HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-031, • LUfl-05-03/ Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton III III 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055-3232 ~T~!IJ~Jo~17003m4.020 68 E2243702 10/17/2006 09:32 KING COUNTY, UA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 PAGE001 OF 001 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 1523059094 & 1523059031 Project File #: K. 3 () z. 4-Street Intersection: N.E. 4" & 138" Ave SE. j) ... v&J IW< tU e Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I. Hillcrest Square, LLC I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Abbreviated orlul/legal must go here. Additional legal on page 2) A portion of Lots Band C, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-05-031-LLA, recorded under Recording No. 20050719900009, records of King County, Washington, in the City of Renton. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above, the above described real estate situated in the County of King. State of Washington. This dedication is required as a condition for development of property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted Bv: G~~ Grantee(s): City of Renton ~~~ & d!1U . -4 u)aJ L".. ~r0~~/. City Clerk Bonme L Walton CORPORATE FORM OF STATEOFWASHINGTON )SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF KING ) Notary Seal must be within box ~ERT~~~AT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT "1111111,,, 0< "" ",I.-:J SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH "'\~ L. S~"" STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS A~RIZED TO EXECUTE THE ,t~ .............. ~ INSTR~~ THE =:\lID¥." • OF §~.< .• , ••••• , '\ +1.11,,0 .. LL( .ANDACKNOWLEDGEDITTOBETHEFREE I~,' .... ~~\ \ AND VOLuNTItil.Y ACT OF SUCH PARTYIPARTIES FOR THE USES AND I: _ l ill PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. : : = fI' '. I \.... ~III\," ! 1 ---/ 't. ~,.~ 11 ~"'~ £ .-' =-'%~"(-'??'I~~~ Jlfotary Public in and for the ~r Washington " -'l rta''''' '~ "'" '"",,,'\' Notary (Print) /17(A(cc /«'< 03127 Ll3 ROW -Lots B & C.doc Page 1 My appointment expires: '\, "/;;J +!IJ·).. Dated: '?I.:>~ i () l ",)_GCJ C; -01 'J,.' r • Legal Description: Right of Way Dedication Description The east most 10.00 feet of Lots Band C, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-05-031-LLA, recorded under Recording No. 2005071990009, records of King County, Washington, Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, adjoining Duvall Ave NE. Contains 1,419 ± square feet (0.0326 ± acres) U3127 1..13 KOW -Lots B 8: C.dne • I UNPLATTED LOT A I LOT B I I I I 10' RIGHT OF WAY"--l HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF RENTON LOT C CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-05-031-LLA, REC. NO. 20050719900009 LOT D S. LINE N 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC 15-23-5 ! UNPLATTED Ji SCALE: 1" = 100' o 50 100 ! ' ! HILLCREST SQUARE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION EXHIBIT PAGE 30F3 CORE \::: "DESIGN 14711 NE 29rh Plo~e, #101 Bellevue, Washing/on 98007 425.885.7877 Fox 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING JC>13 NC>_ 03:1.27 I I I I I --.L I I I LJ Z 20' ~ I-J _ -J ~ :::l 0 w ~I aJ "' ~I 20' LU!t 05 -()3/ Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055-3232 E2243773 10/17/2006 11'59 Kl~~ COUNTV, UA II SALE $10.00 $0.00 PAGE001 OF 001 DEED OF DEDICATION Property Tax Parcel Number: 1523059034 & 1523059036 Project File #: te ~ 0 l.. 4-Street Intersection: N.E.4' & 138' Ave SE. . -afJ~ Grantor(s); I . Bales Limited Partnershi oration LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Ahbreviated or jidl legal I1I/1St go here. Additional legal 011 page 2) Portions of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, in the City of Renton. The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits conveys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Grantee(s) as named above. the above described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington . This dedication is required as a condition for development of property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Approved and Accepted By; Grantor(s); ~ ~ ' ... Grantee(s): City of Renton Ma~at:Al~ Y3muui'" iJa.i/i; ~0a<l0 CORPORATE f'ORM OF ACIt'/\'OWLEDGMENT Ci Clerk Bonnie 1. Walton STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Notary Seal must be within box I CERTIFY T I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT .'''~~''L"S~IIIII<I! 0>"" ,,{.o SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH ,l~.: .. ,?:Y'.o'_tAl~ii~,"""~~~~'\ . ST~~UM;~i~~E WAS U1fO~ZED TO EXECU~~ THE .. ~~ I .. , ./. I.:."t,k'::.-%, AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT 0 UCH PARTYIPARTIES FOR USES AND • PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUME \ \. ." j iO! ~ •• ~A ..•• ~ .---::...-.0-, %"':'~~R!I~'" . ....,..,...~~. ~::...."o::;::;z.~~~,..,.-:===::----~ """ (J, WA'~~ Notary Public in and for the "'''/fill """'" Notary (Print~ L I r<\<,:) My appoin,ent expires: __ 1 "--(/.L:~===--_______ _ Dated: ~2 2. 0', 'J(,~ -() I Q ~ 03127 L14 ROW -Lot D.doc Page 1 • Legal Description: Right of Way Dedication Description The east most 10.00 feet of Lot D, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-05-031-LLA, recorded under Recording No. 20050719900009, records of King County, Washington, Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, adjoining Duvall Ave NE; And the east 10.00 feet of the following described tract: The south half of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, LESS the east 20.00 feet thereof, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; Contains 3,368 ± square feet (0.0773± acres) 03127 Ll4 ROW -Lot D.doc Page 2 .' I UNPLATTED LOTA~LOTB CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-05-031-LLA, LOT C REC. NO. 20050719900009 i I I I I I LOT D I I I 10' RIGHT OF WAY : HEREBY DEDICATED TO "--l ! J:i SCALE: 1" o 50 I : = 100' 100 I THE CITY OF RENTON S. LINE N 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC 15-23-5 UNPLATTED HILLCREST SQUARE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION EXHIBIT PAGE 3 OF 3 eoRE \: ",DESIGN ENGINEERING 14711 NE 291h Place, #101 Bel/evue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 PLANNING· SURVEYING JC>B NC>_ 03:1.27 : i I 1 1 W Z 20'1 ~ ..J ~ ::l C ~ 0 .0 co "' b 0 :1 1 20' · ' 4 RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE VICINITY MAP ~ CORE \:: ./ DESIGN .....-. PAGE lOFl 1471! NE 29'/1 Plc>c~, #101 lIefll!'vul!. Wmniflgl.:ot! 980C7 425.8B5.7B?7 Fn< ::25.8IU.7963 ENG!NEERING PI ANNING SUi? "EYING JOB NO_ 03::1..27 2 10 p 15 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 , BlLLOFSALE I Property Tu Plrtel Number: 1<;:n 0 <; _ 9 0 71 ProjectFile#: ~-302401 I St=! Intersection'N E 4th/Duva!t~:4525 NE 4th st. Reference Nnmber(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference mnnbers are 00 page __ . Grnntor(s): Grantee(s): 1. i!illcrest Square LLC 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Gnntor, as named above, for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sens and delivers to the Gnnt ... as named above, the following described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Len&lh Size ~ 217 L.F. of 8 .. D1 WalerMain ~QIi L.F. of 12 .. D1 WalerMain .. L.F.of .. WalerMain " Ii each of 8 .. Gat. Valves 1 each of 1 Z .. Gate Valves 3 each of Fire Hydnmt Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Siz. ~ 526 L.F.of -8 .. PVC Sewer Main L.F. of .. Sewer Main L.F. of .. Sewer Main 4 cachof 48 .. Diameter Manholes each of .. Diameter Manholes each of .. Diameter Manholes STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: 1i:ft Size ~ L.F. of 1"2 .. N12 StorrnLine L.F. of .. S!ormLino L.F. of .. Storm Line eschof .. Storm Inlet/Outlet . 10 each of .. I S!O!1I1 Catch Basin 1 eacboC 48 .. II Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb, Guller. Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 7Q5 L.F. Asphalt Pavement: 2269 SY or L.F. of Width STREET LIGHTING: # oCPoles 4 By this conveyaoce. Grantor will wammt aod defend the sale hereby made IDlto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfulJy claiming or to claim the same. :mis conveyance shall bind the heirs. executors, ~ administrators and assigns forever. ~O ~ • 00 J .:l.lA i:J ~ H:IFILE.SYS\FRM\84I1NDO\JI\IlILLSALRIXJCIMAB Page 1 • o Form 84 OOOllbh I my hand and seal the day and year as written below. REPRESENTATlJ'E FORM OF ACKNOJI'J.EDGMENT NolBry Seal musi be within box STATBOFWASHINGTON )SS COUNTI OF KINO ) . I certifY thaI I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshe/they waslwere authorized 10 execule the insttumeol sod acknowledged ilas the sod of 10 be the free and voluntmy act of such . partylpartiea for the uses sod purposes menlioned In the insttumeoL Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATB FORM OF ACICNOWLBDGMBNT Notary Seal must be within box STATB OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTI OF KINO ) On this dayof • 19--> before me personally appe .. ed 10 me known 10 be of the corporation that execuled the within instrument, and acknowledge the Bllid instrumenllo be the free aod volUDIBry act sod deed of Bllid corporation, for the us .. and purposea therein mentioned, aod each on oath slaled that helshe was authorized 10 execule Bllid instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Page 2 \ DATE: TO: PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM July 14, 2005 City Clerk's Office:z;?1 FROM: Susan Fiala, PfBlPW -DevelopmentIPlanning, Sf. Planner, x738~ SUBJECT: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-05-031, LLA Attached please find one set of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County for the lot line adjustment. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: Priority service ($22.46) Rush service ($17.94) X Economy service ($15.73) Attached is a check for the amount of$15.73 for the fee to CD&L for the project. According to Finance, the King County recording fees' for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000/007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7382 if you have any questions. ) Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Services H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\05-031.Susan\CLERKMMO.doc .:0, • ~.~. CITY -.JF RENTON ..II -Kathy Keolhr·Wheeler. Mayor PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator July 14, 2005 Stephen J. Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, WA 98007 . . 'SUBJECT: . Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment,LUA-05-031, LLA , Dear Steve: The City of Renton has completed procesfing ihe above.referenced lot lirie adjustment and has . forwarded the final mylars to KingCoun'ty foire~ordin~. . ' . 'Please note the recording of the iotline adjustment rriap alone does not transfer ownership Of . . property. If necessary, prepare and record a deed. transfe;.n.ilgowriership of the portion of land . depicted in the lot line adjustnientmap.W~f(:cbnllnend that: t1ielegal description for this document be prepared by a:surveyor. Itjsth~ app!iCant'~responsiqility to ensure this document is properly prepared and reeordedwith theCowHY. .•.. .', . . '. . If you have any further questions regarding this lot lineadjustmenf, please contact meat (425) 430-7382.' . . . Sincerely, ~~~ Susan Fiala, AICI' Senior Planner cc: Hillcrest Square LLC / Owner Project file * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer , AHEAI> OF TI-tE CURVE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING I BUILDING I PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: July 20, 2005 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment LUA (file) Number: LUA-05-031, LLA Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Susan Fiala Acceptance Date: March 30, 2005 Applicant: Hillcrest Square LLC Owner: Hillcrest Square LLC Contact: Stephen J. Schrei, Core Design, Inc. PID Number: 1523059071, 1523059094, 1523059102, 1523059031, 1523059034 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: May 19, 2005 Appeal Period Ends: June 2, 2005 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant is proposing to adjust lot lines between five existing parcels to four parcels (lots). New Lots A, S, and C would contain new commercial/retail structures and new Lot D would contain the residential portion of the Hillcrest Square Mixed-Use Development. The new lots would contain the site improvements including the roads, parking, utilities and landscaping for each new structure. Location: NE 4th & Duvall Avenue NE Comments: Kathy Keolk(r~Wheeler, Mayor July 14, 2005 Stephen J. Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, W A 98007 CITY bF RENTON PlanninglBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: 'Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment,LUA-OS-031,LLA Dear Steve: The City of Renton has complet~d processing the above'referenced lot line adjustment and has forwarded the final mylars to King C~unty for recording. Please note the recording of the lot line adjustment map alone does not transfer ownership of ,property. If necessary, prepare and record a deedlransferring owriership of the portion of land depicted in the lot line adj'ustrrient map. We recommend. that the legal description for this document be prepared by nuryeyor. ltistheapp'licimt'~resp6nsiQilitY to ensure this document is properly prepared and recorded with theCountY.· " ," . :,. " If you have any further questions regarding this lot linea,djustment, please contact me ,at (425) 430-7382. Susan Fiala, AICP Senior Planner cc: Hillcrest Square LLC / Owner Project file * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% postconsumer AIIEAIl OF THE CURVE PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: July 14, 2005 TO: City Clerk's Offic~ FROM: Susan Fiala, PIBIPW -DevelopmentIPlanning, Sr. Planner, x738~ SUBJECT: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-05-031, LLA Attached please find one set of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County for the lot line adjustment. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: Priority service ($22.46) Rush service ($17.94) X Economy service ($15.73) Attached is a check for the amount of$15.73 for the fee to CD&L for the project. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #0001007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7382 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Services H:\Oivision,s\Develop.ser\Oev&plan,ing\PROJECTS\05-031.Susan\CLERKMMO.doc , PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M 0 RAN DUM July 14, 2005 Stacy Tucker J;ff Susan Fiala, x7382 Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-OS-03!, LLA This Lot Line Adjustment has been sent to the County for recording. Once recorded, we will receive a copy of the mylar and the recording number. Please update the status of the project on the tracking list and in Permits Plus. Thank you. cc: Project file H:\Division.s\Oevelop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJECTS\05-031.Susan\DECMEMO.doc Kathy Keolker.Wheeler, Mayor May 19, 2005 Stephen J. Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, W A 98007 Subject: Dear Steve: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment LUA-05-031, LLA CITY :IF RENTON PlanninglBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The City has finished reviewing the proposed lot line adjustment and is now ready to approve, and send the final version for recording. Please submit one set of an original signed mylar and a check for $15.73 made out to CD&Lat the sixth floor counter of City Hall to my attention. Please verify that the mylar has been signed by all owners of record and notarized with an ink stamp (not embossed). The ink stamp must be legibie so that King County will promptly record the lot line adjustment. This decision to approve the proposed lot line adjust~entis subject to a fourteen (J4)day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner. by 5 :00 p.m., June 2, 2005. . Appeals must be filed in writing together with the$75.00 application fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way. Renton, W A 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me at (425) 430-7382. ~ Susan Fiala, AICP Senior Planner cc: Hillcrest Square LLC / Owner Project File ~ "BAEBALUS,S', s2'1"~RFffc'Bii'l'e;"'a'B,«",'oP·'ie\Be'&'W'.io,g'PReJES1~ 631.SU .. "IFINALREQ.dR E N TON o 5 out fa y ay -enton, aslimgton ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AIIEAI> OF THE CURVE PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: May 17, 2005 TO: Arneta Henninger, Plan Review FROM: Susan Fiala, DevelopmentIPlanning, x7382 SUBJECT: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-05-031, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: cc: Yellow File PLATMEMO_2.doc PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN 0 U M DATE: April 25, 2005 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Susan Fiala, Development/Planning, x7382";~ SUBJECT: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-05-031, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: ~hQQ ~~oS- Name Date ! >L5!~~; if. \ ~ Foof}' ) Date cc: Yellow File PLATMEMO_1.doc · . EASEMENT From Hillcrest Square, LLC, Grantor, to Hillcrest Square, LLC. Grantee. I. g.t.:AD.!.9fJ~asel11£gl. For value received Grantor hereby conveys to Grantee a perpetual Ilollexclusive casement for ingress, egress. parking and utilities. 2. Benefited Parce[. This casement is to benefit the following descrihed real property situated in the County of King, State of Washington owned by Grantee: See Exhibit ;\ attached hereto and ineo'l)oratec! herein by tbis referencc. 3. Location of Easement. The location of the easement shall include all roadways and parking areas of the Burdened Property as shown on the map aUachcd hereto as Exhibit B. and inco'lJorated herein by reference. Grantor and Gnmtee acknowledge and agree that said map is not to sealc. ami depicts the location of the casement only as an approximation. Grantor shall have the right to c.hangc the location of the easelll<:nt. or any portion thereat: so long as ingress, egress and the number of parking spaces availahle to the Benefited Parcel are not adversely afIeeted. Grantor shall be responsible fell' all costs and expenses of changing the location of said easement. 4. Burdened Property. This casemcnt is to burden the following described real property situated in the County of King, State o(Washington. owned by Grantor: See Exhihit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. S. .C.Q.\!Jltc.rr.'l\1~. This Easement Illay bc execlited in Illultiple counterparts. each ofwhieh shall be decmed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 6. 2H2~urtcnant EaSeml'lll. The benefits and burdens granted and imposed by this instrument shall run with the lands described herein, 7. This casement is granted subject to any and all existing encumbrances on the Burdened Property. 8, Maintenance. Grantor allli Grantee shall each be responsible for one-half the cost of all repairs allllmaintcnanec to the roadway surface of the casement. Grantee shall be responsible for all repairs and maintenance to the utilities portion of the casement. 9. Usc bv Grantor. Grantor reserves the right to usc the casement for ingress, egress, parking and utilities relating to the Burdened Property. Such use shall not unreasonably intert"rc with Gr:mtcc's rights hereunder. 10. Usc by Grantce. Gralltee shall not usc the cascment in a manner 2 whieh causes any nuisance or unreasonable interference with the lISC ofthc Burdened ProPCI1y. DA TED this ____ ... _ day oj" ______ . ___ ' 2005. STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) 5S. COUNTY OF KING ) GRANTOR: HILLCREST SQUARE, LLC By: _____ -,--_____ _ . Manager GRANTEE: On this day personally appeared before me, ' to me known to be the Manager of HILLCREST SQUARE, LtC, the limited liability company described in an who e,xccutcd the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the ]j'ee and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the uses and Pllll'OSCS therein mentioned, anu on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument on hehal r 0 f said Ii mi led liabi Ii t Y company . . ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto setl11Y hand and anixed my official seal this day 2005. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at: ____ _ My Commission Expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me, , to I11C known to be the Manager 01' 11 ILLCREST SQUARE, LLe, the limited liability company described in an who executed the within and illregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the frec and voluntalY act and deed of said limited liability company, for the uses alld purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument on behalfofsaid limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sct my hand and anixed my onicial seal this day of , ZOOS. Notary Public in amI for the State of Washington. residing al: ____ _ My Commission Expires: CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Core Project No: 03127 5/16/05 Exhibit A Legal Description -Benefited Parcel Lots A. B. and C. City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-05-031-LLA. LND-30- 0290. recorded under Recording No. . records of King County. Washington. 03127 L07 Exhibit A.doc, 5/17/05. page 1 :'- 0' 0: Nt v,C 117.69 (s)}9J]ITII § § LOT A § NE. 4TH ST, N88'03"IO"W 230.06-------=-::0:'_ 0' ~! .,.' 230.06 II LOT B N89'31'27"W -172.25'-----.,,-- 'i ~ UNPLATTED ~ ) 5 N88"03"WW 153.34 0> .., 118.35 1 JlJJ ~J~J=.~~ LOT C CITY OF RENTON L.L.A" I.UA-05-031-LLA. LNO-30-0290 ~ ill ,w 0 0 ~ '" ~ 0 0 z SCALE: l' = 80 o 40 80 !. ! , J EXHIBIT B HILLCREST SQUARE EASEMENT EXHIBIT ~ N89'31'27"w PAGE 1 OF 1 ~O~ ~DESIGN 1471' NE 29th Place Suit. 101 8.'Ict>'llO, Walhlng,on 98007 ,425.885.7877 Fo;c 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING JOB NO_ 03:1.27 ;e 303.« 20' 05/17/0:> CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Core Project No: 03127 5/16/05 Exhibit C Legal Description -Burdened Property Lots A, 8, and C, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-05-031-LLA, LND-30- 0290, recorded under Recording No. , records of King County, Washington. OJ 127 L06 Exhibit Cdoe, 5/17105, page I CITY :IF RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 6, 2005 Stephen J. Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, W A 98007 Subject: Dear Steve: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment LUA-05-031, LLA The City of Renton has completed the second review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following item remains to be completed in order for the City to approve your proposal: I. The provision of cross access easements betWeen lots is a condition of approval of the lot line adjustment. Please submit a two (2) copies of a recorded legal document or other appropriate method. Once the above item has been submitted, reviewed and approved, you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final my1ars. If you have any questions, please contact me at 425-430-7382. Sincerely, Susan Fiala,AICP Senior Planner cc: Hillcrest Square LLC / Owner ------------~I~O~5~5~S-ou-t~h~G~ra-d~y~W~a-y--~R~e-n-to-n~.W~as~h7in-g-to-n-9~8~O~5~5-------------~ ® This paparconlains 50% recycled m~terial, 30% post consumer AHEAD 01' THE CURVE CiTY. RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor April 19, 2005 Stephen J. Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 291h Place #101 Bellevue, W A 98007 Subject: HilicrestSquare Lot Line Adjustment LUA-05-031, LLA Dear Mr. Schrei: Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The City of Renton has completed the initial review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be.necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal: . 1. A Lot line adjustment does not trigger any improvement requirements. Improvements are required at the lime of development..· 2. The provision of cross access easements between lots is a condition of approval of the lot line adjustment. Please state how you will address condition. 3. See attached memo with Property Services Comments. Once the changes, as noted in .the attached memo and above, have been made, please submit three (3) copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mylars. If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at 425-430-7382, Susan Fiala Senior Planner cc: Hillcrest Square LLC I Owner ------------~IO~5~5~S~o-u~th-G~r-a~dy-W~ay---R~en-to-n-,~W~a-Sh~i-ng-t-o-n-9-8-05-5--------------~ ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 15, 2005 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesser ~ Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-05-031-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-05-03I-LLA and LND-30-0290, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. The indexing information is incorrect as noted on Sheet I. The total "SHEET" number ("3") on the first drawing sheet is incorrect. Because a portion of the lot line adjustment property falls within Zone 2 of the City of Renton Aquifer Protection Area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See the attachment. As currently shown, there is little difference between the line width of the "NEW LOT LINE" and the "OLD LOT LINE". It is suggested that a dashed line be used for the "OLD LOT LINE". It would be better if the new properties were named "LOT A", LOT "B", etc. This would avoid possible confusion with the continued use of the word "PARCEL". The word "NEW" would not be needed. Note that the property to the northeast of the subject properties is UNPLA TIED (Sheet 2 of 2). \H:\File Sys.\LND -Lund Subdivis.ion & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Lint: Atijustments\0290\RV050412.doc April 15. 2005 Page 2 • The current addresses of the lots were reviewed by the city. The addressing is as follows: Parcel A -4525 NE 41h Street. Parcel B -4605 NE 41h Street, Parcel C -4575 NE 41h Street and Parcel D -325 Duvall Ave NE. Note said addresses on the lot line adjustment drawing. The exception noted for the street (20') in the legal description for "PARCEL E" (Sheet I of the lot line adjustment) does not agree with what is noted in the legal description for the same parcel (15') in the Chicago Title Insurance Company Plat Certificate, Order No. 1155881, dated February 22, 2005. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as pan of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment submittal and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the lot line adjustment) need to be referenced on the lot line adjustment submittal. Will a private access/utilities and maintenance agreement be needed for the reconfigured lots? Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges, if any. H:\File Sys\LND -L'llid Subdivision & Surveying RecoreJs\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0290\RY050412.doc\cor AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITIllN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. TIllS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURF ACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSffiILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. City of R •..• "n Department of Planning / Building / Public •. _.ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PhVl ~~\JI'tvJ COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 13, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-031, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 30, 2005 APPLICANT: Hillcrest Square LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala .... , PROJECT TITLE: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment PLAN REVIEW: Ameta Henninger AA \.. SITE AREA: 139,108 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): Not providedS(·/,. . l' Q LOCATION: SW Corner of NE 4th St & Duvall Ave NE WORK ORDER NO: 77398 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to adjust lot lines between five existing parcels to four pirf:~IS (lots). New Lots A, B, and C would contain new commercial/retail structures and new Lot D would contain the residential portion of :the Hillcrest Square Mixed·Use Development. The new lots would contain the site improvements including the roads, parking, utilities and landscaping for each new structure .. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water Li htlG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~d~ We have reviewed this application with particular atlen n to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ditional information is nee f!d to properly assess this proposal. Date City of R&".on Department of Planning / Building / Public •• _,ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ~ -~ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: f=~i r-e....-\~ fr' (r' Ie' I' \"r \~:.. \!I\ [' ., \ . ./ COMMENTS DUE: APRIU 13, 20057 = ,. "" APPLICATION NO: LUA05-031, LLA ~,I ~e ~,Il DATE CIRCULATED: MARCIHr30, 2005 Ii i !! APPLICANT: Hillcrest Square LLC 1II.lI.J PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala MAR 3 1 2005 Ii LJ) PROJECT TITLE: Hillcresl Square Lot Line Adjustment PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Hen~inQer I ~-I SITE AREA: 139,108 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): Noi provided CITY Or: IiENT~jN ;: m: r! ."!"r:" ~--JT I LOCATION: SW Corner of NE 4'h St & Duvall Ave NE I WORK ORDER NO: 77398 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to adjust lot lines between five existing parcels to four parcels (lots). New Lots A, B, and C would contain new commercial/retail structures and new Lot D would contain the residential portion of the Hillcrest Square Mixed-Use Development. The new lots would contain the site improvements including the roads, parking, utilities and landscaping for each new structure. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare ~ Recreation Utilities Trans r1ation Public Services ~~~~;::; Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS , with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or is needed to properly assess this proposal. sentative Date I i ~ite Kathy Keolkcr-Wheeler. Mayor March 30, 2005 Stephen J. Schrei, PLS Core Design, Inc . . 14711 NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment LUA-05-031, LLA Dear Mr. Schrei: . CITY "'F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Development Planning Section of the City of' Renton has determined' that the . subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. . .. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Susan Fiala Senior. Planner cc: Hillcrest Square LLC I Owner --------~--~1~05~5~S~o-u~th-G~rn~d-y~W~a-y--~R-en~t-on-.~W~a-S~hi~n-gt~o-n~9~8~05~5~------------~ ® This paper contains 50"1.. recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE , City of Renton OO.A~O/\ vlr -;~ 0-;,1 LAND USE PERMIT 05 031 ~"vgW:Mf~ PI.ANNIN 'Tf:NtON G MAR 15 2005 MASTER APPLICATION RECEIVED PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Hillcrest Square LLC PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustrrent ADDRESS: 10430 Issaquah-Renton Road PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: NE 4th Street & Duvall Ave NE CITY: Issaquah, WA ZIP: 98056 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-427-0149 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 1 523059071 , 1523059094, 1523059102, APPLICANT (if other than owner) 1 523059031 , 1 523059034. NAME: EXISTING LAND USErS): Center Suburban COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USErS): Center Suburban /Vtr --- ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Commercial Corridor CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: ,center S1:1bH:Fl3an CI\ CO NT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A NAME: Stephen J. Schrei, P.L.S. SITE AREA (in square feet): 139,108 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): N/A ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): N/A CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP: 98007 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-885-7877 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 0 _. , City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Bales Self-Storage Partnership PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment ADDRESS: 10430 Issaquah-Renton Road PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Issaquah, WA ZIP: 98053 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-427-0149 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NAME: SITE AREA (in square feet): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if applicable): FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): ADDRESS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): CITY: ZIP: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): ~ -- PRt '=CT INFORMATION (contin_ Jj) ~~~~~~~~-------------------, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL' BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF ErvlPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE ~ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO o FLOOD HAZARD AREA o GEOLOGIC HAZARD o HABITAT CONSERVATION o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES o WETLANDS _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. _____ sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION --15.., TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE~, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES I t List all land use applications being applied for: I 1. Lot LIne Adjustment 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ ____ _ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) ~e~,,.J &1\-Ll. S , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in aJi respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. HI\.\.~f 'a~ W-t.. (Signature of Owner/Representative) O~s. S i.t..P ~ .~ ... (Signature of Owner/Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that XiJJ? i tV elf k5 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington • .' , CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Legal Description PARCEL A Core Project No: 03127 6/4/04 THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL B THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL C THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. PARCEL D THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; 03127 L04BLA.doc, 3/4/05, page 1 EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET, AS CONDEMNED BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 632233. PARCEL E THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. 03127 L04BLA.doc, 3/4/05, page 2 r MAR-08-2005 14:43 CITY OFREI,nON 4254307300 P.02/02 DEVELoPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. OEVE WAIVE~ )F SUBMITTAL REQUIREr.'lENTSCW:M~~~~%N/NG FOR LAf;~P . PLfCATI0'tJ~ . 03 ' 5 2005 .... . . '" .'. Flood ... ,' Application , .... . Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: . /11 '~ ~ ( 1. Prop,srty Services Sectlon : PROJECT NAME: ,41 ~ . U11 L ~d. 2. Public Works Plan Review Section , ". -i • .::..:..w<~_~~-=--=-"';"""_ 3. Building Sec!ion " : :! .. 6ATE· f}:J 4. Development PlannIng SecUon . "':'?' . ~~ MH/~J;' __ 'f) ?~~~/J~n/~-.Avt:;~~...../. 11 t7'-'/ #~,"'~ ;V""~ n~/~,-. '~JcffP< ~;10 #'!.ffi-J CW'h....-~ -Q:\WEB\PW'\DEVSERv\Fonna\Plsnnlml\'WAivPr ... Iot TOTAL P.02 425 430 ~~ P.01/02 CITY OF .RElHON,., ~-ve:LOp~ , .. .' CI1Y 0 F:tvr PYi '. DEVE,,(.OPM~NT,SERV/CES DMS/ONA' .' . '" Flt:Arfo1V1V/iVG WAIVE •. OF8UBMITTAL REQUIR"EMENTS MAR 1 5.:1 IV FOR LA~O USE APPlICATION§5 'o3fieCEIV£: MAR-08-2005 14:42 :i:,.'··:··:.:·i:,~~~ll1M:;rtt~~~::~:;:in·,!::~) .,,:!:~~~'! .• ;i·m~:'7ffl::. "i!:":i·!,::::::,!·,·:}:\~B'~~~i;'i.:i·'!.::·;:;!·.·:·:·:;:i' Parking, lol Coverage & Landscaping Analysis • ~1~fil~~~:(~!.H:::':.:}>:::;.::'>~«;}:::'.:.:.:::}: ':{:}!'):?:.:.:>::::::\::;::.:',;.,.,.:»>,;,:.:::::,::}}}'{>)}::.:<:::«««: Postage. ~~p'pi~~:~~~~9:~~~:~::;':}}}.{{{:}.:);.:{.'>:'::'{:': }::::::.:':.'}}:{(:.:}}{>}>:://::):>««,{?»::::; Public Works Approval Letter 2 .;' ,,:; " lif\ r ; .' , i{~~~Oili~iIQ~:~~'f:'::::::':'}}»:'::.:)))):{:.'.:>:.:::::/.<{\~t:::;:q.:::){=:::::::.:::: :{:.'.:{{:::.:}}»:::::::}:.'::::::',;,:,»»,» •• ' Screening Detail. , . X , ' {J.> ~iW~Ia. ~:~: ~~ ~:;:: ?>::;:::::::::: /':;:;:::::::::::: })r~:' \/\} '¥:""/,"'"';:,",",\.,..,;:::-o-l.: ""'/""t"'"::;:""::;: :"'"C""':;:'""{"-!':' h;:, .""':::;""'/""'>"";:::'"":::::'"":;::''"'"::;'"''.:. 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A :.2, h., 11 .~ w~~~:Mi"li~t~:F.~;4)::;:;')}:::}}}:::; ::;7::::};{:::r< ;'{'}:;'}':;:::':\' «:;:;:;';:;::::.'.';:::;:::»P.::;:;'::;::'::::}»))::» Wellands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary. . ;'~ We~ii~:~Pf,i~I~~~~~}::;'::;:::;':':::':/':::::)::::::::::: :.8:-;\:';:::::: {::::::':':::::'.:':':?::; :r:::':::;'::;:;:'::::':'::!';'::':'::::::::;:;::::';::::'·::::'.:::,;,,::, ••• ;:;::.:: ••• Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2AN~~ 1-_'f1...:.v_en_Io_'Y.:...,o_' Ex_ls;..ti_ng::..-s_ite_s..;:.2;;;:»I:.::;D;.;, ____ -t_ '" ---f.----+--------------i Lease Agreement, DrallzAND' . i Map of existing Site Conditions 2AND3 ~ __ M-a~p_of-Vr-'e-w--A-re-a~2~.N~c~.-----__ ---__ +-. .!.,.~ __ -++---__ -+---___________________ , L-__ P_hO_Io_s_lm_U_fa_t_lo_n_5~Z»l=D.:..~ __________ ->-.:.-: >, __ . '.::.1.', ..!-['-'-'..:.-:.,.;.... _..1-. __________________ -1 This requirement may be waived by: 1, Property Services Seclion 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3, Building Secllon 4, Development Planning, Section Q:IWE9IJ>W1DEVSEPN'I'orm.IPIonnil'gI ... lva,,,.,. ':.f;., ~ ';;::, :;' .. ~~~OJE~T NAME: ,M!lc;%7f L-L-A DATE: : 3;7 ~Z)~ 7671 #of • "aglls r, > <",' ;'" ______________ -::::::=:--fC:, _, 'c_' .s:. .'. 01 1Il6I2\104 05 031 ~ «:Of2.m DEVELOPMEII.LANN . CITY OF RENTON IN<l:ore DeSIgn, 'nco ~DE5JGN March 7, 2005 Core No. 03127 City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 MAR 1 5 2005 RECEIVED T 4711 N.E. 29th Place, Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax425.885.7963 www.coredesigninc.com Subject: Project Narrative for Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment To Whom It May Concern: The following is presented to address the City's submittal requirements for a project narrative regarding the Hillcrest Square Lot Line Adjustment located at the southwest comer of the intersection ofN.E. 5th Street and Duvall Avenue N.E. The purpose of this lot line adjustment is to re-configure the current five parcels into four new parcels which will accommodate the approved improvements to the site which are currently under construction, developing the southerly portion (new Parcel D) as residential and the northerly portion (new Parcels A, B, and C) as commercial. There are no "special site features" such as wetlands, water bodies or steep slopes that affect the site, and no proposed code modifications are being requested along with this lot line adjustment. I trust that this will satisfy the City's requirement regarding a project narrative for the proposed lot line adjustment. Sincerely, 7l7C Stephen J. Schrei, P.L.S. Project Surveyor 1:\20(l]..\().\ I 27\iJo.::-;\()J 127Lt]'05-Rclltllll.d(lC ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING '~;\GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN' fHAVENUE, #3400, SEATrLE, WA 98104 05 PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: ',< In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and COUIity Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: HILLCREST SQUARE L,L,C" A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO PARCELS A, B, C, AND Di AND BALES SELF-STORAGE PARTNERSHIP, A WASHINGTON GENERAL PARTNERSHIP EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200,00 TAX: $17,60 Records examined to FEBRUARY 22, 2005 at 8: 00 AM By HARRIS/EISENBREY Title Officer (206)628-5623 . P[ATCRTA/RDA/0999 PARCEL A: "IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CaMPA PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1155881 THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING CODNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED DNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5764184. PARCEL B: THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING CODNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING CODNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED DNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5764184. PARCEL C: THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING CODNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. PARCEL D: THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING CODNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET, AS CONDEMNED IN KING CODNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 632233. PARCEL E: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING CODNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 15 FEET THEREOF RESERVED FOR ROAD (138TH AVENUE S.E.). PIATCRTI../RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB O~der No.: 1155881 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, fIrst appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. EncroJl,chments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which wonld be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regnlations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K: Tl-IIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OFTHE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). PI.ATCRTB/RDA/0999 "\CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1155881 '.< A 1. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: . RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 26, 1985 8509260631 B AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: c AFFECTS: PARCEL C AUGUST 17, 1998 9808170151 D 2. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 26, 1985 8509260634 B AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESTRICTIONS: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: F AFFECTS: PARCEL D AUGUST 17, 1998 9808170151 G 3. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF .~ ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 192430 H AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION OF SAID RESERVATION: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: FEBRUARY 13, 1935 2841227 PLATCRTB1/RDA/r1:J99 'l-IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA <t PlAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1155881 '.< N 4. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: P •. AFFECTS: PARCEL E. JAMES B. SCAPPINI CITY OF RENTON AUGUST 5, 1983 8308050571 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AND PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (L.I.D.) FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE WATER MAIN IN 138TH AVE. S.E. o 5. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: o AFFECTS: PARCEL E. JAMES B. SCAPPINI CITY OF RENTON AUGUST 5, 1983 8308050572 ANNEXATION OF THE CITY OF RENTON I 6. CITY OF RENTON, ORDINANCE NUMBER 4612, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9606210966. " 7. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: K AFFECTS: PARCEL A KING COUNTY JULY 21, 1964 5764184 L 8. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 2005 PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 -. 'ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) 152305-9094-09 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 145,000.00 $ 110,000.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A. BILLED: $ 3,032.61 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 3,032.61 Order No.: 1155881 NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL B. 2005 152305-9102-09 2100 $ 158,100.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 1,882.63 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 1,882.63 NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. • 10. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2005 152305-9031-05 2100 $ 252,300.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 3,000.57 PLATCRB2/RDA/0999 · 'ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1155881 PAID: $ O.OO.~ UNPAID: $ 3,000.57 AFFECTS: PARCEL C. NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. s 11. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL D. 2005 152305-9071-06 2100 $ 276,200.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 3,284.19 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 3,284.19 NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. T 12. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL E. 2005 152305-9034-02 2104 $ 140,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 1,674.89 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 1,674.89 NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING P1ATCRB2/RDA/0999 "-!ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CaMPA PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1155881 COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO .. THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. AB 13. THE MOBILE HOME OR MANUFACTURED HOME (AS DEFINED IN RCW 46.04.302) LOCATED OR TO BE LOCATED ON THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO LICENSING AND TITLE REGISTRATION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES PURSUANT TO RCW. 46.12.290. II AFFECTS: PARCEL E. u 14. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: BALES SELF STORAGE PARTNERSHIP PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. FRONTIER BANK $ 97,585.48 JULY 2, 2002 AUGUST 2, 2002 20020802000192 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. v AFFECTS: PARCEL E. w 15. RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C., GRANTEE ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: GRANTOR: DECEMBER 20, 2004 20041220003007 GEORGE H. BALES AND SHIRLY S. BALES, HIS WIFE ON THE DATE OF SAID INSTRUMENT THE GRANTOR HELD NO RECORD INTEREST IN SAID PROPERTY AND HAS SINCE ACQUIRED NO RECORD INTEREST. z AFFECTS: PARCEL E. x 16. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PLATCRB2/RDA/0999 "~ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CaMPA' GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1155881 HILLCREST SQUARE L. L.,.C., A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; AND GEORGE H. BALES, PRESUMPTIVELY SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY INTEREST OF A SPOUSE, IF MARRIED CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CHARTER BANK $ 3,175,000.00 FEBRUARY 11, 2005 FEBRUARY 16, 2005 20050216001638 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. y AFFECTS: PARCELS A, B, C, AND D. AC 17. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT FOR BALES SELF STORAGE PARTNERSHIP. AD 18. MATTERS OF RECORD, IF ANY, AGAINST THE NAMES OF THE UNDISCLOSED GENERAL PARTNERS OF BALES SELF STORAGE PARTNERSHIP. ~ 19. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C .. M 20. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. AB NOTE 1: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: PTNS NEQ NWQ SECTION 15-23-5. AS OF FEBRUARY 22, 2005, THE TAX ACCOUNTS FOR SAID PREMISES ARE 152305-9094-09, 152305-9102-09, 152305-9031-05, 152305-9071-06, AND 152305-9034-02. END OF SCHEDULE B PLATCRB2/RDA/0999 -'HCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No_: 1155881 -.• AG THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS COMMITMENT: CORE DESIGN, INC STEVE SCHREI SEAPORT BALES 1/1 1/1 Pl.ATCRB2/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITL ~SURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAJ<: (206)628-5657 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon . . , Northeast 'I. of the Northwest 'I. of Section 15-23-5 L~I •• . ~ ,~, lot I!. lot I ,-_._--I-. ___ ._.C.+~.::'CC::. __ . __ . __ _ ,.~-, t-.lAP /RDA/0999 0., ... ... ( . AJ CHICAGO TITLl: TSURANCE COMPANY 701 F1FfH AVENUE, #3400, SEA TILE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT 05 031 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 001155881 BALES JOB #03121 10 o R D E R REF ERE NeE I N FOR MAT ION SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ~DRESS: 1 HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C. WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 02/22/05 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: AK PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 5 OF OUR COMMITMENT IS (ARE) ELIMINATED. AL THE VESTING IN PARAGRAPH THREE OF SCHEDULE A OF OUR COMMITMENT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C., A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO PARCELS A, B, C, AND D; AND BALES SELF-STORAGE PARTNERSHIP, A WASHINGTON GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO PARCEL E AM THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH FOUR OF SCHEDULE A OF OUR COMMITMENT HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5764184. PARCEL B: THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPLCOM/RDA/0999 • JCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN Order No.: 1155881 Your No.: BALES JOB #03121 Unit No.: 10 COUNTY, WASHINGTON; SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5764184. PARCEL C: THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. PARCEL D: THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET, AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 632233. PARCEL E: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. AN PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 7 HAS (HAVE) BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: AD 1. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY JULY 21, 1964 5764184 AP AFFECTS: NORTHERLY PORTIONS OF PARCELS A AND B. SUPLCOM2/RDA!0999 AQ AR JCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN Order No.: 1155881 Your No.: BALES JOB #03121 Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE FEBRUARY 22, 2005, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. FEBRUARY 25, 2005 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY M NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: CORE DESIGN, INC STEVE SCHREI SEAPORT BALES 1/1 1/1 SUPLCOM2/RDA/0999 ..... " o , '.~ ; . ; r. ;~r:C! -,~fV~ ll~~ .U!~!:i.f_~~_~~J.!.'(E G--.!d.',,:'I.-J:!t:..N!~'-'.," . WHfKl:. A~ •• r:.[,ltJ')FJ I (:ORf'Oi-.(t.l !L;j~ urc owners ut t!"IC f'.)JJowi"'j :' • .)! prujlfi!"'!y In the Cl~" 'Jf Hen'.0n. County [jf Klnlj, ~Lalr: <,I Wc~hirl'J!OI1, oe,:;ribed d!> r_l(i;lbi~ "A" Mt.a~hild t,eIO. W\1ER.t:A~. tnt: owners of said :1n!.';rlt){Hf r.'~or-(,rtv dcsilu t,j jl11po~e tr,~J following :-~~I, ictlv~:: CI)Vfmants Nr;!1ing wIth thll land dS to usc, Pfe!.;;lit .)Ild ffJturo. at the ahovc descrit.ed real property. NOW. IHEREFORl. trip. Mora&"ld owr.t!no hert:by cs.tijl.'!i!:h, grant. ""J jrppo~fI restdc~ions and cov('''an~:; rUfll1inq with thn land hmejnat)(Jv~ tk5. "ihod .·~ilI·, r~~pe(~1 til the use by t.ho Ull(Jersi9fl!'!d. their suer-essors. heirs. and asflY:-lS CIS follow';: I. All ~artLAs shall agree not to protest the torlTl<ltion of 0, r-MHcipation in a LOCdl IrnprovE'lmont Distric~ (Ll.D.) for rGad improve:TIeTl(s alone;, NJ":. 4th !Jtreet (S.£. 128th Str~et) if and when such an L.l.D. is proposed by the City or Rf:!nton or adjacent benefiting property owners. 2, All of tho subject Pl'operties shall retal!) filII 8statolhhed 8cce-:Sfli for AII'isting uscs; until such tlm~ as Hley ciel:iro to develop or rel1eIJelop, 3. Site Plan IlPproliltl shall be loqllicEld for Dr.y s!1oseQuant dov~l"pml!'nt or redeve/opmollt of al/ $Ubjed properties. '4; At the time of any futuro development or' redevelopment all parcels aIling N.E. 4::h Street (S.E. J 28th Strel:l) shall conlribute on a front tOOt.ag2 bash their fair li:hare of lhe Custa of mailing necessary road improvements including signalization. channAlization. and !"estrlping. AU thoSA property owner!! with frontage diorJq 136th Avenue S.E. shall also contribute on 0 fWl'll footage t:.asis t/'>,tlir fair sha:-e of th~ cu,:,t~ to whatever ranqt't of i:nproVf:'rnants is de-emed appropriate thete uy UI\~ . ,I' ,f Henton. 5. At the tirr.e of future development or red~volopment access to Parcel Ii I shall be by 136th AvCtnuC S.L only. (, A.t tha time of futuro de'Jcloprnont or redevelopment Parcel U2 shall be reQlJi!"~d to accoSt! primarily off cf 136th Ayenue S,E,; and 'If fecondary a ... ctln is desired off of N,[' 4th SLt'eet (S.F.. 12Rtl"', 'StrelJt). Parcel n must concllJl.!e a jrJint (colOm'::n) ",ceess agreement with Parcel II}. .,. Dud;l.ilU611 of the easterly thirty (30) ft;ot of Parcel IIIl tu!" the wldenino of' Duvall Avenuo N.E . flWl fOIl R£&ORD AT Ilf.QII£SIIlf 05 031 T:'~:'. '. \1I.!"i:!'1l" 511a" run ""l:~ 1.1\ •. , ;')'·01 "I'''; ("<;)'11) .-, "-_";'':IT,b,!' :" :'j; II ',' r.'1i' L.T . .£; :rT\}jrQ'f((t,t!lrl::. are jnsLajle~ plJls ... ilnt to these Luvrmants. the f,ort,jOII.;1 ~b(J u:.vl!' .... ants pmtainjny l':,\ the s~~clf\c In~tiillod n~provernCllt~ iU r1'JQ:Jirl1rl by the OnJil,bnon d the CHI of r~l.\nt"" !luAU tcrmi,na(e wjt,h,)ut necossity of furthp.f rlocurnnntatiun Any violation or brC'!!tctl or th6~e restrictive r.ov(!.mmts may ho tlntor(':~d b'" I'ruf\p.r 11.14<11 procedures in the Supf:lri()r CO'Jrt of King County by either the Lily of P.(.fllon or "ny prf')nert)' "Wli8f'J adjwir.jng ~ubjcct proPfJrt)' who i1re advencJy ,j)ff~::.ted by Soid hre<lr.h. --------------- 5 rATE OF WASHING, ON 55 County of KING I , 0'1 thi9 ~ dOY.:Jr A,.;r;,~ .. tL-. • 1'J85. before me perso:'lslly appearod tho P6t9on"'fwho ol(ecuted the withirl and ro;:;going inatrument. and acknj)wledged 9ilid inntrumnnt to be the rrAe and lIo1u"tary act and daed of said persun(,j fljr the u£!es and purpo'ic'l therein mentioned. IN WIT NES~ WHER[Or, [ have hereunto set my hand dnd sff{X6.:j my' orficiilll loaJ the d<\y and yea:-first above written. ~--.. ~ ~ .. '" ~ " w > W " "' '" PARCeL 4 GlIN01:.L CUHP. The Ea,t half at the North half of the Northwest QIJdrL€r of tho Northoal>t quarter of ttlG Northwest quarter of 5cctio~ 15. TOloll(,sh:p 23 Nott . .,. j~anQe ~ E.W.M .• King County. W~shingtar,: el(u~pt tt'la WQst ! 50 feat thor-oaf: and excopt ti,e North 180 rtOet (I:IS measured alont;! tl'>c cast lind ilr.r3 e~c~pt C')u:lty road (tla.t 2Q feet tl'mrfl'J'). ~ IL'''''' C Z "'-~ ~ '" -'. -.--._::~_:,;"'i: '-" ,-..:: i~: ~ -~, , .!14 11)": '" -.' • o .-~' ... In I '"'!' ~ I!! ti. I D s II I I RtJIInI Address: City Clerk'. Office City of Radon lOSS s. Grady Way Rentoo. WA 910SS GramIor(.): t. c.. ... NsImu.4d",adBu_ • c.\1'EMJ'\COVN'R£L [)()C'obh o ~ b.l.L..J ... --.~. ,-_._-.---... ~~-~-~.~--.-,.~-.-.. -.-~-. -.- --- o = •• < IN WITNESS WHEREOf, Aid CI~ .......... Ib. o C,IT£MP'oCOVMlUll..1lOC'\lIb ~ ,-.,. !.2Ul[:0.( ;:.~.!r\j.~y "LS!r~;C~;.i"'/i ::~:.lCt.J!.:..".!·~:J:'-:: ::..:,; .. ; .. ~~7.(l0 WHEHF.AS, GE.OFG~ l"J. f f rr ... HNE)" nnd Jr){(.~ I "L!I,I·nJrr-l M'" c....,"{!r~ Clf lh'.J foi!cr.vif'q rcal prnpenv in tt1e [;1, 'jf H.fot(!'"I. r .. l)vpty of ...... ;n\1, 'jt:}t~ of W;o'.II;roqtO'1, '.~ d~s(;rlt£: .... isS flChibit "A" atti'li.heCl here. WHF.:H.E.AS, the owner'" of sllit3 desc.ribrJd prc.porty dnsirc tu impose the following re,tfict! 'e r.OVflnant~ running with the I,lr,d as to usa, present I!rld future. of tho iloove described rpal p(I)perty. NOW, TH[RE.FOm~. the ilfurl:!said owners hereby eslabli!:h, gran'., ann impo~e restrictions af'd COVenitnts fIJnning with the Ja:ld hert:!nJloovt1 dflsr:ri:-''c'd .... 0')1.11 re'ir-er;t to tr-.e u~e n), the undet31gned, their SlICCes:sur .. , heirs, and 5S!;jgm~ as follow~: I. AU par-ties shall agree not to pl'otest the torrfmtion of Ot Dal'tir.JP~~d~m in a Local Improvement Distric.t (L.l,D.) for road :rnprov:~me{\t s ,,!ang N.E. 4th Strp.ttt (S.£. 128th Streot) if find wher: such em '.,i.D, i~ pmpo'>f:'d by the City of Rentcn or adjar""ent r.enctitinQ: Pl'opel'ty uwners, 2. All of the !;ubjec:t propart.ies sl1all ret;:in all 'Jst.<lt:.lisMlld ac(:esYes fa!" I;llCisl.ln<J IJSBS until sl.Jch timt:l <:9 tho}' dp.sll'u to dove lop or redevelop. ). SIte Plan l.IoprovaJ shaH be required for any subseQuenL de'Jo!opm~mt. or redevolopment of all subj~ct properties. /4. At the UnIt! of any future de'olelopm2:1t or 'redevelopmant a!! patcels along N.E. 4th Stl'l'let. (5.E. 12Bth Street) shall cOl"ltribut:e on a front footage ba$ls thalr fair ilham or the c'asts of m<lking necessary road impr-ovomants including signalization, CllanneliLatian. and rp.str;~·;nq. All those property owners with frontage alonq 13bth Avenue S.E. gholl al,o contrIbute on a front foot3ga ba!lis their fail' shars of the CQ .. t~ to whhtev~r f'f1r1gtl of improven:ents 15 deemed appropriate therE! by th~ '~:'" :,f lO',cnt.:Jn. S. At the time of futurs development or redevelopment w;:ce.,g to Parcol III shall be by 1,6th AvenUA o;.,E. only. 6, At t,he time af future developm'!lnt or l'odovaiupment Parc!)l tt2 shall be required to access primnrily off of t ~6th AventJe S.E.,; and If 1I8condary accoss ill dosired off of N.E. 4th St.reet. (5,[, 128th 5lreet). Parcel 112 fTllJst conclude a joint (f;orntnon) acce$$ ayrt.ament with Pdrcel ilL 7, Dedlt;I)~", of the easterly thlrt.y PU) feot CIt Par(:ai If/I for the wldening of Duvall AvenUA N.F_, tc the specUir.: imtlJ!1et1 imr,rov:::mo:rll! a .. required;;j lhl' (J"jinanCH!i 01 ,t,e: LJty ot I-Ccnlofl shall terml'late withc.ut nccesiiity of further dQI;urnunt aUof'>. An,! vinia,'o·, or breech of thcst3 r~stricl.iVH covenants may bp. enf'Jrced by p!'opcr lcyal PrDccdure.ll tn tile Sl.:perior Court of Kinq Cc.unty by eii.h~r tilQ City of Rtl,ltCr. (If an)' ~I'operty O~IIrI!lrs adjoining subject property who ar!} adversoly dffected by said bTeiJch, JTAH or ~"ASH ~G10"'.1 " Coun1YOr . n1r Notoary Public in and fDr the state of Washington, residing at -,< ~ ~, ~ > w > W 0 '," ~ The East 80 feet of the Nortnwcst quarter of the Northwest quortcr of the Northeast qUilrter of t~.a Northw~st ;,juarler of Sect jon I~. 1!)wnship 2:; t,J',rlh. RJJnge 5, W.M •. II' King County. WJstlington; EXCEPT that portion thereof for S.L I :l8th ~treel; as. condlomr!l3d in King County Superior Court Number £'~22]~. SubJect Lo ea!.tlmer>ts. regU'ictiof,s and re1lerll;;!.ion of 1'8'~~,t;:; if &ny. !.l ~~~ ::. 7., c;, ,-" ~~ ~ . ~~ : . .:-. '-':',nt,j .... ,:.::l~ ~ :::.-::~ .-. ;--.::... .9l ~~ <Yo ',< III -nI. I I ! II I -'I ,~, Rellll7l AtIdreu: City C1<rk', Offi.,. CityorAm ... lOSS s. Grady Way Rentcn,WA9lIOSS C·\1BI1'\C0VNlU!L.~h ".'. "l ~I I j '." -.. IN WITNESS WlWU!Of, O!ld Cl~ C,\1'EMPICOVNREl.~ N.."-~ "'.J~., I .... 1 • ., ... .". ... J i .• ". ,", 'l. " ," Jf .... _ .. ·f '" ~ ,: .. i ,. /,. It: I! ' ........ , { J 4 I'·" Y • /'.£./. /0;/., .. , .. ,,,' '," -... ~--,-w L@...~ I CtT)' Of RF.NT('.~I TEI'IT'ORARY WAHR SF.RVICE AGRF.EHENT DAT~ __ ~J~"~ILy_2~1~,~1298~1L---- I. W I.lmcs B. Scappini _______ , owner(s) of AddrCSR ____ ~'2~8:.:'25_ 138th Ave. S.[ .• Rcr1ton, WA 98055 legally described 1\.1 followlI: Lot 1~·2j·tJ" Slock 903~. Code ~ISS. Sec. 15. TIJP 23. RG OS. II 1/2 o( S[ I/~ of H".. 1/~ of HE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Ic~s Co. Rd less elM R!)t~. R.Ee(.· F CAS".J-i'';·L ...... >+·:3. (10 22 for and in consideration of the Renton Water Department Rranting a permit to connect a temporary/permanent water service and/or main in ~ll'~8it~h~A~v~eQn~"~e~S~,'~._.c-_________ _ for the above property. The o\olller(s) of the Ilbove described property. heir successors, heirs and a88i~n8. hereby agree and covensn t to pa rt ic ipa te in. s iRn a pc t it j on in support of. and accept any l.ocal Improvement District (I .. T.D.) or City-initiated proposal. other th,m L.I.D •• and pay their fair share therefore, for th~ extension of the water main in 138th Ave. S.E "~~~-C~7Co-"r~~~~,,'-" when required by the Renton Subdiviaion Ordinance, or aa directed by the Director of Puhlic Works. IN WITNESS WIlF.REOF t (\-Ie) have hereunto set my/our hand(B) ~n~ Beal the day and year first ~bovc wttten. ~TATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KIN G ) ____________ (SEAL) I. ~~~. ~~~~ • n Notary Public in and for the St~te of WaBh1nR~n'A reBiCing 'a~~:;VeAI 4du ... ~ ..... ,do hereby certHy that on thiB ~d8Y or~ 19m...., oersonallv oppearebe£ore; . ~ 4.. " to~ kno\Jll to be the in ivldua eacribed ere1n and who e)(ecuted the within instrument and acknowledged that ?Ca.., signed and sealed th:": flame as C2.---:=:-' f:ee snd voluntary act and deed for usea and purpose theretn mentioned. WITNESS my hand Ilnd official seal the day lind year in thls certIficate firat above written. fIllD fOR RECORD ~t REQUESt Of Drnc£ Of 111£ cm CUlK ![K1DK ~UKICIW BlDG. l1l1 MIU I\'UIl. iOODH, .1 !IOO>l -I . ,:1', n,l, t covu",\. ... '-TO ANNEX TO TIlE CITY OF RENTON " .. ' Jilmc,> B.~"p~l~o~; __ • hereinafter r~'("rl"(,~ to as "ol.-ners," hereby covenant and agree t.o sign the neccssary petitions for 8nncx"tioll to the city limits of the Cit}" of Renton, l't"ashingtCln, fClr tIle property herein descri1.H~d and on thl"! term$ mor" fully set forth b,,:,low, 1. Lq;;11 uescription. The legal description of the property to which tllis Covenant sh31l aprl)' is as follows: Lot 15-23-05, 8!od. 90J~, Code 4155. Sec. 15, niP 2). RG as, N 1/2 of SE !/!. of Il\.l 1/4 of NE 1/4 of N\.I 1/4 less Co. Rd less C/N Rqts. . ., :::7··· (I':;, 0::; ~~F.':.(J j;' ttl)572 [:. ., •.• t··4. (II) hereinafter t'cferrl'u to ;IS "the premises." U'lsis for Covenant. This covenant to annex Is Ioliven as a condition to being remi t teu to hook up to ZO~-= .. ' wal r service from the City of Renton to sen't' the prc.llises . ..... !~:Jrtie~. Thi5 agreement and the covenant to annex :'lhal! be binding on the owner and all persons subsequently acquiring any right, title or in'crest in or to ::;;dJ property referred to as the promises, and shall be a ..::ovcnant running with the land. 4. Time for I'l·rformance. The owners, their heirs, successors or assigns. dgrec and covenanf to si,l;rl a petition to annex the above described premises unto the City of Renton at such time as the assessed valuation of the subject premises is ~uffjcient to qualify under the 75\ method pursuant to RLW 35A.14.120, together with such Plher adjoining or contib~ouS area as the City or other petitioncrs may determine. The owners further agree, ... ,.hen so notified by the City, to promptl)" circui.1tl' and exccut::! such Petition and to comply Io:ith all the rcquirt'mcnt:; (If 1:1,",' rcgarding such annexation. If the owners, their successors FILED fOR RECORO AT REUU[ST OF omc[ Of !i[ cm clm ![MIOH MUHICIPAl &\DG. 100 Mill III 10. PUOQH, WII&ilI -I • I • or assi!:fls [;Iii to do so, the Citr reserves the dRllt to terminate such I:' tlity services. -.' s, Filing. These covenants shall be filed with thtl ':ing County Audltor. \:-.-\\lr~ESS k11EREor the owner;. of the premises have si~nl.:rJ these Covenants t his ____ '::..:.' ',--1_ J" Y 0 f July S'\ ATE or Wr\SII] N(~TO~ S$ COU.\,TY OF I.: l}.;G q . Or. t h j s d a }' per son a 1 I yap pea r cd be for (' me -".Jc"---,a",-,mLL~e~.~~_~j],,,-~. _ .... ""'C"-""-~~.,.,,,,-,,/~"2..</c· to me known to be the i:'·lividual(s) described in and wrlO executed the I"';· in and foregoing instrument, and acJ.;,no ... ·lcdged that they si);IlCO the same il!; their free and voluntary act anJ deed, for the uses and purposes therein JIlen:ioncJ. _GIVEN under my hand and official seal ·thi~ o.'/g,f day of d'~' 1~.3. '-,1---...... · ...... · F "--r-!",:".;-~ " ~:;l. ,,-':" -.f' ~~~_ Not,,:y Public il,l :mJ fo~State of Washington, reSIdIng atHrf?;" f' =ZJL , 1 .-, , j t , , t 1 I l t ,L.: Co ~., k1 .-k1 c.:: In ..... 2 -=.--~ ., .. , .::. CERTIFICATE I, .the U~:·; 8lsigned, ~'I Clerk of the City of t(enlon, W.!l:;hlngton, certify that this Is a true and correct CGPY u!:.-"&.Q.j"-~ICjJ~ ___ _ SlJbscribed lIJltl Seal~1is.Lif:l:l~fo( CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AN ORDINAIICE OF '.I'BB CITlC OF RKNTON. WABBD\G'l'OII. BSTABLJ:SBDIG lUI ASSBSSHBIIT DJ:S't'RICT FOil SlIIIIrl'ARlI' SBIIBll SBRVICB m A POlI!I'7.01i 01' '1'IIB SOUTH XlcmLlUmS. JIBA'l'BBIl DOVIlIIS, AlII> DPLBWOOll SUB-BASINS AND BSTABLJ::mDm TIIB AIIOURT Oll' 'l'IIB CBAlI.GB UPON COllIIEC'l'ION TO TIll: B'AC:tLI'l'HB. THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RBNTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS, SBCTION I. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Aesessment Distr1ct for the area served by. the Bast Renton Sanitary Sewer Interceptor in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton and a portion of its urban growth area within unincorporated King County, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "AH attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit "B.N The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection Charge may be paid at any time, the , City does not require payment until. such time as the parcel is connected to and thus benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION :q Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District and which properties ~ ~ :::: fil 8 ~ ~ ~ ill ~ ~ ~ i 0 0 .... r' ill i ~ is t l I ~ I i :j ~ , t ! ) ._.t'-____________________ = __ ~_===_=_= .... ...,"""'''''''''''''''''."" .. *_I!0!!:!!*e'S_9/ill·P:lliifl>!C&SiIlHllIllIlZ'i9l2bBJiellll"!I ORDINANCE 461 2 have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, the following additional fees: A. Per unit Charge. New connections of residential dwelling units 'or equivalents shall pay a fee of $224.52 per dwelling unit and all other uses shall pay a unit charge of $0.069 per square foot of property. Those properties included within this Special Assessment District and which may be assessed a charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally described in Exhibit "AU and which boundary is shown on the'me.p attached as Bxhibit "B.n SEc:TIOI{ XII. In addition to· ,the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of 4.11\ per annum added to the Per unit Charge. The ,interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten' (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after pUblication'. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this lQth day of __ -yJ~u~n~e~ __ --L 1996. City Clerk 2 ? Q4Qii i f ~, & I I I I i I ! " i ~ I I I 1 , j , ; , • t , i ,I I 1 I J ORDINANCE 4612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of __ ~J~u~n_e __________ , 1996. Jes~anner, Mayor Appro~as to form: o<.~~~q.- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:5/20/96:as. 3 I , ; • • " j l I J i u, " 1 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR ',< Portions of Sections 8.9, lO. and 22 all in Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. in King Coun~. Washington SectIon 8, Township 23N, Ranga 5E W.M. All of that portion of SectIon 8. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying East of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 and South of the following descr1becfllne: ~ at the intersection of the East Une of said Section 8 with the centerline of NE 7th Street; thence Westedv along said centerline of NE 7th Street to Its intersection with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; thence Northerly along the centerilne of sunset Boulevard NE to the North line of the Southeast 1,4 of said Section 8; thence West along said North line to the East rlght-of-way llne of SR-405 and the terminus of said line. SectIon 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.IIII. All of that portion of Section 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. lying South and East of the following described line: . BegInning on the centerline ofNE 7th Street at its Intersection with the centerllne of Edmonds Avenue NE: thence Easterly along the centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersectIon with the centerllne of Monroe Avenue NE; thence North aIong,1!@id centerl1xie to the South line of the Northeast 1,4 of said SectiQll 9; thence East a1png said South line to tts Intersection with the centerline of Redmond Avenue NE; thence Northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the ~e of NE 10th Street; thence East along said centerline to the East line of said Section 9 and the terminus of said line. Seetlon 10, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 10. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying Southerly and Westerly of the following described line: Beginning on the West line of Section 10 at its Intersection with the North line of the South 'h of the North Ih of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the centerline of 142nd Avenue SE; thence Southerly along said centerline to tts intersection with the North line of the Southeast 1,4 of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the East line of said Section 10 and the tenntnus of said !!ne. F:\OATAIlU:fC\lfll·a~EDSADLBlAl..dcM; 'a W',iM·i-i'ifitif C1fidi'e' iltPf«'o;i-ej1><:A4_.et¢iifAJiP&' ! I j Legal Description of the Speciill Assessment District for the City of Renton -East Renton Interceptor Section 11, Township 23N, Range SE W.M. All of the Southwest \4 of Section 11. Township 23N. Range 5E \V,M .. Section 14, Township 23N, Range 6E W.M. Pagdof3 All of that portion of Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M. described as follows: All of the Northwest \4 of said section, together with the Southwest \4 of said section, except the South Y.r of the Southeast \4 of said Southwest \4 and except the plat of McIntire Homesites and 'h of streets adjacent as recorded In the Book of Plats, Volume 58, Page 82, Records of KIng County, Washington. and exrept the South 151.55 feet of the East 239.435 feet of Tract 6. Block 1 of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts as recorded In the Book of Plats. Volume 16, Page 52. Records of Kmg County. Washlngton, less !o!. of the street abutting said portion of Tract 6. Block 1. and less Tract 6. Block 2 of said Cedar River Five .Acre Tracts. less Ih of the street adjacent to said Tract 6. Block 2. and exrept the South,B2.785 feet of the East ISO feet of Tract 5. Block 2 of said Cedar River F1ve Acre Tracts and less Y.r the street adjacent to said portion of Tract 5. Block 2. Section ~5, Township 23N, Range 5E W,M. All of that portion of Section 15. Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M .• except the Southwest \4 of the Southwest \4 of the Southwest \4 of said section. SectIon 16, Township 23N, Range5E~M. All of that portion of Section 16. Township 23N. ~ 5E W.M., iii'" t that portion of the South~t 1,4 of the Southeast \4 of the scua Section 16 " ,~. " of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood DMslon No.2 as recorded In ~'. ,k of Plats Volume 39. page 39, Records of King County Washington and its Northerly extension to the North line of sald Southeast \4 of the Southeast \4 of the said Section 16 and except that portion of said section lying Southerly o,f the Northerly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple VaUey Highway). Section 17, Township 23N, Range 5E W,M, All of that portion of Section 17. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M.. lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and Easterly of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 less that portion, lying generally West of the East and Southeasterly line of Bronson Way NE lying , " , ~ I 1 I i i ! l ___________ ~ ___ ~_""""' ....... """"'''''''''''''''''''.'"'''''''',,'''''''''''' ... ""'" ,,,,,,om' ,~, "",,";: .. i!::' ='p;:e. E5' .mt .... i ~,~,-----~--- Legal Descriptivn of the SpeciJl/ Assessment District for the City of Renton -East Renton InJerceptor Page 30(3 between the South hne of the NE 3rd Street and the Northeasterly margin of SR- 405, ',- Section 21, Township 23N, Range 6E W.M. All that portion of Sectlon 21, Township 23N. R 5E W.M. lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley HIghway) and West of the ,East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No, 2 as recorded In the Book of Plats. volume 39. page 39, Records of KIng County. Washington, Section 22. Township 23N. Range 6E W,M. All of that portion of Section 22. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. descrtbed as follows: All of the Northwest 1,4 of the Northeast v.. of said Section 22 lvinIl Northerly of the Southerly line of the Plat of Maplewood Heights as recoroed In the Book of Plats. volume 78. pages 1 through 4. Records of Ring County. Washington. • Together with the North 227.11 feet of the West 97.02 of the Northeast 'A of the Northeast 'A of saJd Section 22. ; d I ! " I i I ~ " ! I ~ , j I 1 I I I 1 .. Exhibit B EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Special Assessment District Boundary ' ... 2000 1:24,000 e~ SANTAR. SEWERS • + Planning/BuiJdInoIPWOc Wom ~ Chriitenten,MacOni.,Vl ..... ki 20 May 1996 -------CIIy Umlt. rz T...T.2J SpecIal Assessment District ! 9.£ 5,0<,'!\ e ... % f *' til woJ .f T. L.· 9[, I< 102 i " Irrantor.B .... hcrein ... ,Agne S .. F •... ,Rft l.~t ...•... A.ldo .. ,Se.eppJ tIl. ,~ ... &.~1r.l",7 ... S.Q.'.P.P.~ 0.1 1 lot tbe eon,jderation of. $ 900.00 ••••••••• '0 ....... Doll.n ", '" by reAlOR' of 'Iyln, out '~d ut.bl!.hlu, .... publio ro.d and allo or benl'lfih 10 acerue to . .T.~~.", .... throllgll.. ..t tl,e l,r. .. propc~ty, Inti whieh il herein. fler deaeribe..t, eouvey ...... ,,' reltale ........ and. qUit. e\ain ........ \0 ihe County of .. .King .... "State of. W .. hin,ton, for Ult of Ihl' f"nhlie faff'Vcr ... I puliUc...road....A..tuLhi.d ..... r,_'!H ;1!.lcrut in .. the followinllJuerinl'd relll ethle, vii.! 'i'h., N. 112 ft. of the ~·1. 150 ft. 'of the:N,E.t of tho N.W.~· .of tlforr.z;t-1sr the N.~.~ of Sec. l~, Twp. 23 N.~. ; E.W.M/ ContBLn!oG 0.12 Acres ~ore or less. . R/"'· . S. E. 12Cth St. ( 1)2nd Avo, S,E, to 168th Avo. S. E,) IGRether with the filM to mall:e .11 nt(',," .. r, .. Iopu for tilt, and fill. up., jib, .hUliiDI property. Inu nn euh Ride of ,aid de.erlbtld right-of.way. in conformity with' .tandArd planl and IpeciCici.tionl for birkwl' purpoua •. "nJ ~o the .Ullt utenl and pUrpOlt u it tbe rigbtl herein granted had beu acqllired h~ eondemnl\;on proeeed. in(:!1 uRdu Emintnt Domain .tllltlt~1 or the State of Wuhinr;toD. . Ji:ulItd in the COIITlly of ":'.r Dllttd thi,. WITNEHS( Ilayot .. , ./. . Slate ot Wuhinltun. , A. D. 19L {/' r . ;d I. : .. ,., \ ....... ,~« ..... "d .. "':"),.. /,.( .",. =>:cjl=.""'''.='=O='.~'===.''.~'' •.. "''=''._=~''=~ __ -_=-L.:~·~"£~f"'·"~:~r ..... ·:·,,·.,,:"/.o·"··=··= .. =,==~,= .. ~~= STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF .............. : •.. } ',' .'~ . (III , he, day or. HL. . hl'ro~e tnI', A ~~flr.Y 1'!lhlie ill ;lIu1 for Ihe ~"".~ "r \\'1I,hiuI:I"" .• llIly clllllmi~~IlHlcd lind 1i\\'"nl,lltnullIllIy colme. ':.'./', I //.'( ~~. . '," ' ..' ~ • "", ", III me InwV!lI to ue Ihe illllh'ilhllll.:· ,luuiue,1 in IIn,I~'1 /7.~ •• 1" , " ,1.,/" -;r' , ,~' 1',H'I'lIfCII IIII! wifhin in~lrllrn~tlt IIn"·II;'lctlll"·It,,i'ge.'11 In 1111' thlll. .(,.. lillnetllnd .""",I .• '''~.1'!i'I'~'''.' .. rret nlnl ""luHl.lr." 111'1 lIt1d 111'1'11.ror the.' IIMU Inti p"rI'OM". therein mtnli"lItll. W'IIlI"M Ill)' hMn.llln,! "rri"illl s~>l1 tlie dll.l· lluJ y ... r (inl ab'llve ""FiUen. '" ;t;::COROEO \'I:l, ............. . • '.~ 11 '0( r. --u . .,,~ •••.. "d!.' . :r ::;.-, "'\~\. 3I..~ ..... ... o "" "" .... co -... .... 'C> ,0 .... RETURN ADDRESS: Frontier Bank Redmond 17000 Avondale Way NE PO Box 805 Redmond, WA 1111052 DAlE: July 2, 2002 ( DEED OF TRUST Referenco * (If appflcablo) _________ _ Granto~.): 1. BALES SELF STORAGE PARTNERSHIP AdditIOnal on page_ FILED BY PNWl Granloo(.) 1. Frontter Bank 2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC, Trustee Lagal Daacllptlon. NW,I5-23-05 AdditIOnal DR page 2 A •• ....,'·. Tax Parcell[)jl 152305-9034-02 THIS DEED OF TRUST 18 dOted July 2, 2002, among BALES SELF STORAGE PARTNERSHIP, A WASHINGTON PARTNERSHIP ('Grantor'); Frontle, Bank, Whose maDlng adcIraaa Is Redmond, 17000 Avondale Wfiti NE, PO Box 805, Redmond, WA 98082 (referred to below aoma~mea aa "LendOr" and aome_ .8 "Benollolary'): and PACIFIC NORTHWEST TTllE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC, whoaa maDmg a_ '0 215 COI.UMBlA STREET, SEATTLE, WA 98104-1511 (referred 10 below·aa"Trustee'). ... - ... ... co DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 2 CONVEYANCE AND GRANT For valuablt; consideration, Grantor convoy. to Trustseln trust WIth power Of sale, nghl ot entry enet po,&e$Slon ~d for Iho benefl. 01 Lender a. BenenCiary, all 01 Grantor's ngh!, Iltte,lJ'Id Inl~"11n and to the loIIowln" descnb&d real property, together WIth an ext!Ibng or 8ub,equen!ly erected Of afllxad bulldll'\gB, ltTIprovaments lind fIxtures, aD easements. nghls of way, and appur1an&nCas, &1 walet', waler nghls and ditch nghb (lOcllKltng elock In utillles W11h ditch Of Irnge,oon nghb), and all other right •• royalties, and prollts relalrrl.;. to the real properW tncludlTltjl WIthout Mutanon aJll1'I'nerals, all, gas, geothermal and Similar maHers, (the "Real Propeny") located In K'NG County, State of Waahlngion: The north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 NorthL.~ang8 5 East, W.M., in King County, WaShington; EXCEt" I 138th Avenue Southeast. Tho Roal Property or lis addrooala commonly known as 12815 138111 AVENUE SOUTHEAST. RENTON. WA 98056. The Real Properly tax IClenbllcolion number 10 1523011-9004-02 CR08S-COU.ATERALIZATION. In addlltOn to the Note, ItIlS Dead 01 Trust S&Curet all obligations, debts and .abdJbas, plus Intereslltw.on. of Grantor to lender, or any ona or mOlll of them, as wall as all elaul'Ll by lander against GranlOr or anyone or more of them, whether now EDOatng or hereafter ansmg,. wheltler relatad or lII'II"eIated 10 ttl. PlKPOIO oIlfle Nota. wheChar voluntary or oIharwzse. whtlher due or not dUB, dnd or Iminot. dstannlnad or undatarmrned, absolute or c:ontrngent, .qUldD.tBd or onIIQUldlted whether I3ranlor may ba liable IndMdually or pnlSy With ~ wtl.r obllgaCad at gl*Bfllor, surety, accommodallon party or oth&rWl68, and whether racovary upon such amountlll may bt or herHtIot may beeoma baITed by any statute of hmttallona, and whether tho obIrgabon to repa.y !Ouch amounts may ba or haraafter may beooma othBfWISV unenrorcaable Grantor hereby USQJIs as MCunty to Lender,.l1 of Grantots nghl. btl&, and Irllarest In and to aJlleuas, Rants, and profJb at the ProP8l1Y ilua s88lUnmunilS rooOfdod In accordance With RCW 66 OS 070, the lien craated by tI'Ilt astIgnment" Intended to be specille, p...r.ctad and choate upon I" rvcordmg of thrs Deed of Trod under granlu to Grantor a license 10 COIIeot the Rants and prohi:s, whlOh boerme may be revoked at Lender's option and Shall be autonwlCdy revokad upon aocoIonlbon of aD or pert Of the Indebladneu nus DI!ED OP TRUST, lNaJJDlNO THe ABBIGNMBNT OF RENTS AND TIll SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS ..., PSIB011AL PROPERTY. 18 GIllEN TO _ CAl .AYIlElft 0. THE 1_ AND III) PeRFoRMANce OF N4Y AND ALL OIUGATIOXS UNDER THe noTE, THE RELATED OOctJMafTS, AND T1fl8 DEED OF TRIlST. TIflS DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEf'I"ED ON THE FtlU.OWINCI TERMS PAYIIENT AND PERFORMANCE Except as othalw1se pl'OVldad In thIS Deed 01 Trust. GNllor shaD pay 10 I..8ndtr 1&11 amounts $6CU8d b)t thIS ~ of TrW N they bo<;omo due. and shd ,ltd!)' and In " tll1\$fy manner perlorm all of Gl1Intor'l oIHgabons undsr the Note, illS Deed of Trust. and the RItaIed OOc:u",..,ls P088E&SlDN AND IIAIIITEIrIANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Grantor agreN that Grantor'. posseAlon and UI8 or the Property shall be gDYrT1ad by lhe follOWIng prO'lI$Iol'$ Po8sa8aIon and use Until the occurranc:e 01 an Ewnt of Detat.dl, Grantor me)' (1) remIJn In poaetllOn and cordrCII of the ProPQ, (2) use, operate 01 manage the Property, and (3) coIIeoIlha Aenl. !rOm lhe Property (thtI ptMege IS a license from lender 10 Grantor automattellly MVOk6d upon defauH) The follOWVl9 provIIKIRi I'1Ial8 lo the UIII of tha Property 0( to oth81lmda.lioR5 on tha Property The Real Propetty 18 not used pnnctpally tor agncultlnt purposes buty to MaIntain Grantor ShaJI fI'III:Irdaln 1M Property In tonMfab. condllron and promply plN'form all nlPIUI"II, replacements. and maintenance naoenary to pl'98ElNe lis vatua NUUtce, WIl8tlt. GrantOl shaD nol causa, condUCI Of permd any t'I\llSlol'lCa nor commit, permit, or suffw any 5inPPIIlg of Of waste on 01 to Iha Property Of any pcrton altha Prqlerty. Without ~mding the gBn8I'aIIty til Ina roregcllng. Granfot' WIll not remove, or gratlt to any 0Ihet Pattt IhI! ngnl to 1lNI'IOVe. any brTIb .... rmneRllli (lnOluding 011 and gas). ooa~ clay, &OOfla, so., grewl or rock produols W/thoul Lender"8lJnOl" wnttan consent Reatoval of ImprovementS. Grantor shan not demolish Of removt any ImprOVttmants from the Real PropedV Without Lsndett pnor VoTI!ten consenl AI. 8 OOncltlOn to tOO rumowl ot any 11l1lfOV8lJ18Ob, Lander may requn Q'antor to make an'fIng8menb sabsraotory to Lender to I"8IJIaco such Ill'IIlrtNOnumts WIth Improvemtnls of at \east eqUal value Lendor'. R1Qht kJ Enter. lendl/" IIld Lender's agents and represento.tIves may enter upon the Aool Property at all reasonable limes 10 altBnd 10 Lendef'9 II'ItaiestI and to IlISpect lilt RuI Property lor purposes of flrm'IIor's compbance With the terms and conddlons of thIS Deed of Trust CompUance Wlih Governmental Requrremenls. Granlor shallpt"omplly comply, and ,haU promptly cause compliance by d agents. lenanta or other persons Of IIIIbbu 01 every nature wh&tsOGII&r who rent. lease or Cllharwlse usa or occupy tha property In any mannet, INIIh all laws, Ordlr\ances, and r-gulabons, now or herMfter In affect. of all govammental authonbR applloable to the use or cco~cy al the Properly, InohJdlTlg Wlthoullllllllabon,lha Amanoana Wllh DlSabditJes Act Grantor may oomsst In good fadh any stleh law, ordlnll.nC6, Of ~uI.a"on and WIthhold complulnce dunn; any PfOceedltlg, including appropriate appeals, so long as Granlor has nollll8d Lender In wnbng pnor 10 dOing 80 Dnd sO long as, In Lender's aoia OJ)lr.on, l6ndef's InterestS In the Property atII not J8op&rdlZtd Lender may reqUU"$ Grantor to pos' adequate soounty or a surety bond, reasonabty 5Qbstaclory to lander, to protecl Lendor'slnwest Duly 10 Prolecl, Granlor agrees nellfJer to abandon or leave unattencled the Property Gmnlor ahaJl do all othet aOll, In addlbon to those acls sal forth abovfiI In IhIt seobon, which Irom Ihe character and u&e ollhs Property am rSflSonably nec8SS&IY to protool and preserve the Property DUE ON SALE .. CONSENT BY LENDER lender may, at Lender's opbon, (A. declare 1mmedlately due and payable a( 8ums S8ClJ'8d by this Deed 01 Trusl or (8) Increase Ihe mleras! rate proVided tor In the Note or olhQt dooUrtll!lmt fWlr.ienclng the lndab\ed.nau and II"fII)OM ,u~ olh .. condlhons as Lender deems appropnala, UIlon the sale or lransfer, Without Lsnder's pnor wntten consent. 01 all 0( any pari ot the Real Property, or any Interest In the Real Property A "sale or trans"'" means fhe conveyance of Real Property or any nghl, illIG or Intem! In the Real Property, whether legal, benefiolal or eqUitable, whether voluntary or InVOluntary, whether by outnghl sale, dead, Instalment sale contract, Ia.nd eontraci. contract lor deed. leasehold Inlerast With a term greater than three (3) YilIIifS, IBliss-apllon contrect, or by sale, asstgnmanl, or ifanster or any benefICIal mlareslln Of 10 any land ulJ$l holding tile 10 Ihe Real Property, 01 by any other method of conv.yance 01 an Intetest In the Real Property If any Grantor IS a corporabon. parlneruhlp or Ilmdad bab~11y oompany, lranslar alao Includes any chanQa In OWnership of more Ihan twenty-hve percent {25%} 01 the vobng stock, parlneBhlp Interests or hmlled liability company mlwests, ali lho case may ba, of such Granlor However, thiS ophon Shall nol be exerolsed by Lender" such axerclSt IS prohibited by lad&tal1aw or by Washmglon law ... = C> ... CO> ... "" .... ,." .... .... DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 3 TAXES AND LIENS The following prOVISions relating 10 the 1axss and hens on the ProPBrty are part 01 this Oead alTrust PaYment. Grantor shall pay when due (and In all events pnor to delinquency) all taxes, "Ptcla! taxes, assessments, charges (Includltlg wall1' ar'ld sewer), ~rlG$ and ImpOSItion" twled agalnst or on account of the Prop_evv. and ,hal pay when dUG al chums !or work dona on or lOt S8rvr:ces rendered Of mdolenal furnIShed 10 the Propeif,t Grantor shall malniaJn the Properly free 01 all 118ns haWlg pnonty over or aqual to the tnlatest of lender under thIS Ooed 01 Trust, exoepl tor the 1181'\ of Iaxes Bnd assessments not due and exoept as Olh8I'W1$8 proVldld .n thIS Dead ofTrusl Righi to Contest Grantor may Withhold payment of any tax, I.$$8S$menl, or olalm In cOMachon With II good tadh dlsputo over the obhgahon to pay, sa long 8& Lander's Interest In Ina Property IS not JIIopardIz:ed If a lien IU1S8I$ or I$i flied 'as a mull of nOl'lpavment, Grantor shall Wfltun ftftean (15) days arler the lien aflsa or, II a rlGn IS flied, WIthin hflHn (16) days after Grantor has nollce 01 the filing, secure the dISCharge of the lien, or If reqU8$led by Lander, depOSIt with Lender cuh Of a lulhcl.nt c:orporate IiiUruty bond or other soolJ11y aabslaotory to Lender In an amount aulftclen\ to dteohatga the hen plus any costs and attorn.vs' 'Ms, Of other chargat thai ootid aoorue as a result of ,. foreo&oSt.11'8 Of sale und'8f fhe hen In any cont8!il, Grantor ahaII dafend Ilse1t and Lender and shall satisfy any Adl4tItJ JUdgment befQre Bnforcemenl agamsltha Property Gtantot sh&ll name lender as an additional obligee under any 81.at1ty bond lurrushad In the con.' proceedings Evldenoe 01 Payment, Grantor shall upon demand fWnllh to lander aallsfadory GYlo.nc. of paymeol 01 the taxes 01 UMhm.nIs and shall authonm the appropnate gowrnmental oflI'*I.l to dallvar to Lender al any lime a wrTllan statement 01 It. Wei and as:sesamenls agamsl the Property NotICe of consttuctlM Grantor shal noIlfy' Lender at _$I fifteen (15) days before any work IS commenced, any SGMCI. IU8 lurntahed, or any malenals are suppItM 10 the Properly, d any mecharue'o ben, malemlman'a lien. or other 11,1'1 coWl be aAa'IDd on accounl or the work, aeM088, Of matBnala Grantor Wli upon request of Land. lurlVSh 10 Lendet adVance assurances saltstectory 10 laodei' that Grantor can and w' pay tho oosl 01 such unproY8rrl8llb PROPERTY DAMAGE INSUJVJtCe The 1000Wlng prOVlwns nIIaill'1g to Iflsunng the property are a pIII1 01 this De.cl of T",,' lIIIInteaBnce 01 Inuance Granlor $hall procwa and maintain pollcl85 of In InsuaJlOD with standard extended ooverage sndOfS8fTlants on a fait valUe basi kit the fUll ~ value cownng d IlTIpI'CMlJn8nts on the RIal Property In an amount aUlflaant to aVOId Il?Pkabon of any OOItlSllrlnca clause, and wdh a atandard mortgagee cIaLae In lavor of lander Grantor shall abo proctn and mfUntom comptahenstw g."...., llablkty Insurance 111 Illen Oovaraoe amounts as lander may request WIth Trustee and Lander bemg nemad' as additional Insureds m sUCh II8bIIdy ItISUr4l108 pololes AddIhone.Dy, Granier shaIIlT\8II'1kun ~ other Insurance, lnCIuctl'G but nolllrndOO 10 hazard, busln8SS IOlenupbon, end bOIler lMIhtIC8, as lander may reasonably f9qta'8 Poaiaa shaI be wnften ttl fOrm, amoutlil, OOVlfllQIS ..,d baas reasonably acceptable 10 l.endIr and _d by a company or oornplltll8& f1I88OI18.bIy IClCIptabie to Lander Grantor, upon reqUltBt of lander. WI. deliver to Lander from lima to 1vne tha pollcltl 01 e8fflftcat" 01 Insurance III form labsfactory 10 i.«Ider, mclLldmg sbpulabons thai: eovwagas Will not be oallOlilllEtd or dunnshed WlthaUI at least \hilly (30) days poor wnttan nob to Lender eaCh U'ISlJftlI'lC& pOlIcy alSo ShaU Include an endortomanl prO'lKlng that COV8t~ In favor ollandor 111111 nQI tJ. !mpaJfed en any way by any act. 0Il'IlI8I0n or defatit of Grantor or any other peraon Should the Real Properly be Iooatad In an 8IN dellgneJad by the DIrector of IhI I1chnI Emergency Managell'l8l'\l Agency 8B a SPllClal lIood hazard area. I3rantw agnI8S 10 obtain and mmbun Fodeml FlOod Insurance. If available, WI1tun 45 days after noboe 18 gr.oan by Landar lhat the Property I' IocalGd 10 a apaaaillood hazard area. kif' the fuI unp&Id pnnapal banca or the loan and any ptlO( IIBns on the property IitOUI1I1Q the lOan. up k) lhe mamum policy tunlls set under the Nataonal Flood Insurance ~m, or as othef'W118 reqund by LendQl', and to mmnlaui $uch II'I$tnnce for the letm of ""'loan AIJpUcdon 01 Proceeds Grantor ahd pI'Ompuy nobly Lender or any loss or cJamagl to the ProPefty Landor may rrUdte proof of loss ~ arantOJ fads to do 10 Within flftaan (16) days of the casually WhaIher or not t..andIr'I tecu'!ly 18 I~ LendIIt may. al Lend ... .a.chon, racaMf and,...,.. the proceed, 01 any!nsurance and applY tho prooeeda to the reducbon of tha lndebtadnasa, paymant of any llan affectmg the Prcperty, or 1tIa' rostorabon and I'tpaar of the Property _ If Lendaf elects 10 apply lhe pro. "'. ads 10 restorllllon and repair, Grantor '~~r 01 raplaoa tho damaged or deslr'oyed Impr0vement81A 11 mannar sabafIoIory to Landor Lander shall, upon ~ pfoof of SUCh ~ndIture, pay Of resmbl.nO Grantor from the proceacts for the reasonabIa oo=il of rapatt or resbiiuboiI " GranIOlIS not In defaull under this Deed of Trust Any prnoaads WhICh haw no! bean cUbtned 1II1D'11n 180 dav-after _ ... and wtwch Lender has not oomnded to thl rapu at nmo'iabon 01 the Property ahaI be used tnt to pa.,amount OWIng 10 Lender under ttull '~.' 01 Trust. then. to pay accrued antatest, and the rwJlAll'ld .... If any, shal b , . to the pnnopaI balanoa of U18 In~~i II Lender hdds. any p~ after payment In lull of the Indab , suoh proeeeds shall be paid wtthoulll'ltei'est 10 Grantor as Grairtor"s anteriIiIils may appear Grantor .. Repwt on lnswInCl Upon request of Lender, however nol morelhan once a year. Grantor shaJI MNSh 10 L._.,.port an _ "eiiisbng poley of mlll,inltlOe oh"""", (1) "'" name of "'" II1SU1W. (2) Iha _,nsUlOd. (3) ths amount altha pobcy, (4) the property II'I8l1'8d. tha then ourrenl replacement valUe of such properly, and the manner at ds~ng thai vatue, and (6) thel ~I\ eta" of the polloy I'lrtli1kIr GlIal. upon ~ at Lander, havs an lndep8ndant BpprQlaer aaflsfactory 10 Lender d8'errrnJ18 the cash value raplacflmant cost Of the Property LENDa\'S EXPENDfTURES. If any ac1Ion or proceeding IS l;omm8llCed that would rnalendy allect Lender's 1fl1am;11tl ths ProPerly or If Gtanlor falls to comply With any provIIIon of this Oaed of Tru&1 or any Related Documents, Including but not IImtted 10 Grantor'$ faIIut8 10 dtsetwge at pay when due any amounts Grantor II-raq~d to dtIchIrga at pay undDr thIS Deed of Trusf or any Related Ooaumanls, L.endar an Grantor's behall may (bulshall not be abllgIlIad 10) take any action hi Lender deems appropnate, InclUding but nal IItl'IlIad to dltchargang 01 paYIng all taxa. hem, IOCI"WlIy Illbnsts. enauntxanca and other cI.wms, al any bmo IevJ9d or placed on tho Property and pa)'lllg all costs fOl' II'ISOOng, matntBlnlng a.nd preservmQ 1M Properly AU such llOIpendilurea Incurred or paid by Lender lor suoh purpOSQ& Will then bear IllIerest at tha rata oharged under the Nate from Ihe dale Incurred or paid by Le1ld!tr 10 Ihe date of repayment by GmnIOf All such expenan WIll become a pari of the Indebtednen and, al Lendsr't Ql)lIon, \W'I (A) be peyabIG an damand', (9) be added 10 the baWl08 oIlhe Note 8tld be apportumad among and be payable wrth any nlstaDrn.nI payments to become due dUrIng etlher (1) thetann of any ..,pltcab~ Insuranos pohoy, or (2) the IlIm8.1mng hum 01 tho Note, 0( (C) be traatod as a balloon paymanl whICh WlW be due and payable a! the Nole's matunty The Deed ot Trust a.iso Will SBCura paymetll of than amounts Such nghtshall be In addition to all other 0'iI"b; and remoolR \0 whICh Lender may be enlilled upon Default WARRANTY. DEFENSe OF TiTLe The tollOWIng prOlnSlOns relating to ownerstvp of lhe Property are a part of thIS Deed 01 Trusl Tltte Grantor warmnls thai (a) Granlor holds good and marketable bile of record 10 thlt Property In fee Simple, free an.d elssr 01 all liens and incumbrances other than thoee set forth In the Raal Propsrty dlitst:npbon or to any IIlIe II1suranae polICY, hUe report, or lInal bile opinion Issued In favor of, and aoceptecl by, lender In eonnectlon IoiIdh IhIs Dud at Trust, and ('0) Grantor ha" the flAl nght, powor, and aulhonty 10 exGOulrt and dahver ltKs Deed 01 Trust 10 Lender Defense or T\1Io, Sub,aol 10 tho excepbon In Ihs paragraph above, Grantor warrants and WID lore\ler defend the title 10 the Properly agalnslthlt lawful claims of 11.11 persons In the event any aebon or proceecilng IS oommenced tnat ques\lons Grantor's biia or Ihe Inlerest 01 Trustee Of Lunder undlV" Ihis Deed of Trusl, Grantor shan defend the achon at Grantors <= "" ... ... .... -..,. -co ..... DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 4 expense Grantor may be lho nomma) party In such proceeding, but Lender ~ be enbUed 10 partJapate III the proceedlOg and 10 be r&presented In the proceeding by counsel ot Lender's own chOice. and Grantor WIll debvar, or C8U$9 10 be dohvered, to landllr such LnslJumanls a.& Lender may requut ffom lim. to bme 1o permit such partlClpabon Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants thallhe Property and Granlor's USB 01 the Property oomp~ with all exISting applicable lam, ordinances, and reglial1009 01 governmental aU1honbas Survival' or Represemattona Mel Warranlles AI flllPf8Sanlabons. wananhos, and agreumsnta made by Gmnlor In thIS [)Qed of Trvst shaD &UfV1\18 tho exooubon and delivery of thIS Deed 01 TNS'!, shin be conhnlJlng In nalura, and shall rama"n In full torce and effoot unbl such hmo as Grantor', Indebledneu shall be paid In lull COHOEMNAlION. Th follOWing proVISIons reJalmQ to condemnallon proceedings ar& a part of this DeeIS 01 Trus\ Pnx:eedJngs II any proceedrng In condamnahCln IS mad. G'anlor Shall prompaV notify Lon_ In wrdlog. and Grantor &hal promplly taka suCh steps as may be necessary 10 defend lhe acllOn and obtain the award Granklr may be the ('lomma! party In such proceodlno. but Lender s~,aM be enllilltd to pariclpale In the pt'OOHChng aNI to be repl'8Sefltad In the proceeding by counsel 01 It. own ohOiOG aD at Grantor'S expense,. and Grantor WIll delrver or cause to be delM:lred to 18nder such ,"strumenls and documenla'on as may be I'tquested by Lendar from ~me to bme 10 pemllt such "..._oon AppllCedon 01 Net Proceeds 11 aq or any part 0' lho Property IS oondemned by elTllninl domain proceedings or by &fly prOCHdlf'19 Of purchase In heu of condemnahon, lander may at lis eleollOn 1'8qUU'e thai 81 01' any portion of the net prOO88ds Of It'Ie a.ward be applied 10 the IndebtednHS or tha IlIp .. r or rntorailon oIlht Property Thu nat proceeds of the award shall mean the award aflat payment of aD raasonab!e costs, expenses, and aDorne\l3' rees lI'Ictlt't'td by Truata. Of Lender In conneobon WIth lhe condemnation IMPOSITIQII OF TAXES, FEeS AND CttARQE9 BY OO'VERHME!NTAL AlmiQRITlBS Tho follOWing pro'MIOtlS relating to govemmanlal taxes, fees and charges are a part of thl!l OMd of Trust Current Tmres, Fees and Cl'IIWgea.. Upon 19Q\A8!St by Lender, Grantor shall exaouto auch doouments In adctoa.on to Ihis Deed of TrUst and taka Whatever oIher aellon IS requa:sIItd by lJandat 10 ptrlect and conhnue l.onder's !Ian on lhe Real Property Grantor shill reanbLn8 lanciar for III taus. lIB de8albed below, togelhar With all expenses ltICUr'J'9d In recording. perfectJng or COnbnulng u.s Dead 01 Trust, mQluding Wlfhoullirrutatlon d Iaxes, leas, dooulTl8nlaty stamp&. and othsr oharges for reoordlnO 0( roglStennij I"a Deed or Trust T,." The following shaD oonstltU!e taxes to which this MCbotl appkos (1) a&pllClfic tax upon 1m type of Deed of Trust Of upon aU or any part of the Indabtadnass seowed by thli Deed 01 Trust. (2) a IIPlClhO tax on Grantot which Grantor IS aulhonzed 01 reqUltad to deduct tom payments otIthe IIldtbIedness MOlnd by ttus type d Deed of Trust. (3) a tax on lhl$ type of D. of Trust chargeable IlQIUIsllhe lendel or the holder ollhe NGIe, and (4) a SPlClhc lax on all 01' any portion 01 th& Indebtldness Of on payments 01 pnnClpal and Interest made by Grantor SUbaoquenl Toxa If any tax to wtuoh this seeIIon appJl8/iI II enecMd lub$&quent 10 the data ollhls Deed of Trust, this avont shall haw the same efteoI B!I an Event of Delault, ana lender may 8X8ICISe any 01 ail of III avaJlabre f9f1»d18S tot 1.0 Ewnt of Oefault as provided' below unleaa Grantor Bither (l) pays the tax beIore d becomes dU/'lquent, or (2) oonias1s the tax lIB ptCMdod Ilbova In the Texas and lJans sectton and dopo$d'I W11h Landar 085h or a eufflaent corponde surety bond or other secunly aantaotory to Lender secURITY AGRmKENT. RNAHCINO BT ATt;MENT8 The IOdoWlI"Q prOVlalOtlS raIabng 10 ttus Dood 01 Trust. a 58C\,1nty agreement aru a part of U. Died of Trust Seeudly Agreemenl ThIS Il'I8lrumanl shaD oonsldu18a Secunty Agreement to IhIIIDdetII any Of the prqperty conttltu&ee fixture., and Lender ahaJ hawaii 01 the nlJllts ot a &8OU1lid party undltr the Uniform Camrnarolai Coda as amended from lime 10 lima secWilY Interest Upon request b)llender. Grantor IhaIJ eo<IICute 6na/101f1g &tatamonts and take whal8var oIh8r a.ofIon IS t8CI1J(IISt:ed Oy l..erIc»r 10 perfaot and continue Lsnder's S6OU'Ity Interosl U1 the Rents and PanIaMI Pt~ In adddJon to recording It. Deed QI TrUflIO 1"-real prCJpCtrtv fIIOOfds. Lender may, at any tane and wdhout bttIat-aulhonaton from Grantor. fila mracUlecl oounl~. 00,0_ or r.ptOdudzons of Itu Caed ofTrutiaI. bnllAOlllg ~l'(ICIfIt Gfintor shall IlJIIllbtIW Lender for aD roq:;ef'lSe$ Inot.n8d 10 perfeoIIng or conn,"" IIua seounty InInst ~ "diaun, Grairtor shal not remove. stvar or dalach tha Personal Propeity from the Property Upon d8lai4t. ~ &hd -Uiem.., any PerGonaI property noI allccad 10 the Property 10 a manner and at a place reasonably ~ 10 Granlor and lander and ~ It a'o'IWabIe 10 Lel\der WithIn thrM (3) days after receipt 01 wntten damand from Lender to the extent permdtad by appIIcIble law ~ ... ea The malUlg addrassas of Grantor (debtor) and Lander (secured party) from whICh InfQrmauon ooncernrng the ~ mlerast granted by It., Deed of Trust may be obtelnad (each as reqtlrad by the Untform Commar(lL81 Code) atII as stated on t .... first page of this Dnd 01 Trtllit FURTHER ~NCI!8, ATTORNEY-lt'-PACT Tho follOWIng prOVISIOns relallng to further assurances and attome)o'-ln-fad llI'8a part ofthl!; eeed DlTrusl Further ASlurDl1088 At any tlma, and from bme 10 lima. upon request 01 Lendar, Grantor wll mek8i, IWICUte and deWar, or ..... cauM to bC!I made, ax8Cuktd or daltvwed, to Lendar Qr to lencter'G daGlgnue. and when requested by lencler, causa to be flied, recorded, reflled, or rereoorded. as the caae may be, at suob bmas and In such oIIIcas and pla088 as l&nder ma~ deem appropnaltl, any and all such mortgages, dl8d$ of trust. MCIJr1ty deeds, sacunw agreements, hnanclOg statements, conllnuabon statements, Instruments of further assurance, cetbflcates. and other dDOumanIB. u may, In lhB sol& opinion 01 landAI', be necaaaary or dltlrabla In Qrd81 \0 .rr.otuale, complete, perfect, conbnUEII, Qr preserve (1) Granier's obligations under the Nola, IbIS Deed OfTl'Ust, al)(! lha Related Doouments, and (2) the .ens and securrty Intaresls craalad by IhlS Deed of Trust a5 fi,st and pnor hens on Iha Property, whethar now OWnliild Of hetUfter acqwed by Grantor Unless prohibited by ia,w or LondOI' agrees to the oonlrary In wntIng, Granlor shan reimburse Lender for all costs and expenns Incurred In CClnntcbon \llJlh the mllitere ref8fT&d to In thIS paragraph AtfOmey-ln-Facl. If Grantor fa~s to do any of the Uungs refarrnd 10 In the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for nnd In Ihe name ot Gra.ntor and at Grantor'. G)(pense For such purposes, Grarilor htweby Ifl8IIOCIIb/y appoint; lenclQr as Granlor's attorney .... m .... fact lor the purpose of makulg, e.xacubng, debVenng, filing, recOl'dlng, snd dou'IQ all other things as (MY be l"\QOOS$try Or de:!lIrab\e, In lander', ,01G QPlnlon, Ic accomplish the matters referred to In the preceding paragraph FULL. PERFORMANCE It Granlor pays a. Ihalndebl9dnass whan dut, and ofharYJlI8 perfotms aU the obhgatlons Imposed upon Grantor undAl' Ihls Oeed 01 Trust, Lander &haD execute and deliver 10 Trustee a mquest tor lUa rocon\l8Y8nce and shaU olt8Oule and deliver 10 Granlor SUitable slaternerus 01 larmln.bon 01 an)l IlOanang statement on file 9VldenolrlO lender's secunly tnl6f6S11O the Renls and the l'eJsonal Property Any reconveyance fee shall be paid by Granlor, If pamulted by applicable law Tho grantee In any raeonVa~anoe may bo delcnbed as the ·parson cr persons lagall)lentltiad therelo", and tha roollals In the roconveyance 01 any maHars 01 facts shatl be conclUSIve prool 01 the Irutbtulness of any suoh matler& or facls DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 5 EVENTS OF DEFAlLT Each of the followlllg, at Lender's option, shall constitute an Event of Delaull Ur\d&r this Deed 01 Trust Peymenl Default Grantor fad$lo make any payment when due under 1helndebladnoss Other OetauUa Grantor fads 1o comply with or to parform any other term, obhgalron, covenant 01' CO~d:tJon contained 11\ thIS Deed 01 Trusl or In any of the Relatad Oocumanl$ or to comply with or 10 perform any term, ob.gallon. oovenant 0( condlbon contained In any otoor agreement betwoen Landat and Gramor CompCtence Default Fa~ur8 10 comply WIth any olhsr term, obltgll.boo, covenant or condlhon conlalned In thIS Deed of Trust, the Nota or In any of the Related Documents II Iluch a failure II ourable end It Granior has not bnn grven a noilce 01 a breaClh of the same proVISion of this Deed of Tr!J$l Wlthln the preceding twelve (12) montha," may be cured (and na Event 0' Oefault WI. have ooourred) If Grantor, aftet Landt!" hI'Id. wntten nob~ damandmg atJre of suM failure (a) owes the fadure Wlthrn len (10) daY', or (b) 11 the OLA l1tQuns fTKlI8 than ten (10) daya,lmmecfl8lety mlbates &laps sufficient 10 cure the failure and thereafter OOtIIInues and completes fin ranonllblo and neoas:se.ry steps auftlaQnt to produce oomp\anoe as soon 1$ l'8illiooably practICal Dofaull on Other Paymento. Failure of Grantor wIthin the time reqUIred by thIS Deed 01 Trusl to make any payment lot taxes or 111$U'a1lCe. Of any oUt. payment neoassary to prlWQntl.ng of 01 to ef1eot dlschargG of Gny IIan FaJae Slltements. Any warranty, l'9pt8SenlailQn or atal&mant mad& or furncshed to Lender by Grantor or on Gtantor's behalf under th. Deed 01 Trull or the fllllalGcI Documents 18 IaI$Q or ITII5kJading In any material rospect, ather now or at Iha bme made or tur1\lShed or becomes false or mlSleachng at any lime thareatlar DefectlYe COIIBteralllatlon This Deed of Trusl 01 any of Iha fWafad Documents otUe$ to b, In tuD foro, and etfact (mcludlng ,.dura of any collateral dooumenllo omale a valid and pariaetad uectrlty Inlanast 01' IJan) at any tim. and for anyreuon Death or Insolvency Tha dlssolubon or tennlnabon of Gmnlor's exl8tenoe lUI a going bUllrIe .. or the death of any partner, the InsoNenttf 01 Grantor, tha appomlmlnl OIa recetver feN' any part of Gtantor's property, II'f'/ aatlgnmanl tor the bensflt of oedItcn, any t)'p8 of aedrtDr wollcout, or the commaneetne ... of any prooeacmg under any bankruptcy Of InsolYancy lcwa by or against Grantor CredItDr or ForIallUnt Procnd"ng' Commanc&m&nt of lorado&ure or forfaIhn prooeadInga, wheltler by JUdtGlId prooeedmg, uIf-haIp, repOSMUIon or any oIhar maIhod, by atr'f Cl9CM0i 01 Gtv.ntor 01 by all)' gousmmenlalllQ8rlW avsnst any j)foperty aecunng the Indabtednass TlIS InclUdes a garnishment of any 01 Gt&nttn accounts, lndudlna dtPOld accounts, with Londer Howevor. IhI$ event of DotauII wi not apply "there II • good fudh dlapute by Grantor BI to the validity or reaJOnableneas of the amm which IS the baa of the cramtor or l'orfeIture prooeadlng and II.Grantor 91W1 L.encler wnHen noboe of the oreditor 01 forfodurv Pfoouacang and diipOSlb With l..IIndar man. or. Iiourety bond for the creditor tJt tortemre proceadtng, In an amount datetITuA8d bV Lender, In Its SOle dIsetobon, u being an edequaie fewrw or bond feN' the dtsputa Breach 01 Olher Agreement. Any breach by Grantor under the terms at any other agreement between Grantor and Lender thai IS not remetied WIthin any grace ponod provldld thlnMIl, Includlfl9 Wllhout tlmllallon any agreement ooncarnlng any mdabtadness or oth8 obbgabon of Gnln10r to L.encler, whether e:IOSbng now or latar EVen" AfIeCtlng GUorenlOt. Art; of the precedltlQ Mntt 0CCt.n With r8II)8Ct to any GuaranIor of any of the Indoblednaas or any Guaranlor dI8I or becomes Incompeten~ 01' teVdcas at dlspules Ina validity of, or hablldy under, any Guaranty or the Indabt.dn8s5 In the avent 01 a daaIh, !.ender, at lis opbon. mav, but shall not be reqUired to, Permit the Guarantor's estala to assume unoondlllonaIY the ob/lgabOns ansmg under the gl.llW'8flty In a manner &atlsfaotoy to Lander, and, In do;ng so, Oullt any Ewml of Oerauft . • AdVerse Chanp. A malanat adY6r88 change OOOlJm In Grantor's flnanolal condlbon, or lendal' bellaves lhe prospeot: 01 payment 01' p8fformance of the IndebtM\nht II.lmpand RlUhlto CWo If such a failure IS ourabla and d Grantor hat not bean given a dOG 01 a breach of the eame prOVISIon of blls Deed 01 Trust WIthIn DIe ~ twaN8 (12) mOtdhl, d may be Ctnd (and no Event of DafaUit wtJ have ooourred) II Granter, after Lender sanc13 wntlen nollC8 damanckng O\Q of auoh tadut& (a) oures tM fasIura wdtan ten (10) days, or (b) If the cure roqlJll:8:S more than len (10) days, Immadl8la/y lIU118teI: steps IUbnl to ouru tho failure and thBl'G8ftar oonbnues and oomplitas all reasonable and neceasa.ry skips surllClBnt to produo& oompll8llce as soon as roucinabIv pmobcaI RIGHTS AND ReiGoJes ON DEFAULT If an Event 01 Default 00ClQ undof !tus Deed of Trust, al any lime thereaf\et, Truste. or Lender fMY.rase lilY on8 or more of the follOWing lights and temediN E1.~ 01 RemoltIea Election by L.ender \0 pursue any remedy &hall not exclude pun;ull 01 any other ramedy, and an ~ kI mai8~·erpendlbJfes « to take 8Cbon to perIC:rln an ~ (j Gtantot und8t tl'lll Oeod of Trust, a ..... Grantor's fa~L.ftIIo perform, ahal not altecl L.endor's nght to deolare a detlilM: and fL'C8f"Oa Its ramadles AcceIende Indebtedness Lender ahal haw thai nght at Ii! opbon to declare the 8/tbre tndlbMdness Immediately due and payable, InolucllnQ any prepayment penalty whloh Grantor would ba reqwred to pay Forecio&Ure With 1MPec1 to aI or any part 01 the Real Property, the Trustee shaD have the ~t to exeI"Cl$8 lis power of sala and to Iol'llClO$e by notlCfll and lIBIe, and lender shall ha ... the light to foreclose by ./UdIao.t IofacIosUIlI, In edher case In accordance With and to the lutl extent proVIded by applicable law uce Relnedlt' •. With r8$jJect to aU Of any part of the Personal Property, Lender shaD have a1lthD fights and remache$ 01 a aaoured party under the Untform Commeraal Cade Collect Rent.. lMlder ~hall have the right, Without nolloe 10 Chntor to lake prAteSSlon 01 and l'nanage the Ptopelty and cotlect the Rents, including amounls past due and unpwd, and apply the net proceeds, over and above Lender's costs, agall\llihe Indebtedness In lurtheranoe of thtS n\)hl, Lender may reqUire any tenam or olhlW user 01 U. PnJperty to make paymenls of rent Of use faes directly to L..Bnder If !he Rants are ooDecteci by Lend«, then Grantor mwocabty dnlgnatn LAnd., liB Gtantor's allornay-tn-fact 10 IIndorse Inltrumants (IIC8oIvacI In payment UlIlMOl In the name of GrantDf and to negotlate the same and cQUaet the proceeds Payments by tenanla or ather uaera 10 lender In respOI1$8 to lander's demand shall GatlSly tho obligations lor WhLOh the payments ire made, whelher or not any propar grounds lot the demand exasted lender may exercise Its nghls under !hl!l subparagraph either In person, by egant, 01 through a receiver Appalnl Receiver lender shall have the nght to have a recelVef appOlnled to take poas88Sl0n 0' at or any part 0' the Property, wllh the power 10 protect and pres9fV8 the Property, to operata thl Property preudmg or pending IOfilCloaura 01" 581e, and 10 ooUecl the Rents from the Property and apply the proceeds, over and abovalhe cost of the recewetShlp, a~ln$llhe Indabtednsa.s The TeCBIvel" may MIMI Wllhout bond If permllted by taw Lender', tight to the appointment 01 a receIVer shall exL!lt whether or nol tho apparant vatue oltha Property exceeds the Ind6btednt$$ by a. substanbal amounl Emptoyment by Lend8{ shall not diSqualify a passon from serVlIlg as a recelver Tenancy at Sufferance It Grantor remains In possession of the Property atter the Property IS sold as prOVIded above or · .~ -~ co ... ... .... <CO CD C> .,. 'Q ,co ... -.-,"-' ,'-,,,-_.,--,------' DEED OF TRUST (Conlinued) Page 6 Lend_ otherwIsQ becomes Imlllled 10 pOSSOSSIon of the Property upon default of Grantor, Grantor shall become II tenant al su"erance of Lender or tho purcha58r of the Property and shan. al Lender's optton, either (1) poly a reasonable rental for the use of the Properly, or (2) vaea!a the Property Imms(tlalely upon the demand of Lendar other Remedies Trustee or Lander &hall have anv other right or riJmGdy provldlld In this Deed of T~t1st or the Note or bylaw NoDce Dr SAle Lender ,hall give Grantor reasonable nohce 01 the lima and plilCB 01 any pubbc sale of II\e Peraonal Propltl1y or 01 the bma aftor whtch any pnvale sale or olher Intended chposlbon of Ina P8rtonal Property IS to be made Reasonable noboe shall mean noooe 91ven alleast tan (10) daV1i bBfOlQ Iha hma of the GIlle or dlspo8Itron AnV sale of Per'Ontl Property may be made m COIljunchcn with any sale of the Real Property. Sale of the Pfoporty To the extent pertnilled by applicable law, Grantor heraby W4UVN any and all nghts to have lno Propelfy marshalled In exarCISHlg Its nghts and remidlDS. tha Trustee Dr Lender shall bllme k) sell all Or any pad of tho Properfy logether or separalely, In one !ale or by ,epamt..a1.., lendar shall be enllhd 10 bid at any pubho saI& on atl or any portion altho Propel1y Mtorneya' fee&. expenses, If Lender Ins~lU!es any SUit Of achon 10 I)I1torc. any althe terms aI thIS Deed of Trust, lender ,hall be en~&d to reoowr such ,um as the court may adjUdge reaaonabte IS attorneys' rees al inallnd upon any appeal Whether or not any coUtt adlOR IS 1nVOIwd, and 10 Ihe ..... 1 not prohlbtted by law, all reesonable oxptnse' Lender 1I1CU'S that In l.ender's opInion are ntcessary al any lime for the profedIon of ... Intwest Of !he enfotcement of Its nghts shan beoom •• part oIlhe Jl'ldebtldness payable on d&mand and thai bear Inlerest It !'he Nota rate "om tha datu of the axpenctture uMl repaid Expense! covered by thIS ~l'ILQI'aI)h IndUct.. Without 'mvlallon. 1'IoW8Y8I' subject to any bnuts W1de1' ~ law, l..ender'I attorneys' reGS and Landst's IagaI mcpe1'll8S, wtzeItIeI Q' not there III a IawaUIt, including attorneys' reus and ewpense lor bankruptcy prOCM4ngt (tr'ICIUdmg efforts 10 modify or vacata any automallo slay or InjUncbon), appeals, and any anbCIpaied post-judgmsnl coUeobon s8MOea, the cost of seardDng mcords, obIasn.ng hUB reports (inclUdIng foreoIoatn reports). sllJW)'Ot'l' rapcQ, and appraal fees, btIa Insurance, and"" for the TrustIa. to the ex»nl permrttad by apphcabkt law Grantor dO Win pay My court costs, en addItron to aD other sums prow:led by law Rlgh" of Tru8Ceo Trusle& shaD haw al of the (l9hts 8fId duliea ~ Lender as set 10rIh In Uvs sechon POWERS AND OSUGATIONS m: TRUSTEE. TM foIowrng p!"OVIStOnS ratatlng 10 ow. powa .... and clbhgabOrl$ of Trustee (plJrluant 10 t..nder's I~) .... part oflhla DBOd ofTrUSl Powers 0' TruallCo In addlllon to al POWlI"I 01 Tru8l8e anmg as II matter 01 laW, TnlSleo shllll have tha power to IaQ the folowlRg lOtiOns With respect to tho Property l4lon the wnttan reQuesI of LGndar and Grantor (a) lOIn in prepanng and ling a map or pelal of the Raat Property, mdudlrv U'Ia dedIca'on 01 streets DI oDW nghb to the pubbo, (b) JOII1 11"1 QI1lnIIng Iln'I 8ISIrnent Of Cfelling ~ rtelnctlon on the Real Properly, and (0) JOIn In any SLGon;bndon or oItIer IlQ1'&8munl alf8cbng this Deed d Trust or lhe Interest Of Lander uncIBt Ihls Dead 01 Trust ObllalUon8 10 NoUIV TrU5t&e shali not be ~ 10 notify any other party 01 a pending &ale under any oIhar 1rus1 deed or ban, or of any aoIlQn or prooeadtng U\ which Grantor, Lender, Of'TrtJstea shall be I party, l.W'IIeU ... qt.l~ by appbcab&8law, or unless the achon or ptooaedlng IS brought by Trustee Tru5Iae TnMae shall meet d quUtoabona raquntd lor Trustee under epplroable Jaw In additon to DIe nghta and remede! set lorth abO ...... IAMth tetpeCt 10 aa 0; an~ part 01 thto Property, the TI~ shall t.vo the nghIlo foledose by nobce and aala, and Lender ahaI haw the nght to IoreoIooa by Judicial forecIo$Ute, In eIIhet OI!l8lt1lL:OCor~ wllh and ID Iha fun extent proVIded by appbcablllJ taw SUcceaor Truoteo LendQr. at I..ender's opbon. may from 'me to Ilma appomt a suooeseor TrUsIee to atrt TI'UStaa appolnlDd under 1M. Deed of TrUst by an lftItrUmanl...::uted and &QknoI.tbdQ8d by !..end .. and raocrd8d In the aIfIC8 or Ihe I'9OOtdur of KING County, Slate of Waatangton The If'ISfr'Um8nI 8t'IBi oon1&ln, In addIbon to II dhIt maHIdI requred by SIIlelaw, the names 0( thl ongmaJ Lender, Trustee, and Granier, !he book and page or Iha AudlIor'B Fda NumbDr where thIS Deed of TrUsl II reoorcied. and the name and adlhss oltha S1.IOO8SSOI" trusIao. and the II'IItrument shal be executed and ac~ by Lendar or lis SUC08$SOfS mlnbwest Tha succ8aaor trustee. w.thotJt ClOrIV8)'anC8 of the Propsrty. shaJIsuoceed to lithe baa. power, and dul.., conMtrecl UpOR IhEIi TrualH m thl$ Deed DfTrust and by appllcabi& law Th15 procedura lor substt1u11on 01 TrUsIoa ahaD govern to the exclusion of all other prOVISIOns for _on NOTICES Subject 10 applicable law, and GX(;ept fOf noboe reql.lrGd or alowed by law to be QNan IR anolhlr manner, any notice reql.lred Ie be glVBn undar' Uvs Deed of Trust, 1tVJI~.' "d"""'. .~11UIab0l'l any nobc6.' 01 dafau." and I!'!)!~. of sale shall be grven In wnllng. and stial,be,~ WhiR ~ da~ when aobiaIIy flI()8IVed by tat (n'iP8SlJ otherwlS8 ~ by law). Whan ~ WIth a ~ ~rged ovtrt'llOht ~(II', or, rr maded, wtienj III tholJnltl!d, _ mu, BI fnl ciasI'=-or nJgllltiinK"ri'Id'p~·JIf8P.isd. dIraOtid 10 Ute addr8Ss8s 1hOI&in 0 ni8t the begtniUng' of tIis Deed or Trust All _ " of notIceS oIlot9ofOIuiI from tht hokle(of, any ken wtllcli has' pi'l"cidy OWII' this D9aCt 01 Trushhd be senl to Lendet'a ", as shown neat the bGgInrang 01 thIS. Deed or,Trust Any pitt)' ina)' chMge Its addrelS fer noticeI under this Detd ofTrusl by gIVIng IormaI wntt.n nObCe to It1a eUler parties, s~<lhat Iha purPose 01 the noboe 18 10 change the party's arIchas For nohce purposes, Grantor a;raa to keep Lender Il'lfotTMd at all tunes of Grantor's cUlT9l1t adcIre=is Sublld to appboable law, and sxcepllor nollce l8qulI'8d or slowed by law to be "van In another maNter, II there IS more tllan one Grantor, any notice Dlwm by Lendilir to any Grantor IS deemed 10 be noboe glVGfl to all llianto" MISCELl..AHEOUS PROVISIONS. Tha following ITliSCeUan80US prCMSIOI1$ ere a part at this Deed of Trust Amendmente This Deed of Trust, together WIth any Ral_ted Documanbi., constitute. the anbre undell.landmg and agreamenl of the parties 85 to the matters &8t forth 10 thiS! Dead of Trust No alteration of or amendment to this Deed of Trust shaJI be effective unlBM "van In wnIIrog and Slgnad b)llh8 plU'ty Of parile. sought to be charged or bound by Ihe aHerahon or amendmlWll Annual Reporta If the Property IS; used lor purposes other than Grantor'$ rutdenc., Grantot shall furnISh 10 Lender, upon r~ue$1, a certified statement of nat operalln9 Income recelwd ffom the Property dunng Grantor's previous hscar year In such 101m end delall as Lender shal require "Nat opsrabng Income" shall mean aft cash rec;elpl$ from the Property less all cash expendllurea mads In oonn60lIon Wllh the operallon of the Property Capaon Headings. caption headIngs In this Deed of Trust are lot eonvanltnCe pUrposn only and are nollo b" l4ed 1o InliNprat or d&fmelhe prOVISIOI1$ 01 U.s Deed 01 Trust Merger There shalt be no merger 01 the mlarest or eslate created by this Dead of TMI With any olher Interest or aslala In the Properly at any time held by or lor Ihe banaflt gl Landilir H'I any capaclly, Without the wntten oonsenl at lender Governing Law Ttus Deed of Trust will be governed by, construed and enforcad In accordance WIth federal 11M and the laws 01 !tIe Stele of Washington This Deed Of Trusl has bean occepted by Lender In the state of WlI$hln~on. Choice of Venue. If there IS a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upon lander's request to submit to the Junsdlchon 01 the coulis 01 .... en ... = .., ... co -CI .... . .., .CO ..... KIIl9 County, Slate of Washington DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 7 No Waiver by Lender Lander shall not be deemed to have waived any Ilghls under thiS Deed of Trust unle!s such W8lver IS 91ven In wntlng and stgnBd by L.andar No delay or cmlSSlOfl on Iha part of Linder In 8X8fClsmg any tight shall operale as a waiver pf such ngl1l 0( any oIher nghl A waivei' by Lender of II prOVISIOn of Ihls Deeit'bl TM! shall not prejUdoe or constitute a waiver or Lender's nuht olher'MSB to demand s1nc1 compliance wllh thai proVISIOn or any other prOVISion of thiS Dod 01 Trust No pnor W8!ver by Lender, nor any OOUI'$8 01 dealing between Landor and Grantor, ,hall consiliule a W8IV8I' of any of Lender's nghts or of any 01 Grantor's obkgabona lIB to any luture transactions Whefl8'J9l the consent 01 Lander IS reQtJiVd undOf this Deed of TrU$l, tho granting of such consent by LencSat In any Instance shaU not OOfI&b.tute conbnulI'Ig consent to subsequent Instances where suoh oon5Ont 15 raqured and In all casas suoh consent may be granted (lr wllhheklm Ihe sole dl50t8bon of Lender severability II a court of competent )unsdlctlon Inds e.rry prOVISIon ot this Deed of Trust to be !legal, Invalid. 01 unenforoaable &$ to any CIrcumstance, that Indlng 5hall nol make the ofI8ndlRg pnMUOn ~18QaI. IOVIld, or unenlGreeabio as 10 any olher CIrOUmsm.nce II leastlla, !he offending ptOlMltln shaD be oonetdared rnodIfIOd a.o II'IaI It beoomes tegal, valid and enforceable II the offandlOg prOVISion cannot be 10 modified, II shall b, c;:ot1$ldtf8d deloled from this Deed of Trw Unless OtherwISe reqwred by law, the laeoa~ty, Inv&hdlty, or unanroroeab~lty of any proVISIon of IhlS Deed of Trust shan not affacl the legakly, validity or enforceability of BIlY othar provISIOll of this Deed 01 'Trusf Succeeaors end A881gna SUbJI'IOt to any b/Tllta.bona slated In ttns Dead 01 Trust on trans"" of Gnlntor'a Interest. IhIs DeDd of TrU$t s.hal be bl1dlng upon and lRure to the benoilt 01 th. parhes, their successors and aSSIgns If ownerstup of tha Property becomes vested In II. peBOn other than Grantor, lender, Without nolloe to Grantor, may daal Wllh Grantor's 1I1JC08S$(Q WIth reference to thl$ Deed of Trust and the Indebtedl'\lS5 by way of fortIt8Ianc. or lIXfa!\Slon WIihoUl rell8ILIlg Grantor from the obkgabOnS of INs DNd ofTMt or liabIlity under the tndebladness TlIDO l8 of the EMence Tlme IS of the essenc. In ttl. pttformc.nce of ttus Deed of Trust WeSVer 01 ttfImeN.IId eaaptton. GrantOl' hereby 19Ieues and wasvea all nghts and benallb of the homestaad exemption lews of the State 01 Wuhlngton as 10 a1llnd.bt.dna. $OCUf8d by ltus Deed of Trust DEfINITIONS. The following tapltumd words and kInmI ihall haw the loUOWIng meanlllga whan usod In thJf Coed of Trust I..InIns spe¢Ic;aIIy stated to the eonltaly, d reler8ncu to dollar amounts shill mean amOW'lllm lawlul money of the United Slates 01 Amenca WOI'da and terrm used In the smguiar &tIaIlndude the pb.ni, and the pNrat shaD IJICIude tM SLfVI,W, as the conllMllTlay ",ql,llr9 Word. and \11m. not otherwllllll deftned In thl3 Dead of Tr\l$I slid have the meanings alfnbutad 10 such terma In the UIlIform Commeroal Code a.n.fIC:l$y The WDfd "Beneilel&t)'" f'I'I84IlI Frordlet Bank, and Its 5U0C85sotS and asssgns Barrower The word "Borrower" means BALES 9aF S'T'ClRAGf PARTNERSHIP, and all olhef per8OIl9 end anl&bOs SlQRlng the Nola In what..,.r capa.aly Deed of Trusl The words "Deed of rrusr mean thll Deed of Trull among Grantor, landaf, and Trustee, and u'lCludes wrthoUlllmdabon all assignment and secunty Inleresl prO\ll8JOna ret,bng 10 the Perlonal Property and Rants DufaUll The word "Default" means 100 Defaull .. t forth In thIS o.ltd of Trust In lhe seellon btled 'tletaUiI" I!vad of OotauU. The words "Event 01 O .... utr' mean any 0I1ha avenla of datault sot forth m ltut Deed cI Tl\lliln 1M event& of defaUlt sacliDrl of Hvs o.od of Trust Grantor The word "Grank)(' m;a"; B.4lES SElF STORAGE PARThIERSHIP Guaronlor Tha word ''Guaranior"' means any guaranlDf, lurety, or acoommodalion party 01 any or all 01 the lndabladneGs . . • Guarllnty. The word wBuaranty" means the guaranty from Goaranlor 10 Lander,IflctUdinQ WIthout _rtabon. gUlll8nty 0' all or pari of the Note Improvemente Tha word ~roVlilC'll8flls" means all exIS"g and future Improvements. buildings. .truc:hn_, mobile )'Iomes affDCed (In thll RRl Propertv, raefltles. additions, replacements and other consb'Uotlon on the Real Property Ind~ The word "lndebledness" means all Principal, IntGtest. and other amounts. cosb and expenses payable und .... 1hj.-Nde or Related DocUments. togeOIiar wdh all ten8W8b 01. exIattsIol'I8 01, moctJfloUon& 01, ~ 01 and 8ubslilubons for the Note 01' Rellited DoCumenl8 and any amourns aICpetIC18d or adVanced by under to dIsohIrge Grantor's oblOabons or eocpanses IRClI1'8d by TrUalee or Lender to enforce Grantor's obllgnons under thIS Deed of Trust. logeth8r wdh Intarast on Gooh amounts as prCMdad In IhIs DAd of Trust Lender The word ~nd6l'" meens Fronber Bank, 113 SUOClessors and IlSSIgRS ~Ofd -No\e" means the promiSSOry nola dated July 2. 2002, In the orIglpal fJI1nclpai Bf!lO".m of . tom Grantor to Lender, together With an renewals of, extensIOns of, mOdIfIcabons of, reflnanOU'lgs of, co . "s of, and sub$btubons for the PrOmtssOlY nola or agreement Paraonal Praperly. The words 'f'ersonaI Properly" mean aN eQuIPment. fixtures, and oltler arbclts of personal propartv nWl or hereafter owned by Grantor, and now or harNftar attachad or atttxad to the Real Property, IOoeU."er WIth atl accessions. paI18, and adcitlon& 1o, all replaoemenls 01, and all substllubons lot, any of iuoh property, and toQeIher wllh alllSlu.s and Pfo&ts ltMIJ9(Itl and pI'O<:88cbo (u'ldudu'lQ Wllhotrt bmdahon aA IMtJrar1CfJ procaeds and ratunds ot prDlTluuns) from any sale or other dlspolniron of the Property Proporty The word "Property" means coleeftvety 1M Real Prop4lrty and ths Personal Property Rul Property The words "Real Property" mctan 1he fltsl property, Interestl and nghll, as further descnbed In Ihls Oeed of Tfust Related Dot:Umenls The wordt "Related Oocuments" mean .u ptOMllSOIY notas, oredliagreements, loon egreements. guaranll8S, seounty agreements, mongagBl, d98da of trust, ~ecunty deeds, coDataral I1lOI1gaQfi, end an other tnslrumants, agreemenl'il end documents, whether now or heraaftef 6XlsflnG, executad In connecllOtI With the tndebl9dness, prOVIded, that lhe enlJlronmentAllndemnity agreements are not 'fIelatad Documenls~ and are nol secured by lhls Deed 01 Trust Rents. The word "Rents-means aU present and lutute ranb, revenues, IOCOrT18, 1$&U8S, royalb8$, profits, and olher beflGtflls denwd from the Property Trus1ea. The word ''Tluslae-maans PACIFIC NORTHWEST TillE COMPANY OF WASH!NGTON, INC. whOse mal~l\g addrn$ IS 215 COLUMBIA STREET, SEATTlE, WA 96104-1511 and any subsldute or SUCC8$Sor lru$tees .... .... . "" .... DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page B GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING ReAD ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS GRANTOR :~~ GEO I net or BALES sap STORAGE PARTNERSlUP STATE OF COUIfTY OF PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWlEDGMENT I \0 -; J ~ .. "t&lC J I WASHINGTON 111~'~~~1~"" .r ) ss "" KING \~ .... On hs 4th day 01 July 2D 02 baklr& me. the undarsrgned NoIaty Public, pwsonal/y appeanKI GSORGIi H BAU!S Of BALES'. 81'ORAGB ~. &fId porsonaly knoWn to rna 01 prcwd to me on IhG ba&IS of 54b&factory l)\lldonee to be a of the partnerShIp that axacuted the Deed of Trust and admowfedged IN Deed 01 Trust to be the free and vo!amtary sol and deed of the pertrunhlp, by authority 01 natul. or ~ Partnership Agreement. tor the UII8S and purposvs thanlIfI meniloned, .nd on calh sIalad lhat he 01' she IS aulhonmd tcJ _'I"'ntWl1>i,d otT and jn fact 8X8CtJtad Ih8 Deed of Trust on behalf 01 tho parlnershlP BY ResIdIng" Federal Way 11)''''''''__ 7-1-05 REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To ' Trusta. TI'Ie undersigned 1$ the legal owner and holder of II IndeblednQu seourad by thiS Ond of Tmat You ate 'hIreby 1'8QUe&ted. upon payment at all sums 0Wl1'9 to )'OU, to ~ wdhotJl wananty, to the parsons enfJIIed thereto, IhI nght, lila and ,nIetost ntNI hlid by you under the Deed of Trust ~I.--------------------------.......... _------ By:----- lIa' :;;; .. ~. When Recorded Return to: Robert J. Verzani 30640 Pacific Highway South, Suite "c' Federal Way,WA 98003 20041220003007.001 PAGli801 OF 001 --Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description: BALES, GEORGE H. & BALES, SHIRLY S., wife HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C. Por. E Yo N1I2 NW II. NE II. NW II. Sec. 15, Twp. 23 N, R 5 EWM [Complete Legals, Pages 1 and 2] Assessor's Tax Parcel ID #: (1) 152305-9094-09 (2) 152305-9102-09 and (3) 152305- 9031-05 (4) 152305-9034-01 THE GRANTORS, GEORGE H. BALES and SmRLY S. BALES, his wife, for and in consideration oftraDllfer to a Linpted Liability Company, conveys and quit claims to HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C., A Washiniton Umited Liability Company, the following described real estate, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title ofthe grantor(s) therein: The West 100 feet of the East Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; Except the North 42 feet conveyed to King County for Southeast 128'h Street by deed recorded under Recording No. 5831773 Assessor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9094-09 The East 50 feet of the West ISO feet of the East Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest quarter of Seetion 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; Except the North 42 feet conveyed to King County for Southeast 128th Street by deed recorded under Recording No, 5831773 Assessor's Tax Parcel No, 152305-9102-09 '., 20041220003007.002 The East Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ofSectionl5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; Except the West 150 feet thereof; And Except the North 180 feet thereof; And Except any portion lying within 138th Avenue Southeast . . Assesor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9031-05 The North one half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast _.quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section IS, Township 23 North, Range 5 EWM, in King County, Washinglon, except the East 15 feet thereof reserved for road. Assessor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9034-0 I DATED November .1 /,. 2004. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 5S. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me GEORGE H. BALES and SHIRL Y S. BALES, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instmment, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ;2 L day of November 2004. Not blic in and ti the State of Washington, Residing at Federal Way Printed Name: Robert J. Verzani My Commission expires: 7-1-05 20050210000918.001 Robert J. Verzani \1111111111111111 20050210000918 ROBERT QCD 21.00 PAGEDDI OF 003 When Recorded Return to: 30640 Pacific Highway South, Suite "C" Federal Way, WA 98003 02/1012005 10:57 KtNG COUNTY, UA 152i!0.((Il335 1lZ/10/Z00S 10:87 KING COUNTY, lolA s~e~ sz.ee $0.00 PAGE00I OF 001 THIS IS A CORRECTION DEED TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS IN THE QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDS & ELECTIONS NO. 20041220003007 and EXCISE TAX NO. E20914S1 Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description: BALES, GEORGE H. & BALES, SHIRLY S., wife HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C. Por. E Y. NII2 NW Y. NE Y. NW Y. Sec. 15, Twp. 23 N, R5 EWM [Complete Legals, Pages 2) Assessor's Tax Parcel ID #: (I) 152305-9094-09 (2) 152305-9102-09and (3) 152305- 9031-05 (4) 152305-9071-06 . THE GMNTORS, GEORGE H. BALES and SHIRLY S. BALES, his wife, for and in consideration of transfer to a Limited Liability Company, conveys and quit claims to HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C., A Washington Limited Liability Company, the following described real estate, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, together with all after acquired title ofthe grantor(s) therein: 20050210000916.002 The West 100 feet of the East Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section IS, Townsltip 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; Except the North 42 feet conveyed to King County for Southeast 128'h Street by deed recorded under Recording No. 5831773 Assessor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9094-09 The East 50 feet of the West 150 feet of the East Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Wasltington; Except the North 42 feet conveyed to King County for Southeast 128'h Street by deed 'recorded under Recording No. 5831773 Assessor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9102-09 The East Half ofthe North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ofthe Northwest QuarterofSectionl5, Townsltip 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., inKing County, W asltington; Except the West ISO feet thereof; And Except the North 180 feet thereof; And Except any portion lying within 138th Avenue Southeast. Assesor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9031-05 The east 80 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter ofthe Northwest quarter of Section 15, Townsltip 23 North, Range 5 EWM, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion thereoffor Southeast 128th Street, as condemned in King County Superior Court No. 632233. Assessor's Tax Parcel No. 152305-9071-06 DATED February ;r 2005. ~ George H. Bales r BALES io HILLCREST SQUARE L.L.C. STATE 01' WA,SI:HNOTON COUNTY 01' KING . ) ) ss. ) 20050210000918.003 '.- On this day personally appeared before me GEORGE H. BALES and SHIRL Y S. BALES, to me known to be the individuals described in lind who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this -R-day of February 2005. f".,~, 'J'viE ~ 'c" J "" "'" ... '" ~~\\ --9:)-"'" ", ·/~N ::. '. ;" 0 ... ~?\U q.;; ....... / f a: : ... ~., ~'. f ~ :., \-IOTARy "'~ ~ , : 0 __ '" : ~ Not Pu ic m and for the I :0 : :I 't ", PUBlIC,"& ~ Resi t Federal Way I ". ~." .I",,~, .... i'-1.Q<;'/§,;' Printed Name: RobertJ. Verzani ': ,,':";": -:-":';~~"'::,/ My Commission expires: 7-1-05 ", ...... , ......... -.. - RETURN ADDRESS: CHARTER BANK LOAN SERVICES . DEPARTMENT 0703 S. 234TH STREET. SUITE 100 KENT. WA 98032 200~02160016~~.UOl CONSTRUCTION DEED OF Tlw:r :::"00:7::::::,"',.... &ri ll5D:':~~oo:!® Grantor(s): 1, HILLCREST SQUARE L.l.C, 2, BALES, GEORGE H. Grantee(s) 1. CHARTER BANK 2. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. Trustee L~gaJ Description; A portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 5 Eest Assessor's Tax Plircel 10#: 152305·9071·06 Additional on page 2 152305-9094-09, 152305-9102-09, 152305-9031-05, . THIS DEED OF TRUST Is dated February 11. 2005, among HILLChE:ST SQUARE L.L.C., 8 Washington Umlted Uablllty Company, as to Parcels A, Band C; and GEORGE H. BAlES, presumptlvelv subject to the oommunlty Interest of a opOU8e, If marrIed, 88 to Parcel 0 I"G,anto,"); CHARTER BANK, who •• mailing add, ••• I. REDMOND OFFICE, 16600 REDMOND WAY, SUITe 100. REDMOND, WA 98052 (referred to bGIow sometlmea 88 "Lendar" and aomatlmea 8a "'Ben8llalary"); and CHICAGO Tln.e INSURANCE COMPANY, whoae mailing address Is 25868 104TH AVE SE, KENT. WA 98031 Ireferred to below as "Trustee"). Loan No: 100018969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 2 CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Grantor convoys 10 Trustee In tru$1 with POWOI of &ala, right of IIntry and possession and 10r the bondlt 01 Landt! 1111 Beneficiary, all of Grantor's right, title, lind intor64t in and to the following describod rsol property, 'ogetMr with 1111 existing or subuqullntly IIrecled or aflixed ·bulldlngs. il11prOllomlints end fixtures; all ellgements, rights 01 way, and appurtenances; all water. water rights end ditch rights hncludlng stOCk in utilities with ditch or inigation rights); and all other rights, fOyalliu, end profit!! lelating to the loal property. including without limitation aI/ mlnarab, oil, glls, geothermal and similar mauers, \the "Real Property") located in KING County, State of Washington: See EXHIBIT "A", Which is attached 10 this Deed of Trust and made a par' of this Deod of Trust 8& if fully 8et forth herein. The Real Property or ita address Is commonly known as NE 4TH STREET & DUVALL AVENUE, RENTON, WA 98069. The Real Property tax Identification number Is 152306-9094-09, 162306-9102-09_ 152305-9031-06, 162306-9071 -06 Grantol hereby asslgnll liS aecurity to Londer, aU of Gramor', right. tille, aod interest in ~mJ to 1111 leases, Renta, and protlts 01 the Property. Th!s Issignment is reco,ded in accordance with ReW 65.08.010: the lien creatvd by 'his lIS!ignment Is intlllldea 10 00 specific, porlClOtad and I;ho&te upon the III~ording 01 this Deed ct TwISt., Londer gIants to Grantor a license. 10 colhtct the Renl$ and profits, which license may De revoked at Lender's option and st..11 be lIutomatieelly revoked upon acceleration of all or pan of the IndebwdneSf. THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIONMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PER:S~AL PROf:'ERTY. ~ GIVEN TO SECURE (AI PAYMENT OF THE INDEiTElJNESS AND IBI PERFORMuCE OF ANY,AIIID AU. OBlIGATIQMS. UNDER., THIS DEED OF TRU.ST. T=~F T8l,1ST. INCLUDLNa THE ASlUGNMEN. T OF RENTS AND THE SEQ.JRITY.1N'TaEST IN THE RENTS AND PROPJ;RTY, 18 ALSO GM!N TO SE~RE ANY AND All OF BORROWER'S OBUGATtONS UNDER THAT CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT BETWI!N.80R_ AND IBIDER OF EVEN DATE HUlI;WlTH. IlEFI\ULT UIl[lEll THE CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGI .... ENT. OR 'MY OF THE RB.ATEO DOcuMarrB REfERRED TO ~ 18 ALSO DEFAULT UNDER THIS DEED OP TRU6T. THIS DeED OF TRUST IS GIveN AND 'ACCEPTED ON THE FOllOWING TERMS: GRANTOR'6 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, Grantor wattenU that: I-I this Deed of Trust Is execlNld at Borrower'e request and not at the request of lender; (bl Grantor hal the fUIJ power, right. end authority to enter Into this Oeed of TrUlt end to hypothoClatl! the Property; leJ 'tho pro'llaKlna 01 thlll Oiled 01 Trust do not confUct with, 0, result In II default under any agreem8f1t or other Instrument binding upon Grentor and do not result In a violation of any taw, regufatlofl, court dlcree or order applicable to Grantor; (dl Grantor hila eSLtbflshed adequate means 01 obtaining from Borro .... er ot\ a COlItinuing beals Information about Borrower's financial condition; and Ie) Lender hilS made no rapcos8ntlltion to Grantor about BOllower (including without limitation the credltworthlnoes of Borrower., GRANTOR·S WAIVmS. Grantor walvu all dghu or dateons arising by r •• &on of eny "ona eotion" or -/I.I"Iti-deficlencv" law. or any other law which may prevent lan<kr flom bringing any action against Grantor, Including a claim lor daflCieroey to tha Ilrtent Lender Is otherwise entitled to a claim for deficiency, before or after lender's commencement or completion of any forecioaure aadon, either Judlc!all\l or by enrcise of e power of sate. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwlsa provklod In this Deed of Tru't. Borrower shall pay to lender 1111 IndebtaClneaa secured by this De.d of Trust I' It becomes dUI, end Borrower and Gramar shall atrlctly perform all1helr rOIJ~ctlve obllQationt undcr the Note, this Deed 01 Trust. and the Rafated Documents. CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE. This Dead 01 TrUft II a "construction mortgage" for the purposes of Sections 9·334 and 2A·309 of the UnlI'QnTl Commllrclel CocM, as those sectIons kave been adopted by the State 01 WutJlngton. POSSESGtON AND MAlNT£HANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Borrower and Grantor agree that Borrower's and Grantor'. p08s.lJ$slon and UfO of the Property &hell be govemed by the tollowlng provisions: . Po ..... lon .... d U... Until Delllul1, Gl&Iltor roilY (11 remein in ponollSiOl'l and oontrol of the Property; (2) use, operate or mllnage 'ha Property; end (3) conect the Rents from the Property (thi, privilege If. 8 license from LeMer to Grontor automatically revoked upon default!. The following provisions relate to the uaa of the Property or to other IImlta1lons on the Property. TM Real Property III not used principally for agricultural purpoaol. Duty to Maintain. Qrentor shalt maintain tho Property in tenantabla condition end promptly parform all repalltl, feplacements, end meintenance necessllry to praserve Ita vallHl. Compllanc. WtdI EnvtlOMMntai uws. GrantOI rep'esent •• nd w.rrants to Lendcr tkat: {1 I During the period of Or&lltor', ownerahip of the Proporty, there hall been M usa, geTleretion, manufacture, ftorige, trcatm8f1t, disposal, reloaae or threatened felu88 of any Hazardous Substance by any per.on on, under, abOut or from the Proparty: 121 Grantor has no knowfedge of, or rllason to belillve thllt there has been, eXCept as previously disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender In writing. lal IIny breach or violetlon of any Envifonmentlll laws, (bl any u8e, QeneratlOn, rnanuf8ctuf8, $1orage, tfeatment, atsp08.', re!elle or thrutenad reitlasa of eny HallrdoU! Subfta.nce on, undlr, about or from thll Property by any prior ownerll or occuponts of tho Property, or Icl ilIn'i actual or threatened litigation or clalma of any kind b\l any person relating to 8u~h matter,; and (3) Except lIS previously disclosed to and ac lmow1edgod b"!' Lender in writing, (al neither Grantor nor any tOMnt, contraotor, egent or other authOlized U8ar of the Property than use, gene rete, menulacture, sto,a, trast, dIspose of or ralauD an'i Huerdoul Substance on, under, about or from tho Property; and (bl 8ny such IIctivity ahall be conducted in complianca with all appOcabie federal, at8tll, end local laws, ragulations and ordlnsnces, Including without limitation all Environmental lew8. Grentor authorlzas lend"r and ita agents to enter upon the Property to make such inspections and tntl, ,e Grantor', .xpeme, as lender may deam appropriate to determine compllanoe of the Property with this section 0' the Dead 01 Trust. Any Inspections or tests made by Londer $had be lor Lender's purposes only and shaU not be constrl.lod to cr.sta any rllsponsibility 01 liilbiflty on the part of Lender to Grantor or 10 8ny other person. Tha representations and warrant!" contained herein are based on Grantor's due dllig.tnce in Investigating tho Property tor HazardolJS Substances. GrantOl hereby (H releases and waives any fUWre clllims aaainat Lander 101 indemnity or contribution in the event Grantor becomes Ueble for cleanup or other coata under Iny such lewa; end {21 agrees to Indamnlfy and hold harmleas Lender agalnst any and all claims. 10SI8I1. liabifit\ao, damaoe~, peoaldoG. and expensu which Lender mey directly or indirectly aUlteln or luffer resulting from a braach 01 this aaction of the Deed of Trust or as a coneaqueflce 01 any U~II, generation. m.<luh,~ture, storage, dlaponl, .elease or threstened release occurring prior to Grantor's ownership or interest in the Property, whether 01' not the same was or .shQuld have been known to Grentor. Tha proviaion.s 0' thia aaction of the Ooed of Trust, Including tM oblig ation to Indemnify. skall aurvlve the payment of the Indebtedness and the a .. tislaction Ind raConveYilncc of tha Uon of this Deed of Trust and shall not bo IIftecled by lcndel's ac.qulsltlon 01 any Intereat !n the Property, whathar by 10ftlclosurc or oth.erwlse. Loan No: 100018969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 3 Nuilllnc:a, Walta. Grantor shall not causo, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, parmit, or Buffer any stripping of or waste on or 10 the Pfoporty or any pOr1ion of tne Property. Without limiting the generality of th, foregoing, Grantor will not ramova, or grant to any other par1y the right to ramova, any timber, miner lis !Including au and g181. coal. clay. Bcorla, 80il, grllllal or rock products witho,!Jt Lender's prior written consent. Removal 01 Improvement •• ' Grantor shall not demolish or remov' any Improvements from 'the Real Property without lender's prior written consent. As a condition to the removal of any Improvements, Lendar may reoulre Grantor to make arrangements SatiS1~tory to lendar to replace such Improvemente with Improvements. of at least equal lIaluli. Lendar's Right to Enter, Lender and Lender's agents lind reprosentatwilis may enter upon thll Reel Property at ~I rBIIs6nabie times to ottend to Lender'$: interests and to il'lsp~ct the Real Propoity lor purposes of Orantor's ccmpUanc:o with the terms lind conditions of thia D&ed of Trust.' .. . GompHane. with Governmental ,Requlr4l~nt'. Grantor ah.II!! ,promptly comply, and shan promptly causo compllanco by aU agant.s, tManti or other pi~lonl or endUeS; of ewry nature whel#Oever who rant, laa'e or otharwise u.e or OCCUpy the PropertY In IIny in·anner. with all '~WI. 'ordinencn, arid reguladona. now or l1ereelter In effect, ot aU governmental autharltlas applloable to tho use ·or occupancy ot·ttie Property. Including without limitation, the Americans With DlaebUltjes Act.· Grantor mav contut In good faith any auotl hlW, ordinance. or regulation .... nd withhold cornpllanolt during any prGlleedlng. Including, appropriate appealli, so long as Grantor has notilled Lender in writing prior to doing so end .0 long liS, In Lender's sole opinion, Lend.,'s int.rests In the Proparty ere not jeopardl.led, landor may require Grsnto{ to post adequate sileutitv' 01' a surety bond. 'reasonably satfet6Ctory to lend or, to Plotllot lender's Intalest, . Duty to Prot.ci. Grantor agreell tl8l~r to ab8ndon Of lealle unattended the PropertY, Grantol ahall do allotMr acte, In addition to those act's a~ forth above In'thl •• ectlon, wt"IiCh trom the charecter and ute 01 the Propeity are reasonably noceusary to protect a~d preserli.! the Property. ConltrUctlon loon. If some or all of the procoOcta of the loan creating tho Indebtedness are to be used to construct or compiete oonatruotlon of any ImProvoments on the Property, th.lmprovomentl email be compj&ted no Illter thon the melurtty date of thl Note lor luch .arller dale aa Lender may reasonably establish) and G'antOl' shall pay In full all coati and expensel In connection with· the work. l$fId,r will dlsbwae loan proceed. undet such tlt!ms and condltiof\l a. Lendllr may deam rlJ'llsonably nlcanary to Insure that tha inara.t cr •• to<l by this Deed of Trust shaU have priority OVM Btl pohibJo lienl, including those of material auppliers and workman. Lander ·may requIre, emong othlt! thlnga, that'dJabllflemant roquoeta be euppot'tod by receipted bUt., expen.e effld8vitll, wa/var. of liens, construction progrllSl reports, end such other documontation aa Lendar may reMOnsbly raq~.I1:. . I DUE ON SALE • OON'SfNT BY !.ENDER. Lendar may, et lendel'l option, IAI· decla,. Imme4iaterv: dUI and payable ell sums secured by thl!l Deed of Trust or 10) Increase thlll Interest rate provided for In the Note or other document .vk!ellOlng the Indebtodn888 lind Impose such other conditions al l$ndw deems appropriate, upon the sala Or tranafer, without Leodar'a ptior written conNnt,. of an or any pM of the Reel Property, or any Inter .. t In the Re.aJ Property, A ..... or tl8ll5fer" meana the convllyanca 01 RII!III Proper1y or any right, titla or )nwrest In the Roal Property; whether legal, beneficial or equitable: whether voluntary or Involuntery; whether by outright saie,.deed, ~laUment sale contraCt, land contract, conttect for dud, 'elll.hoid Interest wfth a term greater than three f31 yea,.! leiu.e-opt!on contract, or by .. Ie, assignment, or transfsr of any betl6UDIalinterest in or to any land tr~t hCj!I~lng title t9 tha ,R.~,propeny; or by eny othar method of conveyance of an InterNt In the Real PropMty. It any Grantor Is a corp9retl~rr, f8Anershlp or Dmltad l1abOlty company, transfer alao Includes eny change in ownars:hip 01 mora than: twenty·flvi parqlint (2ij%) ol.the votjng atock., partnership Intorests or Mmited liability company Int6reste, AS the case ·may be; of sueh'Qrantor. Howev8f', thla option &haD not ba 6xerclsed by Lender if .uch exercl$e I, prohibited by federal taw or by·Washi~onJe'(ll. TAXES AND UENS. The fonowlng provllions relating to th6 ~axe$ atld naM on th.'pioperty 'are part of thIs Daod of Trust: ' , .! .. '. , Payment. Grantor ehaJl plly when due land In an Bventa prior to delInquency) aU tax.a; spepiatltaxQt, aS~8ament8, chargee {lnctudlng watllr arw:l aewerl, fines end Impoaltlons levied egalnst ,or on account of the' Property; and shalf pay when duo all claim. for work dOne on 01 for lIe1"vic .. ,enderad or matorJaI furnlehed to·the Property. Orantor shin mainttlin the Property free of all lien, having priority ovor or eqUilI to the Intere~ 01 lander Undllll thl.s Deed of Trust. except for tho lion of taxlIS and /!I$S8Umentl not doe and except a8 othorwlse provided In this Deed of Trust, Right to Cont .. t. Grantor may w/thnold paymant of.ny till<, a"e88ment,'or Illalm In ,co~nection with 0 good faith ditputa ovar tha obligation to pay, $0 long aa Lond8l'e Interest In the ProP.rty II root /eoparttlzed. If II lion arlaes or is filed sa a result of nonpayment, Ollllltor ahell wtthin fifteen (15) daya aftar ti\o:lIen arises' or, if ill ~in I.s flied, within fifteen (16] daya after Orantor ha, notice of the filing, lacure the dischillr911 of tha Ran, or If roquutod by \..&ntier, depoait with LaFldst cash or II sufficient corpo,ate surety bond or other sacurity IIItl$lac1:ory to Lllndar In lin amount lutticlant to dlacharga the lien plus any cOltl and attomevs' feea, or other. charges thllt could lIecru6 all a le~ult"of a, forecJoeur.e or aalo untler the litln, In IIny Mntcs" Grantor shlill delend ,!tuulf end Lander and Ihall satisfy any.marso Ju<:Jgtnent befOf8 enforcement against the Proparty. Grantor shaIJ·na."I'Ie' Lender as an additional obfIQee,under s~y,,~~.,ty.~JUmlShB~ In the oont$St proceedingt. ....- Evldonoe of Payment. Orantor ~haU upon demand furnish·to·lender eatillfaotory 6vldence of paymllnt of the t.I<O$ or aSlealmenlt! .nd sh.aJI lIulhorb:e the appropriate governmantlli official to deliver to landOI iii any time s written stlltllmant of the taxes and assoaaments agllinat the Property. Noticil of Conltructlon. Granto, shall llOtify lander at least lift8en (15) days bolore any work. is commenclld. any $9lVlces are furnished, or any matariala are supplied to the Property. If an'll mechanic'S lien, materialmen's lien, or other lien could be assllrted on account of the work, s~rvices, or materlal$ and thO cost exceeds '1,000.00. Grantor w~1I upon request of Lander furnIsh to Lendor advllnce assurances satisfllctory to Lender that Grantor can IInd.will pay the coat of such improvement~. PHQPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The tollow·lOg provillons filiating to Insuring the Proparty arc II part of this Oeed of Tl'\Ist. Maintenance of Inlurance. Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of fira insUflinca with standard 6xtandad coverage andoraementa on a replaGement baiLs for Ihe full insVfllbla value covonng aU Jmprovements on the Real Prl'lpeny in an amount lufficient to avoid application of any coinsurance clause, and with a alandllrd mongagee dauae in favcr of lender. Grantor shall also procure and maIntain comprehensive general Uability Insurance In auch covarOlla IImouma 88 Lcnda.r may requ.,at with TruIl:8a and lender beJnu named 8a additional Insureds in such lJablllty In.!lursnce polleies. Addlt1onalty, Grantor Ihall malntsln such othar IruunlOca, including but not limited to hillard, busineu Interruption, and boiler Insurance, as Lend.r may roasonably require. Policies shall be wrlttan in form, amount5, cOllarages lind basis leasonably sccoptabla to lender ond ;lisu8l'1. by a company or companlas raasonably acceptable to lender. Granter, upon request of Lender, will doliver to Lender from time to tim!! thll pollclf;ls or cenificates of insurance in form s.atisfectory to Lender, including stipulations that coverages will not be loan No: 100018969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 4 ~lIncelied or diminiShed without at least tlln (10) dllYs prior written !'lOtica to Lander. Each Insuranca policy also shall Include an endorsement providing that coverage in levor of lender will not ba impBiled in eny wily by any eet, omission or deillult of Grantor or any othar pe.son. Should the Real Property be located In on area dasignatud by the Director of the Federal Emergency Managemant AgencY 89 a spacial flood hazard area, Grantor -tlj"I$ to obtain and mllintain Federal Flood Insulllnce, if available. within 45 day, sflllr nolica is given by Lendal thot tM Property ia IOCll1ed in a spacial flood hazard area, lor the lull unpaid prir'lclpal batance of the loan and any prior Jjllrno on the proparty securing the 10al1. UI) to the maximum policy limits 88t under tho Nt.tionllt Flood Insuulnc8 Progrsm, or as otherwige requlr8'1 by lender, 61ld to meintein such InsuranCe for the term of the loan. Application of PrDcaads. Grantor ihall promptly notify Ler"lder of any loss or damage to the Proptlrty if the estimated coat of repair orleplacement exceeds $1.,000.00. lender may milk. prOOf 01 loss i1 GrentOl tails to do so within fiftaen (15) days 01 the casualty. Whathcr or not Lender's security Is imp61i"ed, Lancer rr~'(, ~t Lender's election, receive lind retllin the proceads of any insurance and apply the procleds to tho reduction 01 the IndebtBdness. payment of eny lien aUectlng the Property, or th8 rBstoration and repair at the Property, If Lender elects to apply the proceeds to restoration and repllir, Grantor shall repair or reptilo*, the damaged or destroyed Improvements in 11 manner satisfactory to lender. Lendsr shell, upon satllifactory proof of such expenditute, pay or reimburse Grantor from the proceeds tor the reesonable cost of repair or restoration if Glanto, Is not In default under this Deed of Trust. Any proceeds which have not belln disburSed within 180 da~ after their receipt and which lender has not committed to U1e lepelr or restoration of the Property IIIhall be uled firsf to pey any amoullt owing to Lond.r under this Oeed ot Trun, then 10 pay IIccrulld intereM. end the remllinder, if any, IOhall ba IIpplied to the principal balance 01 tnll Indebtednen If Lender holds ,"ny pfl)(:lIeds aher payment In full 01 the Indebtodneu, such proceeds shall be paid without Inttlra.t to arMtor AS Grantor's IntereSts may applIlI" Grantor's Rllport on Insuranoa. Upon reque!1 of Lender, however not more than once II year, Grantor shail furnllih to Londer III leport (In each existing policy of Inllluriloce showinO: (1) the name of the 11\5\1rer; (2) the risks insured; (3) the amount of the policy; (4) the property Insurad, tho thIn current repilloament value 01 such propsrty, and the manner of determInIng thet value; lind (5) the expiration date ot the policy. Grantor shaU, upon requlIst of lender, heve an Independam ap[)f"illnr IiItisfactory to lender determil'lfl tho cash value replacement cost of the Prope,ly. LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If IIny action or proceeding is commenced thet would materlatly alfoct Lenoer's interttSt In thl Property or Ii Grantor 'lilla to comply with any provision of this Deed of Tf\I$t or any Aeilltild Oocumems, including blJt not Umlted to Grantor'S fallura to discharge 01 pay when dua ilny amounts Grantor Is required to discharge or pay untkor this Deed of Trullit or Ilny Related Documents, Lender on Grantor'a behalf may (but ,haD not be obllgeted tet ute any action that lender deems eppropriete, including but not limited to diacharging or paying aO taxea, liens, .ecurity Interem, ancumbrances and other clalma, lit any time levied or placed on the Property and paying all costa for inauring,- maintelning and preserving the Property. AU luch expenditures Incurred or ~ by Lend., fO( such purpo.at will then bear interast el the rate charged under the Note from the date incurll8d or paid by Lendar to tha da'e of rllpayment by O"ntol. All such expenaltS will become a psrt of thl II\debtedM5S and, at Lander'!> option, will (A) be payable on demand; (B) be added to the blijaRCe of tM Note end be apportioned among and be payable with Iny installmant paymeou to become due during either III the tarm 01 any eppllcable Inaurance poUey; or (2) tha r.mllinino term of the Notll; or Ie) be treetcc! 81 a baUootl payment which wlll be due and pllyllble at the Note'l maturity. Th. Dead 01 TrUlt al$o will lecure payment of these IImIXlrns, 5vch right .hall be In addition to all other oghts and remadies to which lender mey ba entitled upon Delault. WARRANTY; DEFBISE OF TInE. The following provisions rellting to ownership of the Property are .. part of this Deed of Trult: Title. Grantor wauanta t:het: (al Grantor holds good and merketable tiUe of record to the Properly in fee ,imple, fre. and clear of all lisne and encumbrances other than thoae aat forth In tl\e Rael Property descriptlon or In any tide !nsoronoe policy, title raport, or final title opinion issued In favor of, and eccepted by. Lendar in connection with this Dud of Trust, and (b) Grantor has the full right, IXIwer. and authority to e)Wcute and tkollver this Deed of Trust to Lendel. Dttenle of Tit~. Subject to the excaptlon in the peregraph ebol(8, Grantor warrants Bnd will torever defend the title to tho Property ilga1nat the IlIIwful olaima of all pellONi. In the event any action or prooeeding is commencad that questions Grantor'a title or the Interest 01 Tn~tee or Lende, under this Deed of Trust, Grantor .hall defend the &etlan et Grantol'. e)(penae. Grantor mlllY be the nomlmd party In ,uch proceeding, but lender ahall be entitled to partlclpllte In the proooel1lng and to ba repret:ented in the proceeding by counsel of lender's own choIce, and Grentor will delNar, or cause to be da6vlllfed, to l&l\der such Instruments as Lender may roquest from time to time to permit such j)lIrtloipelion, CortipUance WIth Lew., Grantor warrants that the Property and Orantor's 1I$1) of lhe Property compt;ea with aU existing appllc,ble Iowa, (lrdinancea, and regulations 01 governmental authorltl88. Survival of Rlpreaantations and WIIITantin. All representations, warrantl,., and agrllements mada by Grantor In thllt Deed 01 Trust shall aUlvive the execution and delivery 01 this Deed of Trust. shall be COntinuing in netura, and shuU remein In full10r06 and effect unt1l .uch time as Borrower'lIIindabtadnels shalt be paid in full. CONDEMNATION. The lollowing provielornl telatingl0 condamnlltion proceedings era e pelt of thlii Deed of Trust: PrDcecdings. If any ploceedlng In condemnation Is flied, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in Writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such &tepa .s mlly be necessary to deflnd th'" action lind obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal partY In such proceeding, but lender shall be entitled to participate in lhe prOCeeding end to be represented In the proceeding by counsel of its owrl choice ell at Orlintor'lII expense, and Grentor will deliver or cause to be delivered to leodar such Instruments and documentation es may be reQuasted by Lendar tram time to time to permit such participation. Application of Net Proc.eeds. If 11111 Dr any part of the Prcperty i9 condemned by eminent domain proceedings 01 by eny proceeding or p~chaee In lieu of condemnetion, Lender muy itt It III lSiectlon require that all or any portion ot the net proceods of the IIwatd be applied to the Indebtedne .. or the lepair or renor.tion of the Property. Tha nl1 proceeds of tho sward shall mean the ewerd efter payment of ell rOllsonable COlOla, axpanses, and attornBVs' fecs Incurred by Trustee or lender in conMction with the condemnation. IMPOSrnON OF TAXES, FEES AND CtlARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provislon9 rolating to oOVOlnmGntllltaxes, felllll lind chsrges lire a Pillt 01 \hh. Deed of Trust: Current Taxes, Faas and Charges, Upon request by Lender, Grant(lr shall execute such docurnanta in sdditlon to this Deed of Tru$t and take whatevtlr other Ilctlon Is requ'itsted by I.ender to parfect and continue lendor'li lien on the Real Property. Grantor shaD relmbuf5l,J Lender for ell taX6S. alii described below, together with all expeneelll incurred in recording, porfecting or continuing this Deed of Trust, including without [(mitatlon all teKes, fees, documlntary stllmpS, and other oharges ier recording or registerln~ this Doed of Trust. Tue9. The following shall constitute taxes [0 which this scotian applies: (11 a lllpecific taK upon thl$ type of ,J LOBn No: 100018969 DEED DF TRUST (Continued) ~UU~U~160UT~ Page 5 Deed of Trus1 or upon all or any part of 1110 Indebtedness secured by this Daed 01 Trust; i2) a specific tax on Borrower wl1ich Borrower is euthorized or required to deduct from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Oelld of Trust;' (31 III tax on thla typtl 01 Deed of Trust chargeable agalnat the lender or tN! holder of tha Note; and (41 a Ipeciflc tllX on .11 or any ponlon 01 the Indebtedneaa or on p3ymen18 01 princIpal lind Intllrllll made by BorrOWllr, '.~ Subsequent Taxe., If !tny tail to which this seotion spplJu is o!naCtad lub.aquont to the datil of this Deed of TrWlt, this IIven1 st'!all ha .... tno aama erftect flS D.fault, and Lendor may o)(6rolae any Of alt of its IIvailabi. remad'188 for Default aa provided ~Iow unlallS Grantor elthll': (1 f pS)'8 the tax bafora It ~comes deliliquont, or (21 contests the tax as provided abova In the Taxel and;Uens',ilctlon'and deposits with Lender cosh or ,'sullicient corporate surety Ii,ond or other.securlty Satbfactory to':Lender,' SECURITY AGREEMENT; FI~ClNO"ST~TEMENTS" The foilowing ~~ovlslon' relating to this Deed Df Trust as a security agreement are a part of thil Deed of Trus):: , Security Agreement. , This Instrumant shill' constituto' a SecUrity' Agroamant to thtl aldant Clny o'f thlt Property constitutea fixtures, ,Ad Lender shan haw 1111 of the rights of e-seourad psrty under the Uniform'Commerclll1 Coda as amandad 1rom tlma' to time, " " Security Int.rost, Upon requa,t by Lender, Grllnter shlD take whatllVilr, action Is requestlld by Lender to parfect and continue Lender's security Intllrest in the Rents 'arid Pareonal Property, In edditlon to (acarding thls Dud of Trult in the real proP41rty records, Lander may, 81 41'1y tiJ!N' ,af\d'v.:ithout further authol'llaUon from Gr~.ntor, fiI. executed counterparts, cople., or repraductlonl of 1tjls D~d; pf T!'Utt ~'a financing statemant", Ora!1tor lhall reImburse Lander lor allaxpenaes Inqurred In,p8lfecting or condnulng this aecurltv Interest, Upon dafault.. Granlor lhall not remow, "ver or, detach the,PerBonal PnjP"rff from ~e_ Pi1)palty, Upon default,. Grantor :ahall easatnble any PerSonal Proparty not alfhcad to the .Property In II mannor ~md .( a place reaaooebly eOrn/ani.nt to Grantor and Lendor and mako It avallabl8 10 Lander withbI three '(3) diy. 'atter 'receipt of written demand from lendf:!', to the extent permitted by applicable law, ' Addrusea, The mailing addIeues of Grantor idabtorJ and lendar (secured partV) from whlch information conccrning the a.curlty InWe't granted by this Dead of Trust m.y be obtained (each es roqulred by tho Uniform CommerCial Coda) are 118 Stilted on the firlli p .. ge of this Dead of Trust. FURTHER ASSURANCES; AnORNEY·IN.fACT,. Tl1a folkJwlng p,rpvls,?"s 'relati~g, to further assurancel lind attorney·in·faot are a part of this Dead of Truat: i Furth., AllllurWlcea, At any tlma, and from ~me to lime, upon requaai of Lendor; Grentor wlll mab, exocuta and dallver, or will cause to be made, executed or deUvercd, to ltihder or W Len\1Or'. dualgnee, and when raque:sted by Lander, causa to be filed, r.corded, raflled, or rGl'ooorded, &8 me oase mey be, at luch tlmQ$ and In &uc:h of80es and places 8S Londer may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgagas, daada of bust, security d •• d., .ecurlty agreements, financing stlnement., continuation' 8tatcmem., instrumenu' :Cif further assurance, certtflcataa, and other documontaas may, in the .0J. opinion of Lendor. be n.casaeiy or de$!rable In order to affectuate, comp'eta, porfoct, oontlnue, or prolelve 111 Borrower's end Orentor'a obligations 'under the Nota, this Deed of Trust, and the Rclated Document-l, end 121 tha lIena ~ eacurlty IntMeata cr'eated ,by thia~o.ad of Trust u tim and prior liens on the Property, whetMr 1"10"'" owned Of har~aftor acquirad by ,GrantOr, Unlus prohibited by law Of Lender -eree& to ma conbary In wrltino, Grantor al\8jl reimbl.ne L.nder fat' an COlts and iIxpe,.ae Incurred in CMnetltion whh die matters refarrad to in thb per.graph,; :, " , Attome~c:t. If Grantor falla to do any of: the thlnQe raferted tO,in tn. ~eced~g,paragr.ph, Lende, may do &0 lor and In the name of Gre.ntor and at G,anto~'$ eXpal'l8e, For auoh,llurpoa~s, G,m:rtc?t heret;y irrevocably appoints lender as Grantor's attorney-ln·fact for the purpole of making, eKtoutlng. d,nvering, flUng, reoordlng, tlnd doing all othaf things as may be neoasaary or desirable, In Lande,'s lola opinion, to accompUth the "mattel. referred to In the p.teo&dlng poragrllph, : ":: ' ". .' RJU PERFORMANCE, If Borrower paye all the Indebtedness when due, and '-'orherwiae performs an tho obligations Imposed upon Grentor ,under thl. Dead of Trust, Lender shaD ,execute and ,~~liver to Trustee e requ.st for fun reconveyance end shall axacute and dellvar to Grantor soItabie Itatcrrnmta of tlrmlnatJo,n of lillY flnancing statement on ,lIle evidencing Lander's security Intarlllt In the Rents and dlo Personal Property, 'Any reconveyance f •• sND bl paid by Granter, If permitted by appllcabla law, The grantee In any reconvayanoa may 0:0 described as ~e ~person or parsons legally entitled thereto·, iUld the reclt~a In the reconveyance ot any mattll'rs 0I':'~18 ~hall be COOCIUiIvo proof 0' 1he truthfulnels of any such metter!l Of facta. ",'I DEFAULT. Default will occur if plI>yment In fu~ II not made immediately when du~; RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT, It Default occur. under this Dead of Trust, at any time theroatter. Trustee or lendar may axerc) •• anyone or more of the following rights and remedlas: Electlon 01 Ramadle •• Election by lander to pw.ua any remedy &hall not exclude pursuit 01 eny other remedy, and an 'election'"to malaJ ,expendilUJe3 Qr to, tllko -action to perform an obligation ot Grantor UIlder thh. [)oed of Trullt, atter Grantor's failure to perform, !$hllll, not atlect Lender" dgnt to declare'a defeUh: and exorclse'h,1 remadia., ACCCl' .. rste:lndebtectn~;: Lend~ shall have the riOh~' at Ita 'oPtIOn to'declare the entire Indebtednass Immedilltely due lind payablu~ Including 'lIo'y prepeyment penalty which Borrower would be requIred to pay, . Fotec!oaUfe, With r~speQt to all or any p.rt 01 ttle Relll Propert.,., the 'l'rustea shall ha ... e the right to exercise its power 01 sale and to foraciose bV nOlice end ,ala, end lender Ihall have the right to forecloso by judicial fore'closure, in eithar cue In accordance with and to tho full extent provided by applicebla Iilw, UCC Ramed\e" With respect to all or IIny part of the Personal Proplrty, Lender shall hove all the rights and remedial of a ,acured party under ,the Uniform Commercial Code, Collect Rentl, l.ender shelt, have tho right, without notice to Borrowar 01 Grantor to take poasaaalon of and ,manllge,t~a ~~C!perty Bnd col!.ct:tha Rena, lnaludlng amounts past dua and unpaid, lind ,apply Iha net proceeds, over and soeva Lender'a coats, against the Indebtedneas. In furtherance of this right, Lendar mey require any tenant or othaf user of the Property to make peymenta ot rel'lt 01 use fees directly to Lender. If the Renta are oo/Iacted by Lender, then Grantor Irrevocably da&llInateB Lander as Grantor's attorney-in·fact to endorsa in.truman!, recelvod in paymant !hareof In the name 01 Grantor and to negotiate the same and collect the proceeds. Payments by tanant .. or other u.ers to lender In response to Lend!:r', demand shall &atisly the oblloatlons for which the payments lire made, whethel or not any proper grounds tor the demand existed. Lander may _>esrcIIOf It. rlghtll undor thIs aubparograph 81the, In per$ol'l, by IIlJent, OJ throuQh • recelvar, Appoint Racalver, Lender shall have tha right to hava a rflcaivar appointed to take pOlsftlslon of all or any part of the Property, with the power to prctect and preeeNe the Property, to Opofata the Property, preceding or pendinQ foreclosure Or sale, 8nd to coliect the Rel'll& from tha Property and apply tha proceeds, ovef and above tha cost of the recelvorship, against the Indebtedneu, The receiver may 6arve without bond If permitted by law, lender's loan No: 100018969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 6 right to th~ appointment of a receiver 6hall exist whether or not the appurent value of the Prop(lrty exceeda the Indebtednl:l&& by a substantial amount. Employment bV Lander shijl1 not disqualify II. penson from serving u 0. receiver, Tenllncy 01 Sufforance. , If Gfantor remains in ponoc~sion of the Property after the Property is sold IIs·provlded above or Lender otherWise beCOMes entitled to p06session of the Property upon default of Grarrtor, Grantor shell become a lenent at sufferanco allender or the purchaser of the Property and shall, at Lender's option. enhar l1! pay a reasonable rentel for 1ho U$e of the Property. Of 12) vacate the Property immediately upon the demand of Londer. Other Remedies. Trustee or Londllr shall have any other right or remedy provided in Ihis Deed of Trust or the Note or by law. Notice of Sale. Lendsr shall give Grantor fusonable nOlice of tho time /lind placo of any public sale of th~ P~rsonal Property 01 <It the tim .. after which any priVClte sale or other intllnded disposition at the Per80na! Property hi 10 be m8de. ~8$On8ble notice shall mean notiCe given elleas, ten (10) days beforu the time 01 the sale or disposilion, AflY sale of the Personal ProperlY may be made in conjunction with any nle 01 the Aelll Property. Sal. of the Property. To the extent permined by 4Pplicable law, Borrower and Grantor hereby waives sny snd all riohts 10 have the Property marshalled. In exerciSing ils righls and remedies, the Tlustee or Lendar shall be free to sell all or any part of Ihe Property together or separatelv. In one sale or by separate 601es. Lendel &hall be entitled to bid at any public sale on i),1! or IInV portion of the Property. Attomeys' Foes; Expenses. II lender Instltules ~ny suit or lIetion to enforce arlY of the terms ~f thia De(ld 01 Trust, Lender ehaU be entitled to recover such sum as the court may adjudge rellsonable liS .ttorneys' fees at trial and upon any appeal. Whether or not any courl action Is Invotv.d, end 10 the exterrt not prohibited bV taw, all reasonable expenaea Lender incur. that in Lander's opinion are nece.llalY at any time for the protection of itG interest or the enforcemenl of its righn shall become II part of the Indebtednllas payable on demand and shall beilr interest al tho Note rale from the date 01 the fJlIP8ndlture until rllpald. EICp8I'IS8S GOvared by tilIG paragrapk irdude, without limitation, howover slJbject to any limits under appliGabie law. Londor's iI'ttorney.' fees and lender's legel el(pef'lSes, whether or not theta is a laWSuit, includIng .ttorneya' lees and expens68 for bankluptcv proceedings (lncluUng efforts 10 modify or vecato any 8ulomstic Itay or injunctlonl, oppeahi, and any antk:ipeted post'Judgment collection servicos, tho cost of saarchlng r~cords, obtelnlng lillo reporu lincluding foreclosuro reports), surveyors' roports, and approisat tees, tille lostJIatlCe, and toe. for the Trust84!o, to tho extent permittlld by applicable law. GraMor IIlso will pay any ODurt coste, in addition to ell other sums prQvlded by law. Rights of Tru.t. •. Trustee shall have aU of tha rights and dutie' at lander a8 aot forth In thl,. aection. POWERS ANO OBUGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The following provisions relating to the powers lind obliglltlQn$ 01 Trust.e lpursuant to lender's instructlonsl ere part of this D .. d of Trust: Power. of fru.wo. In addition to all powel'4 of Trust(le eriaing as. • matter of law, Trustee shall have the power to take the follOwing actions with respect to the Prop11HtV upon the wrttten requellt of Lendor and Orentor: (a) join in preparing and filing a map or plat 01 the Real Property, Including thll dedication of s"eeta or OlMr rights to the public; (b) join in granting any easement or creating any reatJk:tion on the Real Property; and lei join in tloy lubordinstion or other agreement affeCllng thi$ Oeed of Trust or the intefast of Lender under this Deed of Trust. ObDgatlonl to Notify. Trustee ahall not be obligated to notify any other party of a panding sale under any other Ifu,t doed or lien, or 01 any lotion or proceeong il'l which Grantor, Lender, or Trustee .hall be a pany, UNass r8(lulrod bV applicable law, or lIf'IIess the action or proceeding is brought by Trustee. Trustee. TruSlea ahall meet all qualifications requited for Trustee under applicable Isw. In addition to the rights and ramedles aat forth above, wilh respect: to all or IIny part of the Property, the Trustea ehall huvo the right to tore<:loaa by notice lind sale, and Lender .shall hava the right to foreclon by judicial foreclosure, In allker clI.e in IlCcordance with and to the f\.lll erunt provided by appl\ceble law. Succ .. ~r TrudH. Lender, at lender', option, may tram time 10 lime IIppolnt a SUOODSlor Trustealo aoy Trustee appointed under this Oeed of TrU$1 by an InltrlJfl\&(\t executod and acknowledged by Lender and recorded In the offiCII of th8 recorder of KING Courny, Stat. of Washington. The Inalrument shall contain. In addition 10 ell other mattera raqulred by 'tl1a law, the names of the origfnat wnder, TrU5tee, and Grantor, th& book end page 01 Uta Auditor's Ale Number where this Deed of Tr\t5t hi record.d, and the name and addre.s of the .\.Iocusar tru.stoe, and the instrument Shall be ax.ecuted and acknowledged by lender or 11s sucoelSors in interest. The aUOC888or uustee, without convov,"ce of the Property, shall succeed to aU till title, power, and dut~ confen(ld upon the Tr\.lstee in thi$ Deed of Trust and b'l applicable law. Thi. procedure for substitution 01 Trustee shall govern 10 the exclusion of aU other provls}ons tor substitution. NOTICES. Subject to applicable law, and axcept tor notice required Of allowed by law to be given in another meMer, any notice required to bll givan untler thia Deed of Trust, Including without limitation .ny notice of default snd any notice of sale sh~1I be given in writing, and ahalt be effective when actually de1iverod, whon actuaUy roceived by tel.'acsimile lUfiles .. otherwise required by law), when depoalted with a nationally recognized ovemlght cour/Gl. or, it mailed, when deposited In the Unitld States mall, 8a I/tat olass, certified or registered mall postage prepaid, dlrectad to the addro,slt. shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trusl. All coplas of notiC(lS at foreclO$ur. from the holdor of an .... lien which has priority over this Deed of T,ust Ihall be aent to Lender'a addro .. , liS shown naar the beginning of this Deed of Trust. Any party may ohanga III addre&s for notice. under this Deed of Trust by giving formsl written notice to Ihe other parties, speCifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the part .... 's address.. For notice purposes, Grantor agreas to keep lender Inlormed at all times 01 Granlor'. cutrent address. Subject to appDc.bI. i.w, and except for notice required or allowod by law to be givon in anothar manner, If there 1$ mars than one Grantor, any notice given bY Lender to env Grantor is dl6med to ba notice given to all Grantors. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Tne 1ol)owlnli1 miscellaneous provisions are a part 011hls Deed at TJusl: Amendmente. This Deed of Trust, logether with any Related Documents, constitutes the entire understanding snd agroement of the pa,tlas aa to the matter, set forth in Ihi! Deed of Trl.lsl, No alteration of or emendmenl to thla Deed of Trust ,hell be a1feclive unloss given in writing and signed by ths party OJ parties souQht to ba chargad or bound by the alteration or emendment. . Annual Roports. If the Property i! used for purposes orner than Gr",ntur's residence, Grantor shall fumleh to Lender, upon request. e certified etatomenl of net OlMlrllting incomll received from the Property during Granlor'a previous Iiscel year In such lorm and detail as Lender Shsll require. "Not operating income-aMIl meen aU cash receipl& from the Property lesa all Cash expenditures made In ~onnection with the operation of tho PropertY. C",ption He.dings. Caption hoadlngs in thi, Deed of Trusl are for convenlenc_ purposes only and ar(l nOI to be used to Inter prot or define Ihe pro~slon9 of this Deed of Trust. Merger. Thor. ahall be no merg.r of ths internt 01 astllte croated bv this Deed of Trust with SN{ other intelest or I loan No: 100016969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ~-2005OZT6UU 1638.00 J Page 7 estete in the Property at any time held by or for the benefit of Lender In CIny capacity, without the wrrtt.n con.ent ot lender, . Governing law. Thl, Doed Qf T.u.t will be governed by federal law appllcllhle to lender end. to the extent not preempted by foderal lew, tho law. of tho State 01 WII'h!r!{lton w;!tftout regard ro it, confllets-91lilw' provlalons. Thl, Doed of Tru,1 hal bun eccepted by Lend.r In tho Stale of· Washlng1on; Choice of Venue. It there is a lawsuit. Orantor agrees upon Lende,:. requell to submit 10 the jurisdiction of the courts of KING County, Stala 01 washington. Jomt and Severel UabiUty. All obligations of Borrower and Grantor .under this Deed of TrUilt 'hall no Joint and IIl1wral, and all reterencee to Or.llntor ah.llil mean each and eve;y Grentor,. and ell. references to' Borrower, shall mean each and livery Bonower, This means that each :Borrower' I!I.nd Grantor: signing. below is ra.aponSlble tor' aU obligation. in this Deed 01 Trust. ~cre any;·.one ~~ 'm~re o'f the';'partfas Is .a corporation, pa!1ner.t1ip, IImltod liability CQmp8ny Of similar entity, It I, not necessary, for LP.ndo,_ to m'lvire into the powei.a of any of ltH1 officers, dlroctola, partnars, members, or olhet'Bgents acting or purpoltlpo to ~ct 1m the entity's beholf, and any. obligations made or created in refaanca upon the.profe~sed.txercisa·d.' such 'po'wers shalr be guaronteed uod., this Deod of Trusl. -.' No W.lver .by lend." londer ihDII nOI ba.deamed t~:have wlli";~d,any right&: under this DoDd 01 Trus, UNoSl such waiver is gl\len In writing and .igned by :len~, No delay or omlailD.~ on :t~ part 0' .Lendo, in 6JI.alclal~g any right shall oporate .a.8 a waiver of 8UGh right cir ,a'iv pthar rig. h. I'i·"'. ~aJ:.iIl\f.b.Y L'. ndor o.t a PIOVI$.;.on of tJ:!is Deed of Trust Shall not pre,udica 01 constitute a walv,r I,lf Londt,r'a ht; oth,&rwl •• ·to· dem.nd' strict txlmpll..nce with th" provision or any other provfslon of thia ~~ ,~f Trull.. p.r(bi.".~ilver by ·Lender, nor any couru~ of dea!lna between lander .nd Grantor, shall constltu,&o'e.,¥'alver .cit· ~'ny'~'1;Le~tr'~ .. rlghts. or of any: 01 ,Grafltor's ~c:'bllQatlqns as to eny future tremllcUons. \Nhenever the conaan~ of LWar Is!ragUlrpd'under tl\la DMd (It Trust, tho lJI"antJng of .uch con,ent by Lander In any lnatance shall Mt CONti~Ute. ~I~ .coOient to: 8ubiequent' InstanCes where 8uch eOn5el"lt is required and in sll Ca&9S suoh consant may be granted' or withheld in the iol8 discretJon of lender, Severability. If s COUJI of competent Jutiadkltion linds any provision of thll; Deed of Trust to ba Illegal, invalid, or unenforceeble u to any perlon or clrcum8tenco, that finding shall not maka the off.nding provl,lon lIIegaJ, Invalid, or unenforceable 118 to an'll other person or circumstance. If feasible, the o"onding provision shall be con.lderod modifiad.o that ".bacomn lilgal~ vaJld and entorceabkl. If the offend{ng provISion cannot be 80 molflfled, it shall ba oonuldered 'deleted from this Deed of Trust,. Unl8lilli oth8rwiiia ·.require'd .by. 11I.J.t, .the iIIegalltv, InV1lllldlty. 'or lUlenforceabiltty of AnY proviaion 01 this Oaed 01 Trust ahaU not Iffa'ct tho IIIgallty} v&!1ditY or enfatcsabilitY;of any otrnir provialon of this Deed of Trust. . .... . . . ' .... SUCCNlot8 and A .. igID, Subjact to eny ;lmltatlol"ls stated in thI. Doed of Ti~'l on transfer of G~antor;s itltere.t. this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and Inura to tho benefit at the partias. their eucca.or. and iII.lgns. If ownership ot 'he Property becomes voate<:! in a por.on other th.n Gniiri:tor,'. Landar,. without notfoe to Grantor, may deal with GUmtor', 'lJCCeqOfl with refelence to thla Dead of Trust arid the Indebtedness bV way of forbearanca or extension without releasing Clrantor from the obligations of this Deed qt:Truat ·or liability under the Indebtednen, , TImals of dlit Ellenee. Time 18 of tho esaenco In the parformance of this Deed of Tru.t. waiver of HomHtlNld Exsmpdon, Gu~ntor hereby ralo ..... nd wi~ ~A·rlghta,and benefits of the hornesta.d b)(Cmption laws ot tile State of Wa.hln~n a8 to ollindebtfldneas a~-¥rd; ~~fh.Is.~..:a of. Tru&t,., . DEfINITIONS. Th8 foUowlng c8pitatlled WOlds .lind terms sheIl have the fOlip~I~\maa'1InQ~ whe;n uSed In 1II)s Deed of Trust, Unleas speCifically dated to tile co~trary, aU references to doller ilm~un4!.hllll .me;an amounta .In lawfUl monay ot the Unltad Sta1as of Amarica. Words and terms used in the singular :.hall lriclbde tha Plural, ahd'the plural shall include the .I~. as the context may raquJ"" Words and terms nofo~erwllii dafined In thl, Oeed of Trust shan have the meanings attrlbutad to such tarms In tha Uniform Commercial Code·: , ' a.neru:lary. The word "Benefiolary" mean, CHARTER BANK, and its 8+ceSS~' and .s$ignl, Borrower, The word "Bot'lower" mellnll HILLCREST 'SQUARE L.LC: and 1rioludes all co-signer. lind co-makers .igning tho Note. ' Dead 01 Tru.t, The word.s "Deed ot Trust" malin this Deed of Trus1 IImong Gra.ntor •. Lel"ldel', and Tructea, and includes without limitation all 888lgnmont lind security Intere., provisions rolatlng to the Per80nal PrOperty and Rants. . . .. '. Oefault. The word "Detault~ mean& tho Defautt 8et forth in this Daad ol~Trust}n tho section titled ·~Daleult·. Environmental Laws. Tha warda "Environmental Lsws" mean any and aJ! state, fed8ta/ and local statutel, regulations and ordInances relating to the protection of humen health or the environment, including without IImltetiol\ the Comprehenslva Environmental Response, Compllnaatlon. and Uability Act of 1980, all emended, 42 U.S.C. S~tIon 9601,.el seq. ,"CERCLA"l. the Superlund Amendments and Aoauthorlzatlon Act ot 1986, PUb. l. No, 99·499 ("SARA"). the Huardoul Materlab. TranspOr&lllooAct. 49 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq .. the Resource Conse.fvatlon·and,Recol/ery.Act,.42 U.S.C. Section 6901, 81 8eq .. or other appllciabls 8t.lltt: or. feC.fallaw~. I"\Ile ... Dr ;e~lWOns .,idoPlid pUrsyant thereto:· " . , Granl~r_ The wo,d "Grllnto~~ means HILLCREST SaUARE L.LC. and GEORGE H. BALES. Hazatdous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materiels thllt, becCiuse of their quantity. concentration or physical, Chamlee! or Intectlolls characteristic., may oause or POS8 0 present or potential hazard to human heillth or the anvirorvneflt when Improperly used, treatad, s'ored, disp05ed 01, genarated, manufactured, transported or otherwlso handled. The words -Hszvdous Sub5tancos~ are.wcd in their very broadest sense enel include without limitallon any and all hazerdoua or tOl(lc substances, mat&rl.15 or waste a8 dsflnad by or listed under the Environmental Law •. Th .. t .. rm ·H,u~dol.li Subatanc .. &" also Includes. without ~mitation, petfOlaum lind petroleum by-products or any fraction thcreot and asbestos. Improvements. The word "Improvements" means all oxlstlng and future impfovementt, bujldlngs. slrUCluroa, . mobile home, ,W)(ed on tho Aeal Property, facilities, addition., raplecllments ana other cOnstruction on the Real Property. IndabtHn.ess. The word -Indabtodness" maens eU ptincipal, interest, lind other amounta, coata and o)(pense,' payable under the Note or Reletad Documents, ,ogether with ell ranewals 01, extensions of, modifications of. consolida110ns 01 end aUbatitutlons for the Note or Related Document!; and any amount. expended or advancad by Lender to discharge Gr.ntor's obligations or expenses Incurrad by Trustee or lander 10 entorce Orantor's obligations under this Deed 01 Tru$t, together wit" int&rut on such amounts 6a provided In this Daad ol.Trust, lendor. Tha word "Lalldar" maans CHARTER BANK, Ita 6ucceS!Jot6 end tlMign,. Note, The word "Note" mUII09 the promissory note dated February 11, 20015, In the original principal amount of $3.175,000.00 tram Borrowar to lender, together with ell renewals of, 6xten!Jiol"lS 01, Loan No: 100019969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page B modifications 01, rafinilncings of, consolidations of, and &ub:ltitulions lor the plomissory note or agreoment. NOTICE TO GRANTOR: THE NOTE cONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. PI!lr5onal Property. The words ·Per,onal Propl!lrty" mean eU eQuipment, filrture5, ,nd other erticles of personal property now or 11IHilafter owned by Grantor. end now or hereafter atteched or aftlxed to the Rosl'Propertyi tOQ8ther with all accessions, perts, ilnd additions to, aU rephu::ements of, end all substitutlons for, any of such prop~rty; Dnd together with all isaues end profits thereon and procoilds {including without limitation .!IO Insurance proceeds and refunds of premiums) from any sale or other disposition of the Property. Property. lh6 word "Prop~rty" mOllns collectively tho Real Property and Ule Perlonal Property. Real Property. The words "Real PrQPorty" mSoin thlt 111111 property, Interests and rights, as further described in this Deed of Trust. Related Documents. Ina words 'Related Documents' mean all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan agreements, environmental agreamants, guaranties, security agreements, mortgeges, deeds of trust, security deeds, collaterjjl mortgages, and all Qlher instruments, agreements and document!>, whether now or hereafter existing, 8)(ecuted In connoction with the Indebtedness. Rent.. The word "Renu" means all present and futuro rents, revenues, income, issues, roy;)ltios, profits, and other banelits derived 'rom the Property. Trull1ea. The word "Trustee" meana CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. whose mailing addrf'l" II; 25668 104TH AVE SE, KENT, WA 98031 and any substitute or succeasor lruatces. EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWlEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND EACH GRAMTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR: LIMITED LIABILiTY COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE 9' (AlaS h i n,~ j(/(IJ COUNTY 0' "ir~r'---';.),@'I-___ --'-_ ) .S On lOl' 1/ dev of E( b r fJ Cl y~ ,20 a5'" , bof(lre me, tile underllaned Notary Public, P8r~na)ly apPfered GEORGE H. BAlES. Manar a. HIL1.CREST ~L.L.C., and personally known to me or pi"lIved to me Or'! the beals 01 satisfactory S'vidence to be e of lhe Umited liability oompany lhat S'xecutod the Deed Of Trusl end acknowledged the Deed of Trust to be the frca end volum,,'Y .ct and deed of the limited Ilab\UW cQmpany, by authority 01 5tntute, Its articles of Olgilnl;t"tion or lta QPCIn'ting agreement for the uses and purPO'S'8 thore~tlOMd, and 0 th statad that he Qr ,he 19 authorized 10 OXlICute this Dud of Trust lind In f~t executed tho D~~f Trust Qn be iIlf 0 the !ted liability oompafly. B r'. . R .. kUng at K,,,J tJ()~ Notery Public In and tor the State of Ii::!!! My commln;lan axptr.. I· 30-2,fI() ~ • ',' loan No: 100018969 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 2005U~16UUTD~ Pago 9 INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF __________ _ COUNTY OF ___________ _ )SS I '." On thl9 dav before me, the und&lslgned Notary Public, perfonelly appeetod GEORGE H. BA~. p~rllon8Uy known to me or pro"ed to mil on the basis of satisfactory evidence to b, the individuJt dascribod'in lind lNhO.8KSOuted tho Dead of Trust. and IIcknowledged that he or IIhe signed the DNd of Trust as his or her free !IOd voluntary st;{ and deed, for thll u.as and purpos8s tMrsin mentioned. Given under my hand and official ,.,1 thi, ________ day of _____________ , 20 __ 8' __________ _ R.~d~gat ___________ __ Notary Public 1n and tor tfI.. St.t. of __ My coMmbllon expIr •• ______ _ REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To: __________________ , Trustee The under.tgned Is ths,ragel DWt\e1' and hold'r of all Indolltedn8'8 'Iloured by this Deed of Truot. You are hllr.bv reqlII!Illed, upon p.lvrnllflt of aU IUIN owing to yOu, to reconveY wtthout Watranty, to the poriOns ,n\hled thoreto. the light. Iitio and Inter"t now held by you under the Deed of Trust. D.w: __________________________ __ B.n.flclary; __________ _ .,,-------- It.: I. ;. 20050216001638.010 EXHIBIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1150270 THE LAND REFERRED TO IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OFWASHINGTON,COIlNTY OF KING ,AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTHR OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTH MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 PEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128T8 STREET BY DERD RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5831773. PARCEL B: THE EAST 50 PEET OF THE WEST 150 PEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHlfBST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHlfBST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMBTTB MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET COIMmlD TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5831773. PARCEL C: THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWl!ST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTHR OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTH MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; . EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THBRECF; AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION THEREOF LYING WITHIN 138TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST. PARCEL D: THE EAST 80 PEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, II.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET, AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 632233. - AfleT Recording, Return 10 Name:: Elalts Slol1lgc Pal1nrtShip Addnm: 1)401156" AVi!!'nueSE Remon. WA 98057 fucrow No: 990)0024 Abbre~uled Legal DeKriplion: Full Lc,:,1 DCKriplion: P,opc:ny Tax Partd No; 152]05·9034·02 .El STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THE GRANTOR(S). Gregory S. Galuaha: Ind Lyndt.c Rente RoarC'fT. husband and wife, fot and in consideration of TEN OOLLARS ($ 10.00) AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, in hand paid, convey, and wananta 10 Bales~&c Pu1nenhip, a Washington 1"11 1 Par1nc'r&hip. GRANTBE(S), ,he following dmribed real esillC', situated in the COllnt)' d18ng, Slale or Washini1Oll: *Self- HIE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THH NOR11IWEST QUARTER OF THE NORllIEI\S1· QUARTER OF 11lE NORTHWESl QUARTER OF SECTION IS, TOWNSHIP ~) NOR11I, RANOE S EAST, WlLLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THEEAST IS FEET THf-REOF RESERVED FOR ROAD. SUBJECf TO: Rightll, ReKrVatioRi, Resbictloos, Agreetnt'nt5, Covenants and/or Easements 15 disclosed in the preliminary ~ille commil~1 issued by First American Tille tniuran..:e Co., Order 40296S·I. Pfira&f'8Phs No.3. 6, 7 &. S. STATE 0'· WASHrNGTON ss. COlMlY OF KING I certify 'hI' I know or hav.: :J&hsl8elory .:vidcDee that Gregory S. Galwn. IIIId Lyncnc Re~ 8Quroff islare Ib.: pc:riDnh) Iloilo appeOIred before me, 1M ~id perlOD(S' acknowledged thai hc1,hcllhq signed this mSlnlment and ,I(kl\owlcdgcd it to be his-11er/lhtir free 1l11d \'oIUllIIry ae! ror the U~i 100 purpoSt$ mmlioncd In tht Insuwncm. (j,\~n under my hand and omclal ual thl!~ €by of Apnl. 1999 ~d2/;J;e \' ""'10""_ \ VI~TORIAM. WISE ~ , .. ,1'#"~Sl.Md~ I lit lA II .. B ill i ~ i !l iii Ii --------------------------.~-..-. .... --'"~----- c:; c . c c c:; C " '" c:; " • .. " It .. ~. ~, " " n. " .. 0 ~ § III .. .. .. _ .. "'_ ... -ao,._.,._ ........... Tax Acct. Ito. I 152305-9031-05 ' .. Abbrev. Legal: pta of nv 1/4 of 8ec. 15, TVnshp 23 N, Rnq 5 B wt:k:tIlCQlpcpm;r II .... ~ b~.flllmlrllpapca. ......... 1;11 ..... 1M. _"_" alii...... .. or haaO:i:r CI:aI:aIo fMIIIabI or illZIJ' ... ~ cad drI n:II. b::IcI _ pIdII& -- 4. To defend III) __ or JII'DCIIIdIII ~ 11 afI'ed dIo IIlIDiIJ baeDf ar .... nata III' JIOWId Of BcIdciIry Of TnafDa" _to pay .a COllI ada,..., iIIdIIdIca COlI oftido IDCIdIi cad caon.;. Ira III • tIBIIIIIbIe -. .Ia III)' JUCb M:IIDD III' JIlVCCICIIIIaI. "'In til)' all bnIuPt by 8cadk:Iay Ia fbn:doaodds Dad Dl'TnaI. S. To PlY aU COllI. fba end apabII ill CDIIIIIII:tkIa ... dIb o.d of ThaI. ..... Ibd cqJ:DICI 01 cbG 'DvA::t il!CUlKd fa CIIfon:iq 1M abHp:k8 ItIaINd ....., DId T ...... mil iIUoftIe)"a ... ~ IDcIarred. .. prawidrd by -. 6. Sboa!dI 0rIIIIDr tillD PlJ' wbc:a .. GlJ IWIl. -. __ pnIIDIIaIII, ~ , === III' Ilia ................. ......,, __ boI,-. ....... ""-. .................. _. ChI rae Jd rorm III Chc -= acurtd bcn:by. daD bI: eddad Itt mil beI:raIIl pm at Ibtdrbl m:anId Ia IJab. DDo:I fIITnaI. B ~ a II a IT IS MtmJAlLY AOIUII!DTHAT: 1. (adlt~aI1pordoaof.~bdm~4=pI~a~.~~lbIeiatn.~ "1110 ..... " ___ ... .......,,,...,...,,. ... iOOjiIIioo _._ • ....u ........ _ ............. cY ......... STA11! Of W,wm«ITON COUNTY ovit'lllG TO: TR.USTEE } .. RSQUESTPOR PULL RBaJNV8VAlfCIt Do,.., f'fJtrII'd. To NIIJId ..", ... "." .. _ptdd 1be ~ h the .. iII'ftCI' ad JICIkIcr or Ibo DOlo .... .u alha-1adclIu:dDca IICltRId II, !be.1P Docrd of T .... Soid __ ...... __ ............ DoodolTncl, ...... ...,pId ... _ ... you 11ft hmby ~ aad dIrcded, OD I*JIDCDI" JGU 01 ~ liliiii niaa 10 yeti IIIdcr 1M ICnaI flfaJd IJGaI al1'Ml. tocucd seW IMM dIoYe ~ad.u GdlcrnidlllCaof~ ClCCl.lRdIly""" ofTlmll MwncI to,.. hacwidI. sopdIct with tho raid DcoI or1nat. ad 10 rceoavey. wllbout WImIIIy. billie pardcI dalJIIIIed by die ~ 01 aid Dead oITtvSI. an 1M at= no.-baW b7 JOIt~. ""'" • j I , ", 05 ( 1 05 031 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAR 152005 RECEIVED HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 03127 Plat Map Checks 3/1/2005 SJS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, W A 98007 LOT SUB 1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10016 180980.02 1313980.88 0.00 S 00°31'29" W 657.64 10017 180322.40 1313974.86 657.64 S 00°31'29" W 657.64 10018 179664.78 1313968.84 1315.29 S 00°31'29" W 1315.29 10019 178349.55 1313956.80 2630.58 N 88°29'10 11 W 1302.65 10020 178363.96 1312654.60 3933.23 N 88°29'10" W 1302.65 10021 178418.38 1311352.40 5235.89 N 00°57'28" E 1324.94 10022 179743.13 1311374.54 6560.83 N 00°57'28 11 E 1324.94 10023 181067.88 1311396.69 7885.76 S 88°03'lOJl E 1292.84 10024 181023.95 1312688.79 9178.61 S 88°03'10 11 E 323.21 10025 181012.97 1313011. 81 9501. 82 S 88°03'10 11 E 323.21 10026 181001.98 1313334.83 9825.03 S 88°03'10" E 646.42 10016 180980.02 1313980.88 10471.45 Closure Error Distance> 0.0217 Error Bearing> S 00°25'20 11 E Closure Precision> 1 in 483483.5 Total Distance> 10471.45 LOT AREA: 6851586 SQ FT OR 157.2908 ACRES Lot Report 03/01/2005 13:07 CRD File> P:\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT SUB 2 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10019 178349.55 1313956.80 0.00 N 88°29 1 10 11 W 1302.65 10020 178383.96 1312654.60 1302.65 N 00°44 1 31 11 E 1320.10 10027 179703.96 1312671.69 2622.76 S 88°16 1 13 11 E 648.87 10028 179684.37 1313320.27 3271.63 S 88°16 1 13 11 E 648.87 10018 179664.78 1313968.84 3920.50 S 00°31129 11 W 1315.29 10019 178349.55 1313956.80 5235.79 Closure Error Distance> 0.0031 Error Bearing> N 38°15 1 17 11 W Closure Precision> 1 in 1690334.0 Total Distance> 5235.79 LOT AREA: 1713005 SQ FT OR 39.3252 ACRES LOT SUB 3 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10020 178383.96 1312654.60 0.00 N 88°29'lOll W 1302.65 10021 178418.38 1311352.40 1302.65 N 00°57'28 11 E 1324.94 10022 179743.13 1311374.54 2627.59 S 88°16 1 13 11 E 1297.74 10027 179703.96 1312671.69 3925.33 S 00°44'3111 W 1320.10 10020 178383.96 1312654.60 5245.43 Closure Error Distance> 0.0108 Error Bearing> S 37°01 1 55" w Closure Precision> 1 in 483785.9 Total Distance> 5245.43 LOT AREA, 1719375 SQ FT OR 39.4714 ACRES Lot Report 03/01/2005 13:10 CRD File> P:\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT SUB 4 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10027 179703.96 1312671.69 0.00 N 88°16 1 13 11 W 1297.74 10022 179743.13 1311374.54 1297.74 N 00°57 1 28" E 1324.94 10023 181067.88 1311396.69 2622.68 S 88°03'1011 E 1292.84 10024 181023.95 1312688.79 3915.52 S 00°44 1 31" W 330.03 10031 180693.95 1312684.51 4245.55 S 00°44 1 31" W 330.03 10029 180363.95 1312680.24 4575.57 S 00°44'31" W 660.05 10027 179703.96 1312671.69 5235.62 Closure Error Distance> 0.0028 Error Bearing> N 51°20'591t E Closure Precision> 1 in 1881761. 2 Total Distance> 5235.62 LOT AREA: 1712788 SQ FT OR 39.3202 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT SUB 5 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 10016 180980.02 S 00°31'29 '1 W 657.64 10017 180322.40 N 88°09'42" W 647.64 10030 180343.18 10032 180672.58 N 00"38'00" E 329.42 10026 181001.98 S 88°03'10" E 646.42 10016 180980.02 EASTING 1313980.88 1313974.86 1313327.55 1313331.19 1313334.83 1313980.88 Closure Error Distance> 0.0014 Error Bearing> N 04°40'18" E Closure Precision> 1 in 1905180.5 Total Distance> 2610.56 LOT AREA: 425795 SQ FT OR 9.7749 ACRES 03/01/2005 13:14 STATION 0.00 657.64 1305.29 1634.71 1964.14 2610.56 LOT SUB 6 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10018 179664.78 1313968.84 0.00 N 88°16'13 11 W 648.87 10028 179684.37 1313320.27 648.87 N 00°38'00 11 E 658.85 10030 180343.18 1313327.55 1307.72 S 88°09'4211 E 647.64 10017 180322.40 1313974.86 1955.36 S 00°31'29" W 657.64 10018 179664.78 1313968.84 2613.01 Closure Error Distance> 0.0107 Error Bearing> S 46°18'01" E Closure Precision> 1 in 244946.5 Total Distance> 2613.01 LOT AREA: 426618 SQ FT OR 9.7938 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P,\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT SUB 7 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 10028 179684.37 N 88°16'13 '1 W 648.87 10027 179703.96 N 00°44'31" E 660.05 10029 180363.95 S 88°09'42" E 323.82 603 180353.56 S 88°09'42" E 323.82 10030 180343.18 S 00°38'00" W 658.85 10028 179684.37 EASTING 1313320.27 1312671. 69 1312680.24 1313003.89 1313327.55 1313320.27 Closure Error Distance> 0.0060 Error Bearing> N 33°01'34" Closure Precision> 1 in 434467.8 Total Distance> 2615.41 LOT AREA, 427414 SQ FT OR 9.8121 ACRES 03/01/2005 13,17 STATION 0.00 648.87 1308.92 1632.74 1956.57 2615.41 E LOT SUB 8 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING 10030 DISTANCE NORTHING 180343.18 N 88°09'42" W 323.82 603 180353.56 N 00°41'16" E 329.72 602 180683.27 S 88"06'26" E 323.52 10032 180672.58 S 00°38'00" W 329.42 10030 180343.18 EASTING 1313327.55 1313003.89 1313007.85 1313331.19 1313327.55 Closure Error Distance> 0.0069 Error Bearing> N 79° 24 I 08 II W Closure Precision> 1 in 190162.0 Total Distance> 1306.49 LOT AREA: 106649 SQ FT OR 2.4483 ACRES STATION 0.00 323.82 653.55 977.06 1306.49 LOT SUB 9 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 603 180353.56 1313003.89 0.00 N 88°09 '42" W 323.82 10029 180363.95 1312680.24 323.82 N 00°44'3111 E 330.03 loon 180693.95 1312684.51 653.85 S 88°06 '26" E 323.52 602 180683.27 1313007.85 977.36 S 00°41'16 11 W 329.72 603 180353.56 1313003.89 1307.09 Closure Error Distance> 0.0103 Error Bearing> S 34°41'12" W Closure Precision> 1 in 127167.1 Total Distance> 1307.09 LOT AREA: 106749 SQ FT OR 2.4506 ACRES OF BLOCK 1 LOT SUB 10 PNT# BEARING 602 DISTANCE NORTHING 180683.27 N 88°06'26 11 W 323.52 10031 180693.95 N 00°44'31'1 E 330.03 10024 181023.95 S 88°03'10" E 323.21 10025 181012.97 S 00°41'16'1 W 329.72 602 180683.27 EASTING 1313007.85 1312684.51 1312688.79 1313011. 81 1313007.85 Closure Error Distance> 0.0104 Error Bearing> S 25°14'30" E Closure Precision> 1 in 126104.5 Total Distance> 1306.48 LOT AREA: 106646 SQ FT OR 2.4483 ACRES STATION 0.00 323.52 653.54 976.75 1306.48 OF BLOCK 1 LOT SUB 11 PNT# BEARING 10032 DISTANCE NORTHING 180672.58 N 88"06'26" W 323.52 602 180683.27 N 00°41116 11 E 329.72 10025 181012.97 S 88"03'10" E 323.21 10026 181001.98 S 00°38 1 00 11 W 329.42 10032 180672.58 EASTING 1313331.19 1313007.85 1313011.81 1313334.83 1313331.19 Closure Error Distance> 0.0035 Error Bearing> N 84°24 1 17 11 E Closure Precision> 1 in 369833.7 Total Distance> 1305.88 LOT AREA, 106547 SQ FT OR 2.4460 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA, 13981388 SQ FT OR 320.9685 ACRES STATION 0.00 323.52 653.24 976.45 1305.88 Lot Report CRD File> P,\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 600 180973.68 S 00°4111611 W 287.79 601 180685.91 S 88"06'26" E 80.02 602 180683.27 S 00°41 1 16 11 W 164.86 10008 180518.41 S 88"08'04" E 303.66 10009 180508.53 N 00°38 1 00 11 E 314.12 605 180822.63 N 88°03 1 10 '1 W 153.34 606 180827.84 N 00°41 1 16 11 E 138.03 607 180965.86 N 88"03'10" W 230.06 600 180973.68 EASTING 1312931. 33 1312927.88 1313007.85 1313005.87 1313309.38 1313312.85 1313159.60 1313161. 25 1312931.33 Closure Error Distance> 0.0081 Error Bearing> S 71°42 1 16 11 E Closure Precision> 1 in 206544.8 Total Distance> 1671.88 LOT AREA, 139108 SQ FT OR 3.1935 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA, 139108 SQ FT OR 3.1935 ACRES 03/01/2005 12,08 STATION 0.00 287.79 367.81 532.67 836.34 1150.45 1303.79 1441.83 1671.88 Lot Report CRD File> P,\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT OLD PARCEL A OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 10014 180679.96 N 88'06'26" W 100.02 602 180683.27 N 00°41'16'1 E 287.71 10012 180970.96 S 88°03'10 11 E 100.03 10015 180967.56 S 00°41'16 11 W 287.62 EASTING 1313107.82 1313007.85 1313011. 30 1313111. 27 03/01/2005 13,25 STATION 0.00 100.02 387.74 487.76 10014 180679.96 1313107.82 775.38 Closure Error Distance> 0.0054 Error Bearing> N 22°50'2111 E Closure Precision> 1 in 143043.4 Total Distance> 775.38 LOT AREA, 28767 SQ FT OR 0.6604 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P:\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT OLD PARCEL B OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 10013 180678.31 N 88°06 1 26 11 W 50.01 10014 180679.96 N 00°41'16 11 E 287.62 10015 180967.56 S 88°03'10'1 E 50.01 607 180965.86 8 00°41'16'1 W 138.03 606 180827.84 8 00°41'16" W 149.54 10013 180678.31 EASTING 1313157.80 1313107.82 1313111.27 1313161. 25 1313159.60 1313157.80 Closure Error Distance> 0.0027 Error Bearing> S 21°37'4111 E Closure Precision> 1 in 250886.1 Total Distance> 675.21 LOT AREA: 14380 SQ FT OR 0.3301 ACRES 03/01/2005 13:31 STATION 0.00 50.01 337.63 387.64 525.68 675.21 LOT OLD PARCEL C OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10011 180673.24 1313311.20 0.00 N 88°06'26" W 153.48 10013 180678.31 1313157.80 153.48 N 00°41'16 11 E 14 9.54 606 180827.84 1313159.60 303.02 S 88°03'10" E 153.34 605 180822.63 1313312.85 456.36 S 00°38'00" W 149.40 10011 180673.24 1313311.20 605.75 Closure Error Distance> 0.0029 Error Bearing> N 23°48'37" E Closure Precision> 1 in 209141. 3 Total Distance> 605.75 LOT AREA, 22924 SQ FT OR 0.5263 ACRES LOT OLD PARCEL D OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 602 180683.27 1313007.85 0.00 N 88°06 1 26 11 W 80.02 601 180685.91 1312927.88 80.02 N 00°41 1 16 11 E 287.79 600 180973.68 1312931.33 367.81 S 88°03 1 10 11 E 80.02 10012 180970.96 1313011.30 447.83 S 00°41 1 16 11 W 287.71 602 180683.27 1313007.85 735.54 Closure Error Distance> 0.0043 Error Bearing> S 21°38'54 11 E Closure Precision> 1 in 170952.1 Total Distance> 735.54 LOT AREA: 23020 SQ FT OR 0.5285 ACRES LOT OLD PARCEL E OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10009 180508.53 1313309.38 0.00 N 88°08'04" W 303.66 10008 180518.41 1313005.87 303.66 N 00°41'1611 E 164.86 602 180683.27 1313007.85 468.53 S 88°06 1 26 11 E 303.51 10011 180673.24 1313311.20 772 . 04 S 00°38'00 11 W 164.72 10009 180508.53 1313309.38 936.76 Closure Error Distance> 0.0037 Error Bearing> N 73°23'4111 W Closure Precision> 1 in 253326.2 Total Distance> 936.76 LOT AREA: 50018 SQ FT OR 1.1482 ACRES Lot Report CRD File> P,\2003\03127\Carlson\03127.crd LOT NEW PARCEL A OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 600 180973.68 S 00°41'16" W 190.83 10034 180782.86 S 89°31 127 11 E 118.35 10035 180781.88 N 00°28'33" E 187.81 10038 180969.68 N 88°03 110 11 W 117.69 EASTING 1312931.33 1312929.04 1313047.39 1313048.95 03/01/2005 13,35 STATION 0.00 190.83 309.18 496.99 600 180973.68 1312931. 33 614.68 Closure Error Distance> 0.0042 Error Bearing> S 43°53 1 3211 W Closure Precision> 1 in 145711.6 Total Distance> 614.68 LOT AREA, 22340 SQ FT OR 0.5129 ACRES LOT NEW PARCEL B OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10037 180782.90 1313312 .41 0.00 N 89°31127rJ W 265.00 10036 180785.10 1313047.42 265.00 N 00°28'33 11 E 184.58 10038 180969.68 1313048.95 449.58 S 88°03'10 11 E 112.37 607 180965.86 1313161.25 561.96 S 00°41'16'1 W 13 8.03 606 180827.84 1313159.60 699.99 S 88°03'10" E 153.34 605 180822.63 1313312.85 853.33 S 00°38'0011 W 39.73 10037 180782.90 1313312.41 893.05 Closure Error Distance> 0.0031 Error Bearing> N 55°32'22 11 W Closure Precision> 1 in 286459.0 Total Distance> 893.05 LOT AREA: 26904 SQ FT OR 0.6176 ACRES LOT NEW PARCEL C OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 10033 180680.75 1313311.28 0.00 N 89°31 1 27 11 W 303.44 602 180683.27 1313007.85 303.44 N 88°06 1 26 11 W 80.02 601 180685.91 1312927.88 383.46 N 00°41 1 16" E 96.96 10034 180782.86 1312929.04 480.42 S 89°31 1 27 11 E ll8.35 10035 180781. 88 1313047.39 598.77 N 00°28 1 33 11 E 3.23 10036 180785.10 1313047.42 602.00 S 89°31 1 27 11 E 265.00 10037 180782.90 1313312.41 867.00 S 00°38 1 00 11 W 102.16 10033 180680.75 1313311.28 969.16 Closure Error Distance> 0.Oll4 Error Bearing> S 41°51 1 24" E Closure Precision> 1 in 84855.9 Total Distance> 969.16 LOT AREA, 38708 SQ FT OR 0.8886 ACRES LOT NEW PARCEL D OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 10009 180508.53 N 88°08'0411 W 303.66 10008 180518.41 N 00 0 41'1611 E 164.86 602 180683.27 10033 180680.75 S 00"38'00· W 172.23 10009 180508.53 EASTING 1313309.38 1313005.87 1313007.85 1313311.28 1313309.38 Closure Error Distance> 0.0082 Error Bearing> N 430 49'25'1 Closure Precision> 1 in 115381.8 Total Distance> 944.19 LOT AREA: 51156 SQ FT OR 1.1744 ACRES STATION 0.00 303.66 468.53 771.97 944.19 W Printed: 03-15-2005 Payment Made: r:ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-031 03/15/2005 02:58 PM Receipt Number: R0501338 Total Payment: 450.00 Payee: HILLCREST SQUARE LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 450.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description-Amount Payment Check #6013 450.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 CITY OF RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-05-031-LLA LNO-30-0290 DECLARA TION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS' THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME. AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WlTl-l Tl-lE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S). IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. HILLCREST SQUARE LLC. A WASHINGTON LIMITED LlA ILiTY BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. A WAS NGTON LIMITED PARTNERSH By. Its: CHARTER BANK ~- By: fL~'f JAt,)SINS Its: V IC-~ PIUsIDw'fAl1 APPROVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROV~2 THIS _0-; DAY OF ~\A l~ ___ .200? _ llthJ!~ 11.W"!_ for' &W"-t,1 ...... tr.~ ~ ........... an /Building/PubikTworks Department Adm in istrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this _ day of _______ • 20 __ ------------------------King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor RECORDING NO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ./, ) COUNTY OF I( l t?j ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ~ r~~ &./6 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATl-l STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHOf!IZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE "wn~" OF HILLCREST SQUARE LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DlA::l!;~oJlL BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: /-id, [,.DtJe, STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF K/r,(j ~ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT (h.,,~~t' & . .1,:, SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHOR:Eo TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE 0 WI? < 10(. OF BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A WASHINGTON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. 0Qj:!~tt~ 2011.J BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: /-3a -Mdt, STATE OF WASHINGTON ) If ) COUNTY OF '" n~ ) . I CERTiFY THAT I K~OW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT 1)IlV'tc:f ~~_ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ~i7if~TED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE OF FRONTIER BANK AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT TO BE THE EE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED: (j 11nt dC\ , 20QL. Rt"7..0Dn~.... Re-ail~ BY: NOTARY PUBUC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ _~M~I;ISNc:fXPIRES: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) , '. COUNTY OF KI n B ~ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT K wY1J'j J~}'l)()nS SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OAlH ST~T.E:O THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHor!IZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE V'!(,.<: er.,s, dln-l-OF CHARTER BANK AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY CQMMISION EXPIRES: 1-~(J -Z(JO Ip _""",/ DES I G N 1471 I NE 29th Place SuIte 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICA TE This LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in cenformance with stohl end county at tutes In FEBRUARY. 2005. ~ ...... ~ Certificate No. 37555 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTY HALF OF Tl-lE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF Tl-lE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL B THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NOF1THWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL C THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NOF!TH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT Tl-lE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET "THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. PARCEL D THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET. AS CONDEMNED BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 632233. PARCEl. E THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTl-lWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .• IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. RESTRICTIONS 1. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8509260631 AND AMENDMENTS AND/OR MODIFlCA110N THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 980817015'1. 2. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AI'JD RESTRICllONS AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8509260634 AND AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION THEflETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9808170151. 3. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE RESERVAllONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 192430 AND AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER R[CORDING NO. 2841227. 4. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAMES B. SCAPPINI AND CITY OF RENTON AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8308050571. 5. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON. ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606210966. 6 THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF KING COUNTY TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS AS GRANTED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. 7. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONe; OF AN. EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY AS DISCLOSED BY . . INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 200503170010-1-/~ THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WlTl-lIN SAID INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE IT'S EXACT LOCATION WITHIN Tl-lE SITE. 8. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20050317001045 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN SAID INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE IT'S EXACT LOCATION WlTl-lIN THE SITE. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WlTHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA. AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITy'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED YVHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. NOTES 1. ALL TITLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 1155881. [)ATED FEBRUARY 22. 2005 AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENTS NUMBER 1 AND NUMBER 2 THERETO DATED FEBRUARY 25. 2005 AND MAY 26. 2005, RESPECTIVELY. IN PREPARING THIS MAP. CORE DESIGN HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT 11TLE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECTING THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY THE REFERENCED CHICAGO TITLE CERTIFICATE. CORE DESIGN HAS RELIED WHOLLY ON CHICAGO TITLE'S REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TITLE'S CONDITION TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND THEREFORE CORE DESIGN QUAUFIES THE MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO THAT EXTENT. 3. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICA TED AS "FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN JULY, 2002. 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET. 5. THIS IS A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. A SOKKIA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE CONTROLLING MONUMENTATION AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RATIOS OF THE TRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-090. ALL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. 7. THE SECTION SUBDIVISION FOR THIS SECTION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY CORE DESIGN. INC. IN JULY 2002. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .. ,. .... ,. ... ,. ...... ~ ,. filed for record this ........... day of .........• 20 ....... ot ...... M in boc)k ........ . of.. ...... ot page ......... at th •• requeat of STEPHEN J. SCHREI 111.10' ••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• SURVEYOR'S NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Mgr. Supt. of Records PORTION OF OWN. BY SJS CHKD. BY DATE JOB NO. 02/25/05 03127 SCALE SHEET 1 OF 2 < o r . FND CASED CONCRETE MON-~ W/l/8" COPPER PIN UN. \\ 0.6' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POItIT 9 10 #1503 ~ ___ -__ 16 15 ~l I w , aJ '" N aJ r--01 If) ..;- (:, <D olN Z 16 15 FNO CASED CONCRETE MON _____ ---- W/l /4" BRO~IZE PIN ON 0.7' ON 7/01/02 CJTY OF RENTON CmnROL POIN 1 #478 1536 96 BASIS OF BEAHrNGS N 00'57'28" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND IN PLACE AT THE V!£ST QUARTER AND NORTHV!£ST CORNER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE 5E., W.M. PER CITY OF RENTON HORIZONTAL CONTROL POINTS 478 AND 1503 LEGEND • o SET 1/2" X 24" REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CORE 37555" FOUND CORNER MONUMENT AS NOTED. ~ 1" ...::---- 0 1 ~I ~I a NE. 4TH ST. 230.06 • 1 CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED REC. NO. 5764184 AND K.CSC.C. NO. 632233 NBB'OJ'10"W ----/1'~-------172.25~_- 01 ~I ---------__ ~/~--__ --~~~1~1~7.26~9:-~=---~2~3~a~.oi6~~----~~~Jl~~~v --112.37 -::.01--------______ __ '\ 8002 -11'._ 10003 ""l I ' . -'I'I ,-50.01 -\1 ";-on >1 n ~ ('J ZI ,n ..,f~ "'u ~w n (J)!Xl ""'0 ,....01 (()~ N w • (£) -;or o o z FOUND 1/2" I \ REBAR W/YPC 1 LS "18781" 1 A r CORNER 1 1 OUND.3/4" IRON PIPE W/ORANGE FLAGGING ONE a.8'N, 8.0'W OF CORNER LOT A PARCEL D I 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 I ~ I I ~ !Xl I 1 ::;' I I ~ ~ LOT B I I '" I ~ I wi g 'wl_ Z , ONE 5,6'N, 4.4'W OF COr~NER UNPLATTED ~ f'--;;: 163 :=21 "~I wi 'wIN C <D '~----__ ~N~8~8~·O~3~·1~0·2W~1~5~3~.3~4~------_l ~163 I, .~ u §W-.I PARCEL B I I '\ zi I ~ I PARCEI_ A I , 01 I 1 ,,, I PARCEL "A" CITY OF RE~ITOrl BINDING SITE PLAN BSP-049-92, REe. rio. 9212161605 ~lf) Z..;- -, 0- !Xl 3: wZ w~ Z, N89'31'27"w I / -I I N89'31'27"W 265.00 _ ' 11835 V ., :00.3.23 I I 1 I}'J 1 NEW LOT LINE -I ~I~ 9 10 16 15 FND CASED CONCRETE MON W/1/8" COPPtR PIN ON 0.6' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT 111503 N88'03'10"W I 297.8=-4:-----<Xl L I -, N ----' L9 c--. .- ..J -' w L2 646.42 ,..., ---' LID ". ..J 64764 FND 3" SURF ACE DISK STAMPED "KING COUNTY SURVEY MON 10-15" 10 ON 7/01/02 15 v '" r-: '" <D LINE BEARING LI N88'03'10"W L6 L5 N8R'09'42"W I L2 N88'03'1O"W L3 NOO'38'00''E w , !Xl N 1297.74 t()f'-. r----~ ----;-;;-,-,--_ N88'16'13"W o o Z 1302,65 w • U') a 0 <0 <D 0 - w '0 If) 0 !Xl Co cO ~ of) 8 <D 648.87 :z _ 648.B7 N88'16'13"W ... <0 r--.: '" <D 01 , W 01 N . -n • o o z L4 NOO'38'OO"E L5 N88'09' 42"W L6 N88'Q9'42"W L7 NOO'44'3n L8 NOO'44'3n L9 N88'06'26"W L1D N8S'06'26"W L11 NOO'41'16"E L12 -' .. -=--NOO'41'16"E DISTANCE 323. 21 323. 21 329.42 32942 323.82 323.82 330.03 33003 323.52 32352 J----329n 329.72 _1_302. _6 5 _____ +-.-.:..N:,:::8::::8 '29 '1 0" W N 8 8 '2 9 '1 0" W --:::-:::-'-'--_~A 1 5 IT 1 4 w 2652.22'--lJ 16 15 --.J~ w 3:z <0 m w (n I JI ~Iai I I ~I:: I /~LD LOT LlrlE I / -----~ I II I ~ ____ I I I I I I NEW LOT LINE ~ PARCEL C LOT C -w N o - II I, I ""'" --------4;~8:9_mr~~~nn~~~------~~N;89~·~3~1'~27~'~'~~I~~I~~~--~I~I-----______ ~30~3~.~4:4 _______ '~.,~ ______ ~1 ; .. /'lLl~~~\V~\~,:l~i/~,l~~~;,IE \ N88'0626 W 80.02 ~._ 10002 -,,',--50.01 _-h-.:::---------j -j'i-:(.:-:l ___ . ______ \ L ' W38'06'26"W 30351 --I F DUN!) 1/2" REBAR \. FOUflD 1" IRO~I WITH UNREADABLE ' PIPE 0.6 N. OF RED PLASTIC CAP CORNER 02' fl. or CORNER LOT 3 VI~IG COU~I IY SHOP rpLA T ~IO. 675015, REe tlO 75nC10~,0645 w • to(£) ~oo :;:~ , co 8-z 11---- I I BARN I NE CORNER OF BARN 1.3' WEST OF PWJP.LlNE, EAVE OVERHA'IC IS ON LINE tL:::-=:-::!.1--SEC OR N E R 0 F I:J A R N w Zof) 21' WEST OF PROP.L1NE, EAVE OVERHANG IS 0.6' WEST OLD LOT LINE LOT 0 PARCEL E N88'08'O"'"W \ ,; 20' FND CASED CONCRETE MON W/1/4" BRONZE PIN DN 0.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RE~ITON CONTROL POINT #478 ~N NaJ I ..,fr<) ,N -I 303.66 1Y20.00 -:-01 nlUl . w ON o Z MONUMENT NOT SEARCHED FOR HELD LOCATION PER KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT NO. 3758 ~'!l Z u I ·W S. LINE N 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC 15-23-5 UNPLA TTED • W Z • W > « 30' 20' SECTION SUBDIVISION NOT TO SCALE v (f1 I ;:'z tx y-, w3: 20' I 20' ~ 22 FND CASED CONCRETE MON W/3" BRONZE DISC ON 1.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RE~ITO~I CONTROL POIN r #1855 CITY OF RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-05-031-LLA LNO-30-0290 3:, ., 3:~1 14711 NE: 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, WashIngton 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 415,885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING SURVEYING PORTION OF DWN. BY SJS CHKD. BY DATE 02/25/05 SCALE 1"=50' 30' FND 3" SURFACE DISK STAMPED "KING COUNTY SURVEY MON 10-1 5" -----, ON 7/01/02 1r-10 -~.~ 646.42 -'15 SCALE: 1" --50' a 25 50 100 AREA BEFORE LLA AREA AFTER LLA PARCEL 28,767± SO FT 22.340± SO. FT A 0.6604± AC. 0.5129± Ae. PARCEL 14,380± SQ. FT 26,904± SO. FT. B 0.3301± AC. 0.6176± AC. PARCEL 22,924± SQ. FT. 38,708± SQ. FT. C 0.5263± AC. 0.8886± AC. PARCEL 23,020± SQ. FT. 51,156± SQ. FT. D 0.5285± AG. 1.1744± AC PARCEL 50,018± SQ. FT. E 1.1482± AC. CITY OF RENTON ADDRESS PA~CEL 4525 N.E. 4TH ST. PARBCEL 4605 N.E. 4TH ST. PA~CEL 4575 N.E. 4TH Sf. PA~CEL 325 DUVALL AVE. ~IE. JOB NO, 03127 SHEET 2 OF 2 < o r , ............. IJ » GJ [Tl CITY OF RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-05-031-LLA LNO-30-0290 DECLARA TION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATlON OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S). IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. HILLCREST SQUARE LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LlA ILiTY BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A WAS NGTON LIMITED PARTNERSH By: l> VI""/) • #4;fGc. Its: "iCE p~e/~( H4Ahf(j~ CHARTER BANK :Zb::-: By: f2...1t?vP -( ..J -"NS I Al5 Its: VIC"," Plf.tSf~ APPRaVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROV~B THIS _0'----; DAY OF ~IA l~ ____ '2007 _ lOth.Y.~ ~VC!1_ ftHo ~W~ 1,fMt~trM4 ~ an /Building/pGbiidworks Department Adm in istrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this __ day of ________ , 20. __ King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor RECORDING NO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF ;(,~ OJ ~ I CERTlFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT G~O I~~ &16 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHOWZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE C, t,l.Jn(1" OF HILLCREST SQUARE LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTlONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ~}'1;b?xl as-. BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: /-ieJ ~ UM(" STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF K/r-;j ~ I CERTlFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT G(()~~~ &1'5 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHOR Eo TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE 0 UN'" (! lit. OF BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. A WASHINGTON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTlONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ~ -':'~t/t2zJ, 206£ ... BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: /-,3IJ -Md f., STATE OF WASHINGTON ) I~' ) COUNTY OF f'.. \ n,;) ) . I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ~Vld ~~ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, 0 TH TED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE _ OF FRONTlER BANK AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE REE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR TI-IE USES AND PURPOSES MENTlONED IN THE INSTlRUMENT. DATED: l1(lne ~ ,20125-. Ro,-0one-Be-cdA4 BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ _~M~I~ISN~EXPIRES: STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KI nB ~ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EV1DENCE THAT K eanJ'i J41'l}clr15 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, QN OAlH s1A ~D THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHOmZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE VI("~ ~'Sl (}1n+ OF CHARTER BANK AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTlONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY CQMMISION EXPIRES: /-30 . zoo (,p DESIGN 1471 I NE 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in con forrnanc" with ~ttat~ and coun ty !!It tutes In FEBRU ARY, 2005. ..... J?. Certificate No. 37555 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A THE WEST 100 FEET Of THE EAST HALf OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER Of SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WJA., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL B THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST HALF Of THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTlHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TlHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THIE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL C THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER Of THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. PARCEL 0 THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TlHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TlHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTlON 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M .• IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET, AS CONDEMNED BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 632233. PARCEL E THE NORTH HALF OF TlHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH'M:ST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. RESTRICTIONS 1. THIS SlIT IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTlONS AS DISCLOSED BY INSTlRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8509260631 AND AMENDMENTS AND/OR MODIFICATlON THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTlRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 980817015·1. 2. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS DISCLOSED BY INSTlRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8509260634 AND AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATlON THmETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9808170151. 3. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE F1ESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 192430 AND AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 2841227. 4. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAMES B. SCAPPINI AND CITY OF RENTON AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8308050571. 5. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON, ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606210966. 6 THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF KING COUNTY TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS AS GRANITO IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. 7. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITlONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTlRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 200503170010« THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN SAID INSTlRUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE Irs EXACT LOCATlON WITHIN THE SITE. 8. THIS SlIT IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20050317001045 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WITHIN SAID INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE Irs EXACT LOCATlON WITHIN THE SITE. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTlON AREA. AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. TlHIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. NOTES 1. ALL TITLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM CHICAGO TlTLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 1155881, DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2005 AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENTS NUMBER 1 AND NUMBER 2 THERETO DATED FEBRUARY 25. 2005 AND MAY 26, 2005, RESPECTlVEL Y. IN PREPARING THIS MAP, CORE DESIGN HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT TlTLE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECTlNG THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OlHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY THE REFERENCED CHICAGO TlTlLE CERTIFICATE. CORE DESIGN HAS RELIED WHOLLY ON CHICAGO TlTlLE'S REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TITLE'S CONDIllON TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND THEREFORE CORE DESIGN QUAUFIES THE MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO THAT EXTENT. 3. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICA TED AS "FOUND· WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN JULY, 2002. 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET. 5. THIS IS A FlELID TRAVERSE SURVEY. A SOKKIA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELATlONSHIPS BETWEEN THE CONTROLLING MONUMENTATlON AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RATlOS OF THE TRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-090. ALL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS WITHIN ONE YEAR OF TlHE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. 7. THE SECTlON SUBDIV1SION FOR THIS SECTlON IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY CORE DESIGN, INC. IN JULY 2002. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORTION OF • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • filed for record this ........... day of ......... ,20 ....... at.. .... M in book ......... of ........ ot page ......... at thl~ request of r----------r--------,-~~~--------------~ STEPHEN J. SCHREI OWN. BY DATE JOB NO. SJS 02/25/05 03127 ..... , ......... " .................. . SURVEYOR'S NAME CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET ....... , ..... , .............. . Mgr. Supt. of Records 1 OF 2 < o I ~ J> GJ rrI FNO CASED CONCRETE MaN \ W/l/8" COPPER PIN DN 0.6' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT 9 10 CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED REC. NO. 5764184 AND KC.S.C.C NO. 632233 #1503 ~ ____ _ __ J ---------.-.--_--;./1'-.-, _. NE, 4TH ST, 16 15 l 1 16 15 FND CASED CONCRETE MON ~- W /1/4" BRONZE PIN ON 0.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #478 FND CASED CONCRETE MON W /1/8" COPPER PIN ON 0.6' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #1503 9 10 16 15 12q2. 84 N8B'03'10"W roll -' '" -' L2 n -' V -, - ------------=-=--c----- 0 1 2Y)06 1536.96 N88'03" O"W ---~~~=--------- °1 C'-J -TI o N ..r 01 ~I ..r If) n 17225 ./-117.69 230.06 ---------1\~--~~~~~~~~~~~----11~12~3~7~~~~~~~~q.------------------------- \ 8002 -1\-10003 " l . -I'" -50.01 i BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'57'28" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND IN PLACE AT THE WEST QUARTER AND NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION IS, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE 5E., W.M. PER CITY OF RENTON HORIZONTAL CONTROL POINTS 478 AND 1503 LEGEND • o SET 1/2" X 24" REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CORE 37555" FOUND CORNER MONUMENT AS NOTED. FNO 3" SURFACE DISK STAMPED "KING COUNTY SURVEY MON 10-15" PARCEL "A" CITY OF RENlmJ BINDING SITE PLAN BSP·-049-92, REC. NO. 9212161605 ~Lf) _I n S:N ZI Lf) ",f r- "-u ~w s:1I1 Z" "-0-oos: ujZ w '" Z"- -.J- .W s:z t"J ",co 1"-0 ...... en co~ N W I U) .... . .... ,. g z <D 01 «J 01 I I \ FOUND 1/2" I REBAR W /YPC I LS "18781" I A T cr)P~IFR I I LOT A PARCEL 0 I 1 I I I ~ I I ~ I I ~co I I ~ I wCO I I n LOT B r"J I I ~ I wi g ~I_ z -I"--I"": :TCIJ 01''.' o zi I N89'31 '27"W I ./ / I PARCEL A 1 "'- 118.35 ;}/' NEW LOT LINE ~ I I irLo I '~ 3.23 LOT LINE I I I -~: ~OUND 3/4" IRON PIPE W/ORANGE FLAGGING ONE 0.8'N, 8.0'W OF w CORNER ~ U) ONE 5.6'N, 4.4'W OF .... CORl~ER OCI .... n ,. -0 o z \ PARCEL B \ I I I , N89'31'27"W I ~I IDlv ::-If) ..... ..rl'" , ..r 0 .... gl I I I LOT C UNPLA TTED N88'03'10·W 153,34 265.00 PARCEL C o ..r 0> ..r N o - I , I NEW LOT L1NE-, N89'31'27"W I, I ~ 1 ~~~-~~iN!3ER~~~Rnn;-i~ ______ ~~~~~~~I~~~ __ ~I~' __________ 230~3~.4~4~ ___ ~ ~~ _______ ~'V 10 ON 7/01/02 646.42 15 ... 20' • w z • w > « 3 0' 30' FND 3" SURF ACE DISK STAMPED "KING COUNTY SURVEY Mml 10-15" -, ON 7/01/02 -~ 64542 . r 10 ----.,..... -'15 \.. SCALE: --50' 0 25 50 100 ~i~.I~~W~\~;/5icN~2~~~~IE \ N88'0626 W 80.02 \~ 10002 -~--5001 _-h_ ·----15~48-----_=_-/\N .... I ~ \ N88'06 '26 "w 303.51 -.-:. ( ..t to L9 UO ,.... r--~ w , "" en l-.i N n .... W , -n " :t 0 0 Z ,.... --' -' L6 L5 w on , 0 0 0 0 00 <D n <D b on " to -' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N88'OJ10"W 323. 21 64764 N88'09' 42"w 1 L2 NBB'03'10"W 32321 L3 NOO'38'OO"E 32942 Lf) co ..r <D co ,...: Lf) .n <D to L4 NOO'38'OO"E 32942 - L5 N88'09'42"W 323.82 L6 N88'09'42"W 323.82 co N 74 f'-t--___ 1=297. 'fl N88'1~1 3"W 0 648.87 :z 64887 • c- w C1> I L7 NOO'44'31 "E 330.03 o o Z w ~ n N88';'6'13"W ° en ~ -n La NOO'44'31"E 33003 , L9 N88'06'26"W 323.52 Z lI0 N88'06'26"W 32352 III NOO'41'16"E 32972 lI2 NOO'41'16"E 329.72 16 15 ___ 13_02.65_--:-:~~-.,, __ --.:1..::302~5 N88'29'10"W N88'29'1 O"W ---w-t--~2552-::.2C=2---~ 1 5~ 14 FND CASED CONCRETE MON W /1/4" BRONZE PIN ON 0.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #478 o,N NCO " .... '" t"Jltfl • <.D ON o Z MONUMENT Nor SEARCHED FOR HELD LOCA TIO~I PER KI~I(, COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT NO. 3758 SECTION SUBDIVISION NOT TO SCALE d.6 22 FNO CASED CONCRETE Mml W/3" BRONZE DISC ON 1.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTO~I CONTROL POINT #1855 CITY OF RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-05-031-LLA LNO-30--0290 FOUND 1/2" REBAR \.. FOU~1D 1" IRON ;;; WI rH UNREADABLE PIPE 0.5' N. OF 20' RED PLASTIC CAP CORNER 02' N. OF CORNER OLD LOT LINE LOT 3 KING COUNTY SHOR rPLAT NO. 675015, REe f!.0 7509051)f;45 LOT D PARCEL E r;==c.=.....,...~NE CORNER OF BARN 1.3' WEST OF PROP.L1NE, I EAVE OVERHANG IS ON LINE I BARN I l!=-=-:::'J--SE CORNER OF lJARN 2 l' WEST OF PROf'.L1NE. EAVE OVERHANG IS 0.6' WEST N88'08'04"W 303.66 S. LINE N 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC 15-23-5 UNPLATTED 14711 NE 29111 Place Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington ~'8007 425,885,7877 Fax 42~r,885,7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING, SURVEYfNG PORTION OF OWN. BY SJS CHKD. BY 1 \ JI ;,20.001; 20' 1 20' DATE 02/25/05 SCALE 1"=50' PARCEL A PARCEL B PARCEL C PARCEL 0 PARCEL E AREA BEF ORE AREA AFTER LLA LLA 28,767± S Q. FT 22,340± SO. FT. 0.6604± AC. O.5129± AC. 14,380± SO · FT. 26,904± SO. FT. 0.3301± AC. O.6176± AC. 22.924± SQ · FT. 38,708± SQ. FT. O.5263± AC. 0.8886± AC. 2.),020± SO · FT. 51,156± SO FT 0.5285± AC. 1.1744± AC. 50,018± SQ FT 1.1482± AC. CITY 0 F RENTON DRESS AD PARCEL 4525 N.E. 4TH ST. A PARCEL 4605 B N.E. 4TH ST. PARCEL C 4575 N.E. 4TH ST. PA~CEL 325 DUVALL AVE. NE. JOB NO, 03127 SHEET 2 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-05-031-LLA LNO-30-0290 DECLARA TION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTA 1l0N OF THE SAME. AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S). IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. HILLCREST SQUARE LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LlA ILiTY BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A WAS NGTON LIMITED PARTNERSH By: D 1I'1'"lJ • #~J:: Its: V-icC" p.(es/~ r H4An4~~ CHARTER BANK ~ By: f2..1rrvP'f.J "'NS I AI 5 Its: V IC,~ P/teS,~ APPROVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROV~B THIS _~_. DAY OF ~ \,d~ __ -'20 05.' _ lothM-t\11'1&~tt1_ For ~w"-Z(Kt.,.et ... )tt an /Building/PublidWorks Department Administrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMEJ1T~ .• Examined and approved this l~" of ~ __ , 200S 5wft~~t~____ 7J-~ ~A' King Count . Assessor Deputy Ki· C unty Assessor Z C - RECORDING NO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF !(/ t1j ~ I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT Gee f"J~ &/~~ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE Cl tJJn~,. OF HILLCREST SQUARE LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ~\}ka°O£. BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: L ;I'" ~ UX/(,. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KI!1j ~ I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT 6~~~~( &1*,5 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE O{J.JVl ~ " OF BALES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A WASHINGTON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MEN1l0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: /-.3tJ ~ Pdd l, STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) 1/' ) COUNTY OF f'..' nB ) . . I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SA llSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT '[A:::tVIO ~~c.k... SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ~ 0b-7f[(tTED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AS THE '!! Y OF FRONllER BANK AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE REE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MEN1l0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED: (j U.ne ,;tV} , 20Q,5-. Rctz.lI\ooe.. Be~ BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ _~15I:~I'bfXPIRES: STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KI n B ~ I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT KfAVJdy Jt.c.I1~QVl5 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OAJH S~AU::D THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECll T1E THE INS1lRUMENT AS THE V(l.(: e.r, SI (Jl n-l-OF CHARTER BANK AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH COMPANY FOR TH[ USES AND PURPOSES MEN1l0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. oS . 20 oJ"" . ??u(J BY: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR OF WASHINGTON MY COMMISION EXPIRES: /-30 -zoo fp THE STATE DESIGN 14711 NE 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING SURVEYING LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with state Cind county ~t· tutE<!s in FEBRUARY, 2005. .~ ...... J!. .. Certificate No. 37555 ;2005011' 900 cJo, 1'10/016 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A THE WEST 100 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL B THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC1l0N 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 42 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. PARCEL C THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC1l0N 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. PARCEL 0 THE EAST 80 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHE.o\ST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC1l0N 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT POR1l0N THEREOF FOR SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET, AS CONDEMNED BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 632233. PARCEL E THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC1l0N 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1804907. RESTRICTIONS 1. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDI1l0NS AND RESTRIC1l0NS AS DISCLOSED BY INS1lRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8509260631 AND AMENDMENTS AND/OR MODIFICA1l0N THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9808170151, 2. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDI1l0NS AND RES1lRIC1l0NS AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8509260634 AND AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICA1l0N THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9808170151. 3. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE RESERVA 1l0NS AND EXCEP1l0NS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 192430 AND AMENDMENT AND/OR MODIFICATION THERETO AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 2841227. 4. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDI1l0NS OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAMES B. SCAPPINI AND CITY OF RENTON AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8308050571, 5. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON, ORDINANCE NO. 4612 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606210966. 6 THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF KING COUNTY TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS AS GRANTED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5764184. 7. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDmONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20050317001044 THE LEGAL DESCRIP1l0N CONTAINED WITHIN SAID INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE IT'S EXACT LOCA 1l0N WITHIN THE SITE. 8. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDI1l0NS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20050317001045 THE LEGAL DESCRIP1l0N CONTAINED WITHIN SAID INSTRUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE Irs EXACT LOCATION WITHIN THE SITE. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTEC1l0N AREA. AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITYS SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. NOTES 1. ALL 1l1lLE INFORMA1l0N SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM CHICAGO 1l1lLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERllFICATE ORDER NO. 1155881, DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2005 AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENTS NUMBER 1 AND NUMBER 2 THERETO DATED FEBRUARY 25. 2005 AND MAY 26, 2005, RESPECllVELY. IN PREPARING THIS MAP, CORE DESIGN HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT 1l1lLE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN AWARE OF ANY llTLE ISSUES AFFECllNG THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY THE REFERENCED CHICAGO llTLE CERllFlCATE. CORE DESIGN HAS RELIED WHOLLY ON CHICAGO llTLE'S REPRESENTA1l0NS OF THE llTLE'S CONDI1l0N TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND THEREFORE CORE DESIGN QUALIFIES THE MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO THAT EXTENT. 3. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICATED AS "FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN JULY, 2002. 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET. 5. THIS IS A FIELD 1lRAVERSE SURVEY. A SOKKIA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STA1l0N WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELA1l0NSHIPS BETWEEN THE CONTROLLING MONUMENTAnON AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RA1l0S OF THE 1lRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-090. ALL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. 7. THE SEC1l0N SUBDIVISION FOR THIS SEC1l0N IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY CORE DESIGN, INC. IN JULY 2002. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ;t..DP,~~"1 !.~. 7JQ .Q.O o'i filed for record this ... t.~ .... day of .::r~~,20.o..~atll; •. t~ in book .. l.f1.Q of.S,.y:~ page.Q.I~. at the request of PORTION OF STEPHEN J. SC REI DWN. BY DA TE JOB NO. ~URvEY~~'.S·~.:· A· •. · ..... ~ ..... ' .. ~e i-C-HS-KJ-:-. -B-Y--+-S-:-:-:-;-5-I-O-5+--S-H-EE-T--O-3-1-2-7-------l Mgr. Supt. of Records 1 OF 2 FND CASED CONCRETE MON \ W/1/8" COPPER PIN ON. 0.6' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONIROL POINT 9 10 II DOO CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED REe. NO. 5764184 AND K.C.S.C.C. NO. 632233 0('" #1503 ~, ____ -__ ~~---~~ NE. 4TH ST. 1615 w co I'-0J co I'-en Ul ~ • <D 810J Z 16 15 FND CASED CONCRETE MON _______ ---- W/l/4" BRONZE PIN DN 0.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #478 FND CASED CONCRETE MON W/l/8" COPPER PIN DN 0.6' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #1503 N 88'03'1 O"W 1292~ 84 coLi -.J C'J ':::i L2 --r9 LlO W ...... ~ -.J :::i ~ f<) "" . ..l .... -.J ~ ~ 1"--_---- 01 1536.96 N88'03'1O"W ------1~~~----------2 3:::-:0:-. 0::-:6:----~---------1-- ~I 71 o N 7 01 172.25 ~I -----------1/~--~--~Q02~1~1/~.6~9~~~--~2~3~O~.O~6~~-----l~~~~~-=~7 '\ 80.02 --"F.---112.37 ~q,r------------- I \ 100.03 --"1'1" \ -50.01~1 BASIS OF BEARINGS N 00'57'28" E BETWEEN THE MONUMENTS FOUND IN PLACE AT THE WEST QUARTER AND NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE 5E., W.M. PER CITY OF RENTON HORIZONTAL CONTROL POINTS 478 AND 1503 LEGEND • o SET 1/2" X 24" REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CORE 37555" FOUND CORNER MONUMENT AS NOTED. FNO 3" SURFACE DISK STAMPED "KING COUNTY SURVEY MON 10-15" PARCEL "A" CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN BSP-049-92, REC. NO. 9212161605 ~rD ~I 3:~ ZI rD ~~ ......... u ~w 3: V) Z7 -......... o~ CO 3: ujz w-.i Z ......... ---.J - . w 3:z w • <D ;;i= o o z FOUND 1/2" I \ REBAR W/YPC I ~OUND 3/4" IRON PIPE W/ORANGE FLAGGING ONE 0.8'N. 8.0'W OF LS "18781" I AT CORNER I 1 I I I I I ~ I 1 ~ I I ~co I I ~ I wCO I I f<) ~ LOT B I ~ I :< I wi 8 1 ~I__ Z ,w ~ I'-'Co1 0J ",.-1 ,...: -.,---lO LOT A w CORNER f<) ({) O~II:: 5.6'N, 4.4'W OF ~ -CORNER co -f<);¢ -0 o z UNPLATTED N88'03'10"W 153.34 ;'I-co ::;: I r-: 81 N , olco \ i"'-zi / PARCEL A ~10J PARCEL B I I ~\ PARCEL 0 I / J 1 1 ~ N89'31 n"w I ~-I IN89'31'27"W I ~ ____ ~~~ ~~~;L~ __ ~~----------~----------~~~~~.~2~6~5~.0~0~,------~----__ ~~~~ 118 ,5 : / / ::"'3.23 I I / \ <D m <.D m Y I}'JI NEW Lor LINE ~ NEW LOT L1NI .: I,~ I,:;!; I I :tl~ 0_ irLD LOT LINE ~-: ~J I 1 1 PARCEL C LOT C N o 64642 10 ON 7/01/02 ~ 1 5 1 1 NEW LOT L1NE~ =:-:---:-__ -+-::~=~~~ ~ / N 89 '31 '/' 7" W I / I ~ ~ .... 20 S. LINE NW 1/4, NW 1/4, NE \ N88~626W ~~J~.O~2~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~I~/~~------~30~j~'~4~4------~~,--------~,I 1/4 'J / ~ ~v.::::. 100.02 /, -JL ,,·W 14 SEC 15-23-5 50.01 _/'------\ 153.48 --- --...,; \ ~ I N88'06'26"W :7 . ill r~ 303.51 I -.t FOUND I /2" REBAR FOUND I" IRON ~TH UNREADABLE ' en <D 647.64 LINE BEARING DISTANCE LI NB8'03'10"W 323.21 NB8'03'10"W 323.21 RE ST PIPE 0.6 N. OF D PLA IC CAP CORNER 7 L6 L5 N88'09'42"W I ;'I- L2 L3 NOO'3B'OO"E 329~42 OLD LOT LINE w , CXJ N r--f--___ -.:1-=-2 97. 7 V1 N88'16'1 4 o o Z 3"W 0 '" 0 C) Z 0 to '"" ,fU -0 ''1 -':.t-Ic:i ~ 0J o ''1 o Z ;;L..:..J Ul 0 CO .0 OCJ CO r Ul 0 <D 0 648.B7 :z 648.87 -~ ~ " N88'16'13"W .... ill r- <0 '"" en w en 0J -~ o o Z L4 NOO'3B'OO"E L5 I~B8'Og' 42"W L6 N88'09' 42"W L7 NOO'44'31 "E LB NOO'44'31"E L9 NB8'06'Z6"W L10 N8S'06'26"W L11 NOO'41'16"E L12 NOO'4J' 16''E 16 15 1 302. 6 5_-----:-_----.l-:--__ ..!.~'0,2. 6 5 J N88'29'10"W N 88 '29'10 "w ------+--:.:~ FNO CASED CONCRETE MON W /1/4" BRONZE PIN ON 0.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #478 LLl o,N NCO :-en nlUl . <D 80J Z 2652.22 329.42 323.82 323.82 330.03 330.03 323.52 323.52 329.72 329.72 MONUMENT NOT SEARCHED FOR HELD LOCATION PER KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT NO. 3758 0.2' N. OF COR~IER LOT 3 KING COU~ITY SHORTPLA T NO~ 675015, REe. NO. 7509050545 w , ({)<D .~ CO ::;:-.t • <D 0_ o z =-.c;::;I.._NE CORNER OF BARN LOT 0 PARCEL E rr 1.3' WEST OF PROP.L1NE, I EAVE OVERHANG IS ON LINE I llARN I ~-~JI--'--SE CORNER OF I:lARN 2." WEST OF PROP. LINE, OVERHANG IS 0.6' WEST EAVE N88'08'04"W 303.66 S. LINE N 1/2, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC 15-23-5 UNPLATTED I \ II \ Iv 20. 00 IJ • w z • w > « 3 0' 30' - 20 , SECTION SUBDIVISION NOT TO SCALE 20' I 20' ~ 22 FND CASED CONCRETE MOt'-J W/3" BRONZE DISC ON 1.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #1855 CITY OF RENTON HILLCREST SQUARE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT -" - 14711 NE 29th Place Suite 10 1 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Pax 425.885.7963 PORTION OF 646.42 FND 3" SURFACE DISK S rAMPED "KING COUNTY SURVEY MON 10-15" -~ ON 7/01/02 \. SCALE: 1 " -- 0 25 10 5( o AREA BEF ORE AREA AFTER LLA LLA PARCEL 28,767± SQ . FT 22,340± SQ. F" A 0.6604± AC. 0.5129± Ae. PARCEL 14,380± SQ. FT. 26,904± SQ. F" B 0.3301± AC. 0.6176± AC. PARCEL 22,924± SQ . Fl. 38,708± SQ. F C 0.5263± AC. 0.8886± AC. PARCEL 23,020+ SQ. FT. 51,156+ SQ. Fl D 0.5285± AC. 1.1744± AC. PARCEL 50,018t SQ. FT. E 1.1482± A CITY OF ADD PARCEL 4525 A PARCEL 4605 B C. RENTON RESS N.E. 4TH ST. N.E. 4TH ST. PARCEL C 4575 N.E. 4TH ST. PARCEL 325 OU VALL AVE. NE~ D _"'/ DESIGN OWN. BY SJS DATE JOB NO. LUA-05-031-LLA LND-30-0290 ENGINEERING· PLANNING SURVEYING CHKD. BY 02/25/05 03127 SCALE SHEET 1 "=50' 2 OF 2