HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-087CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. ________ _ KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON CERTIFICATION KNOW All PEOPl.[ BY THE$[ PlESEHTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS or INT£REST IN TIlE LAND HERESY I)[SCRl8EO, DO HEREBY WAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION nI[REOrAND DECLARE THIS tu.P TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRES£NTATION or SAWE, AND THAT SAID SHOAT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AHD 1M ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE or THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SO OUA KAMaS AND S[Al5. STAT[ or WASHINGTON I CERTIN THAT I KNOW ~u~~ o~c~n"S::-'AC"T"O'::-Y-:EV"I=D'::-HC"'-:THJ.=T--- SlCHED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO 9[ (HIS/HER) fREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUWENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY;'~Uau;c~;;;i=:====== DATED MY APPOINT WENT [)(PIRES STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISfACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AHD ACKNOWLlDG£D IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AHD VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AHD PURPOSES IoiEHTlOHED 1101 THE IHSTRUWENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ DATED __________ _ IllY APPOIHTWENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED FOR RECORD THIS """ .. "DAY OF """".20 ."."AT c""M IN BOOK.""""cOF" "AT PAGe c"cAT THE REQUEST OF c'QH~cc~'ccC~,t,4c<!LF.h~c SURVEYOR'S NAME MGRc ... SUPT.c,OF'· RECORDS'·· APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE EXAMINED AHD APPROVED THIS _ [lAy OF' ____ .20_ CllY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS SCALE: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF' ____ • 20_ ADIoIISTRATOR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS ~AP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY ~AOE 8Y ~E OR UNDER ~Y DIRECTION IN CONfORWANCE WITH THE REQUIREWENTS Of THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF' . SUSAN CAMERER IN Ayg 2001 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 18898 ASSESSOR N.A. DEPUTY ASSESSOR PORTION OF: ACCOUNT NUWBER ~O-006S _ S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4. OF THE N.E. 1/4. OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANCE 5 EAST.W.M .• KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON VICINITY MAP i>~ ! ~~l~~ ~ i ~ ~ C> \0 1 ~ ~ I ; ~ ~ I f NOT TO SCALE :,~ CENTERLINE & MUNUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: A FOUND CONe. MON. IN c.,SE '0' W/ 7 BRASS DISC w ~ "-.J ~ ~ Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyors 8c Planners INSTRUMENT USED: GECDIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-MOLG WETHOD: TRAVE:RS£ EXCCEDING REQUIREMENTS OF W.AC. JJ2-1JO-090. INDEXING DATA: S.C. 1/4. N.c. 1/4. SEC. 8, T. 2J NORTH, R. 5 ruT, W.M. 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA 98032 (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fo,) (-MAIL: cnlOcramernw.com DRAWN BY: JACc CHECKED BY: J.A.O/Jctcc' DATE: i . __ .. _ Mon., Aug. 27, 2001 2000-21JSP SCALE: SHEET: NA 1 OF 2 PROJECT NAME: CWf'RER SHORT PLU-C/d JON OTftRS~tF:ti.: MonNoVlJ -, ... ·0g;!22000, 27, 2001, g:00:48 F: TfJfflJMod 20002000-2!J.pro Site Utilities and Drainage Plan CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S,E. 1/4, OF THE N,E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST, w'M" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON N J ... ! , " . GRAPHlC SCALE 1"=20' &,If' WYE IN7LJ G'X. IZU,!'I1NC'. ST 20 o 20 ";·PV<' ST @/Y. M/N. "C/aER FEHI'E OJ SEWA&E PV/'fP"/ "E,vWRdNMEN7 t1NE" -/H' M~OEI. W/ /NTEtSRAi, VAVi7 /SEC: I ":th· J#~ET z/z )-\ I_~\U //t? ~r /t,I'z ~ pvc "<",I./~tJ ,SFM W/ Z' MIN, NJVER :p I~ ,~ :~ I~ I I I I I LEGEND: @ roUND CONe. /lION. IN CASE WI 2" BRASS DISC IIDD CATCH SJ.SIN ~' JANI. @ STORM DRAIN IlfANHOLE K1J~'J.Nr @ SlJ/fTARY SEWeR AdANHOI.E _ DECIDUOUS TRff fa' HDU,.Y (J) *' CONIFFROUS TREE g" SPRUCE 1 w <C2!!!!YY;v> E s ;- RIM n. _91, 70 CENTER C/WJNE~ INtI. a-81.S' (18" CONe.) RIM EL.·9', ~tL-9J. S. IfN. n..-IlJ.SB '1M CL.-9S, crHTfR CtwlN£L 1N't. (L.-B554 '(III" CONe,) '1M n._9.5,J9 ~ •. ~J.'19--r4~, ~ ',j qr IG ,- t( h ~" ~" 'I \ ~:. '. ii, TOTAL LOT ARrA: 9,2.58:t SQ. rr. (0.21% ACRE) ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT IJ, BL?CK t, OF THE PJ..).T OF -RENTON HIGHlANDS" RECORDED ttl VOLUME 46 OF P!")'TS, AT PAGES, 34 -4T, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: SE:T PK NM. IN roaE OF ASPHALT ASSUME.D £t...fOO.OO u.s. Ffrr CONTOUR INTERVAL: 1,00 u.s. rcrr PARENT PARCEL A,P, NO.: 7227!50-0065 .. ~\ ~ ~ ~. '. :!";¢; \ ~"< VIOl'll TV IYJAP /2 .l9P,A '61 /'" :::: 1/4 MILE ~ I "" Si I\j '" ~ '" ~ .. ~' ~ ~ "'i'~o ~ 'll i· Z .. II ii ! .Q Q .c u • 0 i E '" $ ~ ] U ~ ~ U Ul Q ., ~ ~ , .~ CI) ... ~ > ~ ... 00 OIvi::e~ ~ ~~ <"; 00 < < ~ 8 ~~ i e N~ " =:I ~i-' E!! 10 ~~ ~ ~'" o oj g:;::~ ~; §~ ~ ~c=i uSa ~~ iii ttl 0 8 ~Q~ olE'll r:Il~w. u i a " ,~ ,h ,~ ,~ ,~ :~ , LEGEND: A FOUND CONe. MON. IN CASE '1:1' WI 2" BRASS DISC CATCH BASIN om @ ~ * STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SANITARY SrwER ItlANHOL£ DECIDUOUS TREE 1(j HOLLY (3) CONIFEROUS TREE g" SPRUCE CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER RECORDING NO. SCALE: VOL./PAGE GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=20' ----LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4. OF THE N.E. 1/4. OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON 1 inch 20 FT, PORTION OF: ----20 0 20 ,'q{Q !l;( I f~ "" ~, eo, ~ N S.E. 1/4, N,E, 1/4, SEC, 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. EAST, W.M. w~/ ~E BENCHMARK: sa PK NAIL IN EDGE or ASPHALT s ASSUMED fL.-100.00 U.S. FEfT § GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=20' --------20 0 20 BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HERrON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE or ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E., BEING NORTH 00"56'36" [AST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF ~RfNTON HIGHLANDS", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES 34-"", RECORDS or KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SEE SHEET f OF , FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 13, BLDCK I, or THE PLAT OF ~RENTON HIGHLANDS" RECORD£D IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES, J4 -41, RECORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CEHTERUHE a: IIOHUIIEHTA nOH OETAIL VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED CENTER CHANN£[ INV, 0..-S7.91 (lIr CONe.) RIM fl._95.S8 } {:t.. ffit:::~:g~ f:· g::f RIM n.-95.9B TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,2S8:t SQ. FT. (0.21% ACRE) lONING: R-B DENSITY PROPOSED: .~N/1S PER ACRE q,!i ,. DENSITY PERliITTEO: ,fM«'r' UNITS PER ACRE Q'1 BENCHMARK: SET PK NAIL IN EDGE Of ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.-lOO.DO U.S. FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.S. FEET PARENT PARCEL A,P, NO,: 722750-00es NOTES.: I. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. .. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE roUND WITHIN THE PLAT: -RENTON HIGHLANDS" WHILE PERFORMING SURVrr CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 13 RESULT'S IN NON-CLOSURE. CURY( ~TA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 13 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA fOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING Of 9TH AVENUE N. E. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSEcnON WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS METHOD Of CALCULATING LOT IJ SHOULD fUMINATE POSS/Blunts Of BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON fUTURE suRVEY'S. w -X-J' HIGH CHltJHUNK FENce ~: CENrrR--CHANNEL ~ , ~I IWV. fL.-8SS" (18" CONe.) RIM EL.-95.J9 t~ INY. £L.;';9J.79~-D.I.P. '-.J ~ I ____________ S~9:.pt2!~g J~52'J~L~TL ___________ : ~~~~~~~~I.ft~~--~~~~~~------~------------~~~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ~cramer Northwest Inc. INSTRUWENTUSED:GWD'AlITrR6DDAND/DRNIKDNDTM-A1DLG THIS WAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY WADE BY WETHOD: TRA\I£RS£ EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 3J2-130-090. WE OR UNDER WY DIRECTION IN CONrORWANCE WITH THE Surveyors & Planners REQUIREWENTS or THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE INDEXING DATA: s.£, 1/4, N,[, 1/4, SEC, B, T, 2J NDRTH, R, 5 roT, W, •. REQUEST or SUSAN CAMERER 945 N. CENTRAL, 5TE, #104, KENT, WA 98032 IN Aug, 2001 (253)852-4880 (local) DRAWN BY: DATE; JOB NO,: 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) JAC, Mon" Aug, 27, 2001 2000-21JSP (253)852-4955 (fa,) CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: E-WAll: cnlOcramernw.com J.A.O./J.E.C. 1 inch .... 20 FT. 2 OF 2 P,L.S. CERTIFICATE NO, 18898 PROJ(C NAME: CAMERER SHOR PLAT C 0 JON OTTERSO CR 0: /Jon NOli IJ 14:09:12 2000 'PLb~on., Aug~i; 2001, 8:5.5:44 F:\T"rro!.iOd~\2000-2)J.pro GRINDER PUMP MOOELGP210 envIlllM1eI1llcre GIIINDOI", .. , NOTES: 1. Can" ,cI.pled 10 any IVI'.rn 01 OWVplplnll dleilltd DoylocaicodlillnducllngCUlltorl,eopperlllCl1lOf'o IMlalUea. 2. Ut. Fltllnptppro~lot' """"'tII&I ..... w~ IhouId b.-per.ppllc:.bleCOCl •. AII'lnlngtlllutlt.""'''·lIQhl. :l Eaac:llum-on ...... clel*M1t on IItofIow '"" elUtIng lime dal.'lnt ....... n.p'_ •• wllCtldo .... •. !nl"IOfoltlnlllw.lw"!'I".Wiledlhtoughlnleldra!ftlg. piP/no '* 1", ... lt1lon INltucUON. 6. c:o.., 1.IUiI.Cly gukeWCIIllCl boiled In CWOIf to mall. .1I1n.rllghl. • T.nlll,oIIYP,U'c.ble,p,.wired.llc1coM,clldwlth ... A •• ,.ugh'wlrlllgconnectlon"'lprovld.d 101110111 pow., .nd Ilvnal connlcllon •. 01"" IInglhl 01 m.,erl •• I.w .. '.r.b!.on.p.claI Of 0". SII nOI. 2. ........ LUG ~'''C''LWIIII_' bipns ,.,i IJOWPt LIAD =I~&or: :,cr.r'trl'-' O'I!~;:et:,:!TT'M' -.. e!!!U! ~J~UI~,.,'~~rf:~\t:~ "I.LOY 7.Hlgh'.., .... lI'm'ndlcalOt •• "'p .... "'blylumlah.ton wall pI.'1 2_. 4~ InchH. Fill "~d will boa Iby otIMn). I~all ,I ~I otMoUi loe,lIon on prlllW .. .ndoo~,.rwlrlngdlllllamlnln.tall.lion ..,..lnlcUGtI .. MlSiblialatmtllClllurnt.hIG) may I» par,lIIt.., with clrculL L.lmp 1111"11 drcuil comIC! tiling 1,IS.mplll20vlO. .. o...lIotIepowar. "ngla ""_. GIIP"lIIIf ... art.1nd&lG11orI mcKOr with '"Iatralaulomallo AlMIII'IIfmll o\'el101C1 p~IKtIQlL 240 '011. 110 haN. . "AU~,,,,InInthl .. DotlOl:lCallorlwino. 10. BpecUk:lllon'lndclrlwlnll,.,.",bjKlLOctlan". ......._. environment I one CORPORATION PROTECTING MAN'S ENVIRONMENT 1113 ."'''0.." Auo • ac" .... el''',. N •••• " _l1lO1 ' .. ·"00 .... ,.'00" .. ~ .. .,. CO""'OL I .. ,"TIII. ~ ______ ILICTRIUL .bCTIOH 'Ol( f.(.EIT:}i1l; ru~M 1'iJ:f La) ILECTRIC"'L ~ClWER LUI) I'., W'ONI) C .... LI.I!O'T La) 'It~' ACCIlIWA'I' :~~r._ OUICIC DtICONNICT 1,,,4' )lPT IIIWISI GRINDI" IOU ..... CO"I U'TINQ HARNel1i \.,. 1 , ,; .~ DlSCMAItOELINE ANI) nTTINGSICOfOPl".'''''~ .tNOlTAlNI..lESSSTttELI lOCK I \~r's I JI~ ........... " .... . • INLIT -"'AfIDlItD 4-IOCKtT . FOit IOC,VENT WIELCIIHG ~VC r "" .... , .. " ....... , ..... l-------"'''P' TANIe ~TAHKL.,TlHOE'I'l(4) MINalJI ~,. COIlE Model 210 Series 6 ..,D ... _P 6~1I"4A7''''~NS -S7''''''.,t::. #.IAD ("A""ADk, 'l.IV'S P,&/) RIt, S> .. a F~I"',-~,:..,...._ .. ~ .. ,,. ... ~l.IV. or N. )73 -t14t : S>' -J)>'NA""~ NI,#I-b 2'i'r ""N. "'I~ •.. /ff,IJ ~p,., 'S~N<f/I'O L-//p' "&t77./.I'IIIt;S: 3 ·1'P·E~" Jc. 4.,,'= I'z.o' I·&N,"'. _/.t:I'=. /.CII' /. (,,,,.11'. If #.0 c!!:..!:: .', ''7 & //O/~24'-/J4' Z".o' ,.;;00_ ">;,'~IC~ ~.r6 ?.¥s '#.r,~ .H /rtf",y {"",(" .. 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LlA Reference NWJibet(.) ofDoc:uments assigned orreleased: Additional.reference Il11IJlbem are On _ GnmtOr(S): Grantee(s): 1. JohnandSusanCamcrer 1. ' of Lots 13, Bloclc 1. Renton Highlands, ac:oonting to the plat then:Ofreoording in Volume 46. Page 34-41. in KingCouniy. WaslUngton. Situate in the NB 1/4 of Section 8. Township 23 North, Range.5East, W,M.. intbe CityofRmtoIi; King Cotu1ty, Washington Whereas the Gl'8Iltor('). Owner(s) of said desm'bed property, desire to impose the following restrictive ooveuants tlIJJDiDg With the land as to use. present and future. oftheabovc described real property. NOW. THHREFORE. the af"otesaid OWllcr(s) licrcby estab1isb. grant and impose n:strictions and coveoams ll1IDIing with 1Jic Jandhereto attached described with respect to the use by the unde.rsigDed. his suooessOIS. heirs,.8I1d; assigns asfoUOws: CO!DJllUIIitvAssets: Thcowner(s) oftheabovedesaibed property. Cbcirsucc:essom, hemull1dassigns. hereby apee tmdQ()vawrtfo plaut andmaintajn two ornamentaltnles, a mjDimumcaliper of 1-112 .incbes(deciduous) or 6- 8 feet in Jieisht(tOnifi!r) within the 20 footftOtstyard setbaclc area.. This covenant is a oonditionin~ with theCiljtofRentonAdministrativeShortPlatReporttmdDecisioilWA~9. . . Dutatioo: These oovcuanJlJ sball run with the land. Any violation or breach oftheserestrietivecoveoants maybe erifoI:i:edbyproper legal procedures in the Superior Cowt of King Coumyby either the City of.Remon or tmy property oW1lllllfad' , , 'eel who are adversel . am:ctedsaid breach. .. ' BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8:303.m. Wednesday, June 29, 2005 Renton Municipal Building Council Chambers IN ATTENDANCE: Neil Watts, Chairman VISITORS: Dave Christensen, Utility Engineering Supervisor Larry Meckling, Building Official Corey Thomas, Fire Inspector Jan IIlian, Engineering Specialist Katie McClincy, Police Commander Linda Moschetti, Recording Secretary Judy Walter, Recording Secretary John Camerer, Camerer Short Plat Maria Laura Musso-Escude, WSDOT Kirk Tullar, WSDOT Bob Cavanaugh, City of Renton MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Watts_called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. 2. . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Christensen, seconded by Meckling to approve meeting minutes dated June 1 and 27, 2005, as presented. 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • ON/OFF-SITE DEFERRAL, CAMERER SHORT PLAT, LUA 04-087, 861 Aberdeen Ave NE -The applicant is requesting a deferral with a Restrictive Covenant for dispersion trenches, curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, and , street paving along NE 9th Street fronting the site subject. Action: Following a lengthy discussion, the Board approved the deferral for dispersion trenches, curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, and street paving along NE 9th Street subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a security device to the Board at 150% of the cost of installation of the dispersion trenches. The security device shall be in place prior to recording of the short plat. The work is to be completed during the building permit stage and prior to final sign off of the building permit. A design of the trench shall be submitted with the building permit for review and approval. 2. Deferral ofthe curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, and street paving along NE 9th Street was approved with the dollar amount to be equivalent to the costs of a larger capital improvement project improvement for a period of one year, with evaluation annually for renewal up to five years. It was moved by Christensen, seconded by Thomas. MOTION CARRIED. Board of Public Works Minutes June 29, 2005 Page 2 of2 • PUBLIC MEETING REQUEST -VARIANCE FROM NOISE ORDINANCE, WSDOT -SR -405 bridge maintenance deck and expansion joint repairs, -The applicant is requesting a variance from noise ordinance to conduct nighttime work to repair bridge and expansion joints on bridges along the.SR -405 corridor. The project was explained by WSDOT representatives' Laura Musso-Escude and project manager Kirk Tullar. The WSDOT representatives explained the project will span five years and work must be done during hot summer weather to allow the repair materials to cure properly. Due to the amount of traffic along the corridor, it is most efficient to conduct the repair work at night. At this time, it was uncertain in which order the bridges will be repaired. Chairman Watts requested WSDOT provide the City with a list of bridges on an annual basis. Mr. Tullar estimated each bridge will require one or two nights work with the longest bridge requiring four nights. Board Chairman Watts pointed out a written concern he received from a citizen with health issues and requested WSDOT contact the citizen in advance of the bridge work near her home to ensure her needs will be accommodated. The highest level of noise will come from sandblasting and the use of jackhammers with minor noise resulting from back up alanns on equipment. Ms. Escude pointed out the noise from back up alarms is in accordance with the WAC. She also noted noise from generators is relatively quiet and should not be a disturbance issue. Ms. Escude then confirmed WSDOT would be able to conduct its work and meet the City's proposed criteria. Action: The Board approved WSDOT's request and in addition to the criteria, after a lengthy discussion, two additional conditions (items number] ] and 12) were added and requested of WSDOT: 1. Lighting used for nighttime work shall, whenever possible, be directed away from oncoming traffic and residences, or shielded . . 2. All export haul vehicles shall have rubber bed liners to reduce noise impact. 3. All vehicles will be equipped with ambient sensitive type (or the contractor may use a backup observer in lieu of backup warning deVIces as allowed by WAC). 4. WSDOT shall conduct a training session on noise mitigation measures with WSDOT maintenance forces. WSDOT shall submit certification of the completion of said training. In addition to providing training, WSDOT shall grant the necessary authorization to have an acoustics expert/inspector onsite at all times to ensure immediate enforcement actions of all mitigation measures. 5. After two substantiated continuing complaints within the area of work are received and reviewed by staff, WSDOT shaH perfonn noise measures at bedroom (or property line) of affected residents. If noise' levels are above allowed threshold, WSDOT shaH provide additional mitigation measures such as, but not limited to, shielding of noise source, or reducing use of certain types of equipment, or providing motel accommodations. 6. .A 24-hour complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons shall be provided to register complaints or voice concerns. 7. The contractor shan notify affected residents identified in the City of Renton application about the nighttime work at least (7) seven calendar days in advance of initiating nighttime work, to residents within the first and second receivers. ',-, \ \ '. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECI': CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 11, 2006 Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 cO CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SHPL Attached please find the above-referenced original mylar and three paper copies ofthe mylar for recording with King County. Also, attached are five original documents to be recorded along with the short plat mylar. The recording instructions in order are as follows: 1. Record the short plat mylar. 2. Record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants document. 3. Request King County to write the recording number of the Restrictive Covenants document on the short plat mylar. 4. Request King County to return the executed copy mylar to us for our records and also, the related document. Please have the Courier take these documents via 4-hour service. A check in the amount of$15.73 made out to CD&L is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.5590.0060.49.000014. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Kayren Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin (please provide PID/recording #'s to Sonja, Carrie, and Patrick) Patrick (Notice to final short plat on Permits Plus) Carrie Olson (Provide any unpaid SDClSAD fees to Jan for posting to parcels on Permits Plus) Yellow File \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Camerer SHPL 07m ClerlcRecord.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBillLDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 7, 2006 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Carrie ~. Olson, Plan Review x7235 00 CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SHPL Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Sbortplats 2006\Camerer SHPL 06L ZimSign.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 24, 2005 Jan lllian, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review CAMERER SnORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SBPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmerrnen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: AcceRted Related Comments NA i. Project#s "7 As-Builts l t/ Cost Data Inventory V Bill of Sale V Easements ./ (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Square Footage: V Restrictive Covenants V ------·'7 -. Maintenance Bond Release Pennit Bond D ;/ Comments : '- ~ Approval: j,};j t(}dt! -f~} Kayren Kittrick ,~,Date: __ _ yrllian Cc: Yellow File •• -.... ~-~--._~. __ ~ ........ J .... • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 24, 2005 TO: Bob Mac Otiie, Technical Services FROM: sonj~ Fesser, TeChnica~ Services (!I. ~ Came Olson, Plan ReVIew x7235 t;)-/ SUBJEcr: CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • Declaration of Restrictive Covenants-Trees • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. ~~ (] Approval: ~ t', ~,. Robert T ac Onie, Jr. (1 Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON'Shortplats 2005\Camerer SHPL OSm TS-PR Review Closeoutdoc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECt: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 21, 2005 Nancy Weil, Planning Carrie Olson, Plan Review CAMERER SHORT PlAT LUA-04-087-SBPL Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me know. Please return comments and folder to me by Monday, October 3,2005, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. . • Mitigation Fees have been posted to the LUA and will be paid prior to recording. • Demo Permit not required. Approval: hl~ J NancyW~ , Date: Cc: Yellow File I:\P\anReview\COLSON'Shortp\ats 200S\CamererSHPL 04m P\anningReview.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 24, 2005 Jan Conklin, Development Services Came K. Olson, Development ServiceslPlan Review x7235 C9 CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SBPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information: If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2005\Camerer SHPL 02m Jane.doc September 9,2005 John and Susan Camerer 945 North Central Avenue Kent, Washington 98032 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL CAMERER SHORT PLAT, LUA 04 -087 861 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Camerer: On June 29,2005, the Board of Public Works met to consider your application for a deferral for installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, and street paving along NE 9th Street fronting the site. The Board also agreed to defer the dispersion trenches until building permit stage. Prior to building permit final, the dispersion trenches shall be installed and inspected. A site plan providing sizing calculations and trench location will be required to be submitted to Public Works for review. A separate storm permit from Public Works will be required. The Board granted the deferral subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant provides a fee to the Board to cover the deferred items. The fee shall be in place prior to recording of the short plat. The estimated cost of the deferred items is $15,029.75. The fee shall remain in place for a period of one year and shall be renewed, if necessary, up to five years. As per Ordinance 4521, Section 4-34-14, you have fifteen (15) days from today's date to appeal the Board's decision. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of$75.00. hlfilesys/bpw/bpw-02 deferralslbpw-02 deferrals 2005/camerer letter 090805.doc Camerer Short Plat, LUA 04 -087 September 9, 2005 Page 2 of2 You may contact Jan lllian, Engineering Specialist, at (425) 430-7216 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Linda Moschetti Recording Secretary LM:lsm cc: Gregg Zimmerman, PIBIPW Administrator Neil Watts, Chairman Board Members Jan IlIian, Dev. Servo Engineering Specialist Pat Miller, Dev. Servo Construction Inspector LUA04-087 hlfiJesyslbpw/bpw-02 deferralslbpw-02 deferrals 2005/camerer letter 090805.doc , .' . South Sound -• ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS TO THE CITY OF REJ\TON Business Banking Group 343 Andover Park East Tukwila,WA 98188 APPLICANT ,:]"L ~,vtc./,~,/ BANK Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. :;t .. h If 1:Ad!1I?/U . Branch Tukwila Owner Address i.E: I (/lUk;) A ~ e, /v'E. Address -3-4-3-A-n-do-y-e-r-P-a-r-k-E-a-st Phulle. Fax: Anemion: Title Phone: Fax Attention: Title. Tukwila WA 98~1~8~8 __ __ 206 394 3461 --=2-=-0~6 ---:5=-=7:-::5,--.:;.6..;..98.;,...2,,------_., Tom Fisher ------------Business Banker rhe ahove referenced bank hereby certifies that John Camerer .~~-=------------------dollars ($15,029.75) IS on deposit in the account number ~lo..:4x.>0",,4 .... 2,,-,7,-,,0!..!.8!...!1,",,9,--_____ _ under the name of the City of Renton, to secure the applicant's performance of the following-\ .... :(~I:k rt!qllireu 111 connection with the plat or project described below PICII or Project· CI)I!YlC-lC"...,r .r It(),/' f y;:14 f Lu A 0 Y -v ~ 7 L.ocution ! Address of Plat or Project: ~ b j L3 6..[..".ir~V1 A./L tV f /1:K.~ j.o/ y'1 The requirell work is generally described as follows. Wr.:uve., or Lv-{~ ."it. 1011''~ L .. -II. vr rl..,G./ll-vVJ: . . , O~[{J_ v'y ~,e:ll "" f ... .//t;. -i-,,.;,,. I/li. / (,1 It;; d I ~ /~-/ f IJ /I -t-/(,A t... If' J~ L v/ b.J r4&./ f,d~/k/ s-lllrMd/4.I/l~9(_. 4"d 5"1/(~_1-/t<v U''lCi IOYl7 7 jV C 9/1.. ~f: fl'v.'1J'~i /-k( {Ide, The bank hereby cerlifies and agrees that these funds will not be released without written InstruClions from an authorized agent of the City of Renton (the City). We further agree that lhl.:;,\.: funds ""ill be paid to the City within 10 days of receiving written notice that the City has determined 111<lt the reqUIred work has not been properly performed The bank shall have no dUll Of fight l(l evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or determination by the Cit) ~lI1d sh,1I1 i1~)1 lilterplead or lO any manner delay payment of said funds to the City. The ;,pplicant'hereby agrees lo this assignment of funds and that Its obligatIon to perform the rcqllll-::d work is not limited to the amount of funds held by the bank. Tim Assignment of funds IS irrevocable and cannot be cancelled by the bank or appli(i.li1l I h~'~~ tunds may not he aSSigned, pledged, used as security or otherwise mad to the ;IPflll~;1I11. bank or a third party withom the prior written consent of the CIty. AlIIl" ped Signature :Hj~~mEJ~/ -UVU/l -t:./ Name, Tille , ---ib4~,--- iJ<HIC Tom Fisher, Business Banker Name, Tltle 4/27/06 Date Printed: 07-06-2006 Payment Made: -CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-087 05/09/2006 10:22 AM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,205.75 Payee: CAMERER,JOJHN Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Amount 488.00 717.75 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C VISA Account Balances Trans Account Code 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5024 5036 5045 5050 5909 59.41 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 00D.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00,0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 304.000.00.345.85 305.000.00.344.85 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Visa Description Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax 1,205.75 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0602338 Printed: 04-17-2006 Payment Made: ecITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U050038 03/30/2006 04:00 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,332.00 Payee: JOHN CAMERER Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl Payments made for this receipt Amount 155.00 40.00 1,017.00 45.00 60.00 15.00 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C VISA Visa 1,332.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.DO.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 R0601606 Printed: 04-17-2006 Payment Made: ~ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Water Service Permit RECEIPT Permit#: W050572 11/21/200501 :33 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 2,585.00 Payee: JOHN CAMERER Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Uti1 Connect Water 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 10223 2,585.00 Account Balances Amount 1,525.00 1,060.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 4021 405.343.90.00.0000 Meter Processing Fee .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4068 405. Hydrant Deposit .00 Remaining Balance Due: -$0.00 R0506290 Reh.lm Address: City CleJ:k· s Office City ofRentan 1055 South Grady Way Renton.WA 98055 RefereDceN1UIiber(')c)f~ assigned arreleased:Additional ref'ereI:u:ei J1Il1I1beriI are ali _ Grantor(s): . Grantee(s): 1. lohnandSusanCamerei' 1. C-·of Lots 13. Block 1; Renton Highlands. acconJing to the pJat thcreofi"eCOrCliDg in Volume 46. Page3441,in KingColulty. washington. Situate in the'NE 1/4 ofSec:tion 8, Township 23 North. Range 5 East. W,M.. in.the City ofRaltons King Coonty. WashiDgtnn. . Where8s the Grantor(.). OwDet(s) of saiddcst:n"bed property,clesiteto impose the foIlowing restrictive c:ove:uimts nmniDg with the·.IaI1d as·to. use. preseot and t\Jtun\ ofthcabOv-e described rea1.property. .' NOW, THEREFC>RB,1he afOmsaidOWDCt(s)JlC:rebyestabHah. gnint and i1Dpose restrictious and.~ rurming with the land hi:retOattaclJeddesaibed with reSpeCt to the use by the unde.rsigDed. bissuooeSsors. heirs, 8IlIi:'assigns u~ . Comn:nuiityAssg§: ''11ICOWJU:r(s)ofthe abovedescribCd property. tJJeir soccessom,heinJ and assigns. beteby agteeandOOV'C:ll8DttOpJImt'andmaiiJtaintwoomattje.ntl!ltrees,amjnjmumcaliperofl-1I2jncbes(dcciduoos)or~ Ueet in heisht(conifa') Wifhintbe 20 foOtfiOatyaldaetbaCk ... This coveaWitisa CODditiOn inflClClOJdaDce With the Ci~ofRelitonfo'mi!ristri1tive Short PhIt Reportai2l1DeeisioDWA~9. DuAtioo: 'I'h4:sc ~sball nmwith the land; Any violation or.breach of these restrietivec:ovewmts maybe erifon:;ed byproper.legalprocedures in the Superior CoUrt ofKing·Coui1ty by eitbettbe City ofRaIton or any property owners ad' • • 'ect ,who are adversel affi:cted said breach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor bas caused this instrument to be executed this ~~ ~~OFW~~~)~~~~~~~~----------~ COUNTY OF KING ) J 1 certifYtbat1blow or have satisfi1ctmy evidea1ce that Oi!-n Chn~ " "' , ~ . sigDedtbis instiumeot and ~edged .' it to be fiee and ~luntary act fot the uses aDd pwposes maitioDed in Notary p~ the"' . '. , . State of WashfhQton MARIA CRISllN.A, BAMIlAO My A~in~E~eS . . inBndforthe8tateofWasbington m/tlAiJ. C" Mm 6th CITV.F RENTON PlanningJBuildingIPub!icWorksDepartment' . Gregg Zimmer-milll: P .E., Ad~istrator Mr and Mrs. John and SUSall ca.m~rer () ., _A.A~ 11 .. ~ . 861 Ab~rdeen Avenue NE ;;..?:>O( ~"'l' .., . RentonWA98056 .' ~tJA-~crv5'f '. .' . SUBJECT: CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087~SIlPL Dear Mr. and Mrs. Camerer: . . . The review submittal on th~ above.,.inentioned short plat has been completed anp the f~llowing c6mmert~' have been returned. . . SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are .required to be completed priodo recording ofthe short plat.) 1. Contact Jan lllian at 425-430':'7216 for requirements. to be completed on the civil construction portion .~~~~ . . 2.. . Submit the origiIlal, signed· and notarized DeClaration' of Restrictions C6vehan~ for Trees .document ' .. to l>e recorded'withthe'short plat ..... ~.. . . . 3. Pay Transportation and Fire Mitig~t{onFees:'1.or 1 lot in the amotint.of $1,205~ 75 underLUA04,.Osf These fees maybe paId at the Customer Services:Cowiter on the :6thfloor of Repton CitY HalL . When.the above items arecompleted,.you may submit the signed and notarized short phit TIlylar (one original mylar and. one copy (on mylar)'of each sheet) ~long with Rcheck in the amount' of $15:73 (current courier fee) made .out to CD~L. . . Should you need to discuss any portion ofthis lyt,teiplease contact me at (425) 430.;7235 . . . Sincerely, . , ..... . Carrie.K. Olson· Developmerit Services, Plan Review FAXED TO: John Rutland, CraI11erNorthwest mc.·at253-852-4955 . I:\PlanReview\COLSOJ'.l\Shortplats 2006\Camerer SHPL 06LRequestMylarStop:doc ~. ---.,----. -1O-5-S·-So-u-th-Gr-'-, -ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-,·W"...· .-as-h~in-gt~on-. -9-80-5-5----------R E N T 0 No' (1) This papeicontains ~% ~ material, 300~ ~I cOnsumer AHEAD OF THE,CUIlVE CITY 8F RENTON . . . . PlmminglBtiildinglPubllc WorkS Department." Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg ZimmermanP.E., Adininistrator . . ' . . , September 21, 2005 Mr andMfs. Jo'hn and Susan Camerer' 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Rento'n WA 98056· SUBJECT:" CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-O~-087-SHPL . Dear Mi. and Mrs, Camerer: The review submittal on the abo've-mentio'ned sho'rtplat has been co'nipletedand the fo'llo'Wing c~mments have been returned. Please review these6o'~ents and make the necessary changes. Onye cha~ges have been co'mpleted pl~ase . resubmit three copies o'f the SPo'rt plat drawings and o'therrelated documents. . , . .. . ' SHORTPLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: L The legal descriptio'ns (currently noted on the sh9rt plat drawing); the Dec1aratio'nofRestrictive tree Covenant, a~d'even in the title repo'rt,:do~ot~eferen~e> ~n the reco'rded sho'rt plat drawitigpages (34-41 inchisive ):A11 said pages (34-41ihclusive) sho'uld be no'tecl in th.e legal. desciiptio'ns,no't just "page 34"; 2. Add the follo'~pg atthe end;ofthe1egaldescriptio'no'n·p.age i o'fthe.Dec1aratio'n.ofRestrictive Tree Co'venant dOCument: Situate in the.:NE ~. o'fSection8,ToWnshlp 23No'rth,Range 5 East; W.M., in th~ City ofRento'n, King Co'unty,'Washingto'n: ~efefeh(;ethe:Dec1aratio'n o'fR~stricti"e TreeCo'venant document o'n the sho'rtplat-drawing, a.n<i proVIde a space fo'i;theh!co'rding number th~reo'f. . . . ~ • '.;:.' , :;"'-':' :.-: ..... -< ...... " ~ " ... . 3. . No'te all ea~eme~ts, agreement~andi~sbicti~~:~6Ve~~nts o'frecord ~n the sho'ri piat drawing. ThisWo'uid '. include the DeClaration o{Pro'tective R;~stricti&nsinclE.!isementsdo'cuiiient reco'ided under Kirig County Rec. No; 3900127; and aneasementfo'rgFading ofsp-eet siopes, ~tc,as.dedicated in the underlying plat. Said .' ea.sement and pro'tective restrictio'~sref~rences were fo'und ip the. Tico'r TitleCo'mpany PlatC~ificate- document, Schedule B, Order No'. 63.530l6~3~ dafed June 15,2005; . ., . 4. ' .. Remo've the .~'(X)NTROL lNTERV AL" blo'ck, ctti:rently notedo'n Sheet 2' o'f 2 . . " . . ." . . .,"-'. 5 .. TheJo'tallt~ngt:1:lnoted for the so'uthwesterly short plat b,oundaryline (108.08'),diifers, from the sumined' length o'fthetwo' lo'ts.alo'ngthe same bo'undary li~e (108.09'r . . F' 6. The radius dimensio'n, fo'rthecurve atthe intersectio'no'f AberdeenA veNE and NE 9th Street, is ~urrently o'verlayed by the street mime (Aberdeen Ave NE) and is, difficultto' read. ReVise asneeded. . . Sho'uld you need to' discuss any Po'rtio'n of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235 . . Sincerely, ~~.&i2M-r1 Carrie K. Olso'n . Develo'pmfmt Services, Plan Review > FAXEDTO: Jo'hnRutland, Cramer N~ithwt?stIric. at 253-852-4955 cc: Yello'W File . . ·I:\PlanReview\COI,.SON\shortplats2005\aimerer SHPL 03L ChangeRequestStop.doc 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,.Washington 98055 . * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD DE THE CURVE fit' • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGlBillLDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: August 24, 2005 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 CD CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • Lot Closures • Declaration of Restrictive Covenants-Trees • Short Plat Certificate • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed" please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. APPro~SJ ~2·· \~a..cltoot..JJate: ~ \ql~ Robert T ac Onie, Jf. Son· ess Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON'Shortplats 200s\Cramerer SHPL Olm PR-TS ReviewStart.doc • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 19,2005 Carrie Olson SonjaJ. Fesser~ Camerer Short Plat, LUA-04-087-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The legal descriptions (currently noted on the short plat drawing), the Declaration of Restrictive Tree Covenant, and even in the title report, do not reference all the recorded short plat drawing pages (34-41 inclusive). All said pages (34-41 inclusive) should be noted in the legal descriptions, not just "page 34". Add the following at the end of the legal description on page 1 of the Declaration of Restrictive Tree Covenant document: Situate in the NE % of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Reference the Declaration of Restrictive Tree Covenant document on the short plat drawing, and provide a space for the recording number thereof. Note all easements, agreements and restrictive covenants of record on the short plat drawing. This would include the Declaration of Protective Restrictions and Easements document recorded under King County Rec. No. 3900127, and an easement for grading of street slopes, etc, as dedicated in the underlying plat. Said easement and protective restrictions references were found in the Ticor Title Company Plat Certificate document, Schedule B, Order No. 6353016-3, dated June 15, 2005. Remove the "CONTROL INTERVAL" block, currently noted on Sheet 2 of 2. The total length noted for the southwesterly short plat boundary line (108.08') differs from the summed length of the two lots along the same boundary line (108.09'). \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0387\RV050909.doc • September 19,2005 Page 2 The radius dimension, for the curve at the intersection of Aberdeen Ave NE and NE 9th Street, is currently overlayed by the street name (Aberdeen Ave NE) and is difficult to read. Revise as needed . . H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0387\RV050909.doc\cor DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS· MEMORANDUM August 24, 2005 Jan lllian, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review CfJ CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA-04-087-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Short Plat drawings I~-~~~ fYzo~~ ~~ Approval: _~~ _________ ' __________ ' Date:. ____ _ Kayren Kittrick JtlliM'ttt liri@s Cc: Yellow File Date: August 15, 2005 To: City Of Renton City Of Renton Short Plat For Camerer Short Plat From: John Rutland, Cramer Northwest Planner Subject: Camerer Short Plat File Number: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A The following submittal is for final approval of the Camerer Short Plat. Enclosed you will find the final site plan drawings and all supporting documents per the City of Renton submittal checklist requirements for final short plot. Confirmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval: On June 29, 2005 the Board of Public Works met to consider this application for a deferral to install dispersion trenches, curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage, and' street paving along NE 9th Street fronting the site. Civil drawings have been designed,. . reviewed, and approved by the Public Works Department. On 'or around July 7, 2005 the Board granted the deferral subject to payment of security bond. I feel that this sufficiently demons~rates that the conditions of approval have been addressed. . Ifthere are any questions regarding the final submittal please contact me at (253)-852- 4880 or email . Sincerely, #d;..~ John Rutland Project Manager Cramer Northwest Inc. Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE TREE COVENANT Pro e Tax Parcel Number: 722750-0065 Reference Number(s) ofDocwnents assigned or released: Additional reference nwnbers'are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): L John and Susan Camerer L Ci of Renton, a Munici alCo eration Lots 13, Block 1, Renton Highlands, according to the plat thereofrecordingt in Volwne 46 of Plats, page 34, in King COWlty, Washington, Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present aDd future, of the above described real property. ' NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid OWller(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the Wldersigned, his successorS, heirs, and assigns as follows: . Community Assets: The owner(stofthe above described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to plant and maintain two ornamental trees, a minimwn caliper of 1-112 inches (deciduous) or 6- 8 feet in height (conifer) within the 20 foot front yard setback area. This covenant is a condition in' accordance with the City of Renton Administrative Short Plat Report and Decision LUA-04-087, Duration: These covenants shall fWl with the land. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King COWlty by either the City of Renton or any property owners ad'oinin sub'eet ro who are adversel affected b said breach. 200_/} , IN WITNE7!S REOF, said Grantor has caused this instrwnent to be executed this __ day of t/( V¥\o ~ 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING) ~ C>t-t ,....J ~O I . that I know or have sati~tory evidence that _ ........ ~~~~~~UC;-~~' .. ~A-N C,q M-ee~ signed this instrwn--en-t-an-d-ac-kn-o-w-l-edg-ed NOTARY PUBL\G T,i.~tp be 's/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in -rE OF WASH\NG "dl~rs ent. ~~RANCE R. ~~~SOt~'06 t'"'\ • My.Appointment Expire., .\'~" . J._-.c._ 'v-l Notary Public in and for the State of Washington . Notary (Print) "eJ2.Q~ L~ (L V'J \ \..£ 0.,...) My appointment expires: 1'-\ 1+" ~ .""2..0 I,) <- Dated: 8, f D-c5 • Cramer Northwest, Inc. 945 N. Central,Ste. #104, If Found Please Call Us At Wed Dec 06 13:01:16 2000. {PID=CNI04-JAC} Kent, WA., 98032 1-(800)-251-0189 Use [Draftl-[ASAP PRJ DATAl-menu instea PROJECT: Q:\TerraModel\2000\2000-213.pro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERER SHORT PLAT PARENT PARCEL PT.# DESCRIPTION BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 26 27 17 28 25 NOOo56'36"E S55°41'42"E Radius Point: Radial Bearing In: Radial Bearing Out: Radius: Delta: Arc: Tangent: N71°08'52"W 5582.187400 4880.068600 101.62 ft 5683.793627 4881.741624 147.01 ft 5600.939065 5003.179104 17 5509.828150 5158.416990 S59°35'27"E N77°59'43"W 180.00 ft 18°24'16" Left 57.82 ft 29.16 ft 5547.267707 4982.353872 108.08 ft 5582.191423 4880.071809 -------------------------------------------~----------------------------------- Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error'of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area 0.00402 0.00321 S38°34'36"W 0.00515 414.28 (414.52) 1/80501 1/102972 1/129099 = 9257.81 sq. ft. 0.21 +\-ACRE. , Cramer Northwest, Inc. 945 N. Central, Ste. #104, If Found Please Call Us At Wed Dec 13 14:41:54 2000 {PID=CNI04-JAC} Kent, WA., 98032 1-(800)-251-0189 Use [Draftl-[ASAP _PRJ DATAl-menu ins tea PROJECT: Q:\TerraModel\2000\2000-213.pro LOT 1 PT.# DESCRIPTION BEARING 5034 27 17 28 5035 5034 S55°41'42"E Radius Point: Radial Bearing In: Radial Bearing Out: Radius: Delta: Arc: Tangent: N71°08'52"W N08°14'40"E DISTANCE NORTHING 5646.879458 81.52 ft 5600.934938 17 5509.824023 S59°35'27"E N77°59'43"W 180.00 ft 18°24'16" Left 57.82 ft 29.16 ft 5547.263580 61. 37 ft 5567.093969 80.62 ft 5646.880785 EASTING 4935.838588 5003.178111 5158.415997 4982.352880 4924.275065 4935.835704 ELEVATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bei'iring Closing distance Total traverse length Total error'of closure Error of clo,sure in latitude Error of closure'in departure Area Area 0.00133 -0.00288 S65°17'06"E 0.00317 -281.08 (281.32t 1/88536 1/211755 1/97464 = 4627.85 sq.ft. 0.11 \128 ACRES {VAL {VAL"} {DIR}. -, Cramer Northwest, Inc. 945 N. Central, Ste. #104, If Found Please Call Us At Wed Dec 13 14:41:54 2000 {PID=CNI04-JAC) Kent, WA., 98032 1-(800)-251-0189 Use [Draftl-[ASAP PRJ DATAl-menu instea PROJECT: Q:\TerraModel\2000\2000-213.pro LOT 2 PT.# DESCRIPTION BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING BASTING ELEVATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 5683.788870 4881.741550 S5So41'42"E 65.49 ft 5034 5646.878828 4935.839507 S08°14'40"W 80.62 ft 5035 5567.092012 4924.278868 N71°08'52"W 46.72 ft 25 5582.188570 4880.065156 NOOo56'36"E 101.62 ft 26 5683.794797 4881. 738179 ,. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area 0.00593 -0.00337 S29°37'34"E 0.00682 294.45 (294.44) 1/43184 1/49678 = 1/87357 4629.96 sq.ft. = 0.-11 \128 ACRES {VAL.{VAL} {DIR}. .c I TY OF REI'nCN PBR,.) 425 43121 '1'241 t-'.IQG/IO,j JUL-29-2005 '11:42 ."Je e CITVeF RENTON .£ . -. x.aiby Kcolbr.Wbeelet, Mayer July 7~ 2005 John and Susan Camerer 945 North Central Avenue . Kent, Washington 98032 .SUBJltCf: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL CAMER.ER SHORT PLAT. LUA 04 -087 ·861 ABERDEEN A VENE' . RENTON. W A 98056 . • t, • • Deat Mr~ and Mrs. Camerer: Board of Pu'blic Works On June 29, 2005, the Board of Pub He Works met tocollsider your application for a d~femll for installation· of dispersion. trenches, curb, gUtter. sidewalks,. storm drainage. and street paving along NE 9th Street fronting the site .. ' . The Board grantedtbe defe111l1 subjectto theJollowingconditions: 1. The applicant provides a ~ecuritY devi'ce.acceptabJe to the Board'rocover the deferred' items. The security device shall be iu place prior to recording Of the short plat. The ~curity device shall cover 150% Of the coSt of the deferred improvement .. ~ The estimated cost of the .deferred items is $15,029.15. The security device shall remain in pJace' fora period of one' year arid shall be renewed,if nec~saiy, up l(J five years. As per Ordinance 4521. Section 4-34-14. you have fifte~Jl (15) days from loday's date to appeal the Board's decision. Appeals are tobeflled in '~Titing, wl.th the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of 575.00. . .~ JUL -23-2005 11: 42 CITY OF. REtnON PBF\.,1·, e· 425 430 7241 F' . 33/03 e Camerer Short Piat, LU A 04 -087 July 7, 200S ' Page:2 of2 You may contact Jan IHiafl, Engineering Specialist, at (425) 430-72 t 6 if you have any questions or need additional infonnation. . ~.~ UndaMOschett: a . Recording ;Secretary LM:lsm ,": ~, ... cc: 'Gregg Zimmerinan, PiBIPW Ac1ministrator 'Neil Watts. Chairman Board Members ( Jan lilian. pev; Serv,Engin!=!cJingSpecialisr Pat Miller. ~v, Serv.Constructien Inspector LUA04-087 ..; ,', ... . ..... " . blfilesyslbpwtbpw.()2 deferralslbpw-02 defem.1s2005Icamerer letter 07070j . doc TOTAL P.03 • CITY.F RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor July 7,2005 John and Susan Camerer 861 Aberdeen Avenue Northeast Renton, Washington 98056 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL CAMERER SHORT PLAT, LUA 04 -087 861 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON, WA 98056 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Camerer: Board of Public Works On June 29, 2005, the Board of Public Works met to consider your application for a deferral for installation of dispersion trenches, curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, and street paving along NE 9th Street fronting the site. -The Board granted the deferral subject to the following conditions: 1. The appljcant provides a security device acceptable to the Board to cover the deferred items. The security device shall be in place prior to recording of the short plat. The securitY device shall cover 150% of the cost of the deferred improvements. The -- estimated cost of the deferred items is $15,029.75. The security device shall remain in place for a period of one year and shall be renewed, if necessary, up to five years. As per Ordinance 4521, Section 4-34-14, you have fifteen (IS) days from today's date to appeal the Board's decision. Appeals are to be filed In writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of $75.00. --- __ -..rhlL.ffiLLlu;e:,:syps.ufulfPllIWl/.J.fuurp"wklL-;:J.OLt.2~dJ.te:J.Jfp~!T~-au;ls~ful,l1pfl'w~-:,-OI..:;2.J.d~e~fe~rrkla"-lls ..... 2~Oll.JOu5~/c04au;mu;purp;o.r~Jp,:"tt~p~r~O-I.J701.l-7/.J.O,..5~d.u.ou.;c,--__ --,----:~R· -----E -N T--0 -N- -055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 -_ -_ * ~hiS paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE • Camerer Short Plat, LUA 04 -087 July 7, 2005 Page 2 of2 • You may contact Jan lilian, Engineering Specialist, at(425) 430-72 i 6 if you have any questions or need additional infonnation. Sincerely, ~u1r' tUaLtk, ~ 07?t. ~n~a Moschetti Recording Secretary LM:lsm cc: Gregg Zimmerman, PlBfP,W Administrator Neil Watts, Chairman;' ',' Board Members Jan Illian, Dev. Sery/Engineeririg Specialist , Pat Miller, Dev, Servo ConstrUction !nspe~i()r;:;':"" ' LUA 04 -087 . .." '-.\ : h/filesyslbpwlbpw-02 deferralslbpw-02 deferrals 2005/camerer letter 070705.doc CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 10th day of September, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision documents. This information was sent to: Susan & John Camerer Owners Jon Otterson Contact Bill Reister Party of Record Madeline Donckers Party of Record ~ /'}1'.dI Jl •. .-" ... ,' ......... """', (Signature of Sender); ~ .:~ .... ~\.~~ .. ~4f.'··'tt : .. ·:~\ss'O..v·· . .oL 'I, : .. ~~. ~ .. -~, STATE OF WASHINGTON f /"8 ~OT4-9).-~·~~~ ) SS ~: _ m: ~ ~(/). ,¢ "_ ('I): ~ COUNTY OF KING ) ~ '"'"' .~ uaLle .: ~ I, "/-,.. •• : . " ~ ···fl.2 .... ;:. .: I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker .... Oi-··.f!.:9]····0"O_-.: Signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for ~,~~d.. ...... - purposes mentioned in the instrument. '''''''''' Dated: q, / I (" loy Notary (Print): _______ .... MCIIAR ..... II ..... YN ......... KAc:wMC<.II.IUHEFF~-----_____ _ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Camerer Short Plat LUA04-087, SHPL-A • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING I PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: October 7, 2004 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following Information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Camerer Short Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Nancy Weil Acceptance Date: August 4, 2004 Applicant: Susan & John Camerer Owner: Susan & John Camerer Contact: Jon Otterson PID Number: 7227500065 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: September 10, 2004 Appeal Period Ends: September 24, 2004 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. Location: 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Comments: , Bill Reister 2186 NE 9th PI Renton, WA 98056 (party of record) Madeline Donckers • • PARTIES OF RECORD CAMERER SHORT PLAT LUA04-087, SHPL-A Susan & John Camerer 861 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: 425-430-9609 (owner / applicant) Jon Otterson Cramer Northwest 945 N Central Ave ste: #104 Kent, WA 98032 tel: 253-852-4880 eml: jon@cramernw.com (contact) 901 Sunset Blvd NE ste: #D-215 Renton, WA 98056 tel: 425-255-4426 (party of record) keoucer'· Wlleeu=r, Mayor September 29, 2004 Jon Otterson Cramer Northwest 945 N Central Avenue #104 Kent, WA 98032 SUBJECT: Camerer Short Plat LUA04-087, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Otterson: CITY~RENTON PIanningIBuilding/PublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Administrative Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The advisory notes and conditions listed in the City of Renton' Report & Decision dated SeptemberS, 2004 must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. ' If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this short plat proposal, please call me at (425) 430-7270. For questions regarding the recording process for tile short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Garrie Olson at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, '. ~{O~~ ForN~WC11 NancyWeil Associate Planner cc: Susan & John Camerer / Owners Bill Reister, Madeline Donckers / Parties of Record Enclosure ~;r ...,FI""TIN'"'A .... L""T'O..".4-..,..,08<T'l7'T.D ... O".,c~1-0S-S-S-o-u-th-G-r-a-dy-W:-ay--R-e-n-to-n-, --W:-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-S-0-S-S -----~ ~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE REPORT & DECISION A. REPORT DATE: Project Name Owner/Applicant File Number Project Description Project Location Project Location Map City of Renton leA ~.D"""· An. 'f/9101/ Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ~~ A!lI(.(jtl/4//.f = ('t" r:; q fl!? ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPOR" r Jl. ncr" ~I""A! SUMMARYANDPURPOSEOFREQUES~ , September 8, 2004 Camerer Short Plat John and Susan Camerer 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 LUA-04-087, SHPL-A I Project Manager I Nancy Weil Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a two-lot subdivision of a 0.21-acre site located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. The subject site is a corner lot currently developed with an existing single-family structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. Lot 2 is intended for the future construction of single-family residence. The proposed lots have public right of way frontage on NE 9th Street and Aberdeen Avenue NE. 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE shplrpt • REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works & DECISION ADMINISTRA TIVE SHORT PLA T REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: REPORT DATE: September 10, 2004 Project Name Camerer Short Plat Owner/Applicant John and Susan Camerer 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 File Number LUA-04-087, SHPL-A I Project Manager I NancyWeil Project Description Administrative Land Use Action (Short Plat Review) for a two-lot subdivision of a 0.21-acre site located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-8) Zone. The subject site is a corner lot currently developed with an existing single-family structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. Lot 2 is intended for the future construction of single-family residence. The proposed lots have public right of way frontage on NE 9th Street and Aberdeen Avenue NE. Project Location 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Project Location Map shplrpt • • Administrative Land Use Action City of Renton P/B/PW Department REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owners of Record: John and Susan Camerer 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 2. Zoning Designation: Residential-8 dulac (R-8) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Single Family (RSF) Page 2 4. Existing Site Use: The site is currently developed with an existing 953.4 square foot single-family residence proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1 . 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) East: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) South: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) West: Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) 6. Access: Lot 1 Would have direct access from Aberdeen Avenue and Lot 2 would have direct access from 9th Avenue N. 7. Site Area: 9,258 square feet I 0.21 acre C. HIS TORICAUBA CKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Land Use File No. N/A Ordinance No. 4498 Date 2/20/1995 Zoning Annexation N/A N/A 4404 1827 6/711993 5/3/1960 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Water: There is an existing 6-inch diameter water main in NE 9th Street and Aberdeen Avenue NE; a 12-inch water main in Sunset Boulevard NE which is capable of delivering 5,000 GPM. The static pressure at the street level is approximately 93 psi. Sewer: There is an existing 16-inch diameter sanitary sewer main in Aberdeen Avenue NE and a 15- inch sewer main in NE 9th Street. Surface Water/Storm Water: There are existing storm drainage facilities in Sunset Boulevard, Aberdeen Avenue NE and NE 9th Street. 2. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: . 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 4. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations shpltrpt.doc Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots-General Requirements and Minimum Standards • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Page 3 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element -Residential Single Family 2. Housing Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. Project Description/Background The applicants, John and Susan Camerer, have proposed.to subdivide a 0.21-acre parcel into two lots. The property is currently developed with an approximately 953.4 square foot single-family residential structure, which is proposed to remain on what would become new Lot 1. . The lots are proposed at the following sizes: 4,628 square feet (Lot 1) and 4,630 square feet (Lot 2). The subject property is on the southwest corner of Aberdeen Avenue NE and NE 9th Street. As there are no environmentally critical areas, right-of-way or private easements serving JTlore than 3 lots to b.e dedic~teq, the net site area of the property is the same as the gross square footage (9,258 square feet or 0.21 acres) of the site. This in turn, equates to a net density of 9.52 dwelling units per acre (2/0.21 = 9.52 dulac), which is under the maximum (9.7) allowed for properties one-half an acre or less in size within the R-8 zone. The topography of the subject site slopes approximately 10% from the northeast property line to the southwest property line. The subject site is developed with one single-family dwelling with few trees. No critical areas were found on the subject site during the review of this application. The proposal to divide the parcel into two lots requires an administrative short plat review. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or critical areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions Not applicable 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. Consistency Short Plat Criteria Approval of a short plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan DeSignation shpltrpt.doc The site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF)on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The RSF designation is intended to promote and enhance single-family neighborhoods. The proposal is consistent with the RSF designation in that it would allow for the future construction of new single-family homes, thereby promoting goals of infill development. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Element policies: Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4, 500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. The applicant has proposed a two-lot subdivision. Both lots are approximately 4,630 square feet, which meet the minimum lot size requirements. Policy LU-36. Allow development at 9.7 dwelling units per acre on infill parcels of one acre or less as an incentive to encourage single-family small lot development on 4,500 sq. ft. lots. The applicant has proposed two-lot short plat on a 0.21-acre parcel. The proposed density for the two lots is 9.52 du/acre, all of which complies with this policy. • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Page 4 Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes, which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. The applicant has proposed the orientation of Lot 1 and Lot 2 to be similar in regards to street frontage, lot configuration and building envelope as the remainder of the block. Policy H-4. Encourage infill development as a means to increase capacity. The applicant has proposed to divide an existing lot creating an additional single-family lot. b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is deSignated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The. proposed development would divide the property into two lots retaining the existing single-family structure and allow for the future construction of one new single-family dwelling. The existing structure currently is nonconforming for front yard setback however the proposed Short Plat will not affect the front of the structure. The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of ~.7 qwelling units per acre for lots one-half an. acre or less in net size. Net density is calcufated after the deduction of sensitive areas, areas intended for public right-of-way, and private easements serving 3 lots or more from the gross acreage of the site. The property does not contain any environmentally sensitive areas nor areas required for private drives serving more than three lots. The'refore, the gross and net property area (9,258 square feet or 0.21 acres) are the same. This in turn, equates to a net density of 9.52 dwelling units per acre (2 I 0.21 = 9.52 dulac), which is within the allowed density range of the R-8 zone. The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. The short plat would create a corner lot (Lot 1) at 4,628 square feet and an interior lot (Lot 2) at 4,630 square feet in size. The proposed lot sizes are compatible with other existing lots in this area under the same R-8 zoning classification. The allowed building lot coverage in the R-8 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size and, lots 5,000 square feet or less are allowed to have up to 50% lot coverage. Lot 1, with the existing residential structure of 953.4 square feet, would have lot coverage of approximately 21 % after the short plat, which is within the allowed range. The proposed lots also comply with the R-8 requirements for minimum lot width (60 feet for corner lots and 50 feet for interior lots) as well as minimum lot depth (65 feet). Lot 1 would be 57.47 lot width and average depth of 71.45 feet. Lot 2 would be 65.49 feet width and 91.25 feet average depth. Setbacks in the R-8 zone are as follows: front yard 20 feet, side yard 5 feet, side yard along a street 15 feet, and rear yard 20 feet. Upon recording of the short plat, the existing single-faniily structure on Lot 1 would need to meet the minimum required setbacks; the proposed plat indicates the structure will comply with all setbacks with the exception of the existing nonconforming front yard of 7.7 feet. While no construction is planned for Lot 2 at this time, the lot appears to have adequate area for a new single-family residence while meeting the required setbacks and lot coverage. In addition, each lot would have adequate area to provide two off-street parking spaces as required by the parking regulations. c) Community Assets shpltrpt.doc The applicant noted the site is currently vegetated with grass lawn and several small ornamental tress only. No trees are proposed to be removed however in keeping with the code, which requires adding attractiveness and value to the property, staff recommends the following conditiqn: the applicant be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-112 inches (deciduous) or 6 -8 feet in height (conifer) per each newly created undeveloped lot, within the 20-foot front yard setback area. This condition would apply to Lot 2 only. In order to ensure the trees are maintained andlor replaced if damaged, the applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property. The restrictive covenant shall • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Page 5 indicate that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard setback area of each new lot. The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with recording of the short plat; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: No new public streets would be created as part of the proposed short plat. The Subdivision Regulations require the installation of half street improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the site's NE 9th Street frontage pursuant to (RMC section 4~6-060). The applicant shall be required to install the street improvements, unless waived or deferred by the Board of Public Works, to the satisfaction of City code prior to the recording of the short plat. A restrictive covenant will be required to be recorded with the short plat. The proposed subdivision is anticipated to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. In order to mitigate transportation impacts, staff recommends a condition of approval be placed on the project requiring a Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per net new average daily trip attributed to the project. The additional lot is expected to generate a-pproximately9.57 new average weekday trips per new lot (credit was given for the existing single family residence). The fee for the proposed short plat is estimated at $717.75 ($75.00 x 9.57 trips x 1 = $717.75) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. ' I' , Blocks: No new blocks will be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The proposed division would create two lots with property lines at right angles to street lines and having public street frontage, as discussed above under subsection b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning DeSignation. The size, shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and ~he development standards of the R-8 zone. ' e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Lot 1 would have the direct access to Aberdeen Avenue NE and Lot 2 would have direct access to N E 9th Street. Topography: The topography of the site gently slopes downwardly from northeast to southwest, at an average slope of approximately 10%. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-8) on the City's zoning map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, which encourage residential infill development. t} Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) shpltrpt.doc Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the applicant providing the Code required improvements and mitigation fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services. The fee is estimated at $488.00 ($488 x 1 = $488.00) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Therefore, it is anticipated that the proposed short plat would result in 0.88 (0.44 X 1 = 0.44) new children to the local schools (Highlands Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School). The Renton School District has indicated they cim accommodate the additional student generated by this proposal. Streets: The subject site is located on the south side of NE 9th Street, which the street frontage is not improved With sidewalk, curb, and gutter and the west side of Aberdeen Avenue NE. The applicant would be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation' Fee in the amount of $75.00' per each new • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Page 6 trip generated by the proposal prior to the recording of the short plat (please see discussion above under subsection d) Streets). Storm Water: Storm water facilities are located in Sunset Boulevard, NE 9th Street and Aberdeen Avenue NE. A drainage narrative per the 1990 KCSWM shall be provided. Applicant shall address runoff from the new sidewalk, curb and gutter as well as collection of roof runoff from the new dwelling. A temporary erosion control plan will be required which shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division staff for the duration of the project. Staff recommends a condition of the short plat approval requiring the project to design and comply with Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. A Surface Water System Development Charge of $715.00 per new single-family lot would be collected as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: There is an existing 6-inch water main in NE 9th Street and Aberdeen Avenue NE, a 12-inch water main in Sunset Boulevard NE. An existing 16-inch sanitary sewer main is located in Aberdeen Avenue NE and a 15-inch sewer main in NE 9th Street. The applicant would be required to make all other necessary connections to serve future development on Lot 2. A Water System Development Charge of $1,525 per new single~family lot, as'wellasa Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00 per new single-family lot. These fees would' be collected,as part of the construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. ' H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested Administrative Short Plat Approval for the Camerer Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-087, SHPL-A. ' . , 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for' short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file. ' 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designations of the Single Family Residential (SFR) land use designation. 4. Zoning: The proposal as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Residential Single Family - 8 (R-8) zoning designation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. ' ' 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal complies with the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations for the short platting of two lots provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 6. Existing Land Uses: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8); East: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8); South: Residential Single Family (zoned R- 8); and West: Residential Single Family (zoned R-8). ' 7. System Development Charges: A Water System Development Charge of $1,525.00, a Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge of $900.00, and a Surface Water Development Charge of $715.00 will be assessed for the additional lot. These fees will be payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit or prior to the recording of the short plat. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Single Family (RSF) comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the Residential - 8 Dwelling Units Per Acre zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this deSignation, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. 3. The proposed two lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by city code and state law, provided all advisory notes and conditions of approval are complied with. shpltrpt,doc • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Page 7 J. DECISION: The Camerer Short Plat, File No. LUA-04-087, SHPL-A, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall record a restrictive covenant that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard setback area of each new undeveloped lot (Lot 2 only). The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with recording of the short plat; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 2. The applicant shall be required to design and construct the project in compliance with Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. The applicant shall pay the required Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of $75.00 per net new· average daily trip associated with the project (estimated at $717.75). The Transportation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the required Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $488.00 per new single-family Iqt estimated at $488.00. The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURES: 1/tfloi decision date shpltrpt.doc • City of Renton P/B/PW Department • Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 8. The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. Work hours for new single-family developments are limited to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. Nor is work permitted on Sundays. Fire Prevention 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. Plan Review -Drainage 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715.00 per each new lot applies to this project. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A stor.m drainage narrative per. the 1990 KCSWM shall be provided. Applicant-shall address runoff from new sidewalk, cub, and gutter and the collection of roof runoff form the new dwelling. This submittal shall be required prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. A temporary erosion control plan will be required arid shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. ' Plan Review -Sewer 1. The System Development Charge for sewer is $900.00. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to the recording of the short plat. 2. The applicant shall be required to pump up to the sewer main in Aberdeen Avenue NE, due to the elevation of the new lot. 3. Separate sewer stub shall be provided to the new lot prior to recording of the short plat. A permit shall be required for connection to the main in the right of way and a separate side sewer permit is also required. Dual side sewers are not permitted. Plan Review -Water 1. The System Development Charge for water is $ 1,525.00. This is payable with the construction permit and prior to recording of the short plat. 2. Fire flow requirement for single-family residences under 3,600 square feet including attached garage is 1,000 gpm. One hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structures and if existing must meet current City code. 3. A 5-inch quick-disconnect fitting (Storz) will be required to be installed on the fire hydrant to be counted as fire protection if not already in place. 4. All short plats shall provide a separate water service stubs to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. Separate permits shall be required. 4. Water service shall be required to be provided to each new lot prior to recording of the short plat. Plan Review -Street Improvements . 1. Half street improvements in NE 9th Street including but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter as well as storm drain shall be required fronting the site, unless deferred by the Board of Public Works. A restrictive covenant will shall be required to be recorded with the short plat. 2. Applicant shall be required to comply with the City of Renton's Trench Restoration and Street Overlay requirements. 3. A traffic control plan, approved by the City shall be required for any construction impacting the City's right-of-way. Plan Review -General 1. Separate permits for the side sewer, water meter and storm drainage connections are required. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for securing all necessary private or public easement for utilities. 3. All new rockeries or retaining walls to be constructed as part of the utility construction, that is greater than 4 feet in height (from bottom of footing to top of wall) will required a separate building permit for structural review. A geotechnical report is required with submittal. 4. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Under Grounding Ordinance. If three or more poles are required to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. Property Services -Comments for Final Short Plat Submittal 1. Please see attached memo from Property Services dated August 23, 2004. shpltrpt.doc • • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Land Use Action REPORT AND DECISION DATED September 10, 2004; LUA-04-087, SHPL·A TRANSMITTED this September 10,2004 to the owner/applicant: John and Susan Camerer 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this September 10,2004 to the contact: Jon Otterson Cramer Northwest 945 N. Central Avenue Suite 104 Kent, WA 98032 TRANSMITTED this September 10, 2004 to the parties-of-record: Bill Reister 2186 NE gh Place Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this September 10, 2004 to the following: Larry M~ckling, Building Official Stan Englar, Fire Marshal Neil Watts, Development Services Director Jennifer Henning Kayren Kittrick Jan Conklin Carrie Olson·Davis Lawrence J. Warren, City Attomey South County Journal Land Use Action Appeals & Requests for Reconsideration \. The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14·day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075 (3); WAC 197-11-680). Page 9 RECONSIDERATION. Within 14 days of the effective date of the decision, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator. The Administrator may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator finds insuffiCient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the following appeal timeframe. APPEAL. This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on September 24, 2004. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4·8·110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430·6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. EXPIRATION DATE: The Short Plat approval will expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4·7-080.M. shpltrpt.doc CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. ________ _ KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON CERTIFICATION KNOW AU. PEDPLE BY THESE ItKSDn'I TMA' ¥ft, TKE UNOOSIOHEo OWNERS OF INTERtST IN THE lAND HtR[1Y DESCRIBtO, DO MERElY WAKE A SHORT SUBOMSlOM THtREOrAND DlCLARt nos YAP TO It TNt CIW'NIC RtPRtll"TATIOH or IAWE. AHO THAT IAIO SHORT SUIOMSIOH IS UAot WITH THE: ,RtE COHSOO' AND IN ACCOItOANCE WITH THE oESIRI or 1'HE OWNERS. III WIllIESS WHERE01 WE stT OUR IWIDS .... WLS. STAn: or WASHINOTOH COUNTY 0' _________ _ I COTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY tvtDDt« THAT ~~~T~~~= .. ~ :~~:=:sn .. ~bM1S.r:J I~~~~. SlONATURE 01 .~Nn~~UN~C~~;:::::::::::: D'TED M' AnOlHTVENT EXf'UttI STATt or WAlHntOTOH COO"" 01' __________ _ I CERTI" THAT I KNOW Oft HAVE SAnsrACTOIn' EVlDENct THAT :'~~T':'IS ~S~:"~:i t":s ~:o=~ 1T.:n:.[bKlS'~J :~IttJ::ONT. StONATURE Of' .~Nn;,~~~~~~;:::::::::::: .ATED ..., APPOINTWtNT EXPIIU RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY 0F' ......... ,20 ....... AT ...... M IN BOOK .......... OF ............ AT PAGE ......... AT THE RECUEST OF .Y9HN .. ~, .. !:.MM~~ •.. P.~~. SURVEYOR'S NAME • .. · .. ·· .. ··MC;R·: .. ··· .... · .. · .... S·Up;::··Oi"·RECOROS· .. · APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON DEl'ARTIotEHT OF PLAHNING/BUILOING/PU8\JC WORl(S [)W,UN[O AND NJPRO't'tD THIS _ ~y or . 20-SCALE: EXAMINED AND N'PROYED THS _ DItoY Of' • ~ ........ N.A . ADNISlRA'" SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MAOE BY ME OR UNOER MY DIRECTION IN CONrORIlANCE WITH THE REOUIREMENTS or THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REOUEST or SUStlN CAMERER IN Aug ZOOt P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 1 B8SB DD'II1Y WtsSQII PORTION OF: ACCDUNI NlJUBER 722750-0065 S.E. 1/4. N.E. 1/4. SEC. 8. T. 23 NORTH. R. 5 EAST. W.M. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4. OF THE N.E. 1/4. OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP ZS NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST •. WoM., KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON VICINITY MAP Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyo,.. &: Planners 94~ N, CENTRAL, STE. 1104, KENT, WA (2~3)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-018S1 (tOil I ... ) (253)852-4955 (lax) [-WAIL: onIOcrom.mw.com 98032 "j' Iol t ~ ~ , ~~ I~~ ~I"" ~~i Ill~ , ;;j , , \ : 1 HOT TO SCo\lE CENTERLINE 4< MUNUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: .... FOUND COHC. 1ofON. IN CAS£ ., W/ Z' 8RA$$ DISC lNSTRUWOO USED: GEODIW£1[R 1500 AHD/OR NIKOH ON-MOLG METHOD: rRA\IERS£ £Xe££DtHG R£OUJRDItHTS Of WAC. lll2-rJO-OtO. INDEXING DATA: s,£. 1/', H.E. 1/'. SEC. e. T. 2) _TH. R •• EAST, w • .,. i ....... ~ i ....... u .... I~ :i I. :~ I~ 1 1 LEGEND: At. FOUNO CONe. MOH. IN CASE 'til' WI r BAASS DISC mm CATCH BASIN © STOIIII ORAIN IL'HHOi£ • SAN"AIfr SEWtR Ml.NHOLE oeCiDUOus TRE! let HOLLY [J) RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER . GRAPHIC SCALE 1"a20' SCALE: LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4. OF THE N.E. 1/4. --------OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON 1 inch = 20 FT. PORTION OF: 20 0 20 ."~ ll' §k j N 'W <CJWr> s BCNCHAIARK; sa PK NAIL. IN £DG[ OF ASPHALT AS$UW!D a-too.oo u.s. FErr 1.10, INV. a-to,,,, (2.' ....... _. S. INV. n,-aa.1f (2.-CONe.) :: ,': iE=:~'~ S! .. ~.,L;. E S.E. 1/4. N.E. 1/4. SEC. 8. T. 23 NORTH. R. 5 EAST. W.M. GRAPHIC SCALE 1"a20' --------20 o 20 BASIS OF BEARINGS: B£ARJNCS SHOWN HDfCOH ARC BASED ON JH[ CEHTtRUNE ~ ~~A~~[OFB/~'W'IGH"f:,f,i~ R~O[l) IN WL,U.W[ " or PlATS. AT PAGES J<f.-.U, RecoRDS' or KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. X£ SH£eT , or , ral! LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 13, SI.OCK I, OF'THE PLAT OF -RENTON HIGHLAHOS-RECOItOCO IN WWAI£ ., OF PeArs. AT PAJ;£S, .u -41. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WA.SH1HGTOH. C£HTDIUH( a: 1I0HUII£HTATIOH DeTAIL VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMCD TOTAL LOT ARCA: IU5M so. FT. (O,Zt:t !.Cit£) ZOHING: R-I DCNSITY PROPOSCD: ~UHrrs ptR ACRE "I. Soy DCNSITY PCRIIITTCD: JoH"TINtrS PER ACRE BENCHMARK: SET PI(' HAIL IN CDGe or ASPHALT ASSW£D £1..-100.00 U.S. 1l£T CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.s. FaT PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722750-00e NOTES.: J. AIONUJ,I£HTS LAST \07SI7[D fl-"-ZOOO. .. 2. HVIrI{ROVS ERRORS WfRf: roUND 'MTHJH THE PLAT: -RCN1ON HIGHLANDS" WHU' PCRFORIJIHO SVM'Y CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DlSTANCl'S TO CALCUIAJI' LOT IJ RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. • C'tJR\ot' ""TA ON C£HTtRUN£ NIO ON LOT IJ IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DEClQ(D TO HOLD PLAT 041A FOR LOT U TO THE $OtJTH AND THeN HOLD PlAT DlSTANC£ FROItI LOT 12 ON THE W[ST UN£ TO THe PLAT CORHCR TO THe NORTH. TH£ B£NftHG OF 8TH AVCNUe H.E. WAS ALSO HELD AFTtR CALCULAnHC THE CCHfrRUN£ IHTCRSCC1JOH wrTH THt W£'ST UH£ OF THE Pl.A.T. THIS MCf'HOO OF CALCULAJ7HG LOT 'J SHOULD aJAltNA1[ POSSI8IJJT1tS or BOCJHDARr CONfUCTS WITH Lor 12 ON FUTlJR£ $uRVtYS. .. CONIFCROuS m[[ If SPRuCE ~: ~ I ~~_n.n.' -, .. '0 '7. ~ « 1 .1 • £~ 0-: -X-J' HIGH CHNHUHIC f'DI« a' ; tHV. £I.,-1S54 (16" CONe.) ':- : ____________ S~V2r2J·§ J~'g'_(e.~T'L ___________ : ~~:~." if 0.1.#.) ~ Ll7 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ~cramer Northwest Inc. THIS MAP CORRECTlY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MAOE 8Y ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONrORMANCE WITH THE Surveyors tc Planners REQUIREMENTS or THE SURVEY RECORplNG ACT AT THE REQUEST or SUSAN CAMERER 945 N. CENTRAL. STE. ,104. KENT. WI. 98032 IN Aug 2001 (253)852-4880 (Ioeol) I'.l..s:CERTlrlcATCNO. ·18898 1-(800)251-0189 (Iell lreo) (253)852-4955 (fo.) [-WAIL: cnlOcramemw.com ... INSTR\IMOO USW: C£OO'WC1'£R 500 AND/OR MKON DrM-AIDLG METHOD: m.,\£RS£ cxctmIHG REOIJtREW!NTS or WAC. 332-/30-090. IHDtXlNG DATA: s.c. 1/4, N.C. 1/4, SEC. 3. T. 23 NORTH. R. 5 £AST, W,IJ, DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.C. I./on.. Aug. 27. 200 f 2000-2 I JSP CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: J.A.O./J.E.C. , inch -20 FT. 2 OF 2 '. MotI., Auf. 27. 2001. 1;!!:44 ',rrolJod,!l.2000\-tOOO;"JfJ.pn. • I. ~ji}$~E I , -,------------ Site Utilities and Drainage Plan CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON N GRAPlUC SCALE 1" -20' --------Iff WYE INTtIJ EX. IZI·~dNC_. 'ST. 20 0 20 W~E I" WATEI! JFI!VIt:E ·s ::. i' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT fl, BL?CI( " (# fH£ PLAT OF -R£NTDH HlGHI.ANDt" R£CORD£D IN \IOC.lJI4' .f' OF PLAlS. AT "AGES, ". -of t, RECORDS OF I0IG COUHn', WASHtHCTON. VERTICAL DATUJi.: II SEWA&£ J>VHP_/ "ENV/RdNN£1V7 dNc\'-/hP MDDPi W/ IWrE&IlAL VAVl7" ~SF£ I!QI4--S"N.l'4'T ~~Z • ___ 'IT" I I~ ASSUM[D //I? <'F' /~. PV': s"~N~" ,SF'/"! W/ Z' M/N. "I?V,F-E '", :l :~ '- @O) '"' . LEGEND: . : @ m=='H~ I ami CATCH 84$IH : (§) S'TORM DRNH IllAHHOLf 1 "smtrNrf $CWDt w.NHOU : * CONIFrROUS m£t ,. SPRUCE ,: , -x-J' HlIIH CHNMJHK ro<~ ~' , , , , ,-- - -________ S!r_O!'Z!·IJ!:5F_~1l. ___________ : TOTAl. LOT AReA: 'I~ ":i.g. 1 BENCHMARK: sa PK ,., II ED« or ASPHALT ASSIIM£D u,.too.oo u.s. FC£r CONTOUR mTERVAL: ',00 u.a. fin' PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722150-0015 Io,j ~\ ;IN.e. ... Ii ~ ~.~!\ I~ VIONITY .l!Y..e. /." c V4 MIJ.t= ... ~ ] t.> ] ~ 'B ;. .~ til ... ~ > 00'" ~ rIi:2 :g =s ~ ~ <'; . « r;! v.l~~'" tl ~f ~ e il!i "'d =;:!; !-< ~ !~i g~ g ", ... ! ~~ ~i ~~ ~~ ~= oc:l R-8( E4 e • ZONING +~+ ~ 'l1!CBNICAL Sl!ll.V1CBS 8 T23N R5E E 1/2 S308 , • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: August 23, 2004 Nancy Weil Sonja I. Fesser ~ Camerer Short Plat, LUA-04-087-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the . following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The carport, an existing structure, intrudes into the street right-of-way (9th Avenue N.) and needs to be shown on the short plat drawing. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-087-SHPL and LND-20-0387, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when said ties are provided. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. The city will provide an address for proposed Lot 2 as soon as possible. Note said address on the short plat drawing. \/BFile Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plat~\0387\RV040819.doc August 23, 2004 Page 2 • The word "ADMINISTRATOR" is misspelled in the City of Renton "APPROVALS" block (Sheet 1 of 2). On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to plant material, utility facilities, topog lines, concrete drives and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Encroachments do need to be shown. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently. with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) should be given to the Project Manager as a package. King County will be instructed to record the short plat first, with the associated document(s) following. References to the associated document(s) and spaces for the recording number(s) thereof are needed on the short plat document for cross-referencing purposes. The "VICINITY MAP" needs a north arrow. As currently shown, said map is not oriented to the . north (if one assumes that north points to the top of the drawing). The "VICINITY MAP" orientation is not the same as is noted for the "CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL" (which does include a north arrow). The word "MONUMENT ATION" is misspelled in the detail mentioned in the previous paragraph (Sheet 1 of 2). The "ZONING", "DENSITY PROPOSED" and "DENSITY PERMITTED" blocks should be removed from the short plat (Sheet 2 of 2). Provide the bearing to center for the curve, at either of the corners of Lot 1 abutting Aberdeen AveNE. Note the plat name and lot number for the property to the west of proposed Lot 2. Remove the coma noted after "SE 1,4" in the indexing information at the top of both drawing sheets. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plat~\0387\RV040819.doc\cor PROPERTY SERVI(,~E REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS ~~.4 ----'46 ............ __ _ APPLICANT: CAHEF3e:e) 5usAW Be ,1t":>I .. U.J RECEIVED FROM ___ --, __ _ (date) JOB ADDRESS: ate. I AeFEl FE LJ A'i£::. WO# __________ _ NATURE OF WORK: e-J.cr. SH:?1?5T" 'bL.A.T(cAb-tE:aEF9 SHOAT 1?1-AT--) LND # cO -0.387 )<. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDtviSION iy LONG PLAT, NEED MORE INFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID HIS -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, TIllS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# 7Z!.t:7SQ -aoc:ns X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King COUnty. It is die intent of this development fee analysis to put the. developer/owner on notice. that die fees quoted below may be applicable to the SUbject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (Le. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change widiout notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. . I fi'd I' fi th f The followiru!: Quoted fees do NOT mc ude InspectIOn ees, Sl e sewer permits, r w permit ees or e cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer A~eement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer ~eement (pvt) WASTEWATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER -0- /' Special Assessment DistrictlW ATER "-0- / Special Assessment DistrictlW ASTEW A TER /-0- Joint Use A~eement (METROy> - Local Improvement District * -Traffic Benefit ZoneS $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION -FUTURE OBLIGATIONS -SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated #OFUNITSI SDC FEE -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x I $/,525.00 Mobile home dwellin2 unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special AgreementlFootprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -W ASTEWA TER -Estimated -Pd Prev. -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x I $ qOO.Co Mobile home dweUin2 unit $720funit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x CommerciaUlndustriai $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Sinele family residential and mobile home dwellin2 unit $71S/unit x I $ 715.00 All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ 3,14-0.00 '< I\) m 0 PI 11 0 .". 11 m .fl.. < .... m '" .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. ;:J 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 ••• Project Name .(,f?!M~ fS'~ v Project A~dress 5\0\ 1\bt-1~ IW tJ~ Contact Person SvS6N\ ~ ~"'V\ ~(y' A~ress ___________________________ _ Phone Number ._. ___________ ~ Permit Number LV A • 0'-\ -02>1 .. ProjeC?t Description d-. \01 Sft. ~'1>I' WtJ1.S QIJG 1~Ib('tJl1 Iclt)\)~ land Us.e Type: . (}Y'Residential o Retail o Non-retaH Method of Calculation: ,,",, 6~\<.O~ ID1TE Trip Generation Manual. (Z\o) '>F~. g J:.:CStUdy .' q.~7~~ Transportation Mitigation Fee: ~ l' 7.15 Calculated ~y: ~.~(),u Date: aH~ Account Number: _______ --__ . Date of Payment ______ -:--___ _ City of Rln Department of Planning / Building / Public Is ' ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~11R A I COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, S~f(L:A DATE CIRCULATED: AUG~ -... ~ APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: rfancy Weil ./ ) PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lIIia~ ~ l/\-y---'" SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 953 existing LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77290 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghVGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or .roa' who", -!Af'"'~""";' needed to properly .,,.,,, th~ propo.aJ. ~ '21.0 -0 ~ S~"'ture ot O;.Q '" Q~§:2,...ema,,, :::D=-at:-e-==-=~=-----t-------- DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 23, 2004 Nancy Weil Sonja I. Fesser ~ Camerer Short Plat; LUA-04-OS7-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The carport, an existing structure, intrudes into the street right-of-way (9th Avenue N.) and needs to be shown on the short plat drawing. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-087-SHPL and LND-20-0387, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when said ties are provided. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. The city will provide an address for proposed Lot 2 as soon as possible. Note said address on the short plat drawing. \H:\Fiie Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Piats\0387\RV0408i9.doc ,.'. August 23,2004 Page 2 .' The word "ADMINISTRATOR" is misspelled in the City of Renton "APPROVALS" block (Sheet I of 2). On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to plant material, utility facilities, topog lines, concrete drives and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Encroachments do need to be shown. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) should be given to the Project Manager as a package. King County will be instructed to record the short plat first, with the associated document(s) following. References to the associated document(s) and spaces for the recording number(s) thereof are needed on the short plat document for cross-referencing purposes. The "VICINITY MAP" needs a north arrow. As currently shown, said map is not oriented to the north (if one assumes that north points to the top of the drawing). The "VICINITY MAP" orientation is not the same as is noted for the "CENTERLINE & MONUMENT A TION DETAIL" (which does include a north arrow). The word "MONUMENTATION" is misspelled in the detail mentioned in the previous paragraph (Sheet I of 2). The "ZONING", "DENSITY PROPOSED" and "DENSITY PERMITTED" blocks should be removed from the short plat (Sheet 2 of 2). Provide the bearing to center for the curve, at either of the comers of Lot 1 abutting Aberdeen AveNE. Note the plat name and lot number for the property to the west of proposed Lot 2. Remove the coma noted ,after "SE IA" in the indexing information at the top of both drawing sheets. . Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0387\RV040819.doc\cor City ENVIRONMENTAL & Department of Planning / Building / PU.kS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'P .. o~e..t4-';>.. <Svc.cs._ COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 -DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4,2004 RECEr\n:" APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil • '" '", "n ~. PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 953 existing LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77290 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Guttural Preservation Airport Environment ' " 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with parlicular attention to those areas in which we have experlise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date PROPERTY SERVICWE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS NO. -.....:45~!<....-.. __ APPLICANT: CAHFl3E:e, SUSALl & \ l<"'»4bJ RECEIVEDFROM ___ ~~--:--_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: Bee. J Ai='>F13t FE L J A'Ve WO# __________ _ NATURE OF WORK: e-1.O! ,sH:?r=:orr-'O~(ICA~E.A 5HPRI l?1A.:i?) LND # 20 -0.387 ~ PRELIMINARY REVIEV{ OF suBDivislON)iy LONG PLAT, NEED MORKiNFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID #'s -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, TIDS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# :rz.Z!7SCl-C')c"';lC: 5 X NEW KING co. TAX ACCT .#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be --:c-:----= subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. . fi The following quoted fees do NOT include inspectIOn fees, side sewer pernuts, r/w permit ees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment DistrictlW A TER "-0- / / Special Assessment DistrictlW ASTEW A TER /-0- Joint Use Agreement (METRO) -Local Improvement District * - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated HOFUNITS/ SDCFEE -Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x I $1.525.00 Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER .. Estimated .. Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x I $ qOO.OO Mobile home dwelliJ!g unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x I $ "715.00 All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ 3,14-0.00 '< I\) Signatur(jf Rev:~ing Authority (II 0 III 0 t1 .,. t1 (II <: .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. .... (II :0: Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. ::J 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to ___________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM August 17, 2004 NancyWeil ~n lilian x7216 • CAMERER 2 LOT SHORT PLAT LUA 04-087 861 -Aberdeen Ave NE I have reviewed the application for this 2 lot short plat at 861 -Aberdeen Ave NE Street and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER SEWER STORM STREET There is an existing 6-inch water main in NE gth Street and in Aberdeen Ave NE and a 12- inch water main in Sunset Blvd NE. Available fire flow from the 12-inch water main is approximately 5,000 gpm. Available fire flow from the 6-inch water main is 1,400 gpm. There is an existing hydrant at the comer of Sunset Blvd NE and NE gth Street. The proposed project is located in the 435 Water Pressure Zone and is outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. Static pressure in the area is approximately 93 psi. There is an existing 16-inch sewer main in Aberdeen Ave NE and a 15-inch sewer main in NE gth Street. There is no sewer available fronting the north side of the site in NE gth Street. There are storm drainage improvements in Sunset Blvd, NE gth and Aberdeen Ave NE. There is sidewalk, curb, and gutter fronting the site in Aberdeen Ave NE. There is no sidewalk, curb and gutter fronting the site in NE gth Street. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. The Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $1,525.00 x 1 single-family home. Total estimated water fees based on the entire site plan is $1 , 525.00. Payment of this fee will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 2. Fire flow requirement for single-family residence under 3,600 square feet is 1,000 gpm. A hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structure. It has not been shown on the plan. 3. A 5-inch quick-disconnect fitting will be required to be installed on the fire hydrant to be counted as fire protection if not already in place. 4. All short plats shall provide a separate water service stubs to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. Separate permits will be required. SANITARY SEWER 1. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $900.00 x 1 single-family home. Total estimated fees based on the entire site plan is $900.00. Payment of this fee will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. • • 2. Due to the elevation of the new lot, applicant will be required to pump up to the sewer main in Aberdeen Ave NE. It has been shown on the plans. 3. Separate sewer stub is required to be provided to the new lot prior to recording of the short plat. It has shown on the plans. A permit is required will be required for connection to the main the right of way and a separate side sewer permit is required. 4. Dual side sewers are not allowed. SURFACE WATER 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $715.00 x 1 single-family home. Total estimated fees based on the entire site plan is $715.00. Payment of this fee will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 2. A storm drainage narrative per the 1990 KCSWM shall be provided. Applicant shall address runoff from new sidewalk, curb and gutter and collection of roof runoff from the new home. 3. A temporary erosion control plan will be required and shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. TRANSPORTATION 1. Half street improvements in NE 9th Street including but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb & gutter and storm drain will be required fronting the site. Applicant may submit a request to the Board of Public Works to defer these requirements. A restrictive covenant will be required to be recorded with short plat. 2. Street lighting is not required 3. Applicant will be required to comply with the City of Renton's Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. 4. A traffic control plan, approved by the City will be required for any construction impacting the City's right of way. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Separate permits for the side sewer connection, water meter and storm drainage connection are required. 2 Applicant shall be responsible for securing all necessary private or public easements for utilities. 3. All new rockeries or retaining walls to be constructed as part of the utility construction, that is greater than 4 feet in height (from bottom of footing to top of wall) will require a separate building permit for structural review. A geotechnical report is required with submittal. Please note on the civil plans. 4. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Under Grounding Ordinance. If three or more poles are required to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Traffic mitigation fee for each new single-family residence is $717.75. The rate is based on 9.57 trips x $75 x 1. Total fee is $717.75. This is payable prior to recording of the short plat. 2. Staff recommends a condition to require this project to design and comply with Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. cc: Kayren Kittrick • Project Name . Gl?!'MGMYL .S\.\-y t..... Project A~dress ~lo\ l\bt'l~ ~ ~~ Contact Person SvS6N\ -\ ~\.V\ ~Cy' Address ______________ _ Phone Number ._. _____________ ~ Permit Number LvA· oL\-0<01 • Proje~t Description d.. \0\ Sft. ~"'Vl, W''ffi 0"'(1 ~lbflt.X.1 ~~ land Use Type: . ffi/Residential o Retail o Non-retail Method of Calculation: I~ 6~~~ ID-1TE Trip Generation Manual . (:~\" )$F~ o Traffic Study· . o Other . '\.'57 -~ Transportation Mitigation Fee: ~ 1 \ 1.15 Calculated by: i· ~{\u . ~ Date: BH~ Account Number: __________ _ Date of Payment ___________ _ City of Ra Department of Planning / Building / PUbliC. ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ?'a~ ~v' I'~ COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4,2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Wei I ~ur;o ... D " ? ... APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 953 existing LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77290 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghVGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultura/ -, Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Autho . Date City of RI. Department of Planning / BuHding / Public .8 ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1~~0ss.i--evVa..yeJ~OMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18,2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4,2004 PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian BUILDING AREA (gross): 953 existing WORK ORDER NO: 77290 R ~TY OF RENTO 1-r,::: J ., :: -v(;.U BUILDING DIV/SlON SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be apprOximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghVG/are Plants Recreation LandlShoreiine Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl Natural Resources HistoriclCulturai Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional info ation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director Date City of RA Department of Planning / Building / PUbliC. ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4,2004 D ~TY OF RENTON 1O;"~f:!~" __ APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: NancyWeil -... -.v~u PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian, RUb 0 It 2004 SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 953 existing BUILDING DIVI.C::/()r.., LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77290 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LigWGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet '~ S~ -IISel B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS Signature of Director or Auth Date .... • • CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: August 5, 2004 TO: Nancy Weil, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Camerer Short Plat, 861 Aberdeen Ave. NE MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City Of'" Deparlment of Planning / BuDding / PUblic., ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ..y:-." ~ If-- I -,,-_ --. -------. __ AUGU~r\~~l;2Q04:-~. ..-. COMMENTS DUE: .-~\ ,;' I' -.;;,. ...... "7"; ;' APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGU$T.::'( ~004 ---- APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: Nan ~~MJ AJ/~ L r 1.1 U .... w" ..J , PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 9q B existing CITY OF q 1--' L FIRE . ),: LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77290 ___ --.:...:.:...::D.::.:..Ef . SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE 'into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Hisioric/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POUCY.RELA TED COMMENTS AJ A C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~~ articular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ed to properly assess this proposal. ~ h 10 1 -,---::----:-=:--\-~~'7~~~.;..e.~~~---------Date 7 I • • CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: Background: August 10,2004 NancyWeil V Rebec~nd Don Erickson Camerer Short Plat, 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE; LUA-04-087, SHPL-A The subject application is a two lot short plat on a 9,258 square foot parcel at the comer ofNE 9th Street where it intersects Aberdeen Avenue NE. The site is designated RS on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned R-8, eight units per net acre. Staff reviewed and commented on this two lot short as a pre-application on May 7th, 2001 (see attachment). Recommendation: Continue to support thisoQn;}@xptjoD ~. cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\lnterdepartmental\Development Review\Green File\Comments\Camerer Short Plat.doc\cor • • CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: May 7, 2001 TO: Lesley Nishihira . 111'\ Gary Del Rosario!JL) FROM: SUBJECf: Camerer Short Plat The site is designated Residential Single Family in the Comprehensive Plan and is located in the R-8 zone. Although net density is greater than the requirements of the R-8 zone at roughly 9.41 du/acre, the following (Land Use Element) policy allows this short plat at this site. Policy LU-36. Allow development at 9.7 dwelling units per acre oninfill parcels of one acre or less as an incentive to encourage single family small lot development on 4,500 sq. ft. lots. The proposal is consistent with the following Residential Single Family (Land Use Element) policy. . Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 sq. ft. should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. cc: Sue Carlson . \\CENTRAL\')YS2\DEPTS\FINANCE\ECON _ DEV\EconomicDevelopment\STRA TPLN\PLANNING\G3I}'\misc _ docs\CamererSP, doc\gd City ~f.an Deparlment of Planning / Building / PubliCaS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: t(.p~t:.. 'Dz-v' . COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4, 20d4 RI ECF~"-"",cn- APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Wei I A III" ,.. PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat • IVV oJ LU~ PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian BUILDING AREA (gros~ 953 eXistind t:vU!'IYMIC DE,.'. . '!''''oNT, SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet _ANn 1'j,~~H!l0P LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77290 """,~~~ SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8), The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants LandlShoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energyl Natural Resources B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Environment Minor Major Impacts Impacts Housing Aesthetics UghVGlare Recreation Utilities Transportation Public Services HistoriclCultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet P#: tJf., It-- ~'~~.' I/?I#; a---IY ~I' lIueftJ.-. More Information Necessary We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal, Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of a Deparimenl of PlannIng / BuildIng / PubliC., ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 17'd.dc:. ~ COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4,2004 APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Wei I PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross}: 953 existing LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77290 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Infonnation Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghflGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources HistoriclCultural PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. ~il~~ Signature of Director or Authonzed Representative 7f'/Q!o4 Date ' I city of R~ Deparlment at Planning / Building / Public .t. ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~~l4>V\ "S~->. C1TYOFRE COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 18, 2004 R E C E f\]'ifi 1"\ -.., APPLICATION NO: LUA-04-087, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 4,2004 J. j i:·.. .. APPLICANT: Susan & John Camerer PROJECT MANAGER: Nancy Weil .... .., i.' ., lUU, PROJECT TITLE: Camerer Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Jan lilian I;jUlLOING DIVISION SITE AREA: 9,258 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 953 existing LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77290 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be apprOximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Infonnatfon Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghVG/are Plants Recreation LandlShore/ine Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe 'dditional information is needed to roperly assess this proposal. Date \ -, .. .' CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING • On the 4th day of August, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application documents. This information was sent to: See Attached Surrounding Property Owners (Signature of N k' A A~'" ...• :~I'/C~~tt, _ •• ~SSION ~ •• :~ "I. : •• ~ :.tA)-. ~ " , :·0 .. 'OT AL'> ~ ... "1\ ~ : :0" '7}--""~ ~ COUNTY OF KING ~ : -.-en: ~ f.. : p : ~ (J) ~ UsuC . , ~ A'" .: ~ ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Patrick Roduin \"Y.>J ···.~'29_01 ...... ~O .f signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary a~t~4~ purposes mentioned in the instrument. ',,\\\"""""", ......... Notary (Print): __ ----"M""AwB ..... /lYb,L&ll...l;1 K .... A .... naIoolCI:l=MiEffiFF-______________ _ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES A-2!'l-07 Camerer Short Plat LUA04-087, SHPL-A ""!'" 082305900704 NGUYEN MICHAEL DOAN C PHAM PHONG QUOC 902 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98056 186495001007 NEAL JOYCE A 821 SUNSET BL NE A1 RENTON WA 98056 186495004001 -~O$U(h. ANDERSON KURT K cg\,,\I),\ 821 SUNSET BL B 3 RENTON WA 98055 186495007004 NoS~"\4r SPEKTOR YEFIM ET AL e\o\\oat 821 SUNSET BL NE C 2 BELLEVUE WA 98007 186495010008 BALYEAT CHRISTINE 321 HARRINGTON CT SE RENTON WA 98056 186495013002 HAMILTON SUSAN E 821 SUNSET BL NE #E-2 RENTON WA 98056 186495016005 JONES SALLY A+LEWIS HUGH 821 SUNSET BV NE #F 1 RENTON WA 98056 311990003502 ABTAHI SAEED+SUSAN 6425 152ND AV NE REDMOND WA 98052 311990016504 ARROYO ALMA A 848 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98056 311990017502 GUTKA JAY T 844 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98056 • 082305910307 AUGUSTON FRANCES M 912 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98056 186495002005 STUBBINS MARSHAL L 821 SUNSET BL NE #B-1 RENTON WA 98055 186495005008 HOWARD SCOTT D+BRITTANY A 821 NE SUNSET BLVD B4 RENTON WA 98056 186495008002 CORNICK DAVID J+VANTANA P 821 SUNSET BL NE #C-3 RENTON WA 98056 186495011006 BARKER JOHN 821 SUNSET BL D 3 RENTON WA 98056 186495014000 WALLACE ELIZABETH L 821 SUNSET BL NE UNIT E-3 RENTON WA 98056 186495017003 MCCALLUM DAVID+BETTE 821 SUNSET BV NE #F-2 BLV RENTON WA 98056 311990005002 ANDREWS NICK & RODOPI 907 ABERDEEN AV NE #1 RENTON WA 98056 311990016801 KALMBACH JOHN A+WENDY L 15508 206TH AV NE RENTON WA 98059 311990018005 HESTING ROBERT W 812 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98055 • 082305911602 IVY HEATHER D+SETTERBERG S 1620 MELROSE AV #105 SEATTLE WA 98122 -~~"61 186495003003 HUD/FHA 1600 SACRAMENTO INN WY #22 SACRAMENTO CA 95815 186495006006 REECE KELLI M 821 SUNSET BL NE #C-1 RENTON WA 98056 186495009000 KEIM ANDREW F 821 SUNSET BL NE #D1 RENTON WA 98056 186495012004 , ZHAO-FAN POON-~~c)~ "" 821 SUNSET BL NE #E-1 ~\\\\~ RENTON WA 98056 186495015007 GOETZINGER CHRISTINE M 821 SUNSET BL NE #E-4 RENTON WA 98056 186495018001 BIBANCO DENNIS A+WIVINA R 821 SUNSET BL NE F3 RENTON WA 98056 311990005101 ANDREWS RODOPI 3325 84TH AV SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 311990017007 VUONG JIMMY D 4878 BEACON AV S SEATTLE WA 98108 311990018104 HESTING ROBERT W 812 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98055 311990018500 SWEET TERRY 714 SUNSET NE RENTON WA 98056 722750004508 ENDRES MR 823 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750006008 BANDA EMILIO R 9708 S 244TH PL KENT WA 98031 722750007501 HESS GERALD E 2108 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750009002 MISENAR TEANA M 2190 NE 9TH PL RENTON WA 98056 722750097502 ANDERSON YVONNE 850 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750099003 AHO MARTHA S 862 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98055 722750100504 AVERS JIM & RUTH 2205 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750108002 SUTTON JOHN M 2202 NE 8TH PL RENTON WA 98056 722750109505 HALFACRE PAUL D 2106 NE 8TH PL RENTON WA 98056 • 722750003500 CHRISTENSEN RACHEL L 815 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750005000 RUSSELL DAVID A W 18204 71ST AV W LYNNWOOD WA 98037 722750006503 ~~~ CAMERER JOHN M ~\~~ 861 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750008004 WALTERS MARK H+TAMARA N 2200 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750096504 HALFACRE PAUL D 2106 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750098005 CASTRO CIPRIANO BIll 854 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750099508 TRUJILLO JOSE M 2107 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750101007 WHITBECK DEBORAH J 2209 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750108507 PFEIFLE LEW 2198 NE 8TH PL RENTON WA 98056 812865001000 PERRY ANNELLE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #A101 RENTON WA 98056 • 722750004003 GALT CHERYL 12628 SE 169TH PL RENTON WA 98058 722750005505 CHASE GARY E 853 ABERDEEN NE RENTON WA 98055 722750007006 MARTINEZ JOSE RUIZ 2102 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750008509 REISTER WILLIAM C 2186 NE 9TH PL RENTON WA 98056 722750097007 VINECKE JAMES L 824 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750098500 DRINKWINE KAREN J 858 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 722750100009 KINGREY MILDRED B 2201 NE 9TH ST RENTON WA 98056 722750107509 SMITH KENNETH P JR 2206 NE 8TH PL RENTON WA 98056 JR+ILSE 722750109000 BRISTOL FAMILY TRUST C/O BRISTOL W H & L G TRST 2194 NE 8TH PL RENTON WA 98056 812865002008 CLAYTON JOHN A 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #A-102 RENTON WA 98056 812865003006 O'GRADY KATY 949 ABERDEEN AV NE APT A-2 RENTON WA 98056 812865006009 KOSHIKAWA TAKASHI WINDERMERE PROPERTY INC 815 WESTERN AV STE 201 SEATTLE WA 98104 812865009003 LOOS KAREN ANNETTE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B105 RENTON WA 98056 812865012007 FREER MARYJANE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 812865015000 PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL 10220 SW GREENBURG RD PORTLAND OR 97223 812865018004 BRADLEY MICHAEL LEE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B 306 RENTON WA 98056 812865021008 GONCHAROVA TATYANA 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C-109 RENTON WA 98056 812865024002 BEAIRD MICHAEL+OLSON JENNI 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C208 RENTON WA 98056 812865027005 BLEHM BONNIE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C-307 RENTON WA 98056 812865030009 MODE NORMAN L 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #310 RENTON WA 98056 • 812865004004 FAISAL MUHAMAD+GHANI FARHE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #A202 RENTON WA 98056 812865007007 YAMADA ERICK T+ROSE D 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B103 RENTON WA 98056 812865010001 NGO KHAN GIA 949 ABERDEEN AVENUE B-106 RENTON WA 98056 812865013005 QUIGTAR GEORGE C 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B-205 RENTON WA 98056 812865016008 HAGERUP MARJORIE A 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B-304 RENTON WA 98056 812865019002 REYNOLDS PATRICIA 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C-107 RENTON WA 98056 812865022006 MCINTOSH ROBERT L+JUANITA 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C110 RENTON WA 98056 812865025009 KOSHIKAWA TAKASHI 815 WESTERN AV APT 201 SEATTLE WA 98104 812865028003 WIENSHIENK MARK R 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C308 RENTON WA 98056 812865031007 TURNER PHYLLIS D 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D111 RENTON WA 98056 • 812865005001 YOUNG SOLANGE 949 ABERDEEN AV NE A301 RENTON WA 98056 812865008005 JOHNSON JENNIFER 949 ABERDEEN AV #B-104 RENTON WA 98056 812865011009 HIU DENNIS S C+JOYCELYN G 98 1787 KUPUKUPU ST AIEA HI 96701 812865014003 FLETCHER JANET E 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B206 RENTON WA 98056 812865017006 ROTHNIE JANET C 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #B305 RENTON WA 98056 812865020000 LINDEMOEN ANGELA 949 ABERDEEN AVE NE #C108 RENTON WA 98056 812865023004 MORROW MARY 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C-207 RENTON WA 98056 812865026007 CLOUSING JEFFREY C 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C-210 RENTON WA 98056 812865029001 SKEELS IKU K 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #C-309 RENTON WA 98056 812865032005 K C HOUSING AUTHORITY ADMI 600 ANDOVER PARK W SEATTLE WA 98188 _. 812865033003 K C HOUSING AUTHORITY ADMI 600 ANDOVER PARK W SEATTLE WA 98188 812865036006 KOE MARTIN J 806 112TH AV E UNIT B-5 PARKLAND WA 98444 812865039000 MICA COLETTE L 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D-311 RENTON WA 98056 812865042004 PICKERING PAULA 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D314 RENTON WA 98056 812865045007 ESTERS TRACEE L 949 ABERDEEN AV NE E 117 RENTON WA 98188 812865048001 CARTER TERRIE R 949 ABERDEEN NE #E216 RENTON WA 98056 812865051005 LAUTH SUSAN R 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #E-315 RENTON WA 98056 812865054009 KIESLING GAY 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #E 318 RENTON WA 98056 812865057002 LE HUONG LAN THI 949 ABERDEEN AV #F219 RENTON WA 98056 812865060006 MCCOWN CORY ALLEN 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #F-320 RENTON WA 98056 • 812865034001 HUGHES TOM R 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #Dl14 RENTON WA 98056 812865037004 NIBLOCK C EDWARD 949 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 812865040008 LUNGU-GOLUMBU lOAN' 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D-312 RENTON WA 98056 812865043002 STRACENER CARLY 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #El15 RENTON WA 98056 812865046005 LONCZAK LAWRENCE L+CAROL A 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #El18 RENTON WA 98056 812865049009 WARD SEAN M 949 ABERDEEN AV NE RENTON WA 98056 812865052003 CHRISTENSEN DEBORAH 949 ,ABERDEEN AV NE E316 RENTON WA 98056 812865055006 BROWN JAMES R 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #Fl19 RENTON WA 98056 812865058000 FINCH FRANCIA L 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #F-220 RENTON WA 98056 813790001008 WALKER ANGELA LEE 901 SUNSET BL NE #A101 RENTON WA 98056 • 812865035008 JAYNE CHERYL ANN 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D211 RENTON WA 98056 812865038002 KATO TAMERA D 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D-214 RENTON WA 98056 812865041006 BROWN ELEANOR S 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #D-313 RENTON WA 98056 812865044000 CORRIGAN KATHRYN E 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #E-116 RENTON WA 98056 . ~ 0) 812865047003I'lol-Oe\\~ DEL ROSARIO HELEN ~ ~\\\~'\. 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #E215 RENTON WA 98056 812865050007 KOSHlKAWA TAKASHI WINDERNERE PROPERTY INC 815 WESTERN STE 201 SEATTLE WA 98104 812865053001 YASUI RONALD 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #E-317 RENTON WA98056 812865056004 NEWLAND TERRI L 949 ABERDEEN NE #F120 RENTON WA 98056 812865059008 HERMES CAROL A 949 ABERDEEN AV NE #F319 RENTON WA 98056 813790002006 SMALLS TONY E 901 SUNSET BL NE #A-102 RENTON WA 98056 813790003004 TRUONG PHI MINH 901 SUNSET BL NE A103 RENTON WA 98006 813790006007 JUMP TIMOTHY R 901 SUNSET BL NE A 202 RENTON WA 98056 813790009001 LANE BRIAN K 901 SUNSET BL NE RENTON WA 98056 813790012005 CAVEN THOMAS L 901 SUNSET BL #A 304 RENTON WA 98056 813790015008 NIELSEN JANET C 901 SUNSET BL NE #B-107 RENTON WA 98056 813790018002 SMITH ALVIN H+IRENE D 901 SUNSET BL NE #B-207 RENTON WA 98056 813790021006 RICHARDSON EIKO+ROBERT W 94-768 LUMIAUAU WAIPAHU HI 96797 813790024000 STEVENS JOSEPH 3497 S WATERFALL DR GREEN VALLEY AZ 85614 813790027003 SMITH LEW 14305 LYLE POINT RD ANDERSON ISLAND WA 98303 813790030007 BARTOLOME REBECCA 901 SUNSET BV NE #C 309 RENTON WA 98056 • 813790004002 :t~""(tU1t CARTER ANNIE MAE Aadtul I S 2101 SW SUNSET BL t"" CI'I RENTON WA 98055 813790007005 MAGER ELEONORA S 901 SUNSET BL NE #A203 RENTON WA 98056 813790010009 GRUNERT STEVE A 901 SUNSET BL NE #A302 RENTON WA 98056 813790013003 WILLIAMS MOLLIE 901 SUNSET BL NE #B-105 RENTON WA 98056 813790016006 STEVENSON KAREN M 901 SUNSET BL NE #B-205 RENTON WA 98056 813790019000 SHODA DARREN A 901 SUNSET BL NE #B-306 RENTON WA 98056 813790022004 MURATA AKIO 633 S RADBURY PL DIAMOND BAR CA 91765 813790025007 SEBASTIAN ELLYN L 901 SUNSET BL NE #C208 RENTON WA 98056 813790028001 BARBER WILLIAM C SR+GARBAR 901 SUNSET BL NE #C211 RENTON WA 98056 813790031005 KREIN KEVIN J 901 SUNSET BL NE #C310 RENTON WA 98056 • 813790005009 HOUGHTON HARRIET A 901 SUNSET BL NE #A201 RENTON WA 98056 813790008003 KIM HAE SOOK 901 SUNSET BL NORTHEAST A2 RENTON WA 98056 813790011007 PAPPAS LONNIE SCOTT 901 SUNSET BL NE #A-303 RENTON WA 98056 813790014001 MERRITT DIANA J 901 SUNSET BL #B-106 RENTON WA 98056 813790017004 TATAREK PATRICIA 901 SUNSET BL NE #B206 RENTON WA 98056 813790020008 KROMER MARDELL L 901 SUNSET BL #B307 RENTON WA 98056 813790023002 JARVIS TRUDY G 901 SUNSET BL #C110 RENTON WA 98056 813790026005 HESKETT NOEL K 901 SUNSET BL #C209 RENTON WA 98056 813790029009 GALVAN FERNANDO A 901 SUNSET BLVD NE #C-308 RENTON WA 98056 813790032003 BEST LYNDA 901 SUNSET BL NE #C311 RENTON WA 98056 .. 813790033001 GROOM DAVID & CHERYL 11631 SE 229TH PL KENT WA 98031 813790036004 MENESES OSCAR 901 SUNSET BL NE #D 115 RENTON WA 98056 813790039008 SANCHEZ LUTGARDA A 901 SUNSET BL NE #D-214 RENTON WA 98056 813790042002 YAMADA KOJI 901 SUNSET BL NE #D-313 RENTON WA 98056 • 813790034009 -t{OSU(h~ \.1 CUMMINGS SEAN P E ~\" 0,", 901 SUNSET BL NE #D ISSAQUAH WA 98027 813790037002 CARLSON RICHARD L+MAILE TR 901 SUNSET BLVD NE D212 RENTON WA 98056 813790040006 DONCKERS MADELINE 901 SUNSET BLVD NE D-215 RENTON WA 98056 813790043000 CHANDLER SCOTT A 901 SUNSET BL NE #D 314 RENTON WA 98056 • 813790035006 AASELUND GINA M 901 SUNSET BL NE #D 114 RENTON WA 98056 813790038000 VEATURAL SORAPONG 901 SUNSET BLVD #D213 RENTON WA 98056 813790041004 JONES SHARON KAY LEPAGE 901 SUNSET BL NE #D312 RENTON WA 98056 , A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Development Service. Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the nece.sary Public Approvals. PRo.JECT NAME/NUMBER: Camerer Short Plat' LUA04'()87. SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE Into two lots. The zoning Is Residentlal-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence. 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot wtll front on 9th Avenue North with access to Ulat right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires AdmintstraUve Short Plat Review. PRo.JECT LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave. NE PUBLIC APPROVALS: NJA APPLICANTIPRo.JECT CONTACT PERSON: Jon O •• ",on, lei: 253-852-4680 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Nancy Wen. Project Manager. Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on August 18, 2004. If you have questions about this proposal. or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail. contact the Project Manager at (425) 430·7270. Anyone who submits written comments wUl automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: July 21, 2004 August 3, 2004 August 4, 2004 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further InformaUon on this proposed project. complete this form and ratum to: City of Renton, Development Planning. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name I No.: Camerer Short Plat IlUA04-oS7, SHPl·A NAME: ____________________________________________________________ _ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ________________________ _ CERTIFICATION I, _J!W.~!....:'t'!-l=L=---_J_~_'_r.=~_==_..lhL...__, hereby certify that ~ copies of the above document were posted by me in.3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on ~ t<JS t-s I 'd..C/0'f MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES /;..?or" • NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Camerer Short Plat / LUA04-087, SHPL-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant is proposing to divide the property at 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE into two lots. The zoning is Residential-8 (R-8). The property has an existing single-family residence, 953 square feet, proposed to remain with access directly to Aberdeen Avenue. The proposed new lot will front on 9th Avenue North with access to that right of way. Both lots are proposed to be approximately 4,630 square feet in area. At this time, it appears not critical areas are involved. The proposed division requires Administrative Short Plat Review. PROJECT LOCATION: 861 Aberdeen Ave. NE PUBLIC APPROVALS: N/A APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jon Otterson, tel: 253-852-4880 coniments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Nancy Weil, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on August 18, 2004. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: July 21, 2004 August 3, 2004 August 4, 2004 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name / No.: Camerer Short Plat / LUA04-087, SHPL-A NAME: __________________ ~----------------------------~---------------- ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________ _ • CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING • On the 4th day of August, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: John & Susan Camerer Owners John Otterson Contact ................... ,"" ............. , ~N KA,i;"'. '-'--7~~--7"=r-=:"'='---L--~---------~".,cp: ........ CA ... ·., _ •••. ;t,\SSION~: •. ~~ I,,, (Signature of Send SS COUNTY OF KING ! . ~ "1'"..0. ~ ~ : :·8 ~OTA~L~'" ~ ~ :: r m: ~ ~ : ... ~ 0: ~ ~ ,.. . ~ ., ~ ~ \ USUC .: ! ',?~ ... 8. ••• ~: I .certify t~a~ I know or have satisfactory ev~dence t~at Patric~ Roduin \.; ;;;;.:?~:.9: .. ~~~~ __ -': signed thiS Instrument and acknowledged It to be his/her/their free and voluntary act fo,\t~~~.snd purposes mentioned in the instrument. ,\I\I~~ ... ~ Dated: ~ eX!), ~\I V1n~ixkru NOtaiYPUbilfland for the St~ashington Notary (Print): ____ -:M=::AR~llYN~KA~MC~HFFFIL.I.L.------------ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Camerer Short Plat LUA04-087, SHPL-A Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor August4,2004 Jon Otterson Cramer Northwest • 945 N Central Ave. Ste 104 Kent, WA 98032 Subject: Camerer Short Plat LUA-04-087, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Otterson: CITY • RENTON PlanningIBuildinwPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.; Administrator The Development Planning-Section of the-City of Renton has determined that the -subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional infprmationis required to continue processing your application. . - Please contact me at (425) 430-7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . ~ofk U~ nJl,-Nw.<tWdl Nancy Wei I Associate Planner cc: Susan & John Camerer fOwners -------------lO-5-5-S-ou-ili--G-rn-d-y-W:-ay---R-e-n-to-n-,W:-~--hl-.n-gt-o-n-9-80-5-5-------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ~. •• •• • ~ . -Kathy Kooiker-Wheeler, Mayor August 4, 2004 Superintendent's Office Renton School District #403 300 SW 7th Street . Renton, WA 98055-2307 • Subject: Camerer Short Plat . LUA-04-087 CITY ~ RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The City of Renton Development Services Division has received an application for an Administrative Short Plat located at 861 Aberdeen Ave. NE. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to my attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton,1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. Elementary School: ___ ---'_,..-....:....-__________ -'-_____ -,-__ Middle School: _-'-___________ -,-____ -'--___ --'-___ _ High School: ___________________________ _ Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the ac;Jditional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes No __ _ Any Comments: _____ -'-___________________ --..:.. __ Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7270. Sincerely, NancyWeil Associate Planner -E-n-CI.------=}:-=o-=-ss=-s=-o-u--=th-G=-r-ad7Y--=W::=:a:-Y-_-=R:-e-nt-o-n,--=W:=-=-a--=sh:""":i-ng-to-n----=-9S=-=O=-=S:"::"s------~ * This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE NAME: ADDRESS: ZIP: NAME: COMPANY (if applicable): ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER NAME: :rO~ o"1\E2SOtJ COMPANY (if applicable): Qr-AMEtl- ADDRESS: ,'-Is JJ. C&.JttU\'-Av~ STE 16'1 CITY: Kt:.-NT ZIP: '18632. TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 25 :s -8S2 ~ 'I13~o .J 0.., E,crqmer" '-4.1. ce;)}I"V] ~sterap.doc Revised April 2001 PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: e~~ ~tto12A P~. PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)ILOCATION and Zip Code: IS (P I ..+1S 62-~ AOe-I'le ~ t:t80S"lo KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 7 Z:2.7S0 ' ooG;,s" EXISTING LAND USE(S): S I)J UtE f.It.M IC-i PROPOSED LAND USE(S): S II-J ~ L£ FIMA ,c..Y EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: t6-.-s 1~'Tlh<'" SF PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable):·· 5A-MC EXISTING ZONING: 12-:-8 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): ~e SITE AREA (in square feet): ~ 2S8 . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): N/A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL D~SITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): c:If .::J 2- NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 2- NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): I NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): J ~.por·l ~ !:~RAr'IE~~ I'IU , SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): (100 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): D:>N T tCt-l~ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA OF NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (If applicable): ANNE){ATION (A) $ COMP PLAN AMENDMENT (CPA) $ CONDITIONAl USE PERMIT (CU-A. CU-H) S _ EtMRONMENTAL REVIEW (ECF) $ ----- 25.3 :352 4955 1. 11 2DDl lJ2: 41 Ft'l F'l PROJECT VALUE-:I 8q,a:;O IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (i{applicable):f.,lO 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO CJ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD 5<1. ft. 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. 0 SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. 0 WETLANDS sq. ft. SHORELINE REVIEWS _ CONDITIONAL. USE (SM~) $ _ EXEMPTION (SME) $ t:!.Q CHARGE _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT (SM) S I I GRADE & FilL PERMIT (GF) $ _ VARIANCE (SM.V) $ _J (No. Cu. Yds; $ _ REZONE (R) $ SUBDIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN (BSP) S MANAGEMENT PERMIT (RVMP) _ FINAL PlAT (FP) S _ SirE PlJ'.N APPROVAL (SA·A. SA-H) $ _ LOT LINIO: ADJUSTMENT (lLA) S _ SPECIAL PERMIT (SP) $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT (PP) S TEMPORARY PERMIT (TP) $ )i SHORT PLAT (SHPL-A, SHPL.H) S ZoW. oZ) _ VARIANCE rv·A, V-H, V.B) $ (from Section; $ Postage: $ _ WAIVER NoI) $ TOTAL FEE $ OTHER: $ I. (print Name) S\,)~~!:>.J9fflJ CA-N1e~ • dedare that I am (please check one) V'the current owner of the property Involved in this application or _ the auttloiUed representative to act for a OOfl)OI'allon (please attach proof of authorization) and that lne foregoing statements and answer.l tsereln contained and the in{ormaUon herewith are In all respects true al"d correct to the beSt of my knowledge and belief. :S-OHN c..AIVlE..et:g. I certify that I know or h~ve satisfactory evidence that ~~~~I~~~~~~ ~/J _. _ . sign0d thl~ InstnJmMt and acknowledged it to be hlslher t r1 for ~ the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrumenl 'tt,;.;, .. '·" ::;" , "-' --./ ~-'\") .sa ~ X _~~::::::::::~:::::::::...:...::..-.-=LA==-· ~m:.;.:.. ~e..~(~Q~(_ . . ~ ,_ ~~';ttr .~~\~:~ (Nam~O{ QrlRepre.$I3ntative). ~ otary Public In and forlhe Slate of Washington i! -0--.1 ~ X ""T" ....... ,. It.A\ ' i. .\-jt7~,~ .:- Not<>ry (Print) -.)~ !.~ L~L O'tTI;;-ru~:\jI .f ~~.:~~ (Signature of Ow1'Ier/Represcnt.;!tive) My appointment expires: .AVb()z> r 2./1 'l00 <-·\:'~;""";;'?J..tl!..!t':~~-;f ~I.' '#. " ? :~". ~ \i. \.f. • .;, ~ .,,,,, ., ~u .\\' mastcrapdoc R,;\'ised Apri12001 "7!H"(H\'I'r\\" i I I I I I 1 4. • • Commitment No. R249345-2 SCHEDULE A CONTINUED The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: Lot(s) 13, Block 1, Renton Highlands, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, page(s) 34, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A 2 CONTINUED ! , i I , , ' I ' : ii); • lin ; IiI! JIII!I! ,I 11I1 :1111:"j\ I I I', 'Iii,;' ' i i' I I ,i, '111~i ' , iii! 1 I) i i ifii 1· di :11 I illi! I, :I','i Ii .;:: ./ !il' I :~I: 1 :1 : il'; , il': 1 I I : iil'i i !, I I! ! I' I 1:1 1 ! ! i !,r ! • AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) DEVElOPMI=NT PtA CITY OF RENTO~NING .. JUL 2 f 200~ tiL:CelVED s US C! a C Cl ffi.fL ( .a4 , being . first d~1y sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the ;;l. J day of :::r.1J.!if . ~ ~ I installed -:t.-public information sign(s) and ~ JIY~ box on the property located at ~to 1-~ ~ ~ for the following project: . ~.P-V ~t-?}~. Project name C ( ;YOh Yl ~ SUSC?f7 ·a m--e (~ Owner Name 2.. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the reqUire~Pter 7 Tide 4 of Renton Municipal Code. Installer Signature SUBSCRIBED AND ,~tl~1Ir Itt P."fore me this ;)t day of ~B!1 . ~CDl..f: " c:,. 'S'OJt // / i;i;>E;;r~~~, '\ 0< <;;;;2 DU :: : (to ~OTARI' ~": -~ -5t~ = : ~ ~ l = NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, ~ ~~\~('I~ PUBLIC '\,~~/$ g residing %4. ~ 4t.t...5\ ~ . at c.cQ~''t D~--;'~R2'\":/~,~ " \ // F w".s#", I \ 111I1 I 11 , \ \ \ \' My commission expires on . t c> 2-, too'-" Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\pubsign.doc08/27/03 [4" r ".,~ . • . '.' ".~ ", .. 96" . U$e4~x ""X 1ZpOST$" . UsC· .. • . it~·:t~PtYVilOOD . . .. ~~~.~;~V;~ij'tJLiS.-WJWAsHclW ~~'~NG:'"' ..... '.' .... ;, , .. tlSeHS4~~NG, atAOl(·~WH~~GRol,lNO. : -:. ,:'. . , ,., ~ Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\pubsign.doc08I27/03 o· • ,..,. .. ~ .. : ··0 -N ir . !!I' j:. ~ . . ...... . ·VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Rehabilitation Plan 4 t1a#~~'-r This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section PROJECT NAME: CA{VtB€.og..: Sti:Pk DATE: '7/ a-4/ 01 4 Development Planning SectiBlliVELOPMENT PLANNING . CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 1 2004 RECEIVED h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls REVISED 5/17100 I • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISI. WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section APPLICATIONS PROJECT NAME: _G:::..'.:.....A1\!t.!..:...:...:· ....!::~~..!::::.-::....:....-----=S::::......:.-t-l~~~=---_ DATE: _'5+/_,)-4---,--PL-I---~_l _____ _ ·--"il ..... ....,::Jt"''' ,t.",\, •. ~ ~-ll" \.J -i . L .• '.P ~ .. h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls REVISED 5/17/00 The site is located on the southwest comer of Aberdeen Avenue N.B. and 9th Avenue North in the City of Repton. The site is 0.22 acres, roughly rectangular, and slopes from Aberdeen Aven~e N.E. on its east side downward to the west at a typical slope of 10%. A single family residence built about 1950 is located on the east half and faces Aberdeen Avenue N.E. The remainder of the site is comprised of existing lawn and several small landscaped trees. The site is surrounded by single family residential areas .. It is proposed to divide the existing parcel into two residential parcels of 0.11 acres each, creating a new lot in the west half, facing onto 9th Av~nue N. The eXisting residence on east half of the original parcel (Lot 1) would remain, and the new parcel (Lot 2) wo.uld be available for a new residence. . ; . DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON . . JUL 2 12004 RECEIVED .' . 1. Gross ~rea property: 2. Certain areas are excluded from the calculation. These include public roadway, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, and critical areas.* Total excluded area:** 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area (or total of lot areas): 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units (d.u.) or lots planned:' 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: _--.JI2~_lots or units would result in a net density of 1. _'_2_Set ___ , square feet 2. __ ~O~ __ square feet l1 "ZsB 3. ______ square feet 4. __ o_,_Z_t __ acres 5: 2. unitsllots -----"'''---- 6. ___ ".:.-"_5_2_ d.u./acre ~ .. 5Z dwelling units per acre. *CriticatAreas: Are defined as "areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. A: !DENSITY.DOC Revised 04/00 ENT PLANNING, DEV~~~F RENTON JUL 2 , 2004 RECEIVED. -- ." TIC OR TITLE COMPANY 600 SW 39th Street, Ste 100, Renton, WA 98055 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 Date: June 15, 2005 at 08:00 AM Prepared For: . Cramer Northwest 945 N. Central Ave, #104 Kent, WA 98032 . . INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MADE TO: UNIT 3 (425)228-5566 Jack Hagen. Joy Chauvin Order No.: Your Reference: . Charge: Tax: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A TITLE IS VESTED IN: John M. Camerer and Susan M. Camerer, husband and wife LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 6353016-3 Camerer $ 330.00· $ 29.04 Lot(s) 13, Block 1; Renton Highlands; according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 46 of Plats; page(s) 34, in King County, Washington. . PLAT Certificate Schedule A --e EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B 1. PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS: All uranium, thorium and all other materials determined pursuant to Section 5(b) (1) of the Atomic Energy Actof 1946 (60 Stat 761) to be peculiarly essential to the production of fissionable material, contained, in whatever concentration, in deposits in the lands covered by thisinstrumentare hereby reserved forthe use of the United'States together with the right of the, United States through its authorized agents or ' representatives at any time to enter upon the land and prospect for, mine and remove the same; making just compensation for any damage or injury occasioned thereby. However, such land may be used and any rights otherwise acquired by th!s disposition may be exercised, as if no reservation of such material had been made that when such use results in the extraction of any such material from the land in quantities which may not be transferred or delivered without a ,license under the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as it now exists or may hereafter be amended, such matenal shall be the property of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and the commission may require delivery of such material to it by any possessor thereof after sLich material has been separated as such from the ore~ in which it was contained: If the Commission requires the delivery of such material to it, it shall pay to the person mining or, , extracting the same, or to such other perSon as the commission determines to' be entitled thereto, such' sums including profits as the Commission deems fair and reasonable for the discovery, mining, " development, production, extraction and,other services performed with respect to such material prior to such delivery, but such payment shall not include any amount on account of the value of such material before removal from its place of deposit in nature, If the Commission does not require delivery of such material to it, the reservation hereby made shal! be, of no further force or effect. , 2. COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMITIING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS,'IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLQR,RELIGION, S~, SEX~ALORIENTATION,FAMILIALSTATUS; , MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRVOR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE ExTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY ApPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: ,May 10, 1949 . RECORDING NUMBER: ,3900127 3. Easementfor grading of street slopes, as necessary, over portion of premises adjoining any street or alley, as dedicated in the plat. 4. DEED OF TRUST, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: , husband and wife , TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: John Camerer, who acquired title as John M. Camerer and Susan M~ Camerer, Pacific Northwest Title Company, a Washington corporation Washington Mutual Bank,a Washington corporation 1201 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 01-0009-003793739-8 $106,500.00 June 6,2003 June 16, 2003 20030616002145 5. General property taxes and special district charges, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: ' (1 st half delinquent on May 1 st; 2nd half delinquent on November 1 st) Total Taxes for Year 2005 Amount Billed: $1,952.65 Amount Paid: Amount Due: $976.33 $976.32 Tax Account Number: 722750-0065-03 Levy Code: 2100 SCHEDULE B (Continued) Current Assessed Value: Land: $95,000.00 Improvements: $69,000.00 NOTES: A. hi the event the transaction fails to close and this commitment is cancelled, a fee will be charged to comply with the State Insurance Code and the filed schedule of this Company. B. Abbreviated Legal for purposes of King County Recorders Office is: Lt 13, Blk 1, Renton Highlands, Vol 46/34. . C. The records of King County and/or our inspection indicate that the address of the improvement located on said land is: . 861 Aberdeen Avenue Northeast Renton, WA 98059 A Single Family Residence According to the King County Tax Rolls the dwelling was built in 1942. j il h/tsm/06/23/2005 PLAT Certificate Schedule B Wi I 391a5 SF ~ "~e " ----,.-.". -e· t · t(IoIG COUNTY \ _IOE~ -.oL. t~l PK£ l~~l\' -..._~.INI:. . ~Tn.[ .-...... .' .. (~,~ Iij, '., i l, { ------ , ~. ~. ~ • ~ • ~ i I I • I t I I : . . 1, I : , .1 1 I . " 't, .:' :.',:"" ~~.·:" .• I."·~ -----=_~in . l , I -. . I r --e ----_~..J:L._~._ :-_.- I to ..... -i7IH.~. . O·,,,~ _ _ .N/I'II}I"" _ -'~r---R •. '.~ '-e ·-e· Auditor's File 1\0. 390012; RENTON HIGHLANDS All lots in the tract ahall b~ known and deaipated as residential lots, except lots 18 through 24 in block 6. On any luch fe.identiallot no st.ructure shall be erected, ~lte.red, placed or perlD;itted to remain for oth~r than residential lIM, aDd DO dwelhng allall exceed two ,torles lD heIght, and no private garage shall be bUilt to accommodate more ~ one ear for eaeh dwelling UDit. No structures shall be ereeted, altered or plaeed on any residential building lot after the date of this instrument nearer to the front lot line or nearer to the side street line than the struetures presently located upon the said plota; nor nearer to the side lot Une than 6 feet, except for garages located back of rear d\vell· . ing wall. . " No residential lot, as' shown on the recorded plat, 8hall be f~ther subdivided. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be earried on upon any lot nor Ihallanything be done . thereOD which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No trailer, basement, tent, ahack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any timt be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shan any structure of temporar;y character be u.eed .. a residence. . keJuaive of open porohea and garages, the ground Hoor area of no dwelling unit.aha:Il be less than 500 square f~t in the ease of one story structure or less than 600 square feet in the ease of one and one-half and twoatorr atrueturea. . Theae oonlWlu are to. run with the land and shall . be binding on all partieI and all persons claim.inr un~er them until January 1, 1970, at which .~e said covenants shall be automa~ extended for ~cceain penods of 10 7e&I'S unless :.by vote of a maJorIty of the then owners of the lou it .. agreed to ehange sUd eovenanta' in whole or in part. • . . . U the parties hereto, or ~y of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate &D1 of the COTeD&Ilta herein it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any real property situate b said dn,topment or subdivision to proMCUte any proceedings at law or in equity against the perIOD 01' persona nolating or attempting to TiOlate aD7 Reb eonnant aJid either to prevent him or them troa • doing or to recover damages or other ciDM for web Yiolation. . Invali~~tion of .any one of these Covenants by judpumt or eourl order .hall in no wise affect aD7 of tIM . other prov1810ns whIch shan remain In full foree and efleet. . RE·NTON HIGHLANDS (Plat Reservation)' Reservationa ~ntained in the dedieatiOll of the plat of RentoD Highlands; lIubstanti4l17 .. fOllows.: All uranium, thorium, and all other materiab determIned punuant to section 5 (b) (1) el the AtomIc . Energy Act of 1940 (60 Stat. 761) to be peeuliarly eaaential to the production .of fissionable .. terial, eon· tained in whatever concentration, in deposits in the landa covered by this instrument are ..... by reserved for the use of the United States, together with the right of the United States, through it. authorized agents or representatives at any time to enter upon the land and prospect for, mine and remove the same, making just eompensation for any damage or injury occasionecl thereby. However, aueh land may be used, and any rights otherwise acquired by this disposition may be exercised, as if no.reservatioD of neh material has been mllde: except that, when such use results in the extraction of any such material from the land in quantities which may not be transferred or delivered without a license under the Atomic Energy Aet of 1946, u it now exiRtR or may hereafter. be amended, such material shall be the property of the United States Atomic Energy Commi8BioD, and the COmmlssionmay require delivery of such material to it by any poaseaaor thereof after IlUch m!lterial baa been ~l>arate~ ~s such from the ores in wh~c~ it was conta~ed. H the commilaion reqairea the d~hvery of such materIal to It, It shall pay to the person mmlDg or extractmg the same, or to luch other perRon as the CommiaaioD determines to be entitled thereto, such. BUms, including profits &8 the ColllDliaion deemR fair and reasonable for the discovery, mining, development, prorIuction, extraction, and other servic .. performed "'ith respect to such material prior to such delivery, but such payment shall not include any amount on account of the value ofauch material before removal from its p~e of deposit in nature. If the CommiB8ion does not require delivery of luch material to it, the reservation hereby made shall be of no further force or eUect. . After. recordIng return to '. JOHN M. CAMERER 861 ABERDEEN A VB NE RENTON WA 98056 E1778948· UI2II/_ .. ·.1 kING tun. IIA' . TAX a.au n sm.. .• 182 ...... \V~ . Fded for Record at the Request of Washmgton Title Company R236098 '. LPB-lO STATUTORY WARRANTy DEED" .... TIlE GRANTOR GRACE FARFSTEN, an ~ed wbirWt .• '" ..',' ':, . ". ", ..... : .. '. for' and m coosl(lerabon ofTen DoUais and Other GOod awl Valuable Corisld~on 1D hand paid, cOnveys and warrants to JOHN M CAMERERim~ SUSAN M .. CAMERER, husband and,wlfe . '. .' ..... :' . ,." . the followmgdeScnbed real estate, Situate 10 the County of KING; St~te ~fWashmgtori Lot(s) 13, Block 1; Rent()n H1&hla.nds, acCordmg to the plat thereof recOfded i~d'OIUme46' of Plats, page(s) 34, 10 King County, WashIngton .' . ' SubjeCt to easeIIients, cOVerulntS, condlfiODS and restrlcnons shOwll on Exlubtt ~ A:' as hereto attached ,and by this reference'made a part hereof ' ' . , .. , .Tax Account No'·· 722750-0065-03 Dated tlus13th day of SEPTEMBER, 2000 " '" ~~~~ .. By_, ·_--'---'-""'---'---'---' ____ _ By __ ~~ __ ~ __ ~~~__'~ SEE ATTACHED NOfAllY JURAT " .-.~ ,,'. CALIFORNIA ALL·PURPOSEACKNOWLEDGMENT ~"~'f"" ,«-....,,,,O'{,v .. 4·<"<'~(''''''''''('i<.r;<'A..o(''~:~''''..QfA.'''('''~~~~'v,(~YJ./~\~(~1.~''''''<'I. .. '''~'V \'1 ... , .. 4.\ ..... 4" " ...... , (( ''(V1 ~ :: :aIOO~"", } ~ . ...( i On ---'---'tr_l~....p.O-,,--O --..-'-·G' befure~'~LL~~.",~~~.~' ~ ~ personaUy appeared tf't)..c.e... -r. A~t <;tevt . . . .. . ~ p -Namo(s) 01 Slgner(sl _ ---'~ ~ I I perSonally known to me· . . -. .... . ~ g KProved to me on the baSIS of sabsfactory ..\ ~ eVloence ~ ~~"'. 10 be IhepersonO( whose name~ is/aK ~~. _. t subscribed 10 -the within Instrument and ~ ::nm:~ed t~.n me ~~. ~~~_ a~~erutOni:dd ~ _ - R r:;~:-"'.-..' ." 'I capaclty(~,. anI-thai -~~;;her/~r ~ ~ -fj /JP4 ~l •• "";"', It I~. 'N signa. ture'M' 00. the IOst.rum.ent tho e pers.-on~. or ~ ~ ~l'~ .... '-t ~c:V/olna ~ the enbty~pon behalf of which the pe~~~ .~ .. ~ .. . .. Mv('roM i~' • 'lvY'Jl m4 ~ . acted, executed the Instrument . ~_ r. .... ... '"" ,. .... J tl .~.~ '. uh t ~. ~-~ ~. ~ ~. ---fI l: PIaGe NoIaty SeoI ~ g ~ ~OpnONAL ~ a: ThoUgh the mfOlirlahon below IS not requned by laW. Ii may {iroVe valuable 10,Jetsons ,e,ymg 0;; IhedoCufflenl ~ - ~ . . and could JN6venl frauduletit removal and reattachinant of.lh,s form 10 another d6ci.urien1· ~ ~ DeScnptJon of Attaclled Document ~_. ~ TIUe or Type of DoCument _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ~ .~. ~ t OOcutnent Date· . Number of Pages _. _-_ __ _ ~ I :=:::::~---------. ~ t Sl9rier's-Name • . ___ .. _-,:....-~ L r Individual II Corporate OfflC8r--':" Tllle(s) _ .. _. __ _ I Partner -I !LImited I J General g I Attomey III Fact ~ ~ I ) Trustee ~ ! ~; ::~n or Conservator ~ P.· . ~ ~ Signer Is Represenbng _. _ _ _ ~ ~ .. . i . ~-C~;C~,'CI.,'CI.,~'CI.,'C.<.:C<i(".(,;c.(.'('.(.'CI.,'CI.,~~'c,,,-c.\;C\;c,,,-c(,~.-c.<;<l<:t.<,'c<.:c.(.;c.(.'CI.,'CI.,'CI.,'<'-,.,;c ... ~'CI.,-C¢~'CI.,"'.(.:c.(;c.<;C<.'C\;<)<.)' PIOII1Io5'101 _wCallTolF ... ll1OOilslIII27 c;:,' = '<.."':1 ( .... &:row No Rl36D98' "EXHIBIT A" PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS: All uramiun, thonum and all other matcnals determmed pursuant to SectIon 5(b) (1) of the AtomIC EnergyAct of 1946 (60 Stat 761) to be peculIarly essential to the production of fiSSIonable matena!, contamed, m whatever concentratJon, 10 depOSIts m the lands covered by thIS instrument are hereby reserved for the use of the UOlted Stales together WIth the nght of the Untted States through Its authorized agents or representatIves at any time to enter upon the land and prospect for, mme and remove the saine, makmg JUst coinpensabon for any damage or mJury OccBSloned thereby However, such land may be used and any nghts OtherwIse acquIred by tlus dtspoSitlon may be exercIsed, as If no reservatlon of such material had been made thatwheJi such uSe results 10 the e~tractlon of any such matenal from the land' m quantities wluch may not be transferred or dehvered WIthout ahcenSe under the AtomiC Energy Act of 1946. as It now exiStS or may hereafter be anlended, such materJai Shall be the' . property of the UOlted states Atonuc Energy CommISSIOn, and the conUrusslOn may requrre delivery of such matertal to It by any possessor thereof lifter such matenal haS been, separated ' as sUch from the oreS m winch It waS contained Tftbe Coinnusslon reqUII1:s the delIvery of such matenal to It, It shall pay to the person mmmg or eXtractmg the same, or to such other persOnas the comnusslon deterinlDeSto be entItled thereto, such sums Including profits as the COmnllSSlOD deems farr and reaSonable for the dISCovery ,minIng, 'development, production. extractlon and other semces perfonned With respect to such matenal pnortosuch dehvery, but such payment shall not mclude any amount on account of the value of such matenal before removal from Its place of depOsIt In nature 'If the Comnilsslon does notrequlfe debvery of such materIal to It, tllereservatlon hereby made shall be of no further force or , . effect ' COVENANTS AND RESTRlCnONS CONTAINIl:D IN DECLARATION OF' PR.OTECrivE, REsTRICTIONS AND EAsEMENTS, BUr OMITiiNG 'ANY COvENANT OR RESTRicnON BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, ,'HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENTTIIATSAID C()VENANT(a) IS ExEMPT UNDERCBAPTER42, , SECTIOJ'tj' 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES ,CODE OR(b) RELATESTOIlANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS:' , ' RECORDED REC()RDING NUMBER , , May 10, 1949 3900127 Easement for, grading of street slopes, as necessary, over portlon of preuJlses adJommg any street or alley 20030616002145.001 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO . Waslu.ngton Mutual. Bank C/O ACS IMAGE SOLUTXONS 12691PALA DRIVE -MS156DPcA GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841 , -1111111111111111 20030616002145 ... nPAClFIC NLI TUDT. 38 ·1 Gli III OF 821 ... , • 118/2813 14:87 KING COUNTY. VA .. ... .. . SECURITY INSTRUMENT COVER SHEET. Ol~0~09~~03793739-8 Please pnnt or type Information Document 1)tle(s) (or·transactlons contained therein) 1. Deed of Trust Grantor/Trustor/Mortgagor(s) (Last name first, then first name and Irlltlals) 1. JOHN CAMERER . ·2 SUSAN M CAMERER. 3 :4~· 5·0 Addltlonaln~mesonpage _ .. _. _ of docUment ..... . • Grantee/Benflhclary/MortgageeCs) J. Washington·. Mutu~lBaDk Legal Descnptlon . Ca~brevlated: .I.e lot, block, plat ors~ctlon, tQwnshlp, range) LOT 13 ,BLOCK 1, . RENTON HIGHLANDS , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED· IN VOLUME 46 OFPLATS~ PAGB 34, IN KING COUNTY, wASHINGTON.· . . . . . . :. " ".' o ·Addltlon~1 le~alis on page _ .. __ of document~ .. , AsseSsor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) 1722750'::0065-: 03 3 ThiS document prepared by CAROLYN PETERSON 1309 114'l'H AVENUBSE #302 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 26361'2001 2 4 >.' --e AFTER R~tORDING RETURN TO . Wash1ngton . MUtual Bank clOAca IMAGE SOLUTIONS 12691 PALA DRIVE -. MS156DPCA GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841 20030616UU~14~.UU~ '----"----~~-,...---[Space Above This Line For RecordIng Data] ---......... --------- . .' PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY 526965 DEED OF TRUST . . DEFINITIONS Words used In m.ultlple SectIons of this document aredefmed bei~W and other' words are defl~ed ." InSeCtlohS3, 1f, .13,18, 20 and 21Certam rules regardIng the uSage of words used !nthls . document are ail:;o provided tn Section 16. (A) "SecumY Ins1rumentU means thiS document, which .IS dated_" -,-, ___ "'~Jl~un~;~e=-' ~6~,!...· ...!2::!O~O~3:.....;..~--.-..: tog~ther with ail Rlders.tothJS document . . (B) " Borr'ower'; IS' . JOHN·CAMBRBR. who acquired title as JOHN'M CAMERER and SUSAN M '. CAMERER, . busband' aIld .wi fe .Borrower is me trustor under thiS Securrty Instrument~· (e) "Lender" IS .' .' washlngton Mutual Bank, a waahixigton coq>oration .. Lenderls a.· ." Bank . organized and eXIsting under the laws of '. Lender's address" IS WaShington . 120iThi.:i:d Avenue Seattle,WA98101 Lender IS the benefiCIary under thiS Securrty Instrument '. ." .' .'. . '. .' • JD)"Trustee-IS , .....••. PAC!FIC NOR'l'HwESTTITLB COMPANY; awasbingtori CoxpOratiDrl (E) "Note." means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated ." ,··Jub.e 6,' 20P3 ' 'The Note states that Borrower owes Lender OIleHundred' Su: Thousand .P1ve Hundred & 00/100 .... . Dollars (U S$ 106,500.00 ) plus Interest. 8orrower has promIsed to pay thiS debt In regular Pert<xitc Payments and to pay the debt tnfull not later than . july 1. 2033 (F) "Property" means the property that IS descrtbed below under the heading "Transfer of Rights In the Property ". .' . .'. . . . (G) "Loan" means the debt eVidenced by the Note, plus tnterest~ any prepaymehtchargesand late chargeS due under the Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrument,. plus Interest . WASHINGTON 1529 «()4.()1) Page 1 0117 20030616002145.003 01-0009~003793739~8 (H,"Riders" means all Riders to this Secuntylnsfrument that are executed by Borrower The following Riders are to be executed by Borrower Icheck box as applicable] o Adjustable Rate Rider . o Graduated Payment Rider· o Balloon Rider. o Other(s) [speedy) o Condominium Rider . o Planned Unit Development Rider o . Rate Improvement Rider . [XJ 1·4 Family Rider o BIWeekly Payment Rider D Second Home RIder (I) a ApplJcable Law" means all controlling applicable federal; state and local statutes, regulations, • ordinances and administratIVe rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as weI/as· all applicable final, non-appealable JudiCial oplOlon~ . . . . ... (J) "Commumty ASsOciatiori Dues, Fees, and AsseSsments" means aU dues, fees, assessments and other charges that are Imposed on Borrower or· the Property by a. condominium aSSOCiatiOn, homeowners assocultion or Similar orgamzatlon. ... . ... .. .. . ..... (K) "ElectronIC Funds Transfer" means any transfer·of funds, other than a transacnon.ongimltM by check, draft, or Similar paper InStrument, which IS initiated through anelectronlc terrillnal, . telephonic instrument, computer,ormagiietlctape so as to order, mstruct,orauthonze a finanCIal institution to debit or credit an account Such term Includes, but IS not limited to, pOlnt-of-sale . transfers, automated tellermachane transaCtions, transfers Initiated by telephon~, wire transfers, and automated cleannghouse transfers ... . (L) "Escrow Items" means those Items :that are descnbed In Section 3 (M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any· compensation, settlement,' award of damages, or proceeds,· whether by way of Judgment, settlemehtorotherwlse, paid by any third party (other .• than insurance proceeds paid. under the coveragesdescnbed In SeciJOr; 6) for . (J)damage to, or destruction of, the Property, (II) condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property, . (III) conveyarice.1O \teu:· of c6ndemriatloh,oi' (IV) misrepresentations. of, or OrTlISSIOns as to~ the value and/or condition of the Property ... . .. '. .,.. ' . . . . . . .. (N) ~Mol1gage InsuranCe" mearisllisurance protecting. Lender .agalTlst the nonpayment of, or default oi1~ the Loan .. ... .... ... ...... . .. . ... . . . .. ... .. .. to) "PeriodlC~ Payment" . means ,the regularly. scheduled amount due. for (Jf prmclpal·· and I rite rest under t:he Note, plus (lI)ariy amounts under SeCtion 3 . of thlsSe~urlty InStrument ... {P' -RESPAameans the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 US C. Section 2601 et seq) and Its Implementmg regUlation, Regulation X (24 C F RPart 3500)' as they might be amended . from .tlme to time, or any additional .or successor legislation orregulatJon that governs the same ·subJeet matter Asuse(l. In thiS SecurrtYliistrumeht, "RESPAa refers to all reqUirements and restrictions thatar~ imposee! In regard to a -federally related mortgage loana even . If· the Locmdoes not qualify as-a "federally related mortgage loanu.under RESPA·· .. to} "Suecessorm Interest of Borrower,,'rilearisany party that has taken trtle to the Property; whether or not that party has assum~ Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or thiS Security Instrument . TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY This Security. Instrument secures to Lender (I) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modlflcatl<?ns of the Note;. (II) the performance of Borrower's covenants arid agreements under thiS Security Instrument and the Note, and (iu)the performance of all- agreements of borrower to pay fees and chargesansmg of the Loan whether or not herein set forth For thiS purpose,Borrower Irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, II; trust, With power WASHINGTON 1529 (04011 Page 20f 17 .'. 20030616002145.004 01-0009-003793739~8 . . of sale, the following described property located In Klrig County, . Washington LOT 13 ,BLOCK 1, RENTON HIGHLANDS, ACcORDING TO THE PLAT TImREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGB 34, INKING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. which currently has the address of ---Sl8 .... 6 .. 1~AB ... · · .... ERn .... ' ........ B .... EN ....... ...,A""VB __ · ... NE""'-· ......;:::-:-:-:r,----'-'-'-~-'------'---,. (Street] --,-_...:..---,-...:.' . ..IIR>J:B~NT~6~N...:.· _,---'-----,.....:' Washlligton _--::9,!-,8~O~5~6~.,..--· (n Property Address "). (City) (ZIp Code) TOGElliER WITH all the Improvements now or hereafter erectedOri the property, and all . easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter 8 partcif the property All replacements and additions shall also be covered by thiS Security Instrument AU of the foregOing IS referred to In thiS Secunty Instrument as the "Property .. . BORROWER COVENANTS triat Borrower IS lawfully seu~ed of the eState hereby conveyed and has the nght to grant and convey the Property and that the Property IS unencumbered, except ... ' for encumbrances of record . Borrower warrants arid Will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subJecno any encumbrances ofi'ecord . . . . ,,' :', : .-; " .:' .:. :. . .' '. . .··THIS SECURiTY INSTRUMENT combines umfo~m Covenants for natlonai· usE; and nori~umform . covenants With IlItllted .vanatlons . by JUrisdiction to" c'onstitute a Uniform security Instrument covering real property . .' . \JNIFORMGOVENANTs Qorrower and' Lender covenant a~d agree as follows· . . ·.1 •. ' Payment of Principal. Interest. Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower·shall pay W'hen due theprmclpal of,alidmterest on,the debt eVidenced by the Note and any prepayme~t charges and late charges due under the Note.' Borrower' shall also pay. funds for'· Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3 • Payments due under the Note and thiS Security Instrument . shall~ made In U. SCurrency However, If any check or other Instrument received by Lender as payment undetthe Note or thls5ecunty InstnJn'lent IS retUrned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under. the. Note and thiS seCUrity Instrument be made l/'l one of more olthe follOWing forms, as selected by Lender (a) cash, (b) money order, (c) certlfll:~dcheck, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, prOVided any such check IS drawn upon an Institution whose depoSIts are Insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entltYior (d) Electronic Funds Transfer '. . .' . . Payments are. deemed received by. Lender when' received at the location designated In the '. Note or at such other location as may be designated by Lender In accordance With the notICe . prOVISions In Section 15 Lender may return any payment or partial payment If the payment or partial payments are InsuffiCIent to brtng the Loan current Lender may accept any payment or partial payment inSuffiCient to bnhg the LOan current, Without waiver of any rrghts hereunder or preJudice to Its fights to refuse such payment or partial paymentS In the future, but Lender IS not obligated to apply such payments at thetlma such payments are accepted. If each PeriodiC WASHINGTON 1 &29 [04-01 I Page 3 of 17 20030616002145.005 01-0009-003793739-8 Payment IS applied as of Its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay Interest on unappIJed funds lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current If Borrower does not do so Within a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower If not apphedearher, such funds Will be applied to the .. outstanding principal balance under the Note Immediately prior to foreclosure No offset or claim which Borrower mIght have nOW or In the 1uture against Lender shall relieve Borrower from makmg payments due under the Note and thiS Securtty Instrument or performlTlg the covenants and agreements secured by thiS Security Instrument . 2. Apphcabon of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise descnbed In. thiS Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied In the follOWing otderof Priority (a) Interest due under the Note, (b) principal due under the Note, (c) amounts due under SectIon 3 Such payments shall be applied to each PenodlcPayment In the order IIi which it became due Ariy remamlng amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under thIS Security Instrument, and then to reduce the principal balance ofthe Note If Lender receives. a payment froffii:k>rrower for adehnquent PeriodiC Payment which Includes a sufflclentamotint to pay any late charge due, the payment maybe apphed to the dellllquent payment andtha late charge If more than one Penodic Payment IS outstanding, lender· may apply any payment received from Borrower to the repayment of the PerIodiC Payments If, and to the extent that, each payment can .be pmd 111 full To the. extent that any excess eXIsts after the payment IS applied to the full· payment of on~ or more· PeriodiC Payments; suCh . excess may. be apphedto any late Charges due Voluntarypr~paymentsshall be apphedflrsttoany prepayment charges and then as described IIi the Note.· . ... . . . Any. application of payments,. Insuranceproceeds,orMlscellaneous Proceeds· to. principal . due under the Note shall not extendofr>ostpone the due date,oi-change the amourit,of the Perrodlc Payments . . . . .. ... ... 3. Funds for EsCrow Items Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due underthe Note, Until the Note IS paid In full,a sum{theUFundsn) to provIde for payment of amounts due for • (C~) taxes and assessments and other Items whIch ~n attain prrorityover thiS Security Instrument· as a. hen or· encUmb'rance of the Prop~rty~ (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on· the Property; If any, (c) premllll:ns for any and all msurarice reqUired by Lender under SectIon 5, and Cd) Mortgage Insunmce prE:lIYlIUmS,lf any, or anysurris payable by Borrower to Lender In heu of the payment· of Mortgage Insurance premlun1sin accordance with the' proviSions of SectIon 10Thes~ Items are called uEscrow .. ltems U At on91Oation or.at any tlmedunng the term of the loan, Lender may reqUire that· COmmunity AsSOCiatIon· Dues, Fees, and· Assessments, If ariy, beescr6wed by Borrciwei';andsuchdties,feesand assessrnentSshall be an Escrow· Item Borrower shall promptly furnIsh to. Lender all notices of amounts to be paid i.mder this SectIon Borrower shall pay Lender the~unds for Escrow Items unless Lenderw8Ives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any qr all Escrow Items lender may waIve Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at anytime Any such waIver may only be In viff/ting In the event of such WaIVer, Borrower shall pay directly, when and When~ payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, If Lender requires, shall furnIsh to lender receipts eVidenCing such payment wlthtns~ch tlmepenod as Lender may require Borrower's obllgabon tomake such payments and to provide receIpts shall for all purposes be deemed to bea covenant and agreement!X>ntalned In thiS Security Instrument, as the phrase ncovenantand agr~ment· IS used In Section 9 If Borrower Isobhgated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a walver,and Borrower tails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exerCIse Its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amount Lender may revoke WASHINGTON 1629 (04 01) Page 4 of 11 . 20030616002145~006 01-0009-003793739-8 the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notice glven.n accordance with Section . 1 5 and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and In such amounts, that are then required under this Section 3 ... Lender·may, at any time, collect and hold Funds In an amount (a)sufhclent to permit Lender to apply the Funds at the time specified under RESPA~ and (b) not to exceed the maxunum .. amount a lender can require under RESPA Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on t\1e basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Iterns or otherwise In accordance with Apphcable Law~ .. . . . The Funds shall be held In an Institution whose deposits are Insured bya federal agency, Instrumentahty, or entity (including Lender, If Lender IS an msiltutJonwhose . deposits· are so . Insured) or In any Federal Home Loan Bank LendershaU apply the F~?ds to pay the Es~ow Items no later than the time speCIfied under RESPALender shall not char~e Borrower for holding and applYing the Funds, annually analYZing the escrow account, orvenfylng the Escrow Items; unless Lender pays Borrower mterest on· the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to . make such a .. charge Unless an agreement IS made In writing or Apphcable Law requires lI,terest to be paldori the Funds, Lender shall not be i'eqUiredto pay Borrower any Interest orearrllngs on the FUrids " .. Borrower and Lender can agree In writing, however, that Intatest shall. bepsld on the Funds . Lender shall give to Borrower, Without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds as required by RESpA . . . If there IS a surplus of Funds held In escrow, as deflnecl,underRESPA,Lenders.hall account to Borrower for the excess funds In accordance wlthRESPA If there IS a shortage of Funds held In· escrow i as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify· Borrower,as required· by .RESPA, and Borrower shaH pay to Lender the amolintnecessary to make up the~shortage In accordance wlthRESPA, but In nOn1orethan twelve monthly; payments If there IS a deficiency of . Funds held in escrow,· as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notifY 'Borrower· as reqUired by RESPA, and BorrowershaUpayto Lender the amoiJnt.necessary to make up thedefl(m~ncy in' , accordance with. RE:SPA, but In no more than twelve monthly payments· . ....... . . Upon ,payment In full of all sums secured by thiS SecUritYI Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to' Borrower ariy Funds held by lender . . .. . .. . . . .. .. 4 ChargeS; Uens.Borrowershall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and .lmposltlQnsattnbutable to the Property wllich can attsln pnorlty over thiS Secunty Instrument, leasehold payrnents or ground rents ,on the Property, .If any, arid ComrrlUnJtY AsSOCiatiOn DueS~ Fees, and AsSessments, If any To the extent that these Items are Escrow Items; 'Borrower shall pay them In the marmer prOVided In Section 3, ... .. ... . .. . ... ... ., '. . BOrrower shall' prornptly discharge any hen which has PriOrity over .thiS 'Security Instrument· . unless bOrrower (a) agrees In writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the hen m' a manner acceptable to Lender~ but only so long as Borrower IS perforrnlng such agreement, (h) conteStsthe henm good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the hen 1I1,legalprOcEt8dirigs which In Lender's OpinIOn operate to prevent the enforcement of the hen whIle those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded, or (c) secures from the holder of the hen an agreementsatlsfaetory to Lender subordinating the hen to this Secunty Instrument If . Lender. determineS that any part of the Property IS subject to a hen which can attain pnoflty .over ,thiS Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice Identifying the hen. WIthin 10 days of the date on WhiCh that notice IS given, Borrower shall satisfy the hen or take one or more of the actions set forth above in thiS Section 4 . Lender may reqUire Borrower to pay a one-time charge· for it real estate tax verifIcation and/or reporting service used by Lender In connection With thiS loan WASHINGTON 1529104011 . Page50f 17 20030616002145.007 01-0009-003793739-8 5. Property Insurance Borrower shall keep the Improvements now eXisting or hereafter erected on the Property Insured agaInst loss by fire, hazards Included wIthIn the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards including, but not hmlted to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender reqUires Insurance ThIs msurance shall be malntamed m the amounts (Including deductible levels) and for the penods that Lender requires What Lender reqUIres pursuant to the preceding sentences can change c:lurmgthe .termof the Loan TheinSUrl3nce carriler providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's nght to disapprove Borrower's choice,· whIch right shall not be exercised unreasonably lender may require Borrower to pay, In connectron With thIs Loan, either (a) a one-tIme charge for flood zone determinatIon, certification and tracking services, or (b) a one-tIme charge for flood zone determination and certifIcation servIces and . subsequent charges each time remaPPlngs or Similar changes occur which reasonably might affect such determmatlon or Certification· Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees Imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency In connectIon With therevlew of any . flood zone· determination resulting from an objection by Borrower . If Borrower falls to manlta", any of the.coverages descnbed above, L.ender mayobtarn Insurance coverage, at lenderisoptlon and Borrower's expense Lender IS under no obllgatron to .. purchase any particular type or amount of coverage .. Lender maypiJrchase such Insurance from or through any ~ompanyacceptable to Lender including; Without hmlta;tlon/ anafflhate of Lender, and Borrower acknowledges and agrees that Lender'S affiliate may receive conSideration for such purchase Therefore, such coverage shall cOver Lender, but m.lght or might not protect Borrower; Borrower's eqUity rn the Property, or the cOntents of the Property, against anyrrsk, hazard or .... habllity and might prOVide greater or lesser coverage than was previously In effect Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the Insurance coverage so obtained might SignifiCantly exceed the . cost ofmsurance that Borrower could have obtained Any amounts~hbi.Jrsed by lender .under thIS SectIon 5 shall become additional debt of Bolrower secured by thlsSecunty Instrument These amounts shall bear Interesrat the Note rate from the date of . disbursement and shall be payable, With such rnterest, upon notice from' lender to Borrower requestlrig payment .. . . All InsuranCe poliCies required by Lender and renewills of suchpolrcesshall be subject to Lender'S nghf to' disapprove ··such pollcies,'shall Include.a standard mortgage clause, and shall name lender as mortgagee and/or as an addrtJonal loss payee lender shall have the rrght to hold .... the pohcles and reneVial certificates If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender . all . receipts of paid' premiums and renewal notices If Borrower obtains any form of Insurarice coverage, not otherwise reqUired by Lender, for damage to, or destructIon of, the Property, such policy shall Include a stEl:ndard mortgage clause and shall· name lender asniortgagee and/or as an .. additional loss payee .... ., .. . .. . . .... . .. . .•. .. ., , Borrower hereby absolutely alid Irrevocably assIgns to lender all of Borrower's rrght, title and Interest.mand to all proceeds from any Insurance polrcy (whether or.oot thernsurance policy was requrnid by Lender) that are due,PBldorpayablewrth respect to any damage to subh .property, regardless of whether the Insurance policy IS estabhshed before, on or after the date of thiS ~ecunty Instrument. By absolutely and Irrevocably asslgmng to lender all of 80rrower~ s rrghts to-receIVe any and all proceeds from any Insurance policy, Borrower hereby walves,t~ the full extent allowed by law, all of Borrower's nghts to receive any and all of such Insurance proceeds·· . . Borrower hereby absolutely and Irrevocably assIgns to lender all of Borrower's fight, title and Interest'ln and to (a) any and all claims, present and future, known or unknown, absolute or contingent, (b) any and all causes of action, (c) any and all Judgments and settlements (whether through litigatIon, mediation; arbitration or otherWise), (d) any and aI/funds sought against or from any party or parties whosoever, and (e) any and all funds reCeived or receivable In connectIon WIth any damage to such property, resulting from any cause or causes whatsoever, WASHINGTON 1529 (0401] Page 6 of 17 -e .. ~ 20030616002145.008 01-0009-003793739-8 Including but not IImrted to, land subsidenCe, landslide, wlndstorm~ earthquake, flre,·flood or any other cause Borrower agrees to execute, acknowledge If requested, and dehver to Lender, and/or upon notice from Lendershail request any Insurance agency or company that has issued any Insurance polley to . exec ute and dehver to Lender, any addltlonalmstruments or documents requested by Lender from time to time to eVidence Borrower's absolute and Irrevocable assignments set forth In this paragraph . .. .. .. . .. . In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to themsurance carner and Lender Lender may make proof of loss If not made promptly by Borrower Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, any Insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlymg Insurance was. reqiured by lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair oftha Property,· If the restoration or repatr IS8coilomically feasible and Lender'S security IS not. leSSened ... DUring such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the nght to hold such Insurance prOceeds until Lender has .. had an opportUnity to Inspect 8uchProperty to .ensure the work has been completed to Lerideris satisfactIon, proVided that such Inspection shall be undertaKen promptly Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration 10 a slOg Ie payment or In· a series of progress paymehtsas the worbs completed Uniess an agreement IS made In wntlngor.A.ppllcable Law reqUIres interest to be paid on such Insurance proceeds; Leridershall not be reqUired to pay BorroWer8l1Ylnterest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retalrled by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be. the sole'obhg~tJon ·of Borrower. If the restoration or repair IS not economically feasible orLender's security would be lessened, the Insurance pr:oceedsshallbe apphed to thE! sums seCured by thlsSecunty Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, If any, paldtoBorrowerSuchinsutanee . proceedsshaUbe apphed In the order provldeclfor In sectiOn 2 ..• : ....•..• : ................ ' ..•................. : •..... If Borrower·abanqonsthe Property, Lender may fde, negobate ahdsettleany aVllllable Insurance claim. and· rehited . matiers .. If Sorrower does ·not· respond within· 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carner haS 'offered to settle a claim; then Lender .rriaynegottateand settle thectElimThe. 3(}.day penod Will begin when the notice IS given In eithereverit,orif . LerKIeraequiresthe Property under Section 22 or otherwise; Borrow.er hereby assigns to lender (a) Borrower'S nghts to·sny msurartce proceeds .10 ail ~imount not to exceed the . amoUnts uilpaid under the Note or this secunty Instrument; and (b) any other of Borrower's rights (otherthalithe right to any· refund of unearned· premiums p8ld.· by Borrower} under all.lnsurancepohclesco~erlng the Property, lI;sofar as such Tights are, applicable to the coverage of the Property ·lenderrtlay use the insuranCe proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under. the Note orihls Security Instrument, whether or not then due. ... ... ...•.. . ... .. . .. 6 .• OcCupancY~ . Botrow.ershi:1I1 occupy; establish, and use the PropertY as Borrower;s PrinCIpal reSidenCe within Sixty dayS after the execution of thiS Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pnnClpal reSidence for at least one year after the date ·01 occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In writmg, whIch consent shall not be . unreasonably withheld, or. unless extenuating circumstances eXist which are beyond Borrower's control···· .'.. ... • ... . ... . . . .., 7. Preservation, Malntalulnooand Protection of the Property; ·lnspeCtions Borrower shall notdestroy, damage or ImpaIr the Property,oi' remove or demolish any bUlldll"lg thereon, allow the Property to detertorate or commit waste on the Property Whether or not Borrower IS t8SJdll'l9 ln the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Property rn good coridrtlOn and repair In order to prevent the Property from detenoratlng or decreaSIng In value due to Its condition. Unless It !S determined pursuant· to SeCtIon 5 that repair or restoratIOn IS not econorrilcaJlyfeaslble,Borrower shall promptly repair the Property in good and workman like manner,f damaged to avoid further WASHINGTON 1529 (04.a1) Page 7 of 17 20030616002145.009 01-0009-003793739-8 deterroratlon or damage lender shall, unless otherWIse agreed In wrrtlng between Lender and Borrower, have the right to hold Insurance or condemnation proceeds If Insurance or condemnation. proceeds are paid 10 connection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be 'responsible forrepalnng or restOring the Property only If Lender has released· proceeds for such purposes Lender may disburse proceeds for the repalrsahd restoration Ina . slOgle payment or In a series of progress payments as the work IS completed If the Insurance or condemnation proceeds are not suffiCient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obhgatlon for the complE-tlon of such. repair or restoration . lender or Its agent may make reasonable-entrres upon and inspect.ons of the Property If It .. has reasonable cause, lender· may· Inspect the Intenor· of thslmprovements em the Property Lender shall give Borrower notice at the tIme of or prior to such an Interror Inspection specifying such reasonable cause Lender does not make any warranty or representation regard"ig~ and assumes norespOnslblkty for, the work done on the Property, and BOrrower shall not have any nght to rely In any way on any Inspectlon(s) by or for Lenderoiltsagent Borrower shall be solely responsible for determining that the work IS done In a good, thorough, effiCient and workmanhke manner rnaccordance With ell apphcable laws· . .. ... . . .. . BOrrower shall (a) appear In and defend any actlonorproceedlrlg pUfportllig to affect the security hereof, the Property or the nghtsor powers of Lender or Trustee, (b) at lender's option; . assign to Lender, to the extent of Lender's Interest, any claims, demands, or c8usesof actlon,of any kind, and any award, court Judgement, or proceeds of seitlementof any such Claim, demand .. or cause of action of any kind which Borrower now has or may hereafter acqurrearrsrn90u~ofor relating to any Interest rn the acqUISItion or ownership of the ProPerty .'.. Lender and Trustee shall not have· any duty to prosecute any such claJm~ 'demand or· cause of actlon\IVlthout limiting the· foregorng~ any such claim, demand or cause of action arising out . of or rei atlhgto . any IntereSt'rn the acqUIsition or ownership of the PropertY may Include (I) any such Injury or damage to the· Propert.v including without limit IriJury or damage to any structure or improvement situated· thereort, ·(11)· or· any· claIm .. or cause of action In favor·. of Borrower· whIch·. anses out "of the t~ansactlon financed In whole or In part by the.makrngof the loan secured hereby; (III) any claim 6r cause of action In favor of Borrovvei' {except for bodrlyinJuryf which arises as a result of any' .. rieghgen'toflmpi'operconStructloli, Installation or repair of the ProP9rtVlncludrng Without limit, any surface or ~ubsurface thereof, Or of any bUlldmgor structu~e thereon or (IV) any proceeds of Insurance, whether or not required by Lender payable as a result of any damage to or otherwise relating to the Property or any Interest·therern . Lender may apply, use 'or release such monresso received byrtm the same manner as provld~ In Paragraph 5 for the proceeds of Insurance .....•... 8 Borrower's Loan Application. BorroWE>rshail bsmdefault If, during the Loan apphcation .. j>r·ocess, BOrrower or any persons· or entitles actmg· altha drrectJem of Borrower· or With . Borrower.'s knowledge or consent gave matenany false~ inlsleadlng~ or ",accurate Information or . ·statemen'ts to Lender (or tailed to provide Lender W!th rhaterlal.lnforfnatlon) Inconnectlc)li with the Loan Matenar representations Include, but are not· hmrted to, representatlonsconcermhg·· Borrower's oCcUpancy of the Property as Borrower's principal reSidence . .. . 9. Protection of Lender's interest in the Property and Rights Unde; thiS Securrty Irlsttument If (a) Borrower falls to perform the covenants and agreements contamed In thiS Security ·'nstrument, (b) there IS a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's Interest In the Property and/or rrghts under· thiS Secunty Instrument (such as a' proceeding in bankruptcy~ probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement of a hen which may attain pnorrty over this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower has ebandonedthe Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever IS reasonable. or approprrate to protect Lender's Interest In the Property and rights under thiS Secuntylnstrument, Including protecting ·WASHINGToN 152910401) Page 8 of 17 20030616002145.010 01~0009-003793739~8 and/or asse~sll,g the value of the Property, and securing and/orrepalrlng the Property Lender's actions can Include, but are not limited to: (a) paYing any sums .secured by a hen which has Priority over thiS Secunty Instrument, (b) appearing In court, and (e) paYing reasonable attorneys' fees to protect Its ulterest In the Property and/or rights under thiS Secuntylristrument, Including Its secured posltlC)n In a bankruptcy pro,ceedlOg Securing the Property includeS, but IS not "imted to, entering the Property to make repSlrs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, dram water from Pipes, ehmlnate bUilding or other code Vlolatlonsor dangerous conditions, and have utIlities turned on 9r off Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and IS not under any duty or obligation to do so It IS agreed that Lender incurs no hablhty for not taking any or all actlonsauthoTlzedunder thiS ~ectlon 9 . . Any amounts dIsbursed by Lender under thiS Section 9 shall . becom~addltlonaldebt of Borrower secured by thiS Secuhty Instrument. 'These amounts shall bear intereSt at the Note rate from the date 'of disbursement' and shan be payable, With. such Interest, upon notice froin' Lender to Borrower requesting payment . .... . . Ifthrs Secuntylnstrumeritls on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the prOVISIOns of the lease If Borrower acqwes fee title to the Property, the leaSehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees'to the r1iergerin writing . .... .... .• ..-. -.. ' -.. , .... 10. Mortgage Insurance If Lender reqUired Mortgage Insurance as a cOlidltion of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums requIred to maIntain the Mortgage Insurance in effect If, for any reason; the Mortgage Insurance coverage reqUired by Lender ceases to beavadable from the mortgagelnsure'r that prevIously provided such Insurance and Borrower was required to make separately deSignated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, . Borrower shall pay the premiums reqt1lred to obtain coverage substantlallyeqUivaleht 10. the Mortgage . Insurance prevIously In effect, at a cOst substantially eqUivalent to. the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance prevlouslym effect, from an alternate n'l0rtgage Insurer seiectedby Lender If substantIally eqi.llvalent· Mortgage Insurance coverage IS not available, BOrrowershal/col1tlnue to . pay to Lender the amo,unt of' the separately designated payments that were due . when the Insurance coverage ceased to be In effect Lender will acCept, use and retsln these payments asa non-refunCtable loss· reserve . Inheu of Mortgage .. Insurance; . Such loss. reServe shall be non-refundable, notWithstanding the fact thfrt the Loan IS' ultimately paid In ful/,and Lendershal/ not be required to pay Borrower any lIiterest or earnings on' such loss reserve" Lender can no' longer require loss reserVe payments I' Mortgage Insurance coverage (In the amount and for the perIod that' Lender r8qlJlreS) provided. by an Insurer selected by Lender agaanbecomes avallable,ls obtallied, and Lender requIres separately designated payments toward the prenllunlsfoi" Mortgage Insurance ,If. Lender reqUired Mortgage Insurance as a condItIon of making the Loan and Borrower: was requITed to make separately deSignated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall-pay the prei'mums required to nl81ntaln Mort9~e InSurance In effect, or to provldea'Jion-refundable 10$8 re"rve, until Lender's reqUirement for Mortgage Insurance. ends In accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender provldmgforsuch terminatIon or untdtermlnatlon IS reqUired by Apphcable Law Nothing In thiS Sect!on10affects Borrower's obhgatlon to pay mtei"est at the rate provided In the Note '. '.. Mortgage Insurance relmburs~ Lender (or any entity thatpurch~es the Note) fo'-certain losses It may lIicur If Borrower does not repay the loan as agreed Borrower IS not a party to the Mortgage Insurance .' ..' Mortgage msurers evaluate their total nsk on all such Insurance rn· force from time to time, and may enter Into agreements With other parties that share or modlfythelT risk, or reduce losses These agreements areoh terms and conditions that. are satisfactory to the mortgage Insurer and the other party (or parties) to these agreements . These agreements may reqUire the mortgage· WASHINGTON 1529 104-011 Page 9 of 17 ----e 20030616002145.011' 01-0009-003793739~8 Insurer to make payments uSing any sour~ of funds that the mortgage Insurer may have available (which may Include funds obtained from Mortgage Insurance premIUms) As a result of these agreements, Lender ~ any purchaser of the Note,another Insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directly or IndIrectly) amounts that derrve from (or might be charactertzed as) a portIon Of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, In exchange for shanng or modIfYIng the mortgage InslJrer's risk, or redUCIng losses. If such agreement provIdes that an afflhate of Lender takes a share of the Insurer's rrsk In exchange for a share of the prermums paId to the Insurer, the arrangement IS often termed n captive reinsurance ," Further " (a) Any such agreements wdl not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other tenns of 1he LOan Such agreements will not.<lncre8se the amount Borrower wDl owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entltle Borrower, to any refund (b) Any such agreemenfswlll not affect the rights ~or'rower has -lfanY-Wtthrespect to the Mortgage InsuranCe under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any otherlsw. ,These rights maY,lnciude the nght to receive certain disclosures. to request and, obtain ~ncellatlon,of' the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance termmStedautomatlcmly,and/or to recei"e a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or terminatIOn -_ ' ' , , , , 11. Assignment of Nhscellaneous Proceeds; FOrfeitUre All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby aSSigned to and shall be pmd to Lender' " ' ",',", " If the Property IS damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, If the restoration orrep~lt IS economically feasible and Lend~r's securrtYls not lessened Durrng such repaIr and restoration penod, Lender shall have thenghtto hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had Em opportunJtYto Inspect such Property to ensu're :the work has been c()mpleted to Lender's satisfactlon,provlded that suchmspectlon shall be undertaken promptly, lender may pay for the I epalrs and restoration 10 a single disbursement or In a serres of progress payments ,as the work IS completed UnleSs an 'agreement I,S madem writing or Appilcable Law requires Interest to be paid on' such' MI,scelfaneous Proceeds, "lender shall not be reqUIred to pay Borrower any Interest or eai'ilu'igs onsucn Miscellaneous Proceeds If the restoration or repair IS,not economIcally feaSible' or,Lender's secunty,would 'beless9ned,the, Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the surrissecured bythlsSecurrty InStrument, whether or not then due; With the excess, If any, paid to Borrower Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall ,be applied In the order prOVided for InSection 2, ,,'" hi the event of a total taking, destruction, or loss In value of the Property, the Miscellaneous ' Proceeds shall be applied to the sums seCured by thls'SeCLJllty histrurnent,whetheror nottheri , due, With the excess, If any, paid to Borrower " .' ,', ',,",' " '" ',' . , In the event of a partial taking, destructIOn, or loss in value of ,the Property In which the .falr , market Value of the Property Imme<hately before the pmtlal taking, deStructIon, or loss In value Is equal toor great~r than the amount of the sums secured bythis$ecunty Instrument Immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss to value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In wrrtll1g, the sums secured by thIS Security InStrument shall' be reduced by the amount of" the MiscellaneOus Proceeds multIplied by the follOWing fraction. (a) the total amount of the sums secured, Immediately before the partial takIng, destruction, or 'loss In value diVided by (b) the fair ' market value of the Property Immediately before the partial taking; 'destructIon,' or loss In value Any balance shall be paid to Borrower " ' ' In the event of a part1al taking, destruction, or loss In value of the Property In which the fair market value of the Property Immediately before the' partIal takIng, destruction, or loss InvaJue IS less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately before the partial taking, destructIon, or ' WASHINGTON 1529104 011 PagE' 10 of 17 .. 20030616002145.012 01-0009-003793739-8 . .' . . loss In value, unless Borrower and lender otherwIse agree In Writing, the MIscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thIS SecUrity Instrument whether or not the sums are then due If the Property IS abandoned by Borrower, or If, after notice by lender to Borrower that the OPPOSing Party (as defIned In the next sentence) offers to make an award to settle a claim for damages,Borrower falls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice IS gIven, . LEmdens authoi'lZed to collect and apply the MIscellaneous Proceeds either torestoratlon or repaIr of·the. Property or to' the sums . secured by thiS Securrty Instrument, whether or not then due "OPPoslngPartyu means the thIrd party that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a right of action In regard to MIscellaneous Proceeds' . BorroWer shall be In default If any aCtion orproceedrng, whether Civil or criminal, IS begun that; In Lender's Judgement, could result In forfellure of the PropertY or other material Impairment of Lender's Interest In the Property or rights under thiS Security Instrument Borrower can cure such a default and, If acceleration has occurred, reInstate as prOVIded In SectIon 19, by causing the action or proc99chng to be dismIssed With a ruhng that, In Lender's Judgement, precludes forfeIture of the PropertY or . other meterlal Impairment of Lender's IntereSt In the' Property or rights under thiS Security Instrument' The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the Impairment of lerider'slnterest In the Property are hereby assIgned and shall be paId to lender. ..... All rl/hscellaneous Proceeds that are not appIJed to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied In the order provided for In Section 2 . . 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Thls$ecurlty Instrument cannot' be changed or modified except as' otherwIse prOVided hereul 'or by agreement' In writIng signed by Borrower, or aiw successor In Interestto Borrower and lender. Extension' of the~tlme for payment or modification of amortIzation of the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the 'habillty of Borrower or any' Successors III Interest of Borrower •. lender' shall not be . r~qulredto COrTlITlenCe proceedll1gs against any SucceSsor In Interest of Borrower Or to refuse to extend time'. for payment or otherwise modify amortization' of the. sums secured by . this. 5eclJrity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the Original Borrower or any Successors In Interest of Borrower . Any 'forbearance by Lender In exerclsu;gany nght .or remedy. Including, Without hrmtatlon, Lender's acceptance of paymentS from third persons; entitles or Successors In Interest·· of Borrower or In amounts less than the amount then due, shall notbe a waiver of or preclude the exercise of anYTlght oi'remedy No waiver by lender of any nght under thiS Security Instrument shall be effectIVe unh~ss m wntlng . Waiver by Lender of any nghtgrsnted' to Lender under thIS 'Sectinty Instrument orofaily provIsion of thIS Secunty Instrument 8StO· any transaction OL occurrence shafl not be deemed a waiver as to any future transaction or occurrence . . . . .13. JOint and Several Liability; Co;'~J19ner8; SuccessorS and Assigns BOund. Borr6wet' covenimtsand agrees that Borrower's obligations and hablhtyshall be JOlnt.andseveral. However, any Borrower who CO-Signs thiS Security Instrument but does not execute 'the .Note (a Aco~slgner") (a) IS cO-5lgmng thiS Secunty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-slgner's IntereSt In the Property under the terms of thiS Securrty· histrument; (b) IS not personally obhgated to pay the sums secured by thiS Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations With regard to the terms of thiS Secunty Instrument or the Note Without the co-slgner's consent.. . . Subject to the prOVISions of SectIon 18, any Successor In Interest of Borrower who aSsumes Borrower's obhgatlons under thiS SecUrity Instrument In writing, and IS approv9d by WASHINGTON 1529 (04 01) Page 11 of 17 '--e 20030616002145;013· 01-0009-003793739-8 Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower'snghts and benefits underthls Security Instrument Borrower shall not· be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under thiS Securrty Instrument unless Lender agre~s. to such release IIi Writing . The' covenants. and agreements of thiS Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided In Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of ~d~ '. . ..... '. , .. ' 14. Loan Charges Lender-may charge Borrower fees for services performed In ccmnectlOn with Borroweris default; forthe purpose of proteCting Lender's Interest In the PropertY and rights under thiS S'ecunty Instrument, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees Borrower shall pay such other charges as Lender may deem reasonable for ServiceS rendered by Lender ancl.furnlshed at the request of Borrower, any su'ccessor In Interest to Borrower or any agent of Borrow9t~ In regard to any other fees~the absence of express alrthonty . In thiS Seclirlty Instrument to charge a specrhc fee to Borrower shall not be construed' as' a . prohibition on the charging of such fee lender may not charge fees that are expressly prohibited by thiS SecuritY Instrument or by Apphcable law. . .' . ' .... ' . lithe LOan IS subject toa law which sets maxll'Ylum loan charges, and thatlaw Isfmcilly Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan Charges colleCted ortobe cOllectedll'l connection Vtllth the Loan exceed the permitted hmits, then' (a) any suchlosli charge shall be reduced by the ' amount necessary to reduce the charge to the perrtlltted limit, and (b)' any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits Will be refunded to Borrower Lender may choose to make this refund by redUCing the pnnclpaJowed under theNote orby ma~lriga direct payment to Borrower" If a refund reduces pnnclpal, the reduction Will be treated as apart!al prepayment without. any' prepaymeht 'charge (whether or not a prepayment charge 'IS pl'Ovlded ·for . under the. Note) Borrower'saeceptanceof any Such refund inadebydlfect payment to Borrower will · constitute a w8nrerof any right of action Borrower might heVe arising out, of such overcharge ' .. ' 15 Notices All nObces' given by Borrower or Lender In connectIon With thiS security Instrument must b~ in writing Any notice to Borrowerlnconnectlonwrth thIS Security Instrument shall be .deemEKito have been given to Borrower when m~"ed by first class mal'l orwhenactuaUy dehvered to,Borrower'snotlce,addresslf sent by oth~means Notice to any one Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrc>wtmfunless Applicable Law eXpressly reqUIres otherWise .. ' The riotlce' address shall be the' PrOperty Address unless Borrower hasdSSlgnated a SUbstitute notice address by notlcetoU:mder" Borrower shall promptly notify Lender-of Borrower~schangeof address If Lender speclfresa procedure for reportllig Borrower'scharlgB of address, then Borrower shall only report a change of addresS through that specified procedure There may be only one designated .' notIce addreSs lInder thiS, Seclmty Instrument Many one time Any notIce to Lender shall be given . bydehvenng it <ir,nlalhng It byfarst class mad to Lender's address stated herelTlunless Lender has deSignate9 another a~dress by notioeto . Borrower Any notice ,,1 conneCtIon with' thlsSecurltV Instrument shall not be demned to have been given to Len~er until actually receIved by Lender 1f any. 'notice required, by this Security Instrument is. also. reqUired under. Applicable Law,·. the ' · Applloable' Law reqUirement Will satisfy the corresponding reqUifementunderthrs Security Instrument' '.' . 16. Govermng Law, Severability, Rules of Construction thiS Seoui'lty Instrument shall be governed by federal .Iaw and the law of the JurisdIction In which the Property IS located All fights and 6bhgations contallied In thiS Security Instrument are subject to any requIrements and limitations .of'Apphoable Law ,Apphcable Law might' exphcltly or Imphcltly allow the partIes to agree by contract or Itrmght be silent, but ~uch silence shall not be constnied as a prohibition agaInst agreement by contract In the event that any prOVISIOn or clauseofthlsSecimty Instrument or the Note conflicts with Apphoable Law, suchconfhct shall not affect other · prOVISions of thiS SecUrity Instrument or the Note whIch can be given effect Without the confhcting prOVISion. . WAsHINGTON 1529104 01) Page 12 of 17 -e 20030616002145.014 01~0009~603793739-8 As used in thlsSecunty Instrument: (a) words of themaScuhne gendershall mean and Include correspondllig neuter words or words of the feminIne gender, (b) words In the sIngular shall mean arid Include the plural and vIce versa; and (e) the word "may" gIves sole discretion Without any obligation to take any action. . '. . . 17 Borrower's Copy. Borrowershall be gIven one copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument·· . .' ." . . " .. " . '" .' 18. Transfer of thePropeny or 8 Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used In this Section 18, "Interest 1I1the Property" means any legal or beneficial Interest In the Property, Ineludu'lg, but not limited to, those beneficial Interests transferred In a bond for deSd,contract for deed, IOstailment sales coiltract or escrow agreement, the mtent' of . which 'IS the tremsfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser . If all or any part of the Property or any .Interest In the Property IS sold or transferred (or If Borrower IS not 8 natural person and a benefiCial Interest In BOrrower IS sold or transferred) . Without Lender's prior wfltten consent, Lender may reqUire immediate payrrienflnfull of all sums . secured by thiS Security Instrument However, thiS option shall not be exercised by lender If such ." exercise IS prohlbrtedbyApphcable Law '. . . ..... ... ... ': .. ' . . ". . . '. 'If Lender exerCises this option, Lender shall give Borro\IVer notice of acCeleration. The . notice shall provide a Period of not less than 30 days from the daie the notice IS given m accordance With Section 16 vifithlO which Borrower must pay all sums secured by thiS Seeurrty Instrument If Borrower falls to pay these sums prior to' the eXpIt'atlOFl of thiS penod, Lendermav· Invoke any remedies' permitted by thiS Security Instrument w,rth0ut further . notIce or demand on .' Borrower .' ........,. . . ..... . '. . .. · .. 19. Borrower's Right to Reins~teAfter Aeceleration;.lf Borrower meetsce~tamcondltlonS, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of thlsSecuntY Instrument discOntinued at any time prior to the earlieSt of: (a) five dayS before sale of too Propertypursliantto.any power of sale' contained In thiS Secuniy Instrument, (b) such other penod as Apphcable Law nllghtspeclfyfor. the termmatlOn of Borrower's right to reinstate, or (c) entry of a Judgement enforCing thiS Security Instrume~t Those .. Condltlons are mat Borrower (a) pays Lender all sums whicnthenwould be . due' under thiS .Sec~ntyJnStrumentand the. Note as If no acceleration . had'. occurred, (b) cures· any . default of any ottier covenants or agreements, (e) pays all e~penseslncurreci In'enforolng thiS Secunty Iristrument,lncludlng, bUt not hmrted to;reasonabieattorneVs' fees, property Inspection .' andvaluatlo"'fees~and otherfeeS Incurred for the purpose ofprotectlilg Lender's interest in the Property and rights 'under this Securtty .In~trument, and (ct) tak~ such action as Lender may reasonably reqUlr~ to assure that . Lender-'s Interest In the Property and nghts under thiS Security·. Instrument;· and Borrower's obligation to. pay the sums secured by thIS Security Instrument, shall Continue . unchanged; '. Lender may require that . Borrower pay . such relnstatemcmt .. sums and. expenses In one orrnon~ ofthefoUowlng forms, as selectedbyL.ender (a) cash; (b) money order, {c) certified checlc,banlc; check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any suchchecJ( IS '. drawn upon anlnst!tutJon whOsedeposrts are insured bye federal agency;' instrumentality or . entity, or (d) ElectromcFunds Transfer Upon rem statement by Borrower, ttilsSecUrity Instrument ahd' obligations securoo hereby shall remain fully effective as If no acceleration had occurred However, thiS right torti!lnstate shall not apply 10 the case of acceleration under Section 18' . 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servlcer, Notice of Grievance The N01:e or a partial Interest mthe Note (together With thiS SecUrity Instrument) can be sold one or more times WItf10ut prior notice to Borrower A sale mIght result In a change In the entrty (known as the "Loan ServlcerU ) 'that collects Penodlc Payments due under the N()teand thiS Securrty Instrument and performs other m()rtgage loan servicing obligations under the Note, thiS Security Instrument, and Applicable laW There also might be one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer. onrelatedto a . WASHINGTON. 1529(04-011 Page 13 Of 17 20030616002145.015 01-0009-003793739-:8 " , ' sale of the Note ,If there IS a change of the Loan Servlcer,Borrower will be given Written notice of. the change which will state the name and address of the new Loal"! Servlcer; the address to which payments should be made and any other information RESPA requires In connection with a notice of transfer of seni'lclng If the Note IS sold and thereafter the Loan IS servIced by a loan Servlcer, other than' the purchaser of the' Note, the mortgage loan servlclng'obhgatlons to'Borrower ,will, remain with the Loan SerVlcer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servlcer and are not assumed, by the Note purchaser unless otherWise provldEld by the Note pUrChaser ' Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, Join, or be Jorned to any JudiCial action, (as either an IndiVidual litigant or the member of a clasS) that anses from the ather party's actions .,,' pursuant. to thlsSecunty Instrument or that 'allegt)S that the ather party has breached any prOVISion of, or any duty owed by reaSon of, thiS SecuntY'lnstrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (With such, notice given In comphancewlththe reqUIrements of ,,' Section' 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the' other party heratoa reasonable penod after the 'giVing of such notice to take corrective action If ApphcableLaw prOVides a time penod which, must elapse before Certain actionean be taken, that turie period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of thiS paragraph ,'The' noticeofacceJeiatlcin 'andopportunrty to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notIce of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportUl1lty to takecorrectlVe action prOVISions ofthls Sectlon20 ,,' , ,"', " . ,,', ',' " , , 21. Hazardous Substances As used In thiS SectIOn 21. (a) "Hazardous Substances· 'ate those substances defined as tOXIC or hazardous substances,pollutantsi or wastes by EnVIronmental Law and the follOWing SUbStances gasohne, kero$ene~ other, flammable or tOXIC ' petroleum products, tOXIC pesticides and herbiCides, ,volatile, solvents, matenals containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactIVe matenals, (b) nEnVlronmental Law" meansfederalJeiws ' 'and' hiws of, the' JUriSdictIon where the Property IS located that relate to ' health, safety , or erwlronmental protection, (c) uEnvlronme"taJ Cleanup· Includes anyresponse'actloh; remedIal' actIon, or removal aotl9n, as defmed In Envlrorirrieritallawj and (d) an "ErivlronmentaICOndltlon" ' lTieansa coridltlcinthat can calise, contnbute to, orotherwlse trigger an environmental Cleanup ," "Borrower shall not cause or permit the preSSnce, use, disposal, ~torage, or release of any 'Ha!ardous Substances, or, threaten to release, any Hazardous Substances; on or In the Property" Borrower shaiiriot do, nor allow anyone else 10 do, anything affecting the Property (a) that IS,ln vloiatlon' of any Envlronrnental' Law, (b) livhlch creates an Environmental Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous ~ubstarice, creates a condition that adversely ., affects the 'value of the Property The prece<hng two sentences shan not apply to the presence; use, or storage ,on ttie Property of small qUBntltlesof Hazardous SubStances that are generally 're~gnlzed ,to be'approprrate to normalresldentlar uses and' to ' maintenance, 6f the Property '(includlng, but not limited to, hazardous substance In consumer products) ".' " " " "Borrc:nNer ~hall promptly give Lender wrrtten notice of (a) any investlgatlon,clairri, demand, I aw.su It or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or pnvate party Involvlng',the Property and any 'Hazardous Substance or EnVironmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) any Erwlronmentai COndItion, Including but not limited' to; any spIlling, leaktng~ , . discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence; use, or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learns, or IS notified by any governmental or regulatory authOrity, or any pnvate party, that any removal or other remedlatlon of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property IS' necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions In accordance With EnVironmental Law Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lander-for an EnVironmental, Cleanup WASHINGTON 1529104011 Page 140t 17 -e 20030616002145.016 01-0009~OO~79j739~8 NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender, further covenant, and agree as fu~~ , 22~ Acceleration, Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreoment m this SecuiitYlnstrument(but not prior to acceleration under Secbon '18 unless Applicable Law proVides otherwise). The notICe shaD specify. Cal the default, Cb) the action required to cure the default, (c) a date, not less than 30 , days from the 'date' the notice IS, given to Borrower, by, which the default must be cured; and (d) ", that failure to cure the default on or before the date speCified In the notice may result ,.In acceleratlCm of the sums secured by this, Security' Instrument, and sale of the Property The notice shall firrther mform Borrower of the right to remstate after acCeleration and the nght to bring a court action to assert the non-exlStence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to ' acceleration and sale. ,If the default is not' cured on or before the date' specatled in the notICe, Lender at Its Option may require Immediate payment m full of all sums s8cIJred byt~ISSecurity Instrument Without further demand and may IIlvoke tbepower of sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to eollect an expenses incurred In pUl'Suing " the remedies provided in this S4JCtion 22, including, but not limited to,reasonableattorrieys' fees ,,' and, costs of title evidence. ,If Borrower or any succeSsor Iil'interest to Borrower flies (or , has 'fihid ' against Borrower' or any sucCessOr In Interest to' Borrower) a bankruptcy,' petition under Title II Qr any successor title of the United States Code which provides for the curing of prepetltion default' , due on the Note, Interest at a rate detenmniKI by the Colirt shall be paid to Lender on, post-petition arrears " , , ' '" ' ,,", ", .,' '" , ,,' ',"," If Lender invokeS the power of 8ale, Lender shall give written notice to Trustee of the "occurrence of an avent', of default and of 'Lender's election to cause the Property to ,be 'sold Trustee and Lender shall take such action regarding notJceof sale and shall give 8uchnotiCes ,to Borrower and 8n~to other persons as Applicable Law may require. AfterthetJme reqUired by ApplICable Law ,arid after publication and posting of the nO.lCeofsale, Trustee, wathoutdemar1d ' on~rrower~shaD, s~l the PrQperty at Pliblic auction to the highest bidder at ttietim,e and place and under the ,termsdeslgriated In the., notice of salain one or' morepareels and in any orelGr Trustee determines TrUstee may postpone safe of the PropertY for a period or periods permitted by Applicable Law by , public announcement at the tllneand, plaCe fixed' In the notice of, sale~ Lender or itS designee may purchase the Property at any sale. ' , ' , ,Trusteeshall deliver, to, the' purchaser Trustee;s, deedeori"eYlllgthe, Property wrtholit any covenant or warrantY, expressed or Implied. The reCitals'ui the Trustee's;deed shall be prima faCIe 'evidence' of the truth of the statements made' therein Trusteeshall'apply the 'proceeds' of the sale " in,thefolloWtng order (a) to an expenses 01 the sale~ Including, but notlmited to, reascmsble Trustee,'s and attorneys'-feesi(b)to allsuins seeuredby thiS SeCurity Instrument;aild (etany excess to the person -or persons legally entitled to it or' to the clerk of the superior Court of the ' county in which the sale took place. ,'" , ',," '. " ',' " ' , , , 23. ReconveyanCe 'Upon payment of all sums secured by thlsSecuraty Instrument, Lender, , shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrerider this Security Instrument and all notes eVldencangdebt secured by thiS SecuratylnStrument to TrUstee, Trustee shall, reCo~vey the Property Without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled to It 'Lerideror the Trustee, (whether or not the Trustee IS affiliated With Lender) may charge such person or persons a fee for reconveymg the Property, but only If the fee IS not prohibited by Applicable Law" WASHINGTON 1529 (04011 Page 16 of 17 , 20030616002145.017 01-0009-603793739-l 24. Substitute Trustee In accordance with Applicable Law, Lender may from tune to time appOint a successor trustee to any Trustee apPointed hereunder who has ceased to act' Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herem and by Applicable Law Trustee may destroy the Note and the Security Instrument three (3) years after Issuance of a full reconveyance or release . (unless dIrected In such request to retail' them) . .. . 25 Use of Property. The Property IS not used prinCipally for agricultural purposes '. 26 Attorneys' Fees. Lender shall be entitled to recover Its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs In any action or proceeding to construe or enforce any term of thIS Security Instrument The term -attorneys' fees," whenever used In this SecurIty Instrument, shallihClOde Without hmltatli:m . attorneys' fees Incurred by Lender In any bankruptcy proceeding or on appeal ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS to LOAN. MONEY,. EXTEND 'CREDIT, OR TO FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT'ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER' WASHINGTON LAW. .' . . . .. . . . BY SIGNING B~LOW, Borrower accept!. and agreeS to the terms and cOvenantsco~talned : In thIS Security Instrument and In any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded WIth It . . .~.~~ SUSAN M CAMERER " ... ' . WASHINGTON 1529104 011 Pag~ 16 of 17 ...• 20030616002145.018 ( 01-0009-003793739-8 -'----'------(Space Below ThIS line For Acknowledgment) ------'---- STAW;HINGTO~nty .. . 01'1 this· J/7"Jf: day of . . . ;>..LJ o. , before· me. the undersigned, a Notary . Public In and ~ State Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally. appeared .c ~S?1jf £~2irtC£1t . to me known to NOfaIy PUbliC state of Washington ~ILYN A· NewPORT .. My ApPOintment Expl~ Feb 25, 2008 '.' . ....... ~~.~~...,~-~ ~-......... WASHINGTON 1529 (04011 Page 17 of 17 . . .. 20030616002145.019 . 1-4 FAMILY RIDER .,' Assignment of Rents 01~0009-003793739-8 THIS ,1-4 FAMILY RIDER IS made this.' 6th ". day of . June .. 2063 , and 15 mcorporatedlOtoalid shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Security Oeed (the-Security Instrumene) of the sarne date given by the undersigned (the "BorrowerQ ) to secure Borrower's Note to . .' .WcishJ.rigton Mutual Bank' (the "Lel'lderU) of the samedateandcoverthg the Property descrtbed," the Se¢urlty Instrument and located at .' " ' . ',.861 ABERDEEN AVE NEt RBN'l'oN, 'WA98056 .• ', [Property Address) . .' . . .'.' :. . .' . . . 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS •. In addition to the ~venaiits and agreements made In the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows . ...' .' A. ADDitIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addition to the Property described In the SecurrtY Instrument, the followlngrtems now and hereafter ~ttached to . the Property to the' extent they are fixtliresaCIded' to the Property descrjptlori~ and shall',also . ConStitute' th:eProperty Covered by the' Security Instrument: . bUilding materials,'applu:lnCes' alid, goods of every natUre whatsoever now or here8fter located IIi~on; or used,onntendedto be used In connectiori, With the Property,lnCludlilg,' but not hmlted.to,those for the . purposes of supplYing' ordlstrlbutmg heating, cooling, electricity, gas;waier, air and light, fue prevention and extlrlglllshmgapparatus, 'secunty 'and, aCcess. control .apparatus; ··plumblng, ··bath tlJbs,Water·' heaters~ water closets, , Sinks,' ranges, , . stoves~ refnger8tors~ 'dishwashers, diSposals, washers, dryers, awnings, storm Windows, Storm doors, screens, blnids,shades, cuitalns and curtain rods~ , attached ,.mlrrors~ 'cabinets,·, pimelhng ',and attached, floor covEmngsi'" all· of. which, mcludlr19 replacements arid addltic)ris thereto, shall be d~m8d to be and remaIn 8 part o( the Property covered by the SecuritY Instrument All of the foregomg together with the Propertydescnbed In the Security Instrument (or the I~sehold estate If the Securrtylnstrunient IS on a leasehold) are referred tom thiS 1-4Farmly Rider and the Seeuritylnstrumentas the "Property ;. " .' '., ..•. .,." . . B. USE'OFPROl'ERTv:COMPLIANCE WITH LAW> Borrower shall not seek~ agree to'oi'make 'a change in: the use of the Propeity orrtszorllng classlflC8t10nS,ul'lleSs lender has 'agreed In writIng to theghange ' Borrower~hall, comply With all laws, ordlliances, . regulations and requlfementsof any governmental body apphc8ble to the Property,; .... , ...., ',.'.. '., . . ' C; SUB9RDINA TE UENS. Excepias perirutted by federal law , Borrower shall notallovi/any IIemlriferlor to the Secunty Instrumell1to be perfeCted against the Property without Lender's prior Written permiSSIon . ' . 986 (02.01/ Page 1 of3 20030616002145.020 01-0009-003793739~8 . , ..... , . . ". . . . . .:: " .... D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE Borrower shall mamtaln Insurance against rent loss In addition to the other hazards for which Insurance IS required by Section 5 E "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE" DELETED. Section 19 IS deleted F BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY ,Unless lender and Borrower otherwise. agree In Wrttlng, the Section 6' concerrllng Borrower'soccupai1cy ofthePropertyls deleted G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES Upon Lender's request after default, Borrower shall assign to . . Lender, all leases of the' Property and all security deposits made In connection With leases of. the Property Upon the assignment, Lender shall have thartght to' modify, extend or terminate the eXisting leases and to execute neW leases, In Lender's sale discretion As used In thiS Paragraph G;the word "lease" shall mean "subleaSe" If theSecunty Instrument IS on a leasehold H. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSU)N Borrowers absolutely and uncoildltlonally assigns and transfers to Lender all the ~ntsand ' revenues (" Rents") . of the Property, regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property are' payable Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's .. agents However, BorroWer shall receive the Rents until (I) Lender has given. BOI rower notice of default . pursuant to Section 22 'of .the Security Instrument and (II) Lender has given notice to the'tenant(s) that the Rents are to be paid to Lender or Lender's agent This assignment of Rents' consltutes an absoluteassignmeilt and not an assignment for additional securrty only', . ....... , ",". ,0. ..• If Lender gives notice of defaulttoBorrower(l) all Rent~ received by Borrower Shanb~held· . 'by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of Lendet only; to be apphed to the sums secured by the Secllnty Instrument,. (u) . lender . Shall be entrtled to. collect andrec.elve all of the Rents of the Property, (m)BOrrower agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pava!lReilts due andul1paid to Lender or .lender's agents upon Lender's. Wrttten demand to the tenant, {Iv)unlessapphcable law prOVideS ()therwlse, all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall he apphed first to '. the costs . of taking ,control of and managing the Property. and collecting the Rents, Including, but nothmitedto, attorney's fees, receiver's iees, premiums on receiver's bonds, tepslf,a';d maintenance costs, Insurance prerTlIUmS, taxes, ass~ssments and other charges on the Property, and then to the, sums secured by the secunty Instrument, (v)Lender, Lender's agents or any . . judlclally apPOinted rec6lver shall be hable to account for only those Rents actually received, and (VI) Lender shall be. entitled to have a recelverappomted to take pOssessIon of and manage the Property and cOllect the Rents and. profits derived from the Property without any shOWing as to .the Inadequacy of the Property as security . , . . . , " .' If the Rents of the Property are not sufflc,ient to cover. the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and of collecting, the Rents any funds expended by' Lender for such purposes shall become Indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Secunty Instrument pursuant to Section 9' . 986 (02011 Page 2 of3 20030616002145.021 ·.-- .01-:0Q09-::003793739-8.· Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower has not execut~d any prlorassl~nment'of the Rents and has not performed, and will not perform, any act· that woUld prevent· Lender from exercising Its rights under thIs paragraph. . Lender, or Lender's agents or a' judlClilllyappolnted recelv~r,shaJl not be required to enter upon, take control of or malntall" the Property before or after giving notice of default to B9i'rower However, Lender, or Lender's agents or a JudICially apPOinted recelver,rriaydoso at anytu-ne when a default oCcurs Any apphcatlon of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or Invahdate· any other. nght or remedy of Lender This assignment of Rents of the Property . shall· termInate when all the sums secured oy the SecUrity Instrument are paid In full .' ' .. '. '. .... ..... .. . ... I CROSS~DEFAULT PROVISION Borrower's default or br~ch u"der any note oragraetnenilrlWhlch I.6nderhas ~n Ihteres1:sh:all be a breach under theSecurrty Instrument and Lender' may Invoke' any of the remedies permitted by the Secunty Instrument. . .... ... . . : .... x·~~ .SUSANM"~··· ..•.. ' . 988(0201) Page30f3 ".' ."., City of Renton Planning Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Re: City of Renton Short Plat for Camerer Short Plat Mitigation Plan Proposed Construction Dates, Phasing Construction is proposed for the Spring of 2005. Detennination of Actual construction dates will be upon civil engineering plans approval. Hours of Operation Hours of operation will be in compliance to City of Renton ordinances. Proposed Hauling/Transportation Routes There are no known approved or required hauling or transportation routes. More detailed infonnation will be provided at civil stage. Impact Measures Standard construction impacts will be limited by proper mufiIing of construction equipment and limiting work hours to those mandated by City ordinance. Traffic impact will be mitigated by reducing construction traffic to only that area which is necessary for completing the project, and utilizing traffic control systems including warning signs at entrances and exits of the project. Jfthere are any question regarding this project please feel free to contact me at (253) 852- 4880. Sincerely, John Rutland Cramer Northwest Planner DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON . JUL 2 1 2004 RECEIVED .. , NT PLANNING 'ruce S. MacVeigh, P.E. DEVELOPME C' '/ E ' CITY OF RENTON IVI ngmeer , 'jUL 2 t 2004 , RECEIVED July 26,2001 14245 59th Avenue South Tukwila, WA 98168 Office: (206) 242-7665 ,FAX: Same Subject: Drainage Narrative, Susan Camerer 2-Lot Short Plat, 861 Aberdeen Avenue N.E., Renton, WA (Parcel #722750-00651NE8-T23N-R5E, W.M.) General: The site is located on the southwest comer of Aberdeen Avenue N.E. and 9th Avenue North in the City of ReJ}ton. The site is 0.22 acres, roughly rectangular, and slopes from Aberdeen Avenue N.E. on its east side downward to the west at a typical slope of 10%. A single family residence built about 1950 is located on the east half and faces Aberdeen Avenue N .E. The remainder of the site is comprised of existing lawn and several small landscaped trees. The site is surrounded by single family residential areas .. 'It is proposed to divide the existing parcel into two residential parcels of 0.11 acres each, creating a new lot in the west half, facing onto 9th Avenue N. The existing residence on east half of the original parcel (Lot 1) would remain, and the new parcel (Lot 2) wo.uld be available for a new residence. Discussion: The frontage on Aberdeen Avenue N.E. is improved With curb, gutter and sid.ewalk.· The frontage on 9th Avenue N. consists of a rough rolled edge, which will berepl~ed with a'i curb gutter and sidewalk as a condition of the short plat. ; . ~. , . The ,existing residence is approximately 1,100 SF with a driveway of ~pproximately 600 SF. It drainage consists of informal dispersion drainage on its on lot. This would continue. No obvious runoff patterns fJom this form of di,spersion have' been rioted as existing within the site, or leaving the site. It is proposed to' collect runoff from the roof and driveway of the new residence (approximately the same area as the existing residence on Lot 1), channel it through a sedimentation control structure pet KCSWM Appendix C, or equivalent. Runoff would then be directed to the new gutter along 9th Avenue N. via a through-curb line. Upon entering the gutter, the flow would join street flows and travel approximately 60 feet west, and enter an existing catch basin. Conclusion: . The systems provided for this site are intended to comply with current City of Renton standards. Runoff from both the new roof and driveway areas are collected and controlled to prevent damage to land or drainage systems downstream. Runoff from the new paved driveway is treated to remove sediment and contaminants. The proposed system should work well with only routine maintenance for the indefinite future, and as intended. Questions relating to specific technical matters of this project may be directed to this office. ~~ Bruce S. MacVeigh,P.E. Civil Engineer, CAMER6.doc ~ /yEVI/ ~LJj1/L' ~L//2g -'V-.I-~~ I __ ~_, ........ 1 • 101 00 / / I~ / N FEHet CORNER W.RS --: ~ H06'38~22';W 0.82' FRaU -:'\L 1/1 = Z LJ ' PROPERTY CORNER . ~ SEJ)//'fENT ~ CdN7RtJL. , S7f//C /J/R£ .. " Ci \. \ C1-::rll'r'"'-f"k ~"V£~" *7' .......... /. a d' g 131 J 1 ~, 1'/...., -"'<.7'%. --.....:~r<o~........ .......A, - & Co II:! -li\ -~ '-J co 0 ~ ~ \ tij 4,62&1: SQ. FT. \ _ -1 ~ I . , .. '. . (0.11 ACRE:)' ~ 2 . I I '~fi / 14~ !:J ~ F£H~ CORNER BrARS -vy". ) ~ RIM £L ~"'46'5S--W '.5' FROM I -~ N.E:. 11'1 'PROPERty CfmER \w. lIN. . , . '0 I '0'0 _ I fl'. I co I ~ I i ,"'"' '. )::. ", ; { , ::~ .'. • ! 'l> .. , .... .'. .'. ", ""'i, , '. : . ", .; • ·.;;;i~~~;;;%en~e.NE~~~~:~~~;;!~':/: .. Ren~on~!W A,?8059 . . .'> > ' .. 'SU~J~~~·/:·~i:~~t.PI~t:a~·861·Ab~rp~·~'~;;~~~.~e'~E .". " .' '·,\:r:.,· "<'A'pplicaiiOliof Restd~trv~·t:oveii~mt ;\ .. ,. " ........ ,:;./ ,... '. '. ,'f. >~. ,~: .,' ... ~ ',~.' .... ' ~'.;,.:,:~':':>:,~~,~~: ,(,~;'.":' '~'). ,.y. :;. ~ '. ~ ,':.'~. Dear.Ms~.Carrier~r:"·· '.. . <;>~': :,:" . ':" . ". "'" , \ .' "': :", '-:.;; . .' " .• ,'. ':' . :.: .' .", ;~. >, '. " ~ ':-~:' :;, " " ,'" . :. ':,.', " ... .'.) . " ~. ",: ' , , '. ,', ., -. .~"., . ",... ' '.. '. .' · Th~~>y<?~\' :ro~" 'y~'~i< ~l~tt~r:;." ,r~q~~sd'n'g ';'RHlr~fIc,at~'on ': ?"~r'.!th,e. 'City{ ~ :·,:~ol~.;"iri:: ~·nforc;i~g. : pl~i'~~t,e:': '. ~. ': ... . ., , res!ricti ve,:' cQveriants est~9Ii~~~d for ,:~ l~~m~<:)\.vners.~ A:sso,c;~at,ion' ,for 'pri va~~~ property, I( i~ .our: : ~.:,: '.'. ; .' '. ~~~~~ii.~·;·:~:·p1~~~v:~f,,~J~(~jtf~rt :~Ci;~~:~i~,~~~~~~~~ii~ko·~~:Pt~~'~~i~~:t~~~~~~sn.~·~~s.¢ti~~ .... as' a:. p'~ity, t?tpe ~9v~nan(o~ c,~ndiqon};;)!1;1~<;r~strictive.·."co~rri,apt'irj '9ues~i'?n,; foqhis proposed. '. . . short::pl~t;is. private.in\~a~lm::, ai;iq':~ill.;p6t;:1J.e.·enfo.i"ce'4·pYJh~ .. ;City.j·Howey~r; 'other property .. .... ',,;. '\ .!' ~ • '. , . . ;.~ ,-;:'.' ',:. '.' ',;-.. '1( :. ..' : ~, ~-~'~~ ;~'?',. -':., . ", .., temporary ·str,uctur_es, anq fur~her, ~~b~IVlSlOl!:'<?f.parcel~~:.'The CItYlS .nqt hstedas,a.party to.;these: . . l~.... ' ..... :, .. ' '.' .. ,' ' .. ~~ ,' ... ',' ~.P ," ._ .• " . " ..... '.( ..... ·l.~:.i.'. .. ,·i\'l .... ~ .. :~ "'f '" ~:" .• , ",' ,~. \r ~ .• \ ••• _ .. 1 ..• -.' ,.... . . . ." . . . .' . 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': :.; '::;'<o.>:\~~:·:'~> ~{":""~' :;:.:" :.,:.l '.,' '. If you' have fu~tDe.r)l~es!ions rt;garqin9"t;hi~)~.tter,::'p~e~~~,:,call.;rnf;:ar·4c2.5.:-:4~O: 7~}~ .. ~f you h~ v~:. '.~' · q ue§~ioqs .. cbnce~nirig.)he ~ ~hort!p.!~t~::,~pp'ljc.at.!ori _·~nc!:~e.v~ew."p~oce:s~ .. ; . please: contact Jennifer '~"';:"'. ~ .~ .. : .. '~;>"'~' ,~,'" .; .!' .'~! ;':" :' .,.. !' .' , . ; . . , .J ,.':. '" '(", .... :' ."," .,.' > • " .'. " ~ . .... ........ -'.w" :.-. ' =--:. "~ ~ ';; . ".; .. '. . .. '.,., .... · cc: '.' ,r' :-. i' .:'. ' .. ' .. ' . " , ;. ·,.l ~~'.' ..' ,.,;.. .,'. ',: .~. )' .. ,' '. ~. -:' "" ';";:: .Co. ,.,~' .',. ",':.::' . , ..... , .: ,' ..... '. ~,' .. '. , .,'. " ';;' .. -' .. : " :. ~. '. ~!' ' ,:' . ',' •• r· ---:--'----'---,-,-l-O-'-S-S-SO-:-·U:-· th-O-r-'a"-:'dy-...:· w':""" -"':ay-'-.·:":"""R"-e-.'..· n-t6-'-~';-w-;;"a-"':"s"-,-lii-il-"-gt-:"on-' :....:9-~·~-:;.:.-:s.::..:-: :.,:..,. "-'. :"':':""':':-".!.:..., .-~~. , •• ~' •••.• . . . ' ,,:: ~ This~a~er.ro,~~;.n~5~ .. ~~.re~d~materi~l.a~~op~.stcO,?U~~t: .... : .. ~ .. " I .:. " . DEVELOPMENT PLANNING e CITY OF RENTON '_. . ~27-2 Tl:1illJe'·;,~,~v.; are to run w"1 th ~he Id .and aha 11 be binding on aU p~rt1@!,II:,~ftd'a'1l persons :.lalm.1:ng under .t;hem until Jan .1-1970 at ·"OH·;'~1J11e.ld OOY shaUbe automatioally, exhndec:J for succ' pel"lo41;'~otlO yrfl unlf'flfl:by vo.te of' a majorIty of the then owners of the lots'it 18 agreed". to change lid oov In whole 01" 1n part 0 . It ;.the· p81"t1es.htc.1 ox'·>anY of ~heml or their h or asna shall . Violate' Ci' attempt to Violate any ot·the COY !lIn it shall be :law;,ul' 'fel" anY· oth@r ·per.8o~ or persona ,own1ng any real prop :81.~ In ~~: ." .' .· .. :·~r·/iI.~b~>iv·. t~:.;.pros.e~jita any prooeed:tnp;, ~t law or 1n .. e . . , : or .. per,8ona.Y1olat1ng or atLi.:II:'j:)~_I"!e to .vl01ate:, . .e1thel"~·~Q:prevent him or them from so doirisr~.· t . . other .. dUes .tOI" .uch v1olation •. ... ·IIWJl11d* ot. the.-..... Cov···by Judg or oourt order .hal.1: . In': ot theo1;hir proVl woh shall' remain . In tull .' . . ~. 1 b.' ~. and. ~es as residential ~-ot8. k 6,.;;:"00: aa,y .uoh res1dentlal lot no . ~.red plaoed ,or perm1tted to rema1n a," arid no dwelling shall exc€3d two+ te garage shall be bu1lt t~accom- . ;e~~h ':dwell108 ·unl t. ereote~, alt~red o~ plaoed on any tha'date:of th1e Inst nearer· to the 'the Bide .t"llne than the structures ~1~1=~;~'t~' ';: J DOl' .l1eai'er to the aide lot l1ne ~ locf'baok. of real" dwell1ng "all. . j'll the reo pl. t shall b~ o' f '.:'~ .' . ..' I !. '. . -.. l"'J~:~~~::.or:.otIVltY shall be oarr1e.·)~ .... ;J~);~ . .: . ~ ~~ :be·:.cJone thon wah may be 01' . "?~/rt . the Deilhborhood .';.-' ·d'. , .... r~'~1;4ID'~.~··abaok, gara,e, barn or o.ther .'. -,.'. ·~tt,i : .e~!~:B·.· . t· a~ .,;tll11e be. u.ed as a reB1d.ROe .. ~».' : [,........;~~.~l,..,."''': .. ~~~.1. a~ .truoture 01' tempora1'7 .... ,~ .... ~ .• ~~'1 .. , i 10 ... " .' .. • •• ~t.IF:',::".tf,;.w.1 fH~i~~~i •.. ' .. Iaralu, the ,round flOOl' .it'.;r)k'1';~\ . 500' - 1 th . ., ... l,j~ . aq loW n e oase . '.: .. :",~'ll. , tt 1 th r ·· -. "j~~.a Iq . n ecase 0 :< \:i4,t~l . ure.. ." . ~.~, . '_";>:1': f '·:lota ... n the reC plat rot" _ali·1 -; · ... ar a~"water and .. m~r(} . \ 'L Co to%\,/Uectr1cal d1atb -.' . 1ndlv d~.ad. -1"'. 1!~~;1:/;. tat •• ot Amer1oa, 'Aotlng by an&~?Y~·/':'-:~.'I' 1 A ow: ··,.:"n· ~ . Houal1\1 and Home F nanoe I.nc~f>;;~.j:~:"'. 1"''"', Adam . ")'..l"'J\ .. '",~. -f n4l!lJlllln', ·D11-BeattIe F1eld Ort10e ~>~~~~~:='iiii:;~::' 'Ield Oft pub Houling . t \tht.he was auth to exc ad I08t ,,-,.. ••• ..a..:J:,"" .. ,. ~:pub·Houlllns Admn bet John S. ~;~~~~~I!~~~;~~~ 87, Renton, Wash) 3900l28'~"(' "_ ! ~t'£r " .and·e·a,,",lvn B.M1.the"s hw MortSflle:" I~c. 'a Wn corp .' /. .:7':~\; .ita 118 the tdre in ko" r '. Lot.ll:Bik;··.ot Linde and H1ll Park as per plat reo 1n vol r 41 ot'.pliltli,·pg 7 reo of to sit In kelt . I with all· rents ill!lues and ~ror1ta thor --~ sm as 3635166 --- $8300: ned ~--4~ ---$44.88 ---Jun 1-49 ---May 1-73 --- 2 .. 31 Charles P.M.'lthews cary1yn B.Mathewe (s) ; ...... . \ • e __ DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 \ 200~ RECEIVED MEMORANDUM DATE; TO: FROM: ,~/8/01 II Construction Services, Fire Prevention, Plan Review, Project Planner, /..IJ{:) ~ Neil Watts, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT:· New Preliminary Application: ~ s.hst' 6· etar -d-. lOB LOCATION: ~"I·~ be. Nfl PREAPP NO.··· .. 0/-on;, A meeting with the applicant has been scheduled for I()~'OO AM ., Thursday, MfJl 2lflf-.. , in orie of the 6th floor conference rooms (new City H8iI)~ this meeting is scheduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11 :00 AM meeting. Please review the· attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the· applicant. You will not need to do a thorough ·permit level"· review at this time. Note only major issues that must be resolved prior to formal land use and/or building permit application sUbmittal. Please submit your written comments to --Jks<--==-l'--"""=C?f-l------at least two (2) days before the meeting. Thank you. J . A {j /1'_ . -;-:-:-~.~~ H:\Division..s\Develop.ser\Dev & Plan.ing\Template\Preapp2 Revised 9/00 DATE: May 8, 2001 CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM TO: Lesley Nishihira, Planner FROM: Jim Gray. Assistant Fire MarshaldJ! SUBJECT: Camerer Short Plat .. Fire Department Comments: 1. A flre hydrant with 1000 GPM flre flow is required within 300 feet of . all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of tPe structure . . ' 2. A fIre' mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single family. structures. . Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. TO: , FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Lesley Nishihara Jan ,lilian May 23,2001 CITY OF RENTON MEMO UTILITY REVIEW PREAPPLICATON REVIEW COMMENTS CAMERER 2-LOT SP 861 -Aberdeen Ave NE I . ,..... PREAPP NO. 01-046 NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre- application submittals made to the City of Renton, by the applicant, The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site. planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. . WATER 1. There is an existing 12-inch water main in'SunsetBlvd NEand a 6-inch water main in NE 9th Street and Aberdeen Ave NE. 2. New construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of. the structures. There, are fire hydrants in the vicinity that may be counted towards the fire protection of this project, but are subject to , verification for being within 300 feet of the nearest comer of the building. 3. Existing hydrants to counted as fire protection will be required to be retrofitted with a quick disconnect "Stortz" fitting if not already installed. 4. The proposed project is located in the 435 water pressure zone and is ol:llside the Aquifer Protection Zone. Static pressure in the vicinity is 93 psi. A pressure-reducing valve .may be required to be installed on the domestic water meter. 5. The Water System Development Charge (SOC) for Single family is $1,105 per new single-family residence lot. This payable at the time the utility permit is issued. SANITARY SEWER 1. There is an existing 16-inch sewer main in Aberdeen Ave NE. 2. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge (SOC) for single-family is $760 (2er new single-family residence. This is payable at the time the utility permit is issued. ~f' Chase 2 Lot Short Plat page 2 3.· If the existing single-family residence is not currently connected to sewer, it will be . required .to connect as a condition prior to recording of short plat. SOC fees will apply. 4. All new plats mus( provide separate side sewer stubs to each building lot/new parcel. Dual side sewers are not allowed. Applicant has shown separate side sewer. SURFACE WATER 1. There are storm drainage facilities in Sunset Blvd NE, NE 9th and Aberdeen Ave NE. 2. A conceptual drainage plan and drainage narrative will be required, showing how storm . drainage runoff from the new lot will be addressed. 3. The Surface Water System Development Charge (SOC) for single-family residence is $525 per new single;..family residence. ~SJ ,A ·S.M~ tJ~~ I f'fO""\ \..,~~ TRANSPORTATioN ~~,,~~ LQMe~-~'-~·~C~(CN ~C";\~ . . ~ v"'..,,"C" .... Ci'Sl f'I'l~ t...\~ .~~. -M~.t-JO '"1 1. ~he traffic.mitig~tion fee of $75 per additi?nal generated trip shall be.a~sessed per new D~tJ' single-family residence at a rate of 9.57 tnps. ($75 x 9.57 x = $). This IS payable at the r. \. ~' time the plat is recorded. r t::...)\ " 2. / 3. ~ 4. Full street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb & gutter, and storm, will be required if not already. in place. There are ·no street improvements fronting the property along NE 9th• . Street lighting is not required. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. If three or more poles are required to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All· plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards,which are attached for reference. Also attached is a copy of the King County Surface Water Standards as adopted by the City of Renton. 2. When approval of preliminary plat is granted and utility plans are complete, please . submit permit application, three (3) copies of drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, an itemized cost of construction estimate and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a check, it is recommended to call 425-430-7266 for a fee estimate as generated by the permit system. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half the fee must be paid upon application. cc: Kayren Kittrick • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM May 24,2001 Pre~Application File No. 01-046 , ~ Lesley Nishihira, Senior Planner, X7270" Camerer Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification andlor concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. . Project Proposal: The subject site is addressed as 861 Aberdeen Avenue NE. The proposal is to subdivide a 9,258 square foot (0.21-acre) parcel into two lots. The property is currently developed with one single family structure, which is proposed to remain on lot 1. The new lot is· intended for the construction of a detached single family home. ' Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential - 8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zoning deSignation. The density range required in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5 ' to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre (dulac). For lots under one-half (0.5) acre in size, the minimum density requirements do not apply and maximum density may be increased to 9.7 dulac. Net density is calculated after the deduction of access easements serving more than 3 units, sensitive areas, or areas to be dedicated to public rights-of-way from the gross area of the site. The site does not appear to contain any areas to be deducted for purposes of calculating net density. The proposal for 2 lots, on the property would arrive at a net density of approximately 9.5 dulac, which is in compliance With the required density range of the R-8 zone~ , Development Standards: The R-8 zone permits one residential structure I unit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 is 4,500 square feet. The R-8 zone requires a minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for comer lots. A minimum lot depth of 65 feet is also required. Although the street fronting width of proposed lot 1 is proposed at less than the required 65-foot width, the total Jot width average satisfies the minimum width requirement. As proposed, the lots appear to satisfy lot dimension and size requirements for comer and interior lots. Building Standards -The R-8 zone allows a maximum. building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and 2-stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. Camerer Short Plat Pre-Applicatio"eting May 24, 2001 ., Page 2 of2 Proposed lot 2 appears to contain sufficient building area for a single family structure. In addition, the structure proposed to remain on lot 1 appears to comply with the lot coverage limitations of the R-8 zone. However, the formal short plat plan submitted for review must provide the ground floor square footage of the structure for lot coverage calculations. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 20 feet in the front, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards,' and 15 feet on side yards along streets. The distance proposed between the existing residence to remain on lot 1 and the proposed property line appear to comply with the required rear yard setback. Although the front yard setback is currently non-c~nforming,the proPQs~d short plat would not affect the front yard. Access/Parking: Each lot must have paved access to an existing right-of-way and must accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. Driveways must be located a minimum of 5 feet from side property lines. Full street improvements, including curb, gutter and sidewalk, for both of the site's street frontages will be required prior to the recording of the short plat. . The existing driveway off of Aberdeen Avenue NE would continue to serve lot 1. Access to lot 2 would be provided off of NE 9th Street. Each I,ot would comply with code requirements for access. Sensitive Areas: The City's Slope Atlas indicates the site may contain' or be located near slopes qualifying as "sensitive." As required with the short plat application submittal, a topography map of the site must be provided. Based on the review of this plan, conditions may be imposed in order to mitigate potential impacts from the development to the steep slope areas. However, it is not likely that the presence of these areas would preclude the subdivision (and subsequent development) of the site as proposed. Permit Requirements: Short plats of four or less lots are processed administratively within an estimated timeframe of 6 to 8 weeks for preliminary approval. The application fee is $1,000, plus' $0.34 per .mailing label required for notification to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the site. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the r~quired improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. The newly created lots may be sold only after the short plat has been recorded. Fees: In 'addition to the applicable building and construction p.ermit fees, payment of the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; • A Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family residence; and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family residence. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. cc: Jennifer Henning PreOl-046\ Iia1 @ ct- ;I;;t . • ~ .. o i3 .. ~ !(It .. ... .. .. • .. ". iO .. .. .. .. .. iiO SLOPE ATLAS ' ----Benton Clt,y Umlto piBn!w nr.CHNic.u. IIBllvtCJ18 ~ 111" to 2Un· _ ",OX to BII.lln 04n7JOOX,,;',,'<:, _ 211" to slI.Dn _ >= BOX 8 .:~ : · . " CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: May 7, 2001 TO: Lesley Nishihira , {)I'\ Gary Del RosariotfLJ FROM: SUBJECf: Camerer Short Plat The site is designated Residential Single Family in the Comprehensive Plan and is located in the R-8 zone. Although net density is greater than the requirements of the R-8 zone at roughly 9.41 du/acre, the following (Land Use Element) policy allows this short plat at this site. Policy LU-36. Allow development at 9.7 dwelling units per acre oninfill parcels of one acre or less as an incentive to encourage single family small lot development on 4,500 sq. ft. lots. The proposal is consistent with the follOwing Residential Single Family (Land Use Element) policy. Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 sq. ft. should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods excePt when flexible development standards are used for project review. . cc: Sue Carlson \\CENTRAL\sYS2\DEPTS\FlNANCE\ECON _ DEV\EconornicDevelopment\STRA TPLN\PLANNING\Gary\misc _ docs\CamererSP, doc\gd WASHINeTON TITLE COMPANY 15 S. Grady Way, Suite 120, Renton, Washington 98055 (425)255-7575 FAX (425)255-0285 (800)215-8404 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE NO. R249345-2 INQUIRIES SHOULD BE MADE TO: Unit 2 -(425)255-7943 Seattle (206)682-5269 John Wickwire, Sr. Title Officer Andrea Maldonado, Assistant Title Officer Darlene DiCosol, Assistant Title Officer Effective Date: August 8, 2001 at 8:00 a.m. SCHEDULE A 1. Policy or policies to be issued: 1992 ALTA Owner's Policy Coverage : Standard Liability : TO BE DETERMINED. PROPOSED BUYER: TO FOLLOW 1992 ALTA Loan Policy Coverage-: Extended Liability .: TO BE DETERMINED. PROPOSED LENDER: TO FOLLOW Customer Reference: Camerer 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this commitment and covered herein is a FEE SIMPLE. 3. WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of appropriate documents, its policy or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on the preliminary commitment; Fee simple title to the property described herein is vested, on the date shown above, in: JOHN M. CAMERER and SUSAN M. CAMERER, husband and wife subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions, and exceptions contained in the policy form. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CI1Y OF RENTON JUL 2 1 2004 RECEIVED 1 CONTINUED , . Commitment No. R249345-2 SCHEDULE A CONTINUED 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: ,- Lot(s) i3, Block 1, Renton Highlands, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volwne 46 of Plats, page(s) 34, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A 2 CONTINUED Commitment No. R24934S-2 SCHEDULEB Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Rights or claims disclosed only by possession, or claimed possession, of the premises. B. Encroachments and· questions of location, boundary and area disclosed only by inspection of the premises or by survey. C. Easements, prescriptive rights, rights-of-way, stree~s, roads, alleys or highways not disclosed by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers'compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not yet payable or which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. . F. Any service, Installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity, natural gas or other utilities, or garbage collection and disposal. G. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. H. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. I. Water rights, claims or title to water. J. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires of. record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 3 CONTINUED Commitment No. R249345-2 1. PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID-PLAT AS FOLLOWS: All uranium, thorium and all other materials determined pursuant to Section 5(b) (1) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (60 Stat 761)to be peculiarly essential to the production of fissionable material, contained, in whatever concentration, in deposits in the lands covered by this instrument are hereby reserved for the use of the Unittxl States together with the right of the United States through its authorized agents or representatives at any time to enter upon the land and prospect for, mine and remove the same, making just compensation for any damage or injury occasioned thereby. However, such land may be used and any rights otherwise acquired by this disposition may be exercised, as if no reservation of such material had been made that when such use results in the extraction of any such material from the land in quantities which may not be transferred or delivered without a license under the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as it now exists or may hereafter be amended, such material shall be the property of the United states Atomic Energy Commission, and the commission may require delivery of such material to it by any possessor thereof after such material has been separated as such from the ores in which it was contained. If the Commission requires the delivery of such material to it, it shall pay to the person mining or extracting the same, or to such other person as the commission determines to be entitled thereto, such sums including profits as the Commission deems fair and reasonable for the discovery, mining, development, production, extraction and other services performed with respect to such material prior to such delivery, but such payment shall not include any amount on account of the value of such material before removal from its place of deposit in nature. If the Commission does not require delivery of such material to it, the reservation hereby made shall be of no further force or effect. 2. COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGIQN, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE-EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (a) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (b) RELATES TO HANDICAP -BUT DOES -NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS: RECOR1?ED: RECORDING'NUMBER: May 10,1949 3900127 3. Easement for grading of street slopes, as necessary, over portion of premises adjoining any street or alley. 4 CONTINUED Commitment No. R249345-2 4. DEED OF TRUST, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: ADDRESS: LOAN NO.: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: John M. Camerer and Susan M. Camerer, husband and wife Washington Title Company, a Washington corporation Washington Mutual Bank 1201 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 01-0872-003756899-5 $80,000.00 September 26, 2000 September 29, 2000 20000929000754 5. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: First half delinquent May 1, Second half delinquent November 1: YEAR: GENERAL TAXES: AMOUNT BILLED: AMOUNT PAID: AMOUNT DUE: SPECIAL DISTRICT: . AMOUNT BILLED: .-AMOUNTP AlO: AMOUNT DUE: . . SPECIAL DISTRICT: AMOum: BILLED: AMOUNT PAID: AMOUNT DUE: 2001 $1,532.64 $766.32 $766.32 $0.85 $0.42 $0.43 $5.00 $2.51 $2.49 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 722750-0065-03 LEVY CODE: 2100 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $52,000.00 Improvements: $76,000.99 6. Payni.ent of Real Estate Excise Tax, if required. The property described herein is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of City of Renton. Present Rate of Real Estate Excise Tax as of the date herein is 1.78%. 7. In as much as the application for title insurance contained only a street address, verification of the legal description set forth in this preliminary commitment must be made prior to closing. If there are changes necessary, please notify us so that we can review and report the same prior to closing. 5 CONTINUED Commitment No. R249345-2 8. Matters relating to ALTA Extended Policy coverage and/or Homeowners Endorsement coverage: The results of our inspection will be furnished by supplemental report. 9. Title is to vest in persons not yet revealed and when so vested will be subject to matters disclosed by a search of the records against their names. 10. Until the amount of the policy to be issued is provided to us, and entered on the commitment as the amount of the policy to be issued, it is agreed by every person relying on this commitment that we will not be required to approve any policy amount over $100,000, and our total liability under this commitment shall not exceed that amount. END OF SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS NOTES: A. The language contained in the printed Exclusions from coverage and Conditions and-- Stipulations of the Policy committed for may be examined by inquiry at the office which issued the Commitment, and a specimen copy of the insurance Policy Fonn(s) referred to in this Commitment will be furnished promptly upon request. B. Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, _ maintenance, or connection charges for sewer, water, electricity or Metro Sewer Treatment Capacity Charge. C. In the event the transaction fails to close and this commitment is cancelled, a fee will be charged to comply with the State Insurance Code and the filed schedule of this Company. D. Abbreviated Legal for purposes of King County. Recorders Office is: Lt 13, Blk 1, Renton Highlands, Vol 46/34. 6 CONTINUED Commitment No. R249345-2 E. The records of King County and/or our inspection indicate that the address of the improvement located on said land is: 861 Aberdeen Avenue Northeast Renton, Washington 98056 A Single Family Residence According to the King County Tax Rolls the dwelling was built 1942. F. The Loan Policy to be issued will contain a Form 8.1 (Environmental Protection Lien) Endorsement. cc: John and Susan Camerer rvlscmn August 15,2001 END OF SCHEDuLE B 7 CONTINUED Commitment No. R249345-2 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, by Washington Title Company, a Washington corporation, its authorized agent, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue the policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insured named in. Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and tenninate one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. WASHINOT ANY, as Agent 8 -23 - 5 TRACED REPLACEMENT MAP t K.C. BREAKDOWN After recordmg return to JOHN M CAMERER 861 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 PAGE eel OF eel Flied for Record at the Request of Washmgton Title Company STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THE GRANTOR GRACE F ARFSTEN. an unmamed woman LPB-IO for and m conslderatlon of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration In hand paid, conveys and warrants to JOHN M CAMERER and SUSAN M CAMERER. husband and WIfe ~ the follOWing descnbed real estate. situate m the County of KING. State of WaShington ~ ." Lot(s) 13, Block 1, Renton Highlands. accordmg to the plat thereof recorded 10 Volume 46 of Plats. page(s) 34, m Kmg County, Washmgton Subject to easements. covenants, condltlons and restrictions shown on ExhibIt • A· as hereto attached and I?y thlS reference made a part hereof . Tax Account No 722750-0065-03 Dated thiS 13th day of SEPTEMBER. 2000 BLc.e. at //~J :&_ By ___ _ GRACE F ARFSTEN ~ By By ______________________ __ SEE ATIACHED NOTARY JURAT CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT l,<""'v'( 4.1 "../""4""" -< ....... '" <"<...." .. .,~ .... .,..,..<.""'¢-<w~~...('~-<'«~"':f. ... ...,<-<.,,..('-,J(.;"(.,,;t'""''<'''' .. , "".(-<.,." ..., ....... ~<.( .. C .. ...[-<., .. ,"'. "I~ .... , "-.... <II..... ... 1-< ..... '" o 1 ~ State of California } ss ~ ~ County of SoV\..O~ ~ ~ On t!to1ale!OO . before me. 6a..ru A. ~O~ No+arl.{ Put,It-. ~ ~ 1f-' p G~ cL F. T~~ar:::" r' o:'~ (p g J1np Doe Nolary f1N'" ) ,~ ~} personally appeared __ =_"'-=-""'-______ A~.,.,-":~:-:->.::_:,-teV\.-'--_:__--'<" r Name(s) of Sogner(s, ~ ~ ~ ~ I I personally known to me ~ g )5j>roved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory ~ ~ eVidence ~ ~ to be the person~ whose name~ Is/aK ~ ~ subscnbed to the wIthin rnstrument and ~ ~ acknowledged to me that ~/s¥~ttle( executed ~. ~ r r..._.. the same In t\$/her/thJf(f authonzed ~ ~ 1 a . .... capac,ty(~. and ~that by \lts'hernl)orr " ~ -.s:: .r,.{ , ,"""" .. ' ... ~.ulllt.~.,...)· slgnature,(lQ on the Instrument the person~,-or ~ ~ 1.r,· Notay Public· Cobtornu S the entity upon behalf of wh,ch the person~ ~ ~ ~ .~r::: ~~~.~ fl acted, executed the Instrument ? ~ ~ ~ ~ f., - -to ~ ~~~-~ .~. ~ 9.. OPTIONAL " ~ Though the mrormatKJn below IS not reqUired by law, It may prove valuable to persons relymg on the document ~ ~ and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment o( thIs form to another document ~ (! Descrlptton of Attached Document ~ i'> .Tttleor Type of Document __ __ __ __ __ __ <'i ~ ~ '~ ~ <: Document Date Number of Pages _ __ __ _ :s I~' Signer(s) Other Than Named Above _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P;1~1p, ~ Capacity(les) ClaImed by SIgner Signer's Name ___ , _ ~ l I Individual Tor ollhumn horp ~ ~ I I Corporate Officer -Tltle(s) __ __ __, ~ ~~ II Partner ~ I I limited I 1 General Ip,~ g Attomey In Fact :s I I Trustee ~ , I Guardian or Conservator ~ ~ II Other ~ p ~ ~ Signer Is Representrng __ __ ~ %'C<-'C~;<;"';C<"'C<-'C<-'C<-'C<-'C<-'"".('.'C<';<''<''C<-'C<-4'C<.,'C<-'C<-'C<--c..;C<..'C.(.;CZ,'C<-4'C<--c...;C<..'C<-·C<';C< .. ·c.(;<' _<;c<.. <'.<,;C<.. 'C<;(' '" 'C<-,",,-<.,'C<.;C'-<.,'C<-'C<-<> ~ 01999 NstlOnal NofaryAs.socrahon'O 9350 De Solo /4ve PO SOx 24102 .. Chatsworth CA 91313 2402· WW'fIf1a11ona1notaryorg prod No 5CJ01 Reotd9t'" c.n ToQ Free 1 800 876 6827 '. Escrow No Rl36091l "EXHIBIT, An PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS: All uranIum, thonum and all other matenals determmed pursuant to SectIon 5(b) (1) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (60 Stat 761) to be pecuharly essenttal to the production of fissIOnable matenal, contamed, m whatever concentratIon, In depoSIts ID the lands covered by thiS mstrument are hereby reserved for the use of the Umted States together With the nght of the UnIted States through Its authonzed agents or representatIves at any time to enter upon the land and prospect for, mme and remove the same, makmg Just compensation for any damage or IDJury occasIoned thereby However, such land may be used and any nghts otherwise acquired by tlus dJspoSltIon may be exercIsed, as If no reservation of such matenal had been made that when such use results In the extraction of any such matenal from the land m quantities which may not be transferred or dehvered WIthout a hcenseunder the AtomiC Energy Act of 1946, as It now eXists or may hereafter be amended, such matenal shall be the property of the UnIted states Atorruc Energy Commission, and the commission may reqUire dehvery of such matenal to It by any possessor thereof after such matenal has been separated as such from the ores m whIch It was contamed If the Commission requires the delivery of such matenal to It, It shall pay to the person mlrung or extractmg the same, or to such other person as the comrrussJOn determines to be entItled thereto, such sums mcludmg profits as the Commission deems fair and reasonable for the dISCOVery, mimng, development, production, extraction and otherSetVlces performed With respect to such matenal pnor to such dehvery, but such payment shall not mclude any amount on account of the value of such matenal before removal from Its place of depoSit m nature If the Commission does not require deltvery of such matenal to It, the reservation hereby made shall be of no further force or effect COVENANTS AND, RESTRlCflONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE ExTENT mAT SAID COVENANT <a) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (b) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS: RECORDED RECORDING NUMBER May 10, 1949 3900127 Easement for grading of street slopes, as necessary, over portion of premises adJommg any street or alley Washington Mutual Bank C/O ACS IMAGE SOLUTIONS 19031 33RD AVE WEST -MSl16DPWA .w~shi~~:n Mutual 'Ifill 1B ee DEED OF TRUST Loan No _01-0872-003756899-5 WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY 236098-1 THIS DEED OF TRUST ("Secunty Instrument") IS made on September 26. 2000 The Grantor IS JOHN M CAMERER AND SUSAN M CAMERER. HUSBAND' AND WIFE (A Borrower") The trustee IS WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY, a washington cor,poratl.on ("Trustee") The beneficIary IS Washington Mutnal Bank , whIch IS organized and eXlsttng.under the laws of wash] ngtan • and whose address IS 1201 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 ___________ ("Lender·) Borrower owes Lender the pnllClpal sum of . Elgbtv ThoJJsand &, OQ/100 Dollars (U S $-80 000 QQ .,-ThIS debt IS eVidenced by Borrower~s note dated the sanie date-as thIS Secunty Instrument (ANoteR ), whIch prOVides for monthly payments, With the full debt, If not paid earlIer. due and payable on October 1, 2030 ThiS Security Instrument secures to Leilder (a) the repayment of the debt eVidenced by the Note, WIth Interest, and all renewals, extensIons and modifications of the Note. (b) the payment of all other sums, with Interest, advanCed under paragraph 7 to prote<;:t the securIty of thIS Secunty Instrument, and Ic) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under thIS Secunty Instrument and the Note For thIS purpose, Borrower Irrevocably grants and.conveys to Trustee, In trust, With power of sale, the follOWing deSCribed property located In Kl.D.g County, Washington LOT (S) 13, BLOCK 1, RENTON HIGHLANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 34, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON: - Tax Account No (s): 722750-0065-03 whIch has the address of ~6l. ABERDEEN AVE NE ______ _ RENTON ____ _ • Washington [Cltvl IStreet) -=.9-=8.,::0,:-"5,,,,6,::--:-:-__ I "Property Address"), [ZIp Codel WASHINGTON -SIngle FamIly -Fanme Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3048 9/90 (page 1 of 6 pages) .1529A 111 -96} 01-0872-003756899-5 TOGETHER WITH all the Improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements. appurtenancea. and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property All replacements and additIOns shall also be covered by thiS Security Instrument All of the foregoIOg IS referred to In thiS Secunty Instrument as the ·Property " BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower IS lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property IS unencumbered. except tor encumbrances of record Borrower warrants and win defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands. subJect to any encumbrances of-record THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT 'combines Uniform covenants for national use and non-unlform covenants With limited variatiOns by JUnsdiCtlOn to constitute a Uniform secunty Instrument covering real property UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows 1 Payment of Pnnclp8l .net Int.re". Prepayment end late Charge. Borrower ahall promptly pay when due the pnnclpal of and Interest on the debt eVidenced by tl'l8 Note and any prepayment and late 'ch.rges due under the Note , 2 Funch far Tax ..... d Insunnce Subject to eppllcable law or to a wrmen waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Nota. until the Note IS paid In full. a aum ("Funds"' for (al yearly taxes and assessments which may attain pnonty over thts Security Instrument as a lien on the Property, (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property. If any. (c' yearly hazard or property Insurance premIUms. Cd) yearly flood Insurance premiums. If any. Ie' yearly mortgage Inauranc,e premiums. If any. and (fJ any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, It accordance With the proVisIOns of paragraph 8. In lieu of the payment of mortgage Insurance premiums These Items are called "Escrow Items" Lender, may. at anytime. collect and hold Funds m an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may reqU11'8 for Borrower's escrow account under the 'federal Real Estate Settlement Procedure~ Act of 1974' as amendedtrom time to time. 12 USC SectIOn 2601 8t seq C"RESPA "j. unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount If so. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the le98er amount Lender may estimate the emount of Funds due on the baSIS of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise In accordance With applicable law The Funds shall be held In an InstitutiOn whoae depoSits are Insured by a federal agency. Instrumentality. or entity bncludlfl9 Leoder. If LeMer IS such an InstitutlOnl or In any FeQera\ Home Loan 8ank LeMer shan apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applYing the Funds, annually analyzing the , escrow account. or verlfytng the Escrow Items. unlus Lender pave Borrower Interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make auch a charge However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an' Independent real estate tax reporting aeCVIC8 useQ by Lender In connection With thiS loan. unless applicable law proVides otherWise Unless an agreement IS mede or applicable law requites mterest to be paid. lender shan not be reqUIred to pay , Borrower any Interest or eammgs on ,the Funds Borrower and Lender may agree In wntmg, howe~r, that Interest shall be paJd on tf:le Funds Lender shall give to Bo~rower. Without charge. an annual accountmg of the Funds. shoWing credits and debrtato' the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made The Funds are pledged as , sddltlona. seiunty for all sums secured by thIS Security Instrument , ' . If the 'Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, lender shall account to Borrower for the excess Funds In accordance With the' reqUlfements of applicable law If the amount of the Funds held by'Lender at anytnne IS not suffiCient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lander may so notify Borrower m wrnlng, end. In such Case Borrower ahan pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the .deflclency Borrower shall make up the defiCIency I,n no more than twelve monthly payments. 'at lender's sole discretion ' Upon payment In full of all sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument. Lender shan promptly refund to Borrower 'any Funds held, by Lender If, under paragraph 21. lender shall acqulfe or sell the Property. lender. pnor to tha aCQUISItion or sale ot the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time ot acquIsitIon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by th.s Secunty Instrument 3 Appbc:1Idon of Paymen1W Unless applicable ,law proVides otherwise. al\ payments received by lender under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note. second. to amounts payable under paragraph 2. third, tD Interest due, fourth, to pnnclpal due. and last. or any late charges due under the Note 4 Charges. liens Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments.,charges. flOes and ImPOSItiOns attributable to the Property whtch may attBln pnomy ovar thiS SecUrIty Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground renta. It any aorrowershall pay these obhgatlons In the manner, prOVided In paregraph 2. or If not paid In that manner. Borrower shall pay them on ,'Ime directly to the person owed payment Borrower shall promptly furnish to lender ell notices of amounts to be paid under thiS paragraph If Borrower maKes these payments directly. Borrower shalf promptly furnish to Lender receipts elildenclI'lg ttle payments Borrower shall promptly discharge eny hen which hes prlonty over thiS Secunty Instrument unless Borrower (a) agrees In wntlflg to the payment of the obhgatlon secured by the hen In a manner acceptable to lender. (bl contests In good faith tilt> hen by. or defends against enforcement of the hen m, legal proceedings which In the Lender's oplnton operate to p",vent the enforcement of the heri. or Icl 'secures tram the holder of the hen an agree."ent satisfactory to Lender subordinating the hen to thiS Securtty Instrument If Lender determines that any part of the Property IS subJect to a hen which may attilln pnortty over thiS Secunty Instrument, Lender may gIve Borrower a notice Identifying the hen Borrower shall satisfy the hen or take one or moreot the actions set forth above Within 10 days of the glvmg of notice 6 Hazard or Property Insurance Borrower shall keep the Improvements now eXisting or hereafter erected on the Property Insured against loss by fire. hazards Included Within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards. IOclucling floods or flooding. tor which Lender requites Insurance ThiS Insurance shall be maIntained In the amounts and for the penods that Lender requlfes The msurance carner provldmg the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower sublect to lender's approval which shall not be unreasonllbly Withheld If Borrower flllls to maJOtaln coverage descnbed above. Washington 1529B 111 -96) Page 2 of 6 01-0872-003756899-5 Lender may, at Lender's optIon. obtaIn coverage to protect Lender's nghts In the Property In accordance wIth paragraph 7 ' All Insurance poliCIes and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall Include a standard mortgage clause Lender ahall have the right to hold the poliCIes and renewals If Lender requIres. Borrower shall promptly gIve to Lender all receIpts of paId premIums and renewal notIces In the event of loss, Borrower shall gl)/e prompt notIce to the Insurance carner and Lender Lender may make proof of loss If not made promptly by Borrower Unless Lender and Borrower otherWise agree 10 wntlOg, 10surance proceeds shall be apphed \0 restonnlon or repair of the Property damaged, If the restoration or repair IS economically feaSIble and Lender's security IS not lessened If the restoratIon or repelr IS not economIcally feaSIble or Lender's security' would be lessened, the Insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, WIth any excess paid to Borrower If Borrower abandons the, Property, or does not answer Within 30 days a notice from Lender that the Insurence carner has offered to settle a clsll'n, then Lender may collect the Insurance proceeds lender may use the proceeds to repaIr or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by thiS Security Instrument, whether or not then due The 30-day penod will begin when the notIce IS gIven ' , Unless lender and Borrowec otherWise agree In wntmg, any apphcatlOn of proceeds to pnnclpal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly, payments referred to In psragraphs 1 and 2 or change the smount of the payments If under paragraph 21 the Property Isacqulfsd by lender. Borrower's nght to 'any Insurance poliCies and proceeds resultIng from damage to the Property pnor to the acquISItion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thIS Security Instrument ImmedIately pnor to the acquIsition , 6 , Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and ProteCtIon of die Property, Borro_r. loan Application, leaeholds Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's pnnclpal reSIdence Within SIXty days after the execUtIon of thiS Security Instrument and shall contInue to occupy the Property as Borrower's prinCIpal reSidence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In wntlng, whIch consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances eXist which are beyond Borrower's control Borrower shall not destroy, damage or Impair the Property, allow'theProperty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property Borrower shall be In default If any forfeIture actIon or proceedIng, whether CIVIl or crlmmal, IS begun that In lender's good faIth Judgment could result In forfeIture of the Property or otherwise matenally Impair the lien creeted by thIS Security Instrument or lender's secunty mterest Borrower may cure such a default and reInstate, as prOVIded In paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed With a ruling that, In lender's good farth determinatIon, precludes forferture of the Borrower's Interest In the Property or other material Impairment of the lien created by thiS Secunty Instrument or Lender's secunty Interest Borrower shall also be In default If Borrower, dunng the loan applicatIOn process, gave matenally false or Inaccurate ,"formatIOn or statements to lender lor failed to prOVIde lender WIth any matenal InformatIon) In connectIon WIth the loan eVidenced by the Note, IncludIng, but'not hmlted to, representattons concernmg Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a prinCipal reSIdence If thiS Secunty Instrument IS on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply WIth an the prOViSIons of the lease If Borrower acquIres fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee trtle shall not matgeunless Lender agrees to the merger In writIng , 7" ProtectIOn of Lender'. Rights In the Property "Borrower falls to perform the, covenants and agreements contaIned In thIS Secunty IrlStrument, or there IS e legal proceeding that may sl901ncantly affect lender's rights In the Property (such .as a proceeding In bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeItUre or to enforce laws or regulatlonsl, thsn Lender may do 'and pay for whatever IS necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's nghts In the Property Lender's actIons may Include paYIng any sums'secured by a lIen which has prIOrity over thIS Secunty Instrument, appearmg In court. paying reasonable ettorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs' Although lender may take' action under thiS paragraph 7, lender does not have to do so Any amounts disbursed by lender under thIS paragraph 7 shall become addItIonal debt of Borrowar secured by thIS Secunty Instrument Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear mterest from the date of dIsbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, WIth Interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestIng payment 8 Mortgage Insurence If Lender reqUired mortgage Insurance as a conditIon of malting the loan secured by thIS Security .Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums reqUired to maIntain the mortgage Insurance In eftect It, tor any reason, the mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be In effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums reqUired to obtaIn coverage substantially eqUIvalent to the mortgage Insurance preViously 10 effect, at a cost substantially eqUIValent to the cost to Borrower of, the mortgage Insurance preViously In effect, from an alternate mortgage msurer epproved by Lender If substantially eqUIValent mortgage Insurance coverage IS not avallsble, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongage IOsurance premlu~ bemg paId by ,Borrower when the Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be In effect Lender Will accept, use ,and retain these payments as a loss reserve ,n !teu of mortgage Insurance ,Loss reserve payments mey no longer be reqUIred. at the 'option of Lender, 11 mortgage Insurance coverage (In the amount and for the penod that lender reqUires I prOVIded bV an Insurer approved by Lender ag8m becomes available and IS obtamed Borrower shall pay the premIums reqUIred to malOtalO mortgage Insurance m effact, or to prOVIde a loss reserve, until the reqUirement for mortgage Insurance ends In accordance With any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or sppllcable law . 9 Inspecnon Lender or Its agent may make reasonable entnes upon and InspectIons of the Property Lender shall give Borrower notICe at the tIme of or pnor to an mspectlon SpeCIfying reesonable cause for the mspectlOn 10 Cof'\demnatton The proceeds of any award or claIm for damages. direct or consequential, In connection With any condemnatIon or other takmg of any part of the Property. or for conveyance In lieu of condemnation, are hereby aSSigned and shall be paid to Lender Washington 1529C (11-96/ Page 3 of 6 01-0872-003756899-5 In the e~nt of a total takmg of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thiS Security . Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property In which the fair marltet value of the Property Immedletely before the taking IS equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument Immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherWise agree '" writing, the sums secured by thIS Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the fonowlng fraction (al the total amount of the sums secured Immedletely before the taking, diVided by (b) the faIr market value of the Property Immecilately before the taking Any balance shall be paId to Borrower In the event of a partial taklng of the Property 10 whtch the faIr market value of the Property ImmedIately before the takIng IS less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately before the takIng, unle8s Borrower and ,Lender otherwise agree In wntmg or unless applicable law otherwise prOVIdes, t.he proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thIS Security Instrument whether or not the Sum8 sre then due If the Property 18 abandoned by Borrower, or tf, efter notIce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fatls to respond to Lender Within 30 days after the date the nobce IS given, Lender II authonzed to collect and apply the proceeds, at ItS option; either to restoration or repaIr of the Property or to the sums secured by thIS Secunty IrlStrument, whether or not then due Unless Lender and Borrower otherwIse agree In wntlng, aoy application of proceeds to pfttlClpal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments 11 Borro_ Not R ..... ed. Forbelll'1lnCe By lander Not • Waiver Extension of the time for payment or modIficatIOn of amortization of the sums secured by thIS Security IrlStrumerrt grarrted by Lender to aoy successor 10 Interest of Borrower ehall not operate to release the liabilIty of the onglnal Borrower or Borrower's successors mlntarest Lender shall not be required to commence proceedIngs against eny successor In Interest or refuse to extend ttme for payment or otherwlae modify amortlzatton of the sums secured by thIS Security Instrument by reason ofeny demand made by the onglnal Borrower or Borrower's successors In '"terest Any forbearance by Lender In exercIsing any noht or remedy shall not be 8 waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy 12 Succesaon end A"IIP'I Bound. Jotnt and Severalllllbdtty. Co-.tgnars The covenants and agreements of thiS Security Instrument ahall bind and beneftt the successors end 8sSIgns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the proVISIOns of paragraph 11 Borrower's covenants and agreemerrts shall be JOlOt and several Any Borrower who co-signs thiS Security Instrumerrt but does not execute the Note (el IS co-slgntng thiS Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant aod convvy that Borrower's Inter"t In the Property under the terms of thIS Security Instrument, fbi IS not personally obhgated to pay the sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument. and (cl agrees that lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modIfy, forbear or meke eny accommodations With regard to the terms of thiS Security Instrument or the Nota WIthout that Borrower's consent ' 13 Loan Charges If the loan aecured by thl' Secunty Instrument IS subJect to a law which sets ·malClmum· loan charge8. and that law IS finally Interpreted so that the Intereat or other loan charges collected or to be conected In connectton WIth the 10lln exceed the permitted limits, then (al any such . loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted hmlt, and (bl eny sums already collected from Borrower whtcn exceeded permitted ·ltmrtS will be refunded to Borrower Lender may choose to make thl"refund by reducing the pnnclpal owed under the Note.·or by makIng a dltect payment to Borrower If a refund reduces pnnclpal, the reduction Will be treated as a pertlal prepayment. without any prepayment charge uncler the Note. . . 14 NOtIc" Any notICe to Borrower prOVIded for In thiS Sectinty Instrument shall be glVen.by dellVenng It or by mailing It by first .class mall unless applicable law requires use of another method Thenotlce shall be directed to the Property Address or any other address Borrower deSignates by nonce to Lender Any notice to Lender shall be given by fIrst class ·mall· to Lender's address stated hereIn or any other address Lender deSignates by notice to Borrower Any notice proVIded for In thIS Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been "given to Borrower or Lender when gIVen as prOVIded In thiS paragraph 15 ·Ooverntll'lll Law. S • .,.rablhty This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the Junsdlctlon In which· the Property IS located In the event that any prOVISion or clause of thiS Secunty Instrument or the ~ote conflicts .wlth appltcable law, ~uch conflict shall not affect other prOVISions of thiS Securtty Instrument or the Note which can be given ·effect Without the conflicting prOVISion To thiS end the prOVISIOns of thiS Secunty Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable " 18 B~ow.r·1t Copy Borrower shall" be given one conformed copy of the Note· and of . this Security Instrument . ., 1 "T~.f8r of th8 Property or a 8eneflC\81 Intereat 10 Borro_r If all or any part of the Property or any Interest In It IS sold or transferred (or If a benefiCial Interest In Borrower IS sold or transferred and Borrower IS not a natural person) WIthout Lender's pnor written consent. Lender may, at Its option, require Immediate payment In full of all sums secured by thiS SecurIty Instrument However, thIS option shall not be exerCised by lender If exercise IS prohibited by federal law as of the date of thiS Security Instrument If Lender exerCises thiS option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration The notice shall prOVide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice IS delivered or mailed Within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by thiS SecurIty Instrument If Borrower falls to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thiS period, Lender may Invoke any remedies permttted by thts Secunty Instrument Without Iurther nonce or demand on Borrower , 8 Borrower', Rtght to Rem.tete If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the rtght to have enforcement of thiS Secunty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earher of (a) 5 days (or such other pertod as applicable law may SpeCify for remstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power at sale contained In thiS Security Instrument, or (bl entry of a ,udgment enforCing th,s Secunty Instrument Those conditions are that Washtngton 15290 (11-961 Pege 4 of 6 01-0872-003756899-5 Borrower lal pays lender all eums, which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as It no acceleration had occurred. (bl cures any default of any other covenants or agreements. (cl pays all expenses mcurred In enforCing this Secunty Instrument. mcludmg. but not Irmlted to. reasonable attorneys' fees. and (dl takes such action as Lender may reasonably reqUire to aSSure that the Iren ot thiS Securrty Instrument, Lender's nghts In the Property and Borrower's oblrgatlon to pay the sums secured by thIS Securrty Instrument shall contInue unchanged Upon reinstatement by Borrower. thiS Securrty Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall remam fully effectIve as If no acceleration had occurred However, thIS nght to remstate shall not apply In the case of acceleranon under paragraph 17 ' , 19 Sale of Note, Change of Loan S .. nne .. r The Note or a partial Interest rn the Note (together WIth th,S Secunty Instrumentl may be sold one or more tlmes without pnor notice to Borrower A sale may result rn a change In tha entity Iknown as the "Loan Servlcer") that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securrty Instrument There also may be one or more changes of the Loan SerVlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note If there IS a change of the Loan Servlcer. Borrower will be given wntten notice of the change In accordance With paragraph 14 above and applrcable law The notIce win state the name and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to whIch payments should be made The notice WIll also contaIn any other Information reqUired by applrcable law 20 Hazardous Substancas Borrower shall not cause or permIt the presence. use, dIsposal, storage. or release of any Hazardous Substances on or In the Property Borrower shall not do, nor allOW' anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property that IS In vlolalJon of any EllVlronmental Law The precedmg two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quanlJtles of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropnate to normal resldenhal uses and to maintenance of the Property Borrower shall promptly give Lender wrrtten notIce of any Investigation, claim, demand, laWSUit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or pnvate party InvolVIng the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of whICh Borrower has actual knowledge If Borrower learns, or IS notified by any governmental or regulatory authority. that any removal or other remedlatlon of any Hazardous Substance aHectlng the Property IS necessary. Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions rn accordance With EnVironmental Law As used rn thiS paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances· are those substances defined as tOXIC or hazardous substsnces by EnVironmental Law and tha follOWing substances gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tOXIC petroleum products, tOXIC pestICides and herbiCides, volatlle solvents, matenals containing asbestos or formaldehyde. and radloactlva matenals As used m thIS paragraph 20. " Eovlronmental law· means federai laws and laws of the lunsdlctlon where the Property IS located that relate to health, safety or enVironmental protection NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and lender further covenant and agree as follows 21 AcceleratIOn, Ramecbes Lender shan glV8 nOllce to Borrowar pnor to eccelellIbOIl follOWing Barro_'s breach of any covvnant or agreement In 1Ins Secunty Instrument (but not pnor to accel .. ra1Ion under paragraph 17 untass applicable taw provides other_ .. ) The notice shall specify ra} the default, Ib) tha actJon raqUJred to cure tha default. ecl a date. not less than 30 days from the datlir the nOllce IS glV8n to Borrower, by whICh the default must be cured, and (dl that fallura to cure the default on or bafore the date specffled In the notice may result m acceleration of the sum8 secured by U.s Secumv lMtnIment and .. t. of ttle Ptoparty at pubhc INC'Uon Irt IS date not I.ss than 120 daYs In tM futur. The notIc. shall further mform BomIw.r of the ngllt to remstate efter acceleration. thengllt to bnng • "court actiOn to assert the non-eXJStenca of a default or any other defanse of Borrower to acc .. leratlon and .IIIe, and any other matters requared to be Incfuded m the notice by applICable lew If the def1lult IS not cur.d on or before the data apecrflad on the notICe, Landar at Its optIOn inay re~ermmedlate peymant m fuU of all .wns secured by thI. Secunty Instrument wrthout further demand and may Il'lVoke the power of sale and any other ramecb ... permitted by apphceble law Lender shell be entltl .. d to collect all expetlllH Incurred m pursurng the remedies proVIded .n this paragraph 21, mcludmg, but not Innltad to, r .... onable attorneys' feas and costs of tltla eVldenc. If Lend .. r Invokes the po_r of .. Ie, Lender shaD give written nOllce to Trustee of the ocCUlTence of en .verrt of default and of Lender's election to causa the Property to be sold ,Trustee and lender shaD take such aettOn regarding notice of sal •• nd sheD gIVe such notICes to Borrower .nd to other persons ... applicable law may requlr. A ftar the l1me reqlJlred by applicable law and after publication of the nottce of sala, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shaH sen the Property at Public auction to the highest bidder at ttle time end place .nd under the te~ dasrgnated In the notice of sale , III one or more pareals and In any order Trustea determines Truste. may poetpone sale of the Property for a pened or perIOds pemuttad by applicable law by publIC aMouncement at the tllna and place med m the notICe of sale Lander or Its deSIgnee may purchase the Property at any sale " Trustee .f'sll dallvar to the purchaser Trustee's dead conveymg the Property without any covenant or _ranty, ellpleased or ImplIed The,rect'lals In the Truste.'s deed shall be prima taCI. aVldence of the tnrth of the statements made therem 'Trustea shall .pply the proceeds of the sale In the follOWing order, {a' to aD expenses of the .ale, including. but . not'lnnittid to, raasonable Tru.t .. •• and Dttomeys' f •••• Ib} to aD sums s.cured by thl. Security Instrument. end Icl IIny exce •• to the perllon or perllons legally entrtled to It or to the clerk of the sup. nor court of the county .n whICh the lIaie took piece 22 ,Reconveyance Upon payment of all sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument, Lender shall requast Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrender thiS Securrty Instrument and all notes eVidenCing debt secured by thiS Securrty Instrument to Trustee Trustee shall reconvey the Property Without warranty and Lender shall charge Borrower a release fee In an amount allowed by applicable law Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs 23 SubstItUte Trustee In accordance With applicable law, Lender may from tIme to time apPoInt a successor trustee to any Trustee apPOinted hereunder who has ceased to act Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herern and by applicable law 24 Use of Property The Property .s not used pnnclpally for agflcultural or farming purposes 25 Rlde,s to thiS Securrty Instrument If one or more flders are executed by Borrower and recorded WashIngton 1529E 111-961 Page 5 of 6 01-0872-003756899-5 togeth6r wIth th,s Secuntv Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such "der shell be Incorporated Into and shall amend and supplement the covensnts snd agreements of thIS Secunty Instrument as If the ndertsl were a part of thIS Secunty Instrument (Check apphcable box\es)) . o Adjustable Rate Rider o CondominIUm Rider [Xl '·4 Family Rider o Graduated Payment RIder o Planned Unit Development Rider o Biweekly Payment Rider o Balloon RIder o Rate Improvement Rider o Second Home Rider o Other!s) [specify) BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees. to the terms arld covenants contained In thiS 1m M CAMERER x~~. sus CAMERER ,~ CJ)unty ss ~ . .. On thIS 1-1 day of .=se.p\e...tY\ ~ 1.J.XJu before me the undersIgned. Public In and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally JOHN M CZlMERER and SItSAN' M CAMERER Washington 1 529F t1 1 -96) Page 6 of 6 8 Notary appeared II Washington Mutual 1-4 FAMILY RIDER Assignment of Rents 01~0872-0037S6899-5 THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER IS made thIs 26th day of September. 2000 , and IS Incorporated IOto and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Securrty Deed· (the "Security Instrument") of the sam~ date given by the underSigned (the "Borrowern ) to secure Borrower's Note to Wash~ngeon Mutual Bank (the "Lender") of the same date and covering the Property deSCribed In the Security Instrument· and located at 861 ABERDEEN AVE NE. RENTON. WA 98056 [Property Address1 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addItion to the covenants and agreements made m the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT In addItIon to the Property descrrbed .In the Securrty. Instrument, the follOWing rtems are added to the Property descriptIon, and shall also constItute the Property covered by the Security Instrument buddmg materials, apphances and goods of every nature whatsoever now or hereafter located In, on. or used, or antended·to be used an connection With the Property, IncludIng, but not limIted to, those for the purposes ·of supplYIng or dlstrrbutlng heating. coohng. electriCity, gas, water, aIr and hght, fire preventIon and extingUishing apparatus, security and access control apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, water heaters, water closets, sanks, ranges. stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, disposals, washers, dryers, aWnings, storm Windows, storm doors, screens, blinds, shades, curtains and curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets, panelling and attached floor cOverings now or hereafter attached to the Property, all of WhiCh, Including replacements and additIons thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Property covered by the SecurItY Instrument All of the foregorng together With the Property deSCribed 10 the Security Instrument (or the leasehold estate If the Securrty Instrument IS on a leasehold) are referred to In thiS 1-4 FamIly Rider and the Security Instrument as thenproperty n B USE OF PROPERlY; COMPLIANCE WITH LAW Borrower shall not seek, agree to or make a change In the use of the Property or ItS zoning .claSSlflcatlons. unless Lender has agreed In wrltrng to· the change Borrower. shall comply With all laws, ordinances. regulatIons and reqUIrements of any governmental body applrcable to the Property C SUBORDINATE LIENS Except as permitted by, federal law, Borrower shall, not allow any hen mfenor to the Security Instrument to be perfected agarnst the Property Without Lender's prior wntten permISSIon MUlTISTATE 14 FAMILY RIDER -Fannte Mae/Fredme Mac Uniform Instrument Form 3170 9/90 988,.. (0398) Page 1 ot 3 r 01-0872-003756899-5 D RENT lOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain Insurance against rent loss In addition to the other hazards for which Insurance IS required by Uniform Covenant 5. E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE" DELETED. Uniform Covenant 1815 deleted . F BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherWise agree In Wrtttng. the first sentence In Uniform Covenant·6 concernmg. Borrower's occupancy of the Property IS deleted. All remaining covenants and agreements set forth m OOlform Covenant 6 shall remam In effect G. ASSIGNMENT OF lEASES Upon Lender's request after default, Borrower shall assIgn to lender all Isases of the Property and all securrty depOSIts made In connectIon WIth leases of the Property Upon the assignment, lender shall have the rtght to modIfy, extend or terminate the eXisting leases and to execute new leases; In Lender's sole dIscretion As used In thiS Paragraph G, the word "'ease" shall mean "subleass" If the Securrty Instrument IS on a leasehOld ' H ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER, LENDER IN POSSESSION Borrowers absolutely-and uncondItionally assigns and transfers to lender all the rents and revenues ("Rents") of the Property, regardless of to who the Rents of the Property are payable- Borrower authoflzes Lender or lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to lender or lender's agents However, Borrower shall receive the Rents until (I) Lender has given Borrower notICe of default pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Secuflty Instrument and (II) lender has gIVen notIce to the tenant(s) that the Rents are to be paId 'to lender or lender's agent ThIs assignment of Rights consltutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional secuntyonly _ If lender gIves notice of. breach to Borrower (I) an Rents receIVed by Borrower shall be held by Borrower. as trustee for the benefit of lender only, to be applied to the sums. secured by the Secu~lty Instrument, (II) Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rentsot -the Property, (U1)Borrower agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's wntten demand to .the tenant, (Iv).unless apphcable law prOVides otherwise. all Rents collected by lender or lender's agents shall be apphed first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and collecting the Rents, including, but not hmlted to, attorney's fees, receIver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds. repair and maintenance costs, Insurance premiums, taxes, assessments and other charges on the Property, and than to the sums secured by the Security Instrument: (v) lender. Lender's agents or any JudICially apPointed receiver shall be hable to eccount for only those· Rents actually received, and (vi) lender shall be entitled to have a receiver apPointed to take . possesSion of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derived from the Property Without any shOWing as to the Inadequacy of the Property as secUrity ... If the Rents of the Property are not suffiCient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and of collecting the Rents any funds expended by lender for such purposes shall become Indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7 Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents and had not and Will not perform any act that would prevent Lender from exerCISing MULTISTATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -Fan.". Maen:,.dclle Mac U.,lfonn Instrument Form 3110 9/90 !l868 (03 '181 Plge 2 of 3 • • 01-0872-003756899-5 Its nghts under this paragraph Lender, or Lender's agents or a Judicially appointed receiver, shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or maintain the. Property before or after 9lVtn9 notice of default to Borrower However, Lender, or Lender's agents or a Judicially apPointed receIVer, may do so at any time when a default occurs Any application of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or Invalidate any other nght or remedy of Lender This assignment of Rents of the Property shall terminate when all the sums secured by the Secunty Instrument are paid In full I CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement In which Lender has an Interest shall be a breach under the Secunty Instrument and Lender may Invoke any of the remedies permitted by the SecurIty Instrument BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and prOVIsions contained In this 1-4 Family Rider MUlTISTATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -Fanme MaalF1addla Mac Umfonn Instrument Form 3170 9/90 986e (03 981 Page 3 of 3 . . ',.-... ':-.. .; ..... . _ .. :" ~::,., . . ~".: .'"" .. . . ~. .' t ,.'. '.' 't.·· . . ~ . '. , " : ~ '. 'I' ~. '.' , . "~' .. ~. I .' jJ~"'.U,O::; .. , ::isem1!'i/het ~""""'.,_ .,.:-53 ' .. :>:~:i\,,\}. ' ..... , .. :: .... -. ···::<:t'· . . :ij1':';··· agree,·:to'pur the fdre . . ;. ~. w1tht OBSeSS1on on del of cont ·':<:'el ---sm as 3175609 ex . iiii . when cont 1s pd 1n tull. . "':': .,' . . Louis St~ttler .' s-':Stettler" & 'l)sch bet C.B.W.H:!l=~::il~~~~~~; ;;.50 .. (Ml George Fowler I 4209 "A H May 10-49 ( .. ,. ~ 0 __ 0..,,_' ,_. HIghlands I fld for ree on ,Apr,. :. '~~::'. ~t' . '.' . '. 34 t~ 41 reo fir ~".'···"~,::·'i,:;;;·;~)!?'~~j ' .. ,,,~s. ~Or,ttenton Hlghla.M~/~~1i~$1~ :m: ;e-~~'(A-4!;~;c...:olrl·the,.lo.t8 included 1n,,.i~~~~3 ':;;~ _¥li:&r'.:~f,e :torth' an~ eve~'cen!e~~~a;~~.~,~':~{~i· ad, plat",,,nether ,!ol or-.".1Dtul1!~~rf~',f:,< " theror' not th~,si.1l 2~s'j:fe.!t:'-.lfter.t:!:..:,~;· " ~' ···r " .;,:;,-, I' I· I' . ,,' . . 127-2 Th4Se'·:CQY .. llre to run w1th. the ldand shall. be b1nding on aU par.tl~iI:;~'d:a·ll persons: .lalmlng . under.~hem until' Jan 1-1910 at ·1fOh·;'~1111e .. ad oov shall be automatioally. extended for' suco' perlo41;.~erlO yrl!l Unlf>6l!1by vote of' a majority of the then owners of the lots·it ia, ftgr~ed·toch'ange .ad oov in whole or 1n part. If :.the partleshtc.. or"l1nY of them, . or their h or asns shall violate' c~ attempt to violate any of· the COy hin 1t shall be .1aw;ulf'Cl" anY' ot~er 'person ,or per.sona to~ing any real prop .81J; in ~~< .. ' .', .or;B.:ub~.lv .. t~,·.pl"os.eo}lte any prooeed'np;. ~t law or In.equ . ' " ,or.per,80n8 .. ~lolatlng or atL:II:';)~_r:e: tovlola , .e1the~:.·~Q~prevant h1m or them from so dolns(br. . other.dises .tor l!Iuch violation. + Inv.aU~* . thes·~.Cov··by judg or oourt order shall: ·In:-Il~. ot the other proY1 woh shall' remain, in rull " 'A .. 1 be len. and f1es as residential ~:ot 8 I . k 6,.,.'On' aay suoh residential lot no r·.lhred plaoed ,or permitted to rema1n ot:I\III!,.··.thl.tll·· .. l'i~ • .l.UIBU' .. ~4.~· .. Use.· and no dwellIng shall exo~ ~d twci+ 'vate garage shall be bu1lt tvaccom- ;eaoh·.dwelling ·un1t. ~:'~~~~~:~i!:li!e ereote~. alte'red 01' plaoed on any , .. ..,., ... _ ...• , .. th.· date·of th1s lnst nearer to the rr'oQ'rw:)101~i4U.ilt?)~?;~~.r'er the side at':11ne than the structures ~~~~~:=~~~';~otBJ nornea~er to the B1de lot l1ne ~~ Ii loc"back of rear dwelling w811. o.jii~7(;~){iiiiij~~ ·;~n the reo plat shall b~ (s) .......... .' " Printed: 07-21-2004 NiPLANNING OEV~~~~ RENiON jUL 2 \ 'lOO~ RECE\\}ED ~OFRENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-087 Payment Made: 07/21/2004 02:46 PM • Receipt Number: R0403952 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: JOHN & SUSAN CAMERER Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check Account Balances Trans Account Code 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5023 0 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Description Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Horne Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgrnt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 1,000.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 "1 I I I I I I : I NOTE: Kroll Maps are compiled from Official Records . and FialdS~s. They areprOduced lor I8f8fence use and no warranty 18 IlXPf8S88CI or implied. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ~ITV f"JF RENTON JUL 2 1 2004 RECEIVED EV2S·23-5 RENTON ~;--s:JU6--::::=tS-;';;;-~'-'-'';''''-N. E,_._._. '~·:-I~2;;:"'i.i·LL=._-:::.::'_=._~.s:::"r:---~---\ I rr-I._.~ •. 319E ~--------------.---' >-z cl B. ::Iii 0 (.) )0- It: 0 z :::> 0 u. 0 z c( Q: cl u u -T.t. /70 U c:( B. o LEGEND County Tax Lot No ® House Number Building c:::J Private Road Appro. Sto".. 0 Short Pial 27 ---------- 5 P 178144 o n A CONDOMINIUM 168 UNITS PAC I FIG COAST R.R. GO. 4.07Ac. T.t. 23 n t ______ 1 I .----. ~UNiET.. .. ~t;l~' , 2 : ~ : I I • "'.j..~~~ l': ________ :.r---------n " .. A CONDOMINIUM ,," . r.==m~~~~~~~~~~~~~roTri~r--,~~' ~ z f-----4!~+I 0 ~ Q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 2,35 A.C. PLEASE NOTE: KroI AtIII Pages are rwf.-d at IeMt: onoe • y.-with regard 11) pi .. ahort .,..., condomlnlume. .nd GOfPOI'III8 1mb. AddrHIfng and IInIGtlJm InfOrmItlon " updltBd leis frequenttv. 1l1li mIP II. aapyrfghted In both form and ccntent. Reproduction In whale or In part, or trlnlfen1ng Into dlg/UI form, /I; prohibited by r.w. Copyriu~ 11t1l7. Kroll Map Comtm1Y. Inc. -Seattle. Withington. All rights ~ • i i ~~ 1.72AC. ATLAS OF SEATTLE COPYRIGHTED & PUBLISHED BY KROLL MAP COMPANY, INC., SEATTLE SCALE: 1 INCH = 200 FEET ~ ~ Q ~ • I • I • I i~ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. ________ _ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CERTI FICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOFAND DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLlC ________ _ DATED __________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLlC ________ _ DATED __________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 1 2:04 RECEIVED RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF .......... 20 ....... AT ...... M IN BOOK .......... OF ............ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .~QH.~ ... t;: .. ~R~t0.~.~J .. Pk? SURVEYOR'S NAME MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE , 20_ EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ____ DAY OF SCALE: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ____ DAY OF ________ • 20 __ ------'-------------------ASSESSOR N.A. ADMISTRATOR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Aug. 2001 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 18898 DEPUTY ASSESSOR PORTION OF: ACCOUNT NUMBER 722750-0065 -----------S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON SHORT P.LAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER -LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE N.E. 1/'4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I • -I ..., I ~' • UI I I I I7t. • 0 2 171. NOT TO SClU.E CENTERLINE & MUNUMENTATION DETAIL .~ ~I 17 VICINITY MAP Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104. KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cromernw.com 98032 LEGEND: A FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE 'IlSI W / 2" BRASS DISC w (') « (L '-.... .J o > INSTRUMENT USED: GE:ODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: SE 1/4, N.£. 1/4. SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: J.A.C. CHECKED BY: J.A.O.jJ.E.C. DATE: JOB NO.: Mon., Aug. 27, 2001 2000-21.3SP SCALE: N.A SHEET: 1 OF 2 PROJECT NAME: CAMERER SHORT PLAT G/O JON OTTfRSOW/CREAT£D: Mon Nov 13 14:09:12 2000//PR£V. PLOT: Mon Aug 27 08:55:54 200f/PLOTT£D: Mon., Aug. 27, 2001, 9:00:48 F:\ TerraModef\ 2000\ 2000-213.pro / FFNCE CORNER 8fARS N06'J8'22"W 0.62' FROM -1"'\ ROPOSED J.OT~ 4,63o± SO. FT. (0.11 AC7 (LOT 12) LEGEND: PROPOSED LOT 1 4,628± SO. FT. (0.11 ACRE) Q\ FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE 'tlI' wi 2" BRASS DISC CATCH BASIN STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DECIDUOUS TREE 10" HOLLY (3) >ro BE: !2et'I\l"-lEO CONIFEROUS TREE 9" SPRUCE CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CJ4MERER RECORDING NO. SCALE: VOL./PAGE GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/41 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NoRTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1 inch = 20 FT. PORTION OF: ~~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1 ~~i 20 0 20 30.00' r---------------- pi ::Sl ~I -I BENCHMARK: SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT N 5 ASSUMED EL,=100.00 U.S. FEf.T E S.E. 1/4. N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST. W.M. GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' ~~--!~~~I 20 0 20 BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E., BEING NORTH 00'56'36" EAST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF "RENTON HIGHLANDS", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES 34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ------1----9TH A VENUE NORTH S86'23'57£ 10J.Ol' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Se£ SHeeT t OF t FOR LOT 13, BLOCK 1, OF THE PLAT OF "RENTON HIGHLANDS" RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS. AT PAGES, 34 -41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CeNT£RUNe Be MONUM£NTATION DeTAIL VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED RIM EL,=99.62 N.E. INV. EL.=95.25 (12" CONC.) \ W. INY. EL.=94.90 (12" CONC.) CXl Ol RIM EL.=97.79 N.E. INV. EL.=90,47 (24 CONC. S. INV. EL.=88.79 (24" CONC.) RIM EL.=97.70 CENTER CHANNEL INV. EL.=87.91 (18H CONG.) RIM EL.=95.58 W. INV. EL.=9J.6J 4" D.I.P.) S. INV. EL.=93.58 4" D.I.P.) RIM EL,=95.96 CENTER CHANNEL TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,258± SQ. FT. (O.21± ACRE) ZONING: R-8 DENSITY PROPOSED: ~ UNITS PER ACRE '1,5' :2.- DENSITY PERMITTED: .-fJ":7rIUNITS PER ACRE 9, 7 BENCHMARK: SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL,=100.00 U.S. FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 U.S. FEET PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT: HRENTON HIGHLANDS" WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 1 J RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT lJ IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.E. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS METHOD OF CALCULATING LOT lJ SHOULD ELIMINATE POSSIBiLiTIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS. I -x-3' HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE ~ I I ~I INV. EL.=8554 (18" CONC.) 1 ____________ S!i9:p~2.!"f .J9.:.52'_(f~J.~TL ___________ : DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 1 2004 RECEIVED SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Aug. 2001 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 18898 Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) 98032 INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-Al0LG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEf:DING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 2J NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: JAC. Mon., Aug. 27, 2001 2000-21JSP CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: JAO./J.E.C. I I I. - Site Utilities and Drainage Plan <9 z CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT ZZ zo .:r ~!z C) C) FOR SUSAN CAMERER ('00.1 !z~ LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE N.E. 1/4, WI.J.. ('00.1 :20 -J OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, W.M., ~~ :::> ..,J--, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON wO > w 0 ------------------------N GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20· ~~I WYE IN7.J1 EX. JZ'"L'~NC'. ST NEW I" WA 7E~ JE£ VICE / FENCE CORNER 8f.4RS NOti J8'2Z"W 0.62' FROI.I . PROPERTY crER ~l4PV~ 5T (iJ /Y. M/N. 4" ,.PYL ST€> /7.. ,.II? / AI. -.c-..d, 's e ALL 7'.0. GENJ)S t'TYP/C'AL} F/t7ER FfHt'E PROPOSED LOT 1 4,628:1: SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE)' FtNC( CQRNER 8fARS ~N6'5S·W /.5' FROM 1 I'ROPE:!?7Y CORJICR 'b " 1 //LJ ~r /I/z II .PVC' S' C'A/..,et::7 5'5 PM W/2 1 MIN, £ILlVEI€ I I I I I~ I..; (LOT 1~ 10) LEGEND: 1 r.;" FOUND CONe. MON. IN CASE I ~ W/ 2" BRASS DISC , rum CATCH BASIN S"~ SAN/. I @ JEWER 1 D STORM DRAIN MANHOLE EA5c,,;l-/ENT I @ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE : ~ DECIDUOUS TREE 10" HOLLY (J) I ~ I ~ CONIFEROUS TREE 9-SPRUCE ~ I I • ~ • 1 1 -X-J' HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE ~, 1 1")1 1 ~ 1 ____________ S¥.9'.2~2.f·g J!!.:.5!!'_(PLAT) 1 ------------__ 1 1 BENCHMARK: SIT PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ·5 ASSUMED EL.-100.00 u.s. FErr RIM EL.=99.62 N.E. INV. El..-9S.25 (12" CONC.) \ W. /NV, EL,...... (12' CONC,) ~ RIM n.-97.79 N.E. INV. £L.=9;J.47 (24-CONC.) S. INV. £L.""B8.79 (24" CONC.) RIM EL.-97.70 CENTER CHANNEL IMI. £L.=B7.91 (18" CONC.) RIM EL. ... 9S.S8 W. INV. EL .... 9J.63 S. INV. EL.-9J.SB RIM EL.=95.95 CENTER CHANNEL INV. EL.-8554 '(18'" CONG.) "iJ!. r 20 0 20 TOTAL LOT ARfA: 9,25B± SQ. FT. (O.21± ACRE) LEGAL DES~RIPTION: LOT 1:5. BLXK 1. OF THE PLAT OF -RENTON HIGHLANDS- ReCORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGE.s, J4 -41, ReCORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: SET PK NAIL IN £DGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMfD EL=100.00 U.S. FECT CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2.00 u.s. FCIT PARENT PARCEL A,P. NO.: 722750-0065 /2 AP;2 I" I -, $J ~ "\l I\J I\J ~ I\j II .... ~ :; ~ ~ '1j " ~ 0 ~ «l c ~ ~ .. z ...... Q) w G> ., ... ~ .t: oS > Q u -u (j) Q ~ W (.) W a: ~ !I) .... -C) I 111It. a iIO .. I I environment I one -, ... GRINDER PUMP TYPICAL PERfORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS -1'\11 " ....... 1""1'\"'1 1~11Il' 1 :;lol !f,",i( 1')!01~ )II" ,,4'11".' ~ i'~flmq 'l-:IJ' :~'>~ II M ... OJ I~'IP·~ I .. Wi ' .. '+<' I·I .... ·~ 1\1 111 ... r~ 1;.0\ "t "" >It,' I"! I~. )#i ~. I"'"'' ~w. :'Il 1ft ... 11\ I~ I":' .,. I'H. ~I w ,'''' 1'If'" liM ... "'J! I-:Ii' I~ i~ :.,; YI It'" I~ ~ll:';; I-it~ :7J • I~ I'" I, ¢'I"'; I~ ~11'1!jI: ~.". !"I~*" I~ II' I~.'( i'! !'.\'i 1<1 ~i~! , I .... ':'1(»" '111M ''!' '·I"II~ "rJ14I lij11~~ ijI '~ I~ II, o'JIi~ ,., I'" l'i .\l! ~ Jill '" ( , 3RINDER PUMP MODEL GP210 , . IZO'. " 110, • 100' '- to'. " to,. a N '. " 70, ~ '-m to'. ! '. ~ 110· _ ~ '. ~ 40', ~ . :10', " ~" '. II) -: \+----2'.5 ----Wi GRINDER PU..,. CORE INLET----........ .. ·PVC SOCKET fOR SOLVINT WELD I NOTES I." I PVhtP CONTROL ACCESS COVER SEE NOTE 5 C9' TAWPER PROOF COVER SCREW STAIHLUS STtEL HIGH LEVEL ALARM INDICATOR LAMP SEE NOTE 7 t INL.ET _+--ALARM LEAD ELECTRICAL WiltiNG (HOTES 2 a 61 POWER !.lAD PUMP CORE MOUNTING BOLT STAINLESS STEEL IIZI _____ DISCHARGE FITTING 101/44 /i1'T MOTOR --sEE HOTE a ,f I.l! 2 ft' \\ 27.0 CHECK, VALVE AND ANTI-SIPHON VALVE '°0 a I":: ,~: .. 8 • 10 12 418 i' :0 DISCH ARGE \0 gpm' AND 11) AMP S AT 240 VAC pI" ,Jar 1,,1 01 ..... 0-. 33.0 L~ '6.0 __ TANk 7iBERGLASS,REINFORCED POLVUTER F R pi 1 ___ ---1----PUMP SEE PUMP CURVE ~§~.--_J~~ PERFORIIIANCE '\: CHARACTERISTICS ~--L-~-':"'-L __ ~ ______ L-~~~~~~ __ ..J GRINDER ALL CUTTING ELEMENTS ARE HARDENED STAIIIILESS STEEL ALLOY NOTES: 1. Can be adapt.d to any IYltem 01 DWV piping dictated by local codes Including CUI Iron. copper and non- metaliles. 2. Use Fillings appropriate lor wiring material which should be per appllcabl. cod... Allllttlngi mUll be waler-tight. 3. Exacl lurn-on level dopends on In-flow rale dUring lime dalay Inlel'l81 alter pressure swllch closes. 4, Iniorior 01 tank (wet we:l) Is ven!ed tnrough Inlel drainage plpiog per Inslaliatioo Inslrucllons. 5. Cover IS luitaOly gaaketed and bOlted In ordor to make weather tight. LEVEL SENSlHG BELL e Ten feel of !Vpe UF cable. prewlred and connected with Wilier-light wlrlnll conn.cllonl. II provided lor both power and Signal connections. Other longth. of matenals available on special order. See nole 2. UPFLOW INTO GRINDER 7. High lovel alarm Indicator lamp assembly lurniahed on wall plate 2V< )( 4'h Inch ... Fila standard wall bOl( (by othersl, Inslall at most obvious locallon on premlaes and connect per wiring diagram In inl1811allon Instructlc..ns. Aualble alarm (nol furnished' mav be paraUeled with clrculL Lamp signal circuli conlaci rating Is 15 amp at 120 vac. B, One horsepower. alngla phase. capacltor-Itart. Induction molor Wllh Inl811ral aulomallo reset Ihermal overload protection. 240 volt. 60 hertz. 9. All dlmeoslons are In Inches. Do nol scala drawing. 10. Specification. and drawings ar. subject 10 change wilhoul noUee. environment lone CORPORATION PROTECTING MAN'S ENVIRONMENT 2173 a.llllown Rcaa • Schenectady. New YOlk )2309 -,-... I ,y",CAL OIlAOI LINI COR~" MCt.\'lTIHG BOLTS (CApTIVE. NOTE I CONTROL .~IATH!A ELECTRICAl JUNCTION 80l( ELECTRICAL ALARM LEAD 14-2 W/GNo CABLE 110 FT LG) ELECTRICAL POWER LEAD 12-2 'NIGND CA9LEIIOF'TLG) FRPt ACCESSWAY 1·1/4' MPT I BRASS) l r __ .:.:.....-.:...-J~ ______ ---+ ___ ---INLET M STANDARD 4· SOCKET FOR SOLVENT WELDING PVC PIPE I NOMINAL 4.500 D.O.' 36.!IO 33.0 L_----FRPt TANK 1-....;p;;:~~~! _____ TANK LIF'TING EVE (4' 19.5 GRINDER PUMP CORE J...------••. :11---.... Model 210 Series 6 . Flow Capacity and Friction.Loss'fo($,9.tt~~tule 40 "O ........... P ~~4~;t.A'7;'C)NS ~ >7A?/t:! ~.6HJ:j CAP,p-eO)(, &1./tv'S PJ"S(» 1.1 C)<, S'7t.1J!1 F"I~,-..;,Dp....,..,o -~P'I'" If. cl.IV, :- hI~ Jf:! -841 .: 9'/ /)!,.NAHI(!. N.8.Hb '2 Y'S' r1/N. PIL. +-/tff.I1 «"P"? L ... //o I A77/H~S: S -?~. E~# I -~J.~ V. / -(',It. V. X 4.0 1= 12.0' J< /. 0' = 1.0' I< H. 0 :: .I/. Of ,', Ly::' //O/~Z4''''' /.)'4' z;r:o, ",z::,Ra_ ~,,~£ / V.r1C / 6SS ~"".r,~ t:>H ~S-01''''' C t""", h".J'..sA V AJ "".1 V 4' \ ~ , . ~~ ': /. S-3/~QO ' 1 ',.hit!'" =...t....L . L 7 = /. $-3~t>e-' • /3<1-' //~ :::: 2.1 ( .7() '7404. h/e-"ll> = 1/+#<:: ?'( + :;>./' = /1.2 ' -- J,.', "I>p..-p fp&,c: I # , /.;. t::' d',P-,,? S //,.?' #.4'"AL> ENV/,.t?d. t:/HC -//;7> ,.l>p...,,.. /5' P,k"", Y (!l z Zz 04" zo CI ~S! CI C'.I t-W zO: Wu. c-.I' ~o ......J ~~ ::J CORE LOCATING GUIDE ...J--, wU [jj 0 GRINDER PUMP CORE NOTES : LIFTlNQ HARNESS DISCHARGE LINE AND FITTINGS (-COPPER .9RASS AND STAINLESS STEEL) • 1. ALL DIMENSIONS I .. INCHES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE:. 2. DO NOT SCALE DflAWING. 3. DISCHARGE LINE '1'0 BE BELOW FROST LINE. 'FRP M FISERGLASS REINFORCED POLVESTER C W > -W 0 W a: -.. ~ :"l f\j ~ I\J " ~ .. ~ " 'tI \1 0 M ill ~ -ti M Z G) .. ..... G) Q) cd .... .0 ~ .c: u cd Cl 0 U'l Cl ~ .. , .... 4,). E- ..... -o -\<t Y 0 ~ CITY OF RENTON LNO-20-0387 ~""iif\ ~ SHORT PLAT NC). LUA-04-087-SHPL ~Nrr \) KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON---- CERTIFICATI<)N KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS fHAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED. DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOFAND DECLARE THiS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME. AND THAT SAID SHO~T SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH fHE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. STATE OF WASHI"'GTON COUNTY OF ~ I rJ G,., I CEmFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT :S-Cr)N t\toJ:C\ SUSAN C -AI'V\~~ ~~~~----------SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIG"'ATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED _____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF ....•....• 20 ...•••. AT ...... M IN BOOK ..••...... OF ..•..•...... AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .. 9W.t;:.~ .. ~: .. H!hl,.F;, .. ,=,.I,.~ .. SURVEYOR'S NAME MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: ~EPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE :XAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _. _____ • 20 __ CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS SCALE: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ • 20 __ \SSESSOR N.A. ADMINISTRATOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR PORTION OF: ACCOUNT NUMBER __ ~7.-=2=2 . .:...75::::..0::::..-_,0::.:0::.:6~~5=--_ S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SBCTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: THIS SHORT PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE TREE COVENANT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER: EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD: (PER TICOR TITLE COMPANY TITLE REPORT ORDER NO. 6353016-3.) ALL URANIUM, THORIUM AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS DETERMINED PURSUANT TO SECTION 5(B) (I) OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946 (60 STAT 761) TO BE PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL, CONTAINED. IN WHATEVER CONCENTRATION. IN DEPOSITS IN THE LANDS COVERED BY THIS INSTRUMD'lfT ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE UNITED STATES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AT ANY TIME TO ENTER UPON THE LAND AND PROSPECT FOR, MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME, MAKING JUST COMPENSATION FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY OCCASIONED THEREBY. HOWEVER, SUCH LAND MAY BE USED AND ANY RIGHTS OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY THIS DISPOSITION MAY BE EXERCISED. AS IF NO RESERVATION OF SUCH MATERIAL HAD BErN MADr THAT WHEN SUCH USE RESULTS IN THE EXTRACTION OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL FROM THE LAND IN QUANTITIES WHICH MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR DELIVERED WITHOUT A LICENSE UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946, AS IT NOW EXISTS OR MAY HF:REAFTER BE AMENDED, SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STA7ES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. AND THE COMMISSION MAY REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT BY ANY POSSESSOR THEREOF AFTER SUCH MATERIAL HAS BEEN SEPARATED AS SUCH FROM THE ORES IN WHICH IT WAS CONTAINED. IF THE COMMISSION REQUIRES THE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, IT SHALL PAY TO THE PERSON IAINING OR EXTRACTING THE SAME, OR TO SUCH OTHER PERSON AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES TO BE ENTITLED THERETO, SUCH SUMS INCLUDING PROFITS AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS FAIR AND REASONABLE FOR THE DISCOVERY. MINING, DEVELOPMENT. PRODUCTION, EXTRACTION AND OTHER SERVICES PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO SUCH MATERIAL PRIOR TO SUCH DELIVERY, BUT SUCH PAYMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY AMOUNT ON ACCOUNT OF THE VALUE OF SUCH MATERIAL BEFORE REMOVAL FROM ITS PLACE OF DEPOSIT IN NATURE. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, THE RESERVATION HEREBY MADE SHALL BE OF NO FURTI-IER FORCE OR EFFECT. RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 EASEMENT FOR GRADING OF STREET SLOPES, AS NECESSARY, OVER PORTION OF PREMISES ADJOINING ANY STREET OR ALLEY AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): JB9JOJ9 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTlvt RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY. BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION. SEX. SEXUAL ORIENTATION. FAMILIAL STATUS. MARITAL STATUS. DISABILITY. HANDICAP. NATIONAL ORIGIN. ANCESTRY OR SOURCE OF INCOME. AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITT£D BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 NOT TO SCALE CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: ~ FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE ~ W / 2" BRASS DISC w c..? « 0... '-.... -1 o > SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE flU.. T Cramer' Northwest Inc. 'il'-l Surveyors & Planners INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETCR 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A10LG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. J.32-1JO-090. REQUEST Of SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 P.L.S. CERTifiCATE NO. 40016 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com INDEXING DATA: S.E. 98032 DRAWN BY: JAG. CHECKED BY: JAG/D. B. H. 1/4. N.E. 1/4. SEC. 8. T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 fAST, DATE: JOB NO.: Fri .• Jun. 30. 2006 2000-2135 SCALE: SHEET: N.A. 1 OF 2 W.M. PROJECT NAME: CAMERER 5HORT PLAT C/O JOHN E. RUTLAND/ /CREATED: Mon Nov 1.3 14:09:12 2000 / /PREV. PLOT: Fri Jun 30 10:44:01 200{/" /PLOrrED: Fri .• Jun . .30. 2006, 10:47:49 C:\ TModef\Projects\2000 2000-2135 1'-08-04.pro CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' 1 inch = 20 FT. ~~~~I j i 20 0 20 PORTION OF: S.E:. 1/4, N.E:. 1/4. SE:C. 8. T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. ri---------------------------------- I 1;- I I ~ I ~p I~j I ~ FENCE CORNER BEARS N06'J8'2Z'W 0.62' FROM PROPERTY CORNER (LOT 28) GARDEN HOMEmACTS (VOL 34, PG. 38) FENCE CORNER BfARS S274$'5S'W 1.5' FROM I PROPERTY CORNER I I ~-0)0 loillq I~~ ~ -o - 2035 N.E. 9TH ST. LOT 2 4.630± SO. FT. (0.11 ACRE) LOT 1 4.628± SO. FT. (0.11 ACRE) (LOT 12) BLOCK 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS (VOL 46, PGS. 3441) TOTAL LOT AREA: 9.258± SQ. FT. (0.21± ACRE) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE LEGEND: ® FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE W/ 2" BRASS DISC THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 0= ~ MLJ • SIT 1/r REBAR W/ CAP "40016/18898" P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40 16 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' ~"""-__ I.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~~j 20 0 20 BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E., BEING NORTH 00'56'36" EAST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF -RENTON HIGHLANDS-, RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES 34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. FOUND CONCRETE IrIONut.fENT wi j' BRASS DISK IN CASE (R£NTQN CONTROL ID NO. 57) I I ;;;./ j,' '::!,' . , ~,' \0.' I ,,~ I tV,' ~~ " .. ~ ,,' ~I ..... I IV,' C?,' I I I I I I -~_ 9TH A VE!!UE NORTH ~/ S86"23'5rE 103.01' , FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT I :;;;.;,; .... , - , ---I , I , '+ )', , , , , I I I , I , ViJ7 BRASS DISK IN CASE 1A~7~' .... , .t.-..-:. ~?, + ~ ,O.p,.t ' .... ..., ·.p'>·'t,~ S(( SH((T 1 OF 1 FOR C£NT£RLlN£ 8c MONUM£NTATION DETAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FOUND CONCRfTf MONUMENT I WI Jli! BRASS PLUG IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL ID NO. 398) (PER WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY ORDER NO. R249345-2) LOT 1 J, BLOCK 1, RENTON HIGHLANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 34-41, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: .. SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.=100.00 U.S. FEET PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT: -RENTON HIGHLANDS-WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCULATIONS. HOWING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 13 RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 13 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECJDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.E. WAS ALSO HEW AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS METHOD OF CALCULATING LOT 13 SHOUW ELIMINATE POSSIBILITIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS. Cramer Northwest Inc. INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUlREM£NTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 fAST, W.M. Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL. STE. #104. KENT. WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cnl@cramernw.com 98032 DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.C. Fri .• Jun . .30, 2006 2000-21.35 CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: J.A. 0./0. B.H. 1 inch = 20 FT. 2 OF 2 i-'HUJlCI NAt.il: CAMI:.NI=.H SHOHT PLAl C 0 JOHN E. RUTLAND. CREATED; Mon Nov lJ 14;09;12 2000 PREV. PLOT: Wed Oct 12 09:17:17 200 PLOTTED: Fri •• Jun. JO. 2006, -\.~y 0 ~ CITY OF RENTON LNO-20-0387 ,~~: SHORT PLAT No._LUA-04-087-SHP~ ~ N't r:J KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON - CERTIFICA TlON KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOFAND DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SA~E, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS t.tADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE Of" THE OWNERS. STATE Of" WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ~ I N ~ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISF"ACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ,) OrIN AN:£) S \)$Ao('-J C '1"1 "",,'G'Q~ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) f"REE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. STATE Of" WASHINGTON COUNTY OF __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICAb6'a.1 .. tlq~~~q1 FILED FOR RECORD THIS.l~ .. DAY O;JIt.'t,206.~ ... AT(,,'!;.M IN BOOKJ,.rn .. OF6.ctl.lJ~T PAGE.~11.AT THE REQUEST OF ~~-;;;4.;;.it .. 9W.~~ .. J1: .. H!k~~~.J:>.~~ .. SURVEYOR'S NAME MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS E~ AND APPROVED THIS to P\ DAY OF ..j (j l-'f , 20M l'lel1 1:;1W/tJ1rJ~ ADMINISTRATO DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS J2I:i DAY OF ~ ___ , 20~ 5c.atl-Noblec ASSESSOJ A / f ~ fflhf.til.l~, DEPUlY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER ___ -'7;...;:2=2=-~7-'5"-'O'--_O.;;;..;O~6~5~_ RECORDING NO. iD>iiO -, fl. 9/10 otJ 7 SCALE: N.A. PORTION OF: VOL./PAGE j)tJ7t ~77 S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, fr.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: THIS SHORT PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE TREE COVENANT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER: -~~ ? l~~=-.!IQ2.......,2J~25"""",,-_. ____________ . __ _ EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD: (PER TlCOR TITLE COMPANY TITLE REPORT ORDER NO. 6353016-3.) ALL URANIUM, THORIUM AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS DETERMINED PURSUANT TO SECTION 5(B) (1) OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946 (60 STAT 761) TO 8E PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL, CONTAINED, IN WHATEVER CONCENTRATION, IN DEPOSITS IN THE LANDS COVERED BY THIS INSTRUMENT ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE UNITED STATES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIvES AT ANY TIME TO ENTER UPON THE LAND AND PROSPECT FOR, MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME, MAKING JUST COMPENSATION FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY OCCASIONED THEREBY. HOWEVER, SUCH LAND MAY BE USED AND ANY RIGHTS OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY THIS DISPOSITION MAY BE EXERCISED, AS IF NO RESERVATION OF SUCH MATERIAL HAD BEEN MADE THAT WHEN SUCH USE RESULTS IN THE EXTRACTION OF ANY SUCH MATER1A.L FROM THE LAND IN QUANTITIES WHICH MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR DELIVERED WITHOUT A LICENSE UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946, AS IT NOW EXISTS OR MAY HEREAFTER BE AMENDED, SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, AND THE COMMISSION MAY REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT BY ANY POSSESSOR THEREOF AFTER SUCH MATERIAL HAS BEEN SEPARATED AS SUCH FROM THE ORES IN WHICH IT WAS CONTAINED. IF THE COMMISSION REQUIRES THE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, IT SHALL PAY TO THE PERSON MINING OR EXTRACTING THE SAME, OR TO SUCH OTHER PERSON AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES TO BE ENTITLED THERETO, SUCH SUMS INCLUDING PROFITS AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS FAfR AND REASONABLE FOR THE DISCOVERY, MINING, DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, EXTRACTION AND OTHER SERVICES PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO SUCH MATERIAL PRIOR TO SUCH DELIVERY, BUT SUCH PAYMENT SHALL NOT INCLUD£ ANY AMOUNT ON ACCOUNT OF THE VALUE OF SUCH MATERIAL BEFORE REMOVAL FROM ITS PLACE OF DEPOSIT IN NATURE. IF THE COMMISSfON DOES NOT REQUIRE D£L1VERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, THE RESERVATION HEREBY MADE SHALL BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT. RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): J900127 EASEMENT FOR GRADING OF STREET SLOPES, AS NECESSARY, OVER PORTION OF PREMISES ADJOfNING ANY STREET DR ALLEY AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3893039 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION. FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS. DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORfGIN, ANCESTRY OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE ~Gr~~~s No&rth!;~;s InC. REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER o IN Jun. 2006 P.L.S. CERTIfiCATE NO. 40016 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT. WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (tOil free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com 98032 JL NOT TO SCALE CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: A FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE 'til' W/ 7:' BRASS DISC w <..') « 0.. ""'-- ..J o > INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. B, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: JAG. Fri., Jun. 30, 2006 2000-213S CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: JAO/O.B.H. N.A. 1 OF 2 PROJECT NAME: CAMERER SHORT PLAT C/O JOHN E. RUTLANO//CREATEO: Mon Nov 13 14:09:12 2000 //PREV. PLOT: Fri Jun 30 10:44:01 200~/PLOrrrO: Fri., Jun. 3D, 2006. 10:47:49 C:\ TModel\Projects\2000 2000-213S-11 08 04.pro CITY OF RENTON S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAJlERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDING NO. SCALE: 1 inch = 20 FT. PORTION OF: VOL./PAGE ~()71;) 7~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~L...--___ I i--~ 20 0 20 S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. /-,---------------------------------- 1-"'"") Ifl F£NCE CORNER BEARS N06":J8'22"w 0.62' FROI.I PROPERTY CORNER (LOT 28) GARDEN HOMETRACTS (VOL 34, PG. 38) 1 ~-.:::- 1 ~::s 1 ~ 1 ~. 0>0 loi~ 1C\j~ I 2035 N.E. 9TH ST. LOT 2 4,630± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) LOT 1 4,628± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) FfNC£ CORNER BEARS $2746'5$'W 1.5' FROM 1 PROPERTY CORNER I (LOT 11) BLOCK 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS. (VOL 46, PGS. 34-41) LEGEND: • • FOUND CONGo MON. IN CASE W/2" BRASS DISC TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,258± SQ. FT. (0.21± ACRE) SET 1/2" REBAR W/ CAP "40016/18898" I '<:1-. 1£2 I o· 1 q~ I 85 II .... <J I II s.. 1 1:)'" ~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 ~ Y, Mil GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' .______f> ~,--__ I ___ I--~ FOUND CONCRITE MONUMENT wi :r BRASS DISK IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL 10 NO. 57) , I , I '+ ~, 20 0 20 , f I I I I , , BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E., BEING NORTH OrY56'36" EAST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF "RENTON HIGHLANDS", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES 34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR CENTERLINE 4c MONUMENTATION DETAIL ---- Cramer Northwest Inc. Surveyors & Planners --945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cromernw.com 98032 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT W J BRASS PLUG IN C4SE (RENTON CONTROL 10 NO. J98) (PER WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY ORDER NO. R249345-2) LOT 13, BLOCK I, RENTON HIGHLANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 34-41, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: .. SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.=100.00 U.S. FEET PARENT PARCEL A,P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT: "RENTON HIGHLANDS" WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 13 RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 13 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.E. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS METHOD OF CALCULATING LOT 13 SHOULD ELIMINATE POSSIBILITIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS. INSTRUUENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NlKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.G. Fri., Jun. 30, 2006 2000-213S CHECKED BY: SCALE: J.A.O./O.B.H. \ Y 0 lJ@~ CITY OF RENTON LNO-20-0387 ~ ~ ~I SHORT PLAT NO.J-UA-04-087-SHP~ :i>N1 ~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF AND DECLARE THIS MAP To BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF \( I N ~ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ..) Cr'\N AN:D ~\.).sAN C A""'~~ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUt4INT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED F CONFORMED COpy IN 8001 .. QWJ SURV, 20060712900007 CITY OF RENTON SPM 103.00 PAGE001 OF 002 07/12/2006 14:57 KING COUNTY, UA ~Ul"" I. ur RECORDS ... M OF APPROVALS: CI1Y OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ~;D ""PROVED THIS !O "'DAY 0.-.j(j/-, 'I ,20M j 1 'lJ1fIW1G1vtr~ ADMINISTRArO ~ DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINEP AND APPROVED THIS (lJ.-ky OF ~ ___ • 2r12& S( 0 i -\: Nobb: ~SS~I~ IJ J!..~' mt!Jd~YLJj!2!.La=_t."-'!UV~ ____ ._ DEPUTY ASSESSOR RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: N.A. PORTION OF: ACCOUNl NUMBER 722750-0065 S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RE.NTO.N SH"ORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.N., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: THIS SHORT PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE TREE COVENANT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER: EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD: (PER TICOR TifLE COMPANY TITLE REPORT ORDER NO. 6353016-3.) ALL URANIUM, THORIUM AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS DETERMINED PURSUANT TO SECTION 5(B) (1) OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946 (60 STAT 761) TO BE PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL, CONTAINED. IN WHA7EVER CONCENTRATION, IN DEPOSITS IN THE LANDS COVERED BY THIS INSTRUMENT ARF: HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE UNITED STATES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AT ANY TIME TO ENTER UPON THE LAND AND PROSPECT FOR, MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME, MAKING JUST COMPENSATION FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY OCCASIONED THEREBY. HOWEVER, SUCH LAND MAY BE USED AND ANY RIGHTS OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY THIS DISPOSITION MAY BE EXERCISED, AS IF NO RESERVATION OF SUCH MATERIAL HAD BEEN MADr:: THAT WHEN SUCH USE RESULTS IN THE EXTRACTION OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL FROM THE LAND IN QUANTITIES WHICH MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR DELIVERED WITHOUT A LICeNSE UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946, AS IT NOW EXISTS OR MAY HEREAF7ER BE AMENDED, SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, AND THE COMMISSION MAY REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT BY ANY POSSESSOR THEREOF AFTER SUCH MATERIAL HAS BEEN SEPARAT[o AS SUCH FROM THE ORES IN WHICH IT WAS CONTAINED. IF THE COMMISSION REQUIRES THE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, IT SHALL PAY TO THE PERSON MINING OR EXTRACTING THE SAME, OR TO SUCH OTHER PERSON AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES TO BE ENTITLED THERETO, SUCH SUMS INCLUDING PROFITS AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS FAIR AND REASONABLE FOR THE DISCOVERY, MINING, DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTiON. EXTRACTION AND OTHER SERVICES PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO SUCH MATERIAL PRIOR TO SUCH DELIVERY, BUT SUCH PAYMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY AMOUN r ON ACCOUNT OF THE VALUE OF SUCH MATERIAL BEFORE REMOVAL FROM ITS PLACE OF DEPOSIT IN NATURE. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT REQUIRE DELIVERY OF'~;UCH MATERIAL TO IT. THE RESERVATION HEREBY MADE SHALL BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT. RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 EASEMENT FOR GRADING OF STREET SLOPES, AS NECESSARY, OVER PORTION 01- PREMISES ADJOINING ANY STREET OR ALLEY AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3B93039 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900727 NOT TO SCALE CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: A FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE ,." WI 2" BRASS DISC w G « 0.... ""- ---1 o > SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE ~ Cr~u~~~s N0;th!!~;s InC. INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMEN7S OF W.A.C. 332-130-090. REQUEST OF' SUSAN CAMERER o IN Jun. 2006 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com INDEXING DATA: 98032 DRAWN BY: J.A.G. CHECKED BY: J.A.O./O.B.H. S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4. SEC. B. T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, DATE: JOB NO.: Fri., Jun . .30, 2006 2000-21.35 SCALE: SHEET: N.A 1 OF 2 W.M. PROJECT NAME: CAMERER SHORT PlAT C/O JOHN E. RUTlAND//CREATED: Mon Nov 13 14-;09:12 2000 //PREV. PLOT: Fri Jun 30 10:4-4-:01 2009'/PLOTTED: Fri .• Jun. 30, 2006. 10:4-7:49 C:\TMode/\Projeds\2000\2000-213S':"11-0B-04.pro FENCE CORNER B£ARS N06'JB'UW 0.62' F1fOItI PROPERlY COffNER C G:l :r: 1-" :s .e:. 10 -t- \() (LOT 2~ GARDEN HOME7RACTS (VOL 34, PG. 3B) CITY OF RE.NTO.N S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4-OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' 1 inch = 20 FT. ~~--I '--~i 20 0 20 PORTION OF: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. ,/'----------------------------------, ---:- ,P , ~I=' ,~:s ,'--.e:. , ":,. 0)0 'oi~ ,C\lg: , I=' :s & ~ ~ -0 ---:-p () & ~ -0 -lU '\0 !:"l \() 10 b 0 <: 20.35 N.E. 9TH ST. LOT 2 4,6.3Q± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) LOT 1 4.628± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) 1" =20' FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT .......--. WI l' BRASS DISK IN CASE " : (RENTON CONTROL 10 NO. 57) f -t BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.£., BEING NORTH 00'56'36" EAST. AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF "RENTON HIGHLANDs", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES .34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ---- ;;./ i,' \:::;,' , , ~,' ~. " ~,' .~ " -:t,' ,J , ~ I .r::5 I if,' L) " , I , , I , , I I I FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT , , , W J BRASS PWG IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL ID NO. 398) SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR CENTERLINE ~ MONUMENT A TION D£TAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTiON: (PER WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY ORDER NO. R249345-2) LOT 13, BLOCK 1, RENTON HIGHLANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) .34-41, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: .. , I I I I I I I I I I I ........ : vi s::- I l5 I-:~~ FENCE CORNER BfJRS S2i46'SS'W 1.5' FROM , PROPERTY CORNER I I SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.=100.00 U.S. FEET (LOT 12) BLOCK 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS (VOL 46, PGS. 34-41) TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,258± SQ. FT. (0.21± ACRE) N' ~ '1 {;j !:l f5 1 ~I ~ ~~ : ![ ~ q~ d5 II ....., tJ I ~!( , ~ , I ~t = -n n -"~go'. --:'1 .e:., '\0 !:"l . , \() ~, 10 , ":i, b~ I C\I ~ , ____________ S~9:P:r2~H.f ~~5!;rJ~L~TL ___________ : PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT: "RENTON HIGHLANDs" WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 1.3 RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 13 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.£. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS METHOD OF CALCULATING LOT 1.3 SHOULD ELIMINATE POSSIBILITIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS. w C) « 0.. .......... .-J o > r:S::-:-:U~R~V-;E;::::Y~O~R;::-;-;' S::'--;C~E::-R~T~I F~I C~A:-:;:T;:E:--'1r::;ji~-Cn:r~a~I=-I:-l-:e-:r:-:N~o:-::r=tL-hL:w=e-:-:s"'t---;Ir:n:-c-=-. ~F;;;;;~~~~rINS-TR-UM-E""NT-U""'SE""D:-GE-OD-IM-~-ER-6-0-0 -AN-D/<-O-R -NI-KO-N-DTi-M--A ..... ,0-LG-i LECEND: • • FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE w/ 2" BRASS DISC SET 1/Z' REBAR WI CAP "40016/18898" THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 D~ ~ Mll P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40 16 Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WIA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (to" free) (253)852-4955 (tax) [-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com 98032 EXPIRES ., 121/m METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4, NE 1/4, SEC. B, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: JAC. Fri., Jun. 30, 2006 2000-2135 CHEC;D BY: SCALE: SHEET: JAO. O.B.H. 1 inch = 20 FT. 2 OF 2 PROJECT NAME: CAMERER SHORT PLAT C/O JOHN E. RUTLAN CREATED: Mon Nov 13 14:09:12 2000 PREV. PLOT: Wed Oct 12 09:17:17 200!j', PLOTTED: Fri., Jun. 30. 2006. 10:4.3:55 C: TModel\Projects 2000 2000-213S-11-08-04.pro CITY OF RENTON LND-20-0387 SHORT PLAT N()._LUA-04-087-SHP~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS 'tHAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOFAND DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS WADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KIN (;..., I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ,\ C,\-\N eN!> S\.)S",\N C A I"V\~~ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. STATE or WASHINGTON COUNTY OF __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTI FICAite6C.7 . .t 1/1~f?~t11 FILED FOR RECORD THIS.1~ .. DAY O!Vll~'20b~ ... AT~!-!!M IN BOOK./..fr1 .. 0F6"""U~T PAGE.~17.AT THE REQUEST OF .. QW.~.~ ... ~: .. H!kl.~~ .. el.~ .. SURVEYOR'S NAME ~~~:.~it .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ........................................ .. MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CllY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXA~D ~D APPROVED THIS (0 P\ DAY OF .J (J I-'t . 20M --'..J4{:.11 1;/w/Mfit ItUA ADMINISTRATO DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS (XAMINED AND APPROVED THIS J1.Jl DAY OF ~ S:a±t Ncb/ee ~SSESSOJ A/j' . ~IAI tf!h.14;tU. DEPtfTyASSEsSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER ___ 722750-006~ .20~ RECORDING NO. 1M,a P fl. 9{J~ O() 7 SCALE: N.A. PORTION OF: VOL./PAGE iJ.()~ ~77 S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: THIS SHORT PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF RESffi/CTIVE TREE COVENANT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER: ~OO~? i~CC2,/~ EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD: (PER TlCOR TITLE COMPANY TITLE REPORT ORDER NO. 6.35.3016-.3') ALL URANIUM. THORIUM AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS DETERMINED PURSUANT TO SECTION 5(B) (1) OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946 (60 STAT 761) TO BE PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL. CONTAINED. IN WHATEVER CONCENTRATION. IN DEPOSITS IN THE LANDS COVERED BY THIS INSTRUMEN1 ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE UNlTED STATES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AT ANY TIME TO ENTER UPON THE LAND AND PROSPECT FOR. MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME. MAKING JUST COMPENSATION FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY OCCASIONED THEREBY. HOWEVER. SUCH LAND MAY BE USED AND ANY RIGHTS OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY THIS DISPOSITION MAY BE EXERCISED. AS IF NO RESERVATION OF SUCH MATERIAL HAD BEEN MADE THAT WHEN SUCH USE RESULTS IN THE EXTRACTION OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL FROM THE LAND IN QUANTITIES WHICH MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR DELIVERED WITHOUT A LICENSE UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946. AS IT NOW EXISTS OR MAY HEREAFTER BE AMENDED. SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. AND THE COMMISSION MAY REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT BY ANY POSSESSOR THEREOF AFTER SUCH MATERIAL HAS BEEN SEPARATED AS SUCH FROM THE ORES IN WHICH IT WAS CONTAINED. IF THE COMMISSION REQUIRES THE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, IT SHALL PAY TO THE PERSON MINING OR EXTRACTING THE SAME. OR TO SUCH OTHER PERSON AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES TO BE ENTITLED THERETO. SUCH SUMS INCLUDING PROFITS AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS FAIR AND REASONABLE FOR THE DISCOVERY. MINING, DEVELOPMENT. PRODUCTION, EXffiACTION AND OTHER SERVICES PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO SUCH .. :ATERlAL PRIOR TO SUCH DELIVERY. BUT SUCH PAYMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANl' AMOUNT ON ACCOUNT OF THE VALUE OF SUCH MATERIAL BEFORE REMOVAL FROM ITS PLACE OF DEPOSIT IN NATURE. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT. THE RESERVATION HEREBY MADE SHALL BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT. RECORDED: MAY 10. 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 EASEMENT FOR GRADING OF STREET SLOPES. AS NECESSARY. OVER PORTION OF PREMISES ADJOINING ANY STREET OR ALLEY AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3893039 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVe RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS. IF AN'(. BASED UPON RACE, COLOR. RELIGION. SEX. SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS. MARITAL STATUS. DISABILITY. HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY OR SOURCE OF INCOME. AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESffi/CTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Cramer Northwest Inc. THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) 98032 NOT TO SCALE CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: A FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE 't:5' W / 2-BRASS DISC w ~ « 0.. "-- -l o > INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG t.tETHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4. N.E. 1/4. SEC. 8. T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: J.A.C. CHECKED BY: J.A.G./G.B.H. DATE: Fri., Jun. .30, 2006 SCALE: JOB NO.: 2000-21.3S CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE 2JJ1J' ,J..CJ 7 I;). 7<6 SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' 1 inch = 20 Fl. ~ I I 20 0 20 PORTION OF: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. ",-------- I 1:- -------------------------- FENCE CORNER BEARS N06'J8':dw 0.62' FROM PROPERTY CORNER (LOT 28) GARDEN HOME TRACTS (VOL 34, PG. 38) 1 \ I I Sl I::J~ 1~:5 1 '--'~ 1 i<-;. 010 loi~ 1C\j~ 1 FENCE CORNER BEARS S27'W5S'W 1.5' FROII I PROPERTY CORNER I I~ II-I~ 1"--' I~ 13 10l I 1 2035 N.E. 9TH ST. LOT 2 4,63D::t SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) LOT 1 4,62B± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) (LOT 12) BLOCK 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS. (VOL 48, PGS. 34-41) TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,25B± SQ. FT. (0.21± ACRE) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE LEGEND: • FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE W / 2-BRASS DISC THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 ~ ~ W' SET 1/2" REBAR W/ CAP "40016/18898" • P,L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40 16 1" =20' SCALE GRAPHIC ~~~~~-----! .. --~ 20 0 20 FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT wi j' BRASS DISK IN WE (RENTON CONTROL ID NO. 57) ~. I , I , '+ "". r' • I • , . , . I • I • , . ;;;-,/ : $/ : BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E .• BEING NORTH 0(156'36' EAST, ~,' • I q;.,' AS SHOWN ON THE PUI T OF "RENTON HIGHUINDS", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PUlTS, AT PAGES 34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ~: " rif,' SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR CENTERLINE Be MONUMENT A T/ON DETAIL --- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY ORDER NO. R249345-2) LOT 13, BLOCK " RENTON HIGHUINDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PUlTS, PAGE(S) 34-41, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: .. SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.=100.00 U.S. FEET PARENT PARCELl A.P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS UlST VISITED 11-9-2000. I 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT: "RENTON HIGHUINDS" WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCUUlT/ONS. HOLDING .'* / ~,' ~ / .r:;j , !!it' 0,' I I I I , PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCUUlTE LOT 13 RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 1.3 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PUIT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PUIT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PUIT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.E. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCUUlTING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PUIT. THIS METHOD OF CALCULATING LOT 13 SHOULD ELIMINATE POSSIBILITIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS. w (') <r.: Cl. "'---~ o > Cramer Northwest Inc. INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF W.A.C. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4. N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST. W.M. Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (tOil free) (253)852-4955 (fax) 98032 DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.G. Fri., Jun . .30, 2006 2000-21.35 CHECKED BY: SCALE: J.A.O./O.B.H. r-------------------,------------~~-------------------------------I------------------------------_r-----------------------r----------------~ t DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. -,®.t> CITY OF RENTON LND-20-0387 I ~ ~ ~I SHORT PLAT NO._LUA-04-087-SHP!:... ~N'tc:) KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON - CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF' INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY WAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF'AND DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAt.CE. AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS t.CADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. --------------------- STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _______________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUt.CENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) rREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES t.lENTIONED IN THE INSTRUt.lENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _______________ _ DATED ___________ _ t.CY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUt.lENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT !'"OR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC ______________ _ DATED _______________ _ t.lY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF .......... 20 ....... AT ...... M IN BOOK .......... OF ............ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .. QW.~.~ .. ~: .. Hl~.~~, .. e~~ .. SURVEYOR'S NAME MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: VOL./PAGE I' l' EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ______ • 20 __ CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS j f SCALE: N.A. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ________ • 20 __ _ ----------------------._._--'. ASSES '50R ADMINISTRATOR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Mar. 2005 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 :1 DEPUTY ASSESSOR PORTION OF: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. ! ACCOUNT NUMBER __ --..:...;72=2=7...;;:5:.;:.0_-_=0;:;..06;:;.,;5:..-__ j CITY OF RENTON S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON -j - i~ l~ NOT TO SCAI.£ CENTERliNE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: ® FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE W/ 2u BRASS DISC E~Cr~~~s No;th!:~~s InC. " 945 N. Ct·NTRAL. STE. #104. KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com 98032 PLAN REVIEW CllY OF RENTON AUG 2 3 2005 RECEIVEI:' w o « D.. ""- -.J o > INSTRUMENT USED: G£. ... ',METER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A10LG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF W.A.C. 332-130-090. INDEXING DATA: S.£. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. S, T. 2J NORTH, R. 5 fAST, W.M. DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.C. Thu., Mar. 10, 2005 2000-21JS CHECKED BY: SCALE: SHEET: J.A. 0./0. B.H. N.A. 1 OF 2 PROJECT NAME' CAMERER SHORT PLA C/O JOHN £. RUTLAND//CREATED: Mon Nov 13 14'09:12 2000//PREY. PLOT: Thu Mar 10 15:32:3720WPLOTTED: Thu .• Mar 10. 2005. 15:34:37 C:\TModel\ProJecls\2000\2000-213S-ll-0B-04.pro -I~~ ~Nrr\) : CITY OF RENTON LND-20-0387 SHORT PLAT NO._LUA-04-087-SHP,=- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON \ ~" -. CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOFAND DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME. AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES t.4ENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUt.4ENT. ," SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF .........• 20 ....... AT ...... M IN BOOK .......... OF ............ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .. 9W.~J':I .. F?: .. !-!!~~~\ .. J:'.~~ .. SURVEYOR'S NAME MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROYALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. YOL./PAGE SCALE: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ .20 __ CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ___ • ___ .20 __ ASSESSOR N.A. ADMINISTRATOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR PORTION OF: ACCOUNT NUMBER __ -,7~2~2~7~5~0:.....-~0~0~6~~5~_ S.L 1/4, N.L 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: THIS SHORT PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTlV:: TREE COVENANT RECORDED UNDER KING COUN7Y RECORDING NUME(R: EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD: (PER TlCOR TITLE COMPANY TITLE: REPORT ORDER NO. 6353016-3: ALL URANIUM. THORIUM AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS DETERMINED PWSUANT TO SECTION 5(B) (1) OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946 (60 STAT 761) TO BE PECUUARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL, CONTAIN':D. IN WHATEVER CONCENTRATION. IN DEPOSITS IN THE LANDS COVERED BY THIS INS RUMENT ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE UNITED STATES TOGETHER WITH Tl'r RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS OR REPRESENTA7,vES AT ANY TIME TO ENTER UPON THE LAND AND PROSPECT FOR. MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME. MAKING JUST COMPENSATION FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY OCCASION£D THEREBY. HOWEVER, SUCH LAND MAYBE USED AND ANY RIGHTS OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY THIS DISPOSITION MAY BE EXERCISED, AS IF NO RESERVATION OF SUCH MATERIAL HAil BEEN MADE THAT WHEN SUCH USE RESULTS IN THE EXTRACTION OF ANY SUCH MATE,!IAL FROM THE LAND IN QUANTITIES WHICH MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR DELIVERED Wlil-iOUT A LICENSE UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1946, AS IT NOW EXISTS OR I.lAY HEREAFTER BE AMENDED, SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE THE PROPER7Y OF THE UNlml STATES ATVMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, AND THE COMMISSION MAY REQUIRE DEUVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT BY ANY POSSESSOR THEREOF AFTER SUCH MATERIAL HAS Brr:N SEPARATED AS SUCH FROM THE ORES IN WHICH IT WAS CONTAINED. IF THE COMM!SSION REQUIRES THE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, IT SHALL PAY TO THE PEASON MINING OR EXTRACTING THE SAME. OR TO SUCH OTHER PERSON AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES TO BE ENTITLED THERETO, SUCH SUMS INCLUDING PROFITS AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS FAIR AND REASONABLE FOR THE DISCOVERY, MINING. DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, EXTRACTION AND OTHER SERVICES PERFORMElJ WITH RESPECT TO SI)CH MATERIAL PRIOR TO SUCH DELIVERY, BUT SUCH PAYMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE' ANY AMOUNT ON ACCOUNT OF THE VALUE OF SUCH MATERIAL BEFORE REMOVAL rROM ITS PLACE OF DEPOSIT IN NATURE. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT REQUIRE DIL/VERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, THE RESERVATION HEREBY MADE SHALL BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT. RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 EASEMENT FOR GRADING OF STREET SLOPES, AS NECESSARY, OVER PORTION OF PREMISES ADJOINING ANY STREET OR ALLEY AS DEDICATED IN THE ,OLAT: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 38930.39 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMI7TtNG ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, Ii" ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATU5', MARITAL STATUS, DlSABILl7Y. HANDICAP. NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY OR SOURCE OF INCOME. AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT mAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: MAY 10, 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 NOT TO SCALE CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: A FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE ~ W/2-BRASS DISC PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON OCT 1 92005 RECEIVED SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE ~~ Cr~~~s No&rth!:~~S InC. INSTRUMENT USED: G£ODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A10LG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Oct. 2005 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 o 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com INDEXING DATA: S.E. 98032 DRAWN BY: J.A.C. CHECKED BY: J.A.O·IO.B.H. 1/4. N.£. 1/4. SEC. 8. T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, DATE: JOB NO.: Wed .• Oct. 12. 2005 2000-213S SCALE: SHEET: N.A. 1 OF 2 W.M. PROJECT NAME: CAMERER SHORT PLAT C/O JOHN E. RUTLAND//CREATED: Mon Nov 1.3 14:09:12 2000//PREY. PLOT: Tue Oct 04 10:46:.39 200!7/PLOTU::D: Wed .• Oct. 12, 2005, 9:1I'\We\c\ TModel\Projects\2000\2000-21JS-ll-08-04.pro '. CITY OF RENTON S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' 1 inch = 20 FT. ~~--_I._--"""I 20 0 20 PORTION OF: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. /,---------------------------------- I I;' I I Sl FENCE CORNER BEARS N06'J8'U'W 0.62' FROIrI I'ROI'fmY CORNER C' Ld :J: t-: :5 ~ ~ .... ....: to - (LOT 2§l GARDEN HOME TRACTS ,VO.i:.. 34, PG, 38) I \ > FENCE CORNER BEARS S27W55'W 1.5' FROM I PROPERTY CORNER I I (.) I -JP I~:S I'--~ I '->. 010 Io)~ I"'g: I ,Q ~;. , . '~P "-:~:S ~ '''--~ , '-> • '01 0 , .~ ,01 , "-, C\j 01 , C\j , , P :5 ~ ~ ..... 0 ..... --.. ¢ (.) ~ '" to -0 ..... 4J '10 !:'l to 10 b 0 :z 2035 N.E. 9TH ST. LOT 2 4,630± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) LOTI 4,628± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) (LOT 12) BLOCK 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS (VOL 46, PGS, 3441) TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,258± SQ. FT. (0.21± ACRE) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE LEGEND: ® FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE W/ ~ BRASS DISC THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST Of SUSAN CAMERER • SIT 1/~ REBAR W/ CAP -40016/1889d' IN Oct. 2005 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 ... 1" =20' GRAPHIC SCALE ~~~~I __ i--IIIII! FOUND CONCRETt MONUMENT wi J' BRASS DISK IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL ID NO. 57) 20 0 20 BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.£., BEING NORTH 00"56'36" EAST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF -RENTON HIGHLANDs", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES 34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR CENTERLINE !L MONUMENT A TlON DETAIL --- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT W 3 BRASS PLUG IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL 10 NO. 398) (PER WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY ORDER NO. R249345-2) LOT 13, BLOCK I, RENTON HIGHLANDS. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 34-41, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: .. SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.=100.00 U.S. FEET PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT:"-R£NTON HIGHLANDS-WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 1.3 RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 13 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.£. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS MIT HOD OF CALCULATING LOT 13 SHOULD ELIMINATE POSSIBILITIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS . Cramer Northwest Inc. INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMUm 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 332-130-090. Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (tax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com 98032 EXPIRES rn /22/200(, INDEXING DATA: S.E. DRAWN BY: J.A.C. CHECKED BY: J.A.O.jO.B.H. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. DATE: JOB NO.: Tue., Oct. 4, 2005 2000-21.3S SCALE: SHEET: 1 inch -20 FT. 2 OF 2 PROJECT NAME: CAM£RER SHORT PLAf C/O JOHN E. RUTLAND//CR£ATED: Mon Nov 13 14:09:122000 //PR£V, PLOT: Fri Jan 07 10:35:16 200ql/PLOTTED: Tue,. Oct. 4, 2005, 10::1ft~e c TMode/\Projects 2000\2000-213S-11-0B-04.pro --------- CITY OF RENTON lND-20-0387 SHORT PLAT NO._LUA-04-087-SHP~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL PEOPlE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS or INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREIIY DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOr AND DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION or SAME, AND THAT SAID SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE rREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE or THE OWNERS. "6 ~;:;;:: OUR HANDS ND SEALS. z.. STATE or WASHINGTON COUNTY or KIN G.-, I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlsrACTORY EVIDENCE THAT .) C \-"\ N f\ --J:O 'So \) SiC)N C A f"V\~:~Q .. SIGHED THIS INSTRUM£MT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) rREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. STATE or WASHINGTON COUNTY or __________________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlsrACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMlNT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) rREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT rOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGNATURE or NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ DATED ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........... DAY OF ......... ,20 ....... AT ...... M IN BOOK .......... OF ............ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .. 9W.~N.. JL.!1! h'-r~ .... t'.I.-~ .. SURVEYOR'S NAME MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXA~D AND APPROVED THIS '0 P\ DAY OF ..j f/ I-'f , 20...Q..6. --1J.ae111wmI14CA~ ADMINISTRATO DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF . ___ ,20 __ ------------ ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER ___ 722750-006~ --------------------------------~---- RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: N.A. PORTION OF: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. CITY OF RENTON S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: THIS SHORT PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE TREE COVENANT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER: EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD: (PER TICOR TITLE COMPANY TITLE REPORT ORDER NO. 635.3016-.3.) ALL URANIUM, THORIUM AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS DETERMINED PURSUANT TO SECTION 5(B) (1) OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF' 1946 (60 STAT 761) TO BE PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL, CONTAINED, IN WHATEVER CONCENTRATION, IN DEPOSITS IN THE LANDS COVERED BY THIS INSTRUMENT ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR THE USE OF THE UN1TED STATES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AT ANY TIME TO ENTER UPON THE LAND AND PROSPECT FOR, MINE AND REMOVE THE SAME, MAKING JUST COMPENSATION FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY OCCASIONED THEREBY. HOWEVER, SUCH LAND MAY BE USED AND ANY RIGHTS OTHERWISE ACQUIRED BY THIS DISPOSITION MAY BE EXERCISED, AS IF NO RESERVATION OF SUCH MATERIAL HAD BEEN MADE THAT WHEN SUCH USE RESULTS IN THE EXTRACTION OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL FROM THE LAND IN QUANTITIES WHICH MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED OR DELIVERED WITHOUT A LICENSE UNDER THE ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF' 1946, AS IT NOW EXISTS OR MAY HEREAFTER BE AMENDED, SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, AND THE COMMISSION MAY REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT BY ANY POSSESSOR THEREOF AFTER SUCH MATERIAL HAS BEEN SEPARATED AS SUCH FROM THE ORES IN WHICH IT WAS CONTAINED. IF THE COMMISSION REQUIRES THE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, IT SHALL PAY TO THE PERSON MINING OR EXTRACTING THE SAME, OR TO SUCH OTHER PERSON AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES TO BE ENTITLED THERETO, SUCH SUMS INCLUDING PROFITS AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS FAIR AND REASONABLE FOR THE DISCOVERY, MINING, DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, EXTRACTlDN AND OTHER SERVICES PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO SUCH MATERIAL PRIOR TO SUCH DELIVERY, BUT SUCH PAYMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY AMOUNT ON ACCOUNT OF THE VALUE OF SUCH MATERIAL BEFORE REMOVAL FROM ITS PLACE OF DEPOSIT IN NATURE. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT REQUIRE DELIVERY OF SUCH MATERIAL TO IT, THE RESERVATION HEREBY MADE SHALL BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT. RECORDED: MAY 10, 194-9 RECORDING NUMBER(S): .3900127 EASEMENT FOR GRADING OF STREET SLOPES, AS NECESSARY, OVER PORTION OF PREMISES ADJOINING ANY STREET OR ALLEY AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT: RECORDED: MAY 10. 1949 RECORDING NUMBER(S): .3B9.30.39 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: MAY 10, 194-9 RECORDING NUMBER(S): 3900127 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Cramer Northwest Inc. THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS or THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 P.L.S. CERTIFICATE NO. 40016 PROJECT CAMERER SHORT PLA II Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4880 (local) 1-(800)251-0189 (toll free) (253)852-4955 (fax) E-MAIL: cni@cramernw.com 13 14:09:12 98032 NOT TO SCALE CENTERLINE & MONUMENTATION DETAIL LEGEND: A FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE ~ W / 2" BRASS DISC w C) « D... "---l o > INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMETER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 10LG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF W.A.C. JJ2-1JO-090. INDEXING DATA: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4-, SEC. B, T. 2.3 NORTH, R. 5 EAST. W.M. DRAWN BY: J.AG. CHECKED BY: J.AO/O.B.H. DATE: Fri., Jun. 30, 2006 SCALE: JOB NO.: 2000-2135 SHEET: CITY OF RE.NTON S.HORT PLAT FOR SUSAN CAMERER LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE N.E. 1/4, OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' 1 inch = 20 FT. ~,--___ I I~ __ --,I 20 0 20 PORTION OF: S.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 23 NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. /,---------------------------------- FfNCE CORNER BEARS NOffJB'22'W 0.6Z' FIfOAt 1 1-;' 1 1 Sl 1 ::3p I~:S 1'---& 1 ,,-010 1 • IX> 01. 1C\i~ 1 PROPERlY COfftfE1f ....... c c;:J J: ~ :s & IX> '" .-: <0 (LOT 2lJ) GARDEN HOME 1RACTS (VOL 34, PG. 3tJ) P :s & ~ -0 - """ sl u -J ~ C\i ~ -0 -J ~ !:'> <0 10 b 0 20J5 N.E. 9TH ST. LOT 2 4,63o± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) f;; c:i q) ~ ? '" ..... ::t:= & LOTt Ci) 4,628± SQ. FT. (0.11 ACRE) I \ FENCE CORNER BENfS S2i46'55'W 1.5' FIfOAt I PROPERTY COffNEIf 1 (LOT 12) BLOCK 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS. (VOL 46, PGS. 34-41) TOTAL LOT AREA: 9,258± SQ. FT. (0.21± ACRE) LEGEND: • FOUND CONC. MON. IN CASE wi 2" BRASS DISC • SIT 1/:t' REBAR WI CAP "40016/18898" SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN CAMERER IN Jun. 2006 P.L.S. ~ATE l. 4o~JL NAME: CAMERER SHORT PlAT GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =20' roUND CONCRETE MONUMENT WI J" BRASS DISK IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL ID NO. 57) _____ f> , , , , '+ ~, " , ~~~~I I~~~ 20 0 20 I I BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E., BEING NORTH 00'56'.36" EAST, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF "RENTON HIGHLANDs", RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, AT PAGES .34-41, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. --- I Zi'/ $,' \::":, , , I q;-,' ~.,' ~,' .~ " , ~I ~ " .f:J I r'fi,' 0' I I I I I , I , I I FOUND CONCREnE MONUMENT , w: Jj, BRASS PLUG IN CASE (RENTON CONTROL ID NO. 398) SEE SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR C£NTERLINE ct MONUM£NTATION DETAIL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PER WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY ORDER NO. R249.345-2) LOT 1 J, BLOCK 1, RENTON HIGHLANDS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 46 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) .34-41, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. VERTICAL DATUM: ASSUMED BENCHMARK: .. SET PK NAIL IN EDGE OF ASPHALT ASSUMED EL.=100.00 u.s. FEET PARENT PARCEL A.P. NO.: 722750-0065 NOTES.: 1. MONUMENTS LAST VISITED 11-9-2000. 2. NUMEROUS ERRORS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE PLAT: "RENTON HIGHLANDs" WHILE PERFORMING SURVEY CALCULATIONS. HOLDING PLAT DISTANCES TO CALCULATE LOT 13 RESULTS IN NON-CLOSURE. CURVE DATA ON CENTERLINE AND ON LOT 1.3 IS SUSPECT. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD PLAT DATA FOR LOT 12 TO THE SOUTH AND THEN HOLD PLAT DISTANCE FROM LOT 12 ON THE WEST LINE TO THE PLAT CORNER TO THE NORTH. THE BEARING OF 9TH AVENUE N.E. WAS ALSO HELD AFTER CALCULATING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE PLAT. THIS METHOD OF CALCULATING LOT 1.1 SHOULD ELIMINATE POSSIBILITIES OF BOUNDARY CONFLICTS WITH LOT 12 ON FUTURE SURVEYS. Cramer Northwest Inc. INSTRUMENT USED: GEODIMITER 600 AND/OR NIKON DTM-A 1 OLG METHOD: TRAVERSE EXCEEDING REQUIREMENTS OF WAC. 3J2-1.10-090. INDEXING DATA: S.£. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, SEC. 8, T. 2J NORTH, R. 5 EAST, W.M. Surveyors & Planners 945 N. CENTRAL, STE. #104, KENT, WA (253)852-4860 (Iocol) 1-(800)251-0189 (tOil free) (253)852-4955 (fox) E-MAIL: Mon Nov 1 98032 DRAWN BY: DATE: JOB NO.: J.A.C. Fri., Jun. 30, 2006 2000-213S CHECKED BY: SCALE: J.A. 0./0. B. H.