and construction should remain with the rockery builder. However, rockeries protecting moderate to thick fills, with steep sloping surfaces above or below them, with multiple steps, with foundation or other loads affecting them, protecting sandy or gravelly soils subject to ravelling, with seepage or wet conditions, or that are more than eight feet in height, all represent special conditions and require consultation and/or advice from qualified experts. 3.01.4 Workmanship: All workmanship is guaranteed by the rockery contractor and all materials are guaranteed by supplying quarry for a period of six years from the date of completion of erection, providing no modification or changes to the conditions eXisting at the time of completion are made. 3.01.5 Changes to Finished Product: Such changes include, but are not necessarily limited to, excavation of ditches or trenches within a distance of less than 1.5 times the rockery height measured from the toe of the rockery, removal of any material from the subgrade in front of the rockery, excavation and/or removal of material from any location behind the rockery within a distance at least equal to the rockery's height, the addition of any surcharge or other loads within a similar distance of the top of the rockery, or surface or subsurface water forced, directed, or otherwise caused to flow behind the rockery in any quantity. 3.01.6 Slopes: Slopes above rockeries should be kept as flat as possible, but should not exceed 2:1 (Horizon- tal:Vcrtical) unless the rockery is designed specifically to provide some restraint to the load imposed by the slope. Any slope existing above a completed rockery should be provided with a vegetative cover by the owner to help reduce the potential for surface water flow induced erosion. It sh'ould consist of a deep rooted, rapid grov.1h vegetative mat and typically will be placed by hydroseeding and covered with a mulch. It is often useful to overlay the seed and mulch with either pegged in-place jute matting, or some other form of approved geotechnical fabric, to help maintain the seed in-place until the root mat has an opportunity to germinate and take hold. 3.01.7 Monitoring: All rockeries constructed against cuts or fills in excess of eight feet in height shall be periodically monitored during construction by the geotechnical engineer to verify the nature and quality of the materials being used are appropriate, that the construction procedures are appropriate, and that the wall is being constructed in a generally professional manner and in accordance with this ARC standards and any supplemental recommendations. On completion of the rockery, the geotechnical engineer shall submit to the client, the rockery contractor, and to the appropriate municipality, copies of his rockery examination reports along with a final report summarizing rockery construction. 3.01.8 Fill Compaction: Where rockeries are constructed in front of a fill, it is imperative that the owner ensure the fill be placed and compacted in a manner that will provide a competent fill mass. To achieve this goal, all fills should consist of relatively clean, organic and debris free, granular materials with a maximum size of four inches. Ideally, but particularly if placement and compaction is to take place during the wet season, they should contain no more than five percent fines (silt and clay size particles passing the number 200 mesh sieve). All fills should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding ten inches in loose thickness. Each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor), before any additional fill is placed and compacted. In-place density tests should be performed at random locations within each lift of the fill to verify this degree of compaction is being achieved. 3 , , , " 3.01.9 Fill Construction and Reinrorcement: There are two methods of constructing a fill against which to build a rockery. The first, which typically applies to rockeries of less than eight feet in height, is to overbuild and then cut back the fill. The second, which applies to all rockeries in excess of eight feet in height, is to construct the fill using a geogrid or geotechnical fabric reinforcement. . Overbuilding the flll allows for satisfactory compaction of the fill mass out beyond the location of the fill face to be protected. Overbuilding also allows the earthwork contractor to use larger and more effective compaction equipment in his compactive efforts, thereby typically achieving a more competent fill mass. Cutting back into the well compacted fill also typically results in construction of a competent near vertical fill face against which to build the rockery. For the higher rockeries the use of ageogrid or geotechnical fabric to help reinforce the fill results in construction of a more stable fill face against which to construct the rockery. This form of construction leads to a longer lasting and more stable rockery and helps reduce the risk of significant long term mainte.nance. This latter form of construction requires a design by the geotechnical engineer for each specific case. The vertical spacing of the reinforcement, the specific type of reinforcement, and the distance to which it must extend back into the fill, and the amount of lapping must be determined on a rockery-by-rockery basis. 3.01.10 Rockerv Kevway: The first step in rockery construction, after general site clearing and/or general excavation, is to construct a keyway in which to build the rockery. The keyway shall comprise a shallow trench of between twelve (12) and eighteen (18) inches in depth, extending for the full length of the rockery, and inclined back slightly towards the face being protected. It is typically dug as wide as the rockery (including the width of the rock filter layer). If the condition of the protected face is of concern, the keyway should be constructed in sections of manageable length, that is of a length that can be constructed in one shift or one days work. The competency of the keyway subgrade to support the rockery shall be verified by probing with a small diameter steel rod. The rod shall leave a diameter of between three-eights and one-half inch, and shall be pushed into the subgrade in a smooth unaided manner under the body weight of the prober only. Penetration of up to six inches, with some difficulty, shall indicate a "competent" keyway subgrade unless other factorsin.the. geotechnical engineer's opinion shalL indicate otherwise. Penetration in excess of six inches, or of that depth with .ease; shall. indicate a "soft" .subgrade and one that could require treatment. Soft areas of the subgrade can be "firmed up" by tamping a layer of coarse quarry spalls into the subgrade. 3.01.11 Keywavand Rockery Drainage: On completion of keyway excavation, a shallow ditch or trench, approxi- mately twelve (12) inches wide and deep, should .pe dug along the rear edge of the keyway. A minimum four- inch diameter perforated or slotted ADS ~rain pipe, or equivalent approved by an engineer, should. be placed in this shallow trench and should be bedded on and surrounded by a free-draining crushed rock. Burial of the drain pipe in this shallow trench provides profec~ion to the pipe and helps prevent it from being inadvertently crushed .by pieces of the rockery rock. This· drain pipe should be installed with sufficient gradient to initiate flow, and should be ~onnected to a positive and permanent discharge. Positive and permanent drainage should be considered to mean an existing, or to be installed, storm drain system, a swale, ditch or other form of surface water flow collection system, a detention or retention pond, or other stable native site feature or previously installed collection system. 3.01.12 Rockery Thickness: The individual rockery thickness, including the rock filter layer, should be at least 40 percent of the rockery height. Unless otherwise specified in writing, the individual rocks should be arranged in a single course which, when measured to include the filter layer, is equal to the required rockery thickness. 4 · . . 3.01.13 Rock Selection: The contractor should have sufficient space available so that he can select from among a number of stockpiled rocks for each space in the rockery to be filled. Rocks which have shapes which do not match the spaces offered by the previous course of rock should be placed elsewhere to obtain a better fit. Rock should be of a generally cubital, tabular or semi-rectangular shape. Any rocks· of basically rounded or tetrahedral form should be rejected or used for filling large void spaces. Smaller rocks (one to two-man size, or s~Ltller) are often used to create an aesthetically pleasing "top edge" to a rockery. This is acceptable provided none of the events described in Section 3.01.5 occur, and that people are prevented from climbing or walking on the finished rockery. This is the owner's responsibility. 3.01.14 Rock Placement: The first course of rock should be placed on firm unyielding soil. There should be full contact between the rock and soil, which may require shaping of the ground surface or slamming or dropping the rocks into place so that the soil foundation conforms to the rock face bearing on it. .'\5 an alternative, it is satisfactory to place and. tamp crushed rock into the subgrade to tighten it up. The bOllom of the first course of rock should be a minimum of twelve (12) inches below the lowest adjacent site grade. As the rockery is constructed, the rocks should be placed so thal there are no continuous joint planes in either the vertical or lateral direction: Each rock should bear on at least two rocks below it. Rocks should be placed so that there is some bearing between flat rock faces rather than on joints. Joints between courses should slope downward towards the material being protected .. (away from the face of the rockery). 3.01.15 Face Inclination: The face of the rockery should be inclined at a gradient of about 1:6 (Horizontal:- Vertical) back towards the face being protected. The inclination should not constructed flatter than IH:4V. 3.01.16 Voids: Because of the nature of the product used to construct a rockery, it is virtually impossible to avoid creating void spaces between individual rocks. However, it should be recognized that voids do not necessarily constitute a problem in rockery construction. Where voids of greater than six inches in dimension exist in the face of a rockery they should be visually examined to determine if contact between the rocks exists within the thickness of the rockery. If contact does exist, no further action is required. However, if there is no rock contact within the rockery thickness the void should be "chinked" with a smaller piece of rock. If a void of greater than six inches exists in the rear face of the rockery, it should be "chinked" with a smaller rock. 3.01.17 Filter Layer. In order to provide some degree of drainage control behind the rockery, and as a means of helping to prevent loss of soil through the face ofthe rockery, a drainage filter shall be installed layer between the rear face of the rockery and the soil face being protected. This filter layer should be at least twelve (12) inches thick; and for walls in excess of eight feet in height, it should be at least eighteen (18) inches thick. It should be composed of four inch minus crushed rock, or other material approved by the geotechnical engineer. If one of the rockery rocks extends back to the exposed soil face, it is not necessary that the filter rock layer extend between it and the soil face. . In the event seepage is encountered emanating from a protected face, .we recommend the use of a well-graded filter layer. We do not recommend the use of a geotechnical fabric for other than coverage of relatively small and isolated seepage areas because it has been the industry's experience that the filter fabric tends to clog rapidly. This quickly leads to a buildup of hydrostatic pressure which can subsequently cause failure and collapse of the rockery and is to be avoided. This clogging is apparently due to the virtual impossibility of achieving full contact between the soil face, fabric and rock filter material. If full surface contact cannot be achieved, there is often a tendency for the soil materials to flush from the protected face into the "pockets" in the fabric which leads to the aforementioned clogging. 5 · . . .'. of' 3.01.18 Surface Drainage: It is the owner's responsibility to intercept surface drainage from above the rockery and direct it away from the rackery to a positive and permanent' discharge well below and beyond the toe of the wall. Use of other drainage control measures should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the geotechnical engineer prior to bidding on the project. 1/27/89 6 .. ' •• ~ f ~Copies DISTRIBUTION E-10931 Arbor Heights. llC P.O. Box 481.94 Seattle. Washington 98146 Attention: Mr. Joe Megale Earth Consultants, Inc. •• TICORTITLE COMPANY 15 S. Grady Way, SUite 120, Renton, WA 98055 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 Admiral Escrow 3212 California Ave SW Seatue, WA 98116 Attn: Thena #30692 FileNo.: 6312664-2 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT NO.2 RE: Chaves/Arbor Heights, LLC The following infonnation is a partial amendment of our Commitment dated November 26, 2003 and is not intended to represent a complete report to date: The following information is an amendment of our Commitment dated November 26, 2003 and is intended to represent a complete report to data: There are no changes as of 04123/2004, except for the following: Those noted in Supplemental Report No.1. Dated: April 29, 2004 jd cc: Thana #30692, Admiral Escrow 1 I I I I I I I I :.:,,- .:::., .. ::.' ;,' ':~:""'" APPROVALS: ________ _ KING COUNTY RECOROING NO. DEPARTJ.(ENT OF ASSESSMENTS ... /:" CITY' OF/':RENTON " .j" SHO,I:?-{'PLAI:,4' ~1J:A·-"g.!-134-SHPL \t\ ;.;:,' .... ,"'-""/·:-:C~~:FICA'f:::;··-·····"··":! _ _ PORTION Of 9901269011 OTY OF RtNTCH ~ ........ U!'.., oI.lt1f.114!~ '"' ~2t«!!fgl'4!tt , ..... _ .,,,,..,.f W • .JJ... .,., tI .:ti:by .() • 'M' SC.rr: H.St ... SCALE: 1 J.D,t::b. ,., n. ~ R i • I .j ! • ~ : i _1 ..... ---10 .. '" ~aL...L:._ """'''' .......:'. " .! .:,. ..-.... "..... ......... ... _ UJ.,,,.-.~_ ~1/4 of M".,_'/4. s.L!7_ T.~_ R._L_ "'''-1., ,".~' IU. PI .:~ ncu.~ u, ... ~~ the ~,r:::" I-_..;";::'O" ... ~:. _____ •. ~.:::""~.:::,,':",.:-,. ____ ..J...,;;;:::;;,,,;,;:;;:::..;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;::;:;;;;;;::;;::;.. _____ .L._";;;;:;;;;;:;;;;":"--;:;;;:;;~;":""';-+;:;;;;;:;;;;-;:;;;:;;;;;:"'''':;:;;;;:::--I _. :.::.::'t'$ ....... ~ ... ~":.'::=,~ ""':. 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"~~~~':"',/:~:"':,:,":,/:::~,,,) i;.,·"'"" «::':,,/;i;:/' RECORDER'S CERT1FICATE'; .tl.fI . .'I('.2Ild. ·'d.d '0' ._d t.IW:I.~.~ .. d~Y oaA .... ,1998 • .,«rIff. U41 WIlri · .. · .. su'i;C·O; .. ii;;;;,·d·~ .. · .. · LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat cCHTecUy repr ... nt. Q w""-y mocle by m. Of under my dlree.Uon In conformance with the requir.rnenta of the opproprfot. Stot. and COunty Statute and Ordlnat"C't 11'\ June. "'7 ..;-w.Jl.:~ Cer1tftca1.. No. .~?.! ... ' ~ A d CR~N&I , ASSoc. ~ A . LAND SURVEYORS ....... "" ................. c-. ..... /:::-~~":)""i::'.k:;,."'~ l~~'17 S~~~1/~~·/·FO~/~UOO··:'~\TEs . ,P' ':":~':.';, •. ,-.1' . ; ... ~' . ~::. • ... , .. ,. . .. ~~)' •• :~ ... ' D'MC. BY SOH OtICO. BY JOe o~· .. ~:a NO. ;i' :,· ... #.~':;1197 j!CJ/Ao,u"; SCAL[ ; f: SI<E£T ":., •• ;'"-20' \ I t# 2 ."" .... e e CITY OF RENTON SHonT PLAT N LUA-97-1.H-SHPL ~,. 1 1 I :S • to· 1 CHAVES SHORT PMT PORTION SWl/4. SEC. 17, T23N, R5E CITY OF RENTON LANO USE ACTION NO. LUA--97-TJ4-SHPL CITY OF RENTON LAND R[CORD NO. LNO-20-0] I] GRAPHIC SCALE ReCORDINC NO. SC,&L(; I ..... 10 "" • ~I '1 1 VOl./pAGE ,. ... 1 1fT 1 I I ~ I Ill' LoJ-l 1 ~ IA I I · T • !j I · I · I · I , I I I I I 1 1 1 1 , .. ,0',,,,,, 1 1 1 I 1 L_ LOT 1 .. ~s.: ~f" I I'" ren) • I ."e" . ." It i . TfU\C'f ~ or COA), CO/.lPA1-l'f'S cooPEfU\TI"e; 1 ,; ItE1-l'fotJ n ACTS p),AT * ,,. ," , "CitE TJV' =:r.~~ ... ,,,,r/lOAQ _"'r -- N o " IIIIPC' ",,""" r.utWJIt nM NCr.: 1M Jilt JDrJIfrO,f' eo. lit. t..: -....... .'_"J', PISl>C _r PNJ ~,'i.t ""'~~ -' I : I 1 ".,.,.Wf "t&1.U" l'IIIIU'QI'Od"r + '... " r:;.:Ji:iiSI.:,.... 7 nUl' (eW ,.""wt -, ' I ...,. .. (~" I ,....,W't I"U" 1 1 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IV ~ , Ctjl ~i-~'l ~I~ ~.-~I , I • I 10· !~ ~ c::QI:I IIlU'O f/. ('OIfIIIp _Al_ 0---.. -.... yr ........ ..,. .s~ A ..... _ ,,-- f..":::"''''S'' ,.. ,,, , r/lyO BASIS or BWINC: JtC ....,. tI' -.-.c:t IDe MJ ... " I'JIC' CfMPIIMt ", ('ftMe ..nnu sam!. DIf A ........ tJ' Slllllf»W" .u IN)IW 4 t1' __ "c.ut _ ",-t*l .., ('O-IO('Tt') S 6TH ST. V '/1' . - ---... ----4--IQA'IO C'I)NC' ..", " CASt , IIJIMI,CI UDI'f III CAR ,~ til' YI/JIIuItcH) • ~(IoIJI'I'fJ'«.....c, tlMl"C'O'C-cTr) ~ "~.~'''-IJ-'\ ~'IfI'. &mf1'~('OImIIOl ,,"gI'''HrDIf~ • "OM I ,,. ,.,..,rj ~ I '"~ "/1" c!. .,.,-tWIOM-=.;'~ '«1,1," ... ...! _ '-r.!!...~,:. ~ __ 4? ~ ___ -,!!!.!,~J ___ l"".2!!r'!. -../'----:.~. ----H!l'~ --.t---------~ -~ I I ~ I I I zoo e e ·" TICORTITLE CO.ANY 15 S. Grady Way, Suite 120,Renton, WA 98055 . (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE NO. 6312664-2 INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MADE TO: UNIT 2 (425)255-7943 Brent Mallett Kim Read Effective Date: November 26, 2003 at 08:00 AM 1. Policy or policies to be issued: 1992 ALTA Owner's Policy Coverage: Standard Liability: $ 153,500.00 SCHEDULE .A. Premium: $ 510.00 REDUCED RATE Tax: $ 44.88 Proposed Insured: Arbor Heights, LLC 1992 ALTA Loan Policy Coverage: Extended Liability: $ 0.00 Premium: $ 0.00 TO FOLLOW Tax: $ 0.00 Proposed Insured: TO FOLLOW Customer Reference: Chaves/Arbor Heights, LLC 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this commitment and covered herein is a Fee Simple. 3. TICOR TITLE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of appropriate documents, its policy or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on the preliminary commitment; Fee Simple title to the property describetl herein is vested, on the date shown above, in: Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves, husband and wife subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions, and exceptions contained in the policy form. 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE A CONTINUED Commitment Schedule A Commitment No. 6312664-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE A CONTINUED The land referred to in this commitment is described as follows: Lot(s) 2, City of Renton Short Plat Number LUA-97-134-SHPL, recorded under Recording Number 9901269011, in King County, Washington. Commitment No. 6312664-2 SCHEDULE B Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Rights or claims disclosed only by possession, or claimed possession, of the premises. 8. Encroachments and questions of location, boundary and area disclosed only by inspection of the premises or by sU/vey. . C. Easements, prescriptive rights, rights-of-way, streets, roads, alleys or highways not disclosed by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not yet payable or which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. F. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity, natural gas or other utilities, or garbage collection and disposal. G. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. H. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. I. Water rights, claims or title to water. J. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED: FROM: The Renton Co-Operative Coal Company RECORDED: February 25, 1899 RECORDING NUMBER: 173811 INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: The grantor excepts and reserves all coal, clay, stone, oil and all minerals or mineral products thereunto belonging with the right to mine, quarry and procure the same at any time hereafter. And the land aforesaid is sold on the condition that neither said grantee nor any on deriving title from or through him shall sell or keep for sale any spirituous, malt, vinous or other intoxicating liquors or permit the same to be sold or kept for the sale of keep or permit to be kept any house of prostitution upon the real estate herein described. . NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the lands or rights so reserved. 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED THEREIN: IN FAVOR OF: Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington corporation, its successors and/or assigns FOR: Underground communication lines and above ground cabinets DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED: May 7,1991 Commitment Schedule B 04/29/2004 08:26 FAX ·e ,e •• CUQO.A tlet 'EASEMENT • 11 _ viII. ~ aa Ilia OlIn ... JIll)! IIIIIIIltIIIlo I/rnll requrro MI. 1I:IIIIIII, \IPIIft'" IInCIIt l1li naraNn. ducrlDeG :Ii PIOIIIIn1IlWaIIGIII lbl Cou"", SlaIB DI .... J.!uhSh8toI\-IIIIdIUIIECtIIatdDJIGIIoIut; Lot 3, Renton ~-O~ CDa~ CODpRDJ'a tr3cta '1 ~hQ NOrth 55 f~~E. All lo~a~ed In Sec~10. 17, 1GvD.bl, 23 KOrtb •• onlo S loot, W.K. ... ",....11.-, S:lt. .. IIl1senellt IIdng live (5) feet in 1II1dth, bl!ing tho _"uti five (5) the above doscribed pfO.erty. Suhject to eD.omeft~. and r~sEri~tlDna of record, -~ ~~-.. ... -. --, '-. , .... .-... t'-: .~ .-(,.. 91"'~07' ItIiCDF 1tECFEf! CASHSL. 'tI~ IF! ....7.00 ~ OIJft'''' Ihlll II ad _I hive "'1 .1 01 lui IllIG .. rnllretS 10 IftII agtOh IIVIII DId II'IIIIItIy dlKlIIad 1IbtIv9. IIIIlh lilt undeIIla~ IMI GIan\88 SlId be ~o lar 1IIC1111111(111 cBIl!l!\lla BrantOI ariSiog hn1 GnmIAlll'e _relso ollJlll right. otld PIMa.e. 1181' ...... 8111111. GIIII'IIIII rll18""" IIIe t\gIIIIO IIU lItO aQSOmtlll for anr ClUtIIMtI a lOng Ole ngll"ell""allllli willi nOl QIIlrllatlelllRCII WlIn lilt righ" 0r0n4" GranItO IttreIft. • Tha rlghlll, candldalllllftlllnMllla", 01 Utla ~~ 1II.llnur@ 10 1111 DellOrrl olatod ba bIrtdInG .,.at Il1O 1IIJ115. OlIICIIlDr., IICJIIIIntslralGlI. a-. _IIIIDniOllhO fa&pDCJlveparl!cS 1111010. ~~:----...... ------------------...... ---.--~{Vt Lian IJUYI!D 11Mh1111111 MoaIIwI*",-1MDU Slllloor_~'W.. ...... M ... \o.,.,· ... , "'e)~rc~~IC:o.....:::O-_- K1V1 OlunI'Cd ___ .t;;_:.a.:::_;L...., ___ ~ }. _ 10_10 ....... -." , _o_af 1IIlI1IIr ..... ,llltJllntllL.!,o~lIIIlnll~ &lgnetllllotomc.A .. '''' fteolllllllCU\'IIIYOCIInII 41Ig.IorIIlll ___ puIpOSOIl1QJIInl/lltlllboaf. ~utI/I8I~IIIIICI""_IIIIN1ln1S a GIl, til 6,~b<r .I~ $1;1I'al ________ ..,c.._ c-a,OI ______ + __ _ I ......... ~ ~1VIIW1I IV 110 IIIV (Ie .ra GO' _ ""'11Iaa, rat l1li __ _1hInI1ft 1lftdIlllIlmllIIBllldtlm __ _''''''IV lUI • _110_0 HId .. 1_ On ballllll 01Il10 Ghvn At (fZotj. ~. -/-111 __ ~ :=:~;~:1~--NlhryPulllclnlll'dla.IftlrBIIIoDI ____ _ .~.,~------------------,,,,CIIII1IIIIIIIctotIll!llfrlI'--' ________ _ t·., • · : .~ :~ '.1 · ~ · .: , r , 'II; .. J • 0{ :~ ·l .'. r. ~ ., o o i ,I 25XOo =: -. ..,,-. ; = 1m 0021002 Commitment No. 6312664-2 SCHEDULE 8 (Continued) RECORDING NUMBER: 9105071373 AFFECTS: Northerly 5 feet of said premises 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT: RECORDED: January 26, 1999 RECORDING NUMBER: 9901269011 4. DEED OF TRUST, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves, husband and wife Transnation Title Insurance Company, an Arizona Corp Centerbank Mortgage Company One Jefferson Square, PO Box 10300, Waterbury, CT 06726-0300 Not disclosed $147,000.00 September 16. 1996 September 30, 1996 9609301859 Includes other property. 5. DEED OF TRUST, AND T\:lE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: 78288-0558 LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: Hugo E. Chaves and Uiok Chaves, husband and wife Betts, Patterson and Mines, P.S. USAA Federal Savings Bank 10750 McDermott Freeway, Home Equity Loan Servicing, San Antonio, TX Not disclosed $94,000.00 April 17, 2000 May 2,2000 20000502000895 Includes other property. 6. Title is to vest in Arbor Heights. LLC, and will then be subject to: ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE by Arbor Heights, LLC, a limited liability company, must be executed in accordance with the Limited Liability Comopany Agreement and by all the members and their respective spouses as the date of acquisition, or evidence must be submitted that certain designated managers/members have been authorized to act for the Limited Liability. A copy of the Limited Liability Company Agreement and amendments thereto, if any, must be submitted. 7. Payment of Real Estate Excise Tax, if required. The property described herein is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of the City of Renton. Present Rate of Real Estate Excise Tax as of the date herein is 1.78%. END OF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Commitment Schedule B NOTES: e Commitment No. 6312664-2 SCHEDULE 8 (Continued) 1. The language contained in the printed Exceptions from coverage and Conditions and Stipulations of the Policy committed for may be examined by inquiry at the office which issued the Commitment, and a specimen copy of the insurance Policy Form(s) referred to in this Commitment will be furnished promptly upon request. 2. Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, maintenance, or connection charges for sewer, water, electricity or Metro Sewer Treatment Capacity Charge. 3. In the event the transaction fails to close and this commitment is cancelled, a fee will be charged to comply with the State Insurance Code and the filed schedule of this Company. 4. Abbreviated Legal for purposes of King County Recorders Office is: Lt 2, City of Renton SP # LUA-97-134-SHPL, Rec # 9901269011. 5. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: TOTAL TAXES: AMOUNT BILLED: AMOUNT PAID: TAX YEARS: 2003 $820.47 $820.47 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 722140-0086-07 LEVY CODE: 2110 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $73,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 6. The Loan PoliCY to be issued will contain a Form B.1 (Environmental Protection Lien) Endorsement. cc: Admiral Escrow smr/an/12/08/2003 END OF SCHEDULE B Commitment Schedule B -commitment No. 6312664-2 e COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE TICOR TITLE COMPANY, a California corporation, by TICOR TITLE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, its authorized agent, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue the policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and Band to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. TICOR TITLE COMPANY 9775 0C85 .e Recorded by Evergreen TItle CI:v..:~::=lS -==S1'lICB:=::pROV=IDBD=-=POR-=lU!COJII)=P""'-'" =1JBK-JE-Jj 3'~~3-3 . !\ EIf.L}:5 1 :~. . :;;/ ," .; .•..... ~. ~~. ~i~::;t ;:1:::~: "'\"" 99!!/'~~d i.::)81S~ ... ··t:._ ... , .. 2Sili ..... . ·":~"se.t:t:1$, 1fA ,. v ---------.;':. ---.~:~ --. -~/----.:~" :t':' -_. ------.:~------~~.;'''''::'\~'.:: ........ ;~ -.. ---........ -----.. ~ ....... __ e. --... -------... _ . . ' .:' .:" ~t ,., ...... ;:.~: :: Sgttuto0r Warranty Deed . ~::. ;:::.:' .'., } .. ~."' .t·':·/ ~. .~. .' .... ".~ .. ~~::. jQ ~ .:1 ~ '"'I ... 1 iiil i l .... 1 4:1 h __ ---. --. --_ h ___ 1_ TIP!I GltlIlftoB .:' Ju.:i~ .imrlJr~.nd. da~'IIl/~ husband and wife .; ... :" ':. \, .... /. ,./' // ;"""/./'::/ /"'/ ii:: .. :} ~ for and in consi~e..f:ti.~~··O~/ t~~1l~r~}.7~.;.:.:~he:r: good lind valuable CODs1d.eX'llt:i1 in h .. "", paid. """",,,yB .,m _rrlUlt. y' ~ 1I.:.;:·~.i'an1· max ClIAVlIS. hualland aDd wife the Collo,,'''9 deoer<bed real eBtat:: ... ~}~~t~.:~n uf' C~l"CY /~ r;"st.o~~ oE 1I .. ~~~~n' THE NORTH 55.00 FEET OF TRACT 3/ P~"~ .. 1' I?PdrnNTOR~.CO-O~TlVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TQ-: THE PLAT·: TIfElll;OF R,BCORDJm' IN VOLOME 9 OF PLATS. PAGE 29, IN KING co'o:trr1!. WASH;PlaTON •• /·\ :: .";: .... ".:~':" 0' .:' ,:' .~;~ \:~." / ': •• :.\:.~' :f " .;::/ .:::.' .~. " StJB,jECT ~/'~O~ I~S;! AS FULLY DISCLOSED ON THB .,/' .,' '.;. :: ....... : "., ',: . . ' .:. ~ .. : .. " " "'\ . •• ,1" • .... . :-." :.' proven to me 011 tbe basis of .at.iafaet.ory I!!VideD~ or to 1DII!! knOfIIIl to bEr t.1le 1D.dJ.viduaUtdescribed Wash- aftd " :: '~'. to me _ to be the {; •... /Pr •• ;i·den~:: ~<l .. ::: .... / .: '., ·~ac •• t.r>'. re~Paqf)..vely. of .:' ..:' t :', .~. .:' / .~"'. _ in aulj who ex:eCUt-ed. the wlthing lUId fore- goiJ2,g and ecltDovledged that o o • 8 g '04 QI g • = ,.. '" ' . ... as _~Ll..IoooI~=-__ tree &D.~ volUDt&ry t.berein mentioned. ~e.~orpor!flion that IPc;acuted th~ ... ror:ego~119 i~t:~[1~1 ~d &C~"l~4,ecl ! '1;~8'''5~~~ \!.t~'!t to be t:he tl'att:'~ ,j~lun~~:~ . .:~~···:&n~:· 4~~ ..• ~~ Gald~~.cO~~I .• /I .. " ...... }. ,i ~~tJ.~"i.,~qX ~c u.e:l &nd purpollea tber~.~D me:ntloli,!~, .::..na ~n o~~b n.~t~ '.' : -tlult, ~.!.-! ~ 'authQ:l:I:ed to e!l:acute'~~~a a&1~/l.n"tru.t aJjd t~\: / I •. i : •• ~:l'f;11"~;91O corporate Beal of .aid ·i!;'GlO..a:ti~ .. :: .' .' \" Wl(n6BB .tv islJ ~d ofUcia.l seal hereto affil'Ced. tblli' d.y .. pd ~et' r:l.rstr ::::;'l..J.'..fL.,4<Ck.~1--__ A--=-s::z:o:g~.:::g"CL~ : . :t~ ~¥}:~1.:.~. ; ::<:;:':'.' .' "/,/ Notary Pub ie in and for the St~: . ... t " .:.'/" :s:::.,:~:;~::sa7~:::n::~'" in and EQr tbo State of liashtngton. . ... ,./ . ,.} My COfI'IIlipioD. ~ires ::. ;: ';\'" ~: ·~f ~~iI.~ImIB ................ lllllllln""ElIII~Ii·1!II~~!!WiIEyi¥1i1l1l1l1llllIlIlIlIlIlIlIlElllilliioIIII .e .: ..... . \ ......• " ,;'" ....•.... ~ ..•. ): ':~. " '::'./ .:', .;. '::~:"/ /"'\"::. :: ....... ~ .. " :: .~ . . l' -tis Pens Pil~d Feb 25,39,2:20 vm. Vol Ij e ' .. / Jdg 11-" fL173810 Tn th e ~up lit of Y. ~o ,W Iphr1am ~lt~hQad Pltt -.9- Albert ~ ?orrest. Deft An aotton to tore a I!l~e e up,~n th ~ r Ie prel!1s, g1'ren to sec ¢250 and tnt, a t arJ1 coats, -.tll\lh mtge 1s at ree 1n Vol 1~5 ot Ytges p 297;:nd is.upon;'hetlg real e,t InK ~o, ~ to-1rlt: Th I) VI t ot SW "t,{ ot SW t/ot sea ?7 tp 22 --N R 4 R W exaep ting ther~trom one aa de8~ as commg at the SW ~or ot 3d sea 27 runng th al th A sea l1ne B 209 f t; th ~r 209 rt; th W to the sec 11ne bet' secs 27 8Ild 28: th S nl 3d sec 11na to the plot beg. rog "J11 th the t ens ,~c. Ka1ph Simon, Plainti!t's Attorney • • =~ ... ~ ••• :a=.aa== ••• Vol .J, J.J D .1/ t, 1.7fell (50c s tI:1 att)· (:iorm 6) D.~ Piled peb 25,99,2:22 pm. Da.tad Jan 30,99 C0l1.'250 !h. Renton Co-opdraUve Coal CompallT ~.a corp To Evan D Jones Of Renton,'" .. ~Ac:r.·T1"ant .j 1n plat lV~r the Renton Co-oparatl""~ Coal Company's . U""p1at aa rite 1n the auf o"ft ot K Co, Nov 17,98. ~ 110 Wits Renton Co-operative Coal Co. "~ By James Weir t Presld en t .. (~o rp s8al) D H Jones, Secretary 9 o~y CU· or K)ss. . .. J'a.n 30,1899 by J Vi and D H J as prest and s ecy bet !Jeo B 1ICrr-1a..N? 1n and for t.hd S of W rt:8 at ~. Co::: ex Oct 14,1900. -~====~=~===========~ ./ Vol .z 3.3 D"171.73812 ~.c ~ .. \iIO"".ad »at ....... 'b' 2&.99. . :;~;: ··~':'_v~n ~en: That r do hereby eert and dec that r am marr , ._,:~_ h-.4 ot a tam and do now act:"~.ll:; rOii .lilil my ram OD the .·.>iIP_-.!··:·!!~!"e!:~t" .. r uesa; that my ram ODnf; 1s ts 01' a w-r aDd 011.. child. ._."r~~rJda~ pram)' on .. hiah r res are dese as sit m S, K Co,Y :>.:~.t>-.... ;'-.~'!:J"Dot·" -on 48 Yealer's Second kid to th e G ot S supplemental: i::;'.,·.··· ,·ao_& .~.", PeO plat; / .. ' . ·thi\J J,~.U ..,. 1nt to use and elm sd land with dwel11nellollse-there-t~teml and r hereb,. sel.e.t and claSs the ..... a. a home-;~~ '~., .• :;-"" t.i1 e &o1oua1 cash Tal of sd prop, I est to be ,1,000; "' aii'lt -:1· hay. n.ner 8e~ected or c:laimed aD7 othar homestead.,' . 2 .t .. ·: . Ohules Brasch (Seal) . so-t:· .... CO .. O"f Klss. hb-25,99 by C B bet' Joseph Groll N P in and tor the S or Y·re. at S. Com ex Pab 19,19(1:). (lOc otm att) ...• se:F11ed Peb 25,99,2:27 pm. .na~e4 ]Peo..25,.99 . ao~ •• 400 '4' • ' •• '" ,"" '. '", Vol ./ L/ if- " .: \. _~oy-0(,.,5 . ' . I ! City of Renton ~~~ . LAND USE PERMIT ~~~ o c; . \\ MASTER APPLICATION '+~~~~~~ dJf B LOT A ~ 7:1.:2,0 Iqt!:J~()i'O -.:t"2..z..(llOOO r, PROPERn' OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION ~tJ"E.!;· 6 HtJ6C> cJtAV6~ PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: c; cH~rrr U I O}L Ci¥'Nfi;--5 115W S-j/dIl7' ;PLAr ~ll) '5Z'5 J!£N1"ol./ If ~ 5 ADDRESS: u,vrov Iif~ S PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: r z.., 1Z.€AI rOM A I/~ S CITY: ~rIJN,jIA ZIP: 9YCJIj7; 7 ib1:t: . Ti!..€N7'IJIV, /.tM ~ ;055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): ze,~. -z,,~ lit"; ZP'-(Z"i'-l. 4/ I~) ~'Z.~IL1aooi'D } r-Z?J~C)at::J'3b .. APPLICANT (if other than owner) -- 'lAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): ~O€ M€&4lt S'IJ6,~ FAJ'1ILr /J{,II6£.t.1iJ6- COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): /J1S~ Lt-C Ifurr ('II~/Zr pLAT , ADDRESS: f ~ . (). 1~3'14 EXI~OMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: 1 CITY: sGA--rrU ZIP: if' ~ ? -PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): N p... TELEPHONE NUMBER 11 ·20,.7.,44. 141 EXISTING ZONING: R-r CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): MI\ NAME: C/fR,lS 6A~ l.SlJU-SITE AREA (in square feet): Zo I q q {, SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if applicable): FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING vVlJtANS.D/J a:JMPtJ.AJ't/. t:JJt. THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): .!?").. - ADDRESS: , \:] )'-15 'SW J5S -rll S-f, SV1;r~ /67-PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): ~.3 CITY: S€ .Io-r-rt£ ZIP:. 11'IJt NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): '-1 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: (Z6Jb ) 2e;~~ ~J~/ NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\masterapp.doc08129/03 ~ PROJ~ INFORMATION (continue • .---~~--------~r----------------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: fJ III, r- r------------~~~-----------------~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED R~S ENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): AI '1-/ IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 9?~ ~ F SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED N-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): M '/9 NUMBER OF EMPLOYE S TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (tf applicable): ~. (J AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE (J AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO (J FLOOD HAZARD AREA (J GEOLOGIC HAZARD (J HABITAT CONSERVATION (J SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES (J WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ____ . sq. ft. ____ sq. ft. ____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. ____ sq. ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following infonnation included) SITUATE IN THE«~l"jW QUARTER OF SECTIONL~ , TOWNSHIP'23 , RANGE 5", IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being arlied for: 1. ~ 4J)JAwJtJ '5 -pLII #. 3. 2. 4. - Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) J6.s.cptd tncC..A-l£ , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements nd answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/h....;:::e~rlth,lo,,/;e..,.ir~=-u....:.~.IjI¥.Wl.o.:.- uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Signature of OwnerlRepresentative) ~ Notary (Print) (I np< My appointment eXPires:,_~r--===L:;...{)-=,-/......::....b_tt .... ' __ _ Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\masterapp.doc08I29/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT A: LOT(S) 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER LUA-97-134-SHPL, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9901269011, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LOTB: THE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET OF TRACT 3, PLAT NO.1 OF RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 29, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ~ 0~/29/0~ 09:1~ AH PUT Fidelity National Title Page 1 of 2 #120152 ~E Fidelity National Title Company To: chris Company: Fax: 206-244-4455 From: Stan Kuligoski Company: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY Fax: 425-771-7910 Subject: 364/470s1 Memo: · O~/2910~ 09:1~ AH PDT Fidelity National Title Page 1 of 2 #120152 ~E Fidelity National Title Company of Washington Underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188th Street SW #300 Lynnwood, Washington 98037 (425) 771-3031 / 527-1432 Fax No. (425) 771-7910 Direct Line (425) 640-3509 / 640-3503 Toll Free: 1-800-776-3021 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT NO. 1 TO: GUARANTY MORTGAGE c/O JAY STEWART 1734 ALKI AVE. SW OUR NO: 0364470 YOUR NO: SEATTLE, WA 98116 REGARDING: LITTLE TRUST Attention : JAY STEWART THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AFFECTS THE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY COVERED BY OUR COMMITMENT BUT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT A COMPLETE COMMITMENT: THERE HAVE BEEN NO OTHER CHANGES TO OUR REPORT, THE EFFECTIVE DATE HAS BEEN AMENDED TO APRIL 23, 2004 DATED: APRIL 29, 2004 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON By: Stan Kuligoski, Senior Title Officer Michelle Treherne, Title Officer Lynda Stow, Title Officer Kristi Mathis, Asst. Title Officer (425) 640-3509 1-800-776-3021 Fax No. (425) 771-7910 mt Mar 16 04 03:13p JPMEGALE 20'89380471 1. 2. ENDORSEMENT Fidelity National Title INSURANCE COMPANY Attadaed to :PoU~ No.: 11-031-9'l-2G5677 <MIir No.: 8364410 This endo~Bement shall be effeceive only if at Date of Policy there is located on the land described in the policy a one-to-four family resiaential strueture, in which the lnsured owner resides or intends to resiae. Por tbe purpose of this endorsement the term R~e81deneial Structure" is 4a!ined as the p~incipal dwe~ling s~ructure loc.ted on the lanG together with all improvementa the~eon rela~ed to residenti.l use of the propcrcy e~cept ~lantings of any nature, perimeter fences and perimeter walls, and the term ft~nsured owner" is defined as any insured named 1n Scbedul.e A and, subject to any rlghts or defenses the Company may have had under the policy and all endorsamenc9, such insurea owner's be~rs, diatributeeB, ~eviGp.ea. survivors, personal representatives or next of Un. The Ocmpan~ hereby insures the insureO ~er of the estate or interest deBcribeo ~n SeheQule A against loss or damage which the insured owner shall sustain by reason of: a. the existence a~ Date Of Policy of any statutory lien for labor or materials attaching to tbe estate or interest referrea to in Schedule A ariSing out of 'any work of improvement: on the land, in progress or completed at Da~e of Policy, except ~hose liens arising out of a wor~ of improvement for wbieh the insured owner has agreed to be responsible. b. the removal of the resiaential structure or the interference with the use thereof for ordinary residential purposes as the resul.t of a final court oX'rier or judgment, base~ upon the e~Btenee at Date of Policy of: (l) any encroachment of said residential B~ructure or any part thereof onto adjoining lands, or onto any ease~ent shown as an exception in Part II of Schedule B of the policy. or ODto any unrecorded subsurface eaBement. (2) any violation on the land of enforceab1.e cO'II'eDants, conditions or restrictions, prQVi~a that this coverage shall not refer to or include the ~erms, eovenan~s and conditione contained in aDy leaee, suh-Iesse; or contract of sale ref.~red to in the policy. {J) any vio1ation of ~pl~cable zoning ordinances. but this endorsement does not insure camplian~e with nor is it in any ~y oonce~ned with build~Dg codes or other exercise of governmental police power. c. damage to the residential s~ructure resulting from the e~ercise of any right to ~De the Burface of the lan~ for the extraction or de?elopment of the mineral.s excepted from the descripcion of the l.an4 or sh~ as a reserva~ion in Schedule B . . For ~urpoges of this endorsement. the words "cOYenanes", "conditions" or nrestrict~onG~ shall noe be deemed to refer to or include any coven~ts, conditions or restrictions re1.ating to euvironmental protection, except to the e~tent that a notice of a violat1on or alleged Yiol~tion ~£feeting the l.and has been recorded in the public records of Date of goliey and is not exaepee~ in Schedu1e B. This endO~9ement is made a part of Che policy an~ is subject to all of the terms aDd previsions ~bereof and of an~ prior enaorsementD thereto. Bzcept to the extent exp~essly Dtated, it neither mod~fies any Of ~he te~ and ~rQVi5ions of the policy and any ~r10r endorsements, nor does it exten~ the etfect1ve date ot the policy and any prJ.or endorsements, nolO does it inc:rease tbe face amount thereof. II'1DILIft M'!IORAL 'l'I'lLB :m~ CC*l?Alfr FORM W-1l6.1 CL~ ENDORSEMENT -For.m 126.1 {9-10-931 p.3 Mar Ib U~ U~:l~p Order No. 036~4'0 Page No. 4. ..J'11I:.UMLI:. cuo".:JoU~(.L F~delity ~ational Tiele Policy NO." 27-031~92-20567'7 1. General caxes and related charges, if any, for the year 2004, not payable until February 15. 2004, in an amount dot yet available f~om the COunty Treasurer'S Office. Tax Account No. : Levy Code: 722140-0080-03 2110 2. DEED O~ TRUST AND ADDI'l'IONJU. ADV1\NCBS, IF ANY, AND THR TERMS J.Nn CONDITIONS '!'HEREOP : Grantor: Trust •• : Beneficiary: Original Amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording No. : James Schmitt, a sLngle man Fidelity National Title Company of Washington New Century MOrtgage Corporation ~238,OOO.OO, plu9 interest January 7. 200", January 13, 2004 20040113001482 END Oll' EXCEPTIONS Order No. 0364470 Page No. 2 ..Jt"nt:.UMLt:. EXHIBIT A - 1 e::Ub~..:::ItlU"t/~ Fidelity National Title policy No. 27-031-92-205677 The South 90 feet of the Bast 150 feet of Tract 3. Plat No. 1 of RENTON CO-O~ERATIVB COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 29. records of King County, Washington. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. p.e:: Mqr 16 04 03:14p Order No. 0364410 Page No. :3 JPMEGALE SCHBDULE B SKceptions from Coverage Fidelity National Title Policy No. 27-031-92-2056" This policy does no~ insu%e against loss or damage (and ehe Company will not pay costs, aeto%nAylg fees or expenses) which a~ise by reason of: . A. GENERAL IVtCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or asses9rllents whicb are not sbown as existing lieno by the rtcords of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public record. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, wbether or no~ shown by the records of such agenay or by the public records. 2. Any facts, right~. interests or claims which a~e not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or enCUlllbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public :.Qords. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts, in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other fac~e which a co~eot uurvey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. S. (al unpatented mdning claims; (b) reservations or excep~ions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof: (e) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not ebe matters excepted under (aI, (b) or (e) are shown by the public records. G. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials theretofore or hereafte~ furnished, imposed by law and not shawn by tbe public records. 1. Any se~ice, installation, connection, maintenance or construction oharges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. Reservations or exceptions in Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulation, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable Berv1tude. B. SPKCIAI. EXCBP'l'IONS: -COlft'lNUBD - p. 1 Mar Ib U4 U;:j:14p Order No. 0364470 Page No. 2 JPMEliHLE EXHIBIT A - 1 2069380471 Fidelity National Title policy No. 27-031-92-20SG77 The South 90 feet of the Bast 150 feet of Tract 3, Plat No.1 of RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof recor~ed ~n Volume 9 of Plats, Page 29. recorde of King County, Washington. 5ieuate in the County of King, State of NBshington. 10·2 ~ar 16 04 03:15p JPMEGALE 2069380471 •• Fidelity National Title INSURANCE COMPANY cbk SCHEDULB A DATE OF POLJCY: January 13, 2004 at 2:2G P.M. AMOl~ OF INSURANCE: $280,000.00 l'OLICY NO. : ORDER NO.: 0364470 PREMIUM:$SGB.OO 1. Name of Insured: JAMBS S~TT, a single man, as his separate estate 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by Chis po~icy ie: a fee simp~e. 3. Title to the estate or incerest in the land is vested in: THE N»JED INSUR!!:O 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: See attached Bxhibit A-l p.3 Mar 16 04 03:12p JPMEGALE JAMBS SCHMI'1"l' 329 RBmON AVR S RENTON, WA 98055 -t, I' / TITLE ORnER NUMBD 836447. 2069380471 e Thank you fOl: giving U9 cae opportunity t.o serve you. 'We appreciate your business and will str1ve eo me~it the confidence you have shown 1n us. enclosed: OWNBRS POLICY OP Tt~LE INSURANCE Please call U8 whenever we can he of fu~ber asSistance. Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 3500 188en S~~eet SK, ~300 Lynnwood. ftA 98037 Phone NO. (425) 771-3031 p.2 .'! '1 .. ,' ........ . : .. :1.··· .. '\····:· ... :. :: .:' . ' .", ..... '{"~:: . .,' ,+ .:' :: ::' ••••••• " }' ,,:.t :.' .' ,\J \: .':-:';': .. ::' "'::: .. :.::" :.:' :.~. : ... ? 1~'·I:!.,,::" ,i ; ":ii //)' i.,~iii~,~~i$ Deed THE GRANtORS, /Geofle Lkoe 'ind Iv~ •. :J,.~ for and u;:·co~iden\tion .. :ilf est:ablisQm¢n{M4·transfer to Revocable Living Trust with GrantorS and other specified trust~efi,~iarie{as h<De~~iarii3. an~lfor no other ~~sideration. . convey and .~it ciami:to G;e:ol",~i..if;lie ~~l:voUa t~~e, T~.~~:'Of the George and Ivona Little Revocable Lmng Trust cb.led ttr: 71 -:; ,19.9.7. '.::''::, ... :! the (onowing described!'"w M"at'e>;~~thi i~:'t~~ Co~ty·.~fWhat.c~J"rD,"·State ofWash.ington. including any interest therein which grantors may ~ea.fter::;acq*-rre: ';:::"/ ./;~::: So1lt~.:90f~ of the east 150 feet of t~~et 3~ Pl~tN(t.J ofi~n~d~ r~;;cith:,e Coali~op1panyts Acr~;h·a~·~tcording to plat reeorded in ~lume 9.,of plats,;:page"2~/i'ii':~g Cm~.~tyl W~hi:agton. '\';. ":", .. ,,, .. ,, .. "'" ,: :/ .,/' " ....... " ........ ...-'. (i .f.' /: ~:.~ ~/l~::2~40-0080-03 <: .... : .. / it . .'.· .. · ... ·:;r ,," .;i F , ...... : 7~~r~Y;.{}J;;'5E~: ,1991. ~i'~ j .,.;:;> .,. ..' ~ .. ·:tfttl .:. ~ L ttl .' :;" .;:.,.... ... ge ( e·:. vona 1 e ::; .... :,:,/: s~~iEO._W~G~~) j ,,"" ..•. COWlty of KIWJ,· .. :··':/ :.;:::".Jss , .. " .... \ '.. . ... On this da/~f,SQ~aH(a~:u:~~ bef~~:Je cj~o~~~ Lin.!e and Ivana Little, to me known to be the individuals described in and who :~xecuted the within an~fforeg'oing instrument. and aclc.now Jedged that such persons signed the same as such ~llo~~"·#o:.and.:voluriiary .\l'Ct and d~d. for the U5e5 and purposes therein mentioned '\../ :" :::: :f/l .:'. .:: .: .... :. G'IVEN under my hand and"(jffieta( a{ this:t;2?·-day ol C(K:!it.7~ 1,1997. _ .... ,~""\'\\,\, i.·.. : .......... ./ .. /.:. /~:: _ , .•.. :th: \-............. . ~-.. 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Public Works Plan Review Section . 3. BuBdIng Section 4. Development Planning SectIon TOTAL P.03 MAR-16-2004 10:02 CITY OF RENTON 425 430 7300 P.02/03 ·" • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OMS" WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL "REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by. 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section P~NAME; 'f:Jt;fffi " " DATE:~ ~ Z1 ~~ Q:'WEB\PW\DEVSERV\FOf'm$~ing\waiver.xts DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM January 9,2004 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Megale Short Plat, 329 Renton Ave. S Fire Department Comments: 1. A fITe hydrant with 1000 GPM fITe flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. 3. Fire Department access roadways require a minimum 20 Foot paved roadway. 4. All building addresses shall be visible from the public street Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM January 22, 2004 Pre-Application File No. 04-002 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, x7382 Megale Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $55.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject site is addressed as 329 Renton Avenue South. The proposal is to utilize two existing parcels and subdivide them into four lots for eventual development of three new single family homes. An existing single family residence is proposed to remain on one of the new lots. The applicant indicates that the two parcels are 13,500 sq. ft. and 7,480 square feet (total 20,980 sq. ft. - 0.48 acres). The four lots were not numbered on the original pre-application drawing, a revised layout was received on January 19,2004 which numbers the lots and re-configures the lot arrangement. The revised layout also indicates that existing outbuildings would be removed and a new garage to be constructed on new Lot 1. From staff research the north parcel was short platted in 1997 and recorded in 1999. According to code, RMC 4-7-070.N. states that any land subdivided can not be further subdivided for a period of five years without following the procedures for subdivision. The subject north parcel can be further subdivided as the time limit has expired. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential - 8 dwelling units per acre '13::§) zoning designation. The density range required in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) for parcels greater than one half acre and up to 9.7.du/ac for those less than ~ acre. . .. - The applicant did not provide a proposed density. Staff calculated that the density for four dwelling units on the property would be approximately 8,3.3.."du/ac which is in compliance with the density range of the R-8 zone for parcels less than ;12 acre in siie~· Development Standards: The R-8 zone permits one residential structure/unit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. --- , ,,~~. -.;... ,,-C:J ;. ; ~J c;' .. , -I.'. "'-... (l " f)-c) " Megale Short Plat -Pre-Application Meet. --.'r Page 2 of 3 '-0 The revised drawing of 1/19/04 provided dimensions for the proposed lots, It appears that all lots would comply with the development standard for size, width and d'1pth. Building Standards -The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square,Jeet in size, Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. The square footage of the existing single family residence to remain is to be provided at time of application in order to determine compliance. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and two stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 20 feet in the front, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards and 15 feet on side yards along streets. The revised drawing submitted does show setbacks for the existing house and for the new lots. All setbacks are to be shown on the formal land use application short plat plan submittal, but must be removed prior to final short plat recording. Staff will likely recommend yard orientation (front, rear, side yards) as a condition of approval. Access/Parking: Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles per lot. In addition, appropriate shared maintenance and access agreemenUeasements will be required between lots with shared access, As proposed in the revised drawing, all lots will gain access to Renton Avenue South. Access for Lot 1 would maintain its driveway directly to Renton Ave. South. Lots 3 and 4 would gain access via a 20 foot wide private access and utility easement. Lot 2 is proposed to have a separate driveway. According to RMC 4-4-0801, driveway standards include the following for single family residential: Driveways can not exceed 40% of the street frontage for a lot; a minimum of 18 feet between driveway curb returns where there is more than one driveway on a property under single ownership or control; widths of a single driveway can not exceed 20 feet in width; no more than two driveways for each 330 feet of street frontage for a single ownership; and others as listed in the provided copy of development regulation (see packet). Staff may recommend as a condition of short plat approval that proposed Lot 2 utilize the same 20 foot easement as Lots 3 and 4 in order to reduce the number of curb cuts and meet code. Private driveways may serve a maximum of two lots and must have a minimum easement width of 20 feet with _t~~t of paving. Addresses of lots along shared driveways are to be visible from public streets by provision of a sign stating all house numbers. The sign is to be located at the intersection of the public street and shared driveway. Driveway Grades: The maximum driveway slope can not exceed fifteen percent (15%), provided that driveways exceeding eight percent (8%) are to provide slotted drains at the lower end of the driveway. If the grade exceeds 15%, a variance from the Board of Adjustment is required. Sensitive Areas: Based on the City's Critical Areas Maps, the site is located within critical areas, , including: Geologic Hazards (steep-Slop.Bs), medium landslide hazards, and ~birL2QQ_faet of medium coal mine hazard and within 5QO~!eet of a high coal mine hazard. '--"- The site is also located in the Aquifer Protection Area (APA) -Zone 2. The APA zones prohibit certain types of facilities, restrict the use and storage of hazardous materials, and have additional requirements during construction and fill activities. If the project requires more than 100 cubic yards of fill, a source statement will be required. . Sensitive slopes have grades from 25% to 40%. Specific standards also apply for development located within sensitive slopes, landslide and erosion hazard areas. Protected slopes are defined as topographical features that slope in excess of 40% and have a vertical rise of 15 feet or more. " Megale Short Plat -Pre-Application Meetie Page 3 of 3 Coal Mine hazards are within 200 and 500 feet of the site. According to RMC 4-3-050.J.B., these hazards are to be reviewed and addressed in a coal mine assessment report. The applicant may request that this requirement be waived if such hazards have been determined not to be present. As required by the City's Critical Areas Regulations, a Geotechnical Report that addresses the potential landslide, coal mine, soils and slope issues will be necessary. Through the short plat review process, the City may condition the approval of the development in order to require mitigation of any potential hazards based on the results of the studies. In addition, pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050.J.3, the geotechnical report submitted with the application will be required to undergo independent secondary review by a qualified specialist selected by the City at the applicant's expense. Permit Requirements: Short plats of four or less lots are processed administratively within an estimated time frame of-!:!Q8 weeks for preliminary approval. The application fee is $1,000, plus $0.37 per mailing label required for noflhcafiOnto surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the site. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the provided handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the required improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. It is the applicant's responsibility to initiate the final short plat process. The newly created lots may be sold only after the final short plat has been recorded. For your use, a copy of the short plat recording process to be completed after preliminary short plat approval is included in the informational packet. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family residence. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. Expiration: Upon preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short plat approval is valid for two years with a possible one year extension provided the request is submitted to the decision maker prior to expiration. . . Additional Comments: In advance of submitting the full application package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application material for a pre-screening to the customer service counter to help ensure that the application is complete prior to making all copies. cc: Jennifer Henning To: From: Date: Subject: Susan Fiala CITY OF RENTON MEMO PUBLIC WORKS Mike Dotson~ January 21,2004 Pre-Application Review Comments PREAPP No. 04-002 Megale Short Plat NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have reviewed the preliminary application materials for the subdivision of two existing lots into 4 new lots. The following comments concern the water, sewer, storm and transportation components of the project. WATER 1. There is an existing 8-inch water main in Renton Ave S. 2. Fire flow maps indicate that fire flow available to the site is approximately 1000 gpm. 3. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1000gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structures (as measured along the traveled roadway and access driveway). There is an existing hydrant at this location that may provide the required fire flow. Verification of sufficient fire flow to the site in required. Any existing substandard fire hydrants will be required to be replaced and/or retrofitted with a quick disconnect Storz fitting. 4. A separate water meter is required to serve each dwelling unit. 5. If a fire sprinkler system is required then a separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve assembly. 6. The proposed project is located in the 370-water pressure zone and is within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Zone. 7. Static water pressure is approximately 100 psi. A pressure-reducing valve is required for pressure over 80 psi. 8. The Water System Development Charge (SDC) is $1525 per new single-family residence. This fee is payable at time of issuance of a utility construction permit. SANITARY SEWER 1. There is an 8" sanitary sewer line in Cedar Ave S. 2. A new side sewer is required to serve the new lot. Megale sp "'. 3. Due to the age of the existing house on the property, the City of Renton does not have a record of a side sewer connection. Therefore, prior to recording the short plat, verification and location of the existing sewer connection is necessary. \-oL&..1:~; ~r:tt-. ill L. 4. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per new single-family residence. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. :;" : ~t,~- SURFACE WATER 1. Surface water facilities do exist (a developed street system) at this site. 2. Development of the property is subject to the design requirements of the King County 1990 Surface Water Design manual. 3. Infiltration is the suggested method of stormwater discharge for the property. 4. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) are $715 per new building lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1. The frontage of the site is fully improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 2. Any new driveway that exceeds 15% requires a variance from the Board of Adjustment (see Development Regulation section 4-4-080I). 3. Any new electrical, phone and cable services must be underground. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the short plat. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Prior to any construction activities on the site, Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 2. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the down slope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence shall be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and shall be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. This will be required during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as well as building construction. 3. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. The fee for this particular project is $2,153.25 (9.57 trips per unit: 3 new units X $75). 4. Any retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height will need to be reviewed under separate Building permits. A licensed engineer with geo-technical expertise· must be retained for proposed rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in general accordance with ARC standards and with hislher supplemental recommendations, in a professional manner and of competent and suitable material. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit. Locations of water and sewer mains will be considered in relation to the retaining walls. It may require special protection or relocation of the lines under or near the retaining wall construction. If you have any questions please contact Mike Dotson, Development Services Plan Review, at 425-430-7304. Megale sp --.. ~~ ·-68-1I-··~ G4 UTILITIES DIVISION PIBIPW TECHNICAL 8ER.VlCB8 05110/00 .. "~"N"r-"--'- ·· .... :_·· .... 1 ........... L ........ _. ----Renton City Ltmltl Vv~ I -__ 1 \ I. .. . __ ...... _ .. ___ ... _ .......... ,,_ ........ _ .. _ ........ _ .... , 72 1183 696 11"800 \"'W ~UI!!,Qpmrmnm""'lr.lIIUIII~ '.' ..... ~ ... ....... ..... ......... ". -....... , .... ~, .... 4 190 42 890 890 -F4 17 T23N RSE W 1/2 ~ ~ .. _-.j. G4 .. 20 T23N RSE W 1/2 Storm System P fBlPW TECHNICAL SERVICES C;; .~f'-'1- U/13/02 ~ 200 4yO 114800 CJ- ,. '~":".;- I I F4 17 T23N R5E W 1/2 S317 ~ 1'\ ~ ~ r') ~ ... o , It" ~ ~-' "" Q) > <[ t • f-> +' 0) c s... :J o:l th Si; ,le'" ; 99 1 170 >: . l to ~ ~ cu : ~ : ....... .~ ..... ~g., ~ Q15,9? _ ~ / . " S. 3rdo.S1: ,.... ~"'i 134., 100 ..... ....of r·"-.·,' .1 l ' lU ,..... '80" ' c:. .... lco';........ I '" f : ~~'i~' ... 11~: \'" . C·· ' .. ii' I~I· .. '·· .. I ~ --:::: : CE12AlIl S 'Co !I,~~ ICo 154 v) . eli ~ 151 ~ .!:!),~, .!2 S Qj 5 ~. ¢= 150 12' lOt Co 4~~ 8~a.-\ G il./ : ... ' 1\ J i .. / //' ;' tl5 -~~.u. ~ 8(6"'" ," ... y ": 1~1 123~4i ,) ". ._. ~'.' :. c 6 L~ " I ' " T l .. ' .. ):0 ,817 <\ { ',' '800 . i '~3' , Ii,;' ..... -.. ~ .. ~ . ...J i234 I . . -". I k~ ro': . !! 231't-, J \ : I.. ':: ~I' ~ :, ~:7 !S~1:.h .. ~~ 28 . > I I! IP.. 229· .. ;8<· .. ·· 0 , ,<t. '8 ~: Iii II 236 ~I )24 I ,I ,d I': q,'- ! ' ...0 ,. • dj :' 1'r' . •. c· • . '" ~ ,I _ 820 818 l:J1 ,: ! 82:S ~ , I '. • .' ,,"'-'C" ,::-.. _:{J 11",J1>t-) . 819 !l'~~~'" ~' I _t=-. ._ ..~ .. 1 ,,~')vo <-'>.: I :, i I ... ;-. ~", j--<==9--q= ~ .. , . I '" i II I, .: I I : I' ,I I I ! I ," : . V), . cA! Ii ! : I , !: j! "': V);: , . -<e-;-.. .241 E4 .. 8 T23N· RSE E 1/2 W 1/2 W 1/2 y' 230 "'yo SANITARY SEWERS 1:4800 ~~224 F4 PfBlPW TECHNICAL SERVICES W14/02 Sb-lGf1-17 T23N R5E W 1/2 .. . 5317 DATE: MEMORANDU.M .... ~.; -""--. ...•. . -...o__.- CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED JAN 0 8, 20~~ BUILDING DIVISION TO: Construction Services, Fire Prevention, Plan Review, EONSP, Project Planner FROM: Neil Watts, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: f10a/~ Short ):lIar .-J{ lois LOCATION: ~Z8 ~ /IN-S PREAPP NO. ere04-CO2 A meeting with the ~licant has been scheduled for 10;00 AM , Thursday, cr ~ 2.:2) • in one of the 6th floor conference rooms (new City Hail). If this..lneeting is scheduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11 :00 AM meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the applicant. You will not need to do a thorough "permit Jevel" review at this time. Note only major issues that must be resolved prior to formal land use and/or building permit application submittal. . Plan Reviewer assigned is _j\'\Jtg---,-~' =~/~ ____ _ Please submit your written comments to ~lA $O-V't F. least two (2) days before the meeting. Thank you. H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev & Plan.ing\Template\Preapp2 Revised 9/00 (Planner) at / .' ""/ .J CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: January 16, 2004 TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: Don Erickson SUBJECT: Magale Short Plat, 329 Renton Avenue S; PRE 04-002 The applicant is proposing to subdivide two existing parcels, one of which is vacant, into four lot One of the lots would contain the existing house, which would remain. Two of the lots would access directly off Renton Avenue South and the rear two would be accessed by private driveway easements. The two lots are currently designated RS (Residential Single Family) on the . Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned R-8, consistent with this designation. Analysis: Relevant land use policies have been listed on the attached sheet and are used in making this analysis. All of the applicant's proposed lots comply with Policy LU-35 in that they are over 4,500 square feet However, in terms of Policy LU40, staff is concerned that the lot configuration of at least one of the lots does not appear conducive to quality of life and privacy issues given its elongated shape and abutting driveway easement Either, this lot should be larger to address these incongruities or it should have a more traditional rectangular configuration. Staff wonders why, for example, the applicant did not consider providing a common private driveway between the two lots abutting Renton Avenue South that would be less intrusive and considerably shorter than the current proposal. The proposed density for this short plat is 8.32 units per net acre. Recommendation: Do not support this proposed four-lot short plat as currently configured since there is some question of viability of the northwestern lot, primarily because of its odd shape and proposed driveway over much of it's usable area. Attachment cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\Interdepartmental\Development Review\Preapps\Comments\RS\Megale Short Plal.doc\d • Relevant Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies -Residential Single Family Designation Policy LU-3S. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-jamily residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes, which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Policy LU-40.1. New plats proposed at higher densities than adjacent neighborhood developments may be modified within the allowed density range to reduce conflicts between old and new development patterns. However, strict adherence to older standards is not· required. Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The extensive or predominant use of cul- de-sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A ''flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent and future development. Policy LU-80. Land should be arranged in blocks divided into lots with all lots required to front on a public street or a park. H:\EONSP\Interdepartmental\Development Review\Preapps\Comments\RS\Megale Short Plat.doc\d "\, Printed: 05-07-2004 Payment Made: ~OFRENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-048 05/07/2004 03:09 PM • Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: JOSEPH MEGALE Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 1005 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 o 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $14.06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 14.06 .00 R0402391 Printed: 05-11-2004 Payment Made: e CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-048 05/11/200402:56 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 14.06 Payee: DUNCANSON CO. Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 14.06 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 15200 14.06 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5023 0 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 00~.OS.S19.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0402458 ~; --./ ./ ------~ ~V ~ r-, ~ ~<r; // '< / ) -/SITE ./ /"" 0) , ~ R-a \ CI) ~ \ ~ ~ "" sit ~ Z ! ~\ ~ ! ~a\ w a: L \9t-~ / \)1).~ I \ \0- 1\\ \ \ > I \ "'---" - " j V \ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE '~ i T i~~T NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP (IN FEET) 1 inch -100 ft. c· CONTACT INFORMATION APPL.ICANT ARBOR HEIGHTS, LLC JOE MEGALE P.O !=lOX 16344 SEATTLE, WA 98116 (206) 276-4498 SURI/EYOR!ENGINtER HAROLD DUNCANSON, PE DUNCANSON COMPANY, INC. 145 SW 155TH ST., SUITE 102 SEATTLE, WA 98166 PH: (206) 244-4141 FAX: (206) 244~4455 UTI LlTI ES\ SERVICES WATER: SEwER: FIRE: SCHOOL: CITY OF" RENTON CI TY OF" REN TON 0000 403 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE (1) sCHEDULE AND ATTEND A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONF"ERENCE WITH CITY OF" RENTON ENGINEERING STAFF. (2) flAG CLEARING LIMitS. (3) INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. (4) INSTALL PERIMETER PROTECTION (F"ILTER FABRIC F"ENCES, SILt FENCE, ETC.). (5) INSTALL UTILITIES. (6) p~otECt EXPOSED SOILS AS REQUIRED. (7) Rr:MOVE TESC MEASURES AF"TER PERMANENT F" ACILITIES AND STABLE GROUND COVER BECOME ESTABLISHED. DUN CAN SON COM PAN Y, INC. Civil Bneinccring . Surveyina; . Land Plannina: 145 SW 155th Street. Suite 102 Seal/Ie. Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141 Fax 206.244.4441 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft. NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. SHORT PLAT I .. I -"'---08 cc u.1 co 1-. VI Ii i-tr I-'" ::>::> 60L'I z ,J rCf-- ~ / :;> OF12 EXIST HOUSE J? / I ~ F"ENCE LINE, TYP~ --l-r: l I _~t~4 ~~88·30' ~,~ ~., .. ~ ""oS08 J .J If- EASEMENT PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST /" .y ~~ -"----"=10' __ -___ ...... _" BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY =~I=tl.--._~--.., /-46.(~~ -;:::::-:::::--~--=-f----~ (UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION LINES) I d----t-"--------r~~ I I ---,..::::::-~ ___ 15.: (ABOVE GROUND CABINETS) I L T 3 \ --\ I •. } ~~"'r'''/ PER KING COUNTY REC. #9105071373 I 1 \ 1 I EXIST rsPHAL11 DRIVEWAY I I 4,~7 SF _1_,.-_._,-_ \ I , , II I _, I ~ I / I I ,j.( / /1 / II! I!~ / 1 / /' 1--120'---"1 j~; : / r! / / I/lOV2/:/ //&:; I \ 1 / I / 1:: / /i 5,890 SF/ I / - J CHO /: / / / I yl / / J. EA~(:r r----' f,o) '" I---(J) W ..---1 >--" <{ I.~-~:-=-. ---:;7;'_:::: t---_. fECH _ / / ",,' '~4 JOTS) lor ___ :... ___ --"'" 7" I _ / ~ 'y'-' .l' 1£ S'--r "/ x-,-+-4'---7'" ff / ~ /1 ---~ II L /--;;: -~ -----T...-:'---I---"'r-----/ [S i ~.~.- 1 J_ -r 1 1 0 r/ ---' r _ _ _ _, I I . I (EXIST AS Pf AlfT DYIVEWAY U?d '-~ / ___ 1 -+-14'1 ~ _ I L r_/.=/ 0' 1 I -::~ ,w ~ I II ~ -I ~'I I -, '----~ ~ LO _L ' -rr ~ ~/ I i 7 -2 vl :::t V J. I/.' f'l '----I I I 1 0 GARAGE I 1A) _ I EXIS%HOUSE..-~ I i ~ /15 ... I I 88 SF I -"+-; Z ----~ 7 I I LOT .( 10'1 /~O' EA EMENT/ r 24~6't" <jO/ i;:/ I I LO I ::£:OS.--,60-'v I \ I I ':,j. (kP'1 '-f'l,... 4.9~ SF . fcr _. I I '" ~ IJ ,,~ / ~ : 1 b r ~ / LC)JJ 1 / I I J / ~ w ~ o Z 8l I I EXIST SSMH RIM=170.30 ~-INV;162.91 (j"PVC ,\c INV=163 8" PVC DRAWING INDEX: C1 COVER SHEET AND INDEX C2 SURVEY SHEET C3 GRADING, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PlAN PRELIMINARY PLAT LEGEND TOTAL ACREAGE AREA= 20,996 SF .482 AC NUMBER OF LOTS= 4 ZONING R-8 PROPOSED SQ FOOTAGE OF EACH LOT LOT 1 = 5,396 SF LOT 2= 5,690 SF LOT 3= 4917 SF LOT 4= 4,993 SF PROPOSED DENSITY= 8.3/AC PERMITTED DENSITY= 9.7/AC' )' / I / CH14 I _ i r ~8 1 / ---l,L.--7 ~ BSBL (TYP) L 20' \1 ICf.O~ / ~.398 SF / 1 ,(, / /';' SHED~ III ( ---' : /' / / (' l I 1 'I" / -----.J: ~ r-r.-1 _,.L'.. -"""7-_"LI-t -I-t--JH2 1+""'1-'=20'1'/.--1 ".--10 ---~ -./ J v/L -/-_ _/ -1 I f--' Of-- . -_ _ ---/' 84' / ! ----..-S88·30.3.3 E /I(~rv/ cmU' ( L 1.--11...-+ ,-'oc/ ___ ~ EXIST HOUSE V ---...-1-/ EXISTING STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS ON LOTS 2.3 AND 4 TO BE RtMOVED ,-'o"v~ ---.____ I I EXIST HOUSE , ' .. 'o~/ r --~ f,o)~ ~ ( • f,o) I ------._---- I ~ I DRAWN: CJB DATE: 5/03/04 CHK'D: HMD DCI PROJECT NO: 03129 I iNsDOT MONUMENT (DESIGNATION) GP-17405-66 ELEV=112.38 ADDRESS: RENTON MSW SHORT S PLAT 329 RENTON AVE S SHORT PLAT PLAN VICINITY MAP NTS CAUTION I UNDERGROUND UTiUTIES EXIST IN THE AREA AND UTILITY INFORM A TlON SHOWN MAY BE INC0t.4PLlETt. STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT CONTRACTOR CONTACT THE ONE-CAUL UTILITY LOCATE SERVICE AT LlEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE STARTING ANY CONSTRUCTION. 1-800-424-5555 RENTON o ISHEET C1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SECT 17, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, W.M. TREE LEGEND THAT PORTION OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; (PARCEL A:) LOT(S) 2, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER LUA-97-134-SHPL, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9901269011, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. (PARCEL B:) THE SOUTH 90 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET OF TRACT 3, PLAT NO. 1 OF RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY'S ACRE T~ACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 29, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft_ REVISIONS '---_._------ DUN CAN SON COM PAN Y, IN C_ Civil Enaineering . Surveying . Land Planning 145 SW 155th Street. Suite 102 Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone 206.244_4141 I--+--t--------f---J.---I DRAWN: CJB DATE: 5/03/04 Fax 206.244.4441 DCI PROJECT NO: 03129 In .tfeot on ttl. dote EXIST HOUSE -- --------------( I I CHK'D: HMO '" "'------- .-- '" '" -- --L-",--VI VI VI -- --- I / 0 I I I .,'0 '00 '0" 'O~ EXIST SSMH RIM=170_30 INV=162_91 8"PVC 'Ie:> INV= 163 8" PVC ECT 329 W I-a z DECIDUOUS TREE o AL12 -TRUNK DIAMETER (IN) ! TYPE AL=ALDER MP=MAPLE DS=DECIDUOUS MA=MADRONA OK=OAK CH=CHERRY EVERGREEN TREE ~ 195.2 CE=CEDAR DF=DOUGLAS FIR HE=HEMLOCK PI=PINE EVG=EVERGREEN I HEIGHT AGL IF MEASURED TREE DRIP LINES ARE NOT TO SCALE, TREE SYMBOLS REFERENCE TRUNK LOCATiON ONLY, TRUNK DIAMETERS 'WERE APPROXIMATED AT 3,5' TO 4' ABOVE GROUND LEVEL, TREES SHO'WN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND OTHER TREES AND VEGETATiON MAY EXIST, LEGEND ---SD --------EX. STORMDRAltl -ss ------------EX. SEWER ---------\01 ---------EX. WATER o EX. SEWER MANHOLE o EX. CLEANOUT IJ EX. CATCH BASIN @ EX. STORM MANHOLE E--EX. UTILITY POLE W/ANCHOR lQI EX. GAS METER m EX. GAS VALVE [EJ EX. POWER METER o EX. TEL RISER CD EX. TEL VAULT -0-EX. POWER POLE tx:l EX. WATER VALVE rn EX. WATER METER ,Q EX. FIRE HYDRANT @ SV. MONUMENT EEl SV. MONUMENT 6 SV. MONUMENT _"-EX. SI GN o EX. DECIDUOUS TREE * EX. CONIFER TREE ® TREES TO BE REMOVED CAUTIONI WSDOT MONUMENT (DESIGNATION) GP-17405-66 ELEV=112.38 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES EXIST IN THE AREA AND UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN MAY BE INCOMPLETE. STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT CON'tRACTOR CONTACT THE ONE-CALL UTILITY LOCATE SERVICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE STARTING ANY CONSTRUCTION. 1-800-424-5555 s 04-002 MSW SHORT PLAT 329 RENTON EXISTING SITE AVE S SURVEY ISHEET C2 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft, DUNCANSON COMPANY, INC, Civil Engineering . Surveying . Land Planning 14212 Ambaum Boulevard Sir, Suite 301 . Seattle. Washington 98166 Phone 206.244.4141 Fax 206.244.4441 I) ill / \ I , " [:I NS V) I (~) I I " ,~ " " , I , , I n J II 'j ~ J. " I ,}, UPGRADE CURB CUT TO CURRENT STANDARDS 'b \(! [):is"T SSMf'! I FWv: .~, i 70. SO ,.-/ ~-INV'i62,91 g"pvc: r/ : :," INV-, 11';':< K" 1'\ l' I / /' /' I I 1--+--+--------+--1----1 DRAWN: CJB DATE: 5/03/04 CHK'D: HMD DCI PROJECT NO: I. and SpeoIlIoCItlonl SpecIClI ProvIlfionL NOTE: INDIVIDUAL GRINDER PUMP SIDE SEWERS PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR NEW HOMES. MSW "---"1 I WSDOT MONUMENT (DESIGNA TlON) GP-17405-66 ELEV= 112. 38 : 329 SHORT I s • , I C't u PLAT I CAUTION I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES EXIST IN THE AREA AND UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN MAY BE INCOMPLETE. STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT CONTRACTOR CONTACT THE ONE-CALL UTILITY LOCATE SERVICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE STARTING ANY CONSTRUCTION. 1-800-424-5555 329 RENTON AVE S UTILITIES, GRADING AND DRAINAGE !SHEET C3 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-04-048SHPL LND-20-0372 DEDICATION KNOW AU. PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT \11£. THE UNDERSIGNED O~S IN FEE SlUPLE Of THE LANO HEREIN OESCItIIED, DO HEREBY UAICE A SHORT SU8Ol\1S1ON THEREOf AND DEc:lAA[ 'MS WAP' TO IE TH£ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Of SANE, AND THAT SAID SHORT S\,IBOI\4S1ON IS WADE WITH 'THE FREE CONSENT AND IN J.CCOIitOANC£ WlTHTH[ DESIR[ OF TH[ OWNERS. STATE OF' -w.~~~---­COUNTY Ot~~,+-~ __ HA VE SA lISf ACTQIIIY 1\4D£HCE SIGNED THtS INSTRUWEHT AND CKNOVUDGED IT TO lIE (HlS!l1ER) FREE AND 'vU.UNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PUftPOt[S WENTIONED IN 1'H[ INSlRUWENT. " ....... .. "' .. S#~ ,., ". ~. l.,.,~······ .. ····. S~ (ItJ;!~~ \~ ... ~" .J~ \. .~' .. ~.ft1-a-. ... ' .... o-, .... ~ .. ~. ,~ ~ ~" " .••••• tt . -.-':" .. "" --""H"" STAlr 01' ~+ COUNTY Of' I CERTIfY THAT I KNOW OR H VE SATISFACTORY [\1~AT 00 ,. SIGNED THIS INSTRUWENT AND ACKNO DGED IT TO BE (HIS!HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES WENTIONED IN THE INSTRUUENT. ,""""--#,1 ~ t1R£" ,I :0( ". :_~ ---\\I~ ........ , ... , .1 " _ \ I.'~' '.-.. ~ ~, ", #'. \, ,. ... ~ ~~. .,., ~ r!:' ,.oT~r''''i ~ s : • s ~t ... 4III!t!~ ~ ~ Ao_ 01" I ,!l ~~'" : .L-I~ \. "'A":!'''01-~'''' .... o-,,' '";--~ o,' ....... ".".~ tl' SIGNA TURE OF NOTARY PUBLI~'4M~--u~-+---"- DArrD~~~ ____ ~~~~ "''1' APPOINTUENT EXPIRES "-'~iJ",WIi&- -""'#1".,,/1 ST'" TE Of it f COUNTY OF v ~ ... IO~$,...,-," ~ ~ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA S.ATlSFACTORY EVlDENC AT SIGNED THIS IHSTRUUENT AND ACICNO DGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) fREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES ANO PURPOSES ~NTlONED IN THE INSTRUUENt SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLlC ______ _ DArrD ________________ _ "''1' APPOtNTUENT EXPIRES ___ _ SIGHED THIS INSTRUUENT AND ACKNOW..EDGED IT TO IE (HIS/HER) FREE AND IJOLUNTARY ACT F'OR THE USES AND PUMIOSES WENlKlNEO IN lH£ INSTMJWEHT. Rr -----....... ..... ........ ..,...,...""....A. T"r- CONFORtlED Copy flU IN 20050725900017 CITY OF RENTON SPM 10.01 PAGEllt OF 10Z 07/25/2005 14:45 ICING COUNTY, &.IA MOO. AT _ U SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CI TY OF REN TON EXAt.fINED ANO APPROVED THIS 2a.1AY OF J"V L:.'t--0 20..Q£' ~~-AOWINISTRAT~: (PL~ ,iiUTIJ)IHG I PUIUC *lRKS APPROVALS: KING COUNTY DEPART~ENT OF ASSES11~~~~ EXANINED AND APPROVED THIS ~AY 01 ~ 10QS 5L.a:r-.t: Nob{~ ~~~-,/ - RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION Of NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4. S. 17 '-------------------.....I~------------------..... --_t ... ...., 01 iilllCi'I Wlila LDdIf flU .- 0::: I[ It) -'"" Ii I N ,~ ~ iii oi I ,.... I~ 01 ...... ~ -lin ,." an ,.... 01 N8817'~"W JJi.JO'(Cl. 588'51'E J~.oo'(R1) S 3RD STREET 80"13'00· (CXR1)(R2)-- FOUND BAR ~ CAP, DISTURBED 0.80' Yt£ST AND 1.1'1 NORTH fOUND BAR .t£ CAP, L. S. ,285J7, 0.21' WE$T AND 1.07' SOUTH fOUND BAR • CAP. L.S. ,28537, 0.1.' VlEST AND 0.14' SOUTH I urc t. ~~1l1' N ~ ~Qtl ~~:..---.~:;: "-'-:'5~. 7*'1 ~"".a...I.l~~~..a -:tl-=--"""-r . !;; ~~LQT3 ~-i ~ ,-ii7 SF ~ ~ N88·30'33·W 2Q8.J7'(C) __ 148.37'(C) --S8i'56'E JOO.oo'{Rl) i -. ..2f' SOOTH UN£ -PARceL .~ ----N~TH~-PM~B---- cd 80.00' FOUND BAR & CAP, L.S . ,2Q537, 0.26' EAST AND 1.02' SOUTH · ...... -==r=:w=---~ N SU' 22 E 'b ._ 70. ' i 1 •. 41' saa'JO'22~ LU • flO • ... P') • 01 ~,..; LOT 4 LOT 1 5,3H SF .... " o 4,993 SF' -o z FOUND 1/2" BRASS PIN IN CONCRETE IN CASE DOWN 0.3' AT THE INTERSECTION WITH S 5TH ST. SEE PAGE 2 FOR LOT DETAILS, EASEMENT AGREEMENT, COVENANT INFORMATION .~ND PUBLIC NOTICES GRAPHIC SCALE z ~ 0 ~.. * fOUND 1/8" BRASS PIN IN CONCRETE IN CASE 00 .. 0.3' ( .. rat') ' .... 400 fL FOUND 1 /8· BRASS PIN IN CONCRETE IN CASE DOWN 0 •• ' IItEH TON .,. I 40' S 7TH STREET I I I I BASIS Of BEARING -N8Q'59'sa-E JJQ.8Q'(R2) N88"58'3'·W 338."'(",) SSQ"22'W 340.11'(R1) -----1 _ ____.-." LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIF1CATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORR[Cn. Y REPRESENTS A SUR~Y WADE IY UE OR UNDER UY DIRECTION IN CONFORWANCE VIITH TH£ REQUIREUENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN ~9UST-D£CEWBER ,20...Q!... ~Lljt:k"70 .DUN~~SON CIVIL ENGIHlIIltHG . SIMtVlVlNG . LAND '&.MIIIINI . 14JWlJ ........ l~ ....... W.~j.l .. JIiIIGM: (lI»))4;.4141 ,. (_) ~ - STAll .' ______ _ COUNl'f ., _____ _ I C:UWV lHAT IICNOW QI H.l'C "'MfACTOItV'~ .... T lIGNA 1UIIE 01 NOT_ IIUII.Ie ______ _ ~WD ________________ _ lilY WOIf""T (WIlD ___ _ EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION eM' A; . La: OTY OF' R£NTON SHOIItT ~AT NUWBErt L.UA-,7-1J4-SHfI!l.. rtECOItOED UNDER RECOItOWG NO. 1801211011, It tQNG COUNTY. WASHiNGTON . W'i:J~ eo fEET rs lH( [AiT 110 FEET rs "ACT .J. PlAT NO. , OF ftEHTON CQ-OfIEfitA n\t: COAl COWfIIANV'S ACRI lIlACT$. ACCORDING TO lWE lILA T lWElltEOf' "fCOROEO eN ~W£ • OF PlATS. PAGE 21 •• CORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHfNGTOH. BASIS OF BEARING ASSUMED BEARING Of: N8Q"5i'31·W BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS IN CENTEAUNE OF S 7TH STREET AT TH£ INTERSECTIONS WTH C£DAA AVENUE S AND RENTON AVENUE S. SURVEY NOTES 1) Tln.£ INFORM A TlON PER ORDER NO. 20048787S ISSUED BY STEWART llTLE GUARANTEE COWPANY, DATED MAY 13. 2005. 2) fiELD WORK CONDUCTED DECEMBER, 2003. 3) THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITH A TOPCON 2110 EL£CTRONIC THEODOLITE READING DIRECT TO 5 SECONDS Of ARC AND MEASURING DISTANCE ±(JMM±(2PPMlCO». NGS BASEUNE COMPARED JUNE, 2004. THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS SET fORTH IN WAC JJ2-1JO. REFERENCES 1) PLA T NO. 1 OF RENTON CO-OP£RA TlVE COAl.. COWPAHY'S] ACRE TRACTS, VOL .• OF' PLATS, PG. 21, R£COfIOS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. - 2 3 ) RECORD OF' SURVEY, KING COUNTY RECQROtNG NO. 8710301005. ) RECORO OF SUR \t£ Y' KING COUNTY RECORDtNG NO. 1401071006. 4) DOUG _STON SHORT PLAT NO. 2 IN TH£ CITY 01 RENTON. kING COUNTY R£CQROHG NO. 1012111011. FOUND 2-BRASS DISk .TH ·x- WARK£D ·'/4 17-23-* LS ,..34- ~ 4-CONCR£T[ POST IN CASE RENTON 415 SI'*68'1~·E 1027.1J'(QTY OF' RENTON) SltW'OI-E 1027.17'(,,) - MSW SHORT PLAT CI'IY OF RENTON D .. ,IY DATE JQI ~ . ~ 4t ~ JMB 06/07/05 03129 CHkD. IV SCAL.[ SHUT LAH N/A 1 Of' 2 (=11--\( OF-RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-04-048SHPL LNO-20-0372 DECLARATION OF COVENANT PORTION OF THE OWNER OF LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 3 AND 4 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. COAL MINE HAZARD NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN A HAZARD AREA AS IDENTIFIED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AT THE TIME OF THIS SUBDIVISION, PRESENCE OF SUCH A HAZARD MAY TRIGGER MITIGATION MEASURE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE .EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. FOUND BAR & CAP, DISTURBED 0.80' WEST AND 1.87' NORTH (/)I -l-I-::) ....JO «Vl I a..-(/)"? «lD LOT 3 FOUND BAR & CAP, loS. #29537, 0.26' EAST AND 1.02' SOUTH ..... CJ) S'" ..... 4,917 SF 5.S'] §i FENCE S88'30'33"E ____ ~ -IS 0.7' ADDRESS #323 WALL IS 3.8' WEST AST \L. __ )(_ -.... N o 0> WALL IS 6.3' WEST- FENCE IS 0.4' WES T ==::;;;;;;;;;Q:t-- i!:i!: 0::0:: 00 ZZ -:-;-... o Iii ~(/) ....J......J ....J....J <C« ~~ GRAPHIC SCALE 80.00' S88'30'22"E ADDRESS #325 LOT 4 4,993 SF ao 0 10 20 <40 10 I _.~_I~I __ I---.I ( IN FEET) 1 inch -20 ft. I ,;.. 'I ,t~ ~ = -lD 0> .... N-.0> .... N r--..' o (/) N£;W ,- ({~ 150.00' N88'30'33"W I (/)1--0:: ....Jo ....JZ «-~QJ o 5' SETBACK EASEMENT -AFN 20041206002133 LEGEND • SET REBAR & CAP, L.S. #38975 A SET NAIL & WASHER, loS. #38975 o FOUND SURVEY MARKER, AS NOTED • FOUND SURFACE MONUMEN~ AS NOTED ED FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE, AS NOTED A CALCULATED POSITION ONLY, NOT SET (M) DATA PER 8ELD MEASUREMENT (C) DATA PER CALCULATION/PROPORTION Ef)DUN~,,~.~SON CIVIL ENGINEERING . SURVEYING . LAND PLANNING 145 SW 1551h Sireel, .'lIe. 102, SeulIl", WU.lhillgluti 98166 Phune: (206) 244·4141 fiu: (206) 244·4455 RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE / ADDRESS # 321 LOT 2 5,691 SF I ~ I -F!= I-::JI --...10 «(/) I a..-VlIC? «L() I I FOUND BAR & CAP, L.S. #29537, 0.21' WEST AND 1.07' SOUTH w o <i (L ""-.J o > MSW SHORT PLAT CITY OF RENTON OWN. BY JMB CHKD. BY LAH DATE 06/07/05 SCALE 1"=20' JOB NO. 03129 SHEET 2 OF 2