HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-124I~ I; ~ "j ~ ~. i~ ill ~i Ii i ~ ~~ II il Z i: ~i ;1 II U· r ~ ~ ~ " !Ili i i m m • • • i ·1 • • ~ ~ z,.; i".~ ...... ---rrr OATEAPPR-IIS 0 14"'(1 FOR' :~. 18215 72NO AVENUE SOUTH III . lIJ. KENT, WI>. 98032 (425)251-6222 " ; (425)251-8782 FAX .~,,( .,.--eM.. DIGIHfERING. LAND PlANNING, ~. :1: ~~~~~~,,~~t: SUINE'I1NG. Dfo'ID«YENfN.. SEIMCES KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 N.E 11TH ST. SUITE t100 BEI..LE1I\JE, WASHINQTON 98005 S.C.E. JOB NO. 11444 f'iIt P\11000s\11444\pm.m"''Y\114U.pdwq Dat./T ..... 10/06/2004 0831 Sc<H 1_.0 jnIc>cn ~r.ll· ,114441(<111119_.) •• I14U_uI1444t(,11189_I).,IHU_R9.<do, "- LOCATION' » ~ ~ ~rn "'0 §~6 :D m c ~ ~~ ~ z ti~~~ » .... t::j 0 ~o ~ 21 ~ "'0 ~~ s I '" J11 :IE ir= STONE AIDQE U 10627 -1481H AVENUE B.E. RENTON, WASHINQTON 98il59 '\ ~ :i!= ~~ I~ 1i.Jl &! [:;13 n E-< .~ ~~ t~ uP: II ~ !K ~f '0 d il~ ~i!i !1!D .!§ !ltlfl'l' 11111 I ~ [S:::Sl f -100' 1\ 'f 'j '1' '32305-929 (OB4Ac.) 032305-9159 (1.41 Ac.) 523000 0070 -,- 032305 9045 (IlS6A<:..1 032305-9047 032305 9210 032305 9173 """" 9208 _kr , \ " (3.87Ac.) ------i \~~~~J-~\ i --\ \ _-~p32305 -<==\ ,,-' 'nn46; r--\ \ ........-tJu \ -" \ /'--\ 1 \ ---, \/ (4)<\5 AC'f \" ...... -~\ \ // '?- KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6.12Ac.) """ 9209 (1)2:;1''') 032305 9180 (Oll""-) \ . ____ J....--\ \ 'x" // ',/.. \ \" / 1 .... __ ./ ---_, \ \ / v,, / / T : : \ \ ; :~~: : \ ~ \ \ ...... .... I I 1.5' r, )_1 '..( I I I I \ L----l~"lr----I " ~ _____ 'sy /'--/"",,_ -"---L_J3_~t~~~~_~)~<I, ___ --L_~~~=o:: / I ---____ _~~3_~~~~.~-"".<.~_ -_15 c (~~C0'i ( I I I J f I 032305-9270 (0 81 Ac.) CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY 032305 9021 r356Ai) 032305 9238 (IHI""-) 032305-9269 (O!!6Ac) L~"'.~----J I : : ~_Q32J05,903~ 0 I ~t I t L f I (G 89 Ae.) I I I : I I r--...'" J ____ I L __ ....l_.,-..J ___ J '0323C5-8042 I (illS"") 032305-9277 (1.20Ac) 032305 9276 J (03CAc) <1>r 032305 I'ji 9256 Ii I (UlOA(;..) 032305 I i 9280 :Jji (OlOAC-) ~i 032305 9278 (U1"') 032305 9070 (2.47 Ac.) 032305 9120 -42- (2.17 Ac.) ~¥1~~ft/"- ~>;/ ~,,/ ."'#/ "'~/ 022305 9020 (O.94Jt.£.) /1/ '-'-'aE.-104iH-SlFl£'-____ ._._. _____ . ______ ._. __ _ 52299()'()OO5 .QOOOA- 522~O10 ~" 522990-0015 -S:::l 522~20 gj!1 :r.: 522~~025 ~ i~ 522~36 022305 9062 022305 9061 (0"'''''-) 022305-9018 (/7 022305 9018 (4.47 Ac.) 52299()'()Q50 522990 0055 -OOOOA-i 1IJ1 =~~ ~<~ ~i~ Iii ' ~ I;i~ ~~ i~1 §~~ I~! i gjuI !~~ l ~ ~ I I~ i o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~f' ~i~~ ~g~~ ~l.::.:!. ........ ~. . Mi I ~" ~ ~~ I ~. l 'C' 1. ::: ~l \::,) ~I ci Z III 0 -, ~ , ~ '""'" , (5 .<:n 89 (N.2t) 9'· t 11:l3~lf):l § f.'l i i ~ ~ ~ iii ~n ~ n~ F ". ~ I S I ; i I I i 40\14';.' 8 Pi ~ I w" ~ ~ iiFi 4024 ~ W. , I ~ ;R CITY' OF o! RENTON KB8 DEVB.OPMENT CORPORAllON 12320 NE. 81H ST. SUITE t100 BELlEWE, WA8HJNQTON 98005 ppp-ss-TTTT AND DRAlNAQE PLAN STONE AIDQE 0 LOCATION' STONE AIDQE 0 10627 -148TH AveruE 8E. RENTON, WA8HINQTON 98059 !j F, I IQ I~ lfi ~l Ii ~! • II il Z Idi illl n" r I I ~ ". ~ ~5 ~O~ ** .e , , -, I I m m s a ~ I i 1i 1i § ! - ..... . --~ ---- OM BY OAT[ APPR -,. (11 STONE RIIXlE II ," ", ,,---l---. ~....-_ ..• ..: ----"v---- ~ l 1 ___ -\"'\. ./ I" --=-:;-'" ../-_ --::: .~ 2 / __ _ __ -.,..,''-" __ KB8 DEYaOPMelT CORPORATION 12320 N.E. 81H ST. SUITE t100 BEL.I.EVU:. WASHINGTON 98005 STONE RIDQE D 10627 -1481H AVENUE BE RENTON. WA8HINQTON 98059 Boundary and Topographic Survey Stone Ridge 2 A portion of the King County, NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 03, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M. Washington I Description: ~~D~d~~g K~~~ ~~~~tor~~gg~~ ~~~~r~j~~t~~~ ~un~~~Le~:~i~~~~~. under Benchmark: FoundlmnulII!nt lnclIsed at street lntel'sectionof 146th AVlnUII Southllest snd Southillst 112tnStrll.t.KlngCounty ~~::ri~~~tl'~~7~~i~;e~' 372'!:1. Vertical Datum: Clty of Renton. Legend: • .. Menu_nt faunll. Vil1ted OCtober 15,1998 • .. f4 Reber with red pIntle tap stelllP'd "LS 22339-to bll Slit. • .. Sanitary IIIIW'I' IUlnh0111 ill .. Caten DIlSin o .. ~nitlry sewer clelln out 1::1 -Hydrant * .. Telephone bD~ I .. • -SIgn o " 60 e .. Powel' pole ~ ! "- )( "Ughtetandard 0-T1tlIRePortItIlIiNUIlbSr Scale: 1" = 30' . ~rthID:lrt.rtOrnllrSec,3. t t~cufllt.d ~~D ~ng ~o~·GPS WestQU8l't8f'cDrner5ec.3. brtekdOwn. ~~d i~;.s :f.''c" i~E con:r'lI~e IItl1l1Pea<l/31ncaslIO '. CIty of Renton No 1325 f;f ~ Ealt ~UlIl"rer corner Sec. 3. 1 . ~ ~ ~1~:ej~~~r.~~·ji~~:~M~. ~h--~ ~2'E~N ~2.e7' f,nc:e post 0 top of (I1tc~ :3 2£i~7.25' 3 - _ _ _ ~ 1322.B1' T J322~-:3 2 I ~ I" iii . I I g I c=2:J1" - - - -~--L -I~ I sa7'~51"15~E 2645.or - - -iii I" ;; I I~ : ~ I • I~ ~ ~ I south Quarter corner I~ I ~~6r~i/j~~~~OUnd I ~ I ~oncrete. I 10 --SBs:12'~ 2S4U~,--103j':1 SOuthee'tC:Orn,rsec,~ ;~nd2:nu .. ~t ~c:aa=d~' I::'~"'C'''''C" ;t Found ~:, An, . .J.r see. 3.--./ : ~~~:'~~s~l r o,t~~~'I4· • . ' ,,,,, d!;'~. ~l' ~, '~ JF~ ro, .• ' •• .Y" ..... \ '-/ -( 0;;;';.", t I _"at •• J.J£..-!...-::_A~ J' lauoul .••.. J. :'::: '1I~1IIlLlI!!c. __ ./ Surveyor's Notes: u The IIOnu"nt eontrol ,hown for thi~ ,U, "" ,c:eolllPliahed ~b~~t~~i~:~g1:~~~~~i:~*~~~~in~~:~~~~~~~;~::~::: ~:~:~~/~'1 ~~~n:~~v~~:::. ~:~the ;t~~:~r~d 0:n2~~er 332-J30-ogo. 21 ~~l~!~~:T~*!~~:~~~n !i~!g~~:~n~:~!~r!~!Jg~, t~!~d:~~:' 3) Thllsyrv.yreprll.ntsPhyl1celillDrOv,.ntcondit1onl lIS thllyexllttdOCtODllr22, 1998, thed,t,oftMIUeld lurvey. ~) Full reliance tor legal dllcrlpttons and record.d .all.ntt have Dlln placid on tnl tltl.report froll ~e!~:8~ J~U~ J:]~~r~c'I~~IIr\kocg:t~T:~~lordlr No, rlSlerCnnasDe.nattillOtid. 51 OffaetdlunSionllnownllereonllrell8l1uredPlrp.ndiCular toproPllrtyl1nee. 6) It 1$ not the lntlnt of tnu aurYlly to al'lOIl ..... ntt or raaaryation"..nlCl'lllllyaffllcttl'liaUt,. Basis of Bearing: lfilllll'llngtonSteteLIIIID.rtGrid-NortIlZonelladeteralned Dy GPS o~servat1on. / / / / / / / / ./ / / 120 Ft,.. !!:....F~_ ..... ..... ,-----'-. ~tre~~.~~= Pointe (253) MJ.-l00l Surveying --S8pt. 30, 200~ o ... NE-SE 03, T23N., : R5E., W. M. ~~~lg~:,gt.~~~r:tl88 Billavue, If A seOO!! KING COUNTY, WASIllNGTON SHEET 1 OF 1 .... R 8 SE 112th PI. E6 .. 10 TZ3N RSE E 112 ~ ZONING '0' ::: DCIINIC.\L 8IIlVICIS 3 T23N R5E E 112 5303 ----_ton mv ~ ~n-~ ~ d.. r-1OO' ~ ~ ~'!L' 1·/(; ....... 1 §E II ~~ n ~~ ~ till:: ~l il~@ ~ 'I ! -,...- ~ll I'!I Ii r ! I~ 9238 ........ i -~~~ 032305 9021 (3.58A~) i i i I I ! I· fUt. 032305-9159 ( .... 1 Ac.) 032305-9014 f--------- . Tt4c..t .f) (8.12Ac.) 032305-9277 (1.20 Ac.) 032305 9278 Ill! I s ...... 032305 9280 -... 03230S 032305 9210 .... Ao/ (2.47 Ac.) 0II230IS 9190 ....... 032305 9173 ....... 032305 9120 .-// .,/ / " ./,- ./ / ~ ~ § . ~ I ~il ~i~ iH i~i §~~ til I;i ~~91 ~ j ~ ~ ! ¥ ~ ~ I ~ ! ~ I j II I i;,; !II i ~,1--I -".lUI. ! ~u§.! ~ 'j?' :I: ! ; ~ l \Io~ ..... 8' I IJ.-..--...,§ ~ ~ uj i;l Yff1f31?0 !jli I s~ i~ ~= Ii ~I i inl Inl ;1 II n I Ii I ,. ~ol 3~ •• , . i I ~ m s a m I I i i ! ! .' () ....... 18215 72NO AVENUI: SOlJ1li KENT. WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8182 FAX ~ CITY OF II!! RENTON KBS DEVB..OPMENT CORPORA11ON 12320 N£ 8TH ST. SlIIE tIOO SEI..LEWE, WASHJNaTON 98005 B.C.E. JOB NO. 11444 r .. P:\I!OOo.\11H~\pr"imioIOIJ\11~44ap.lIw~ OQl./T ...... 12{211/2004 I.}.29 Seal.: 1 .. 40 P049ar krell: ~1'4441(z111f19-cl.zI14"4-u11444t(il11f19-t),11I444-KI!,ali. " » i ~ ~ (I) rn ""tJ gtn~ :D ~~~ i n~g~ liS @ ~ t!J ~ ~ t:I ~ ~ <II J11 ~ ~ STONE RIOQE 0 10627 -148lH AVENUE aE. RENTON. WASHINQTQiI98059 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9035 Project File #: LUA-04-124-SHPL Street Intersection: NE 17m Street and Mt. Baker Avenue NE Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. KBS Development Corp. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) A portion of the following described property: Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Aooroved and Acceoted Bv: Grantor(s): KBS Development Corp. Grantee(s): City of Renton Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk. INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ). I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOO dw. Page 1 Revised 7-25-2006. Form 84 OOOllbh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ___________ ----, ______ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses-and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print).---'-______ ~ ______ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) . I certifY that r know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ __________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of _____ -', 20-, before me personally appeared _______________________ tomeknownto be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate sea,! of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ .Dated: 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 2 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone II WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: NE 17th St and'Mt. Baker Ave NE Dedication description for 148th Avenue Southeast: AND The East 12 feet of Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, Filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007. Dedication description for Mt. Baker Avenue Northeast: Commencing at the Southeast comer of Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007 ; thence North 87°49'15" West,along the South line of said Lot W, a distance of327.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 02°10'45" East, a distance of 2.07 feet to the beginning of a curve tangent to said line; thence Northeasterly a distance of 19.90 feet along the curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 15.00 feet and a central angle of 76°00'52" to a point of reverse curvature; thence Northwesterly a distance of 279.89 feet along the arc of said curve to the South having a radius of 55 feet and a central angle of291 °34'19" to a point of reverse curvature; thence Southerly, a distance of 15.51 feet along the arc of said curve concave to the West having a radius of25.00 feet and a central angle of35°33'27"; thence South 02°10'45" West, tangent to said curve, a distance of23.48 feet to said South line of said Lot W; thence South 87°49'15" East, along the South line of said Lot W, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 3 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit "B" Winds tone II Road Dedication N.UNE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF E 1/4 N21 052'52.E==i ' S87"37'3B"E 16.20' t"noo~. 'A')·~ 427.39 ' N25°15'32·E 9.82' N12°10'40· 29.24' N42°54'49·E 7.05' N65°29'OO·E 31.15' Lot W KC BLA # LOOL0087 Rec. No. 20020702900007 . l=248.46' .1= 284°42'49. 3: Cui;... ru-loiN Nru ° --o en A=50.00' Road Dedication for MT BAKER AVE NE ".' S43°01'15·E 14.29' S10046'45·E 3.20' L=13.00' .1= 29°47'58. R=25.00' S07 o~O '16·E N02 °10' 45"E 4.98 190.88' 32.73' ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South I) Federal way,. WA. 98003 P . +. (253) 661-1901 ~ ..-Offil..e . ~ Surveying 124.99' (125.00' Deed) S87°49'OS·E 112.99' <Xl Itl -<Xl -UJ C\I C\I ~ 1" 100' . ' ..... ~ .. 7-1'1.IJ;' DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 10, 2007 Bob Mac Onie Sonja Fesser, Technical Services I \ Ameta Henninger, X7298 r1v ~ WINDSTONE DIV. 2 FINAL PLAT LUA 04·124FP FINAL REVIEW & APPROVAL FORM If all concerns have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this memo below and return to me. Thank you. Approval: Approval: cc: Yellow File Name Title Date ~ ~ Appt=\oVAl. t~ ~e~C:-CT ioTJ-l'E' AlIACJ4E:O t.1~ • \ ,. From: To: Date: Subject: Corey W Thomas Henninger, Arneta 03/29/20074:18:03 PM Re: Windstone 2 No problems in this phase. >>> Arneta Henninger 03/27/07 1 :56 PM »> Please do a final walk thru insepction on Windstone 2. Thank you. Arneta CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17,2007 TO: Michael Bailey, Finance and IS Administrator FROM: Arneta Henninger X7298 ~,K SUBJECT: WINDSTONE 2 FINAL PLAT FP 04-124 The above plat is ready for recording. Please sign the attached mylars. I put both of the sheets for your signature on top for your convenience. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you! Cc: Kayren K. 1:\TempJates\F&ISMEMO,doc\cor R:h1B::t C5-17-fID7 Payn entM ade: C IT, Y 0 F R E N TON 1055S .GradyW ay R en1on, W A ffi055 Lan d U se Actio n s RECEIPT Perm itJf.: LU A 04-124 RecejJtNum ber. R0702H) To1alPayn ent as,,17/J:fJ7 01: 42 PM 13,89208 Payee: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP CurrentPaym entM ade to ttle Fo]bw ng lIan s: Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Paym ents m ade forttlE recept Trans Method Description Payment O1eck AccountBamces Trans Account Code fH37 Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 AppealslWaivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 tot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS7Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special DepOSits 5856 000.05.519.9J.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Arrount 13, 892.08 Arrount 4,246.08 3, 9J4.00 5, 742.00 Balance llJe .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Rem a11}g Sa lrce OLE: SD 00 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor January 11, 2005 Jennifer Henning Development Services City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Re: Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Jennifer: CITY OF RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman At the Stoneridge II Short Plat hearing, Claudia Donnelly voiced concerns over this land use matter. She had not had an opportunity to view the file prior to the hearing. The Examiner held the hearing open in order for Ms.Donrtelly to review the file and submit her comments in writing by January 11 ,2005 at 5:00 p.m. Today we received her letter and comments. I have attached a copy for you and am sending copies to all parties of record; Mr. Potter will have one week from receipt of this information to respond in writing to the Hearing Examiner. . .' ". . If you have any questions, please contactouf office. ,Sincerely, .. \~~··~·t~ Fr~d Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton FK/nt cc: Susan Fiaia Virginia Luck . Wayne Potter Ali Sadr Chad Armour ----1 0-5-5-S-ou-th-O-ra-dy-W--'-ay---R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-hl"'-'n-gt-on-9-80-5-5---(4-2-5)-4-30---65-]-5----~ ~-. AHEAD OF TilE CURVE -\ '.' " Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor February 15,2005 Claudia Donnelly 1 041 5 14 i h Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 CITY OF RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman Re: Stoneridge II Short Plat, LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Ms. Donnelly: Tllis office has reviewed your letter of February 11,2005. The decision of this office considered the questions that you raised, and the responses of the applicant and the City. It also considered, as well, the various codes and regulations and the conditions imposed by the ERC and suggested by the reviewing staff. The report was based on all of that information. lf you are not satisfied with the decision you may either ask this office to reconsider the decision or appeal to the City or you may do both. , While this office did hold the record open it was to allow you time to explore the background information that was not readily available to you and submit questions. Those questions were reviewed by the parties and they also provided information to this office. While the record was kept open, it was not intended to make this an open-ended process. In order to assist you in deciding your next course of action, this office will include the resulting, correspondence, that along with your concerns, facilitated the decision process. . Again, you may request reconsideration of the decision or you may appeal to the City Council by February 22, 2005. ' Sincerely, ~OdCo-f-- Fred Kaufman . . Hearing Examiner City of Renton . FK/nt Encl. cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Development Services , Susan Fiala, Development Services Ali Sadr, PE, Barghausen Engineers. ----10-5-5 -So-u-th-G-r-ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-g'O-5-5---(4-25-)-4-30---65-1-5---· ~ .otn. AHF.An OF THF. CTlRVF. Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor January 19, 2005 Mr. Fred Kaufinan . City ofRel1-ton Hearing Examiner .. 1055 South Grady Way; 7th Floor . Rentori, WA 98055 SUBJECT: Stonerirlge 2 Short Plat LUA 04-124; SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Kaufinan: LUlt04 -/2Jf CITY ')F RENTON PIanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zitnmerman P.E.,Administrator In response to the letter from Ms. Claudia DoririeIlytoncerning the sUbject short plat, staff provides the following: '. ,'." . . . . ... ' L The preliminarY size of thevaultJor lot 9 is 23.5' x 23.5'~;6' (width, length, depth). The., final design may propose a: r~ctapgular shape (commonly. used' iII.detention vaults).' The ffual design will be reviewed, byl)evelopmentSetvi~es' f()r coinpliance with the requIred Level J" detention. ..' . The line referenced by Ms. DonneIly:"Thestorm system shall be sized to accommodateJuture . 'land use conditions flows'; !ioes not ,apply to the:~deteIltjon facility. The note: . refers' to the . conveyance system that flows through the. site. . , ' . . The detention/water quality po'nd (Tract A) of Stoneridge ~as designed to accornmod~tefiows '.' from Stoneridge,(49-10t plat),+Windstc;me 3'(6·10t short pla,tY+Windstone4 (9~lot ~hort plat),. with Level 3 detention~ . "'.' '" .' . Storm water detention and water quality for Stonerldge. II (AKAWindstone 2) is independent of, the other developmentsjJ.l the vicinity. . , . . . Stoneridge II run~ff from lots 1 ;;7 and off-site ithprovements will drain to a detentioIl po~d .. . located in the NW cOrilerofthe property .. Runoff from. lots 8 & 9 and frontage iinprovements,io' , __ . 148th Ave SE will be 'collected 'in a detention vaillt located within lot 9. Both.'systems wiil perform water quality as well as' flowconttol, meeting therequin~ments of the 1998 kiIig County . Surface Water Design ManuaL·. . 2. The vault'as shoWn in the drainage report has been sized to accommodate. flows from lots 8 & 9 and frontage improvements along 148th Ave SE. . '. .' '. . '. ------l-OS-S-S-ou-th-G-ra-d-y-W.-ay-'-· --R-e-n-'to-n.-W.-a-sh-in,-g-to-n-9-S-0-SS------~ C'i> This paper contains 50"10 recycled ma1erial,30% pOst consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stoneridge 2 Short Plat Response to Donnelly letter Page 2 on .3. Stoneridgell has a SEPA condition (mjtigation measure #2)that: "The project complies with I . the Departmf!nt . of Ecology's (DOE)" Erosion and' Sediment Control' Requirement, outlined ·in i . Volume II of the. 2001 Stormwater Management Manuai". Since the condition with the! . . appropriate references has been imposed to this project, it does not appear necessary to include a! ... ,., copy of the volw:ne withth~ file. (LU~). Review of the TE~CP (tenip~orarY, erosion and ~edi1ilentl . '. control plans) pnor to cons~ctton wIll assure that the desIgn complIes wIth DOE requtremerttsl · as stated. .' ...... . '. '. . '. . ... ' .~ . '1 . 4: . Complaints, were received by the City of Renton regarding yellow. water and/or . siltl . . down~tream of the site i.ncluding on December 10, 2Q04. It was det.ennined the~ilt in questionl was.11k.ely from a proJec~ even further upstream. andaccumulatmg at the SIte as well aSI contmumg through the deSIgned standard bypass. King County was contacted and the upstreamr system was. shutdown until it could be brought into compliance. It was suggested from more: than: one source. that the yellow color . n~turally occurring from vegetatiotI~ may bel ugly or a nuisartce, bu~ in no way . . POE inspectors oil the site did not: issue. any notices of violation, . . action on that date. The onlY!, ·cc;>mplaint forwatdedJor ~ City of Reriton by DOE was! for the.August co~plaintinatterbeing forward to the: ... . governing jurisdiction. of this' site by the City of ..... . Renton or'DOE, ' .. protective'.measures~iJ '.. '.' .'. . . I ". . accordance with DOE 'the standards required · by theERC condition. i . I 5.' The cleaning and is subject. t~ . additional direction from or· more frequent cleanIng . is neede.d. '. '1 . . . . , " . i 6. The public work inspector . th,!i~n'2'iV'I'n"d1 ' . dUring site iIiSpection. If.· . · . roads 'are not Ciean; theh,tspector .' ,have asweq,er·· clean or 'washthcl roads~ In,addition,afierheavy stonn . . erosion control measures are. reqU'iiedt0l>cl' ·,·~inspe~ted and . improved/repaired (coll$tf.uction ~nirance,. silt fence, solI cQvering, etc) tq· . ..~ean¥~iosion leavingthe~it~or enten,ng a ~aterbody ~cludmg any ~ud or.. dirt 'f!0rti ...•. . . '. thero~d,s. UltIII1~tely the developer IS JesponsIblefor street ~leahJ.ng,blltth~ CIty ofRe~tonh~: . and WIll continue to send its own .cn:ws out· and billth~developei if there. is' no. respqnse in ~ .' . . '. '" ·tini~ly mariner. . . . . . .1 . . ' . .. .' '. '. . ...... . .1 .. . 7. Stoneridge II is required to comply with DOE requirements for erosion control. .The DOE: .. manual states that:. liThe 'turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU (nephiometrlc turbidity units)' ovet.· ." . . bqckground turbidity when the "backiround turbidity is .50 NW-qr less, or have more than . JO~ . increase in turbidity when the backgroundttirbiditv is more than 50 NTU" (emphasis added); ". i .. Based in the drainage .complaints(required to be shown in the drainage reports) from 1992 t6 .. 2003, thete. were numerous .• coniplrunts about erosion control or silt in Greene's Cr~¢k '4atin~ back to 1995. This leads staff to believe that erosion from upstream may berustorical for this '. location. lithe stonn water ente~ the site with silt froni up~treaID3nd if the cbnstrUctio~ . '. . , Stoneridge 2 Short Plat Response to Donrielly letter Page 3 of3 complies with the requirement as stated above,there is no violation of the erosion control. As · the SEP A condItion is written the downstream neighbor should not experiehc~ any additional' silt in thestotm. water. This does not mean there will never be silt or color in the.water,just no' . more than thenortIial conditions or as the water enters the construction site. . 8. The installation of silt fences on th~ cleated perimeter(outsid,e buffer) is the first erosion .. controlllleasutein place: The silt fence preventstunoff from entering the' storin water system< : OOti1 the temporary channelsandp~nd.(for sedhnerit) is instalIed. This is all done in conjunction · with the Initial grading and dearing of the site: . Us~ally the dearmg, installation, and c'onnection, .. .... of the temporary creven perinanefit pond is done during the <b:yseasoil to helpmmizethe possibility' of silt leaving the site; . No work is allowed without the erosion control in place . . 'Private citizens always have ·the right of complaint' to the city, to the DOE anci'in the case of damage to property may file a claim with the City Clerk's office. All trigger investigation and actiOIi within the legal indications of violation, error or negligence. Erosion measures may. occasionally Jail, usually on a weekend or afierregular business homs dliringheavyrains, but·· . the developeTis,responsibleJor their .' . . 'a dayl7 days a week until all cQnstrllcti()n · is complete. Complaints have' . . . of Rentoninaitit~Ii3Jlceand/orpolice departments for emergency ®'ottgh the permits and the inspectors for action' . business hours. . . 9. The CitY of Renton will ." the finalplat.. '. . be placed on the face of ..... 10: The City of Renton reports, communication from private citizens or · beyond the usual pro' Ice's :ses;~ . . .. '. Please contact 1l1e iit (425)43 U"V&~.b11lSpe(~tolrs weekly inspection res'po:nOlng to any complaints un;?(!1~;;nC.llS.·:4fJ~IP e;I{ti(~!QJ~dma~~41l1eas;l.};n~s are indicated or required . .. 'Sus~ A. Fiala,AICP . '. SelUorPlanner . De~~l()pme~t Services.Djvision·· "'" .,.' cc: Wayne Potter/Ali Sadr -Barghausen Engineers Juliana Fries . , . . -,',' .. : ;. .' CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 ~: Stoneridge II Short Plat City of Renton File No. LUA-04-124 OurJob No. 11444 Dear Mr.Kaufman: January 17,2005 CITY OF ~OOON JAN 1 8 2005 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1):?-3 pM We have received the review comments from Ms. Claudia Donnelly dated January 7, 2005 in regard to the project referenced above and have the following responses: 1. The detention vault shown on the plan is designed for proposed Lot Nos. 8 and 9, along with the road improvements proposed for 148th Avenue S.E., totaling 0.72 acres of land. The size of this vault shall be a minimum of 3,305 cubic feet of storage, excluding the water quality portion. This vault is not designed for any future expansion. The storm drainage system in Tract A was designed under a separate permit and has included additional area of future development, not including the proposed plat of Stoneridge II. Stoneridge II was designed with a separate detention and water quality system in accordance with City and County standards and does not drain into the Tract A detention and water quality system. 2. No other future area is designed to drain into the proposed detention system for Lots 7 and 8. 3. The existing erosion control measures are not part of this application although the developer and contractor have been working with the Department of Ecology and the City of Renton to ensure that the project complies with Department of Ecology standards. The requirements for the temporary erosion control plan for this project will be part of the final construction drawings that will be submitted to the City for review and approval. 4. The City of Renton has the authority to enforce the temporary erosion control measures as indicated on the plans and will stop the discharge of any. water that does not meet the threshold set by the City and the Department of Ecology. 5. The erosion control plan does indicate that all public roads shall be swept of mud that has been tracked off site from construction. The contractor will be responsible for cleaning all public roads in accordance with the approved plans. 6. The City of Renton has the authority to enforce the temporary erosion control measures as indicated and approved. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT. WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA. WA • TEMECULA. CA • WALNUT CREEK. CA www.bargliausen.com Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton -2-January 17,2005 7. The storm drainage detention system for the project is designed with the most stringent flow control requirement of is a duration and peak matching performance standard effective in preventing a significant increase of the water flow in the downstream system. As indicated in the 1998 King County Washington Surface Water Design Manual, when a Level 3 Flow Control standard is implemented on site no additional measures are required for any downstream mitigation. 8. A temporary erosion control plan will be designed and implemented prior to any grading and disturbance of the property. The City of Renton has the authority to ensure that all erosion control measures are in place before any land disturbance. 9. As part of mitigation measure for approval notes and restrictions shall be shown on the plat map that no grading or structures will be allowed within the buffer of the creek as shown on the plan. The City of Renton will be monitoring its performance. 10. The City through their inspection unit will be monitoring and enforcing the T.E. s.c. measures as shown on the approved plan. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at this office. Thank you. Respectfully, 041: ~cJ.{ AS/atMw 11444c.OO6.doc enc: As Noted cc: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, City of Renton Ali Sadr, P.E. Senior Project Manager 00 ~ F~B ~ ; {~i~ ~ I rn CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER Hearing Examiner's Office City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 February 11, 2005 RE: Answers to Questions Submitted January 7,2005 and February 4,2005 Dear Hearing Examiner's Office: On January 7, 2005, I submitted the enclosed questions to the hearing examiner and have never received a copy of the response from KBS and the City of Renton. This was for the Stoneridge II Short Plat application. In addition, I submitted questions on February 4, 2005 for the Windstone III short plat hearing. I would appreciate receiving a copy of the answers to the enclosed questions. You can mail them to me at the above address. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, I " I " . Claudia Donnelly ilili. :1: Enclosure: January 7, 2005 letter to Hearing Examiner -Stoneridge II Short Plat February 4, 2005 letter to Hearing Examiner -Windstone III Short Plat : .. , ',' . , , . ,.':' ,J ,; , " ·r ," ",;,., ." . ; , ", . ;'. "'" Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 January 7, 2005 RE: Stoneridge II Preliminary Plat Approval -LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Hearing Examiner: I visited City Hall on January 6, 2005 and was able to look at the material for the Stoneridge II proposed development. I was able to look at the material but have several questions that I feel need answered. I. What will be the size of the detention vault to be built on Lot 9? In one item (enclosed), it states: "The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use conditions flows". (Document #3, item 3) The Tract A detention pond was originally built for 44 houses on the original Stoneridge site. Now the developer intends to add 7 lots from the Stoneridge II plat, the Windstone III plat and Windstone IV plat. What level of flow control will be used to release the Stormwater from this vault into Greenes Stream? Will the Tract A detention pond be able to accommodate the additional water from Stoneridge II, Windstone III and Windstone IV? 2. What future development plans does KBS have that will have storm water draining into this vault in addition to the 2 Stoneridge II lots and frontage improvements? Will this vault be large enough to accommodate this future building or will additional detention ponds have to be built? 3. I have contact DOE regarding the Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 200 I Stormwater Management Manual. (Document #3, item 2). Should a copy of these requirements be included in the Stone ridge II file for reference? I did not see any documentation regarding these specific requirements. Does KBS have a copy in their offices and on site 'r~garding what these requirements are? 4. How will the City of Renton enforce these requirements if they weren't able to enforce DOE requirements from December 10th , 2,Q04,incident on Greenes Stream? What will the City do to prevent more yellow wate~ qoming down Greenes Stream in the future? • , I ~ f~ J'" ',' ' , , . . ', '. ~ . ' . '.~ ;': . " \' " ,", r ;'. .. ,,/". :: ; .) . 5. How will the KBS prevent mud/dirt present on Nile A venue (l48Ih) from going into Greenes Stream/May Creek? In another document (Document 1) that I found in the file, it states that "streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities ...... " That has been a problem since August -dirt/mud have been left on the street and it has only been cleaned up after I call it in? Who will be responsible to make sure that all street cleaning is done? 6. Wh~t will the City do to make sure that the road(s) are kept clean at all times? 7. How will KBS prevent future damage to my property and May Creek -following state law that says downstream residents will not be harmed by upstream development? . How will they prevent future yellow water from coming into my yard? 8. In ESC document, how will KBS prevent erosion from flowing into Greenes Stream prior to the building of the temporary sediment trap? How will the City of Renton's make sure that such erosion doesn't come down prior to this construction? What recourse do downstream residents have if the contractor/City don't do what they are supposed to do? 9. What is to prevent future residents of the dev~IQP!TIent from disturbing Greenes Stream and sending sedimentation downstream? ,Will there be covenants on the property prohibiting disturbance of property within the bufferarea? One item states that "a note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed with the creek's buffer". (Document #3, item #10) Who will be monitoring this to make sure it is complied with? 10. How will the City monitor the erosion control plan when 3 different times -August, , . . Thanksgiving and December 10, they didn't stop the yellow water from coming downstream? , :: :. ~ I, ~. These are all of the question I have at this time. T~~l!k you for the opportunity to ask these questions. ::1" "j ",' Sincerely, t . Claudia Donnelly ,. , , ' Enclosures , " : I : ~ • " ",',' ,\.., . '.'. '. ' .. ~, Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: Windstone III Short Plat Application Dear Mr. Hearing Examiner: 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 February 4, 2005 I would like to submit this written document in regards to the Windstone III Short Plat. Basically, it covers questions raised in the Stoneridge II Short Plat Application. I received the documentation from Renton this morning and have questions for you that were asked regarding the Stoneridge II short plat hearing. Tract A -when platted in King County, was built for 44 homes. When the City annexed this property, KBS upped the number of homes to 49. Stoneridge II will send storm water from 7 additional homes to Tract A. Windstone III will add stormwater from 6 more homes to the Tract A detention pond. Windstone IV will add stormwater from 8 more homes/impervious surface. How many more homes does KBS intend to build that will send stormwater to Tract A? Does Tract A have the capacity to handle all of this runoff? I have a copy of the 200 I DOE Stormwater Management. Again, does KBS have a copy and will there be a copy on site for the forem,an to reference? Shouldn't this specific document be included in the Development file? How will City officials make sure KBS is following these requirements? How will KBS prevent future damage to my property and May Creek -following state law that says downstream residents will not be h~rmed by upstream development? How will they prevent future yellow water/sediment from coming into my yard on its way to May Creek? How will the City prevent this dan:tagy from occurring? I;', ,,; How will KBS prevent erosion from flowing into Greenes Stream prior to the building of the temporary sediment trap(s)? How will the qty of Renton's make sure that such erosion doesn't come down prior to this construction? What recourse do downstream residents have if the contractor/City doesn't do wha,tthey are supposed to do? " All I get is excuses from Renton officials -they don:t seem to take me seriously. Should I go to DOE if I see illegal activity? ,J ,I . i' :,," ':'" ' · " f " : , .... .' . '-'\ ' " ' .' \; '; .:.; ;,1,', . ~ . , " '. '.:' '<.'. ; ... " .~. , .' . · :.'" "', .; " ',' · i.- . . ; ~ . . ' , I Thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly , I I, . ;~; .:. . . ~ '. : ',; "\ : :.:", ," "I"~ .•.• J ,', .':' ," . ".,'. . ~. , : L ":", . " • Return Address·' City Clerk'sO~Ii' C' IJ ce tty of Renton ·\\",,"'1"""\\ 20070503000001 1055 South Grad W Renton, W A 980r5 ay CITY OF RENTON as 33.00 PAGE0,01 OF '002 05/03/200708:32 KING COUNTY, UR _ Reference NbS-treet Intersection' perty Tax Parcel Number' G um 0«,) ofD • • rant~r(s): ocumonts ""gned ouel, •• "l-Ad .. Address, ') 1. I\BS '()Nt! cfJT/€ilt Co A(J • dition.h,f"""" numb 2. " . . GrUltee(s): ... are on pag, 1 C' The Gnntor, as _ bo .• .ty of Renton, a Muni . Ib, G .... ..., as _ • ve, fin, and in _ . . . .!pOl Corporation WATER sYS . above, lb. following d"","'!on of mu1ual bon,fils, """by . TEM: . pmonal prop«tr. grnnts, b"gains sells and d I' Leni@ , e wen 10 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: 5-3(j..S+ STORMD RAlNAGE SYSTEM: . S~ _~ L.F.of L.F. of L.F.of ea~h of each of each of L.F. of L.F.of L.F. of each of each of each of " " Water Main Water Main Water Main Storm Line Storm Line Storm Line Storm Inlet/Outlet ' StOJIll Catch Basin Manhole Page 1 • '. • orin 84 OOOllbh o set my hand and seal the day and year as written beloW_ , INDMDU4 FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE O}1 WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ). I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ____ -'-__ _ _________ -.,.. _______ signed this ins1jrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses!and pUrposes meptioned in the instrument ' , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)_· ___________ _ My appointment expires:, ___________ --,,....- Dated: RBPRBSENTATIYE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I Icno.w or have satisfactory evidence that ____ -.,.. __ _ -,---:-_---,-.....,.....,...~---.-;..-~-..,...,....--signed this ~t. on oath stated that be/shelthey was/were authorized to execute the ~t'lmd acknowledged it as the and __ ~; -:-'--:-__ of to be the free and voluntary act oC$uch partylparties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ____________ ~_~ My appointment expires:, __________ -....._ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) _ 'a:>? . On this J Af) day of (YJ(t«C If . __ ---,before me personally appeared j/O~ 1t&ta~ , ,~omeknownto be R.€ ~ . ' of the coJlX>ration that executed the within instrument, ~d acknowledge the said instrument ~ be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, fur the uses and purpdses therein 'mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was aUthorized, to exe~ute said in~ent~.theco~orpotation- Notary Public in ~r the State ofWashin¥lon Notary (Print) ~1iI C/~feC My appointment expires: . .-;.. .... ~:....' --=l::.:o::;...~-=":....'t..L._ _____ _ Dated: 3 -) -() ? Page 2 After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. CITY OF RENTON AMND 34.00 PAGE001 OF 003 OS/23/2007 14:41 KING COUNTY, IJA Second Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) 20051020000338,20051207002324 KBS Development Corporation City of Renton The Public Lot W, King County BLA No. LOOL0089, Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. II fp-O<-t -I U( KBS Development Corporation, 'Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324 (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section 16.1 of the Declaration, Developer hereby amends the Declaration as follows: '. 1. The Plat of Winds tone Div. II, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. 2. ~)'O 7'0 5 23 00 (7 q~. ("Di;. II") is hereb~ subjected to the Declaration. The land within Dlv. II IS shown on the Map for Dlv. II and IS legally descnbed as follows: W:\WPDOCS\24025\007VIR3091.DOC 02/27/07 Page I of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) Lot W, King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded under Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section 1.5 of the Declaration, the Common Area shall include Tract A ofDiv. II and the drainage easements and appurtenances located within Div. II as shown on the Windstone Div. II Plat Map and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easement area as necessary to inspect or maintain the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. II, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 3 and 8 and a private easement for tie-back is granted to Tract A. Said easements shall be non- exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 2, 3,8 and 9 and Tract A ofDiv. II. 3.1 The Association shall pay all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances located on Tract A ofDiv. II, which costs shall be a common expense, except that the costs to maintain, repair and replace any utilities or other appurtenances located within the easement area on said Tract A and solely serving Lot 3 of Div. II shall be paid by the owner of said Lot 3. The Owner of said Lot 3 shall hold the Association harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of said Lot 3, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Association. Lot 3 of Div. II is the Benefited Property and Tract AofDiv. II is the Burdened Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3.1. 3.2 The owners of Lots 8 and 9 ofDiv. II shall share equally in all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lot 9 ofDiv. II. The Owner of Lot 8 of Div. II shall hold the Owner of said Lot 9 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of said Lot 9, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of said Lot 9. Lot 8 ofDiv. II is the Benefited Property and Lot 9 ofDiv. II is the Burdened Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3.2. 3.3 The tie-back easement area located on Lot 2 of Div. II shall be used by the Association only for the installation, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of tie-backs or other support devices for the retaining wall located on Tract A ofDiv. II. The Association shall pay all costs to install, repair, maintain and reconstruct the tie-back easement and appurtenances located on Lot 2 ofDiv. II, which costs shall be a common expense. The Association shall hold the Owner of said Lot 2 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area b the Association, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of said Lot 2. Tract A ofDiv. II is the Benefited Property and Lot 2 ofDiv. II is the Burdened Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3.3. 3.4 Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of W:IWPDOCSI2402SI007\JIR3091.DOC 02/27/07 Page 2 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. II shall be Members of the Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the. Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms used in this Second Amendment shall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. 6. Except for the matters stated in this Second Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. 'O'JJ1 ./\Ii 11.' '" Dated this ~ day of_--'-W.!-L.Ln.:.-"lj,-" ____ , 200-L. v DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this jOJ]:!.day of ft11f~ ,2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and s~orn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNES~~"~ and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written . .:f"o.SCIf(),'I,// ~ ~ .:::-~ ""''''~N~\\\''II' "'~ ~/,~---X ~/ ~ ~ ,::..:t' lO t:t "1 ", '.' • =-j =~, ". i;?,~ ~ PnntName: "r.~r ~ :li'.o ~ Ut\~. Notary Public in and for the ~ UI' • ~ -,. § :z ~.'. State ofwashin.~n, residing at ~ ,~ * ,'" -0-. N.1 ~ cP \ U8\i ~.l" :-K-~Ktll,/) ~I ~;"II'9.~~~,~~" ... .:-~,~("~:: Expiration Date: &' --3 0-0'1 I" ~ OF Wf\.SY-, ..... "" ,'. W:\WPDOCS\24025\007VIR3091.DOC 02/27/07 Page 3 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) , , Return Address: . City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON AG 33.00 PAGEeel OF 002 04/05/2007 10:37 KING COUNTY, lolA Pleaseprintorlypeinformation WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW65.04) Document Title(s ) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) ~: ~~~twpjJ';b~f Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Grantqr(s) (Last name, fus~=ltials) 1.~1l0Q. tlQ71~ 2. __________ ~ __________________________________________________ _ Additional names on page __ of document. 1. C.l~C;; ~ , __________ _ Grant~e(s) (B n~~ ["lISt name and initials) 2. .~ , ____________________________ __ Additional names on page __ of document. A<iditill11e;1 is on page _. _ aCe ent.) . Assessor's Property Tax ParceJlAccount Number' 7d.3 0'1 C)<:) ,. ~OQO . o Assessor Tax # not yet assigned The AuditorlRecorder will rely on the information provided on the fonn. The staff will not read the document to verif the accurac or co leteness of the indexin information rovided herein. -f).:; I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee as provided in RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text of the original document. __ ----------__________ .Signature of Requesting Party September 27,2004 City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton Wa. 98055 Subject: Harwood Temporary Use application, 1525 Edmonds Ave NE Dear Development Services Staff: This letter serves as the required Abatement agreement for a Temporary Use Permit. I, Michael J. Harwood, hereby agree to remove the existing house at 1525 Edmonds Ave NE within one year of recording of a short plat on the property or within 30 days of occupancy of a new house on the property. Sincerely, MiChaeIJ.Harwoo~~ NOTARY ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public;in and for the State of Washington, residingat ~ onthe :30 dayof S"eptNnCer ,2rQ/ Signed . ~ _ ....... :, ...... " --R \\ (Notary Public) .---;~ ••. :~l.~\\, ;' :\.~ ··~Ss'ON··· " ;' g .... ~ ~~ .. (:) 'I, {~/51 tlOTARy"'\ ~ ~ I. • () __ rn. ., I. • (J). , I ~. PuBLIC .: : I, .n • .. "" I v.),·. ." " "'A:·'1.~19-0ro ... ·:n~.f' I, -(:'o,:: .•...... ~&-: '\\\ WASrW _-~ """,,,- .:.: :;. 0070S1.30 WHEH RECORDED RETURN TO' 01Iloo 01 tho CIty Cieri< Renton CIty Hall 1055 South Grady way Renton. WA 98056 Jr/HLJS.rOH£ LJ/V, // LUA-04-124-FP LND-l0-0450 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. No ary pub Ie 1 an tor the D.t Washjngton. residingl .I~n'.l!fl~~~ My commhsion expires: _ ... ~'vfi~rf.£ foW1i:C County 01 ~ 00' thl.~d.y 01 'ihA"'" ,," "'200£ belor. m •• the undersigned. a notary public iAnd for the Stete of Weshington. duly commissioned end sworn, personelly appeared ~ & cAp! to me personally known (or proven on the baSis of S8S8Cfory evicence) to be the 5".( t;R(' N~~ of Washington Federal Savings, the corporation that execue the within and foregoing instrument. end acknowledged seid instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. :~~ ~~a~ei~e 5;:~id 8 }~~~ea~e! f 8~~y~U~~o~~;e~o~~o~:~~ut:e:~i~f i~:i~ument corporation. . :. hand and saal hereto aft ixed the day and year in this ltt,n, /~ " Not.~~ts print notery name KING COUNTY, ':'., ... : .... ::. DRAlN BY: 0 Woods DATIl F,b, 27. 2007 NA WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certHy that there are no delinquent special assessments for which the propertr subject to th1s Bubd1v1Bion may be liable to the City. ~~~i~~~~dB~~ :~~~e~~. a:~i:~~~n~~ ~~r 8~~yP~~~:~t~u~i'1~i~5;o~~e~ng~en duly paid. atlsfled 18charged. thI9 ___ day of . 200_. :~::": .:: :~. /{ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON .' ;; .:):: SHEET 1 OF 4 \../ ~-- CHI:CIIlI BY: S Woods IUBNAlIE: \459 JOB NO: WS II WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: OffIoo of the City Clark Ren1anCllyH811 '055 South Grody W.., Renton, WA IIMA5B /r/.!VLJSTO.!V.£ LJ/f/. // LUA-04-124-FP LND-l0-0450 PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements an Lots 2. 3. 4, 5 and 9 shall be owned, operated end ~~!ng~ ~ neg f bAe~~~n w~~g~iO~:v~O~~~W~~~~t A~~O~~~~~O~a id aasemen ts to reparr any deficiencies of the drainage faCility in the event ~~~ ~~~h i~e~:~~~g:~~linb~h:t rn~A~t~g:~~e e~~e~~:. fae 11 tiee. end PRIVATE ACCESS AGREEMENT: TOTAL ACREAGE: AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE OVERALL -1.1260 SO. FT. I 3.632 ACRES DEDICATED ROADS -11150 SO. FT. I 0.256 ACRE (' , ','. .•. ::::: .:':: LUA-04-124-FP )Y/HLlSTOH£ Ll/f/. // :/' .. ,\./" .... ,'~. LND-l0-0450 ::' :: ,:',. ph1,i~oTf~i 2', tl THE MONUMENT ~t~NTRot.· 5HOWN:~~A~'ii:JIS SITe ... ~s ACCOMPlISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE • UTILIZIN(; ",'.tiNE CU' SECOND-' THEoootITE WITfl' INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE "::"" ME"SURING :J!lETER (6EOOlIotET£R SOO) :l.NO REA!;' TIME K,lNE)tA;~. (AIK) I STATIC "::::. (GEODH4lifER 600) ''AND RE~l: TIME I\I'NEMATIC" (RlK' ... , STATIC GlpBAL POSITIONING ':!¥S'FBf {GPSI. LiNEAR A,t:tO ANGUL"R CLOSVflE O~ .. ·iHE TRAVERSES "'E,Er THE STANOJ.Rqa·".~.:~,. OF WAC 332-130 ... 090.,' .,' ,',' ',. .,1 ',:. 21 FUL.L. RELtANCE':'~OR LE~~ DESCR~~TIONS:~ :~COROED EaseMENTS Hi~ BEEN PL'~~ED :"i":' ON THE TITLE:RI;POAT FROM CHIC),GO TIJ:tE ~SURANCE ,cbNP~'" COMHt:tHENT ~," .. ::~:: .. { ~~~~~D~1711<C'S.: •• :~~'rED JU\f29. 2~b!S .• ~t40 AOOI?bNAl R~ARCH:.flAS ~EN :~, •• :::(.:: 3) THIS SURVEY REPRES~'NTS PH.V~ICAL l~~RO~MENT Qti~CITIO~ ,s THG~ E~"'STEO ':':"':1: .... : .••• , ....• II .. ,:~~::::: OCTOBER 22. 199B. THE DAtt·.OF T~{S Fl~LO SURYEY.":· :: .::,' .~. ,'.: .... :: ,",'. ,'~'. :: ~:S::T~;::S::N:N:::::R::::·;::E j:~::: :::~~:~~:I::t:E L7~;/~.:i'/ '." ".",./. ";( ... '.,.>" . 5gfo~:~~~:J?~~6.7:W.:i:r ,,'>,):i''',,'' =1IiW";'~ '?/.' ..•.. ::'//: ..... "i',i"/'"'''' i(.: .. ,/" FINANCIAL AND',.;. :' ., ••• 1····:: .. :... .' ~'.' 7) LOT. SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASElIENT TO ACCESS NILE AVEN~>~/' :: .' :~ /." '::::"':";:' // ':":.:/ < .. , .... : .... ,. :::: VICINITY::':MAP .. . ..~." .... ". " '.. ....... ··:··:~I· .. : .. ::····:· .. ·. 132, Q'/-" "':~~~I 0 .,.. ~ I ~ "I~\·I,'I:I:····t!·!:· :1:' ,;:::='*=:!:::=#=::;::"=='!:=====~ ···::,:,·.,,,, ... ,,·SCALE:.:·:: t·· .. ,,, .. ,··,, ... ,,, ... ) )I ./' :!' I" (,}:l2r' (,~)' i"",/'// RENTO ~\:C.QNrRO t':: ¥b N~.i~ENTS: City of Renton Contr"~ poui't 20~7. G~ntrol Point 2097 wes found to have a Lhbet\t Gn',;,d Nor.t'h Zone coordinate of 191108.643 ft./1316161l':37.r:ft . .,:'. City of Renton Control POint':;t845,:' Control Paint 1845 was found to have a Lambert Gr"i-.d, porth Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./1316637.843 ft·:: BASIS OF BEARING: Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. ..... I' -500' "'''' WS II SHEET 3 OF 4 '.;. { .. .. " ........ ... :/:.:':: .. : .. :>: ... :}: ::: .':' .' .. :::.:., .' ff/HLJSrOHff LJ/V // r VOLUJl7E/P",.", LUA-04-124-FP cP,", 01'1 .:' ····oF NE 1/" OF !UJ',!,-C';-:38-U.~) ~~~nd ~~:, l~Yo.S;ion:·N . :: 1/<4 hEC: .~ .. a. 2(JCB[)i~99()()():: monument 0.6' W of 4' )( ".. • -:':~.t-':~'~2'52' 16.20' .: .....• N LINE OF S 1/2 ~'!7":' CF RE.V7"C:: au. LND-l0-0:~~au.r.er corner Sec. 3~3 2 ': .:'J ... :.... fence poat a tOD of ditch. 1.0 .::~1~'~·~~··---=~::7b'~'·;~~··~···~"~~~~~~~==~~=-__ ~S~8!7~'3~7~'~3~8~"E~5~82~.3j9~' __ ~-; __ j~~~~ ____________ -.__ N ~l'" :I.3S.96' ~~ene~k-'i ,-BO.OO· 53.26' Bl35 14'" ~ .':-'~·;g!·.~{t···:: ::' ui" --t~~-TJ.?~!!.:~l iJ iJ m.o."-1 ~~:~;. " .~ . .:-/ . J.(!4 '~'''8(J~'~ ~ if{ \, "po" ~~:!:~.t ~~==-~;:!n .. e.ne. " 'L_" \~ .7---"':" "&,;." (P"!vate) ~ ~ CP"hate) .... ,r~t "., .:/: .ir'O ... /··· ~~~:~.~l:~£·,~~~:')y~~,·" . '~~09 ~ i'·' , · .. 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BBll21 Sll:349:413:EW 691·.5B' BU9 N24'OS'33'W 40.:D· .. .. .' .' • 3 2 Bl20 N27"00'1lil"W 4()!B2' .' = 00' '.:' .. / .. ,.............. 10 11 Bl3 NOS'22'41'W, '20.37' 8C7 542'27'24 e '···lB.BB· .:' 30'S4':~2" ~J .' :~! ~;i:~;:~:w!~:~~: :~~! ~~~:~~:~~:~ :~:~~:: .. :: LINE &' CUR.VE DIMENSIONS: 2B '01 '41' 25.00' :~~ ~~~:~:!~:: ~~:~~: B~~~ ~~~:~~:~~:~ 10~:~~: ". EO'OO'OO' 35.0·~·' :~ ;~;:O;~:B~~···-;;C.· OELTA fW)/lJS BC2 S05;56:20·~W '23.97' Bl24 S23'2B'S4'E 14.94' ......•. ,' U' 54l)'5B'34'E 20,55': Bl7 N21'31 ',I7·.W ,35.S2' SC9 N32'44'53"W 11.32' lS'31'Oa' 35.00':' ~ ,40·5B'3:. 12,63'. BlB 5B4·24·a2.: "20.25' Bl25 N42'00'Sl-W 2S.9S· ,(3 .E13·46.:JB·W:· 25.10:. 54 '55'54' 25.00' BC3 S55'59'47"W 24.79' BC10 N49'57'50"W 9.71' 15'53'54' '''35.00' ::Cl ':N12'4 '13"W': 13.00' ii!l·47'5B .. · .. 25.00' S6 '49'10" 25.00' Bl9 S27'3S'12'W 19.73' Bl26 SS7'S4'44"E 6.33' .' .' C2 .,' SIB'2\: '42'6 16.~9' ,'18'33'05" ':60.00' BC4 S10'24'19"W 14.99' 8127 N27'00'03"W 29.'" .. C3 .. 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C4:' S5/t'lB'4!1'W 29.~~' 23'20.\05" 511..00' 34 '21 '46" 25.00 ' BUI BU2 BU3 BC5 BU4 BLl5 BC6 BUS SLl7 NB9'30'59'W NB4'~9'3B'W N66'lB'43"W NB3'59'43'W S7B'19' 16'W N30 '45'12-W N4B '45'17"W N51'17'10'W LEGEND: 19,30' Bl29 S72'50'21"E lS.2S· C5 : NS9'56'2~"W 3S .. oo' .0·~.6·2$· 5 :00' 60,43' Bl30 524'09'4B'E 13.17' C6 .... ~49'50'Q'2'W .. 35;00' ~'0&,~26' 5\}.00· 3B.37· BCll N25'56'SO"W 21.41' 5'37'12' 218.32' C7 ···.)iOB·09·27"W.· 37'74' ·.~3~· 4'43' 50.0' 21.60' Bl31 N31'20'2S-W 30.36' CB N4S'lij"45·E· 5~.53' ':63'37".42" lIO. 35'22'00' 35.00' 30.94' BC12 546'54'46"E 5.34' B'44'SO' 3S.00· C9 N39·3Et:.l0· 19.61'·: 74'54'51:' :.15,.~0· 3S.B9' Bl32 NS1'17'10'W 41.39' l4 S65·.7·~'.11 In.''' .':' '.'.' 11.00' Bl33 N4S'4S'17"W .3.S4· l5 S02'10'45'W 12 .. 34' ...• lB '00 'OS' 3S,00' 50,93' Bl34 530'45'12'E 40.41' l6 524'12'21'E 2~':76' .... 40.26' Bl35 SB7 '37'3B'E 41.79' ~ • MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED AUGUST 7, 2001. )( • ~~\~~~~T~:~~,OISK IN 4" X .t. CONCRETE POST • • SET U REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED • 22336/36;65". ~. Let addreaa. • 0 ; B • 1 DATE: TO: PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM March 29,2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Engineering Specialist FROM: ~ Laureen Nicolay, Senior Planner X7294 SUBJEJr( Planning Comments on Windstone 2 Final Plat, LUA04-124 I have reviewed the latest plans for the above project and need the following issues addressed prior to recording: 1. Please add the regulated wetland boundary (but not the unregulated wetland located on the eastern portion of the site) depicted on final plat as it is on the engineering drawings. Once this is done, we will be able to verify that the Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) covers the required 25-foot wetland buffer area as well as the required 35- foot stream buffer. 2. Pursuant to Hearing Examiner Condition #9, the minimum buffer width for Wetland A needs to be increased to 50 feet, but only at the plat's southerly property line (on Lot 1) then the buffer can taper down to 25 feet as it moves north. 3. The minimum stream buffer for this project is 35 feet because ofthe Hearing Examiner's conditions of approval. Please revise the plat to depict a minimum 35-foot stream buffer on Tract A and Lot 2. 4. The project biologist's report states that there are two creeks on site: Greene's Creek and an unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek. The report indicates that the portion of the creek running north-south on the westerly boundary is actually unnamed rather than "Greene's creek" itself. Please revise the plat map to indicate that this section of creek is 'unnamed'. 5. The stream buffer area on Lots 8 and 9 is less than the required 35-foot minimum. In order to reduce the stream buffer down to 25 feet in this area as proposed, the City requires that a separate plan sheet depict the reduced area and list the amount of lost buffer in square feet. Also, this plan must depict where this square footage will be created elsewhere along the creek corridor. This additional buffer area must be created outside of the existing wetland and stream buffer areas. 6. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050E4h, please revise the 5th paragraph regarding restrictions within the Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) on Sheet 2 of 4 to refer to a NGPA easement and omit all references to a NGPA tract. Please also include the following text: MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY: All owners oflots created by or benefiting from this City action abutting or including a native growth protection easement are responsible for maintenance and protection of the easement. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. 7. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050E4h, please ensure the language of the 5th paragraph regarding restrictions within the Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) on Sheet 2 of 4 provides that the "protective easement shall be held by the current and future property owner, shall run with the land, and prohibits development, alteration, or disturbance ..... ". '.', .. ' .:.,: .. ::: ..... within the easement except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City, and from any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity." 8. Please advise Andrea Petzel once the required split rail fencing and signage has been installed along the perimeter (but not within) the final revised NGPA pursuant to Hearing Examiner condition #12 and RMC 4-3- 050E4e and f. 9. Covenants --Please review Article 3.2. It seems to have the burdened and benefited properties reversed. Feel free to have the applicant contact me with any questions, Laureen 425-430-7294 cc: LUA04-124 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 16, 2007 Sonja Laureen Ameta H. X7298 ~ WINDSTONE DIV. II FINAL PLAT U060093 The applicant has resubmitted the attached blueprints and response letter. Please review and comment. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you! Thank you! Cc: Kayren K. I:\memo.doc\cor I t ~. Centre Pointe ~ . Surveying, Inc., P.S. Arneta Henninger Engineering Specialist City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 March 9, 2007 RE: The Final Plat Re-Submittal of Winds tone Div. II, File No. LND-1O-0450 (original No. LUA-04-124-SHPL-H, ECF). Dear Arnetta, Enclosed please find a list of the i.tems listed in the Plat Completion and Acceptance of Utilities Requirements U050054, U060075, RTS 3254 dated February 21,2007; Bob Mac Onie' s comments: , I) The City of Renton's Land Use action numbdr and land use record number has been noted at the top of each page. 2) The dedication has been modified to show the appropriate wording. 3) The number along the north line is a proper dimension out to the centerline of I 48th. 4) The easement over Lot 2 is all that is needed. The easement over Lot 1 was removed. 5) The wording for the "vault easement" refers to vaults that are placed by the power company and is an asbuilt location easement. This wording is required by POTELCO, per the client. 6) A plat certificate has been submitted with the resubmittal package. Arneta Henninger comments: ., I) The width of Lots 4,5 and 6 was made 35 feet to meet the minimum width requirement. 2) A note was added to the plat concerning no building/structures allowed in stream buffer areas. 3) A cover sheet is being provided for the tree planting covenant. The second Amendment to the CCR's for Stoneridge (AKA Windstone) is being submitted with this package, along with the Bill of Sale/Cost Estimate and Maintenance Bond. S;;;;;'hA 1 Z~~'f::~s P.O. Box 4416 -Federal Way, WA 98()63-4416 Phone (253) 661-1901 -Fax (253) 661-7719 C1TYOFRENTON RECEIVED MAR 122007 BUILDING DIVISION After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. Second Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat· of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) 20051020000338,20051207002374 , KBS Development Corporation City of Renton The Public Lot W, King County BLA No. LOOL0089, Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. II KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324 (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section 16.1 of the Declaration, Deyeloper hereby amends the Declaration as follows: 1. The Plat of Windstone Diy. II, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. _____________ ("Diy. II") is hereby subjected to the Declaration. The land within Diy. II is shown on the Map for Diy. II and is legally described as follows: W:\wPDOCS\24025\007\JIR309 I .DOC 02/27/07 Page 1 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) Lot W, King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded under Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5' East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section 1.5 of the Declaration, the Common Area shall include Tract A ofDiv. II and the drainage easements and appurtenances located within Div. II as shown on the Windstone Div. II Plat Map and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easement area as necessary to inspect or maintain the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. II, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 3 and 8 and a private easement for tie-back is granted to Tract A. Said easements shall be non- exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 2, 3,8 and 9 and Tract A ofDiv. II. 3.1 The Association shall pay all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances located on Tract A ofDiv. II, which costs shall be a common expense, except that the costs to maintain, repair and replace any utilities or other appurtenances located within the easement area on said Tract A and solely serving Lot 3 ofDiv. II shall be paid by the owner of said Lot 3. The Owner of said Lot 3 shall hold the Association harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of said Lot 3, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Association. Lot 3 of Div. II is the Benefited Property and Tract A ofDiv. II is the Burdened Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3.1. ,- 3.2 The owners of Lots 8 and 9 ofDiv. II shall share equally in all costs to maintain the I easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lot 9 of Div. II. The Owner of Lot 8 of Div. II shall hold the Owner of said Lot 9 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes I of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of said Lot 9, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the " Owner of said Lot 9. Lot 8 ofDiv. II is the Benefited Property and Lot 9 ofDiv. II is the Burdened ' Property for the easement set forth in this Section 3.2. , 3.3 The tie-back easement area located on Lot 2 ofDiv. II shall be used by the Association only for the installation, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of tie-backs or other support devices for the retaining wall located on Tract A of Div, II, The Association shall pay all costs to install, repair, maintain and reconstruct the tie-back easement and appurtenances located on Lot 2 ofDiv. II, which costs shall be a common expense. The Association shall hold the Owner of said Lot 2 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area b the Association, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of said Lot 2, Tract A ofDiv. II is the Benefited Property and Lot 2 of Div. II is the Burdened Property'for the easement set forth in this Section 3.3. 3.4 Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007VIR309 I .DOC 02/27/07 Page 2 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) ., the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. II shall be Members of the Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms used in this Second Amendment shall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. 6. Except for the matters stated in this Second Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. Dated this ~ & day of----'-t11....:..:I\:...:!~...l!oCw_IiL__ ___ " 200!L. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this ~~day of tvlfl/U ff ,2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WI~.~~IJTt.\, NO and official seal the day~nd year in thO rtificate first above written. ,$-'" sCffti.~ '1 . ~ .:::-60 """""\\\"IIQ~ "I. ~ :: ro .:-~oM LyPI,I""j'~ ~ . £6~t#' ~Mf" ~c:\ % Print Name: Cut :6=~ ~ :;) ~ ~~ ... "~' ~ ~ Notary Public in and for the ~ (,) ~ . ~ ~~ I; ~ State of W~on, residing at ~ d'~/" De.',?, ~~ ~ .= ~(j"'~ . 1'1 "fJ-; '111\\\\\"",,, tt:J~ ~ Expiration Date: , ~":>O JJq 'II, ~ OF ~".: .... " ----"'---"'-=-....J,J---!+------ "'\\\\\\\\\'" .... W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\)IR309 I .DOC 02/27/07 Page 3 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) ...... . } . CIT~ OF RENTON Kathy Keolker, Mayor PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P .E., Administrator February 21, 2007 Steve Woods, PLS Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Ave S Federal Way, W'A 98003 Dear Mr.Woods: SUBJECT: WINPSTONE DIV.D FINAL PLAT LUA04..:124FP , MTBAKER AVENE &NE 17TH ST " , ' PLAT COMPLEl'ION AND ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITIES REQuiREME~tS U050054, U060075"RT~ 3i54 Staff has~ompleted their review of the ~bove subject,9lot and on~Tract plat and have ~adethe ' following comments. Although every,aftempfis made to do ? thoroughreyiew: there may be , additjonai c9mments as supplemental information becomes·available. Once 'you have completed therevisiol}s please resubmit threebhielinesto inyoffice.' " , , ' Final PlatRecoiding Concerns: " ' " , ,Note the City of Rehtonl,and use action numbefandland n::cord,numb~r, ,LUA70X-x.xx:-FP and LND~10-0450, n!spectively, on the drawing sheets ihaconsistt-mtmat:mer"piefd'ablyinlheupper , " right-hand comer or under the plat title, The type size'used for the'iand,'recot'd number should be , smaller than that used for the larid'i.lse actionl}uinber. "J, ,," ' , • " ' ,\' Change the words "OR T~ PURPOSE',' to FOR T'fIi:PURPOSE iIi the last sentence in the first ' ',paragraphofthe"DEDICATION/CERTIFICATION"block(Sheet 'lof4),', ' , , . ,., .. ,.. "'. " " . , 'Change the WOrds "IT'S SUCCESSOR~'l to. lis SUCCESSORS in.follf instances intheseco~d' parllgraphofthe "DEbICA TION/CERTIFICA TION'~block (Sheet I,of 4)~ , NOTE: Thiscommentiscarrie~ oveffromorir N ovember J,200Q~' in~mo.Thecothbiried ,length of the north lines of Tnict"A" and Lots 3;' 4imd 9~tillnotes 'anincorrectnumber(Sheet4 of:. -, 4). Please review' ahd, revise as, needed. ' The number should be the same as is noted in the Affidavit'," of Minor Correction ofSu'rvey documet1t(Rec. No.2006Q914(01313): ' ' -' " ' , .. NOTE: This cQmment is carried over from our November 1, 2006, memo. Aprevious short plat," , ,subm:ithil~oted said'easementovetboth Lots 1 ,and 2: Which is com:ct? ' ' " ' ,NOTE: T:liis commentiscar'ried ove~fromour November 1, 2006~ ll1em~: The "UfILiTY EASEMENT NOTE" block (Sheet2 of 4) il1cludes textcoricerning a·"V AULT-EASEMENT'~. Is this text meant to be included in this block? Is it a public or private vault easement? Where iS'it 'located? If not pertinent, remove said vault easement text as is nee,ded; .'. . . The plat needstosubinita current (this year) plat certificate with the next submittaL . , '. . . If you have any questions regarding specific comments on the final plat dra:wingr~viewple~se contact Bob Mac Onie at 425-430-7369. ' ~ ----------------,-----'--'--R EN TON 1055 South Grady Way -Renton~ Washington 98055 -'AHEAD OF THE CURVE Windstone 2 Final Plat LUA 04-124. . . Wetland and Planning comments and concerns .'. The width .oflot 4 at the front. yard should be incrc;:ased to at least 35 feet. The minimum width of a lot on the turning circle of a cul-de-sac is 35 feet. . The plat needsto inchide a note thatno buildings or stnictures are allowed 'in the streambuffer areas . . Your Tree Planting Covenapt is approved. You heed'to attach a cover sheet to this do~ument. Y riu' may get one atthe City Clerk's office,after you fill itouttum it in to my office and I will attach it to your document.. .. '. . 1fyou· have any ques~iohs, please contact me at 425-430-7298~ Thank you for. your. cooperation. Sincerely, , . ~~ -' I ,' •• '<'~'r]' .DL,~Y~","1/ ;-?~1-:'\:";;';1l'<.' . ' .... Mneta'Henninger . .:;;i<l:;:;:;i>.'. . . ":~:~,;~\'-,.' . ". Engineering Specialist '. . '. ' .' .cc: Kilyren' Kittrick . ~;. .;, ' '" . I:\ProjecIS\ WINDS TONE2C.doc\cor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Jennifer, BUILDING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 28,2006 Jennifer Henning Juliana Fries Winds tone II -Final Plat Attached are the revised plat plans for the Windstone II project. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. If I may be of any assistance with this request, please contact me @ 7278. Approval: ~ -&;~ JenfiI er HenfiIng Date 1-/ P '.) I i:\hard work\forms\memos\memo jennifeLdoc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 21,2007 Jennifer Henning Ameta H. X7298 ~ ~ WINDSTONE 2 FINAL PLAT The applicant has submitted the attached Tree Planting Covenant. Please review and comment. You may add the review comments on this documents to the final plat review comments and I will incorporate all of them into the Final Plat review letter. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you. Thank you! Cc: Kayren K. I:\memo.doc\cor , Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TREE PLANTING COVENANT Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9035 Grantor(s): KBS Development Corporation, is the owner of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, as described below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot "W" of King County Boundary Line Adjustment # LOOL0089 as recorded under recording # 20020702900007, Records of King County, Washington Whereas the Grantor(s), Owner(s) of said described property, desire to improve the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, ofthe above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid Owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereto attached described with respect to the use by the undersigned, his successors, heirs and assigns as follows: Installation of Improvements: The Owner(s) ofthe above described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to: Plant and maintain two ornamental trees, within the 20' front yard setback, per new lot. The trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. The minimum size shall be 1 Y, inch caliper for deciduous trees or 6-8 feet in height for. conifer trees. Duration: These covenants shall run with the land in perpetuity. Any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. J_tJAr/ " Id Grantor(s) has/have caused this instrument to be executed this ~day of20~ GTON) COUNTY OF KG) SS I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that /C0l:1J.I B, ~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposed mentioned in the instrument on the date mentioned above. Not ublic in and for the tate of Washington Notary (print) {;,..fis G~ S"Ckfe, My appointment expires _....:f?:.... _--=3:...0-=---_()_q ___ _ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 21,2007 JanC Arnet. H. X7298 ~t WINDSTONE 2 FINAL PLAT The applicant has submitted the attached final plat. Please review and comment. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you. Thank you! Cc: Kayren K. I:\memo.doc\cor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 20,2007 Dan Arnet. H. X7298 ~~ WINDSTONE 2 ASBUIL TS Attached are the AsBuilt prints for the above project. Please review and comment. You may use this memo to note any comments, corrections, concerns or approval If you have any questions please call me. Thank you. Thank you! Cc: Kayren K. I:\memo.doc\cor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNINGIBUILDINGI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 16, 2007 Arneta Henninger _ Bob MacOnie, x7369~ Karen McFarland x7212' I Windstone Div. II, LUA-OX-XXX-FP Format and Legal Description Review We have reviewed the above referenced final plat submittal and have the followin,g comments: Comments for the Project Manager: It was noted in our November 1,2006, memo that this subdivision must be processed as a . Plat and sent to council for approval. Processing this subdivision as a plat required that an updated Plat Certificate, dated within the 45-day time frame prior to City Council action on the plat, be provided prior to the granting of the final plat by the City Council. It appears that this plat was brought before Council for final approval at its November 27, 2006, meeting. We are in receipt of a Plat Certificate dated June 1,2006. We were not provided with an updated certification. Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-OX-XXX- FP and LND-10-0450, respectively, on the drawing sheets in a consistent manner, preferably in the upper right-hand comer or under the plat title. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Change the words "OR THE PURPOSE" to FOR THE PURPOSE in the last sentence in the first paragraph of the "DEDICATION/CERTIFICATION" block (Sheet 1 of 4). Change the words "IT'S SUCCESSORS" to ITS SUCCESSORS in four instances in the second paragraph of the "DEDICATION/CERTIFICATION" block (Sheet 1 of 4). NOTE: This comment is carried over from our November 1,2006, memo. The combined length of the north lines of Tract "A" and Lots 3, 4 and 9 still notes an incorrect number (Sheet 4 of 4). Please review and revise as needed. The number should be the same as is noted in the Affidavit of Minor Correction of Survey document (Rec. No. 20060914001313). L:\LND-J 0 -Plats\0450\RV0207,doc Arneta Henninger Page 2 of2 February 16, 2007 NOTE: This comment is carried over from our November 1, 2006, memo. A previous short plat submittal noted said easement over both Lots 1 and 2. Which is correct? NOTE: This comment is carried over from our November 1,2006, memo. The "UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE" block (Sheet 2 of 4) includes text concerning a "VAULT EASEMENT". Is this text meant to be included in this block? Is it a public or private vault easement? Where is it located? If not pertinent, remove said vault easement text as is needed. i:\ind-lO -piats\0450\rv0207.doc , .. / .. :;. After recording return to: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 DOCUMENT TITLE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. • Second Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) 20051020000338,20051207002324 KBS Development Corporation City of Renton The Public Lot W, King County BLA No. LOOL0089, Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. II KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324 (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section 16.1 of the Declaration, Developer hereby amends the Declaration as follows: 1. The Plat of Winds tone Div. II, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. =-=-_____ ---:------------::-----:-____ ("Div. II") is hereby subjected to the Declaration. The land within Div. II is shown on the Map for Div. II and is legally described as follows: w:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JIR2607 .DOC 01118/07 Page 1 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of ~lat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) Lot W, King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded under Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section 1.5 of the Declaration, the Common Area shall include Tract A ofDiv. II and the drainage easements and appurtenances located within Div. II as shown on the Windstone Div. II Plat Map and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easement area as necessary to inspect or maintain the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. II, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 3 and 8 and a private easement for tie-back is granted to Tract A. Said easements shall be non- exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 2,3,8 and 9 and Tract A. 3.1 The Association shall pay all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances located on Tract A (the "Burdened Property"), which costs shall be a common expense, except that the costs to maintain, repair and replace any utilities or other appurtenances within the easement located within the easement area on Tract A and solely serving Lot 3 (the "Benefited Property") shall be paid by the owner of Lot 3. The Owner of Lot 3 shall hold the Association harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of Lot 3, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Association. 3.2 The owners of Lot 8 (the "Benefited Property") and Lot 9 (the "Burdened Property") shall share equally in all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lot 9. The Owner of Lot 8 shall hold the Owner of Lot 9 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use ofthe easement area by the Owner of Lot 9, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 9. 3.3 The tie-back easement area located on Lot 2 (the "Burdened Property") shall be used by the Association only for the installation, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of tie-backs or other support devices for the retaining wall located on Tract A (the "Benefited Property"). The Association shall pay all costs to install, repair, maintain and reconstruct the tie-back easement and appurtenances located on Lot 2, which costs shall be a common expense. The Association shall hold the Owner of Lot 2 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area b the Association, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 2. 3.4 Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JIR2607.DOC 01118/07 Page 2 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. II shall be Members of the Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms used in this First Amendment shall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. 6. Except for the matters stated in this First Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. Dated this / qULday of J!qVi;f.A(I. J ' 200.tr. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY:-;~~=---I-~',;:q.=+~ ______ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) .r:tt- THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this I q day ofJ7fM.<M9 ,2007, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sw6rn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President ofKBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WllNESS MYHANDandOfficialSeal:~~ i ,r \ Notary Public in and for the \, w:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JIR2607,DOC 01/18/07 State of Wash in on, residing at , l Page 3 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) ~thy Keolker, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Curtis Shuster 12320 NE 8th StreetSte#tOO B.ellevue, WA 98005 SUBJECT: WINDSTONE(S) 2,3 &'4 . . '.' ..... . UTILITY COMPLETION AND' ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITIES REQUIREMENTS _.' U050054 (WINDSTQNE 2 -UTILITIES), U060075 ONINDStONE2':" ST~EET LIGHTS), .... U050128.(VVINDSTONE 3 -UTiLITIES),' U060074 (WINDSTONE 3 -STREETLIGHTS), . U050149 (WINDSTONE 4"'7 UTiliTIES), STREET LIGHTS PERMIT NOT ISSUED YET~'r- Dear Curtis, As this p(ojects ~oves to completion, they enter a new phase which I willreterto' as projects' close-out. The purpose of this letter is to highlight the subject areas in recording the Windston~ (s) plat and short plats. All of these items discussed below need to be completed for each · project.: . . .." . • Construction Concerns: .I will<be working with the utility inspector, Da'n Thompson, to insure that the project .hasinst?llfed . ALL of the improvements; including sewer sy~terri, stormwater system, roadway improvements, landscaping, as shown o'n the approved mylars:andhas a final walk through Cind sign-off by the inspector. TAis includes any punchlist :itenis'"from . the inspector and/or the, City Maintenance Division~ The construction permit for the project must be signed oft by thEhn'spector, prior to recording the plat and/or short plats. .' . As~Built Concerns: The construction permit plan mylars.· must .be checked-out from the sixth. floor public works. counter and updated or replaced with a' complete. As-Built plan set. All· plan sheets, including those constructed per design, must be verified, stamped and signed as.:As,.Built by a licensed' surveyor or engineer. the mylars are labeled As-Builtin large block letters' and stamped by a PE or PLS. .' . . The civil drawings shall ~ccurately reflect the ~onstri.Jction actiVity. The . civil drawings also need to show all sanitary sewer, 'ano storm drainage systems easements' which shall be ,consistent with the As-Built location of the utility. Once the above have been addressed, submit two sets of As-Built bluelines of the civil drawings to my offige. The inspector will be reviewing the bluelines . and if all is in order I will then call for the civil mylars'to be returned. Thes,Edinal.n1ylars must be · submitted for our permanenrrecords. . ' ,Construction Cost, Data Concerns:' .. ,., Bills,of Sale and Cost Data in.ventories musfbe prepared and submitted for'·our revieW, approval' and. recording for all impro~ements.,being turned over to the City (sewer main, stormwater;' I . roadway, streetlights). These Jormsare,.t() refleCt only thosefacilitiesthat'will be turned over to .the City. Examples of· itemsth~t . are NOT turn~d over are side-sewet:stubs, .,private sewer: ,---,---:~...,...----'---,,-----,--------,-------,-:....------,--... ~, 0 N , 1055 South Grady Way -Renton,Washington 98057 . * Thispaper~ntains 50%.~eCycl~ ~~terial, 30% post consu';'er. , 'AHEA-D OF THE CURVE systems and' privafssform drainag~facilities. Return ,the originalfo~~s to my office (both,'are enclosed).' -' " " ' After theconstrlJction,permitis signed oft"bytheinspector, a maintenance bond must b~q=lost~cf ' with the City fbr10%of the value of the improvements to be ,turned over to the' City. Sample forms for the mainteh~nce bonds enclosed. " The permit bond WiU~ be, released upon r¢ceipt arid acceptance of, themaintenarice bond, oftheaqove documentafibhand final sign-off by the' , inspector.' ," , " ' Utility Easements. 'For the short plats, 'final utiiityeasements for the'publicly:owned' and 'maintained CitY'sutiliti~s 'on the site must be submitted, approved, and recorded. Please sLibmif;:iIl,:easementsfor our: re,view and approval bJ~fote,signing and 'notarizing by the property own~r." We will return for, final , signature and notarizationonce'the legal description and easen:ienffoqns have been approveq ~ , by our TechhicalServices Section., " , ,',' " " ',", , , O~ For the plat the public 'easements shall be shown on the face of the ,final plat drawings. " ' ~ Fees: " ;/' ' " , r''', l Mitigation fee's for the'; projects are!!' r---~~~'~--'~-T~---+"~.'-'~-+~~~--~~~~~~~r-~--~~~--~~ , Project Name, fl,' ;:"Traffic> ~ , ,Parks Windstone II ,.9'lots x 530~76'$/16t 5 lots x 530.76$/lot ' , .' .", Windstone III Windstone IV ' ,8 lots x 5$0.76 $/10 General ,,; 'Submit letters of ,a'cceptance ofthe{W~!e'r's~stem fo,r each 'pfOj~C:Mf,9:tnWater. District #90. -: ~ ~ " <." ,::.. ":~ ,., \; .. ,>' ~~;~?~. . . . Once you, have the pavement 'installe-d,jnWindst.cme IV, ple~~ffc.ontact Jun Aesquivel, (425),430-, 7301 to coordinate, the,installation of thEfgw~Jd ~_aiJ~r1.d signs,that'may be necessary 'due to the harrower roadway andrlght~of-way width. ' . ,. , , Please note t~at r~vieiN' and, approval, may take several, weeks; 'longer if there, are corrections required. These ifer:t:ls 'shou!d be submitted as s,oon as possible ,tQallow timeforprocessirig. " If you would 'like'tp:schedule, a meeting to discuss the public works construction closeoqt process or to answer,questions that you m?lY have, please letme,know,~t(425) 430-7278. Thank you for'YQUrc:' peratiori; -,: .. '.'.' --" .. - pc: Kayren Kittrick. Dan Ttiompsw ." > '. • • January 18, 2007 Curtis Schuster KBS Develorment Corporation 12320 NE gt Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 998005 RE: Windstone II, III, & IV Developer Extensions I- King Count)'r Water District No. 90 15606 South Easl t28th Stree1 Renton, Washingtoll 98059-;.\540 Phone.: 415-255·%00 Fax: 425-277-4128 RE: Substantial Completion of Water Mains and Hydrants -Windstone n, III, & IV, District 90 Pennits Right of Way Construction Permit W-557-06 Mr. Schuster: District staff has reviewed the Windstone II, m, & IV Water System and found that the water mains ,are in and the hydrants operational within the plat off I48th Ave SE on and north and south ofNE 1 i h Street and associated right-of-ways. Therefore, this letter is to inform you that the water mains and hydrants have been installed to the Districts satisf~lction. If you have any questions on this matter, please give me a call. derelv. . 'JJj ~ffinan \-----' General Manager, KCWD 90 cc: Lance Stevens, Roth Hill Z:\GROUP\Dcvc!oper Extensiolls\Suhslanlial Completkm\Windstone HUIIV I 18 07.doc Fee Items-LUA04-124 Item # Description Fee Amount Pmt Amount Balance Account code 3021 Park Mitigation Fee $4,246.08 \ $0.00 $4,246.08 303.000.00.345.85 5006 Annexation Fees $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 AppealslW aivers $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 Binding Site/Short Plat $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 Conditional Use Fees $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 Environmental Review $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 Prelim!rentative Plat $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 Final Plat $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 PUD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 Grading & Filling Fees $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 Lot Line Adjustment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 Mobile Home Parks $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 Rezone $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 Routine Vegetation Mgmt $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 Shoreline Subst Dev $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 Site Plan Approval $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 Temp Use or Fence Review $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 Variance Fees $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0019 5024 Conditional Approval Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 Comprehensive Plan Amend $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.345.81.00.0005 5045 Fire Mitigation-SFR $3,904.00 $0.00 $3,904.00 304.000.00.345.85 5050 Traffic Mitigation Fee $5,742.00 $0.00 $5,742.00 305.000.00.344.85 5909 Booklets/EIS/Copies $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.341 .60.00.0024 5941 Maps (Taxable) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 Special Deposits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 650. 5955 Postage $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Tax $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Rows: 27 Page 1 11 :13 01/23/2007 -' .' ',., To: -~ From: , .. ' Date: ;,' Subject,:' ' ' ,.' -, I U -,..., • ,.,< . '. , " 'c, ' 'CITY iF, 'RENTON' j , .; " , , , Kathy Keolkc::r, Mllyor ' " ' 'Office of the City Attorney' , 'LawrenceJ~ Warre~, , ' C{'TY-QF RENTON, )' . Senior Assist;nt :City Attorney~ 'J·,AN, '0' 2' '-,)U' 0 '( '. ,",: ':,' " 'Mark Barber M t.",' ',' , Zan etta' LFontes ' , " Assistant City Attorneys -J:tECSIVED,' " Garm~nN~:s:!e~ ,,' " S~~wn~E. Arth~r ' " ,), '" ",MEMoitANiniM ,'," , , " ~ . . " -(' ,'.','. ' .'.\ I," .J , La\\'l'enceLWarren; City Attorney :: -Jrumary2,'2007: ,,'.-. ' :, -: Wi~dstolleII"':, Pi~al Plat:-,.' ',,' , , ' " , ,,' , LVA 04,-124 ... PP -, _ ,': , , ,Second Amendrllent' to the-,Declaration' ,: of Covenarits,C0l1ditions and " .' t .' • <' Restrictions :-Revisions' , , . . ~ , \.,' , , ' \" .... ; \. '_ ' " ' -', ~'.' • ", ' ,-:, "',: / '.' .' ". I, " ". 'I .", : • .. ',. , ';' " • '". 1" I ' ; : , ,.1 _~ • , ; The Secohd'Ameri4nienf. to-the storie Ridge GC&,R~s is approved 'as, to legal' form~ sl,lbject.the ",,1, 'coniment~ jri my'memo to yo~ofDecember 4~ i006. " ' " " " ' , \ ' . ~,: , ~; " , " , , ' . :.' .', .... , .. -. , " "' Lawrence J. Warren' LJW:'tmj, ,cc:' Jl;lyCovington ''': , KaYren. ~ttrick , " , ' -, , :' .. J,' " '~ . . ,-' .,) .. ' , , ~egg Zimmerman, PE '~." , , - , , .-, . , , ,', '. ',! , , " " " )~ " ',' , (: ' ' ,', ' ~~' , Post Office Box 626'-Renton, WashingtOn 98051 -(4;5) 255-8678/ FAX (425) 255-5474,,' R E'N .TO N'.-', , -' *' -, '" ' -,AH'EA'u' OF :THE 'CVRVE , ',:, " 'ThiS paper c~ntains 5tl'!; recycled matenal, 30% post consume;', -, . ". ~ , " ' 1 n .. " ~.' 'L ~, ' r~ ,; ,"::~' .' :" -: ~ . After recording return to: ~-:J:oshl:la .. RosensteiJl~'-. u~ &{ ~ ~ HANS0N-ftk~bH·9WW-QR,lJ.M.I:lELLE.R.2..S. ·1·e9'9'9-MainStreet;-Suite-3'66 BeHevue-;-Washirrgton-98004.. DOCUMENT TITLE Second Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED! 20051020000338,20051207002324 RELEASED GRANTOR KBS Development Corporation GRANTEE City of Renton The Public LEGAL DESCRIPTION Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), Vol. 230, Pages 61-65 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. II KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324 (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section 16.1 of the Declaration, Developer hereby amends the Declaration as follows: I. The Plat of Windstone Div. II, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. ______________ ("Diy. II") is hereby subjected to the Declaration. The land within Diy. II is shown on the Map for Diy. II and is legally described as follows: W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2607 .DOC 12/06/06 Page 1 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) Lot W, King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded under Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section 1.5 of the Declaration, the Common Area shall include Tract A ofDiv. II and the drainage easements and appurtenances located within Div. II as shown on the Div. II a and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easement the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. , ea as necessary to inspect or maintain f \ _ "'t-. .' --n-s/6&i vJ~'V\-~S,tv~ -!>t-'v-. l.L r 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. II, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 3 and 8 and a private easement for tie-back is granted to Tract A. Said easements shall be non- exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 2, 3, 8 and 9 and Tract A. 3.1 The Association shall pay all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances located on Tract A (the "Burdened Property"), which costs shallpe a common expense, except that the costs to maintain, repair and replace any utilities or other appurtenances within the easement located withiri the easement area on Tract A and solely serving Lot 3 (the "Benefited Property") shall be paid by the owner of Lot 3. The Owner of Lot 3 shall hold the Association harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of Lot 3, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Association. 3.2 The owners of Lot 8 (the "Benefited Property") and Lot 9 (the "Burdened Property") shall share equally in all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lot 9. The Owner of Lot 8 shall hold the Owner of Lot 9 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of Lot 9, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 9. , / ' 3.3 The tie-back easement area located on Lot 2 (the "Burdened Property") shall be used I by the Association only for the installation, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of tie-backs or other I support devices for the retaining wall located on Tract A (the "Benefited Property"). The Association .1 shall pay all costs to install, repair, maintain and reconstruct the tie-back easement and appurtenances tJ'"' located on Lot 2, which costs shall be a common expense. The Association shall hold the Owner of Lot 2 ~~ harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area b the Association, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 2. 3.4 Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. W:\WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2607.DOC 12/06/06 Page 2 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) - 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. II shall be Members ofthe Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms used in this First Amendment shall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. 6. Except for the matters stated in this First Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. Dated this __ day of _________ , 200_. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: ________________ _ Kolin Taylor, President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this __ day of ,2006, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. w:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2607 .DOC 12/06/06 Print Name: _____________ _ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Expiration Date: ___________ _ Page 3 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) , i . . Minutes APPLICANT: CONTACT: OWNER: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Street, Ste., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineering 18215 72nd Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune Avenue NW Ocean Shores, W A 98569 Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF 1727 Nile Avenue NE February 8 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivisioil of a 3.6 acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the 'Examiner on December 28,2004. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES Thefollowing minutes are a summary of the January 4, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, at 9:49 a.m. in the Couricil Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation_pertinent to this request. - Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 2 i I Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat ExhibitNo.4: Preliminary Utility, Grading and I Drainage Plan I Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.6: All Stoneridge I plats and short Platsi within the area I Exhibit No. Written comments by Ms. Donnelly I The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. Stoneridge II is also known as .. WlI1dstone II because there are four different plats 111 this area. Stonendge I was platted III Kmg County and tile final plat is now with City of Renton as it was annexed in. The applicant is now changing the name of all the I developments to Windstone. I This plat is located in the eastern portion of the City of Renton. It contains nine lots and one tract and is 10catJd to the west of Nile Avenue NE and north ofNE Sunset Boulevard, as it is in the City of Renton, when it moveJ into King County it is known as the RentonlIssaquah Road or State Route 900. I This development is vested under the development regulations of the R-5, it currently is zoned R-4 effective November 10, 2004. Approximately one mile north of the site is May Creek, there is also a tributary of May Creek, Greene's Creek, that runs through the subject site. There is an unnamed tributary on the site which flows into Greene's Creek and then flows into May Creek. There are wetlands on site as well. There is an existing single-family development to the west ofthe site and was built under the R-8 zone. The Environmental Review Committee issued Ii Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with 12 measures. An appeaJ was filed and later withdrawn. The subject site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. proposed site does meet all the requirements of~he land use, housing and environmental elements of tile Comprehensive Plan that are applicable to the RLD within the City of Renton. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 2.84 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject I development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setbac~ requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. I Existing buildings located on the site are proposed to be removed. The proposal's compliance with building standards would be verified prior.to the issuance of individual building permits. . The side lot lines of the proposed lots are generally at right angles to street lines. All lots would have access to pubic roadways. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via a 20-foot wide shared driveway. All lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Reguiations. : A 12-foot right-of-way dedication is required for Nile Avenue NE. As well, street improvements along the I frontages of Road A (Mt. Baker Avenue NE) and Nile Avenue NE are required, including pavement, sidewalks, and City of Renton street I ights prior to recording of the final short plat. I I • · , Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 3 As part of the Stoneridge I development, platted under King County, secondary access was required and is now under construction. The secondary access (emergency only) comes from the west through the existing single- family development from NE 16th Street to NE 17th Street. Prior to approval of this short plat, the secondary access to both Stoneridge I and II must be completed. Staff recommends the establishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements. There are streams and wetlands located on the site, Greene's Creek in the eastern portion of the short plat and the tributary on the west portion. These streams/drainage courses are noted to provide a 25-foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Discussion was had regarding the tree cutting plan and why more trees were not being saved. It was 'stated that there could be the possibility of saving some trees, Lot 4 was discussed, other larger trees seem to be located within the building pad areas and would have to be removed. Staff is recommending that two new trees per lot be included as part of each individual lot as a condition of short plat approval. Fire, Traffic and Mitigation Fees are proposed. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISD impact fees. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. A preliminary storm drainage report was submitted, the system was designed to meet Level 3 standards for water for water quality and detention. Runoff collected from Lots I -7 and Mt. Baker Avenue NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 and 9 and thefrontage improvements to Nile Avenue NE would be collected in a similar fashion and drain to a wet vault located in the nqrtheast corner of new Lot 9. The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90. A Certificate of Water Availability has been obtained. An 8-inch sewer main is being installed as part of Stone ridge I. This sewer main is proposed to be stubbed to the access road ofthe subject short plat which a sewer main extension along this new road will be requited. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 7 conditions. Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, 182 15 nnd Ave S, Kent, W A 98032 stated that he would like to provide several clarifications, first the question of the west property line. At the time that KBS Development Corporation was developing Stonefidge I in King County, there was an agreemerit between the property owners, Virginia Luck, to only sell a portion of her properties. At that time the agreement was that she only wanted to sell the west half on the side ofthat tributary and to follow the required buffer. A boundary line adjustment was processed that would allow a complete application to be submitted to King County. Since then, Mrs. Luck entertained the idea of selling this parcel as well and that is why they are here today. They concur with staff's recommendations for this plat, however, he would like to clarify a couple of matters. Stoneridge /I ShoJi Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 4 First, it was indicated that there was a 35-foot buffer requirement along Greene's Creek which is correct, however, if you look at conditions 8 and 9 of SEPA the 35-foot increase is for Greene's Creek, the 25-foot would remain for the unnamed tributary and the wetlands. Ms. Fiala stated that that was correct. Second, with respect to Plat Condition 2, a demolition permit has been obtained and all clearing of buildings Jas taken place on the site. As part of Stoneridge I several buildings were demolished, the existing structure on t~is particular plat was in disrepair and there were concerns, so a demolition permit was obtained and the existing I home was removed as well. There are no structures on the site. I With regards to trees, he stated that he was no expert, but during the last 17 year of construction when mass grading is done, quite a bit of material will be moved on site. A lot of times when trees are moved or material is brought in, then problems arise once the houses are built the property owners are concerned that the trees will blow down on their homes. Quite a few trees are being left on site within the buffer. The site will be providing street trees and landscaping. They will work with staff during the building stage to properly address those treds. I Regarding the road extension to the north, the property owner to the north is Mr. Wolf and they have contract~d with him and that application will come before the Hearing Examiner as Windstone III. The dash line is place~ on the exhibit as requested by staff to see how the connection would take place. There is a lot of grade change from east to west, NE 17th Street required climbing a hill and that is why you see the design provided here. Thlis is a possible connection, exactly how that connection is going to happen is uncertain, but as those properties d6 develop that is one potential. There is currently a driveway that crosses Greene's Creek that has been there fori I years and how Mr. Wolf maintains his property. Finally, just to clarify that Stoneridge I which is currently under construction is not before the Hearing Examinier today and that any opposition or comments today are to be specifically towards the plat that is before the I Examiner today. Claudia Donnelly, 10415 14ih Ave. SE, Renton, WA 98059 stated that Green's Creek runs through her propeJy and she has some concerns. Her property is approximately 500 feet north of the Stoneridge development and I Stoneridge II. She brought some pictures of damage being done to the Creek. She was present to try to protect her property and the fish in May Creek. There is a state law that says that downstream property owners cannot have their property harmed by upstream development, and she is seeing harm happening. May Creek is the home of3 species of salmon, at a 2001 hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner, the developer's experts stated that they had found a Chinook spawning bed 0.9 river miles downstream from where Greene's Creek enters May Creek. With all the recent muddy yellow water going downstream, she is sure that the Chinook spawning bed is now destroyed. On December 8, she sent a letter to Renton City Clerk asking to be able to see the Stoneridge II file along with II some other documents. She received a reply on December 17 and visited City Hall on December 22. She saw some documents from the original Stoneridge file and the Windstone III file. She asked about the Stoneridge II file, she was not given the opport\lnity to view that file. She was informed yesterday that she could ask I questions at the hearing today, she felt she could not ask questions due to not knowing what the developer had submitted in his reports. There are many concerns of dirty storm water coming down the stream and clearing without the proper permits. During the summer of 2004, KBS cleared the property that will comprise the Stoneridge development, there is an erosion hazard site located on this property. On August 23 she found gobs of mud in the streambed located on her property. She talked to Jason Jordan about the situation, he noted that KBS had called and stated that thy detention pond had broken, spilling water down Greene's Stream, Jason stated that the City had given KBS until that Friday to fix the problem or the development would be red tagged. On August 25 she noted yellow water " Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: UJA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 5 coming Greene's Stream. She called Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, King County. Surface Water Management, and May Valley Environmental Council seeking help. Later that day a Fish and Wildlife officer came out and said that something needed to be done. She went to the development and stopped the water from coming down. A sample was taken to Jason (she showed a bottle of water from that day). The Examiner asked if that was relevant to this project. They did .have a detention pond break and that may explain some of the problems. He checked on the conditions imposed by the ERC. He asked if she had some objections to this specific plat or the conditions that staff recommended. Concerns about the prior development may be taken to the appropriate agencies including the City of Renton. This plat before us today must meet the various storm water requirements, which apparently it does. Obviously there have been some mistakt:s and hopefully those have been corrected. Before us today is the nine-lot plat that is different than the other plats. Ms. Donnelly stated that she requested to see the file and she was denied the access. Ms. Fiala stated that it was her belief that the file was in another office getting ready for sending to the Hearing Examiner's office, and those at the front counter at that time did not know it was back there. The Examiner stated that he was aware of her concern for the creek. He was not clear as to what conditions King County imposed on the previous development and that is not within his jurisdiction. If DOE or Fisheries have concerns, they can intervene and the City can also help. The schedule was checked, Ms. Donnelly will be given the opportunity to look at the file and review the information that is in the file for this short plat. Mr. Potter stated that they had no problems with allowing Ms. Donnelly to review the information. He did question if this was a new public hearing where new witnesses could present or is the hearing extension going to be limited to information that Ms. Donnelly has after reviewing the file? The Examiner stated that he could not deny her a,n expert witness after reading the information, to respond to or ask questions about the issue. A whole series of new witnesses will not be allowed to come in, other than those that might address the concerns raised, at the point we are dealing with storm drainage, Greene's Crel~k, and the buffers. Juliana Fries, Development Services stated that as part of Stoneridge I there is a culvert along 148th Avenue SE that is King County right-of-way, King County is requiring the current 24-inch culvert to be u'pgraded to a 36- inch culvert. The City of Renton's requirement is to make sure that the high water mark on Greene's Creek will mark where the 35-foot buffer should begin. Ms. Donnelly will have her written comments to the Examiner's office on January 1],2005 by 5:00 p.m. Mr. Potter will have one week from January] 1 to have his written response to the Examiner. The record will be held open for the Examiner's review of the written comments. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 nnd Ave. S., Kent, W A 98032 stated that he did the design for the storm drainage system. It was known that there was a potential problem down stream and that's why the water control facility was designed for this project. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 6 The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:48 a.m. I FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ]1. The applicant, Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, filed a request for a nine-lot short plat. The yellow file containing the staff repo~, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentatio~ and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). I The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. I I The subject site is located at 1727 Nile Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the west side of Nile about a block north of Sunset Boulevard NE and south ofNE 20th Street (SE 104th Street in King County). The map element ofthe Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located ak suitable for the development of low-density residential development, but does not mandate such I development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. I The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family - 4 dwelling units/acre). The applicant submitted the application while the subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family - 5 dwelling units per acre) ahd has a right to have the application considered under that categorization. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. The subject site is approximately 3.6 acres or approximately 158,259 square feet. The subject site is irregularly shaped and is approximately 560 feet wide (east to west) by 300 feet deep. I The subject site slopes downward to the northwest. Two streams, Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, and an unnamed creek, a tributary to Greene's Creek, cross the subject site. Greene's Creek rlins at a diagonal across the east third of the subject site. The unnamed creek runs along the western margin of the subject site. Their confluence is north of the subject site. In addition to the creeks, there are tWo wetlands. A Category 3 wetland, a regulated wetland, that will be protected, is located adjacent to th~ westerly unnamed creek. The second wetland, an unregulated wetland, will also be protected since it lies within the Greene's Creek buffer. The site was logged a few years ago and the re-growth is mainly small alder and shrubs. Trees in the wetland and creek areas would be retained. The rest of the site would be cleared for allow development of bui Iding pads, roads and driveways. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 7 12. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into nine lots that would range in size from approximately 8,903 square feet to 18,565 square feet. There would also be a tract, Tract A, located in the northwest corner of the site that would contain the stormwater facility and a portion of sensitive area. Seven of the nine lots would be arrayed around a central cul-de-sac, proposed Mt Baker Avenue NE. Proposed Lot 8 would have a access directly out to Nile Avenue while Proposed Lot 9 would have a pipestem access to Nile. 13. The applicant proposes extending a cul-de-sac north from NE 17th Street into the subject site. It would provide access to Proposed Lots] to 7. Nile would provide access to Proposed Lots 8 and 9. ] 4. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has imposed an impact fee of $2,937.00 for each new single~family lot constructed in the Issaquah district under RMC 4-]~] 60C. 15. The density for the plat would be 2.84 dwelling units per acre after subtracting sensitive areas such as the creek, wetlands and the roadways. 16. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 90 trips for the 9 single-fam ily homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 10 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 17. The subject site will utilize two storm water control systems. The main portion of the site will drain to the northwest and Tract A. Proposed Lots 8 and 9 will use a wet vault located on Proposed Lot 9. Stormwater will be subject to a Level 3 Control regime which is the strictest. The project will also be subject in general to the 1998 King County Stormwater Manual as well as the Department of Ecology's standards regarding erosion control. 18. The development of adjacent property by this applicant apparently did create erosion and stormwater problems downstream. It appears that during a storm event the temporary detention and erosion control systems did not perform fully. The City also reports that some of the noted problems may have been caused by additional third party property even further upstream. ] 9. Sewer service will be extended to serve the subject site. Domestic water will be provided by Water District 90. 20. The applicant will be required to dedicate 12 feet along the eastern edge ofthe subject site to allow the widening of Nile Avenue NE. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant will be protecting the creeks and wetlands on the subject site assuring the preservation of the natural features of this property. The proposed density of2.84 acres complies with the Zoning Code's R-5, the zoning that was vested, as well as the current R-4 zoning. 2. While there have been downstream problems with sediment, it appears that the proposed development will be subject to the most stringent stormwater development regulations. That should protect both the creeks that flow through the subject site as well as downstream water bodies. The City found the stormwater analysis appropriate and the ERC imposed a series of mitigation measures in addition to the code-req LI ired measures. Stoneridge 11 Sh0l1 Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 8 i 3. The applicant will be offsetting impacts to the roadways, emergency services and parks by paying the; mitigation fees associated with single-family development. In this case, the applicant will also be . paying an impact fee to offset impacts on the Issaquah School District. 4. The development of this site will increase the tax base of the City. It will also provide additional housing choices and in this case, choices with environmental amenities closely associated with most of the proposed lots. I I 5. In conclusion, the proposed short plat appears to be an appropriate division and use of the subject site.1 DECISION: The short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERC. Lot 8 shall utilize the 20-foot private access easement that also provides access to Lot 9. A note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating this requirement. The satisfaction of I this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services. I A twelve-foot right-of-way dedication is required along the short plat's frontage with Nile Avenue NE. The dedication shall occur at the time offinal recording of the short plat. I Prior to recording of the Stoneridge II Short Plat, the dedication of the access road through Stoneridge I (LUA 04-046, FP) and associated improvements of the road shall be completed if Stoneridge I is not yet recorded. I A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance.responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the final short plat prior to recording. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that I two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This I condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. I I Prior to recording the short plat, the dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge I, LVA . 04-046, FP) to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system shall be required, ifnot yet in place. The dedication along Niles Avenue NE shall be forwarded to the City Council. ,'I Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 9 ORDERED THIS 8'h day of February 2005 FRED J. KA HEARING E TRANSMITTED THIS 8'h day of February 2005 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 WayJie Potter Barghausen Engineers 18215 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 Cla.udia Donnelly 104 15 14 7'h Ave SE Renton, W A 98059 Ali Sadr Barghausen Engineers 1 8215 nnd Ave S Kent, W A 98032 TRANSMITTED THIS 8'h day of February 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Stan Engler, Fire Chad Armour 6500 126'h Ave SE Bellevue, W A 98006 Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services 'King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in ' writing on or before 5:00 p.m., February 22, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., February 22, 2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land lise decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in Stoneridge 11 Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 10 private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include bo~h the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. ~f ~ ~ ~ N ~ :i. ~~ I~ ~~ H ~~ Ii in ~~ 'I~ ~I:I ", '·1 ~ ! -1IIIIIIIIIIIIm ~ l' -100' 1'''I:a Ie :r 032305-9.159 032305-9047 , ... 1 ... , (1.4''''''') KJNQCOUNTy CITY OF fII:HT'i:5N 032305-9014 --, / \ I I , I ------~ ~ ----,---.. I I I \ I .. _____ ..1 r----..I' I " ,\ I .. _;:::\ \_---.l{l3i305 \ \ \ ~46 .> \ -'r"''-'-\ , ...... ' __ '. ~_-~ (, (~>\5 Ae.j --_... ,,\ ' , \ \ \. 'v" /.... J , ~' ~ ... 032305-9270 032305-9269 (U7A1.1 ~.MJ CITY OF AEHToN KlNQCOUNTY 032305-9277 (UOAa.) 032305 9238 ....... I , ....... , 03Z10I 9210 ....... 032301 9173 .... ... 032301 9045 .... .., ..".. 0201 ...... ...... ~I]! ----_ ....... ;.. . ...:_---- 032305 9120 --&i(. (J / 522~OO5 -... 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ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on November 23, 2004, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Stoneridge II Short Plat. The DNS-M included twelve (12) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on November 29,2004 and ended on December 13, 2004. An appeal was filed and withdrawn on December 29,2004. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development SelVices during construction, utility work and· building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume /I of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual.' 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot .. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall besubjeci to the review and approval of the Development SelVices Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development SelVices Division. 10. A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated hex_ Sloneridge2,doc City of Renton PIBfl'W Department· STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner L UA·04· 124, ECF) SHPL·H PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Page 5 of 10 I buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuahce of construction/utility permits. I 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and sign age along the entire edge, of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Juliana Fries City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Centre Pointe -= Surveying, Inc., P.S. CITYOFAENTON R E eEl V E rPecember 21,2006 DEC 2 1 2006 J ·.SD BUILDING DIVISION RE: The Final Plat Re-Submittal of Winds tone Div. II, File No. LND-1O-0450 (original No. LUA-04-124-SHPL-H, ECF). Dear Juliana, Enclosed, please find a list of the items listed in your e-mail sent to me dated November 16, 2006 and items noted on a Memorandum from Carrie Olson dated November 1,2006; November 16, 2006 E-mail: 1) The road dedication along 148th Ave. Southeast has been corrected to read 12 feet as shown on the map page of the plat. The reference to a separate recording has been removed. 2) A surveyable 15 foot wide easement has been added to Lot 1 for the Sewer line that runs through the front portion of the lot. 3) Public utility easements have been properly dimensioned on the face of the plat and the references to separate recording numbers deleted. 4) The CC&R amendment has been submitted to the city attorney for review by Josh Rosenstein. A reference has been made with a blank recording number on the first page of the plat. November 1, 2006 Memorandum: 1) The new Land Use number has been added to the Plat maps. 2) The total distance along the north line of Winds tone II has been corrected and an affidavit of minor correction has been recorded correcting the total distance. The total distance shown is from the 1 \64th comer to the Northwest comer of Lot W. The total of all the lots does match the 427.39 feet noted on said affidavit of minor correction. 3) The 5' and 10' utility easements shown on Lot 8 have been added at the request ofPuget Sound Energy per the client. 4) The easement for drainage over Lot 2 is for Lot 1 to drain to Tract A, so it will be private for the use of Lot 1. This has been added to the plat. 5) The "Vault Easement verbiage was added by Puget Sound Energy to cover the power vaults "as-built". This easement is a limited blanket easement. The verbiage has not been removed, but can be if the city requests so. P.O. Box 4416 -Federal Way, WA 98063-4416 Phone (253) 661-1901-Fax (253) 661-7719 .,;..' . Please contact me if you have any additional comments or questions. Thank you. ~~ Stephen H Woods, P.L.S. Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 253-661-1901 ,1 CITY OF RENTON, . WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3844 LUA . DY-) ~LI. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (WINDSTONE ll; FILE NO. LUA-04-124). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for-such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolground~, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOL VB AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONll. The final plat approved by the Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as iffully set forth (The property, consisting of approximately 3.6 acres, is located in the vicinity of NE 17th St. and Mt. Baker Avenue NE) 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3844 is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the PlanninglBuiIdinglPubIic Works Department dated November 27,2006. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of November ,2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of November ,2006. Kathy Keo er, Mayor Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES. 1226: 11117/06:ma 2 .) \ ' .. .! RESOLUTION NO. 3844 EXHIBIT A WINDSTONE II LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADmSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . .. ! ",' " " . .. ........ . .... ," .... : . . . ' :.',:'" R 8 RESOLUTION NO. 3844 E6 • 10 T23N R5E E liZ ----JIcatoa '*~ SE 113Ui ~\!!O ~ D6 3 T23N R5E E V&3 .. " .. ;. ....... . . ',.-......... : ...... . -:, . .~~ •• '.'~'.'. • > •• ', •• . -': _-..--:. November 27, 2006 Resolution #3844 Plat: Windstone II, Mt Baker Ave NE, FP-04-124 Comprehensive Plan: 2006 Amendments Ordinance #5228 Comprehensive Plan: 2006. Amendments Rezone: Carr Rd Properties, R- 8 & R-I0 to R-14 Ordinance #5229 Rezone: Carr Rd Properties, R- 8 & R-IO to R-14 Rezone: Springbrook Associates, S 37th St, R-I0 to CO Ordinance #5230 Rezone: Springbrook Associates, S 37th St, R-I0 to CO Rezone: Puget Colony Homes, NE 2nd St, R-8 to R-4 Ordinance #5231 Rezone: Puget Colony Homes, NE 2nd St, R-8 to R-4 Comprehensive Plan: 2006 Amendments, CA Zone for Aqua Barn Property, Maple Valley Hwy ... Renton City Council·Minutes Page 417 area. MOVED BY C.LA WSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. A resolution was read approving the Windstone II Final Plat; approximately 3.6 acres located in the vicinity ofNE 17th St. and Mt. Baker Ave. NE. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: An ordinance was read adopting the 2006 amendments to the City's 2004 Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND fINAL READING. CARRIED. Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL A YES. CARRIED. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Carr Rd. properties from R-8 (Residential-eight dwelling units per acre) and R-I0 . (Residential-ten dwelling units per acre) to R-14 (Residential-fourteen dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-05-163, CPA 2006-M-3. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Springbrook Associates property from R-I0 (Residential-ten dwelling units per acre) to CO (Commercial Office) zoning; LUA-05-158, CPA-2006-M-4. MOVED BY i CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Puget Colony Homes property from R-8 (Residential-eight dwelling units per acre) to R-4 (Residential-four dwelling units per acre) zoning; LUA-06-120, CPA 2006-M- 5. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of the former Aqua Barn property within the City of Renton's Potential Annexation Area as CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning; CPA 2006-M-7. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. N<wember 27,2006 Renton City Council Minutes --------~-------------.~/--------------~~------------Page 415 CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of 11113/2006 Appointment: Municipal Arts Commission Annexation: Preserve Our Plateau, SE 128th St Community Services: Henry Moses Aquatic Center Fees Community Services: Facility and Recreation Fees & Rates Development Services: Boeing Subdistrict 1 B Planned Action Development Services: Removal of Restrictive Covenants on Dalpay Properties, Union Ave NE Plat: Windstone II, Mt Baker Ave NEJP-04-124 Council: 2007 Legislative Priorities Annexation: Maplewood Addition, Maple Valley Hwy hearing process pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan amendments was invalid, and voiced her support for the appeals that were filed concerning environmental issues and the public hearing process. Ms. Petersen emphasized that citizens should not be forced to spend their money on legal services in order to do what the City should already be doing in regards to these matters. Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 11113/2006. Council concur. Mayor Keolker reappointed Kristi Hand, 517 Smithers Ave. N., Renton, 98057; Marie McPeak, 409 Jefferson Ave. NE, Renton, 98056; Evelyn Reingold, 833 SW Sunset Blvd., L-56, Renton, 98057; and Eleanor Simpson, 418 Wells Ave. N., Renton, 98057, each to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term expiring 12/3112009. Council concur. Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval of a resolution regarding the Preserve Our Plateau Annexation election requesting that King County produce a voter's pamphlet, authorizing election steps, and transmitting the ballot title. Council concur. (See page 416 for resolution.) Community Services Department recommended approval of the proposed 2007 Henry Moses Aquatic Center fee schedule. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Community Services Department recommended approval of the proposed 2007 facility and recreation fees and rates schedule related to athletic field fees, Carco Theatre rental rates, Community Center rental rates, and park picnic shelter fees. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Development Services Department recommended adoption of an ordinance regarding the Planned Action for Subdistrict IB of the Boeing Renton Plant property; approximately 51 acres bounded by Logan Ave. N., Garden Ave. N., N. 8th St., and N. 6th St. Refer to Committee of the Whole; set public hearing on 12/1112006. Development Services Division recommended approval to remove restrictive covenants imposed in 1984 (R-83-033) on the Dalpay properties located on Union Ave. NE between NE 12th St. and Sunset Blvd. NE, as the covenants are now outdated and in conflict with the goals of the current Comprehensive Plan. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Development Services Division recommended approval of the Windstone II Short Plat as a Final Plat; nine single-family lots and one tract on 3.6 acres located north ofNE 17th St. at Mt. Baker Ave. NE. Council concur. (See page 417 for resolution.) Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended adoption of the proposed 2007 legislative priorities. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended a public hearing be set on 1211112006 to consider the proposed Maplewood Addition Annexation and associated zoning; 60.5 acres located at BOth Ave. SE and Maple Valley Hwy. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. I ~ [ OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDf. __ iLL I AI#: b1 ~ k p Submitting Data: PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works For Agenda of: November 27,2006 DeptlDiv/Board. Development Services Division Staff Contact.. .... Kayren Kittrick x7299 Agenda Status Consent. ............. X Subject: Public Hearing .. Approve Windstone II Short Plat as Final Plat Correspondence .. Ordinance ............. Resolution ............ X Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... Issue paper dated November 13,2006 Study Sessions ...... Neighborhood Map, Information ......... Plat Map Resolution Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept......... X Fiscal Impact: 0.00 Expenditure Required; .. Amount Budgeted ....... Total Project Budget SUMMARY OF AC[lON: Finance Dept.. .. .. Other .............. . Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Revenue Generated ........ . City Share Total Project.. Request Council approval of Winds tone II, a 3.6 acre short plat, generally located north of NE 17th Street at Mt. Baker Avenue NE with nine single family lots and one tract as a final plat. ~--------------~-------------------------------------------------------.--STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Windstone II Final Plat and adopt the Resolution. Rentonnetlagnbilll bh . ) DATE: TO: PLANNINGIBUILDINGI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 15,2006 Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council ¥ Kathy Keolker, Mayor . Gregg zimmermruGA'-inistrator VIA: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: Issue: Kayren K. Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor Windstone II Final Plat Shall the council approve Windstone II, previously approved through t~e short plat process with a public hearing as a final plat? Background: Windstone II short plat proposed nine lots for future home construction and a surface water tract to be held in common and maintained by the future Homeowners Association or by a maintenance agreement between the future homeowners. 'With the proposed lot number being greater than four but less than ten, the short plat process included a public hearing before and approval by the Hearing Examiner. During the review for the approval of the Windstone II short plat for recording, the lot count was determined as exceeding the number of lots for a short plat due to the tract being included in the total. Tracts are commonly used for surface water facilities, access and egress, and occasionally for parks or other areas held in common within a short plat or plat and were not previously considered separate parcels. With a recent interpretation ofRCW 58.17.020(6), tracts are now considered and counted in the final number oflots within a subdivision rather than just the building sites. The only differences between short plat approval of nine lots and a preliminary plat are the Hearing Examiner approval (rather than a Hearing Examiner recommendation to Council) and the requirement for Council approval of right-of-way dedications. The public hearing was held on January 4,2005 and approved February 8, 2005. As part of the standard process for final short plat, a separate deed of dedication was sent to and approved by City Council on November 6, 2006. Construction of infrastructure and required improvements is complete, so the plat has applied for recording. \ Recommendation: Council approve Windstone II as a final plat. . . ".': :.~.':': '. :.' ... : . . ......... ~ : . . ~ . " i, .... :~ . .. ! ..----_--.-" : 'ct), R 8 ~ZONING , ~ = 'DCBNlCAL eEaVICD E6 .. 10 Tl3N RSEE lIZ _______ clV lImN .;;..-. SE 113Ui 6,Zo :tr D6 3 Tl,3N R5E E 1I~3 ' .. .-.I--l------+-+_ -#~ , U I: ~I ,. I. ~ !B i .1 i ilil Ida illl [' I I .. ,. i'J 18101 •• •• .. -. .! I I I I III fJ • I I 11 II j J ~ CITY OF ' ~ RENTON KBS ~ COII'ORA11ON ~ NS. 81H ST. sun: t100 saJ.EWE. WASI-HlrON Il8OO5 . , ---.... PPP-SS-TTTT > i ~ i J:l fIJ " h~ ; ~~~ II I!!~-< nf§ ~~ E I CII JI1 ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. __ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (WINDS TONE ll; FILE NO. LUA-04-124). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for-such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIDNGTON, DOES RESOL VB AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONll. The final plat approved by the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereofas iffully set forth (The property, consisting of approximately 3.6 acres, is located in the vicinity of NE 17th St. and Mt. Baker Avenue NE) 1 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department dated November 27,2006. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ___ day of ___________ , 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ___ day of ________ -', 2006. Approved as to fonn: Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney RES. 1226: 11117/06:ma Kathy KeoIker, Mayor 2 RESOLUTION'NO. EXHIBIT A WINDSTONE II LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. November 6,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 376 --------~------------------------~~~~~~~----~~~.~--------------------~--- AJLS: East Renton Plateau P AA, King County AJLS: Potential Annexation Areas, King County Community Services: Ivars Contract Unanticipated Revenue Allocation, Holiday Lights Community Services: Park. Fund Budget Increase, Staffing Expenses Court Case: Patrick Gress, CRT-06-004 Development Services: Meadow II Short Plat, ROW Dedication, Meadow Ave N, SHP-05-157 Development Services: Windstone II Short Plat, ROW Dedication, Mt Baker Ave NE & Nile Ave NE, SHP-04-124 Development Services: Windstone III Short Plat, ROW Dedication, Kitsap PI NE, SHP-04-136 Development Services: Private Stormwater Utilities in . Geologically Hazardous Areas Development Services: Wireless Communication Facilities in Residential Zones Annexation: Aster Park, Sunset Blvd NE Annexation: Hudson, Benson Rd S & SE 168th St Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with King County regarding the East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with King County relating to the potential future annexation of four of Renton's Potential Annexation Areas. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Community Services Department recommended approval to allocate unanticipated revenue in the amount of'$38,760 from Ivar's, Inc. (as per Ivar's contract with the City) to supplement expenditures associated with the holiday lights program. Council concur. (See page 378 for ordinance.) - Community Services Department requested authorization to increase the park fund budget in the amount of $35,000 for intermittent parks and recreation staffing expenses. Refer to Finance Committee. Court Case filed on behalf of Patrick Gress by Peter T. Connick, 157 Yesler Way, #518, Seattle, 98104, requesting removal offorfeiture proceeding to district court and return of plaintiffs property seized by the Renton Police Department on 3/23/2006. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at Meadow Ave. N. to fulfill a requirement of the Meadow II Short Plat. Council concur. jDevelopment Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at Mt. Baker Ave. NE and at Nile Ave. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Windstone II Short Plat. Council concur. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at Kitsap PI. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Wiridstone III Short Plat. Council concur. . Development Services Division requested approval to allow private stormwater utilities to be installed in geologically hazardous areas. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Development Services Division recommended approval to permit wireless communication facilities in residential zones within public rights-of~way. Refer to Planning and Develop~ent Committee. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submitted 60% Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Aster Park Annexation and recommended a public hearing be set on 11120/2006 to consider the petition and future zoning; 19.85 acres located along the southside of Sunset Blvd. NE, west of 148th Ave. SE. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended a public hearing be set on 11120/2006 to consider the proposed Hudson Annexation and future zoning of the 13.69-acre site located in the vicinity of Benson Rd. S. and SE 168th St. Council concur. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div /Board .. Staff Contact. ..... Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 For Agenda of: November 6, 2006 Agenda Status Consent ............. . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. City of Renton code for new short plats and the Ordinance ............ . Windstone II Short Plat (LUA04-124) Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examinier's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/A Old Business ....... . New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept ........ . Finance Dept ..... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted.... . . . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X The area to be dedicated for additional right-of-way is 8,971 sq.ft. of land to create a cul-de-sac at the end of Mt. Baker Ave NE and a strip ofland 161.58' x 12' wide (2,178.95 sq.ft) required for the minimum street widening of Nile Ave NE. and is a Hearing Examiner's condition of the Windstone II Short Plat, LUA04-124. Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. i:\PianReview\COLSON\Shortpiats 2006\Windstone" SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,,,WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9035 Project File#: LUA-04-124-SHPL Street Intersection: NE 17UJ Street and Mt. Baker Avenue NE Reference Number(s) ofDocwnents assigned or released: Additional reference nwnbers are on page __ ' Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. KBS Development Corp, 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) A portion of the following described property: Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual ben~fits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the clay and year as written below. ADD roved and AcceDted Bv: Grantor(s): KBS Development Corp. Grantee(s): City of Renton Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (print) My appointment expires: Dated: 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 1 Revised 7-25-2006. \ Form 84 OOOllbh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day and year as written below. I INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASIDNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASIDNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASIDNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 20--, before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that1le/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Prmt) _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 2 Revised 7-25-2006 .' Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone II WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: NE 17th St and Mt. Baker Ave NE Dedication description for 148th Avenue Southeast: AND The East 12 feet of Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, Filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007. Dedication description for Mt. Baker Avenue Northeast: Commencing at the Southeast comer of Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007; thence North 87°49'15" West, along the South line of said Lot W, a distance of327.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 02°10'45" East, a distance of2.07 feet to the beginning of a curve tangent to said line; 'thence Northeasterly a distance of 19.90 feet along the curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 15.00 feet and a central angle of 76°00'52" to a point of reverse curvature; thence Northwesterly a distance of 279.89 feet along the arc of said curve to the South having a radius of 55 feet and a central angle of291 °34'19" to a point of reverse curvature; thence Southerly, a distance of 15.51 feet along the arc of said curve concave to the West having a radius of25.00 feet and a central angle of 35°33'27"; thence South 02°10'45" West, tangent to said curve, a distance of23.48 feet to said South line of said Lot W; thence South 87°49'15" East, along the South line of said Lot W, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 3 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit "B" Windstone II Road Dedication N. LINE OF 5 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF E 1/4 N21'52'52'E~ J 587'37'38'E 16.20,ena'';I1'.d'"F 427.39' N25'15'32"E . 9.82' N12'10'40" 29.24' N42'54'49"E 7.05' N65'29'OO"E 31.15' Lot W KC BLA # LOOL0087 Rec. No. 20020702900007. ~Ij... C\J- 1t')C\J C\JC\J , --'0 t/') 124.99' (125.00' Deed) S87'49'OS'E 112.99' ~ .\1) co It') 543 '0 1'15"E Road Dedication -...; aj 14.29' for MT 8AKER AVE NE ~ ~ > 510 '46' 45"E ~ ;-= <Xl L"'24S.4S' .1::: 284'42'49" A=50.00' 3.20' L=13.00' ru ru .... 6= 29'47' 58" in in ~ R=25.00' ~~ ~ ex:> 1" 100' S07 '20'16"E " " 12' Road Oedication 0\' o.q-98' N02 10 45 E for 148th Ave SE Z (f) ,..... • 190 88' 32 73 . . "I . .. ... • . 315.01' '--i AfP742Z/Z1Z2l1ZdMSS\§§\w;wM~ ~o~·~~··~·~ ~~~ --. ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South ~ Federal Way. WA. 98003 _~-=-pointe (253) 66H901 ~ Surveying ',. • ".;.:: •• < " Minutes APPLICANT: CONTACT: OWNER: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE l-IEARL~G EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KDS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Strecl. Ste., 100 Bellevue, \VA 98005 Wayne Potier Barghausen Engineering 18215 720d Avenue South Kent, \VA 98032 Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune AV\!llue NW Ocean Shores, W A 98569 Stoneridge " ShM Plat LUA 04-124, SI·IPL-I·L ECF 1727 Nile A venue NE February 8 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 lien: site. Development Servict:s Recommendation: Approve su~iect to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 28, 2004. PUI3L1C HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the su~ject as follows: MINUTES The fol/owillg mill utes are tl SlllllIllQ1)' of the JflIlllary4, 2005 hearillg. The legal record is recorded till CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday. January 4. 2005. at 9:49 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City 1·lall. Parties wishing to testify wcre affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow lile containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application. proof of posting. proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Stoncrklge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-H. ECF February 8. 2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit Nu. 5: Zoning Map Exhibit No. Written comments by Ms. Donnelly Exhibit No. -': Preliminary Utility. Grading and Draina~e Plan Exhihit No.6: All Stoneridge I plats and short plats within the urea The heuring opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala. Senior Planner. Development Services. City of Renton. 1055 S Grady Way, Rcnton. Washington 98055; Stoneridge II is also known as Windstone II because there are four different plats in this arell. Stoneridge I was platted in King County and the final plat is now with City of Renton a<; it was annc:xed in. The applicant is now changing the name of all the developmcnts t~) Windstom:. This plat is located in the eastern portion of the City ofRcnton. It contains ninc lots and one tract and is located to the wcst orN ile t\ vellue NE und north ofNE Sunset Boulevard. as il is in the City of Renton. when it moves into King Coullly it is known as thc Rcntonllssaquah Road or State Rotlte 900. This development is vested under the development regulations of the R-S. it currently is 7.oned R-4 effective November J 0, 2004. Approximately one mile nOl1h Ilfthe sit~· is 1\·I"y Creck. tlwl"<: is also II tributary of tvlay Cn.:c:k. Greene's Creek. that runs through the su~iect site. There is an ulln:"lIed tributary 011 the site which 110ws inlO Greene's Creek. and thcn nows inro May Creek. There are wetlands on site as well. There is:1I1 existing single·family development to the west of the site and was buill under the R-8 zone. The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with. J 2 measures. An appeal was tiled and later withdmwn. The subject site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed site does meet all the requirements oflhe land use, housing and environmental elements oflhe Comprehensive Plan that are applicable to the RLD within the City of Renton. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 2.84 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. Existing buildings located on the site are proposed to be removed. The proposal's compliance with building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building penn its. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are generally at right angles to street lines. All lots would have access to pubic roadways. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via a 20-foot wide shared driveway. All lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. A 12-1'oot right-of-way dedic'ltion is required for Nile Avenue NE. As well, street improvements along the frontages of Road A (Mt. Baker A venue NE) and Nile Avenue NE arc required, including pavement, sidewalks. and City of Rentoll streetlights prior 10 recording ortlle tinal short plat. Stoneridge II Shan PIal File No.: LUA-04·124. SIIPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 3 As pa.1 of the Stoncrklgc I development. platted under King County. secondary access W:lS required and is now under eonstruclilll1. The secondary access (emcrgency only) comcs from the west through the existing single- family development from NE 161h Street to NE 171h Street. Prior to approval of this short plat. the secondary access to both Stoneridgc I ellld II mllst be completed. StafT recolllmends thc establishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements. There are streams and wetlands located on the site. Greene's Creek in the enstern portion of the Sh0l1 plat and the tributary on the west portion. These streams/drainage courses are noted to provide a 25-foot buffer from the ordinary high w:l1er mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be pennitted within these buffers. Discussion was had regarding the Iree cUlling plan and why more trees were not being saved. It was stated that there could be the possibility of saving some trees. Lot 4 was discussed, other larger trees seem to be located within the building pad areas and would have to be removed. Staff is recommending that two new trees per lot be included as part of each individuallat as a condition of shan plat npproval. Fire. Traffic and l'vliligcll.illfl Fees are proposed. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISO impact fees. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. A preliminary SllIrlll dnlilmge report was submitted, the system was designed tn mcet Level 3 standards for water for water qu:llity and delelllioll. Runoff collected from Lots 1-7 and Mt. Baker Avenue NE would be by catch basins and pipe cunveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 :tIlll 9 and the frontage improvements to Nile A venue N E would be collected in a similar fashion and drain to a wet vault located in the northeast comer of new Lot 9. The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90. A Certificate of Water Availability has been obtained. An 8-inch sewer main is being installed as part of Stone ridge I. This sewer main is proposed to be stubbed to the access road of the subject short plat which a sewer main extension along this new road will be required. This parcel is subject to the 1·loney Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 7 conditions. Wayne Poller, l3arghausen Engineers. 18215 nnd Ave S. Kent, WA 98032 stated that he would like to provide several clarifications. !irst the question of the west property line. At the time that Kl3S Development Corpordtion was developing Stoneridge I in King County, there was an agreement between the property owners. Virginia Luck. to only sell a ponion of her properties. At that time the agreement was that she only wanted to sell the west hal f on the side of that tributary and to follow the required buffer. A boundary line adjustment was processed that would allow a complete application to be submitted to King County. Since then. Mrs. Luck entertained the idea of selling this parcel as well and that is why they are here today. They concur with stnfrs recolllmendations for this plat: however. he would like to clarify a couple of matters. · . Stoneridge J I Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SIIPL·I-1. ECF February 8, 20Cl5 Page 4 First. it was indicated that there \V:\s a 35-foot buffer requirement along Greene's Creek which is correct, however. if yo II look :It conditions 8 and 9 of SEPA the 35-foot increase is for Greene's Creek. the 25-foot would remain for the unnamed tributary and the wetlands. Ms. Fiala stated that that was correct. Second. with respect to Plat Condition 2. a demolition permit has hecn obtnined and all clearing of buildings has taken place on the site. As pal1 of Stoneridge I severnl buildings were demolished. the existing structure on this particular; plat was in disrepair and there were concerns, so a demolition permit was obtained and the existing home was removed as well. There are no structures on the site. With regards to Irees, he stnted that he was no expert. hut during the laSI 17 year of construction when mass grading is-done, quite a hit of material will be moved on site. A lot of times \vhen trees arc moved or material is brought in, then problcms arise once the houses are built the property owners nre concerned that the trees will blow down on their homes. Quite a few trees nre being left on site within the buffer. The site will be providing street trees and Inndscapinl;. They will work with stnlT during the building stage to properly address those trees. Regarding the road extension to Ihe north. the property owncr to the north is Mr. Wolf and they havc contracted with him :lIld Ihal application will come hefore the Hearing Examiner as Windstollc III. The dash line is placed on the exhibit as requested hy starr to sec how the connection would take place. There is a lot or grr.de change from east to west, Nt: 17'11 Street required climhing:1 hill and that is why you sec the design pro\'idt:d here. This is a possiblecollnectioll, exactly how that connection is going to happen is uncertain. but as those properties do develop that is one potential. Thcre is currently a driveway that crosses Greene's Creek that has been there for years and how Mr. Wolf maintaills his property. Finally,just to darilY Ihat Stoneridgc I which is currcntly IIllder 1,;\)Il~truction is not heron: Ihe I-karing Examiner today and that :\lIy opposition or comments today arc to be specifically towards the plat that is before the Examiner today. Claudia Donnelly, 10415 147'h Ave. SE. Renlon_ WA 98059 slated that Green's Creek runs through her property and she has sOllie concerns. Her property is approximately 500 feet north oflhe Stoneridge development and Stoneridgell. She brought some pictures of damage being done to the Creek. She was present to try to protect her property and the fish in May Creek. There is a state law that says that downstream property owners cannot have their propelty harn\ed by upstream development. and she is seeing hann happening. May Creek is the home of 3 species of salmon, at a 200 I hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner. the developer's experts stated that they had found a Chinook spawning bed 0.9 river miles downstream from where Greene's Creek enlers May Creek. With alllhe recent muddy yellow water goillg downstream. she is sure that the Chinook spawning bed is now destroyed. On December 8. she sent a letter to Renton City Clerk asking to be able to see the Stoneridge II file along with some other documents. She received a reply on December 17 and visited City lIall on December 22. She saw some documents from the original Stoneridge file and the Windstone III file. She asked about the Stoneridge II file. she was not given the opportunity to view that file. She was informed yesterday that she could ask questions at the hearing today, shc felt she could not ask questions due to not knowing whnt the developer had submitted in his reports. There are many concerns of dirty stonn water coming down the stream and clearing without the proper pennits. During Ihe SUlllll1er of2004. KBS cleared the property Ihal will comprise the Stoncridge development. there is an erosion hazmd site located on this property. On August 23 she found gobs of mud in the slreambed located on her property. She talked to Jason Jordan'about Ihe situation. he noted that KBS had called and stated thatlhe detention pond had broken. spilling watcr down Greene's Stream. Jason stated that the City had given KBS until that Friday to fix the problcm or the development would be red tagged. On August 25 she noted yellow water .Stoncridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-H. ECF February 8, 2005 Page 5 coming Greene's Stream. She called Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, King County Surface Water Management, and May Valley Environmental Council seeking help. Later that day a Fish and Wildlife officer came Ollt and said that something needed to be done. She went to the development and stopped the water from coming down. A sample was taken to Jason (she showed a bottle of water from that day). TI1C Examiner asked if that was relcvant to this project. They did have a detention pond break and that may explain some of the problems. He checked on the conditions imposed by the ERC. He asked if she had some objections to this specific plat or the conditions that staff recommended. Conccl11s about the prior development may be taken [0 the appropriate agencies including the City of Renton. This plat before us today mllst meet the various storm water requirements, which apparently it does. Obviously there have been some mistakes and hopefully those have been corrected. Uefore us today is the nine-lot plat that is differenl than the c-ther plals. Ms. Donnellv stated that she requested to see the file and she was denied the access. Ms. Fialn staled that il \\35 her hdidthat the lile was in anotheroflice getting ready for sending to the Hearing Examiner's office, and those at the ti'ont counter at thaI time did not know it was back there. The Examiner stated that he was aware of her concern for the creek. He was not clear as to what conditions King COllllty imposed on the previolls development and that is not within his jurisdiction. If DOE or Fisheries have concerns, they can intervene and tile City can also help. The schedule was checked, Ms. Donnelly will be given the opportunity to look at the file and review the information that is in the file for this short plat. Mr. Poller stated thaI they had IlO problems \\ ith allowing I\ls. Donnelly to review the information. He did question iflhis wns a new public hearing where new witnesses could present or is the hearing extension going to bc limited to information that Ms. DOllllelly has after reviewing the liIe? The Examiner stated that he could not deny her an expert witness after reading the inforll1ation, to respond to or ask questions about the ;ssue. A whole series of new witnesses will not be allowed to come in. other than those that might address the concerns raised, at the point we are dealing with storm drainage, Greene's Cre~~k, and the buffers. Juliana Fries, Development Services stated that as part of Stoneridge ] there is a culvert along 1481b Avenue SE that is King County right-of-way, King County is requiring the current 24·inch culvert to be upgraded to a 36· inch culvert. The City of Renton's requirement is to make sure that the high water mark on Greene's Creek will mark where the 35-foot buffer should begin. Ms. Donnelly will have her written comments to the Examiner's office on January) I. 2005 by 5:00 p.m. Mr. Potter will have one week from January II to have his written response to the Examiner. TIle record will be held open for the Examiner's review of the written comments. Ali Sadr. Barghauscn Engineers, 18215 72nd Ave. S., Kent, WA 98032 stated that he did the design for the storm drainage system. It was known that there was a potential problem down stream and that's why the water control facility was designed for this project. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-II. ECF February 8. 20()S Page 6 The EXlIIlliner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak. and no further comments from stan: The hearing closed at 9:48 11.m. FINDINGS, CONCI.USIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this maller, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant. Wayne Pouer, Barghausen Engineers. tiled a requcst for a nine-lot short plat. 2. The yellow fi Ie eonl<lining the staff repol1. the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documcntation and other pertinent ll111teriais was entered into the record as Exhibit # I. 3. The Environmental Review Comminee (ERC), the City's responsible ollicial issued a Determination of Non-Signirictll1ce -Mitigated (DNS-M). 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with all interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is localed at 1727 Nile Avenue NE. The subjcct site is located 011 the west side of Nile about a block north ofSullset Boulevard NE and sOllth ofNE 20th Street (SE 104th Street in King ('oullty). 6. The map element of thl! Comprehensive Plan designates the arca in which the subject site is located as suitable for the developmcnt of low-density residential development, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family -4 dwelling units/acre). The applicant submitted the application while thc subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family -5 dwelling units per acre) and has a right to have the application considered under that categorization. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 3.6 acres or approximately 158.259 square feet. The subject site is irregularly shaped and is approximately 560 feet wide (east to west) by 300 feet deep. 10. The subject site slopes downward to the northwest. Two streams, Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, and an unnamed creek. a tributary to Greene's Creek. cross the subject site. Greene's Creek runs at a diagonal across the east third of the subject site. The unnamed creek runs along the western margin of the subject site. Their conOuence is north of the subject site. In addition to the creeks. there are two wetlands. A Category 3 wetland. a regulated wetland. that will be protected. is located adjacent to the westerly unnamed creek. The second wetland. an unregulated wetland. will also be protected since it lies within the Greene's Creek buffer. II. The site was logged a few years ago and the re-growth is mainly small alder and shrubs. Trees in the wetland and creek areas would be retained. The rest of the site would be cleared for allow development of building pads. roads and driveways. Stoneridge II Shorl Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-H. ECr February 8, 2005 Page 7 12. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into nine lots that would range in size from approximately 8.903 square feet to 18,565 square feet. There would also be a tract, Tract A, located in the northwest corner of the site that would contain the storm water facility and a portion of sensitive area. Seven oflhe nillc lots would be arrayed arollnd a central cul-de-sac. proposed Mt Baker Avenue NE. Proposed Lot 8 wOllld have a access directly Ollt to Nile Avenue while Proposed Lot 9 would have a pipestem access to Nile. 13. The applicant proposes extending a cul-de-sac north from NE 17th Street into the subject site. It would provide access to Proposed Lots J to 7. Nile would provide access to Proposed Lots 8 and 9. 14. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. TIle City has imposed an impact fee of $2,937.00 for each new single-family lot constructed in the Issaquah district under RMC 4-1-160C. 15. The density for the pial would be 2.84 dwelling units per acre after subtracting sensitive areas sllch as the cree"-\\\:llands and the roadways. 16. The development will'increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 90 trips for the 9 single-t:1Il1ily hc·nu:s. Approximately tell pcrcent of the trips. or approximately J 0 additional peak hour trips wi II he generated in the lIlorning and evening. 17. The subject site will utilize two stormwater control systems. The main portion of the site will drain to the northwest and Tract A. Proposed Lots 8 and 9 will use a wet vault located on Proposed Lot 9. Stoml\vatcr will be subject to a Level 3 Control regime which is the strictest. The project will also be subjt!ct in gencr,lIw rhe 1998 King Coullty Storl1lwater Manual as well as the DcpaJ111lcnt of Ecology's standards regarding erosion control. 18. The development of adjacent property by this applicant C1pparently did create erosion and storm water problems downstream. It appears that during a storm event the temporary detention and erosion control systems did l10t perform fully. The City also reports that some of the noted problems may have been caused by additional third paliy property even further upstream. 19. Sewer service will be extended to serve the subject site. Domestic water will be provided by Water District 90. 20. The applicant will be required to dedicate 12 feet along the eastern edge of the subject site to allow the widening of Nile Avenue NE. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant will be protecting the creeks and wetlands on the subject site assuring the preservation of the natural features of this property. The proposed density of2.84 acres complies with the Zoning Code's R-5, the zoning that was vested, as well as the current R-4 zoning. 2. While there have been downstream problems with sediment, it appears that the proposed development will be subject to the most stringent storm water development regulations. That should protect both the creeks that flow through the subject site as well as downstrcam water bodies. The City found the stormwater analysis appropriate and the ERC imposed a series of mitigation measures in addition to the code-required measures. Stoneridge /I Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SI-IPL-I/. ECF February 8. 2005 Page 8 3. The applicant will be offsetting impacts to the roadways. emergency services and parks by paying the mitigation fces associated with single-family development. In this case. the applicant will also be paying an impact fcc to offset impacts on the Isslllluah School District. 4. The development of this site will increase the tax base of the City. It will also provide additional housing choices and in this case, choices with environmental amenities closeh' associated with most of the proposed lots. - 5. In conclusion. the proposed short plat appears to be an appropriate division and usc of the 3ubject site. DECISION: The short plat is approved subject to the follo" .. ·ing conditions: J. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERe. 2. Lot S shnll utilize the 20-foot privnte access easement that also provides access to Lot 9. 1\ note shall be placet! on the face oCthe linal short plat stating this requirement. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services. 3. A twelve-fOOl right-or-way dedication is required along the short plat's frontage with Nile Avenue NE. The dedication shall occur at the time offinal recording of the short plat. 4. Prior to recording orthe Stoncridgl' II Short Plat. till: dedication of the access road through Stoneridge I (LUA 04-046. foP) and associated improvements of the road shall be completed if Stollcridge I is nut yet recorded. 5. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for nil shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the final short plat prior to recording. 6. The applicant shall be required to plant nvo new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. TIlis condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 7. Prior to recording the short plat, the dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge 1, LUA 04-046, FP)to the existing downstrcam public sanitary sewer systcm shall be required, if not yet in place. 8. The dedication along Niles Avenue NE shall be forwarded to the City Council. Stoneridge II Shorl Pial File No.: LUA-04-124. SIIPL-H, ECf February 8, 2005 Page 9 ORDERED TI-IIS 81h day of February 2005 FRED J. KA HEARING E TRANSMITTED THIS 81h day of Fcbruary 2005 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala lOSS S Grady Way Renton. \VA 98055 Wayne Potter Barghauscn Engineers 1 821 5 7:!'od i\ vc S Kent. \VA 980)2 Claudia Donnellv 104 15 14 th Ave" SE Relllon. \VA Q80,9 Ali Sadr Barghausen Engineers 18215 nnd Avc S Kenl, \VA 98032 TRANSMITTED nils Slh day of February 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Kcolkcr-Whceler Stall Engler. Fire Chad Annollr 6500 I 261h Ave SE Bellcvuc. \VA 98006 Jay Covingtoll. Chid' :\dll1il1islrati\c Olliccr Julin rvlcdzcgi:lI1. Cllllilcil Liaisol1 Larry Warren. Cily Allomcy Larr~ i\leckling. Bllildin!! Oflicial Plunning COl11mission Transportation Division Gregg Zimmerman. PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tuckcr. Development Services Utilities Division Neil Watts. Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV. Chapler 8. Section 100Gofthe City'S Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or hefure 5:00 p.m., Febrllano 22, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact. error in judgment. or the discover)' of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errOrs discovered by such appellant. and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City COllncil is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110. which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specitied requirements. Copies of this ordinance are 'lVnilable for inspection or purchase in the Finance Departmcnt. first floor ofCily Hull. An appenlmllst he tiled in writing on or hefore 5:00 p.m., Fcbnmry 22, 20115. If thc Examincl"s RCCOllllllclidatioll or Decision contains the rccluircmcnt for I~cstricti\'e Covenants, the executed COVCllllllts will he I'cquired prior to approv~lll)\' City Council or IillalllrllCl~ssillg of the file. You may contact this IIflicc fill' iul'OI'lIlation on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private onc-on-ollc) cOl1llllunications may occur concerning pending land usc decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8. 2005 Page 10 private with nny decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land usc process include both the Hearing Exnminer and members of the City COllncil. All communicatiolls conce~'~I'g the proposal must be made in public. This public communication pem,its all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the COllrt. The Doctrine applies 1I0t oilly to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. ~ ~­§~ §~ i II' < ·1111.< I ~ ~ ;1 1111111 N .............. ~ ,.-e ,piC T 032305-9159 ('''IoC., 032305-9047 (I."'" ,,, ..... , I , . , , I .-----~ r"-"-""~ I I ,\ I --_.-• ..1 ,........... \ , I \ I' , ••••• ~ \. •••• .!n'2~O·5 .. , ••• \... ·~O"",.j 'r ...... ' ,,,,--~ ~ • \ .,!.. (, w,\SAc.1 ... _ .. ,a.. .. "'\ \' ' "" , , \. ,"'.",' ",. ... ..!. 032305-9270 ""-I ClTYOf'~ ICPIQCOIMY" 032305 ~9021 :: luei~ ...... I I , " 032:s05-82S8 ....... ICPIQ COt.tony CITY QlllIIENTcN 032305-9014 (t.12M) ...... CU ... 0210 '173 ...... • ... , I IUIOI ~ ---........ _.-:_-- : ~~~s!903~:_ L,~. .,. .. t~ ... ~_ ": ....... J ~10 ~. ~ 022305 9018 (4.47 Ac.) N I": I§ :8 oJ ::II -i~ ~~~ ~~~ G§I i§1 I § 5 ~ I i~i I j~ ~ I ~fiHl l J , .~ I i J! ~ ; ~ 'I I ii~~ I t ~'li t I ~§~! d I ~ ...... , l~Jf ~ I ' 'l....:." I ... ... i ~i' 2 . ,~., ... ~. ~ .. ~ _ J =-;t III ... ~ ~ t::s ~ ~ ~II ~~~ rl;t I ~il ; ~~~ II.. Ul::l ~ ~ I « • •• : ';.:' .-.' .,. .. . ., ., ~. -.,... . ". . .." -., .. -.=: - SOOGII NOJl:HiS'(M ':n\3TEII 00II ;un) '.IS HIJ '3'H ~ HOUwo.IlOO ~ S6JI :~i~· et·~ . .,.." . . ....-- , ! a I I • • • r , I I ;. I"; eft O~ .. ' it I ' Idt IHI 1"'1 .-~I! I ,1 1" f",! I ,. ;1 il .40 AJ.I;) y ~ =_~ .-~-..,... --I .. -... ~ --,-. --------_. -:; . -;z-~:~ :-::':-+----___ .---. -=--==---....... --- - - I . i , DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 1, 2006 Carrie Olson Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Windstone Div. II, LUA-04-124-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Project Manager: This subdivision is being incorrectly processed as a short plat. RCW 58.17.020 (6) states "Short subdivision" is the division or redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership. However, the legislative authority of any city or town may by local ordinance iQcrease the number of lots, tracts, or parcels to be regulated as short subdivisions to a maximum of nine. Thus this subdivision must be processed as a Plat and sent to council for approval. This obviates the need for the Deed of Dedication and references thereto made on the subdivision. The Declaration needs to be amended to be a Declaration and Dedication statement. Comments for the Applicant: The City has been treating this subdivision as a short plat but because it is a subdivision into 10 units under state law it is a plat and must be processed as such. This will require some minor changes to the document itself as outlined in the following paragraph. There will be some additional processing steps required. The changes to the document includes modification of the Declaration statement to include Dedication language as well. There is no need for a separate Deed of Dedication or references thereto. The land number reference will need to be changed to LND-1O-0450. The land use action number will likely change as well. The combined length of the north lines of Tract "A" and Lots 3, 4 and 9 still notes an incorrect number (Sheet 3 of 3). Please review and revise as needed. The number should be the same as is noted in the Affidavit of Minor Correction of Survey document (Rec. No. 20060914001313). The "DEC LARA TION" statement is incomplete as shown. See the attachment for what is missing. \C:\Oocuments and Settings\Steve.CPSURVEy\l..ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\0LK2B9\RV0611 0 I.doc December 21, 2006 Page 2 There is a 5' Utility Easement noted along the north line of Lot 8 (new with this submittal). Is it private or public? Also, there is a 1 O'Utility Easement noted along the east line of Lot 8 (new with this submittal). Are they private or public? Is the 10' wide Drainage Easement noted on Lot 2 public or private (Sheet 3 of 3)? The previous short plat submittal noted said easement over both Lots 1 and 2. Which is correct? The "UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE" block (Sheet 2 of3) includes text concerning a "VAULT EASEMENT". Is this text meant to be included in this block? Is it a public or private vault easement? Where is it located? If not pertinent, remove said vault easement text as is needed. C:\Documents and Settings\Steve.CPSURVEy\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2B9\RV061101.doc\s . ..... DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ---------------------- BUILDING PLANNING PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 28. 2006 Larry Warren, City Attorney Juliana Fries ext: 7278 Windstone II -Final Plat LUA 04-124-FP Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Please review the attached Second Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (AKA Windstone) document as to legal form. A copy of the Hearing Examiner's Report dated February 8th 2005 is attached for reference and your use. Recommendation 5 states "A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat iii order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the final short plat prior to recording. " Recommendation 6 states "The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, whiclHndicates that two trees are required to be planted within -the front yard setback area of ea~h_ new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection." Windstone II has two-detention vaults as private utilities. One detention vault is within Tract A (Division II) and the other vault is within an easement on Lot 9. I am enclosing, for your reference, a copy of the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat Of Windstone. If I may be of assistance in expediting this request please call me at 430-7278. cc: Kayren Kittrick LUA04-124 , ',- From:, Date: ' , ' S~bject:' ' , " '~.' GIT,( 'OF HEN rON '" ' , "', ' " '," ,;: ',' > ',RECEIVED,CI':(Y'JF'RENTON'" ,', " , ' ' .. 'jDEC~05',2006 '~', I,. " " .' ' ',", t , .' MEMORANDUM ~, . .; ." '. ' .,' .. ' ',,' ,{ .' . " . " ' .. ' , , ' Office, of the City Att~iney , ' . Litwr,enceJ; W~rren , Senior Assistant City Attorneys . , . M~rk Barber " ,', Zanetta L. Fontes ' , :' AssistanfCitY Attorneys ' " ' A!lD S. Nielsen 'Gairmon Newsom,iI', . . . Shawn ,E. ~rthur . ',' ... Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorpey-":,,! 1" 'De~~inber4, 2006 ' , ,,', . , . ... . """ , ". • I-.... ~ ", ~. _ .".... "J • ' '.'.... . .',' ~ .. "t.,.,. " . '. ~, " '. . . . . ' .', " '. ,'. ,Win~stolle n ~Final Plat~ LUA' 0,4-124-FP,: DeClaration' of C.oveilants, , , COl1ditionsand,RestI1ctiQns, ' . , .... ~ , The Second',Artt~nchrie~ts' to th~ C'C&~~:' f6~ Sto~e Ridge is,'~;pri~~d'as to' le~ai fo~;. i ha~~ wi issue, how~ver, with the note on the' plat requiririg the Planting of two tr~~s on each lot serving the' , function of a" restrictive, covenant The note is simply' 'notice' (jf inrorma,tiori'~and ,isn',ta legal, , " restrictioll or requitement running ,with' the land. 'Thete'fore~ yo:u need'to pe !;iure that ~ separate restrictive covenant is fil~dbefOi'e thtdi~alplaf; '"" ; -, '", .. , " , ' , } '. , J • ,,~ ,< .' ':1, ~" " . , ' La~e~ce J. W men ' , ", .LJW:tmj , .-·cc: . Kayren Kittrick ' , ", 'Gregg Zinimerman;'PE " , I .; ..... /', Jay Covington' '.' '. j' . " '" ' ',' '. 1 ' .'.' , , " , " ,:.', : ' "j .... " , -; ,:,. " '. I ""\. , ' v: ,\,; '. " , " , , " . '. . . .'.: ,'. " ~ Pos' ~ce Box 626 -Renro~. Wasrungton98ost-i425P55~86781 F~(425) 255-5474·· ~ " . . ~~ , . . " . AHE'AD' OF THE,CYRVE , . ' "'.~ rhi~pk.percoritainS50:VorecyciE.dmat"rial,30%postconsumer ,,:.... . '\ , , ~ '. , " After recording return to: -Jeshtla=R~ Cl'.~ ~ ~l'\.l-Ol-". HANSON' BAKER LUDLe~R:tfMHEbbER P7S. [DRAFT] 1 o-~0t;-Sui.te.lO.O Bcll~u~Washiflgten 98(;)(;)4 DOCUMENT TITLE Second Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windston~ REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/ 20051020000338,20051207002324 RELEASED GRANTOR KBS Development Corporation GRANTEE City of Renton The Public LEGAL DESCRIPTION Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone}, Vol. 230, PaKes 61-65 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 032305-9046;032305-9034;032305-9033;032305-9042 SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) Windstone Div. II KBS Development Corporation, Developer herein, hereby amends the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Winds tone ), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000338, as amended by the First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051207002324 (collectively, the "Declaration"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 3 of the Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, the Developer is authorized to subject additional properties to the Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Development Period has not terminated; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 3 and Section 16.1 of the Declaration, Developer hereby amends the Declaration as follows: l. The Plat of Winds tone Div. II, recorded with the King County Recorder under Recording No. _____________ ("Div. II") is hereby subjected to the Declaration. The land within Div. II is shown on the Map for Div. II and is legally described as follows: W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\J IR2607 .DOC 10/05/06 Page 1 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) .. ~, . , Lot W, King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. LOOL0089, recorded under Recording No. 20020702900007, in King County, Washington, being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. 2. In addition to those Tracts, easements and other areas set forth in Section 1.5 of the Declaration, the Common Area shall include Tract A ofDiv. II and the drainage easements and appurtenances located within Div. II as shown on the Div. II Map and intended for common use and enjoyment. The City of Renton shall have access to the easemenfarea as necessary to inspect or maintain the drainage facilities and appurtenances thereon. L F-~P~ ~? 3. As set forth on the Map for Div. iI, private easements for access and utilities are granted to Lots 3 and 8. Said easements shall be non-exclusive, perpetual and appurtenant and shall run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the Lot Owners of Lots 3, 8 and 9 and Tract A. 3.1 The Association shall pay all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances located on Tract A (the "Burdened Property"), which costs shall be a common expense, except that the costs to maintain, repair and replace any utilities or other appurtenances within the easement located within the easement area on Tract A and solely serving Lot 3 (the "Benefited Property") shall be paid by the owner of Lot 3. The Owner of Lot 3 shall hold the Assocaition harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or relatea to·the use of the easement area by the Owner of Lot 3, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Association. 3.2 The owners of Lot 8 (the "Benefited Property") and Lot 9 (the "Burdened Property") shall share equally in all costs to maintain the easement and appurtenances within the easement area located on Lot 9. The Owner of Lot 8 shall hold the Owner of Lot 9 harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from or related to the use of the easement area by the Owner of Lot 9, except for claims, losses, damages and causes of action arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Owner of Lot 9. 3.3 Prior to taking any action within the easement area which may interfere with the Burdened Property owner's use of the easement area, the Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall give the Lot Owner of the Burdened Property reasonable advance notice, unless immediate entry is necessary due to emergent damage or threat to the Benefited Property and/or Burdened Property. The Lot Owner of the Benefited Property shall restore the landscaping and other improvements within the easement area to their condition immediately prior to any maintenance, repairs or replacement. 4. The Lot Owners of Lots within Div. II shall be Members of the Association and shall be entitled to all benefits and subject to all obligations of Members of the Association. 5. Unless otherwise stated herein, all capitalized terms used in this First Amendment shall have the meanings set forth in the Declaration. W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007VIR2607 .DOC 10/05/06 Page 2 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) 6. Except for the matters stated in this First Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. Dated this __ day of _________ , 2005. DEVELOPER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CQR~ORA TION BY· [DRAFT J Kolin Taylor, President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this __ day of ,2006, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Kolin Taylor, personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence to be the President of KBS Development Corporation, a Washington corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of saiq corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. W:\ WPDOCS\24025\007\JIR2607 .DOC 10/05106 Print Name: ____________ _ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Expiration Date: ___________ _ Page 3 of3 Second Amendment to Declaration of Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K.A Windstone) ., ,~'o': .~. .:t: ,;Afte~:'''recording return to: .,' ,', '//" i'i'-til:":;; Iffl.Ui~0~?~24 "/\";i":",,,,,:,//,,<,,/~,;i~:~,~ ;;If.DM (3)t~, :.( F~rst An.ieiichrient.:to Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Plat ',,:. DOCUMENT TITLE :\.../ of Ston~ Ridge (A.K.A;··Wipdstone) ./:::'.:. REFERENCE NO. OF "';': DOCUMENTS ASSIGNEDI RELEASED GRANTOR GRANTEE:"'· .. ,: '~'. LEGAL:.r>ESCRlP.TION .. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO • KBS D.~velrip}rient CorQOrati6ri / City of kenton.:. ':', .. :'::. /'.. ./ .. , ..... ":'. The Public ";" ":" .:" :l;.. ..:::::\. Plat of Stone Ridge (A.K,.A. Win<i,Stone) V('jl. t~o, t.ages .tn-6S~ 032305-9046; 0323()S;:.9034~:·032~05-9033; '(132305-9042./ .' . ' ..... :\: :::"'::: ... /' .: ....•... \ ./.' . J:::~l.I: JIlSURANCE COMPANY .' ~~ :; ':'. ....: ,:( ... /j tile document of ".: ': :~'. ........ 1./ ::{s a cu.slomer courtesy :/ .... :/: :: FmST AMENDMENT TO THE:.... .... :"··}CCp!s:.rio lia~il!ty for ./ :: .:' DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS :: ~::accurapY or validity of .:' .,' .:F()l(THifl~LAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINiJSTO~~)~·~enl. :.~ .:.:: .. :,< ~·~'·~.y~~:~.6~m~t'·d.brp:'ration, Developer herein, hereby amends the ~~~J;:ation of Protective Covenant&.fotihe J)lat:~f S~6ne ~id$e·TA~K:A. Windstone), recorded under King County Recording No. 20051020000$38 (.~e.i;IDeClaration"). .;:;. '.;... '.:..... ..~i· ...... :: .t .• :·····;:.:., :;": :,""', WHEREAS';·.:pursuiiflt ~O Seidon::H~.~ t o~::'the':Declaration, prior to termination of the Development Period, ili,r6ev~10p~r is authoriz6d t9':execu~ and to have recorded any amendments to the Declaration it deems neces$.ary;:::and .. :. .::'./ .i.'· '~.:: . WHEREAS, the Devel~~!nent'p~~~~' ha;:n~t::'rn.1~:~t~~·;:./· .... ·· ....... . WHEREAS, on or about Novemb~r. 8, ~Q.O~:~ tl1b:I?~~el.6~~t rec:ivecfwritten approval from the City of Renton (by Kayren Kittrick, Departrilen(of Pgblic:Wqiks) for t1)t'teasements created herein; NOW, THEREFORE, Developer hereby::~~~nd~ th/De¢f~r()t{~n:t fgi~Qws·;·""'····\ .. :. 1. Section 1.5 of the Declaration is hereby dele'~~~' in .i~.eP~;rc:;l, ~h~'::a' ne~;.$ecti~~ l:~5:il!. hereby substituted in its place, as follows: ".;: ;.:: / .. :" .t'·'··:\ .. ·,'· ./ ./...< ........... . Page 1 of7 : ....... :,. :':' ,: ..... : . ..;': .:-' .... .' ., ......... ':: . W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2607.DOC 12/05/05 . "Fiirst \~.m~~dfu~t. ~~ .Oecljiation of :::: :: <>,.,/ ./ Plat of Storie. .. ~idge (A.¥~A yiind~(one):" :.::' :.(:,. .::: •• ,: ......... ,1 .:': •••• : •• ~. :: ':'''!::.,. " :.:: ,..{ .:/ .' . ":,.:' .' .' .:/~;: j,l:,·f .~ "'~"'::.': / :' . <;y .~\ .... , .. :~ .. )t ::.' .. ::.~. 1.S Common Area j:/ .. : ...... :. The term "Common Area" shall mean and refer to Tracts A, a, :: :;. ." .;: .:' /:,.. ......... " C, D. E and F as shown on the Map, the fence, landscaping and :::. .\, .. ,., .~/' /: .". '::monument easements benefiting the Association, the stormwater ':' .. \.. .,"/ .::-' :r"":: jnana~~ment easements benefiting the Association as shown on Exhibit '",::".:"""",/' ,,:'·./B .• ,'and"any. other are~.~,.9wned by or benefiting the Association and/or ":':' .:the Lo~ Owilers fot'the c~mmon use and enjoyment of all of the Lot ...... /' f'O~,t'lfr~~ A~y ~tr6eis".4dcts or other areas dedicated or conveyed to a \,:.:: .' .. ' / ggVernihen~lJ·entity fQr, ·pupHc"\i's·e ... are not Common Areas . .......... ::. .' :,\ /"" /' "'::;: ./j: .... :,/ .. " .. J' .J:::"'=:;, :::.::'"'' ~he ~eve!o~tmay a~~"tQ~;or .~Ubtrac. from the Common Area "':'4uring",tIie Develppmeh,t Perioa •. ~ defined in Section 4.1, by an arn~Jidmen,t':to q)ls DeCiara~iQri.imJYided that the Developer may not withdraw;,:any tract ot' oth¢t CPlnm6n A~~~ .. subject to a ,~C?ndition imposed b}f...tpe CitY'of ~'~nt9h or/oili,erWise''tequired 9Y sfAte or federal laws without the ~ritten' co~senr:of''ihe qty o{~entoIL:Jfi the event the Common Areas &s~~tbed:,'on t,lie·tecor~~d ¥ap{are./d:ifferent from those described herein, the''Co~Qii Areas,'described' o~'l':the;:Map shall be deemed the Common Are~s··:cinlciis this Qeclarati6n has beeii"alIiended " . . ,:':,.: ·:.Qr modified to change the Commo.n A'rea~'sho\y~ on::ihe :l4ap~.~c~P'! ,.,i:/~"::,:~}' .' tI1'e·::&tatus of those tracts or Conunhij. Areas:' thci't were subji'ct to "s '~'. " .' ..":. con~fi~ion imposed by the City of Rentor(~r .pther:~is~i·~eq~i'~e(rby ~tiit~/: .f: . ,/ 'or fed~rallaws may not be changed withou(th~.wri~en ~ori'se;nt ·of..:'th~?; :.FY1SURANCE COMPANY :: C':, 'f' R :' :~ .... .,:' ... :.'....:,;; :It Ilocur.lent of ./ :Jty 0. enton. ..:.. . ..-: /' .;~ d cU$fomer courtesy .r ;: ,,' ;: .\. .,. ;:: .. ~t~o!s no liability for ," 2.·:'" A new Settion 12.1.5 is hereby added to the Declaration ~s"fhJ1o~:lc .~ccuiac{or validity 01 .f .," .:' :: ..... "' .. :.... ' "'::. ;. ill"··documenl. '\, :.,"/ O~'~~~'of~: ~,!~~ ~~:;~::e~~~;~:!~:~:£!:£'t ··:::·.·., ... ,,:._., ..... :'tr~sfer:''to tti~ A.ssoyjatiOi'l··.~.non-exclusive. perpetual easement over an~ ac~9ss,.:i:hos~:p'di-tions or'tots 18 and 22 described and shown on E"hibit'B: at¢bed qetet~ ("~asc;m.ent Area "), for the purpose of constwcting/u~1ng, lnaiIitaiq~ng/·rep#iring and reconstructing storm water mtfiagement facilities an(rapptirteQan~es thereto. The Association shil.l m~il'liliip'. repitir ~hd r~tor~' a~)mprovements andlor landscaping tha(:it constructs:.br inStall~'within .the·Easement Area. The cost of such consii'iietier( u~~. ~~inte.nan~e, ~~paii;:"tec·oJ4.struction and/or installation shall be paid by,the J\~soctati9.n,,~~ a cowmQ~ expense. The City of Rentoij .sh~ll.:hav~:ac.c~ss .tb th~ Easemen(J.\rea as necessary to inspect or mainuiif(tn:~ stdfm:\vat¢:r m~nag<;:~nt fa¢:ilities and appurtenances thereon. These das·em.~nt;·.:shaq·:·run:.:\.vith.: the.Jagd····"'··:····,: ... and shall bind the heirs, successors and ~ss.igns o.f the::Ow~ers .,of:'i:'ots "\ 18 and 22 and the successors and assigns of'the ;Assqtiat~6n .. ::':;/ <~;:): ~. :/.'=: .... :. 3. A new Exhibit B is hereby attached to the Declarati:~";~ tIi;. f9hiattib~~d··h~J;,J~~,/ .::~':"'"'''''''' :!"'~"''' .. ~./:' Page 2 of 7 . ",,;: ' .. ': .... ::.,,:.'::...... ." .::' :: ... " .... ,.. :: .;'\/ W:\WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\11R2607.DOC First Am~ndmen~:to .Declaiation of .J: .J.' :/".,. 12/0SIOS Plat of Stone Ridge.{A.KA Windst6ne),"':':::, .,' .:' .:,.:' / .. / }' . /' .' :.;. ::: .... ::.:. "':~:~:.:: .' .' ::F .. ~. . /' :: .... : ... :/. ;; :' ., \)' '~:" . '::··:·.: .. l ,:~ .. ': ..... :,:., ... ,. ,\~' .;~ : .... :: . :." ::.' .. / 4. Except for the matters stated in this First Amendment, all of the provisions contained in the :: :':' /: Declaration remain in full force and effect. This Amendment shall be effective upon recording. ::' .' }' /"::" ~ ~~ ':',,': ./~ :./' . P~ted·.this L day of UCem~ ~~/ j: ~ ,2005. '''',:\ ... ,.:. ..,.",:./ .. : .. / ::' ". :' .:.' ...... -...... :.. DEVELOPER ... "", ..... ,.... / ..... ":'.. . ... , .. ,'.... : .' .' .:/ jt .",0""\': ~. /: .... :,/:," , •. ,,:ks DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION .... :(./:' /f ;;i.)~;~"l"·;·.)/ . ~:,.': . ~'.,:: "\" :".. (i -+~~~~+-=......!~ ____ _ .::: "::., .. ,.~.,.,, .' .' .' .. ~. " . ~'., .... .' ...... ,' W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JlR2607.DOC 12/05/05 Page 3 of7 :.~: ::: :: EXHIBITB TO DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE) . . ,"". W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\OO7\JIR2607 .DOC 12105/05 '::. '::""::':",,,, ... ,,,,/ " :; ..... , ..... .' .' , ..... ~.<? .:. ... : .... ::. " Page 4 of7 .: ~":' .. . ... :. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ,;:,.,,""ha& placed the docur.lenl of ... ,' record as a customer courlesy .' .' .' and aC~ilpls·no liabliity for .' .,:"':""":.'.~.~ the accuracy ~:yaiidily of .' the document. ': . . ' ... ,.......:: ::: .~' .' :.~. ,:. ',,:. ':\'. ""',. ::\.;.,' ..... '., .' .' ::., .~ ,',' :: .:,.' :: ,~ . . :: .:. ," ".::~ ,. I';' " W:\WPDOCS\24025\OO7\]IR2607.DOC 12/05/05 :SO 1 "?S'22"\!4 .e5.00' .... Page 5 of7 :: .~~. :: .~.~' .{ ./ ........ ,: ... :. :: :~ . / . ' ./" Tii~t.purtion of the L0122, Plnt ()fWindsr()l~() moo Utlde~ King County Recording Number :;' ':':/ ./ :.:2()(~~102(){)OOJ37, mQf¢j>articuJarly dc~ribcd ~5 follows: '.~ .\: .... :.. ;~'/ ,::' .:;. . \.:\.".... ,.,., ... / .' .. :. ::" "':':: ·~~:jn~.~.1l$Jtithe S~yth~~;com,~' (If $;aI···idS· . Lotl21~; f" ';l' ~ 22..1' f "', ........ ,.,. ." ,',' "'r.i~I~~~ NorlJi'·:.s7°471~~.' ... .ft,.c;,st,. illong t 1<: . OU~r\ UlC'O S(llu &.Nt .' ,U'\llstance 0 . . ' .' ,,~9j)9f~t;,.. ':;': "".,. /." ./ ":' .... ::' .:' .:.:tl:~f'l3cc(Nt)ith ?$~i8(46".iP.ast .. ~ .. d,is~~nc(' of'll .46 feet; .... " ./' tijen¢Sq.uth*7~49'l5")!~~t.{a dis~:tin~of9.86 feet to a p04nt on the East line of ..... :: s~id tot··22.~lti4.:·p(lillt.,.~~~rS NQft'h'4~"6.i45" WeSt 10.00 feet fi'om said Southeast c.~er; .// .:/' //., .<.~, "')., . : ... >:::: .. /' . ~hence;.SQutb()2ql(t451t .»'~~J~lo.fig:~id 'CastlineJ, a distanC{fOf 10.00 feet to the P{)iutofBe3.i'nrtil~g. .' j/";:' :/ ./ ... ,." /,::::,::. SitMtein :the CitYO;~~~tot;i·~·:'Ct)A~tY':'n{:i:tt'S'~~l~ ,~f·WnS~ihg~6~ .. . ; .... ,: ... .//.;: .. : .. :: .. ./ /',' .;:";:"" ·\,···.:"i/./"·::·,:,y· .~: •. /. :: :: :: .. , ........ :;,;.: ::: .::::.... .:' "': . . ~~ .,::,/.... .' ." .' ".:::::. :\"''''''::'''.>:' .' .' .' W:\ WPDOCS\2402S\007\JIR2607 .DOC 12/05/05 , .... ':::\1: ... , .• "'" .' .: .... , ..... . ' . " ..... ~ .. <.? .:: . . : ..•. : .. ' Page 6 of7 "., CHICAGO TITLE It~SURANCE COMPANY .' .::":"'" has placed the dc~~m~n' (II . " ,::: }~cord as a Cusl.Jm~:. cou/iesy .' .:,."., and~cop!s no li3iJ;;:ly for the ac~uracy ~r vaiiQily 01 .:.' .... ,.... the do~~mMt.., .... .' :::: '; . ,. ' .. :: .... -t:: ... :~.: ::: . ... .f" :: ,.;' ,/ " '.:. ~. " , ... " \.: !,' ..... ;.. I' ., •. ~::,\: ...... ,.1· .' :: ",;.:; .. \; ..•.•.. .:' " :. .L·ons PL NE S02 "'10>45"W 15.0 .. 1' "",.;: . ' :.' ;,' ''":; . .• :::.:: .... , .... ,.1.· .~ .. :: W :\WPDOCS\24025\007\l1R2607 .DOC 12/05/05 ..... ,' . . ,' :""'.: "., .. ~~. .~~. :.~ . . ,' .. : ,'" .... ,. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPllt{'( has placed the u~;:,\!,\~!lt 01 .' ::-:....... lecoid as a cllsl~tilc: ~ljm3sy .. ",' and acc~o~s no 1~"il~;:i1 !O{ ). ;: ,.;:. " .:"":'. "'; l~; ~~~~~;1.1t v3i:~llY 01 .. : 1 ;:'/ / .;:." .. >. .... ""' .. ,'. 11:····'··,··:;c..:.;..~·~ '.' '" . ... P,f.P\:: . ........ ~?.i ... / ..... ; .. ;. ....... 0'" .' ..... : Page? of7 r... ", DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: ST AFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: Issue: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 13,2006 Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Kathy Keolker, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Kayren K. Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor Windstone II Final Plat Shall the council approve Windstone II, previously approved through the short plat process with a·public hearing as a final plat? Background: Windstone II short plat proposed nine lots for future home construction and a surface water tract to be held in common and maintained by the future Homeowners Association or by a maintepance agreement between the future homeowners. With the proposed lot number being "greater than four but less than ten, the short plat process included a public hearing before' and approval by the Hearing Examiner. During the review for the approval of the Windstone II short plat for recording, the lot count was determined as exceeding the number of lots for a short plat due to the tract being included in the total. Tracts are commonly used for surface water facilities, access and egress, ana occasionally for parks or other areas held in common within a short plat or plat and were not previously considered separate parcels. With a recent interpretation of RCW 58.17 .020( 6), tracts are now considered and counted in the final number of lots within a subdivision rather than just the building sites. The only differences between short plat approval of nine lots and a preliminary plat are the Hearing Examiner approval (rather than a Hearing Examiner recommendation to council) and the requirement for council approval of right-of-way dedications. The public hearing was held on January 4,2005 and approved February 8, 2005. As part of the standard process for final short plat, a separate deed of dedication was sent to and approved by City Council on November 6, 2006. Construction of infrastructure and required impr~:vements is complete, so the plat has applied for recording. Recommendation: Council approve Windstone II as a final plat. RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A WINDSTONE II LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. .. ~ ...... ' .. :.' ~ .. , . . . . ~ " ... " .~ . . ~ " '~'.'. '.. . . ": .... --:. SE l04t R 8 .. ,. . SE 113th .' ; E6 .. 10 T23N R5E E 112 D6 ,- 3 T23N R5E E liZ 5303 6'11111311 ~.' ..... _. , ... ~ Iq: ~I II J~ I I~ II il i ilil Jni illl I·' I I ,. r&1°1 3* e • . . i I 8 m " iI • ! I i i ! I .- (; ".! ~: KBS OEVEI..OPMEHT CORI'ORAllON 12320 ME. 8TH ST. SU'TE tIOO BB.LEVUE, WASHINClI'ON 98005 ppp-ss-TTTT STONE RIDGE I . STONE RIDGE I 10627 -148lli AVENUE BE. RENTON. WASHINGTON 98OS9 .. \ ........ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 14, 2006 Larry Warren, City Attorney Kayren Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor Windstone II Final Plat Resolution Attached for y'our attention, review and consideration are copies of the agenda bill, the issue paper, t~e legal description, maps and red-lined proposed resolution for the approval of the Windstone II short plat as a final plat. During the course of the review for final short plat in preparation of sending it on to council for acceptance of the deed of dedication and recording, it was determined that under the current interpretation of RCW 58.17.020(6) the short plat had to be processed as a final plat.· The full information may be found in the issue paper. So, if everythihg meets your approval, please prepare the resolution for approval and acceptance of the final plat. I am attempting to meet the deadlines for the council meeting of November 27,2006 to allow recording of the plat prior to end of the year. If you have any questions I might be able to answer, please do not hesitate to contact me at 524-430-72~9 . . , !~ I o . . , h:\division.s\deveJop.ser\pJan.rev\projects and requests\windstone2atty.doc CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works Dept/Di v IBoard. Development Services Division Staff Contact.. .... Kayren Kittrick x7299 : Subject: .:~ . Approve Wmdston~ II Short Plat as Fmal Plat " " ) Exhibits: Issue paper dated November 13, 2006 Neighborhood Map, Plat Map Recommended Action: Council approve Resolution Fiscal Impact: ,,0.00 Expenditure Required: .. Amount Budgeted ..... :~ Total Project Budget: SUMMARY OF AC]ION: I AI#: For Agenda of: November 27, 2006 Agenda Status Consent. ............. Public Hearing .. Correspondence .. Ordinance ............. Resolution ............ Old Business ........ New Business ....... Study Sessions ...... Information ......... Approvals: Legal Dept.. ...... . Finance Dept. .... . Other .............. . Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Revenue Generated ........ . City Share Total Project.. Request Council approval of Winds tone II, an approved 3.6 acre short plat, generally located north ofNE 1 i h Street at Mt. Baker Avenue NE with nine single family lots and one tract as a final plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council approve Resolution Rentonnetlagnbilll bh X X x CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL I AI#: Submitting Data: :: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: November 27, 2006 DeptlDi v!Board. ': Development Services Division Staff Contact. ..... Kayren Kittrick x7299 Agenda Status Consent. ............. Subject: Public Hearing .. Approve Windstone II Short Plat as Final Plat Correspondence .. Ordinance ............. Resolution ............ Old Business ........ Exhibits: " New Business ....... Issue paper dated Npvember 13, 2006 Study Sessions ...... Neighborhood Map? Information ......... Plat Map Recommended Action: Approvals: Council approve R~solution Legal Dept.. ...... . Finance Dept.. ... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: 0.00 Expenditure Required .. . Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget, City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF AC1!ION: Request Council approval of Winds tone II, an approved 3.6 acre short plat, generally located north ofNE 1 i h Street at Mt. Baker Avenue NE with nine single family lots and one tract as a final plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council approve Resolution " ; Rentonnetiagnbilll bh X X x From: To: Date: Subject: Carrie Olson Kittrick, Kayren; Schuster, Curtis; Woods, Steve 11/08/20064:03:50 PM Re: Another topic, possibly sore .... Steve, Attached are the review comments from Bob MacOnie and Sonja Fesser. Please make the requested language changes to the mylar to create the final plat. The attachment referred to in the attached memo has already been faxed to you. Please contact Juliana Fries {425-430-7278 for other requirements related to this plat. Item #3 on her, November 7,2006, e-mail no longer is required to be a separate document for full plats. If you have questions, please contact me at 425-430-7235. Thanks, Carrie »> Kayren Kittrick 11/08/2006 1 :29 PM »> Neil Watts told me about an hour ago to process Windstone II as a final plat, which will put the schedule out a couple weeks to get it through Council. To make this painless as possible, could you have your surveyor coordinate with Carrie regarding any changes on the mylar, and I think we can do the rest. The final plat process involves taking the whole thing back to council for approval, usually on the consent agenda. Kayren Kittrick Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits 425-430-7299 cc: Fesser, Sonja; Fries, Juliana; MacOnie, Robert; Watts, Neil DATE: TO: FROM: ., CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 1,2006 Carrie Olson ~ Sonja J. Fesse~~ SUBJECT: Windstone Div. n, LUA-04-124-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Project Manager: This subdivision is being incorrectly processed as a short plat. RCW 58.17.020 (6) states "Short subdivision" is the division or redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership. However, the legislative authority of any city or town may by local ordinance increase the number of lots, tracts, or parcels to be regulated as short subdivisions to a maximum of nine. Thus this subdivision must be processed as a Plat and sent to council for approval. This obviates the need for the Deed of Dedication and references thereto made on the subdivision. The Declaration needs to be amended to be a Declaration and Dedication statement. Comments for the Applicant: The City has been treating this subdivision as a short plat but because it is a subdivision into 10 units under state law it is a plat and must be processed as such. This will require some minor changes to the document itself as outlined in the following paragraph. There will be some additional processing steps required. The changes to the document includes modification of the Declaration statement to include Dedication language as well. There is no need for a separate Deed of Dedication or references thereto. The land number reference will need to be changed to LND-I0-0450. The land use action number will likely change as well. The combined length of the north lines of Tract "A" and Lots 3, 4 and 9 still notes an incorrect number (Sheet 3 of 3). Please review and revise as needed. The number should be the same as is noted in the Affidavit of Minor Correction of Survey document (Rec. No. 20060914001313). The "DECLARA nON" statement is incomplete as shown. See the attachment for what is missing. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0396\RV061101.doc '1 November 2, 2006 Page 2 • There is a 5' Utility Easement noted along the north line of Lot 8 (new with this submittal). Is it private or public? Also, there is a 1 o 'Utility Easement noted along the east line of Lot 8 (new with this submittal). Are they private or public? Is the 10' wide Drainage Easement noted on Lot 2 public or private (Sheet 3 00)? The previous short plat submittal noted said easement over both Lots 1 and 2. Which is correct? The "UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE" block (Sheet 2 of3) includes text concerning a "V AUL T EASEMENT". Is this text meant to be included in this block? Is it a public or private vault easement? Where is it located? If not pertinent, remove said vault easement text as is needed. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0396\RV061l0 l.doc\b DECLARATION: A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 CITY OF RENTON, KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME. AND THAT SAID ;~gR~E~~~: IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSEN~IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS ~~~.~·:"likl~ .. ~~:~e;,'N'I~'~E.. by: ;~5')l=8t6Q'F'~;e:w~S; Kolin B. Taylor President-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Solomon V. Avzaradel treasurer-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation APPROVALS: Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Washington Federal Savings. a United States Corporation by: its: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2006. CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS < •• ..:1 J WINDSTO Land Use Action Land Record 1 OF THE SE 1/4 ( til ACKNOWLEDG STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _____ --J ON THIS DA't THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTAR't DULY COMMISSIONED AND swe ROBERT W. RUDDELL. AND se (OR PROVEN ON THE BASIS e THE SECRETARY AND THE TRE THE CORPORATION THAT EXEC AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAIO IN~ DEED OF SA ID CORPOR, ~N. AND ON OATH STATED 1 ... , .. 1· AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXE[ CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND ~ CERTIFICATE ABOVE WRITTEt From: To: Date: Subject: Steve, Juliana Fries steve@cpsurvey.com 11/07/20069:08:42 AM Windstone II -review comments I completed my review of the Windstone II short plat. Following are my comments: 1 -Sheet 1 -Road dedication along 148th Ae SE is 12 feet (not 10). The map shows 12, so I believe this was a typo. 2 -There is a sewer main in portion of lot1. A 15-foot public utility easement easement is required centered on the sewer main. You may need the as-builts to locate the easement within lot 1. 3 -Shorts plats require "public utility easements" to be in separate documents and be referenced on the face of the plat. 4 -Sheet 1 -Plat Notes: Note No.6 -Has the amel")dment to the CC&R's been submitted to the City for review? The amendment needs to be cross referenced on the face of the plat. Please add blanks for the recording number of the CC&R's amendment. If you have any questions, please call me at 425-430-7278. Thanks Juliana cc: Olson, Carrie --__ -'--~_ o· ~.--.----- . ~. :'. ,.,:':. , " , , ' Kathy Keolicer"Mayor, ' .' -', , ,November 3, 2006 '': : ..• : ,Stephen Woods, p1J~s. ". ,: , " Centre Pointe Surveying;hlc. '. , 3'370t'9th Ave S .' .,. ' , ,~':",: jf¢de~al Way WA 98003· '. SuBJECT: .' .,:. ;:.: '.: .' "-,' : . " . ; '.' (.'. ' ! ,' .•.• : )- ' .. ', ".-:. '. ::' . ,.f"'-:i· PlanninglBuildiI,lgJI>;ub1ic,Works Q~partinent 'GregtfZiiIiinerrii~~'P.E., Administrat()r , "~' . :'-. , , '. :'.' "'. ,.:. . ... ".: :'.:~' . "~ ': I. WINDsToNEns)i,()~~ PLAT LUA';04,.12~, '.': ..' . '" :. ~ '" J. " Dear'Mr.Woods: . ": ,.:' ,. " ' ~ '.' . , ~ " , , ~,' ",:Th.e reView submitta:VorhIi~'~bove-pientione~ shoIi'~I~n~as beencomplet~d:~d;thef~{io~hg:cio~~nt~'" . '. 'haveb.een returned. Please revjew. thesecomment~~drtiake the necessarychaQg~~~"bnce chang6s~ave " , ,been, completed please resubmit thJ.'eecopi~s :~t th~',shortplat drawings and arty oth6r-,n~lateddQcuniehts. ' . . '.'. . ... ~_ .. ; "-"~" -'. "'.:~.,',' . ,.: .. ) ... : .... / .... :~ ....... : .. , , 'SHORt PLAT REVIEW COMMiNTS: " . "c'"" "'~.'. ' ' .. " ,.' ",':. ,', :, "." .' , " 'C" 1. ' '?ContactJuli~ma' Fries; J>larl .Reviewer.,~t)1-i5-430-1278, for i"equin!m~nts 'to be cqrnpleted~n ~th~ ci~L ' . . .. '. . .. ' : '.\' ,,::.' : .. ' "" . ,'.' .:: .. ' :'.;', , , .-' . ' '( , ,.:.', '. . . '. '. . .. , .' ' .. . ',collstruction,portioll.toy.<>urp~()jecL' ',' '.' , ", , )" ~ • • .f' ,;, • -I 2., The combin~d 1~~~h,:oFthe;'n~rth Ijnes\o( rr~cf'~'A"'r and Lots'3,~ fta.tj.d:~r.'stiji. nrite~. wi"incorre9t'< ", .. ··"tulmber (Sheet' 3' of3).,:Piease ,re:View:a,n:a(f~~~6',as needed~ The rit:irUb~rsh9uJdbethesameasis ." ... noted in theAffidavit~ofMi~or CQI.Tec'ti.qBi~t:s~~Y'docuIi1elit(Rec.:No~'200609t4001j13,).;';-' ."'" .. , . . " .:' ;;i','; , ' ..•... ' ":':\:~"::~;ji::~:~,o;". . ... '. "'. ~.':" ',,' .;:; .. ·3. 'The "DECLARATION'·, statement' is: incomplete tas shoWn. . See' th6':att~~hnientfor what~is' .' .' '.\, ~.,,' .. ,,", :'.:;;:i,~,,·. >/'I;':I..';,,~' , " ' ,,'. ~:f:c-' ', .. ':~' ,;mIssIng: ,,:: : ... ' , . ,."'." :. :",:.:, "', .,' ~. ," "-: ... "" .' -' , ,4. There isa 5':Utllitv Ea~ement nO,t~d along,'th~"~0J1hHneof Lot8(il~w' withthis~u~mittal)." :is '. "O!fprivateorpuhHc?Also'"thereis a 10'UtilitY;Easenien(n()ted'alotig~th~eastline'ofLo(8 •.•.. ., " (hew with this.,suhptittal} Are they priv~ite or,p'libilc? ',.' " ' . ',"' ", .. ", ,':~:;, IS' the 1 0' ~id~~ainage Easeme~t'ri~'ti~20~:':~Lit:'i public or privat~ . (Shee,t . j, of 3)?,:' .Th~~Y'.··· " .. ' .. .' .. previous short phltsubmirtal noted said:'easeplent.dver bqth.Lots r and 2~ \Vhichis;cQrrect?, .. ':'-' ;";6. '::Th~':UTILtrYEASE~NT NQTE;'~b~()clhSh~~t 2 ~f3) inclu~es texrc()n~einIng,~~~YA~T : " ' .. , , ' . J~:ASEMENT';.-, is thist~xtme'ant :t~"be.lri~JJd.6&'in'this blocJc? .Is 'ira ,p~plic.:orj)rivat~'v~~l{ '. '", . .: .. ,' .. easement? where. isitJocated? Ifriofpeitipertt;: ie.move,saidvault easeri1~rii texlas is ,needed: ;' .'. . . . '""., ' . , :,,\ ~" .. "." ~:.'" -" " , . . ,"',~' '~,' ' '. -" ,,' ," : .··~hqJlldXoU need to .di~cussantP6rtion ofthi~ lette~el~~se'co~tact m~ at (425}f~?-j~35.., ,,' ,,:. ,,' '., ' .. , , c '.' '.;" , ',' , C;;~tif2tM7'1 ,:. """".'.,, .'-' , . \ .. , , :,\' .. ' CameJ(o Olson :, .,.... . ... "', ' " ' :"," :"J?~;el{)r*~~t~enrices;~ian'i~~r~~:~:: .... :' "'" .•••• <>;,.\,,,;.' . , .' , , . ~', . . . .. ,' 'FKXE~T9:' :S.tephen )Voods, ~~i)t.er poihte'SilrYe)Tj!ig;:PAX#:. 25J-(iQl-7119;, ' .... ,_:i:~;il~e~iew1Go~b~~h~~:ats,~ob6\~inds:'~:eIISHPt~~~:~h~g~~~~~it~i~,:~t, :,> .', :' '~:"::", , ,,' ,',' "','i,' "",iOSS~:~~y\vaY-~~~i.i;~~~~~ijS5, '" "" "/' • "aE;N'F8~' . nlIt.. '." "', "" , " . . AH)tAD'i:,>F.T-HE' cIJ'RvE ". ,', ',' . , . ~ Tl1iSp~per!X>rit.!Ii~s50%·ii.cycleci;;:;~t(3rial~,300/~postConsumer " ,> " ,.; ,'., . .. .' DECLARATION: A PORTION OF THE NE CITY OF RENTON, KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. T1:fE.-Htffi'e:RSmqa:r-eWNI~t::OJE- DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDI ON THEREOF PURSUANT TO·RCW AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE T GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME. AND SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH THE FREE ONSE~~~INWITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR H AND SEALS. ,~~~,jl;~y~~<~e:=.:;''&ifb+~e. by: ·;~5;li~~·.~,~,evv~Si Kolin B. Taylor President-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation ":". ,4 .' WINDSTO Land Use Action Land Record ] 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 ( I{J] ACKNOWLEDG STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _____ -J ON THIS DA' THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTAR' DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWC ROBERT W. RUDDELL. AND SC Solomon V. Avzaradel treasurer-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Washington Federal Savings. a United States Corporation (OR PROVEN ON THE BASIS C THE SECRETARY AND THE TRE THE CORPORATION THAT EXEC AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAIn IN~ DEED OF SAID CORPOR! IN. AND ON OATH STATED ThAT 1 AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXE[ CORPORATION. by: its: APPROVALS: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2006. CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS WITNESS MY HAND AND ~ CERTIFICATE ABOVE WRITTEt From: To: Date: Subject: Carrie Olson Fries, Juliana; Watts, Neil 11/03/20062:11 :51 PM Re: Windstone II Short Plat Neil, I will proceed as you have directed. Thank you for your prompt reply and direction. The City Clerk has been notified to proceed with the right of way dediction on Consent Agenda as originally scheduled. Carrie . >>> Neil Watts 11/03/200612:45 PM »> Carrie . This project has already been approved as a short plat. After that approval we have revised our administrative procedures on counting tracts for platting purposes. However, this project has vested approval as a short plat, and needs to be recorded as such. It would not be appropriate to require processing of the project as a full plat at this late date. Please proceed with the right of way dedication as originally scheduled. Neil »> Carrie Olson 11/03/06 12:02 PM »> With a current review of Windstone II Project, Bob MacOnie determined that this project was incorrectly labeled a short plat rather than a plat. It is true that a short plat can include up to nine lots but this project also included an additional Tract A. Please see attached explanation and review. I have notified the City Clerk to pull the Deed of Dedication document scheduled to be read as part of the Consent Agenda at the Monday, November 6, 2006, Council Meeting. This dedication will take place when the plat mylar is presented to the Council for acceptance at a future date. Please process this mylar as requested. If you have questions, please contact Bob Mac Onie. Thanks. Carrie . cc: Fesser, Sonja; Kittrick, Kayren; MacOnie, Robert; Walton, Bonnie; Zimmerman, Gregg ", , . 1-" ',' , , .',,- lQ:' From:, ', __ 'Date:~.'· " '~ubjeCt:'., , ,.' . ", .- Clj.~/I~ RE~NTON·· , . '. ". '," . " .. I " , ,,' "1 . , ", '" (' .", . " '" '. ~ , "" ' .',' ~ , " " , " \ ,<0 " ~ • ; , MEMORANDUM' " . ~ . -, . '. . 'buneblson,:Pl~Review'·,." "'<.' .... , .. , ,"""'.' I' " I. " :La~en~e i. Wl:lITen, City Attorney ".. ".' ,- " 'October25; 2006:,' ,.' " . .'.; , " "" "OtfIcc of th~:Clty.' Attorilcy ,':' , ' ',: ' " Lawrcnec'J. Warl'Cn ' -" 'Scnioi' Assis'ta;lt City Attorneys' ','-, ,,' " , ',' 's ' " "Ma.,r~ lla'"l)er, ' I ZancHa, L. Fonles , , ' " ';. Assistant City Atto(ncys , "'" ' ,'Ann S. Nielsen .' ..... . • > , " : .. " ~ -'. , J'/ • r ~I · ~,'.' ~'~ , " Ga"~lon NcwsoiJl II . i,', " "Sha'vn,E.:Arlh~;I' ' " " ~, '," VI i .. vr"'1C1,,11ioII'''' . l'l E C Ie i V EJ)) OCf,,2{$ '20~~" , ',', :S,UILDING:OiV(SION : . ~ . ' . ;, \" , , ,Wiridstone Ii Short Plat~LU A04;-124, 'Deeds ofDedicatidn R~view ,'Wind'stpne iIISh~~ ~l~t,'LUAO~~ 136~sIiI;i;b~e~~:;QfDe~ica\i~n 'Review , ',,' ·.T.' • ' _'~~\:",.., • I ," ',t', < .. .' ,', -, ,. , ' 1 • ';~"\"'. ,t J, , .. ~ ,\.'. .. .'".". " '." " ' rlle'deed is'app~,oyed'asto"leg~ffo~',:~ is'the~~e(Lforwi~d~to~e:'1lI. I~ould pr((~Ume,unle$s,~, ',,, #lere is a specific question~' that I, do not need ,to revl~w'the' standard form de~(tof dedication .• The ',' ,'. :'oruy-rea. changeis~:'the l~g~s:aildI dol1'tcheckthose.' " " '" ',,' , " , , , .' . . ',.' . ~ '.)' . ~ , ' .. " :: 1" ';.' '''. .' '" • , .~ -f " , ":, .": . . ~. _. '~ _ > f' . " "'.'.' ' " .," . , J" , , " , ':':,' 'LJW:tmj, ' , Of',. cC:')ayCovmgion', ',' ' , " ' " ." " "Gregg Zirnniennari, PE ' .,' . " . ' 't· ., , .~. , " """ " :. ", " ',,1 . ~ : ' La~arren . ;. , -., . , " ' . "~ , '. ;~. '. .. I , .. .' . ~," "". -' ," , ---..... 0' ' ,-... ': " >'." . "," " .. , "-" . , : .. ", , ' , 't····· . ," '. " ( ~, ' ' .. ' , • f ~ .. " , " .J •• · " " " ",,' ~ ,'-"'~, ': · . ' ~~ \, , ", . ,:", , '. " -l ~, , r . \ ; " . . ; '.~ '. Submitting Data: Dept/Div /Board .. Staff Contact ..... . Subject: CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Planning/Building/Public orks . Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 AU: For Agenda of: November 6, 2006 Agenda Status Consent ............. . x Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Windstone IT Short Plat (LUA04-124) Resolution ..... ;.;>:":::~.t;. ~~~~~~~~~ll Old Business .. :.· ::.:1 ~~~~1:,~~~;'f~fl Exhibits: New Business ....... ::.t;i~~...-~:luo~""9"'~~. Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examinier's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/A Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept ........ . Finance Dept. .... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required. . . Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x X The area to be dedicated for additional right-of-way is 8,971 sq.ft. of land to create a cul-de-sac at the end of Mt. Baker Ave NE and a strip of land 161.58' x 12' wide (2,178.95 sq.ft) required for the minimum street widening of Nile Ave NE. and is a Hearing Examiner's condition of the Windstone II Short Plat, LUA04-124. Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats2006\Windstone II SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc .', COpy CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div /Board .. Staff Contact. ..... Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 I AI#: For Agenda of: November 6,2006 Agenda Status Consent ............. . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. . City of Renton code for. new short plats and the Ordinance ............ . Windstone II Short Plat (LUA04-124) Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examinier's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N / A Old Business ....... . New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept ........ . Finance Dept. .... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/ Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X The area to be dedicated for additional right-of-way is 8,971 sq.ft. of land to create a cul-de-sac at the end of Mt. Baker Ave NE and a strip of land 161.58' x 12' wide (2,178.95 sq.ft) required for the minimum street widening of Nile Ave NE. and is a Hearing Examiner's condition of the Windstone II Short Plat, LUA04-124. Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. ST AFFRECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. I:\PJanReview\COLSON\ShortpJats 2006\Windstone II SHPL OSm AGNBILL.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9035 Project File #: LUA-04-124-SHPL Street Intersection: NE 17th Street and Mt. Baker Avenue NE Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ " Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. KBS Development Corp. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2 ) A portion of the following described property: Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007. Situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. The Grantor, for and in considemtion of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Aooroved and Acceoted Bv: Grantor(s): KBS Development Corp. Grantee(s): City of Renton Kathy Keolker, Mayor Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk. INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASIllNGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ). I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 1 Revised 7-25-2006. Form 84 OOOllbh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ---:-_--:-_:_~-_:__:_:__::____:_-_:_-~~--signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)---'-____________ _ My appointrDent expires: ___________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ___ -:----::--__ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of ____ --', 20--, before me personally appeared ______________________ to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated thafhe/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires:, ____________ _ pated: 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 2 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit A Legal Description Project: Windstone II WO# PID GRANTOR: KBS Development Corp. Street: NE 17th St and Mt. Baker Ave NE Dedication description for 148th Avenue Southeast: AND The East 12 feet of Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, Filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007. Dedication description for Mt. Baker A venue Northeast: Commencing at the Southeast comer of Lot W of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0087, filed under King County Recording Number 20020702900007; thence North 87°49'15" West,along the South line of said Lot W, a distance of327.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 02°10'45" East, a distance of2.07 feet to the beginning ofa curve tangent to said line; ·thence Northeasterly a distance of 19.90 feet along the curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 15.00 feet and a central angle of 76°00'52" to a point of reverse curvature; thence Northwesterly a distance of279.89 feet along the arc of said curve to the South having a radius of 55 feet and a central angle of291 °34'19" to a point of reverse curvature; thence Southerly, a distance of 15.51 feet along the arc of said curve concave to the West having a radius of25.00 feet and a central angle of35°33'27"; thence South 02°10'45" West, tangent to said curve, a distance of23.48 feet to said South line of said Lot W; thence South 87°49'15" East, along the South line of said Lot W, a distance of 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington All situate in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. 1459 WS2 road dedication2.DOOdw Page 3 Revised 7-25-2006 Exhibit "B" Winds tone II Road Dedication N. LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF E 1/4 N21'52'52"E~ , S87'37'3S"E 16.20' (!MI·'H·.II?·F 427.39 . N25'lS'32"E 9.S2' N12'10'40" 29.24' N42'S4'49"E 7.0S' N6S'29~00"E 31.15' Lot W KC BLA # LOOL0087 Rec. No. 20020702900007 . ~I;'" N- tON NN . .... -o en 124.99' (125.00' Deed) SS7'49'OS"E 112.99 ' S43 '01'1S"E Road Dedication ~ 14.29' for MT BAKER AVE NE ~ l=248.46· t:.= 284'42'49" R=SO.OO' S10'4S'4S"E 3.20' L=13.00' b.= 29'47'58" R=2S.00' 1" 100' 507 '~O '16"E N02 '10' 45"E A.9S 190.88' 32.73 . .. . ,-rn~ ~~~,.n'.~·~ -----. ~ ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue Sout.h • Federal Way. WA. 98003 ~ ~ Pointe (253) 661-1901 to ~ Surveying .'! EXPIRES 05-23-2007 ~§§§wmannmm;z I' .... . ~ .. ..:,.: Minutes APPLICANT: CONTACT: OWNER: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARL"JG EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KI3S III LLC 12320 NE 8th Street. Stc., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineering 18215 72nd Avenue South Kent. W A 98032 Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune AWllue NW Ocean Shores. W A 98569 Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA 04-124. SHPL-I-L ECF 1727 Nile Avenue NE February 8 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision nf;1 3.6 ncr!! site. Development Scr .... icl!s Recommendation: Approve su~iect to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 28, 2004. punLlc HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application. field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the su~iect as follows: MINUTES Tile followillg mill utes are tlSIII1IIIlarJ' of lite Jail "ary 4, 2005 Itearing. Tile legal record is recorded Oil CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday. January 4. 2005. at 9:49 a.m. in the Council Chambers 011 the seventh floor of the Renton City I-Iall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow tile containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application. proof of posting_ proof of publication and other documentationJ~ .. crtil1ent to this request. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-I-I. ECF February 8.2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Pial Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No. Written comments by Ms. Donnelly Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Utility. Grading and Drainage Plan Exhibit No. ll: All Stolleridge I plats and short plats within the area The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala. Senior Planner. Development Services. City of R~l1ton. IOS5 S Grady Way, Renton. Washington 98055. Stoneridge II is also known as Windslone II beciluse there are four different plats in this area. Stoneridge I was platted in King Coullty and the final pint is now wilh City of Renton ae; it was allIu:xed in. The applicant is now changing Ihe name of all the developl11clIIs 1(1 \villdsltllll·. This plat is located in the eastern portion of the City ofRcntoll. It contains nine lots and one tract and is located to the \\,\:sl of Nile AVellue NE and Ilorth orNE Sunset Boulevard. as it is in the City of Renton. when it moves into King County il is known as the Renton/Issaquah Road or State Route 900. This development is vested under the development regulations of the R-5, it currelltly is 7.oned R-4 effective November 10, 2004. t-\pproximately Olll' mile 11011h (If the sitl' is l\·lay C'n::l:k. tlll:n.' is also :1 tributary or IVlay Cn:l'k, Greene' s Creek. that rUlls Ihrough the sul:!.icC'1 site. There is :II1UIlIlHrncd tribulary 011 the site which flows inlll Greene's Creek and then flows into tVlay Creek. There are wetlands 011 site as well. . There is:1I1 existing single-tumily development to the west of the site :lIld was built under the R-8 zone. The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with. J 2 measures. An appeal was tiled and later withdrawn. The subject site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed site does meet all the requirements of the land usc, housing and environmental elements ofllie Comprehensive Plan that are applicable to the RLD within the City of Renton. The net density after all deductions have been taken is 2.84 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size. width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. Existing buildings located on the site arc proposed to be removed. The proposal's compliance with building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building penn its. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are generally at right angles to street lines. All lots would have access to pubic roadways. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via a 20-foot wide shared driveway. All lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations, A 12-toot right-of-way dedication is required for Nile Avenue NE. As well, street improvements along the frontages of Road A (Mt. Baker Avenue NE) and Nile Avenue NE are required, including pavement, sidewalks. and City of Renton streetlights prior to recording of the final short plat. Stoneridgc II Shon Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SIIPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 3 As p3l1 of the Stoncriugc I dcvclopnlenl. platted under King County. secondary access was required and is now under construction. The secondary access (emergency only) comcs frol11 the west through the existing single- family development from NE 161h Strect to NE 17lh Slreet. Prior to approval of this short plat. the secondary access 10 both Stoneridge I and IImlist be completed. StaffrecOlllll1ends the establishment ofa maintenance agreement for all common improvements. There are streams and wetlands located on the sitc. Greene's Creek in the eastern portion of the Sh0l1 plat and the tributary on the west portion. These streams/drainage courses are noted to provide a 2S-foot buffer from the ordinary high w:ller mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be penllitted within these buffers. Discussion was had rcgarding the tree cutting plan and why more trees were not being saved. It was stated that there could be the possibility of saving some trees. Lot 4 was discussed, other larger trees seem to be located within the building pad areas and would have to be removed. Staff is recommcnding Ihat two new trees per lot be included as part of each individual lot as a condition of short plat approval. Fire, Traffic and j\'litigUlk\1l Fees arc proposed. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISO impact f~cs. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. A preliminary slorm drainngc report was submitted, the system was designcd to mect Levcl 3 standards for water f'Or water (lwllilY rind dclelllioll. RunotT collected from Lots 1-7 and Mt. Baker Avenue NE would be by catch basins :lI1d pipe cllllveyallce system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from LOIS 8 :lnd 9 and the frontage improvements to Nile Avenue NE would be collected ill a similar fashion and drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of new Lot 9_ The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90. A Certificate of Water Availability has been obtained. An 8-ineh sewer main is being installed as part of Stone ridge I. This sewer main is proposed to be stubbed to the access road· of the subject short plat which a sewer main extension along this new road will be required. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 7 conditions. Wayne Potter, £3arghausen Engineers. 18215 nnd Ave S. Kent, WA 98032 stated that he would like to provide several clarifications. first the question of the west property linc. At the timc that K£3S Development Corporation was developing Stoneridge I in King County, there was an agreement between the property owners. Virginia Luck. to only sell a portion of her properties_ At that time the agreement was lhut she only wanted to sell the west hal f on the side of that tributary and to follow the required buffer. A houndary line adjustment was processed that would allow a cOl11plet~ application to be submitted to King County. Since then. Mrs. Luck entertained the idea of selling this parcel as well and that is why they are here today. They concur with st:tfT's recoll1mendations for this plat, however. he would like to clarify a couple of matters. . \ Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SIIPL-H, ECF February 8, 20()5 Page 4 First. it w~s indicated that there was a 35-foot buffer requirement along Greene's Creek which is correct, however, If yo II look :It conditions 8 and 9 of SEPA the 35-foot increase is for Greene's Creek, the 25-foot would remain for the unnamed tributary and the wetlands. Ms. Fiala stated that that was correct. Second. with respect to Plat Condition 2. :1 demolition permit has heen obtained and all clearing of buildings has taken place onlhe site. As pal1 of Stoneridge I severnl huildings were demolished. the existing structure on this particular plat was in disrepair amI there were concerns, so a demolition permit was obtained and the existing home was removed as well. There are no structures on the site. With regards to trees, he stnted that he was no expert. but during the last 17 year of construction when mass grading is done, quite a hit of material will be moved on site. A lot of times \vhen trees are moved or material is brought in. then problems arise once the houses are Imilt the property owners tire concerned that the trees will blow down on their homes. Quite a few trees :Ire being len on site within the buffer. The site will be providing street trees and landscaping. They will \\ork with slalTdllring the huilding st:lge to properly address those trees. Regarding the road extension to the north. the property owner to the north is Mr. Wolf and they have contracted with him and thai application will come hefore the Hearing Examiner as Windstonc Ill. The dash line is placed on the exhibit as requested by starr to see how the conllt!ction wOllld take place. There is a lot of grr.de change from east to west, NE 17''' Strect required climhing a hill ilnd that is why you sec the design provided here. This is a possible connection, exactly how that connectioll is going to happen is uncertain, but as those properties do develop that is olle potential. There is currently a driveway that crosses Greene's Creek that has been there for years and how tvlr. Wolf maintains his property. Finally, just to clarity Ih~lt Stollcridgc I which is currently ullder c\lI1~lruction is not helon: the Hearing Examincr today and that <Ill)' opposition or comments tod .. y nrc to be specifically towards the plat that is before the EX<lminer today. Claudia Donnelly, 10415 1471h A vc. SE. Renton. W A 98059 stated that Green· s Crcek runs through her property and she has sOllie concerns. Her property is approximately 500 feet north of Ihe Sloneridge development and Stoneridge II. She brought some pictures of damage being done to the Creek. She was present to try to protect her property and the fish in May Creek. There is a state law that says that downstream property O\\llers cannot have their propelty harmed by upstream developmeJlt. and she is seeing harm happcning. May Creek is the home of 3 species of salmon, at a 200 I hcaring before the King County Hearing Examiner, the developer's experts stated that they had found CI Chinook spawning bed 0.9 river miles downstream from where Greene's Creek enters May Creek. With all the recent muddy yellow water going downstream. she is sure that the Chinook spawning bed is now destroyed. On December 8, she sent a letter to Renton City Clerk asking to be able to see the Stoneridge II file along with some other documents. She received a reply on December 17 and visited City lIall on December 22. She saw some documents from the original Stone ridge file and the Windstone III file. She .. sked ahout the Stoneridge II tile. she was not given the opportunity to view that tile. She was informed yesterday that she could ask questions at the hearing today, she felt she could not ask (IUestions due to not knowing what the developer had submitted in his reports. There are many concerns of dirty storm water coming down the stream and clearing without the proper pennits. During the summer of2004. KBS cleared the property that will comprise the Stoncridge development. there is an erosion hazmd site located on this property. On August 23 she found gobs of mud in the streambed located on her property. She talked to Jason Jordan about the situation. he noted that KBS had called and stated that Ihe detention pond had broken. spilling water down Greene's Stream. Jason statcd that the City had given KBS until . that Friday to fix the problem or the development would be red tagged. On August 25 she noted yellow water .Stoncridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-H. ECF February 8, 2005 Page 5 coming Greene's Stream. She called Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, King County Surface Water Management, and May Valley Environmental Council seeking help. Later that day a tish and Wildlife officer came out and said that something needed to be done. She went to the development and stopped the water from coming down. A sample was taken to Jason (she showed a bottle of water from that day). The Examiner asked if that was relevant to this project. They did have a detention pond break and that may explain some of the problems. He checked on the conditions imposed by the ERC. He asked if she had some objections to this specific plat or the conditions that staff recommended. Concerns about the prior development may be taken to the appropriate agencies including the City of Renton. This plat before us today must meet the various storm water requirements, which apparently it does. Obviously there have been some mistakes and hopefully those have been corrected. Uefore uS today is the ninc-Iot plat that is different than the other plats. Ms. Donnellv stated that she requested to see the file and she was denied the access. Ms. Fiala sl<ltcd Ihat il \\<15 her beJiefthm the lile was in anotheroflice gelling ready lor scnding to the Hearing Examiner's office, and those at the front counter at that time did not know it was back there. The Examiner stated that he was aware of her concern for the creek. He was not clear as to what conditions King County imposed on the previous development and that is not within his jurisdiction. If DOE or FIsheries have concerns, they can intervene and the City ean also help. The schedule was checked, Ms. Donnelly will be given the opportunity to look at the file and review the information that is in the liJe for this short plat. Mr. Potier staled thaI they had no problems ,,·ith allowing j\·ls. Donnelly to review the information. He did question iflhis was a new public hearing where new witnesses could present or is the hearing extension going to be limited to information that Ms. Donnelly has after reviewing the liIe? The Examiner stated that he could not deny her an expert witness after reading the information, to respond to or ask questions about the ;ssue. A whole series of new witnesses will not be allowed to come in. other than those that might address the concerns raised, at the point we are dealing with storm drainage, Greene's Crel~k, and the buffers. Juliana Fries, Development Services stated that as part of Stoneridge J there is a culvert along 1481h Avenue SE that is King County right-of-way, King County is requiring the current 24-inch culvert to be upgraded to a 36- inch culvert. The Cityof Renton's requirement is to make sure that the high water mark on Greene's Creek will mark where the 35-foot buffer should begin. Ms. Donnelly will have her written comments to the Examiner's office on January 1),2005 by 5:00 p.m. Mr. Potter will have one week from January I) to have his written response to the Examiner. The record will be held open for the Examiner's review of the written comments. Ali Sadr. Barghausen Engineers, 182 I 5 72nd Ave. S., Kent, WA 98032 stated that he did the design for the storm drainage system. It was known that there was a potential problem down stream and that's why the water control facility was designed for this project. · \ Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-II. ECF February 8, 20()S Page 6 The EX:lluiner called for further testimony regarding this prqject. There was no onc else wishing to speak, and no further commcnts from staff. The hearing closed at 9:48 H.Ill. FINDINGS. CONCI.USIONS & RECOMMENDA"nON Having reviewed the record in this maller, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant. Wayne Polter, Barghausen Engineers. 'iled a requcst for a nine-lot short plat. 2. The yellow file containing thc staff report. the StHtc Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documcntation and other J)Cninent nlllieriais was entered into the record :IS Exhibit #!. 3. The Environmental Review COlllmittee (ERC), the City's responsible ollicin! issued a Determination of Non-SignificMce -Mitigatcd (DNS-M). 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 1727 Nile Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the west side of Nile about a block north of Sunset Boulevard NE and south ofNE 20th Street (SE 104th Street in King ("oullty). 6. The map elcment of the Comprehensive Plan designates the .. rea in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of low-density residential devclopmelll, but does not mandate such development without considerat ion of other policies of the Plan. 7. The sll~iect site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family -4 dwelling units/ncre). The applicant submitted the application while the subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family -5 dwelling units per acre) and has a right to have the application considered under that categorization. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 3.6 acres or approximately 158.259 square feet. The subject site is irregularly shaped and is approximately 560 feet wide (east to west) by 300 feet deep. 10. The subject site slopes downward to the northwest. Two streams, Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek. and an unnamed creek. a tributary to Greene's Creek, cross the subject site. Greene's Creek runs at a diagonal across the east third of the subject site. The unnamed creek runs along the western margin of the subject site. Their confluence is north of the subject site. In addition to the creeks. there are two wetlands. A Category 3 wetland. a regulated wetland. that will be protected. is located adjacent to the westerly unnamed creek. The second wetlllnd. an unregulated wetland. will also be protected since it lies within the Greene's Creek buffer. II. The site was logged a few years ago and the re-growth is mainly small alder and shrubs. Trees in the wetland and creek areas would be retained. The rest of the site would be cleared for allow devclopment of building pads. roads and driveways. .Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124. SHPL-H. ECr February 8, 2005 Page 7 12. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into nine lots that would range in size from approximately 8,903 square feet to 18,565 square feet. There would also be a tract, Tract A, located in the northwest corner of the site that ""'ould contain the storm water facility and a portion of sensitive area. Seven of the nine lots would be arrayed around a central cul-de-sac, proposed Mt Baker Avenue NE. Proposed Lot 8 wOllld have a access directly Ollt to Nile Avenue while Proposed Lot 9 would have a pipestem access to Nile. 13. The applicant proposes extending a cul-de-sac north from NE 17th Street into the subject site. It would provide access to Proposed Lots I to 7. Nile would provide access to Proposed Lots 8 and 9. 14. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has imposed an impact fee of $2,937.00 for each new single-f.'unily lot constructed in the Issaquah district under RMC 4-1-160C. 15. The density for the pial would be 2.84 dwelling units per acre after subtracting sensitive areas such as the creek. \\\:1 lands alld the roadways. 16. The development will' increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 90 trips for the 9 single-family homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips. or approximately 10 additional peak hour trips will he genermed inlhe morning and evening. J 7. The subject site will utilize two stormwater control systems. The main portion of the site will drain to the northwest and Tract A. Proposed Lots 8 and 9 will use a wet vault located on Proposed Lot 9. Stornl\vater will be subject to a Level 3 Control regime which is the strictest. The project will also be subjl!l.:l in gencnal to the 1998 King Coullty Storl1lwater Manual as well as the DCPaJ11llCIlI of Ecology's standards regarding. erosion control. 18. The development of adjacent property by this applicant uppurently did create erosion and storm water problems downstream. It appears that during II storm event the temporary detention and erosion control systems did not perform fully. The City also reports that some of the noted problems may have been caused by additional third party property even further upstream. 19. Sewer service will bc extended to serve the subject site. Domestic water will be provided by Water District 90. 20. The appl icant wi II be required to dedicate 12 feet along the eastern edge of the subject site to allow the widening of Nile Avenue NE. CONCLUSIONS: J. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant will be protecting the creeks and wetlands on the su~icct site assuring the preservation of the natural features of this property. The proposed density of2.84 acres complies with the Zoning Code's R-5, the zoning that was vested, as well as the current R-4 zoning. 2. While there have been downstream problems with sediment, it appears that the proposed development will be subject to the 1110st stringent storm water development regulations. That should protect both the creeks that flow through the subject site as well as downstream water bodies. The City found the stornnvater analysis appropriate and the ERe imposed a series of mitigation measures in addition to the code-reqll ired mcasures. · l Stoneridge /I Short Plat File No.: lUI\-04-J24, 51-JPl-H. ECF February 8, 2005 PageS 3. The applicant will be offsetting impacts to the roadways, emergency services and parks by paying the mitigation Ices associated with single-family development. In this case, the applicant will also be paying an impact fee to onset impacts on the Issnquah School District. 4. The development of this site will increase the tax base of the City. It will also provide additional housing choices and in this case, choices with environmental amenities closel" associated with most of the proposed lots. - 5. In conclusion, the proposed short plat appears to be an appropriate division and usc of the .mbject site. DECISION: The short plat is approved subject to the follO\\iing conditions: I. The applicant shall comply with thc conditions imposed by the ERC. 2. Lot K shnllutilize the 20-foot private nccess easement that also pnwides ;lccess to Lot 9. A note shall be placed on the face orlhe linal short plat stating this requirement. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services. 3. A twelve-foot right-or-way dedication is required along the short plat's frontage with NiJe Avenue NE. The dedication shall occur at the time of final recording of the short plat. 4. Prior to recording orthe Stoneridge II Short Plat. the dedication of the access road through Stoneridge I (lUA 04-046, FP) and associated improvements of the rond shall be completed if Stollcridge I is nul yet recorded. S. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short pial in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for:.11 shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the final short plat prior to recording. 6. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all lots within the short pIal. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 7. Prior to recording the short plat, the dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge I. LUA 04-046, FP) to the existing downstream public sanilllry sewer system shall be required, if not yet in place. 8. The dedication along Niles 1\ venue NE shall be forwarded to the City Council. Stoneridge II Shorl Pial File No.: LUA-04-124. SIIPL-H, ECF February 8, 2()05 Page 9 ORDERED THIS Xlh day of Fe bru<I ry 2005 FRED J. KA HEARING E TRANSM ITTED TH IS 811t day of February 2005 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton. W A 98055 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 18215 n"d Ave S Kent. \VA 98032 Claudia Donnell" 10415 14th Ave'SE Renton. W A C)80,9 Ali Sadr Barghausen Engineers 18215 nnd Ave S Kent, \VA 98032 TRANSMITTED nils SIlt day of February 2005 to the following: Mayor K~lthy Kcolker-Whcelcr Stan Engler. Fire Chad Annour 6500 I 261h Ave SE Bellevue. \VA 98006 J:tv Covin!.!loJl. Chid ;\d'llillislraliH' Olliccr -~ . . Julia rvlcdzl!giall. t~lllllll:il Liaison Larry Warren. Cily Allorncy Larr~ i\kckling. Building Oflidal Phlllning Commission Transportation Division Gregg Zimmerman. PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker. Development Services Utilities Divisioll Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin. Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8. Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or hefure 5:1111 p.III •• Fcbruan' 22, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambigllolls or based on erroneous procedure. errors of law or fact. error in judgment. or the discovel)' of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing lIlay make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner'S decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may. after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8. Section 110, which requires that Stich appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specitied requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department. first floor of City Hall. An appeal 111 list he tiled in writing on or hefore 5:00 p.m •• Febrmll"y 22. 20115. If the Examiner's ReCf)lIl1l1Cllliatioll 01' Decision contains the rC(luiremcnt for l{estJ"icth'c Covenants, the CXt'cuted CO\"clIlIllts will he rcquired prior to appro"~lJ b" City COllncil or lillal prol"l~ssillg ()f the lite. You may cont:u:t this office fill' illfol'lllation on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land usc decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may 1I0t communicate in \ Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8. 2005 Page 10 private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications conc~rtlil~g the proposal must be made in public. This public communication pennits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them 10 openly rebullhe evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies 110t only to thc initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~­§~ si ~ ~~ " ~~ ~. UD: !I~ V~ II~ J.:I ~~, I ! ............ ~ , -110' ,w, T 032305-9159 't .'0\&) 032305-9047 ,1.1' A<! .-, , , I • I I , I ... __ , r------,. -.-~ l' I' ...... -.. -.. ,.-_..... , I' " , ••••• ~ \. •••• .!{)323(iS .-.......... \ \ .xl \-..... , .. ,,..~046 _. __ ~." •• \ \ !1~~Ac.J \ , \. '.,,' ,"' .. " .,. .. QlQOCUnY ary QllIIEIiTCH 032305-9014 II ... .., I . I I I \ omoe 5210 _ ... --_._--.. .,-.. "----.. -- ... _ .... 't \ I '<. I " : I I \' \~ ..... 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I --. ,'. ." ... scoee NOJDHHS'tM '3VaTEJl 0CIt :u.ns "JS H1J :nI ~ HOUwo.AJO:) ~ S8lI -:.. -\", <: ""------=-.. ,. .. ~-' _, '\., ---I , --~ -.;:---g. ...... -~- :i ~ III ... i j ~~ - ~ ~if ~~~ "~ ~ ~!I ~ rs !I ~ ~:tfj rIl~ ~ ~ i ~ •.. , ..... : :!r: .' . a a • ~.. -.... : . . . ~.. .. ~ _!. ...0 UIJ .. , ! a I J • • • r ~ ;. I I ~ cJ ; 4tfJ! 0!8l ., f 'I i a 1_ il ,q; !~~ I ,. 1" ft-• fa ;1 il J . i I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: "" .. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 23,2006 Larry Warren, City Attorney Carrie Olson, Plan Review, x~7235 Windstone II Short Plat, LUA04-124 DEEDS OF DEDICATION REVIEW AS TO FORM Attached for your review is the Deed of Dedication required for the Windstone II Short Plat. Please review as to legal form. This.document is not fully executed, but will be by the time of recording. Our target date for acceptance by Council is November 6, 2006. Please review and return comments to me as soon as possible. Thanks. Cc: Yellow File 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Windstone n SHPL 04m AttomeyDeedReview.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 23, 2006 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 WINDSTONE II SHORT PLAT LUA04-124-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Deed of Dedication • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: ___________ ,'--__________ ,Date: ___ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone ii shpl 03m ts review & pr closeout.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC· WORKSDEP ARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 23, 2006 Juliana Fries, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review WINDSTONE II SHORT PLAT LUA04-124-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Deed of Dedication • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accented Related Comments. NA Y.. . Project#s '7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements Y.. Utilities Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Y.. Square Footage: 8,971.31 MtBaker Ave NE 2,178.95. Nile Ave NE Restrictive Covenants Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond 0 Comments: Approval: ________________________ :, Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Juliana Fries Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone ii shpl 03m ts review & pr closeout.doc ! ;,:, 2VJJ~I[ill~~JIII ;:', .~~. . .' .. ~ " ....:: \:: .... /' ~~R Jt~Itl?ING RETURN TO CENTRE POINTE AFC 78.1'1' PAGEelU OF eel ;Celltre p.9.irte Su~~ying, Inc. ". .i' 3370 1 9th Avenue.·South >,. .,,/' Flide~fwai, WA'98Q03""""::' 1'9/14/21'86 11:18 .., •••• vi' " :.:' .: .~; •• ,/ ~::: • ICING COUNTY. WI . ' :," .. :/' A~;loAVlib·;":;;~R CORRECTION OF SURVEY .:' ,;':. ,: :. ,( ";~' ...••• ' ...... , .... \ .. ::. " ,',.' .:'.{ ":': / ....... ;.,/ :: (~. ,/: /':) ./ i:.·~i/ ./ /\:" GRANTOR/:.Su'RVEYOR~:NonI~li·E. La.rSCih.:bRANTEE: PUBLIC LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T.23N·.,R;5E.,J;EC. 3, N~",~, ·SEM. , W.M. GOV. LOT, D:~:·~~·s,:,~~at.lothl a.6~~~~Y LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LOOL0089 .. ~ .:' .:' .;' ,: .~. I Nonnan E. Larson, be~~g .. kt 4~y s£09{on:~,oatb:"d~ose anJ~~ that I am a Professional Land Surveyor, that I made a ~ey,6f land tbr;Lot W ofJqng ~iy Boundary Line . Adjustment No. LOOL0089 whlclt. d.6cupien~:w~ re96*d o.n ~:7rta day of July, 2002, under . Auditor's File Number 20020702900~7, R~cofds ¢ Kin~gou6ty ·f.tecorder's Office, Seattle, Washington, said document being a B6Q~ Lin.e AdjuSfutt,lnt. }I'hapheJ;C being a minor survey, spe~H~g, mathematical or drafting' errQr, ot"Qnytted ~f~t~'whiCiid,o.es not "h~y way mate~allY:'~bvert the approval of the orig,inal docWnlitt bi c~91g.10f~s ~ ~'to effect zo~g appI'Qvals, easements, conditions of appr6vaf of tfuce~t:Oitd$ys)he ;iffiaiit approveS the follo~jng change to the aforementio'rieci' re~rditig ~s· folio~~ :i,fr' To Wi~: oi:~~ts 2;and 3, the distance along the north::li~{Of~t:;W,:~tef!::~·5l39./:ShOUld read.f 427,~9·. ,i :: '\:. " ... ,,' :.i::'" ./' ~" / ,/ '~ ~'s~h'~~ ~"/U,r., ;: ::' ./ .:: .:~: ':',. License Numbei::.23:3If,' ,./~ .. /;' :::::'1:0,\.,:"/' .~.""'" ... ;. >:" '.\.".:,'\, STATE OF WASHINGTON~.. '.'):' ; .......... ",,) County of King .' On this day personally appeared before ~e N~~,·~.iars.6fi'·'~ md:k'il<>wn to be the individual/corporation described in and %.9·~~ecufe'tthe .Withi.O and foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that he signed the sarii~ a$' hli'fre~:'an,rvol¢1tQry a~t and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. ':'.::' /. .":' .::: .::' .:j .;.'. ,"""."""':::. . Given'-my Imnd and offieW -the 13th daY'.~,5) \ "'>"" S~';:".~':':;·:","····"':' Notary Public,.iIi a6,d for ~e'Sy(te';of ... ' .;., ....... "::. Washington residi#g ai';'Bticldey: /"'.,\. /,,/ i My Commission expjres Jaq/~O, 2Q(J7,:: ;" )' .. ::,;"', .•.. ,'/ .. ,:' .f ./:: /. '\-':";;: J' ~/ .\\:. .:." ,," /: .,/,t; .. ,· .: ..•.. :.:' ,',' '",'. :(jIT¥':6F'{:~:N~ON""";:,·, ::\'< "." .'j".':'" ,.... '::'~~ '::.~~< ·.:~,i~g~BuHd~~i~til~.\yotks. '. ". ..•... }~:.~ ;,.:, .' '.' "':1055,South Grady .. Way' -: J~e'ntQQWasfii'ngt9n :;98055":-".,. -;",\'~, "', .. ~ .. '.~ . ':'.'".'~1 . . . :. , ' \'. .. ,:' '.-.~ "I'::. ( .', r':, ...,' ..... ',,>. c' .: .. :'", .. ,.-RETURN TO SENDER ,: ..... ". ' .. , " . :" '.'? r -'. ATTEMPTED -NOT KNOWN ,!··o~,:;·,·' ~ ... /. .~" ~";'::<.~<.::"::.~:::, . ,' ... :/., ",,">::~~ Be: ge05?~::=~: TO :::::~~;150;1-02-37 .. '", .. :' '~~~ .. '. :~;. :~~\;,/;.':~~/: .. .<~ ,::'~,"~;f~'~:::'~~~~~}'~~'b~:;!~~~-:':~''-' 11,1"1,,1,11,,,,1,1,11111,,1 I", I, , "I I 111111) 1'/11 1,11111 J II " .. ~:'Ji;;;p8perCOnta~50%~~::3O"/.~~r.. o.-;·r" .' ".' ~';"',-'--"'--;r-.-. ":':,' c KathyKeolker. ~ayor" . September 1, 2006 . Stephen Woods, P.L.S. P.O. Box 4416 Federal Way WA 98063-4416 CITY' >..iF RENTON· Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmernian P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: WiNDSTONE II SHORT PLAT LUA-04-124 Dear Mr. Woods: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following cohlments have been returned. Please review these comments and in*e the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short 'plat drawings and any other related documents~ SHORTPLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: . 1. Contact luliima Fries, rianReviewer, at 425-43Q~7278, for:requireme~ts to be completedonth~ ~iViI construction portion 'to' your project. Other misc: coinments from Juliima are as follows: 1. Show '. stream location. 2. Stream ~uffer needs to"beWit4~' a NGPA :.... include language' on face of shOrt ·plat. 3. Drainage c::asemerit not allowed' wlthirithe NGPA (buffer). 4. Remove language under stream buffer "per engineering plans';. '. . . 0 2. Note the City of Renton land record number; LND;.io~0396, on the short plat submittal in' the spac~s, already provided (upper right-hand corner, of each of the three'submittal sheets). In addition" 'add . ",-SHPL" at the end of the "LUA" number in saId right-hand corner. Ip the ,center title block (upper center of Sheets 1 and 2 of3), remove the "W' that.is noted at the end of the land use action number, · but do add said land record number in the spaces'provIded; . ' , , 3. The "LEGEND" noted on Sheet 3 of 3' notes'a 'symbol representing what ~as set at the new lot .. comers. Said symbol is not currently shown'ont,heshortplat drawIng. 4. The first entry under the "DocuMENTS OF RECORD" block is missing the ending "O"in the " ~ecording number (pet Chicago Title InsuranceCo~ Plat Certificate, OrderNo; 1171741, dated June · 1,2006). Review and.revise as needed." 0 5. The fifth item under said block (preVious paragraph). refers to an Agreement (Imd terms and conditions) recorded under King ,County Rec. No. 2Qoio807000279 and 20020807000280. The ti!ie· report: does not include said recording numbers. under the "EXCEPTIONS'" section of said ~titl,e report. ' , " 6. The combined length ofthenorthlinesofTract "A" arid Lots 3, 4 and 9 of the s~bject shortpIat (also being the north litie of Lot' "W" of the underlYing property n9ted in the legal ~escription; as created · via King County BoUndary Line Adjustment No.LOOL0089), notes,an incorrecr length. NOTE: Sa~d' Lot Line Adjustmerit also notes an incorrect length; bur not the same one as iHloted :ori the short plat. I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2006\Windstone II SHPL 02L ChangeR~qiie;tSt~~.do~ " ',~, .' ~' ----------'--.. -.' "'-10-;'5-'5 -So-u-th-a-r'-ad-"y-W-a-y-'--R-en-to-n-, --~-aS-h-in-'gt-on-.·' ·-9---,80-5-5 ------R E N T O'~ ~ • • o· -., AHEAD,OF THE CURVE' \:tI This paper contains 50% recycled material; 30% post consumer - }>age 2 September), 2006 . ~, , 7.' See, the attachnlertt for. the addressing, information; . fuseit the addresses in the spaces already pm-yided on each ofthepropos(:410ts. ". ,., , . ~ . ., ., . - 8 .,.N~te whether the :pr~pertyto the, northeast ,of thesubj eh short ,plat is platted (give 'plat 'name'~md lot , , il~tit~er) or unplatted. " ','," , ' " ' " , , " '" ' . ' ' '9; , Thesecong paragraph'ncitedunder the "DECLARATION"block.is, a repeat Of what is not¢din the', , " "DECLARATIoN OFCOVENANt",block, onthe.samedrawing, sheet Review and revise as" , ':needect ',' ' 1& The "DECLARATION" statement, ascurrentlY'shoWIl,isinconiplete. Review and revise 'asneeded: :. . . . -... , . . -'. . : . .'" '1 i. Isthe,dniinage,~asement overthe northerly andeast~tly:portion ofproposed:{.,ot 9, private orpuhlic? ' , ,:Note oiHhe drawing. " ", ' . \' .' . . CarrieK. oison Deyelopment Services, Plan ReVie~>:,""" :', , , '~ FAXED TO: Stephen Woods.<,:enter Poiitte'S!Jl"VCyingi"'~'XJ 253-661-7719.' .' S .~ ;'-", -" : .. ,",;.,"." . . '. ,.". ,~.. . . • I • . .. '.' : ... ,:-; .. . ,.,~. . \,. ",-, . ····'L . i .. ,,' ': . ~. , " , " ': . ~. : . i,:' . " ,,~', :'. , ~, hl:?f=1E:e,~ lJ...lq ~·',~I . . )~.r' .11 ' ... ..,.. ~-.,.-Flr -~ , . --' .-;:==-, /" _ I L. \. .' • I J lU' --" -10· deciduo",:, t I--l /" / ~l 'I I ,,-'\ ...,."'.u.~ ""-)6 ! ~ .-::-/ / \. >l.§2' " ~ . +,6 ,/' ",-.-"" 17 ,,<::::: ?no" ,! \: /",-/' / ~ ,,I .At .... ,/")\V ..... ,{ .... " .... \ r>:-.... \/ r-'-< .J \ ........ --, \ h ...., / ,/ i Pa O'-j-i2 'f .\ .. , From: "Simone Oliver" <simone@altoliver.com> To: Date: "Juliana Fries" <jfries@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Laureen Nicolay" <Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us> Wednesday, August 02, 2006 1 :56:43 PM Subject: Work & Tree Cutting in Parklane Court Plat "Wetlands" Juliana and Laureen, Since construction began in June, I have been conducting regular, on-site reviews of the wetland mitigation construction at Parklane, and re-visited the site yesterday to ensure nothing has changed. The site looks very good -all the grading within the wetland mitigation areas is complete, habitat features have been placed and construction has begun on the perimeter wall outside the buffer area. I would be happy to review the site with either of you (or Andrea) if you have any additional concerns. Otherwise, planting should commence this fall 1 early winter and when everything is complete, I will let you know and we can review the site at that time. Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions. Simone Oliver Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC 425.333.4535 simone@altoliver.com www.altoliver.com -------Original Message----- From: Juliana Fries [mailto:jfries@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 6:40 AM To: bniemann@specializedhomes.com Cc: Andrea Petzel; Jennifer Henning; Laureen Nicolay Subject: Fwd: Work & Tree Cutting in Parklane Court Plat "Wetlands" Good morning Bob, We need an assessment of the work in the wetland by a biologist (I left you a voice message yesterday). Helshe can e-mail Laureen or myself with their findings. If any work has been done inside the area to be protected, the biologist should also include mitigation measures. Please see e-mail below. Thank you Juliana »> Laureen Nicolay 07/31/06 3:31 PM »> Hi, before she went home ill, Andrea received an email from a neighbor expressing concern about tree cutting etc. I looked into this just a little for her. Status: Final wetland mitigation plan was approved in January. Construction permit has been issued. Final plat application is probably a couple months aways yet. . '~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ~~ ~ o~ PLANNING/BUILDING/ ~o,..r~. ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~U'~~1-~ () "'~~ ~~..z.. MEMORANDUM ~ July 25, 2006 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services ~ Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 L)L/ WINDSTONE SHORT PLAT LUA04-124-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance ? • Deed of Dedication -SEE ~ ow ~~ . V- • Lot Closures. • Plat Certificate • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: __________ , ___________ ,Date: ___ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File , i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone ii shpl Olm ts review & pr c1oseout.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 23, 2006 Carrie Olson Sonja J. FesserJ% Windstone Div. II, LUA-04-124-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal, and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land record number, LND-20-0396, on the short plat submittal in the spaces already provided (upper right-hand comer of each of the three submittal sheets). In addition, add "_SHPL" at the end of the "LUA" number in said right-hand comer. In the center title block (upper center of Sheets 1 and 2 of 3), remove the "H" that is noted at the end of the land use action number, but do add said land record number in the spaces provided. The "LEGEND" noted on Sheet 3 of 3 notes a symbol representing what was set at the new lot comers. Said symbol is not currently shown on the short plat drawing. The first entry under the "DOCUMENTS OF RECORD" block is missing the ending "0" in the recording number (per Chicago Title Insurance Co. Plat Certificate, Order No. 1171741, dated June 1,2006). Review and revise as needed. The fifth item under said block (previous paragraph) refers to an Agreement (and terms and conditions) recorded under King County Rec. No. 20020807000279 and 20020807000280. The title report does not include said recording numbers under the "EXCEPTIONS" section of said title report. The combined length of the north lines of Tract "A" and Lots 3, 4 and 9 of the subject short plat (also being the north line of Lot "W" of the underlying property noted in the legal description, as created via King County Boundary Line Adjustment No.LOOL0089), notes an incorrect length. NOTE: Said Lot Line Adjustment also notes an incorrect length, but not the same one as it noted on the short plat. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plnts\0396\RV060823.doc August 31, 2006 Page 2 See the attachment for the addressing information. Insert the addresses in the spaces already provided on each of the proposed lots. Note whether the property to the northeast of the subject short plat is platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The second paragraph noted under the "DECLARATION" block is a repeat of what is noted in the "DECLARATION OF COVENANT" block, on the same drawing sheet. Review and revise as needed. The "DECLARATION" statement, as currently shown, is incomplete. Review and revise as needed. Is the drainage easement over the northerly and easterly portion of proposed Lot 9, private or public? Note on the drawing. Comments for the Project Manager: The "UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE:" block, on Sheet 2 of 3, includes text concerning a "VAULT EASEMENT". Is this pertinent to this short plat? If not, have the applicant remove said text from the block. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0396\RV060823.doc\cor DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM July 25, 2006 Juliana Fries, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Revie~ rJ . Carrie Olson, Plan Review u./ WINDSTONE SHORT PLAT LUA04-124-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Letter of Compliance • Deed of Dedication • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acce~ted Related Comments NA Y.. Project#s "7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements Y.. Utilities Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Y.. Square Footage: 8,971.31 Mt Baker Ave NE 2,178.95 Nile Ave NE Restrictive Covenants Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond 0 Comments: Ci( fO-f-~;;;;;~4 Approval: ____________ , ~1/1b~ ,Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Juliana~ Cc: Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\shortplats 2006\windstone ii shpl Olm ts review & pr closeout.doc • 1-S~ ~~ .~cd~ ~ -.s~ . ~ffet, -needs 1-0 ~ ~~=n ~ A/GP/1 --,'n~ ~ 19-vt.. ~ r ~ 3' "l)~;~ ~/. ~ ~ ~J4tU,~ fi,ve N6-?/f1 {~AJ L/_~ ~~ ~ ~~~\ " \ "fh ~'~'rvp p~ ! ' o Arnetta Henninger City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 CBNTRBA~ P~rJ·INTE ~ 'f ~ Surveying, Inc., P.S. July 19, 2006 RE: The Final Plat Submittal of Winds tone Div. II Conditions of Approval, File No.; LUA-04-124-SHPL-H, ECF. Dear Arnetta, Enclosed, please find a list of the 8 items listed in the Decisions portion of the Conditions of Approval dated February 8, 2005; 1) The Developer has ensured compliance with the conditions imposed by the ERC through proper field procedures. The wetlands were protected by installing and posting protective silt fencing along the clearing limits. Erosion control was maintained by the contractor during the construction process. 2) A 20 foot private joint access and utility easement has been placed on Lot 9 for the benefit of Lot 8. Note 7, on sheet 1 of3, states "Lot 8 shall utilize the 20' private access easement to access Nile Avenue Northeast". 3) The 12 foot right-of-way dedication has been prepared and is included in the submittal package. The 12 foot right-of-way dedication is shown on sheet 3 of3. 4) The site has access via public right-of-way as shown on the plat of Stone ridge recorded on October 20,2005 under recording Number 20051020000337. 5) Maintenance agreements will be recorded prior to final approval. 6) Each lot will have 2 trees installed on the property within the front 20' setback. A note has been placed on the face of the plat concerning their maintenance and installation. 7) Per the plat of Stoneridge recorded on October 20, 2005 under recording Number 20051020000337. 8) The 12 foot right-of-way dedication has been prepared and is included in the submittal package. cm-OFRENTON RECE1VED JUL 2 1 2006 BUILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 4416 • Federal Way, Washington 98063-4416 • Phone: 253-661-1901 • Fax: 253-661-7719 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY .10500 NE 8TH, #1700, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: Order No.: 1171741 In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $17.60 Records examined to JUNE 1, 2006 By at 8: 00 AM EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT Title Officer (425)646-9883 PLATCRTAIRDAl0999 • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1171141 LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PLATCRTL/RDAl0999 .;0 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1171741 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. 1. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1000.00). PLATCRTB/RDAJ0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1171741 A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC LINE THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET MAY 16, 1967 6176450 B 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES SOUTHERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES JUNE 29, 2004 20040629002394 C SAID INSTRUMENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS FOR BEARING THE COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE UTILITIES BY THE USERS. o 3. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 411867 E 4. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF EASEMENT GRANTED OVER ADJACENT PROPERTY: PURPOSE OF EASEMENT: RECORDING NUMBER: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 20020807000276 H 5. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. N 6. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): PLATCRTBlIRDAl0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) 2006 032305-9035-05 2163 Order No.: 1171741 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 141,000.00 $ 00.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ PAID: $ UNPAID: $ 1,604.66 00.00 1,604.66 o 7. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, A WASHINGTO CORPORATION WASHINGTON SERVICES, INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS, A UNITED STATES CORPORATION $ 2,850,000.00 OCTOBER 5TH, 2005 OCTOBER 7TH, 2005 20051007001585 075 207 309262-4 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. J 8. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. K NOTE 1: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FOR DETAILS OF THESE STATEWIDE REQUIREMENTS PLEASE VISIT THE KING COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE WEBSITE AT WWW.METROKC.GOV/RECELEC/RECORDS AND SELECT ONLINE FORMS AND DOCUMENT STANDARDS. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE , DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. PLA TCRB2IRDAl0999 ...' ' ,. u CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1171741 SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT W, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. END OF SCHEDULE B TO EXPEDITE THE COMPLETION OF YOUR CLOSING, PLEASE FORWARD YOUR CLOSING ORDER AND RECORDING DOCUMENTS TO: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY -CENTRAL RECORDING 701 FIFTH AVENUE, 33RD FLOOR SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 THANK YOU, UNIT 1 -EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT PLATCRB2IRDAl0999 \ .. Centre ,Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: OVERALL Point Number Bearing Description Distance 276 25' Buffer 1 S21°52'52"W 16.20 275 25' Buffer 1 S08°31'42"E 20.35 274 25' Buffer 1 S42°54'49"W 7.05 273 25' Buffer 1 S25°15'32"W 9.82 272 25' Buffer 1 S65°29'00"W 31.15 271 25' Buffer 1 S12°10'40"W 29.24 270 25' Buffer 1 S18°46'30"E 43.66 269 25' Buffer 1 S52°26'33"E 14.34 268 25' Buffer 1 S46°48'41"W 6.71 266 25' Buffer 1 S06°33'25"W 37.70 265 25' Buffer 1 S19°21'14"E 55.64 264 25' Buffer 1 S43°01'15"E 14.29 263 25' Buffer 1 S10046'45"E 3.20 262 25' Buffer 1 S20001'32"W 21. 40 261 25' Buffer 1 S12°36'16"W 31. 61 260 25' Buffer 1 S07°20'16"E 4.98 259 25' Buffer 1 S87°49'15"E 190.88 4 95 ROW N02°10'45"E 32.73 805 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing:. Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 807 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: ,§ta Northing Easting Elevatioti 0+00.00 188093.96020 1316103.11930 , 0+16.20 188078.92726 1316097.08185 , 0+36.55 188058.80228 1316100.09973 , 0+43.60 188053.63899 1316095.29942 , 0+53.42 188044.75789 1316091.10914 , 0+84.57 188031.83195 1316062.76760 , 1+13.81 188003.24992 1316056.59955 , 1+57.47 187961.91308 1316070.65163 , 1+71.81 187953.17202 1316082.01955 , 1+78.52 187948.57968 1316077.12726 , 2+16.22 187911.12629 1316072.82227 , 2+71. 86 187858.63052 1316091.26148 , 2+86.15 187848.18302 1316101.01103 , 2+89.35 187845.03948 1316101.60951 , 3+10.76 187824.93333 1316094.28131 , 3+42.37 187794.08513 1316087.38341 , 3+47.34 187789.14592 1316088.01945 , 5+38.22 187781.88781 1316278.76141 , 5+70.95 187814.59414 1316280.00595 806 187815.54475 1316255.02403 CALC ROW 25.00 , 29°47'58" Left 13.00 , N12°43'14"W 12.86 , 0.84 , 0.87 , 229°10'59" Arc Definition 6.65 , 187821.23524 1316280.25758 5+83.95 187827.13850 1316277.17422 804 187850.31898 1316321.47620 CALC CUL-D 50.00 , 284°42'49" Right f '\ Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: . Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 808 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: ~10 CALC ROW S02°10'45"W 7.24 ' 494 ROW S87°49'15"E 315.01' 487 ROW N01°25'22"E 181.58' 801 12 ROW DEDIC N87°49'08"W 112.99' 216 ADJACENT BND N01°25'22"E 122.17' 215 ADJACENT BND N87°37'38"W 427.39' 276 25' Buffer 1 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area 248.46 ' S65°15'49"E 61. 07 ' 0.00 ' 0.00 ' PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro 114°35'30" Arc Definition 0.00 ' 0.00000 0.00000 8+32.41 187801.58412 1316332.64060 809 187786.96309 1316335.99105 CALC ROW 15.00 ' 74°54'51" Left 19.61 ' S39°38'11"W 18.25 ' 3.09 ' 3.90 ' 381°58'19" Arc Definition 11.49 ' 187799.00~98 1316321.44209 8+52.02 187787.52965 1316320.99868 8+59.26 187780.29488 1316320.72339 11+74.27 187768.31680 1316635.50557 13+55.85 187949.84082 1316640.01413 14+68.85 187954.14103 1316527.10599 15+91.02 188076.27337 1316530.13943 20+18.41 188093.96772 1316103.11586 0.00752 -0.00344 S24°33'31"E 0.00827 1829.51 (2018.41) 1/221354 1/243370 1/532584 147108.640 SQ FT 3.377 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: ROAD DEDICATION MT. BAKER AVENUE NORTHEAST Point Number Bearing Description Distance 495 ROW N02°10'45"E 32.73 ' 805 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 807 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 808 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 810 CALC ROW S02°10'45"W 7.24 ' 494 ROW N87°49'15"W 42.00 ' 495 ROW Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187781.88440 1316278.76020 0+32.73 187814.59073 1316280.00474 806 187815.54134 1316255.02282 CALC ROW 25.00 ' 29°47'58" Left 13.00 ' N12°43'14"W 12.86 ' 0.84 ' 0.87 ' 229°10'59" Arc Definition 6.65 ' 187821.23524 1316280.25758 0+45.73 187827.13509 1316277.17302 804 187850.31557 1316321.47500 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 284°42'49" Right 248.46 ' S65°15'49"E 61. 07 ' 0.00 ' 0.00 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 0.00 ' 0.00000 0.00000 2+94.19 187801.58071 1316332.63939 809 187786.95969 1316335.98985 CALC ROW 15.00 ' 74°54'51" Left 19.61 ' S39°38'11"W 18.25 ' 3.09 ' 3.90 ' 381°58'19" Arc Definition 11.49 ' 187799.00598 1316321.44209 3+13.80 187787.52624 1316320.99748 3+21.04 187780.29147 1316320.72218 3+63.04 187781.88850 1316278.75255 0.00410 -0.00765 S61°46'59"E 0.00868 174.15 (363.04) 1/20071 1/42450 "\ \-" .-.,. Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT rror of closure in departure = 1/22777 Area 8971.312 SQ FT Area 0.206 ACRES \ \ \ \ \ ,/ / I / PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as· indicated herein. Boundary Name: ROAD DEDICATION NILE AVENUE NORTHEAST Point Number Bearing Description Distance 801 S87°49'08"E 217 SOl°25'22"W 214 N87°49'16"W 487 N01°25'22"E 801 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance 12 ROW DEDIC 12.00 ADJACENT BND 181.58 ADJACENT BND 12.00 ROW 181.58 12 ROW DEDIC Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 187949.83363. 0+12.00 187949.37693 1+93.58 187767.85291 2+05.58 187768.30915 3+87.16 187949.83317 -0.00047 -0.00002 N02°10'48"E 0.00047 387.16 (387.16) 1/831848 1/832451 1/21868533 2178.948 SQ FT 0.050 ACRES Easting Elevation 1316640.01984 1316652.01114 1316647.50258 1316635.51126 1316640.01982 1 ". Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 1 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 259 25' Buffer 1 190.88 ' S87°49'15"E 495 ROW N02°10'45"E 32.73 ' ROW 805 CALC Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 807 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 811 lot cor N87°49'08"W 171.95' 812 lot cor S43°01'15"E 1.08 ' 263 25' Buffer 1 S10046'45"E 3.20 ' 262 25' Buffer 1 S20001'32"W 21.40 ' 261 25' Buffer 1 S12°36'16"W 31.61 ' 260 25' Buffer 1 S07°20'16"E 4.98 ' 259 25' Buffer 1 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187789.14250 1316088.01900 1+90.88 187781.88439 1316278.76096 2+23.61 187814.59072 1316280.00550 806 187815.54133 1316255.02358 CALC ROW 25.00 ' 29°47'58" Left 13.00 ' N12°43'14"W 12.86 ' 0.84 ' 0.87 ' 229°10'59" Arc Definition 6.65 ' 187821.23524 1316280.25758 2+36.61 187827.13508 1316277.17378 804 187850.31556 1316321.47575 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 18°33'05" Right 16.19 ' N18°20'41"W 16.12 ' 0.65 ' 0.66 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 8.17 ' 187834.36451 1316273.38781 2+52.80 187842.43586 1316272.10027 4+24.75 187848.98000 1316100.27485 4+25.83 187848.19041 1316101.01169 4+29.03 187845.04687 1316101.61017 4+50.43 187824.94071 1316094.28197 4+82.05 187794.09252 1316087.38407 4+87.02 187789.15330 1316088.02011 0.01080 0.00111 S05°51'12"W 0.01086 486.81 (487.02) 1/44823 1/45058 1/439528 · ',/ .~. Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT rea Area = 11117.104 SQ FT = 0.255 ACRES PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 2 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 812 lot cor S87°49'08"E 171.95' 811 lot cor Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 816 lot cor N40058'33"W 20.55 ' 815 lot cor N87°49'08"W 200.51' 813 lot cor. S19°21'14"E 54.23 ' 264 25' Buffer l S43°01'15"E 13.21 ' 812 lot cor Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187848.97243 1316100.27526 1+71.95 187842.42830 1316272.10068 804 187850.30939 1316321.47566 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 55°41'24" Right 48.60 ' N18°46'34"E 46.71 ' 5.79 ' 6.55 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 26.41 ' 187868.51046 1316267.93748 2+20.55 187886.65256 1316287.13528 2+41.09 187902.16752 1316273.65981 4+41.61 187909.79861 1316073.29507 4+95.84 187858.63316 1316091.26700 5+09.04 187848.97526 1316100.27971 0.00282 0.00445 S57°37'11"W 0.00527 507.16 (509.04) 1/96220 1/179670 1/113936 11503.117 SQ FT 0.264 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:24:21 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 3 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 822 N02°10'52"E 821 N87°37'38"W 820 S02°10'52"W 916 S20008'57''W 915 S87°49'08"E 818 S40058'33''E 822 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance lot lot lot lot lot Total traverse length Total error of closure cor 178.98 cor 60.00 cor 61. 84 108.14 79.78 cor 19.85 cor Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 187906.83120 1+78.98 188085.68153 2+38.98 188088.16559 3+00.82 188026.37039 4+08.95 187924.84867 4+88.74 187921.81237 5+08.59 187906.82589 -0.00531 -0.00224 N22°51'15"E 0.00576 508.59 (508.59) 1/88304 1/95827 1/227363 11690.074 SQ FT 0.268 ACRES Easting Elevation 1316296.09750 1316302.90919 1316242.96063 1316240.60710 1316203.35661 1316283.07881 1316296.09526 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 4 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 817 lot cor Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 823 lot cor N16°50'36"E 25.01 ' 824 lot cor N31°19'01"E 102.17' 825 lot cor N29°10'54"W 85.39 ' 826 lot cor N87°37'38"W 53.26 ' 821 lot cor S02°10'52"W 178.98' 822 lot cor S40058'33"E 12.63 ' 817 lot cor Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187897.29599 1316304.37931 804 187850.30961 1316321.47553 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 38°34'00" Right 33.66 ' N89°17'21"E 33.02 ' 2.81 ' 2.97 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 17.49 ' 187903.27746 1316320.81839 0+33.66 187897.70563 1316337.39677 0+58.66 187921.64272 1316344.64356 1+60.84 188008.92708 1316397.74864 2+46.22 188083.47922 1316356.11416 2+99.48 188085.68424 1316302.89982 4+78.46 187906.83390 1316296.08814 4+91.09 187897.29843 1316304.37014 0.00244 -0.00917 S75°05'45"E 0.00949 490.46 (491.09) 1/51686 1/200955 1/53486 13030.508 SQ FT 0.299 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 5 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 823 lot cor Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 828 lot cor N62°22'52"E 142.99 ' 827 lot cor N54°18'00"W 115.41' 825 lot cor S31°19'01"W 102.17' 824 lot cor S16°50'36"W 25.01 ' 823 lot cor Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187897.70572 1316337.40082 804 187850.30965 1316321.47560 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 41°26'59" Right 36.17 ' S50042'10"E 35.39 ' 3.24 ' 3.46 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 18.92 ' 187891.68018 1316355.33382 0+36.17 187875.29170 1316364.78811 1+79.16 187941.58017 1316491.48451 2+94.57 188008.92666 1316397.76195 3+96.74 187921.64230 1316344.65687 4+21.75 187897.70522 1316337.41008 -0.00050 0.00926 N86°53'48"W 0.00927 420.97 (421.75) 1/45390 1/838418 1/45457 9814.413 SQ FT 0.225 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 6 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 828 lot cor Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearin:g: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 829 lot cor S87°49'15"E 169.09 ' 830 lot cor N23°31'22"W 119.25' 827 lot cor S62°22'52"W 142.99' 828 lot cor Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187875.29284 1316364.78658 804 187850.30964 1316321.47562 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 43°26'34" Right 37.91 ' S08°15'23"E 37.01 ' 3.55 ' 3.82 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 19.92 ' 187858.03861 1316374.73939 0+37.91 187838.66644 1316370.10133 2+07.01 187832.23688 1316539.06904 3+26.26 187941.57738 1316491.47474 4+69.24 187875.28891 1316364.77834 -0.00393 -0.00824 N64°29'09"E 0.009l3 468.34 (469.24) 1/51296 1/119090 1/56839 11492.929 SQ FT 0.264 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 7 Point Number Bearing Description Distance· 829 lot cor Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 808 CALC ROW Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 810 CALC ROW S02°10'45"W 7.24 ' 494 ROW S87°49'15"E 244.81' 832 lot cor N00032'28"E 43.18 ' 891 calc buffer N23°28'53"W 14.94 ' 894 calc buffer N42°00'52"W 5.00 ' 831 lot cor N87°49'15"W 186.51' 829 lot cor Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187838.66713 1316370.10124 804 187850.30970 1316321.47563 CALC CUL-D 50.00 ' 63°37'42" Right 55.53 ' S45°16'45"W 52.72 ' 7.51 ' 8.84 ' 114°35'30" Arc Definition 31. 02 ' 187808.50128 1316362.87859 0+55.53 187801.57054 1316332.64138 809 187786.94951 1316335.99184 CALC ROW 15.00 ' 74°54'51" Left 19.61 ' S39°38'11"W 18.25 ' 3.09 ' 3.90 ' 381°58'19" Arc Definition 11.49 ' 187799.00598 1316321.44209 0+75.14 187787.51606 1316320.99947 0+82.38 187780.28130 1316320.72417 3+27.19 187770.97253 1316565.35712 3+70.37 187814.15061 1316565.76492 3+85.31 187827.85342 1316559.81206 3+90.31 187831.56830 1316556.46547 5+76.81 187838.66024 1316370.09035 -0.00689 -0.01089 N57°41'04"E 0.01289 572.65 (576.81) 1/44422 1/83098 1/52564 13189.997 SQ FT 0.303 ACRES Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 8 Point Number Bearing D.escription Distance 834 S23°31'22"E 830 S87°49'15"E 831 S42°00'52"E 894 S23°28'53"E 891 SOOo32'28"W 832 S87°49'15"E 487 N01°25'22"E 833 N87°49'08"W 834 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance lot lot lot calc calc lot ROW lot lot Total traverse length Total error of closure cor 112.48 cor 17.41 cor 5.00 buffer 14.94 buffer 43.18 cor 70.20 161.58 cor 145.45 cor Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 187935.37349 1+12.48 187832.24041 1+29.89 187831.57841 1+34.89 187827.86353 1+49.83 187814.16072 1+93.01 187770.98264 2+63.22 187768.31332 4+24.79 187929.84351 5+70.24 187935.37910 0.00561 -0.00206 S20010'05''E 0.00597 570.24 (570.24) 1/95468 1/101704 1/276900 16660.939 SQ FT 0.382 ACRES Easting Elevation 1316494.18055 1316539.07285 1316556.47026 1316559.81685 1316565.76971 1316565.36192 1316635.51115 1316639.52312 1316494.17849 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02:03 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 9 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 826 S29°10'54"E 825 S54°18'00"E 827 S23°31'22"E 834 S87°49'08"E 833 N01°25'22"E 801 N87°49'08"W 216 N01°25'22"E 215 N87°37'38"W 826 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance lot cor 85.39 lot cor 115.41 lot cor 6.77 lot cor 145.45 lot cor 20.00 12 ROW DEDIC 112.99 ADJACENT BND 122.17 ADJACENT BND 174.17 lot cor Total traverse length· Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area , , , , , , , , Sta Northing 0+00.00 188083.47689 0+85.39 188008.92475 2+00.80 187941.57826 2+07.57 187935.37083 3+53.02 187929.83524 3+73.02 187949.82908 4+86.01 187954.12929 6+08.18 188076.26163 7+82.35 188083.47243 -0.00446 0.00488 N47°35'20"W 0.00661 782.35 (782.35) 1/118324 1/175440 1/160261 18818.803 SQ FT 0.432 ACRES Easting Elevation 1316356.12118 1316397.75566 1316491.47822 1316494.18022 1316639.52484 1316640.02144 1316527.11330 1316530.14673 1316356.12606 J -~. '·f • Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:24:21 AM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: TRACT "A" Point Number Bearing Description Distance 813 lot cor S87°49'08"E 200.51 815 lot cor S40058'33"E 20.55 816 lot cor Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 817 lot cor N40058'33"W 32.48 818 lot cor N87°49'08"W 7 9.78 915 N20008'57"E 108.14 916 N02°10'52"E 61. 84 820 lot cor N87°37'38"W 139.96 276 25' Buffer 1 S21°52'52"W 16.20 275 25' Buffer 1 S08°31'42"E 20.35 274 25' Buffer 1 S42°54'49"W 7.05 273 25' Buffer 1 S25°15'32"W 9.82 272 25' Buffer 1 S65°29'00"W 31.15 271 25' Buffer 1 S12°10'40"W 29.24 270 25' Buffer 1 S18°46'30"E 43.66 269 25' Buffer 1 S52°26'33"E 14.34 268 25' Buffer 1 S46°48'41"W 6.71 266 25' Buffer 1 S06°33'25"W 37.70 265 25' Buffer 1 S19°21'14"E 1. 41 813 lot cor Closing latitude Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187909.79335 1316073.29350 , 2+00.51 187902.16226 1316273.65823 , 2+21. 06 187886.64730 1316287.13370 804 187850.30607 1316321. 47486 CALC CUL-D 50.00 , 23°23'05" Right 20.41 , N58°18'48"E 20.27 , 1. 04 , 1. 06 , 114°35'30" Arc Definition 10.35 , 187893.75787 1316294.65539 2+41.47 187897.29459 1316304.38212 , 2+73.95 187921.81655 1316283.08366 , 3+53.73 187924.85284 1316203.36146 , 4+61.87 188026.37457 1316240.61195 , 5+23.70 188088.16977 1316242.96548 , 6+63.66 188093.96424 1316103.12548 , 6+79.86 188078.93130 1316097.08804 , 7+00.21 188058.80632 1316100.10591 , 7+07.26 188053.64303 1316095.30560 , 7+17.08 188044.76193 1316091.11532 , 7+48.23 188031.83599 1316062.77378 , 7+77.47 188003.25396 1316056.60573 , 8+21.13 187961.91712 1316070.65782 , 8+35.47 187953.17607 1316082.02574 , 8+42.19 187948.58373 1316077.13345 , 8+79.89 187911.13033 1316072.82846 , 8+81.30 187909.80001 1316073.29574 = 0.00666 [",J \ f~e~t;~ Pointe Surveying 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:24:21 AM NEW PROJECT losing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area = 0.00224 S18°35'07"W 0.00703 881.16 (881.30) 1/125417 1/132318 1/393513 29790.752 SQ FT 0.684 ACRES PROJECT: G:\1459\1459.pro July 6,2006 Curtis O. Schuster , KBS Development Corporation 12320 NE 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 SUBJECT: Windstone II "" , o~-~~ 'CIT~F RENTON' PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Request for Modification· Street Width Reduction Dear Mr. S<,;huster: , We have reviewed the proposed s~eetmQclificationrequestassociated with the proposed'single- , family residential short plaUocated generally at the intersection of Mt. Baker A vellue NE and NE 17th Street. Thi's is aninfill development in' an existing neighborhood with one proposed acc,ess ' point and a cul-de-sac, . Theexistingsti'eets are pavement :with,ail pedestrianjmprovements. ,The ,propo~ed modification requests to allow the proposed new cul-de-sac radius to bererluced to 50, ' 'feet. A stre~ and' accompanying buffer is 'located~i~hin th~plat. In' additio~, it reduction in th~ , pri v ate storm drainage easement width is requested. ' ' , '. The'Street Modification request is hereby ~ppi'oved"yithone cpndition. Th,eiequest for a10- foot private stomieasementand the ielocatiohor~erVic:eforLoi 6 is approved. City Code 4-6-05'0 (Street S'taIidards) requifesfull~tteet improvementS for all adjacentnghts-of~ , 'way for, Within, and dedicated.by,aplat.There are also certain ,standards for width of dedication' f9r proposed streets to be added .to the City grid. One of these is the 55~fobtra:diuscul-de-sac ' dedication improvement to provide a mlpimuIn'Of 45 feet of pavement radius width, 5-foot ' sidewalk, curb and gutter, ~d-st:reetI1ghts. The City can modify streetimprovements for new piai~ifther~ are practical-difficulties in " carrying out the provisions ofthe Street Improvement Ordinance. The Modification Procedures as defined in Section 4-9:-250Ddearly states the criteria for approval by the department Administrator. In 'order for a modification to be approved, the department Administrator must, ' " ... find that a special individual reason makes the strict letter of this Ordinance impractical, that the'modification is inconformity with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance,and that such modification: (a) Will meet the objectives and safety, function; appearance, environmental protection: and maintainability intended by this Ordinance~ based upon sound engineering judgment; ahd (b) Will riot be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and (c) Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and ~, ------}-O-SS-s-o-u-th-a-ra-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n,-W-a-sh-i-ngt-o-n-9-g-0S-S------R E N TON ~ AHEAD OF 'THE CURVE Curtis Schuster July 6, 2006 Page 2 (d) C~m be shown to be justified and required for the uSe arid situation intended; and '(e) ,Will notcreate adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. " , , . ,'. Meets objectives and safety, function~' Due to' the physical' width of the parcel' at this location, ·and'the constraints of existing stream and buffer locations, staff supports the modification · request. The intent of public and emergency acCess arid pedestrian aineriiti~s is·niet with the .' ". ,proposal;as there is,noreduction in the pavementwidt~ below ,fire lane standards or sidewalks. ". Not injurious or adverseiy impact adjacent properties::Adjacentpropertiesare not inJured nm' .advers~ly impacted asaif dediCations are from the'proposed plat; . . ,. .'. . / ,~. '. .' . ": "".: .. ' . ':, ' .' . '. -.: .', .. :j."j~:!\Gi~::it;~1.i.Q''f~'._: ", .; . . " " . -.',. Confomls to the intent of the code: , T!tel:inteQ.t ofprovilling for the City street network is met .' . "with: the dedication andextension?0'fMt~Bhl<:dM\venueNEjrom NE17th Street~·· " . ' '.' . '.: ." . .' . .: ~/(i .. :0 '.:~. • fit,~. "'~~"'-"', "':!'"~_ ': . . '., : '. Justified ~dreguired for useaiid/sitliati6~+fit€rtae(t:"'~:rtt~zqJi~i~fthispatc~l isR-8"Single :' ··<Family. The Iriodifications~11~quesJetalloWthemaxim~B~ft+s,i.t£\~ndIiumb~r'of lots that still meet the various setbacks @d ac,¢e~s cri.t~ria~i~;~b.~fRLa!,.providestthettpniinUI'nnecessary for full . ,rise foracc .. ess, emergencYikd dOniesti~~ ;~s )jtliv,t)~~:p~Wnga~ppeddfpart amenities.' . ." . . " . ,t.~ ...•. 0,,·<fi:4} "' ...... ,' .t\-t.;!f;t . 'Ii' ""'. . '. " 'The Street Modificationijs a'iiprAv~a~Wft"'".o "f~~H:dlti~n: .~~:'. . ." 1. Easements shall bJ{providJQfdr:-g~tl~lt~N~~g,>as' need~d.(if . , .. .' . '. .' . '... ~~~< " . ·:A.·:~· .,.:,.::;j.~.~tt· {\'!~:~~t ',' ~~~'Y~;{~ :/' ,~:, _ l~;'" . . , ., .' . . . " ....•.. This deCisiori toapprqve th~}.p~OpbS~d"Street Modific~fjoJ,1~i~y.bjec~~to'af6urteeIi-(l4)day ..•. ' .• , appeal period from the~ate 6f,:JhJ;s;1~~~er,;>b.;!lY appe~!§",,6~1n~a<Jp~til~trative decisipnmust be .. .... . Jiled w~th the City of Renton ite,~Ilg Ex~iiet:'DY"S.;,;OO~p;fu~JU;ry 21, 2006~. .,..". ." . ',' . ..:~;-\.;~ "" .. ,~ ! "'~'{I. .r -', . i> . ';:~<~; .< ... ~-:~\:~. .' . . . Appeals iriustbefi1e'd inWritingto;~tker!.\~l~1k~~~y~~Pirit$1;.oo appli~ati~nJee ~ith:Hearing ,.' .. , ..... .•. • Examiner, City of Renton, J055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA98055. City of Renton .. ' >Munieipal Code Section 4-8.; no governs appeals to the Exanuner. Additional information .. , .. ' , · regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton 'City Clerk's Office,' (425) 430- '6510. If you have any questions, please contactJuliana Fries at (425)430.,7278. . . Sincerely, :. ft··· ~.*~cXJ .. ~." Ka en Kittrick . . · Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Stan Engler, Fire Marshal Juliana Fries, Engineering Specialist Land Use File '.' .. " .J "j' " , ,', :. " .... " ,: . " .~; '. ,'.' , ; " , Kathy Ke()lker~ Wheel,er. Mayor : January It;2005' . '.~ Jenilifer I!el)liil~g ,,':,' DeveIopmentS,ervices .. ' City:of Re,lltOll" ',' 1055'-SolithDr~ay,W~y , ", .:,. ,'" . ". ' •• ,1.,• ":-'\.' , .,)'. , " , • r,' " . .. ~. . . '.' ",' , .' . ,. " ' •• 1 '.'j.' . .,.', ...-:...' , ".1, '" . .' ; ":'CIT~_ ,OF.:,~NTO~(,~'" ,:' .,'j-". l' .' ~< " .}. , " J'.. .,', . :~;. , . ,~ .... , 'I:, • :'-,', f " • •••• 1' "1"·' !.' I. :'.' ',~, ,Hearing pxammet", FredJ.K~u(inl;lii . ", ../"',., , ":~ , ! .: .~ • '._~ I ..... ,' Rent611~ W A '9805:5 ' " • if,' 'j ; ~ ... ':.,' ") ....... , :, . ,.: ~', " .' .'.' Re: Stoneridge tt,Short Plat~-, ,;' "L0A,64~'r24;.sHPL-~,H; ... tCF :,' " ~'" ".' '., ,"" . ,'.' " } ..... . . ~ : .;" .• t. " ", .. ',' ·r'. ' ..... I'· , , " . :." ,,&' ", .;:. " , At the, Stoneridge,J I~Sliort PI~t'h~~~ilig'; Ofatidi~ D~nI1~li~;:yo'iced c~;1~ei'ns:~v,~r 'tll'Is'land u~~' : 'lll~tt~;', "She' ii~d il0t 11'ad an opp'ortmii,ty to :vi~w ihefil~{p~ioi' to the' heariIig.":. ,:; "" " ,,' ": ~" ,.:, . 'tl~e1;:~alllhl~rheld tl~e\:~~~'i;lg' ~p~'n"iil:o~d~I"f;~~S.D6~~i;~~I'Y:~o'ri~;~~the',tilb'~i~'~"s,~Qm:ii li;e;· :, cOl111~ents ',iri writjng'by J~l1ltary-1 G:2005 at 5:00 p'J~,~od~ywe'receive.dJ\ler: litter'al~d: '", , ','., commen.ts~, i 'have attaciled ~'ciopy for yo U::an d am "s<;\ll dill g G-6'piest6{j'llpaf.tie:s of record:, Mr. ~ ,,-, ,'> Pott~r winh~ve on'e we'ek froI'n ,re'ceipto:f tilis infofm,at'ionto 'f¢spoi;d:in '~rithig to,the Ii:y~ring, ",ExaIniner. .. ,:,' " ' '_" ',,' ,J,: i,:''':' " ,-", ":,: ,I,': \ ,,",.,.':,' .... , ' '.~ ,\' /', \ .: , ." r' cJfYO~1 ,ha-ve'aliy .gtiestion'~.'.-plea,s~, contac~'Ol:lr6'ffi'ce,-:' ,';c ':,,: ,~" '." '. '.' ". " ~. "'~' , ' , ,\ ' .- ".f',.t " : ~ , . ,.: · . ...~ , '.' ' .. ~, ,,' ',' '.', . , .'{ , " ,.' . " .. " \, , ',' J '," " ", -', <, -'." ' . .t. " ' ,,", " ~.' " ,,-~' ,'. .. ~ ., .. :< . ,f...' , " '/:1' ,',' '.' ;".;" :, . , -.' :.. ~' \' " :;',: ,i ,:. Fr¢d :Kuufman " ':fkari,11g E~~unin~r City'ofRenton' (j., . ~ , L:' -' ~ . ;' < I-.;. f" " :,,:FKhit ,,'. cc: Susan Fiala': ", , V.iI:gilii~ Luck , Wayile Pott,er : "Ali Sadr, , ", Chad Anilour , ,' .. ': ' ,~ . " , ... " <- , ' " <,.. ", ~ J -~ ',~' •• : , , , , -.. " i" .. : \' ,".' '::" .', , . : .,. " ' ','." . ~ f: .. '" ~ " . \ ... ,.,." . ';' ,1'( ~. :-' " ; ," :.\ _. " ',: .. . .-... :' .: ,,~ , ; ... ,: ,,' . 'r, ·'t· . , " . ~>'. .. .:: '), " .\., ~. i ..... · ; .. · .... "", ,'" :,1, "\ ' .. ~ , : ,. ..; .. " ' ,', ,~ " 1" " . ',' , :.- . ,' l,' '... '. ' ...... " .... . ,~ " '~j' / .. ' .'. .. ' ,., . ',',' ", :. ,' . , " , .. Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 January 7, 2005 , ',,;, CllY OF RENTON -'l~,.t .. ;;,· HEARING EXAM NER RE: Stoneridge II Preliminary Plat Approval-LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Hearing Examiner: I visited City Hall on January 6, 2005 and was able to look at the material for the Stoneridge II proposed development. I was able to look at the material but have several questions that I feel need answered. I. What will be the size of the detention vault to be built on Lot 9? In one item (enclosed), it states: ''The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use conditions flows". (Document #3, item 3) The Tract A detention pond was originally built for 44 houses on the original Stoneridge site. Now the developer intends to add 7 lots from the Stoneridge II plat, the Windstone III plat and Windstone IV plat. What level of flow control will be used to release the Stormwater from this vault into Greenes Stream? Will the Tract A detention pond be able to accommodate the additional water from Stoneridge II, Windstone III and Windstone IV? 2. What future development plans does KBS have that will have storm water draining into this vault in addition to the 2 Stoneridge II lots and frontage improvements? Will this vault be large enough to accommodate this future building or will additional detention ponds have to be built? 3. I have contact DOE regarding the Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. (Document #3, item 2). Should a copy of these requirements be included in the Stoneridge II file for reference? I did not see any documentation regarding these specific requirements. Does KBS have a copy in their offices and on site regarding what these requirements are? 4. How will the City of Renton enforce these requirements if they weren't able to enforce DOE requirements from December IOt\ 2004 incident on Greenes Stream? What will the City do to prevent more yellow water coming down Greenes Stream in the future? .... 5. How will the KBS prevent mud/dirt present on Nile Avenue (l48th) from going into Greenes Stream/May Creek? In another document (Document 1) that I found in the file, it states that "streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities ...... " That has been a problem since August -dirt/mud have been left on the street and it has only been cleaned up after I call it in? Who will be responsible to make sure that all street cleaning is done? 6. What will the City do to make sure that the road(s) are kept clean at all times? 7. How will KBS prevent future damage to my property and May Creek -following state law that says downstream residents will not be harmed by upstream development? How will they prevent future yellow water from coming into my yard? 8. In ESC document, how will KBS prevent erosion from flowing into Greenes Stream prior to the building of the temporary sediment trap? How will the City of Renton's make sure that such erosion doesn't come down prior to this construction? What recourse do downstream residents have if the contractor/City don't do what they are supposed to do? 9. What is to prevent future residents of the development from disturbing Greenes Stream and sending sedimentation downstream? Will there be covenants on the property prohibiting disturbance of property within the buffer area? One item states that "a note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed with the creek's buffer". (Document #3, item #10) Who will be monitoring this to make sure it is complied with? 10. How will the City monitor the erosion control plan when 3 different times -August, Thanksgiving and December 10, they didn't stop the yellow water from coming downstream? These are all of the question I have at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly Enclosures • -, ! .', 1 I •• • • I -- it it .8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN It.) it I 14 II I rJ I - ~I . - ii' , II II II II II II IJ I II I I I I I I I I -.' ) t. .. 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The wet/detention pond and a separate temporary sediment trap will be the ftrst order of construction such that both sides of the site, divided by Greene's creek, once graded and cleared, can be routed into the wet/detention pond and sediment trap accordingly. This will trap sediments on-site and prevent both erosion from occurring on-site and sedimentation downstream. In addition a rock construction entrance and perimeter protection in the form of a silt fence with temporary V -ditches and rock check darns will all be instituted on-site to minimize erosion from occurring. Also, streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities and the site shall be sprinkled with water during the summer months should dust control be a problem on the site. Cover measures will be instituted for any areas left unworked over the time allotted by King County and the City of Renton. 1 I 444.00 l.doc [JPJ/dmllep] e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The quantities of filling and grading on site have yet to be determined; however, we anticipate that the earthwork will be balanced, except for the possible import of structural fill for backfilling utility trenches. Additional import may be required for the road subgrade depending on the weather conditions at the time of construction. 1. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. During heavy storm events following clearing and grading activity, erosion could occur if erosion/sedimentation control measures are not installed properly. By properly incorporating the City of Renton erosion control measures and minimizing the disturbance of existing vegetation during plat construction, we can help mitigate erosion impacts. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 0.33 acre (9 percent) of the total site will be covered with impervious surfaces, such as asphalt, buildings, etc. Approximately 29 percent (1.06 acres) remain as undisturbed open space, such as wetlands and buffers. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Prior to construction, an approved erosion control plan will be prepared and implemented in accordance with the City of Renton. These erosion control measures will be monitored throughout construction and must be maintained to control erosion during construction and weather constraints. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. The project proposal will generate emissions typically found within single-family subdivisions. This may include airborne dust during constructionlheavy equipment, as well as automobile, emissions; however, once the project is completed, the plat will produce typical emissions found in residential communities, such as automobiles, service trucks, maintenance equipment, and wood-buminglgas-buming stove emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. To our knowledge, there are no off-site sources of emissions and/or odor that will affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During construction, construction practices, such as riprap entrance aprons, required muffler systems for heavy equipment and dust control (watering), will be implemented as required. There will be no on-site construction burning and all land clearing debris will be exported off site and disposed of. I I 444.00l.doc [GWP/lep] 4 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1727 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black- tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water DeSign Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge, I) and the 25 ft."we'tland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where tr~5'O ft.. buffer m~ets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 It. buffer on the 'north property line oj Lot 1./fhe satisfaction bf this requirement snail be subject to the review and .approval of the Development Services Divisfon. 10. A note shall be placed on face of the final plat stating that no grac. J or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and sign age along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 4 City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERJDGE 11 SHORT PLA T r 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Page 2 of 8 Project description continued: The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes- lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. The proposed subdivision is intended to result in the eventual construction of detached single-family residences. The site would be developed into nine lots and one tract. Two wetlands (one regulated) and two creeks/drainage courses (one unnamed and Greene's Creek) are located on the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a preliminary storm drainage report, habitat data report, and a critical areas assessment and delineation. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. Vegetation would remain within the sensitive areas and creek and wetland buffers. Primary access would be via Nile Ave. NE to NE 17'h St. to Mt. Baker Ave. NE that would extend north terminating in a cul-de-sac. New lots 8 and 9 would be served via Nile Ave. NE via a private access easement. Street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting and right-of-way dedications are required. The site is zoned Residential - 5 (R-5) dwelling units per acre. The R-5 zone allows residential densities that range from no minimum up to a maximum of 5.0 dulac. The proposed plat would arrive at a net density of 3.9 dulac after the deduction of public roadways from the gross acreage which would be within the allowed range of the R-5 zone. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Residential Low Density (RLD). B. RECOMMENDA TION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINA TION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES DETERMINA TION OF XX NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MIT/GA TED. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. . . 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Plan Review -Street Improvements L 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 4 of 8 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street and along the frontage of the parcel with Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE). 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. Plan Review -General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Property Services 1. To be provided separately. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The applicant has submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc., dated July 13, 2004. The report provides information and recommendations pertaining to foundations, soils, groundwater and erosion. The report states that the site slopes in a northwesterly direction with an average slope of 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. The tree cutting and land clearing plan indicates that all vegetation from the plat would be removed except for that within the stream buffers and sensitive areas. The clearing of land would accommodate the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of larger trees. The trees include alder, maple, cedar, fir and deciduous. The report indicates that the proposed single family residences can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or on granular structural fill used to modify existing grades. The native silty sand with gravel soils are moisture sensitive, and the soils will degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. To ensure that site preparation and general earthwork is conducted according to the geotechnical report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork". The storm water detention pond is planned to be located in the northwest portion of the site and care should be taken during excavation to identify and control seepage along the cut slopes of the detention pond. Where fill berms are proposed to be utilized around the pond, compaction of fill will need to meet structural fill specifications. To ensure that any berms and till liners are constructed according to the specifications of the report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The soils encountered during exploration consisted of native silty sand with gravel and according to the USGS that the site identifies glacial till depOSits throughout the site. In general, the native soils observed at the test pit locations were generally consistent with this type of deposit. Three test pits were sampled. Underlying the surficial layer of topsoil, medium dense, brown silty sand with gravel soil was encountered at depths of 2 Y2 ft. to 4 ft. below existing grade. Underlying the brown silty sand soils, dense silty sand with gravel glacial till soils were encountered. Light ground water seepage was observed in an off-site test pit that was part of Stoneridge I Plat. The use of sumps during construction may be necessary, depending on the rate of groundwater seepage entering excavations. The environmental checklist states that the quantity of cut and fill has not been e'3timated but is anticipated by the applicant that it would be balanced on site. In order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and to adjacent properties, staff recommends additional mitigation including that the project be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Departmer._ STONERtDGE /I SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 lir lentat Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 5 of 8 (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements. outlined in Volume " of thl3 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall comply with the recommendations-contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. • The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume" of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. 2. Surface Water Impacts: The applicant has.submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Technical Information Report and plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers. Inc. dated September 28, 2004 with the land use application. The storm drainage system was designed to meet Level 3 standards and water quality. The report's overview indicates that runoff collected from Lots 1 through 7 and Mt. Baker Ave. NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 and 9and the frontage improvements to Nile Ave. NE would be collected in a similar fashion, but drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of the property (appears to be within new Lot 9). Both systems would perform water quality as well as flow control. The report outlined the Eight Core Requirements which appear to be incorporated into the storm drainage plan. The report states that off-site analysis was not conducted due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required, which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. . The project site drains to Greene's Creek and will continue to drain to the drainage course as well as a wetland that is proposed to be preserved. The report discusses mitigation of existing and potential problems based on drainage complaints (contained within the TIR). By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control, the report states that this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specified in the problem-specific mitigation requirements on the 1998 KCSWDM. According to the City of Renton records and the "Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation" (to be discussed under 'Wetland" section) provided by the applicant, a drainage course, Greene's Creek, crosses the site. To ensure that the drainage course is addressed within the context of the storm drainage system staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the drainage report includes an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project and the storm systems be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. Due to flooding and erosion problems, staff recommends that the project be designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual as a mitigation measure and the storm drainage system is designed to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Mitigation Measures: • The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. • The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 3. Fire Protection Impacts: Fire Prevention staff indicates that the applicant provide required improvements and fees to offset the impacts associated with the new development. The proposal to add nine (9) new residential lots to the City would ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Departme STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T vir len tal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Page 6 of 8 impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, a Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee is estimated at $4,392.00 (9 new lots x $488.00 = $4,320.00) and is required prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 4. AccessfTransportation Impacts: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required for the project. Primary access to the site is proposed via Nile Ave. NE to NE 1ih Street to Mt. Baker Avenue NE which would be extended north from its terminus at Lots 1 and 3 of Stoneridge I Plat. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via Nile Ave. NE to the a joint use driveway (private access easement). The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system; therefore, the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee will be imposed. The Traffic Mitigation Fee is calculated at a rate of $75.00 per additional generated trip per new single-family lot at a rate of 9.57 trips per lot home. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $6,459.75 (9 new lots x 9.57 trips = 86.13 trips) thus (86.13 x $75 per trip = $6,459.75). The fee is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. 5. Parks & Recreation Impacts: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single-family lot would be required for the proposal. The fee is estimated at $4,776.84 (9 new lots x $530.76 = $4,776.84) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single- family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3082, Ordinance 4527. 6. Wetlands/Streams Impacts: The applicant submitted a Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC, dated October 9, 2004. The purpose of the study was to delineate wetlands, evaluate the functions and values of wetlands and any streams, determine classification and buffers, determine impacts and present a conceptual mitigation plan. Two streams are located on site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a stream that originates off site, a few hundred feet to the south. Portions of the stream typically run dry in June. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site, to the north. During their observations, water was flowing into Greene's Creek from the south; however, before Greene's Creek joined the unnamed tributary, no surface water was present. Greene's Creek dries up annually near its confluence with the unnamed tributary by the end of June. The width of the stream was averaging 20 inches with a depth up to 3.75 inches at the time of observation in September 2003. The unnamed tributary was not measured for depth or width as the report indicates that its channel was difficult to detect, but indications of seasonal flow appears. These streams/drainage course are noted to provide a 25 foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Due to the flow of Greene's Creek into May Creek, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the buffer be increased to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the creek to reduce impacts to the creek. The increased buffer width would impact access to new Lot 9; therefore, buffer averaging would be permitted adjacent to new Lots 8 and 9. . E RC _ Sloneridge2 .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Departmel. STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 vir len tal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 7 of 8 Additionally, the abutting Stoneridge I Plat (Preliminary plat approved in King County-Final Plat in Renton) was conditioned to have a 50 foot buffer along the Category 3 wetland and unnamed tributary, staff recommends that a transition between the 50 foot buffer and the 25 ft. buffer be provided. It appears that the transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. To maintain the capacity along Greene's Creek, staff recommends that to prevent future disturbance along the creek buffer that a note be placed on the face of the final plat that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The study delineated two wetlands. Wetland A, which runs along the west portion of the site and adjacent to the unnamed tributary, is a Category 3 wetland and includes 6,478 sq. ft. of wetland on-site. Wetland B is located adjacent to Greene's Creek and covers 1,120 sq. ft. and is unregulated. However, due to the presence of Greene's Creek the wetland would be contained within the creek buffer. To ensure that disturbance to the wetland and buffer does not occur during and after construction, staff recommends that silt fencing be installed around the wetland, creek and associated buffers during construction and permanent fencing be installed after construction. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stone ridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be 'subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. • After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 7. . Habitat/Wildlife Impacts: A Habitat Data report was submitted with the land use application as prepared by Chad Armour, LLC., dated September 10, 2004. The purpose of the study was to identify habitat present on site and the potential impacts that development may have on this habitat. The report indicates that there are two habitat types on site including include meadow and forest. The Meadow habitat type is that area subject to grading and revegetation 2003 that is dominated by grass with tree seedlings and shrubs. There are no large trees or shrubs present nor special habitat features such as snags or downed logs. The report states that indications of black-tailed deer were observed in the Meadow habitat. Many of the shrubs had been ERC_Stoneridge2.doc CIT x OF RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor February 15,2005 Claudia Donnelly 10415 147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 Re: Stoneridge II ShOJi Plat, LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Ms. Donnelly: This office has reviewed your letter of February 11,2005. Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman OEVELOPM . CITY OP~kr~~NtNG FEB, 1.62005 RECEIVED The decision of this office considered the questions that you raised, and the responses of the applicant and the City. It also considered, as well, the various codes and regulations and the conditions imposed by the ERC and suggested by the reviewing staff. The report was based on all of that information. If you are not satisfied with the decision you may either ask this office to reconsider the decision or appeal to the City or you may do both .. While this office did hold the record open it was to allow you time to explore the background information that was not readily available to you and submit questions. Those questions were reviewed by the parties and they also provided information to this office. While the record was kept open, it was not intended to make this an open-ended process. In order to assist you in deciding your next course of ~ction,this office will include the resulting correspondence, that along with your concerns, facilitated the decisioh process. Again, you may request reconsideration ofthe decision or you may appeal to the City Councilby February 22, 2005. . Sincerely, -.. -' .... ~~,. l \,-( . -\L....Jl d \-o-.r---\ ------ Fred Kaufman . Hearing Examiner City of Renton .' FI<Jnt Encl. cc: Neil Watts, Developmeilt Services· Jennifer Henning, Development Services Susan Fiala, Development Services Ali Sadr, PE, Barghausen Engineers. -------~----.. ~ .. 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 -(425) 430-6515 * This paper contains 50% reCycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE K.eollker·Whc:eler Mayor January 19, 2005 . . Mr. Fred Ka:ufinan City of Renton Hearing Exatiliner 1055 South Grady Way, i h Floor . Renton, WA 98055 SUBJECT: .Sti:meridge 2 Short Plat LUA 04-124,SHPL-H, ECF . Dear Mr. Kaufinan: CIT~ LUlt04 -121f ')F RENTON PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator In response to the letter from Ms. ClauciiaDonneIlyconcerning the subject short plat,staff provides the. following: '. . .' L The preliminarY size of the vaultfor lot 9 is 235' x 23.5'x.6' (width,length, depth). The. final design may propose a rectapgular shape (commonly .used· in 'detention vaults),' The final design will be reviewed·byDevelopment Setvi~esfor compliance with. the required Level 3 detention. . . '. . .. The line refen::Dced byMs:Donnelly: "Thestorinsystem shall he sized to accommodate!uture . land use conditions fl6ws'~ does not'apply-to the\deteIlti()n facility. The Iiote:refersto the conveyance system that flows through the site. .... . , -. The detention/water quality p~l1(l (Tract A) of Sfoneridge was.designed to acconimod~tefiows '.' from Stoneridge.(49-lot plat) +Wiridstqne jY(6~lot short pl~t)'+Windstorie4 (9~lot ~hort pla~)',. with Level 3 detention~ . . .' '. . ..' . . .. Storm water detention and water quality for Stoneridge II (AKAWindstone 2) is independent ()f' . the other develoPlllents.ill the vicinity. .' . . .' . . .'. '.' .' Stoneridge II runofffrom lots 1;.7 and off-site iIhprovements will drain to a detention po~d located in the NW comer of the property. Runoff from lots 8 & 9 and frontage ilnprovemeIits, to" 148th Ave SE will be collected in a detention vault located within lot 9. Both systems wiiI perform water quality as well as flow control, meeting therequiryments of the 1998 King County . Surface Water Design Manual. . 2. The vaultas shown in the drainage report has been sized to accommodate. fl()ws from lots 8 & 9'and frontage improvements along 148th Ave SE. .'. ~ .. ' ---~--l-O-S-S-So-u-th-G-r-a-dy-W,-ay-'---R-e-n---'to-n,-w,-a-s-hi-n-gt-on-9-S0-S-S------R E N TON * This paper contains 50% recycted material,30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stoneridge 2 Short Plat Response to Donriellyletter complies with the requirement as stated above, there is no violation of the erosion control. As the SEP A condition is written the downstream neighbor should not experienct:; any additional' silt in thestoi'm water. This does not mean there will never be silt,6rcolor in the w-ater, just no' more than thenorthal conditions or as the water enters the constniction site. , " 8. The, installation of silt fences' on, the cleated perimeter (outsid,e buffer) is the first erosion ,', control measure in place. The silt fence prevents runoff fronlt:mtering the storin 'vater system • until the temporary channels and pond (for sediment).is installed. This is all done in conjunction ' with the' initial grading and clearing of the ,site: . Usually the clearing; installation and connection of the telllporaryor even peimanellt pond is done during the dry season to help minimize the 'possibilitY of silt 'leaving the site. 'No work is allowed without the erosion control in'place .. 'Private citizens always have the right of complaint' to the city,' to the DOE and in the case .of damage to property may file a claim with the City Clerk's office. All trigger investigation and action Within the legal indications of violation, . error or negligence. Erosion measures may, occasionally fail, usually ona weekend or afterregularb~si~ess hours duriIlg heavyrain~, but . ,the developeris.responsibleJor their' 'aday/7 days a \Vee~ unti,l' all' cQIlStrUction . ' .. ' is complete. Complaints have' of' Rehton niailitenance and/or ,'police departments for emergency tItrough the pennitsand the ' inspectmsforaction ' .' , . hours. ,.' 9. The City. of Renton , -the final plat. ' 10: TbeCity of Renton . reports, ,communication' ' from private citizens or . beyond the usual pn)ce' sse:s~ . . ,', Please contact J:ll'e at (425). .. Sus(,Ui A. Fiala, AICP ", ' , SemorPlanner . Dev~lopnient Services Division . "cc:·· WayiIe Potter/All Sadr -Batghausen Engineers Juliana Fries . ·U"I..t;W'.k msoe(~tolrs Weekly inspection res;ponC11mg to ally complaints are indicated or required . .:' CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: Stoneridge II Short Plat City of Renton File No. LUA-04-124 Our Job No. 11444 Dear Mr.Kaufman: January 17,2005 CITY OF ~OOON JAN 1 8 2005 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1):?-3 pM We have received the review comments from Ms. Claudia Donnelly dated January 7, 2005 in regard to the project referenced above and have the following responses: 1. The detention vault shown on the plan is designed for proposed Lot Nos. 8 and 9, along with the road improvements proposed for 148th Avenue S.E., totaling 0.72 acres of land. The size of this vault shall be a minimum of 3,305 cubic feet of storage, excluding the water quality portion. This vault is not designed for any future expansion. The storm drainage system in Tract A was designed under a separate permit and has included additional area of future development, not including the proposed plat of Stoneridge II. Stoneridge II was designed with a separate detention and water quality system in accordance with City and County standards and does not drain into the Tract A detention and water quality system. 2. No other future area is designed to drain into the proposed detention system for Lots 7 and 8. 3. The existing erosion control measures are not part of this application although the developer and contractor have been working with the Department of Ecology and the City of Renton to ensure that the project complies with Department of Ecology standards. The requirements for the temporary erosion control plan for this project will be part of the final construction drawings that will be submitted to the City for review and approval. 4. The City of Renton has the authority to enforce the temporary erosion control measures as indicated on the plans and will stop the discharge of any water that does not meet the threshold set by the City and the Department of Ecology. 5. The erosion control plan does indicate that all public roads shall be swept of mud that has been tracked off site from construction. The contractor will be responsible for cleaning all public roads in accordance with the approved plans. 6. The City of Renton has the authority to enforce the temporary erosion control measures as indicated and approved. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner City of Renton -2-January 17, 2005 7. The storm drainage detention system for the project is designed with the most stringent flow control requirement of is a duration and peak matching performance standard effective in preventing a significant increase of the water flow in the downstream system. As indicated in the 1998 King County Washington Surface Water Design Manual, when a Level 3 Flow Control standard is implemented on site no additional measures are required for any downstream mitigation. 8. A temporary erosion control plan will be designed and implemented prior to any grading and disturbance of the property. The City of Renton has the authority to ensure that all erosion control measures are in place before any land disturbance. 9. As part of mitigation measure for approval notes and restrictions shall be shown on the plat map that no grading or structures will be allowed within the buffer of the creek as shown on the plan. The City of Renton will be monitoring its performance. 10. The City through their inspection unit will be monitoring and enforcing the T.E. S.C. measures as shown on the approved plan. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at this office. Thank you. Respectfully, cAl: ~cJ( AS/atMw 11444c.OO6.doc enc: As Noted cc: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, City of Renton Ali Sadr, P.E. Senior Project Manager . ; Wheeler, Mayor April 14, 2005 Wayne Potter BarghausenGonsulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 CITY ~'>F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: Park Mitigation Fees .'. . . Windl:jtone LUAd4"046, Windstone II LUA04-124, Windstone III LUA04-136, & Wiridstone IV LUA04-135 '. Dear Mr. Potter: ~ . . . . This letter is written· on behalf of the Er)Vironmental Review Committee (ERG) and.is to inform you. that . they have completed their review of the request for a credit of the Park Mitigation Fees associated with the above projects. The Committee, approved the request for a credit. . . . . .' . The Environmental Review Committee agreed to alloW the developer of .Windstone; Windst6ne II, Windstone III, and Windstone IV t() meet up to 33% of their share of. the required Park Mitigation Fee through provision of active on-site. recreation. In t~is case, a credit of $12,435.11 would result. The required fee .. is $530.76 per single-family resJdence.The required fee must be paid prior to the recording of the plat(s).' . . If you have any questions or desire Clarificatiori'of'th~~bOV~, please call me at (425)430-7270. For the Environmental Review Committee, . G\-, .' CJj) .. O'N:... ~ . . ~ .. NancyWeil Senior Planner' cc: Dennis Culp; Community Services Administrator Project File " ------l-OS-S-s-o-u-th-G-r-ad-y-w-a-y~--R-en-t~on..:..,-W-a-sh-in-g-to-n-'-9-8-0-SS-------~ ~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE' ":cf This paper contains 50% recycled matenal, 30% post consumer APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE LUA04-040, LUA04-135, LUA04-124, LUA04-136 Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers Windstone, Windstone II, Windstone III, Windstone IV DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The developer of Windstone has requested credit against the City's required Parks Mitigation Fee for on-site recreation facilities. The plat of Windstone was originally submitted, reviewed and approved by King County in 2000/2001, and subsequently annexed into the City of Renton in April 2004. The project is currently Linder construction. An on-site private park was required by King County, and the developer has included this in the plat. Per Resolution 3082, the development impact mitigation fee for parks and recreation facilities, developers can meet up to 33% of their share of the park impact fee value by providing on-site active recreation areas and facilities as long as they meet the needs and standards established the Park and Recreation Plan. Approval by the Environmental Review Committee and the Board of Parks Commissioners is required for this credit. In this case, it is estimated that the developer owes $37,683.96. A 33% credit would result in a credit of $12,435.71. The developer would then pay $25,248.25. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: South of SE 104th Street, West of 148th Avenue SE, East of Ilwaco Avenue NE, North of NE 16th Street City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The Environmental Review Committee agrees to allow the developer of Windstone, Windstone II, Windstone III, Windstone IV to meet up to 33% of their share of the required Park Mitigation Fee through the provision of active on-site recreation. The required fee is $530.76 per single family residence. The required fee must be paid prior to recording of the plat(s). ' DATE OF DECISION: April 5,2005 SIGNATURES: Dennis Culp, Administrat DAT~ Community Services De ~~ CITY OF RENTON i DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 31, 2005 Environmental Review Committee Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner (:fY\ Windstone Request for Park Mitigation Fee Credit The developer of Winds tone has requested credit against the City's required Parks Mitigation Fee for on-site recreation facilities. The plat of Windstone was originally submitted, reviewed and approved by King County in 2000/2001, and subsequently annexed into the City of Renton in April 2004. The project is currently under construction. An on-site private park was required by King County, and the developer has included this in the plat. The Developer's request is attached to this memo. Exhibits will be presented at the ERC meeting. Per Resolution 3082 and the attached policy implementing the development impact mitigation fee for parks and recreation facilities, developers can meet up to 33% of their share of the park impact fee value by providing on-site active recreation areas and facilities as long as they meet the needs and standards established the Park and Recreation Plan. In this case, the developer owes $37,683.96. A 33% credit would result in a credit of$12,435.71. The developer would then pay $25,248.25. Document3\cor /, . Mr. Dennis Culp Community Services Administrator City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES February 16, 2005 RE: Request for Park Mitigation Credit for the Private Community Park of the Plats of Windstone, Windstone n, Windstone Ill, and Winds tone IV Located in Renton, Washington City of Renton File Nos. LUA-04-0404; LUA-04-135; LUA 04-124; LUA 04-136 Our Job No. 11189 Dear Mr. CUlp: I am enclosing the following documents for your use in reviewing our request for a credit to be applicable to the required park mitigation fees for the above-referenced projects. 1. Two copies of the open spacellandscape layout plan (Tract F) of the Plat of Winds tone 2. Two copies of the open space/park irrigation plan 3. Two copies of the overall plat map for the Windstone projects. The Plat of Windstone (49 single-family lots) was originally submitted, reviewed, and approved by King County in 2000/2001. However, this property (as well as several other parcels) was annexed into the City of Renton in April of 2004 under the KBS annexation. Once this property was annexed into the City of Renton we made several revisions to the plat and agreed to several conditions, one of which was to pay a . mitigation fee to the Parks Department. Currently, this project is under con,struction and is being reviewed by the City of Renton for final plat approval. The on-site private park for the Plat of Windstone was a requirement by King County development and land services. However, an on-site park is not required by current Renton Code, but the City requires an impact fee to be paid for each of these projects prior to recording. The recreational park has been designed to incorporate several features for this property. First and foremost, the developer relocated a very mature red maple tree from the east side of the property to be placed within the park and create a theme not only for the park, but also for the subdivisions. The cost to relocate this tree was over $10,000. We are also including a water feature along with benches and picnic tables for passive recreation. Furthermore, the entire park will be irrigated and provide several flat surface areas for recreation purposes. The overall cost for the construction of this park will be approximately $140,500. Therefore, KBS Development Corporation is requesting that the City provide a credit for the cost in construction of this park facility, which will be utilized by the residents of Windstone (and Divisions n, III, and IV). This park will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners' Association. 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com Mr. Dennis Culp Community Services Administrator City of Renton -2-February 16,2005 The City of Renton requires $530.76 per lot to be paid to offset mitigation and therefore, multiplying the park fee by 71 lots (Division I = 49 lots; Division II = 9 lots; Division ill = 5 lots; Division IV = 8 lots), a total mitigation of $37,683.96 would be required. We are requesting that these fees be waived as part of those projects. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. Thank you. GWP/dm 11189c.035.doc enc: As Noted Respectfully, c4-?~ G. Wayne Potter Project Manager cc: Mr. Curtis Schuster, KBS Development Corporation (w/enc) Mr. Bob Ruddell, KBS Development Corporation (w/enc) Mr. Kolin Taylor, KBS Development Corporation (w/enc) Ms. Juliana Fries, P.E., City of Renton (w/enc) .' i'/;.!y .................... . I I I I \ I \ \ \ ~ '\ \ _.-\ .' , \ \ \ \ \ \ q \ mOO4 ~ \ 0580 ~ . \ 09.OS i 09.OS') .. • 307904 ;t ! , , -1 \ ---_-\ \ \ Z ---"\ --0--. --...... \ t·' . ..r .....•. \.:... .. ....... _- / / /' / / /' /' ,/ ,/ / / /' \ I \ -_-\ ,--\ -- ./ ",/ ./ ./ ,. /' ® \ ~ \ --\...---\ /W46 I-,,-\ Z \ ~ .. ~. \~--........ -', , /' \ I '(/' (4:45 Ac.) \ //" I .. ,.' ~. 0590 ~ I '99.56') ~9.56") I ! I u.. \ _A. ~u4-04<!d1Jt e--j..----'\-\ \ \ " \ / J'..) ,,/ / "-'<' / J..... " / / ......... 107004 l300 / / I I J 5-92p9 (0.86 Ac.) I t----L-- .. :."; .. ::,:" .. ... -....... . .. ~ ,. ~zu~ (0.22 Ac.) KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6.12 Ac.) I ~\...~,. I ~'"\ I~ \ ' ,'(\O~' ~ ~ 032305 9180 (0.31 Ac.) S~:o ~~~: / '-'-'-,- ri'?O \~\:lo I I t. 035 '>\ '?~v ~~ Q3~~~~:c~ / .... / \~ 1 _~_~i~ ____ ~ ''(..... \ I I \ -----'--l I I 1----I I ----~ / I ) "........-/ I -:~,---" I I I L-............J.. I I CITY !OF! RENTON KING COUNTY :~0.~~-::(!:r"~f.~~-.: ----- ~ -o32~05~903~ I (d189 PIC.) I .-1 ____ 1 f L __ -1_ I 032305-9042 I (0.85 Ac.) .. -............... ~r:"7-:::-"": ... ~-:-:-:.."!".':~~~"::"'~-::-... '>7~-... -.7";;,~~:-;~.'-~~ -~.-.. .... -. ~ r .. ". 1/-r-I -- ;J' ~; 'Ii / / / 5229(l 0037 . ~ -«XllD,- ,/ ~--~~----~-r$~ ,,- _.i~' / 5229.96-004~ AOOOOA- #".1 -,,~' I .......... ..-'t-I ----- ;r. .. l 1/ @22'961 (8:. 022305 9062. (0.39 Ac.) // / /' ,// CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 30th day of December, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing 2 documents. This information was sent to: Wayne Potter Contact Scott E. Hayes & JoAnn Party of Record Virginia Luck Owner Claudia Donnelly Party of Record KBS III, LLC Applicant (Signature of Sender): N k-A " ..:....-If--:...K........:::....:..---j~:.........::=--------------~~ ....... : ""IAA', ... ~~\SS/O,i;·::() ", . 0 "". ~'I. ... (j N07: '+C''. ~ ~ ": -1L\ ~ ~ '"n ~ ~cn: ..... 'T)-:n:,,' ~ ... : -0 " rn: ~ , • uJ::> C/,)." ~~... QI../c .: ; . . .. " ~ "'~<2 ....: I certify that I know or have satisfactory eVidence that Derek Jordan "" o~ ... ~:~? ..... , o~_.: signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary adtltt-1l~us~l~d purposes mentioned in the instrument. \\\\W .. """ ...... STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING Dated:r 23, ~6 Notary (Print): ____ ~M::,:;AR:_=:'L~YN~KA=M'=".CH~EFF::..:......------------ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 28th day of Decem, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing 2 documents. This information was sent to: Wayne Potter Contact Virginia Luck Owner Scott E. Hayes & JoAnn Watanabe-Hayes Party of Record Claudia Donnelly Party of Record KBS III, LLC Applicant N k..tt"II ••• (Signature of Se )-=---~'-:J~~,i.~~~~::::::=----------'~~~~"""" "'0 " SIOI\t~ ••• ~\ STATE OF WASHINGTON ~OT~ ~ •• \;n ~ . It;.. :tl~-n~ SS ~: -. m: ~ ."C/)' t:> -('1,) ... COUNTY OF KING ) ~...\ \ U8UC ,.: i ~YA" 8. .... " ~ ". '<9 7 .• ' ~ ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Derek Jordan "" Oi-·· ... :9 .. ····0'\O_~.- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary ~~n>~!ttt~ and purposes mentioned in the instrument. D~ /3, 2.0?2 ----7,n~~ .. ~. ~~~~~:!.q~~--:-:----:--__ Notary (Print): __ ---J.I!M.u:\AC.lBlul yJJlN.AK/:UIM~aCol1l:1~E~:jo....--------------- My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF 7-'~ ... ''' ...... .... ~~.'" . ,~~~ --" \ 22-F r t-'t-r 26-.wl ..... 2 '" . / / '/1,:; --'-- / 1/ 1/ ~ -g •• .. ··7·-'-I ./ / / / No \ '" ~ ,r------,~ /,,~ .8" .IO.~ '" /\ r . / IO/AI$. .lof:~I';' ... ..\~\ /25' % / ~'). /'''' TYPE 3.. aUFF£R \ ./ +~ tAs _ I .8" Ald~ .... 11; AI.:J I / / :: • Alder ~ .... :/<~AI:::-J I / ---/ (-J /' (I 6" Alder / I ' V .. '. ::::::---~f I ./ / / ,} I \ -~-.J70 _ /' / ...J \ ~Ii" Alder \. i:.. -M+ \ w.G ES / J ' .. -- " 5 Kapil tw~ AND...s£N~ ":" /' / I~~ . ~ / ----/" . /' /" / /f,/J,-I",:rv / J ----./" ~u/ /' I'/"./ . i : I \, ~MaP~:;;' Al/r ',1 \ ~ , . ~ l II ) / "I ~i I J;- ". , .f ". ~ .' ,. Kathy Kcolker-WheeJer, Mayor . , . " '. :l)ec~rilber"6, 2004. TO WHOM IT MAY.CONCER1'i: .... '. , . CIT""\ ,3):r' :aEN~()N·i . PlanWnWBuildinglPublicWorksDepartm~t Gregg,ZbiunernUlD p .E.,AdniinJstrator CITY CLERK. '. 1 . I . '.' .... CtiVOF RENTON ··.DEC 072004 . . ". RECEIVEO·. . .. , CITY CLERK'SOfIACI .' . I : . " ····Subject: ". Ad~~fug ()fSev~~N~w,PiiltSandShort:pi~tS:in Rent()n~' . ,:' ", .. . .... , ~ " , , . . "'~' .. ' .. ,.' ~. '\"~ ,:~. "', . . '. "~~,,.,,~. .' .,,' ,'. Please ~ ~ttao~ new,plats'.~ 4;t~ just ~~ ad~)~fl~ase~d th~s~·'ad~es·10. your CIty dir~tones and maps.· .". . ~' ." : ";:', ' :. '.", ",~~". " :',', :.> : !i., ;'::'; .'. .' .. ' ...... .:: " . ·····f· , ...... . . i: :.' ...... . "f" '. ,';.:., .:.[ .. : .... : ;';""j\; '.:' . " .. ' .':'~' . ·:Aln~~e·S~.o~Plat: /", ... :.' C~ar ~~~:~l~t:::·};\·.,·:::.',,.,:: ' ; 'E~~~~i(' ······.·{;,It@1:11<0:?,i·.:",?,:· .. ... ' .' . James Meadow ShortPlaf .' ".~, .... ; :···:J!~~9,ques 3>~~:·~~t ShorilUat, . '-.-," . , ' .. ". . '. '1 . : :'.: .. :' . .. . -r ... ' .. ;:>:;~ Kumad'bQrt:P.lat",; . ':' ". '. '! • .-" •••• "Mau~:Highian~J)iy,2 Pla~ ";:', Stoneridg¢If~ii~rt PI,~t:' .. ): /_". i;, .' :S1J.D·set~r.es~tSho(t!~~~ =.',~. !/~'.. . . . ". .', ~"'.' ;" >,.: .I-• . Sin~~IY' .•.•........ /"J. ..... , .. ~ ... '. : ... :: .... ':::.: .. .: ...... : ...... ~ '.~ ... ' ...•• :' .. .x " .. ' ..•...... ~ ... :.. . .. ... .. .. ': ' .. . , ',' '~' .. :" /: . .":~ ::' ',,:;' ": . . .... . ," ~ . ... " '. Jan .conkiiii. -:, '. . . .' ." .' .', . : .. '. Develppment Servj~~,Represerititi~ ": . Deyelopment ServicesJ)ivision. . ••.... Telephone:425430-7276· . '. ". . ",.~.,. . .... . . ' '. . . #hplatadd' . : -," 1055 South t y Way -Renton, Washington 98055 * ~iS paperconlains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer . .. , .... . . ' ." ... ' ::, ":. . ... ": ,:' ,"' \ . . \. : '. (' ~ .,,';" ~: .. . ' I'.; " "0 :.;: .... . . ,:: . . ,:r::.. ", ~.'. " '. .; . .. . ',',' ",' : .. : . . . . .. " .......... . ;", ;~" '~" ~~-.. ---.~ -'--RENTO'~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE " j STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on Monday, 12127/04 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $126.00 at the rate of $16.00 per inch for the first publication and NI A per su~equenLinsertion. Lily Nguyen Legal Advti'tising Representative, King County Journal S6Z:bscrib d~n n to me this 27th day of December, 2004. \' \ \ \ \ III" 1/ 1III1 -::-..",\, j:>.. M Eli 11//// :-:::; ~ •••••••••• G.y 'l. :2!. 0 .. ··\ssion £2 ••••• <"A\ ~ Tom A. Meaoher ~ ~ " ~~ -1".0, '. r ';::- Notary Publi~ for the State of Washington, Residing in ~dmintl,~Jshfh~;~\ ~ Ad Number: 847875 P.O. Number: ~ ~ -®-~ - Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surch~~"" PUB L \\J .: 5 ~ ';::-)7 ••• 4, ,\ ••• ,,~ ~ /' ". ~ y 2 zoo •• ' 0-~ '/~ .t:-. '. • .' oS: ~, '/' ,"' 0 ........ d..\ ..... --::-..' 7////. f: WAS p ,\\\~ 11/1/ II 11111\\\\\\ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Com- mittee has issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Parklane Court Preliminary Plat LUA04-142, ECF, PP Location: 100 Block of Lyons Avenue NE (East of Lyons Avenue NE & South ofNE 2nd Street). The applicant is requesting Envi- ronmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 10- lot subdivision of a 4.3 acre site zoned Residential Five (R-5) dwelling units per acre and designated as Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Com- prehensive Plan Land Use. Access to the site is proposed via a new 42-ft. public road extending east from Lyons Avenue NE that becomes a private access easement. The lots are proposed to range in size from 7,996 sq. ft. to 9,627 sq. ft. Two non-regulated wetlands and two regulated wetlands are located within the site. Wetland creation and enhancement and buffer averaging are proposed for the Category 2 and 3 wetlands. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on January 10, 2005. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by the City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A Public Hearing wiJI be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on January 25, 2005 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Published in the King County Journal December 27,2004. #847875 " " Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 tel: 425-656-7435 ; , PARTIES OF RECORD STONERIDGE II SHORT PLAT LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune Avenue NW Ocean Shores, WA 98569 (owner) KBS III, LLC 12320 NE 8th ste: #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 eml: wpotter@novastardev.com (contact) tel: 206-623-7000 (applicant) Scott E. Hayes & JoAnn Watanabe-Hayes 1714 Ilwaco Avenue NE Renton, WA 98059-4237 tel: 425-793-8760 (party of record) Claudia Donnelly 10415 147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 tel: 425-255-4340 (party of record) (Page 1 of 1) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 8th day of February 2005, affiant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: ,2005. Notary Public ~State of Washington Residing at , therein. Application, Petition or Case No.: Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT t· Minutes APPLICANT: CONTACT: OWNER: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Street, Ste., 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineering 18215 72nd Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune A venue NW Ocean Shores, W A 98569 Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF 1727 Nile Avenue NE February 8 2005 Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 28, 2004. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES Thefollowing minutes are a summary of the January 4, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, at 9:49 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 2 I Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat ExhibitNo.4: Preliminary Utility, Grading and I Drainage Plan I I Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.6: All Stoneridge I plats and short plats within the area I I I Exhibit No. Written comments by Ms. Donnelly I The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development I Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. Stoneridge IT is also known as I Windstone II because there are four different plats in this area. Stoneridge I was platted in King County and the final plat is now with City of Renton as it was annexed in. The appl icant is now changing the name of all the I developlllents to Windstone. I This plat is located in the eastern portion of the City of Renton. It contains nine lots and one tract and is located to the west of Nile Avenue NE and north ofNE Sunset Boulevard, as it is in the City of Renton, when it move~ into King County it is known as the Renton/Issaquah Road or State Route 900. This development is vested under the development regulations of the R-5, it currently is zoned R-4 effective November 10,2004. II Approximately one Illile north of the site is May Creek, there is also a tributary of May Creek, Greene's Creek, that runs through the subject site. There is an unnamed tributary on the site which flows into Greene's Creek I and then flows into May Creek. There are wetlands on site as well. There is an existing single-falllily develoPlllent to the west of the site and was built under the R-8 zone. The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with 12 measures. An appeal was filed and later withdrawn. The subject site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. proposed site does meet all the requirements of the land use, housing and environmental elements oftlJe Comprehensive Plan that are applicable to the RLD within the City of Renton . i Th~ I . The net density after all deductions have been taken is 2.84 dwelling units per acre. The lots in the subject development meet all requirements of lot size, width and depth. It appears that all lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. Existing buildings located on the site are proposed to be removed. The proposal's compliance with building I standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. I The side lot lines of the proposed lots are generally at right angles to street lines. All lots would have access tq pubic roadways. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via a 20-foot wide shared driveway. All lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. A 12-foot right-of-way dedication is required for Nile Avenue NE. As well, street improvements along the frontages of Road A (Mt. Baker Avenue NE) and Nile Avenue NE are required, including pavement, sidewalks, and City of Renton streetlights prior to recording of the final short plat. I Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 3 As part of the Stoneridge I development, platted under King County, secondary access was required and is now under construction. The secondary access (emergency only) comes from the west through the existing single- family development from NE 161h Street to NE 171h Street. Prior to approval ofthis short plat, the secondary access to both Stoneridge I and II must be completed. Staff recommends the establishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements. There are streams and wetlands located on the site, Greene's Creek in the eastern portion of the shOl1 plat and the tributary on the west portion. These streams/drainage courses are noted to provide a 25-foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Discllssion was had regarding the tree clltting plan and why more trees were not being saved. It was stated that there could be the possibility of saving some trees, Lot 4 was discussed, other larger trees seem to be located within the building pad areas and would have to be removed. Staff is recommending that two new trees per lot be included as part of each individual lot as a condition of short plat approval. Fire, Traffic and Mitigation Fees are proposed. The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISD impact fees. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. A preliminary storm drainage report was submitted, the system was designed to meet Level 3 standards for water for water quality and detention. Runoff collected from Lots 1-7 and Mt. Baker Avenue NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runofffrom Lots 8 and 9 and the frontage improvements to Nile Avenue NE would be collected in a similar fashion and drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of new Lot 9. The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90. A Certificate of Water Availability has been obtained. An 8-inch sewer main is being installed as part of Stoneridge I. This sewer main is proposed to be stubbed to the access road of the subject short plat which a sewer main extension along this new road will be required. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to 7 conditions. Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 nnd Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 stated that he would like to provide several clarifications, first the question of the west property line. At the time that KBS Development Corporation was developing Stoneridge I in King County, there was an agreement between the property owners, Virginia Luck, to only sell a portion of her properties. At that time the agreement was that she only wanted to sell the west half on the side of that tributary and to follow the required buffer. A boundary line adjustment was processed that would allow a complete application to be submitted to King County. Since then, Mrs. Luck entertained the idea of selling this parcel as well and that is why they are here today. They concur with staff's recommendations for this plat, however, he would like to clarify a couple of matters. Stoneridge II Sholt Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 4 First, it was indicated that there was a 35-foot buffer requirement along Greene's Creek which is correct, however, if you look at conditions 8 and 9 ofSEPA the 35-foot increase is for Greene's Creek, the 25-foot would remain for the unnamed tributary and the wetlands. Ms. Fiala stated that that was correct. Second, with respect to Plat Condition 2, a demolition permit has been obtained and all clearing of buildings has taken place on the site. As part of Stoneridge I several buildings were demolished, the existing structure on this particular plat was in disrepair and there were concerns, so a demolition permit was obtained and the existing home was removed as well. There are no structures on the site. With regards to trees, he stated that he was no expert, but during the last 17 year of construction when mass I grading is done, quite a bit of material will be moved on site. A lot of times when trees are moved or material lis brought in, then problems arise once the houses are built the property owners are concerned that the trees will blow down on their homes. Quite a few trees are being left on site within the buffer. The site will be providing street trees and landscaping. They will work with staff during the building stage to properly address those treds. Regarding the road extension to the north, the property owner to the north is Mr. Wolf and they have contracte!d with him and that application will come before the Hearing Examiner as Windstone III. The dash line is placeCl on the exhibit as requested by staff to see how the connection would take place. There is a lot of grade change from east to west, NE 17th Street required climbing a hill and that is why you see the design provided here. Thiis is a possible connection, exactly how that connection is going to happen is uncertain, but as those properties do develop that is one potential. There is currently a driveway that crosses Greene's Creek that has been there fO~1 years and how Mr. Wolf maintains his property. Finally,just to clarify that Stoneridge I which is currently under construction is not before the Hearing Examin!er today and that any opposition or comments today are to be specifically towards the plat that is before the ' Examiner today. Claudia Donnelly, 10415 14 i h Ave. SE, Renton, W A 98059 stated that Green's Creek runs through her property and she has some concerns. Her property is approximately 500 feet north of the Stoneridge development and I Stoneridge II. She brought some pictures of damage being done to the Creek. She was present to try to protect her property and the fish in May Creek. There is a state law that says that downstream property owners cannotl have their propelty harmed by upstream development, and she is seeing harm happening. May Creek is the I home of 3 species of salmon, at a 2001 hearing before the King County Hearing Examiner, the developer's experts stated that they had found a Chinook spawning bed 0.9 river miles downstream from where Greene's 'I Creek enters May Creek. With all the recent muddy yellow water going downstream, she is sure that the Chinook spawning bed is now destroyed. I I On December 8, she sent a letter to Renton City Clerk asking to be able to see the Stoneridge II file along with I some other documents. She received a reply on December 17 and visited City Hall on December 22. She saw I some documents from the original Stoneridge file and the Windstone III file. She asked about the Stoneridge II file, she was not given the opportunity to view that file. She was informed yesterday that she coulll ask I questions at the hearing today, she felt she could not ask questions due to not knowing what the developer had! submitted in his reports. There are many concerns of dirty storm water coming down the stream and clearing without the proper permits. During the summer of 2004, KBS cleared the property that will comprise the Stoneridge development, there is an erosion hazard site located on this property. On August 23 she found gobs of mud in the streambed located on her property. She talked to Jason Jordan about the situation, he noted that KBS had called and stated that the I detention pond had broken, spilling water down Greene's Stream, Jason stated that the City had given KBS until that Friday to fix the problem or the development would be red tagged. On August 25 she noted yellow water Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 5 coming Greene's Stream. She called Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, King County Surface Water Management, and May Valley Environmental Council seeking help. Later that day a Fish and Wildlife officer came out and said that something needed to be done. She went to the development and stopped the water from coming down. A sample was taken to Jason (she showed a bottle of water from that day). The Examiner asked if that was relevant to this project. They did have a detention pond break and that may explain some of the problems. He checked on the conditions imposed by the ERC. He asked if she had some objections to this specific plat or the conditions that staff recommended. Concerns about the prior development may be taken to the appropriate agencies including the City of Renton. This plat before us today must meet the various storm water requirements, which apparently it does. Obviously there have been some mistakes and hopefully those have been corrected. Before us today is the nine-lot plat that is different than the other plats. Ms. Donnelly stated that she requested to see the file and she was denied the access. Ms. Fiala stated that it \Vas her belief that the file was in another office getting ready for sending to the Hearing Examiner's office, and those at the front counter at that time did not know it was back there. The Examiner stated that he was aware of her concern for the creek. He was not clear as to what conditions King County imposed on the previous development and that is not within his jurisdiction. If DOE or Fisheries have concerns, they can intervene and the City can also help. The schedule was checked, Ms. Donnelly will be given the opportunity to look at the file and review the information that is in the file for this short plat. Mr. Potter stated that they had no problems with allowing Ms. Donnelly to review the information. He did question if this was a new public hearing where new witnesses could present or is the hearing extension going to be I imited to information that Ms. Donnelly has after reviewing the fi Ie? The Examiner stated that he could not deny her an expert witness after reading the information, to respond to or ask questions about the issue. A whole series of new witnesses will not be allowed to come in, other than those that might address the concerns raised, at the point we are dealing with storm drainage, Greene's Crel~k, and the buffers. Juliana Fries, Development Services stated that as part of Stoneridge I there is a culvert along 1481h Avenue SE that is King County right-of-way, King County is requiring the current 24-inch culvert to be upgraded to a 36- inch culvert. The City of Renton's requirement is to make sure that the high water mark on Greene's Creek will mark where the 35-foot buffer should begin. Ms. Donnelly will have her written comments to the Examiner's office on January 11,2005 by 5:00 p.m. Mr. Potter will have one week from January 11 to have his written response to the Examiner. The record will be held open for the Examiner's review of the written comments. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Engineers, 18215 nnd Ave. S., Kent, WA 98032 stated that he did the design for the storm drainage system. It was known that there was a potential problem down stream and that's why the water control facility was designed for this project. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 6 I The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, a~d no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:48 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Wayne Potter, Barghausen Engineers, filed a request for a nine-lot short plat. I I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The yellow file containing the staffrepo11, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentationl I and other pertinent m<lterials was entered into the record as Exhibit # 1. I The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitig<lted (ONS-M). The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. The subject site is located at 1727 Nile Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the west side of Nile about a block north of Sunset Boulevard NE and south ofNE 20th Street (SE 104th Street in King \ County). I The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located asl suitable for the development of low-density residential development, but does not mandate such I· development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family - 4 dwelling units/acre). The applicant submitt~d the application while the subject site was still zoned R-5 (Single Family - 5 dwelling units per acre) ana has a right to have the application considered under that categorization. I The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5068 enacted in April 2004. The subject site is approximately 3.6 acres or approximately 158,259 square feet. The subject site is irregularly shaped and is approximately 560 feet wide (east to west) by 300 feet deep. The subject site slopes downward to the northwest. Two streams, Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, and an unnamed creek, a tributary to Greene's Creek, cross the subject site. Greene's Creek run's at a diagonal across the east third of the subject site. The unnamed creek runs along the western margih of the subject site. Their confluence is north of the subject site. In addition to the creeks, there are twd l wetlands. A Category 3 wetland, a regulated wetland, that will be protected, is located adjacent to the westerly unnamed creek. The second wetland, an unregulated wetland, will also be protected since it lies within the Greene's Creek buffer. The site was logged a few years ago and the re-growth is mainly small alder and shrubs. Trees in the I wetland and creek areas would be retained. The rest of the site would be cleared for allow development of building pads, roads and driveways. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 7 12. The appl icant proposes dividing the subject site into nine lots that would range in size from approximately 8,903 square feet to 18,565 square feet. There would also be a tract, Tract A, located in the northwest corner of the site that would contain the storm water facility and a portion of sensitive area. Seven of the nine lots would be arrayed around a central cul-de-sac, proposed Mt Baker Avenue NE. Proposed Lot 8 would have a access directly out to Nile Avenue while Proposed Lot 9 would have a pipestem access to Nile. 13. The appl icant proposes extending a cul-de-sac north from NE 17th Street into the subject site. It would provide access to Proposed Lots I to 7. Nile would provide access to Proposed Lots 8 and 9. 14. The subject site is located within the Issaquah School District. The City has imposed an impact fee of $2,937.00 for each new single-family lot constructed in the Issaquah district under RMC 4-1-160C. 15. The density for the plat would be 2.84 dwelling units per acre after subtracting sensitive areas such as the creek, wetlands and the roadways. 16. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately 90 trips for the 9 single-family homes. Approximately ten percent ofthe trips, or approximately 10 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 17. The subject site will utilize two storm water control systems. The main portion of the site will drain to the northwest and Tract A. Proposed Lots 8 and 9 will use a wet vault located on Proposed Lot 9. Stormwater will be subject to a Level 3 Control regime which is the strictest. The project will also be subject in general to the 1998 King County Stonmvater Manual as well as the Depar1ment of Ecology's standards regarding erosion control. 18. The development of adjacent property by this applicant apparently did create erosion and stormwater problems downstream. It appears that during a storm event the temporary detention and erosion control systems did not perform fully. The City also reports that some of the noted problems may have been caused by additional third party property even further upstream. 19. Sewer service will be extended to serve the subject site. Domestic water will be provided by Water District 90. 20. The applicant will be required to dedicate 12 feet along the eastern edge of the subject site to allow the widening of Nile Avenue NE. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant will be protecting the creeks and wetlands on the subject site assuring the preservation of the natural features of this property. The proposed density of2.84 acres complies with the Zoning Code's R-5, the zoning that was vested, as well as the current R-4 zoning. 2. While there have been downstream problems with sediment, it appears that the proposed development will be subject to the most stringent storm water development regulations. That should protect both the creeks that flow through the subject site as well as downstream water bodies. The City found the storm water analysis appropriate and the ERC imposed a series of mitigation measures in addition to the code-required measures. Stoneridge II ShOli Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 8 3. 4. The appl icant wi II be offsetting impacts to the roadways, emergency services and parks by paying thel mitigation fees associated with single-family development. In this case, the applicant will also be I paying an impact fee to offset impacts on the Issaquah School District. The development of this site will increase the tax base of the City. It will also provide additional I housing choices and in this case, choices with environmental amenities closely associated with most df the proposed lots. 5. In conclusion, the proposed short plat appears to be an appropriate division and use of the subject site. DECISION: I The short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: i I. The applicant shall comply with the conditions imposed by the ERe. I 2. Lot 8 shall utilize the 20-foot private access easement that also provides access to Lot 9. A note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating this requirement. The satisfaction of I this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services. 3. A twelve-foot right-of-way dedication is required along the short plat's frontage with Nile A venue NE. The dedication shall occur at the time of final recording of the short plat. 4. Prior to recording of the Stoneridge II Short Plat, the dedication of the access road through I Stoneridge I (LUA 04-046, FP) and associated improvements of the road shall be completed if Stoneridge I is not yet recorded. I I 5. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in I order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the final short plat prior to recording. 6. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a I restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This I condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division ana the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. I 7. Prior to recording the short plat, the dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge I, LUA 04-046, FP) to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system shall be required, ifnot yet in place. 8. The dedication along Niles Avenue NE shall be forwarded to the City Council. Stoneridge II Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 9 ORDERED THIS 81h day of February 2005 FRED J. KA MAN HEARING E f\MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 81h day of February 2005 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers 18215 n"d Ave S Kent, W A 98032 Claudia Donnellv 10415 14 7'h Ave-SE Renton, W A 98059 Ali Sadr Barghausen Engineers 1 8215 n"d Ave S Kent, W A 98032 TRANSMITTED THIS 81h day of February 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Stan Engler, Fire Chad Armour 6500 1261h Ave SE Bellevue, W A 98006 Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, COLincil Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Larry Meckling, Building Omcial Planning Commission Transportation Division Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., February 22, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date ofthe Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., February 22, 2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Councilor final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in Stoneridge 11 Short Plat File No.: LUA-04-l24, SHPL-H, ECF February 8, 2005 Page 10 private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include bO~, h the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. g I ~I I ~ ~ l' -100' ~-~'" ,"""If :r ~s I~ ~e n ~%i ~; ij~ -,-- ~H I.!. 032305-9.159 (',.,Ac.) 032305-9047 ( ... , .... , KlNO COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 ~--, , I \ I I , I (O.12Ac.) ---~ r----'---. I I I \ I .. _____ -' r----..I' I __ <::~ \~~~~~~d.s ~ \ \ ~46 \ ~, ... \ ...... -.. \ \ ..... ' _ \ ~~\ <, (~~5 Ae.j ---j,.""'\ ,\ ' ... , \ \. 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DQII:IMl1IC)It; WIIIN DDIIIn' IDDOIIW. (4-1' IIUAC) .. fIIICIPGD-..UIIWClnlfI¥ 10. Ml:Iam_LOI'1IIImlflf II. .....-0 .. LDf MOl uoa II. 11. MIIMID"" l1li-' lZID U. Ia. MIroIEI:I'ODCn UI CILIfIO. ,4. IQI.IG .. sa... --... I/IOIOIII~. f1' AU:IIG flNIJ' BONWIC _ ... 1.1. .... _IIIDCI'OIuatCII. 1 ..... f1ID.IICIIII'tIlfCl~ ,." IUIM'Q " come ,... I&IM'IOII:I QwtIa3 --lOUJ ... l4&'IM U. _ .. - DE\IEI.QPER ~"l:i"'o\\?"~, .. ,.......--""""' .... -ENC»NEE8lPUNNERlsullYEYOB ===-=_ .... ""' ....... ~Jt;11P-t1a ~ ..... M1UIQIlAU~ .. L DENSITY WORKSHEET I. QIaI MfA fi'IWJP'OU'r. ISr1,l39I.', 2. ooesrrt CN..Q.UtDf lICCUJS1CIIIa :.t..ZU U. ~ DQ. IOCSI1M NItEA »ID JCIt(f ACCDI DSO«NP) l.NtTD£N!i1T'tNflJo: II.IOOU. __ -1lII:IIISIIIOS) .. NO'OEHSITtINM:IIOl 1.%1" (llMIlUI ......... UJ a. M£f 0DIIr!Y: loU o.u. NIt ACII( _....."or ~ § ~ ~I ill ~;~ s~i i~i ~=! Ih ~n ! ~ I~ ~ . '; hli II i ~~~~ 51 1 1 i ~ II Iii "\ I h.\ ri:\1 I ,,::&iii , I ~IJllllllil 9,":=~:'.= __ i!#r 0 LOf" DC CQ.In'f. D.NWfr .... .IAIIIfWENf NVWIO tDClCDU, ~ \MDO IIIXIIIIIMI .... ~ ... IIJGCCII,ICIY,...,OM. .... A,...f1f.,..~~flTII(ICI.mItCfOtWl"l'[ItOl'UCTIOIt ... .... ~MOIIM,IWU. OA -.u6lEJtttlUlOWC, It QIII ccutm''WHINJTON. 03.-...... _ ......... - ~" ... OIDICI 1IID 1Q IE IDIMD PllIUI) 11m (&.IN~ ,.,.,,'U,..,. I ..... .....,. 'UIt (I ...... ... ....,.,- • -SPMMO ..... nwt 1MItU una 2 ~ g NOllv:xn SOD86 NOWNHSVM :rwTn38 OOIt ams '18 H.la '3N ~ NOIlVllO.AlO::> lH3rIdO"8A3CI S8lI ~ ~ ~ . ¥ ..... !J! ~ - !" .. ~ l III • !i! IU ~~~ r~ ~« s~ill -_ .." :uvo ... - .": <'! ~ ~ z i ~ fi ~ ~ i II: , !:t i 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on November 23, 2004, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Stoneridge II Short Plat. The DNS-M included twelve (12) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on November 29,2004 and ended on December 13, 2004. An appeal was filed and withdrawn on December 29,2004. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthworkn and "Compacted Berm and Till Linersn. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume /I of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual." 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 10. A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated hex_ Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearin~ Examiner LUA-04-124, ECR, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Page 5 of 10 buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and apJroval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuJnce of construction/utility permits. ! 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent! fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to th~ review and approval of the Development Services Division. I ... : Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 10415 -1471h Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 January 7, 2005 RE: Stoneridge II Preliminary Plat Approval-LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Hearing Examiner: I visited City Hall on January 6, 2005 and was able to look at the material for the Stoneridge II proposed development. I was able to look at the material but have several questions that I feel need answered. I. What will be the si~e of the detention vault to be built on Lot 9? In one item (enclosed), it states: "The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use conditions flows". (Document #3, item 3) The Tract A detention pond was originally built for 44 houses on the original Stoneridge site. Now the developer intends to add 7 lots from the Stoneridge II plat, the Windstone III plat and Windstone IV plat. What level of flow control will be used to release the Stormwater from this vault into . Greenes Stream? Will the Tract A detention pond be able to accommodate the £additional water from Stoneridge II, Windstone III and Windstone IV? . 2. What future development plans does KBS have that will have storm water draining into this vault in addition to the 2 Stoneridge II lots and frontage improvements? Will this vault be large enough to accommodate this future building or will additional detention ponds have to be built? 3. I have contact DOE regarding the Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. (Document #3, item 2). Should a copy of these requirements be included in the Stoneridge II file for reference? I did not see any documentation regarding these specific requirements. Does KBS have a copy in their offices and on site regarding what these requirements are? 4. How will the City of Renton enforce these requirements if they weren't able to enforce DOE requirements from December 101\ 2004 incident on Greenes Stream? What will the City do to prevent more yellow water coming down Greenes Stream in the future? .. • >. 5. How will the KBS prevent mud/dirt present on Nile Avenue (1 481h) from going into Greenes Stream/May Creek? In another document (Document 1) that I found in the file, it states that "streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities ...... " That has been a problem since August -dirt/mud have been left on the street and it has only been cleaned up after I call it in? Who will be responsible to make sure that all street cleaning is done? 6. What will the City do to make sure that the road(s) are kept clean at all times? 7. How will KBS prevent future damage to my property and May Creek -following state law that says downstream residents will not be harmed by upstream development? How will they prevent future yellow water from coming into my yard? 8. In ESC document, how will KBS prevent erosion from flowing into Greenes Stream prior to the building of the temporary sediment trap? How will the City of Renton's make sure that such erosion doesn't come down prior to this construction? What recourse do downstream residents have if the contractor/City don't do what they are supposed to do? 9. What is to prevent future residents of the development from disturbing Greenes Stream and sending sedimentation downstream? Will there be covenants on the property prohibiting disturbance of property within the buffer area? One item states that "a note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed with the creek's buffer". (Document #3, item #10) Who will be monitoring this to make sure it is complied with? ) O. How will the City monitor the erosion control plan when 3 different times -August, 1"hanksgiving and December 10, they didn't stop the yellow water from coming downstream? These are all of the question I have at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly Enclosures ~ , . , " . ," I " • ,-'. \ J • I • I II II II ,8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I ( ) , ' II .~ I II II II I " 11 fj - " , II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I ( .. j 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The wet/detention pond and a separate temporary sediment trap will be the first order of construction such that both sides of the site, divided by Greene's creek, once graded and cleared, can be routed into the wet/detention pond and sediment trap accordingly. This will trap sediments on-site and prevent both erosion from occurring on-site and sedimentation downstream. In addition a rock construction entrance and perimeter protection in the form of a silt fence with temporary V-ditches and rock check darns will all be instituted on-site to minimize erosion from occurring. Also, streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities and the site shall be sprinkled with water during the summer months should dust control be a problem on the site. Cover measures will be instituted for any areas left unworked over the time allotted by King County and the City of Renton. I I 444.00\.doc (JPJ/dmltep) e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The quantities of filling and grading on site have yet to be determined; however, we anticipate that the earthwork will be balanced, except for the possible import of structural fill for backfilling utility trenches. Additional import may be required for the road subgrade depending on the weather conditions at the time of construction. 1. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. During heavy stonn events following clearing and grading activity, erosion could occur if erosion/sedimentation control measures are not installed properly. By properly incorporating the City of Renton erosion control measures and minimizing the disturbance of existing vegetation during plat construction, we can help mitigate erosion impacts. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 0.33 acre (9 percent) of the total site will be covered with impervious surfaces, such as asphalt, buildings, etc. Approximately 29 percent (1.06 acres) remain as undisturbed open space, such as wetlands and buffers. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Prior to construction, an approved erosion control plan will be prepared and implemented in accordance with the City of Renton. These erosion control measures will be monitored throughout construction and must be maintained to control erosion during construction and weather constraints. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. The project proposal will generate emissions typically found within single-family subdivisions. This may include airborne dust during constructionlheavy equipment, as well as automobile, emissions; however, once the project is completed, the plat will produce typical emissions found in residential communities, such as automobiles, service trucks, maintenance equipment, and wood-burninglgas-burning stove emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. To our knowledge, there are no off-site sources of emissions and/or odor that will affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During construction, construction practices, such as riprap entrance aprons, required muffler systems for heavy equipment and dust control (watering), will be implemented as required. There will be no on-site construction burning and all land clearing debris will be exported off site and disposed of. I I 444.00l.doc [GWP/tep] 4 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stone ridge II Short Plat APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1727 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential -5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. It. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black- tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: The City 01 Renton Department 01 Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. .~ 3. The linal drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The lee shall be paid prior to the recording 01 the linal plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The lee shall be paid prior to the recording 01 the linal plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Bulfer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval 01 the Development Services Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 It. wetland buffer located to the south 01 subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 It. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 It. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval 01 the Development Services Division. 10. A note shall be placed on face of the final plat stating that no grac. oJ or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of .this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and sign age along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. '.' .~ 1.\ City of Renton PIBIPW Departmen. STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T (r 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Page 2 of 8 Project description continued: The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes- lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. The proposed subdivision is intended to result in the eventual construction of detached single-family residences. The site would be developed into nine lots and one tract. Two wetlands (one regulated) and two creeks/drainage courses (one unnamed and Greene's Creek) are located on the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a preliminary storm drainage report, habitat data report, and a critical areas assessment and delineation. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. Vegetation would remain within the sensitive areas and creek and wetland buffers. Primary access would be via Nile Ave. NE to NE 1 ih St. to Mt. Baker Ave. NE that would extend north terminating in a cul-de-sac. New lots 8 and 9 would be served via Nile Ave. NE via a private access easement. Street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting and right-of-way dedications are required. The site is zoned Residential - 5 (R-5) dwelling units per acre. The R-5 zone allows residential densities that range from no minimum up to a maximum of 5.0 dulac. The proposed plat would arrive at a net density of 3.9 dulac after the' deduction of public roadways from the gross acreage which would be within the allowed range of the R-5 zone. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Residential Low Density (RLD). B. RECOMMENDA TION C. Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINA TION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. klTlGA TION MEASURES DETERMINA TION OF XX NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGA TED. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water DeSign Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. . 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitig~tion Fee based on $530.76 per new single·family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and ERG _Sloneridge2.doc , . City of Renton PIBIPW Departmem STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Plan Review -Street Improvements c.. 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 4 of 8 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street and along the frontage of the parcel with Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE). 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. Plan Review -General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Property Services 1. To be provided separately. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The applicant has submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc., dated July 13, 2004. The report provides information and recommendations pertaining to foundations, soils, groundwater and erosion. The report states that the site slopes in a northwesterly direction with an average slope of 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. The tree cutting and land clearing plan indicates that all vegetation from the plat would be removed except for that within the stream buffers and sensitive areas. The clearing of land would accommodate the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of larger trees. The trees include alder, maple, cedar, fir and deciduous. The report indicates that the proposed single family residences can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or on granular structural fill used to modify, existing grades. The native silty sand with gravel soils are moisture sensitive, and the soils will degrade rapidly if\exposed to excessive moisture. To ensure that site preparation and general earthwork is conducted according to the geotechnical report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork". The storm water detention pond is planned to be located in the northwest portion of the site and care should be taken during excavation to identify and control seepage along the cut slopes of the detention pond. Where fill berms are proposed to be utilized around the pond, compaction of fill will need to meet structural fill specifications. To ensure that any berms and till liners are constructed according to the specifications of the report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The soils encountered during exploration consisted of native silty sand with gravel and according to the USGS that the site identifies glacial till deposits throughout the site. In general, the native soils observed at the test pit locations were generally consistent with this type of deposit. Three test pits were sampled. Underlying the surficial layer of topsoil, medium dense, brown silty sand with gravel soil was encountered at depths of 2 Y2 ft. to 4 ft. below existing grade. Underlying the brown silty sand soils, dense silty sand with gravel glacial till soils were encountered. Light ground water seepage was observed in an off-site test pit that was part of Stone ridge I Plat. The use of sumps during construction may be necessary, depending on the rate of groundwater seepage entering excavations. The environmental checklist states that the quantity of cut and fill has not been e'3timated but is anticipated by the applicant that it would be balanced on site. In order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and to adjacent properties, staff recommends additional mitigation including that the project be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's ERC_Stoneridge2.doc -, . City of Renton PIB/PW Departme,. . STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 lir 1ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 5 of 8 (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of thl3 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. • The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. 2. Surface Water Impacts: The applicant has.submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Technical Information Report and plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated September 28, 2004 with the land use application. The storm drainage system was designed to meet Level 3 standards and water quality. The report's overview indicates that runoff collected from Lots 1 through 7 and Mt. Baker Ave. NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 and 9 and the frontage improvements to Nile Ave. NE would be collected in a similar fashion, but drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of the property (appears to be within new Lot 9). Both systems would perform water quality as well as flow control. The report outlined the Eight Core Requirements which appear to be incorporated into the storm drainage plan. The report states that off-site analysis was not conducted due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required, which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. . The project site drains to Greene's Creek and will continue to drain to the drainage course as well as a wetland that is proposed to be preserved. The report discusses mitigation of existing and potential problems based on drainage complaints (contained within the TIR). By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control, the report states that this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specifiep in the problem-specific mitigation requirements on the 1998 KCSWDM. AccordiAg to the City of Renton records and the "Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation" (to be discussed under "Wetland" section) provided by the applicant, a drainage course, Greene's Creek, crosses the site. To ensure that the drainage course is addressed within the context of the storm drainage system staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the drainage report includes an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project and the storm systems be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. Due to flooding and erosion problems, staff recommends that the project be designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual as a mitigation measure and the storm drainage system is designed to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Mitigation Measures: • The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. • The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 3. Fire Protection Impacts: Fire Prevention staff indicates that the applicant provide required improvements and fees to offset the impacts associated with the new development. The proposal to add nine (9) new residential lots to the City would ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBlPW Departrr, STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 I vir 1ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 60{8 impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, a Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee is estimated at $4,392.00 (9 new lots x $488.00 = $4,320.00) and is required prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 4. Access/Transportation Impacts: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required for the project. Primary access to the site is proposed via Nile Ave. NE to NE 1ih Street to Mt. Baker Avenue NE which would be extended north from its terminus at Lots 1 and 3 of St~neridge I Plat. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via Nile Ave. NE to the a joint use driveway (private access easement). The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system; therefore, the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee will be imposed. The Traffic Mitigation Fee is calculated at a rate of $75.00 per additional generated trip per new single-family lot at a rate of 9.57 trips per lot home. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $6,459.75 (9 new lots x 9.57 trips = 86.13 trips) thus (86.13 x $75 per trip = $6,459.75). The fee is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. 5. Parks & Recreation Impacts: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is antiCipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single-family lot would be required for the proposal. The fee is estimated at $4,776.84 (9 new lots x $530.76 = $4,776.84) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single- family Jot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. .~ Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3082, Ordinance 4527. 6. Wetlands/Streams Impacts: The applicant submitted a Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC, dated October 9, 2004. The purpose of the study was to delineate wetlands, evaluate the functions and values of wetlands and any streams, determine classification and buffers, determine impacts and present a conceptual mitigation plan. Two streams are located on site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a stream that originates off site, a few hundred feet to the south. Portions of the stream typically run dry in June. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site, to the north. During their observations, water was flowing into Greene's Creek from the south; however, before Greene's Creek joined the unnamed tributary, no surface water was present. Greene's Creek dries up annually near its confluence with the unnamed tributary by the end of June. The width of the stream was averaging 20 inches with a depth up to 3.75 inches at the time of observation in September 2003. The unnamed tributary was not measured for depth or width as the report indicates that its channel was difficult to detect, but indications of seasonal flow appears'. These streams/drainage course are noted to provide a 25 foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Due to the flow of Greene's Creek into May Creek, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the buffer be increased to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the creek to reduce impacts to the creek. The increased buffer width would impact access to new Lot 9; therefore, buffer averaging would be permitted adjacent to new Lots 8 and 9. ERC_Stoneridge2,doc .' • City of Renton PIBIPW Departmel .. , STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 L.dvir 1ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 7 of 8 Additionally, the abutting Stoneridge I Plat (Preliminary plat approved in King County-Final Plat in Renton) was conditioned to have a 50 foot buffer along the Category 3 wetland and unnamed tributary, staff recommends that a transition between the 50 foot buffer and the 25 ft. buffer be provided. It appears that the transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. To maintain the capacity along Greene's Creek, staff recommends that to prevent future disturbance along the creek buffer that a note be placed on the face of the final plat that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The study delineated two wetlands. Wetland A, which runs along the west portion of the site and adjacent to the unnamed tributary, is a Category 3 wetland and includes 6,478 sq. ft. of wetland on-site. Wetland B is located adjacent to Greene's Creek and covers 1,120 sq. ft. and is unregulated. However, due to the presence of Greene's Creek the wetland would be contained within the creek buffer. To ensure that disturbance to the wetland and buffer does not occur during and after construction, staff recommends that silt fencing be installed around the wetland, creek and associated buffers during construction and permanent fencing be installed after construction. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stone ridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Deve,!opment Services Division. \ • A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. • After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall instaU permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 7. Habitat/Wildlife Impacts: A Habitat Data report was submitted with the land use application as prepared by Chad Armour, LLC., dated September 10, 2004. The purpose of the study was to identify habitat present on site and the potential impacts that development may have on this habitat. The report indicates that there are two habitat types on site including include meadow and forest. The Meadow habitat type is that area subject to grading and revegetation 2003 that is dominated by grass with tree seedlings and shrubs. There are no large trees or shrubs present nor special habitat features such as snags or downed logs. The report states that indications of black-tailed deer were observed in the Meadow habitat. Many of the shrubs had been ERC_Sloneridge2,doc Good morning, My name is Claudia Donnelly. I live with my family in unincorporated King County at 10415 -147thAvenue SE, Renton. This is approximately 500 feet north of the Stoneridge development. I have Greenes Stream flowing through my yard to May Creek. I have some pictures and information that I am sure you might be interested in seeing. Not all the pictures that I took came out, but you can see some damage being done. ,I also Ra'lle sopi~H; of €I fflttils to aHa hom Renton staff asking for help and gettisg , " , ',' ',' I.,'· • . " . ~ , ("'. e"SHses. lean 't stop this short plat from going in --it will whether I object or not. I,""" am here to protect my property and fish in May Creek. ~ kve.~,~ AA a ~"i'Z..-tt ''', ~ i11, ' ti;D. 5~v;o (J~-t1f:lt:~ pwyu;,-tua O~nlU·t he h ~~d 13'1 I.t.l/) sfv--et!/¥I ~-vceufO~lIi~ May Creek is the home of 3 species of Salmon -Chinook, Sockeye and Coho. At a 200 I hearing before KC Hearing Examiner Stan Titus, the developer's "experts" stated they had found a Chinook salmon spawning bed 0.9 RM downstream from where Greenes Stream enters May Creek. My family and I have also seen Coho and sockeye salmon in the stream. However with all of the recent muddy yellow water going downstream, I am sure that that Chinook Spawning Bed is now destroyed. First, though, I want you to know that on December 8, 2004, I sent a letter to the Renton City Clerk asking under the Public Disclosure Law, RCW 42.17, to be able to see the Stoneridge II file along with some other documents. I got a reply on December 17 and visited City Hall on December 22,2004. I saw some documents from the original ,.I Stoneridge file and the Windstone III file. I asked, showed my letter and asked about ' '.',i seeing the Stoneridge II file. I was not given that opportunity -so I can only speak to ,': ;~' what I have seen over the last couQle of months. ~ /0(,1,0 1Y1~m.,.p 'Y--<'1:l;; ~ ~ ~ Cc~tY O-Ok::. ~ tz£M.?, 1-fV-W e-f,A1\ .;9 C'-? K ~ ~ -1 tP c£vy, Iof-K f/A)"L() tv hfL.+1-f..e ~ Living with Green~s Stream flowing through my yard, I have a number of concerns that I S'u,h~'H'#""J:? would like to talk about -among the dirty storm water coming down and also clearing without having the proper permits. I have pictures to share with you that show some of these concerns. During the summer 2004, KBS cleared the property that will comprise the Stoneridge development. There is an erosion hazard site located on this property. On August 23, I went out and look at my side yard and found "gobs" of dark mud in the streambed. I called Jason Jordan and talked to him about it. He said that KBS had called and said that the detention pond broke -spilling water down~am. Jason said that the City had give KBS until that Friday to fix the problem so that it wouldn't happen again or the development would be red tagged. On August 25, I went out to the side yard and saw yellow water coming down. I called Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, KC SWM and MVEC seeking help because I knew I couldn't get help from Renton. At 12:30 pm, a Fish and Wildlife officer came out and looked and said that something needed to be done. She went to the development and stopped the water from coming down. I took a sample to Jason and the receptionist on the 6th floor said "Yuk". This bottle is full of water from that day. I know that you can't have water samples as evidence, so I took a picture for your files. .,." ," ... " :', ........ '," On November 25 (Thanksgiving), I again, went out and looked; There was more yellow water. I called the Public Works office seeking help. The recorded message said to call 911. I did. A Renton Fire Truck came out and looked and filed a report. I also called DOE and filed a complaint. The next week, I got excuses instead of help. I decided at that point to go to DOE the next time it happened. On December 10, at 8:30 am, I went and checked my yard. Nothing was happening. I went out again at 9:30 am. More yellow water. I took 3 samples. Here is one that came from that date. I then got into my car and drove to DOE. There I spoke and showed my sample to 4 gentlemen who were concerned. At II am, I was back home and drove by the Stoneridge development. There was a Renton inspector on the road (Nile) laughing and talking to work crews putting up silt fences on the east side of the road. I was still getting yellow water in Greenes Stream through my yard. Why didn't he see the broken pipe and stop the flow? At I pm, the DOE inspector showed up. He spent two hours on the site and saw the yellow water going down stream to May Creek. I was later told that a pipe broke -but no one bothered to fix it. He made the contractors stop the flow of the water down stream. By 4 pm, the water in the stream was clear again. I heard that the developer was violating state laws in other ways. Supposedly the contractor was to take weekly water samples and when the turbidity got to a certain level, they were to stop construction. I was told they never took weekly water samples. The DOE inspector also took a water sample. The DOE inspector left me a message on my cell phone if you want to hear it. When I spoke to DOE officials at Eastgate, they were not happy that Renton officials didn't want to do anything to help. They said they were going to talk to Renton officials about this. Another concern that relates to storm water runoff is dirt/mud/rocks left on the road. The contractor made an agreement with Renton in June 298, 2003 where they were told that they had to keep the roads clean at all times. The road water flows into the drainage ditch, which flows into Greenes Stream/May Creek through pipes going under 148th A venue SE. In fact, in one of the pictures, you can see the dirt on the road. Depending on where this mud flows into the ditch, this dirt can also go into my yard on its way to May Creek. I have called KC Roads, Renton Public Works, Renton Development offices and anyone who will help. It should not be my job to make sure KBS follows the requirements. '\", . . ,': '~ .. :.:: ; • !".' ',',; ""'( ". ': -: ',,' ",. i . " . ;. :', . ( . >. ",' ~ , .', '-, 'I ~ • .' . ,I": " ,.:,J: " " P,:."' . .'~. .' . • 1:-' '" :: : .. ~, '. Last is the idea that KBS is doing clearing/grading in KC without having the proper permits. In July/August, they started working on connecting the Stonegate sewer line to the Stoneridge development via Lyons A venue. This was going in on a 30-foot easement above my property. I checked with DOES and found the end of August that KBS did not have a permit to do the work. I am not sure if Renton officials knew this or not. How many other clearing/grading projects have they done without having the proper permits? I know that KBS has already started some work on Stoneridge II without having the proper permits. A Renton official told me that KBS had "permission" of the property owner to do it. Does that make it right? Nero rv...e) Now for my pictures. I have 5 pages of pictures. I would like to read you an e-mail I sent yesterday to Renton officials about almost getting killed on the road because of two trucks parked (with no lights on or flaggers in the area) on the road in front of where the Stoneridge development is going in. Like I said all r am trying to do is protect my property and May Creek. On December 12, I received a manual for WRIA 8. This is a group of cities/county trying to protect the wild Chinook salmon. I didn't have enough time to do a through job of reviewing the material before comments were due on December 17. So, I just wrote of my experiences with Renton -as Renton is apart of the group. I don't want to sound negative -but at least as far as my yard and May Creek is concerned --considering my experiences, whatever Chinook salmon were in it are gone. I am attaching a copy of my letter to KC regarding WRIA 8 for your review. Thank you. ',; 1. i, . '. ). i ' '. ,.; '" ~' ".'.,' ,'/': ,", ,', ,', '4: .. ... .' , " -:. '. " , ~ .. '" CITY OF RENTON PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING CLEAR AND GRADING JUNE 29, 2003 PROJECT NAME: STONERIDGE PLAT U040198 L PROJECT PERSONNEL AND NUMBERS Juliana Fries, City Project Manager Dan Thompson, City Inspector ~w'AA Project ~mergency Contact # 425-430-7278 206-999-1828 c2.()G -510-~G3 RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THE GEOTECH REPORT TO BE FOLLOWED DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION. GENERAL: 1. CALL 425-430-7203 FOR INSPECTION (24 HR NOTICE) BEFORE YOU START WORK. NOTIFY FIRE, POLICE AND METRO OF CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. CALL 911 FROM A LOCAL LAND LINE ONLY. FIRE DISPATCH FROM CELL PHONE: 253-852-2121 . ' 2. Contractors shall use only sets of drawings stamped and signed by the City' of Renton for' constructing utility and transportation improvements. The approved plans do not constitute a fill and grade permit or grant any rights to fill and/or grade outside of the right-of-way. Keep a set of approved drawings on-site at all times. 3. Work hours for hauling in' right-of-way are weekdays, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Saturday by approval only and no Sundays. Construction hours: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Any changes to work hours shall have prior approval from the City of Renton. 4. Contractor must call for City inspection before 3:00 p.m. ~>n the previous day. Overtime takes special authorization and scheduling in advance. Pay schedule is $50 per hour for overtime. 5. Streets shall be kept clean at all times. Truck washing and other measures as approved are required for the duration of the project. Provide whatever measures necessary for cleanup and dust control during job and at night. 6. Traffic control plan to be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; Haul legal loads and observe all traffic laws. All truck maneuvering and materials storage to be on-site only. Right of way to remain unobstructed when possible: No stoct<piles are allowed in the right of way. 7. All utilities must be inspected prior to backfill. 8. The contractor, as well as the engineer, shall keep as-built drawings. All changes shall be shown on as built. As built shall be per City specifications. All bends on waterlines shall be surveyed,' , 1 ... ~ City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 December 8,2004 RE: Public Disclosure Request -Stoneridge Dear City Cler~: Under RCW 42.17, the Public Disclosure Law, I would like to be able to examine all documents that show the size of the Stoneridge detention pond. I would like to make sure that it is a Level 3 Detention Pond with a Level 3 flow control. At the same time, I would like to review the Stoneridge II file and the file for the Windstone III short plat. Thank you: Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly Mailed 12/8 . "',: .,,; .. .. .::;~.~. , MIL .: -, :,'. . ,': ". ..; . .-: . '. ',: : I", Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor. .', . '.' December 15,2004 Claudia:Donnelly .' . · 1041'5 -147th Aven~e SE--.' ... Renton. WA 98059' Subject: Public Disclosure Request -Stoneridge '. . ~;;.-. . ', I,':' ,I ,-::'; .:~.::'.;~:;, :';'," ", :'~.:: ... ~~-.,. '. t' ... : . \ : ~. ;,~; I ", .: '.,:',. '. :..:' ... ,.' .. "" ," . ~ ,:' .. , • ~ '!. • '" ., . .... , , ','. .', . ,', -"-.. : .... DearM~.Dom1elly:·.; .... ,. ",:",>,' '~ '.' .l",'-· . . -' .... .... \ . Your request· t~ '~xa~ne·:dOCUIpePts:re'~ted., ~o 'the .Std~,~;~a~e:' p;e:t:i~iri~~~-, pi·~t,:.:~~t~~t~6h;':'P'q~d> '.; ;'>:, Stoneridge'n 'and Windstone Ir(was receiv,ed in the' C)ty 'clerk's 'Office, onb:ece'rrib~r:9;:)004.' ., " . All of the subject documents are :a vailable on request' at "the, /ith. floor Public ,W 9'rks'courtter: oi' please call Juliana 'Fries at 425-4~0~ 7278 if. y'o'u::wa~t: t~"se(:up:ari appoll1tm~nt;.,. :','<'>:',:,~' .. , ... :" ".:", ' ... ": .'. . . _.' ~ ,: . :: .... ' .~::', ,:-. . ,: ,', .;,,:' >.i t.::) :/ :. .... :~ .. ~ , .:::"~:'~~'7; .. J, :,~ ~::/::, ':" ,\:,.;~,.:., .:'.~:'.' :,'":~I.;:,,, '~~ '::.'~>~ '.":j ':~'~"'1<T :;', , ~ , ", '. ' . If you. wi'sh to make copies'o(have 'c'C)pies 'rriad~ the approprillttrtopy, fees apply : detei°ffiiiied by, size and 'quantity in. accordance' wi~p RMC 5:-t'-1.· 'Anyquesiions:~m the. information' §Pourd . be' · directedto:the appropriate prpJect manager 'listed in the'file~' ",:" "I.:'~; >.' ", ,:," -:' .::,'. , :. " ~ - ;:0.' .... '" '; • , r,." ',:,~' , , ' , _: ~'~.' • ". ',' ~ " .'. ' '. ,"". . ' . Sincerely, . " ,': ," ~.' .. :-::( ': " :;~' -: ,', .' .. , , ~~.~~~'."";:;;"'" KaY~itt'rick .' :'" , " , : .. Development Engineering Supeiy·isor,. ','.;<" Pubiic Warks Insp.ections':.&.peririits: .'. · Development SeryiCes'Di\iision~'/"";' • ' " . • .. ' • ,-,',' "'j. ..... " '" ... ' CC: · Bonnie Walton, City Clerk Neil Watts.' .. , Juliana Fri~s, . Jennifer Henning' ',''''''' ',::::' · Gregg Zimrilerman . Front Counter ", .. ',,'\ ' ..... " ... . , . " , ':". , t', " '{:, ".~ . '. " . . .. 7.~ .. • ':-< " ...... . ': ' .',. , "'" . ~:,- .' ~ '" . , ,',. ,. " '. ' ....... ~. ," /. -":;' ~ , '. :'.-.'.' " .~ .-:" '. ,\ .. , .' ~'.' " ". -,' , , .... . '.~' -. ." . .:".; . :,' , ......... " " . -\I~·.: ';' . ~ .. ,.. . i ... ~' '. '(·1' ::;',.':':' ••••• ·"t,. \ ;'.,; , .. ,'.j .. , .>.,." ' ' .. ' , ... , i . \ ',. , , ....... .:.'i ·,t., ' .. :,'" . .. :. . ," .. :~ . -. ' ~ ,< ..... ',' , •.•• ,', '.> ,,I ••••. ~ . .... , ~ I, ~. " .~:. , ." ..... " " I :',':: ..... . . ':::-' .,J" .', '., . ," From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: public disclosure request Date: December 22, 2004 1 :14:44 PM PST To: Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us Cc: sfiala@ci.renton.wa.us, bwalton@ci.renton.wa.us Dear Ms. Kittrick: At 11 :30 this morning, I visited City Hall to look at the maps regarding the Stoneridge detention pond, and the two other files I requested to see. I saw the Stoneridge file, and the Windstone III file. I asked about the Stoneridge II file but it was never given to me to examine. I know that someone appealed the city's decision regarding the Stoneridge II short plat because I received something about it last week. There was a young man fresh from college at the counter. I got the maps and showed him the letter about the two files I wanted to see. Then someone else went to get the Windstone III file. I asked if the Stoneridge II file was with the hearing examiner --no one knew what was going on. Will I be able to see this file before the January 4 hearing? It would be nice to know what is going on before the hearing commences, if possible. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: mud on the road Date: January 3, 20054:21 :47 PM PST To: jfries@cLrenton.wa.us Dear Ms. Fries: I waited until 3:55 pm to see if the contractor would clean the road from in front of Stoneridge,; to SR 900. When I drove by, there was mud on the road --again. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly PS: I did send a note to DOE asking if they could possibly help as it is not my job to make sure the streets are clean --I don't live in Renton. I wait to see what they say. '," ".' .' ' .. ;' " ". .,' ,f' ',' ":, .; " . ~' " -... " . . t, .:." 1-:. " ·-.f . ' .. " ~. ' From: "Dew, Christopher B .. ' <CDEW461 @ECY.WA.GOV> Subject: RE: can you help again? Date: January 3, 2005 1 :06:25 PM PST To: 'Michael/Claudia Donnelly' <thedonnellys@oo.net> Hi Claudia, "',' . When I was at the site I discussed with Verne Walley, that they were tracking out mud onto 148th and that they needed to either put in some sort of barrier along the road to protect the ditch from runoff or keep the track out off the road. He said that they were going to attempt to establish a better construction entrance to . minimize track out onto 148th. It was my understanding that they had begun that process but based on your: '. observations it appears that it is inadequate. I will be more than glad to contact Verne and let him know that ,'. they are apparently still having problems, Unfortunately, I doubt I will be available to come to the site this week please continue to let me know how things are going, Thanks, -Chris -----Original Message----- .1, . From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 12:43 PM ';.,1 ,', To: Dew, Christopher B. Subject: can you help again? , ' Chris: RE: Stoneridge/KBS Development I don't know if you can help me further, but I thought I'd try. Another problem I am running into with the KBS developers is dirt/mud/rocks on the road in front of the development. I have a document from the City of Renton dated June 29, 2003 that states: "Streets shall be kept clean at all times", .,'. '.' ," .... :: Here is the problem. The developer keeps putting dirt and mud on the road. When it rains, that dirt/mud flow into the drainage ditches along side 148th Avenue SE. From, there it can flow under the road in culverts and then into my yard to May Creek. Or it , can flow straight into May Creek. I don't know how many times I have called Renton ,,' about it. Only after I call Renton officials do they make the developer clean the road. :i," . ' ! I. .. ;.' Also, there are times when SR 900 has mud/dirt on it from trucks coming from, ." Stoneridge. IF a street sweeper comes, it never cleans SR 900 --just 148th Avenue'" SE/Nile. Again, the mud from SR 900 will come down Greenes Stream into May . "; Creek. '-:,,,. > .- ", I just came back from running some errands and there is mud/dirt on the road. I am . not going to tell Renton yet. I want to see if the developer/contractor cleans the road' .:; by themselves. Do you have any ideas as to how I can stop the mud/dirt from going into the drainage ditches and keep the road(s) clean and yet, protect my yard and May Creek? Thanks much. Claudia Donnelly , . ~ '.' I Begin forwarded message: From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Date: December 12, 2004 9:24:05 AM PST To: cdew461 @ecy.wa.gov Subject: Thank you Dear Chris: . -/~' /.-: .'. '.'.' . I: "~ . ;. -". ~::" '. 1 -." . ,:.~: ~" ';' . :' ,;. '. ' ;',," ,;" Thank you very, very much for coming out on Friday afternoon. I got your message. : yesterday. I usually turn my cell phone off after I pick up my daughter. I looked at the water coming downstream after I got home and it was a whole lot better. THANK YOU! I hope that I won't have to call you any further. Thanks again. Claudia Donnelly ". ~ . . ,. .. , ~, . '.; . .. ; .. ; . : .: .. ~.~ . . .' . :' , ' ." . . , .' } .:' ,: ' ,. • . ~ '.'.:' j .". :\~.: ~. . , '. . ;:~··f .' ~. :,,' • J ., " " ... ~ .,' f "" . ; .... '.:':" . . :'. , .. ~. " """" From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: public disclosure request Date. January 3,2005 12:50:02 PM PST To: "Jennifer Henning" <Jhenning@cLrenton.wa.us> Cc: "Kayren Kittrick" <Kkittrick@cLrenton.wa.us>, "Susan Fiala" <Sfiala@ci.renton.wa.us> Whatever. I just drove by the Stoneridge site and noted some stuff that I will be seeing if the contractor . takes care of by themselves. I did send a note to Ecology about it though. I hope to have an answer later today or tomorrow. Claudia Donnelly On Jan 3, 2005, at 10:45 AM, Jennifer Henning wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly, I understand that you visited City Hall in order to review the Stoneridge II file on December 22nd. I apologize that you were not able to review the file. We were preparing the Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner and exhibits for transmittal to the Examiner, and the file was with my staff. Apparently, one of our temporary employees did not know that this file was being conveyed to the Examiner. The file is now in the Hearing Examiner's office. The Stoneridge II project is not being appealed. The applicant had requested reconsideration of the 35 foot setback from the creek that was imposed by the City's SEPA responsible official, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC). The ERC did not change their recommendation, and the applicant filed an appeal, which has subsequently been withdrawn. Please feel free to ask questions during the public hearing tomorrow. There are 2 hearings scheduled for Tuesday morning, January 4th. The hearings will begin at 9:00 a.m., and the order of the hearings will be determined by the Examiner as he convenes the public hearing. Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP Principal Planner City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 (425) 430-7286 ph (425) 430-7300 fax ...... . ,·r \ • Wi .. , \ '" " . '/. 0: ,":.": ..... , •. ;'. ..~r :.~ ", .~ -:., . . .. .: t ' .. : ,'" . ~, . . .. jhenning@cLrenton.wa.us This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. .. ,. ~. . ,.' : .. ' ." .~, . ; ~ ,.' .~: >.' ",," ,',-' '0> ~. :: : .. :. "~" , " :", . :,',: ,,' ','., From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: truck on the road this morning : .~ '; '~. Date: January 3, 20059:44:30 AM PST To: "Kayren Kittrick" <Kkittrick@ci.renton. wa. us> Cc; jfries@cLrenton.wa.us, Jennifer Henning <Jhenning@cLrenton.wa.us>, Susan Fiala <Sfiala@cLrenton.wa.us> Ms. Kitttrick: '.1 "j . To me, the public disclosure (RCW 42.17) request is still in effect. I was almost killed this morning by a truck parked on Nile in front of Stone ridge at 7:00 am. ';, This is the note I sent Ms. Fries this morning --with a cc to Mr. Zimmerman. .:. "At 6:55 am this morning, I drove my daughter to school. I went from my house and turned onto 148th Avenue SE at SE 102nd St. I started driving up the road at 35-40 mph to Sunset, .' When I came to the site of Stoneridge, I had to slam on the brakes and came within 2 feet of· ;,' ".' .. hitting a dump truck on the road. There were no lights, no flares, there was no flagger. .' .... There was someone sitting on the side of the road who I just saw (sent at 7:42 am) on the site"',·' (a construction worker). I had to back up in order to get around these vehicles. The person . on the one truck came around as I was driving around the truck --again with traffic coming northbound with no flaggers on the road directing traffic. He went back to tighten something ~' --like he was leaving a piece of equipment or taking one away? I don't know. All I know is that I am very mad. I looked up that preconstruction meeting minutes and it states on items 3 --work hours for hauling in right-of-way are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Item 6 deals with traffic controL I called the police and reported this to them. I do not want to be killed because of some ". , .... ~; , stupid trucker doing what for Stoneridge. I hope it never happens again --if it does, believe. t\; <:,.~.".~' . me, I will be finding an attorney." .:' .,', Claudia Donnelly On Jan 3,2005, at 8:27 AM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: ' .... :<". i:: Dear Ms. Donnelly: I just returned today from medical leave. If the project was appealed ,". , .... the file would have indeed been in the Hearing Examiner's office. Kayren Kittrick Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits 425-430-7299 I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 12/22/2004 1 :14:44 PM»> Dear Ms. Kittrick: At 11 :30 this morning, I visited City Hall to look at the maps regarding the Stoneridge detention pond, and the two other files I requested to see. I saw the Stoneridge file, and the Windstone III file. I asked about the Stoneridge II file but it was never given to me to examine. I know that someone appealed the city's decision regarding the Stoneridge II short plat because I received something about it last week. There was a young man fresh from college at the counter. I got the maps and showed him the letter about the two files I wanted to see. Then someone else went to get the Windstone III file. I asked if the Stoneridge II file was with the hearing examiner --no one knew what was going on. Will I be able to see this file before the January 4 hearing? It would be nice to know what is going on before the hearing commences, if possible. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. :' .. ,/: ;.:.~ . :. ), : . " Ii. . ~ "'. . '.~ . '", , , j", • :.~ . .' 'r , ; :",', i' '" '.' . ',' . ,:.,', '. ":," :"', .. From: Subject: Date: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Truck on the road To: January 3,20057:42:44 AM PST jfries@ci. renton. wa. us gzimmerman@cLrenton.wa.us ", ,; " ~'. ~ ,. Cc; !, Dear Ms. Fries: At 6:55 am this morning, I drove my daughter to school. I went from my house and turned onto 148th Avenue SE at SE 102nd St. I started driving up the road at 35-40 mph to Sunset:",: .i. . ' . When I came to the site of Stoneridge, I had to slam on the brakes and came within 2 feet of ' .. hitting a dump truck on the road. There were no lights, no flares, there was no flagger. There was someone sitting on the side of the road who I just saw on the site (a construction worker): ,'. I had to back up in order to get around these vehicles. The person on the one truck came ," . around as I was driving around the truck --again with traffic coming northbound with no flaggers on the road directing traffic. He went back to tighten something --like he was leaving a piece of equipment or taking one away.? I donlt know. Alii do know is that I am very mad. I looked up that preconstruction meeting minutes and it states on items 3 --Work hours for hauling in right-of-way are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Item 6 deals with traffic control. "' .. I called the police and reported this to them. I do not want to be killed because of some, ' ..•.. ' stupid trucker doing what for Stoneridge. I hope it never happens again --if it does, believe ",:: .: ' me, I will be finding an attorney. .' .:.' . Claudia Donnelly' I, • " .' ',. f '. :" '; • "j' . '. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Re: mud on the road Date: December 29,20048:42:49 AM PST To: "Juliana Fries" <jfries@cLrenton.wa.us> Cc: "Kayren Kittrickll <Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us>, IIGregg Zimmermanll <Gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us> It had been done by the time I went to see my mother. I should not be reminding the contractor to do this --especially when May Creek is 1/4 mile downstream. The next time I see dirt/mud on the road, I may just go to DOE. At least, I got some positive concern from them regarding May Creek. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 28, 2004, at 2:39 PM, Juliana Fries wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly: I spoke with the public works inspector and he informed me that the contractor had requested a sweeper to clean 148th Ave SE and should be there shortly (if not there yet). Thanks Juliana I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 12/28/2004 1:10:27 PM»> Dear Ms. Fries: I came by Stoneridge at 11 :15 this morning. There was mud on the road. We just drove past it again --12:55 pm. There was even more mud on the road --both sides of the road. I have a document dated June 29, 2003 "Preconstruction Meeting --Clear and Grading." Project name: Stoneridge Plat. Items 5 says in bold letters: "Streets shall be kept clean at all times", The developer is not adhering to this document. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: mud on the road Date: December 28, 2004 1:10:27 PM PST . To: jfries@cLrenton.wa.us Cc: gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Dear Ms. Fries: I came by Stoneridge at 11 :15 this morning. There was mud on the road. We just drove past it again --12:55 pm, There was even more mud on the road --both sides of the road. I have a document da'ted June 29,2003 "Preconstruction Meeting --Clear and Grading." Project name: Stoneridge Plat. Items 5 says in bold letters: IIStreets shall be kept clean at all times". The developer is not adhering to this document. Should I call DOE again? Claudia Donnelly Should I call DOE again? Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: dirt on the road Date: December 22, 2004 1 :09:09 PM PST To: jfries@cLrenton.wa.us Cc: Kkittrick@cLrenton.wa.us Dear Ms. Fries: I just ran an errand that involved driving past the Stoneridge development. There was mud on the road and no street sweeper in sight. I just visited City Hall and noted that the 6th floor will be closed tomorrow and Friday for the holidays. If there is a problem with dirt/mud/rocks on Nile--148th Avenue SE caused by the. Stoneridge developersj who does one call in order to get the dirt cleaned off the road during the holidays? Thank you for any information you can provide. Claudia Donnelly. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Fwd: dirty yellow water --fyi Date: December 13, 20042:23:51 PM PST To: thedonnellys@oo.net checked water at 8 am. Clear. Will not take sample to DOE until another time. Begin forwarded message: From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Date: December 9, 2004 7:15:44 AM PST To: Kayren Kittrick <Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us> Cc: gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Subject: dirty yellow water --fyi Dear Ms. Kittrick: Yesterday afternoon, around 3:40 pm, I saw a Renton inspector crossing Nile and going towards the Ston.eridge development. I don't believe he came to my house or my kids would have said something. I know all about the sprinklers dispersing the water where Stoneridge II will be cleared. However, there is a second part to the stream and when the digging was occurring on Nile, there was pure yellow water running down that portion of the stream. There were no bales of hay in the stream (where Stoneridge II) will be cleared until around 2:30 pm. I know the time because I was going to take pictures --but the water had gone away. I have to go to the Ea~tgate area today to run some errands. As soon as daylight comes, I'll be checking the color of the water coming through my yard. If it is still yellow, I will be taking a sample and delivering it to DOE. I may also deliver a sample to Renton officials -- I haven't decided whom yet --this afternoon to show what is actually happening out here. I get the impression that Renton officials don't believe me. I also sent a letter requesting documentation regarding the detention pond KBS built at Stoneridge. The clerk's office should get it soon. Thank you for all your assistance. Claudia Donnelly From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: mud on the road Date: December 12, 2004 12:06:39 PM PST To: kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us Cc: gZimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Dear Ms. Kittrick: It is noon on Sunday. I just drove by the Stoneridge site. There is alot of mud on Nile Avenue in front of the development going up to SR 900 where there is a big truck full of straw. How come KBS isn't made to keep the road clean on the weekends? DOE told me to call them back if I get more dirty water in Greenes Stream. The mud from SR 900 and Nile (148th Avenue SE) flows into the drainage ditches which flow under the road further down 148th into my stream. Should I call DOE and tell them that KBS is not keeping the road clean per the pre-construction agreement? Thank you. Claudia Donnelly From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: DOE Date: December 11,20048:26:13 AM PST To: kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us Cc; gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us Dear Ms. Kittrick: As you are aware, I visited DOE yesterday morning with a sample of the water coming from Stoneridge. The DOE inspector was out visiting the site around 1 pm yesterday and found several things wrong. I talked to someone yesterday afternoon and this is what I found out. 1. A pipe broke sending all the muddy water downstream through my yard. By 4 pm, the water was no longer dirty. 2. The DOE inspector asked the foreman on site if they had been taking water samples per state law. The foreman said no. The inspector also took water samples himself. According to state law, if the content of the water reaches a certain level, the project has to be shut down. I don't think that is happening. I hope this doesn't happen again, in the future. If it does, I will be going to Eastgate to seek help rather than from Renton. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Re: Public Disclosure Request --RCW 42.17 Date: December 8,200410:07:10 AM PST To: IIKayren Kittrickll <::Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us> Thank you. I'll submit a request today. Also, I called DOE again and filed a complaint. This time the person I talked to put it in her tracking system. She will also be making sure that a DOE inspector gets the information. Now, the City of Renton will have to respond to the complaint. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 8,2004, at 8:57 AM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: Ms. Donnelly: All public disclosure requests go through the Clerk's Office for handling and tracking to assure compliance. Stoneridge was designed and constructed to comply with Level 3, as well as Stone ridge 2 preliminary design. I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 12/08/20048:49:23 AM»> Ms. Kittrick: I also made a public disclosure request with this note. I want to see the completed plans for the detention pond that was put in. Was a level 3 detention pond put in with a level 3 flow control? . According to the KC Hearing Examiner (and this was accepted by the Renton officials as I have a copy of the document) a level 3 detention pond was to be constructed --with a level 3 flow control feature. Should I send thi9 Public Disclosure request to the City Clerk'~ office or can you handle it? That law is RCW 42.17. I know all about the Stoneridge II plans. I have seen the board up and From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: dirty yellow water --fyl Date: December 9, 2004 7:15:44 AM PST To: Kayren Kittrick <Kkittrick@cLrenton.wa.us> Cc: gzimmerman@cLrenton.wa.us Dear Ms. Kittrick: Yesterday afternoon, around 3:40 pm, I saw a Renton inspector crossing Nile and going towards the Stoneridge development. I don't believe he came to my house or my kids would have said something. I know all about the sprinklers dispersing the water where Stoneridge II will be cleared. However, there is a second part to the stream and when the digging was occurring on Nile, there was pure yellow water running down that portion of the stream. There were no bales of hay in the stream (where Stoneridge II) will be cleared until around 2:30 pm. I know the time because I was going to take pictures --but the water had gone away. I have to go to the Eastgate area today to run some errands. As soon as daylight comes, I'll be checking the color of the water coming through my yard. If it is still yellow, I will be taking a sample and delivering it to DOE. I may also deliver a sample to Renton officials --I haven't decided whom yet --this afternoon to show what is actually happening out here. I get the impression that Renton officials don't believe me. I also sent a letter requesting documentation regarding the detention pond KBS built at Stoneridge. The clerk's office should get it soon. Thank you for all your assistance. Claudia Donnelly From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Public Disclosure Request --RCW 42.17 Date: December 8, 20048:49:23 AM PST To: "Kayren Kittrick" <Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us> Cc: gZimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us, Dan Thompson <DThompson@ci.renton.wa.us>, Pat Miller <pmiller@ci.renton.wa.us> Ms. Kittrick: I also made a public disclosure request with this note. I want to see the completed plans for the detention pond that was put in. Was a level 3 detention pond put in with a level 3 flow control? According to the KC Hearing Examiner (and this was accepted by the Renton officials as I have a copy of the document) a level 3 detention pond was to be constructed -- with a level 3 flow control feature. Should I send this Public Disclosure request to the City Clerk's office or can you handle it? That law is RCW 42.17. I know all about the Stoneridge II plans. I have seen the board up and know that the public hearing will be January 4. There is more yellow water coming down ....... but I guess Renton doesn't care about the environment. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 8, 2004, at 7:47 AM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: Ms. Donnelly: The Renton inspector is out there several times daily, was out there and in phone contact with the site supervisor and the owner. Pavement restoration, roadway clean':up and traffic control are continuing to be monitored and repairs directed if the contractor is slow to correct on his own. Like King County, DOE and Fisheries our inspectors have more than one project to monitor on any given day. Revised erosion control plans are being placed proactively by the developer in anticipation of the wetter season. You will most likely .notice the work being done on what will be Stoneridge II. The developer has permission from the current owner to be on the site and the new plan meets DOE standards as demonstrated on previous approved projects. I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.riet> 12/08/2004 7:00:26 AM»> II drove by the development several times after I sent you the note and saw no little Renton truck that an inspector drives. Also no one came to my house to see the water coming down through my yard. I had a thought this morning and just sent a note to someone at KCSWM. According to the KC Hearing Examiner, Stoneridge is to have a Level 3 detention pond with a Level 3 flow control. Do you have any records on hand (and I would like to see them under the Public Disclosure Law --RCW 42.17) that tells that the developers complied with that requirement? Lets just say from what I have seen, I don't trust them. Do I need to go back to DOE? Please let me know about any records that state that a level 3 detention pond was constructed. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. This message has been scanned by the City of Renton:s filtering gateway. know that the public hearing will be January 4. There is more yellow water coming down ....... but I guess Renton doesn't care about the environment. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 8,2004, at 7:47 AM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: Ms. Donnelly: The Renton inspector is out there several times daily, was out there and in phone contact with the site supervisor and the owner. Pavement I restoration, roadway clean-up and traffic control are continuing to be I monitored and repairs directed if the contractor is slow to correct on I his own. Like King County, DOE and Fisheries our inspectors have more than one project to monitor on any given day. Revised erosion control plans are being placed proactively by the developer in anticipation of the wetter season. You will most likely notice the work being done on what will be Stoneridge II. The developer has permission from the current owner to be on the site and the new plan meets DOE standards as demonstrated on previous approved projects. I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 12/08/2004 7:00:26 AM»> Dear Ms. Kittrick: I sent you a note yesterday before I called DOE regarding more ·yellow I water coming through Greenes Stream to May Creek. I also called the I KC inspector to make sure that Aster Park was not responsible for the I yellow water. As far as I can tell, no Renton inspector came out From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> . Subject: yellow water Date: December 7,2004 12:56:43 PM PST To: "Kayren Kittrick" <Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us> Dear Ms. Kittrick: I just looked at my stream as we have had alol' of rain. I have yellow water coming down. I will be taking pictures and getting a water sample. Maybe one of your inspectors can come to my house and take a look at it. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 3,2004, at 12:37 PM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: Taken care of at an on-site meeting this morning. I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.neb 12/03/20048:51 :50 AM»> Dear Ms. Kittirck: I have a copy of a pre-construction document that I found and copied when I reviewed the Stone ridge file at City Hall a while back. In that document, it states that the developer will keep the roads clean from mud/rock/dirt at all times. I just came home from dropping my son off at school and there is a lot of mud coming from the development. The mud is on Nile Avenue going south. To me, I should not have to keep reporting this to Renton officials. It is an agreement the developer made/knew about; yet they don't seem to care about the muddy roads. The dirt from the road goes north into the ditches along side of the road and eventually ends up in May Creek. There is another development going in on 148th --Shamrock. This is being platted by KC. The developer has water spray on site so that the truck --as they leave the site --are sprayed and the dirt kept on site. Why doesn't Renton officials make KBS do the same thing? Thank you. Dear Ms. Kittrick: I sent you a note yesterday before I called DOE regarding more yellow water coming through Greenes Stream to May Creek. I also called the KC inspector to make sure that Aster Park was not responsible for the yellow water. As far as I can tell, no Renton inspector came out -- I drove by the development several times after I sent you the note and saw no little Renton truck that an inspector drives. Also no one came to my house to see the water coming down through my yard. I had a thought this morning and just .sent a note to someone at KCSWM. According to theKC Hearing Examiner, Stoneridge is to have a Level 3 detention pond with a Level 3 flow control. Do you have any records on hand (and I would like to see them under the Public Disclosure Law --RCW 42.17) that tells that the developers complied with that requirement? Lets just say from what I have seen, I don't trust them. Do I need to go back to DOE? Please let me know about any records that state that a level 3 detention pond was constructed. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. From: "Kayren Kittrick" <Kkittrick@ci.renton. wa. us> Subject: Re: muddy road In front of Stonerldge Date: December 3, 2004 12:37:11 PM PST To: <thedonnellys@oo.net> Taken care of at an on-site meeting this morning. I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 12/03/20048:51 :50 AM»> Dear Ms. Kittirck: I have a copy of a pre-construction document that I found and copied when I reviewed the Stoneridge file at City Hall a while back. In that document, it states that the developer will keep the roads clean from mud/rock/dirt at all times. I just came home from dropping my son off at school and there is a lot of mud coming from the development. The mud is on Nile Avenue going south. To me, I should not have to keep reporting this to Renton officials. It is an agreement the developer made/knew about; yet they don't seem to care about the muddy roads. The dirt from the road goes north into the ditches along side of the road and eventually ends up in May Creek. There is another development going in on 148th --Shamrock. This is being platted by KC. The developer has water spray on site so that the truck --as they leave the site --are sprayed and the dirt kept on site. Why doesn't Renton officials make KBS do the same thing? Thank you. Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Stoneridge Date: December 1, 20042:02:33 PM PST To: "Kayren Kittrick" <Kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us> Cc: jhenning@ci.renton.wa.us Ms. Kittrick: . When my husband and I testified at the Public Hearing for Stoneridge before the KC hearing examiner, we showed him pictures of damage being done to our property from above us -- where Stoneridge is going in today from 1990-1997. We were told by the developer that "nothing like that would ever occur again". Yet, we have evidence from two different incidents where damage was done. On August 23, I spoke to Jason. He told me at that time that KBS had come to them and told Renton officials that their detention pond had failed (we had big gobs of mud on our property). Jason then said that Renton officials had given KBS 1 week to fix the problem or KBS would be shut down. Then on August 25, we had a stream of flowing mud (yellow/ brown and very thick) going into our yard. That is the first sample I have. I donlt think KBS was shut down. When I went out on Thanksgiving Day, it was raining. I saw the same yellow water I had seen on August 25. To me, nothing was fixed or there was a leak --I donlt know which because I wasnlt on the property. The next day, the water color was normal. We live 500 feet downstream from where Stoneridge is going in. I just report what I see and take pictures/ samples. At the preliminary plat hearing back in 2001, the developerls representative told everyone that they had found a chinook salmon spawning IIreddll 0.9 miles downstream from where Greenes Stream enters May Creek. Chinook salmon are listed on the ESA as "threatened". I personally have seen coho and sockeye salmon in the creek. The silt coming down Greenes Stream can damage the eggs from these fish. I am just trying to protect my property from upstream damage/erosion and the fish in May Creek. I know of Rentonls attitude towards the environment. KC (and I have called them twice because of the silty water --the last time in August) canlt help me because the water/ mud/silt is coming from a Renton development. I watched as Stonegate went in --on the north side of me. I had to call Fisheries a number of times because the developer didnlt adhere to state laws and Renton officials looked the other ·way. I have copies of articles about Stonegate going in --if you want to see them. You might want to talk to Bob Arthur about Stonegate. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Re: Stonerldge Date: November 25, 2004 11 :51 :44 AM PST To: Jhenning@ci.renton.wa.us Jennifer: I had a visit from the Renton Fire Dept. regarding the water (they saw it and will be writing an e-mail to their bosses). Also, DOE called and will be calling KBS about this. Like I said, I have pictures and a water sample. Claudia Donnelly On Nov 25, 2004, at 11 :17 AM, Jennifer Henning wrote: City of Renton offices will be closed on Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Development Services Division will resume business on Monday, November 29th at 8:00 a.m. , Enjoy the holiday! This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. I I I Jennifer Henning 11/28/2004 10:38:26 AM »> Kayren -could you have your inspector check out? Thanks! I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 11/25/2004 11:18:17 it. AM»> Jennifer: I just went outside to check Greenes Stream --which flows from the Stoneridge development to May Creek. I am getting/seeing yellow water. There are salmon in May Creek. I called'the Public Works Dept. --but they sald to call 911. I called 911 and reported I also called DOE and reported it. I have pictures and a water sample. Someone needs to make sure that the detention pond is working at Stoneridge. Thank you, Claudia Donnelly Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP Principal Planner City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 (425) 430-7286 ph (425) 430-7300 fax jhenning@ci.renton.wa.us This message has been scanned by the City of Renton1s filtering gateway. This message has been scanned by the City of Renton1s filtering gateway. All I can do is report it, take pictures of it and get water samples. Then maybe someone will actually do something. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 1,2004, at 8:30 AM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly: The inspector and the fire department both responded to the complaint. I The situation is being monitored by several jurisdictions, including King County, DOE and the City of Renton as there are multiple possible sources of the color you have reported. SO far, the run-off you have seen does not seem to exceed any of the jurisdiction's standards, but will continue to be monitored. Both projects seem to be in compliance with erosion control standards applied to each by separate jurisdictions. Any changes to the approved erosion control plans will be considered as the need arises or conditions alter. We thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of the environment, and will be contacting you if we need further documentation in the event of prosecutorial efforts by any or all of the governmental authorities. Kayren Kittrick Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits 425-430-7299 I'll just keep watch and the next time it happens, I'll take my pictures/water sample and decide at that time who to call. Claudia Donnelly On Dec 1, 2004, at 10:58 AM, Kayren Kittrick wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly: As we receive a notice from DOE, or King County, or from our own on-site personnel that. the contractor(s) are out of compliance we take the appropriate action immediately. This should not surprise you: legal limitations go both ways for the contractor or developers, property owners, neighbors and the jurisdictions authorized for enforcement. Standards are set for testable, actual damage or effect to the environment not for aesthetics. As an example, I personally have had some perfectly awful drinking water that meets the federal guidelines for potable water. It may smell and taste bad, and even stain clothing. but is considered safe to drink. Any jurisdiction can only enfOrce the statutory standards. As I stated previously, all the jurisdictions will continue to monitor these sites for violations of their permits. I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 12/01/2004 9:48:52 AM»> Dear Ms. Kittrick: I was very surprised to get this response. I guess your response doesn't surprise me. I have pictures of the run off I got from this site from 1990 -1997. It was the same colored water. If you would like to see the pictures, I will make prints for you. In addition, I have a water sample hom the August 25 and November 25 runoff. Back in August, I brought a sample of the water I was seeing in my stream and gave it to Jason Jordan. When the 6th floor receptionist saw it, she said "yuck". Even the fish and wildlife person who was ou~ here in August was alarmed by the color. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: Re: Stoneridge Date: November 16, 2004 7:05:02 AM PST To: "Jason Jordan" <Jjordan@ci.renton.wa.us> Thanks Jason. Good luck in your new endeavor. I saw someone from Renton out here yesterday in a vehicle (sitting on SR 900.) I don't know if they looiked at the sight or not. still took pictures. Claudia On Nov 15, 2004, at 11 :32 AM, Jason Jordan wrote: Claudia -I have forwarded your comments to the construction inspector. My last day with the City of Renton is 11/18/04 so please forward any comments after that date to Jennifer Henning at (425)430-7286 or at jhenning@ci.renton.wa.us regards, Jason I I I Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 11/15/20048:54:52 AM»> Jason:: I have something to report. Last week, KBS was digging in the road. They left a muddy mess on the road and a very bumpy road to drive on. In addition, they left a pile of dirt where the original driveway was without protection. The dirt can go into the stream bed of Greenes stream because there are nosilt fences up. I will be taking a picture for my records. I am concerned because it is raining out here today. Thank you . . Claudia Donnelly This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: some info on Stoneridge Date: September 9, 20043:54:21 PM PDT To: jjordan@ci.renton.wa.us Cc: gzimmerman@cLrenton.wa.us Jason: I have some information I want to pass onto you. KC Code Enforcement came out this afternoon to look at the sewer line construction going on above my house on Mr. Wolfs property --that is connecting the Stonegate development to the Stoneridge development. KC shut them down except for having them fill in a dangerous hole until they can get their KC permits. On September 3, 2004, I sent a letter under RCW 42.17 to the City Clerks office. I have not heard from anyone up there regarding my request. Here is the letter. City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton. \VA 98055 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 September 3. 2004 RE: Public Disclosure Request Dear Clerk: Under the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) I would like to examine ALL documents relating to the sewer connection for the Stone Ridge Development. This includes all permits, letters, e-mail and maps that show the Stone Ridge sewer line connecting to the Stonegate sewer line. Please contact me at 425-255-4340 regarding this request. Thank yOll. Sincerely, From: lIJason Jordanll <Jjordan@cLrenton.wa.us> Subject: Re: Stone RidgeiSewers Date: August 30, 20042:39:54 PM PDT To: <thedonnellys@oo.net> Cc: lIKayren Kittrickll <Kkittrick@cLrenton.wa.us> Claudia -KBS has obtained all the necessary City of Renton permits and easements required for the sewer extension. Please contact King County regarding their permit process. Regards, Jason I I I Michael/Claudia· Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> 08/30/2004 11 :16:20 AM»> Jason: In a July 22, 2003 memo to you from Juliana Sithidet, she talks about sewers connection for Stone Ridge. This morning, above Mr. Wolf's daughter's house at 10403 -147th Avenue SE, some construction started --there was an excavator digging a ditch. Is this construction to connect Stone ridge to Stonegate sewers? Does KBS have a permit from KC (that area is still in KC) to dig that ditch? Does the KC Health Dept. know that this is happening? Has Renton City officials talked to KC about putting a sewer line above this house? I will be calling the Health Dept. to see what they know. About a year ago, when the City held an open house out here, I saw a map from the Utilities Dept. showing a Renton sewer line going in about the then Keech (now Wolf) house? Is this legal? Thank you in advance for any information you can provide. Claudia Donnelly Claudia Donnelly f\:lailed 9/3/04 According to state law, a government agency has 5 business days from receiving the request to get back to me. When I come down to see the documents, I'll bring the picture of Greenes Stream with the yellow muddy water for your files. I hope with the rains forecasted to come this week, that I don't see a return of yellow water. I have also had to call KC Roads again because of mud/small rocks on the road in front of Stone ridge entrance. I don't think the developer wants rocks hitting a school bus or car and having an accident caused by the dirt/rocks to occur because of stuff on the roads. Thanks for your help. Claudia Donnelly I .' l I . PAGE I Top picture -Greenes Stream taken August 25, 2004. Bottom picture -Looking south from Lyons into area where sewer line is to go connecting Stonegate to Stoneridge. PAGE 2 Top picture -From Lyons A venue looking south onto right-of way for sewer line. Some of this is in KC and there was no permit issued to KBS to do this clearing/grading. Bottom picture -More of the digging. PAGE3 Top picture --Another picture of Greenes Stream -showing the yellow water. Bottom picture -picture of water in container taken from Greenes Stream on August 25, 2004. PAGE4 Top and Bottom pictures --Picture of Stoneridge Plat. Just beyond dirt is a channel of Greenes Stream. Note that it is not protected. PAGES Picture of mud/dirt on the development. If you look close at the road, you can see dirt/mud/rocks on the road. PAGE 6 Larger picture showing mud/rocks on the road. .. " .' r" " '". , .. ' , I -;. .'., ' . , r '. ~ I:' ,' .. ::,' . . ':(.; >' Au ju..st-~.5"'\ ~oo if Gr.£.-U\R s ~t-r'.e.aJV\ ([) 1(, l1 hi -tl.t--II() u'j C \Rtt 1'l(\ 1 Fit 11\1\ \ + . c From: Michael/Claudia Donnelly <thedonnellys@oo.net> Subject: WRIA 8 comments Date: December 16, 2004 12:17:03 PM PST To: cyrilla.cook@metrokc.gov Cc; deb.natelson@metrokc.gov, larry.phillips@metrokc.gov Dear Ms. Cook: I would like to submit this letter to you so that they comments are in by December 17. ( ;" ,. " " " " would like, then, to be able to get my pictures developed and include them with the hard copy,: ' , , I will be mailing to you. Thank you. Claudia Donnelly '. ,', ;")' , , 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 December 16.2004 ,", " . ;', " ,', Ms. Cynthia Cook 201 S. Jackson -6th Floor Seattle. WA 98 J04 RE: Comments to WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan Dear Ms. Cook: " ... ~ I received a copy of the Review Draft on December 14 and have had little time to thoroughly review it. T,' was informed that comments are due December 17. I will e-mail this letter to you and will send a hard '"",' copy with my signature for the record. I have pictures I would like to include, but they are in the process, of being developed. I would like to forward these to you later. , I don't want to sound negative about this plan. But unless cities (and KC) -like Renton -really change" , ' their attitudes/policies regarding land use regulations. the Chinook salmon will not survive. Spending more dollars on talking/studying the issue and printing documents will not solve the demise of the ChinooK; , salmon. How many other cities do the same thing that Renton does -ignore what is happening in favor. of more development? Why even do this exercise? I live East of Renton in unincorporated King County. I have a stream -Greenes Stream -flowing through my yard to May Creek. Greenes Stream does not have fish in it when it flows through my property. However, I have been told my KC and Fisheries personnel that when May Creek is flooded, '", "',,. , :' that the fish may come into Greenes Stream in order to escape the high waters of May Creek and then return to May Creek when the stream goes back into its bank. You might want to take a look at the May. Creek Basin Plan for references to Greenes Stream. I have talked to King County, DOE. and Fish and Wildlife personnel about my stream for 14 years- trying to get help for my stream and to protect the fish in May Creek. I have also worked with the May Valley Environmental Council people (MVEC). For the most part, they are only concerned about their area of May Creek (rural side). I live just inside the Urban Growth Line and have different standards I have to live by. , ",' .... : "',': -.' There have been times when I have had to call DOE in order to get KC SWM personnel out of check on .' ;": : :. ditches being left unprotected. I have seen too many incidents to write them down. Telling you or . >. . .," someone else what happened on my street and 148th Avenue SE in regards to SWM people would be easier. In 2001. KBS Development went before a KC Hearing Examiner for Preliminary Plat approval for the proposed Stone ridge development. At the hearing, the developer's experts produced documentation that showed a Chinook salmon spawning bed 0.9 RM downstream from where Greenes Stream enters May . ';~ Creek. My family and I have also seen both Coho and Sockeye salmon in May Creek at the 148th A venue SE Bridge. In early April. the property was annexed into the City of Renton. For year, I have seen Renton allow developers to clear land without protecting nearby streams/ditches that, ' flow into streams. ,: " Several years ago, at the corner of NE 4th and Nile, Renton officials allowed an open drainage ditch to be unprotected from silt/dirt flowing from that point into Maplewood Creek. I called and complained numerous times about it. The only way to get help was a letter I sent to President Bush telling him how Renton didn't care about the fish in Cedar River. ::,' . :" i Where the Stoneridge development is going in. the soil is very silty/sandy. There is an "erosion hazard "." site" located on the property. Starting this past summer. the developer clear-cut all the vegetation from the;;> ..... ~.:,,~.~. :.' ': ,", \' .. site. "",: \"; On August 23. we had a big rainstorm. I went out to my side yard and found "gobs" of mud. I called the· .' Renton planner about this. He said the developer had told them about the problems with the detention pond. This Renton Planner told me that Renton had given the developer until that Friday to fix the'- problem or they would be shut down. On August 25, I went out again to check the stream. We had "yellow" water flowing downstream. [ called KC SWM. Ecology. Fish and Wildlife and Renton. At 12:30. an officer from Fisheries came out ". '.' and observed the yellow water. She then went to the development and told them it needed to be stopped. Renton officials didn't do a thing to help. I also took a water sample to Renton City Hall. The development was not shut down. ' .. ,', . . ' We also get dil1 from SR 90011 48th. This developer is required to keep the road clean at ALL times. The dil1/mud will wash into the drainage ditch alongside the road and eventually flows into either my stream from culvel1s LInder the road or directly into May Creek. I have called KC roads, Renton development office and Renton Public Works many times complaining about the dirty road from the .:; <,,' development to SR 900. Renton talks to their developers -they don't seem to want to fine them or stop .; ; them from putting mud/dirtlrocks on the road. Only after the fact, has Renton mad e them comply withy the rules. This developer has also put dirt/mud on SR 900 -the street sweeper has never cleaned this \ ',: road. Renton doesn't care that their developers are dirtying SR 900. Renton doesn't care about Greenes Stream or May Creek. On Thanksgiving Day. it was again raining. I went out and checked our stream. It was again full of yellow water. I tried called Renton Public Works. The recorded message said to call 911 -which I did:. A Renton Fire Truck came out and saw the water and made a report. I also called Ecology and they took .. my report. They called the developer and talked to him on Monday. The developer said they would get~', .. back to DOE -which they never did. On December 10. we again had rain. I went out at 8:30 am to check on the water. It was ok looking. At' 9:30 am, I went out again and once again. saw yellow water. I took 3 samples. I then drove to Ecology to get help. I spoke to 4 gentlemen who were concerned about the turbidity. At 1 pm, an Ecology inspector carne out. He saw the yellow. muddy water flowing down my stream from a broken pipe and he made them stop. He asked the foreman on the site if he had been taking weekly samples- per state law. The foreman said no. The Ecology inspector took his own sample and left after two hours.,: .::\ .. ~ . Before that time. a Renton inspector was out there and didn't make them stop sending the water ....... .. downstream. ','" As of today. this site seems to be shut down. However, there are still dirty roads on Nile in front of ., ... ' Stoneridge and in front of two other developments on 148th. (Those two developments are in KC and I~'·~;' called the DOES inspector about it yesterday at 4 pm. So far, nothing has happened.) .; , " ~.' Like I said, both KC and Renton leave a lot to be desired in regards to protecting the May Creek Basin area. I have pictures and as soon as I get them development, I'll be sendingcopies to you. Thank you for allowing the public to comment. Like I said, r believe unless both KC and Renton (and other government agencies) change. the Chinook salmon in May Creek is doomed. Sincerely. Claudia Donnelly . -,' .< ",' ;\~ '" .. . ' .', .. ; '.'.' Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor January 11, 2005 Jennifer Henning Development Services City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Re: Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA 04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Jennifer: CIT ___ OF RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman At the Stoneridge II Short Plat hearing, Claudia Donnellyvoiced concerns over this land use matter. She had not had an opportunity to view the file prior to the hearing. The Examiner held the hearing open in order for Ms.Donrielly to review the file and submit her comments in writing by January 11,2005 at 5:00 p.m. Today we received her letter and comments. I have attached a copy for you and am sending copies to all parties of record. Mr. Potter wi II have one week from receipt ofthis information to respond in writing to the Hearing Examiner. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, " .. -,--r t t-. ~d \(;'-' Fr~d Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton FK/nt cc: ~V"'Lk'" lrgmIa .. uc Wayne Potter " .. Ali Sadr .. Chad Armour ----1 0-5-5-S-ou-t-h'-G-ra-d-y-W-'-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-'-in-g-to-n-9-g-05-5---(4-2-5-) 4-3-0--6-5-15----~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mr. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, W A 98059 ."\ 3v January 7, 2005 r : tn ill ~ :N~I ~ :05~ ® L_~~:rMTMi'=-:l (,;'.: CITY Of RENTON,; ,i.,j~:1i HEARING EXAM NER'-'<''''-~ RE: Stoneridge II Preliminary Plat Approval-LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Hearing Examiner: I visited City Hall on January 6, 2005 and was able to look at the material for the Stoneridge II proposed development. I was able to look at the material but have several questions that I feel need answered. 1. What will be the size of the detention vault to be built on Lot 9? In one item (enclosed), it states: "The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use conditions flows". (Document #3, item 3) The Tract A detention pond was originally built for 44 houses on the original Stoneridge site. Now the developer intends to add 7 lots from the Stoneridge II plat, the Windstone III plat and Windstone IV plat. What level of flow control will be used to release the Stormwater from this vault into Greenes Stream? Will the Tract A detention pond be able to accommodate the additional water from Stoneridge II, Windstone III and Windstone IV? . 2. What future development plans does KBS have that will have storm water draining into this vault in addition to the 2 Stoneridge II lots and frontage improvements? Will this vault be large enough to accommodate this future building or will additional detention ponds have to be built? 3. I have contact DOE regarding the Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. (Document #3, item 2). Should a copy of these requirements be included in the Stoneridge II file for reference? I did not see any documentation regarding these specific requirements. Does KBS have a copy in their offices and on site regarding what these requirements are? 4. How will the City of Renton enforce these requirements if they weren't able to enforce DOE requirements from December 10th, 2004 incident on Greenes Stream? What will the City do to prevent more yellow water coming down Greenes Stream in the future? ,1. '.,.J. ;'·i. ';. ' " '.: .. ;; ", ; ,.,J " : . " .~, :.", i _:.,- . ~.' :.1; ._ 5. How will the KBS prevent mud/dirt present on Nile A venue (148th) from going into Greenes Stream/May Creek? In another document (Document 1) that I found in the file, it states that "streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities ...... " That has been a problem since August -dirt/mud have been left on the street and it has only been cleaned up after I call it in? Who will be responsible to make sure that all street cleaning is done? 6. What will the City do to make sure that the road(s) are kept clean at all times? 7. How will KBS prevent future damage to my property and May Creek -following state law that says downstream residents will not be harmed by upstream development? How will they prevent future yellow water from coming into my yard? 8. In ESC document, how will KBS prevent erosion from flowing into Greenes Stream prior to the building of the temporary sediment trap? How will the City of Renton's make sure that such erosion doesn't come down prior to this construction? What recourse do downstream residents have if the contractor/City don't do what they are supposedto do? 9. What is to prevent future residents of the development from disturbing Greenes Stream and sending sedimentation downstream? Will there be covenants on the property prohibiting disturbance of property within the buffer area? One item states that "a note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed with the creek's buffer". (Document #3, item #10) Who will be monitoring this to make sure it is complied with? 10. How will the City monitor the erosion control plan when 3 different times -August, Thanksgiving and December 10, they didn't stop the yellow water from coming downstream? These are all of the question I have at this time. Thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly Enclosures · .' , . • ~ ',' '.: ~ <; " .,.. " :'" .' · '. ," . ·1" • " 1 •• ;, ,;' " .. '; " .' \;' 'J," - I ~ I ,-\ \ ) .' I I' I II II • .8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ; I {"') I '.' II [I II II II II I II II - -~ II II II rI II II II II II I I I I I I I I I .... "~.", ! i f ) t ... 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The wet/detention pond and a separate temponiry sediment trap will be the first order of~ construction such that both sides of the site, divided by Greene's creek, once graded and cleared,~ can be routed into the wet/detention pond and sediment trap accordingly. This will trap sediments on-site and prevent both erosion from occurring on-site and sedimentation downstream. In addition a rock construction entrance and perimeter protection in the form of a silt fence with temporary V -ditches and rock check dams will all be instituted on-site to minimize erosion from occurring. Also, streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities and the site shall be sprinkled with water during the summer months", should dust control be a problem on the site. Cover measures will be instituted for any areas left unworked over the time allotted by King County and the City of Renton. 11444.00l.doc (JP11dmltepJ e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The quantities of filling and grading on site have yet to be determined; however, we anticipate that the earthwork will be balanced, except for the possible import of structural fill for backfilling utility trenches. Additional import may be required for the road subgrade depending on the weather conditions at the time of construction. 1. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. During heavy storm events following clearing and grading activity, erosion could occur if erosion/sedimentation control measures are not installed properly. By properly incorporating the City of Renton erosion control measures and minimizing the disturbance of existing vegetation during plat construction, we can help mitigate erosion impacts. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 0.33 acre (9 percent) of the total site will be covered with impervious surfaces, such as asphalt, buildings, etc. Approximately 29 percent (1.06 acres) remain as undisturbed open space, such as wetlands and buffers. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Prior to construction, an approved erosion control plan will be prepared and implemented in accordance with the City of Renton. These erosion control measures will be monitored throughout construction. and must be maintained to control erosion during construction and weather constraints. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (Le., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. The project proposal will generate emissions typically found within single-family subdivisions. This may include airborne dust during constructionlheavy equipment, as well as automobile, emissions; however, once the project is completed, the plat will produce typical emissions found in residential communities, such as automobiles, service trucks, maintenance equipment, and wood-burninglgas-burning stove emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. To our knowledge, there are no off-site sources of emissions and/or odor that will affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During construction, construction practices, such as riprap entrance aprons, required muffler systems for heavy equipment and dust control (watering), will be implemented as required. There will be no on-site construction burning and all land clearing debris will be exported off site and disposed of. I 1444 OOLdoc [GWP/tep) 4 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1727 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black- tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall De required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE)" Erosion "\ and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual:- \j 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. T;he storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land Use conoitionflows. ;,' . 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stone ridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the -south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 10.~Anote shall be placed'on face of the final plat stating that no grac. J or structure be allowed;within th,e creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the\ Deveio"pment Services Divisioh .. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries' of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and sign age along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. , . 1.\ City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE 1/ SHORT PLA T E 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Page 2 of 8 Project description continued: The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes- lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. The proposed subdivision is intended to result in the eventual construction of detached single-family residences. The site would be developed into nine lots and one tract. Two wetlands (one regulated) and two creeks/drainage courses (one unnamed and Greene's Creek) are located on the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a preliminary storm drainage report, habitat data report, and a critical areas assessment and delineation. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. Vegetation would remain within the sensitive areas and creek and wetland buffers. Primary access would be via Nile Ave. NE to NE 17'h St. to Mt. Baker Ave. NE that would extend north terminating in a cul-de-sac. New lots 8 and 9 would be served via Nile Ave. NE via a private access easement. Street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting and right-of-way dedications are required. The site is zoned Residential - 5 (R-5) dwelling units per acre. The R-5 zone allows residential densities that range from no minimum up to a maximum of 5.0 dulac. The proposed plat would arrive at a net density of 3.9 dulac after the deduction of public roadways from the gross acreage which would be within the allowed range of the R-5 zone. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Residential Low Density (RLD). B. RECOMMENDA TlON Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINA TION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGA TlON MEASURES DETERMINA TION OF XX NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGA TED. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. . . 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Plan Review -Street Improvements 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 4 of 8 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street and along the frontage of the parcel with Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE). 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. Plan Review -General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Property Services 1. To be provided separately. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the foJ/owing project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The applicant has submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc., dated July 13, 2004. The report provides information and recommendations pertaining to foundations, soils, groundwater and erosion. The report states that the site slopes in a northwesterly direction with an average slope of 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. The tree cutting and land clearing plan indicates that all vegetation from the plat would be removed except for that within the stream buffers and sensitive areas. The clearing of land would accommodate the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of larger trees. The trees include alder, maple, cedar, fir and deciduous. The report indicates that the proposed single family residences can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or on granular structural fill used to modify existing grades. The native silty sand with gravel soils are moisture sensitive, and the soils will degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. To ensure that site preparation and general earthwork is conducted according to the geotechnical report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork". The storm water detention pond is planned to be located in the northwest portion of the site and care should be taken during excavation to identify and control seepage along the cut slopes of the detention pond. Where fill berms are proposed to be utilized around the pond, compaction of fill will need to meet structural fill specifications. To ensure that any berms and till liners are constructed according to the specifications of the report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The soils encountered during exploration consisted of native silty sand with gravel and according to the USGS that the site identifies glacial till depOSits throughout the site. In general, the native soils observed at the test pit locations were generally consistent with this type of deposit. Three test pits were sampled. Underlying the surficial layer of topsoil, medium dense, brown silty sand with gravel soil was ,encountered at depths of 2 % ft. to 4 ft. below existing grade. Underlying the brown silty sand soils, dense silty sand with gravel glacial till soils were encountered. Light ground water seepage was observed in an off-site test pit that was part of Stoneridge I Plat. The use of sumps during construction may be necessary, depending on the rate of groundwater seepage entering excavations. The environmental checklist states that the quantity of cut and fill has not been e'3timated but is anticipated by the applicant that it would be balanced on site. In order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and to adjacent properties, staff recommends additional mitigation including that the project be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Departmen. STONERIDGE 1/ SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 1ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 5 of 8 (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of thl3 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. • The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. 2. Surface Water Impacts: The applicant has.submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Technical Information Report and plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated September 28. 2004 with the land use application. The storm drainage system was designed to meet Level 3 standards and water quality. The report's overview indicates that runoff collected from Lots 1 through 7 and Mt. Baker Ave. NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 and 9and the frontage improvements to Nile Ave. NE would be collected in a similar fashion, but drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of the property (appears to be within new Lot 9). Both systems would perform water quality as well as flow control. The report outlined the Eight Core Requirements which appear to be incorporated into the storm drainage plan. The report states that off-site analysis was not conducted due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required. which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. ' The project site drains to Greene's Creek and will continue to drain to the drainage course as well as a wetland that is proposed to be preserved. The report discusses mitigation of existing and potential problems based on drainage complaints (contained within the TIR). By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control, the report states that this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specified in the problem-specific mitigation requirements on the 1998 KCSWDM. According to the City of Renton records and the "Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation" (to be discussed under 'Wetland" section) provided by the applicant, a drainage course, Greene's Creek, crosses the site. To ensure that the drainage course is addressed within the context of the storm drainage system staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the drainage report includes an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project and the storm systems be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. Due to flooding and erosion problems, staff recommends that the project be designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual as a mitigation measure and the storm drainage system is designed to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Mitigation Measures: • The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. • The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 3. Fire Protection Impacts: Fire Prevention staff indicates that the applicant provide required improvements and fees to offset the impacts associated with the new development. The proposal to add nine (9) new residential lots to the City would ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Departm6 STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T ;r lental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23. 2004 Page 6 of 8 impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, a Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee is estimated at $4,392.00 (9 new lots x $488.00 = $4,320.00) and is required prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 4. AccessfTransportation Impacts: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required for the project. Primary access to the site is proposed via Nile Ave. NE to NE 1 ih Street to Mt. Baker Avenue NE which would be extended north from its terminus at Lots 1 and 3 of Stone ridge I Plat. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via Nile Ave. NE to the a joint use driveway (private access easement). The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system; therefore, the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee will be imposed. The Traffic Mitigation Fee is calculated at a rate of $75.00 per additional generated trip per new single-family lot at a rate of 9.57 trips per lot home. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $6,459.75 (9 new lots x 9.57 trips = 86.13 trips) thus (86.13 x $75 per trip = $6,459.75). The fee is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. . Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. 5. Parks & Recreation Impacts: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is antiCipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single-family lot would be required for the proposal. The fee is estimated at $4,776.84 (9 new lots x $530.76 = $4,776.84) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single- family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3082, Ordinance 4527. 6. Wetlands/Streams Impacts: The applicant submitted a Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC, dated October 9, 2004. The purpose of the study was to delineate wetlands, evaluate the functions and values of wetlands and any streams, determine classification and buffers, determine impacts and present a conceptual mitigation plan. Two streams are located on site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a stream that originates off site, a few hundred feet to the south. Portions of the stream typically run dry in June. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site, to the north. During their observations, water was flowing into Greene's Creek from the south; however, before Greene's Creek joined the unnamed tributary, no surface water was present. Greene's Creek dries up annually near its confluence with the unnamed tributary by the end of June. The width of the stream was averaging 20 inches with a depth up to 3.75 inches at the time of observation in September 2003. The unnamed tributary was not measured for depth or width as the report indicates that its channel was difficult to detect, but indications of seasonal flow appears. These streams/drainage course are noted to provide a 25 foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Due to the flow of Greene's Creek into May Creek, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the buffer be increased to a width 01 35 It. on each side 01 the creek to reduce impacts to the creek. The increased buffer width would impact access to new Lot 9; therefore, buffer averaging would be permitted adjacent to new Lots 8 and 9. ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Departmer, STONERIDGE 1/ SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 1ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL·H Page 7 of 8 Additionally, the abutting Stoneridge I Plat (Preliminary plat approved in King County-Final Plat in Renton) was conditioned to have a 50 foot buffer along the Category 3 wetland and unnamed tributary, staff recommends that a transition between the 50 foot buffer and the 25 ft. buffer be provided. It appears that the transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. To maintain the capacity along Greene's Creek, staff recommends that to prevent future disturbance along the creek buffer that a note be placed on the face of the final plat that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The study delineated two wetlands. Wetland A, which runs along the west portion of the site and adjacent to the unnamed tributary, is a Category 3 wetland and includes 6,478 sq. ft. of wetland on-site. Wetland B is located adjacent to Greene's Creek and covers 1,120 sq. ft. and is unregulated. However, due to the presence of Greene's Creek the wetland would be contained within the creek buffer. To ensure that disturbance to the wetland and buffer does not occur during and after construction, staff recommends that silt fencing be installed around the wetland, creek and associated buffers during construction and permanent fencing be installed after construction. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. • After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 7. Habitat/Wildlife Impacts: A Habitat Data report was submitted with the land use application as prepared by Chad Armour, LLC., dated September 10, 2004. The purpose of the study was to identify habitat present on site and the potential impacts that development may have on this habitat. The report indicates that there are two habitat types on site including include meadow and forest. The Meadow habitat type is that area subject to grading and revegetation 2003 that is dominated by grass with tree seedlings and shrubs. There are no large trees or shrubs present nor special habitat features such as snags or downed logs. The report states that indications of black-tailed deer w!3re observed in the Meadow habitat. Many of the shrubs had been ERC_Stoneridge2.doc STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING} AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on Monday, 11129/04 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $118.38 at the rate of $15.50 per inch for the first publication and NIA per inch for e~~bsequent insertion. Lily Nguyen Legal Adve~ng Representative, King County Journal z:~e this 29th d,y ofNovembec, 2004. Tom A. Meagher \.\\\\\\\\\111/1/1//// Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Redmond, ~'¥n~tt~~ft~?~ Ad Number:847624 P.O. Number: .$" O"'~"'~~sion FiJr~~"''9 ~ Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. ~ J..... /~(:" -r ARY'''''Il'\ -S == :cJ~\j1 \::: -: 0--: Z - % (j) \.. ~S\.\" / E § " ~ -. o~.· r,.. "'"' -/ -<> '. -It '1.<:> .' ~v " 'l T l' " . .<\ Y 2, ,,' " ~ 'l <: .......... y..' ~ /'///// 0 F W po. S \\\,\-' 1/// II 1/ II \ \ \ \ \\\\ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE & PUBLIC HEARING RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Location: 1727 Nile Avenue NE. The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regu- lated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writ- ing on or before 5:00 PM on December 13, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on January 4,2005 at 9:00 AM to con- sider the Short Plat. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the pub- lic hearing. Published in the King County Journal November 29, 2004. #847624 ~ To: From: Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Dennis Culp, Community Services Administrator Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief Jennifer Henning, Development Planning Agenda listed below. Stoneridge II Short Plat (Fiala) LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential -5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. Airgas CO2 Storage & Rail Site (Wei/) LUA04-130, ECF The applicant (Airgas-Nor Pac, Inc.) is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, in order to construct two 100,000- pound (when full) liquid carbon dioxide storage tanks at their existing site at 950 Powell Avenue SW. The zoning designation Is Industrial Medium (1M). The two above ground tanks are 56 ft 6 inches by 7 ft 6 inches in size and 8ft 8.5 inches high, 50-tons each. The area for the tank foundation pads, which is currently a gravel surface, is approximately 1,000 square feet. The proposed area of constuction will encompass approximately 5,400 square feet of impervious area to include the tank pads, process piping, rail off-load platform and compressor. The site does not contain any critical areas according to the City of Renton Critical Areas maps. The applicant proposes the hours of operation to be Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. . cc: K. Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor J. COVington, Chief Administrative Officer A. Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator ® B. Wolters, EDNSP Director ® J. Gray, Fire Prevention N. Watts, P/B/PW Development Services Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner S. Engler, Fire Prevention ® J. Medzegian, Council S. Meyer, P/B/PW Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, Economic Development L. Warren, City Attorney ® Office of the Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: Request to Rescind SEPA Appeal Stoneridge II Short Plat City of Renton File No. LUA-04-124 Our Job No. 11444 " ..,' . CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES December 29,2004 On December 13, 2004 I submitted an appeal request for the SEPA Determination for the Stoneridge II short plat on behalf of KBS III, LLC. On behalf of the applicant, I am formally rescinding the appeal. 'fheapplicant is now in agreement with SEPA Condition No.8 as written. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at this office. Thank you. GWP/ath 11444c.OO5.doc enc: As Noted cc: Bob Ruddell, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Curtis Schuster, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Kolin Taylor, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Susan Fiala, City of Renton . ,. .:" ... , \' " ".; " , • , • • "0' Respectfull y , 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com '-..... -'~.~.~ . .,.-, ~-..",~~...,..... ...... ....-................ ----- CITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 425-430-6510 Receipt N~ 222 Date 1r2/;.iJ b </ .. i o gash 0 Copy Fee 0 Notary Service GR"theckNo. 571;), o Appeal Fee 0 ________ _ Description: /1 /J/}o/l, /-HE LUA-o4-ld t.( ~ne y/ 'c/qe zr ff 'T IE-' ) :o.J ~nlcuf: uk line fJoJl..er fleA: uJ-TYl.-..,. I I '~'~~~~----~'~'~'~'Jr+r~------------------ Funds Received From: Name 6)a.t1 J y ' .£a;, if! y Address 12';} IS: 7c2 II J iJ /) S City/Zip ken1--!AlA 98:o3;l , '\ I Amount $ 7 S-<>1> I (aP~ City Staff Signature ;... ~e: c."ftt A+f,sV'YI <'/ /'Ie.; I W4,Hs fI e. .... ,..,·llj £;ca.wu' ,'If!.¥' APPEAL -HEARING EXAMINER WRITIEN APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION/RECOMMENDATION TO RENTON CITY COUNCIL. CITY OF RENTON FILE NO. LU,I+ D'-/-/ J.L/ APPLICATION NAME: 5rb~€: f!if)Ck: 7L DEC ~ 3 2004 The undersigned interested party hereby ftles its Notice of Appeal from the decisieflf?CECRE~YigFFICE recommendation of the Land Use Hearing Examiner, dated IJDV. ;;2 Y ..... 20 0</. / f 1:< ~ ctJL 1. IDENTIFICATION OF PARTY APPELLANT: Name: 1<55 J1L LLC- Address: I ~ 3.J..o rvg-~ $1 61G/ CD 'Be..l \ev"~ £,0 'fIr't 90qs- Telephone No. ___________ _ REPRESENTATIVE (IF ANY) Name: iJi1. fJ'?-fH1e-r -PrIljeor ~ Address: J 8' t5" 7d-vD!WE: S K£IJ/ LJA-19-()3~ Telephone No. I..f2.6 -b~6 -'7 '13 S- 2. SPECIFICATION OF ERRORS (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Set forth below are the specific errors or law or fact upon which this appeal is based: FINDING OF FACT: (Please designate number as denoted in the Examiner's report) No. Error: ___ ~,--______________________ _ Correction: _____ ~~~-------------------- CONCLUSIONS: No.__ Error: _____________ ---''''';:---''-''-___________ _ Correction: ________________ ~~~~---------- OTHER No.__ Error: _________________________ ---'~"---- Correction: ______________________________ ~ 3. SUMMARY OF ACTION REQUESTED: The City Council is requested to grant the following relief: (Attach explanation, if desired) Reverse the decision or recommendation and grant the following relief: . . )( Modify the decision or recommendation as follows: see ~~'i:) ~~'cA"i1t:ltV Remand to the Examiner for further consideration as follows: Other /J -13 -()t.( Date NOTE: Please refer to Title IV, Chapter 8, of the Renton Municipal Code, and Section 4-8-110F, for specific appeal procedures. heappeal.doc/forms • City of Renton Municipal Code; Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110 -Appeals 4-8-110C4 The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a fee in accordance with RMC 4-1-170, the fee schedule of the City. (Ord. 3658, 9-13-82) 4-8-110F: Appeals to Ci ty Council -Procedures 1. Time for Appeal: Unless a specific section or State law providing for review of decision of the Examiner requires review thereof by the Superior Court or any other body, any interested party aggrieved by the Examiner's written decision or recommendation may submit a notice of appeal to the City Council, upon a form furnished by the City Clerk, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the Examiner's written report. 2. Notice to Parties of Record: Within five (5) days of receipt of the notice of appeal, the City Clerk shall notify all parties of record of the receipt of the appeal. 3. Opportunity to Provide Comments: Other parties of record may submit letters in support of their positions within ten (10) days of the dates of mailing of the notification of the filing of the notice of appeal. . 4. Transmittal of Record to Council: Thereupon the Clerk shall forward to the members of the City Council all of the pertinent documents, including the written decision or recommendation, findings and conclusions contained in the Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional letters submitted by the parties. (Ord. 3658, 9-l3-1982) 5. Council Review Procedures: No public hearing shall be held by the City Council. No new or additional evidence or testimony shall be accepted by the City Council unless a showing is made by the party offering the evidence that the evidence could not reasonably have been available at the time of the hearing before the Examiner. If the Council determines that additional evidence is required, the Council shall remand the matter to the Examiner for reconsideration and receipt of additional evidence. The cost of transcription of the hearing record shall be borne by the applicant. In the absence of an entry upon the record of an order by the City Council authorizing new or additional evidence or testimony, and a remand to the Hearing Examiner for receipt of such evidence or testimony, it shall be presumed that no new or additional evidence or testimony has been accepted by the City Council, and that the record before the City Council is identical to the hearing record before the Hearing Examiner. (Ord. 4389, 1-25-1993) 6. Council Evaluation Criteria: The consideration by the City Council shall be based solely upon the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal and additional submissions by parties. 7. Findings and Conclusions Required: If, upon appeal of a decision of the Hearing Examiner on an application submitted pursuant to RMC 4-1-050Fl, and after examination of the record, the Council determines that a substantial error in fact or law exists in the record, it may remand the proceeding to Examiner for reconsideration, or modify, or reverse the decision of the Examiner accordingly. 8. Council Action: If, upon appeal from a recommendation of the Hearing Examiner upon an application submitted pursuant to RMC 4-1-050F2 and F3, and after examination of the record, the Council determines that a substantial error in fact or law exists in the record, or that a recommendation of the Hearing Examiner should be should be disregarded or modified. the City Council may remand the proceeding to the Examiner for reconsideration, or enter its own decision upon the application. 9. Decision Documentation: In any event, the decision of the City Council shall be in writing and shall specify any modified or amended findings and conclusions other than those set forth in the report of the Hearing Examiner. Each material finding shall be supported by substantial evidence in the record. The burden of proof shall rest with the appellant. (Ord 3658, 9-13-1982) 10. Council Action Final:. The action of the Council approving, modifying or rejecting a decision of the Examiner shall be final and conclusive, unless appealed within the time frames established under subsection 05 of this Section. (Ord. 4660, 3-17-1997) City of Renton Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES December 13, 2004 RE: Appeal of SEPA Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated Plat of Stoneridge II City of Renton File No. LUA04-124 Our Job No. 11444 Dear Mr. Examiner: As outlined in the Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-8-11O(b), we are formally appealing the SEPA Determination issued on November 24, 2004 for the above-referenced project. I am enclosing the following for your use in processing this appeal. 1. One check made payable to the City of Renton in the amount of $75.00 2. Three copies of the appeal justification letter. Please review the enclosed information and contact me if you have any questions. GWP/dm 1 1444c.003.doc enc: As Noted cc: Bob Ruddell, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Kolin Taylor, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Curtis Schuster, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Sandy Bailey, Novastar Development Inc. \. ! , \ 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com y SEPA Appeal of Mitigation Measure No.8 Stoneridge II Short Plat SEPA MDNS City of Renton FUe No. LUA04·124 Our Job No. 11444 Project Background: The project site is 3.63 acres in size and has slopes ranging from 5 to 10 percent. The site is covered with immature forest and has a recently cleared area planted with native vegetation. The site has three sensitive areas, which consist of a Category m Wetland (along the western border of the property) and an unregulated wetland located near Lot 6. Additionally, there is a seasonal stream (Greene's Creek), which crosses the eastern side of the site and discharges to May Creek. For further information, please see the enclosed October 9, 2004 revised critical areas assessment and delineation prepared by Chad Armour, LLC. The proposed project consists of nine single-family lots with proposed street improvements and required utilities. To the south of this project is the plat of Stoneridge, which is currently under construction. This project was recently annexed into the City of Renton but was approved in King County under King County regulations and guidelines. Adjacent to the southeast comer of the site is Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge, which provides for protection of Greene's Creek as it enters the plat of Stoneridge via an 18-inch CMP pipe and then is discharged onto the Stoneridge II short plat. The developers (KBS m, LLC) have submitted a plan to the City of Renton providing additional enhancement of Tract C in the plat of Stoneridge that has 50 feet of buffer for Greene's Creek. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the City of Renton. AppeallRevision to SEPA Condition No.8: The November 24,2004 SEPA Determination (Mitigation Measure No.8) is requiring the applicant to increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 feet on each side of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). Additionally, the mitigation measure allows for buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 for access to Lot 9. We are hereby requesting that the Hearing Examiner revise this condition allowing the applicant to provide buffer averaging throughout the corridor of Greene's Creek. We have enclosed for your review and approval a copy of the proposed buffer averaging that would provide the same total buffer area to Greene's Creek as a 35-foot buffer along the entire corridor. The enclosed plan indicates that a 35-foot stream buffer on both sides of Greene's Creek would provide an area of 32,865 square feet. By allowing the applicant to provide buffer averaging within the corridor (and in no case less than 25 feet), the area would be 32,893 square feet. Additionally, the applicant proposes to enhance a small area within the buffer and near the unregulated wetland (see enclosed plan) with native plantings to stabilize the disturbed area as a result of a neighboring property owner. Appeal Justification: • Based on the current Renton municipal code, Greene's Creek is a repairing corridor requiring a 25-foot minimum buffer width (RMC 4-4-130 [D] [3] [B]). • Increasing the width of the buffer will not necessarily increase protection but the current forest provides Greene's Creek. • By allowing buffer averaging, the applicant can provide layer buffers in areas that are warranted. 11444.00S.doc . -' , ,j • • • • • • j As proposed by the applicant, we are increasing the buffer in the area adjacent to Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge to allow for an overall better protection at the inlet of Greene's Creek onto the project site. The applicant proposes to repair the damage of an encroachment near the unregulated wetland, which will provide further protection to Greene's Creek and repair the buffer. The proposed buffer averaging does not go below 25 feet in any portion of the corridor. By allowing buffer averaging, the applicant can maximize the density of the site allowed under City of Renton code and supporting Comprehensive Plan policies and Growth Management Act policies for infI11 projects within urban areas. Because of the constraints of topography and lot configuration for Lots 8 and 9, buffer averaging will provide for a larger building envelope. As required by code, the entire buffer corridor for Greene's Creek will be further protected with permanent fencing, i.e., split rail fence or other approved barrier, and signage along the entire wetland and creek buffers. . . ,I / SEPA Appeal of Mitigation Measure No.8 Stoneridge II Short Plat SEPA MDNS City of Renton File No. LUA04·124 Our Job No. 11444 Project Background: The project site is 3.63 acres in size and has slopes ranging from 5 to 10 percent. The site is covered with immature forest and has a recently cleared area planted with native vegetation. The site has three sensitive areas, which consist of a Category ill Wetland (along the western border of the property) and an unregulated wetland located near Lot 6. Additionally, there is a seasonal stream (Greene's Creek), which crosses the eastern side of the site and discharges to May Creek. For further information, please see the enclosed October 9, 2004 revised critical areas assessment and delineation prepared by Chad Armour, LLC. The proposed project consists of nine single-family lots with proposed street improvements and required utilities. To the south of this project is the plat of Stoneridge, which is currently· under construction. This project was recently annexed into the City of Renton but was approved in King County under King County regulations and guidelines. Adjacent to the southeast comer of the site is Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge, which provides for protection of Greene's Creek as it enters the plat of Stoneridge via an I8-inch CMP pipe and then is discharged onto the Stoneridge II short plat. The developers (KBS ill, LLC) have submitted a plan to the City of Renton providing additional enhancement of Tract C in the plat of Stoneridge that has 50 feet of buffer for Greene's Creek. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the City of Renton. AppeaIlRevision to SEPA Condition No.8: The November 24,2004 SEPA Determination (Mitigation Measure No.8) is requiring the applicant to increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 feet on each side of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). Additionally, the mitigation measure allows for buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 for access to Lot 9. We are hereby requesting that the Hearing Examiner revise this condition allowing the applicant to provide buffer averaging throughout the corridor of Greene's Creek. We have enclosed for your review and approval a copy of the proposed buffer averaging that would provide the same total buffer area to Greene's Creek as a 35-foot buffer along the entire corridor. The enclosed plan indicates that a 35-foot stream buffer on both sides of Greene's Creek would provide an area of 32,865 square feet. By allowing the applicant to provide buffer averaging within the corridor (and in no case less than 25 feet), the area would be 32,893 square feet. Additionally, the applicant proposes to enhance a small area within the buffer and near the unregulated wetland (see enclosed plan) with native plantings to stabilize the disturbed area as a result of a neighboring property owner. Appeal Justification: • Based on the current Renton municipal code, Greene's Creek is a repairing corridor requiring a 25-foot minimum buffer width (RMC 4-4-130 [D] [3] [B]). • Increasing the width of the buffer will not necessarily increase protection but the current forest provides Greene's Creek. • By allowing buffer averaging, the applicant can provide layer buffers in areas that are warranted. 11444.00S.doc , ,I • .,' • As proposed by the applicant, we are increasing the buffer in the area adjacent to Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge to allow for an overall better protection at the inlet of Greene's Creek onto the project site. • The applicant proposes to repair the damage of an encroachment near the unregulated wetland, which will provide further protection to Greene's Creek and repair the buffer. • The proposed buffer averaging does not go below 25 feet in any portion of the corridor. • By allowing buffer averaging, the applicant can maximize the density of' the site allowed under City of Renton code and supporting Comprehensive Plan policies and Growth Management Act policies for infill projects within urban areas. • Because of the constraints of topography and lot configuration for Lots 8 and 9, buffer averaging will provide for a larger building envelope. • As required by code, the entire buffer corridor for Greene's Creek will be further protected with permanent fencing, i.e., split rail fence or other approved barrier, and signage along the entire wetland and creek buffers. SEPA Appeal of Mitigation Measure No.8 Stoneridge II Short Plat SEPA MDNS City of Renton FHe No. LUA04·124 Our Job No. 11444 Project Background: The project site is 3.63 acres in size and has slopes ranging from 5 to 10 percent. The site is covered with immature forest and has a recently cleared area planted with native vegetation. The site has three sensitive areas, which consist of a Category m Wetland (along the western border of the property) and an unregulated wetland located near Lot 6. Additionally, there is a seasonal stream (Greene's Creek), which crosses the eastern side of the site and discharges to May Creek. For further information, please see the enclosed October 9, 2004 revised critical areas assessment and delineation prepared by Chad Armour, LLC. The proposed project consists of nine single-family lots with proposed street improvements and required utilities. To the south of this project is the plat of Stoneridge, which is currently under construction. This project was recently annexed into the City of Renton but was approved in King County under King County regulations and guidelines. Adjacent to the southeast comer of the site is Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge, which provides for protection of Greene's Creek as it enters the plat of Stoneridge via an 18-inch CMP pipe and then is discharged onto the Stoneridge IT short plat. The developers (KBS m, LLC) have submitted a plan to the City of Renton providing additional enhancement of Tract C in the plat of Stoneridge that has 50 feet of buffer for Greene's Creek. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the City of Renton. AppealJRevision to SEPA Condition No.8: The November 24,2004 SEPA Determination (Mitigation Measure No.8) is requiring the applicant to increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 feet on each side of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). Additionally, the mitigation measure allows for buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 for access to Lot 9. We are hereby requesting that the Hearing Examiner revise this condition allowing the applicant to provide buffer averaging throughout the corridor of Greene's Creek. We have enclosed for your review and approval a copy of the proposed buffer averaging that would provide the same total buffer area to Greene's Creek as a 35-foot buffer along the entire corridor. The enclosed plan indicates that a 35-foot stream buffer on both sides of Greene's Creek would provide an area of 32,865 square feet. By allowing the applicant to provide buffer averaging within the corridor (and in no case less than 25 feet), the area would be 32,893 square feet. Additionally, the applicant proposes to enhance a small area within the buffer and near the unregulated wetland (see enclosed plan) with native plantings to stabilize the disturbed area as a result of a neighboring property owner. Appeal Justification: • Based on the current Renton municipal code, Greene's Creek is a repairing corridor requiring a 25-foot minimum buffer width (RMC 4-4-130 [D] [3] [BD. • Increasing the width of the buffer will not necessarily increase protection but the current forest provides Greene's Creek. • By allowing buffer averaging, the applicant can provide layer buffers in areas that are warranted. 11444.00S.doc --.. ~ • As proposed by the applicant, we are increasing the buffer in the area adjacent to Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge to allow for an overall better protection at the inlet of Greene's Creek ~~~~~ . • The applicant proposes to repair the damag~ of an encroachment near the unregulated wetland, which will provide further protection to Greene's Creek and repair the buffer. • The proposed buffer averaging does not go below 25 feet in any portion of the corridor. • By allowing buffer averaging, the applicant can maximize the density of the site allowed under City of Renton code and supporting Comprehensive Plan policies and Growth Management Act policies for infill projects within urban areas. • Because of the constraints of topography and lot configuration for Lots 8 and 9, buffer averaging will provide for a larger building envelope. • As required by code, the entire buffer corridor for Greene's Creek will be further protected with permanent fencing, i.e., split rail fence or other approved barrier, and signage along the entire wetland and creek buffers. Office of the Hearing Examiner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: Request to Rescind SEPA Appeal Stoneridge II Short Plat City of Renton File No. LUA-04-124 Our Job No. 11444 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES December 29,2004 On December 13, 2004 I submitted an appeal request for the SEPA Determination for the Stoneridge II short plat on behalf of KBS III, LLC. On behalf of the applicant, I am formally rescinding the appeal. The applicant is now in agreement with SEPA Condition No.8 as written. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at this office. Thank you. GWP/ath 11444c.OO5.doc enc: As Noted cc: Bob Ruddell, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Curtis Schuster, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Kolin Taylor, KBS III, LLC (w/enc) Susan Fiala, City of Renton Respectfull y, 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING January 04, 2005 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential -5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes- lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. PROJECT NAME: Ridgeview Court Preliminary Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-04-131, PP, SA-H, ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan and Preliminary Plat approvals and a code modification for cul-de-sac radius to be reduced from the required 55~foot to a 50-foot radius. The proposal is to subdivide the 2.4-acre site into 20 lots for the eventual development of single-family dwellings. The lots range in size from 2,725 sq. ft. to 5,831 sq. ft. Access is proposed via improved Bremerton Avenue NE to a new public street terminating in a cul- de-sac. Further access will be provided by private easements. The site has been shown not to contain any protected Critical Areas. The site is vested to Development Regulations of the Center Suburban (CS) and is located in the Centers Residential Bonus District B. HEX Agenda 01-04-0S.doc PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: January 4, 2005 Stoneridge II Short Plat (a.k.a. Windstone II) Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune Ave NW Ocean Shores, WA 98569 KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Wayne Potter, Barghausen Eng. 18215 72nd Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Project Manager: Susan Fiala, AICP The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. 1727 Nile Avenue NE \ City of Renton PIBIPW Department , STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Page 2 of 10 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map (dated 10/11/2004) Preliminary Short Plat (dated 12/29/2004) Preliminary Utilities, Grading and Drainage Plan (dated 10/11/2004) Zoning Map: Sheet D6 East (dated 12/04/2003) C. GENERAL INFORMA TION: 1. 2. 3. 4. Owner of Record: Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Existing Site Use: Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune Ave NW Ocean Shores, WA 98569 Vested under Development Regulations for Residential - 5 Dwelling Units per acre (R-5) (zoned R-4 effective 11/10/2004) Residential Low Density (RLD) VacanUundeveloped. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single family residential; R-5 zoning (R-4 effective 11/10/2004) East: Single family residential; King County zoning South: Stoneridge 1 Plat; R-5 zoning (R-4 effective 11/10/2004) West: Single family residential; R-5 zoning (R-4 effective 11/10/2004) Access: Extension of Mt. Baker Ave. NE 6. 7. Site Area: 3.6 acres (158,259 square feet -gross area) 8. Project Data: Area Comments Existing Building Area: NA NA NA To be demolished. New Building Area: Total Building Area: D. HIS TORICAUBA CKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation Stoneridge I Final Plat Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A LUA 04-046 Ordinance No. 5069 5069 5068 N/A NA N/A E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards hex_Stoneridge2.doc Date 04/28/2004 04/28/2004 04/28/2004 Pending City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts Section 4-3-050: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 10 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General ReqUirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General ReqUirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Residential Low Density objectives and policies; Residential Streets objectives and policies; Subdivision of Land objectives and policies. 2. Housing Element 3. Environmental Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. The proposed subdivision is intended to result in the eventual construction of detached single-family residences. The site would be developed into nine lots and one tract. Two wetlands (one regulated) and two creeks/drainage courses (one unnamed and Greene's Creek) are located on the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a preliminary storm drainage report, habitat data report, and a critical areas assessment and delineation. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. Vegetation would remain· within the sensitive areas and creek and wetland buffers. Primary access would be via Nile Ave. NE to NE 17th St. to Mt. Baker Ave. NE that would extend north terminating in a cul-de-sac. New lots 8 and 9 would be served via Nile Ave. NE (a private access easement). Street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting and right-of-way dedications are required along all street frontages. The site is zoned Residential - 5 (R-S) dwelling units per acre. The R-5 zone allows residential densities that range from no minimum up to a maximum of S.O dulac. The proposed plat would arrive at a net density of 2.84 dulac after the deduction of public roadways from the gross hex_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 4 of 10 acreage which would be within the allowed range of the R-5 zone. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Residential Low Density (RLD). The subject land use application is vested to the R-5 Development Regulations in effect prior to the new code effective date of November 10, 2004 whereupon the site was also rezoned to R-4. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21 C, 1971 as amended), on November 23, 2004, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Stoneridge II Short Plat. The DNS-M included twelve (12) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on November 29,2004 and ended on December 13, 2004. An appeal was filed and withdrawn on December 29, 2004. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1 . The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume /I of the 2001 Storm water Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 9. The-applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 10. A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wet/and, creek and associated hex_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 5 of 10 buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SHORT PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation. The subject site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The objective established by the RLD designation is to preserve open space and natural resources and protect environmentally sensitive areas by limiting residential development in critical areas, areas identified as part of a city-wide or regional open space network, agricultural lands within the City, or in areas providing a transition to the Urban Growth Boundary and King County Rural Designation. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Residential Low Density policies: Land Use Element Policy LU-26. Base Development densities should range from one home per 10 acres to five homes per acre in the RLD. The proposed plat has a net density of 2.84du/acre which is Slightly below the maximum allowable density of the R-5 zone and complies with this policy. Policy LU-32. Residential Low Density areas may be incorporated into community separators. The site's location within the RLD land use designation was within the Urban Growth boundary prior to its annexation. This site is west of land under King County's jurisdiction and within the Urban Growth Boundary. Housing Element The proposal should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element. The addition of nine new single family homes to a recently annexed area would increase the City's housing supply, thereby furthering an objective of the City of Renton. Policy H-9, " Ensure sufficient and additional capacity for single family development by encouraging annexations," would be addressed by this project. Environmental Element The proposal should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Environmental Element. The site contains wetlands and streams/drainage courses. The project complies with Objective EN-C: "Protect and enhance the City's rivers, major and minor creeks arid intermittent stream courses." Also, Policy EN-10. "Establish and protect buffers along wetlands to facilitate infiltration and maintain stable water temperatures ... " is addressed. The ERC issued several mitigation measures on the project to mitigate impacts including: increasing the width of stream/creek buffers, providing permanent fencing and signage along critical area buffers and erosion· and sedimentation control measures. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The 3.85 -acre site (gross area) consists of one parcel designated Residential - 5 Dwelling units per acres (R-5) on the City of hex_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 6 of 10 Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development allows for the future construction of up to nine dwelling units along with associated plat improvements. Density -The maximum permitted density in the R-5 zone is 5.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac). There is no minimum density requirement. Net density is calculated after public rights-of-way, private streets serving more than three lots, and critical areas are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. After the deduction of 20,434 sq. ft. (10,387 sq. ft. -Road A; 2,179 sq. ft. -Nile ROW; 7,868 sq. ft. -critical areas) square feet from the 158,259 gross square foot parcel (158,259 gross sq. ft. - 20,434 sq. ft. total deducted area = 137,825 net sq. ft. I 3.16 net acres), the proposal would arrive at a net density of 2.84 dwelling units per acre (9 units I 3.16 acres = 2.84 dulac). The proposed plat complies with density requirements for the R-5 zoning designation. Lot Dimensions -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-5 zone is 7,200 square feet. A minimum lot width of 60 feet is required for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots. Lot depth is required to be a minimum of 65 feet. Lot widths proposed range from 60 to 80 feet and lot depths are proposed from a range of 122 to 200 feet. Lot sizes would be equal to or greater than the minimum of 7,200 square feet; the smallest lot would be 8,903 square feet and the largest would be 18,565 square feet. The short plat would create nine lots and one tract with the following sizes that are gross area as each lot would include land designated as creek or wetland buffer (the applicant has provided net area as noted within parenthesis: Lot Area (square feet) Access 1 10,979 7,565) Road A 2 11,250 7,496) Road A 3 10,059 ( 7,881 ) Road A 4 12,606J 8,853) Road A 5 8,90316,540) Road A 6 11,32118,256) Road A 7 14,397 (12,314) Road A 8 15,385 8,858) 20 ft. easement 9 18,565 (13,440) 20 ft. easement Tract A 32,228 20 ft. easement Setbacks -The plat plan does not include setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes within the R-5 zone. Building setbacks as required by the R-5 zone, include: front yard setbacks of 15 ft. for primary structure and 20 ft. for attached garages which access from the front yard street; side yard along a street setback of 15 ft. for primary structure and 20 ft. for attached garages which access from the side yard street; and interior side yard setbacks of 5 feet. The rear yard setback is 25 ft. Based on staff's review, it appears that the lots comply with the setback requirements and these would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. Building Standards -The R-5 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support the construction of one detached unit within the R-5 zone. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Accessory structures are permitted only when associated with a primary structure located on the same parcel. Existing buildings are located on the site which are proposed to be removed. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant obtain demolition permits and complete all inspections and approvals for the removal of all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. hex_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA·04·124, ECF, SHPL·H Page 70f 10 Building height in the R·5 zone is limited to 2 stories and 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. Maximum building coverage for lots over 5,000 square feet in size is limited to 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater, and for lots less than 5,000 square feet in size coverage is limited to 50%. The proposal's compliance with these building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are generally at right angles to street lines. All lots would have access to public roadways. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via a 20 ft wide shared driveway. To ensure that no additional curb cuts along Nile Ave. NE are made, staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval that Lot 8 utilize the 20 ft. private access easement (shared driveway with Lot 9. As proposed, all lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Lots 1 through 7 front on Mt. Baker Ave. NE (Road A). Lots 1, 2, 3, and 7 are rectangular shaped lots. Lots 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are irregularly shaped lots. Each of the proposed lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R·5 zone. The plat plan does not include setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes. However, when considering the required setbacks, as well as access points for each lot, the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single family homes. Propertv Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of- way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The proposed subdivision would not create any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Street Improvements: Access to Lots 1 through Lot 7 is proposed to the northerly extension of Mt. Baker Ave. NE terminating in a CUl-de-sac. Lots 8 through 9 would be accessed from a private access easement coming from Nile Ave. NE. A twelve (12') foot right-of-way dedication is required for Nile Ave. NE. The applicant has shown this required dedication. To ensure the dedication is completed and to maintain the west curb line of Nile Ave. NE, staff recommends this as a condition of short plat approval and is to be completed prior or concurrently with recording of the short plat. Street improvements along the frontages of Road A (Mt. Baker Ave. NE) and Nile Ave. NE are required, including pavement, sidewalks, City of Renton streetlights, etc. prior to recording of the final short plat. As part of the Stoneridge I development which was preliminary platted under King County, secondary access was required and is now under construction. The secondary access (emergency only) comes from the west through the existing single family development from NE 16th Street to N E 17'h Street. Staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval that the secondary access to both Stoneridge I and II be completed prior to the final recording of the subject short plat. hex_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE 1/ SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 4, 2005 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 8 of 10 Staff recommends the establishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements, including but not limited to: utility and access easements, storm drainage tracts and critical area tracts as a condition of short plat approval. Topographv: The site slopes in a northwesterly direction with an average slope of 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. The tree cutting and land clearing plan indicates that all vegetation from the plat would be removed except for that within the stream buffers and sensitive areas. The clearing of land would accommodate the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of larger trees. The trees include alder, maple, cedar, fir and deciduous. Vegetation within the stream and wetlands and buffers would be maintained. Streams and Wetlands: Two streams are located on site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a stream that originates off site, a few hundred feet to the south. Portions of the stream typically run dry in June. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site, to the north. During their observations, water was flowing into Greene's Creek from the south; however, before Greene's Creek joined the unnamed tributary, no surface water was present. Greene's Creek dries up annually near its confluence with the unnamed tributary by the end of June. The width of the stream was averaging 20 inches with a depth up to 3.75 inches at the time of observation in September 2003. The unnamed tributary was not measured for depth or width as the report indicates that its channel was difficult to detect, but indications of seasonal flow appears. These streams/drainage courses are noted to provide a 25 foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Due to the flow of Greene's Creek into May Creek, The ERC placed a mitigation measure that the buffer be increased to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the creek to reduce impacts to Greene's Creek. The increased buffer width would impact access to new Lot 9; therefore, buffer averaging would be permitted adjacent to new Lots 8 and 9 to allow for access. Two wetlands were delineated. Wetland A, which runs along the west portion of the site and adjacent to the unnamed tributary, is a Category 3 wetland and includes 6,478 sq. ft. of wetland on-site. Wetland B is located adjacent to Greene's Creek and covers 1,120 sq. ft. and is unregulated. However, due to the presence of Greene's Creek the wetland would be contained within the creek buffer. To ensure that disturbance to the wetland and buffer does not occur during and after construction, the ERC placed a mitigation measure on the project that silt fencing be installed around the wetland, creek and associated buffers during construction and permanent fencing be installed after construction. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject short plat is surrounded by existing and proposed residential uses. To the east, the existing single family homes are under the jurisdiction of King County. To the south and west, the parcels are either under development as another division of Stoneridge (a.k.a. Windstone). To the north, the parcel is currently undeveloped. The proposed detached single family development appears to be suitable within the context of the existing and proposed uses in the area. Community Assets: The plans indicate that all vegetation, except for that within the sensitive areas, would be removed for the development of the short plat. As a result of the loss of existing vegetation and in keeping with the code, which requires adding attractiveness and value to the property, staff recommends the following condition: the applicant be required to plant two ornamental trees within the front yard setback area for all lots within the short plat. In order to ensure the trees are maintained and/or replaced if damaged, the applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property. The restrictive covenant shall indicate that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard setback area of each new lot. The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with short plat recording; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final. building permit inspection. hex _ Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 9 of 10 Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the applicant's provision of Code required improvements and fees. The Environmental Review Committee imposed a Fire Mitigation Fee in order to mitigate the project's potential impacts to emergency services. Recreation: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. There are no existing recreational facilities in the immediate vicinity of the subject property and it is anticipated that the proposed development would generate additional users of existing City park and recreational facilities and programs. As required by the Environmental Review Committee, a Parks Mitigation Fee will be required prior to the recording of the final short plat. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Issaquah School District. City code (RMC 4-1-160C) requires the applicant to pay the appropriate ISO impact fee of $2,937.00 per new single family lot prior to building permit approval. The schools would include: Newcastle Elementary, Maywood Middle School and Liberty High School. Storm Drainage / Surface Water: The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Technical Information Report and plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated September 28, 2004. The storm drainage system was designed to meet Level 3 standards and water quality. The report's overview indicates that runoff collected from Lots 1 through 7 and Mt. Baker Ave. NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 and 9 and the frontage improvements to Nile Ave. NE would be collected in a similar fashion, but drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of the property (appears to be within new Lot 9). Both systems would perform water quality as well as flow control. The report outlined the Eight Core Requirements which appear to be incorporated into the storm drainage plan. The report states that off-site analysis was not conducted due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required, which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. The project site drains to Greene's Creek and will continue to drain to the drainage course as well as a wetland that is proposed to be preserved. The report discusses mitigation of existing and potential problems based on drainage complaints (contained within the TIR). By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control, the report states that this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specified in the problem-specific mitigation requirements on the 1998 KCSWDM. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90 (WD 90). The applicant submitted a Certificate of Water Availability. According to the document, the District's system can provide a minimum of 1,000 gpm of available fire flow per fire hydrant. New water service stubs to each lot must be installed. Existing and new hydrants are required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. An eight-inch sewer main is being installed as part of Stoneridge I. This sewer main is proposed to be stubbed to the access road of the subject short plat which a sewer main extension along this new road will be required. To ensure the sewer main is dedicated, staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval that dedication of the sewer main to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer is completed, if not already in place. Separate side sewers stubs are required in each building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. Lots that are proposing grinder pumps are required to provide side sewers within the right-of-way. No force main in the right-of-way is allowed. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SOC) is $900 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. hex_Sloneridge2.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department STONERIDGE 1/ SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 4, 2005 H. RECOMMENDATION: Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner L UA·04· 124, ECF, SHPL·H Page 100f10 Staff recommends approval of the Stoneridge II Short Plat, Project File No. LUA·04·124, ECF, SHPL·H subject to the following conditions: 1. Lot 8 shall utilize the 20 ft. private access easement that also provides access to Lot 9. A note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating this requirement. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all necessary inspections and approvals for the removal of all buildings on the site prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services. 3. A twelve (12') foot right-of-way dedication is required along the short plat's frontage with Nile Ave, NE. The dedication shall occur at the time of final recording of the short plat. 4. Prior to recording of the Stoneridge II Short Plat, the dedication of the access road through Stoneridge I (LUA 04-046, FP) and associated improvements of the road shall be completed if Stoneridge I is not yet recorded. 5. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The agreement shall be placed on the face of the final short plat prior to recording. 6. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the 20-foot front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. 7. Prior to recording the short plat, the dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge I, LUA 04-046, FP) to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system shall be required, if not yet in place. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Short Plats (SHPL): If the short plat is not filed within two years from date of approval (RMC 4·7· 070.M), the short plat shall become null and void. hex _ Stoneridge2.doc ~ i ~-II ~i5 H .... ~ ~z ~ u~ ~f k~ q~ ----r-- ~:I 1!1 ~ ~ ;IIIIIII! )..l ~ ~ r -100' bJs·'It'!Ilwflm:! 032305-9047 (3.87Ac.) 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D6 ~ ZONING ~ =:, DalNICAL naVJC18 - - ----dIV IJmltoI 3 T23N RSE E 112 5303 6'1/1//311 ~ ... .,' ", " ..... _. DATE: 11-24-2004 RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT . &uY1oY -121 MEMORANDUM FROM: Stan Engler, Fire Marshal TO: Susan Fiala, AICP SUBJECT: Stone ridge II Short Plat Secondary Access Secondary access to Stoneridge II is identified as a emergency access only road connecting NE 16th Street to NE 1 i h Street. This secondary access road is a condition of the Stoneridge I short plat that has already been approved and is now under construction. The Bureau is requesting that the secondary access to both Stoneridge I and II be completed prior to the final approval of Stoneridge II. •• ~4~" . CITY :JF RENTON . . '" . ' ...aL -. Kathy 'Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuilding/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator. December28;2004 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers, Inc. 18215 72i1d Avenue S Kent. WA '98032 SUBJECT: . Stoneridge IIShprt Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Potter:' . . . This letter is 'written on behalf of theEnvironmerital~evi~w Committee (ERC) and ist().a.dvise you that' they have completed their review of the. requesfforre·conSicl.eration concerning .Mitigation . #.8., of ·the Determination of· Non~Significarice·MitigatecJ(DNS~M) . for Stoneridge II Short . Plat' . The.ERC. hasupheJd ~he isslJe of. Determination' of Non-$ignifi6ance-'Mitigeted witt).· nQrsvisions to the li:mQuage' of Mitigation Measure#8. "Buffer averaging alohgGreene's Creek will orily be>pefmitted to allow acc'ess to Lbt>9. A 35 ft. buffet is required forall other areas.'! ..... ..' . . . A Public Hearing: will be held by theRenton;Hearing~E)(aininerin the Co~ncil Chambers' on thesevs'nth' floor of City Hall, 1055' South:G·ra·dy. Way, Rentoh,' washingtol1', on Janljary 04, 2005 at 9:0,0 .AM to consider the Sho.rt Plat. The'f;lpplicant·orreptesehtatil.ie(sy6t the applican! is' required to bep'resent.at . the public he.aring. A copy of the staff report wtllt)~ mail~9 to. you before the..·hearing. . . . Theprecediriginformation Will ~ssistyouinpla:nningfor irtlplementation Of your project and enable you to exercise your 'appeal rights morefuily, ifYQuchoose to do. s.o: If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please callmeat(425) 430-7382. .' . . . .' ," - ;Z:~Gommilie., . Susan Fiala Senior Planner .' .' .'-.'.. . '. . .. cc: ScottE. Hayes &JoAnnWatan~b~-Hayes I Parties of Record Claudia Donnelly IParties' of ~ecord . Virginia Luck I O~ner . . KBS III, LLC/Applicant Enclosure, ,------~·-l-OS-S-S..."o-ut-:-h-G-ra-d-y-W~ay--R-e-n-to-n,-W-a-sh-i-ng-to-n-9-S-0""'SS"-' -----'---~ * This paper c;;,ntains 50% recycled material,30% post cons~mer AHEAD OF THE CURVE -..-'I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Background CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM December 21,2004 Environmental Review Committee Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, x7382 Stoneridge II Short Plat, LUA 04-124, ECF, SHPL-H, Request for Reconsideration Subsequent to the ERC's issuance of a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the above referenced project, the applicant filed a request for reconsideration with regard to Mitigation Measure # 8 of the DNS-M. The issued Mitigation Measure # 8 is as follows: The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Applicant's Request The applicant requests the ERC to revise this condition so the applicant can provide buffer averaging throughout the entire corridor of Greene's Creek. The applicant provides the following justifications: 1) Greene's Creek is a riparian corridor requiring a 25 ft. minimum buffer width (RMC 4-4- 130.D.3.B). 2) Increasing the buffer width does not necessarily increase protection. 3) With buffer averaging, the applicant can provide larger buffers in areas that are warranted. 4) An increase in the buffer adjacent to Tract C of the plat of Stoneridge will provide better protection to the inlet on Greene's Creek. 5) The applicant proposes to repair the damage of an encroachment near the unregulated wetland, which will provide further protection to Greene's Creek and repair the buffer. 6) Proposed averaging does not fall below 25 ft. in any portion of the corridor. 7) With buffer averaging, the applicant can maximize density as allowed under City of Renton Code and supporting Comprehensive Plan policies. 8) Buffer averaging will provide for a larger building envelope. 9) As required by code, the entire buffer corridor will be further protected with permanent fencing. The applicant's request and drawings are attached (Attachment # 1). Purpose of Mitigation Measures The mitigation measures stated in the Environmental Review Report and Decision are relevant environmental issues necessary to protect earth and water conditions. (i.e. additional setbacks from wetlands and streams). -./ 1) , rh.. -~.)'. Analysis of Mitigation Measure Reconsideration Although the applicant's request for buffer averaging is required along Lots 8 and 9 to allow access to Lot 9, buffer averaging along the entire Greene's Creek corridor is unnecessary. The proposed buffer averaging does not provide the same protection as otherwise would occur with 35-foot setbacks. The following outlines staff's analysis: 1) Surrounding plats developed under King County regulations require a 50 ft. buffer from Greene's Creek. A 35 ft. buffer is more consistent with these buffers than a 25 ft. buffer. 2) Greene's Creek flows into May Creek, which requires a 50 ft. buffer. A buffer of 35 ft. provides better protection for both Greene's Creek and May Creek from disturbances caused by construction and habitation. 3) Buffer averaging for this project will not provide the same protection against damage caused by construction and habitation. Recommendation Staff recommends the Environmental Review Committee uphold the Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M) issued for the Stoneridge II Short Plat, LUA 04-124, with no revisions to the language of Mitigation Measure # 8. Staff does not recommend alteration of Mitigation Measure # 8 to allow buffer averaging for the entire corridor of Greene's Creek. Decision The Environmental Review Committee concurs with staff's recommendation as noted under "Recommendation" . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SIGNATURES: rif '.~. ~_ £4---~r, Fire Chief Renton Fire Department DATE / OAT¢, Keolker··Whleeler, Mayor December 15, 2004 Wayne Potter. Bargh'aus~nEngineers, Inc. 18215 72ndAvenue S Kent, W A 98032' '. SUBJECT: Stoneri(jge.IIShbrt Plat' LUA·04~124; SHPL-H, ECF Dear Mr. Potter: CITY ~F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmernian}».E., Administrator This letter 'is ·to inform you thattheappea!p~riQd has"eriqed)or the .'Environmental Review Committe~'s (ERG)Determin~tioh 'of ~Oi1'~Significanc~ .; .. Mi~jg~~edfQr the above,.referenced project. .' .... .' . '.: .... A r~quest for reconsidera,tioh and.appeaf:;h~yeb~~n.submittedYto the' City, Due to .the" reconsideration of an ERC,<Mitiga:t.ibr1: .. ·M,e,!sur~;.ERC.· Will. conduct·· a' 'sup'plernentary environmental review at ah upcoming meetirtg,'The appli'carit mllstcomply with' all ERC Mitigation rvteasures.. '" ..... . . . ... .' ... ' . . . '. Depending' o'n the outcome '6f, the request: for r~cohslcleratioh;tbeappeal~n1aymoveforward .. and.·pe heard at the ·Hearing. E>sarniner Public.'::leari~g. Th~. He~ring Examiner Public 'Hearing has been scheduled for January 4, 2005, where.Site Plan: Conditions may be issued~ . . ,". '.' ~ .. ' . '. -'.' ,'. ,~. '. .." If you have c;lny questions, please fe~lfree' to. c~ntact mea:t:(~2~) .430-7382. . ... . . . . . ..•. F~or the EnViron:.·{%~Hev?committee, . . " . . .. ," . . . . . . ~ ...... . . '. Susan Fiala, AIQP' . Senior Planner cc: . Virginia LlJck I Owner '.r . KBS III, LLC j Applicant .' . .., . Scott E. Hayes & JoAnn Watanabe-Hayes, Claudia Donnelly I Parties of Record .~. --'------~1-;:-05=-=5:-:S::-o-ut-:-h-=G:-ta-:d~y=W,-:-ay---::R::-e-n-to-n,~w,:':"a--:sh;-:in-g-to-n-9::-::8:-:'O-:::-55:----~------R.E N TON . ® This paper contains 50o/~ recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE· ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION & PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON·SIG~IFIC~NCE· MITIGATED (DNS·M) '!>, POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS oF, AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION (, PROJECT NAME: Stonerldge II Short PI.t PROJECT NUMBER: LUA04-124, SHPL·H, ECF LOCATION: 1127 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION: The applicant 'I raqualtlng Envlronmantal (SEPA) Review and HearIng Examiner Short Plat approval lor a nine lot subdivIsion ala 3.8 acre alt8. The propoIslla located withIn the Residential· 5 (R-S) zoning desIgnation. The loll are Intended tor the eventual development of detached alnglQ family homes-lots ranging In size from 8,903 sq. fl. to 18,565 sq. ft. Acce .. to the site Is proposed via MI. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetland. (one regulated Category 3) are located within the alte and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. WlidlUe (blaCk-tailed deer) and habitat areal are also noted. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the envIronmental determination must be flied In writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 13, 2004. Appears must be flied In writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renlon MuniCipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional Information regarding the appeal proce .. may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk'. OHlce, (425) 431).6510. . A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JANUARY 4, 2005 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE SHORT PLAT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430·7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the projecfNUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. CERTIFICATION I.s\ I u.c.ber: ' hereby certify that 3 copies of the ~bove ~ment were posted by me in :.3 conspicuous places on or nearby ""'''''''''''''' the described property on Ncyernb.e.c #l, ux54 . ........... ~\LYN K~"" ~ _"'~ ........ ~ ""fA_ " : ~· .• ~\'II\SS/d~:·~'?'a '" ~ :' .·'0 .y~ ... ~'1. //A; i / (j NO,..~-$I ~\ ~ \ATTEST: Subs~r~b ::; '1 : A "...... 'J-~: " ~w ashington resldl ~-.. "'( ..... ~ 0' .-~ ~\ ~. 'til.IC .: ~ , --. • 6'. • ,J 't ~ _ •••• ';)..., .....:! " V<, ' •• ';'-07 •••• ,~,: ",' I-z. ........... ~() .-I", ASHING .... ... , ,,', .. ,,"", ............ ... MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT fXPIRFR fi.29-()7 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION & PUBLIC HEARING " ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Stonerldge II Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal Is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are Intended for the eventual development of detached slngh~ family homes-lots ranging In size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site Is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications a rEI required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be flied In writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 13, 2004. Appeals must be flied In writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JANUARY 4,2005 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE SHORT PLAT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. R 8 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZAT;ION : "Pleasei rit!hjdetlle project N I) M BER'i"V Ilerlcalli I1g :forprope'r fi Ie ldentification. CITY OF RENif:bN CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION .. AFFIDAVIT 0t=.Si:RVICE BY MAILING .. Agencies See Attached Wayne Potter Contact KBS III, LLC Applicant Virginia Luck Owner (Signature of Sender),;..o: ~~I9'.I~---=---------------.t;!--I.:::.l~I'a=I~-t-:-. KOKKO COUNTY OF KING ) ss ) NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19, 2006 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. f"f /; f) ... -f ./ ~/, Dated: t~;;t(o V --~~:::::.../~~:---L~.:.....·~~~--:-:-:-~:----- NO~YJPU. ~~Iil in a~ fO~ t~e;a;of Washington Notary (Print): ____ L_ ·M __ r_~~___=_'_....;v_,cb_,I(. __ CtP _______ _ My appointment expires: Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF template' affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology· Environmental Review Section pd Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 I I WSDOT Northwest Region· Atth: Ramin Pazooki Ki~g Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 P~ Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US! Army Corp. of Engineers • Seattle District Office Atth: SEPA Reviewer PO; Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Jamey Taylor· I Depart. of Natural Resources PO; Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KCI Dev. & Environmental Servo Att~: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Rehton, WA 98055-1219 , I Metro Transit AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold· c/o Department of Ecology 3190 160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Duwamish Tribal Office· 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms. Shirley Marroquin 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Seattle, W A 98104-3855 City of Newcastle Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Director of Community Development 13020 SE 72nd Place Newcastle, WA 98059 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Attn. SEPA Reviewer 39015 -172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· Attn: Stephanie Kramer PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Kent Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Acting Community Dev. Director 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 City of Tukwila Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official 6300 Southcenter Blvd. Se~ior Environmental Planner GarY Kriedt 201' South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Se~ttle, WA 98104-3856 Puget Sound Energy Municipal Liason Manager Joe Jainga PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle Public Utilities Re~1 Estate Services Titl~ Examiner 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 POIBox 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application .• Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. template -affidavit of service by mailing I I CITY 'IF RENTON Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,A~ministrator' November 24, 2004 Wayne Potter Barghausen Engineers, Inc. 18215 72ridAvenue S Kent, WA 98032 ',SUBJECT: Stoneridge 1.1 Short Plat LUA04-124, SJ-iPL-H, ECF ' Dea:r, Mr. Potter: ' This'letterisWritten on behCilf of the Environmental Review, Committee (ERG) and is toaqviseyouthat they have completed their review of the sl!bjecfpr6jeCt.Th~ ER<;; issUed a threshold Determination of Non-Significance"Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed 'Mitigatjon,Measures document. ' " " " , " , Appeals of the ehvkonmentakcfeterri1ination must' befile~' in "writing 01:1 or' bef()re 5:00 PM on December 13, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together yvitlith!;l\rE3Quired $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner,Gity;of Renton, 1055SoJ:ith:GractyWay, 'Rentor\ WA 98055. ' Appeals to the Examiner are governed by chy of R~niOri',:Murlicipal:Cod~seCtibn 4-8~1~ O.S; AdditionCiI infOrmation regarding the appeal process may beobtainedfromcihE{Reritoh Cify,CI~rk's9ffice, (425) 430~6510 .. '. .' . "". " ",".", -.. , ...... ~.. . " ",', , . . ' -. . A Public Hearing will, be held by the R~ntbnHeaVlng EX8:rniner in the Courrcil Chambers qn the seventh jloor of City Hall, 1055 South'GradyWay, Renton, Wa:shingtonjon Jatlucuy 4, 2005 at 9:00 .AM to consider the Short Plat. TheapplicanL6r.representative(s) ofthe;applic,ant isrequiredto be present, at ,the public hearing. A copy of the ,stattre,port .will be mailE3dto you orlE;fweekbefore the hearing. If the' Environmental Determination,is appealeditheappealwill behea:rdaspart of this public hearing. '. • .... ~: ' , • .' ... ,. . • ~ -:: t '. :". . • '. '.' . • " The preceding information will assist you" in'pli;lnhingifor irTIplemeriiation of your project andenabi~ you to exercise your appeal rights more fully,if you"chooseto'doso.' If you have any questions or 'desire, ' , clarification of the above,plea:secall me at (425) 430"7382. " " "For the EnVironmerital Review Committee, ~~-e~~ eor ~~i>k ·Pi"'~ Susan Fiala, Senior Planner . :. '" . . .. . cc: Scott E. Hayes & JoAnn Watanabe-Hayes fParties of Record ' Virginia Luck fOwner " KBS III, LLC f Applicant ,Enclosure ~' -----------l-O-SS-s-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y ..... W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-a-s-hi-ng-t-on-'--'9S-0-S-S ------RE N TO·N * Thi~ paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE l'Pe· ..IL, -Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor November 24,2004 Washington ,State Department of Ecology Environmental, Review Section PO Box 47703 , Olympia,'WA 98504-7703 CITY JF·RENTON '. . . .. PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject, Environmental Determinations .' . . . . Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environ~ental Determination for the following project reViewed t;>y , the Environmental Review Committee (ERG) on November 23, 2004: ' DETERMINAtiON OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE, ~ MITIGATED PROJECT NAME: ,,' PROJECT NUMBER: , LOCAtiON: DESCRIPTION: . -.' ,Stoneridg~, 1I·:Short 'PI~t '. . LUA04,.124,SHPL~H, ECF' 1721 Nile AvenueNE Th~ applicant is requesting :Envlrohmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing ExaminerSh'ort Plat approvalfQr' a ninllot subdivisionofa 3.6 acre site. rhe proposal is located, wfthin' the:~8esidei1tial ~ 5. (R:5) zoning' , 'designation. The: lots: are inteiiciedforithe eventual, development of , de~ached'single:farrii'li(h()n1~~. lot.sra'ngiri9 in size from 8;903 sq. ft:.to 18,565 ,~q.·ff. A~ctlss,to 'th~;~siteisproposedviaMt;BakerAve.: NE and Nile:Ave;, NE,,',Street',~edicationsare required. Twc) streams (one , regulated) and tWo we.tlands (one regulated~;Category 3)are located within " ','"the site ,and each would»)ave the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (bia~k: ' . ," ,.taiied'dee'r),andhabitat ai'ea~ are:also note<L' : ,", ',' " ',,' ': :.. \ . ..' .:.'~." . . ,Appeals of the envirOilmeiltal':determination must be filedinwriii'ng on 'or before 5':00 PM on December 13, ,20p4. Appeals. must' be, fiiedin ,\:'Vriti~gt6geth~r withJhe. req uired' $75.00 apP'iication fee' with: Hearing Examiner, City of Rentorl, l055S6uth Grady Way,: Reriton, WA 98055: Nipe'als to the· . Examiner are governed by City of Reritan Iylu'nfcipal Gode" SeCtion 4-8.110;B. , Additi9nalinformation regarding" the appeal' process '. may be obtained'from ,the'Rentori City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. . . ~. , . . . I'fyou have questions; please callnieat (425) 430-7382. For the~Envirbnmental Review Committee, . .' . . ..• ~.~.~H~fi>"y..7_fi'fo. Susan A. Fiala Senior Planner' cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division WDFW, Stewart Reinbold , David F. Dietzn1an, Department of Natural Resources, W8DOT, Northwest Region ' Duwamish Tribal Office . Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Iridian Tribe (Ordinance) , Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program US Army Corp. of Engineers Stephanie Kramer, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation ~ -iE~A\eeteleSstl:JffiFee-----:-:l 0:'::5-=-5 -=So-u--:th:-G-=r-a"7dy--:W:==-ay-.-=R=-e-n-to-n,-=W:::":a-s:-Chi:-ng-t-'oo"---':'9":"'80:-:5-:5---'------:-R E N TON . * 'This papercontains,50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD O,F THE CURVE , , CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1727 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black- tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the apRropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. f 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to. connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 10. A note shall be placed on, face of the final plat stating that no graL ~ or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1727 Nile Avenue NE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black- tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant shall be required to create a separate native growth protection area containing the wetland and its buffer via a conservation easement, protective easement or tract/deed prior to final plat approval (RMC4-3- 050G). 3. The applicant shall be required to permanently identify the native growth protection area by including a wood or metal sign on treated or metal posts. Suggested wording of the sign is as follows: "Protection of this natural area is in your care. Alteration or disturbance is prohibited by law." (RMC4-3-050G5). 4. The site is located within the Issaquah School District. Fire 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 ft. of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 sq. ft. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 ft. of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 ft. wide. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Plan Review -Surface Water/Storm Drainage 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) is $715 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Water 1. Existing and new hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. A sewer main extension along the new road will be required. 2. Separate side sewers stubs are required in each building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. 3. Lots that are proposing grinder pumps are required to provide side sewers within the right-of-way. No force main in ROW is allowed. 4. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 5. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SOC) is $900 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street and along the frontage of the parcel with Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE). 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. Plan Review -General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Property Services To be provided separately. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H KBS III LLC APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat (aka Windstone) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black- tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 1727 Nile Avenue NE The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 13, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: NOVEMBER 29, 2004 NOVEMBER 23, 2004 //-d?~cxf DATE To: · " .. '. . . .. ENVIR()NMENTAL R'EVIEWCOMMITTEE ' , ":Ni'EETI NG<NOTICE~,':' "i' ' N'6~ember23, 2004' :" :.~"':. ". Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Dennis Culp, Community Services Administrator Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief From: Jennifer Henning, Development Planning TU,9sday, Nbvember23,2004: 9:,00 AM " , ;"Meeting Date: Time: Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Agenda listed below. Stoneridge II Short Plat (Fiala) LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential -5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. Airgas CO? Storage & Rail Site (Wei/) LUA04-130, ECF The applicant (Airgas-Nor Pac, Inc.) is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, in order to construct two 100,000- pound (when full) liquid carbon dioxide storage tanks at their existing site at 950 Powell Avenue SW. The zoning designation is Industrial Medium (1M). The two above ground tanks are 56 ft 6 inches by 7 ft 6 inches in size and 8ft 8.5 inches high, 50-tons each. The area for the tank foundation pads, which is currently a gravel surface, is approximately 1,000 square feet. The proposed area of constuction will encompass approximately 5,400 square feet of impervious area to include the tank pads, process piping, rail off-load platform and compressor. The site does not contain any critical areas according to the City of Renton Critical Areas maps. The applicant proposes the hours of operation to be Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. cc: K. Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer A. Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator ® B. Wolters, EDNSP Director ® J. Gray, Fire Prevention N. Watts, P/B/PW Development Services Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner S. Engler, Fire Prevention ® J. Medzegian, Council S. Meyer, P/B/PW Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, Economic Development L. Warren, City Attorney ® STAFF REPORT A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area gsf: Site Area: RECOMMENDA TlON: Project Location Map City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE November 23, 2004 Stoneridge II Short Plat (aka Windstone) Virginia Luck 285 Sand Dune Ave NW Ocean Shores, WA 98569 KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Wayne Potter, Barghausen Eng. 18215 72nd Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Project Manager: Susan Fiala, AICP The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. Continued on next page 1727 Nile Avenue NE All to be demolished 3.6 acres (gross area) Proposed New Bldg. Area: N/A Total Building Area gsf: N/A Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee Issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). '32305-929 ",300 (O ... ~) 9291 .. '" 032305-9159 (U1M.) 032305-9047 (S.17Ac.) CITY OF AEl/TON ---·-',-1 ~ &Z2~:Z5 (') 11-,----------1 ~~ ____ ~----~~--~~~~~i~~~~~ 032305-9014 (1.11Ac.) ______ ~ \ ----T-,\ \ ------\ 1\---::~'23d5 -<:::\ \--/~46 \( .. ,.. .. \ \:" ~~)4~ AC.\ ---j\-'\~_"\'\ \-<'/ ,/"'J. ... CITY OF AEl/TON KNlCOUNTY ~rt£t 032305 _12~~.!) ~~~ / , , 032305-9277 (UOAc.) 022305 9018 (4.47 At.) City of Renton P/B/PW Department STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 En vir' 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 2 0(8 Project description continued: The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes- lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. The proposed subdivision is intended to result in the eventual construction of detached single-family residences. The site would be developed into nine lots and one tract. Two wetlands (one regulated) and two creeks/drainage courses (one unnamed and Greene's Creek) are located on the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a preliminary storm drainage report, habitat data report, and a critical areas assessment and delineation. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. Vegetation would remain within the sensitive areas and creek and wetland buffers. Primary access would be via Nile Ave. NE to NE 1ih St. to Mt. Baker Ave. NE that would extend north terminating in a cul-de-sac. New lots 8 and 9 would be served via Nile Ave. NE via a private access easement. Street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting and right-of-way dedications are required. The site is zoned Residential - 5 (R-5) dwelling units per acre. The R-5 zone allows residential densities that range from no minimum up to a maximum of 5.0 dulac. The proposed plat would arrive at a net density of 3.9 dulac after the deduction of public roadways from the gross acreage which would be within the allowed range of the R-5 zone. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Residential Low Density (RLD). B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES DETERMINATION OF XX NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGA TED. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical 'Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 4. The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 8. The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLAT En vir 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 Page 3 ot8 label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 9. The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stoneridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 10. A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 11. During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. 12. After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The fol/owing notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant shall be required to create a separate native growth protection area containing the wetland and its buffer via a conservation easement, protective easement or tract/deed prior to final plat approval (RMC4-3-050G). 3. The applicant shall be required to permanently identify the native growth protection area by including a wood or metal sign on treated or metal posts. Suggested wording of the sign is as follows: "Protection of this natural area is in your care. Alteration or disturbance is prohibited by law." (RMC4-3-050G5). 4. The site is located within the Issaquah School District. Fire -1.-A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 ft. of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 sq. ft. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 ft. of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 ft. wide. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Plan Review -Surface Water/Storm Drainage 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) is $715 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. Plan Review -Water 1. Existing and new hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. A sewer main extension along the new road will be required. 2. Separate side sewers stubs are required in each building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. 3. Lots that are proposing grinder pumps are required to provide side sewers within the right-of-way. No force main in ROW is allowed. 4. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 5. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 Plan Review -Street Improvements En vir 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 4 of 8 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street and along the frontage of the parcel with Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE). 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. Plan Review -General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Property Services 1. To be provided separately. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The applicant has submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc., dated July 13, 2004. The report provides information and recommendations pertaining to foundations, soils, groundwater and erosion. The report states that the site slopes in a northwesterly direction with an average slope of 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. The tree cutting and land clearing plan indicates that all vegetation from the plat would be removed except for that within the stream buffers and sensitive areas. The clearing of land would accommodate the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of larger trees. The trees include alder, maple, cedar, fir and deciduous. The report indicates that the proposed single family residences can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or on granular structural fill used to modify existing grades. The native silty sand with gravel soils are moisture sensitive, and the soils will degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. To ensure that site preparation and general earthwork is conducted according to the geotechnical report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork". The storm water detention pond is planned to be located in the northwest portion of the site and care should be taken during excavation to identify and control seepage along the cut slopes of the detention pond. Where fill berms are proposed to be utilized around the pond, compaction of fill will need to meet structural fill specifications. To ensure that any berms and till liners are constructed according to the specifications of the report, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The soils encountered during exploration consisted of native silty sand with gravel and according to the USGS that the site identifies glacial till deposits throughout the site. In general, the native soils observed at the test pit locations were generally consistent with this type of deposit. Three test pits were sampled. Underlying the surficial layer of topsoil, medium dense, brown silty sand with gravel soil was encountered at depths of 2 % ft. to 4 ft. below existing grade. Underlying the brown silty sand soils, dense silty sand with gravel glacial till soils were encountered. Light ground water seepage was observed in an off-site test pit that was part of Stoneridge I Plat. The use of sumps during construction may be necessary, depending on the rate of groundwater seepage entering excavations. The environmental checklist states that the quantity of cut and fill has not been e!3timated but is anticipated by the applicant that it would be balanced on site. In order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and to adjacent properties, staff recommends additional mitigation including that the project be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 En vir 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 50t8 (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of thl3 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13, 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during construction, utility work and building construction. • The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. 2. Surface Water Impacts: The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Technical Information Report and plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated September 28, 2004 with the land use application. The storm drainage system was designed to meet Level 3 standards and water quality. The report's overview indicates that runoff collected from Lots 1 through 7 and Mt. Baker Ave. NE would be by catch basins and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wetland/detention pond located in Tract A. Runoff from Lots 8 and 9 and the frontage improvements to Nile Ave. NE would be collected in a similar fashion, but drain to a wet vault located in the northeast corner of the property (appears to be within new Lot 9). Both systems would perform water quality as well as flow control. The report outlined the Eight Core Requirements which appear to be incorporated into the storm drainage plan. The report states that off-site analysis was not conducted due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required, which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. The project site drains to Greene's Creek and will continue to drain to the drainage course as well as a wetland that is proposed to be preserved. The report discusses mitigation of existing and potential problems based on drainage complaints (contained within the TIR). By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control, the report states that this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specified in the problem-specific mitigation requirements on the 1998 KCSWDM. According to the City of Renton records and the "Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation" (to be discussed under 'Wetland" section) provided by the applicant, a drainage course, Greene's Creek, crosses the site. To ensure that the drainage course is addressed within the context of the storm drainage system staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the drainage report includes an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project and the storm systems be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. Due to flooding and erosion problems, staff recommends that the project be designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual as a mitigation measure and the storm drainage system is designed to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Mitigation Measures: • The final drainage report shall include an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The storm systems shall be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. • The project shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations, 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 3. Fire Protection Impacts: Fire Prevention staff indicates that the applicant provide required improvements and fees to offset the impacts associated with the new development. The proposal to add nine (9) new residential lots to the City would ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE II SHORT PLAT REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 En vir 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 60(8 impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, a Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee is estimated at $4,392.00 (9 new lots x $488.00 = $4,320.00) and is required prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 4. AccessITransportation Impacts: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required for the project. Primary access to the site is proposed via Nile Ave. NE to NE 1ih Street to Mt. Baker Avenue NE which would be extended north from its terminus at Lots 1 and 3 of Stoneridge I Plat. Lots 8 and 9 would be accessed via Nile Ave. NE to the a joint use driveway (private access easement). The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system; therefore, the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee will be imposed. The Traffic Mitigation Fee is calculated at a rate of $75.00 per additional generated trip per new single-family lot at a rate of 9.57 trips per lot home. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $6,459.75 (9 new lots x 9.57 trips = 86.13 trips) thus (86.13 x $75 per trip = $6,459.75). The fee is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. 5. Parks & Recreation Impacts: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single-family lot would be required for the proposal. The fee is estimated at $4,776.84 (9 new lots x $530.76 = $4,776.84) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single- family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3082, Ordinance 4527. 6. Wetlands/Streams Impacts: The applicant submitted a Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC, dated October 9, 2004. The purpose of the study was to delineate wetlands, evaluate the functions and values of wetlands and any streams, determine classification and buffers, determine impacts and present a conceptual mitigation plan. Two streams are located on site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a stream that originates off site, a few hundred feet to the south. Portions of the stream typically run dry in June. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site, to the north. During their observations, water was flowing into Greene's Creek from the south; however, before Greene's Creek joined the unnamed tributary, no surface water was present. Greene's Creek dries up annually near its confluence with the unnamed tributary by the end of June. The width of the stream was averaging 20 inches with a depth up to 3.75 inches at the time of observation in September 2003. The unnamed tributary was not measured for depth or width as the report indicates that its channel was difficult to detect, but indications of seasonal flow appears. These streams/drainage course are noted to provide a 25 foot buffer from the ordinary high water mark. No tree cutting or land clearing would be permitted within these buffers. Due to the flow of Greene's Creek into May Creek, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the buffer be increased to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the creek to reduce impacts to the creek. The increased buffer width would impact access to new Lot 9; therefore, buffer averaging would be permitted adjacent to new Lots 8 and 9. ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE /I SHORT PLA T REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 En vir 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H Page 70!8 Additionally, the abutting Stoneridge I Plat (Preliminary plat approved in King County-Final Plat in Renton) was conditioned to have a 50 foot buffer along the Category 3 wetland and unnamed tributary, staff recommends that a transition between the 50 foot buffer and the 25 ft. buffer be provided. It appears that the transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. To maintain the capacity along Greene's Creek, staff recommends that to prevent future disturbance along the creek buffer that a note be placed on the face of the final plat that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The study delineated two wetlands. Wetland A, which runs along the west portion of the site and adjacent to the unnamed tributary, is a Category 3 wetland and includes 6,478 sq. ft. of wetland on-site. Wetland B is located adjacent to Greene's Creek and covers 1,120 sq. ft. and is unregulated. However, due to the presence of Greene's Creek the wetland would be contained within the creek buffer. To ensure that disturbance to the wetland and buffer does not occur during and after construction, staff recommends that silt fencing be installed around the wetland, creek and associated buffers during construction and permanent fencing be installed after construction. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall increase the creek buffer along Greene's Creek to a width of 35 ft. on each side of the OHWM. Buffer averaging adjacent to Lots 8 and 9 is permitted to allow access to Lot 9. The final plat shall delineate and label the creek buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • The applicant shall provide a transition between the 50 ft. wetland buffer located to the south of subject plat (within Stone ridge I) and the 25 ft. wetland buffer located on the site. The transition would occur on proposed Lot 1, where the 50 ft. buffer meets the south property line would extend northwest to connect to the 25 ft. buffer on the north property line of Lot 1. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • A note shall be placed on the face of the final plat stating that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • During site preparation and construction, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland, creek and associated buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and be completed prior to the issuance of construction/utility permits. • After the development of site improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (Le. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland and creek buffers. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 7. Habitat/Wildlife Impacts: A Habitat Data report was submitted with the land use application as prepared by Chad Armour, LLC., dated September 10, 2004. The purpose of the study was to identify habitat present on site and the potential impacts that development may have on this habitat. The report indicates that there are two habitat types on site including include meadow and forest. The Meadow habitat type is that area subject to grading and revegetation 2003 that is dominated by grass with tree seedlings and shrubs. There are no large trees or shrubs present nor special habitat features such as snags or downed logs. The report states that indications of black-tailed deer were observed in the Meadow habitat. Many of the shrubs had been ERC_Stoneridge2.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONERIDGE II SHORT PLA T En vir 'ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-124, ECF, SHPL-H REPORT OF NOVEMBER 23, 2004 Page 8 0(8 browsed and beds. The Forest habitat type is located on the remainder of the site with black cottonwood and red alder and other trees. The only wildlife observed in this habitat type were the American robin, hermit thrush, Steller's jay and skunk. The black tailed deer is a priority game species in Washington primarily associated with the Meadow habitat type for breeding and foraging. Based on the relatively small size of the Meadow habitat type, it is likely that black tailed deer use on the site is limited. No further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. -L Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 13, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. ERC_Stoneridge2.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 18, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja 1. Fesser ~ Stoneridge II Short Plat, LUA-04-124-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The dedication of land for street purposes on short plats (the 12' strip adjoining Nile Ave NE and what is now noted as Road' A') requires approval by the City Council. Said dedication is achieved via a recorded City of Renton Dedication Deed document. If the dedication is to be recorded with the short plat, the dedication process needs to be timed in such a way that Council approval and all other matters pertaining to the dedication have been addressed and resolved, and said document is ready to record. The Deed of Dedication document includes both a legal description exhibit and a map exhibit. The legal description exhibit should be prepared, stamped, dated and signed by the applicant's surveyor. The surveyor should also prepare the map exhibit. The dedication process requires an updated Plat Certificate dated within 45 days of Council action on said dedication. Talk to the Project Manager if there are questions or further information is needed. It's not made clear on the drawing that Road 'A' is to be dedicated to the city for street purposes. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-124-SHPL and LND-20-0396, respectively, on the drawing, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. A licensed surveyor will need to prepare and stamp, sign and date the final short plat submittal. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -ShortPluts\0396\RV041110.doc November 18, 2004 Page 2 Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when said ties are provided. Note the bearings for all interior boundary lines of the proposed lots. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note the dates the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, agreements and covenants of record on the drawing. Addresses for the proposed lots will be provided by the city as soon as possible. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. The City of Renton Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works is the only city official who signs this short plat drawing. Provide an appropriate approval block and signature line. Appropriate King County approval blocks also need to be noted on the drawing. All vested owner(s) of the subject property need to sign the final short plat submittal. Include notary blocks as needed. Include a declaration block on the drawing. Remove all references to density worksheets, building setbacks, zoning and comprehensive plan designations on the final short plat submittal. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive covenants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat document will be recorded first (with King County). The recording riumber(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the short plat) need to be referenced on the short plat drawings. If there is to be a Homeowners' Association (HOA) for this short plat, the following language concerning ownership of "Tract A" (drainage facilities and sensitive area) applies to this short plat and should be noted on the final short plat drawing as follows: H:\FiJe Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short PJuts\0396\RV04JJIO.doc\cor November 18, 2004 Page 3 Upon the recording of this short plat, Tract A is hereby granted and conveyed to the Stoneridge 1/ Short Plat Homeowners' Association (HOA) for a drainage and sensitive area. All necessary maintenance activities for said Tract will be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations, as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18) months, then each lot in this short plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in the tract previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant financial and maintenance responsibilities. If no HOA is established, then use the following language on the final short plat drawing: Lots 1 through 9, inclusive, shall have an equal and undivided ownership interest in "Tract A". The foregoing statement is to be accompanied by language defining the maintenance responsibilities for any infrastructure located on the Tract serving the short plat, or reference a separate recording instrument detailing the same. The new private access and utility easement noted over proposed Tract A is for the benefit of future owners of Lot 3, and the joint-use driveway is for the benefit of Lots 8 and 9. Sine the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of short plat recording, there can be no new easements created until ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject short plat drawing, !tthe previous paragraph applies: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owner of the land embraced within this short plat, in returnfor the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. The new pri vate access/utilities easements require a "NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement noted on the short plat drawing. See the attachment. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for the preliminary short plat review is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0396\RY041 I lO.doc\cor Title for both oUhe following paragraphs: NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSmILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSmILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIV ATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHmITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT . SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSmILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSmILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHmITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. PROPERTY SERVI(' .... ~ FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDMSIONS Nr . 'Q04 ---",<DI:Z.L-I __ APPLICANT: U )ev J V1F34/J....1IA. ) Kes 11III Ie RECEIVED FROM ___ --;-:---:--;-_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: 1727 blll E AVS bIe: ~ J WO#_7.L...7-,--.3<60~o£.71--_____ _ NATURE OF WORK: 9 -I.or 5HoEtt "'PI .Lq.(s:rob--U=:RIr:X~E II eI::tOaT LND # cO -03q", )( PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVIfION BY 10NdPLAT, NEED MOREINi<ORMA TlON: .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. .. PID #'s .. VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE .. OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# oaeao5 -9035 X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LoW will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. d NOT' I d . ti'd I' ti th f The following quoted fees 0 InC U e InspeCtion ees, Sl e sewer permIts, r w permIt ees or e cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER , -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment District/W A TER /-0- ~ cP\E'Ek-5~ .Rc;J I $ 2SO. ex:> X U"-1 m:: q $ 2. 25{).O~ Special Assessment District/W ASTEW ATER Joint Use A2reement (METRO) - Local Improvement District * - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION -FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITS/ SDC FEE -Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exem31Hon) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $l,525/unit x -, .. ,... r=-o-o..J I c:e: 1"0 Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park 1=E."'~O' 1""N" Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x H '1::If sT. q () Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER" Estimated -Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x q $ Sloo.OO Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEW ATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x q .$ t:; A -::..'?') 00 All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ IG '785.0C: ~n 2 ft.. 0unnlh) Signatu f Rev mg Authonty .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. t1 (\) <: .... Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January 1, 2004 (\) >: !:l o City of , ,ton Department of Planning / Building / Pub",-.• orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: SVC5. COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 22, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stonerid e II Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 158,123 s uare feet BUILDING AREA T 2 LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77327 . 7fty Of: SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Sh~rt.pf~~roval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. T~"'ots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. . A. . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More EnvIronment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin.Q Air Aesthetics Water L!qhtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM November 8, 2004 Susan Fiala Juliana Fries (x: 7278) Stoneridge II (AKA Windstone II) Preliminary Plat -LUA 04 -124 1727 Nile Ave NE I have reviewed the application for this 9-lot short plat, located at 1727 Nile Ave NE, and the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER SEWER STORM STREETS The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90 (WD 90). The proposed project is located outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. An 8-inch sewer main is being installed as part of Stoneridge I. This sewer main will be stubbed to the access road of the proposed short plat. A storm drainage plan and drainage report was provided. The applicant is proposing a detention and water quality pond. This project drains to the May Creek sub-basin. Access to this proposed short plat will be provided through Stoneridge I. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. Existing and new hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with Storz "quick disconnect" fittings. SANITARY SEWER 1. IA sewer main extension along the new road will be required. 2. Separate side sewers stubs are required in each building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. 3. Lots that are proposing grinder pumps are required to provide side sewers within the right-of- way. No force main in ROW is allowed. 4. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 5. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SOC) is $900 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. SURFACE WATER 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SOC) is $715 per building lot. This fee is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. TRANSPORTATION 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting and street signs will be required along the new proposed street and along the frontage of the parcel with Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE). 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. PLAN REVIEW -GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall provide a Certificate of Water Availability, showing that the District's system can provide a minimum of 1,000 gpm of available fire flow per fire hydrant. 2. The traffic mitigation fee of $75 per additional generated daily trip shall be assessed at a rate of 9.57 trips per single-family residence. 3. Due to downstream capacity issues, staff is recommending a SEPA condition requiring this project to comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 3 flow control) and water quality improvements. 4. This project shall comply with the erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology Manual. 5. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Study dated July 13 2004, regarding "Site Preparation and General Earthwork" and "Compacted Berm and Till Liners". 6. Prior to recording this short plat, dedication of the access road (through Stoneridge I) and improvements along the access road will be required, if Stoneridge I is not recorded yet. 7. Prior to recording the short plat, dedication of the sewer main (through Stoneridge I) to the existing downstream public sanitary sewer system will be required, if not yet in place. 8. According to City of Renton records and the "Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation" provided by the applicant, a drainage course (Greene's Creek) crosses the site. The drainage report should address the drainage course, with an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. Storm systems should be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 9. According to City of Renton records and the "Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation" provided by the applicant, a drainage course (Greene's Creek) crosses the site. The drainage report shall address the ordinary high water mark of the creek to establish setbacks and building elevation. 10. To maintain alignment along the west curb line in 148th Ave SE, staff recommends that dedication of 12 feet Right-of-Way along Nile Ave NE (148th Ave SE) be required. 11. To maintain the capacity along Greene's Creek, staff recommends that to prevent future disturbance along the buffer, a note be placed on the face of the plat that no grading or structure be allowed within the creek's buffer. cc: Kayren Kittrick City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 22,2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stonerid e II Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 158,123 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77327 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning destgbWi~~AllQl.s.,arSl. intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. rr. 'f:..~&i8 to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More EnvIronment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS $RL ~ We have reviewed this appJic . n with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or re additional inform fon is needed to properly assess this proposal. /1-R-ol/ Signat Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET OMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 22, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stonerid e II Short Plat SITE AREA: 158,123 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77327 au SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable-Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS SRL ~~~I- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whefi additional information' eeded to properly assess this proposal. Signatur Date Project Name: 5"lHJ6'(L\~t ~ Wfv Project Address: \J~-, )..)\l& Avwv€ tV~ Contact Person: \<.&> , \\) Ll C ,: Permit Number: Lv" 01..\-\~'-\ pr~ectDeSCriPtion:~_q~~~~~~~~_$~~~~~P~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~ Land Use Type: W Residential Method of Calculation: u;v-ITE Trip Generation Manual I~€~'"" o Retail D Traffic Study ("Z.\\)) SFV'.. o Non-retail D Other OJ. S? / Lor Calculation: 9 y. "\. 5 7 ~ COl., \'3> A~etL 4-1'1S. B~,r3> "I-$,5 ::4l9)1COQ.1S Transportation Mitigation Fee: Calculated by: Date: \ 0/7.8 }~ 1/ Date of Payment: __ ~~~~~~ ______ ~~ __ ~~ __ _ .... ,- City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ~ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT TITLE: Stonerid e II Short Plat SITE AREA: 158,123 s uare feet LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 22,200 PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala BUILDING AREA WORK ORDER NO: 77327 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS a;~bU2~£e-e/ h articular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or eded to properly assess this proposal. Signat CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACT:" SUBJECT: November 5, 2004 Susan Fiala Rebecca Lind\ Don Erickso[ff'&-, . Stoneridge II Short Plat, 1727 Nile Avenue NE; LUA-04-124, SHPL-H, ECF Summary: The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 3.6-acre site into nine lots ranging in size from 8,903 square feet to 18,565 square feet. A seasonal stream runs across the northeast comer of the site and a Type 3 wetland runs across the western portion of the site. The site is designated Residential Low Density on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned R-5. Although the City is phasing out the R-5 zone, this project is vested under it. Relevant RLD land use policies are attached and the Comprehensive Plan Compliance Matrix below shows the relative level of compliance of this application with these policies. Residential Areas Design and Improvement Standards Findings: The proposal is basically in compliance with the policies it vested under. Ideally, there would be interconnectivity to the vacant parcel to the north with a stubbed street, but given the environmental constraints of the site a cul-de-sac may be the only workable alternative without giving up a lot for such a potential future connection. The applicant should consider providing neighborhood interconnectivity by introducing soft surface trails in the wetland buffers that could eventually connect with the vacant six-acre parcel to the north. Attachments cc: Don Erickson H:\EDNSP\Interdepartmental\Development Review\Green File\Comments\Stoneridge II Short Plat.doc\cor RELEVANT COMPREHENSNE PLAN LAND USE POLICIES Residential Low Density Policies Policy LU-26. Base development densities should range from 1 home per 10 acres to 5 homes per (net) acre in Residential Low Density except in areas with significant environmental constraints. Design and Improvement Standards for Residential Areas Objective LU-M: Provide more linkages within and between neighborhoods by developing a system of residential streets, which serve both vehicles and pedestrians and creates a continuous, efficient, interconnected network of roads and pathways throughout the City without unduly increasing pass through traffic. Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The extensive or predominant use of cul- de-sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent and future development. Policy LU-BO. Land should be arranged in blocks divided into lots with all lots required to front on a public street or a park. H:\EDNSP\interdepartmenta\\Deve\opment Review\Green File\Comments\Stoneridge II Short P\at.doc\cor p 'f';'- City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: pfrJ ~TnG·~. COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 2 r;-266 \Ut.~tn APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala rn It:' (i, : ',"' • ',r ~" ~.,}, ~. '" I PROJECT TITLE: Stoneridge II Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries OCT? fl ?nnl. SITE AREA: 158,123 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A , '. ~ .-. ~ .," .......... ~ ._1...-\'," ') __ LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77327 NEIGHBORHOODS AND STRA1.:EGIC PLANNING SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building; Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT TITLE: Stonerid e II Short Plat SITE AREA: 158,123 s uare feet LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. fl. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via MI. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. cPaM;) . ~\_\-S_-o----!.y __ _ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of ReI. Department of Planning / Bui/ding / Public l1-~ ..• 5 ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 22,2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stonerid e II Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 158,123 s uare feet BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77327 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner ~AV~~proval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signat Date I r. A. ENVrRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS "It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize exi~ting City park and recreation facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single family lot to address these potential impacts." Parks Mitigation Fee City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~~ COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 22, 2004 APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stoneridge II Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 158,123 sguare feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77327 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are ~ntended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with areas where ditional information is n icular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or d to properly assess this proposal. DATE: TO: FROM: \ SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM October 25, 2004 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner , u; Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal"!/J- Stoneridge II, Short Plat, 1727 Ni~~ve. NE MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 wide. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~,re..... COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 5, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCl ~R~,~4lE n -r..n rc ~ APPLICANT: KBS III, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Su .k~,Wi ',~ I.!:!J lb U VJ lb PROJECT TITLE: Stoneridge II Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Juliana FriJn"\ SITE AREA: 158,123 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): ~ I)J U UCI "l."l. ZUU4 a LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 7732 --"-'= -"'-'=-,,..., T" ~:-'_ '.":'. I 1'-. v SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requestinr Environmental (SEPA) Review and l:iearin...9.. E>fk'iWirllir?SH6~rpiat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposa is located within the Residential - 5 R-5L zoning. designation. The lots are . '" . . Intended for the eventual development of detached Single family homes-lots ranging In size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required, Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housinq Air Aesthetics Water LiQhtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transporlation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation AirpOrl Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS , 'J ~ w.-bef! C ~ #fJli'f1i? We have reviewed thO application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additio I information is n ed to properly assess this proposal. !"' ~ I(JL~~1 Signature of Date 7 October 23, 2004 City of Renton Attn: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner Development Planning 1055 So. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Ms. Fiala, Scott E. Hayes JoAnn R. Watanabe-Hayes 1714 Ilwaco Ave NE Renton, WA 98059-4237 Residence: (425) 793-8760 Office: (206) 684-3563 E-mail: sejrhayes@comcast.net DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF ftENTON OCT 2 6 200~ RECEIVED As an impacted party by the development of the Stoneridge project, we are returning the enclosed Notice of Application in order to be made a "party of record" for the Stoneridge residential development project as instructed on page two of the form. As a party of record we wish to continue to receive any and all information that becomes available on this project. Please update your party of record information'to include us for all future information distribution on this project. . We thank you for your time and attention to our request. Please feel free to contact us at any time should you have any questions or concerns regarding this request. Proposed Mitigation Measures The following Mitigation Measures will likely be In Jd on the proposed project. These recommended MIUgation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. • The applicant will be requIred to pay the appropriate Transportation MItigation Fee. • The appUcant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire MitIgation Fee. • The applicant will be requIred to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above appllcaUon. ~.ust be submitted In writing to Susan fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Gnidy Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on November 24, 2004. ThIs matter Is also scheduled for a public hMrfnif on either Qecernber 28. 2004 or January 4. 2005. at 9:00 AM. Council Chambers. Seventh Floor. Renton CIty Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are Interested In attending the hearing, please contact the DeveIopmei1f ServIces Division, (425) 430-7282. to ensure that the hear1n9 has nor been rescheduled. If comments cannot be sUbmitted In wrfUng by the date indicated abOve. you may stiD 8pp8ar at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional Information by maD. please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN· CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I " '. SE 104 ; ~, ~ g!- R 8 -< ~ I. , .. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive. further Inf~rnlatlon on this proposed project, complete this form and ·retum to: City of Renton, Development PI.annlng. ,1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File NoJName: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF I Stoneridge II Short Plat . ,----.--------, NAME: Scott £ Hayes MAILING ADDRESS.: _: TELEPHONE NO.: _··_°_1 1 JoAnn R. Watanabe-Hayes 1714 Ilwaco Ave NE Renton WA 98059-4237 ?i;.iSI-7i3--D7hC;---- " NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGA TED (DNS-M) DATE: LAND USE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: October 22, 2004 LUA04-124, SHPL-H; ECF Stoner/dge II Short Plat PRO~_E~ I)_E~C~IPTlON: _ , ___ ' _ The IYlplfcant ~ requesJlng environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearlng-Examlner- Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal Is located within the Residential -5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are Intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging In size from 8,903 sq. ft. to-18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site Is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are reqUired. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. PROJECT LOCAnON: 1727 Nile Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINAnON OF NO~GNlFlCANCE, MmGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City 01 Renton has determined that slgnificantenvlronrnental impacIs are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C_110, the City of Renton Is using the OptIonal DNs-M process to give notice that a DNS- M Is likely to be Issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DN5-M are Integrated Into a single comment period. There wID be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-SlgnIIIcance- Mitigated (DN5-M). A 14-day appeal period wiD foDow the issuance of the DNs-M. PERMIT APPUCAnON DATE: NOnCE OF COMPLETE APPLICAnON: October 11,2004 " October 22, 2004 APPUCANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayne Potter; Tel: (425) 656-7435 Email: wpotter@novastardev.com PennHslRevlew Requested: Other Pennlts which may be required: environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing examiner Short Plat Are, Construction, Utility and Building Permits Requested Studies: Location whVe application may be reviewed: PUBUC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: ZonlnglLand Use: '\ environmental Documents that ~\", luate the Proposed Project: "11 _ elopment Regulations For Project MItigation: Habitat, Geotechnical, Drainage and Wetland Reports -Plannlng/BuUdingJPublic Works Oepartinent, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Public hearing tentatively scheduled for either December 28, 2004 or January 4, 2005 before the Renton Hearing examiner In Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site Is designated Residential Low Density on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential - 5 (R-) on the City's Zoning Map. This designation encourages and permits single-family residential development at a maximum net density of 5.0 dulac. The proposal for nine lots would result in a net density of 2.9 dulac. The proposed subdivision Is consistent with the both designations. ' SEPA Check/ist, Habitat Data Report, Wetland/Stream Report . .. . The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and. other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. ' • . f ~'. , . , .'-... , " • '-, On the 22nd day of October, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing NOA, Environmental Checklist, PMT's documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached (Signature of Sender)7: Z:!t:.::=':;4~~~':::::":~ ________ ---41W3J~~Rtt!s.-Foffil. -K!ihO'KKO ' COUNTY OF KING ) SS ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19,2006 ~"""'~~1.\""'1f'-~""1I'P' signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. /I ! /J I Dated:lzb (! <f ~ 7--7i/!cr Notary Public in and for the Sate of Washington Notary (print):_----=:;C_4~u_~_F'_:.J._~..;._.!L_~ ______ _ My appointment expires: Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology' WDFW -Stewart Reinbold' Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section c/o Department of Ecology . Po' Box 47703 3190 160th Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer Ol~mpia, WA 98504-7703 Bellevue, WA 98008 39015-172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region' Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Auh: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW . Kinb Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert POi Box 330310 39015 172nd Avenue SE Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 USIArmy Corp. of Engineers' KC Wastewater Treatment Division' Office of Archaeology & Historic Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation' Att~: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer POI Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Jamey Taylor' I Depart. of Natural Resources POjBox 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC IDev. & Environmental Servo City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP I 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director I 13020 SE 72nd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Re~ton, WA 98055-1219 I Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Se~ior Environmental Planner Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Ga~ Kriedt Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201i South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA"98Hi8 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Re~1 Estate Services Titl~ Examiner 700: Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO .Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 , ~~ ,,~. ".~" v~".vy I aylor any g y her the ERC Determination paperwork.· template -affidavit of service by mailing I ' .. CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 22nd day of October, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing NOA documents. This information was sent to: Surrounding Property Owners See attached (Signature of Sender)I:: ~~~~~~~~~---------J~:;~~~~~\t 7 ES F. KOKKO STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19,2006 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. A I ~ ~ Dated: lvUc,!6Y ~~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (print): __ ~O_~----=--v..:::::fu::;......!..F---1<...14..=....:.-IL-=-~ ______ _ My appointment expires: Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF 807904061007 22305906103 ,,07904043005 ANDERSON SR JAMES L+JACQUEL ANFINSON ERVIN BACA RICHARD L 5122 NE 17TH ST 10730 148TH AV SE 1730 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 522990003009 522990004106 807904060009 BARDON ROBERT L BOMMARITO STEVEN L+MARTINSO BUNTON ROBERT M 10520 148TH AV SE 10628 148TH AV SE 1711 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 807904035001 807904058003 807904042007 CLARK CYNTHIA M+BRUCE E COTTRELL MARK E+ERIKA C COUGHLIN THOMAS W 5210 NE 16TH ST 1723 ILWACO AV NE 1726 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 811400007001 02230p904801 807904041009 DOWNS GERALD A DUNN KEVIN P FLETCHER SCOTT W+LEE SE 10711 150TH SE 11211 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD SE YOUNG RENTON WA 98059 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 1722 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 807904018007 522990004007 807904036009 GALLAGHER JAMES O+REBECCA T GEIGER WAYNE C & LEANN M GERTH KARL D+MUNIRA 5125 NE 17TH ST 10626148TH AV SE 16915 SE 39TH PL RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 BELLEVUE WA 98008 807904056007 807904039003 032305918008 GESELL GLENN A+CAROL YN HAYES SCOTT E HENDERSON MAX E+DEBBIE L 5201 NE 18TH CT 1714 ILWACO AV NE 10605 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 807904044003 807904059001 032305903406 JONES CLYDE ROBERT +LORIJO M JUNTARA CHAIYONG KBS DEVELOPMENT CORP CLAUNCH 1717 ILWACO AV NE 12320 NE 8TH ST STE 100 1734 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 BELLEVUE WA 98005 RENTON WA 98059 032305904206 032305927009-No~ ~ 032305927405 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION KBS III LLC ~ "'Ie.. \\/ttl().( KING COUNTY PO BOX 807 5300 NE 16TH ST 500 4TH AV BELLEVUE WA 98009-0807 BELLEVUE WA 98005 SEATTLE WA 98104 807904040001 522990003603 032305903505 KNUTSON GLENN E KRENZIN JUDITH M LUCK CHARLES F & VIRGINIA 1718 ILWACO AV NE 10606148TH AV SE 285 SAND DUNE DR NW RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 OCEAN SHORES WA 98569 807902027000 807904019005 811400008009 NELSON JOHN C+APRIL L OHASHI MICHAEL W+LlNDA K PERRY FRANCIS L 1822 ILWACO AV NE 1607 ILWACO AV NE 10707 150TH SE RENTON WA 98059 RENTON W A 98059 RENTON W A 98055 .. . ", '.' .. , .. 022305906202 PHILMLEE VELMA 10726 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 032305926902 SERRA MILDRED 14514 SE 107TH PL RENTON WA 98059 807904046008 TSAI ARTK Y+PAM NAI 1810 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 807904057005 WASHINGTON MUTUAL PO BOX 100563 FLORENCE SC 29501 307904037007 REYNOLDS PAUL+PENNY 1606 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 807904038005 TAYLOR GREGORY L 1710 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 807904047006 TSE HENRY S+BETTY T 1814 ILWACO AV NE RENTONE WA 98059 807904045000 WIMBERLY LEE W+KAREN M 1806 ILWACO AV NE RENTON WA 98059 522990002506 SCHRAG KURTIS E 10508 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 522990003702 TEASLEY WILLlAM+VIOLA 22331 SE 328TH PL BLACK DIAMOND WA 98010 807904050000 VORTHMANRAYMONDG+MARSHA C 5202 NE 18TH CT RENTON WA 98059 032305901400 WOLF R A 1815 NILE AV NE RENTON WA 98059 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: October 22, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04·124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stonerldge II Short Plat PRDJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre Site. The proposal is located within the Residential· 5 (R·S) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes· lots ranging In size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site Is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wellands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. PROJECT LOCATtON: 1727 Nile Avenue NE OPTtONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFtCANCE, MITIGATED (DNS·M): As tho Lead Agency. the City 01 Ronton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110. the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS·M process to give notice that a DNS- M Is likely to be Issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are Integrated into a slngie comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- MItigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the Issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: October 11,,2004 NDTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 22, 2004 APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayne PoMr; Tol: (425) 656·7435 Email: wpolterOnovastardev.com PonnltaIRovlew Reque,ted: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat Other Permit, which may ba required: Fire, Construction, Utility and Building Permits Reque,ted Studies: Habitat, Geotechnical, Drainage and Wetland Reports Location where application may be reviewed: Plannlng/Building/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Ronton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Ule: Environmental Document. that Evaluate the Proposed ProJect: Public hearing ~ scheduled tor either December 28, 2004 or January 41 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Halt located a: 1055 Soulh Grady Way. ! I The sub/oct site is designated Residential Low Donsity on tho Cily 01 Rento! Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential - 5 (A-) on the City's Zonin; Map. This deSignation encourages and permits single-family residenli~ development at a maximum net density of 5.0 dulac. The proposal tor nine lot would result In a net density of 2.9 dulac. The proposed subdivision Is conslster with the both designations. I SEPA Checklist, Habitat Data Aeport, Wetland/Stream Report I Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes an L .~~--~-~ .. ,,~..... i -----...... , ..... ,,""""""",-,,-------- Proposed MItigation Measura.: The following Mitigation Measures will Ilkely be Imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project Impacts not covered by exlstlng codes and regulations as cited above, • The applicant wIll be rsqulred to psy the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. • The applicant wIll be f9qulrecJ to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be f9qulrecJ to pay the appropriate Palts Mitigation Fee. Commentl on the above application mUlt be lubmlHed In writing to Susan Fiala, SenIor Planner, Development Services Dlvlllon, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on November 24,2004, This matter Is also scheduled for a pub,lic bearing on either Oes:embar 28 2004 or January 4 2005 at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City ,Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Aenlon, If you are interested in attending the hearing please contact the Development Se~ces Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been resched~ted, If comments cannot be submitted In writing by the date Indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. II you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive addllfonal Information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner; Te/: (425) 430-7382 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to bo made a party of record 10 rocolvo lurther Information on this proposod proJecl, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Devolopment Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File No.!Namo: LUA04·124, SHPL·H, ECF I Sioneridge II Short Pial NAME: ________________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: _______ _ : ........ ~~~~:.~.Itci'lltlt ff ~ .. :.~;i-/I\SS!O.j;·~0"" CERTIFICATION IDi ."t':)' _ try':,) ~ I :: :.) N i. 'I"l . './ .. '; '\f\ ~ :;' -. <l"c. ~" . ." ~ ~ • ./j ,y:~ r /_ ;;j: " ~ Cf .... ~ I~. fI~~ fj'l: #I \~\\ •• 6~ ://iUC ~i I, ;~"*,,y k ~&.+,'r1 , hereby certify that ~ copies of the "" OA'·;~~:9.? ... <O~ af)ove document were posted by me in'" conspicuous places on or nearby ~ ~ G' ~ ~ IIII ",SHIN .......... the described p:~erty on -l1~Q~-:...;2-~2...:-:...JO~""1+------------"~~::---.... "".--.-p;~ ~#?YIcbtt Signerl~-D ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn fore me, a Notar Pub il"~the State of Washington residin ' on the ~~~_ day of ~ 0 \}. ~o 9 MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOfNTMfN"f EXPiRES &-29-07 · NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: October 22, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stoneridge II Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a nine lot subdivision of a 3.6 acre site. The proposal Is located within the Residential - 5 (R-5) zoning designation. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 8,903 sq. ft. to 18,565 sq. ft. Access to the site Is proposed via Mt. Baker Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE. Street dedications are required. Two streams (one regulated) and two wetlands (one regulated Category 3) are located within the site and each would have the required 25 ft. buffer. Wildlife (black-tailed deer) and habitat areas are also noted. PROJECT LOCATION: 1727 Nile Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.11 0, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M Is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 11, 2004 October 22, 2004 APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wayne Potter; Tel: (425) 656-7435 Email: wpotler@novastardev.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat Other Perinlts which may be required: Fire, Construction, Utility and Building Permits Requested Studies: Habitat, Geotechnical, Drainage and Wetland Reports Location where application may be reviewed: PlannlnglBuildlng/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing tentatively scheduled for either December 28, 2004 or January 4, 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zonlng/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project MItigation: The subject site is deSignated Residential Low Density on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential - 5 (R-) on the CIty's Zoning Map. This deSignation encourages and permits single-family residential development at a maximum net density of 5.0 dulac. The proposal for nine lots would result In a net density of 2.9 dulac. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the both designations. SEPA Checklist, Habitat Data Report, Wetland/Stream Report The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed MItigation Me. .!s: The following Mitigation Measures will like.. ,imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on November 24, 2004. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on either December 28, 2004 or January 4. 2005. at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 43()"7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any deCision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala, Senior Plannerj Tel: (425) 430-7382 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I SE 104th ~ R 8 ! '"c::I ~ ~ - If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and retum to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File No.lName: LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF / Stoneridge II Short Plat NAME: ________________________________________________ ___ MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ________________ _ CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 22nd day of October, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: Wayne Potter Contact KBS III, LLC Applicant Virginia Luck Owner (Signature of Sender).:..,: ~~~~~~~::":":---------4--GFIAF~~F. KOKKO STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19,2006 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in'the instrument. .. ~ rJ _ . ~) Dated: Izj/blb~ (}~ 7:~) . ~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): {} ~. v~J E;<!o K /(6 My appointment expires: Stoneridge II Short Plat LUA04-124, SHPL-H, ECF ..... ' .', + ' '~.' , , MIL: CITY'~F.,REN'TON' PlamiingIBuildmgIPUblic Works Department -. " Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator', , Octe!Jer 22, 2004 Wayne Potter 'Barghausen' Engirieers, Inc. , 18215 72nd AvenueS. . , Kent" WA 98032 ' Subject: , Stbneridge II Shert Plat LUA-04-124, ~SHPL-H, ECF , Dear Mr~ Petter: ; .... ; , Th~ Oevelepment Planhing, Sectidn .of theCiiy ofRentoh'ibc,:ls determiried that the subject 'applicatien iscemplete c:iccordirigte, submittal :reqLJirements and,therefere, ,isabceptedfer , : review. ' ,', , ' ,-, "',{ " ' , ':. " 'Jt, is tentatively scheduled fot c0rlsiderati91j,<Qy.t,hE:l'.:Envirenme'ntal ReviewCemmitteeon , Nevember23,2004., Priorte that review;:You,wiiLbenotifiedifariy additienal informatien " 'is requiredte continueprbcessill'gYou(app'i'i::~tion.;,'; ',' ' t., _, ;. .. •. -.:: •..•. > :."~ ." A Public Hearing is tentatively sCh'eduled ,wit,h the'8enton Hearing'Examinerin the COLJncil 'Chambers,dn:the,seventhfloer,6f:CitY,'Haif, 1055'Sboth,GradyWay,'Henteri,'Wash!ngtenj on either December 28, '2004,orJanuary4, 2005 at 9:00AM to conSider the ,Shert Plat Please call te vedfy: '" "" ',' " ' , , ' ' '" " . -, 'As we 'briefly discussed,the following, isa lis,tef ite'ms/issues that are ,t.o, be addresse.d: ,,'1." Thesquar~ f.oetage'of the parc~(va'riesby nar;ative, drawing, la~duse.applicatien. ' Please verify the parcel size ., " " , ' , , , , 2. The net"sqLiarefeotageof the I~ts'isneeded.' Suhtract the ameunt .of each ,let " located within the buffer area. Please,previde data. : • ' 3. Setbacks are het shown erithe sh()rt plat. Please revise plat drawing teShewn frent, rear~nd side yarq setbacks. Submit three {3} copie$. ' , , ',4. Please clarify tet9'sinclusien inthe shert pl?( On the drawing, the let number IS circled." ' 5. Is the 20 ft., easement fqr Let ~ part .of L.ot3 .or part .of Tract A? Please verify~ , , , Please previde ,theabeve listed iriformatien' (l.s "soen as pessible, but, ne later' thEm, ,Nevember 16, 2004. ) , ~ -------'--l-O-SS-s-,o-ut-h-G-ra-d..:...y-W,-a-y--R-e":"'o-to-o-, W,-a-s-hi...:.og-t-oo'---9S-0-SS-'------', R EN TON * This paper contains 50% recycled malenal, 30% poslconsumer , AHEAD OF: THE CURVE Plea~e contact me at (425)430-7382 if you havea"y questions. '~Sin.cerel •... " .... . . , c:; .. . . . , . 'Su'san A Fiala, AICP SEmio~ Planper " '. .' , " ... . ',cc: ,", Virginia Luck tOwn~r KBS III, LLCIApplicant, (, . .. ," ',' ,'. " .. :' .' .: ..... ' "', \ ,-,~, ' Kiithy Keolker-Wheeler: Mayor ,--. , ,~ ,:\,' ~ , "',', ' ., '., ".:' '" :, . .';.-, , " ",' . , . . ~',' . , • j ~\ ; "1, :' .' "', ." , " "t. \ • , I, " ' 'J " ':-Subject: '.,. , . , :'Stoneridg'e '1I,Short:Plat :. " . " . ~UA~04-~,24; SHPL:'H; ECF ,.-, :' " '. ' . '" " ' ,'" .' " , , " , "',! '/ ,,' , " ',' ... I', .. ' .... " ":r,heCity ·of R~ntonD~v~k)pnieht :Se:rvi~~s,Qivi~i~~ has re~ei~ed'arlapplication' foria 9~'16t,singre~ , . family ~ubdivision:located at 1'72'7 NileAvenueNE; (within.city'·o'fR~·Atoli'but.lssaquah School -:', .- .' :;. Dis~rict).· Ple~se see t~e ,enclosed,~otice of Application ~or; further details.,' ',.' ':, ; '.', '. " • ~,' " " :, J ~. ,;> " ,", ,: \ ',~ " ',' "~ t .... . '''', '>,. :. ,.': :;~ .. " ' "l '." ,r , ", 'In order'to process this application, 'the' D~vel9pment 'S~ryices Division .needs to know whi,ch '<" " , schools within District No. 411 would b~,attended by 9hi'ld'~en livin'g in' residenc¢sat-the location :.' . . , indicated a~ove. :;please.!iII'lnthe, appropriate schools on th'eJistQ~16w'''andret~rh'.thfs 'Ietter to.' .. :·,·, , : my, attention, De'velopmentServices Divi~io[l, City of Renton', 1 055 Sout~, Grady .Way, Renton, ." . Washington 98055' by November 4, 2004 .. ',' '. "': ;,.' ',"'. ': , ' '. ' 'Ei~mentary SCh~()I:N~~wc~ <.+1<,' ."." ";, >" . ',' ':. ' , ... ,.'" .' ..... "'v\\. . "~,~.' , .'" ":".' '.,?~'~' ," '. <'.? :ii::I::::~~I: 'b i:1L'T : •...... .... ,i .: ,. .' ." .' .....•.... . ~'ill th~"sch'o~is ~~~' ha~e"indica~J be ~'ble 't~' h~~~le the ;~pact of 'the: ad~ition(a; ~tudents '." ' .,'" ,e~'i~~ted:to .come from ttiepr.oPbsedd~y~Jopme!1t?· . ,.·Yes~.,' No' :', . ':' ';. , " ' .• ": ,.' :,'. -<,' :,.' \ ','. ',." ,1-: ; . ':.Any to~~~hts: .' .. ' .' ' .... " ',:;' , . .' . : . ~ '. ",.' .. " " :' '. i,' . ",: .. ': " ~".J. : . ' ,~' . ' .. . , ,' .. • ,' '...','~ j': . ,:' . ~--~---,...-----:.-.,-"-,--..,----'-'---,--'--"--"';"..;,.' .,...-------.,"-------..;;,..;...------'-.,....--" ',' ':'!'~ :'. · •.. r' . .." "," " . ,~:'. '.~",', ~1 ....... : ,~ • ".,.' ".:"" •• ~'.\" " ....... I:, , .. j ...••• ,'~ ". :, Thank yOu for providing this important iof6rmation: ;If you have amy questiohs regardihg.this,·· ;' . . '; projeCt,'please c06t~ct me at'(4?5) 430~7384. . .. ' ;;:. .,: , ' ,',. . '._ "" . .',.-" )' • ' .. : ...... ""', ,.;,,., . > '>, -' . '. " ' 'I' , ,.' "' .. ~ince~ely, . .. ~ . . -' .. -' ...... _., . ,'" . "~ . -, . . ,~ ,. ~ . ...... : " -0'1" .:; . ' ..... i_. .~ ,_, ," " .. ,.; ." ~ w.' •••• •• j', • -', • 'f'," ' ,!.' !,' i 1-~ . ',' ., "'~' \. j' "." "'" " " . ,EncL.' . ~. ," ,\ , ... ,..:. -",' q)AIYf-/;;Jf ·C:ity of. Rf)nton '. LA' ·"N·· .. , ·D········ 'U'" ···s··e·· .p.' ·':·R··M·: "I"T"· ..... a .. ' .'. .... .. ........ '. ..: •• ' 1;.... . .•. '.. .... . crt 1,200+ . M;ASTE.RAP.PLIC.ATIOrt~~~~VED . . . PROPERTY:OllVNER{S) .... PRo';IJ!<rrO~b.tWt\.pPf.~t:tfrNAil.1l;: ........ _ .. ",,,,,~~llN~ ll~.:x:r: ' .. ' ..... . PROJf.:CTfAOORESS(Sp'ttlCA nciN*,"D..tip·G~:. I· 1~·Ai. SlY leiroN ., ...~. oa!::;el'!f!~-;""'" , ~~._I . .~l~OOON1VA$$f;~ft$Ac.C9VNT NllM~f.R{$t D33O$-'08&' , ...... ..... . ...... -.... -.. ,------........... ~~ , ... ! ...• ,~~.,.....------------I O:wcbipw/devscrvifotmtlplanning/masterapp.doc 09124103 " .' . ·TYPeOa;·.APPU<;AnOt4& FEES fW----~....".~~ .... IQIIIIIIO!IIII-....... ~ ........ ~ ....... --~,...;;;~--...... ~~~ .......... ~~ .... ~" ... ~ .... '"""" .. ,. ,. List alttand use applications being applied for: 1. 5&1:· eLM"" I~ 3. 2. ~E PA: . !iP(JY 4. ___ _ : Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ __ _ I. (PrInt Narnels) /lfRb5Jl4Pr ~fA.CK ,declare that I am (please chad( one) V!he current owner of !he property Invotved In this application or _!he zed representative to act for a corporatiorI (~ attach prcoI r auIhortzation) and that the foregoing statamem. and answers herein COfttalned and me information herewith are In all respeds true and correct to the best at my knawtedge CW1d belief. 1 certify 1h8t 1 know or have satlsf8clOry 8'IIdance that ldl< 6.tMli L LA It K . sIgnecIthis fn~t and acknowledged It to be ""erlthelr free and YCIunIary act for the uses and purpoaes rnentloneclltllhe Instrument. My appointment e~_~:::.---.=:..3_0_-....,.()_s" __ Q:wcb/pwfdcVSCfY/fcrmslplanningtmastcrapp.cloc .. ' . LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY UN~ ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDER UNDER \ RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. I BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGES EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. ;i· 1 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM May 26,2004 Jason Jordan, Senior Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ~if­ Stone ridge II Short Plat, 10605 148th Ave. SE Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. ' 3. Fire Department access roadways require a minimum 20 Foot paved roadway. 4. All building addresses shall be visible from the public street Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. CITY OF RENTON MEMO -------------=-=::c=-~~:_:__:::_=_==__----PUBLIC WORKS To: From: Jason Jordan Juliana Fries Date: Subject: June 10, 2004 PreApplication Review Comments PREAPP No. 04-069 Stoneridge II Short Plat NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN TmS REPORT: The following comments on development· and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The, applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have reviewed the preliminary application for this plat, located at 10605 148th Ave SE and have the following comments: /WATER 1. The proposed development is within the water service area of Water District 90 (WD 90). The applicant shall obtain a certificate of water availability from the District and provide it the City prior to the approval of the short plat. A fire flow analyses will be required to verify that the District's system can provide a minimum of 1.000 gpm of available fire flow. Results of flow analysis shall be submitted to the City along with the certificate of water availability to ensure that adequate flow rate and pressure is available to serve the development. 2. The proposed project is located outside an Aquifer Protection Zone. SANITARY SEWER 1. There is a sewer main on NE 16th Street. There is also a sewer main in Lyons Ave NE. 2. As part of Stoneridge Plat a sewer main is proposed along Road E (south property line of this project). A sewer main extension to connect as many lots as possible by gravity will be required. 3. Sewer improvements will be required along 148th Ave SE, at minimum slope. 4. Existing septic systems shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health Department prior to recording of the plat. 5. This parcel is subject to the Honey Creek Special Assessment District (SAD = $250.00 per lot). Fees are collected at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 6. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. Stoneridge II Short Plat 06/0912004 Page 2 SURFACE WATER 1. Due to downstream flooding and erosion problems, staff is recommending a SEP A condition requiring this project to comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet both detention (Level 2 flow control) and water quality improvements. 2. According to City of Renton records, appears that a drainage course crosses the site. The drainage report should address the drainage course, with an analysis of the upstream tributary area and flow that currently drains through the proposed project. The re-routing of the stream should be sized to accommodate the future land use condition flows. 3. The drainage report should also address the ordinary high water mark of the stream to establish setbacks and building elevation. 4. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) are $715 per building lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. TRANSPORTATION 1. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain, landscape, street lighting arid street signs will be required along 148th Ave SE and along the new street interior to the plat. 2. Cul-de-sac shall have a minimum right of way radius of 55 feet. 3. Traffic mitigation fees of $75 per additional generated trip shall be assessed per single family home at a rate of9.57 trips. 4. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. If three or more poles necessitate to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. Permit application must include an itemized cost of construction estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half the fee must be paid upon application. 3. If you have any questions, call me at 425-430-7278 cc: Kayren Kittrick DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works -----------M-E M 0 RAN DUM June 17, 2004 Pre-ApPlica~ File No. 04-0S9 Jason JOrd;K,~nior Planner, x7219 Stonerldge II Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject property is located north of the intersection of Sunset Boulevard NE and Nile Avenue NE, (north of the Stoneridge Subdivision). The proposal is to subdivide one existing lot totaling approximately 158,123 square feet (3.S3-acres) into 8 lots for the eventual development of detached single-family units. The site currently contains a single-family residence, which would be demolished as a result of this proposal. Access to the development is proposed from a new stub road (Road E), ending in a cul-de-sac from the Stoneridge subdivision. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential - 5 dwelling units per acre (R-5) zoning designation. The density range required in the R-5 zone is up to a maximum of 5.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac). In order to calculate net density, proposed right-of-way, private access easements serving three or more units, as well as critical areas, must be deducted from the gross area of the property. In this case, the applicant would be required to deduct the cul-de-sac and 42-foot wide proposed right-of- way. No other areas are required to be deducted on the subject site. Based on the information submitted, it appears that the public right-of-way totals approximately 19,504 square feet (estimate only). Therefore the net density of the proposal is 158,123 or 3.S3 acres (158,123 -19,504 roadway = 138,S19 or 3.18 acres, which equates to a net density of 2.51 dulac (8/3.18= 2.51). This calculated net density falls within the required range for subdivisions within the R-5 zone. Please note that the future development tract area must also be excluded from the net density In order to allow the tract to be developed In the future. Therefore, the net density may Increase once that is subtracted from the total site area. Development Standards: The R-5 zone permits one residential structure I unit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. These standards will be verified at the time of building permit submittal. Minimum Lot Size. Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-5 is 7,200 square feet. A minimum lot width of SO feet for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 70 feet, is also required. The lots appear to meet the minimum width, depth and size requirements for the R-5 zone. Building Standards -The R-5 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height Stone ridge II Short Plat Pre-Applici:luon Meeting June 17, 2004 Page 2 of 2 is restricted to 30 feet and 2-stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures ...... ---. ·-are·also·included-inbuilding-Iot-coverage·calculations. ·rhese·standards will·be verified at-the time of building permit submittal. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-5 zone are 20 feet in the front, 25 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards, and 15 feet on side yards along streets. These standards will be verified at the time of building permit submittal. Parking: Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. Again, this standard will be verified at the building permit submittal stage. Street Improvements: Full street improvements (curb, gutter and 6-foot wide sidewalk) along the site's street frontage (Nile Avenue NE and the new cul-de-sac) will be required for the plat. In addition, the proposed 42-foot public road would also need to complete full street improvements as a condition of the preliminary Plat approval. Staff generally supports the reduced right-of-way width (minimum of 42 feet); however, utility easements may be necessary. . Access: Each lot would be required to have access to a public street. The proposal appears to provide each lot with direct access to the 42-foot wide proposed public street (with the exception of proposed Lot 8, which receives direct access to Nile Avenue NE.) Critical Areas: Based on the information submitted, the subject site appears to have a regulated stream running through the northeastern corner of the site. The regulated drainage course requires a 25-foot setback from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). The subdivision proposal appropriately depicts a 25-foot setback as required by code. However, the plan notes a 25-foot building setback building line (BSBL) from the 25-foot buffer, which is not required by city code. Please note, that the City's Environmental Review Committee may requires a stream setback larger than 25-feet. In addition, the City may require the development to place the regulated steam and its associated setback area into a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE). This condition would ensure that the area surrounding the stream would not be affected after development occurs. In addition, the subject site contains a Category 3 wetland along the western property boundary. The subdivision plan appropriately notes the requirement of a 25-foot setback from the wetland. However, the plan also notes a 25-foot building setback building line (BSBL) from the 25-foot wetland buffer, which Is not required by city code. Nevertheless, the applicant will be required to provide the City with a wetland delineation and report for both the Category 3 wetland and regulated stream within the subject site boundaries. The report will need to address any wetland recharging, along with any other mitigation necessary, as determined by the biologist. Finally, a geotechnical report, whicb. outlines any geotechnical concerns will need to be included with the land use application. Environmental Review:' As the subject site contains a regulated drainage course, environmental (SEPA) review would be required. The SEPA revi~ pr~~ incorporated into the preliminary short plat approval. The fee for environmental review i~300~ . Permit Requirements: Preliminary short plats (with environmental (SEPA) review), require a public hearing with the Hearing Examiner's office. After the completion of the public hearing, the Examiner would make a final decision on the short plat. The land use process would be completed within an /' estimated time frame of 8 to 12 weeks for prelimin short plat approval. The application fee is It/'. 1 50b. 0 includes SEPA review Ius $0 .. _ er mailing 1abe1 required for notification to surrounding ro '. . . e·app an WI e e IC In orma Ion sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the required improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. The newly created lots may be sold only after the plat has been recorded. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat (the project will be credited for the existing home). Pre04-069 (8 lot plat in the R-5 with stream issues ).doc\ Stoneridge II Short Plat Pre-Applicallon Meeting June 17, 2004 Page 3 of 3 • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; ------_._-------- • A Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family residence; and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single-family residence. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. Expiration: Upon preliminary plat approval, the preliminary plat approval is valid for five years with a possible one-year extension. cc: Jennifer Henning Pre04-069 (8 lot plat in the R-S with stream issues ).doc\ i. CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ----------------N ETG-H BlJKHllUD S, AND S T RA T E G lC-P LANNI N G ---------------------- DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACf: SUBJECf: MEMORANDUM June 16,2004 Jason Jordan Rebec~ Don Erickson Stoneridge II Short Plat, 10605 148th Avenue SE; PRE 04-069 The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 3.63-acre parcel within the recent Stoneridge Annexation into eight single-family lots and three tracts, one for drainage, and one identified for future development. An intermittent stream traverses the site and passes through Lot 3 through Lot 7. The site is zoned R-S, five units per net acre with a minimum lot area of 7,200 square feet. The proposed short plat is oriented to a new cul-de-sac, identified as Road E and accessed from the south. Relevant Comprehensive Plan Land Use policies are attached. Analysis: Pursuant to Policy LU-23, there is no minimum density in the R-S zone. The proposed density for this Short Plat is approximately 2.5 units per net acre, well below the maximum of S.O units per net acre allowed under this zone (Policy LU-26). Because of the intermittent stream traversing the site on its north, there is no connection shown at this time to lots to the north (Objective LU-M). The proposed plat does connect to future development to the south, however. Presumably the cul-de-sac will have curbs, gutters, and sidewalks as well. The applicant has not provided a street layout for the development to the south or potential new development to the north (Policy LU-71). Applicants should be encouraged to provide this information at the time of submittal so that the staff analysis can ascertain whether the policy intent of the Comprehensive Plan is being met. Recommendation: Support this proposed eight-lot single-family short plat. cc: Don Erickson Document2\cor , . Relevant Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies for Residential Low Density (Residential Rural) ---------------.------.. ---.--.-.------- Policy LU-23. New development within all residential designations except Rural Residential should achieve a minimum density. The minimum density may be adjusted to reflect constraints on a site. Policy LU-26. Maximum development densities should range from 1 home per 10 acres to 5 homes per acre in Residential Rural except in areas with significant environmental constraints including but not limited to: steep slopes, erosion hazard, floodplains, and wetlands where density shall not exceed 1 home per acre. Objective LU-M: Provide more linkages within and between neighborhoods by developing a system of residential streets that serves both vehicle~ and pedestrians and creates a continuous, efficient, interconnected network of roads and pathways throughout the City without unduly increasing pass through traffic. Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The extensive or predominant use of cul-de-sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent and future development. Policy LU-71. New streets should be designed to provide convenient access and a choice of routes between homes and parks, schools, shopping and other community destinations. Document2\cor ". CiTY C . RENTON RECEIVED ~MAY-2-6-2004------------ MEMORANDUM BUILDING DIVISION DATE: r I TO: Construction Services, Fire Prevention, Plan Review, EDNSP, . Project Planner FROM: Neil Watts, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: sior?erJc&e",JI Sh:;rf; f/a;:{ LOCATION: /(){c()5 ) i{~ .Ate: ~e PREAPP NO. PR&01 -CJI;t/ A meeting with the applicant has been scheduled for /O:r;O!rt1 , Thursday, ;;June, /'"7-ft-, in-one of the 61h floor conference rooms (new City Hall). If this meeting is scheduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11:00 AM meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the applicant. You will not need to do a thorough "permit level" review at this time. Note only maJor; . .fssues that must be resolved priorto formal land use and/or building permit application S:Ubmittal. - Pian Reviewer assigned is ~a-...? . . . Please submit your written comments to JaSGYl (Planner) at least two (2) days before the meeting. Thank you. H:\DiYision.s\Develop.ser\Dev & Plan.ing\Template\Preapp2 Revised 9/00 ' DENSITY WORKSHEET .. ___________________________ iiiilll ....... ",,(,·_;;;;i~-~ .. ···~~2t;.l:. City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 158,IZ3 square feet 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, and critical areas.* Total excluded area:** 2. Sf;" '7 square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. ", 30 Co square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. -=2.:::....._2. ___ ~ __ acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. __ 'i-L-__ units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. _.3-=--:....'_3 __ d.u./acre q lots or units would result in a net density of 3. q:3 dwelling units per acre. *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations not including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. C:\Documents and Seuings\sbailey\My Documents\density.doc 07/l8/~ Project Narrative Stoneridge II Our Job No. 11444 Existing Conditions: The project site is approximately 3.63 acres in size and was recently annexed into the City of Renton. The site abuts 148th Avenue S.E. (180 lineal feet) and is adjacent to the proposed preliminary plat of Stoneridge. The proposed plat of Stoneridge indicates a road stub (Mt. Baker Avenue N.E.) stubbed to the south property line of this property. The property has an unclassified stream and Type ill Wetland along the west property line and a Type 3 Seasonal Stream along the east and northeast portions of the property. There is also a small wetland (Wetland B) located in the easterly section of the site. The site slopes in a northwesterly direction, with an average slope of approximately 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. Project Proposal: The project site is zoned R-5 (Residentia1lFive Dwelling Units Per Acre), which requires a minimum lot area of 7,200 square feet, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. We are proposing nine lots that meet or exceed the zoning requirements. Lot 8 will gain primary access from 148th Avenue S.E. and Lot 9 will gain access via a proposed 20-foot-wide joint-use driveway easement. The existing house and garage on Tax Lot No. 032305-9180 currently has a gravel driveway on proposed Lot 8. To resolve this, we are proposing a joint-use driveway easement for both parcels. We are proposing a 12-foot right-of-way dedication along 148th Avenue S.E. for future road improvements. The project site provides the appropriate buffers from the Type 3 Wetland and seasonal stream, with the appropriate 25-foot building setback (BSBL). Utilities for the site will come through the proposed plat of Stoneridge from proposed Road E. This will provide water, sewer, storm, and dry utilities. Tract A is the proposed drainage facility located in the northwest comer of the site. This pond has been sized to meet the required storm drainage requirements. 11444.002.doc [GWP/tep] Construction Mitigation Description Stoneridge II Nine-Lot Short Plat Our Job No. 11444 The following narrative is provided to address the project timing and preliminary construction dates: • Proposed Construction Dates: Assuming that the preliminary short plat receives approval, including the SEPA Determination in January 2005, we would immediately submit engineering design plans to the City of Renton and potentially receive construction approval in April 2005. Upon approval we would begin construction immediately, with construction being completed by fall 2005. • Hours and Days of Operation: During the summer months, the anticipated construction operation hours will be from 7 a.rn. to 7 p.rn. Additionally, construction work will occur on Saturday during the summer months will be considered. During the winter months, the time of construction will most likely be from 8 a.rn. to 5 p.rn., Monday through Saturday, weather permitting. • Proposed Haulingffransportation Routes: The proposed hauling route during construction would be from SR-9oo (N.E. Sunset Boulevard) to 148th Avenue S.E. and through the plat of Stoneridge (N.E. 17th Street and Mount Baker Avenue N.E.). Please note that some construction activity will come directly off of 148th Avenue S.E. for Lots 8 and 9. • Measures to be Implemented to Minimize Dust, Traffic, and Transportation Impacts, Erosion, Mud, Noise, and Other Noxious Characteristics: As discussed in the environmental checklist prepared for this project, we will utilize and be required to provide erosion control measures, such as silt fences, construction entrances, etc., to minimize erosion impacts. To minimize dust impacts, we will be utilizing a water truck during the summer months. Typical construction noise will be present during construction hours; however, all machinery will have appropriate muffler devices as required by law. • Special Hours Proposed for Construction or Hauling (i.e., Weekends and Late Nights): As noted above, we expect to work weekends during the summer months. Furthermore, construction during the summer months may extend into the evening hours as daylight hours permit. • Preliminary Traffic Control Plan: At this time, we have not prepared a preliminary traffic control plan; however, as part of the construction plans, we will prepare the appropriate plans needed for the construction routes, signs, and flagging as necessary. 11444.003.doc .,.' ,;.' '" v <0 :: " o ~.,... ~.9 Top "'ave~g / I '. Edge of a5DhaH .. ~~e. ~-r---r--~~r-~--~--1-:l.7.i~~~~~~r-~~~~~~~====;;~~:'-4~ __ -t~::;-~~~~~~:'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Centerllne . J / S8;:3~~;;'E 1~f5 d~~e. 0t .. og of gra ';' Peer pele I iII'lll ~.4' cyclone fencs' 'wl transforllle extended I 00 retair I I eke N , • SP-3 Sampling Point Number and Location o 80 160 Source: Center Pointe Surveying FIGURE 2: SITE PLAN Luck Plat , 10627148th Avenue SE Renton. Washington DATE: 10/08/04-S:10prro DYIC NAME: G: \,project\Oienb\armcur\Lucldl\luck2...C01.dwg .1'\ .... -r.;"t:LOPME/Vj P!:ANNINL CiTy OF REN1bN ' OCT 11.2004 ---rrl:CEIVED Scale in Feet Chad Armour, LLC 6500 126th Avenue SE Bellevue. Washington 98006 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: -a.;; vl:lOPMENT CITY OF RE~~~NlNG OCT ~ "200~ . RECEIVED The State Environmental Policy Act {SEPAl, Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to . describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep) A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Stoneridge II Short Plat 2. Name of applicant: KBS III, LLC 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Contact: Curtis Schuster (206) 261-2112 4. Date checklist prepared: September 24, 2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): The short plat process should be completed in January or February 2005. The engineering design phase is to be completed during the first half of 2005, with construction to begin soon thereafter. The project/plat recording should be completed in late 2005/early 2006. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. A wetland analysis and habitat assessment has been completed by Chad Armour dated January and September of 2004. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Yes, the Plat of Stoneridge is currently under construction, which abuts the south property line of this proposal. Access and utilities depend upon this project to be completed and recorded. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. The following is a summary of possible approvals and/or permits required for our proposal: • Preliminary short plat approval • Construction plan approval • Final plat approval 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 2 • Clearing and Grading Permit • Right-of-Way Use Permit • NPDES Permit • HPA Permit • Forest Practices Permit 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The proposed short plat encompasses approximately 3.63 acres of land. The applicant is proposing 9 lots, with the smallest being proposed at 8,903 square feet and the largest lot being 18,565 square feet. The average lot size for the project is 9,344 square feet. The minimum lot width is 60 feet. Additionally, a water quality pond will be constructed to treat stormwater prior to releasing. Each lot will be suitable for construction of a single-family residential detached , home, with all appropriate utilities. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project site is located at 148th Avenue S.E. and the future road extension of Mt. Baker Avenue N.E. The project site abuts the proposed subdivision of Stoneridge and is located in the southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. For an exact location, please see the enclosed vicinity map and preliminary plat map. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); ~, irollingi, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) 15 percent. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, mUCk)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The King County soil survey indicates the site as having glacial till soil deposits; for further information, please see the soils report prepared by Earth Consultants Inc., dated May 14, 2004. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 3 e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The quantities of filling and grading on site have yet to be determined; however, we anticipate that the earthwork will be balanced, except for the possible import of structural fill for backfilling utility trenches. Additional import may be required for the road subgrade depending on the weather conditions at the time of construction. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. During heavy storm events following clearing and grading activity, erosion could occur if erosion/sedimentation control measures are not installed properly. By properly incorporating the City of Renton erosion control measures and minimizing the disturbance of existing vegetation during plat construction, we can help mitigate erosion impacts. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 0.33 acre (9 percent) of the total site will be covered with impervious surfaces, such as asphalt, buildings, etc. Approximately 29 percent (1.06 acres) remain as undisturbed open space, such as wetlands and buffers. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Prior to construction, an approved erosion control plan will be prepared and implemented in accordance with the City of Renton. These erosion control measures will be monitored throughout construction and must be maintained to control erosion during construction and weather constraints. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (Le., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. The project proposal will generate emissions typically found within single-family subdivisions. This may include airborne dust during constructionlheavy equipment, as well as automobile, emissions; however, once the project is completed, the plat will produce typical emissions found in residential communities, such as automobiles, service trucks, maintenance equipment, and wood-burninglgas-burning stove emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. To our knowledge, there are no off-site sources of emissions and/or odor that will affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: During construction, construction practices, such as riprap entrance aprons, required muffler systems for heavy equipment and dust control (watering), will be implemented as required. There will be no on-site construction burning and all land clearing debris will be exported off site and disposed of. 11444.00l.doc [GWP/tep) 4 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. The project site has a Type 3 Wetland and a Type 3 Seasonal Stream. The short plat proposes to provide the appropriate buffers. Please see the wetland delineation report prepared by Chad Armour dated January 19,2004. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. The construction of the project will require work to be adjacent to the referenced wetlands and stream; however, all wetlands will be protected by the required buffers. We are also proposing to discharge stormwater from the drainage facilities (Tract A) to the Type 3 Wetland in. Tract C. Please see the attached preliminary utilities plan and preliminary plat map. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. None. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 OO-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. To our knowledge, the site does not lie within a lOO-year floodplain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 5 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. The project will be utilizing a sanitary sewer system built to the City of Renton standards and specifications. Therefore, there will be no discharge into groundwater from septic tanks or other sources. c. Water Runoff (Including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. The project will create stormwater runoff from impervious areas, i.e., yards, driveways, and homes. The stormwater will be collected by an on-site collection through a series of roof drains, storm pipe, and catch basins. Most of this water will be conveyed into a water quality pond (Tract A) to be constructed with the plat improvements as shown on the preliminary plat map. The storm pond will be designed to the City of Renton design manual. Once the water is collected and has been treated through the water quality facility, stormwater will then be discharged to the unclassified stream. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: As required by the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Ecology, we are proposing a storm drainage system to collect, convey, and treat stormwater per industry standards. These improvements will assist in mitigating the impacts of stormwater and water quality. The information outlined in Subsection a. above provides details of these proposed improvements. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: ./ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: Cotton Wood ./ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ./ shrubs ./ grass pasture crop or grain ./ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation (Please see wetland analysis prepared by Chad Armour for further information on the types of vegetation found on site.) 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 6 b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation will be removed in areas required for lot grading, utilities, storm detention pond, and road construction. However, 1.06 acres of open space and wetland buffers will be provided (29 percent). During plat construction, approximately 2.56 acres of total site will be cleared to accommodate roadways, utility construction, and lot grading. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge there are no threatened or endangered species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The City of Renton will require that street trees be provided for this project and, as discussed earlier, approximately 29 percent of the site will remain undisturbed. Providing street trees and the open space (as well as future landscaping on the proposed single-family lots) will help mitigate the impacts of this proposal. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: For further information, please see the Habitat Data Report prepared by Chad Armour dated September 10, 2004. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. To our knowledge there are not threatened or endangered species on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain No. To our knowledge this site is not part of a migration route. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: By providing 1.06 acres of open space as a result ofthe wetlands and buffers, habitat will be provided for a portion of the existing wildlife on site. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The energy needs for this project will be primarily electric and natural gas for heating and lighting of the individual homes. 11444.00l.doc [GWP/tep] 7 b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. . No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Each home built within the plat will be required to meet the Washington State Energy Code for insulation, power usage, lighting, etc. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not applicable. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? The developed properties adjacent to the project site create noises typically found in single-family developments such as traffic, maintenance equipment, delivery trucks, etc. However, these typical noises will have no effect on this project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. On a short-term basis, the types of noise created from this project will be during the construction stage, including clearing, utility installation, road construction, etc. Furthermore, during the home construction phase, the typical construction noise will be present. On a long-term basis, the typical noise for a single-family residence will be from auto, home maintenance, deliveries, garbage disposal, etc. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None are proposed or required. 11444.001.doc [GWP/tepl 8 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is currently vacant and properties to the north and west are single-family homes with outbuildings on small to large lots. To the east and to the south are vacant parcels. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. None. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? This site is currently zoned R-5 (Residential 5 DIU per acre). f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Single-family, medium density. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Yes. The site contains several wetlands and a seasonal stream. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately 23 people reside within the completed project, assuming 2.5 people per household. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. \ k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project will be required to meet the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and zoning requirements to ensure the compatibility of the project with the surrounding land uses. 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 9 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Nine single-family housing units will be provided, which will be within the middle to upper income levels. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. The tallest height allowed in the R-5 zoning classification is 35 feet above the average building elevation. The principal exterior building materials will be wood, wood byproducts, stucco, brick, or other applicable materials typically found in single-family residential neighborhoods. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? No view will be altered as a result of the construction of this project. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: By providing landscaping within the plat, landscape planters with street trees, and open space, the aesthetic impacts will be softened. No other mitigation is required or provided. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The project site will produce lighting typically found within single-family subdivisions, such as street lighting, car headlights, and housing lighting. The project light will be predominantly in the evening hours. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 10 \ d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? There are several regional recreational opportunities within close proximity of this site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: As required by the City of Renton, we will be required to pay a park mitigation fee to help offset impacts. Additionally, future taxes paid by the homeowners will provide funding to the City General Fund for future regional parks, etc. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. To our knowledge, there are no places or objects listed on or proposed for the national state or local preservation registers on or near the site. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. To our knowledge, there are no landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or near the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not applicable. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Direct access to the site will be via a future stub road (Mt. Baker Avenue NE,) from the Plat of Stoneridge; however, two lots will gain direct access to 148th Avenue S.E. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? To our knowledge, public transit is not available at the site. 11444.00l.doc [GWP/tep] 11 c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Parking for two cars will be provided on each single-family lot as required by the City of Renton. No parking spaces will be eliminated by the project. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? The applicant is proposing to construct full-width street improvements within the plat and a half street improvement on 148th Avenue S.E. Traffic mitigation fee payments (if applicable) may be required to assist in traffic impacts. e. Will the project use (or occur in -the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. There will be no commercial water, rail, or air transportation. 1. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Estimated project-generated vehicle trips were calculated using average daily and peak hour trip rates for single-family residential units published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). This proposal would generate 86 daily trips and a p.m. peak hour (in/out) of 9 (6/3). g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The applicant is proposing to construct full-width street improvements within the plat and a half street improvement on 148th Avenue S.E. Traffic mitigation fee payments (if applicable) may be required to assist in traffic impacts. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The project will have a minor increase on public services. The services typically needed for single-family subdivisions include fire protection, police protection, health care, and schools. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Each new homeowner will pay taxes that generate additional revenue for the City of Renton General Fund. The General Fund may be utilized to help offset impacts to public services, such as fire protection, police protection, etc. With respect to schools, the Renton School District may require mitigation payment at the Building Permit stage to assist in school impacts. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: lelectricit~, lnatural gasl, ~, lrefuse servic9l, ~elephon9l, ~anitary sewed, septic system, other. 1 1 444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 12 b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The following utilities are proposed for the subject property and their respective purveyors: Electricity: Natural Gas: Telephone: Cable: Fire: School: Refuse: Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Energy Qwest Communications Comcast Renton Fire District Renton School District Pierce County The project will require the extension of water and sewer from the City of Renton. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full di sure 0 my part. Name Printed: Date: / (). ()t,. tJ Y- 11444.001.doc [GWP/tep] 13 .~ • (( COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE II DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 11.2004 . . .. ---. -------- RECEIVED CHICAGO TIT L E INSURANCE COMPANY cmCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor . of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefore; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Exclusions from Coverage (appearing herein) and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective oruy when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and tenninate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. In Witness Whereof, CmCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this commitment to be signed and sealed as of the date of policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to beCome valid when countersigned by an authoriZed signatory. Issued by: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1800 COLUMBIA SEAFIRST CENTER 701 5TH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 (206) 628-5666 Form C 9800 (Reprinted 09/00) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: ~~/l~'-_ By: ATTEST ~~~- CHI--' .~,-.. 0 TITLE INSURANCE CCfT"\ ~y :~ ... Title Unit: ETU _ Pho~; _(425)M6-~8S:l. 1 0::. "v J'lEBTH, #1700, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 A.L.T A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Fax: (425)646-9879 Officer: EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBSIIILLC Commitment Effective Date: AUGUST 28, 2003 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Owner's Policy 1992 STANDARD NON-RESIDENTIAL PRIOR POLICY RATE Proposed Insured: KBS III LLC Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured: Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured: at 8:00A.M. Amount: $0.00 Premium: Tax: Amount: Premium: $0.00 Tax: Amount: $0.00 Premium: Tax: 2 . The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Commitment is: FEE SIMPLE 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: VIRGINIA E. LUCK, AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT WLTACOMA/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT -------SCHEDtTLE~ ----- (Continued) Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBS III LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CLTACMA6/RDA/0999 ·--'. ,~-.. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY . -·--kIJ.T;A;-C0MMITMENT . SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBS III LLC Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. B. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. C. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. F. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity, other utilities, or garbage collection and disposal. G. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights, claims, or title to water. I. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW WLTACOMB/RDA/0999 -, --.... CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT -SeHEDULE-B-- (Continued) Order No.: 001115561 Your No .. : KBS I I I LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC LINE THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET MAY 16, 1967 6176450 B 2. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 411867 c 3. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF EASEMENT GRANTED OVER ADJACENT PROPERTY: PURPOSE OF EASEMENT: RECORDING NUMBER: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 20020807000276 D 4. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: CLIFFORD AND CINDY MCCLELLAND KBS III PARTNERS, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY AUGUST 7, 2002 20020807000279 ACCESS TO THE MCCLELLAND PROPERTY THROUGH AND OVER THE SERRA PROPERTY AND THE KBS PROPERTY OVER AN CLTACMB1/RDA/0999 . . CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT -----------------SCHED'tJLE-B (Continued) Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBS III LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS UNDISCLOSED PORTION E SAID AGREEMENT ALSO APPEARS OF RECORD UNDER INSTRUMENT(S) RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER(S) 20020807000280. F 5. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBAC~S, IF ANY, 'SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. G 6. GENEKAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2003 032305-9035-05 6855 $ 210,500.00 $ 115,000.00 BILLED: $ 4,134.83 PAID: . $ 2,067.42 UNPAID: $ 2,067.41 H 7. TITLE IS TO VEST IN KBS III, LLC, AND WILL THEN BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS SHOWN AT PARAGRAPH(S) 8 AND 9. I 8. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR KBS III, LLC. J NOTE: A COPY OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, MUST BE SUBMITTED. K 9. ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE BY KBS III, LLC, MUST BE EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIMI'J.~J LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT AND BY ALL THE MEMBERS, OR EVIDENCE MUST BE SUBMITTED THAT CERTAIN DESIGNATED MANAGERS/MEMBERS HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT FOR THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. CLTACMB2/RDA/0999 . . ~' . CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT -SeHEBBI:.E-B----- (Continued) Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBS III LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS L 10. IN THE EVENT THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS OCCUPIED BY A MARRIED PERSON AND SPOUSE AS A HOMESTEAD, THE CONVEYANCE OR ENCUMBRANCE OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE EXECUTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY BOTH HUSBAND AND WIFE, PURSUANT TO RCW 6.13 WHICH NOW PROVIDES FOR AN AUTOMATIC HOMESTEAD ON SUCH PROPERTY. H 11. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION _. PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. N NOTE 1; EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FIRST PAGE OR COVER SHEET REQUIREMENTS; 3" TOP MARGIN CONTAINING NOTHING EXCEPT THE RETURN ADDRESS. 1" SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. TITLE(S) OF DOCUMENTS. RECORDING NO. OF ANY ASSIGNED, RELEASED OR REFERENCED DOCUMENT(S) . GRANTORS NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . GRANTEES NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (AND PAGE NO. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION) . ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S). RETURN ADDRESS (IN TOP 3" MARGIN). **A COVER SHEET CAN BE ATTACHED CONTAINING THE ABOVE FORMAT AND DATA IF THE FIRST PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL REQUIRED DATA. ADDITIONAL PAGES; 1" TOP, SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. ALL PAGES: NO STAPLED OR TAPED ATTACHMENTS. EACH ATTACHMENT MUST BE A SEPARATE PAGE. ALL NOTARY AND OTHER PRESSUk~ SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED FOR VISIBILITY. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE LEGIBLE AND CAPABLE OF BEING IMAGED. CLTACMB2/RDA/0999 o CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT -------------------SCHEDULE-B-- (Continued) Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBS III LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. TO EXPEDITE THE COMPLETION OF YOUR CLOSING, PLEASE FORWARD YOUR CLOSING ORDER AND RECORDING DOCUMENTS TO: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY -CENTRAL RECORDING 701 FIFTH AVENUE, 17TH FLOOR SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 THANK YOU, UNIT 1 -EASTSIDE TITLE UNIT CLTACMB2/RDA/0999 ,. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA. COMMITMENT ---SCHEDUI~E-B ------------------------- (Continued) Order No.: 1115561 Your No.: KBS III LLC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS R THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COpy OF THIS COMMITMENT: KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 NE 8TH ST, #100 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 CURTIS SCHUSTER 2/2 (206) 261-2112 VIRGINIA LUCK 285 SAND DUNE AVE NW OCEANSHORE, WASHINGTON 98569 1/1 CLTACMB2/ROA/0999 Jrder Number: 1115561 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY (Member of the Fidelity National Financial, Inc. group of companies) FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL GROUP OF COMPANIES' PRIVACY STATEMENT JULY 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state privacy laws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-public personal information ("Personal Information "), and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relationship of trust between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. IN THE COURSE OF OUR BUSINESS, WE MAY COLLECf PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOm YOU FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: • From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; • From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by us, our affiliates, or others; • From our internet web sites; • From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; and • From consumer or other reporting agencies. OUR POLICIES REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF THE CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION· We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Per~onal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business' purposes. OUR POLICIES AND PRACTICES REGARDING THE SHARING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: • to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested; • to third-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; and • to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents may contain your Personal Information. RIGHT TO ACCESS YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND ABILITY TO CORRECf ERRORS OR REQUEST CHANGES OR DELETION Certain states.afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. All requests must be made in writing to the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 MULTIPLE PRODUCfS OR SERVICES If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. CHICAGO TITLe _~ .SURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFfH AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: FAX: (206)628-5600 (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with .-. ---._referenceJo.streets and_othedand .. NoJiabilityjs.assumed_by~reason_of reliance.hereon .. 5-23-5 ~~~--+----------.r----'~40~,~'7~,--------------~~~~~----~---------r~~----~~xT·-------:-\1 . .' . I ,-':10,00' I ; ,-,T \ gj:: ;p)-<f' i""'; ) , .. v ' ;~ \,\ "::fll, , OLD L:t><E _---(I /..---f f.1S'lS'30'E-1 C:(J"E!;; I r"':F~-~_. __ . L -:\ -L -f/-' ---7-A~.66' ~'3~'O!e'E T ---'r:-:-," ~!c5.JO' ceeai ;,! : '1'-'-'_ .. ___ .---LOT X _ . .-J y 31~. _______ -,--. LO ] W ----.-____ ---.-.~ ...... - "If CoG' wow r~~;: \ s:~~!" u'E \. ~ -, ~ \,\,\ ~.8~ , .... \ ~--6 ""co ""Of I i" 7:5~.G6· I roT l ,.1 I LOT Y '" 0 o· '" M "'" ~ !IO.'\ '" '.>I '" ;. T N I ., fJ \ I 7. MAP RDA 0999 " EXCLUSIONS (Cont'd.) 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential-transfer-results from -the-failure: - (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. ALTA LOAN POLICY FORM (10-17-92) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separa- tion in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encum- brance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disClosed in writing to the Company by the insured Claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent that this policy insures the priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or 'material); or (e) 'resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any statutory lien for services, labor or materials (or the claim or priority of any statutory lien for services, labor or materials over the lien of the insured mortgage) arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is con- tracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to , advance. 7. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction creating the interest of the mortgagee insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (Ii) the subordination of the interest of the insured mortgagee as a result of the application of the doctrine of equitable subordination; or (iii) the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. -, CHICAGO TITLcil\lSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #180(\ SEA TILE, WA 98104 PHONE: FAX: (206)628-5600 (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. 5-23-5 I r.T' l.'-.J' LOT Y -OEVe ---------------c~W~~~~~N'NG OCT 112004 RECEIVED MAP RDA 0999 , , .- CHICAGO TITLc 11 ,,~URANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: FAX: (206)628-5600 (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with f'::':~ rfJ,cE )--~~-. (c. ~,.'.:.~::. " -reference-to-streets-and-otherland~ -No liability is assumed-by reason ofrelian'ce-liereon. ----- ! / ./ -+ LOT 5-23-5 .---~--. ------·-.. ~tI .. II!I!,'-· .\-...........\ : ~Cb ~ u-. r. L" JfJ,i, ("J I ~ ~ I' '"" i . '.'~ I !'"' i ;: lu.:i it/) I ~i: ! .~ iCO i-.:r 1- MAP RDA 0999 CHICAGO TITLt L ,,<)URANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: FAX: (206)628-5600 (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with -reference-to streets and other land. -No liability is assumedbyreasonofreliancehereon. 5-23-5 v, MAP RDA 0999 .-.... CHICAGO TITLe L .";URANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 .--.. ... ; PHONE: FAX: (206)628-5600 (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with . reference to streets and other land. No liabilityis-assumed.by reason of reliance hereon.- f'~':S. rEHCE 5-23-5 I ) ; ,,"'- : .. V' / OLD ~.:"'E i I //-f' ~-' ~ -r-...L --r--r-1-.... -_____ --LOT X _ . .-J v • j~T L.O . .J I tu:< i 'n I ~ ! ..... "'C MAP RDA 0999 ,--. .... CHICAGO TITLe J1 ,,lURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: FAX: (206)628-5600 (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey_ It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with -reference to-streets and other land; -No-liabilityis"assumed-btfeas"on"ofr-eliance-liereon. -- ro:s.. r~«"E 0._ G ItOt'D rr-~-=E on ~ 5-23-5 v. 14" 21 1Ci4 i tn • I " • .£: ! -~ ; to i~ 1- MAP RDA 0999 CHICAGO TITLc h"SURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFfH AVENUE, #1800, SEAITLE, WA 98104 PHONE: FAX: (2(u)6~-56(K) (206)623-7463 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with referen-ce t(fstreets-ana-otliedano: -No-liability-isassum-eo-by-teason of reliance-hereon. -- 5-23-5 v' :-,-"-,c:.:.~--'\-------'---'-'.:-."'21-_------"':":""'--:-'::::'::::;:-;::''':T---l-------,;=::-_:;:,y;:,---~~,,-.r---... ---r1 '"r·1O·CO· :${l" ~-'-.L 1.:...-,···· ........ _ .. _-"(j' WOC4I r!:).:~:: ~--G '" ~ i / 4- LOT ; , ..... T : .. 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CQS.'-lSI> 1-1.1.1' DF The-sautti -10 -flfet-of~e-foIToWlng descrl be-d -property:- North 165 feet of the south 495 feet of the Nort~.st 1/4 of the Southe •• t 1/4 of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range S Eest, W.H.; Less county ~otd. The conler line of said electric IllIe to be locot~d 0$ now SIoked ocrOS$ sold properly ot wi thi n the IO-foot strip dpscribed above. The Company sholl have access for Ihe pvrposes staled and sholl be re!ponslble for damage c',Jused by negligence 01 the Compony. These terms sholl be blndin9 upon the successors and ossl9ns 01 the respedive portles. e/z..uk) ~: ' ._- ~(t~.C\. f· ,1. u:k2 _ ... _ .. __ ._--- Witness .. ' -.;.~.;~;.;~~.> .. /~ ~\.~ ;:: :;cj.(L·. { : tt B~~~G!: l 55 : .. cqu~r:()F\~:I:!_'fl~ " .. ~.:~~~ IfJ:I: ~~; ~~r:~~IIY oppeored before me 4 . ..:,,~~;.!~=_r..:.,?~.,..c..:~!'_,_..o-~,~o...-~~~~a:..:~~~..6=..!-'~~u:...:: tA~]O be Ihe indiYicluo~ibad in and .who executed the within and foregoln nstrument, ond oclnowledged !hot .' r$iQned Ihe some os • free and vOluntory ad and deed for I". uses and purposes therein mentioned. GiVEN under my hand and olfldol seal Ihis //.:t!;-of_. . _, 19~. ; STAlE Of WASH!N·~.lON t . u COUNTY OF On this _______ doyru, _______ _ . ____ , 19 ___ • belue me. the undef$lgned. perso'ICIlly oppdClred .. -...•. -.--_._------ond ________________________________________ _ to me known to be the PreSident ond ___ . __________ Secretory. respedillely. of, ______ _ . __________ . ___________________________ the corporation that executed the foregoing Instrum.,,'. and ofkowledqed the said Ins'rumenlto be 'he frea "nd voluntory ad and deed of said torporollon. for the U"S and purposes Iherain men,: ·ned. and on oo,h slated Ihot authorized 10 e.ecute Ihe :;old Inalrument ond 'hollha seol offixed i. Ihe corporate seal 01 sold corporation. WI'ness my hond c.nd oHiciol seal ., .. , ~to olfilled the day ond year firsl above wrlll"n. (AUMENT· "1IMI1 ·188U.7-66 / Nolory Public In and lor Ihe Stole 01 Woshlngton. r9sldlng ot. ________________ _ -~ filed lor Rece~ l ) tf'J./I,. \9 t I ;I f rJA. Ih'Qu~'1 of I .L, (/,1)', ..... IIOftf~l A MO!:P.IS. (oullty AUGn01 , .. ~ ..• ___ .. _~_~_. ____ ..1 t'~,..t11ern '~altS. 1 .• Gto""r_ o. ~()O" ..................... -. -~ -:j-I~V'f't" ~ . ~ .. -011184' t'I ~ "-. ~'11. ··tooI_ 'xc !f' ......... -•• -....•• -•.•. ~ .... -.. '0 h --·-···~"·~·····luJ)e 3O-1nIl6M ---•• __ •• _- !' V-I,. ..... · .... ., ..... ,. .. _iII tl1"'.1t.· .. ~ ..... • .. --· ( CQ"lt\J'I{O' l "~_ .... ·a,.. •• By no~ar4~?~li~tt Att •• t.a f; .1f.~lIlf •• J!'''''''' 08' "" n R .. ". ClU'. WImN RECORDED RBTUR.N TO' Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. NE CHICAGO TlTU ETtllSC PAGE eel or 814 81Y87.-2882 89 82 kiNe COUNTY, IIA 3209 ~~!~~a!~O WA 98033 E 1902408 ----------'---------------------H~7a8rTY'~~------------------TAX tSla.e9 SALK $25,'''.88 PAGE eet OF eel @Chicago'Dde Insurance Company 701 5th Avenue -Suite1700 _. Seattle, Wasl'lin ton 98104 DOCUMENT TJTLE(S) _ 54 LJ 815 -,- I Easement Agreement Q, " - ; @ 4. REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: o Addlbonnl Dumbers \Ill page of document GRANTOR(S): L Clifford and Cindy McClelland 2 3 4 o Addltlonall\llJlla.l on pace ___ of doc\llllelll CRANTEE(S): ~BS III, LLC 2 3. 4 [J Add/1i1>IUIl names on page ___ ot UoellDlent ABBREVlATED LEGAL DESCRI.rTION Lot-Unit Block. Scttlon TownshlJ). Volume. Range. CHICAGO lilt [ INSURANCE COMPANY has !ked !he document Of r~ord as a M!omeI cOIIrIesy and accepts no habobly lor - the accuracy or vabdlly of the documelll Page Portron: Lot 3. K1ng County Short Plat I 486017 recorded under Recording 0 Plat Name: 8703039001 o Complete legal ~-rlplion on page __ of doc:\.llllt.llt ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX :PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 032305-9270 o Addlhonal tax /lCCQunt munbl!t6 on plIge _of documellt x acehe"" if t1pJllwlb/c ItfII1 np /1,,1_) ];ml prov.ufed 1n:RCW 36 18 010 IIIJ1def$bJ.ud Ihat the rec~WJ~~~~:lreJi1t'!i!U tlQIne part of the Ield of the ongmal document. 'lim tovcr Sheet il fur the CD181ty Recorder' J iD~ing ~lllPo*, bDJr. The Jlecor.ter wiD rely 011 tbo ilIfolDlatiOIJ pl'O''''''ecI on the fD11Q. The sbfh.alJ Jlot rt:aotlhe dot'Innelit t~ yen!)' thtt IICtUnC)' Dr cumple!elleU of die IlIdexiDg mronaatlou pTIlvlM hemn .".: ..... , .... -1.. •• , l Filed at Request of --------~---------------~---------------------------- ZENOr DRAKE & HIVELY. P S 4020 Lake WashIngton Blvd NE. #100 . KIrkland, WA 98033 DOCUMENT TITLE GRANTOR GRANTEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. Easement -Ameement McClelland Chfford and Cmdv KBS m, L LC See ExhIbIt C Addttlonalle~al deScflptlons on pa.ees 10 -13 of lhls document 032305-9270,032305-9035-05,032305-9046-02,032305-9034-06, 032305-9033-07. 032305-9269 I EASEMENT AGREEMENT . . ~ THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (" Agreement") IS entered into tlus 2t:J -day of Ac1" · 1999, by and between ClIfford and Cindy McClelland, a maritaJ comm ruty ("McClelland") and KBS III, L L.C., a Washington hmited babIlIty company andlor successors or assIgns (IIKBS") RECITALS A McClelland IS the owner of certam real property located at 14410 SE 1071b Place. Renton, WA 98059, legally described In ExhibIt A attached hereto ("McClelland Property"), and B KBS IS the purchaser under an executory Purchase and Sale Agreement of certam real property WhICh JS adjacent to the McClelland Property, legally described in ExhIbIt B attached hereto ("KBS Property"), the closmg of purchase and sale of whIch WIn be contemporaneous with the conveyance of thiS Easement Agreement, C KBS mtends to obtam approval for a formal subdIVISIon or PRD for the KBS property, and construction drawmg approval of the same as a condition to the closing of the purchase and sale transaction as well as to the conveyance of the easement deSCrIbed herem, and EASEMENTAGREEMENT-1 W\wpdoI:$\33041\101I1<1s\725 doc Gl-lloMo nne INSURANCE COMPANY has fJ/llt:ed the document of rec:ortlllC a customer courtesy anllll~t~ no liability for thG IlrtlKlIcy or vaJld1ly of tile '1t~{.lI~nl DUPL'CATE ORIGINAL D KBS desires to obtam as easement across a portIon of the McClelland Property for the purpose of a mstallmg and mamtaining underground unhtles, and , --~----------------------------_.--------------------E - ---McCleJJaIidls-wlllmg to grant such easements accordmg to the terms descnbed herem, NOW, THEREFORE, In consIderatIon of $25,000 paId by KBS to McClelland ($2,000 whIch IS payable upon McClelland's execution of this Agreement and the approval by KBS of its feasIbIlity study, and the remamder IS payable WithIn thuty (30) days of approval of a plelUDlnary plat and approved constructIon drawings for saId SUbdIVIsIon or PRD), the mutual promIses contamed herem, and the benefits denved thereflom, the undersIgned partIes hereby agree as follows 1 Grants of Easements and License 1 1 Easement for Underground UtIlIties. McClelland hereby grants to KBS a perpetual, non-exclusIVe easement over. under, and across that portIon of the McClelland Property legally descnbed In ExhIbIt C attached hereto ("Easement Area") for the purposes speCified ill paragraph 2 below McClelland shall have the rIght to use the u::I' Easement Alea for any and all purposes not inconsistent WIth the fights granted to KBS II-"-herem Such nght shall mclude, but not be hmited to, the mstallatIon of underground ~ c::r, utilities, sidewalks. gutters, pIpes and culverts, so long as said uses do not unreasonably ~ mterfere with the mstallation, mamtenance and operation of the underground utIlitIes In the c:-Easement Area 1 2 LIcense McClelland also grants to KBS a temporary hcense to enter upon the McClelland Property for the hUllted purposes of comp]et1Og constructton and mstallatlOn of the underground uulllies, prOVIded, however, KBS shall exelt Its most reasonable efforts to confme such entry to the Easement Area and areas unmedlately adjacent to the Easement Area 2 U$e of Easement Area KBS's use of the Easement Area shall be lImited to the construCtion, installation, mamtenance, repair, operation and use of underground utIhtles to serve the forty-eIght houses.to be buIlt on the Property descrIbed In Exhibit B, subject to the fight of mumcipahtles and utllity dIStrICts to use as they may reqUIre after I dedicanon of the utdInes as set forth 10 paragraph 8 1 below In addItton, If any more parcels of property are added to the proposed SUbdIVISIon, any reSidences burlt on those parcels WIll also have the same rIght to use the easement· 3. KBS's Warrannes KBS warrants that the underground utIhttes for the KBS property shall be constructed m accordance WIth an appbcable drawmgs, speCIfICatIons, EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 2 Wlwp<locsI33041110,\kIs1725 doc CHICAGO T1Tl[ INSURANCE COMPANY has placed HID document of record as a customer courtesy and acceptS no hablhty for lila atcuracy 01 validity of tho 6iJlltnnent .. " pernuts, approvals and other legal reqUlrements Imposed by City, county, state or federal laws and/or regulations 3 1 DIlIgent ConstructIOn. KBS shall prosecute the constructIOn and mstallatton of the underground utIlItIes dl1igently and contmuously until they are completed 3 2 OwnershIp KBS or assIgns wlll be the owner of the KBS Property upon closmg of the above-referenced purchase and sale transactIon 4 McClelland's Warranues. McClelland warrants that they are the owner of the McClelland Property and that there are no liens or encumbrances affectmg the McClelland Property whIch would mterfere WIth the mtended use of the Easement Area 5 Cost of Constructton of Underground Uuhhes KBS shall, at ILO; sole cost and expense, design, construct and install the underground utilItIes in complIance WIth all applicable reqUlrements Pnor to commencmg InstaJlatlon of the underground utlhties, KBS shall have a lIcensed surveyor survey the west property Ime of the McClelland Property, and shall place surveyor's rebar stakes at the northwest corner and the southwest corner of the McClelland Property At the completIOn of installatIon of the underground utthttes, KBS shall fmlsh grade the Easement Area and adjacent ground which may have been disturbed by KBS's constructIOn acttvltIes, and shaJl also re-seed the re-grllded area WIth grass seed KBS shall take care not to damage the McClelland Property, and any improvements thereon, dunng the exerCIse of KBS' s rights hereunder. In the event any damage IS suffered dUrIng thIS work, KBS agrees to promptly reparr saId damage, or to reImburse McClelland for the entire costs of the repaIr work KBS wIll replace any trees or sbrubs removed or dIsturbed to the nearest location allowed .6 Water Lme KBS agrees to loop a water lme m the Easement from the existing water mam to the proposed subdIVISIon if allowable by Water DIstnct #90 upon constructIOn of saId SUbdIVIsion If further easements are necessary to 100p saId water mam in easement to be purcbased, Seller agrees to grant such addltlonal easements, at no further cost to KBS 7 McClelland's ConnectIon to UtilItles. KBS agrees to connect McClelland's eXlsttng resIdence; as legally pennIsslble, to the sanitary sewer to be installed m the easement and to leave one addItIonal sewer stub-out on the north boundary Ime of the McClelland parcel, approxnnately 250 feet from the western-most property lme of tax parcel No 032305-9270 at the tlme of the construction of the proposed subdIVISIon In addltton, KBS agrees to pay the followmg sewer comiectton charges for the eXlstmg McClelland eneW-rom Kmg County and the City of Renton ~~ \\ Il.~ / fM). ~~f \-on~.)t-tr~ s-tu~ V \t~ J{ ¥~ ~. -J;-1('1~ ~Itq\ l\~ EASE Wlwpdo<:sl3304111011111s 1725 doc CHICAGO llTl( INSURANCE GOWPANY has placed tile document of record as a customer courtesy and act.epls no ftabJI4y for the accuracy or validity of thII UoGlJmant a CIty fees' ____ ~y~~~ Q~velopment Charg~ ______________ $ __ ~~~ __ _ Honey Creek Special Assessment Dlstnct $ 250 Permit fees $ 60 ~11~11 Subtotal $ 895 $1.09840 (lIfetIme payoff) %.~,((l1~1 ti6f 'f/z'\f¥t 'J, ,-. $1,984 ,. rf\...~lI)ok .,,,!Iirt b Kmg County-CapacIty Charge TOTAL v \11,1\. t ~g( .fJ-. In the event· McClelland connects into and uses any other of the undergroun ttl; 1 ejO"J Z ~et.W.,. ho~ McClelland shall pay all constructlon expenses associated Wlth saId connectJon to ~ ~'t¢J ~ utJhtles, and saId connectIon shall be free of all lIens on the KBS Property, and shall be m ~'''\I ' comphance WIth all applicable legaJ requirements NotwIthstandmg the foregomg. KBS \ agrees that McClelland shall not be required to pay any connectIOn fee, surcharge or othe 11~ constructIOn or mstallatIOn of the utIhtIes ~~ \ \ff/ q 1X 1Q, fee to KBS for the purpose of reunbursmg KBS for the cost of all or any Port10n~f the \.! q 8. Mamtenance and Repau Expenses All expenses associated with ~ . mamtaInmg, repamng, restormg, clearung or servIcmg the completed underground utlhues shall be paId entIrely by KBS untIl such tune as KBS dedIcates the underground utIlities to the ASSOCiation Thereafter, all such expenses assocIated with mamtammg, repamng, restormg, cleanmg or servlcmg the completed underground utilities shall be paId by the Association or approprIate utilIty dIstnct If utIlities are dedIcated pursuant to paragraph 8 1; prOVIded, however, If repair or mamtenance of the underground uuhues IS reqUired as a result of the sole actIon or mactlon of McClelland. McClelland shall pay the enllre expense of such repair . 8 1 Dedlcatton to Governmental Enttties/Commerclal Utlhty The utulues may be dedIcated to the City of Renton, KIng County. Water Dlstrict No 90 or any utlhty company m the future by KBS or by the homeowners' associatIon, provided that the CIty of Renton, Kmg County, Water Dlstnct No 90 or any utilIty company agrees to operate. mamtam, repaIr and leplace the Ul1l1l1es Upon such dedICatiOn, the obhgation of the property owners to contnbute to the operation. mamtenance. repaIr and replacement of the undergroUlid utIhties shall termniate Further. the nght to use such utIlitIes Wlll thereafter be at the discretion of the utthty company or mUDlClpabty whIch owns the utIhues and not hnuted to the lesIdences In the proposed subdivIsion EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 4 Wlwpdocsl3304111 01\l()sl 725 doc CHICAGO TJTI.t INSURANCE COMPANY has-placed 1he document 01 record as a cuslomer courtesy and accepts no liabilIty lor the accw3cy or validity of the \IOclIrtlOnt • -J 9 Entry on McClelJand Property to Perform Mamtenance and Repair Work KBS and successors shall have the perpetual nght, at such times as may be necessary, to __________ enter u:Qon Jh~ M~Qellall~ Pro~eI1Y_ fox th~Pllq'-Qs~_Qtaccessmg,_mamtaUllng,_repainng,­ restormg, clearung or servIcmg the utilIties McClelland agrees that saId nght of entry shan be no less than twenty feet (20') In width. KBS and its successors agree that such work shall be accomplIshed In such a manner that the surface of the ground and any pnvate Improvements eXistIng on the McCleUand Property shan not be disturbed or destroyed, or m the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced In as good a condltlon as they were munedlately before the McClelland Property was entered upon by KBS or 115 successors 10 Hold Hannless and Indemruty PrOVlSlOns 10.1 Mutual Indemruficauon. KBS and McClelland hereby agree to hold each other harmless, to mdemnify and defend each other of and from any and all claIms and/or damages whIch eIther party may sustain as a result of any breaches of their respectIve obhgatlOns descnbed herem. WIthout broItmg the generality of the foregomg, KBS specIfIcally agrees to hold harmless, mdemrufy and defend McClelland, untIl transfer of the utlhtles to the homeowners aSSOCIatIOn wruch wIll be formed or KBS's successors In Interest to the KBS PI operty. or for a penod of two (2) years from the date of completIon of the constructIon of the unbtIes, whichever occurs last, from and against any and all clanns and/or damages relatmg to. 10.1 1 KBS's constructIon and Installation of the utlhues, 10 1 2 The fIlmg of any hens or assessments agalOst the McClelland property as a result of the lOstallatlon of the uttlities, 10 1 3 The overflow of water from the utllltles, prOVIded, however, KBS shall have no ltabIlity hereunder If saId overflow IS caused solely by McClelland's actIOn, 10.1 4 The contammation of the McClelland Property WIth hazardous or toxic waste or matenal as a result of KBS' s instaUauon of the uuhtles, . 10 1 5 The dIscharge of hazardous or tOXIC waste or materIal through the utlhty system. unless said contaminatton or dIscharge IS caus~ by McClelland. or ongmates wlthm the McClelland Property. 10 1 6 Any governmental agency or other party or person contendmg that the uUlIues were not properly constructed or otherwise damaged their property or the enVIronment EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 5 W\wpdocs\33041\101I1ds1725 doc CHICAGO TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the docUnlem ot record as a customer courtesy and accepts no liability fOT UIG accuracy or validIty Of thedoCUIfIW Notwlthstandmg any prOVISion hereof seemmgly to the contrary, the ASSOCIatiOn and/or -_KBS ~s _successorsm tnteresLshaILcontmue_to_be_bound_by_the_obhgauons_contamed In-thls paragraph 9 ill perpetUlty. 11 ExtensIons Twenty-sIx (26) months after slgnmg and mutual acceptance of this Agreement, If KBS has not receIved final engmeermg and construction drawmg approval for the above-mentIOned subd1vislOn, McClelland agrees to extend the closing of thIS transactIon fOi three (3) mnety (90) day periods at a cost of seven hundred fifty dolJars ($750) for each extensIOn, to be paId at the beginning of each extensIOn All earnest money deposIts and extension payments sha11 apply to the purchase pnce at closmg 12 Ternunatlon of Easement NotwIthstandmg any other provtslon contamed herein seemmgly to the contrary, III the event KBS has not completed mstallatlon of the utthtles within ten years of the date that thIS Agreement IS recorded WIth the Kmg County Recorder, this Agreement shan automatically termmate and shall thereafter be null and VOId KBS's wOlk shaH be deemed complete at such tune as City and/or County fully and finally accept all of KBS's WOlk on the utilities as complete 13. Covenants Runnmg WIth the Land. McClelland and KBS agree that the terms and conditions contamed herem shall benefIt and burden the McClelland and KBS Properties, and shall constItute covenants that run WIth both Propertles, and shall benefIt and burden the heIrs, successor and aSSIgns of the McClelland and KBS PropertIes 14 Null and VOId TIns contract and the contents herem wJlI become null and VOid and unenforceable III the event KBS faIls to receive final engmeenng and construcUon drawmg approval for a formal subdiviSIOn or PRD for the property shown on Ex1ublt B 15. Fence KBS agrees to place a SIX foot (6') fence along the North hne of tax parcel No. 0323059270 III the event the aforementIoned subdIVIsIon receIVes approvals acceptable to Purchasel 16. Dramage. KBS agrees to protect and defend McClelland from dramage from the proposed KBS SUbdIVISIon and development efforts KBS shall resolve any dramage problems arismg dIrectly as a result of the development and construction of the property descnbed on ExhIbIt B, and reparr any damage caused to McClelland's property from any such drainage problems. 17 EntIre Agreement There are no other agreements' between KBS and McClelland that modlfy or affect trus Agreement ThlS Agreement 1S fully integrated and all pnor negotiatIons regardmg the tenns of the Easement Agreement are merged mto and have become a part of this Agreement EASEMENTAGREEMENT-6 Wlwpdocsl33041\t0'\lds172S doc CHICAGO TIllE INSURANCE COMPAtIly has placed the dOCLment of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no habtJlty for the accu( JCy or validity of IhQ QQGII/TISnt ~"";:";","J " '-,""") ",.." ".-J 18. NOllces. All notices, consents, approvals and other communicatIOns provided for herem or gIven 10 connectIon herewIth shall be valIdly gIven, made, dehvered or_ Sef'le~tlCm :wr,ltmgJmd delwere~Lp-ersonally_orsent_by_reglstered, _certlhed_mal1 ,_or_~ _____ -----. ------ receipted overmght serVIces, postage prepaId, or by facslmiJe to, with confmned receIpt at the followmg addresses KBS KBsm,LLC 12505 Bel-Red Road Bellevue, W A 98005 Attentlon' Kohn Taylor Fax 4251452-9016 McClel1and Clifford and Cmdy McClelland 14410 SE 107m Place Renton, W A 98059 19 Attorney I s Fees In the event any party employs an attorney to enforce any of the provisIOns of thiS Agreement, on any issue of state, federal or bankruptcy law, the prevaIlmg p~rty shall be entItled to recover Its costs, htIgatlon expenses and reasonable attorney's fees m connectIOn therewith from the non-prevathng party. 20 Govermng Law. ThIS Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Washington. 21 SeverabJllty If any prOVIsIon of thIS Easement Agreement is determined by a court to be InvalId or unenforceable, the remainder of thIs Easement Agreement shall remam In full force and effect 22 Successors TIns Easement Agreement bmds the herrs, successors and asslgns of the parnes CHICAGO TIlL£: IIISURANCE COMPANY has plat.ed thll docliment of recOld as a customer courtesy and accepts flO liability for the accur .):y or vaHlll1y of the d:lcumerr EASEMENT AGREEMENT -7 W\wpdoes\33041\101"lIsl725 doo: KBS Ill, L L.C., a Washington luruted habIhty company . , " ________ ~ ___ C)ndy~ McCl lIand_~------_.--_ .. ---_._. -" ------------ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) THIS l~ TO CERTIFY that on tillS .-l!L day of !II) CIt ,19.J!L., before me, a Notary public an and fbr the State of Wash mgt on, duly comm1;slOned and SWOln, came Kohn Taylor, pet sonaIJy "nown or havlllg presented sattsfactol y eVIdence to be a Member of KBS III, L L C • the hmlted hablhty company that executed the foregolOg Instrument, and acknowledged the saId lOstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of ~aJd hmlted hablhty company fOi the uses and purposes therem menhoned, and on oath stated that he IS authorized to execute the &ald Instrument on behalf of saId hmlted habihty company ~Ml .. Y, .. ~HAND and offiCial seal the day and year In thiS c~rtlhcate first pn~~~w STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KINO ) ) ss ) Notary Public In and for the Statefj?~WaSh1l)gton. ?idmg at ~ h1(/1l ([ till'/--. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the:>q~~day of I\fr\\ ,19et~before me, a Notary puhllc In and 10) the State of Washmgton, duly commissioned and ~WOIfl, came Chfford McClelland. personally known or havmg plesented satisfactory eVidence to be the mdlvldual descJJhed m and who executed the wlthm Instrument, and acknowledged that he Signed the same llS hIS free and yohmtmy act and deed lor the lIses and purposes thelem mentioned EASEMENTAGREEMENT-8 W Iwpdocsl3304 1I1011k1s I 125 doc CHICAGO rnl!: INSURANCE COMPANY has plaLed Ilia document 01 record a3 a customer courtesy and aCLepts no hability fer the acCUlcli:Y or vandlty of the dotument WITNESS MY HAND and officIal seal the dcly <md yem In tillS celilficatc first above wlltlen ~=~: .. Notal y Public 111 and for the State of W shmgton, resld}n~ at f~ (PI.';:; c\" \ STATE OF WASlJING10N ) ) S5 COUNTY Of KING ) THIS1STOCERTlFYthatonthe.)qk(,.dayof h(;)('t \ , 19Qilt beforeme,a . Notary pubhc In and for the State of Washington, duly c~ed and SWOl n, came Cmdy McClelland, personally known or havmg presented satJsfactOlY eVIdence to be the mdivldual descnbed 1I1 and who executed the within mstrument, and acknowledged that she sIgned the same as her flee and voluntmy act and deed for the uses and purposes therem mentIOned WITNESS MY HAND und offiCial seal the day and year m thIS certIficate first above written EASEMENTAGREEMENT-9 Wlwpclocsl33041\101\\.IsI125 doe -... "'-~~~ ;;;i Pemt Name MAAlADcr FLEMI Notary Pubhc m and for the State 0 ashmgton, reslduig at ~....J(~~c-tl~ EXpIratIon Date t{ .-G r-d. OC) ~ CUIC'P,r,Q lnLE INSURANCE COMPANY 11:5 pI.-.r;od Ihd document of rllcorrl as a customer courtesy c:nd Qtl.opls no liability for Iho nccurJ~'Y or validity of 1d t'ocument EXHIBIT A Lot 3 ofK.mg County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recording Number 8706260950, together WIth the West 428 00 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North J 65 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portlon lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Ntunber 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King County Lot Lme Adjustment No. S92LO 1 03, recorded under Recording Number 920910 t 022, and other property ) EASEMENT AGREEMENT -10 W \wf><!oc.133041\ 101I~"177~ <lor • CHICAGO TlTll !NSURANCE COMPJ\Nf h&s plated tile document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no liability for Ina accll' dl. y or valldJly of ,:'!, (,\lCUOlent Luck Parcek EXHIBIT B Parcel A. The North 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3. Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington (No Road exception has been noted in thiS description for Parcel A) Parcel B. The North half of the North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, . in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdivision which bears South 01 °25'02" West 633.38 feet and North 89°37'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of said Sectlon 3, thence North 87°37'38" West along said North hne 125 feel, thence South 01°25'02" West 122.17 feet, thence South 87°49'08" East 125 feet; thence North 01 ~'02" East 121.75 feet to the Point of Beginning; Except the East 30 feet thereof for County Road. (There is an overlap of approximately 17 feet between Parcels A and B.) Yelland Parcel: The North 165 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter ofSectlOn 3, Townslup 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Mendlan, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT County roads Bennett Parcel: Lot 1, King County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded Wlder Recordmg Number 8703039001, and amended by Affidavit of Correction recorded under Recording Number 8706260950, in Kmg County, Washington, being a portion of the South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Wlilamette Mendian, ill Kmg County, Washington; EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 W "'pdoC$\33041\\OIIl<I, 17)5 doc CHICAGO TITlE INSURAUCE COMPANY has placed the document of record as a CtIstomer courtesy and 3c~ts no liability for the QCcuracy or validIty of llie <'ottmnt ---_._---------------------------- TOGETHER WITH the following described property in accordance with Decree Qwetmg Title in King County Superior Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, J 987. . The South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Wdlamette Meridian, in Kmg County. Washington; EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portion of lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision; and EXCEPT COUDty roads. Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet of Lot 3, Kmg County Short Plat Nli'ilxbef-486 0 1 7, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and corrected under Recording Number 8706260950, being a portion of the folJowing: The South half of the South half of the South haIf of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 No~ Range 5 East. Wi1lamette Meridian. in King County, Washington, - ExCEPT County roads; AND EXCEPT the following described parcel. BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Northerly 65.00 feel along the East line of said Section 3; Thence North 87°49'08" West 670 20 feet; Thence South 0 1 O:ZS~02" West 65.00 feet to the South line of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Easterly along said South line 670 20 feet to the Point of Beginning; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A, King County Boundary Line Adjustment application number S92L0103. recorded under Recording Number 9209101022) TOGETIIER WITH an easement for road and utJlittes over the Southerly pOl"nOn of Lot I as disclosed on the face of the short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT -12 W\wpdocsI3304l1tOt\\lsln: dec CHICAGO TIn llNSURI\NCE COMPANY has pldced lhe dolCument of record as 1I customer cow1esy and accepts 110 IIwlilly for the acctlr.ICY or vabdlty of the c!OChrr.:lr.t . ' EXIIIDIT C --._. --~ ~ -------------------------.------------.---'~---.--------------_ .. ---- The West 20.00 feet of (he following described parcel: Lot 3 of King COWlty Short Plat Nwnber 486017, recorded Wlder Recording Number 870303900J, and corrected by Affidavit recorded under Recording Nwnber 8706260950, together with the West 428.00 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, TownshIp 23 North. Range 5 East, WiHarnerte Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof, EXCEPT that portion lying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivisIOn and EXCEPT County roads, IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quietmg Title in King County Court Cause Number 86·2-22118-2 entered on March 23,1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjustment No S92L0103, recorded under Recording Nwnber 9209101022, and other property.) \ '. ~:'URANCE COrvt?AI'.'V t , 1 I',d document of "r,1 _. a customer courtesy " I • 'lct(lpIS no baMlty for • ,I (; ..... , Y or validity 01 t vcument EASEMENT AGREEMENT -13 W\w,pdQts\3:1041\1011kIsl7~! doc " WHEN RECORDlID RETURN TO Zeno, Drake and ~vely, P.S. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. HE Suite 100 Kirkland, WA 98033 111111111111111' 20020807000279 ClflCAGO TITLE AlP ;n II PAGE elt OF el9 88/17/2012 09.82 KING COUNTY. IIA @ChicagoTltIe Insurance Company 7015th A"enue -suite1700 -"SeaW DOCUME:NT TITLE(S) 1 Agreement .2. 3 4 n 98104 REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: o AdthbOJ;l31 numbas OJI page of documCl1t GRANTOR(S): lClifford and C2ndy McClelland 2 3 4. o AddltlonalllJlmcs "II page ___ 01 OOCUDJent GRANTEE(S): CHICAGO mLE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the do;umelll 01 record as a customer courtesy BIId accepl:; no lIalJllrty for . the acc~racy or validity 01 the document lKBS III Partners, LLC, a Washington Limited Liab212ty COmpany 2 3 4. o Addilional names W1 page ___ of document ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot-Unit· Bloc.k: Volume' Page Section: Township: Range: Portion. Lot 3 of King County SHort plat U 486017 recorded under P1a1 Name: Record1ng NUmber 8703039001 o Complete legal de$eIlPbon Dn page __ of doc:umem ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 032305-9270 o Alldtbonal t4X acco1ll\t tnl~ on psge _or document ~4ck" 4pplicablc trml.np be1_J I am JeQ provided In llCW 36.18.010. 11IIIIIeratand tIust the J6;all'd)llur~ ·~~irgJloentlrpul. SlIme part of1l\1e kXI of the onSmaJ dccom 1'IIb rover sht.'Ilt ls lor the County Recorder', JDdeliDg P1Il1IMft Dub'. The Bmrrderlfil1 rdy 011 the illformatloll provided OD tho form. The ataft WiD Dot ruad die docnmeDt to nril1 die ac:aaracy 01' tomplctcncu uribe nll!wBg IDformatioll provilled hcrthl. -~ .:::; . RETURN ADDRESS: ------.------------------~-----------------~-----.------------.------------------------ Leshe A. Drake Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd, NE, SUIte 100 Klfldand, WA 98033 WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDITORIRECORDER'S INDEXING FORM (Cover Sheet) Document Title. Grantor' Grantee' Abbrev Legal DescnptlOn: Assessor's Tax ParceIID#. Cross References: Agreement CHICAGO TIllE INSURANCE COMPAMY has placed the document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no liability lor tile accuracy or vahdlly of Ihe document Clifford and Cmdy McClelland KBS III Partners, LLC, a Washmgton Limited Liablhty Company Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded Wlder Recording Number 8703039001 032305-9270 SIte address' 14410 SE 107'" Place Renton, WA 98059 The AudltorlRecorder Wlll rely on the infonnation prOVIded on thIS fonn. The staff will not read the document to venfy the accuracy or completeness of the mdexmg mfonnatJon prOVIded herem. AGREEMENT ------------Parties.--CI[fford-ano-Cindy-McClelland,-their-h-elrs~-succes-sor-ano-asslgl1-S----------------------- ("McClelland") and KBS TIl Partners, LLC, a Washington limited liability Date company, and lor assigns ("KBS") CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document of July JJ, 2002 record as a customer courtesy and accepts no bIIblhlY for tile accuracy or validity of RecItals the document 1 McClelland is the owner of certain real property located at 14410 SE 107tb Place, Renton, WA 98059 (the "McClelJand Property") 2 Mildred Serra is the owner of certain real property located at 14514 SE 107th Place, Renton W A 98059 (the "Serra Property") 3 4 5 6 KBS is the purchaser under certalD purchase and sale agreements of certain real property adjacent to the McClelland Property (the "KBS Property") KBS intends to obtain approval for a formal subdivision or PRD for the KBS Property McClelland currently accesses the McClelland Property through and over the Serra Property and the KBS Property (the "EXisting Access") as shown on the attached Exhiblt A McClelland desires to have access to the McClelland Property through and over the Serra Property and the KBS Property as shown on Exhibit B (the "New Access") 7 KBS IS willing to provide such access according to the following terms and conditions Agreement 1 KBS shall provide McClelland with access to the McClelland Property through the KBS Property and the Serra Property as shown on Exhibit B 2 In addition, KBS shall mstall asphalt paving over that portion of the New Access that crosses the south 30 feet oftherea1 property owned by Mildred Serra and located at 14514 SE -10th PL, Renton WA 98059 as shown on the attached Exhibit B '11 ~ / ~ 1;!:3/o.l... ~ ~ 1/J.~~ 3 Upon KBS providIng the New Access to the McClelland Property, McClelJand agrees to relinquish any and all easements or other nghts to access the McCleJIand Property over the Existing Access, whether such riglit -arises -by-express grant-;iinplicatiori: prescnption orotlieiWlse------ McClel1and agrees to execute any and all documents reasonably reqUired in order to extinguish the Existing Access 4 KBS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revise the subdivision or PRD so long as such revision proVIdes McClelland with access to the McClelland Property over the KBS Property and the Serra Property McClelland agrees to execute any and all documents reasonably required in order to effect such revisions 5. In the event that either party employs an attorney to enforce any of the provisions of this agreement, the prevaI1ing party shall be entitled to . recover its costs, litigatIons expenses and attorneys' fees incurred In connection therewith from the non-prevatliIig party McClelland . {b,,~ -/7le{Jeu/tnJd Cindy cClelland KBsm,LLC, a Washmgton Jimlted Jiabihty company By CHICAGO TIll!: INSURANCE COMPANY • has placed the document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no labIlity for tll8 accuracy or vakdlty of tile document /. / I); , '-'. /I;~~~~~"r;;;~b=:ad! i 1:i ~~~~)8~~:~.~ If: ,;:~ji I $oUt" .... t tornr 9K, 1 '.,. u, ........ ~ f~~t inc:...o 2 •• KING COUNTY. WASHlNGTOIf " SHEET 2 OF 3 Noles 0""-____ _ BOUNDI r A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC KING COUNTY. I i~ I ~ .< I~ , ~thtm tor"'" SK 3 f ~ e:.It fWIrIR ... ~ 'CNnd~ tnc...:t . . Legend . • ... 1oIa~.....t '0-UNt ------------- MCCLELLAND PROPERTY EXIIJBJT A . ---------~---­-------------------- Lot 3 of KIn!; County Short Plat Number 486017. recorded under Recording Nwnber 8703039001. and corrected by AffidavIt recorded under Recordrng Number 8706260950. together with the West 428 00 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast qUflrtf'r of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Towllship 23 North, Range 5 East, WIUamette Meridian. 111 King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North.l65 feet thereof, EXCEPT that portIon lying withm the South half of the South balf of the South haIf of said subdivisIon and EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987. EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOVIN AS Lot 3 of King County Lot Lme Adjustment No S92L0103, recorded under Recon;lmg Number 9209101022, and olher property) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANV has placed the document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no habnlty fO( the accuracy or validity 01 ths d!lCUment Luck Parce~~ ---------------- I~XIIIBlT n Parcel A. -The Ffortb TO.fleet o-rt11cSout1l49Yfeetofthe Nortfieast quarter onne SoITtheasfquarter -------- of Section 3, Townslup 23 North. Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in Kmg County. Washington (No Road exceptIon has been noted In tlllS descnphon for Parcel A) Parcel B The North half of the North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, WiUamette Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion described as follows' Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdivision which bears South 01 °25'02" West 633 38 feet and North 89°37'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of saId Seellon 3, "- thence North 87°37'38" West along said North hne l25 feel, thence South 01 °25'02" West 122 17 feet, thence South 87°49'08tt East 125 feet, thence North 01°25'02" East 121.75 feet to the Point of Beginning; Except the East 30 feet thereof for COWlty Road (There is an overlap of approximately 17 feet between Parcels A and B.) Yelland Parcel: The North 165 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Townshlp 23 North, Range S East, Willamette Mendlan, m King COWlty. Washington; EXCEPT COWlty roads. Bennett Parcel: Lot 1, King County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recordmg Nwnber 8703039001, and amended by Affidavit ofCorrechon recorded under Recordmg Number 8706260950, in Kmg County, Wasrungton, bemg a portlon of the South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North,Range 5 East, WIllamette Mendml1. m Kmg County, Washmgton; EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 W\\\f:'doe~\lJ~I\1"ll\~IIt1i ' ' .... CHICAGO TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document of record as a customer courtesy and accopts no lIability for lIle accuracy orvalJdlty of tMdocument .. -TOG ETHER-WI TH-tlfefoHowingdescnocc:fplo-pertylil -accoraanCe-,Vl UfDew!e---.. ----- Quietmg Title m King County Supenor Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: . . The South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, WlIlamette Meridian, in Kmg County, Waslungton, EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; and EXCEPT that portlon of lying WIthm the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision; and EXCEPT County roads Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet of Lot 3, Kmg County Short Plat Nlunbef-486017, recorded under Recordmg Number 8703039001, and corrected under Recordmg Number 8706260950, being a portion of the following· The South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, m Kmg County, Washington, EXCEPT County roads, AND EXCEPT the following described parcel: BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3; Thence Northerly 65.00 feet along the East line of said Section 3, Thence North 87°49'08" West 670 20 feet; , Thence South 01°25'02" West 6500 feet to the South line of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of satd Section 3; Thence Easterly along said South line 670 20 feet to the Pomt of Beginning; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A. King County Boundary Line Adjustment applicatIOn nwnber S92LOI03, recorded under Recording Number n09101On) TOGETHER WITH an easement for road and utihties over the Southerly pomon of Lot J ' as disclosed on the face of the short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT -12 CHICAGO llTLE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document of record IS • customer courtesy al'Kl4ceepts no hablllly for thllllCClIRlCV or vaJrdlly of t~ fjOQJlfo!nt WHEN RECORDBD RE1'U'RN TO' Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Wash1ngton Blvd. ME Suite 100 . __ . _ _ ____ l~i.!:k!and. Wi\. ~8()33 @ChicagoTJde Insurance Company 701 Sth Avenue -Suite1100 --Seattl DOCUMENT TITLE(S) l.Agreement ,2. 3 4. n 98104 CTI-5L/'/315 -( @ REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR 'RELEASED: o AdtbbDDll1I1umb= on page of dDcument GRANTOR(S): 1 2 Ml.ldred Serra 3 4. D Additional names on page ___ of document CHlMGD llTlE INSURANCE COMPANY full plaClld II1D document of tllelltd as a cvslDm8f courtesy flhU 40Ilepla no DabDIty lor 1M IlIlOur&cy or validity of lhb ilotumunt. GRANTEE(S): 1 KBS I 2 II Partners, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company 3 4 o Atlilibonal names on page ___ of document ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot-Urut· Block. Volume: Section. Township' Range' Page Portion: Portion of Lot 2 Kl.ng County Short Plat D 486017 recorded under King Plat Namt:County Recordl.og Number 8703039001 o Complete le~111 de$onplion on pag6 __ of document ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 03230526902 o AuwbOJllll we account number. on page _of document ,e" "appl(cDbf, and .Jlg/I ber",,) 1 QQl Jtqllcstmg proVlded In acw 36.18.010. hrllierntand tlwt 1hcm: some part oftll~ lo:Xt or !he angmal dowment. ~ Tht, cover shevl.as lor !he COllllty Rewrder'. mdexillg P1UlJ$)Q uJll.y. The RuonJer 'I'rUI rely I)D thlllJafonnatioIJ provided OIL tho ronD. The atatt WIll bOt te2d tbe document til "..nrt Ihe "mmlC)' D1' COlnplClL'll1!llll of tile mdesillg JDformaboll prvVJoJed hemu. .. ', . . . RETURN ADDRESS' ---------~--------------~--- Leshe A. Drake Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Washmgton Blvd, NE, SUlte 100 Kukland, W A 98033 WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDITORIRECORDER'S INDEXING FORM (Cover Sheet) Document Title. Grantor. Grantee: Abbrev Legal Descnpb.on· Assessor's TaX ParcelID#: Cross References. Agreement MIldred A Serra CHICAGO TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY has placed the document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no liability for 1118 accurat:y or validity of the docwnent KBS III Partners, LLC, a Washmgton L1Jruted Llabtltty Company That portion of Lot 2, Kmg County Short Plat Number 486017, Recorded under Kmg County Ftle Number 8703039001 032305926902 SIte address. 14514 SE 107th Place Renton, WA 98059 The AudltorlRecorder WIll rely on the infonnatlon proVIded on this fonn. The staff will not read the document to venfy the accuracy or completeness of the mdexmg mfonnatIon proVIded herem. '. AGREEMENT -------Parties--~~-MiiaredA Serra,-her-Jieirs, -succesSOrs anefassigns ("Serra") and KBS ill ---... .-. ~ . -._- Partners, LLC, a WashIngton limited hability company, and lor assigns ("KBS") Date July U2OO2 Recitals 1 Serra is the owner of certam real property located at 14514 SE 107th Place, Renton WA 98059 (the "Serra Property") 2 KBS is the purchaser under certain purchase and sale agreements of certain real property adjacent to the Serra Property (the "KBS Property") 3 KBS Intends to obtaIn approval for a formal subdivision or PRO for the KBS Property 4 5 6 Agreement 1 2 3 4 Serra currently accesses the Serra Property through and over the KBS Property (the ''ExistIng Access") as shown on the attached Exhibit A Serra desires to have access to the Serra Property through and over the KBS Property as shown on Exhibit B (the ''New Access") KBS is willing to provide such access according to the following terms and conditIons KBS shall provide Serra with access to the McClelland Property through the KBS Property as shown on Exhibit B In addition, KBS shall install asphalt paVIng over the south 30 feet of the Serra Property as shown on the attached Exhibit B Upon KBS providing the New Access to the Serra Property) Serra agrees to relinquish any and all easements or other rights to access the Serra Property over the Existing Access, whether such nght arises by express grant, implication, prescriptIon or otherwise Serra agrees to execute any and all documents reasonably reqUired in order to extinguish the EXlsting Access KBS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revise the subdivision or PRD so long as such revision provides Serra with access to the Serra ~6'r (...\ ,~ ll\t1 1] . r' ~,rr . Property over the KBS Property Serra agrees to execute any and all documents reasonably required 10 order to effect such revIsions ----5 ----Intlle evenHJiat eittier party employs an attomeytoenforceany"oftlie" proVIsions of thIS agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, litigations expenses and attorneys' fees incurred III connection therewith from the non-prevailing party Serra ~~ I red A Serra KBSID,LLC, a Washington limited habihty company CHICAGO TiTlE INSURANCE COMPANY has plaCed the document 01 record as a customer courtesy and accepts no liability tor lIle accuracy or validity of the document A PORTION Of THE NE 1/4 OF 'THE SE 1/4 SEC KING COUNTY, Duoao, 080 I Sotlttl,aat tarM'" SK l 1 TIO 2'-mRS .~ rOHnl D'mR.,.,t u .. ·.. ), ~ I I Legend •• JI6W.JM.nt fowwl , .. ~ \ . , .~ .' '" , I (~:: .. , 1, ..... !.. / /;) : A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE BE 1/4 SEC KlNG COUNTY. ifii I~ .< Ii . Soul:hQ.t cDrI'M" SK 1. 1 ,.. ........ '" .. ~ FwrwtI 0)nJHft( s..e • .., •• Legend; • -~fHM -. EXIIIUlT A ---.-------------.----~------------- MCCLELLAND PROPERTY Lot 3 ofKlPg County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and corrected by AffidaYlt recorded under Recordmg Number 8706260950, together with the West 42800 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quartC'r of the Southeast quarter of SectlOn 3, Townsrup 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian. in King COWlty, Washington, EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof; EXCEPT that portion lying witlun the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivisIOn and EXCEPT County roads, IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting Title in King County Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on March 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 feet of said Lot 3. (BETNG KNO\VN AS Lot 3 ofKmg County Lot Lme Adjustment No S92LOto3, recorded under Recordmg Number 9209101022, and other property) (" oI(',\uO 1111 e INSURANCE COMPANY hils I),~ced the document of rLl-ord ~s a customer courtesy and ,ICcepts no JlabdJly 'or I'le <lCCliracy or valldJly of tl>~ document Luck Parcek ' Parcel A. :--,~~0·~·\·~ ".::-... ; EXlInHT n The North 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County. Washington. (No Road exception has been noted 10 this description for Parcel A) Parcel B The North half of the North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Wlllamette Mendlan, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion described as follows. Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdlvision wluch bears South 01 °25'02" West 633.38 feet and North 89°37'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of satd Sectlon 3, thence North Sr37'38" West along said North hne 125 feet, thence South 01 °25'02" West 122 17 feel, thence South 87°49'08" East 125 feet; thence North 01°25'02" East 121.75 feet to the Point ofBegmning; Except the East 30 feet thereof for County Road. : g (There is an overlap of approximately 11 feet between Parcels A and 8.) Cl'ol Yelland Parcel: The NOM 165 feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, To .. vnslup 23 North, Range 5 East, Wlllamette MendJan, in King County, WashIngton; EXCEPT County roads Bennett Parcel: Lot I, Kmg County Short Plat Number 486017, recorded Wlder Recordmg Number ·8703039001, and amended by Affidavlt ofCorrectlon recorded wtder Recording Number 8706260950, Ul Kmg County, Wasluilgton, being a portlon oftbe South half of the South haIf of Ule South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Secuon 3, Townshtp 23 North, Range 5 East, Wlilamette Mendian, 10 Kmg County, Waslungton; EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 W\Y.PdOCsH304l\l'l1''''-n ' t, ... · . ._ .. ~------------- .-'---~------------------~ -----.. ----.-------.~----------- TOGETHER WlTH the following described property In accordance WIth Decree Quieting Title in King County Superior Court Cause Number 86·2·22118~2 entered on March 23, 1987. . The South 330 feet oftbe Northeast quarter of the Southeast quaner of SectIon 3, Townslup 23 North. Range 5 East, Wlllamette Meridian, in Kmg County, Wasrungton, EXCEPT the West 840 50 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof. and EXCEPT that portion of lying Wltlun the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision, and EXCEPT County roads Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet of Lot 3, Kmg County Short Plat NWllber-486017, recorded under Recording Number 8703039001, and corrected under Recordmg Number 8706260950, bemg a portion of the following' The South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Wlllamette Meridian, in Kmg County, Washington, EXCEPT County roads; AND EXCEPT the following described parcel: BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 3, Thence Northerly 65.00 feet along the East line ofsrud Section 3, Thence North 87°49'08" West 670 20 feet; Thence Sourh 01°25'02" West 65.00 feet to the South line of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Secllon 3; Thence Easterly along said South Ime670.20 feet to the Point of Begmning, (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A, Kmg County Boundary Line Adjustment application number S92LOI03, recorded under Recording Number 9209101022 ) TOGETI-IER WITH an easement for road and utilities over the Southerly portion of Lot) as disclosed on the face of the short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT -12 CHICAGo TI1lf INSuRANCE COMPANY has placed the documenr 01 record as a customer courtesy and accePts no ',abJIlly for the accuracy or valJdrly of the !fOcument i',. :',../ ,.- ~ (//l '-. .J.: i~~' <./' /' .:. . .' ~" ~" .,. Clil~POF • wW!lf.b.lio.~onl 00 '7 \.'f'"tJ\(Jl:?.u';:!: IS"J ~A i @ !--•.••. ·>jj{f-... , n) Vj!,"Jr: ~ BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4. SEC. KING COUNTY, 03, NO. LOOLOOSp T. '2:3 N., R 5 K, W.M. I I . <~~<:.«::»? WASHINGTON ':';' ., . ..,; ~.~,;' Ciast quarter' r.Oi':"ler S::c .3.-_~ ( IMTCiNS FOR E!(iSTING t..QTS ~ .lND )( iHtS LINE 1M 1'\110 DIFFas:IENT NAYS AHO oe5CR!'PTION OVt:I4t.AP. TOJE: LOT "".:'INE OF ~ !/:? ~f' NF: i/4 m: ;~e~/~~~;,' j~nYn .. 5;t.oj'!~·~· :~! IRJ,TJO" SW)WH E"xrtNGL.:I£I€S TloItS ;,">:J:-"~J'~:;':it '" _, I I ,... ~.CT "";:~ JE 1/" In monument O.S' W or 4" )(.1"' III: fence-pet;,!. iii I.Op Of :!Ht:M. ~.l '~. ·'ioioO\.~elii;t ;.) i.;'; ! j OlD L:~NE ~.l'e.f.~ G' WOOD '-""7:. I.' i (' .L . __ ~s'n-r-........ .. / "';" I -L i-43.8. , "", , -6,'" "" .--l N ..... 1"--___ -L R--OT X -~in. 'if.LINE OF IE 1/4 OF Sf' J/4 G' \fOW Fe.,oo:;: \ '\ I 732.66' ! ,,'T" I..VI I /",T l.V I LOT Y " I [: cAs£')tetn 6t7o,.eSO ~l ~::.-'--' . SF.E "JI)T! '2, 4' I;YCL2!1 .!'"ENt.E [ r~ I r-"---W-, ~. !"'I ~AT. .. I . ;L OUlLOINGi SI:;10ACK [I .. {("Q ,~ :::; 1 .; '4,r:/==tLt • ... ·1" SAna"" HI"" AiN"" S87"'9'lS'E 129Z 55' LINE'RO" .. I:' !!i ~ ___ {§4.Jit_ ""--1 2!U.J8·r"ri;;;JI i _ --:. __ c:ORl'V!... ... T. --'--.J is ~_ !L' \ /. -~15"l45r.oO' ~M ~7 ". ~, :Nl!I7'4s·oe·", 4:i~ !lB' $) g:.-: I.... \ .... 0 , I AT ., ~~ /-,;::---r----------~o·_~ _____ L__ \".V I ' ) /' /' I., ........ ,', .3' •• ::: SF. lO7th Pl. ---.. ----,--__ -_./ // ""65.00' -----.. -T--=,.,--------L. __ _ '0' ., o ,.; ~ ,.., '" r" "' i"-' '" !~ ,m ! ~ ~ 0 r , K 1\ II ~ ; /\ II u 100 200 -j :.~-:::-::-~-;:-:-=-~. ===~~~~~~~~=-:-if-;;!· ~~ t..J3~~·2S"nl'M·3.'37· SPl ,---.----,-'---' --r--5Z <4H" IV 30' ACCE53 I::ASEMCNT·..!::a ~ J tJ -6-;:\t "38'59· ~.~~ Of PER i3t.A NO, S'iill..01c3. tJ' flllGm:.lm,· I ~.OO· .::~~i.~=~ ~S~~'·~~~I)[l93, ; TOAM HA T!R ~ <4-66rC1\'Y I lIIW;oc::tl~ eASEJoF.NT ,.... o,,~,,~oo', REt:, tlO. BS0S23099f':!, ..c:: +' CO """ ,..... Sdale: 1" \ = 100' Notes: U Thh Dor~lon of bccnaar"; est!bllsi'1ed by Kiny COlJr.ty fitl~eri:lr Co:.;rt CalJse f06-2-22!10-2 entered on Ma:",ch c3. 1987. 2! There i9 e g8D betwe!n 'tne r:f)rtn 1 irle Of the south 165 feet and ~ne north line of Kin!) County Short Plat 1'Jo. 486017, which 'Nes platted tc !.he Gut-d"ivie.:!Clf'l line. The north 1 ir1e of Lhe scuth 165 feat wca hf!'ld for thia ~~~g~~r~IJ~~~i o~d!~~;~e2~u~:8:g6~~_~~~y8-a. entered on Mareh 23. 3987. 3} A di tferent Doction t:"fl8y'do~n was uGed for this BLA than the sectiQn !::reakdown u5Qd for the o~1gin81 Short Plat. '!'h1s. and the U5& of proration. 8xolai:ie the differences 10 Bome courses be~ifeen tne orj,9ine:l s.~o,.!. Plat and thIs B~A. 5ot;tl1eaat co.rner· Sec .. 3. 1· Twp. 23~ .. Rng ('iE .•• 'M~ i='ound l!Ionumen t. inCSS9-::1 3 ~ 10 1 I 'f1m Easement Notes: Legend: I 1: An eaSilment tor'" Pl!get Sound Eilergy ex.ists on Parcel Z Thiu ellserr.8f'1t is a. blanket 9Bsement across t"e site r'lnO 18 not DlotteOle. Fj,leo: undor Rae;, N(.I. U50tJ'5!J25. 51 • • loIonu::\ent found. Visited" Octot:tH' 15. 1999 I .4 Rebar wi th r8~ plastic: cap st.amped ·~S Z2339' t.o bo ,ol, I Basis of Bearing: Wasl"!inQtcr: State Lambert G!"'id-North 'eme as datl!lrmineCi by :iPS ot>ser'v~t1on. • C tr 33.39 9Ib·Avenu. SO"II> "'''' Dd.-----I . R5E WM n • en e Fcdcnl 1I"Y. 1iA 98!lO1 NE-SE 03, ,1'23::-1, , · - -omte K8S partner' I ~ I . 12505 eel Red Road <212 ~ I t Surveymg Bellevue. ,WA 98005 ~ ~...-rnrs WOO",/"'''''''' .. N ~.r.cn __ I KING COUNTYI WASillNGTON g , p' ~2;:') aBI·[OO~ """'''', U jbo." ,july Co. 20001"'''' 1459 f-_.... . '--[X ...... Firif [a= ,'. loo·/Q.I""" .. • .. I.'!;9 --L SHEET 12 OF 3 . ;"'J ./ ./ ;' ,.' c{:~tz;;u, ~) 0 .:Z c.., 70 0000 '7 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LOOL008i9 ......... -" ~2j:~f", ~ i', 1 L,' i /" f'V ~ /<{~ 1~;~ :"o((t;~?;~i <,""//>' ~\ . . / ! r-, , A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.:\!. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CllbPDF'. \IWf'N.fn"lio.com \ " ........ /' II ~ o 500 1000 iii Scale: 1" = 500' Surveyor's Notes: t) 2) 31 The mooumgnt control ,!'iDwn fo" this site was accDmplished ;l t~ i~~~e~~:18~~:cE~~~~~1~YB~a~~': ~~~s~~i~nd m~~:~dD! 1 t8 (GeoIHlletEC" 60fJ) end Heal iime K1nematic (2TK) / Static Globel PosItioning S~'8hlm (SF'S). Linear Rnd angular closure of the trl!l"ere8F1 MeRt the ata:"!dsrds of ",I.e 332-130-090. . ~i~l ~~~:e O;~t~li t~~~ e~~~~l:t)~~n h:er n~X!~~ig~B t~!~C!~~~:. of ttlalr 1nstallaticn ar, shown hs"!cn. r"!$ surveY reprseert& pnysical lmproveClent cor.diti"l"!s as they eklstau October ea. 1996. the data Of this fjald surveY. 4) ~ull reliance for logel de'Script1on3 Cllld c'scerded aasaments have been p}a:;sd 01'\ V'C tH I e report from Chicaga ntle lnsurenca ComcQl1V Commitment or-dar No. 4tB-44A9. cated June 2G. 1997. Ne !ld~lt1onal ~e8ear;:h has been ettemoted. 5) Offset d111S"s!on& sho",n herAon are ma!Ssur-ea c:erpentUGular ta ru"oPlJrty Hnes. Legend: • • MonlJln2ot founCl. Visite~ Octc~8r 15.1998 • -'4 Rebar Mlth reO plast!c caD stamoed -LS 22330" to be set. WPoet QU8!"'tE:1'" co,..""!!' S..:c. 3. Twp. i3N .. Rng. 5E" W.!04, Found brsss dl.sC in conr.rp,tp. tc':~ed~ :.Ud' 2657.25' ¥l .., ,. 0> S97 'e5' OZ"E ... ~ ":" 1..NO"th Q""'t.r coroO' 7w,. 23:-1._ Rng. SE .. I Celcu'latod f'rClJl Kin; > tl:"'~elt.t:own. " ! ! ' I~ I~ 5302,~7' !322.M' Sac . .::I, W.H. ~<). &t'F. t::';'3t q:.Jtv·'ter :o""'!3!r fiec. 3, TW;l. ~3N .. Rr.g. 51:: •• W.M, Fovnrj ·X" in 10~ ~tonR rr.on'JIlIf!nt, 0.6 W Of 4" x 4" fom:n t',m.t. @ top Of ditt;h~ ~ -,-- !. 132?'.81· ~ '0 , '''7 e .., I'" I I, ! i ~ I~ I- I , I .: I[ o I' ~I'I ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ru I. M _ -4~ I ,( I I In S87 '49'15"£ ':64'1.07' : , :1' " I I' I. :... . Kl I~ ~ I ,~ ~ ~ I, I~, I ~ iii ,~ Izi South quarter corner . ~ ! I Sec.::, IwP. ?,1N.. I ru I Rug. 5E., "" M. FQund '" 3" brees tilBe: in (,concrete ~--------.) saa·jZ'~9~E 26';4.6"'" Scuthea~t corner Soc. • J~enda;~~~m:gt ~~caS:d~' "'QUJW];/P.\C-:S; 15£ 01,,015 "~r: f.11 ~}j?i M,4~i ;'~ } /f @ .... "" ....... /" /". '.\ ,;l. BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. KING CO UNTY, 03, NO. T. 23 N., 7 I LOOL008~ , R 5 E., W.M. I WASHINGTON ./ .I / i~--t .. ..., . .-oM' -. , < _'I ". DECLAn;H.},,~ON, '.~ ..... ' / /'J / .... -. ...,. KNOW ALL MEN EY THESE PP,='SEN1S THAT "'E THE llNOC~SIGNr::O , ..... '; /", ~ ~ER (5) Of me '-AND HcRE:IN. DESC;1I8!':D 00 t'EREBY MA~E A "'" -i ; ".' ,BOUNQA'lY LINE ADJUSTMENT TH61EOF PU~SUANT TO P.CW , "' .. i5S."P::Q4J '.NO OECLAF'<E ThIS AOJUS'HESl 1'0 e~ [HE GRAPHIC "" .. ' " ~E",RESEtU-AJlON 01' 7HE SA~E, ANI) rHAT SAID AOJ\J5THENT IS APPROVALS: Depar-trnent; cf Oe"'elc~l'i('nt ana Envlronmcnti'Jl Sorvices Approved thl • ..Y4I..-dey Of ~ __ ...}.D .. 2001-.-"'- i OLD LEGAL DESCRIPTWNS: I Lei lit :n;x PUiCC'_ OJ<:'I'JS.9(l35) , ;~lJ! ~'rH )~. ':J;::l:l or '\'HE SOUTH ~9!i FEET lC, l~ NO~fBElST Qut.R!ER OF Tte: ROUTHEAST OUJ.ATER OF 5ECTION, 3. TO~~Gl-IJP !. ~~~R~~~F,~i,;l~~E~~~~T t~N~I~~E~~CS~~A~g~ =~T~A~t Ser<9,~~/~A~~I'~~EALS. ~,.; ,:~/ ((~;f·~>~·-) .. J'-j·~? ~d~/;i t.4UOl""ftO Serra } .. / -{:: .' '(,.~ VI~~""U"""k ......... '--'" ~~~n4'~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: St:!ta of WaShington. _ ( (,:otmtv orTh.tLr~SS on this a,;"t'" day of ""~8 ... !i':Er) I,. ......... u ,..,.hl",. <J~rnCln;f~;' a~~!g~:dm~ !oirekriOWii·-t"o'"b".-t;:;h"'oC-per~on h'; whu If'Cecuted t~beeQOing CfeCS1cat!.!Jn and ac\,nowledged to 11':8 that. sigl"!ed the 'I'me 2'5 ..J:t~ 1ree and voluntary act and C:ef'ld for ,;he '.:ae's and purDO$e!l therein ltIent1c·,',ed. Witness my ha!1d ftnd OftiClltl sa!l the aay "no VI!III" ht'st Bhov!! wrli:ten. :ANDREA'c.·M~GHEEi ~ NOTARY PUBUC t i STA"'!: OF .~IOCGTC" Jf ~ "~~0I:t.~2003 1.-... • .. ·,· ........ ·- ~ S~.H' dj W.s~1119tC\H~ .. I~l"9 0: ymp.Q -:r.e and cHic!,l Bse) thll dAY end ye&~ !'t\o.~',,,, , .. c..e F I VI,", N COl, . ~:..~-~--' -.\ NOt8"Y~C 1n ar.d .. ..,o;-;r.~~o::-­ Steti.",-f Wash:lnplon. rasid g at ~IO $.-f ~o (~~{~ en "~!'I ,jOlt i:I UG!t gor ... iCaft Oi'llslnn. ODES I(lNG COUNTY DE~ART~ENT OF ASS"SSM(}JTS: :I., I., Examined and approved this ~2ggt-0f ~.~_~ Account Number _~iS.o:"'-_'iD~~1I4 4= 'iz.'.i 1/ ~ I, " ..s,o~-Nob~_ Jf(J1iu/,l'1_,)}l~_ Kln~ ounty .4.S583DO'" OI:'P'Jty i<H!9 County AS3e5~O'" APPRDVAI. NOTE: This rSQuest Qualifi€5 for c);cmpt.ion under· Klng cm.lI1ty Code 19A .2B. It Clues not gaurantee that. tf'le lots wlll ba Duiteble for d3veJopment ~ow or '" tne future. The legal tr-i!lnS"er-(jf tne pr"l]certy must ~r:! dong t\y s!peratc lnstr-UlIlcnt, U::19503 011 l:.tle lOlG herein ;;it'e u.'dar the some owner:5hj.p. NOTES: Il 21 ~vEi~g~ ~~mg~n~a~~~~~~ ~6u~~'J~~e~~Yrw~~~ ~~~~~t~cwe; tra~UUU681orr/Cl i~tr iou~l"r" 8yotemo:; I'InCl 13Pour ter.'i1tC'& ~9 constructed Or" l: be conslr-uc.ted. D~ 'iled uncl.;'r ~~~:)~~~~Yd~U~~~Gg~6I~;~~~;;'j o~a:g ~~~~~Y~:li y ct~:~ ict eBeemer.t or. t~,\s ~u"'vay. SUbject to [lrai!'1f':.eld oasament. tt'!e locabon of loIi)1cll Cilililut till ?ra~hi::!ll)' represented on this 8lJrvey. De!" ~~~·~~~1~gl.N~~ ~~b¥~~~g~~. No. S92L0103 filed under 3) Subject to covBnants. ·condit1on~. restrictions::. e':: e:l. ~~d~~j ~:gO~~l~~n~a ~CJ~75~o~~oi. P] ~t No. ~a6017, filed 4) SUbjeCt to tc!":ns ant! ccnd1tlons of K;ng Ccunty BCl.lnCary ~~g~J~~6~~~~ent No. 5S2L0103. 'l1Be: under rp.c?,..n1~g t'!O. 5) Subject to reGerv't1cns /Jr,a exception:) tOl"!tained ~n deed from No!"'tl1ern PbcHic ROill'IJ!HJ tomJ;any. f lled u'lcter "aco"d1ng no. 4U867. (3) Subiect to road maintenance i!gip.9mEnt: anr:l .. eroms eOf'\t~im:::1 :in 1(1ng County ShClr~ Plat No. 4(36017. f1l3rj 'Jr:der re-cordlno no. 8703039001. 7) Subject to a Dossible fence e!'lcr08c-t:ment as OiSCJDsoa f)"1 survey rtleo under f'sCor(1i!'lA n:l. 6701279027.' 7.3 NmTH. R.~c. 5 E"5T • ..,n.L4HETTE HEAtetA":' IN KtNG CO~rf. ·';MJHINGTON. . I,..IJT 1(: Ii',\)": PII.'lC!1. 03230~.~04~) IoIAI.F OF THE liOUTH HA.Lf' (I'" n-;e ,WfIoIEAST QUARTEIl OF (iECTION J. f~T, W[LLANETTI!I MERIDIAN. IN oe~Cr1tBt:.o AS ::Q't.l.O'olS: I !iEGWNtJrtlr; AT A PO!~!T C'l" '!'WE N()I:lTH U'NE or-SAtD SUBOtVrStON ,.jWtCH S?:1AS S!)IJTI-I Ct 7!J'02~ ~ST 533.38 t:EfT J.NO NOR1'H aC)'37'3e~ WEST JO PEET rnCM THE EAST QUAI1fE.'c OF S!!O SECTION 1 I Tr£)ICE NCRT~I <J7 '3" J8~ we!:T ",--0*:; SAID ~iH L.INE 120 ~T; !\.4E'IlCE SO'.J:.f ~1 t!!!·CZ" ...." ...... ~ .... .,. I:"",·r. P1f.'''r.ri SCUlT .... 07 ·,sg·oe-T'1'fE~c:E NORfl-i 1):1 '2::1' oS''' E'J(C:,!~ T)04F! €.A!!iT 3(1 FEE T LOT '!': ~rA."= ;'ARI."':El.. t;l2?OS.r;C3~) I THE ~IORTi-I Hi!: fuT CF !'HE SOUTH 330 FEEl OFi THE ~OFrrHE.ST ~h:Z:ER 01" Tt'f: $OUT~"ST (llIARTF.1=: 11F SECn;:ON 3. TCWNSH:P 23 M1J:;iH. RHJ£e ~ =.l}i~. wtLL,l.Io(eTTE J.lERIOtAN. IN KI~ t;OU~TY. ~~~~G~~T'" ROAO-~. \ LOi Z: (TIoX f)1I~!. 032305.9269) , LO-;-2: ANO nlE (.ST 164 FEET OF LOT J. KING r:l'HttTY SI-IOAT PL.AT WIJH9E~ ~el';:)!" AS !1£:COs:nEO lINO~ RECORDtNC NUIoI8£R 870.3039001 .1.110 CeRRe-crEe I¥;;CMOr::C UNOeR RECOFiOI"IG ~~ 87062fi0Sl50. BY "~·IiJ.lV[T; , . r'JGSnit!~ W:rlo( THE FOO!..L-OHING OESCRrBEO PROPERTY 't:~ ACC{lRO.4."lt,F. HrTi-/ DECREE r.tJrETING nn.e IN I(Tl./h (:OIINTY SU?€RYOA CC-I..RT C ... U·:;: NUMaEI:I 8fH!H!2U9,2 c:NTEnED ON j.4ARCH 23. 1907: I TI u: EST A,s'J.!JO FEET ~ TH!! SQ!.;r;" 330 FES7 OF iliE NQRTl€AST (.lC,lqT!P IY iHE SQIJ!~"ST Q\JAATt;~ 0-' l:i~CrIQliIJ. 'OWHfiHtP 23 t..'(ji.lTH. IUNSE 5 £."9-:-, W[l ....... I~eTlE "ERIOI .... "'. \111 IC[NG r.nu,.,--ry, wA!1'J..II"r;TON; I I lH H,o\lF' (IF TWE ~~I~~fl.fERLV ANO ~AR.ll.LR. TO SHOi=IT Pl.".T t.lUMllER cOt.liilTY Pi).\[l'5, i IAL3C K~:OWI-i ,\::> :'OT A. Ktl.:G COUNTV 3~AAY Jtt.l£ AOJU:mE'fl/T ~~~~8~~~~) ~JN.aCR S~a.Ot03. 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Julv 03.2000 .,..,. 1459 , ----~ . .b """i'"'"'" ~oM~~J ~ I"""" DNA ,."' ...... 1459--SHEET !,1 OF 3-J ' CllbPDF .. w...w.fa,U~.com \:.:; ;~ :) " , " AFFIDAVIT 'OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 ~:.,.' .,"~; . .~. :.' '" DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING OCT 112004 RECEIVED ____ ~_N~Aj::....;:e::...._=..A_D~1....;..u ,_e_~ ____________ , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the ~ day of se.".,.-, 20~, I installed 1-public informa!i2[l ...... ,sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property , l6fl' AVIS' 5E -+ /o6-1f.. for the following project: located at ~E ti~(,:II: Project name ViltfOilJiA LwGlC... Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information locations in conformance with the requ' Code. SUBSCRIBE.9:-Atte'~RN to before me this 3>~ay of ~ ,20 04 . ;S>~"':"'~~~\" ()6 ~ ~ .... c;\ON~···.~'J-• , ~S~ " ~ • ,.. :.t-..<) • I. ,,&) .~' %', : /~ OIARY ~\ ~" ---,~.......L.":"";""~-----'=--~F-__ --~ : 8 ~ -'-(J):~. N6i"ARYPUBLIC in and furthest; of Washington, ~. ~. PUSUG : ~ residing at £@I:;[lAi... WA:1 . ','. /~" ", \SI~"'" 4-9-~~~'~~<S-/ My commission expires on '1-1-06 "'~~OFW~S~~/ ", .. " ............. -- R:\Pw\DEVSER V\Fonns\Planning\pubsign.doc 09/24/03 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES October 7, 2004 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Jason Jordan, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Development Services Division Renton City Hall, 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 RE: 9-Lot Short Plat Submittal Stoneridge II 140th Avenue S.E., Renton, Washington City of Renton File No. Preapp. No. 04-069 Our Job No. 11444 Dear Jason: OCT 112004 RECEIVED On behalf of the KBS ill, LLC, I am submitting the proposed 9-lot short plat of Stoneridge II. The following enclosures are for your use in reviewing this proposal. 1. Five (5) copies of the pre-application summary memoranda 2. Three (3) copies of the current plat certificate 3. Five (5) copies of the recorded documents as referenced plat certificate 4. One (1) original and eleven (11) copies of the completed City of Renton Development Services Master Application form 5. One (1) original and twelve (12) copies of the City of Renton Environmental Checklist 6. Twelve (12) copies of the project narrative 7. Five (5) copies of the written narrative for the construction mitigation description 8. One (1) original and one (1) copy of Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign and Flyer Box 9. Two (2) sets of self-adhesive mailing labels of all property owners within 300 feet of the subject site 10. Twelve (12) copies of the completed density worksheet 11. One (1) check made payable to the City of Renton for the proposed application fees 12. Twelve (12) copies of the neighborhood detail map 13. Seventeen (17) copies of the fully-dimensioned plat plan, including tree inventory 14. Five (5) copies of the project topography map prepared by Centerpointe Surveyors 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com Jason Jordan, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton Development Services Division -2-October 7, 2004 15. Twelve (12) copies of the critical areas assessment and delineation map and five (5) copies of the report prepared by Chad Armour, LLC, dated January 9, 2004 16. Twelve (12) copies of the habitat data report dated September 10, 2004, prepared by Chad Armour,LLC 17. Twenty-seven (27) copies of the grading/drainage and the road and utilities plans prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18. Four (4) copies of the drainage report prepared in accordance with the City of Renton Municipal Code and the King County, Washington Surface Water Design Manual 19. Five (5) copies of the g~otechnical report 20. One (1) 8'12-by II-inch PMT of all full sized plans 21. One (1) colored map of the neighborhood detail map and preliminary plat plan Please begin processing the enclosed documents. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. GWP/tep 11444c.OO1.doc enc: As Noted cc: Curtis Schuster, KBS III, LLC Bob Ruddell, KBS III, LLC Kolin Taylor, KBS III, LLC ;;J~~ G. Wayne Potter Project Manager Printed: 10-11-2004 Payment Made: I , .lTY OF RENTON I \ 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-124 10/11/200411:32 AM I } Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,500.00 Payee: KBS III LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #5731 1,500.00 Account Balances Amount 1,000.00 500.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022000.345.81.00.0019 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0405473 I jl I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I 6 tiA(J ~ 'M~~ ~ 1lJ' "t. . -II <6 I. _ U ~II'(. '~4~' 0/ <>-, f,"~ lYe e:NG\~ DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 1 1. 200~ . RECEIVED Technical Information Report Preliminary Plat of Stoneridge II 148th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 107th Place King County, Washington Prepared for: KBS Development Corporation 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 September 28, 2004 Our Job No. 11444 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com I 10 ".,/ I I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I C) I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW Figure 1 -Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet Figure 2 -Vicinity Map Figure 3 -Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics Figure 4 -Soils 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. Existing Site Hydrology B. Developed Site Hydrology C. Performance Standards D. Flow Control System E. Water Quality System 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 7.0 OTHER PERMITS 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 11444.001.doc [JPJldrnltep] I Irn I---·-··-~-----·---·---··---:--... -.-------------.-.-------.-.-.-.... -.-----._ .. ----.... -------.. -_ .. ----.--.----.-.----._----.... ----... ------.--.-.-------.-------... --. .. -. -... -----.. _ ..... I I I I I I I(() I I I I· I I I I(U II 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW I I I 0 I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I (J I 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW The project site is approximately 3.63 acres in size and was recently annexed into the City of Renton. The site abuts 148th Avenue S.E. (180 lineal feet) and is adjacent to the plat of Stoneridge. It is located within a portion of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More particularly, the site is located north of SR-900, west of 148th Avenue S.E. Please see the attached Figure 2 -Vicinity Map for an exact location of the project site. The property has a Type 3 Wetland along the west property line and a Type 3 Seasonal Stream along the east and northeast portions of the property. The site slopes in a northwesterly direction, with an average slope of approximately 10 to 12 percent. The site was logged several years ago and is now overgrown with small alder saplings. There is an abandoned house on the project site, which is proposed to be demolished. The project site is zoned R-5 (ResidentiallFive Dwelling Units Per Acre), which requires a minimum lot area of 7,250 square feet, with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. There are 9 lots proposed for this development that meet or exceed the zoning requirements. Lots 8 and 9 will gain primary access from 148th Avenue S.E. via a proposed 20-foot-wide joint-use driveway easement. The existing house and garage on Tax Lot No. 032305-9180 currently has a gravel driveway on proposed lots 8 and 9. To resolve this, we are proposing a joint-use driveway easement for both parcels. We are proposing a 12-foot right-of-way dedication along 148th Avenue S.E. for future road improvements. The project site provides the appropriate buffers from the Type 3 Wetland and seasonal stream, with the appropriate 25-foot building setback (BSBL). Utilities for the site will come through the proposed plat of Stoneridge from Mt. Baker Ave. N.E. This will provide water? sewer, partial storm, and dry utilities. The proposal for this development is to collect runoff from lots 1 thru 7 and Mt. Baker Ave. N.E. by a typical catch basin collection and pipe conveyance system that will drain into a wet/detention pond located in the northeast corner of the property. Runoff from lots 8 and 9 and the frontage improvements to 148th Avenue S.E. will be collected in a similar fashion as describe previously, but drain into a wet vault located in the northeast comer of the property. Both systems will perform water quality as well as flow control, meeting the requirements of King County as well as the City of Renton, which has adopted the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The requirements for this project site are to provide Basic Water Quality and Level 3 Flow Control due to downstream problems. Please refer to the Section 3.0 Off-Site Analysis for a complete description of the downstream drainage course and problems associated with it. I I 444.00 I.doc [JPJ/dmltep] I ' I i(J .\ . --' 1-· .. ----.. ··-.... ---·-----.. -...... -.. ·-· .. ----·· .. -----·---· .. ---...... --..... -.. ---.. -.. -..... ---...... -.--... -............... -..... -.. -............... --..... -.. -............ -.. -......... -.. -.................. -.-.-.. -.. _ .. --.--....... --.... .. I I I I I I I (() I I I I I I 1 {( I~J II FIGURE 1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I () '-- King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET {pa~"1-.·p~Q~~CTc?~~i~~!#~'[)P~~Yf~~:~.~~1~~~~~}}1:.'~~~· ~~~'~'~f~~~~<~~~,~~E~\1g~;t, () Project Owner _KB __ S_II_I.:....,L_L_C~ _______ --I Address 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 Phone Project Engineer Ali Sadr Company Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address/Phone 18215 -72nd Avenue South 0 181 181 D 181 D 181 D D D D Kent, WA 98032/ (425) 251-6222 Subdivision HPA Short Subdivision Grading Commercial Other Community Renton Drainage Basin Ma Creek River Stream Greene's Creek Critical Stream Reach Depressions/Swales Lake Steep Slopes -1- Project Name Stonerid e II Location Township 23 North ~------------~ Range 5 East ~~~----------~ Section ....;3~ ____________ -I Section D DFWHPA D Shoreline Management D COE404 181 Rockei)' D DOE Dam Safety 181 Structural Vaults D FEMA Floodplain D Other D COEWetiands D Floodplain 181 Wetlands o Seeps/Springs D High Groundwater Table D Groundwater Recharge D Other worksheet.doc [JPJ/dmJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soil Type Slopes Alderwood 10 to 12 percent o Additional Sheets Attached REFERENCE o Downstream problem o o o o Additional Sheets Attached MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION 0 181 0 181 181 Sedimentation Facilities Stabilized Construction Entrance Perimeter Runoff Control Clearing and Grading Restrictions Cover Practices Construction Sequence Other Grass Lined Channel 0 Pipe System 181 Open Channel 0 Dry Pond 181 Wet Pond 181 Tank Vault Energy Dissipater Wetland Stream Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Level 3 Flow Control 0 0 0 0 q MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION Stabilize Exposed Surface Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Flag Limits of SAO and Open Space Preservation Areas Other ______________________________ --; Infiltration Method of Analysis Depression· KCRTS Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigation Waiver of Eliminated Site Storage Regional Detention Level 3 Catch basin collection to pipe conveyance to separate wet/detention pond and Brief Descripti·on of System Operation ...:w~e!.t ~va~u!!!l~t~~~~ _______________________________ .:..-_________ -l Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation -2-worksheet.doc [JPJ/drn) I I I t I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I C) I o Cast in Place Vault o Retaining Wall 181 Rockery > 4' High o Structural on Steep Slope o Other 181 181 o 181 o Drainage Easement Access Easement Native Growth Protection Easement Tract Other I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. -3-.worksheet.doc (JPJ/dmj I I in 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I . I .1 I I I I (V I I I I I I I {( ) I 'G __ - I FIGURE 2 VICINITY MAP I I in I-~-·--~. ~ -~--.~. ~ ~~-. ~ --~ .. ~-~-.-~~~-~~--.---~~ -~ ~----.---~.~~. - I' I I I I I I (l:_) I I I I I I SOURCE: THE THOMAS GUIDE (USED BY PERMISSION) VICINITY MAP NORTH I I,n 1-'------." -.... ---.. -.--.. ---------.. -.. --.-----.-----... --------~-.-~-.... ----.-----------------------------.----. ------.---.. ----------------------------------~-----------------,,----,,- I ,I I ,I I I I (~) :1 II :1 I II I I I __ - . I (LJ I FIGURE 3 DRAINAGE BASINS, SUBBASINS, AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS ':..:!. ;,,, u >::.:- (J) 3 U) 'r'~ 01 .. g~~CJ L'.. .";-1 1",., (I,) U"J 01 '.... 0 elf"; 0 r... n .()',~ I .. ' U C,..ij<,:"1 ~ .. 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' .... -------_._--------_.---_.--_._---------. ----._-_ ... _---------------.. -.... I I I II I I 1(0 I I I I I, I I '~---------------,(~U~ I \.,,,.7 SOILS MAP NORTH I GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS For a full description of a mapping mit, read both the description of the mapping mit and that of the soil series to which the mapping' mit belongs. See table 6, page 70, for descriptions of woodland groups. Other information is given in .tables as. follows: 1.".,.'(,.-..) . Acreage and extent, table 1 ,page 9. Engineering 'uses of the soils, tables 2 and 3, Town and country planning, table 4, page 57. Recreational uses, table 5, page 64. --------Esttma t'ea-yi"elas;' -nble--7;-Ifaglf 79 . -I----~~ __ ~_· ___ ·· __ -.-pages.-36-th·rough-5S-.·--· .--.---.----.---. I Map symol Mapping unit Described on page I I I I I AgB C AgD AkF AmB AmC An BeC BeD BeF Bli Br Bu C> Ea Ed EvB EvC EvD &C InA I (C)l* KpC I I I KpD- KsC Ma NeC Ng I····,· Nk No ,Or Os OVC OvD OvF Pc Pk Pu /I'y RaC RaD' RdC RdE I I ({ ) I ~.,-~. I AldelWood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 AldelWood avell sand loam AldelWood gravel y sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes-------- AldelWood and Kitsap soils, very steep--~--------------------­ Arents, AldelWood material, 0 ,to 6 percent .slopes 1/---------- Arents, AldelWood'material, 6 to IS percent slopes-l/--------- Arents, Everett material !I-------------~----------~---------­Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to IS percent slopes---------- Beausite gravelly 'sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------- 'Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes--------- Bellingham silt loam-------------------.----------------~------ Briscot silt loam--------------------------------------------- Buckley silt loam----~---------------------------------------- Coastal beaches----------------------------------------------- Earlmont silt loam---------------------.----------------------- Edgewick fine sandy loam-------------------~-----------------­ Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes------------ Everett gravelly sandy loam, 5 to IS percent slopes----------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes---------- I Everett-AldelWood gravelly sandy loams, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------------------------------------------------ Indianola loamr fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes-------------- Indianola loamr fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes------------- Indianola loamr fine sand"15 to 30 percent slopes------------ Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes----------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 8 to 15, percent slopes---------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------------------- Klaus gravelly loamy sand, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------- Mixed alluvial land------------------------------------------- Neilton very gravelly loamy s,and, 2 to 15 percent slopes------ Newberg silt loam~---------------------------------------~---­Nooksack silt loam-------------------------------------------- Norma sandy loam---------------------------------------------- Orcas peat-~----------------------_--------------------------­ O:ridia silt loam-----------'----------------------------------- Ovall gravelly loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes------------------- Ovall gravelly loam,' IS to 25 percent slopes------------------ Ovall gravelly loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes------------------ Pilchuck loamy fine sand------------------------------,-------- Pilohuck fine sandy loam-------------------------------------- Puget silty clay loam----~--~--------------------------------­ Puyallup fine sanc;ly loam------·-------------------------------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, 6 to' 15 pe,rcent slopes---------------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes--------------- Ragnar-Indianola association, sloping: 1/---------------------- Ragnar soi1-----------------------~-------.,--------------, Indianola soil------------------------------------~------ Ragnar-Indianola association, moderately steep: 1/------------ Ragnar soil----------------------,.---------,~------------- Indianola soil-'------------------------------------------ 10 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 16 17 17 18,- 18 18 18 19 19 '20 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 Woodland Capability mit group Symbol Page SyJl'bol IVe-2 76 3d2 IVe-2 76 3dl VIe-2 78 3dl VUe-l 78 2dl IVe-2 76 3d2 IVe-2 76 3d2 IVs-l 77 3£3 IVe-2 76 3d2 VIe-2 78 3dl VIle-l 78 3dl rIlw-2 76 3w2 I1w-2 75 3wl lIlw-2 76 4wl VIIIw-l 78 I1w-2 75 3w2 rUw-l 75 201 IVs-l 77 3£3 VIs-l 78 3£S VIe-l 77 3£2 VIs-l 78 3£3 IVs-2 77 453 IVs-2 77 453 VIe-l 76 452 I1Ie-l 75 2d2 IVe-l 76 ~d2 Vle-2 78 2d1 VIs-1 78 3fl VIw-2 78 201 VIs-l 78 3f3 IIw-l 74 201 IIw-l 74 201 ' IIlw-3 76 3w2 VIIlw-l 78 IIw-2 7S 3wl IVe-2 76 3dl VIe.2 78 3dl VUe-1 78 3dl VIw-l 78 2sl IVw-l 76 2sl IIIw-2 76 3w2 IIw-l 74 201 IVe-3 77 4sl VIe-2 78 4sl -------- IVe-3 77 4sl IVs-2 77 4s3 -------- VIe-2 78 4sl VIe-l 77 4s2 U. S. GOVERNMENT .PRINTING OFFICE: 1973 o· 468-366 .'001 GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS--Continued Mapping unit Described on . page Capability unit Symbol . Page Woodland group Symbol , , 1_-:--,; ~----;I~~~~-~:-,"~~~~=~-:~==~-:-==:~-::-::=::-==-=::-====~:::::~.=-::~~=-=~=:-= . ___ ._26. ____ ._Jllw_~l ._ . .7.5. _. __ . __ ._. __ 3w.l_ .. _ .. _ .... ____ _ 1 1 1 I I I 27 VlIIw-l Sa' Salal silt loam------.---------------------------------------27 IIw-l Sh Sammamish silt loam~---------------------------------------- Sk Seattle muck------------~----------------------------.~------27 IIw-2 28 IIw-3 Sm Shalcar muck------------------------------------------------29 IIw-3 Sn Si silt'loam-~-----------------------------------~----------29 IIw-l So Snohomish silt loam----------------------.------------------30 IIw-2 Sr Snohomish silt loam, thick surface variant------------------31 IIw-2 Su Sultan silt ·loam--------------------------------------------· 31 IIw-l Tu Tukwila muck------.--:..---------------------------:----------~-32 IIw-3 Ur Urban land--------~----------~------------------------------33 Wo Woodinville silt loam--------------------------~----~-------33 IIw-2 1/ 78 74 75 75 75 74 75 75 74 75 75 :201 3wl 201 3w2 3w2 3wl 3w2 -The comPosition of these units is more variable than that of the others in the Area, but it has been controlled well enough to interpret for the expected use of the soils. I ((~) I I I I I I \ I ( ( . • ~J I I 1(0 1----.--·.-.·.··.·.---.. · .. ···-.··. -. -.-.--..... ---.-.. -.. -.. --.. ---.. -...... '.-.' -.. -.... -.. -' ........ -............ ---.-.. -...... -.-.... -.. -..... -. -.-... -.-... --.. -... --.. -.. ---.-.. -----.. -.--.......... -----. -.-.... ----.--------..... -... --...... ---. I 1 I I I I I (() I I I I I : I I II "p I~j I 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY / I I () ......... ~-. I I I I I I I I () I I I I I I I ( ) I ' ...... ' I I 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Analysis of the Eight Core Requirements: Core Requirement No.1: Discharge at Natural Location. Response: This project is proposing to discharge to the same seasonal stream it currently does under existing conditions. However, runoff may be rriodified somewhat with the development of this site splitting flows somewhat between the two streams that drain through the pr.oject site in a different fashion than it currently does under existing conditions. The site will still drain to the same stream downstream though. Core Requirement No.2: Off-Site Analysis. Response: This project should not have to provide an off-site analysis due to the fact that Level 3 Flow Control is required, which is the most severe flow control required for projects that contribute to areas prone to flooding. The off-site analysis would provide no more determination of required flow control above that; however, an off-site analysis is provided herewith with this project in Section 3.0 Off-Site Analysis of this Technical Information Report for a review. Core Requirement No.3: Flow Control. Response: In accordance with the requirements of the City of Renton and King County, Level 3 Flow Control is proposed for this development and will be instituted with the final construction of the plat. Core Requirement No.4: Conveyance System. Response: In accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and since the project site consists of over 10 acres of new development, an SCS-based hydrograph methodology of computing runoff to each catch basin may be instituted in the design of the conveyance system draining to the wet/detention pond located in the central portion of the project site. Core Requirement No.5: Erosion and Sediment Control. Response: This project will prevent the transport of sediment to streams, wetlands, lakes, drainage system, and adjacent properties through the institution of carrying limits, cover measures, perimeter protection, traffic area stabilization, sediment retention, and surface water controls, all in accordance with Appendix D of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. Core Requirement No.6: Maintenance of Operations. Response: The drainage facilities on this property will be maintained by the City of Renton and any maintenance and operations requirements of the City will be instituted into the Final Technical Information Report prepared for this development. 1 I 444.00l.doc [JPJ/dmltep) I I :n '-~~ I I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I ( , I ",-,) I Core Requirement No, 7: Financial Guarantees and Liability. Response: Any financial guarantees and liability required by the City of Renton will be followed ·and maintained by this project prior to construction. Core Requirement No.8: Water Quality. Response: The City of Renton and King County have already indicated that Basic Water Quality is the required water quality methodology for this project, which is being provided in the form of a wet pond located below the live storage in the wet/detention pond in the northwest portion of the project as well as a wet vault located in the northeast portion of the project site. Analysis of the Five Special Requirements: Special Requirement No.1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements. Response: This project does not lie within other adopted area-specific requirement areas to the best of our knowledge. . Special Requirement No.2: FloodplainiFloodway Delineation. Response: In accordance with the requirement, the floodplain will be designated for the 100-year storm on the project plat. Special Requirement No.3: Flood Protection Facilities. Response: There is no flood protection facility existing nor is one proposed for this project site that will have to be designed to conform to the FEMA regulations. Special Requirement No.4: Source Controls. Response: Source controls will be provided with this development in accordance with the 1998 King County Stormwater Pollution Control Manual and King County Code Section 9.12 for a multifamily development. Special Requirement No.5: Oil Control. Response: This project does not meet the requirements of a high-use site nor is it a redevelopment project; therefore, the requirement of oil control is not required for this site. The following pages of the report delineate the Stoneridge (Stoneridge II) Plat final plat requirements as dictated by the City of Renton in a letter to Curtis O. Schuster dated July 24, 2003. 11444.00l.doc [JPJldmltep] •. I ( ."v r") CITY OF RENToN----"" . I . Jesse Tanner, Mayor :.'.n· PlanningIBuildinglPubIlc Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator I." • '~ . I -__ 4 ••• --.~~. ___ .fi"_~·_~· ___ ·_· __ ·_··· .-.. --.' .. -.....•..... -.-. -..... -. " -_ .... -._ ....... __ ._ .. _ ..... _--....... "". July 24, 2003 I I I I I I I I I ,...J I I I I I I (L Curtis G. Schuster KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8111 Street Suite 100 Bellevue, W A 98005 SUbject: Stone Ridge Plat -Final Plat Requirements Dear Mr. Schuster, This letter is to explain the City of Renton's requirements for compliance with the {;onditions imposed by the King County Hearing Examiner on the approval of the preliminary plat for the Stone Ridge Plat. Upon annexation by the City of Renton, the final plat must be approved by Renton. It is our intent to require compliance with the conditions of the preliminary plat where practical, and to require . confonnance with the intent of conditions that cannot be met exactly as worded. The following is a list of the King County Hearing Examiner conditions of the. preliminary plat approval, along with the Renton requirement for compliance with each condition for final plat approval. 1. Compliance with al1 platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall complete the plat required street, utility and drainage improvements per the approved preliminary plat. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Renton Subdivision Regulations for final plat approval procedures. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication that includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Renton Subdivision Regulations for fin a] plat approval procedures. 3. The plat shall comply with the base density and minimum density of the R-4 zone classification. AU lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R4 zone classification or shall be generally as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, except that minor revisions to the plat that do not result in substantia] changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services .. Any changes to the plat design which are mandated by the conditions which follow shall also be permitted. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written for density and dimen~ion requirements. The applicant shall provide a copy ()f. the R-4 zone. dimensional requirements with the final plat application. Minor revisions to the plat that do not result In substantial changes maY,be approved at the discretion of the Development Services Division. 4. The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Hea]th Department. Existing septic tanks on the site must be properly abandoned prior to final Health Department approval. -~stuODule"eIritidh!1gee1fimliatal1JlPllataII-n10:tt1I~e~5·:th~Jr!g\t--ut-h-G-r-ad~y-W-a-y-_-R-e-n-to-n-, w-· -as-h-in-g-to-n-9-s-0-S-s-------· ~ ~ This paper contains 50% recvded material. 30% DOst ('.onsurnp.r AHEAD OF THE CURVE I I I I I I I I I I I I , . I I 1<1 I .. '. Public Works. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building perTnit.All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building' inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systeins, "---'----------Uie sysfems'-snalrl;e--consfrtided-aflnetimeof-tfiebiiiloing peiIDiland--snilfcomply-with----- plans on file." d) Core Requirement No. I: Discharge at the Natural Location The applicant has received approval for a requested diversion of surface water flows within the project, under Drainage Adjustment 'LOOV0062. Th~ conditions of approval of this drainage adjustment shan be satisfied during the design and review of the project engineering plans. , e) Core Requirement No.3: Runoff Control. To mitigate for downstream capacity issues, the applicant shall provide Level Three flow control, as outlined in the KCSWDM. The size of the proposed"drainage tract may have to increase to accommodate the volumes and water quality facilities. The stormwater facility and dedicated to King County, unless portions of the on space in accordance with KCC21A.14.180. As specified in Se(:trbn~ dispersed within t for both lot areas geotechnical groundwater and . .~J.. . \. .P";~~~ . f) Core Requ"irement 1'1" 4;"fC6~'v.~yance Systems. i~ }~ ~>., As part of the applicafl~J s.!l:BqUtt~trof' " analyzed to determine wh~t.q,~rQlere :l'S\~d"" ," -,,";;". i th~ , CMP that crosses northwest ufitl~.J48 J:\:ven site. "·k>'''l.~",;,~~":"" g) Cote Requirements No.8: Water Quality. Of13:lIVS(@lmlIIWater shall be infiltrated or fufiltration of storm water rif!.1'PrtTllT,pn to be feasible. A depth to , upstream flows shall be c011¥e~Y.!\~flce" capacity in the existing 18-inch U"""-,4>~I"V Tract C in the eastern portion of the The project is required to meet the basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. h) Special Requirements No.2: Floodplain Delineation. Because a wetland and two stream are located on the property, a floodplain analysis shall be performed. The IOO-year floodpJain boundaries shall be shown on the final engineering plans and recorded plat. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. The note on the final plat shall refer to the Renton PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department instead of the King County agencies. Please note that the City of Renton does ~ot assume maintenance responsibilities for the drainage facilities for new subdivisions. The homeowners' association will be respons~ble for the ownership and maintenance of these facilities. stone ridge final plat letter.doc\ .' . I. 1, .... ,£\ B. !he p~oposed SUbdi.vision. s~al1 comply with the 1993 King C~~~y Road Standards (KeRSt 0 I l \_ J mcludmg the followmg reqUIrements: . (\lEtVS u(O I Ro~ L l\.l o'C ., -Z I I-:~ .........• ~~::~, ia:~I:~ ~~~::~u:~~:n:::g:rb;!~~~:'~~:~~;;~:j~;~~S~!I~~ ;:;;;r I I I I I I I I (.()<: I I I I I I I(L) 'I modified so that the lots in the plat will not take individual direct access from the neighborhood collector portion of Road A. This modification to the design may. result in the relocation of the proposed alignment of Road A. j b) Roads C and D, at a minirimlll, shall be designed to the urban, sub~ccess street standard. . 7 c~all be dedjcated as public road right-of-way and improved to the urban,.subaccess street standard. .' 7 , d) 14Bth Avenue SE along the frontage of the site shall be improved to the urban collector arterial standard, including provision for a bicycle lane. e) ;;~F1htrS'fiM,:stfa1J be improved as a oJtlw.{ff~~rn.~hiilleVl{aV and shall serve a maximum of two Jots. Lots 40 and 41 shall tract and be responsible for its maintenance. and the parties which are responsible for its rna and engineering plans. As specified in KCRS an 18-foot wide paved surface and a shall incJudea curb or thickened more than six and be responsible parties responsible plans. ownership of the tract 1""'''''UIlt;l't''' l'l'uri'J,F'r"lhl of each tract and the . ,i',. 7 hnprovements shallconfonh;~.6 KCR~' urt)artCml1l!ilea~~.{9:ilds, which includes a 22- foot wi.de paved driving surfat~.;'v~~ ,r .. ' >ntf>rh'np~ be aligned with the centerhnes of Roads D and C, respecff~l,,: 'Tf1t~1Jru.nlimum width shall be 26 feet with a maximum length of 150 feet. -.'".--~ g) The width 6t ~ay be reduced to 20 feet. No improvements to this tract are required. h) A temporary turnaround shall be provided at the tenrunus of Road A. If this turnaround is located off-site, easements shall be deeded to King County to allow for the temporary public use of the turnaround until Road A is extended further north as a public road. i) Street illumination shall be provided at the intersection of Road A with 14Sth A venue SE, a collector arterial, in accordance with KCRS 5.03. . til) 148th Avenu~ ~E al?ng the frontage of the~ite may r~quire a. design for a bus zone and tu~ \~~.7 outs. As specIfied m KCRS 2.16, the applIcant's deSIgn engmeer shall contact METRO and the Issaquah School District to determine if a bus zone is needed, and if so the specific design requirements. k) Modification to the above road conditions may be considered by King County, pursuant to the variance procedures in KCRS 1.0B. stone ridge final plat letter.doc\ I. I,n I··'· I I I I I I I C() I I I I I I I. I ( () I " .. - I .. . Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with City of Renton . requirements, with the exception of street pavement widths for .the new streets. The new ·streets call . -'be'cOiistOlctecrWTifiJ!i"e 'pavement widths approved wlthihe preliminary plat. The'pavertientthlC~ess· nm;; be a minimum of 4" of asphalt .over 6" of crushed rock. However, foIled curb would not be considered acceptable; therefore, vertical curbs wOUld be required: Any streets narrower than 32 feet in width must be posted for no parking along on~ side of the street. Any street narrower than 28 feet mUst be posted for no parking along both sides of the street. All streets within the plat will be . subject to naming specified by the Development Services Division. Street lighting must be provided to meet the minimum street lighting levels established .in Renton Cody. The street lights along the arterial . streets must be constructed per City of Renton standards, and turned .over to the City for ownership . and maintenance. The street lights on the residential streets can be constructed as a City system. or as a Puget Sound Energy (PSE) system. The maintenance and electrical bills to PSE would be the responsibility of the homeowners' association for a PSE system 9. Boundary Line Adjustment LOOL0089 shall be completed and put into· effect through the recording of deeds, prior to the approval plans for the subject plat. . Renton Requirement: The apl))ic,ID1f'sjla1i ... UI.UHH I O. All utilities within nr,.."nn·oA7t Development ~e)-y)(:esjH)l electric, gas, tell~PtlOn&) aJllur ... alLl1 to construction, and "'UI.I"{UJUII as written. a franchise approved by the be approved by Renton for all utilities, including .1.e-.J~bnji~nt Services Division prior .,n.'rn·".,. ... by a Renton inspector. 11. The applicant or su Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), tration fee as determined by the applicable fee . (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall pay the City of Renton the· standard transportation mitigation fee of $75 per net new average daily trip, prior to recording of the final plat, as required by City of Renton conc,urrency policies. The transportation mitigation fee, based on 44 new single family lots shall be $31,581.00. 12. Lots within this subdivision are subject to KCC 21A.43 and Ordinance 14009 which imposed impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a coriditiQn offinal approval,fifty percent of the impact fees due for the plat shall·be assessed .and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approvaL The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit· issuance. stone ridge final plat letter.doc\ I. If' or: -._") Rent-on Requirement: -The applicant shall pay the City of Renton the standard Issaquah School _ Impact fee of $2,937.00 per net new residence, prior to the issuance of building permits, as required I~ _____________ bx_CitX_crtJ{~lltQn_p-olicjes.------------------------------------------~ - - ---------- 13. There shaH be no vehicular access to 148th Avenue SE from those lots in the subject plat which I I I I I II 1«(=)- I I I I I I abut this street. There shaH be no direct vehicular access to the portion of Road A east of Road C from the lots whichabut this portion of this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the final plat and engineering plans. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. ~Twelve f<:et of ad~itional right-of-w~y for I4Slh Avenue SE. shall be dedicated along ~he east V property hne, allowmg for 42 feet of nght-of-way from centerlme. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. 15. Thefollowing note shall be shown on ~th~e~fi~m~a~l ~~~mg plan and recorded plat: Dedication of a -interest in the and occupiers of within the buffer may not be cut; ',nrllln"',, writing from the King successor agency, unless hu1ff~!~oiJ!i'yt~VS to the public a beneficial This interest includes the public health, safety and \ma\pteIlDn(;e of slope stability, and , present and future owners ,;,.M,,'~""""'U;i>"U trees and other vegetation the tract/sensitive area and dam~ged without approval in ~lo'nll1ielnt Environmental Services or its The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. the required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. - No building foundations are aHowed beyond the required I5-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. Renton ,Requirement: The applicant shall comply with, the condition as written. Reference should be to the Renton Development Services Division in place of DDES and King County. 16. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the sensitive area requirements as outlined in KCC 2IA.24. Permanent survey marking and signs as specified in KCC 21.A.24.160 shall also be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their' buffers (e.g. with bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until ali construction activities are completed. stone ridge final plat letter,doc\ I 1(0 -1--------- I I I I I I 1(0 I I I I I I I I()' I~ I Renton Requirement: The applic~nt shall comply with the condition as written. --17. Preliminary plat review has id~n.!~f~~th~ fol!2~!!!g i~~!!~~ __ wIiis:_h~1!pJy-.tQJhisptoject. AlLother-______ - ----~-----:-applicable-requrrements-for-sensitive areas shall also be addressed by the applicant. a) Wetland B (in Tract B) shall have a 25-foot native growth buffer, as measured from the wetland edge. Wetland A (extending from the north boundary of the site to the north boundary of the Road A right-of.:way) shall have -a 50-foot native growth buffer, as measured from the wetland edge. to the extent such buffers falls within the subject property. These wetlands and their required buffers shall be placed in Sensitive Area Tracts in the subject plat. b) The streams crossing Tracts A and C shall have a 50-foot buffer measured from each side of the stream channel, t~ the extent such buffers fall within the subject plat. These buffers are not required where proposed road right-of-way in the subject plat crosses a stream channel. c) A 15-:foot building setback line (BSBL) shall be established on the final plat from the edge of the sensitive areas tracts. The BSBL shall be delineated on all affected lots and tracts. d) Buffer averaging may be total amount of buffer determined by the proposed. a buffer ",,,3 .. ..-.. ,., .. by LUSD. LUSD lII.a'V1tJ;e:aUlfe applicant to assure - ........ ,.._,~v and 21A.24.360. provided the protection -is achieved, as If buffer averaging is bmltte:d\t;.y, ru~,,,n'JJ(''''-nt for review and approval financial guarantee by the for a five year period. e) crossing shall comply larrlOUlnl of wetland area and stream affected by feasible through the use of retaining mitigation plan shall be submitted by the s from the wetland/stream crossing_ LUSD may financial guarantee by the applicant to assure the antings for a five-year 'period. f) Thestormwater outfall facility i~~~~t;rf1'i~at~~pO~dS in Tract H shall not be placed in wetland ot steam buffers, unless determined necessary by LUSD, pursuant to provisions of KCC 21A.24.330H4. g) The applicant shall delineate all erosion hazard areas on the site on the final engineering plans. (Erosion hazard areas are defined in KCC 21A.06.41S.) The delineation of such areas shall be approved by an LUSD senior geologist. The requirements found in KCC 21A.24.220 concerning erosion hazard areas shall be met, including seasonal restrictions on clearing activities. Renton Requirement: The applicant shaH comply with the condition' as written. Reference should be-to the Renton Development Services Division-in place of DDES1LUSDand King County. 18. Suitable on-site recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of KCC 21A.14.lBO and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e. sports courts, children's play equipment, picnic tables, benches, etc.). The amount of recreation area shall equal or exceed 390 square feet per lot, as required by KCC 21A.14.1BOA. . Stone ridge fmal plat letter_doc\ I I I I I I I l,cO I I I I' I I I I CiJ I ... a) An overall conceptual recreation ·space plan . shall be submitted for review and approval by LUSD, with the submittal of the engineering plans: The conceptual recreation plan shall .. ~ _J!!~h!~~ J~£~ti~!l! .l1.r.~!l_.~!lk1J.ll!!io~,_dimeI1~iQ!!'~JnlJJ_g~1!~r~LimRroveinenls-,-.. Ihe_appmved engineering plans shall be consistent with the conceptual plan. b) A detailed recreation space plan (i.e. landscape specifications, equipment specifications, etc.) consistent with the overall conceptual plan noted in Item "an above, shall be submitted for review and approval by LUSD and King County Parks, prior to or concurrently with the submittal of the final plat documents. . c) A perfonnance bond for recreation space improvements to assure their installation and the survival of required planting for a three-year period, shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. .. Renton Requirement: The applicant shalt comply with the condition as written. The applicant shall obtain approval of the Development Services Division of the detailed recreational facilities plan before final plat approval will be granted. ..-~~~a.,,,,~_ 19 .. A homeowners' association or orller-wcwk:aNe' . of LUSD which provides space areas. Renton Requirement: Development Services ·land~capjng, and. sensi maintenance of the 20. Street trees shall be . subject plat. The street ·t'rec't~'I'llin(J,SGamn the following: a) Trees shall be ,",AU"',-,U :pn,.nr.". of the recreation and open to the satisfaction of facilities and associated be responsible for the Tnn,j'n,rprr,pnr.ce within and adjacent to the on 5.03 of the KCRS and feet of frontage. Spacing may be l'i"rp,rr.lp'i1l'f" for driveways and intersections. b) Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless LUSD determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c) If LUSDdetermines that the required street should not be located within the right-of-way, they shail be located no inore than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. . d) The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners' association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. This shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e) The species of trees shafl be approved by LUSD if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or stonn sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. . . f) The applic<!-nt shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by LUSD prior to engineering plan approvai. stone ridge final p!at letter :doc\ I. -. I I I I I I I I' I I I .eu I g) The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at (206) 684-1622 to detemiine if 148th Avenue SE is on a bus route. If 1481h Avenue SE is a bus route, the street tree pian ----shall-also-be-reviewed-by-Metro.- h) The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees mllst be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to _ be installed per _ the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and' held. for one year. After one year, the main~enance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second in-spection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A $538 landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on the cutTent County fees. Renton Requirement: The.applicant shali comply with the condition as written. Reference should be to the Renton Development Services Divi of DDES. There is no separate landscape inspection fee within the City of ' be included as part of the construction permit, with appropriate plans, lee·lWJ'nll,..n~pe';lICJAJlS. 21) Documentation shall be qv'J!.UJIUV\ll,-'~,~'" zoning setbacks are Renton Requirement: conditions have been environmental impacts of items prior to final plat "nT'''''''J'' ...... ",u.,,,,u .~ ••• ,.,~",'g,.I'I''''I'\'''''·n demonstrate that all required are retained on the site. "'l-lIIUUIVUI1!<l~ written. The following to mitigate the adverse compliance with these 22) Eastbound and applicant on SR 900, at the SR 9QOII481h Avenue shan be approved by the Washington State minimum, the existing entering sight distance for the must be maintained. All construction work associated be completed between April lSI and September 301h• The seasonal restri~':c~:t'i~o~n~' ~~~,~Z~ on the final engineering plans. Renton Requirement: The applicant shan comply with the condition as written. 23) The east leg-of theSR 900/1481h Avenue SE intersection shall be modified, as necessary. so that the stopping sight distance requirements of WSDOT are met on the east leg of the intersection. (Note that per the applicant's engineer, this can be achieved by the clearing of vegetation along SR 900.) In addition, the applicant shall clear vegetation within the right-of-way along SR 900, east of 1481h Avenue SE, to maxiffiize the entering sight distance for the north and south legs of the intersection. ' --RentQuRequirement: The'applicant shall comply with the condition as-written. 24) A tree containing a red-tailed hawk nest is located on a parcel adjoining the north boundary of the site. Tract K in the subject plat, as depicted on the preliminary plat map received 10/900 (sheet 1 of 3), lies south of this nest tree. This tract shall be labeled as a native growth open space tract on the fincH plat and engineering plans. This tract shall remain as undeveloped open space unless it , is documented by the property owner. to the satisfaction of King County. that the nest is no longer used by red-t~iIed hawks, (i.e. abandoned for at least five years). If it is demonstrated that the stone'ridge final platletter,doc\ 1 1 ,-'~.) '. . nest has been abandoned, the' tract may be developed through the approval of a future plat d. application, short plat application, or plat alteration application.. If Track K is subdivided, the . , ' -1-. '·'-"·-'··-~~~~iii~~t~!~~~~~!~!~~~~ih~~_~::c~i~~~~l .. ~~~~:~:~~~;~~~~~ht~~Z;:!~;d;::r:~~~:;~~~:!~:~ I I I I (C=) I I' I I I appear on the final plat and engineering plans. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. 25) Accept as provided below, outdoor construction activities on the subject property on any area . lying within a radius of 650 feet from the nest shaH be prohibited from February 1 through July 3}. For a specific development penmr, this seasonal limitation may be waived by King County if , it can be shown to t~e satisfaction of the County that the nest is not being used by hawks. Any waiver will last for one nesting season and must be renewed for subsequent nesting seasons. For any season in which nesting activity occurs, the July 31 seasonal limitation termination date may be adjusted by the County, based on determination that the hatchlings have already fledged 'and the period of. disturbance risk has passed. Any waiver or shortening of the seasonal limitation shaH conform with Condition 5 below . report): A. note implementing the preceding requirement shall appear on the lJU,"-MHinaL Renton Requirement: The "V~J.!If."'U~' 26) For any nesting season limitation as provided wildlife biologist , monitoring the nest have been laid and h<>tl-,hpiiF<>r,j,j .of the seasonal rllJ1Jll<H~VlJ DDES. A note impl,,'! l/>'V<,'U'II;;;. "I,,~:-n~ .... prc)posel:l ... a,.~fl'V(!~)r shortening of the seasonal formulated by a qualified ... \.J~ .. ",,,"<,,,~, 1, describing protocols for cation whether eggs A.TI~V"))ir~'OSf:d shortening or waiver subject to the approval of on the final plat and engineering plans.,t".,'tkC'fr";, Renton Requirement: The a~~'itaqt{~,~all·~rnp!Y:}vtth,.t~e .. ~~~~ as written. Reference should be to the Renton Development Serq-t~D1vi~icin.\iJ,l pla~ ofb~'8. t\-~ ~. ..~.. . f."t'f;"' 27) A six-foot high cedar fence shall ":;~~'6ri~tiiCre(t'~b'itth~" ~outh boundary of Tract K, adjacent to Lots 26 -34 and Tracts Hand N. The purpose of this fence is to limit access to Tract K by the adjoi~ing residence and to lessen impacts on nesting red-tailed hawks. Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. 28) To mitigate the significant adverse impact the plat of Stone Ridge has on the intersection of SR 9001l48tb Avenue SE, the applicant shall either individually or in conjunction with other developments in the area, install a traffic signal. The signal design shall be reviewed and approved by WSDOT and an appropriate fmancial guarantee Shall be posted prior to engineering plan approvaL Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. 29) All grading work in designated erosion hazard areas on the site shan be completed consistent with the seasonal restrictions appearing in KCC 16.82.l50D (see condition 17g above.) A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans. . Renton Requirement: The applicant shall comply with the condition as written. stone ridge final plat letter.doc\ I· I (('J 1·- I I I I I I' () I I I I I I I '(f ) 1---- I Construction plans for the grading, drainage, sewer and street iniprovements for the preliminary plat are required and would be reviewed by the City of Renton's Development Services Division. A _~~P-'Y:l!t~plaJ:t ~ubmittaL(Qrth~ wat~cmahJ~_will_helequired {r.pm WatecDis.trict. 90: Plan _submittals . are also required for all franchise work, including electrical, gas, phone and cable. All work for the preliminaty plat will require a permit from the City, and will be inspected by a Renton inspector. Permit fees will be per City of Renton Code, and include System Development Charges for sewer and drainage for the new plat. A preconstruction meeting will be required before work can begin on the . project. . As-built drawings, cost data inventory sheets, and bills-of-sale for all the public improvements must be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to recording of the final plat. The plat map itself inustalso be .reviewed and approved by the City prior to recording. The plat map can be submitted for preliminary review at any tIme to expedite the final plat approval process. Submittal of an itenlized list explaining how each of the Hearing Examiner conditions have been met will also help expedite the final plat approval process. There are several people with the City who can hel ou with this process. Juliana Sitthidet (425-. 430-7278) is the City project manage .. 1)1a . view of this project, ~nd can address questions related to the public woo . l~sufs'tor e plat. Dan. mpson (206-999-1828) will be the public works inspector for ~his . 0!tct. ~st!~~~ the ~f requireme~ts fo~ the fin~1 plat can best be ans~ered by Juha ,9! Ja~n,.;J.ottflin (425.4'3f>,.;Z~.i..2J~T mal plat map will be reVIewed by Bob MacOme (425-430-7 f».:,/ .~ , '. " . l ' \ ~) I hope this letter answers ..... l·our~i~~oqjf \e; a~.~r al of the fi.na) plat for the . Stone Ridge Plat. We 100tO~d~to YOf t~?r completion of this project. . :.) '~ ! ; F ~, l Sincerely, ;p ~ C o~ }t,~ N~~,,~ !.if; ~ti LOQ1 H~\h'!~',.'"'"' ,"M •• j Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Development Services Division cc: Neil Watts Juliana Sitthidet Jason Jordan Kayren Kittrick Bob MacOnie stone ridge final plat letter.doc\ "j ~7 I I t('l 1-·_·· .. · .-...... --.. -------.--.. -.----.-----.. -----.... --. -.-... -.. --.------.-... -.. -.-.-.... -... -.. -.-... --..... --.--.. -... ---.-.. -..... -. -. -.. _-..... -.. -._--._--.. _-.---.-.--.--_.--.--... -.. --....... . I: 'I : I, I I II, I I I I~ I' I I I, I I 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ~ ... ~ : I 'I {l I I I I I· I I I () I I I I' II I I I LEVEL 1 OFF-SITE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat of Stoneridge II 148th Avenue S.E. North of SR-900 King County, Washington Prepared for: KBS III, LLC 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 September 28, 2004 Our Job No. 11444 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFICES • OLYMPIA, WA • TEMECULA, CA • WALNUT CREEK, CA www.barghausen.com I I (~) Table of Contents I TASK 1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS I EXHIBIT A Vicinity Map EXHIBIT B Downstream Drainage Map ,I EXHIBIT C Upstream Basin Map TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW I EXHIBIT D FEMA Map EXHIBIT E Sensitive Areas Folios I EXHIBIT F SCS Soils Map EXHIBIT G Assessor's Map I EXHIBIT H Wetland Inventory Map I TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION EXHIBIT I Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table I ( ) ........ -TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS II TASK5 EXHIBIT J Drainage Complaints MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS I I I I I I ( ) I I 1 1 444.003.doc [JPJ/dmj 1 I(-n--- I - -1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I 1 I 1 1 ICC) I I I I I I I f( ) I ~-~ I TASKl I STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I 'I I , I I I n -. , (> I ) '-., TASK! STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS The proposed Stoneridge Plat is approximately 16.19 acres in size counting all the improvements to SR-900 and 148th Avenue S.E., including the entire site to be developed (Stoneridge II). The project is located within a portion of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More specifically, the site is located on the west side of 148th Avenue S.E. north of SR-900 and covers the existing S.E. 107th Place roadway serving existing lots. The enclosed Exhibit A- Vicinity Map depicts the approximate location of the proposed site. The existing topography of the site is such that there are slopes ranging from 2 percent up to 30 percent draining in a northerly direction for the most part, with upstream basins contributing runoff from the east, south, and west. The southeast portion of the project site is currently partially developed with existing single-family residences and buildings with drive aisles, landscaping, and associated improvements at that location. The remainder of the site is mostly forested or pasture with thick brush, which will be cleared with this development. The proposal for this development is to construct 9 lots with appropriate stonn water collection and conveyance facilities, as well as a wet/detention pond sized for Level 3 Flow Control in the northwest portion of the project site and wet vault also sized for Level 3 Flow Control in the northeast portion of the project site. Access to the site will be off of 148th Avenue S.E. and by a cul-de-sac extension of Mt. Baker Ave. N.E. This project site will drain to Greene's Creek and a wetland area that will be preserved with the development of this project site. UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Based on the USGS Quad Map, our site visit, and knowledge of the property, there are two seasonal streams that have runoff contributing from upstream flowing through the site. These upstream basins consist of well over 100 acres of partially developed land. There are also existing wetlands in the upstream basin as well as pasture and forested areas. The impervious surface in the upstream basin is approximately 3 to 5 percent. 11444.003.doc [IPJ/dm] I 1 (n 1-------------------------- I 1 I 1 I 1 /-? -) ItL./ 1 I I I I I I(L I) 1 ... . -.-----_. - --------~---------._---------------- -------~ ----------- EXHIBIT A Vicinity Map 1 I ,r-'\ ! l J 1'--' I I I I I i I I It (-) I I I I I I .-----------------.-----_.--------------------- --------"_.---._---------_ ..• -•.. " ... _" : (()@ VICINITY MAP I SOURCE: THE THOMAS GUIDE (USED BY PERMISSION) ------------------------.---- NORTH I I/r (l) , .. 1-----·-·--···-·· -. -----.-.... -----------.--.--.-------...... --.----. -... ----.---------.-.-.--.----. --.--.----------.----.---. -----. -.-.. -.--.-.. -.. -----... -.--.--------.. --.. -.--. I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I -(( ) I '->/ I EXHIBITB Downstream Drainage Map • • • • • • • • • •• 8 •• • • .. .. • . . • •• • • • • • •• I 'en ------. ' ............ __ ._----_.-.... -_ ... _ ....... _ ........ . I .... ---~-----.--.----.. ------.-.---.---... --. _ .. -------------... ----.. ---------... -._".-... ----* ....... -'---'-_ .... -_ .. _. --...... _.. .... ---.-. -'---.---' I I I I I' I I (~~~J I I, I I I I I I EXHIBITC Upstream Basin Map ~'/ /1"-~' " ) ~ ,,/ ,/ 't-~Tr ~j \..J)) ..... . .... '.' ....... 01 - • • • • • •• • .. -• -\. • •• I I.··n· I { , / '1" -. -.. . ........ -........ -..... -.--------..... -... . -.. .-.. ---.---.. -. -.. -.---. --.--.. -.--.-----. ---.. --.. -.-... ---.-.... --.... -.... --.-.... --.-.-.---.. . I I I I I I I Ct.) I I I I I I I q ) I ~--. I TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW \. ~. I I .0 I I I I I I I ~-) l_ I I I I I I I I () I, TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW • Adopted Basin Plans: The site is part of the May Creek Basin. • Finalized Drainage Studies: This is not applicable. • Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report: Once again, the site is located in the May Creek Basin. It is not known if a Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report has been prepared for this basin as of the writing of this report; however, we do not have a copy on file in our office. • Critical Drainage Area Maps: The City of Renton and King County have already indicated that Basic Water Quality and Level 3 Flow Control will be the means of water quality treatment and detention proposed for this development. • Floodplain and Floodway FEMA Maps: Please see the enclosed Exhibit D -FEMA Map utilized for this analysis, Panel No. 669 of 1,725, Map No. 53033C0669 F, revised May 16, 1995. As indicated by this map, the proposed project site does not lie within a floodplain or a flood way of a stream; however, it is known that two seasonal streams pass through the site, which will be conveyed through the site under developed conditions as well. They are much lower in elevation that the proposed lot elevations by over 10 feet. • Other Off-Site Analysis Reports: A review of the United States Department of Agriculture Soils Conservation Service Map was performed with this analysis. • Sensitive Areas Folios: Based on our review of the King County Sensitive Areas Map Folios, it was found the subject site has a Class III stream passing through it and the areas contributing to it are mapped wetlands as well as the downstream drainage course from the project site. In addition, there are known wetlands located within the seasonal stream locations on site. Those are the only known sensitive areas as indicated by the Sensitive Areas Map Folios. • Road Drainage Problems: This is not applicable. • United States Department of Agriculture King County Soils Survey: Based on the soils survey for this portion of King County, the entire downstream drainage course and the entire site occurs through Alderwood type soils until entering May Creek where the soils are a Ragnar-Indianola Association. • Wetland Inventory Map: The Wetland Inventory Map for this area is included herewith. See the exhibit within this section of the report indicating May Creek Wetland 6, which is located on the south side of SR-900, of which drainage from this wetland contributes to the project site. • Migrating River Studies: This is not applicable. 11444.003.doc [JPJ/drn] I I in I ...... / ....... --.'. --.. _ ... _-.. --. ----.... -.-.... -.-... --.......... -.'_ .. ' .. -.. . .. . I I I I I . I I ((-) I I I I I I I I (i) I EXHIBITD FEMAMap I I In 1-' '. I 1 I I I I I (() I I I I I I I I To determine if flood insurance is available, contact an Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at (800) 638-6620 . • APPRPXIMATE SCALE IN FEET NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 669 OF 1725 ISEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY KING COUNTY, UNINCORPORATED AREAS 530011 0669 F RENTON. CITY OF 630088 0669 F MAP NUMBER 53033C0669 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16,1995 Federal Emergency Management Agency I ','n , " ~/ W, sf ' I !=I • ----------NE----:--20TH __ ':':: _____ I'~~_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -------------:t------ I I I 1 I I CHELAN ~ AVENUE -NE NE 18TH ----I STREET 3 CITY OF RENTON 530088 KING COUNTY I (() I u.. I I I I 1 -I SOUTHEAST 112TH CORPORATE LIMITS ZONE I - x~ z Z ~ ::> w 8 a: u. (.!) 0 z 52 ~ -u ........ ---KING COUNTY -I UNINCORPORATED .uEAS I nOO7l 0 <.9 ~ Z U ~ STREET 10 w :> z ~ (J) r-~ I::J ~r :t a: 0 a.. a: 0 u FEMA MAP SITE ",11,", PLACE SE 105TH STREET ZONE X SE 147TH AVENUE SE Sf w III w ::J ~ :i( ~ .. -. l04TH NORTH tu w ~ 113T} I I !() 1---.-. -.---------.-.------.--------... -.. ---.... ------------.---------.-.---------.------.--------.---.--.--... --.--.. -.-----.. -.... ---.---.-.. -.. -------.---.-----. . -------.--... -. 1 1 1 I I I I (C) I I I I I I I . f.{ ) I ~j I EXHIBITE Sensitive Areas Folios I len 1-'-·' .... .'-'----.. ~--.-..... --...... -.. --.-. -...... --.---------.. --. -.. --........... -. -........ _ .... --.... -.... -.. .... . .......... --.-. I I I I I I I (() I I I I I I COAL MINE HAZARD AREAS SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO 1/2 o MILE NORTH I I r(') ·I-·-·~·· ... '.: .. --. -.. -.--._.'-.. -.--..... -.---... ---.---... -.... ---... -. ---..... -.--.. --.--.. -.-.-.----.--.-.. -.. -.. -----.-.-.. --.. ---.---... -------.. --.----.. --.---. -. -.-.. ---.. -.. - I I I I I I I «(J I I I I I I 112 o ! I ---6-HA-~--------------------------------------------~--M--ILE I Q) ~~ .. I I : .. -' i, i SEISMIC HAZARD AREAS .'"" NORTH 'DB' I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO I I in -I ---".---~---. ---.-.. -----~--.-----.. -.-----.. --~-... --.---.------.-.-------~.~.----.--~--.-----------------... --.. -----------------_._----_ .. --_._--_ ... _------_ .. -._-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I (,() I ) .9"6HAV~ (( ti~-.J I '.,.,. n t; \'EN/' LANDSLIDE HAZARD AREAS I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO 1/2 o MILE NORTH I I "r,-q ) 1'-' I I I I I I I '\) I I I I I I 1/2 0 I MILE I u EROSION HAZARD AREAS NORTH I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO I I .' .. (,0 1-----~. I I I I I I I \(-) I I I I I I I / , ~6HAv~ .\1.) ~ 'EM"'/ 1/2 STREAMS AND FLOOD HAZARD AREAS I SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO . o MILE NORTH I I "n : ~ } 1----:---:---------------~-----------------~------------------------ I I: I I I I I \() I I I I I I WETLANDS SOURCE: 1990 KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS FOLIO 1/2 o ·1 MILE NORTH ·1 len I···· -:. : ./. . ..... -.. ...... .. .. ..... . . .. .-.. -... .. . ........ _. --_. -... -.-... --.. _.-----......... -.... -.-._ ... _-.... -.... --.. -... -.--.. -.............. -.. _ ...... --.--.-._--.. -_._-_ ... _.-._-----._ .... ---... --.-.. I I I I I I I(() I I I I I I I ({ ) I ~>. I EXHIBITF SCS Soils Map I 110 '1 .... ..' ......... -.. --.--.---... -.. ------.. -.-... -.----.--.. -.~ ... ----.--.. -.. -.... -.-.............. -_ ... '--.......... -............ --.-.-~ ....... -... --.-.-............. -.. --.. -.-....... ~ .. -...... -.............. -... -.... '."'-"-' I I I I I I I ( .. ~) .(~. I I I I I I I (( -) (iJtiACL 1---~ 1 .... .,;.:/ SOILS MAP NORTH I I ,r"'\ /. GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS For a full description of a mapping mit, read both the description of the mapping mit and that of the soil series to which the mapping mit belongs. See table 6, page 70, for descriptions of woodland groups. Other information is given in .tables as. follows: Acreage and extent, table I, page 9. Town and· country planning, table 4, page 57. q I ,I, -,',./ --, --.' Engineering uses of the soils, tables 2 and 3,. Recrel!:t:~~~~~.!l!;~~, .. :t:.!I!>_!~ __ ~_"l>~ge64. .'-----.. p-age.s-36-tnrough~55-. --------------------.-.----.. -.--.-------Es timated rie Ids, tab 1 e 7, page 79. I I I I I I I I 1'\ ., ; .. ', I I Map synbo1 Mapping unit Described on page AgB AgC AgD AkF AntB AntC An BeC BeD BeF Bli Br Bu Cl> Ea Ed EvB EvC EvD (MC InA InC InD KpB KpC KpD' KsC Ma NeC Ng Nk No Or Os OVC OvD OvF Pc Pk Pu /fJy RaC RaD' RdC RdE AldelWood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent slopes---------- A1delWood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes--------- AldelWood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes.------~ AldelWood and Kitsap soils, very steep------------------------ Arents, AldelWood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes 1/---------- Arents, AldelWood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes-l/--------- Arents, Everett material !/-------------~----------~---------­ Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes---------- . Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------- . Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 40 to 75 percent slopes--------- Bellingham silt loam-----------------------------------~------ Briscot silt loam--------------------------------------------- Buckley silt loam----~---------------------------------------­ Coastal beaches----------------------------------------------- Earlmont silt loam---------------------.----------------------- Edgewick fine sandy loam-------------------------------------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes------------ Everett gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes----------- Everett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes---------- 'Everett-Alderwood gravelly sandy loarns, 6 to 15 percent slopeS------------------------------------------------------ Indianola loamy fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes-------------- Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes------------- Indianola loamy fine sand,. 15 to 30 percent slopes------------ Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes----------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 8 to l5·percent slopes---------------------- Kitsap silt loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes--------------------- Klaus gravelly loamy sand, 6 to 15 percent slopes------------- Mixed alluvial land------------------------------------------- Neilton very gravelly loamy sand, 2 to 15 percent slopes------ Newberg silt loam~-----------------------------~---------~---­Nooksack silt loam-------------------------------------------- Norma sandy loam---------------------------------------------- Orcas peat-~-------------------------------------------------­ Oridia silt loam-----------.----------------------------------- Ovall gravelly loam, 0 to 15 percent slopes------------------- Ovall gravelly loam,· 15 to 25 percent slopes------------------ Ovall gravelly lo~, 40 to 75 percent slopes------------------ Pilchuck loamy fin'e sand-------------------------------------- Pilchuck fine sandy 10am-------------------------------------- Pugetsilty clay loam----.;.------------------------------------ Puyallup fine sandy loam------'-------------------------------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, 6 to' 15 percent slopes---------------- Ragnar fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes--------------- Ragnar-Indianola association, sloping: 1/---------------------- Ragnar soi1-----------------------~-------..,--------------. Indianola soil------------------------------------------- Ragnar-Indianola association, moderately steep: !/------------ Ragnar soi1----------------------,.---------.-------------- Indianola soi1-·------------------------------------------ 10 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 Woodland Capability mit group SYJIIbol Page Synilo1 IVe-2 76 3d2 IVe-2 76 3d1 VIe-2 78 3dl VIIe-l 78 2d1 IVe-2 76 3d2 IVe-2 76 3d2 IVs-l 77 3f3 IVe-2 76 3d2 VIe-2 78 3d1 VIIe-l 78 3d1 IIIw-2 76 3w2 IIw-2 75 3w1 IUw-2 76 4wl VII IW-l 78 IIw-2 75 3w2 IIIw-l 75 201 IVs-l 77 3f3 Vls-l 78 3f'3 Vle-l 77 3f2 VIs-l 78 3f3 IVs-2 77 4s3 IVs-2 77 453 Vle-l 76 4s2 IIIe-l 75 2d2 IVe-l 76 id2 Vle-2 78 2dl VIs-l 78 3£1 VIw-2 78 201 VIs-l 78 3f3 IIw-l 74 201 IIw-l 74 201 IIIw-3 76 3w2 VIIIw-l 78 IIw-2 75 3wl IVe-2 76 3dl VIe-2 78 3dl VIIe-l 78 3dl VIw-l 78 2s1 IVw-1 76 251 lIlw-2 76 3w2 IIw-1 74 201 IVe-3 77 451 VIe-2 78 451 -------- IVe-3 77 4sl IVs-2 77 453 -------- VIe-2 78 4sl VIe-l 77 4s2 U, S, GOVERNMENT . PRINTING OFFICE: 1973 0 -488-286 I, GUIDE TO MAPPING UNITS--Continued I .. '. ~ap \ {C}mbOI Mapping mlit 1'-_·-_··-Re-··_· ---Renton -s'i-I-t---Ioam----------------------------------------.:-'-- Rh Rive tw ash--.'------------------------------.,------------------ Woodland Described Capability unit group on page Symbol' Page Symboi ·26 IHw-l -15--3wl' 27 VIIIw-l 78 Sa Salal si It loam------.---------------------------------------27 IIw-l 74 :20l Sh Sammamish silt loam~---------------------------------------- Sk Seattle muck-------------------------------------____ .2. _____ _ Sm Shalcar muck------------------------------------------------ Sn Si silt loam-~-----------------------------------~----------I 27 Uw-2 75 3wl 28 IIw-3 75 29 IIw-3 75 29 IIw-l 74 20l So Snohomish silt loam----------------------~------------------30 IIw-2 75 3w2 Sr Snohomish silt loam, thick surface variant------------------ Su Sultan silt·loam--------------------------------------------· Tu Tukwila muck------.------------------------------.------------I 31 IIw-2 75 3w2 31 IIw-l 74 3wl 32 IIw-3 75 Ur Urban land--------------------------------------------------33 -------- I Wo Woodinville silt loam-------------------------------~-------33 IIw-2 75 3w2 1/ -The comPosition of these units is more variable than that of the others in the Area, but it has been controlled well enough to interpret for the expected use of the soils. I I I I I I, I I \ I I··r· f, ) .' i,\ I ............. _. I I I, I I II I (() I I: I I I, I I " ') I (1.. I' EXHIBITG Assessor's Map I 'I I I, I I I I I I, I I, I I I 14,-#-' ."... ~ 1l,~JH ~~~f)~;w z .... KCSP 486017- LOT 3 tJ ~D~~ z,,,.418 . '@ "~7.M H' ,. ,.-, .. , . .. ~ \ " Y. S'? ______ . ______ ~~.r.s,,~ SITE ./ZP2.S4'! 03039001 .~A~· 'L IV . <eJ I" "'6JJl .• w>1 ,,--@ ,'!.s_--'_~''V __ ''-----'''.!'.'; « ---...:!.Ii!: III ~ AOcv=-:;. r-. ----- ---------.~6~~H-------- LOT t OIl to N LO I t<l (\J I (\J ~ (f) ASSESSOR'S MAP NORTH I' I .... f". {~, J I":~ ... '-"~'~-'~'~'.'-.... ---.-.~ .... I, I I I :1 I I' ((-) I, I I I I I I " ) ( \ I II ',--,,-~j I' EXHIBITH Wetland Inventory Map I I I I I I ·1 I (() I 1 I I I I I (i ) I .... I Photo Date: 5·80 North Approx. Scale: 1" = 500 ' WETLAND: Mal} Creek 6 LOCATION: SW Sf 3-23-5 COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: BASIN OR DRAINAGE: Newcastle Cedar River INVENTORY DATE: 7-20-81 ACREAGE: 3.8 CLASSIFICATION: Fish and Wildlife Service Common Name NOTE: PSSl PFOl Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, Broad- leaved Deciduous (Willow) Palustrine, Forested, Broad- leaved Deciduous (Red Alder) Scrub-Shrub Forested Wetland The wetland edge shown above Is approximate. In marshes, ponds or lakes, the transition from standing water to uplands Is usually clear. However, the edges of forested or scrub/shrub wetlandS are less distinct. There, the change from wetland to UPland often occurs over a broad area called the "tranSitIon zone". For a discussion, see Wetland Plants of King County and the Puget Sound Lowlands and "Guldallnac ft\~ I<'"n r."ltn+v W.+h"nA ... I I I I I I I I I Mat} Creek 6 OBSERVED SPECIES: -(refer to list in Appendix 1) '-·r) Trees: AM, AR; PT Herbs: LA, _ os S~rub': AC, CS, LI, RS~ sk, sir Sedges/Rushes/Grass/Fern: - Birds: AR, ST, 55, WW Mammal.: Fish: Other: RARE/ENDANGERED/THREATENED SPECIES: (refer to list in Appendix 2) Recorded/ObHrved: Potential: SIGNIFICANT HABITAT FEATURES: OUTLET: Type: Condition: Outflow enters: POTENTIAL STORAGE: Existing Active: Potential Active: Pipe Open Stream 4 ac. ft. 8 ac. ft. GENERAL OBSERVATJONS: Northeast corner filled some time ago. Head waters.of Honey Creek. I (~jTLAND EVALUATION SUMMARY: ) I I I I I I I I I Data was collected in the five categories shown below. Within each category the data was evaluated to produce numerical values. Composite values for each category were produced in order to compare each wetlanc! to other wetiands In its sub·basin and in King County. The result of that comparison was a percentile rank. The percentile is expressed on a scele of one hundred and Indicates the percent of wetlands that scored equal to or below that particular site. For example, a percentile rank of 80 under sub-basln mea~s that the wetland scored equal to or better than 80 percent of all sites within the sub-basin for that evaluation category. NOTE: The percentile ranks are valid only. within the individual evaluation category and are intended soiely for reference and comparison. Evaluation Category Hydrology: runoff storage potential, Water quality, potential for minimizing damage in downstream areas Biology: quality of habitat, abundance and diversitY of plant and animal species Visual: diversity and contrast of wetland and surrounding vegetation, surrounding landforms Cultural: types of access, proximity to schools/Institutions, overall environmental quality Economic: presence of agricuiture/peat extraction, anadromous or game fish, game birds or mammals of commercial value WETLAND RATING: Rank (by percentile' Sub-basin County-wide 64 82 21 25 35 34 50 56 35 25 /f~~ wetland was assigned one of three possible wetland ratings. The wetland ratings were determined by examining the scores of selected {, jltOry tasks, specific data or percentile ranks for individuai evaiuation categories. The criteria used to assign the wetland ratings are .... _._.~ribed In the Introduction. For each rating a number of specific guidelines for new development In or adjacent to wetlands were prepared. The guidelines are Intended to assist in carrying out King County's Sensitive Areas Ordinance and other wetland policies. They are Included in a separate report titled "Guidelines for King County Wetlands". Wetland Rating: 2 I lin '. . ~ 1-"--'---" --------------. -----------------------------------.--------------- I 1 I 1 I I 1\ .r--) C~ I I I I I I I (i ) I ---- 1 TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION I I 0 I I I I I I I I l) I I I I I I I I (~) I TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION There were no major problems reported or observed during the resource review. Based on a review of the drainage complaints in the downstream drainage course, there was one property owner who has indicated that erosion is occurring on her property at several occurrences during major storm events in the last 15 years. In addition, that same property owner has indicated that flow rates contributing to the stream in her backyard are increasing as development occurs in the upstream basin. This property owner has written several letters to King County's various divisions including governmental offices requesting assistance with problems on her property. That is why Level 3 Flow Control is proposed for this development. Based on the drainage complaints and our site visit, it appears flooding has not been a major problem in the downstream drainage course from the subject property; however, Level 3 Flow Control will be provided. . The upper 5/6 of the downstream course courses through mostly backyards and brushy areas, until runoff enters May Creek on the far north end of the section. Most of the downstream drainage course investigated by this site visit and a review of the Soils Map indicate that the downstream drainage course occurs through Alderwood soils for the most part and then Ragnar-Indianola type soils near May Creek. The field reconnaissance for this off-site analysis drainage report was conducted on March 3, 2004. The skies were partly overcast and the high temperature on this day was approximately 50 degrees. 11444.003.doc [JPJ/dm] I 1//\ ! ~ ) "I~--""""-"-"----"--" "~-" ---"----""-"---"-----""--"-"-"-" ----""-"--"" -" -"" --"""----~-----~--"------------"" ----.. --"---""--"-------"-" ----~----------~ -~-"--~-" .. -----""-~--------"---" ~---------~-"----" .. - I I I I I I I( (~) I I I I I I I . (( ) I '-.\, I EXHIBIT I Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table ----------------~ OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRLiNAGE SYSTEM TABLE - - -,~ ;".-J Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirement #2 Basin: May Creek Subbasin Name: Green Creek Subbasin Number: flym~il " .;t;!if~!ti\~~!~,D.~~~t;.' }s!~~i, ~,1a\~ i&,~~iJ fi~liab,~ ~~~~&~~?t~ Type: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; size, Drainage basin, vegetation, cover, See Map diameter, surface area depth, type of sensitive area, volume (j) Vegetated channel Wetland through backyards a> 30-inch CMP I Under S.B. l04th Street, flows north ® Channel Through backyards I @ 4.5-foot by 5-foot CMP Flows north under 26th Street I arch culvert ® I Well defmed channel IFlows into May Creek % 5 2 1.5 0.5 1 Ft. Constrictions, under capacity, ponding, overtopping, flooding, habitat or organism destruction, scouring, bank sloughing, sedimentation, incision, other erosion Tributary area, likelihood of problem, overflow pathways, potential impacts 0'-575' None Noted None Noted I Area is fenced off, couldn't get a good look. 575' -600' I None Noted 600' -2300' I None Noted 2300' -2350' I None Noted 2350' -2750' I None Noted None Noted None Noted None Noted \ None Noted 11444.004.doc [JPJ/dm] I I, ( () I - I I I I I I I ( t'-'-\ '. \. . .-1 I I I I I I I ( i '; 1---I I -"'-"-~"'-""""'-'--" --. -.. -----.. _-,-.--.... ~.--.---,.--.-.. -.... --..... ---... _-._ .. ---..... -.--.,-...... --.---... ---.. -... -~-.... -....... --.--... --.. --.-.... -, .. -----... ---.--.. -.-~-...... ---.. _._-'--_ .. _--" TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM D'ESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1-\ 1 I ... ~ /. ('---) ) -.~--' TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Runoff leaves the site through the north-central portion of the project site and courses through backyard areas and vegetated swale consisting of wetland areas until coursing underneath S.E. 104th Street through a 3D-inch corrugated metal pipe culvert. Flows continue in a northerly direction for the most part passing through backyards in a well-defined channel until flows pass underneath 26th Street in the City of Renton, flowing north through 4.5-foot by 5-foot CMP arch culvert and then a little bit later the flow courses into May Creek. A review of the Exhibit J -Drainage Complaints shows there is one property owner that is very concerned about stormwater runoff surrounding her home. Many complaints were addressed by her from adjacent property owners. In addition the upstream drainage basin, which contributes runoff to the seasonal stream passing through her backyard, is the downstream drainage course from the project site. This property owner is the only complainant on the downstream drainage course from the project site, but she was complaining of erosion during peak flows contributing to an ongoing problem in her backyard. That is why Level 3 Flow Control is being instituted with this development. Please refer to the drainage complaints for a complete description of the problems associated with the downstream drainage course. 1 1 444.003.doc [JPJ/dmj I I ..... • 1\0 I I I I I I 1(0 I I I I I I I 0,·,\ ( .{J I EXHIBIT J Drainage Complaints I 1(0 I - I II I I I I I f(d··~·· '" ' .. I I I I I I I'IV.'::1t:!b King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division 20 I S Jackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98104 r38SS FAX TO:~ Fax: (ill§j ~J -1Vlll Phone: (1/')..5);)$1 .. h;tJ-4: Date: 3/JJ6~ Numbe~ of pages including covel' sheet: ~ From: Cindy Torkelson WLR Storm water Services S,?ctiop Phone; aQ§) 296-1900 Fax Number: ~ 296 .. 01.22· RE: Levell Analysis . To follow is a list of complaints receive~ by the 'Water and Land Resources Division Drainage Services Section. Complaint numbers beginning prior to 1990-XXXX have been archived and are no longer in our possession. They can still be retrieved, if riecessaty, b1:lt.will take additional time and may not be beneficial to your reseqroh due to their age, development whicij has occlUTed, etc. If you are interested in reviewing the actual complaints, they can be pulled (time permitting) for your review. Copies can be obtained for $ .IS per page. and '$2.00 per page for plans. . ].<.eys: . Tyne of InyeJtlgatton C ActIon ReqUQ8t Bew Busincss' tbrClean Water CCP l\cspotuetD Inquily tCL ClaIm EH Bnforcement on Hold ER. BnforcemontRcview PCC,FCR.JICS FaellityCompWnts R SWM Fee Inquiry t1R SWMFeoRcvitw FIR SWM Pcc on Hold .LS ~ult RJl FaaDity BoaillCClfng Rmcw NDA Nalabbodtood Dnlna80 Aalstancc WQC WatcrQulIIlf¥C4mp1=, WQB Water Quality I!nforccmmt WQR Wakt Quality IIIJsineerlllg Rmcw WQA Water Qualily Audit WQO WllterQuallty-Othcr S I,S2,SN3 Enalncering Studies Type of Problem DCA DOM DES DLE DTA INQ. MMA MMP MMO· MMM .,.= SWF WQB WQO WQI REM GkT NWD DllVCloprnentlConstruction Dtalnqe -Mi:wc:lll1neous Dmlml&e-Bro.l~edlmentat1on llrainatC -UndslidolBanb Movement Ptalnage Technical MGistanco DraiollBO-Oenetal Inquiry Maitttt.nanee -A.csthc:dcs MafntGnanec -l1foodlns Maintenance -Omcral MalnCenance • Mowing MAintenance -Needs MaI"tenancc MabUaulllcc-NOlClolIS Weeds sWM Fcc Quosdons warct Quality -Beet MMftgllmcnt Practices Wafer Q'aDlity -PIImplng WIII:r QuQllty -DUdt COMcctlon SWM Fee -RmcllSuremeut SWM PcooGtnnt SWM Pee·New DiscolIIIl ·Suhj~t 10 Publlo Dbcloruro mtUlmnents 1. Receipt ofwrittell roqUCIt for doclllMnts 2. Review and approvlll byPmseGUting Attorney's office ......... -----I • c..."" ~ I , I ~u county Wat8r and Land lIOBoorCOB Iflalon . DrBln8118 8apvloo8 SootlOn ~ ~Ialnt 808mb Printed: 313/2004 2:30;26 PM . I ...mmlaIDt Typp .JYIJI of Problem AdIIraBa Of Prdlhln . CummMfa Tll'osPaoo Numbor COm I 1975-0004 C DRNG 958S UNSET BlSE 138THlSUNSEr BUANNEXEO 626J6 1980-0008 C FILL 138TH AVE SE HONEY CREEKIMA Y CREEK 626J5 1983-0045 C 15923 SI:: MAYVALLEY RD FILLlNGIMAY CRK 627A5 i I 1983-0046 C DRNG 11203 148THAVESE PONDING 626J6 1983-0057 C FLOG 10449 151Si SE 627A5 1984-0015 C FLbG RENTON-ISSA W'N MAY CREEK Ei26J6 I 1985-0225 R VIOLATE: 15019 SE MAY VAllEY RD TOCODEENF. 627A5 1985-0509 E ... I' PrmtAppvdSWM·DRS 627A5 1986-0654 C FILUNG 11203 148ntAVE: SE 626J6 I 1987-0284 CL FLOG .14847 206THAVE SE BASEMENT FROM CULVERT -CL#10505 627A6 1967-0485 C DRNG 15004 SE 114TH,ST t-IElf:)HBOR FLOODING PROPERTY 627A6 I 1987-0485 ER ~ N, 'N .10.~D DRNG FOR CMIRO COORD 10127/87 627A6 1987..Q485 NDA " NO RD DRNG FOR CMIRD COORD 10127/8 627A6 1967·0801 C DRNG 14100 SE 100TH PL FROM N~ DEVELOPMENT 626J5 I 1967·1189 C DRNG 10218 14TfHAVE SE DRAINAGE: FROM RENTON RID POND 626J5 1968-0787 C DRNG 15004 ' SI: 114TH ST ILLEGAL INSTALLATION OF TILE 87-0485 627A6 .((£: C DRNG 14418 se 116Tl-f ST INADEQUATE SYSTEM INSTALLED 62BJ6 C DRNG 14408 SE 100THST SUMMER WINDS DRAINAGE OVERFLOW 626.15 C EROSION 14429 S5 1161lt ST PVT RD WASHOUT DUE TO NO DRAINAGE 626J6 1989-0150 C DRNG/ERO 14428 SE 116TH ST PVT RD WASHOUT DUE TO NO DRNG 89-0 62BJ6 I 1989-0318 E DRNG 11800 138THAVE se ClEARINGOF RID NATURAL RID POND 626J6 1989-0534. C DRNG 14842 SE 114THST FILL OF DRAINAGE 87-0485 627A6 I 1990-0508 C DRNG 14842 Se 114THST DITCH FILLeD IN 627A6 1990-0819 C PONDING 10403 147THA~ . ,s~ .. INYARD/91-0619 626J5~ 1990-0982 C ORNG 15630 SE 116TH ST, DITCH ENDS BY PROPERlY 627A6 I 1990·1623 C FLOG 13611 SE: 1161HST @ RID FACllIrY SeePING WATER 626J6 1991·0339 C FLOG 11212 137THAVE SE PIPE Or PRIVATE DITCH 626J6 1991"0578 C DRNG 11833 142NDAVE se WATER PONDING IN YARD 626J6 I 1991·0619 C DRNG 10403 1471'HAVE se INCREASED FLOW IN SEASONAL CREEK 626J5 <':- 1991-0619 SR DRNG 10403 147THAVE SE TOCIP 626J5 ~ 1991.0797 S2 ON HOLD 627A6 I 1991-Q898 C DRAINAGE 15212 SE RENTON.-ISSAQ RD HIGHWAY DITCH CLEANING 627A6 1991-0932 C OIVERSIO 15630 SE 116TH ST DITCH OUTLt:IT ON YARD 627M I 1991·1127 C BEVERDAM 14800 SE MAY VALLEY RD DAM IN STREAM 626J5 ~ 1992·0100 C DRAINAGE 12240 142NDAVE SE 626J6 1992·0137 C CONSTRUC ,14410 SE 107TH PL , NEW CONSTIRE:NTON 626J5 .. I ~~-O169 C DRAINAGE 10262 147THAV SE 626J5 k (l) Page 1 of3 I, I I complaint Typo Typo Of Problam .1: 1 r Coda SR DRAINAGE 10262 147TH AV I e MAYCREK 15440 SE MAYVALLEYRD 1992-0484 SR MAY CREK 15440 SE MAY VALLEY RD 1993-0086 C DRAINAGE 10220 148TH AV I 1993·0094 WQe EROSION 10217 148TH AVE 1993·0236 C EROSION 10202 148TH AVE I 1993-0236 ER EROSION 10202 148TH Ave 1993-0236 RN EROSION 10202 14BlH AVE I I I I 1993-0339 WQC SEWAGE 10222 148TH AVE 1993-0387 NDA ORNG 12203 148TH AVE 1993·0387 RN DRNG 12203 148TH AVE 1993-0437 C DRAINAGE 11204 148THA~~Ue 1993-0858 C RUNOFF 10220 148THAVE 199J.0932 C DRNG 10220 148TH AVE 1994·0177 C DRNG 10218 148TH AVE 1994-0476 C INQUIRY 10217 147TH AVE 1994-0476 NDA INQUIRY 10217 147TH AVE 1995-0420 C EROSION 10415 14TH AVE 1995-0420 NDA EROSION. 10415 14TH AVE 1995-0420 RN EROSION 10415 14TH AVE I (('i.-06B9 C EROSION 11204 148TH AVE ",,-,).0718 X DRAINAGE 10415 147TJ-f AVE I I I 1995-0996 X DRAINAGE 10415 147THAve 1995-l037 C 1996-0143 C 1996-0552 C 1996-0552 R. 1996-0750 X 1996-1193 C 1996J 1377 C DITCHES RUNOFF FLOG FLOG ORNG EROSION 11224 14614 11815 11615 10415 11204 146THAVE SE RENTON-ISSAQUAH 148THAVE 146THAVE 147THAVE 148THAVE REEDGRAS 15440 SE MAY VAlLeY RD 1997-1299 C DRAINAGE 15329 SE MAYVALLEYRD I I 1997-1299 E ORAINAGE 15329 SE MAYVALLEYRO 1997-1299 R DRAINAGE 15329 se MAYVALLEYRD 1997-1454 C DRAINAGE 10429 FOREST AVE I, 1997-1454 R DRAINAGE 10429 FORE~TAVE . 1999-0196 C DRAINAGE SE 101 ST/146 AVE 1999·0320 X DRAINAGE se 102N0/141·48 AV I 1999~0417 C FIlliNG 15019 SE MAYVALLEYRD 1999-0710 C DeBRIS 14BXX SE RENTON-ISS RD I ~~_~9-0725 WOC CREEK 14813 SE RENTON-ISS RD (t \) I ._-' I IIV ...... OO r . .:J/q TbrosPauo SE NOT NDAP (GROUND WATER) MAY CREEK RISING MAY CReeK RISING Nor NDAP SE DRAINAGE CHANNEL ON PROPERlY SE EROSION ON CLEARED LOT SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIve PREMIT SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PERMIT SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PREMIT SE REFERED TO ODes SE PONDING IN YARD NDA-F se PONDING IN YARD NDA·F . $.t:.. ENCLOSING ROAOSIDE DITCH SE CLEARING OF NEIGHBORS LOT SE CLEARING OF NEIGHBORS LOT SE NEW HOUSE NEAR SWALE se ROAD CULVERT OUTLETS TO LOT SI:; ROAD CULVERT OUTLETS TO LOT S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK se SLOUGHING OF ROADSIDE"DITCH SE SEE 94-04201 NDA-C SE 626J5 .rf 627A5 627A5 627A5 -f 626J5 .~ 627A54 627A5 -f 627A5 "'" 827A5 ~ 627A6 827A6 627A6 627A5 ~ 627A5 ..;.. 627A5 ~ 626J5 ~ 626J5 <- 626J5 + 626J5 ~ 626J5 ~ 627A6 626J5 -E- 626.15 ~ sa; STORM EXCEEDED SYSTEM CAPACITY 627 A6 RD RUNOFF FROM SR 900 626J6 <::- SE 626J6 SE FLOODING. FROM VANDALIZED FIRE HYD 626J6 SE ODES WAS LEA[).. THEY HANDLED 626J5 ~ se REQUEST TO ENCLOSERIS DITCH 627A6 REED CANARY GRASS RESTRICTING CHA 627 A5 PVT DRIVE CONST IMP TO RD DRNG SYS 627 AS PVT DRive CONST IMP TO RD DRNG SYS 627A5 PVT DRIVE CaNST IMP TO RD DRNG SYS 627A5 S OFFSITE SHEEr/CONCENTRATED FLOW I 626J5 .J.. S OFFSllE SHEET/CONCENTRATED FLOW I 626J5 ~ SE OFFSITE FLOW IMP PROP CnY OF RENT 626.15 + SE MORE OF THE SAME 826J5 ~ .' ALLEGED FILLING VIOLATION PREVIOUS 627A6 UTIL WORK ST RNJ APPEARS AOEQU NO 626J5 ~ CONCERNS REGARDING SEDIMENt ORAl 627A6-<= Pege20f3 I I , .~ . :: lYJallPi'llllllnl ldtIrnIofPrdlllllll 1, CLEARING 12000..0440 WQR OES 2000-0160 WQR woe I ~~~~~~~:: ~ ~~ 2001·0274 WQR woo I 2001~0316 X INO 2001-076S NOA· OOM 2001-0765 R OOM I 2001.0842 E 2002-0005 C I 2.002·0035 X 2002-0212 C 2.002-0303 NDA- I 2.002-0303 R 2003~0210 X 2003-0567 C I I (,{-\ ,,--) I I I I I I I ( 'I I() I' DDM DDM INQ DDM OOM DDM INa DTA 10415 147THAVE 10415 147THAVe 11204 148TH AVENUE 1'0415 147TH AVS 10415 147THAVE 10220 148THAVE 10415 147THAVE 10415 14n'HAVE 10415 147THAVE 10217 147'THAVES 10415 147THAVESE 10415 147THAVESE 10726 148TH AVe SE 10415 147THA~SE 10415 147THAVESE 10415 147TMAVSSE 11327 148THAVE SE Se SE SE se SE SE SE SE SE I'IV.:U::::Sb lbrDsPaU8 LOT CLEARING PRep TO NEW CONST?? 626J5 ~ WILL REVISIT SITE DURING -RAINSTORM T 626J5 ~ Mrs. Waltrip has mulched all exposed soil to s 626J6 SMAIL RESPONSE SENT FOR RON SIMMS 626J5 ~ prepared email for Nancy Hansen to send to 626J5 ~ 627A5 < RESPONSE BY RON SIMS TO A LEITER S 626J5 <;- PO/ENTIAL QUICK FIX· WATER FROM NE 626J5-+ POTENitAL QUICK FIX· WATER FROM NE 626J5 ~ MS. NAGEL BLOCKED A CROSS CULVERT 626J5 + PDR FOR ENFORCEMENT LeTIER 01-084 626J5 ~ RESPONSE TO 1/9/02 EMAIL FROM CLAUD 626J5 + SFR WITH GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS. 626J5 ,~ UNDERSIZED CULVERT CAUSES BACKUP 626J5 ~ UNDERSIZED CULVERT CAUSeS BACKUP 626Jo ~ EMAIL INQUIRY REGARDING EROSION CO 626J6 < WATER IN CRAWL SPACE. APPeARS TO 626J6 Page 3 013 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF p'Dsoc WORKS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT ~ . SECLlWP~RGE S-LOCATION: f:'A..-....,..-. ~/-~ .'. \7 r_, ____ ..;;;;~..::.r/...;;...=/.::>~L_'___~."-'--=~;;...I~~~-~l./~·~ _________________ IKROLLPG. a l./V COMPLAINANT: -z;;.-J6eY g~v'tV'DACC. . COUNCIL DIST. ----'(p~ __ PHONE NO. '7 ':7,-0'/'"7 /,/'J. _/ . . ./J HOME: ~..?:'"' <C J 0 Address /CJ'Z-tz. ,L¥7-/k ~Vc n-City· ffc:1lTStateWIJ: Zip-L..6~~ WORK: DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: Co'o/~C---9-/;V 171V'/ /~'"E~ PP?---r/..vJJ!4::;::-J7;O/Y7 / 4i>-4 ./V~ 5c:- A. ;</ 0 -nJ fA/.,4 ~7e. tPurl-c:rs e>A..J'o 5'L.o(?tF t/I&oV'i£" ,/7/S 7..ecJ~'P"r, i:P;vv;; /.AJ fos /.4-c~Y~D, Ah ?1c/T"Ur rG~ OF INVESTIGATION: On site 2-27-92. The Brundage .residence is located on theside of a relatively steep hill. 'Slope is from east t west, and. 10262 fronts on 147th. To the rear, and facing 148th is a new home, graded, but with rio vegetation (l andscaping). 148th at thi s location isa shoulder tyoe road with ditches on th eastside. Run off to the west is shared by the property owners •. Observed no noticeable erosio at 10263-148th from the road. Roof run off is piped-probably to a dry well. Photo 1) Looks south on 148th with adjacent lot to Brundage at right. 2) Looks west from 148th at 10263. Brundage is to the rear and down~ . 3) View of Brundage house and 10263 -148th in backgrnd. 1<8tcn .. I ((~) I' I I I I I~ I·-v . , .. ,. () r' ~ .., '-1 1·4;-\O'L41.. ....... .... j?,(JAN~ / ~ 4!- ......- ~F-E.. ....- - I A-V )t I r i [) "" ~ ~ . I ()1...r,3 ~ "-. E.- - \ +-~ 1 I \ KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT Dale Rec'd: / 9'-:z.., &2? -/} (; . /. J '2 UJ I '/ .. SEC'lS lWPZ3 AGE.s:::.· ~LOC~A_JI_O_N: __ :.~2i~a"""'t1O.,Litt~fpf{",,,IYf--LNL.ffo.&1.u.Ir-,-,Ht..IoB",(}~C_ .... t2~O;.L.r.._1f'",",.I:.L.r:_· .t:.I1kj~/C-.L/JZ~~L-. ..e..s~/n:~2.a'?//J~:...-f,---,ur~'--_IKROLL PG. era / COMPLAINANT: f/IlN.. 'f) ,I £/a,2{J/J COUNCIL DIST. -(p~--~ PHONE NO. " HOME: aZb 9ZCJO ItJZZO /I/£Yl /ltl S£, City 5t.mde State Zip ___ WORK: IR 3,1-05 o:;;,-~ DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: . ., 5.' )Itl~U80rl.. 8U1tT a H-O U}-e. .~ yl'ZS a ~o : fJ~{rl,N a. Pn:ltnqj-fZ 5y S7}ff1 w/.//elt t?rfl//tS &nJl) $//hdYlS !1Yr: /?h 5/~~;¥-] f1 /II" e-ku.L of & r ~ r () c.TlJ 6 f r al1'd ~ J Ii ~(J vv--t ,-d /71.UT -(lvu-,:S OL • ~;J~;z d f-./7J W diu; p",-~ I 'J a 6-Ltr ~ 5 7L-t 11/-'-/ t.<I~ Iv..: plPtl1-s TO ~vt.lC-i:? ~ It~u f:-€ I Ih fj /'7 fJra //1./47-'-tl'rO/?"I "' 1l.A.. (,(.f?h"'/1.5/JJt-~ IUIJ h6f7,-.,uJh,"'c,h ),tZ.J /Hvu..~Ua. w/r?'1 }l<vt'tJltS IIf MAl r}1~r //1{/~J /76ttlnr-tftR!~ tt> ~howL.dC.CLT7(//i rJ bh~h~ <.2 .. .... .' &a 1-,,.,.u.:;1.0 hll/lUfZS IfPn t!.L TIJ fe-:r~. i,.\?LAINT RECEIVED BY: liat. '-t1V"'L. . . "i ,;s. OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side: Yes [i( No 0 Photos: Yes ?-:(. No 0 . -On site 2-2-93.' . Ouanl.ty Met with MrSimon and viewed the problem. He has a one acre lot that he has cleared fo~ construction of a home in the new year. Slope,of the surrounding properties is frqm SE to NW, and neighbors to the south have dug an interceptor ditch across the back of their lot that 'is also said to drain another ditch from the next southerly nelghbor. This had drained to an area on his lot that is proposed to be the foundation for his house. Mr Simon in turn dug a ditch along the property line to the ditch on 148th which he intends to tight line. BALD is said to have informed him drainage from the properties should go to the roadside ditch. Because the neighbors drained to h.is property it is up to him to handle. At the time of observation there was drainage from the neighboring properties to Simonis .southerly ditch down the ditch to where it goes sub surface to a small pond in a low spot in the front, and from there to a cross culvert under 148th to a small swale. There was indication of some erosion from upstream due to siltation of the small swale. Fo.llowed the drainage to where i:t outlets west of 147th Av SE and observed no silt at that location. Photo 1) Looks east from 148th across mid portion of' the Simon property. Pond and drainage in. foreground drain to ditch. . 2) Vi'ew of ditch on east side of 148th bordering Simon property. 3) View towards 148th along south ditch. 4) Shows ditch and neighboring house on right. 5) Looks south along d'tched area t rear of 10222 -148th. COMPLA.INT INVESTIGATED BY: DATE: Z. -~- Complainant advised of action possible or taxen by: Phone ~ Lette~ 0 Personal Contact 0 Complaint Action Handled By .=:Q-~~' t...~:l..£~~~~~'-___ CIOSed::,It.! /9 3' ~I !);ole OK'd~ "'ill,,, :tSk~!Ch In 51: I ~~-' I f I 1 t " "'--I ~ .. _." <-..--.,~ •• ~ " c--" _4 ,.~ t . '. ~ J~ 1 (, L.... . " "... . .11 , , • ,!. I I :U 1 , j: I' l' " I t. ~ \_ -. E-i. __ ~~~ __ .' _ .. _ .. }~" t . . r"lt II ~ I i f t t 1 I . r t . " I, I ., 1~_._,:.4 I 1'\11'4\.:1 \"UUI'4 I J. Ut:. ... AI1I Mt:N I Ur t-'UtsLI\,; WUHl\~ SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT , ~. I'NATURE' OF COMPLAINT: SEC L TWP -Z~ RGE--=r- I LOCATION: CtCgOSS sm&$' Ef2..CJ»1 tJDfJ. f3~LDvJ KROLlPG. ~e- COMPLAINANT: Dl2U6: D/;//:J{E d Cb: ;'Z,6-:55 COUNCllDIST. " PHONE NO. I 0 --, --HOME: .----- I Address L J } q 8 J ,4 V 5[. City State Zip WORK: ~ S-~ 2 5' 2 '3 DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: 7lV/3 70 It,gV M'iu<..... -as t9 r~~J1JttCrz~noyt f~1 I I I I I I I I I ·If 8f/!1A!!I~ W/J5 ;:{ ffUf1f-lLj tJUI-7?J' ,0/1411/} (}t W GTT1-tJN.o -(J AI L /-J 110 tJt Ut7f5 S 7r ./ P-/" F /Cl.ffJ [}tJUtr-f}////Y/6, PIZ//IN41rL {!/-/;4J1YJ[C IS UAJeIfEeI<L D , Spoke with Doug Dipple regarding siltation in a swale as a result of run off from property identified in 93-0096/Simon. There was siltation to a small .swale that accepts run off from a cross tile under 148th (12" conc). The stream tended to wander thru heavy brush and ferns and then culverted under 147th near 102nd Av SE. Where the stream crossed the ditch on the east side of 147th and at the outlet, there was no· signs of silt. It appeared the .silt was deposited on the property by the Dipple residence .. At the time of the muddy water Mr Dipple felt there was a speed of run off at .2 cfs, whereas the run off normally flows at approx .02 cfs. At the time of observation run off was clear. Photo 1) View of run off at the outlet of cross culvert. 2) View of flat area where siltation occured. 3) Outlet west of 147th that drains to large pasture. Approx 1/3rd mile to May Creek. 4) View of ditched area at north side of 10222 -148th that is said to drain wetlands. I. ::OMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY; £"'7<' ~"""= I \CTlON TAKEN: ~ -2.3 -eu. N a -h.N ___ . DATE: 'Z -~-'\3 " "Z -'-4 -'i'l. Ar 0 _\ ...... I : \ '" -,...,....,...."........ i . \f ) t ' I Amplainant advised of action possible or taken by: Phone 8"" letter 0 I ;omplaint Action Handled By sr?7 £.-~~ ~ ~ IN~O "PD.E:S C,AADNG>;' Personal Contact 0 Closed: 2-L{ -93 !)Ate OK'd:~ lnilla" . .1 Sketch I ,". (,(0) I ' I I I I I ~(:~) I I I I I I i t ~ -. l . t t , r t t . . , t \ . . , .. , N I KING COUNTY SURFACE. WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION , DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I -' ~, Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST TYPE 'C , n'~OBLEMl.ou1l.)?-EP h0C9IN!; Ggo~/~ , .~ ~:...,;;;.... .. _____ _ (()elved bY:re 'Br~)'.c::. Date: ~-3l>-q~ OK'd bY:~ FUe No. ~ ~ -~ Z3~ I ~~ , ' RliCoiviid from: , (Plea.se print plainly tor acanning). i , (D8y) (Eve) Mc'i?>,l... I I Location of problem, If different: Details of PrDb'em: " PHONE "Z1l-SilB 940 -~"8~ State y.JA ZJp' <12>0': ,'CHARGED , , ' ~ f\.olt?E: ~'-Ft>~ A-Pf>c.)~tt>')~T. IN, ,c.¢1tP.'1t:!~Dl-In', 'l>~/~ti ~ I 1H.a ~\J"nt A~A(.2:Jo..l/ ,Le:>T n 11te: tC!~f>(,,""'fv~,'5 c.~mtrfU .A'(..~ ~ 02." ~AY' -wh jZQ.~Tl-"'I t::!t..Ett{(ro., t. PC1tflll; w~ItpPItR6"Nrt .. '1 '~~"al> I I a'1 ,i4>~ f;;jZ. I";''".:> v...)"o;c:.~ '). A ~tvA-L6" wA-!. C?'l..A-vA-~, b>~ "'H-I ~ t:!l. ~ a:> I..t>I w,..,.,~ If c>e I '" foJ I4l.L:j . OV ru::tr60 Ar nn:. ~1IIYt1 'P '-47 f'.J ittvT '-~ D~'\I~A-"". Tin~ iZv-.r;.vl,.nst.) I~ &oe..~r'e6f). r/.,ooiY/...J, 1Po ~~,~ c.:iF :. -. ~ ~p(,h,-.JlHYr'5 D/v.-!. ~1t·ie..iS: I~, .+~ p;z.e>j~~ IPc;nk.; I AN /ti>? Ti'Mtn1l.JC J4.L.~ ~.tt$7U Jkl..~$ D/fAj Ihv() OvTLt:./~ '&vIZ: ._~~T»-~ ~c: ~wlT1 t;:>.rC#.4-T £!8?1PL+,N/tyoorr\!!:> I/J~ .r::;:.vt..v~1: i?~ I ~(~~l t,?:.Pn1J~ RMOVreL:> IN Fwn..c)~ p~ fbPP~i. roe l/l..ttr-LrN r; frrJl> lik>DJ N , Jtw J'r-J ' TIH5" ,?;yt1P~1h JVIt-N-h> D I a.v 6> 1Ka c: ~ w~t.. ~ T'tI-iE I "O!w ~vt..oj~ IN . t+B'rH-!krc~. wttr;r.?~ !3e: "j?enVe o· I I I gther. agencies, involved; (Giye details) D/l6"J tf01Dt5)Uvit.. f)84:rUM,e Rc.71f1{!tn:J mil· dl? ?Io/"" TO ~Nl PI/<. . Reported Impacts: # Properties: Dates / frequency of occurrences: Home h~~r ou.v~I<'€)\.JGe c>,J 1I1~(..J.I 2.2.'"'6 I "i" 3. , Acce~s road 'S/I.lLC. ~~)N4~, ~P:N\-t...:N"" L.o/~ Sept~c system -" outbuildings, garage Yard/landscaping - Other property stream, lake, wetland- Locationfi"racking Info: Parcel No. ------------------- Council' Dist~ I BaSin~ ( , , --,t name: DIR Ref/Chg No: ____ _ city ---Field investigation neecled?_ Block No: Lot No: " 1,1)· . I AVuon taken: Assigned to: Turned to __ , on _1_1__ Initials: __ THO~1AS BROS ·NEW: (gZ?lf 5 DATE CLOSED:-i-J2::1l/~ OK:d:~ OLD • ~ '5' £ 1. : h _ " . Re.o~ ....... 5"{cJD/f3 ell) ~ t NF'o DDE:S <?RO~G I KJ...\ -h_r //J /itJ-./9d ~d~CIl.rf) KROLL 80I I I N6ISr",q:iN3~i~v~;V ~l~~tli\Nl dUVNIVHQ . ··'-kiNG.r.et; .. ' ' .. ' '~'.! l' ... l:fl'M,_... '.' ,S·· .~' .... ' ... :5lNDt-.. ... , I DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT . . . L ItO FIe Name:tv-uov /?/;: ::;~;;;GATION ~c":':, 'i:;;~~:9~vZ:J Dstal7s of Invsstigation: Date of Field Investlgatlon:~ ...lJ .1L Related Investigations: 93 -0086/ Simon. I M~~.-~\'iftf(·Mr Coziol.a~d .~akamus and walked the problem site. Recent heavy .. r~irl? appa.~~n~ly 0' .:taxea:t'~i~8"ADS··drain the property owner (Simon) put in recently. Water-went dO'wn"Uie'-Clitchl :..~~.g. ?-~ the e,ast and. nort~rope,=ty',.l ~nes causin~ erosio~ in the.c:~i~~'l.es.,aQt fi1,lipg.,~ drivew~ \~"cro~s-culvert, causlng water'to'overtop the prlVate drlVe'and starteCl t.o"erod.e.the R/W at t: I ,.-i~ifFl1--ti~ti~~i;~~i~~~~ii~~i~~ f;i;-~~~~~~i",;;d ~~~;;t;~~~o~;~e~:~t::;~:;:-:~;~;;~~. , ".a"· ,ADS.., . I I ",..21LooXs ,sout.h. 'along east pr.op~ty".line at,tdrainage ditch;~' .'Lot ii1a-rker seen mid:~righ~:; . 3rShows ditch on Bakamus property draining. to west. .' ' . . " .4}:vtew of ditch"and sUtdepos~t'-'b'y' drivewaY-cross cLi1Vert"('iiear r:elf'dot).·;' ,.<.,'. ,,'" 5} View of natural drainage' $w.~le. " ." :,', " . . '. '. ", " ··6) Shows'~erosi'cin6n private dtive west of'cros's Clj1Vert. . . .. ' .. , -.. , 7) lqo~~, north on.148tbwher~, run off:from:pri~.at~, dri.ve, to 10202· eroded ~ect;,on. af r.c " shoulde'r.':~ .. ,' ,-" . '. '" '.," ~ -", ,.-8} ,.8" ADS Qutlet'to r9ck~.rQadside .uj.tch-.,,', ' " , , ,;'.' .. ' ,; .. ' I 9} Looks north on 148th where 8" drains to ditch. _ .~,' ,·,,)OLSho,Wsseepage from s(),n that· looked 111(e· oil with blue sheen·'to"wate:r·.'Nopetroleur .smell noted. I I (d--'" . ' ...... ' .... . . :· ..... l I I-:L" e~. '.' ... ' .. I 1 1 I .~. a--, ,'-,. : .. . ~ :', .. ~: . i .. !!' '-\, t . t , . i .t f~;1ff i .. I I, IlU :=--~ _ -.:::::::---=-_ _ .... -=-_ -=----:...-.=-:.. -:::=.-e::---=-~ ~i) ~:"=-=-=-='-=---=---'::~-':"'---------------Ih,tz.f,. \~ t -f'li-tJ}f t t Date of Report:~/ ~/ JL I Complainant notified by LLCj e ... I i PR,OBL!M b gvNl2Fe '.~tv y: ~t' .. I Received from: NAME: j/C't\/2N .KlNG COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: Date: J \cN$J OK'd by: TYPE ~ FUe No. q (Day) .. (Eve) I ADDRESS: \ Q2.2.0 t'i ~it' AYe' ~ CiN State Zip ·'1_______ ___ _ __ _ I Location of problem, ff different: Details of Problem: . . I I I I . :;tV~ ~ r(fl I t.i) I other agencies involved: (Giye details) ------I Reported Impacts: # Properties: . Dates/frequenc Home I --Access road --Septic system --outbuildings, garage --Yard/ lands'caping . ---I -other property . .--. = Strealn, lake, wetland-I Comments: CHARGE # o t:~t1~~~tt;·1t.j~tt1ii#.·;tt~;;;~:!M!gE~~~l;§!F.Q~gYL~}~l~1;lti~~?I~~~Jgt!£tzt==%:!r~~~g~~·~:~t~.~7if::~;~;;Z:7·~~;;;tt=~~.~ l~ocatiOn/Tra.cki';9 Info: . _._1/4 S~T...&R2 Parcel No. G&."&SOS' -20!ti' . Type __ Council Dist , DIR Ref/Chg No: ____ _ City --- Block No: Basin M~'1 I P'-"""",'"lame: ( . \ 14.l{Jlaken: Assigned to: . Tumed to __ on __ /_/_ Initials: __ THO~1AS BROS ··NEW: ~2.7 As DATE CLOSED:.-l!....J S / V . OK'd: :;!ft' I OLD: '05 ~2 Field investigation needed?_ Lot No: KROLL I . I MISI <i~1 I (',.J \,0 FDe Name: File No. I -Details of Investigation: Date of Field Investlgatlon:~../ LI?3 Related Investigations: I Property to the east of the Simon's has been cleared of Qrush. Slope in this ar:a !J f~om SE t? NW <'ndwo~ld naturally drain towar~s t~e.Simo~ r~operty. There 1,; a1 °thl (htch behlnd propertles to the south that dralns lntoa dralnage system built. b~ prOf/art, I Simon's to d~ain to the ~itch 'on 148th. In spea~ing to the Koziol' c; and adjacen f r it owner that dld the clearlng,. the purpose was to clear thp. br./sh and p.lant gras~ ° . pasture--no orarlfno.·· ". .' .... ." .' . .. . Photo 1) Looks east over the ~outh end of the Simon foundation towarrfs cleared arol.', I 2) looks sf: over foundation at ~dditional clearf3d area~: n'§ 3) Looks south along rear of adJacel'lt p-"'opp.rty owner where dltch e.nt.er~ Simo drain system. I 4) Looks west towards 148th. 4A) View from clearpd area over Simon Con!\trllction. . r" .. 4 5} Lo'oks east towards foundation from ciitch where ba~k ytlrd ora inage enters I ditch. . I 1\0 I I I I I I r " .. -_.; .... ,,~ / ,,",-,-===:=...+-... - / / I 1 ~· KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION' -- I ·, •. ····· •... ,' .P"ROBLE·M "',' ~"'HR DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT &2' t..VV""";'Q Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST TYPE C---' ~n Received by: R' Sf\.l1"J Date: 10 -f e ... 9~OK'dby: FUe No. 91-0 ~ I . --.~ Received-from: (~"'M prinl plalnly tor aeanning). (Day) {Eve} NAME: 'k~Si~oV\l PHONE'BZ8-9 7tJo I· ADDRESS: i 0 2-'20 I tfE-M. Avg., Sf;:. , . \ C~ R~+lHt, State Wa ZiPW I I: I I, Location of problem. If different II ~ ~Q. t.. Cf3-0 g SP I J) \tv\ Q)\ • li(c~ -· I' CHARGE # I Other agencies' involved: (Give details)r(.f~ ~l:>o...,,~.~Ls ' I I Reported Impacts: Home' Access road # Properties: --Septic system = outbuildings, ·garage _ . Yard/landscaping -Other property = Stream, iake, wetland- Comments: Location/Tracking Info: Dates/frequency of occurrences: Parcel No .. ________ _ Type_ Basin fh 8'1 Councn Dist f 'J-I (-)toame: DIR Ref/Chg No: ___ _ City --Field investigation needed?_ Block No: Lot No: I ~~{) k As· ed A ... ./on ta en: sIgn to: -- TH6~1AS BROS '. NEW: ,6ft7 It S I' OLD: 1)' ~7- Turned to on / I Initials: -------KROLL OATECLOSEO:-1LI~~ OK'd: ~' 5~ ?3-oa~,s(~ I -" KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT _. I I I I 'I I I ,PROBLEM D~NG )\eceJved by; fL . \ '" Receiv8:(/ from: . NAME: j( a. Y ~n .. Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST TYPE·" ~ .. '.' Date: 3/7 !ql.j OK'd by: FDe Nc 94-0177 . (PIe .... print 'pl~n!y tor acanning). (Day) (Eve) PHONE g~8-q7()O __ _ ADD~ESS: _________________ City __ "'--____ State, __ Zip __ Location of problem. If different '-:ViQ 11-18:' /'(8'T.f.... liSE ,CH'ARGE' .# , Details 01 Problem: ' ::t gq '3 ~ {7 If?] , , ' , .8i1;ld/~. a net<J home~ ,+hey haue.. TrIed +0 dllR?.r--.-r -the... DRN6 awa.y {'rom The.. ,(07--TAe. Ora.oo?ctge S'y~.fem' /s Sf,11 l1o*a~uo.+c... enougn# What--else Can she do#? I 1(3 I I I I I I I L, Reported Impacts: # Properties: Dates/frequency of Home Access road -.septic system - -outbuildings, garage - , -Yard/ landscaping - -. other property. = stream, lake, wetland- Comments: Locationffracking Info: Parcel No.0c1@.aOSQo81 Type_ BaSin~ Council Dist-L DIR Ref/Chg No: ___ ~_ City ---Field investigation needed?_ Block No: Lot No; ~j. lat. name: I ':t -___ don taken: THOf>1AS BROS Assigned to: Turned to on / '/ Initials: KROLL eoE' ·tJ , -,-------" I 'f~EW: k2Z§5 DATECLOSE~:2.J-D..1L OK'd:~'1'iV\?Fo'B I OLD: 35 2: 'rJo NUt>.. ~ ~~t~M.D\()+~ak~UVV", , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~\J2t.-."-"U,~\~e'-(~~ Q1. I Ii .-f' I KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER M~A~;. .~T DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION REQUEST ... !, .... Type L' !~C)ReCelved by: .T. L . I : Received from: Date: 6-~ -tfJf OK'd by: .FlleNo·94--047E I I I I I I (Please print plainly for scanning). (Day) (Eve) PHONE ~5'1--:3'159· 23.s:~ 7, ADORESS: I ~ a I 1 City ,/(<-a foa State Zip 98 c location of problem, if different: Reported Problem: PI~t name: H~y Vi»/ey c.e>-op CaMmun/fy 4dd Ne-L23~ Parcel No.S2300C> a 160 1/4 S T A DISPOSITION: Turned to on by. ----------- lot No: It Kroll SOOG Block No: .z. Th.Bros: New 6'26 &.7,; Old 35 D2. OR: No further action recommenqed becau~ I.-·~~~~~~s~~~.~ __ ~_~_~~_~~~ ____ ~~_~~_~ __ ~ ! .... ,1r ,\p.roblem has been corrected. _ No problem has been Identified. Prior investigation addresses problerr t'\ ) -See File # I :.cz:Private problem -NDAP will not address because: . ----- . _ Water originates' onslte and/or on neighboring parcel Water originates on KC Road _.locatlon is outside SWM Service Area. t,.../'Other (~pecify): INF"o "0 ~ Ir Y I DATEClOSED:LId-5j~ bY:~ ~ MQ~I~vJ/l~"Q.;~t_~~~1 I NUI~II\IU .IN::iV'l::itJvNvn t:J:iLV/Y\ ~..JV.:::JOII'> ~1'fIIVv v,,,,/! . ;~;. - KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 2: FIELD INVESTIGATION I: . \() I )~;~/7S of Investigation: I I I I I I I (Ii:~ I I I I ketch: I' I I The area of. concern has a slope from SE to NW. The roads are shoulder type with open ditches and x-tiles •. There ha\ been recent complaints regarding drainage that flows to the lot. being inquired upon by Ms Nagel. There appears 1 be a large area that drains to the ditch on 148th upstream of the x-tile that drains towards the Nagel lot. Concerr had to do with quantity of water and siltation from clearing and construction. The x-culvert on 147th by the Nag, residence collects water from the drainage under 148th, the ditch on the south side of 102nd and west of 148th, plu some run off from the sloped area between 147th and 148th. The ditch draining to the x-culvert under 147th is gras lined and mowed, providing a sodded ditch. Did not observe siltation or erosion in the ditch or at the outlet. There di not appear to be a disgnated streaM as such at the outlet and thru the vacant lot, but there was a difference i vegetation coloration as if to identify moisture. . Photo 1) Looks north on 148th from driveway leading to 1022.0. May Creek Is just prior to end of road. 2) Looks south on 147th from 102nd. x-tile is in first part of ditch. . 3) Reverse view where x-tile is at hole lower right. 4) x-tile outlet is at buttercup line between two posts. 5) View of lot of interest by complainant. I'tlf/, Investigated by -.::~~q..!:t~~!::::~:=:~_:!:J..4E!::~"II!:!!~.;.~_:::.~ __ M_)J_ Date 7-fJ-f{ f !II ,. t r· t / . I , KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER-~MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I "r~~Y: /. ~C-.:-Page 1: INVESTIGATION 'REQUEST Type ~C-"-----flf< FOe "No. 95-O,!2CJ " "Date: $"_ /_ S OK'd by: I "' -ll8Ce/ti:tu from: NAME: CbAu'\{ A ADDRESS: / ~ 1-/ 5 (Please print plainly for scanning). SJONNtE"L Y !~Zfh"-Avc £~ I I Location of problem, If different: Reported Problem: (Day) (Eve) PHONE dS5-1340 ___ _ State LJI) Zip " reP I I I' I or u~ ~/ t-L-DtR4 -Z d t" J?,16-'J'VT. l-V"'-I r W 6'e-Pel ..vc:-roo >~/?/eC=-" C-t-v~'{/Gt.? ~c)A.Jry h5'S~.vC-tr .? I ({~ I' ~E Cr, c.- A/~·/?~d~. --/ I Plat name: CO +fOIY7 Other agencies Involved: I. I S£ ~ 2.3 -2..... 1/4 S T R Parcel No./776 LID 002.0 Lot No: 2.. Block No: No Reid Investigation Needed __ _ (llJItIaIs) Kroll 800£ Th.Bros: New 6.2.6 JS " Old 3S D2. " Baslnt1BV y. CouncD Dist I Z. Charge No: ______ _ I" RESPONSE: Citizen notified on &IHSby "~phone_" letter "_" _In person c.u..u.~ L~~;~ .~\AVl4' ~ tV\.J:o .... M.h~ -\~ ~"'.:s ~;U 11>~JQW\ ~~.'-L,s~ ~ AlbA. 95-0'103 /¥7a/ ~ ~ ~i 40 4~/A.JM I "DISPOSffION: Tumedto Non {-If-ffbY' OR: No further action recommended beca~ Lead agency has been notified: " I =-Problem has been corrected. " _ No problem has been identified. ('f \\prlvate problem -NDAP will not consider because: I " "I -Water Originates onslteaJid/oron neighboring ~cel location Is outside SWM Service Area. _._ Other (Specify): Prior Investigation addresses problen -See Ale # • I DATE CLOSED: --il.J '2-/ ~ by: -tfL- I· .... . KING COUNlY SURFACii WM'ER MANAGEMENT DMSION 'I' ;"',ENTER [d:Hpathlfilename[.ext]~A~'HEmw§TiGATION REPORT, Page 2: FIELD INVESTlGATlO~ I '. Detiiiis o,-liJvestigation: I I· I I I I I (i~) I I I I I I \') I .... -~~ , I Complaint 95-0420 DONNEL Y. CLAUDIA Investigated by Doug Dobkins on 5-3-95 Meet with Claudia Donnelly and her husband at their home at 10415 147th ave southeast. The Dopnelly's are concerned about the small creek that runs through their property. A class ill ~ runs along their west property Mr. Donnelly thinks that upstream development is causing some erosion amd saturating their property. I took Mr. Donnely on a tour of the area to show him what is draining towards his property. There is no new development upstream of their property. The drainage basin consist mostly ofgrass and pasture. Most of the houses are located o~ large grassy lots or on 5 acre tracts. After driving the area with Mr. Donnely I didn't see any violations or problems III this area with the drainage. The Donnelly's live in a low area were water collects in a small channel and drains to May Creek:. The other concern of the Donnelly's is a new plat that is going in on the north side of their property. This plat is actualltJJocated in the City of Renton. There is a oullett ditch on the northside of the neighbor to he northwest which even y drains to May Creek. The Donnely's want to know if this water is being accounted for by the New Plat of I said I would check into thisfor them. I explained that the coUnty has no authority over this plat but I would check on the plans. 1147th ave se Investigated by ____________ _ Date. _______ _ I .. . I, . 1\0 I I I I I I' Id I I I I I I 1.--({~3 I: I' )0/09/97 11:4J ,,, 1\. l. t.ALl. Uk'r ll.t. -t++ U!~J\ "'" UU/;,I uu, King County Executive Ron Sims King County Court House . Seattle, WA 98104 Dear County Executive Sims: 'f;~.~~ ~~ .. It .has been two weeks since I sent you my first letter. I haven't heard back from either 0"" 7 ... you or anyone else, sO I figured I'd write again, I made a copy of the video tape of Greenes Stream from March 19, 1997 and need to know If I should send it to you or someone else. . Several years ago, when Gary Locke was County Executive, I wrote to Mr. Locke about our problem at that time.' Some County people came out and took a look at our stream/neighborhood problem. I also received a letter from him •.. Please advise me if·1 should sent the tape to your office or to someone else's office for viewing. Would it also be possible to get an apology from David Sl John? To have him tel/ me that the County doesn't care about us --we'll only be annexed or incorporated In the future --Is that the attitude of all County employees about us? Like I said, we are only 3 houses, but our property is being destroyed and no one seems to care, We also pay taxes like everyone else. Since we've been told that the County won't fix the culvert allowing water to flow underneath 148th Avenue SE to Greenes Stream, how are we to protect our property from future flooding that will only be getting worse? Just ignore It? I would appreciate hearing from you. . . Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Claudia Donnelly I +---........ ) . -KiNG COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION 'REQUEST Type I; ,in I '--Received by: ' Date:, l /3 I ~ 5 OK'd _ by: _ FileNo: q 5 -/) 7 , t ----.. --------------... -------... ----------... -------------------------.. -----l..:.~------------------------:-------------.. -------------------- I I I il I, I Received from: (Please print plainly for scanning). (Day) (Eve) NAME:._----=:])~. _o_n-.:.n_.e,_I_~-'-lt_+_(--=[;=--~-au-tU-·tL/------PHONE,____________ __ ____ __ ADDRESS: /0£(/5 / tf 7 ih Wi. S E. -City State Zip 9g Dt ----------~-------------------------------------- Location of problem, if different: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------- Reported Problem: --- I (-(~) ~e. MSO -=# ql-Du l 1 #: q(}~t)flq I I I I I I- Plat name: CoT/7JM ~UtJ Lot No: L Block No: Other agencies involved: No Field Investigation Needed ____ _ (inl'"JaiS} ~;;:t;r:t;j!t;t;~f;lttTh;;;:tt,t;t;t;:f:t;;!9'g§;9.Q:~~,e:f:§::L~P12X::29Mg~;I.!flIg!iIg:~JCN.h§J{'E5~:t;i;;;;i:i;t~;:;t;~t1;r;:t;:a1i;~;:~~fJ se. ~ 23 ~ Parcel No. 117(P 'f0 OtJZ-Cl 1/4 S T R Kroll i~e:: Th.Bros: New & ztt:, ~ Old 3SD~ -Basin m,q Y Council Dist /2-Charge No: ____ --:--________ Au q;.a Q 1:'L..P_ ---------------- .~~ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by ---phone letter in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on by OR: No further action recommended be I(~ ~~~~~_b~~~~_~~-~-----~~--~~~-------~~--~~--~---- ,,{ .. ) Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses pre I ' --See File /I _ _ _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: ---------- I _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel Location is outside SWM Service Area. , . DATECLOSED:_I_I_'/~/1~ bY# _ Other (Specify): I, .'0) II I 1\ ,I I I I ((\ , ._) I I I I I I I (~\ I{) I ~-.... """"'7"';\ . " .. ' .. ':~y AUG 15 1995 PlJBLlC ViOO~S D::1ECTOR County Executive Gary Locke King County Courthouse Seattle, WA 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 AuguSt 10, 1995 RE: Frustrations of a County Resident Dear County Executive Locke: - ~ Dcgq!)-~5 AtG , 4 f9gJ RECEIVED...;.' ~~~:=-::~=::=­ KINGCOU TY TO. . ; DUE DATEz:~'l-/-~~~~_ AUTHOR:~~~.Jjiil;5..a:=-~",* SUBJECT 11-.J'2I.::tt:lAl,j:t:s;;::.~tF-C ACTION ...J RESPONSE FOR EX,EC. SIG. ~ESPOND FOR EXECUTIVE -----REVIEWED BY ____ ~-_-_______ f.Ytl' ' I would like.to explain to you the frustrations of a county resident who is getting answers to a problem we are experiencing. The problems I will discuss are,partially caused by the county. My husband and I, along With neighbOrs Steve and Mary Keech, live along and at the bottom a. Class 3 Stream --it has no fish in it and is dry part of the year. The county (DDES and Surface Water Management) considers it "Sensitive" land, Last winter we had very bad erosion' problems. Above us on 148th Avenue SEa property owner clear cut his 5+ acres. The stream runs through this property. We ~e getting run-off from his property. Another property owner (Blackmun) lives at the corner of State Route 900 (Renton-Issaquah Road) and 14$th A venue SE. Over the last year or so, he has been clearing his property (which he has every right to do). Now we are getting additional run off from his property. The county's part of this problem comes from the drainage ditch down 148th A venue SE. Half way down the road; a culvert diverts the water under 148th A venue SE and into our Class 3 stream. Now there is even more runoff water for us. In addition, there is runoff from a City of Renton Development called Summerwind The City doesn't even acknowledge that'this is something they are to take care of. The water is coming , down the hill and eating away at the property (in King County). Eventually it will affect us. And in th~ long-run, this silt/water/debris runs into May Creek.' . Last April,just to make sure everything was done properly, I called the Surface Water Management people to see what could be done. They came out and investigated. Last July Alan Meyers ofSWM came out and again looked at our problem. Because we are only 2 home owners affected by this stream that have complained. nothing can be done. We w~re told that if a property owner's access to his home is threatene4 or a home is threatened by waterlflooding, then something can be done. Earlier this week Mr., Blackmun was doing some additional grading/clearing of his property apparently with no pennit, so after"taJking to Mr. Meyers at SWM, I called in a violation. I got a call back from the Grading Department and they said that what he was doing w~ legal and no permit was required. How can it be legal? We need a permit to fix our stream and he doesn't need a permit to fill it full of silt --it's the same water. Our property is being partially destroyoo by the people upstream from us and we can't stop ~em. Mr. Blackmun wants to put a development on his property and we are writing a letter to the Planning Department to express our concerns. It is going to cost us $500 -$2.000 to get a permit from the county and buy materials to fix our stream only to have it destroyed again next winter. It will cost more for the permit than it will to fix the job. We pay taxes to the Surface Water Management System, but we Can't use the funds to I I, I '0 I I I I I 1 I (0 I I I 1 I 1 1-( -\ " ,,( ) I "~~- I help us. " We were also told thatit would take 3 months for DDES to review our application before we can even start.,.~ if we-get approved. By then. it will be the middle of winter and the rainy season. We will probably have more problems this year. I know that everyone is just going by the rules/regulationS that are on the book, but this is frus~ting. Will the County ever help us? I doubt it The records ft:Qm SWM will confinn there is a problem. " . I was told byone of the county employees that the squeakiest wheel usually gets greased I will continue to complain to SWM. the City of Renton and whomever until we get help. All I get from various officials are comments like. "We don't have enough money to help everyone. If you had more of a problem, then we might be able to help you.»" "Maybe you shotild get politics involved.» What does it take to have a real problem? . I would like to invite you to our house to see what the problem is. The people in SWM realize that there' s a serious ptoblem~ but their hands are tied. Maybe if you come out and see some of the problems of us "little people" maybe then someone in government will help us and others like us instead of the "bigger fish". Maybe the money to be voted upon for the new stadium should go instead to helping people with drainage problems. This is a lot bigger problem that keeping the baseballlf ootball teams in tOwn. Thank you in advance for listening tomy frustrations. cc: Mary and Steve Keech Councilman Brian Derdowski ,.:' Sincerely, "n UcU{l-<~/f-U OYJ4 Claudia R. Donnelly I --- KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION I I\() .. ~~INAG~g!~;!~J~~!;!£~/~E~<?RT Type 'X I . ~. -' Receiv~ b~:~(D:.~~_~ ___ ~ __ ~ ___ ~~_~_~~e.: .. li2Z!q5 .. _~K'd bY~ ___ · ___ ~ ______ ~~~~o~ j?~_Q_~ I I I I I I I \() I I I I I I (Day) . Received from:· . (PI~ase print plainly for ~ilning) .. C/~dl:t?./··-R··;·L)ohn:e77rj ·PHONE.--,-· _--'--__ _ ./O'l/S(¥7 'Thnve. S£. City ?enft;A; State_·_ i ZiPfJic. (Eve) NAME: . Ao.DRESS: 16~~;~on ·of problem, if different: ----------.:....---------------------------------------. --.-----~-----------------. Reported Problem: . See - .. ?I~t roa;;;:: Col/t; M 6 len Lot No: Z. Siock No: Other agencies involved: No Fiald Investigation Needed __ _ (:~!:.iais; ;~:jM;ft:;ft:;t~f~tf~1~;;~tJ~;;tt;;;;;ftIfE§~i:9Qft.~lf~s,;tsQ:~§Y~fM!A5I2i~:i;gD.ggIr2t~.:~§I$£5~:It::f:m::t8::~:,;:rr;;t:,;::tt;;;::~;;t~ SE.~2..8 ~ Parcel No. 177(p.'f{) ()OZtJ Kroll goO if:' S T n Basin rn IJ Y Council Dist /2--Charge No:_-.--__ _ --------~---,.---'------ RESPONSE: Citizen notifi~ on ___ by _ phone _ letter _ in person " Th.Bros: Newfo2/::; Old 352 'fjC)-O'lZO fi§'~!Jtf6?" Q'5-()71f/ I DISPOSITION.: Turned to ___ on _____ by __ _ (~ _ Lead age~cy has been notified: OR; No further action recommend~ I I ~_)·_Pro~em~s~~oo~ct~, --7N~0-p-ro~b~le-m~h-as~~-e-n~~7·e-n~lli~ie~d~.----=P~~-r~in-v-e-~7~-a~ti-on-~7a7'r~u-s-u-p -See File ,, _____ _ _ Privaie problem -NDAP will not consider because: I _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel Location is outside SWM Service Area. . . . DATE CLOSED: ~/---.%.../-1...6:-by: -J2-. _ Other (Specify): King county " " Department of PilbIlcWorks Yesler BUilding 400 Yesler Way, Room 700 Seattle, WA 98104-2637 (206) 296-6500 December 27, 1995 Claudia Donnelly 10415 -l47th Avenue Southeast Renton, WA 98059-4213" Dear Ms. Donnelly: Thank you for your letter of November "19, 1995 informing me of your concerns about Green Creek. I apologize for the delay in responding. The flooding of King County's major rivers at the end of November drew staff members away from other duties. " I would like to clarify Mr. Gettle's comments to you concerning the sediment leaving Mr. Backman's property. The Surface Water Management (SWM) Division's process for" addressing this type of problem is through the Enforcement Program .. Since the SWM Division does not have" the resources to address all enforcements, they are prioritized to best utilize the resour~ available. As you can see on the enclosed Enforcement Prioritization System worksheet, the Enforcement Program does not address impacts· to private property. (Private property impacts are addressed through the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance . Program (NDAP), which" I addressed in my previous letter.) The initial step in the Enforce- ment Program is to contact the owner of the property on which the violation exists and ask them to coriect the problem. The Backmans have been contacted by both SWM and Depart-. ment of Development and Environmental Services staff and have been cooperative in imple- menting and maintaining Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Controls. When Mr. Gettle referred to the problem on your property, he was referring to the cloudy appearance of the water flowing through your property. The only identified problem as~iated with the suspended solids in the water flowing through your prOperty is an aesthetic "one. The particles in the water will not settle out of the water until the water comes to rest for a long period of time. Tbe particles do not cause additional erosion, they do not pose a hazard to" wildlife on your property, and they do not affect the capacity of the channel on your property. "Although aesthetic problems are real problems, King County does not have the resources to address aesthetic problems on private property at this time. SWMpersonnel have spoken with Paul Lumbert of the City of Renton Public Works Department. Mr. Lumbert indicated that he had not actually spoken with any King County. " I I, .... .'(') I I 1 I I I I ('~(~) I I I I I I I , -\ ( , • '{J I Claudia Donnelly" December 27, 1995 ' Pag~2 employees regarding the County's policy of working in potential annexation areas. Rather, he made a general comment that at some point King County would stop working (and spending money) in an area that had been, or would soon be, annexed. In general, this is an accurate statement; as I indicated in my last letter, however, the NDAP will continue to'work on a project.uP until the date of annexation, at which point King COUlity 'will wait for direction from the new jurisdiction on how to proceed with the project. Mr. Lumbert also confirmed that the drainage facilities in Summerwind Division 3 have recently been maintained and are functioning as 'they were designed. I regret any cOnfusion created by a lack of communication 'between King County and the City of Renton. King County personnel are aware that Green Creek is a tributary of May Creek,' and the SWM Division is currently preparing the May Creek Basin Plan, ,'which will be submitted to the County Council and affected cities for approval in 1996. The Basin Plan is a comprehen- sive'study of the May Creek basin and inCludes recommendations to improve water quality, improve wildlife habitat, and reduce flooding in the basin. The Basin Plan does not contain any recommendations for Green Creek and does not identify it as a significant source of sediment or suspended solids. . .' .' . Thank you again Jor your continued concern, for Green Creek and the May Creek Basin in general .. SWM has many volunteer programs for people who are concerned ,about the water , 'resoUrces of King County. If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities at SWM, please contact Anne Bik16, Cedar River/May Creek Basin Steward, at 296-1908. Director, PT:bgC60 Enclosure cc: Paul Lumbert, Office Engineer, City of Renton Public Works Jim Kramer, Manager, Surface Water Management Division ATTN: Dick Thiel, Manager, Engineering and Environmental Services Section Anne Bik16, Cedar River Basin Steward, Watershed Support Unit I ----KING COUNTY SURFACE \VATER r,,1ANAGEMENT PIVISION :?_R~~_~_.~_;~_~r_~~_~;_~ .' Received from:' . (Please print plainly for seannino), . (Day)' . (Eve) I ' . NAME:_----l.::.U:!C: .. ~.Ie.::::. .. --.!:'w.~' ~.{~gf:.....!."i!.-:..n-=!-1--"· ._. _', _. _. --:--~ __ PHON~2Z2?-qgq~ ._._ I" . ......;._:~/.;!...tf~(p--=-f_.!..J/__=::;~=E.....:... ,::,-" .:.,::Rt:h#Jn:::..,..~ .. ~" 1£.~. ~.2.,_4>--=-!2d..::::.:.....:._ City. P.01.fvN State __ ZiP7'2.. . .< '. L~cation of problem, if different: .. ~ . . --' . I I I I ------------" ------------------....:.--- Reported Problem: D,J.,.· . . ' '. ~nt)f{ Tivrn" r~1q Rd, h,a~ (ajASW (kI,1-t! CU~ . ~~ Pm>eY/-Y rJ!Il heJ-Ak;1hbD~-{,,~ Easi{behmq)ht ~/UeNth60trd-ui fL -Irenc.A iJ.-/ifl1!.A?etr p~ I .;; lVCAkh I])" S--urh.c-i .'.WwI-u-~1Jb . rh-itJ her. jJ~. I {, .)+,0-<-iJ.-~ Cuvl-/CfYl -10 a:JA.J1,U <; ') .she cioe 51 cu oki I (C~ '-fJ PO b /-e.rn" .. heiwe..u .-/fv.ko • prtrpe.-?/.!-cr:; , I I I I I I I =1_" ____ .. • • .:.~ "CII'C. Lot No: 310ck No: " . . OLh~: 2gancies ;;,voJved: .No rie!dlr.\'as'ig~'ion N:ec;o __ . . ;:;;'J*il;;it;~;f;;;;:;;!i£ii17~1:t~.;t;iJS~?':~~'92!!!!1~2.!:;'§:Q:2Xi~9.:f15f.~:1§IrEE~Qf?~1fi.:~~:£:.~~tr<t?;t;~:~;:i:t::tt.;;::;t;;I{;:t:~; --------Kroil fobE-ih.3iOS: .:...N:.::e.:.:.i/:...::{P~:zt:,~ .;.:. ST';:. O!d 35C 'Scsin m A'(" CounC~~_Dist I~__ C:h=ar~g=-e ~N.:O:===~:=..:... RESPONSE: Citizen notified on 2-ZHt . by -$. phone _ letter _" in person . . p letl M~~~ ~.~,.. ~ ~hSI2r e.'k.. ROud/s ~.,.,-k,~ 1>'( "~ sUL .. dl-W4£h'""f"". :51:"+ Ct.... c'a.J!;,Iow.-ev-~"t.~. ~ cJO~I""'(J. DISPOSITION.: Turned to on by _~~_ -~--......:..-~~ OR: No further action recommended ((:\) k L~dagen~h~b~n~oo~::.~~~G~L'_~~o~~~~~.~~~~,~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~ (-+--bl h b ted N bl h b "0'0 t,':'ed Prior investio_atioil addresses: I .~~/. :-'fO em as een COi(eC, _ 0 pro em as een _n,' , -See Fil& # ____ _ Prf/c.ie problem -NDAP will not consider because: - . Water origInates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel I' -Location is outside SWM Service Area.' Other (Specify): DATE CLOSE;-'7-..', ~9/ 9£ by: -tid ..;.-,...--' . ~ _ ~ I I" (~)' I '-- I I I I 1 I I ((~) I I I I I I I (, '\ I 1,'\ ') ~ -./ I .( :.h •. L ..... ~U ... 4j. .......... 4 azci;::;i.w:a ... , 4'*$ ,complaint 96-0143 Westing, Kate Investigated by Doug Dobkins on 2-21-96 .. fa •• .. ~. diP. £ Mrs. Westing lives along SR900 and is concerned about the runoff from the roadway impacting her home. There is no street drainage in front of her home so the water runs from the road frontage, of the property to the west to the , Westing property. It appears the water ponds in the front yard and driveway ,against the house. Also contributing to the problem is the downspouts don't connect to a system so they flow into the same low area as the road runoff. It appears when the water gets high enough it runs towards the neighbors to the east. SR900 is maintained by the State. I will confirm that this road is not maintained by King-County. If maintained by King County then information will b~ forwarded to King Co. Roads. S ~ 't ro i;, ~"--\ ..... ~ --J. \oc) Y : ~ 5\c.....\c.. XL>-': \ ~ c..., lb'~ 'C-,(\'l"'C. u.J a.,",,-t.~_h:.~~~ ~ . ~ ---. AI --'. v, <::::J-~~ SR900 I ..J -KING COUNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT I'; '{--) -'\) . I' -Received by: Page 1: INVESTIGATION 'REQUEST Date:' .3j;&/9{pOK'd by: Type~ q0~7j FileNo. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Received from: (Please print plainly for scanning). (Day) NAME:._---::J)=. --"O-,-J1-...:;n-L' -=.e.h:;.:..J'6r......;·!f+-J-1 _Clt~au---'--'dUJJ~' ~_____ PHONE ____ .:..-__ _ ADDRESS: /0 ¥1.5 1'/7 717 ;rV.e s £. City K~ ----------------~-------------------StateW KJ Zip 9 J?l Location of problem, if different: Reported Problem: -··SEIC.··. .:';, . r ~ I,,) Plat name: Co 1k>A1 hlen Lot No: d.. Block No: Other agencies involved: No Fj~ld Investigation. Ne~ed __ _ Basin rnf:J Y Councii Dist /p Charge No: ------- RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ___ by _ phone _ letter _ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on by ---------~. ----OR: No further action recommended becau ... Lead agency has been notified: __ -:-:-__ ~.....,...-:----:-_~-.=--::--_____ --=--:--~.....,...-:--:-:--__ ;-:-_---'-_, i_ .. ( ') Problem has been corrected~ _. _ No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problel , -See File # _________ _ ~ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: . _ Water originates onslte and/or on neighboring parcel location Is outside SWM Service Area. _ Other (Specify): DATECLOSED:~..l:d.J~ bY:#- I I, i (~) I \ .. -' I I I I I I I ,"'--'. (C) I I I I I I I _ I (rJ I ~/ )if b3q lP .;5'09~ ·R· 'CC.£J"VED MAR ·8.lOOU D Jtt'-.:IVED:,,:,:,":"::~~~~~~ ~ .. ~~ \L \tj'j~ 10415 -147th A venue SE .KlTO~. COUN~ n _ Renton,WA 98059 . \tltolG co~t Oll\E.CiOfi March 3, 1996 DUE DATE:.~_~~~z:-_ ,,1I i\tSOlll\v -= ~1\l""'" NOr£.: F1CfV~L5 \~U.l.bU> / ._ ACTION County Executive Gary Locke King County Courthouse Seattle, WA _V.;..... ___ ,RESPONSE FOR EXEC. SIC __ -,,RESPOND fOR EXECUTIV RE: King County Giving Permit Granting Authority to Renton REVIEWED Iy _____ _ ---~ .... ,.y ... u,: DNK,ixs\ (~-f" Dear County Executive Locke: I would like to explain to you the frustrations of a ,county resident who is getting no answers to a problem we are experiencing. You are our top County official who is running for governor. I would hope that you are also concerned about damage being done to our environment and the flaunting of rules that I have seen or heard about . Just north of our house is the development of Stonegate. In January 1995, this property was annexed to'the City of Renton. After talking to a Department of Fisheries person in November .about some erosion problems in that development, I was told that the City of Renton has a poor environmental record. This person also told me that every time he hears the City of Renton that it raises a red flag in his mind. This development has a habit of doing work on County property without having the proper permits. An example: At the north end of 148th A venue SE, there is a bridge going across May Creek. The developers had private contractors put in a little walkway over the bridge and put a water pipe under the bridge without having the proper permits. How do I know this: I was told this information by someone in the Public Works Department This developer is now getting the necessary pennits or intergovernmental agreement. On February 21, a contractor employee did some clearing work on a right-of-way on land located in this development. He then crossed over into property located in King County. This property is also located near a Class 3 Stream. There are no erosion barriers in place --just straw. (See enclosed pictures). If we get another heavy rainstorm, there is going to be alot of erosion coming down into that stream and going into May Creek. May Creek, by the way, has salmon in it. When. I asked this gentleman if he was going to put up the black erosion barriers, he said no. Then I told him I was going to call the City of Renton officials. He said, "Do what you have to do lady. ~', So, I called the City of Renton officials and they gave me no satisfaction. Then I called a land-use violation into DDES, I called SWM and filed a complaint, and I called another County office in DDES concerned with environmental issues. I also talked to a lady in the land use office and she stated that this development/contractor had n6 permits to do any type of clearing in King County. Since I didn't get any response from the County, I also called the State Department of Ecology. On that Friday, I got a call from an inspector and she said that the County would fine the developer for not having permits. Then I got a call the next day from this same lady and she said that. Renton had all the permits. I did not understand what she meant. In addition, I received another call from a different DDES office who said that I shouldn't call the Department of Ecology. Well, if the County doesn't care about this land then maybe I should call the state. . This afternoon, I spoke to someone in a DDES car and he told me that King County had given the City of Renton the authority to grant whatever permits it wants for work on County land. How . can that be? If we did some clearing by this Class 3 stream, we would have to get permits from the .- I .• ' I ./ !() I -. I I I I I I I (i~~) I I I I I I I / // / County_ Plus we would have to put some erosion barriers. How are we going to protect this stream fromdamage?~heCity of Renton·surely-isn't going to do so. Last November I called the City of Renton about environmental damage (that I had pictures of) that was occurring in this· development. This Renton official only got concerned when a Department of Fisheries person came out to do an inspection. Who do we call to complain to when the contractor screws up on County land? No one in the County seems to care about this land except us. .' Do you also know that the City of Renton wants to vacate a portion of a County Road--SE looth Street. The City of Renton is trying to do this withoutall the necessary permits. What gives the. City of Renton the right to do this without talking to the County? I have been told that the City. i-s now talking to the Department of Public Works about vacating this road. Again, this is happening after the fact . . . Sincerely, fY{u<~ f<-.Dtm~ Claudia R. Donnelly I'k I I I I I I I, ··f " :"JJ';A~~~/,~&". ;;'&J tko' rzkr-Lvr.s· : (.-.. _"'_ .,,_<~ ~~~~l-_.? .. .:' : ,".. ,', . ~. .' . ': ,. . : '. . ." ", I I I I I T R .\: . . . <,,:.C·· Lot No: S:Z~S"3 .. ·····Block No: '.' . .. :" No field investig~tion r~uired._' __ ParcelNo.?hbS40-OGlO -?OKroll ~G' Th.Bros: New "~":Jj?r Old 2f?D!z Basin MttY . Council.District~ Charg~o. _______ _ REsPoNsE: Citizen notified on3fr. {l f by: __ phone letter A in person rpJJ S.lr,:-C L..dJep 1'0 CI'rct "fC-' I<~,.J~N ~/L .. 1>, s yo s, -r( 1) ,-.. t9~ A-r'f' Il. OV,ltt..-~ F e.lJN Ve'lhUCy:' I DISPOSITION"" Turned to __ on __ L-----L. __ I I by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I --Lead agency has been notified: ____________________ "'"':"":""--:- . ...:.-Problem has been corrected. _._ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: ' I .. \. . SuFn.E# . I '{_Jc.. Pdvate problem -NDAP will not consider because: . ~Water originates onsite andlor on neighboring parcel. -p-Location is outside WLRD. ~e . ce ea. . . _. _Other (Specify): I . DATE CLOSED: ~ I /2-(J .. ~ By: . . V1//01(5 . I .'= ............. WQISQ I I I I I I I in I I I I I I, I Lot 52 Complaint 99-0196 Gallagher Investigated by Pat Simmons 03111/99 . +U> ... 72-"~ I met with Mi. Gallagher, Bob Arthur(City Of Renton) , two other city of Renton officiaJs, and two other people from Chaffey corporation to discuss the a flow of water across two lots of the Stonegate development. The water comes from the East to the ditch aJong 148th Ave. SE flows about 200 feet along the road then under it and through two private lots then under 147th Ave. SE and into a field toward. the development The water then runs across the lots to the area were it seems to infiltrate into the ground. They agreed that the water needed and could to be collected and conveyed across lots in.a pipe. The City of Renton and Chaffey needed to work out a few details of the plan before the houses could be built r . 148th Ave. SE Drainage Path ~. . --. t !..-12" Cone 0( 147th Ave. SE 0(---NTS I ,~ ":, I I I I I .', '~)lejiO~~f'oble1n.~';~>' I ',.'-: . , " ' I I "' ... ,;', ,:.,' -.. ::'.:, . . . '", .' . ..... " ..... ~~-... . ---'" .... ,' .... : ::'7'~:_' . '.~ :', I ~~), ,·l., I I I I I I I I Plainame: LOtNo: . . :.:, Block No: Other agencies ~volvoo; , No field inveStigation recjuired:-.. __ ~ S R Parcel No., _______ Kroll_' --,---.-Th.Bros: New _______ _ Old Basin Council District _' _ Charge No.___. ______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPosmON: Turned to __ on _--L-I_....L..I __ by_' _ OR: No further action recommended because: __ Lead agency has been notified: _________ ----~----------- ~ Problem has been corrected. ~ No problem bas been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: f :'\ ' • ' •• SEEFIut 1# ___ _ \{ )_ Pnvate problem -N}JAP will not consIder because: '_'/ , Water originatesonsite and/or on neighboring parceL _---'Location is outside WLRD Service Area. _' _, _Other (Specify): I "DATECLOSED:'-) 1 r 177 By: cf2-~~~~ £,c,~ I f--=--~~~~ ... 11. .;;;s _______ ~.;;;;,;;;.;.;.;;.;;.:;n.;..., ________________ ..;........:~~ ;(1 From: I . ~ . Sent: Norton, Ann Thursday; April 15, iijS9 3:15 PM Shannon, Kathleen I I I I I: To: Subject: FW: Citizens rights? Do we have any? --Original Message-- From: Bissonnette, Pam Sent: Thursday, April 15, 19992;01 PM To: Hansen, Nancy . Cc: Klpp, Greg; Welch, Maureen; Sims, Ron; Norton, Ann; Tanaka, Paul Subject: FW: Citizens rights? Do we have any? . .. ,"' .. "on •• ? Nancy, another one for you. Would you please have your drainage section coord w/DDES and proVltl• If . please treat as cct. thx all. -Original Message-- From: Sims, Ron Sent: Thursday, April 15, 1999 7:09 AM To: K1pp, Greg; Bissonnette. Pam Cc: 'thedonnellys@lnfocOnex,com' Subject: Citizens rights? 00 we have ~ny? II Pam and Greg -please follow-up and report back to me, thanks. -ron I I I Mike and Claudia DonneIIy[SMTP:thedonnellys@infoconox.com) Wednesday, Aprll.14, 19997:33 PM Sims, Ron Derdowski, Brian Re: Cltize,ns rights? Do we have any? >Dear Mr. Sims: I found out some information today and felt even more >frustrated withKC, so f ftgured I'd pass it pn. I finally talked to a >person In Renton who told me about the meeting. It was with someone from >Surface Water Management. The Renton person told me that he didn't >remember his name. Well, the SWM person said it was ok with him to put >the pipes where he did. That Renton official also called me a liar. I >saw work being done in KC -but by the time Renton officials got there, >the developer had "fixed" the problem. This is what made me mad. On 148th Avenue SE, north of State Route 900, I. are two .culverts diverting water from the ditch along side 148th, under the road through people's yards and into Gre~nes Stream and then onto May . Creek. My neighbors and I get the water from the first culvert -500 feet north of the State Route 900. We have tried for years to get help from I SWM. But since weare 'on.1V 3 houses that flood out, have erosion damage, etc., we don't count/rate, I wrote you previously about this probl~m .. 1 eventually told SWM to forget us as we were 9 out of 9 probjects. This personmtold the Renton City officials and the developer that If the water I • got to be too bad coming from 148th at SE 102nd ST. and it started flooding the nice new homes that are to be built In Stonegate, that the County might have to fix that problem and divert the water to May Creek alongside the ·1 road. DOES told another lady that gets the same water and is wrecking her property NO when she asked If she could put a pipe in to channel the water w:.~.. otect her property. WE DON'T COUNT --BUT A DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY ~l NTON RATES'HIGHER PRIORITY FOR KC SWM THAT INDIVIDUAL KC HOMES THAT I /1\) .. HAVING PROBLEMSIII . I wrote to the Growth Management Committee and the Committee for I Unincorporated Areas that years ago we signed a petition to help get Cedar County formed as KC wasn't doing anything for us. This goes'to show you that we were right. We don't rate -but a Jarae dpv"'lnn ..... M • H __ _ 1(' I •. ·· I". I I I I, ',. " . . I .... '. '~'. . q~ ~Olf1;D .. '. . .....•....... I2.q: ... : ....... ~: .. ·Op ... ;~ .. :.71 .... : .... ~ ........ ~ ........•.. , .. ·t:,t~'" kt;..:~ 11 \J ~('>,,~ +,~, . ~/;> -~I :/~·.S~ /ff..~VI~.~rv1\.l::d,15:1Vf)1i~~~~ I ((),' I I I 'Plat'mulle~"[,(i: '. ·Other·~g~~~~··iIivOlve~ .. :~·. '2€ •.. ~. y.. s.· T R Basin MIr{ tI t..~:~. o7~b '+k-'Ls ~Vt..d2-Y'n·~LotNo:l, Block No:" . '.;' N~ fieldmvestigation r~quired, __ l/11CQ40 arl)) ) Parcel No., __ · _____ ~. Kroll . 8W Th.Bros: New' co2(P1tJ}lo Old 35D2.. . Council District 1.'b..-Charge No., _______ _ .' . . RESPoNSE: Citizeh notified on ~ -ZA -f' 9 by:. ~ phone . letter __ in person t"py-~~.r ~. z::. eov/.4 ~ A~ ~4U..,./-, . ll>o~.,J ~ ~~ ""~/r ~ :~ (UinN5 ~ ~4 ~ ~'T 70 ~-'~/ "-y u-d..t!::T>1 o--J . , , , DISPOSITION: Turned to on. I I .by__ OR: No further action recommended because: '1 ..1t Lead agency has been notified:,_--"ldut....G:,~~~,-:....· __ b=--o=--T...L-__________ _ , . ..~ Problem has been corrected. _'_ No .problem has been identified. __ frior investigation addresses problem: \.( ')' . ' SuFn.B# __ _ I "~ Private problem -NPAP will not consider because: . __ Water originates on site and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD S~~~ . _. _Other (Specify): I' DATE CLOSED: !O,,/5i ZL By: ~V ~~ ~ )/"-r,'"\ /").-;;- I ,I I I I: I, I (~) I, I I I I I Visited the site on 10-14-99. Nobody waS home at the Donnelly residence. Went up to Renton Is~aquah RD where the construction is taking place. Talked with one of the project managers. There is a swale that runs to the north. that ends up running into May Creek. I couJd fmd no signs of erosion taking place. The project manager stated that they remove the dirt from the site and fill with slurry. It is.a day long process and they do not leave a trench when they stop work for the day. There is this ~pe of work occurring all . along SR-900 down to the City of Issaquah. Runoff Swale approx. I mile away Area's of work. SE May Valley RD ---------.,: .,c..- Donnelly's Property NIS 'I, I; I, I I I I, I: I I (.~'\ ." "\ ):' _J (, .~ .. ' , . ',' :.~ I I I ':" s T R. ParceINoOUW5q0/~ , Basitl !f)fl V. . Co~nci1 District ~ Charge No. _____________ __ I, I, RESPONSE: Citizen notified on 1'.9· ~ '9 ~ by: __ ' phone __ ~. letter __ in person. I DISPOSiTION: Turned to on / / . by__ OR: No' further action recommended because: I, ". -.J52 Lead agency has been notified: . (AI ... ('-b c -, _._ Problem has been corrected. __ . _' No problem has been identified. ' __ Prior investigation addresses problem:· ( ,-'~\ .' .' SEBFn.E## _____ _ '-{ )_ Private problem -NPAP will n<?t consider because: I '---' Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. . Location·is outside WLRD Se~ _. _'Other (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: /o/:25i22 By: ~ II I !! fi)/tJ Sf [){)'r 'I I I I - I I I I I 1(0 '", I t I II I 0 I I ,--\ {, '..,1 ) I I Complaint99-0725 An6nytnous Investigated by Chris Treichel 10/19/99 Visited the site on'10-19-99. This is in the southeast roadside ditch at the intersection of 148111 Avo' " SE Renton Issaquah Rd (SR-900). There is currently construction taking place within the roadside areas all along SR-900 by Cannon Construction, installing fiber optic cables. This area was part of Ihe work: The ditch receives run off from the east, south via a swale and south via a roadside ditch along Ihe custslde of 148111 Ave SE. The water flow's northerly under SR-900 via a 14" cement culvert and c()lllinllCH 1.1Ortherly to May Creek, which is approximately one mile away. There did not appear to be any sctllnll.1lll I~I the h water. The ditch does have reed type grass and straw down to "clean" the water prior 10 flowing II1to t e pipe. 14813 SE Renton Issaquah RD Drive and Parking 14" Cement Culvert r Swale IE Renton Issaquh RD (811-100) C-pOllftODtt -.0711(11) N I , q- : .. ' . .: KING,'COUNTY WA!l$R,AND LAND REsOURCES DIVISION· .' ;': riRAINAGEiNvESTIGATION REpORT:<" I ." i :p~ri:' ~TIGATIONREQlmsT ' , , iOPROBIEM: ~, ,''If):''ii,'' , Type·:C·.·' I, t ,'-RECEIVEDBy:·Hw-...... . ... '., .•.• ' ... ,;'~H~.;\dii>~te:,·,I1t=+ ' . ' O~~dby:"" .. ~; , : 'Received from.: :: ,:,\",::-\::~;;;~,+>i'>' '. FILENo. IX}-CX:XJ2L~ I I I, ~I I, NAME: C\lAWIlMJ h()r]O/~ ... . .... . . ADDRESS: \04\5 \4:-' -thfW't.$E.. .. . :.' ,'-," Location of problem, if differer.t:: ' '. ' -.: :.- Plat. name: Other agencies involved: .. (Day) (4'25) '(Eve), ~( _~) PHONE 2f2? ~+'34:0 __ '--"~_--o~ City ~. ,State, __ Zip.q~ Lot No: Block No: No field investigation required,-=-_ . ·at = ,-~~-~= 2.3 T Parcel No. 111 (p4 (){)O ~ Basin HPY KToU ~E. Th.Bros: New l.u2ltJB , Old ~C~ . COuncil District L Charge No., _______ _ s RESPONSE: Citizen notified on . / .. u,.O 0 ' by: _'_ phone, letter __ in person V' t!:.'-~ !/c7/t/ c~ j)!J c.:=-5 0{J~ ~F /~t 7'/cAT',' I' DISPOSITION:' Turned to on I I by__ OR: No further action recommended because: I, ---tt. Lead agency has been notified: . Di2c5 c;Pc.~ t:',!/r . ..~ Problem ~ been corrected. _'_ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: ' ( , SuFILE#' I \~( ,)-, -Private problein-NDAP will not consider because:' ~~ __ Water originates onsiteandlor on neighboring parcel. ~ ~ __ ~ocation is o~tside WLRD S~~, _' _Other (Specify): S'" DA TE CLOSED: Z I £ I 0 C7 By: ;~ "P;Q7t',/ "&?:1~ I I I () I I I I I I I I (--.. :-.\ . ,{ ) I I I I I I I .-..... \,( \ --) I I Curt Tuesday, February 01, 2000 1 :29 PM Gettle, Larry FW: Surface water problems Please plan to join me in a meeting with Nancy at 3:45 today to brief her on the Donnelly problem. Thanks, Curt -~-Original Message----RIl.-,I~:.' ~:}t:~fi~;;.:::;~;;~~:<~~;:~t::"i~::i:· .f;{A~·~ ~~,~: Sent: Tuesday, February 01,200012:55 PM To: Crawford, Curt Subject: RE: Surface water problems we need to discuss as I'll be put on the hot seat wlrrons on Friday about it. Seems like we're taking lots of heat for DDES ... -Original Message- From: . Crawford, Curt Sent: Tuesday, February 01,200012:36 PM To: Hansen, Nancy _ Subject: RE: Surface water problems No, unless you want an update on that. I was planning to ask you more specifics about your discussion with Seattle on the manual. --Curt -----Original Message----- From: Hansen, Nancy Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 12:14 PM To: Crawford, Curt Subject:· FW: Surface water problems Curt, I understand we're meeting this afternoon at 3:45 --is this one of our topics? Thnx . . -----Original Message--- From: Bissonnette, Pam Sent: Tuesday, February 01,200012:02 PM To: Tanaka, Paul; Hansen, Nancy Subject: RE: Surface water problems Nancy, Please let me know when and how we are going to respond to this. Please get w/DDES as well. I expect Mr. Irons will be asking about this when you meet w/him. We are scheduling each Div Mgr in to meet w/him. We are starting w/SWD today on their pressing issues. -----Or'iginal Message---- From: Tanaka, Paul Sent: Tuesday, February 01,20009:49 AM To:Bissonnette, Pam; Hansen, Nancy SubjeGt: FW: Surface water problems I Ii' ,,~ 1'0 I I I I I I I (CJ I I I I I I I I I ('\ . \. ) .. -,., , Pam and Nancy: fyi. Paul -----Original Message----- From: Mike and Ciau'dia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: Tuesday, F:ebruary 01, 2000 7:36 AM To: Gettle, Larry Cc: Irons, David; Tanaka, Paul; Arima, Debbie; Wilson, John-Arthur; Crawford, Curt; White, Fred Subject: Re: Surface water problems 2-1 Dear Mr. Gettle: Thank you for responding. However, it is currently raining very hard out here and when I drove by Mr. Afinson's property yesterday, nothing 'had been done. I will be checking the stream as soon as it is daylight and will let you know what I see. 'As I mentioned to Mr. Irons in my response to him, this isn't the only. incident that KC seemed to look the other way. Last summer, when the stream bed (Greenes Stream) was dry, a neighbor down my road, dumped 4-5 dump trucks loaded with top soil into his back yard. His back yard borders on Greenes Stream. He put no erosion' barriers up or planted grass -nothing. I still . think there is just dirt back there. Anyway, I called DDE;S and filed a complaint. I was told that because the stream was dry that DOES didn't care about all the dirt. I called Governor Locke's Puget Sound person and he told me to call someone in Seattle. Then I sent a note to someone in the Dept. of Natural Resources. I got a reply back, I'm not say frorn whom; saying that because KC Dept. of Natural Resources had over 700 miles of streams to take . care of (and ours was dry), he didn't care about possible erosion when winter came. I guess we just don't rate. And then this. Like I said, as soon as it is daylight, I will check the water quality to see what I can see. Claudia Donnelly Gettle, Larry wrote: > Good Morning Claudia: > . > Please excuse my delay in responding to your phone call and e-mail from > Thursday. > > My records indicate you called in your concerns regarding the clearing > activity at 10730 148th Ave. SE on Jan. 14th. As part of our initial pre > complaint investigation research we determined that DOES Code Enforcement > has an open enforcement action on the property (E0000060). Ie-mailed > Elizabeth Deraitus, Code Enforcement Manager on January 19th requesting a > status. Elizabeth responded identifying that the case was sent to Site > Development Services (Fed White 296-6783) for assignment and investigation . > I I I I I I I I(C~ I I I I I I Gettle, Larry Wednesday, January 19,20007:47 AM To: Deraitus, Elizabeth Cc: Evans, Glenn Subject: Clearing/Erosion Complaint Claudia Donnelly E0000060 Good Morning Beth: We received a call yesterday from Claudia Donnelly. She reports that the property owner at 10730 14Sth Ave. SE is clearing his property Lip to the drainage ditch (not sure if it is the roadside ditch or?) She is concerned about lack or condition of TESC facilities. I checked Permits Plus and identified an Enforcement action, E0000060 at the same address.. It appears action was recently closed (1/13/00). Is this the same problem? Was it clo.sed because no problem identified? Do I have to contact Claudia? Thanks I I I I I I " ', .. ," . ',' ,'. '.. . ... . /~~cc~i:p~'.~#~io~.G'(mted 0 . '-.... ~ . . :. ~' . Caltfi's~: (~OUld' I..ik~,' ' ' . "<', . \" . :". . -, '.~ ': .., .~ . ,rP-~,.~. I 1(~3 . '.~ . :. I I I I I I Plat name: Lot No: Block No: O~er agencies involved: No field investigation required ,-SE-3 Y4 S &-.!L T R Parcel No.177fd1~ Kroll ~(X£. Th.Bros: New VJd./a.15 Basin ~'I Council District L Charge No., ________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to __ on I I by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I ,. Lead agency has been notified: . ' ' , . 1 (( -L Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified .. ' __ Prior investigation addresses problem: " ) SEE FILE # ___ _ I ' __ J _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: . Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. __ ~Location is outside WLRD Service Area. Other (Specify): I DATECWSED::3 /011/0/ BY:O.ct1a.4 ~~ I I I I I I I I ((J I I I I I I I Dear Mrs. Donnelly: King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond on his behalf to your email transmittal of January 30, 2001. Thank you for expressing your continued concerns regarding the water quality of GreenesStreamandits impact on May.Creek. I understand how much you care about the health of May Creek as a long time resident of the May Creek basin. I am writing to let you know the results of our investigation and what we plan to do next. Staff from the King County Departments of Transportation and Natural Resources completed a site visit on January 30, 2001 to assess potential sources of contaminants that are entering Greenes stream and May Creek based on the water samples you collected. Water Quality staff in the Department of Natural Resources.(DNR) reviewed the analysis performed by AmTech on your water samples of January 4 and 5,2001. Based on the information provided to you by AmTech, we recognize that oil is entering Greenes stream which is a concem. As only one sample was analyzed for oil, it is difficult to determine if the oil was from a one-time event such as an iIitentional dumping of oil, or from an ongoing problem within the watershed. The rainfall event on January 4, 2001 was the Imt heavy rain in over 2 weeks. This "frrst flush" event would have elevated pollutant loading into all drainages. However, we are still concerned that oil and grease is being introduced to the stream system, which discharges to May Creek. The regulation that currently exists to control the release of contaminants from residential properties is the King County Water Quality Code. Ifpollutant discharges are observed on residential properties, the water quality code does allow for recommendations and technical assistance to property owners to reduce and eliminate pollution generating activities, such as vehicle repair and increased erosion control. Our Irrst response to these problems is technical assistance and education. However, violations of the water quality code can be issued to· residential property owners if best management practices are not implemented or an intentional act of dumping pollutants has occurred that is well documented. . Although the samples you had analyzed do not provide us with data that can be used to enforce our water quality code at one specific site, through additional investigation and sampling, we may be able to identify . sources that would allow us to pursue our regulatory authority of the water quality code. Our sampling and monitoring will include all areas where stormwater enters Greenes stream through pip~s or ditches. These additional investigations and sampling procedures require the approval from private property owners for access to their properties. By gaining access to private properties we can assess activities that may be contributing to water quality degradation within the May Creek watershed. We will continue to work within our regulatory guidelines and authority to assist property owners in implementing source controls to reduce pollution generating activities that affect Greenes Stream and May Creek~ DNR staff will keep you apprised of the work being completed in the Greens stream basin and the results of this work. . If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Susan Clarke, Engineer in the Water and Land Resources Division of the Department of Natural Resources, at (206) 296-8311. I I I I I I I I .. " --.... -~--. I I(() I I I I I I Plat name: Lot No: c::2, Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investigation required"=== ~~'~~ ',' , y.. S T R Parcel No. I 7761()JOJ.O Krou/6'0E Th.Bros: NewW,2ia dE Basin IIJIl Y Council District M ChargeNo .. __ ~ ____________ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _________ by: __ phone __ letter _ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on I I by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I --Lead agency has b~en notified: ..' ., .. . iI . '\ Problem has been corrected. ' __ No problem has been Identified. __ Prior investIgation addresses problem. ''',()--" SEE FILE # __ _ I . --Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: ___ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. I Location is outside WLRD ~e~ice ~rea. DATE CLOSED: "lp II ~ 16) I By:&=-:.. .. ....::Cf)a./=~ jJ.J __ ~Other (Specify): I I i,(l I ,,~ I I I I I I ICc.) I I I I I I I I I (l() From: Sent: To: Hansen, Nancy' Thursday, Apn112, 2001 5:20 PM Subject: Lack~y, Bf.en!; Ev~m', Glenn; CI~rl<~,. ~ue; $Ieight, I3ri~n FW: . Greenes Stream and May Creek FYI -Original Message- From: Hansen, Nancy Sent: Thursday, April 12, 20015:20 PM To: " 'Caludia Donnelly' Cc: Sims, Ron; Cels, Tim; Bissonnette, Pam; Irons, David; Tanaka, Paul; Shannon, Kathleen; Moeller, Lani Subject: Greenes Stream and May Creek . Thank you for your email transmittals of the past week to various King County Staffmembers concerning Greenes Stream and May Creek. I also appreciated having tneothance to taU< with you 01 the telephone. King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond to you on his behalf as wei I hope this single email will cover all of your concerns! I understand your frustration regarding the many issues you have raised and the various departments that are involved. I hope your conversation with Sue Clarke of my staff has clarified some of the issues that are within the responsibilites of the Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). In regards to your question about how King County will protect your property from flooding and erosion/sedimentation problems; King County regulations, specifically the King County Surface Water Design Manual addresses the potential downstream impacts from new developments and construction. The requirements in the Manual use the best available science and technology to avoic or minimize adverse impacts to downstream properties. As pointed out in your email transmittal of April 6th, the current Design Manual requires wetpond designs to meet the goal of 80 percent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal through the. construction of water quality facilities. Sometimes, even higher removals are realized. Additionally, the May Creek Action Plan recommends Level 2 stream protection standards to over detain flows to reduce flow and sediments to May Creek. The upstream development (Stoneridge) currently under review by the Department of Development and Envir9nmental Services (DDES) is using Level 3 prot~ction in the detention and water quality facili1) design. This protection standard is a more restrictive standard than currently required by the Design Manual or recommended in the May Creek Basin Plan. Other regulations include the King County water quality code, which uses technical assistance as its first approach tQ water quality problems on existing "developed properties. The sediment/oil you have seen in Greenes Stream comes from many non point sources such as individual residential driveways and gravel roads, which King County can't legally enforce because the Water Quality code exempts these types of normal residential activities in regards to these pollutants. However, if a determination is made that pollutant discharges are due to intentional dumping or illicit connections. violations can be issued. You might want to work V(,ith the May Valley Environmental Council (MVEC) as well as the Basin Steward to provide outreach to neighbors in encouraging individual property owners to voluntarily reduce runoff from their sites. KCWLRD has printed information that can be made available to MVEC to use in an outreach campaign. Additionally some staff time could be made available to provide informational workshops or mailings to residents within the basin. 1 I I I I I I((~) I I- I I I . CountY. ~tr~msthat yo~ have referred to currently have adopted Basin Plans. Through the planning process. projects are identified and prioritized for potential construction when funds become available. Once the May Creek Plan is adopted, this process can-be applied to -May Creek. As the May Creek Plan recognizes, the creek does have viable habitat in its lower reaches and King County and other jurisdictions agree that this habitat needs to be protected. However. agreements with these other jurisdictions such as the cities of Newcastle and Renton along with private property owners must occur before projects, like those in the DesMoines Creek watershed can be_ pursued. This cooperative effort in the DesMoines Creek watershed is an excellent example of what can be accomplished when private and pUblic interests work together. Through the May Creek Basin plan we hope that the same type of cooperative agreements can be reached. Your comment regarding King County staff calling citizens names is of a great concern to me. King County WLRD ,staff are expected t9 treat all citizens with respect and concern even "off the clock" I am not aware of any staff making derogatory remarks or nam~ calling of citizens. If you have knowledge of such incidents, I encourage you to speak with meso that I can address any specific problems. Please do not hesitate to cOhtact me at {206 )296--6585. I believe your comments regarding the DDES permit file for the mobile home at 10726 -148th SE was addressed during your conversation. with Sue Clarke on Thursday April 5th. To reiterate what she shared with you, she recognizes that there is a hydraulic connection between Greenes Stream and May Creek. however, no distinct channelized connection of surface water is evident. Greenes Stream enters wetland #5. which is noted in the May Creek Current and Future Conditions Report as among the largest known freshwater wetland in King County. Water from Greenes stream·flows in a braided fashion thr9ugh this wetland, which allows for natural water quality treatment prior to discharge to May Creek .. During Sue's site visit of April 5th this wetland area was found to have a large amount of animal droppings (horse manure) Sue will research the ownership of this property, work with the owner on removal of the pollutants and refer the problem to the Livestock Program Analyst Laurie Clinton. The May Creek Conditions report acknowledges that Greenes Stream is a flashier creek and responds to precipitation much more quickly than other drainages within the Basin which is why you are probably seeing flow increases occurring on your property quite quickly after a rainstorm. However, the impacts to May Creek are not as signifieant regarding peak flow as other basin wide streams due to the attenuation within Wetland #5. Overall the May Creek Basin Plan contains recommendations to correct or reduce flooding and water quality problems in the basin and to help prevent problems from worsening in the future. Thank you again for writing and expressing your concerns. We look forward to working with you in the protection of water quality and habitat values in May Valley. If I can be of further assistance at this point, please do not hesitate to contact me again. _ Sincerely, Nancy Hansen Manager Water and Land Resources Division King County Department of Natural ResolJrces 2 I I I I I I I I .... i~S>uV4,e4y}"tt~~~~ ": : '~; .. :~ ;: .... : .. ,i.,. I I~), l;/l&f>~(!(/:fbitfl'f TO' 'se~~ijp4,Mc//l£i'I)(' ':', ':', ,,' ' .KC it' t/Sql+;C?<f7- : " OAI £ .i:J-,oso {·:";10' ' I I I I I I ", . Plat name: 'L~fNo: ' Block No: S ~3-=L ",," " . T R Parcel No./771aic>OO~ Kroll~~ Th.Bros: New ~<J5 v , ' Basin ..t!lJif-Council District kl Charge No. ________ ..,.- RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone _, _letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on /' / by __ ' OR: No further action recommended because: I '--Lead agency has been notified:' ' . (( "~,'~~ Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: 1,j ), ' SEE FILE # __ _ I ~ Private problem -NDAP will not consi~er because:' , , , Water originates onsite·andlor on neighboring parcel. Location is outside W~ice Area. , Other (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: b ,(2-,,,( By: ~ L£rrex-.r~r I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 7,2001 J(jng County Execut.ive RON SIMS RECEIVED JUN 11 2001 Claudia Donnelly t\II'4\.:1 VVUI'II I NATER & LAND RESOURCES DIV NANrv UO."'CI::II.' "O"'''GFD 10415 _147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 Dear Ms. Donrielly: I am writing in response to your letter of May 4,2001 \to United States Senator Patty Murray. Senator Murray forwarded your letter to me requesting that I look into your concerns and respond to you directly. Most of the questions raised in your letter have been addressed in previous correspondence dated February20, 2001 and April 12, 2001, from Nancy Hansen, Manager of the King County Water and Land Resources (WLR) Division of the D·epartment ofNatuial Resources, and me. Copies of these letters are enclosed. I have coordinated this response with Ms. Hansen, and this letter constitutes a response from her on the specific questions you have previously addressed to her. I want to first reassure you that King County is not ignoring the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and shares your goal of protecting salmon in May Creek. King County is considered a leader in the development and implementation of new programs and regulatory updates to address th~ listing of the Chinook salmon and Bull Trout in response to the ESA listings. These approaches will be applicable Countywide, including May· Creek. In your letter you asked why you, as a downstream property owner, must accept increased runoff and sedimentation from upstream development. King County's drainage code is designed to minimize impacts from new developments and comply with Washington State case law. Washington State case law states, in general, that a property owner is not liable for incremental increases in storm water quantity or velocity in a downstream natural conveyance system provided ~hat the increases are not done in a negligent manner and water is not diverted from one drainage basin to another. Core Requirement # 1 of the Surface Water Design Manual prevents diversions of water from one basin to another. Core Requirement #3 requires flow control facilities to reduce peak flows leaving a development t.o match peak flows occurring prior to development. Core Requirement #8 requires water quality facilities to reduce the impact of development"on the quality, including sedimentation, of our local waters. While following the Manual's requirements will reduce the effects of new developments, it cannot eliminate all the effects of new development. KING COlJ;\lTY COl.'HTHOllSE 516 THIRD A VENUE, HOOM 400 SEATrLl}. \VA 98104-3271 (206) 296·4040 2%-()19·1 FAX 2«J6-()2011 TOD E-mail.: n)l1.sims@mctrokq~ov -. ""'9 C.':"Jnly'S ,~II Equal OppOrlvllilyIAtfl,m.7Iivc Actioll Employer and complies with Iho AmericiI/'s with Disabilities Act '::! .- 71 .... \\ -o3i I Ie ... I cO I I I I I I I c··~\ -c) I I I I I I 1,( 'I I <! ) I Page) Your le.tter also expressed concern about the 80 percent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal of a proposed stoririwatef detention pond. The 80percent removal ofTSS goal for new retention/detention (rid) facilities is a matter of economics and technology. Larger rId facilitieswould remove more suspended solids, but larger facilities are also more expensive to build. The cost to build larger facilities is passed along to the consumer in the form of higher housing prices. From a technological standpoint, there is also a point where building a larger facility will not remove any more TSS because the particles become so small they will not settle out without chemical treatment. The goal of80 percentTSS removal was chosen as an appropriate standard because it is believed to provide the best cost/benefit ratio for removal ofTSS and is the standard thatis required by the Washington State Department of Ecology for stonnwater quality. With regard to the questions you feel Ms. Hansen has not responded to, here are the answers that she has provided me with: 1) What is King County's real plan for the May Creek Basin Urban area? There is no secret associated with the May Creek Basin Plan. The Basin Plan contains comprehensive zoning and regulation reconunendations to address issues related to future growth, as well as basinwide and site specific recommendations to address existing problems. May Creek Wetland #5 is a Class 1 wetland, which King County Code does not allow to be developed into a regional detention facility. However, one of the benefits ofwetJands is that they store large amounts of water. The basin plan ieconunendations seek to protect the natural benefits associated with the May Creek system while addressing specific flooding problems through capital projects and technical assistance. The "real" plan for May Creek Basin is the Basin Plan, which was very recently approved and adopted by the King County Council, the City of . Renton, and the City of Newcastle. 2) What May Creek tributaries does King County consider important? King County does not typically undertake a thorough ranking of the relative importance of all tributaries within a basin planning effort. However, areas of particularly high-quality habitat which make significant contributions to the resource base of the basin, are identified as "Significant Resource Areas" and are categorized as either "Regionally" significant, or "Locally" significant. Stream reaches and wetland areas considered to be Significant Resource Areas in the May Creek basin are identified in Appendix E of the adopted basin plan. This is not to say, however, that Greenes stream is an unimportant resource just because it does not provide the same habitat values as the significant resource areas.. . II i-----pp;:=a;;;ge"~5·::"'" .. :0;:=-'"".11": .... =..-.=.=".",. -"""."",. =:="II;!, ===---II:IIII!lII!;l!.:=\.@I!I;Q!';:'''''!II;_,,", •• s=;_~ ... a.i1.; .t:ik .... ltLiliibzliilblllit"J .. ,.I .. ···.Ut.:L.·, ·I!I!IZ.MI;iIII! • .,. _.W;liiJItiIII .• · .:;i!"J!;IiI!,,,.t_4 ; I', '-tn I-- I I I I I I I«() 'I I I I I I I also understand that you have been in contact with the King County Ombudsman with your concerns. Ithirlk this is a very appropncitestep if you Teerthaf you are not getting appropriate treatment from County staff. I have asked Ms. Hansen to work closely with the Ombudsman's office to ensure that the Division is being appropriately responsive to your concerns. If you have further questions or concerns, please continue to contact Nancy. Hansen, Water and Land Resources Division Manager in the Department of Natural Resources, at (206) 296-6585. As is King County procedure, she will assign follow-up to the staff with the appropriate programmatic and technical expertise. Thank you again for taking the time to write. King County Executive RS:lm Enclosures cc: The Honorable Patty Murray, United States Senator The Honorable David Irons, King County Councilmember Duncan Fowler, King County Ombudsman Paul Toliver, Director, Department of Transportation (DOT) Larry Jaramillo, Senior Engineer, Road Services Division, DOT Pam Bissonnette, Director, Department of Nahiral Resources (DNR) Nancy Hansen, Manager, Water and Land Resources Division, DNR I I I I I I I I I .... ./ '. "' .. ' • > ....• :. I ·r ...... . D···· .'. ,~CaIlFirst (\v~uld LikeTo'B~ ~~~e~t);E].::~:\::·,··,o': ..•. :,:.}.j.. . ." ,··'~'.(;::~~~::;;i~:'t;f; :j'". ..... . , .,!;'~i~'.:,.~.,~~~i'{lti;· (""e~ rf/erGN4iuei.J ,P~t?,;P~/trY --. ,:'.: .. :;,I9t.;;'; .) ,.'\" .. ~ .; '::'~ .. ":"" :.f:·~ .. ~.!: .. · .. ;·;:.~.:_ .. ·, ... :~·.· . ; '".', ~ .', ::'" :.,' ,': . ;i,; ~; 0.. .;' '.}.. Acce$s Permission:Granted /!-CIloss CL4vPI4(f Ace e~.F '<&>~f) w/hCH ;.r ~"" .. ~~; (/~?H41'~7""4~~€~i ~t/-'V'rY~/G/rr~or-~/1y,SIk ~.~~ 61e;JJtU-A'~.(~4t/ti.:·~/),f6;:~;,,(;ft~b;~i ' .. e#/I-/Y~:G~ ,ro rAy To Ke~P' t.-v~ri:::71(?~rH~ C/I't¥n.c. s;~d-' . .' I t(~) w~hc ff /)erP'lt>'1J I I I I I,' .~ . 12--:,.., -LFr ,nrc rP;(" .JerI" 6~(..v.#P, I'fe ~Ar 6'et7V QVr· ~j: r~r"Cf PFr"}c~ ,...,. ~.,r . "LA--reL-Y ,~(/t? ,0 r/-Ir F;rrHtf:i9Z. Plat name: (fitJJm .G~ Lot No: Block No: No field investigation required S T Parcel No. /77 loti O(!)QJ, 0 Th.Bros: New ~~(P~}5 .... Kroll %X> RDP Basin mAY Council District _' ...... A=-..----._ Charge No, ________ :--__ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ~ ______ by: __ phone __ letter. __ in person 5P..,~rt,."e . ~ tv It/Of ~.P .' I DISPOSITION: Turned tcPf). on / / b~ OR: No further action recommended because: . '\ __ Lead agency has been notified: . it:J -.)-Problem has been corrected. __ No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: 1-" '_../ SEE FILE # ---- Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: I ___ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. DATE CLOSED: Cf I c.f I O't.-By: / _--:Other (Specify): /1l.t)Jecr ~O~/~C~ I _ Juh If {~-'\-F-ro-m-.-:-""--""----s-'e-i-gh-t-, -B-ri-an--------...;,;;;;,;,;,;;.;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;============::::::!!!!! '-l )Sent. Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:01 PM I To' Kipp, Greg; Sims, Ron ',cc; Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Dougherty, Linda; Tiffany. Christina; Crawford, Curt; Granlund, Jeff RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations I I I I Subject: .ron/greg ... i have to agree with greg ... i think we (SWffi, ddes, and recently dot) have been very responsive to claudia, it's just that she doesn't like our answers. as you know, it is important to be specific with claudia so you know just e~actly what problem you are talking about. in the present case, i have talked to her about two different "enforcements" recently: 1) the stream that flows through her property now flows onto her property at a different location than it used to. she says she saw the neighbor digging the new channel but has no evidence (photos). i talked to the neighbor (mr. wolf) and he said the channel changed location in the 1996/97 ice storm when some trees fell over. this looked very possible (there'were a lot of fallen trees still on his property) and there was nothing indicating he had done work in the channel (not surprising considering it happened in 1996). i told claudia that i could not take action or ask ddes to investigate without some firm evidence. she said that ddes had looked at it several years ago and made the same or similar determination. I 2) the neighbor at the north end of claudia's street plugged a cross culvert because she , thought it was saturating a vacant lot she eventually wants to build on. claudia notified me of the problem in late november or early december. i investigated the problem, rT'-:--"lidentified that a violation had occurred, and opened an enforcement under k.q.c. 9.04 (so 1 ~4 des was never notified~. claudia. asked for a copy of the enforcement letter. before the ",_ etter had been sent. 1 told her 1 would send. her a copy of the letter when lt went out and return the 30 cents she included in'her request. the letter went out yesterday and i sent her a copy today. fyi ... in my conversation with the woman who blocked the culvert, i I I got the impression that she has no intention of unblocking the culvert so the enforcement may be d'ifficult and take a while. I I i've been in contact with the lady (ms. morse) whose garage had water in it as a result of the blocked crilvert. she and i had originally talked about a possible ndap project to clean the pipe that overflowed (we thought it might be obstructed) . further investigation showed it was a 6 inch flex pipe. our vactor operator said the equipment to clean pipes would j~st as likely damage the pipe as successfully clean it, and more likley damage the pipe if the blockage was roots or something solid. with cleaning not viable, ms. morse 'and i discussed a replacement project that would have to compete with other ndap projects for funding. she was not interested because it would mean removing all of the vegetation (several large trees and shrubs) along her property line. she and i bo~h agreed that the best resolution to her problem was to pursue the enforcement and get the culvert opened again. dot is involved because they are going to clean the roadside ditch on 147th as soon as they can get an environmental approval. i am coordinating with them to have an ndap quick fix project constructed at the same time the dot crew is out there. the project will keep water from washing over the privately maintained portion of 147th just in front of claudia's property. i explained to claudia that the work involved paving and, if the weather got cold and wet, the project might not get done until this spring. wlrd's work on the enforcement for the blocked culvert is in no way tied to the dot work or them having to wait for environmental approval. I, ,",,\egarding our responsiveness, i sent claudia an email (which she acknowledged and thanked l'.iJ ~ for) the same day i received her foia letter (1/2/02) informing her that the letter did I ,._,ot exist yet (i had just sent a draft to word processing) but that i would send her a copy when if finally went out. I regarding our response to the blocked culvert, i met with her to initially look at the 1 I. 1-, ,·.,:oman who blocked the cUlve"r"t"" a;n', s "a .. ," ""', ·.,>,.· .. ·.i.·'· ~, ..• ~. ,." .. " .. :ot:~1Ni'.~ ..... ". 'I. ;1, .'-""(Jot water. in he~ garage as a result of the culvert, went through an" il:dap evauat on· .. ,t )rocess (1ncludlng more contact and coordination with dot staff) only to have her decline I -"a project, coordinated with dot staff to have a crew repair some damage to her driveway, and i met with dot staff to see if they could do the other quick fix. not to put words in . her mouth, but all claudia sees is that the culvert is still plugged, the stream is still relocated, the roadside ditch hasn't yet been cleaned, water still runs over her road, and I we are not going to do anything for her neighbor ... but i don't think that means we have not been responsive. I I' I hope this helps. sorry for being so wordy ... it's hard to stop when talking about this neighborhood. Brian Sleight, P.E. BSL8 206.296.8025 -Original Message- From: Kipp, Greg Sent: Thursday. January 10. 2002 11:41 AM To: Sims, Ron Cc: Whalen. Caroline; Brandon. Rod; Bissonnette. Pam; Grigsby. Daryl; Sleight. Brian; Dougherty. linda; Tiffany. Christina Subject: RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Ron --I think SWM is the appropriate Department/Division to respond to the most recent (1/9/02) e-mail from Ms Donnelly. This e-mail speaks to a plugged culvert that was investigated by SWM. While she mentions that SWM advised her that there was a code violation, no such report has come into DOES from SWM. To the contrary, our most recent conversations wI Brian Sleight of SWM indicated that he saw no code violations out there. , /"::jMS Donnelly made a FOIA request of DOES on 12/18/01 for specific information about which developments in the area I , ~\ ( . required a level 3detention pond. We provided herwl that information (see red highlighted response from Ms Donnelly, I I '\ -below) In her 1/9/02 e-mail, she stated her recent request for information was not made to DOES, however it is not clear to which department she made the request. I II I I II I, I .'(( ... ~ I _/ I I am cc'ing folks in SWM to see if they are aware of any recent request for information from Ms Donnelly. If so, please let Ron know and respond to Ms Donnelly on his behalf. If not. also advise Ron and I guess we should ask her to specify which department she made the request of. DOES and DNR have been extremely responsive to Ms Donnelly over the years ... she simply does not like the answers we are providing her and I doubt she ever will. That being said, we still, need to respond to any.and all FOIA requests. gk -----Original Message----- From: Sims. Ron Sent: Wednesday, January 09,200210:26 AM To: Kipp, Greg Cc: Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod Subject: FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Greg -please follow-up, than,ks. -ron -----Original Message----- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 09,2002 10:32 AM To: ron.sims@metro!<c.gov Cc: david.irons@metrokc.gov Subject: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Dear County Executive Sims: 2 ~ I~ I t () I I I have told you over and ~ver -~9al~ :tha -, '. -~e - us who live in this part of the May Creek Basin area. example,. r1i Here is another A neighbor down our road has plugged a culvert draining water from 148th Avenue SE through her property to Greenes Stream. She plugged the culvert up because she didn't want the water flowing through her property. In November, this plugged culvert sent water down a small, shallow ditch alongside 147th Avenue SE. That excess water caused sheet flooding over the road. It also caused water to go through another neighbor's garage. This problem was called in Roads and SWM. It was investigated and supposedly something will be done --once Roads gets the permits its has applied for. SWM investigated and found out that this neighbor (plugging the culvert) is violating County Code. They were going to send a letter to this person advising them of this violation. Well, I talked to the neighbor who got the water in her garage and asked if she had gotten a copy of the letter that was supposed to be sent. She said that she might get a copy -she wasn't sure. . '. -... ,;; .,.;.. .. :::..~ ..... : ,.",'~'; . ".- I I On December 28, I typed several letters to KC Departments (not DOES (emphasis added by kipp) -even though I don't like DOES and they don't answer my questions) requesting documents under the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) and FOIA. I mailed these letters on December 29. I also sEmt a letter to _ / "''jI Washington State agency --they responded promptly. !I' Il~{ ~Jeard from one person --they said that they'd return my 30 cents and the letter to the person plugging up the culvert had just gotten back \ from the Word Processing Dept (this is last week). I still haven't \ I' gotten a copy of that letter. Has it been sent????? I sent this \ ' person a note today asking if the letter has been sent and if not, when. I will it be sent? So far, no response. I I, 'I I, I The other KC agency hasn't responded at all. The letters should have gotten to the people on December 31. If I have to go to an attorney to get a response from this KC agency, I will send my attorney bill to you. You might want to send out a note to all County employees that the public has a right under FOIA and RCW 42.17 to see and have copies of County documents. Again, maybe you can answer the qUestion as to whyKC doesn't want to make my neighbors comply with County and State laws? There is Mr. Wolf, who change the course of Greenes Stream and he didn't get fined; there are the 2 Code violations on the Luck property that have been in limbo for many years now; there is the Nagel culvert problem? But then another neighbor put a little dirt in her back yard next to Greenes Stream and she had to pay a fine? Why are people treated differently? I , l:b..ank you for your time. 1,( '\ . , ::. i 'lia Donnelly " . -,/ I, ----Original Message----- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 09,20021:59 PM I To: pauta.adams@metrokc.gov; robert.ware@metrokc.gov ~ I' I {,' I~----~--~~:~ .... ~~,···~·!~--,,--·_'I~ Dear Ms. Adams: I I I I II: ,I I (l~) I, I I I, ,Ii 1\ I, ~d I f' ~ j 1,1 ~ '\ \ I just received your letter with the list of developments that were required to have a Level 3 detention pond along with a Level 3 Flow Control. THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION! It was nice and timely. I don't need to see the files --so they can be returned to wherever they are kept. For this part of my research,l just needed the development name and file number. For the next part, I need to go somewhere else. But thank you, any way, in having Mr. Ware keep them for me. Mr. Ware is a wonderful, friendly person -I like him very much. He is a good asset to DOES. You are, also, a pleasure to work with. THANK YOU AGAIN. Claudia Donnelly I NAME: DONNELLY COMPLAINT NUMBER: 2001-0765 ADDRESS: 10415 147ft AVENUE SOUTHEAST I PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ADD AN ASPHALT APRON TO A DRIVEWAY AND DIG A SHORT ROADSIDB DITCH TO CONVEY WATER THE EXISTING ROADSIDE DITCH. OFFERED TO ROADS ON 12/20/01 VIA JEFF GRANLUND • I ACCBPTANCE FROM ROADS ON: I Y70kl FIELD MEBTING DATE: 12/20/01 MEBTING ATTENDBES: __ BRIAN SLEIGHT, LENNY JUHNKE, JBFF GRANLUND ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL BY __ ~~~ __ ~~ ______________ ON ________________ _ BSTIMATBD COST :_tJ....:~:::-..O_C? __ ESTIMATBD COMPLETION DATB: ____________ _ CHARGE NUMBER: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BASEMENTS GOOD UNTIL: __ ~~ __ ....:,,~4...:..-____ ..;...14/_ /(-0-u.J . HPA REQUIRBD? ____________________ _ ISSUED ON ________________________ _ AUTHORIZATION SENT TO ________________________ ON ____________________ _ NOTIFIBD _____________________ OF CONSTRUCTION DATE ON ________________ ___ DATE STARTBD: ____________ _ DATB COMPLBTBD: ____________ __ FIBLD CRANGBS: ________________ ~--------------------------------------- :1 COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________ ___ I . --.... "'IO" I " " ;,() 11 I I I, --' -~ 1: I 2' " I I " ) ( r "\' '-J I' I }~ .. ~ .:; -. -tun~JJ ® Department of , Transportation .~ I· ,··-··1..;.··· ! - " +. 1695814/01) Comp -Date t-\V r Chk _______ _ ?-/7.. \ 11..00 'to Date :. ; ...... ~ . ; " .. l. t>~r.ttVA{1 (. " ,PLbLJ1PA T~ .", .. ~'-"~1" "., •. -. ----"~ I I II I I I I /, ..... \ I\~~(~) I !I\ '>" '. " Lot No: Block No: I ........... ...-.. -lId'---..-..~ ~ . R Parcel No5cl 3 0000 /feJ Kroll «00 Th;Bros: New ,b20 J 5 II. RDP Basin m ft.'! !. Council District --L.o/.&..J... __ _ Charge No. __________ _ 1/ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person 01 f'1s: NIt~€.. L , DISPOSITION: Turned to on _--,-1_...::../__ by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I I --Lead agency has been notified: I. ('-\-Problem has been corrected. __ No proble~ has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: t.:J ) . . .' .'. . .' . SEE FILE II __ _ ~ Private problem -NDAP Will not consider because: I' . Water origin~tes onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. I DATE CLOSED: 'f I It? I en.--By: '1S:f. I'W<!!1tl'h? _~Other (Specify): eo4Ccr~ I I, ., l'ff\ l \.) Ii I I I I I I Il(~ I I I I I I King County Water and Land Resources DIvision . Department of Natural Resources 201 SouthJackson Street, SUite 600 Seattle, IJ\O\ 98104-385.') (206) 296-6519 JJ~g';lrY9~:Df8BiAX Maxine Nagel 10217 -147th Avenue Southeast Renton, W A 98055 RE: Drainage Complaint #2001-0842 -Drainage Culvert Obstruction Dear Ms. Nagel: On December 12, 2001, King County Stormwater Services (SWS) Section staff observed that the culvert under 14 7th Avenue Southeast that discharges onto your property had been plugged. Water was backing ,up on the east side of the street and flowing onto the roadway. The plugging of the culvert adversely affects the capacity of the drainage system and water flowing on the roadway creates a hazard. This letter is not a formal enforcement action as authorized under King County Code 9.04. Its purpose is to bring these drainage problems to your attention before they cause personal injury or damage to public or private property. As the person who stated she blocked the culvert, you could be liable for any personal injury or property damage that results from the blocked culvert. There has already been an overflow of the downstream system that flowed into and damaged a garage. Also, if you decide to sell your property, this potential enforcement related to your property must be disclosed to any potential buyer. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please call Leonard Juhnke, Stormwater Services Section Engineer, at (206) 263-6457 within 30 days of receipt of this letter to discuss resolution of this matter. CC:BS:J43 Enclosures cc: Brian Sleight, P.E., Senior Engineer, SWS Section Leonard Juhnke, SWSI Section Engineer Jeff Granlund, Supervisor Roads Maintenance Division 2 fEC I diS 2 W IO~ Me'/dse l-t42r -22r-763D ill -~S7 -9 SO( ~l<... j)ou/;vJptt?¥1 rL~C?t'ct' 1"IlP,:'. ~tYf.. I .~. 1 ---~~~·~'~i'lfIiaf1tt==" .. ~· 1"1 .. 1. ~.~,~, ==$~~.5MW~ .•. =tf~ ••..• ·" ••• T.i~"··.· ••• ·.m.·~.I==·.=.==~==="""""==~~=-~~~~ ~ ." ... , '. " .. ,"~~'" ';'" .' ..... ".9",,'<."'."'"_ • ,.. a.a.. Xl .. ,SL,, __ ' .... _,' 1(, ,f-':.) . KlngCounty " . ~n.,.h y {, _ Water and Land Resources Division '-.... ~~ ~ 1 Department ~fNatUl:al Resource,s. 201 SouthJackson Street, Suite 600 Seattle, W'\ 98104-3855 1 I I I I I I((~ I I I I I I (206) 296-6519 (206) 296-0192 FAX Febru~ry 20, 2002 Maxine Nagel 10217 -1471h Avenue Southeast Renton, WA98055 'RE: Drainage Complaint #2001-0842 -Drainage Culvert Obstruction Dear Ms. Nagel: -Thank you for your response to my previous letter to you dated January 4, 2002. A site inspection on February 20, 2002 confirmed that the concrete obstruction has been cleaned out of the culvert under 1471h Avenue Southeast in front of your property. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please call Len Juhnke,Water and Land Resources Division Stormwater Services Section Engineer, at (206) 263-6457. Z!J Curt W. Crawford,P .E., anaging Engineer Stormwater Services Section CC:LJ:inBll cc: Jeff Granlund, Maintenance Division 2 Supervisor, Road Services Division, Department of Transportation ~. Brian Sleight~ P.E., Senior Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, Water and Land Resources Division, Department of Natural Resources and Parks Len Juhnke, Engineer, Stormwater Services Section I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l{==i-~ . : .. ~::.,. -.;. r,." "".' Parcel No. '/71r;tfoOOa,Q Kroll,~CO, Th.Bros: New bJ.~J,5 RDP Basin'~hry CoimcilDistrict_+I-f.;l~' • ..--C~~ge No. ___ --' ______ _ REsPONSE: Citizen notified on _______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person DISPOSITION: Tumedto OD _--L-I_ .... I __ by __ , OR: No further action recommended because: I --Lead agency has been notified: «(")-Problem has been corrected. __ , No problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: ' <.! ) ',SEE FILE II __ _ I "''=':::''-Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: __ -,., Water originates onsite andlor on neighboring parcel. __ Other (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: .{ I I () I 0 "Z--By: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I From: sent: To: Subject: Sleight, Brian Wednesday,Jarlu~ryJ)~, 2002 3:35 PM 'thedonnellys@oo.net' Nagel enforcement and quick fix I received your letter today regarding the Nagel enforcement. The letter has not gone ou yetU just got it back from word processing today) but I will get you a copy whem it· is sent out. I'll also send your 30 cents back with it. Technically there should be a charge for the copy but our office doesn't accept cash (only checks) and even if they did the cost in time for me to get a receipt and such for one copy would be way more than the cost of the copy. Len Juhnke and I met with D.C.T. staff last week to look at. the quick fix. I called you before we left downtown but you were not there. Len will be handling the project in my office. The project will involve· paving that area that the cars drive over, extending thE berm, and digging a shallow ditch a short way to the north. The project will not dig the ditch past the area where the retaining wall is failing. The idea is to piggyback our work with the roadside ditch cleaning because the crew will already be out there. Therefore, the timing is dependent on the roadside ditch project. At the time of our meeting, the environmental paperwork had been submitted and they were waiting for approval. Even with the intent of the piggyback project, if the weather is not appropriate for paving when they clean the ditch, they won't do the quick fix. The quicJ~ fix will still get done, it will just get done ~t a different time when weather permits. If our current run of dry weather holds, it shouldn't be a problem but if we start getting steady rains day after day, the weather and crew availability could push the project off to this spring. Brian Sleight, P.E. BSL8 206.296.8025 1 I .-.::.. '-"'.... ' I"n '-" ' I : I i ! I I I I I ICC) I I I I I I 1(,) "{ ) I '1,-,.../ I '.,:.. , '.' • '.~ • +':: •• ' .. , ;. - - .. ,: .... -'"'.~ . :..,~ Brian Sleight KCWLRD 201 "S. Jackson Seattle, WA 98104 "" Dear Mr. Sleight: ... , """", .......... ", , .... "., ... """." ... "'. 10415 -147th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 December 28, 2001 I just ta/ked to my neighbor 10 see if she had gotten a copy of Ihe letter WLAD 8enllo Maxine ?? regarding the blocked culvert at the end of 147th Avenue SE. She said she had just heard from you and that the letter maybe on its way. Under RCW42. 17 and FOIA, I would also like a copy of the letter sent to Maxine about her blocked "culvert. I am enclosing 30 cents to cover the cost of this letter. Also, what is the status of the "ditch" being dug out alongside 147th? Thank you. Sincerely, ~" ~~JhA f)tn'T'-'V 7 Claudia Donnelly ""~" I I I I: I I I I I I ; .' " .. ~:': -. 1';-'- I I --I Y4 S T R Parcel No. 111rAO,00Jo. ~~_ . Th.Bros: New bMifS= I I I --RDPjL Basin MAA/ Council District Il Charge No._---'-_____ -- REsPONSE: . Citizen notified on _______ by: _. _ phone __ Jetter __ in person DISPOSITION: Turned to on I I by __ OR: No further action recommended because: I -'-' Lead agency has been notified:. . . . . ( '\_ Problem has been corrected. _. _. No'problem has been identified. __ Prior investigation addresses problem: L/ ..... .' .... SEE FILE # I "~'-.) Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: --- __ --Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. __ Other (Specify): I DATE CLOSED: 2,2,'li07..-By: '4:J t!5??Af{.. .5€~ 6r ~V(. "'. I I Sleight, Brian t, '~-) From: "\ Sent: Grigsby, Daryl Thursday, February 14, 2002 11 :21 AM ·'thedonnellys@OO;net' I ~ 6~~ Sims, Ron; Irons, David; Bissonnette, Pam; Shannon, Kathleen RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations I I I I I I Subject: Dear Ms. Donnelly: Thank you for .your email transmittal of January 9, 2002, to Executive Ron Sims, expressing concern about King County's compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and its response to the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) request you made to several King County departments. Executive Sims has asked me to respond to your concerns. Your email also expresses concerns about King County enforcement of drainage problems in your area. I understapd your public disclosure requests were made to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department ofNatui:al Resources, which is now called the Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP). ' DNRP staff sent you an email on January 2, 2002, the day your request arrived. The letter you requested was only in draft form at the time of your request and, as such, was not yet disclosable by law. Rather than ask you to resubmit your request after the letterhad been signed and sent, DNRP staff said they would send you a copy as soon as the letter was sent, which they did on January 10, 2002. DOT staff sent you a letter on January 9, 2002, five working days after your request arrived. Your request involved a large file and it was not clear what specific documents you were requesting. DOT staff thought the best response would be to make the me available for your review so you could decide which documents you wanted to copy. From my understanding ofRCW 42.17, the response from both the DNRP and the DOT exceeded the requirements ofRCW 42.17. I {\'lI;~\in regards to your enforcement concerns, King County's enforcement authority applies to all ofunincorponited King County. In the \;\.._)practical application of the codes granting such authority, there is no distinction between people living in rural areas or in urban areas. King County, however, has a high burden of proof when it comes to taking enforcement action against a code violator. As unforfunate as. it may seem, there are times when it appears a code violation has occurred but King County cannot take action because I we cannot prove that a code violation occurred or do not know who performed the act. I I I I I In the case of Mr. Wolf, both the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) and DNRP staffhave investigated the complaint and found no evidence that a code violation has occurred. Mr. Wolf stated the stream relocated when several trees fell during an ice storm in the winter of 1996/97. This is a natural and common occurrence and, with the number of fallen trees on Mr. Wolfs property, there is nothing to suggest itdid not occur. With no physical evidence to support an enforcement case, the word of one neighbor against another is unfortunately not enough to overcome our burden of proof. In the case of the Luck property, enforcement .action was initiated against the property owner for installing a culvert in a sensitive area without a permit. The property owner pas applied for a grading permit for the culvert installation to resolve the enforcement. There are other code compliance issues on this property but they cannot be addressed until the grading permit is issued so the rest of the property can be accessed. . In the Nagel case, Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) staff has an open enforcement case for this violation and the first step in the enforcement process has been taken. WLRD allows the property owner 30 days to voluntarily resolve the problem before a formal enforcement process with possible civil penalties is initiated. If Ms. Nagel does not resolve the violation within 30 days, she will be sent a Citation in accordance with ~ing County Code 23.20. My staff who are most familiar with your neighborhood do not recall a fme levied against your neighbors. However, if your neighbors think the fine was inappropriately levied, they should contact the department that they were working with. I The resolution of any code violation is greatly affected by the conduct of the violator. While the enforcement and possible ! (. ,be any meqUlty m the apphcation of King County's enforcem~nt authonty. . . --'lenforcem~nt ca~es 'you have ~en~ioned e~ch have a different resolution a~d may not be the resolution you want, ther. e does not seem I I ,I . ""While I am sure the issues you have raised are of great concern to you, in the case of your public disclosure request, if you had waited· an appropriate length of time (i.e. a couple days after the response deadline to allow delivery by the post office) you would have seen that County staff did comply with the requirements ofRCW 42.17. Similarly, in the case of the enforcements you mentioned, County 1 I staff IS as I issue they have looked at and detertnined that action cannot be taken (Wolf). I admire the amount of effort energy you r--, your community but I ask you to accept the determinations made by County staff and limit future contacts to new issues. \{) ~ d . d .. I / Thank you again for the opportunity to address your cotlcerns. I hope we_can move _Lorwar to new lssues an opporturuties. Sincerely, I I I I I Daryl Grigsby, Manager Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks I \\(~.) I I I I I I I (I ) I I 2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bissonnette, Pam Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:45 PM· Shannon, Kathleen Norton, Ann; Grigsby, Daryl FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations I I I I (r \ ) Kathleen, looks like we are getting this cct. Gould you please start it in motion? thx I I I I I ~ ------------------------------Original Message---c From: Brandon, Rod Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:30 PM Kipp, Greg Whalen, caroline; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Sleight, Brian; Dougherty, Unda; Tiffany, Christina RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations ks Greg, Pam let me know when you have a response. rod ----Original Message---- From: Kipp, Greg Sent: Thursday, January 10, 200211:41 AM To: Sims, Ron . Cc: Whalen, caroline; Brandon, Rod; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby, Daryl; Sleight, Brian; Dougherty, Unda; Tiffany, Christina Subject: RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Ron --I think SWM is the appropriate Department/Division to respond to the most recent (1/9/02) e-mail fromMs Donnelly. This e-mail speaks to a plugged culvert that was investigated by SWM. While she mentions that SWM advised her that there was a code violation, no such report has come into DOES from SWM. To the contrary. our most recent conversations wI Brian Sleight of SWM indicated that he saw no code violations out there. I \(3 Ms Donnelly made a FOIA request of DOES on 12118/01 for specific information about which developments in the area required a level 3 detention pond. We provided her wI that information (see red highlighted response from Ms Donnelly, below) In her 1/9/02 e-mail, she stated her recent request for information was not made to DOES, however it is not clear to which department she made the request. I am cc'ing folks in SWM to see if they are aware of any recent request for information from Ms Donnelly. If so, please let Ron know and respond to Ms Donnelly on his behalf. If not, also advise Ron and J guess we should ask her to specify which department she made the request of. I I I I I I I I ODES and DNR have been extremely responsive to Ms Donnelly over the years ... she simply does not like the answers we are providing her and J doubt she ever will. That being said, we still need to respond to any and all FOIA requests. gk -----0riginal Message--- From:. Sims, Ron Sent: Wednesday, January 09,200210:26 AM To: Kipp, Greg Cc: Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod Subject: FW: RCW 42.17 and FOJA violations Greg -please follow-up, thanks. -ron ----Original Message----- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly [mailto:thedonnellys@oo.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 09,200210:32 AM . To: ron.sims@metrokc.gov I( iJ "--)' 't I '0' I I I I I , I I (C) I I I Dear Co'unty Executive Sims: I have told you over and over again that KC doesn't respond to those of us who live in this part of the May Creek Basin area. Here is another example, A neighbor down our road has ,plugged a culvert draining water from 148th Avenue SE through her property to Greenes Stream. She plugged the culvert up because she didn't want the water flowing through her property. In November, this plugged culvert sent water down a small; .. shallow ditch alongside 147th Avenue SE. That excess water caused sheetflooding over the road. It also caused water to go through another neighbor's garage. This problem was called in Roads and SWM. It was investigated and supposedly something will be done --once Roads gets the permits its has applied for. SWM investigated and found out that this neighbor (plugging the culvert) i~ violating County Code. They were going to send a letter to this person advising them of this violation. Well, I talked to the neighbor who got the water in her garage and asked if she had gotten a copy of the letter: that was supposed to be sent. She said that she might get a copy -she wasn't sure. On December 28, I typed several letters to KC Departments (not DOES (emphasis added by kipp) --even thol,lgh I don't like DOES and they don't answer my questions) requesting documents under the Public Disclosure Law (RCW 42.17) and FOIA. I mailed these letters on December 29. I also sent a letter to a Washington State agency -they responded promptly. I heard from one person -they said that they'd return my 30 cents and the letter to the person plugging up the culvert had just gotten back from the Word Processing Dept (this is last week). I still haven't gotten a copy of that letter. Has it been sent????? I sent this , person a note today asking if the letter has been sent and if not, when will it be sent? So far, no response. The other KC agency hasn't responded at all. The letters should have gotten to the people on December 31. If I have to go to an . attorney to get a response from this Kc agency, I will send my attorney bill to you. You might want to send out a note to all County employees that the public has a right under FOIA and RCW 42.17 to see and have copies of County documents. Again. maybe you can answer the qu~stion as to why KC doesn't want to make my neighbors comply with County and State laws? There is Mr. Wolf, who change the course of Greenes Stream and he didn't get fined; there are the 2 Code violations on the Luck property that have been in limbo for many years now; there is the Nagel culvert problem? But then another neighbor put a little dirt in her back yard next to Greenes Stream and she had to pay a fine? Why are people treated differently? I Thank you for YQur time. r .0,) Claudia Donnelly "{ \ I I ,_J 2 I . 'KlNGCOlJNTY W ATERA:NQJ~~l:W§~~~sDMSION ' .DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REpORT . . .. ,'. ',:. :: ," .... . "" I INVESTIGATION REQUEST Type _X __ . i {~ROBLFM:._·· --:-. --:-._. _ .... ___ _ I -~CEIVED"BY: .. ,.:i%:4K -.. FILENO.2003-0P/C Received from: i;t~G- I (Day) ~( _-.£) NAME: __ e;..;.LA.-,.;. ;..;;;;(A.;;....'/J_M-...;..----:;;J:>o._.,. _~~w.;.....'(?;;;.. . ...;;;tII=-· ___ PHONE ___........;....;..__.,----...- (Eve) ...... ( -..,....-L} I AnDRESS: /0'/15 ./tf7'f+1 ·flAtec S6 City" kJlzn .' State __ . Zip __ _ LocATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: I . Access Permission Granted 0 , [, ...... " ' '. i ' , I I' exltPsm ;5/!'"~e ~'£l?~J /l/6~/l ;rCVL . HovJ€.,· I ·"v€:IC,H401t.; ,,~.dt::).A./ Jk.AUA/ UlO-< rH Cf-2o-6? 7-7~6Z- Il(]b#4iL4t¥¥lctr: -nt-epCWAi'e?L -/s~OO_ p.?i' , I Plat name: LotNo:· Block No: I I I I S T R Parcel No. J77fo'1000~ Kroll ~CO Th.Bros: Ne~JS RDP Basin /Yl A-Y ~ouncil District, ~ City ___ Charge No .. _______ _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ______ by: __ phone __ letter __ in person ! )0 ~. I" . DISPOSITION: Turned to on _.....:.1_-"'--. _ by_ .. _. _ OR: No further. action recommended becaus~: _ Lead agency has been notified:. ________ ,· _. '_' ,_. _....,...-_______ --'-'-____ _ ._ Problem has been ·corrected. _'. No problem has been identified. '__ Prior investigation addresses problem: I SEE FILE # ---I:~-L Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: ',,1 ) . Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. 1"'/ , DATE CLOSED: 3 ,V ,oJ By: V __ Other (Specify): I I 'i \ • "~C) I I I I' ,I I I (CJ I I I I I I 1-( ) I ,( ) I Sleight, Brian From: Michael/Claudia Donnely [thedonne/lys@oo.net] Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 6:22 AM To: Grigsby, Daryl Cc: Sims, Ron; Cawaling, Cindy; Bissonnette, Pam; Sleight, Brian; Shannon, Kathleen; Maier, Mary; Ninneman, Scott; Moeller, Lani Subject: Re: May Creek Basin Area Mr. Grigsby: Whatever. I have given up on dealingwith KC and Renton. The straw has only been put down where our neighbor originally installed it --nothing more. It rained alot yesterday and in the past. I saw muddy . water up against the straw bales. At least the bales were possibly doing something. Thanks anyway. Claudia Donnelly PS: I know that you don't have any jurisdiction over Renton, but they haven't made my other neighbor . do anything. I have already talked to NMFS and the last heard, they were investigating. Maybe I need to write someone else. See ya. On Wednesday, March 19,2003, at 02:49 PM, Grigsby, Daryl wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly: Thank you for your email transmittal of March 4,2003, regarding the potential of sediment reaching May Creek. King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond on his behalf. I understand that Brian. Sleight, Stonnwater Services (SWS) Section Senior Engineer from my staff, visited your neighbor's property on March 7, 2003. At the time, no sediment was leaving the site even though it was raining lightly. There were no indications that sediment had previously left the site; The owner was not home so Mr. Sleight left a note on their door requesting that they contact him. Your neighbor called Mr. Sleight that day and was advised of his responsibility to minimize sediment transport from his property. Your neighbor said his intention was to stabilize the area this past weekend 3/2112003 I I I I I \(3 'I I I I I I ,-' Illj I o and asked Mr. Sleight to visit the·site.on Monday, March 10 to determine if the site was properly· stabilized. A Monday site visit showed that straw had been placed on much of the site. Mr. Sleight asked your neighbor to extend the straw to the end of the existing railroad tie wall, which the neighbor said b.e would do. . It is important to note that installation of erosion control best management practices (BMPs) will not completely eliminate sediment transport from your neighbor's property. Erosion control BMPs are intended to minimize the impaCt of exposing bare soil by preventing soil from getting suspended in water or removing suspended ·soil from water. Once sediment is suspended in water, short of using chemicais, erosion control BMPs will not remove very fine sediment from the water .. Although these BMPs are not perfect, they are consistent with Washington State's requirements to use all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment of storm water. These BMPs also meet the Clean Water Act's requirement of stormwater controls to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Thank you for taking an interest in the environment. If you have additional concerns regarding this issue, feel free to contact Brian Sleight, SWS Section Senior Engineer, at (206) 296-8025. Sincerely. Daryl Grigsby, Manager Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks 3/2112003 I I n I, " I -~ I I' I I !I , I (~) I, I '- I I I: I I \ I: / I TASKS MITIGATION OF EXISTING AND POTENTIAL PROBLEMS I I 1° I I I I I I I () :1 I I I I I il II { ) -- I TASKS MITIGATION OF EXISTING AND POTENTIAL PROBLEMS The area downstream of the proposed project known as Stoneridge (Stoneridge) possibly does exhibit potential problems based on the drainage complaints. Since the City of Renton has indicated that Level 3 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality are the required means of detaining runoff and treating the runoff, which is more than the Flow Control Applications Map in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual requires, this project assumes those are adequate for this site. By utilizing Level 3 Flow Control this project should not aggravate or create a problem as specified in the problem-specific mitigation requirements set forth in Section of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A Level 2 or a Level 3 off-site analysis should not be required for this project site. In addition, the project site is not flat nor is the downstream drainage course flat and the site does not contribute more than 15 percent of the total peak flow drainage downstream from the site. 1 1 444.003.doc [JPJ/dm) I I . o I -- I I I I I I I C) I I . I I I I I ( ) I-~ I 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY F ACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I I 0 4.0 I I II I I I I I (~) I I· I I I I I I I FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. Existing Site Hydrology The pre-developed and post-developed basin areas match each other in size. Please see the following table for a list of assumptions and parameters used in sizing the pre- developed conditions hydrographs for this project. EXISTING CONDITIONS TABLE On-Site (Pond basin, Lots 1 -7): Existing impervious = 0.08 Acre (existing house) Till grass = 1.86 Acres Total on-site = 1.94 Acres On-Site (Vault basin, Lots 8 & 9, and 148th Ave. S.E. frontage): Existing impervious Existing impervious Till grass Total on-site Total existing area· of which there is: = = = = = 0.04 Acre (gravel road) 0.05 Acre (148th Ave. ACP) 0.63 Acres 0.72 Acres 2.66 Acres till grass impervious = = 2.49 Acres 0.17 Acres 2.66 Acres 1 1 444.00 l.doc [JPJldmltep] I I .0 I I 1 1 I I 10 1 I I 1 1 'I I I ( ) ,- I B. Developed Site Hydrology The existing site as well as the developed site occurs in Alderwood type soils that are a till type soil. The proposal for this development is to construct a Level 3 Flow Control detention pond above a basic water quality wet pond in the northwest portion of the site and a Level 3 Flow Control wet vault in the northeast portion of the site. Please see the following table for the assumptions and parameters used in determining basin areas contributing runoff to the wet/detention pond and vault. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS TABLE On-Site, (Pond basin, Lots 1 -7); Impervious: 7 lots x 4,000 SF/lot = 0.64 Acres Cul-de-sac and sidewalks = 0.24 Acres Total impervious on-site = 0.88 Acres Till grass -1.06 Acres Total on-site improvements = 1.94 Acres On-Site (Vault basin, Lots 8 & 9, and 148th Ave. S.E. frontage): Impervious: 2 lots x 4,000 SF/lot = 0.18 Acres 148th Ave. S.E. frontage and driveway = 0.17 Acres Total impervious on-site = 0.35 Acres Till grass = 0.37 Acres Total on-site improvements = 0.72 Acres TOTAL DEVELOPED AREA: Impervious = 0.88 + 0.35 = 1.23 Acres Till grass = 1.43 Acres TOTAL = 2.66 Acres 1 1 444.00 l.doc [JPJldmltep] I I (~ I "1 ... " I I II I I I I I I () I I I I I I I I f ) ". ./ I C. Performance Standards As mentioned prevIously the flow control performance standard utilized for this development is Level 3 Flow Control due to downstream problems that are well documented at King County. The water quality performance standard is to provide Basic Water Quality as dictated by the City of Renton and King County, which this project proposes to do in the form of a wet pond. D. Flow Control System Please see the following pages for the calculations utilized in sizing the flow control system for this project as well as a copy of the control structure and plan view of the wet/detention pond illustrating the actual sizing of the pond. E. Water Quality System This section will be prepared in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and will be inserted herewith later on. I I 444.00Ldoc [JPJ/dmltep] I I ·n .', , I ',/ I I I I I I I () I I I I I I I I I KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series 11444pre.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File .::#=-11 t -'\ J\ "5>(0'1 e /' i ~ a )y PtJNO Le-~ e....I <m:. ff D~ C!. ",·-,'1-0 J Till Grass Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf 1.86 acres Impervious Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rnf 0.08 acres Total Area 1.94 acres Peak Discharge: 0.609 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:11444pre.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:11444pre.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444pre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:11444pre.pks Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series 11444dev.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf Till Grass 1.06 acres Impervious Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rnf 0.88 acres I I I () I I I I I I I () I I I I I I I I (~) I Total Area: 1.94 acres Peak Discharge: 0.752 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:11444dev.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Conunand Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Conunand Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:11444dev.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444dev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:11444dev.pks Analysis Tools Conunand Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:11444pre.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:11444target.dur Analysis Tools Conunand RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Conunand Size a Retention/Detention FACILITY Edit Facility Loading Time Series File:11444dev.tsf Time Series Found in Memory:11444dev.tsf Saving Retention/Detention Facility File:11444level3.rdf Starting Documentation File:C:\kc_swdm\kc_data\example\kcrts\11444level3.doc Time Series Found in Memory: 11444dev.tsf Edit Complete Retention/Detention Facility Design Saving Retention/Detention Facility File:11444level3.rdf Starting Documentation File:C:\kc_swdm\kc_data\example\kcrts\11444level3.doc Time Series Found in Memory: 11444dev. tsf Retention/Detention Facility Design Route Time Series through Facility I I I 0 I I I I I ! I I () I I I I I I I I (J I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444pre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.285 3 2/09/01 2:00 0.092 8 12/03/01 17:00 0.170 5 2/28/03 16:00 0.211 4 8/26/04 1:00 0.159 7 10/28/04 18:00 0.161 6 10/22/05 17:00 0.346 2 11/21/06 9:00 0.609 1 1/09/08 7:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.609 1 100.00 0.346 2 2~.00 0.285 3 10.00 0.211 4 5.00 0.170 5 3.00 0.161 6 2.00 0.159 7 1.30 0.092 8 1.10 0.522 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 I I Flow Frequency Analysis (~) I Time Series File:11444dev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- I Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.401 4 2/09/01 2:00 -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.752 1 100.00 0.990 0.220 8 12/03/01 11:00 0.485 2 25.00 0.960 I 0.357 6 9/10/03 15:00 0.437 3 8/26/04 1:00 0.437 3 10.00 0.900 0.401 4 5.00 0.800 0.356 7 10/28/04 18:00 0.369 5 3.00 0.667 I 0.369 5 10/22/05 17:00 0.485 2 11/21/06 9:00 0.752 1 1/09/08 7:00 0.357 6 2.00 0.500 0.356 7 1.30 0.231 0.220 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.663 50.00 0.980 I I I I ( "",) ./ I I I I I I I I 'I / I I I I 0 I I I I 'I I I () I I I I I I' I I (,-) I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444rdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.242 2 2/09/01 19:00 0.052 . 8 11/04/01 8:00 0.132 5 2/28/03 8:00 0.060 7 8/24/04 0:00 0.137 4 1/05/05 12:00 0.108 6 1/18/06 22:00 0.179 3 11/24/06 7:00 0.609 1 1/09/08 8:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - -Peaks - -Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 0.609 5.00 1 100.00 0.242 4.64 2 25.00 0.179 4.38 3 10.00 0.137 3.42 4 5.00 0.132 3.32 5 3.00 0.108 2.96 6 2.00 0.060 1.82 7 1.30 0.052 1.36 8 1.10 0.486 4.82 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 I I .0 I I I I I I I' 0 I I I I '\ I I I I () .,./ I Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage 0 Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Detention Pond 2.00 H:1V 64.27 ft 21. 42 ft 1377. sq. ft 4010. sq. ft 0.092 acres 5.00 ft 376.00 ft 11837. cu. ft 0.272 ac-ft 5.00 ft 12.00 inches 3 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 1.28 0.100 2 2.75 1. 57 0.100 4.0 3 4.50 4.62 0.409 8.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 376.00 O. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.01 376.01 14. 0.000 0.005 0.00 0.03 376.03 42. 0.001 0.007 0.00 0.04 376.04 55. 0.001 0.009 0.00 0.05 376.05 69. 0.002 0.010 0.00 0.07 376.07 97. 0.002 0.012 0.00 0.08 376.08 111. 0.003 0.013 0.00 0.09 376.09 125. 0.003 0.014 0.00 0.11 376.11 154. 0.004 0.015 0.00 0.12 376.12 168. 0.004 0.016 0.00 0.22 376.22 311. 0.007 0.021 0.00 0.32 376.32 458. 0.011 0.025 0.00 0.42 376.42 609. 0.014 0.029 0.00 0.52 376.52 763. 0.018 0.032 0.00 0.62 376.62 921. 0.021 0.035 0.00 0.72 376.72 1082. 0.025 0.038 0.00 0.82 376.82 1247. 0.029 0.041 0.00 0.92 376.92 1416. 0.033 0.043 0.00 1.02 377.02 1589. 0.036 0.045 0.00 1.12 377.12 1765. 0.0,41 0.047 0.00 1.22 377.22 1945. 0.045 0.049 0.00 1.32 377.32 2129. 0.049 0.051 0.00 1.42 377.42 2316. 0.053 0.053 0.00 1. 52 377.52 2508. 0.058 0.055 0.00 1. 62 377.62 2703. 0.062 0.057 0.00 1. 72 377.72 2903. 0.067 0.059 0.00 1.82 377.82 3106. 0.071 0.060 0.00 Surf Area (sq. ft) 1377. 1381. 1387. 1391. 1394. 1401. 1,405. 1408. 1415. 1418. 1453. 1488. 1524. 1560. 1596. 1632. 1669. 1706. 1743. 1781. 1819. 1857. 1896. 1935. 1974. 2014. 2054. I I' () 1.92 377.92 3314. 0.076 0.062 0.00 2094. 2.02 378.02 3525. 0.081 0.064 0.00 2135. I ' ..... -'" 2.12 378 .12 3741. 0.086 0.065 0.00 2176. 2.22 378.22 3960. 0.091 0.067 0.00 2217. 2.32 378.32 4184. 0.096 0.068 0.00 2258. I 2.42 378.42 4412. 0.101 0.070 0.00 2300. 2.52 378.52 4644. 0.107 0.071 0.00 2343. 2.62 378.62 4880. 0.112 0.072 0.00 2385. 2.72 378.72 5121. 0.118 0.074 0.00 2428. I 2.75 378.75 5194. 0.119 0.074 0.00 2441. 2.77 378.77 5243. 0.120 0.075 0.00 2449. 2.78 378.78 5268. 0.121 0.077 0.00 2454. I 2.80 378.80 5317. 0.122 0.079 0.00 2462. 2.82 378.82 5366. 0.123 0.083 0.00 2471. 2.83 378.83 5391. 0.124 0.088 0.00 2475. 2.85 378.85 5440. 0.125 0.094 0.00 2484. I 2.86 378.86 5465. 0.125 0.098 0.00 2488. 2.88 378.88 5515. 0.127 0.100 0.00 2497. 2.98 378.98 5767. 0.132 0.109 0.00 2541. I 3.08 379.08 6023. 0.138 0.117 0.00 2585. 3.18 379.18 6284. 0.144 0.124 0.00 2629. 3.28 379.28 6549. 0.150 0.130 0.00 2674. 3.38 379.38 6819. 0.157 0.135 0.00 2719. I 3.48 379.48 7093. 0.163 0.140 0.00 2764. 3.58 379.58 7371. 0.169 0.145 0.00 2809. 3.68 379.68 7655. 0.176 0.150 0.00 2855. 3.78 379.78 7942. 0.182 0.155 0.00 2901. I (J 3.88 379.88 8235. 0.189 0.159 0.00 2948. 3.98 379.98 8532. 0.196 0.163 0.00 2995. 4.08 380.08 8834. 0.203 0.167 0.00 3042. I 4.18 380.18 9141. 0.210 0.171 0.00 3090. 4.28 380.28 9452. 0.217 0.175 0.00 3137. 4.38 380.38 9768. 0.224 0.179 0.00 3185. 4.48 380.48 10089. 0.232 0.182 0.00 3234. I 4.50 380.50 10154. 0.233 0.183 0.00 3244. 4.55 380.55 10316. 0.237 0.191 0.00 3268. 4.60 380.60 10480. 0.241 0.212 0.00 3293. I, 4.64 380.64 10613 . 0.244 0.245 0.00 3312. 4.69 380.69 10779. 0.247 0.287 0.00 3337. 4.74 380.74 10946. 0.251 0.342 0.00 3361. 4.79 380.79 11115. 0.255 0.404 0.00 3386. I 4.84 380.84' 11285. 0.259 0.530 0.00 3411. 4.88 380.88 11422. 0.262 0.555 0.00 3431. 4.98 380.98 11767. 0.270 0.602 0.00 3481. I 5.00 381. 00 11837. 0.272 0.609 0.00 3491. 5.10 381.10 12189. 0.280 0.959 0.00 3542. 5.20 381.20 12545. 0.288 1. 560 0.00 3592. 5.30 381.30 12907. 0.296 2.330 0.00 3643. I 5.40 381.40 13274. 0.305 3.150 0.00 3695. 5.50 381.50 13646. 0.313 3.470 0.00 3746. 5.60 381.60 14023. 0.322 3.750 0.00 3799. 5.70 381.70 14406. 0.331 4.020 0.00 3851. I 5.80 381. 80 14794. 0.340 4.270 0.00 3904. 5.90 381.90 15187. 0.349 4.500 0.00 3957. -') 6.00 382.00 15585. 0.358 4.720 0.00 4010. I ........ / 6.10 382.10 15989. 0.367 4.930 0.00 4064. 6.20 382.20 16398. 0.376 5.130 0.00 4117. I I I () I 'j I I I' I I I I I: I, I' I () ( , "J 6.30 382.30 16812. 0.386 6.40 382.40 17232. 0.396 6.50 382.50 17657. 0.405 6.60 382.60 18088. 0.415 6.70 382.70 18525. 0.425 6.80 382.80 18967. 0.435 6.90 382.90 19414. 0.446 7.00 383.00 19867. 0.456 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Target Calc Stage Elev 1 0.75 0.61 0.61 5.00 381. 00 2 0.40 ******* 0.24 4.64 380.64 3 0.49 ******* 0.18 4.38 380.38 4 0.24 ******* 0.14 3.42 379.42 5 0.26 ******* 0.13 3.32 379.32 6 0.22 ******* 0.11 2.96 378.96 7 0.44 ******* 0.06 1.82 377.82 8 0.19 ******* 0.05 1.36 377.36 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:11444dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:11444rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis 5.330 0.00 5.510 0.00 5.690 0.00 5.870 0.00 6.040 0.00 6.200 0.00 6.360 0.00 6.520 0.00 Storage (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 11833. 0.272 10599. 0.243 9776. 0.224 6938. 0.159 6670. 0.153 5728. 0.131 3100. 0.071 2209. 0.051 Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.752 CFS at ' 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.609 CFS at 8:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 5.00 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 381. 00 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 11833. Cu-Ft 0.272 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444rdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - -Peaks - -Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0.242 2 2/09/01 19:00 0.609 5.00 1 100.00 0.990 0.052 8 11/04/01 8:00 0.242 4.64 2 25.00 0.960 0.132 5 2/28/03 8:00 0.179 4.38 3 10.00 0.900 0.060 7 8/24/04 0:00 0.137 3.42 4 5.00 0.800 0.137 4 1/05/05 12:00 0.132 3.32 5 3.00 0.667 0.108 6 1/18/06 22:00 0.108 2.96 6 2.00 0.500 0.179 3 11/24/06 7:00 0.060 1.82 7 1. 30 0.231 0.609 1 1/09/08 8:00 0.052 1. 36 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.486 4.82 50.00 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:11444rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.003 40761 66.473 66.473 33.527 0.335E+00 0.010 7014 11.438 77.911 22.089 0.221E+OO 0.017 3935 6.417 84.328 15.672 0.157E+00 0.024 3296 5.375 89.703 10.297 0.103E+00 4172 . 4226. 4281. 4337. 4392. 4448. 4504. 4561. I I ,0 I I: I I, '1 I I I I I I' I \ I' \~ 0.031 2132 3.477 93.180 6.820 0.682E-01 0.037 1454 2.371 95.551 4.449 0.445E-01 0.044 932 1.520 97.071 .2.929 0.293E-01 0.051 670 1.093 98.164 1. 836 0.184E-01 0.058 373 0.608 98.772 1.228 0.123E-01 0.064 257 0.419 99.191 0.809 0.809E-02 0.071 244 0.398 99.589 0.411 o .411E-02 0.078 95 0.155 99.744 0.256 0.256E-02 0.085 10 0.016 99.760 0.240 0.240E-02 0.092 5 0.008 99.768 0.232 0.232E-02 0.098 8 0.013 99.781 0.219 0.219E-02 0.105 21 0.034 99.816 0.184 0.184E-02 0.112 16 0.026 99.842 0.158 0.158E-02 0.119 17 0.028 99.870 0.130 o . 130E-02 0.125 10 0.016 99.886 0.114 o . 114E-02 0.132 11 0.018 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 0.139 11 0.018 99.922 0.078 0.783E-03 0.146 3 0.005 99.927 0.073 0.734E-03 0.152 4 0.007 99.933 0.067 0.669E-03 0.159 6 0.010 99.943 0.057 0.571E-03 0.166 6 0.010 99.953 0.047 0.473E-03 0.173 13 0.021 99.974 0.026 0.261E-03 0.180 8, 0.013 99.987 0.013 0.130E-03 0.186 3 0.005 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.193 0 0.000 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.200 0 0.000 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.207 1 0.002 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.213 2 0.003 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.220 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.227 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.234 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.241 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 11444pre.tsf New File: 11444rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.081 0.42E-02 0.24E-02 -41.6 I 0.42E-02 0.081 0.071 -11.7 0.101 0.19E-02 0.21E-02 6.7 I 0.19E-02 0.101 0.103 2.2 0.121 o . 11E-02 0.12E-02 8.6 I 0.l1E-02 0.121 0.125 3.2 0.142 0.72E-03 0.77E-03 6.8 I 0.72E-03 0.142 0.147 3.6 0.162 0.41E-03 0.52E-03 28.0 I 0.41E-03 0.162 0.168 3.1 0.183 0.24E-03 0.98E-04 -60.0 I 0.24E-03 0.183 0.173 -5.2 0.203 0.18E-03 0.82E-04 -54.5 I 0.18E-03 0.203 0.178 -12.6 0.224 0.98E-04 0.16E-04 -83.3 I 0.98E-04 0.224 0.185 -17.4 0.244 0.33E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.33E-04 0.244 0.221 -9.7 0.265 0.33E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.33E-04 0.265 0.221 -16.7 0.285 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0.285 0.241 -15.5 0.306 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0.306 0.241 -21.1 0.326 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0.326 0.241 -26.1 Maximum positive excursion = 0.011 cfs ( 7.4%) occurring at 0.148 cfs on the Base Data:11444pre.tsf and at 0.159 cfs on the New Data:11444rdout.tsf I I I I, I I' I I I 'I' I I I I I I, I I I I () ""'_ • .1' 0 ,( ) ~_/ Maximum negative excursion = 0.104 cfs (-30.2%) occurring at 0.345 cfs on the Base Data:11444pre.tsf and at 0.241 cfs on the New Data: 11444rdout.tsf I I () Flow Duration from Time Series File:11444pre.tsf I Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.080 61063 99.581 99.581 0.419 0.419E-02 I 0.093 95 0.155 99.736 0.264 0.264E-02 0.106 59 0.096 99.832 0.168 0.168E-02 0.118 27 0.044 99.876 0.124 0.124E-02 0.131 21 0.034 99.910 0.090 0.897E-03 I 0.144 12 0.020 99.930 0.070 0.701E-03 0.156 12 0.020 99.949 0.051 0.506E-03 0.169 11 0.018 99.967 0.033 0.326E-03 I 0.181 5 0.008 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 0.194 2 0.003 99.979 0.021 0.212E-03 0.207 2 0.003 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 0.219 3 0.005 99.987 0.013 0.130E-03 I 0.232 4 0.007 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.244 2 0.003 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.257 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 I 0.270 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.282 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.295 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.307 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 I 0.320 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.333 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.345 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.358 1 0.002 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0 0.370 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.383 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.396 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0.408 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.421 0 0.000 100.000 0.000· O.OOOE+OO 0.433 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.446 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0.459 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.471 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.484 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0.496 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.509 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.522 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I I I I I C" -) I I I .~) ( Flow Duration from Time Series File:11444rdout.tsf I \ .... -Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.003 40761 66.473 66.473 33.527 0.335E+00 I 0.010 7014 11. 438 77.911 22.089 0.221E+00 0.017 3935 6.417 '84.328 15.672 0.157E+00 0.024 3296 5.375 89.703 10.297 0.103E+00 0.031 2132 3.477 93.180 6.820 0.682E-01 I 0.037 1454 2.371 95.551 4.449 0.445E-01 0.044 932 1. 520 97.071 2.929 0.293E-01 0.051 670 1.093 98.164 1. 836 0.184E-01 I 0.058 373 0.608 98.772 1. 228 0.123E-01 0.064 257 0.419 99.191 0.809 0.809E-02 0.071 244 0.398 99.589 0.411 0.411E-02 0.078 95 0.155 99.744 0.256 0.256E-02 I 0.085 10 0.016 99.760 0.240 0.240E-02 0.092 5 0.008 99.768 0.232 0.232E-02 0.098 8 0.013 99.781 0.219 0.219E-02 I 0.105 21 0.034 99.816 0.184 0.184E-02 0.112 16 0.026 99.842 0.158 0.158E-02 0.119 17 0.028 99.870 0.130 o .130E-02 0.125 10 0.016 99.886 0.114 o . 114E-02 I 0.132 11 0.018 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 0.139 11 0.018 99.922 0.078 0.783E-03 0.146 3 0.005 99.927 0.073 0.734E-03 0.152 4 0.007 99.933 0.067 0.669E-03 I C-) 0.159 6 0.010 99.943 0.057 0.S71E-03 0.166 6 0.010 99.953 0.047 0.473E-03 0.173 13 0.021 99.974 0.026 0.261E-03 I 0.180 8 0.013 99.987 0.013 o . 130E-03 0.186 3 0.005 99.992 O.OOS 0.SlSE-04 0.193 0 0.000 99.992 O.OOS 0.SlSE-04 0.200 0 0.000 99.992 0.008 0.S15E-04 I 0.207 1 0.002 99.993 0.007 0.6S2E-04 0.213 2 0.003 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.220 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 I 0.227 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.234 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.241 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 I I I I I "-I I ' I --' I I I ~') .'r , I ' - I I I I I I I <:) I I I I I I I I ( ) ......... I Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 11444pre.tsf New File: 11444rdout.tsf Cutoff units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base 0.081 0.42E-02 0.24E-02 -41.6 0.42E-02 0.081 0.101 0.19E-02 0.21E-02 6.7 0.19E-02 0.101 0.121 o .l1E-02 0.12E-02 8.6 o . 11E-02 0.142 0.72E-03 0.77E-03 6.8 0.72E-03 0.162 0.41E-03 0.52E-03 28.0 0.41E-03 0.183 0.24E-03 0.98E-04 -60.0 0.24E-03 0.203 0.18E-03 0.82E-04 -54.5 o . 18E-03 0.224 0.98E-04 0.16E-04 -83.3 0.98E-04 0.244 0.33E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.33E-04 0.265 0.33E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.33E-04 0.285 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-04 0.306 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-04 0.326 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-04 Maximum positive excursion = 0.011 cfs 7.4%) occurring at 0.148 cfs on the Base Data:11444pre.tsf and at 0.159 cfs on the New Data:11444rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.104 cfs (-30.2%) occurring at 0.345 cfs on the Base Data:11444pre.tsf and at 0.241 cfs on the New Data: 11444rdout. tsf 0.121 0.142 0.162 0.183 0.203 0.224 0.244 0.265 0.285 0.306 0.326 New %Change 0.071 -11.7 0.103 2.2 0.125 3.2 0.147 3.6 0.168 3.1 0.173 -5.2 0.178 -12.6 0.185 -17.4 0.221 -9.7 0.221 -16.7 0.241 -15.5 0.241 -21.1 0.241 -26.1 I I I I I 1 I 10 I 1 I 1 I I I KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series 11444-vpre.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File V ~L-"-­ Lcv~1 ':? F(o~ C 0 t"\ 't--a \ -;5'ttVle""; ~ a:r ~-2-1-04 Till Grass Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf 0.63 acres Impervious Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rnf 0.09 acres Total Area 0.72 acres Peak Discharge:. 0.237 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:11444-vpre.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:11444-vpre.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444-vpre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:11444-vpre.pks Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series 11444-vdev.tsf Regional Scale Factor: 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File L~ading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf Till Grass 0.37 acres I ( ") Impervious '----' Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rnf 0.35 acres I I I I I I I I I I I (~) I I I I I I I I I Total Area: 0.72 acres Peak Discharge: 0.283 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:11444-vdev.tsf Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:li444-vdev.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444-vdev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:11444-vdev.pks Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence Loading Time Series File:11444-vpre.tsf Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:11444-vtarget.dur Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command Size a Retention/Detention FACILITY Edi t Facility Loading Time'Series File:11444-vdev.tsf Time Series Found in Memory:11444-vdev.tsf Saving Retention/Detention Facility File: 11444-vleve13.rdf Starting Documentation File:C:\kc_swdm\kc_data\example\kcrts\11444-vleve13.doc Time Series Found in Memory:11444-vdev.tsf Edit Complete Retention/Detention Facility Design Saving Retention/Detention Facility File: 11444-vleve13.rdf Starting Documentation File:C:\kc_swdm\kc_data\example\kcrts\11444-vleve13.doc Time Series Found in Memory:11444-vdev.tsf Retention/Detention Facility Design Route Time Series through Facility I I I I I I I I I 0 10 I I I I I I I I () ,_/ I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444-vpre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.115 3 2/09/01 2:00 0.044 8 12/03/01 17:00 0.069 7 2/28/03 16:00 0.095 4 8/26/04 1:00 0.074 6 10/28/04 18:00 0.076 5 10/22/05 17:00 0.139 2 11/21/06 9:00 0.237 1 1/09/08 7:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.237 1 100.00 0.990 0.139 2 25.00 0.960 0.115 3 10.00 0.900 0.095 4 5.00 0.800 0.076 5 3.00 0.667 0.074 6 2.00 0.500 0.069 7 1.30 0.231 0.044 8 1.10 0.091 0.204 50.00 0.980 I I I I I I I I I () I () I I I I I I I I I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444-vdev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.152 4 2/09/01 2:00 0.085 8 12/03/01 17:00 0.140 6 9/10/03 15:00 0.169 3 8/26/04 1:00 0.138 7 10/28/04 18:00 0.143 5 10/22/05 17:00 0,184 2 11/21/06 9:00 0.283 1 1/09/08 7:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) . Period 0.283 1 100.00 0.990 0.184 2 25.00 0.960 0.169 3 10.00 0.900 0.152 4 5.00 0.800 0.143 5 3.00 0.667 0.140 6 2.00 0.500 0.138 7 1.30 0.231 0.085 8 1.10 0.091 0.250 50.00 0.980 I I I 0 I I I I I I I () ,~../ I I I I' I I I I ) I Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444-vrdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.117 2 2/09/01 15:00 0.025 8 12/03/01 23:00 0.054 5 2/28/03 8:00 0.030 7 8/23/04 23:00 0.057 4 1/05/05 12:00 0.048 6 1/18/06 22:00 0.104 3 11/24/06 6:00 0.237 1 1/09/08 8:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - -Peaks - -Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 0.237 5.99 1 100.00 0.117 5.13 2 25.00 0.104 5.11 3 10.00 0.057 3.61 4 5.00 0.054 3.42 5 3.00 0.048 3.11 6 2.00 0.030 1.89 7 1.30 0.025 1.26 8 1.10 0.197 5.58 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 I I .0 Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Vault I Facility Length: 23.47 ft Facility Width: 23.47 ft Facility Area: 55l. sq. ft Effective Storage Depth: 6.00 ft I Stage 0 Elevation: 383.50 ft Storage Volume: 3305. cu. ft Riser Head: 6.00 ft I Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: 3 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter I (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 0.90 0.054 2 2.79 0.79 0.030 4.0 I 3 5.00 2.38 0.153 6.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None I Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 383.50 O. 0.000 0.000 0.00 I () 0.01 383.51 6. 0.000 0.002 0.00 0.02 383.52 ll. 0.000 0.003 0.00 0.03 383.53 17. 0.000 0.004 0.00 I 0.04 383.54 22. 0.001 0.004 0.00 0.05 383.55 28. 0.001 0.005 0.00 0.06 383.56 33. 0.001 0.005 0.00 0.07 383.57 39. 0.001 0.006 0.00 I 0.08 383.58 44. 0.001 0.006 0.00 0.19 383.69 105. 0.002 0.010 0.00 0.31 383.81 171. 0.004 0.012 0.00 I 0.43 383.93 237. 0.005 0.014 0.00 0.55 384.05 303. 0.007 0.016 0.00 0.66 384.16 364. 0.008 0.018 0.00 0.78 384.28 430. 0.010 0.019 0.00 I 0.90 384.40 496. 0.011 0.021 0.00 1.02 384.52 562. 0.013 0.022 0.00 1.13 384.63 622. 0.014 0.023 0.00 I 1.25 384.75 689. 0.016 0.025 0.00 1.37 384.87 755~ 0.017 0.026 0.00 1.49 384.99 82l. 0.019 0.027 0.00 1.60 385.10 88l. 0.020 0.028 0.00 I 1.72 385.22 947. 0.022 0.029 0.00 1.84 385.34 1014. 0.023 0.030 0.00 1.96 385.46 1080. 0.025 0.031 0.00 2.08 385.58 1146. 0.026 0.032 0.00 I 2.19 385.69 1206. 0.028 0.033 0.00 2.31 385.81 1272. 0.029 0.034 0.00 I ( ) ' ..... / 2.43 385.93 1339. 0.031 0.034 0.00 2.55 386.05 1405. 0.032 0.035 0.00 2.66 386.16 1465. 0.034 0.036 0.00 I I I () 2.78 386.28 1531. 0.035 0.037 0.00 2.79 386.29 1537. 0.035 0.037 0.00 I _./ 2.80 386.30 1542. 0.035 0.037 0.00 2.81 386.31 1548. 0.036 0.038 0.00 2.82 386.32 1553. 0.036 0.039 0.00 I 2.83 386.33 1559. 0.036 0.041 0.00 2.84 386.34 1564. 0.036 0.041 0.00 2.85 386.35 1570. 0.036 0.042 0.00 2.86 386.36 1575. 0.036 0.042 0.00 I 2.98 386.48 1642. 0.038 0.045 0.00 3.09 386.59 1702. 0.039 0.048 0.00 3.21 386.71 1768. ,0.041 0.050 0.00 I 3.33 386.83 1834. 0.042 0.053 0.00 3.45 386.95 1900. 0.044 0.055 0.00 3.56 387.06 1961. 0.045 0.056 0.00 3.68 387.18 2027. 0.047 0.058 0.00 I 3.80 387.30 2093. 0.048 0.060 0.00 3.92 387.42 2159. 0.050 0.061 0.00 4.04 387.54 2225. 0.051 0.063 0.00 4.15 387.65 2286. 0.052 0.064 0.00 I 4.27 387.77 2352. 0.054 0.066 0.00 4.39 387.89 2418. 0.056 0.067 0.00 4.51 388.01 2484. 0.057 0.069 0.00 I 4.62 388.12 2545. 0.058 0.070 0.00 4.74 388.24 2611. 0.060 0.071 0.00 4.86 388.36 2677. 0.061 0.073 0.00 4.98 388.48 2743. 0.063 0.074 0.00 I 0 5.00 388.50 2754. 0.063 0.074 0.00 5.02 388.52 2765. 0.063 0.076 0.00 5.05 388.55 2782. 0.064 0.080 0.00 I 5.07 388.57 2793. 0.064 0.088 0.00 5.10 388.60 2809. 0.064 0.098 0.00 5.12 388.62 2820. 0.065 0.111 0.00 5.15 388.65 2837. 0.065 0.126 0.00 I 5.17 388.67 2848. 0.065 0.140 0.00 5.20 388.70 2864. 0.066 0.144 0.00 5.32 388.82 2930. 0.067 0.163 0.00 I 5.43 388.93 2991. 0.069 0.179 0.00 5.55 389.05 3057. 0.070 0.193 0.00 5.67 389.17 3123. 0.072 0.206 0.00 5.79 389.29 3189. 0.073 0.218 0.00 I 5.90 389.40 3250. 0.075 0.229 0.00 6.00 389.50 3305. 0.076 0.237 0.00 6.10 389.60 3360. 0.077 0.553 0.00 6.20 389.70 3415. 0.078 1.120 0.00 I 6.30 389.80 3470. 0.080 1.860 0.00 6.40 389.90 3525. 0.081 2.660 0.00 6.50 390.00 3580. 0.082 2.950 0.00 I 6.60 390.10 3636. 0.083 3.210 0.00 6.70 390.20 3691. 0.085 3.450 0.00 6.80 390.30 3746. 0.086 3.680 0.00 6.90 390.40 3801. 0.087 3.890 0.00 I 7.00 390.50 3856. 0.089 4.090 0.00 7.10 390.60 3911. 0.090 4.280 0.00 (j 7.20 390.70 3966. 0.091 4.460 0.00 I 7.30 390.80 4021. 0.092 4.640 0.00 7.40 390.90 4076. 0.094 4.810 0.00 I I I .0 I I I I I I I () I I I I· I I· i I " I' I 7.50 391.00 4131. 0.095 7.60 391.10 4186. 0.096 7.70 391. 20 4241. 0.097 7.80 391. 30 4297. 0.099 7.90 391. 40 4352. 0.100 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Target Calc Stage Elev 1 0.28 0.24 0.24 6.00 389.50 2 0.15 ******* 0.12 5.13 388.63 3 0.18 ******* 0.10 5.11 388.61 4 0.09 ******* 0.06 3.61 387.11 5 0.10 ******* 0.05 3.42 386.92 6 0.08 ******* 0.05 3.11 386.61 7 0.17 ******* 0.03 1.89 385.39 8 0.09 ******* 0.03 1.26 384.76 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:11444-vdev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:11444-vrdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis 4.970 0.00 5.130 0.00 5.280 0.00 5.430 0.00 5.570 0.00 Storage (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 3302. 0.076 2827. 0.065 2814. 0.065 1986. 0.046 1883. 0.043 1711. 0.039 1043. 0.024 692. 0.016 Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.283 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.237 CFS at 8:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir 'Stage: 6.00 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 389.50 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 3302. Cu-Ft 0.076 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:11444-vrdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.117 2 2/09/01 15:00 0.025 8 12/03/01 23:00 0.054 5 2/28/03 8:00 0.030 7 8/23/04 23:00 0.057 4 1/05/05 12:00 0.048 6 1/18/06 22:00 0.104 3 11/24/06 6:00 0.237 1 1/09/08 8:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - -Peaks - -Rank Return Prob (CFS) (ft) Period 0.237 5.99 1 100.00 0.117 5.13 2 25.00 0.104 5.11 3 10.00 0.057 3.61 4 5.00 0.054 3.42 5 3.00 0.048 3.11 6 2.00 0.030 1.89 7 1.30 0.025 1.26 8 1.10 0.197 5.58 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:11444-vrdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.002 43469 70.889 70.889 29.111 0.291E+00 0.005 6771 11.042 81.931 18.069 0.181E+00 0.008 4099 6.685 88.615 11.385 o . 114E+00 0.012 2584 4.214 92.829 7.171 0.717E-01 0.015 1781 2.904 95.734 4.266 0.427E-01 0.018 896 1.461 97.195 2.805 0.280E-01 0.021 553 0.902 98.097 1.903 0.190E-01 I I ") I \ "-....,.,../ I I I I I I I C) I I I I II , I' I 'I ( ) " ....... / I 0.025 402 0.656 98.752 1.248 0.125E-01 0.028 268 0.437 99.189 0.811 0.811E-02 0.031 172 0.280 99.470 0.530 0.530E-02 0.034 144 0.235 99.705 0.295 0.295E-02 0.038 76 0.124 99.829 0.171 0.171E-02 0.041 3 0.005 99.834 0.166 0.166E-02 0.044 19 0.031 99.865 0.135 0.135E-02 0.047 12 , 0.020 99.884 0.116 0.116E-02 0.051. 12 0.020 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 0.054 10 0.016 99.920 0.080 0.799E-03 0.057 7 0.011 99.932 0.068 0.685E-03 0.061 4 0.007 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 0.064 2 0.003 99.941 0.059 0.587E-03 0.067 5 0.008 99.949 0.051 0.506E-03 0.070 5 0.008 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 0.074 15 0.024 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 0.077 4 0.007 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 0.080 1 0.002 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 0.083 0 0.000 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 0.087 1 0.002 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.090 1 0.002 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.093 0 0.000 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.096 1 0.002 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.100 a 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.103 0 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.106 2 0.003 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.110 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.113 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.116 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 11444-vpre.tsf New File: 11444-vrdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fractionof Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base 0.038 0.25E-02 0.17E-02 -30.9 I 0.25E-02 0.038 0.046 0.15E-02 0.12E-02 -16.9 I 0.15E-02 0.046 0.054 0.85E-03 0.83E-03 -1.9 I 0.85E-03 0.054 0.061 0.60E-03 0.60E-03 0.0 I 0.60E-03 0.061 0.069 0.34E-03 0.47E-03 38.1 I 0.34E-03 0.069 0.077 0.23E-03 o .l1E-03 -50.0 I 0.23E-03 0.077 0.085 0.20E-03 0.82E-04 -58.3 I 0.20E-03 0.085 0.093 0.82E-04 0.65E-04 -20.0 I 0.82E-04 0.093 0.101 0.33E-04 0.49E-04 50.0 I 0.33E-04 0.101 0.109 0.33E-04 0.16E-04 -50.0 I 0.33E-04 0.109 0.116 0.16E-04 0.16E-04 0.0 I 0.16E-04 0.116 0.124 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0.124 0.132 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0.132 Maximum positive excursion = 0.006 cfs ( 8.9%) occurring at 0.063 cfs on the Base Data:11444-vpre.tsf and at 0.069 cfs on the New Data:11444-vrdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.016 cfs (-17.9%) occurring at 0.091 cfs on the Base Data:11444-vpre.tsf and at 0.074 cfs on the New Data: 11444-vrdout.tsf New %Change 0.036 -5.4 0.043 -5.4 0.053 -0.5 0.062 1.6 0.072 3.9 0.073 -5.3 0.074 -13 .4 0.089 . -4.5 0.105 4.1 0.105 -3.4 0.117 0.4 0.117 -5.9 0.117 -11.5 I I 0 Flow Duration from Time Series File:11444-vpre.tsf I Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.037 61156 99.733 99.733 0.267 0.267E-02 I 0.042 49 0.080 99.812 0.188 0.188E-02 0.047 33 0.054 99.866 0.134 o . 134E-02 0.051 24 0.039 99.905 0.095 0.946E-03 0.056 12 0.020 99.925 0.075 0.750E-03 I 0.061 8 0.013 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 0.066 12 0.020 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 0.071 7 0.011 99.969 0.031 0.310E-03 I 0.075 3 0.005 99.974 0.026 0.261E-03 0.080 2 0.003 99.977 0.023 0.228E-03 0.085 2 0.003 99.980 0.020 0.196E-03 0.090 3 0.005 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 I 0.095 4 0.007 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.099 3 0.005 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.104 0, 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.109 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 I 0.114 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.119 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.123 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 I 0.128 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.133 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.138 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.143 1 0.002 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I r 0.147 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO ,~) 0.152 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.157 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0.162 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.167 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.171 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.176 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0.181 0 0.000 ,100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.186 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.191 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I 0.195 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 0.200 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO 6.205 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.OOOE+OO I I I I I I ) '4,/ I I I 0 Flow Duration from Time Series File:11444-vrdout.tsf II Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.002 43469 70.889 70.889 29.111 0.291E+00 I 0.005 6771 11.042 81. 931 18.069 0.181E+00 0.008 4099 6.685 88.615 11.385 o . 114E+00 0.012 2584 4.214 92.829 7.171 0.717E-0l 0.015 1781 2.904 95.734 4.266 0.427E-01 1 0.018 896 1.461 97.195 2.805 0.280E-01 0.021 553 0.902 98.097 1.903 0.190E-01 0.025 402 0.656 98.752 1.248 0.125E-01 I 0.028 268 0.437 99.189 0.811 0.811E-02 0.031 172 0.280 99.470 0.530 0.530E-02 0.034 144 0.235 99.705 0.295 0.295E-02 0.038 76 0.124 99.829 0.171 0.171E-02 I 0.041 3 0.005 99.834 0.166 0.166E-02 0.044 19 0.031 99.865 0.135 0.135E-02 0.047 12 0.020 99.884 0.116 o . 116E-02 0.051 12 0.020 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 I 0.054 10 0.016 99.920 0.080 0.799E-03 0.057 7 0.011 99.932 0.068 0.685E-03 0.061 4 0.007 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 I 0.064 2 0.003 99.941 0.059 0.587E-03 0.067 5 0.008 99.949 0.051 0.506E-03 0.070 5 0.008 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 0.074 15 0.024 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 I () 0.077 4 0.007 99.989 0.011 o . 114E-03 0.080 1 0.002 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 ... - 0.083 0 0.000 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 I 0.087 1 0.002 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.090 1 0.002 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.093 0 0.000 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.096 1 0.002 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 I 0.100 0 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.103 0 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.106 2 0.003 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 I 0.110 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.113 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-:04 0.116 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 ~ I I I I ( ) I \ ~-.-' .1 I In I '-' I I I I I I I () .. I I I I I I I I ( ) ",/ I Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 11444-vpre.tsf New File: 11444-vrdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base 0.038 0.2SE-02 0.17E-02 -30.9 0.2SE-02 0.038 0.046 0.lSE-02 0.12E-02 -16.9 0.lSE-02 0.046 0.OS4 0.8SE-03 0.83E-03 -1. 9 0.8SE-03 0.OS4 0.061 0.60E-03 0.60E-03 0.0 0.60E-03 0.061 0.069 0.34E-03 0.47E-03 38.1 0.34E-03 0.069 0.077 0.23E-03 0.llE-03 -SO.O 0.23E-03 0.077 0.08S 0.20E-03 0.82E-04 -S8.3 0.20E-03 0.08S 0.093 0.82E-04 0.6SE-04 -20.0 0.82E-04 0.093 0.101 0.33E-04 0.49E-04 SO.O 0.33E-04 0.101 0.109 0.33E-04 0.16E-04 -SO.O 0.33E-04 0.109 0.116 0.16E-04 0.16E-04 0.0 0.16E-04 0.116 0.124 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-04 0.124 0.132 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-04 0.132 Maximum positive excursion = 0.006 cfs 8.9%) occurring at 0.063 cfs on the Base Data:11444-vpre.tsf and at 0.069 cfs on the New Data: 11444-vrdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.016 cfs (-17.9%) occurring at 0.091 cfs on the Base Data:11444-Vpre.tsf and at 0.074 cfs on the New Data:11444-vrdout.tsf New %Change 0.036 -S.4 0.043 -S.4 0.OS3 -O.S 0.062 1.6 0.072 3.9 0.073 -S.3 0.074 -13 .4 0.089 -4.S 0.10S 4.1 0.10S -3.4 0.117 0.4 0.117 -S.9 0.117 -l1.S I I 0 PROPOSED PLAT OF STONERIDGE II I BASIC WET POND SIZING I Vr = [0.9 Ai + 0.25 Atg](0.043) = [(0.9)(0.88) + (0.25)(1.06)](0.043)(43,560 SF/Acre) I = 1,980 CF I Vb = (3)(Vr) = 5,940 CF I BASIC WET VAULT SIZING I Vr = [0.9 Ai + 0.25 Atg](0.043) I = [(0.9)(0.35) + (0.25)(0.37)](0.043)(43,560 SF/Acre) = 763CF I c:) Vb = (3)(Vr) = 2,289 CF I '1 I I I I I { , I. .1 I ' .. J I 1 1 444.00 l.doc [JPJ/dmltep] I I ~ o I I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I f '\ I ,J I 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I I n I ~'_J I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I (j I 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This section will be prepared in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and will be inserted herewith later on. 11444.001 .doc [JPJ/dmltep] I I o I I I , I I I I 6.0 . SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 10 I I I I I I I . ( ) I '-- I I I 0 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES I There are no known special reports or studies prepared for this project. I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I· 0 I I 11444.00l.doc [JPJldmltep] I If) I 'i. .. I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I 1° I 7.0 OTHER PERMITS I I 0 I 7.0 OTHER PERMITS . Other pennits include: • King County Grading Pennit I • City of Renton Grading Pennit • City of Renton Building Pennit I • Water Extension Development Agreement • Sanitary Sewer Development Agreement I I I I I () I I I I I I I I I 11444.00I.doc [IPJldmltep] I I . • 0 I I I I I I 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 10 I I I I I I I I I. () I I In I \> I I I ; I I I I () I I I r I I I I I (-) I 8.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The wet/detention pond and a separate temporary sediment trap will be the fITst order of construction such that both sides of the site, divided by Greene's creek, once graded and cleared, can be routed into the wet/detention pond and sediment trap accordingly. This will trap sediments on-site and prevent both erosion from occurring on-site and sedimentation downstream. In addition a rock construction entrance and perimeter protection in the form of a silt fence with temporary V -ditches and rock check dams will all be instituted on-site to minimize erosion from occurring. Also, streets will be swept should any sediment be tracked off-site from truck hauling activities and the site shall be sprinkled with water during the summer months should dust control be a problem on the site. Cover measures will be instituted for any areas left unworked over the time allotted by King County and the City of Renton. 11444.00l.doc [JPJ/dmltep] I I .0 I I I I I I ; I (-) I I I I I I' I :\ I '-' I 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATIONS OF COVENANT I '0 I II I I I, I I I, 0 I I I II I I: I ,U I 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT Should any of these be required by the City of Renton they will be prepared at that time as the Final Technical Information Report is prepared. o 11444.00 l.doc [JPJldmltep 1 I I' ,0 I I I I , I' I : 10 I I I· I' I I I ,0 I 10.0 OPERA TIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL I ·0 I - I .J I ·1 I I I' () I I I I I I I I' I ( ) ,_/ 'I 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL An Operations and Maintenance Manual for this project will be submitted with the Final Technical Information Report once all of the parameters of the site are known for maintenance requirements. 11444.00l.doc [JPJ/dmltep] -.. I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHAD ARMOUR, LLC October 9, 2004 Job Number 03-014 Mr. Curtis Schuster KBS Develo~ment Corporation 12320 NE 8t Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 6500 126th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98006-3941 (425) 641-9743(425) 643-3499 (fax) chad@chadarmour.com DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 1 t 200~ . RECEIVED Subject: Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Luck Property (Parcel 0323059035) Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Schuster: We are pleased to present the results of our critical areas assessment and delineation for the above.-referenced property located in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). The work was accomplished in accordance with Chad Armour LLC proposal No. 090 dated September 12, 2003. The purpose of the work is to identify critical areas on the site. The report is organized in sections and includes: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS that presents a synopsis of the pertinent issues related to wetlands and streams; SITE DESCRIPTION of the subject property (site) and adjacent properties; BACKGROUND INFORMATION that presents existing information about the site and surrounding area; EXISTING CONDITIONS that describes wetlands, streams, and uplands on the site; REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS that describes the applicable regulations associated with wetlands and streams; CONCLUSIONS that summarize the results of the critical areas assessment and delineation; and LIMITATIONS of this project. References, tables, figures, and appendices follow the text. Table 1 is a list of the plant species we observed on the site. Figure 1 is a Vicinity Map showing the location of the site. Figure 2 is a Site Plan that shows the location of the wetland boundaries, streams, sampling points, and other pertinent site features. The soil type mapped for the site is shown on Figure 3. Wetland assessment methods and field data forms are presented in Appendix A. Our wetland functional assessment is presented in Appendix B. C:/Jobs/KBSlIllLuckiDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 1 10109/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I. Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Renton,Washington SUMMARY OF FINDINGS KBS Development Corporation Two small streams are present on the Luck site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a stream that originates off site a few hundred feet to the south. Portions of this stream typically run dry in June. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site to the north. We assume that this stream conveys surface water during the rainy season following prolonged periods of rain. At other times we assume that it does not convey surface water. According to City of Renton (Renton) regulations both of these streams are afforded a protective buffer 25 feet wide. Two wetlands are located on the site. Wetland A is a Category 3 wetland and is protected by a 25 foot wide buffer. Wetland B is located adjacent to Greene' Creek. Because this wetland is not regulated, a protective buffer is not required. However, because the wetland is located entirely within the Greene's Creek buffer, by default it too will be protected from development. . SITE DESCRIPTION The 3.63-acre site is located at 10627 148th Avenue SE in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range East, in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). The site slopes from south to north, with elevations ranging from 421 feet to 365 feet near the confluence of Greene's Creek and ~n unnamed tributary along the northern site boundary (Figure 2). The site is the location of immature forest, a recently cleared area planted with native vegetation, and two streams. It is bounded by the 148th Avenue SE on the east, residential properties to the south and north, and undeveloped land to the west BACKGROUND INFORMATION The following sections of the report present known available information about the planned development, and the wetlands, streams, fish, and soils located on the site. Planned Development We understand that KBS Development Corporation (KBS) is constructing single-family homes on the Luck site. KBS also plans to construct single-family homes on the land that they own immediately south and west of the site. In 2003 KBS and Chad Armour, LLC (Armour) addressed an enforcement action on the site imposed by King County (County). Armour assisted KBS restore a portion of the buffer along the east side of the unnamed tributary. Here KBS graded the slopes and installed native trees and shrubs. Armour also assisted KBS realign the culvert under the access road and revegetate the affected slopes adjacent to Greene's Creek. Critical Areas We reviewed existing available reports and maps to assess the potential for critical areas to be present on or adjacent to the site. The site is located in the Lake Washington watershed and May Creek drainage basin. C/Jobs/KBSlIIlLucklDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 2 10109/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation' Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation Wetlands The iMap for Parcel 0323059035 indicates that no wetlands are mapped on or near the site (King County, 2003). Streams Greene's Creek (Stream 0288) crosses the eastern side of the site and discharges to May Creek at about river mile (RM) 3.8. It originates from a spring located southeast of the intersection of State Route 900 and 148th Avenue SE. Immediately above its confluence with May Creek, we observed that its surface waters disappear into the ground about 150 feet before it reaches May Creek. As such there is no surface connection to May Creek. The reach of Greene's Creek that crosses the site is not shown on iMap. The iMap map shows an unclassified stream that crosses the western portion qf the site (King County, 200~). It joins Greene's Creek immediately off site to the north. The unclassified stream corresponds to an unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek. May Creek is a perennial stream located about 0.5 RM north of the site. It provides migration, spawning, and rearing h~bitat for both adult and juvenile life stages of anadromous fishes. Anadromous fish known to be present in May Creek near its confluence with Greene's Creek include sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) salmon. Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steel head trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are also known to be present in the lower reaches of May Creek (Streamnet, 2003). . Soils There is one soil type mapped on the site; Alderwood gravelly sandy loam 6 to 15 percent slopes (Figure 3). . Alderwood soils are moderately well drained and have a weakly to strongly consolidated hardpan at a depth of 24 to 36 inches. They formed in glacial deposits on flat to steep slopes. In a representative profile, the surface layer is very dark brown (10YR 2/2) to bro'lllh (10YR 4/3) gravelly sandy loam. The B horizon is dark brown (10YR 3/3), grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2), and dark yellowish brown gravelly sandy loam (Snyder et aI., 1973). Alderwood gravelly sandy loam is not a listed hydric soil (NRCS, 1996). Previous Wetland Work EA Engineering Science and Technology (EA) delineated the wetlands on the western boundary of the site in 1999 for KBS in support of their Stone Ridge development plan. Then the site was under the jurisdiction of the County. EXISTING CONDITIONS We visited the site on September 24, 2003 and October 14, 2003 to flag the centerline of Greene's Creek, its unnamed tributary, and to check for the presence of wetlands on and in the vicinity of the site. . C/JobslKBS"llLuckiDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 3 10/09/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Renton, Washington Uplands KBS Development Corporation The site is generally characterized by environmental conditions typical of western Washington upland plant communities. With the exception of an area that was cleared in 2003, most of the site is dominated by second or third growth forest. Big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum, FACU), vine maple (Acer circinatum, FAC"') , and salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis, FAC+) dominate the forest between 148th Avenue SE and Greene's Creek (Appendix A; Plot 10 SP-1). Other plant species present in the understory layer include sword fern (Polystichum munitum, FACU), Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiforrnis, FACU), western crabapple (Malus fusca, FACW), and red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa, FACU). Here the soil resembles the mapped soil unit, Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. There was no hint of hydric soil or wetland hydrology in this forest. On the west side of the site near the unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek, a mixture of big-leaf maple and red alder (Alnus rubra, FAC) trees dominate the overstory layer of the forest. The understory is dominated by hazelnut (Corylus comuta, FACU), Indian plum, and sword fern (Plot 10 SP-3). Also present in the understory are trailing blackberry (Rubus ursin us, FACU), salmonberry, red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium, FACU), and prickly currant (Ribes lacustre, FAC+). The soil resembled Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, with a very dark brown (10YR 2/2) surface soil and very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) subsoil. There was no hint of mottles in the subsoil (a hydric soil indicator) or wetland hydrology indicators. Streams We characterized Greene's Creek on September 18, 2003 and its tributary on October 14, 2003. We observed water flowing into Greene's Creek from the south; however, before Greene's Creek joined the unnamed tributary no surface water flow was 'present. Greene's Creek dries up annually near its confluence with the unnamed tributary by the end of June (Wolf, 2003). We measured the ordinary high water mark of the on-site reach of Greene's Creek at 17 locations. The stream averaged slightly more than 20 inches wide (range 4 to 36 inches) and 0.99 inch deep (range 0.0 to 3.75 inches). The channel migration zone averaged 3.1 feet wide (range 1.5 to 6.67 feet). The remnants of a very large black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) tree are present in the stream at one location. The trunk of this tree (Le., log) is as much as 4 feet in diameter. The stream has widened where the log crosses the stream, creating a riparian wetland (Figure 2). We did not measure the width and depth of the unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek. Its channel was difficult to detect on occasions and although we did not observe flowing' water, we could see indications of seasonal flow locally. Wetlands Two wetlands are located on the site: Wetland A adjacent to the unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek and Wetland B adjacent to Greene's Creek (Figure 2). Wetland A Wetland A is located adjacent to the western site boundary and covers 6,748 square feet. Immature red alder, black cottonwood, and Scouler's willow (Salix scouleriana, C/Jobs/KBSlIllLucklDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 4 10109/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation FAC) trees dominate the overstory. Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor, FACU) is the most common shrub. Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens, FACW) and soft rush (Juncus effusus, FACW) are the most common herbs. The soil ranged from very dark brown (10YR 2/2) to very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) sandy loam to a depth of 16 inches. The wetland exhibited low to moderate functions, but its value is limited because it is relatively small (Appendix 8). Wetland B Wetland 8 is located adjacent to Greene's Creek (Figure 2). It covers 1,120 square feet. Black cottonwood trees dominate the overstory layer, and salmonberry and trailing blackberry shrubs the understory layer (Plot ID SP-2). Other plant species present in this wetland include sword fern, vine maple, lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina, FAC+) , piggy-back plant (Tolmiea menziesii, FAC), salmonberry, and Watson willow-herb (Epilobium watsonil). The soil was saturated to the surface and ranged from very dark brown (10YR 2/2) to dark gray (10YR 4/1) gravelly sandy loam to a depth of more than 16 inches. The wetland exhibited low to moderate functions, but its value is limited because it is so small (Appendix B). REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Wetlands are regulated according to the Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, Critical Areas Regulations (Renton, 2004). Small streams such as those present on the site are regulated according to the City-Wide Property Development Standards, Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations (Renton, 2004a). Wetland A is a Category 3 wetland (RMC 4-4-050(7)(b)(iii). The standard buffer width for Category 3 wetlands is 25 feet. Wetland B is smaller than 2,200 square feet and is therefore not regulated by Renton (RMC 4-3-050(7)(b)(ii). The streams and their buffers are regulated as riparian corridors. The minimum buffer width for riparian corridors is 25 feet (RMC 4-4-130(D)(3)(b). No tree cutting, land clearing, or groundcover management is allowed in wetlands or stream buffers except for enhancement purposes (RMC 4-4-130(D)(4)(a & b). CONCLUSIONS Two streams, a regulated wetland, and an unregulated wetland are present on the Luck site. A 25-foot wide buffer is required for both streams and Wetland A. Although a protective buffer is not required for Wetland B, it will be protected from development because it is located entirely within the buffer of Greene's Creek. LIMITATIONS Work for this project was performed, and this letter report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of KBS Development Corporation and their assigns for specific application to the referenced property. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. C/Jobs/KBSlillLucklDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 5 10/09/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Revised Critical Areas Assessment and Delineation Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation It should be noted that Chad Armour. relied on information provid~d by others indicated previously. Chad Armour can only relay this information and cannot be responsible for its accuracy or completeness. Also note that delineating critical areas and assessing functions and values are inexact sciences. Biological professionals may disagree on the precise location of critical area boundaries, their functions, and classification. The final determination of these characteristics is the responsibility of the permitting authority. Accordingly, the critical area assessment and delineation performed for this study, as well as the conclusions drawn in this report, should be reviewed by the appropriate permitting authority prior to committing to detailed planning and design activities. Any questions regarding our work and this report, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned. Sincerely, Chm:;l1~ Chad Armour Principal Attachments: References Table 1 -Plants identified on the Luck site Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Figure 2 -Site Plan Figure 3 -Soils Map Appendix A -Wetland Assessment Methods and Wetland Field Data Forms Appendix B -Field Rating Form for Wetland Function Evaluation C/Jobs/KBSllllLucklDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 6 10109/04. I I I I I I REFERENCES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Revised Critical Area Assessment and Delineation Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation REFERENCES Cooke, S. S. 1997. A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. University of Washington Press. Ecology (Washington State Department of Ecology). 1997. Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. Publication No. 96-94. 88 pages plus appendices. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Hitchcock, C. L. and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press. King County. 2003. iMap. http://www.metrokc.gov/gis/mapportal/iMAP_main.htm. NRCS (U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service). 1996. County Hydric Soils Lists. http://www.wa.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/soils/county_hydricJists.html Reed, P. B., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report 88(26.9). 89 pages. Renton, City of. 2004. Renton Municipal Code. Chapter 3 -Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts. . Renton, City of. 2004a. Renton Municipal Code. Chapter 4 -City-Wide Property Development Standards. Snyder, D. E., P. S. Gale, and R. F. Pringle. 1973. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. USDA Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with Washington Agricultural Experiment Station. 100+ pages plus maps. Stream net. 2003. Fish Distribution report for chinook, coho, and sockeye salmon and steelhead trout for May Creek, tributary to the Cedar River. http://www.streamnet.org. Wolf, R. 2003. Personal communication. Adjacent landowner. C/Jobs/KBSlIIlLuckiDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 10/09/04 I I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I Revised Critical Area Assessment and Delineation Renton, Washington Table 1. Plants identified on the Luck site big-leaf maple black cottonwood hazelnut Himalayan blackberry Indian plum lady fern piggy-back plant prickly currant red alder red elderberry red huckleberry salmonberry sword fern trailing blackberry vine maple . Watson's willow-herb Acer macrophyllum Populus balsamifera Corylus com uta Rubus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Athyrium filix-femina Tolmiea menziesii Ribes lacustre Alnus rubra Sambucus racemosa Vaccinium parvifolium Rubus spectabilis Polystichum munitum Rubus ursinus Acer circinatum Epilobium watsonii fusca Refer to Appendix A for an explanation of Indicator Status. C/Jobs/KBSlIIlLucklDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC KBS Development Corporation FACU FAC FACU FACU FACU FAC+ FAC FAC+ FAC FACU FACU FAC+ FACU FACU FAC- FACW- FACW 10/09/04 I I I I I I FIGURES I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Source: The Thomas Guide, 2002, King/Pierce/Snohomish Counties; Pages 626 and 627, ~ NOT TO SCALE i~----~------------------------------------------------------------------~ 'S: ~r-----------------------------------------------------T-------------------------' t FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP ~ Luck Plat ~ Renton, Washington Chad Armour, LLC 6500 1261h Avenue SE Bellevue, Washington 98006 ------------------- .,P'-.",.' (T) v to !:: " o .,;.9 Top 'fave ~ .g r~,--t~~-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:J~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~-:.~~~ Edge of aSPhaJ~~~e ., Center J ine • -j" ne fence OJ1f~d~it~C+==~:fj / S87"37'3S"E 155.00' .oel • SP-3 Sampling Point Number and Location Source: Center Pointe Surveying FIGURE 2: SITE PLAN Luck Plat 10627 148th Avenue SE Renton, Washington DAlE: 10/08/04 5:10pm DWC NAME: G: \project\Clients\armcur\Luckll\luck2-1J01.dwg og of gr2 ~oo retair eke ~ o 80 160 Scale in Feet Chad Armour, LLC 6500 126th Avenue SE Bellevue, Washington 98006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AgC -Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes C') g Source: Soil Survey King County Area, Washington; Sheet 5. § ~ NOT TO SCALE !!2 ~~------------------------------------------~--------~ t FIGURE 3: SOILS MAP ~ Luck Plat ~ Kent, Washington Chad Armour, LLC 6500 126th Avenue SE Bellevue, Washington 98006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A Wetland Assessment Methods and Wetlands Rating Field Data Forms I I II I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I 1- Revised Critical Area Assessment and Delineation Renton, Washington APPENDIX A KBS Development Corporation Chad Armour reviewed the King County iMAp (2003) and the Stream net (2003) database for the site and surrounding area to identify critical areas (e.g., wetlands, streams, etc.) and priority fish species mapped on or near the site. After we arrived at the site, we traversed the area in and around the proposed development to look for indicators of wetlands and streams. We used the Routine On-site Determination method detailed in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Ecology 1997). We identified plant species using the Flora of the Pacific Northwest (Hitchcock and Cronquist 1973) and A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon (Cooke 1997). The associated indicator status for each plant species was determined using the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest [Region 91 (Reed 1988, updated in 1993). We reviewed City of Renton regulations to assess applicable issues associated with critical areas. Soils were identified using the Soil Survey of King County Area. Washington (Snyder et. ai, 1973)., We marked the location of sampling pOints, wetland boundaries, and stream center lines with a unique identifying number on pink-colored flagging. Following our site visit, Center Pointe Surveying fixed the location of the flagged wetland boundary, stream centerline, and sampling pOints. Brick Tudor Studios calculated the size of the wetland and produced the figures. The location of the sampling pOints, stream, wetland, and the estimated location of the stream buffers are shown on Figure 2. Wetland determination and wetland rating forms completed by Chad Armour are presented at the end of this appendix. Indicator categories shown on the field data forms are defined a,s follows: FACW (facultative wetland) , FAC (facultative) FACU (facultative upland) UPL (upland) NI >99% 67%-99% 34% -66% 1% -33% <1% No Indicator AQQinn~~rt ,A positive or negative sign more specifically defines the regional frequency of occurrence for FACW, FAC, or FACU species in wetlands. A positive sign (+) indicates a frequency toward the higher end of the category. Conversely, a negative sign (-) indicates a frequency toward the lower end of the category. C/JobslKBSlIIlLucklDelineation Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 10/09/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . DATA FORM 1 . Routine Wetland Detennination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual Project/Site: Ll>-c I< Date: ~ /Z</)o3> ~ Applicant/owner: 5t h,." e L w<-. 1<6s-~ County: }(., ~5 Gk~i A .t'1I'-0,-j State: Investigator(s): LU-SfTIR: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the she? (§) no Community ID: Is the. site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? yes ~ Transect ID: 5P-1 Is the area a potential Problem Area? yes r1i.!D PlotID: VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Ac.e~ )A-1tU-o/b ph...;)/L.t. ~ 15'10· -r PAat Md(k~ fz---~~~ 5 ro· -5 Pt4-cIJ.,J A--.t.el" ~\ ..... ~,,,,,~i~,,,,,,,", ;570 6 PtfL--.~~bL..~ 110 S ~klA-. r~e"""~ It. r<~~'""-~ SjUl£ f~~, /1.5 1d1o S PA-G+ :1:;:" ,;R. ",.-< Y' I '< ~ 61-OeJN., )-e.t'/~ Le"'r!l..~f "~v--o. . ..,. 0 5 Pkl{.- P.I!> I" .$r,~ t-t."", /ocjo jM,i.(. '" 1+"" ....... H-FkL..t HYDROPHYTICVEGETATION INDICATORS: % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC: ,310 Check all indicators that apply & explain below: )J 4 '-Ie, Regional knowledge of plant communities --Wetland plant list (nat'l or regional) --OTHER __ Physiological or reproductive adaptations --Morphological adaptations --Technical Literature Wetland Plant Data Base Hydrophytic vegetation present? .. yes ~ Rationale for· decisionlRemarks: ! . A.,~.!A. ttic""""'~+<'; h1 J\(0p~j f~s ,.. J hi ·~bl')~ -- HYDROLOGY Is it the growing seasond 1-@ no Water Marks: yes (nO) Sediment Deposits: yes (@) Based on: ~ .e.. Drift Lines: yes ~ Drainage Pattem~: yes c:::n2). Dept. of inundation: t!/li. inches Oxidized Root (live roots) Local Soil Survey: yes@ - --Channels <12 in. yes ~ > Depth to free water in pit: £...!.b inc~es FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained 2lk.inches Leaves: yes.~ Depth to saturated soil: Check all that apply & explain below: Other: Pe-/$lInp. ) JL,~tJw)e~~ [)+-~ .,. . Stream, Lake or gage data: --L Aerial photographs: Other: ,f ~<) C) ",,\ Wetland hydrology present? yes 6 (...' Rationale for decisionlRemarks: tJ() h, .. -t of t'1 JlvD )o51 , :5 p- SOILS Map Unit Name AId!erwooiL zSI'p<je/~ '. DrainageClass fV1o~. Wdl-d~e..\",-p'J.. (Series & Phase) ?'~lAd i /0 i-"..,. ) b+> I f..Qrt!~'" +-.5/0 ~ So Field observations confirm @ No Taxonorn (sub rou ) £11 IL Dw'O <:J'\ v--e 1:::, Profile Description Depth Horizon Matrix color Mottle colors Mottle abundance Texture, concretions, Drawing of soil (inches) (Munsell (Munsell size & contrast structure, etc. ' profile moist) moist) (match des~ril2tion) /~ Ali> JD'1f..Z)2-, --5~v~,'J1 ~"'IA.J'i lOA-1M" , -, " Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) __ Histosol __ Concretions " __ ' Histic Epipedon tJ j) 1;\ e.,.. __ High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soi~s _',' __ ' Sulfidic Odor __ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ' ~ Aquic Moisture Regime __ , Listed on Local Hydric Soils List __ Reducing Conditions __ Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or·Low-ChromaColors Other (explain in remarks) , Hydric soils present? " ' yes <:§ , , Rationale fordecisionlRemarks: 1 i"'G-~ , (,j)c+:J ~~ft'k.. , Wetland Determination (circle) Hydrophytic vegetation present? yes ~ Hydric soils pr:esent? yes no Is the sampling point yes@ Wetland hidrology present? yes no wIthin a wetland? RationaleJRemarkS: 'N~ "t ~-; Vl-IIA .... elt!A.. ~yf c.~~ ('~~€ .... d hL!> fof~S..., .... t, : .";" .. . . I I I I I ", I "'''')1'' :~ 4. \ ...... " I I I I I I I ,). I I I. I I I I I I 1 I. I I 1 I I I I 1 I ProjectJSite: LL...~I'- ApplicantJowner: K6.s JIL DATA FORM 1 Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual " , Investigator(s): Gk~~ A ( ....... o LA-"'J LLL Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? '. ~ no Date: 9/2l//D~ County:· )(, '" .5 State: W A Srr/R: Community 10: Is the site significantly disturbed (atypical situation)? yes CV Transect ID: :SP-2-Is the area a potential Problem Area? yes rlm::> Plot 10: VEGETATION -, Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator A -r-~AL . -0/, t+ '-I(Vlt....:" \ RlA.bl>...S .. ~f'S I y,~ 0 FAc-LA.. ...... rJ A~e .... )S7/:) . FA<..-. ~1t J+ Plh: .. l.{ L \ r <:::. \ ",,~.:-A-. "'" ..$ PO)--/S+I~l.--' ~\.A"'l ... "",-k ~ '. :l5'o/P f,p,'J'{)~)U"'" Wa.::hDvt~ , ~ ~ p(l~t~I/I.$ . .5 FA~+-. H fB::-vJ-z.-iD ~Me)dL l'I-1e"'tZ.e,l I .£7! - r<k~~j &f..1 ~t>/ol/'" S f'frdA. 1-+ rA~ ~ be fe. /po % ()~u I/..(5 cLl5&.w., e .... ~ -r F/l~ Attt -f /o"lcp ~.(IL\""-. IJI't-~""I~~. H '(k--r HYD'ROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC: 070/0 Check all indicators that apply & explain below: 1 . Regional knowledge of plant communities --Wetland plant list (nat'l or regional) OTHER --Physiological or reproductive adaptations --Morphological adaptations --Technical Literature Wetland Plant Data Base Hydrophytic vegetation present? . @:> no Rationale for decisionlRemarks: ffe<!t. do /.A-t1",.r~_+~J h1 h/d~"f};.jf"'5 , HYDROLOGY ~ Is it the growing seaso~ (§) no Water Marks: .yes (1iO) Sediment Deposits: yes (flo) Based on: dt-€ Ddft Lines: yes tflQ:) Drainage Patterns: <yes) no. Dept. ofinundation: . ..i!.Jfl inches Oxidized Root (live roots) Local Soil Survey: (y~~ Channels <12 in. yes no Depth to free water in pit: ~ inches FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained if 'inches Leaves: yesL§) Depth to saturated soil: Check all that apply & explain below: Other: fet"~bV\dt) k~ouJ J~J:5 ~ D{ ~ Stream, Lake or gage data: ./ '.' Aerial photographs: --. Other: r-e~/L>v\ Wetland hydrology present? ~. . no Rationale for decisionlRe.marks: 'SOl I S&"'k.-,,_-t-cti ftJ -tJv. ;5u...~f~c... a" E' '" $..f-f.eva.... r~~../\f ciY-j . S I.A. ~. ""..t!' ('~ , SOILS Map UrntName fo,l"fe(/.A>ood 1S'<lvel~ 5«~df (Series & Phase) /0 8, IA-f, 0 -tb 6 pe/ce .... ~ $16 p---a 5 Profile Description Depth Horizon Matrix color Mottle colors Mottle abundance (inches) (Munsell (Munsell size & contrast ~) ~ moist) !S~ .... ~r~"v 9 A /byez.);, -- 1.f J3 /DYJ<V/J -- Hydric Soil Ind~cators: (check all that apply) Drainage Class It oe:f. W-e)I-J r~ I'" -e Field observations confIrm @ No rna d t e? Texture, concretions, Drawing of soil structure, etc. ' ,profile (match descri12tion) ~-/~JeJli. ~",,Ji /0 e.. v.... • j-f'6..Ve }lt " 5~1A,J'I 104..'1/-'0, __ Histosol __ Concretions v " " __ Histic Epipedon __ High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils __ Sulfidic Odor __ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ;t:"c MoiSture Regime __ , Listed on Local Hydric Soils List , • educing Conditions ' __ Listed on National Hydric Soils List , Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors " Other (explain in remarks) , Hydric soils present? ',~ no , .. Rationale for decisionlRemarks: Lb c.lA 'f'O IA... 0.. ' C-D/DV ' W ''''' f£..-e.. B~OO-z...b'" I~j) , "zpe-.t ~ :;ee If JM~t/I.e~ ~'€~e pl'e~e...., t. Wetland Determination (circle) " Hydrophytic vegetation present? .~ no ,d§) Hydric soils pres~nt? ' es no Is the sampling point no Wetland hydrolOgy present? es no within a wetland? ' \ RationaleIRemarks: ' -.-.- C.AtS?'f4~-k'/15 h~ ,4-(/ 3 J/VICi /,II.6i ~ ~1 p"es'@lI'\. t.,' NOTES: .. A J1.)~ ~ -t -It> I -} I I I I I I 1 \,)1' I "'I"" , " I I I I ..... 1 ,) "'/1 I I I I I I I I I I I· 1 I, I I I I I " DATA FORM 1 Routine Wetland Detennination orps etan e meation anua (W A State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 C Wid D r M I) Project/Site: ~k.. , Date: ID/14/D 3 J Applicant/owner: KE:>S:iIC County: I<I"'j /trvv-ov...r State: Investigator(s): C~J LLL-srrlR: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ~~ Community 10: Is the site significantly disturbed (atypiCal situation)? yes no Transect 10: SP-3 Is the area a potential Problem Area? yes no Plot 10: VEGETATION - Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant S--",-ecies Stx:atum A . . ~,styo Le.( M~"DP~'-J/IIAVV\ . ,. rA~u.. V B~II"\'u.""" o.j:jOf" ..:$ A I VI LAvS flA.-lor ~ be, %:;' -r p-;r~ R 'Iclfo ~~t.-.$ ~ed-et1I))~ .5 ". u°.b o elM J-e.f/ ~ c...e<t' 6.SJ ~, "'" IS 0 FAe:Ll R, \'~..s )u.\~·.d";t!lo/0 -5 6v"\//k5 h J}tJD/o c::..o,r V'\ c..v «. ..s PAc-LA. R ~/5-cto V-,.; v-.,S ~.,. $ \ "" L....S S .LIJI I' r. ell J t1 J~ .5 + )Gh tA w-~'" ~~+~ · ~ t+ I ItII../""-J ... ;> I!:/lt ~ , ~ 'V HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION INDICATORS: , '. % of dominants OBL, FACW, & FAC: t.5ojo Check all indicators that apply & explain below: No~e" I Indicator FAa..( F74<::-r (A-L--t- Flte-L;\. FA~tA. Regional knowledge of plant communities Wetland plant list (nat'! or regional) OTHER ----Physiological or reproductive adaptations --Morphological adaptations . Technical Literature Wetland Plant Data Base Hydrophytic vegetation present? . ." yes ~ ". Rationale for decisionlRemarks: ~. db' J .'. .... I(J~ b/M.I""£iZ/ t ~ ~ 1,,/ rCl r~r~s HYDROLOGY ~ ' ' .. Is it the growing season'd, tre.. ~ no WaterMarks: -yes Ln~ Sediment Deposits: yesCno) Based on: d(,: ,-Drift Lines: yes/Iioj Drainage Patterns: yes (no) . Dept. of inundation: f::ljPLinches Oxidized Root (live roots) Local Soil Survey: yes{§)" Channels <12 in. yes (ilO) Depth to free water in pit: ~inches ".' FAC Neutral: yes no Water-stained 7/binches Leaves: yes@ Depth to saturated soil: Check all that apply & explain below: ·.Other:L Other: f e. <"So.-. r$..) }<. ~lJbJ)-eJ 5 ~ 111-<.;.. Stream, Lake or gage data: --(-eSl" "" Aerial photographs: . Wetland hydrology present? yes ~ .,... Rationale for decisionlRemarks: Ala hI.,+-?;fhj 0( (0 k.1'-1 1 " , SOILS I Map Unit Name f/ld.efWOOJ.:j (~veJ~ ;:s~",df (Series & Phase) /00-1/'/1, b-/tJlb % S/c>~~ Drainage Class Y'1~. w"lj -d.;",~., .( ... ~ ... ,.}I Field observations confIrm ~. No 'I d t e? Profile Description Depth Horizon Matrix color Mottle colors (inches) (Munsell . (Munsell moist) moist) D. A JlY'(((Z}Z. - ~-t". B JD1R(3)z... -. .. , Hydric Soil Indicators: (check all that apply) __ Histosol Mottle abundance Texture, concretions, size & contrast structure, etc. ---.:- ~('~ve.i\i ~J-f 10«..- . . ~.r~\J e-I \f -5~",J.i //:)8.. "t.- '" __ Concretions Drawing of soil profile. (match descrigtion) I I I I I __ Histic Epipedon ND{\e.-__ Sulfidic Odor __ High Organic Content in Surface Layer of Sandy Soils .' I · .. ·'··)1· \,' '. . __ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils . \ ,,~ __ Aquic Moisture Regime _. __ . Reducing Conditions Gley~d or Low-ChromaColors Hydric soils present? yes ~. Rationale for decisionlRemarks: N-a h.,,-1" ;rf ~() fth "'3 Wetland Determination (circle) Hydrophytic vegeUltion present? yes ~ Hydric soils preSent? . yes Wetland hydrology preSent? yes. Rationa)e/Remarks: Na L1 e L>f .~ 3· ( , _._. Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ._. _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List .' Other (explain in remarks) . 4bDlA.l 14 II tJi I~f Idf.e> ~k ~ 'Sv..r(a&-e, G Is the sampling point . yes within a wetland?' jvlQ",JrfLfa/ c2 r,,+eY'J6>.. fy-e,-a •. ;t, .- .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I APPENDIX 8 Field Rating Form for Wetland Function Evaluation --, --------------..a ___ -- Field Rating Form for Wetland Function Evaluation . . Wetland No. 0.., -5/tC. W ~ .... :rt~"""M Project: 1-tA<-)l.-. Date: <1 Jz...'f/~ 3> , Shoreline Protection Hydrologic Support Storm/Aood Water Abatement Groundwater Exchange Water Quality Improvement Natural Biologic Support 1D'iij iiCii c > 00 Criteria for Low Value fij sparse herbaceous layer or no vegetation wetland extends < 1 00 yards from shore located along undeveloped shoreline -~~~at~ depless~---------. titj temporary saturation or inundation r !!!'iij .~ ~ 00 Criteria for Moderate Value sparse woorty or dense herbaceous vegetation wetland extends 100 -200 yards from shore •• __ ~_H __ .~~~~at~~~~_oreline open drainage system seasonally nooded Q)= om; c > 00 Criteria for High Value fiE dense woody vegetation wetland extends >200 yards from shore- , located on highly devefoped shoreline EB open tidal system permanent saturation or inundation r --.-----.----.----. If) size <5 acres in remote setting < 10% woody vegetation size <5 acres isolated deplessions temporarily saturated or inundated impermeable substrate intermittently flooded <50% vegetation densily size < 10 acres no proximity to non-point discharge retains <25% of ovefIand runoff vegetation lacking isolated system associated mlh ephemeral streams law plant community diversity single layer special habitat features lacking o unique species no water dependent species relatively small size adjacent to minor fishery ~ size 5 -10 acres In rural setting 10 -30% woody vegetation ~ size 5 -10 acres ---SEiasonally IIooded open system permanent shallow inundation semipermeable substrate lakes 50 -80% vegetation density size 10 -100 acres downstream from non-point discharge retains 25 .. 50% of C7IIefIand runoff shrub/forested swamp upper tidal marsh associated with intermittent streams ".moderate plant community diversity several layers special habitat features present unique species potentially present water dependent species potential relatively medium size adjacent to minor fishery EE size > 10 acres In urban setting >30% Woody vegetation m size > 10 acres . .. permanently flooded system I deep inundation i permeable substrate I estuary or perennial stream >80% vegetation density size > 100 acres downstream from municipal point discharge retainS >50% of overland runo1f. I marsh or bog Intertidal marshes associated with permanent streams high plant community diversity many layers complex habitat features present unique species present water dependent species present relatively large size adjacent to significant fishery corel\419136\Wet1and _ torm I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I CHAD ARMOUR, LLC September 10, 2004 Job No. 04-009 Mr. Curtis Schuster KBS Develo~ment Corporation 12312 NE 8t Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Subject: Habitat Data Report Luck Property (Parcel 0323059035) Renton, Washington Dear Mr. 'Schuster: 6500 126th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98006·3941 (425) 641-9743 Office (425) 643·3499 Fax chad@chadarmour.com DEVELOPMENT P CITY OF AENT~%N/NG OCT 1 1. 200~ RECEIVED We are pleased to present the results of our habitat study for the above-referenced property located in Renton, Washington. The work was accomplished in accordance with our proposal (No. 109) and follows the City of Renton (Renton) Habitat Data Report . guidelines (Renton, 2004). The purpose of the work was to identify habitat present on the site and the potential impacts site development may have on this habitat. The report is organized in sections and includes: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS that presents a synopsis of the pertinent issues related to the proposed development; SITE DESCRIPTION ~f the subject property (site) and adjacent prpperties; METHODS or how we assessed fish, wildlife, and their habitat; BACKGROUND INFORMATION that presents existing information for the site and adjacent properties; SITE CONDITIONS that describes on-site plant communities and identified animals; DISCUSSION presents the wildlife species that likely use the site, the functional value of their habitat, priority species, patterns of movement, and potential effects of the proposed development; CONCLUSIONS that summarize the results of the habitat study; and LIMITATIONS of this project. A list of references, tables, and figures follow the text. Table 1 presents the habitats observed on the site and Table 2 the dominant vegetation. Table 3 describes the wildlife we observed on the site. Table 4 lists wildlife species primarily associated with habitats similar to those present on the site. The functional value of the habitat present on the' site is presented in Table 5. Figure 1 is a Vicinity Map showing the location of the site and nearby physical features. Figure 2 is a map that shows the location of existing habitats. . KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 09110104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington SUMMARY OF FINDINGS KBS Development Corporation KBS Development Corporation (KBS) proposes to construct single-family homes on a 3.63-acre site dominated by forested habitat in Renton, Washington. Meadow habitat is also present on the site. The proposal includes setting aside a significant area as open space, including two streams and a wetland. Although we observed very few species of wildlife on the site, the site may have the potential to support as many as 40 different species of wildlife that are primarily associated with the Meadow and Forest habitat types. We observed black-tailed deer sign in the Meadow habitat type. The deer is a priority game species subject to state hunting regulations. Site development will have a limited impact on wildlife. Some of the species of wildlife that we observed on the site and some of those potentially present on the site will likely continue to utilize the site following site development, particularly the stream buffer habitat. Other species of wildlife adapted to suburban habitats that we did not observe on the site may also be attracted to the site following site development. SITE DESCRIPTION Site The 3.63-acre site is located at 10627 148th Avenue SE in Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). The site slopes from south to north, with elevations ranging from 421 feet to 365 feet near the confluence of Greene's Creek and an unnamed tributary along the northern site boundary (Figure 2). The site is the location of a dilapidated single-family home, immature forest, a recentl~ cleared area planted with native vegetation, and two streams. It is bounded by the 1481 Avenue SE on the east, residential properties to the south and north~ and undeveloped land to the west METHODS Our wildlife habitat assessment methods followed the methodology described in the Renton's (2004) Habitat Data Report guidelines. We reviewed a stereo pair of aerial photographs at the University of Washington (2004) to map the habitat types on the site. We also contacted the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to inquire about the potential for priority habitats and species to be present on or adjacent to the site. To supplement the WDFW information, we reviewed a Biological Evaluation prepared for the Stone Ridge plat (Armour, 2001). On July 7,2004, we conducted a site reconnaissance to observe existing conditions on the site. At that time, we noted the dominant vegetation, habitat features, and observed wildlife. We used a clinometer to measure the heights and a diameter tape to measure the diameters of selected trees. To offset the potential for overlooking wildlife species that likely use habitat similar to those present on the site, we consulted Appendix 8 in Brown's (1985) Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 2 09/10104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation and Washington. Although this work was compiled from data collected in managed forests, it is good source of data for the suburban Seattle area .. BACKGROUND INFORMATION We understand that KBS proposes to construct single-family residential homes on the site. To do so KBS will also construct new roads and associated drainage, and will retain a portion of the residential development as open space. The site and the property to the south and west were logged about 10 to 15 years ago. A small area of the site immediately east of Greene's Creek appears to have been used as a landing during the timber harvest operation. Soil and woody debris were present at this location prior to restoration. It does not appear that the site was replanted following timber harvest. Two small streams are present on the site. Greene's Creek, a tributary to May Creek, is a seasonal stream that originates off site a several hundred feet to the south. Portions of this stream typically run dry in June. We assume that this stream conveys surface water during the rainy season following prolonged periods of rain. An unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek flows intermittently and joins Greene's Creek immediately off site to the north. A small wetland is located adjacent to the unnamed tributary. In 2003 Armour assisted the owner restore a portion of the buffer, presumably used as a landing, adjacent to Greene's Creek. After the area was graded native trees and shrubs were installed in the affected area. Graded areas that were not planted with trees and shrubs were seeded to grass. The Habitats and Species Report and Map provided by WDFW (2004) for the site and surrounding area identified no priority habitats and species on the site. The only priority species identified in the vicinity of the site is fall chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Chinook salmon are known to be present in the lower reaches of May Creek. May Creek is a perennial stream located about 0.5 river miles (RM) north of the site. It provides migration, spawning, and rearing habitat for both adult and juvenile life stages of anadromous fishes. Other anadromous fish known to be present in May Creek near its confluence with Greene's Creek include sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) salmon and steel head trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Resident cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) are also said to be present in May Creek (Armour, 2001). SITE CONDITIONS There are two habitat types present on the site (Table 1). We used the plant community and stand conditions described by Hall et al. (1985) to describe the habitats we observed. The following paragraphs describe the habitats and the wildlife we observed on the site.' Meadow Habitat Type The Meadow habitat type is that area subject to grading and revegetation in 2003 (Figure 2). It is dominated by grass. Also present are tree seedlings and shrubs (Table 2). There are no large trees or shrubs present in this habitat type and no special habitat features such as snags or downed logs. KBS/LucklWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 3 09/10104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation We observed indications of black-tailed deer in the Meadow habitat type (Table 3). Many of the shrubs had been browsed. We also observed their pellets and beds in this ,habitat type. Forest Habitat Type The Forest habitat type is located on the remainder of the site (Figure 2). The tree layer of this second and third growth forest is dominated by black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) and red alder (Alnus rubra). These trees are typically 5 inches in diameter (dbh) and about 45 feet tall. Other tree species also present on occasion include Scouler's willow (Salix seouleriana), western crabapple (Malus fusea), big-leaf maple (Acer maerophyllum), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesil), western red cedar (Thuja plieata), and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). These trees are typically about 16 inches dbh and about 75 feet tall; however, some are as large as 42 inches dbh and 125 feeUali. Vine maple (Aeer cireinatum), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), Indian plum (Oemleria eerasiforrnis), red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa), and sword fern (Polystichum munitum) dominate the understory layer of the Forest habitat type. As would be expected in second and third growth forests, there are no snags or downed logs in the Forest habitat type. . ( We did not observe much wildlife or their sign in the Forest habitat type (Table 3). We observed American robin and hermit thrush, heard Steller's jay, and smelled a skunk. Our limited wildlife observations may be related to the time of our site reconnaissance (Le., middle of the summer). With the exception of the spring, wildlife, particularly birds, are generally difficult to observe. DISCUSION The habitat present on and in the vicinity of the site is typical of forested habitats that have been recently logged without being replanted. As such most of the site is dominated by small hardwood tree species that colonized the site soon after the overstory trees were removed. The medium-sized conifers were likely unmerchantable and ignored (Le., left behind) at the time the larger trees were harvested. The large cottonwood trees were also unmerchantable and were not cut down. The two plant communities present on the site provide primary habitat for as many as 40 different species of wildlife (Table 4). Primary habitat is preferred or optimal habitat that supports the highest population densities of a species and is essential for long-term population maintenance. In contrast, secondary habitat is used by a species but is less suitable than primary habitat as indicated by lower population density or less frequent use (Bruce, et aI., 1985). More than half of the 40 species that could potentially use the site are primarily associated with the Meadow habitat type (n=25). Half of the species (n=20) have a primary association with the Forest habitat type. Only 5 of the species potentially present on the site are primarily associated with both on-site habitat types. KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 4 09/10/04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation As shown on Figure 2 the habitats present on the site are connected to one another and have a common boundary (i.e., edge). An edge is a place where plant communities meet. The area influenced by the transition between communities is called an ecotone. Edges and their ecotones are usually richer in number of species of wildlife than the adjoining plant communities. Edges are rich because of the additive effect when two plant communities meet and they provide access to another plant community (Logan, et ai, 1985). Based on the result of the biological assessment, anadromous fish are not present on or near the site. A delta of gravel at the confluence of Greene's Creek and May Creek prevent fish present in May Creek from accessing Greene's Creek (Armour, 2001). Wildlife Habitat Functions and Values Habitattypes used by wildlife are determined by the interspersion of plant communities, by the structure of the plant communities, and by the mixture of plant species present within the plant community. Although all of these are important to wildlife, most species of wildlife respond more to the structure of the plant community rather than to the plant species making up a community. For example, a Hardwood Forest habitat type provides habitat for a different group of wildlife species than a Conifer Forest habitat type, yet the grass-forb stand condition (typical for several years following timber harvest in multiple plant communities) of both these communities may host the same species of wildlife (Hall, et aI., 1985). Our assessment of the functions of the two on site habitat types indicates that the Meadow habitat type provides twice the functional value as the Forested habitat type (Table 5). However, because the Meadow habitat type is so small, its functional value is actually considerably less than the Forest habitat type. The presence of the unnamed tributary to Greene's Creek and its small riparian wetland likely enables the larger Forest habitat type to provide more functional value than Table 5 suggests. Priority Wildlife Species One priority species is known to be present on the site. The black-tailed deer is a priority game species subject to state hunting regulations 0JVDFW, 2002). Black-tailed deer occur in all forested habitats west of the Cascade Crest from central British Columbia south to northern California. They require habitat that provides the basic necessities of life, including food, water, and cover. Cover is used by deer to hide and for thermal regulation, as well as foraging during times when open forage areas may not be available. Hiding cover provides screening vegetation that covers 90 percent of a standing deer at a distance of 200 feet or less. Thermal cover includes forest stands at least 40 feet tall, with a tree canopy cover of at least 70 percent. Water is generally available in western Washington and not typically a limiting factor for black-tailed deer. Deer population studies indicate that forage declines when a dense canopy of trees shades out the understory forage. Extensive open roads, particularly arterial roads, reduce deer use of nearby habitats (WDFW, 1991). Migration and Movement Corridors It is unlikely that the habitat types present on the site constitute a movement corridor for wildlife. As viewed from above, the on-site habitat types are generally isolated from KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 5 09/10104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation other nearby habitat types. With the exception of the conifer forest north of the site, most of the area west, north, and east of the site is do,r:ninated by residential neighborhoods. The closest movement corridors are likely represented by Honey Dew Creek, May Creek, and the Cougar Mountain Regional Park. Greene's Creek is not thought to represent a movement corridor because it is bounded by single-family residences on relatively small lots. With the exception of species of wildlife adapted to human development, the presence of humans generally discourages wildlife movement. Proposed Wildlife Habitat Alterations In addition to constructing new homes on the site KBS will retain a significant portion of the site as it exists as open space. This open space will be in the form of stream buffers . . Retaining this habitat will benefit wildlife species primarily associated with the Forest habitat type. CONCLUSIONS The 3.63-acre Luck site contains two different habitat types. The Meadow habitat type covers about 8 percent of the site and supports recently installed trees and shrubs. The Forest habitat type covers 92 percent of the site and is the location of two streams and a small wetland. Although we observed very few species of wildlife on the site, the site may have the potential to support as many as 40 different species of wildlife. The on-site habitat types appear to provide low to moderate functional value for wildlife. The value provided by the Meadow habitat type is at the low end of the moderate spectrum. However, its actual value to wildlife is relatively low because of its small size. In comparison, the presence of two streams and an associated wetland in the Forest habitat type may increase its low value. These aquatic features may attract several species of wildlife that would otherwise ignore this habitat type. The black-tailed deer is a priority game species in Washington primarily associated with the Meadow habitat type for breeding and foraging. It is secondarily associated with the Meadow habitat type for resting. Based on the relatively small size of the Meadow habitat type, it is likely that black-tailed deer use on the site is limited. No other priority species of wildlife are known or suspected to be present on the site. KBS's development proposal includes retaining a significant portion of the Forest habitat type on the site. This measure will benefit many species of wildlife observed on or primarily associated with the Forest habitat type. LIMITATIONS Work for this project was performed, and this letter report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. It is intended for the exclusive use of KBS Development Corporation and their assigns for specific application to the referenced property. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 6 09/10104 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation It should be noted that Chad Armour relied on information provided by others indicated previously. Chad Armour can only relay this information and cannot be responsible for its accuracy or completeness. Any questions regarding our work and this report, the presentation of the information, and the interpretation of the data are welcome and should be referred to the undersigned. Sincerely, Chad Armour, LLC ~A~ Chad Armour Principal Attachments: References Table 1 -Habitats present on the Luck site Table 2 -Dominant vegetation on existing habitats on the Luck site Table 3 -Wildlife observed on the Luck site Table 4 -Primary habitat for wildlife potentially present on the Luck site Table 5 -Functional value of the habitats on the Luck site based on stand condition Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Figure 2 -Habitat Types KBS/LucklWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 7 09/10104 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington KBS Development Corporation REFERENCES Armour LLC, Chad. 2001. Stone Ridge Plat Biological Evaluation, King County, Washington. Prepared for KBS III, LLC. Braun, C. E. 1994. Band-tailed Pigeon. In T. C. Tacha and C. E. Braun (editors) Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Management in North America. International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, D. C. Brown, E.R (ed). 1985. Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. Bruce, C., D. Edwards, K. Mellen, A. McMillan, T. Owens, and H. Sturgis. 1985. Chapter 3 -Wildlife Relationships to Plant Communities and Stand Conditions. In Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. Hall, F.C, L.W. Brewer, J.F. Franklin, and RL. Werner. 1985. Chapter 2 -Plant Communities and Stand Conditions. !n Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. Logan, W., E. R Brown, D. Longrie, G. Herb, and RA. Corthell. 1985. Chapter 6- Edges. In Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitats in Forests of Western Oregon and Washington. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. R6-F&WL-192-1985. --Renton, City of. 2004. Renton Municipal Code. Title 4, Chapter 8, 120D-2, 8H. Habitat Data Report guidelines. University of Washington. 2004. Aerial Photographs of the site and surrounding area. WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife). 1991. Columbian Black-tailed Deer. !n Management Recommendations for Washington's Priority Species and Habitats. E. Roderick and R Milner technical editors. WDFW. 2002. Priority Species List: Vertebrates. Priority Habitats and Species, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/hab/phslist.htm WDFW. 2004. Habitats and Species Report and Map In The Vicinity of T23R05E Section 3. July 22, 2004. KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 09/10104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington Meadow Temperate coniferous forest: Low to midelevation coniferous forests. Typical tree species include Douglas-fir, western hemlock & western red cedar. Forest Red Alder forest: Dominated by red alder but may have some big-leaf maple, western hemlock, western red cedar, or Sitka spruce. Ground vegetation commonly dominated by salmonberry, sword-fern, and herbs. a source: Brown, 1985 KBS Development Corporation Grass-forb: Dominated by herbaceous species with scattered mature trees. Closed sapling-pole-sawtimber. Average tree diameters between 1 and 21 inches in diameter with a crown cover exceeding 60%. Table 2. Dominant habitats on the Luck site. Meado~ Douglas-fir cascara Indian plum salal thimbleberry a Plants installed fall 2003 big-leaf maple black cottonwood Douglas-fir red alder Scouler's willow western crabapple western hemlock western red cedar hazelnut Indian plum salmonberry trailing blackberry b Typically 5 inches dbh' & 45 feet tall but up to 42 inches dbh & 125 feet tall KBS/LucklWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 09/10104 I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report . Renton, Washington Table 3. Table 4. Prim northwestern salamander long-toed salamander ensatina Pacific tree frog red-le(lOe~a band-tailed pigeon mourning dove common barn owl northern saw-whet owl common nighthawk rufous hummingbird downy woodpecker northern flicker western flycatcher tree swallow American crow black-capped chickadee golden-crowned kinglet Swainson's trush American robin cedar waxwing European starling chipping spar~ow white-crowned sparrow dark-eyed junco siskin KBS/LuckJWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC KBS Development Corporation browse, bedding, and scat sig odor Ambystoma gracile Ambystoma macrodactylum Ensatina eschscholtzi Hyla regilla Rana aurora Columbia faciata Zenaida macroura Tylo alba Aegolius acadicus Chordeiles minor Selasphorus rufus Picoides pubescens Colaptes auratus Empidonax difficilis Tachycineta bicolor Corvus brachyrhynchos Parus atricapillus Regulus satrap a Catharus ustulatus Tudus migrator ius Bombycilla cedrorum Sturn us vulgaris Spizella passer ina Zonotrichia leucophrys Junco hyemalis Carduelis x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 09/10104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Habitat Data Report Renton, Washington dusky shrew Trowbridge's shrew shrew-mole Townsend's mole big brown bat California myotis coyote raccoon ermine black-tailed deer Townsend's vole Pacific mouse S source: Brown, 1985 Sorex obscurus Sorex trowbridgii Neurotrichus gibbsi Scapanus townsendii Eptesicus fuscus Myotis californicus Canis latrans Procyon lotor Mustela erminea Odocoileus hemionus Microtus townsendii trinotatus KBS Development Corporation x X X X X X X. X X X X X X X X b Temperate Coniferous Forest plant community -Grass-Forb stand condition C Red Alder Forest plant community -Closed Sapling-Pole-Sawtimber stand condition Table 5. Functional value of the habitats on the Luck site based on stand conditions. Meadow 3 Forest 1 S source: Hall et aI., 1985 b maximum score = 5 KBS/LuckIWildlife Study Report.doc Chad Armour, LLC 1 2 5 1 2 12 1 1 1 6 09/10104 I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Source: The Thomas Guide, 2002, King/Pierce/Snohomish Counties; Pages 626 and 627. M ~ ~L-______________________________________________________________________________ ~ NOT TO SCALE c ~ 1ii I FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP Chad Armour, LLC ~ Luck Plat 6500 1261h Avenue SE o ~L-R_e_nt_o_n_,w __ a_Sh_i_n_gt_o_n ________________________________________ ~B_e_I_le_v_ue_,_w __ aS_h_in_g_t_on __ 9_80_0_6 ____ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---. (T) U o .. .0 0 41 J !D ; ul '6 . #,. .p OJ". Top ave ~'" (P 0 • '0 0 (T}1i' <9'. TJ o ,1., " ._,.. 1(::(. j.. 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As troublesome as subsurface problems can be. their frequency and extent have been lessened considerably in recent years. due in large measure to programs and publications of ASFE/ The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences. . The following suggestions and observations are offered to help you reduce the geotechnical-related delays. cost-overruns and other costly headaches that can occur during a construction project. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET OF PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS A geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsur- face exploration plan designed to incorporate a unique set of project-specific factors. These typically include: the general nature of the structure involved. its size and configuration; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; physical concomitants such as access roads. parking lots. and underground utilities. and the level of additional risk which the client assumed by virtue of limitations imposed upon the exploratory program. To help avoid costly problems. consult the geotechnical engineer to determine how any factors which change subsequent to the date of the report may affect its recommendations. Unless your consulting geotechnical engineer indicates otherwise. your geotechnical engineering report should not be used: • When the nature of the proposed structure is changed. for example. if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garage. or if a refriger- ated warehouse will be built instead of an unre- frigerated one; • when the size or configuration of the proposed structure is altered; • when the location or orientation of the proposed structure is modified; • when there is a change of ownership. or • for application to an adjacent site. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility for problems which may develop if they are not consulted after factors consid- ered in their report's development have changed. MOST GEOTECHNICAL "FINDINGS" ARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES Site exploration identifies actual subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. when they are taken. Data derived through sampling and sub- sequent laborator-y testing are extrapolated by geo- technical engineers who then render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions;their likely reaction to proposed construction activity. and appropriate founda- tiondesign. Even under optimal circumstances actual conditions may differ from those inferred to exist. because no geotechnical engineer. no matter how qualified. and no subsurface exploration program. no matter how comprehensive. can reveal what is hidden by earth. rock and time. The actual interface between mate- rials may be far more gradual or abrupt than a report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from predictions. Nothing can be done to prevent the unanticipated. but steps can be taken to help minimize their impact. For this reason. most experienced owners retain their geotechnical consultants through the construction stage. to iden- tify variances. conduct additional tests which may be needed. and to recommend solutions to problems encountered on site. . . . SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE Subsurface conditions may be modified by constantly- changing natural forces. Because a geotechnical engi- neering report is based on conditions which existed at the time of subsurface exploration. construction decisions should not be based on a geotechnical engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Speak with the geo- technical consultant to learn if additional tests are advisable before construction starts. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods. earthquakes or ground- water fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and. thus. the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical report. The geotechnical engineer should be kept apprised of any such events. and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are necessary. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND PERSONS . Geotechnical engineers' reports are prepared to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report pre- pared for a consulting civil engineer may not be ade- quate for a construction contractor. or even some other consulting civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise. this report was prepared expressly for the client involved and expressly for purposes indicated by the client. Use by any other persons for any purpose. or by the client for a different purpose. may result in problems. No indi- vidual other than the client should apply this report for its intended purpose without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer. No person should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer. A GEOTEOINICAL ENGINEERING REPORT IS SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION Costly problems can occur when other design profes- sionals develop their plans based on misinterpretations of a geotechnical engineering report. 1b help avoid these problems. the geotechnical engineer should be retained to work with other appropriate design profes- sionals to explain relevant geotechnical findings and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to geotechnical issues. BORING LOGS SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE ENGINEERING REPORT Final boring logs are developed by geotechnical engi- neers based upon their interpretation of field logs (assembled by site personnel) and laboratory evaluation cif field samples. Only final boring logs customarily are induded in geotechnical engineering reports. These logs should not under any circumstances be redrawn for indusion in architectural or other design drawings. because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the trarisfer process. Although photographic reproduction eliminates this problem. it does nothing to minimize the possibility of contractors misinterpreting the logs during bid prepara- tion. When this occurs. delays. disputes and unantici- pated costs are the all-too-frequent result. To minimize the likelihood of boring log misinterpreta- tion. give contractors ready access to the complete geotechnical engineering report prepared or authorized for their use. Those who do not provide such access may proceed un-. der the rnistaken.impression that simply disdaiming re- sponsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing the best available information to contractors helps pre- vent costly construction problems and the adversarial attitudes which aggravate them to disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY Because geotechnical engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion. it is far less exact than other design disCiplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted daims being lodged against geotechnical consultants. 1b help prevent this problem. geotechnical engineers have developed model dauses for use in writ- ten transmittals. These are not exculpatory dauses designed to foist geotechnical engineers' liabilities onto someone else. Rather. they are definitive dauses which identify where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved rec- ognize their individual responsibilities and take appro- priate action. Some of these definitive dauses are likely to appear in your geotechnical engineering report. and you are encouraged to read them dosely. Your geo- technical engineer will be pleased to give full and frank answers toyour questions. OTHER STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO REDUCE RISK Your consulting geotechnical engineer will be pleased to discuss other techniques which can be employed to mit- igate risk. In addition. AS FE has developed a variety of materials. which may be beneficial. Contact ASFE for a complimentary copy of its publications directory. . Published by A5FETHEASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING FIRMS PRACTICING IN THE GEOSCIENCES 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G 106/Silver Spring, Maryland 20910/(301) 565-2733 0788/3M I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I Earth Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical EngIneers. Geologists & Environmental SCientists Construction Testing & ICBO I WABO Inspection services July 13, 2004 KBS Development Corporation 1 2320 Northeast 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Attention: Mr. Curtis Schuster Dear Mr. Schuster: Established 1975 E-11069-1 Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) is pleased to present this geotechnical engineering study for the proposed Stone Ridge II residential development, Renton, Washington. This study presents the results of our field exploration and geotechnical engineering analyses for the proposed development. Our scope of services for producing this geotechnical engineering study was outlined in our Work Order E-11 069-1, dated July 6,2004. Based on the results of our study, development of the site as planned is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Medium dense to very dense native silty sand with gravel glacial till soil suitable for support of foundations was encountered at our test pit locations. Based on the subsurface conditions observed at the exploration sites, it is our opinion the proposed building structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on the medium dense to dense competent native soils or granular structural fill. During wet weather conditions, use of the on-site soil as structural fill will be difficult due to the moisture sensitive nature of the soil. If grading is performed during wet weather conditions, use of a free draining granular soil may be necessary. Due to the moisture sensitive nature of the on-site soils, measures to protect exposed subgrade s~rfaces may be necessary. Recommendations for site preparation, foundations, site drainage, and other geotechnical related issues are presented in this geotechnical engineering study. 1805136th Place N.E., Suite 201, Bellevue, WA 98005 Bellevue (425) 643-3780 FAX (425) 746-0860 Toll Free (888) 739-6670 Other Locations Fife I I I I I I I KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services during the design phase of the project. If you have questions about the content of this geotechnical engineering study, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Sincerely, aymond A. Cog las, P.E. I Manager of Geotechnical Services I II I I I I I I I I I RAC/mwp Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS E-11069-1 PAGE INTRODUCTION..................... ............................................................ ................ 1 General ........................................................................................................ 1 Project Description ........................................................................................ 1 SITE CONDITIONS............................................................................................. 2 Surface ........................................................................................................ 2 Subsurface ..................................................................................... , . .. . .. . .. . .. . 2 Groundwater................................................................................................. 3 Laboratory Testing ........................................................................................ 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................. 4 General ........................................................................................................ 4 Site Preparation and General Earthwork ............................................................ 5 Slope Fill Placement.................................................................................. 6 Foundations.. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . ... .. . .. . . . .. . . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . . . . . . .. . ..... . ... .. . . . . .. . 7 Compacted Berm and Till Liners...................................................................... 8 Retaining Walls............................................................................................. 9 Seismic Design Considerations....................................................................... 1 0 Slab-on-Grade Floors..................................................................................... 11 Site Drainage ............................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Excavations and Slopes................................................................................. 1 2 Utility Trench Backfill.................................................................................... 1 3 Rockeries and Modular Block Walls................................................................. 14 Pavement Areas........................................................................................... 14 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................... 1 5 Additional Services....................................................................................... 1 6 Earth Consultants. Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 APPENDICES Appendix A Plate A1 Plates A2 through A4 Appendix B Plate B1 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued E-11069-1 Vicinity Map T est Pit Location Plan Typical Footing Subdrain Detail Typical Utility Trench Fill Field Exploration Legend Test Pit Logs Laboratory Test Results Grain Size Analyses Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY STONE RIDGE II RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 14STH AVENUE SOUTHEAST NEAR SR 900 RENTON, WASHINGTON E-11069-1 INTRODUCTION This report presents geotechnical recommendations for the proposed Stone Ridge II residential development, 148th Avenue Southeast near State Route (SR) 900, Renton, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map (Plate 1). The approximate locations of our test pits and the approximate limits of the property are illustrated on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The scope of our services was outlined in our Work Order E-11 069-1, dated July 6, 2004. Our scope of services included a subsurface exploration to characterize soil conditions at the site, and preparation of this report with geotechnical recommendations for the proposed site development. As part of our geotechnical report, we reviewed the preliminary civil engineering plans, Sheets C 1 through C21, prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated April 6, 2004. Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) previously prepared a geotechnical engineering study for the adjacent proposed Stone Ridge development. The Test Pit Location Plan (Plate 2) illustrates the approximate locations of the Stone Ridge and Stone Ridge II developments, and the approximate layout of the building lots. Project Description We understand the Stone Ridge II residential development will include eight to nine residential building lots. We anticipate the building construction will consist of relatively lightly loaded wood frame construction. Based on experience with similar projects, anticipated wall loads for the proposed buildings will be in the range of 2 to 3 kips per lineal foot, column loads in the range of 10 to 12 kips, and floor loads of 150 pounds per square foot (psf). The proposed site access road will consist of north-south trending residential road that will provide access to the residences from the adjacent Stone Ridge development. Based on the existing topography, we anticipate the mass grading of the site will be relatively minimal, with most lots and access roads following the existing contours as much as possible. Cuts and fills ranging up to approximately eight feet are anticipated throughout the residential building lots and access roadways. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 2 We understand storm water from the development will be conveyed to a storm water detention pond located near the northwest corner of the proposed Stone Ridge II development. If the above project description is incorrect or changes, ECI should be contacted to review the recommendations in this report. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The approximate property limits and proposed lot locations are illustrated on the Test Pit Location Plan (Plate 2). The subject property is located north of the intersection of 148th Avenue Southeast and SR 900, Renton, Washington (see Plate 1, Vicinity Map). The site topography is irregular with moderate topographic relief. The overall topography of the site is characterized by a natural drainage channel that borders the extreme westerly side of the proposed Stone Ridge II development. Vegetation consists primarily of evergreen and deciduous trees with a moderately dense understory of brush and saplings. Subsurface Three test pits were excavated throughout the proposed Stone Ridge II development. Please refer to the Test Pit Logs, Plates A2 through A4, for a description of the conditions encountered at the test pit locations. The soils encountered at the exploration sites consisted primarily of native silty sand with gravel (Unified Soil Classification SM). Review of the geologic map for southwest King County identifies glacial till (Qvt) deposits throughout the site and surrounding areas. The native soils observed at the test pit locations were generally consistent with glacial till soil deposits. Underlying the surficial layer of topsoil, medium dense, brown silty sand with gravel (SM) soil was encountered to depths of approximately two and one-half feet to four feet below existing grade. Underlying the brown silty sand soils, dense silty sand with gravel glacial till soils were encountered. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 3 At the time our field exploration was performed (April 26, 2004), the native silty sand with gravel soil was in a moist to wet condition, with moisture contents generally in the range of approximately 10 to 20 percent. The native soils are moisture sensitive, and will degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. Moisture contents of the soil samples collected at the site are recorded on the test pit logs included in Appendix A of this report. Groundwater Light groundwater seepage was observed in Test Pit TP-7 located in the adjacent proposed Stone Ridge development. In general, the presence of groundwater seepage should be expected in the site excavations. The rate of groundwater seepage could be moderate to heavy at some locations. Due to the nature of the dense glacial till soils observed at the test pit locations, we do not anticipate the presence of groundwater seepage will create significant stability problems in site excavations. The use of sumps during construction, however, may be necessary, depending on the rate of groundwater seepage entering the excavation. The contractor should be made aware that groundwater seepage levels and the rate of seepage are not static; fluctuations in the level and rates can be expected depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the level and rate of seepage is higher in the wetter winter months (typically October through May). However, confined zones of groundwater may produce moderate to heavy groundwater flows year around. Laboratory Testing The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided in Appendix B, or at the appropriate sample depth on the test pit logs. It is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. Our geotechnical recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General E-11069-1 Page 4 Based on the subsurface conditions observed at the test pit locations, development of the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The primary geotechnical considerations related to the proposed development include fill placement and compaction, and moisture sensitivity of the on-site soils. Preparation of the access roadway subgrade is also an important geotechnical consideration. The proposed single-family residences can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on the medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel, or on granular structural fill used to modify existing grades. Based on test pit data, we anticipate native soils suitable for foundation support will be encountered at approximately two and one-half to three feet below existing grade throughout the site. In our opinion, the foundations can be supported on granular structural fill in areas where fill is to be placed to achieve foundation subgrade elevation. Recommendations for structural fill placement are provided in the Site Preparation and General Earthwork section of this report. The slab-on-grade for the single-family residences can be supported on the medium dense to dense native soils or on a granular structural fill. Recommendations for slab subgrade preparation are discussed in the Slab-On-Grade Floors section of this report. Construction of a storm water detention pond is planned for the northwest portion of the site. Care will need to be taken during excavation to identify and control seepage encountered along the cut slopes for the detention pond. Where fill berms are utilized around the pond, compaction of the fill will need to meet structural fill specifications. Recommendations for pond berm fill and compacted soil liner are discussed in the Compacted Berm and Till Liner section of this report. As previously mentioned, due to the moisture sensitive nature of the on-site soils, and the potential for groundwater seepage entering excavations, measures to protect exposed subgrade surfaces will likely be necessary. Earthwork recommendations and compaction specifications are presented in the Site Preparation and General Earthwork section of this report. Earth Consultants. Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 5 This geotechnical engineering study has been prepared for the exclusive use of KBS Development Corporation and their representatives. This study was prepared for specific application to this project only and in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We recommend that this geotechnical engineering study, in its entirety, be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. Site Preparation and General Earthwork Based on our current understanding of the planned development, site grading will consist of cuts and fills on the order of eight feet or less in the building lot and access roadways. Cuts and fills will be also be necessary for construction of the proposed storm water detention pond. Erosion control measures during site grading should consist of silt fencing along the site perimeter and mulching of the exposed earth surfaces, as necessary. The ground surface where structural fill, or foundations are to be placed should be observed by a representative of ECI. Building and pavement subgrade areas that are exposed to extended periods of precipitation will likely become unstable. If the subgrade soil in the proposed foundation and pavement areas becomes saturated and unstable, overexcavation of the unstable soil and replacement with a granular structural fill will be necessary. In our opinion, the native silty sand with gravel soils can be considered for use as structural fill, provided the soil is placed during dry weather conditions, and provided the moisture content of the soil is at or near the optimum moisture content at the time of placement. Aeration and moisture conditioning of the soils may be necessary. The underlying native silty sand with gravel was in a moist to wet condition at the time of our field exploration, with moisture contents that were in the range of 14 percent to 20 percent moisture. The native silty sand with gravel soils are moisture sensitive, and the soils will degrade rapidly if exposed to excessive moisture. Moisture contents of the soil samples collected at the site are provided on the test pit logs included in Appendix A of this report. Earth Consultants. Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 6 Successful use of the native soils as structural fill may require moisture conditioning and aeration of the soils prior to placement. Soil stockpiles should be covered with plastic sheeting during wet weather conditions. The entire stockpile down to the toe of the pile should be covered with the plastic sheeting. Imported soil intended for use as structural fill should consist of a free draining, well- graded granular soil with a moisture content that is at or near optimum, and having a maximum aggregate size of four inches. The imported soil should have no more than 5 percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. During periods of extended dry weather conditions, use of a granular soil with less than 30 percent fines can be considered. Samples of imported soil should be submitted to ECI for sieve analysis testing. ' , Structural fill is defined as compacted fill placed under foundations, roadways, slabs, pavements, or other load-bearing areas. Structural fill under slabs and footings should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding twelve (1 2) inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its laboratory maximum dry density. The maximum dry density should be determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1 557 -91 (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density except for the top twelve (12) inches, which should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Slope Fill Placement Placement of fill on existing sloping grade may be necessary at some locations throughout the site. In our opinion, the placement of fill on slopes is generally acceptable. However, where the existing slope grade exceeds 15 percent, the fill should be keyed and benched into the slope. This process consists of excavating a keyway at the toe of the planned fill. The keyway should have a width of about six to eight feet and depth of two feet into medium dense to dense native soil. The slope above the keyway should then be cut into a series of horizontal to slightly inward sloping benches. Typically, the benches are excavated with a bulldozer as the fill is placed in lifts and compacted. Earth Consultants. Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 Foundations E-11069-1 Page 7 In our opinion, the proposed residential structures can be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings bearing on the medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or granular structural fill. As previously mentioned, we estimate competent native soils suitable for support of foundations should be encountered at depths of two and one-half to three feet below existing site grades. For foundations bearing on the medium dense to dense native silty sand with gravel or granular structural fill, an allowable soil bearing capacity of two thousand (2,000) psf should be used to design the foundations. This allowable soil bearing capacity has a factor-of-safety in excess of 3.0 against shear failure, provided the foundations are placed on competent native soils or granular structural fill. A one-third increase in the above allowable soil bearing capacity can be assumed for short-term wind and seismic loading conditions. Continuous and individual spread footings should have minimum widths of eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) inches, respectively. If loose or unstable soil conditions are encountered at the footing subgrade elevation, the soil will need to be overexcavated, and replaced with granular structural fill. The width of the overexcavation should extend a minimum of twelve (1 2) inches beyond each edge of the foundation. As previously discussed, care will need to be taken to protect and preserve exposed subgrade surfaces to limit the amount of disturbance to the subgrade, and to limit the need for overexcavation. If necessary, to help protect and preserve exposed foundation subgrade surfaces, two inches of crushed rock can be placed as a working surface along subgrade surfaces. Exterior foundations elements should be placed at a minimum depth of eighteen (1 8) inches below final exterior grade. Interior spread foundations can be placed at a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches below the top of slab, except in unheated areas, where interior foundation elements should be founded at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches. Provided the foundations are placed in accordance with the recommendations contained in this report, we estimate total settlement of approximately one inch and differential settlement of approximately one-half. Most of the anticipated settlements should occur during construction as dead loads are applied. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 8 Lateral loads can be resisted by friction between the base of the foundation and the supporting soil, and by passive soil pressure acting on the face of the buried portion of the foundation. Resistance to lateral loads from passive earth pressures should be calculated using an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of three hundred fifty (350) pounds per cubic foot (pcf). To achieve adequate passive resistance, the foundations must be backfilled with structural fill. As an alternative, the foundations can be poured neat against the undisturbed native soil. For frictional capacity, a coefficient of 0.40 should be used for foundations bearing on competent native soils or granular structural fill. These lateral resistance values are allowable values; a factor-of-safety of 1.5 has been included. Footing excavations should be observed by a representative of ECI prior to placing the formwork and rebar. ECI should also perform compaction testing of structural fill and observe areas where overexcavation is required to remove loose or unstable soils. Compacted Berm and Till Liners In our opinion, the native glacial till soils observed at the test pit locations should be suitable for the storm water detention pond berms, and if necessary, a compacted till liner. At the time the native soils are placed, the moisture content of the soils should be at or slightly above the optimum moisture content. Moisture conditioning or aeration of the soil may be necessary prior to placement. The soil used for the pond berms and compacted till liner should meet the following gradation: Till Liner Gradation Sieve Size Percent Passing 6-inch 100 4-inch 90 No.4 70 -100 No. 200 20 -100 The thickness of a compacted till liner should be at least eighteen (18) inches. The pond berms and till liner, if necessary, should be compacted to a relative compaction at least 95 percent (ASTM 0-1557). ECI should observe the placement of the detention pond berms and till liner, and provide testing of the compacted soil. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 Retaining Walls E-11069-1 Page 9 Retaining walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures from the retained soils, and any surcharge loading. Walls that are unrestrained and free to move at the top should be designed using an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of thirty-five (35) pcf. The earth pressure imparted on restrained walls should be calculated using an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of fifty (50) pcf. The above equivalent fluid values assume surcharges due to traffic, sloping backfill, adjacent foundations, construction loads, or any other loadings will not apply. If surcharges are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressures. Where drainage behind retaining walls cannot be accomplished, hydrostatic pressures should be added to the design wall pressures, where appropriate. For traffic surcharge loading consisting of passenger vehicles or light delivery trucks, a uniform pressure of seventy (70) psf should be applied in a rectangular distribution along the height of the retaining wall. Where traffic surcharge loading from heavy trucks will be present, ECI should review the wall and roadway configuration and provide modified surcharge values, if necessary. If sloping backfill conditions are present behind the walls,' ECI should review the slope configurations and provide modified equivalent fluid values, as necessary. Retaining and foundation walls should be provided with a four-inch diameter perforated drainpipe and backfilled with a free-draining granular soil with less than 5 percent fines (percent passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction). The zone of free-draining granular soil should extend along the entire height of the wall, and a distance of at least eighteen (18) inches behind the wall. A surface seal consisting of a less permeable silty sand soil can be placed along the upper one foot of the wall backfill, if desired. The remainder of the backfill behind the zone of free draining soil should consist of a suitable granular structural fill. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I. I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 Seismic Design Considerations E-11069-1 Page 10 The Puget Sound region is classified as Zone 3 by the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The largest earthquakes in the Puget Sound region have been subcrustal (intraplate) events, ranging in depth from fifty (50) to seventy (70) kilometers. Such deep events have exhibited no surface faulting. Weaver and Shedlock (1989) researched the probable or known source areas for the crustal, intraplate, and subduction zone earthquakes in the Washington and Oregon area. Crustal and intraplate earthquakes are the only events in Washington and Oregon in which there is a historical record. Shallow crustal earthquakes occur within the North American Plate, and typically do not exceed focal depths of approximately 20 kilometers. Intraplate earthquakes occur in the subducting Juan de' Fuca plate, and typically occur below depths of 40 kilometers. The recent February 28, 2001, earthquake that was focused just north of Olympia, Washington was an intraplate earthquake, and had a magnitude of ML = 6.8. The subduction zone earthquake, in which there is no historical record in the Washington and Oregon area, would have its source along the interface between the North American Plate and the subducting Juan de Fuca Plate. Magnitude 8 + earthquakes are thought to be possible along this interface, and would occur at depths of approximately 50 to 60 kilometers (Weaver and Shedlock, 1989). The UBC Earthquake regulations have established a series of soil profile types that are used as a basis for seismic design of structures. Based on the encountered soil conditions, it is our opinion that soil type Sc from Table 16-J of the 1997 UBC should be used for design. For International Building Code (lBC) based design, Site Class C from Table 1615.1.1 of the 2003 IBC should be used. Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which soils lose all shear strength for short periods of time during an earthquake. The effects of liquefaction may be large total and/or differential settlement for structures with foundations founded in the liquefying soils. Groundshaking of sufficient duration results in the loss of grain-to-grain contact and rapid increase in pore water pressure, causing the soil to behave as a fluid for short periods of time. To have potential for liquefaction, a soil must be cohesionless with a grain size distribution of a specified range (generally sands and silt); it must be loose to medium- dense; it must be below the groundwater table; and it must be subject to sufficient magnitude and duration of groundshaking. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 1 3, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 11 Based on the soil and groundwater conditions observed at the site, it is our opinion that the site has a low susceptibility to liquefaction. The dense condition of the native soils is the primary basis for this conclusion. Slab-on-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors should be supported on competent native soils or granular structural fill. Loose or unstable subgrade soils should be stabilized prior to construction of the slab. Fill areas will be particularly susceptible to disturbance during wet weather conditions. Care will need to be taken to preserve the integrity of the subgrade soils, particularly during the installation of the under slab utilities. If the construction is performed during the drier summer months, measures to preserve the subgrade soils will likely be minimal. During periods of wet weather, however, a free draining structural fill may need to be utilized throughout the upper twelve (1 2) inches of the building pad to help preserve the integrity of the subgrade~ A minimum four-inch capillary break consisting of a free draining poorly graded gravel with less than 5 percent fines (percent passing the No. 200 sieve, based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction) should be placed below the slab. A vapor barrier consisting of a minimum 6-mil plastic membrane should be placed above the capillary break. To aid in curing of the concrete slab, two inches of sand can be placed over the plastic membrane. The subgrade soils in slab-on-grade areas of the site should be observed by a representative of ECI prior to placing the capillary break material. Site Drainage During construction, surface water runoff must not be allowed to stand in construction areas. Interceptor trenches should be established, as necessary, along the perimeter of the building site to intercept surface water runoff or groundwater before it enters the construction area. During construction, loose surfaces should be compacted to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Finish grades around the buildings must be sloped such that surface water is directed away from the buildings. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I 'I 'I I I ,I ( I I I I I' I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 12 Footing drains should be installed around the perimeter foundations to intercept groundwater seepage. A typical perimeter footing drain detail is illustrated on Plate 3. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing or foundation wall drain systems. All roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to the site storm water system. In the deeper site excavations, the presence of groundwater seepage should be expected, particularly if the excavation is performed during the wet season. The presence of groundwater seepage should be expected in the excavation for the stormwater detention pond. Due to the generally dense condition of the glacial till soils observed at the test pit locations, we do not anticipate the groundwater seepage will create a stability problem. However, measures to intercept the groundwater seepage and direct it to an appropriate discharge location may be necessary. Excavations and Slopes The following information is provided solely as a service to our client. Under no circumstances should this information be interpreted to mean that ECI is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. In no case should excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state, and Federal safety regulations. Based on the information obtained from our field exploration, the upper deposits of medium dense, silty sand with gravel that extends to a depth of approximately three feet below existing site grades, would be classified as Type C soils by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Temporary cuts in Type C soils should be sloped at an inclination no steeper than 1.5H: 1 V, respectively. The unweathered glacial till observed below a depth of approximately three feet would be classified as Type A and Type B soils by OSHA. Temporary slopes constructed in Type A and Type B soils should be inclined no steeper than 0.75H:1V and 1 H: 1 V, respectively. ECI should observe the excavations to assess soil and groundwater conditions, and to verify the OSHA soil type. Permanent cut and fill slopes should be inclined no steeper than 2H: 1 V. Cut slopes should be observed by ECI during excavation to verify that conditions are as anticipated. Supplementary recommendations can then be developed, if needed, to improve stability, including flattening of slopes or installation of surface or subsurface drains. In any case, water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of slopes. Earth Consultants. Inc. I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY I I I I I I t I I I I I KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 13 Permanently exposed slopes should be seeded with an appropriate species of vegetation to reduce erosion and improve stability of the surficial layer of soil. Utility Trench Backfill Based on the soil conditions encountered at the time of our exploration, the native soils should provide adequate support for utilities. If remedial measures are necessary to provide adequate support for utilities, the unsuitable soils should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. In our opinion, the native silty sand with gravel soils can be considered for use as backfill for the utility trenches, provided the soil moisture content is at or near its optimum level. As previously mentioned, the native soils were generally moist to wet, and had a moisture content that was near or above its optimum level. Some moisture conditioning of these soils may be necessary prior to use as structural fill in the utility trenches. Due to the moisture sensitive nature of the native silty sand with gravel soils, placement and compaction of the soil will need to be performed during dry weather conditions. To protect the soils from wet weather conditions, soil stockpiles should be covered with plastic sheeting. The plastic sheeting should cover the entire stockpile. Due to the moisture sensitive nature of the native silty sand with gravel soils, the upper twelve (12) inches of the trench backfill in building and pavement areas may become disturbed if exposed to wet weather conditions and construction traffic. Construction traffic should be kept to a minimum along utility trench alignments where backfilling and compaction have been completed. As an alternative, a free draining gravel can be used to backfill the upper twelve (1 2) inches of the trench excavations to provide a wearing surface, and to help protect the underlying moisture sensitive backfill. Use of a free draining backfill along the upper twelve (1 2) inches of the trench excavation would likely only be necessary if construction is performed during the wet season. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I' I I I I I 'I I, I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 14 Utility trench backfill is a primary concern in reducing the potential for settlement in pavement areas. It is important that the utilities be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to ensure support is provided around the haunches of these structures. Fill should be carefully placed and tamped to about 12 inches above the crown of the pipe before heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. The remainder of the backfill should be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve (12) inches. A typical trench backfill section and compaction requirements for load supporting and non-load supporting areas is presented on Plate 4. It is important to note that local utility districts may have compaction requirements that differ from those presented on Plate 4. Rockeries and Modular Block Walls In our opinion, the use of rockeries or modular block walls at the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. If rockery or modular block walls are utilized, an engineered design will need to be completed for rockeries and walls that exceed four feet in height. ECI can provide an engineered design for the site, if requested. At a minimum, ECI should review the layout of the proposed walls and the proximity of roadways and foundations to the walls. Supplement geotechnical recommendations can then be prepared, if necessary, to address wall design and surcharge loading. Pavement Areas The adequacy of site pavements is related in part to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To provide a properly prepared subgrade for pavements, the subgrade should be in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling with a loaded dump truck. Structural fill in pavement areas should be prepared as described in the Site Preparation and General Earthwork section of this report. This means the pavement subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density in structural fill areas. It is possible that some localized areas of soft, wet or unstable subgrade may exist after the pavement subgrade is prepared. Overexcavation and a greater thickness of structural fill or crushed rock may be needed to stabilize these localized areas. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 E-11069-1 Page 15 Assuming a properly prepared subgrade that is in a firm and unyielding condition when subjected to proofrolling, the following pavement section for lightly-loaded areas is suggested: • Two inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB) material, or • Two inches of ACover three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) material. Heavier truck-traffic areas will require thicker pavement sections depending upon site usage, pavement life, and site traffic. As a general rule, the following sections are suggested for truck-trafficked areas: • Three inches of AC over six inches of CRB, or • Three inches of AC over four and one-half inches of A TB. Asphalt concrete (AC), asphalt treated base (ATB), and crushed rock base (CRB) materials should conform to WSDOT specifications. All rock bases should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. LIMITATIONS Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses, the design information provided to us, and our experience and engineering judgement. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations submitted' in this report are based upon the data obtained from the test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between exploration sites may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations do appear, ECI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and allowed to modify or verify our recommendations in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Earth Consultants. Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY KBS Development Corporation July 13, 2004 Additional Services E-11069-1 Page 16 We recommend that ECI be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction specifications. We also recommend that ECI be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. ECI should be retained to review the construction drawings and specifications, and to provide construction observation and testing. Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Reference: King County Map 626 By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 2004 NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. e c.~~"f~~" • .s:~?,,~~~t~2l;',;.,,~t;!~,~~ construction Testing & ICBO I WABO Inspection Services Vicinity Map Stone Ridge II King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date July 2004 Proj. No. 11069-1 Checked SSR Date 712104 Plate 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ 450 440 430 420 4110 400 \ \390 380 370 f 370 1 , \' \ \ I I / -'if-, 1 \ \ I I I..l. \\ I I ~ I 'I r \" - - - - - - --t - - - - - - - - - -~ - - -i-I - -~ ---II - -\" - -"'I - - --; - - -'/;' ---: ± ]-- ---:-/ r ~ --1-- --- --T - - -~ -1 I ' I r - - - --1--,--1-- --J I \ \) 1\ f'-~ / J ,,38 I \ l I \ I / I) I /~ I I / i'l I I " " I I 37 \" ~4 1\ I/'/ I I ) ~ -A /' /' I I / 'I I-- ---"'-~-- - \ I ... \ I I .... ± I' J 1 I ~" / ~ ---_ _ _ _ _ I 35 \ ">< /' \ I \ : ('i-± ~ I / ; , I I 39 \ I 1_ ~\ -\ ) /' J I I " I I ~ '-/ I, 1"380 /1 I I _I I \ /' 1 I \ \ I 1\ 1 1 I 1 I L - --- - \ 3tz , /' I I \ ,\ '\ \ \" '\) --___ /' TP-14 1 I) I I 39.f I: 1 --/', \ \ -.1-/ ,/' 400 1 \ \ ~ \/ 33 I \ \ 'Pond ,I TP-6\ ,\\ 1 1 .< ..! ---\ j..-C ---I - - - -.... 460 40 \ __ \ '\ I __ 1 \ 'I _ ~ _ \ ,,\. -.-/' I / / / -_ _ /) " \ I 1 \ 1 ._._--\ \( \ \ __ --I Tf-81 \ \ [I ~\ f /1 ITP-13 /// I ;/ ,;...-,// I \ ' I 1 --\ 32 \ ~ ------\ \-°1 I I I:" \ / f--"' J ; I /' l \ 1 \ t. __ ~.-.-\ I /' ;/' ;'>( \ \ I I 1 ~ \ 1 \,-'1\ ,/ / 1 1-' / / I ,../ /' : \ \ /<'" \ \ \ Y I f..:: \ >---___ J ____ ---1..._--./" / I I " /' /' \ I I , , ;;. -L.... /' , I \ \ 42 :. V/'/' /' X \ 31 \ I , \ \ \ (",' / / / "-./ '<" /' ;' \ \ \ \ ._._--\ ~ /' --,)'. 1\ ' , \ I /,1 I \. ---~ I \ \ 4~ \...-----\ (" 30 \./' \ : ", \ 'J ~) / / / ( / ~', !, \ 1 1 \ \ 43 \ \ /1 ' 1 I 1 \ ' r: _1 ____ /.-__ -\ _ / --J - - - -~--I - - --)./ --\ / /'-I) 'j /' /' r-\ '" I \ --I' \ '\~ /' '/ I '''' \ I .-.-\ , 1 .......... , \ I, ( / " / L--~_\ .--'\ \ '// /29 I ') ...... /1 \ \ , \ II~j I I / // TP-151 11'l', , \ 4Jq I ~ \ ,~ I '\ I ---\ \ " \ \: I I -.-I ' , 1 I \ \ ~ '\ J / / -r:-- --\--l-~ - \ L I I / j 1 I' \ I 1 I \ \ 46 , // 28 / \ / I I \ I \ "\' ~(---+ T - - - - -1.1-- - - - -r --T -'1-- - --'--4-441 1 T -9 / A I / \ I \ \ ,,\ I J' / I I 1 1 \ \ 45 \ -°1-;' / '" -: /1 2"7, / \, I \ ',: ~\ \, \I.-/ 1 1 / I 3 I II/' 'I \ \, / / , \ 26 I" ',\\ f 1 I , T, t "C" / 1-- ---'--\ \ \ ------/ / \1 '25 'I 24' J 23 1 \ \ "'-, 1 I 1 rac.J I \ -'" ---'" / .......... \" t I \, - - --A=1 I-- - - - -.-5-_ '" _ / I I \ \ _\ __ ---::::::->::--, ,/ "/', 1\, 1'\ I', \. ~l/ I /// 1 TPr12 I ",_--r-r---6--~;--I I 47 \ \::---/:: __ ----__ ', '~~ /~--:....~ " ............ / J I II 1 \ 1 '" I', i I // 2 I '//4 1 1 "-, ___ . 1 __ \ .i ~ /, --/ ,,~ ---' I I I I "\' IA 1 ( ) l.:-/ 1 1 1 Tract "E"j 470 -'\ / "-, -, ," 1 /' /' 'I \ / / "-., 1 ---+ - . -':..... - - - ---"-< - -~ - --+-",,--'t--- - - -I '--- --1. - --I - - - - - -...... -- "\ \ , 49 / Tract "P' r-...... ............ ,TP-1 0 b I " , \' , , \ .,.} 1 / ~I 48 f -, / Recreational Open Space,' --' 1 -. \ 1 '\1 1 I \ ~ ,--I , l' // ~~ -- -_l... -./-L - - - - -r - - -~--~ - - --I~--=: ----.....~", ~ ( ----\\-r --; ~ _ --..... \ '~-~(I/' --1--~;-/-I--------, (/' --1---l---...... , 420 I~ 1\ I \ '~I ~ T ~ 21' 1 20~ ~ ~ ~~' I 14 II 1 1 \ / ......... \........ -" / / I' , I I I --', 1 \ 'k ~'17 1 /16 15 I _lL_I __ 10 1 7 I, I '. 460 I 450 1 ,I '. -.J -, 1 '-J I I I 1-----I 1// I --T------'-I' 470 I -'-- -I -.." - - - . , I I \ I ~ ~ I ~2 1 ~, II I' ~ -/ ( 1 I 13 II / / ill I IV 1 t /', 1 ~\_ r-_--=--==-=-...... -l......~jl ____ 7J/ 1--------'--l-I----1 1 LEGEND I // _J-_""'"I-L-----"l I, ~v. \ ITP-11 /'" 1 1 II I 440 1 I/" '1 1 41Q, '-]I _ ./ 1 I 1 I 1)/ II I'" I ''-, I -t2 I I 9. 1 8 1 I 1 II 18 , '10..\ I --I 1 TP-14-j-Approxima~e Loc~tion of ...... / ~ \ I' r, \: ~ \ \ ~ I .' .... I 1 ECI Test Pit, ProJ. No. _ ~ - - - -L _ .L. '::', __ '""' ~ _....L, ________ ,_ -_, __ ...L - - - - -_I '-" \ ..-k. E-11 069, April 2004 ' ~30 420 -420 "1 ----, l ___ ~ Subject Site 12 Proposed Lot Number e Earth Consultants, Inc. " D Proposed Detention Pond r:-~~ 1 Wetland Areas L ~ ~ j (Delineated by Others) TP-1 -t-Approximate Locati~n of ECI Test Pit Not :Included ,-,. 0 Approximate Scale 50 100 1 200ft. NOTE: This Plate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. '!I ·1 Geotechnical Engineering. Geology. Environmental Sciences Construction Testing & lCBO , WABO Inspection Services Test Pit Location Plan Stone Ridge II King County, Washington I Drwn. GLS Date July 2004 I Proj. No. 11069-1 , C~~ked SSR Date 7/2104 I Plate 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 Inch min. o 4 inch min. Diameter Perforated Pipe Wrapped in Drainage Fabric f 2 inch min. 14 inch max. LEGEND Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability material. 1" Drain Rock Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or slots facing down; tight Jointed; with a positive gradient Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie building downspout drains Into footing lines. Wrap with Mirafl 140 Filter Fabric or equivalent. 12 inch min. 18 inch min. t 2 Inch min. SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • ~h...£<;>~l'!!~t:;t~,!!lS: '.'. Construction Testing & ICBO I W ABO inspection Services TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL Stone Ridge II King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date July 2004 ProJ. No.11069-1 Checked SSR Date 712104 Plate 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Non-Load Supporting Floor Slab or Areas Areas - Backfill Bedding LEGEND Asphalt or Concrete Pavement or Concrete Floor Slab f?.,o ~ Base Rock or Capillary Break, o 0 as Appropriate Backfill; Compacted On-Site Soli o.:.:..:.....::&;..l,,", or Suitable Imported Fill Material Minimum Percentage of Maximum Laboratory Dry Density as determined by ASTM Test Method 0 1557-91 (Modified Proctor), unless otherwise specified In the attached report text. Bedding Material; material type depends on type of pipe and laying conditions. Bedding should conform to the manufacturers recommendations for the type of pipe selected. Varies 1 foot min. Varies Varies SCHEMATIC ONLY -NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING .~\l£<?~~I.t~!!.~,~s; '''Ii COnstruction Testing & leBO I WABO inspection ServiceS TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH FILL Stone Ridge II King County, Washington Drwn. GLS Date July 2004 ProJ. No. 11069-1 Checked SSR Date 712104 Plate 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION E-11069-1 Our field exploration was performed on April 26, 2004. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating fifteen (15) test pits throughout the site. Three of the test pits were excavated within the proposed Stone Ridge II development. The approximate test pit locations were determined from existing landmarks presented on available plans. The locations of the test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by a geologist from our office, who classified the soils encountered and maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative samples, measured groundwater levels, and observed pertinent site features. All samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System that is presented on Plate A 1, Legend. Logs of the test pits are presented in Appendix A, Plates A2 through A4. The final logs repre~ent our interpretations of the· field logs and the results of the laboratory tests of field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. Earth Consultants, Inc. ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH [SYMBOL LETTER SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTION Coarse Grained Soils More Than' 50% Material Larger Than . No. 200 Siave \3ize Fine Gramed Solis More Than 50% Material SmalierTl"an No. 200 Sieve Si.ze') C qu W P * pet LL PI Gravel And Gravelly Soils More Than ~O% co.arse fraction Retained On No.4 Sieve Sand And SC\ndy SoilS More Th!1n 50% CO'arse Fraction Passing No.4 Sieve Silts Arid Clays Silts And Clays Clean Gravels (little or no fines) Gravels With Fines ( appreciable amount of fines, Clean Sand· (little or no fines) 'Sands With Fines (appreciable .amount of fines) Liquid Limit Less Than 50 Liquid limit Greater Than Highly Organic Soill; Topsoil Fill , '" "v .,,", '" ..j xxx xxx Well-Graded Gravels. Gravel-Sand Mixtures. Little Or No Fines Poorly -Graded GravElls, Gravel- Sand Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Silty Gravels. Gravel-Sand- Silt Mixtures Clayey Gravels. Gravel-sand- clay Mixtures Well-Graded Sands, Gra"elly Sands, Little Or No Fines Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly Sands. Little Or No Fines silty Salids, Sand -Silt Mixtures Clayey Sands, Sand -Clay Mixtures Inorganic Silts & Very Fine Sands, Clayey Fine Sands; Clayey Silts wI Flour, Silty- Plasticity InprganicClays Of Low To Medium Plasticity. Gr.avellY Clays. Sandy Clays. Silty ·Clays. Lean Organic Silts And Organic Silty Clays Of Low Plas.ticity Inorg!!nicSjlt!l, Micaceous Or piatomaCElOU5 Fir\~. Sand' Or Silty Soils Inorganic Clays Of-High Plastici!Y. Fat Clays. . Organic Clays Of Medium ToHigh Plasticity, Organic Silts Peat, Humus, Swamp Soils With High Organic Contents Humus And Duff Layer Hll"hly Variable Constituents The discussion in the text of this report Is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented In the attached logs. DUAL SYMBOLS are used to Indicate borderline soli classification. TORVANE READING, tsf PENETROMETER READING, tsf MOISTURE, % dry weight SAMPLER PUSHED SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED DRY DENSITY, Ibs. per cubic ft. LIQUID LIMIT, % PLASTIC INDEX Earth Consultants Inc. (j<:olt~cluliu.d Ellgh"~crs, (;ooluglsls & l~nvlrOl\lnc.~ual SLi(;lulslS I 2" 0.0. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER n 24" 1.0. RING OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER I WATER OBSERVATION WELL sz DEPTH OF ENCOUNTERED GROUNDWATER DURING EXCAVATION Y SUBSEQUENTGROUNDWATERLEVELWjDATE LEGEND Proj. No. 11069 Date Jul}' 2004 Plate Al I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Test Pit Log Job No. Logged by: 11069 SSR NW Notes: General W i :8 E Notes (%) ;;; : :~ 14.5 :: :. : : : .: ~; : : 14.3 ~ .1 (1):8 it E o E ~ c'l ~;;; SM 1 2 3 SM 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date: 4126/04 Test Pit No.: Sheet 1 Ground Surface Elevation: 370' Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil & Sod 4": grass 1 straw Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist (Fill) Brown silty fine SAND, loose, moist -19.0% fines -decrease in silt content Test Pit Log Stone Ridge King County, Washington represent our observations at the time and ludgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations. 1ft*"...,0+,,,,,, ........... tAft "'" th'a """ exploratory hole, cannot accept responsibility for the use or intAiTlMt:=rlinn of 1 I Test Pit Log I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Job No. 11069 NW Notes: General Notes Logged by: SSR 15.1 16.0 Date: 4/26/04 Sheet of Test Fit No.: TP-14 Ground Surface Elevation: 375' 1 1 Surface Concfltions: Depth of Topsoil & Sod 4": grass gravel, loose to 2~~~~r-~--~~~~~--~--~--~----~~------------~ SM Brown silty SAND, loose to medium dense, moist 3 4 -medium dense -dense. 5 -decrease in silt content 7 8 9~~----r-~~~--~--~~~~~--~~----~~----~----~ Test pit terminated at 9.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during exca.vation. Test Pit Log Stone Ridge King County, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Test Pit Log Job No. Logged by: 11069 SSR Notes: General Notes W (%) 20.7 10.2 2 3 4 5 Date: 4126/04 .. Sheet of Test Pit No.: Ground Surface Elevation: 400' 1 1 Surface Conditions: Depth of Topsoil & Forest Duff 6" gravel, medium dense, -dense 6~4-----r-~--~--~--~~~--~--~~----~------~----~ Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet below existing grade. No groundwater encountered during excavation. Test Pit Log Stone Ridge King County, Washington I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B I LABORATORY TEST RESULTS) I E-11069-1 I I I I I· I I Earth Consultants, Inc. I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I Particle Size Distribution Report ~ ~ I i ~! ~ E E E .. '" N o i 100 90 80 70 c::: W 60 Z -u: !z 50 ~ 40 W a. 30 20 10 0 , , , , , , , 200 100 rt'~ Ll i I; ,. r~ I: --.;... . \~ 10 % COBBLES % GRAVEL % SAND 0 0 A SIEVE Inches size 1.5 3/4 3/8 >< o Source: o Source: A Soui-ce: 16.0 65.2 44.0 37.4 31.4 49.6 PERCENT FINER 0 100.0 94.1 91.3 0.623 0.182 0 100.0 76.6 64.6 GRAIN SIZE 6.77 0.309 A 100.0 80.9 75.9 1.99 0.276 COEFFICIENTS 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE -mm % SILT % CLAY 18.8 18.6 19.0 SIEVE PERCENT FINER number size o 0 #4 84.0 56.0 #8 76.4 51.5 #16 68.2 47.6 #30 58.9 43.4 #50 32.6 29.6 #100 29.0 26.7 #200 18.8 18.6 Sample No.: TP-7 Sample No.: Tp·8 Sample No.: TP-13 68.6 61.6 56.4 51.1 30.4 27.1 19.0 EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. Client: Project: Stone Ridge Project No.: E-11069 0.01 0.001 USCS MSHTO PL LL SM SM SM SOIL DESCRIPTION o TP-7: 9' -SM Gray silty Sand with gravel; 15% moisture o TP-8: 12' -SM Gray silty Sand with gravel; 6.1% moisture A TP-I3: 4' -SM Brown silty Sand with gravel; 14.5% moisture REMARKS: o Tech: INC o Tech: INC A Tech: mc Elev.lDepth: 9' EJev./Depth: 12' Elev.lDepth: 4' Plate Bl I I I DISTRIBUTION I E-11069-1 I ~Copies KBS Development Corporation 12320 Northeast Eighth Street, Suite 100 I Bellevue, Washington 98005 Attention: Mr. Curtis Schuster I I I I I I I I I I tIlMA- I Kyle R. Campbell, P .E. Principal I Earth Consultants, Inc. I • • • • • Geotechnical Engineering Earthwork Observation & Testing \ Services Geological Services Laboratory Testing: Construction Materials Engineering & Inspection Environmental Services I Earth Consultants, Inc., a subsidiary I of U.S. Laboratories, Inc., is a consulting geotechnical. environmental, and materials engineering firm I specializing in providing high quality services, which are economical and responsive. Our multidisciplined I approach includes a broad base of services which include: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I {l ~: .. '" ", .............. :~ ""'" 0< 7 . .;" "".. [ ""''''/P-~ "/"/,,,,,,//',,,/,::::~\ BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 10010089 /S'4 ..... -. .. /' :-;/' " /,:/~' ", .. /;' .. :.@ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. 03, T. 23 N., R 5 E., W.M . . :{ ,/' .f J' .. :,: ...... .KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ::.:.::: •• ,.::0' .$)'''' ... :': .~.~ ...... ':. . :,~. ,miCLARATION':···:,.? APPROVAlS: .:,...... ,0.. .:' ...... ::' :: ...... ···~·~'IoI ..... . ............. _..... ~fs~ ~N~ft l~~JA~fSN~6~~~~E'oti~~~~~!~~. : ..... Qepar,.\':~nt of oevelODIIlnt and Environmental S.~vices 1lO\f'Il'~Y LIII£ ADJUSTMENT THEREOf.,I'URS\JANT TO AC_ '.: •••• 'pprov~~'th1a ____ day 01 C-It.....,. A.D .. 20os..-5&:.17.0'0.~ DECL~ THIS"~TMENT TO ~''I'IiE. GRAPHIC': '>'~,,;: :f -~ ~~f.M-t~NF~ COr&r..uor·.Nif'I~H:tc~~J~~~f::r~EI.~ /' .-! •.•• , ... DESIRES OF THE allNERIS)':' IN.1IlTNESS..liHEREOF ,lot HIvE .:: ,,' ':'.:. SET Il..R HANDS A+fO.SE.lL~·. ,': .~' i~ .-:. "",:. -," ,:,.,. ., .... -~aerL..,~~ Pl.1t1na Unlt .•.••• ;: :.\:::. '.\" .••.. .'.,. • ...... ;::i:: ."..;,:'" ",;." ••. ,-,<rLi ",' :.(::'~" .,~;:'.~CiPI'I.i.n. 00£5 I? ...... ,. .,.' ;.' ,I' KD£ COUNTY DEPAlTI4fjNT. OF 'ASSESSMENTS: 'YIII~O~ .. ""., .. -." .' .;" ~~.Inod •. Qd .,~qrlia (nl~. --'ll __ day 01 ... 3i ...... '\,"'.<-__ ~~~~-~~-....... --<.I-~..... ...;., , ........ " -" ~200.... I Mildred 5e~~. /. /. ,:Xi:count.JlU>II>ej. MUMt.!ii;:osA>f,1. 4:1_4: 9u,9 OLD LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: LOT lit tT lJ: AiRCEL D:I2lO8. SI03I!ft nc NDATH J~ t1:f:T '" 1lC -.mt .9:5 FEET TO ntf: NaRTHEAST ~OF~~tI~r~:.3.INT~="~n. tlAatDeTQN. LOT It (TAX PAIaL a~ . ..." TlE fClRTH tW.F gr nE SQ.rTH tW..I' Dr' n£ ~~I~~tEJlsm~~ '~ .,. .... mm IS FGU.DIIt BESDIaNI AT A POINT ON bE NORTH lDE OF SAm !IUBONIstDII :ti':.~~ ne'F~ \WE9f'lu.~ ~s~lECTro .. ~ NORtH 17'31'31· lEST ALatI suo .anH LlHE 12:1 fEET: Q~9L!z::lu.$.. ~~:;j~' ./'/ d' wc:~~./·';·,:.·,"ii2;····:ifi:.wl.4, /~;;:.~> JJ1lA to. ~ .~. K~uri£y liulsor:} D.putY.~ tau"~ Aaausa,. 'O::"~ == =m XJ=5:g:: ~ ~.~~T: lHEJCE NDImt .10 'r.!·CZ· bST us.."r.1 fEET TQ THE POINT 01' ElEGDffIlG; EXCEPT TH£ u.sT 30 fUT TfCIIUI"' f"UII ~TT ~. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' ':""" .," ,.'. .-:: .:" .. , .. , ···i. :; """" .;. Lor YO " •• PAACS. ........ ...., . ····· .. ·:~~t NOTE; ... :-" .. t .J...... .;::,.... ti .~:": ~! ... !.. :m:::~1~~~~~ ~l: ~ttfT~b State Df Mash1ngton i 5S l:A: ~~~;~:liy:l~:tl n:~r :~:~~n t~~e~~~~r~JlNnty (/ •• _ ....... ,~ ! EAST, .n.~ . .uIDIAN. IN KlHI c:cum. County of WUr:5h2n ~ '::':.. _111 ba aui!atlll far ".v.lot( .. n~",!"nli' or in the.~"utu,.t.:.:\ ~ .. ~ .~ RUDS. ;-!:-.;:. hiS is to certify .~~! ~;.:··t~s a5~ day Df :=:e;:f:li~~:~:~t~~"V~~I~r::~f~~~"i~~sb~e~~ :~e l:-:: ... ''': ....... ~.·~LRl:~ nAi:~ CD23Q5.~ ,l' M~U .... ''2QD;1. before IDt, the uncter the Silac owoersJ\lD.. ...,1':.. .~: • ..,~ t..OT '''.Ne) It<<-):s~ ... QF ~IU." aJ.IIfn StUn PUT a ott 1;rAot!~:t!. ubd:l,\,!er!lcnally:.~ppellreo __ ":,. .",.,., ••• 1 .:,~'. .,,:~' 1 ..... •••••••• .. • ............. ~~&'IIE~~~u.~~" ; 't1i De kno"," 1:" be the ·f .:' .J" AFFm&vtJ; .:' •• 't -:. person (sj .no e-ec.llted t~{egi;:;a.('Ig CleClie .. Uon and :i:.,. .: •. ' :~. . •• ---.... ):TDC£1lER ~ TME ~,*DIC ~ PACFEATY z. ACaR).UCI 'Uljl·d'~:.t:.:·v:~~~t..~ aet a~~9~::dt?::f.~::. ~;r.~ "':'.:~ i1 ~~: . .-.... ~ .... ~·~~~~~~~~ccun end purposes J.~rel" Ifte~'t'oned .. / .. ~: NOTES: ":.':. . ". i5"rI1 VJ~":r:M~OFDO~CF ~a.::~~ . Wltne:5s-..... 1 hana aIiii Qfflc1eJ"~eel tne-:·(tay anti ye'J" .l·· .. ·.I ....... ··~· ~ lAST. ~ IEJlIDJAN. tN\:hII aum'. f 1rst eDDV,,"'wr tten. .... .: .. -:. ...," qc' • .:: . .... _ ..... ~: ............ _ .... :-.,:., ;:. .... ._u ..... ' .. ~ .. : ':,. n t'et;~~ ~:':~n e~-= ~~:y~~~yr~~~ ~~~~t~DWer . ·:·:'l": .. :&:k.r::lI1ORTM lac.~~I~1 SANDIifA c.. MeGHEE'i: .~ .:. tranl.lIlian/dIstrlbutiOn ayltelllS ."a .ppurten.nce. ~:rr~tanH MtoLF ~ • -NOTA'iY.PUWC , "-.. :':". ::c~:r~ru~::.~ ~e~;l~~t~~~·~.:~u!a!~r d::er D1DISt-:rJr1J~ ~~Y~' J l'IUIor"'~ XIS' Notary C .'.In Ind, the~':: nat provlcse ,nougn lnforaaUcm to grapl"l1CIUr aep1tt DC CAST or I.GT I " BAm K. f!'....~~ .. a:~-l.~!!~~.!'.~P}1lglv~,t:e:l1alng:~.. :/ .. I~ ••• ·_ ... ~~~~t an tnl •• urve,. DCEP1' ccunY PCWlS. .~ :. ..:.. .-: .1' 2) SUbJtc¥··to drelnfilld .aa ... nt,. the Jocation ot Nf'l1th :: .• -.. ~ .. : ".... .::' cannot be~IPhltlJl1 r.prellnted on this .... vey. per =rI&1~J~ ~~~CDaD~L~~ER '::::-. ..:....... . ...... ~ .~ ... :: ...... I.·=~~~II ..,~ ~~=~.Na. S92L.OS03 fileD und.r '::::'.':" .I··I"~ ::'.... :,1 ... .:. 3) sui:i.H..i9·~··CDYeri~nt ... ·:~N:UUon •. restrletlonl •• t 11. R MITH AN EASEMENT FDA RIWJ AMI UTtUTIEI OYER TI4E: , PQATlClf CF LDJ I AI DIICLDSED ON TltE F'ACi. OF ntE _ r . .... " .. ,...... :~: ,;1:' ~.;i~·.cD~~"~a~~3c::Qt·~~~~!.No. ,486017. 'ilea \. ····" .. ~ .. :·-s~.ct lD.i~MIO ~~. cona1t~:n. DI ~:ng CJIO'ltJ 8D"n •• ~y '::""" ~;~~~nt .~. S!I2L~!J13. fIl.~~ un~:~.tor~!ng no . . -, :, ... h-sl "'Sub J H;f',' to ,.caei·v.t1Dn~!~~nCl u ~~'tlgFJi; ~"ntDl';';;" 'r~"'·~~~·ci"~;. Iro. !lDrth.~n ""'iI.I.'i..thll1~.8JI· CD"II~. I uea und.~ ,.lcoNl'!!'a no. "~.8IS7. . ..... o' .::' .:.:#··· ........ ;1 :i ... ·••·····.· ..... 61 Subj_ct''"<t.D ,..o.~ .. nSnt.n."c.· ag,..lIIIent ant,:'te,..s ~nt.1neCl ...• ~~. kl~3~,,:r S.~~ PJa:'!:-:No .• ~&OS7 •. ~rl.CI un~~~: reco~~J,l\Q. .... ;; !~. n SUtl,ect to a DC.I~i·i .. :~ence-:~ncrDIlc:tri.nt III ;l~tlD.~:·(ln ,;~. ..:,:' ,.r, ..... -_ ..... , .......... : .. BUrny tHed untler r.co"'dlnO=~D. 87.e1279027 .. ';· .: ,... :: .• ' ••..• "'",' ,(,,,/ l::",/''?'' {':'::~;:i)//"'?; ........ \. ~t'·.o.\;c.e fl~ '.':"':l RECORDING CERTIFICATE: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: ... _ .... , .~~ u_ Ce tIe -0l!I 'w: =: . ...u -;:' YV, .,:' .:' T -fD r-r263~J--""l ~-.-.... rtf!..-s Rcrb~ .212,,'" ~i~ •• _----__ ~ __________ ~ ________ _ nltd"'~tItt.~ ... of rtcl,r <*q,.t,L.e. t,. •. 111 _l!1.." .,....,. It PI9~.' trw nm:t!lt of "--1. ----.. ~~ ~,,~"4 I'll. bftat"J U_ MI~ CCII"NIdI'....-.. __ .., .. ·,,_··-z/: ,... .. ~-... ~'iab" ... n-:_._ :i:. .;:12505 B~.T Red .~ <,' Jt'V.I..IIK;;. . ... : ..... ' IIIUev.lIf. NA .' .. Surveymg raN~ COliNTrJ:/ifAS~GTO SHEET 1 OF 3.: -.,~-. < ~ I /.i,t/~,/'····,:>, . ' " .' .' @"""' ~ ~,. '1 . i .... f LJ • M"~ '~~ .. '" • 'J" ", .c·... .. 'T=:. 2~~,. ;::";0" ;t~~ •• 4' "! '" ",,, ,',,' " .... ". '-::::.0. 't:~,,, "'~. " " (, .. ,/' // ,,/' ",,:::'::': i ............. :.,'. , ...... "",;.. ..... ,-':;,. :'O:,r.f." ;OM" "" • '\ .. ,/ .,' .,;' i i' ... .;.;".~iI!!lf.::1.~.I1,' .. / """-.". ----d-.. ;'.~."...,,-' .. <:'J"'/i:I"i/;~~(:;~~/~:~' ;'''~;~-~1~'':,~~: .. , .. ~ ~" Ii' BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO . LOOL0089 A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. KING COUNTY. 03. T. 23 N.. R 5 E.. W. M. WASHINGTON s' .000 ~ ''-:t' .... .-... " ...... ···1 l!.:t'NE ./ . r:'::--~~:~~'/ '''~ .. ::::... :$:.~ •. """"....... (....t.. ._. ..! __ •.•• -+ ....... . ~---LOT X .-/ -I ,,-'r'.: If.LItrE OF frE V. OF S£ 1I. z ;. .. LVI inl ~ !"~ ~ -.., I') .';". 732.6li :~~'S7" • ",:: K: if" ''':::fo 587 "4ilS'15"E !.~,~ ...... ,:. oj' . ,,~ !...VI f''''' " <' " ...... ,. .,"-... '. . ..... __ . ',: ,; t~ ./"',.. ,/i-l' LOT Y • ... . ..r ..... _ 11 :; •• CTCLIlI.C-"OOZ '~,:.' t .,,-/·'Ii ./f~ .f""':-:' ?', ,M • .-(: ...• j ~:,. Ii·-:..----L_ LV'. J ,. > " I .. 07· .. ·\D·[ m p' rzi-SE 107lb PI. -------~____ 1 « 1 K IJ"J .-A [ .-.. w... ....... ~ 100 200 ; ! ,~--~ .. _.", }:? ... '--rr---.",e.. -_. -----::3:--=--L ====-=::! ... ....,.. USfJENT-r I ..c Pa &A lilli, I112LDSn. la' I .... ~ I ~ REC. MD, .... Rloa........ BRESS £A5BDT I aJ Scale: :-.:::."~ Rf,I;. III. ~.. -.:t ................ ..... :.i· .. : .. · ... : .. ;: J .:.. .;.'.: .: .... ;. Southellt camer Sec, 3~ .' .' ., ". T .... 23N •• Ang 5E .• I.M. a;: .:' ... ~. . " .. i.-Found aonuaent. incned 2 . .~ .. " .... :/: ,:=="" .:."/ ... :.~~::"'-"'" .... \ .. _..... I 1 ~lm:= '-::'-:"'.-,.:,,~: .. , ..... ' -~. L-3I,_ ,:' =:.A~cl'.". \'-:.-.. ,.-:".':.'.'~'--~~.'~::~;:;;' 1" = 100' Notes: Easement.. Not~Si' .::. .::' /" 'i~ "., Leg~l'1d: 1) An._ .. aunt 'f~~"P;;;tc:~ouna ~~'rgy"i~'1au qta';':parcel*: ~:"~""""' ••• Mo~nt round. Visited Octabe,.. 15.1998 True •• ae_nt ill • Dl8hk.e.l eeseDet\t IIcraa,::tne Slt .. ·• ....~: -: ___ ... 1) '~:~t~a~~:~ j~~ gg~~~at!u:=::~~~~~~gi ~~_.~inQ ~~ 2) 31 entered on li4arcfl 23. 1987. There il " SlDP btltwee" the north Unc of UIC soutn 1~ , let and the north hne G f It ing County Short Plat No" 486017. wtl:cn was platted to the .Ub~iYi&ion line. The not"th line of the eouth 165 fee-t was hellO for thll. ~~~;"~!~;C:d ~~~;e~.iU=a:~6~2-~~~' tt-2. entered on MaI"'C" 23. 1987. • ISH '.rent •• ctlon br.~kdawn .as used fOf' this BL.A Uten the lec;Uon breekdo.n u:nd for the original Short Plat. lht:.'l. eno Uu: use of proration. up}e1ns Ule I11'ferences in SCl_ course, bet.eer'l the orIginal Shorl Plat a.,CI this BlI, onc! is not plottlDl •• FUn' un •• r.· Rae. Nil; B60B15tll25. .,' if.. •• Ae~-.trth rillt .. ~ .. t1c cap ·.to .... c! ::":,,~.O, ,J" ./,-./' .~ .. -."-:.: .... l~ . .2 3B-to CUI .ot'o;.:::. Basis of Bearing' .....-.'" .,' .," :: (1 •••• ".. :: .,. ::'B:.~::::::::.~ ~;-~ -... ~.;; ... / i.<j"{ '(':':;~":1.l,,/i ::f:;>'\ ~tre -iItI!> ....... -_"" •. J. _ Pointe (153) ~itlO.h"'··' . Survc" .... ~:N'E-Sff03, t23N. ~/Jy .... ,..1 .'6 .: "~ ..... JtI&s Part~a .. .:-.. .;;- :;.... .;'12505 ~ Red l\II.d f21~/ . "':,:' Boll._. IIA .,"98005.-F KING COtJN:llt/WAS~GTON{' "" [y: '~:z.q nail I" -100' . I~-;~ Jl SHEET 2 OF ~l.l., . .: J ~:O .,,::0 .• '::~~ ... BOUNDARY LINE LOOL0089 r 15~;:'~ ADJUSTMENT NO. ... :~.:' A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 SEC. KING COUNTY. 03. T. 23 N .• R 5 E..W.M: WASHINGTON §'/':::':~":,::::;:'); <'/',~?>,,-) """" ~.~~~~~~:~~. ' ';. ':'.. ,. ..... };: .:" ..~ ;.-~ "" .... I:.",;.f.~ t C:!c:uI.teCl rro. Klng to. GPS '.,'·'''·:~''/'·:',:/ .. ,'''i/'~'':::?: .. /::1::~~:'::~~.:~::,::', .. ,'\ . I ~:~; "'~"" ....... N •• t.~.!~rhr c.D~SIn;. 3, ...... • .~: :': n. ['I." .... :::.. East Quart ... carn.r Sec. 3 . • • ~C"~ TIIP ... : ~ •• MlI. ~' ........ -" ":'..:: ~ i ,,-1l1li2. clN •• Ana. !if'.. III ... . fGWiCI a,..It.:i:llac:ln can~c;rttll • ':11#1' SIJ" ..... " Faund ·X" in 10-etane _....-Jl~~ M9. In~ ... d. .~' -iii I ,,' "-···"·""._nt 0.&' W D' ... X •• . , ~ .... ,f' ;:. !\. . ... ;. S81"21i·02·~'·. .,5302.6 .. " .~. pent I top O,tf'ill~~ 1· -500'" ."'. .. • ~IA '::':,. -.' f.' .: •• , 'f ff __ -i~ ~ ":,. . .,,' .;: ./ .,: i: .-.-•. ,,,.... I 581·4S·IS·E 2645.07' III .. """'''-'''-~f (, ..... ",f'· .,/:':.:""""' •... ,: ... :;;.\. I~ ~ I IE Surveyor s Noles: '::. ."" .:" ...... .\, :: .i:"·,.. ~ III I l" t) The -anu_nt c:antro1 anovn fa,. thi~::$.l~' wa:J 1t'~Pll&il'"'lshj'~ \.:".... ·::!· .... :I.;F .:;'" • ;j:. I ~ ~ I ~ I z by field tro"erae utU1l1~ II cnt 11) GmI'l4·tft1!OI2.ol1te:;.~ .:':: :.,:... . w1th lnt.gral electronic CllItenct _alurtng eet.,. ::. L~. .;. ...'" .:... "':'.:. South quarter com.,. Ie Itieocn_ter 600) In8 Real n •• Kin ... tic (RTK) I StatiC'.. . •• :, •••. <":;. .:':' .:' ••••• Sec:. 3., T...,. 23N.. C\I I Globll Pe.itioning SYltI_ (GPS). Unaar and angular -':. . .. :.... .:' ... ~' .:' .• ' .:".;. i "'g. 5£ •• W.N. found 1-~~!~~_~:.o~he trave"ou llleet th. :!tenClartla of .ot.: ':::::.:. ...,,~:' J.:' .. :~~" ... ;:' ./' .:.{ "~.:: 3· br~t:.diac in 2) UUl1t1l1 otner traan tnose 8ho"," Day nist on thll sUa. '":." ......... " •• ' ; . .:~. if :.: .. -.::. ..:': .~?~:~. I ) only thai. Which arR vls1bh or h.vlnv vhible aviden:. ::' •.. "" ...... ,:: .:' ...... ~ ___ ._. __ .~ __ __ of their instan.tion .,.. CtlOW1 ha,..on. "::. ,..... :....... /. }: .............. ;i :i .. ··-S8B .. Jr.~ .. E 2644.64'---- 3) ThU au,."." ,..pr ••• nt. pf'lyatc.el lr.pT'Dveaent c~r'cJlpons !IS •••••.•.• " •• ''' I': J. .:: .. :: i: :.":..south ••• t comer Sec. tney exlated OCtaD.r 22. 1998. the alte of thIS f lila • • ..." ;: :' .:' :. -. ....... v~.. "'TIIP. 23M •• AnD. 5£ •• W.M. sur,'Y. .' ...... : .... :;:. .; •• : .:,,:' .. :;.'" J''= ~; :.:~·FOU~~ .. ..,....nf:~ .... 1nc •• ed .. Full reUlnc:. for llgel aeacr1Pt1on, end rllcorOed . ,..;' :r .:' .:' .-:-' .:' .1'" ••••• ~. lo:seaent. hey. been pIeced Dr. th, Utle report fro. • .. ;....~. ....... .:' ... "" ~:-I"~ ':. ~~:r ~:~~: ~:r~t'1g~IHI~DC::i~:~ho~der No. • ... ;.:.~ ;:,: .:-.:' .:::: .: .. : .,i 'I~:''''':~. -.;: .::-".: ... research nas been .ttll!~ted. ::.. .......... ~:-. . .. : .... ,; ,:-.:' .. :-'" .f" •. ~ •. ~: •.• :::~... }f i-'o' .:~~' ._" ....... . Offa.t dillen_tons aha"," t\erecn ar •• el:lsured pcqJemllCulur . .p .::. ~:' .;,!" .:......... .'.:-' .~-...,... '-'::. ~, 51 to prop.,.ty 11nes. • .......... ::". ~~ I.; .. h .... "ooe:: ';0.;,.;'" .. :i'-..... ~ ..... '" \"-. ..... " ....... ". ~~ .. ..:~ l"'" Legend: • -Manu,.nt round. Visited OctotJlr 15. 1998 • ·'4 Rebe" with red plDst1c coP utemplo . -1..5 22338-to tle set. r • == " 1 ~Centre -iII. . .,l--VltE-Sfi'''03 • BfiFJD ........ ~~~. . .. n..:..._ (25S) Ul-iIIIIl-·· ~-., " .' t" . .cu~ .'!IIIS ..... u..r. .,' ,.' . ':!.\... .i"l25O!l ad' Red ~ nta."" Surveyjna . "":~: a.ll~ 114 }VIl_ .1- .:.t; S Woad. KING cOtiirn.::'1rASHJjGTOrtf ~I' Os, 2000 SHEET 3 OF a",j' S" • !lOG' ' .. . " .~, .. 0"' .. ' ..... ,A I ~ ., .. I 1IilIIIt1nf1l) I ~~., ltlQd. /. ': , I "1 'v I , /",' ""'1 r" • y .' ,1/, ~1l/j , .. " I' '",It" ~ale~' . '. '" ... )! ,'f rf , N' '1 :1..,= 10\f~~" , t,,] I, .' I ", 'II" " I; I • ' . ' ,'\ 'I't '" II I " \. " -I I," ',' " ' 'J," •• IUII'-' IIIIIII.-,a • '~~"lC''::-IIf'' I I • I Gill ... , .... I s: ':Ii I ., ft_, ~ ~ I ...-,lrllell ;:,1:..:1" /-I. " -l,' /1 , 1\ 'v II .... //,"'/". . -, .: '/ "Ii'· I ~ 1")//,, ~-, 1/,'-'J/ ~ 1\' ' .... lJ~a e. ,),' ,'~~. I,' , A I, .. , I .1: 1= 100':":, • t' 1./" _ ' • .JI" ,,'e., '1/ 'I "', I " \ iii '/ ',40 .... '1, "" I • 'f " .. ~ ,: ; ,. 'v'! It', I ,_ • •• __ ,l1li '111tII IlIIar aa t • II .. lila IIIIIlIIIU¥1IIII '1US'hlrnt 'hI ',I v -.1 , I . , SHEt.l2 Of 3 ',' , ;:.;. " ,. '.'. :,-'., '. ~! o -c:a -.0 .0 (N EXIlIBIT A MCCLELLAND PROPERTY 1013 orKI"!: County Short Plat Number 486011, recorded UDder Recording Number' 8703039001. and corrected by AffidaVIt recorded under Rcconfing Number 8706260950. together WIth the West 428 00 feel of the South 330 feet of the Northeast q,,,,nrrofthe Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 Nonh,Range 5 Eas~ W,Uamette Meridian, In King County I WashiDgton; EXCEPT 1he North 165 feet thereof, EXCEPT that portt~n lying witlun the South half of the South half of the South half of sajd subdiviSIon and EXCEPT COUDty roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting TItle in King County Court Cause Number 86·2·22118·2 entered 011 Mardi 23,1987. EXCEPT the East 164 f~et of said Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Lot 3 olKina COllQty Lot Lme AdJwunent No S92LOI03, recorded under Recordmg Number 9209101022, and oUter property) CIICAGO TITlE ItSlIWI:E WoIPIINY hal _ \III docIInIIII" IICU1I u • CIIIbIW CIRf1I!SY , MIl ICCeplS no IIilbIJ I« lIIIacancr or_CII lit dDCIIII*II \I ,3:,;,::J ,'" , t Ii, . ":·t ~.~:(!:,\I\~ ',:'::: ,',:,.~. I ~ , ~ ., ." Luck Parcel: I~XIll8lT n Parcel A. The North 165 feet of the South 49S feel of the Northeast quarterofthe Southeast quarter of Section 3, Townslup 23 Nor1h, Range S East, W.llamelte Meridian, in Kmg County, Washington (No RoadexceptJon has been noted In Ilus descnpllon for Parcel A) Parcel B The North bale orthe North half of the South half of the Northeast quarter orlbe Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range S Easl, Willamelte Meridian, in King Counly, Washington; EXCEPT that portion described as follows' Beginning at a point on the North line of said subdivision which bears South 01 °25'02" West 633 38 feet and North 89°)7'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of S3.1d Sectlon 3. thence North 87°37'38" West a100g said North Ime 125 feel, thence South 01 ~5'02~ West 122 17 feet, Ibence South 87'49'08-East 125 feel, thence North 01 "25'02-East 121.75 fed to the Point oC Beginning; Except the East 30 feet thereof for County Road (There is an overlap of approximately 17 feel betweco Parcels A and B.) Yelland Parcel: The North 165 feet of the South 330 feetoflbe Northeast quarter orlbe Southeast quarter OCSectiOD 3, Towoshlp 2l North, Range S East, WiUamclte Mcndl8ll, 1D King COWlty, WashingtOn; :EXCEPT County roads. Beauctt Parcel: , Lot I, King COWlIy Short Plat Number 486017, recorded WIder Rccorlhng Nwnber 8703039001. and amended by Affidavit of Correchon recorded under Recordang Number 8706260950,'1n Kmg CoUllty, WastunglOD, bemg 11 pomoD of the South balf of the South halI of Ihe Soulh half of the Northeasl quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, TownshIp 23 North, Range S East, W.llamclle Mcndlan, In Kmg COWlty, Waslungton; EASEMENT AGREEMENT· 11 W'"rdotc\'lC,\II\I1'~.11 '. < ~, .. ' ~: ' '::, .. ~. '::' .. , :,' ~. ~ .... ..... ," , .", . . '. .~ 3 Upon KBS provich.fig the New Acc:esa to the McCJelland Property, McClelland agrees to relinquish any and all easements or otha' ngbts to access the McClelland Property over the Existing ~ whether IUch right arises by express gram, implication, presaiption or otherwise McClelland agrees to elCecute any and all documents reasonably requU'ed in order to extinguish the Existing Access ' 4 KBS reserves the right, in its sole disaetion, to revise the subdivision or PRD so long as such revision prOVides McCle1laad with access to the McClelland Property over the KBS Property and the Sara Property McClelland IIgrt.eI to execute any and all documents reasonably required in order to ell'ect such revisions 5. In the event that eitbel' party employs an auomey to eoforce any of the provisions oftbis agreemem, the prevlJJing party sball be allitled to rcc:over its costs, JitiptJoDs expenses IIId attorneys' fees incurred m conoedion therewith ftom the DOn-prevailing party MeOtJlud (t,,'fI-r'0(J&u-J Cindy lelland ' KBSJD,UC, a Wulungton limited Jjabilrty company ~ nn.c IHSIIIIN«.t CfJIIlNN ,. _ III docIIned" /IUIId •• CUSIOmI!f c:arIIsJ d~lD_fIr die IlCIIX7 an ... aI till dOcIIIIIII ~ .. ~ . . . . :':"_'_-:".::,j::-; ~";"' .. ':.-' .... : .. _ .. .i.:..; .• .: .. .:.:.·.~;~~~.).h..,,:: .:,;: .. :·.··.;t~'toj}.·itt;.:·:.;.::~."': ... ·~ .. ,/: .... .;.. •• ; ... ~~~ AUE ll-Oa i:-" ;1(.r.':/1~·'~ ' •. 1.f!o . .1.· ~06 f!~·" . koo ~.' "----;"".p ... ~ "1.' . ~: ... t .... ~"," ~a.altSo Hanway ("oJlllar.,. --JOOX zac 10 ~ C"""r" .,. '(t)OJ"II of '1:0<m18 Iaxx mClUlo,:an C .. 1m N'tI't c;f ~ of 'J~~ ""'~I!.' 1)Xil r 23 1111 e:tt: ,.,.. ----------.. -.. ---.... ~ ........ -- ~t h ----------:.-., J'unt! ~<l-lEl'J6---_. --:. •• --Cl.----··------In ... l.,------ . -- ( <:"~::J.,.1) . ;~y 1;0 Iffl!':d 1'1110 t t Alt •• " ~.R.n~lt------~ ... 1t. Acoit 1:1" •• :,("0 K1nn on 141y 21" upreaf,C r p ( eorptor_t be r apJlb '''.:11.8.,. Co . IIlnn llS) ( nclby UaDt.ee Lo~b wn) 06' 'by'.::-, ){lI: R.". Clux 411868 ~2300 lJryant lo w. g~n •• ,yJ 11110. L. Stone hwt' or S , 11'" rberl ... /lly 'J 'lot 1.1 plat ~n rt ,,~l(o·. 1 ~a: '.; 1:: tK" /,11 o~ .. 'lI1 1" 'J! loC,,·· ... :·! 1':1(1" wldn ':0 C~ '.cr:~r. •• :. (1',,, 1n A.I) ~Jb , '.0 :':.2t.';. tv:"' "GOO '.0 '""10 F .• '!I'I";l"r .1 ~d J'Uly ~-·1 .. "rt-i rll':l<!!l JI. !..' .. .~," V(Jl 1\)0 " ," 'Jj,.,. 4J7 ",,1 .)ao ~o k.'l .. 11/l VLl ,.,.ll1 \.y in., t. dtd ~OT 8-02, " III rl. ""'1 ,'0,1 :.01 " . ' .,11'\ ano tll r. r", tr, for J., , .700 , r, J:\rl'I 110.1'. 'I r r d ~.,y \ ',-04 h(.i rn r:dd •. f~·t. ": :; 'W 04 Vo! : .. ' ~ ,. 2:' iI , .c II III '. v, ";J.-:."'I~" ~I..~nd RIll' ::. ',' . ", ',·:1 ',. '.' DOCUMENT TITLE .' .' Easement A.a-re.emerit ?" ~ GRANTOR " .' Luck, Vu'~ ,:". ;.':. ( 1_ YJ---L GRANTEE .Pm o(::Sect,lon ~;: 1)hvnshlp. 23 N~rth, R~# 5 East, W M m King t:~~ty, Y1ash .• ngJOn::'·"· \: ).: :/ .. : .. ,::: ..... LEGAL DESCRIPTION Additlol]hllegru desct::iptlOns:on..:Exhlblt~:A-E of thiS document ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 032305-~04.6, 032305-9035 •. ;. f.,' "'''''.,. ": CHIc;A~O:TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY :.\ i1~..+F-t·:·' 6. (_ e:::::H'Q .f .. :\! / ha~'illaced Ilre .. d.ocument of:.: vl "t ~.: L c:Yt~ru \0/ c...-J" --t: re,cord as a custom.er courtesy '':;'"'' " .. " ::.' ::: ...... ,"."... .." ;: ,.:' . .:' .and accepts no ha~dlly for .. ,.,.... ./.:::/ . ......... ,:' ./' ,i' .::·theacc4,acrorvahd~yof EASEMENT AGREEMEN'rf .. -"., . . .,' the dOGllment .: .,. " .: :.' ,,":, {riqsiE1~m1kNT AGREEMENT ("Agreement");. JleJ:~_;toJiii;/'~$ day of l:iI..It!JJL~..J }' ... -.. ", .. ,.20~, by and between Virgima Luck;:,.~ ~lngle woman ("Luck") an~fKBS1IJt;t.L.~ .. i'a Wasli:in:gton lunited lIabIlIty company ("KBStt) '~hd/or ~uccessors or ass1811.s of either .. pa.riy. "., .... ,.;.. "":/ .': .. :,:, .... , ... ,.~" .... ,/ /: :.J": :.,. .' .•.. -... " ... " :: ./ ::''/ ':"RECIT ALS A Luc'i~"::'.r~:l~;~property located at 10601 -148th AvenueSE, Renton, WA 98059, legally.des~ibed in E~ibif A att~hed hereto ("Luck Property"); and B. KBS is the p~2~~:~"'~~t~cl'~n~~~ aI(e*~~qto.ry Purchase and Sale . Agreement dated April 16, 1997':(jf"certaih re~l propeity.:whI<~kiS"tQ~ subject of King County Boundary Line Adjustment No LOOLOO*-9 (tIi~""'BLA tt)C Purs4ant ~o,·theJerms of said Purchase and Sale Agreement, KBS will be·pu..fch~~ing:·Partel X created in the BLA, as legally descnbed III Exhibit B-1 attached hereto. KBS.b.~s a~~o contr!;icted:·to·::purqhas~ ... tlw property legally descnbed on ExhIbit B-2 from one or more thircl;:'part;i'es /Thi pr9P~ttY de.s·cdbed on Exhibits B-1 and B-2 are herein collectIvely called ttict~;'KB.S Pr.6pe..rty".;·:: .. / <."'::;', ';::': >.: C. KBS has obtained prelImmary approval to s~b~f~~lcJ.~· ~~. ~s,.:pi~;.erti a;' th~~'···· '. ':. Plat of Stone RIdge, Kmg County DDS FIle No. L99P3008 (the "Phit of StOne':Rirl·g(f.li); .:' ..... '.:: / .. ,/i" ...... ::.:: . . ::.':.'. '::: .. ::':. ",. " EASEMENT AGREEMENT -1 W \WPDOCS\33041\10J\AMBQ074 DOC 8/l2IOI ·····::::·.:~.r •.•. ·,·/ .::' ,:' /' "'~:':.... ':::,): " ,," ',\' :;'.,;.," " .,',' "':.:.:' " " ::/' .' ." ""'~"':::: ~.: ".: ":' . . ~~~.: .:": .' /'b KBS desires to obtam an easement across a portion of the Luck Property for the .purpQse:Qf ingress and egress and for the· installation and maintenance of underground uttlitles /·:·if a~y :~e '*-eH~~ed; and ... :: •.... /1 ~ .. ~. .:'. .~ .• , .. ' "'::. :\;. .;./ ./. ~:." .. ,.. Luck is willmg to grant such easements according to the terms described herein; .,:".",: ... : ..... ,/,./ .. / ··/·'~O~,.:t~E'~~o~, m c;;.0tisld~ration of $10 and other good and valuable e9nsider~iion::p.iid l?y··IQ35 ~Q ¥ouek, thc:lmutual promises contained herein, and the benefits defived ;th.er.cftrbm/'the :und.~r~ignedP.aft1e~··h~rel>y agree as follows' ' .. ,' :~.~:./:' (Gr~irtl:f ~slentsj~:~l~~~ ~ef'~~"4~clares, grants and conveys to KBS a non- exclusive easeriiep.t o~~t': urider,hmd:"3cross jh~t.pohIOn of the Luck Property legally described in Exhibit C attache'jf'hereto (~,Ease¢ent .Aib~i'Y'*or the purposes specified in paragraph 2, below. Said easement s~~l 9.e per,Petu~f e~¢ep~.ias 9ther.~ise set fo/~. in paragraph 7, below. The easement shall vest (a)"as to ~he PfoP~fty ~e~.cfibed O'i::t.Exhib,it Bit, upon execution of this Easement Agreement, and (b) as')o tlie ptop~ity::des9rit?ed Qn ~~.hibit B-2 and any other property within the Plat of Stone ·ibdge./at ~'licIi tune asiIQ3S ~qli~res an ownershIp interest in saId property. Luck shall have the riglit.:t~ius~ th~: Easem~h~ .. :Arc;a f~r. .. any .. :~d ali purposes not inconsistent ~it{l the rights granted to KBS he~ein'>-Su~h u~es sp'allJnclude~'bpt notpe':'4mited to, the insO;lt'latiofr.:Qf underground utilities, sici:ewalks,.,gutters~,,:pipes·~'ana··'~lv4rts. :sb Ip'ng as said uses 90 nO.t unfe~sonably mterfere With the Ii'iStaI1at~6n, Pta~tenanCe'and :op((iatipn of the undergrqu.nd 1iHl~~ies 'in the Easement Area or the use ott4~::Eaiement'Area for .mg~.ess and egress ... ::'Afte,i co~plehon by KBS of an underground sanItary s.ew~r. .. system/w~thi1l:.:fb.e Ease~ent ~rea,.Luc~~ at Luck's sole expense including but not'lim~te~ tOJio.9k up' fees, may mto }look)nto said ~fw.c;:r-·sy~.~em. The Luck Property is the burdene(t':.pr~pefty ~d the KBS Pr9Perty:ap,4··futy 9l1?ei· property mcluded Within the Plat of Stone Ridg~"'isAhe .benefited propew· ,/:::'.,:::'< .,./"'} .' ..... :./ 2··:··'······"'····Us~· of:1~as¢tnen~ Ar~~·'·':ks$,s use of the Easement Area shall be lim1tedto the construction, insUil.lation;·· m~~.tenanC6~. repair •. .,!:>peration and use of underground utilities and for mgress and egr~~. . .... / /: /,'.. .::,::~. .:. ". ·::,··::.:1.····· ,:.:': .::!.;; .' " .:' .:"~:"' ... :. KBS's warran~t~.s:\,:." .. '::'::> .:;: ./' ;.;.:." /.=" :,:"":' .... ;. 3 3 1 Constructlon...stand~ds~: ~S waqan~Jha:t'·i.f any underground utilities, except Luck's hook up to the sewer syst~m, are .. iiis~le~finJP~. Eas~~e~~ Area, .they shall be constructed at KBS's sole cost in accordallce }Y:lth ~1 a,pplicilbl~ drawings·~.· .. specifications, permIts, approvals and other legal reqUIrements. ~pQ.sed .~y city, ~on;nty, $tate or federal laws and/or regulatIOns. . ':'.,:: :=" ::. .:." .:" .:i ::" ... ', ....... ''' .. , .. :. 3 2 Ownership. KBS or assigns ~li{~e $: 9~nr{~t~~··~$.)r~~ert.Y:Ul?on closing of the above-referenced purchase and sale transaction:s'~ :/ :.:. .:':' ./"-:.:: .... "/ .:: :/, ........ . :.: ........ -:: .. ~: .' ;';' ···· ... : .. ::,:.:5··· .H: .' ;,t ........... ::. '::: .. : .. :: .. :..;:: .... : .. :,. ..' .... ':. .' ./':"/' ::'" EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 2 . W \WPD0CS\33041\103\AMB0074 DOC 8122101 .,'. ..,.. .: .\~: .' ·····::1. ",:~:' .;:. .' . '::: .. ::. • .~. of,." .' .::' :;::: .:.. \,' .' .,' ::\.:. .' .. :: '.,:. :.~': ... . ... ~'. :/: .... :) ./~ :~ . . :.: ., .' ... ::~::. :.::., '::":~~01~::" t,.:: ,/ }~.: " ", :.\' " .. : •...•.. ,.... ;,;: .' :.;:' J:':' ./4 Luck's Warranties Luck warrants that she is the owner of the Luck Property .' ..:: and tli"at::tllere are no liens or encumbrances affectmg the Luck Property which would mterfere ;i:i . ·:·with:th~ i~tended use of the Easement Area ''',.. :<: ... ,/' ///'/,'." ~:: .. ;.~,'.::.. . ~~intenance and Repair Expenses. All expenses associated with constructmg. '\""'" ,./'ID.~futa#ling:~ rep~ir.tng~"l'~~toring, cleanmg or servicing the underground utllitles shall be paid '",,, ..• ' entirely bY::'KB,S,:,except tha,t if Lu.~k·h'Oqks into the sewer system, Luck shall pay any expenses a:~.soc;:iate4w~th;40n~,trti'¢ting~ ~aitita~#g, repamng, restoring. cleaning or servIcing Luck's hook u~.( .:: :::. :i) ,:/:,,: :,/' <:: :·~;'i·~::,:,/··""···"··'·,::;;'· />:.. . 6. 110Id"Hamtless' an4'··lridemmt:{Provisions. ~':'i""""""'~~tU~1 lri~emJficat~~(:"~~ and Luck hereby agree to hold each other harmless, to indemmfy ari,:d d¢fend.,eacl~/o~er ofandJrQp1 any and/~l claims and/or damages which eIther party may sus'taln as.:,i re~ult .~f ~y .bt~aches~o.f thei~i're~'pective obligations described herem. Without limiti~g qie genez:~li~ ofJh~. for¢goi.v,g:;::KBS specifically agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend Ldck"Jor' a p¢rio&Qf:tw~l'(2)::years from the date of completion of the construction of the uhli,ties,.:\vhi¢hever o6c~s last, froIl1 .. and agamst any and all claims and/~r damages relating to: .:: \ <: ... :::<. ./.,' :/. /.:" "':'::'::" .J:::"':'.:, .:.:='" ':>: .. :.:: ':'. 6.1.1 KBS' s constructi:'~:aru1"'i~~~~atib~,6f:~;~:~~'Jitle~ an({.':o~~s; .: ";:'//:<:;\:6.1.2 The fumg of any liens or ~!~6i;m~~tg~:~~~ri~t~:.l:si~roperty as a r¢:sult ~f the;:Ylns~11ation·of the utilities, ... ,.::: ... , .. : ........ :::: ,," ,:' .::' .//: .<.: ... , ...... .'." :./,i:·.6·:i:;':··"':rbe overflow of water from the Ut1htles'~';':""':::'// :/. ' .. :;. ./ /'. . ... \;. :.: ":~' ... :~;/' . ':"!:::\ .. ".. . .... :,,,::. /..:' 9~':lA} T~e ~9atawination of the Luck Property with h~ardous or tOXIC waste or material as aitesuit ofKBS's installation of the utilities; .. :\:: .. :: .~~"~.'~?,,/·t'e .d"~~~g.g olh~ardous or toxic waste or material through the '., .. " .... -'" .;: .:.':' "'." .:,,:' ,i"':' .;:.: ...... :. 6 1.6 ~y';:~~enr,M a~~'~(.~lb¢rparty or person contending that the utilities or road were noi"pl'bperly co~stI1icte4: oI;.::oth~rwis·t::damaged their property or the environment. ':. ..,........ . /.:.: ..... ". .i', .. ,.-....... < utility system; Notwithstandmg any provision hereof see~'i~~i~..t~· tl.i~' cOhtra&, ~~\L\ssQ,6iatJonJlIld/or KBS' s . successors In interest shall continue to be bound by tQe 9hligations c9nta,i~ed' in th1~":: paragraph 9. ":.:: :.:..:.:..: '~': ::'.:. 7 Tenmnation of Easement. The easement gr';;;~ liLiLi~~ .. ~ ~)1Iie. portion of the Easement Area legally described on ExhIbIt D attached h~~t6:,(th~:;.iit.~mp?ra.If::. }/.:,:,t" ........ :::: . EASEMENT AGREEMENT -3 W \WPD0CS\33041\103\AMB0074 DOC 8122101 ..... ::: .... , •..•..• ,.!.. .:: .:' " :'.: ':::.,,':. " .:: .... :;,.... :( " " ,' .. ' :,\' " " ",;.",': .'/.~:,); " ::~ t .' .::.t ;/~' ,:; ":1,'" " ':: '\:'.: .. j/ ," :.:': .... :::' ... J ::: '"'':'':~''''' .~I· 'f ,,' ./ ~ase~~nt Area") on the later of (a) the recording of the Plat of Stone Ridge, or (b) the ./: ¢xp~~ti0Q or termination ofthe Purchase, and Sale Agreement dated April 16, 1997 between :;: .::':Chlifi~~' ~.d y}rginia Luck (Seller) and KBS Partners (Purchaser). After the termination of the ,: ,,:: .... ,/" ea~~lent Viithitithe Temporary Easement Area, the easement granted herem shall continue 111 '.:;, (till ,fOf(;~"3:Q,d effect as to the portion of the Easement Area legally descnbed on Exhibit E (the ":""""" """""P~tmahent::Eas~m,enfAreall) In the event a formal document evidencing the termination of '",,-tije ea~em~nt qh .the Tempor.ary E~s'em~Qt Area IS required, both parties hereto agree that the pr~p~atl~in Qf such ,do'ehment W1lt be .. ~f':the expense of KBS, and both partIes will cooperate in the·:~igru.hg and' recbrd¢g qf ~iich do~Wne.n:C"·"'·:,';' ~ ::"'/: :':·co~eii~t&.('uling':,Ji~":~e L~i/::~hck and KBS agree that the terms and conditions concii~¢ getein,:shal,fberi¢.flt an(.fb.ut:~~h the Luck and KBS Properties, and shall constitute covenants'iliat nk with both }>ropei1ie~~ and shall benefit and burden the heirs, successor and assigns of ·tlt~ ~uck ~d I$s,:.Propertj.es.,.""",/::::\ 9. Entire Agre~~ent/:':":Tl}~;~.::~~ .n~/b~e~.,agr~~ment.~~'betveen KBS and Luck that modify or affect thIS Agreement. 'This Agr~ment,ls fuily ihteg'nitect and all prior negotiations regardmg the terms of the Easement A~t~~e~t ar,e merge& ~to ~d ,Jmve"pecome a P,art of this Agreement. :/'::':':":"" ' " '::' ':::",,:.',,", .' " ,::' :,~:::.,.-" , .... ','.:: "':::.-::,' ..:-':'. ".< 10r,/ N~~ides All notIces, consents, ~pproV~~"~d Pili~·'C()~ufuJ.io~;:"~~6~ided for herel~:'or ~i'v.~n ui\~onnect1on herewith shall be validlY,.,.&,lve¥: mflde;.:::deliyer~d 0r':served if in writipg all:d depver¥ personally or sent by registered, certlU¢ m~il;':or ~e~ipt~1i overnight servi~~~, P9~tag~:'pretclld, or by facsimile to, with conftrmed reee,ll?~"C:l~, th~'·'f~.llo~.ing add~7sses:,J: ",,,:' ,,,'::: .', .. , ..... "',',:". '<,:,,:..:::::::i ,,' ':'., .. ,.... ./:'.'·,/:~S,]II i L C. :;:":":::'- ;.:: .,' '.~': . ... . .:" 12505' BeI-Recl.R.oad .' Bell~e'{ wi.' 98605 .' ',: ~ :~ .:., CHICAGO TITlE 1,1SURANCE COMPANY ',: Attenti9h,f KoJin, .. TaY:lor " . has placed Info o~cumenl 01 "'\,,,. Fax. ",,425/4~~901~ j ,::'\: ", .... ;: ~~~O~~t:p~sC~~I~~~~I~o~:esy '":,."",,,,,., t' of ':,,;: .:/' J :":'.. the accuracy 01 validity 01 V rrginiii. Luck"'<:":,. .:"." ":. the document 285 Sand·.-J,)une Dtivf .,.:' :/"::." Ocean Shotes~"w A":' ii' " ,:. /. j;~ ... "" .. ,.,,'.::, 11. Attorney's Fees In the e~eD,t;;;p~~::~~pi~;~ an a~~r~~y to enforce any of KBS:::, . "':1::. .:; .... :~ '.~, , ....... . Luck: the provisions of thts Agreement, ouany issucfof.statt, feder~\(or .6aIija-uptcy law, the prevailing party shall be entItled to recover Its costs/'JitigatiQn expen~es ah9''ieasonable attorney's fees m connection therewith from the non-pr~vailing.paI1y. ./';,/ ..... \'. ':;:" .:"'. 12. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be c:~~~¢~'u.n~~: a6~"~~::~~ft~d:';by:;'~6~"'::' :' ....... ",::. laws of the State of Washington "',.;' .,:; .. ~.:.:,::.:,::,\::i /; :,<'''''':~; }: ,/".,,/ .' .:;:; ··1: •.•• ,. ,'.,o'\!· .::' .' :;' ::~::":' ::; ::';. .' .' .~~. /~ .. .' .;: ::::. .. : ..... :~ .'.~I~· """"":/' F EASEMENT AGREEMENT -4 W \WPDOCS\33041\103\AMBOO74 DOC 8/l2101 " ':":~'.~:.:(' c' '" ,:: .... . ~~.: . ; .... " /:-' .' ,.~~\" :: ,.':' . i" ,,::' .J" 13,.. Severability. . If any provi~ion of this' Easement Agreement IS determined by a ;, /'courf to' b~>m~ahd or ~unenforceable, the remainder of this Easement Agreement shall remain in \:::,.,,,/ fu!i' ~9rce ~rid effect :.:, \,;:.":, ..• ",, ... /,/,,/'::.::' .':'i~·:·,·:.r s.dc~essors.~, This Easement Agreement binds the heIrs, successors and assigns ofthe.:1JartJes. :.:' .:/ .' .... , .......... "'::. ';::.:'..,':.':/ ./':/' ..... , ..... \ /:,,:,/' :i~~.lU;"'LL C., a Washmgton lImited liability company .' • .' :,~; ::i.' t.:~" "1'" ., '",. (,. ..• /'.,./ .. ) .,.i/·"~.::.·:~y;"'·_':J-+· ~{;~~/~'."~:':~):''!.;4~i-_____ _ ·::1:1·,1: ...... :',·:'· "",.::: .' ~~ .. ::-.\: . .... "",~.:: ~~~~.".. ......... ~'t-"'~t-.:" .. :, .. .. f· . ::.:: :: ., .. , ..... . ... ' • • ••••• • ~l :: .' ',;,../' .:':' .... " ....... :: .... : .. } .:' ......... . '.,', , ' • .' :: : '. : ~ • ,. •• : I ' • ~ • : • . : • • • • ' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -S W \WPOOCS\33041\103\AMBOO74 DOC 8122101 .' .. . " .r ... :' " )\\' " ....... : ... . :.i" .' '~'., .\~\~. ,: ;,' " .(' ,0.'- .:' .. :." STA1E . .oFWASHINGTON ) . /. {'. ,;,/ /.".i'···:···tr1HlYSHrJ ) ss . . ". \. ,./. COUNTY+eltIeNG ) \, .. "..... . ........ / .. / ,,~IS.ko.CIlRJ1FY that on the ..a&-day of A /.1....1 usl, 2001 before me, a Notary ."' ....... _.. publIc/in arid fdr the State··O:fWash~ngto.Q, duly comnusslonecr and sworn, came Virgmia Luck, p~rsQhallY··kn6\y.li or ,having·:pr~s.¢ted s~tisfactory eVIdence to be the mdividual descnbed in and who:exe,6uted the 'Vithl~ ms:~ent,,:~ii a~know.ledged that she slgned the same as her free and voluntafy '~6t ~d 4eeqrfor the';l;lses aiid"p#pose~;tQe.rem mentIOned. . ~~s~:~,~·· ap~:~'~c~al ;~:~~Jk~:d:y and year m thIs certlficate first above wri"~~ __ • __ .• ...... :·: •• i:.~~.;i/f?L'"#A Yvl/ ... {J ~ j, X : HOLLY M. ROHR ;/': // .:/,,: p;ri~t'Narp.;(itw.UftUohf : NOTARY PUBLIC ':'~ .... /' .. /.:N9t~;Ijubl:ie Ip aI}trf~.r the : STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ '\', .. /' State ()fWashiri~6n,r.esi<ljng.at : My Comm!:~~lon Expires Feb 01, 2005 ~ ,:",. I~ oj .':' tit;; fY1. U+':{f1 iAJ,v ,i":":' . • . .,,/ '~:""":'; .•• , E~prratlon'l)at.¢·: .,./'(.16, •.. ·(F( \',Cloris-l " '::', ··'::I:l~::,;, .• .'I.,I· ,/.': ,':: 1 .... ····1.1 .. \\,.,,' .•• , ••.. \;.: ,r ,;./',' ~.51 " ... =;. " .( .' ... ~t .' ::: ,~\.,' .::::, . ".. ..... .... ::: :.:' :: ":::} .~: ./ :{ .1:' j~ :: . ~"""""" ,,' ~. ./ .~: .' .,':. . ... :-=-... :~,,:, .: ...... :." ...... :~. .' " /" ,,' ... , ......... , .... :::... :\;"", .. ::: .. ,::~ ... ,.,.,:. .,~ .:,'. .::' .:' .' '::~. ;: ';' .. . : . . :. ,/,::'.// .• , .• , ...• ':.;.: ".:;:!' ··.:1,::", ...• "., .• , .• :5: .:.' .,.~~ .' .,' ........ ~:'. ~ ; ;. ;: ./: ,/.::::1,' .' '~":I''',':\' /' ::: , .• ""':;,: CH1CAGO:111.LE INSURANCE COMPANY ":'., .. ,/'/ .:./: ./ :::" haiplace~ Ihe'~ocumenl 01 ':,:"" .,.... }' ···~ord.as a c~lomer .~ourlesy .' and atcepls.:110 habi1l[ylor. '\ '" .'. . the accuracy or validIty 01::' .:::.: .... ,:,',.,,,., .. ,,.,,:;'> ?·doc~.~8nl ,:'.' .. ,/:' ./.':"':' '.> . "'.' .~.,::.' .' .' :: .' .' " . ~ \ ... ",," .' " ".\~. ;.; .... -' .' . ' ,~ .. \.: .' ........... ~.,.~~? .:\ .: .... :. , ... , ..... " ;: "':', ".:.::' .,;:., .' .: .:' ,:' .... " "', ... : :: .... '\~ . EASEMENT AGREEMENT -6 W \WPDOCS133041\103\AMB0074 DOC 812l101 " ::":":::;;'" . ' .' .... :: .' '.,,'. ,! :: .~:},' :\:",i' ., . ':~:""'" :~. EXHIBIT A ~a{~~hm of the followmg described ~roperty . .. :.::: .... :.{.. .:'1 :.:' .~:.I:'o'· ... '.... . .: /.' The North 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter \. /,/, ... :' ,('''(;fSec~ion 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, WIJlamette Meridian, III KlIlg County, "'" "', ,/ .:' ,.:' Wash.lilgtpJl·;,,·,····.:. , .. ,," .::·Toi~thelwl~li .:/ .... ".,. "., .... ".'\ .. :,. . ::The.:N.crth h~lf. of d.le Noryh half ~r the South half of the Northeast Quarter of the .' )' So~t~~ast Q'ua?ter O! s,tction ~.Jownshlp 23 North, Range S East, Wlllamette Meridian, ;', m.:Kiilg Gi>unhi WasIi1ngton.'·· ., ....• ,,',.,':. :. .... .' Y';. \' -"1-. ,.' .' ::.. Except tljat p.prtJo/.l thl1reof d*[~\?Cd as ~ollp.~vs· ""Begi!lnlll~""fa pqint ?h th~.~iiii·'lm~,.of,7s~liI Sjlbdlvisloll which bears South 0 I °25'02" Wes(·:.633 38 fe9t' an9 Nor:.t1tl!2°37'38!' .. ,~eSJ. 39' feet from the Ea~t Quarter of said Sectlo'n,}; ,.,/ ,r ,/ .... ;, /' /" .. '.':.,.;. Thence North S7oj7'38~ Wesfalong $aJd Iii'le 125 fect, Thence South 01~25'oi·· west 122·")'7 fCct,::" Thence South 8*49'08" E~$t 12$:fecf. ./ ............ ./'\. Thence North 010i5~02" !?:ast q') 7free~:io . .Ifie pom'i'ofbeglll!)ing,i' Alllymg easterly oCthc fOllowin{~e#~lb;¢~ hl,)'" .... .... ,i"'::':>'/ ..... .:~ / .:.,:' .. ~' /. '::::'.:. § .. { >' . COMMENCING at the Northea~tcQi'neioft.lie South·h·alf'oft.~·e Nqr:t\l~a~t quarter orlhe SOlltheast quarter of said Section 3/ :: ':... .i .i' ./., '''''::,.;. :\. Th.e'ii~ North 87°37'3S" West, along th~.Nortlf'liftC of ~~id :('Iortl:\half, a di~lance of "..< S.82.39t~~t to the True Point of Begmnmg,. ,?.:":: "':""""""\: ":'" ., .... :./.. .,/ Thence Soia!:h 21°52'S2" West, n distance rif'l~.2Q f~et;". ........ ' ... ".,.J . .1 henl;~ South OS03 )'42" East, a distance of20 35 filet,.:" .:,. ,;- ./ TheJic~:$outii 42°54'50" West, II distance of7 05 fe~t •. ,/ .:' ......... ,; ,:,../ . Th~nce '$out~ 25° 15'32" West, a distance of9 82 feet::: t:·, .. , .. ,,... ::.. .f Tbtnce:Sout~j 6S~9tOO" Wes., a distance 0(3J.15 feet, .;. .~. .\' " . .:'. ThencI,{SouUi 12°10'41" West, a distance ot 29 24 feet, ·:'.· ... , ..... ,.)·ClflrrAG~:TiTlfINSUIlAIICECOMPAIIY . Thenc;e SOqfu ) &~4(i'30" East, a distance of 43 66 feet;;: ha~.jl/acet! Ihe d~cumenl 01 /: .. "'rhel.ti:e Sotitld2°26'i34" East, a distance of 1434 fcet; ~':'F~~,:p~C~::\~~~t':(~;esy ';'., "Tk6~cc ~6uth 46°4S'4 j!; Wost, a distance of6.71 feet; eaccl\facY~rVa/JdJlyo( '" Thence,.SQ~th O~~3~'25~ West, a distance of37.70 feet, Ihedocuni~ "'\:, Then~ci' S9uth f9°2J'14~ East ... lt~istance of55.64 feet, """T-hehce SOuth!43°Q'I'14" ~aSt. a diatance of 14.29 feet; Thence S'putlf 1 O~46' 49"::~st, a dlsf~nce of 3 .20 feet; Thence S~uth':20001 '.32:' We~;·:lI.dlstilnCe.Df21 40 feet, TIlence SO'll.th J2°3~iJ.6" w.~st, ~~4ist~Il('~ of} 1 61 feet; nlence Soutb·.QrlO' t:7" Eiist, a di~tlillce of.~.9S .feet to a point on the South lane of the North 165 feet of the Soutb 4~5 feet ofthc .Nort~disl quarter ofthc SouthclI~t qUllrter of said Section 3 and the::·terniin'lls·.~f deciCrib~d line, f "~\'" ). ,~:'-' .~ .. ~" .r .:' .::' Except the East 30 fcet thereof fOr:'Y~.~l1ty r9ad); .' :::: .' .:' ......• ' . .t" .' ..... ' ..... , ... ~~;;' ':'. ':'.~:' ., " ';, '.' .~~':; .... ' ...•... ,.,. , i ,::', . . :f ::" :.',\.;, :: .... "':","" :':' ::' ExmBITB-l .'~' .\ .. ~ " .' ~/' .:?' !~"~:' . f\, \""",/ ,,il' ... '" ~:::i>n .fth, following d, .. ,ibcd property: ',,', . 0.:.':,:,,-.:,.. .!.I ..... ' .:," ,': :~.; :.~:'.' ,~, ••• ~ •• \\; •• ~:, ..• ""...... .";: .~·North 16'SJeet ofth.~.·Sou~ 495 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter :;.-.' .':: ./or·Se~.~,pn}. T~n~~.ip''23 No~. Range S Bast, Willamettl'l Meridian. in KlDg County. ". /. ..:. .Was~.lllgtq,lJ; J ./.,) ,""':,/ ". ·Tog¢~r witt... :: ::,( :':" .. ,., ...... :., :'. :' ... : :tThe)Il~r-th ha~iofthc N0~':llalt~ft~~S~trth:~a1r of the Nortlleast Quarter ofthe .. ·.:~tb'e;\st Q~arte,i ofS~<?O 3. Township 23.Jilorth. RaDge 5 East. Wlliamette MerIdian. i'n. King C9untyiWas)'in~; .').:. ':\ ... / EX~ept.ttt'at portico ~ereof.d~ibed a$fo.}Jows: Beginning at," poi"i on th.~ N~'t~ of pid subdivision which bears South 01 °2S'02" West 633 3S';feet.4nd Nct1h 8~37'3'1t 'Vest :3,O·fe$t.from the EaSt·.Quarter of saId Section 3; .\/ :;" / /.,.:. /.,'./ :::.:/./. / ..... ,. ":' .' .;(, .... ,/! AIllymg westerly of the fOlloYilng';'des~hbe~fh~e ."" :';::. /"':".:;,. COMMENCING lit the Northeast ~~nlof.:~hC ~~th hal~:f.t'~: Ni~he'ii'st'~itiartet of the ;;':" ~~!~o~~~~~~ ~:~~I!~g the N~:~b,J~:~·~f~j.tl.'~orth·ha!.~;·~::di~b~ce':~ ... ;:/· .,~) .. ,:S82.3? feet"to the True Po lilt of Beg Inn 109; "'.".,,,." ,f ::.: .. ,:"" .. , ....... ,"',. y .,:: .... The.p-Ce:~udl:21oS2'S2" West, n distance of 16.20 feet/....;' .' , ....... :::", ;.r ... i· Thence $outh:08°3] '42" East, a distan"e 0[20.35 feet:; :' /,............. ,!. .' .;' 1li~ncc:1:;outl{42°54'50" WCSf., II. dj~anu()f7 05 fed;::.· .' ::" rhencp'Sou\Jl25°IS'32" West" a dlstnncc ()f9 82 filet; :···.·., ...... ···Y,.. .. c·. ,./ :./fbe"ce So\lth ~S.Q29~09" West, a distance of31 15 feet: "':,.:' .:: :<Jbpilce spUtb"i 2° I 0' 4 f'~:.west, a distance of 29.24 fect; CHICAG'O nt~.E IN~uil:. 'ICE COMPANY ';'., '. Thence.$o\lth 18~4'~.30" '~t, a distance of 43.66 feet; has placed IhedoGumonl of .. :':. Thcnc;,e'S9ulh s.2b26:~34" .East, a distance of 14.34 feet; record as a customer courtesy ·····"·,T:hence SOlfth.#6°4"41·~iW~(a~ of 6.71 feet; r::a~~~~~~y ~~ ~:I~~:~ ~~r Thence Soutb.'.06°1l'Z5r' Wes.. Cl distatice of 37.70 feet; the document Thence S~uth'19°1] ·!,4i~,\:East~.a·d~":' of '~~64 feet; Thence S~~ 43aOm4~) Ea$r; a di.n .. ~ of'l4;~ feet:; Thence SoutJ'i'··10o.4·J;·4?,b JW~ a dista'riic of3.20 fee~ ... Thence South 20°01 t3~" W~,~~~·ot~1.40 feef;·:: Thonce South 12"36'16~~West, aiti.~ o~::H.61'fcet~:· .':-""' .. Thence South 07~O' J 7"':lij,ut, a dfStaote of·4.98.ieettO a .~int.:ol.l.tJ.te South line ofthe North 165 feet of tho South"495''feet 6fthe~ortflwtqu~ftcr of'iho SOutheast quancr of said Sectton 3 and the tormiltuj of ~bed'ln\c; :::. .:' ::"\.:. ::': .. ' ..... ·:::· .. ·····,···.:7· :.:.'" .::." .:." ......... / .... :.:. '. W \WPDOCS13304l\103\JlRI079 DOC 08122101 " " .:' 1.: " '1 .~: ... • r,t' "\'J. ': ~. " .," ,:t' ';' '; " ..•.•.• ~. .'.:' ... ::' ".;.:; 0' ,:' .' .::' I"~" ,I" ••• :.... .:: ~ .. :~. ';'.. .:' .~: ., . .' ..• ' .• '::~"::.)= ". "0' •• ::'-0' ':: .:' .~: .. " ,:' .• ,: ...... ,', :'.. .:' ·:C'., <" :,' .... . .... : ... ....:: f: ... ••...••• ::. .~~. -·'I!." .:: •.•. ::.:... ;." .' ":'.:~.:. .: ..•. ' .. ". ~~: "1'\::,:",,,, .• : •. ,,/' .:' .' .. . ' ';'.;, .' .' . " .' \\ . ( .\. ... ~.:.: .. ': ;1;" ::''''.; .. : .. .j: ./ " :"':~ .~;:.: ......... ' .' EXlDBITB-2 ." ..••. ~\ ...... ... ·-\~.':II; .. :I0~,.~,., .•• !I: . ; " ",j. .' . -' ,:.- .",':' , , " .. :', ,;. .' .,'. .;:.' .. ./ . . ,:..... ./'.,/\ ..... "" ..... ';~> "'. .... ,' .. :,J' :./' .;/: ......... ,}. :: '" ;.(::"'" / .... , ...... '., :;,. ""', .. / '':'' \, ... \ .. :,/ //' :>;;:;.,/I't':';' .("'/ /f .. ), THE'':,NORTH ~fi'5 F.EET ,;bF tHE 330;,: FEeT../OF THE NORTHEAST GUARTI:R. DF" THE·.:' SOUtHEAST QUAF.l"r.fA ••.. OF SECTION 3, TOGW~Etl~~y23 NORTH, RANGE ?E~ST, ~tLL~MEt]E ~IDIAN, IN KIN , WASHINGTON;;: " ." ;" :.' ,i' ':'. EXCEPT COUNTY; ... RQACS.,',:: ;/ ./" /. ...."" ... ,.,.;, ./ '\;" ".;,:,'., ,r /''''' ';{:: •. , •.. il AND :;. .,,'. (' .":, .' " • .~ .' ~. .\. ,.,. 000 •••• :" •• ! ••..•• ' •. : • . .... ~.::.. ·r' :: .:',' ",:,. '::::., ,:; ;: " LOT 2 AND THE EAST 16-1 FItET OF .:,lOT/3, KtNG COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER AB6017 AS RECOROEO"'UNDER RetoRDING NUMBER a7a!03~,001 AND. CORRECTED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMeER 87013260950;::;;. BY //;;:':i A~tQA. VIT: . ' .. :-,' "\'" ,'." :.:" ,"';',"" , ...... ,.,. \ :,'. y j'~GET...;iA: . WITH THE FOLLOWING DES~PlISEO"'P~OPERt~ IN,.,~·GCORDANtE./ / . 'WITH DecflEe QUIETING TITLE IN KING 'COUNTY SU~EffIOR COU~T ;'. . :,' CAU~E.,.NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 ENTERED ON MAR~H ,23,:." 19~7:"·;: .. : " .i .' " ". .: ". '/ :: . .,' : " :; THe WEST 8:140. 6() FEEl OF THE SOUTH :390 .peef..oa,ra~T.tE·,·:NORTHEAsr:: ,', OUARTER OF: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF' SECTION 3, ",. TOWNSHIP ,:'23." .. ,i.i· NORTH/' RA~GE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING. ... COUN1;.~ .... · ,: .NASH1NGTQN; .i: ,'.'" ;;,' .-:.i~XGE~T T~~"N~~;~""'165 FEET THEREOF; '~ND ";,.,',' ,(. ::. 'E~CEPT .tHAT PORTION OF 1. YING WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE·, : ';'., SOUTH HAl.F O~"'THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION' AND ' . . ' EXCEPT 'fIiAT ~PORTION THEREOF LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERLY '···.,.EXTENSION 0 .. A ·:LINE LY-IN'G""i6A FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL TO l'HS EAST LJ;NE .OF I.;OT·"3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 08122101 486017;:: AND./ ,::: .:, EXCEPT ~~UNtY" R~!-,~.~. .; .... ''' .. '::;. ~;' t· ..... ,. (ALSO KNOWN AS/lor A.;." KING;'·,c.pUNTY ,BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION,··NtlMB~R S92L0103.' RECORDED.;·tJNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9209101022.) ;,: ';'" 3,.' .t·: "';; ". .,.11' • .•.•• :: :: ;.' :: .~. TOGETHER WITH AN SASEMENT:;··FOFi ROAD AND UTId'f'IES OVER THE SOUTHERL Y PORTION OF,. LOTl! AS D1[SCI."QSED' ON THE ,.·FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. . ,:,."., .. ,., :,~,:' ~: .. \, ... ,/ / .... .:" .;./ ",::, .' .,,""\"',, ';';0'" "",. .' .' " . ................ ;? ::" .,:'" .~ ".: .. ' ::.. •...... ,./ " .. " ':'.: .' ",;,:,:' ' . .' .. ;'. ·' .' ;: .. ~' • f :~ . .. , j' ./""" .. ': ~', EXffiBITC /' .' .. : ..•. , .. ; .......... ' .. .:~ :\:: .... /' .,:':: ";',:, ·.i ::: " Temporary OIfsite Utility & Access Easement for Stone Ridge .. ..i~' .::' ......... :\..... ~:. ,,~ .,""."., ..... " .... _ .. ,/' ./Th~::South 20,feet}lfth!?, North 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the -/. .' SoutheaSt quartet' ofSectlqn 3. TO\~.n6hlp. 23 North, Range 5 East of tile Wlllamette Mendlan 10 ;. ~'ing ~ou~~.:Was~~n.~ton;:.lyi~&. p~sterl~?ofthe followmg described hne ".\ " " " f oJ .', "";: CO~M~~CI:NG ~~ ~~'e North~;st !Xime·r'~.f the South half of the Northeast quarter of the .c··.·.j~ou'ihea$t q~;~rter.;-ofSald Sect;~i'i·3. .. .. f /"""'., . Th~ncc North ~:i°37."'j8"..~V~$t', aJongJh~ l.{ortp'hne of saId North half, a dIstance of 582 39.,fcet t9-,i'he True potnt·'~fBegl"~ll}g!",···/ Thence··S6'1.lth 2 t ~52 '57';' We~t, a d;ili.t~f\6e 606.20. feet, Thence South O~o31 '~2" Eqst, a 91stM,be qfZO 3?,feet, Thence South 42°5.4:'50." West,.i. dl~t3nce:ofJ':05 feCt. :/""\' Thence South 25°1S'32"/West{ad~·Stan!-!~~l9.82 feet~"::" 0:':' Thence South 65°29'QO'(We~t. a ~,starict;;bf3l.,{5::feet;::: .. ··,:·':,··/ ~~:~~ ~~~~~ !i:!~:~~:: ::~~,l~~~~:~eo~f4~6~4f~:iY: .,of .. ?' /, ......... , .. . Thence South 52°26'34" East, a d,stanc~.of f4 .. 34,Jeet; ,i' :;;. ::::;', T.iien·ce'·~outh 46°48'41" West, a dlstanc~::.~f6.71 <~'et,/' :.:' ":' .. ",...'" "'" ":' frhence So~th 0.6°33'25" West, a dIstance of3J .. 10' fe:et, .:" ..... , ..... "., ...... J. .' /. The~~~ Sooth 19°21'14" East, a dIstance of 55 64 f¢.t,;.::· ..... '. .' .,' .r " Thehce;,souil.l 43°0.1' 14" East, a dIstance of 14 29 feet·;·./ ""':'" .' Tb~nce!!so\lt~ 10°46'49" East, a dIstance of 3 20 feet;:...· ,;: .:' ./' 1henc¢' Souih 20°01'32" West, a dIstance of21 40. feet, '··,··, .... ····Y:~ :.,:' . .'. ,:'Thence So\ith 12-~J.6·16" West, a dIstance of31 61 feet,<. :' ';:-:' " .:;: Th~~~e S~~lfh·ti7°20~17" East, a dIstance of 4 98 feet to a pomt on th'id;Qoth hrl'e of the ';'., "'N~rth 1 6'S ieet oftbe S6.lIth 495 feet of the Northeast quarter ot the South~'ru;f:quarter of ::"'" saId Se~tibn 3 ahd the tt'rmmus of descnbed hne t. '" . • ,= ::.'.:' ••••.. :' •.• :.~. • .•. :: ., ..• a' .... ~:'.~ • • , •• ,,:.,.,., • t' " ~~ ,., :/ .: ... / "'\:'" .' 'I'''' ,~. .,' .:' ~~f \.' .• ,1"·····:;.;.: '::~:, : l ::.;:. ..." .;.::..... ,:'": .' I . "::::, \:: ••.•.• ~.,I:,I ,\',' . ':I:.~;: " " :::: .' .' ,~:.:~. ·I.·.··>!··. " CHICf..GO nllt INsJiW,tCE CO~~~"" .//. .' has placed \lie document"I,,,,, .. ,. .,. record as a customer cour\es~ ;: alld accepts 110 lIablllW I~I .:. lhe atcur3tl or ~alldl\'f 0 .: ..... lhe documenl .. , .... /.. ':".: .... ...... lit " .~, .. ;:' .' .' ... , ..... ::~: ':":'" .," . : ..... ......... . -.... . -. ~ ' . •.... ..... ~. __ ',',', ~ '.~ '0 .if':'-;'-·::· , .. ':.'~'.""-. ~ ...... , ......... . ..~ ............ . r (: ............................ ,. , ................. ...... : ...... .. .:.~""""" '. -."."'.'" ·v •.•.•.• . ...•. -. .......... : ,··::··1:·::· ••. ::: ..... \ ........... '" .::'" ....... <": ••• ..-: ••••••••• ... ~ •. "\ ...... -~ .... .... . -.....•..... - ;.: . ..-; ..... "oj .. . " NE1/<1. SE 1/~', : .• : ................ , ...... " ........... •... . ..•.... -"-. ...... / NE Cor, S1/2, .:-Q; ....... , ............................ !.: .... :.: .. , ............... . .·r Sec 3 T23N i : . ... -" ... , .......... ,'.::: .. , R5E, ~/t-1 '\ ..... ,... 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( )' ThenCt;..Nort\l,'87°31'38:/We;(-; along ih9·~drth line of said North half. a dIstance of 582 39 'feef'to th~':Yru~:.j>oJnt.bfB~I.ri'nlhg~:'/ ~ TIlence South 2,1'°52'$'2" Wtst, aJl1s~ncc ~f 16 ~.9.. feet; Thence South OS<>aJ/42" E.~st, ~~(lJsYihce,oqO'j5 feet., ./"":'(i Thence South 42°54' 5 O'':West{a d tStanc~ of 7 05 fect, '::'. .,;'" .•. / Thence South 25°] 5'32,i··We$i, a distance;bf98:rfcet,:: ./':. Thence South 65°29'00" wist, It·:dlst.ahc~ ofii 15·~ee.t/ .. ";." Thence South 12° 1 0'41" West, ~"dlstimci~ o{:29,24 feet, ,ii' .' .('"'''''''''' Thence South 18°46'30" East, a dlstanc~:of 4:l'66,feet, /" ....;.. ..\..... r::.) 1'hen~~':South 52°26'34" East, a distanc~"Qf 14 34 i~et;.'··.· ':"':","""'\ "~" :";1" /fhence S6~th 46°48'4]" West, a distance df'G,,1.l'.:fee~~ .: ;' ....... "." ...... ,.. .::://. i;~ /. TheJ,J<;~ Souib 06°33'25 ) West, a distance of37 70 fc,et;;: .' .Yo' ./ :.,; Th~nc6,.Soui.b 19°21'14" East, a distance of5S.64 feet;·/ :c, ...... ,},.: ,.:' :' 1Jienc~;South 43°01'14'-East, 8 distance of 14.29 fect;... .......... .: ,:'. :i/' :then~ South 10°46'49" East, a distance of3 20 feet; .. , .............. ;. ./' /,::, \" ./Thenee South 2Q-°Ot'32" West, a distance of21 40 feet,'::. '.. .' .r '\Tl'!.ence ~6utll·12°36·il~." West, a dIstance of31 61 feet, """:./' ; . . ; .... , 'fhence"So6th 01-?20'11~' East, a dIstance of 4 98 feet to a pomt on the SouthJine of the ": . ~ol'14 .. 16~' fce~''()f tl~e Sq~th 495 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of ·;····"··sald'·Sedion 3.' and.:the t~rmlti'lis"o'fdescribed hne ;:' i';' / ,':: ,..-' "::, Except th~t ~~rti~n 9~·~c~lbed'i"s'foll~~s .. :· ..... The wes~;'l'7'feet~f.i~e ~st 4~·~'f~~t.6;thl~~w ........ o feet of the North 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the NortheaStquart,i of,the .' . ofSechon 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 Enst ofJhc Willametje M~ndlah 10. '·····:t::~I:,: ...... ,ll " . :-r .~.~' .. :' :: " .' "\~"o' ' .' .............. '?;. " " 'I .~: .' .~. .' ':',;. ·',:·:r . ' .' ::~":~ . .... ~ . .:':' '.,. ~'., :,' . .... ~, .. :::: til ••••• , .. ::· ~:./'.I;/i --:---:~'-~ },~,;,;~1q~:~~~~ ~.~,":, · ,. -." .. ..., :~" ~~...,-i...';"'--:--:,,",:-..~o-~"''-::'s';: ::':.:+~~.~ ".--,~~~~~'-'-"-f;':, ,c.-,.,-'~''"';''"'-'. ~:..' .; ,', -'..~-;;...*;..~ .: ... -;. ~'.'. ". ~~-. ;. .. -'". ~-, -~ .. --.. :...~~ .... ~-. . ......... . ......... ~ .. :'.' . ~ . ..... : .•. ':'" .---... -........... . ~'.-.. ~-;.-,.::.:;. ..... ," ...... ,. ~~... .~.-: .................. . "-.-,.';" . l. .•• __ ... , .. :, .. :-• 0:-•• , .... ... ':' .. .. . :::. ", ~'.-. "'., .•.. ---.:..,. 1· , .... . ,' '. ·',1' ,,~,:;'-". 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T~E(~) /~,; ,~ . ." I~"":p i ~~sre~t ;;gr~.fmet;::;; ·),;~,i/ .... ',,',·.',',',.',,',·,)'·.,:,f;\,:;::.,,' .. ,:, ::::.".~." . .~.' :.' ,'. 4. ';. i"''-; .~/~ .... ~.~,.,.,' •.. ~{ .:~. .,' ,/' .' .:. ';::::;'"",/: "\" .~. "~ ;1 .J. ,i . ,:;' :.~: I;' :"::' . art-s4t.}8rS-1 @ . : .. ::. ..... :. / / \:. :: . ..f'.{ .:\ REFERENCE NUMBER.(S) OF'DotUMENtS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: a AddJllontllnwi;~,~,~page":· )' .tDrd~'CUl1\wt·,,,., P;',;;, ".;.)' / .:' .;: ./' :':'. .: :\;;. " " )' ";',, .' ,i,;,.,,:/ Cindy M~6':t~11;'nd":/ ,i ,.,.,,' .,\,:;. ,:'/""';;,. GRANTOR(S): 1. Clifford and 2 '" ~ f 3 4 ';·""·i ", , ..... CHI~AGO}lfl'C i~SUR.ANCE COMPANY ",-.:;';.;:, ':;,.",'",::, ;; haa placed the documeill of :" ';, , "',' ';, ", i r~tord as;~,,~U$tomel co'i/rtesy .J ,; o Addlt:iQpal namea on pace ___ of doctbnenl ....., ~lid accep!s"~b rla~i!rtY for, ././ "\" '""",,,./,,. .i "the a~catacy.OJ:.va.lIiijly ofii ./ ,:the,pbcumenl ,:',;: CR:ANT~'~~}: :: :::. . .. -' "';.: ,I',' ;.t ~~:S II~, :q,C .':: ... / " ::'. ..{ " .'.: . .......... ./' .{.~\ .' :Y 2 3 "./ " ,;',' :~,. . ,\'. ·:···.·.h ..... ··.:~· .. ' '·4 ;: " .,' . " . .:" " :t' C t!~tiok,.~~'~~~~e ___ of document ·''.",;,; .. i:' -'" ,," ASB:~A'J~ Ut~lL dESCIUPTION ;\J T .:::~ n_~ . ./ ,,' .,' ·'01 ck." ,""'". Vo)uma • Page .a..u.................. ,:' / \:.u 0 . /' '~::. \of Section :",:~ /To~hlp. .>: Range. Pomon: Lot 3, KingCo~nty.'·~·hor.~'··~lat~ II ,~86017 recorded under Recording II Plat 'Name: 87Q303900~;' ,;:' :.'," ,;: .:: .:' """"" D CDllIIIle~'~~;d'~C~IiD~;~pea~;";"/ :/::Dr.~cum.~: ASSESSOR'S ¥ROPER~ .. T:;::~~Elf~c:6:~~t:~tiMBER(S): 032305-9270 . ";';, .. "., .. ,/ ."':', ;;; /. /. ,:." .;!:',,"""'" ".:;, o AiliIlIlDJIIIlIax accounl DlllllbetS on.page '~of dll'CUI\\ent :::. .:':: .:' ::"";~~. ;; .. ' ..... ' x · .. ~·'<F fa;(Chet:k if applll:abl. anr1 SlCH he/ow) I am proVIded In ROW 36 18 0 I 0 I Wldereluncllhat the~re~c~~~~ffiiJ~ SlIme part of the text oflhe ongmal cIocum~-n\.. ·:"::::~I:.,., .• :II'/ .::' " ':":\./' ::. i . '. f . '~.' j l' . , ! , " , . 1 L .' . I' ________ ... UAW_OUdOUd~-.. ~ -... ~ ~ ~'=' .... r_~:r """'f .. ~ ...... _____ "",,,,,,..,,,,,_,.,,._a:;!!lB""""""'== ______ ':'_ ________ _ :.~ .. ::";" : .' ("'001. ··Cl • Co:) .C"OOI .' DOCUMENT l'ltLE ,/ f ./ ··~E.isement:A~reemerlt GRANTOR\, .".r. / M~lellaJl.'i' Chffdi-d and Cmdv GRANTEE .. ,,,..... .' KBS UJ.; . .t, t. C''','. , LEGAL DESCRIPTION .:See $bIb,! C ,/ "' . . ;...... J: ·:·Ad<lihonai lee:lil desC'riPtl6ns on pa~e$" i6.;-13 of thiS document ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS •. :' 03;Z305~~27Q~' 0.32305-9035-05, 0323P5~P046-02, 032305-9034-06, . :\. 03230$~9031-07, 03290S.-9269 .,":'. ':,.;." . '.~ .. ;" .:f' .. .: :::: .~: : .. :: ..... / .. ::{ ':,::: . .~: ,;' . ':~"";" :~i' .; .' •. 0."., ". " :':'. " ( .... f~· .l" '+ .:,::;. " .... : ::. .' ' .:: ... ; .. :~~ ;' .. , ,:::~ ." '::,':. ;,:: ';:' . . ' '~:"::. .' ':::'" ."'1 .. ~.\ .,! ..•... ,./ .. ;.,)'i :~ '\;~;::. "':'" I) ,:~'::r ",':j:l:( . ,:\~ '.~.' ":,. EASEl\1ENT it6REEMtN;1"··"' .. " .. ····,· .. ··/ // ./ :",/ :c':,"':""':;, '~i .1;· ...... : •• /:: .J' .r···· .. ···}: ::.f ./,: :,s:""..Jt.. ./ TJIIS lEASEMENT AGREEMENT (" Agreement'") 1~ ent~red' int(;)" tIv.'S .Ki -day oC"'''~~'l /' .:::, 1999, by and between ClIfford and CihdY .. ,M~Cl~tlc~ild. ~;'marital qprrim.·Illtyl'Mc.tl~lland'.') and KBS m. L L.C., a Washington h~!te.d liabI~fty company .. and/or:,~yctessqf~:.O'r assigns .. ("KBS") "::':e" :/: .... \\; . ././ ./' .,./"\': \ ....... ;,/ .:::, .. , .. ""~ ..... ,," .f· .. / ,.' .. -"', .... ,:. RECITALS A M.CClel'i~n9/~~:;~e .. .eW;ne~\Of ~~rtam real property located at 14410 SE 1071h Place. Renton, w'A 9~P'S~'~ leginy::d(!,s¢ri1;f<hn ExhIbIt A attached hereto ("McClelland Property "). and "' .. "., ... "'. ..: .. :)' "'" ... :" ... ,;' .. j:';":~:'" ':. :', .' B KBS IS the ~'~rC~~;~~:\lUd~r ah ex~u~ci~y/pa:r.chase and Sale Agreement of certam real property whIch l~':'adJ!(6el~lto $e ¥cq~l1~Iid F.r()p·eI~ I legally described in ExhIbIt B attached hereto ("KBS Propertyii)·~··ihe c;:losing .p(purcIia.se.a.nd sale of WhICh WIll be contemporaneous with the conveyih~e .OfthIs.,:·truieII\¢nt Agreement;:" . ...... \ :: .:: .:',' .:',' ., .. ,..... :: C KBS mtends to obtam appro~~rfo(Fa fpfmar:'~u~lV~lOn:!O~,.PRl}.{or the KBS property. and construCtion draWIng approval of theJam<;i~s l;l:: condit~'J;rfo the clo~ing of the purchase and sale transactIOn as well as to the conveyan~.e 9f tb:¢\ ea~'e~en~ d~~cnQ~d;:het:~m, a~d' ....... ; ./' /;. t' :/""':<~: ,/ .. / /> ..... . ol·MArlo nTLC INsuR'Iim:e'coMPANV:'-: .,;!:',J .,.:' .' .. : .. ~, .. "'./ ......... ).:. has ~Iated the document of '.;. .., .......... :... .' :: •..• , .... ,; . ~~=Eff'y'\,,,, .. /:i ;' .,/ /i:~,:> tho 'tl. IlI:UlYl'lnl ..' -r.'E ... 'bOP:L'C~i ./' .':. o R:lGlN~1. ~/ '\; .. <./} EASEMENTAGREEMENT-1 W'\YPd0e8l33041'1011kIsI725 doc I I .' I " i " ! 1 I . " l' -,' i '" " ~ I '"~ ,i' ,.: .... : .,' ,~{ .r .t ,,' x ... ~.l :: .' .~ .. ". ./' .:".:. D KBS desires to obtall1 as easement across a portIon of the McClelland !!:,," prQpeity f9r the purpose of a mstalhng and mamtaining underground utditles, and ~~\i';" <.::....... ..l/'.;:·:" ... ,:~ .... \: McCldland IS wIlhng to grant such easements accordmg to the terms "~.,. ./'" .. deS(,ltibed heieInr ...... ,... . '.1::.: " " ...... 1 .. :' • ,',' " ~. ..,:' ,.:'.-·~9~<'T?E~EF:OR}i/;~·~~~IderatIOn of $25,000 paId by KBS to McClelland e.Q ~ '""'" c::::r. cc. c:::t r:- et:) a::t ~ ~ • c:::I .CO c-.I . "($2,000 W~ich ~s p~ab.e ~i>on M"c'CleVand"$..execution of this Agreement and the approval by Ka.Sioflts {easlt)lhty sl~dy, ana~,tbk rem~'iq.d~.r IS payable withm thIrty (30) days of " " . ...' . ,\ ',' ~. .' {. ',-approval o(a p1'e'hmIJ~hry:/platian9};'apprq~:ed .~·0nFructlOn drawings for saId subdIvIsIon or PRD), the n1\).:f1Jal Brbmlses yonta:t1:led hete~PJ. and the benefIts derIved thereflom, the undersIgned parUes hereby .agree:ias fQ1-~6vis .. ::} .. { ./' .::: ./ .:,;',' :::.': 1 Grants~f.iasetn!' ~~?"~~~se':,,,:~', "i":"> . 1 1 . Easement·for Underground Util!tu~·s.,Mcpelland hereby grants to KBS a perpetual, non-exclusIve easerije~t over ,(under, ·tncr'ac.t;oss lhat.pOltIon of the McClellap.d .. Property legally descnbed\n $;XhlhIt .. C,.attaqhed .ller~£o ("E~S~ment A{·6a,.") for the purp6ses·:Sp~.~Ified ill paragraph 2 below':\;Mcq~l1«¥ld s.~all ii~v.e·lh~ ri~ht t9"'bs~'the Easement Alea for any and all purposes not iritonsist~nt with ;ilie"rlghts" gr$te4' to ,KBS herem:: SlJdl;ngI1t shall mclude, but not be lImited t6,. the lJ,lstallatton of lind¢rgr¢und utilities, sidewalk~:; gutters, pIpes and culverts, so long:'is s~id u~y,s.do ~6t v:Dre~S()nably lD~~rfer~:.'wltl{the ihstallation, mamtenance and operation or'tl)~ u~gergto~nd qt'ilities III the . ~Asem.e-nt ~iea/ ......... " ...... :... . ., ....... {;,.: ... / .... ,:'/., ./' " .. '::,. \.... ./(:l· ."LlCen~e McClelland also grants to KBS a temp~~ru.:y:'·hcense to enter uphn,the M.pCh~iIaIl:cl' p~.ope~y fO,[,lpe lImIted purposes of completmg constructIon and mstaliafi'on of ~he ~nd<#gropru.i"iitlhties .•. prOVIded, however, KBS shall exel t Its most reasonable effQrts iO'C·onflrie':'such.eJltrY:.~o Qte Easement Area and areas ImmedIately adjacent to the ·t:.~semeijr'·lVfea , .. :.".. \,:. [' ;/ ....... :: 2 us·:'·~:;'~s~me' .. Area:';~s~i~sa:;~f:lhe·.Easement Area shall be lImited to the construction, installation, mam~tha.nce~.:+ep~ir I opex:ati'o:-1l and use of underground utIlItIes to serve the forty-eIgl1t'·h()ils~$'· to ~e b\l~lt 9h $e ~t'op'erty descnbed m ExhIbIt B, subject to the rIght of mUnICIpalItIes ~nd uttlitY d~stncts t.O"l,lse as:::~lley may requIre after dedicatIon of the UtIlItIes as set forth 1n .. p~li~graph 8=:'1 Q.610~ In:'addIfipn, If any more parcels of property are added to the propose.d ~ubdiviston, .any .reSl.den~es buIlt on those parcels WIll also have the same rIght to use the e~selllent .. i' .:-' .' ..... ,." ......... "' ...... . ':: .' .~. .:' .::' :::: .:',.. 0' 3. KBS's WarrantIes KBS warrants th~t th~' u~dergrouri~{~tIht~es foi~th¢·lq3S property shall be constructed In accordance With all appiit~ble.:dr~WI~gs~::Sp~¢Iftc,~t~ons,!<, .. ·· ..... :·~;~IC~G~~~TL[:';·NS·~~~;~~··~b·~p~~ .. ,~··.:: "::. ::~··· .. :i::"·······::::·:'· ~eaCsOPrd'accd 11l1l::~ocum.~,ofof,:" .i' .-:-,::/. <.'._ .;",:;. os a cusllllner cour.tesy .',' .' .....f' and accepts no liability fo(.:" ..,;:-,/ ~o accuracy or valJdily of-\ .. ·r .'-' .' .,/, .. /,.: ..... ",11 Cll!!Illmenl .: ... :.... ./ " :'f ~( " ~, .. ::': eASEMENT AGREEMENT - 2 Wlwpclocs13304111011k1.1725 dOC ( , I , . :: . ,: .:; , .~, .. . l' '.( ":\::'" ,{.' .~ . • ' ,\.i.' }\~. ..,i: ... :: . ::,;: :~. :/ :if /: P~hmpi, approvals and other legal reqUIrements lmposed by Clty, county, state or federal (:, ,,' lAw~ a~d/.9r regulatlOns ~\ '\::,.,,/.... // ;.,:,,: ,;:",.. .. :\.. ",l / /""';: f: 3 1 Dlhgent ConstructlOn. KBS shall prosecute the constructIon and "<.~,:",". .,.,'/ /insl.iillati,on Of t~e·llnde.rground UtIhtles dIligently and contmuously until they are completed '"'''''' .' .: ',' ',' r' '~I "",\,,\ .:;. ..:,' /';' ..... ,.:'/3 .7 .,. ':.p~:ner.smb·"· ~:~ or assigns wlll be the owner of the KBS Property "ripou''clo§ing o~:the .~boV'eieferen.ced Burcha.s.e and sale transaction ::.: , .. ;," .... :\ ,,,../ /~) )'i/",('·. .j' '/::':'" 4 \. MtCle~fand"s \yaJirMtles.:(M~le.jland warrants that they are the owner of the McCleWi1)9 Prqp'erty:'an4Ahae'~here a1e inO"Uens or encumbrances affectmg the McClelland Prop'erty whlcl1.··\vould mter,fe~~ ~1th the mtended use of the Easement Area ,:' :: ,: ,': :: :: . 5 Cost OrCQh~tru.c~on/bf 'd~d~lgroUnd"Ut~htleS :i~s shall, at Its sole cost and expense, design, constru9t an~\ insiall ,the"imd(!rgrOlind ut1ht~.~s m complIance with all applicable reqUIrements Pnot'.t9" cqrnmen'iing !~til1atl¢n Qf"th.e· underground utlhties, KBS shall have a lIcensed surveyor surv~y'}~e ~~stpropert~''''lll~e o('fhe ,Ms<;'lelland Property, and shall pli;;lce surveyor's rebar stakes':at the northwest c6rne.r aI)d the sb\l.,thwest ,¢'b~per of the McQi'ellafictProperty Atthe completI6n, of instijlla.tion;Of tli&,.q~der.grq).lnd \l'tthdes, KBS s~~ll flmsll::~rade the Easement Area and::adja:ten.t' gr~:>hn9·Which.triay .hav¢·'· be¢n distuI:bed Qy<KBS':s constructlon activIties, and shall a.lso:,fe-.s'eed,the,Je-gr:~ded ar:~a with gra~$' see~f' K;BS ipall take care not to damage the McCieUa:hd Prqperty ,hu~d al+Y improv~ment$" thei;eon, durmg the exercise of KBS I s rights iie.reu"nder. ..ill~he ~~ent any d;t.mag~:·ls s9ffere,d dUOl1g thIS work, KBS agrees to promptly"rep~lt sliid,damilge, or to ,relmbo.rse"McCl~I.land f~r':ili.e entire costs of the repaIr work KBs;w'ilt-rep~a:ce any trees or ::sllfubs"removedor disturbed to the nearest location allowed :, ...... ,./.; ":":::'" ./ .. ~. :./ .,;."'" t y ":"""6,,"'''' Wat~r LJhe :~l{:aS'·agre~.s to loop a water Jl11e 10 the Easement from the existing water :m.ath,..to:·~theA)F6pos~.g SU6:~lvIslon if allowable by Water DistrIct #90 upon constructIOn o{s.ald subdivision,''''' It\furtheI:,':ea~ements are necessary to loop said water mam in easement to bi;pWDh~~d, S.~ller 'igr~e~:'to iran~"such additional easements, at no further cost to KBS ,.;: J':.;.' ..... :. ·:·.;I .... \.;: •. ~. ,',' 7 McClelland;:~·.·.C;P,.{W~tlgn t(t;'btl~iile~/··:·~~),gre,e.s to connect McClelland's eXlst10g reSIdence, as legally pemllss.~ble,l~t9ie s.anit.ary sewer tg be installed m the easement and to leave one addItIonal :$ewer stub-.6ut.:bn ttie"northi'boun4ary lme of the McClelland parcel, apprOXImately 2S0'Jee(froQi' t~ w¢·~ter~-m9s.t prop:erty hne of tax parcel No 032305-9270 at the tIme of the ·cons'tru.~tlC~ri of,the pro~ose~: s~bdl:v.~~lon In addltlon, KBS agrees to pay the follow1Og sewe{C9Qriect~6n ¢haq~es f6~··the eXIst~ng McClelland enc"from Kmg County and the ci'ty ~fR~rito~':: /.:j:'<::';.> \:::"': .'. fi~ \ y£!ttl\4 ~~7 ~o(e.'I'trO\ st ~""";' .:" /. GHICAgoTlttr:INSVR~NCEC.d~A~Y lJ. \ .. -\ ~ U <" i .has pl.teed the,.~oc,llfn~nt of ':"':::""'''''''''.:.'' ~ .. # \.~ v.tr _ . ~".:: r.ecord~~ .. <I:.~uston'ler.~ourt~$Y. . " Y yYI \ ¥~ er.( , I ~~d aCLcpts hO:I,!abl.f!ly for :." 'i: /~ ... ,:/ .' . ~ }11~ lhe,.~ccuracy 9fvayClIty of:' "':';.,. ~~9\ (\ fl 11111 Ub'G"rrnlnf .,;:" . .'. .' .::" ';') .J' \.t V\ :; .' ",' ./' ,.:~'.: .. /' '~:~"~:.:.:' .,:; .' ,~i'" :.~ • . ,' " ;'/ \~\' ........ .;:., Wlwpdocs13304\I\O'lkls1725 doe " .".;' . ~: ~ :' :: . ;. :: "'I" • ,1'" , ,l~ , .. ~' ,,::: .~~{ :.{ :.'" .\~. .~. .:' :. ,:i/':: ./'" a./.,:' ::'\::. CIty fees' " "/ ,:' .~.:: H ~~ ,\' . ~.\ ;:;:,:, .... /' // ;/,. .;:Syste~ Development Charge !.:, ' • .. ~ .} ,;: .,' .... \ .. ,.. .: \:"" ,....... :" / ~oney Cr~~.Special Assessment Dlstnct $ 585 $ 250 . :"""'''' ...... ,. :. ./ .... > .: ..... ,:'.,.,. ". ~\ •••.• """'.:. : "'" /":'~;~:;,~) ,l ~;'J :;;;~/':)/'\ : 8:: ~11~1q b K10g County-;fCapac1tY"'Cjiarge {:.. <./ $1.09840 (hfetune payoff) ~fA~ 1~1 ". ': i", :I·:·.~ Il~ '(Iz{j/~'t ~''1I/V1. TOT~i~I""""/ //' :::./F //' /y ....• /.,/.r: .. ,:/··· $1.984 )(~ok "",.'Im In the event MCClell~~d.'c~nnt1~~ i~f~ afi~ 9~:s,'a~y"~ih~r of thl~ddergroun t1t~ f s e~~"t ~ewW' ho~ McClelland shall pay all construc~(m:exp~h~¢:s as~o~lated wl~::'S~4d connectJon to \ e ~oq/J ~ utihtIes. and said connection 'shall b~":fre~:'otall)'lenS\p'nJhe;,'~ Property. and shall be 10 ~'~'I,( complIance wIth all applicable legar(~tiir¢meri.ts Nottill¢st~dl~g"tb~. forego1Og, KBS agrees tha.t<tvicClelland shall not be require~ to':'pay .. any cbnnectl()h fee.··surcharg~/6f:pthe fil~ consny.ctlO~; or lil~.talIatlOn of the utIlIties "',,, ... -'" if .. :: ./··· .. ·'··~~I\ \(W . :.q u; iJ , fee to ~BS fO .. "r .. :tP.:e purpose of reImbursmg K~,S for3h~:.tos~."Of a.~~':'o,r··an~ p~rtlo. ~'ib. {the \.'t qO "':':' 8. ,./' "\Malhtenance and RepaIr Expenses Ai{~ipe£ses;;a~~~biate.d· with: ~ 0, mathtalIu'D.g, repalrmg, restormg. clearung or servIcmg the cQmpleted ~ridefgrqrind UtilItIes SQ~ll b¢"pal~Fentl~ely~y,~BS untIl such time as KBS dedicates···th(tind.ergfou~d utIlities to ,die ~:~ocI.aiton./·l'hereafter., all such expenses associated with maihtain~Iig, "repaIrIng, :'I~stoni1g';'cle~l~g or .. s~rvlcmg the completed underground utilities shah"l?~·:paid by the As:s9ciation ,d~ appr¢pn~te ufthty d~stnct If utilities are dedIcated pursuant 'to paragraph 8 1; provldecr;'how~ve(d: If ;tpaif Qr'mai'ilte.nance of the underground utIlItIes IS required as a result of the sdle attIon orAn~ctIoJl.of McClelland, McClelland shall pay the entire expense of such repair ';'~"" .",./ .f· .:.:''''' \;. i: :i········.· .. ··,:;::! •. I:.r. ..... ··,·· :~: ::t= ·'~··!I:';.Y ,:,,:' :.:,,:' ,',',:. 8 1 Dedication.to Governmental EntIties/Commercial UtIlIty The utIlIties may be dedIcated t9 th~"·dty. of-<Re~ton~;:kll~ 9'mpty, Water District No 90 or any utIhty company m the future'::by.$.B'S 9f by' the:.'hon;teoWne;t·as~oclatlon. provided that the CIty of Renton, Kmg County. Water ;~bIStflC..t.NO .:90 :.or any utility company agrees to' operate. mamtam, repaIr and leplacet)1e ut~btles.": Vp01l"suCh dedication. the obhgation of the properly owners to contnbute to t1ie·op'¢ratl6n,;:maUitena'nce .... t:~pall:·:·and replacement of the underground utilIties shall termmate Further-; th~··;·rtggt to.;lise;.!sucli U~llttl~ .. Wl11 thereafter be at tbe discretion of the utlhty comp~ny'::6r D:1ull1~ipality ~i;ttth ownS···$e utilitIes and riot hmlted to the lesldences m the proposed subd1'\~isl0~' :/. ".: /' <':,,;-. :~: /:" ........ { .:.:" CHfCAto T1jl!-iNSURAN9E 9·6MP~NY.."'" :::.. h.s··s pJ·a.· ced m.·.· e do·cum .. e.nt"ol.,:· .:.,' "':. ,lll' • " ... , ".~,~' "··tecorctas ai:tislomer caurtesy .•.. ". . ,r .. j' .- and aCj;opts no liability IQr .:....: ..' EASEMENTAGREEMENT-4 Wlwpdocsl3304111011k1atT25 doc the accli'ra~y or validity .01 ::. .,: ;" :/ ':':':,. the cIOcurOilnt·,··,··· ..... :. :.:: .::' :.:,:::: f ,\.," :: ,," ,-.'.,' :~::. ~:.,'.~"/ .,,;' •• ,' " " ,/ • .'i' '~:.,-; ::1 ,0 ,.' " ,.':' :~( ~~:::I' :: .}' ··:;;:·,:~.~l , , 1':' " 1· ! . I· , " .1' :1 I. i .QCl'tiJ4Si!;= ,:' " .... :::. " .,. .... )" 0' '!\ . • !~~' ••. ~,. " ",' ,._ ,\,{ t'':: .{ .:~ :,~".' .\' ::,,1' ::§ ): ./' ; .... :. 9 Entry on McClelland Property to Perform Mamtenance and Repair Work /:;;: .f.<B,s ~d .. ~~ccessors shall have the perpetual ngh~, at such tunes as may be necessary. to ~:: '\, .. '" /'e~ter upon the McClelland Property for the purpose of accessmg, mamtammg, repairmg, ::',:. ,"/ rest~rmg, cletmmg or servlcmg the uUhties McClelland agrees that saId nght of entry shall "<~.,:". .",/ .be nb le$s th.~n twenty, feet (20') 10 width. KBS and its successors agree that such work ",,,,.,"., ,';' shah b~:,'ac~09-1pllshedl~ such Cl"m~'rt1ler that the surface of the ground and any pnvate :< Impro~em~l}ts e~lstln.g o~ tp.eAvlcCl¢-lIand Property shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or "'in t~' ev:e'n( th~Y ar~' di~~.rbed Ol<·~estr.oy't'di':Jhey Will be replaced m as good a conditIOn as they:w~e i~n~dljltely.::bef()re th~;;¥c.Clel1aJ,1d .Frppertywas entered upon by KBS or Its ,e .Q ~ successors '\ ... ,'; .... ;,.".' ./ ... /'./::" //: ... ;/(;:: ·',~;;·,'·~,: .. /:; .. i/ 101lnld Haimleis and:'Indeuputy"ProYlSlons 10.1 ::Wal Irt~emh:fit~:lol"KBS"~ng McqiiI$d hereby agree to hold each other harmless, . to 1Odenfitify/ang/def¢nl;l;·eacl;1.f;)ther.·~ of ~~d::f.tom any and all claIms and/or damages which either 'party qlay ~tis#iin ,11~' a 't~su:it o.f~hy breaches of their respectIve obhgatlOllS descnbed herelp .. ;:';:Witho~t hmltliig #i.e gener.ality of the foregomg, KBS speGtflcaIly agrees to hold harml~ss, ihdefumfy and.:defe.iidM:cCh~Jiap.d, unt~ft:t;ansfer of the u~tht1(!h9. the homeowners assoclatldn:,wluch.:;WlJ,t','be.,,{ormed .. J>!"J5B&: s sUFte~$~rs 10 . mtere~no the KB$ Ploperty, or for a penod Of,two (~) ye.ars Jr6ftrthe.datc;~:of}iom.pletlOn of the construction ot the utIlltIes, whIchever occurs las( fro:m:ttnd against any ahd ~11 clanns and/br datiIag'~s relatlllg to. "'::,i (:: .... , .... ::'./'/.( ,.: " ",,/./'·/i.1Q.! 1 1 KBS' s constructIOn and mstalla~ion"0.i'the·:·(t11::I~" .~: ,/' ,I:' ,;:' fl'" ' ••• ~:. "\::" ::: ,:': ,~;. .:~'., .\, .... , .,:/':/:"..lQ l':i: The fIlmg of any hens or assessments ~~a~!hskt~e McClelland ::'::;':" propeft/as ~{re~.ii1t cfr the. .. n.\~~allat1on of the utilities, . "" .. ,,, .. , /' { .... A~~ ~/;.:,~~~,.ov~;rtow of wat~r from the utlhtles, prOVIded, however, KBS shalt have ,¢ .liabIlity Ii~Fe4n~~r"lf said overflow IS caused solely by MCClelland'ls,actlo:f' =(, ... \< • .:,,;; .; .• :': • ",,?;":': 10. (A The ~~h~m.atiO.Q::~f th~ JVftClelland Property WIth hazardous or toxic waste or matttlal'cls a:'i'esu'1t ot?KBS's:.instalIanon of the utIlIties, 0' :. ,0 .' " .... .' :~~ "'~"~"";~ ./' ./~. . ..... , .. ,.. '~~:."'~"""" . 10 1 5 The dlsch.arg~;of h.aza,rdo'!s or)oxlc' wast~. or materIal through the utlhty system, unless said coiitathin~hC?ri or;.:(hsc.liarge···I~ cau~ed by McClelland, or ongmates wlthm the McClelland Pi'bp~'i:ty./ .:,' ./ ) :.,;. "" ...... , .. ,.\ .. 10 1 6 Any governmental ~;;~Cy:!~: ~i~e~:";art;/~~ p6i~~n~pntenQl.ng that the utllmes were not properly constructed or ·otb.e~~ls~;d~m~g6dJ~eIF/piop~#y·",:" or the envIronment' .: .... , ... ./ ~. '\ .. ;. ';;'.:,/' ;.'c· '., .. :,.,""/ ....... , .• :::':. CHICAGO tOLE JNSURANqe CQMPAN;····!; .. J' ... . has placed the .. ,'documen~,6( .::' :.' :: record as a cuslomer'dourtooy . .' and accepts no liability (or/" .;'" tho accuracy or validIty 0("\." .' .' .",/ the dClCIJIf1,nt .;.:: .' EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 5 '\;: ... Wlwpdocs13304111011k1s1725 doe .: .... i· ! '.' ,:' Y •• " ... :,: ..... . ~I.: :f: .( .~. :,r' :,' " .,' .. ::" ,.:' Ii' t.· .. · ~:~~~tQs~nd1Og any prOVISIon here~f seemlllgly to the contrary. the ASSOCIation and/or . \\ :.\: .... , .. / Jtq3S·s.;Wcce~sors 10 lOterest shall contInue to be bound by the oblIgatIons contamed in thIS \"",.,l']liirap'ap;h 9 ili P.~':I'~~'ty, :.::' .. :i" ... 11 :;. /'Extenslons Tw.enty;;,sJx (26) months after sIgmng and mutual acceptance of <:. ili.is Ajre~hu4nt • .J.fIq3S ha~;)n6t rec~.Ared fmal engmeenng and construction drawmg ·":tpp~,~va~,:f~.r th.~··'ab9ve-~~ritlone(s·ub91'VtSlO~. McClelland agrees to extend the closing of thIS lr~l,isastIOri. fo~.i'thr~ (~) mne!&/(OO) day/p~dp'ds at a cost of seven hundred fIfty dollars ($750) for ~ach"exten~ion{ to \».:Pild at t1.ie"l)#gil,lhing of each extenSIOn All earnest money depOSIts and'·:~;1{ten~.I6n p~ym¢hts§l1all apP'Iy.,.tchhe purchase pnce at closmg ··~I: .... ,.:I .~:' .::~' ;:,:' '~' .... :;'" :~.: "::~I: 12 TermI~tIOn(~f E~~eni~t·,/NQi~lth~f.~ndmg any 9lher provlSlon contamed herein seemmgly to th'~"'C6ntrar-Y, I~{th~"~v~nt KBS il~g:.~ot co~pl~ted lOstallatton of the UtilItIes within ten years of th;e da~e t4.~t tQ1's .Agre~ll,1entis re9or4¢d WIth the Kmg County Recorder, this Agreement shail.ailtonlatlcilUY tertlllIia~e a'nd .. :si'iaU thereafter be null and VOid KBS's wOlk shall be deemed·i(:.9,qii>l~e a{ such tl'tfie.:~~ qity ~nd{9! County fully and finally aCf!ept all of KBS's wOlk on the: utit~ties·.as·~ompl¢ie/ .. /.. "'\',:. .f';''::" .• /~' "\:\~.. \'.'."" ');' :/:. .::/ ':::1;:::,.;/;.;.,''''':\'' ~~~~ ;.\"{ .~i:· :,13. C~~enants RUnrung WIth the tbd •. ,··MsCle~lan4··and .. KB$ a~ieeJhat}he terms and COndltldn~ coiltamed herem shall benefIt and burden theMcCI~U~nd arid KBS/ Proirties;' art(j sh~ll constItute covenants that run wlth';b:Oth{:Prop·e~.u~s, ~t1d.ihalr':benefIt and"burQ~n th~ heirs, successor and aSSIgns of the McClellang and'KBS,c"Pz:dpedles .. /,i··· :.::<4.,//' N,~~~,ari(rVOld ThIS contract and the contents ·~:;~{:.W~lf'~~.6~e null and :'YOld aftd'unenf6r,ceablc:; m the event KBS falls to receIve final engmeenng. <}hd constructIon dtawmg approval fo,t"a 'forni~l subdiviSIOn or PRD for the property showii"on ExhIbIt B .:: •..• : •... \,:" ••••. ,.,:1 }' ,(' .~{ :? ... "",."U~\:"~,,:,, . 15. :PenCe ... ilCBS: '.\~rees to place a SIX foot (6') fence along the North hne of tax parcel No. 0323.05~1:70 vi' Uie e.yent·, the;:afqrementIOned subdlVlSlon receIves approvals acceptable to pJ'rchas~l;/ ;.:: /',' .\.:,,) .,". ".:. 16. Dral:~ge. ~l':agte~s t~::;r9t~ct.a'~~·.:~ef~d McClelland from dramage from the proposed KBS subdIVIS'iQ1;1 and,.dev.elopfu.en~:eff~ts./· ~S. .. shall resolve any dramage problems arismg dIrectly as a:'r~s\i1t ~f th~; deyelop,fue,i1t ariircoh~.truction of the property deSCribed on ExhIbit B, and repaIr any dama'ge qius¢d t9'M.~Cle(land'.s property from any such drainage problems. .: ......... /'Y' ;::. /. :/ F \ .. 17 EntIre Agreement There a;~':A~ Q'e(:~gr¢'lD:eri~~·:.~e~~~IfKB'S.:a.~d McClelland that modIfy·or affect thIS Agreement "'Tlus .Agr~em~nt ~~ .tully }.p:~egr~terl:and all prior negotiatIons regardmg the terms of the Easeme~~ Agr~meii~:·are..,Iiie.~ged).n~o·~d have become a part of this Agreement .... : '::0· HIC~:GO:':T / .. ":'.' ".. .. :' <", ..... ':'.. • 1'\ .. ITL" INSURANP.E CI,'lMPAN?' .' y ............ :.'. hiis:placii'd HIe dQWin~nt 01 .::,. ::"." .. t·",/ ... EASEMENTAGREEMENT-6 Wlwpd0cs\3304111011kla172Sdoe record as: •. customer c'OjJrte~y ,; .• / and acceptih191lablllly·for .: .:' .' . :;",:,. the aCCU(Jcy o'i'V:lhtiity 0(' ..:} /' IhQ ClQculTI9nl . <\':':;' .' .:..... ./ .. ,. :/"'; .. / " ,,. .~~ .. . :~. /" ~:::I' :~:" . }' .;:~::~// i • ,. , i· I , : \ , .. 1-" 1/.'· T ... 1-;, .... , .. ; . J ( I " I i I. i·"! i " I ,. I" j , . , I j .. i j :,~. , .:' . .~ .. .;. :: .,'., .: \;"~'" /.: .j: ,~,. ..:.1' :; ./ .... 18. Notices. All notices, consents, approvals and other communications ~: /" pfo~'idep for herem or gIven In COrulection herewIth shall be vabdly gIven, made, delIvered .\". ,/ J0:t::··serv.ed··l"f-l.n wntmg and delivered personally or sent by regIstered, certIfIed mad, or .. f ~~ceipte~ overmght serVIces, postage prepaId, or by faCSImile to, with confirmed receIpt at \:':~";""."'''''/' ..... ' Jhe.,fOl1~\vm~ aq!Jres~~~ '~::. I93S ;::' /./.", , .. , .... '\ KB,S ~iji:L·~'.¢ ' .. { .:"::'" .:.;: /. 12505 Bel ... R:e'd Road"". :~::...,:; :( :/. ~~lf~yue, W;A,:~9·8005.i· to;;. .'. .. :',,, .. t Atte'htlOJl!,:/Koim TiiYlof l '::.\. ..,/ Fro( 4~5/4s2-901(1 " ... ;:;:: .... / .:,:""., ... ,.,., :.,;:'; ,i'// ,:'/' .} .. , .. / .. ,/., ..... ;'),; McClelland ;;~li~f6rd 3:nd 9ildy..'M<?Clel!ap~. .' t4410 SE 107(/! prace.f ,,/ .. \ ',r"":'!} ;: .;-:: .:' ';'(;:>i' Renton(~t· ;~,~o~~.=":/,:i' :/ .. ,., ... \::: ..... ) .. /':::"':.:y 19 Attorney's Fees In thee\(p~t any p~rty employ's ao;'att9In~y' to enforce any of the prOVi~10J1S o{ thiS Agreement, on a'ny i~;;ue··:of:·'S~te, (~denll aibankiltp.tcy law(1h,.e prevaIlIJ:lg p~tty.shall be entitled to recover\ts costS}'lltigat~on exp'ense~: ari~ rea~6n~61e attorne.Y's fees lii~onnectlon therewIth from ti1e"ndn-prev~ihng·j)·a'ity.; ... / f!,/ ./ :.:' .'~::',. ":, .~:' ",:' ,'.:' '.:' " .: ,.::,;' 2o·::"~dverding Law. ThIS Agreement shall b~;·~6hst&.ed;4~~~r and" g6~ethed by the law's of the St~te ai' Washington. .. ,. .:....' ,'." :.~' .,',' ::' ':··:·':'h"'·'.:~· .,::::: :,:'': .:' .:./." :<'2~."".S~ver~bIrlt;n·"If.·any provIsIon of thIS Easement Agreem;~t:.i~ .~~te~~ined by a ':Cr;>urt to' be my~hd or u~nfo~ceable, the remainder of thiS Easement Agr{:e1ll.ent shall remam ll'i'ful,l force.,a·n((eff~ct § :! , .. n". . ·'···~~··suchess~s,··:'·/~l)i~·;E~~~,me.:~\gre~ment bmds the heIrs, successors and assIgns of the partIes ···:::"::""",h .• """"/'.// ,=;/:::'" \", .. "j .//;"'.";? .. :.;: ...... . . ' ":" .. ,1'\ .. KB.S III,~' L ~.C;~: a )Vashington lImited lIabIlIty '\" )compariy .;" .:,,: /".::"'.:. CHICAGO TIlLE: 1(ISUR/,NC{C0MPJ.\ttr' ./ .:" .' .:'./ :/ ...... ". has pla~ed lhll document of . :; '\. record as a customer courtesy ;', .. "."" .. and accepts no liability for the accur J~y or validity of the d::lcU mer' .:~ '.: . . ' ;:~'" ........ . .' :!" ....... , ... ~. ~ . . ' :::-:-· .... 1:/· .~,. ,::' /' EASEMENT AGREEMENT - 7 W,\wpd0C81330411101lklS1725 doe .'.' .',' .;: .. :\;:. .' ::"':;'.;:.::" " " ",:. ' . .' ______ .""""""'::r:::r ..... +e.,.,,.',,-... _ ....... -'l:T"":;.~-t!!~_I. __________ • _ .. _ • ....,ott,"IJ'tt'e'1 .......... _________________ _ .:. ,', .;. ,;': ":::',. ,.:' " ::: .", ~;.y ,;:' "':', '~.'.' H . ~ .\~ ~f:: :.:, ,.' :1 ,;' ./~: •. ". .. ~~ ·":::\ .. f // :.::' :,:, Cmdy McCI Hand . t' •• ,;:' .:' : ...... \~'.:. \::\ .,.",'::~: "':"::-t,I" ,:' ',:' .~ .:' ., ... "'\, • . ,'" ..• "." ..•... ,. .::' STATE OF' WASHiNGTON ..... )",. /:~. .:,::' " .:/' ... J//' /""'i, \: /.,,//' } .. }s ., .. COUN rY:.OF .KING ;..' ,.)-. .. ... " '. /··"":;'<~~IS {~."l'b Q£~)IF'(t;{~'ii~···~I~I.S.:?~t~~,day of O;oc,1 ,191£, before me, " .\,,', .~.~. " r -a Notary p'il,~,ltc III a,nH 19f thlt'Si~te of W~shihg.t6n, duly comlTIlsslOned and SW01O, came .' . Kohn Tayloi~''1Del.SbnaIJY ll~.6wn CJ·f haY.II:igi~re~ented satisfactOlY eVidence to be a Member of KBS Ill, L L C , the ~I'lmt~d ha~{hty :~'oll!panl that executed the .foregomg Instrument, and acknowledged the said ·.~n.§tnmJent t6' b~,'the [ree,afid·vo.luntary aff'and deed of ~azd limited hablhty company fOI th~' use.~"~md/pllr:p'ost?:ltJi~~cll?: . .l.11e~il.oneM~I~i on oath stated that he IS authol'l.lcd to execute the !.alil·.1~1~trl1l:1'ient·o~::·beh.~ff a;r sa~.d l~li1lt.~d habihty company .... .'t.,. ./'" ./:' :/' ." .... ,',/ .'/.." j/ ......... , ..... ,. Y HAND and ofhcla,l seaJ,J.h.e day ~i1d yea~:"ln thls~.~rtlhca~¢':{l.rst " ' . '':'" ":·.f / .,' . ;. ','rN9TQN .,/·T·····:. '.: .. < ..... / ./, .. :,,"" ). 58'\ COUNTY OF··.KING .. f· j' .:",")\ ::; .'r····· ..... . THIS J;:;:o·C.~~fJF(t!l~t';l;,itllii~~~~JAy,pf f>\f<" \ ,19'1"1 hefore me, a Notary puhlIc III and 101 th~ StateOt. W.a811lpgtop~ dql'y <,:.oqlnllssloned and ~WOlll, came ClIfford McClelland, persdludJX .. ~'iG~ii o(hav~;rig pl:e~¢ilte~~·.~at!~factory eVidence to be the Individual descllbed m and who exccutcdlhe;wllhin IristrLii'hent,':~nd acknowledged that he signed the same as 1m free and vol1l11'lmy u9.t"and.:,dee'd rgr~I\f.! lIse~"ano~purposes thCIClIl menholled·"··· .. ··/~/ .. ,;:./ :" ,:: ..... , '::" "' .. : ... :.:'::' cfiICAGd·,'flTL\l'\NsdRI\Nc.licor~p.~\~Y,. ::: :has pl~.~ed IllJidocl.lmcnt 9f ,',.... . ... :: . . :: ...... :': record·'a3 a .custolrrer cOuft~6Y .' ,. and.acc.eptS no hablhtyJor./·"'· .' .:': the'accu!~cy of:iJandlW Qf .,/ .... :.,' .. <}.'. .:' the document :;' .::' .:.: :':: .::> ....... . ;':'.. .' :: • ••••.• :. .' .' ,lll ....... •• •• ~.~· .... • " ·;'·:,.r .:'.': :: :/".'1:/' :,f '::. . .:: .... ~ .;~ .. :.,::. ::""~":i: )' ·.'.'··::;:::~I:.rl, ... ·,~I~II' .• ,' • .' .' ."\. {, .. ,. .' ....{ .,':: ,~' .' .l··';·"} " .i·~· ,~J .~( :':' " .': / EASEMENTAGREEMENT-8 Wlwpdocsl330411\OI\kI.1725I1oc .' ::..: ...• ".:; .. " . : ~ .; . '~:J' "'\'"",{ . '.,,' <I , .... ' " ,,:~ ." .. r .. ' . :~~. . ' .. :' , ;: : ...... ', . .~ . . . EASEMENTAGREEMENT-9 W\wpdocs\33041\10'\~lsI125 doc .... ,.::' .: ~'.:. "':'/ ,~~.>""""'" ";" ,::> / ··::··::::: •. 1:0 ........ •• .' .:' ::""~~"i: .' :~ I' .... ~ ...... ~. ~ • ".('':1:/' ,~\' / .' .. ,\ ..... . ' "., .' .... .' .... ~, .. / ':", " . .. .,:.,:':' " ,.;' . ', .:"'.: . . y .~~ . f" t'MU'.~: •••• ::. "" {-" , " . -' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -10 W \wpdoe.\330411101l~1'17~,\ dO<' EXHIBIT A ........ ,. '~'.~, ,,',' ..... " .. .:. .,' CHICAGO TIlU. iNSUHANCE COMPf\N'f hds plar.ed the document of record as a customer courtesy and accepts no liability for . . the accurd~y or validity of ,:-'f~ c"icun;ent .:' 0'" . ' ,." " .:' ./;.'., .. " .... ' . ;; .. , ..... . . ..... . . ' .' .. ;' .:' .' ..••.. , .... ::'. '., "" .. ::' '; . . :.'::'.:;,:, •. ,,,, ... , ... , ..... :." .~.:':,>~"""" .' ::··········i: ;'/ :~ , ..... ~ .. ", .~, ~. :: ./~·'·-\t/ .:.:.~' .,~,::; ... ,0' ;: ... '; .-::. ~ .: . , ." ... f .,' :; .. ' .. ~ , .:' .~\.; ./;' .~. .1 ,/Lnck Parcek ."~ :~ .' . , .' it if '., /" .. //: .. //····:~:,.~~~ .... A . . ,' ~', '~:::, ••. I'· /:":: • EXIIIBIT n '!: ,.:,: . . . . \.. . .. ".f .:/ :(~c N~rth 165 feet of the South 495 feet of the Northeast quarter ofthe Southeast quarter ."\, ..... " .. /....:,:' ofSe9t'i~Jl<3~'T()~ship 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, .' W·.· as"'·:-.··gt·'· on '., .' lULl .' :: •• , ..• ·• .. '.:h::. . }' ""'< ,i./ ./' ,/' .t,··,·····} .:/ /"",/ ..... ,j' /. &0 tto~d ex¢ept~bq;has be~n n<~ted"ii1}hls description for Parcel A) ·'···~· .. f ' ~:\ ... ,/.:i' .j.... :J .' .~ .. ~/ .. t·f::/·· .i~ ':":;~. Parc~J B. .;.'~:; ./':':': ,;' .:(,:.,.:' .:( ::? .:,-.".;,:, .. " ..... " •. /'. ::,,:" ~/ ,.,) ./ :t·:' ..... : ... .} The North half,d'fth~·:.'Nol1l'l hal-tdt',;the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter. 0.1 Sec~ion ~~ T<;>.\Vns:lllp ,?J'N~rth, Ran~~::S,.East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Wash#igto.~·; .,/ ./' ;:./ "":" /. ,Y EXCEPT that portion a~s~rlb~d as .follows;.,"':::. ':. ;';"::.';:=:'J' ... ~, .. ':" .~/' ~/ ::,:" :/ . .' ':"::: .. :. ::';' ;.~. .~~.: Bes~ng at a point on the Nonh litl,e ot,'said sUb'Cii:Asiqn w.hi~b·.l:!ears South.Ol °25'02" W;.~st':6)3.38 feet and North 890 37'3$" W~!if3o. fe~i fr9m t1.{~ East q~er c!i)Hl~r of said $ecllon·'J:f.. ":"";;;'., ." .•. ,r·:· .,:.". ,i' .' , .. ':.";''',.'' .... ,,:;':' \" ;.:./ .J? :·'then.~~ No~ 87°37'38" West along said North.hne :125, .feet,' .. ·· .... .' :: /. . :i' theric~:;South 01°25'02" West 122.17 feet, < ........ ::' ::-.... -.... :: :.::':/ ii' the·nce.~South 87°49'08" East 125 feet; '.' ;;. .: ........ : .:' /. ..' :' ~enc~:Not;ili 01°25'02" East 121.75 feet to the Point dfB.,~gi~~; .,.:' . .:' .:/Exc¢pt tb.t £.ast"30Jeet thereof for County Road.::' ./;: .' \"0. ""o;;~lJ','i~" ~"iit\a~~f approximately 17 feet between Parce;:'~ '~,~.) .:::,. ,:1' :.-: ,/ ;:; ::0 . ..".~ . Yelladd"Parcel: :{ .; .,: ./, ....... . The NOrtk,1 ~5'~:;I'&,'~e,$~~fh 3~Of<e\,of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter OfScctlOC. 3~·,T.oWnslup ~3 Norlh{RPngc:{5E~t, Willamette Mendlan, in King County, Washington; :.~ '\:, ... \'. .:'. " /":' .. :. EXCEPT County ro~s '.:,;,.;/., ;: .' / .... :, .... :. Bennett Parcel: "'::",.".: ... ,,,/ .' .:. ,." .:! .. :: ........... \. ',:, \ .. , .... / :.;' ./: ..... \,. ',: ,.-...... Lot 1, King County Short Plat N.1JIll9~~ 489017, r~tor4ed under ~cordlOg Nwnber 870303900 I, and amended by Affida~~t 9f Gorre:ctioqire~~dJ!d uri.der Recording Number 8706260950, in KIng County, Washington,:·bein:g a pbrti,on g:f th~·~9uth'ha.1f of the South haIf of the South haIf of the Northeast quariet:,p'rt~i Sqiithe.t\st q\J,aher ofSe~tion 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Wlllamette Mei:Idi~, ~ Kriii' Co~ty, Wasl)iD,gton; .• : ..... :. • .. /' •.• / .:.,:': :,./,~~,,~: •..• ·.:.;.;r ..• :.? ... J' '/ .~~>""""""" GHICAG,9}ITL~JNSli(lAN.GECoMpM.jy. .' .t" ........ ':,· has placed the ~ocumetif 'ot-.;.. " ::........ .' :/".'1:/' /' record as a custoO)er courle~: .;' .' ,: .r nnd ~tcapts no Imbibl}(.fpr: .. ·" .:' .," " thQ IlCcuracy or validity' of;: ..") \lle<'OCU'1lllnl ":;.' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 WI"pdoCS133041110 11101, 17 /5 doc "'~"::': " :f: " " :/ . ~'.,:: , . i ·,': .f .,~ . • ~. ,0 ::; " .~.y .::: .... : ...... :. { ~: i "" :~ .: ./ .. /' ./' .:~.~.:#:' .......... ,;. ~~ \:::, ... ~\ . .. . '. ". ../ . /. TP.QETH:j::R WITH the following described property in accordance with Decree \. ... ".,. ,.,.,./'. QweJmg)fi~~ .. in.~g County Superior Court Cause Number 86-2-22118-2 entered on ""."._. :Maf,th 23,:.l987. ": .... " .. , .. ,. ":,. : :/.. .) ./' .,/ .•.. :~.: \ /"',( .. /:. "' .. ::" lJie ~o':ith 3,)0 f~t Qt¢e Noqh~as~."quarf:~r of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, t~wristjip i3 N6rth/lUnge 5 aa.st/Wllla,Jil~tt.e Meridian, in Kmg County, Washington; EXCEPT th'e'''Westj840~'SO fe¢t:th~reQf,"'in4: '.':1' . " ~ ',' .. r or· '" " EXCEPT.~e N9rth 165 f,t~t tBc;reof; ~4." ,:.:: .... / EXCEPT tiiafportipn odying.i·Wit4ill.i~·~ S~uth half of the South half of the South balf of said subdivision; and):" ./ ,/ .:. .."::;: i':· .. EXCEPT County rottds. ..' .... ' .. :.:'.,/ ';". .f:>· Serra Parcel: ( .r .' ,;:":;:' .••. ,' .•... \.'. .' ... :ii •• ,.~::.: .• t· ... ~.; ;: .~. . . .'~:. .~~. ;:,) ·'~··:::t:' / ./ Lot 2 aQ~ the East 164 feet of Lot··l/K.1~g d~,Y.:n.ty Sho~' Pl~f 1'{urnbeF4~60 17, r~cQrded undef":R~eording Number 8703039001, ~d corr~$te4;Unq£r R~c,g.~dU:l,g ii{.um~t/ 87q626095a~)eing a portion of the folloWing; ..... ,·,·· .i":,' ....... "''''''" •.. ,,)' !! .J';::-' :: ',,'. .~/ .~. .:" .:' .~.' " ::: /:::~:.. ':. ':', ,~~. ,\' ........... .:: I": :.," 'IJie Squt1i;:halt9f the South half of the South half o'f:tlic Nortlje~l::q~C~i.:bftlie :SoutQ~ast .quari.br of Section 3, Township 23 North, Rang¢.S E'ast, Wjilariiett~' Meridian, ;.·····in I9Dg 90WltY, Washington, .' ... " ..... /.:: .. ",....:: " ,.;./ E~tE~t C~lID,~Y'·ro·ads;., '\":;: ". :'~": AND'EXC,E~T theJolloWing described parcel. :\":.,/ ':;"::;'.:. /:r ;,f .,\ .. ,/' }': ::/ BEQINNIl'{G~t! th~;:Sou~e,asfc'(h11,er of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section. 3' \ ... /: /:/ "::: " t ',!.II" :;:: "'~;. '" Thence Nortperly 65.,Q'Q{feet.:aioQg th.e ~tJine of said Section 3; Thence Nortks.7°49'~08;' W~st 610,.io feet,/ . .. ,..-,,~. ,'~: .'.':. Thence South 01°25'04" W~s~.65.00 feet,(o th¢· SO,uth line of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said, Sectlo'ii;J; .;:" :/: .;:,. ..... ./.'.! ...... . Thence Easterly along sa'ic;tS,9.uth line Q10 ~O feet to"the:i~oin~ of Beginning; , .~. ;: .:': ,:' :.:' ... : ':;. ~: ".~~, "... ,:' ;',' .' '\ ':', . -'.' . . (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A, King':Go~ty BoUndilry.I::in~ AdJ{fsunent application number S92LOI03, recorded under Re6otdin,g N\lm1i~r 9709\-0:1,022) TOGETIIER WITH an easement for roa~·'~i:l.I.li'es.,6·:e/~e.::·'~01:i·~~;i;·~:·~6.n of Lot I as disclosed on the face of the short plat. .,./ ./' :/. ./ /::<.":;.! ~~ /.:; .... . .... , .:. ,r :::: .~'., ';::r :.'.: '.~' ..... CHIG~.GO nnf.,INSI)RAWCE COMPANY,,: , ...... ,. has':pldc~.d Ul~' ducQinent 0(';:. ./':,." ... ,' . '::. Y' ..... " ... :.,. recorci'as a c~tomei-:cQur~sy"",,:' ::""'''''.:: ::; .. /.\/ :: and acc~pls 1l6:.1Jablhty for ";: .::' .:' tho accur..tcy or val!~lty ot.,,/ . .\::, .;.\. tho ~ocurr.ont """"".. .... ..' .f· .' .,~.: r :; .' .\" :~:-;", ;.,'.~ .~:'.~~;/: " .f" :~. .:' " :'.f /.~' '<' . .;:"" :;". ,:;' EASEMENT AGREEMENT -12 W\wpdoc.\3304'\'O'\~1.172: doc :: .::} ··\··:~~.i~ '. i I' , 1 i '.~ " .' , :J. EASEMENT AGREEMENT -13 Wlw,pdoct1330411101lklll7n doc EXIIIllITC .' .' " ;:""\"~'., :; .~ . . ' .....•.... ,.:::.~. i;·"·~'···· "" .~ .. , ...... . :: . .' .' .. ' ..... :/ • 0' •• ~.,.::.: ~:. :. /' ",;' .\'l~·' . • ~. ','" .1 ~ . us --. CJ ----. .. Cl -• oCt .-- · -.... ~ ...... -.'I'"'t~' ____________ _ WHEN RECORDED RBTt1'RN TO' Zeno, Drake and Hively, P.S. 4020 Lake Washington Blvd. HE CHICAGO YlTl[ nil I It ~ .. , or 114 e8-'II7"" " II KINlaJI.MV.1M 32"- KSUiirktelanl~ WA 98033 E1902408 , w.ralfv:'i' JlI PI.W:II @Chicagonde InIurance Company 701 5th A"..ue -S&dte1700 .'~ WasIIln 98104 PAGII ... OF "' DOCUMENT l1TLE(S) ) Easement Agreement 2 aTf-s~4ff1S -I 3 4 . (@ .REfERENCE NUMBD(S) 0' DOC~S ASSICNEJ) OR RELEASED: [] AddllllwaJ .... ;,.QDpqe _D1'cioAnM:DI CRANrOR(S): I. Clifford and Cindy McClelland 2 3 4 CRANTEBCS): pS Ill, LLC 2 3. 4 ABBnVlATED LEGAL DUCRI1'110N Lot-lhlit Bloclc. SccQOIl 1'owIIMIJI. Lot 3, 1t111& COlIDty Short Plat , PIIllNamc: 8703039001 Pag' PGI1IDII: 486017 recorded under Recording I ASSI'SSOR'S PROIERTY TAXPARCBL ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 032305-9270 - C AdIIaIIaulIa acC01llll_lIm _ PIC. _01 cIDo-c nrn awer IMet k.r" C .... I)' a.cordlr'.lIdIad .. ,...,..... DIlly. n..JIMu .. wIII..-, _ ... ,.,.,. ..... , ....... UII Ita fona. n.1CatI''WlJlaoI .... ,.. a.cv-I bJ ftnl)' iIItollCAl'K1'" -........ or ..... .., •• ttudoII pra ...... latmll f I " ~ ': ________ .. -••• t'.~~, .... , ________________ _ IiC' -N c co 0 C-- C) CD 0 N' ·0 .C) ·N " Flied at Request of ., ------=--.... - ZENO, DRAK~ & HIVELY, P S 4020 Lake Washington Blvd NE, #100 Kirkland, WA 98033 DOCUMENTmLE BaaemaII·" G1WfI'OR McCItJImI. Chft'oreI mI CmdV GllANlU KBSm LLC . LEGAL DESClUFI'ION SceBxlnIlltC AdddaoIIIlIcol OD DI2CS 10 -13 of IIus docamaIl ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 03D)S.9270. 032~. 03230S-9046-02. 0323()S.~. 032JOS.9033.()7. 032305-9269 EASEMENT AGREEMENT . -II.. TInS EASEMENT AGRBBMENT ("Agreement") IS enlenld into this ....a.::. day ~ , 1999, by aDd between ClIfford and Cindy McClelland, a marital ly ("McCleDand") IDd KBS m, L L.C., a Washington limited bablbty company and/or successors or assigns ("KBS") RECITALS A McClelland IS !he OWDeI' of certam real property located at 14410 SB 107· Place, kenton, WA 98059,lcgaJly desc:ribed In ExlubJt A attached hereto ('McCleUand Property'), aDd B KBS IS the parcbaser UDder an executory Purchase am Sale Agreement of certam real property which IS adJaceDt to the McC1eUaod Property, JegalJy described in Exlublt B attacbed hcmo ("JCBS Property"), !he closmg of purehaso aod sale of winch WID be e~l1DCOus with !be conveyance of tbJs Easement Agrcenat, C KBS mtends to obtai. approval for a formal subchVlSlOn or PRO for the KBS property. ml construdJon draWIng approval of the same as a coulitioo to tile closing of the purchase am sale transaction as weD as to !be conveyance of the easement descnbcd herem, and EASEMENT AGREEMENT -1 W~tllOI""125doc DUPLICATE ORIGINAL D KBS desires to obtam as easement across a portIon of the McClelland Property for thC purpose of a lIIStallmg am mamtaining underground ubhtles, and ' E McClelland IS WJIhng to grant such easements accordmg to the terms descnbed berem, NOW, THEREFORE, m consIderatIon of $25,000 paJd by KBS to McClelland ($2,000 wluch IS payable upon McClelland's execution of this Agreement and the approval by KBS of its feaslblhty sl9dy, and the remamder IS payable WJthm tlurty (30) days of approval of a plellmmary plat and approved constructIon drawings for saId SUbdIVIsIon or PRD), the mutual proIDlses contamed herem, and the benefIts denved therefiom, the undersIgned partIes hereby agree as follows ' Grants of Easements and L1CellSe , 1 I Easement for UndergroUJ¥l UWltJes. McClelland hereby grants to KBS a perpetual, non-eXCluslve easement over, under, and across that pornon of the McClelland Property legally described ID ExlubJt C attached hereto ("Easement Area") for the purposes specified m paragraph 2 beloW McClelland shall have the nght to use the u::P Easement Alea for any and all purposes not inconsistent WIth the nghts granted to KBS -'herem Such, ngbt shall mclude, but not be lunited to, the mstallatJon of underground N-cr. utilities; sideWallcs, gutters, PIpes and culverts, so long as said uses'do not unreasonably ~ mterfere wIth the mstallation, mamtewux:e and operabon of the underground utJIitJes m the -Easement Area . c eo C) 1 2 ' ~ McClelland also grants to KBS a temporary license to enter CN upon the McCleltand Property for the IDDlted purposes of completIng construcbon and : ~ mstaUabon of the underground UWIlJes, proVIded, however, KBS shall exel t Its most N reasonable efforts to confIDe such entry to the EasemeDt Area and areas unmedlately adjacent to the Easement Area 2 Use of Easement Area KBS' s use of !be Easement Area shall be limited to the construction, installation, mamteoaJl:e, repair, operatIOn and use of underground UWltJes to serve the forty-elgbt bouses to be built OD the Property descnbed m Exlublt B, subject to the nght of mumctpahlles and utJlity dlStncts to'use as they may teqllll'C after dedication of the utilities as set forth m paragraph 8 1 below ID addttJon, If any more parcels of property are added to the proposed subdIVISIOn, any resKiences buJlt on those parce]s wJlI also have the same fight to use the easement 3. KBS's wArranties KBS warrants that the undergrouoo utilitIes for the KBS property sbaU be constructed m accordance WIth all applicable drawmgs; specmcatJons, EASEMENTAGREEMENT-2 W\opcIoCo\33II4tl101tllttnscloo CItCAGO nne INSURANCE COMIWIY has ~d all document III record as a CU$lomer cotrtisy andiC. no lIab~rIy la !lie lCturacy a vailcltt 0/ "t~ , ! pennlls, approvals and other legal· reqwrements Imposed by City, county, state or federal laws andlor regulatIOns. 3 1 DIligent Construction. KBS shall prosecute the construction and mstallatlon of the underground uuhtJes diligently and continuously until they are completed 3 2 OwnershiP KBS or assigns will be the owner of the KBS Property upon clOSing of the above-referenced purchase and sale transaction 4 McClelland's Warranues. McClelland warrants that they are the owner of the McClelland Property and that there are no liens or encumbrances affecting the McCleUaoo Property winch would mterfere WIth the mtended use of the Easement Area 5 Cost of Construction of Underground Utthbes KBS shaJJ, at lis sole cost and expense, design, construct aIXl install the underground uUbtJes m compbance With all applicable requIrements Pnor to commencmg IDStaJlatlon of the underground ubllties. KBS shall bave a licensed surveyor ~rvey the west property line of the McClelland Property , and sball place surveyor's rebar stakes at the northwest corner and the soutltwest corner of the McClelland Property At the complebon of lnstaJJatlon of the wtderground ubbtles, KBS sbaJl flDlSh grade the Easement Area and adjacent ground which may have been cUsturbed by KOS's construCtIon aCtiVIties, and shall also re-seed the re-graded area With grass seed KBS shall take care not to damage the McClelland Property, and any improvemenrs thereon, dunng the exercise of KBS's rigbts hereunder. In the event any damage IS suffered dunng tills work, KBS agrees to promptly repm sald damage, or to reunburse McClelland for the entlfC costs of the repaD' work KBS Will replace any trees or shrubs removed or disturbed to the nearest location allowed . . 6 Water Lme KBS agrees to loop a. water lme m the Easement from the existing water malD lo tIte proposed subdJvlslon if allowable by Water Dlstnct #90 upon construction of SaId subdlVlsion If further easements are necessary to loop S81d water maID in easement to be purchased, Seller agrees to grant such addJbonal easements, at DO further costtoKBS 7 McClelland's COnncctJOD to Utilities. KBS agrees to connect McClelland's. eXIStIng resJdence, as legally permISSible, to rhe sanitary sewer to be installed m the easement and to leave one addJbonal sewer stub-out on the north boundary lme of the McClelland parcel, approxunately 250 feet from the western-most property ]me of tax parcel No 032305-9270 at the tune of the constructlon of the proposed subdIVISIOn In addlbon, KBS agrees to pay the foJlowmg sewer connecbon charges for the eXISting McClelland enc~rom King County and the City of Renton a~ \\ V~4 ~~f to(t~,,~@ V \\~. u-{ ~ \t'/11 ~It~\~~ EASE W~\ll0l'l11'I!5"'" \ .. ! . ~~--.,--~--------------------- a City fees' b System Development Charge $ 585 Honey Creek Special AS,sessment DlStnct $ 250 Permit fees Subtotal ~ $ 895 i $1.09840 (llfetune payoff) ~~ (i1 IlIf VIlli'''' \l, ,... Kmg County-Capacity Charge TOTAL $1.984 )I~~'I"'*, . ~~ In the event McCle]Jand connects mto am uses any other of the undergro II ~J 't.1Me( ~~ McClellaoo shall pay all comtruCUOD expemes asSOCiated wldl saJd connectIOn to '~"IIJ ~ uUhtIes, and S81d connecnon shall be free of aU hens on dle KBS Property. and shall be In ~1,~L complWlce With all applicable legal requirements Notwldlstmbng the foregomg. KBS ~ agrees that McClelland shall 001 be required to pay any connecbon fee, surcharge or othe t1~ constructIon or mstalJauon of the uuhtJes ~~ l \fI q lA 71( fee to KBS for the purpose of reunbursmg KBS for the cost of all or any portIOn,f the \!-flO 8. Mamtenance and JWwr ExIlCDSCS All expenses associated with malDtaunng. repainng, restonng, cleanmg or semcmg the completed underground uulltlcs shall be paid entuely by KBS unul such tune as KBS cbhcates the underground utJIities to the AssOctatiOn' Thereafter, all such expemes associated with mamtammg. repairing, restonng, cleanmg or 5eIV1CIDg !he completed underground utilities shall be paid by the Association or appropnate ubhty dlStnct If ublitics are dedicated pursuant to paragraph 8 1; prOVided, however, If repair or malDtenance of the umergrouOO utJIltles IS required as a result of tbe sole actIon or maebon of McC1eJland, McClelland shall pay the entire expense of such repaIr 8 1 DedicatiOn to Governmental EntrtiesJCommercJal Uuhtv The, ubbues may be dedicated to the City of Renton. K1nB County, Water DlStrict No 90 or any uhhty company In the future by KBS or by the homeowners' aSSOCiatIon, provided that the CIty of Renton, Kmg County, Water DIstrict No 90 or any Ubllty company agrees 10 operate, mamlaln, repaIr and leplace the ubbues Upon such dedIcation, the obhgation of the properly owners to contnbute to the operabon, mamtenance, rtpau and replacement of the underground utIlities shall tennmale Further, the nght to use such uulltles will thereafter be at the dISCretion of the utIlIty company or IDUDlclpahty whIch owns the uUhbes and not hooted to the Icsldences In the proposed subciJvlSlon EASEMENTAGREEMENT-4 , W~'I101 .... 'l25doc CHCAGO 11M INSlIIANCI: COIdlANY hal pImId !he cIoaminlol nCOld as a customer eotrleSY and accepts no babdty lor llie II:CllRC, or ya~ddy 01 IheCloctIlllGllI - ·-........ _-------------------------------- 9 Entry 00 MCClelland Property to Perform Mamtenaoce and Rej>air Work KBS and successors shall have the perpetual ngbt, at such tunes as may be necessary, to enter upon the McClelland Property for the purpose of accesSlDg, mamtauung, repainng, restormg, clearung or servicIng the utIlities McClelland agrees that Sald nght of entry shall be DO less than twenty feet (20') ID width. KBS and its successors agree that such work shall be accomplished m such a manner that the surface of the ground and any pnvate unprovements eXlsbng on the McClelland Property shall nol be disturbed or destroyed, or m the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they wtll be replaced In as good a condition as they were unmedaately before the McClelland Property was entered upon by KDS or Its successors 10 Hold Harmless and Indenuuty PrOVISIOns 10.1 Mutual Indemruficabon. KBS and McCleJland hereby agree to hold each other harmless, to mdemnify and defem each other of am from any and all c13llDS and/or damages winch either party may sustain as a result of any breaches of their respective obllgallOns descnbed herem. WIthout Iumtlllg the generality of the foregomg, KBS speC1fx:aJly agrees to hold harmless, mdemmfy and defend McClelland, unul transfer of !he uulmes 10 the homeowners assoclabon wluch WIll be formed or KBS's successors 10 mterest to the K.BS PI operty. or for a penod of two (2) years from the date of completion of the constructlon of the UUhl1es. whIChever occurs last. from aIXI against any and all cJauns andIor damages relatmg to. 10.11 KBS's construction and Installation of abe utiliues • • IC) . ~ 10 1 2 The fJ]mg of any hens or assessments agamst the McClelland property as a result of the Installabon of the utilities, 10 1 3 The overflow of water from the utillbes, prOVided, however, KBS shall have no liability bcrewxIer If said overflow IS caused solely by . McClellaOO's aCtion, 10.1 4 The contamination of !he McClelJand Property With hazardous or toxic waste or maler181 as a result of KBS's inslallauOD of the uuhhes. 10 1 S The dasclJarge of hazardous or toxIC waste or matenaJ througb the utility system. unless said contaminauon or dISCharge 1& caused by McClelland. or ongmates Wlthm the McClelland Property. 10 1 6 Any governmental agency or other party or person contendmg that the utllIlles were not properly constructed or Otherwise damaged their property or the environment ' EASEMENTAGREEMENT-5 CHICAGO ru INSURANCE CCfJJ'ANY /tas placed IIIe doClJll1elll r:I reconl IS. CUSiomer courtsy . and a_ no kabllity for the ~ orVBAQIy 01 tI1t~ Notwithstanding any provIsion hereof seemlDgly to the contrary, the Association andlor KBS's successors In Interest shall contmue to be bound by the oblIgations contaIned in this paragraph 9 m perpetuity.' 11 extensiOns Twenty-SIX (26) months after SlgnlDg and mutual acceptance of this Agreement, If KBS has nOl received fmal engmeermg and construction drawmg approval for the above-mentIoned SUbdivision, McClelland agrees to extend the closing of thIs transacUon fol' three (3) nmety (90) day periods at a cost of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) for each extension, to be paid at the beginning of each exteuslOn AU earnest money depoSits and extension payments shall apply to the purchase pnce at closmg 12 TermmatJon of Easement Notwlthstandmg any other proVISion contained herein seenungly to the contrary, In the event KBS has not completed mstallatlon of the utilIties within ten years of the date that thiS Agreement IS recorded WIth the Kmg County Recorder, this Agreement sllall automatICally temunate and shaJl thereafter be null and VOid KBS's wOlk shall be deemed complete at such D as City andlor County fully and finally accept all ofKBS's wOIk on the utilities as complete 13. Covenants Runmng wuh the Land. McClelland and.K.BS agree that the terms and COnditiOns contained berem shall benefit and burden the McClelland and KBS Properties, and shall constitute covenants that run WIth both Propertles, and shall benefIt and burden the heIrS, successor and asSIgns of the McClelland and KBS Properues 14 Null and V Old Tlus conttact and the contems herem WIll become null and VOId and unenforceable m the event !CBS fads to receIve 6naI engmeermg and constructlon drawmg approval for a formal subdiviSIon or PRD for the property shown on Exhibit B 15. mG KBS agrees to place a SIX foot (6') fence along the North lme of tax parcel No. 0323059270 10 the event the aforementioned subdiVISIon receIves approvals acceptable to Purchasel 16. Dramage. KBS agrees to protect and defend McCleJIand from dralllage from the proposed KBS subdiVISIOn and development efforts KBS shall resolve any dramage problems arismg directly as a result of the development and construction of the property descnbed on ExhIbit B, aM repair any damage caused to McClelland's property from any such drainage problems. 17 . Enure Agreement There are no other agreements between KBS and McClelland that modify or affect tlus Agreement TIns Agreement IS fully integrated and all pnor negotiations regardmg the terms of the Easement Agreement are merged anto and have become a part of this Agreement EASEMENTAGREEMENT-6 W~II'OIlIdsI7t.ScIoc. CHICAGO nru INSURANCE COMPANY • has placed lilt documenl 0/ recOld III QISIomer courtesy and actejU no bbl~ lor !he acCW'JCY 01 valtdliy 01' Iho qQCU/nMt '! > .'"' .. ". ,'" .. , : .. ' . t 'd .:, " .............. ,,-...... , .... ,_ ....... ·--"'· .. ~ ____ ._~ ______ .....,.c,~"=-. ______________ _ 18. NotICes. AU notices, consents, approvals and other communicatIons provided for herem or given m CODDeCtlon berewnh shall be valldly given, made, delivered or served If m wrJtUlg and delivered personally or sent by registered, cembed mad. or receipted overmght semces. postage prepaid, or by facslDli1e to. with conf1lDled receipt at the folJowmg addresses . KBS KBsm,LLC 12505 Bel·Red Road Bellewe, WA 98005 AttentIOn' Kohn Taylor FaX 425/452-9016 McCleDand Clifford and Cmdy McClelland 14410 SE 1()7f' Place ReDlOn, WA 98059 19 Attorney's Fees In !be event any pany employs an attorney to enforce any of the provisiOns of thiS Agreement, on any issue of state;. federal or bankruptcy law. the prevallmg p~ shall be eotJUcd to recover Its COSIS, htJgatlon expenses and reasonable attorney's fees 18 connectlOn thereWith from the non-prevallllll party. 2OGovet1!1DJ Law. ThIs AgrCCl1ltnt shall be comtrued under and governed by the laws ofthc Stare ofWasbington. 21 Severability If any proVISion of tbJ3 Easerrx:nt Agreement is determined by a coun to be mvalld cir unenforceable, the remainder of this Easement Agreement shall remam m full forCe and effect 22 Successors nus Easement Agreemcm bDKls the Ims, successorS and assIgns of the partJes KBS m, L L.C., a Washington lnmted bablbty company CHICAGO mu IIISI.CW«:E COUPNN has (IIud hi doclllllft rJ recGId IS • CUIIIn1er courtesy anda"'l*"'lIaInIyfot !he ICCII.I..; orDJIIIy 0/ IladJCtJIIW' EASEMENT AGREEMENT ~ 7 W~I\I01"'''asCloc ,~, , , ----------~~~-~-------------------~,,------------------------~-- , . .. ~ 11k. (!U(...L Cmdy McClc land STATE OF WASHINGTON ) } ss COUNTY OF KING ) THIS IS TO CER"I1FY that on thIs J!L day of a,etl ' 191£, before me, a Notary public III and for the State of Washmgton, duly commissIoned and SWOln, came Kohn Taylor, pelsonally !.nown or havmg presented sattsfactolY eVidence to be a Member of KBS III, L L C , the limited hablhty company that executed the foregomg Instrument, and acknowledged lhe slud lostntmenl to be the free and voluntary act and deed of ~ald hmlted hablhty company fOl the uses and purposes therem mentIoned, and on oath stated that he IS authorued to execuie the ~d IllslrUment on behalf of srud Imuted habihty company HAND and ofllclal seal the day and year m thiS certlftcate first pn~~ Notary Public ID and for the StatetJ,waShjgton, 'Q,idmg al -.", 11/ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) THlSISTOCERTlFYlhatontbe",)'\>{kdayof Af;'\ ,19'f\beforeme,a Notary puhllc ID and 101 the State of Washington, duly commIssioned and ~WOln, came Chfford McClelland. personally known or havmg plesenled sallsfactory eVidence to be the IDdlVldual descllbed m and who executed the wlthm mslroment, and acknowledged that he sIgned the same us hl\ Jiee and voluntalY act and deed for the uses and purposes thelem menlJOned EASEMENTAGREEMENT-8 WIopcIocsWOlIII011lbInS .... CHICAGO mu: INSlJIW«:E COMPANY has plaud lie documelll fA reoonI al a cuslomer cwlasy aid acc.epll no bbddy 101 IIIe1ccudG'/ or \1IIdiIy of Vl9mtUlTl2nt Q CD Q WITNESS MY HAND nlltlofficJaI seal the day ,lIld yea I In tlus ceillficatc lirst above wullen ~~:l NOl81Y Public to and for the Slale of W shmgton, resldt~ al f fA. I\'" STATE OF WASIIING10N ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) nils IS TO CERTIFY that on the'''.tl. day of AIN\ \ -I 9't1t before me, a NotaIy public m nnd for the State of Washington, duly co~ed and swoln; came Cmdy McClelland, personally known or havmg presented sausfactolY eVidence to be the mdivldual descnbed an and who executed the Within mstrument, and acknowledged thal she SJgned the same as her rlee nnd voluntruy net and deed for the uses and purposes therem mcnUoned WITNESS MY HAND and offiCial seal the day lind yenr In thiS certificate lirst above wntten EASEMENTAGREEMENT-9 WlopdoesU30U"O''''1125 doe -. '" ~~~1 Pnnt Name lW8A1l fIE cUirl/io lf1lf INSURANCE CrMWrf h,1 pI.tod tilt dOcIrnenI 01 locOlll as I antomtr totr\e$y c!ldOCl.O!*IIO_'ar IhD 1ICCIQl" vallldy 01 "la t'ocuIrat j, " .,' ", . '.~ ': '.' " ' ',: . ,;~ .!,,-. -t , .. ,'j': ~ .... N C) 0 0 r-. 0 CD 0 N· '0 .0 N " EXIIIBIT A LOl3 of Kmg County Short Plat Number 4860 J 7, recorded under Recording Nwuber 8703039001,IIl!d corrected by Affidavit recorded under Rccording Number 8706260950, together With the West 428 00 feet of the South 330 feel of!hc Nortbeast quarter of the Southeast quarter oCSec:tion 3, Township 23 North, Range S East, WiUamette Meridian. in Kin, COWIty, Washington; EXCEPT the North .l6S feet thereof, EXCEPT that portion lying within the South half of me Soulb half of me South balf of said subdivision and EXCEPT County roads; IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quieting nde in King County Court Cause Number 86-2·22118·2 entered OD March 23, 1987: EXCEPT the East 164 reet ofsald Lot 3; (BEING KNOWN AS Loll oelCing County Lot Lane AdJusunent No. S92LOI03, recorded under Rccording Number 9209101022, and other property ) EASEMENT AGREEMENT -10 W 1IiodaGU»IIIIOII'dt 177'\ "'" CHICAW 1l1llllWlAr«:E COMPANY Iws pIKed lilt docIImeIll 01 mxrd IS I wsImB CIJIfIesy and ac. DO_tat the accII'oII.y or vaIIIItf of ,~ CNCIIIlIIII C) CD C) Luck Parcek . Exnmn n Parcel A. The North 16S (eet of the South 49S feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, TownslUp 23 North, Range S Easl, WiUamette Meridian, in King County, Washington (No Road exception has been noted in this description for Parcel A) Parcel B. The North balf of the North balf of the South half of the Northeast quartet of the Southeast quarter oC Section 3, Township 23 North. Range S East, Willamette Meridian, in King COUllty, Washington; EXCEPT that portiOD described as follows: Beginning at a point on !he North line of said subdivision which bears South 011125'02" West 633.38 feet and North 89°37'38" West 30 feet from the East quarter comer of said SecUon 3, thence North 87°37'38" West along said North lme t2S feel, thence South 01 ~5·02· West 122.17 feet, thence South 87°49'08" East 125 feet: thence North OI~'02· East 121.75 feet to the Point of Beginning; Except the East 30 feet Ibereof for County Road. : g (There is III overlap of approximately 17 feet between Parcels A and B.) N ¥ ellaDd Parcel: The North 16S feet of the South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter oCSecbon 3, Townslup 23 North, Range S East, Willamene Mendl8D, in KiDs County, Washington; EXCEPT CoWlty roads BeDDett Parcel: Lot 1, King County Short Plat Number 48601 7, recorded under Recordmg Number 8703039001, and amended by Affidavit of Correction recorded under Recording Nwnbcr 8106260950, in Kmg County, Washington, being a portioo of the South balf of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range S East, Wlilamette Mendilll, m Kmg County, Washington; EASEMENT AGREEMENT -11 W.OdDCIU301"'O'~"" JS drlc CIICAGO TInE INSlJRAHCE COMPANY /iaa plicad th. docwnenl 0/ IICGId IS I CUSIoIner CGUr/esy DIId *ejj$ no _lor _ 1M ICtUIaCy or I1Idi1y 01 lilt c'ottPnsnt 10 co C) TOGETHER WITH the following described property in accordance with Decree Qweung Tide in IGng County Superior Court Cause Number 86·2·22118·2 entered on March 23, 1987; . The South 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quancr of Section 3, Township 23 Nor1h, Range S East, Wlllamette Meridian, in Klng County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 840.50 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the North 16S feet tbcreof; and EXCEPT that portion ollying within the South half of the South half of the South half of said subdivision; and EXCEPT COUDty roads. Serra Parcel: Lot 2 and the East 164 feet of Lot 3, KIDg County Short Plat NUlnbef486017. recorded UDder ReconliDg Number 8703039001, and corrected under Recording Number 8706260950, being a portion of the following: The South half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast qtmtcr of the Southeast quarter of Section), TOWDShip 23 North, Range S East. Wallamette Meridian, in King County, Washington, ExCEPT County row; AND EXCEPT the following described partel. BEGINNING at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section); Thence Northerly 65.00 feet alOnt the East line of said Section 3; Thence North ,,.49'08" West 670 20 fm; Thcoce South 01'25'02" West 65.00 feet to 1he South line oCthe Northeast quarter olthe Southeast quartet of said Section 3; Thence Easterly along said South line 670 20 feet to the Point of Beginning; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A, King COUllty BoundaryUne Adjustment application nllDber S92L0103. recorded under Recordin, Numbcr9209101022) TOOE1HER WITH an casement for road and utilities over !he Southerly pomon oCLot I as disclosed 00 the face of the short plat. EASEMENT AGREEMENT ·12 W~1\101'11t~I1l: doc CI«:I.GO nn llNSURANCE COMA\If( has ~ed the d.lcIInenI 01 _2$ a cusIoolercoart~y and accepts no _lor lI1ailCC1lrJCYQrvUdllyot _ lilt ~OQa'l'.:nI . o co C) EXIIIDIT C The West 20.00 feet of the following described parcel: Lot 3 of King County Short Plat Nwnber 486017. recorded under Rctording Number 8703039001, and corrected by Affidavit recorded UDder Recording Nwnber 8706260950, together willt the West 428.00 feet of the South 330 (eet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Townslup 23 North, Range S East, Willamettc Meridian, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 165 feet thereof, EXCEPT that ponion lying within the South half of the South half of the South balf of said SlIbdivislon and EXCEPT COWlty roads, IN ACCORDANCE with Decree Quiebng Title in King County Court Cause Nwnber 86-2-22118-2 entered on Marth 23,1987: EXCEPTthC East 164 fectofsaid Lot 3; (BEINO KNOWN AS Lot 3 of King COWlty Lot Line AdjustmCDt No S92L0 1 03, recorded Wldcr Recording Number 9209101022, and other property.) EASEMENT AGREEMENT· 13 WIopIoaIIlO4I1I11'.IoI7;>1 floc , I • t:.lMWICE COfoA\HY , • lI'lII dIlcuooII of .N ... I QJ$IOnW COU1eSy .·.,1Cl.ap"lO/llllllyror • .~, .... ycr_oI I l'CUmeIC -:".:~ .:::,,:: ........... . ..... ."" .~ •. :',"'" " AFtER RECORDING RETURN TO: Washington Federal Savings .. LOAN ADMIN·WAOClice IllUllllIIUUlillll1 20051007001585 /' Siiattle WA 9~101 .. ; ::"' ....... . CHICAGO TITLE DT 37.00 PAGE00! OF 0011 10/07/2005 13:30 KING COUNTY, lolA Loan Number 075 207 309262·4 :" :';: i.:" .:. .~ Qi"antor ("Borrower"), wliose address is 12320 NE 8TH ST SW'fE lOll, BltLtE"W'WA 98005,.,.~ ·\.i· ; and WASIDNGTON SERVICES, INC.," A WASmNGTQ CORPORATION as trustee, whose address is6125 SOUTH MORGAN ROAD, FiU!))j;LAND; WA. 98249 and W ASIDNGTON FEDERAL SA VIN~, a (}niteii States Corpbrati~n, l!S'Btn<;ficiary (" Lenpcr" I Grantee)/whose address is 425 Pike Street; Seattle, WaSl)ingtono'98101;" "<:';" /\ Borrowe~ he~~~:Y':i,rrevOCablY grants, bargains, ~;'i's'i!"d ~~ejs' to:,;rust.;~ in ';'~'s.t, ~jth p,~[er)~f sale accorqlng to Washlngton law, all Borrower's estate, rf&IrC title, in!:cres~;"cla'iiftand del.hamK no~v owned or h~reaftc#\a.cqui¥, in and to the following described/proeertX" in KING .:' ::' :" County, Washington (the "Property", which term shall inclUd¢ all:;or lJII'y pilrt of the' Property, any improve¢ents !there6n and all the property described in Paragraph 2~:of th.e, .Master .:Fon.il Dei:d of Trust hlireina(icr ref~rred .io )::::. . . :" /. ,;: . •• ~ARCt~ A: J)T W/kING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT'NUMD'~~tiioio08i ,;/. .' . ..:-i REC~RnE~UND~ ~ORD)N.~ NO. 20020702900007.' '\:",.:::' ,: .' " :,'. ,:.PARC·iL'~: LO'r"~i'kc B~A;NO. ioOL0089, REC. NO. 20020702900007. :\ .. '.~~R!;!i:L c.d~~:~: KC,·G.A.~O. S~2LO~~3;'I\EC. NO. 9209101022. ' ..... : SEE ~::~TIl PiGE by Tii:s Dic~~~NT F~~\'HE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, A IT AcnED AS E~mlliIT""A' ~~~ BY 'J,'lI1~;JtEFit,R~.C.E INCORPORATED IIEREIN . .. \ .... ,:,,,,,,,,.,,.// :.:-" ;/:-" '\" ';:'it /. "":' Assessor's Property Tax paicel ~CCQunt Nurri~er(~): Oj2s059035. ·9270. -9269 :': . ,:;".:, .. :: ~'. ::. :.:' ~:' :: r . . ','. ':' " :. o· ::., .:. TOGETHER WITH ·":~I\, .. the".tk~ent~:: he~~ditafiten~ ~ .. .appurtenanccs, now or hereafter thereunto belonging or in any way"lippertainingi I~Cs and 'liher agreeIii~ts for the use and occupancy pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues arid profitll·.there~r ~ all.'?ther prop~!..ty or rights of any kind or nature whatsoever further set forth in the Master Form .Deed of Trust herein:aftcr;rcferred to, SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to the right, power and authririty,hweinat'ter.~iven·· to mid conferrcd'bpon Lender to collect and apply such rents. issues and profits. .(.... .,' .,' .... ,... .; This Security Instrument shall constitute':~::~e~rityf~grc¢Ln/undbr tb~ JJ~;~~'~~':conunercial Code of Washington between Borrower as debtor and·':I;.ti~der .. ,'8s ~cured pa'rt~;'. Borrower grants a security interest to Lender in any of the Property which is' per$bnal.:·property .. and alsO~'g'i'ants 'a security interest in the property described in Paragraph 3 of the Master''-F:orm Dli~d q,f jrust.,p~~~aft~t refeir¢ to, now owned or hereafter acquired by Borrower (the Property';" as defined.:.:aboY~;··';mid th.e: (lrop~ri.y·····", described in said Paragraph 3 are hereafter collectively rcferred to as the: .. ~C9ilateral ~!). ~ , ....... :". :.: .,,:' .::, . .. ~' .• ,.~: '.\ .... :.-=:.' :!: .:' . " . ~'" Borrow.i~~ Initials ~ .:; $"U ~""'~ .:' (Pag, I 0/4) . ' L020-T:iWA{~1I07;97 .:' '~:~::,,:' .' " " .' ':'" .' ... .'. ". ::: ,I':: :' "', § ~' ·\'., .r .,' THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING the following: ,/ (a) Payment of the sum of .' TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FIFT'-::Y=TH=O~US~A~'N~D~A~N-::D~N:70:::-/~10=07S-----------;D::::O;::;:L;-LA;-:-;:;R-';S ,;: ()$2j·SSo..DDD.DD ), with interest thereon according to the terms of a promissory note of even .~.:: . .:' ",:, .. ;" ~~u~'here.wJth.; ... payable to Lender or order and made by Borrower (the "Note", which term shall include /3JI:.:·notes·'· evidepcing the indebtedness secured by this Security Instrument, including all renewals, .. "" mOdifi~li.ons or'.'extensions thereof); \. . : :. b) PaYQ1ent of any further sums advanced or loaned by Lender to Borrower, or any of irs '" , ........ ,,/ succe$sors,:or a$~igl!8;"irH>' the Note or other writing evidencing the future advance or loan specifically /stat!i~ thai' it iii ~eiiured by "this Seclqity"·lqstrument, or (2) the advance, including costs and expenses .,:' ifl(,iirred:"by ~l1der. is.Jllade::pursuaJlt to t~is Security Instrument or any other documents executcd by \ .. B?rrow.er ev.id~ncin$(se¢urin~, 9Ni:latin,!!!to the Note andlor tbe Collateral, whether executed prior to, 'contemporancO'usly/i,yith; or subliequenf'tcf thi~.·SCQ)rity Instrument (this Security Instrument, the Note . and ~~cb .othir dqcum,<futs, ,.jnCiuding 'iil)y cpnstruc4on. loan, land loan or other loan agrecment. are hereinif\!# cQ\lectiyely.':·refe!i"ed:fo as ti1¢ fr:.ban o.o~urpii~n, together with interest thereon at the rate set forth in the. Note·(jill~.ibthc;iwisc;:.~~.~fied i'l"iHe Jilan;Documents or agreed to in writing; c) Peqprmance pt' each ag~.~me'!t, tern{l/"d "i!(j)!l~ition set forth or incorporated by reference in the Loan Docuriiit,qts, ,including w~thout jimitatiqi\ ~\\:.Ioan agreement of even date herewith, which are incorporated herein'!)y reference (1.f conta.jned\l~i~. ':i THE MATURITY,:"DATE OF :THESE SECURED OBLIGATIONS, AS CONTAINED IN THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, INCLt.ll>ING/I'HE!:N01E, 1$ Oetom 5th. 2DD7,!":,. . By executing and de;;~eril1lthis.::~ecu';:ty j~~i~mcnt an~:Jhe N(jt~. s,kured hereby, the parties agree that all provisions of Parag~ilphs" I tlirough.M il\<lluSjve o.f thJ~: .. M·aster Form Deed of Trust hereinafter referred to, except such pataj\raplls as ,~re""spec!iicallY: .. excluded dr.-modified herein, are h~reby incorporated herein by reference and made lip int~griil pari hereo{f~r ali putPoses the same as if set forth herein at length, and the Borrower hereby irtak;es said c~venants and.;"agrels tq,.·fiiYlY··jlerform all o,f said provisions. :.'th.c Master Form Deed ofTrusl abovc::refetrild'lg was .feco~ded.6n the da/~~ below ~hdwll, in the Offi~ial '~ccords of the offices of the Coutii.y Auditoi~· or ..... ·County Re~o.fde~s ~t.:. the foi'low;i~g counties iii the si~. of Washington according to th,<, enu~i-at.cid r~orda.!'.?~'·'·desi·tnat~ons~pc#ing below af\er the name of eacll county, 10 Wit: ','"..... .:'; .. ,. ....... ... " ...... ,:.. :: .i . ,: ./:.:,. D;~ WER REEL FRAME OR /~EcbRb~NG.OR·':: i' DA~E.ilF COUNty."" ':POOiS OR VOLUME PAGE NO'S.) AUDITOR'S FltE NO. .f RJi;ORDING ADAMS ::;: 229 260·271 239.483 .............. ::October .12, 1995 B AES0N'r110NN ... ,:" .' :: . 217406 .:" O~:lober.·:ll, 1995 CIfELAN,' :',f I~~~~ 16~~:~~4 9~~O~~~~r./ .iZ~:~~ :~: :~~; C~LLI\M ... :" .' /rll 1""".:. 694·705 729425 '\:,:.," .:'·OcIQ!ier 11. 1995 GLARK·\. ..' '.' 9510110089 )' Oc\ober ll. 1995 CQLUMBl!\:' .,'.:" 3D 712·723 .8601 ·:"'.Oc~ober ll, 1995 COWLITZ .,;:':./ I.Zft·. 0637·0648 951012074 b~tober 12. 1995 DOtro~S . .,' &1444::; 09·20 307858 October 12. 1995 FERRY"·... ./ ::' [Mi~. of.O.R·f ./ ....... ,,, .. ,. 232892 October 11. 1995 FRANKLiN···· .:: :~ 03!,'.:: .... 05~4·0575 524669. . October 11.1995 GARFIELD· 3317 October 11. 1995 GRANT ..' "':"'668 i: / .""\" 19$~.19.(i.5 951012004 October II. 1995 GRAYS HARBOR 95 ./ ..... .')3131;·3;fi47.. 951012026 October 11.1995 ISLAND '\...696/ . ····\410-1421 :' 95016396 October II. 1995 JEFFERSON ':"".-.537 3:28·a39 385505 October II. 1995 KING ~:." 9510100421 October 10, 1995. KITSAP 0879 .: .... ,':. 2392'-2403.. 9510130066 October 13. 1995 KITTITAS 370' '\:,. .:717:" /"'586108 October II. 1995 KLICKITAT 327 '\" ,,' "218" .... .' .' 249676 October 11.1995 LEWIS 672 .,:, .. "., .. ,,,/ . i50-~~I.. .:" 9514582. October 11. 1995 LINCOLN 65 OO~034.{J0304S .' .:' 4I'ii.'l875 \. October 11. 1995 ~:1~~GAN ~~~ :g~::i~~" .::'~§;:~: .;\ .......... ; ~~~~~~ n: :~~~ PACIFIC 9510 ·5S.~.,~;]~·. .:" 62~32 .' October 11, 1995 PEND ORIELLE 121 109~:1l:to.. .:' 23.0779 .• ··,.,.. ;: October 12, 1995 PIERCE 1163 2511-2S~ .::' 9510'1104.'18 :: OctQPQr 11,1995 SAN JUAN 525 230-241 ".: 9~"ioI201 .:;' OCloi>C'h2, 1995 SKAGIT 1483 0372'()383 95iol10046 i' .:''October Ii, 1995 SKAMANIA 152 860-871 .:"123~94 .,;. .,:'. Octob,er /1;:'.1995 SNOHOMISH 3081 1623-1634 9510t:l0189 .:' y OClti'liCr 11:199S~:. SPOKANE 1781 1737-1748 9~lolI02~O /';-Q!;tob.clr 11.)995 "". STEVENS 193 2376 .. 2387 95:1015-7 :::: pc'[~per 11~'lQ9S ...... ' ... : ..... ' THURSTON 2464 702·713 9510110097 .:. .:: .Octolier 1Ii~ 1995 .' WAHKIAKUM 104 0579'()590 45447····, .. ,":: 'Pct.Q.Iiei'·12. J995 WALLA WALLA 234 i593·1604 9509789 :. Ociober JI/199!l:····"':. WHATCOM 465 1133·1144 951011197 '::. Octobef.'l!:; 199" : WHITMAN Microfilm No. 580488 · .. ···.::,.Oclo~'r ll. 19~5 .' YAKIMA 1494 1819·1830 3110734 ·'00ro'ber.JI.I9.95 . ' (Pa8~ 2 0/4) L02~:'i"I~A) .:/' .... .,..../ ',' .:' .:: .. ';' ... ' ..... :: II.·· .. • .. , .. :!· :~.:\/... . ... ,/, . l~:'/ .. ' .... 075 207 309262-4 ,.:"'. II" " .. ' ,' .. ~~. \1,/' ::: (Over for notary acknowledgements) .' .' . " ::\ •. i" ./ .' L020·T (W~i·::01/o,~/9~.::· ,~, (Pag, 3 0/4) '~',.::: 'j " " :: /'" ~i~f~:~~.'"" .. ,:. ~ ss. ~'::,\.. fCQUNTY OF .;... ) ,\,.:.,:"".",,,,,,., .• ,,/,/'./ I ,C1d'fY,: that fkno:,,~,~ have satisfactory evidence that ;,:' ,': ::' :,.:" ':; "",., [Jit~e(s) of person(s)] ;~: is/1ii'e th¢ pergo~(s) ~.bl)':~ppei:red,~~ore mqt and said person(s) acknowledged that (he/she/they) signed :"Ws ins.lrum~n~,;and ~kn()'.vle4g~' it' to b,Ct'(Ilis/h~r.!t~cjr) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes WtiD!:? ~1~'1? t" /.;;tlr)!l;· (S;g~=) e5:~,.~~,,~~mp)'./ ? Not~Yi~~\,M~ in and for the State of _____ _ . :,' re~diligah-------------_- "," :M~'9bnuyi~sion expires __ ...,.,... _______ _ ';. •..• ': ,," './ ,.,.::,1' .," ",II"~'''''\\I''~:' .' /'::"::,:",:: ~ ; . . ,u-Nafl),J STATE OF WASp",:-.) . ,' " .f ,I' /:F " . .":'.::. ;·f ':~'., . I' ":. . .~. ":: .~\ .1" ':: ,/"::::":., ".:/' .::' .:' ... '\:., ... ,' .;:. ,f ':I::'.~ .:::. ,~ .:,: .... .,' o. "~'''" .... ,:. "" .' ",' .. ···1; ••• "'1 ::/:,,:,.:,,·;:~r ::' // .. "·:··:~r ..... :: -::1.,,:·-::·,:. "" . 1/' / "::"" j' ':::"1:, . ." .• 1'" .':' ..•.. ~ ... (Pagt 4 0/4) 05Z7813582871 LO:~:O'J:~;;WA):/ ',I .:' ':', .. ' ...... ,'. .;:; . . :~~/ ·f PAR-tEL A: ... ~ W, KING COIlNTY, 8Ot1NDl\l!Y LINE ADJUSnmNT NUMBER LOOL0089, RBCORDED UNDER .f 'Rl!iCORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SEING A PORTION OF THB NORTltBAST QuARTBR OF THE: SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SBCTION ,~,:T6Wl!{SllIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S E:AST, tlILLAMETTE MBRIDIAN, IN KUG COtmrY, :.:./ /W~HI~(;:Q~: .. ::. .: ,.' .j'" PARCE'i:' B: ';'. .,/ .:.~T.;:;"'~ TBB EAST 164 FEET OF LOT 3, KING COUNTY SHORT .PLAT. NtlMIlllR io86017 AS .,;:'\.,.. ,.,,/' .:' RECORDED UNPBR.,ItBCOlUlING NUMBER 8703039001 AND CORRECTIlD BY AFPIDAVIT ... ".' RiCORD~D mWEIi RECORDI,NG NtlMIlijRo"a;7.062609S0. 'l;'iiG1!:T1iER Wl'tIJ TilE FOx.tQwINC ~sCRri)BD PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH DECREE . (iuUrtNG .. irLhE ll'f''ltING::~'fY StlP¢,IOR COT1RT CAUSE NUMBER 86-2-22118-2 "':~ ... :BNTF.ltBo .oN.~:MARo'H 2~, 1'81.:~:> , .. ol} :,: nui:',.res~ illoo .i~ 'FikT i~~~ SO~ Jj~"';~:t' <If THE NORntEAST QUlIR'l'l!l\ OF TIlE SOUTII,1~i\!l'r:: Q'UAI!.TEji OF :SSc1ION 3 J toWNSHIP -,h,)i~-ltnt, I!ANGB 5 EAST. WILLAMETTB MERIDW '.: IN itniQ CO~' WASII.MTON, f";·<' .;; -" , .:.... . .,,/ ::" ,/' '.,:,' i' :~" ::; . ~:: EXCEPT THB 'NORTH lJ6S FB&:T 1:H2Rc:b:r: AND.:'. ..: llXCEPT THAT ;~~'.;;~N 0;' Lyi~ WkIN':'T:J::i~~JrH HALF OF THB SotITB HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION, AND -'" r .:" .i' ;! :i' EXCEPT THAT »ORTIO/oiiimkoF i~IN(/:ES~Rli ot"~~;'NO~'1'HERLY}'~~tNSION OF A LINE tYlNG 164 FEET IiEST OFiJum .tlARl\f.LII~:'T~ 'THE BAST·.~INE ot LflT 3 OF SAID KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUJoISh. 486011; . .' .•..... ".' AND EXCI!PT THAT PORTION OF '~'i':':'~, ':':~lNq/~~y.'i~HO~". P.'i.AT,/~~~R 486017, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING !<UMSER 8~03039~1, .pESCRIDii:ri A$ POLwtIS, COMMEl'lCnn. AT THE NOR'l'IIW1!!9T cOlUl8/6~ S~D ~~T.:"·2' :.i: /': /", , ... " ........ :\;.. .F· .. · TRENCH 50011{ 87° U' 15" BAST ALONG THE ~ORTa Lnm. O~:·SAID LCi~, A,JlISTii.NCE OFf .. '? 97.38 FBET To-:;:l1IB TRtlE POINT OJ!' lIEGINNING). ,"-:.i.:: ";';"'( ."\ .::, :i .' THENCi SOUl'II oi· 10' 1105" WEST A DISTANCE 6r.,;I,sa.·b iEET.:~O ;nm. .. $QUTU' LINt: OF ./ SAlD.'LOT l. AND A. POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTKwESTSPJ.'i. Tin RAD·IM;·CENTER.~F WHIC.U lIJtA,iiS.·:.NOR~.19· 1/04' 42" WEST: :;:" :::':'" .......... ,: ./.i ./. THI!;NCS: N¢RTilBAsTERLY ALONG TIlE SOUTH l.lNE OF SAID Lal; 2 JlND 'l'i!i: .I\,i'Ic O~' SAID ,.:: CUaVE HJl,VINCfA ~IUS OF 95.00 FEET. THROUGH A CENTRJU. ~:GLE··:~~, .. :S'l· l.8' .~9" •. i' A.,:OISTlI,NCE Q'I1 52:,48 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERS! CURVATURB 'CF A CURVK CONCAVE.:' s6T.lT!1Ms.Y, -iim RADIAL CENTBR OF WHICH BEARS SOtITR 51° ':'23' 41." EAST;' .' .'/~~ ~~nrui:G.,.N6iTlIlIASTb.LY ALONG TI!3 SOUTH LINE: OF SA~:'''J~ ~.J'r.Io ~. / ARCO: .. OF.,.6AID .~VB HAVING. A RADIUS OF 65.00 FBET, THROUGH A CENiiiAI..:'ANG~ OF ';' .. 53° 3'4'" 2S",.,::r..:!JISTANCB or 60.78 FEET; ':::' .. :' ":::T.HBNCB CONT.llro,iNG ~G ~ SOUTH LINE OF . SAID I.oT 2, SOtlTH 87· 49' ls:l EAST JI::·.J?ISrANt'~,'·0~.:·223i·'il3 !i'EllT;';TO TItS SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID IIJT; . TIIBN,t;B ~JtTH :1I1· ;~4' :12" EASTo'llr.ol!G TItS BAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTAl'iCE 0, 100.0:2'·"F21!:'1' 1!0 Tfu: NDRnnjAllt' CORNEi:.Ol' SAID LOT; THSNCS NORTH::87 0':.49/: 1!I'~,:I!lliS'l' ALONai1m NORTH LINE OF SAm LOT A DISTANCB OF 315.14 FEBT TO nii'''TRUE,ip.OINT (}P:;.IIEGi~I~G: EXCl!IIT COONTY':·.ROADS. ,/ ;:' ,/ \': . .\"':"'" ''''> .. ;., ,/1 (' :.::' ":::":: .. ~: /' ,:' (ALSO mOIlN AS iJ:n,..l,', KtNG ~OUNTY DOW1:iRY liINE :J\llJUSTMENT APPX,XCATION NUMBER LOO1.0089, RECORDBO UNDIi:* aaCORl?ING NT1MIIBR::2001~ioa.g00007.) TOGBTHER IUTH AN BAS~ ~~"~~~ ~ ci~~I'J;.il!s~···'T!IB SOtmlERLy PORTION OF LOT 1 AS DISCLOSED ON"-T/IB FAC$ Oil' nqI' SHORT FliAT;: ':,' '·:r:!~:: •. " ••• ":': :.: " " • .~:.~""""'" PARCBI. C. LOT 3 OF Ktl«1 cotINTY SRORT PLAT ~ItR~::~'~17 / Ri;~mtJ;iiil)''trnbelS:'Ri~ING NUMBER 8703039001' AND CORRECTIID BY ~PI;Di\VIT .1U:CORDEP wPER RECORDUm N1JXIIER 9706<160ll50, 'l'OGI'l'HEA WITH THE !lEST 4:3"A:o.O J;'li:£T .PF. niB som.n.o PEEr OF THE NORTll&AST QUARTER OF THE SOU'l'H3AST QUART~. 9'p !IECT.:(ON 3:;' TQ#NS~IP2.3 NO~1:!f, ~::,/ 'l'II~~~R:L~;:.r'm~::; IN XING :CO~~:: WAS:~IN~~ON::." /: :i.···· .... :.:.:. BXCBPT THAT PORTION LnNG WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF"QF TKE SQDnt .riALt::·Oi' THE SOtml HALF OF SAID SUBDIVISION AmI EXCEPT COUNTY ROAP~: :/. .... .::' .:i' <;;"):: IN ACCORDANC3 !11TH DECREE QUIETING TITLlI IN KING COtmiY';CA~S NO.::' :.f···.::.. ,.' :~~;;2~~.~~ =~F 1!~~9~ )/ ::"':";/:' \, ... <'.":::,i}/:' (BEING ~t1N AS LOT 3 OF KUfG COUNTY LOT LImi'AwuS1'MENT NtIMIIBR S~2L0103 "> .:. RECORDED IJNl)l!:R RltCORDING NUMBER 9:1093,01022, AND OTHER PROPERTY). .., .... .'.. ',/.' .::' .,;: •. 1: ...... /.' ... -1.:. .:' ;:, •....... ... : '~',. .' '",'. .•.. ,CITY OF RENTON: , .., . . . " . ~ , 'PlanningIBliilding/Publi~ -Works' , 1055~ South Grady: Way -Rent~nW~hington, 98055, (i) This paper cOOtains 50% recycled paper, 30% posI-QlflSUI1leI" •. Fred Kaufman , Hearing Examiner. . "-. '" I, , I ,. . . I I '. , . c. . ',' , '~., \ ' .. , " .. ' ... . . ' ..... . '. .1 ': '", , January 19,2005. ', .. ' . . ' Mr. F~ed Ka.ufhlari.· . ' ... 'CltyofRentol1 Hearing Ex3;Iriin'er· ". 1O~5 South Grady. Way,:7~hfIOor.~· Renton,WA98qS5 '.' ,,' .. , , , ' '. #', "l" "." "" 't·' -.1' " . .: :·CiTY:·-::O.F··RENTON '.:, '.: ... • " '". '. .' : ..... \ '., "1.' " 'r','":.· ,': . . , .. PlanningIBuilditiglPublicWorksDepartment. : , . , . . Gregg Zimmerman -P.E."Admini~trator .. '," " .' ' , " .,' ~ , '. .. '.. ,; .. ' .. . , ' .. . ~." ':. ". . , ',' , -, , . ", .'. : ~ ': . . " . ',' ,-~.'. ',',.'. ','\ " .', J ,', , . ," \ _ .; : ~.' -'... '. I' '.," t '. • • I, :' • r,-_ ~ 'yO , , •• ", ": . • , . • ," ,'. :,' • ,'. ,,"' •. " "\, ,I '.S~JECT:,' <Stoneridg~7,siwrt:Pl~t:"·,·,·,, "." .. :":,;,:,,, "",~,~;,.:~:,\",~.:;,:.,< .' ':', . . . "'. ". '. . ... :'\ ." ,.:. ;: .. , '~' " " .. ". ·LUA04-124;,~H~~~H(~qF;.,:,~·.".:',.' :\'. ,,', .... ~,';> "j ... ,' ':," :,' '~/> __ .;eai,Mr:Kalifm~:;";' '; .""', "'~: .':, ':., ";',' ,''';;,,' "'.', "., .' , , -1,' • t, ., ..' ,. ;"" . j," ~ fu'~~spons~ to the·1~tterfroniMs;'.c·la~4i~ :DonnellYCOnc~~ing the subj~ct ~h~~;~l~t,~~taii' ,'. • " • • • .,. ":. T', • _ " • provjd,es the foll()wing: '.' .. '. '. ',. ,",.' , ,. : ' .1. Thepreli,minarY'size ofthe:yault.for·ioL9 is2j:5\x2\S.'x6' (wi4th:l~ngth~'~depth). The .. fInal design. may propose a r~Ct~gUlar shape (comm(,mlY"used j~ det~nt1op, v~ults): '.The final . ·design. will be. r·~viewed-,·by I)evelopmenCServipes'for coinp~iance . with , the /equired L~veI '~ .. de~entiori. ..,. ..,.< . ' . ',. "., .: '. ,', , ' . . , ," .... , . '. The,iine'r~fere~cedby~s"D6~elly:"~'The st~rm systein'shallb~ ~lzedto ~~co';,,~od~te.future:, . ·/an.,d-use condiiions jldws""doesnot:apply, to the cdetelltjon faci1ity.'Fhe':not~: refers '.to ~lie ' . . ,.conv.eyance~ystemthat"flow~~thro~gh:thesite.:..' "::"~'''''''' ; "', . ' <.' ':.<:',::-,. '. , .... , , , Th~' dete~tion;\yat~rquality:pol1d.:·(Tr~~~ ;Aj ~f Sf6~~ridge:~~s:d~si~~(r to¥lccolfuno4~te:'fiows ...... ~ .' [,rom Stoneridge. (49-:101' plat) ~+ .'W·iIldsf9ne 3,,;( 6~10t .Sh<;>ft plat)· + Winds~on~~: 4 . (9~19t~h6rtplat),. ,.':' . ': with 'Level 3 detention. : .', .'::; ,'.'''' :' . " '.. . ,<., . . '. . . '" , ,'~ . ' .. ; ' .. " . , • ~,".', 1-' ,.' , ' .. " • • .• ':",'."! ;. ; ': '~ -. J i " Storm water' detention 'and w~ter quaiity for ;Stoneridge 11 (AKAWlndst0l?-e 2) is independent of' .; theother de"eI6pm,ents,i~ the vicinity.:' •. "'. 'c' .•. ' ,'. ',:' '. .: ,;:. ,;, .... '" • " , " ! , • ' ~'.':. \ ' • • , " " . '. , •• " .~",!, ,I .•• -~ . ~: f " :. .~:.:" I' , Stonerid~e II ~off from lots, 157;ard off-~ite,impr9"ements wilL,dt~i~ t() a de.tep~iori P9p.d . ", " located in. the NW comer., of the prqperty:: Runoff from lots 8 & 9 and front'flge irriprovements, to 'i ",. , i48th Ave SE will be 'collected :in,a detention vaultJocated within lot 9. Both.'·systems will. '. , '-. perform water quality as, well as:f1ow' control, meeting the'requir~ments of the. 1998 king C<;>unty' . . 'Su,rface Wa~er De~ign ManuaL:' ,~,' " . . " , :, :' '. " .: , • J ) • ". • ~ • " t 2. Th~ vault as shown in *e 'ili~i~~~~ report"has'been sized ioaccommQ(;l~te, flows from t~ts8& '. 9 and 'frontageimprovements along'148th AveSE. .:: " . ", ',: .~. . .:" ,".' ': ". "" . , . ',' . . "' ',: .. . ... . ~ " '~. . " ',0 , . , I'; • '"I ." '.: "" . ',: ., : .. (~ " ,~ .' I , ' " \ . I ~ .' , ;," ," .,' .,' .. ~' . " . .... . ' "r -,'),' " ',) ,,'. :,,:, .' (. : .\ " ", , , ,. :, ,', ~ • • • I . " \, , ,.:.1 ' '. '1 . '" . " ,~' • " I,"· -, " . ', ',' . , . . ,. .' , .. :.f , . . : •• ~,' ~ .... " j .f'" ~!: ... '; ......... ',.. , .:' .... -:~~,:~: , ... (~." ;" ,,',J ," ".".~~ ":-";""."'-"'i"':'~ '. .........,;; ::;"i~~~~~~i~~~~~;~!,U':,:· •• ' .•... '," . "", , . \:F~?g~;:2:0:3." • , ..... ".~ .~--1, '~,~.' '. • • , .: •• ~.~ j' " ','~.' ,'7. . ':~.:\.~' :,~;' .,,'\, ;>.":,~" "I".,.~ ..... , "", ~" .. ~ -~f.'\" .::".:~.;.,. ";. I,. ) j'\" .>'1: ': ;.:; ... r~.: .. ,'_:~<,.'" ,,':' ......... ,,_ ""~"':,,, .. ~ ' ..... ; ..... ;;, t '" "." .:.~~ •• :' .. ,~, <: ..• t', :, ~.,I:-· .. 'I. _, I' ~"·.··:.""\/:l-','-~~·:.~ '4 '.~ : . "/"' , " ' '" ~'. ':'. < ~.,t~ -', " .. >-, , :~ ," . '.~ " " '~: , ,", "~',, '.', .' ":, " :. ' .. '" " ""'.:; , .. ;.::. '.'-.:.;, .. ~.\ ',~:' ::/''''.>:~ " \:(,.: '~",' ;·.:/,,/f,,·}·;'::': <",:~~,:',.' :'," f:::>.',<,/~,\,:,:,::<,','.~:, .. ".,:,,>:":.( ", .. ~,' ,,',-" ., :'. , 3. Stoneridge)I has,:aSEPA c:o~aition'{nijtigatiori:ni~asure '#2):that.:':'.1'.hejir.o/ed·comjJ/i¢s:'Witn,:>,:: .:" , ~'''',: , '" -:. the Departm~nt 01, Bc%gj/,'S' (bOE) , Erosi~n ahd Sedim~nt CpntrbrRequif¢11Je~t,:outlined':tn; \ . :; ~',v ::, '.: ::'. " .',:' '.' Volume '!! of-the ./001 Stoninva(er: Ma~ag'e'rru;l!i-,Manual'~,".'~'inc~: the'· c;,0~~jtj9i}' ,~ith.' t~e:::" .. ' '" :. ,",', ., 'appropriate references'has :been imposed'~o, thIs; proj ect; ·it does not ~ppear Hec'ess¥y to include, a' :' "',. '.', .. '. " .. ' copy' ofthe:voluuw with,the ,me (LtJA). Rbview,ofth~ TESCP (t~rrip6;~iy ~ro~10n.~d sediment,' . :~' ~"'.''-:: ': " . .' control plans")' p~or t'o 'co~stru2tio~ will ~ssure, thai" th~ d~sigri· co~plies 'with' pOE"iequi~eip~rits . '. ~""" i:-' ::." "asstated.":' .... '''{'.,';. "", '.' ' ".::., ':",,' "" . .'; ,'".,'~J., .. ,'.,., .. ; .... ,;.' .• "., .. " : .'",>< t.' .' ',. ",,'. . ",' .. -.!'.: .:: ::,' !-:',' • ,I', " j '.' •• , -' ' : ',,:0.: " ,'::4:' ·:'C~~plaillts., ,w~~~'-. r~~~i~ed' :'by"the' \~it;':, :'~f' :k~ntb~ '·~~~ardi~'~. '~;el·i~~~::~~ter,>.~~~r> ~iit·. ',' :.,::,:' ';':: " . ;:: ,.';> ';": ", do.wnsfre~"6{ the' sitejnclud~fig ,bn.Dec~inp¢r ~ 0; 2b04~ " #\vas det~nitiried;.ili~ ",~iit'fn, questiori: J<,' .-,," '.:" :,', .'.':: ". :~. ,,'was-,'likely '~f;rom' .. ~ ,projec(~~e!i" Juither'up~1!~lini' and":accUinulatihg"iif)h,e'),lfe)a's: ~~ll" as~ , . ",': '. '. ,::: . " .. ~ .. ; , continuing through:the designed s'tandard bypas.~.· King Countx was:contact'ed:and 'the 'upstream ;', .-,-:' <., " i., . '.:-'., '. 'syst~m was; shJtdqwn uritil'it could ,b~ bi-ought'-into :.·cqmpli~q,e., >It' w~s. suggested;' Itom ~o~e,';, " . '.:: ,': 'I', , ".",.' .. '':.:. than' one 'source, thatth.eyellow· color.maY',h~ye bi)iatur~lly oCGUrring "froth ,vege.tatio'it;' nil:ly,btf:'.: .">, ,:/: . .. ' ':" , . :~gly',o! a~~is~~c~;:bu(l~ ~()~aY~":~:d,~!~~~~:~a.a~1~I,a~~9P.·:,D.9E.'i~spec~<itsc9~.~esite::di~:~lO(:' :'" -'., ,," .,: , ".', . lssu,e .any nptlces 'q(vIqlatlOn, o~~.forw,'1rd:aily:co~pl~!Q-!~'J?J.": our.-actIon qn that d~te, ... Tre 'only. ' . '.:'., . . " '. ,'.,' 'complaint fOrWarded:f6r jllvestigationj~~any,-official marmet, tp;the City qf R~i1ton b"Y,POE wa,§: -'-.: ... " " 1,1 ~ , •• ,,' ..... '''., ~~~. '~j ''''i''''';'' ").,\ I,. ,.,",' •• ". '," , .',' ,for the, August'complaint' from. Ms;:Do'nnelly:-·Tnis'w.as,;,routine·niatter;being,f6rwardto the :'-, .' " , : '; ' .•. ' ... : :" .' :" . ~OV~P11hg jt0~di~tiori~, ,N~,;·f#t,h~i 'Cii6'~~ 9!~~nditi~ns':~,~r:~;'tiq~\~~do:r thi~,s~,t~.6~)~e."cltk oi~. :': '-'. , ,~ ,:' :'" : ' , : "", :.:,' :,,' ',R~n,ton'.or:D9E, how~ve,r"the··de;reloRt~ h~~,'vY~~1!iit~Jy;~,~crea,s7dlWe \'iJrptep.tiye'~~111~asu,r~~'jli': .' .: ~:' '\' : .' . ;:.'',.,~:. :"ac9Q.rd~~c~, WIth I?OE-11?-~uaJ, b~'sJ.'~~!'ta~~P'I,~!it:ptaq!i.c,es·.·qY~t; .a,nd ~1jqv~:'the,;standatds r~quIred . :, ':," '. ';;::;,.' ,Ly,theERCc'on'dI'tI'on ' :'·:";<~,·,,;,·,,\,':;""'~"':',';.'!"'."·.':·(,,,j'll,.',",", ";;,", ~,:'." ':,".' " U l .". ,c"-·J ;:,."J~'-'~""" l\.J". ~ ~\,,~., , ;"""';;>w\">'~ ,'. , .~;, '," .... ' .,.' ".':. <." '. ': ".:" ~', :\\"-,:".,:'.1:':,:$'1:.,1.',,;.;,.-,,' .. ,, .. '.~;{' ,()'.:.,;~.','~",'-, ~"""",,;-:':."; :..; .. ' .~.:.,:',''-'',,', " . ," .~: ': ',j 5 ~:' The 'dev~lo~er/,~ontra6\Qt i~ :'~clq~i;~d;,'tb3\~~~:;~ ~:"~l~ ·~6r~. stre~~~~I~aiiii1~' in4' i~ . sUbJ.ect :'t~ . ,:" .. ; ;'; :,~" " , .'; ~:'::.' ,,'~~ditlon~l dir~ct~0nttot#'t~~}~4q'1i~~~~9tksIll~pect9i<Wi1~~:!<:L4#16§~f'or,'~ofe)re4~'entcJe~lhg;::J>'.:·.':, " . "',",',:,.'" '::is ~~:ed,~~':.,' ':",', >,,' ;:,. ":.,',',"~ :·,'·~,~'.,;'/~}i):~~~;~:;~ ':~~~:".,:',~;~~ ~j~\/.' '6 '::~;~;,,':~:i~~{:;:: ,,;,' " : ',',,' .. ~,' ,~'>.':;, ,.':, .;~ :"',' : ':' ... , ,.~:.'~: ,>\':: " " -' " . '6. The public wdrk inspe6to:r:'t11aR:e~:rur"assessm;eIifo'fthe\i:9~d'~ondition '4un~g site:i~specti6:n, If:, .: ",' >'i'" .~:: :. roagsare :not :~c.1e~i1; ;tfie ',:irisp,~~t9r·'di~~c~'~'~ih~;'C9lJtii9t~f.~lt6~:h.ay~'a·:~~'e~p~f:9l~~p': 9r,::w7'1~h,Jt~~ 2 ' . • ' ',:' . y,. ;:roads~ ~ In:, ~dditi6p,,,:fter.:~h~avys~(hm:,events!;~th'e :·e\os~·oIlCd~tfql~)n~'a'su~~s.-.' ~rf:"i~quite4:t'Q.:1Je;· :~ .. ~ ,,' ': \ ,: .:~: ':. :' ..... : 'inspected 'aridimproved/tepaif~cl''-(coiistn,i¢ilon' ~n~iailc¢,):silr J~nc,e~;':'sol1·d~~.eriiig~':,etcr: t9' ;". . ", .'·l}iinirnizeany lefqsioii'lea~irrg·the~si:teQr ~nteiihga water",b6d}"~ncll!~1ng:'~Y.h1)icl;~r~dir(frotTI· ... " '.'.' ',' .'-"~':~"'" '~'. /' ', ••••• : "", ~-'" ., ,<' "'-\" ", '." ...... ,": " ~ " .•• ,;. • ... .r,~'.'~.·~r· rl"'" ," ... ' " :: '.~:;' . .: i :.:. t~~~roa~s., :.lJlti~~~eJy the ~ev~lop~r. i~"t.~·sp:on~~ble.f~!: ~t,reetpl~$j~~:,~Httl;1~CitXd(Rept9~;lja.S':·' '.' " '::;:': .,,;::. : .. ; .. ' ,'r: .... ' .~'ahd·,-"il,1c'c)n~inu~::tQ"s~nd"its'9Wn",cr~~·s.,olit,·and:~urJ~~.:4eye.1op~(if:~h¢Ee;:\~f.P-Q,I~spqns~·,~ill·~·:·",':.,:",::~~,",~,::,;;. : ' ... ;. .'. t :~\"IYma;"~:":-; :' '<','<,'. ,'; ',', ::' ','fY:' •...•.. , ,., ('>:,:';\ .... " J::, , ",: " .... , ..... ? ~~toneridge.I~\'is.-:r.eqti~re·~.t9,cp,rripIY ~it4,P9~;,reqtiir~ment~}q~;'erQ~iq~~c6~tr,ol.: .. 1lieBqE' > : ;', '. '., : -"", "',~~ual states' that . "The. tu~biclilJ! ~~al{ 'J.ot, ~xceed'~5 .. t;rTU. (nfj!l?hlo11'letr~c,' turbiditY im~{sr over,. "'.: . ': ' . . ! ,: ,background turbiqity when .the ·ba.ckgYf:JUnd-'tl!rb~d~ty is.5,D'N1J:/:Qr :le~s; .or. haye ,m'~r~\th,a,n)O% ". '-'.:, .. \ :. " " " increase inJurbidity wh-en the background·turbiaitjJis more than' 50,}{T[)" (emph'asis:added).,'., ... ' ",;.:" .. . '~' " ." , ',-. B(ised.iq the drainage ·poinplain.~s',(required to 'be sh,pwn i'ri'the gfainage :r,eports) frgm {992·to.: ".';, .,,','- , .. ". '" J 20,03, there. wer~ mimerous:.cpmplaints. 'about"erosion.coritrol or silt 'jri·,Green~~s\ .Cr,e.~k 4itting',', : :, " ,. . " .. :,";':'.'." ::. b~ck t<;> 1995:: This leads st~ff to b~iieve;· that:'erdsioi;l"from'lipstreain,:,may'bthist'Qrital for this..., , ' ,,', " __ : '" c , .•. 1ocaiio!h .. : ..It :tli~ sto,qu .. ,wa~e~-,' eri~r~~ t4e ::~i~e ' .. 'Yi~h, sjlt,.. fro~ :'~p~~eail(~.d~.if,·ili6~~i~~trU~iion,:: "'.':~', '.", ~ '.; -.•. ~'~~, "',~. (", ~', 'I' .: . ,,: ... '" -.' ~ , ..... ': r,,·· .•• f;.·· .. · ~,,~.~ _ .,!~." ",.~ ...... ~.:'", Ii .:~ ... ~._: ::.'.,~ ,.r< • ., • ' .. :' ~.", :~! '.-~ -, ~ ,', ... , . '.'. ". " ~ ~ •.. ~l·.\~. • '.':'.~,:~:.~:.': I .,',' ':' - . '-,' ~ t' ...... • . ..: '.,;: '., u., : [~ .:. ,:.,:":'~~.:.' .... , ...... ' ...... :.:)' ' .••• ,. .,'4.':" ',:Jo """~.'. '. '.~, .' ..... , ;,: .'.' .,t.::'·'· ·':"C~',':·'.':·'·~"···j'~ 't .... ,.;",._~.',,"""" , ": ,'" . ' ." ,,;.;' ,' .. : .. ," . :', . ,:~":~"': ....... " .... "., '. "~':,; .;. :'.~.: '].~: ':'r, ..... ,t '!. ~ , ',_.' ::: ' ,:.: >~ . I . ~ . .' .. ,." ~'>I :,__ > r •• <. r -: .. -',~." · .. r .... ';;'. ", .):'; '~'.-""~" ;"'~".':.;~"';"' ..•.. ___ •• '. • ....... , ••• " . !.'.' , '~.' ".~ ... '" ~.,.:' i.:-' , •. ' ,~' ~~~~... -r.,. '." " ~'.: .: ... ~ -,; .•... i •. , :'.;,' ~~.': .. ~':';',.t ... ~ .... , .. ,_\.,.;. "., '1',,,·' :.'~,.'~ ~:.~ ".,.~ . .i:'" '.).~'. ':-•... ~. .'-..... ' .. ~ ... ~"->.'. ,_ J' , '. •• ... _"'. ,'. ~:. ./ " .. :, • .••• L ,.,".. " . < '.: • • .:-' • '.,~ .... • · ... 'l. ..>_..... :.~.'..,:.', ... :.':~.: ... ,',:}" ......... " :;,' "-~ , '~'. , ," . . . ~.), ',', ~, ',' ,\ .. ,.,.1 .' : :',' " , .' ;.: '::-: . I •• ! .'" "), , " , . . '\.: " .r .' , .. ' ~ •• , •• 1 .".' ".' I. ' '. " ~ . ~ ~' , " ":" ,: ~ $" .:: ..... , .... '. I--I--I--I-- I (f) (f) I a.. a.. a.. D U a z m o ~ = " o ... w I;( Cl z o If) ~ 0:: ci z \ \ ----- ") /: L..'_ •• r 12--··· - LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH Ll 4.98 L2 31.61 L3 21.40 L4 3.20 L5 14.29 L6 55.54 L7 37.70 LS 6.71 L9 14.34 L 10 43.66 L11 29.24 L 12 31.15 L 13 9.82 L14 7.05 L 15 20.35 \ \ L16 16.20 . \ \ \ \ \ \ j I I i ! I I I BEARING NOT20'17"W NI2'36'16"V N20'OI'32"[, N1O'45'49"vi N43'O 1'14"W N19'21'14"W N06'33'25"[ N46'4S'41"[ N52'26' 34"W NI8'46'30"W N12'10'41''[' N65'29'OO"[ N25'15'32"( N4Z54'50", NOS'31'42"W N21'52'52''f' \ \ I J ····_·-I-II.· ! r-___________ .. --,-r·\~\~\~===!~~l.ili1DJL--_, LOT AREA TABLE LOT # AREA (S.F.) LOT # 1 10,979 2 11,250 3 10,059 4 12,606 5 5903 TOTAl LOT AREA AVERAGE LOT AREA 6 7 8 9 113,465 S.F. 12,607 S,F, AREA (S.F.) 11,321 14,397 15.355 18.565 2,60 />.C, TRACT TABLE TRACT USE AREA (S.F.) A DRAINAGE FACILITIES 32,228 TOTAl TRACT AREA 32,228 S,F, 0.74 AC. ROAD 'A' AREA 10,387 S.F. R/W DEDICATION AREA 2179 S.F. PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT FOR STONE RIDGE II A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. / / /' ~B" Fie / «) ) <0 ' ~ / J / CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ~ ... ~" ..... . / ! \ , ."_.~24~ M8Pl~'" ) 7 / , / ) EXISTING GARAGE Alto .. CeCiiH' . NapY'e cluster' ! \ \ 8 i Maple (j1u~ter i / / I I // ! , J / .I i , • f 1 de.ciduqU6 I \ I I / ) 21 '" f j .. , ., u.i crj ) \ \ ;'. \ ( ? ,'1'. '::'.-d'?:(J;1f\l! i -1 C~~ )'.J 1 I, LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'I " 1 •. t· LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0059, FlECORDER UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. 1 1 I 1/, t \. j LEGEND < ,!, ,',',",'.1,', O~. -EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN (38 TREES) ~ ~. -EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED (35 TREES) I /' --.---.-~--- 420 i:J w > " SE lOOTH :c ST >- z Sf I02ND Sf ~ (' p "'<; "'~ MAY VALl[y ~ o/iOl' ,\SS,?-\J. ~ COUNTY PARK ~.rl> __ --\~: w SE 112m ST "w " :I: > :t I-.;t ~ w '" ~ N£ 10TH to ! $£ 110TH ST Sf :! VICINITY MAP 1 "=2000' SITE DATA 1. TAX #: 032305-9035 2. SITE AREA: 3.63 AC 3. EXISTING USE: VACANT 4. PROPOSED USE: 9-LOT SINGLE fAMILY DETACHED SUBDIVISION (SHORT PLAT) 5. EXISTING ZONING: R-5 (RESIDENTIAL 5 DUlAC) 6. PROPOSED ZONING: R-5 (RESIDENTIAL 5 DUlAC) 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL (4-12 DUlAC) 6. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4-12 DUlAC) 9. PROPOSED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 60' 10. REQUIRED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 60' 11. PROPOSED MIN. lOT AREA: 8903 S.F. 12. REQUIRED MIN. LOT AREA: 7250 S.F. 13. PROJECT DENSITY: 2.20 DUlAC. 14. REQUIRED MIN. SETBACKS: fRONT: 20' INTERIOR: 5', 15' ALONG STREET FRONTAGE BACK: 25' 15. MAX BASE HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS: 35' 16. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY CENTRE POINT SURVEYORS OWNER VIRGINIA LUCK 10627 -148TH S.E. RENTON, WA. 98055 DEVELOPER KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12320 N.E. 8TH STREET, SUITE 100 BELLEVUE, WA. 98005 CONTACT: CURTIS SCHUSTER ENGINEER/PLANNER/SURVEYOR BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 18215 72nd AVE. SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 FAX (425) 251-8782 CONTACT: WAYNE POTTER OR ALI SADR, P.E. DENSITY WORKSHEET 1. GROSS AREA PROPERTY: 158,123 S.F. 2, DENSITY CALCULATION EXCLUSIONS: 58,223 S,F, (PUBLIC ROAD, SENSITIVE AREA AND JOINT ACCESS EASEMENT» 3, NET DENSITY AREA: 99,900 S,F. (GROSS AREA -EXCLUSIONS) 4, NET DENSITY IN ACRES: 2.29 AC. (DIVIDED BY 43,560 S,F,) 5. NET DENSITY: (LOTS DIVIDED BY NET DENSITY AREA) 3.93 D.U, PER ACRE > -SERVING MORE THAN THREE LOTS z o ~ o o -.J a: o LL u.i crj =~ Z ~ ~ ,... I ~ CO o ...... I z o o z :E en ~ N ~ ~ 1 '" (0 v ~ o o .t ;j' " <t o ~----------------~~ --... EXPIRES 6 /11/06 <D <:) 6- ./ w o o o (j z ro o J W o ro l- I-I-6 1-1 ~ ~ 81i 8 (f) (f) 1 a.. a.. a.. o o o z m o 7 <' '" « a: ryj j;.0....,l;;";,... ;;.." 1;;,,0_"-1 n... « ::!: ...J <C= tJw 08 0-00: OW I Z o:~ Ow m ~ w Z w ~ Cl o z 1" = 100' o 50 100 200 I \;:l"""J",x;c:;"'I'·.iP"iFHa'i':.,' ·,1 G2305-929 (0.84 Ac.) " ..... / \ I \ I I \ / 'V,,,,, 0 0300 032305 9291 (0.30 Ac.) 032305 9290 (0.30 Ac.) Ui OJ 803540 0380 803540-0370 032305-9159 (1.41 Ac.) 032305-9047 (3.87 Ac.) KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6.12 Ac.) I I I I \ \ I 523000-0230 -00002- IJJ f------r----' en 032305-9192 (010Ac.) I f---~~--1 ~. 177640-0010 "-'<t ~ 032305 9210 (0.42 Ac.) 523000 008 il 177640 ~ 0030 032305 9190 (0.24 Ac.) 032305 9173 (0.42 Ac.) '-'-'-'-. o ® "'" 523000 0070 -00001- 032305 9045 (0.56 Ac.) 032305 9208 (0.22 Ac.) 032305 9209 (0.22 Ac.) '--.-. 032305 9180 (0.31 Ac.) I I I I I ) 5 032305-9270 (0.87 Ac.) CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY 032305 -----.9021 032305 9238 (0.41 Ac.) (3.56 Aci) I I I I I 032305-9269 (0,86 Ac.) (O.13 Ac_) 032305-9277 032305 9276 (0,30 Ac.) 032305 9256 (0.30 Ac.) (1.20 Ac.) I--------f~ I 032305 9280 (0.30 Ac.) I I ~i -'I a.. 032305 9278 (1,11 Ac.) \ \ 032305 9017 2 1 032305 9070 (2.47 Ac.) 032305 9234 (0,30 Ac,) I 032305-9042 I (0.85 Ac.) 6 \ \ 8 7 032305 9120 -42- (2.17 Ac.) /' /' 022305 902 (0.94 -'--'--'-'-' ....... -: -: -nO:: .' .. ";0:, "-'-'-'-'-'-'--'--'-'-'--' 522990-0005 -OOOOA- 522990-0010 -OOOOA- 522990-0015 -OOOOA- 522990-0020 -OOOOA- 522990-0025 -OOOOA- 522990-0030 -OOOOA- 522990-0036 -OOOOA-522990-0035 -OOOOA- 52200J 0037 ~OCOA· 522990-0042 -OOOOA- 022305 9062 (0.39 Ac,) 522990-0041 -OOOOA-. 522990-(1038 -OOOOA· 522990-0040 -OOOOA-522990-0045 -OOOOA- 022305 9061 (0.48 Ac.) 811400 0070 .. " ~~u T"') t--.} 'j ~:) l 811400-0050 022305-9018 022305 9018 (4.47 Ac.) 522990-0050 -OOOOA- 522990 0055 -OOOOA- 522990-0( -OOOOA- 522990-007~ -OOOOA-%, 522S 811400 001 811400-00;4:_0--.. -tl~""-'- -I PLANNING DEVELOP'OA~WEN'rON CITY OCT 1 , 20\l~ RECEWEO z o ~ o o -1 0: o LL " EXPIRES 5/11/06 I o z m o J W o CD -,--_ .. -,. t-t-t-t- I (f') (f') I a... a... a... o o o z ru o -, ¢l 11 ':;, II • c o W !;;;: o z o '" GJ 0:: , o z 1""40' 40 ?I BO , J , , . , , , .. ". I. , , . ,. "j ". :'. ". I.' , . , " ,,' ! ,.111 .," I I .: -. ....:-~-c • . . . ~ . 1 O~ j . I . . ,. " \ \ r-; ~_ f;] ;.~ < 'D> , .. ,. ::> Do :::1 :-1 ,I) " . / ! / / / / / -, ", ' .;; ~, ~, CO) h )...>. c:: (j) -,j , .... ,..::. "--"' ::0 Ii.) r0 U) Z MT. BAKER AVE. NE 1"=40' PRELIMINARY UTILITIES, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN STONE RIDGE II LINE L1 L2 LINE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 4.98 NOT20'17"W 31.61 N12'36'16"E , r· ,~ C' ~~ iTfnn~u -. It " L .-'''' ,~? ": .t.~ .!::, ('") (1) \J ~~. '-" " -) ~"'-o r:;. ,.,." :" ~ -) rn .... ,.(~ < m (J) !" ;....:.. >-'0 'TI i"\) iU =j PLAN VIEW \ \ \ \ I \ L3 21.40 N20'Ol'32"E L4 3.20 Nl0'46'49"W A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 3, T. 23, R. 5E, W.M., ;'~ \~) ,') \ l,.. 1 :~ , ,.,. i '~ / _.-®" " ,"iQr; ,,-'PAD.~L~396,O ".. " .... . -.... , " SDCB #5 SDCB #4' (\) (! >-'- C:' I'd !--, < to) ;, ') .-~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON L5 14.29 N43'Ol'14"W \ n 0(') C.I -;, ("0 l::] ::.J l1; Q,.'i- _, 'V [~ .+ '") "'. , \ , , \/\ ":'::::; -' " ,.,. , WETLAND 'A' 0"',': \ WMETM~~QtiJ~Q vj~ MIN, TOP OF POND=382,O MAX, W,S,=381.0 STATIC W,S,=376,O POND BOTTOM=372.0 LEGEND PROPOSED STORM SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER • ... PROPOSED GRINDER SEWAGE PUMP ® EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED WATER SYSTEM EXISTING WATER SYSTEM PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED CONTOURS EXISTING CONTOURS WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND BUFFER LINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE MIN, TOP OF VAULT =390,0 ---(o~- ----------~---------- 390,2 / ------22 ------ ................. ···22 410 405 390 380' DATUM ELEV 375.00 GO oj 0 '" PVI STA = 30+28,02 PVI ELEV = 408,36 A.D, = -4,00 K = 12,50 50,00' VC L /, ~:'DCB }f.4;), TfPF. I :s i~\.--:;T·t·j0:· -1 5':::'2;"]< -"1 IE>-~98.93 .... ~ ..... ' •.....•.. ' .EXGRIOSTUINN. DG ~,O~ .. • • • . • . . ~.; . . . (TYP,) . "--." . . . ':' .. .. .. .. , . .-~'-. .. : . '" T),: :S5Md #:J'I. "STA.· .31"+35:00, 7 .. :/ C~ .;:~itA~:40·) ,60' . .1f;':4~)95.44 (£( "$) . . . • i ... 'I· .. . . , 0 '" '" v 0 0 " '" , ('I t:O .0 o . o~ ,,~ L6 55.64 L7 37,70 LS 6,71 L9 14,34 L10 43,66 L 11 29.24 L12 31.15 L13 9.82 L14 7.05 L15 20.35 L16 16.20 PVI STA = 2+22,28 PVI ELEV = 396,88 A,D, = 2,56 K = 19,53 . cii· :~ . ....•.. ~. 6;' PROPOSED' . :tQ . fiNISHED GRADE (TYP:) "f<") . . '" · . 0""a:! ",0. '" · fl; .V} r-:l 'l"1 · .1.Ob:. Q:::~+ II : i~,q: . v 1.0 . . + ,0) . """1 , . , ... 4J. r ~oo·. . . "(/j w' 00 GjGj . .... tz ",,<q;>; ... IJJ .=)) . ...:;O>.~ . .. u.{jen.-w SOCB 1, TYPE 1 STA.2+47.32,2.23' LT. RIM=396:0 . . . . . . ·IE=393,1} . 69 LF 12" SO @ 13.0% SD.MH 2, 'lYrE ;2'-48" · STA.· 2+67.00, '68:43' LT RIM"'J.8TO. . 'IE=384:0' N19'21'14"W N06'33'25"E N46' 4S' 41 "E N5Z'26' 34''W N1S'46'30''W N1Z10'41"E N65'29'OO"E N25'15'32"E N42'54'50"E NOS'31'42''W N21'52'52"E 410 405 395 390 38S 380 . , TOP OF ACCESS RISERS=395,O± MAX, W,S,=389,5 -----------~ ._----------'----'-' VAULT BOTTOM=383.5 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+lJO NOTE: MT. BAKER AVE. NE -PROFILE VIEW ALL ROCKERIES AND RETAINING WALLS OVER 48" (4.0') IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT. or c.l::tch HICK RETE ALK 4" T CONC SIDEW 5' - 0,5' 2,0% • -j .. . . CON CRETE CURB--1 & GUTTER (TYP,) 1"=40' H: 1-=5' V 2" R!W TO C,O,R, 15' l' ---'- EDGE OF TRAVELLED WAY - • 2r 0 0 0 0 \ , 21' R!W TO C,O,R, \ 15' 5' l' '-----i 0,5' -1'--5,0% 2,0% • . _,0 0 0 a , 4" COMPACTED DEPTIH ¢LASS "B" ASPHALT CONCRETE. 6" COMPACTED DEPTH eRUSHED ROCK SURFACING, 12" COMPACTED DEPTIH'SUBGRADE (COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DEN , :32' ROADWAY CROSS SECTION (lYPJ , I~OT TO SCALE 2+50 SITY) z o ~ () o -1 0: o LL --8 a: w z f2 CIJ . W (Ij w ::> z ~ ~ ..- I ~ 8 ..- -~ W 0: w I o N en '" I CD co l' o o E a " " w o o If) ",. o o N ~--------------------~ 0 '2, x L:: .fil "'0 z> z"" ZW :5'" D..<i! ol;Z Zw :5:::;; z '0 "'0:: z--> o::z i::JW Z . -'" "'z 15~ -I> -'" >::0 U'" I EXPIRES 6/11/06 o /' M o a o o z m o J W () m Boundary and Topographic Survey Stone Ridge 2 A portion of the King County, NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 03, Township 23 N., Description: Lot W of King County Boundary line Adjsutment No. lOOlOOB7 filed under Recording No. 20020702900007, records of King County, Washington. Benchmark: Found monument incased at street intersection of 14Bth Avenue Southeast and Southeast 112th Street. King County Survey Control Ppoint No. 3725. Elevat ion: 467.77 feet. Vertical Datum: City of Renton. Legend: S = Monument found. Visited October 15, 199B • • ... WI o = #4 Re~ar with red plastic cap stamped "lS 2~'33B" to be set. = Sanitary sewer manhole = Storm manhole = Catch basin = Sanitary sewer clean out = Water meter = Hydrant = Telephone box ¢ = Sign ~ = Power pole 0. = Bollard )8( = Light standard I K o 30 60 ~! iiiiiii-:Jiiiiiiiiiiiiii~! Scale: 30' o = Title Report Item Number 1" -- West quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/3, incased. City of Renton No. 1325. ru lf1 4 ~North quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. Calculated from King Co. GPS breakdown. .... o ru OJ S87 '26' 02" E "'" lD crJ ru 5302.87' East quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found "X" in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" fence p~@ too of ditCh~ --3 2657.25' --13 w 1322.B1' T --3 2 1322.81 ' ~ I ~ .... I I o Z ..... I ; I lf1 ru-l I - -S87'49'15"E I ~. ~ I ~ ~ I. I ~ ..... (j) ~ (j) I; South quarter corner ~ I Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., I ~ Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found 3" brass disc in 2645.07' -- ~concrete. I ~--3 10 S8B'12'29"E 2644.64'--10 Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found monument, incased. '" I~ '" '" I~ ~ I I 2 11 \ '-- Surveyor's Notes: 1) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse uti1i7.ing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than those shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having viSible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed October 22. 1998, the date of this field survey. 4) Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 484449, dated June 2~ 1997. No additional research has been attempted. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 6) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may effect this site. Basis of Bearing: Washington State lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. Range 5 E., W. M. Washington N. LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 EXPIRES 5-23-2005 East quarter corner Sec. 3,:---______ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found "X" in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" fence post @ top of ditch. . (j) C\J crJ crJ (j) 3 2 ,/ 30.00' 4' cyclone fence extended Garage mDE){ DArk I I \ I I I 30' I "'" . a leri 1[2 ru DEVELOPMENT P CITY OF REN~%NlNG OCT I I 200~ RECEIVED t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South I) , Federal Way, WA. 98003 P . te (253) 661-1901 ----om t Surveying SURVEY FOR NE-SE 03, T23N, , R5E., W.M. KBS Development Corporation 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Be llevue, WA 98005 DRAWN BY: S Woods Cm:CKKD B't KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON S Woods DAIil LAVER USf. Sept. 30, 2004 SR2 SHEET 1 OF 1 SCALE: JOB NO.: 1" = 30' 1459 • l-I-l-I- I (/) (/) I a.. a.. a.. D U o z m o ~ " z " z W ~ ~ r; r~ + il I ! ---~ g a: w z ~ C/J c o a:: D-D-c( \ \ \ 1" .. 40' o 20 40 I ·I .. X'· ""1. \ \ \! \\1 '\ : ; \ ! ! 1 , , -428-,-,,- ... 60 'T'.o:, I \ \ \ \ , \ \ , \ , \ , • . " \, i , ( • , , LINE Ll L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 LE L9 Ll0 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 \ , '. .---------------------------------~ LOT AREA TABLE ~----T-----------~----~-----------~ f--=L::.OT:..!C,# -+_:..::AR:.:EA:.:....'C[S:::.F.::.l_-+-=LO:..:.T...!!#-+-_::.A:..:::REA.~[~S.fl __ _l 1 10,979 (7,565» 6 2 11,250 (7,496)* 7 3 10,059 (7,881)* 8 4 12,606 (8,853)* 9 11,321 (8,,5/i)* 14,397 (12,5101)' 15,385 (8,tl5:l)* 18,565 (13,'''10)* 5 8903 (6,540)* ~--_.l---_-'-'---'-....J..----....J..--_-_.---~ TOTAL LOT AREA = 113,465 (81,203)* S.F. = 2.60 (1.86)* A~. AVERAGE LOT AREA = 12,607 (9,023)* S.F.= 0.2894 (0.2071)* AC. • LOT AREA MINUS BUFFER EASEMENT AREA. LINE TABLE LENGTH 4.98 31.61 21.40 3.20 14.29 55.64 37.70 6.71 14.34 43.66 29.24 31.15 9.S2 7.05 20.35 16.20 \. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ BEARING NOnO'17''W N12"36'16"E N20"0 l' 32"E Nl0"46'49"W N43'0 I '14"W N19"21'14"W N06"33'25"E N46"4e'41 "E N5Z26'34"W N1S"46'30"W N12"lQ'41"E N65"29'00"E N25"15'32"E N42"54'50"E NOS'31 '42"W N21'52'52"E \ '" -.' co TRACT TRACT TABLE A DRAINAGE FACIU~ES TOTAL AREA PAP AREA 10,387 S.F. PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT FOR STONE RIDGE II A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N", RANGE 5 E., W"M" CITY OF FIENTON, WASHINGTON WETLAND 'A' /" 6" , ~O" dElCidUOU~ -------~-----\ / / / ~8" Fir --------- . //\ -___ J / /' \ """" • Maple . I ~~ _..... . .. -.~ , / .,-, ' i"==BUILDING .. SETBACKS\ g' (TYI"ICAL) " ~J ./ / ".-,o'- , , / \. -" ··_······'V10 · F 1 r \Q P~-~ '" V , -.....~14· /' ~.' ••• '" ~ o. j , -~" I ", , '----- -~ -- --- / J ./ " , / / j ! / I ...... ~~~~~~_=__'~~~~~,---i--,," F I:, -------~------------_ • J I / / 'I-~ = " ..... 1/ , " , / , , , , , " " " . , " , , , .: .. : :"; . >---",,_=_~ -..--:.J -f-ji' I . l , I , . , i ,. " , '..- .... '" LEGAL DESCRIPTION 32,228 , " /j ,-'\ i I.) ! I " . J. " ' , " 'i Ii 1 : \ . , . ( ( , )' \ I i / ,I \ I I ;! \ I I I , / / LOT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOL0089, RECORDER UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. -EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN (38 TREES) BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTIER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. -EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED (38 TREES) 420 J! " ± E 24 TH ST «"6 w " w > " 5£ 100TH :r: ST "" z SE 102ND ST ~ '!l. "" SITE I ~ @ ,/-"" f' " :0~ MA Y VALLEY w 'tI/lI'G \SSr;;..r:j. ~ COUNTY PARK " '"", ----10 w Sf 112TH ST > « w I > "" '" GO '" ~ N£ 10TH Ki SE 116TH ST Sf ;!; VICINITY MAP SITE DATA 1. TAX #: 032305-9035 2. SITE AREA: 3.63 AC. 3. EXISTING USE: VACANT 4. PROPOSED USE: 9-LOT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SUBDIVISION (SHORT PLAT) 5. EXISTING ZONING: R-5 (RESIDENTIAL 5 DUlAC) 6. PROPOSED ZONING: R-5 (RESIDENTIAL 5 DUlAC) 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL (4-12 DUlAC) 8. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4-12 DUlAC) 9. PROPOSED MIN, LOT WIDTH: 60' 10. REQUIRED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 60' 11. PROPOSED MIN. LOT AREA: 8903 S.F. 12. REQUIREO MIN. LOT AREA: 7250 S.F. 13. PROJECT DENSITY: 2.20 DUlAC. 14. REQUIRED MIN. SETBACKS: FRONT: 20' INTERIOR: 5', 15' ALONG STREET FRONTAGE REAR: 25' 15. MAX BASE HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS: 35' 16. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY CENTRE POINT SURVEYORS OWNER VIRGINIA LUCK 10627 -148TH S.E. RENTON, WA. 98055 DEVELOPER KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORA~ON 12320 N.E. 8TH STlREET, SUITE 100 BELLEVUE, WA. 98005 CONTACT: CURTIS SCHUSTER ENGINEER/PLANNER/SURVEYOR BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 18215 72nd AVE. SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 FAX (425) 251-8782 CONTACT: WAYNE POTIER OR ALI SADR, P.E. DENSITY WORKSHEET 1. GROSS AREA PROPERTY: 2. DENSITY CALCULATION EXCLUSIONS: (PUBLIC ROAD, SENSITIVE AREA AND JOINT ACCESS EASEMENT') 3. NET DENSITY AREA: (GROSS AREA -EXCLUSIONS) 4. NET DENSITY IN ACRES: (DIVIDED BY 43,560 S.F.) 158,259 S.F. 58,223 S.F. 99,900 S.F. 2.29 AC. 5. NET DENSITY: 3.93 D.U. PER ACRE (LOTS DIVIDED BY NET DENSITY AREA) • -SERVING MORE THAN THREE LOTS z o ~ o o .-l 0: o IJ... N ,-, N o " " 0' cl '" T o ~----------------~~ I ~ o if) EXP/RES 6/11/06 / w o o o 0.: TH~ ~~~~~~ _____________________________________________________________ ~~~ ______________________________________ . ______ " __________________________________________________ -L __________ ~ I F .. , c5 Z tIl o J W o tIl o U o z m o ~ , , ++--r-----1 ! I i 0 z 1" -100' 200 I 132305-929 (0.84 Ac.) /-" / " / \ 1 I \ / 0300 032305 9291 (0.30 Ac.) 032305 9290 (0.30 Ac.) 803540 80 803540-0370 032305-9159 (1.41 Ac.) 032305-9047 (3.87 Ac.) KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6.12 Ac.) I I I Q3 305 I "\tA~ I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I 523000-0230 -00002- 177640-0010 2 1 523000 523000 0070 0080 -00001-W (f) II f-' 177640 "-'<t ~ 0030 032305 9045 032305 (0.56 Ac.) 9190 (0.24 Ac.) 032305 9208 032305 032305 (0.22 Ac.) 9210 9173 (0.42 Ac.) (042 Ac.) 032305 9209 (0.22 Ac.) '-'-'-'-.-.- 032305 9180 (0.31 Ac.) 6 7 ---------- I 032305-9270 032305-9269 ~ -ro2~05~903$ I -r-----J I I I I I I I L ~. --J. I (ID89 ric) I I (0.87 Ac.) CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY 032305 ----,9021 032305 9238 (041 Ac.) I (3.56 ACi) I I I I (0.86 Ac.) I (0.13 Ac.) 032305-9277 032305 9276 (0.30 Ac.) 032305 9256 (1.20 Ac.) I I .1 W .1 U) I I I (0.30 Ac.) i t-------j:;+ I 032305 9280 (0.30 Ac.) I I WI' (f) --'i 0-. 032305 9278 (1.11 Ac.) 032305 9017 (0.58 Ac.) I I-- 032305 9070 (2.47 Ac.) 032305 9234 (0.30 Ac.) I I I. I L ___ ..1_ .-J ____ J I 032305-9042 I (0.85 Ac.) 032305 9120 -42- (2.17 Ac.) ./ / :j 022305 902 (0.94 ·-··RE: '-'--'~'- 522990-0005 -OOOOA-522990-0050 -OOOOA- 522990-0010 -OOOOA· 522990 0055 522990-0015 -OOOOA- -OOOOA- 522990-0020 -OOOOA. 522990-0( -OOOOA- 522990-0025 -OOOOA-522990.007~ -OOOOA- 522990'0030 -OOOOA- 522990-0036 522990-0035 5229 022305 9062 (0.39 Ac.) -OOOOA--OOOOA- 522990-0041 -ODDDA- 522990-0040 522990-0 045 -DOOOA- 022305 9061 811400 0070 -OOOOA- :~~UN'\-3' '''''' .. ,,~ 811 g;!1 <{I 811400 001 811400-0030 (0.48 Ac.) ~=::;~I~;J i}j I :r: I 811400-0040 bi 811400-0050 I!). ~I I 1 ___ ' 022305-9018 . -'---. .-~--.. "' .. . -----r===~ .---'-- ~ -.-~ 022305 9018 (4.47 Ac.) J -I Z 0 ~ 0 0 .-J a: o LL z 0 I() ~ 0 0 0 ~ ..... =11= 0) o ~ z 0...0 .II: :::> l-8 (I)~ ~ ~t)I wFE CIJ .~ « 0..003: g -u.i W ~ z ~ 0 C'II -1 0 C') -1 C'II W ~ ..... ID ~ -,;, '" '" --~ I 'C 'C '" -c. 0; I 'l-'> '" ~ ~ -~' " ffi I 'l-'" '" -N .~ ~ l' " 0 ~ .~ co co -" -- ~ " 0i a, "' - o z m o "') Ll! ~ m Jr/H.lJSrOH£ .lJ/V. // [ ~OLUNE/PAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP _____ ~ LND-l0-0450 _ _ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: Know all people by these presents that we, the undersigned owners pf ~nterest jn the Jand herebY subdjvjded, he"ebv decJ~"e thjs to be the graphic representation'of the subdivision'made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon. inc Iud ing but not I imited to parks, open space, utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public. in which case we do hereby ded icate such streets. easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves. their heirs and aSSigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against the City of Renton. its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construction, or maintenance of roads and or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by the City of Renton. Further. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves. their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold the City of Renton, its successors and assigns, harmless from any damage. including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetat ion, dra inage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of ~RiP&~~oads with in th is subdi v is ion. prov ided. this wa i ver and ..... he'r indemnification shall not be construed as releasing the City of Renton, its successors or assigns, from liability for damages, including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in part from the negl igence of the City of Renton, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision, dedication. waiver of claims agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof we set our hands seals: by: Kol' 8, Taylor Pr ident-K8S e L '~/ll!.l~,:..~I .. ·':.:.-, :.=. - < _//': ( Robert W, Ruddell Secretary-KBS Development Corp. e. ~a;,~.:.. :",,;"'t. 0':'", :;:;~ .. ~tI,. ~ 1. :d:Jit Washington F~gs. a United States Corporation ... by: c3"AI1.E..$ E C'AAY .. ' .. its: ~e \ltre Pf!.e'$llJEJJr ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) U"..,J~ )55 County of ~ ) On this /81:1-day of M4f ' 200..2 before me, the underSigned, a notary public in d for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin B. Taylor. Robert W. Ruddell, and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, of KBS Development Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal af fixed. if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation, Witness my hand and seal certificate aR~~e written. . !'Io.",~ .~"'t." .. ~o;'-~ I, g"A .. ~~<:=\\~I!itlll "'~?/~ -R~ _-It,-'.A Z E~'f:~ ~~ \,"..: ~ ::::J6 .. 0 '.~ ~ ~·o,~ 'A ~z~ ~.~ to EO::: z, .. ~ sJ..::.= ~ ':.' .... 'l 08 30# ~ ,... -~ _"" -,.,""..:t..V ':;:: 'I, "'~ Il,"\\\\"" ... " ~~ .::: /1111• OF wtt.fI ~# I",\\\~\.,,~ State of Wasnlngton ) Iss County of Kl'1 ) hereto affixed the day and year in this Not~~~ of Washington, residing in K:pfJ(/.. My commiss ion exp ires: R -3" -d11 C('(cr,s 6. S;'lAS~C print notary name On this ad day of tJ1tt!: . 2002.. before me we unaerslgneO, a notary pUOllc inand for the State of waShIngton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared L»1-!1fl €, C.4~ to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evi~nce) to be the 51 vsrlll«REAIf of Washington Federal Savings, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any. is the corporate seal of said corporation. hereto affixed the day and year in this WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments for which the property subject to this subdivision may be liable to the city, and that all special assessments on any property herein contained dedicated as streets, alleys, or for any other public use have been duly paid, satisfied or discharged, this day of , 200 Finance Director CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS Examined and approved this _______ day of ___________ __ , 200_. Administrator CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Examined and approved this ______ day of ___________ _ 200 Mayor CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ___ day of ____ ---', 200_, City Clerk KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ ~day of ________ --'. 200_. King County Assessor Deputy, King County Assessor Account Numbers ________________________________________________________ __ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid; that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection; and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets, alleys, or for any other public use, are paid in full, this day of ____ -'. 200_. Manager Finance Division Deputy RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City of Renton this day 0 f -;-----;-;---::-__ --", 200--" at -;-__ min ute spa s t and recorded in VA lume of Plats, pages records of King County. Washington. Division of Records and Elections Manager Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Windstone Division II is based on an actual survey done by me or under my direct supervision; that the bearings and distances are shown correctly; that the perimeter monuments have been set and that all other monuments and lot corners have been set or bonded with the city and will be set prior to the release of the bond; that I have fully complied with all State and County regulations governing platting and that it conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the conditions of approval thereof. step~~s~.l~, ~3~8~9~6;5------- THE OWNER/DEVELOPER, SHAlL DEFEND. INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIAlS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS HARMlESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIM, INJURIES, DAMAGES, LOSSES OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF ALL REOUIRED PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PLAT, THE CITY'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY DEFAULT PRIVATE UTILITY FACILITIES AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STREETS, WATER UTILITY. SANITARY SEWER UTILIT~ OR STORM WATER UTILITY SYSTEM IS LIMITED TO THE FACE VAlUE OF THE BOND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER HAS POSTED IN LIEU OF THE REOUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE CITY RESERVES ITS UNILATERAl RIGHT TO ESTABLISH THE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEFAULTED PLAT INFRASTRUCTURES. THIS STATEMENT IS LEGALLY BINDING UPON THE HEIRS, AND/OR ASSIGNS OF THE OWNER/DEVELOPE~ SUBSEQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND THEIR HEIRS AND/OR ASSIGNS. S-9~? Date All lots are subject to the amendment to the Windstone CC&R's filed under Recording No. __________________ __ ~d~ Notary public in and for the Sta e #~ of Washington, residing in ~~~~If'-,--,-IJ My commission expires: ' ~..Q CBNT~~ PAINTE Surveying. Inc •• P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA; NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. Cu.rft's G. C./usrkc print notary name DRAWN BY: 0 Woods DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 SCALE: NA CHECKED BY: S Woods JOB NAllE: 1459 JOB NO.: WS II 12320 NE 8th St.. Su i te 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 Ir/HLJSrOH£ .f}/V. // LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot W. King County. Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0089 recorded under Recording Number 20020702900007 in King County W~~h5~gton. being a po~t~D~ D~ the ND~theast oua~te~ D~ the . S9utheast quar~e\ of ~ect~on 3. Township 23 North, Range 5 East. Wlllamette Mer ldlan. In Klng County. Washington. DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the . beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots. or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this plat. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures. fill. or obstructions (inc luding but not limi ted to decks. pat ios. outbuild ings. or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally. grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. TREE MAINTENANCE: Trees located within the plat shall be maintained consistent with the City of Renton's tree maintenance standards by the o~ne\s of the lot f9r which the trees grow in. Trees located wlthln the street rIght-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. RESTRICTIONS FOR NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREAS/SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND BUFFERS: Dedicati~n of a se~s~tiv~ area tr~ct/sensitive.ar~a and buffer conveys to the publlc a beneflclal lnterest In the land wlthIn the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for al~ our oases that benefit the Dublie health. safetv and welfare, including contrOl of surface water ana eroslon. malntenance of slope stabIlIty and protection of plant and animal habitat. . The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation. enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton .. ~o leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensltlve area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and bu ffer may not be cut. pruned. covered by fill. removed or damaged without approval in writing from the City of Renton Department of Development Services or its successor agency. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the are~ of d~velopment a~tivity must be ~arked or otherwise flagged to the satlsfact~on of the Clty of Renton prlor to any clearing. grading. building constructlon or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area.tr~ct/sensitiv~ area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remaln In place untll all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. MA+NTE~ANCE R~SPONSIBI~ITY: A~l own~rs of lo~s created by or benefiting from thls Cl~y actlon a~uttlng or lncludlng a natlve growth protection easement are responslble for malntenance and protection of the easement. Maintenance includes ensu~ing th~t no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remaIns undlsturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. ACCESS EASEMENT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat. for valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. hereby grants and conveys an access' easement over. across. and upon the private drainage easements shown on the fac~ 9f this plat .. per an ~ngineering plan approved by the City of Renton. a Munlclpal Corporatlon of Klng County, for the project known as Wi~dstone Division II for the City of Renton as grantee. to enter upon sald easement(s) for the purpose of observing and inspecting the facilities to assure that the owner (s), their successors and assigns, are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities pursuant to the above referenced plan and contained within said easement area(s). The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon the grantor (5). its heirs. and all subsequent owner (5) thereof. forever. ?RI\7ATE DRAINAGE EASEj\JIEr.TT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements on Lots 2. 3. 4. 5 and 9 shall be owned. operated and maintained by the Windstone Homeowners Association. The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the HOA is negligent in the maintenance of the facilities and any such repairs shall be at the HOA's expense. ' PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NOTE: New private exclusive easement for access is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owner of Lot 3 shall have an undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of the private access road. drainage pipes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Maintenance costs are the sale responsibility of Lot 3. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited. unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. NOTE: New pr i vate exc lusi ve easement for ingress. egress and uti 1 it ies is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owners of Lots 8 and 9 shall have an equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities i~clude the repair and maintenance of the private access road, drainage plpes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited, unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton. King County Water District #90. Puget Sound Energy Company. Qwest. Comcast. (other private utilities). and their respective successors and assigns under and upon all pr i vate streets. a lleyways and pr i vate dr i ves. the exter ior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults. Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install. lay, construct. renew. operate and maintain underground pipe. conduit. cab les. wires, vau lts and pedesta Is with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electriC. telephone, gas, te lecommunications, data transmission. street 1 ights and uti 1 i ty service t0get~er with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current. or for telephone. cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. TOTAL ACREAG E: OVERALL -141260 so. FT. I 3.632 ACRES DEDICATED ROADS - Areas: PARCEL ROADS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Tract A Total 11150 so. FT. I 0.256 ACRE SQUARE FEET 11. 150.260 11.117.104 11. 503. 117 11.690.074 13.030.508 9.814.413 11.492.929 13, 1B9.997 16.660.939 18.818.803 29,790.752 141.258.896 DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Recording No. 6176450. dated May 16. 1967. Access & ut il it y easements to KBS II 1. L . L. C. f i 1 ed under Recording No. 20040629002394, dated June 29. 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the easement filed under Recording No. 20020807000276. Covenants. condit ions. restr ictions. easements. notes. dedications and setback if any, set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. CBNT-¥~ PMINTE Surveying, Inc., Po$. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Su i te 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 DRAlfN BY: D Woods CHECKIID BY: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Feb. 27. 2007 1459 DATE: JOB NAME: SHEET 2 OF 4 1" = 50' EXPIRES 5 /z3/~ SCALE: JOB NO.: WS II . __ ... _--------------------------------~ Jr/H.lJSrOH£ ./J/f/. // [ VOLUllE/PAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP ''''_ ____ ....,. LND-IO-0450 _ _ PLAT NOTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC 'BE'X:-"l£'TEI:' 600) AND REAL TIItfE l(!NE~AT:::C (PTK) J STATIC GLOBA:'" POS!T':~W':~IS SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO.1171741. DATED JULY 29, 2005. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 22, 1998. THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE 6) ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE. AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. TRACT A. A PRIVATE STORM POND TRACT. IS HERE8Y GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ("HOA"). THE HOA SHALL PERFORM AND PAY FOR ALL MAINTENANCE OF TRACT A AND THE FACILITIES THEREON, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE). KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20051020000338. AS AMENDED (THE "CCSRS"). THE WINDSTONE DIV. II PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO/SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO THE CCSRS BY AMENDMENT TO THE CCSRS. IF THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR FAILS TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF 1B MONTHS. THE OWNER OF EACH LOT WITHIN STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE), WINDSTONE DIV. II AND ANY SUBSEQUENT DIVISIONS SUBJECTED TO THE CCSRS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SAID TRACT A AND SHALL SHARE EQUALLY IN ALL ATTENDANT FINANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS 7) LOT 8 SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ACCESS NILE AVENUE NE. UJ en w > <l: ~ UJ en SE 100TH ST ~ <l: :r: SE 102TH ST:;; "t .... ~ SE 105TH PL ~ B) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE PLAT. THE VICINITY MAP APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT RECORDING, WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANT WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. o 2640 I I 9) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE THE STREAM BUFFER. 1" 4 34 3.~ North Quarter corner Sec. Twp. 23N., Ang. 5E., H.M. Calculated from King Co. GPS breakdown. 888"37' 10"E 2645.46' JT~~ C\J I!) o C\l 01 S87°26'02"E """ 2657.25' West Quarter corner Sec. 3. Twp. 23N .. Ang. 5E .. W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/l incased. w = ~ """ """ ru • -0 z I~ I~ I I I~ """ I~ 5302.87' 1322.81 ' - Northeast section corner Sec. 3. ~ Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E" W.M. fu::i Calculated from City of Renton ~ Survey Control Network. ru City of Renton No. 2097. w East Quarter corner Sec. 3, _ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W. M. I -Found "X" in 10· stone I!) monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" ru T fence post ~ top of ditCh'~3 I ~ 1322.81' ~ I I~ I~ """ o ~ I I!) cY') cY') ID ID 1322.54'_C\l I __ --t-1322. 54 ' 887 °49' 15"E 2645.07' - -I~ South Quarter corner : I o ~ Ito . """ -(J) ru j~ o z ~I (£) C\J RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: City of Renton Control Point 2097. Control Point 2097 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 191108.643 ft./1316760.378 ft. City of Renton Control Point 1845. Control Point 1845 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./1316637.843 ft. BASIS OF BEARING: Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. CONTROL SKETCH o 500 1000 -I -__ 1---1 SCALE: I Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Ang. 5E., H.M. Found Southeast corner Sec. 3, 3" brass disc in Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E., W.M. ~concrete. Found monument, incased. 1" 500' ~I ~ _ 1322.32' :~:; ; ~ ,qe;;::~:.O~2j,B45.~ ( 2 10 888"12'29"E 2644.64' ti+l1 EXPIRES 5' / z:. J / UJtJ1 CBNT-¥~ PMINTE SufV8y1ng, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb. 27. 2007 JOB NAME: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 500' JOB NO.: W8 II INDEX DA'I'A: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Su He 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 /r/H.lJSrOH£ LJ/V. // [ VOLmlE/pAGE 1 LU A-04-124-FP "----~-IIIIII'! LND-l0-0450 _ _ N.LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 0~/Tj/ o,c-h/l:/VTO// i~f.)' li.~/~-C~~-7~)6-Lf.:' ) t:)c.-""~ 1\ 1/1 ,?'-'f"'~"'"I"1-1Qcr{l'".,r""'-1 I \.L_ Vo 'VL/. L. t..Il./\...J'(..J I Iv '-" L/t..Il.J (I East quarter corner Sec. 3. Twp. 23N .• Rng. 5E .• W.M. Found ·X· in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4"----' fence post @ top of ditch. -~ :::7'~--------:7.;;~~~~~~~~~~~rcc~--~~S~S~7~'~3~7'3~S~"!E~5~S2~·ffi3j9ffi'--~~~-1-:~~~ ______________ ___ N21'52'52'E Greene's Creek-~ " 60.00' rri .... 16.20' co '~ 53.26' BL35 c:> • 508'31'42"7 1 to ~ ... \-=--E~~--= 20.35' UJ " h ~)\ T 1 Kl Ie / JUL ___ S_U2 ~;,' PJ v Drainage r-65;...· --... ....... • • \ easement ------;:,j N42'54{g'.E Ie: 1 .-........ '[l.!.!:..t.3 " (Private) 9 7.05' 1° C\J .' ',aL1.~.-. ,,~ 110 , // ~i:!i ~ ~---:J::...,., --\ • ~~..y 11745/ I ~ •• .....,.."""-:1.:. 0 -" ~ ~" 18, 820 SF 1 b ~-+NG P A ~ / ~.--, S8lP4r05~ ,S§'. g' :. __ . "" '\8' ~ I ni -VI Irl (Il " "~ ,,\ ~ ....... NGPA""~ I ~ ..,.. D' OJ, .s""'A ''''->6'. ~<:? I UJ ~ \ ,..";>/ ralnage . 'O'~" ...... 'ru' BL8 _'¢v/, easement ~ ~.~ "'0' "I -- Drainage easement (Pri vate) --125.00' S5~3·F 14."· I r----+ ~'11'~ s.'v ~ \ " '\'~ r~.')( 1 10 ~, ~\~ ~ ~ TRACT "A II 4 . <.;'; , , ,-'f I \~ DRAINAGE POND ~ \'( 1 ~ \ (PRIVATE) ru ~ 131.1~:~ISF -\ ..... 110' (125.00' Deed) N45'4B'41"E 5.71' t \ k 30, 050 SF °z ~ \"F--I S8 , & ~ ~. .-:,-____ ~~7_'~49~·~O;8~·E~1~24i·~9~9~'L-~ ~I vo. ~I 0 '-' for '19. 5 ~ ~--.::.., . 5'Public C!:Jj ,,~ ~ ~ I>l. \ , ~ Utility Easement (0)(. .~:~ ~ ~. 0 100' QY;/ v; " ~ 1'i"'" .L:' 49 '.Qfl.::.f. ~ .4 . 10 { 9. BOO SF 01..29" ~ --r-I \~ ~ro' "\ \~ 20' Private joint accessl (j\ ?>~. \ & utility easement for .~ .,. \ -'\ Lots B & 9. I ,~~ \~ \(Q n .~~ \?" \?" 12' Roadway dedication .,--...-...a ~" ~ \~ 1 \ S' 3?' s. \. ;:; 8 I ~ ~ <:<?6'Y~.7. I \ ~<S? 11727/ I 6 CT') lO 30,00' I I . 10 ~I 30' ... ~I 10 ~I z . ~ 1 ..... +J 12 '1 30' m aJ I Q) ..c: . I ......, :;:; I~ ~rn O~ co Z:5 .... ::J 543 '01'15"E 11730 I 11,490 SF \r~ GPJ~~16.660 SF I m -s'v ><,.<9..... I .... I~ 0 14.29 ._-", S07 '20' 16"E 4.9B· I .I j I I S87'49'oa"E 171.95' 10' PUbli~\~ Utility 1 Easement. )... tJ.. (") Typical all lotS'f ~/ .--- ~ parallel to road ~ right-of-way. ~;" 11. 120 SF Public Sanitary \" Sewer Easement ni 110 (TJ 21 ' 190.88' 104.30' -1 I -...J 21. 00' 1 I I I I I --jl I , 21' (TJ (TJ .... I f -----------~---------_/ / ------ ..... . " ru ~. 4 "" 160.41' '-calculated position per Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) Rec. No. 20051020000337. (typ.) / SB7 '49 . 15" E UJ , ,~. .0 00 ..... , 0 ru" o z 540.18 ' ...... ~o \9 1 (0 " 'Qoo ~ i~~--------------~16~9~.~0~9;'~~~~ ______ ~~7~.~4~1." o_~ ~\ 1 7 11724/ 13. 190 SF sa7'49'j5"E ~ ;,y-.~\ 186 51 ' ~..>"".( ~ '" ~ s:>'k' I . S~)C..<S? "':;.~ \1 1 .; ,,~ V' I ~~ re.~, / ~\ ~~ ~ /40'PUbli?!1O' \ 0 -.r Utility I " ~ o.,C'O./ Easement ~ '-3::""'-I 244.a1' - . ..... ru ---)s(-----120.37' , . . . . . 229.40' NE 17TH ST I I I C\J . I~ 0 ,00 30' 42' . ...... Q)OO :J~ 'q' ru Q~ lei! ~~ CT') "'" <~ "'" ..... Q)~ ...... o~ ,Z 'q' o CT') CT') LD (\J IJJ . (\J ru . I LD NGPA DIMENSIONS: NGPA DIMENSIONS(CONTINUED): ~J ~ LINE CHORD BEARING ARC DELTA IWJ/US BU NB7 '49'15"W 79.77' BL2 S11 '39' 43"E S1. 58' BL3 N05°22'41"W 20.37' BCi N19°23'33"W 12.23' 28 °01' 41" 25.00' BL4 N33·24'22."W ,;23,\-42 . BL5 N11 °21 '#!~,W : < ::'2S' ; Sa: BLS S33 '24 ' fl'::W ' '~f2,.11i. ,-,.. ,.." BC2 S05·5S'2\)"W '2'3. S7' ., ~54'55'54" 25.00' BL7 N2i '31, "-ar W 35.8'2' -. .. ;.~ BLB SB4 ·24 .. ;a~'!,W '., :' 20,.,25', BC3 S55 °59''347:~W ~, "':',24 . 79 . 56 '49' 10" 25.00' BL9 S27 °35 ' f2 ~~~. :-'':;f9~ 73 . BC4 SiD '24 '19"W '14.99 ' 34'21'4S" 25.00' BUO N06'46'33"W 1S.92· BUi NB9'30'59"W 19.30' 8L12 N84 '49 38"1'1 60.43' BU3 NS6'18'43"W 38.37' BC5 N83'59'43"W 21. SO' 35°22'00" 35.00' BU4 S7B'19'1S"W 30.94' BU5 N30045'12"W 35.89' BC6 S39 • 45 ' 14" E 11. 00' 18'00'05" 35.00' BU6 N48 • 45 ' 17" W 50.93' BU7 N51°17'10"W 40.26' "-" "-." " ~ = MONUMENT. 'FOUND AS"NQTED . VISITED AUGUST 7. 2001. -,.". . • = SET "x" IN BRASS, DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE ." '~,' • .. SET '4' REBAR 'WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965:"/' .' , , 199991= Lot add~~-;~':;'7>::'\: -' BU8 N42'32'20"W BU9 N24'45'33"W BL20 N27"00'03"W 8C7 S42°27'24"E BL21 S57'54'45"E BL22 N42'00'52"W BL23 S23'28'53"E BC8 N66 ·31' OrE BL24 S23 828'54"E BC9 N32 844'53"W BL25 N42 800' 51"1'4 BC10 N49°57'50"W BL26 S57 854'44"E BL27 N27°00'03"W BL2B N24 849' 4rW BL29 S72 '50' 21"E BL30 S24°09'48"E BC11 N25°56'50"W BL31 N31 '20' 25"W BC12 S46'54'46"E BL32 N51'17'10"W BL33 N48 ·45 . 17" W BL34 530 "45' 12"E BL35 S87'37'38"E EXPIRES 6' /zJ/JM'f 36.01' 40.33' 40.82' 18.8S· 30°54'42" 35.00' Southeast corner Sec. 3. Twp. 23N .• Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found monument. incased. ~ 3.&2 ~1 11. 12' 15.35' LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS: 9.23' 109.9S' 14.94' 11. 32' 25.95' 9.71' 6.33' 29.77' 22.27' 15.25' 13.17 ' 21.41' 30.36' 5.34' 41. 39' 43.84' 40.41' 41. 79' 180·00'00" 35.00' IJNE CHORD BEARING L1 S40"5S'34"E 1B031'58" 35.00' L2 S40 858'33"E L3 S13"46'38"W 15 853'54" 35.00' C1 N12 "43' 13"W C2 S1s020'42"E C3 S18°46'34"W C4 S58"1B'4S"W C5 NS9°56'2S"W CS N49"50'02"W 5 °37' 12" 218.32' C7 NOso09'27"W C8 N45°16'45"E 8 °44' 50" 35.00' C9 N39 °38' 10 "E L4 SS5°47'39"W L5 S02°10'45"W LS S24°12'21"E CBNT¥d, PMINTE Sutwylng, Inc., P.S, 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAiN BY: 0 Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb. 27. 2007 lOB NAME: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' JOB NO.: WS II ARC DELTA RADIUS 20.55' 12.63' 25.10' 13.00' 29°47'58" 25.00' 0 40 80 18'33'05" 50.00' I j I 55°41'23" 50.00' 1S.19· 48.60' 20.41' 23'23'05" 50.00' 40 00S'25" 50.00' SCALE: 40 '06' 25" 50.00' 35.00' 35.00' 43 '14' 43" 50.00' 1" 63°37'42" 50.00' 74 '54' 51" 15.00' 37.74' 55.53' 19.51· 10.77' 12.34' 22.76' INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE Sth St., Su i te 100 Bellevue. WA 9S005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 40' /r/HLJSrOH£ ./J/V. // [ ~LUME/PAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP _____ -'. LND-l0-0450 _ _ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: Know all people by these presents that we. the undersigned owners :;.. ;, ,,": t e ,~ est i nth e 1 a r: d her e b y 5 ;,.' b = ;, .. ;, = E = , .": E .'"' e = j' = E = ~ ~ .., =-:-... ;, 5 t c be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby. and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes. and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon. inc Iud ing but not 1 imited to parks. open space, utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public. in which case we do hereby ded icate such streets, easements. or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided. waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against the City of Renton. its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment. construction, or maintenance of roads and or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by the City of Renton. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided. agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold the City of Renton, its successors and assigns. harmless from any damage. including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by a 1 terat ions of the ground surface, vegetation, dra inage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of tRiP@oltr:oads within this subdivi-sion. provided, this waiver and "t"helr indemnification shall not be construed as releaSing the City of Renton. its successors or ass igns, from liab i lit y for damages, including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of the City of Renton. its successors, or assigns. This subdivision. dedication, waiver of claims agreement to hold ha~mless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof we set our hands seals: by: ACKNOWLEDG EMENTS: State of Washington ) U",..JIA ) 55 County of ~ ) On this j()1JI-day of A1~" , 200..2, before me, the undersigned. a notary public ina for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared Kolin B, Taylor, Robert W. Ruddell. and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President. the Secretary and the Treasurer. of KBS Development Corporation. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed. if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. print notary name County of ~~ Qn this tiD! day Of (fI~ 2002 DpfO'"'€' m€' the undersigned, a notary public in;and for the State of Washington. ~~l~eC~~~~~~~~~~dk~~~ns(~~npr~;~~O~~lt~ea~~~r~e~f S~~~y~~~ncel to be the Sj. va:r1!.«acNf of Washington Federal Savings, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed. if any. is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments for which the property subject to this subdivision may be liable to the city, and that all special assessments on any property herein contained dedicated as streets. alleys, or for any other public use have been duly paid, satisfied or diSCharged. this day of , 200_. Finance Director CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS Examined and approved this ___ day of ______ _ . 200 Administrator CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Examined and approved this ___ day of ______ _ . 200_. Mayor CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this _____ day of ____ ...... 20o_. City Clerk ~NG COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ ~day of ____ --" 20o_. King County Assessor Deputy, King County Assessor Account Numbers ______________________________________________________ __ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid: that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection: and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets. alleys, or for any other public use, are paid in full, this day of ____ --'. 200_. Manager Finance Division Deputy RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City of Renton this __ ~_ day of , 200--, at minutes past and recorded in Volume of Plats, pages records of King County, Washington. Division of Records and Elections Manager Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Windstone Division II is based on an actual survey done by me or under my direct supervision: that the bearings and distances are shown correctly; that the perimeter monuments have been set and that all other monuments and lot corners have been set or bonded with the city and will be set prior to the release of the bond; that I have fully complied with all State and County regulations governing platting and that it conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the conditions of approval thereof. step~~~s~.t~3~8~9=65~----------- THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. SHALL DEFEND. INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON. ITS OFFICERS. OFFICIALS. EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIM. INJURIES. DAMAGES. LOSSES OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PLAT. THE CITY'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY DEFAULT PRIVATE UTILITY FACILITIES AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STREETS. WATER UTILITY, SANITARY SEWER UTILITY. OR STORM WATER UTILITY SYSTEM IS LIMITED TO THE FACE VALUE OF THE BOND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER HAS POSTED IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE CITY RESERVES ITS UNILATERAL RIGHT TO ESTABLISH THE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEFAULTED PLAT INfRASTRUCTURES. THIS STATEMENT IS LEGALLY BINDING UPON THE HEIRS. AND/OR ASSIGNS OF THE O"NER/DEVELOPE~ SUBSEQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND THEIR HEIRS AND/OR ASSIGNS. Date All lots are subject to the amendment to the Windstone CC&R's filed under Recording No. __________________ __ certificate above written. Notary public in and for th~~ ~A of Wash~ng~on. re~iding in ~~'lf,LAIYI.I My commlSSlon explres: 8 ~ .0 CBNT¥~ PMINTE SlII'WyIng, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 6vf/s ,. ~k.rfe.c print notary name DRAWN BY; o Woods DATE: Feb. 27. 2007 SCALE: NA CHECKED BY; S Woods JOB NAlIE; 1459 JOB NO.: WS II 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 IY/HLJSrOH£ LJ/V. // [ VOLUllE/pAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP _____ ~ LND-l0-0450 _ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot W, King County, Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0089 recorded under Recording Number 20020702900007, in King County u!,..~"" __ .l. __ bel'",,", a ",--.1..'--_r ..... '" ""--...... "'dS.I. -a ..... e-_r...... • ;,. ..... ;,;:,1' .. ":::1 .... """, •• w.i!::f ,..."""", .... ...,.,, ...,1 "",'0_ 1-'"""", .... ,i .. '"' "'1w j ... , \..II .,.e Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North. Range 5 East. Willamette Mer idian. in King County. Washington. DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat. in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision. by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots. or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this plat. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures. fill. or obstructions (inc Iud ing but not 1 imited to decks. patios. outbui ldings. or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally. grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. TREE MAINTENANCE: Trees located within the plat shall be maintained consistent with the City of Renton's tree maintenance standards by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. RESTRICTIONS FOR NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREAS/SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND BUFFERS: Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/senSitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation l:r:'"" ::: ';l~-~,:ses ~~=": ':,:_,:J::": ":~': ;''':~::': .... ~=:":h4 ~=l::~":'! :--: \M'e:~a-e. i~:.ludif1g control. of surface water a~d erosion. maintenance of slope stability. and protectIon of plant and anImal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/senSitive area and buffer the obligation. enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton .. ~o leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/senSItIve area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and bu ffer may not be cut. pruned. covered by fi 11. removed or damaged without approval in writing from the City of Renton Department of Development Services or its successor agency. The common boundary between the tract/senSitive area and buffer and the are~ of d~velopment a~tivity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satIsfact~on of the CIty of Renton prior to any clearing. grading. building constructlon or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area.tr~ct/sensitiv~ area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remaIn 1n place untIl all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY: All owners of lots created by or benefiting from this City action abutting or including a native growth protection easement are responsible for maintenance and protection of the easement. Maintenance includes ensu~ing th~t no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remaIns undIsturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. ACCESS EASEMENT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat. for valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. hereby grants and conveys an access' easement over. across. and upon the pr i vate dra inage easements shown on the fac~ 9f this plat .. per an ~ngineering plan approved by the City of Renton. a MunIclpal Corporat1on of Klng County. for the project known as Wi~dstone Division II for the City of Renton as grantee. to enter upon saId easement(s) for the purpose of observing and inspecting the facilities to assl:lre that the owner (s). their successors and assigns. are properly operatIng and maintaining the drainage facilities pursuant to the above referenced plan and contained within said easement area(s). The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon the grantor (s). its he irs. and a 11 subsequent owner (s) thereof. forever. PRlv-ATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements on Lots 2. 3. 4. 5 and 9 sha 11 be owned, operated and maintained by the Windstone Homeowners Association. The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the HOA is negligent in the maintenance of the facilities and any such repairs shall be at the HOA's expense. . PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NOTE: New private exclusive easement for access is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owner of Lot 3 shall have an undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of the private access road. drainage pipes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utili~y providers. Mainte~ance costs are the sole responsibility of Lot 3. ParkIng on the pavement 1n the access easement is prohibited unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. . ~OTE: New private exclusive easement for ingress. egress and utilities 1S to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owners of Lots 8 and 9 shall have an equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities i~clude the repair and maintenance of the private access road. drainage p1pes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on t~e pavement in the access easement is prohibited. unless the pavement WIdth is greater than 20 feet. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton. King County Water District #90. Puget Sound E~ergy Comp~ny. Qwest, Comcast. (other private utilities). and theIr respectlve successors and assigns under and upon all private streets. alleyways and private drives. the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults. Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to insta 11. lay. construct. renew. operate and maintain underground pipe. conduit. cables. wires. vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdiyisit?n and other property with electriC. telephone. gas. te lecommun lcatlons. data transmiss ion, street lights and ut 11 it Y service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electriC current. or for telephone. cable television. telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -141260 SQ. FT. / 3.632 ACRES DEDICATED ROADS - Areas: PARCEL ROADS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Tract A Total 11150 SQ. FT. / 0.256 ACRE SQUARE FEET 11. 150.260 11.117.104 11. 503.117 11. 690.074 13.030.508 9.814.413 11. 492.929 13, 189.997 16.660.939 18.818.803 29.790.752 141. 258.896 DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Record ing No. 6176450. dated May 16. 1967. Access & utility easements to KBS III. l.L.C. filed under Recording No. 20040629002394. dated June 29. 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the easement filed under Recording No. 20020807000276. Covenants, cond it ions, restr ict ions. easements notes dedications and setback if any. set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. CBNT-¥~ PMINTE Surveying. Inc •• P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way. WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. DRAWN BY: 0 Woods DATE: Feb. 27. 2007 SCALE: 1 " = 50 ' CHECKED BY: S Woods JOB NAME: 1459 JOB NO.: WS II 12320 NE 8th St.. Su i te 100 Be llevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 /r/H.lJSrOH£ ./J/V. // [ VOLUllE/PAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP _____ -'. LND-l0-0450 _ _ PLAT NOTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC lGEOOJ:i"IETEH 600) AND AEA,-THE KINEMATIC (ATK) I SiATIC GLOBA,-POS.i:TIQI'lIM; SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) ORDER NO. 1171741, DATED JULY 29, 2005. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 22, 1998, THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE, AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. TRACT A. A PRIVATE STORM POND TRACT, IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ("HOA"). THE HOA SHALL PERFORM AND PAY FOR ALL MAINTENANCE OF TRACT A AND THE FACILITIES THEREON, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE), KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20051020000338, AS AMENDED (THE "CC&RS"). THE WINDSTONE DIV. II PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO/SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO CC&RS BY AMENDMENT TO THE CC&RS. IF THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR FAILS TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF 18 MONTHS, THE OWNER OF EACH LOT WITHIN STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE), WINDSTONE DIV. II AND ANY SUBSEQUENT DIVISIONS SUBJECTED TO THE CC&RS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SAID TRACT A AND SHALL SHARE EQUALLY IN ALL ATTENDANT FINANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS LOT 8 SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ACCESS NILE AVENUE NE. THE I .K' SE SE SE 100TH ST 102TH ST 105TH PL LiJ (J') lLJ > <[ :r I- tIl ~ ..... ~ lLJ z 8) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE PLAT. THE VICINITY MAP APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT RECORDING, WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANT WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. o I 2640 I 9) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE THE STREAM BUFFER. 1" 4 -- _34t 35 34 3,r S88"37'10"E 2645.46' RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: North ~uarter corner Sec. Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Calculated from King Co. GPS breakdown. N l!1 o N Ol S87 "26 ' 02 "E -:r 2657.25' West Quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/3, incased. W : -... -:r ru " -0 z 5302.87' 1322.81' I~ I~ I )I~ Northeast section corner Sec. 3 m Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. 'f:C.D~· Calculated from City of Renton ~ Survey Control Network. City of Renton No. 2097. East Quarter corner Sec. 3, _ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.N. 1 ..... Found "X" in 10" stone Ln monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" N fence post @ top of ditCh 4 ~ T --3 2 1322.81' I -:r .... ~ I In In --~-_..ul ~ In ru City of Renton Control Point 2097. Control Point 2097 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 191108.643 ft./1316760.378 ft. City of Renton Control Point 1845. Control Paint 1845 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./1316637.843 ft. BASIS OF BEARING: Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. CONTROL SKETCH I 1322.54' ~ S87 "49' 15 "E --I~ 1322.54 ' o 500 1000 --- I~ -:r I~ South Quarter corner I Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.N. Found 3" brass disc in ~coocrete 1322.32' : I o ~ Ito • -:r ...... U) I~ ...... 2645.07' Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E., W.M. Found monument, incased. N I~ o z ~I C.D N -I 1322.32' 3 2 -- -I -__ 1---1 SCALE: 1" 500' 10 Guy or Hemon NO. iB45.~ S88"12'29"E 2644.64' 10 11 CBNT¥~ P,.M...INTE Surveying, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAIlE: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 500' JOB NO.: WS II INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: K8S Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Su He 100 8ellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 , ' Jr/HLJSrOH£ LJ/V. // [ VOLIDlE/PAGE) L U A-04-124-FP ""--__ ....... _...,. LND-l0-0450 _ _ N.LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 /",\; /Ie-r)C-A 1 ,rHo. , ::;1 14 ull I VI [\1.-, V , L/I V LJLn "'IliA r,,, ""-:;h IIA\ (L.. VI'! -(j""r -11.';"-' -L..L.n.) f\~:-0: /'/0. 2C06C::99CtJ()77 ---N21~2:52'E =7'~---------;[;~~(G~~~~~~~====~~~ __ ~~S~8:7~.3~7~~'3~8~"~E~5~82~.3D9~'~-;~;--JL.~~-:~ ____________ -e~ ... reene' S Creelr-::. ' 60. 00 ' 16.20' riJ ~ 53,26' BL35 0 . / ............ \-=-_ 174.17'S: N25 '15'32" S' 8:'" OS'31'42'E iO -... ~~ r----1 10 10 20.35' 7 UJ " .. 'v' C\J C\I / !L1L 8' 1""' N ~ If? p\ Drainage I· 65-' -----. ... r-a,----r----cit)"; \ easement ------.1 \r -~ --81 " (Private) 9 N42 '54 ' 49"E I r-:-" ....... L ... !.::J.J " I 7.05' -1-0 N .' ....... eU,~--"'-~ 10' East quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found ·X· in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" fence post 0 top of ditch. ---- Drainage easement CPri vate) ----125.00' -IC'l } I // ~i5i ~ .... 0---~ --\ ' ~.y.y 117451 I ~ 0 -" ~ ~ ~"'-18, 820 SF I ~ ~--rNGPA "",0:/ C\jr.....--rSS6'"4P05'E. ,1W:8S",:' -. ~ "" ~ ~ I N .:;:: "' \ ~~NGPA "'-,.:9/ I ~ ~I ( \ S5~3"F 14.34' I N46'4B'41"E 6.71 ' / 'I <D a.l " ~ " ~~ ~ l' Ora inage 01 .5'1£9 '~. "~IN ,w BLB ~c./ easement ~ ~.9," ()' "I '-\ --+~ 3 I.U.~ ~""~" <9~ ~ VI' ~\..... 1 NolC'l TRACT 'A" N 4 ",:.,;:". ,-v-; I \~\~ DRAINAGE POND 117371 10 • {U>\", I ~ 11,430 SF 0..,. 117401 \ (PRIVATE) ~ N ~A\ 110' "'\ 30,050 SF \Sly' ~ 3 13,050 SF ~ I _;:. T--";;:,:::,:,,rn~~.,!;.~~L .... r:!J ".~ 5 "" \~I ~ I . 5'P bl' . ~ for v'"". 'f ~---C) U lC . -VI V' " ~ ~O' \ I C\I Utility Easement ~ I ..,..~-.¥. ~. 100' :;!-'t9;~ 117361 --~. -.S,S2:4.a'08.:.f. 142...45' 10 ( 9,800 SF 809'~ ---r-I \~ 9'0' "\ %\ \~ 20' Private joint accessl (J\ ~~. 0> \ & utility easement for "~ \ \ ~\ ~ Lots 8 & 9. 1 ... ~I . IC'l ~I z ~ I .... 12 ., cri ..... (T) ,._,to 30.00' 30' ~ 30' m oj .,,~ \~ "" ~\ \~ ~ro?"~?' ~ ~~~ ~ S 12' Roadway dedication. I \ '''" ~ 3":;' \. ~ 8 I r-Q) ~ I-+->Z S43 '01'15"E 14.29'_-" 507 '20'16"E 4.98' I Jf SS7'49'OS"E 171. 95' 1 117251 11, 120 SF 190.8S' 'I I 104.30' I I I --H I I 2 I I J _. __________ ~-----_____ /J ) ---- .... N talcUla~ed pOSition pe~60.41· Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) Rec. No. 20051020000337. (typ.) .-/ SS7°49'1S"E 540.18 ' 6 ~ 3'6 ~ '\ .~. S(~eY<,.t. 1 117301 11,490 SF \ ~ ~~ 117271 1 \1-~ . GPJ~<?S-16, 660 SF 1 It) '\0 & ~x..& I " ~,§O CD 169.09' " 'aOo A\ I .... r-;----------------~~~~~~~------~17~.4~'1.,' o.~~~~ I S87"49'15"E IP. v'\_\ 186.51' r>,)~ ~~, ~~..r\ I 7 117241 13, 190 SF 244.81' ---)g(----120.37' , •.. )01.: ••• NE 17TH ST S(~X~ ~.~ 1 I J ,,~ V' I ~~ reo i., J ~ ~ \.. • CD (fI 10 ' ul""\ fl: /40'Publi I \ O"f Utility I " ~ a.C'O / Easelllent '0 '--3-:..-" I 229.40' . .... N I I I . I~ co .... I~ N . I~ 0 ,Ul 30' 42' ~Ul O~ Z:5 ::J 0 Q)(I) ~~ ~ C\I ~~ tOl Q)~ CTl ~ >r: <ib ~ ...... Q)~ 1""""'1 or-! IZ ~ o CTl CTl U1 C\I UJ -(\J C\I NGPA DIMENSIONS: NGPA DIMENSIONS(CONTINUED): LINE CHORD BEARING ARC DELTA RAOlUS BL1 NB7 ·49' 15"W 79.77' Bl2 511 °39' 43" E 61. 5B' Bl3 N05 °22' 41 "W 20.37' BCl N19°23'33"W 12.23' 2B ·01 '41" 25.00' Bl4 N33°24'22"W . ':"23;-42' Bl5 N11 °21 '#~~)t ': < :;26" "rae: Bl6 533 "24 ' ~,:f~w · .. ·'t2c1f!· BC2 505 °56 '2U~'W ~. 9:1': '~ , . "0 _~, '54"55'54" 25.00' Bl7 N21 '3~ ',ar W " . 35.82' -. .. BlB 5B4 °24,::If,? ".W :20, .. 25'" ' BC3 555 °59"A7:·W. ·:'24.79 ' 56°49'10" 25.00' Bl9 527 ·35' f2~W. :-;;:';;;f9~73' BC4 510"24'19"W -'14. '99 ' 34 °21 '46" 25.00' BUO N06°46'33"W 16.92' BL H NB9°3D'59"W 19,30' BL12 NB4°49'38"W 60.43' BU3 N66°1B'43"W 38.37' BC5 NB3·59'43"W 21. 60' 35 6 22'00" 35.00' BU4 S7B·19'16"W 30.94' BU5 N30 ·45' 12"W 35.B9' BC6 S39 °45' 14"E 11. 00 ' 18 °00' 05" 35.00' BU6 N4B °45' 17" W 50.93' BU7 N5l°17'10"W 40.26' LEGEND:, " ~ . ~ = MONUMENT-'FO·UND,AS'NOTED. VISITED AUGUST 7, 2001. )( = SET "X" IN BRASS ;ilISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. ' .. ' . " • = SET #4'REJ3AR 'WFH YEll:~W PLASTIC CAP STAMPED .. 22338/38965":> '-.. 199991 .. Lot add~~';~'::':":::"" . .. -:~. BUB BL19 Bl20 BC7 Bl21 Bl22 Bl23 BC8 Bl24 BC9 Bl25 BC10 Bl26 Bl27 Bl28 B!..29 Bl30 BC11 BL31 BC12 Bl32 Bl33 Bl34 Bl35 N42'32'20"W N24'45'33"W N27'00'03"W S42"27'24"E S57°54'45"E N42"00'52"W S23'28'53"E N66 '31 ' 07" E S23°28'54"E N32"44'53"W N42 °00' 51 "W N49°57'50"W S57°54'44"E N27·00'03"W N24 °49' 47"W ~72·50'2~"E S24'09'4B"E N25°56'50"W N31'20'25"W S46'54'46"E N51 '17' 10" W N48'45'17"W S30'45'12"E S87'37'38"E 36.01' 40.33' 40.B2' 18.88' 30 '54' 42" 35.00' Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found monument, incased, ~ ~~? ~1 11. 12' 15.35' LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS: 9.23' 109.96' 14.94' 11. 32' 25.95' 9.71 ' 6.33' 29.77' 22.27' ~:;_25' 13.17 ' 21. 41 ' 30.36' 5.34' 41. 39' 43.84' 40.41' 41. 79' 180"00'00" 35.00' LINE CHORD BEABING L1 S40058'34"E 18 °31' 58" 35.00' l2 S40'58'33"E l3 S13"46'38"W 15 °53' 54" 35.00' C1 N12'43'13"W C2 S18°20'42"E C3 S18°46'34"W C4 S58 '18' 48" W C5 Neg056'26"W C6 N49'50'02"W 5 '37' 12" 218.32' C7 NOS'09'27"W C8 N45'16'45"E 8'44'50" 35.00' C9 N39 '38' 10 "E l4 S65 '47' 39"W l5 S02 '10' 45"W l6 S24 '12 ' 21 "E CBNT-¥~ PMINTE SfIIY8y1ng, Inco, P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: 0 Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb, 27, 2007 JOB NAllE: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' JOB NO,: WS II ARC DELTA BADIUS 20,55' 12.63' 25,10 ' 13.00' 29'47'58" 25.00' o 40 SO 16.19 ' 18 °33' 05" 50.00' 48.60' 55 '41' 23" 50.00' ~I ~iiiliiiiiil--.1 20,41' 23'23'05" 50.00' 35.00' 40 °06' 25" 50.00' 35.00' 40 '06' 25" 50.00' SCALE: 37.74' 43'14'43" 50.00' 55.53' 63'37'42" 50.00' 19.61 ' 74 '54' 51" 15.00' 1" 40' 10.77' 12.34' 22.76' INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp, 12320 NE Bth St., Su He 100 Bellevue, WA 9B005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 , .. _ .... __ . __ ._---------------------------------------- JY/ HLJSrOHff LJ/V. // [ VOLUME/pAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP _____ -'.. LND-l0-0450 _ _ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: Know all people by these presents that we, the undersjgned owners of lnterest In tne land hereby SUDdlvlded. hereby declare thlS to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon. inc luding but not 1 imited to parks. open space. utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby ded icate such streets, easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves. their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against the City of Renton, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment. construction, or maintenance of roads and or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by the City of Renton, Further. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided. agree for themselves. their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold the City of Renton, its successors and assigns. harmless from any damage. including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface. vegetation. drainage. or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of there roads within this subdivision. provided. this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing the City of Renton. its successors or assigns. from liability for damages. including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of the City of Renton, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof we set our hands seals: by: Kolin B. Taylor ::'-;: S ~ : ;: -: -K S S De.;: ~ : ;: nJE ~. : -a Washington Corporation Solomon V. Avzaradel Robert W. Ruddell Se.:.:-e:e.:'")-l.=-:S :Je.\e.~~~n'e.'7",· ... :_,,.... a Washington Corporation Treasurer-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Washington Federal Savings. a United States Corporation by: its: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) ) ss County of _____ -') On this day of , 200-, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin B. Taylor. Robert W. Ruddell. and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidencel to be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, of KBS Development Corporation. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation, Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. State of Washington ) ) ss County of ) Notary public in and for the State of Washington. residing in My commission expires: print notary name On tillS day 0 f • 20C-, oe ture ,nc, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington. dul y commissioned and sworn. personally appeared _-:-:---::----:' ____ '-:"-:-----; to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the of WaShington Federal Savings. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the sea 1 af fixed. if any, is the corporate sea I 0 f sa id corporation. WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments for which the property subject to this subdivision may be liable to the city. and that all special assessments on any property herein contained dedicated as streets, alleys, or for any other public use have been duly pa id. satis f ied or discharged. th is day of . 20o_. Finance Director CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBUC WORKS Examined and approved this _______ day of ____________ _ 200 __ , Administrator CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Examined and approved th is ______ day of ____________ _ , 20o_, Mayor CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this _____ day of ____ ...J.200_. City Clerk KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ___ ~day of ________ -...J. 200 King County Assessor Deputy. King County Assessor Account Numbers _______________________________________________________ _ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid; that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection; and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets. alleys. or for any other public use. are paid in full. this day of _____ --', 200 __ . Manager Finance Division Deputy RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City of Renton this _...,...-_ day a f -:----:-:---::-__ ---" 2 0 0 ---' at -,-__ min ute spa s t and recorded in Volume of Plats. pages records of King County. Washington. Division of Records and Elections RECOE\VOED MI\R 1 2 REC1l pLAN REVIEW Manager Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Windstone Division II is based on an actual survey done by me or under my direct supervision; that the bearings and distances are shown correctly; that the perimeter monuments have been set and that all other monuments and lot corners have been set or bonded with the city and will be set prior to the release of the bond; that I have fully complied with all State and County regulations governing platting and that it conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the condition~approval thereof. H Woods. P.L.S. 38965 THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS. EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIM, INJURIES, DAMAGES, LOSSES OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PLAT. Date THE CITY'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY DEFAULT PRIVATE UTILITY FACILITIES A~ PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR REcr"'COeFR\ENV'OeN 0 STREETS, WATER UTILITY, SANITARY SEWER UTILITY. OR STORM WATER UTILITY SYSTEM IS LIMITED TO THE FACE VALUE OF THE BOND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER HAS POSTED IN LIEU OF THE 1 2 ~Cll REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE CITY RESERVES ITS MI\R UNILATERAL RIGHT TO ESTABLISH THE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEFAULTED PLAT INFRASTRUCTURES. THIS STATEMENT IS LEGALLY PLAN REVIEW BINDING UPON THE HEIRS. AND/OR ASSIGNS OF THE OWNER/DEVELOPER U-.:.::..::..:----l SUBSEQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND THEIR HEIRS AND/OR ASSIGNS. All lots are subject to the amendment to the Windstone CC&R's filed under Recording No. ____________________ __ , Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in _____ _ My commission expires: CBNT~~ PMINTE SurveyllJfl, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Su i te 100 Be llevue. WA 98005 CITY RE RENTON (VED print notary name DRAWN IlY: 0 Woods CHECKED IlY: S Woo d S DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAME: 1459 SCALE: NA JOIl NO.: WS II MAR KING COUNTY, WASHINGTONU/LDI SHEET 1 OF 4 2 '>"'7 /I.E. .. , DIVISIO'" C§ E II: l"'l ~ ~ l"'l IY/H.lJSrOH£ .lJ/V. // LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot w, King County, Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0089. recoraed under Recording Numoer 20020702900007, In KIng County, Washington. being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. ' DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this plat. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures, f i 11, or obstruct ions (inc Iud ing but not 1 imi ted to decks, patios, outbu i ld ings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. TREE MAINTENANCE: Trees located within the plat sha with the City of Renton's tree ma owners of the lot for which the t! within the street right-of-ways s~ lot owners of the abutting lots. I )( n~ 5istant Jy the located y the RESTRICTIONS FOR NAi ~ ~I':S. AREAS/SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS PROTECTION AND BUFFERS: Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area aGG Duffer. Tnls lnteres~ lnC~uGes ~Ge preserva~lDG Df ~allve vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including contro 1 0 f sur f ace water and eros ion, ma intenance 0 f slope stab iIi t y, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by, the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by f i 11, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the City of Renton Department of Development Services or its successor agency. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of the City of Renton prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area.tract/sensitiv~ area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remaIn In place untIl all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line. ACCESS EASEMENT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat, for valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys an access easement over, across, and upon the pr i vate dra inage easements shown on the face of this plat, per an engineering plan approved by the City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation of King County, for the project known as Windstone Division II for the City of Renton as grantee, to enter upon said easement(s) for the purpose of observing and inspecting the facilities to assure that the owner (s), their successors and assigns, are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities pursuant to the above referenced plan and contained within said easement area(s). The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon the grantor (s), its heirs. and all subsequent owner (s) thereof, forever. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements on Lots 2. 3. 4. 5 and 9 shal I be owned. operated and maIntaIned by the WInds tone Homeowners ASSOCIatIon. The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the HOA is negligent in the maintenance of the facilities, and any such repairs shall be at the HOA's expense. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NOTE: New private exclusive easement for access is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owner of Lot 3 shall have an undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and ma intenance 0 f the pr i vate access road. dra inage pipes, and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Maintenance costs are the sole responsibility of Lot 3. ParkIng on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited. unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. NOTE: New pr i vate exc Ius i ve easement for ingress. egress and ut i 1 it ies IS to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owners of Lots 8 and 9 shall have an equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. T~ese appu~tenances and maintenance responsibilities I~clude the repaIr and maIntenance of the private access road, drainage pIpes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited, unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton, King County Water District #90, Puget Sound Energy Company. Qwest, Comcast, (other private utilities). and their respective successors and assigns under and upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (5). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial ~nstallation.of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted In order to Install. lay. construct, renew. operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables. wires, vaults and pedestals with ne~essary, f~cilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving thIS sub:l:. :'S:C)rt and other property "'nth electriC. telephone. ';jas. te lecommun icat ions, data transmission, street 1 ights and ut il it Y service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electriC current. or for telephone. cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -141260 SQ. FT. / 3.632 ACRES ROADS -11150 SQ. FT. / 0.256 ACRES Areas: PARCEL ROADS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Tract A Total SQUARE FEET 11. 150.260 11.117.104 11,503.117 11.690.074 13.030.508 9.814.413 11.492.929 13. 189.997 16.660.939 18.818.803 29.790.752 141.258.896 DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Recording No. 6176450. dated May 16. 1967. Access & utility easements to KBS III. L.L.C. filed under Recording No. 20040629002394, dated June 29. 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the easement filed under Recording No. 20020807000276. Covenants. cond it ions. restr ict ions. easements, notes dedications and setback if any. set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. CITY Of RENTON RECE\VEO MAR 122007 BUILDINGDIVISION CBNT~~ PMINTE Surveying. Inc •• P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. DRAW BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: DATE: Feb. 27. 2007 JOB NAME: SCALE: 1" = 50' JOB NO.: S Woods 1459 WS II 12320 NE 8th St., Su ite 100 Be llevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 r VOLUME/PAGE Jr/H.lJSrOH£ .IJ/V. // LUA-04-124-FP LND-l0-0450 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot W, King County, Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0089, recorded under Recording Number 20020702900007, in King County, Washington. being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County. Washington. DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this plat. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures, f ill. or obstruct ions (inc Iud ing but not I imited to decks, patios, outbui Idings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. TREE MAINTENANCE: Trees located within the plat shall be maintained consistant with the City of Renton's tree maintenance standards by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. lrl RESTRICTIONS FOR NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREAS/SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND BUFFERS: Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. ThIS interest includes tne preservation of natIve vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion. maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive a~ea and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by, the CIty of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the City of Renton Department of Development Services or its successor agency. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of the City of Renton prior to any clearing, grading. building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area.tr~ct/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remaIn In place untIl all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line. ACCESS EASEMENT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat, for valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys an access easement over, across. and upon the private drainage easements shown on the face of this plat, per an engineering plan approved by the City of Renton. a MuniCipal Corporation of King County, for the project known as Windstone Division II for the City of Renton as grantee, to enter upon said easement(s) for the purpose of observing and inspecting the facilities to assure that the owner (s), their successors and assigns. are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities pursuant to the above referenced plan and contained within said easement area (s) . The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon the grantor (s). its heirs. and all subsequent owner (s) thereof. forever. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements on Lots 2, 3. 4, 5 and 9 shall be owned. operated and maintained by the Windstone Homeowners Association. The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the HOA is negligent in the maintenance of the facilities, and any such repairs shall be at the HOA's expense. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NOTE: New private exclusive easement for access is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owner of Lot 3 shall have an undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maIntenance of the private access road, drainage pipes, and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Maintenance costs are the sole responsibility of Lot 3. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited, unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. ~OTE: New pr i vate exc Ius i ve easement for ingress, egress and ut i 1 it ies IS to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owners of Lots 8 and 9 shall have an equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities i~clude the repair and maintenance of the private access road, drainage pIpes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited, unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton, King County Water District #90. Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, (other pr i vate ut il it ies) , and their respective successors and assigns under and upon all private streets. alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install. lay. construct. renew. operate and maintain underground pipe. condu it. cab les, wires, vau 1 ts and pedesta Is with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving th is subd i v lS lon and other property with e lectr lC, telephone. gas, te lecommun ications. data transmiss ion, street I ights and ut il ity service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone. cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -141260 SQ. FT. / 3.632 ACRES ROADS -11150 SQ. FT. / 0.256 ACRES Areas: PARCEL ROADS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Tract A Total SQUARE FEET 11,150.260 11,117.104 11.503.117 11,690.074 13.030.508 9,814.413 11,492.929 13. 1B9. 997 16,660.939 18,81B.B03 29,790.752 141. 25B. B96 DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Record ing No. 6176450, dated May 16, 1967. Access & utility easements to KBS III, L.L.C. filed under Recording No. 20040629002394, dated June 29, 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the easement filed under Recording No. 20020B07000276. Covenants, cond i t ions, restr ict ions. easements, notes, dedications and setback if any, set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED MAR 1 2 2007 BUILDINGDIVISION 312-t 7 CBNT~~ PMINTE SUlWylng, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th st., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 DRAWN BY: 0 Woods CHECKED EY: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Feb. 27. 2007 1459 SHEET 2 OF 4 DATE: JOE NAME: 1" = 50' SCALE: JOE NO.: WS II I JY / HLJSrOH£ /J/V. // PLAT NOTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE wE".~.S)=:l-,oG ~£TER rGEODllofHER 600) AND REAL TI~E K!N.E~!" TIC (PTK) ! S-l-:= (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO.1171741, DATED JULY 29, 2005. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 22, 1998, THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE 6) ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE, AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. TRACT A, A PRIVATE STORM POND TRACT, IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ("HOA"), THE HOA SHALL PERFORM AND PAY FOR ALL MAINTENANCE OF TRACT A AND THE FACILITIES THEREON, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE), KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 2005102000033B, AS AMENDED (THE ·CC&RS"). THE WINDSTONE DIV. II PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO/SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO THE CC&RS BY AMENDMENT TO THE CC&RS. IF THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR FAILS TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF 18 MONTHS, THE OWNER OF EACH LOT WITHIN STONERIDGE (A.K.A, WINDSTONE), WINDSTONE DIV. II AND ANY SUBSEQUENT DIVISIONS SUBJECTED TO THE CC&RS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SAID TRACT A AND SHALL SHARE EQUALLY IN ALL ATTENDANT FINANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS 7) LOT 8 SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ACCESS NILE AVENUE NE. UJ en UJ > < ~ UJ en SE 100TH ST ~ < x SE 102TH ST to .., T1 - SE 105TH PL !;g 8) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL SHORT PLAT RECORDING. WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANNED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED VICINITY MAP o I PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. 9) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE THE STREAM BUFFER. 34 3,JP SSS037'10"E 2645.46' 34 35 North quarter corner Sec, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W,M. Calculated from King Co. GPS breakdown. 4!-:v-- o (\j m S87°26'02"E "'I" I 3 2657.25' west quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/3, incased. W : ..... "'I" "'I" (\j . ...... 0 z 5302.87' 1322.81 ' I~ I~ I ..... -)T~ Northeast section corner Sec. 3 ~ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E.. W.M. • fw~~ Calculated from City of Renton ~ Survey Control Network. City of Renton No. 2097. East quarter corner Sec. 3, ~ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W. M . I ~ Found "X' in 10· stone m monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" (\j fence post ~ top of ditCh~ ~ T - -3 2 1322.81' r I~ IS /~ "" ~ I m m ___ ....L..I~--.I ... I ~ m (\j I 1322.54' ~ S87 "49' 15"E --I~ 1322.54' -- I~ "" I~ South quarter corner I Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found 3" brass disc in /concrete. ~ 1322.32' : I o ~ li.o . "" ...... U) I~ 2645.07' I r Southeast corner Sec, 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M, .=-.:;'"'.~c .nc:~u.t1€.1 t, incased. (\j I~ o ~I to (\j ...... / z 1322.32' 3 2 10 City of Renton No. 1845.~ ---S8so12'29"E 2644.64' 10 11 1" 2640 I RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: City of Renton Control Point 2097. Control Point 2097 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 191108.643 ft./1316760.378 ft. City of Renton Control Point 1845. Control Point 1845 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./1316637.843 ft. BASIS OF BEARING: Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. CONTROL SKETCH o 500 1000 I I I SCALE: 1" 500' CBNT¥~ P"""I NT E INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SUIY8y1ng, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAiN BY: 0 Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAME: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 500' JOB NO.: WS II SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE Sth St.. Suite 100 Be llevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 R£CE\~OEO Mf.\R \ 1. LOO? 8UILDINGD\\JISIQN Jr/HLJSrOH£ LJ/V. // [ VOLUME/pAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP _____ -'.. LND-l0-0450 _ _ N.LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 I""f'\" I""""IC-L)C-'" IT"'", I QI A vI I I VI ilLI V , L/I V l. ... L /""1 ~I I I t1 /'"J" "" -:: h I I ,., \ ! L Vr1 -C/4.j--, .. ,v -L.L./I,/ i:)C-/\ A In ~r'rlhrl"''''QQr'r'I'1'''''I /\L_V. IVV. Lc,.I4..Iv4...I"...., ...... l..lL.ll,.l" East Quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N .• Rng. 5E., W.M. Found "X" in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" fence post ~ top of ditch. ------:.:7'----------~;;;;~~;.;.~~~~~==~~~--~~5~8~7~03~7~.3~8~"~E~58~2~.~3J~'--~_;~-1_:~~~--------------~ N21 '52'52"E G--• -, reene S Creek ::' 60.00' 5 16.20' a; . ~ 3.26' 8L35 (:, . I ~ \-'::'_ 174.17' ~ -- N25 '~,5' 32"e- 8.132 / ( \ S08'31'42"E U; '---r-7 . ~\ ---1 U"l C\I'~ 20.35' UJ " Ii) \) C\I~' / J.LjL ___ B~12 ~;; .... ~\. Dra .... 1age ~ 65-' --... 'v" --. ... , ~, \ easement ------~ \r -. --. 8 (P' t) N42'54'49"E ...... ~"L.J:...t3 " rlva e 9 I 7.05' ..\..0 ~ .' "BC5 eU.~--" <9-10' / i31 ~ o· - - --'---\ /;' -<y~ 117451 I . ~ 'GP' A ~ ~ =--,-_ ~ -" '\?--?: r:s.> .... "lY 18, 820 SF I' ~ , v' 1-1 --' C;:-;'1 ~ SS6 '4 P"05 "E ,89. B5"' --... "" \,0' --"" .. ". ~ ,~ "\ .____""OOO""NGPA ",& I ~ 'I a:i Co " ~~ " .... <.. :"l 0'1 ' & " . .>. ...... V'_, UJ r::. r Drainage . ~,,,~. ,,-I ' 0..,,/ easement; f!2 S.9." ('>,('0 ", ~. B~ 3/ ... ~'i"." v 0,,'U rT;' -+ UJ ~ 8." SCi ~ , Kl \ I TRACT ':4" r... 4 ~/'~'. ~\~ , :.. \~ DRAINAGE PO}J, r ... r ,....tv _ _ ~:., " .v \~ I ~ S5~3"~ Drainage easement (Pr i vate) --125.00' .0° ). <: ><v <\)'\ «O'\'\~ 'b ;v.~ ><v ~« ~O~ 14."· I \ I, (PRIVATE) } XV"~ ~ (\J /17401 rD fJI~ \(Q /10' , ~ ~ \~, "~'or-----~~~~~~~1-.. .Jt', 30,050 SF ( t c.~' \ ~ 3 13,050 SF ",r:> ~ \(:' I ~I ~ V' , '-' 5' ~. --~I N46 '48' 41"E 6.71 ' / ~ '~~_~. 1 ~'1'l' /17361 z. "'9~\A\("" _7 '4 9, 800 SF c. v: \cii S87'49'0f}"E 74.78' "-~' II~.,; ",?,.~'O' \ ~\ ~ . ", C). ~ V \ '\ ~ . 10 ~I ... ~I -I!l ~I z ~ I ... 12 'I 30.00' 30' 30' \ \ f;-' an llL ~ q; /: v. ( {;)'Z,"«' ~ ~ ~ \ (Q ~87 '49' 08"E ,~. 200:-51'.----.....:.. / r b. '", ''Z,'Z,' \("" ~ \("" 12' Roadway dedication. '\ ...6 ,,-T '(( ) v v ~'O?, \ ~ IV,.~ \ ~ I ~v ----J .IIR 5' Tie Back Easement ;v" ~C).o \ ~ ~ \ \ ,10," 10' Private Drainage I <f \ s' ~ ~ 3'6' s. \. ~ 8 I r- S43 'Ol'15"E 14.29' ___ S07 '20' 16"E 4.98' ~~ ~ easement for Lot 1. I 6 \-~ ~ '\ ~'fp. c..<?&Y~-? I + I ':: 2 / [J \~~. .)~ 117271 I . \OJ I I::: 117311 I 117301 '\~ GP.A---( '~16, 660 SF 'm Ie:;', I~ 11,500 SF /10 11,490 SF 1S'7 ><-<5>...." I .... S87'49'08"E 171.95' 1 117251 11. 120 SF I90. 88' 104.30' ..... <:::> ".,9 I c.o " '0(0); .... i ;:..........---____ ...:1~69~.~0~9~· Q:"j~~~---~17.:..!. 4i.!'1.,· o. ~.~ ~\ I S87'49'15"E IS> \T •• ~\ 186.51' ('>/"t...., ~~, (' s>\ I 7 117241 13. 190 SF S~<?x4' ~.~ I ' J ,~~ ~ I ~~ ~,J tv '-~ -'10' I,>l~ /40'PUbli?l \ O"q" Utility I " 0 a,C'O / Easement I~ co ... I~ C\! I~ ~ ru ml 0 , m (T') "q' 30' 2 ~ m m (J) ~ I~Z ~m O~ Zz ::J 0 (J)(J) ~~ 0:;; (J)~ >r. <ib "q' ~ (J)~ .....-1 , 0-4 244.81 ' O• '~~Y' 1 IZ , K '1 I J , I I --jl I :: I I I -----------~---------~// ) ---- .... )2(' . -_____ C\!_ 4 '. . . 160.41 . '-Calculated position per Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) Rec. No. 20051020000337. (typ.) / S87 '49' 15"E 540.18' - ---).;,(----120.37' , ... ~ ... ..... C\! 229.40' NE 17TH ST I I I 42' . --.. "q' o (T') (T') lC1 C\J UJ ru ru NGPA DIMENSIONS: NGPA DIMENSIONS(CONTINUED): IJNE CHORD BEARING ARC DELTA RAJ)JUS BU N87"49 , 15"W 79.77' BL2 S11"39'43"E 61. 58' BL3 N05"22'41"W 20.37' BC1 N19"23'33"W 12.23' 28·01 '41" 25.00' BL4 N33°24'22"W 23.42' BL5 N11 °21' 18" W 26.68' 8LS S33 "24 ' 17" W 12.11' BC2 S05"56'20"W 23.97' 54°55'54" 25.00' BL7 N21°31'37"W 35.82' BL8 S84°24'22"W 20.25' BC3 S55 "59' 47" W 24.79' 56·49'10" 25.00' BL9 S27°35'12"W 19.73' BC4 S10 °24 '19"W 14.99' 34·21'4S" 25.00' BUO N06°46'33"W 16.92' .sUi l"'i5~ '30 59" W 19.30' BL12 N84°49'38"W 60.43' BL13 N66"1S'43"W 38.37' BC5 N83"59'43"W 21. 60' 35°22'00" 35.00' BU4 S78"19'16"W 30.94' BU5 N30045'12"W 35.89' BC6 S39°45'14"E 11. 00' 18·00'05" 35.00' BU6 N48 °45 ' 17" W 50.93' BU7 N51 "17'10"W 40.26' LEGEND: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED AUGUST 7. 2001. )8( = SET "x" IN 8RASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965". 199991= Lot address. BU8 N42'32'20"W BL19 N24'45'33"W BL20 N27'OO'03"W Be7 S42'27'24"E BL21 S57'54'45"E BL22 N42'OO'52"W BL23 S23"28'53"E BC8 N66 "31 '07"E BL24 S23"28'54"E Be9 N32°44'53"W BL25 N42°00'51"W BCI0 N49"57'50"W BL26 S57°54'44"E BL27 N27"00'03"W BL28 N24°49'47"W BL29 572 '50 21 'E BL30 S24"09'48"E BC11 N25"56'50"W BL31 N31 '20'25"W BC12 S46°54'46"E BL32 N51 '17' 10" W BL33 N48 '45' 17"W BL34 S30 "45' 12"E BL35 S87'37'38"E EXPIRES ~ / ?:~/,j 7 3S.01' 40.33' 40.82' 18.88' 30"54'42" 35.00' Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found monument, incased. ~ 3~2 ~1 11. 12 ' 15.35' LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS: 9.23' 109.96' 180°00'00" 35.00' LINE CHOR}) BEARING ARC })ELTA JWJIUS 14.94' L1 540'58'34"E 20.55' 11. 32' 18 °31' 58" 35.00' L2 S40'58'33"E 12.63' 25.95' L3 S13"46'38"W 25.10 . 9.71 ' 15'53'54" 35.00' C1 N12 '43' 13"W 13.00' 29"47'58" 25.00' o 40 BO 6.33' 29.77' C2 S18°20'42"E 16.19 . 18"33'05" 50.00' C3 S1S"46'34"W 48.60' 55 °41' 23" 50.00' -I -~-!--.I 22.27' C4 S5S018'48"W 20.41 ' 23"23'05" 50.00' 15.25' 13.17 ' 21. 41 ' 5 °37' 12" 218.32' 30.36' 5.34' 8"44'50" 35.00' C5 N89'56'26"W 35.00' 40'06'25" 50.00' C6 N49°50'02"W 35.00' 40"06'25" 50.00' C7 N08'09'27"W 37.74' 43'14'43" 50.00' CB N45"16'45"E 55.53' 63"37'42" 50.00' C9 N39"38' 10"E 19.61 . 74'54'51" 15.00' SCALE: 1" 40' 41. 39' 43.84' L4 565'47'39"W 10.77' L5 502"10'45"W 12.34' CITYOFRENTOf'; RECE\VED 40.41 . L6 524 '12' 21 "E 22.76' MAR 122007 41. 79' BUllDINGDIVISION ~----------------------------~ CBNT~~ PMINTE Survaylng, Inc" P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: D Wo ods CHECKED BY: S Wo 0 d S DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAllE: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' JOB NO.: WS II INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Su ite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 Jr/.!V.lJsro.!V£ .IJ/V. // [ VOLUME/PAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP ______ ~ LND-l0-0450 _ _ N. LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 C,/T~/ 0/·-F'/[:.7VTC/,v' L9i..)' " J I.., I"l A.,," h I I A ~ (L. VII -(.l£or -/I,,)V -L.'_"./ f1)F:.-C: /'/0. 2{)()6()1199{)()C 11 East Quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found "X" in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" fence post ~ top of ditch. ------:::7'----------~~;;~~~~~~~~~=1~~--_,~S~87::.3~7~'~3~8~"~E5~8~21·[~~'--~~---L~~:-:-------------~~ N21 '52'52"E c--, . reene S Creek--, 60.00' 53.26' 16.20' ~ , ............... Bl35 0 . I ............... \-.::.._ 174.17' ~ -- ... 52 ( ~g~~~~ '42"7 : ~ ." ---<?-) . r----l Kl Kl / 8~4 BL12 N :!J /fJ v\ Drainage "-65'---.... 'OJ ----tn It') \ easement ------:.J N42'54'49"E \G 1 :--.......... L~J ..... .3 " (Private) 9 I 7.05' 1.0 ru . ................ C5 ed~--"4' 10' Drainage easement (Private) --125.00' / "fl 0 -:--'---\ . ~~..Y /17451 1 / hi Z 0 - - -'0 -" ~ ~ '-::" 18,820 SF 1 ~ ~---rNGPA~ ~=--'SB674P'o~ .89".B5'.=-..... ,",,~ ~ IN 'I CD co " ~~ ,,\ __ ......... NGPA "~.Y. I ~ ..,.. D' OJ. S'~.o,~$. '-':~ 1 ~ \ S5~3"F 14."· I N46'48'41"E 6.71' / ,..,? / ralnage co <J;s." '" 'ru' Bl8 '¢\.>/' easement " (9." '-0' "I _-+_ .... ~~.:-.. L>'v C\J '\ 1 TRACT ':4" 3 ~ ~ 6'~v':' , Q'(' ~\ & 1 ~ \1~1 DRAINAGE POND /17371 tn . 4 \v' I;; \.. 11. 430 SF ~." 117401 '\ I Z \' (PRIVATE) , ru ~A'\ /10' (125.00' Deed) .Jr. 3D, 050 SF .<;.,. g:z B 13, 050 SF ~ I S87 • , v~, " \\? 49'08"E 124.99' ~I 0& 5 ~, (I:l \(1--~ 1 5'Public Cl:), for <9. " ~?' 1 ~r. .. , ...l ~' Utility Easement .,.-'oT. ~. _0 100' ~'I'l' ·<'l·~ /17361 '--;::;-, ...sJ.LL'~" ~~45'_Ln \ 9, 800 SF 29 \~ ·r -I \~ ~'O. "\ ~\ \~ 20' Private joint accessl ~', 3'2-' u). \ \. & utility easellent..f.Qc... \ \ .. 'i,. '> \ u) ~ Lots 8 & 9. I . II) ~I .... . II) ~I z ~ I .... 12 'I 30.00' 30' 30' ~87 '49' OS"E ~-20O:-5T'i-~~ ~~'2-''2-'2-'~'2-\~('\ .... ~ \\ \r-~ 12' Roadway dediCatiOn"---"'I __ 1v J 10 .I.~ 5' Tie 8ack Easement \"" , ~ ~ ~ \ \ 1 \ ~~..... '\' '3~' IY. \.. ~ 8 I , S43 '01' 15"E 14. 29 . ______ S07'20'16"E 4.98' \<9 I ~ 6 ~;.> ~ ~ '<.<26Y~.r. 1 f I I~ \ '~.'l . ~~ /17271 I \~ I I~ 111,1~~~ISF \t, GPJ'\:~ 16. 660 SF 1 m \ W I Z ..5''\7 >\<90. I ... S87'49'08"E 171.95' 10' PUbli~\~ Utility 1 Easement. k b.. ("l Typical all }ots, { \....,--.> ~ parallel to road ~ . right-of-way. ~ fry 11, 120 SF Publ ic Sanitary \" Sewer Easement \ oj I to (1')21' -....J 21.00' .190.88 ' 104.30' UJ . tn. 1:"10 0 0 ..... , 0 N" o Z " ~. \1.9 I ~ " '000 x i-;~--------______ 21~69~.~0~9~· ~~';'~ ______ ~L7~.4~·1.,· O·S ~\ 1 S87 '49' 15"E V.>". ~ ..... ~ \Y~~\-I 7 /17241 13, 190 SF 186.51' ;......... ~ u), \ S<:<2X~ ~.~ I 1 J '\~~ ~ V' I ~~ reo t, J ?1 ~ ~ . co ~ 10' u) ~: /10 'Publi 1 \ O~ Utility 1 "-~ o..C~ / Easement I~ co .... I~ ru I~ "q' C\J to' 0 I If) (T) "q' 30' 2 ...p.) m ro (J) ~ , ...p.) z ~(f) O~ Z5 :::J 0 (J)Ul ~~ Q~ ~~ <~ -q-.,..., Cl)~ 1'""""'1 • ...-4 1 :;.., ........ _~:Y' I 244.81' ~ ,z I " 'I I I I I I --H I I ;} I I I -----------~---------_// ) ----- ~ ~. __ _ ___ C\J_ 4",-160.41' '-Calculated position per Stone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) Aec. No. 20051020000337. (typ.) / S87 '49' 15"E 540.18 . 120.37-' ---. -•. -.~-:-. -. ----- NE 17TH ST 229.40' .... ru I I I I 42' . .. .... "f o (T') (T) LD C\J UJ -C\J {\/ NGPA DIMENSIONS: NGPA DIMENSIONS(CONTINUED): LINE CHORD BEARING ARC DELTA RAlJIUS BU N87 ·49' 15"W 79.77' BL2 S11 ·39' 43"E 61. 58' BL3 N05·22'41"W 20.37' 8C1 N19·23'33"W 12.23' 28·01' 41" 25.00' BL4 N33'24'22"W 23.42' BL5 N11 ·21' 18"W 26.68' BL6 S33 '24' 17"W 12. 11 ' BC2 S05·56'20"W 23.97' 54'55'54" 25.00' BL7 N21 '31' 37"W 35.82' BL8 S84'24'22"W 20.25' BC3 S55 '59' 47"W 24.79' 56'49'10" 25.00' BL9 S27 '35' 12"W 19.73' BC4 S10 °24' 19"W 14.99' 34'21'46" 25.00' BUO NOs04S'33"W 1S.92' ~' " _I.-__ ,~'39 &2,~ '59 II W 19.30' BU2 N84·49'38"W SO,43' BU3 NSS·18'43"W 38.37' BC5 N83'59'43"W 21. SO' 35'22'00" 35.00' BU4 S78 ·19' 16"W 30.94' BU5 N30 ·45' 12"W 35.89' BCS S39 ·45' 14 "E 11. 00' 18'00'05" 35.00' BU6 N48 '45 ' 17" W 50.93' BU7 N51 ·17 ' 10" W 40.26' LEGEND: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED AUGUST 7, 2001. )8( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. • = SET *4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965". 199991= Lot address. BU8 N42'32'20"W BU9 N24'45'33"W BL20 N27"00'03"W BC7 S42'27'24"E BL21 S57'54'45"E BL22 N42'OO'52"W 8L23 S23'28'53"E BC8 N66 '31 '07"E BL24 S23'28'54"E BC9 N32·44'53"W BL25 N42 ·00 ' 51 "W BC10 N49·57'50"W BL26 S57'54'44"E BL27 N27'00'03"W BL28 N24 '49' 47"W BL29 572 '50 21' E. BL30 S24'09'48"E BC11 N25'56'50"W BL31 N31 '20'25"W 8C12 S46'54'46"E BL32 N51 '17 ' 10" W BL33 N48'45'17"W BL34 S30'45'12"E BL35 S87·37'38"E EXPIRES ~ / ?y/'; 7 36.01 ' 40.33' 40.82' 18.88' 30'54'42" 35.00' Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found monument, incased. "-......... 3.&2 ~1 11. 12' 15.35' LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS: 9.23' 109.96' 180'00'00" 35.00' UNE CHORO BEARING ABC DELTA RADIUS 14.94' U S40'58'34"E 20.55' 11. 32' 18 '31' 58" 35.00' L2 S40'5S'33"E 12.63' 25.95' L3 S13'46'38"W 25.10 ' 9.71 ' 15·53'54" 35.00' C1 N12 '43' 13"W 13.00' 29°47'58" 25.00' o 40 80 6.33' 29.77' C2 S18'20'42"E 1S.19 ' 18'33'05" 50.00' C3 S18'46'34"W 48.60' 55 ° 41' 23" 50.00' ~I ~_I---I 22.27' C4 S5B·1S'48"W 20.41 ' 23°23'05" 50.00' 15.25' 13.17 ' 21.41' 5 '37' 12" 218.32' 30.36' 5.34' 8'44'50" 35.00' C5 NB9'56'26"W 35.00' 40'06'25" 50.00' C6 N49'50'02"W 35.00' 40'06'25" 50.00' C7 N08·09'27"W 37.74' 43'14'43" 50.00' C8 N45'1S'45"E 55.53' 63'37'42" 50.00' C9 N39'38'10"E 19.61 ' 74'54'51" 15.00' SCALE: 1" 40' 41. 39' 43.84' L4 S65'47'39"W 10.77' L5 S02'10'45"W 12.34' CITYOFRENI0f'; RECE\VEO 40.41 ' L6 S24'12'21"E 22.76' MAR' 2 2007 41. 79' BUllOlNGD\VISION ~------------------------~ CBNT~~ PMINTE SurvayllJQ, Inc., P.s. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: 0 Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAME: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' JOB NO.: WS II INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Be llevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 VOLUME/PAGE Jr/ H.lJSrOH£ .lJ/V. // [ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION: APPROVALS: Know all people by these presents that we, the undersigned owners r.&. ..:,,....,+.:: ...... cc"-.:..-J.-..... c ';:--' 1-:=-::1-. =-"'-.-1:..,;.:..-'::-' .... ::-.:'-,. -,:,-"':--:: .LI-.!:::: to be the-graPhic representation of-the 5ubdivision'made-hereby,--and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconSistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, inc luding but not I imited to parks, open space, utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets, easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and or the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against the City of Renton, it's successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construction, or maintenance of roads and or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by the City of Renton. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold the City of Renton, it's successors and assigns, harmless from any damage. including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation. drainage. or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of there roads within this subdivision. provided. this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing the City of Renton. it's successors or assigns. from liability for damages. including the cost of defense. resulting in whole or in part from the negl igence of the Ci ty of Renton, it's successors, or assigns. This subdivision. dedication. waiver of claims agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof we set our hands seals: by: Kolin B. Taylor President-K8S Develooment Cora t... Hc.HjL ... :j~:..:;;a, :":';"'j:.::..:-e::..:.-:-, Solomon V. Avzaradel Treasurer-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Robert W. Ruddell Secretarv-K8S Develoament CorD, Q ","o;"il:";"J;t:'i. ~vi ;..~;-"t:..:.Jil Washington Federal Savings, a United States Corporation by: its: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) ) ss County of ______ -.1) On this day of , 200---, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin B. Taylor, Robert W. Ruddell, and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, of KBS Development Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ) ) ss State of Washington County of ----------) Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires: print notary name Qn th~s 03V C'f 200 !:efC're me the underSIgned, a notary publIC In and for tne State of wasnington, dul y commissioned and sworn, personal] y appeared __ ~--:'--:-__ ---:--:-----, to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the of Washington Federal Savings, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed. if any. is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that there are no delinquent speCial assessments for which the property subject to this subdivision may be liable to the city. and that all special assessments on any property herein contained dedicated as streets. alleys, or for any other public use have been duly paid. satisfied or discharged, this day of , 200_ Finance Director CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS Examined and approved thlS _______ day of ________ _ . 200_. Administrator CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Examined and approved this _______ day of ________ _ , 200_ Mayor CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved thlS ____ day of ____ -', 200_ City Clerk KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved thls ___ ~day of ____ -',200_ King County Assessor Deputy, King County Assessor Account Numbers ___________________________________________________ _ KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid; that there are no delinquent speCial assessments certified to this office for collection; and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets, alleys, or for any other public use, are paid in full. this day of ____ --', 20o_. Manager Finance Division Deputy RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City of Renton this day of ~~~_--' 200--, at ~ __ minutes past and recorded in Volume of Plats, pages ---~, records of King County, Washington. Division of Records and Elections Manager Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Windstone DiviSion II is based on an actual survey done by me or under my direct supervision; that the bearings and distances are shown correctly; that the perimeter monuments have been set and that all other monuments and lot corners have been set or bonded with the city and will be set prior to the release of the bond: that I have fully complied with all State and County regulations governing platting and that it conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the conditions of approval thereof. Stephen H Woods, P.L.S. 38965 THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. SHALL DEFEND. INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON. ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIM, INJURIES. DAMAGES. LOSSES OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PLAT. THE CITY'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY DEFAULT PRIVATE UTILITY FACILITIES AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STREETS, WATER UTILITY, SANITARY SEWER UTILITY. OR STORM WATER UTILITY SYSTEM IS LIMITED TO THE FACE VALUE OF THE BOND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER HAS POSTED IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE CITY RESERVES ITS UNILATERAL RIGHT TO ESTABLISH THE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEFAULTED PLAT INFRASTRUCTURES. THIS STATEMENT IS LEGALLY BINDING UPON THE HEIRS, AND/OR ASSIGNS OF THE OWNER/DEVELOPER, SUBSEQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND THEIR HEIRS AND/OR ASSIGNS. Date All lots are subject to the amendment to the Windstone CC&R's filed under Recording No. lNDEX DATA: t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South ~ Federal Way, WA. 98003 __ ~_ Pointe (253) 661-1901 NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in ____ _ SURVEY FOR: My commission expires: print notary name DRAWN BY: DATE: LND-l0-0450 SCALE; ~ Surveying D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods Dec. 4, 2006 JOB NAllE: 1459 NA JOB NO,: WS II KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Be llevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 r VOLUME/PAGE JY/HLJSrOH£ LJ/f/. // LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot W king County. Boundary Line Ad~U9tment ~umber L00L0089 reco~ded under.Recording Number 20020702900007, In KIng County, WashIngton. belng a portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North. Range 5 East Wi llamet te Mer id ian, in King County, Wash ington. ' DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat. in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision. by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new private easements shown on this plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots. or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this plat. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures. fill. or obstructions (including but not 1 imited to decks. patios. outbui Idings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. TREE MAINTENANCE: Trees located within the plat shall be maintained consistant with the City of Renton's tree maintenance standards by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. RESTRICTIONS FOR NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREAS/SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND BUFFERS: Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to ~he oublic a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive ar~a ~rlo ~ufier. 1nls lntereSt lnc~Uoes tne preservatIOn of natlve vegetatIon for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability. and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive a~ea and buffer the obligation. enforceable on behalf of the public by. the CIty of Renton, to leave undIsturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut. pruned. covered by fill. removed or damaged without approval in writing from the City of Renton Department of Development Services or its successor agency. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of the City of Renton prior to any clearing. grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line. ACCESS EASEMENT: Witnesseth that said for grantor (s). for valuable consideration. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. hereby grants and conveys an access easement over. across, and upon the private drainage easements shown on the face of this plat, per an engineering plan approved by the City of Renton, a Municipality Corporation of King County. for the project known as Windstone Division II for the City of Renton as grantee. to enter upon said easement (5) for the purpose of observing and inspecting the facilities to assure that the owner (s). The ir successors and ass i gns. are proper 1 y operating and maintaining the drainage facilities pursuant to the above referenced plan and contained within said easement area(s). The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon the grantor (s). its heirs. and all subsequent owner (s) thereof, forever. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements "..., I ,..,+c? ':) .::l t::; ",,,.-1 a c:h",11 hl'\ "'WI"II'\.-I """1'\""';'1'\.-1 "1"1.-1 maIntaIned by the-windstone-Homeowners-AsSOclatlon~ - The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the HDA is negligent in the maintenance of the facilities. and any such repairs shall be at the HOA's expense. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NOTE: New private exclusive easement for access is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owner of Lot 3 shall have an undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These ~ppurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and malnter:ance of the prlvate access road, drainage pipes. and storm water quallty and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private sigr:a~e. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utIlIty provIders. Mainter:ance costs are the sale responsibility of Lot 3. ParkIng on the pavement In the access easement is prohibited unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. ' ~DTE: New pr i vate exc Ius i ve easement for ingress. egress and ut i I it ies IS to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owners of Lots 8 and ~ ~h~ll have ar: equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsIbIlIty for maIntenance of the private access easement ~ppurtenances. T~ese appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities Ir:clude the repaIr and maIntenance of the private access road. drainage pIpes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. . UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton, King County Water District #90, Puget Sound Er:'ergy Company, Qwest, Comcast, (other pr i vate ut il it ies) . and thelr respectIve successors and assigns under and upon all prIvate streets. alleyways and private drives. the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tr~cts and.5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and prIvate drIves .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults. Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to insta 11. lay. construct. renew. operate and ma inta in underground pipe. conduit. cables, wires. vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving :nlS subdlvlSlon and other property witI'. electric. telepr,one. gas. te lecommunlcat lOns. data transm iss ion. street 1 ights and ut il it Y service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upo~ for.t~ese purpos~s shall ~e restored as near as possible to theIr orIgInal condItIon. No lInes or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone, cable television tele~ommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permItted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -141260 SQ. FT. / 3.632 ACRES ROADS -11150 SQ. FT. / 0.256 ACRES Areas: PARCEL ROADS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Tract A Total SQUARE FEET 11. 150.260 11. 117.104 11. 503. 117 11. 690.074 13.030.508 9,814.413 11.492.929 13. 189.997 16.660.939 18.818.803 29.790.752 141.258.896 DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Recording No. 6176450. dated May 16. 1967. Access & utility easements to K8S III, L.L.C. filed under Recording No. 20040629002394. dated June 29. 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the easement filed under Recording No. 20020807000276. Covenants, cond it ions. restr ict ions. easements notes dedications and setback if any. set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM PO · t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ me t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: JOB NAME: SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Su ite 100 8e llevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON \.. LND-l0-0450 Dec. 4. 2006 1459 SCALE: 1 " = 50' JOB NO.: WS II SHEET 2 OF 4 " I Jr/ H.lJS7'OH£ .lJ/V. // PLAT NOTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE 1r::;.~;:'.I.:n.t:-:; "t'-E,= ,:;,:::C: "E-'::,= :.~.:, •.•• t: =E.~ -: ~E t ~'·\E:w.' -:.:: .= -'. . 5 -. ~.:.: (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 1171741, DATED JULY 29. 2005. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 22. 199B, THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE DIV. II HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE DIV. II HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE. AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. 6) TRACT A. A PRIVATE STORM POND TRACT, IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ("HOA"). THE HOA SHALL PERFORM AND PAY FOR ALL MAINTENANCE OF TRACT A AND THE FACILITIES THEREON, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE). KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20051207002324. AS AMENDED (THE "CC&RS"). THE WINDSTONE DIV. II PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO/SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO THE CC&RS BY AMENDMENT TO THE CCSRS. IF THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR FAILS TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF 18 MONTHS. THE OWNER OF EACH LOT WITHIN STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE), WINDSTONE DIV. II AND ANY SUBSEQUENT DIVISIONS SUBJECTED TO THE CCSRS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SAID TRACT A AND SHALL SHARE EQUALLY IN ALL ATTENDANT FINANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS 7) LOT 8 SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ACCESS NILE AVENUE NE. I .N' VICINITY MAP SE 100TH ST UJ > « :z: SE 102TH ST I-co '<I' .... SE 105TH PL UJ z UJ til UJ > « 8) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL SHORT PLAT RECORDING. WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARC REQUIRED TO BE PLANNED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL 8UILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. a 1320 2640 1 I I 1 9) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE THE STREAM BUFFER. 4 34 3.r North quarter corner Sec. Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E .. W.M. Calculated from King Co. GPS breakdown. SSS037'10"E 2645.46' _34tf135 )111 (\J I.C1 o ru m Northeast section corner Sec. 3, ~ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. fW Calculated from City of Renton ~ Survey Control Network. ru City of Renton No. 2097. w East quarter corner Sec. 3, ~ Found ·X" in 10" stone l!1 Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. I"'" monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" ru T fence post ~ top of ditCh'~3 I ~ S87 '26 ' 02 "E "'l' 5302.87' 2657.25' West Quarter corner Sec. 3. Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/3, incased. w , ..., "'l' "'l' I~ ru ° ..., 0 I~ z I I I~ "'l' I~ 1322.81' ~ : I l!1 I.C1 I 1322.54'_ ~ S87°49'15"E South Quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found 3" brass djsc jn : I o Kl Ito :.. "'l' en I~ 1322.81' ~ --2645.07' "'l' --....1.",0-....--.1...11 ~ I.C1 (\J I~ ru 1322.54 ' --- I~ o z /concrece. ~ ____ 1322.32' I I Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E., W.M. ,:uuliG ,nG'lu,TIc,i c, lncased. City of Renton No. 1845.~ 10 1322.32' 3 2 ---------S88°12'29"E 2644.64' 10 11 SCALE: 1" 1320' RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: City of Renton Control Point 2097. Control Point 2097 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 19110S.643 ft./1316760.378 ft. City of Renton Control Point 1845. Control Point 1845 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./1316637.843 ft. BASIS OF BEARING: Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. CONTROL SKETCH o 500 1000 -I -•• 1"'--1 SCALE: 1" 500' INDEX DATA: ( ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 PO · t (253) 661-1901 NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM ~ ~ Ine ~ Surveying DRAWN BY: 0 Wo 0 d s CHECKED BY: S Wo 0 d s LND-l0-0450 Dec. 4. 2006 DATE: JOB NAME: 1459 EXPIRES 05-23-2007 SCALE: JOB NO.: 1" = 500' WS II SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Su i te 100 8e llevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 VOLUME/PAGE N25'15'32"E J. J;; , 543 '01'15"E ( / \ S5~3"F 1<.34' I N46'48'41"E 6.71' / \ 14.29 '___ -' 507 '20 '16"E 4.98' I .II' JY/ H.lJSrOH£ .IJ/V. N. LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TRACT ':A" DRAINAGE POND (PRIVATE) 29, 790 SF 0~/T~/ O,c-F/L~/"/TO/V L9I..), " I I II r).It ", -:;-h I I II \ (L. Vn -t,.J4.t -I ... ~V -J...L.n,) C)C-,I'\ AI"..... I")t""It'lt;I"'1-1-1Qar'I"'1I"'1"'" I \L v. I YL/. L-C/l.h..,.,l,.../ II<.J ....... L/l..lLI II m --C\J .... 3 11737 1 11.690 SF w , C\J tn .~ ~ <f 20' Access easement for Lot 3 S87'49'0~"E 79.78' S87'49'OB"E 171. 95' 1 117251 11, 120 SF 190.88 . -- '/ I 10' PUbli~\ ~ Utility Easement, ~ C"l Typical all lot~s~~ ~ parallel to road right-of-way. ~ Public Sanitar (51\ I"- Sewer Easement \ ni I (T') 21 ' tn 104.30' . ...,.J 21.00' I I I I I --ri I w , I ~· .0 00 ~ . • 0 (\JI"-o Z I 2 I I 4 117401 13, 030 SF 5 117361 9, 810 SF 6 117301 11,490 SF 7 117241 13, 190 SF J -----------~---------_// ) ----./ ~ C\J ~ .... ---- 4 "" 160.41' 587 '49' 15"E 120.37-' ---.. -.-.~-:. -. ----- 540.18 ' // ~Calculated positIon per Stone Ridge (A. K. A. Windstone) Rec. No. 20051020000337, (typ,) NE 17TH ST NGPA DIMENSIONS: NGPA DIMENSIONS(CONTINUED): IJNE CHORD B.EARJNG ARC DELTA RADIUS BU8 N42'32'20"W 36.01 ' BU NS7'49'15"W 79.77' BU9 N24'45'33"W 40.33' BL2 511 '39'43"E 61. 58' BL20 N27'OO'03"W 40.82' BL3 N05'22'41"W 20.37' BC7 S42'27'24"E 1S,SS' 30'54'42" 35.00' 229.40' [ VOLUME/PAGE East Quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found "X" in 10" stone monument O.S' W of 4" x 4"------- fence post @ top of ditch. -- Drainage easement (Pr i vate) --125.00' I I I I 30.00' . tn ~I .... ~I tn ~I z ~I .... 12 'I r- I~ co ... I~ C\J 30 . 30' 42' "I' o (rJ (rJ LD C\J W . C\J C\J . I to "I' C\J ~J ~ Southeast corner Sec. 3. Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .• W.M. Found monument, incased. ~ ~~? ~1 BC1 N19'23'33"W 12.23' 2S '01 '41" 25.00' BL4 N33'24'22"W 23,42' BL21 S57'54'45"E 11. 12' BL22 N42'OO'52"W 15.35' LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS: BL5 N11'21'1S"W 26.68' BL23 S23'28'53"E 9,23' BL6 533 '24 ' 17" W 12,11 ' BC8 N66 °31 '07"E 109.96' 1S0'OO'OO" 35.00' UNE CHORD BEARING ARC .DELTA HAJJIUS BC2 S05'56'20"W 23,97' 54'55'54" 25.00' BL24 S23°2S'54"E 14.94' U S40'5S'34"E 20.55' BLl N21 '31' 37"W 35,S2' BC9 N32'44'53"W 11. 32' 18 '31' 58" 35.00' L2 S40'5S'33"E 12.63' BLS SS4'24'22"W 20.25' BL25 N42 '00' 51 "W 25.95' L3 516 '50' 37"1'1 25.01 ' BC3 555 '59' 47" W 24.79' 56'49'10" 25.00' 2 BL9 527 '35' 12" W 19.73' BC10 N49'57'50"W 9.71 ' 15 '53' 54" 35.00' C1 N12 '43' 13"1'1 13.00' 29'47'58" 25.00' o 40 80 BC4 510 '24' 19"W 14.99' 34'21'46" 25.00' BUO N06'46'33"W 16.92' ~' .. :1-~ ~ i\l:= t'~: ':9"W 19.3C· BU2 N84'49'38"W 60.43' BU3 N66'18'43"W 38.37' BC5 N83'59'43"W 21. 60' 35'22'00" 35,00' BU4 578 '19' 16"W 30.94' BU5 N30'45'12"W 35,S9' BC6 539 '45' 14" E 11. 00' 18 '00' 05" 35.00' BU6 N48 '45 ' 17" W 50.93' BU7 N51 '17'10"W 40.26' LEGEND: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED AUGUST 7, 2001. ~ = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965". 199991= Lot address. BL26 S57'54'44"E BL27 N27'OO'03"W BL28 N24 '49' 47"1'1 BL29 S72 '5': ~~' ~ BL30 S24'09'4S"E BC11 N25'56'50"W BL31 N31 '20'25"1'1 BC12 S46'54'46"E BL32 N51 '17' 10" 1'1 BL33 N48'45'17"W BL34 S30 '45'12"E BL35 S87'37'3S"E EXPIRES05-23-2007 6.33' C2 S18'20'42"E 29.77' C3 518'46'34"1'1 22.27' C4 558'18'48"1'1 15.25' C5 S89 '17' 21"W 13.17 ' C6 N50 '42'10"W 21.41' 5'37'12" 21S.32' C7 NOS'15'23"W 30.36' CS N45'16'45"E 5.34' S'44'50" 35.00' C9 N39'38'10"E 41. 39' L4 S65'47'39"W 43.84' L5 502'10'45"1'1 40.41 ' L6 S24'12'21"E 41. 79' t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 P · t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ olne ~ Surveying DRAWN BY: 0 Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Dec. 4, 2006 JOB NAME: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' JOB NO.: WS II 16.19 ' 18'33'05" 50.00' 48.60' 55 '41 . 23" 50.00' _I _r--I ___ I 20.41' 23°23'05" 50.00' 33.66' 38'34'00" 50.00' 36.17' 41 '26' 59" 50.00' 37.91' 43'26'34" 50.00' 55.53' 63'37'42" 50.00' 19.61 ' 74'54'51" 15.00' SCALE: 1" 40' 10.77' 12.34' 22.76' LND-l0-0450 INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KB5 Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 WINDSTONI'~ DIV. II Land Use Action No. LTIA-04-124-SHPL-H Land Record No. LND-XX-XXXX A PORTION OF THE NE CITY OF RENTON, 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SI'~CTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., KING COUNTY, DECLARATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHOllT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 AND DECLARE THIS SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF SAME. AND THAT SAID SHORT PLAT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SHORT SUBDIVI~;ION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON '1 HIS SHORT PLAT. by: Kolin B. Taylor President-KBS Development Corll. a Washington Corporation Solomon V. Avzaradel treasurer-KBS Development Corl'. a Washington Corporation APPROVALS: Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-KBS Development Corp. a Washington Corporation Washington Federal Savings. a United States Corporation by: its: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _~ __ DAY OF ________ 2006. CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMEN,S: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2006. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ROAD DEDICATION: THE EAST 10' DEDICATION FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 148TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND THAT PORTION DEDICATED FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MOUNT BAKER AVENUE NORTHEAST WAS DEEDED TO THE CITY OF RENTON PER THE DEED FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. SHALL DEFEND. INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON. ITS OFFICERS. OFFICIALS. EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIM. INJURIES. DAMAGES. LOSSES OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PLAT. THE CITY'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY DEFAULT PRIVATE UTILITY FACILITIES AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STREETS. WATER UTILITY. SANITARY SEWER UTILITY. OR STORM WATER UTILITY SYSTEM IS LIMITED TO THE FACE VALUE OF THE BOND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER HAS POSTED IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE CITY RESERVES ITS UNILATERAL RIGHT TO ESTABLISH THE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEFAULTED PLAT INFRASTRUCTURES. THIS STATEMENT IS LEGALLY BINDING UPON THE HEIRS. AND/OR ASSIGNS OF THE OWNER/DEVELOPER. SUBSEQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND THEIR HEIRS AND/OR ASSIGNS. ACKNO WLEDG MENT: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) ON THIS DA Y OF _. . 2006. BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. DUL Y COMMISSIONED AND SWORN. PER' ,ONALL Y APPEARED KOLIN B. TAYLOR. ROBERT W. RUDDELL. AND SOLOMON V AVZARADEL PERSONALLY KNOWN (OR PROVEN ON THE BASIS OF SATISI ACTORY EVIDENCE) TO BE THE PRESIDENT. THE SECRETARY AND THE TREASURER. OF KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THf WITHIN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT. AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION. FOR THI USES AND THE PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. AND ON OATH STATED THAT THEY ARE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAID INSTRUMENT AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED. IF AN.. IS THE CORPORATE SEAL OF SAID CORPORA T ION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL HER, TO AFFIXED THE DAY AND YEAR IN THIS CERTIFICATE ABOVE WRITTEN. N2i,ARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF wASHINGTON. RESIDING IN MY COMMISSION EXPIRE~ PRINT NOTARY NAME ACKNO WLEDG MENT: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) ON THIS DAY OF __ . . 2006. BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. DUL Y COMMISSIONED AND SWORN. PEI~SONALL Y APPEARED _________ _ TO ME PERSONALLY KNOWN (OR PROVEN ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE) TO BE THE OF WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS. THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT. AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION. FOR THE USES AND THE PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. AND ON OATH STATED THAT THEY ARE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAID INSTRUMENT AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED. IF ANY, IS THE CORPORATE SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL HERETO AFFIXED THE DAY AND YEAR IN THIS CERTIFICATE ABOVE WRITTEN. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. RESIDING IN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: PRINT NOTARY NAME RANGE 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES: RECORDING NO. [ VOLUME/PAGE """ '----' '----'.~ LUA--04-124 LND-XX-XXXX 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR lHIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME k[NEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAI~ CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIP1[ONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO. 1171741. DATED JULY 29. 2005. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL tMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED OCTOBER 22. 1998. THE DATE OF TH[S FIELD SURVEY. 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON AilE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOI~ WINDSTONE DIV. II HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHIN(;TON IN OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE DIV. II HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION I', EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HO~EOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE. AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF REN111N. 6) TRACT A IS PRIVATE STORM POND TR~CT AND IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE WINDSTONE DIV. II HOMEOWNERS ASS()CIATION (HOA) UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF SAIl] TRACT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT THE HOA I:; DISSOLVED OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET ITS PROPERTY TAX OBLIGATIONS AS EVIDI:NCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS. THEN EACH LOT SHALL ASSUME AND HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INrEREST IN THE TRACTS. PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE ATTENDANT FINANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. 7) LOT 8 SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ACCESS NILE AVENUE NE. 8) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL SHORT PLAT RECORDING. WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO TREES ARC REQUIRED TO BE PLANNED WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. 9) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE THE STREAM BUFFER. DECLARATION OF COVENANT: THE OWNER OF LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.060 HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTIllTIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS. ARE TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 8 AND 9 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN. THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD. DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGNAGE. AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED. UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. PlAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 1 2006 RECEIVED RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. ________________________________ __ Filed for record this ___ day of _______ ~ 2006 at _._ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in May. 2006. CENT~~ P~lNTE Surveying. Inc .. P.S. INDEX DATA: SURVEY FOR NE-SE 03. T23N. R5E WM KBS Developement Corporation 12320 NE 8th Street. Su i te 100 Be llevue. WA 98005 _.M. in book __ of ______ ilt page __ at the request of Stephen H. Woods. Manager Superintendent of Records NOT FOR RECORDING Stephen H. Woods Certificate No. 38965 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way. WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAIN BY: J Kieswetter CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: July 19, 2006 JOB NO.: 1459 SCALE: I1IJA= 40' DRAWING NAllE: SP 2 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 3 WINDSTON]~ DIV. II Land Use Action No. LtJA-04-124-SHPL-H Land Record No. LND-XX-XXXX A PORTION OF THE NE CITY OF RENTON, 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., KING (;OUNTY, RANGE 5 E., W.M. WASHINGTON LEGAL DE8CRIPTION: Lot W, King County, Boundary Line Adjustment Number LOOL0089, recorded under Rt~cording Number 20020702900007, in King County, Washington. bein'l a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter' of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Wi11amette Merid tan, in King County, Washington. BASIS OF BEARING: Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. PRIVATE I)RAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the private easement shown on the shor't plat shal1 be owned, operated and maintained by the owners of Lots 1 through 9, inclusive of this subdivision. The City of Rentlm sha 11 have the right to enter sa id easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the owner h) is/are negligent in the maintenance of the facilities. Thest~ repairs shall be at the owners' expense. RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: City of Renton Control Point 2097. Control Point 2097 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 191108.643 ft./ 1316760.378 ft. City of Renton Control Point 1845. Control Point 1845 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./ 1316637. S43 ft. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures, f iII. or obstruct ions (inc luding but not limited 34 SSS"37'10"E 2645.46' ------------3.r~ North quarter corller Sec. Twp. 23N., Rng. 51 ., W. M. Calculated from King Co. GPS breakdown. __ 34~35 3 11 Northeast section corner Sec. 3,~ m Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E., W.M. ~ Calculated from City of Renton Survey Control Network. City of Renton No. 2097. S87'26'02"E 4k--__ I 3 2657. ,25' West quarter corner Sec. a Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E·. W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/3. incased. CONTROL SKETCH o 1000 I J Legend: (\J Ul 0 (\J en ... w , ..-t "f "f (\J " ..-t 0 z (\J " ..-t 5302.S7' 1322,81 ' East quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N.. Rng. 5E.. W. M. I:=: Found "X" in 10" stone - monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" ~ fTence post@top of ditCh~3 I ~ 1322.81' ~ I~ I~ "f 1 -I~ Lf) 1& ~ I ~ I ---.r~_-J..J I ~ Ul (\J Ul r-1322.54'_ ~ I S87 "49' 15"E 1322.54 . 2645.07' ~ 1 I ~. 0 "f ~ I~ 1 ~ ~ ~ en I C\J~ South quarter corner R 5E W M F d Southeast corner Sec. 3. ng. .. .. oun I~ C\J I~ ~I (D C\J o z Monument found as Visited April 01. I Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., 3" brass disc in Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E .. W.M. noted Found monument. incased. 2005.' ~concrete. ~I ~ _ 1322.32~ 1322.32' 3 2 I City of Renton No. 1845.~ RECORDING NO. '--------' I K [ VOLUYE/pAGE ~ LUA--04-124 LND-XX-XXXX VICINITY MAP o 2640 I I 1" 0' to decks, pat ios. outbu i Id ings, or overhangs) sha 11 not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this short plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. 10 S8so12'29"E 2644.64'--10 11 -~================= UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to the City of Renton, King County Water District #90, Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, (other private utilities), and their respective successors and assigns under and upon all pr i vate streets, a lleyways and pr i vate dr i ves, the exter ior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vau lts, Pedesta Is and re lated f ac iIi ties (" Vau lt Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to ins ta 11. lay, construct, renew, operate and ma inta in underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other eqUipment for the purpose of serving th is subdi v is ion and other property with e lectr ic, telephone, gas, te lecommunications, data transmiss ion, street 1 ights and ut i 1 ity service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original cundition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current. or for telephone, cable television, telecommunicatiolls or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Record ing No. 617645, dated May 16. 1967. Access & utility easements to KBS III, L.L.C. filed under Recording No. 20040629002394, dayed June 29, 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the eaesment filed under Recording No. 20020807000276. Agreement and the terms and conditions filed under Recording No (s). 20020S07000279 & 20020807000280. Covenants, cond it ions, restr ict ions. easements. notes, dedications and setback if any, set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. PLAN REVIEVV CITY OF RENTON J U L 2 1 ?onfi RECEIVED IJJ III W > <[ W III SE 100TH 5T ~ < I SE 102TH 5T:n "<t .... IJJ SE 105TH PL z 1 ~\Cl~ISSA~ MAY VALLEY COUNTY PARK CENT~ INDEX DATA: P INTE Surveying, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way. WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: J Kieswetter CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: July 19. 2006 JOB NO.: 1459 EXPIRES05-23-2007 SCALE: NA DRAIING NAllE: S P 2 SURVEY FOR: NE-SE 03 T23N R5E.1. WM KBS Developement Corporation 12320 NE 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 3 -- N. LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF lSE 1/4 C¥T:' OF iiT::TO.',' BU, WINDSTO N]~ DIV. II /, , fA/) A -1 :; hi' A \ f L UI""l -1../"'~-IL.lLJ-LLrl .. / CJr-/~ A 11'1 -?""""h'/) '1-1QC"'I") t'"'1'''' "Lv. IVV. Il!...l.ll/\JL.lII __ l./L/l..l11 Drdinage ec>,;ement Wood u 3.,~ 2 East quarter corner Sec. 3J'l~ Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found "X" in 10" stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" . fence post I!l top of ditch. lD C\J =;1------------~~~--------------~~--~~~----r_~S~8:7~.~3~7·3~8~"E~5~8~2~.~3~9~.~~~~--JL-~--~~----------~fe~n~c~e~ -.-139.96' post N21"52'52"E-~ 60.00' 53.26' Bl35 \ '-,!:i' cyclone fence 16.20' j CD ~ 174.17' ~ _ _ ~..., (T) lD N25°15'32"E 9.82' ~S08°31'42°E U; )--r ----1 in in 20.35' ~ (?; \0 ?'~\ ~ ru 65:.... _ru_---' B~G_ Bl12 ru rri ~. \ ------.1 Drainage ra, ---r ---~~~-'" 9 I---easement N42°54'49"[ \~ ~ -J-.....eI...J3 '?" /~ 110 , I"'- 7.05' tl o o~ ~:'. _ "'-'-1 ~C5 e;::~--\ ~ '''(~-y 199991 I. f~ "'" . ---'"--i-~-~ " I " a & z ~ 0 -'-\~ " 18. 820 SF ..... ..... ~':'" Stream_~f.. <:> -1SB6041'05"E ~.-~-"" ~ .~ Streaf!/~"I I ~ i ~~ Buffer:J/ ~ 89.85" "\ Buffer. ",,0>< .... c: (per Engineering ~ ~ Co &-).( (per Engine,.l'lng ~~ I ~ ~~ 125.00' If) ~I Plans) I ~ Drainage ~ '{9~" &~, Plans) " I C\JC\J' I-I '00 '" easement ~ ~~ '::-.'('<5'~ ~ I . BUI-+ ---§' 3.... <1~ ::-... ~.$',5: ec~ I to I-~o I ~\ -'" UJ 6'~ >.. ~ &/ <1"..[&. ~\Ol I ~ , ~ \~ TRACT ':4" }~ (., 199991 ~ 4 f.],,, v ~6' (1,),(:, {~ I ~ II-Garage z \-1 DRAINAGE POND U) :: 11.690 SF 0 rnn;:;;:;-] ,,", .!./~ \ I il a I S52 026' 33"E 14.34' N46 048' 41"E 6.71 ' \ (PRIVATE) ,0 ~ 0 ....." ~-< \~ &: Q) ...... ~ "" 'X '-'. x 10'} -.verhang (125.00' Deed) t \' 29.790 SF & .~ ~ 13.030 SF .$>" "~f.> \~I ----S87°49·08"E124.99' I <;; "~, z "6' '( I 0 I 112.99' . t\ 71 ~:I 20'eACCnetsSfor Os", ~.::,0 5 ""x ~~~-'(---=-I ~ ~ ~I:Y' ct'l eas me V". '-' '\. 0 \ i 100' (\J C\J~o 1 I Lot r3 ,?'~ ..y..y o~ ~ \.. Col' 'O>O'~ 199991 '-'f6' e--S87"49'08"E 145 45' t i$( ~!'?"" 9.810 SF 1.29'\~· ""' \-; " S87°49'0Ej"E79.78' ~ 'C!>.'\. % \~ 20' Private joint access 12'1 ':" g \ 0> \ I> utility easement for \'u, ,&,~ _---::J \A'2-' \ ~ -\ Lots 8 I> 9. \• ~r;:;, ,'.'57..(';,<_-" C5 "'-, ".i'~ \~ o?', \& ' .' 97.05'. . _ -' vr ,-" '2-.• ." \, ~ ?' 12' Roadway dedication \,137"49'08"E 1 200,51' I <. ./ "b. , ~o=284 042 , C. " 2 0 '2-~, o?' \~ Rec.No. ____ _ Ol 1 .,?' r;:;,G <If).. 6' '\. ~((;) ~ o?' \ . \<v _10 '1.. 10' Ora inage I oj~r;:;, -<. '> \ o?' ~ !:l ,EI 8 \ 1 easement / ~ ROADWAY DEDICATION ~~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~~6'Y~-7 \~ 1 I 2 / REC.NO. \ \~, ~& 19999 1 I~ CD -t' I rnn;:;;:;-] S87"49'15"E -\ ~?' Stream ,~O' 16.660 SF CD U1 ..... 30.00' 30' I..... I (J ~ \ rnn;:;;:;-] \Ol n;J' Z' {y \'f! 1 ~ ~ ( 19.08' ~~ 11.490 SF % Buffe <S' "V& S43°01'15"E'~ \W I~ 11.500 SF I 'd.: ~ ~iUS I ~o '\\9 14.29·-__ ___' f, --.". \ 1 ...... i 10 J'f\)O\ 5 I \. 0 .x . I~ C\J S100463·4.520"~ 1;'. .~. \ 1 '~S8r;1~~g~"E 10' Utility~ ~ . ~ <h /-1 16~~~90~9'15"E :~" 17.41'.~ ?~~or:~:i\- ..... 'Ii' I 0 Easemen . 0 ~ I 0 I ~ ....... ~ V" \ . ~ ~ I...... t \ -J 186.51' '>'L _'::, ,'-LJ ~ci;' \ I~ 1 Typical all lots. ~ 0 ~o &; &c(~.!X~'"~-, UJ, .~~. I ~ £11 III z parallel to road + ..... 0:-'::--/ v,,-.V" "-<o;..,.~ ~ Strea C,\ 1 rl'ght-of-way."1-"C\J .' "C?> / 'Z CD .0(\ I~ ,~ 'v 1 9991 ""-v ~\ C\J. \,l. I "12' 30' "';ff?UBU f fer III I 9 I . ~ v~ /' -NT' CD' I "";." per EngineerIng '10' 11. 120 SF I f'l ~ " r;,c:;ru}l 10' POWER-'EASEME ~\ ru.... ~ / ..> o' PI ) " ~./ ~ REC. NO. 6176450 \ (T) . '0 S07'20'16"h~j ans ~ I l(T)ru 21' (;01.'----/ 1:l.190SF L ~~ / 0 4.98' ~. -. BU '. ~\ I' -190.88' i "","-+' ,,~ c.,'O / '1 '.. I 104.30' I" 2LO~i«~0"'~1 7.24' 244.81' /' ~----~_i::-~-~f-' I K 1\ "'}if!'... 70.20' ~-~. 42' '<;f' o (T) (T) ...... ~ ~.--____________ S_87~49·15"E ),:,(540.18' C\J _ C\J r' . . 160.41' .. -"'""'-.. -----1-20.37-. ----~---------____________ C\J _________ • _' \--I!"lI'll< ~ '-calculated position per .. ' '.. 229.40' .Il!l.l C\J Stone Ridge (A.K.A. .. /' " . Windstone) Rec. No. NE 17fT1U ST ~ 1 ~ 20051020000337. (typ.) 111 lDJ . PLAN REVIEW ~ ~ 80 elN OF RENTON ~ o I 40 LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS Southeast corner Sec. 3. "'"' ~--••• I·--"I : JUL 2 1 l006 Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E .. W.M. L-. --I. . Found monument. incased. RECEIVED ~ ~~? ~1 SCALE: S40058'33"E 20.55' ARC DELTA RAJ)/US LINE CHORD BEARING U S40·58·33"E 12.63' L2 RECORDING NO. LUA--04-124 LND-xx-XXXX STREAM BUFFER DIMENSIONS: IJNE CHORD BEARING BLi N87·49·15"W 1--==-= BL2 S11°39'43"E \----BL3 N05"22'41"W \---=.::..:: BCi N19·23'32"W 1---==-= ARC 79.77' 61. 58' 20.37' 12.23' DELTA JW)[US 28'01'41" 25.00' BL4~~N~3~3~02~4~·~2~2~"W4_~2~3~.~4~2~·~------~------, BL5~~N~1~1~·=2~1_·1~8~"~W+-~2~6~.:..::6:..::8~·+-____ ~ ___ ~ BLbl--~S~3~3~·2~4~·~18~"~W~~1~2~.~11~'+-~~~~~~~~ BC2 S05°56'20"W 23.97' 54°55'54" 25.00' ~~~~~~~~~~-~~--~-------1 BLI N21"31'37"W 35.82' BLElI--"':':S:='8-=-4 ....::·2:=4-· ~22:'-"~W~-'::2:"::0":':. 2=-:5:-:·+-------jr-----j BC3 S55°59'47"W 24.79' 56°49'10" 25.00' ~~~~~+-~~~~~~~r-----~ BL9 S27·35·12"W 19.73' ~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~ BC4 S10·24·19"W 14.99' 34°21'46" 25.00' BL101--~N~06~04~6~·3~4~"~W~~1~6..:.:.9=-:2~'+-~~~~-----j BL1i~~N~8~9~·3~0~·~5~9~"W4_~19~.~3~0~·~------~------1 BL12 N84·49·38"W 60.43' BL131--~N~6=6~01~8~·~4~3~"W4--3~8~.~3~77'~---~---~ BC5~~N~8~3~"5~9~·~4~4-"~W~2~1~.6~0~'+-~35~·2~2~'~00~~'' ___ 3_5_.0_0-;' BL14~~S~78~·1~9_'~16~"~W~~3~0~.9~4~·~---~---4 BL1 :, \---.:.:N:.:::3.:::,0 ~o 4::..::5~' ~1=-2::-::" W:+--~3:::-:5::-:.-::8797· ~-:-:::-~:-:-;;-;::-;;i-~~-;1 BCE. S39 '45 '15"E 11.00' 18 '00' 05" 35.00' BU E.~~N~4~8-· 4':"::5~''''::'1=-7 -=" W=-!--5~0:"':.-=9~3~· ~------~------I BL11 N51°17'10"W 40.26' BL1E1I--"':':N~4-=-2~03~2-'2~0~"~W~~3~6":':.0~1~·+-------j-----j BL191--~N~2=4~04~5~'~3~3~"W4-_4~0~.~3:..::3~·~------~------~ BL20~~N~2~7~00~0~'...::.0=-3·~'W+-_4~0~.~8~2~·~~~~~_~~~ BCl S42·27'24"E 18.88' 30'54'42" 35.00' BL21 S57'54'45"E 11.12' BL22~~N~42~00~0~'5=2~"-=W~-=1~5~.3~5~'+-___ ~---~ BL23 S23"28'53"E 9.23' BCB N66·31'07"E 109.96' 1S0'00'00" 35.00' BL24~~S=2~3~02=8~'~5~3-="E=-!-~14~.~9~4~'~~~~~--~~~ BCQ N32"44'52"W 11.32' 18'31'58" 35.00' BL25~~N~4~2~·0~0~'~52=-·~'W+-~2=5:...:.~9...::.5~·~~~~~--~~~ BC10I--~N~4~9~·5~7~'~48=-'~·W:+--~9~.~771~·r-...::.1...::.5~·5:...:3~'...::.5~3~'· __ 35_._0_0__j· BL261--~S~5~7~05~4~'=4~5....::"E~~6::-:.~3=3~·r-______ ~ ______ __j BL27 N27°00'03"W 29.77' BL28 N24°49'48"W 22.27' BL29 S72"50'21"E 15.24' BL30 S24·09'4S"E 13.17' BC11 N25"56'50"W 21.41' 5 °37' 12" 218.32' BL31 N31·20'25"W 30.36' BC12 S46·54'45"E 5.34' 8·44'50" 35.00' BL32 N51 "17'10"W 41.39' BL33 N48·45'17"W 43.84' BL34 S30045'12"E 40.41' BL35 S87°37'38"E 41.79' TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -145.690 SQ. FT./ 3.345 ACRES LEGEND: ~ ~ MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED AUGUST 7, 2001. ~ ~ SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. • ~ SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965". 199991= Lot address. 40' INDEX DATA: S16°50'36"W 25.01 . L3 1" CENTRE /. C1 S12·43·14"E 13.00' 29·47'58" 25.00' C2 S18'20'41"E 16.19 . 18 °33' 05" 50.00' C3 S18·46·34"W 4S.60· 55 ·41' 24" 50.00' C4 S58°18'48"W 20.41' 23'23'05" 50.00' C5 S89°17'21"W 33.66' 38°34'00" 50.00' C6 N50 °42' 10"W 36.17' 41 ·26' 59" 50.00' C7 N08·15·23"W 37.91' 43·26'34" 50.00' CS N45'16'45"E 55.53' 63·37'42" 50.00' C9 N39 '38' 11" E 19.61 . 74 ·54' 51" 15.00' PA~~'[§ 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: J Kieswetter CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: July 19. 2006 JOB NO.: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' DRAlING NAME: SP2 SURVEY FOR: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM KBS Developement Corporation 12320 NE 8th Street. Su i te 100 Be 11evue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 3 l- I-l-I- (f) (f) I Q.. Q.. Q.. , o , ~ rtr .~ .. , I c o - c:: a. a. « w !;;;: '" z o Vi (;j c:: o z ~ I~I 1" -100' a 50 100 200 """'L" /"'" I··,. . .. / '32305-92 (084 Ac.) ·803540 0300 032305 9291 (0.30 Ac.) 032305 9290 (0.30 9231 (0.30 Ac.) Ui (fj 803540 0380 803540-0370 032305-9159 (1.41 Ac.) 523000-0230 -00002- W 1-----+_-' CI) 177640-0010 177fi.i4'U-UU:': 032305-9047 032305 9210 (3.87 Ac.) ~ "- / \ ( \ I ) \ ---------,---., ------, \ \ \ 032305-9270 (087 Ac) CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY , --, \ \ 032305-9269 (0.86 Ac.) KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON 032305-9014 (6.12 Ac.) -------~\ (0.13 Ac.) I I \ \ , 1 032305-9277 032305 ---..9021 032305 9238 (0.41 Ac.) (3.56 Ac!) 032305 9276 (0.30 Ac.) (1.20 Ac.) 1 I .1 W .1 (J) f-----iwl 032305 9256 (0.30 Ac) 032305 9280 (0.30 Ac.) 032305 9278 (1.11 Ac.) 032305 9017 (0.58 Ac.) 032305 9070 (2.47 Ac.) 032305 9234 (0_30 Ac.) (0.42 Ac.) , 032305-9042 I (0.85 Ac.) 523000 o . "j 177640 0030 032305 9190 (0.24 Ac.) 032305 9173 (042 Ac.) '-'-'-'--. 03'5 523000 0070 -00001- 032305 9045 (0.56 Ac.) 032305 9208 (0.22 Ac.) 032305 9209 ,0.22 Ac.) 032305 9180 (0.31 Ac.) 6 \ \. 8 ---"--~ \ I 7 \ I 032305 9120 -42- (2.17 Ac.) 022305 // 9020/ (0.94}I;C:) / "-'-'--'----_._-'_. __ '_0_._._._._._. L.Lj (J) W ::::> ~ 522990-0005 -OOOOA- 522990-0010 -OOOOA- 522990-0015 -OOOOA- .84') 522990-0020 -OOOOA- .1 522990-0025 -OOOOA- 522990-0030 -OOOOA-i!: .~ , ...... I-----=c:::-----"='-r---~=--_l 522990-0036 -OOOOA- 522990-0041 -OOOOA- 522990-0035 -OOOOA- 52.~990"0038 -OOuOA- 522990-0040 5229900045 -OOOOA- 022305 9062 (0.39 Ac.) -OOOOA- 'J 022305 9061 (048 Ac.) WI ~:~~I;;;~ CI). W' 81 > i <C II 811400-0050 ~i It). I . ~I 522990-0050 -OOOOA- 522990 0055 -OOOOA- 522990-01 -OOOOA- 522990-007~ -OOOOA-~, 811400 001 _""",,' 5228 -I 811400-00:4:0 __ 'cifl':~"_­! .. -- '---~'-~' 022305-9018 ~l_._._/_. _._. __ ./ / <, .- \" / ~- / / .~ .--.-- 022305 9018 (4.47 Ac,) '. ~'-"-'-"""""""" .. z o ~ o o -l a: o LL EXPIRES 6/11/06 co co " ~, o Z III o J W o CD l- I- l- I- I (f) (f) I a.. a.. a.. c u g G Z - ~ I ~ z ~ o = 8 a: w z ~ -,- w < C> z o VJ ~ ~ ci z ~INE L1 tL2 1" = 40' Lc L4 o 20 40 80 L: I I 1"1. .. J LE L7 LE L£ L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 -- LOT AREA TABLE LOT # AREA [S.F.] LOT # AREA [S.F.] 1 10,979 (7,565)' 6 11,321 (8,251;)- 2 11,250 (7,496)-7 14,397 (12,JH)' 3 10,059 (7,881)' 8 15,385 (8,853)- 4 12,606 (8,853)' 9 18,565 (13,441)- 5 8903 (6,540)' TOTAL LOT AREA = 113,465 (81,203)* S.F. = 2.60 (1.86)-A8. AVERAGE LOT AREA = 12,607 (9,023)* S.F.= 0.2894 (0.207(1* AC. * LOT AREA MINUS BUFFER EASEMENT AREA. LINE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 4.98 N07°20'17"W 31.61 N12'36'16"E 21.40 N20'O l' 32"E 3.20 N 10' 46' 49"W 14.29 N43'01 '14"W 55.64 N19°21'14"W 37.70 NOS·3.3'25"E 6.71 N46'4S'41"E 14.34 N52°26'34"W 43.66 N18'46'30"W 29.24 N12'lQ'41"E 31.15 N65'29'QQ"E 9.82 N25'lo'32"E 7.05 N42'54'50"E 20.35 N08'31 '42"W 16.20 N21"52'52"E TRACT USE AREA [S.F.] A DRAINAGE FACILIllES 32,228 TOTAL TRACT AREA 32,228 S.F. 0.74 AC. ROAD 'A' AREA 10,387 S.F. R/W DEDICATION AREA 2179 S.F. PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT FOR STONE RIDGE II A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 No, RANGE 5 E., WoMo CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGEND , \ ' \' [X) 'i aq ill en / , I: ,'," ,t:i , ! , I ,.; \. c, , . , ~ i . , ,i ' i j / ) / ~ ,; / 'j \ 'I' i "" , ~I , \ I • J LDT W, KING COUNTY, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LOOLD089, RECORDER UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007, IN KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON. o ~" -EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN (38 TREES) BEING A PORTION OF llHE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARllER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. ~ ~ tIl -EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED (38 TREES) 420 S£" MAY V ALl(y RD, _I ± TE24TH Sf C?J w " Sf 104TH .!.""-!!.!-!.-'j S T '0': "" w ~---ii:.l « " ~ <D " :3 N[ 10TH ~ 5T :!; VICINITY MAP SITE DATA 1. TAX N: 032305-9035 2. SITE AREA: 3.63 AC. 3. EXISTING USE: VACANT 4. PROPOSED USE: 9-LOT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SUBDIVISION (SHORT PLAT) 5. EXISTING ZONING: R-5 (RESIDENllAL 5 DUlAC) 6. PROPOSED ZONING: R-5 (RESIDENTIAL 5 DUlAC) 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENllAL (4-12 DUlAC) 8. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: URBAN DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4-12 DUlAC) 9. PROPOSED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 60' 10. REQUIRED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 60' 11. PROPOSED MIN. LOT AREA: 8903 S.F. 12. REQUIRED MIN. LOT AREA: 7250 S.F. 13. PROJECT DENSITY: 2.20 DUlAC. 14. REQUIRED MIN. SETBACKS: FRONT: 20' .,. MAY VALLEY ~ COUNTY PARK L..J Sf 112m ST « 5£ 116TH 57 --~- ~:::s 1"=2000' INTERIOR: 5', 15' ALONG STREET FRONTAGE REAR: 25' 15. MAX BASE HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS: 35' 16. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY CENTRE POINT SURVEYORS OWNER VIRGINIA LUCK 10627 -148TH S.E. RENTON, WA. 98055 DEVELOPER KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORAllON 12320 N.E. 81lH STREET, SUITE 100 BELLEVUE, WAc 98005 CONTACT: CURTIS SCHUSTER Y (/Il~ pt'f-u ENGINEER/PLANNER/SURVEYOR BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. 1821 5 72nd AVE. SOUllH KENT, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 FAX (425) 251-8782 CONTACT: WAYNE POmR OR ALI SADR, P.E. DENSITY WORKSHEET 1. GROSS AREA PROPERTY: 158,259 S. F. 2. DENSITY CALCULATION EXCLUSIONS: 58,223 S.F. (PUBLIC ROAD, SENSITIVE AREA AND JOINT ACCESS EASEMENT*) 3. NET DENSITY AREA: 99,900 S.F. (GROSS AREA -EXCLUSIONS) 4. NET DENSITY IN ACRES: 2.29 AC. (DIVIDED BY 43,560 S.F.) 5. NET DENSITY: (LOTS DIVIDED BY NET DENSITY AREA) 3.93 D.U. PER ACRE --SERVING MORE THAN THREE LOTS z o ~ o o -.J a: o LL -- ill Z ~ ..... N -1 0"> en N o .,. II w o " III <T o ~---------~~ '" ro EXPIRES 6/11/06 N '" N /" C o c E c- /" o C o o o z m o """) w o oj /' VOLUME/PAGE Jr/H.lJSrOH£ .lJ/J7. // LUA-04-124-FP LND-l0-0450 A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: Know all people by these presents that we. the undersigned owners of Interest in the land hereby subdivIded, hereby declare this to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, including but not limited to parks, open space, utilities and draina~e unless such easements or tracts are speGifically identified on this plat as being dediCated or conveye~ to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby ded.icate such streets, ea~emeJlts, or: tract's to' the person or entity identified and for the purpose stat~d .. '. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against the City of Renton, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construction, or maintenance of roads and or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by the City of Renton. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold the City of Renton, its successors and assigns, harmless from any damage, including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of thQPe~~oads within this subdivision. provided, this waiver and ...,.helr indemnification shall not be construed as releasing the City of Renton, its successors or assigns, from liability for damages, including the cost of defense. resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of the City of Renton. its successors. or assigns. This subdivision, dedication. waiver of claims agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof we set our hands seals: by: Kol.rn B. Taylor r-r~:. uer,t -r\o::, e a Washington Co p. i"" -/ r==-:: Solomon v. Av~r~el Treasurer-KBS Develoament a Washington Corporation :'crp. Corp. Robert w. Ruddell Sec.r etar y-~DS iJevE:J.upmE:r,1. ;:'CJr'p. a Washington Corporation ~F~9S. a United States Corooration by: (fAM.ES E C'AbY its: ~e \J t(lF p~ lDeJJr ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) !./"-AJa ) ss County of ~ ) On this 1();tI-day of M~ , 200...2 before me, the undersigned. a notary public in d for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared Kolin B. Taylor, Robert W. Ruddell, and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President. the Secretary and the Treasurer, of KBS Development Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal certificate ab~YB written. ~~"'\\"'I ::i~"',,, :,..,€ ~~\ ~ 31 i$AIf.J. . ~ ~o A §z~ ~ " ;0-z. -.\ sJ.::. = ~ '..,. ",."P8.ao-~ c:. = ", "'J'~ Itt11w...\\,A'''''''',," .£ 1111/ OFw,..'i #" 11\\\\,\\ 1\.,.", .... State of Wasnl~~ton ) 'AId )ss County of Kfj.!j ) hereto affixed the day and year in this ~~ On thIS tlJJi oay of t11~ , 2002 before me, the undersigned, a notary public i~nd for the State of Washington, dul y commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ;:J"lff1fl e. CA0.fe to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evi~nce) to be the SI-IIBLIliMEIIIf of Washington Federal Savings, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments for which the property subject to this subdivision may be liable to the city, and that all special assessments on any property herein contained dedicated as streets, alleys, or for any other public use have been duly paid. satisfied or charged, this day of 200 CITY. OF RENTON _ PLANNING • / "'BUILDING / PUBLIC WQRKS Ex'!:)ted an~approvecf ~ '$ 0-day of MAy ~ I/If41q/#t ", .. . Admini tat, . , . ,2002.: . CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Ex am ~ nd ~h i s ~l Sf day 0 f --=.fJJ----=ff'-lY'---__ _ Mayor ., j . 200 7. CITY OF RENTON sf ~I day of may ,200L. Examined and approved this City Clerk KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this 2~day of ~~L ,2001-. Sco±± Nobl~ ~ ~ King County Assessor eputy. KI 9 County Assessor Account Numbers 0323D5 -9D~S KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid; that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection; and that all special as~essments certified to this office for collection on any of the property r,erein contained. dedicated as streets, alleys, for any other public use. are paid in full. this day of ~~~2~00~. ~4' ~~rlllllftlll~!!!IL-~~puty 1f RECORnF.R_'~ rRRrrT~Tr,Arr~ ," Fi led for _..,..-_ da) and recor records c Division CONFORMED COPY 20070523001799 CITY OF RENTON PLAT 98.00 PAGE001 OF 004 05/23/2007 14:41 KING COUNTY. UA ~nton th is Jast Manager Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Windstone Division II is based on an actual survey done by me or under my direct supervision; that the bearings and distances are shown correctly; that the perimeter monuments have been set and that all other monuments and lot corners have been set or bonded with the city and will be set prior to the release of the bond; that I have fully complied with all State and County regulations governing platting and that it conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the conditions of approval thereof. Step~~~·:~S~~.~3~8~9~6~5~------------ THE OWNER/DEVELOPER, SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS. EMPLOYEES ANO VOLUNTEERS HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIM, INJURIES. DAMAGES, LOSSES OR SUITS INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PLAT. THE CITY'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY DEFAULT PRIVATE UTILITY FACILITIES AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STREETS, WATER UTILITY, SANITARY SEWER UTILITY. OR STORM WATER UTILITY SYSTEM IS LIMITED TO THE FACE VALUE OF THE BONO THE O~ER/DEVELOPER HAS POSTED IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. THE CITY RESERVES ITS UNILATERAL RIGHT TO ESTABLISH THE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEFAULTED PLAT INFRASTRUCTURES. THIS STATEMENT IS LEGALLY BINDING UPON THE HEIRS. AND/OR ASSIGNS OF THE OWNER/DEVELOPER, SUBSEQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND THEIR HEIRS AND/OR ASSIGNS. S-9~? Date All lots ar'e subj ect to the amen~ent /,0 the Wini'tone CC&'R's filed under Record ing No. 001 51.:?, 0 d I dO. Nota"f')lpUb'liCind for the Sta e • ..tII of Washington, residing in tyu My commission expires: CENT~~ PMINTE SIIrveyilttl. Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way. WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR KBS Development Corp. &;-ft·s G. s;.~L print notary name DRAWN BY: o Woods DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 SCALE: NA CHECKED BY: S Woods JOB NAl.IE: 1459 JOB NO.: WS II 12320 NE 8th St., Su ite 100 Be 11 evue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 • /r/HLJSTOH£ LJ/V. // LUA-04-124-FP [ ___ ~_~_E_~~_GE_=,~ LND-l0-0450 _ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot W, King County, Boundary Line Ad j ustment Number LOOL0089 ,....g~~-j~~ ',...'-'j'E'-" Qe~~,....~:-; ~I~'mt;e-200207 029000071 :-'<.:"'; C':-~fr"'~)'1 Washington. being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter 0 f Section 3, Townsh ip 23 North, Range 5 Eas~ Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington. ' DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat, in return for the benefit to a!crue f~om this subdivision by signing hereon. covenant and agree to convey the . ' beneficial interest in tile new'private eas.e·ments shown on this plat to any and· all fut·u're purchasers o'f the' lots, or of any subdivisio.ns thereof. ThIs covenant shall run with the land as shown ori this ·plat. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS Structures, fill, or obstruct ions (inc Iud ing but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within the drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton. TREE MAINTENANCE: Trees located within the plat shall be maintained consistent with the City of Renton's tree maintenance standards by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. . . RESTRICTIONS FOR NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREAS/SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND BUFFERS: Dedication of a se~sitiv~ area tr~ct/sensitive.area and buffer conveys to the publIc a benefIcIal Interest In the land WIthIn the tract/sensitive area • ~"""r: ~.~.c.c'='" T~~S :,....-:~~~'3"': :f""\r::"!.I--':~,=,= ~h~ ,..,,....'=~~I""'\/':::l"':.;,...,.., ~~ ,....,~J...!\/o '/Ot""lo~~J..~l'"'1n for all purposes that benefit the public health, -safety and welfa~e~-i~cluding control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability and protection of plant and animal habitat. ' The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upor all prssent and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by, the CI ty of Renton,. ~o leave undIsturbed all trees and other vegetation wi thin the tract/sensItIve area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill removed or damaged without approval in writing from the City of Renton Dep~rtment of Development Services or its successor agency. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of d~velopment a~tivity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satIsfact~on of the CIty of Renton prIor to any clearing, grading, building constructIon or.other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive areatract/sensItIv~ area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remaIn In place untIl all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. MA~NTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY: A~l own~rs of lots created by or benefiting from thlS CIty actlon abuttIng or Includlng a native growth protection easement are respo~slble for maIntenance and protection of the easement. Maintenance includes ensurlng th~t no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remaIns undIsturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. ACCESS EASEMENT: The owners of the land embraced within this plat, for valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys an access' easement over, across, and upon the private drainage easements shown on the fac~ <?f thIS plat, . per an engineering plan approved by the City of Renton, a Munlclpal Corporatlon of King County, for the project known as Windstone Division II for the City of Renton as grantee, to enter upon sald easement (s) for the purpose of observing and inspecting the facilities to assure that the owner (s), the ir successors and ass igns, are proper 1 y operating and maintaining the drainage facilities pursuant to the above referenced plan and contained within said easement area (s) . The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon the grantor (s), its heirs. and all subsequent owner (s) thereof, forever. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT: The drainage facilities located within the drainage easements on. Lot~ 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 shall be owned, operated and maIntalned by the Winds tone Homeowners Association. The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facility in the event the HOA is negligent in the maintenance of the facilities and any such repairs shall be at the HOA's expense. ' PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: NOTE: New private exclusive easement for access is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this plat. The owner of Lot 3 shall have an undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and m~intenance responsibilities include the repair and maIntenance of the prIVate access road, drainage pipes, and storm water qualIty and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Maintenance costs are the sole responsibility ~ of Lot 3. Parking on the paveme~i in the access easement i~ prohibited . un less the pavement width i·s greater than 20 feet.· ' ~OTE: New private"exclusive easement for ingress, egress ana utilities IS to be created upon the 'sale of lots shown on this plat. The owners of Lots B and ~ ~h~ll haVe a~ equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responslbllIty for malntenance of the private access easement ~ppurtenances. These appu~tenances and maintenance responsibilities l~clude the repaIr and malntenance of the private access road, drainage plpes. and storm water qualIty and/or detention facilities within this easement. Private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. maintenance costs shall be shared equally. Parking on the pavement in the access easement is prohibited unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. ' UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A.private easemen~ is hereby reserved for and granted to the Clty of Renton, Klng County Water District #90, Puget Sound E~ergy Comp~ny, Qwest, Comcast, (other pr i vate uti 1 i ties) , an~ thelr respectlve successors and assigns under and upon all prlvate streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives .Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the prece~ing sentence as fo~lows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an addltlonal 5-feet In wldth (for a total width of 10 feet) wlth the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, condu it, cab les, wires, vau lts and pedesta Is with ne~essary. f~c~lities and other equipm~nt for the purpose of serving th IS subd 1 VIS Ion and other property Wl th e lectr ic, telephone, gas, telecommunlcatlons, data transmIssion, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their o~iginal condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or f(;r telephone, cable television tele~ommunications or Data transmission uses shall be placed or permltted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -141260 SQ. FT. / 3.632 ACRES DEDICATED ROADS - Areas: PARCEL ROADS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot B Lot 9 Tract A Total 11150 SQ. FT. / 0.256 ACRE SQUARE FEET 11, 150.260 11, 117.104 11,503.117 11. 690.074 13, 030. 50B 9, B14. 413 11, 492.929 13, 189.997 16,660.939 lB, B18.803 29,790.752 141. 258. 896 DOCUMENTS OF RECORD: Power easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company filed under Record ing No. 6176450, dated May 16, 1967. Access & utility easements to KBS III, L.L.C. filed under Recording No. 20040629002394, dated June 29, 2004. Mineral rights to Northern Pacific Railroad Company filed under Recording No. 411867. Covenant to bear part or all the cost of construction or repair of the easement filed under Recording No. 20020807000276. Covenants, cond it ions, restr ict ions, easements notes dedications and setback if any, set forth in or delineated on the boundary line adjustment filed under Recording No. 20020702900007. CENT~~~ PMINTE Surveying, Inc., POS. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR KBS Development Corp. DRAWN BY: o Woods CHECKED BY: DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAME: SCALE: 1" = 50' JOB NO.: S Woods 1459 WS II 12320 NE 8th St., Su i te 100 Be llevue, VolA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 Jr/HLJSrOH£ LJ/V. // PLAT NOTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE ,,,Ei-I..:;uR"::,'IG ,IIjETER (GEOOI/II/£TErl 5GC; A,'-4C REA ... TI,"fr:. .<I,'oEM,..\TI': ;riTr<; I 5;-,..\;-;':; (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 2) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER NO.1171741. DATED JULY 29. 2005. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. • 3) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY E~ISTED OCTOBER 22. 199B. THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. . 4) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASU~ED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. . : . 5) THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ARE .' ON FILE WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON'IN OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. THE WINDSTONE' HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION IS EMPOWERED TO MAINTAIN COMMON PROPERTY AND FACILITIES AND CHARGE FEES TO HOMEOWNERS FOR MAINTENANCE. AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF RENTON. 6) TRACT A. A PRIVATE STORM POND TRACT. IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ("HOA"). THE HOA SHALL PERFORM AND PAY FOR ALL MAINTENANCE OF TRACT A AND THE FACILITIES THEREON. AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE). KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20051020000338. AS AMENDED (THE "CC&RS"). THE WINDSTONE DIV. II PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO/SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO THE CC&RS BY AMENDMENT TO THE CC&RS. IF THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR FAILS TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF 18 MONTHS. THE OWNER OF EACH LOT WITHIN STONERIDGE (A.K.A. WINDSTONE). WINDSTONE DIV. II AND ANY SUBSEQUENT DIVISIONS SUBJECTED TO THE CC&RS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SAID TRACT A AND SHALL SHARE EQUALLY IN ALL ATTENDANT FINANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS 7) LOT B SHALL UTILIZE THE 20' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT TO ACCESS NILE AVENUE NE. B) THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PLANT TWO NEW APPROVED TREES WITHIN THE 20-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THE PLAT. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RECORD A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGAINST THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT RECORDING. WHICH INDICATES THAT TWO , -. I K VICINITY MAP l!J Ul l!J > <t SE 100TH ST ~ <t :t: SE 102TH ST ~ -q- l!J SE 105TH PL z TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANT WITHIN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF o 1320 2640 EACH NEW LOT. THIS CONDITION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED I ! I I PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION. SCALE: 9) NO GRADING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE THE STREAM BUFFER. 1" 1320' North quarter corner Twp. 23N .. Rng. 5E .. Calculated from King breakdown. 34 3r ---"v--Sec. W.M. Co. GPS ('\j lD S88"37'10"E 2645.46' 34 35 -Jr~ Northeast section corner Sec. 3 I ~ T 23 R ' Iw~gs' wp. N., ng. 5E., W.M. Calculated from City of Renton Survey Control Network. City of Renton No. 2097. East quarter corner Sec. 3, ..... Found "X" in 10" stone LD RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: City of Renton Control Point 2097. Control Point 2097 was found to have 3 Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 191108.643 ft./1316760.378 ft. City of Renton Control Point 1845. Control Point 1845 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 186170.657 ft./1316637.843 ft. 4!:v---S87°26'02"E o ('\j rn "'t 5302.87' Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E.. W. M. I .,.., monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" ('\j BASIS OF BEARING: T fence post ~ top of dltCh'~3 I ~ I 3 2657.25' West quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found brass disc in concrete stamped 4/3, incased. w ..... "'t ~ I~ ..... ~ I ~ I I I~ "'t I~ 1322.81 ' 1322.81' ~ I I! I:Q I~ ..... : I lD LD 1322. 54 ' (\) I _ _ --t-1322. 54 ' S87'49'15"E South quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. Found 3" brass disc in ~ I o ~ Ito " "'t ..... (f) I~ 2645.07' ~I to C\J ""'1 "'t o w ('\j ('\j lD C\J , o z Washington State Lambert Grid-North Zone as determined by GPS observation. CONTROL SKETCH a 500 1000 ~I ~_I--.I SCALE: 1" 500' I /concrete. ~ 1322.32' I I Southeast corner Sec. 3. Two. 23N., Rng. 5E .. W.M. ~ound monument. InCased. City of Renton No. 1845.~ 10 _ 1322.32' 3 2 S88'12'29"E 2644.64' 10 . 11 CBNT~~ PMINTE SurveyIng, Inc., P.S. 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: Feb. 27, 2007 JOB NAlAE: 1459 SCALE: 1" = 500' JOB NO.: WS II INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Su i te 100 Be llevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 • ,~25 1;5 jj2'- 9.82' S07'20'16"E 4.9B' I oK Jr/HLJSrOH£ LJ/V // ( \ S5~3"F ".34.; N46'48'41"E 6.71' I \ N.LINE OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 S87'49'08"E :t71. 95' 1 117251 :t:t, 120 SF :t90.88' C~!T~/ C/--!~)L~,'V-;-O/'v' 2/..~ 1~_~~-(JLt-:~36-/../~ ; C)C-/'~ A//""'! 0t'"1r"lhl"1-1-1cc,{n,14'1 I \L V. I vL/. L...... ULJ... ....... LJ IILJ '--" L/l./l..l1 I 104.30' I J -1 J I I I I I --H I I I I I o ..... , I :: ) -----------~---------~// ) / ..... ~. _ _ _ ____ C\J_ 4 '. . . 160.41 ' S87'49'15"E 540.18' 6 117301 11,490 SF 169.09' 7 117241 13, 190 SF 120. 37-' ----~-: ----- [ VOLUME/PAGE 1 LUA-04-124-FP ______ ~ LND-l0-0450 _ _ 229.40' East quarter corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found "X" in 10· stone monument 0.6' W of 4" x 4" fence post @ top of ditch. Drainage easement (Private) --125.00' ,0" '). <:. ><v <) "\ «O'\'\~ 'C> 'N"?-- ><v # ~O~ • IC"l ~I .... ~I IC"l ~I z -~ I .... 12 " 2 30' ..f..J 30' m ro r-Q) ..c: +-> ~ ,~ m .... I~ C\J ,~ 0 , m 30' 42' .... C\J ~~ O~ ZE ::J 0 Q)CfJ '" ::J~ CV ~~ tOl Q)~ (T) '" >..c ~~ '" ..,..., Q)~ ~ .~ IZ '" o (T) (T) LO CV UJ . C'\J C'\J ~alculated position per 5tone Ridge (A.K.A. Windstone) Rec. No. 20051020000337, (t yp . ) NE 17TH ST -I LO '" CV NGPA DIMENSIONS: LINE CHORD BEARING ARC DELTA R.AJ)JUS BU N87 '49 ' 15" W 79.77' Bl2 511 '39 ' 43" E 61.58' Bl3 N05'22'41"W 20.37' BC1 N 19 '23 ' 33" W. 12.23' 28 '01' 41" 25.00' Bl4 N33 °24 ' 22~r:w ;-;'{'23t-42 ' Bl5 N11'21'~iw; ."' "t~5:~' . BL6 S33 °24 ' 1~~Jf . " f ~f2i i·1'j; ~ .' BC2 505 '56 'e~I"'W -3·~ .~... : .' _ r 54 °55 ' 54 " 25.00' Bl7 N21 °3!. ~i:" W 35.8'2"· ,r: . . -. BL8 584 '24~fjE~,-W; '2'025"' ~-...... ' ... ' ' ', .. BC3 555 '59"C4J~ 1"1-• : ,:\·~.79' 56°49'10" 25.00' BL9 527 635'f2-io:W '~~73' BC4 510'24'19"W "1~.99' 34'21'46" 25.00' B~ ~ (1 1\1013 6.113 ' 33" W 16.92' BU1 N89'30'59"W 19.30' BU2 NB4°49'38"W 60.43' BU3 N66'18'43"W 38.37' BC5 N83'59'43"W 21.60 ' 35'22'00" 35.00' BU4 578 '19' 16"W 30.94' BU5 N30 '45' 12" W 35.89' BC6 539'45'14"E 11.00 ' 18 600'05" 35,00' BU6 N48 ° 45' 17" W 50.93' BU7 N51 °17 ' 10" W 40.26' NGPA BU8 BU9 BL20 BC7 DIMENSIONS(CONTINUED): N42'32'20"W 36.01 ' N24°45'33"W 40.33' N27°00'03"W 40.82' S42°27'24"E 18.88' 30°54'42" 35.00' ~J ~ Southeast corner Sec. 3, Twp. 23N., Rng. 5E., W.M. Found monument, incased. ~ ~~? ~11 BL21 S57°54'45"E 11. 12' BL22 N42°00'52"W 15.35' LINE & CURVE DIMENSIONS: ' BL23 523°28'53"E 9.23' BC8 N66 °31 '07"E 109.96' 180'00'00" 35.00' LINE CHORD BEABING ARC DELTA RAJJ/US BL24 S23'28'54"E 14.94' L1 540 058'34"E 20.55' BC9 N32'44'53"W 11. 32' 18 '31' 58" 35.00' L2 540'58'33"E 12.63' BL25 N42°00'51"W 25.95' L3 513'46'38"W 25.10 ' BC10 N49'57'50"W 9.71 ' 15°53'54" 35.00' C1 N12°43'13"W 13.00' 29°47'58" 25.00' o 40 80 BL26 S57°54'44"E 6.33' BL27 N27°00'03"W 29.77' C2 518°20'42"E 16.19 ' 18 °33' 05" 50.00' C3 518°46'34"W 48.60' 55 '41' 23" 50.00' ~I ~iIIiiiIi.! -.... 1 9' ?8 .",'24 °LlS" 1'''~' 22.27' !::L' S5S'1S'48"W 20.41 ' 23°23'05" 50.00' Bl29 S72 650' 21 "E 15.25' BL30 S24°09'48"E 13.17 ' C5 NS9°56'26"W 35.00' 40'06'25" 50.00' C6 N49°50'02"W 35.00' 40°06'25" 50.00' SCALE: BC11 N25 656'50"W 21.41' 5'37'12" 218.32' BL31 N31 "20'25"W 30.36' SC12 S46°54'46"E 5.34' 8°44'50" 35.00' C7 NOS °09' 27" W 37.74' 43°14'43" 50.00' C8 N45 '16' 45"E 55.53' 63'37'42" 50.00' C9 N39 °38' 10"E 19.61 ' 74 °54' 51 " 15.00' 1" 40' BL32 N51°17'10"W 41. 39' L4 S65'47'39"W 10.77' BL33 N48 °45 ' 17" W 43.84' L5 502'10'45"W 12.34' BL34 S30'45'12"E 40.41 ' L6 524'12'21"E 22.76' BL35 S87°37'38"E 41. 79' CENT~ INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM P INTE SURVEY FOR: Surveylltg, 'ltc., PaS, KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE Bth St" Suite 100 33701 9th Avenue South -Federal Way, WA 98003 Be llevue, WA 98005 253-661-1901 main 253-661-7719 fax DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DATE: JOB NAME: Feb. 27, 2007 1459 SCALE: 1" = 40' JOB NO .. WS II SHEET 4 OF 4 EXPIRES 6' /zJ/2NJ'?