HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-099CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT # LUA-05-099-SHPL LND CERTIFICATION KNOW AU. WEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned cwn ... in f •• ,lmple of the ICInG h .... in described, do "' ... .,y moll. (I lIhort subdi'o'lslon thereof ond declare this map to be the graphic representation of sam •• ond thot .aid "orl subdl'o'islon Is mode .,.itn t~ Ir .. c:anHtlt ClIO In accordance with the desire of the owners. IN 'MTNESS 'II1-IER£Of we hOIle .. t out hond .. BOlic \lenturn. Ino. ---"N~=.-------- EllltCuUve HOUI', Inc. .N'=m=.:-------- Stot. of wa..,lnglon County of _________ _ I c[RTlFY THAT I KNOW OR HA\o( SATISFACTORY E~D£Na: THAT ==-=...".~~==-c===.,.."SlGNEO THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRU"ENT AND ACKNO'M..EOGED IT AS THE "'.'-TH""=FRE""-AN1)"" ~UNTARY ACT Of SUCH PARTY F'OR THE U~S AND PURPOSES WENTlONED IN THEIR INSTRUIoI[NT. Signature of Notary Public ________ __ Dot~ _________ _ My appointment expiree _____ _ State of Washington County of ________ _ 1 CERTIfY THAT I KNOW OR HAlJE SATISfACTORY E\1DENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOYllEDGED IT AS THE .""'TH"""FRE='-;"'''''o ~UNTARY ACT fY SUOi PARTY FOR THE U~S AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN TH£IR INSTRUIoIENT. Signature of Notary Public _______ _ Dot~ _________ _ Ny appointment eMpire. _____ _ Stat. of Washington County or _________ _ I clftlfy that I know fit how soti:doctory evidence that signed \hi. inltrument ond acknowledged it to be (hie/her) free ond wluntory oct for the usa and purposes mentioned In the in.trument. Slgnotur. of Notary Public _______ _ Dat~ _________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington COUntyof ________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA'I/E SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT '~N""TRU=.=EN-=T:-. ON:CC-OCC'=TH'-'=T""T£=O=-=TH'"":'-T "'H''''/'''SH='''''W~!~TH~~ZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOv.u:OGED IT AS THE "o['"TH='""FREE=-""''''O ~UNTARY ACT CW' SUCH PARTY FOR THE U~S AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUNENT. Signature of NDtary~~"~~,o~:;;;;:====== Dated My appointment expire. State of WoIhington County of _________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA'I/E SATlSfACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ::;'N""TRU=.:;;EN"'T:-. ON=O:::."'TH'-.;;T'='m;;;D""""n<"'.:'-T "H'~/SH=,-:.::~rA~~~ZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNO'M..EDGEO IT AS THE ;;;o["TH""=FREE~ANO"" ~UNTARY ACT fY SUOi PARTY FOR THE U~S AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSiRUMENT. Signature of Notary PP."~~:'o-=========-Ootid _ My appointment elCplree RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE filed for record this ........... doy of .......... 20 ....... at ...... ~ in book .......... of ........ at poge ......... ot the request of ~~1.i.C?~ .. ~~~p.~ .. ~?*.r:r:'.~.'!!'.9 ..... ~gr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: __________________ __ CITY OF RENTON ElComlned and approved this _ doy of 20_ Administrator, Plannlng/ 8ulldlng/ Public Works KING COUNTY I RECORDING NO. I VOL./pAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ElComined and approved this _ day of ______ 20_ A_ssor Deputy AI .... or ""~n' Numb. 1 02305-9246 HOQUAIM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. ~II>I ~ ~ SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. FOUNO .ONU.,NT CAlCULATED 3 N8812'17"w 2644.82' 3 ~/;~~R~~ g:C sr 'feNTON ISSAOUAH 'fD I N£ 10TH SE 116TH ST ~I ~SITE ~~ ~ N£ -4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N. T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE \\£ST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTH\\£ST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 Of SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANG[ 5 EAST. W.M .• IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE \\£ST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD. AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSlONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40. PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N OOU2'42-E BETWEEN THE f.tONUf.tENTS fOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M. MIl.!M. NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907. CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE. \\£ST SlOE 142ND AVE SE. OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV:472.66 FEET. REFERENCES PLAT OF BROOKEriELD V.223. PG. 25-9 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION t INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS. MINIMUM CLOSURE Of LOOPS WAS 1:22.000. IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. BOUNOARY NOTE THIS SUR~Y IS BASED UPON lHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED 'MTHIN A TITlE REPORT PRO\1DEO BY PACIFIC NORTH'II[ST TITlE COMPANY. ORDER NO. $g6328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND UNES DEPICTED ON THIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITlE INFORMAnQII AND REPRESENT DEED UNES ONLY. THESE LINES 00 NOT PU~T TO SHOW OYINERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A COURT OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plot correctly represents 0 survey mode by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ............ 20 ....... . Certiflcote No. . ... H~.L ... MONUMENT 10 1.21'~ 661.20 1322.41' W/PUNCH. 1.S·ON . 'g~ 11 RENTON NO. 1845 RESTRICTIONS ~ g~ ,. SUBLCT TO CITY Of RENTON ORO. NO. 4362. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 11.1 6151.49·~ 11.1 .;-~ inN 41 W "a> ~ ~ ~ 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND ruT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC UNES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. ~~ :;; ~ ~ ~1:::w ~ ZIO :2 z -~~ 661.78' ~ ~ !::~ 9 !'D SBB'20'03-E 2611.40' ::l '" 15 ~~ N ~~~ :; 1324.70' , ~ l' 'l" WEST 1/4 COR / • NOT VISITED RENTON NO. lS48 THEORETICAl CENTER OF SECTION 10-23-5 NOT \1S1TED RENTONiT NO.1907 2649.40 N8S'20'02-W FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE -4X4 CONC W/1SBRASS DISK W/PUNCH. 1.5·oN RENTON NO. 2101 EXCEPTION ON TITLE SUBJECT TO ENTRY RIGHTS TO MAKE REPAIRS. ruT BRUSH AND TREES 'MilCH ARE A MENANCE OR DANGER TO ELECTRIC UNES LOCATED IN THE. STREET UNDER REC. NO. 3204310 al~ Pn ~~ ~ 15 DECLARA TION OF COVENANT THE O'M-IER OF THE LAND EMBRACED 'MTHIN THIS SHORT PlAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDI\1S1ON. BY SIGNING HEREQII CO~NANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFlClAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EAS£t.lENT SHO'NN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL fUTURE PUROtASERS or THE LOTS. OR or ANY SUBDIVISIONS THERE.fY. THIS COVENANT SHAll RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHO.".. ON THIS SHORT PLAT. AN EASEt.lENT IS HEREBY RESER~D FOR AND GRANTED TO OWEST. COMCAST CABL.£ TV. PUCET SOUND ENERGY. AND OTHER UTIUTIEs,. AND THEIR RESPEcn~ SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET. PARALLEl 'MTH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AlJE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) fY ALL LOTS AND TRACTS. IN YIt1IOt TO INSTALl. LAY. CONSTRUCT. RENEW. OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. MAINS. CABLES AND WIRES 'NTH NECESSARY FAClLtnES AND OTHER EQUIPNENT FCA THE PURPOSE fY S£RVlNC THIS SUBD1\1S/ON AND OTHER PROPERTY NTH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV. AND CAS SERVICE. TOGETHER 'MTH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALl nMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHAlL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTlUTY. NO UNES OR 'MRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION or ELECTRIC CURRENT. TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PlACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHAlL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATIAOiED TO A BUILDING. THIS EASEMENT IS CON~'1EO UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.01~ HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT I f ",\\UPE "'~L O. WA"" Jjo~ ~ ... 'Y "Q: ;.. . \~ SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM NT. S 1/4 COR CAlCULATED IoIONUIoIENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41.544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 -5.200 sq. ft. LOT 2 -5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 -5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 -5.602 sq. ft. LOT 6 -5.711 sq. ft. DEDICATION -7.953 sq. ft. .., " <{ "-NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED I' &: SEMIATIACHEO SINGLE FAMILY a RESIOENnAL. > BAIMA &:-HOLMBERG INC_ ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 I.::;-.. ~ft'''' ~ " ~ 11332 .•. f ,~~~ OlIN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-2-07 JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG IXPIRIS~ CHKO. BY WSH SCALE SHEET NTS 1 OF 2 G:\1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 8/3/2007 8:13:20 AM PDT RECORDING NO. CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT I VOl./PAGE SHORT PLAT # LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. SCALE: 1 INCH -20 n. -I I 10' PSE EASEMENT r REC. NO. 200J010~95 I o S 10 20 "W I SCALE ," = 20' 10 20 <0 PORTION OF ~1!4 of -.!::!L1!4. S.-1.Q.... T.-1LN .• R.2-E .• W ..... N. LINE Of S. , 3S' OF' I OUNO REBAR AND CAP NEll". SEC 10-23-5 ( Wl/2. SEl/4. SWI/4, Ir 2333 ! D.D ,0" PS( EASDI~ '00.00" '0.02. '0.02" 5002. . REC. NO. I 20060727002515 1S' I I i w~ r I ~I I :>0.97 I ~ :il I 1 TL 1023059246 ~ I I I I ~~ ~ W I I ~'" I I HOUSE -?; :ij I I FF=47569 ....... "'l 5 88"2O'OY E ~ ~ I I '00."')" ~ I I~ II EX. BUIlOINis TO BE R~O'£D t~ 5 l~ 6 '~r ~~ :ll °0 • I 15l ~ I I 33. "",vATE "0 • I ORAINAGE EASEMENT '" Ii II 2 -----_--L _____ ~ Iii I I !!: I I 25' 11 5' WATER :5 S' WATER £SM'T I l 1.5' PUBUC SIDEWALK • [St.ff TO WATER f S' WATER E~fT 10' UTlUTY E$M'T PER PlAT j EASOIENT REt. NO. 'OS::~A:; J DISTRICT 90 SIOE~~~T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 L (T'l'PICAL) 10' Un. UTY SEV£R EASE"'ENT~ ~EASE r:~~SN T I I '-~ - - - - - - - -I - - -SHED -~. 5· - - - - -- -- --_ _ _ _ _L~!!.?LA~ ~ = ===~~===T =~~ ~ ==~~== ==~_ __~ __ _ ~:m~ 8 286.45 - _ _ _ _ -,-Ll 1 i88"2723" t 588"20'03'E NE 8TH ST 8 "'--'-__ _ :! I L~_I-CALC. 8 t ----1 8 1l MON. IN CASE CENTERUNE THEORETICAl CEN. Of SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED 8v.oL LEGEND S UONlAI(NT "-S£ COR. SEI/ .. , SWI/ .. , NEI/". S£C 10-23-5 • SET REBAR ill: CJP LS 11332 ® FClJNO REBAR N¥J CJP 26' PUBLIC ROAD J DEDICATION TO OTY (X RENTON REC. NO. JlQUFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN fALL YIIIlHIN ZONE 2 Of RENTON'S AQUIfER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUB.£CT TO THE REQUIREMENTS Of THE CITY Of RENTON ORDINANCE NO. .. 367 AND AS ANENDEO BY ORDINANCE NO. "740. THIS C1TYs SOLE SOURCE Of DRINKING WATER IS SUPPlIED fRON A SHALLOW AOUlfER UNDER THE CITY SURfACE. THERE IS NO NATURAl BARRIER B£TYIEEN THE WATER TABlE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREt.IE CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED Vlt-tEN HANOUNC Of ANY UOUID SUSSTANCE 0lH[R THAN WATER TO PROTECT FRON CONTACT 'MTH n-tE GROUND SURfACE. IT IS THE HOWEO"'ER'S RESPONSIBIUTY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKINC WATER. S 88""20'03" E HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT [ €,WIPE 4'0 '~:"i~~ . ~~ ~.~ ~_. s !~l~~/~ ~/"';;.·W ""L~ .,...... :i 200.03 CPLAOX""QII 301.06 ADDRESSES LOT 1 HOQUIAN COURT LOT 2 HE 8TH STREET LOT 3 NE 8TH STREET LOT < NE 8TH SlREET LOT. N[ 8TH STRUT LOT 8 HE 8TH STREET BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT SlREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 118027 (206) 3112 -0250 0 .... BY IOAlE 8/15/05 I JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF REV 5-2-07 OWC NO. 1673-026-ENG CHKO. BY WSH SCAL£ 1" ~ 20' SHEET 2 OF 2 G, \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 8/3/2007 8,13,20 AM POT z ~ ~ o '" U Do ::?1 c( S ~ Clz o c( :z: ...J ~ I, q g ~ ~:I ~!i U1ll ~ ~ ~ ! ., ~ (2)1'~c:.u:: ...,"" 'PLOT,TIP. ""TOtU.CVtfI/ uTltJl .. SID[ ..... 1I. SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ". TL 1023059246 \ e\ RECOt.ftiENDED FOR APPROVAL \ SYMBOl LEGEND Ii • fOUHDR(8.of1M/OCM" " " ~ ~:./. ~. (f) ~o SCAlE 1· ... 20' CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS -------'"' ---'"'--- --s Can before you D,g. 1-800-424-5555 A_CU""",,~ ullUlYUCt.. IT'S tOSTl" ~I; ~RD ~SITE VICINITY MAP l fGAb DESCRlPDON THE SOUTH OS FEET or THE WEST 1/'2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 Of THE SOUTH\'£ST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST ,/ .. or SECTION 10, TO'ttN$HIP 23 NOO'TH, RANGE 5 EAST, w.p,; .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; [liCEPT TKE WEST 30 fEET THEREOF FOR ROAD. AS ESTABI..ISHEO BY KING COUNTy COW~ISSlON[RS R[COO'05 VOLUME 40, PAGE 132 BASIS 0[ BEARINGS N OO·02" .. :r [ B£TWEEN THE ",QNu ... [NTS rOUND AT THE [AST OUARTER ANO THE NORTHEAST S[C1IClN CORN£R OF SECTION 10. TO'MIIS/"lIP 23 NORTH, R,t,NG[ 5 EAST. W'" QAllJM. NA'v088 PER CITY Of RENTON ~ CITy or RENTON POINT NO.1907. CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE "'AlLSDX BASE, WEST SID( 142ND Ave. SE. OPPOSITE HOUSE NO 12014 ELEv-472 66 fEET. BEEEBEtIl:ES. Pl ... T Of' BROOKEfl(LO V 223, PC. 25-9 RECOROS Of' KING COUNTY, WAS .... NCTON lNSTR11NfNTADrw INSTRUtr,I[NT uSED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE ~EASURINC UNIT. fiELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LDOPS, ~INlMUt,j a.OSURE Of LOOPS WAS 1.22,000, IN ACCORDANCE .... 1)01 W ... C 332-130-090. CJII,.CUL~1tD -" " fDUNl_NT "C.o5£·.·CO!oC ·1I) .... M.SDISot w~'.~1loo , NIrIr',-...;nI ••• :r ; [ M.n1 up' rr· 51! j .... '''O'w ll:u .. !05·:b T ,il HORIZONTAL CON"TROL fDUNl_,.T ... CAS( .~. CONC W/ISI/I~SS 01501 W~\S1loo NOTe: [lIISTlNGullUll'UXAllOP<SSt<ClWNi'fEM:DN""'~""II:IM.". ITSt<,frUKbI[CCWlRM;1Dlt'SIIESPONsa.,JTY1DD(lUtUMEM [lI..c::l,O,[II"lK:oOl.....oHoDlt12OH1Iol.LOC::'O_DI'"oOl.~(:wSlll'oGUJoC)(II­GIIO..IHDu"hull(SPlil0A1DCONIIIENOMGCDNSflluClION.NO IlEP!II:5if:Nl ... nDNtSIII,o(I(lHA1""L[)oSflNo(;un ... lIlSAll(~ N(R(DN. M ENGINEER IoSSUII(S NO IIUPOMSIIl.lTY fDlt uTlull(S NOl~DRU1'V1l(SND1St<DVI"'TICIII"CIF'UlLDCAl'ICIk CALI. B[f'CIfl( YOu 0tQ '_1OO-'2_!05~~ ..---!Dl..a:lus,o) APPROVALS: KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. I va.../pAGE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this __ day of _____ • 20 __ Examined and approved this __ day of 20 __ SHORT PLAT I LUA--SHPL LND Administrator, Planning/ Building/ Public Works Assessor CERTIFICATION Deputy Assessor Account Number 102305-9246 SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owneN! in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make (I short subdivisioo thereof ond declore tMis mop to be the graphic representation HOQUAIM COURT of same, and that said short subdivision Is made with the free consent and In occordance with the desire of the owners. ~ iii IS LOT SHORT PLAT IN WITNESS WHEREOF' we hove set our hands. ill !< SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M.1O -< FOUND folONUMENT Basic Ventures, Inc. Name Sf RENTON Iss... ~~~~N~D .. -N8812'lTW 26«.82' 3 2 ~/;~~R:~~ g:c r--~ 15 ~1.21:~. 661.20 Executive House, Inc. Nome -1322.41' -_ W!PUNCH, 1.S'DN ~ ~~ 10 II ~ ~~ State of Woshington ., ,n~ ., SE 116TH ST ~ 8~ S.,· w County of w 661.49' (I') I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ~ ~SITE ~_",oo·41.l ~~ SIGNED THIS ~ ~~ . ... iNSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO ~ 8:2 ocig ;;:jNl1 t [N'6THST~ z S61.78'~ ~o -~~ EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOv.t.EDGED IT AS THE ~ ~z _____ OF TO ~ BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES ~ 5 ~ ~ 661.78' Nea"S'10·W N~ AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Z NBa 6',o·w 1323.55' NE 4TH ST ~ 1. ~ Signature of g ~ Notary Public ~ Doted 2 w ;;; My appointment expires .,; ~ 5 5 ~ State of Washington VICINITY MAP 9 !'0 ~ FOUND MONUMENT County of SCALE N.T.S. S88"20'OYE 2611.40' h IN CASE 4X4 CONC I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT I 1324.70 132".70' 10 II W/l.S"BRASS DISK SIGNED THIS RENTON+ N88"20'02·W 132".70' W/PUNCH, 1.S'DN iNSTRUMENT, ON OATH STAlED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOYltfDGED IT AS THE NO.1907 _____ 0' TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARy ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES LEG&. 12~~BI~nQtj AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. SI9noture of Notary Public THE SOU"TH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE Doted SOU"THEAST 1/4 OF THE SOU"THWEST 1/4 OF THE My appointment e"JIires NOR"THEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. I" State of Woshln9ton RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; ~iO SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM County of EXCEPT "THE WEST 30 FEET "THEREOF FOR ROAD. AS !!EITIDCTJOII ~~ NTS I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. "362, ~~ VOLUME 40. PAGE 132. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Si9ned this Instrument and acknowledged It to be (hls/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. BASIS Of BEARINGS 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONOIllONS. Signature of N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN "THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT "THE Notary Public EAST QUARTER AND "THE NOR"THEAST SECTION CORNER OF 10 CALCULATED Doted SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NOR"TH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M. ~ MONUMENT My appointment eKpires State of Woshlngton I2AIUM NAVDB8 PER CITY OF RENTON County of TOTAL SlTE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft I CERllFy THAT I KNOW OR HAVE. SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT a~~Q:I MABIS DECLARATION OF COVENANT SIGNED THIS PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 iNSTRUMENT, ON OAlli STAlED lliAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE THE O'htllER OF lliE LAND EMBRACED 'MTHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN EXECUTE THE INSlRUMENT AND ACKNOYltfDGEO IT AS THE RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY LOT 1 ~ 5,600 sq. ft. _____ 0' TO CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE. WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES SE. OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENT SHO'htll ON THIS SHORT LOT 2 ~ 8,200 sq. ft. (5.600 sq. ft.·) AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. ELEV~472.66 FEET. PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN 'MTH THE Signature of LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. LOT 3 ~ 6.903 sq. ft. (5.602 sq. ft.·) Notary Public BIi:EIBEt:!!;;~S Dated My oppointment expires NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND LOT 4 ~ 6.903 sq. ft. (5.602 sq. ft.·) PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223. PG. 25-9 UllUllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS State af Washington RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON PLAT. THE O'htllERS OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 4 SHALL HAVE O'MIIERSHIP AND LOT 5 ~ 6,903 sq. ft. (5.605 sq. ft.·) County of RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT I CERllFy THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlSF"ACTORY EVIDENCE THAT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE LOT 6 ~ 7.035 sq. ft. (5.710 sq. ft.·) SIGNED THIS IfjSIB!.IM~fjIAnQfj RESPONSIBllIllES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE I iNSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, ANY STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR • AREA OUTSIDE INGRESS EGRESS INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE DETENllON FAClUllES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE AND EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNO'M..EDGED IT AS THE OTHER INF"RASlRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE aTY OF RENTON OR OTHER & UTILITY EASEMENT _____ OF TO MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED UllllTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES TRAVERSE LOOPS. MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED W I AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. UNLESS THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN TWENTY (20.00) FEET. '" I: 22.000. NOTE: « Signature of IN ACCORDANCE WI"TH WAC 332-130-090. D- Notary Public AU. LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED "- Doted " SEIIIATTACHED SINGlE FAIItI. Y ~ I My appointment expires RESIDENTIAL §? RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ..... ...... LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 6\\UP~ BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. HOQUIAM COURT i6~ of W48/t ~ ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS filed for record this .. .. day of ........ ,20 ...... ct.. ... M This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by ~,tj"~ 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 in book ....... of ...... at page .. ...at the request of me or under my direction in conformance with the SHORT PLAT ::J.,. i;~ (20S) 392 -02S0 reqUirements of the appropriate State and County ~ <:> !y!~I.i.C?!"0 .. ~h ~P:!' ... ~. ~.I.r:r:',I?~r.9"" Statute and Ordinonce in ... , 20 .. i~IiIt>~~J! OlIN. BY DAlE JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF B/15/05 OWG NO. 1673-026 .............. '~.u;~ CHKO. BY SCALE SHEET ~ ,.,. ·S~·p·t.'" ~f .. R;;~·~·~d·~ ..... Certificate No. .... n.~~.4, DPIRIS uf'O/OO WSH NTS 1 OF 2 ------~----- HOQUIAM AYE NE v:: ! r---, !" I f. : II __ J l __ _ i ., I I L.. ... I ::£ ~ D6 -3 T23N R5E E V2 ii' . __ ") ii (1-/ . I , , -ill i LJL_= gw SE 112t~ G; 113th R~8 -gill SI ; ,~ ~ ~ ....., R=8 ; ................... -........... : Js-LJ~ __ ·-'-----------1 >~ ----J 121st st.. 1;31 I Q) ~ ""d SE 117th r:z u ~ , ~ <: ...c -+-c l!" RM-F "'''ii'''! , i. ~II, 1": liSE 124th : ggE~ lc~ =; ,t-"-N '1;3 ~ RC-?i~------~-~8-Q.)----i--RJ--9--Q) 11 "/fR,:/r 1~~lF! '" Ii; ; ~ "_~~l~ .J-~D~~;f l:r CA i ~R-I0 !If R i 8 'n II dNI l~l.t~f!J 1--!HLJJ~l fJ~~ UJ F6 .. 15 T23N R5E E V2 'b-soY 4YO 1:4800 ~y ~@~ ZONING + ~ ,: P/BIPW TF.CBNJCAJ. SBllVlCES ~ -","", n.12AlO4 - - --Renton City LImitII 10 T23N R5E E 1/2 E6 5310 ~'\ \ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LUA LND- I DITCH 1£_472.67 ( TOP ~ 121).I.-N) IE-472.91 1'2"O.l.-S) ':;Y';':' I 30' 1£-471.61 (12"CONC-N) I 1E_471.49 (1tCONC-S) I @)I I DITCH TOP ---L -1--+-)1(- SYMBOL LEGEND II! HEAT PUMP ® FOUNO REBAR AND CAP 0 WATER METER ¢ UTILITY POLE D<l WATER VALVE m TELEPHONE PEDESTAL E--GUY ANCHOR SHPL ~ YARD UGHT • FlR lREE 0" MAPLE TREE (fjZ~6" F'RUIT TREE ~;-" ADLER TREE STORM ORAIN EDO[ CF GRAVEL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWH. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 4' WIRE FENCE ''''.'' fL-i 02305924~ I I I I I I I I I " -~ ... ,-, I I ---I BUILDING SEl8Aa<S .b f'RONT SE19ACK &. SIDE SE19ACK & REAR SETBACK HOQUIAM SHORT COURT PLAT o 5 10 20 ,1;;;1 I '" SElltATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS'" SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 DMoi. BY JEF CHKD. BY WSH (206) 392 -0250 DAnE 8/15/05 SCAlE NTS JOB NO. 1673-026 D'Ml NO. 1673-026 SHEET 2 OF 2 z 'A' j c>" I' : . , .. " ~ I: ~ " ~ :1 o " .' -I' \ g I: \\.1: '.' .. ~ ..... /'1: ~'---, iJ -'® --' @ ... ~ ... ~ ~ C> ~ a ~ ~ 0: @) . O~~I -~l ®t \ 1 INCH-200 FEET ~I.~~ ,== ~ ~~!:I"i1 ... ; rir:;;.-=~~;" ~':.':. .... itil ... ~ ®! 8 aa_~ I~ 0: ~ ~iiiI" 'I!Y! ® '" C> ... 5.34 Ac. ~ 1-eJ (I) 0: ® 5.1!778'" (2) 81 @lm al! 1177003 ~ I~ ~ :;/8 .II .II ------~.-~-~. ---- ,= .~ (2) ~ .P.477"4 !So.e,l @ 7. E> I16f; "L" m (2) nu C>T & b D EI B E$l'lr'1E a 1!!551 ~~ ~I1 = B.II: ® RCNTON CORPORAITC LlMlr (J) ill ~p •• nlll , c, <" Ozz ~A:~ >-<c.. :l:() ~~:g~ ~a:z< O"<z Ug&~~ ... ~~ 1-" O'~;n~ O<w c ::Cz-< ij!5 :::i~ lll::> c.. Ei 1:11 :~ if. ~ q 1:: '. ~!I li 1.l11~1,1 ~JI~I ~ ! &o.n.$1 yro.l.-s> :':O:P"··· '" 1I .. 71.11(12"cONC-N) I I 1£-4'7'1.'" (ttCXlMC-S) (2) STMET 'III[U ALcw:·~~~ -iDE~ I <8>1 I I --L_ ... ,.,. "'JH'" SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ~f5f -_L • -:z:: . ......... ~' , \ \ h r ;0.02 ~ JO~ .. or" '1. ~ \ \ r 100.00 <r'S!! 'l: • ';. \ 5.02 -.. "-... '( , " I '----------, .:::::.::.:: SYWBOI.. LEGEND II • F'O./NOREBMAIIDCAI' o ¢ " m )0( • 0,. e···· e""· i ". " ~r~ P'o'ISTA_t.ao .-V ~ ·t --' ~ iii --1--- N.E. eTH STREET 1".ao' HOtllZ. 1"." YEWT f -- flItMSUBCltAOl:.AOOI'llCNAl.CRA'm. .... SE ..... lBtIlEOUIIIEDD£PDIDINCONSOL """""'" -- N.E. 8TH STREET SECTION '" 5~ - t nA.~_':.7.!I9· ~l ~, 1(_12-e7 .--,~; ~ -.::::: ~:-- RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL ~; i; CHECKED F'OR COMPLW'CE TO CITY STANDARDS ""--- ~I; ~ '~IW~SiTE .. [lTMST,. VICINITY MAP lEGAl Qf$CRlpDON THE SOUTH 138 fEET Of' TH[ WEST 1/2 Of" THE SOI.)TH[ASl 1/4 OF THE SouTHWEST 1/4 Of THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 [AST. W.IA .. IN KING COUNT'1. WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE WEST 30 fEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ES1AeUSHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132 8'\$1$ Of' BEARINGS N 00-02'42" E BETWEEN THE iAONUMENTS fOUND AT TH[ ["51 QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF S(CTION 10, TOWIISMIP 2l NORTH. RANGE 5 EAS"!, W.'-I. Q6D.lW NAV088 PER CITY OF RENTON ~ CITY Of RENTON POINT "10.1907. CHISELED saUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE I,4AILSOX eASE. WEST SlOE 142"10 AVE SE. OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEY=472.66 FEET. I!EEIIWiW PLAl Of BROOKEFIELD Y.223. PG. 25-9 RECORDS or KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON INSJB"MfNUDQN INSTRUMENT USED 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC OISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LooPS. MINIMUIrl CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS t:22.000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. t-~ -+-"'!u -i " . I ",. ",4/ .. 2 OAL. WHIT[ ftOCK ROSE (CISM AL8()US) PLANTED~' O.c., TYP • .. 4" POT~[[PlNGST. .. JOHN'S'IfOI!:T (HlPERlCUM ASC'I'RQN) PLANTEO AT 24" O.C, T'I'P • . . .•. (2) STR[[TTREtS PER LOT, T'I'P. (RANCHO COLUMNAII • SAAODIT~RY) ~. LANOSCAPINO STRIP ALONe M BACK OF SIOEWALK, TYP -StE lOCA~S ABOVE ~ . I .. • • LANDSCAPING DETAIL Call before ,au 019. 1·800·424-5555 A_~_ UTlITYI.IN£$.I"COSnl NOTE: ['l/STlNOIfflUTllOCAT!ONS$HO'/IWH£lIEoPIA"[APl'MllIIoIAl[Ot«.l 11 5rlAll8[ TtIt COff\lACTOIn ItEsPONSilll.lTV TO IXT[ltMtf( 1H( UACTYERTlCAl.o.HD_110tlT"'llOCAllOffOf"t.u.[)QS1'II«;lIfj[)[R-O/IOU<IOU1'1U1'1ESP"IORTDCDMMEIOCINGCONS'TfIUCTIOOI NO "U>IIE5EOIT ... lI0N IS MADE THAT M.l EXl$1'1NO UTiliTIES Alit SOlD .... HEItEON. UoIE[N~E(""'SS\.l~HOR[SI'ONSl81.ITVrORU111.11lE$ HOT SHOWN OR UTIlITIES NOT SHOWN IN THE'" ~ROf'EIt LOC ... TION. C.t.l..l BEfOM YOU DIG' '_8DO-~24_~555 UHIl(IIGRQUND $E~w:E (~5Al ~I I /lZB 2715 _ 1i31.85 --______ ~I_ ~" .. M=. __ .. __ I 1'9 361.85 @I I~ @I (2) @) .t7' 12215 O@f @ I~ o N :-g ! Po 477114 @I} ~~--- (I) 501 •• • __________ _ ."" l&J ------------..:--__ 330.815 • IS ____ ~::::: .... i (/) '~~, 0 ~O Ill" o '----~(;; ~ @ !!; il!l: .... ,;j .... @ @ 3 7 661.42 O~~@· I--~.....,..--t Z (\J ""';;"-'-""'---'---1 V J..--__ (3-'" o:~~A'Tt _. m LIMIT Ip \II ell @)II~ ~ Cl3Af3:l3l:J ~ooz l l 90V CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT # LUA-SHPL LND- SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC, 10, TWN, 23 N" RGE 5 E., W.M. I Ol~ IE_472.67 (.12-o.l.-N) IE-472.97 1'2"O.l.-5) 30' IE_471.61 (12-CONC-N) I 1E-471.49 (ltCONC-S) ~ I DITCH TOP 1 ~r-'8' ::J 1 ~\ » I~ :1 ' ~ ( / \ ~~ .~ / \ 4,.,REFENCE/ "',0" \ ARANDCAP £ • _0 -~-,----{} --o __ ---{)-" -." ----0-__ 100.00' 5:, 50.02' 50.97' i'--------------, I&,.& I .ifty 20' 20 ~) 1 I fC10:i305924~ ,-----'I ~---ij---~~ I '''''' I I' 1 &, g. 1 1£ <m' $1 20' .. 'Ill I'· 5 • 1 \'t) I 1"", 1 • &~II ~2~1 I~~I l:S-1 I z , I I -!it. 2&-1 -.1..._ 'W a 5 10 20 •• I ~ SCALE I" = 20' \ i l 30' II , I -~ I C~f i I I I I .. . .... • ,4' -----4--~-I, ~_ -1::----~------..1: ---'ill< ' . r---I i::"~'r=-,'_ ,_ "~"~.;:r\f) T ma' :=r z ,,,-.., ,-" / I I' IE-471 7. ",d'-'" \ / ' ( ~ 2.', 55 & \ 301.06' so.or 50.02' Ii! ® 0 ¢ N iii E- I '-_ _ \"........ 51' PRIVAIT , ~.~".,,~, -----,.,' .~-".~, SYMBOL LEGEND )::( HEAT PUt.lP FOUND REBAR AND CAP \Ill WATER METER unuTY POLE WATER VALVE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL GUY ANCHOR YARD UGHT FIR TREE MAPLE TREE FRUIT TREE ADLER TREE STORM DRAIN EDGE or ORA VEL BUIlOING SElBACKS £. FRONT SE18ACK &. SIDE SElB ... CK dh REAR SElBACK HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT '" SE11IA TTACHED 5INQ.E FAIotIL Y RESlDENnAL BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY I DAlE I JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF 8/15/05 OWO NO. 1673-026 CHKO. BY I SCALE I SHEET WSH NTS 2 OF 2 \ _________ ~~~~~~.v_~ .. _H_· ______ O~~1~r---------~~-----------®~------r----r ___ 1,\ IW\ 1 INCH ~!r eet 200 FEET 1-eJ Ul @ 8.1! 778111 (2) l'fi 5.34 Ac. III (2) , e, "'I-' Ozz 0:-", , ... ...J :>0"' ... :I:() ~~:g~ Po:z", o 1-'", z uO...J-~ ... '''' Owo: we ",1-0:, '-' 1-1-' o~UiiE O"'w e :I:z-", :ij~ ·2 '- ::::ij:: :::!;:) ... Ja:1 ~!i 1.lI,~I,I'J(11 ~ ~ E ... n..t7 y:nu.-S) 1E_47Ul{1rCCNC_II) I 1E.471 ... {,~S) (2) S'mEET TREES ~.~~ ~CC*GH~~; I @I I --1-_ ~ SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , , . ~ \ ~ /<o~z .............. ,. ~ ".\ \\ \' '0000 """ " • . \ \ ( I I "''' ~~. "'~\ ~02· _I~' ••• ~ \, • • TL 1023059246 ~Il! . ~ EB ., • .. ~ L'! ....... - SYMBOl.. LEGEND II • nXJNDA£8AAANDCAP " l!I 1Et.EPtoQN(I'EIlESTAl. <- " • (; .,t~ - CONNECT TO ASPEN WOODS WAlER - - ---- - - -.. =t-=:.:a=.::.;== .... .::;;:;ii;pp=.::.; ... =:.:-===-:;.;=t:=oo:;.==:;.;:.:;=~~ ------h __ ~hh ______ h,~~~~~, .. ~:~~m.,m-.-:~ ---------.. ~1." \ ,:~ ~~=::~.l'J ',----------\ "1--1 I ~ f----~ .L .I.,'~ :,;;:' ~;I~" v 'of----- s~ 01" ;; _ ·''il -r=~ ~~~i I 1 ~~r-~-'I ~=~~~ . I I I ~~ 1 r--- N.E. 6TH STREET 1',20' tfOlllL _., VERT I ~~ -b ~,=". lJlILITY u\Si:IIIENT !>·S!O£WAU< 5·j~20.- IlOl.LEDCURe~' at-iii' 4"COliPACTEDD£PTflCLASS·B·ASI'I1A1.TCONC 6' COMPACTED [l(PTH CRUSIIED ROC~ FIRl,I SUBGRAO£. AODIliONAl. GliA'f"O. BASE "AY8("fOl.Hf!EDOEPENDlNC~TI:~ N.£. 6ni STREET SECTION '" ~~ RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAl ~~ , CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS ""'--- ~I; ~ 1>([~8ITE VICINITY MAP I FGA! DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 Of THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SEeTlDN 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W ~ .. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD. AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY C0t.1MI5~ONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132 BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00"02'42" E BETWEEN THE t.1QNUt.1ENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EASt, W M IlAIl.lM NAVDBB PER CIT"!' OF RENTON ~ erN Of RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE '42ND AVE SE. opposm: HOUSE NO 12014 ELEV=472.55 FEET ~ PLAT Of BROOKEflELD V.223. PG 25-9 RECORDS Of" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSJRllyENU,DON INSTRUt.1ENT USED· 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE t.1EASURING UNIT FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS. t.1INIt.1Ut.1 CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1:22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090 I-~ -t-PI.::U ~ . ,,,.. • • ·'0 • "'··1 • • • LANDSCAPING DETAIL NOTE: 2 GAL. WHITE ROCK ROSE (CISTUSAL8IOIJS) Pl.ANTED ~' o.c., TYP. .. " POT CREEPINC ST . ..IOHN'S WORT (H"l'PERlCUIoIASC'I'ftON) PLANTEDAT24"O.C.,TYP . (2) STREET TREES PER LOT, TYP. (RANOiO COLUNNAR SARGENT QlERRY') 5' l..AHDSCAPING SlRlP ALONG lHE BACK OF SlD£WAl..K, T'IP -SEE LOCAllCHS ABO'o£ Call before ,011 E~ISl1NG UTiUTY LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE ~PP1'!O~ll,IAlE ONl. y ~Tl~¢l~:~~E ~~~~~g:~~R~&~;:-.~Y ;~ ~~~[lJ~~R-DIg. 1-800-424-51H15 CROUNDlJl1UTlESPfII0R10COIoII.IENCiNGCONSTRUCTION NO a~~~:~T~~~~~~~\~t~~~~=~1:~~~~~s CAll BEFORE lOU OIC· '-800-42~55!i5 AVOID~UTlINGLlNIlE~~D UTlUTYUN[SIT"SCOSTlY Uo.cE~GROUN;l S[R'IIC£ (lJ$.II) Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, WA 98023 tel: 425-392-0250 PARTIES OF RECORD Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA05-099, SHPL-H Joe Pruss eml: tom@baimaholmberg.com (contact) Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 tel: 425-432-3334 (owner / applicant) Updated: 08/25/05 (Page 1 of 1) I"" c) c:; -oc;C) Denis La,iN 'Mayo,' '. May 2.1, 2JU3 " ::;~-"~:.-... -.'.:-',-... ~." . -: ~.: . .'.~~:-::::":.:.',-'.'.-. Department ot'Community and Economic DeVelppment '. ·C.~"Chjp"Vincej,t,Adminjstrator; "",: . ClrYOF RENTON' . ' .. . -,',.:' "MAY29Z013" ' ..... . " ...... . 'REceiVED " CITY CLERK'S OFFfGE ". ." " rOWHOMrrM/WCONCERN:' ",:' Subject: New Plats and Short Plats in the(:jtyofRenton . Please se~ attached new plats, ,short plats and niLilti~building' ,developments that have . recently been addressed, someofthes~ have~een recorded and lam supp-Iyinga list ',on. new parcel n'umbers withthe·ne\.oV addre$ses.~fthe plat IS not recorded (NR); I am only giving you the plat map with the neW potential Qddresses written 6n it: This packet . 'includes plats'sartlng WithlettersG':"'L MoretocomeJater!" . . . ~ , .' . ~Iease' add theseaddressesto y~ur,Cit'(dinictoriesandniaps,. . .' -. ..' . . ~ustiQe $hortpiat' . Highland Estates Short Plat . Hillcrest: Village'BSP .. . Honey Creek East Plat" '. . Jassen Short Plat (NR) . . , 'Laure!hurst III Plat Sincerely" , Windsor Circle/Harmony Grove Plat HighlarldEstates'Div:2" . , . H6nybrookCifde/Ravenna (NR) . Hoquiam ~ourtShort Plat' . La Fbrtuna Development· ,;;;JY~1«~~~z~d ....... . . . -:- :,.'>'JanConklin . . -JEne{gyPlarls Eximliner ..,.. .,' '. Development Servites Division Telephone:4i5-43b:...7276 . -."' .. -.. ..... ' . -'-, . Renton Gty Hall' .' 1 OS5 South Grady Way-Renton,wa5hin~~n~98057 • reiit6n:Wa,gov . ~. ' ,< ,. .1 "'j 11 t. . .' ~. PID PLATNAME 1023059246 Hoquiam Court Short Plat 1023059462 Hoquiam Court Short Plat 1023059463 Hoquiam Court Short Plat 1023059464 Hoquiam Court Short Plat 1023059465 Hoquiam Court Short Plat 1023059466 Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLATLOT PSTLADDRESS 1 808 Hoquiam Ave NE 2 802 Hoquiam Ave NE 3 5120 NE 8th St 4 5126 NE 8th St 5 5132 NE 8th St 6 5138 NE 8th St / ~30' ;':< ...... ~ .,' .,<~ !r:;b23¥9.;kl/-{, ;t~ II \ ~ ,/0~ j . 'L 4,' \\1R~ FENCE Tl. :(;/jU:;::!,,~:: S;. \ AR ,\NO CAP ..;,._--O~-<_~. ~ - 100,00 .&. 50.97' ,--------------, I I L I : .'.,.'. ~i~~ I Qt,v, I I I I & s' I 215"--·10" --:s.i r---.;-4,,\ I '-;0" I : : 20' ~ ~ : ..fH.lfp '7 I I ;,,;..n;\..f I&, ~ T l • ..,. ( I 5' I \J'fT I s' '1"j I L ~: J : ~~: ~/\ ~I OJ I C 1.3: ././ ," ¥i'-• 81 1 .... ,. .v.: b I ll'lf '2' • I' ~ I I :g !'l I lli I 1 lli I Jill ~ : "~-";\\ ; -: ~ : -~ : ~~~--l-0--J'ii: -~-----~ -. ~ ~2 6 20'~N. t 20' ~ ,~: .... '~. ' -,'. '.' '. ,,.~. ; •• 4 .:-~.-4 :; • ;.: .... : :'. 4:',., .\~ •• -....... ~ .;lU:;~,;,...t.""','~'2~;{,s:;1}hJ~:~;;j;ji.~~~~· • ~: ,':~ ','; .: .~':' "'",'" >~ ,'" ---f, 26' . A CESS.!c J ' ,.;-_______________ . ,,\."" UTILITYfASEt.lENT\ ,j I \ ., 1£-471,78 , .. t-S~ 01 \ ~. _1/ / ':'~.'i';;h~;i~~;.:'·:iJ "--(12"CONC-N) ',C)lt::::ll ~ fl7) ~'ad;r~q,. -----__ ~ I . --------~~------ ~~ W?-hM~6Y:ds;jk~~ ~~ 51' PRIVATE DRAINAGE [ASEt.1ENT ·;:6i;Ol~ . ~~" ~ 5;;2.7 , < / Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Title: EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK Property Tax Parcel Number: 1?~~9.~.~.~~~~ .. Project File 1I-:---·LtJ~:~.?-]i~I·~B~i.;}~ Street Intersection ~:lggyIAM AVE NEINE 8T~~SI.:" __ --i Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I .. _~_~SI~_y"~.~TLJ~_~.~.!~.S: ... __ I. Ci of Renton, a Munici a1 Cor oration Grantor for and in consideration of mutual benefits and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the City of Renton, A Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for public sidewalk purposes with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situation in the County of King, State of Washington: A 1.50 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC SIDEWALK EASEMENT THAT WILL PARALLEL THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF NESTH STREET· PART OF THE SHORT PLAT UNDER RENTON FILENO. LUA-05-099-SHPL. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, K[NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON Fo/' the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, and maintaining a public sidcwall<. This easement shall run with the land described hel"ein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assings. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above P"opcl'tics and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of_.________ ,20 __ d£'D~ -0 f 00 Page I of 4 \\CentraJ\sys2\PI A 7..z. A \DA TA._ Center\Fonns\PB PW\Uti I i tyS ystems\TcchnicaIServices\Easemeots\PWEOO 14 .doc 512007 bh Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box deed BONNIE M. BABCOCK NOTARY Pl8JC STATE Of WASHIt+J.TION C~SSK)NE~S SEPTEJ.I!ER 22, 2«X» INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that __ . ______ _ --:-_-:--:----: __ -;-:-_-,-_-::-__ -,-__ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the lIses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print). ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _ --;--:-~__:_:__:_:_--_:__--:--:-_:_--signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ___ _:_--:-,---- of to be the fi·ee and voluntary act ofslIch party/parties for the lIses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING) 0 <6' /} I TI-\. . I _ tP On this 0-t) day of 5afkml?~ __ , before me personally appeared ~e..-&:tJ ~ ~ to me known to ber ft¢b F of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in .and for !he State oj, W~shingtol1 Notary (Print) /Sana! ~ !1 J5ad b. cOcJc. My appointment expires:~91----"'z...::;.;2..==---!:::ee':.._.f_--___ _ Dated: -6 -0 Page 2 SIDEWALK EASEMENT-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1673-026 THE NORTH 1.50 FEET OF THE SOUTH 27.50 FEET OF THE WEST Y2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1f4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1f4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1f4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN HOQUIAM A VENUE NE AND NE 8TH STREET. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ~I ~I §l I· I-; JII AND C#' ~ oo"'uv..> ~ ! r L 100.00" 50.02' 50.02' :,0.9, 1 !-!!'I L 10' PRlVA1£ UTll,ITY E~ENT I ~I 1 I "'I 1 1 I I 1 1 \ r~ I 1 1 ;~I~I--------~~'00~.OO~·~--------~I--~ 1 r~ I I : I b.. I ,5\ ::; i I : ! Y ... l ! I 2 1 I I 1.5' PUBUC SlD(WAtK 10' PRlVATt I (ASOIENT R[c. NO. $Too" .. I =--=-=-_ ~~E'~T=-:L 26' PUBUC ROAD OEOICA ~ to an Cf RtNTON I 3 4 5 <8 ---- __ F __ __ t __ _..!iIl.OL 588'20'03"( _--...:.N..;.;;E~8TH S:;...T'---__ ... ":".;:. :', ::~: .. : .... ~;.::;: CITY· OF RENTON SHORT PLAT 1/ LUA-05-099-SHPL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10. TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 6 NEW 33' PRiVATE OII.'lNAGE EASOott:NT tOR stORMW'A TOt OElEKOON TANS< fOR lHE 8EHEFIT c:s lOTS 1 tHROUGH: 4) a: lHIS SMORT PlAT 11)" unuY'Y (~.n 90 l (TWICAl) (PRIVATE) ~ ~ o 10 20 40 r------.---&----:-b-----~. J t I Balrna Holm erg Inc. ;C:;LE,· = 40' ENGINEERS &. SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, 'WASHINGTON 98027 (425) 392 -0250 PUBLIC SIDEWALK EASEMENT Page 4 , .I • Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION IU IIIIU 1111 1040009 CITY OF RENTON 0 47.00 PAGE001 OF 004 11/04/2008 14:04 KING COUNTY, UA E2370016 11/04/2008 14:04 KING COUNTY, UA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 PAGE001 OF 001 Property Tax Parcel Number: 102305-9246 Project File #: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. BASIC VENTURES, INC. 1. Ci of Renton, a Munici al Co oration LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) A TWENTY SIX (26) FOOT WIDE PARCEL OF LAND FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 8TH AVENUE NE. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of-King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box deed Denis Law ~'-J uJ~~b(}ff· City Clerk , Bonnie Halton' .:- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _____________ -,---,--_ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: Page 1 Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box deed BONNtE M. BABCOCK NOTARY PUBUC STA f£ Of WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ --, __ --,-------,-_-,-----,-,--_--,-,--.,--,----_____ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ,..... t b 2.00"1 On this tl5 day of Se.'f UVl. et%'... __ , before me personally appeared :Jo.G"" PruSS to me known to be Vie..<. 'Pr~~iC1e.vt 1-ofthecorporationthat executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) {Son!1I'",,-11 84..la(CC. k My appointment expires:_-'9'---....!!L=2."----~o~9 ______ _ Dated: 9-z.S' -D 7 Page 2 • DEDICATION AREA-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1673-026 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF ASPENWOODS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 237 OF PLATS, PAGES 91-94, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88° 20' 03" WEST 286.45 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.16 FEET AND THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88° 27' 23" TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF HOQUIAM AVENUE NE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 07' 20" WEST ALONG SAID MARGIN 40.61 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88° 20' 03 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 301.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 06' 30" EAST 26.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19 AND POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ~I w ~I ~ ::> a o I~ I: r ~ ANO CAP ~ 'I r I I HQ,UW ~ ! -w f I I "'T I I I , TL 1023059246 1 I I I I I I~ HOUSE ~ I Ig I I ....... • I I]:; ,00.00' I I§' I I II ,I I I I I I I I 2 :1:' I III 1.5' PUBUC SlDEWAU< I I -f~-_ _ 10' PRIVATE STORM & I 30' I I '" _ - - -~~ASE"ENT L I EX. BUILD1£ TO BE ftElolO>,tD 2.S' x s' WATER ES.'T TO WA TEft DISTRICT 90 6 33' PRIVATE ~~N~£~E=- I I L-23..16 1.-=-= = = ~.-:. r -= = I R-'5,~ • 8 / / - - - -I -~ I -".' --. I T" I ( ~-, __ =:t=== ... " ~: ;', ~ = ',,',; " ":; t ~ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT {I LUA-05-099-SHPL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC, 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. a o 10 20 40 -B-a-i-m-a--&-H-. -o-Im-----'b-e-r-g--In-c-· .-~7lE ,' .. = 40" ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (425) 392 -0250 PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATION-NE 8TH STREET Page 4 , _. , ~ Department of 'C"~venue Woo;h,ngton Stnt. REAL EST A _ ~ EXCISE T AX AFFIDAVIT This fonn IS your receipt PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61A WAC when stamped by cashier. TIDS AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED (See back of last page for instructions) o Check box Name BASIC VENTURES INC Mailing Address 18211 240TH AVE SE City/State/Zip MAPLE V ALLEY, WA. 93038 Phone No. (including area code) 425-432-3334 Send all property tax correspondence to: [lJ Same as Buyer/Grantee Name ________________________________________ __ Mailing Address __________________________________ _ City/State/Zip ____________________________________ __ Phone No. (including area code)' __________________________ __ If property tax parcel account numbers -check box if personal property 102305-9246 0 _____________________o ~_____________________O o II Street address of property: --"8L.11c.'.OL.JHJ.!0"'Q~1lJ.J.LI.aA.LML.<AuVLJE"-.IN.LE'''-____________________________________________________________ _ This property is located in 0 unincorporated _______________________ County OR within IXI city of RENTON o Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from a larger parcel. Legal description of property (if more space is needed, you may attach a separate sheet to each page of the affidavit) THE SOUTH 138TH FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. Enter Abstract Use Categories: ______ -'-____________ __ List all personal property (tangible and intangible) included in selling price. (See back of last page for instructions) ---"N .... O,J.1b ... IEo.-------------____________________________ __ YES NO Is this property exempt from property tax per chapter 0 84.36 RCW (nonprofit organization)') YES Is this property designated as torest land per chaplet 84.33 RCW? 0 Is this property classified as current use (open space, farm and 0 agricultura~ or timber) land per chapter 84.34? Is this property receiving special valuation as /lli,lorical property 0 per chapter 84.26 RCW? If any answers are yes, complete as instructed below. NO IXI (1) NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE (FOREST LAND OR CURRENT USE) NEW OWNER(S): To continue the current designation as forest land or classification a' current use (open space, farm and agriculture, or timber) land, you must sign on (3) below. The county assessor must then determine if the land transferred continues to qualifY and will indicate by signing below. If the land no longer qualifies or you do not wish to continue the designation or classification, it will be removed and the compensating or additional taxes will be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (RCW 84.33.140 or RCW 84.34.108). Prior to signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor for more infonnation. This land D does D does not qualifY for continuance. (2) NEW OWl sign (3) be additional I and payabl, CONFORMED COpy E2370016 11/04/2008 14:04 If claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: WAC No. (Section/SUbsection) 458-61-420 (B) Reason for exemption ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CITY OF RENTON Type of Document DEED OF DEDICATION Date of Document SEPT. 25. 2007 Gross Selling Price $ ___________________ 0 ______ _ *Personal Property (deduct) $, ________________________ _ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $, ________________________ __ Taxable Selling Price $ ________________________ ~ Excise Tax: State $ ________________________ ~ Local $ ________________________ ~ 'Delinquent Interest: State $ ________________________ ~ Local $ ________________________ ~ "v $ ___________ __ $~~~~~~~~~~--- $~~~~~~~~-- $-------------------- $ ; DUE IN FEE(S) AND/OR TAX STRUCTIONS K~~~ COUNTY, WA $10,00 SA~E $0,00 PAGE001 OF 001 or , Renton Perjury: Petjury is a class C felony which is punishable by imprisonment in the state correctional institotion for a maximum term of not more than five years, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or by both imprisonment and fine (RCW 9A.20.020 (I C). REV 84 0001.(06/02106) THIS SPACE -TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER 1673-026 DEDICATION AREA-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF ASPENWOODS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 237 OF PLATS, PAGES 91-94, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88° 20' 03" WEST 286.45 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.16 FEET AND THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88° 27' 23" TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF HOQUIAM AVENUE NE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 07' 20" WEST ALONG SAID MARGIN 40.61 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88° 20' 03 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 301.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 06' 30" EAST 26.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19 AND POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ~venue W,"",;ngton State REAL EST A I'" EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT This fonn is your receipt PU(,§E TYPE OR PRINT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61 A WAC when stamped by cashier. TIDS AFFlDA VIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED (See back of last page for instructions) Mailing Address 18211 240TH AVE SE City/State/Zip MAPLE V ALLEY. WA. ~8038 Phone No. (including area code) 425-432-3334 Send all property tax correspondence to: III Same as Buyer/Grantee Name ________________________________________ __ Mailing Address ______________________________ _ City/State/Zip ___________________________ _ Phone No. (including area code), _____________________ _ List assessed value(s) __ ~ __________________ ,o ______________________0 ______________________0 __ ____________________ ,0 II Street address of property: -,"8""1",-0LJ.H""0-"Q,?I...,J.LI.oA ... ML...CAI..lV,,,,E,,-, --'N.LE"'-________________________________________________ _ This property is located in 0 unincorporated ___________________ County OR within [XJ city of RENTON o Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from a larger parcel. Legal description of property (if more space is needed, you may attach a separate sheet to each page of the affidavit) THE SOUTH 138TH FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. Enter Abstract Use Categories: ____ -L--_________ _ List all personal property (tangible and intangible) included in selling price. (See back oflast page for instructions) --1>N"-O"'N"'E:.-_________________________________ -,-__ YES NO Is this property exempt from property tax per chapter 0 84.36 RCW (nonprofit organization)? YES Is this property designated as forest land per chapleJ: 84.33 RCW? 0 Is this property classified as current use (open space, funn and agricultura~ or timber) land per chapter 84.34? o NO If claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: WAC No. (Section/Subsection) 458-61-420 (B) Reason for exemption ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CITY OF RENTON Is this property receiving special valuation as historical property per chapter 84.26 RCW? o IXl Type of Document DEED OF DEDICATION If any answers are yes, complete as instructed below. (1) NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE (FOREST LAND OR CURRENT USE) NEW OWNER(S): To continue the current designation as forest land or classification as current use (open space, fann and agriculture, or timber) land, you mnst sign on (3) below. The county assessor must then detennine if the land transferred continues to qualifY and will indicate by signing below. If the land no longer qualifies or you do not wish to continue the designation or classification, it will be removed and the compensating or additional taxes will be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (RCW 84.33. 140 or RCW 84.34.108). Prior to signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor for more infonnation. This land D does D does not qualifY for continuance. (2) NEW OWl sign (3) be additional 1 and payabl, CONFORMED COpy E2370016 11/04/2008 14:04 KING COUNTY, lolA Date of Document SEPT. 25, 2007 Gross Selling Price $ ________________ 0 _____ _ 'Personal Property (deduct) $ _____________________ __ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $ ____________________ __ Taxable Selling Price $ __________________ __ Excise Tax: State $ ____________________ __ Local $ ________________________ __ 'Delinquent Interest: State $ _____________________ __ Local $ ________________________ ___ $----------------------- $------------------ $---------------------- $---------------~()~---- ,DUE IN FEE(S) AND/OR TAX STRUCTIONS TAX SAL.E $10.00 $0.00 PAGE001 OF 001 I I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY ;HAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND]£RRECT. ~ Signature of ~ /J n Signature of 'J u r: Grantor or Grantor's g n~Jl:J( ro '~ Grantee or Grantee's Agent ---If\;;;;l ..... ~<.:='--'----'I<----'----------- Name (print) .JA""E.-S R.. ~MA-Name (print) en; Law or Date & city of signing: 10-4-07 (~u"t+-Date & city of signing: • Renton Perjury: Petjwy is a class C felony which is punishable by imprisonment in the state correctional institution for a maximum !enn of not more than five years, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,OOO.()(), or by both imprisonment and fine (RCW 9A.20.020 (I C). REV 84 OOOla(06/0Z/06) TIDSSPACE-TREASURER'SUSEONLY COUNTY TREASURER 1673-026 DEDICATION AREA-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF ASPENWOODS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 237 OF PLATS, PAGES 91-94, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88° 20' 03" WEST 286.45 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.16 FEET AND THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88° 27' 23" TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF HOQUIAM AVENUE NE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 07' 20" WEST ALONG SAID MARGIN 40.61 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88° 20' 03 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 301.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 06' 30" EAST 26.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19 AND POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 28, 2008 Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced original mylars and three paper copies of the mylar for recording with King County. The recording instructions in order are as follows: 1. Record Deed of Dedication and write the recording number in the area provide on sheet 2 of 2. 2. Record Easement for Sidewalk and write the recording number in the area provide on sheet 2 of 2. 3. 2.Record the short plat mylars. 4. Request King County to return one of the executed mylars to us for our records. Please have the Courier take these documents via 4-hour service. A check in the amount of $15.81 made out to Champion Couriers is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.5590.0060.49.000003. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Cc: Kayren Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin (Please provide PID/recording #'s to Sonja, Carrie, and Patrick) Patrick (Notice to final short plat on Permits Plus) YeIIowFile \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiam Court SHPL 17m ClerlcReoord.doc ...... DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 28, 2008 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 HOQUIAM COURT SnORT PLAT LUA05-099-SIIPL Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiam Court SHPL 16m ZimSign.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: ~:e~:~~o~ oM ~ Gregg Zimmerman tr~ ~----c--- SUBJECT: Hoquaim Court Short Plat Carrie, this is ready for signature except for one issue. The two private easements for storm drainage facilities for lots 1,2,3.4,5 and 6 need to be revised to allow the City to also have ingress/egress and provide maintenance. I expect that the City will be taking over maintenance for these facilities within a year or two, so all easements for these types of facilities need to allow ingress/egress and maintenance by the City. This is not a new requirement -these easements are usually worded to allow access and performance of maintenance work by the City. c:\users\gzimmerman\desktop\city forms\memo forms\standard memo. doc BASIS OF BEARING: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00"59'26.96" counterclockwise was applied at a copper nail in concrete. incased. located at the intersection of Union Avenue SE and NE 4th Street. The monument is the Northwest corner of Section 15. Township 23 north. Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAD 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 181067.727 / 1311396.595 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999984400 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002148 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground d~'~~'~~ ____________________________________ _ NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: New private exclusive easement for ingress. egress and utilities is to be created upon the sale of lots shown on this short plat. The owners of lots 1 through a inclusive shall have an equal and undivided interest in the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement appurtenances. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of the private access road. drainage pipes. and storm water quality and/or detention facilities within this easement. private signage. and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Maintenance costs shall be shared equally. The City of Renton shall have the right to enter said easements to repair any deficiencies of the drainage facilities. These repairs shall be at the owner's cost. Parking on the paving in the access easement is prohibited. unless pavement width is greater than 28 feet. REN TROL MONUMENTS: City of Renton Control Paint 1227. Control Point 1227 was found to have a Lambert Grid North Zone coordinate of 163155.101 ft./ 1298978.088 ft.based upon the NGS Grid. A second Renton Control Point is the NGS Control Station "HAFF" known as Renton Control Point 1884. having a grid coordinate of 179737.948 ft./ 1308391.960 ft. 16 West Sectj 23 nc of tt' COPPEl incaE: of Ur and ~ City BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. Letter of Transmittal Date: / () &<g"It)~ Job No: /b 71~D~£ ;-~~~ We are sending you 0 attached 0 under separate cover via ___________ _ No. Copies Description THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o for approval 0 approved as noted 0 approved as submitted 0 as requested REMARKS: ________________________________ __ ,\ ( y Or HLNlO~· OCT 28 2008 d IiI rllNGD\VIS\O~ copy to: ---.. .L.J/.~-:::-.~Z~-------- 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • Fax (425) 391-3055 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM 'RECEIVED DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 24, 2008 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review X7235@ HOQUIAM COURT SnORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL OCT 24 Z008 CITY OF HENTON PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiam Court SHPL 16m ZimSign.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 23, 2008 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review ~ HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: ~ !b!m!! NA ProjestNs Comments ~ As-Builts ~ Cost Data Inventory ~ Bill of Sale ~ Easements ~ 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication ~ Square Footage: 7,953 sf. ofr/o/w on NE 8th St. Restrictive Covenants ~ ~anclf~ I On ';::::;:..0 Release Permit Bond ~ ,~, " Comments: ~a di{ j)~08-0/3 Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanRevieW\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiam Court SHPL 14m PR ReviewStarldoc CITY OF RENTON i)lS'C~ PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORK~/ I"tb 01 V~D ME M 0 RAN DUM (jl{IJ;.?~~~ <'008 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 4, 2008 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services cJ Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 Q IS'YIS'JrJ"o ~J;f: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement -01<- • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiam Court SHPL 11m PR-TS ReviewStartdoc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 19, 2007 Jill Ding, Planning Carrie Olson, Plan Review HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me know. Please return comments and folder to me by Monday, November 26,2007, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. • Mitigation Fees have been posted to the LUA and will be paid prior to recording. • Demo Permit B070562 was finaled 9-25-07. Approval: ---=-t~....:---'---+--'........---'d:~---="""-------' Date: Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 08m PlanningReview.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 4, 2007 Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie K. Olson, Development ServiceslPlan Review x7235 HOQUIAM COURT SnORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information. If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. \ \\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 03m JanC.doc Printed: 10-24-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-099 10/24/2008 10:45 AM Receipt Number: R0805542 Total Payment: 8,682.55 Payee: Visa -Jacki S Pruss ** 1334 Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C VISA Visa 8,682.55 Account Balances Amount 2,653.80 2,440.00 3,588.75 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. DO NOT USE -USE 3954 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OC .OC .OC CITY Of RENTON BLDG DEP 1955 S GRADY ~V RENTON, ~. 9B857-3232 TERHINAl 1.0.: 9917349999899251567782 I£RCHANT H: 8992515677 UISA ::rr=1334 RECORD H: 2 INU: DATE: OCT 24, 8B BATCH: 551 AUTH: 888982 TII£: 18lZZ 829951 .oc TOTAL $8682.55 .OC .O( .01 .01 .0 J~cn P;yss-, " . t, ( x-~?~~;t&~'-t/;(fti{~ • ~ ~/ I 'SREE TO PAY ABatE TOTAL AIIJUN; -- · A ORDING TO CARD ISSUER A6REEI£NT • 0 CHANT A6REEI£HT If CREDIT UOUCHER) .0 .0 I£RCHANT COpy Printed: 10-24-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U060138 01/30/200702:16 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 14,298.61 Payee: BASIC VENTURES INC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw Payments made for this receipt Amount 884.48 850.38 6,102.00 317.75 1,500.00 90.00 4,554.00 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C VISA Visa 14,298.61 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 R0700386 Printed: 10-24-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U060138 10/30/2006 01: 12 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 2,052.61 Payee: VISA JACKI PRUSS Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl Payments made for this receipt Amount 884.48 850.38 317.75 Trans Method Description Amount Payment Credit C VISA Visa 2,052.61 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4045 426.388.10.00.0031 Spec Assmt Dist, Sewer .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 R0605426 CITY .IF RENTON • Department of Community and Economic Development Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator October 24, 2008 Mr. Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 240th Ave SE Maple Valley WA 988038 SUBJECT: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Dear Mr. Pruss: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat.) • Pay the Transportation, Park and Fire Mitigation Fees in the amount of $8,682.55 for five lots. These fees may be paid at the Customer Services Counter on the 6th floor of Renton City Hall. When the above items have been completed, you may submit the signed and notarized short plat mylars (one original mylar and one copy (on mylar) of each sheet) along with a check in the amount of $15.81 (current courier fee) made out to Champion Courier. I am in receipt of the following original, signed and notarized documents: Deed of Dedication and 1.5' Easement for Sidewalk which will be sent for recording with the short plat mylars. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, /-, ~. X"7 / "t;/:> 17,. (/ iL, ;{l·" . /t·/r-VJ7 ~. '.' " , '--( I I L--' / ~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review FAXED TO: Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg Inc.: 425-391-3055 Cc: Yellow File -, __ I:\_Pl_anR_eV_ie_W_\C_O_L_SO_N\S_l_:_;_:_:_:_U:_:_:_~_:q_d:_ia_:_:_:"" ___ :_:_:_to_l:_,:_:_e:_:_e:_::_:_::_r:_to-:-::-c S - 7 -------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE October 15, 2007 Appointment: Library Board City Clerk: Quarterly Contract List, 7/2007 to 9/2007 CAG: 07-156, Fire Station #11 Fire Sprinkler System, Ace Fire Protection Systems Court Case: First Mercury Insurance Company, CRT-07- 010 Development Services: Hoquiam Court Short Plat, ROW Dedication, NE 8th St, SHP-05-099 Annexation: Marshall, Duvall Ave NE & NE Sunset Blvd Finance: Finance Analyst Position, Temporarily Fill as Full Time CAG: 03-131, Duvall Ave NE Improvements, Berger/ Abam Engineers Utility: Capital Expenditures Funding, Budget Amend UNFINISHED BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Legal: Settlement Agreement, Plat Application, MT Development Finance: Bond Issuance, Utility Capital Projects Renton City Council Minutes Page 360 Mayor Keolker appointed Catherine Ploue-Smith to the Library Board for a five-year term expiring on 6/112012. Refer to Community Services Committee. City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for period of 7/1/2007 to 9/30/2007; 42 contracts and 17 addenda totaling $12,961,116.66. Information. City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/3/2007 for CAG-07-156, Fire Station #11 Fire Sprinkler System; two bids; engineer's estimate $70,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Ace Fire Protection Systems, Inc., in the amount of$28,959.13. Refer to Finance Committee. Court Case filed on behalf of First Mercury Insurance Company by Lee Smart, P.S., Inc. related to the claim filed on the First Mercury policy for damage to self-storage units on NE Sunset Blvd. as a result of sewer discharge that occurred in November 2006 during Sanders General Construction's work on City contract CAG-05-165. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way in the vicinity ofNE 8th St. and Hoquiam Ave. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Hoquiam Court Short Plat. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended a public hearing be set on 1115/2007 to consider the proposed Marshall Annexation and R-8 zoning of the 7.6-acre site located west of Duvall Ave. NE and north ofNE Sunset Blvd. Council concur. Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval to temporarily fill a half-time Finance Analyst position with a full-time employee until 3/3112008. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation Systems Division requested approval of Supplemental Agreement No.7 to CAG-03-131, agreement with Berger/ Abam Engineers, Inc., for services in the amount of$386,000 for the Duvall Ave. NE Widening Project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Utility Systems Division recommended approval to transfer $1,800,000 from Water Utility Fund 405 to Fund 425; $963,000 from Wastewater Utility Fund 406 to Fund 426; and $410,000 from Surface Water Utility Fund 407 to Fund 427 for the funding of utilities capital expenditures. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Council President Nelson presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding the settlement agreement with MT Development. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the settlement of the MT Development lawsuit (CRT-05-011) as outlined in the agenda bill (dated 10/8/2007). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Nelson presented a Committee of the Whole report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to issue bonds in the approximate amount of $21.2 million to finance the cost of construction of various capital projects within the utility systems as well as to refinance outstanding bonds to lower overall costs. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div /Board .. Staff Contact. ..... Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 I AI#: ~I J F. For Agenda of: October 15, 2007 Agenda Status Consent. ............ . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. City of Renton code for new short plats and the Ordinance ............ . Hoquiam Court Short Plat (LUA05-099). Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examiner's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/ A Old Business ....... . New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept.. ...... . Finance Dept ..... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Transfer/ Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X The area to be dedicated is a 26' wide strip of land, approximately 7,873 sq.ft. along the south side of the Hoquiam Court Short Plat, to be known as NE 8th St. NE 8th St. will connect Hoquiam Avenue N.E. on the west to an existing road in the Aspen Wood Plat on the east. This dedication is to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Hoquiam Court Short Plat (LUA05-099). Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 102305-9246 Project File #: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. BASIC VENTURES, INC. 1. Ci of Renton, a Munici al Co oration LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) A TWENTY SIX (26) FOOT WIDE PARCEL OF LAND FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 8TH AVENUE NE. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box deed Grantee(s): City of Renton Mayor City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________ ----,--,--:--:--_-:--:-_ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: Page 1 Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box deed BONN.E M. BABCOCK NOTARY PUBUC STA fE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPiRES SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument NotaI)' Public in and for the State of Washington NotaI)' (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _ --:---:-----:----:--:--:-:-__ ...,--__ ...,----:--:-__ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ___ --:-----: __ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. NotaI)' Public in and for the State of Washington NotaI)' (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) '1"\. t b 2.00-' On this:15 day of Se.'1? e.wl. l?(Yf. __ , before me personally appeared :r6-t:.,"" ~tJSS to me known to be V i ~ <.rt..~ iOl '-VI. 1-of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. NotaI)' Public in and for the State of Washington NotaI)' (Print) 601111,'<" 11 tk.laux. k My appointment expires:_....1.9~-....!2.~2._-.....!o~9 ______ _ Dated: tJ -z.S--D 7 Page 2 1673-026 DEDICATION AREA-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF ASPENWOODS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 237 OF PLATS, PAGES 91-94, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88° 20' 03" WEST 286.45 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.16 FEET AND THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88° 27' 23" TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WA Y MARGIN OF HOQUIAM AVENUE NE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 07' 20" WEST ALONG SAID MARGIN 40.61 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88° 20' 03 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 301.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 06' 30" EAST 26.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19 AND POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ~l w ~I :;! ::; ::> o o I~ I: b AND CAP II rr I ;) OO,",U U.> ~ I 301.03' L ",I t t t t . i I I I I I I I I. 1 HOUSE TL 1023059246 :,., I I~ I Ie + I I t=I Ii $80"20'03" E ~ I Ii I I I I"'; I I II . I I I I 2 I I I I 1.5' PVBUC SlOEW'-l.K \ l -fEASEMENT I I ----10' PRIVATE STORM &: I I t=-:J ,,~ _ _ _ _ SE\\£R EASEMENT--, 30' I I ------== I I L-23.'6 - - --':' <~ EX. BUILOI.i TO BE REMO'iED ~ ~ 2.5' x !J' WATER ESM'T TO WATER DIS1R1CT 90 6 33' PRIVATE ,l::N~E~E~ 10' UTILITY ESt.I'T L (TYPICAL) :~~~·2~· ~ ~ I ~ - T g , 8 ::i S88'20'03"E _--.:..N=E~8TH S:;...:T __ _ ~ ~ 26' PUBUC ROAO DEOICA TlON TO CJTY RENTON ~:~.:: .. T '.:~~ ...... ,::: :: ~; F ~ ',/.,: {: .:: t:· CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT # LUA-05-099-SHPL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC, 10, TWN, 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Bairna & Holmberg Inc. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS a SCALE ,.' = 40' 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (425) 392 -0250 PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATION-NE 8TH STREET Page 4 ~ • .-,,,,.'f.l. V.J.", SHORT PLAT II LUA-LNO-SHPL I ":: 'E-471.17 01'OJ ..... ) '(-471.17 Y2'O.L-S) ,E-)0' rc:.lHC-H) I I 1[-471." (ltCllHC-S) " .... To. I 8>i I ---L -I-+-'Y_ SY!.4BOL LEGENO III HEATjIIJ~ (D rO\lN!) IOA~ ANO CAP a WATER ~ETU ¢ UTlUT'I'(U Dol WATER VALVE m ltUPHOHt P£D£STAl E-C;UY AHCHOII ):( YJJII.O UOHT • ""'lila 0,., "API.[ 'lila e,~·· "'-UlT TAU e~-'o' AOL£IIt ~a ST_~ mOE(If()IIA~ n"'''''''''M ,",UUlt I SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 01' THE HE 114 IEC. 10, TWN. 2$ N., '1101 • I., W.M. \ .. , ... !. 4; ; SCALE I" • 20' TI H\')'H\:;::,";:; ", \ \ t,\ .... ." ......... ," H'~ 1\ 02 :O:~:~ O:~ :::~ /t:: BUILOINO XTllAO<S J::, """,T~AO( &. SlOE SE18AO( & IO!AA IE.IIAa< HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT --.--.-.... ... ;::'.; ... :.;.:~/.~~.:> ':::}~;:':)" • SOIl). TTACHm SlHOU: , AUI~ Y ADIOENl1AL. BAlMA &: HOLMBERC INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS tOO ~ONT S'lIIEET $OVTH 'SSAQUAH. WASHlH070H 11027 O~.IY JEf CHI<D. IY WSH (201) J02 -0210 OATE 8/1~/O~ $CALC NTS _ NO. 1"3-026 OWO NO. 1573-025 SHttT 2 Of' 2 tlitvfnue Washington Srote REAL EST ATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT This form is your receipt PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61A WAC when stamped by cashier. THIS AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED (See back of last page for instructions) Mailing Address 18211 240TH AVE SF. City/State/Zip MAPLE VALLEY. WA. 98038 Phone No. (including area code) 425-432-3334 Send all property tax correspondence to: !i!l Same as Buyer/Grantee Name ______________________________________ __ Mailing Address ______________ ~ _______________ __ City/State/Zip _____________________________ __ Phone No. (including area code), _____________________ _ II Street address of property: 810 HOQUIAM AVE NE --~~~~~~~~~~~ all real and personal property tax parcel numbers -check box if personal property ,102305-9246 0 o _______________________0 o This property is located in 0 unincorporated ___________________ County OR within !XI city of RENTON o Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from a larger parcel. Legal description of property (if more space is needed, you may attach a separate sheet to each page of the affidavit) THE SOUTH 138TH FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .• IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTO~ EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. ; Enter Abstract Use Categories: ____ '--__________ _ List all personal property (tangible and intangible) included in selling price. (See back of last page for instructions) ~N.l.O!l\N~E~--------------------------------- YES NO Is this property exempt from property tax per chapter 0 84.36 RCW (nonprofit organization)? YES NO Is 1his property designated as forest land per chapter 84.33 RCW? 0 Is 1his property classified as cwrent use (open space, funn and agriculturaI, or timber) land per chapter 84.34? Is 1his property receiving special valuation as historical property per chapter 84.26 RCW? If any answeIS are yes, complete as inshucted below. o o IXI (1) NOTICEOFCONI1NUANCE (FORFSTLAND OR CURRENf USE) NEW OWNER(S): To continue the current designation as forest land or classification as current use (open space, farm and agriculture, 'or timber) land, you must sign on (3) below. The county assessor must then determine if the land transferred' continues to qualifY and will indicate by signing below, If the land no longer quaWies or you do not wish to continue the designation or classification, it will be removed and the compensating or additional taxes will be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (RCW 84.33.140 or RCW 84.34.108), Prior to signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor for more information, lbis land 0 does 0 does not qualifY for continuance, DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (2) NOTICE OF COMPUANCE (lDSTORIC PROPERTY) NEW OWNER(S): To continue special valuation as historic property, sign (3) below. If the new owner(s) do not wish to continue, all additional tax calculated pursuant to chapter 84.26 RCW, shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (3) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE PRINT NAME If claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: WAC No, (Section/Subsection) 458-61-420 (B) Reason for exemption ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CITY OF RENTON Type of Document DEED OF DEDICATION Date of Document SEPT. 25, 2007 Gross Selling Price $ ________________ 0 ____ __ *Personal Property (deduct) $ ______________________ _ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $ ___________________ _ Taxable Selling Price $ ______________________ _ Excise Tax: State $ ____________________ _ Local $ ______________________ _ *Delinquent Interest: State $ _____________________ _ Local $ _____________________ _ *Delinquent Penalty $ ____________________ _ Subtotal $ _____________________ _ *State Technology Fee $ _______________ _ * Affidavit Processing Fee $ ______________________ _ Total Due $ _________________ ",0"'--__ __ A MINIMUM OF $10.00 IS DUE IN FEE(S) AND/OR TAX *SEE INSTRUCTIONS I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECf. Signature of ~ /J n Grantor or Grantor's g ~Jl.J( ro J~,d Name (print) .jAW.£.~ R. ~A- Signature of Grantee or Grantee's Agent ______________________ _ Name (print) ____________________ _ Date & city of signing: IQ-4-07 /SSA"fU"* Date & city of signing: Perjlll"T-Petjury is a class C felony which is punishable by imprisonment in the state correctional institution for a maximum term of not more than five years, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or by both imprisonment and fine (RCW 9A.20.020 (I C», REV 84 0001. (06/02/06) TIllS SPACE -TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER CITY OF RENTON LUA--SHPL SHORT PLAT # LND- CERTIFICA T10N KNOW All. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mop to be the graphic representation of some, and that said short subdivision Is made with the free consent and In accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures, Inc. Nome Executive House, Inc. Nome State of Washington County of ___________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE -=-____ --==--__ OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary PubliC Dated My appointment expires State of Washington County of ____________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _____ --__ --___ =-_____ -::~ ___ -SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ______ OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public ___________ _ Dated My appointment expires ________ _ State of Washington County of ____________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this Instrument and acknowledged It to be (hiS/her) tree and voluntary act for the uses and purposeS mentioned In the Instrument. Signature of Notary PubliC Dated My appointment expires State of Washington County of ____________ _ APPROVALS: _________ _ KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ___ day of , 20 __ Administrator, Planning/ Bullding/ Public Works Examined and approved this ___ day of 20 __ Assessor Deputy Assessar Account Number 1 02305-9246 ------- HOQUAIM COURT ., LOT SHORT PLAT iEltx ~ ~ -< sw 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., R ~ ---r-SE RENTON ISSA.QUA.H RD I - SE 116TH ST ~.IIr:::t==z SlTE NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPDON THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IlAIl.lM NAV088 PER CITY OF RENTON 9f S88'20'03"E 26· RESDICDONS 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921. TERMS AND CONDIllONS. \ L ""'l ~"l' .-'7 ~ Q1 J -(? -.- ~"". t· .~.~~: ·it, ~< •• 1' t ';" November 1,2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/OWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S . Issaquah, W A 98027 Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA 05-099, SHPL-H 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a 0.95-acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on October II, 2005. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the October 18, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Vicinity Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Topography, Road, Utilities, Tree, Landscaping, Grading and Drainage Hoquiam Court Short Pia File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1,2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.7: Overall circulation map of area Exhibit No.6: Letter from City of Renton Public Works approving right-of-way width modification The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The site is located in the Residential- 8 zoning designation and is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and outbuildings. This site is located on the east side of Hoquiam. The area has been undergoing rapid growth and this is one of the last remaining parcels to be subdivided. Two of the proposed lots would face Hoquiam and the remaining four lots would take access via an extension of NE 8th Circle from t.he roapstub in,theapproved plat of Aspen Woods. The existing home and outbuildings would be removed. NE 8" Circle would be dedicated and be 26-feet of right-of-way and would allow improvements to be constructed on the south side ofthe site and would connect into Aspen Woods. The slope on the site is a maximum of 8%. The approximately 25 trees existing on site would be removed as part of the development of the site. City standards do require some landscaping to be done on the new lots. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed plat is consistent with the pertinent Comprehensive Plan policies. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 4,500 square feet, and the parcel is considered an infill development. The net density for the site is 7.75 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the density allowed in the R-8 zone. Lot 2 would be considered a corner lot and as such would need to be 60-feet in width, the lot line needs to be shifted between Lots I and 2 to allow Lot 2 to achieve its appropriate 60-foot width. The proposed lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the subdivision regulations. Each of the remaining lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone after the realignment of Lots 1 and 2. The applicant proposed to provide drought-tolerant landscaping and trees within a 5-foot wide landscaping strip. Fire, Traffic and Park Mitigation Fees are to be imposed as condition of short plat approval. The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. The site slopes to the east at about 1%-8%. Onsite runoff sheet flows at approximately 5% to 10% east through the approved Aspen Woods subdivision. Little if any drainage runs onto the site from offsite areas. The proposal shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual, Level 2, for onsite water quality treatment and runoff detention. A drainage report was prepared and submitted by Baima & Holmberg at the time of application for a short plat. The required flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a water quality vault. The applicant proposes a combined detention/water quality vault within an easement across the front (south side) of Lots 5 and 6. Water service is within the King County Water District No. 90. A certificate of water availability has been provided. The extension and replacement of the 8" main on Hoquiam Avenue NE will be required, as well as Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1, 2005 Page 3 dedication of any required easements. There is a 16-inch water main and an 8-inch sewer main within Aberdeen Avenue NE. Shupe Holmberg, Baima & Holmberg, Inc., 100 Front Street S., Issaquah, W A 98027 stated that they are in agreement with staff. The modification to Lots I and 2 is acceptable and will be corrected. The turning radius for Lot 2 will be accommodated. Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., 18211 240th Avenue SE, Maple Valley, W A 98038 stated that they would like to incorporate the landscape requirements on the site plan at the time of final platting. Neil Watts, Director, Development Services Division stated that the Landscaping Code is fairly news and does have a variety of glitches that staff is aware of, unfortunately they have not been corrected as yet. The landscape plan is required for recording the short plat, however, the actual installation ofthe landscaping must be done before the final inspection of the homes. In regards to the street modifications, Aspen Woods is installing exactly the same right-of-way width and street dimensions as was approved for modification for this project. That will be 26-feet of right-of-way with 20-feet of pavement and curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side. No parking will be allowed on either side of the street. For this project, the street modification will either be connected all the way through to Aspen Woods or a temporary turn-around will have to be provided subject to Fire Department approval. As to the turning radius off of Hoquiam, that will also need to be discussed with the Wedgewood 2 people for the south side of the new NE 8th Circle. This will be a standard street intersection, a public street. A public street allows for the enforcement of "no parking" requirements by the police department. A sidewalk will be provided on the north side of the street. This conceptual drainage plan was submitted under the 1998 Manual, the City Code still required the 1990 Manual, however, almost every project is required to adhere to the 1998 standard. All the projects in this area have been required to adhere to the 1998 Manual, Level 2. This project proposes that, but since they did not have to undergo SEPA that condition does not exist on the project. He would like to have the 1998 Manual I isted as a condition of approval. The storm water system for this project has a detention vault, which is for both detention and water quality. It is partially located in the right-of-way, which is okay for Fire and City policies. The issue for the City of Renton is that it is to be privately owned and maintained by the owners of this small short plat. He would like to see a homeowner's association, which is somewhat unwarranted for a plat ofthis size, but it is an option or that there be a maintenance agreement of the six property owners for maintenance of this drainage facility. The joint maintenance agreement seems most likely. There is a school boundary issue that comes up between these plats. It appears that this plat is in Renton School District. They will check after the hearing, but will let us know which school district is actually affected by this plat. There are no water district development charges required for this project. Mr. Holmberg stated that regarding the drainage, they propose to provide Level 2 detention for the 1998 King County Manual that is consistent with the other developments in the area. A Joint Maintenance Agreement will be set up for the drainage facility and storm system. Hoquialn Court Short PI File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1,2005 Page 4 Mr. Pruss stated that they have done several vaults in the City all with small lot counts, they do have a joint maintenance agreement that has previously been used and approved. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:58 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., filed a request for an approval of a short plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # 1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City'S responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the east side of Hoquiam just north of what will be NE 8th Circle. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5017 enacted in November 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 138 feet wide (north to south) by 301 feet deep. The parcel is approximately 0.95 acres or 41,549 square feet. 10. An existing home and outbuildings will be removed to accommodate redevelopment if the plat is approved. 11. The subject site slopes moderately downward to the east at between 1 % and 8%. Stormwater sheet flows off the site in an easterly direction. 12. Trees, approximately 25, would be removed to accommodate building pads and roads. Code requires the planting of street trees and landscaping along the roadway. 13. The six lots would be generally aligned west to east although Proposed Lots 1 and 2 would both face Hoquiam. The remaining lots, Proposed Lots 3 to 6, would be aligned along the north side of a new public street and take access from the new street. Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1,2005 Page 5 14. Proposed Lot 2 at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hoquiam and the ~_~ is a corner lot. Its lot width did not reflect the code requirements for a comer lot in that it was designated at 56 feet wide whereas 60 feet is required. The applicant indicated that Proposed Lot 1 could be narrowed allowing Lot 2 to meet code. 15. The new street would be NE 8th Circle. It would extend from Hoquiam on the west to an existing stub road in the Aspen Wood plat east of the subject site. That road in Aspen Woods was originally an easement but the City required it be a public roadway. It will now be connected through to Hoquiam. It will be a 26-foot wide right-of-way with 20 feet of pavement. 16. The density for the plat would be 7.75 dwelling units per acre after subtracting 7,827 square feet for roadways. 17. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 2 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 18. The development will increase traffic approximately 60 trips for the six homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and even mg. 19. Stormwater wi II be handled by a detention system constructed in the front of Proposed Lots 5 and 6 in an easement for that purpose. It would provide both detention and water quality treatment and meet King County's 1998 manual, Level 2 requirements. 20. Sewer would be provided by the City but will be dependent on a line constructed as part of the Aspen Woods project east of the site. 21. Water would be provided by Water District 90. A certificate of availability was provided. 22. The City has adopted mitigation fees for transportation improvements, fire services and parks and recreational needs based on an analysis of the needs and costs. These fees are applied to new development to help offset the impacts new homes and residents have on the existing community and the additional demand for services. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The proposal creates six rectangular lots that meet or can meet code requirements for lot width and lot area. The lots a:1 have regular, right angle property lines. 2. The proposal creates additional R-8 detached single-family housing choices for residents in an area with urban services. 3. New plats are required, by State regulations, to make provision for the impacts of its new homes and future residents. The new homes proposed for this plat should not overtax the City's infrastructure but the applicant should help accommodate new residents and their demand for services by paying the appropriate fees for parks, fire and transportation. Hoquiam Court Short Pia' File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1, 2005 Page 6 4. The applicant shall have to modify the originally proposed widths for Proposed Lots 1 and 2 to accommodate Lot 2's corner lot status. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 5. The applicant will have to submit the dedication for the new street to the City Council. In regard to roads, the link through Aspen Woods shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 6. In conclusion, the Proposed Short Plat appears to blend harmoniously with its surroundings while allowing infill development in a growing area of the City. DECISION: The Six-Lot Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall dedicate a 26-foot strip along the south property line of the site as right-of-way for NE 8th Circle prior to short plat recording. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements and conditions stipulated in the letter from the City'S Public Works Department, dated October 7,2005 regarding the approved right-of-way width modification request for NE 8th Circle. 3. The public roadway link through Aspen Woods, or turnaround, shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of$488.00 for each new single-family residence prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new siegle-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 8. The plat shall comply with the 1998 King County Stormwater Manual, Level 2 controls. 9. A Joint Maintenance Agreement shall be set up for the drainage and storm system facilities. ORDERED THIS 151 day of November 2005 TRANSMITTED THIS 15t day of November 2005 to the parties of record: Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 7 Neil Watts Joe Pruss Jennifer Henning 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Shupe Holmberg Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, W A 98027 TRANSMITTED THIS 1 st day of November 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division ./Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in jUdgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. Ifthe Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of tile file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. '------ _. ___ .L...._. I :L ~ RM-F , CA ! .. 11 i i' i. __ .. ' ~.~ .... -~ . ; 1 .. ZONING e +~+ ~ ttc8NJCAL SRVIaS D6 -3 T23N R5E E 112 S} SE 117th SE 124th I 10 T23N R5E E 1/2 5310 ------------~I~----------BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. CITYOFRENTON RF8rl'JF8 Letter of Transmittal To: {)-ar SF ]Zh.fl-J1; f\J ,<t't1l\l &iiJilIl fl {)L:J ~ IU We are sending you D attached D under separate cover via ___________ _ No. Copies Description THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: i'l .. ( .;; '" CIT', c!· i .:-. ReCEIVED D for approval D approved as noted D approved as submitted D as requested REMARKS: ___________________________________ _ copytO: __________________ __ signed: 1/9M~ H j 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • Fax (425) 391-3055 BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. Letter of Transmittal To: ~lt It () r IYJ~)1toA. ) Atl:tN: C~ l ~ ()l./~IU Date: 6/Zfl)£ Job No: 16:; \ 3 -&26 ~1/1V;:cr We are sending you D attached D under separate cover via _________ _ No. Copies Description THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D for approval D approved as noted D approved as submitted D as requested REMARKS: __ ~C~~~~~~~ ____________________ _ copy to: ____________ signed: __ F -.I-?-I.~~~,,';-I -ffw»~~.L.I-~---- 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • Fax (425) 391-3055 ------------II~--------­BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. Letter of Transmittal CAgg'E. k. QLSON GtTj of 1<0JTOM ))~er 01::::: Co 1'1 rYIlJN I I1 ____ ~~ __ ~ __ ~~~~4_~A~N~D ~~o~~ DCv. loS~ SOllT1+ G~D1 t.,JA-'1 ~ThN I w t1-960S 7 Date: s--~ -0 g- Job No: Ib73-o2.C. HOQVI J4M Ca()~ $,? Luf\--o~-:' 09'1--SfrtPL. We are sending you 0 attached 0 under separate cover via _____________________ _ No. Copies Description CITYOFAENTON RECEIVED I VOUR. LEITE-&. of 1IfR..IL 2~ 2.00~ MAY 062008 BUlLOINGOtVISION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o for approval 0 approved as noted 0 approved as submitted 0 as requested /J.I REMARKS: __________________________________________________ ~q*~~.~4~fR.~~_ .. _, __ ;''4 y o~,'7l:"yl:t:"'l'l/ copyto: __________________________ __ 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • Fax (425) 391-3055 DATE: f'ft'l TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM _Uay7,2eeS ~ ()~ j j . ~.-. ~ AfBeta Heaaiager, FlaB Revi@w /.?:sT71 ~r 0- KIl-)'i'@A Kittri€k, Flaa R-evievi 1-~ -(5 'l' / -"3055 Carrie Olson, Plan Review @ ~ ~ HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of; As;cented Related ~ Y.. Project##S Comments As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements Y.. 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Y.. Square Footage: 7,953 s.f. ofr/o/w on NE 8th St. Restrictive Covenants Y.. Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Comments: ~~tJ . ~~~~ao 1 B ~ 1ft tJW' {)-J~4:? 3001 uJ (od, APprova~ ~ ~ -t.r 13 ~Date: Al~y1- Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger -I ~r:r-r'~y t.: v /;n(~ ,. Cc: Yellow File ~ / f'P-74,/ ():} I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiarn Court SHPL 13m PR ReviewStaIt.doc ( DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 4, 2008 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review _) Carrie Olson, Plan Review (L HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Sidewalk Easement, Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Accited Related NA Project #Is Comments ? As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements Y.. 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Y.. Square Footage: 7,953 s.f. ofr/o/w on NE 8th St. Restrictive Covenants Y.. Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Comments: '7~~~ .J . . ~~ Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger Cc: Yellow File CITY ~_ E RENTON April 28, 2008 Mr. Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 240th Ave SE Maple Valley WA 988038 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator SUBJECT: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Dear Mr. Pruss: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and three copies of any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat.) I. Contact Arneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. A demo permit B070123 was acquired but has since expired on 3-26-07. Please request a new demo permit, request an inspection and request the inspector to final the demo permit. 3. The "NEW PRN ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement, located in the lower right-hand side of Sheet 2 of 2, appears to be for a 10' utility easement over all six lots. Is there to be ingress and egress with this easement? Would there be paving in this utility easement area? Change the language as needed. 4. There needs to be another "NEW PRN ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement noted on the short plat submittal for the new 33 'private drainage easement for a storm water detention tank. Said existing statement again needs to be revised, as needed, to fit the subject easement. Who is to own and maintain the easement? Is ingress and egress included? 5. Note the date the rebar and caps were found. 6. It has been determined that attorneys may argue the "BOUNDARY NOTE" statement (Sheet 1 of 2). The owners are declaring a subdivision of their ownership; therefore, the survey must reflect said ownership. ~, ---------,-----------R E NT 0 N 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 I:\PJanReview\COLSON\ShortpJats 2008\Hoquiam COurt SHPL I2L Change RequestStop.doc m This paper contains 50% recycled materiaL 3O<,!c nost con~umer AHEAD OF THE CGRV' Page 2 April 28, 2008 7. The Easement for Sidewalk document has been accepted. We have the original here so please come in and sign and have it notarized. We are in receipt of the deed of dedication document, it has been accepted by Council, signed by the Mayor and will be recorded with the short plat mylar. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, ~k,~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review FAXED TO: Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg Inc.: 425-391-3055 Cc: Yellow File DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 24, 2008 Carrie Olson ~ SonjaJ. Fesser y~ Hoquiam Court Short Plat, LUA-OS-099-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The "NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement, located in the lower right-hand side of Sheet 2 of 2, appears to be for a 10' utility easement over all six lots. Is there to be ingress and egress with this easement? Would there be paving in this utility easement area? Change the language as needed. There needs to be another "NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement noted on the short plat submittal for the new 33'private drainage easement for a stormwater detention tank. Said existing statement again needs to be revised, as needed, to fit the subject easement. Who is to own and maintain the easement? Is ingress and egress included? Note the date the rebar and caps were found. It has been determined that attorneys may argue the "BOUNDARY NOTE" statement (Sheet 1 of 2). The owners are declaring a subdivision of their ownership; therefore, the survey must reflect said ownership. \H:\Fiie Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short P\nts\0425\RV080424.doc BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. Letter of Transmittal To: UgRIF k. OLSt:J¥ Date: ;2.-I -CJ~ UTI OF ReNnW 'Df.Vf.LOPmgN( .5Ej?VI(£5 PLJ4.Ai ,ee:JIIZtAi Job No: Ib73-02.~ .J / 6S~ Scum GJe:dt>'t Wrt'1 HO~IJ'Aw\. c.ou~ RarroN. Wt\ 92bs-7 LuA 05'"-OtjCf -St+PL J We are sending you 0 attached ..N\ under separate cover via ____________ _ No. Copies Description 3 + THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o for approval 0 approved as noted 0 approved as submitted 0 as requested REMARKS: __________________________________________ _ copyto: _________________________ _ 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • Fax (425) 391-3055 I .. 01/30/2008 WED 16:35 FAX 4254307300 City of Renton DS/EDNSP 1lI001/008 Ii 1"J -ez,~ CITY OF RENTON, Denis Law, Mayor, January 30, ~008 , Mr. Joe Pru&s .' Basic VentW-es, Inc. 18211 240tll Ave SE Maple Valley WA 988038 PlanDfug/BuildinglPubIic Works Department Gregg ZJmmerDWa P.E .. Administrator SUBJECT: , HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Deal-Mr. Pruss: , ' , The review submittal on't4e above-mentioned short, plat has been completed :and thl; following comments ' have been returned.. Please revjeW these' comments and make 'the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please res\lbmit tliret, ~pics of t:he sho,rt plat drawill'gS and three 'copies Qf any other " related documents. ' SHORT PLAT REVIEW eOMMEl!1SJ '(T~es~ items are 'required to b~ comPleted 'prior to recording ~f the short,plat.) , , , . , 1. Contact Ameta H~, Plan ,Review~~ a.t 425-430,,7298; fOr requireinents to be' completed on the civil cons~tion portion to you!'Project.' ,',',,',',,', ' , , " ) . " ... '. '," " ,., . . v"'2. The ltem"noied and-er 'th~'~~~O:N"ON TIlLE" bl,Qok '(Sheet I ,of 2)'is.aIiead; noted ~ Item No.4 under t~~ ''RESTRiCUQNS'' bl~k. Remove'one of these iiems from the short plat' , . sUbmittal. " :' . ':." ", , ' v'3. ,The house, garage ~ ~o, ~eds are cunently shown ~ the Shor:t' phlt, di-~W'iIJg' (Sheet 2 of 2). H·they haVe bee~ removed from th,~ ~perty'to ,~t~, remove them from the sh,ort,p,lat drawfug and also from the sidewiUk'e~emetit,map,exru.bit': ", ," " \', . .: . . . 4. ' A. demo perinit B070 123 Was ~cqUired, but has ~i~ce expired',on ',,3-26-07. piease ~quest a ' ,neW' denlo pcrniit,'~uest an'inspection'and request the irispector to fuiaI the denio permi~", ' " ... /i ,The ~pje~' si~ i~ not ~n" th~, City's, Aquifer h-otec,~qn Easein.ent Area.' ltem~ve the , "AQ~:JiFERPROTECtION.NOTICE" block from Sheet 2 of2. " " " V 6,' Add ''NE~''''to'the' p#v~te 33' ,dTain~ge' eas~~,for'stormwat~ d~tion ~k text , already noted on'LOt 6 (Sbe,et 2 oq.). Indicate O~' the shO!t plat drawing ,who is" to mainta~ it and who is to 'be respo~sible"fur the qtainteriance"costs. Perhaps adding another NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR 'INGRESS, EGRESS AND t.rrJ!,IT:IES MAINTENANCE,' , AGREEMENT paragiaph fof the"61ots who, wi'll maintain'the easement and detention, tank WiJl suffice . .(S~e;-attached agreemmt Bote)., . ' ./' '7. The ~ord '~OTE" as . dt~ foJ:' the title of the p~h regardirtg owrteislUp , an~ , , responsibi~ity for'inaint~ce of <i,new t:'rivate eas_t on Lots l' and 2 s~ould be re- ___ I;\P_hmRc:vi~' _' 'ffW'{X}_' _LS_ONlS_, '_"!w_r1p.;...la!a_2_00_,~IHoqu __ i~_Co_Uft_Sffi'l. __ O_9L_Chan __ ge_R_cqu_C8_rS_to_pt.,,-dO_'!l--...._"':-:-__ ~N' "T, ' 0': 'N'" , r055'Sputh,GradyWay:~R~fO~Wasbington 98057' ' :. ~~<:o(1~~%~mBtert8I.30...'~alcoti$Jr~ ,: , , ' , 01/30/2008 WED 16:35 FAX 4254307300 City Of Renton DS/EDNSP ~002/008 Page 2 January 30, 2008 titled to NEW PRlV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND mTIJTIES· . MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Sheet 2 of2), /8, The DECLARATION OF COVENANT block (Sheet I of 2) needs to refer to EASEMENTS rather than to an·EASEMENT. Revise said'block from singUlar case to plural case as needed. Connnents concerning the Sidewalk: Easement: /. ~,. ·9. See attached Page 1 of the correct city-fonn .EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALl( documenl Use this form, rather than the one the applicant ,is currently using. The easement document is not a dedication and the city does not sign s~d document. . /to. The street'~e, as ~o~ i~ the abbreyiatcxt 'legal de~cription on .Page l' ~f the eas~t . document, is incorrect ("Sib AVENUE NE'·'). The correct name is NE 8Tl1 STREET. STREET rePlaces "AVENUE" and NE prefixes "8""'. ' ;/'11. Th~ Vio~d' EASEMENT'and PORTION ar~ missPelled in the'sidewalk easement legal description pa~e (page 3). A.lready cOrr~ed i~ an ea;Uer"Sl4bmitta/?' ' 02. Since ~e ~pplicimt is'a ~orp~tiO~ have "the Nptary.tise the corporate form ~f ac~owledgin~~t·. . block. . ,.' '. ' '.' , . . " , " .. k'/ IJ'"!he ,~ement·tql' .Sidiw~k· d9~~~~ .~~~ed to tiu~ re~e~ req~st, js·.·not the 'm~st "e~~t .. . document. A metre complet~ tlld cor.r.ect'.iloCUl'l'rent was; attac~ed to the October 25,' 2007 ~V1e:w' memo. '"But more inWortantly. the' c1!y~{jjr.m :u''ied in 'the pa.~t .. ·and.fpr the current review. ,is incQrrect, . The ,!lttac~ed'. correct: ~s.emeri);: for Sidewalk' docw:Oen~ be used for. recoi"dip.g '·purpos~ .. ·: ,I:' i , ':, , , ~,.: .:.. .', . • • ,,' • " " :,. • •• • ',. .' ~: ... ,I • ..', ". ~. .' '~. : .' .: \ •• ' • • \ .'1. ~. I :;, ~', :..... .'. / 14~ . The priVate easeniCf,lt:block pertaining to 'the ~t. upon the e~terior 10 feet of'alllolS . y. '. '(Sheen of 2), it-is suggeStedthit tins block.,be:la}:Jeled in: ~ome.mannet, for exaoiple: 10' .' . PRrV AtE-EASEMENr Nom.'.' . . .. " .. '. .' . Sh~~ld y~u'~e~ to ~iS~~~S an~ ~~rti~\Of~; ,letter. ~1ea86 ~ontact me at (425) ~~O-723S':. ' Sincerely, . . ~,~. Carrie.K. Olson ..' DevelQpment Services~ Plan Reyiew ' " '.' Y.. F~TO; TornReddllig,Ba~&iIolmbergInc~: 425-~1~3055 , . ., .. , ,. " DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE, JUDICIAL, AND LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 1, 2008 Carrie Olson, Lead Office Assistant 'f1ason Seth, Records Management Coordinator Deed of Dedication -Hoquiam Court Short Plat OEVElOPMl:N I SERVICES CITY OF RENTON FER (-_ REC\EIVED The attached documents are being returned to you so as requested. Thank you. Attachments i:\word\memo&letter\recordeddocs\carriedeeds.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 30, 2008 City Clerk's Office Carrie K. Olson, x7235 Development Services, Plan Review HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Deed of Dedication Attached is the original Hoquiam Court Short Plat Deed of Dedication document that was accepted at the Monday, October 15, 2007, council meeting. Please route for signature by the Mayor and City Clerk and return to me for further processing. Thanks. Also, have Mayor sign original Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit form and return. cc: Yellow File \\TS_SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2008\Hoquiam Court SHPL 10m ClerkSignDeed.doc January 30, 2008 Mr. Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 240th Ave SE Maple Valley W A 988038 CITY. RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Dear Mr. Pruss: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and three copies of any other related documents. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short plat.) 1. Contact Ameta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to yourproject. 2. The item noted under the "EXCEPTION ON TITLE" block (Sheet 1 of 2) is already noted as Item No.4 under the "RESTRICTIONS" block. Remove one of these items from the short plat . submittal. 3. The house, garage and two sheds are currently shown on the short plat drawing (Sheet 2 of 2). If they have been removed from the property to date, remove them from the short plat drawing and also from the sidewalk easement map exhibit. 4. A demo permit B070123 was acquired but has since expired on 3-26-07. Please request a new demo permit, request an inspection and request the inspector to final the demo permit. 5. The subject site is not in the City's Aquifer Protection Easement Area. Remove the "AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE" block from Sheet 2 of 2. 6. Add "NEW" to the private 33' drainage easement for stormwater detention tank text already noted on Lot 6 (Sheet 2 of 2). Indicate on the short plat drawing who is to maintain it and who is to be responsible for the maintenance costs. Perhaps adding another NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT paragraph for the 6 lots who will maintain the easement and detention tank will suffice. (See attached agreement note). 7. The word "NOTE" as shown for the title of the paragraph regarding ownership and responsibility for maintenance of a new private easement on Lots 1 and 2 should be re- ___ I_:\p_lanR_e_V_ieW_'_CO_LS_ON\S_h_o_rtp_la_ts_2_00_8\H_OQ_U_iam_Co_urt_SH_P_L_O_9L_c_h_an_ge_R_e_Qu_es_ts_to_pt_.d_OC_-,------~ 1055 South Grady Way -Ren.ton, Washington 98057 ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30%post cons~mer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Page 2 January 30,2008 titled to NEW PRN ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Sheet 2 of 2). 8. The DECLARATION OF COVENANT block (Sheet 1 of 2) needs to refer to EASEMENTS rather than to an EASEMENT. Revise said block from singular case to plural case as needed. Comments concerning the Sidewalk Easement: 9. See attached Page 1 of the correct city-form EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK document. Use this form, rather than the. one the applicant is currently using. The easement document is not a dedication and the city does not sign said document. 10. The street name, as noted in the abbreviated legal description on Page 1 of the easement document, is incorrect ("8th AVENUE NE"). The correct name is NE 8TH STREET. STREET replaces "AVENUE" and NE prefixes "8th". 11. The word EASEMENT and PORTION are misspelled in the sidewalk easement legal description page (Page 3). Already corrected in an earlier submittal? 12. Since the applicant is a corporation, have the Notary use the corporate form of acknowledgment block. 13. The Easement for Sidewalk document, attached to this review request, is. not· the most recent document. A more complete al1d correct document was attached to the October 25,2007 review memo. But more importantly. the city-form· used in the past. and for the current review. is incorrect. The attached correct Easement for Sidewalk document must be used for. recording purposes. 14. The private easement block pertaining to the easement upon the exterior 10 feet of all lots (Sheet 1 of 2), it is suggested-that this block be labeled in some manner, for example: 10' PRN ATE EASEMENT NOTE. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235 .. Sincerely, ~K(~ Carrie K. Olson Development Services, Plan Review ---_ ') FAXED TO: Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg Inc.: 425-391-3055 / Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Title: EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK Project File #: Property Tax Parcel Number: Street Intersection or Project Name: Grantee(s): Grantor(s): 1. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Grantor for and in consideration of mutual benefits and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the City of Renton, A Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for public sidewalk purposes with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situation in the County of King, State of Washington: For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, and maintaining a public sidewalk. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assings. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of ,20 __ _ Approved and Accepted by: Grantor: Page 1 of 4 Q:\DATA_Center\Forms\PBPw\UtilitySystems\TechnicalServices\Easements\PWE0014.doc 5/2007 bh Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box deed INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ __________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have, satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _______ -'--____ --:-_____ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of ____ ----', 19-, before me personally appeared _______________________ tomeknown~ be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntwy act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), ______________ _ My appointment expires:, ____________ _ Dated: Page 2 EXHIDIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be stamped by a P.E. or L.S.) Page 3 of4 \ \central\SYS2\PIAZZA \DATA _ Center\Fonns\PBPW\UtilitySystems\ TechnicaIServices\Easements\PWEOO 14.doc 512007 bh Map Exhibit Page 4 of4 \\central\sYS2\PIAZZA \DATA _ Center\F orrns\PBPw\UtilitySystems\ TechnicaIServices\Easements\PWEOO 14.doc 5/2007 bh Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Property Tax Parcel Number: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST ce Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Gran s): Grantee(s): 1. BASI ENTURES, INC. 1. Ci of Renton, a Munici al Co oration RIPTION: (Abbreviated or lull legal must go here. Additional legal on page ...--~ PUBLIC~MENT1HATWILLPARALL ENORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY GINO TH ~SPARTOFTHESHOR AT UNDER RENTON FILE NO. LUA-05-09 HPL. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTH T QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUART F SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, GE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING CO Y, WASHINGTON The Grantor, ~~J: m1fI in consi~~l~n utu~1 "~nC(~ts conveys,.q . t cI . s,dedi¥tes andj9mtt~s to the"erantee( s) as na1ed aboy.c-; the above d~ri'6ed r~al.e e,.5lwated In the,Co\mty ,lpg, State of ~ I,lSkington. IN WfrNESS WHEItEOF, I hav~1lefe set my'hand eilthe day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: Grantor(s): COf.1rF~~ FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT deed I STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory eviden acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ed this instrument and for the uses and purposes Notary (PrinO ______________ _ My appointment expires:, ___________ _ Dated: Page I Title for both ofthe following paragraphs: ------~-, ~W pruv ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES / ., MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT / I Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRlVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REP AIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRlVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKlNG ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. /~ ---------'/ Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITYFOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REP AIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALL Y. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 23, 2008 Carrie Olson Sonja J. Fesser}~ Hoquiam Court Short Plat, LUA-05-099-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The item ~ted under the "EXCEPTION ON TITLE" block (Sheet 1 of 2) is already noted as Item No~ ,under the "RESTRICTIONS" block. Remove one of these items from the short plat submitta1.1 The house, garage and two sheds are currently shown on the short plat drawing (Sheet 2 of 2). If they have been removed from the property to date, remove them from the short plat drawing and also from the sidewalk easement map exhibit. The subject site is not in the City's Aquifer Protection Easement Area. Remove the "AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE" block from Sheet 2 of 2. Add "NEW" to the private 33' drainage easement for stormwater detention tank text already noted on Lot 6 (Sheet 2 of 2). Indicate on the short plat drawing who is to maintain it and who is to be responsible for the maintenance costs. Perhaps the following private easement maintenance agreement text (next paragraph) can be used for this purpose. The word "NOTE" as shown for the title of the paragraph regarding ownership and responsibility for maintenance of a new private easement should be re-titled to NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR ~GRESS, E6R'E~~ Afffi UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Sheet 2 of 2). If there is no ingress or egress concerning this easement, then revise the agreement block as needed. Se~ the attachment for the city's language. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0425\RV080123.doc ; January 25, 2008 Page 2 The DECLARA nON OF COVENANT block (Sheet I of 2) needs to refer to EASEMENTS rather than to an EASEMENT. Revise said block from singular case to plural case as needed. Comments concerning the Sidewalk Easement: See attached Page 1 of the correct city-form EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK document. Use this form, rather than the one the applicant is currently using. The easement document is not a dedication and the city does not sign said document. The street name, as noted in the abbreviated legal description on Page 1 of the easement document, is incorrect ("8th AVENUE NE"). The correct name is NE 8TH STREET. STREET replaces "AVENUE" and NE prefixes "8th". The word EASEMENT and PORTION are misspelled in the sidewalk easement legal description page (Page 3). Already corrected in an earlier submittal? Since the applicant is a corporation, have the Notary use the corporate form of acknowledgment block. Comments for the Project Manager: The Easement for Sidewalk document, attached to this review request, is not the most recent document. A more complete and correct document was attached to the October 25, 2007 review memo. But more importantly, the city-form used in the past. and for the current review. is incorrect. The attached correct Easement for Sidewalk document must be used for recording purposes. Add the City of Renton to the list of utilities noted in the private easement block pertaining to the easement upon the exterior 10 feet of all lots (Sheet 1 of 2). It is suggested that this block be labeled in some manner. ,The applicant questions whether the city needs to be included -it is stated that there is no sewer line in this area). ". - H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0425\RY0801 23.doc\cor Return Address: . city Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 ·South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 SIDEWALK EASEMENT DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 102305-9246 Project File #: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. BASIC VENTURES, INC. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full/ega/ must go here. Additional legal on page ) ~-~ A 1.50 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC ~NTTIIAT WILL PARALLEL TIlE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN 0 TH ~S PART OF THE SHORT PLAT UNDER RENTON FILE NO. LUA-05-099-SHPL. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~'. f~t"l' m oo"';d~n ofmururu~" oonvey;~,' ~>'~'''' .. "...~ 10 "'~S) " n ed abo~o;the above d~ed r,alestat~fuated,~~ _~~,C{)unty pf~lJl-g; State o. ~~ngton. ' IN ESS Wfm@OF, I hav~unto set my band and seal the day and year as written below . . Approved and Accepted By: Grantor(s): ~~ee(s)?l\.~~tx3j>~tOE.. / ,/1 I , .f' I ! ! .,:--I ./ /j<'" ./ / i / /-' o' j .' / , ... ,'< , ./ " , / -.....- Cet~~? '--.~"<" FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in a.nd for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: deed Page 1 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057-3232 Title: EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK Project File #: Property Tax Parcel Number: Street Intersection or Project Name: Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Grantor for and in consideration of mutual benefits and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the City of Renton, A Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for public sidewalk purposes with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situation in the County of King, State of Washington: For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, and maintaining a public sidewalk. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assings. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of ,20 __ _ Approved and Accepted by: Grantor: Page 1 of 4 Q:\DA T A_ Center\Forms\PBPw\UtilitySystems\ TechnicaIServices\Easements\PWEOO 14.doc 5/2007 bh DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 16, 2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services ~ Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 Q>U HOQUIAM COURT SnORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: _____________ ,'---_________ , Date: ____ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jf. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 07m PR-TS ReviewStart.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 16,2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review cO HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Letter of Compliance, Sidewalk Easement, Deed of Dedication, Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: ~ &!!Dsl NA Proiect##S Comments ? As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements 1.. 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication 1.. Square Footage: 7,953 s.f. ofr/o/w on NE 8th St. Restrictive Covenants 1.. Maintenance Bond Release Pennit Bond Comments: v ~~-(£-Y~ Approval: ________________________ ,' Date: ____ _ Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger l7 ~ Co yonowFiI, It f/i;:rt-;; i?Pe;to I )3C:1h i '-A/' & HOLMBERG INC. Letter of Transmittal Date: 0-'if .... 07 M:rt S£flflCEs 1°L.I4~ ~~v'tel() Job No: /6, 73-0 24 I C.ID of R6UToN . PI..AJ.J/JJli;/J3UILOIN"/?uBLJGW~ 1)€ff HOQu/Av\\. Cov/O"" ----~~~~~~~~~}r~~~~/~~ ~ S~~I p~r IQ;;.3"" So/rot ·~AAP4 U)1o/ 1-UI\-o~-SI+PL f<&J70A.I/ 1Al4-98'aS] We are sending you c attached ;:] under separate cover via ____________ _ NO. Copies Description 3 { THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: C for approval 0 approved as noted = approved as submitted =: as requested CITYOFAENTON RECEIVED NOV 152007 8UILDINGDIVISION copyto: ____________________________ _ 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • 425/392-0250 • FAX 425/391-3055 CITY RENTON Kathy Keolker, Mayor Planning/BuildinglPublicWorks Department . Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator October 31, 2007 Mr. Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211240th Ave SE Maple Valley WA 988038 SUBJECT: HOQIDAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Dear Mr. Pruss: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the short plat drawings and three copies of any other relateddocumerits. SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of Jhe short plat.) . 1.Contae! Arneta Henninger,Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298,for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. The word "HOQUIAM" is misspelled (located under the King County approval block (Sheet 1 of 2). ·3. It is necessary to haye five "ACKNOWLEDGMENT" blocks (under the "CERTIFICATION" block) on Sheet 10f.2? Ifnot, remove .those not needed. The word"ACKNOWLEGMEN,(,' is not shown with any of said blocks. 4. Is the 33 'private drainage easement for a stoImwater detention tank (over Lots 5 and 6) a neW easement or an existing easement? If already recorded, note the recording number of said easement on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2), next to the easement statement shown Qn Lot 6. If riot recorded, is it a public or private easement? Who it the "GRANTEE" for said easement? 5. Is the 10' private storm and sewer easement noted alQng the east line of Lot 2, the easement referenced in the Maintenance Agreement statemertt (Sheet 2 of 2)? If so, do all the lot~ need to be included in the maintenance agreement, as is ·currently noted? 6. Is the 10' utility easement adjoining Hoquiam Ave NE and NE 8th St. the easem~nt for the various· utilities referenced in a statement under the "DECLARATION OF COVENANT" block on Sheet 1 of2?The City of Renton should be added to the utilities already listed therein. This easement is not labeled as either pUblic or private. I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiiuncourt SaPL 06L Change RequestStopt.doc .~ ~-'"---'-----'--~~--,-------;----.---'------R.E NT .. ON. . 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 ®. This paper contains 50%recydedmaterial, 3.00;, post consumer AHEAD OF THE ·CURVE , Page 2 October 31, 2007 7. Said 10' wide utilities. easemencdocument should be recorded separately from the short plat submittal (use a City of Renton Utilities Easement forrn):Reference said easement on the short plat submittal and provide a space for the recording number thereof 8. Remove the Mayor and Clerks signatur~ lines and Grantee(s}City of Renton. These people do not sign on Sidewalk Easements .. Should you need to discuss any portion of this letter please contact me at (425)430~ 7235.' Sincerely, (l~.~.~~ ..... -... t<,~. ~:.~ .... '.' Development Services, Plan Review FAXED TO: Tom Redding,Baima & Holmherg,b:\c::, 425-391-3055 Please. revise contact irtformatiQnonthe stlrVey company na:Jh¢ hlock.Area Codeis425 .not 206 and adding yoUr FAXnuIi},ber.425-391-3055:to thishlock '01'1 aCOnsistentbasiswQuld be appreciated.. .. Cc: Yellow File DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 25,2007 Carrie Olson SonjaJ. Fesser}~ Hoquiam Court Short Plat, LUA-05-099-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review OCT 2 9 2907 RECEIVEr) Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The word "HOQUIAM" is misspelled (located under the King County approval block (Sheet 1 of 2). It is necessary to have five "ACKNOWLEDGMENT" blocks (under the "CERTIFICATION" block) on Sheet 1 of 2? If not, remove those not needed. The word "ACKNOWLEGMENT" is not shown with any of said blocks. Is the 33'private drainage easement for a stormwater detention tank (over Lots 5 and 6) a new easement or an existing easement? If already recorded, note the recording number of said easement on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2), next to the easement statement shown on Lot 6. If not recorded, is it a public or private easement? Who it the "GRANTEE" for said easement? Is the 10' private storm and sewer easement noted along the east line of Lot 2, the easement referenced in the Maintenance Agreement statement (Sheet 2 of 2)? If so, do all the lots need to be included in the maintenance agreement, as is currently noted? Is the 10' utility easement adjoining Hoquiam Ave NE and NE 8th S1. the easement for the various utilities referenced in a statement under the "DECLARA nON OF COVENANT" block on Sheet 1 of 2? The City of Renton should be added to the utilities already listed therein. This easement is not labeled as either public or private. Said 10' wide utilities easement document should be recorded separately from the short plat submittal (use a City of Renton Utilities Easement form). Reference said easement on the short plat submittal and provide a space for the recording number thereof. \H:\File Sys\LND· Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND·20· Short Plnts\0425\RV071025.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 4, 2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 HOQUIAM COURT SnORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SBPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement • 26' Wide Deed of Dedication for NE 8th St. • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: _____________ \, __________ " Date: ____ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 03m PR-TS ReviewStartdoc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 4, 2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review HOQUIAM COURT SnORT PLAT LUA05-099-SBPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Letter of Compliance, Sidewalk Easement, Deed of Dedication, Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Ace~ted ~ NA Projestlls Comments ? As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements 1.. 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication 1.. Square Footage: 7,953 s.f. ofr/o/w on NE sm St. 1.. Restrictive Covenants Tree Covenants 1.. Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Approval: ______________ . ___________ , Date: _____ _ Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger Cc: Yellow File BAIMA & HOLMBERG INf':;iiiiiiiiiiiiii--.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Letter Of Transmittal TO: __ ~C~4~RR~IE~<~Cd_·~~==oN=-__________ __ Date: 10 9 -07 'D£N'. SggYIC.£S ) PLfttJ Rev'1 E:Lt.J Job No: 1~73 -D~ _---"C""'I'-l.J::r-L.--=6;.;..;:._=12=£AJ::.=.;T2-=o'"""tJ __ -_"-?....;;;:LA;..;.:JJ.=w..:..;I"""M~'Ca/ Su IJ-DllUfO / Pu&.J c... i.<.bR.kS OEPI _---'/:...::C>~ss:~_;::;;5Q:w.w.L17J..jL.C...~G-'lRA=->..c:;.p+'1-!:::lW..a.A.L..'i+-_ H OQ U I AM COueT RE.N'TON/ vJ Ir 9'Fc>57 SftOR.,T PL.-I'l-J LUA -0'1'1-5*[>1- We are sending you c attached u under separate cover via _______ _ NO. Copies Description I YouR.. LE,TE& 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o for approval 0 approved as noted = approved as submitted == as requested REMARKS: ______________________________________________________________ _ copyto: __________________________ ___ 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • 425/392-0250 • FAX 425/391-3055 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board .. Staff Contact ..... . Subject: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Hoquiam Court Short Plat (LUA05-099). AI#: For Agenda of: October 15,2007 Agenda Status Consent ............. . Public Hearing .. Resolution ..... ~ .. x Old Business: ... ; .~~~iif. ~""''''''''~h..l Exhibits: New Business .... _f..=~~'-' ~---~- Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Study Sessions .... a,..,...---""------ Information ........ . Hearing Examiner's Report Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept ........ . Finance Dept ..... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: N/ A Expenditure Required... Trans fer/ Amendment ...... . Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x X The area to be dedicated is a 26' wide strip of land, approximately 7,873 sq. ft. along the south side of the Hoquiam Court Short Plat, to be known as NE 8th St. NE 8th St. will connect Hoquiam Avenue N.E. on the west to an existing road in the Aspen Wood Plat on the east. This dedication is to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the Hoquiam Court Short Plat (LUAOS-099). Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. 1:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc "'.'-~-'" -"-1··· i ·_·_····.--,,·1 ,.--, .. ~~.", ................ ' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 102305-9246 Project File #: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. BASIC VENTURES, INC. 1. Ci of Renton, a Munici al Co oration LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full/egal must go here. Additional legal on page ) A TWENTY SIX (26) FOOT WIDE PARCEL OF LAND fOR RIGHT-Of-WAY fOR 8TH AVENUE NE. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER Of SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box deed Grantee(s): City of Renton Mayor City Clerk STATE Of WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY Of KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ___________ -,---_--::---:-_ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Nomry(PrinQ,~--------------------------- My appointment expires:. ___________ _ Dated: Page 1 -'- Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box deed BONNtE M. BABCOCK NOTARY PUBUC STA f£ OF WASHINGTON COMMISS!ON EXPiRES SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), ______________ _ My appointment expires:. ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and ___ -:---: __ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ""'-t I :200-' On this tJ..s day of Se.¥? e..wt..,l?(~ __ , before me personally appeared Je..(. ~,' ~()S5 to me known to be Vi e. <..rt.~ iOl '-VI. 1-of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) (Sonn,'~ }1 84-faliX.,( My appointment expires:_...I.9:..:-...!2::.2'-.:..-~oL.L9 ______ _ Dated: tJ-2.-5"-07 Page 2 DEDICATION AREA-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1673-026 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF ASPENWOODS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 237 OF PLATS, PAGES 91-94, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88° 20' 03" WEST 286.45 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.16 FEET AND THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88° 27' 23" TO THE EAST RIGHT -OF-WA Y MARGIN OF HOQUIAM A VENUE NE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 07' 20" WEST ALONG SAID MARGIN 40.61 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88° 20' 03 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 301.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 06' 30" EAST 26.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19 AND POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ~l w ~I :E ~ ::> a o I~ I; L1 Ii L.~,I 1 1 1 AND CliP 1 I. I~ I~ :::i q"Zu-w-E ~ 1 1 .00.00' I~ 1 1 I'" ; 1 I I I 1 2 I I I 1 l 1.5' PUBUC SlO£WAIJ( EASEMENT 1 l r----.0' PRIVATE STORM" I "-= j = = =::-SEwtR EA~EN.!....... .. ~ 1 L-23 •• 6 ------ R-.S,OO 8 I .... 88'27'23":! T 8 ::! 26' PUBUC ROAD OEOfCA nON TO CITY RENTON TL 1023059246 H·; S88'20'03"E ~~~. :: .. T ' ...... : ~~ ; ": .:; r ~ ./.,: (: (: r: EX. BUILDI.:fs TO BE ftEWOVED NE 8TH ST ------ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT I LUA-OS-099-SHPL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT 6 33' PRIVATE .-r DRAINAGE [ASEMENT ---- to' UTILITY ESM'T 90 l ~'CAL) ~ ~ {} SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC, 10, TWN, 23 N" RGE 5 E" W.M, 0 10 20 4() ~ Baima & Holmberg Inc. ~AlE ," -40. 1 ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (425) 392 -0250 PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATION-NE 8TH STREET Page 4 '~tenue wmhington Stat. REAL EST ATE EXCISE T AX AFFIDAVIT This form is your receipt PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61A WAC when stamped hy cashier, THIS AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED (See back of last page for instructions) 18211 240TH AVE SE City/State/Zip MAPLE YALLEY. WA. 98038 Phone No. (including area code) 425-432-3334 Send all property tax correspondence to: Ii!l Same as Buyer/Grantee Nwne ______________________________________ ___ M&lingAd~s ________________________________ __ City/State/Zip __________________________________ _ Phone No. (including area code). ________________ __ account numbers -check box if personal property ,~02305-9246 n __ ______________________________ ,0 ___ ______________________________ ,0 ___ ______________________________ ,0 • Street address of property: --,-,8",1"",O,---"H""Q""Q""TluI""A ... ML....<A""VuE-'--IN""Eu-___________________________________ __ This property is located in 0 unincorporated _______________ County OR within [X) city of RENTON o Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from a larger parcel. Legal description of property (if more space is needed, you may attach a separate sheet to each page of the affidavit) THE SOUTH 138TH FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTO~ EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. Enter Abstract Use Categories: _____ L-________ _ List all personal property (tangible and intangible) included in selling price. (See back of last page for instructions) --J.>N"-O"'N"'E_---------------------------- YES NO Is this property exempt from property t3x per chapter 0 84.36 RCW organization)? YES Is this property designated as forest land per chapter 84.33 RCW? 0 Is this property classified as current use (open space, limn and 0 agricultural, or timber) land per chapter 84.34? Is this property receiving special valuation as historical property per chapter 84.26 RCW? If any answeIS are yes, complete as instructed below. o NO (1) NOTICEOFCONI1NUANCE (FOmsT LAND OR CURRENf USE) NEW OWNER(S): To continue the current designation as forest land or classification as current use (open space, farm and agriculture, or timber) land, you must sign on (3) below, The county assessor must then determine if the land lransferred continues to quaWy and will indicate by signing below. If the land no longer qualifies or you do not wish to continue the designation or classification, it will be removed and the compensating or additional taxes will be due and payable by the seller or lransferor at the time of sale. (RCW 84.33.140 or RCW 84.34.108). Prior to signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor for more information. This land 0 does 0 does not qualify for continuance. DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (2) NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE (lDSfORlC PROPERTY) NEW OWNER(S): To continue special valuation as historic property, sign (3) below. If the new owner(s) do not wish to continue, all additional tax calculated pursuant to chapter 84.26 RCW, shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale, (3) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE PRlNTNAME If claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: WAC No. (Section/Subsection) 458-61-420 (B) Reason for exemption ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CITY OF RENTON Type of Document DEED OF DEDICATION Date of Document SEPT. 25! 2007 Gross Selling Price $ ____________ 0 ____ _ *Personal Property (deduct) $ ________________ _ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $ ___________ -:-____ _ Taxable Selling Price $ _______________ _ Excise Tax: State $ _____________ _ Local $ ____________________ _ *Delinquent Interest: State $ ____________ _ Local $ _____________________ _ *Delinquent Penalty $ Subtotal $ _______________ _ *State Technology Fee $ _____________ __ * Affidavit Processing Fee $ _______________ _ Total Due $ ___________ 0"""-___ _ A MINIMUM OF $10,00 IS DUE IN FEE(S) AND/OR TAX 'SEE INSTRUCTIONS I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Signature of ~ Q ~ Grantor or Grautor's gJ ~~ Name (print) .JA-£'~ R. ~MA- Signature of Grantee or Grantee's Agent _________________ __ Name (prinQ ___________________________________ ___ Date & city of signing: /0-4-07 /~Vlht-Date & city of signing: Perjury: Perjury is a class C felony which is punishable by imprisonment in the state correctional institotion for a maxinnnn term of not more than five years, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or by both imprisonment and fine (RCW 9A.20.020 (I C». REV 84 OOOla (06/02/06) TIllS SPACE -TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 SIDEWALK EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 102305-9246 Project File #: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. BASIC VENTURES, INC. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) A 1.50 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC SIDEWALK EASEMENT THAT WILL PARALLEL THE NORTH RIGHT -OF-WAY MARGIN OF 8TH AVENUE NE AS PART OF THE SHORT PLAT UNDER RENTON FILE NO. LUA-05-099-SHPL. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: Grantor(s): Grantee(s): City of Renton ~~ZOr Mayor City Clerk INDIVIDUAL FORM OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: deed Page 1 Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box deed INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ---:-_-:--:--:-:---:---::-:-::----:--:--:----::-__ :----:-__ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ______ ~-'--___,_--------signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshe/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print). _____________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this j5"" day of ~1e.." 11ft'" , ~ Z-O~ ~efore me personally appeared ~ "'P/ BrlJ'l;: to me known to be V,' Jt!s,d,:-. ofthe corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal aflIxed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) .BIJV7H ,'< f1 /iaJ,coc k My appointment expires:_J..7_--=:L::!L=--....::o=-,<)L-· _____ _ Dated: 9-.25' ~C Page 2 SIDEWALK EASEMENT -HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1673-026 THE NORTH 1.50 FEET OF THE SOUTH 27.50 FEET OF THE WEST Yz OF THE SOUTHEAST Y4 OF THE SOUTHWEST Y4 OF THE NORTHEAST Y4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN HOQUIAM A VENUE NE AND NE 8TH STREET. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ;1 UJ ~I ~ ~ o o I~ I: I" ',' " AND CAP II r I I '> ecru..> ~ ! 301.03' L 15,1 T"~ I I 1 I TL 1023059246 I 1 I I. \1:' I I~ 1 let; -I· ~~:;"""on'. ~ N ' 1 11:> I I§ I 30' 1 I E~ BUlLDI.i TO BE RE~OI/ED 6 33' PRIVATE .-r DRAINAGE EASEMENT ----- 10' UTILITY E$M'T 90 l (TYPICAL) ~ 588'20'03"E _---..:.N=E;;...8TH S-;....T~ __ ~ 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATION TO an Of RENTON :~t.::'. T (}F ; .. v ~~ ~~ .:; ~~ "/'/ (j .::[: CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT /I LUA-05-099-SHPL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT 8W 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC, 10, TWN, 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 8 t1 a o 10 20 40 ..-------.;...;.-------------~,. 1 f Baima & Holmberg Inc. S':LE 1· = 40' ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (425) 392 -0250 PUBLIC SIDEWALK EASEMENT Page 4 CITY ? RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublic Works, Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator September 17, 2007 Mr., Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 240th Ave SE Maple Valley W A 988038 SUBJECT: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUA05-099-SHPL Dear Mr. Pruss: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed and the following comments have been returned. Please review these comments and make the necessary changes. Once changes have been completed please resubmit three copies of the 'short plat drawings and three copies of any other related documents. ' SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be completed prior to recording of the short , plat.) 1. Contact Arneta Henninger, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7298, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion to your project. 2. The City of Renton land· recotdnumber(LND-20-0425) needs to be noted on the short plat drawings'(upper left-hand comer) in.the spaces already provided. 3. Note the date the existing monuments were visited. 4. See the attachment for the addresses for the new lots. Note said addresses on the short plat submittal. 5. Is the house to be removed? The previous short plat submittal indicated that it was. 6. The total length, of the two dimensions of the east lines of Lots land 2, does hot equal the dim~nsion given for the west line ofLo!3. 7. Is the 33' wide private drainage easement shown over Lots 5 and 6 (Sheet 2 of 2) an existing easement, or a new one? If existing, note the recording number oli the drawing. 8. . The 17atest title report, Supplemental Report #2 to the Short Plat Certificate, Order No. 596328, dated August 5, 2007, notes an agreement with King County Water District No. 90. If said document encumbers the short plat property, then reference said document and note the recording number (20070720000344) under the, "RESTRICTIONS'~ b10ck. (Sheet 1 of 2). The ~hort plat' submittal' includes Executive House Inc. as a signatory under the "CERTIFICATION" block.' Should that be changed to First .savings of Renton, due to the , assignment of the Deed of Trust to said First Savings (Supplemental Report #1 to the Short Plat Certificate)? " I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortpiats 2007\Hoquiam sHPL 02L ChangeRequestStopt.doc ~' " -----'"----------,..-'----~~-RENT 0 N' 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, WasQingto:n 98057 ® This paper contains 5O%recycJed material, 30% pos~consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ·' .. , , Page 2 September 17,2007 9. The word "DEDICATION" needs to be removed from the title block for the sidewalk easement document. 10. The word "EASEMENT" is misspelledirt the title block; and the word "PORTION" is misspelled in the first paragraph in the sidewalk easement legal description.(Page 3 of the Sidewalk Easement Dedication document). Correct as needed; 11. There are no comments regarding the Deed of D6dicati()n' document. Submit an original, stamped, signed, and notarized Deed of Oedication document needed for acceptance by Council. AIso,see the REETA Form and instruction sheet attached for your completion and signature. 12. The new privateeasemimt(s) require 'aNEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT statement on the short plat· submittal. See the attachment. .'. ". 13. See the attachment for a circledjteni, W;der:ih~":REF:PRENCES" block(Sheet 1 of2), that needs to be corrected. . . '\ . . . Should you need to discuss anyporti~rt Qfthis1etterpleasecontilgtm~ al(425) 430~7235: Carrie K. Olson DevelopmentSetvices, Plan R:.eview ' ,&SJ~-FAXED TO:' Torn Redding, B~iina<&HQlmbergInc;:'42$':391~3Q55 Revise contact information on the s~ey,c;omp~y painii~lo¢k.A,rea Code is 425 not 206 and adding your FAXrtumber 425-391-3055 to this b16ckon a ~orisistentbasis :wotiid be hdpful.· . ~ei'YJ· f·· .. '#~a'JJd~jvtrL<+~' . . . . . I.' , ';' ~', , , " Cc: '. Yellow File ., A REETA form is required to be sent with the Deed of Dedication at the time of recording. Please fill out the Grantor portion of the attached document (1), include tax parcel numbers (3), brief legal description (4), sign (7), and return to me with the signed deed. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT This fonn is your receipt when stamped by cashier. CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61 WAC FOR USEATCOUNTYTRBASURER' S OfFICE (Use Form No. 84-00018 fur Reporting Transfers of Controlling Interest of Entity Ownership to the Depar1ment of Revenue) TIllS AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS 1-7 ARE FULLY COMPLETED N~e __________________________________________ __ Strect __________________________________________ __ CitylStatelZip ADDRESS TO SEND ALL PROPERTY TAX RELATED CORRESPONDENCE Name ________________________________________ _ Street (same as Grantor information) City/State/Zip Name City of Renton. a Municipal Corporation Street 1055 South Grady Way. City/StatelZip Renton Wa (8055 ALL TAX PARCEL NUMBERS Portion of tax parcel #(5) ASSESSED VALUE IF TAX EXEMPT • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN 0 UNINCORPORA TED, ______________ COUNTY • OR IN CITY OF Renton Street Address (if property is improved): ______________________________________________________________________________ _ Is this property currently: YES Classified or designated as forest land? IJ Chapter 84.33 RCW Classified as current use land (open space. fann IJ and agricultural. or ,timber)? Chapter 84.34 RCW Exempt from property tax as a nonprofit organization? Chapter 84.36 RCW Seller's Exempt Reg. No. NO •• Receiving special valuation as historic property? Chapter 84.26 RCW Property Type: • land only [0 ., C land with previously used building C timber only Principal Use: n Apt (4+ unit) o timber 0 agricultural C other C land with new building n land with mobile home a building only n residential o commercial/industrial (I) NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE (RCW 84.33 ORRCW 84.34) If the new owner(s) ofland that-is classified or designated as current use or forest land wish to continue the classification or designation of such land. the new owner(s) must sign below. If the new owner(s) do not desire to continue such classification or designation. all compensating or additional tax calculated pursuant to RCW 84.33.120 and 140 or RCW 84.34.108 shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. The county assessor must detennine if the land transferred qualifies to continue classification or designation and must so indicate below. Signatures do not necessarily mean the land will remain in classification or designation. If it no longer qualifies. it will be removed and the compensating taxes will be applied. All new owners must sign. This land o does 0 does not qualify for continuance. Date ____________ __ DEPUTY ASSESSOR (2) NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapter 84.26 RCW) If the new owner(s) of property with special valuation as historic property wish to continue this special valuation the new owner(s) must sign below. If the new owner(s) do not desire to continue such special valuation. all additional tax calculated pursuant to Chapter 84.26 RCW. shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (3) OWNER(S)SIGNATURE Description of personal property included in gross selling price. both tangible (eg; furniture. equipment. etc.) or intangible (eg; goodwill. agreement not to compete. etc.) If exemption claimed. list WAC number and explanation. WAC No. (Sec/Sub) __ 4_5_8-_6_1_A_-2_0_5 ____________________ __ Explanation Transfer to government for public purposes Type of Document Deed of Dedication Date of Document ______________________________________ _ Gross Selling Price $ ________________________ 0_.0_0 Personal Property (deduct) $ ________________________ _ Taxable Selling Price $ ________________________ _ Excise Tax: State $ ________________________ _ Local $ ________________________ _ Delinquent Interest: State $ ________________________ _ Local $ ________________________ _ Delinquent Penalty $ ________________________ _ TotaIDue$ __________________ ~O~.O~O A MINIMUM OF $2.00 IS DUE AS A PROCESSING FEE AND TAX. AFFIDAVIT I Certify Under Penalty ofPetjury Under The Laws of The State of Washington That The Foregoing Is True And Correct (See back of this fonn). Signature of Grantor/Agent ________________________________________ _ Name (print) ____________________________________ _ Date and Place of Signing: ________________________________ __ Signature of GranteelAgent ________________________________________ _ Name (print) ___ K_a_th..:cy_K_e_o_lk_e_r;.... M __ a.:...yo_r __________________ __ Date & Place of Signing: Renton Perjury: Petjury is a class C felony which is punishable by imprisonment in the state correctional institution for a maximum tenn of not more than five years. or by a fme in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5.000.00). or by both imprisonment and fine (RCW 9A.20.020 (lC). REV 84000la (3-18-99) (PD4-05-oo) FOR TREASURER'S USE ONLY []COUNTY TREASURER []DEPT. OF REVENUE []COUNTY ASSESSOR []TAXPAYER / 'fl~ '~ f!k I-t06(Ulp.M ~Rf -PlJl..T 7 / \ ~ \ ;/ .~, " " " " •• " , ,,~, 'fl... \ \ ~~~ ~ANOCN' '. /4' WIRE FENCE :~. :~:.~.~~::~~~! .. ~,~ \ ---O'-'-~>--~--O-- ••. .-<>--100.00 &. 5 :02 50.02' 50.97' ,--------------, I I ~ ~ ! I 20 ~ 20 r. I : : fL-f 023059'24~ ~ --- I I I I • I I & N. I I I" 12' I I 20' g 8 I I I 8" I I ~ I I I I I I 1&&1 I '>, w I I 5' 5' I I I I I I I I I 1&&1 Is's'l 20~·IO" 1--11----~ I 8" 11,8' I I '0" ed·· I 1& 15' I ~I I ~~_+~~~~--~~~~~~--++------~gl I ,"/ ~ I 'in o. 47< ~ '&"~:6 :/\ i I (" I .' ~ ., ~l' ,-,f,. Yo 'b I(~ ... gl' I~!> I lI! I I~ ~ I I ~J I 1 I I iii 1 0 '. N~'f12' : ~i.1 ' : zi>Jz-.· ~ .5' ~: : -I f\r\ 1-8 .2; I \.'Il I I I ~ 41. ~'5o.1 en .l if J WLo' '., .\ £ 20' MIN. I /V J I ~12"~ L_ _ I --~ // ______ ...J 0 ----. * ® ,,~"\ .. ,;f\--) (",3!: •. z,,'o £ 20' I' ~41V /1 L ___________ ~~-~ ;.' / / .& 15' -\:,l'~b' -< 4· ',-" ~,,: .. ." 4' •.• ' ., . ... :" ...... .-~~ .. /t~i::t)~·~ .. ... "., .. ,"' .~.-.l .. ' ;y:...' '2t~!f.ir-·; "-l' ''''"-: .. -''''''~·'··'.~O.J~',·~~'·~ '/ j' _ jOo.oo' 50(02' --~----~----~~ ~--­-----------------26' A\..CESS & \-' UTllITYYEASEMENT \ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ",~V' \. / \ . / I ~~.;.~_") -", __ ~~_J~/O\ ~~ ~ k'd~;fI 50.t>2' 51' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 5t;Oi' ?;~~ ... " I Title for both of the following paragraphs: NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAlNTENANCEAGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PA VING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if there is one lot subject to the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNER OF LOT SHALL HA VE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAlNTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. signed this instrument and acknowledged it. to be (hiS/her) free and voluntary cict for the uses and purposes nie~tloned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public Doted My appointment expires ?tate of Washington County of _______ · ~ ______________ __ I CERnFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _____ ..;,. __ . _____ _ __ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE· . _. ____ . _'-__ OF _. ______ -.. ________ ~ __ ........ ____ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH. PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENnONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public ....; .. ...;.. __________ '"""""'-'---__ __ Doted ---' ____ ,..... -'--___ ..,... _-'-_~ _____ _ . M,y appointment explre~ __ ----,. __ ..,--__ State of Washington Coun ty of _..,....., _____________ --,--'--..,--_ I CERnFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _______ -' ___ . ___ ~ _______________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE iNSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE _.:... ______ OF _____________________ ...;. ___ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES .MENTlONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. . Signature of Notary Public. --'..,..-______ "--__ _ Doted My appointment expires _______ _ '. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for, record this ........... day of ......... ,20 ....... at.. .... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of WWi.9 ~ .. 2h ~ p. ~ .. ':t ?1.r:ry.1?~~.9 ..... ................................. Mgr. . Supt. of Records l'l VV VL. "tL t. f:jt. I VVt.t.I'I I Ht. MVNVMt.N I ~ ~ UVNU A I ! EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION COHNER SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W;I DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MAB~ CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND SE, OPPOSI TE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES. @ PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-R RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHI INsmUMENTAT10N INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT; FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLC TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. BOUNDARY NOTE THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN A TITLE REPORT PROVIDED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY, ORDER NO. 596328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND LlNE~ DEPICTED ON THIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITLE INFORMA nON AND REPRESENT DEED LINES ONLY. THESE LINES DO NOT PURPORT TO S OWNERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A COUf OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made me or under my direction in conformance with th requirements of the appropriate State and Count: Statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ...... .. Certificate No 11332 . . .............. . DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 10, 2007 Carrie Olson Sonja J. Fesser JSf' Hoquiam Short Plat, LUA-OS-099-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The City of Renton land record number (LND-20-042S) needs to be noted on the short plat drawings (upper left-hand corner) in the spaces already provided. Note the date the existing monuments were visited. See the attachment for the addresses for the new lots. Note said addresses on the short plat submittal. Is the house to be removed? The previous short plat submittal indicated that it was. The total length, of the two dimensions of the east lines of Lots land 2, does not equal the dimension given for the west line of Lot 3. Is the 33' wide private drainage easement shown over Lots 5 and 6 (Sheet 2 of 2) an existing easement, or a new one? If existing, note the recording number on the drawing. The latest title report, Supplemental Report #2 to the Short Plat Certificate, Order No. 596328, dated August 5,2007, notes an agreement with King County Water District No. 90. If said document encumbers the short plat property, then reference said document and note the recording number (20070720000344) under the "RESTRICTIONS" block (Sheet 1 of2). The short plat submittal includes Executive House Inc. as a signatory under the "CERTIFICATION" block. Should that be changed to First Savings of Renton, due to the \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0425\RV070910.doc September 14,2007 Page 2 assignment of the Deed of Trust to said First Savings (Supplemental Report #1 to the Short Plat Certificate)? The word "DEDICATION" needs to be removed from the title block for the sidewalk easement document. The word "EASEMENT" is misspelled in the title block, and the word "PORTION" is misspelled in the first paragraph in the sidewalk easement legal description (Page 3 of the Sidewalk Easement Dedication document). Correct as needed. There are no comments regarding the Deed of Dedication document. The new private easement(s) require a NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT statement on the short plat submittal. See the attachment. See the attachment for a circled item, under the "REFERENCES" block (Sheet 1 of 2), that needs to be corrected. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0425\RV07091O.doc\cor August 14, 2007 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S. Issaquah, W A 98027 CITY F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA05-099 Dear Mr. Redding, This office has reviewed your request (dated August 13,2007) to extend the Hoquiam Short Plat (File No. LUA05-099, SHPL). Specifically, the municipal code allows the original approving-. body to issue a single one (1) year extension. As the engineering plans have been approved and the project is currently under construction, your request for a one-year extension is reasonable. Therefore, your short plat extension request is approved. The short plat will expire on November 1, 2008. You should be aware this office is empowered to issue only one such extension. If the final short plat approval is not completed by November 1, 2008 it will expire and cannot be extended again. Please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286 should you have any further questions or comments regarding this extension. Sincerely, ,. [\{~~11 G*~-f'J') Jennifer-foth Henning, AIdp Current Planning Manager ~ -------I-05-5-S-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-t-on-,-w-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0-57-------R E N TON' @ This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% oost consumer AHEAD OF THE CL~R\ r r Carrie Ols'?Q. -Hoguiam Cc;>urtprelimSP '"" 'ension Request-pdf --~~~--~--~~~~~----~ August 13. 2007 lenni fer Henning City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. RE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat-I.VA 05-(}99 Dear Jennifer: Please consider this letter a request for a one-year extension to the Hoquiam Court preliminary short plat approval. I understand that the project is due to expire on November 1 2007. The engineering plans have approved and the project is under construction, but the project cartnot be fully constructed nor can the tinal short plat be recorded by the expiration date. The project can be completed and recorded by November 1 2008. Please call me at 425·392-0250 or email meattom@baimaholmbcrg.comif you have questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. Tom Redding r£.(~ts'~\I:l .'~rdi(Y,l<,;~4(.!1>·/)j"·U~nf!.'l.tm'''':)<lmi~ fWm~u rCarrie"d"Qlso';~ Re: Hoquiam Court -Req ,..-' for Preliminary Short Plat Extension"" . From: To: Date: Subject: Carrie Olson Henning, Jennifer; Redding, Tom 08/14/2007 10:48:02 AM Re: Hoquiam Court -Request for Preliminary Short Plat Extension Thanks Tom, I'll put it in the file and wait for a copy of Jennifer's reply letter. Carrie >>> "Tom Redding" <tom@baimaholmberg.com> 08/14/2007 7:39 AM »> Jennifer, Here is a scan of a letter requesting a 1-year extension for the Hoquiam Court short plat. I am mailing the original. Thanks Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 (425) 392-0250 (425) 391-3055 fax tom@baimaholmberg.com <mailto:tom@baimaholmberg.com> CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: August 13,2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SBPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • Lot Closures • Short Plat Certificate • 1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement • 26' Wide Deed of Dedication for NE 8th St. • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: ______________ \'--_________ , Date: ____ _ Robert T Mac Onie, Jr. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL Olm PR-1'8 ReviewStart.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 13, 2007 Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LUAOS-099-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Letter of Compliance, Sidewalk Easement, Deed of Dedication, Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acer Related NA Protect#s Comments "7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements 1-1.5' Public Sidewalk Easement (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication 1-Square Footage: 7,953 s.f. of r/o/w on NE 8th St. 1- Restrictive Covenants Tree Covenants 1- Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Comments: Approval: ______________ :' ___________ , Date: _____ _ Kayren Kittrick Arneta Henninger Cc: Yellow File uAIMA & HOLMBERG IN".' Letter of Transmittal We are sending you c attached ::::J under separate cover via ______ _ NO. copies THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: Q for approval 0 approved as noted = approved as submitted :::::; as reQuested copy to: -~~~rfc,f--, ______ _ signed: ~'£~ 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • 425/392-0250 • FAX 425/391-3055 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION , WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section ' 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmiltalreqs_9-06.xls 09/06 IEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRE'MENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 I nventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs_9-06.xls 09/06 The Examiner's Conditions were addressed as follows: DECISION: The six-lot short plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall dedicate a 26-foot strip along the south property line of the site as right-of-way for NE 8th Circle to short plat recording. The 26-foot right-of-way dedication is shown on sheet 2 of the short plat map. A Deed of Dedication has been prepared and enclosed with this submittal. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements and conditions stipulated in the letter from the city's public works department, dated October 7, 2005 regarding the approved right-of-way width modification request for NE 8th Circle. • The NE 8th Circle roadway is under construction and will be in place prior to the recording of the short plat. • No Parking signage will be in place prior to the recording of the short plat. • Frontage improvements along Hoquiam Avenue NE are under construction and will be in place prior to the recording of the short plat. 3. The public roadway link through Aspen Woods, or turnaround, shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. The public roadway link through Aspen Woods has been completed. 4. This applicant shall pay the appropriate traffic mitigation fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the recording of the final plat. The applicant will pay the stipulated Traffic Mitigation Fee prior to the recording of the short plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate fire mitigation fee based on a rate of $488.00 for each new single-family residence prior to the recording of the final plat. The applicant will pay the stipulated Fire Mitigation Fee prior to the recording of the short plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate parks mitigation fee based on $530.76 per single-family lot prior to the recording of the finale plat. The applicant will pay the stipulated Parks Mitigation Fee prior to the recording of the short plat. 7. The lot width for proposed lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. The Lot 2 width is 60.00 feet. 8. The plat shall comply with the 1998 King County Stormwater Manual, level 2 controls. The stormwater detention facility complies with the 1998 King County Stormwater Manual Level 2 Flow Control standards. A combination Level 2 detention vault and water quality wet vault were constructed to treat stormwater prior to release into the downstream drainage system. 9. A joint maintenance agreement shall be set up for the drainage and storm system facilities. A joint maintenance agreement will be set up for the drainage and storm system facilities prior to the recording of the short plat. Hoquiam court closures ___________________________ J ______________________________________________ _ parcel name: DEDICATION, North: 4345.8662 East 5705.0506 curve Len~th: 23.16 Radius: 15.00 De ta: 88-27-23 Tangent: 14.60 Chord: 20.93 Course: N 44-06-21 W Course In: N 01-39-57 E Course Out: N 89-52-40 W RP North: 4360.8598 East 5705.4866 End North: 4360.8918 East 5690.4867 Line Course: S 00-07-20 W Length: 40.61 North: 4320.2819 East . 5690.4000 Line Course: S 88-20-03 E Length: 301.06 North: 4311. 5301 East : 5991. 3328 Line Course: N 00-06-30 E Length: 26.01 North: 4337.5400 East . 5991. 3820 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W Length: 286.45 North: 4345.8672 East 5705.0530 Perimeter: 677.30 Area: 7,873 sq.ft. 0.18 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.0027 Course: N 68-07-28 E Error North: 0.00099 East : 0.00246 Precision 1: 250,848.15 parcel name: LOT 1 North: 4458.3311 Line course: S 88-20-03 E North: 4455.4240 Line course: S 00-07-20 W North: 4403.4042 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W North: 4406.3112 Line Course: N 00-07-20 E North: 4458.3311 East: 5690.6947 Length: 100.00 East: 5790.6525 Length: 52.02 East: 5790.5415 Length: 100.00 East 5690.5838 Length: 52.02 East 5690.6947 perimeter: 304.04 Area: 5,200 sq. ft. 0.12 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.0000 Course: S 90-00-00 E Error North: 0.00000 East : 0.00000 Precision 1: 304,040,000.00 parcel name: LOT 2 North: curve Length: Delta: chord: course In: RP North: End North: 4345.8662 23.16 88-27-23 20.93 N 01-39-57 E 4360.8598 4360.8918 East: 5705.0506 Radius: 15.00 Tangent: 14.60 Course: N 44-06-21 W Course out: N 89-52-40 W East: 5705.4866 East : 5690.4867 Page 1 ... Hoquiam court closures Line Course: N 00-07-20 E Length: 45.42 North: 4406.3117 'i East: 5690.5836 Line Course: 5 88-20-03 E Length: 100.00 North: 4403.4047 East 5790.5413 Line Course: 5 00-07-20' w Length: 60.02 North: 4343.3848 East 5790.4133 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W Length: 85.40 North: 4345.8674 East 5705.0494 Perimeter: 314.00 Area: 5,955 sq. ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.0018 Course: N 44-06-21 W Error North: 0.00127 East: -0.00123 Precision 1: 174,444.44 Parcel name: LOT 3 North: 4343.3834 Line course: N 00-07-20 E North: 4455.4232 Line Course: S 88-20-03 E North: 4453.9691 Line Course: 5 00-07-20 W North: 4341.9294 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W North: 4343.3834 East : 5790.4133 Length: 112.04 East: 5790.6523 Length: 50.02 East : 5840.6511 Length: 112.04 East 5840.4121 Length: 50.02 East 5790.4133 Perimeter: 324.12 Area: 5,602 sq. ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.0000 Course: S 90-00-00 E Error North: 0.00000 East : 0.00000 Precision 1: 324,120,000.00 Parcel name: LOT 4 North: 4341.9293 Line Course: 5 88-20-03 E North: 4340.4752 East : 5840.4103 Length: 50.02 Line course: N 00-07-20 E Length: East : 5890.4091 112.04 North: 4452.5150 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W North: 4453.9691 Line Course: 5 00-07-20 W North: 4341. 9293 East : 5890.6481 Length: 50.02 East : 5840.6493 Length: 112.04 East 5840.4103 perimeter: 324.12 Area: 5,602 sq. ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.0000 Course: 5 90-00-00 E Error North: 0.00000 East : 0.00000 precision 1: 324,120,000.00 Page 2 parcel name: LOT 5 North: 4339.0210 Line Course: N 88-20-03 w North: 4340.4751 Line Course: N 00-07-20 E North: 4452.5149 Line Course: 5 88-20-03 E North: 4451. 0608 Line Course: 5 00-07-20 W North: 4339.0210 Hoquiam Court Closures East : 5940.4043 Length: 50.02 East : 5890.4054 Length: 112.04 East : 5890.6444 Length: 50.02 East: 5940.6433 Length: 112.04 East 5940.4043 Perimeter: 324.12 Area: 5,602 sq. ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: 5 90-00-00 E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 precision 1: 324,120,000.00 Parcel name: LOT 6 North: 4339.0210 Line Course: 5 88-20-03 E North: 4337.5385 Line Course: N 00-06-30 E North: 4449.5783 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W North: 4451. 0600 Line Course: 5 00-07-20 W North: 4339.0202 East : 5940.4043 Length: 51. 00 East: 5991.3827 Length: 112.04 East : 5991. 5946 Length: 50.97 East : 5940.6461 Length: 112.04 East 5940.4071 Perimeter: 326.06 Area: 5,711 sq. ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error closure: 0.0029 Course: 5 73-52-41 E Error North: -0.00082 East : 0.00283 precision 1: 112,431.03 parcel name: TOTAL PARCEL North: 4458.3311 East: 5690.6947 Length: 138.05 East : 5690.4003 Length: 301.06 Line Course: 5 00-07-20 W North: 4320.2814 Line Course: 5 88-20-03 E North: 4311. 5295 Line Course: N 00-06-30 North: 4449.5793 Line Course: N 88-20-03 W North: 4458.3303 East: 5991.3330 E Length: 138.05 East: 5991.5940 Length: 301.03 East: 5690.6913 perimeter: 878.19 Area: 41,544 sq. ft. 0.95 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0036 Course: 5 76-58-03 W Error North: -0.00080 East : -0.00348 precision 1: 243,941.67 page 3 ) TO: Baima & Holmberg 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Attn: Bonnie Babcock Ref. # 1673-026 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SECOND REPORT PNWT Order Number: 596328 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Second Report to the Short Plat Certificate from May 11, 2007 through July 30, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following paragraph has been amended to read as follows: 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2007 102305-9246-01 2146 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $285,000.00 Improvements: $123,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $4,479.13 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $10.57 $1. 59 $9.98 TOTAL BILLED: $4,501. 27 PAID: $2,250.64 TOTAL DUE: $2,250.63 (continued) I , \ ) SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 2 Order No. 596328 • The following has been added as paragraph 7: 7. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: EXECUTED BY: AMOUNT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: King County Water District No. 90 a Washington municipal corporation $4,297.32 July 20, 2007 20070720000344 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since May 11, 2007, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. • Except as to the matters reported hereinabove, the title to the property covered by this order has NOT been re-examined Dated as of August 5, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. cg PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Curtis Goodman Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 ~ PAClFIC NoRTHwEsT TiTLE c....,...,yofW.......-.l~. TO: Baima & Holmberg cc: 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Attn: Cam/Bonnie Babcock Ref. I 1673026 Basic 18211 Maple Attn: Ventures -240th Avenue S.E. Valley, WA 98038 Joe Pruss 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 TO THE SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE PNWT Order Number: 596328 Reference: Basic Ventures The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Short Plat Certificate from June 17, 2005 through August 11, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following paragraph has been amended to read as follows: 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Basic Ventures, Inc., a Washington Corporation Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Executive House, Inc. $372,000.00 April 20, 2005 April 29, 2005 20050429000015 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. ASSIGNMENT OF SAID DEED OF TRUST: ASSIGNEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: First Savings of Renton June 27, 2005 20050627000128 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since June 17, 2005, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of August 16, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. cg PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: ~ke Sharkey Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 ~~. .. .... : ...•. ,,' ~ -111111111111111 20060727002515 PUGET sOUND EN EAS 33. e0 PAGE001 OF e02 , .... " e7l2712e06 15:55 , ,:OR::) GlN A k,·/'...../ KING~COUNT~Y' ·ftlA . ..' ; :: '. / /":/ ~~~EMENT I ~ ~ . . ' ....;; <;\,:/;. I. ~~~~~'fE#: ~ASi~V9~TV.kES~:;J,~/·"; :" .. ,f _L /i '" . GRANTEE: '::" PUGET ,SOUND E~R~Y, INC;\,:~rr. Jl',: .. Jr. SHORT LEGAL:'··· .. PTN: Nt:10-~3N-05E": ::' ... if) -;.,,1 ':;"-1 , ASSESSOR'S PR6PERfyT~ p~ikEL:/ 10~~,~~?i4~;, \-/ ti{)' ~ ~ For and in consideration of boe P~lfar ~1.oolanc:f~the./valuable·e9nsideratiop:'ii1::hand paid, BA~IC VENTURES, INC. ("Grantor" herein), here'o§ conveys ~nd wa~tsJf~ PUGET SOUND ,ENERGY, INC., a Washington Corporation ("Grantee" herein), for \l'ie pu!'pos.~s hereirlafter set forth, a niine!itlusive perpetual easement over, under, along across and through ilJe fOllowing ~s~bed/fe~1 prQ'perty::{"Property" herein) in KING County, Washington' 'c ..• ' :' .:' " .,' .,' .; :' .!: . . THE SOUTH 138 FEET ;; ~E les~ HA~F O~::~~~ .~~U;~E.e\S'f..,QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER 6~ THE NbRTHEAST .tlUAATE~ OFSE.CTION 10>: . . !fmyNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EA$T, W:M:·.'·I~ ~NG ,cOUl4TY, WASI;fINGTON; '} .:" EXCEPT THE WEST 15 FEET THEREOF··FOR ROAD. /:. "':':,/""'::. ". .....;.' Except a~/~ay be ~;~~se set forth herein Grantee's:~gi1~"~~aibe ~~e~pl~~d'~~Oii'~hat ;~orti,;;'~ r/:he Property ("Easem~nt Are~ hereiiV described as follows: {, .,..... .. ,_ "'" .. ··.f . .. :: i~~~i 10 FEET OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED R~~ P~OPE~lY;' ,: ..: . . ~. ;: :: '.' . , .. ' .";: .' ./ 1. ~rpo~. Gf'!iintee shall have the right to use the Easement Area:l9. C<?~truci, o~eral!!, maintain, repair, repJ~ce, in:ijxoveio'remo:~e, and enlarge one or more utility systems for purposes·'ohf.lnsmis~10n, .~istribution and sale of ¢1ectricjty. Sl/Ch sy!!terT)s"11\~,i!1c1ude, but are not limited to: ""':'!:,"'" .,: .: .,',. J~de~rou~' .f~~ilities.2CJnduits, lines, cables, vaults, switches and transfo~ i6r electricity; .':, fiber optic .ea~ anq·-ot!ler Ilnes, cables and facitities for communications; semi-burred or ground- ":', mounted Jacl!ftjes ~d ~s, :manholes, meters, fixtures, attachments and any and all other facilities "::~[ appyrtima(1ces:ilece~sar)'.;or C9ll're11ient to any or all of the foregoing . .. ~.,.:-., " :: .~ .:." '.:. Following thilnitial cot~ructiQil'·of all or ~:.portion of its systems, Grantee may, from time to time, construct such additional facifdies a·9.~f'may.ieijuire for.l>uch ·j;ystems. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Easement Area over and acroS~ the Prop~r'iyJo el)e\'bl«,Gra6teE(t'o. .exercise its rights hereunder. Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any dama~. to the .r'rof)erly .¢8used,J)y,:the:,exel'i;ise of such right of access by Grantee. 2. Easement A:~~"CI~~ri~9 a~~ Maint;~~n.be •. riran\~~·"i!hall have the right to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees or other v'j:geta\iOr:i:i.n the !;3sef)i'ent Ajea. ':;Grantee shall also have the right to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudoo.t and rea&pnable njeans,:'the establishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. .:::. /' .;. ;' ::. .:'.:' ", 3. Grantor's Use of Easem~~t"'AAl~:' Gt~nto{rese~s.:i~e.i;~ht.i~·~~·~·ihe Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted. pro~, howev~r, Grantor shall not construct or maintain any buildings, structures or other objects on the ~sement Area:'and Gral'itb( shall::do ·nC? blasting within 300 feet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior writterfconsent. .' .... .::. .' ........ ,:'./ .. 4. Indemnity. Grantee agrees to indemnify Gr&"toe'frool and: agai~st Iia·t;iliiy inCliiTed by Grantor as a result of Grantee's negligence in the exercise of the rights her.ein .gran!iid to,::Gra6tee,::but riotJYng"iieJ;~in shall require Grantee to indemnify Grantor for that portion of any such liagilitx;:attriqutab,le to.:the fie!;lflgence otJ3rantor or the .!:l.~gligE!nceofothers_ ... ,-.---. --.. --~-.• "".:.,-,,-;:, .... ;., .:" .;' .:: .:: 5. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue uhtil s~ ,time as' Grani~~\;ea~sio "O$e the Easement Area for a period of five (5) 5uccessive years, in which eveni;'Ui'ls ea'sem&ni sha,li"terirtinate arid alFrights hereunder, and any improvements remaining in the Easement Area, shall reVEl!'t to 9f other¢iise;~coriie.:fhe pfDpertY'.:. of Grantor; provided, however, that no abandonment Shall be deemed to hiiv~ .,occilJrred by. re~on}lf Grantee's:; failure to initially install its systems on the Easement Area within any period of timefron1 the··date·hereof. .: ...... :. :: .~. .... .:: 6. Successors and AsSigns. Grantee shall have the right to assign; apportiori':.Q,r othe~i~~:iral1$fer !!hy or/' all of its rights, benefits, privHeges and interests arising in and under this easement. Withoi;rt,lirnlting'1he generality of the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be bihding' upon their respective successors and assigns. .' .. ' .. .' UG Electric 1012003 ."~~::' .. 101033563 -WEDGEWOOD SCH. 73 :,~. " .,' ,.' J, ,'" 9~TE9ihiS _7_/l,._day Of--1J""-"'v-L/.:,1f-_______ " 2006. " , .. "\'., STArt: OFWASHINtTON' '., ~ 55 .... ,i COUN'l"Y;;'OF , .. :/ , .... \ :: ,!j,,/ /' . .' ~ thi~ :' "1~ ~y of. ,:':1v/~: ,.", ,,,', , , 2006, before me, the undersigned, a N9,tary Public in and foi the: State of., Was.Nn~n>duly co ~i.si?ioJled ~~d,:sworn. personally appeared:lOs ~~ f'rv5S . to me knowf', to be th~ p"erson who' sign~ (is' frf/J ,'it"'4t t: . of BASIC NTURES. INC., the corporation that exeCuted thli wil~ln ar)CIJo~golng:lhs'tru,ment; and acknowledged said instrument to be hislher free and voluntary aCt and deeQ-"and:the ftSe' lind voluiilolry ac;:! ~d deed of BASIC VENTURES, INC. for the uses and purposes thereiri\!Jention~; and on ,~ath ~Ied th~' ~'was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said BASIC VENiURES, I;G .. ,,} ./ ,/'.,.J.f '::,>: IN WiTNESS WHEREOF I have h\!'reu~o sermy hand and official seal thE) day and year first above written. CoL"".. '< .... :' .:: ./ / .. ri5~":'1n,~ ~ 600, 'lZ ~:ron31d3S' .. :,(SiglJplure!lf Nolllry)&! S3~X3 NOtSSI~~ .: J?Ml!tr:...-M r ~acJ; NOl~IHSVM JO llVlS·,. .:' ~'sta(rlp namellf~otary) Oll9Od A~lON ' NOTAA.Y Pl1aW9 in,and for the State of Washington. )()(X)9V8 'r\! ~ r~sidir;g at JQ"'-f-~; Vd, My Appointment E~p1ref 'ir:'2:'t;"';Oe2;:, . ':: .... :.'::, /., ,.:' j.::;::.~ ;: ".:: .. " "':: •• 1:' .,::, .,/~ / ·:".t '::,.::,}'''''I:\~ \~ .,' ... :.,." .• ,,, ..... / "..... ".' ... ,.J ) ./ .t .' ./1 .~. .' "\, ,::' .•. ,':':,,':,: .: .•••• ~ ... '~: ",:1' ",.,::' .:::/ ::' " .:. ~;."''''.'''., " TO: Baima & Holmberg cc: 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Attn: Cam/Bonnie Babcock Ref.# 1673026 Basic 18211 Maple Attn: Ventures -240th Avenue S. E. valley, WA 98038 Joe Pruss 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 TO THE SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE PNWT Order Number: 596328 Reference: Basic Ventures The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Short Plat Certificate from June 17, 2005 through August 11, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following paragraph has been amended to read as follows: 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Basic Ventures, Inc., a Washington Corporation Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Executive House, Inc. $372,000.00 April 20, 2005 April 29, 2005 20050429000015 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. ASSIGNMENT OF SAID DEED OF TRUST: ASSIGNEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: First Savings of Renton June 27, 2005 20050627000128 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since June 17, 2005, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of August 16, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. cg PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Mike Sharkey Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Baima & Holmberg 100 Front Street South Issaquah, Washington 98027 Attention: Cam Your Ref.: 1673026 Title Order No. 596328 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the united States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: The south 138 feet of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof for road, as established by King County Commissioners records Volume 40, page 132. IS VESTED IN: BASIC VENTURES, INC., a Washington Corporation SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $250.00 $ 22.00 TOTAL CHARGE: $272.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: June 17, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. N~~T~ST ONer:" Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 596328 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 596328 1. Right to enter said premises to make repairs and the right to cut brush and trees which constitute a menace or danger to the electric transmission line located in the street or road adjoining said premises as granted by instrument recorded under Recording Number 3204310. 2. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as partially exempt. If said taxes are not paid prior to any sale of said premises or death of the exempt taxpayer, the exemption will be disallowed and the full amount for current and/or prior years, if any, will be due. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 102305-9246-01 AFFECTS: Includes other property NOTE: PLEASE CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AT 206-296- 3920 OR ONLINE AT "WWW.METROKC.GOV/ASSESSOR" TO VERIFY THE TAX AMOUNT DUE, AS EXEMPT TAXES ARE SUBJECT TO. CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Basic Ventures, Inc., a Washington Corporation Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Executive House, Inc. $372,000.00 April 20, 2005 April 29, 2005 20050429000015 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the ter.ms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the bolder of the indebtedness secured. (continued) Order No. 596328 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B .Page 3 NOTE 1: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE AFFECTS: 2005 102305-9246-01 4342 Includes other property CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $70,000.00 Improvements:$68,OOO.00 GENERAL TAXES: SPECIAL DISTRICT: TOTAL BILLED: $457.83 $1.59 $5.00 $464.42 PAID: $464.42 END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by': Teri Nelson Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. Cc: Basic ventures/Maple Valley/Joe Pruss JXB/20050429000014 ptn. SW ~, NE ~ of 10-23-5 J<:> 30 145 I b~ \ .,1 , ".'1·":·r.~W . J l~ .. @ \~ I~~l '] -11+.si"! . ~~ j ~ ~ ,," 29~ ~~ c: ... z '..3~.l!J7 _ "" iI. 135" \.. . .. . "S l\\:l-.... 1. ~." , . I ~ . • ~Z \~ ,~ • ,,4-.'12. _ S a .• 7·0z. .. a~e.. Il} ~ t~ '! ~4-I~ . :Z .. 1 N !! .<o:;t f--~-",-... 1 I I 3.~4-1r(j r ~ " .., l~ofJO . 9G .H:. ~ i:@J e IJ.5 13 $#·,.,s -----.- SE 121ST STREET PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 596328 CoIIlpany of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N \ AFTER RECORDING MAil TO: MR. JOSEPH M. PRUSS 111111-11111~lllr 20050429000014 JOSEPH M. PRUSS18211 240TH AVE. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 PACIFIC NU TIT UD 28.88 PAGett. OF "2 114/2112.115 .11:111 KING COUNTY, IIA E2118981 !4/ZII/Z.es .8:54 "INa COUNTY, IIA TAX S8277." SALE $415: •••.•• PAGEIII81 OF eel STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ..:>-\;Jt) Escrow No. 20050182-ElS ~" " •. ~ ~ r::.D..~\_J Title Order No. 587581 '\'" VU-LJ \ --...x-> (J.-.J . ( THE GRANTOR ELEANOR BAGLEY; AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration In hand paid, conveys and warrants to BASIC VENTURES, INC., a Washington Corporation the following described real estate, situate If in the County of King, State of Washington: rJD The south 138 feet 16 the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of SeCtion 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M •• 1n King County. Washington; EXCEPT the west 15 feet thereof for road. Assessor's Property Tex Percel/Account Number(s): 102305-9246-01 Subject to: Special exceptions numbers 1 AND FUTURE REAl PROPERTY TAXES as set forth In PACIFIC NORTHWEST TiTlE COMPANY Commitment for tllIe insurance no, 587581 Issued March 17. 2005 and more fully set forth on attached exhibit" A" as so referenced for full particulars. Dated: April 20i 2005 ~~."t0--&. ~ OR BAGLEY State of Washington }ss. County of Ki!:J.g I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ELEANOR BAGLEY is/are the person!s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that SHE signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be HER free and voluntary act r the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrum~ Dated: ~ '#1; 8ro5 LPB-l0 .\ Escrow No. 20050182-ELS ---,. ---.------·----·----·--·------__ EXI:I,IBIT "A" 1, Right to enter said premises to make repairs and the i'ight to ,-cut, brush and treed whioh constitute a menaoe or danger to the eleotric transmission line located in the street or road adjoining said preMises 'as granted by instrument reoorded under Reoording Number 3204310. ~UU0U4~:lUUUU-14.UU~ 1/ ! / The minutes cif the iraeet1ng~f De~~iBber ''1~ 1941, lJere approved w1thout readl~g." ." ". . Bids were opened, as peradve~t1~ed call" for supplying King CO'mty with rour, grllders and twei gravel, loaders, audonmotion, all bids w.,re r(:l-erl'(:~ to the Colmty Road E-ngineer for tabula',tio~' anq l'''port. Blds."ere submitted by the followingtirms: Columbia Equ1pment Coillpany -8,1, fi.E~ Yamhill -Portland, oregon 6ervice Equ:ipmeilt Company -JOO Aurora 'An. -~eattle Wastern Tractor &: Equipment Comparijr ~' 2"30 1st Avenue South, St:litUa Feenaughtylla.chinery Company Howard Cooper Corporation Hearing was had in the matter of t~ applica~ion of Irving Fri$ch for bowl- ing Alley Permit at Renton, 300 feet'east of state High."ay Ho. 5, intersection with Federal Highway, and on motion said application was grantad and Bowling Alley Permit Number 1061 Was granted f'or M period of one ye~r fro. February 1, 194~. Hearing was baa in the matter of tho 6stablishment of the Edward ~ster Road and on motion said road was ordered established andOrdar of Establishmen~ issued ~c follo~s: IN THE UTTER OF THE ESTABLIDIlIIEliT OF) ORDER OF ESTIWLItilDll:.HT EDW. LESTER, COUNTY ROAD ) In the matter' of the establishment ot ~he Edw. L~s~cr county road the coara finds &S follows: Firat:' That the Resolution therefore ~as phssea on ~e 10th ~ , or No- vember, 1941, and tht! County Engineer was duly dir .. cted to exawine and if llt:Ct:S-sary survey th~ routa of said proposed r084. Second: That on the lath day of NO'fember, lY41, the County I:,nglr.u~r l'l1~d in the office of the Board hls report in writin&, and at th~ r.wn~ ti~ his field notes bnd profl1~s of the propos~d road, and a map, Ii~ proviaea by law, und ~hu 15th day of December, 1941, waa; s~t. as the day for hl:uring on said !'~"Ol·~, an.! notice of such hearing Wa& duly given by publishing ano posting ~~ por,idvo by law. ' third; That the 800ra, having conllid .. r~cI said r"!l0rt Wld all ~vid(,n~" ,',,- lative to the establis~nt. of the road, and flnding that ~uch prupoll~d rouo i~ Ii pUblic neccl:;dty. IT Iv ORDI::RJ:;O HY TlU:. liOiliW, Lh .. L Lh., Ell ... L .... L .. '· Ruad bu ",,~ .. lJlhlJl:u h" follows: ' Beginnine /.It the SOutnEst corner oJ' the S.E. i of s.K.i of :;"ction 14, 'hp. ~5 H.ll. S E.YI.I4., und rWlning t.hence north"rly t.o the wst and Wes L center line of said tiec. 14, II. distance ot' 1/ .. mile. unci a~ shown upon the fielc1 notes, profile and lDap of tru: Count;y .en&ineer, ana that from henceforth said ~oad shall be a County Road of 60 feet in .1Qth uxclu~lv~ of slopes for cuts and fllls, and that the same be opened according to lUI>. Done this 15th day of December, 1941. AT'rEST: ROB~;RT A. 1I.0RHUi, Clerk 01' llollrd dy Llmer H. K~nnedy, (~r:AL) Depuly Tom Smith Russell H. Fluent A.r.. Phelps Board of County COllWlis;:;ioIII,rs Kine County, Washing~on H~lIrlng I>f1S bud 1n the 1II11~ter of the '.'lltt,bl1I'hment oJ' th ... Am .. ] la br.hHW" Road Extension una vII Rlotlon said road "a~ ordCl'ec1 estublllJh",d and Ol'tier 01' Establishment issued "'6 follvl'lS I 1N THE MATTEIl O~' THE IWTABLlbHMEN'l' OF ) Al4l1.IA IlCIlliVIE KOAD EX'l"N. COUHTY HOIID ) In the matter of tho IIHliblliihm(:nt of the /IlIIe111.o tichev;o /load ExL'n, county road tho Board findu us follol>s: firstl That thE: lIellnlut1un LhI"rei'or flat. pllliueu on the 17Lh day of November 1941, and thu County Encln\llill' "at: dull' dir'Jctud tu ~ltul/linu ... nd if Iic::c;;l. .. rr survey thll route 01' oald pl'opoued l'oltd. t:;eeondl That on the 17th dll)' ut' HovelUbllr, 1')41, ttlll Count)' Eny,lneul' l'iled In thtl oCnce of thQ Board hlu report 111 "riling, und fit. t,lIu 511/110 time h15 f1eld note-s 11.1<i pro1'Ue& or Lh(. propoGod roau, und " map, au pl'ovided by Inv., UIIIl th" 15th ()uy of iJucolllbor, 1941, 1111111 liet Ul:; t.he dUf for hellring on Sl<id rEport, lllld nqUe') of rouch h« ... l'1n" ."tlll (luly g1 "<:n b)' IIublhh111g und Iloating as pt'ovilieli by laYi. ,) '~ .,. '. o c ~) () Engineer tiled law. 'as follows: . C3p'any's The to t/11& to" V"" ~ 0J!° our recolDlllenda- notic .. of sai,; BoarJ of tition'for vaca- and the Iloard of part of the general benet~tea;~; th~ vacatj,on of said road or portion .me.ntjLollled .' therefore, it· i'5 hereby .• &.,.U.\'W&._ ....... ,"'-.... ", ... ·road or portion the,oeof be ana the IIUIe .is the)."ecOllllllendlltion of the ~ountl l\oadEnglneer: n:~1;~~~~f.~~'~::~~,;: .lI.nd64 southern Pi!:cif1c L&nd . • :. ~u~:~u~n ~'~8 il&oines, lntit!c. 8, TWp. 'TOlD Siillth HUss_];l' Jf •. Fluent .. ·:A;ili. ';;Pbelps . ' .. ; Boaftl·, oC'Gounty CoIIiiII1li111oners ".tigi . :C,~)1iitt t WilS h1.ng ton . -:.':-.. / i' • :hat IfOY 174.i.. .\ ~ \}.. .....-7..11 New 7 41 .1. and. TO vii ~. .. " Lu. k ..... ·rlok ~.aile: 5Ul Ba11ey hh ~. :56:b, Iwl. U liu'rlok and 1:'1tt8 ancUp •• 1'1tts b.l' to Pq.t Sound Pc>lt~1ght OOllll.l'";.DJ .. Kas. orp tp .b.byol' ud l1' .. nt toap ...... -... tUI ~~~~l'-- Thll. l~ ttot tb. •• )Oft ottilo slp of SWl ot~ ~t •• olO tp 23 NRS.... .., i' ' ftleoenterl1n.·-al near the elY8!de otad ro .. d tsw omit parasraphto blast-- '. Anne G lIierriok LUG Herriok ~a11e1 Ru'ka.tx. HORTON Bm.:J:Y Gy Manuel Terry atty1ntaot Vern.! Pitta , A gne aP1tta koy NOT 8 41bJ ~ne.Pitt. , andon Nov 7 ~lbl Manuel Terry er.ty1n f$~t Lue Kerriok Boilo1,Harlan ~aileyand~nn. G Merr1ok,btEdward P 'fIl1rll1S J>.I)IIAr .... \s (NSPeb 9 43) .:8P )j~__ .. :lat NOT 1141. ~~ ~ 3204311 </ NoY 1,.1 .l.and O&'TO ./:'"" ~-b ;/ Llli .ernot. B~1111flndBar1an Ba11e1 b.b. 4nCl :t.nne G l4orr1ok " "to Pq,t'""SbUi:J4 POWti' &-L1&ht .. Ma •• orp tp hby 0-,_ J1' Alao\ :1l:e'(~I~~~="I:t~':al~l1naeo lOtp23NR 5 e1lD., .TJlL'O~.lIll:J,.~ .. bv roada-.. ...... , .... ,.t . ~eG Jlerrl~k AU. Merriok ~:'117 l1ORTON? B83.10y by Maauel T~rT --.. tty intaot k~ HOT 7 41b1 Ku.uelTerrT as att11Jl1'a 1itor Lue Merr1oJl: BU1IT, ~::rr~~\B:l:~~~. G ".rr1olt bt "4yrOP 'l!hwlng "PJ/m:'lio.tli~, +++ '* LI--' lCamt NW 17*-t 41 ~71 )204-~)12 Nov 8 41. fl andogvo ~ "./ TheNorthw •• t Dani.h Old Poopl •• Home,end G J Ohapmanen~ar.4a Ohapman hwf ' to P\1&.t Sound Po:wer &. 1..1ght Oo.m.pany a llaus crp tp oy and granttosp--sa file 2~0090-~ s1ng18~- TheX ))Ottot,th8 W 661 ftoftheN 630tt otthelal; ot t.b.eSl; ;;jeo 16 tp2) 1m 4-ew m' '" Thtoente.rline--.u.pIrox1matel1ontte N &. S oent lino otabvdespty bal •• to~ ex oAit .aragraphto blaat--Inw1twh th1sinst hasbeen exothedeyandyear t1rst .. bv written G J Oh .. pman Mared.. ObG.~ (orpal( 7 Northwest Danilh Old Pe6ple5fio~. j ,1 J "1 by Joseph K~t.8n treeo.a kowNov 841by G ;r \#hapmanand Waredo. Ohapu.u, endon 8 .. d .. y bT loa.ph Mo.tlew.tp. ~rea& of ad ol'p(of)bt Edward PThwing npWnrlisats(NSF.b 3 4))ml ap dno +++ ,. ".": ":ff~:··~~~;fti.;:'F;';:>~~¥~~~~i,,~~~:i;:'.':f: ~;.'-~.', . , ~;i.~', :.",.,: .:>-:-~-.~,~~;. ";~"'-'''E~',;;;'!:?''<4;~~ ... "' ....... -~ .-~-.. -. "--; • ~" .. ~ .. :~~.r •. • ... ~4~.. ... .., : ~: .",.:~~~"':.: .. : ,."" • II .r·· . 1',,;- (. . ... ,' -, '}!iylt~s c 'v{l'/ii~" . '0'. by' Olatid~ S .. ·Bal'ker, .111;)3;'.- ., '. . CharleS. cralg ." f.iiiff· . . ~l'ie O:r;'(\ig '. . ... ,... ]lzone~ ''co Yin ~e!?t '39,· 37' :by Oh~l'les C1'8.ig and Ual'i~ Craig.bi' ".'~~l S"lla;nSOn n,p for Wn.resat·.1i.uburn(ns ;rUu' 20 41). ' . '.' lee,'! Sept30 37 by fi::~Ii!: Glaude B Barl\:er, aU: fOl' li;~;"rtif' . C \-vells I~: bt nelter S\~anson np tor \In r~s nt Auburn (ns ;run 28 4l)' :tldby 1I.0il· f};: OlYlDPie. Vln 1'0 \ ! " .IF After recording retur. to: EXECUTIVE HOUSE, INC • . 7517 Greenwood Aveuue North Seattle, Washlugton 98103 Loau No. 19907 Grantor(s): Basic: Ventures, Inc. Graatee(s): Executive House, Ine. Legal Description: 1. Prtn SW Y. NE Y. 10-13--5, WoM. 2. Additional on Page 1 Assessor's Tax ParcellD#(s): 102305-9146-1 DEED OF TRUST ":VUtlU4,,:;oVVVVI tI.VV I TInS DEED OF TRUST ("Security Instrwnent") is made on April 20. 2005. The grantor is BASIC VENTURES. INC., a Washington Corporation, ("Borrower"). The trustee is PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON. INC. (Trustee''). The beneficiary is EXECUTIVE HOUSE. INC, which is organized and existini 1IDder die laws of Washington, and whose address is 7517 Gaenwood Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98103 ("I.endet''). BonoMr owes Lender the principal 8W1l of THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY- TWO AND NOIlOg Dollars (U.S. $372.000.00). This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument ("Notej, whIch provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, duo and payable on May 1.2010. This Security Instrument ICCUreS to Lcuder: <a> the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, widl interest, and all macwab, extensions and modifications of the note; (b> the payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced under puagtaph 7 to prole« the security of this Security Instrument; and < c> the perfonnance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower im:vocably pants and COIlVC)'I to Truslee, in trust, with power of sale, the fonowing described property located in K!!!I. (;qunty, Washington: The south 138 reet or the west balf or the southeast quarter of the southwest qwu1er of the northeast quarter of SectionlO, Towashlp 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., In Kine County, Washlncto; EXCEPT the west 15 feet thereof for rvad. which bas the addresS of Washington 98059 (Zip Code) 810 Hoquiam Avenue Northeast (S«eot) <"Property Address,,); Renton (Clc.y) TOGETIIER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereat\er a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing is referred. to in this Security Instrument u the "Property." BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and bas the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encwnbrances of record. Borrower wsrranU and will defend generally the title to the Ptoperty against all claims and demands, subject to any encwnbrances of record. THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. WASHINGTON-Single Family-FaanJeMaeIFreddie Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT FGrm 3148 9/90 (Pag4 I of 6 pages) ~UU~U4~~UUUU1~.UU~ UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment or Prlnclpal aad Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. 2. Fnnd. for Taxes and In,uranee, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in tidl, a sum ("Fundaj for: (a) yearly taxe.\: and IS$CSSIDImts which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the property; (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property. ifany; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; and (d) yearly flood insurance premiums. if any; (e) yearly lMttgage insurance premiums, if any; and (f) any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with the provisions of paragrapb 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items." Lender rnay, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maxiaIum amount a Lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower', escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. 2601 et leq. ("R.ESPA"). unless another law that applies to the Funds lets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose: deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is such an institution) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender sball apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items. Lend« may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items. unless lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one- time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting lervice used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provide.\: otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender ,ball not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing. however, that intere.\:t shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing acdits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The FuUda are pledged as additional .ecurity for all 8UIJIS secured by this Security lustrument If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall accOWlt to Borrower for the exCCSI PuIIds in aceordaDCC with the requirelDCllts of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so DOtify Borrower in writing, and, in such C8IC Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount uecessaty to make up the deficiency. Borrower &ball make up the deficieJIcy in no more than lwelvo moutbly pa}'Dll!QtS, at Lender', sole discretion. Upon payment in full of alllUlllS aecured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender. prior to the a<:qUisition or tale of the Property, sball apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums aecured by this Security Instrument. 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all paynwnts received by Lender under paragraphs 1 and 2 ,hall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable UDder paragnph 2; third, to interest due; fourth, to principal due; and last, to any late charges due under the Note. 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charge.\:, tines and impositions attributable to the Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowcc shall pay these obligations in the mannet provided in-paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, Borrower sball pay them on time directly to the person owed payment Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.. If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which bas priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in good faith the lien by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lendcc', opinion operate to prevent the enC<m:eIMJ\t of the lien; or (c).~ from the holder of the lien an agreement I8liafactory to Lender .ubordinating the lien to this Security Instrunv:nt If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Sccwity Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisty the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice, 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, huards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, including floods or flooding, for which lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance sball be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage descn'bed above, lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. All insurance policies and renewal shall be acceptable to Lender and sball include a standard mortgage clause. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts ofpaid premiwns and tencwal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower Form3048 9190 (page2o/6ptJges) shall give prompt notico to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's secwity would be lessened, the insuranco proceeds shall be applied to the Bums sceutcd by this Security Ins1nunent, whether or not then due, with any excoss paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notico from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may col1eet the insuranco proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums aecured by this Security Instrument, wbether or not then due. The 30-day perio!i will begin when the notice is given. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the paymellt$. If under paraguph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insuranco policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security IDstrument immediately prior to the acquisition. ,. Occupancy, Prt$ecvatlon, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower'. Loan Application; Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of this Security instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower'. principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withhold, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower', control Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the property, allow the Property to deteriOl'ate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien cJ'C8ted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate, u provided in paragraph 18, by cauaing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's intcI'est in the Property or other material impairment oCthe lien created by this Security lnstrumeut or Lender'1 security interest. Borrower cball also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any material information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower', occupancy of the Property as a principal residenco. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower .ball comply with all the proviliona of the 1-. If BorroWCl' acquires fee tide to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title ahall not mcrge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 7. Proteetlon of Lender'.lUghb 111 the Property, If Borrower fails to perfonn the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instnunent, or there is a legal proceeding that may .iguificantly affeCt Lender's rights in the Property (such u a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to cnforco laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for wbatevec is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any swns aecured by a lien which bas priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7, Lendec does not have to do 10. Auy amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 IhaII become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts sball bear interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestiag payment 8. Mortgage Imurance. If Lender requIred mortgage insuranco as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, Borrower .han pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect If, for any reason, the mortgage Iusuranco coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the prcmiwns required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranco previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If IUbstantiaUy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ooc- twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wJ1l accept, use and retain these paymenl8 u a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, at the option of Lender, if mortgage insurance coverage (in the amount and for tho period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and Is obtained. Borrower shall pay the premiums requited to maintain mortgage insurance in effect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordanco with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspectiolL 10. Condemnation. Tho proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, ~ hereby assigned and shalI be paid to Lender. In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking Form 3e48 9190 (pageJ 0/6 pages) of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property lmmediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the taking. unle.s$ Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security blsll'ulnent sball be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a> the total lJllOunt of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance &ball be paid to Bozrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is le.s$ than. the amount of the 8II1l18 8ecured immediately before the taking, unle.s$ Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writiug or unle.s$ applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums 8ecured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums arc then due. l! the Property Is abandoned by BorroWer, or ~ after notice by Lender to Bozrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower falls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to coiled and apply the proceeds, at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the I\UIlS secured by this Security Instnunent, whether or not then due. Uoless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cbange the amount of such payments. 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Ins1nunent granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest Lender sball not be required to coltllmlllCe proceedings against any s\lCCessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's suc:cessor in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sball not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. lZ. Successors and AHfgus Bound; Joint and Several UablUty; Co-cigaers. The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the SUCCCSS01'8 and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 17. Borrower', covenants and agreements shall bcjoint and scvera1. Any Borrower who CQ-signs this Security Instrument but docs not execute the Note: <a) is co..sigDing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not penonaIly obligated to pay the IUJDI secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security lnstrumcPt or the Note without that Borrower'. consent. 13. Loan Charaes. If the loan secured by this Security Inslnlment is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that tho interest or other loan charges coUected or to be collected in connection with the loan cx<:eed the permitted limits, then: (a> any such loan charge sbal1 be reduced by'the amount DCceSSI1)' to reduce the charge to the pcnni.tted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which cxcoeded pcanitted limits wiD be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by J;Cducing the principal owed UDder the Note or by making a direct paymmt to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. 14, Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided for this security. interest sbal1 be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unIe.s$ applicable law requires use of another method. The notice aball be directed to the Property Address or any other address Borrower ~natcs by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender', address stated herein or any other addre.s$ Lender ~ignated by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bouower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. 15. Goverlling Law; Severability. Thia Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Properly is located. In the event that any provision or clauso of this Security Instmment or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shaI1 not affect other provisions of this Security Instnunent or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable. 10. Borrower'. Copy. Borrower sball be given ODe conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. 17. 'l'raD$fer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest III Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is &old or transferred <or if a beneficial interest in Bozrower is ,old or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in filii of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument If Lender exercises this option, Lender shaI1 give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a p¢od of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies pennitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 18. Borrower'. Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: <a) 5 days (or such other period as applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrument; or (b) entIy of a judgment enforcing this Security Form 3048 9190 (page 4 of 6 /14&u) Inslrument Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) payS Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security InslIllmCnt, including, but not limited to, a:asonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lender may rcasonably requiro to assure that the lien of tWa Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Bonower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument IhaU continue W1Cbanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Inst1'llment and the obligations secured hereby sball remain fully effective as irno acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shallllOt apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servieu. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security lnstrwncnt) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicerj that collects monthly payments duo under the Notc and this Security Instr\I1t1ent. There also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer umdated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will ,tate the name and addreSl of the new Loan Serviccr and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. 20. Haurdous Substan~es. Bouowet' shall not c&usc or pennit the presence. use. cmposa1, storage. or release of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property that is In violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, usc, or storage on the Property of 81JIall quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to mainteoloce olthe Property. Borrower alIaU promptly give Lender writteG notice of any investigation, c1alrn, demand, lawsuit or other action by any govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substaoce or EnviroDl1lCtltal Law of which Borrower has actual knowledie. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that any mnoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Subatance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. AJ used in this paragnph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substanc;es defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Envirommntal Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum produ¢ts, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. AJ used in this paragraph 20, "EDviromncutal Law" mcau.s federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wbere tho Property is loc:aled that relate to health, safety or environmental protection. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BorroMr and Lender fiJrth« covenant and agree as foRoWl: 21. Acceleration; ReIIIedles. Leader RaIl pe Dotke to Borrower prior to aeeeleratioa foDowlne Borrower's breach of any covenaat or aareemeat In thb Security InskumeDt (but not prior to .uelecation WIder paracraph 17 uaJess appUcable law provides otlaerwlse). TIle notke ahaD spedCyl <a) the deCalllt; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, DOt lea thaD 30 days from the date the DOUce Is PVeD to Borrower, by which tile default must be CDJ'ed; and (d) that faBure to cure the deCault OD or before the elate lpeeUled In the notke IIIaJ" rmllt In aeeeleration of the lums leeurecl by tIIb S«urity IustrumeDt and Iale of the Property at pubJk au~tIoll at a date not less thaP 120 days Iq the future. The notice ,ball further inform Borrower of tile rigIlt to reinstate after aucleratloD, the ri&bt to brine a court action to usert the 1l000-eDsteace of a default or any other defense 01 Borrower to a~celeraCion and sale. and any other matten required to be included In the notice by applkable law. If the default Is not cured on or before the date spulOed In the DOtke, Lender at Its option may require iuunediate payment in fuU of aU lums leeurecl by this Seewity Iaatrument without further demand 8Dd may Invoke the power of.ale and aD.Y other remedies permitted by applkable law. Lender .haD be entitled to colleet aU expell$C$ 'n~urred in purlUIn& the remedies provided In this parallraph 21, 'D.~luding, but not limited to, reasolllble attornqli' fees and costs of title eviden~e. IC Lender Invokes the power of sale, Lender shaB Cive writteD. nol1ce to Trustee of the occurren~e of an event of deC.u1t and 01 Lender's election to ~ause the Property to be .old. Trustee and Lender .hall take su~h aetion regardfnll noti4:e of lale and Ihall give such notl~es to Borrower and to other persons as appli~able law may require. After the time required by appli~able law and after publiution of the notice of .ale, Trustee., without demand on Borrower, .ha1l sell the Property at public; audion to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms des1&nated In the notice of sale in one or more parcels and In any order Trustee determines. Trustee mar postpone .ale of the Property for a period or periods permitted by appUable law by publk announcement at the time and place fixed In tbe notice of sale. Lender or Its designee may pur~hase tbe Property at any IIle. Trustee shall dellver to the purekaaer Trustce', deed conveying the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or Implied. The recital. In the Trustee', deed shaD be prima fade evidence of thetnlth of the .tatenJenfli made therein. Trustee .haU apply the proceeds of the .ale in the follOwing order: (a) to aB expenses or the .ale, Includinc, but not Umited to, realonable Trustee's and attorneys' fees; (b) to all .ums .. cured by thlI Security Instrument; and (~) any excess to the person or per.oaa legaUy entitled to It or to the clerk of the luperlor ~ourt of the county in which tbe .ale took place. Form 3048 9190 (pagd 0/6 pages) , , ~VV0U4~~VVVV10.VUb 22. Reconveyante. Upon payment of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall swrender this Security Insttument and aU notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. TNStee shall reconvey the Property without wamnty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or pessons shall pay any recordation costs. 23. Substitute Trustee. In accordance with applicable law, Lender may from time to time appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder who has ceased to act. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties confeued upon TNStec herein and by appJicable law. 24. Use of Property. The Property is not used ptlneipally for agricultural or farming pwposes. 25. Riders to this Security Instrument If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this Security Instrument, ~ covwants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instlument as if the ridcl(s) were a part of this Security Instrument. [Check applicable box( es)] J Adjustable Rate Rider 1 Graduated Payment Rider J Balloon Rider 1 Other(s) (specify) J Condominium Rider ) Planned Unit Development Rider ) Rate Improvement Rider [ X ] 1-4 Family Rider [ ) Biweeldy Payment Rider [ ) Second Home Rider BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees 10 the tenDS and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Oral agreements or oml Commitments to loan money. extend credit. or to forbear from enforcing repayment of a debt are not enforceable under Washington law. Witnesses: Basic Ventures, hlc. .;:=:;tj~;:::ln1~a-~ __ ----.!(ScaI) _________ -'(s.pace Be/owThI. Unefor kIu1ovdtdgmenfJ .... __________ _ State ofWashmgtoD County of King ) )1$ ) l1.rm 3048 9190 (page 6 ,,/6 pages) ,. " .. OJ .". After recording return to: EXECUTIVE HOUSE, INC. 7517 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98103 Loan No. 19907 Grantor(s): 1. Basic Ventures, Inc. Grantee(s): Executive House, Inc. Legal Description: 1. Prtn SW Y. NE Y.I0-23-5, WoM. Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#(s): 10230S-9246-1 1-4 FAMILY RIDER Assignment orRents 2UU!)U4LSUUU015.007 nus 1-4 FAMILY RIDBR is made this 20ll day of April, 200S. and is incolporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument') of the same date given by the undersigned (the"Bo~ to secutt Borrower's Note to EXECUTIVE HOUSE, ~. (the "Lender; of the saIm date and covering the Property described in the Security Instrument and located at: 810 Hoquiam A veoue Northeast, Renton, Washington 98059. 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: . A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addition to the Property described in the Security Instrument, the following items are added to the Property description, and shall also constitute the Property covered by the Security Instrument: building materials, appliances and goods of every nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in, 00, or used, or intended to be used in connection with the Property, including. but not limited to, those for the pw:poses of supplying or distributing heating, cooling. electricity, gas, water, air and light, fue prevention and extinguishing apparatus, security and access control appantus, plumbing, bath tubs, water heaten, water closetS, sinks, ranges, stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers. disposals, washers, dryers, awnings, stoan windows, stann doors, screens, blinds, shades, curtains and curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets. panelling and attached floor coverings now or hereafter attached to the Property. all of which, including replaceImDIs and additiOIlS thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Property covered by the Security Instrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property descn1>ed in the Security Instrument (or the leasehold estate if the Security Instrwnent is 011 a leasehold) are referred to in this 1-4 Family Rider and the S~ty Instmment as the "Property." B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPIJANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to or make a change in the use of the Property or its zoning classificatioo, unless Lender has agreed in writing to the change. Borrower shall comply with all laws, ordinances. regulations and requirements of any governmental body applicable to the Property. C. SUBORDINATE LIENS. Except as permitted by federal law, Borrower shall not allow any lien inferior to the Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior written permission. D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shan maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to the . other hazards for which insurance is required by Unifonn Covenant 5. E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE" DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. t ' II '" Z00504Z9000~ F. BORROWER'S occur ANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, the fIrSt sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted. All remaining covenants and agreements set forth in Unifonn Covenant 6 shall remain in effect G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender's request, Borrower shall assign to Lender all leases of the Property and all security deposits made in connection with leases of the Property. Upon the assignment, Lender shall have the right to modify, extend or terminate the existing leases and to execute new leases, in Lender's sole discretion. As used in this paragraph G, the word "lease" shall mean "sublease" if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold. H. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS; APPPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. Borrower absolutely and unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues ("Rents'1 of the Property, regardless of to whom the. Rents of the Property are payable. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that eaclr tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However, Borrower shall receive the Rents until (i) Lender has given Borrower notice of default pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Security Instrument and (il) Lender has given notice to the tenant(s) that the Rents are to be paid to Lender or Lender's agent. This assignment ofRents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional security only. If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: {i} all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secuccd by the Security Instrument; (ii) Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property; (fu) Borrower agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand to the tenant; (iv) unless applicable law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall be applied first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and coI1ecting the Rents, including. but not limited to, a!tomey's fees, receivCI's fees, prcmiuJm on receiver's bonds, repair and maintenance costs, insurance prCllliuzm, taxes, assessments and other charges on the Property, and then to the SlUm secuccd by the Security lnstnJment; (v) Lender, Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall be liable to account for only those Rents actually received; and (VI) Lender sba11 be entitled to have a receiver appointed to take possession of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derived from the Property without any showing as to the inadequacy of the Property as security. If the Rents of the Property are not auffieient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the hoperty and of collecting the Rents any timds expended by Lender for such pUIpOses shall become indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7. Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents and has not and will not perfonn any act that wauld prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph. Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receivCI, shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of default to Borrower. However, Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver, may do so at any time when a default occurs. Any application of Rents shal1 not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender. This assignment ofRcnts of the Property shaU terminate when all the sums secured by the Security Instnnrent are paid in full. I. CROSS·DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement in which Lender has an interest shall be a breach under the Security Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the remedies permitted by the Security lnstrumcnt. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the tenns and provisions contained in this 1-4 Fannly Rider. Basic Ventures, Inc. () By: { tf1 ~ Seal Joseph • Pruss, President DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 4(, '51'i square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: . -.--.~.--.---.. -.--~ -.--,-... ". --~-.-...... ,._.-,.- Public streets"'* "-.'--'-.-.. --.~--' ()~. ,-square feet' ,-- Private access easements** '182. Tsquare feet Critical Areas*__ ..' 0, .' : square feet ·t6tafex~IUd~d area-:-" --'-'-....• : ::~~:~-;")-:::_ :~i:~T_::-2~-r-::le; i':r<-:'squ~r~J~t _ "' •• ;-: ~-""_"' __ "". :,.' " •.• ,-_ ... _._-_ :.. . ..: ___ ~..if. -.. 3~· SubtracHine.2·from line 1·fornet area: . . 3 ... , . ·$..3 tT.vt-sqoarefeef 4. ·Divideline·3 by 43,560 for net acreage: .. '. -. 4.' :.(), -=r-=ri acres· 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. b-units/lots ----"----- 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. 14$ = dwelling units/acre ·Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. -Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\WE8\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\PJanning'density.doc Last updated: 11108/2004 1 City of Re.l&~n Department of Planning I Building I Public I ~ AS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~ COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: ~r"~~' .~~~ ::2.005 """'\ APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arnara Henninger SITE AREA: 41,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 810 Hoguiam Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LancllShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services --Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet , B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional inform ion is nWo properly assess this proposal. /2-_ ~ _ () s;-- Date STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING} AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Tom Meagher, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on October 7,2005. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $102.00. ~ \\\\'HU"I// !t.\\' L. BA. "'~ ~ s>~ •.. e ....... ~~ ~ ~ 0 .•• ~OTA.l?r··. 0 ~ ~ "-;/. . .. ~~ Tom Meagher :: E \ ~ _. XP .- Legal Advertising Representative, King County Journal : r/J i 04/28/2009 i?; = Subscribed and sworn to me this 7th day of October, 2005. ; ~ \. .~. ~ ~ ,~, , .. . ~.~ ••• {'vaLle .0· ~ ~ '" 0 •.•.•.. ,...."'" * ! "" 'P WA5'P-~~\'~ . , /11,,,,,,,,,\\ Jody L.. arton Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Auburn, Washington PO Number: Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on October 18, 2005 at 9:00 AM to con- sider the following petitions: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA05-099, SHPL-H Location: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. Description: The applicant is requesting a Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a 6-lot subdivision of a 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) site located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning des- ignation. An existing single-family residence and outbuildings are located on the site but are proposed to be removed. The 6 proposed lots range in size from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet and are intended for the future devel- opment of detached single-family homes. Access to Lots 1 and 2 would be via single-family resi- dential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be via the extension ofNE 8th Circle from the road stub that will be provided by the Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143), located at the east boundary of the subject site. The applicant will be required to dedicate 26 feet of right-of-way and construct improvements for NE 8th Circle along the south side of the subject site, and construct street improve- ments on Hoquiam Avenue NE. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be directed to the Hearing Examiner at 425-430-6515. Published in the King County Journal October 7, 2005. #849626 / '~ ". ··t/Cb276f9;2-'-/-6 (UP <-U \ ~) .~-T'~ \ '1 .c:.""' .. r .. "..... • ............ , ....... , \. ;N> r ~-----~~~-~----l 50.02' .02' l 1 ~. . ~ 1& 1 \ fC 1" 02301f~"24~ 1 1 1 1 A ~ 1 1 1 20' Z J 1 1 1 .. 1 I I 1 I I / ~ m-J lil /'>.--! S8II'2O"03"E &.?: < ... '. ; '. I J I ~~ ".,100.%·"",i£i7:j] 1 X 'Cue t< 6" a'(t ---------------" .. , ..... ~/O\ ~~ '-----____ I r--- 1 1 IA .,2' I~· 1 ----, 1 I 1 1 I I k~~' ", .. " ...... " •• 'r .. .;.>..:.:?.::":';:·~ • L~ ~, ;:c;.;, ~q, ~ ~.~ 1-o~~~~~~'flH7T~~ 51' PRIVAtt DRAINAGE EASEMENT r---e:. 1 1 I I I I I I I .,0' ! \J "'---"" I 1 fv\ I I ... ' Ij I 1-0-".~:: tb. 20' MIN. '" qryplataddress 11/17/2005 Page 1 Wheeler, Mayor November 29, 2005 Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 SUBJECT: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA -05-099, SHPL-H Dear Mr. Pruss: "' CITY ~F RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled: "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The conditions listed in the City of Renton Hearing Examiner Report & Decision must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. If you have any questions regarding the recording process or any other matters for the short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Carrie Olsen at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, V1 ~:~. P>A ~ ) / (!LtU_~"7f~7-~ ,~ Nancy Thompson Secretary to Hearing Examiner cc: Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg, Inc. Neil Watts, Development Services Keri Weaver, Development Services Enclosure ----lO-S-S-s-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0S-S---(4-2-S-) 4-3-0--6-S-1S----~ * This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE 1'I..eIJlKe,r-Wheeier, Mayor November 7, 2005 Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 1821 1 240tl1 Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Re: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA 05-099, SHPL-H Dear Mr. Pruss: CITY .F RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman It has come to my attention that the headings on each page of the recently published Hearing Examiner Decision have an error. The heading should read: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA 05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page There seems to have been a glitch in the print merge settings, I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and your clients. Even though we are re-submitting the decision, there will be no change in the appeal period. Any appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 pm, November 15,2005. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, /' /II ii'} ],1" / ,'//1 "',/)' .--j !!.A./II/C,\r0"IUJ ~J/ ~tY'--.../ i/ Nancy Thompson Secretary to Hearing Examiner City of Renton cc: Shupe Holmberg Larry Warren, City Attorney Neil Watts, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Development Services All Parties of Record ----10-5-5-S-ou-t-h-G-ra-d-y -w.-ay---R-e-n-to-n-, w.-a-s-hl-·n-gt-on-9-80-5-5---( 4-2-5)-4-3-0--6-5-15----~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE November 1, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/OWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, W A 98027 Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA 05-099, SHPL-H 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a 0.95-acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on October II, 2005. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the October 18, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, October 18,2005, at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Vicinity Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Topography, Road, Utilities, Tree, Landscaping, Grading and Drainage Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1, 2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.7: Overall circulation map of area Exhibit No.6: Letter from City of Renton Public Works approving right-of-way width modification The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The site is located in the Residential- 8 zoning designation and is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and outbuildings. This site is located on the east side of Hoquiam. The area has been undergoing rapid growth and this is one ofthe last remaining parcels to be subdivided. Two of the proposed lots would face Hoquiam and the remaining four lots would take access via an extension of NE 8th Circle from the road stub in the approved plat of Aspen Woods. The existing home and outbuildings would be removed. NE 8th Circle would be dedicated and be 26-feet of right-of-way and would allow improvements to be constructed on the south side of the site and would connect into Aspen Woods. The slope on the site is a maximum of 8%. The approximately 25 trees existing on site would be removed as part of the development of the site. City standards do require some landscaping to be done on the new lots. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed plat is consistent with the pertinent Comprehensive Plan policies. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 4,500 square feet, and the parcel is considered an infill development. The net density for the site is 7.75 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the density allowed in the R-8 zone. Lot 2 would be considered a corner lot and as such would need to be 60-feet in width, the lot line needs to be shifted between Lots 1 and 2 to allow Lot 2 to achieve its appropriate 60-foot width. The proposed lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the subdivision regulations. Each of the remaining lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone after the realignment of Lots 1 and 2. The applicant proposed to provide drought-tolerant landscaping and trees within a 5-foot wide landscaping strip. Fire, Traffic and Park Mitigation Fees are to be imposed as condition of short plat approval. The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the add itional students. The site slopes to the east at about 1%-8%. Onsite runoff sheet flows at approximately 5% to 10% east through the approved Aspen Woods subdivision. Little if any drainage runs onto the site from offsite areas. The proposal shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual, Level 2, for onsite water quality treatment and runoff detention. A drainage report was prepared and submitted by Baima & Holmberg at the time of application for a short plat. The required flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a water quality vault. The applicant proposes a combined detention/water quality vault within an easement across the front (south side) of Lots 5 and 6. Water service is within the King County Water District No. 90. A certificate of water availability has been provided. The extension and replacement of the 8" main on Hoquiam Avenue NE will be required, as well as \, Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 3 dedication of any required easements. There is a 16-inch water main and an 8-inch sewer main within Aberdeen Avenue NE. Shupe Holmberg, Baima & Holmberg, Inc., 100 Front Street S., Issaquah, W A 98027 stated that they are in agreement with staff. The modification to Lots 1 and 2 is acceptable and will be corrected. The turning radius for Lot 2 will be accommodated. Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., 18211 240tl1 A venue SE, Maple Valley, W A 98038 stated that they would like to incorporate the landscape requirements on the site plan at the time of final platting. Neil Watts, Director, Development Services Division stated that the Landscaping Code is fairly news and does have a variety of glitches that staff is aware of, unfortunately they have not been corrected as yet. The landscape plan is required for recording the short plat, however, the actual installation of the landscaping must be done before the final inspection of the homes. In regards to the street modifications, Aspen Woods is installing exactly the same right-of-way width and street dimensions as was approved for modification for this project. That will be 26-feet of right-of-way with 20-feet of pavement and curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side. No parking will be allowed on either side of the street. For this project, the street modification will either be connected all the way through to Aspen Woods or a temporary turn-around will have to be provided subject to Fire Department approval. As to the turning radius off of Hoquiam, that will also need to be discussed with the Wedgewood 2 people for the south side of the new NE 8th Circle. This will be a standard street intersection, a public street. A public street allows for the enforcement of "no parking" requirements by the police department. A sidewalk will be provided on the north side of the street. This conceptual drainage plan was submitted under the 1998 Manual, the City Code still required the 1990 Manual, however, almost every project is required to adhere to the 1998 standard. All the projects in this area have been required to adhere to the 1998 Manual, Level 2. This project proposes that, but since they did not have to undergo SEPA that condition does not exist on the project. He would like to have the 1998 Manual listed as a condition of approval. The storm water system for this project has a detention vault, which is for both detention and water quality. It is partially located in the right-of-way, which is okay for Fire and City policies. The issue for the City of Renton is that it is to be privately owned and maintained by the owners of this small short plat. He would like to see a homeowner's association, which is somewhat unwarranted for a plat of this size, but it is an option or that there be a maintenance agreement of the six property owners for maintenance of this drainage facility. The joint maintenance agreement seems most likely. There is a school boundary issue that comes up between these plats. It appears that this plat is in Renton School District. They will check after the hearing, but will let us know which school district is actually affected by this plat. There are no water district development charges required for this project. Mr. Holmberg stated that regarding the drainage, they propose to provide Level 2 detention for the 1998 King County Manual that is consistent with the other developments in the area. A Joint Maintenance Agreement will be set up for the drainage facility and storm system. Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 4 Mr. Pruss stated that they have done several vaults in the City all with small lot counts, they do have ajoint maintenance agreement that has previously been used and approved. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:58 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., filed a request for an approval of a short plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # 1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City'S responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the east side of Hoquiam just north of what will be NE 8th Circle. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5017 enacted in November 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 138 feet wide (north to south) by 301 feet deep. The parcel is approximately 0.95 acres or 41 ,549 square feet. 10. An existing home and outbuildings will be removed to accommodate redevelopment if the plat is approved. 1 I. The subject site slopes moderately downward to the east at between 1 % and 8%. Stormwater sheet flows off the site in an easterly direction. 12. Trees, approximately 25, would be removed to accommodate building pads and roads. Code requires the planting of street trees and landscaping along the roadway. 13. The six lots would be generally aligned west to east although Proposed Lots I and 2 would both face Hoquiam. The remaining lots, Proposed Lots 3 to 6, would be aligned along the north side of a new public street and take access from the new street. " Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 5 14. Proposed Lot 2 at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hoquiam and the new public road is a corner lot. Its lot width did not reflect the code requirements for a corner lot in that it was designated at 56 feet wide whereas 60 feet is required. The applicant indicated that Proposed Lot 1 could be narrowed allowing Lot 2 to meet code. 15. The new street would be NE 8th Circle. It would extend from Hoquiam on the west to an existing stub road in the Aspen Wood plat east of the subject site. That road in Aspen Woods was originally an easement but the City required it be a public roadway. It will now be connected through to Hoquiam. It will be a 26-foot wide right-of-way with 20 feet of pavement. 16. The density for the plat would be 7.75 dwelling units per acre after subtracting 7,827 square feet for roadways. 17. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 2 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 18. The development will increase traffic approximately 60 trips for the six homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and even mg. 19. Stormwater wi II be handled by a detention system constructed in the front of Proposed Lots 5 and 6 in an easement for that purpose. It would provide both detention and water quality treatment and meet King County's 1998 manual, Level 2 requirements. 20. Sewer would be provided by the City but will be dependent on a line constructed as part of the Aspen Woods project east ofthe site. 21. Water would be provided by Water District 90. A certificate of availability was provided. 22. The City has adopted mitigation fees for transportation improvements, fire services and parks and recreational needs based on an analysis of the needs and costs. These fees are applied to new development to help offset the impacts new homes and residents have on the existing community and the additional demand for services. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The proposal creates six rectangular lots that meet or can meet code requirements for lot width and lot area. The lots n:1 have regular, right angle property lines. 2. The proposal creates additional R-8 detached single-family housing choices for residents in an area with urban services. 3. New plats are required, by State regulations, to make provision for the impacts of its new homes and future residents. The new homes proposed for this plat should not overtax the City's infrastructure but the applicant should help accommodate new residents and their demand for services by paying the appropriate fees for parks, fire and transportation. Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1,2005 Page 6 4. The applicant shall have to modify the originally proposed widths for Proposed Lots 1 and 2 to accommodate Lot 2's corner lot status. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 5. The applicant will have to submit the dedication for the new street to the City Council. In regard to roads, the link through Aspen Woods shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 6. In conclusion, the Proposed Short Plat appears to blend harmoniously with its surroundings while allowing infill development in a growing area of the City. DECISION: The Six-Lot Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: I. The applicant shall dedicate a 26-foot strip along the south property line of the site as right-of-way for NE 81h Circle prior to short plat recording. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements and conditions stipulated in the letter from the City's Public Works Department, dated October 7,2005 regarding the approved right-of-way width modification request for NE 8th Circle. 3. The public roadway link through Aspen Woods, or turnaround, shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of$488.00 for each new single-family residence prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new siegle-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 8. The plat shall comply with the 1998 King County Storm water Manual, Level 2 controls. 9. A Joint Maintenance Agreement shall be set up for the drainage and storm system facilities. ORDERED THIS 1 st day of November 2005 TRANSMITTED THIS 1 st day of November 2005 to the parties of record: Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 7 Neil Watts Joe Pruss Jennifer Henning 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Shupe Holmberg Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, WA 98027 TRANSMITTED THIS I st day of November 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City'S Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision ofthe Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Councilor final processing ofthe file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication pennits all interested paJiies to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. D6 -3 T23N R5E E V2 /LJc SE 112th PI. 1 r-----I '; hLSLJ SE 113th ~-~ I um I I ,------1 ~~::;::;;::7i " 9 I > I S R::-8 .. n I 121st st. RM-F cA ; liR-I0 ! : j ~--'--l ··· .. ···--··1 ' \ ; 1 i ~WNlNG o ==. TJaDOCAL 8DVDI R-8 -< ,..q ...-J co -.::t' .......... 5'.£ t\ o<\WdJ'I\ snort P\a:t L()A-05 ~ d\'\ - - - -lIeD_ Cllt;:r Um1t,o 1_ I I SE 117th E6 10 T23N R5E E 1/2 5310 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT * LUA-SHPL I OIltH 1[-472.17 02"1".:; 1("72.17 Y2"DJ.-I) LND- HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT 8W 1/4 OF THE ME 1/4 8EC. 10. TWN. 23 N •• RGE II E •• W.M. \ .. , ... "zI! : SCALE 1· -20' I I I I I 100.00 &:. ................... \ ,:\')';:\:;;::.;:; '\ t.\ r--------------..., ~.02' :()::y:;;~:::):q I I ~ : 1£_471." (1rCONc-N) I I 1[·'71." Cltco<c-S) I ®j I -----1--I--t--~- I O"CH~I T()P I ;. L.· __ ___.1. ---------------, S'tt.lBOl LEGEND ~ YNI/O UGHT III MUT PUla> • F1R1M£ • FOUNO IUAR _ CIoI' a WATER MEltR 0,.-MAN: 1ft[[ ¢ UIlUTY POI.[ 0>-< 1>3 WATER VALliE FRUTTREE ID 'IElEPHONE P£n£ST AL 8 2-10" AIlUR 1IOU f-GUY .... CHOR STORlot OOAIN EI)O( or ORA \IEl BUIlDING KlIIACKS ,t,. FRONT SETBACK & SlOE SETBACK & O[A. SE11!AO< ~ ::; :: :~ ::;; :: :~ /, :: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT '-. '-, /, .<}~~:r· --- .. sonATTA<HD SI4GI.E 'Nlll..Y REaH11AL BAIMA & HOLMBERC INC. ENGINEERS .. SURVEYORS 100 FlIONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAM. WASHlNOTON ta027 OlIN. BY JEF CHI<D. IY WSH (206) '02 -0200 OA11: 8/1~/0~ SCALE NTS _ NO. 1673-026 OWQ NO. 167J-026 SHEET 2 Off 2 ,.. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 1 sl day of November 2005, affiant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. r Signature: -t--tIlf~,)11""-"7't--'O~ ~~~~----'----'.~=---. --- SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this /~ day of A)oVe.mb..tCr ,2005. Notary PUbl~ for the State of Washington Residing at ~ It ' therein. Application, Petition or Case No.: Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA 05-099, SHPL-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT · t November I, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/OWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240lh Avenue Se Maple Valley, WA 98038 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, W A 98027 Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA 05-099, SHPL-H 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a 0.95-acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on October 11,2005. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the October 18, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, October 18,2005, at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Vicinity Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Topography, Road, Utilities, Tree, Landscaping, Grading and Drainage Plan Aberdeen Place Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-092, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.7: Overall circulation map of area Exhibit No.6: Letter from City of Renton Public Works approving right-of-way width modification The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, J055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The site is located in the Residential- 8 zoning designation and is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and outbuildings. This site is located on the east side of Hoquiam. The area has been undergoing rapid growth and this is one ofthe last remaining parcels to be subdivided. Two of the proposed lots would face Hoquiam and the remaining four lots would take access via an extension of NE 8th Circle from the road stub in the approved plat of Aspen Woods. The existing home and outbuildings would be removed. NE 8th Circle would be dedicated and be 26-feet of right-of-way and would allow improvements to be constructed on the south side of the site and would connect into Aspen Woods. The slope on the site is a maximum of 8%. The approximately 25 trees existing on site would be removed as part of the development of the site. City standards do require some landscaping to be done on the new lots. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed plat is consistent with the pertinent Comprehensive Plan policies. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 4,500 square feet, and the parcel is considered an infill development. The net density for the site is 7.75 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the density allowed in the R-8 zone. Lot 2 would be considered a corner lot and as such would need to be 60-feet in width, the lot line needs to be shifted between Lots I and 2 to allow Lot 2 to achieve its appropriate 60-foot width. The proposed lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the subdivision regulations. Each of the remaining lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone after the realignment of Lots I and 2. The applicant proposed to provide drought-tolerant landscaping and trees within a 5-foot wide landscaping strip. Fire, Traffic and Park Mitigation Fees are to be imposed as condition of short plat approval. The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. The site slopes to the east at about 1%-8%. Onsite runoff sheet flows at approximately 5% to 10% eaiot through the approved Aspen Woods subdivision. Little if any drainage runs onto the site from offsite area5, The proposal shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual, Level 2, for onsite water quality treatment and runoff detention. A drainage report was prepared and submitted by Baima & Holmberg at the time of application for a short plat. The required flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a water quality vault. The applicant proposes a combined detention/water quality vault within an easement across the front (south side) of Lots 5 and 6. Water service is within the King County Water District No. 90. A certificate of water availability has been provided. The extension and replacement ofthe 8" main on Hoquiam Avenue NE will be required, as well as , , Aberdeen Place Short Plat File No.: LUA-OS-092, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 3 dedication of any required easements. There is a 16-inch water main and an 8-inch sewer main within Aberdeen Avenue NE. Shupe Holmberg, Baima & Holmberg, Inc., 100 Front Street S., Issaquah, W A 98027 stated that they are in agreement with staff. The modification to Lots I and 2 is acceptable and will be corrected. The turning radius for Lot 2 will be accommodated. Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., 1821 I 240th Avenue SE, Maple Valley, W A 98038 stated that they would like to incorporate the landscape requirements on the site plan at the time of final platting. Neil Watts, Director, Development Services Division stated that the Landscaping Code is fairly news and does have a variety of glitches that staff is aware of, unfortunately they have not been corrected as yet. The landscape plan is required for recording the short plat, however, the actual installation of the landscaping must be done before the final inspection of the homes. In regards to the street modifications, Aspen Woods is installing exactly the same right-of-way width and street dimensions as was approved for modification for this project. That will be 26-feet of right-of-way with 20-feet of pavement and curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side. No parking will be allowed on either side ofthe street. For this project, the street modification will either be connected all the way through to Aspen Woods or a temporary turn-around will have to be provided subject to Fire Department approval. As to the turning radius off of Hoquiam, that will also need to be discussed with the Wedgewood 2 people for the south side of the new NE 8th Circle. This will be a standard street intersection, a public street. A public street allows for the enforcement of "no parking" requirements by the police department. A sidewalk will be provided on the north side of the street. This conceptual drainage plan was submitted under the 1998 Manual, the City Code still required the 1990 Manual, however, almost every project is required to adhere to the 1998 standard. All the projects in this area have been required to adhere to the 1998 Manual, Level 2. This project proposes that, but since they did not have to undergo SEPA that condition does not exist on the project. He would like to have the 1998 Manual listed as a condition of approval. The storm water system for this project has a detention vault, which is for both detention and water quality. It is partially located in the right-of-way, which is okay for Fire and City policies. The issue for the City of Renton is that it is to be privately owned and maintained by the owners ofthis small short plat. He would like to see a homeowner's association, which is somewhat unwarranted for a plat of this size, but it is an option or that there be a maintenance agreement of the six property owners for maintenance of this drainage facility. The joint maintenance agreement seems most likely. There is a school boundary issue that comes up between these plats. It appears that this plat is in Renton School District. They will check after the hearing, but will let us know which school district is actually affected by this plat. There are no water district development charges required for this project. Mr. Holmberg stated that regarding the drainage, they propose to provide Level 2 detention for the 1998 King County Manual that is consistent with the other developments in the area. A Joint Maintenance Agreement will be set up for the drainage facility and storm system. Aberdeen Place Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-092, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 4 Mr. Pruss stated that they have done several vaults in the City all with small lot counts, they do have ajoint maintenance agreement that has previously been used and approved. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:58 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., filed a request for an approval of a short plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City'S responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 8 I 0 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the I:'ast side of Hoquiamjust north of what will be NE 8th Circle. 6. The map element ofthe Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family -8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5017 enacted in November 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 138 feet wide (north to south) by 30 I feet deep. The parcel is approximately 0.95 acres or 4 1,549 square feet. 10. An existing home and outbuildings will be removed to accommodate redevelopment if the plat is approved. I I. The subject site slopes moderately downward to the east at between I % and 8%. Storm water sheet flows off the site in an easterly direction. 12. Trees, approximately 25, would be removed to accommodate building pads and roads. Code requires the planting of street trees and landscaping along the roadway. 13. The six lots would be generally aligned west to east although Proposed Lots I and 2 would both face Hoquiam. The remaining lots, Proposed Lots 3 to 6, would be aligned along the north side of a new public street and take access from the new street. · ( Aberdeen Place Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-092, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 5 14. Proposed Lot 2 at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hoquiam and the new public road is a corner lot. Its lot width did not reflect the code requirements for a corner lot in that it was designated at 56 feet wide whereas 60 feet is required. The applicant indicated that Proposed Lot I could be narrowed allowing Lot 2 to meet code. 15. The new street would be NE 8th Circle. It would extend from Hoquiam on the west to an existing stub road in the Aspen Wood plat east of the subject site. That road in Aspen Woods was originally an easement but the City required it be a public roadway. It will now be connected through to Hoquiam. It will be a 26-foot wide right-of-way with 20 feet of pavement. 16. The density for the plat would be 7.75 dwelling units per acre after subtracting 7,827 square feet for roadways. 17. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to gwerate approximately 2 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 18. The development will increase traffic approximately 60 trips for the six homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evenlllg. 19. Stormwater will be handled by a detention system constructed in the front of Proposed Lots 5 and 6 in an easement for that purpose. It would provide both detention and water quality treatment and meet King County's 1998 manual, Level 2 requirements. 20. Sewer would be provided by the City but will be dependent on a line constructed as part of the Aspen Woods project east of the site. 21. Water would be provided by Water District 90. A certificate of availability was provided. 22. The City has adopted mitigation fees for transportation improvements, fire services and parks and recreational needs based on an analysis ofthe needs and costs. These fees are applied to new development to help offset the impacts new homes and residents have on the existing community and the additional demand for services. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The proposal creates six rectangular lots that meet or can meet code requirements for lot width and lot area. The lots all have regular, right angle property lines. 2. The proposal creates additional R-8 detached single-family housing choices for residents in an area with urban services. 3. New plats are required, by State regulations, to make provision for the impacts of its new homes and future residents. The new homes proposed for this plat should not overtax the City's infrastructure but the applicant should help accommodate new residents and their demand for services by paying the appropriate fees for parks, fire and transportation. Aberdeen Place Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-092, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 6 4. The applicant shall have to modify the originally proposed widths for Proposed Lots I and 2 to accommodate Lot 2's corner lot status. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 5. The applicant will have to submit the dedication for the new street to the City Council. In regard to roads, the link through Aspen Woods shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 6. In conclusion, the Proposed Short Plat appears to blend harmoniously with its surroundings while allowing infill development in a growing area of the City. DECISION: The Six-Lot Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: I. The applicant shall dedicate a 26-foot strip along the south property line of the site as right-of-way for NE 8th Circle prior to short plat recording. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements and conditions stipulated in the letter from the City's Public Works Department, dated October 7,2005 regarding the approved right-of-way width modification request for NE 8th Circle. 3. The public roadway link through Aspen Woods, or turnaround, shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of$488.00 for each new single-family residence prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 8. The plat shall comply with the 1998 King County Storm water Manual, Level 2 controls. 9. A Joint Maintenance Agreement shall be set up for the drainage and storm system facilities. ORDERED THIS I st day of November 2005 HEARING EX INER TRANSMITTED THIS 1st day of November 2005 to the parties of record: · ' Aberdeen Place Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-092, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 7 Neil Watts Joe Pruss Jennifer Henning 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240lh Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Shupe Holmberg Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, W A 98027 TRANSMITTED THIS I sl day of November 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section I OOGof the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision ofthe Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. D6 • 3 T23N R5E E 112 jl SE RM-F SE 124th . ~ ZONING ~ =:. TJaOOCAL SBlLVlCS8 10 T23N RSE E 112 5310 ~Trr UP' .RENTON SHORT PLAT * LUA-LND-SHPL I DITCH ",,47:1.1' (l2"OJ.:; ~ 0("'2.1' y2"DJ.-') I at! 1[00471." (1r_) I I 11:"".41 (ll!-c:CNC-.) I ®j I ----L _ I--+-'-*"- I Dt~~I. I ;.. I. I l~_1 S'tUBOl LEGEND )::( VARD UGHT I! _t ...... • "'1M[ • F'OUNC IQAIINfO CI# 0 WATER YETER 0, .. WN'Lf 111[[ ¢ uruTY POL£ 9,,--, WATER VAL'/[ FRUT TREE txI ID mDHCNE P£OESTAL 8 2-10" AIUJI 11!££ f-GUVAH~OR SlOAII_ EDGE ~ OIV.YEl HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE HE 1/4 HC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. '· .... raa IIUILDINO SE'I1IAOCS .to F1IONt SElaAa< &. SI()£ S£11IAa< & OEAII ova.co< TL 10:~:~O:~~;/t:~:! ,~. 'H::::~:}::~::~/.:: HOQUIAM COURT SHqRT PLAT I to 20 11115;;;;i!!!!!!!' SCALE 1" -20' ". <:'<~~~~:> :;.;"i· --- .. sonATTAQI£D IIINGU: 'NMl..V 1IDIODI1I4 BAIMA &-HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS" SURVEYORS 100 ",ONT SMET lOUT>< IS$.QU .... W'SHNOTCN .eo2' OMI. IV .£F CHKD.IY WSH (206) Jt2 -02$0 OATt: 8/1S/0S SCALE NTS JOe NO. 1673-026 OWO NO. 1673-02& SHUT 2 or 2 CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 11 th day of October, 2005, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner documents. This information was sent to: Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg, Inc. Contact Joe Pruss, Baisc Ventures, Inc. Applicant/Owner (Signature of Sender).:...: ~~~-:J..J.~::s:!:~~:td:~ _______ ,~, .. ""~,,,,;;-~-~-~ .. '-' .• II\ .... lb .. "'.~',<. F. KOKKO" STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker NOTARY PUBLIC I STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES . MARCH 19,2006 .I-t!_"""!!!I"'~~~;'.'I)'l'-~~t'f!"r~«; ... ~~t;'"":"~;, signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. D~/) / 12# Dated: 161ff /D6 ~#oJ 4'~ 7 I --~N~o~t-a-ry~p~U~~~lic~i~a-n~d~f-or-t~h-e~S-ta-te-o~fW~a-sh~i-ng-t-on---- Notary (Print): C ~ v (a 3 F ;J ~ My appointment expires: 3. / I~ (0 rf Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA05-099, SHPL-H COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING October 18, 2005 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a 6-lot subdivision of a 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) site located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. An existing single-family residence and outbuildings are located on the site but are proposed to be removed. The 6 proposed lots range in size from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet and are intended for the future development of detached single-family homes. Access to Lots 1 and 2 would be via single-family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be via the extension of NE 8th Circle from the road stub that will be provided by the Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143), located at the east boundary of the subject site. The applicant will be required to dedicate 26 feet of right-of-way and construct improvements for NE 8th Circle along the south side of the subject site, and construct street improvements on Hoquiam Avenue NE. HEX Agenda 10-1S-0S.doc PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Applicant/Owner Contact Person: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: October 18, 2005 Hoquiam Court Short Plat Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. Maple Valley, WA 98038 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S. Issaquah, WA 98023 LUA-05-099, SHPL-H Project Manager: Keri Weaver, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting a Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a 6-lot subdivision of a 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) site located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. An existing single-family residence and outbuildings are located on the site but are proposed to be removed. The 6 proposed lots range in size from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet and are intended for the future development of detached single-family homes. Access to Lots 1 and 2 would be via single-family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be via the extension of NE 8th Circle from the road stub that will be provided by the Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143), located at the east boundary of the subject site. The applicant will be required to dedicate 26 feet of right-of-way and construct improvements for NE 8th Circle along the south side of the subject site, and construct street improvements on Hoquiam Avenue NE. 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE 3E .L13th s. 'SE l17th City of Renton PIBIPW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18,2005 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-05-099, SHPL-H Page 20f8 Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Exhibit 2: Neighborhood Detail Map (dated December 2,2004) Exhibit 3: Preliminary Short Plat (dated August 17, 2005) Exhibit 4: Preliminary Topography/Road/Utilities/Tree/Landscaping/Grading/Drainage Plan (dated August 17, 2005) Exhibit 5: Zoning Map: Sheet E 6 East (dated December 28,2004) Exhibit 6: Letter from City of Renton Public Works approving right-of-way width modification (dated October 7, 2005) C. GENERAL INFORM A TION: 1. Owner of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 240th Ave. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) Residential Single Family (RSF) 4. Existing Site Use: One single-family residence and associated outbuildings are currently located on the site, and are proposed to be removed. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single family residential (R-8 zone) East: Single family residential (R-8 zone) South: Single family residential (R-8 zone) West: Hoquiam Ave. NE and Single family residential (R-8 zone) 6. Access: Lots 1 and 2 are proposed to access via single-family residential driveways from Hoquiam Ave. NE. Lots 3-6 are proposed to access via an extension of NE 8th Circle from the Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143) located east of the subject site. 7. Site Area: 0.95 acre (41,549 square feet) D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Annexation Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No. 5017 4498 4070 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 -Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts SHPL-H REPORT Hoquiam OS-099.doc Date 11/0312004 02/20/1995 06/01/1987 City of Renton PIBIPW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLA T Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-05-099, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18,2005 Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 -Environmental Regulations & Special Districts 3. Chapter 4 -Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 -Streets and Utility Standards 5. Chapter 7 -Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 8 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 -Procedures and Review Criteria F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Residential Single Family objectives and policies; Subdivision of Land objectives and policies. 2. Housing Element: Minimum Density Policies; Housing Supply objectives and policies 3. Community Design Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant has proposed to subdivide a 0.95 acre (41,549 square feet) site located within the Residential - 8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. The proposal would create 6 lots intended for the development of detached single-family residences. One single-family residence and associated outbuildings currently exist on the site, but are proposed to be removed. After the deduction of the required 26-foot wide right of way dedication (7,827 square feet) from the gross area of the site, the proposal for 5 single-family lots would arrive a net density of 7.75 dwelling units per acre. The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 4.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre. The proposal is consistent with these density requirements. The 6 proposed lots range in size from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet and are intended for the future development of detached single-family homes. Access for Lots 1 and 2 is proposed via single-family residential driveways from Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access for Lots 3-6 is proposed via an extension of NE 81n Circle from the road stub in the approved plat of Aspen Woods (LUA-04-143), which adjoins the east side of the subject site. The applicant will be required to dedicate 26 feet of right-of-way with a 20-foot paved surface and construct improvements for the NE 8th Circle extension along the south side of the site. The site slopes gently to the east at a maximum of 8%. The applicant proposes to remove all existing trees on the site (approximately 25) to facilitate construction of the building pads, driveways and road improvements associated with the proposed short plat. The applicant will comply with required City of Renton landscaping standards for the final short plat. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197 -11-800(6)(a). SHPL-H REPORT Hoquiam OS-Q99.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18,2005 3. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-05-099, SHPL-H Page 40f8 Representatives from various City departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. 4. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC CONDITIONS NIA 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SHORT PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a short plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The objective of the RSF designation is to protect and enhance single-family areas, encourage quality neighborhoods, improve opportunities for better public transportation and make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. The proposal is consistent with the objective of the RSF designation because it would provide for the future construction of single-family homes and would promote goals of infill development. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: Policy LU-3S. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 4,500 square feet. Policy H-4. Encourage infill development as a means to increase capacity. The proposed project would meet this objective by placing six new single-family homes on a parcel that currently contains only one single-family home, thereby achieving the infill of a currently underutilized property. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The 0.95-acre site is designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development is consistent with the R-8 zoning requirements. Density -The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac) for lots exceeding 0.5-acre in size. Net density is calculated after critical areas, public rights-of-way, and portions of private roadways serving three or more units are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. After deducting the area of required right-of-way dedication for NE 8th (7,827 square feet), the proposal would arrive at a net density of 7.75 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the density allowed in the R-8 zone. Lot Dimensions -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. the proposed lots are proposed at the following lot sizes and dimensions (rounded to the nearest whole number): Lot Size Width Depth Lot1 5,600 square feet 56 feet 100 feet Lot 2 5,600 square feet 56 feet 100 feet Lot 3 5,600 square feet 50 feet 112 feet Lot 4 5,600 square feet 50 feet 112 feet Lot 5 5,600 square feet 50 feet 112 feet Lot 6 5,712 square feet 51 feet 112 feet The above standards comply with the minimum lot standards of the R-8 zone. SHPL·H REPORT Hoquiam 05-099.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLA T Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-OS-099, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18,2005 Page 5 of 8 Setbacks -The R-8 zone requires front and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet, side yard along street setbacks of 15 feet, and interior side yard setbacks of 5 feet. Building Standards -The R-8 zone permits one single-family residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support the construction of one detached unit. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Building height in the R-8 zone is limited to 2 stories and 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. Maximum building coverage is limited to 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater, for lots over 5,000 square feet in size, and 50% for lots less than 5,000 square feet in size. Compliance with each of these building standards will be verified prior to the issuance of building permits for individual structures on the proposed lots. Parking -Each detached dwelling unit is required to provide two off-street parking stalls per unit. Tandem parking is permitted. Required parking may be provided in an attached garage. The proposed building pads appear to be adequately sized for the provision of the required parking. No parking will be permitted on NE 8th Circle, due to the reduced right-of-way and pavement width (see section d., Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries, below). (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement or street per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The lot lines of the proposed lots are at right angles to street lines. Lots 1 and 2 would have access via single-family residential driveways from Hoquiam Avenue NE. Lots 3-6 would have access via an extension of NE 8th Circle, which will require the applicant to dedicate 26 feet of right-of-way along the south boundary of the subject site. The proposed lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the subdivision regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Each of the proposed lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone. When considering the required setbacks, as well as access points for each lot, the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of suitable detached single-family homes. All of the lots are rectangular in shape and approximately equivalent in size. Lots 1 and 2 front onto Hoquiam Ave NE, and Lots 3-6 front onto NE 6th Street. These orientations are consistent with the general trend of development for adjacent properties and for the surrounding neighborhood. Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The final short plat to be recorded must be consistent with this requirement. (c) Community Assets The applicant has submitted a conceptual landscape plan with the short plat application. The City's landscape code (RMC 4-4-070) requires that the short plat provide onsite landscaping for front yards that abut street frontages, including a minimum 5-foot irrigated or drought-resistant planting area. For rear or side yards that abut public streets, a minimum 5-foot planting area in the public right-of-way is required. In addition, two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-1/2 inches (deciduous) or 6 - 8 feet in height (conifer), shall be planted within the 15-foot front yard setback area for each of the proposed lots. The applicant proposes to provide drought-tolerant landscaping and trees within a 5-foot wide landscaping strip. The conceptual plan is generally consistent with the City's requirements. A final landscape plan must be submitted and approved by the Development Services Division Project Manager prior to recording of the final short plat. SHPL-H REPORT Hoquiam OS-Q99.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18,2005 (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-05-099, SHPL-H Page 6 of 8 Access and Street Improvements: The subdivision proposes to provide access to Lots 1 and 2 from single-family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Lots 3-6 will have access from an extension of NE 8th Circle, from the existing road stub at the western edge of the Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143). The applicant will be required to dedicate 26 feet of right-of- way along the southern edge of the subject site, for the extension of NE 8th Circle, and associated street improvements including 20 feet of pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk. Full street improvements, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, and street names, will also be required along the frontage of Hoquiam Ave. NE. No additional right-of-way for Hoquiam Ave. NE is required. The installation of these improvements is required by code to be installed prior to the recording of the short plat. The applicant has received approval for a right-of-way width reduction modification from the City's public works department for the proposed extension of NE 8th Circle, based on the need for consistent right-of-way width designations for streets that conjoin between this short plat and the adjacent Aspen Woods plat (see Exhibit #7). The proposed subdivision is expected to generate additional traffic on the City's street system. To mitigate the impacts to the local street system, the Environmental Review Committee imposed a Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per additional generated trip, with credit given for the existing single-family residence. Each new single-family lot is expected to contribute 9.57 additional trips. The proposed short plat is expected to add approximately 47.85 new traffic trips to the City's street system. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $3,588.75 (5 new lots x 9.57 trips x $75 per trip = $3,588.75). The fee is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Topography: The site is generally flat, and slopes gently to the east at a maximum of 8%. The site is approximately 50% covered with an existing house, outbuildings and landscaping, with the remainder in wooded area. The applicant has proposed to remove all trees on the site, or approximately 25 trees. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject site currently is developed with one single-family residence and associated outbuildings, which will be removed. The surrounding areas are zoned R-8, and the proposed lots are compatible with other existing lots in the area. The approved Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143) is located to the east of the proposed short plat. The proposal is consistent with the intent of the both the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code and would not be out of character with recent development in the area. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements, and mitigation fees. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $488.00 per new single-family lot with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City emergency services. The fee is estimated at $488.00 ($488.00 x 5 new lots = $2,440.00) and is payable prior to the recording of the short plat. Recreation: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is antiCipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. A Parks Mitigation Fee, based on $530.76 per each new single-family lot, with credit given for the existing single-family residence, is recommended in order to mitigate the proposal's potential impacts to City parks. The mitigation fee will be used to contribute toward future park and recreation facilities. The fee is estimated at $2,653.80 (5 x $530.76 = $2,653.80) and is payable prior to the recording of the final short plat. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. Renton School District No. 403 has indicated that Maplewood Elementary School, McKnight Middle School and Hazen High School can accommodate the increased student enrollment that may result from the development of the proposed project, estimated at 2.2 students (5 new lots x 0.44 students = 2.2). The school district has indicated that these schools would be able to support the additional students generated by the proposal. SHPL·H REPORT Hoquiam OS'()99.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLA T Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-05-099, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18, 2005 Page 7 of 8 Storm Water: The site slopes to the east at about 1 % to 8%. Onsite runoff sheetflows at approximately 5% to 10% east through the approved Aspen Woods subdivision (LUA-04-143). The site is located in the Honey Creek drainage basin, and at about 800 feet east of the project site, the flows drain into Honey Creek. Honey Creek flows northeast to beyond % mile from the site. Little if any drainage runs onto the site from offsite areas. There are no storm drainage facilities in Hoquiam Avenue NE. The proposal shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual, Level 2, for onsite water quality treatment and runoff detention. Surface Water System Development Charges of $715.00 per each new lot will be applied, with fees to be paid as part of the construction permit and prior to recording the short plat. The applicant submitted a drainage report prepared by Baima & Holmberg, dated August 11, 2005, with the short plat application. The report indicates that required flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a water quality vault. The applicant proposes a combined detention/water quality vault within an easement across the front (south side) of Lots 5 and 6. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The site is within the water service area of King County Water District No. 90 (District). The applicant provided a certificate of water availability with the short plat application. The District indicates that a developer's extension and replacement of the 8" main on Hoquiam Avenue NE will be required, as well as dedication of any required easements. The applicant is required to verify the District's standards, fees, permit requirements, and submittal and review requirements for water main improvement plans, including fire hydrants and domestic water services. The applicant shall field verify and indicate the location and distance of all existing fire hydrants within 300 feet of the site. Final design plans for water main improvements shall be approved by the District with concurrence from the City of Renton. Construction of this short plat is dependent upon completion of the adjoining subdivision of Aspen Woods (LUA-04-143) and extension of an 8" sanitary sewer main from the stub that will provided by Aspen Woods at the southeast corner of the subject site. Aspen Woods will be served by a lift station to be constructed within the pending Wedgewood Lane Division 3 subdivision (LUA-05- 086), located to the northeast of Aspen Woods. It is antiCipated that the lift station will be on line by the end of February 2006. Additionally, this short plat will be required to provide an 8" sewer main extension across the full frontage of the site along Hoquiam Avenue NE, connecting to the system provided by Aspen Woods. Wastewater System Development Charges of $900.00 per lot to be connected to sanitary sewer, and a Honey Creek Special Assessment District charge of $250.00 per new single family lot will also be required prior to the issuance of construction permits for the short plat. H. RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends approval of the Hoquiam Court Short Plat, Project File No. LUA-05-099, SHPL-H, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall dedicate a 26-foot strip along the south property line of the site as right-of- way for NE 8th Circle prior to short plat recording. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements and conditions stipulated in the letter from the City's Public Works Department, dated October 7,2005, regarding the approved right-of- way width modification request for NE 8th Circle. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the ri ht to rescind the a roved extended haul hours at an time if com laints are received. SHPL-H REPORT Hoquiam OS-099.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLA T Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-OS-099, SHPL-H PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 18,2005 Page 80f8 2. New single-family residential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. Fire 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet (including attached garages), the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 feet wide. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 4. NE 8th Circle shall be posted "No Parking" per City Street standards. Plan Review -Surface Water 1. A Surface Water System Development Charge of $715.00 per new family lot will be assessed and is payable prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 2. A temporary erosion control plan is required and shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. Plan Review -Water 1. The Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $1,525.00 per lot. Credit is given for the existing home. Payment of these fees will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 2. A 5-inch quick-disconnect fitting will be required to be installed on the hydrant serving the short plat if not already in place. 3. All short plats shall provide a separate water service stub to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. Separate permits will be required. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. This proposal is subject to completion of the adjoining Aspen Woods subdivision, which will provide a stub connection to an 8" sanitary sewer main at the southeast corner of the subject site, and completion of the lift station located in the Wedgewood Lane Division 3 subdivision. 2. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of $900.00 per new lot to be connected to sanitary sewer. No credit is given for the existing residence since it is not connected to sewer. Payment of these fees will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 3. This site is subject to the Honey Creek Special Assessment District charges based on a rate of $250.00 per new lot. Credit is given for the existing residence. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 4. Separate sewer stubs are required to be provided to each lot prior to recording of the short plat. A separate permit is required. Plan Review -Transportation 1. For the plat frontage on Hoquiam Avenue NE, the applicant is required to provide full pavement width (36') with curb, gutter, 5' sidewalk, storm drainage improvements, and street name signs on the project side. 2. Street lighting is required on Hoquiam Avenue NE and NE 8th Circle. 3. The project is required to dedicate 26' of additional right-of-way for NE 8th Circle on the south side of the site, and to provide a 20' pavement width, with curb, gutter and a 5' sidewalk. Plan Review -Property Services 1. See attached comments. Plan Review -General 1. Separate permits for the side sewer connections, water meters, and storm drainage connections are required. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for securing all necessary easements for utilities. 3. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Under Grounding Ordinance. If three or more posed are required to be moved by the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. EXPIRATION PERIOD FOR SHORT PLATS: If the short plat is not filed within two (2) years of the dates of approval, the short plat shall be null and void. SHPL-H REPORT Hoquiam OS-099.doc ~I \ U8~~1 -I ® \ ... INCH = 200 FEET --- ----."- ... ~ E) S E> ... ® ..... ~ ---.. -::"::: L • It@ .: e'" ® ~ ... 5.34 Ac. ~ 'I: IIIf!!JUJ @) @) 1.P.778111 (21 !II ® (21 U9Ac. (21 o :¥.~:-:~:~~::~~~~~ ... ~~, 0 IIENTON COIIl'Oll E LIMIT ... AUG 1 7 2005 RECEiVED CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT * LUA- LNO- SHPL 1 DITCH IE_472.67 (J2"D TOP --'---". J.-N) '----- l£-472.87 i'~'I.-S) HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., ROE 5 E., W.M. •· .... rna I -,~_ "'.'.'(""':.:'" \" \ 0"020 b·! ! SCALE 1· -20' \ \ ~\ S88 ;J"E ~-____ 2.~~_~_____ 50.02 JO .OJ~ 50.97' «':':p':''''(':' 1 JO' E_471.6t (1rCONC-N) 1 IE-.71.4' (I~CONC-S) 1 (8)1 1 DITCH TOP ---L -I---+-Y<:- SYMBOL LEGEND II! HEAT PUMP ® FOUND REBAR ANO eM> 0 WAM MEM ¢ unuTY POLE D<I WATER VALVE m 1El£PHONE PEDESTAL E-GUY ANCHOR ll: YARD UGHT • FIR TREE 0" WAPLE TREE FRUIT TREE ADLER lREE STORM ORAiN EDGE or GRAVEL fL-f 02305924~ " ~~"",- ,- I I I I I I I I I I --_I BUIl.DING SE18AC1<S i:::. FRONT SETBACK &, SIDE SElDACK J1 REAR SElDA"" :~]:~:~ (]:~:~:~ !', E HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT 51' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EAS£MENT .. SEIIIA TTAOlED SINGI.£ F AIIIl V R£SIDENlIAL .-. ,f, BAIMA &-HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS .. SURVEYORS 100 FRONT SlREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 OWN. BY JEF QiKD. BV WSH (206) .392 -0250 DAlE 8/15/05 SCALE NTS JOB NO. 1673-026 0110 NO. 1673-026 SHEET 2 01' 2 , co, c(" Ozz oc-c( ;;:~~ f-<~~w ~c(CO" 8lJ~~ Ug*~~ ... ~~ ... " g~u;! ... c(!!!~ ""ilE ... oc :5;::::;" :::;~ ~ q ~ '- Ii!~ A. ~I~I· '" -·1 1,I(l,!J(I! ~ ~ I g 1£oo4n.17 ~2"llL-s) F I ---L_j i .... ~' ... I I I '. !/ " " .. ""1H"- " SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON SYMBOl. LEGEND • '''' .. ~ .~.. ......... ~' , ,\\ I .. ~ -~-J. , • \ ~utf~ 10000 ~, '~'1 5002 ",'*=, OdOi""\ '102' _~ <;: _.. \ I • FOIJII)IIE8ARANDCAP ..... """ ., II ttl.El'MONEPl:DlSTAI. I .- . .~ • • ,~ --' "'"-"""""'-... - N.E. 8TH STREET ~-.-. ~ ...... ~ " .. sueGIUoDt. AIlOIlIClNAL ClltAVD. ~S[ ""'VE~DUOIOINODMSOL """"'"' N.E. 81M !!REEl SECllON 11: :! . ~ ~ ~r~ -~"_.~ 2li -'-- 5 .. -L~ ""'" P'oIIST .... 2+80 ...0,--7,. 11·11 .• 7 .- ~ ~! ~i --......" tit J l< • 0,. 8 H IID'-'"' --..;::::, ~'--"". REC()l.tlj£ND£D FOR APPROVAl. • . ~- "====== CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CItY STANDNtDS ---- SEll1'f1.1Sl SITE VICINITY MAP ,[GA! DESCR!pDQN THE SOOTH 138 FEET Of THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTH~ST 1/4 or THE NORTHEAST 1/4 Of SEenoN 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH.. RANGE S EAST, WJA .. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT TH[ 'll€ST 30 fEET THEREOf FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COt.iNISSlONERS RECORDS VOWME 40, PAGE 132. B65'5 lX BEARINgs N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE IotONUIoII[NTS r -t[ EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHE"Sl SEeTi or SECTION 10, TO'I'It.ISHIP 2l NORTH, RANGE 5 Q6D,lM NAW88 PER CITY OF RENTON ~ CITY Of RENTON POINT 1010.1907, CHISELED SOUARE IN S( CORNER CONCRETEMAILBOx8ASE.WESTSlOEI42Jrr10 ... vE sr. OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV-472,86 FEET • IIEEI8EIIWi PLAT Of BROOI<EFlELO V.221. PC. 25-9 RECORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSlEMNTADQN INSTRUWENT USED: !!o S£COND ruCTROHIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT, FIELD SURVEY CONTROl WAS BY ClDSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, WNIWUW CLOSURE or LOOPS WAS 1:22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 3l2-\30-090, ~~,;~--l .'. . ' ';~I • • 44., "'''., ",: "4 ',~'. I. ';····1 • ' .. LANDSCAPING DETAIL Call before JOU DUI. 1-800·424-III1N "'\IOIOC\IllINIIoI<IIIIIICIICIJIjO unnvucs. 11'$ eosnv 2 GAL 'MIl[ ROCK ItO$[ (asrus ALIWS) PlANlEOO'o.c"T'IP • "a POT tR£EPINO ST • .IOHN'SWOfIT (H'I'P£RlCUM ASC'I'ROM) PLAHltD AT 2"" O.c., T'IP. (2)S1ItEETlftaSP£RLOT, T'IP. (RMafO COLUMNAR SMQ[NT CHERRY) S'I..AHI:ISCAI AI.OHG DC: IW)( OF T'IP. -sa LOCA a3J\~~:l3!; ~OOll ~ 9nV R~8 10th St. RM-F D6 .. 3 T23N RSE E V2 R-8 s,,£ l\o,\WcU'f\ Short P\a.1: llJA-05 ~ OC\~ SE 113th S r"~~~~-"'"-"-" ! I SE 117th ""--~"'*'<,-----" I ~E 124th ---- '11 I !~ -+-> t ~~~~~~-----'------J' @ E6 ~ ZONING '0' ~ TJ!CHNICAL SlRVlCBS - - --Renton City Um1~ 1:4800 10 T23N R5E E 1/2 5310 ONING MAP BC RESIDENTIAL ~ Resource Conservation ~ Residential 1 dulac ~ Residential .. dulac ~ Residential 8 dulac ~ Residential Manufactured Homes I R-IO I Residential 10 dulac I R-141 Residential 14 dulac I RH-rl Residential Multi-Family \RM-T I Residential Multi-Family Traditional IRH-ul Residential Multi-Family Urban Center* 455i,k/ MIXED USE CENTER ~ Center Village !UC-NII Urban Cenler -North 1 !UC-N2\ Urban Center -North 2 @ Center Downtown* ~ Commercial/Office/Residential COMMERCIAL @ Commercial Arterial* ~ Commercial Office* ~ Commercial Neighborhood INDUSTRIAL W Industrial -Heavy ~ Industrial -Medium o Industrial -IJght (P) Publicly owned _____ Renton City Limits __ , ___ Adjacent City Limits _ Book Pages Boundary KROLL PAGE • May include Overlay Districts. See Appendix maps. For additional regulations in Overlay Districts. please see RYe 4-3. PAGE# INDEX SECTfTOWNIRANGE Printed by Print & Mail Svcs. City of Renton CITY 4 ~ RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator October 7, 2005 Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc. 18211 -240th A venue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 SUBJECT: HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH REDUCTION Dear Mr.Pruss: The City of Renton received your request for the proposed right-of-way modification associated with the proposed six-lot, single-family residential short plat located at 810 Hoquiam Av NE. The proposed modification requests to allow the proposed new right-of-way width of the street serving the new lots to be reduced to 26 feet and reducing the pavement width to 20 feet. A five- foot wide sidewalk will be provided along the north side of the new street, along with a standard curb and gutter section. Street lighting shall not be required. for this section of new street. These improvements are identical to the modified public street standards being applied to the east for the rest of this short street section. These standards are similar to those used for private streets for a limited number of lots, with the exception that the street will be publicly owned and maintained, and the street shall include a curb, gutter and sidewalk. The Street Modification request is hereby approved subject to conditions listed below. The City can modify street improvements for new plats if there are practical difficulties in carrying out the provisions of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The Modification Procedures, as defined in Section 4-9-250D, states the criteria for approval by the Department Administrator. In order for a modification to be approved, the Department Administrator must, "find that a special individual reason makes the strict letter of this Ordinance impractical, that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance, and that such modification: (a) Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by this Ordinance, based upon sound engineering judgment; and (b) Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; and (c) Confonn to the intent and purpose of the Code; and (d) Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and (e) Will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity." -------10-5-5-S-ou-t-h-G-ra-d-y-W-ay--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-8-05-5------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Joe Pruss/Hoquiam Court Short Plat October 7, 2005 Page 2 of3 Meets objectives and safety, function: The intent of public and emergency access and pedestrian amenities is met with the proposal as pavement width is retained to comply with fire codes and minimum access requirements. The proposed road cross-section will meet the minimum standards for an emergency response. Only the parcels on the north side of this street require access from this short street section, as the parcels to the south will front a new public street south of those parcels. When this short street section is completed, it will be a through street with two points of access. By the standards used for private streets, up to 12 parcels could be served from this street section if developed as a private street. In this case, the street will be dedicated as a public street, allowing for parking enforcement by the Police Department and street maintenance by the Public ,Works Maintenance Divisj,pn .. Not injurious or adversely impact adjacent properties: Adjacen't,properties are not injured nor . adversely impacted as the pa"ement Width and associated right-of~way dedication meet the requirements for vehicular,pe4estrianand emergency access." Conforms to the intent of the code: The iot~~£nf providing for safe ~ccess for domestic, emergency and pedestrian acc~ss will~~t!~y th~p,t4poseddesign,without the additional right-of-way, pavement width, or street UghUllg;\' .,. , - Justified and required for use and situation i~tended: The zoning of this parcel is R-8, Single Family. The modifications·as requested allow the allc)wabledf1osity,withlots that meet the various setbacks and access criteria: The plat provides the tpinimum necessary for full use for access, emergency and domestic, and pedes~rian amenities; . . The Street Modification is approved subject to the following conditions: . "-, " .' ,v 1. The street improvements required for the approved preliminary plat (Aspen Woods Preliminary Plat) east of this site must be in place and dedicated to the City prior to the recording of this short plat. If these off-site improvements are not completed a temporary turnaround, approved by the Fire Department, will be accepted in place of the secondary access improvements. 2. No parking is allowed on either side of this street section. Signage will be required for No Parking along this new street section. 3. Full street improvements, per City standards, ate required along the frontage of the short plat on Hoquiam A v NE, including sidewalk, curb, gutter, associated drainage improvements, and street lighting. This decision to approve the proposed Street Modification is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m., October 21,2005. Joe Pruss/Hoquiarn Court Short Plat October 7, 2005 Page 3 of3 Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, W A 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110: Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have any questions, please contact Ameta Henninger, at (425) 430-7298. Sincerely, tJd ()/~ -fr!' Kurievlll,-tr,,; k Kayren Kittrick DevelopmentEngineering Supervisor' Public Works Inspections ~ Pehnits cc: Arneta Henninger, En;ne&ing Speci~s\'i<l\'; Keri Weaver, Senior Plann~r';' . Neil Watts, Development Services Dir~ctt>r' Larry Rude, Fire Depu~ Chief: . DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 21, 2005 Jill Ding Sonja J. Fesser yr!t Hoquiam Court Short Plat, LUA-05-099-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Has there been any discussion with the city about dedicating the 26' private access/utilities easement to the city as part of a public road? Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-05-099-SHPL and LND-20-0425, respectively, on the drawing in the spaces already provided. Show two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when said ties are provided. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the comers of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots as soon as possible. Note said addresses on the short plat drawing. \H:\Fiie Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0425\RV050916.doc September 21,2005 Page 2 On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, yard light, utility facilities, topog lines, concrete and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Remove the building setback information from the drawing and legend area of Sheet 2 of 2. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat, at the time of recording, must sign the final short plat drawing. Are all four-notary blocks shown needed? The Pacific Northwest Title Company Short Plat Certificate, Order No. 596328, dated June 17, 2005, notes under Schedule B, Special Exceptions, that the short plat property is subject to a document (King County Rec. No. 3204310) allowing for the right to enter the premises to make repairs and the right to cut brush and trees that are a danger to the electric transmission line located in the street or road adjoining the subject property. The "VICINITY MAP" (Sheet 1 of 2) needs a north arrow. Note that if there are easements, agreements, or restrictive covenants to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat submittal and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat document will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the short plat drawings. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for the preliminary short plat review is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\042S\RVOS09I 6.doc\cor PROPERTY SER' :S FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS 2005 " ~5.-Lo ..... ,"--~_ APPLICANT: -eA.:5IC YEb-rp lRF8 ILle.) ~ laE. :pRI >~ RECEIVED FROM ~~~-----c-:-----c--­ (date) JOB ADDRESS: 810 HacyI)1 A M &e WE. WO#--,7,-7c4:r:>o<G:;nc:Q,.t;;;;L __ ~~~ __ NATURE OF WORK: <0 -J c::Il=-SHoAT pi A;J:i. HO~ llAM COl JAr eHpL) LND # 20 -o4e5 X PRELIMINARY REVIEW (iF SUBDIVISION Byi6NG pLAT, NEED MORE INFORMATION: "LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. PID #'s VICINITY MAP " FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDlVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOT AGE .. OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOT AGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# I02.So5 -9.e.4c. X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SOC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SOC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future SOC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The followmg quoted fees do N OT include inspection fees, Side sewer permIts, r w permit ees or t e cost of water meters. . t h SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DlSTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DlSTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER -0 - Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER -0 - Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER -0- -e- Special Assessment DistrictlW A TER -0- Hc>I-JEY CREEk:.. SAb BGII 4i 250. 00 X uuns ~ $1500.00 Special Assessment DistrictlW ASTEW A TER Joint Use Agreement (METRO) .- Local Improvement District * - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE" WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITS/ SOC FEE " Pd Prevo " Partiallv Pd (Ltd Exemption) " Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1 ,525/unit x -'NA...-u=::A ~~VIc::E:" "f:' ~ Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park '"E'boYIt::e:'D ~'( W,c..~ Apartment, Condo $91S/unit not in CD or COR zones x -Ole-•• qO Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special AgreementJFootprim of Bldg pillS 15 ft perimeter (2.800 GP[I.'I threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE" WASTEWATER' Estimated .. Pd Prevo .. Partially I'd (Ltd Exemption) Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x G :5 5.400.0<: Mohile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $S40/unit not in CD or COR zolles x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/5q. ft. of property X(lIot less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE" SURFACEW ATER .. Estimated .. Pd Prey. .. Partially I'd (Ltd Exemption) Never I'd Single family residential alld mohile home dwelling unit $71S/ullit x G $4,cQO.OO All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELlI\HNARY TOTAL S 1LJ.90.QQ '< tv ro 0 OJ 0 " lJl " Ul ro < *11' subjcct pr0l'crt~ i, \\ ithill all LID, it is dc\clopcrs respollsihilit\ to check with thc Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid statll'i. Square footage figures are taken 1'1'0111 the King County Assessor"s mal' and arc suhject to change. Cur relit ('it} SDe fce charges apply to EFFECTI\T Jallllan I. 20U" ... ro ~ :0 0 City 0 nton Department of Planning / Building / Pub .. ~ "~forks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Pr~k :~\tcs. COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SH'pL-H \ DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 r"""".", r-:'H.l'!:n APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger ,\ i I 5 2005 SITE AREA: 41 ,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A c ; '.,;" 'c,i:'NTON LOCATION: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals T rans/Jortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM September 21, 2005 Jill Ding Arneta Henninger HOQUIAM CT SHORT PLAT LUA 05-099 810 HOQUIAM AVE NE I have reviewed the application for this 6 lot short plat generally located at Hoquiam Ave NE and NE 8th Circle in Section 10-23N-5E and have the following comments: Existing Conditions: • Water--This site is not served by the City of Renton water. The site is located in the King County Water District 90 service area. A Certificate of Water Availability from Water District 90 is required. A copy was provided with the formal application by the applicant. • Sewer--This short plat application is dependent on the construction of the Aspen Woods Lift Station. • Storm--There are no storm drainage facilities in Hoquiam Ave NE. The site is within the Honey Creek drainage basin. • This site is not located in the Aquifer Protection Zone. CODE REQUIREMENTS Water: • Water main improvements, including fire hydrants and domestic water services will be required within the existing and proposed streets in accordance with Water District # 90 and City of Renton standards. • The applicant shall verify with the District regarding all fees, permits, submittal and review of water main improvements plans. • Final design plans for water main improvements shall be approved by the District with concurrence from the City of Renton. • Any new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 GPM fire and shall be located within 300 feet of the structure. if the proposed single-family structures exceed 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. This distance is measured along a travel route. An additional fire hydrant may be required as a part of this project to meet this criterion. A" fire hydrants shall be per the City specifications. Hoquiam Ct Short Plat Application Page 2 These City of Renton requirements are applicable to the entire proposed site regardless of water district boundaries. • The applicant and engineer shall field verify and show the location and distance of all existing fire hydrants within 300 feet of the site. Sanitary Sewer: • Once the Aspen Woods project is constructed then this proposed short plat needs to extend an 8" sanitary sewer main from the stub provided by Aspen Woods at the southeast corner, west to serve the proposed lots. In addition this short plat will be required to design and install an 8" sanitary sewer main across the full frontage of the short plat in Hoquiam Ave NE connecting to the system installed by Aspen woods. • Individual sidesewers are required to be installed by the developer to serve the new lots. • Dual sidesewers are not allowed. • The applicant is responsible for providing private sanitary sewer easements as necessary. • This parcel is located in the Honey Creek Special Assessment District, SAD 8611. This fee is $250 per new connection. These fees shall be paid at the time a construction permit is issued. • System Development Charges of $900 per each new lot are required. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit and prior to recording the short plat. Storm Drainage: • This project shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual Level 2 for water quality treatment and detention. The applicant needs to provide storm connections for the individual lots prior to recording the short plat. A storm report was submitted and is under review at this time. • The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715 per each new lot applies to the proposed project. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit. Erosion Control Measures • Erosion control shall conform to the DOE Manual. Street Improvements: • Hoquiam Ave NE right-of-way is 60 feet so no additional right-of-way will be required to be dedicated. • Per City of Renton code projects that are 5 to 20 residential lots in size are required to provide full pavement width with 36' of pavement total face of curb to face of curb with curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street name signs on the project side and across the full frontage of the parcel being developed on Hoquiam Ave NE. The project shall be ~ Hoquiam Ct Short Plat Application Page 3 required to install 5' sidewalks on the project side of Hoquiam Ave NE along the full frontage of the parcel being developed. • Projects that are 5-20 residential lots in size are required to install street lights per City of Renton plans and specifications. Street lighting will be required to be installed in Hoquiam Ave NE and in NE 8th Circle. • This project is required to dedicate additional right-of-way of 26' for NE 8th Circle on the south side of the short plat and a 20' pavement width, with curbs, gutters and a 5' sidewalk. • Per City of Renton code, all lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet. The road plan needs to be modified to show this. • All new electrical, phone and cable services and lines must be undergrounded. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording the plat. • Traffic Mitigation Fee of $3588.75 is required to be paid prior to recording the short plat. This is a condition of the short plat. Fire mitigation and Parks mitigation fees must also be paid prior to recording of the short plat. General: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the current City of Renton horizontal and vertical control network. • Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. HONEYCTSHPLGF City o ... _nton Department of Planning / Building / Pub 'orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: RO .. f\(~~.NI. ~A COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 15,2005 APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 41,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 810 HOquiam Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or .,eas _he", adit"nlonnation ;, needed to properly as ,sthl, proposat. A C) J., 0 \J ~ S'goa,"", ot DI"""" 0' A"tho",'" Rep''''e Date ~ ~ City 0 • nton Department of Planning / Building / Pub lorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~:::Lv{a(d(,lJ:(~'(~(fJ~y' COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henni,.,ger SITE AREA: 41,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 810 HOquiam Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATE~TS~ ~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or .,ea, """'" ,dditionaUn!om>alk» ;, f-d 10 pmp.'" "',.'" th;, P' osal. Del, cS?a( uD D ~ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative (Pt13 s# ______________ __ Project Name: \-\oQJIA."'\ Cou~ S\\ fL -«- Project Address: ~\ b \-\DQo\P.lt\ ~ lJE:, Contact Person: Joe e(20z> Permit Number: LVr.\: OS-Qqg Project Description: _\~o::-..;:1o~1_S(..:::. ~\Q.,~....;S~~T~..:o.L,,--.;;.W;;..;'C~X\-\...I.J-....:O:::::.tY=~;.......Jo,l~~·· IU.I.::::S.J.D..I..II\X~~....:lli>~t.4~t;...· __ _ Land Use Type: Z--Residential o Retail o Non-retail Calculation: Method of Calculation: JZr1TE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition D Traffic Study D Other C21O) SPvL q ·S7 / 10 1 lo-\::-S y. 4.S7 / ~l,~~ AfJ\ lrl. ~S AD\ y. ~ ,'.:} ~ ~ ~/S~~, '75 ; Transportation Mitigation Fee: Calculated by: $ 3.S<o0,1!$ I Date: ,/ \le /At}Q'> I I Date of Payment: ____________________ _ City 0 _ nton Department of Planning / Building / Pub .. J •• 'orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 41 ,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DATE: TO: FROM: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM September 19, 2005 Jill Ding, Associate Planner Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Hoquiam Court Short Plat ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMENTS: 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. Credit can be granted for the removal of one existing single family home. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Access roadway requires 20-foot paved roadway with "No Parking- Any Time" signs on both sides at 50-feet intervals. An approved fire department turnaround is required if the roadway does not make a through connection to the proposed Aspen Woods Plat. --City 0 nton Department of Planning / Building / Pub, ~ lorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~r· .. COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 tlr c... ~~ -. -- APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: SEF fEMBER 15, 2005 APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jil Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta H' nninger ('CD 1 po "'''" • BUILDING AREA (gross): ~1A U .... , • ""J LVV"J I~-SITE AREA: 41,544 square feet , , I LOCATION: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 7746::> CITY OF RENTOr~ SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existin r 0;':-: r~r""',t :~"~,'.';'·;!i 41,544 square foot 0.95 acre) parce~d Residential-8 dwellin units pe g ( g acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet ~, B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or " ... wheffi 8dditionallnlom>8ilon I, n_'~ '" "" Ihl' """",,81. 9/'1& S Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Cit yo .. __ nton Department of Planning / Building / PUb,,_ .. 'orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ff~ COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 41,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Tran~ortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10.000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ditional information· needed to properl assess this proposal. Date A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS "It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize existing City park and recreation facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single family lot to address these potential impacts." City or _ .anton Department of Planning / Building / Pub,,_ Norks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~(l i C'( i COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-099, SHPL-H DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 15,2005 APPLICANT: Joe Pruss PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding PROJECT TITLE: Hoquiam Court Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 41,544 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 810 Hoguiam Avenue NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77466 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whefi dditional information is need to properly assess this proposal. Si Date NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Hoqiuam Court Short Plat / lUA05-099, SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential·a dwelling units per acre (R-B) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result 01 the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single famUy residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extenSion of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. PROJECT LOCATION: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE PUBLIC APPROVALS: Hearing Examiner Short Plat Approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Tom Redding, Baims & Holmberg; Tel; (425) 392-0250 Eml: tom CD baimaholmberg.com PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for October 18 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Jill Ding, A.soclate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on September 29, 2005. Thl, matter 'I also tentatively Icheduled for a public hearing on October 18, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renlon City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this prOject. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: 'I August 17, 2005 September 15, 2005 September 15, 2005 Ir--;-+--S ITE. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name I No.: Hoqluam Court Short Plat I LUAOS-099, SHPL-H NAME: _________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: _____________ _ CERTIFICATION -~""""" ,:--~. AL£ \\\\ n . L J ." -~~ ........ :-t11:" I, LJd'4¥.. or~ , her~by certify that ~ copies of the above dof~~\ON ~~~>.~. \ were posted by me In ~ conspICUOUS places or nearby the described prope~~~~01~Y ~': 1J ~, DATE: 9[//5/0.5 SIGNED: PI'? ~ ~ :.~ ~BUG /o:~j ~ ,~ --,) ·,Io·.t.," 't u~ '" ;;-19~') .. ' &' • ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in "\~OFWi.i,~~/ '3ta1tu-,onthe 1)p dayof 5ept2rnl7C r aOV1.f~ati~"'--~ NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE: CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 15th day of September, 2005, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Surrounding Property Owners -NOA only See attached Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc. -Accpt Ltr Owner/Applicant Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg, Inc. -Accpt Ltr Contact (Signature of Sen STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: __ ~.....L/_2AR_( 0_.\ __ Notary (Print): ___ ----:-_--::---________ -+----;._....",.,~n_~ My appointment expires: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA05-099, SHPL-H 102305931705 ANDERSON WESLEY V 37210 200TH SE AUBURN WA 98092 102305934501 DAUGHERTY GREGORY WAYNE 12201 148TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 102305932802 HARMON H 14105 SE 118TH ST RENTON WA 98059 102305925707 tJcl-clel;'~I{ JOHNSON WALTER M ClB a4ti~ 780 HOQUIAM AV NE "II~ RENTON WA 98056 102305914107 MATTHEWSON TROY JON 760 HOQUIAM AV NE RENTON WA 98059 102305905808 -N"o\-del, \/ua.l> ~ SPIRY DENNIS G+JUDITH E ~ adct~ 852 HOQUIAM AV NE orJ-zLlt;'; RENTON WA 98059 102305924601 BAGLEY EVERETT OR ELEANOR 810 HOQUIAM AV NE RENTON WA 98059 102305929303 FEGEL JAMES L JR+JULIE K 11833 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 102305921508 IRELAND JASON E 11843 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 102305934402 KIGER KENNETH E & TINA M 11826 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 102305900304 RAWSON RICHARD L 11853 142ND AV SE RENTON WA 98059 102305912606 WILLIAMS CECIL 12006 140TH AV SE RENTON WA 98059 102305925301 BISHOP OF CH JESUS CHRIST RENTON 2 3 & 4 WDS W ST 50 E NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84150 527470000508 FROEMKE KERRY A 14044 SE 121ST ST RENTON WA 98059 102305915807 JOHNSON WALTER M 2305 QUAIL RUN RD COTTONWOOD AZ 86326 102305916508 KONRAD WALT 12005 142ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 102305916409 SMITH JOHN L PO BOX 2670 RENTON WA 98056 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Hoqiuam Court Short Plat / LUA05-099, SHPL-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Subdivision of an existing 41,544 square foot (0.95 acre) parcel zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) into 6 lots for the future construction of single family residences. An existing residence is located on proposed Lots 1 and 2 and would be removed as a result of the approval of the short plat. The proposed lot sizes range from 5,600 square feet to 5,710 square feet in area. Access to proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via single family residential driveways onto Hoquiam Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lots 3-6 would be provided via the extension of an access easement (NE 6th Street) accross the southern portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. PROJECT LOCATION: 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE PUBLIC APPROVALS: Hearing Examiner Short Plat Approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Tom Redding, Baima & Holmberg; Tel: (425) 392-0250 Eml: tom@baimaholmberg.com PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for October 18. 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Jill Ding, Associate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on September 29,2005. This matter Is also tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on October 18, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may stili appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: August 17,2005 September 15, 2005 September 15, 2005 1--____ +--_5 IT£. SE 113th If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name / No.: Hoqiuam Court Short Plat / LUA05-099, SHPL-H NAME: __________________________________________________________________ ___ MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: _______________________ _ I:R! Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor September 15, 2005 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, WA 98023 Subject: Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA05-099, SHPL-H Dear Mr. Redding: CITY )F RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be .notified if any additional ~nformation is required to continue processing your application. This matter is tentatively scheduled for a Public Hearing on October 18, 2005 at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant are required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. Please oontact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, (JJ-t 1( P-V ~ill K. Ding Associate Planner cc: Joe Pruss / Owner/Applicant ------l-O-SS-So-u-th-G-r-ad-y-W-ay---R-e-nt-o-n,-W-a-s-hi-n-gt-on-9-S0-S-s------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ·:It Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor September 15, 2005 Superintendent's Office Renton School District #403 300 SW ih Street Renton, WA 98055-2307 Subject: Hoqiuam Court Short Plat LUA05-099, SHPL-H CITY Y RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator .. ".--. The City of Renton Development Services Division has received an application for a 6-lot single- family subdivision located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to my attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055 by September 29,2005. Elementary School: Y~ . .c..-.--J¥ ~ . . Middle School: ~~ High School: ~G<.c/--tf~ Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes --;.. No __ _ r Any Comments: ___________________________ _ Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, ~.#.;V(J Jill K. Ding A'ssociate Planner Ene!. ------lO-S-S-s-ou-t-h-G-ra-dy-W-ay---R-e-nt-o-n,-W-a-sh-i-ng-to-n-9S-0-S-S ------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE · . PROPERTY OWNER(S) ADDRESS: ~/I - TELEPHONE NUMBER: APPLICANT (if other than ~ner) .... NAME: CITY: TELEPHONE NUMBER ~~S- CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS: s CITY: ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\PJanning\masterapp.doc08l29/03 ()O'::> --0 <0 2 w~os-cAq PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: rg /0 /),/ E .d/ c KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): /Cl ~ . .30 5-?;;9i -01 PROPOSED LAND USE(S): . EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): EXISTING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 8 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): -- NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): .. ~ ______________ P_F __ J_EC_T~IN~F_O~RMAT~I_O_N~(~'co_n_t_i __ ~d~l)~ ____________ ~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): L..To SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): M SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): ~ o FLOOD HAZARD AREA ___ sq.ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): /f/ /A NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): A/ o GEOLOGIC HAZARD o HABITAT CONSERVATION - - -0 SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES o WETLANDS ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF-PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet.with the following infonnation included) --- SITUATE IN THE pE QUARTER OF SECTION /0. TOWNSHIP ~s'"RANGE...s.IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . . TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES -- ._--- :. ;'List.»'lland tlseapplications beingapplied-for:c· ----.'-.-'~-'-'--------". ~-~". -:-:::, .. -. . .. "-' .-: t:... _ -.---~ ... --. - . -'I: _. "". -----. 1.'4 d (jtJ s.? -3. . ,- 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP ld -t ~ BasiC, Ver1~ \!lee, preS 0 I, (Print Name/s) :S~K, t. Pt'uS S . declare that I am (please check onE!) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or -=:oK the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the infonnation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of OwnerlRepresentative) Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\masterapp.doc08Il9/03 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ""So, , ~ 1 g Pi'''' S s: signed this instrument and acknowled9-ed it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. --- BONNIE BABCOCK NOTARY PUBLIC --.JC.~~~~~~;,e,z;;:~---,,I..;SQ..!T.11J'ATu:: OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) 6D4 If I'~ 41" ad My appointment expires: 'il W()s LEGAL DESCRIPTION HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT The south 138 feet of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 10., Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof for road, as established by King County Commissioners records Volume 40, page 132. SITUAT&-~N THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 25, RANGE 5, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. . ' ". Nov 1 S 04 01: 22p Cotporation I Limited LiaJ . , Company Renewal Profit Corporation Completed Annual Report D PRINT THIS SCREEN AND RETAIN IT FOR YOUR RECORDS. Your annual report has been eGmpleted a~ submitted. Your renewal is not complete lintil payment is received from your credit card provider. Please allow 14 days 10 receive your license document in the mail. If you halve any questions contact us at mls@d4)'.wa.gov. Completed Date anet Tune: Oct 5 2004 9:47AM (Pacific TIme Zone) Trall$8dion Number: 2004 279 5035 (Refer to this number if you have questions about this application.) Credit Card Approval Number: Business Entily Information: BASIC VEtmJRES INC. profit Corporation lb. lie.nse wiH be mailed to the registered agent, JACK. STUART PRUSS 21305 NE 6lH PL REDMOND. washington 98053 Annual Report: Principal place of business In washington: TeJephone Number: Nature of your business: Confirmed Governing PaopIe: Name JOSEPH M PRUSS Address 18211 240th Ave. se Maple Valley. Washington 98038 0969948530003322364188 Unified Business 10: State of Incorporation: Date of Jneorporation: Expiration Date: 18211240th Ave. SE 601564062 Washington 0712811994 07/3112005 Maple Valley, Washington 98038 (425) 432 3334 Construction Tdle(s) President, Treasurer, Chairman of the Board JACKI S PRUSS 18211 240th Ave. SE Vice President. Secretary.Oireotor Maple VaHey. washington 08038 Fee $tattrnant: Domestic profit Corporation Renewaf AppliCation Fee $50.00 $9.00 https:l/fortress.wa.gov/dollmJsIcmllMain.asp p.l Page I of2 '~ ~ I I ~ I J ! . . • . I l i Plint 10/512004 JUN-28-2005 17:05 CITY OF RENTON 425 430 7300 P.03 WAI~ l OF SUBMITTAL REQU .. J:MENTS FOR··LAND USE APPLICAf10NS .-.----.- tl)~W!~!!!rMr)rllii=2l!~ftI~)}!)!~!~ ~~lrtlffM! !~'IW~11 ~)!!!i!i~~!j!~!i~i!!!)i)!f!!#:§!.~~;}~i!!li!~!(!i!i~iiHi\ calculatiOns, ~~~~~~~~:~:~:i:~:~~r~:~:~~f~:~:~:f~:~:}~:t~:~:? ~:~:~:~:~:r~~r~t~~~i~ ~~~~~tt~~t~~~~;~~~~~~~; ~:~(t~~~r~~~t?t~~~~:r~~~:~:~t{:~:~:~:~;~~~~~t~i;~~~~~~~~~};~~~~~~ construction Mitigatiof) Description 2ANP. ·~:::::::~~::~w.~~r~~r;~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~t~~t~j~?t~~~t~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fJ ~~~~~tI~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~i ~tt~~t~~ttt~~{~~~r~tttf{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~(?t Drainage Control Plant ::~:: :':'-'~~'iff~tf~:;:J~t~:~;{~~t;rf:ttt?t?~!t~!~ it~~t~~~~?t~t~~ t~tt;:~:~:~:~~~t\' :~r~~~~t~~~tt~~t~f{f~~~~~?~~~;~~~~)~~~~f~~~t{~~{~~~~~:~ ElevationS, Architecturaf UM)04 ~~;~~?~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~f!tt~~?~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ tl13)rit;~;~~~ ~~{~~~j{~~~~t}{~~ :i:~:i:~:?i:~:i:?~:fi:i:~:~:}}~:}}}~;~:ri:~;~:r?~~~;~{{:~~ Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) .. I'~:-:':-: ~:-'-':~~~~~~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:!:fi:~;!:! :!tt:;;;~:~:~:i:~:~;~:~ :~:)~:~:~:~:~:~:i:i:i:~:!:~:~ ;!;!:f}!;!:}!{;t!;!;!;~;~;~;:;~:~:::~;~;t~:~:!:~{:t~:~:}~:~:~:~:}~;~: Flood Hazard Data.. <S. ~ . .... ; r~~~:~~~i:;:~:~:!:~:f~:t~:~:~:!:~:~:~:~t:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~~:~:!;~t;~;~ ;~;~;~;~I~~~~:~:~t:~ :~~:~t~~i~tii~ ~:~~;~~~~~;~~:~t~:;:~:;:~:~:;:;:~:~:~:~:~(:~:~:?~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~):~:;:~;!:~;~;~:~: ~ Geoted1nlcal ReportZNtDI ! 6¥{. ~ ~:~~i1~~*~:~:}~:~:~:~:~:~:~:i:~:~:i:~:~:i:i:i:f~:i:i:;:;:; :~:;:~:~:~:t~;r~:::~:!;~ ;:~;f:~:~:~#!~i}~ :~~~;ii~:r~:r~:~:~:~:~:~:i:~:}~:~:~:~:~(:~:~:~:~:tf~:~{:~:~:\)~:;:::~; Grading Plan, ~iIed 2 . :.;~::~~:~.~:~~~::;:~:;~;:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~~:~{:~t:~:~:~:~:~ ~~~~i:;:~:~:~:; :~:~~~~:~it:j:~~i~~. ~g~;t~;t~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~t:~:)~:~:~~~:~:~:~)rt~~~t1~~:~~~~!;~;~: ~-;~.~~~~-.~.~.~.-.-_ .•. ;, -~~.:'-. .-':;:;::,"=-,-,,:: .. :-~:-.:.::':'';':. r;;"""'.~~ ... -:. -.'-" .. _.. ~-. 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USEAPPLICATJONS Map of Existing SIte Concflfions.2AHb.3 Map of VIeW. Area 2 AND a This requirement may. by. 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan RevieW Section 3. Buikfll'l9 Section 4. Development Planning Section PROJECT NAME: J/OriuJaM Cour! DATE: (, la~Q 5 1'111f't1!lDM.4 TOTAL P.04 I .. CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 2005 TO: Jill Hall, Associate Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire MarshrurJ1t- SUBJECT: Hoquiam Court Short Plat, 810 Hoquiam Ave. NE Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. 3. Fire Department access roadways require a minimum 20 Foot paved roadway with an approved fire department turnaround. See attached diagram. 4. All building addresses shall be visible from the public street Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. AUG 1 72005 RECt;~VED . FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU x '1~Ei-q30-7000 . . . -.. . ~ = \() 45- " 1 ~ ~ .. . -. .. ~ ,~ ~ tf \ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM May 13, 2005 Jill Hall Arneta Henninger X7298 HOQUIAM COURT PREAPPLICATION PRE 05-060 810 AVE NE The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre- application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have reviewed the application for this 6 lot short plat generally in the vicinity of NE 8th St on the east side of Hoquiam Ave NE all in Section 10-23N-5E and have the following comments. WATER: • This site is not served by the City of Renton water. The proposed subdivision is within the water service area of King County Water District No. 90 (KCWD # 90). The applicant shall contact KCWD #90 and obtain a certificate of water availability before any development of the property. (K9WD #90-15606 SE 128th St-Renton, WA 98059-4540-ph: 425-255-9600). • Water main improvements, including fire hydrants and domestic water services will be required within the existing and proposed streets in accordance with Water District # 90 and City of Renton standards. • The applicant shall verify with the District regarding all fees, permits, submittal and review of water main improvements plans. • Final design plans for water main improvements shall be approved by the District with concurrence from the City of Renton. • A Certificate of Water Availability from Water District 90 will be required to be submitted with the formal application. • All plats are required by City code to provide a fire hydrant with a minimum fire flow requirement of 1,000 GPM within 300 feet of any proposed single-family structure. If the proposed single-family structures exceed 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow Hoquiam Ct Preapplication Page 2 increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. The fire hydrants must meet all current City of Renton standards. • Lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall be predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. Sanitary Sewer • This short plat application is dependent on the construction of the Aspen Woods Lift Station. Once the Aspen Woods project is constructed then this proposed short plat needs to extend an 8" sanitary sewer main from the stub provided by Aspen Woods at the southeast corner, west to serve the proposed lots. In addition this short plat will be required to design and install an 8" sanitary sewer main across the full frontage of the short plat in Hoquiam Ave NE connecting to the system installed by Aspen woods. • Individual sidesewers are required to be installed by the developer to serve the new lots. • Dual sidesewers are not allowed. • This parcel is located in the Honey Creek Special Assessment District, SAD 8611. This fee is $250 per new connection. These fees shall be paid at the time a construction . permit is issued. • System Development Charges (SOC) are $900 per unit. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. Street Improvements: • The existing right-of-way as shown on the Assessor's maps on Hoquiam Ave NE is 60 feet; so additional right-of-way is not required for this plat. • Per City of Renton code projects that are 5 to 20 residential lots in size are required to provide full pavement width with 36' of pavement total face of curb to face of curb with curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street name signs on the project side and across the full frontage of the parcel being developeGt on Hoquiam Ave NE. The project shall be required to install 5' sidewalks on the project side of Hoquiam Ave NE along the full frontage of the parcel being developed. • Projects that are 5 to 20 residential lots in size are required to install street lights per City of Renton plans and specifications both along Hoquiam Ave NE. Private street lighting systems are not allowed. • This project is required to dedicate additional right-of-way of 26' for NE 6th St on the south side of the short plat and a 20' pavement width, with curbs, gutters and 5' sidewalk. • Per City of Renton code, all lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet. • All new electrical, phone and cable services and lines must be undergrounded. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording the plat. Hoquiam Ct Preapplication Page 3 • The Traffic Mitigation Fee of approximately $750 per new lot shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. Storm Drainage: • The site is within the Honey Creek drainage basin. Due to the sensitivity of this creek system, we recommend additional drainage mitigation requirements through the SEPA process. A conceptual drainage plan and report is required with the formal application for the project. This project shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual Level 2 for water quality treatment and detention. • The Surface Water System Development Charges of $715 per each new lot applies to the proposed project. The Development Charges are collected as part of the construction permit. GENERAL: • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a licensed Civil Engineer. • All plans shall be tied down to a minimum of two horizontal and vertical control in the . current City of Renton Control Network. • Permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvement is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There will be additional fees for water meters and service related expenses. See Drafting Standards. HOQUIAMSHPLPA DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM May 26, 2005 Pre-Application File No. 05-060 Jill Hall, Associate Planner, x7219 Hoquiam Court Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject property is located on the east side of Hoquiam Avenue NE at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The proposal is to subdivide the existing 41,382 square feet (0.95 acre) parcel, zoned Residential-8 dwelling units per acre into 6 lots for single-family residences. An eXisting residence is proposed to be removed as a result of this proposed subdivision. Access for the proposed lots would be provided through a new 26-foot access easement off of Hoquiam Avenue NE. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The existing development is located within the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The following proposed policies are applicable to the proposal: Land Use Element Objective LU-FF: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1. Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets, 2. Promote expansion and use of public ,transportation; and 3. Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Policy LU-147. Net development densities should fall within a range of 4.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. Policy LU-148. A minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet should be allowed on in-fill parcels of less than one acre (43,560 sq. ft.) in single-family deSignations. Allow a reduction on lot size to 4,500 square feet on parcels greater than one acre to create an incentive for aggregation of land. The minimum lot size is not intended to set the standard for density in the designation, but to provide flexibility in subdivision/plat design and facilitate development within the allowed density range. Policy LU-149. Lot size should exclude private sidewalks, easements, private road, and driveway easements, except alley easements. Policy LU-1S0. Required setbacks should exclude public or private legal access areas, established through or to a lot, and parking areas. Policy LU-1S2. Single-family lot size, lot width, setbacks, and impervious surface should be sufficient to allow private open space, landscaping to provide buffers/privacy without extensive fencing, and sufficient area for maintenance activities. Hoquiam Court Short Plat Pre May 26, 2005 Page 2 of 2 lication Meeting Policy LU-154. Interpret development standards to support new plats and infill project designs incorporating street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes that address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Community Design Element Policy CD-12. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. The following policies are advisory and are intended to inform the applicant of the City Council's desired outcome for infill development. Code implementing these policies is on the department's 2005 work program and may be adopted prior to formal review of projects now at the pre-application stage. Policy CD-13. Infill development should be reflective of the existing character of established neighborhoods even when designed using different architectural styles, and/or responding to more urban setbacks, height or lot requirements. Infill development should draw on elements of existing development such as placement of structures, vegetation, and location of entries and walkways, to reflect the site planning and scale of existing areas. Policy CD-14. Architecture of new structures in established areas should be visually compatible with other structures on the site and with adjacent development. Visual compatibility should be evaluated using the following criteria: a. Where there are differences in height (e.g., new two-story development adjacent to single- story structures), the architecture of the new structure should include details and elements of design such as window treatment, roof type, entries, or porches that reduce the visual mass of the structure. b. Garages, whether attached or detached, should be constructed using the same pattern of development established in the vicinity. Structures should have entries, windows, and doors located to maintain privacy in neighboring yards and buildings. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential -S dwelling units per acre (R-S) zoning designation. The density range required in the R-S zone is a minimum of 4.0 to a maximum of S.O dwelling units per acre (dulac). Net density is a calculation of the number of housing units and/or lots that would be allowed on a property after critical areas, public rights-of-way, and legally recorded private access easements are subtracted from the gross area (gross area minus streets and critical areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre). Required critical area. buffers and public and private alleys shall not be subtracted from gross acres for the purpose of net density calculations. The area within the proposed access easement must be deducted from the gross property square footage for the purposes of calculating net density. No area was provided for the proposed 26-foot access easement, however staff estimated the access easement area to be approximately 6,522 square feet. The proposal for 6 units on the property after subtracting the estimated area for the proposed 26-foot wide access easement arrives at a net density of approximately 7.5 dulac (61 O.SO = 7.5), which is within the density permitted in the R-S zone. All square footages of areas to be deducted (access easement) must be provided at the time of formal land use application. Development Standards: The R-S zone permits one residential structure I unit per lot, detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-a zone is 4,500 square feet for lots greater than 1 acre in size and 5,000 square feet for lots 1 acre or less in size. The area within a private access easement may not be included in Lot area. A minimum lot width of 50 feet PreOS·060 (R-S 6-1ot short plat).doc Hoquiam Court Short Plat Pre-App .. ~_tion Meeting May 26, 2005 Page 3 of 3 for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. The proposed lots appear to comply with the minimum lot size, width, and depth requirements. Please provide both the gross and net square footage of each lot at the time of formal land use application. Building Standards -The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and 2-stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story or can be up to 30 feet and 2 stories if the use of the structure is animal husbandry related. The gross floor area must be less than that of the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. Setbacks -Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line and any private access easement. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 15 feet in front for the primary structure and 20 feet in front for the attached garage, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards, and 15 feet on side yards along streets (including access easements) for the primary structure and 20 feet on side yards along streets (including access easements) for the attached garage. The proposal appears to contain adequate area to provide for the required setback areas. Access/Parking: The proposal is to access the proposed lots through a proposed 26-foot private access easement off of Hoquiam Avenue NE. Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. Appropriate shared maintenance and access agreemenVeasements will be required between lots with shared access. Private streets are allowed for access to six or fewer lots, provided at least two of the six lots abut a public right-of-way. The street is to include a minimum easement width of 26 feet with 20 feet of paving. Private driveways may serve a maximum of two lots and must have a minimum easement width of 20 feet with 12 feet of paving. Addresses of lots along private streets are to be visible from the public street by provision of a sign stating all house numbers, and the sign is to be located at the intersection of the private street and the public street. A hammerhead turnaround is required for streets between 150 feet and 300 feet in length. The length of the proposed access easement requires a hammerhead turnaround in accordance with the City of Renton Fire Department standards. Full street improvements (curb, gutter and 6-foot wide sidewalk) along the site's Hoquiam Avenue NE frontage will be required for the short plat. The applicant may elect to ask the Board of Public Works for a waiver or deferral for off site street improvements. Please contact Jan lilian at (425) 430-7216 for additional information regarding the Board of Public Works. Driveway Grades: The maximum driveway slopes cannot exceed 15%, provided that driveways exceeding 8% are to provide slotted drains at the lower end of the driveway. If the grade exceeds 15%, a variance from the Board of Adjustment is required. Landscaping and Open Space: A 5 foot wide irrigated or drought resistant landscape strip is the minimum amount of landscaping necessary for a site abutting a non-arterial public street. A 5-foot landscape strip will be required within Lots 1 and 2 along their Hoquiam Avenue NE frontage. Tree requirements for short plats include at least two trees of a City approved species with a minimum caliper of 1 1/2 inches per tree must be planted in the front yard or planting strip of every lot prior to building occupancy. 5 copies and 1 reduced PMT of a conceptual landscape plan prepared in accordance with RMC 4-8-120.0.12 must be submitted at the time of formal land use application. PreOS-060 (R-8 6-1ot short plat).doc Hoquiam Court Short Plat Pr May 26, 2005 Page 4 of 4 llication Meeting Environmental Review: Short plats nine lots or less that do not have any critical areas as defined by the City of Renton's Municipal Code (RMC4-3-050) are exempt from the Environmental Review process. Permit Requirements: Preliminary short plats of five lots or more (with or without environmental (SEPA) review) require a public hearing with the Hearing Examiner's office. After the completion of the public hearing, the Examiner would make a final decision on the short plat. The land use process would be completed within an estimated time frame of 6 to 8 weeks for preliminary short plat approval. The application fee is $1,000.00. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the required improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. The newly created lots may be sold only after the plat has been recorded. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat. • A Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family residence; • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single-family residence. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. Expiration: Upon preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short plat approval is valid for two years with a possible one-year extension. cc: Jennifer Henning Pre05-060 (R-8 6-1ot short plat).doc \ ,\ D6 .. 3 T23N RSE E 112 I &1' -..;:t< 1----1 .-............ ~................ . ............. _ ..... -,---"-'-+1 SI SE 117th RM-F SE 124th I F6 .. 15 T23N RSE E 112 e~ ZONING + ;R + PIBIPW '1'1!CIDQCAL SBJI.VICl!S It un8IOf 10 T23N R5E E 1/2 5310 AUG 1 7 2005 RECEIVED DENSITY WORKSHEET city of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 4f; 'it! t( square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: . .•...• ~--.~--." .... -... "" '. -'-":-~';'-"--"" .. ;,. ,-.--.~' .. -.~-----' .... ". .,....... '. , ~,-~~--..... ,.-,_.-Public sti'eets'** ''''''d'_'_''_' ___ '~-:_~'' O' ,-square feet ".'- Private access easements** '. . . .182 Tsquare feet Critical Areas· .c.· . . o· .' · square feet TOiafexcluded area:' .. m~ •••• • '.:,";mzTi(#.f; iT ~sqrn.:~f""t· \ . -.(;:";:;"::::::;"":"f-~:;"'"" .'.,., . :": -: .... ~-...... ;-.---,. ,-:'-~ '" --~-.~.:~:'-.. ~~~.~::~'~:.'~ .. ~.; ... :", ':;" '--:-'.~~':~':; ~-'.--. ~;~~:.·~·7· .. -~'~· " .... ~ .. ; ... '.:_-'-_m_ .... ',:' -. --.~","---~.,,----="'!~:, .•. -.. a~ Subtracl':iine.2·from line 1· for net area: . .3 ... ,· ·$..3;rr-r-sqoarefeef 4 .. Divide Jine·3 by 43,560 for net acreage: . 4.' :.(), 1'1',/ acres· 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5.-units/Jots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. 1.1S = dwelling units/acre . ""'" " *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSERWonns\PJ3IUling'4Jensity.doc Last updated: 1.,,)81.2004 1 . . "'\)'U'J ~\}\) \ I L RECt.\\Jt,O HOQU~COURTSHORTPLAT PROJECT NARRATIVE • Project name, size and location of site: Taylor Court is located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The total area of the site is 41,544 sq. ft. • Land use permits required for proposed project: Short Plat • Zoning description of the site and adjacent properties: The site is zoned R-8, Single Family Residential. Property to the north, west, and south is R-8, Single Family Residential. • Current use of the site and any existing improvements: There is a house, a detached garage and two sheds on the site, which will be removed. • Special site features (i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes): There are no steep slopes, wetlands or other sensitive areas on this site. • Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions: SCS soil maps show the site to be underlain with Alderwood Series soils (till). • Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development: Proposed six-lot single-family residential development of one existing tax parcel. • For plats indicate the proposed number, density, and range of sizes of the new lots: 6 lots, with lot sizes of5,600 sq. ft. to 8,200 sq. ft., and density of7.75 units per acre. • Access: Access for all six lots will be from a newly-constructed private street, accessing off of Hoquiam Avenue NE, extending to the east and connecting to NE 6th Street, to be constructed with the adjacent Aspen Woods plat (on the east and north). Because of topographical restraints (slope) and because the adjacent parcel to the north has its own access to Monterey Place NE, a street stub to the north is not needed or proposed. The adjacent parcel on the south will probably get access from NE 6th Street, as well. • Proposed off-site improvements (i.e., installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.): None proposed or needed. • Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value ofthe proposed project: Construction cost of about $70,00 and an estimated fair market value of $250,000 ± • Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed: 300± cu-yd cut and 50± cu-yd fill • Number, type and size of any trees to be removed: There will be approximately (27) 6" to 18" fir, maple, fruit, and alder trees removed with this project. • Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City: N/A • Proposed number, size or range of sizes ofthe new lots and density (if applicable): 6 lots, with lot sizes of5,600 sq. ft. to 8,200 sq. ft., and density of7.75 units per acre. • Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes: N/A • Any proposed modifications being requested: N/A HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Proposed construction start date will be approximately in February 2006 and completion will be in approximately 3 months. Hours of operation will be 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Proposed hauling/transportation route will be Hoquiam Ave. NE. Water trucks, street sweepers and any other requirements deemed necessary will be implemented for any impacts which may occur. There will be no anticipated weekend, late night or any other specialty hours proposed for construction or hauling at this time. Flag persons will be employed and signs will be installed for traffic control when necessary. AUG 1 12005 RECc~~jEO L lID , ' ,"I bEVa:0G~1q, r ':0 ",.' 6~rv ,~c;'r-:~ +1'~3~ f;~'~~M~.~ AUG '17i~ RECEIVED be ptovidedibY'~~iCS",cqd~e,~r~hdAA~~;'~h;~I~§~(~IZa).'~afet 'rtli!l'h;tljatlsffdihti'tlg,?tfue, sit~. , " ,-~.:" , / _","',\." I", ", .,', ""1" ',', ,," " ,.> :"" >'. o. • " -":-_ ,., :", ' ." '. • ,," ; ',: '/ill"., "'. ,." " , 2>'~: <; IS] .~'. 1.1<1'C'.·yv.a.~~I' .. _;)y~L'CU I r~:,II,~-,'\';~~;~_U~/I,I,11!.~~:~7,1~_C:"::VV.I\i~.\~)~(,<~~~I,(~;~r.; .. '~'~~I,;~V:~U"Y",~,"~1 ~I ~;I~I ~I~~~~_-I~I.,~~)~~I;~,I.,I. /'. _ ',,_ o "~~ ',."rt,l,ei;~a~~rl~s~st~tn':J~Pt~vemerit':~n~~im,coof~rtt~rnG~~~~;~i~~~'~~~P.t,'y~~,:~~!er';CQm~;ehensive 3; "liD a. OR Plan£:aO~iwnt~.retjqlre'awatercomprehenSly~PfS:n;iEI\!ifl'~(:f~l'It::;fffliSirff~y?;eause~adelaYlnISsliianceofal'\P~~nii~or approval)., "". " . '" t(.Of;the~~iWI~, •• pr;\h~sffit>~~~:cgij~~~ed\;BdUJlda,*lRevleWcBP,ard fl,Qii:,:ciW;~\(jrj$\Wlmirith!.·couriw'apl:jroved,'·. serviliE!':atea ,.dfia , " ) " > '," . ~"'\' ,'",,, • ," '\ ~.' , . .", '. -, '\. '\ , " BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT for Hoquiam Court Short Plat August 11, 2005 I EXPIRES Baima & Holmberg, Inc. Job No. 1673-026 Prepared For Basic Ventures 18211240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH· ISSAQUAH· WASHINGTON· 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • (425) 391-3055 " TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 2 CONDmONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS 4 FLOW CONTROL AJID WATER QUALITY FAClLITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 7 OTHER PERMITS 8 ESC ANALYSlS AND DESIGN 9 BOND QUANTII'IES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SECTION 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ., Project Overview This project involves the development ofa O.95-acre parcel into five single-family lots. The site is located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The site is about Yz covered with an existing house, garage, sheds, driveway and lawn, with the remainder covered with woods. The site slopes down to the east at about 1 % to 8%. Per the SCS soil maps, the site is underlain with Alderwood Series sandy loam over glacial till. Proposed Drainage Controls Flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a Basic Water Quality vault. .. King nty Department of Development and.l:. .••• ronmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Subdivison· l' Short Subdivision -Grading Commercial Other ________ _ Community Drainage~asin - River Stream __________ _ Critical Stream Reach Depressions/Swales Lake __________ ___ Steep Slopes ________ _ p~me -~1.I1An..c Location Township ____ -"'-_ Range ______ _ ••...•••..... Section __ -'-:-__ --'- DFWHpA COE404 DOE Dam Safety FEMA Floodplain COE Wetlands .--- Shoreline Management Rockery Structural Vaults Other Floodplain ________ _ Wetlands ________ _ Seeps/Springs High Groundwater Table Groundwater Recharge Other _________ - Soil Type. Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties A~p-----/M-t!)/ftPfl!77E Additional Sheets Attached REFERENCE Ch. 4 -Downstream Analysis Additional Sheets Attached MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION Sedimentation Facilities Stabilized Construction Entrance· Perimeter Rllnoff Control Clearing and Graing Restrictions Cover Practices Construction Sequence Other . ' " LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Ab &t 1'\41 'rHl)duk> MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS . AFTER CONSTRUCTION Stabilize Exposed Surface Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas Other 0 ••••••••• -~'" .. ' .. .--/' . '. . --,/ Grass lined Channel Tank rVau~t Method of Analysis f4:d?-r2 , . . Pipe System . Energy Dissapator Infiltration Depression Flow Dispersal Waiver Regional Detention Compensation/Mitigati on of Eliminated Site Storage Open Channel Dry Pond Wet Pond Wetland Stream Cast in Place Vault Drainage Easement Retaining Wall Rockery> 4' High Structural on Steep Slope . . Other .. Access Easement Native Growth Protection Easement Tract Other ~~~~~~~~t~ili;~~lJ!~wi~~~I~j~~~~t~~~~~i~liir~··::'.~~j~;iw·~;~:~~~~~~Ji~r, ... t or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the. best of . my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Si ned/Date N Orthophotobase compiled in 1970 by USGSo Plan i --_o--deta°il" obTi! Ined Troii'iD S"a S 7WiTiTnuteseries-rna ~ Polyc. 10,OC 1101 ttl ____ ~ .... -__ ~_._. __ ••••• ____ 0_ •• _.· SOILS MAP SHEET 1- SECTION 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIRMENTS SUMMARY SECTION 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS Project Overview This project involves the development ofa 0.95-acre parcel into five single-family lots. The site is located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The site is about Y2 covered with an existing house, garage, sheds, driveway and lawn, with the remainder covered with woods. The site slopes down to the east at about 1 % to 8%. Per the SCS soil maps, the site is underlain with Alderwood Series sandy loam over glacial till. Upstream Drainage Little if any drainage runs onto the site from offsite areas. Downstream Drainage Onsite runoff sheetflows at about 5% to 10% east through the wooded property to the east (future Aspen Woods plat). At about 800' east of the site, the flows drain into Honey Creek. Honey Creek flows northeast to well beyond Y4 downstream from the site. There were no apparent drainage problems along this downstream drainageway. Proposed Drainage Controls Flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a Basic Water Quality vault. I< I I = Z, {)O i> .. ,"" FJGURE4 USGS DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS MAP Basin: . 2 3 sheet flow stream· OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirement #2 Subbasin Name: ::..::. . ... M 'i ~ " trees & brush 3-8% trees & brush 2% none veaitation 1 3,500 ft none L 1 Table.doc 11/2192 · SECTION 4 . . . . FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND· DESIGN BAIMA & HOLMBEI,_, INC. 100 Front Steet South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 (425) 392-0250 FAX (425) 391-3055 JOB __ _ SHEETNO. ______ OF __ ----:--__ CALCULATEDBY_77L~~ __ DATE BI'1/t)s ,......= r I CHECKEDBY _____ DATE ___ _ SCALE ; .... -;--. ; .... ;..... ",..11" .. I .... , .. ', .............. :,"""', ........ ' ~1:4,~ i" I.,,! 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Cu-Ft 0.210 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - -Peaks - -Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0.080 2 2/09/01 20:00 0.323 5.08 1 100.00 0.990 0.023 7 12/28/01 17:00 0.080 4.97 2 25.00 0.960 0.057 5 2/28/03 7:00 0.073 4.61 3 10.00 0.900 0.021 8 8/26/04 6:00 0.063 4.19 4 5.00 0.800 0.027 6 1/05/05 15:00 0.057 3.97 5 3.00 0.667 0.063 4 1/18/06 22:00 0.027 3.15 6 2.00 0.500 0.073 3 11/24/06 7:00 0.023 2.25 7 1.30 0.231 0.323 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.021 1. 99 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.242 5,05 50.00 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability -CFS % % % 0.001 40546 66.122 66.122 33.878 0.339E+00 0.003 3093 5.044 71.166 28.834 0.288E+00 0.006 4527 7.383 78.549 21. 451 0.215E+00 0.008 2932 4.781 83.330 16.670 0.167E+OO 0.010 3787 6.176 89.506 10.494 0.105E+00 0.012 2130 3.474 92.979 7.021 0.702E-01 0.015 1266 2.065 95.044 4.956 O.496E-01 0.017 1099 1. 792 96.836 3.164 0.316E-01 0.019 668 1.089 97.926 2.074 0.207E-01 0.021 490 0.799 98.725 1.275 0.128E-01 0.024 304 0.496 99.220 0.780 0.780E-02 0.026 187 0.305 99.525 0.475 0.475E-02 0.028 175 0.285 99.811 0.189 0.189E-02 0.030 12 0.020 99.830 0.170 0.170E-02 0.033 5 0.008 99.839 0.161 0.161E-02 0.035 0 0.000 99.839 0.161 0.161E-02 • 0.037 3 0.005 99.843 0.157 0.157E-02 0.039 2 0.003 99.847 0.153 0.153E-02 0.041 7 0.011 99.858 0.142 0.142E-02 0.044 9 0.015 99.873 0.127 0.127E-02 0.046 7 0.011 99.884 0.116 o . 116E-02 0.048 7 0.011 99.896 0.104 0.104E-02 0.050 9 0.015 99.910 0.090 0.897E-03 0.053 5 0.008 99.918 0.082 0.815E-03 0.055 3 0.005 99.923 0.077 0.766E-03 0.057 8 0.013 99.936 0.064 0.636E-03 0.059 5 o.ooe 99.945 0.055 0.554E-03 0.062 5 0.008 99.953 0.047 0.473E-03 0.064 6 0.010 99.962 0.038 0.375E-03 0.066 1 0.002 99.964 0.036 0.359E-03 0.068 5 0.008 99.972 0.028 0.277E-03 0.070 2 0.003 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 0.073 4 0.007 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 0.075 3 0.005 99.987 0.013 0.130E-03 0.077 3 0.005 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.079 3 0.005 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 o .... o ,-,j'~,ut(jul' ~) targetdur • ,,~. '~. Q+----------------~~"~.,~---------------------o .~~ 00 <1:~ '--.-,< <""~---'"""" ~+-----------------------------------------~~c~----------------------o . ~---', Probability Exceedence • • SECTIONS CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN , ,) SECTION 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES III j ) " SECTION 7 OTHER PERMITS • • J II SECTION 8 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN • I • , SECTION 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, A.N:D DECLARATION OF COVENANT • I I ,. SECTION 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TO: Baima & Holmberg cc: 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Attn: Cam/Bonnie Babcock Ref.# 1673026 Basic Ventures 18211 -240th Avenue S. E. Maple Valley, WA 98038 Attn: Joe Pruss 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 TO THE SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE PNWT Order Number: 596328 Reference: Basic Ventures The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Short Plat Certificate from June 17, 2005 through August 11, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following paragraph has been amended to read as follows: 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Basic Ventures, Inc., a Washington Corporation Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Executive House, Inc. $372,000.00 April 20, 2005 April 29, 2005 20050429000015 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. ASSIGNMENT OF SAID DEED OF TRUST: ASSIGNEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: First Savings of Renton June 27, 2005 20050627000128 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since June 17, 2005, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of August 16, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. cg AUG 1 72005 RECeJVED PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Mike Sharkey Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Baima & Holmberg Title Order No. 596328 CERTIFICATE FOR 100 Front Street South Issaquah, Washington 98027 Attention: Cam Your Ref.: 1673026 FILING PROPOSED PLAT SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: The south 138 feet of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof for road, as established by King County Commissioners records Volume 40, page 132. IS VESTED IN: BASIC VENTURES, INC., a Washington Corporation SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $250.00 $ 22.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: June AUG 1 720IJJ RECtJVE.D TOTAL CHARGE: $272.00 at 8:0qla~m. . CI I NO WEST TO , IN . Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 596328 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 596328 1. Right to enter said premises to make repairs and the right to cut brush and trees which constitute a menace or danger to the electric transmission line located in the street or road adjoining said premises as granted by instrument recorded under Recording Number 3204310. 2. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as partially exempt. If said taxes are not paid prior to any sale of said premises or death of the exempt taxpayer, the exemption will be disallowed and the full amount for current and/or prior years, if any, will be due. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 102305-9246-01 AFFECTS: Includes other property NOTE: PLEASE CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AT 206-296- 3920 OR ONLINE AT "WWW.METROKC.GOV/ASSESSOR" TO VERIFY THE TAX AMOUNT DUE, AS EXEMPT TAXES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 3. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Basic Ventures, Inc., a Washington Corporation Pacific Northwest Title Company of Washington, Inc. Executive House, Inc. $372,000.00 April 20, 2005 April 29, 2005 20050429000015 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the ter.ms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. (continued) SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 Order No. 596328 NOTE 1: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE AFFECTS: 2005 102305-9246-01 4342 Includes other property CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $70,000.00 Improvements:$68,OOO.00 GENERAL TAXES: SPECIAL DISTRICT: TOTAL BILLED: $457.83 $1. 59 $5.00 $464.42 PAID: $464.42 END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Teri Nelson Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. Cc: Basic Ventures/Maple Valley/Joe Pruss JXB/20050429000014 · ... . ptn. sw~, NE ~ of 10-23-5 ---" IU; 13 .3,,.,. IS ~------~----------~---.--SE 121ST STREET PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 596328 Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N \ AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: MR. JOSEPH M. PRUSS '-11111111111111 JOSEPH M. PRUSS18211 240TH AVE. SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 20050429000014 PACIFIC NU TIT UD Z •.•• PAGE •• t OF "Z e4/Z9/Z •• 5 .8:.t KING COUNTY. IIA E2118981 K84/ZB/Z •• 5 18:54 ING COUNTY. IIA TAX S8 Z77." SALE $485: ...... MOE"I OF .. I STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED .>\;J€) Escrow No. 20050182-ELS ~. ".':::::: -;-r:::D...~\_J. Title Order No. 587581 '\"' Y\J...L,.) \ ~ (.J.,....J . 1 THE GRANTOR ELEANOR BAGLEY; AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration In hand paid, conveys and warrants to BASIC VENTURES, INC., a Washington Corporation the following described real estate, situate~ in the County of King, State of Washington: IJO The south 138 faet 16 the west ha" of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of SeCtion 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M •• In King County, Washington; EXCEPT the west 15 feet thereof for road. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s): 102305-9246-01 Subject to: Special exceptions numbers 1 AND FUTURE REAL PROPERTY TAXES as set forth In PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY Commitment for title insurance no. 587581 Issued March 17, 2005 and more fully set forth on attached ExhibIt -A" as 10 referenced for full particulars. Dated: April 20. 2005 '~41~th~ OR AGLEY State of Washington }ss. County of Ki!:!g I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ELEANOR BAGLEY is/are the personls) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that SHE signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be HER free and voluntary act r the uses and purposes mentioned in this Instrumb; Dated: ~ dJ, 8ffi5 Notary ubllc In nd for Residing at -~L..(.~<S..I~T:':""""=--:-"-::--"":"-- My appointment expires _....!...:'--.L.....I~u...¥-___ _ LPB-10 , ;- j .\ Escrow No. 20050182-ELS ... _-_._-_ ........ ._--_._-_ .. _--._-------EXl:JI BIT • A· 1. Right to enter said premises to make repairs and the right to --cut- brush and treed which constitute a menace or danger to the electric transmission line located in the street or road adjoining said premises-as granted by instrument recorded under Recording Number 3204310. ~UU~V4~:lUUUU14.UU~ ~ . 1/ I I ! I The minutes of the meeting' of ne¢~mb.er ''? 194i ,lIere :approved wi t.hout readl~g~, Bids were opened, as per advert1~~d oall, for supplying King CO'mty wl tli four, graders and two' gravel loaders; aud on motion all bids w.,re r&i"erre<.i. to the COimty Road Eugineer for tabul!l'tioq alit! l'~port. BIds were submitted by the fol10wlng firms: Columbia EquipmentCoillpanl -8.1 fi.l£~Yamlil1l -Portland, Orogon Service EqUipment ~ompany -300 'Aurora 'Ave -beattIe Western Tractor & Equipment Company -2~30 1st Avenue south, S~~tt1e Feenaughtyllachinery Company Howard Cooper Corporation Hearing was had in the matter of the applicat,ion of Irving Frisch tor Bowl-ing Alley Permit at Renton, 300 feet east of State Highway No.5, intersection with Federal Highway. and on motion said application was granted ~nd Bowling Alley Permit NUmber 1061 was granted for a period of one ye~r from February 1, 194~. Hearing was had in the matter of tho establishment 01' the Edward Lest~r Road and on motion said road was ordered established and Order of Estublishmcnt issued ~~ follows: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISBIlENT OF) ORDER OF EIjTtUlL!SHIlI:Jll' EDW. LESTER, COUNTY ROAD ) In the matter' of the establishment of the Edw. L~stcr county road the ~oard finds &s follows: First: That the Resolution therefore was pbS sea on the 10th a , of No- vember, 1941, and tho! County Engineer was duly directed to exawine IIJ1d 11" nt:ct:s- sary survey tht: route of said proposed roao. Second: That on the 10th day of November, 1941, the County J:.ngine .. r l·11 .. d in the office of the Board hls report in writine, and at th~ r.wm~ ti~ his field notes and profiles of the propolled ro~d, !lnd a map. IW proviollo by la .. , unci th" 15th day of December, 1941, ~as seL as the day for hburing on said ~~~ort, and notice of such hearlng voaa duly given by publishing anu posting ~S porvid~Q by law. .. ihird; That tilt. BObrtl, hi.ving conulder"d said r"port and all .. vld"n::" l't:-lat1vu to the establishw~nt. of the road, and finding t.hat such prup~s~d rouo 1s II pUblic 1I1lcessi ty. IT r" ORDERED HY Tfu!. BOiliW, LhaL Lh" &1 ... L" .. L",· Ruad b" ,,:.L .. lJlh1A:u u:. follows: Beginning at. the SCluthr.est corner oj" the S.E. i or b.!!:., of <juction 14, T"orp. ;';S N.H. 5 C:.W.II., und l'WlDing th.mce north .. rly to the l!;ust tind We~t. center line of said tiec. 14, a distance oC l/~ mile. and af shown upon the field notes, profile and map of t.1kl county l:".ngineur, .. 110 thkt from henceforth said road shall be a County Road or 60 feet in .ioth l:xclu~lv~ of slopes for cuts and fills, and that the same be opefled according to lat .. Done this 15th day of December, 1941. ATTEilT: ROBJo:RT A. Dy Umer (::EAL) MORHll:;, Clerk or llonrd H. K"nnedy, DcpuLy Tom Smith Russell H. Fluent A."-. Phelps Board of" County Coaunls;;loru,rs King County, Washington Ht'!lIring was had in the !lUll ter of th\! Nlt,-,bl if'hm~nt, of th ... Am .. ] 1>1 brh .. " .. Road Extension IIntl VII Dlotlon said road wnll ordl:l'ed elltabl1!1hed und Order of Establishment ls~ued kS foilowsl LH THE IlATTEIl 01-' THE EliTABLlbHIlEN'r OF) 01(1)1<;1\ OF ~;;';T;IBL1t;HMENr AM),;UA SCHEWE /lOAD EXT' H. COUNTY HOAD ) In tho lIatter of tho IIstllbl1iihment of t.hu AUlel1lo Sehefiu /load Ext.'n, county road ~he Board finds QS rollowli: nutl That the Hellu1ution t.heru1'or wat. passeu on the 17th day of November 1941, lind th .. Count.y Enl!illel!lr ".,11; duly diructud tu examine ... nd if uc::c:a ... r;,- Garvey the route of said propoped ,'oltd. l:leCondj That (m the J"lth duy u1" Novembur, l'J41, ttl& COWity Enp,lneul' I'ib,d In the ofriee of tho Hoard hiD report in "rHing, 1;lld al. t.hll same time hls 1'ie111 nol;c.s alld prot'Ues of t.h(' 11I'opo/lOd rona, r.nd u map, UII provided by InYt, Ulld the 15th day or Dveelllber, 1941, 1'11111 tiet ali the duy rol' hlilul'inll on Skid report, und n"tiC:'J of such h""ring "US duly gl"!;In by publishing unci posUng us pl'ovilled by tllW. ) ) ) o () .... o the sal.d .. report and .' i~t ~n the' 1 .. th the·ofnce.of the Board "All'property inBlocks l:Iecc,nd Addition tones 1I0Ulttlh alley' sought. to be vacated;1li,.i:riOI~·.lle(~ells~lr:l 'pl'operty, :md in our opinion '. tll.,,:,~~e,ral,road sy.st~m,o.~.,.w.e'~911lll";Y,. tlob";:tliiit thl-s petition . for.: v:~:~!~~t1~t~~f:;~~f~~' FOlJRTih::::ftili't:"upon:sUchhearlng, ," Ir ·9uch~a:i::U.,having been lIIade 'by nf't'iili .... ,.i1l .. I,'3.".,'I!U." •• 'L ..... C. oUn. t .. '.'t .. '.:.Q .•... '·."I1 .. 's.')!.10il~r. s, 'the Boa. rd tlOri'ilncl"i'o1i~ell-non& ,thereto': . . ..., ........ ""'"' coUntYJ,c.iiliuIiJ?lisloners· havlng'CoII1S~L"~ le~'l!d i.' Thilt:"tiie" road so\ightto ting notic.. of ai' salLi BoarJ of ... ,,, ......... Ull· for vaca- the Board 01' of the general :road 578.tell",. '. ' .' 2. ~~"~lie';,~publ1c wIll be benefited. by the vacation of sald road or portIon .,the,r~()~,; . ~tter,ment1oned, now, therefore, it 1$ herebT 'ORDEaEJ)::'he'folldwing des'crlbed ,rQad or portion thel'eof be ana the .same .is .herebio·':v:, ..il, 'in ac.cor4ance wHh the:recommendatlon of the. ~ount.Y AOad fllnglneerl ."~;:!I.~~iiybetWet3n B+Qcks>,6J I:Lnd6;. Southern Pac inc Land . .:,::g~~~k~"t~i~w~~~;~~~e~,t~D~S ,:lfOlnes ,lns~c. 8, TWP· 'DONE th~8~5th day. of Dec$mb,i';1941.! ·,"·TOID. Slilith .Ku$slilil'H. Fluent A~B. ~iphelps . Board·,Ol~'''C,ount1. Colllillillll1oners 'i{1~gCo\Uit7, wuh1ngt.an· • BeIIt .09' l7Jt.j.. . \ ~ \.}. ~ ... _... 7 /oJ. fl. ......:.\) "" ";-"P. . . t.ue k ..... ·rlok :i);aile" an Balley hh ~. 3" "6:.J:;. Ann. U lierriok and ?ltt8 andJ.&n •• 1'1ttll .b.-.I to Pucet Sound Polt""'liraight Oomll~:>1lJ .. Uass orp tg hbyoT and crant toap .. --aa tl1e~~~~1.-- Thel. 15 tt:ot tb.eW 30ft ottile • of _ ot~ of •• olO tp 23 NR 5 _, . ..'. 1'b.eoentvllne--al near the elya!d. otad road taw o.1t paraaraphto blast-- '. Anna G Jilerrlok LU8 Merriok calley aazh_~ HORTON :am.n Gl Manuel ~.rrJ attylntaot Vern .A Pitta . ~n.af1tts kGlP NOV' 8 4-lby AgllesPUta , udOIl Nov 7 ' .. lby Manuel Terry 81",ty1n tMot Lue Kerr10k Belloy,Harlan BalleyandMnne G Merrlck,btEdward P TJDo\Jlc JI,IIlIIIr ... '.(1IBl!eb 9 I.)) .:8P )j~ .. _ .. Zeat HOY 174.1 ~.:..;.-(" =:;r 320431Y," . NOY 7 41 .1.ad O&'TO' ~-b . t.ue .err1* aaUe,.ndBarlan Bailey hh Iliid :t.nne G !4erriolt . ·'to P1I8et~IOWIl Pow .. &L1ght V a )(aaa orp lOtp23NR S e1ll1, r~da-.. .AzmeG Merr1vk Aue Kerr10k ~:jle1 l1ORTQN? Bdley by Maauel T~ry --attl intaot k~ NOT 7 4-1by )(uuelTerry as attl 1J,lta 1;tor LUI Merrick BU1Q', r::-~::~\ B:!:r_~. G lIm·lol1: br .... TrdP 'l!hwll1& I1pilf.., ... n~> +++ '* I. . J:amt NW 17*t 41 ~b7 3204~312 Nov 8 41. fl andogvo ..,/ TheNorthw •• t Daniah Old Peoplea Home,and G J OhapoanandVarl4a Ohapman h1t1' ' to h8et Sound Power &. 1..i8ht Oo.m.pany a Katle crp tp 07 and granttoap--sa tile 2~0090-. single-- ThlK ))Ottot,t.b.e W 661 ftott.b.eN 630t't ot'tb.emf; 01' theS!:; ateo 16 tp23 1m 4 ow .111.' ..• 'l'heoIAterliD..--~pprox.1matel1ontm N &. S oent 11ne ot'abvdespty bala. toma ex oAit taragraphto blaat-- Inwit.h thlsinst hasbeon exethed87andyear first abT written G J O.b.apllUln Marld.a Obs. ~ (orpaJ.( 7 Northwest Daniah Old Pe6plelJHo:ue . by Joseph l4~t.an trlaa. i kowNov 841by G ;, \.lhapmanand Mareda Ohapaulll, andon sa del by loaeph , Mat"~t~ ~r.a& o1'ad orp(ot)b1' X4war4 PThwins npWnr~sats(NSr.b 3 ~3)ml: ap ~ dno .. : +++ f . ~~:~:"~~~.' ."){;'H~(:£\?~*i'~::"""~~~~·;'";·~;:-:~'···· ,,::~.:-:<:,., . ., ';:;:'-'~-'-'~"'",!'9'.;.:;. 7:';;;"'"ji;j~';~~~~~ '~-'-'-'~'"-.-,: .... ~.".:\ ' ". ...... -:~~..... ',' -'''.-~.'' ...... • 'J .f';:·· . I'; '" • \. f i 1 ' .. ' t· ., . ......... ,' . . . " Myrt!s C We'lls""'· .~. . ,'. by Claude S .. Barker, .hel,': ChurleS Craig '. King'" .. '. . ~l'ie Cl'~dg . . .... ':, ~Z~B~.{)O 1'1n ~e:pt. '30 .. 57' 'by Ch~l'les Cre.ig and Iiarie Craig .bi' ":~~lt SwarlSonn.·p tor Wn.resat·1i.ubtirn (ns JUu'28 41). : ..... lee"1 ;Slept30 3'1 by fIFoI!' Glaude U Bal"J\:er, aif tOl' li;;,rl'ti~ C \vells ,a: bf Vialter S\~l:lnSOn n~) fat \In r.:.s a.t Aubul'n (ns dun 28 41)' tldby·. mail' fp OlYlnp:j.a Vln - b '}. :I'O \ \ " .Il! " .. After recording return to: EXECUTIVE HOUSE, INC • . 7517 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98103 '11tllllllllllll ::Sl,li ~ lU OT 27.11 15 LoanNo.lm7 Grantor(.): Basie Ventures, IDe. Grantee(s): Executive HOuse, Ioe. 84/28 Z8.S •• ·.2 KING COUNTY I WA Legal Description: I. Prtn SW ~ NE ~ 10-23-5, W.M. 2. Additional on Page 1 Assenor', Tax Parcel lD#(s): 102305-9246-1 DEED OF TRUST TIllS DEED OF TRUST ("Security IDstrwnent") is made on April 20. 2005. The grantor is BASIC VENTURES. INC ... Washington Corporation. ("Borrower"). The trustee is PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON. INC. (Trustee"). The beneficiary is EXECUTIVE HOUSE. INCn which is organized and existing UDder the laws ofWashiDgton, and whose address is 7517 Greenwood Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98103 ("Leo.dcr''). Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY- TWO AND N0l100 Dollars (U.S. $372.000.90). This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instru.ment ("Note"), which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on May 1.2010. This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the note; (b) the payment of all other suma, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this Security Instrutnent; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this puzpose, Borrower Irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the fonowing described property located in&!!&.CQunty, Washington: The lOuth 138 feet of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of SeetlonIO, TowDship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washlugto; EXCEPT the west 15 feet thereoffor road. which bas the addresS of Washington 98059 (Zip Code) 810 Hoquiam Aveoue NortbCSlt (Street) (''Property Address"); Renton (City) TOGE11lER WITH all the improvements now or hereafIer erected on the property. and all easements, appurtenances. and fixtures now or hcrcsftcr a part of the property. All replacements and ,dditions shall also be covered by this Security Instrwnenl All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Bonower warrants and will defend genera11y the t1tIe to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances ofrccord. mIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines tmiform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. W ASBINGTON-Single Flmily-FIDDleMaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Parm 3848 '/90 (pogc J 0{ 6 para) ":UU0U4"::lUUUU10.UU,", UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Payment ofPrlnclpa. and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. 2. Funds for Tues and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a 'written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds'') for: (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the property; (b) yearly leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; and (d) yearly flood insurance premiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and (f) any sums paysble by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items arc called "Escrow Items." Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximwn amount a Lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for BolTOWCl's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq. (,'RESPA',), unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otbeIwise in accordance with applicable law, The Funds shalI be held in an institution whose deposits arc insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is such an institution) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one- time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender in colUlection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreemmt is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Puitds arc pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, and, in such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiellCY. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments, at Lender'. sole discretion. Upon payment in full of all 81I1lIS secured by thia Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument. 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; third, to interest due; fourth, to principal due; and last, to any late charges due under the Note. 4. Charges; LieDs. Borrower shall pay all taxcs, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attnbutable to the Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shalI pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly to the person owed payment Borrower shall promptly furnish to Leoder all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrapb., If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Sccwity Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in good faith the lien by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforoemcnt of the lien: or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instnunent. If Lender detcnnines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instnuncnt, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving ofnolice. S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loas by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, including floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by BorrlJM:r subject to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. All insurance policies and renewal shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a Slandard mortgage clause. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiwns and renewal notices. In the event ofloss, Borrower Form 3048 '190 (page 2 016 JHlgu) shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier bas offered to settle a claim, then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The 3o-day perio.d will begin when the notice is given. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, any application of proceeds to principal shaI1 not extend or postpone tho due date of the monthly payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of tho payments. If under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any Insurance policies and proceeds resultlng from damage to tho Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately prior to tho acquisition. 6. <>«upaney, Preservation, Maintenance and Proteetion of the Property; Borrower'. Loan Applieation; Leasehold.. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence withln sixty days after the execution of this Security instrument and shall continue to occupy tho Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In writing, which consent shal1 not be unreasonably withhold, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the property, allow tho Property to deteriorate, or connnit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be In default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that In Lender's good faith judgment could remit In forfeitlU'e of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security Interest Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate, as provided In paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, In Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's Interest In the Property or other material impainncnt of the lien created by this Security Instnuncut or Lender's security Interest Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any material Information) In connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower', occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a 1essebold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of tho lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shan not merge unless Lender agrees to tho merger in writing. 7. Protection of Lender'. Rights In the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contalned In this Security InstnuneDl, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights In the Property (snch as a procecdlng In bankruptcy, probate, for coudemuation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is neecssary to protect the value of tho Property and Lender's rights In the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which bas priority over this Security Instrument, appearing In court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do 10. Any amounts disbursed by Lender UDder this paragtaph 7 sball become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, those amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with Interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. S. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, Borrower shan pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance In effect If, for any reason, tho mortgage insurance coverage requixed by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage Insurance previously In effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantiaUy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one- twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be In effect. Lender wt'll accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve In lieu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, at the option of Lender, if mortgage Insurance coverage (In the amount and for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained. Borrower sha1I pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance In effect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends In accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall ~ve Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, In conneetion with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance In lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the soma secured by this Seeurity Instrument, whether or not thon due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking Form 3048 9190 (/NIge J of6 pag~ of the Property in which the rair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing. the sums aecured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amouut of the proeeeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amouut of the SIUDS secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amouut of the sums secured immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otheI:wise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if; after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option, either to restontion or repair of the Property or to the 8\DDS secured by this Security Iustnunent, whether or not then due. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pangraphs I and 2 or change the arnouut of such payments. 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearanee By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the 8\DDS secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several IJabmty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instnunent but does not execute the Note: <a) is co-signing this Security Instrwnent only to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not peraonally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify. forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower'. COlISCI1t 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security InstnJment is subject to a law which sets maxlnmm loan charges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the IJllOWlt necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by ~ing the principal owed uuder the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. 14. Notiees, Any notice to Borrower provided for this security interest shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or any olber address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fitst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designated by IWnee to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragnph. 15. Governing Law; SeverablUty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In tho event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or tho Note which can be given effect without the confljcting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be sOYm'IIble. 16. Borrower'. Copy. Borrower shal1 be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instnunent. 17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. Ifall or any part of the Property or any interest in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred. and Borrower is not a natural person) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However. this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument. If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securi1y Instnunent. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies pcnnitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Form 3048 '190 (ptJge " 0/6 fH'&a) "'UUt>U4"'l1UUUU". t>.UUt> Instrwnent Those conditions arc that Borrower: (a) payS Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if DO acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; ( c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of thia Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument aha1l continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration bad occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall Dot apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servieer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security Instrument) may be sold one or more times without prior noticc to Borrower. A sale may result in a changc in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects monthly paymeDts due under the Note and this Security Instrument. Thcre also may be one or more changes of the Loan Serviccr unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will.tate the name and addre5s of the new Loan Scrvicet and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit tho presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc clse to do, anything affecting the Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentenccs shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Huardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knOWledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govermnental or regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. A3 used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and hetbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. A3 used in this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or enviroDmental protection. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender.baD give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower'. breach of any covenant or agreement In this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unI_ applicable law provides otherwise). The notice .haU speclf)t: <a) the defaulq (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is liven to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that fallure to cure the default on or before the date lpeelfled In the notice may result In acceleration 01 the lams secured by thb Security Instrument and .. Ie of the Property at public auction at a date not less than 120 days In the future. The notice shall further Inform Borrower of the right to reiustate after acceleration, the right to bring a court action to usert the non-mstenc:e of a default or any other delense of Borrower to acceleration and sale, and any other matten required to be included In the noticc by applicable law. If the delault Is not cured on or before the date speciOed in the notice, Lender at Its option may require immediate payment in fuU or aU .1IDIlI fCC1Ired. by this Security Instrument without further demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect aU expenses Incurred In purlUlng the remedies provided In this paragraph 21, Including, but not limited to, reasonable attomqa' lees and costs of title evidence. If Lender Invokes the power of sale, Lender abaD give written notice to Trustee of the occurrence of an event of default and of Lender'. election to cause the Property to be sold. Trustee and Lender ,hall take ,ucb action regarding notice of sale and shall give IUeb notices to Borrower and to other persons as applicable law may require. After the time required by applicable law and after publication of the notice of .ale, Trustee, without demand on Borrower, sball sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated In the notice of sale in one or more parcels and In any order Trustee determines. Trustee may pOltpone .. Ie of the Property for a period or periods pennltted by applicable law by public announcement at the time and place fixed In the notice of sale. Lender or Itl designee may purchase the Property at any laIe. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee'. deed conveying the Property without any covenant or lflIrranty, expressed or Implied. The recitals in the Trustee'. deed .han be prima fade evidencc or the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee .hall apply the proceeds of the sale In the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including. but not limited to, reasonable Trustee'. and attorneys' fees; (b) to all .ums _ured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the penon or persons legaUy entitled to It or to the clerk of the superior court of the county In which the sale took place. Form 3048 '190 (ptJge S 0/6 pages) ~UU0U4~~UUUU10.UUb 22. ReeoDve)'llllce. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall sw:rendcr this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. 23. Substitute Trustee. In accordance with applicable law, Lender may from time to time appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder who has ceased to act ,Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. 24. Use of Property. The Property is not used principally for agricultural or fanning pwposes. 25. Riders to this Security Instrumenl If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider sball be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider( s) were a part of this Security Instrument [Check applicable box(es)] J Adjustable Rate Rider J Graduated Payment Rider ] Balloon Rider ] Othcr(s) (specify) ] Condominium Rider ] Planned Unit Development Rider ] Rate Improvement Rider [ X J 1-4 Family Rider [ J Biweekly Payment Rider ( ] Second Home Rider BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider( s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Oral agreements or oral commitments to loan money. extend credit. or to forbear from enforcing repayment of a debt are not enforceable under Washington law. Witnesses: Basic Ventures, Inc. :~~lm~~~~ ____ ~(~O _________ -'(,Space Be!owThIt LfI1. for Aclmowledgment,)t-__________ _ State of Washington County of Kine ) )88 ) On Ibis 2.1 day of April, 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly CODlIIIissioned and sworn, personally appeared Joseph M. Pruss and J kI Stua .. to me known to be the President and Vice President of Basic Ventures, Inc., descn'bed' and the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the and voluntary act ~~,~ uses and PllIposes therein mentioned. ~i~.~~ffiCialSeal hereto affixed the day !!!lS.J*~:sf]~ ~_'h • .r l~"'·~'OM~~"~":. A~~~~ ~Ql~ " ~ ~ rr.! _.n,\~y \ ~ bIie ~ : ,,-.... 1 Z~ ~.....----,,-'" ;: .«.1 ~ Co : s '~_L'.n-1T Myeo~~~!dW.lt~A ~ -...:::l~~ __ ' \. d'~"" 71-'9~.t ~\\"'). V 0 ~'.f~ ....... , I"~ 'C.,'F OF'" IS ", Ferm 3048 '190 (pog. 6 of 6 pages) OJ ,". After recording return to: EXECUTIVE HOUSE, INC. 7517 Greeuwood Avenue North Seattie, Washington 98103 Loan No. 19907 Grantor(s): 1. Basic Ventures, Inc. Grantee(s): Elecutlve House, Ine. . Legal Description: 1. Prtn SW Y. NE Y.lO-23-5, W.M. Assessor's Til Paree1lD#(s): 102305-9246-1 1-4 FAMILY RIDER Assignment or Rents ZUUoU4ZS000015.007 TIllS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER is made this 20lh day of April, 2005, and is incorporated into and sbaIl be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed ofTrust or SeQuity Deed (the "Security Instrumene? of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note to EXECUTIVE HOUSE. ~. (the "Lcnderj of the same date and covering the Property descnDed in the Security Instrument and located at: 810 Hoqwam Avenue Northeast, Renton, Washlngton 98059. 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Ins~ Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: A. ADDmONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addition to the Property described in the Security Instrument, the following items are added to the Property description, and shan also constitute the Property covered by the Security Instrument: building materials, appliances and goods of every nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in, oD, or used, or intended to be used in connection with the Property, including, but not limited to, those for the purposes of supplying or distributing heating, cooling, electricity, gas, water, air and light, fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus, security and access control apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, water heaters, water closetS, sinks, ranges, stoves, refrigerators, dishwashm, disposals, washers, dryers, awnings, stonn windows, storm doors, screens, blinds, shades, curtains and curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets, panelling and attached floor coverings now or hereafter attached to the Property, an of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Property covered by the Security Instrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property described in the Security Instrument (or the leasehold estate if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold) are referred to in this 1-4 Family Rider and the Security Instrument as the "Property." B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agtee to or make a change in the use of the Property or its zoning classification, unless Lender has agreed in writing to the change. Borrower shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of any governmental body applicable to the Property. C. SUBORDINATE LIENS. Except as pennitted by federal law, Borrower shall not allow any lien inferior to the Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior written permission. D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to the . other hazards for which insurance is required by Unifonn Covenant S. E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE" DELETED. Unifonn Covenant 18 is deleted. 2005042S0000'T5:008 F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, the first sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concetning Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted. All remaining covenants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender's request, Borrower shall assign to Lender all leases of the Property and all security deposits made in connection with leases of the Property. Upon the assignment, Lender shall have the right to modify, extend or terminate the existing leases and to execute new leases, in Lender's sole discretion. As used in this paragraph G, the word "lease" shall mean "sublease" if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold. H. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS; APPPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. Borrower absolutely and unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues ("Rents'1 of the Property, regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property are payable. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However, Borrower shall receive the Rents until (i) Lender has given Borrower notice of default pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Security Instrument and (it) Lender has given notice to the tenant(s) that the Rents are to be paid to Lender or Lender's agent. This assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional security only. If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (i) all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (ii) Lender shall be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of the Property; (iii) Borrower agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand to the tenant; (iv) unless applicable law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall be applied first to the costs of taking control of and managing the Properly and collecting the Rents, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, receiver's fees, premiwns on receiver's bonds, repair and maintenance costs, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments and other charges on the Property, and then to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (v) Lender, Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver shall be liable to account for only those Rents actually received; and (vi) Lender shall be entitled to have a receiver appointed to take possession of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derived from the Property without any showing as to the inadequacy of the Property as security. If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and of collecting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shall become indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7. Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents and has not and will not perform any act that would prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph. Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver, shall not be required to enter upon, take control of or maintain the Properly before or after giving notice of default to Borrower. However, LeruIer, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver, may do so at any time when a default occurs. Any application of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender. This assignment of Rents of the Property shall tennlnate when all the swm secured by the Security Instrument are paid in full. I. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement in which Lender has an interest shall be a breach under the Security Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the remedies permitted by the Security Instrument BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and provisions contained in this 1-4 Fann1y Rider. Basic Ventures, Inc. () By: ~ tI1 ~ Seal Joseph AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) __ -:-_C_A..;....N'_-"-, ....;...L.Idc....;;;e.-=:.J;:;........;..T._Tl_,--___ --,-,-_________ , being" ,first duly sworn on oath, ~eposes and says: 1. On the ;l3 tt.tJ.Aay of ;:r (AAl cS-,rf 0 s:-I installed information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property 7l1CJ' IICJ(Jll.:&/tM' Aile PE for the following project: J public located at "c ~:'-'#04?u..:z;AN1 Cot.ttr i.~ " , ProjeC!. name B PrS:rC VeAJ'T""l.ce~ ::tNc. Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X· to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) waslwere constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code. Installer Signature SUBSCf~~tlr';~~!Kt'f>efore me this 4l3Jday of -;3 UhUl-.~s: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of residing ~( uJJ... at My commission expires on 7-2...2---ct5'" Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\planning\pubsign,doc08l27/03 . " ; ) . AUG 1 7 iG05 RECc~VED .--......... : ~t.::; .', : ;.j.."<:~"; . -< . ... \~.". -_ • .'_~ __ ·.·~.:PRQPOSfiOLAND;dSJ! ACTION 0 ,. • ...... ~ ,;.., . f" •• ' '.' .:. __ .... ,_'""!'i. __ ...:.. ___ .... ~~,--~...:.._. AJlii.,l, . t s~MAp.: . : . ,.:{·Ui~i~~t.. .: t J -.. , .• ~~,~~::~~~~::~~;~-.~~::;:1;i ':"'n$l;tlfedW.~eaot ,,' t, , ;';" .J.·_ ... _:.:..-~.;i.oi_ ~_":'';' __ .,;.-:-_ ....... '';J:' .. '.' :.: . Jn$tltller; lnsftUc.tiOri:i; . ::;~~~:~_,.,_~ ... :_~.l::,· -c t~ ~~"()i, the;51gn does not. ~~~ed _ ,i~~~~~~j:~(;j:.~f~,~:1.~, . ...•. -. us.~~x .. ··x 1Z :pO$Ts-, . ·~f~~~.~;,it$.-W~StI;R$-.• . H'~. I ¥ 1" -,:~~~:.~~tt:~~,CAS6. Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\pubsign,doc08I27/03 .~ . . -'.~ ~ J--. -, '-. '," Printed: 08-17-2005 Payment Made: 1055 S. Gra,- Renton, WA 9~ Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-099 08/17/200504:06 PM • -- Receipt Number: R~ Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: BASIC VENTURES INC.-JOE PRUSS Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #10851 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 / CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 8 I AI #: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division Carrie K. Olson x7235 For Agenda of: October 15, 2007 Dept/Div /Board .. Staff Contact. ..... Subject: Agenda Status Consent. ............ . Public Hearing .. Acceptance of additional right-of-way to comply with Correspondence .. City of Renton code for new short plats and the Ordinance ............ . Hoquiam Court Short Plat (LUA05-099). Resolution ........... . Exhibits: Deed of Dedication Exhibit Map Vicinity Map Hearing Examiner's Report Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: N/ A Old Business ....... . New Business ...... . Study Sessions ..... . Information ........ . Approvals: Legal Dept. ...... . Finance Dept. .... . Other .............. . Expenditure Required... Trans fer/ Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted. . . . . . . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: x x X The area to be dedicated is a 26' wide strip of land, approximately 7,873 sq.ft. along the south side of the Hoquiam Court Short Plat, to be known as NE 8th St. NE 8th St. will connect Hoquiam Avenue N.E. on the west to an existing road in the Aspen Wood Plat on the east. This dedication is to comply with City of Renton code for new short plats and the-Hoquiam Court Short Plat (LUA05-099). Council acceptance of said right-of-way should be completed prior to recording the deed with the short plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the additional right-of-way and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and record the Deed of Dedication. I:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\Hoquiam Court SHPL 05m AGNBILL.doc Return Address: . City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 102305-9246 Project File #: LUA-05-099-SHPL Street Intersection: HOQUIAM AVE NEINE 8TH ST. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. BASIC VENTURES, INC. 1. Ci of Renton, a Munici al Co oration LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated or full legal must go here. Additional legal on page ) A TWENTY SIX (26) FOOT WIDE PARCEL OF LAND FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 8TH A VENUE NE. ALL BEING LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of-King, State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By: INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box deed Grantee(s): City of Renton Mayor City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ________ -::---:-::--:--:-_-:--:-_ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print),-,-_____________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: Page 1 deed Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box BONN.E M. BABCOCK NOTARY PUBUC STA fE Of WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPiRES SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF W ASHlNGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ _________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshelthey was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and _______ _ of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), ______________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ."'" t I. :200'"7 On thiS ~ day of Se..¥, e.wl.t:)eJ;~ __ , before me personally appeared :r 0,,, K" ~()SS to me known to be V i ~ <-r t.. ~ iC1 '-'1-1-of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that helshe was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) Bonn l'Z 11 fJ4-iaux. k. My appointment expires:_....1.9:...:-:..1L==.2.'-=-:....!o~9 ______ _ Dated: tJ -2-5'-D 7 Page 2 DEDICA TION AREA-HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1673-026 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF ASPENWOODS AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 237 OF PLATS, PAGES 91-94, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88° 20' 03" WEST 286.45 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC LENGTH OF 23.16 FEET AND THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88° 27' 23" TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WA Y MARGIN OF HOQUIAM AVENUE NE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 07' 20" WEST ALONG SAID MARGIN 40.61 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 88° 20' 03 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 301.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 06' 30" EAST 26.01 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19 AND POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL BEING SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 ~l ill ~I ~ ~ ::> o o I~ I: I,; " Ii L,~,I I I I I I I I 1. AND CAP 1 I I~ I I~ • oo.y~ • };l II ' nn' I I~ I I I I"': I I I II I I I I I 2 I I 1,5' PUBUC SIOEW.w< \ l -fEASEMENT 1 1 -----10' PRIVATE STORM &: "-_ _ ____ §P\~!UA~N~ 30' I I ------~ .. r ------- S 88'20'03" E 301 TL 1023059246 6 3l' PRIVATE -I ::N:' [~EN~ 10' UTILITY ESM'T 90 L (TYPICAL) I I IR.'5'OO 8 L-l I f m '23":'. :-r T 8 ~ S88'20'03"E __ N_E_8TH S~T __ _ ::! 26' PUBUC ROAD DEDICATION TO CITY or RENTON ~~~.::'. T Of~ ":V~: :',~;~: ',/,,::: \:!: CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT /I LUA-OS-099-SHPL HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ~ a .-----_--=..... 0 10 20 40 Baima & Holmberg Inc. :1LE ,'" == 40.' sw 1/" OF THE NE 1/" SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M . ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (425) 392 ..... 0250 PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATION-NE 8TH STREET Page 4 .... ~"'.,.A. V.J,Y SHORT PLAT II LUA-SHPL I OI~ 1[.<72 •• 7 (.\2"DJ.-It) 1t-.7U7 Y2"D.I.-S) I I I I I I LND- ... ;(,:qr:;;;;(;(;:q I I I 1[_<71 ... (Itcooe-S) I 8)j I . --L -f-t-X- I DITCI<~I TOO . I . ;. I I L__1 SY\.jBOL LEGEND II!I HUT !tUN' It rcuNO IQAII ""0 CIoI' 0 WATDI W[T[R ¢ uruN .ou: J)Q WATtR VALVE III 1t1.['HON[ P£O[ST ..... f-WY AHO«lII ):( "rNtO UGHT • nil ,",a: 0,.. WN'LL TftU 8,-·, nWIT TIII:U e"'·' ACUR lJItU ST_ OR'" £00[" ORAm "",,,,,,.AM "''"'UK I SHORT PLAT aw 114 01' THE HE 114 8EC. 10. TWN. 2$ H..ROI I I •• W.M. ",,'-'~..;--,---~..:J IUlLDlHO XlIACKS .t:. ""lHT S£TIAO( A SlOt S£TIAO( & "EAII SE".a< it 10:!:H:::Hl,:~:: 1n:~:;O:;~::~i,f: HOQUIAM COURT SHqRT PLAT af' .... VAlt _* EAKMCHT o • to 20 to d! ; SCALE ,. -20' '--.--.--. .. ~'~" . .;(i;.~:,·i)·· ' .... ',:,- • !(WI" TT~m SIHOU: , Nojl~ Y ADIOOIlIAI.. BAIMA &: HOLMBERC INC. ENOINEERS • SURVEYORS 100 roOMT ,,",[[T SOUIH ISSAQUAH. WA_TOH •• 027 0*4. .v .x,r CHICII. IY WSH (2OC) J02 -0>10 OATI: a/l~/05 SCALI: NT'S _ NO. 1873-02' DWO NO. 1673-028 SNEEI' 2 OT 2 '~v~ue ~ <rote REAL EST ATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT This form is your receipt PLEASE TYPE OR PRlNT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW -CHAPTER 458-61A WAC when stamped by cashier. TIDS AFFIDAVIT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FULLY COMPLETED (See back of last page for instructions) 1821J 240TH AYE SE City/State/Zip MAPLE VALLEY. WA. 98038 Phone No. (including area code) 425-432-3334 Send all property tax correspondence to: ~ Same as Buyer/Grantee Name ______________________________________ __ Mailing Address __________________________ __ City/State/Zip ____________________________ _ Phone No. (including area code). __________________ __ If real and personal property tax parcel account numbers -check box if personal property ,102305-9246 0 o __ _____________________ 0 __ _____________________ 0 II Street address of property: ......!.l8CJ.l.l.<0'--..lJHlI.O~Q'"'"UwI.J:!A.cM1.....tALlyu;E:.......rNuE"--_________________________________________ _ This property is located in 0 unincorporated _________________ County OR within [] city of RENTON o Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from a larger parcel. Legal description of property (if more space is needed, you may attach a separate sheet to each page of the affidavit) THE SOUTH 138TH FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTO~ EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. . Enter Abstract Use Categories: ____ --' ____________ _ (See back oflast page for instructions) YES NO Is this property exempt frOm property t3x per chapter 0 00 List all personal property (tangible and intangible) included in selling price. NONE If claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption: .84 __ .3_6_R_C_W __ (_n_on_p_ro_fi_t_o_rg,,-antza __ · __ tio_n_)_? --------------------1 WAC No. (Section/Subsection) 458-61-420 (B) YES Is this property designated as furest land per chapter 84.33 RCW? 0 Is this property classified as current use (open space, furm and 0 agricultural, or timber) land per chapter 84.34? Is this property receiving special valuation as bistorical property 0 per chapter 8426 RCW? If any answers are yes, complete as instructed below. NO (1) NOTICEOFCONIlNUANCE (FORESTLANDORCURRENTUSE) NEW OWNER(S): To continue the current designation as forest land or classification as current use (open space, farm and agriculture, 'or timber) land, you must sign on (3) below. The county assessor must then determine if the land transferred' continues to qualify and will indicate by signing below. If the land no longer qualifies or you do not wish to continue the designation or classification, it will be removed and the compensating or additional taxes will be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (RCW 84.33.140 or RCW 84.34.108). Prior to signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor fur more infonnation. This land 0 does 0 does not quaJ.iiy for continuance. DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (2) NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE (HISTORIC PROPERTY) NEW OWNER(S): To continue special valuation as historic property, sign (3) below.1fthe new owner(s) do not wish to continue, all additional tax calculated pursuant to chapter 84.26 RCW, shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale. (3) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE PRINT NAME Reason for exemption ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CITY OF RENTON Type of Document DEED OF DEDICATION Date of Document SEPT. 25, 2007 Gross Selling Price $ ________________ 0 ______ _ *Personal Property (deduct) $ ______________________ _ Exemption Claimed (deduct) $ _______________ -:-______ _ Taxable Selling Price $ _______________________ _ Excise Tax: State $ _______________________ _ Local $ ________________________ _ *Delinquent Interest: State $ _______________________ _ Local $ ________________________ _ *Delinquent Penalty $ _______________________ _ Subtotal $ _______________________ _ *State Technology Fee $ __________________ __ * Affidavit Processing Fee $ _______________________ _ Total Due $ __________________ ""O~ __ __ A MINIMUM OF S10.00 IS DUE IN FEE(S) AND/OR TAX ·SEE INSTRUCTIONS I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Signature of ~ nn Grantor or Grantor's tM/lJ( ID '~,J Name (print) JA-£.~ R. ~A- Signature of Grantee or Grantee's Agent ___________________________ __ Name (print) ____________________________ _ Date & city of signing: /Q-4-07 I~V.ht--Date & city of signing: Perjury: PeIjwy is a class C felony which is ptmisbable by imprisonment in the state correctional institution fur a maximum term of not more than five years, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or by both imprisonment and fine (RCW 9A20.020 (Ie)). REV840001a(06I02l06) TIllS SPACE-TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER CITY OF RENTON LUA--SHPL SHORT PLAT II LND- CERTIFICA TlON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this map to be the graphic representation of some, and that sold short subdivision Is mode with the free consent and In accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures, Inc. Nome Executive House, Inc. Nome State of Washington County of ___________ _ I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ ---' __ Doted My appointment expires State of Washington County of ____________ _ I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ______ OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public ___________ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expire. ________ _ State of Washington County of ____________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this Instrument and acknowledged It to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. Signature of Notary Public Doted My appointment expires _______ _ State of Washington County of ____________ _ I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT APPROVALS: __________________ __ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ___ day of , 20 __ Administrator, Plannlng/ Building/ Public Works ;1 SE RENTON IS~OUAH RD I SE 116TH ST SlTE NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N.T.S. LEGAL PESCRIPDON THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ___ day of 20 __ Assessor Deputy Assessor Account Number 1 02305-9246 .----.:...::~---- HOQUAIM COURT 8 LOT SHORT PLAT sw 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N" R 9 ~'0 S8B'20'03"E 26' REURICDON8 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDlTlONS. N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. PAIUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK nc:,.... ADATI"U "I: ",",,'\.IC" November 1, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/OWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Joe Pruss Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Tom Redding Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S . Issaquah, W A 98027 Hoquiam Court Short Plat LUA 05-099, SHPL-H 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a six (6) lot subdivision of a 0.95-acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on October 11,2005. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The/ollowing minutes are a summary o/the October 18,2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Vicinity Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Topography, Road, Utilities, Tree, Landscaping, Grading and Drainage Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November 1,2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.7: Overall circulation map of area Exhibit No.6: Letter from City of Renton Public Works approving right-of-way width modification The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The site is located in the Residential- 8 zoning designation and is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and outbuildings. This site is located on the east side of Hoquiam. The area has been undergoing rapid growth and this is one of the last remaining parcels to be subdivided. Two of the proposed lots would face Hoquiam and the remaining four lots would take access via an extension of NE 8th Circle from the road stub in Jhe approv.ed plat of Aspen Woods. The existing home and outbuildings would be removed. NE 8th Circle would be dedicated and be 26-feet of right-of-way and would allow improvements to be constructed on the south side of the site and would connect into Aspen Woods. The slope on the site is a maximum of 8%. The approximately 25 trees existing on site would be removed as part of the development of the site. City standards do require some landscaping to be done on the new lots. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed plat is consistent with the pertinent Comprehensive Plan policies. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 4,500 square feet, and the parcel is considered an infill development. The net density for the site is 7.75 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the density allowed in the R-8 zone. Lot 2 would be considered a corner lot and as such would need to be 60-feet in width, the lot line needs to be shifted between Lots 1 and 2 to allow Lot 2 to achieve its appropriate 60-foot width. The proposed lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the subdivision regulations. Each of the remaining lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone after the realignment of Lots 1 and 2. The applicant proposed to provide drought-tolerant landscaping and trees within a 5-foot wide landscaping strip. Fire, Traffic and Park Mitigation Fees are to be imposed as condition of short plat approval. The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. The site slopes to the east at about 1 %-8%. Onsite runoff sheet flows at approximately 5% to 10% east through the approved Aspen Woods subdivision. Little if any drainage runs onto the site from offsite areas. The proposal shall be designed to be in compliance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual, Level 2, for onsite water quality treatment and runoff detention. A drainage report was prepared and submitted by Baima & Holmberg at the time of application for a short plat. The required flow control and water quality will be provided with a combination Level 2 detention vault and a water quality vault. The applicant proposes a combined detention/water quality vault within an easement across the front (south side) of Lots 5 2nd 6. Water service is within the King County Water District No. 90. A certificate of water availability has been provided. The extension and replacement of the 8" main on Hoquiam Avenue NE wiIl be required, as well as Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 3 dedication of any required easements. There is a 16-inch water main and an 8-inch sewer main within Aberdeen Avenue NE. Shupe Holmberg, Baima & Holmberg, Inc., 100 Front Street S., Issaquah, W A 98027 stated that they are in agreement with staff. The modification to Lots I and 2 is acceptable and will be corrected. The turning radius for Lot 2 will be accommodated. Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., 18211 240lh Avenue SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 stated that they would like to incorporate the landscape requirements on the site plan at the time of final platting. Neil Watts, Director, Development Services Division stated that the Landscaping Code is fairly news and does have a variety of glitches that staff is aware of, unfortunately they have not been corrected as yet. The landscape plan is required for recording the short plat, however, the actual installation of the landscaping must he done before the final inspection of the homes. In regards to the street modifications, Aspen Woods is installing exactly the same right-of-way width and street dimensions as was approved for modification for this project. That will be 26-feet of right-of-way with 20-feet of pavement and curb, gutter and sidewalk along the north side. No parking will be allowed on either side of the street. For this project, the street modification will either be connected all the way through to Aspen Woods or a temporary turn-around will have to be provided subject to Fire Department approval. As to the turning radius off of Hoquiam, that will also need to be discussed with the Wedgewood 2 people for the south side of the new NE 81h Circle. This will be a standard street intersection, a public street. A public street allows for the enforcement of "no parking" requirements by the police department. A sidewalk will be provided on the north side of the street. This conceptual drainage plan was submitted under the 1998 Manual, the City Code still required the 1990 Manual, however, almost every project is required to adhere to the 1998 standard. All the projects in this area have been required to adhere to the 1998 Manual, Level 2. This project proposes that, but since they did not have to undergo SEPA that condition does not exist on the project. He would like to have the 1998 Manual listed as a condition of approval. The storm water system for this project has a detention vault, which is for both detention and water quality. It is partially located in the right-of-way, which is okay for Fire and City policies. The issue for the City of Renton is that it is to be privately owned and maintained by the owners of this small short plat. He would like to see a homeowner's association, which is somewhat unwarranted for a plat ofthis size, but it is an option or that there be a maintenance agreement of the six property owners for maintenance of this drainage facility. The joint maintenance agreement seems most likely. There is a school boundary issue that comes up between these plats. It appears that this plat is in Renton School District. They will check after the hearing, but will let us know which school district is actually affected by this plat. There are no water district development charges required for this project. Mr. Holmberg stated that regarding the drainage, they propose to provide Level 2 detention for the 1998 King County Manual that is consistent with the other developments in the area. A Joint Maintenance Agreement will be set up for the drainage facility and storm system. Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 4 Mr. Pruss stated that they have done several vaults in the City all with small lot counts, they do have a joint maintenance agreement that has previously been used and approved. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:58 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Joe Pruss, Basic Ventures, Inc., filed a request for an approval of a short plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official determined that the proposal is exempt from environmental review. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 810 Hoquiam Avenue NE. The subject site is located on the east side of Hoquiamjust north of what will be NE 8th Circle. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5017 enacted in November 2004. 9. The subject site is approximately 138 feet wide (north to south) by 301 feet deep. The parcel is approximately 0.95 acres or 41,549 square feet. 10. An existing home and outbuildings will be removed to accommodate redevelopment ifthe plat is approved. 11. The subject site slopes moderately downward to the east at between 1 % and 8%. Stormwater sheet flows off the site in an easterly direction. 12. Trees, approximately 25, would be removed to accommodate building pads and roads. Code requires the planting of street trees and landscaping along the roadway. 13. The six lots would be generally aligned west to east although Proposed Lots 1 and 2 would both face Hoquiam. The remaining lots, Proposed Lots 3 to 6, would be aligned along the north side of a new public street and take access from the new street. Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 5 14. Proposed Lot 2 at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hoquiam and the ne~p.!ililic road is a corner lot. Its lot width did not reflect the code requirements for a corner lofi'nthat it ~as d~gnated at 56 feet wide whereas 60 feet is required. The applicant indicated that Proposed Lot 1 could be narrowed allowing Lot 2 to meet code. 15. The new street would be NE 8th Circle. It would extend from Hoquiam on the west to an existing stub road in the Aspen Wood plat east of the subject site. That road in Aspen Woods was originally an easement but the City required it be a public roadway. It will now be connected through to Hoquiam. It will be a 26-foot wide right-of-way with 20 feet of pavement. 16. The density for the plat would be 7.75 dwelling units per acre after subtracting 7,827 square feet for roadways. 17. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 2 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 18. The development will increase traffic approximately 60 trips for the six homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 6 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 19. Stormwater will be handled by a detention system constructed in the front of Proposed Lots 5 and 6 in an easement for that purpose. It would provide both detention and water quality treatment and meet King County's 1998 manual, Level 2 requirements. 20. Sewer would be provided by the City but will be dependent on a line constructed as part ofthe Aspen Woods project east of the site. 21. Water would be provided by Water District 90. A certificate of availability was provided. 22. The City has adopted mitigation fees for transportation improvements, fire services and parks and recreational needs based on an analysis of the needs and costs. These fees are applied to new development to help offset the impacts new homes and residents have on the existing community and the additional demand for services. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The proposal creates six rectangular lots that meet or can meet code requirements for lot width and lot area. The lots a!1 have regular, right angle property lines. 2. The proposal creates additional R-8 detached single-family housing choices for residents in an area with urban services. 3. New plats are required, by State regulations, to make provision for the impacts of its new homes and future residents. The new homes proposed for this plat should not overtax the City's infrastructure but the applicant should help accommodate new residents and their demand for services by paying the appropriate fees for parks, fire and transportation. Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 6 4. The applicant shall have to modify the originally proposed widths for Proposed Lots 1 and 2 to accommodate Lot 2's corner lot status. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 5. The applicant will have to submit the dedication for the new street to the City Council. In regard to roads, the link through Aspen Woods shall be required prior to final occupancy ofthis plat. 6. In conclusion, the Proposed Short Plat appears to blend harmoniously with its surroundings while allowing infill development in a growing area of the City. DECISION: The Six-Lot Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall dedicate a 26-foot strip along the south property line of the site as right-of-way for NE 8th Circle prior to short plat recording. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements and conditions stipulated in the letter from the City's Public Works Department, dated October 7, 2005 regarding the approved right-of-way width modification request for NE 8th Circle. 3. The public roadway link through Aspen Woods, or turnaround, shall be required prior to final occupancy of this plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per new average daily trip attributed to the project prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of$488.00 for each new single-family residence prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new sil~gle-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The lot width for Proposed Lot 2 shall be not less than 60 feet wide. 8. The plat shall comply with the 1998 King County Storm water Manual, Level 2 controls. 9. A Joint Maintenance Agreement shall be set up for the drainage and storm system facilities. ORDERED THIS 1st day of November 2005 HEARING EXA INER TRANSMITTED THIS 1st day of November 2005 to the parties of record: Hoquiam Court Short Plat File No.: LUA-05-099, SHPL-H November I, 2005 Page 7 Neil Watts Joe Pruss Jennifer Henning 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Basic Ventures, Inc 18211 240lh Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Shupe Holmberg Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street S Issaquah, WA 98027 TRANSMITTED THIS I sl day of November 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division JUtilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., November 15,2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing oCthe file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. D6 -3 T23N R5E E 112 11 SE 113th SE SE 117th RM-F SE 124th I - - - -__ C1t;r tbDl1II 10 T23N R5E E 1/2 5310 E6 ~ ZONING o ~~mtVICES Printed: 08-17-2005 Payment Made: -""'ITY OF RENTON 1 055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-099 08/17/200504:06 PM '.:;;~'}[:::LOPMEh!T PLANNING CITY orc n:::NTON Receipt Number: AUG 1 7 2005 RECEjVED R0504516 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: BASIC VENTURES INC.-JOE PRUSS Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #10851 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 / l ---_. ------- CITY OF RENTON LUA-05-099-SHPL SHORT PLAT # LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mop to be the graphic representation of some, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and In accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. /'1 ACKNOWlEDGEMENTS ~~~~etyo~fWashington t< l N G I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TI-IAT JACKIE PRUSS SIGNED THIS INSTRUMEN T, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE .-J')CE PRESIDENT OF BASIC VENTURES INC TO BE TilE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR lHE USES AND PllRPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. HGIITH 6t .MAF-~E HOW'L..&TT Signature of _If AL -.1 I-Ll- Notary PUblictl'~ 1'tOM. ... ~QWUJ) Dated OCAob4r ""', ,;>,ooR My appointme~t expires MAiL" 2,9, 2.Q ['. State of Washington y ::- County of ~t.Arg Clr, Of S &A-1',L-G, State of Washington County of -IC16~t...<.Al,Lt~6"---. _______ _ I Ct:RTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISfll.STOR', E\r,DENCE lH<\T DA VE KROEGER SIGNED THIS INSmUf"IENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE EXECUTIVE VlCE PRESIDENT OF FIRST SAVINGS BANK NORTHWEST TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. 1-f6Al1t&p-MAg,\t. HOwL-&TT Signature of ,...j, _ AI / AI- Notary Public\.PL,U<~ ~ U"tOUJUW CONFORMED COpy Doted OC!o h.ec J.., J.,oO g y appointment expires' MA~C." Z.9t 2t2II tate of Washington // '= ounty of f:!(Nt2I C~TY OF SEAn I.. E .ot.. .... M 20081104900010 CITY OF RENTON SPM 113 00 est of PAGE001 OF 002 . 11/04/2008 14:04 KING COUNTY, WA Mgr. Supt. of Records ~t .. SE REN TON /SSA QUAH RO SE 116TH ST SITE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N. T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASiS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES. PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INsmUMENTA]ON INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .f}.(lt. ... , 20b.a .... .. .... ~k~.id.4 Certificate No. .. .. !!N~ ..... N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS '::xamined and approved this .M day of ~ __ , 20-P8 __ ~_~att __ ~li~ ____________________ _ ~~--~~----------------- SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Deputy Assessor 102305-9246 Account Number ___________________________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CALCULATED 3 N88'12'17"W 2644.82' MONUMENT f~!1.1.22~1~:-r_16~6IT1J.2.~0~l_~~~~~--~ .. ~~ ;> 1322.41' . " REIT81CTION8 U") ~~ oi }... oi FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, I.5'DN RENTON NO. 1845 VISITED APRIL 2007 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. U") 0U") to b W w 661.49' f7l h N88'1413 W U") totO Poi 0U") 0<0 Z w • to " '<t OJ " f'. ~ rri 0 to 0 <0 Z 9 10 662.35 FOUND MONUMENT S88'20'03"E 2611.40' IN CASE 4X4 CONC ~=:---~_===..::=:..~~-=---~~~-----+--.2::13~2~4:l.. 7~01..ll~ ~:_;:::_'='--_1....:3-=2..:..4 . ..:..7.::.0'--L1 ~0---41.:1 11 W /1.5"BR ASS DISK WEST 1/4 COR / ~ 2649.40 W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN NOT VISITED RENTON'!' N88"20'02"W RENTOi': NO. 2101 RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER NO.1907 VISITED APRIL 2007 OF SECTION 10-23-5 NOT VISITED w , n !O ;0 SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM ~0 o ~ NTS DECLARA liON OF COVENANT ON z 10 15 lHE OWNER OF THE LAt-. EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BE, -FICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY ANL ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVlSIONS THEREOF. THIS CO" 'ANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. 1 Q' PRIVATE UDUTX EASEMENT NOTE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. ft 6 NOTE: All LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIA n ACHED SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL w o « (L "'-- ....J o > BAIMA &-HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH 206) & SURVEYORS ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE JEF REV 8/15/05 6-24-08 JOB NO. 1673-026 oWG NO. 1673-026-ENG CHKo. BY W5H SCALE G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\167.3-026-Eng.dwg 10/1/2008 12:57:20 PM PDT -_._--._------------ SHEET NTS 1 OF 2 RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT I LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FT. LlllululululL-~--L1 __ LI __ LI __ LI _----ll LI;>C 662.35 ,1 \.-'CALC. I' MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED I 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. 20030105000595 \ • r ~ .... ~ .... r" r- \1<' I II II I', ,."~~~L_'~-' ", ,',,..? FOUND REBAR AND CAP '< I 1-' I --, '~ " ~ " , ~ LS#22333 o 5 10 20 § .. -! I SCALE 1" = 20' N. LINE OF S. 138' OF PORTION OF SW 1/4 of o 10 20 40 NE 1/4. s. 10 T. 23 N., R. 5 E •• W.M. 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. ----'--------' 20060727002515 ./ VISITED APRIL 2007 L I 100.00' S 88'20'0.3" E 50.02' \ Wl/2, SE1/4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 .301.0.3' \ 30' - UJ Z UJ :J z ~I <t: ~ <t: -:J a 0 ~ • 0 I c-.! j-.. I~ 30' 50.97' I L 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT 50.02' 50.02' ~I I c-J ~I I 1 TL 1 023059246 -I-....l-5' WATER EASEMENT I I TO WATER DISTRICT 90 to I I o ~T~I~~I--____________ ~S~8~8~~~0*'O~3.~E ______________ -r __ ~ ~ I I 100.00' N ~ I I ~ ~ I I '4 I I I I 2 I I fJ o I ~ 4 3 5 w • O':,j-:-'0 ,..... pc-.! 0:: o z 6 I ~ I z P") NEW 33' PRIVATE I ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT ':,j-o • ~il) ::0 00 to ~ FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 3: I . 1" FOR STORMWATER DETENT:ON VAULT lor--_ _ 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT _ I !O ----'--t--______ g I ~ .,)- • ~J "'y' , ,,~': ~I' .::, " l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK I 2.5' x 5' WATER P i~~.rtli~~'"\ 10~:O~~A~ I (ESM'T TO WATER SIDEWALK f 5' WATER ESM'T 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT g 5' WATER ESM'T ~ "':-= = -_ 2E~EASEMENT=-=r-_I--______ = 2}~lT.d D_IS_TRIC_T_90 ___ -r_f:_~~~_I~)_T TO WATER DISTR: 910~IVATE STORM EASEMENT _+(/)-.J~PE~'~~~I,~TY ILZ~~:;~~1~~~~--~~-=8~5~4Q:='=C~=-=lor-;~_-~~~-,-~I=c~--~~~~~_-~-50~.~0-2~';~~;~~~~_'~~b~P~·~~~~~5O~.~02~'~~~~~t;~~~~~~~~~~_-~1-~~;;~~~~~~~~~t=~ ,PER PLA~ U 1 R=15,OO 8 --.5~ --: -5WlO' - ll.=88"27'23-.(-286.45 tit I --: ~ ~ S88'20'0.3"E N 8 I I -8 -- -----____ E=-8TH ST '!. I SE COR. SE1/4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 ~ --------------... S 88'20'0.3" E 26' PUBLIC ROAD _T'<' DEED TO S',Tr~F_I3~t:lrQ@Qog REC. NO, ~~~ 17 NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOT 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNER OF LOT 1, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER I SERVICE LINES SERVICING LOT 1. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING SAID SERVICE LINES AND RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 33-FOOT 'MDE PRIVATE STORMWA TER DETENTION VAULT EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6, FOR THE PURPOSE FOR MAINTAINING A r ~, • -,-, .... ,...- 'I 1\ I I 11-' \ , ' ,.. -r -, ,r--\ \ I ,~ c.., r-.... ""/ t--I I''''' 1--\/1,' I II II , ,'L_L"-",-_ •• >/,,'L...' . , . ,,"-.,'" , ',-.'-' -~,':~-:",'~~ " . ,-." ~ -, '"_" .,' •• r ,-" '_'L.,- .301.06' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6. THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STORM LINES SERVICING THEIR LOTS. THE LOT OWNERS SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SAID EASEMENTS TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 28 FEET. LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 BAIMA 8 c-J ADDRESSES . ... o 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE 5120 NE 8TH STREET 5126 NE 8TH STREET 5132 NE 8TH STREET 5138 NE 8TH STREET 200.03 (PLAT) &: HOLMBERG INC. ~ SYMBOL LEGEND STORM WATER DETENTION VAULT AND ASSOCIATED STORM WATER FACILITIES. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH (206) & SUR V E Y 0 R S ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 • @ --~---- MONUMENT SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 FOUND REBAR AND CAP RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALL Y. SAID OWNERS OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SAID EASEMENTS TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 28 FEET. OWN. BY JEF CHKD. BY WSH 392 -0250 DAlE 8/15/05 REV 6-24-08 SCALE 1" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 167.3-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G:\1600\167.3-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 10/28/2008 8:19:58 AM PDT L CITY OF RENTON LUA-05-099-SHPL SHORT PLAT, LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this map to be the graphic representotion of same, and that sold short subdivision Is mode with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN 'MTNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. /\ ACKNOWlEDGEMENTS ~~~~tyO~fWoshington I< l N G I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT JACKIE PRUSS SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/sHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE VICE PRESIDENT OF BASIC VENTURES INC TO BEIHE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. /..f£ArH-fj(. MAF-\.E HOlA-'t..&TT Signature of _If AA .. -II I JJ- Notary PublicL1l~ /!\AU.j. ~OWtw Dated DcJ.ober ..l, ~OOR My appointment expires M A it." 2/1, Z-Q I ( state of Washington// L. County of fi.tN~ CIT,! OF S S:A--r-rL.G: State of Washington County of ..../6,.../Al,\,lu6""-________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT DAVE KROEGER SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/sHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF FIRST SAVINGS BANK NORTHWEST TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. H6Ant&P-MAR\~ !-tOw,--G-TT Signature of dJ.. -cI:j edt Notary Public4tJ..:;t(,.u M.oM.t,OUJ Dated Qc.-\-o b.er J.., J.,czO g y appointment expires MA~C." ~q. 20If , tate of Washington IS ba ounty of LAl C'TV 0 F S EA n '--£: RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of. ........ ,20 ....... at. ..... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the rec;uest of YVil.l.i.<? 0.! .. ~h ~ p.~ ... ':1. ?I!::l.~.~r.g ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records ... APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON hon3tl'"' oppcow' thl, ~~ 'oy 0' ~.I~If!?ji:--K20f2'D M~lnl';;;;~'.~~~-- Sf RENTON ISSA QUAH RO SE 11 ST SITE NE 4TH T VICINITY MAP SCALE N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIP]ON THE SOUTH 1.38 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST .30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN Sf CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVI SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES PLA T OF BROOKEFIELD V.22.3, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INsmUMENTATlON INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 3.32-130-090. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in .MJi. ... , 2068 .... ..... kJ.~~.~ Certificate No. .. .. 1).~~.4 ..... N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ Assessor Deputy Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Account Number _!.9~~Q'?~~_~~§ ___________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CALCULA TED 3 NSS'12'17"W 2644.82' MONUMENT P~~~~r-~~~~~~~~~~--1I~~" FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RENTON NO. 1845 VISITED APRIL 2007 RE.TRICTION8 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. 9 10 661.20 1322.41' FOUND MONUMENT S88'20'03"E 2611.40' IN CASE 4X4 CONC ~~~~--;;:~~~-=-~.!..I..:.:~------:+-~~~~lB~:;-;:;~~ __ ~13~2~4~. 7~0~' __ J1J;;OLJ~ 11 W/l.5"BRASS DISK I WEST 1/4 COR . / ..h 2649.40 W/pUNCH, 1.5'DN NOT VISITED RENTONT N88'20'02"W RENTOt-; NO. 2101 RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER NO.1907 VISITED APRIL 2007 OF SECTION 10-23-5 NOT VISITED DECL.ARA TION OF COVEN.ANT w 'h~ IO<£) 0:>' oll) , t") om ON z 10 15 THE OY'INER OF THE LAr. EMBRACED WIn-liN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BE, TICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY ANL ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS CU, . 'liNT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOY'IN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. la' PRIVATE UTIUTY EASEMENT NOTE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM NTS S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. 6 NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGlE FAUILY RESIDENTIAL w G « CL ~ --.i o > BAIMA &-HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SUR V E Y 0 R S 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 167.3-026 JEF REV 6-24-08 OWG NO. 167.3-026-ENG CHKO. BY SCALE SHEET WSH NTS 1 OF 2 G: \1600\167 .3-026\dwg \1673-026-Eng.dwg 10/1/2008 12: 57: 20 PM PDT _. CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FT. 1 .... luoluol ..... I ..... I'---_-'-' __ L-I __ L-I __ -,--I _---'I 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. ----~----~ I 10' PSE EASEMENT [ REC. NO. 20030105000595 FOUND REBAR AND CAP "r-LS#22333 L VISITED APRIL 2007 L I 100.00' 20060727002515 -w z ,15' -I L 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT W :J z ~I « ~ « -:J a o ~ I ~ I~ I ~I I - 'in 0 oj I') ...- 3= It 0 "" 1---p 0 0 en , ~I I 1 ~ iii "'" H-5' WATER EASEMENT TO WATER DISTRICT 90 I I I I S 88·20'03" E I I 100.00' I I I I I I I I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK I r ... , • -,-" .... r- ... ~ I ,\ I I I f--l.. _ ,-" ,-, I r~,.--~I \./"-.,, ....... , .... ' " " .. ~ I--I \ I "11 I I I I I • ~. -... /' '-_" ,. ~-' ~_ ...... ~.J r"" ~ ... ,.. -.-, " \1 " , .... ~ -I--"-,~~ ,AI_~.AI -" " -~ S 88'20'03" E 'N;" 0 0 c-.lc-.l 10 .... .... 'N o o 10 IJJ • o N ~ Z 50.02' TL 1 023059246 3 IJJ • ~~ ". pN 8::: z 00·.· .. . --. --/ _./ o 5 10 20 NY! I SCALE 1" == 20' N. LINE OF S. 138' OF \ Wl/2, SE1/4, SWl/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 50.02' 4 PORTION OF SW 1/4 of 50.02' 5 f----___ _ 2.5' x 5' WATER SIDEWALK ~~ i~~~~~NT ~~~~~_O. 10~:O~~A1E : '-... ~ 2EWER EASEMENT=-::L __ --= = - -----B5..40' -1---+ - - L=23.16 f _t--,----, 3D' 30' J ESM'T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 -=-~ == == == 21t~~'_ - - --.!lQ..0~ ---~EASEMENT (PUBLIC) 286.45 S88'20'03"E I ___ N_E~8TJj S_T __ _ I R=15.00 8 tF88'27'23" "'" .... Ll 1 .... 10 ~----- o 10 20 40 NE 1/4. s. 10 T. 23 N., R. 5 E.,W.M. IJJ • 0;,-~o ". pN 0'" 0'-z 50.97' 6 NEW 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ;,-0_ c-JI.() "'0 '-cO I') [ FOR STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 3= 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT It ~--t---_____ g -51.00' t I 8 "'" ... . to g o en 5' WATER ESM'T r-pER PLAT 10' UTILITY r:_ESM'T ~PLA~ L;'C 662_35 -4 '--'CALC. j/ -, I I 8 c-J .... o 10 N MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED \. 30.21' SE COR. SE1/4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP \ S 88'20'03" E I I 8 c-J 200.03 (PLAT) 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEED TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. __________ _ NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOT 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNER OF LOT 1, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER I SERVICE LINES SERVICING LOT 1_ THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING SAID SERVICE LINES AND RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 33-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6, FOR THE PURPOSE FOR MAINTAINING A STORM WATER DETENTION VAULT AND ASSOCIATED STORMWATER FACILITIES. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALL Y. SAID OWNERS OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SAID EASEMENTS TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 28 FEET. t-~ I ,', 1 , ,_ " ," '"-I 11-- , " .... -r" ~"r-" '''' ," r" 'i \, I--I I I ~ I--,,\ I I I I I I •• L_L-"''-_'' .. /'~'-J r", "r' .,','" """"".' , , I " -, , , " ,," t " " " I I ,'" '-""-, "-, .. _"""",,, 301,06' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6. THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STORM LINES SERVICING THEIR LOTS. THE LOT OWNERS SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER SAID EASEMENTS TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 28 FEET. ~ ADDRESSES LOT 1 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 3 5120 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8TH STREET BAJ MA & HOLMBERG J NC. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF CHKO. BY WSH DATE 8/15/05 REV 6-24-08 SCALE 1" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 10/28/2008 8: 19: 58 AM PDT -~-~ . _ .... _--------------- " " ... _,"c.,. _,'" .,,, _ ~_" : $3 ~ on .... 0:: 2~ ~ • • " . I~ .. '7, I []] I, .' ! I , , I I[ I ,,\.Ie 35 lCfl 25 w u. J- 'tl 4 Z ~ 3 Tit 'F' II 8T. -------- q: il !ii al 60 • • fJ) • • W > <1; ~ 1 7 1 6 :l! OIl • 1,5.~ 8 " < "~ • W '--,-: .=!.."~-4 :> .,....",,, 4 r~q, [947 Ac . @j) 15 5 Tv1 < O.4f, Ac. @ 4 C " 0 a :> S,E. ,fJ 121ST '" yl, Bl. V -~j' ...... "" cl J2.{ L "" ~ m l'-lffi t: TR, A m.l' 10.01 8"l~.1 o 200 FEET If'8 (I) @ S.P. 71BIII II~ ® au:4-134 Ac. ® @ 0.45 Ac. (2) ® ® ..,. -Cl \-... 5.34 Ac. ~ Q:: @) @) @ 2.39 Ac. 30 I GA.$o',W.rN7 ----------------,--' '-~ o N (2) o P. 471114 o lit"" .1----- ... )--."..;::::...-l W ~ RENTON LlMI RP4A{)111 - I \ , \ (I) " (2) • 1 , I I 472.97 (12"D.I.-S) --..... I I 30' I 71.61 (12"CONC-N) 71.49 (121"CONC-S) I -~- l6) I ----- I I I DITCH TOP 30' DITCH TOP 18' I 30' t t I I I I I I I I ~I I I I I I 30' ~,\r' I ~ I I I I I I I .' ..... ··1 North / 4' WIRE FENCE FOUND R AR AND-CAP LS#2?-3 100. --'-.'--.--~ --', r'-' -'---'-. ----._------, I :J ., Lf\ I '. 20' \ ;;>\ )? 1:0: I <I. : IE=471.78 (12"CONC-N) IE=471.65 (12"CONC-S) 1 ~ HOUSE FF=475.69 -. ------;------- I I rl I I l] ') I I I • ---' & 20' / 'v :;: .02 \ - , \~ "~"!---' 'J;>T H':> I ~..,)- 1.··.···1 /l /, /" /" r'l r-r, /, f /' 111/ -<11-'\\.,01 /',"''', 1\./L_'../'-/'.-' ~/L_-r\./ - 51' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT -~ • \ \ 6 I \ 1 ' .~ .~. \ \ \ '(5, or i I I' I 1& 5' I I I I \ \~ \ v' , ~ \ , -, - ". ". , \ (- ~ '. / .-J (Iv (~'._ '< -" J '-('I v ~ • I I • ~ (-1..' \,,) '( -. '\-\ ... " '. ' " \" '" \. \ ./ ~ ., / i -/--- I -- AUG I I ""')5 . LUi)" !j\'lJT 'I "/ -. ,,~; ,.." .J. . .. '.',J o N II , w ':;( o >-CD z o U1 5' w 0:: IE=472.97 112·O.l.-S) I 30' IE=471.61 (12"CONC-N) I IE=471.49 (1 ~CONC-S) (2) STREEt TREES PER LIj)T, TYP. 5' LANO$cAPING ALONG HOOUIAM AVE. -SE~ DETAIL I DITCH ~-I Q46'i . __ ':Y I TOP I I • ~r" ::J I il .,'/' Z I 30' I W ~ ~I « :.J o 480 I I l- , [ 470 460 , "-o '" u « '" ",0 .", n· ",,, +r--" ° " .> <tw >--" UlW v=-- DATUM ELEV 455.00 ~I 71 0+00 - EX. WATER METER TO BE USED '. FOR LOT 1 .. , " if'.., /1 I-~ .,.r--.'" .,.. ~IS \ SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, CITY OF RENTON, TWN. 23N., RGE WASHINGTON 5 E., W.M. 1 HOUSEiill FF=475.69 TO BE REMOVEO S88'20'OYE 100.00' 474 -,--- [ [ .. .,.'" .N .. . ~IS 1+00 -,-, , , "~,,..,,,,..,r-', I "r-",/ -<, I~,," -<~, "_ £_"" ,J ,~-t"" TL 1023059246 -E ISTi~.GROUND 1.24% ----=--.... " --- --" N.E. ani STREET 1"=20' HORIZ. 1"=5' VERT -.,. .", ..,. . r--'" T b 26' ACCESS & UTIUTY EASEMENT -- 5' SIDEWALK -5' -I ~ 20' --1.0 2% .•... ~,., 2% <:== ROLLED CURB ."" . . .. .. . 4" COMPACTED DEPTH CLIGS 'B' ASPHALT CONC. ~ 6" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK FIRM SUBGRADE. ADDITIONAL GRAVEL BASE - MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS , N.E. 6TH STREET SECTION 50.02' \ \----'1 \ , \ / STREET TREE, TYP. ROAD GRADE ----------- .. N "":0 F:N ..,.r--.. 2+00 0 '" " Vi §i "' - '" ~ ~ " w 'S "' - ALL TO - 1:, \ \ \ , SYMBOL LEGEND HEAT PUMP FOUND REBAR AND CAP WATER METER UTILITY POLE WATER VALVE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL GUY ANCHOR YARD LIGHT FIR TREE MAPLE TREE NSITE TREES REMoveD FRUiT TREE 5 -- "," .N 0' T \\\. 80'x22.5' COM81NA TION DETENTION/WATER QUALITY VAULT ".;1/: .. 'k/'/I • . 0 10,.., O. cd'" ~g If) \ j ADLER TREE --so --STORM DRAIN CONNECT TO ASPEN WOODS WATER ---- ----0: -~-<; ..J...----5~1!..:.,~O.L-r __ """"'..::olt--·-"l2"5D"'To8l"cuNsmurncl" -so -",.,,, -"'-w7 ASPEN WOOUS ----.--- 100'VC PVI STA = 2+80 PVI ELEV 411.0j A.D. 7.89 K "' 12.67 • ......... W z ::J >->-'" w "- '" "- o (0 r-'" t<) '1", 01"1 + <0 ,....: • nlD nlD " + '" ...---....................... . . to "¢ '--Ul" " ow.> :> 0 «w EX. CB '--RIM=466.17 INV-461.17 --------...... ~ RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL I :.1>0 .. - N'" .'" -<Xi "I';' 3+00 ~ " fV TURf: ~s,ct, tv WOOOs ..... ... ...... '" '" ... .., ., CHECI(ED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS B'1' DATE NTS o B'1'__________ DillE 1- ~ « z Q Z " fE w (fJ ., ~ '" -"" Sf: ReNTON ISSAQU AH FlO ,. ,nn II<. SE 116TH ST ~ ~ :;: SITE , . « " ' "" -" S NE 6TH ST 'o'i -" "" 0 <t > 0 J: w " =' 0 z NE 4TH ST , VICINITY MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, roWNSHI P 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THER~OF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY I(ING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLU1~E 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAV088 PER CITY OF RENTON CITY OF REIHON POII'IT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORI'IEI, CO~ICRETE M,oJLBOX 8I\SE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPQSITE HQUSE NO. 12014 ELEV~ 472.66 FEET . REFERENG,I;:S PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-9 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON !NSTRUMENTAT!ON INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. 5' 5' I-SIDEWALK -1-PLANTER -I <I smlP 44 "4 '. • .. <I 4 ;; . 4 <I .. ' q *' .. . e .. 2 GAL WHITE ROCK ROSE (CISTUS ALBIDUS) PLANTED 5' O.C .. T'tP, 4" POT CREEPING ST, JOHN'S WORT (HYPERICUM ASC'YRON) PLANTED AT 24" O.C., T'tP, (2) STREET TREES PER LOT, T'tP. (RANCHO COLUMNAR SARGENT CHERRY) 5' LANDSCAPING STRIP ALONG THE BACK OF SIDEWALK, T'tP, -SEE LOCATIONS ABOVE LJ·\NDSCAPiNG DETAIL Call before you D.g. 1-800-424e5555 AVOID CUTTING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES. IT'S COSTLY NTS NOTE: EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S I<ESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE EXACT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDER- GROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN HEREON. THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITIES NOT SHOWN OR UTILITIES NOT SHOWN IN THEIR PROPER LOCATION. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: 1-800-424-5555 UNDERGROUND SEIIVlCE (USA) z ~_b~-L __ L_ ________________________________________ . ________________ . ____________________________________________________ ~B'1'~============-~=_=~~========~======_:DAT:E~====_~ ____________________________________________________ ~ - CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND- CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described. do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mop to be the graphic representation of some, and that sold shod subdivision is mode with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. - Basic Ventures, Inc. Nome Executive House. Inc. Name State of Washington County of ~~ _________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ____________ -' __ ' _______________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT AS THE -___________ OF _____ ...:. ______________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public __ ~ _______ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of _--.: _________ _ - I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ___ ;.,. ____ ! ________________ '-__ -___ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF ________________ ~_...:. _______ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington - County of _. __ . __ ._._. _______________ . __ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted _______ --.:~ ___ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of ___________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _____________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE -' ___________ OF ___________________ .... ________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public -'--________ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of _-'--_________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ___________ ...:. _____________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF ____________________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted My appointment expires RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of. ........ ,20 ....... at.. .... M in book. ......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of Wi! l.i.<?r:.' .. ~h!-! p.~ ... ~ ?1.r:':l.'?~~.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: ___________________ __ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ SE RENTON ISS AQUAH RD = NE 101H !IT SE 116TH ST ~ <:: SITE Ii ~ --I- ~ ~ :d ~ NE 8TH ST ~ i ~ <c ~ NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N. T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUl H 1.38 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT lHE WEST .30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECOlmS VOLUME '10, PAGE 1.32. BASIS Of BE.A.R!NGS . N 00'02'12" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF HE~ITON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER COI\lCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES. PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.22.3, PG. 25-9 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMEtH USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22.000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC .3.32-130-090. BOUNDARY NOTE THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN A TITLE REPORT PROVIDED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY. ORDER NO. 596328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND LINES DEPICTED ON THIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITLE INFORMATION AND REPRESI;:NT DEED LINES ONLY. THESE LINES DO NOT PURPORT TO SIIOW OWNERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A courn OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requiremen ts of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ...........• 20 ....... . Certificate No. . ... 1J.~~ .. L ... -------.. _.- KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and opproved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ _ Assessor D~~tyA;~~;;--------------------------­ Account Number 102305-9246 ----------------------------------- HOQUAIM COURT SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. , • FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED .3 _ NBB'12'17"W 2644.82' .3 2 IN CASE 4X4 CONC RESTRICTIONS 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. F~!t:2G:_,~iD~~'~~~~~;_r_-_I-... ~~~ ... -W/1.5"BRASS DISK MONUMENT 1 Of-" lrn1.21!. 661.20 1322AI' _ W/PUNCH. 1.5·ON tIl g~ 1 • I 11 RENTON NO. 1845 oi ;-....oi tIl o tIl to om W 661.49' 55 6R14Q' W /~ h hiN~88~·n14r,1~3~Wrrf-.tl.!:i.l~~--l· .'0 <0 tIl-* <:>'0'1' ...... " 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ~~ ~~ ~ff ~ o oi -~ f'.. 0 .:>.,J n-J <0 _ (:) tIl ~ <Xi (:) '" 'V ~ ('I i0' 0<0 oi tIl 0 ~<",!5j t N 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REG. NO. 3204310. Z tIl <oz ('I~ <0 ~~ r-~6~6~1.~7B~·~~6~6~1.f78~·-4_--~N~W·l~61·1~O'J·W~--~('I~ I N88 6'10"W -... Vg 132355' ~ ~ P :::o~ tci z N 9 10 588'20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 ;j~ 5 662.35 66 5 ~ , • 1324.70Srf:E] 1324.70' 10... 11 RENTON+ NO.1907 2649.40 NB8'20'02"W ~, ~I FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONe W/l.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH. 1.5·DN RENTON NO. 2101 NOT VISITED w ~I;o SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM 13 ~-j o ~ NTS OECLARA TION OF COVENANT 0('1 z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER ANO UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET. PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL. LAY. CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHl TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECmlC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THIS EASEMENT IS CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.0B.015. HOQ[]IAM COURT SHORT PLAT S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. w CJ « ~ .J o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 167.3-026 JEF REV 5-2-07 DWG NO. 167.3-026-ENG CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET WSH NTS 1 OF 2 ---~--- HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT * LUA-05-099-SHPL LNO-SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M, SCALE: 1 INCH "" 20 FT. ull ..... I ..... I __ I __ I __ ...L.I __ 1-1 _---.ll'---_....LI_-.-JI ( ...... : , '. 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. ---'------' 20060727002515 30' -w z W :J z WI ~ ~ « -::J a o ~ I ~ I~ 30' -15' .... Ix--662.35.4"_ \. CALC. /I' I I MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT ~SE COR. SEI/4, SWI/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP . __ ._-------_._------- I 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. 20030105000595 r.... • ~ ... ~-to ~ I " I 'I ~ . , L. 1-" ... '" , .... ~r-... ,...-., ,.,~ ........ r .... ~~ '\~~r"'I-.I'1 111'11"1" • • -" ...... , I.. _ t. .." ......... L"'-...... .... "" .. ~ r ... r ~ .. , ..... " .. ,' ~ -< I ..... I _ '. .." I .. " I ,,_ .. " , .. ". ....... ..> I -• .> -t S 88'20'03" E 100.00' 50.02' o 10 20 40 PORTION OF o !:i 10 20 Mol! I I SCALE 1" = 20' N. LINE OF S. 138' OF ~Wl/2' SE1/4, SWI/4, NEI/4, SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 50.02' SW 1/4 of . NE 1/4, 5._,10 T. 23 N., R. 5 E.,W.M. .' , ~ --. I I I 50.02' 50.97' 1 TL 1023059246 g c-i ~ HOUSE 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATION TO CITY OF- RENTON REC. NO. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND AI'E SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCe NO. 4.367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURF ACE. EXTREME GARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PRQ1ECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBIlITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. I S 88·2003" E r.." ~ -,-......... -1-'" I II I I 11--, .... ' -,. .. ... I ·.'r-r-,,~,,"'-"''''''''~' '.',,' ~~~..' ',,; ~~ ','''' ' ... } ',,,.'~..' """ p •• ,," _"~,, ,."" A .q. , "" 1-" , , "4,,,,,,,,, '.'~"" ' .. ~."""""'" .o, ........ -, ,., .-" ." .... , • .-",._ L _ , • ,-, EX. BUILDINis TO BE REMOVED ~ ~ HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ~ o· N"" • 0 '" . pN 0:: o z 5 f--__ _ w • o· N"" • 0 ",. pN o~ o~ z I '., ~ 6 ~ 33' PRIVATE r DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~-------g 301,06' ADDRESSES LOT 1 HOQUIAM COURT LOT 2 NE 8TH STREET LOT .3 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 NE 8TH STREET - . ... a 10 C'I U) o b o 5' WATER ESM'T (I) .-PER PLAT I 10' UTILITY ,-_~SM'T ~PLAT - I - 200.03 (PLA 4..,... ..... I'''JI' BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 OWN. BY JEF CHKO, BY WSH (206) .392 -0250 DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-2~07 SCALE 1" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026'\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 5/2/2007 12: 04: 24 PM PDT -----------------------------------------------------~~~----------- CITY OF RENTON LUA--SHPL SHORT PLAT # LNO- CERTIFICA TION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thqt we. the undersigned owners In fee simple of the land herein descrlb~d. do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mal' to be the graphic representation of same, and that said short sUbdivisiol! is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures. Inc. Executive House. Inc. State of WC1shington County of ____________ __ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF ____________________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT Or SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature or Notary Public ______________ _ Dated ___________ _ My appointrllent expires _______ _ State of WC1shington County of ___________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAliSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGN ED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF ___________________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public ___________ __ Dated My appointment expires --,------ State of Washington County of _______________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thot signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (hiS/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public ___________ _ Dated My appointment expires State of Washington County of _____________________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED TH IS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF ____________________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ___________________ _ My appointment expires ___________ _ State of Washington County of _________________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF _____________________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public ___________ __ Dated _______________ _ My appointment expires RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of ......... ,20 ....... at.. .... M in book .......... of.. ...... at page ......... at the request of 'YY!!1,i.9.f!: .. ~h~p.~ .. ~. ?I.r::.~.~:.g ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: __________________ _ KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ _ Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ _ i Assessor Deputy Assessor 102305-9246 Account Number __________________________________ _ HOQUAIM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT , " SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. FOUND MONUMENT 3 1· 2 IN CASE 4X4 CONC SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M,lO I"""" w > ~ a Z :::> SE REN TON ISSAQUAH RD - NE 10TH 1ST SE 116TH ST w ~ SITE > -~ ~ <}: :::;; ~ ~ ...J 5 NE 6TH ST w > ...J 0 <{ <{ > 0 :::> I w ...J 0 Z NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N. T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. " REFERENCES PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-9 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate. State and County Statute and Ordinan£~ /~ .. B..I/l ... , 200). .. ..... W~~Jt.l)j'foU.· Certificate No. .. .. Jq~.4 ..... CALCULATED MONUMENT _ NBB'I/'·17"W 2644.82' VD,.· .. ·lm:-.1.':."'21:-:-.~-..--...:,6;.;6:.:...:..iTl--1~;A;;;---.... ~~_.. W/1.5"BRASS DISK 15 • _ 1.20 1322.41' --W/PUNCH. 1.5·DN ~ ~; 10 j 11 :g OLl) OW W 661.49' 5l ~ NI:lB"1413 W ,!O~ 00 If) Poi OLl) o ill Z w ~ 9 10 in P o o ~------~S~B~8'~2~0·~0~3"~E~2~6~11~.~40~· ________ ~--~13~2~4~.7~01-__ J_ z I 1324.70' ....h.. N88'20'OZ"W 1324.70' , I FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC 1 0 ~ 11 W/1.5"BRASS DISK '" W/PUNCH. 1.5·DN RESTRICTIONS 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. w ~ ~. ,!O \C. 00". P 1", o \C. 0'''; Z 10 15 NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS I THROUGH 4 SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD. DRAINAGE PIPES. ANY STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGN AGE AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED UNLESS THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN TWENTY (20.00) FEET. I-fOQU I AM COURT SHORT PLAT RENTONT NO.1907 ~. SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM CALCULATED MONUMENT NTS TOT AL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,600 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 8,200 sq. ft. (5.600 sq. LOT 3 = 6,903 sq. ft.. (5,602 sq. LOT 4 = 6,903 sq. ft. (5,602 sq. LOT 5 = 6,903 sq. ft. (5,605 sq. ft. *) ft. *) ft. *) ft. *) LOT 6 = 7,035 sq. ft. (5,710 sq. ft.") * AREA OUTSIDE INGRESS EGRESS & UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMI ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. w <.:> « 0.. "'-.J 0 > BAIMA &-HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 DWN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 1673-026 CHKD. BY WSH SCALE SHEET NTS 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT II LUA- LNO- I DI~~ ----:;.~__;--~_~ IE-472.67 02"D.I.-N) -_ IE=472.97 ~12"D.I.-S) JO' IE=471.61 (12"CONC-N) I I IE=471.49 (1J.CONC-S) DITCH TOP 1\ 1\ I ~~'.' :J I : Z JO' I W I ~ I I I I I Q~~01 I I \ II \,. O• I I :5 ! I I : m ® EB <} ~ m E- I I I I I : I I I I I SYMBOL LEGEND HEAT PUMP FOUND REBAR AND CAP WATER METER UTILITY POLE WATER VALVE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL GUY ANCHOR ! I ~ t ., ~ </I' : •• r ,". i SHPL SW 1/4 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 100.00 ,-----------------, 1 1 \\1 1 ~ 1 ...., ................. " .... r-...... I .... r- IIF / "'11~"''''-4J <~, I ...... ~_ .. !\. ....... ~ , ... -t ... j ... ~ 1\ 1 1--1 1 fL-f 023b5924~ 1 1 1 1 1 & N _ 1 1 1 20' 0 8 1 : HOUSEOO /,: I! ~ : 1 FF=475.69 ''';>''l IIJ 1 __ TCl.-B,~ REMOVED ____ ~') ~ 1 ~ 20' 588'20'03"E &, t; 1 ~--~r---~~~----~1~O~O.7.00~·~~Jh--r---~~----~g 1 ~, uS' II) ". .~." ~ . 4.:. "-,---474,~--' & 15' " . z &1 5' 1 GAR G~ & S I 20' • I ti:l 1 "CAR P RT ---1-- ~ ~ 20' ( I "" .~ . . .' .. 50.02' n 20' ... . .... . ... '--'-'-""/ NE 6TH ST 100,00' 50:02' - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --U~~:T¢~~~E~~T 1'-,-"'" \ ---------------, ... ~ \ " \ '-------1 ---- IE=471.65 (12"CONC-S) YARD LIGHT FIR TREE BUILDING SElBACKS £ FRONT SETBACK .' MAPLE TREE ,E\ (' ,5 SIDE SETBACK ,( Ld-" \'<'-« & REAR SETBACK ! , FRUIT TREE ", : ADLER TREE : STORM DRAIN EDGE OF GRAVEL 50.02' HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT 5 -- 50.02' 5" PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~ \ \ 1 1 ~ 1 o-F' 8 1 IP~I ,8'-1 'z I 1 1 -L . . .. . " 4 '6> ,. \ \ 50.97' ~{;~*} " ' ~ 20' MIN. '4 . o 5 10 20 Is,"'! I SCALE 1" = 20' I I I / -- -I ------/ I & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. - BAIMA &-HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 OWN. BY JEF CHKO. BY WSH (206) 392 -0250 OATE 8/15/05 SCALE NTS JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 1673-026 SHEET 2 OF 2 o w :> I CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II i LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 . r . I i i CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners . in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this map to be the graphic representation of some, and that said short subdivision Is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF .we have set our hands. . Bosic Ventures, Inc. Name .. First Savings Of Renton Name State of Washington County of _-'--_______ ....,-__ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA VE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _______ .:...;... __ ~ __________ ..:. ___ ~2 ____ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO. EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT AS THE __________ ..:.._ OF ..:. _______ ..:.. ____ .:... _______ ....: ______ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SVCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. . Signature of Notary Public _____ --'--'--_.....,-__ Dated My appointment expires ____ --- State of Woshington County of ___ --'--'--____ -,-:_ .- I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW. (JR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________ .;.. __ "'-_____ .,. __ ....: __ ~ ______ .L.._SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH SlATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT AS THE . ________ ..;...:.. __ OF ___________ ' _ .... __ .:..:.. __ '-_______ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. . Signature of Notary Public -'-"---'----'-______ _ Doted _-'-________ -'-_--'- My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washlnotan County of __ ._. ________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free ond voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public __ ~ ______ _ Dated .. My appointment expires __ -'-___ _ State of Washington County of ____ -'-_-'--____ _ I CERtiFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ______ .:.. __________________ -'-______ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF -'-__________ ;...-'-_______________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ___________ -'-_ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of ____ ~ ______ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EviDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT AS THE ____ ....i _______ OF ____________________________ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signoture of Notary Public '--________ _ Dated .. My appointment. expires RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. . i I filed for record this ...... ; .... day of ......... ,20 ..... ;.at.. .... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of yy!I.I.i.<?~ .. ~h~p.~ ... ~?I.~.~.~r.9, .... Mgr. Supt. of Records . APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ HE 10TH ST 5E 116TH 5T ~ ~ --f-----z SITE ~ ~ ~ ~ 'NE 8TH ST .~ Ii ~ :0: ~ NE 4TH 5T . VICINITY MAP SCALE N.T.S. LEGAL PESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUIHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORIHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS f~ECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECllON 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORI\IER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 14/ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENQES PLA T OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. BOUNDARY NOTE THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN A TITLE REPORT PROVIDED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY, ORDER NO. 596328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND LINES DEPICTED ON THIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITLE INFORMATION AND REPRESENT DEED LINES ONLY. THESE LINES DO NOT PURPORT TO SHOW OWNERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A COURT OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ....... . Certificate No. . ... 1.I.~~.~ ..... -_ .. _--_. ----_ .... -~~ --- N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ A~~;~7-------------------------------- D~~tyA;~~;~--------------------------- Account Number _1.9_~~~'?.:~_~~§ ____________________ _ SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M HOQUAIM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 114 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. . • FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED 3_ 3 1 IN CASE 4X4 CONC P~t-:2G:--llN~8i8]'1 ij2';..17:..."~W~2:;:6::4~4.~8~2';:;;:;-~ __ -r ... ~~2_ W/1. 5"SRASS DISK MONUMENT 1 01-/ "1!I!!l.21'~ uo ;>-661.20 lJ22.41'.... W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RESTRICTIONS rll1 R~ 1 11 RENTON NO. 1845 ~ r-... ai I VISITED APRIL 2007 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO P5E EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMEN T WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. rJ:J P\() orJ:J W 661.49' ~ RIlL4Q' w ,,0- MIO I. rJN;t88~·ln4Crilci3~W'+W2..I~~-loo ,~ 'b :.. "" .r!? ~~ . 00 10 '. c" in ,J>< ,t5 --: g m ~ :ri g ~J<V '~01~ t· OrJ:J ai \()o ~"!~ z \() <.Oz ~~ rJ:J <.O~ r-~6~6~1.~78~'~~6~6~1.f7~8'_4-__ ~N~~·t~6J'lQO~"W~ __ ~N~ I N88 6'10"W ...., w ~~ "" N 0llQ olij 0::<1: , ;::o~ cci z P ;j~ 5 662.J'; 66 5 8z S88'20'OJ"E 2 ' ~==-:--:-:--=--~~~~~6::..!.1!.:.1.i!40~ ____ -f-""""",:"":I~J~24 70 SITE] 9 10 FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 1324.70' 10 11 W/l.5"SRASS DISK "" , W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RENTON NO. 2101 2649.40 N88'20'02"W RENTON+ NO.1907 I VISITED APRIL 2007 EXCEPTION ON TITLE SUBJECT TO ENTRY RIGHTS TO MAKE REPAIRS, CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH ARE /\ MENANCE OR DAf~GEr\ TO ElE-:;TR~C U! ~ES LOCt'IED IN THE STREET UNDER REC. NO. 3204310 NOT VISITED DEC LARA TION OF COVENANT w , r<)~ 10(0 to . 010 • r<l OlD 0<'1 Z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THIS EASEMENT IS CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SUBDIVIS!ON DIAGRAM NTS S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL W G « 0.. """'-..... -.l o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEEHS & SUR V E Y 0 R S 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH (206) ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF DATE REV 8/15/05 5-2-07 JOB NO. 1673-026 DWO NO. 1673-026-[ CHKD. BY WSH SCALE (:. \lFi fJO\167J=026\rlwSl\l Fi 73=O?Fi-(ng rlWfj 10/1/7nm .J: 40: 10 PH PDT ----~. ~---"----- NTS SHEET 1 OF" 2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LU A-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. RECORDING NO. SCALE: 1 INCH "" 20 FT. VOL./PAGE 111111 I I o 10 20 40 PORTION OF SW 1/4 of NE 1/4. s. 10 T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. II I I , I 1 I i I , 1 10, PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. ---++~--' I 20060727002515 - . I . ,'l, ' ........ ;:1. I I I 91 . I I W, ZI W, ~I W I' > « ~ «I 51 a ~ o .F . l I 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. 20030105000595 ; , , , ., , ~. 1 .. ~ \ ,., " .... -, I... _ • -I I ..... I I I '" • -,-"c-,-, ... -,.. .. r-.' •• , .. ",r,,.· " ............ _ I" IIlI I II II ,', , -" ..... , '--,~ .... ...... " ............ , I ... ~ I It I II ... ,1.._ ' .. "" .-~ , < , . -.. ; , " ... ,." r' ""'" .... I .. ~r~·. '~I_'.41 • , ...... ..-... -t I ~ FOUND REBAR AND CAP IJ' LSH22333 I S 88'20'03" E 100.00' 50.02' I 1 ~I 1 &1 11 1 TL 1023059246 I 1 ~ I 1 HOUSE ~tll~I ____ ~~~ __ ~rr~-~4~75~.6F9 __ ~ ______ ~-J • c:;;;;t S 66'20'03" E ?= I 1 100.00' 'I ,IU ~~ ~ TO BE REMOVED 1; I I I '~9~-~-I-. o . I 1--I 3 ( ~--J~ ~ ~ I 1 I ~ ~ I z o i 5 10 L~ .. I ' 1". • I I SCALE 1" = 20 I 20' N. LINE OF S. 138' OF I \ Wl/2, SE1/4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 50.02' EX. BUILDINis TO BE REMOVED (2)'," ;, " ...... _. .. I 50.02' 50.97' 5 6 I I I H~ .~ I 1 IGAR; GE I b I I 2 : ~ I SHED 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1-'--_. __ ~ FOR STORMWATER DETENTION TANK ~-t-- l l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK ~PORT \ 2.5' x 5' WATER I jEASEMENT REC. NO. 10' PRIVATE I J ESM'T TO WATER I ---STORM & 'DISTRICT 90 SIDEWALK "'-----;::::::-=--' ~WE_R_EA_SE_MEN_T=-:::L_ _ -_._ __ __ _ CASEMENT , 30' -- - --- _ I. rsHED 2,5~'E:55' - - - - - I L ... 23.16 ---.85.4<L-·r-· = ~ = -~02' --- R-15.00 g I '---t--.5D..O~ 30' - --- 10' UTILITY ESM'T l (TYPICAL)_ 5L..OO' I 4-1 1 ;88'27'23. :': 286.45 I "'" -S88'20'03"E N g t - ... -. --- I ", ,~ ,-, '.' .:.:-' 5' WATER ESM'T (/) .-PER PLA T 1 10' UTILITY r ESM'T , PER PLA_T __ g --_ __--=E~8TH ST ~ . GJ~LC. 66~51-.~I----~_------~l1'~~~I~::~~I~---------~------~;:;;~~;;'~:-J1 __ ----------------------s;~~~~~-----------------------------------------------~--3IY~r_------------------J!--~~~Jl----~~~~~~ MON. IN CASE I~ 30.21' I g M CENTERLINE 1\ S 88'20'03" E ~ THEORETICSAECL ; LSE C/OR. SE/l/4, II 26' PUBLIC ROAD 301.06'''''-200.03 (PLAt).x,,--"I CEN, OF . I SWl 4, NEl 4, DEDICA nON TO CITY OF -" , •. ,-"c- 10-23-5 SEC 10-23-5 RENTON REC. NO. ~'~-:-,,: ',,'~' " NOT VISITED I __________ " \,\,'~~~ ... (;':~~";"',r"'~"~-.\ •• 1.._ ....... '" 1..._ ., '" "" \../ II SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP NOTE NEW PRIVATE EX.CLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREA TED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPIJRTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED 'IEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUB,JECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON O@INANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740, THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPOI~SIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. ----.----.---._---.--'--._- p ......... -. .,' :' :-'. r~'" t: L ,-, HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ADDRESSES LOT 1 606 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT .3 5120 NE 6TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8TH STREET BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 OWN. BY JEF CHKD. BY WSH (206) ,392 -0250 DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-2-07 SCALE 1" -20' JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 1673-026-ENC SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 10/3/2007 1: 33: 34 PM PDT CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT /I LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we. the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described. do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mop to be the graphic representation of some. and that said short subdivision is mode with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ven tures. Inc. First Savings Of Renton Name . Name ACKNOWlEDGEMENTS State of Washington . County of _____ -'--____ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _______________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ___________ OF BASIC VENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notory Public _________ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ . State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _'-______________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ___________ OF FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of .......... 20 ....... at.. .... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of W!~I.i.<?~ .. ~h ~ p.~ ... 17.?1.r:':l.~.~~.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: __________________ __ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ _ NE 10TH 5T SE 116TH ST ~ ~ A - ~ :::!: 1!,\,i:~'i1~ « « « ...J ~ NE 8TH ST w -.l > Z « « 0 > 0 Z ::> J: w -.l ::> 0 Z NE 4TH ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF S!:CTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD. AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40. PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SEC~ON CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M. PATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MAB~ CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907. CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE. WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES, PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRA VERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. BOUNDARY NOTE THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN A TITLE REPORT PROVIDED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY. ORDER NO. 596328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND LINES DEPICTED ON THIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITLE INFORMATION AND REPRESENT DEED LINES ONLY. THESE LINES DO NOT PURPORT TO SHOW OWNERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A COURT OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plot correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ....... . Certificate No. . ... n~?~ ..... N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ _ Assessor Deputy Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Accoun t Number _~.9_~~2.?_-.?_~~§ ____________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED 3 _ 3 ' IN CASE 4X4 CONC M N MENT P.,t"::2G-;-riN8~8f::·1ic2i·,.:...7l .. Wr_~26~4:.:':4~.8~2~· ;;-:;-:;;-_ • .fJ~..-2. W/1.5"BRASS DISK o U 10./ -m!·1.21·,'>. 6 vv... 61.20 1322.41' _ W/PUNCH. 1.5·DN RESTRICTIONS to ~~ 1 11 RENTON NO. 1845 0) 1--0) • • VISITED APRIL 2007 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. to Ol() to 0(0 W 661.49' v:l RI;1.4Q' W /..,0 h INNIt88~·D14fr;1ri3 .... Wxrt-.I8l.J~~-I'ro .'0 $' . l()' • "'" <§' ~ ~l() m~ ~5 ~ p 0) ~ ...... 0 . ~ '" 10 • Oto ~ <rib ~'" ~N~ 010 0) l()0 ~<'j'-!j z l() IOZ ~~ 10 IO~ 1---=-6-=..61:.:... 7~8fR' Rt~66~'t/. 7c.g8!....· -1~_....!N~~·,~6;.1,'1 g;O'~'W'-_-J N ~ I N88 6'10"W ...., Vg 132355' g ~ . , 0 iti ;::~~ 10 t N ~ P 9 10 S88'20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 ,j~ ;;; 662.35 66 5 ~ 1 1324.70 SITE I 1324.70' 10,11 RENTON-+- NO.1907 2649.40 , N88'20'02"W I FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH. 1.S·DN RENTON NO. 2101 VISITED APRIL 2007 EXCEPTION ON TITLE SUBJECT TO ENTRY RIGHTS TO MAKE REPAIRS, CUT 8RUSH AND TREES WHICH ARE A MENNlCE OR DANGER TO ELECTRIC LINES LOCA TEO IN THE STREET UNDER REC. NO. 3204310 NOT VISITED DECLARA TION OF COVENANT w • t<)~ !'"'IO to • ol() • 1") 010 ON Z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. A PRIVATE EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST. COMCAST CABLE TV. PUGET SOUND ENERGY. AND OTHER UTILITIES. AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET. PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS. IN WHICH TO INSTALL. LAY. CONSTRUCT. RENEW. OPERA TE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. MAINS. CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE. TV. AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THIS EASEMENT IS CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM NTS S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5.602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICA TION = 7,953 sq. ft. NorE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENllAL. w CJ « 0... ........... ..J o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 CHKo. BY WSH REV 5-2-07 SCALE NTS G:\1600\1f173-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 11/14/2007 1:39:21 PM PST -----_._----. _.-._------ oWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. II I I I I I , I I 1 10, PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. ---J+---' I 20060727002515 _ . ~ , /"'1'" I WI 21 WI ~I W I I ~ ~ «I l I 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. 20030105000595 I I .. , . , ,,; .. , -15' _ ~I I U) I I 1 I I -~ I I HOUSE cO I I FF-475.69 ~T~~~-------~~r-__ ~S~8~8~~~0~'O~3·~E ____ ~ ________ ~ __ --! .o~ I I 100.00' I ,.", ~ -.-~ ..... -~ ... I I \ I " 1-. , !. -, -., ~ ... I . ... .. ,.." .. --, , I , .................. ~ /l .... fo ..... '''' .. ", " I! ,-. ..... , ..... 1..." ...... ,-\ ....... , 1. _ , ~ \ '",' r.... ...... .... r ~... ....., '.' " " ~-~ .... I ... -~ \" I \" I I ,........ • ... , -.... -t TL 1023059246 w • 0-N~ • 0 ". pN 0:= o 01 5 10 9'i"' ! I SCALE 1" - I Vi 51 a ~ o "p N ro&~~ I ~ I I : I~-~ ~ I I I ~ 3 ----=::=::::::f~~ 4 ( ~ EX. BUILDINGS TO BE REMOVED ~ I z I I IGAR) GE I b I I I 2 : g I I'~ II I I I \ @) I SHED ~--.1 2.5' x 5' WATER I l l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK ~"PORT \ I STORM & I , I iEASEME~n REC. NO. 10' PRIVATE "r'" -.l I 3f)' I 30' ~ ~ ----------1!'II£R EASEMENT L-.. ..L.I -_---1f-o-f---' -- ---I-_ J ESM'T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 ~~·t5~' --- -f-- i ,. 1 t"2T23' ~ 286.45 S88'20'03"E 20 I 20' , f_ ,o' RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FT. I u lu1u1u1ul ____ --'-' __ ..... I __ ..L.I __ ..L.I_----li PORTION OF SW 1/4 of 5 o 10 20 40 NE 1/4. s. 10 T. 23 N.. R. 5 E., W.M. w • 0;,. .N O ". pN 0:= o z 6 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT -. FOR THE BENEfiT Of" LOTS ~ ... _--_ .. -- 1----__ _ r FOR STORM WATER DETENTION TANK 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT : --'-4--______ g SIDEWALK i 5' WATER ESM'T ~EASEMENT TO WATER DISTRICT 90 (PUBLIC) ------ ----5Cl.llZ. -I I t 10' UTILITY ESM'T l (TYPICAL) (PRIVATE) --- 5LOO' I - (0 p o o 5' WATER ESM'T (J) .--PER PLAT 1 10' UTILITY r=_~SM'T ~PLA_T __ I I I ~ . +,/,,*,fx-_·-__ 6;.;:6~5..1 I _... . --5 , CALC. r~------------~~~~~~~;:;:----------C-------~~~~~~~~Jr--------------------------s;~P:U~yr~------------------------------------------30[Q6"--------------------J!--~~~~----__ ~~~~~~c __ .:....:N=E=-:8TH ST ---------------- MON. IN CASE \ 30.21' I g N CENTERLINE \ S 88'20'0.:3" E ~ THEORETICAL I LSE COR. SE1/4, I 26' PUBLIC ROAD 301 06 /" 200.03 (PLAt))f. 6\ CEN. OF SEC. I SW1/4, NE1/4, I DEED TO CITY OF RENTON ~ ~: :. -:-:', ~ ~ • , rc;;y 10-23-5 SEC 10-23-5 ' L ,-" " , NOT VISITED I REC. NO. ----------. "':'.:~:~) (;~: ',:,,:, () '::' l:' SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT I II • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP NOTE NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1 & 2 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHiP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT APPURTENANCES, THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FAI.L WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO lHE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED mOM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURF ACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTFCT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. --------~---~-- • ,,' " "" ,-A"""" "'" , .. ,. ~ "" , , , " , -, , ' ; ... ~A' " " " I , , .~,. ~_""'~' L .. <_ .... ,," ",. , HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ADDRESSES LOT 1 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 3 5120 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8TH STREET BAIMA &: HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-2:"'07 JOB NO. 1673-026 OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG CHKO. BY WSH SCALE 1" = 20' SHEET G:\1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 11/14/2007 2:19:19 PM PST 2 OF 2 [I u '\1' '\ iii 1,/1' ,I " 'I Li I ! I,: B o z < ...J Co u w Co g ~ a~ o < 0:: ...J o N II cr D- D-« w I;;: o z o Vi GS cr (2) 1 I tV i It~471.49 (12"CONf-S) ------ 1/2" CALIPER I OREGON AS:{ t' STREET TREE PER LOT, TYP. I MATCH EX. CURB/ UTTER & SIDEWALK o o + \ 1 + • • x w • ., . • 1 ",,' 0 • I,'.. 0 I 1'1' 220' TO NEAREST FIRE , " , SW 1/4 OF 1 5' LANDSCIPE W/ MIXTURE OF DROUGHT ,,<,<,kiA, NT PLANTINGS AT 24' O.C" i'---~--()RE'GON 0RAPE \~:j~~~~ SPIREA : ROSE ~(~474-_~ , " ~~,~--". ,EASEMENT REC. NO. 101~' ;;,~:-t::~ ,.:1i.~i-+_--WHI'EL,:HI\IR RAMPS -2A TELEPHONE STUB 26' PU8L1C ROAD DEDICA TION TO CI ry OF RENTON REC. NO. THE NE 1/4 CITY OF SEC. 10, RENTON, r,· ,-,- '-,' " r , '-' -, , • ,,",r-" """.~.,,, ""'''",-. ,-,.~, L_" """'" '" , ,< , ''',. '-" " "" ", '" , "i • ,-,-t TL 1 023059246 5' LANDSCAPE STRIP OF DROUGHT RESIST AT 24" TYP. -SALAL -NA TlVE SPlilKA -NA TlVE o r,· ,-,-"~->, I '" " ~ , , . -" " , ,,~_"'H"" ,." r' , ,,~ r' "'" " " , " ~_ c ... 'L ••• " "'" "'''''''' ,., " :-', ~ '. '" :: ~. :-'- TWN. 23N., RGE WASHINGTON 5 ALL SITE E. , TO REM ... ,VI:I'> 4 5 W.M. ---- SIDEWALK EASEMENT RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL 5' @ EB <> IX! Ell E- SYMBOL LEGEND HEAT PUMP FOUND REBAR AND CAP WATER METER UTILITY POLE WATER VALVE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL GUY ANCHOR YARD LIGHT FIR TREE MAPLE TREE FRUIT TREE ADLER TREE --SD --STORM DRAIN o 5 10 20 W! I SCALE 1" -20' :51--S S --S --~S --S -..so. -=.so =3IL..:: - -=--~ .sit --==-::..W -=-=-so -so -_ so _ CONNECT WALL FOOTING DRAIN TO CB -------. EX. C8 RIM=465.74 INV=463.19 (6"PVC-N) INV=460.59 (12" ADS-E) -CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PRIOR TO CONNECTION CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE TO CITY STANDARDS Call before you O,g. Ii Ii HI: 1-800-424-5555 Iii I-HHHHf--I BY _____ ._______ DATE ____ _ I ' BY AVOID Cl)1TING UNDERGROUND I', ____________ DATE ____ _ w "' PL ~IF~ ST PL Sf SITE VICINITY MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25~9 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130~090. CALCULATED MONUMENT 10 FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONe W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.5'ON 15 1.21 i-. o.n ~~ OJ r-.oi :0 010 <.0 b«) W 661.49' ~ jry N88'1413 W :0' "00 if) Poi 0:0 0", Z N88'12'l7"w 2644.82' 661.20 1.322.41' w . , ~ 0> :0 ~ 0 cO b :0 a <0 Z 3 2 11 L __ ~1~3~24~.7~O~S~I~TE~~~~~~1;65~5~,9~7~'-~10~bll _.+. _ N88"20'02"W 1324.70' RENTONT FOUND MONUMENT NO.1907 IN CASE 4X4 CONe HORIZONTAL CONTROL NTS I EXPIRES NOTE: W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN 11/30/08 EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE TIlE EXACT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNIJER- GROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN HEREON. THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILI liES NOT SHOWN OR UTILITIES NOT SHOWN IN T1HEIR PROPER LOCATION CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: 1-800-424-5555 UNDERGRQUND SERVICE (USA) 1 11t..f-0 UTILITY LINES. I rs COSTLY II" L-L-L_nLNL~L=Z~ __________________________________________________________________________________ ...JL..:BY::=============-L-=======:=====-~DA::JE.:...=====::....iL _______ . ___________ -:--===============-:-____ J i.l I '=:::::·=~~·o:·.·~==c,:c. ~=.~,.cc.=~:;:".,:;;':=::::===:J ... _-' .. -.------------- CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT /I LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mop to be the graphic representation of some, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures. Inc. First Savings Of Renton Name Nome ACKNO'M.EDGEMENTS State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ___________________________ ;.,, ____ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF BASIC VENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAt ___ ...:. _____________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE __ ...;. _________ OF FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE filed for record this ........... day of ......... ,20 ....... at.. .... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of W!I. l.i.<;J!T.' .. ~~ ~ p.~ ... ~ ?1.r:':l.~.~:.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: __________________ __ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ___________ , 20 ___ _ ---------------------------------------------Administrator, Planning/ Building/ Public Works NE 10TH I~T SE 116TH ST ~ ,,---Z SITE ~ NE 8TH ST ~ ~ ~ NE 4lli ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. PAWM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MAB~ CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES, PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. BOUNDARY NOTE THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN A TITLE REPORT PROVIDED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY, ORDER NO. 596328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND LINES DEPiCTED ON Tl-IIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITLE INFORMATION AND REPRESENT DEED LINES ONLY. THESE LINES DO NOT PURPORT TO SHOW OWNERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A COURT OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and O,-dinance in ........... , 20 ...... .. Certificate No. . ... !)~~.4 ..... ------~--- N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOl./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ Assessor Deputy Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 102305-9246 Account Number _________________________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT e LOT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., R~~LC~U~~D W.M. 3 _. , r iNO~A~~~~~M~~Jc p...,t:;2G:lriN8~8[:·I~~2r'l.:.....7'~·W:.....:2:::6::4~4.~8~2';;_;;_:;_;o-..;._I3 .. 6~2. W/1.5"BRASS DISK MONUMENT 1 01/ ~1.21',::>_ 661.:?O' uv ;> 1322.41' _ _ W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RESTRICTIONS to ~~ 1 11 RENTON NO. 1845 m -' • VISITED APRIL 2007 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. <tl I'-OJ <0 p~ o .0. \.oJ 661.49' v: 66 L4Q' \.oJ 1\ i<, ItdN;a-88;i-,q'-;1 4P,1;i3T,Wrrf-.!oZ.QJ~L--J , ,~ 'b II}-~ ~~ ';-~~ to ~to J~ ~ g&j -:ci g ~CV ~k\0' t 0<0 OJ <tlO ~~~ N z <tl <oz ~~ <0 <o~ 661. 78' 661.78=-'_t-_~Nr.=::.~16=_'l~0~"W~-_l('l ~ N88 6'10"W ...., \.oJ N~ p ~ 01~ pVi -0 ~ ::o~ <Ci z 9 10 S88'20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 ;/~ ;;; 662.35 66 5 ~ 1324.70 SITE 1 RENTON-$- NO.1907 2649.40 N88'20'02"W 1324.70' • • FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/1.5"SRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RENTON NO. 2101 VISITED APRIL 2007 EXCEPTION ON TITLE SUBJECT TO ENTRY RIGHTS TO MAKE REPAIRS, CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH AREA MENANCE OR DANGER TO ELECTRIC LINES LOCA TED IN THE STREET UNDER REC. NO. 3204310 NOT VISITED DECLARATION OF COVENANT \.oJ . !""l! __ ~o to IX) • o<tl • I") 0<0 ON Z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. 1~~~~;JE'tS~~NT ~OJE~B~ ~ESERVED FOR AND GRANTED T04QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ~NDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH / NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS '. SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS , SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR / THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITiON BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN , CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THIS EASEMENT IS CONVEYED UPON THE 'RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM NTS S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENllAL W <..9 <{ 0.... "--... ..J o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF REV 5-2-07 OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET WSH NTS 1 OF 2 G:\1600\1Fl73-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 11/14/2007 1:39:21 PM PST ------------ CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. ,~ , i~·r I II I 1 I 1 10' PSE EASEMENT REC. NO. ---1+-'--'---1' 20060727002515 - WI ZI WI ~I ~ II l I 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. 20030105000595 " , , " .. , ~I I N ~I I 1 I I '-~ I I HOUSE cO I I FF-475.69 ~T~~------~~lr __ ~S~88~~~O'~03~·~E~ __ +-______ ~ __ -l r ... , A .,-~ .. ,..- .. ~ I '\ I " ... -, L ~ ,-,. ~ .... , , i,.. ,. ... ,.._. , ,'-\I~::,:-; t: :\~ I •• '" ,,, po .. ", " ~ I 1/ I II . '~'-- '.",' '~..' '.. . ..' t../ ~::. ,... .......... ~ , ~ 11 ", ... ~ I .. '_ .. A I I, A I I ,' ... " • ~ ,-., -t TL 1023059246 01 5 10 Na) ! SC~LE 1" - I I vi I I ~ 2 ~ -:J a o I =03= I I 100.00' I N TO BE REMOVED I 1 1; I I 1 I~ o I ~ I ~ ~ I I 1 ~ ii I I iGA~~E 3 ( ~ EX. BUILDINis TO BE REMOVED @) f I~ I I 2 : ~ I I l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK ~~PORT STORM & \' SHED 2.5' x 5' WATER , 20 I 20' I -fEASEMENT REC. NO. 10' PRIVATE "rl~' I I~----=----=---=---2..EWER EASEMENT=---:L '-'-- -------'-:- 30' ----___ 1 SHED 30' J ESM'T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 -2.5'tT.5' - - -'-E'ep: -0- -, -, , RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FT. ullululululL..-_---L.1 __ ..1..1 __ ...I...I __ ..LI_---'I PORTION OF SW 1/4 of , , o 10 20 40 NE 1/4, S. 10 T. 23 N., R. 5 E.,W.M. , ' " C ; . , < _ -f , ", .'_- 5 f---___ _ SIDEWALK ---~EASEMENT (PUBLIC) 6 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT '---. FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 3= r FOR STORM WATER DETENTION TANK 1 lHROUGH 6 OFIHIS SHORT PLA r : -..L-I-_______ g io P -- . 10' UTILITY ESM'T l.. (TYPICAL) o o 5' WATER ESM'T (f) r--PER PLA T . (PRIVATE) " --- - 10' UTILITY r=_~SM'T ~PLAT __ , ;88'27'23. :t I .. --S88'20'03"E NE I I N ... ~ --__ -=-_8TJj S_T__ . t 51.00' 286.45 -I 1 rlx--66~5..1 I _, --(5 'CALC. r~-------~-----"rr~~~~:;;;:-r-------------------:~~~~~~~~--------------------------'S~i'2~~i[~----------------------------------------3(~~--------------------~~~~~:J------~~~~~~~ MON. IN CASE I, 30.21' I g ('oj CENTERLINE 1\ S 88'20 03" E ~ THEORETICAL ; LSE COR. SE1/4, I 26' PUBLIC ROAD 301.06'.,-200.03 (PLA1))f" .... CEN.OFSEC. I SW1/4,NE1/4, I DEED TO CITY OF RENTON n," "'-7'\''' 10-23-5 SEC 10-23-5 " ~-.'-\: ',: i - NOT VISITED I REC. NO. ---------.' , .. ,-" " ,-, . , " " " 11 \I 1-' I " ... 1-. Ir If , " I r I "' I.. L .... ,~'-_ • 1 ~ .... ~ .... L-' SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT I II • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @. FOUND REBAR AND CAP J ._\ NOTE kI.1:!' -1 " , ,;,. r--w= .... r.., ,---, " I • "-' NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE ~REA!EQ.JJPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF -FfWS 1 & 2lSHALL HAVE AN EOUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBlrfTY FOR MAINTENANCE OF TH'E PRIVATE' STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. TI;1ESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGNAGE. AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF REiHON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EOUALL Y. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO lHE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED i-ROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. '\'". ,-A""""""""" "'I I"" , , , •• r" "'" I , .,' '.""" ,. ••• < •• ,,,,,"'" .~ . ~ ..... -, .,. ~-,'-'. ~<. '" t: ~ _ ,', HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ADDRESSES LOT 1 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT :5 5120 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET lOT 6 5138 NE 8TH STREET BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF CHKD. BY WSH REV 5-2-07 SCALE 1" = 20' DWG NO.1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 11/14/2007 2: 19: 19 PM PST ---------""-"--" CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we. the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this map to be the graphic representation of same, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures, Inc. First Savings or Renton Name Name ACKNOWlEDGEMENTS Stote af Woshington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF BASIC VENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF FlRST SAYINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Vvashington County of __________ _ RECORDER~S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of .......... 20 ....... at ...... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of yy!~I.i.<:J!:! .. ~h ~p. ~ .. ~ ?1.r:r:.~.~~.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. af Records APPROVALS: __________________ __ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ ---------------------------------------------Administrator, Planning/ Building/ Public Works -SE RENTON ISSA QUAH RD NE 10TH ST SE 116TH ST ~ _--'Z SITE ~I NE 8; 5T ~ g -4: J: ~ ..J Z NE 4TH ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40. PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MAR~ CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE. WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REfERENCES PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS. MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. BOUNDARY NOTE THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN A TITLE RE:PORT PROVIDED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY, ORDER NO. 596328. THE BOUNDARY CORNERS AND LINES DEPICTED ON THIS MAP ARE PER RECORD TITLE INFORMATION AND REPRESENT DEED LINES ONLY. THESE LINES DO NOT PURPORT TO SHOW OWNERSHIP LINES THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE DETERMINED BY A COURT OF LAW. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ............ 20 ....... . Certificate No. .. .. 1J.~~.4 ..... N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ Assessor Deputy Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Account Number _1.9_~~Q.?_=_~_~46 ____________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. , r FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED 3_ IN CASE 4X4 CONe P..,~~:ir6N8~8f::·l~2f'1..:...7'_i'W:.--.:2~6::4::.4~.8~2·;;;;__A1T--.,..3 ... l'I ... ~2.. W /1.5"BRASS DISK MONUMENT 1 of-'" "lm 1. 21 ',"', 661.20 '-vv :> 1322.41' _ ,. _ W/PUNCH, 1.5'oN RESTRICTIONS ~ ~~ 1 l 11 ~~J~~ :P~IL1~6507 lO OlO 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. 9 10 <0 0<0 W 661.49' ~ 661.49' W h hiN~88~·r:;14[r.l~3~W*.l2.WL..!I:.l;'-----l 00 lO-_ ~ OJiO 0>10 o· in t'-o o~ -cOo 0<0 oi 100 Z lIJ <oz <0 661.78' 661.78' N '16'10"W N88 6'10"W 66235 66/,1 1324.70 SITE I 1324.70' S88'20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 NOT VISITED W • r') ':0 u; IX) • 010 • t') 0<0 ON Z 10 15 RENTON+ NO.1907 2649.40 N88'20'02"W SUBDIVISiON DiAGRAM NTS S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED ---to g:w 10 t -N~ ;6~ N W CIj }'-I\!.. ~C) NK! N PI!) . 0!l:i --~~ to 10 - FOUND MONUMENT I IN CASE 4X4 CONC 10 , 11 W/l.5"BRASS DISK '" W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RENTON NO. 2101 • I VISITED APRIL 2007 DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 10' PRIVATE EASEMENT NOJE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY. AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY. CONSTRUCT. RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE. TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LOT 1 = 5.200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5.955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5.602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5.602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5.602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7.953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIA IT ACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL w o « 0... ........... ~ o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF REV 5-2-07 DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET WSH NTS 1 OF 2 G:\1600\1673-0::>6\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 1/31/2008 12:41:13 PM PST --------" CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 1i2C 662.35.4 ,vCALC. r MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED I ~ / "-i ~ 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO. 20030105000595 , . / I I " . I '-,- / 1 '" ,-,-,,'-'-'- ... ~ 1 I \! t I ,"". , \. -1-" ...... j , , I" ~ ...... ,. -~, '., ..... ,.. ........... I' ......... I--I \I \ I \ I I I I I I I " .. , •• """ ... _, ~ ., .... ,,.. 1.. ........... , , ~ ~ I ".A ", I" It • ," \0. .... I .... " \. A I_\. A I , ,,, .. J .,,' • I -t FOUND REBAR AND CAP 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. --~--~ 20060727002515 ~ LS,22333 L I S 88·20'03" E 100.00' 50.02' 30' -w z W ::J z ~I « ~ « -::J o o ~ I ~ I~ 30' I L 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT r 15' - ~I I ~I I 1 I I in I I o ~T~I~~I--------------~S~8~8~~~0~'O~3~"~E--------------~--__' ~ I I 100.00' I N 1:; I I § ~ I I ~ I I I I I I 2 N o d 10 TL 1 023059246 3 ~ 30.21' SE COR. SEl /4, SWI/4, NEI/4, SEC 10-23-5 S 88'20'03" E 26' PUBLIC ROAD 1 DEED TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. __________ . ,. ... , • -,-r~"'- "' .... I 1\ 1 1 , .... I '-_ ,., I , .. 1 , • , ,. ~ ..... ,', (" -, , I ...... ,. ... ,. .... \/1/ .... , I' ,)--\/H , ,I I' I •• L_ L-''' L_ •• " .... " .... \. .... NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1 & 2 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBllITIE<:; INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAII~AGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN tHIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED 8Y THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: . 1 INCH = 20 FT. uIILlILlILlILlI'--_--'I'--_---'I __ ....l.I __ --'-I_----'1 o 10 20 40 PORTION OF SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, S. 10. T. 2~ N., R. _ 5 E.,W.M. 01 5 10 20 ~ I I I SCALE 1" = 20' -. .. -" N. LINE OF S. 138' OF C"W1/2' SE1/4, SW1/4, I NEI/4, SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 50.02' 4 --. .' , " -t 50.02' 5 I i i 50.97' 6 NEW 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT , ,--, ~ ,. ,. I FOR STORMWATER DETENTION TANK FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS t--_ _ _ _ _ 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT. --'--+--------g SIDEWALK 10' UTILITY ESM'T ~EASEMENT (PUBLIC) TO WATER DISTRICT 90 ~ 5' WATER ESM'T l (TYPICAL) (PRIVATE) ------ ---50.02.:. I I 301.06' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 AND 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY, PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREA TER THAN 20 FEET. --- t I LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 --- 8 ..j. ~ -.... -0 co 0 N 0 N ~ ,"-- ADDRESSES 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE 5120 NE 8TH STREET 5126 NE 8TH STREET 5132 NE 8TH STREET 5138 NE 8TH STREET (0 P o o (f) I ... , '._---.... .' I I •. ~ , .. ' 5' WATER ESM'T r-PER PLAT 10' UTILITY r=_~SM'T ~PLAT __ I 200.03 (PLA t). ~ BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. SYMBOL LEGEND MONUMENT HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS & SUR V E Y 0 R S 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 • @ SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 FOUND REBAR AND CAP -------------------------------- 1. OWN. BY JEF CHKO. BY WSH DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-2-07 SCALE 1" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF' 2 G. \1600\1673 026\dwg\1673 026 Eng.dwg 1/31/2008 1: 16: 49 PM PST ------ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LLJA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this map to be the graphic representation of some, and that said short subdivision Is mode with the free consent and In accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures, Inc. First Savings Of Renton Name Name ACKNOWlEDGEMENTS State of WaShington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _______________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF BASIC VENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted ___________ _ My appoinhnent expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SA nSF ACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF FIRST SAYINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated My appointment expires ______ _ State of Woshington County of __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of.. ....... ,20 ....... at ...... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of W!I.I.i.9!:: .. ~h ~ p.~ ... ~.?1.1!'.~.~:.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records --------~--- APPROVALS: _________ _ CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ NF 10TH 1ST SE 116TH ST ~ ~ • -~ SITE !~ ; ;~ ..J ~ NE 8TH ST ~ ..J ~ ...: <I:: > ~ ~ 0 I~ Z NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N. T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00·02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARL< CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES, PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTA]ON INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ....... . Certificate No. .. .. 1),~?4 ..... N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ , 20 ___ _ Assessor Deputy Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 102305-9246 Account Number __________________________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. CALCULATED 3........ N88'U'17"W 2644.82' • r FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC .. 3 '\ ~ W/loS"BRASS DISK -W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN 11 RENTON NO. 1845 MONUMENT D~~~~.1~2~1~'~r-~6~61~ 10 vv. ,. .20 1322.41' RESTRICTIONS I!) ~~ ai r-. ai , • VISITED APRIL 2007 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. I!) o I!) 10 010 W 661.49' g 661,49' W 1..0. 'h N88'1413' W . -k fo~$' ,!O ...-.. :t .. 0 ~. - IX) I!) 01 I!) ~ ~ '": g ~ ~ :d g ~J~' ~ 'N i0' t 010 ai I!) 0 ~,,!(,!i Z 10 <D Z f;n!; 10 <D~ 661.78' 661.76' N '16'10"W N t:::i N88 6'10"W -1--7.~~~----1 C(j W ~~ -.t-N 'NlQ PI!) . 0 ~ :::~'..::.. 10 P ,i~ 5 662.35 66 ,'5 ~ , I S88'20'03"E 2611. 40' 1 ~=-:-:_:_=~~~-=-~~~----+-...!1~32~4~. 7~OUS~I]TE~ll 1324.70' 10 .til '\ 11 WEST 1/4 COR / A 7.649.40 'I" NOT VISITED RENTONT N88'20'02"W RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER NO.1907 J. 9 10 FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONe W/l.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, loS'DN RENTON NO. 2101 VISITED APRIL 2007 OF SECTION 10-23-5 NOT VISITED W 01;0 SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM ~tri o ;ci NTS DECLARA TION OF COVENANT ON Z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. 10' PRIVATE EASEMENT NOTE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COMCAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE BTH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUI T ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.0B.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT YlSITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENllAL. w C) « 0.. ........... -l o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 REV 5-2-07 CHKD. BY WSH SCALE G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 5/1/2008 9: 49: 48 AM PDT NTS DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 1 OF 2 ---~.--~-~.-- CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. LNO-20-0425 LUA-05-099-SHPL -SHORT PLAT II SCALE: 1 INCH... 20 FT. LJllluoluoluoluolL--_--1-1 __ -,-I __ -,-I __ ->-1 _---'I 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. ----'-----' I 10' PSE EASEMENT r-REC. NO. 20030105000595 , , , /. -' FOUND REBAR AND CAP r-LSH22333 ./ VISITED APRIL 2007 L I 100.00' 20060727002515 r 15' -I L 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT gl I N " . ,. ... ,., .... , tIl S 88'20-03': ~ "1 I i' ',::-~:. 50.02' U) I I 1 TL 1 023059246 I I in I I o ~oT~11 111----______ ~S=88~~0~'O~3"fE~--------~_J :--100.00' , a:i I') N 1; I I ~ ~ I I "<t I I I I 2 I l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK 10' PRIVATE STORM & ~ t--P 8 z 2 EWER EASEMENT =--:L _l- 3 01 5 k:.-.I .J SCALE I I 10 20 ! I 1" = 20' , -, N. LINE OF S. 138' OF \"'/2, SEl/4, S01/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 50.02' 4 w • fl~ ...... pN 0:= o z PORTION OF , SW 1/4 of 50,02' 5 ------ 2.5' x 5' WATER SIDEWALK o 10 20 40 NE ,1/4, S. 10 T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. , , w • o· N"<t • 0 ...... ~~ z I I 50.97' 6 NEW 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 3: 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT t [ FOR STORM WATER DETENTION TANK --'--1--______ ~ 10' UTILITY ESM'T ~ o o (I) 5' WATER ESM'T r-pER PLAT 30' 30' i ~~~~~~~~~~~~O' !~-----'" ----- L-23.16 -I -= = -B5.40' -r-I -,--J ESM'T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 == 2}t~r_ = = = ---~EASEMENT (PUBLIC) l (TYPICAL) (PRIVATE) --- 10' UTILITY ,-_~SM'T ~PLA~ LIx"-662.35/f 'vCALC. r MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT Lll 1 I ~ 30.21' SE COR. SE1/4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP R-15.00 0 [)=88'27'23" ~ . ~ .... co ~'----- 8 N .... -r--~ S88'20'03"E S 88'20'03" E 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEED TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. __________ . NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOT 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNER OF LOT 1, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER SERVICE LINES SERVICING LOT 1. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING SAID SERVICE LINES AND RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT r ... I A -,-t-.r I 1\ \ • 1.-_ ,-, , ,.. ... ,..- I 11-_ " , , ...... -,...' ... ,,...-,.,, ......... , ... 111/1--I 11 .. 1-_ \1\/' 11 II I • • L. _ L. ..... " I... _ ., ... " "...-L.'" .' .. ~" .. -, ~. :-"~~'"t:.~. ,., 286.45 I I NE 8TH ST ---------------------------- 301.06' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT IS TO BE CREA TED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS I, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PSE, VERIZON, COMCAST AND OTHER PRIVATE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6. THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES SERVICING THEIR LOTS, WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE PRIVATE UTILITY OWNERS SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. --5LQO' -I I I 8 -t .-. .... -0 to 8 N N .... 200.03 (PLAT) f-S ADDRESSES LOT 1 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 3 5120 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8n--t STREET BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. A NEW 33-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 AND 6, FOR THE PURPOSE FOR MAINTAINING A STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT AND ASSOCIATED STORMWATER FACILITIES. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, AND 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. SAID OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 ,------' -'--' ------~ --,--~ OWN. BY JEF CHKO. BY WSH DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-5-08 SCALE I" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 5/6/2008 7: 58: 24 AM PDT CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thot we. the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby moke 0 short subdivision thereof and declore this mop to be the grophic representation of some, and thot sold short subdivision is mode with the free consent ond In accordonce with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set OUr honds. Bosic Ventures, Inc. First Savings Of Renton Nome Name ACKNOVttEDGEMENlS Stote of Woshlngton County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________________________________ SIGNED THI S INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF BASIC YENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signoture of Notory Public _________ _ Doted ___________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ Stote of Woshington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWILEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF FIRST SAYINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENnONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signoture of Notary Public _________ _ Doted ____________ _ My oppointment expires ______ _ State of Woshington County of __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . filed for record this ........... day of .......... 20 ....... at ...... M in book .......... of.. ...... at page ......... at the request of '!Y!I.I.i.<:J~ .. ~h ~p. ~ .. f:i. ?1.r:ry.~.~r.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: __________________ __ CITY OF RENTON Exomined ond approved this ____ doy of ____________ , 20 ___ _ NE 10TH ST SE 116TH ST ~ ~ • -f.--z SITE ~ ~ . ;;?-' c( c( :J 5 NE 8TH 5T ~ ~ ~ 0 c( 0 Z ::J I ~ ::J a Z NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARts CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907. CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSE[) TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ....... . Certificate No. .. .. l!I~L ... N KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and opproved this ____ day of ___________ , 20 ___ _ Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Deputy Assessor Account Number _1.9_~~2.?.:.?_~~§ ____________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED 3 _ 3 ,. 2 IN CASE 4X4 CONC N88'12'17"W 2644.82' MONUMENT rjfo' .. ~fti·li::22i1~' :l1~~rT-~~~:;;;-:.,.--.. -.d'-~-. W/l.S"BRASS DISK 10r ~~. ,. 661.20 1322.41' ~ _ W/PUNCH, 1.S'ON RESTRICTIONS If) ~~ 1 11 RENTON NO. 1845 oi ;.... oi I VISITED APRIL 2007 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. 9 10 If) o If) to otC W 661.49' l7: 661.4Q' h N88'1413 W If) • rx,ifi o . b~ 0<0 Z 8 oi n - S88'20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 NOT VISITED w , RENTON+ NO.1907 2649.40 N88'20'02"W ~1 ;0 CD SUBDIViSION DiAGRAM ~.o b ~ NTS ON z 10 15 S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/l.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.S'DN RENTON NO. 2101 VISITED APRIL 2007 DECLARA TION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 10' PRIVATE EASEMENT NOTE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COM CAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5.955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. w Cl « 0... ""- -1 o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH (206) ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 5-2-07 JOB NO. 1673-026 CHKD. BY WSH REV SCALE G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 5/1/2008 9: 49: 48 AM PDT NTS DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COUR" SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT * LUl\-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. ~3 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. L~ 662.35 A. , CALC. f/ MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEOREnCAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. ----~----~ 20060727002515 - W Z I 10' PSE EASEMENT I REC. NO, 20030105000595 FOUND REBAR AND CAP , ~ LS#22333 ~ VISITED APRIL 2007 L I 100.00' I l-10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT sl I 5 88·20'03" E I i ",. -,-,," -' . I-~ I " I ,t I--• I..' -, t ,~ I . 1,..-~ r"' ,.. -., ,.' ....... / ... r'" ,.., \ ~ ~ 1-.... I-- \ \ I \I" I I I " , " I . ,' ....... I ... _ t. ..... ~ ...... I. -' ... J ... ~ ... , ... , < , '" -~ ~ , 50.02' w ::> z ~I I 1 TL 1023059246 3D' ~I ~ :?! ~ -::> a o ~ I ~ I~ 3D' I I I I in I I o N"~ 00 N ' 1O~ .... ~T~I--~I------______ ~S~88~~~0~'O~3"~E ______________ ~ __ -J ~ I I 100.00' I N 1:; I I ~ ~ I I ~ I I I I 8 N .... 2 N o d Ul w b N ~ Z 3 588·20'03"E ~ 30.21' SE COR. SEl /4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 5 88'20'03" E 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEED TO CITY OF RENTON REC, NO. __________ , NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOT 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNER OF LOT 1, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER SERVICE LINES SERVICING LOT 1. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING SAID SERVICE LINES AND RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ,. .. , ~ -,-" ... f"-t-~ I , \ I I 1,...- I 1... ... ' -" " ... I \ , , ,.. -r-.......... ,... -\ • , ~ ...... "' r" "" 1-. "''''' 1--111" " II I • , ... -...... ,~ I.. _ ., .. .-' .. / 1,. .... . ~ .... , , "--'''' .,," """'·~""""F'''''''~ :':\). ,:~:',::~ :.:.~.~~~~,'~:~,'~:: RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 Fl. ullulululul<--_--'-I __ LI __ .J...I __ .J...I _---'I 0' 5 lrl.-.l ~ I SCALE I I I 286.45 10 20 , I 1" = 20' , , '-. " N. LINE OF S. 138' OF PORTION OF SW 1/4 of I I I I \WI!2' SEI!., SWI!_, NEI/4, SEC 10-23-5 I 301.03' I 50.02' 4 w • o· N~ • 0 ,.... pN 0::: o z 50.02' 5 -_.-. ----- SIDEWALK ---~EASEMENT (PUBLIC) I NE 8TH ST --------------------------- .. 301.06' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PSE, VERI ZaN , COM CAST AND OTHER PRIVATE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6. THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES SERVICING THEIR LOTS, WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE PRIVATE UTILITY OWNERS SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. o 10 20 40 NE 1/4, S. 10 T. 23. N., R. 5 E •• W.M. c. i ; 50.97' 6 NEW 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ' , ' , L _ , ... ;,. o . 'I.() ~O ..... , C(J I"") FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS ~ r FOR STORM WATER DETENTION TANK 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT • ~4------___ __ 0 ---.1"") 10' UTILITY ESM'T to P o o 5' WATER ESM'T l (TYPICAL) (PRIVATE) V) r-PER PLAT --- --5lJlO' t I -: 0 0 ..t .... . -0 Ul 0 N 0 N .... ADDRESSES LOT 1 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 3 5120 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8TH STREET , 10' UTILITY r ESM'T I PER PLA~ I 200.03 (PLAT) f-S BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. SYMBOL LEGEND S MONUMENT A NEW 33-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT EASEMENT IS TO BE CREA TED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6, FOR THE PURPOSE FOR MAINTAINING A STORM WATER DETENTION VAULT AND ASSOCIATED STORM WATER FACILITIES. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT APPURTENANCES, THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. SAID OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP OWN. BY JEF CHKD. BY W5H DATE 8/15/05 REV 5-5-08 SCALE 1" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 5/6/2008 7: 58: 24 AM PDT -----,-._---- ~---~~------------ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT /I LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners in fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this map to be the graphic representation of same, and that sold short subdivision is made with the free can sent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures, Inc. First Savings Of Renton Name Name ACKNO'M..EOGEMENTS State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________ ~~_~~ __________ ~ _______ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ___ ~_~~ _____ OF BASIC VENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of ___________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _~_~_~~~ _____ ~_~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ______ SIGNED THI S INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of WaShington County of __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................. .. filed for record this ........... day of ......... ,20 ....... at ...... M in book .......... of.. ...... at page ......... at the request of y!!I.I.i.<?!:! .. ~~ ~ p.~ ... ~. ~1.r:r:'.~.~:.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of _~~_~~_~~~~~, 20~~~~ SE RENTON ISS AQUAH RO NE 10TH ST SE 116TH ST ~ ~ J:~J<S; -~ SITE « z o Z ::> 5 NE 8TH ST ~ 8 « I W .J Z NE 4TH ST VICINITY MAP SCALE N.T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD, AS EST,II.BUSHED BY KiNG COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES PLAT OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMEN T ATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ...... .. Certificate No. .. .. p.~~.~ ..... N ~-~-------~-.. --~-~----~ ----------------------- KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this _~_~ day of ________ ~~~_, 20~_~_ Assessor Deputy Assessor SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. 102305-9246 Account Number __________________________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT SW 114 OF THE NE 114 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED 3...... 3 •• 2 IN CASE 4X4 CONC N88'12'17"W 2644.82' MONUMENT 1 OrjV .. ~ftili::.2211~'.:>;-_T6IT:W~~~~~)M.--.~~. W/1.5"BRASS DISK r uv ". 661.20' 1322.41'. _ W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN to ~~ 1 11 RENTON NO. 1845 RE8TRICTION8 oi f-.. oi • • VISITED APRIL 2007 10 010 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORO. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. <0 0<0 W 661.49'1il 6614Q' W J..0. h INNit88~·T:;14MI~3:ir,Wm-.Q.W!...!I::iL...-l in fo'0 J? 10 -V.<:5 "'. -00 to '" -~ 9)" -~'V o ID tOoi 10 0 Z IDz ~~ ID ID~ t----=-6..:.,61:..:.. 7N8i8' at~66Rlti. 7C.Q8,-' -1f--_~N~g'I~6~'1 ~O'~'W'-_~ N ~ I N88 6'10"W .... }'J~ ~~ 'NlQ plii in P o~ :=o~ tci z 9 10 S88'20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 ;j~ 5 662.35 66 5 ~ " 1324.70 SITE I 1324.70' 10 ... " 11 2649.40 ~P' RENTON+ NO.1907 N88'20'02"W ~l FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.5'DN RENTON NO. 2101 VISITED APRIL 2007 NOT VISITED DECLARA TION OF COVENANT W ~-• <D to . 0 10 • n 0<0 ON Z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. 10' PRIVATE U]L1TY EASEMENT NOTE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COM CAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM NTS PJAN REVIF\,f\ .. ' CITY OF RENTCX'.' . S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED JVh1 ~ 5 zaDB RECEIVED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41,544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft. DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENnAL w (9 « (L "-. ~ o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH (206) ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF DATE 8/15/05 6-24-08 JOB NO. 1673-026 CHKD. BY WSH REV SCALE G: \1600\1673-0;i6\dwg\1673-026-Enonwq 6/24/2008 11: 10: 03 AM PDT NTS DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 1 OF 2 ~----~-~~~~~~~~--~~~-~- RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT /I LUA-05-099-SHPL LNO-20-0425 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. SCALE: 111111 I I I 10' PSE EASEMENT REC. NO. ---'------' 20060727002515 3D' w z w :::> z w ~I ~ <{ -:::> o o ~ I ~ I~ 3D' I 10' PSE EASEMENT r REC. NO. 20030105000595 .. '" A -,. ~ ... ~- I-~ I I \ I 'I I-• I L _ ,~" ~.J 1 , • , ........... r", ,.., Ifli I II 11 I', • • ... .. " .. L ......... " J'I _, I 1-" I ... " \ A I ""! FOUND REBAR AND CAP LSH22333 I ,........ • .. I ~ " -t VISITED APRIL 2007 100.00' I-10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT 10' PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT ~ I I ~I I I I 1 in I I o S 88'20'03" E 50.02' TL 1023059246 ~T~I~~I ______________ ~S~8~B~~~0~'O~3~~E ______________ ~ __ ~ ~ I I 100.00' N t; I I I~ ~ I I I I I I I 2 N o d co 3 l l 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK i E_A_S_E_M_E_N_T _R_E_C_. _NO. lOS' TPORRIMVA&TE ---B5.4~ - -T -' - - w • o· N'It · 0 ~. ON · ... 0.-o z 1 INCH = 20 FT. 0 10 20 40 01 5 10 20 n __ ... -i SCALE 1" -20' ~\ ~.~ N. LINE OF S. 138' OF \ Wl/2. SEI/4. SWI/4, NEI/4. SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 50.02' 4 w • O· N'It • 0 ~. pN 8:: z PORTION OF SW 1/4 of 50.02' 5 ---- 2.5' x 5' WATER NE 1/4, S. 10 T. 23 , , , -, !'l o· N'It • 0 ~. ON 8::: z 50.97' 6 NEW 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENl ,-, ,-, FOR STORMWA TER DETENTION VAULT FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT --'---t------- J ESM'T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 5' ---- SIDEWALK ± 5' WATER ESM'T 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT N., R. 5 E., W.M. ':ot O. Nt{) "'0 ... a:i ,';'.' I"") .:., .•• = o I"") (!) p o " . . . I , , , , o 5' WATER ESM'T (/) PER PLAT 10' UTILITY r::-_~SM'T -.lITI3...PLA_T -- '" ==-== == == == _SEW_ER_EASEMENT=-=:-_[_(:_J~~_I~)_T TO WATER DISTRICT 9010_' PRIVA_TE ST_ORM EASEMENT L-23.16~~~~--~~==~==-=~~=CC==JC==-~=-=C=-~~==~-5~~~0~2'==-==c-==cc==-~=-~~~~~5~O~.0~2;'~~~~;j;;~;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~;;~f=~ . I 1 :-~~:~~'23~ 286.45 -.SaM. -5l.1lO' L-L ~----';"'-8-S88'20'03"E ___ N~E:.-.8TH ST 0 0 -i .... . ... 662 . .35 -4 N ------------0 to CALC. I' ~ 30.21' MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED SYMBOL LEGEND ~ MONUMENT SE COR. SE1/4, SWI/4, NEI/4. SEC 10-23-5 • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP 0 N 0 S 88'20'03" E N .... 200.03 (PLAT) 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEED TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. __________ . NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOT 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNER OF LOT 1. FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER SERVICE LINES SERVICING LOT 1. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING SAID SERVICE LINES AND RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 33-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 AND 6. FOR THE PURPOSE FOR MAINTAINING A STORMWATER DETENTION VAULT AND ASSOCIATED STORMWATER FACILITIES. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AND 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY, DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE. AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. SAID OWNERS OF LOTS I, 2, 3. 4. 5 AND 6 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. ,. .... , • -,-"~r - .. ' I I. I " .... , '--,-, I , • ,r-r, /~ ,-, • '/~ r-.. r, "",... ", .. ,... \1\1' I. II , ., 1.... L/ ~/ '-_ ,. ~,.. '" L-' .," ",." ..... """""",,,," :'~',: .~',:~::) :4~.:.~~~~:~J~J~:: 301.06 NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 AND 6. THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STORM LINES SERVICING THEIR LOTS. THE LOT OWNERS SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. 1-S ADDRESSES LOT 1 80B HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 2 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE LOT 3 5120 NE 8TH STREET LOT 4 5126 NE 8TH STREET LOT 5 5132 NE 8TH STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8TH STREET BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY JEF CHKD. BY WSH DATE 8/15/05 REV 6-24-08 SCALE 1" = 20' JOB NO. 1673-026 DWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 6/24/2008 11: 43: 14 AM PDT CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LND-20-0425 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners In fee simple of the land herein described, do hereby make a short subdivision thereof and declare this mop to be the graphic representation of some. and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have set our hands. Basic Ventures, Inc. First Savings Of Renton Name Name ACKNO'M..EDGEMENTS State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF BASIC VENTURES INC. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Dated ~ __________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _________________________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ____________ OF FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THEIR INSTRUMENT. Signature of Notary Public _________ _ Doted _____________ _ My appointment expires ______ _ State of Washington County of __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICA TE .................. .. filed for record this ........... day of .........• 20 ....... at ...... M in book .......... of ........ at page ......... at the request of '!Y!I.I.i.<:Jr!! .. ?h ~p.~ ... ~.?I.r::.~~r.9 ..... Mgr. Supt. of Records APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ .. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this ____ day of ____________ • 20 ___ _ Assessor Deputy Assessor 102305-9246 Account Number __________________________________ _ HOQUIAM COURT 6 LOT SHORT PLAT RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23 N., RGE 5 E., W.M. Sf RENTON ISSA SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC. 10, TWN. 23N., RGE 5 E., W.M. , r FOUND MONUMENT CALCULATED 3...... 3 2 IN CASE 4X4 CONC N88'12'17"W 2644.82' _ W/1.5"BRASS DISK QUAH RD NF 10TH 1ST SE 116TH ST SITE NE 4TH ST L-___________ ~--------___ - VICINITY MAP SCALE N. T. S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 138 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF FOR ROAD. AS EST/I.BUSHED BY KING COU~!TY COMMISSIONERS RECORDS VOLUME 40, PAGE 132. I BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00·02'42" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND AT THE EAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST SECTION CORNER OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M. DATUM NAVD88 PER CITY OF RENTON BENCH MARK CITY OF RENTON POINT NO.1907, CHISELED SQUARE IN SE CORNER CONCRETE MAILBOX BASE, WEST SIDE 142ND AVE SE, OPPOSITE HOUSE NO. 12014 ELEV=472.66 FEET. REFERENCES PLA T OF BROOKEFIELD V.223, PG. 25-29 RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING UNIT. FIELD SURVEY CONTROL WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS. MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1: 22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. J ~, I N LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the appropriate State and County Statute and Ordinance in ........... , 20 ....... . Certificate No. . ... !1.~~.4 ..... J MONUMENT 10vG~'~~tl~.2~IG'.>;.lr~6~61~.2~or.~~~~~JM~--~~~--. r vv ... 1322.41' _ r _ W/PUNCH, 1.5·DN RESTRICTIONS ~ ~~ 1 •• 11 ~~g~~ :P~IL1826~7 I[) 01[) 1. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4362, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORD. NO. 4921, TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. SUBJECT TO PSE EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 20060727002515. 4. SUBJECT TO RIGHT TO ACCESS TO REPAIR AND CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH MENACE ELECTRIC LINES UNDER REC. NO. 3204310. 5. SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT WITH WATER DISTRICT NO. 90 UNDER REC. NO 20070720000344. (.0 0<0 W 661.49' 5l 661 An' W 'i-rJ N88·14 13 W ~'-'-"'---I' I[) • (X) (X) li) ;" :t' Poi in I'-:P 01[) ~ 000 o <0 gi I[) 0 Z ~, <0 Z '" t----=6..::.6.:..:.1.~787::'±~661.78' N '16'10"W N88 6'10"W t N 9 10 S88·20'03"E 2611.40' WEST 1/4 COR NOT VISITED RENTON NO. 1848 THEORETICAL CENTER / OF SECTION 10-23-5 66235 ,,( i 1324.70rsri:~5 RENTON+ NO.1907 2649.40 Naa'20'02"W 1324.70' " 10. 11 II" •• FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE 4X4 CONC W/1.5"BRASS DISK W/PUNCH, 1.S'DN RENTON NO. 2101 VISITED APRIL 2007 NOT VISITED DECLARATION OF COVENANT W • t<)~ ¥1", (X) • 01[) • t<) 0<0 ON Z 10 15 THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE PRIVATE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO QWEST, COM CAST CABLE TV, PUGET SOUND ENERGY. AND OTHER UTILITIES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET. PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE (HOQUIAM AVE NE AND NE 8TH STREET) OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE. TV. AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE TV SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. THESE EASEMENTS ARE CONVEYED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT PER RCW 58.08.015. HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISION DIAGRAM NTS S 1/4 COR CALCULATED MONUMENT RENTON NO. 1851 NOT VISITED TOTAL SITE AREA= 41.544 sq. ft PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 6 LOT 1 = 5,200 sq. ft. LOT 2 = 5,955 sq. ft. LOT 3 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 4 = 5,602 sq. ft. LOT 5 = 5.602 sq. ft. LOT 6 = 5,711 sq. ft, DEDICATION = 7,953 sq. ft. NOTE: ALL LOIS ARE TO BE DETACHED & SEMIATIACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. w o « 0.. ............ ~ o > BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 OWN. BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 EXPIRES JEF CHKO. BY WSH REV 6-24-08 SCALE NTS G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Enorlwq 6/24/2008 11: 10: 03 AM PDT OWG NO. 1673-026-ENG SHEET 1 OF 2 ---------------------"----------- RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT II LUA-05-099-SHPL LNO-20-0425 HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC, 10, TWN, 23 N" RGE 5 E" W,M, SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FT. ullulululul _____ -LI __ LI __ LI __ -,--I _----'I I 10' PSE EASEMENT " REC. NO. 20030105000595 FOUND REBAR AND CAP ~ LSH22333 / VISITED APRIL 2007 ,.", .. -,-..... I 1\ I "t-' I l _ ,-" ... ~ , • /,,. .... ,.--. I '" r ... ,.-... r-.. " 1\ " ..... 1--'" uor I 1 I I I I', . -, .... J' '-_ " ,.,;, ...... L .... '",., , I", li"1 ..... I _ " ~... I \ A I I """''''' -," -t 01 5 10 20 ~rl! I i SCALE 1" = 20' N. LINE OF S. 138' OF PORTION OF _.2W 1/4 of . I I o 10 20 40 NI_1/4. S .. j Q_ T. 23 N •• R .. ~ E.,W.M. / , .t _ -t .-~ ,-- " , " ., 10' PSE EASEMENT I I REC. NO. ---'------' 20060727002515 L I 100.00' S 88'20'03" E 50.02' \ Wl/2, SE1/4, SW1/4, NEI/4, SEC 10-23-5 301.03' 3D' -w z w :::> z ~I « ~ « -:::> o o ~ I ~ I§ r 15' - in 0 cO t") .- 3= t 0 N r.... 0 b 0 I (I) I 3D' ~ I-10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT 10' PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT 50.02' N I/} 1 TL 1 023059246 S 88'20'03" E 100.00' N ~ ui ~ 2 1.5' PUBLIC SIDEWALK I STORM & w • o C'-I ;.... p 8 z 3 j EASEMENT REC. NO. 10' PRIVATE 1\ '" =-~--~-=--2 EWER E~ENT~ _I-___ _ 1 ~ ----.85.4-' -r--+ - ----- f'0?\ ~"~J 4 2.5' x 5' WATER J ESM'T TO WATER DISTRICT 90 -2.5'tl;"5' - - --29'"[:P __ _ w • o· !'I~ ....... oC'-l 8::: z 50.02' 5 ------ 50.97' 6 NEW 33' PRIVATE DRAINAGE FASEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 3= [ FOR STGRMWATER DETENTION VAULT 1 THROUGH 6 OF THIS SHORT PLAT • ~-t---_____ g (0 P o ., , . , SIDEWALK fa 5' WATER ESM'T 10' PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT o 5' WATER ESM'T (I) r-PER PLAT 10' UTILITY I ESM'T ---I PER PLA_T __ L-23.16 -- -CL--. t-,----: --flQ.0~ Ll 1 R-15.00 8 I lF88'27'23" .,f ~ .- S88'20'03"E ~EASEMENT (PUBLIC) t WATER DISTR: 9~C-='V: S: EASE": 286.45 I ----5ClJl2.: I ___ N_E_8TJj S_T __ _ ---_ 51JlO' t I 8 .,f I t';X--662.35 ,4 \. CALC. r MON. IN CASE CENTERLINE THEORETICAL CEN. OF SEC. 10-23-5 NOT VISITED SYMBOL LEGEND ~ MONUMENT I I ~ 30.21' SE COR. SEl /4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SEC 10-23-5 • SET REBAR & CAP LS 11332 @ FOUND REBAR AND CAP S 88'20'03" E 26' PUBLIC ROAD DEED TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. __________ . NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOT 2 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNER OF LOT 1, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING PRIVATE STORM AND SEWER SERVICE LINES SERVICING LOT 1. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING SAID SERVICE LINES AND RESTORATION ASSOCIATED WITH SAID MAINTENANCE. THE OWNER OF LOT 1 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT STORM WATER DETENTION VAULT AND ASSOCIATED STORMWATER FACILITIES. THE ~, ... , , , ~ -. ~ -,~ .. ~ I I I I I I ... • , L..' • I ~ ~ I , • ,r-r">. r~ ,.-, • , ~~ '-' ,. .. \I" 1-. I I I .. I--II \' , I I I I I ., L._L./'~\.._" ''''''~L.''' " " " . -" " ., " ., " " " " ~ " ",., I' I ,>.,,,,,,, II , .. -, '-""'~ ........ '",,''''' ., •• ~ " .. -I • A , ~':,'.~~·"t:~_ ,'-" 301.06' NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A NEW 10-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6. THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STORM LINES SERVICING THEIR LOTS. THE LOT OWNERS SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 .... 8 N ADDRESSES . .-o co N 808 HOQUIAM AVE NE 802 HOQUIAM AVE NE 5120 NE 8TI-l STREET 5126 NE 8TI-l STREET 5132 NE 8TI-l STREET LOT 6 5138 NE 8TI-l STREET 200.03 (PLAT) BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. ~ A NEW 33-FOOT WIDE PRIVATE STORM WATER DETENTION VAULT EASEMENT IS TO BE CREATED WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT ON LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR THE I BENEFIT OF LOTS I, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6, FOR THE PURPOSE FOR MAINTAINING A OWNERS OF LOTS I, 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN I HOQUIAM COURT SHORT PLAT ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 (206) 392 -0250 THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. SAID OWNERS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 SHALL HAVE INGRESS AND EGRESS RIGHTS ONTO SAID EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES. OWN, BY DATE 8/15/05 JOB NO. 1673-026 JEF CHKD, BY WSH REV 6-24-08 SCALE 1" = 20' DWG NO.1673-026-ENG SHEET 2 OF 2 G: \1600\1673-026\dwg\1673-026-Eng.dwg 6/24/2008 11: 43: 14 AM PDT