HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-139, • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: January 25, 2007 To: City Clerk's Office From: Holly Graber~ Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to faCilitate project closeout and indexmg by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: P(lrk Terrace Lot line Adjustment LUA (file) Number: LUA-05-139, LLA Cross-References: AKA's: , Project M,mager: Jill Ding " Acceptance Date: December 15, 2005 Applicant: Vineyards Construction Owner: Vineyards Construction Contact: Stephen Schrei J Core Desigrllnc. PID Number: 664950-0090, -0100, -0110 ERe Decision Date: ERe Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: ],muary 19, 2006 Appeal Period Ends: February 2, 2006 Public Hearing Dilte: Date Appeilled to HEX: By Whom: • HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: 20060210900007 Project Description: Lot line adjustment between three lots. Location: Comments: , · • • • PARTIES OF RECORD Park Terrace Lot Line Adjust. Stepherl Schrei, PLS Core Deslgrl, lnc. 14711 NE 29th Place ste: #101 Bellevue, WA 98007 tel: (425) 885-7877 eml: sjs@coredesigninc,com (contact) Carl Ueland 800 Duvall Place NE Renton, WA 98059 (party of record) Updated: 01/10/06 LUA05-139, LLA Cliff Williams Vineyards Construction, LLC PO Box 2401 Kirkland, WA 98083 tel: (206) 714-7161 (applicant) Chris Eakins 752 Duvall Place NE Renton, WA 98059 tel: 425-255-1075 (party of record) George & Karen Samson 4710 NE 7th Place Renton, WA 98056 tel: 425-235-8363 (party of record) I (Page 1 of 1) February 9, 2006 Stephen Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc_ • t 471' NE 29'" Place Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Schrei: Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA-05-' 39, LLA CITY eF RENTON PlanninglBuHdinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zim...."man P.E., Administrator The Crty 01 Ranton has approved the above relsrenced klt line adjustment and has forwarded the final mylars to King County lor recording. Please note tha recording of the lot line adjustment map aJone does not transfer ownership of property. If ne<;essary, prepare and record a deed transferring ownership 01 the portion of land depicted in the lot line adjustment map. We recommend that the legal description for this document be prepared by a surveyor. It is the appl;cant's responsibility to ensure this document is properly prepared and recorded w~h the County. II you have any lurther questions regarding thiS lot line adjustment, please contact me at (425) 4S0·72te. Sincerely, {/.;vr 1(. :i27J Oi~_~._~~ng Associate Planner Yellowille Vineyards Construction 11.<11; ... c",-sIEIo,olop 3D \IJ •• &~to "9'PAQdEGTO'QS 1 ag _ilJILl! ~96 laSWIP 'lTA.Q9C 1055 SMth Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 @ "'" """'" =""" 50% ""'""'" """"""'. 30% _ """'"'"" hH>,'" ,n Til •. CURVI: DATE: TO: FROM: • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM February 9, 2006 City Clerk's Office Jill K. Ding, PIB/PW -Development/Planning. x7219 • SUBJECT: Paril Terrace Lot Line Adjustment; File No,lUA-05-139, LLA Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc take these documents via: 2_hour service ($23.11 )-1:00 PM deadline to City Clerk 2»-3% hour service ($18.46}-12:00 PM deadline to C,ty Clerk X 4-hour service ($15,73)-10:00 AM deadline to C~y Clerk Attached is a check for the amount of $15.73 for the fee to COal, According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #0001007500.0060 49.000014. Please call me at x7219 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yetlowf,le Property Management Jan Conklin APPLICANT H. \D,,,.iDn.s\Develop se~Dw&pl.n.,ng\PROJ E CTS\05-1 39.J'II\l.U~ 1 39Cl.E RKMMO.OOC Stephen Schrel, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29'" Place Suite#101 Bellevue, WA 98007 • CITY" RENTON PlllllJ\lngIBuildingIPublicWorks Department G.-egg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator SUBJECT: Park Terrace Lot Une Adjustment File No.l.UA-05-139, LLA Dear Mr. Schrai: The City has finished reviewing your proposed lot line adjustment and is now ready to approve (subject to the minor revisions required in the attached memo from Property Services) and send the final version for recording. Please submit two sets 01 an original signed mylar and a check for $15.73 made out to CD&L to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. Please verify that the mylars have been signed by all owners of record and have been notarized with an ink stamp (not embossed). The ink stamp must be legIble so that King County will promptly record the lot line adjustment. This deciSion to approve the proposed lot line adjustment is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, February 2, 2006. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton MuniCipal Code Section 4"8- 110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-651 O. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely. ~~22u Project Manager CC: Cliff William (Applicant/Owner) Parties of record Yellow file -~'"IItl., •. Is·"",,··If)"·"·'1·"W"·'·,!O, •• ~ .. ",."""'a'd~",,rnet'''ti'"'."'""us"I"",eo"",~<~~,,,,s"~-'~r~A~'"ReEQ._"eo.,~----R E N T O~N J 0,5 South Grady Way _ Ren~m. WashingtOll '18055 '''''D or TIlE CUR",- • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 2006 TO: Mike Dotson, Plan Review FROM: Jill K. Ding, DevelopmenVPlanning, x7219 SUBJECT: Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-OS-139, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this 101 line adjustment, please Initial this memo below and return to me as soon as pOSSible. However, If YOll have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: CC: Yellow File K:\Divl"lon. 5 \D"".lop 6e~Oev&plan_lngU e]\Lo! line Ad] ",lm""l" \LLAS \PeAT MEMO DOC • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDlNGfPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 2006 TO. Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Jill K. Ding, Development/Planning, x7219 SUBJECT: Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-05-139, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial thiS memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording. please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: '& 'i'~'I'eo\=<, Robert T.S On;' J~ Dale Yellow File 1i'\Oo~"on .IDevelop se<\Dev&p1an,lng'L}eJILot Una Adlu.tmentsILlAS1PLATMEMO DOC - DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 18,2006 Jill Ding Sonja J. Fesser!J:'~ Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment, LUA_OS_130_I,LA Format and Legal Description Review ------------ Bob Mac Onie amI I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submiual and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The add",,, for Parcel Cis; 4716 NE 7'" Place. Note said address in the space provIded on Sheet 10f2. Replace (he references (0 SE 121" Street (on Sheet 2 of 2 of the lot line adjustment) with NE 7th Place_ Replace (he reference to 138'" AVE SE with Duvall Place NE33 -~.--~. l' Tineyards V Construction, LLC FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET lNCLL'DlNG COVEt- " o URGENT 0 fOR ACTION o PU<AS>< IUlPL y o PLEASE REVIEW o AS REQUI>STIlD NOTIlS/CO>.amNTS, P.O. BOX 240\ KIRKLAND, WA 98(l83_HOl TEL 425-89,·8478 FAX 425·g9~ 8498 ~lOIIOOIll'l • • ------------'----'I VINEYARDS CONSTRUCTION, LLC This Limited Liability Company Agreement (the "Agreement") of Vineyards Construction, LLC, a limited liability company organized pursuant to the Act,. is entered into and shall be effective as of the 9th day of May, 2002, by and between the Company and BeIniont Homes, Inc., a Washington corporation, its sole member. ARTICLE I -FORMATION 1.1 Organization. The Member has organized the Company as a Washington , limited liability company pursuant to the provisions of the Act. The Member hereby confirms that it has appointed Belmont Homes, Inc., a Washington corporation, as Manager of the Company. 1.2 Agreement, Effect ofinconsisteneies with Act. For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Member and the Company hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as it may from time to time be amended according to its tenns. It is intention of the parties that this Agreement shall be the sole source " ineffective under the Act, this Agreement even when or different than, the provisions of the ornde. To the extent any provision of this Agreement is Act, this Agreement shall be considered amended ,to me smallest degree possible to make the agreement effective under the Act. In the event the Act is subsequently amended or intequetcd in such a way to make any provision of this Agreement that was fonnerly invalid valid, such provision shall be considered to be valid from the effective date of such interpretation or amendment. The Member and Manager shaH be entitled to rely on the provisions of this Agreement, and the Member and Manager shall not be liable to the Company for any action or refusal to act taken in good faith reliance on the tenus of this Agreement. The Member and the Company hereby agree that the duties and obligations imposed on the Member as such shall be those set forth in this Agreement, which ill intended to govern the relationship between the Company, the Manager-and the Member, notwithstanding any provision of the Act or common law to the contrary. ------------~---------~ --- I ---...-----------• .- 1.3 Name. The name of the Company is Vineyards Construction, LLC, and all business of the Company shall be conducted under that name or under any other name, hut in any case, only to the extent permitted by applicable law. 1.4 Effective Date_ TIris Agreement shall become effective upon the filing of the Certificate ofFoIIIlation with the SecretaI)' of State of Washington. 1.5 Term. The tenn of the Company shall be perpetual Wltii dissolved and its affairs wound up in accordance with the Act or this Agreement. 1.6 Registered Agent and Office. The registered agent for the service of process and the registered office"shall be that person and location reflected in the Certificate ofFonnation as filed in the office of the Secretary of State. The Manager may, from time to time, change the registered agent or office through appropriate filings with the Secretmy of State. In the event the registered agent ceases to act as such for any reason or the registered office shall change, the Manager shall prompdy designate a replacement registered agent or file a notice of change of address as the case may be. If the Manager shall fail to designate a replacement registered agent or change of address of the registered office, any Member may designate a replacement registered agent or file a notice of change of address. 1.7 Principal Office. The principal office of the Company shall be located at P.O. Box 2401, Kirkland, WA 98083-2401. The Manager may, from time to time, change the principal office and make appropriate filings with the Secretary of State to reflect thai fact. ARTICLE II --DEFINITIONS For pUl:poses oftrus Agreement, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following tenns shall have the following meanings: 2.1 Act. The Washington Limited Liability Company Act and all amendments to the Act. 2.2 Additional Member. A Member other than the initial Member who has acquired a Membership Interest from the Company. 2.3 Admission (Admit). The act of becoming a Member and obtaining the rights appurtenant to a Membership Interest. 399874 214JbklO) "'7,0(00) 2 ,101<DOI>'I -----~-----~ • I ==~==, 2.4 Capital ContributioD_ Any Contribution or contribution of services made,-===== --bY-or on b-eh~aIf of a Member as consideration fora Membership Interest.-~ ---- 2.5 Certificate. The Certificate ofFonnation of the Company as properly ________ _ =---=-=-_C-, __ -adopted and amended from time-to time by the Member and flIed with the Secietar5'of ----- - State of Washington. 2.6 Code. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended from time to time. 2.7 Company. Vineyards Construction, LLC, a limited liability company formed under the laws of Washington, and any successor limited liability company. 2.8 Company Property. Any Property owned by the Company. 2.9 Contribution. Any contribution of Property made by or on behalf of a Member as consideration for a Membership Interest or as a contribution to the capital of the Company. . . 2.10 Distribution. A transfer of Company Property to a Member on account of a Membership Interest regardless of whether the transfer occurs on the liquidation of the Company, in exchange for the Member's interest, O£ otherwise. 2.11 Disposition (Dispose). Any sale, assignment, transfer, exchange, mortgage, 1 _____ pledge, grant, hypothecation, or. other. tran5fer, absolute or.as security. or. encumbrance, _____ _ (including dispositions by operation of law). 2.12 Manager. One or more managers of the Company. Specifically, Manager shall mean Belmont Homes, Inc., a Washington corporation, or any Person or Persons who succeed it in that capacity. References to the Manager in the singular or as him, her, it, itself, or other like references shall also, where the context so requires, be deemed to include the plural or the maSculine or feminine reference, as the case may be. In the event there is more than one Manager, any action t[) be taken by the Manager under this Agreement may be taken with the consent of a majority of the Managexs. 2.13 Member. The member executing this Agreement, any transferee ofa Member or any Additional Member. At any time there is more than one Member, the term "Member" shall mean all Members, and any action that may be taken IDlder this Agreement by the Member may be taken by any Member, provided that any dispute with respect to any-action shall be decided by a majority. of the Members. _______ _ 3 • ---_ .... _-_ ..... • 2.14 Membership Interest. A Member's entire interest in the Company including such Member's rights in the Company's profits, losses and Distributions pursuant to this Agreement and the Act and such other rights and privileges that the Member may enjoy by being a Member. 2.15 Agreement. This Agreement including all amendments adopted in accordance with this Agreement and the Act. 2.16 PerBon. An individual, trust, estate, or any incoIJIorated or unincorporated organization permitted to be a member of a limited liability company under the laws of Washington. ' 2.17 Proceeding. Any judicial OT administrative trial, hearing or other activity, civil criminal or investigative, the re511it of which may be that a court, arbitrator, or governmental agency may enter ajudgment, order, decree, or other detennination which, ifnot appealed and reversed, would be binding upon the Company, a Member or other Person subject to the jurisdiction of such court, arbitrator, or governmental agency. 2.18 Property. Any property real or personal, tangible or intangible (including goodwill), including money and any legal or equitable interest in such property, but excluding services and promises to perfonn services in the future. 2.19 Taxing Juri~diction. Any state, local, or foreign govemment that collects tax, interest or penalties, however designated, on any Member's shan: of the income or gain attributable to the Company. ARTICLE III -NATURE OF BUSINESS The business of the Company is to acquire, develop, build, manage and sell residential real property, and any other business allowed by the Act. The Company shall have the authority to do all things necessary or convenient to the accomplish its plllpose. ARTICLE IV -ACCOUNTING AND RECORDS 4.1 Records to be Maintained. The Manager shall maintain the following records at the pl1ncipal office of the Company: 4.1.1 The full name and business address of the Member; 4.1.2 A copy of the Certificate of Formation and all amendments thereto; 4 ~10/~OOWl • 4.1.3 Copies of the Companxs federal, foreign, state and local income tax_==== I ~===·c~~=_ returns "and 'reportS (or the portions of the -ieiUrns of others -shoWing die t8Xable IDcome~- deductions, gain, loss, and credits of the Company), if any, for the three most recent 4.l.4 Copies of this Agreement iriduding all-amendments thereto; 4.1.5 Any financial statements of the Company for the three most re<:ent years; and 4.1.6 The amount of cash and a. description and statement of the agreed value of the other p:ropeny or sernces contributed by the Member and which the Member has agreed to oontribute; . ARTICLE V -NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF MEMBER The name and address of1he Member is Belmont Homes, Inc., a Washington corporation, P.O. Box 2401, Kirkland, WA 98083·2401. ARTICLE VI -MANAGEMENT 6.1 Management Rights. Subject to Section 6.2 of this Article VI, the business of the Company shall be conducted by the Manager and all management of the 1 _____ i;Company shall be vested in the M~~. _The Nanager. shall have power. and authority. to ____ _ take any action on behalf of the Company authorized by the Act including, but not limited to the following actions: 6.1.1 The location or relocation of a place of business for the Company; 6.1.2 The executiOll, or appointment of officers and agents with such designation as the Manager may determine to execute, on behalf of the Company aU instruments and docwnents, including, without 1imitatiOII, checks. drafts, notes and other negotiable instruments; mortgages or deeds of trust; security agreements; financing . statements; documents providing for the acquisition, mortgage, investment or disposition of real or personal property. 6.1.3 The appointment and firing of compensation for officers and other agents for the Company; ----_.- 6.1.4 The-detemliilation of the-amount of, and the making of, Distributions; l"",4.214'bM) 11191.0000 I 5 ~1~19001l'l ·..------_.----.. ------- . 6. 1.5 The acquisition, development, renovation, conversion to condominium status, sale, rental, lease, and management of improved and unimproved real property or personal property from any Person as the Manager may detennine. The fact thit the Manager or a Member is directly or indirectly affiliated or connected with any such Person shall not prohibit the Manager from dealing with that Person subject to other provisions of this Agreement; 6. L6 The borrowing of money for the Company from banks or other lending institutions and the grant of liens on all or any of the real or personal property of the Company; 6.1. 7 The purchase of liability and other insurance to protect the Company's property and business; 6.1.8 The investtnent of any Company funds (by way of example but not limitation) in time deposits, short-!enn governmental obligations, commercial paper or other investments; 6.1.9 The confession of ajudgmenl against the Company; 6.1.10 The making of any capital expenditure; 6.1.11 The employment of accountants, legal counsel, managing agents or other experts to perfonn services for the Company and to compensate tbem from Company funds; and 6.1. J2 The doing and perlonnance of all other acts as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the Company's business purpose. Any of the foregoing actions may be performed by Manager on behalf of the Company acting as a member, partner, sharebolder, or other principal or representative of a limited liability company, partnership, corporation, or other entity. 6.2 Certain Powers of Managers and Restrictions on Authority of the Managers. Notwithstanding Section 6.\ of this Article VI, only the Member may take the following actions or may direct the Manager to take the following actions: 6.2.1 The Admission of an AdditionaL Member; 6.2.2 The initiation or a proceeding for the bankmptcy of the Company; 3~91174.214lbkl!l J 7~97.0000 J 6 -~-----,------'-.. • • . .. _---- I , 6.2.3 The k~,o-~-~--purposeOfthe~~i;~pI!:;-;~-g _of any a_'_t_w~~_w_ould_m_"'_'_it_impossible to fulfill th, =.~. :.=.=1 6.2.5 The amendment of this Agreement or the taking of any action in violation of this Agreement; or . 6.2.6 The causing oflbe Company to voluntarily initiate a proceeding under which the Company would become a debtor under the United States Bankruptcy Code. 6.3 Liability of Member and Manager. Neither the Member nor the Manager shall be liable as a Member or Manager for the liabilities ofthc Company. The failure of the Company to observe any formalities or requirements relating to the exercise of its powers or management orits bm.iJ!ess or affairs under this Agreement or the Act shall not be gl"ounds for imposing personal liability on the Member or Manager for liabilities of the Company.' . 6.4 Indemnification. The Company shall indeIIlllify the Member and the Manager £oT aI~I~'~O~'~"~. ~IO~~~'!'~' ~1i:'b~ili~ .. ~ti~'~'~M3d:d~mmg~~~~P~'~id~O~'~~~=~'id~by~ the Member . as a Member or as . with the business of the the fullest extent providedl----- Company to -advance costs any Proceeding to the Manager or Member. The Manager may, the consent of the Member, indemnify all other employees and agents of the Company for all costs, losses, liabilities, and damages paid or accrued by the agent or employee in connection with the business of the Company or because such Person is an agent or employee, to the fullest extent provided or allowed by Washington law. 6.5 Conflicts ofInterest. 6.5.1 The Member or Manager shall be entitled to enter into transactions that may be considered to be competitive with, or a business opportunity that may be beneficial to, the Company, it being expressly understood that the Member or Manager may enter into transactions that are similar to the transactions into which the Company may enter. --~--- 7 ~--~-. • .~-~--~-• -~-------------"-,.-,,--- 6.5.2 A Member or Manager does not violate a duty or obligation to the Company merely because the Member's conduct furthers the Memb~r's own interest. A Member or Manager may lend money to and transact other business with the Company. The rights and obligations of a Member or Manager who lends money to or transacts business with the Company are the same as those of a Person who is not a Member, subject to other applicable law. No transaction with the Company shall be voidable solely because a Member or Manager has a direct or indirect interest in the transaction if either the transaction is fair to the Company or the Member (in the case of a transaction in which the Manager but not the Member is personally interested) or the Manager (in the case of a transaction in which the Member but not the Manager is personally interested) with knowledge of the interest of the Member or Manager as the case may be. 6.6 Authority of Manager to Bind the Company. Only the Manager and agents of the Company anthorized by the Manager shaI! have the authority to bind the Company. The Manager has the power, on behalf of the Company, to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the business and affairs of the Company, including, without limitation: . 6.6.1 The imtitution, prosecution and defense of any Proceeding in the Company's name; 6.6.2 The purchase, receipt, lease or other acquisition, ownership, holding, improvement, use and other dealing with, Property, wherever located; 6.6.3 The sale, conveyance, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, and other disposition of Company Property; 6.6.4 The entering into contracts and guarantees; inCurring of liabilities; borrowing money; issuance of notes, bonds, and other obligations; and the securing of any of its obligations by mortgage or pledge of any Company Property or income; 6.6.5 The lending of money, investment and reinvestment of the Company's funds, and receipt and holding of Property as security for repayment, including, without limitation, the loaning money to, and otherwise helping the Member, officers, employees, and agents; . 6.6.6 The conduct of the Company's business, the establishment of Company offices, and the exercise of the powers of the Company within or without Washington; 8 510/600111 • ---_. __ ._-.-----. amount oftbe assets, liabilities, profits or losses of the Company or any other facts pertinent to the existence and amount of assets from which distributions to the Member might properly be paid. ARTICLE vn -CONTRIBUTIONS 7.1 Initial Contributions. The Member shall make the Contribution described for that Member on Exhibit A at the time and on the terms spe<:ified on Exhibit A. Ifno time forthe Contribution is specified, the Contributions shall be made upon execution of this Agreement. The value of tile Contributions shall be as set forth on Exhibit A. No interest shall accrue on any Contribution, and the Member shall not have the right to withdraw or be repaid any Contribution except as provided in this Agreement. 7.2 Additional Contributions. In addition to the initial Contribution, the Member may make additional contributions. The Member shall not be obligated to make any additional contributions. ARTICLE VIII -DISTRIBUTIONS 8,1 Distributions. Except as provided in Section 8.2 and in the Act, the Company may make Distributions as detennined by the Manager from time to time in accordance with this Agreement. 8.2 Limitations on Distributions. No Distribution shall be declared and paid unless. after the distribution is made, the assets of the Company are in excess of all liabHities of the' Company. ARTICLE IX --TAXES 9,1 Elections. The Manager may make any tax elections for the Company allowed under the Code or the tax laws of any state or other jurisdiction having taxing jurisdiction over the Company. 9.2 Taxes of Taxing Jurisdictions. To the extent the laws of any Taxing Jurisdiction require, the Manager will prepare and the Member will execute Hnd submit an agreement iudicHting that the Member will make timely income tax payments to the Taxing Jurisdiction and that the Member accepts personal jurisdiction of the Taxing Jurisdiction with regard to the collection of income taxes attributable to the Member'S income, and interest, and penalties assessed on such income, if such agreement is required by the Taxing Jurisdiction. If the Member fails to provide such agreement, the 1""".2/'"",",11197 0000 1 10 ~TO/ll01l'l E1 '11 0"" 900'''0110 • • -Company may withhold and pay_<!.~er_lo_such Taxing Jurisdiction tlie amount of tax; __ ~_ ~ __ ~ -----penalty arid"iii.terest-ditennified under-the IiwS:-ofthe TllXing "iunsdiction with respect to such income. Any such payments with respect to the income of a Member shall be treated as a distribution for purposes of Article IX.' _____ -= ~-_---::c. _ '--=-="--~-=-::--'--=-:;:-:::= : ____ =_-_-=-= ___ :-__ -~_=_=__-_c7 ____ --'-___ --~-,'--------- 9.3 Method of Accoullting. The records of the Company shall be maintained on the method of accounting as'that of the Member. ARTICLE X -DISPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP INTEREST AND ADMISSION OF ASSIGNEES AND ADDITIONAL MEMBERS 10.1 DispOSition. The Member's Membership Interest is transferrable either voluntarily or by operation onaw. The Member may Dispose of all or a portion of the Member's Membership Interest Notwithsianding any provision of the Act to the contnuy. upon the Disposition of the Members Membership Interest, the transferee shall be admitted upon the completion of the transfcr without further action. Upon the transfcr of the Member's entire Membership Interest (other than a temporary transfer or transfer as a pledge or security interest), the Member shall cease to be a Member and shall have no further rights or obligations under this Agreement, except that the Member shall have the right to such information as may be necessary "for the computation of the Member's tax. liability. 10.2 Admission of Additional Members. The Member may Admit A,"':di:'u:":nal=-_____ • Members and d~e the.Capitai Contributions of such additional·Membcrs.- ARTICLE XI -DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP 11.1 Dissolution. The Company shall be dissolved and its affairs wound up, npon the will of the Member. NotWithstanding any provision of the Act to the ccntrruy, the Company shall continue and not dissolve as a result of the death, retirement, resignation, expulsion, bankruptcy, or dissolution of any Member or any other event that terminates the continued membership of fl:ie Member. 11.1 Effect ofDissolutioo. Upon dissolution, the Company shall cease carrying on as distinguished from the winding up of the Company business, but the Company is not terminated, but continues until the winding up of the affairs of the Company is completed and the Certificate of Cancellation has be issued by the Secretary of State of Washington. .----.- II G10Jnolll'l • -.----- 11.3 Distribution of Assets on Djs~olution. Upon the winding up of the Company, the Company Property shall be distributed: 11.3.1 To creditorS, including the Member if it is a creditor, to the extent pennitt~d by law, in satisfaction of Company Liabilities; and lhen 11.3.2 To the Member. Such djstribution~ shall be in cash, Property other than cash, or partly in both, as detennined by the Manager. 11.4 Winding Up and Certificate of Cancellation. The winding up ofa limited liability company ~hall be completed when all debts, liabilities, and obligations of the limited liability company have been paid and discharged or reasonably adequate provision therefor has been made, and all of the remaining property and assets of the. limited liability company have been distributed to the Member. Upon the completion of winding up of the Company. a Certificate of Dissolution shall be delivered by the Manager to the Secretary of State of Washington for filing. The Certificate of Cancellation shall set forth the information required by the Act. ARTICLE XU -AMENDMENT This Agreement may be modified or amended from time to time only by a written instrument adopted by the Member and the Company and execnted by the Member and the Company. ARTICLE XIII -MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Member and the Company. 13.2 Rights of Creditors and Third Parties under Agreement. This Agreement is entered into between the Compaoy and the Member for the exclnsive benefit of the Company, its Member, and their successors and assignees. This Agreement is expressly not intended for the benefit of any creditor of the Company or any other Person. Except and only to the extent provided by applicable statute, no such creditor or third party shaH have any rights under this Agreement or any agreement between the Company and the Member with respect to any Capital Contribution or otherwise. lO'074.2145bk/O 17597 .0000 1 12 SlD/flOtl'l • ' . :1 IN WIrnESS WH,~;E;RE::::OoFc,,,w=-'~h="~'Ch"ereunto set out han~se_als:_on the date setc_==== 10 I o=~==~ ,,,"!hb •• ,. Ollt names.-' ---------LI .. c·'~-------:"'::---~----------. .~" :=-' ----MEMBER: Date: ---+-C-""!...::.-----c-- COMPANY; Vineyards Construction, LLC, a Washington . ~mited liability company By: Belmont Homes, Inc., a Wasmngton 13 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGfBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 12, 2006 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jill K Ding, Development/Planning, x7219 Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA·05-139, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have QI,I\s\<lnOif19 concerl1s or require additional information in order 10 recommend recording, please let me know, Thank you. Property Services approval' cc: YellOW File H \Do,,,,," s\lJevolop ,eno"v&plan_"'gUoJ\Lot Lin. AdjuSlmon!slllASIPLATMEMO_OOC ( DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT, • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDINGfPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 18,2006 Jill Ding SonjaJ. Fe"er ~ Park Terrace Lot Line Adjl1'>tment, LliA-OS·UO-LLA I<'ormat lind Legal D<:scription Review Bob Mac OnlC and I have reviewed the abo." referen~eu lot line aUjmlmcn! ,ubmittal and h ... c the following comment" Comment' for the Applicunt' The address for Parcel C j" 4716 NF 7~ Place NOle said address in the spac~ provIded on Sh",,1 I uf 2. RepJa~e the rdcrcncc\ to S6 121~ Str~et (on Sheet 2 of 2 of the 1m line adjustment) with Nil 7'" Plac~_ Replace the reference to 138'" AVE SE with Duvall P]m:e NE.33 • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 2006 TO: Mike Dotson, Plan Review FROM: Jill K. Ding. Development/Planning. x7219 SUBJECT: Park. Terrace Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-OS-139, LLA Attached is the most fecent version 01 the above-referenced lot line adjustment If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review cancems have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of thiS 101 line adjustmel"lt. please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information In order to recommend recording. please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Revijew approval: Name Dale cc; Yellow File H.IDlvlSlon.s\Oevelop ""~D.v&plan Ing\Jejllot line Adjustmeot,\Ll-A$IPl-ATMEMO DOC ·.-------------------------------------------------------~ Janl.lary 5, 2OD6 Stephen Schrei. PLS Core Design, Inc_ 14711 NE 29" Place ste 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 • SUBJECT: Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment Project No. LUA·05-139, lLA Dear Mr. Schrei- CITY" RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublicWorks Department Gregg ZilIlmermu P.E., Administrator The City of Renton has completed lIle in~ial review of your proposed lot line adjustment The following changes will be necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal I. Soo attached comments from Sonja Fesser 01 the Property Services Section dated December 19,2005. Once the above changes have boon made, please submit two copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notilied when it is appropriate to submit the final mylars_ If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7219_ Sincerely, cJJ-t -,( 7? ' ~ill K. Ding V Associate Planner cc: Ctiff Williams. Vinayard Construction ApplicantlOwner Yellow file --"".'O.I'~"."~""'"O'·~"i"iil','"'i'~'u'ih"··G"·~~id'~'i'W"'~'@".'\t"~'·n~·.M."'.lu';;,'~~"h'li":';t""oo~"t'85"'·1"·"·'e""""~----~ ® T""popo-«rOo ... SO>I _,"""",,I """=,"""'-''''''' City of., Departmenl of Planmng I Bwlding I PubllC.S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: , ,Ii " " SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL; Lolline adjuslment belw'een tnr"" lots. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (".g. Non-Code) COMMENTS B. POLiCY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CDDE·RELA TED COMMENTS Proba.r. ~" _. We Mvtl ",","wed I", OppilCalmn Wllh pam""l", .Nentlon to tho"" ""'"S m which we have .>p<ttti"" aM ho.,., IW"lifi.d """'. of proDabJe ,mpact Dr "",.s wh.", a<idltion "oon is neaded to proptlrly assess this proposal Date , ,,'J DATE: TO, FROM: SUBJECT, • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 19, 21X15 Jill Ding SUIIja], F."e:r~ Park Terrace Lut Line Adjustment, LUA-05-i3H-LLA Fonnat and u,gal Description Review Bob Mac Ome and I have reviewed the aoove relerenced lot Ime adJu,tment suhmittal and h"Y~ the folluwing comment'- Comments lor the Applicant: Note the City 01 Renton land '''" action number and land record number, LUA-05-139-LLA aild LND-30-0302, re'pedi ,'ely, on the dmwing ,heet' iII the ,pace, provided, The addre" fm Parcel C ",ill be provided for thi, lot line Hdjmtment, Parcel, A and B are to he further ,uhdivided: therefore, addre."e, for the,e parcels are to be provided with th~ iHlcr ,ubdivi,ioil', The references t() Parcel A and Parcel B illldresses ,hould be remo,'ed from P'gc I Note the name, of the recoilfigured lot, ("PARCEL A", "PARCEL B" and '-PARCEL C") with a bolder attd larger t)'pe "'le. Under the "LEGAL nESCRWTIOl\~' hlock, remove "Pared" referen,'c" H' th,> newly c()ntigured lots will be called by that de,ignation, Note under the "RESTRICTIO:-lS" block (Sheet I of 21 that the puhlic ha~ the flght 10 make IIt:Cc,sary ,Jope, for cub or fills on Ih~ ,ubjt:Ct propcn~, Note that tf there are remictive covenant" easemeilts or agreement, to others (City of Remon, etc_) a, part of thi, suhdivi,ion, they can be recorded concurrent I)' with the lot hne adjustmeilt. 'fhe 101 line adjllmment and the ",,,,,,i.led do,'\lmcnt(s) are to be given to the Project Manager a., a package King County will record the lot line adjustment fLrst, with th~ accompailying doculTlt'nt, followiIlg. Th~ re~tlrding nllnthcr(,) for the a;;ociated document( ,) IIeed to be referenced on the lot line adju,tment drawiIlg;. • • City of R& DfJpartmenl of Planning / BUIlding / Public as ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: " " , SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Lot line adjustment between \I1me lot._ A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS B. POLICY_RELATED COMMENTS c. CODE_RELATED COMMENTS REVIEW SHEET w. 11""" ",,",,wed this appllCa/,on with parlroular altenl,en to !i>o"" areas"' which w" ,",,,,, e,per!"", "nd nave ,diJnlm"d areas of probable impact or "",as wherB ad<J,Mn'" mformallOn rs ne."'.~ 10 ptOp&Tiy 0""" 1m. proposal. CIty of Ra Deparlment of Planning (Building I Public As ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: iii " SUMMARY OF PROPOSAl: Lot line adjustmentbelw<!en tnree lots. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non_Code) COMMENTS B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Dale I / December 15, 2005 Stephen J. Schrel, PLS Core Design, Inc 14711 NE 29'" Place #101 Bellevue, WA 98007 • Subject: Park Terrace Lot line Adjustment LUAOS-139, LLA Dear Mr. Sehrei: CITY" RENTON PJanninglBuildinglPublicWorks DepartIncnt Gregg Zimmennao P,E.,Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of Renlon has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified jf any additional informalion is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7219 if you have any questions. Sincerely, /" '-1/.c' L-nY/1 Jjll K. Ding V Associate Planner ce' Cliff Williams, Vineyards Construction LLC I Owner -------,U,""",'oC""'Gc"O ... ,CWW;',C_CR"'Oo"'.C"C,OWc,,O,,';'o,O,CO,"""'"""'------R~ ® To,,,,,,,,,,"""""'''''' ~ ""_,]OJ"'_"",,,,,,,", • • • City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT NOV 19 2005 RECEIVED MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Vineyards Construction, LLC PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME; Park Terrace -LLA ADDRESS' P. O. Box 2401 PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE- CITY. Kirkland ZIP: 98083 SE 121s1 Street & 138th Avenue SE Renton, WA. 98059 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425 893-8478 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) APPLICANT (if other than owner) 6649500090,6649500100,6649500110 NAME: Cliff Williams EXISTING LAND USE(S). Single Family Residential COMPANY (,f applicable): Vineyards Construction, LLC PROPOSED LAND USE(S): ADDRESS. P.O. Box 2401 Single Family Residential EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION, CITY: Kirkland '" 98083 Residential Single Family TELEPHONE NUMBER 206714-7161 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (~appllcable), N/A CaNT ACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R·4 (King County) NAME: Stephen J. Sehrei, P,l.S. PROPOSED ZONING (if appl'cable) R·8 Renton COMPANY (If appl,eable): Core Design, Inc. SITE AREA (in square feet) 33,575 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th PI. Suite 101 FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): N/' CITY: Bellevue ZIP, 98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: ACRE (if applicable): NIA 425-885-7877. sjs@coredesigninc.com NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (,fapplicable): NIA l ----------- PRO.T INFORMATION 'en"""" NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if ~pplicable): N/A PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (If appl,cable): ENVIRQNMENTALL Y CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE None SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable); SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. fl. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON· RESIDENTIAL 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. fl. BUILDINGS (if applicable): NfA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. fl. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A 0 SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. fl. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON· RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (II " applicable); N/A WETLANDS ~, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (~applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE SW QUARTER OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 23. RANGE....L.IN THE CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: ,. Lot Line Adjustment 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ s",'emenls AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP ;!i:~:,:~1::0~~::::~:;::::E::::E;:::?'::;:::!~:::3':;-:.r of the proper!)' .nd !hat the fo'egoing , I r and bel,el. I certily thall koo'" 0' have sa .. factory evidence thaU?:' be.de T:> oJ~I--l~\ slgne<l thIS Inslrument and ackncw.tedged It to be hlslhe,~he" free and voluntary act fo,!he usos and purposes men~oned In tile instrument Notary Put>11c in ancl for !he State of Washing,on Notary(pnnt)ml~ka.k L C/c<rIL '>"<, ' " ',', " '4 '" ,~~'~~}i,; " '--, , "'"', "~> ,;~' ;:,:--,~t:~~':r:' 'f : !'lilmlH:Js ao = "U04fiu1"!S~M 'A~lIn~:) f.",'" '" '~~ """ OT ~~5E!! "OOE,,; "'~'59 ~""'1(}11 U~ pap,co" .. " Jo".:t~q, ,~td .. q. 0" DU,p~O~~I> ", "ON UO,S,A,O ",~u:;r".I. >[:;r~<I 'n ,0"1 .~ ·,dJl!\I~ 'uoOlDu,q5><M 'AOIun"J 6U'Il! u, '61 p= a; s~6Ed '.,ECd ,0 S9 ~1l/C'1011 u, p-..p~o~-..;r )oa~a1jO ~E,d ~q4 0 4 DU1'P:;m~'E " 'c~ ~O,,,,"'Q a~e~"a.1 '[.:ted 'or '10,} 'A4UnoJ oUn' u, Jo~~-a\l' ~~ld "'P • Ei 'lllJW<I 'UO'lfiu,-q~~1-! '61 ,?"I> ~, ~afi~d '~~ETd ~o 59 ~lIITl1oll U, p~p~O~~:I 0, DU,p.:tG~"" " 'oN uqs,A,a ~~u,;r .. ~ >[~~d '6 ~0'l i: ~&e~ V :;['lClG1rn.:JS :;[~~.5I~l!~~ ~~d ~l!QHS 'V ,!~:Jl!Vd 9EBL09 "ON .I~P~O • • ,~ '~"'- ':;;',~ :" , : ~L~~((', 'viji , ,3:1, ft .~, ,''''-";,";.rg , . ----'-'''-.' ) 4'/;, ,~ .-' /" II, " • ~;-;'., i,: !. ",: :'~ ,\ , '.'" ~ CORE ~DE5'GN No\'ember 17.2005 Core .Ko. 04026 City of Renlon • Development Services Division 1055 S. Grady Volay Renton. Washington 98055 NOV 19 2/liJ5 RECEIVED • Co'" Design, Inc. 14711 N ~_ 29,hPloa"svlre I 01 1leJ1"v<, Wa,ilington 9~007 .15 885 7B71 f", .25 BBS 7963 Subject: Project Narralh'e ror the Park Terrace Lot Line Adjustment To Whom It May Concern: The following lS presenled to address the Cily'8 5uhmillal requirement,; for a project narrall\'e regarding the Park Terrace Line AdJl.lstment located at the intersectIOn of SE. 12\" Street and 138'h Ave. Sf. 111C purpose of this \01 line adjustment is 10 create suitably sized parcels. to meet the owner's needs and requirements for Ji.nurc development. There are no "~peclal 81le feature8" such as wetland" waler bodles or steep s]ope8 that affe~t the slle. ,Inri no pmposed ,ode nl()difi~atiolls are being rtqllested along with Ihis 10] line adjustment. I trust that this w;lI satisfy the City', requirement rcganling a pmject narrutl>e lor the propO!,ed lot Im~ udju_,tmenL Stephell J. Schrd, P.L.S. Project Sun-e~or ·"·'i"'''-''I',. """',11" III \ eNGINeERING PlANNING 5URVEYING • • Df'VF.lQp .ELOPMENTSERVICES DIVISION . A:ry~f~bPLANNINc WAIVER I1F SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS N -'V'O" FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS av 2921105 This reqUirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3 BULlding Sect10n 4 Development Planning Section QWIEBIPWIDEVSERVlForm.\Planninglwa, .. r,xI. ReCEIVED ~ PROJECT NAME. ThcIClerrace LLfI- DATE, /I-7H-UJ 111161200, .,ELOPMENT SERVICES OMSION. LL A WAIVER aI' SUBMITIAL REQUIRE~NTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS roJOl( ~ of Lease Photosimulations This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: ___________ _ 2. Public Worl<s Plan Review Secban 3. Building SectIOn DATE: __________ _ 4. Development Planning Secllan Q \WEBIPI"IIDEVSERVIF crm.lPlanning\wa"",', xis t 1116l.!OO5 DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Rentol! Davtllopment ServiceS DivisIOn 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone" 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1, Gross area of property: 1. 33,575 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public slreets~' 0 square feet Private access easements" 0 square feel Critical Areas' 0 square feel Tolal excluded area; 2. 0 3. Subtract fine 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. 33,575 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. 0.7708 5. Number of dwelling units or lois planned: 5. 3 square feet square feet square feel acres units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. 3.89 = dwelling units/acre 'Critlcal Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations Including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or f1ooc1ways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded • •• Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. 1 L ... updato • • ----------------------------------------------------- • NOV 2 9 2005 RECEIVED PARK TERRACE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 04026 Plat Map Checks 9/15/2005 SJS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29tll Place Suite 101 Bellevue, W A 98007 , • ~ot Report eRD ,ile> P,\2004\C4026\Carlscn\D4026 era LOT S OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING 10a05 N 49°2B' 37" ------------- • 09/15/2005 06:35 STATION a.JO 10008 39.78 RADIUS, 45.00 DELTA, 28°34'22" CHORD BRG, N 63'45'4B" ~ PC-R, S 40'31':lJ" E PT-R, 5 ll'57'01" E POINT, ~0009 183540.67,1673593,01 TANGENT, 11.46 RADIUS l~OlO ~83584.69 1673583.6~ 62.22 " 1l"57'O~" '0 " H 10011 183681 " 1673553 " N e8'2C'Ol" " " 00 10003 183684.70 l673466.16 , 01"39'59" , ;; 00 10004 183629.71 1673464 " , 40031' 23" , 106.15 10005 l83549.03 1673533 ;0 Closure Error Distance> 0.0084 Error Bearing> S 26'37'12" W Closure Pyecision~ 1 in 49758.5 Total Dlstance> 4l9.7: LOT AREA, 11117 SQ FT OR 0.2552 ACRES 161. 56 :158.56 313 _ 56 419.71 , LOT 10 PNT# 10005 BEARING • OF BLOCK 1 DISTANCE NORTHING ~B3549_03 5 49"28'37" W 88.83 EASTlNG 1673533.53 • STATION 0_00 10006 183491.31 1673466.0188.83 RAPJUS, 20.00 LENGTH, 30.44 CHORD, 27.59 DELTA,87°13'02" CHORD ERG, N 86°54'52";; PC-R, N 40'31'23" W PT-R: N 46'41'39" E RADIUS POINT, 5454 183506.51,1673453_01 TANG&~T' 19.05 10007 183492.79 167343946 119.27 RADIUS, 220.00 LENGTH, 52.97 CHORD, 52.B4 DELTA,13'47'40" CHORD ERG, N 50oU'11"'~ PC-R, S 46°41'39" W PT-R, S 32°53'59" W RADIUS ~OIYT, 5455 18334:.90,1673278.37 TANGENT, 26.6l 10000 183526.61 1673397,86 172.24 N 32°53'59" E 122.'9 10004 183629.71 1673464.56 S 4Q'31'23" S 106.15 10005 183549 _ 03 1673533.53 Closure Error Distar:ce> 0,0055 Enor Beao-ir.g> N 5:'17'21" E C!OS1,lre Precisior.~ 1 in 73255.3 Total D~stance> 401.18 LOT AREA, 9889 SO ,T OR 0.2270 ACRES 295.03 401. t8 • • • LOT II OF BLOCK 1 ;>NT~ 3BARrNG DISTANCE ~ORTHING :'lASTING STA'l'ION 10000 183526.61 ~67]J97,B6 0.00 RADIUS, 220.~O LENGTH, 61.44 CHORD, 61.24 DELTA, :;6"00'00" CHORD BRG, N 65°06'01" W PC-R: S )2°53'59" W PT-R, S l6°53'59" W POINT, 5455183341.90.1673278.37 TANGENT, ,0.92 RADIUS 10001 183552.40 1673342.32 61.44 " 16°53'59" , :4Q_7~ 10002 1836B7.11 l673383 " C 88°20'01" , 82.95 10003 183684 " 1673466. " , 01'39'59" , 55 _ 00 10004 183629 .n 1673464. 00 , 32'53'59" , 122.79 10000 183526.61 1673397. "' Closure Error Distance> 0.0078 Error Be~ring> S 04'05'03" E Closure Precision~ 1 in 59319.9 Total Distance> 462.97 LOT AREA, 12568 SQ FT OR 0.2885 ACRES 2D2.23 285.18 340 18 462.97 • LOT NEW PARCEL A OF BLOCK : PNT# BEARING DISTANCE ~ORTHING 10012 l83550.2D 10G08 183574 _ 87 EAETING 1673534.91 1673563.77 • STA~ION 0.00 37.97 RADIUS, 45.00 CHORD BRG, N RADIUS l?OINT, !.ENGl'!l, 21.44 CHORD, 22.21 DELTA, 28Q 34'22" 10010 " 10011 " 10002 , 10013 " 10014 , 10012 Closure Closure 63'45'46" E PC-R, S 40°31'23" E PT-L S 11"57'01" E ~OOOg 183540.67,1673593,Ol TA..'<GENT, 11.46 l83584.69 1673583.69 60.41 lP57'Ol" " 99.34 183681 e' 167,S6} " lS~_75 88'20'01" " 179_~5 1836B7 ,H 1673383. " 339.70 16"53'59" , 51. 82 1.83637 " 1673368 '" m " 88'20' 01" , 94.4 7 183634 ,;e 1673462.61 "" " 40°31'23" , 11 ... 26 183550 " 1673534,91 597 '" ErroO" Dis'Oance> 0.0069 Error Bearing> " 10'38'35" , Preclsion> , '" 87162_1 Total Pi.tan~e> 597.26 W, AREA, 15414 "' " ce C.3530 ACRES 5"1I1:J'o: ];990-0 1:10 L.i: OS ~6~11 '1;ffil[\[ ':'0'1 LL'Zft <~~U~"S,a t~.OL ~"90(L8 IT, 1 <uo,S,~~~d ~~nsOrJ 11 ,,~O,6,oS~ S <5up"'~8' :lcn:a 0500'0 ~;>ou"~S11J :lO~:l1I ":l11S010 LL-~<t 16"v£S[L9, OZ"QSSc~, cTOO, n'1I1 11 ",;;,noo~ s os',ri ,9-C9tfL9t 9L"v£9[gl HOO'I ~L-Ln :lI ,,1:1:,51006£ N ~L"[61 6g"OgE,L91 ,,-9tH9t S,QQ, ,9"9£ '.L&<IDNlfL Li-gLZI:L9I'06"1v[(B1 ,StS 'LNIOd Snla'ilr M "Si,9toL~ S "£-.L<1 M ,,6(,1h9' S ';;:-~d p, "ES"t,c' /I '~1I\l CRlOflJ "to,55.al 'VJ!J:lIO H_'~L 'CRlOH::J t9"U 'ILLDNlI'l OO'C~C 'SflHI'tl! 80'I~1 9v"gEv£L91 6L"c6t[8, LOOD1 50"61 'LNHDNVL 10-(StSL9t',S-905cSl VS.5 'LKIOd saI~ 8: "6,,Ivo9v N 'lI-"'d M ,,(;~,1t.OI-/I '<I-;:ld 1\ ,"c5,vSo98 N 'Dll\"l QIiOHJ "cQ,UoLS '1t.1'111'1 65-a '<J1I01W to"OS 'Hl£>N3'I OO-OC :Sl\I<l\{lj v9-06 ,0-99I-SL91 lE"I6v,gl 900C1 00' Q NOLI1tlS 81"90 ,OO~/S1/60 • ,6"H5U9T DNIIS1t2 1-9-06 ~" ",1.1:.B~,6v S Oz"osssa, :lOC1 DNIHlllON 3JN1tlSra mul!\t1!El #LNd 1 l!;:l0'I£! dO £! 'I1I::J<l'ici: I\:;;:N .101 PA~'9~OtO\OOS1JeJ\9cOtO\tOOc\'d <~T>d Q<lJ ~~od~l! '10'1 • SlHIJV 80S1"0 lIO 1.d OS 69S9 'V3:!f1t '1V1.01. 1 ~::lO'iJ S<llLJV aOst-O lIO l~ OS 6959 'V3:lru .10'1 66-CSC <~~U~"9>Q le~Ol 6"1v9L£9 u, 1 <uo,S,j~~d ~~ngOl::l II; "SC:,ll;ocB N <5"':.I"~!I .IO.I;I<I 9000'0 <~O>li"4StQ :lO:l;I:;I S:lnSOlJ 66'ZS( 68"08E(L91 ,5'9",B1 51001 v6"0C: '~~DNV~ Lf"aL~tL9!'06-tttI;SI ,SV, '~NIOd S1Iav~ ~, "S(,9to~;; 0 '1!-~d , ,,9£,rS,Ol '\iJ.'~Q OL "n ~t' llf; tl;" [V[(:i.91 ,r"Ue 81" 89E<L~1 8L -LCL 19-~~H~91 00-0 68"08[[[91 1I01J.V~S 8KI~5V3: 6t'9a SOOC:/S,/6C • ,,6S.I;So9r 0 'lI-::lcl , ",",",oL9 , 'DlIij ClllOI!.J ,Gl:!OI{J LL" 1v ' 1{~8113'1 00 -Oc:t : sarav;>! Qv'~",8: ,0001 L6-88 M ",65,(:5091 0 " L(9,Sl: UOOl I.t"t6 M .10,Oe088 , 8L' HnSl H001 8L'Lel , "cf"to6( , SS' 9\:,,81 5lQD~ 8NIH~lION ~JNV1.gla ~NTmi3E1 ;'i'J.Nc' 1 )1;)0'1(1 dO ::l '1~JIDid M:ili 1.0'1 ":I~"nO~o\uo"peJ\nOjoO\vQOZ\'d ~an~ m:J 4;rod~H 'lOT • • • • • DEVELOFMEN "Iry OFR~~~21;!f'iINC PAcrnc ~()~THWE$T TIC'LE cOMPANY O~ 'J}\SHINGTON. INC. .15 Columbla Street Seattle, Washington 38~01-l-511 NOn 9 2005 RECEIVED Se~icr :Hle OUicer, !lave M"cld~x Ida~emaddux .. pn~·t_coml Senior ~itle Officer. Pe~e Harper Ip",ceh~rp~r$pn· .. t_coml Assistanc "CiUe Officer. Pose s"",ent (~osesarg~ntli)pmJt_com) Title Asst$~ant. Mich~ll~ Brown (mich .. llebrown@pmrt_corn) UnH NO.4 FI'X No. (206)343-8402 Tel@phone Number (206)343-1353 Eel(ncnt Homes, Inc. P.O. Box 2401 Kirkland, Atoe::ttion. Your Ref.' Washington nOB Cliff Wlllia"'$ "Ln~yard Const~uctlon, Title Order No. 607a36 CE~TIFrCATE ,OR ~ILING pROposED PLA:' SHOR' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCIIEDUI.1l A GEI'TLEMEN, In t;le matter 0:: the pht s,..b'"it~ed 'Or yOllr &pprQv,l, this Company has examined the recoros of "he CO\L~ty Audito~ and County Clerk ot Kin" Ccunty, 'flashingtQn, a~d th~ r@cords of the ClHk of the United States Courts hol,J",S t~rms in said County, and ::'rom such exarnhlation "erel::y certifi~$ t..'at accc~di~g 00 sald records th~ title to the follcwing Je.c";l::~d lane, As en Sc:,edule A, page 2. ~Hach",d. IS VES'ED IN, vINYA..WS COKSTRUCTION. L"c', a 'dachingtc~ 11.m1t~d liabol1ty c8mpany SGIluECT TO THE FOLLCWINC EXCEPTIONS, As en Schedule Il, attached n~retc. CHARGE, m poo.oo $17. <;0 RECOR~S KI(!II~TNE~ ,0' 10-~4-05, 2~~5 at 8,00 a,m. Fl,CI!"TC NJRTlI'flKeT :-ITLE LO'-P;'-~, OP Wi'SIiIKGTON, nrc 9a\"e Madd--x S"noor Tetle O:lice: :';",L Nn -1 • • SHOR' PLA, CER-:lPiCA'TE SCE:;:DJ;LE A page? • Creer No. 607836 In the matter 0' ~ne plat aub",Utec for yCl:r appr~v.l, this Company has exam~ned L-he r@cords of tr.e Cou~ty Auditor and County Clerk of King COlUlty, washlngton, and tr_~ reco~ds of ohe Clerk of th U:>ited St~te5 CQUrt~ nolding terms in said County, and fro", such examlna,ion hereby ~ereif1es that according to sa~d rp.cordB the title to the following <;iescribed tane:, ?ARCEL A, Lot 9, Park Te:::-~ace Division ",,0. ~, according to tbe pla~ thH@of recorded in Vohme 65 of ?la~s, pages 1B ana 19, in King Co-~"ty, '4ash'.ngtoon; PA~c~L B, Lot 10, Park Terr~ce T1iv,s\on NO. 1, ~cconi1ns to th@ plat the~eo! reco~ded ~n volClrne 6S cf Pl~ts, pages 18 and ~9, on K,-ng County, 'flasnington; Let :'.1, Par'< Terrace Division NO, 1, acconJcng to th@ plao thereot recorded ~n Vol-orne 65 of Pldts, pages :'.a nd ~9, :'.n Kin'] County, Wasr.ington, EN!l OF BCr.~:rJLE ;,. • • SHORT PLAT CE;(TlFICATE sch~du~e B • Orde,. NO. 6078J6 GENERAL ;;XCE?TICNS, 1. Rlghts Of claims o~ parties in possess~Qn not s~,o= by the public ~ecord$ _ 2. Public O~ private easemenCB, or daims of e~zement;s, noL S.oown by the public record. ,. Encrcacl'.menos, ~verlaps, bou"dary the disputes, or Dt~er macHrS which would te ciisclo5eci by an ~~"uraoe surveyor ln5peceion of the premises. 4. Any lien, G~ right to a lien, for 5ervices, labor or maceri"l hH~tofore or c_ereafter fur.:tished., irrposed by law and ""0 sto~'n by t:~e ~ubliG ~eGard5, 0,' Ll~n$ '"<lder ~h~ workl'leO'$ CDmp@~s~tlon ~_ct no" B;lOWn by t;~~ p'.1blic records_ 5. My Utl~ or r~ght3 a"se~~ed by ar.vone ~ncluding t-~t not limic5a to pHscns, corpo~atiGns. gover.1""nt5 or ocher erlcitlea, to l.-'<i~ lands, o~ londs compr'.8ing t;r.e ,hOoe5 0:: bo~'o",s of navlgabla rivHs, o. Lakes. bays. ocean or oound, O~ land£ bayond t:-l.~ lin~ of t!le l:arbcr l'.nes ~" ~atabllshed or chang@d by the Un'.ted S~ates Gove~nment, (a) L"r.pat5nt~d n;rting Clal"'$, ibl patents Qr i~ Ac~s authorlZl:lg the ~i91'.,.$, claims or Ltle 00 water. ees~'vatlons or exceptions in LO"U~nCe thereof, (e) ... ater "J. iill,! eeI"VOCe, l,,"s~allatlc~, oonr.ecLon. mainoenance, capacity, <)0 cOn"""CClOn charges for oewer, water, elecoricity 0:;:-g.'hg~ ~"moval . s. Gen~".l "~"es ""00 nc~ payabl~ o~ IT,aae~3 rela:i::tg ~G 51'~'''~1 .~S"-"$TenOS and speci~l Lev:'es, it ac.y, preceding ~he "dm~ b~~""<Lt\g a Len lnccan tribal ecCles or rigr-.:s, i"d':du9', ht 5",,'" ltud,'" ~@g'cl~llon~. l~dBn t~o~ty or aborigi::ta, not lumted te, eZlserencs or equit~ble • SPECIAL 3XCEPTIONS, SHORT ?LAT C3RT[,ICATE SCHEOUL?: B ?age 2 • Order No, 607836 1. RSSTRICTIONS ANU EASEMEN~S CONTAr~ED IN DEC~RArTON OV ?RQTECTIVE RESJRi:cnOIlS AND Ei'lSEl"ENTS, AS HERETO ATTIIC'lIlD, RECQR::JED, RECORDING NUMBER, A'-'S\lst 31, 1960 5197124 2 _ RES:RICTIONS CONTAINED ON THE FIICE OF TIl3 PLi<T AS FDLWWS, No ~ot or portion of a lot on this pht shall be divid.d and sold or rsscld, or ownership changed or transferred whereby the Q\;nersn~l' o~ any porticn of this plat shall be less than "he area re'l'~ired for the use district in "hich io is loe.ted. J. AGR3EMRIr. liND THE TERMS AND CONDITlGNS THEREOF, RECORDED, RECORDING NUt-'BER, REGARDING, Jean-Ao.ams & Assoc:'ates, Inc., and King COl.nty sept~~.b~" on, 1960 52D4138 All "'!:ouIe claims ~or damages resulting from the n~tural now of surtace water frQ", "aid pla~ to be cartiea in t'-S ML-U,.al ch~nn@l acrOS5 said pre'"lSes and Co hold KJ-ng councy bl~l'loless for a::ty daTl'og~ tl-.ot may be caus~d by sace draJ-n~z@ flow. 4. C!~Y cr RENTDN. WASHINGTCN. ORD'NANCl'; 1'0. 16l". AI' ORD'NANCE OF THE CITY CF RENTON, WA5HINGTQI'. F.STABLISHmG AN ASSEs5"FNT DISTRICT POR SAI"TTAl';Y SEWER SERVICE IN A ,'OR~ICN OF ':H~ SOUT'l HIGHLANDS. HEATHER :JCWKS, Al\'O MAPLEWOCU SGE-BA.'lIKS ANIl ESTABLISHING ~HE AMOUNT 0, TH" CHARGE UPON CO~l'JEC,;"lON TO TilE 'ACLIT'ES, ~ECOR~"1) , ~ECOR~INC NUMEER, .rc:"e ":. ,996 96~62H966 o. ?~ght co ~he pu~l1o to m~"e "eoeQs~ry ~-.""as for ~ll~" cr fills upon said 9'~m~"es in otLe reasor.~blo sr:'c1nL graiing of Gtreets, ave~u~S, alleyo and roads, ~s dcdicateol C~ o~e plao IC8~01::tUedJ • • Orc.er No. 6078"36 SHORT ~LA: CERTiFICATE SCllEDULE B Page 3 6. DELI~QU2NT G3NERAL AND SPEClnL TAXES AND CHA~G~S' YI!AR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBRR: LEVY CODE. AFFECTS. 2005 664950-0090-~4 43.2 Parcel A CURRE"T AsS~SSE" VALUE, Land: $50,ODO.OC ''''provement.s-$0 00 AMOUNT BILLED AM8UN~ PAID GENER~ 1'1<X~S ' $625.20 $J,OO SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1. 50 '" 00 $5.00 '0 00 TOTAL BILLED: $631.70 PAID: $~ . 0 ~ TOTAl. DUE" $031.70 PLUS nrr"REST 'CONTACT YOUlt TITLE UNIT OR THE AssESsORS oFFICE FOR A PAY'OFF FIGTJRli: THAT WOOLD INCLUDK ALL INTEREST AND PENALTIES THAT !lAVB EBEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTIILY BAS1S. 7, DELlNQ\JilNT GENE"-M AND SPSCIAL TAXES ~.ND CHARGES: TAX ACCOUNT NOMEER: LEVY COD~' AFFEC~S : CL"RRENT ASSliS5EJ VALUE: YEAR, 2004 AMOUNT GENERA T, TAX;;:S, "'4l. n S:?ECIAL CISTRICT. " eo " 00 TOTAL BILLED, $248. " 664950_0100_02 4:;4' parc@l 3 Land: $50,000.00 l::\pr"v~" e"Ls' $0 _ 00 DILLED MOCNT ?AID 5~20 . eo eo. " 22. 5~ PAID, $l24.13 TOTAL OUR', ~124 .13 PLUS IN'l'ERI!'S~ ---------------------_ . • YEAR, 2005 GENERAL TAXES, SPEC!AL DISTRICT, TOTAL BILLED, • Order NO, 607a}" SHORT PLA: CERTIFICATE 5CI!BDUL" B Pa"e 4 AMOUNT BTLI,~D $625.00 " ;0 $5.00 $031.50 PAID: AMCUNT ?'.lD '" "" '" 00 $0 00 $0.00 TOTAL DOE., $631.50 PM'S INTEREST 'CONTACT THE UN'" COUNTY ASSKSSORS oFFICE AT (206) 296-4184 POR PROF~RTY LOCATED I~ KING COUNTY. OR THE PIERCE COUNTY ASSESSORS OFl'ICE AT {253) 798-6111 I"OR ~ROPER'!Y LOCATED IN PIERCE COllNTY. FoR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST. PENALTIES AND CHARGES THAT IlAVE BEEN ASSESSED. sAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON '" MONTHLY BASIS. E. DBLINQLlINT GENERAL AND SP~CIAL TAXES AND CHJL,GES, TAX ACCOUN'! N1lMIlER, L~VY CODE' AFFECTS, CURRENT ASS~SSED VALU~' YEAR, 2Q04 AMOUNT GEN:l:RAL TAXES, $~41. " SPECIAL DIS""ICT' $L ;" ,; . eo TOTAL BILLED , $248.26 YEAR, .005 AHO-:,m7 GEN~RAL ~AXE3 , $625.20 5FECIA[, JISTRICT' $1 _ -' 0 $" _GO $,31. 70 664950_0110_00 4342 parc"l C Lar.d-~50,OOO."O ITrprovenents, $0.00 6lLL~D PAID, Br:CLE~ PAID, AMOL";IT PAID '" 00 $0, " $0, 00 $0.00 ,~~ DUE" , $248.26 PLUS INTEREST AHCUNT ?AID $0 _ 'J" ~J. GO 1;0. GO $O.CO TO!AL DUE', ,631.70 PLUS INTEREST 'CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (2061 2g6·41a~ FOR PRoPERTY LOCIITE!l IN XING COUNTY, OR :::SE P=ERCE COUNTY IISSESSORS oFFICE liT (25,1 7~S-6l).1 FOR PROPER,Y LoCATE" IN PIERC;;; COUNTY. FOR II ~AYOFF FIQURE rSAT WOULU INCLUDE ALL INTEREST. nNALTIES AND CHIIRG~S THAT HAVE BEEN AssESSED, SAID F:GURB WILL ;NCRElISE oN A MONT}!LY EASIS. • SHOR~ ~LAT C~RTIFICA~E SCHEDULE B Pag@ 5 • Orc!e~ No. 6~78l6 9. DEED ()~ TRUST AND THE TER~3 AKD CONJI'!'18NS THE:;30F, TRUSTEE, BEN~FICIARY , ~.MOUNT, DATID, ~EC;OR"E[), RECORDING ).."CM3:OR, Vineyards Constr~ction, LLC, a 1;a5r.ingtOTI Limited Liabil i ty company pacific Northwest -::Hle Com~any of washlngtQn, Inc. B"5tside COT:lmercial Bank, N.A. $l63.000.00 May 27. 2004 May 28, 2004 20040528001475 The amOun~ !lOW .,,-~ur~d by slllid D@@d of Trust !lnd the terms upon whioh ~h~ .am~ oan b@ dis~hIo.r!l@d or assum .. d should be ascertained from the holder of the in<iebte<inea. secure<l. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to ~~oo "OI8perty "as examined by, -::e!! 01~~,,-__________ _ !lny :nqdr:.e, .;,-"",ld te d:c~,"L~d ~" One c: ~_o. tc~le C=LC8YS oe= to,,"!, ;" ."dledLll~ A • • Park Terrace Division #1 65/18-19 0 1i.09 "" ~ .'.;' ",,,,-, • --, c' 0 , ,",-• Pt\CW1C NORTHWEST T1'I1£ Order No. 607836 Itc:'CET.'.KT This is ~ct a ?lat 8t Survev, It:o :urTI15.~ed as " conveni~nce to loca~e the l.B~J i,,,J;~~l~'; hereon ... :.:t-. ,~::~c~""~ to "c,~"t" ",d ~t"H ,aod )'01 inb,,;-, _~ d55\lr'~'; ",. c~~~Qn c, ~diaTIOe N t ['NIT ~ P"cHlc -, - 110 In anall ~. no. G' ""M.ln.d ', •• d ..... Plnu o.oand forRSJi:&niED "rB'~' garl>aS' o~ Bth.r .... 1. ,h.1I nBt b. klpt utlpt In .. nltary unt.'~.r~. All InC!norB,B" o. ot~H oqul1"'ont tor tho .t .. ray. ~. dhp"~11 of such motorial ~h.!I b. kIp' In • ~l .. n aM, .. nlt •• y eo,," I tlDn. "" lndh'l.UI "H •• supply lyHo", • ...,11 b. P .... ltted on .ny ,ot unlou thl oyo .... IS IO~.tod, cenurueUd tM Iqulp"". In ... co,d.nU 'I~h •• qu ..... nt., .hndlrU .nd .... _"M.Uon. of IUt. ,,"~lIc bUah ~"tM.It'u. AitProw, of ncb SYlt,,,, .. 'IIOt.llld shll bl o~t.!,nl~ rro. .tl~h authority. 11"0 Indlvld ... , "'B~.-,jhpoul "y.to .. sh.1I h p.'''''thd on Iny lot unilu thl >yett .. Is ".oI;"',j. loclhd llId co".t.uetl. In ueo,dl"';, 11th tht •• q'u ..... nu, at.ndl,d, .,,01 nco"'"lIdU,,"no ot ..... "tY Pl'lIllc hnlth u~1'!orltl". AppI'ovalor ouch "y'u" .. l ... t"I.d ,,,,,,1 be OI>\U",. tr .... ,"~h Uln'.lil ... ThIll "ennlnto or. to rUII.llh,~hl II"d Illd .hlll b. DIIIOIlrI; on 111 pl'U" Illd III ,"UDn. ell':.,n; uftd., t/l ... !o •• period .t 10 1'1"" In .. t"l 4tt.. u .... U"II.antl .. , record,d, .r.,;. _hlch tL ... Illd cova",nt. Ih.11 ,~ lulOOlotLcolly ","nd,d tD' IlIc".,.IV. puhdl 01 10 yiif> u.~l!_. "n IDuru ... n' ,Iglld ,y I "'J •• Hy Dr t.hI .h," o .. ~.,. of tl\l Ion n .. blln flcord.~, .~ ... \~~ to ft~,"nQ' tho covln.nt. In wnolo D, In pin. Intl,etlll/It 11111\ bl b)l F"_.4Ingl It '"10. In 'lylty 11I",,1l • .., ",Uufl or ~ ... Oft. VIOIU,"! or ItU'"pUIlQ to v I!lto Iny eoulMM., .It"" U ,utulll v 011\1011 D, to ""ovn dlllillu. l"wlIlI.tEon Dr Iny on. of th". uv."'''U by JIldIlUM Or court Drd., liI .. 1 '" no .t •• 'lft .. ~ iny of till Dill" prouillon, .~Ic~ ,/I,II! UIIUIIII I .. ,,,11 r,o",;, In~ .ftl~l. S"An or IIMKU«l1"ONI' . CouMy 0' Kln~ S. W1111U' lOY U~. ""0 .. rtlald ... 1 , .. lhll .... U.un. 'D~n ... ttl.n. ·,(-:'t'I'·" th. undt._ d ... y eom_ - 11/17/05 15.12 FAX 206 3138402 UNIT 4 Pac1tic ""'".. 81! mOn by th ••• p","nh that DE.flII-AIlAiIIr> liND MSOCIATU, IIIC., • wuhlngton Corpor.tlolt, do .. ho .. "y d.~l.r. I~' follo.ln~ 1>1"0- toell"" olu.leUon. .. nUMlihod 1"IrUlning to pr~Plrt~ !~~U.d 1ft ~Ing e.~nty, W'~Al~to". d •• crlbod "' tallow., Pull Tlrnce _ [lIv!~lo/t A, • roco.~.d plot .... c~rdld 110 lot chili 11, qu. ""ClI'~ ro~ ~nld.ntlll pu.po .... /(D ~~1Z41n; .haJ.J ~ n.eu~. u,.r.~. "I.~od Q. porsHhd h UrN_In on any lat otllu tI •• n 0 .... d_h~"_~ .1/11110 t •• lllI 0lI11Lln9 not to I~c •• d t .... HOPI .. III h.I~~1 ud ~rh.to go •• ;o for nD~"'to ~~U , •• " •••• Na iMIIII1Q ./Ulil ~I pumlH.d ,,~ Iny 101 It nil ..r lUI than .10,000.00 bIo .. ~ ~IIO~ cu'. 1,v.11 ~.""III"9 an tllol ~.tl UIU GDV'lQUt.1 ... ~Iaerd.d, U ~.Ina t/l' lnUII\Lo" InO ""~JMlIO ot t! •• ;",',l<;Int t~ iiiij~. th~ Gli d ... 1iinU' .b.ll ~. oi I ~Y'II~Y Of ... tklnn./llp .IUI IlIt •• l,h .ybOunlllly III. U ... o. ~.\tu thin thlt .hlc/l ~.n b' Jll'oa~~u: on tllol dU. thlll OOVlnlnt •• r ... u,~.d U tnl IIIM_ cau .UotIO ~"In h ... Inlm .... plr .. IUU _LUng ."n. Till g",~nd noor It .. of tho ""'Ln uruchro. UCLUlVil Dr D __ 'or)' o",a pO.e"" •• ,,4 a,UGH, '~'II ~. 111>1 10 .. thin 900 .'I"'~' rllt fer 0 D",-.tG., d"llllng, nDr I ... tn. .. ~oo oqu.r. flit ta, I dOI.11 LII9 or m".1 "',n O~I 1\D.y. No , .. {lUng ,nllL lit 10uUd on ony I., MI, •• th.n 20 rllt tD thl ttont IInl, a~ n ..... Ihl" 10 r .. t to UI.ld. B,ut 1111 •• No b..tldlno .hlil •• lont.d n ..... '~.n $ 101 ta U Int..lD, lot LlfPI, •• upt no lid' Y1lt<l .hlIL tit "jUL,.. r ... I O"'gl Dr ot/l., ~.r"'ltt.~ Icc .... ry bu1\Olno huUd 0 tut or ,...t. rro .. mlnLlI1IIl llulldlng .. nick 11111. liD .... llLnll II\ILI bt looit.d on Iny Inh.lG. 10' n .. ," thin 2' rut to r .. t lot lin.. ,,,, th' ~urPOIII .. r thll CDYI ... Qtl .. v .. , .tlp. U-.I opo .. ~c"". ,/l11l AU III canold,rod .. I poort 0 'IMlUUng, p.ovl~.d """.".r, I,. .. \~h ~~.II not ~. ~on- .tn •• u ~ ..... u In, [>OrHoA o>f • iovilalng on • ,O~ to 'M.uell upan ..... tll.r lot. t .......... to. InlhliHLon and ... ln~.""I\C' 01 ~tlll\l ••• nd ~r.!n.g. hclllU .. Or~ ... n ....... \o"w .. on \h ••• c .. rd.d pi ... ~a malo •• IIr o.I'Unll .... cUIrHy .h.U t>o "UrL'" aft .. pan ony lo! IlOt .holl .IIythiftll b. ~O"" tll .. Uh .. lIlc~ My bo o. b.c .... III .,..oy."". o. nllinnet ~Q tn. n",Qn~GI'h ... d. /1'0 .\.wctwrt .t I lI111p.: .. 1' eh .... " •• , .. II .. , DI ..... nt. ua\, 'lI.Hk, i.Ui_, ~"n 0' .• n, ot".~ o\ltb~1 L'lng .h_1 L bl ~"d on .n1 In .t .ny 1.1 ..... I ... I~'''''I .Lt"'" toopD,_,lIy D. po' .. '"lnU,. Ifo InllOlll, IIYI.u ... k, d. pO~II1Y ot InY kind .".11 III poI .. ~. bud o. k.pt on any lo,i ua.~t ,"_t dog', cit. 0" ~tn .. hQu .. "oU pll' II.Y b. !«opt provldoW-\hat thlY In n,,' klpt, Wid. o • ... In'_lnl. to. Iny oonn,.oIIL pu.pa... . ... IIgn .. t .ny IlInd ,""11 bl d!lpU)'IO \0 p"bllc vi •• on 11\11 lot, 0.0." .. Ill ptat,,,'onol .1011 of not _ •• Ihl" on ••• \1'.' raU. 0"0 OIgn ot Mt ,...., ~h.n! .~~u. flU l~v"UIIII!I tho p."porty tar 0.1. D ••• nt 0' ILon, Ulld by I buiLd., to U~"'tlu thl proptrly d","l~ <h. unltr..cU"n Inll Ill •• p.,ld. :>;-''';, , ' :i".j~ I'~ W. \l~ , '{ , } " f; q, :;?. ! l, f ,,' t 1 l,nH\~~~~ ~' n)l}1p~"i',~,~ \ .. ,n ,'ti' " "' "'j-"" , •. ,,\,t.:_,~ ,c~ (ij)' 'T"" "' ~~ ~~H,',U!1;lt~: ,~ "", ,H,p; '-"". ~" , ". -, --"h~,.' "'~ 'h'<""I!l", .,""" '~"!"I' ,l; •• 'r~)~PJ{;~~~ \'t~ l.,'!t"~~ ~~,d' :\;l~~t' ,\l,d'hh' "I-'''t'' ' \ <1' l" ,'"C' ,:'lq ,~,n~ .. ",'\) > -,"',,-<. q"r~~s,"\ \ \'11 ~. ,,'~~ }.:.-~", " I'<)"j"" '" " ~\,,[ "_"\ " -', I" , '-'\',~r' },"., I",,,) .. ; '.}~ ~,.;. , , 'I \,' ,-.. "i' f11E 'h-. , n t \,hdi,tt~ ill.Htdl~{ 'i;;'lli~:I \ 'n-tiH \ \ l'~" -,I."'I'! o· j ~} \' , l,n<l"'f '-'\i l' \' .F ,I" , , " " ""'1' d' I ,-I ,l-\-_\~ , ,_ \ I " , "'. , t<~, " , , ' , ,-,~, -, , ',' ,,: , \ l ,~ I , ' , , ; ,; : V"'\ ~'~i'-" , , "~' v, 1'l~ 'j " , <" \ "- H" '. } ~I't ~ 'f"" ~"\,, ,\\,,\0 "I :' " ,. 1 , .' I ' • "'~ , -" ' \ " " ,,' ) : \ I ~ l' , d[ ~I~ " 1 d M t , 'I " i~' 't' t I ' , ,~ \~ ~ , "--(lIL"P"L ~ m;~H:m §, H\~~~ih~f '~ t'H!~\~\k \",t~\" ~ ~!Hl:nt 1 lHiI"j;" ! HhlH1~ I 1) ~,'}f' t If ~ o <])tQ)! J',: ~ t! ' r ~ I , t ~ ,'n'U' '>'11~"l "," ,', ~. 1'"." 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"l-l~"~~:~; ~;.\ f1'~ ~~:il.l~~~~\:!tf; 'l'-';'U"fd"~:, \'l~~''''''~i p' ";"'~"\'" ,;: """" ';'-:llH"~~q " , ~'It"~'~~:i\ ~t1-·""~l" 'H ' " 'II '~f, .-" " -, ',' '!H\t~."., I" '\ \, ">',', '" --;, \i}i!\J>h .' ' :~\li'I!'l! ~, '. "-"" " e, -, " "~ --~ , " -~ , , • , , e ;; ~ ~ '" 'b <:; '-. ~ " ,-," -\i\':l 'i t:: ~ rr, ,~""-~ ~S>~ '-1. , C) , '" • " , , "/ MINI Sf!, W£'BB ¢ ASSOClAT£S -1-, 1 .0 ie. • • PARK TERRACE O/VISIOIl NO! SECTION 10, ,WI? 2~ lV, RliE 5£,"'M. KING CDUIoITY, Wfi5#fNt;TON ~ '-C'," ~".",.~ ~ ,. ',' ti; '\' ,iT -. ';''-,,;-:.c • 1 ~ o l s I , i ! ! "I ';, , I , L! ll! l'! • ~ 1 • I r i ;. ci ," , " , , , ! , .8 .. · , · , "." ~:..I f; ~ • c ' . ". " Q ~ " '" ". j ~ ~ ~-l !. ~ it 1. ~ 0. ll~ ~ Q ~~~ ',~..,,,o . , . 'VJ ", fi "';I :, , J l~ .,," n il I-,~~ ., i ;Ii ' '" ' , " " " .! h\;I,j"O<':"S' '''~j-t ~; j.ll 8 ~ III u , . " " " " .' ., , I ;i , , '0, " , . ' n ~ :; , , "~ ~ " " ., ~ < • ~, L ~ .." " >;! ' '0 i,. " o " , , " . , , " ... 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" not be,," cha:.-ged O~ ass~".ed w~:h all coses of the Sase Renton Sar.~t.a"y Se"e~ :n~erc~peor. as deta'-J.~d in ~hi" ordinanc@, shall ,,' whlCh bOl!:1dary is shew.: on t:o.e ""? att""h~ a9 Exhibit '3.· In:e~~st cha=-;e" 1 I • I SEC.!C" IV • I Ci"y C! .. rk , VE:J BY :-HE ';"BO • . -'4612 O!ID!:'IANCE -'-'~_ MAYCR ~h.is L of lOt" day • - ,June ~ •• -'" • • - L:::SA!. !:'-":'OCR!PT!ON OFT",!,: SPEC!.",L ASSESSMENT DISTFICT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR ?o,.,.~o"s of Secticns S, 9. 10, 11. 14, 15. 16, 17. 21 and 22 nll in Township 23N. Ra:<"~. 5;;: W.:">1. !Il &..g: Co,-,,,ty. Wa5hmgtcn S~L:;on a, Townsh,p 2SN, Rang~ 5E W.M. ;.J.; cf "-",,: p"',~C!l cf 5ec::Gn 3. lowr.sbp 23~. "-'.l:ge 5E W."'L ~1J'.g East of the 2as;: "g"t-~f--.va:.' !i,,-e cf S2·4Q5 an'; S~u:n of t.':!e r"ucw'.r..g" descrtbed '.L..,,,: Ee.;;~-=-i.." "-t ,he :n,ero"oc"" ~: L':!~ SMe 11rl~ of said :::""tior. 8 wit." 6e centeTlme or "'" 7~" S=~t: lhS1~~ Wes~~ri'.-alor-lZ said c==li..~ of ;iZ 7~ Street to ,ts i:';(~rsection "~!l: :...,,, ~e::te:-l;."e or 2=<:! 3cd",a..."<i ,,'E: ~"".ce JI;crt .. "e~ly along ::..'1" ce::torli.,,~ 00: Su..,oe., Boc:.i,-,"-..-u ~~ t~ r."le ~T;;,:",~" !me 0: the &mt." .. ast \II of said S-~oticn s: :hence \Y~$t "';"ng ~",d Nort.':t iir:" to the 2~t r.ght-cf-w",-y line of S:«'-405 a.,-,d L'le ~em:::!...'-U$ of saic 'h-,~. :l SeC!'on g, Townshlc 23N, R~nge SE \'I.M. N c;; .'ill of t:~a, >,0'""0" of SeO':lo:o 9. To,-,=hl!' 23K p.ange 5':: W.:'v!. lyu'4 South and o ;;:25[ cf to':>e :ollo'~~"".g de.cnoed k,e: "' Be,>"'1:1.1."": on L"~ c=,erE.",e of;"<3 i:!:: St.""", "L ilE :nlersection 'vith :lie cent;,rUhe of SGr::tonds A",'enue N~: rncr)ce Easterly a.:cru: fr.e c~"te:rii...,e of NE 7th S!rea to Its [r.'=<!coon ..,,~th ·_'te cen:erlin~ af Monroe Av"ntle NE: then"" Norill alaru: said cer:Jec~n~ !O the So",:." ii..,e of the Nort.,:!"",t V. of said s.:ct!cn 9; th",,= East alo~ said 301.:th line '.a its !ntersecoon "'ith the ccr.t.erllile of Rdmcnd A..."nue NE; :.':ience :<icrt..'1""ly a:o~ "ald ",,~.:erlJne to its ",:=ectlOn wil..'l the =tcr'..ine o~ NE lOth Street: L'1ence East "lon~ said centerline to the E.:!.5' line of sa:d Section 9 a:ld the ,~"mintlS of said lin~. Sec~;o,' 10, Township 23N, Range 52 W.~,t All of tha, porJon of Senlcn 10. Tcwnsiup 23N. R"-Ilg~ 52 W.M. iyu:g 5uulhedy n..,-.d Wester,y of th~ follawing de.crlbed line: Be",nning on th~ W~s: lin~ of Section 10 at Its ir.'~rsectl~n with the Nor'.h 1iru: of the South 1/, 01 tb" ]';orth 'h of sald Section 10: thetlCe East along .ald North Une :co !~. lr:ters"."Ction wlth th~ c~nterUne of 142nd A,=u~ SE; thence Southerly alQng ,ojd c~nterlille to ~ts lntersec!ion wtth the North I!."~ of tl!~ Scuthe:-.st .. :. of 5~ld Sectlon 10; t."e"'c~ East along sald Ncr", line to Its 1:nte.-sect~on wltl! t:h~ East line of "ald Section 10 a;".d the tem".inIlS of s.ud ii..'1C. I • • • Sectlon 11, Township 23N, Range SE W.M . • ".t of the 5<Juthwe;! 1/, of ooection 11. Tov.-r!sr,ip 23!'<, ~-",,'g;,' 5E W.~.L. F ,.""-. ~ ~. ~-,"' (ailo,,",,: A:l "': t.'Je N"c:;"jr",e~, Of, d ,air: sec'Jon. rogetl:~~ , ... ~:"'". the Southwest 'I. of said se,,:ion. ,,"~C"p: ~e SouL':! '" cf the So,,'~'lc"st 'I. of said 5o,~·~':twest '4 ".nd =ept Lfcte pi,,( 0' "k~":':"--,: Horr:~s,:~. and ;.: of .,L-eets ""':3C=: ,,-s recoIdd in th~ Bock c" ?:ats. VQ;"I:"1~ 58. 20.£" e2. Records of KL'1:J County. W"shi:ngtQn. and =pt ilie South 15, .5~ fee: c; :.!\e Scs, 22\1 <:'35 fee" cf ,,,,-co 6, :Jlock 1 of Ceca:; rover F,n A~,"" ~c:s as ,-e';Qrded I:l t.."~ Book of Piats. Voiu~e 16. Page 5Z. P-ttoros of KL~ C~unt::. WashiI'.gton. ies~ "'-of t."1e s:....",,1 aout'".ir::g: said ,omon of Trnct 6, ~ Block I, and ;~ss Tr-d.ct 6, Bkc."-2 0: sOJd Ce--'-a:r Ri'-e,-F:ve Acr~ T::lcts, less 'h 01 ~ th" 5=: adjaced ,0 sald n--~ 6, Block 2. =d e.,C<,pt tne South 8:2.785 re.er. of ~ the East 15Q fee! afTroc: 5, 310<:.'< 2 cf .tid Cedar !'!iv",. ave Ac."" Lracts and less S ~"t..'-,~ st.""": adjacer;, to sa:t: ;>0)1:'0:1 "fact 5. B!o<:.\;: 2. N ~ o ~ SeC':ion 10. TO'!mshlp 23N. Rang" 51'.: W.M. ~ A.L: d tha: port'"" of Sttwn 15. TCW-"Srup 23X. ~..g~ 5£. W.M., e."<cept the S"'.rt..':l· .. ~~t V, ~~~'oo So,,~':"'"Cst ,/, c;:''oc So:.:L.':"'''~t ;,_ cf ~""c! s-"'Cticn. Ssctkm 16, Townsh!p Zlt.l. R~ng" 51'.: W.M. All of L':at ;>orlon of Se~tla" 16. TOy,nshJp 23N. R&-oge 5E W_Yr .• "-"",,,pt that porJa:1 cft.':te So'Utheast V. oftbe $aut;,east 'I, of the said Sect.tm l6 l}~ng East of the £as< hne c: the ?lat of ~.1"a;ll",,,,ood Di,os:on NO', 2 as recorded in til., Book of Plat.s Voi'-,lT'~ 39. page 39, """ords of King County W~n and its Northerly ,,-",,--'1sior: to the ~O"'Jl li..'1e of mud Southea:;\ 1/, of th~ Southeast 'f. of t.le said Secticn 16 ar.t: exc~P' that po;c;on of sala 5ection !yJng Southerly of the Northerly ~j~t-"'-w"y hr:e or 5R·169 IMapl~ Valley Highway), SgCl!On 17, Townshl;: 23N, Rango 5E W.M. pJl of l'1at F",mion of SeiOtlon 17, T",ms"-i;> 23r<. R<mge 5E W.M., 1y11'..g Nm1_-""ast~rly of the Nor"cheaster!y nght-of-v."ay of 52-169 (Maple Vall", Highway) ar..d Ea.;teri:." of the East right-af-way lL"Ie of SR·405 1= that portion lying generaJJy West af t.':~ Eu;t and Scu:heaster!y line of S.-,:,r,son Way l'<'E lying -."--,-,,, ,-' :-.-. ,:--", --- ..... ~_:o : .. ,-, " .: c'-'O' -,. .. ..:..:-:.;;";,< }'~:':"""'f • Ui!"i Se;a-:pr_--: of ,,,,-Sp""';,,l Asse!s:I,.,.,J Di!;tnd: frr !he CiN of Rct!.m £:0;1 Rrn!ON /nlErcr.:lor • bet",.eut the South line of the NE 3m Street 3..'1d the Nor"Jle.asu.rly m.arg:fn or SR· 405. Section 21, Township Z3N, Range 5E W,M. A!1 U:at. p<ertion of Section 21. T~WI!3hip 23N. R 5E W.M-lying Northea:otaly of ,-,'0. Nortl1~:crly right-or·way Iin~ of 59;-169 (Maple Valley I-UghW<ly) art'" West of th~ Bas. !L"" of ~e Fiat cfMaplewood Dln",,,,n No.2 as recorded in the Book of ?'a;':;. '<cl":n~ 39, ;:age 89. ?=o~d$ of !{it.,!'; 1..G'., ... ·rty. Washinglol" _ _ "11 of t:",t :pvr'JO<l of S'!<".:CJ:l 22. Tc=h1p 2-1N. Rang~ 52 W.y;. d=~ as :!"ll""", ,>11 of t.'1~ NOr'_'1west V. of the "orlhe:l..St \4 of said Sec,"",n 22 ly'.ng Nor+..berly of the Scuthedy lJ.. .. 'e of!.."e Pht of 1I1ap!ewood H<'lghts as =tded In ti!~ Book of Plats. W;'lillle 78. >'''P'' 1 through 4. Recoms ofKiIJg County. Washington. TagetheI with the: Nort.':! 227.11 ie<:t of the West 97_02 of the Norfr.east \4 of the Nor'_':le.-C'St V. of sald Se<otion 22. • ~ • " ~ ~~ o c eO • 0 w~ u-<t>~~ Z-~z~ xO' weE z~ ~ . to: :::: e« ~.g • ,g. --.-,. ---_.,= .•• ~=-, =~~.-~~- _._." ., ,_ '.'U _". __ .,,,, ,., ••• ,-_ '...,_'"_...,.,..,....."~, .. ,, '"'' •• '~r ." II. '" ~?lMIJ.Tl' T<7~"V. ;',-"111-'--0::..'--" ... ~ I --I .~ .' .... ,,"' o 1 ~ .( 01 'n , -'t ,~ :N itJ ~1 -, ~ , ,j i· > !~ ~ , ~ Jl:i ~ oil )il~ ,-~j9 I , i ,I , , I ,I , • • East"id. CO"""eroid Bac_' JJ26 _ t60th ~"'nu, S.£. nOl , SelL""", WA 98008 , , " ' , , i ,n"-s",,o~-P",v,"d for R.co,,",,', U,. Wh"" Reeorded Aotu'" ,,,'F,"1Sldo Com"'.;;',~~ a.nlt, 33:16 1 eOt!. Ava SF., W .. h",,'~n ,BOeS" ", " _', ,/ i ,', '" ,,' I DEED OF TRUST G",,,,,,I,] Vln"'",,", CO"""",,!,,". LlC , / G,,"'''lsi """00 Comm"ci,1 Bon" 1'I.1t., l ... 1 ~."",pt"'n lot. 9·11, Pa,k T.".,_ D"" No.1, Vol. 65, """ 16-19 St. 101, e.!!"""e. A ... "o,', PIOP'''V T,. '.",el or Ace","' lIom •• r ~e49"O-{) 1 OO.iJ2jOl10-{)IJ!OO90.04 Ro1",n,. Numb<lr> 01 UooG'inont,' A.~"n.d or Re,I .... d_ i- '" vcW5'C Yc{)(PW'-! DAT, AND, PARTIES Th. dot, 01 'h" D..,d Of r,,,,,i IS.wnt\' fO>t~m."tl ,. May n 20M Tho """., .n~ '~e" adar ..... " •. GRAfl'TOR, \/lNEYA6DS CONSTRUCTION. llC A W¥h,,;~to" 1,mlt,d L"IMI,W Cmnoany -PO I!o. 2401 Klrkl,nd, WOO",","" 980a. TRlJ5TEE " ,/' , MCIAC NPRTHWEST Trn~ COMPANY OF WASHINGTON. INC, • COrpm8,,.n 215 Co"",~" sri, .. '5~~ttl.:'W.'hmll'O~ S8~ 04d~11 lENOER , EASTSIDE COMMEJ1CIAl BANK. ,N,A. a, ... "".d .n",ft,""r"~ "nds', ,~. I""", 0' tho United S"te, of Amen", 3326160tn Avo'SE. SUn" 101 Bo~"""e, w.,""gton saOOa.6418 91·85130a7 1, CONVEYANc~ For '"'" ,ttO vo'",b'. '"o"der.t,on: 'h~ "".',,., a"~ 'UfffC""<V of wh,,1'1 " ,cknowl,",g." ood to "cu'" tn. SeCUfN Do"".,;o G,"oro,', ,.,for"","," und., ,n .. SOC""" I",u"",.ot. Gra",or ,,,",oc.OIy ~"n". oonvey. ond ,Oil. to r,"",,,. ," __ It""~ '0' me ",",M of Lon""" "'''h "OWer of solo, ,h. lollow,," ~e,onb,eo P."P"'" PARCE,~ , , -" _ Lot 9, p", r.,toc(> D",",oo ~o_ " "coram" '0 ;h' el" '"or.,' reeord.-d In VOI"';:,~' '" of PI.". pog" 1 S ""j l~. In K", COUnty. W.,h,"",OO, " PARC,L E. lo: 10. POlk T,,,,,e D'"IS100 No 1, 'C'Om,," '" :I1e pi .. ,he,eof "'~'oed In Volum,' 5, ~f p'''s. e'g"' 18 ",_d 1~. ,n :,,"" CO,,"ty W.'"m""'n PARCFI C Lo' I I. Pork T""", D'm.oo No 1, ,"co,d"," co 'h" ,I., "","of reo","," " V,,",m, GI; of P'm. P'~" 18 anrl 19. In KI"g C,""", \·'"h"O'oo, ,,",',""" c,.,," ","~ 'co ."",,"'-,, ON' 0. ,~, W" """''''' ""~o_"" ", '''''''-. '''''''--'"'' ,~, ... '''"'' I., , "~, '" F~ ,'." • • The ,'OO",ty" loc".d m Km~ coumv " ilaw Lond, Un,"c",>",,,,,d K"'Q Cocn,), 1'1.'"'"0'00 ,,98083 -To","th", IVIt" "I "g"". '''.'''~"''. ,opurtcn,no", ,ov.lnes. mm",1 "ghto, "I ,nd"" "0"", cr"",.; tomber, ,~I dw,,,,on p"men" or t1",~ party p,ymen" ",ado to crop ,mduo." ,nd .11 .,'''mg .no Jut"" ,mprovom'n',. "m,'"",, to"""", """ "ol"omonts .hat ",a, nOw, or at !-r~ -"me"m ,n., tut,,'e, be port 01 th, real " .... de,o"b.d [,II ",fe"." to "Pro •• r1Y) ThIS is.,",,,,,,.I,,,,",,,,", wl'I '.m.m m erf«' unol !he S,curod D.~,. and ,II ",o.,",n" 'g"em.ol' h~' ".On ,1'''''Jl1".d,,-,!' "'",,", by Lender. 2 SECU~~O OEIITS Tn" S"'""ty (o$.",mon' will '.''1'. to. ,""OW,"" Secure" Dell,. A. S"",,''',' ""M~ T~. foliol'''''~ •• b" .nd .11 ."on.""",. ,"0"""1,, r.f,nan,mi>, modlflc&1M1S on~"'o1>I'c.".,,,,',_ A "<om,,""", not., ""ted May 27, 2004, hom G"ntor to '"Len,." W""' ~".n 'mQ~nNf $16:i,OOO.oo" B, illl D,"", " All ,o",on',and fu,"" deb" ,j,om G,""to, '0 L.o"'" "",n If t~" Socun,y 10"'"'1'''''' ,. oot specll"ally ,ele",~eM, "' ri oJi. 'futuro dob, " un,el.ted '0 0' 01 a orftocont tlPo "'.n ,1», d,bt It mojo tM"._ per';''; ~g".·'h" S..,urot, I","um.n', .,oJ, 'II''''"' th., " w,,1 '"lOU"~ doll" \J1<u"od "thO' indlVld~lfy 0( .,,'h otto", "'00 "'OY "ot Sign tOrs S""""tv lno"o",,"t NQ).h"'ll en ,l~" Socu"'y I"'leo"'''''' 00",""''''' comm'tm."t to mate add,,"on.1 " t"'''' lo"n, DC _"",",. """ ,uclt,o"",m"men' must be In ",mlno. In th" ev,o' '~.' lond., f,,", '0 p'ovlde 'ny ".",,,.d """.;. <if "'. "oht 0' """"ton, L.ro'., "'>IV .. onv ,"t".q",nt '.'"10", ',",.",,, ,~ th<_' Gr",1O(' P',"cl~ol d",.II"'II' ",.t " o,",t.d 1>1 th'" S"''"'''v lo,"umeo' Til<> OO_O"'''V In'''''''''''.t w,11 "0\ "";"'~' ,ni deb' 10' wh,,,,, , """_ pO""."O,y, ""n_pu"h.," monay • .. ,"nty;' In'"." .. "ontod m' "hou,"""'d """"," ,n ooone""O" ..... lth • "c"",ume, 1o,"." ., '"0'" '''~.~." ,d.l<noo by '.0"01 low <)Ove'n,," "101,,, ,nd d.""",,," ",d" "'"""'e,.' Th" ~.'""tv 1",,,um./tI ;",11 ,_0< SOO,," any d,bt fo' wh"," • '''''"''tv Intor05: " ",,,,,,d '" ",m., .. n .. od;" ,;,d r ond" ""., not ob"," • ".,ateme" of "uroo.e," " doflnod ono.reou".d by l.d ... 1 low govo'n'ng """uc"". C, Sum& Ad •• "".d. All ,om, .o,."".,j "0" "",;,rriS. ,","".d by lend., "~ .. the ,;ims of tI,,, 50"",,,> m,"cmem -, ~, 3 PAYMENTS a"m", .0'." t~., all ",.","n" ,.,...;, <h" SocU""'~Ob"" ""'f be ""d\vh.n <N" ,nd ,n ",~o,d.ne. with tho ,."''' Df ,~, S.,,,od Oeb1,o ,,' th[$ S"'""'Y I",lru""'"t 4. W .... RANTY Of TITL •. Gron'o, ""~.n" """ G"nto', '" or. ""II b; ~wlul~ ;",,0<1 of 'he ,,,.,e-conve,ed by",,, $,o","y In,trument on; 1' .. ,~. ",Ot '" "'oVO<Jbly g"nt, ,0""'V .nd "II "'e P"lOe"Y to Tru., •• , In U"ot, milt pow", of ,.1._ Gronto, a~Q.w",r""" "'ot Ilto P,cp'rty.~ "n"",um!.."d, .xe'pt ,"-' O""mD"ne,, of ',",0,<1. ",. '; 5 PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS, '1'''0 ""l",d to ooy otn,,, nOttQ'oe, ~ ... d of If" .. , "';".".,. "'.emont or "thor I"", "",u""m that o, .. t.d, o"or ,.,"nty to,",o" 01' ,nccTIlb",",. 0" the ,,"~,..rty, 13"0'0' .,oreo,. j>., To ,"'ke .11 poy"",n"l woe" du •• M 10 p"fm", 0' cornoly "'''h .11 «vonao", s, To o'~m;t'" de~"" ,. L."do, .'V "o'«e, " ... G"nto, ,ecelv" flOm t~, hQld., C No' t" ,''ow.", "';'dlf";.oon", ,"",,,,,,,"" of. ""' to ",qu,., ony fuMe odvo",,, "nde, .nv no'.", ,","om.n' ,.",,,,",, by the '''0 doo"m.nt wltnout l,,,d.,', or", ""''''0 oo"ont, . . •. CLAIMS AGillNST TITLE. -G,.nt,,, w;i pay'.11 tax •• , .,se,,,"en", heo" ,noumb"oc", le.,e O"mo"I>, O'''Wl~_'';O'', "01""" oott 0"'", cn,,"e, ,.,.t,"O to th' P,op.rtv when d"._ Loo"", m.v '."u". G"n"" t. P'OV,d'IO lo""" ",,",e, QI ,If noM., 11,., ,u<" ,moun" ". <iuo ,"d '10. ,"c"'P" ""d,n"o. G""",,,', ".vmon, fjfO"!O' ""f ""fond ,,,I. '0 tho Pm,,,," 'g""st ,ny d.,m, th" ",o""d '",,,,"1"' I,," of~ .. S""",,, in"rum,"t. Grantol "'"'" '0 ""on 'u Len"e" OS '",,"o.ced by ',nd." .OV "0"", 01"",» oi <lel.n*", C"'o'o, rnoy ",va .o"not .,,',., .,ho ,upply Is,""r 0' m,W,.I, to m'''ni,,,,", ,m"ov. tn. ,,"OPortv.' 7 DUE ON SALE, Leo"or m,y. at ," optIon, dOO1"", tr_. '""CO,b,lonc. of Ute S.Guood n.bl, 10 b. ,mn,.',,,.ly du, "d p.y,ble "oon "''' elMlon of, 0' '""" ... for 'he or .. 1Ion of,' ".nsfer 0' "I. "f .If " '''v "",' "t th, Prop."y,', Th,. nu~' IS ",b,.", '0 'h' ""'I)CIIo", ,mp,,,od by fed".1 I.w "OVern,nq the p,comptloo ot """ ""'_O_"_,,J, laW" '" ,ppl,ooble, S, TMNSF~R OF AN 'NToRo5T IN THE GRANTOR, it G,.nto,,,.~ e"'"w o,oe, '"0'" ,",""I perooo :'",h os, 0"'00""'" o· oth" N,B",,,,,ool, L""do, mO\' d'm.nd ,m",.d",. p,y""nt.f B T:,.",,,. co,,,,. n "th" ,h. ,deo~w 01 ""-nb" 0' ,,,,,,,ibm ,f. ~"".<"H'p or-"rn,I., oo'''y C, Th.,. , • ,hang' '" owre"h,p 01 mQre lh," ." Oe'CeOl'"' "'e "0""9 ,took of • ""p",,',o,_", 01",1" co''', ~o\Vev.", Le"do< ",,' _'01 ""0"0 oovm,01,, to •• bol'" ',,",'.on, ,I"" ",oh,"".d" I,.,..., of ,h. ,.te ot tH" S'"'""''III''''U''''"" ' • ....,.." c,".~."" ceo "'._.0'"" N em--, '., ·c~"·,,,,'" ",,,,,,Y,,,' '''_ "'" .. ," '"'' ,., CO," '", .. ,., T<, ,. '-~'" '<.-Co"_" ,,,. -, • • 9_ ~ARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. G,,",,,, m,> .. to Lo,o<, "'. lo'lowon9 "'""d"".' "n","p"",""nono who,.\ will tOo"",".' 1009" "'" S.,""'y 'n,trum,",,, ".-fl.". A. PoW"'. G",tor,. duly o<g'""O<I, ,nd valldl, "",.,,"" ,nd '" 0000 ,,,nOto9 on .11 j"",d",,or., '" "/,,,h GIan,or oP""'" G"ntor ha, th. pow., and ,urnon<y 'Q en,.r ,nto '0" """"ollon and to "f'Y"n Gran'",', """no .. or ",,"VLty " " " now bo,"" oonoucted ond, ... a"?ble,,, qu.ld,." to;o'" In •• co I"",doc,,,," m whlen G"'ntor "pm,"" 6. ~D""', Tho '"'.'"~'"_ ;.lIvory ,nd p,rlocmon"" 01 tOIs S,C""" 'nstrumo" and 'he : obl,.,~-"n ",d'n'C,d Oy In,. S.""w Ins<rum,","" W,,~'" Gra"to'" pow"". nov. b<.n ~u'v ,",hor",.d,_ h.,.. ,ec."",d .1/ no"""." ,,'''"mmen''l ,ppm".'. w,,' 00' Viol". 'ny "mVISIM 01 law, "",oer 01 eo'"rt " ""';;in",,,,,'.' 'g"noy. aoo will ott' '''01", any .... 'm..,. to ,,"Ion G""t", ,,&,o.nV-o, t~ -.f, "h G ro"tor " or ,", of G,.n'o,', P'~P'''Y " '""1"<' '. '. . '. ! '. , i C. Mom • .oo PI."" .f SO", .... PH •• , 1ll~". O'<v",u,rv ",,,Jo,.d .. w,,'m. to L.,<I.r, ~ .. nt,,, .,.,' not cft.ng';d G""o'r·'; ",me"" pnn"p;t pl.ee 01 bU.,nos, w"",n 'h' I ... 10 yo,,' .nd h,-, not ",,.d:,OY o!~" ;' .. do o')lCVtlOU, "''''0, Wnoout l""d",', pnor "'fltten ,,,,,'ont, G",n'., doe, n,p.r>d F,II 00' u;f OnY 0'"",'"",,," ond W., pM".,.,. Gran''''', .. ,,~"g nome, trad, nom ..• nd f"n,I", ... " " .. , 10. PROPEllTY CONpiT'ON. Al,"TERA,TIOM; AriD. INSPECTION. G,,",O' w,11 ko," tho PeD"."" In .,od co"d,,"," '1id m."" a' fOP'''' 'h""," ' .. "'mo~lv noc"."Y. G,anto, w,11 no' eOmm" 0' allow '"V".,,,, ·mOllI""."', m d",,,"'",,oh of tho Property Grantor w,1I koep .h. property h., ot no"""' w,e.is ",d ora""". Gron"" ...... " ... , th. nO",. oj 'he o,oepeney ond ",. will ,,~t suh"ao~."y 'hMS< "",thout L,n,,,,', p!lor W'~ton' ",n","t' G".o'o, will not OIl,,,,n any ch,no. In ,ny 1"'.0,", ,.,tn"'~"·'ov,n.nt 0' "'emon' IVrtnout Lo'h,,",', p"or "",!t," ",,",e"' ""0'01 ",.11 ",o"fV Londor of ,II ~'''''''d.; p,,,",",dlng., oi.,m" aod ,otlo", '9"'"" O,.otor, ond of"" los> or d.m.g. to th. Pmpef\V, ' • No po",on of (ho P,op."y ",II b. 10m"".: d,mel"h.<I ~'-mot."'11y .It"",, ",,,ho"' Lond,,', m:o' w,,""" 000,,", """oP' 'not G"n'Of"h .. <fl., rIght to ,aino,. ''''''''"01 ~.'",,""' ~0""11Y comp"Sln~" """ of til. Pr~perty "'''' b,oom. W<lm or 01>.01.'5, p,""tl,d thto, ,"01>,,","0",1 P'OP01tv " r.pl",,?d with ott", 00010".1 "IOp'rt'( .. 10.'" oq,.1 .n ".Iu~,to'tljo repl."tl po",on.1 P'op",ty. j". f",,",,ny "". '."0"0" d"",,,o, ,e<~,ny"o'~"'''''' or,o~~, .0'U'1'b"nOO, 5uoh ,epi"".""'"' ,I p.,,,,",1 pro Deny w,1I be ea ... od ,ubleCl to ,h. ,.,urny oote,." ""." ... by,"" SOC""'V '"",umon' Gran,or Will not ,.,"tlO" "' 'Ubtirvl<!e (~;e PooP"'v. wrthoot Lond,,', pnm , l'n~ei or L~ndo," 'g,n" m,v. ,1 L""d.,', O!>llon, "ntol 1M PI,,,"rty ... 'ny ,."",,ota "ma for ,h. ou,,,,,,,, 01 ,oope'''"'9 'h' Prooe"". Lon"" w,11 ON. Gronm' ""tI<o at "" t"'o 01 01 bofm' ,n In,,)~1"'" ,p,clfying , r""'nobl, pur"",. '" tn. '",poo',on Anv m'p,.',on 01 ,tha P"'"""Y IV" b, .",,,ely for I.i,"d,"·~ b,oef" ,"d G,.nto, w.n '0 no wav ral) 00 l ... d~'","sp!cnon, 11. AUTHo.RITY TO PERRlAM. If Gronto, l"ls '0 pertorm ,nY du,V"' '"1 ~l tho cov""On', <on",n.";o ,1>" Sec""" ,I'''''gmant, •• ,,<Ior may, "'''nou' no,,"O, porto"" 01 """,. 'hom '0 be pe~o'me<!, G'""toi ,p~o,"b L,nd" a, ,Homay '" I.e' to .,gn G,.n'Q'" n,mo or p" anv .mount n.o!""V 10> p.,i.r"",oo •. lond,,'s no"' to ~'form lor G,antDl will ""t c ... t •• n obl'9"ron ,0 OIlrf»rm/ ,"d l,,,,.,·, ",Iu", '0 oerlo,,,, ",.11 00' "roclude Lon"" hDm a,erco"n" '"y or L'nd,,', o,h., noh" "n'" ,M I,w" "", S,conlY InstrumOnt. "'ny ,on"ru,no. on the Pwp",v" d'''"ntl"ued O,"or e.'""d on In, r.,,,o,,,,bl. maO".r, L.ndor moy t"a all st,p' oao",o,), to O'"t.et l.oo.,·, ,e,urltv '""'''''' .~ toe Proper'v, ,oolud,n" oomol,"o" of ,~. 'O"'trUot"O 12. ASSIGNMENT o.F ,"AS~S AND AENTS. Gran"', ",.,ocaDJy ""gn" 0""", GOnv'Y' " Leod" " .ddn,onol .. ,""tv ,II tM'"~h,, ~tl. ~nd ,,, ... ,, In ",0 loliow,"" 1_'1 rofemod '0 a. P,ooe"y), . . A. E",,,o, 0' foture I."" .. ; "'"'(""'" I".,,, .. ; ~u."n"" on" ony other "'fin". 00 ,.,b,1 'or.,me"'" fm tn."" '00 ""C"P'""" 01 ,ho "ope~y, loeIU,"". anv ""o,"on,, ren",'IOI" mod,'"."o", 0' ,epl''',"'"'' la<l ",f.l"o to.,; l, ... ,] B, R,n", ''Sues 'n" o,of", lall ,.f.,,,<1 tQ as Ren,,), ,"~Judmg b'ut not 1,,,,,,,," to ""cu"tv oepQ,n" m,mmu", ,en', ,.,,,o,,"e '.0', .. dd,~on,1 r~nt, <ornmo"",,, momte","," 010",",', ~.'k.lng <,,,""', 1001 "",. ",." oto" .p""",,br. ,,,os, ,"'U";«,,, ",""',"m "o""b"1ron" h"UIJ.,," d,m.,,, follow'"9 Jet,"" "O,all.tto" pre,",u,",. "1o,,"' , ... "," 1O.urooeo, "u." '00.'''-', '.vonu., ,ov.I",,5 p,o<eed" t;.".""",' ."oun", ""'", ,,,,,nerol on""g.bl"" and ,II noh" ,no cl.,,", whlon A"'""o, mov 100'0' th.t ,n' , ; '" .r. '" ,0'0\Ont of th' "e", ",wp'""v of the whole 0' "'"1 P'" oj tho In the 8\,,0' any ,·em I""d A",gnMen' "'," al;o he, v:.:~.,,-op,es . 0."' •• ,,,IJ '".,1 , " , " Lo,'" 01 R,"" " do,",m.,;.<1 '0 a" "our"V 'o'''men'. , , G"nta, " , ,"" tl , , , , , ,,-; ~ ~-l q~ , ~ ~, en ,~" ~ ~ 0 0 ~~' ~ f."c , ~ , ~ ~' , , , , 1 , \ , " 'I '; , , ""'Gl" •• __ ~ ,f> ~ n-:: ~ z ~l".j!~ ., ., , , , .. t .. ~ " S'r _'r g.;; ~~~,,~ :;'<'-ii H=.'iil":l-,,-~-il ~--.",""~ "-3 "3 ~ ~ ""-,,m~ • "0-,'" 0 gC~~~~- ~.3". ro~< _~, ~ ~ m ~ ~3~Q, g ~g. "'~O-~~ ~-6~ ~~£~ ~~: n"~~"-~~ '"'''~ ~~~ ."",,,-~m" JO ,roC a-.o"[~~ ;"_~='~5 ~ -~ ,;,,..,,--,,,,--~ -.. :l'~ ~~!~~~~~~~ n~ ~ H.~~~~g,g ~ n[1lJ.? , g. >: " ~ '-or'---'" g 5' P :;:n .m .. [1 ~ " n ~, ~ ~ ! ~ ~ iLl ss S ~ ~ n H ~ ~ ~_ 11 il' h. S' ~ H ~ ~ ".:] l;, :; a ro U ~ "<-.0." ~oo-", Q-"''''-'<~'''~---'''--<. ~~.~ "'~ __ " ___ ~ .. ,_ ~r :::' ~",,~ti· g, ~ ."5:~:3' 5,'\· ~~ "'''~ -:l»' ~uo[·.·~·~~",~ ~"~~'''~~~~il.~~~,,,-,",~,,,,-~ ~ ~f~ ~ ~ h of ~ ~~ -~ ~'-'~ ~ Hj~! 1,5, ~~ ~ e~ ~ HH i: ~ g::~ ~~-H,; p ~~,;'~ g 2 ~'~ "1 g--<~ .<>~~ 3 2"-. ~ g '?.~ Q~ "_!ll.' ".g-~'~~~"~"~"'''''-~Q.~-~3~''' ~te5~,S-~;::~ <o~, 'il's -<~ •• ~-.-""'<-' "'~ •• ~g."~ ~ .~~''''''"E~-il. ",""-o~ ""Q~ ~ ~~~ ~~ I~ fi ~H-i ~ ~~"H ~;~ ~ ~ ~~:~'~~~[&~~§:i~~~~~~:t~]~~~~t~~~q '~il-"'.. "~~--g ~~~-"~~ ~;i;-;'~ii"~.'l~f>~g~1-~~-3,8--<~'lli;:('~a~-~!t"-;J~o ngc ~~ ~:: ~: " .. ~~,:~g';~~ ~~ ~s~n.~i:'H~~o.~hgJ~'-_f-~~'il~~,,~~+q~~ <o.~ ~~ _m ~Cl·-'" '" -" ",:r~ ,,-,,~ ~ ,~..-_;!; ~1itr;-p.-~~o~o'Oo.3~ ,,-.,,-~'~Q -<'ii'--." '~l!-%. ~ -<03 __ §~,~Q~~G~",~ga!"''''~ o.o"-~-'l9'~:5~::;3~ ·_"-~5g. .",; cOl ';''''-''-'''oClifgj:.a~ "-" 5Gl~"-C'"il~.mg.g'''~~~§'', • .,~,,a':;:[,,~ ~~HH -~J'-' H,,-f~,iP!~i:!~ !HPJ~~Hl~U~HtH'f'!Hi~H!n! o """"~ • ~ ~_ • ~ 0 ~~ ,,~--< ~ "-~r"'!lZ~~"t-li!""~'~"-_'J-1!~.D __ m_" ~_ -". ~ . . '" <,3·.~. • 0. oriC ~ ~-,,~ ,~, n _o~ "''' ~"3~"'~-il.3'~O_!.--'''-''-'S''''~'"' ~,'~_~ ~ "'-~ ~S ,'-" c!\ "I< -:i;;;. ~~ ~~ ~"oag~~ ,,~~~' _ ~"''''_~.~r-9'~",,-~~w,,--< """~'Il:;-'-'~,l! ';;<--g: a-w~ ~~ ",,,-~~1:~-~~"-~--:!S 'bi3-g-_igr\;;~;:,-s;~~~~"--<~~" m,;' ro -;, ~" -~'" ~~ ~ g. ~"o3ii3o.-~"~""~iP'~o.~.~.\;; "~"~5'" ~~~ ii' ~ ~ o~ ~: 3~" ~~~. ~~-.g-~"U."'[Q."-"r-<",*il"~'"-~~"-~~<l~~"~~. ~~~ii·o.~o "-o-g" 5,"''''5 ~~8.,~ :~: ~ gil-""'''-~= "og.,,~n~~ ~H"~ g g~jj "~ c" ,,~,~ "iiCL>~-S3; !1.iO~~-il~-~ ~gj~ -"~'- o 0 0 0 _ • C Q -i~~" ,_ 0 ~," m 0 "-,,, "--~ -< "-,,5 § .-'~ft,i~ • or 0-" -< 0_' • , ~ , ~ -~. go. ~ Q:,' ~[ ~~ n-~ 2.[§.~ ';r;,-<·og-:',,-fi.!Pl;;~~~~:a~_;'~1!'-;~U!i(-'1S g;t-~ a [:i ,go 5i'! -< 1l-~ ~)~ ~ f' :<~,n::'i~~"-"'9'~5.<L;;r~§OS-~~"-S~6~On~; .;" : -~;j-n" ~Q. g~" ~!., 'g~;~~a&.'lf;;~.g~~~Q<T.:l~'!1,,;;,,~ir g.~;;~", ~~ ti ~g ~~ ~g ~,~~ "t"-~~---~"'~~~--<,.S~s:::';~8i:<~~:3~~~~:l.gt;q:_ --_c ___ ~ Ii --< -.:l ~~-i0 '!~_-< <' ~~*g'" :co-2." "_ "-. ~_ c~ -'f~'~ -g~ ;0 Q~ ~~~ ~~-§"--5~.~g_r,aU::'~i5g"~iL;:~H~~~~:g::~~ ,~" ~. ~-~;r o-<~ ~~ -~.'i.-.~ro~-""~l5:,,-~~.~oO-~"~-:i.,,-"3~-~ -~ -~ 'i. ,,~ 'll--~. -'l.-"'",~m_,i<-3 \(:,," Q"~."-~~~"'1la"~nGl. ~'--~ ~~ ~" 1~ ag~,--~-:~"'<fia'jl-~~"'g_ ~:;,--g.ii;;g~Bg.".~~.,,~~~~ 'l-It 9'~ ::~ ,g ,.-3.-_-~ ;"r'~Q"",:l-~ ;~ca",o".s~g~~~.~&2.~~;~ L" ~ <l~ ~, ~~ mlil"-W... -lf~";;"';~a~;:_~~~3,i'l'":;-;!;33..<~~.~''".''''-~, "'~ 0 ~ 0 _n -~ '" 0--~-_ -""~"'.~"-"c~~-<,,," -~~_1l.~~.-__ ~".~~_ ~~ • a' ~o Ol" ~-->~ ~~_ '·-=~_~':;~.3~3n~ ~~"c.i'~".g~m~~3"'~~ ~~ -~ --"~ ~". o~ O_,,,,r~ 00--"-"",JO~ ~O""~~t;_.c~_ ':<Q-,,~ ,;'" ~"--< ,,:~ "---i'.~~~~Gl~,"-~"i:;-.2~~~~'~~8<~"Qcg;~a~ ," 3 g ~O ~ ~ '!l 0 ~~ "''''l-.o,~~ ~~a_~.'l'!ll'"o-,' 3ii~~";l."''''..~,;~ " ' ~ -" Co" 0", "M ~" ~ Q 0 0 Cl" "" _ ~ _ ~ o~ ~". 30. ii3 , , ~~ -t:l *3~.""'~o~-~ii-g~~o.~;;",,-:rZ~~~~_S f" ~ ~ ~~.g" ~ '2:Q ~"';(':l..".Glla::~Q"--,!5~~~~t:-.~~;g.:;.9'i'l' 0'1 g. ~ ". ~-~ •• ~ ~~rrai:'-"~",,,~!e.OO~-S_~~~o~.;o,,~"O~_ ~ 0 0 _, ~ 0 C s~ o.~-<~"OO-;~ .~ __ _ S~ ~ ~ ~<" __ • • • • S<lbl";t to onv noh' to cute, "q"".' "n-o "h.d"' .. Of onv "he< 00''', 'Igo" G"nlor 'O"V havg "n'., '''''of," and "at. I.w. l,nd" m,y " .... 11", ,n,,,." 01 the ,mou", owmg bv the i ,.,"" of rhO Soo,,"o Deb" ''''mod,,,,.lv du. ,,4 'o,ecl,;;" th,. Soo"",. 'o"",moot '". "'On,,", prQvlded b, I.,., ""'" tho ,<'"rrenee of a d.fao" Of '"vtlm. :twe.fto,. AJf ,';".,.0;", or. d,,,mo,. ""mol.,,,, •• nd not "olu"v" aod the '"od .. " "",,,I.d to air "moo, .. pm"dod .• , I.", Of ~",ty, wh,"'.,,, "'" expres,"" .. , lo"h Th. ,,";e'''''nc. Il'/londor of '"V !um ,".payment Of "",01 ""y"'on' on tho SOC"'eO Deb" .ft., th. Oalon,", IS du" oc " '.""'I'ro'.~ Of .fto, 'or.,Io"o,. ",,,,,,.d,ng •• " "'ed w,R not <:o","'ut. , w.", .. 01 lend,,' s fIght to r."uIf. lull, on" ",",pl...,. ,m" of .ny 0)(1""," d"'ull. By not "''''''''"0 any ",mea.,., Len"", do"_' "01 w,,,. ,,,,,de,', "0"' to I.ter co""d .. !h ...... n" ;,l,ul, ,I II oo""nu .. or hspp.n, ."01;'" - '15. ~Ol,,~noN tXP~NStS 'AND "'-frO~NEYS' FEES, On 0( otter Dol,ult '0 tt .... ,an, porn-u,,,,o OY !aw.,"""to, .gJ"" '0 pa'y a~ ""'''.' 01 <oll.,tIOn .• nlo",..".n, Qf p,ot.,,,U" 01 Londer', n~il" on" 'om"'.;'~n"" \11<> S"""rtty t",,,um,n', G"n'm ."',., to poy "P",,.O. 101 L._ '0 ,n,;"", '"~ P'''''N' ... Proper''; Md,,!,, ,n1 ,.'oro",,,o c"" of ,olea,,"o ,h. P,"p"'y 1,0", 'h" 'S,oumy In","",,01, E>p.",., ""I"<Ie, bu' or" not ',m'tad to, '''Olney'' 1.". eouTt COO), ,nd ",h",,'o.,! .<Jio"", ,n';;' ""pon,,, ". duo ,nd ,,"V,b!. ,mmod"'t.fy, 11 no. p"d ,mm.-d",fl"v, !It.s. "po,,", ",u .0""'0'''.'' 1",," ,ho d." 0' "",m.nt uo" p.,d ," ful'" ,h. il'O""" '"""" <a'e',o ._, .. p,,",,dOd for rn ,"" term, of 'ho S.ou,.d Dab", To tho ,xt'n' ,eom,nod i>y tI,,, Vn,,;,d ~ ... , BanK'up'cy Coda, G~'"'Of '9ree. to pOy 'ho .... on.bl. anomey, f .. , LoMer "'IOU'" '0 "oltaC' ,M-SOC",." D.~'i'~5 sw"doo bv ,nv court e"ro"'"9 lu".or",,, un"" 'he B.hkr,",'c~ C,,<Io, lB, ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS.oriD II;',Z •• :HDOUS' SV~JANCES_ 'Aiu,," ,n 'h" .... 'tI"n, 111 En",,,,",,,o,,,,,1 Low,,,.,",, w,thouc' 1".,,,",cOn, th. Comp,""."';"" Eowoom.o,,1 R""p"",", Cort'p,o,""O" and l"b'lity Ac' (CcRClAl, .11 othor tod",",' "'"" 'nd 10"",II.w,, "''IuI01'O,"" ord,na""" cou" ord.ro, .Uom.y ""MoJ op,ooon' or ,,,,,,';'.,,vole,,,,. oonc.'""'9 Iho publ," h •• IIh, ,.f.w, wolf.,., ,nvlron",." or ,', ... moo, "o'''''neo. "0 {21 H., .. do", 5""',""," moo", onv ";",, """.,',vc "h""oo", ""!tin,", w.""" [>Ollu,,", '" CQn"m,non' +10" ha. on.,,""n,"C' wh,,~ "",der !h. ,,,b".no. ""ll.rou, Of ~,on".II, d.na",,,,,, to tlte publ,c "e.IUl, •• 1,'y, wolt",. or ""v:roo,""n' Th. ,."'" ,",c.,do" w,t/1ou"I"",'"""" OnV ,"b"',noo, ,,J,C'" ;. "h.,ora"", m"e".r,· "lo",c sub,,,no.: "h.",dou; woo .. ." """.roOus '"b"."pe, or """,""od ,"".',,,"~." ""d.r 'Or ErMronm""all.ow, ' , .... :;,.h"" rap""n", ~,"ran" ,no OUr ... th.,' A,' bo.p' .. P'eV"'",w d"olo,O<I .M .<knowi."",d '" w''''"a '0 LondBt.' no H'mdou. S"b"""" ha, boOn, IS. or w,1t n. lo<".d, tr.hOpOCled, moom.",u",", " .. t.di ,"f,o,d, "' 'on,lod '"" '"' po",,,,, "n, Undo. or ,bout the Prop."y, O<cop' '":,~, OId,oOl' oour .. of bus",,,,, .nd ,n <le_," ,ompJ,,"c< WLth ,II "ppl".bl" Env.onmem.] Low,,' '6 1',;".", OS p,.',"o,,'\' d"~'''.d ,00 ,ckMwlcdoo" '" w"t:ng '0 Lond';, Gl.n'" , •• "ot .0" w,~ not e,,,,,e, cOh1f,btlt<l to,"' ,,",mit Ul. ,.1.". of '"Y H".,oou, SU""'"O' on t~e I'!openv C, "",",ot w,1I ,",",.d,.'e'y nou/v -I onder ,I 111 , '.1 .... 0' thr .... oed "Ie .. , of Hazordou, Sub",n'. 0'"01' '", uod", 0, .bou' '"" Pmp"ty """gr".' ",h"','ons to m,or'" from nearb~ poop."y, or m thot. " , ,,,"",on of '"V Env,mnrne","1 L,w coocOtn,ng Ulc I'<0P""Y_ In '"c~ '" '''''"', G"MO' w,t t.k, "I M"."rv ,",nod",' ,e"on rn .,oomanoo woth Eo,,,"omoo,,1 La,\" D, 8<".P' " p''''''u,ly ""010'''' ,nd .cknow[oo •• d 'n wn""a to Lon<ler, Gron'ur Ir., no knowlodoe of Dr ".""n to, hol" • .-,ho" " Rny ,""dmg or ,o".,.n,o ,,,.",o",,"n, o'.,m, 0' ",oc,od,"""' 'ny ,rn" "'"''"9'' 111 ""V H.",,,jou, Sub,,,nc.loe.,,,d on. "~d<r 0' .bou, :Ire PfO~"'Y' 01 '21 '''Y VlOr","n ,E,y G"n'" "f 'n~ ,<~"'" 'f any Envo",nm."",' Law, G,,",or w," ,",m,o""lv ""trflr' Len<fer ,n WII"ng '" 'oon;lj. Gr .. '", h .. r.,,,o" '0 b.I,.w '~ere " '"y ,"cit pcn"'n" or Lr"",_"" ,"v"s"o."o~, d~',"', or proe .. dm. I" ouch an ",'nt, Leod., hos 'he "grt, b"' 00' 'he obl,"'''oo, to ""'''0'"'" ro ,nv .uel, ",uco""rn" "_",,,f'09 'ho "gl" to «",,' ""p", of any dO_'"""'"'1 ,,1'''09 to '"'" pro~ .. ","",_ E, "XC~"'" p,e"ou>ly d"clo"o and ,doQ,v'odoed 'n ",""nq '" Londo,: G,.n'", an; overy """"' have 00", ". 'nlf ".',11 rem"n 'n f"~ oomp[rao,o wtth ,oy .ppli""bl. ['"",onmon,,1 L,w, ' - F_ Except" p""ou.lv ",do,," ,nd .c'nowlod""d ,~,",'''',no " Londo" tho,e ". no "nde,o'''"' >to,"., ton'"~ ,,,",,, <Iu",,, or opeO w.lI, I=,'od on 0' under 'h<' P,Operty '"" no suc~ tank, dump"' ",II ",lib, ,dd." "01"", L'mle, t"" ,"",.n" ,'n wr"m~, G, G<oM"' W," ,,""loIr, '",,,"ot the PIOperty, mOn,'" ,h. 00"""," ,n" 0,"""000 un ,I,. "ropor,,', ,"d ,on'"m 'i'ot ,II perm,", l,o'n'" 0' 'POIO",I, "q",,"d by ~"V appl,oab'. H G,."or '.VII' perM", or CO"" ,"" too"n' to ,,,mit, 'eno" 0' L,oder, ",,0' to ,"te, ""0 'nSpect 'he Pro""",, ,oJ ''''"'' all '""1''''' ''''1 ''''oo,lHe time to 0'1"""'"' 11' 'h' ,,<>,on," [oo""on ,,,d ".t"Io or ,0, 11""dous Su"".ne< 00, uoJ., or ,bout ,~. Property, v ~'"'" o'c" "",,., LlC "".'""~ 00"' or "."' "A",,,,,-,,,, """"""" '''' '" • • r2: 'he ''"'0""'. I,o'''on, "tu". '"" ,,-,'gom,d. oj '"V H",rdou, Sub"",,,,'hat 00' ,OO" ,ol .. ,.d on, ""d" " .bo"' :he Prop""y,,, ill whoth., or .," G"otor "d an, teoonl ,,. '" ,orrpl,.n<e witt: appj".bl. onvLto,,,,,""'" Law i. Uoon L,nde'-, ,"quO,! ,nd ,t "N "mo, G""",, '''-'''", at Grantor", .'"'"'., to .""ge, 'ou",j,."."nVlfonm.nto' ,""oeo,:o P"!"""" """"oomo",,,' ,od" 01,.,. P<op"'Y an" to su,"'" th. "", .. 0' ""h '''011 to L,n<le, The ello",,, of the """",,,men,,1 '"o,n." who ""II p~.t"m s'Jell .ud" _, ,"bl,et to Londe,', ,pprov.1 'J "onder h"; rh' "0"'. bot not the obl".«oo, to pelfo,", '"V at 0,,",0,', ~t>lI~.tIOn. "ode< '"" 'e<"on,~' ~"ni<H:' "P''' •. 1<:' "". co~""q",,,c. 0' an, tH,.ct,' ,j '"V rep" .. "toUon, wo"anty or prom". mod. ,n '"" ,.,1Ion, [11 G"",Of wOi ,"_~em"'fv ,\md "old l,no., and Land,,', '"'"'""" " ''''S .... ,h"",I.s. f"m ,M 'Illa,,}! ,1110,,",,' ,]"m" de.,.ods, l,ab,I'tles, d,,"00oo, olo"up, ,.,,,,n .. ,nd-<e",edlauon ,oot,,' p'n,ltI.' and ,.''"''''"", ""UOInO ",lthout I,m",toon ,II Co," 01 I,,,got''''' .nd ,""orrieV" fu., whlO" L.oder atI<\' Lood,,', 'UG,."O" " ""On' may ""''''0, ,nd '11) .1 l.hdar-', do",""on, "'.<de, mOl' ,ole ... !01S SOC"",y Ins""m.", ,od 'n ,.turn GIO",O' ".1 prov,d. ,end';' w,,,",oll,,,,,.! ol't ,",, eou,1 valu. to tn, Prop."v '.CUled by 'h" SeOllf'ty lo"rw",,", "",\houf "".]ud, .. t6· any 01 Lo,da,', ",h" "nd., til" S"""n,,, I,,,"u,,",nt ' . .' l NO<W,\h"",d",g "o'y of th.l"n"u,o" ~",,"'~.d '0 ti,,, S.currty in,trum.n! to <h. eontr"y. the t.'ms ot th" <o<1Ion w,ll ,"",OV' ony' 10lOoI",u,. " "n"."'on of ,h .. Secu"tv In,"um",,' ",""dl." olony p";,.g.,' ';tl. to Lendo, Of ,ny dJ""".oe" by ,.00., 0' 'ny 0' .11 of tho Proper,,!, Aoy ,I",". and dofon .. , '0 ,~. ,on""", 'f' h"oi>y w.,ved. .' ' " n. CONDEMNATION. G""tor,"""I: .'"' lo" ... p,,,mR' n"',c",Q~ 'nY ",,"(l'ng Of 'h","one~ aotl"o bv p"v". 0' oubl" 'n"'''' to p'"ch",. Of tak. 'ny ., .~ 0' :", P,up"'y '",OUO" condomn.,oon •• m'""n' domam, " "ny' o\h., 'P.,n.. G,anto, a.,"",,,, •• Londo, to "',"<vono on r,,,m",', ",m, 'n '"V of the ,bove d"'"b,d ""Ons 0' cla,ms. G .. ",o,' ""90' '.0 lond., '0" P'"'."" of 'nY ,wa,d or 01.,"1 fO! d,m,o", ""nn<""'" ",ot" ~ "OnOOmn""On 1" o,h .. ti<,,~ of .1: N 'ny [>0" 'f tho Prop,rty SUGh p,oG"d, .,..,If b, conSld.,..~ P'''''',"O'' "nO w," "" ,,,,,I,ed "' pro. ,d., ,n 'h" Seour,,,, I",,"'m,ot, Th" "~~"me", 01 r,o"""d. ,.·'ub,.e, '" 'ho 10",,. of any pno, mo!!gag', de.d of "">t, ""umy 'g"omont "' o'!>or I,on doCui'rwml' lB,INSURAf,iCE Q,.nto, ""re" to 1<0.., "'" p'O"",ty"'n,u,,~ '"~I,,",th. '''i.o ",~,on.bly .,,,o,otod ""b th.:Pmp,,,,, O,""to, w,11 mOln'"," <I11O"ln=,,09. ",·<h""mo""ts ,ondOl '0,"",,", Th" """""," w,III,,! "nt1i <h. ?mp."v" ",Ioos.d flom tit,;' S,,"",.r,. IMtrum,"!. Who' l.,"", "OU" .. p,,,,,,,nt '0 tne oreced,ng two son"'""., ""n ,"'"g. ""n". t"" 101m of !h. 'Se,,';'d D.b" ,G,"",or my ,ho",. ,h. ,o,""nco ,om",,"v. ,",o,e,t '" l,ndor', OP1>,u.ol. wll,co w,1I ""; be un",'''n.~,ty w"llhoid. . NI ,n,""nco pol",eo and !eo,,,,,I, \"..11 ,"clud •• "ond"d "mo"g',. ,,,,.,,.' 'nd, wo.'. dppf"a!>!": 'I", ,",Y •• ,I,"",· If "qu".d by Lender. G"ot'" ..,"", " m.,n'om oomp,el,,,",,,. If"oerol ~,.b:!I,t, ,n,",""" ,"d reo'"~ ,,,., 01 bu"o"", ,nt."up''''" ,","ronco ,n amouo" '", u",;, poI,",,, oocOO"Ole to lend",. TOe commohen",," gen.,,' hab""y ,",uranco muot n""","l,",or .,., odd'"'na!' In,;,.d Th. '"0'" 10" 0' """ne .. ,oterrlJPuon ".suranco nu" b. ,n" ,mauntoq,.1 '0" I •• ., ,,,,;,,.,0 0' "10' y.,,', deb, ,o""oe, "d """,,od ",""OW oococ"' '.P""''' ',f '9".d '" "P"'''"'' " w"nng I a"ntor w," ,'ve Condel .oJ't'" 'n'~".;"' ,om,,,n, ,mm8d",. ,,",,,, of ,oy '0". AI' '"'U"noo "roceed, ""II h, ,,,,,,,.d ,', """.tlon m."p'" of the Property 01 to tho Secmoo D<blS, .t ceod.,·, option ]f lei,ik, a.our'o' t", p,oP"'Y In d''''''OOd "n,"",", G,,",or', nohlS '0 any ,,""ranO' pod'OI.' and P'''''''' w,1I P'"' to Lon"T to t"e "leot oj the Secu"d D."", G"nto, w,1I 'Ir,H'ej,.'el, "otlf, Lcod,~ of ',"GO.lo,",n 0' ",m",,"o" of '''''''"""' If G""tor i.d, '" ',.p te.e p,ope"" '"'"T.o Lend" may "b",~ m,",anc. t~ p,,"o' '.odor', '"'"""" ,n I~. P,ope"" nm ,osu.a",. mo, co"u,," "".""00' "ot O,,"'noit! reQUIred of GI'M"', 'My be ",nn,n"v. ,omp,nv MhO! 'h'" on, G,i""r would 00'00'., "d m.y b. wrlt"n" a h'ghe, ro" TOOh G"nto, oould 00"" 'f G,,,",o, p",c"",d m. ,n,"",,;,. '8, ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURAOlCf,t Cra"t<r 'N,I ," b. f,q"",d" p" to lend., 20 CO·SIGN'RS. If G"nto, "go, ,I", S,eu",;' I",,,u,",enl but <10"' 'ot .,i~n the ."eu,"" 0,"". G,"otor '0'.' '" oo'v to ooov"y GrantO!', ,,,'ere,( '" ,no Pro,,,,'y '0 seco,. pa,"""ot of th" S""re" Do", and G"rI,"' ,"e' not 'oro. '" e, O."ooolly ,.bl, Qn "" Se,U""ed Deb,. 11 thIS Socu"" 'o"'omo" "C"'" " """"',, t" ...... o "ndo, 'n, G,,,,o,. ~,."",' 'g".' to WOlve .ny "9"" '"" may p',,,',ot ',oder 1;,m b"ngmo '"V ,"1100 ,,' ,I.", '9""»t G"o'o, 01 ooy ""tv ,oc,,"1<, ""der the obl'g'''OI'. T.,"'" "yo .. m,y "olude. b"t ". not ,,,'''ted to, ,r-V ,," de',",e"y" 00'·''"'0" ',w" 2t SU~~ESSOR TRUSTEE, '''',d."" '.""de,' SOP""" .. "ay '10m ,,,,.,, to "m, "."ve T,",,," aou 'p""nT , '"0'."0' '""h,"t 00, "hOI fO'm"", thoo l," ;,,,on,,,,," '" ",",,"; T00 , •• _,." ,~.""" '", c" "'u" """ 0 ... " T,,,,, ., ",,-", ,,, """"'0"' ,0" """""",, ... ," .,0""."",,,,,, "', .' 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P"" BO"IIM "' ~P"""""I~n ,.i"'"IW " wown",", 'l"O""S "4' ,D "'"''''J'~I>W ,0 '"OWP""'" ON ". ,",,,,,,'.J" I" •• , P.'P"DW '0 p'PUOw • • q '0" '.W 'U"w"",ol ,,"noos OI~l '/d.i1IaVlnl\;S Oll'f' NOlL~H~~~N! ·1N~I'ION3III'I '~Z ,",",:b i>uo "P,,"ll0 '"",," P"' ""''''''"' .41 "10""" pu, pu'q II'M !"'w",,'OI ""'"'OS .,~, "","'I'O!"!' pu, ,.,,~p .~l 'iolJod,;,_ ~""'''"''' ,~, .oj ,",w"'''"1 "'un,., ,,~, '.~"" ",,"','~O .q ~'lo "'''',",''"'''' P"" "J~o'd '"'-10 W,d A", "'''I'' Mw '"P""l J"\U"~ .. ~,o ""0 4,'M "~lOll",,, 'l1""jllA¢U, m'".,~ Ii'" 00, ,OW "P""l 'JQ'OOJ~ Jo4" "U, ID ""D,,"Bllqo .~, /" '""l!~""..,",.le \u.wn"'"1 ""JOo.S ,,~, "pu" """0'""00 ','O''''J~ 4"'3 'Sl!o~",,""ns Q"-'" A!nI9'111 WnOIl\KlN, mw lNIOr trI: '''JOW", 10 '"'''S p~;'"n ""' pU';P;'''101" ' SO A".OD'<I "1' .J.4'" """"P'"O' 'q, jO ''''01 .~, A~ p."OOOl ."M'"4W lUO"'.ljI 0\ ,d.",' 'uO\"u"I'o"" IU '''",'I <04' 'q ,'u,",,, " '"",,,ll'"1 '''''''''' 0I~1 'MIf1 11alfJI-Qd'l .,,~ .. -. ·'.<Dd,nd 1""lIOO"B, JOJ /ljj.d"u,,,' P"'" )DU " )u."'"'''''1 ',un"s '''I> Aq po'''''''' "-',dcod I'" -lIJ. 'AJljldO"d ,0 3Sn :n , -M"I o,~.",dd' P"' \"OWoJ,,", A,,,",,S "4' '« .""'''l uDdo P_"'I"O, 'Ollnp P"O "MOO '""" "~'". 0, p,,,,O, Il'" "'''"O'd ,~, 10 ","0","00 1004"" ',.""" '0'",,''"' • • • • 2~ WAIVER Of TRIAL FeR AABITRATION Lond" ,nd O,.n'", und.""ond tnat tno "", ... 1> .. ,; th. ';0"'"' O"""""nlt'l ,,, I'''got, any 01'""'. ,hrougt,. ,n.1 by """"'~, ju'Y. bu' tha, 'ho ".,,, .. prof.' to , .. olv. I)"P"t<, thro"llh """lOtion "", .. d of litillat;on, If onv D"pute i • .. 01".,00. londo. """ G,,"to' V""","ily ,nd 'T>O"ingly wal •• th" "gh' '" b •••• " .. I by jury or J~d"" d~,"" tit, .. b",.tion. ,'SIGNA~RES.' By ","'n~. G",,'m 'Il"es to rh. 'erm, ,no covenant, ,an,.",.d In th,; S"",,,.,. 'n"""';;,, ~'""to, .I,e ,e,nowledg" '<e,,,p' of. GOpv oj th" s.ountv In,:,um.", "_ """" '" "d ~"" SI,,, "W .. "~"" --~ LEROY W MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC STAlE OF WoISliJNGTON COMMISSION E)(P1R~S • APIlIL 9. 20115 REQUEST ,OR RECONVEY AJ./CE INo"o b. ,amp''''. uottl pard '" lu~1 TO TRUSTE[ To; "O~''''l"~d'' '"~,"'Tde' of ,h. nQl. or not .. '''''''Ted hy ,h" 5oc"~(y 10ot",,,,""L Sacd oote "'_flO''', to<!Othor InOr .11 othe, ,"d.h .. d"." ,eourod b, tl>" Secu"t) 10,l,"m,o'. h.v. be"" p"d '" full You ". h."hy ""eOleO In ,,",el thl> S0"""'' I"'''"ment. -Wl,loh " d.I",,". h"~bV, 'od" ';'oonveY. w,t~lO", w.",my, .11 ,h •• ,,", "OW held by yo, ""0" tfll' S,C""'y I"""'mool '~the 'p,,"'o "I ,e,t,,,,,, 1 ••• IIy 'oMod th.,"," IAutho",.d l,nder 8190",",")' " .. ", .. " '0 ,,,,~," .. '" 0".",-,,'_0'''' 0' "." '"' ,,, .. "_",,,0' ""0,' "" , __ -"''' 100tei "",." "'0 '" ,-""-" ,,...,, Punted: 11-29-2005 Paymenl Made: .,TV OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton. WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-139 1112912005 12:42 PM -_._------- • Receipt Number: R0506409 T olal Payment: 450.00 Payee: vlnyards construction lie Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account code Description 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Payment Check Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.S1.00.0003 Appe~ls/W~ivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 OOO.34S.S1.00.0000 Conditional Use Fee~ SOlO GOO.345.Bl.OO.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.> Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.S1.00.0011 G .. ~ding & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.B1.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81 00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone S018 000.345.B1.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.B1.00.001B T~mp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954604. Special DepDSj~S 5955 000.05.519.9Q.42.1 Postage 599B Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 Amount 450.00 Amount 450.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 00 .00 00 .00 00 00 ."0 00 00 .00 .00 00 CO .0" 00 .0" .0" ."" .00