HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-144",eo""_,,,,, " .. """,y , 1 I ELLE RAIN PLACE lllA-02-047-FP THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SE 4. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON V' WI,{ LNO_ lL j~ • "~'" """' ,~ """"'"', • ~,,~ '" """" ,rn ~ • .-• "n,,,,, Ii'?,;'''''' • "e • ""'" . '"'' • "",,. "''' • ,,0 "''''''-(''---'''''''' ", "Oo, "'~= + "'""" """'" -,"',,,,. "''''' 0 "''''''''''''' '''''''~ I "' .. "'''.~ ~,.-,-~" ' \' "" "'",X", I SHEET J OF J «"-'"",q .~,-'-,-­-~--,,",- / / z, -> ", ." ,~ , :," '''~~§ ..... -;:i<.> (,)~ .~ 0::( " "'-~ ..J '" <t l§ a.."'-~ ~t-:;~~ ~S~~ ,,, ~ ~~ ~"a ..J '" '-1:: -J "'-·a iJJ:, ~ ~G "" h , , .' ~~t ~~g ". iii ~~;: ,~~ '" ~V " "~I ~ ~~ "I " " <.J ~~~ I:l ~~! c, .~~ -,.,~~ - ~~~U " " , ;~ ! ~-" . ,I , ,. , ., , " i .~ ::: ~~ ". I" ~~ .-~. , -, ~" ~ ~~ ~~ ." ~, '" c •• '''''! l? ~.: i· .-, " ... ~~ ~! IC.~ , I ~. ~,~ '. ~,; ~ ~ ~~ ,~~. .~" 'I" i .r~i hi ~i~ ~I ii .Ii I~ ii1i~~~!,k~ f' I Iill 'il :' I :, !I ;. 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't NOI1:J3S .10 ~/I JS JHl .JO t/I MN J/-il .10 ~/I MS J/-il .JO NOI1<iOd 3C>'rI7d NI'rI1::J 3773 Tom Touma Touma Engineers PARTIES OF RECORD ELLE RAIN FINAL PLAT LUA04-144, FP Jeff Reiker Patricia Wilson 6632 S 191st Place ste: #E-I02 Kent, WA 98032 Christelle Ridge, Inc. 1750 Monroe Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 12515 Chumstick Hwy Le<lvenworth, WA 98826 (owner) tel: 42.5-251-0665 (contact) tel: 206-300-5911 (owner I applicant) (page 1 or I) Rer"rn Address' City Cie,k's Offi~c CityofRcnton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 9W55 L IJ Illc. a Washillgton Corporation , ,1 on page __ . Gralltee(s): I. CIty of Renton. a Municipal CorporatIon 1 he C,"nwr, "' named ab""",, for, ,""I ill '-'JI"ldcratLou of mu'ual "",,<fil<. 11<r<l:>y gnITIls, oorgains, ,elis ,md dell"eJ' to the C ranto,', ., HlImoo ahoy<, <I.,' lolio","~ de"lOnhed por<o<l"II"UI'''''Y WATRR s'tSTE:M: SANITARY Sr.W~:R SYSTE:M, S-?ol(,'+ STORM IlRA1NAGE SYSTRM, .[)-3/CoC1c Lcn"lh ·1 L' ," , L F of u: of U', "I' each of c.ch of each <>1' I F. d J. F. " " " each of each of each of I..F 01 I. F 01 each 01 cach or __ ' __ c<ooh of "'" _fll __ DO ~ G.rc Vah'e, O"to Vaho, J-u~ if)'Jrunl A"emblie, SLf .. ' , , W"ler Main Wale' Ma," W""" )..1,,,,, ~e"e, ).,1,,,,, Se"er Mam Sewer Mam .. D;amcle']' M'j~\olc, Dlamc!er Manhole, .s'Z~ " " '" lAn %,,"'", , -''-- ~lorrL1 'vIalll SLorm Malll Siomllnkl/t)ull,t ~'or\l\ CaLeh lla>ln Manh"k STREET lMP](OV MENTS: (Including Lu,h, Hu1lOr. Sldew,lk. A>phalt P",,,menn c<rrb,Gutrer.S,dew.l!i:497 I"F. A,phallPal'emem 1359 ~Y(\r I. F or STREET U(;H1'lNG: # ofPob 2 'I, " ' " " " l' I , , , " " ; " """, 1 j" W!T~~said Gmnto[ has caused this instrument 10 oc executed trusQ day of~, 20ilS"' ~ IN/}fVl/}fIAL FORM OF ACKNOWLElJG,tlK~r NoW, seal muM be ",ann box STATE OF WASHIN(;TON J" COUNTY or KING ) ! ocrllr~ that T kno" (If h",'e ,"ti,[octor)' ovide.,.," thaI "gned this Ullltrumen! and acknowledged ,t tc be h,,,ihcrlthm frce and voluntar}"ct [(If ~\e u>"' ond pO'Po"", .,<n!tOlled in the m,lrwnonl Notary Public ,n and for the Stmc ofWashmgtou Notary (Pnnt) My allpo;ntmcnt exp'rcs: Dared: REPRESKVTA rWf. Hl/?,tI "f'ArKNOW/J:DGMENT N<ltary S""l must bo ",thin ]",x ~TA11~ OF WASIIINGTON ISS COTJN rv OF KlNG ) I CCr1l() thaI T know"[ have ,,([81""'01)' eVIdence thaI signed lhi, ill>lrwnc"Ill, on oath ""ted thaI hel'lile/lhey "",,,we're mthoru.o:ito execute the ;,,"nlrnenl "nd ackno"tcdgcd "a., tl,e ~ 0; to be 'he lree and yolWlLar)' act of such partvll'lIrtie, for the u,e. "nd purpose.. ",e"t;""e4 in tho lrnlrurnonl Notary Pubhc in and for the State ofWashlllgton Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORpt)I<1TF. FORMOFAC'KNOIUEIWME~T NO'"T) Seal mutt he "'Ihill bo, STATE or WA~HjNmUN ;" COUNTY OF KING Pt.) h (~l thi" 11 <hi) of ... ..-c > 200 S'", hefore me rcrsonatiy appearoo ~ JeffH.'1~ i.t!< er to Ole Imo"'" 10 MOUNIR " frt~lf:l r.1 of the corporatIOn thot H. TOUMA e,c<uted the W,UIUI inMrumCllt, and acknowledge ~\e Mid il"trument to be the free STATE OF WASHINGTON and volunw, acl and <ked of ,,,,,d oorporalion, for the ,,.., and P"rpo''''' thermn NOTARY -••• PUBLIC men1lOned, and each on oa ted thot hol,he "as authonzed to """,ute >"rd illStrun}""i and that tho """ r , the oorporate seal of <aid ""'Pm"'''''' III CO~~liSI~N EiI1';I!ES 3.09-~1 (J Notal) Puli",-in and for the s'0~n Notary (Pnnt) //bUd/I'" ~ • e..... MyapPoi~~~,[es: __ Ma'2 Dated: g, ~;Z ,- • • Printed: 04-07-2005 CITY OF RE~TON 1055 S, Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-144 Payment Made: 04/071200502:55 PM Receipt Number: TOlal Payment: 13,892.08 Payee: CHRISTELLE INC Currant Payment Made to the Following Ilems: Trans Account Code DescripCion 3021 303.000.00.345.85 park Mitigation Fee 5045 304_000.00.345_85 ~ire Mirigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for thIs receipt Trans Method Description Amount Paymen~ FINANCE 13,an.08 Account Balances Amount 4,246.08 ),904.00 5,742.00 Trans Arcoune Code Descrip~ion Balance Due ------------------------ 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81_00. 0002 5007 000.345.B1.00. 0003 5008 000.345.81.00. 0004 5009 000.345.81.00. 0006 5010 OOO.345.Bl.OO.OOD7 5011 000.345. n. 00.0008 5012 000.345. 0' 00. 0009 5013 000.345. n. 00 ,0010 5014 000 .345. 0' 00 .0011 5015 000 .345. 0' 00 ,0012 5016 000. '" .n 00 .0013 5017 000. 345. 0' 00 ,0014 5018 000 .345,81 00 ,0015 5019 000. 345.81 00 .0016 5020 000 .345.61.00 .0017 5021 000. '" n 00 .0018 5022 000 .345. 0' 00 .0019 5024 000 .345 n 00 .0024 5036 000 .345 n 00 .0005 5045 304. 000 00 ,345.85 5050 '"' ,GOO 00 .344.85 5909 000.341 ;0 .OO.OO2~ 5941 000 .341.50.00.0000 5~5~ ""' .237.00 00 .0000 5955 000 .Q5.519 "" .42.1 5998 000 .231.70 00 .0000 park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Sice/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Teneative Plat Final Plat '00 Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjugcm@n~ Mobile Home parka Rezone Routine vege~ation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan ~pproval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees condi~ional Approval Fee Comprehenoive Plan Amend Fire Mitigation-SFR Traffic Mitigation Fee Eooklecs/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Pos~age ,- .00 .00 CO .00 CO .00 .00 CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 • CO .00 00 00 00 .00 CO .00 • CO • CO .00 • CO CO 00 R0501833 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLlJTIONNO. 3741 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON. APPROVING FINAL PLAT (ELLE RAIN; FILE NO. LUA-04-I44FP). WHEREAS, a petition for thI: approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as haeinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the P1anrllngIBuildinglPublic Works Department has oonsidered and reoommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City COlIDCil has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes. parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS. the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLWWS: SECTION I. SECTIOND. The above findings are true and corred in all respects. The final plat approved. by the PlanningIBuilding/Public Works Department pertaining to tbe following described real estate, to wit: See Exbibit "A ~ attached hereto and made a part hereof as iffully set forth 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3741 (The property, consistin!lt, of approximately 1.78 acres. is located in the vicinity of the 3400 block orNE 17 Street) is hereby approved as such plat. subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the fmdings. conclusions, and recommendation of the PlanningfBuiJdingli'ubJic Works Department dated January 31, 2005. PASSED BY THE CITYCDUNCIL this 14th dayof ___ MC.O'c'ch,--_~, 2OOS. Bonnie L Wahon, City Clcrk APPROVEDBYlliEMAYORthis 14th dayof ___ "',,"r"'"h~ __ ~,200S. -I(~~-~ Kathy !kcr-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to fonn: Lo~~~~ RES.I 094:2/8/05:ma 2 • • Resolution No. 3741 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Parcel A: Lot A ofCily of Relit on Lot Line AdjustmentNo. LUA-03-032LLA, recorded under Recording No. 20030707900006, records of King County, Washington. Parcel B: Lo! II of City ofRenlon Lor Line Adjustment No. LUA-OH132LLA, recorded llrlder Recording No. 20030707900006, records of King County, Washington. Order Number: 362941 " '" '< i!i ReSOlution No. 3741 ~ VICINITY MAP • • , I , _.solution No. 3741 ELLE RAIN PLACE PORTION OF me sw 1/4 OF THE Nil' 1/4 OF rHo S£ 1/4 $Eel/ON 4. TOtmSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EASr, WM CIrY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON TL 35 • ,., .,. T ,= • "" ... _,,,-• ..,."" ... _ ... -• .-• #.-• a:';:J,; _. "'" , "' .... _-, -_.- n .. _-,...-"'" _.-+ ---_n- O --st!I!IFY IWIFS: ---~-- March 14, 2005 FI'-lJ4-144 Ordinance #5129 Development Services: Abandoned & Junk Vehicles, City Code Amend NE\" BUSINESS Council' Retreat (3/28 & 3129120051 Streets: Closure Ordinance Community Event: Police Officers Guild Dinner ADJOURNMENT Recorder: Michele Neumann March 14, 2005 Remon City Council Mlnut., A resolution was read approving the Bile Rain hnall'lat conSisting of approximately 1.78 acres located in the vicinity of the J400 block of I\E 17th SI. (FP-04-1441· ~IOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED flY PAJ.MER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLurlON AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented [or second and final reading and adoption: An ordinance was read amending Chapter 6-1, Abandoned Vehicles, of Tille VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by outlawing junk vehicles on p*'atc real property, revising abatement procedures, adding definitions, declaring certain violations a misdemeanor, establishing a procedure for handling the ahandonment of vehicle., or junk vehicles from public properly, providing a st,tement of legislative pUfJlose. and declaring an emergency, MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCil. ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL A YES. CARRIED, Council President Briere announced that Council will hold a retreat from 8:()(j a,m.!O 9:00 p,m. on March 28th, and from g:IXl a,m. to 3:IXJ p,m. on March 29th. at Renton Technical College. Room Ill-C of the Technology Re.'ource Center, 3000 NE 4th St. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNClL REFER THE STREET CLOSURE ORDINANCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMmEE. CARRIED. COlLncilman Cmman stated that he altended th~ Police Officers' Guild Annual Dinner and Silent Auction on March 12th, and the auction raised over $1,000 for the Dom~stic Violence Victim Advocacy program. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOTTRN CARRIED. Time: 8:22 p,m. ~ oJ. tJaff;,-,v Bonnie L Walton, CMC, City Clerk Morch 14,2005 Plat Enc Rain, /'.'E 17th St, FP-04-144.. EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue Allocation to Renton Visitors Conncction, Chamber of Corrunercc Contract Planning: Highlands Sub-Area Plan Municipal Court: Collection Services, AllianceOne Receivables Management Vacalion; Alley, BumeU Ave S & S 2nd SI. McLendon Hardware, V AC·04·Q04 Transportation: SR·169 Corridor Improvements, Supporting Legislalivc Funding CORRESPOI\'DENCE Citizen C-ommen!: Kos{erliIZ- Amberwood Phase II Preliminary Plat Appeal. Steve Beck,PP-04-117 Renton Cny Council Minu{es Page ~j DeveloplOOnl Services Division recommended approval of the Elle Rain Final Pb{: ten single-family lots on 1.78 acres located in the 3400 block area of NE 17th SI. (FP-04-144). Council concur. (See page 85 for resolution.) Economic Development, Neighborhood, and Slralcgic Planning Departmenl recommended approval of the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Commitlee recommendation to alloc"te .\.116.000 of hOlelfmold lax collections to the Renton Visitors Connecti(}n f(}r its 2005 tourism markeling efforts. Approval was also songht to execute a contraci with Ihe Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce for management of lhe campaign. Refer 10 finance Committee. Economic Developmem, Neighborhoods and Stralegic Planning Deparllnent rcc(}ffiIIlcndcd approval to develop Ihe llighlands Sub-Area Plan 10 stimuiale investment and redevel(}pment in (he Highlands are", Refer lu Plannin~ and Develupmenl Commiu",-, and Planning Commi_<sion. Municipal Court recommended approval of an agreement in Ihe appro~;ma{e revenue amount of $1 HQ,()(X) annually with AllianceOne Rc~eivablcs Management. Inc. for colleclion sen·ices. Refer t(} Finance C(}mmiIICl·. Technical Services Division reported rccelpl of appraisal performed for the McLendon Hardware alley vacation (V AC-04-004) for portions (}flhe alley localed easl ofBumelt Ave. S. and norlh of S 2nd St., and requesled Council accept the appraisal. set compensation at $25,SOO, and accept {he righl-of-way dedicalion aero" the putitioner's prop~"{y in lieu of a pan of Ihe compensmi(}n. Refer 10 Planning and Develnpment C(}mminee. Transportalion Syslems Division recorrunended approval of a resolution in support of legislative funding from Ihe 2005 Washington Slate LegislalUre for certain road improvement projects on SR-169 to significantly increase th~ level of service. Refer to TranSlJ<)rtalion (A vialion) Commillee. MOVED BY BRIERE. SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. A leller was summarized from Amy L Kosterlilz. Buck & Gordon lLP. 2025 1st Ave .. Suite 500, Scatlle, 98121, regarding the Amherwood Phase II Preliminary PM appeal (referred!(} Planning and Development Commiltee on 2/14/2005) Ihal was received after Ihe submission deadline and concerns new evidence. A memorandum was also read from Larry Warren, City Altorney. recommending referral of Ihe letter 10 Planning and Development Commillce, His memo 'laled thai if the Comminee decides 10 reject any oflhe infomll!tiorl, it can do so by ruling at {he Committee meeting. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BYLAW. COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND TmVE!.OPME:--:T COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Added An e-mail was read fwm Sandel DeMaslus. 1137 Harrington A,·e. NE, Rent(}n, Cilizen Commenl: DcMastus _ 98056, describing various pwblcms at Sunset Court Park localed at I I 50 Sunset Court I'ark Problems Harrington Ave. NE. Ms. DeMaSI"S relayed lhc adjacenl neighbors' desires for closure oflbe park al night and enforccrnenl of the park rules_ MOVED BY PERSSON. SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler assured thai Ihe Admlnlstration i, already working (}n lhe malter. . . _ A J _ OF RENTON COUNCil GEND , .' III .. , '1 ' I AU, . tl , I Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: March 14, 2005 DepllDivlBoard. , Development Services Division Staff Comact ..... Mike Dotson X7304 Agenda Status Consent, ..... , . ... .X Subject: Puhlic Hearing., Elle Rain Final Plat Correspondence .. File Number: LUA 04-144 FP (Preliminary Plat LUA Ordinance ........ .... 02-047) Resolution .... ,.,.,., .X Old Business .. , ..... Exhibits: New Business .. .... J. Resolution and legal description Study Sessions .. 2 Staff report and Recommendation Information .. . Recommended Action: Approvals: Council Concur Legal Dept. ........ X Finance Depl., .... Other ..... . .... . .. Fiscal Impact: NfA Expenditure Required ... Transfer! Amendment.., .... Amount Budgeted .. ,. Revenue Generated ......... Total Pro·eet Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY 01<' ACTION: The recommendation for approval of the referenced final plat is submil!ed for Council action. This final plat subdivides 1.78 acres inlO 10 single-family residential lots with sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street lighting, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street improvements. Design and construction of utilities, lighting and pavement will be approved, accepted or deferred (and a security device posted) as required through the Board of Public Works prior to recording the plat. All conditions placed on the preliminary plat by the City of Renton will be met prior 10 recording the pial. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Elle Rain Final Plat, LUA 04-l441'P, with the following conditions and adopt the resolution. L All plat fees shall be paid prior to recording the plat. 1. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred 10 the satisfaction of City staff prior to recording the plat. CIIT OF RENTON, WASlflNGTON RESOLUTION NO. __ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIDNGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (ELLE RAIN; FILE NO. LUA-04-I44FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat fur the sulxlivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly apPrOved by the PIanning!BuildinglPublic Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildingfPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and gcnernl welfare IlIld for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safi: walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platling of tile subdivisioll and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. 100 above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONn. 100 fmal plat approved by the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following dest.-"1ibed real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made It part hereof as if fully set forth I RESOLUTION NO. __ _ (The property. consisting of approximately 1.78 acres, is located in the vicinity of the 3400 block ofNE 17'" Street) is hereby approved as such pl!lt, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and reoommendation ofthc PlanningiBuildingIPublic Works Department dated January 31, 2005. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ___ day of _______ , 2005. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY 11IE MAYOR this ___ day of _______ ~. 2005. Kathy Kooiker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES. I 094:2IfI!05:ma 2 EXHIBIT "A" legal Description Parcel A; lot A "fCity "fRcntMlot line Adjustment No. LUA-03-0J2LLA, recorded under Recording-No. 20030707900006, records of King County, Washington. Parcel B; Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-03-032LLA. recorded under Recording No. 20030707900006, records of King County, Washington. Order N"mber: 36194.1 '" .. '< i'j N£ 17TH PL ~ VICINITY MAP DEVEl.orMENT SERVICES DIVISION BULIDINGfPLANNINGfPUBLIC WORKS CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: JeffRiekerfPatricia L. Wilson Elk Rain Final PIal (Preliminary Plat LUA 02_047) FikLUA04-144FP 3316 and 3420 NE 17" Street. Section 4. Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. Final Plat for 10 single family residential lots with sewer, storm, streds, and hghting Approved With Coudition, Findings. Conclusions and Recommendation., Having reVIewed the record do<;uments in this matter, staff now mIlkes and enters the followmg: FINDINGS: I. The Applicant, Jeff Rieker and Patrieia Wilson, filed a request for opproval of a \0 lot Final Plot. 2. The yellow file containing all the staff reports, State Emironmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No. I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible offiCial, issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS-M). 4. All departments, with an interest in the matter, reviewed the subject proposal. 5. The subject site is located at 3316 and 3420 NE 17"' Place. The site is directly north and straddles Monroe Avenue NE if it were extended. 6. The subject site i .. approximately 1.78 Acres. 7. The Preliminary Plat received City of Renton Council approval on Apn129, 2003. 8. The property is located in the R_B zone (residential ~ 8 dwelling units/acre). 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The preliminary plat was subject to a number of conditions as a result of both the environmental review and plat re,;ew. The applicant has complied with the followmg conditions irnpo=l by the ERe: 1, The applicanl "hall be required 10 limit sile eonslroelion aClivities (clearing, gr-ading. road and uli/ity inslallation) during n'laliwly dry months (Aprillhrough Octaber}./fpa .. ible. site clearing and grading .,hould he performed in stages. with .<ucce.,.,ive stages nOI being cleared unli/ erosion control me,:')}ure,' "f Ihe previOUS .IIage are m plare, • The applicant Adhered to construction Activities during the dry months of April through October. 2. The applicanl shall install a sillfence along Ihe dawn slope perimeter of the area that is 10 be dislurbed. The >'iltfence shall be in place before clearing a~d gradmg is initialed, ond shall be eonslrocted in conformanee wilh the specifiealions pre,lented in Ihe King County Surface Water DesiK" Manual. This will be required during the constroclian of both aifsile and an- sile improvements as well as building constroctian. • Silt fence was installed along the down slope perimeter before clearing and grading of the .ite. 3. Shallaw drainage swales shall be canstrocted ta inlercept sulface water jlaw and route the jlow away from Ike eorulroclion area 10 a srabilized diseharge point, Vegelation growlh sholl be eslablished in the ditch by seedmg ar placing sad. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary 10 line Ihe dilek wilh rock 10 proteel Ihe dileh from erosion and 10 reduce flow rales, The design and corutruclion of drainage swales shall confonn to the specifications presented in the KCSWDM. Temporary pipe sys/etnS ean a/so be used 10 convey slOrmwaier across the site. This will be required during the canslroction of both oifslte and on-sile improvements as well as bui/ding <VrI.!lroclion. • The applitant adhered to tonstrudion of shallow drainage swale to intercept surface drainage. These features Included in the temp.lrary eruslon control plan prepared exdnlinly for the site. 4. The prajeci cantractor skall peiform daily review and maintenance of ail erasion and sedimentalion eOn/ral measures 111 Ihe sile during Ihe conslruelion of both oifaile and on- sile improvements as well as building canstruction. • The contractor adhered to dally review Rnd maintenance of temporary erosion ~ontrol facilities. 5. Weekly reports an tke SIaIU.' and eondilion of the erosion cantral plan wilk any recammendations of change or revisian to maintenance schedules or inslallation shall be submilled by the projeel Engineer afre,wd 10 Ihe poblrc works inspector. Cerlificalian of Ihe inslallation. maintenance and praper remoml of the ero.;ian conlral facilities shall be required prior 10 reeording of the pial. • Weekly reports were provided to the City Inspector AS required. 6. The applrcanl shall be reqUIred ta design the projed accarding ta Ihe 1998 King Counly Surface Waler DesIgn Manual Level2 Flaw Can/ral, • The storm drainAge was designed in accordance with the 1998 KC Surface Water Design Manual, Level 2. 7. The applicant shall pay Ihe appropriate Fire Miligation Fee based an a rale of$488 00 per new smgle family lat wllh credit given for IWO exisling residellces. The fee shall be paid prior 10 the recording of Ow final plat, o The applicant i. arranging for payment of the Fire Mitigation Fees. 8. The applicanl shall pay the appropriate Traffic M"'golion Fe~ bal'ed on $75.00 per each new average daily trip wuh the pruFct wilh credit given for {WO exi,'ting residences. Thefee shall be paid prio' to Ihe recording of Ihe linal plat • Tbe applicant i. arranging for payment of the Traffic Mitigatioh Fees. 9. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Miligalion Fee ba,'ed on $53U.76 per new single family fat with cred,t given for two existing residences, The fee sholl be poid prio, to the recording of Ihe final pial. • The applicant Is arranging for payment oflbe Parks Mitigation Fces. Jfeoring Exominer Conditions }, A homeowner'" association or maintenance agreement shall be created COncu"ently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities far all ,.hared imprwements. A draft of the document«j, if nece.<sary, .,hall be submilled to the City of Renton lkvelopment Services Division for ,"-view and approval by the City Allorney and Properly Serv,ces section prior to recording of Ihe final pial. o The applicant has cbosen the maintcnance agreement instead of a bomoowner', association. A note is placed on the face of the plat to cover this item. 2. New LO/ 3 sholl Ix required 10 utilize the 20 foot access/utility easementloc'aled On said lot fo~ vehicula~ access to andfrom Monroe C/, NE. TIt;., condilion shall be noted on the face of Ihe final plat. o A note added to the final plat witb re~pect to the easement across I.ot 3 for the benefit of Lot 4. 3, The drainage easement located on Lot 7 shall be requi~ed to provide v~hicular access In I-IJi 7 and Tract A. This condWon shall be noted on thefau ofthefinal pial. o A note added to tbe final plat with respect to the easement across Lot 7 for vebicular traffic. 4. The applicant shall be required to inslall a .• pUr·railfence or other approved barrier along the enti'e edge of the landscape easement (Recordmg # 9108269012) located on Tract A and Lot 7 to denote the designated area prior 10 recording of the final plat. • There is no longer a landscape easement 00 tbe Title Report. tbn. a .plit rail fence is not required. 5. The applicunt shall comply with the conditions imp(m:i/ hy the ERe. o The applicant complied wltb the conditions imposed by the ERe (see above). 6. Monroe Court NE shall be moved east to providefo~ a proper curb return and setbadfor the existing lot 1 of the Honey Creek Pork development, Such alignment shall be done with stoff approval. The applicant may consult with stoff and determine the best use of the entrance property and whether a "gateway" en/ranee might besl.,erve Ihe purpose of the plat or whether land should be incorporated in/a Proposed Lot 9. o Mouoe COlirt NE wa., de5igoed to comply with this condition. This Finai Pial senernlly appears to salisfy the conditIOns imposed by the prdmlinary plat process and therefore should be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: The City Councii shouid approve the Final Pial with the followins condaions: I. Ail Piat improvements shaH be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2. All fees shaH be paid prior to the recording of the plat. SUBMITTED THIS 31" DAY OF JANUARY, 2005 NE 17TH PL " '" i VICINITY MAP! • ... , .. '" , • , •• n ,_. ~ ~ TL 3" • .. ' ••• ---, I..,..., ZW; '1: "'{ """ "c£. ,." THE SE 1/4 5 EAST. II'M. , • +----...... ""-0-- SHEET.3 OF ,~, .... ", . '/,."", 1""""" / =--1 'I< ~ '(''''.'' CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING I PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: February 3, 2005 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Plea5e complete the following Information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City CI k' Offi " , Ice. Project Name: Elle Rain Final Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-144, FP Cross-References: LUA02-047 -Elle Rain PP; LUA03-032 Elle Rain LLA AKA's: Project Manager: Mike Dotson Acceptance Date: November 9,2004 Applicant; Jeff Rieker (Christel Ie Ridge, Inc.) & Patricia Wilson Owner: Jeff Rieker (Christel Ie Ridge, Inc.) & Patricia W,150n Contact: Tom Touma (Touma Engineers) PIO Number: ;J'f¥95oo0(i') 3~ 19"-9919'; 04230590)7 ERe Decision Date: ERe Appeal Dilte: Administriiltive Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Descrlptlon: Subdivision of 1.46 ~cres Into 10 single-family I"ts, The plat improvements includes Installation of water main, 5~nitary 5ewer, storm drainage, curb gutter, sidewalks, street paving, and street lights, Location: 3316 & 3420 NE 17" Street Comments: I fP pp LC14 _o~ -I~ y <.-v<k -0 Z -0'17 OEVElOPME'ff P CITY ()F RENT~%NING NOV 05200; Rf:CEIVED CONFIRMATION 01' COMPliANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL '0. ELLE RAINE PLAT 1. Compliance wilh conditions Imposed by !he ERe 1. 11Ie applicant adhered 10 tonSUllc(ion actIVities dunng the dry months of April through Octobfr. 2. Silt fence ;llSta11cd along the down slope perimeter before clearing and grading of the ,ite. 3. The "Who.ol adhered to cOIl,truction of 'halie" drainage <wale 10 inl~rc.pl surrace drainage, The," features included in the lemporaty trO",On ""nlrot pbm prepared exdusiv<ly for the ,ile. 4, The conlmeior adhered [0 daily revic,," and mainlena"", of temporal)' erosion oonlrol f.cihlici.1 5 Weekly report provided I<l the City Insp«:lor as required. 6 TI,,, storm drainage designed in accordance will, ~,e 1998 KC Surface Water Design Manual, Lc\c12 7 TIle applicant is =ging for payment orFire Miligation Fees. 8. The 'pplicant is ammging for paymcnt ofTmmc Mitigation I'ees. 9. ·1 he applie<Int is ammging for payment of Parks Miligalion rccs. Complianco wilh conditions imposed by the Office of the Hearing Examiner I. The applicant chosen the mainlCI\;\IICC agreement inste.1d of homeowne,·s association A note is placed on the face of tile plat 10 cover this item 2. A nole added 10 ~'C final pial wilh respect to the easement across Lot 3 for the benefit of Lot 4 3. A nole added to the final plat with respect 10 the easementacross Lot 7 for vehicular traffic. 4. The laml.cap;Ilg casemenl removed from the TiUe Report Ihu. a .plit rail fe'"", is not required. 5. TI,e applicant complied with il,e conditions imJ>D"l'd by Ibe ERe (Refer to above I>I)t .. ). ~. Monroe ("olin NE. deslgned to comply with tllis condition. CIT'! )FRENTON PlanningIBuildinglPub1icWorks Department Gree Zimmerman P.E~ Admiai.tnotor November 25, 2003 -Duana l. Kolouskova lohns Monroe Mitsunaga 1500114~AveSE Suitel02 Bellevue, W A 98004 SUBJECT, ELLE RAIN PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST FOR MODIFlCATION 2 -Dear Ms. Kolouslova: The City of R<:nlou has received an additional street modification request associated with the proposed 11-1ot single-family residential plat located generally at the intersection of Monroe Avenue NE and NE 17"' Place. This is an lufill development in an existing neighborhood with one access from Sunset Boulevard NE and an emergency access from tbe-west. The propooed modification requests to allow a portion of the proposed new road cross section be reduced. to sidewalk construction on !he east side of Ihe first SO-feet of the entmnce, with curb and gutter only being constructed on !he west side to provide drainage and safety amenities. - The Street Modification -request is bereby apprr;ved subject to one condition. City Code 4-6.{}5Q (Street Sta"ndards) requires full street improvements for all adjacent rights--of-· way for. within and dedicated by a plat. There are also certain standards for width of dedication for proposed :streel.'l to be added to the city grid.· One of these is the 35-fOO{ half-street improvement to provide 28 feet of pavement .with parking only on the development ,ide. 5·foot sidewalk and cnrb, and streetlights. TIlls allows full use of the street in nonnal manntr until such time as the remaining right--of-way is dedicated and imp·roved by future dev~Iopment. The City can modify street improvements for uew plats if there are practical diffic~ltie:s In carryiqg OUt the provisions of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The Modification Procedures as" defiued in SectiOD 4-9-250D clearly state.s the criteria· roi: approval by the Depanment Administrator. In order for a modification t~· be approved, the Depanment Administrator must ''find thaI a special individual reason makes the striCt letter of this Ordinance impractical, that the· modification is in conformity with the iDtent and purpose of this Ordin."oce; and that such modification: (a) Will moot the objectives-and sareiY,-function, appearance, environmental protection and·· -._---.. maintainability intended by this Ordinance, based upon sound engineering judgment; and (b) Will not be injurious (0 other propeny(s) in the vicinity; and (0) ConfonD to the intent and purpose of the Code; and (d) Can be ShOWD to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and (e) Will nOi create adverse impacts to other propenies in the vicinity."" lOSS South Grady Way -Reoton, Washington 98055 * "" _"""'"'" 50% _""'~,~I. 30"_~~, AHBAD OF THO ~U.v5 Meets obj""t[;~~ and. ~atery;-fuilCtiOO: Due to the physical width of the parcel_ at thj~ location, and the constraints of existing houses in the neaT vicinity, staff supports the modification request. The intent of public and emergency access and pedestrian amenities is met with the proposal as there is no reduction in the pavement width, travel lanes, or sidewalks. The proposed rood cross· seclion meets the minimum standards for the typical half street improvement providing two lanes of traffic, parking on one sides, and sidewalk on the development side of the right of way. Not injurjou§ or adversely imoocl adiacen] propenies: Adjacent propenie~ are not injured nOr adversely impacted as all dedicatioru; are from the proposed plat Conform§ to the intent of the code: The intent of providing for the city street network is met with the dedication of 34-[eet of right-of-way for this pertioD r;l Monroe CoM Nli \. '-, , This decision 10 appeal po;rioo from the filed with (he C"y ",.,,""" Appeals must be filed in Examiner, City of Renton, Appeals to the Examiner Additional information " Th' this parcel is R_8, Single that ~till necessary for full reel of Ihe west side l~r~1~~;:~i~~~i;~'~o:uneen-(14) day (; decision mllst be Ii"""," ,'"wi,", Hearing from the Renton City If you have any questions, please contact Ameta Henninger at (425) 430-7298. Sincerely, 3~-\(v(~ Kayren Kittrick Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & PermitS <'" Lltlol U" Pil. Noi!W .... l=yRudo Am'" IloDD;np CITY )F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zlm .... rma .. P.F..,Administraklr September 29, 2004 Attn: Keith Menges 1750 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT, OFF-SITE DEFERRAL ELLE RAIN SHORT PLAT,LUA 01-047 3316 NE 17111 PLACE RENTON, WA Dear Mr. Menges: The Board of Public works met on September~9, 200410 review your application fur a twel've month deferral of streetlights, ;;treet poles, fixtull's and the final lift of asphalt: A decision was ,made to grant the dcfemrl for a year or' until September 29, 2005, subject to the following conditions: L Appropnate drainage measures be installed to handle interim flows at catch basins. 2. Security device acceptable to the Board be in place to cover the deferred items at 150% of the costs ofthe defmed impro~ernents, which is $20,667.00. J. No oecupancy for the hOliSM be grilIltecl until ,tr""tlights are installed and operational. -- Please find the enclosed security device, complete and return to the City in the provided en~elopc. As pcr Ordinance 4521, Section 4-34-14, you have fifteen (IS) days from today's date to appeal the Board's decision. Appeals are to be filed in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing feeofS15,OO. You may caJlluiiana Fries, Board Coordinator, at(425) 430-7278 if you have any questions or need additional infonnation. Sincerely, Crystal McMeans Recording Secretary <0. N,il W"",. a.,i"",,,, Juti .. , Fries, Coot<li""'" Gregg Zi",,,,,,,,,,,,. MlIPW A~mi"i""to, BOO<dm,mbe" Mike Dot>vo. "'an !l<v"w Nom .. Kuloo. Fi" .. ", _____ '_"_'_','~".,:"fi,:,C""ili"'G~"";;;;;"W".C,:-""'; •• c,;;;"'''' •• "',,,;'''';;;;;,0,,, •• ".'»,------~ @""' __ 50%_"-"'."""_~"~ Printed: 02.(J4·2005 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U030914 0412612004 12:01 PM Receipt Number: Total P~enl' 25,473.98 Payee: CHRISTELLE tNC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code DescripCion Amount ...... .................. .............................. . ............... 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 1,208.00 4033 401.343.~0.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 1,182.60 4040 421.38B.IO.00.0020 Spec util Connect Sewer 6,080.00 4042 401.343.90.00.0002 Sewer InBpection Approvl 811.6"4 4045 421.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 2,000.00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right·o£·way Constructn 60.00 4056 421.388.10.00.0010 spec util Connect Water 8.840.00 4057 401.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl 361. 74 4059 401.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation no 00 4069 421.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect StOIl1lW 4.200.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check n5503 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance """ ...... .... .... .... ...... . •............................ ............... 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public works Inspection .00 4033 401.343.90.00.0003 Storrnwater Insp Approval .00 4040 421.388.10.00,0020 Spec Util COnnect Sewer .00 4042 401.343.~0.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 00 4041 401.322.10.00.0015 Sewer t>ermit .00 4045 421.388.10.00.0031 Spec Aasmt Dist, Sewer .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right'of,way Con.tructn .00 4056 421.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water 00 4057 401.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 401.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 401.322.10.00.0020 StOIl1l Water PeIl1lits .00 i069 421.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 5025 000.322.10.00.0017 StrEet Lighting 'o. .00 Remaining Balance DUE: $0.00 R0402117 PROPERTY S''<''VICES ~'EE REVIEW FOR SUBDIvr 'NS No. 2002 -080 RFLEIVED FROM ____ "''''_ (dito) SHORT PUT, IIINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW IIJ'J'LACES pm,'s SQUARE FOOTAGE FRONT FOOTAGE VICINITY MAP O~, PRELIMINARY FElt REVIEW DATltD ~i~~~~;; X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.I(s) are ~ulredwhen assigned b! Kin!: County. I< is tho "'"'I' oflh~ development fee .".I)'>~ to "" th< dovel<Jpe<iowm-on noIke, that the f,,, quoOed 1><10," mayO< .~iC3bI' '" ,"0 ,,,,,,oct ,i .. upon ""velol"'"'''' ofllle propmy, All qoooed foe> ",e _tal cba,jlC> <hat may b< duo ml pay.No .. tile 11m<: the """""",Io!t penni. ~ issued ." i",,,11 tile on-,i'" .00 off .. i .. l~"'=nt> (u, u~ "'ilities, SIr"", Imf7l<'\'="'" <"',j Tri!l!,riog IDemlr';, ... for tho SOC fee, will be b3se.l 00 cur"", c,ty orWnarus ml "''''nnioe.l by 1hi: .ppli<>bJ< (IIilil)' S<aioo. PI""" """ Ihat Ihese """ .n sub}o<r."' ""'118" w;dx:>,o' ""'ie<. final fees will 0< _ "" ...... !ll ,ff<,;, " ""'" of Bmli!Jog p.,rmi~C""""",ioo "-i' appli"~oo_ The uisting bouse OIl SP Loc , ___ , addressed as bas not previO<i>ly paid ,,,,,,,,,.SDC fees, due to """...m0l1 to ClIf ullllti .. prior to existaD« of SDC r .. Oed. SP LotI .. Ill be ;"bjed to fut"", SOC fees if trigge<iD;E _ism< "" _ ... within <UIT..,t Cily Ordinances. We uOOcr ... nd tbat ,hi, subdivision is in the p.-eluninary ... ge and that .... will bave ,i>c opportunity '" ,.view i' again befufe recorda'ion, . , SPEClAL ASSESSMENT ASSf;SSMENT 'If S"!,jed ","opertJ i. »ilhin an LlIl, it i< <1.,-,,101'<"" "",,,,,,,,ibml)' 10 clI«k "ith d .. ~lnan"" o.p1. fot p.idl"n.paid ,Wu,. Square foot"ge figu.-<'S ar< lohn from the ((jug County "'-=r's ""'P and au "'bj""t 10 <hang •. Curren' CilJ SHC ree <horg .. al'ply '0 _________________ _ t:FJ.W:-rI\'E January 4, Zool i ! I CITY 0,,' RENTON Planning/BuiJdingIPubJicWorks Department Gnu Zlm"'~"".11 P.E., Admini.trator September 4, 2003 Duana T. Kolouskova Johns Monroe Mitsunaga , 1500 114" Ave SE, Suite 102 BeHevue, W A 98004 SUBJECf: ELLE RAIN PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION STREET WIDTH REDUCfION Dear Duana Kolouskova, We have reviewed the proposed street mcdification request associated with the proposed ll-lot single- family residential plat loca!ed generally at the mte=tion of Monroe Avenue NE and NE 17'" Place. This is an infiU development in an existing neighborhood with one RCcesS from Sunset Boulevard NE and an emergency acoor;s from the We.\I. The existing streets have narrow pavement widths with nO pedestrian improvements. The proposed modification requests to allow a portion of the proposed neW road widlh be reduced \0 34 feet with sidewalk easement on both sides. The Street Modification request is hereby approved subject to conditions listed below: CilY Co;ie 4-6-{)50 (Street Standards) requires full street improvements for all adjacent rights-of-way for, within, and dedicated by a plat. There are also certain standards for width of dedication for proposed streets to be added to the City grid. One of these is the 35-foot half-street improvement to provide 28 feet of pavement with parking only on the development side, 5-foot sidewalk and corb, and streetlights. This allows full use of the street in norm3I manner until such time as the remaining right-of-way is dedicated and improved by future development. The City can modify street improvemenls for new plats if there are practical difficnlties in carrying Ollt the provisions of the Street improvement Ordillance. The Modification Procedures, as defmed in Section 4-9-250D. clearly slales the criteria for approval by the Department Administrator. In order for a modification to be approved, the Department Administrator must, "find that a special individual reaSOn makes the strict letter of this Ordinance impractical, that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance, and that slIch modification: (a) Will meet the objectives and safety, function. appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by this Ordinance, based upon sound engineeringjndgment; and (b) Will not be injorious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and (e) Confemn to the intent and purpose of the Code; and (d) Can he shown to be justified and required for the nse and situation intended; and (e) Will nOI create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity." ------7,,~''',c,c,c"~''cG~m:::;'':;;;WC':'-~;R:'":':'":.:WC,C,:;;:,:"C,:,:,O,O.,O,;-------It EN T ~ ~ " ..... __ C~~"_,"'" _ ....... ;,...0"'" ""'" ~,~~~ '~'.AO O. ~HF. CURVE vJ Duana T. "olo",kova September 3. 2003 rage2 Meets objectives and safelv. function: Due to the physical width of the parcel at this location, and the constraints of existing houses in the near vicinity, staff supports the modification reque.st. The intent of public and emergency access and pedestrian amenities is mel with the proposal, as there is no reduction in the pavement width, travel lanes, or sidewalks. The proposed road cross·~tion moot. minimum standards for the typical 42-foot wide street improvement providing two lanes of traffic, parking on both sides, and sidewalks in easements. Not injurious or adversely impact adjacent properties: Adjacent properties are not injured nor adversely impacted, as all dedications are from the proposed plat and allow future extensions and circulation a& the development occurs. 'The easement for sidewalk: on the neighboring property does nOI affect set back: Of" zoning requirements. dedication of 34 L construction permit. This Renton Hearing street network is met with the • ~:; t:~'~:i:', ~R,~-8, Single Family. ' ~ . meet the various use for access, emergency prior to issue of the ~= (14) day appeal period must be filed with the City of Appeals must be filed iu applicatiOl1 fee. with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renten Municipal Additional informatiOl1 regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510, If you have any questions, please contact Ameta Henninger at (425) 430-7298, Sincerely, .v..-r.,¥imltJ) Ka\Jn Kittrick DeveloPlJlent Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits ce, w.; U'" File N."Wur, iMryQ,<Ic s.,.., fula • I Do nolllPDcnd to h,lIer _ Reference only Application Time and Decision Authority; Mooification from standards, either in whole or in part, shall be subject to review and decision by the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works DepartJDenl upon submittal in writing of jurisdiction for such modification. (amd. Ord. 4717, 4-19-1999) (4-9-250 OJ.) 4-9-250 D 2. Decision Criteria: Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, de Department Adrrrinislllltor may grant modifications for individual cases provided helshe shall first find that a specific reason mi.kes the strict letter of this Code impractical, and !hat the modification is in conformity with the intent and PUIpOse of this Code, and that such modification' ,,~~~::;:. ~~::;;::I: property adjacent 10 !i street lighting in all adjacent .. November 9, 2004 , Tom Touma , Touma Engineers 6632 S 191" Place #E"102 Kent, WA 98032 Subject: Elle Rain Final Plat LUA-04"144, FP Dear Mr. Touma: CITY F RENTON PIanninglBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E~Adminblrator The Development Planning Section of the City 01 Renton has detennined that the subject application is complete according to submittal reqUirements and, therefore, IS accepted for review. ' You will be notified if any additional informaticlii is required t6 continue processirlg your application. '" Please contact me at (425) 430-7304 if yOIj have any questions .. , Michael Dotson Engineering Specialist cc: Jeff Rieker, Patricia Wilson I Owners ~~~~~'I~05""S~'"'<h;;G'",;;C;y"W".yC_'R"mC."C."C, WW.Oh""o. •• ,O"',.",.,<, ~~~~-~ * Tho",,,,,=-. ""'"''''''''" """"",I 30% poo' "'"''''''' f • City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECTOR PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 33/.> ,. 3'7'20 '(/Ei /?"' 51. TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): d.{'-ICf<;;cc.'O/O 0¥d-30:;;Q037 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: COMPANY (if appl<:able): ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: PERSON NAME: TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAILAODRESS: '7z-f -ZJ/_ EXISTING lAND USE(S): I-~ ~~;~;.;~~':;~~ DESIGNATION: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION IH applicable): EXISTING ZONING: e~ PROPOSED ZONING (H app'cable): SITE AREA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROAr:JNAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): '" NUMBER OF NUMBER OF m'''''''G UNITS (if applK:able): • PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (napplicabJe): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF , , NET FLOOR AREA OF o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE q AQUlEER PROTECTION AREA TWO q FLOOD HAZARD AREA CJ GEOLOGIC HAZARD q HABITAT CONSERVATION ___ sq. ft. ___ sq.lI. __ Sq.II. q SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES Sq. II. NUMBER q WETlANDS Sq. II. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY al deserl Ion on se arate sheet with the followln Infonnatlon included SITUATE IN THE 5£ QUARTER OF SECTION.li... TOWNSHIP B. RANGE.....2:..IN THE "CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TYPE OF A~PLlCATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for. 1. FtbalPlff (OClOw-3. ____ _ 2. 4. ___ _ Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (POOl Name/s) -h£f4 ~ w d_l~.ll am (plNse check 000) _ 1~. ClJrreOlowner 0111>0 property i1_ In this appNcation or II>e aLlthorlie<l _ .. "",1M> to .<:1 for a COrporallon (p_. otto"" proof oIaLlthonzotion) and tI1.t 1118 foregOing _ and ........... ""rein comalnod and1he Informotion """"11' Ire In 011 reopecII true and eo<rect to the _ 01 my krlOWlodge and beliol. I certlfytfyot I know or hi ... Ulillac:tory evIden<:o1l1at It..ff j2'l.f.W "Ig_ II,. instrument and acknowledged t to be IlIli1>orlll>e~freo and voluntary act fo, the u$O' and mentioned in the instrument. (SI re awn.,lRep_ .... j i','t.Sci""j CAMeli'" inG Notary Pu~" In """ forlh. State oIWao.hlng\Ol1 ISlgnature of OWoorIRepreo.ntatlve) , • . - r"~~ ____ ~ __ ~P~R~O~.~~~IN~F~O~RMA,nr~O~N~oo~n~ti~n~ue~.~ ____________ , NUUBER OF EXISTING cwauNG UNITS {If oppicable): SQUARE FOOTAGe OF PFIOPOSED RESIDENTW. IIUIlOINGS (if appIicabIII): 8Q\JAAE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUIlDINGS TO REMAIN (if .,p. 7 'e); SQW\RE FOOTAGE OF PROPos.EO NOJ'+.RESIDENTIAL BUlL.OlNGS (II' eppIicabI8}: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESlD£NlJAL BULDINOS TO RSMAIN (If IppIk:;sbIe): NET FLOOR; AREA OF NONoRESlDENllAI... BUILDINGS (if sppIIcebIe): ' NUMBeR OF EMPlOYEES TO BS EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (If appIiCIIbIe); PROJECT VAlUE: IS THE SITE loc.\TEO IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRmCALAREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARI". FOOTAGE (if oppIcabIe): lJ AQUIFER pROTECTION AREA ONE tI AQUII'ER PROtECTION AREA mo o FLOODHAZARDAREA o GEOLOOIC HAZARD a HABITATCONSERVATlON IJ SHORBJI£ STREAMS AND I..AKE!S o WffiAND' ="" ~.It. ~.' .... .. ft. IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION ----' TO\IVNSHIP ----' RAt«3E-> IN THE CrTY KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. list .- 1. ___ _ TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES 3. 4. Staff wlD calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP --- ~ P\I:IIio n ond "" _u..5!* .... \ g ,Ii t./l-0 tV f} • ·ON XI:J~ .. .. .. , ' , , , , , ' , , .. ! ---- NOV 052004 RECEIVED CONFIRMATION OF COMPLlANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL '0. ELLE RAINE PLAT L Compliance WIth condition. imposed b} the ERe L The apphc.nT adhered to construction activW"" during ~lC d1) months of April through October. 2. Silt fence installed along the down slope perimeter before clearing and grading oftll_ 'ite. 3. TIle apphc;mt adhered to construction of ,hallow drainage swal. to intercept 'Ulface drainage. TI1CSC features included in the temporary erosion control plan prepared exdum,-ely for the ,lie. 4. The contrnctor adhered to daily ',",-iew and maintenance of temporary erosion control facilitieis_ 5. Weekly f'CP011 prOVIded to !be City Inspector as required 6, The Slonndrainagc designed inaccor<iance with the 1998 KC Surface Wa~ Design Manual, Level 2 7, The applicant is arrungrng for payment of Fire Mitigation Fccs. S. The appUcant is arranging for payment ofTmflic Mitigation Fee,_ 9. The applicant 15 amrnging for payment of Parks Mitigalion Fces. Compliance with conditions imposed by the Office of the Hearing Examiner I, The applicant chosen the maintenance agreement instead of homoowncr's association. A note is placed on !he fu<:e of the plat to cover this item. 2. A nole added to the final plat with respecl 10 !he OilSCment across Lot 3 for the benefit of Lot 4 J. A note added to the final plat "iU' respoct to the easement across Lot 7 for vehicular traffic. 4. TIle landscaping easement removed from Ille Tille Report thus a splil mil fence 15 not required. 5. The applicant complied with the COOOitiODS imposed b}· Ihe ERe (RcfcrlO abcl1le notesj. 6. Monroe Court NE. designed to comply with this condition. ','i 1_'-~""1 l1J:~1 1'_.\.\ J~:;~JI"o"c ELLE RAIN PLACE w"'-02~i547-W'''''''' _ A • -POItOON or 1HC Sir 1/" OF fNC NW 1/" (If' fH( Sf 1/" ~ IL _____ _ _ "~'------o: ::::~ •• f(' SE'Cn~ ~1$'rJ~&~~ '(AS!; WAI_ DEVELOPMENT PLANNING __ c". CITY OF HENTON ISSJ ofU!'''I<' ,,,,.,'" ..r i I <30' "E<",S, R'N'"" WA ""05['""'" 425227630' ,., ''"'''''3,,, ""'" ,0J, 1 ""'"''""'''''''''"''' NOV 0 5 11104 , RECEIVED I r ELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 052004 ELLE RAIN PLlI.CE OCT. 28, 200~ --------______________________________________________ -----~(;El~[)--- Lot name: ~LA'[' North: 5105.121 Line CouIse: N 80-U9-40 W North: 5108.137 Line COurse: N 01-\6-00 E North: 5188.117 Line Course: N 08-()9~40 W No~th: 5191.134 Line Co"rs": N 01-16-0U E North: 5403.662 Lin@ Cou~se' S 88-14-32 E North: 5394.582 Line Course: S 01-50-20 W North: 52n. 635 I.ine CouLse: ~ 61-01-52 E North: 5247.03fi ],in" Coursp-: S 01-50-20 W North: 5179.071 L~ne Course: N 88-09-10 W North: 51B5.103 Line CO\irs,,: S 01-16-00 W NOIth: 510S.123 East: 4808. t~l Length: 94.00 East: 4114 .199 Length: 80.00 East: 4715.968 Length: 94.00 East: 4622.016 Length: 212.5B East: 4626.715 L@ngth: 296.00 East.: 4922.576 Length: ] 03. DO Ea"l: ~919.271 Length: 92.23 East: 5000.000 L"ngth: 68.00 r;ast: 4997.aJA Length: lB8.00 East: 1809.915 Lenqth: 80.00 Ea5t: 4808.146 ~erimeter: 1307.60 AIea: 77,564 sq. ft. 1.78 aCIes Mapcheck Closure -iU"es E~Io~ Closure: 0.005 Er~o~ No~th: U.0023 Fr@cision 1: 268,869.26 listed cou~s"$, Iadii, and deltas) Course: N 61-25-4~ W East: -0.0043 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Co, n~me : 'N North: 5106.569 E~st: 4763.022 l.l ne Course: " O~-09-40 " Length: 48.85 North: 5108.137 East: 1714.197 Line Course: , 01-16-00 , Length: 80.00 North: 5188.118 East: 1715.965 L~ne Cou~"e, , 01-16-00 , Length: 50.00 North: 5238.105 East: 4717.071 Line Course: , 01-15-00 , Length: 32.23 NOI th: S270.327 East: 4717.763 Curve Length: 16.39 Radius: 55.00 Delta: 17-04-41 Tangent: 8.26 Chord: 16.33 Cour,e: , 09-48-21 , Course In: , 88-44-00 , Course out: , 71-39-19 , " North: 5269.112 East: 4772.770 End NOIth, 5286.422 East, 4720.565 Cu~ve J.."ngth: 35.00 Radius: 55.00 v.,lta: 36-27-10 Ta"g~nt: 18.12 Chord: 34.41 COUIse: , 36-34-31 , Cou~se In: 5 71-39-19 E RP No~th: S269.112 End North: S314.0SB Curve Lenqth: 35.00 Delta: 36-27-37 Chord: 34.41 Course In: 5 35-11-39 E RP North: 5269.112 End North: ~324.09S Curve Length: 3';.00 Delta: 36-27-40 Chord, 34.41 Course In: 5 01-15-58 W RP North: 5269.112 End North: 5312.613 Curv~ Length: 35.00 u",n.a: 36-27-3~ Chord: 34.41 Course Tn: 5 37-43-38 W HP North: 5269.112 End North, 5264.099 Curv", ].@ngth: 52.06 [)elta: 54-11-57 Chord, ~O.l1 Cour"e In: S 74-11-17 W RP No~th: 5269.112 Em] North: 5234. ~33 Cllrve Lenqth, 47.98 Delta: 49-59-01 Chord: 46.47 Course In: N 51-34-46 W RP North: 5269.112 End Norlh: ~214.133 CUrve Length: 3A. 02 Delta: 87-08-15 Chord: 34.46 Cours~ In: S 01-3S-4~ E RP North: 5189.143 ~nd North: 51n9.695 Lin", Course: S 01-16-00 VI North: 5121.892 Curve Length: 23.41 Delta' 89-25-40 Cbord: 21.11 Course In: S 88-44-00 E HP North: 5121.%0 End North' 5,06.568 Course Out: N 35-11-39 w r.ast: 4772.7'10 East: 4711.071 Radius: 5~.00 Tangent: 18.12 Course: N 73-02-10 ~ Course Out: N 01-15-58 E East: 4772.770 East: n73.98~ Radius: 55.00 Tangent' 19.12 Course, S 70-30-12 E Course Out: N 37-43-38 E East' 4772.770 East: 4806.424 Radius: 55.00 Tangenl: 18.12 Course: S 34-02-32 E CouEse Out, N 74-11-17 p. East: 4772.770 EAst: 4925.689 RadIus, 55.00 Tangent: 28.16 Course: ~ 1]-18-16 W COurse Out, s ~1-34-46 E East: 477;:.770 Ea"t, 4815.861 Radius: 55.00 'I'angerot: 25.64 Course, S 63-24-44 W Course Out: S 01-35-45 E East.' 4772.770 East: 4774.301 Rad~us: 25.00 Tangent: 23.'18 CouH~: S 44-50-07 W Cours@ Out: N 88-44-00 W East: 4774.998 East: 4750.004 Lenqth, 67.82 East: 4748.505 Rad~us: 15.00 Tang@nt: 14.85 Course: S 43-26-50 E Course Out: S 01-50-20 W East, 4763.501 East: 4763.07.0 Ferimeter, 596.'/7 Area' 13,983 sq.ft. 0.32 acre~ M~pcheck Closure -(Uses ErroL Closure: 0.003 ~rror North: -0.0015 Pr~cision 1, 219,105.74 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 56-07-32 ,I East, -0.0023 z ELLE MIN November 2, 2004 Co, name' TRACT-A NOEth, 5341.606 Line CouE,e: , 88-14-32 North, 5344.365 Line Course: , 37-43-38 North, 5352.764 Line Couese: , 00-30-10 North, 5397.173 L1ne Course, , A8-14-32 North' 5394.574 I.ine course: , 01-50-20 Noeth: 5341.601 East, 4920.875 , Length: 89.93 East' 4830.98, , Length: 10.62 East, 483,.486 , Length: H.4l East, 4837.A,)5 , Length, 84.73 East: 1922·566 , Length' 53.00 East: 4920.865 Pee~meter: 282.70 !Il-ea: 4,486 sq. ft. 0.10 anes Mapch",,,k Closuee _ IUses Error Closuee, 0.011 Error North: -0.0052 Precision 1: 24,744.52 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 62-54-43 W East: -0.0102 3 E11E RAIN P[J\CE November 2. 21)04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: 1 North: 5188.1H Ea~t' 4715.967 Line Course: " 88-09-4D " Length, 94.00 North: 5191.]33 liO~st : 4622.016 L1n~ CouIse: " OJ-15-00 , Length' 50.00 North: 5241.120 Ea.t: 4623.121 Line Cou~se : , 88-09-40 , Length, 94.00 Noah: 5238.104 E~.t: 4711.073 Line Cou~se : , 01-16-00 • Length: 50.00 North: 5188.116 East: 4715.967 Perimeter: 288.00 A~ea: 4,700 sq. ft. D.ll acres Mapcheck Closu<e -IUse, listed E~ror Closure, 0.000 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: 5 90-00-00 F. Error North: 0.0000 East: 0.0000 Precision 1: 208,(1)0,000.00 Co, name: , No,th: 5238.106 East: 4717.073 Line Cours<'!: " 88-09-40 " Length: 94.00 North: 5241.123 East, 4623.121 L1ne CouIse: " 01-16-GO , Length: 50.00 North: 5291.111 East: 4624.227 Line Coutse: , 87-12-48 , Length: 96.45 North: 5286.421 East, 020.562 Curve Length, 16.39 Mdius, 55.00 Delta: 17-04-41 'l'ang~nt : 8.26 Chord: 16.33 Course: , 09-48-21 • Cou~se In: , 71-39-19 , Course Out: " 88-44-00 " " North: ~269.11l East: 4772.767 '"' North.: 5270.327 Ea.t, 4717.781 Line COUts .. : , 01-16-00 " Length: 32.23 Nort.h: 5238.105 East: 4717.068 Perimeter: 289.08 Area: 4,640 sq. ft. 0.11 aCres Mapcheck Closure -(Use" Error Closure: 0.005 R~rQc North: -0.0016 PrecisH'" 1: 60,623.61 Lot name: 3 North: 5206.424 listed courses. radii, and deltas) Cours .. : S 70-01-31 W East: -0.0045 East: 4720.567 Line Course: N 87-12-48 W Length: 96.45 'I NOIll\, S?91.113 Ea$t, 4624.231 Line COHrs'" , 01-16-00 , Length, 50.71 NOH.h: 5349. BOa East: 4625.529 Line Course: , UB-14-32 , Length, 87.70 North' 5347. U9 East, 4713.1a9 Line Cou"M" , 40-08-12 , L .. ngth, 43.25 North: 5311.057 East: 47~1.072 Curve Length: 35.00 Radius: 55.00 Delta, 36-27-40 Tang"nt, 18.12 Chord: 34.41 r:ourse, , 36-34-31 , COUlOS" In, , 35-11-39 , Course out.: , 71-39-19 , " North, 5269.111 East, 4772.771 '"' Nortl>, 5286.422 East, ~720.566 Perimeter, 321.12 Area: 6,142 sq.ft. 0.14 aCres M~pcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure, 0.002 COu)ses, radii, and deltas) Course, S 19-43-25 W East, -o.oooa Error North' -0.0022 Precision 1, 140,585.68 -----------------------------------------------------------------~--------- '"' name' , North: 5347 .122 East, 4713.107 Line Course, , 88-14-32 , Length: 87.70 North, 5~49.B12 East, 4625.528 Llne Course, , 01-16-0D , Length, 53.S6 NOIth, 5403.659 East, 4626.719 Line Course, , BB-14-32 , Length: 86.99 North, 5400.991 Ea.t, 4713.66B Line COUIse' , 00-30-10 • Length, 53.87 North: 5347 .123 East, 4713.195 ~e<imeter' 282.42 A~ea, 4,704 sq. ft. 0.11 aCres Mapcheck Closure -(Use' ErroI Cio.u<e, 0.008 Error No~tl>, 0.0007 hecision 1: 34,165.12 '0' name, , NOIth, 5314.D59 Line Course, , 40-08-42 North: 5347.120 j,ine Course' , 00-30-10 North: 5400.988 Line Course: , 88-14-32 North, 5399.117 Line Cours"" , 00-30-10 North' 5324.100 Curve Length, 35.00 llst"d course~. radii, and deltas) COUIse, N 85-12-06 E "'~~~, 0.0082 East: 4741.073 • Lengtl> , 43.25 East: 1713.198 , Length, 53.87 East: 4713.661 , Length, 61. 01 E:ast, 4774.642 , Length: 75.02 East, 4773.~84 Radius, 55.00 Del ta: 36-27-37 Tangent: 18 • 12 Chord: 34.41 Course: 0 73-02-10 • <,;(}urse In: 0 01-15-59 W Co,"rse Out: , 35-11-39 , " North: 5269.113 East: 4,72.769 End North: 5314.059 East: 1141. 069 Perimete~: 268.16 Area: 4,552 sq.ft. 0.10 aCres Mapcheck Closure -IUses Error C1osur@: 0.003 Error North: -0.0000 ~recision 1: a6,374.72 Co, name: , North: 5324.100 Line Course: , 00-30-10 North: 5399.117 Line Course: , 88-14-32 North: 5397.176 Line Course: , 00-JO-10 N<)rth: 5352.760 Line <,;o,,,:~e: , 37-43-38 Non.h: 5344.368 Lin .. CouIse: , 37-43-38 North: 5312.620 Curve Length: 35.00 Delta: 36-27-40 Chord: 34.41 listed COur"eS, radii, and deltas) Course: S 89-23-30 W East: -0.0031 Ea5t: 4773.98, , Length: 75.02 Ea;t: 4714.646 , Length: 63.27 ~"st: 4837.886 • Length: 44 . 4 1 East: 4837.496 • Length: 10.62 East, 4830.998 • Length: 40.14 East: 4B06.436 Radius: 55.no Tangent: 18.12 Course: , 70-30-12 , Course In: , 3/-43-3B , Course Out: , 01-15-58 , "' North: 5269.119 East: 4772.781 '"' North: 5324.105 Ea5~ , 4773.997 ~erimeler: 7.68.47 Area: 4,543 sq. ft. 0.10 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses l~sted Error CLooure: 0.011 course$, radii, and deltas) Course: N 58-57-28 E East: 0.0093 Error North: 0.0056 Pred.ion 1, 24,836.95 l.ot name: ; North: 5291. 632 East: 4919.271 Line Cours~ , , 89-14-32 W Length: 15.00 North: ~292.092 East: 4904.278 L~n", Course: , 8a-}4-32 • Length, 45.46 North: 5293.486 East: 4858.839 L~ne Cou,-se: , 74-11-17 W Length: 34.45 North: 5284.100 East, 4825.693 Curve Length: 35.00 Radius, 55.00 Del ta, 36-27-39 Tangent: 18 • 12 Chord, 34 • 4 1 Course: , 34-02-32 • Course In' , 74-1l-17 • Course Out: " 37-43-38 , " North: 526~.1J3 j';ast: 4772.774 End North: 5312.614 Ea_~t : 4806.428 Line Course: " 37-43-38 , L.ength: 40.H North: 5344.362 East: 4630.990 L.in .. Course: , 88-14-32 , Length: 89.93 North: 5341. 604 Ea.t: 4920.878 Lin" Course: , 01-50-20 " Length: 50.00 North: 5291.630 East: 4919.273 ~erimeter: 30S.98 Area: 5,326 sq. ft. 0.12 aCr<'!s Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.004 Error North: -0.0023 hecision 1: 86,012.97 ,., name: • North: _';232.158 J.in" Course: " 88-(19-40 N",th: 5234.935 Curve Length: 52.06 [Ie 1t-a : 54-13-57 Cho~d: 50. I 4 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 50-52-37 E East: 0.0028 East: 4902.353 " Length: 86.54 Ea,e: 4815.858 Radius: 55.00 Tangent: 20.16 COUU@: " 11-18-16 , Cour~e In: " 51-34-46 , Course Out: " 74-11-17 , " NOl:th: 5269.113 East, 4772.767 '"" No~th: 5284.l00 EaSI:: 4825.686 Line Course: " 74-11-17 , Length: 34.45 f/orth: 5293.407 East: 4858.832 Line Course: , 88-14-32 , L@ngth: 45.46 North: 5292.092 East: 4904.27) Line Course: , 01-50-20 , Length: 59.97 North: 5232.1~3 East: 4902.347 Per1m@ter: 278.47 Area: 4,519 sq. ft. 0.10 aCres Mapch@ck Closure -(Uoes listed Error Closure: 0.008 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 55-59-26 W East: -0.OO~6 Error Nor'-h' -0.0046 Precision 1: 34,088.15 -~------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: 9 North: 5179.067 Lin@ Course: N 88-09-40 North: 5185.100 Line CO\lrse: N 01-16-00 North: 5198.477 Line Course: N 66-26-21 North: 5214.)38 CurvE' Lengt_h: 47.98 , , , East: 1@ngth: Length: Length: 4997.818 188.00 East: 4809.915 13.38 East: 4810.211 39.18 East: 4774.29·' Radius: 55.00 Delta: ~9-59-01 Tangent: 25.64 Chord: 46.4·1 CourSe: , 63-24_44 , CoUUe In: , 01-3',-45 , Couue Out: , Sl-34-46 , " N<Hth: 5269.116 East: 072.765 F.nd Noreh: 5234.938 East. : 4815.856 Line Co\!rs", " 88-09-40 , Length, 86.54 North' 5232.161 East, 4902.351 Line Course: , 01-50-20 , Length: 59.97 North, 5292.100 East, 4904.276 Line COlnse, " 88-14-32 , L"ngth: 15.00 North' 5291.640 East, 4919.269 L~ne COU""~' " 6l-04-52 , Length, 92.23 North: 5247.040 P.ast: 4999.9~A Line Course: " 01-50-20 , Length: 68.00 North: 5179.075 East.: 4997.a16 Perimeter: 610.26 Area, 13,963 sq. ft. 0.32 aCres Mapcheck ClosuIe -(U~es Error Closure: 0.008 ErroI North' 0.0080 Precisiol, 1: ·14,377.06 listed courses, radii, and deltas) CO\Hse: N 13-37-02 W Ea5t, -0.0019 -------------------------------~------------------------------------------- I.ot name: '" North: 5214 .135 East: 4774.304 Line Course: " 66-26-21 , Length: 39. 1 8 NOIth, 5188.473 East, 48l0.217 Line Course, " 01-16-00 , L@ngth: 13.30 North: 5185.097 East: 4809.922 L1ne Course: " 01-16-00 , Len<jth: 80.00 North: 5105.116 East: 4808.153 Line CouI5e' , 88-09-40 , L.mgth: 45.15 North: 5106.%~ East: 063.026 CUIve .Lenqth: 23.41 Radius: l5.00 Delta: 89-25-40 Tangent: 14.05 (hoEd: 21.11 Course: , 13-2~-50 , Course In' , 01-50-20 , Course out, , 88-44-00 , '" NOLth, 5121.55, East: 4763.508 '"' Nurth: b121. 889 E.aot: 4748.512 Li n" CouIse: , Gl-16-DO , Lengl'h' 67.82 North: 51a9.o92 F.ast: 4750.011 Cu£ve l,cngth: 38.02 Radius, 25.00 Delta: 87-08-15 Tangent: 23.78 Chonl: 34.46 Course: , 44-50-07 , Courr,e In: ; 98-44-00 , Course Out: , 01-35-45 , " NOIth: 5Ie9.140 East: 4)75.005 Co" North: ~214 .130 East: 4774.308 Perimeter' 306.96 Area : 6,026 sq.£t. 0.14 aCreS Mapchec~ Closure -IUses Error Closure, 0.007 Error North: -0.0045 Precision 1: 46,965.28 Ii.ted courses, radii, ahct deltas) Course: S 46-03-23 E East: 0.0047 Retum Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 9S055 Plat, LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L SEE EXlllBIT "A" NOVa 5 200. RECEIVED a Municipal Corporation For the 1""'1""" or constructmg, reoonstruoting, installm~, ropamng, replacing, enlarging, operatin~ and maintam,"g utlJiue. and utiltt)' pipelines, including. but nollimitcd to, water, sewer ""d <tonn drainage I""",. (ogether WIth Iho nghl of mgre .. and "IIf'<'M theretu without pnor institution of OIly suil or proc<cdin<l' of law and WIthOut lfiCUITing "")Ilegol obligation or h.b,lity therefor. Follomng the in,tial oomltruction ofils focilitie •• GranU:C may from tJrnc to tJrru: con,truct """h ,K1dltional f."lities as it may reguUc, TIn, easement i. Wonted subject to the following {erms and C<IrIditiollS' I, The Grantee sllaU, upon oomplcllon of any work "ithin the property cu'cral by the casemont, restore the surfac:< of the """emeu~ and tiny private ,mpm""..,.,,\< disturbed or deOTro)'cd during c"",ullon ofthc work, os ""..-I} as practIcable to the condillon they were 10 immediately before comrncm:cmcnl of the worl; or entJy by the Gr .. tee 2. Grfllltor ,hall retain the ngh! to use the surf""c "fthe easement as long a., ,""'h use doe, not interfere with the easement rights gnmtcd to the Grantee l. Grantor shall "O~ however, h.ve the nght 10 a Erect or mointain any bmldmgs or structure< within the e""""""'t; or b. I'I ... { tree" >linLb, or vegetauon haviug deep root pIIll<:rns which may """,e damBge to or ,nterfere with the utilities (o be plaocd Wlthin the .... ment by the Grantee, Or c. Develop, land""""" or beauUfY the easement orca in lIllY "~y wlnoh would unrcaoon.bly incre'!Ie the 00""' to the Grantee ofre<toring the <"semenl area and any priva", improver .. :II!' therein, d. Dig, tunnel or perform olher f"""" of construc~Q" acuvoU"" OIl the property wluclt would disturb the compootiOIl or unearth Grantee', focilitie. on the righk>f.way, or endanger the lateral !ru(>l>Ol1 focjJitie., e. Blast within fifiocn (15) feet of \he right-<lf.way, Tbis easetIlCIIt shall ruIl WIth the land described herein. and shall be blllding upon the partie .. their heirs, successors in interest and assigns, Grantors covenant that !bey are the lawful OWIICTS of the above properties and that IhC}' haw a good and lawful right 10 execute tbis agreement, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said r"",,1or has caused thi, irutrurru:nl to bo cx""utcd this __ day of' ____ W P ... , Notary Scal must b< withil, box Notary Scal must b< wiUrin bo~ NOtary Seal must b< withil, box INDlYlDUAL FORM Of ACKNQWUfDGMEI-.T STATEOFWASIlINGTON lSS COUNTY OF KING 1 [ certify thai ! know or have .. \i,factory cvido.:nre that ________ _ Ci","";C"""""OC"OC"","o.;'~,",Uri'ttllittm~lwW acknowledged it to be Iu<l'l,,:rlthcrr f"," ""d voluntary act fur the uses wW purpose, lIlOfluon,", in the instrumcnl Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: REPRESE!ofTATlVfi FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STAfEOFWASFllNGmN lSS COUNTY OF KING ) [ certify that I know or have SII\i'fuctory ev:tdone< that ________ _ ~;:;'""'" .. "";;;__;;;;;;;=c:"'''';;;;";o;cSlgll'"' Uri, instrument, on oath ,tatotl !h.t he/,helthey wastwere au!hor:"."[ to ""ocule the Il\Slnlment ""d acknowtedged it as the ..,d c;"";;;;",,,.----of \0 b< the free and "Olwllary ""t of such party/parties for the uscs and purposes mOlltioned h' the instnm,,:nl Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Poot) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATf; FORM OF ACKNOWLEDayg;r STATEOFWASHINmON )SS COUNfY OF KING ) On this dayof , b<fol'< me personally appcan.-d Notary Public in and for tile State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be Sl!mlpcd b), • P.R or L S ) A STRIP OF LAND 15 FEET IN WIDTH THE CENTER OF wmCH IS SEVEN AND HALF (7.5) FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING CENTER liNE: - COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PARCEL "A"; THENCE SOlITH 0Io50'20~ WEST A DISTANCE OF 103,00 FEET; THENCE soum 61"04'52" EAST A DISTANCE OF 5 48 FEET TO TIlE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTI:l88°14'42" EAST A DISTANCE OF 16,43 FEET: THENCE soum 61"04'52" EAST A DISTANCE OF 94,04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43°11 '34~ EAST A DISTANCE OF 72.42 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78°50'35~ EAST A DISTANCE OF 148.70 FEET AND TERMINUS OF SAID CENTER LINE; THE SIDE LINES OF SAID IS-FOOT HASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED AT TIlE TIlE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL "A", PARCEL"A" A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTEROFTHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 NORlH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, COMMENCE AT THE NOR1HWEST CORNEROF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SUB-DIVISION; THENCE SOU11f 88"14'J2'EAST ALONG 1HE NORTH LINE THEREOF 296.00 FEET TO A POINT TO BE REFERRED TO AS POINT "A" HEREAFTER, TIffiPOINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUlH 88'14'3Z"EAST ALONG SAID LINE 357,80 FEET 1D THE SOIJTI-lWEST CORNER OF SIERRA HEIGHTS DIVISION NO.3: THENCE SOUTH 01°11 '43" WEST 21J.51 FEETTO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE soum 440 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTIl, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M.: THENCE NORTH 88'09'40" WEST 134,]9 FEET ALONG SAID LINE AND THE NORTIlERLY LINE OF HONEY CREEK PARK, VOLUlvIE 59 OF PLATS AT PAGE 57. KING COUNTY RECORDS, TI-lENCE SOUTIl 01"16'36" WEST 105,43 FEETTO A POINT ON THE SOUTIl LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID PLAT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID LINE ON TI-IE ARC OF A 360.00 FEET RADIUS CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 08°22'19" AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 52,60 FEET, THENCE NORlH 01°14'38' EAST 89,64 FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE NORTH LINE OF LOT 5 OF SAID PLAT; TllENCE NORTH 88°09'40" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT 93.65 FEET', TIlENCE NORTH 0I050'2()' EAST 68,00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 61'04'52" WEST 92.23 FEET; TIlENCE NORTH 01°50'20' EAST 103.00 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING, P ... } '. pARe8-A Map Exhibit --, 3 «OO,9LIO N - I \ &/urnAddress: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1035 South Grady Way Renton. WA 98055-3232 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT"A~ For the purpose of constructing., reconstruoting, inSlalhng. repairing, replacing. enlarging, oporating and m.mtaming utilities and utility pipelines. including, but not limillld 10, walor, ,ewer and storm drainage line" together ",iIh the rigbl d ingress and egress thereto without prior inSfilulion of an)' suit or proceeding, of law and "ithout inCllJTing any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following lloe initial construction of its fuc!hties, Granllle ,",,--V from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require, TIris easement is gnmted subjoct to the following tcrms and condi\J.on" I. The Grnntee .<holl upon oornplctlOn of an)' "'ork ",itbm !be prop<:rl) COVOTed b), the "",emetlt, ,,,,,tore tl,e ....-r.oe of the """",,,ent, and any P"v.t< imprOl'<'fIlOIlts disturb<rl or <.btro)'ed during execullon of the wofk, a., nearly .. pr",,~cable to the condition ibo',' were m immediJUt,iy before oommenocrru:nt of tho vrork Of entry by the Grantee 2 Grantor sholl relllin the nght to use the ....-fooe of the <"""""'fi! as long os such u,e does not intenere with the easement right. gmttl<d \0 the Grantee Gronlot obaII not, however, hove the righl \0: • Erect of maiutain 811)' bulldmg' or.tructures within the easement; or b, Plant !fees, shrub, or vegetation having dct:proct pott..m which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities 10 be placed "ithill the easemont by the Grantee; Of e, Devclop, lond"".pe, or be"Uhf) Ibe casement area in on)' way which "Quid UllfI:aS<mably lIlCf08SC the oo,t, to thc Grantee of restoring the =enl oreJl and any pri,.te improvementolbcn:in d lhg, runn<l Of perform other flmru; of construction ",:tivilie, on !he property which would dtsturo Ibe oompaclio" or uneartlt Granlc<. ... facilities on the ng/lt-<Jf-",.y, or er.Jange! the latend support !acw~c, c Blast within fifteen (15) fret of the right-<>f_w.)'. This casement ,ball run with the bll1d described berein, and .hall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, =essors in mterest and assigru. Grantors covenant that they arc the lawful O\\1lers of lhe above properties and iltal they h.we a good and lawful nght to execute II';, agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said Grantor has caused this instrument to be oxC\:utcd this_ cia)' of 20 _____________ • Grantor ,Grantor fJt, .-.in """,,, ""'" Pog< I INDIVIDUAl, FfJ/IM (J r A ,·tr,,'(JWt~·f)(jM CNT Notary Se8l must be WIthin box STATE OF WASHINGTON) S5 COUNTY OF KING ) I certify thal I know or 111"0 SK\i,f!IC(ory evidence thaI 'igned thi, instrument and acknowledged it to be hisllterltheir free and vollltltary ",,( for It..: "''''' IIl1d ~ mentioned in the lJIStnJmori( Notary Public in and for the Slate of Washington Notal)' (Print) My appointment explres: Dated: REPRJ:SENTAT/VC FfJRM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT NoW)' Seal mll>l be withm box STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNfY OF KING I I ccrIlfy that J know Of Rave satisfactOlY eviden<e that ,lgtIed this lIISIrument. 01\ oath 5tllled that bcl.bcllhc,' ,.."","",re authorized to exocute the ins1rulJlent and acknowledged it .. the "" 01 to be the free and voluntary oct of such par\y/jWties fur the uso> and purposes mentioned '" !be LO!IlnJment Notary Public m and forthe State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment e~pircs: Dated: CORPOJUTK F'ORM OF ACKNOWLKDGMKNJ' NOtary Seal must be ",i!hin box STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNfY OF KING I On this dayof , 20 __ , before mo personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed !be within inS1rurnent, and acl:Jwwlcdgc \he SlUd lIISIrument to bc the free and voluntary oct ""d deed of ,aid cmporauon, far !be uses and pwpa""" therein mentioned, and cw;h on oath stated that helshe was aulhol'lled to execute said instrument ""d that t).., seal offixed is the <""""ote ,en] of said corporation. Notal)' Public in and fur the State ofWashinglon Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: fJl< "in '"'''' es"" EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Mustbestampedb) P.E.orL.S.) A STRIPOF LAND OF VARYING WIDlHDESCRIBED AS FOllOWS, COMMENCING AT THE NORlliWEST CORNER OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PARCEL "N': THENCE SOUTH 0 I °50"20» WEST A DISTANCE OF lO3.(lO FEET: THENCE SOUTH 61'04 '5Y EAST A DISTANCE OF 92.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE NORlH 07°40'55" EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.04 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 61'04'52~ EAST A DISTANCE OF 19.03 FEET, THENCE NORlH g~05~'41~ EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.()I FEET; 11IENCE SOUTH 01°50'20" WEST ADiSTANCE OF 24 06 FEET TO A PONTON CURVE TO THE RIGHT: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO RIGHT wrrn A RADIUS OF 20 00 FEET. AN ARC LENGlH OF 31.42FEET AND A CENTRAL ANOLE OF 90"00'00" TO A POINT OF TANGENCY: THENCE SOUTIl88°09'40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 7.65 FEET TO A POINT ON CURVE TO THE LEF1', THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE TOTHE LEFT wrrn A RADIUS OF 46.00 FEET. AN ARC LENGTH OF 71.78 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89°24'10" TO A POINT OF TANGENCY: THENCE SOUTH 01' 14'30" WEST A DISTANCE OF 97.26 FEET TO A POINT ON CURVE WHICH BEARS NORTH 19'24'10~ EAST FROM ITS CENTER; THENCE NORlHWESlERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 360.00 FEET. AN ARC LENGlli OF 27.06 FEET AND CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04'18'22" TO A POINT ON CURVE WIllCH BEARS NORTH 15'05'49"' EAST FROM ITS CENTER: TIIENCE NORlH 01014'3W EAST A DISTANCE OF g~.80 FEET TO A POINT ON CURVE TO THE LEFT: THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AWNG A CURVE TO THE LEFT wrrn A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET. AN ARC LENGlli OF 3UI FEET AND A CENTRAL ANOLE OF 89'24'10" TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORlH 88°09'40" WEST A DISTANCE OF73 65 FEET, THENCE NORTH O]050'20"EAST A DISTANCE OF 48.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNThIG. PARCEL A A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTEROFTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECI10N 4. TOWNSHW 23 NORlli. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS' COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SUB-DIVISION: THENCE SOUTH 88°14'32'EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE TIffiREOF 296.00 FEET TO APOINT TO BE REFERRED TO AS POINT "A" HEREAFTER, THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CONTINUE SOUTIISgOI4'32"EAST ALONG SAm LINE 357.80 FEETTO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SIERRA HEIGHTS DIVISION NO.3, TIlENCE SOUTH IlI'II '4r WEST 213.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTH 440 FEET OF THE SOUTIfWEST QUARTER OF TIlE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE ~ EAST. WM: THENCE NORTH 88°09'4U" WEST 134.39 FEET ALONG SAID LINE AND TIlE NORTIiERL YLINE OF HONEY CREEK PARK, VOLUME 59 OF PLATS AT PAGE 57. KING COUNTY RECORDS. THENCE SOUTH 01°16'36" WEST 105 43 FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE soum LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID PLAT; THENCE NORlHWESTERL Y ALONG SAID LINE ON TIlE ARC OF A 360.00 FEEf RADIUS CURVE. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 08°22'!9" AND AN ARC LENGTII OF '2.60 FEET: THENCE NORTH 0!'14'38" EAST 89.64 FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE NORTH LINE OF LOT S OF SAID PLAT: THENCE NORTII gK'09'4()~ WEST ALONG TIlE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT 93.65 FEET; THENCE NORTII 01°50'20. EAST 6R.OO FEET; THENCE NORTH 61'04'52" WEST 92.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH () I '50'20" EAST 103 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ! ~- j I ! • , \ > , L • , , -,---,-, -N£ 17th PiACi:: ---,-------- --, '~,---------I Ii I --~- ... [SSJ ---- NTS , '" '" I ~ ~ m JOINT USE UllL. .t ACC£SS £AS£:II£NT ro LOT 10. ru.£ RAIN """ ",,-"- " ,,-" "-" " -- ~ , . . Rerum Address: Cit} Clerk's Office CIty of Renton lOSS South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 NOVO 5 200l RECEIVED Title: STORM DRAINAGE Property Tax Paraol Number: 042305-9036 L " LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE EXHIBIT« A ~ For !he purpo,e of co"stru<trng, r"""""lrucling, mstalling, ",pairin~, roplacina!. enlarging, opernting and m.intolmns utilities and Ullbl} pIpelines, including, bUl nol bmlted to, water, ,ewer and .torm drainage lines. logether "i!h the right of ingress and cgre" !hereto without prior lrulltullon of an)' <!lit or prooeedlng> of law and withoul rnourneg an)' legal obhgation Of liability therefor Following tile irullal construction of its filcilitie" Grantee ""'y from WIle to Orne construct mcb addillOJUlI facilitie, OS ,( may require Thi. ea=ncnt ,. granted .ubject to the foUowing term. and condition,. I. Tile Grantee ,hall, upon complclion of any work WIthin the property covered by the CllScmont, restore the >U!face of tile easemenl, and any Pflvate improvement, illlltUrbed or d<:'lTIlJ'~d during execution o[!he work, as nearly .. practicable 10 lbe condItion they were in munediately before com",.=t of the work or entry by the Grankc 2, Grantor iih.1I retain the riglll to use the """lICe of the ea"',,,,:nl .. long "" such use does not inteofere with the """"""",t nghts granted to !he Grantee. 3 Grantor sh.1I no~ however. have the righllo • Erect or mamtain any buildmgs or structures within the cascrn""~ Or b, Plant tree,. ,itrube or \'egelation hoving de<." TOOt pa(lorrul WblCh may cause dam"ge to or interfere ",tit the utilitie, to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c Develop. landscape, Dr heautitY the cascrrumt areD. in ony way winch would l1JIreaSOnably ino",,,",, the oost> to the Grantee of tcS\onng the easement area and any pri>ate improvements lb<:t<:in d, Dig, tunnel flr perform otbCT forms of conOlruclion acb\'IUes on the property v.ltioh would disturb the comp"c~on m uneartit Gninlce', f"",htie, on the rig!1t..,f_WIIY, or endanger the lateral support t'oillbe, e, Blast v.ilbm fifteen (15) fe<.1 "flbe right-<Jf-WllY, This easement shall run with U'" land described bcreiu. and ,hall be birnling upon tbe parties, tbClt bCI", successors in intcre51 and assigns, Grantors covenant tbat they are the lawful OWllers of the above properties and thal they have a good and lawful rigbt ill execute this agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed \hi. __ day 0[' ____ '" __ PaS' I -. Notary Seol mu,t be ""thIn box NOtmy Seal mu.<l be within box Notal)' S •• 1 must he within box INIJIVJnL',,," f'ORMOF A.CKNOWLEDGMEJ\T STATE OF WASHINGTON) 58 COUNTY OF KING ) I certity lhat Ilmow or havc sati.ractory evidence tha' ________ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=signc-d !his irulrumcnl and .clnowl.dged it to be his!herlthei, froe ond volunl>lIy' oct for the use. ond purpooes mentioned in the in""""""'t Notary Public In and for the State of Washington Notary (print) My appointment expires: Dated: REPRESENTATll'E FOIIM(W ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE 0\: WASHINGTON) S5 COUNTY OF KING ) T certifY thot I know or ba>o sall,facto')' eVIdence that ________ _ Notary Public in and for the Slate of Washington Notal1' (Print) My appointment expires' Dated: COl/POllAn' FORM OF ACKNOWLI£DGMF.NT STATE 01' WASHINGTON) SS CUllN"1 Y Or KING ) ;~;.~,~,;:~~~;".",",,~~~~~;.:,~,:=~.;re:,:o"~m;';~;~;;"UYUPPOllrC-d 10 me knov.n to be of!he cmporation that executed lh<: Wl!bin Instrument. ond acknowledge the..ud instrument to be the free ond vOlllnlary acl and deed of said oorporation, for lho usc, and pmp<lses therein mentiorn:d, and ea,h on oath stated !hot heJshe Was authonzoo to exeoute said instrument and that the seal afflXoU i, tho oorporate seal of said oorporali"" Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment C><Plres: Dated: EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be 'tamped by aPE or LS ) A STRIP OF LAND 15 FEET IN WIDTH THE CENTER OF WHICH IS SEVEN AND HALF (7,5) FEET ON EACH SIDE OF TIIE FOLLOWING CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PARCEL "A"; lHENCE SOUTH 01"50'20" WEST A DISTANCE OF l3.o:l FEETTO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 73"35'07" EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.63 FEET; TIlENCE SOUlll 64'58'48" EAST A DISTANCE OF 127.46 FEET, TIlENCE SOUTIl47'43'29" EAST A DISTANCE OF 61.92 FEET: THENCE NORTH 78'50'35H EAST A DISTANCE OF 133.98 FEET AND 1ERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE: THE SIDE LINES OF SAID IS-FOOT EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED ATlHE TIIE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PARCEL "A": PARCEL "A" A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TIlE SOUlHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W,M" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT TIfE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SUB-DrvISION: THENCE SOUTH 88D\4'32'EAST ALONG TIlE NORTH LINE THEREOF 296,()() FEET TO A POINT TO BE REFERRED TO AS POINT "A" HEREAFTER THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TIlENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 88°J4'J2"EAST ALONG SAID LINE 357.80 FEET TO TIlE SOUIHWEST CORNE~ OF SIERRA HETGfITS DIVISION NO.3', THENCE soum 01'11 '43" WEST 2t3.51 FEET TO A POINT ONTIIE NORTIlERL Y LINE OF TIm SOUTH 440 FEET OF TIlE SOUI1fWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TIlE SOUlHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W,M; THENCE NORTH 88"09'40" WEST 134.39 FEET ALONG SAID LINE AND TIlE NORTHERLY LINE OF HONEY CREEK PARK, VOLUME 59 OF PLATS AT PAGE 57, KING COUNTY RECORDS, TIlENCE SOUTI:I 0IDI6'36" WEST lOB) FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID PLAT, THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID LINE ON THE ARC OF A 360.00 FEET RADIUS CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE Og'22'19" AND AN ARC LENGTII OF 52,6() FEET; THENCE NORTII 01°t4'38" EAST 89.54 FEET TO A POINT ON TIlE NORTH LINE OF LOT S OF SAID PLAT: THENCE NORTH 88"09'40" WEST ALONG TIm NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT 93,65 FEET, TIfENCE NORTII 01"50'20" EAST 68 00 FEET; THENCE NORTI:l61"04'S2" WEST 92.23 FEET. THENCE NORTHOI'50'20" EAST 103 00 FEET TO TIm POINT OF BEGINNING. -. _M."PY~i~i' ,lfin~ M .£t,J/.1O S f I , • ~ ;': PARCEL A ~ " 20(140714001 J83,001 I"ASEMENT ORIGINAL REFER",CE' ORANTOR CO,,",,,,, "0 GRA~TE~ ",,(lor SOUND l""~GY, ,~C SHO_,T l<G;<c Lo' B, LeA CUA-!l3-<lJHLA, .", "O"""DO"~ '" SE.nH'," ASS~SSOR'S p~O?ERTYTM PAR:'" ,.,,,, .... ,, ,or ood '" co"",,,."o, of 0.'"10 0011", 'il OO} arC ,the! ,ai"b" "n"d.,~"", In hac; ""';. CM,,,"e, ,"", "I •• hmO'oo CO",",,,,,n {"G"n'~~ "'",,0), here", e<o"'Y' '" ".',."''''' to PUG~T SOUND ENERGY, 'NC, , ",,,",,,,,100 Co"" .. ",," r'h,'''' ,,,"",), !o, t ... "'po." ,",,,,,",,.,, ,'" "rth, • n"",d,,,,,, "..",'"'" .... , .. '" ""or, "'O" ,',," .oro" ,,,' 'h"'Oh lh. "II"""',,,,, ;',c"-"'" ",' p"",,1)' fP'op,"'" h.",,":, ~, "',' C,un!y, W"h",_,,, Col a"' e're 0' R"", I,'T L., ,,"N,""'"' No LUM'~)l LLA, "",.,,,, ,,.,," ".""",", ~o "",,,,,,,,,,,, """,,,,,,,X,,o COON"", W""NO"O' E"e;>t .. '~')'" 0"."",., ,,' Fo", ",,,n 0",',,,', .,',,, '""!" 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"', '" eo', """",.., """,,d o' "'''co'" or {"'." u", \low., ,n,' 0,,, '0 ,"h",t", 10 ~,",Iy ,," ""'" orO'''' G,ar~, ,uch 0'" .",,,, """ ..... >t, M C'"""",, "m,,,; "ath""", '"0<'" or m ""'P""'" tc .m_no, "'""'~"') G",,,,,,h.II "" ","_"",, to "" "."""',',"" 'or '''''''' '" t, I"""'"', "'"'~'" " '<PO<" 01 .".", lot "" ,~"'" "" ..... , va ,w. of m,reh, ~.b'. t,mb" (,f '"1) ,,' ''''' '0",'"'; f<om Oh, P",.", "' 0",",,, OKl'») Go''', ."" ,,"~.~ ,em" 10!;':"'''''' '"'' P"., 0[1 .' 2004071400131l:1. OOZ • G,,"""', u •• of ~ ... " .. "' ,,,.. 0,,_ ,..,"'" th' "*" to "" II" E"omenr A". 10' so, pu<p_ "'I ~_,,,"'" with tho '~h~ h'",'" gro,,",/, p,"\'~.d, "".'''''. Groom ,n'" ",>1 "",,,",, '" "",m",," B'~ 1>"';"",0, ","'"""'" "' "hOr o'Jet" on '" E".mect AI" ,mI Gr,""" ,h,'1 '0 no ""'''S fi"~' JOO <ee, of "","_', '""h"" ""","' """'00', 000' ",",," """Bot • '"d.m"~1 Gronto. ogre"'" ,"dom~fy G"",,, ,,,~, 'M ",",."," '",blilty ",,,",,d oy ",,,toe'" roW, ofG"nt,,'. '"""'''''''''' ~",e',., or:h, ",h" "a'," ,can'," '" GrOO'''. but """'''9 ""''' 'h'" ",q''" (l~. to """"'''~ ~,,,",, '" ",,' porno. of ao, ,"oh ''''''''~ "'n"""" to m, n..,'~""" of G"",,, 0, tho oe."~,"oe of ott"" ; A"'"'o""",nl. Tile nQh" ,,,,m (l!anied sh,O ::onll." enl' "'" "m. " Gr".' .. co,,,, " US"'O' E"o",,,,A,,, 'or, oenod ,F fl" 1»'"'''''''''' ,<ore, In ""len 0"'"', ,"" ,.,or,,," ,h,lI """,,ai' 00' ., OQ'~ ",,,,"odor, ,"" '"1 '"<,,,,,,,mom; ",m"""9 ,n"" E",,,,ont A" ... h<ol '""," to oro"",,,,,,,' beco"",'" p",p,rty ""raoto', pra~'.o. h"'''''''', 1h>L"' .""oom.",' <"II " ;,,~od Lo h.w ,ce,rre; oy """ of ",,",,,,', ',,'u,," '0 'M''', lOot, I <t, >Y'''''''' '" tn, E""no""", ... ''" on, >en"" of .... '='!h, ~," ",,.of 7, S., .. ,."" aod A .. ,.n" G'",,, ",I'",,,, to, "I"t 10 '''9", '",'"''''' '" orh,,,,,,. t-."'o,,n, ",.U of iI1i ,,,h~. """fito, ""',, .. un" '"'''''''~ "~,,,, m '"0 """" b ... ,.-,'""' "",","' """"" ". g.,,''-''''' of C.,. """"''"0, cc.. ",h~ on" ''''','''001 "'he p,rt .. 'han ''"'' '0 :M ""om 0' oM be Om;,,,,, "''" too" """", "'''''''''''.,,~ .,,"'" T DATED,"" 2.1r j,yof V.'fA_ ,2()O' 37ATE OFWASHtNGTON ) ", GOU~TYDf I -' oe'JO Go,. ",,~, E""",ot '0,'20'" 10.,,,,,, "'''''' p,,, ,," Lawyers Title Agency of Washington Eastside Title Unit Shawna R. Cnukshank, Sr.TiUe Officer, Umt Manager' Bill Quast, Sr, Title Officer Suzanne Desseau, Title Offieer • Joann Leadley, Assistant Title Officer Direct: (425) 283-1420 • Fax: (425) 637-9820 Email: etu@lawyerstitlewa,eom lS014"' Avenue, #'308. Seattle, Washington 98101 PLAT CERTIFICATE To: Patricia Wilson Order Number: 362943 1750 Monroe Ave N.E. Renton, Wnsbington 98056 Attention: Certificnte Fee: Tax: $350.00 $29.05 This Certificate does not purport to reflect a full report on condition of title and shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the Certificate applied for. NOTE:No search of general taxes or assessments has been made. This Certificate is restricted to the use of the addressee and is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. Liability of the Company is limited to the compensation received therefor. Title to said estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: Patricia Wilson, as a separate estate, as to Parcel A and Christelle, Inc., a Washington Corporation, as to Parcel B And IS a Certificate for a plat of the properly described in Schedule A, attached. Exceptions: See Schedule B, attached, Rc.:ords examined to: SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 at 8:00 AM Lawyers Title Agency of Washington, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation By: ,"" n. •• I P'go 1 00 OrderNumber: 362943 • SCHEDULE A Parcel A: Lot A of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA..Q3-032LLA, recorded under Recordmg No. 20030707900006, records of King County, Washington. Parcel B: Lot B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-03-032LLA, recorded llI!der Recording No. 20030707900006, records of King County, Washington. End of Schedule A Page20f7 OrderNurnber: 362943 SCHEDULED EXCEPTIONS 1. Deed ofTrnst and the terms and ~ondltlons thereof: Grantor: Patricia Wilson, .... her separate estate Trustee: VPF Incorporated, a Washington corporation Beneficiary: Issaquah Bank Original amonnt: $220,000.00, plus interest and penalties, Ifany Dated: September 26, 2003 Recorded: September 30, 2003 Recording No.: 20030930000245 2. Deed of Trnst and the terlllll and conditions thereof: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Original amouut: Dated: ReC<lrded: ReC<lrding No.: Affects: CbristeUe, Inc .. a Washington corporation Lawyers Title Agency of Washington Frontier Bank $51)0,000.00, plus Interest and penalties, if any April 30, 2004 May 7, 2004 20040507000192 Parcel B 3. Deed olTrost aud the terms and conditIons thereof: Gnntor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Original amount: Dated: ReC<lfded: ReC<lrding No.: AfTe<:ts: ChristeJle, Inc., a Washington C<lrporatlon Lawyers Title Agency of Washington Starker Services. Inc. $346,370.66, pins interest and penalties, if any Not disclosed May7,2004 20040507000193 Parcel B 4. All covenants, ~onditinns or restrictions, all easements or other servitudes, and all reservations, II any, but omitting restrictions, if any, hased upon race, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by the plat of Honey Creek Park. 5. , /6. Covenants., conditions or restrictions, all easement!! or other senltudes., and aU reservations, if any, hut omitting rClltrictions, if any, based npon race, ~olor, creed or national origin, diSclosed by instrument: Re.:orded: Re.:ording No.: January 20, 1958 4867027 Agreement and the terDlll and conditions thereof: Re.:orded: November 7, 1977 ReeordlnK No.: 7711070576 Regarding: Covenant to Annn to the City of Renton Agreement and the terlllll and conditions thereof: Recorded: N"ovember 7, 1977 Recording No.: 7711070577 Regarding: Temporary Water Service Agreement Pa.il' 1 of7 Order Number: 362943 8. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grantee: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington Corporation Purpose: Electric Transmission and/or Distribntion Line Area affected: The description contained therein Is not sufficient to determine It's euet location with the propert~' herein described Rec:orded: November 29, 1977 Rec:ording No.: 7711291059 Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grant .... : Citv of Renton c ,,,' "'It-t..( ., ~ v ..... 0'" PUrpOlC: Public Utilities -' " -:> Area affected: A strip of land 30 fed in width over, across and under said premises Recorded: January 3, 1985 Recording No.: 8501030452 Said Instrument inelndes a temporary easemeut over a strip olland 50 feet in width bclng 25 fect on each side of centerline. /10. Ordinance No. 4()25 of tbe City of Renton, a proposed Ass.,..ment Distrkt for Sanitary Sewer Service In the Honeycreek Interceptor service area and establishing the amount of the charge npon connectiou to the facilitie., recorded undcr recording number 8612031455. f RestriCtiOnS contained In Instrument, and the terms and conditions thereof. Rec:orded: Jan nary 14, 1991 Recording No.: 9101140964 7: All covenants, conditions or restrictions, all easements or other servitudes, nnd all reservations, If any, but omitting restriction., If any, based upon race, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by King Connty Boundary Line Adjustment recorded under Recording No. 9201070581. 173 'Terms and conditions ofan Dccess and ntilitles easement recorded November 27, 1996. nnder / recording nnmber 9611270197 and re-recorded nnder rec:ording number 970S13142J.Said Easement is for the benefit of said premls"" /Said easemcnt hus been assigned under Recording Number 20010914000089. ) 4. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grnnt",,: City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Purpose: Public Utilitles Area affected: Easterly portion of the herein described property Recorded: September 14, 2001 Recording No.: 20010914()00088 15. All covenants, conditions or restrktions, all easements or other senltudes, and all reservations, / If any, but omitting restriction., if any, based npon rnce, color, creed or national origin, dlsciosed by City of Renton Boundary Line Adjnstment No. LUA_03_032 LLA recorded under Rec:ordlng No. 2003l)7079OO006. 16. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grantee: Puget Soond Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Purpose: Trnnsmission, distribntlon and sale of gas and electricity Area affected: Portion of Parcel B Recorded: July 14, 2004 Recording No.: 20040714001383 Pas,40f7 Order Number: 362943 Notes: A. Abbreviated Legal Description: 20030707900006, LLA, Lots A & B B. Property Address: Vacant Land Renton, Washington P'ge6ofl Order Number: 362943 • LA\.VYERS TITLE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON PRIVACY POLICY w. Are Committed to Safeguardlng Cu.tomer Information In onl.,. to better """,,)'Our .oed. "OW .nd in tho lutu ... we ""'y ask you to provid, us ""til corum ,"form."on. We "ndem:rnd ttl:tt)'O" may be roneen"" abcuL who( ," ""II dD";!h ,u<h info"",-""" _ ".rttcul>rly on) ,"",0",,1 or financial ; .. rormal;011_ We agree th"J'01J have. ngllt to know how w< ";11 u[ili" the """,,,,,I ,nfo""""",, ~O" pro""' to us. Therefore. "" I"l\" aolopred ,hi. Pnv"'Y Policy <0 go"", tho use ... d hmdlms of )Our l""" ... 1 inf""""",,,,_ Applicability Pq>cndmS"i"'" wh"h of"", ,""k ... you..., uoHring. th, 'l'P" Dfoo",",ohq=DTI.1 mf""",,!ion!hot w' may roll,,, "",I,,,,, • Infornmrion,.~ ,=Iv. ITom)'D" on awl"",",,,", f""'" ",d ," otl...-oomnun,caL,,,,,, to us, wll"het in ~,.,ttng. Ln petS<ln. by tdophon, or ony oth<c """"', • Info"""!i",, .bou,)'OUr Itansa",on.,.,th L18, our .ffill",d <o"""ni", or othet>,.1Id • Info,,,,,,",,,, "'" le<el\" from, <mS""'" reponing 'geo,y, Us. of infornt:lotlon W, "''l"'"'' mfOm>lltioo /rom)'Ou foryour onTI Iogitimato b",inos. purposes " .. , not for tho b",,<fit of .ny mlTl.ffiliotod p,rty. 'Thor<rore, we Wlll not relea .. )'lUJ" info",,,"on to n"",flil"te.l ~I" ex,,~t: (1)" nec.,,,1J' for u. '" proVlde tho product or """"'" )OU l1li .. requested 0/ us. Or (2) OS permmod by law. W, ""-y, bowo,·rt. """, ,ueh ,ofo""""",, ind,ftootely. mcloomg the p<riod .ftor ..-h"h ""> <us"""'" «lat,",,,",P "'" Cd>«l. Such ,of""",",," mily be ,,-,od f", ""y ",_.l pU'Im .. ,. ,",h "' g",uity <"ntrol offo'" '" '"'to".,-.... 1)'>;" We may .1'0 p""'iil< ,II of tho ll'J'<' ofmmpublic p",,,,,.1 ",f""",,;o" li,ted ,\oovo to """ or"",", of 0"' .mli,ted ,o",!,onies. Such ,ffili,rod ,om]l,"i", in<1o<1on","ci.1 ro>icc providru. ,,,,,n O5lLtiO insur"" pmpaty and casu.lty insurers. and tru>1 and in,""",,"' od"""", comp,n"'. or oompanics iO'olvod .. re.1 e ..... servLCes. "",,n as 'Pl"""sal comp.ni .... no"", WlI"""ty companic> and """," comp'""". Funhe"""", "" moy .1", p""'id<.11 tile Info,,",,""" wo co~«t. as d",n1o<d .hove, to compo"";;' that perform m .. k"'"~ ""k" "" "m b,half. on ",balfot our .ffili.ted "'mpani ... or to ""'" fin",ci.l ;n,"tu""", "'th .. hom ~~ or our .fliH.te<l ,,,,,,,,,,i,,. hoy< lom' """i<o',"g "lI>'«""'""" Fonner Cd,tome .. EVOTl '[1"'" arc nO kmg<rour ,u."'"",. 0"-Privacy poli<y,.,n <ominu, to .pply to 1"'" Confidentiality and Seeurity w. ",II use 0"' best ,rr"", '0 en,"re thotl no ""'uU\or1,ooj p.rti" hot .. = 10 any of your ,nf""""",,o. We .. ,iii,,,,,,,, '" n""publi, personol inf""""'i"" .OOO<1"'u to \bo" md,vidu.l. and ... ,,'i .. who"",," to Iaww","1 infonnalion '0 1"",,;<10 prod",~ '" ,..,.,icos to )'lu. W< .. ill u", our beot olf_ to ",,;n and 0""'" OUT <mployt<>."d 'gall'", "".u", thot1"'ur in'ormation will '" ","~Iod ""I"'",ibly and " ",,,.,,don,, wah thl! Privacy Poltcy. We ""fml'ly rna ...... ph)'>;cal. oIccnooic. and p,,,,,cdoral ,ifeguard, that "''''Ply with {<dm] regul.""", to guard your nonp"bhc 1"'''0001 info,"",OOn. c Order Numb",: 362943 &VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • WAIVERlfF SUBMITTAL REQUIRE1IrENT~EV~\f:~~NTPi.ANNING FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS N "''''0, OV 052004 This requirement may be w~;ved by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. BUlldir.g Section 4. Development Planning Section PROJECT NAME: PoOh e.a;, OATE / (Waf I Q'IWEBlPWlDEVSERVlForm.IPIO""i"9",.I"",-<ls 0110612004 • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIO. WAIVI'OR OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREoMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Sectlon PROJECTNAME: ________________________ ___ 2. Public Wor1<s Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: ___________ __ 4. Development Planning Section Q;IWEBIPWIDEVSERWoJrn.lPlannjno,j_iver.xls 01I00I2004 ;~090t>O!:l a3~/3::J31J 1Ooc, 0 AON f»;IN~-liJ'J~,~?.'i~I:J ""O~-13{] 00'0$ :a!la aOOJeles 6OJ!OJleW9!:l 00" xe~ OOOO"OO"OL"t(~"OOO 866~ 00" ali~::t.SOd 1"l~"Oo"61~",0"OOO SS6S 00" ~~lsodsa T~losds 0000"OO"OO"L(~"'09 ~;6~ 00" ('>tq~X~.L) sd~H OOOO"OO"O,"HE"OOO H6~ 00" s~,do~/SIJ/S~ST~OOa '~OO"OO"09"!vE"000 606~ 00" pua1ll\i u~ld a"Tsusqs~dwoJ ~OOO" 00""[8" SvS" 000 9(OS 00" 8aj !~Ao~ddV T~uo,~,puoJ V~00"00"18";VS"000 ~~OS 00" saad a""~p~fI 61:00"00'1B"~vr"OOO "W~ 00" Ma,""sO! 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