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Morgan John PARTIES OF RECORD KC RECYCLING CTR @ RENTON STATION LUAOS-081, CU-H King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street ste: #701 Seattle, WA 98104 tel: 206-296-8443 (owner / applicant / contact) Updated: 08/30/05 (Page 1 of 1) /On I J> ~ o Monroe Ave. CA ~======r~n~ ~ /0 1> I ro z / '0 KING COUNTY ROADS DIVISION ,--------L gJ : ------------------------------------------------------~ EF~ERSON AVE NE --:------ '-I ~ '-'- '- OUTBOUND SCALE ~S-.EO~J- 40.51' --~. \~. S 08'25' 1 2" E / ~ __ ~J 152.73' ~ c:::::t> / ..------- (2// / / ~ : ~'SO., );o~ . ~~-~ ~ ",<I),."", , , "$ , PARKING LOT ~ ~ .. "'--.... ;:-. ,c-'-:. ~~ .......... ~ ~" '/ '<'S)'~ f1s, w:!' ~ ,"~~ ~ ~~~ Zu ~ ~'" J,,<t>-0 en , / ~ ~ ~W, .sOu.~~l-h& (' A. ;S-.Jo,,~ lLI V ~ ,~, Z, ' ~ {!' 0 0 '::Ii ~/ ~ "" ,~, ':r:z / " ><,,(~~ c-v ", ~~ "-s'J,,-C-'-II! 0',~~~~ ~,r ~ ~ ~ ~ CONDmONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 13 ~ -TOTAL SITE -...... 1.283 SF -SCM.DtOUSE 8UIL.DING -438 SF -UJEIMOUS PAVOIENT -4.318 SF -II FlU. NfIJ DIP1Y 1RAl.ER PNIONG wr -PERCENT Of SITE CCNERED WITH PAVEIIENT -22X -P£RCENT (1f SITE CXMRED WITH BULDINGS -4X -NEW 5CW.£ HOUSE PREFAIIICAlED 8la.I*IG -tHERE IS NO OWIIES PROPOSED 10 NUMBER OF PARKN;: AT tHE 1IWISFER STAllON -EXfRUDED COHCRE1E CURB ALDNG EAST SlOE OF lHE FlU. lRM.fR PARKIrIG lOT -3JO L-f. -tHE EX1S11NG SITE IS DEStCNAtm Center Institution on the CoinpnIhenIhe PIon land U. Mop and Zoned light ...-(P) .,"" lBlEHI>. .£lII5lIIIIi. .-ss SANITARY SEIf.R rt' so SRRf DRMI PJ'. .. - awN lH< ""'" .-. P<l£ UQtT P<l£ as CA10t ~ 50 ..... ..., WI ....... -.u so """'" WI ...... -.u co CUNIClUT ows Ol.-WAltR SEPARAltIR F.H. FIRE K'IORANT ___ ~ 1IW'FIC ROW C::::> ! ~ "' " .. J • LI " " __ lIB PfDIOSED 0DNDI1I0tW.. USE ARE'A ® KIIG COUNtY OEPARNENT OF "TURN.. RESOURC£ ..... _- RENTON lRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAl USE PERMIT APPUCATION SIlE MAP N'PR<MD -DATE~ DATE 6-2005 SUIM.Y NO. SHEET or .:\CAD\RENTON\CONO-PElMT-JJKlRGNrf\tMIN-CON>-PERIIIIT REQUEST\llOIll.DWG " _'1_1 " U'" ,... /J FENC£ -- , , 11_,1 _,1_1'_,1_11_ 11_'1_"_"_'1_,,-_'I_~-11_,1 _11_11_,1_,1 II_,I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 14 DATE REVISION BY 03 2003 REVIEWED PlAN AND VERIFIED 55 foND SO. !:!!:. 06/2003 RE\"IE\El) PLAN AND VERIFIED SS AND SO. P.O. 1 ~ ~- ~I 15-2s-g:1 1- I a _'I_II -I, 1-1'_11_, @r!1KINGCOUNTYIlEPARTIIDlforNATURALRESOURCES AND PARKS Pam Bissonnette. Olr-ector SOLID WASTE DIVISION FENTON TRANSFER STATION cotDTIONAL USE P8UT 5 FT' CONTOlR MAP APPROVED OATE~ RECOMMENDED DATE ~ DESIGNED DRA'M'4 ______ _ PRO..ECT NO. ---SJR\IEY NO. SHEET OF .. ~ < '" '" r: (' c It C C C C u ! i > ., ( D I-., t > t u D ~ It ~ C C ~ ... .. ~ U I-~ 9 ~ 1 ~ c ~ c ~ :2 <I C II C ::!! ...: Sj II U. a. C 2 C S: \CAD\R£NTOO\COND-PERMIhLMORGAN\D.m-CXlfld-p4"emlt request\contour-5fldwg <.: :2 ~ 2 W II is ~ m I ~ ~ / I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / L _____________ _ / / / / / / / / PAVED PARKING MHO ~ o " 8 -d'S "'\ .. SON-AVE---NN-tJiIl:-- ---------~::----- o ill2lliQ INLET BASIN CATCH BASIN (STOR'M) CATCH BASIN (SANITARY) STORM DRAIN MANHOlE 1'fPE I OR II SANITARY SE'fIER MANHOlE PlUG SANITARY S£YI£R STORM DRAIN flOW DlRECTlON PlASTIC WASTE COU£cnON BOX ARE HYDRANT SO/MHjCB 10 No --1ir:wPF£ORRRSPI/(£ HUB _j1Aa< "' ... ; """l£N) -1IlJCH_ """" 0 Glllltw~1Hr CUNi our ;) SDi_ SIUIII_MWHaC CD ""'"""'---CD CMl£IV~ ~ _SlWER~ mmate __ .... """'" IAWD£(I>FC_ _"'" • ""-. .... -H .. mtifl.~ <> --a <>SIElER ID <>S"''' > m='::. QBEIVRIOi£R -- 11_ J 1_11_11_11_1,_ II CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 22 II_'I , ,,-- " ~ .. " " ", ~ '~~~ ':~.-' , '~J).. "' ~ ~ f/",,~ '" if' o~ !' -..-,fA SIMESE t;tJM«rDI 1><1 _"""",.-r m ITJ JfLlPHOIE IfIlLr MJJ IWLf (TYP£ fJIIKIIIf:MN) @ IlEIN.PaL (f-U IETN.. Pa£ WftI.M'M£ ~ _PaL ¢-nIlflZlPrl.C"~ <--_WI' " ""'''''" -t> TW11C 5lIOW UGHT = ROCK"'" *-."""""" --;..--o _0ErIlIV00S 11_1,_ PROPERTY UNE " " ~ ---,---"""'-~to----- ---s---SFOOI ___ w __ _ W"ER ---p---""'" II_II DATE 03{200J 06/200J REVISION ~ jiM. _ II " " 11_11_ "~, BY 1,_1'1 - - I I - - I !oJ z- ::1- ,_11_,,_11 L ®~ KING COUNTY DEPARTlotENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND PARKS Pom Bissonnette. DIrector SOLID \(ASTE DIVISIIJoI FENTON ~ STA110N COtD1lONAL USE PEIUT UTUTES PLAN .lIE2tI05 APPROVED DATE --- RECOMMENDED DATE ---OESIGNED DRAWN ______ _ PROJECT NO. ___ SURVEY NO. SHEET OF ...................... \oh.jJ1-2OtI'e"N..n,iIIg Renton Transfer stallon-lnJ)ervioua SWface , o Scale House/North Chute Entrance -20,767 sf ® TiS Exit Road -3.41) sf \. =~~~p\.ANr o FUI Traler P~ No.-2O,395 sf ~ __ o FUlTralerP~So.-7,290sf / _-o Commercial Entry -4,446 sf , \ o CommercialExit -3573 sf ~ -® -- - - --I o South Chute Exit -8,00.. sf 1 • • .-_- tit' Sal Haul Enrty -4218 sf ' ~ -~~. • I >::J , / ' '/ o Sal HalJ Exit -4,694 sf -/'" ' \ o Transfer BuIdIng -14,860 sf / -. 1 '/ ~ o Recycle Area -6,321 sf 0 .. y _. 6.,' o Emtpy Trialer Par1cilg-10,526 sf If . /. " \!.J Total Entire Site -108.504 sf I 0 / .,.' ." : ' 0, I (A~x) , • " , I -SWaleArea .......... ~ -28.890sf V I' '_ -'0 " , WiEf:jQ ) , /'li ' " \ CATCH BASIN (STORM) r-\ .......... ' _, -,,"\~ .:..-'I.e;. • CATCH BASIN (SANITARY) ,. • .r ; _ 1 -~ :...' ~ t -... C STORIoiORAINMANHOI.£ ,. -t .. .-" ~ ~n -• TYP[IORII '" • ~ I I .-~ o SANITARY SEWER MANHCt.£ / ,;./ <:: 0 ... ,~~~ ~W-': =~AR~!~ //"o' '" I. - -\ -SANITARYS£VlERFLOW .. .!. '" .. -• I· \ -STORM DRAINAGE FLOW C , ®' '-0" / ,. /; "'; ./ f"i'\ i _______ \:;I I I I I ,-----8 / I I.'\~' " ".' / ' -- ''f>\@ , ',',' .,,' '. " __ --- - "j 7 \ Q) liJ __ -- Ii'" ;, --\:;I I __ 1 -. , :::::::--I -_ • _ -n .. ~ » I' ----... __ KING COUNlY OEPARTI.tENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DATE REVISION BY AND PARKS Pam Bissonnette. DIrector stLID \lASTE DIVISmN IBffl)N 1RAtII'ER STATION CON:lfJIONAL. UlE P8UT DRAt4AGE CONTROL. PLAN .AlE 21105 03 2003 REVlEVt£D PlAN AND ~RlnED SS AND SO. f.B. APPRO'¥U) DATE CONDmONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 23 06 2003 RE\1~ PlAN AND VERIAED 55 AND SO. P.O. :::NDED ORA~ DAlE PRO.£CT NO. SUR~Y NO. SHEET OF S: \CAD\EMERPLAN\PO-Eviron-DP\REHTON.DWG :0: « CO o Ci N a 8 ~ ~ "0 ~ c;::: CD C III c: .~ "0 M ~ :E w l-ts CD :::l ~ "§ 1!l ,:, ~ c: ~ Z ~ c:: o :E, ~ ~ c:: w a.. o z o ~ ~ z w c:: o () -- () I -~ -I -~ - I -- I --f! I -- C I fA -- I -ril - I :D - i: =I I --~ I i - i: - j ~ ! ~D\RENTON\COND-PERMIT -J MORGAN\Owin-cond-oermit reauest\lTEM 28-colored site maD.dwa. 6/2/2005 10:50: 1 0 AM JUL-7 ~ .. JUL -1/"" , ~: f (: )UL -") ! •.. )UL -7 { [, JUL .., I STATION HOURS: STATION HOURS: MON -FRI: 6:30 am to 4:00 pm SAT & SUN: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Renton Transfer Station Parcel and Land Use Map City of Renton Zoning o Center Neighborhood ~ Commercial Arterial _ light Industrial Residential ~ Resource Conservation 250 500 N ® King County Department of 1.000 + Natural R~sources and Parks Solid Waste Dlvtsion ~",ronnabonlr.dodedonlhlSmaphasbeencomplledbyK.,g c.,unly staflfrom a va'-;ely of SO'-"ces a.nd IS subjeCI to ct>afl9E! .... thoulnot.ce Kong COlInly makes no rep." ...... tations or wafTanl ..... ""Press or rnplled. as \n acoJKy, completeness Irneliness, or nghls 10 Ir.e use of such ,nformalion K"'9CountyshalrlOlbeliabieforanygerleral.specl,lj, lIId"ecI,nc.odentai,orconsequeOhaldama9"sindudong.bulnol hm,1ed to. lost ,evenues or Iosl porofi!sresulhng from It>e use or mrsuse of ll\e rnfonnatlO<\ contaoned on lhrs map Any sale of tl"s map or...m.matlOt>On Ih'smap OS F"0hob'led """'lplbywnllenpellTlissoonoIKII'9County January 10th,200S C;[~V~j i :,: '~;':I\: JUL 7 ';:~III tJ0;; t1',';~ ; .. :. ~:;. ~ .}~ ~ 1 :.~~: ~~; Feet STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING} AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Tom Meagher, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on August 26, 2005. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $82.00. ~ \\"um"i,. ,\' L Bi" ~~ S) ~ •••• ~ ••• ~~~~,,.,, Tom Meagher I ~O""'''~OT~; ••••• ~ Legal Advertising Representative, King County Journal : I E "\ ~ Subscribed and sworn to me this 26th day of August, 20055 ~ \ 04/2;J009 } ~ ~ ~ '-"~-~.,~ ••• ,I. ~ ~ ~~· ••• ~\C_ .... ~ . ~ OJ;' _ •• ;..r~ $' ~" WAS\'\~,\~ J d '11" •••• ",,\ o Y . arton Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Auburn, Washington PO Number: Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on September 6, 2005 at 9:00 AM to con- sider the following petitions: King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station LUA05-081, CU-H Location: 3021 NE 4th Street. Description: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Trans- fer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally per- mitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (lL (P» zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be directed to the Hearing Examiner at 425430-6515. Published in the King County Journal August 26, 2005. #849243 City of Re ..• on Department of Planning / Building / Public ~ • arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Jl;JJ/IIIILI COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JU~ 2Um>.. ~ APPLICANT: KinQ County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAG~Jili Hall ).) PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station '---., PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fnes \6 . SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77448 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Cj?~ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 22 nd day of September 2005, affiant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thi~~day of ~¥/.entkev ,2005. Notary Public in and or the State ofWashingtoll Residing at eJ, therein. Application, Petition or Case No.: King County Recycling Center At Renton Transfer Station File No.: LUA 05-081, CU-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT September 22, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT/OWNER: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Ste. 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Morgan John King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Ste. 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station LUA-05-081, CU-H 3021 NE 4th Street Conditional Use Permit in order to continue operating the recycling station at the Renton Transfer Station for as long as the transfer station is in operation. Development Services Recommendation: Approve with one condition. The Development Services Report was received by tlJe Examiner on August 30,2005. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The folio wing minutes are a summary of the September 6,2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, September 6, 2005, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Site Plan application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Renton Transfer Station 5-foot contour Exhibit No.4: Utilities Plan Map King County Recycling Cent File No.: LUA-05-081, CU-H September 22, 2005 Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use • ~rmit Page 2 Exhibit No.5: Drainage Control Plan Exhibit No.6: Zoning Map Exhibit No.7: DNS-M Revised Mitigation Measures Exhibit No.8: Overall Vicinity and Site Map from file LUA-90-160 (previously granted conditional use for su bject site) The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a recycling center within the Renton Transfer Station. The site is located south ofNE 4th Street and to the west of the extension of Jefferson Avenue NE. It is also to the west of Monroe Avenue NE and east of the Liberty Ridge Plat. There have been no reports of concern from the new development that was a rock quarry prior to the development of that land. The original conditional use permit has expired and the applicant has come forward asking for a renewal. The Examiner questioned as to how clean the materials were that are being dumped at this facility. The public can drive to the facility and dump whatever, sometimes things that are not supposed to be dumped in a recycling center. Ms. Henning stated that she would defer that question to the applicant. The recycling center is part of the overall Renton Transfer Station, the recycling center is approximately 6,321 square feet. The site is accessed via a 60-foot wide access easement onto NE 4th Street. There are existing parking stalls within the building site. This project was subject to Environmental Review in 1992, a determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated was issued and that does not expire unless the use changes. There have been no changes and so the determination issued in 1992 still stands. There were four mitigation measures and those should continue to apply. At the time the proposed Aquifer Protection Ordinance required containment of and disposal of hazardous waste materials, monthly and qualierly soils testing for hazardous materials as well as storm and water runoff, and a construction mitigation plan. The construction mitigation plan would no longer apply due to the completed construction of the Liberty Ridge Plat. The site does meet the applicable Comprehensive Plan ordinances. At the time of the original approval ofthis site it was zoned G 1, that was the zoning designation assigned to properties as they annexed into the city and it allowed single family residential, in the early 1990's the site was rezoned to Light Industrial (IL). This use appears to be well suited for the Community needs. The hours of operation are 6:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday and 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday and Sunday. There have been no compiaints from the surrounding property owners. Godwin Ugwoaba, Engineer, King County Solid Waste Division, King Street Center, 201 S Jackson Street, Seattle, W A 98104 stated that he concurs with the report. There are several layers of precaution to keep spi lis or contamination from happening. The station is only open when staff is on site, there is a service booth just east of the site, personnel are trained to recognize and treat any spill. There is signage as to what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for the recycling center. Public education classes are offered which instructs them on what is recyclable and where the different items should be recycled. The site is gated and locked when not in use. The site is also paved and all drainage goes into a sanitary sewer, which ends up at Metro for treatment before final discharge. They are basically collecting paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminum. King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use Permit File No.: LUA-05-081. CU-H September 22,2005 Page 3 The Exam iner inquired if the facil ity was of sufficient size to service the expand ing popu lation in th is area. Mr. Ugwoaba stated that at this time there is sufficient capacity, however, if the need comes up in the future to serve the public better, they would work with the City to handle the needs. Their goal is to make sure the environment is protected and the City's concerns are the same as theirs. Ms. Henning stated that they would not be limiting the duration of this conditional use request. It would be best ifthe duration would be limited to or connected to the zoning of the site. If the site were to change to residential, there is no plan to do that, but as long as the site is zoned and used for industrial purpos~s, it is an appropriate location. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:33 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, Morgan John for the King County Solid Waste Division, filed a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the continued operation of a recycling center at the existing Solid Waster Transfer Station located in Renton. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, reaffirmed a Declaration of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the subject proposal issued when the first review occurred. The applicant complied with the mitigation measures. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The applicant has operated this recycling center since 1992. The center is located in a gated area that is adjacent to the transfer station's scalehouse. There are five recycling containers that are located on an asphalt pad. The center allows the recycling of glass, mixed water paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, cardboard and # I PET and #2 HDPE plastic bottles. 6. The center drains to the sanitary sewer to avoid spills percolating into the groundwater. The center is monitored by staff and there have been no reported incidents with spills or hazardous materials. 7. The facility operates Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm and on both Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. 8. There have been no changes to the proposal since the original Conditional Use Permit was approved on August 24, 1992. That permit was limited to a three-year duration but due to an oversight the permit was not renewed when it was set to expire. The facility will continue to operate the same days and hours and will not intensify any aspect of the use. The applicant now seeks a Conditional Use Permit that would not expire. Changes have occurred on property in the general vicinity ofthe subject site including the development of single family housing west of the subject site. Apparently, the recycling King County Recycling Cente. <-. Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use. _rmit File No.: LUA-OS-081, CU-H September 22, 2005 Page 4 use has continued since it was originally approved and there have been no complaints or incidents during that time. The applicant indicated that ifan expansion were required they would seek a new permit. 9. The subject site is located at 3021 NE 4th Street The subject site is actually located approximately 1,200 feet south ofNE 4th, south of the Seattle-King County Health Department. 10. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size. The parcel is a very irregularly shaped parcel and the recycling center is located at the extreme northwest corner of that parcel. The recycling center is contained on approximately 6,321 square feet of the larger site. The transfer station building associated with the site but separate from the proposed recycling center is a 12,460 square foot building. II. The primary access to the site is from the north through other property owned by King County. 12. The subject site is zoned IL (Light Industrial). 13. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of employment generating light industrial uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 14. The subject site is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2. King County does annual surface water and bio-swale soil sampling to monitor water quality in this area. Monitoring over eleven (11) years indicate a low or negligible level of contamination. 15. The area in which the site is located is developed with a number of public uses including the health complex, the city and county shop sites and the solid waste transfer station. The transfer station has been at this location since the 1960's. 16. The applicant has provided eight (8) paved parking stalls to service the site under terms of the prior cond itional use perm it. 17. Staff has recommended compliance with the State's Toxic Control Act's cleanup and monitoring standards. CONCLUSIONS: I. The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit must demonstrate that the use is in the public interest, will not impair the health, safety, or welfare of the general public, and is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-9-030(G) which provides in part that: a. The proposal generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan; b. There is a general community need for the proposed use at the proposed location; c. There will be no undue impacts on adjacent property; d. The proposed use is compatible in scale with the adjacent residential uses, if any; e. Parking, unless otherwise permitted, will not occur in the required yards; King County Recycling Center m Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use Permit File No.: LUA-05-0SI, CU-H September 22, 2005 Page 5 f. Traffic and pedestrian circulation will be safe and adequate for the proposed project; g. Noise, light and glare will not cause an adverse affect on neighboring property; h. Landscaping shall be sufficient to buffer the use from rights-of-way and neighboring property where appropriate; and I. Adequate public services are available to serve the proposal. The requested conditional use appears justified and should be approved as conditioned below. 2. This office was originally concerned with the location of this facility in the Aquifer Protec!lon Zone. That really has not changed although experience has shown that, in general, the use has not created any deleterious impacts during its period of operation. The facility was designed to provide extra measures of protection with storm water routed to a monitored detention system and any potentially contaminated water routed to the san itary sewer. The complex was designed to contain any spi lis and staff monitors the dropping off of recycled materials by the public. 3. The original decision limited the duration of that initial pennit to three years so that this review would have the benefit of determining how successful the applicant has been in preventing contamination of the soils and aquifer. It appears that it has been successful. 4. There is unquestionably a community need for a recycling center but its location here could still be considered problematic. This is countered by the, so far, successful operation and the lack of complaints and the low or negligible levels of contamination found in the monitoring. 6. The use itself is rather isolated from neighboring properties and there should not be any undue impacts on adjacent property. A new residential use to the west apparently has not been affected since no complaints have been recorded about the recycling center or the waste transfer station. 5. The use is quite contained and rather small. It is compatible in scale with the adjacent uses including the other governmental facilities in the area. 6. The circulation patterns appear adequate. Heavy traffic is separated from general traffic and pedestrian movements are restricted to avoid conflicts. There also appears to be sufficient parking. 7. The site is relatively isolated and, therefore, its location should limit any adverse noise, light, or glare from escaping the site and adversely affecting neighboring property. 8. Staff did not recommend any additional landscaping for the existing use. 9. The site is adequately served by public utilities. 10. In summary, the proposed use appears to have been reasonably established and operated at this site for the last 10 or so years. Any change in intensity will require a new review at that time. DECISION: The proposed Conditional Use Permit is approved subject to the following conditions: King County Recycling Cente. ~. Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use 1 ermit File No.: LUA-05-081, CU-H September 22, 2005 Page 6 I. The applicant is required to comply with the applicable ERC Mitigation Measures issued with the Revised Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated on June 24,1993. 2. The State of Washington Model Toxics Control Act's (WAC 173-340) Clean-Up Stan,Jards shall be used to evaluate the monthly and quarterly soils sampling. ORDERED THIS 22"'1 day of September 2005. FREDJ. KAUF HEARING EXA TRANSMITTED THIS 22Jld day of September 2005 to the parties of record: Jennifer Henning 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Ste. 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Morgan John/Godwin Ugwoaba King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Ste. 70] Seattle, WA 98]04-3855 TRANSMITTED THIS 22Jld day of September 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100(G) ofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., October 6, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision ofthe Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ord inance are avai lable for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first f:oor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., October 6, 2005. \. King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use Permit File No.: LUA-05-081, CU-H September 22, 2005 Page 7 If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Councilor final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) commun ications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. F \ \ ./ -. --j ------------;- \ ... -- RM-F (\ s\,o ~~ ?>-r --~---"";--------------.. _---------- RC L 05 -21 T23N R5E W 112 - - - -Renton City Umlt,r Q) ~ <:t; Q) R-IO e s::: o :::s CA SITE. IL(P) 1:4.800 C F5 16 T23N R5E W 1/2 5316 ., SON=AVE " :_.w_~, . Ii ----ii :l'! -, '; - o tt.1J' $5-1 J.£ro& INLET BASIN CATCH aI-SIN (STCm4) CATCH e~ ("ANITAAy) STORM OftAiN MM*iOL£ TYPE I OR II SANITARY SE'WER MANHOlE PLUC SANITARY S£VI€R STORM DRAIN FlOW Dlft[cnOH Pl.ASTlC WASTE COLL.£CTlOfol BOX I'1f1:E HYDRANT SO/MH/CG 10 No SSt\1HjCB 10 No ~ ; c i"""",, __ I O«.f IV-.a.c _ ..... -... _.-u "''''' -.cu: ---_0fU .... -..... -"UDI' 1K.c --... ""'" ....... ~:. (>Nit'.".. _101 11_ (1_, I _ 11_ 1,_ 11_ CONDmONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 22 -11_ I' I' ~ !' , I' __ OM .!IWDtt:1JtflS:nOH ~ rJMm: QlIftIIft:l ewEr [!]f'DIIDf ..... , [JJ NIDPIN' WLr ~ ... rtr«~ ~:: :: I'ft£MJIW ~ .... "'" ;.-.a1lDQ)f'Q.£~ <-_wr " ---c> JM'l"Ie ..... UIlHt =-"'" * .... -""""""""" Siiftijj r- ......... , ; .. .................. , ,o~ '-.:'ro,o.to. ......... , ,,:~J).. ~ ,<;t1t~ " -'fT/O-- 11_,,- PROPERTY UNE DAlt 03/2003 06/2003 " '. ~:..:~.: 1li0l0"I P""l IJ , ... ---.---..... ---.---." .. ---p---, ..... 11_11-,,~ REVISION Oy II_II 1 I :J ,~ -' -, . ..s > ~-u ::J- 1 1 _11_11_" L <®~ KING COUI'ITY OEPAA'ThtENT OF "",ruRAl. RESOUF AND PARKS Pom 8IttonMU., Qlrlelor SOI.lD \(ASTC DIVISION RENTON TRANSFER ST A l10N CONOO1ONAL. use PERMIT U'T1I..JTIES PI .JUN: 200!5 APPRovtQ o"n: _ RECOMMENDED DArt __ 0E90H£l) ORAYfl'>I _____ _ PROJ£CT NO, ___ 5URI/O NO. SHITT ifiN'l\O~In-_l!-p""'ll ,~~ .. I\r/I.JiI-l~OO .... , -' '0 ~ KING COUN1Y ROADS DIVISION -0 ;,1 ~ ~ 1---------, __ c I I L <. ----------------------------------7,.-_-_-_-_-_-_-I ---------------------I ,JEF~ERSON ~ VE NE ~,4t 1 ___ 4> ~ " I ~ , "-... "-... ~ " " " " OUTBOUND SCALE ~5~O~6J- 40.51' EMP1Y TRAILER ...... " ~ "'-PARKING LOT ~~~ ... <0 "f: w... " Zu ..... w OVl " w"Ot" " Z, '"' :--. JIIUIMI.lD -TOrAL ~ -441.211 SF -~ IUt\.DINQ -431 .,. -lhlPOMOUS PA\t9IENT -4.311 SF -fH ruu. NfO EMPTY l'fItM.!ft PNnaHQ LOT -PERCtH1' OF ~ CCM:Jt£D WITH PA~ENT -m -PIftCIIfT OF 1m CX1'4RED """ lIUItJ)tNOI -.. " -_ ICH.£ HOUSf: I'IVHIIOCA'I!D IIUO\JlONO -ntEftE IS NO CtWfOIS PftOPOSED 10 NVM8[ft Of P_ AT 1l1[ TRN<Srot STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 13 -DmlUD£D CONCftDE CURl H.JJIHQ wr SIDE Of 1l1[ rw. TIWL£ft P_ LOr -~ Lr_ -lltt EX1STINO SfT[ 1$ DESlONA,1EI> c.nt .. IrWttluUon on"~Plo"L.andUu"oponci z .... """_(.) .. Tt ~ S08'25"2" E. ---~.73'- \~. ~ ..... r_"" \~ . ... - L!OO<O: ..-. .....,0Irt1l"flOl """" ..... ... "..... ...... .-rooa: _..u uatfT ..u ce CA104 ~ IS SNlTAftT Mtt ..,. MNHI.£ !II """" "" 0ftNK WMttOU co a.rNOIT c:;:;> t::::t> OWl CIl-WA.1tft !!PNtA,1OIII '.M. rtftt K'IQWfT _--.... 1IWrIC""", ~~ £// "'1 7 ~/ / ~ 111\' J 19 11 i&U IN Hit' ~~~ ~ CXIfGfIOfW. UK MD. ~ KING COVII1Y OEPAim4f)IT Of "'lVRA' ~ES< ~ 1IOUII""""DmIIIGII If< RENTON TRANSfER STAnON CONomONAL USE PERMIT APPUCA n Sitt MAP APfi'I!OVtD o ... n:....i: "f'COWIIIENC[O OATt..A:: 0(51ON£D I"ftOJECT NO. 5\J1M:'Y HO SHnl 1:\CAO\flENT 0,,"\,01'10 -PERMI1 ....J....MOflDo\N\D'ffl~ ~CO"'D _P(RloIIT f\tQut'31\rI t M DETERMlNA~ON OF NON-SIGNIAcAN~BnmGATED REVISED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT: King County Solid Waste T~ Station SeweI' Upgrade and Recycf.ng Area Conditional Use PROPONENT: NnQ Department of Public; Worits Solid Waste Division lUA 90-160-8, CU, eo: APPUCA nON NUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAl: Sewer &. Utility Upgrade, partcing ;,rea pa~ and recycling acea paving. 3021 NE 4th Street. LOCA nON OF PROfOSAL: CONDmONS: ,18 Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non- 1. 3. .... !gnificance -Mitigated with the foUowing c:cnditians: The appfiant shall, in on:ier to address impactS on surface watef' and ground III.-atef, modify m Construction Contm:t and ~ to include requir'emems for the conuxtor to c:ompIy with ttl provisions of me City of Renton's propos~ Aquifer Pnneaion Ordinance.. The revi.~ ConsuucUo <Antract and $pEcifications shan be approved by the Development Secvic:es Division an( Utilities Divsic::. prior to the issuance of Construction Permits .. The applicant shall also, in order to address impacts on Aquifer Protection Z!lne No. 2. develop a FilcirJt Managemem: and Oper;nions Plan to address the n=quUements of the Otv of Remon's pc-oposed Aquif~ Protection Ord1nance. The Facility Management and Operations Plan shall be approved by me 0eveJ0pmer Services Oivision and Utilities Oivsion p~ to the issuance cf Construction Permits. The Filcirr. Manaoemem: and Operations Plan shall address issues such as com:ainmEnt and treatment of haz:aTdot: waste spi\I$, disposal of hazardous waste materials. The applicant shall, iii order to add.-ess potemi3l impactS of hazacdous m~ on earth/soils in the area ( me former storm and surfc:ce w.m!I' swales ana dr.!in4ge cha<lnels and abandoned drainfields. eondu, monthly and quarterly soils testing pet" Section 6, ·Wzter 0uaf1tY Monitoring Requirements· contained : Renton Tranter Station Operation Maint'!nGltce Manual [See Attochment AJ.. Shouid evidence c cormunirmicn be found as a resu.'t of the momhlylquatterfy soils reports. men me applical!t shaU prompt implement an appropriate mnediation progra..n, after Sa=A review. 4. The applic3nt shaB, in order to address impacts of constnJction on neighboring uses and 'dle 10caI sue; system, complv with 'dle provisions of me apprlC3Jt(' s proposed Construction Mitigation Plan. it Construction Mitigation Plan shaU be approved by the Development Services DiviSon and UnTrties DMsic prior to the issuance of Construction Permits. The approved Construction rr.ltigation Plan shalt t incorporated into the tina: Coor-ruction Contract and Construction Documents fur the project. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPUCANT: The following notes are supplemental information pl'ovid~ in conjunction with me environmelltal detennination.. Eecausa mase advisory notes are provided as information only, m£'v ore nOf subject tn me ap;Jeal process foe environmental determinations. 1. The final Construction Patmit subm1ttals should include revisions to respond to the technic.al conunen' contained in David Christe.,sen's March t 6, 1992 letter to Viaor O. Okseke. 2. Evidence of a Metro <flScha.-ge permit: shall be required prior to the issuance of Bl.'ll;:ing or Co. .m.~ . Permin. 3. If a SOJls remediation program :s required. under COndition No.3. above. it WIll be rel.{l.Iired to underr subsequent SEPA review by me Environmental Review Committee. 4. Staff ate likely to recomme:ld to the Hearing E;caminer that the follo\'lfing. as weR cs Other, concfltions me be imposed on me Ccmfrtiona/ Use Permit: A. The app(jearn shan, :" o=der to address land use impactS en neighborhood compatibi:ity. ~ofy tt site plan [0 provide aocfrtionall2.mjscaping at the site perimetef. The revised site plan and landscar plans shalf be approved by the Development Services Division and Utilities Divisi.Jr, prior to .~ iSStlance of Const:uction Permi.s. mitmeas2" 1 ......... _--+ COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING September 6,2005 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use Permit LUA-05-081, CU-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval in order to continue operating the recycling station at the Renton Transfer Station for as long as the transfer station is in operation. The recycling station is currently operating on the subject site under a Conditional Use Permit issued under CU-160-90. The Conditional Use approval was granted on August 24th, 1992 for three (3) years, the permit has since expired. The recycling station is a gated area adjacent to the Transfer Station scalehouse with five recycling containers located on an asphalt-paved pad with customer signage. Customers may recycle glass, mixed waste paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, tin cans, cardboard, and #1 PET and #2 HDPE plastic bottles. The recycling center operates Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. No expansion or intensification of the use is proposed. HEX Agenda 9-6-0S.doc PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Owner/Applicant Address: Contact Address: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: September 6, 2005 King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station Conditional Use Permit King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Suite 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Morgan John King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Suite 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 LUA05-081, CU-H The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval in order to continue operating the recycling station at the Renton Transfer Station for as long as the transfer station is in operation. The recycling station is currently operating on the subject site under a Conditional Use Permit issued under CU-160- 90. The Conditional Use approval was granted on August 24th, 1992 for three (3) years, the permit has since expired. The recycling station is a gated area adjacent to the Transfer Station scalehouse with five recycling containers located on an asphalt- paved pad with customer signage. Customers may recycle glass, mixed waste paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, tin cans, cardboard, and #1 PET and #2 HDPE plastic bottles. The recycling center operates Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. No expansion or intensification of the use is proposed. 3021 NE 4th Street IL R-l0 e ~ o ::g IL(P) City of Renton P/BIPW Department )reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station PUBLIC HEARING DATE September 6, 2005 Page20f2 B. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: C. Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Site Plan (dated July 2005) Renton Transfer Station 5-foot Contour Map (May 2005) Utilities Plan (dated June 2005) Drainage Control Plan (dated June 2005) Zoning Map sheet F5 (dated December 28,2004) Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated Revised Mitigation Measures (dated June 24, 1992) GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner of Record: King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street, Suite 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Existing Site Use: Light Industrial -Public (IL (P)) Employment Area -Industrial (EA-I) Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: 6. 7. 8. Access: Site Area: North: Light Industrial -Public (IL (P)) zoning East: Light Industrial -Public (IL (P)) zoning South: Light Industrial -Public (IL (P)) zoning West: Light Industrial -Public (IL (P)) zoning NE 4th Street 230,868 square feet (5.3 acres) Project Data: Area Comments Existing Building Area: 12,460 sf New Building Area: N/A Total Building Area: 12,460 sf Existing transfer station The recycling center has no buildings and is proposing no structures. N/A D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Land Use File No. Annexation N/A RecycleCenter_hexrpt.doc Ordinance No. 2249 Date 06/2011966 City of Renton PIBIPW Department King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station PUBLIC HEARING DATE September 6, 2005 Comprehensive Plan Zoning Conditional Use Permit N/A N/A LUA-90-160, CU, ECF 5099 5100 N/A ~reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H Page 3 of3 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 08/24/1992 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-130A: Industrial Development Standards 2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 6. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Employment Area -Industrial (EA-I) objectives and policies. G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval in order to continue operating the King County Recycling Center at the Renton Transfer Station for the duration of the life of the recycling center. The applicant has indicated that the existing recycling station is a gated area adjacent to the Transfer Station scalehouse with five recycling containers located on an asphalt-paved pad with customer signage. Customers may recycle glass, mixed waste paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, tin cans, cardboard, and #1 PET and #2 HDPE plastic bottles. The recycling center operates Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. No expansion or intensification of the use is proposed. The existing recycling center is part of a larger 5.3 acre site, which also contains the Renton Transfer Station and scale house. The recycling center operates within a 6,321 square foot area that is separated from the rest of the site by a chain link fence. The recycling center contains five recycling containers located on an asphalt-paved pad with customer signage. Customers may recycle glass, mixed waste paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, tin cans, cardboard, and #1 PET and #2 HDPE plastic bottles. No improvements are proposed to the subject site, the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to continue operating the existing recycling center at the Renton Transfer Station. A Conditional Use Permit was originally issued on August 24, 1992, which expired 3 years after the date of issuance. The recycling center has continued to operate on the subject site without the proper approvals. The recycling center does not have any buildings on-site. The current building footprint of the Renton Transfer Station is approximately 12,460 square feet, which equates to a building lot coverage of 5.4% (building footprint of 12,460 square feet 1 lot size of 230,868 square feet = 5.4%). The site is accessed via a 60-foot access easement onto NE 4th Street, located to the north of the subject site. Industrially zoned properties abut the site along the northern, southern, eastern, and western property lines. The recycling center proposes continue to utilize the existing on site parking spaces available at the Renton Transfer station. RecycleCentechexrpt.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department )reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H King County Recycling Center at Renton I ransfer Station PUBLIC HEARING DA TE September 6, 2005 Page 4 of4 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated on April 15, 1992. The applicant requested reconsideration of Mitigation Measure No.3, which originally required soils tests by a qualified geotechnical engineer. The Environmental Review Committee issued a revised Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated on June 24, 1992. Mitigation Measure NO.3 was revised by ERC to require soils testing per Section 6, "Water Quality Monitoring Requirements", contained in the applicant's Renton Transfer Station Operation Maintenance Manual. The appeal period ended on July 13, 1992, with no appeals filed. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES The Environmental Review Committee issued four mitigation measures. The recycling center has complied with all mitigation measures. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA: Section 4-9-030.G lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include the following: (1) CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ZONING CODE & OTHER ORDINANCES: RecycieCenter _hexrpt.doc The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standard of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. (a) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element The subject site is designated Employment Area -Industrial (EA-I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The purpose of the Employment Area -Industrial (EA-I) deSignation is to provide continued opportunity for manufacturing and industrial uses that create a strong employment base in the City. The following Comprehensive Plan Land Use policies are applicable to the proposal: Policy LU-436. The primary use in the Employment Area -Industrial deSignation should be industrial. The existing recycling center is an industrial use. Policy LU-440. Existing industrial activities may create noise, chemicals, odors, or other potentially noxious off-site impacts. Within the Employment Area-Industrial designation existing industrial activities should be protected. Although the designation allows a wide range and mix of uses, new businesses that would be impacted by pre-existing industrial activities should be discouraged. The existing recycling center is an industrial use that is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to operate for the duration of the recycling center. Policy LU-442. Off-site impacts from industrial development such as noise, odors, light and glare, surface and ground water pollution, and air quality should be controlled City ot Renton PIBIPW Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H King County Recycling Center at Renton I ranster Station PUBLIC HEARING DA TE September 6, 2005 Page Sots through setbacks, landscaping, screening and/or fencing, drainage controls, environmental mitigation, and other techniques. The existing recycling center performs annual surface water and bioswale soil sampling tests to ensure that there is no risk from transfer station operation to the regional aquifer. Monitoring results over eleven years of sampling indicate low or negligible levels of contamination. (b) Zoning Code The proposed recycling center use is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zoning designation. The purpose of the Light Industrial Zone (IL) is to provide areas for low- intensity manufacturing, industrial services, distribution, storage, and technical schools. The proposed recycling center use would be permitted in the IL zone subject to approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. (c) Development Standards The Light Industrial (IL) development standards require a minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, no rear or side yard setbacks are required unless the property abuts or is adjacent to a residential zone, and then a 20-foot setback is required. The subject site is not abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned property; therefore no side or rear yard setbacks are required for the subject site. The existing recycling center complies with all of the setback requirements. The Light Industrial (IL) zone has a maximum lot coverage for buildings of 65%. The recycling center does not have any buildings on-site. The current building footprint of the Renton Transfer Station is approximately 12,460 square feet, which equates to a building lot coverage of 5.4% (building footprint of 12,460 square feet / lot size of 230,868 square feet = 5.4%), which complies with the building lot coverage requirements. Buildings in the Light Industrial (IL) zone have a maximum building height limit of 50 feet. The applicant was not required to submit building elevations, as the recycling center does not have any buildings on the subject site and no new buildings are proposed. The Renton Transfer building is also located on the subject site and is a 1-story structure, however the Renton Transfer building is not a part of this application as it is an approved use that does not require Conditional Use Permit Approval. (2) COMMUNITY NEED: RecycleCenter_hexrpt.doc There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors, among all other relevant information: (a) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental over concentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The immediate vicinity of the subject site is primarily surrounded by King County owned property used for industrial purposes. There are no other recycling centers in the immediate vicinity; therefore the existing recycling center does not result in a detrimental over concentration of a recycling center use in the area. Furthermore, as the recycling center is located in an area surrounded by other governmental uses and was originally permitted under CU-160-90 on August 24, 1992, the approval of the recycling center would not dramatically increase noise, odor, traffic, or produce other adverse impacts to surrounding properties. (b) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The subject site is located within an industrially zoned area of Renton and is primarily surrounded by other King County property used for industrial purposes. The recycling center operates Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Based on the surrounding uses and the hours of ol!>eration, the City of Renton P/BIPW Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H King County Recycling Center at Renton I ransfer Station PUBLIC HEARING DA TE September 6, 2005 Page 60f6 approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the existing recycling center would not adversely impact neighboring properties. The subject site is also located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. To mitigate for the potential adverse impacts to the Aquifer all contaminated stormwater is directed to sanitary sewers, while non-contaminated drainage goes into the storm drainage system and ultimately to a PVC lined bio-swale. King County Solid Waste Division performs annual surface water and bio-swale soil sampling tests to ensure that there is no risk from transfer station operations to the regional aquifer. Monitoring results over eleven years of sampling indicate low or negligible levels of contamination. (3) EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in sUbstantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: (a) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The Light Industrial (IL) zone has a maximum lot coverage for buildings of 65%. The recycling center does not have any buildings on-site. The current building footprint of the Renton Transfer Station is approximately 12,460 square feet, which equates to a building lot coverage of 5.4% (building footprint of 12,460 square feet / lot size of 230,868 square feet = 5.4%), which complies with the building lot coverage requirements. (b) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. The Light Industrial (IL) development standards require a minimum front yard setback of 15 feet, no rear or side yard setbacks are required unless the property abuts or is adjacent to a residential zone, and then a 20-foot setback is required. The subject site is not abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned property; therefore no side or rear yard setbacks are required for the subject site. The existing recycling center complies with all of the setback requirements. (c) Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, bell towers, public utility antennas or similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding used in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. Buildings in the Light Industrial (IL) zone have a maximum building height limit of 50 feet. The applicant was not required to submit building elevations, as the recycling center does not have any buildings on the subject site and no new buildings are proposed. The Renton Transfer building is also located on the subject site and is a 1-story structure, however the Renton Transfer building is not apart of this application as it is an approved use that does not require Conditional Use Permit Approval. (4) COMPA TlBILlTY: The subject property is surrounded by King County owned properties used for industrial purposes. The recycling center operates Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. The recycling center is an industrial use that will operate during daylight hours and is compatible with the abutting industrial uses occurring on King County owned property. (5) PARKING: RecycleCenter _hexrpt.doc Parking for customer vehicles, e.g. cars and trucks bringing garbage and recyclables to the site occur within the transfer station structure. Eight paved parking spaces were provided under the approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CU-160-90) dated August 24, 1992. City of Renton P/BIPW Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H King County Recycling Center at Renton I ransfer Station PUBLIC HEARING DA TE September 6, 2005 Page 70f7 (6) TRAFFIC: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. Existing traffic circulation will not be changed as a result of this approval. The existing site circulation separates heavy truck traffic from vehicles bringing solid waste into the transfer station to insure safe movement of vehicles. Because of safety concerns, there is no pedestrian circulation permitted within the facility except for transfer station employees. (7) NOISE, GLARE: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. The noise and glare impacts from the subject proposal would not change, as the recycling center is currently existing and no expansions or changes to the center are proposed. (8) LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. This subject site is currently developed; staff does not anticipate the need for additional landscaping at this time. (9) ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. There are no accessory uses proposed. (10) CONVERSION: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. No buildings or structures are proposed to be converted. (11) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities, and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities, and/or services. As the subject site is existing and fully developed, no additional street or utility improvements are required as part of the proposal. Utilities Staff has indicated that all existing public utilities are currently sufficient to serve the proposed development associated with this conditional use permit. G. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the Recycling Center at the Renton Transfer Station to be located at 3021 NE 4th Street, Project File No. LUA05-081, CU-H subject to the following conditions: RecycleCenter _hexrpt.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department King County Recycling Center at Renton I ransfer Station PUBLIC HEARING DA TE September 6, 2005 )reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA05-081, CU-H PageBofB 1. The applicant is required to comply with the ERC Mitigation Measures issued with the Revised Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated on June 24, 1992. 2. The State of Washington Model Toxics Control Act's (WAC 173-340) Clean-Up Standards shall be used to evaluate the monthly and quarterly soils sampling. RecycleCenter _hexrpt.doc b d KING COUN1Y ROADS DIVISION .. ---0 --------L S I -----------------------------------------------------~==-=--=-' r-________________ / gj I ~ & EF~ERSON AVE NE I "'-"'- "'- , ~ , , , OUTBOUND SCALE ~5"~~6~ -fO.51 , " v~S a ~ EMP1Y TRA ......... ~o-" PARKING ILER ..... <0 :>}'A LOT w..-~ •. z ,(' ~o o~ Wv z ......... ::::i ..... ~ , , .IiIIUII!UBi -TOTAL SfIE -441,,283 Sf" -SCH.OtOUSE: a.M.DIG -431 IF -aFElMOUS ~ -4.JIt SF -It FUU.. AND DWIY 1RM.St PMIQNO LOT -P£IICOO' 01' SIE CCMR£I) WITH _ -221< CONDmONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 13 -PEJIUNT OF atE ICCMRED wmt IU1.DfrIGS -._ -_ SCM.[ HOUSE I'IV~ ___ -THERE IS NO QwtDEI PftOPOIIB) 10 MUMIItJt 0I'_AT1I£_sr ....... -ElC11IIJOED ~ CUOII ALONIiI [A5T SlOE 0I'llt[flJU.1lWI.EIIP_LOT-_LF. -lItE ElCISIIOG snE IS DES1ONo\1ED ()onIor __ on"~"""I.JInd""'Wapond ZonodLJohl_(l') ... " S 06'25,,2" E ~.73'---\~. ¢:::J \~- LfIlENIk --. £:..IL...-SNIT....., .... r so S1tIW DRAIN P.P. WA",.... CHAIN LH< FENCE _ ..... LIGHT ..... CI CAD ItMIN .. SNIT""" III_- so ..-.................. co CUMCUT ~ C::::t> ows ClL-WAD 5EPARAlUR F.'" fIftlHl'EftNfT ____ lWfIC""" ~ f),' ,----4'~ £// "'/ / ~/ ~ / ~ 41 /1'" iiWi' ... · fIRCIPOIID CONDITJOtW. USE JIISA ® KING CIlUNlY D£PNI'IMENT OF Nf.1IJRAL ReIOUf ..... _- REVI!iOH leY t;\i RENTON lRANSFER STAll ON CONDIl1ONAL USE PERMIT APPUCAllOi 511E MAP """""'" -OA.TE~ DAlE ....§::ZQ ~NO. SUftYEYNO, SHEU 0 COMD-PERUfT~DWIN-tONl)-pERYfT REOOEST\IT£M1J. o 11"'" ,.... 11 FENCE --- 1 1 _1 1_11_'1_11_,,_ 11_11_"_"_"_11_11 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 14 0 '- _"_[1_"_,1_11 DATE REVISION '- '-, _'I_~- 03 :5 RE't'I[WEO PLAN AND ~F1ED 55 AND SO. BY !:!:. P.O. 06/2003 RE'IIE~ PlAN AND VERlflED SS AND SO. tv') -;+- '~'-'J r~ II_'I ::1- ~I ~= Ifl I- 0 I -"-'I -I, '-11_,1-1 ®r!] KING COUNTY DEPARllIEIIT Of NAlVRAL RESOURCES AND PARKS Pom Blnonnett., DIrector SOLID WASTE IXVISION fENTON ~ STAllON COfOTIONAL USE PEfUT 5 FT' CONTou:t MAP APPROVED DATE~ RECOWMENOEO DAlE ~ DESIGNED DRAWN ______ _ PRQ.£CT HO· ___ SURVEY NO. SHEET OF S: \CAO\AENlOI\COND-f'ERUIT -.. 1. ... NORCAN\,Dwft-QIXId-premit rtKIU8It \contOlJr-5tt.d_V ::2 oe:( :::I r:..: C'. C: ..... Lt: e e ~ ~ " ~ > :2 C a ~ :;: c. > c. u 0 t u ,,_,,_,,_"_"- CONomONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 22 _,,- .r-........ "_,, ~ 1 I:r-,~ .J2 =:.2 I ill ~- ::J- .... ..... ........ ~ ........ " , ~-i>DA ........ ~.: ........ ,----------........ < ~ " ' --"'... / :4i.,L"""'" ~ " ~ ~ !' J" :' , ,~'>- ~ f/I\f~ " I' __ I' ____ Cii:l TNJmC Q7IV7IIO. CMJIIIU (f] I'tJ«ItNlflr rn--MJ) w.c.r(1'lf'£1.IIIdDI/) 4) .... -o:-a'iGI. POlE w,.utllWlMl£ <> _flU ~ amlflL£.,uMMr E-_IVY )( ........ -t> 1IWf'IC SPMI. UfH """''''' --_ ......... -<VT_ 11_.,_ PROPERTY UNE ~ "1" ~ :t='-/. / .......... ' ""£.l. __ - . t. -.4. 'c" ..... ~ ...... -r.-~--" ..... .....-,~, ~ • .. , ""':D AI , I-I ---.---, """'-... ---,---...... ___ w __ _ .... ---p---.... , ,,~ I ) "_,,_,,_,, L {!)[!J KING COUNTY DEPARTIIENT Of NATURAL RESQURO AND PARKS pQITI Biseonnett .. D1rectOf SIlLlD Io/ASTE DIVISION FENTON TRANSF8\ SfAllON cotDTIONAL. USE P8UT UTUTE8 PlJ .uE2005 APPRO'tfll DATE -- RECOMMENDED. _____ DATE -- DESIGNED DRA~ ------PRO.ECT NO. ___ SUR\'£Y NO. SHEET r:JF Renton Transfer station Im:le! IIicua &riace 0~/ 8ceIe ~lNorlh Chute ® ® ® ® o ® ® ~ ® o Entrance -20,767 If TIS ExIt Road -3,410 If F1A Traler Parkilg No.-2O,395 If F1A Traler Parkhg 80.-7,2!JIJ If ., CormIercIaI Entry -4,446 If CormIercIaI Exit -3,573 If South Chute ExIt -8,004 81 Sell Hau Enrty -4,218 If Sell Hau Exit -4,694 If TraNIer BuIdng -14,860 If Recycle Area. -6,321 If Emtpy Tr1eJer Parkiv-~ Total Entre SIte -~ --SwaIe Area (Approx) -28.890 If WlEfQ Clr.1Q4 SASIN (STORM) CAT01 BASIN (SANITARY) o STORM DRAIN MANHOlE TYPE I OR U o SANITARY SEWER MANHOlE SANITARY SEWER STORM DRAIN SANITARY SEWER FLOW CONDmONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 23 --- \' ~;.' "~~i'~~ , .e-.. 'C '. -- / \ . -I I ".,,~ \\\ '." A\.?":.l ....... \ (.,'~r"" ' \ ~~.~V;}:~ '\ .. )··-"jt~js \ '~""~Q~ ,n\ ~~ . --1,:"".,k""", - \\!):" . A ,\TOBIOSWAL.E ~.' \ I -- \ I I --7 DATE I REVlSlCW I BY 03/2003 RE't1EWED PLAN AND WRrFlEO SS AND SO. F.B. 08/2003 I REVIEWED PlAN AND VERIFIED SS AND SO. I P.O. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATUIW. RESOURCES AND PARKS DESIGNED Pam Btuonnett., Director SILID .... ASTE DIVISION FIMON 1RANBFER STATION cotDT1ONAL USE f'EFMT DRAt4A<E CQlTROL PLAN ..uE2005 DRAWN PRO.£CT NO. ___ 5UR~ NO. SHEET OF S: \CAO\EMERPlAN\PD-EW'on DP\RENTDf.DWG \!) It ~ ~ :!: « co o a; N o ~ 1 ~ c;:: CD ~ c: .j!! "0 ~ ~ W t-~ ~ ~ § ! ~ c: ~ Z ~ :5 ~I ~ a:: w a.. o z ~ z w a:: is CS ./ F ~ ZONING o :::. TBCHNICAL 8IllVlCBS E5 -9 T23N R5E W 112 It Q) ~ Q) R-10 e ~ o ~ c CA R-8NE J-.:--IL.--~ S IT£. IL(P) ~ '\ /,,-,j i ! I ! ~t-$ I I ! I ! G5 -21 T23N R5E W 112 ----Rento .. C1t~ Umi~ 16 T23N R5E W 1/2 5316 '.: .. ~ I I ( -i I I DETERMI~~ON OF NON-SIGNIACAN~a.mGATED REVISED MmGATION MEASURES PRo..rECT: King County Solid Wasta Transfer Sfa1ian Sewer Upgrade and Rec:yding Area CanditionaI Use PROPONENT: King Department of Public: WOttts Solid Waste Oivision lUA 90-160-8. CU. ECF APPlICATION NUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAl: lOCATION OF PROt'IJSAl: Sewer &: U1iIity Upgrade. padcing area paving and reeycling area paving. 3021 NE 4th Street. CONDmONS: .le Environmental Review Committee issued a Detetmination of Non- t. 2. ... !gnific:anc:a -Mitigated with the following conditions: The app/icarIt shaq, in onier to address impactS on surface wamr and ground 1II.-ater, modify ttl Construcsion Contract and SpecificaDons to induc:Ie requirements for the comrac:tor to comply with ttl provisions of the City of Renton's propGSeG AQuifer Proteciion Ordinance. The revi.qci Constructio-Con1Rct and Specifications shall be approved by the Development Senric:es Division an' U1ili1ies Divsic: prior to the issuam:e of Cansuuction Permits. The apCJicant shall also. in order to addless impactS on Aquifer Protec:tion Zllne No. 2. develop a Fac:iIit Management: and Opemions Plan to address the requitemena of the City of Renton's proposed Aquife Protection Ordlnanc:e. The Facility Management: and Operations Plan shall be approved by the DeveIopmer Ser.ric:es Division and UtlTI1fes Divsion prior to the issuance of Consuuction Permits. The Facirr. Management and Operations Plan shaD address issues such as containmEnt and treatment of hazardol: waste sgiIIs, disposai of hazardous waste materials. 3. The appficant shall. in order to address potemial impadS of haunfous materials on earth/soils in the area c the former SUlRn and surt-..ca water swales ana drainage cha'1ne1s and abandoned drainfields. condut monthly and quarterly soils testing per Section 6. "Water QuafItY Monitoring Requirements-contained : 4. Renton Tranfer Station Operation Maint<!nance Manual [See AUZChment AI. Shouid evidence ( cont.amina1ion be found as a resuIt of the monthiy/Quanerfy soils reportS. then the appfn:ar.t shall promPt implement an appropriate ~on p~n. after SEPA review. The aQPIicant shall. in order to address impaas of c:onsuuction on neighboring uses and the local stI'e! system. complv with the provisions of the apprant's proposed Consuuc:tion Mitigation Plan. Tt Construction Mitigation Plan shaD be approved by the Development Services Oivision and UtlTlties fYlVisic priot' to the is:suance of ConstrUction Penniu. The approved Construaion Mitigation Plan sha/. t incorporated into the final Construction ContraCt and Construction Documents fer me project. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT: The following notes are supplemernal information provid~ in conjunction with the environmental determination. Bec:ause these advisory notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the ap;leal process for environmental determinations. 1. 2. 3. 4. The final Construction Pannit submittals should incfude revisions to respond to the tedInic.3I commerr contained in Oavid Christeiuen's March 16. 1992 letter to VictOr O. Oweke. Evidence of a Metro discharge permit shall be required prior to the issuance of Buil::ing or Co .• aul:\. . Permits. If a soils remediation program :s required. under Condition No.3. above. it will be re4..sired to under{ subsequent SEPA review by the Environmental Review Committee. Staff are likely to recommend to the Hearing Examiner that tite following, as wen e$ Other. concfmons ml' be imposed on the Comfltional Use Permit: A. The applicant shaR. i" o=der to address land use impaas en neighborhood compatibi!ity. nr.A:.fy tt site plan to provide acanional 12l1dscaping at the site perimeter. The revised site pian and landscac plans shall be approved by the Development Services Division and Utilities Divisi.)r, firior to ,~ issuance of Construction Permits. mitmeas2 - 1 ------." -.. -_ ............ , .. , Printed: 08-19-2005 Payment Made: £"'TTY OF RENTON )55 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-081 08/19/2005 11 :56 AM Receipt Number: R0504559 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: King County Finance and Business Operations Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 347657 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 City of l1enton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: fOttlc...b COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 n APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26, 2005 ~ C :-.~I C"'!:-< !:= .~ APPLICANT: KinQ County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall 7,... I 'I... J PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries ~ ! ~.. I!! SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A ~ ~ ~ ~ <0 <::) !ll LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street WORK ORDER NO: 77448 j'iZ <.Jl M [{l SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperati~ the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtiGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 'on with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ion is needed to properly assess this proposal. ! [), ~ /~ Da,,--:j-, City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26, 2005 APPLICANT: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77448 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P» zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 1_ 0k -Nv ~~ is' ith particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or is needed to properly assess this proposal. f-9-0~ Signal Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: s~/wo..\-k.tJ. \-4if COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H f DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26,2005 APPLICANT: KinQ County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77448 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning deSignation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment to,OOoFeet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS !'Io ~-vn6 We have reviewed this application 'th particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe additional informati needed to properly assess this proposal. Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works EN V I RON MEN TAL & D E'V E LOP MEN TAP P Lie A T ION REV lEW SHE E T REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Prr:oerN s~ COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU:H v DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26, 2005 APPLICANT: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street WORK ORDER NO: 77448 RECEIVED JUL t; , L\.','.j CITY OF Fil::NTCN IITlUTY SYSID,:S SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning deSignation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water LiqhtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS ve reviewed this applicati n with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or whe,.._ • ;, n dad '0 prope a.,e" "" --' '7/2 cr.I2/1S---- Date City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: h re.. COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26,2005 APPLICANT: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A· LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street WORK ORDER NO: 77 44b SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval toJtJ~tinOeA:>PMmting~he recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term ba$is. The tranMerwilon was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approXirnateIY~c. reo s in Size. and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Av~nue NE. No~tr=\:lGtiOnou!!!lration$ to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zote_~_.__ .' . ~ ';. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghtlGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet AJJ 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 11)4 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ! lUG \~ G.~iI1tJf -S We have review~t this application areas where add,onal information ith particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or """" to properlY MS'» tho p"""""t. !G ~ ( Date f 1 Signature City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:T~CY\ COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9,2005 • APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26,2005 APPLICANT: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA (Qross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77448 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth HousinG Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS /Jt9~ C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS !UtJiV We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. d· / epresentative City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~ 1\':" \~L 'Dev. COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26,2005 APPLICANT: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA{gross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77448 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing_ Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl HistoriclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS ~~ C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~I#I/Iraf Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Datel:7 City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public vvorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~1rucJ,. [) ('\ COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-081, CU-H DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 26,2005 APPLICANT: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: KC Recycling Ctr @ Renton Transfer Station PLAN REVIEW: Juliana Fries SITE AREA: 6,321 square feet BUILDING AREA Jgross): N/A LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77448 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P» zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water UghtiGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas w e additional informati n is nee d to properly assess this proposal. Date ' A Master Application has been flied and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describe. the application and the necenary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: King County Recycling Ctr at Renton Transfer Station I LUA05·061, CU-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU·160-90. The subject slle is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Ught Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. PROJECT LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Morgan John, King Counly Solid Wasle Division; Tel: (206) 296-8443 Comment. on the above application mUlt be submitted In writing to Jill Hall, Anoclate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on August 9, 2005. This matter Is also """tively scheduled for, public hearing on September 6 2005. at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you ara interested In attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430·7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may stili appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mall, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOnCE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: July 7, 2005 July 26, 2005 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name I No.: King County Recycling Ctr at Renton Transfer Station I LUA05-081, CU·H NAME: __________________________________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: ________________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ______________ _ CERTIFICATION .... ~",-., ""'"'' \ .' R AL \\\, ,.,~~ .• · •••• ~\I ,.~ ,~ .. ··SS\ON ;'i."~"'" It, ~. ~:.# ~A)"~ I -;' Q :' .. ) ,,-\OTAR'-' ~". ~ ~ ,! <:{ • 0 ,.... r ttl. , 1'0 en: I I, lliek Jor4 ,hereby certify that :s. copies of ~he above dO(~~m~~t PUBUC .::? f were posted by me in ~ conspicuous places or nearby the descnbed property QP-P~ ·· .. '?~19-?~.···l5..a.,! SIGNED: p-~ If? A ~'?~oFviAS't~~~-~:-· DATE:_7-'--,..._~ __ -_o_~_ A.;llEST: Subscribed and swo~,before me, a Notary Public; in and for the State 0D',:shing~on resi .$C1·fH6 WeL on the jJQ day of $0 'UX) S -_~.au~d&· ~~~~~~.:.-. V NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATU CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 26th day of July, 2005, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Morgan John, KC Solid Waster Division Surrounding Property Owners -NOA only (Signature of Sender): ~ ~ 7 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Owner See attached I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and vOluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: i /3 0 Jor --"'--....:...---- Notary (Print):_....:.--____ It._, .;...-~_}{£U7_-_' _der' _________ _ My appointment expires: KC Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station I, ----------------------------------------~~~~--~~~~ LUA05-081, CU-H I, 'I I . PuBLIC ; ~'. .'~ ~ -.,;.:. .. '!., 19-0~."" o'..f ,.~, ....... ~-, \ \,?f: WAS\'"\\::' _-::' < .... \..''I)..''t_'",,,'''-- 430731035001 ALLEN JIM S 130 GLENWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 162305905901 LA PIANTA LP PO BOX 88028 TUKWILA WA 98138 430735123001 QUADRANT PO BOX 130 BELLEVUE WA 98009 430731038005 BRODSKY BENJAMIN D 112 GLENNWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 430731037007 LUU VANTHY 118 GLENNWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 430731036009 TSENG DANNY C H 124 GLENWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 430731040001 HAILE SHAUN M 100 GLENNWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 430731034004 PEREGRINO JONARD D 136 GLENNWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 430731039003 WHITMAN DANIEL R 106 GLENNWOOD PL NE RENTON WA 98056 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: King County Recycling Ctr at Renton Transfer Station / LUA05-081, CU-H PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit approval to continue opperating the recycling station at the King County Solid Wast Division's Renton Transfer Station on a long-term basis. The transfer station was originally permitted in 1992 under Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The subject site is approximately 5.3 acres in size and is within the Light Industrial (Public) (IL (P)) zoning designation. Access to the site is off of Jefferson Avenue NE. No construction or alterations to the subject site are proposed. The subject site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. PROJECT LOCATION: 3021 NE 4th Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Morgan John, King County Solid Waste Division; Tel: (206) 296-8443 Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Jill Hall, Associate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on August 9,2005. This matter Is also tentatively scheduled for 8 public hearing on September 6. 2005, at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. ·If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: July 7, 2005 July 26,2005 .,; ~ R-IO e Q o :::>!i L R-8 SITE. l ___ _ IUP) If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File Name / No.: King County Recycling Ctr at Renton Transfer Station / LUA05-081, CU-H NAME: __________________________________________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________________ _ CITY )F RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator July 26, 2005 Morgan John King County Solid Waste Division 201 S Jackson Street #701 Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: Dear Mr. John: King County Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station LUA-05-081, CU-H The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Per the voicemail message I left you, an additional $1,000 is required, in addition to the $1,000 previously paid, to process the Conditional Use Permit application. As the total fee for a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use is $2,000. Please submit the additional $1,000 prior to August 19, 2005 so as to avoid putting the project on hold and rescheduling the public hearing. You will be notified if any additional information, other than above, is required to continue processing your application. . This matter is tentatively scheduled for a Public Hearing on September 6,2005 at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant are required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. . Please contact me at (425) 430-7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Associate Planner ----------~1~O~55~S~o-u~th-G~r-ad~y~W-a-y---R-e-nt-on-,-W-a-Sh~i-ng-to-n-.-98-0-5-5-------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE JA 05 -() <?\ City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT JUL it,,,, .~, MASTER APPLICATION .~ PROPERTY OWNER(S} PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: King County Solid Waste Division PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Recycling Center at Renton Transfer Station .' ADDRESS: 201 S Jac'kson St, Suite 701 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Seattle ZIP:98104-3855 3021 NE Fourth St; Renton, WA 98056 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-296-8443 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 162305-9133 APPLICANT (if other than owner) EXISTING LAND USE(S): Recycling Center NAME: Same as owner PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Recycling Center COMPANY (if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: EAI -Employment Area Industrial PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: Light Industrial CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A NAME: Morgan John SITE AREA (in square feet): 6321 Sq Ft SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if applicable): King County Solid Waste Division FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): N/A ADDRESS: 201 S. Jackson St. Suite 701 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): N/A CITY: Seattle, WA ZIP: 98104 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A 206-296-8443 morgan.john@metrokc.gov Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp,doc 03/11/05 ."" PRO :T INFORMATION (continu NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A PROJECT VALUE: Not Applicable (N/A) IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE > AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. o WETLANDS sq. ft. Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/p\anning/masterapp.doc 03/\1105 ... , .,,,,, • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE _west half of the southwest quarter of the northeast_ QUARTER OF SECTION _16_, TOWNSHIP _23 North_, RANGE_5 East, W.M._, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Conditional Use Permit Renewal for the life of 2. the station. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) /{ &1/11_ E ~ t aNt) , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or V the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~~~ . I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that K. ~V 11-1 t;;. IL.l t1t.;J 'h..l signed this instrument an.d ack~owle~ged it to be his/her/their free and VOluntary act for the r ~-uses and purposes mentioned In the Instrument. ---+----''- (Slgoatu", of Qwn ... /R,,...."lative) ",A j _ ~ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Signature of Owner/Representative) Notary (Print) r; 41 L. '/ My appointment expires: J I ~ :;. / 0 i Q:web/pw/devserv/fonns/p1anninglmasterapp.doc 03/11105 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section PROJECT NAME: ---t-l L-fJ.Ar.I?,.!....:!l....::....<.Fa-'--_~_~......;,.--.:+....:..;:·,O'-'<..:# __ DATE: __ ~=i--"I,--,Y~6,-,o~l.{,---___ ~ f Q:\WEB\Pw\DEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISI WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2AND3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section. PROJECTNAME: ________________________ __ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: ________________________ __ 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls JUL -7 20U5 5. Project Narrative: Site Infonnation This Conditional Use Pennit application requests approval for the long-tenn operation of the recycling station at the King County Solid Waste Division's Renton Transfer Station located at 3021 NE Fourth St; Renton, WA 98056. The transfer station is located on a 5.3 acre lot, Parcel # 162305-9133 south ofNE Fourth St, accessible from Jefferson Ave NE. The site and adjacent properties are zoned IL (lndustrial-Light), while nearby residential areas are zoned R-lO. Current solid waste handling components on the overall transfer station site include the existing recycling station, scalehouse, transfer station building, trailer and employee parking areas, and customer and service access roads. The Renton Transfer Station has been in operation since 1966 and is one of 8 transfer stations in the county's solid waste disposal system. The transfer station is located above Renton's Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2. All contaminated stonn water is directed to sanitary sewers, while non-contaminated drainage goes into the stonn drainage system and ultimately to a PVC lined bio-swale. Per Lys Hornsby's letter from March 28,2002 (attached), SWD perfonns annual surface water and bioswale soil sampling tests to ensure that there is no risk from transfer station operations to the regional aquifer. Monitoring results over eleven years of sampling indicate low or negligible levels of contamination. Current Recycling Services The Renton location has offered recycling services since 1992, as authorized by Renton Conditional Use Pennit CU-160-90. There are no built structures as part of the recycling station. As the attached photographs indicate, the recycling station is a gated area adjacent to the Transfer Station scalehouse with five recycling containers located on an asphalt-paved pad with customer signage. Customers may recycle glass, mixed waste paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, tin cans, cardboard, and #1 PET and #2 HDPE plastic bottles. Conditional Use Pennit This conditional use pennit application proposes to make operation of the recycling area at the Renton Transfer Station an ongoing use, to exist as long as the transfer station is operating. The SWD will not be moving the recycling services, or making any physical changes to the site. There is no cost or value associated with this pennit application. The recycling facility will continue to accept recyclable materials from the general pUblic. This application proposes a process for adding or subtracting materials collected based on customer demand, market conditions, or other changes to consumer behavior or the solid waste industry. Since this recycling facility is meant to serve the recycling needs of the community, SWD wishes for the facility to be able to change based on customer's needs. IfSWD detennines that materials should be added or dropped from the collection site, SWD will request, in writing, authorization from the City of Renton. Changes to the recycling options at the Renton Transfer Station will only occur with written approval from the City of Renton. There will be no collection of Household Hazardous Waste materials at this site. 6. Conditional Use Permit Justification: City o/Renton Permit #CU-90-J60 This application is to renew permit #CU-90-160 on a long term basis. The city of Renton reviewed and permitted the recycling center in 1992. The recycling center has remained a good neighbor and operated within the requirements set I CU-90-160 in 1992 by the City of Renton. The recycling center serves the residents of Renton who have come to appreciate its cleanliness and utility since the recycling center was first permitted by the city of Renton in 1992. A. Comprehensive Plan The recycling services currently offered at the Renton Transfer Station are consistent with the 2001 King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, adopted by the City of Renton on January 28,2002. The recycling center supports Waste Reduction and Recycling Policy #36, which requires the county to make recycling a priority by maximizing recycling opportunities. B. Community Need In addition to consistency with the adopted Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan, the recycling services at the Recycling Center provide a direct public service and help to satisfy an important community need, that of convenient and appropriate disposal of recyclable materials. The recycling center complements Renton area curbside recycling services and provides the public with a popular option for recycling. The recycling services currently offered are free and help to keep reusable resources out of the garbage stream. C. Effect on Adjacent Properties The effect of the recycling center on surrounding properties has been positive. Neighbors find it convenient to use the recycling center. They have come to depend on it since the site was first permitted in 1992. ~ ,. ',.' -;:-. JUL 7. Construction Mitigation Description There will be no construction. This is an application to renew and continue an already permitted use for the life of the station. Sanitary Drain System Drainage from the recycling center empties into the sanitary drainage system of Renton TransferlRecycling Station. The sanitary sewer system ultimately empties into the off-site Metro sewage treatment plant. See map. The sanitary sewer system is labeled "ss" on the enclosed Drainage Control Plan sheet. As shown on the attached Drainage Control Plan sheet, the following impervious areas drain into the sanitary system: • Recycle Area; • Full Trailer Parking Lot; • Full Trailer Parking Lot Access; • Tipping Floor and Chute (area beneath the transfer building roof and chute area beneath the tipping floor, including equipment wash-down drainage); • Empty Trailer Parking Lot. Bio-Swale Non-contaminated drainage goes to the storm drainage system which ultimately empties into an unlined 28,890 sq. ft. bio-swale. The storm drain system is labeled "SD" on the enclosed Drainage Control Plan sheet. The impervious areas that drain into the storm drain system include on-site pave access roads and building roof drains. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: '~"" . ' \ ~' . JUL ;·i.t\,~ fr~J i ;'~<J " ~ The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist- Dwin.doc06/01/05 , " A. BACKGROUND 1 . Name of proposed project, if applicable: Renewal of Conditional Use Permit for Recycling Center 2. Name of applicant: King County Solid Waste Division 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Morgan John King County Solid Waste Division 201 South Jackson St, Suite 701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Phone #: 206-296-8443 4. Date checklist prepared: January 4, 2005 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): The Recycling Center is already permitted since 1992 and has been operational. This is an application to renew the permit for the life of the station. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. We have attached a description of the existing surface water drainage system on Recycling Center and the adjoining transfer station site. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. None 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. This Conditional Use Permit application requests the renewal of an existing permit for the long-term operation of the recycling center at the King County Solid Waste Division's Renton Transfer Station. The C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 2 Renton location has offered recycling services since 1992, as authorized by Renton Conditional Use Permit CU-160-90. The recycling station comprises approximately 6,321 sq. ft. There are no built structures as part of the recycling station. This conditional use permit application proposes to make operation of the recycling area at the Renton Transfer Station an ongoing use, to exist as long as the transfer station is operating. The SWD will not be moving the recycling services, or making any physical changes to the site. There is no cost or value associated with this permit application. The recycling has been a permitted operational facility since 1992. The recycling facility will continue to accept recyclable materials from the general public. There will be no collection of Household Hazardous Waste materials at this site. The recycling center operates within the limits/requirements set by the existing permit issued by the city of Renton. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The Recycling Center is located on the north-west corner of the property located at 3021 NE Fourth St; Renton, WA 98056 on Parcel # 162305-9133 south of NE Fourth St, accessible from Jefferson Ave NE. The site and adjacent properties are zoned IL (Industrial -Light), while nearby residential areas are zoned R-10. SITUATE IN THE _west half of the southwest quarter of the northeast_ QUARTER OF SECTION _16_, TOWNSHIP _23 North_, RANGE_5 East, W.M._, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); ~, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _ b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) The recycling center site is flat. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, mUCk)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. "The site is generally underlain by glacial drift deposits. Such deposits include ground moraine deposits, glacial till, and proglacial stratified drift deposits, divided into advance and recessional outwash." (Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington [Mullineaux, 1965]). d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 3 e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. None. No construction. This is permit renewal application. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No. No clearing or construction is proposed. This is for renewal of an existing permit, CU-90-160, for the life of the transfer station. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 100% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: None. Erosion does not occur. This is an established site. There will be no new construction. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. None b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None. Not applicable. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (inCluding year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 4 · '. None 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 DO-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. All surface water from the Recycling Center is directed into the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer system ultimately empties into the off-site Metro sewage treatment plant. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Recycling Center is 100% paved and all run-off water is directed to sanitary system that empties into the Metro sewage treatment plant for treatment and final disposal. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: None The recycling center is 100% paved. C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 5 __ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs __ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None Recycling center is an already permitted and on-going operation. This is an application for permit renewal for the life of the station. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: None 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: None Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other ________ _ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other _________ _ Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _____ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain No d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Existing electric energy for lighting. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 6 c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans ·of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: We use photo cells to control lighting. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: • The recycling station does not accept any hazardous materials. • All surface water is directed to the sanitary sewer system. • The recycling station is paved with all drainage going into the sanitary sewer. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. None 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: The recycling center has been permitted for operation since 1992 and produces no noise. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is a recycling center. Adjacent property is a Solid Waste transfer station. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? C:\Oocuments and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Owin.doc 7 No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Light Industrial f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? EAI -Employment Area Industrial g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. No i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? About 3-4 during working hours. No change from current usage. This permit application proposes to renew CU-90-160 for the life of the transfer station. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with eXisting and projected land uses and plans, if any: The recycling center has been permitted since 1992. It is compatible with existing and projected land uses for this area. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A 10. AESTHETICS C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 8 a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s}, not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s} proposed. N/A No impact on aesthetics. No buildings are proposed. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? N/A None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: N/A No aesthetic impact. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 9 · , b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The recycling center is located south of NE Fourth St, accessible from Jefferson Ave NE. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? N/A c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? No parking is needed. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? No e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. This proposal will not result in any changes to existing traffic levels. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: No changes to existing transportation. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 10 "", .... ,. 16. UTILITIES a. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Drainage from the recycling center empties into the sanitary system which discharges to the metro sewage treatment system. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full ;; ?~y ~ Proponent: ~ L ~ Name Printed: K~'VIAI ti" J(. et#' ~~ Date: C:\Documents and Settings\dwin\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK1\4 Renton Environmental Checklist-Dwin.doc 11 Sanitary Drain System ton Transfer/Recycling Station Existing and Proposed Drainage System October 14, 2004 . .. i ",', :~._ .~:., ~ ~,. "':' '." JUL The Renton TransferlRecycling Station drainage system is designed to divert potentially contaminated water into the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer system ultimately empties into the off-site Metro sewage treatment plant. The sanitary sewer system is labeled "SS" on the enclosed site drainage plan sheet. As shown on the attached Drainage Plan sheet, the following impervious areas drain into the sanitary system: Area Description Size (Sq. Ft.) C Full Trailer Parking lot 20,395 D Full Trailer Parking Lot Access 7,290 J Tipping Floor and Chute (area beneath the transfer building roof 14,860 and chute area beneath the tipping floor, including equipment wash-down drainage) K Recycle Area 6,321 L Empty Trailer Parking 10,526 Storm Drain System Non-contaminated drainage goes to the storm drainage system which ultimately empties into a lined, 1,611 sq. ft. bio-swale. The storm drain system is labeled "SD" on the enclosed plan sheet. The impervious areas that drain into the storm drain system include: Area Description Size (Sq. Ft.) A Scale HouselNorth Chute Areas 20,676 B Transfer Station Exit Road 3,410 E Commercial Entrance Road 4,446 F Commercial Exit Road 3,573 G South Chute Exit Road 8,004 H Self-Haul Entrance Road 4,218 I Self-Haul Exit Road 4,694 J Transfer Building Roof Drain 14,860 The total impervious area at Renton TransferlRecycling Station is 108,504 sq. ft. Notes: The attached plan sheet shows General Site Plan, Utility Site Plan, Impervious Surfaces, Unlined Bio- Swale, and Site Topo Map. 1, /: 25. Geotechnical Report Based on the borings in a Geotechnical study done in 1997 by Hong West and Associates, Inc., the existing recycling center site appears to be generally underlain by glacial drift deposits, consistent with the geologic conditions of the area. The recycling center is on the site of an abandoned gravel pit and as a result, the upper deposits in some areas have been mined exposing outwash sands and gravels consistent with an advance outwash classification. The outwash deposits encountered in the boring consist of dense to very dense, dark brown to olive brown, silty sand to poorly graded gravel. No fill material was observed in the exploration. Groundwater was not observed in the boring at the time of exploration. It is anticipated that groundwater conditions will change in response to seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, local subsurface conditions, and other factors. Furthennore, the groundwater conditions reported on the boring logs (attached) are for the specific dates and locations indicated, and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations '. '" . ; ..... . ' ..... . .:', . . "{ . \.' ,', " ' : ,.,.-, " ..... ,.' ," : '" ...... :... 'f' , ." . . : ,;.' "., " . . ' , GEOTECHNICAL REPORT , , KING COUNTY TRAN"SFER STA nONS SEISMIC EV ALUA nON FIRST A YE. NE; ALGONA, HOUGHTON, FACTO'RIA , AND RENTON FACILITIES ' ,KINGtOuNTY; WASHtNG'rON , , , HW ~ProjectNo. 96116 July 18, 1997 Prepared fbr:: 'ABKJ,Inc., , . . ., '.', • I, • :.to'·· ", \ .. , " " .: " . • !"";" .: :. , ,- '.' -.' . :.:':". •• ,'r :". , . :.:: : ,." ~ , , ,','. , , "~nn ULlal HONG WEST July 18, 1997 HWA Project No. 96116 ABKJ, InC. 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3800 Seattle, Washington 98104-3122 Attention: Thomas Pittsford Subject: Geotechnical Report King County Transfer Stations Seismic Evaluation &-ASSOCIATES-INC. Geotechnical Engineering Hydrogeology Geoenvironmental Services Testing & Inspection First Ave. NE, Algona, Houghton, Factoria and Renton Facilities King County, Washington Dear Tom: In accordance with your request, Hong West & Associates, Inc. (HW A) performed geotechnical studies in support of the Seismic Evaluation Life Safety study for five solid waste transfer station sites in King County, Washington. Sites evaluated include the First Avenue NE, Algona, Houghton, F actoria and Renton Transfer Stations. This geotechnical study includes a seismic hazards evaluation of each of the five sites based on subsurface information collected during this investigation and previous geotechnical investigations at the sites. The accompanying report presents results of the geotechnical study, and incorporates revisions based on your review comments dated November 12, 1996. This report supersedes the previous draft report dated August 12, 1996. We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical services for this project. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, HONG WEST & AsSOCIATES, INc. Scott L. Hardman, P .E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer SLH:dls 19730-64th Avenue West Lynnwood, WA 98036-5904 Tel. 206-774-0106 Fax. 206-775-7506 ! July 18, 1997 . HWAProject No. 96116 --------0·0-------- We appredate this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, HONG WEST & AsSOCIATES, INc. Scott L. Hardman, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer 96116.DOC 15 I EXPIRU? /l'f/17 David L. Sowers, P .E. Geotechnical Engineer HONG WEST & AsSOCIATES. INc. -G.I G.I :t'. X t-0.. UJ 0 0- HONG WEST & ASvuCIATES I INC. BOAING LOG DRILLING COMPANY: Associated Drilling, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: 4U" Hollow Stem Auger SAMPLING METHOD: SPT TOTAL DEPTH: 41.5 Feet SURFACE ELEVATION: *320 Feet MEASURING POINT El.: Feet ~ -a: w w m 0.. % >-::> t-Z UJ W ..I ....j o.. ~ % ~ ~ (/) (/) UJ ... E ...... 0-;; .. Zu It ~.c: 0 ...: (/) t-u 8 I-~.6 Z (/) 0 w (/)0 UJ U I-w ...... ::> a:~ ....j ...: a: c( (/) w %.2 > 0 :I: wJl 1 I-0..-z % 0 ~ I 10/16117 33 8 GSA ..I 0 m % >-VI % t-a) (/)co ~v N ui~ (/)0 C(t-. ....jCO uv ..IN .... 1 00 (/) DESCRIPTION • Moist. Cont. (Xl , Pen. Resistance (blows/foot) o 20 ~~---~----------------------------------------~~~~~~~~ SM 3 Inches of gravel surfacing over dense to very dense, dark brown to olive brown, silty SAND with : gravel, moist. Subrounded to angular linch minus gravel. (ADVANCE OUTWASH) • 10-Nt 2 ~ 19/30/35 65 5 -... : .... : ... , ... ; .. .: .... : ... , ... • : : j : : : : : ~ 3 19/30/45 75 5 : j • : : : : : : : : : 20-1&1 4 56-fr' 50t 4 Very dense. dark brown to olive browf\ poorly graded GRAVEL with sand, moist. Sand fine to coarse grained; gravel subangular to rounded. -··:---j···j···t···:·)8QH · .' ' . . ' ' . . ' . (ADVANCE OUTWASH) -: ~ 5 27/37/55 SOt 4 : : ~ 80.+1 : 30-~ 6 17/6()-6" 50+ 5 -.·~···(·~···:···~···~·Mf·' : : : : : : · .' . - ~ 7 15/24/33 57 3 · . . . . . 410-~ 8 20/28/30 58 3 -... ; ... : ... : ... : ... ; .. ~ ... : ... ~ ..... j' . · .. '. . · . . '. . · .' . : - 50- Boring terminated at a depth of 41H feet. No groundwater was observed at time of drilling. : : : : : : : : : : : - NOTE: Thls log of subsurface conditions apples only at the specified location and on the date Indicated, and therefore. Nay not necessarily be Indicative of other times and/or locations. PROJECT: King County Solid Waste LOCA TION: Renton Transfer Station DATE COMPLETED: July II. 1996 LOGGED BY: D. Sowers BORING: BH-1 PROJECT NUMBER: 98116 PAGE: I OF I Figure A-2 // / ---.ej --:; J ~ -'j // / ---/ Renton Transfer Station Parcel and Land Use Map o .,'- JUL - 7 2DU5 5l(t:[) City of Renton Zoning CJ Center Neighborhood Commercial Arterial ' .. ,\ ',-", ~ .... -.; "~ fill Light Industrial Residential Resource Conservation 250 500 N ® King County Department of 1,000 Feet + Natural Resources and Parks Solid Waste Division The information included on this map has been compied by King County staff from a varety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or im~ied, as to accuracy. compteteness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, inciden~, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or informationon this map is prohobited except by written permission of King County. January 10th, 2005 ,--...... -t:>. ~ ( , 10' X 36'. --' ' IATIQNS \ \ ) I N G (trtN.D.E'R LEGEND A BH-1 BORING DESIGNATION AND ~ . APPROXIMATE LOCATION (HWA, 1996) ASKJ. ~ 0' 10' 20' 30' 60' ----SCALE. 1'=30' 011 HoNGWEST .ASSOCIATE5.INC. ............ - .MH 2 I. ~ -320 ____ ,~ v _____ 'un A RENTON TRANSf:ER STATION THE !NFOnMA tJf)f.J REPRESENT ,o/(!ON DET AILS oFf s n~u TH!S M.AP ~HOVLD \ SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN PROJECT NO.: 96116 FIGURE: 2 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. JUL-7 '--<"1' t.U~(J 215 columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodrnan@pnwt.com) Title Technician, Annette Strate (annettestrate@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 King County ADMS Property Services 500A King County Administration Building 500 4th Avenue Title Order No.: 577140 Seattle, WA 98104 Attention: Bob Thompson Your Ref.: Renton Transfer Station A. L. T. A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Effective Date: September 30, 2004, at 8:00 a.m. 1. Policy(ies) to be issued: A.ALTA Owner's Policy Standard (X) Extended ( ) Proposed Insured: Amount Premium Tax (8.8%) TO BE AGREED UPON KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington NOTE: IF EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR OWNERS OR LENDERS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR A PENDING TRANSACTION, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO CLOSING SO THAT WE MAY INSPECT THE PREMISES. B. ADDITIONAL WORK CHARGES Amount Tax (8.8%) $ $ 330.00 29.04 2. The Estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this commitment is fee simple. 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Commitment vested in: KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (NOTE: SEE SPECIAL EXCEPTION NUMBER 14 REGARDING EXECUTION OF THE FORTHCOMING DOCUMENT(S) TO BE INSURED) . 4. The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Page 2 Order No. 577140 The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: Lot 3, City of Renton Short Plat Number LUA-01-090, as recorded under Recording Number 20020517900003, being a portion of the west half of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A NOTE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65.04. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document. SW NE 16-23-5 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. A.L.T.A COMMITMENT Schedule B Order No. 577140 I. The following are the requirements to be complied with: A. Instruments necessary to create the estate or interest to be insured must be properly executed, delivered and duly filed for record. B. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. II. Schedule B of the Policy or Policies to be issued (as set forth in Schedule A) will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. C. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 2 NOTE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY: Order No. 577140 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, AND PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT OF WASHINGTON STATE STATUTES RELATING TO STANDARDIZATION OF RECORDED DOCUMENTS, THE FOLLOWING FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE RECORDER. FORMAT: MARGINS TO BE 3" ON TOP OF FIRST PAGE, 1" ON SIDES AND BOTTOM -1" ON TOP, SIDES AND BOTTOM OF EACH SUCCEEDING PAGE. RETURN ADDRESS IS ONLY ITEM ALLOWED WITHI·N SAID 3" MARGIN. NOTHING WITHIN 1" MARGINS. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER AND PAPER SIZE OF NO MORE THAN 8 1/2" BY 14". NO ATTACHMENTS ON PAGES SUCH AS STAPLED OR TAPED NOTARY SEALS; PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED. INFORMATION WHICH MUST APPEAR ON THE FIRST PAGE: RETURN ADDRESS, WHICH MAY APPEAR WITHIN THE UPPER LEFT HAND 3" MARGIN. TITLE OR TITLES OF DOCUMENT. IF ASSIGNMENT OR RECONVEYANCE, REFERENCE TO RECORDING NUMBER OF SUBJECT DEED OF TRUST. NAMES OF GRANTOR(S) AND GRANTEE(S) WITH REFERENCE TO ADDITIONAL NAMES ON FOLLOWING PAGES, IF ANY. ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT, BLOCK, PLAT NAME, OR SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE AND QUARTER QUARTER SECTION FOR UNPLATTED) . ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S). (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 3 Order No. 577140 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS (continued): 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electric transmission line A strip of land 100 feet wide within portion of said premises and other property November 18, 1929 2571770 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electric transmission line A strip of land 50 feet wide within said premises and other property October 31, 1944 3425304 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Right-of-way for railroad Said premises and other property February 7, 1949 3875580 The description contained therein is not sufficient to determine its exact location within the property herein described. Puget Sound Power & Light Company transferred a portion of said easement to King County by Recording Number 5834934. (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 4 Order No. 577140 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Not disclosed Pipeline The description contained therein is not sufficient to determine its exact location within the property herein described. November 29, 1951 4189945 5. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation To construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, maintain and operate an electric transmission and/or distribution line Portion of said premises and other property September 27, 1962 5485476 6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electrical conduits and appurtenances Portion of said premises May 24, 1979 7905240853 (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 5 Order No. 577140 7. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: May 17, 2002 20020517900003 8. Exceptions and Reservations contained in deed from the State of Washington, whereby the Grantor excepts and reserves all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc., and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry; recorded under Recording Number 3875580. NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the lands or rights so reserved. Right of State of Washington or its successors, subject to payment of compensation therefor, to acquire rights of way for private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, water courses or other easements for transporting and moving timber, stone, minerals and other products from this and other property, as reserved in deed referred to above. 9. Exceptions and Reservations contained in deed from the State of Washington, whereby the Grantor excepts and reserves all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc., and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry; recorded under Recording Number 4189945. NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the lands or rights so reserved. Right of State of Washington or its successors, subject to payment of compensation therefor, to acquire rights of way for private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, water courses or other easements for transporting and moving timber, stone, minerals and other products from this and other property, as reserved in deed referred to above. (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 6 Order No. 577140 10. DECLARATION OF SEGREGATION OF SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGE AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: King County and the City of Renton February 4, 1993 9302042176 Satisfaction of tap hook-up or connection charge recorded as Recording Number 9307160687. 11. City of Renton, Washington Ordinance Number 4612, an ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer service in a portion of the South Highlands, Heather Downs, and Maplewood Sub-Basins and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities, as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County Recording Number 9606210966. 12. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as exempt; however, it will become taxable from the date of transfer to a taxable entity. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 162305-9133-01 NOTE: PLEASE CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AT 206-296- 5151 OR ONLINE AT "WWW.METROKC.GOV/ASSESSOR" TO VERIFY THE TAX AMOUNT DUE, AS EXEMPT TAXES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 13. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any; rights of vendors and holders of security interests on personal property installed upon said property and rights of tenants to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 14. Satisfactory showing of authorization for the proposed conveyance by King County, in accordance with applicable statutes must be submitted. 15. Until the amount of the policy to be issued is provided to us, and entered on the commitment as the amount of the policy to be issued, it is agreed by every person relying on this commitment that we will not be required to approve any policy amount over $100,000, and our total liability under this commitment shall not exceed that amount. (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 7 16. Payment of Real Estate Excise Tax, if required. Order No. 577140 The property described herein is situated within the boundaries of local taxing authority of City of Renton. Present Rate of Real Estate Excise Tax as of the date herein is 1. 78%. NOTE 1: SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: 2004 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 162305-9133-01 AMOUNT BILLED SPECIAL DISTRICT: $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $5.00 PAID: $5.00 NOTE 2: A survey of the herein described property was recorded under Recording Number 9404199014, a copy of which is hereto attached. NOTE 3: A survey of the herein described property was recorded under Recording Number 9611129006, a copy of which is hereto attached. NOTE 4: Our examination discloses that the vestee herein does own contiguous property. NOTE 5: The name and address of the current taxpayer according to the King County Assessors record is: King County 500 King County Administration Building 500 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 NOTE 6: The vestee herein acquired title by instrument recorded under Recording Numbers 4132749 and 4189945. (continued) A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Page 8 Order No. 577140 NOTE 7: FIVE YEAR DELINEATION OF TITLE: INSTRUMENT: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: RECORDING NUMBER: EXCISE RECEIPT NUMBER: INSTRUMENT: GRANTOR: GRANTEE: RECORDING NUMBER: EXCISE RECEIPT NUMBER: Statutory Warranty Deed Hugh G. White and Agnes White, husband and wife King County 4132749 Not available Statutory Warranty Deed State of Washington King County 4189945 Not available END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Ralph Potts Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. JXB/4189945 & 4132749 Portion W ~ of NW ~ 16-23-5 Cf ~bj""Jh o;;'-f~l P;"Jq,~{(: "~':!!2~"~ PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 577140 Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N · ~, , ....... D Apr 30 51 '1321-9 Apr ~ 51 $10,00 $1.10 irs Hugh a Wnlte anr1 A&n.~ White hwr to King Count~, ~tate or WUnhington fp cy and war to ~p the rdr. ! 1 t in :<ow wi or KIt or NWt or sec 16 ~p ?~ N R 5 E WM axe ~~p deeded to W T B4ker by ~d 6t~ July 2~ 99 rec AUS 3 99 14 '01 240 or d<11• PC 409 ad Aud '178887 rec or «d cod at: A _trip or 1d 25 tt wleSe oneaott ",ide ot cen In d .. ~. ~~ at the t ~4rJO eor-tler Nt ~.c .. 9 and 16 ,d "i"W'p " tt R ~ Z WM; th .~ 12 t~ if f!772 rt and lftQv1ng Qd ~ec at a pt &;~ r t ~ fro the Ji'W 0 •• 01 sd ~ec 16 gub~~ to es.t top r~ad,rec und Aud 11695916; ~ubJ alfQo to e .. t tor .aect t.ranfl'm1~~ion line rec unci Aud (J2;,1177C ~ubJ al~o to e~Mt for elect tran5mi~~lon line reo uad Aud '3~2')304 qubj al~o gubJ alsO ~ubJ .1~o rt~ a~ of' reo • • --,', II ('~"., ••• ll • ,It. .....t !) •• 1 9 PC 501, IPP D. tl~1" D ... .,.,1 ". , " ' ,1.,11 1,.,1.,.100.00 , , ....... '-. ... a1 ., ......... ."... r-so.. ' , .... J ~1.0" ....... .,11.-...... ., ...... ,be "It .... ,1 ...... -" .... t951"'\1 .... - (.t •••• a1) , .M N •• t, m, .. '" .,. .. 18p • ... •• 11111 i .... '. 2 '!'he rta. p~'1v a:Jli u.nder 'hi; oertain lU& ot deeds p g ~h 81 t 1n koll' "Jl ~ll.Ilted to PU:]J"t Sound Pow exo b7 John MoVheraon. a ba o of kow over, upon. and QO· ~. Lt Co .d r·.;o in vol the tdre si 0 t SEt ot S'.'1·t, at cleo 10 Tp 25 N R 5 EJW!Il exoep ting th. Co road This parU rel 18 made for che purp ot correoting a pr10r pertl rel dtd lul &-2g tId .for rflO 0.11 Uep 7-29 and reo in book 10g9 ot mtgs PI 27g as aud tIle No 25582ffi 0 t the rer. 0 t to Ift -_ .. ba11no sig and: ok 8m --- Order HOT 18-29 001; 29-29 9-12 Dept of PUl:» Lds, orr ot COUlSr In re J\.ppll0 No 13726 D7 puget Sound power. LIght OO!llP817 tor rt ot 'lIa7 for itra.'3 1D over otill'iia1!l 8tate ldS 1.11 kG Ii appearing to the Comsr d this time ~ht applio NO 13728 was tl4 in thia ott b7 the Puget Sound Pwer & L18l* 00 tor an eS1ll.1; tar rt at wat tor tr8l1aiaa1on 11Jl8 over and aorosa the Ii at NW!, the SWl ot NlJi and Lot 1 ~eo 1& Tp 23 N R 5 E Jus' I at Renton,kow azul It;, turther appearing tht t' • flllplioan' 1s Ii pub oorp proposiJ1g to con.truot aoross libe 14 oovered b7 sd appll0 at::ana 11l tor the purpot tr8D8m1tUng .leotr1a pOrIer; thl; Ii!!e ld 'Ill tllln the. rt otwq so 'applied tor 1s ltd to an emt nec .tor the purp - required to~hr w1th sutt 1d on either slde thot tor 1ngre.s aDl egessto 1r81n1; a1n alid revair the aJII..and It; t"u'ther appearlt\g 'lih'li th1s rt ot way runs diaso-U7 thru t,ll.lds 1DYo1ved end i.olate. a ptn bet .. the. pre •• ' r'~ otway P'~~ and afartneJ" grut made to this 8m 00 under appl.la No IMOG tht i'li wtil be_ neo in the granting or the' OEtst.n prOT 14ft t,.- 1nsr ••• and &&ress to ad 1aolated tt ,tht there n. no imp·rt. belons1ng to the state and the ld 1110 1n sd rt ot '1187 ead there bs1no ncreuon ...my 84 r. 0: way shoul.d not be gan:ted. 1 t is tht01'8 01"dtIJred I1D4daterlJl1ned tht the full val ot the 1d 1nc within the sdappl10 tOShr with thft fuU val ot t~e timber t1:lon be and the, sli. 1s hby tixe,' and appraised at .1925.; tIS a4 amt toghr w1 ~ the at&t te. tor 1aal1na a oert1 has been pd and the rt. power priT ~ Bl:1Il to conatl'Uat, op~6te and mo.1Dta1,n a tr~am1_1OD . l,uove~ and a01'OS8 the 1d h1DBtt .. 'dea IUl' be exercised 111 aooord- alioe 1'11th 'lihestatute. The sd Id 1m within this rt ot way being _ more partio d t ' ' , 'Tnose portna ot the Ei 0 t NWi, the SVli at NWt and Lot 1 Sec 1& Tp2:5 N R.:5 em ina w1th1n th.11mits ot e. Rtr1p at ld 100 tt 1n 'I1dt)l. )I.~:.v1nl):50 n ot suoll width on eaoh slel. at the t.Ol des oen,er 111: Baep on the.N In ot sd S~O 16, 823.1& t~ W at the quartG';:-...,t:t..o oor CII._d If lD and run th S S·S2'lO" W 231..8 tt, S 33·03'28" W _ 3655.9 tt and S 13-.4'55" E 2118.4 tt to a pt on the S ,i n of sd Sea 16 wah 1s 928.11 1't E ot tla sw cor thot 'Subj howyer to 2t of way for powr lJ1 .gl'ao.ted to '.7. T.Baker thrU dee4 issued J'ul 25-1e9~, al80 . , Subj 1;'0 1't ot "ll1'tor l!or~e.d sr'BI1ted .Tan 10-23 und.er appll0 No 8&2; also SubJ tort ot wayfortrana In &ranted to Chioago, Mil & St. Paul. Rl1' Feb 17-1~under epp11a 10 10511. , T~ie r1; ot way hiDabo~e deahas an area ot 10.52 ao BOO to liba plat thot,OD. tile in the 0 tt 0 t th3 00l1li1" ot Pub !..de at o-w, am It 1s tur~er ord and deli.milled thtthls .-lIlt 1s granted aubj tot herte 0 t the Sta te or ita auo to iD.p'e •• ond egress to reaoh s uoh lds OJ' t l1!lber a. ma 7 be 1.01ate4 or out ott troll auw •• xtr. aaoesa to ro~s or tre.naportstiCll, 1 t buD.S und.er tht under DO o')nd1 are 1m' lnl operauons or other lnta to interfere w1th or da:ma sa the ar.a lUa. or ~purt thto a. oonat4 by tho gt •• thin th. Puget ~ und Pow .. & Lt 00 COli of PUb :L4 81 O. V.SaT14p, Oo..ar at Pub We (IiIl 8m aa ?ee) (6) \ R , .,7 'c t' 5 • loios 116nd in blk 12, C D Hillman' 51 eo!! ',CHy ~dd ...,1 vn 1'.'0 1 au b jiioeptloIlS Llo"c' '" Jollett j .!'helr,13 F tt kil';V .S·ap28 : Q43. bYL1~yd ,. Collett;, and'l'helme Uollett, h\'f i.,e.,ora Ijhes' A:~ .• ~e, optor wn re·; at J1uburn n s ~run-2) 1945 t'Vl b1;S~;hc1f~ 0, "·m. f \ • j I . . ; "25301''''''/ . ~; • '", .C"o • . .1:i ~tea.t'ns hw VDr\lpsJl,Y'·aMsBs corp . 8.8 lilie so 350 it O~ lot 5'0 ....• 11'8 shoo: " . ";:,-.• n*:~:~~;;!h!hK~$;~~~tj:l' . ,,;;i;:~i~g~l.~if2~i~i!·~~~~\:;,i·"." ...• ~~ap-y 'eMasacorp .,.·",nn·.,,,,· ", : __ ,: .,it,iriS~·e·.' li.ile~.~ .. · s'W ~ ot. t'h~' SEf' ~t ",;.-.. :.,' .... ," . i:t',·· :, .... , . .' . ". g.psrEiti -_. delet':l1l~;;;~·~:·:.i,: .' :.·e.f .... ~t!\'.erd11.'~~wi~g~.: n:p •.. : >to' -~: ... .. ..,..~ .... "' ...... "' .. !:."end'1Jh.e;~., of the~E#-c·r theNW~ Cl" , ,3/4 o~t'~i;i c.f ~E~lyL.g ely or . i' by.,G:~or'~'t1 J:b;w1ng" np .-" tqp ~~>.:n ~ 4 el~m . : _: . . the ~~li O~ $6 tt . tbl~!:'Istg pergh--deleted) _.,_ Bfury;Elva M darry ·'.~;;\(i .rry bnd ElveM (i!.aripn) 2e'1.'ry ....; fDr wn r~s at s ns~eb 3 1947 rei ~~~. ..' ~8~~{~~t)f 1944 ~o~ ~.::: .. ', ...... :/. .. , ... , ...... ".: ':.' .6,p':·~~~944:· O:..der ~~ n.pert'rll.,'ntof ~oublio Lands J Offio e c...;t Gorrilni s*,~.cn€r ;? :r:t.>. '.-!~~;i~~~~~~Hmf:;;r~;~~:H:r:~~h~! ,'ht of '~:i1#'f over otn state lands in' K:tii~CCtunty It l?ppevrihg to the ooti1r s't this time the, t ap~'ln ~}o beetl riled in ttlie 01'0 by the .. S > !iG L 00 fOl' 6 ri.j:,t ofwIJJ'" (\ilmtd .. ~~·OR) a.awt , . .! T 1 ~:. ',. .. ,;,,;, ,,:> mrf"A" • • • ... - -;.," :;.' , Ii,',#' ''ilJ; ," ,'., " ~I~S:'" eleo trans l:liic over the NE~ ot NW~,' ~~ ofNWr; ana (~.-/' SVi,~ of NVi..t, ot 1ieotirJo 167 twp 2} n r 5 ewm; an" It further' aPr 66rin5 th5 tthe bP _ l:..cant is a :nun oorp pl'opo9ing to construet. ofer sd lenr1 coverr:d 0:J ad apI;lJ.: an elc,) ·:istbn lil'J6;: tbct Lh~ h.nd with~:n t.,~ rL£,h1: oi\'iey so ep.::,lied for is li!'!i ted ,~o' en a~t r./.coess fer t.i:te purp require:ed t togw suffia ent land en either .side t.t~o:r .tor ~ngr·ess );;n(: egress 1io~l:e.Lntainanc. repsil'rhe seme; and-" .:. ;rt ftJ.xtller ap1-ea:L'ing thGt there !.SIlO ClerchanteDl~ tim.ber on the aree covered .a by ad apf,11cation; t:.o-.3 tLlc aom.r;:'3in~ f'ully advisee_snd bellevioe_ the tthe ; it)i.to:::' way should be ...... ralltedi it is thel,'e ': " .. . .'. <,'. ','. " end deterllliIiaC' './i.:.~ tbe full valu~ of" th~ le.nu··,inelg,ded, .... lio 18050 cd &nc-~~~e' Sill is hb'Y t1xec e t ~12g~ i.O;t-tr¥~"::·~';i t.ogwthe ~tati,Ltory i'c:.e he s been paid; <il ntf .tb:~·r.1.gt:(~'.:;';',>··:J 'tll[¢'St~Hi.~it· ..• t;;!;;i!·~idf:~lii!i;6if!f::;i~~:tiE!m!>~,,_t;t·· o:fthem"tt'8nd sJ~ 0:1;' !<Nit sea 16, ··ot:lai:ut50f.tin widtl1~ '-:wlth . . '~~1~;~~e:6~e~~;r i,;i::!:t:'" thaf;. rg tb so~l"! 39 'l'ri't,,,,ndth so :L3.~ . '. :of.sd·seo 16,> \"Yohi.s' ,', ,,' ',thor jct~an.· araao.t.: . . r"".) 91' the oo()fnr of:ptib,]J;,e in.IJi.~,:. . . ~ '.. -' . '.' . ' . .. : > A~~i'$$iO:Ii~~," . Yates, . esst oomr.·· r' '5 •. 253 05 ' itv~ , 'Psu11neM Oerrosslnohw" . ,;&;, t.lgli1o.CorapenY: &-Mass oorp 529'70090 ---single Uria ... -.. tll~,t fo~til, Qf' govt lot'to seo 4, twp . ~23 n I' 4 aWl!! d f; , . " ~'::b~g'~t:O:the.lnter.6o.t1cil1 of thewly ffierg1'tl of :itet~Ro.et No. 1 'end' ·1:h.'e' no';1,,1;Ot t);r~~J ty' ot.$Iii·attle.t:loe line right of way,., s.O.OJio:bY'.-k. e.-s~pi'ctoaqa~;;N.(;:'12194fh*n!i· rg~ th ,,' nely al the .sd\l!lY.lfl$r,s~n·'·~··.::,i.: 30S'.OO;:1't·t·o'tlletr·iJepo:l>; th nwly at right anel.@s tp ad wly: (:jm$l'S,1;p.·.,.· .J! . ;'7 f':t: ci or' 1: to theDuwem1sh River; ti'l nely o..a. sdDuwem1Sh.1.'i·o·i'.· .• ·:l 67)', ft·~ lo,r l·t~ the ~ly line ofths pty eyed to OesaJ:'e'.l'i'e:verso.i: '.J btdee~r.etr und'eudfilel'io 2770364,1'908 oi'sdco; th ely els'd Sly, ,1.1': '1 ;)j .tt m or 1;tC>8(j wlymergio ot' -dtatefloadNo 1: th sly '?53 tttn:Or ltothetruopob. . thecen line ___ elon.gaprivate ro~::; onl?a tt or /,: S ill/3Y bet'eloo81;ed i ;y m.utual .~x consent i tOE'" the 'right --IC form ___ (omit p!:'!n~h l'elstin~ to ou,tiiig '~1 'ul'u'olIu, also p8 gh rt: hi-satin£:: --SUi eleted )--. t.el 1'v1'((1 Arob1euarross1no: ?au.11neh;Gar1'1ssino.>:> ..... __ A~'.,~ "",n:".,"1inA~'. l~"·I"-f'nRA1.,o nlll I I 1 d!f;:: n Feb 7-49 Oct 18-48 $3,300 ~tata of Waah1ngtan to Hugh G. White & Agnes J. Wh1 te, hwt ~' .... ; '/ I' r~p hr'by g 'b S &; oonvey to sp its h fJ: a ~.1J'. i'clll deaorbd 8chool lartds sit in kew: 'f' to C.! 1 V& :i 1.16' ~;';P!,;o.8" ~r.: ot 4;ho tl:~ lu.!ld otrc ~'l. Spo~ne, deSll-3lteC: In t .. .;: \j --_.d Ort, whrby it 'll)PfU.t'9 tl: b .... n md by the :J'.1!lv.t, sp, ·~oc tc-th~ PI,lv1.S1! ot t'n" Apr ~-i 16::0 r a:.ti t led "An ·\.ot Juttk~ . .ng tll:rt~ol' ~"'~"sn the 'P'J~11c Lo..:.ds lf :lr..d tl".t:. &0,.9 s·.,t:pl th'l"· ... .), t'or t.h'" D.~ been 1 l~~"; has of Coq~ of t""3 !la1.8 ot tot 30 w1.t u.i n the Vli3h~ll IB1~Ild. Abandc 'l"! -! ;tn h!lry :r-.ase1·tta't.Jl in t'Y:ll 2:1. .{ R & EV.'W-, cont.g e acre~ and 116 hll:' !redtha ot ~'"l aore soo to the of~:cl ple~ ot the Su.""V'ey or the a~ land • .retu..""ntt(J to th~ Q·;ner3.1 Z,aTld vtro by t~. SUl"l'$yor-Cer.: ltacw know y., Tlta. t th 9 tp ill oon ~t the Pl'Sn& and in o~:tom" to:-~:! 1:,a ~a ;:c",e:t'!!.l Ac:ts ot Jongresl!I in. ~uoh Oase md and pl"O'Yldd, htd 81T~ and srOllted, f.nd by th.ase p:re8ents c!oee g1ye and grant unto ad o~_: ~nd to the h~i~s ot the ~d olmnt tb~ tt sbv dA.~d, to ~B~~ 3nd to hold the £1, tgw all ",he rts, prlv 1mmun!tl.~ 4:ld f!;purt, of w!lat... ',. 9 oenr !:B tln"~, ~-.mto De.!.ons8 unto ta. ad ollmt and ~ 1;ile hllin-',c:-: '. , a.nd ~a.1p11 ot' the 9d olDUlt, !Ol"Ver J subj to tJ.':J.7 '9'8&t..4 6,.",4 800~ ~:.;'::i wate~ r1;a ~or min1Xlg, Elgr10ul~ur8~J mnutaotur1ng, o~ oth.r purp,' -...:; rt= t~ l!1t~he~ ::m-i ~~~rTOir9 used in. c",.~~tn ... 1t.11 tJll~h W4"n l'~i,;::~ 'D wru:.. -; "' ... ~..!It."''''~-'' -_..8 -_ ... .., ... 1. "--t"--........ ,., -··,. ... c--~ .. -"!'W-1liii_A .. .-_ .... -.. ... -:~..:~ ~ ....... 1 W'Y ... ..",..,~.J.M."''-Io :.au.w. wv..a., I.IJ J.40 .... ...,vw.,J. ~ ..... .., ... ..., t .... Q ......... 1.&. ... w'W~ . ::-.. ~ n~ OO'-'.!'t,~; &net ti1A1"8 is resel"V!!d trom the land. hr~ ~~ed. 9.:*:-'~;;,:~ ot way thron tor ditohes or oan.!'~s COllstrtlotec1 by the eut!1 ot~, :-:<~ a~- In teat wllrOt, Is Herbert Hoo· ... ~r, 1'r98 o~ th~ US or A h6" 0 the" 1.~tQ:r. ~o be m patent; and the 51 U'the Gn Laa4 ,;.:""""' .. =:~= b",in'~t€t a1't:'t4, gj.van '.1l'A.er 1:7 hand, at "the 01t.1 of Wn .......... ~~,~ 32J'Q~or th~ Indapendtmoe of the i,i"St.he 15'1 P;r the nes; Herbert H" J~ by I.eatie 3 Dietz, Seo . -. 'all limllRl L Warren, a...ct of tb.& .e,o of Pausnt., P~ta .. ."t No 1059&08 ~eC~Q: tha I:1t..-1w a .. l1 Lend Otto Wn DC 1u1. l~ 3'1 I,:, , ~~tr. "that tltis photagraph. ~3 a. tN. oopy r"~ , "'1a.:1;1 ·'7 ==tcd7 i:l, this o:t!~ f~'.:~d"~ JJffc 81) R S Ol1nton, Ao~ Reo Lot 2! 'Within the Vaanon Island ~ba.ndon8d l:llita...-r in ~M~ 21 r. B 2 IWM, contg 8.~6 ao~. aoe --tora ~. 01."; a'bV---1n~1 aig--- .' Potent No lCf'i9~1--b",1 8m a~ 015 abY-- .' 1 .. ".:'; . !. '-' .; .. ~ ... ,...' ~.-,''; 1 i 1 j · ..... .~ !) .W Sta't. at .. ""tsti_tcn tci'eu. Te-JI.elTj n !J --t9rm __ a 017abT--- '~. . All t1. l:aa~.o:' ths 5sco!ld ~1 •• 9,. 0,..4 by .•. S;; of tron~·of..,t;~Sn\ ~-er abuttg UPCll1 l$ SO ot r~hoD ~ .~b~~a.·=e:-UtP%1 Re!e!"Tat1'Jll in :~es. 1, 2 an....;. 3 t nv, 'w1'h:if 'mn'tes. ot 2.~:" l1uI11 -.lhll1M'{ ~~ _ so. to !to oert ~c'". ot the 8"'" !101d ~taa "t, -the r-!"I ..... til. 1~ ·ott.o'Q~ the c~ or PUP lAn4. at 01,.,,14 • Thla ¢:-U~ 10 lIiS pW' .. wmt t.c IS sa.l~ of ad tide 1.u4. 2~ 'l1':e eDT d6a~ . mtl~ --ton as011 ab" .. --1n.l 1118 .w--":·,· A;tP :'40 .'908-4 --C~r..t ~o ... --S'\ k{.c ct ':'1~e' ~ll ~s, Vol ltJ • l~t (fld by S'fCG~ ro . ., "lr!II!i DmDTOl£ ~ I!!h1s . _, ~ ____ =-.;,...: __ -, ___ --,.. !~. !IEn-'- !!!II trrr ~ad ' .. niJl~lerCaJIH ·tUl'Ul.9r.-nit! POG~ SOtlQ,pgWE • ., .UGII1' a.lPAIIl".: w~. c«>r!Y.'u:i"". l:en:iT.afauc;alle4 "(i;r,ullee.~·· UIiiI .. ·;..· ;...._-" __ ~...;...;.... ______ ...;;.;;,;.;....;...,; ___ ..;,.;.~ --o::==-::c:-::==~--------------...;..-:---n.. ,: tt;", "',),.;;. 4 .. ' __ n __ :i. ~ . . WITS ESSZTH: . . . . "':'i, 'Thai ill considentioa "'Oile DoUa" (11' ~~, 'al!IabI, CII/IU~"".receIplaf.IIldII."""'" I!) . . ad.r ...... ledged. die IT.'lIilor beHb)i.nnI.S ud eoawepto dIe,pulJe. Ib SUCCftlUl'S ud ........ lbe ........ T.J io,~Cft&lrucl. nCOIDlIliuct. lailll'lTtIe. ~epair. ';;aiDtala aDd G~nie~eJecU:lc ~ UId/or' ~", 'di';trib-.Ilion line ___ CGa.lsliinc;~;~le.'i)r;tO!~~s -;rIUa nec~b,ai:ft. ~~\~*Iiii. ... c:ni8s- , ;arms. insul;atQr •• tun.mlasiGII. dl.trlIlUUGD ~~."aaJ wl,.ai' ~~or-~"UII,~~ or 'ccift~enitnt facilities and equlpiI)ent G"., and ;acros!! the fGll_1Jic deaerlbed'IaDd.lotatldla_· _' __ ____ ...... .,....;. __ .. I1M=_"-"-....:._ CciulitJ.St~teGf Wuhlacton: , a,~iA,oi, .. -iA .... II!AGi', .. JllI'dl la_uca18. !ciIinDlp 231art1a. ~ 5 ..... Y.". " , : " , Grantee shall have the right of access across the a4Jacent land of the Irantor In. Grde,r to exercise the righls granled by this Instrumenl, Includlne the right to ecinstruct, maintain ;and use a passable road Ia a convenient location, with necessary bridges and gates. . , , Grantee shall have the right, at any and all times, to cut, top and/or trim any and all brushorlreea now or herealter standing or growing upon said land or adjacent land of Ihe grantor which ';are or may be within Iwenty-flve (25) feet of Ihe said center IIne ___ , and also the right to cut, to", ~d/Dr trim Pny trees upon said land I)r adjacent land of the grantor which, In f;alline, could come within seven (7) feet of any of the poles, towers, fixtures, guys', condloctors or other facilities of lhe gr;antee i ~ In any manner, be a menace or hazard thereto. ' , Granlor shall not place, consl'ruct or maintain any'b"-lldl~ or other struclure within as ' feet,; ,,'-said cc"ln line and shall do no blasting whalsoever withiri a distance of 3CJO feet from said line unless rejlsonable notice thereof has been £lrst glv ~'" to grantee iii ·wrlline. The, rights herein granted .to the' grar', ee s'hall conti~ue In force until such lime as lIie gr;antee. Its successors or osslgns; shall completely remove Its structures and equipment from said land or shall otlierwlse pernlanenll:' abandon Ihe same. Upon such remilv.al or .abmdonment all rights her~bJ ir~ shall t ... rm!nat,e. :." ,:' ' . " Any mOrtgage on' said tand held by the mortgagee is 'herebyrele:ased to the extent, but only to the· extent. necl!Ssary 10 subor,dlnale Ihe uld m,ortgage I" the rtghts heJ~by lruted tG the Irantee.· • IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Instrume'!! h~ bi!en .;x~c~ied l e ad year first above wrillen. "-. '-. ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON t 51 COUNTY OF -~, On this dto', personolly appeared belc.re me __________________ ,-__ -: __ -:--: __ to me known to be the individvol_ described in and who executed the withln and I ... going in'!rU";nt, alld acknowledged that __ signed the same a, __ Ire~ and voluntary act and deed f~r the uses and purpa.e. therein m.ntloned.' GIVEN under my halld and official seal this __ day 01 ____________ • 19 __ • EASE~ENT , ELECTRIC LINE Notary Public in Dnd for tho State of'Wasf1lngton. residing at ____________ _ :~ " ;: , '" ~~ EASEMENT FOR A SEWEP.PIPELINE GP~NTED BV r.ING COUNTY TO THE CITY OF RENTON This agl"&ament made this,.,3/1I dGYOf ,,~ • 19/4 • by and between King County. a pol1t1c&1 sablftV1'S'fOilofthePtITir ~inston~e1nafter termed tho Gral1tor. and the Cfty of Renton. he!"e~n ,ter tamed til! Grantee. ' WITNESS£'rH :, That for and in cons1c!eration of the'rights to make two (2) serv1ceconnections w1~hout 'any feo' to the Grantor. the Grantor dOls by these presents grant U"to the 'Granttc. its successors and assigns an easement. and rtght nf way. ,over, through. under, across aha upon t~ f1Jllowing described Real Property, llftuate in K1ngCounty. Washington to-wft: ',,' ",' " , ' ,That portion of the sw 1/4 of the NE 1/4 ox Sectf,01l 16, Township 23 North, .' a.ns. S Eaet, contained within a at;ripof l.4tJd ten f-.I: in width, ::he ' centerlina of whicb 11 described ., £.:ili_: ' , Beginning at t"a h.W. corner of said sui;K!lviaion, thenc:_ S a10ttgthe ~7e.t ~ 11na of:Ml4 8W 1/4 NE 1/4 ill f.ae, t.h.n~a If 89·03'38" W 3S flu.t to • sewer: . thetrua point of beginning., 'l'b.ne~s' ~9·03'38" ! 1146 feet to KIf flO, thence ~ , tilanho1e aJ)purtananl:to a' 12" 8nee p,.pe1.ine. deaipated .1 MH €14 ~h:s'(''', 18 .. , " N n-20'OO" E 268 feet CO KIf #'», th.nceN 62·20'00" E 76 feet 1;:0 the nut .:! " '~llnll of laid lubdlvbiori ark, th_ eiit;l',oi,i:hia descr:iptioii. Teliether ;,-1l:h " , "$2".', " c'teiDporary ccnstruCt101l ea._C 30'feet,:j.n width extending 15 feet on either r.: ,aide of the above delcrlbad ~nterl1n~~': ,',' , .,_-- Saicf"ell$liif.elit 1ic1ng fer t!'.e pur~s~ afi!lstallf!'!!!. constructing. operating. maintailling. remov1nl/' repatl";ing replAcfng,!!ld using one sanitary sewer line,to'" ,', gether w1th611connect1ng lMnholes.ar.d,apptirtenances thereto, together wit!) the, :\' right of ingress and egress to and from said"descr1bed property for the fore901n9 purposes. " , " , ; " The Grantor andGr~nteehere1 n, by 'a~~~pti ng andrecordi rig 1:ti1 s easement' m"tu<llly' c')venant an.tagree to the gene~ltenns and conditions dppl1cable to ,the easement described in detailfn Appendh"A"attached hereto lind by this reference made part of this agreement. ~;' :,: ,:,',' ' Date t~fs&& Jr:l OfP..,111't?/1' !';~', : ," ",. :" '<" ,KJ~G COUNTY; WASlil ·,.t' " :',: . . ; ...... APPROiJED,~ ,I\S to FORM & lEGALITY: ;' . ,<] 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED ,King Co. Recor~$ OivlsiOJl '~J.J.// ' iy iJ=! .. kf:lf.!.:-tr-'""" .. , \ Dcp~ DATE' !~//~/~r., STATE OF WASHINGTON) '5' s" ",:;' ':: , . COUNTY OF KING ) ,',".. '; , ; , 'meO~n~s~a'eP;~!Onal1~ared g~~~~i~ecu~,Jioun~lfn:td perso" \'Jho signed ti',E! above arid foregcing instrl!M!!!t for I(ing CQlJnty for the DU1rllO'~I!S therein st.c:ted and acknQ!t~.!dged ,to me that he signed tile same as ~;:~.~~I~~~VCl1I.1!1tary act and ,deed of .Kin Ii Count;y and that he was author~7.e"d to my hand and 'official se~(this .3. RD 0' :-••••• ", ,', . . . APPENDIX "AP General terms andcotlditions applicable to an easement granted by Ki~?County • . ""-: ". .1. Before any work is performed underthfs agreement, Grantee', must obtain a right of way construction pel'rtlit frOlll the ICing County Real Property DiVision. To obtain said permit. Grantee shall sub/nft cQlllplet~ plan$,lInd specifications of the propo':ed project includfng details ofll\l'lds~aping,and comply with any and all , other provi sions as more sj)ecifically se~!orth in the pertnit appl,icat~on., .'. .2. Should performance hy Grantee o(iifnyac't u'hder thh ,greement result in , , damage, to or destructfcn of existiny crops.lclndscartr'lg. ,fences .• improvements or ~ , livestock., Grantee shall :hrllledfately re1mb~r~e the ,damaged party to .>e, full ex-tent ,"lecessary to restore said party to the ·position he would have held absent said injary. ' ~:.. ' ' ", , ' ~ - ' , r;::~ .. • (. . .. , 3, Grantee shall be required to pay any general or special assess~II;'"t.s or i,nCreiiS!!d~,insuraflce premiums incurred by Grall tor as a result nfanY,au'thor'ized use hereunder. . '",>,,',,;;,:: ", .; . "",:;, ,',: kGrantee. its succe~~ors and ~SSi9J~'~ sha'l1'protect~defend'aiid:~oid ,ha.rmless Grantor agair;st all claims. tlemaJiif~·.loss. ~amage.' expense(and:: ' liability arising from any and all acts of Grantee~ performed under this agree- . ;., ment. ' " ,:',', ' " ,! ," ,. . "'~>;i.In all hiring or ernplo~~nt mad~i~'ssib' d:~r'result1!lg tr~~i~is' agree"'~' ment. there shall be no di5crimfnatfon against any employee or appHcantfor • employment because of sex, 'le.race.color;i;:reed, national orig!n, inad,~al . statuso~ the presence of any sensory. men~1.,or.physical·hand1cap.,tinJess based, upon a bona fide occupational qualification. and, th)s,requir~nr·shan.· applY .. to t:t not be limited to the following;' emplOyment,: adverti Sing', lay-off ' · .Jr ternnl'lation, rates of payor other forillS' of compensation. and seTec~ion for training,inciuding apprenticeship. No pe:"so"l Shall be denied. 0" suojectcd to discr1l11in~t1on in receipt of the benefit of, any services or activiti~s-, made . pOSSible by or resulting fro. thfs agreement:nn the ground of sex, r~ce, color, , creed.:nationaT orig1n, age except mfnimumage and retirement provis,i'oo,s,.marital ,\; · status,.or the presence of ani sensory. ,"~nt~l or physical handicap.:,<Any vfo14-." tion,ofthfs prov1sion shalT be considered 'a'violation of a material,provision of:, " this 'agreement and shall be grounds for cancel1 ation, terminati"n or,,:suspens it'n :, , in whole ,'or tn part, af the agreement byth~,'.:ollnty ilnd may re:;ul t irf ineiigibj1 ity, " for fur,thel" County agreements. ' , _, ' ",.'. ,6~ ,All right, title and interest which' may be used and enjoyed'~ithollt inter·" fering "'i:th the. non-exclusive easemer.t rights herein conveyed is r':servedto the Grantpr.. ' The construction. insti\l1ation o.r"maintenance,after tl;a diiU',Qf this agreement. however. of structures. of II pennarient nature within the above described edSeJDent area at anv time shall be deemed an fnt.erf"rp.i'ce with said easement :·iul1ts ' and as to ~uch structure~ theprov1sions ofparagra/i:. 4 ~hall not: applY; . -., , .,-'..". 7c~' Nei the,. thi sease~nt nor th~'r'i gh~~ , of the, GY'antee . hereundersha 11 be . ' assignable;!n whole or in part witholltthe'llrior written consent Of Grantor •• '\11 the provisi~ns, conditions, requirements and regulations here~n contained shai) be bindin9 upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee and all privfl~ges of the Grantee ,shall, be ,gi\'!n to suchl'uccessot's and assigns as if'theywere$pecifically mentioned. " "",: "",~,' . .. ~ ," .'~ . JJ. The rights g."anted herein. shl\l1 be ,perpetual, and exclusive fori the , specific purpose of providing sewer service;; In the e'vent'that thefacHfties installed under this grant are abandoned and" the usc thereof: dhcontfnued" all rights to: the Grantee shall automatica llytermir.ateand, revert to the -Gi;antor. and " i;he Grantee shall restore the ar~a herein' described to its original condition, . without cos t to the Grantor. " ":~: ... ~ "' ....... -_.-...... ~ ............... >--.. ,-',' ......... . , , " "/"". A-'; -. "'. . ":" /-,. .i. ( . ~.' .~.,' ' . .. r.·.~ ... "~'<' ~~"':>7"';' .',' ,., . . . . ~" ... ".-" " ,~: .. .. ;" i I i ! I ;t.. " '" ":"", " l ~: I :l "~:l -0 b .:." .. , '" .-: .i.iD tor RMor.1; ir~~ '* OFFIC£Of THe: Cl1Y Iff'.' -j" ct •• =ii, . .:, ," ",---:--" -r·,;· ./1" • .' ;"~:.·L ~'f'''." -~.: .. ~t~.:-"'·: ,''''«,.''3'''.", -;~~ ... ,'- ~ ".=l 0' ...... . -:>:: CJ t""I \1"'\ r~ c:> ;:r :-,z ~ 0 '1' r- ~ t- o 0 0 ""-i--;-= ...... ~ " l 2 3 4 5 6 7 • , 10 11 12 13 14 15 1~ ~ : ~ , , , 17 I_ . ; i. 1~ -i ~ 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27 2. 29 ,0 '1 '2 " 3/6/79 HB/aial. Introduced by r.-";-::'j:\ iIIORPF 130 7"l)·40 "'1~'; " PropoaeC: :10 • ...:::· .y ";t" , ' . : ; .,(: 1;1 &f.t '1" I: '!. f~. IIlfll'~ t A MOTION authorizing the County Executive to grant an easement in favor of Puget Sound Power and Light C0m- pany to provide electrical service to the King County Department of Public Works maintenance facilities in County Di~trict g6. WHEREAS, the King Count7 Department of Pu~lic Works. desires to have Puget Sound Power and. Light Company to prcw:lde electrical service to its maintenance facilities, and WHERE.-\S, Puget Sound Power and Light company has r"'1u", .. Le,i ian .. "sement 1 .. order that it may install the necessary electrical conduits and app~:tenances on King County property, and WHEREAS, the King County Council has determined it to be in the best interests of the citizens of King County that said easement and r! ~ht of way be granted in' and for the consideration of mutual benefits. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County: The County Execut.1ve is hereby authorized to sign and deliver the neces- sary' agreement granting to Puget Sound Power and Light Company an easement and r1l;hi: of way over. through, across and upon the' folloWing described real property situated in \Cing County: In King CoUnty, Washington, a portion of the. W~ of the NEIl of the NW!,; of Sec. 16, Twp. 23:N., Rge. 5 E. W.M;, EXCEPT a strip deeded . to W. T. Baker by deed dated July 25, 1899, recorded Aug. 3, 1899, , Vol. 240 of deed., page 409, under auditors file No. 178887, ra- j cords of King County, Washington. Also the S~ of .the NWl£ of Sec.·16, Tl.op. 23 N., Rge 5 £. W.M. Said portion being a strip of land 10 ft in width having 5 ft on either side of the following described centerline. Begilming at the Nl,; corner of saiel Sec. 16; Thence N 890 12' 42" W. along the N. line thereof 1186.01 ftl thence S 0°47'18" W. 400.99 ft; to aD inters'ection with a· curve being the 5£ly margin of NB 3rd st., said margin having a radius of 623.41 ft; the radial center of which bears N 39°52'26" W said' point being the True Point of Beginning.' . . . Thence S 31.°04'18" W 184.18 ftl Thence S 2°59'42" W 995.48 ft; Thence N 86°41'55" E 232.73 ft; Thence N 82°59'45" r. 325~42 ft; Thence S 6040'30" It 417.05 ft to reference Point "A"; Thence continuing' 6°40' 30" 120ft to reference Point "B"; The;-·:e N 0"45' M/L to the terminal poin~ of said centerline .. ~~~.rtb1~#4M-;.ay Of_-Z.~:l.':i'''''~=~·='_' 192!i. " ~; .... ,\1 i.I.-~~G COUNCIL ,. ". ,I ,WA~~~ 'AT1'eq~ 01 •• :L'IY;':' ~ ~~DeMV ~ . .' --. "" ·W -~ , ! i 1 i J 1 i .~ ~ S I I i J I ( I I .~ :~ .~ ~~ .~ .~ j ... ~ ~. , k "'fJ .~ ~ \ ! ~ i i; '~ .~ !). ,~ ) , J ! f. ,} l I: < l' < .~ :: { .;; .~ W Y'z 17-26-4 _4178 ._ .. -:t I'; \ . ... -:. ~, I. I .1 ; < ' LJ: ;' : l" . , • , , ; ; , )' , l" " ;1. .. , 1 1 \ .,. ,'lEO for Record at Requtst 0' ... ~~." , B or- .... --.... ;. : ; .. ~ . ·.~ .' .. • ,,/ .. WHEN RECORDEORET\JRNiO: 0111", 01 the a:y Corlt Renlon Munldpal Building DECLARATION OF SEGREGATION OF SPECIAL lmUTY CONNECTION CHARGE ZOO MOl JWonue Sou1h Renton. W A 98055 WHEREAS, the City of Renton. a municipal corporation, by Ordinance No. 4321 amended city code section 8-5-17.B.3.k by adding subsection II pennltUng segregation o( large tracts of property Cor payment of sanitary sewer special utility connection charge fees; and WHEREAS, the property ot King County. Washington qu:ilifles for such segregatIon and KIng County, Washington wIshes to aV3l1ltsclf o( the opportunity to segregate tor payment at the sanitary sewer Special Utility Connection Charge; and WHEREAS, the administration of the City of Renton has determined that such ,segregation meets the city code sections cited in this declaration. NOW, mEREFORE. King Connty, Washington as owners of the following described real property in the City of Renton, King County, W:I5hlngton, described in Exhibit "AO, as Parcels A. B, and C, which is attached hereto and Is IncorpoClted by reCerence herein as If Cully set forth, wish to segregate its property for purposes of partial payment of the special utility connection charge for scwer as Collows. See Exhibit °B" attached hereto and Incorporated by reference herein as if fully sct forth, Cor the map showing in outline the bnds affected by the SpeCial Utility Connection Charges. The property of King County. Washington fo:-which the sanitary sewer special utility connection charge will be satisfied is described as parcel A In Exhibit °Ao and Is shown on the map labeled Exhibit "S-. The remainder of the ownership has not paid In full tor the sanitary sewer special utility connection charge. For the land (or which the special utility connection charge has not been paid, the charge will be paid at the rate in effect at the time a fonnal application Is submitted which would invoke the charge. Tht: owner of the above-described property, its successors, heirs and assigns hereby agree and covenant to pay the special utility connection charge at the rate in effect at the time oC (annal appliC:lUon for the parcel of land for which the applic:ltion has been submitted. This coven:1nt slull run with the land and shall not expire. If at :m)' time the Cee Is paid. the portion of the covenants or the portion of the land area for which the fee has been paid. as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton, shalltenninate by the filing and recording of a partial satisfaction of tap, hook.up or connection ch:uge release fonn with King Coun!}'. .. "'-."" I· I rl> ~ ~ ~ 8 ;J R i , ;11 ., ~ i! ; i ~ j, J ~. ., r ~r. o' f ~ .. ,.. I rl ' ... '-'f c..c r- (".J ~ .. ' (YJ 0') .' • ". \ .... \ • , I Any \ lol:llion or breach of these restrictive covenants m:ly be enforced by proper legal procedures In the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owner adjoining the subject property who Is adversely affected by said breach. Attorney'S fees and costs of litigation shall be paid by the non'prevalllng p:lrty to the prevaJllng p3rty. DATED THIS PI"'+-d'YO~1fO-tt(r . l.jI, KIng County, Washington STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) S5 COUNTY OF KING ) I certify tlut I know or have satlsf:lcto Idence that :5benYl W~ signed this Instrument, bn oath state~h:lt tte she authorized to. cxecUt~1n5trument and :Icknowlcdged 11 :IS the r, e rJ,tI. to be the free and voluntary act of such p3rty for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument. Dated '/1-1 La ~ "F-CI_ OF SliCe: CIIAHCW • I·.II~ l !)l·'T.\lI/AMll/bh .~ : ,~r~ ',,' '. • •.•••••.••••• I. ':'. \ ... "-.. .' ..... : ...... . ~ \ . ! ,":, It;. ',:. :' . :: / ... . ,' - : "I e • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR (SUCC) DIVISION The following parcel descriptions, situated within Section 16, T23N, R 5 E, W.M •• King County, Washington. describe the related King County property for the Segregation of Sanitary Sewer Special Utility Connection Charge (SUCC) pursuant to the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4321. Section II, (K)(ii). Each of the following parcels are the same as depicted on the ~ttached map titled ·SUCC LAND DIVISION" and dated November 13, 1992. PARCEL ·A" lhe North B70.00 feet of the West 645.00 feet of the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 16. T23N. R 5 E, W.M. together with the South BO.OO feet of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, LESS AND EXCEPT, a triangular port ton of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, being formed by measuring from the NW I/I6th Corner, 648.74 feet along the West I/I6th line and 422.48 feet along the North I/I6th line, AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the South 80.00 feet of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 16, Lying West of the Northeasterly projection of the Southeasterly line of the previously described triangular portion. containing 10.13 acres more or less PARCEL ·B· The West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, T23N, R 5 E, W.H., together with a triangular portion of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, being formed by measuring from the NW I/16th Corner, 648.74 feet along the West 1/16th line and 422.48 feet along the North 1/16th line. LESS AND EXCEPT, that portion of the north 593.I4 feet of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 16 1y)ng west of the .East 60 feet there-of, AND ALSO EXCEPT, that portion of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 16, lying North of the Southerly Right-of-Way of HE Third Street, AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the South 80.00 feet of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 16, Lying East of the Northeasterly projection of the Southeasterly line of the previously described triangular portion. containing 14.53 acres more or iess -;~ .- ·f , ; Drl . { • '0 •• \ • i I .... ' •• ' -........ p •••••• .-.................... . . ••• , •• .,. _ ~ ... .#h __ ." .::. ••• : .• -. '.' ~ ••• 'l .............. e ........... .;.: ....................... . PARCEL ·C· The SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, and the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of S~ction 16. T23N. R 5 E, V.H. LESS AND EXCEPT the West 645.00 feet of the North 870.00 feet of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of 'Section 16, lying East of the West 713.33 feet of the North 960 feet, AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion lying East of the West 683.33 feet and South of the North 960 feet there-of. containing 88.94 acres more or less WDI4/lgldHc.- \ I -'. / '. ~ · ,-~ .~'-"""""'="""""'."~'="""""'~ ---""""",",,,,,,,,,,/,,~!>j-.. ----:...-.. . .......-~--.. ~~ \l 1. , \;~ ;l·I·: o. f! \ ~ . , ~ 'i INVl&.TH CCRt£R so: c£) t-:-~ ~ ~ ... ~ IF IE V4 IN V4 stC 1& c~ CI 81 q~ 5 : // ® ~ § ) ... -----I ~ >-l '\ c-v 1116TH SEC. 16 AREA TABULATION· ---=-~ ... s=-_ ~-.. - . PARCEL 'A" PARCEL ~B' 44!.293 sa. n. 633.083 sa. n . ~ r W 114 sr; 1/4 SECTION It. I / i LEGEND -... ~ _ 1)DIlTES SEGRtGATlCN NO) PAyllt1lT or :ucc fEES ~ , ::I: 0 _ ~ TAX PAReD. • -e -i + _ DENOTES SECTION CORNER ta = .a... -DENaTES QUARTot CORNER 0 _ 1IOIDT£S CENTER OF' SECTION 15 SUCC LAND DIVISION IF KING COUNTY'S RENTON TRANSFER STATION DATE:' NOV. 13. 1992 SCALE: 1~=400' ,PLOT 9Y I D. RIECKEN DISK. 5S9 tlELD BOCKS. 1307. 1435 :,. ... , \l'lIEN RECORDED REllJRN TO: Office or the OtT Oerk Renlon Munldp.ll DuUdlnR 200 MID Aftnue Soulh Renlon. WII !l8055 • • PARTIAL SATISFACTION OF TAP, HOOK-UP OR CONNECJ10N CHARGE .. WHEREAS, the Oty of Renton h:lS previously adopted Ordinance No. 4321 providing for the collecllon of tap, hook-up or connection charges for those connecting to the water or sewagc systems of the City, and WHEREAS, said charge W:lS duly recorded pursuant to RCW 65.08.170, and WHEREAS. said charge creates a lJen on 5pedfic:tHy defined properties. alld WHEREAS,:I cert:tin parcel O!tll:lt property h:lS Cully satisfied its portion oCthose charges. and WHEREAS ills necessary that said parcel be released from the hen ctC2led by said charges: NOW, TIlEREFORE. BE IT KNOWN: ~ ~ That the sanitary sewer, tap, hoole-up or connectlon charge known :IS the Special Utility Connectlon· :;: r'-Charge (SUCC fee) h:lS been partl:illy S:ltlsfied and Is fully relc:ased from any cWm under that charge, ~ IX) :IS to the following described real property: ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" AND "B" Sanitary Sewer Spcclal UUllty Connectlon Charges have been paid Cor the Renton Transfer Siation Sewer Upgrade and Recycling area, described :IS Parcel A In Exhibit "A". PartIal rel= Is also granted to the ConsoUdated Office and Repair Fac:il.ity (CORll) site described :IS Parcel D in Exhibit "A-being a 20 acre portion of Parcel C, for which sanitary sewer specW utiUty connection charges were previously paid: .§ BUT this relc:tse sh21l not impair the lien of the City of Renton as to other lands not previously described ~ :IS havLng been relc:tsed, nor the remainder of Parcel C, or impair the Uen Cor the Water Special UU1Jty c. ,Connection Charge on the subject property, which h:lS not bt:en paldLn fulL The Sanitary Sewer Speclal UU1Jty Connection Charge released by the recording of thIs document, was a partial payment granted under Restrictive Coven:lJlt recording number 9302042176, for Parcel A and paid in the amount of $27,800.00, Pennit #8234, date 6/21/93. The 20 acre portion of Parcel C (herein referred to as Parcel D) in ExhJblt "A-, relea.sc:d by the recording ofthis document W:lS a previous paymen~t~ $.OI/sq. ft. for 871,200 sq. ft.) made prior to the granting of limited exemptions under of Ordinance No. 4321. SIGNED thIs ;(~ day of ~./' • 1~. , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUN1Y OF KING ) B . {)J..4wL. 's~/cL;: Arlene Haight, Property ServlcF. Sp~.rvlsor Agent for Lynn A. Guttmann, ~tor Planning/Bullding,lPubUc WorkS On this day personally appeared before me, Arlene Haight, agent Cor Lynn A. Guttmann, Administrator, PlanninglBuildlng,lPubUc Works to me known to be the Property Services Supervisor and acknowledged to me that she was aUI nzed to execute the within on Its behalf. TIl:It she further acknowledges she executed thc 57,~~ d voluntary act and decd, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ~o...... . '~~n q 0 GIVEN under fi seal this '> £0 dayofu «(J ,199. 3. f ( ~,. i '~Mq() C ;e,M2~ 'i ca \ ........, ~; NOtaly bllc In ;and for the£le \.,.~.1.~.,~' ofWashlngtonresldlngat ~7"e ~"'~ O;~~ ~ ...... ~ My appointment explrc:s:/9!EJ-PM1lAlSA11SI'IIcnONi§tf~,P.t-'3S2l1lMIIJbh -#-7'3' '0'0 ~lfOrjo(J{)//.,,5J5", <kJ.tf-'f ,rf- '. • • EXHIBIT "A" The following parcel descriptions. situated within Section 16, T23N. R 5 E. W.M .• King County. Washington. describe the related King County property for release under the Segregation of Sanitary Sewer Special Utility Connection Charge granted under Restrictive Covenant recording #9302042176. PARCEL "A" The North 870.00 feet of the West 645.00 feet of the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 16, Tl3N, R 5 E, W.M. together with the South 80.00 feet of the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, lESS AND EXCEPT, a triangular portion of the Sf 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, being formed by measuring from the NW 1/1~th Corner, 648.74 feet along the West 1/16th line and 422.48 feet along the North 1/16th line, AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the South 80.00 feet of the W 1/2 of the HE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section 16, lying West of the Northeasterly projection of the Southeasterly line of the previously described triangular portion. con~aining 10.13 acres more or less Parcel 0 The North 960 fe2t of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter; TOGETHER WITH the North 960 feet of the lIest 280 feet of the Southwest quarter of' the Northeast quarter of Se~tion 16. Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. Said parcel contains 2e.S acres more 0. less. -#=-?3-W .- \ I·' ." . - , n i; • I ~ .. " " * T 23 N. R 5 E'" IJ,H. : 9 -.---J ~ r---/'--' Z~ .,' <THSI Co .~ -;;r-\ 'i£."'r 16 . .2~1 16 (11:6-'" • V 1 I • H t ih = E-@ ~ V 1116 ste 16 /<V III"" tcltlF.R set V2 Of'" t£ V4 11'" IN V' sec ,,, l ~' CCRt;tR ~l. @> a > sa:TION " I to ........... ;;1-c V4 CIJtIO i :: I .,......... C-C va.'" --------"m~+\--_____ ..J , ...... : " C_V."IUH stc. 16 PARCI:L 'A' 4~!,293 SD. n. PARCEL 'D' 633.093 so. rt. PAP,.", ,,., J In4 271 SO.n. SC V4 16 ! i l I I 1 IS :"::M~ ~ o +- ..kEGEND _ IICIIIf[S UGlttGAtl04 AHD ,..u1C(JI' OF :ucc rtts -DCIIIIU lu PtJICtL • -D[~DltS stelle" t;:;;"r~ ~ -DCtIOI(S OUAAI(R COaNtR ~ b;:; o _ I!OlOlt~ C(NI[R or seCTION \ SUCC LAND DIVISION of CORF alte lind KING COUNTY'S RENTON TRANSFER ST A nON DAT[, NOV. 13. 199Z SCAl..C \"400' PLl!l BY • D. RICC1«(1I ~ '\\: DISK. SS9 rt[LD BOOKS· 1307, 1435 KING COUNTY SURV[f DCPARTHCIIT I~' (:.:: j'>; f.~' I ;~ 1~ ';~ ~I t~ 11 L9909 I J.m:h I -· -.. ---.. -' " ~ cl ~~~.~~,~-.. ~ .. ~---------~-====-=-~=---------------------- ORDINANCE .4 612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of ___ J_u_n_e __________ , 1996. Jes~anner, Mayor App;?~~~ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:S/20/96:as. 3 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Portions of Sections 8.9, 10. 11. 14. VW7. 21 and 22 an in Tmvnship 23N. ~e 5E W.M. in King County. Washin~ Section 8, Township 23N, Range 5 All of that portion of Sec' n 8, Townshlp 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying East of the East right-of-way line SR-405 and South of the following descn'bed line: Begtnning at intersection of the East line of said Section 8 with the centerline of NE 7th et; thence Westerly along said centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersec . with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; thence Northerly along the ce erline of Sunset Boulevard NE to the North line of the Southeast IA of sai ction 8; thence West along said North line to the East right-of-way line of S -405 and the terminus of said line. Section 9, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 9, 11 ship 23N, Range 5E W.M.lying South and East of the following described . e: Beginning on the center' e of NE 7th Street at its intersection with the centerline of Edmonds Avenue ; thence Easterly along the centerline of NE 7th Street to its intersection wi e centerline of Monroe Avenue NE; thence North along said centerline to th outh line of the Northeast 1A of said Section 9; thence East along said So line to its intersection with the centerline of Redmond Avenue NE; thence ortherly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of NE lOth treet: thence East along said centerline to the East line of said Section 9 and e terminus of said line. Section 10, Township 23N, R.ange 5E" W .All of that portion of Section • Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying Southerly and Westerly of the follo described line: Beginning on the W t line of Section 10 at its intersection with the North line of the South ~ of North lh of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its inte.rsec n with the centerline of 142nd Avenue SE; thence Southerly along said c terline to its intersection with the North line of the Southeast 1,4 of said Secti 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the East line of s d Section 10 and the tenn1nus of said line. I I ~ ~ J t I J ~=:"·~·O·:a:""···L ,. ' .. J Exhibit B EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Special Assessment District Boundary -1:24,000 ------City Limits 5E m,. St i I i i I J. ~ , I I + + PlcninglB~c: Worb e SANITARY SEWERS ~ Christe,.en,MacOnie, Visneslti 2.0 May 1996 [ZT.J..2J Special Assessment Distrid ; Printed: 07-07-2005 Payment Made: ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-081 07/07/200503:22 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: KING COUNTY Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #317405 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/ErS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUL -7 2illlS R0503620 KING COUNlY ROADS DIVISION ~I .:.a j r--------L . ----_____________________ .-.=-==__ :;;:S_~ ------------_ ... _-----------------------------I .. I EF~ERSON AVE NE b I - "'--: "'--,so-, l;:i( o A ~s. ~ ~~.5'.5'/~-1t .~~~~ / <6'->, PA- C, ~:>~~_ J' 0c@oW ",t),r\o".,1 " .l;r~,,-W .. ~(;"" '" ~ "" 5; ,ch., .!" s::> 0 ~ 3t • "'" • -v z ~I iii ~ l~ , ........ § ... "i;',9>. -...:. " "" Q 0 ..; s'J"~ ;> ""'(!, " . '" ',,' " , "'--~~ ... f "'-- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 13 ..{ l~//--~~ it; / ~.-.~-~---~'t:.j;,52..13' ¢::::l ~. / JIIl..MIIILDII -t\lI'lL!If!t -441,213 Sf' -toII:Dl0Ut[ IIUII.DINO -43e .. :~O::=,~p~ LDT, -1'IIICtHT OF lilt OCMIIED """ PAIIEI<OO -22lI -PIftCOtT OF 1m: CCM:JItED WItH IUILDIHOI -... -HtW IDU _lit _~ 1U1I.OI." -litEM II NO ~ I'IIOI'OIIl) TO NUMBEII or pARt(IrfQ: IJ nt£ TRNdFEft STA1K)N 001\IJ0ED ..-m CUftII IUMI fAST _ or lit[ rw. lIIML1I ._ LOT -330 LF. -lItEEXISIIOIlsm:OSDESlGNAlEDConhr_ on .. ~ PSGn Land u.. Map aRel % ..... """_(1') ~ .~. ~ .m \ ... U'. ......... --.-• 1NITM't tEWJt r'tIt SftItII DfWN '.P . ... -...... aoc ..... ............ UCIMT ..... CI CATQ4 INIM sa IIHTNlY ......... ........u .. ..-M" CIIWN MIMtOI,I co CUNDIT r;:::!;> L::::t> OWl CIl-W~1I'.ft IWPMAltIR F.H. PMEtf"rDItIrHT ~ (="2 ~ 11" ~ ; , 11 " i&1iLi II Hit --.... .. i'llllmcPIDW ® KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT or ~1IJIIAl IWSO\II IIOUII., __ """""" ~ ~OOICIrI1OtW.UII/IIISA '" RENTON 'TRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPUCA Tlor SITE MAP I'IECOMIII£NDEO """""NO. __ SVRVEYNO. O"T(~ OAT'[....§:2Q s,,,u .:\CAO\RfWfON\CONO:':PERltlfT -J 1ll00GAH\0W1IH~OHO-ptRt.iIT--REQl,.ltsT\riEM 1 J . I i ~ -U'" _ D f!NCE- 11-" _1 I _1'_"_11_,1 _1,--1'_11_,1_11_1'_ J,_ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 14 rt) -;+- -~) ~,\",. r I~\ \1 ",:f ,-,,_,._, ®. ~INO COUNTY DEPAImtOO OF NAlURAl. RESOURCES . AND PARKS Porn 81nonnett., Off1tctor SOLID WAST! DlVISION RENTON 'TRANSFER STAllON eotanoNAL use PERMIT 5 FT' CONTOUR MAP APPftO"lfJ) RECOMMENDED, "'"'0NtD PROJECT NO' ___ $JR~ NO. DRAWN OATE~ DATE~ SHEET OF 1::2 oct ~ r:.. ("\ c ,... ~ c c ~ ~ " ~ -t > :2 c a !: " <. > <. u a ~ u ~! • :>'~"I!.:l :;1'·".1:.1~' S~ .'W.,; ".,;J I ... ,--" II ('-'.i 1 .• ____ ,. ___ . __ ..,-. __ ._ . ___ .J o o , -$-- SS-l ~ INLET BASIN CATDt "BASIN (1'Tt'Mf) CATat BASIN (SANITARY) STORt.t DftAIN MANHOlE TWEIOAH • SANITARY SEWER NAtOtQ.£ PUJC SANITARY SOOt SlORM DR"'" ft.OW DlR£cnON PlAS1lC WASlE c::ou£C1tON BOX F1RE H"tDftANT .,,.,.../tllIO .. SS/hIH/CiID No --==-1"::cf..t':,., .... :. '/:tf"'K 1t JQ'M,.. ; ::::... .-a CMIW~.ur ~I· Ei'..-. -..... CMlUW_ ---FflD'H(IIIE_ .... ---------.. "",."" ........ -- 11_11 _11_11_11_11_11 CONDmONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 22 " '''--_.''1' .---.................. ~ .. ~,.. .......... ....... , ....... . "~~a >-~J).. ~V1t~ ~., ~ I' I' I' f-ilii m --[II -- 6iJI-__ ~:: = w,tIMJN[ 'h, .. , ~ , "". " . -----.---+-tl IiIt'CO f/IIU IP/UMME' f-.... _ " """--i> rJWRi .... lItH CIXXl __ *--... --c- '"""'I*- 1'_11 PROPERTY UNE DA1t 0'(1003 00/2003 ..... -----, .. ---$---...... "<'II",," '" '-""" . -to '" " ~" II_II BY ~ ,4~ ~~ ~ .......:..... ~ Z 1 -:~ -j f~ ,;;.J2 r~ ~;~H it ~ -, j ~ ~ ',-.I... L I ~'I L .•. -....._~ ..... I! _ ®~ KINe COUNTY DEPNmlENT OF NATURAL RESOUIIQ i<ND PARKS Pam Blnonn,tt .. Olr.ctor SDUD W'A$TE DIVISION FENTON TIIANSFER STAllON CONDITIONAL USE PERtdT UllUTIES PlJ .AJIt! 2005 APPItO't'£D DATE __ RECOMMENDED 0 .... TE __ DEStGHED DRAWN ~O.IECT NO. ___ SUftVEY NO. SHUT Of ......,..tiIr~iII' Renton Trlnlfer 8t.1Ion h1Den1oul 8umce o :::?<.:~::::;~~ 8ceJe HouIeINorth Chute Ennnce -20,7fr1 " ® ,>, 'c, TIS ExIt Roe.d • 3,410" ® W,;;~.~\: fU Trder I'"wkng No.-2O,395 " ® .' ". . fU Trder PII'1ctlg 80.-7:SO" o J;\";';f~,'!; ComnIer'ct.l Entry -4,448" o ,;,;;;.;~/,,,,;:, CommercIal Exit -3,573" 0" South Chute ExIt -8,004" 0.' . '. Self H.u Enrty -4,2\8" o i';~ ~!';'" Self H.IJ ExIt -4,«194" o c..,.,"". rr.neter BuldIng -"",set)" ® ,,,-~O'"~'" Recycle ArM. -8,321 " o ;!i:(~ri'M); EmIpy Tr1IIIer Part:~ l!M2!UI Total EntIre SIte -~ -SWIIIe Aree. (Approx) -~ o o -n--so- ~ CATCH BASH (STORM) CA'I01 'ASIN ( ..... TARY) S1'OMt Oft...... MANHOL£ 1'YPE10I'I1I SNlTARY SEWER MANHa.£ SNtTAR'r 5£WEIt ST'OftM DRAIN SANITARY SEM:R flOW S1'OMiI DftAINAGE nDW CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 23 '~:'~'i~, "f" \ \ •. \~!i:!"0U;:_!;~':i$?';;trt ----------/' / DA.TE I ftEVlSlat 03/2003 ftE\'IE¥ItD Pl.AH AND \'[RIFlED SS AND SO. BY Fi: 01/2003 I REVIEWED PlAN AND VERlf1EO SS AND SO. P.O. \ \ I -- KINO COUNTY OEPAR'TMENT or NATURAL RESOURCES AND PARt<S Pam ar.llOnnltt., Director SI1.lD IIMTE DIVI$Il]N RENTON lRANSFER STA110N cotDTIONAL USE PEFMT DRAlNA<E CONmOt.. PlAN .MI!2005 APPRO'f'ED 0,1.,1£ __ _ RECOMMENDED OAn: __ _ Ot:S1GNm DRA¥I1'I PRo.a:r NO. ___ SUR\'fI' NO. SHEET OF' 5: \CAO\EMERfUN\Pt)-btron-DP\ltENTOH.DWG \.C) ;t .~ j :; « 00 o 0; '.'! o ..... ~ <0 t ~ <;:: Q) .~ ~ ~ ~ UJ t-~ ~ .'§ i ~ ~ ~ :;1 ;1 ~ a: w a. o z o y ~ w a:: 6 <!: ., F s ~ _~ .. ~_J ------------- E5 -9 T23N R5E W 1/2 .--., R'M-F .l S\.· ~~ ?>ru ---+ ____ \---T~\---l~-~-· --------_ i \ \ " ~ \\,. \ "-\ RC R-14 G5 -21 T23N R5E W 1/2 ZONING PIBIPW TECHNlCAL SI!IlVlCES JlI28I04 ,C" ;ffi Q) ~ Q) R-I0 e s::: o ::2l CA IL(P) ~o .yo 1>-4800 '[ F5 16 T23N R5E W 1/2 5316 r. v \".' , .. D~t~10N OF NON-SIGNIACAN~a"mGATED REVISED MmGATJON MEASURES PROJECT: ICing County Said Wasta T~ Sraoon Sewer Upgrade and Recyding Area Conditional Use PROPONeNT: King Depa.1ment of I'tJIbIic: W<MIcs Solid Wasw Oivision LUA 90-160-8. CU. ECF APPlICATION NUMBER: DESCRIPTJON OF PROPOSAL: Sewer & UIiIity Upgrade. padcing area pav!ng and rec:yding atU pa1IinQ.. 3021 NE 4th Street. LOCATION OF PROic:lSAl: CONDITIONS: .. _ £nvironmentaI Review Committee iswed a Determinalion of Non- 1. 3. 4. .. ~ • Mitigated widllhe following c:ondiOOns: The appIic:ant shaq, in order 10 address impaa:s on surface water and ground ~"at!tr, modify ;h Constr'UCIion Contract arid Specificatjons 10 indude requirements for 1he contractcI to compfy with 1ft provisions of tfIe City of· Renton's JJI'OI)qSeG Aquifer Prcneaion Oninanc:e.. The tevi.-r Consuuctio· Contract and Spec:ifiations shaJr be appraveQ by me Development Servica Division ~ ~s Divsic:, prior 10 the issUance of Construction Permits.. The applicant shall also. in order 10 address impacts on Aquifer F\otJeUion Zlme No. 2. dewfop a Fac:iIit Management and Opemions Plan to address the requiremems of the City of Renton's proposed AquifE F\ote..."tion OrdInance. The FaeiIity Management and Operations Ptan 9IaII be approved by the ~ Senric:I=s Oivision and Utilities Divsion prior 10 the issuance cf ConsuucUon PenniIs.. The FaciIii ~ and Opemiol'ls Plan shaH address issues such as cOllcaillH'6nt and treatment of hazanfot; waste spills. disposal of hazardous waste materials. The applic:ant shall. in order to add.-ess potemiaI impacts of hazardous materials on eanhlsoib in the ami C me fermer storm and sutfa:e water swales and drainage cha!1neIs and abandoned drainfieIds. eondlK momhlv and quanerty $OiI$ tuting per Section 6. ~ 0uaIity Monitoring Requirements· eontaiIIed : Renton Tramer Station Operation M~ Manual (See Atttdunent AI. Shouid evidence ( c:ontamina1icn be found as a result of the momhly!quanerJy soils reportS. men the applicar.t shall prompt implement an appropriate remediation progra.n. iJhet SEFA review. The appDc:ant shall. in order to address impactS of constnJdion on neighboring uses and me local $Ue! system. comply wid1 1fIe provisions of the appI"lC3m'S proposed Consttuction tKltioatiofl Plan. It Construction M"ltigation Plan shaJr be approved by me Oevelopment SefViees Division and thiflties DiYisic prior to the issuance of Consuuction Permits. The appr-oved Construction Mitigation Plan sha1s t inc:orllorate<1 into 1fIe final Consuuc:tion Contract and Consuvc:tion Documents for the project. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT: The foDowing noteS are supplemental information provid~ in eanjunc:tion wid1 the environmental dewmination. Eecause these advisory notes are provided as informatio., only. they are not subject to the ap;le3l process for emrironmental detenninatiolt$. 1. The final Construetion Pamtit: subminals should include revisions to respond to the tec:hnic.aI eomme:r contained in David Christe.'1Setl'S March 16. 1992 letter to VICtOr O. Olw'eke. 2. Evidence of a Metro ctisc:fIa.-ge permit shall be required prior to the issuarn:e of ~g or Co. .mr.:t . P~ 3. If a soils remed'"lation program !s required. under COndition No.3. above. it will be re4uired to ~ subsequent SEPA review by the Environmental Review Committee. 4. Staff are /ilcely to recommend. to the Hearing Examiner thot tile following. as waD C5 ather. c:onditions m, be imposed on the Ccmfnional Use Permit: A. The applicant shall. it> o:der to address land usa impactS en neighborhood compatibi!ity. m-L-f.t tt site plan to provide aoditionalla',ciscaping at the site perimeter. The revised site plan and landsca:: plans shall be ippro"ed by the Oe"e/opmenr Services Oi\ris;on ind Utilities Di"isi;:;r, prior to t~ , issuance of Co~c:tion Permits. mitme;s2 - 1 ---------.-_ .• , .......... <- .. .... ~------.-. ~ .. . .. '-: .. Renton Transfer Station Parcel and Land Use Map o City of Renton Zoning c=J Center Neighborhood Commercial Arterial ~ Light Industrial Residential Resource Conservation Df.\'Cf 250 N . I~ \ JUL ~ ., , 2~tU~\ }~' ~:~. . 'if ~-:-: ~ 500 ® King County Department of 1,000 Natural Resources and Parks Solid Waste Division The information included on thts map has been compiled by Kmg County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accutacy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such inronnation. King County shaW not be liat»e for any general, special, indirect. incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or informationon this map is prohobited except by written permission of King County January 10th, 2005 Feet ) ; ::t:: , ::> V " ~ () I i() < ::> -J :.: .. , .~.:. .:.:., .~.:.' ;:.' .:( ~:~ ~.: ';: .. :.!, .. :::. .... , .... ", ..... "." '-'-','~;'. ,u ... ,,.... > L:J CJ ";,I ... . '<oJ r- .....J => -, ··:··'\.CITY OF RENTON ,.'··SHORT,·PI-AT NO. LUA-Ol-090, SHPL .. ,:., .",....... LND-20-0299 . ,::.,.""., .• : •. , .. ,:: .. ,. SIGNED 1HIS DEDIC'~:AliO-~0I1UIlGm OTTO B£-l,../HaI)-l'REE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOff::IRE uSEs AND PURPOSES ~.1N THE INSTRUt.lENT. '.:: \"1 \, \ ~ 1"_ "._ •• ,,o' .:::' DATED SlGNAlUR[ UP" =~"fg ~C CF.-----"."':.-- NOT,t,RY PUBUC .::. T11\.E ':':, ~" APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS CITY (Yl RENTON DEPT. (Yl PLAIINIHG/BUILDING/pUBUC WORKS EXAMINED ......... OVE. THIS l5.~AY f1f..li1A'i-2OJ:tk EXAUlNED ... "'RO'IED lHlS 1:L DAY f1f~ 2Oal.. ~P'd 'h'/Mldt'AJI~ '5r-nI+ t-,l,.,b Ie SCALE: .:r::L~ 1iIw.LL ADIoHHS1'V''/i" /,.-•... . DEPUty ASStSSOit ----qiao. 'III" 'II 3S PORTIONS OF NW. NE & SE 1/4(S). S.16 T.23 N .• R.5 E .• W.M . LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE 'JEST HALf' Qf THE NORTI£AST QUARTER DF' THE I«lRTHVEST mJARTER Of" S£CTt(lN 16, TDVNSHIP 23 toTH, RANGE 5 EAST, ... .H.,. IN THE CITY OF' RENTON, ICING COUNTY, \/~HINGTDNJ EXCEPT nlAT P£RTIDN LYING NGlRTH IF n£ SOUTHERLY RIGHT-tF-... AY or tOm£AST THItlD sTREET, T[J(i[THER \lITH TI£ S[JUn£AST QUARTER CF THE rfJRTHIJEST ClUMTtR Of" SAID SECTION 16, TDGtTH£R \lITH THE SOUTHIJ£ST QUARTER OF NORTHEAST IilUMTER Of' SAID SECTlUN 16, EXCEPT l"WAT PDRTlON AS CONVEYED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUHBERS 78l2090986, 9611210291 AND 9109130534, f .~ Zr~_t':Zr> '~~~::~fa>{'::' ~;I~J'ft=~S1I1UAR1tR Dr Tl£ SOOTI<£AST • " S .~? 3. ~ ::1326;''' .... l! ..... ,.1' ... ~ [!!!] S(CTIDN 16 TC!3N R5t "".M. ':'::":" -.... ,.:: .... :::::: . .. IOILl4ENT IETAlLS S[-Cnm. CORNER flI.ND QUARTER CORNER •. ~~~";:NER .:,I;.~!.~~ "::~:: ... • RE:a.I-tlR lRlJN·'fI1.p[ F'Il\..IID.\ SEPT. 2000, f'OlMD 4'X'" CDNCR:i~.s'H[JNUMENT IJ\ 318' BRAsS··PIN. 01", ~$E" ,.'~ D£CJ.99S. F'DlIm "·X4' CDi&R£Tt HONLttENT Y\ 2' BRASS DISK IN CAS[ Dtt.l99l!l, f1JUMD '''X"· CEI<RETE fCJNUt£NT \i' COPPER PIN IN CASE ~.··O"'·sn·.S(tJ."" IR I,II. .. lILASTIC c;";' / .• / ~'~::'~:TAlb(~(' .,.'.,. N.T.S. ~:, •· •.•• .,..\.··~ASlH£-R ~~IBED ':":" ( ................. ! .SPHALT .'''1''''.'' .:." .,tELD PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT • ••..••• , ...... , ••. :::: ::.' .:.' .:'" THIS SURVrY IJIII$ P~~ORMED USiNG t;llNV£NnDNAL rlELD TRAvtRSE ~t. ~ M:."'''''''' lQ u.un.~ILu SlTUATtD AT A GQI..F' CDURSE tiREtH. DftC'9 .... 11oU ..... , ...... ~r .. """.R Rp.s. va... 97 p~ e:BtI I':I~~~~~', Pf~1\~~~~~A¥m,GLE ROAR V\ lSB566 CAP 03t. IJEST ~=(~:;5::Z;;;i;"'> ::. :::.::::~ =W:~r.:::: ':':::::W:tZO' WES~: :." SEPT. ZOOO. ~:~"~'~ASS:~~~ IN ~N~~T CI\SE.,:'·:·" .: SEPT. 2000, fDJND CONe. KIN. 'Ii,\ BRAS·i. DISK IN foOIUt.£NT·t:AOC BEARS 543-3'-25\1 0.35' T[J ·CAlt-tu.Al'tll· .PT .. ~. " :: ::.::.:: ::.r~ ~:~N:~~:.:;.::~:;.~/:;:: ::.::' 0.05 rGtTH NftJ OJD' EAST OC SAJD RDAR . '.: :: · .. ·:·:2:·.· :·' .. ••• .. \···11 .::.,.:5' MARCH 2001. FIlI.H1J KING CDLtfT"f. REBAR & CAP :;"':" "':.:.:' MARCH 2OOl, F.tJl.HU CONe MDN\.HNf v\JRASS P1N 0.6D" EAST,&. 0.10' NORTH MARC ... zoot. F~D-kING COUNTl' REJAR " CAP OJO' [AST ......... ::. ® [!!!] GI~Y CF R~ll'I ~NT ~.:.' .N' GPS rAST STAnc 'lttHNll\IJIts. USING SllICkl' StT3 ."" GEflDlMETEII ·':I:~: •. "" ./" .:':: ~~A~~t~':~I~O:Si~ ~~ ;~~~,t~:c,EIj:e"-~'32-too, LOT AREA. "':"""'/" NOTESo LOTI 4.73107 ACRES LOT2 68.03706 ACRES LOT3 5.30483 ACRES LOT4 2.03702 ACRES LOT5 12.72464 ACRES LOT6 9.64029 ACRES LOT7 14.99120 ACRES TOTAL 117.46611 ACRES "'::. :i-·· .. ·· ......... ::. ."-~ \ ..... 1) BAr$IS OF It"'.RINGS IS NAlIS3/91 \t"ASHlNGJlJrrf SlAT[ PLANE COIJUllNATE SYS1'Ef1 AS DtTERMIHEtI BY GP$ [J.SERVATJON. 2) PRIVATE 60' JNGRtSS/EGRESS , UTIllTY [AS[H£NT SUBJECT TO CDNDnt(JG HtREDI THIS SHtET. 3) RESOJeR[ CDNSERVATmN cRt) ZOiING IOUNDARY F{Ll(]\JS T[]P oF' RIGDE UNC. 4) ANTEIlI4A AS ctl4STRUCTED 'JILL ESTAIUSH 200' SETBACk. ') BUILDING TO IE DEMDUSEiD DR RELOCATED IY DECEMBER 2007 6) TRAILERS AIlE TDPDRARY rAeILlTIEs, AQUII'IER PROTECn{]N NOTICE, THE LOTS CREATtD HDiEIN fALL VlTHlN lCJtC: 2 tF REtrnJrfS arr~ ~T~~~t':,:~~r~ ~:~~T ri.~s ':~n.~~r:~~ gr~SU:.JttER~S~£gA~r!. A 1=~IJj:r~~R ~D£R THE VAT~ TABlE AND f}£ ~D $URJ'AC£. OO((£ME tARE SHOULD BE ~~~~T~~ fTHU~~G=~~F~I~~ ~TER H[JMEIlVNERS Im:SPQStBtuTY to PROTECT THE CITYiJ; DRIN<1NG "WATDI:- ... , ................. ~dt;!\TEDEASEHENTSO :.:' n .~,., .. , ,.: :":::/' .'-'-"::. THE 1JI..\lI\IDKi US~f$ ME NOT SHOWN DUE TO THE VAGUE/IESS "':. . y, Dr HE llESClUP"DN •.• ' .' . ..... ''!:-}' 1) AF. 3875:580" AN tAsEHtNT FOR RAllRDAD R/V ...: ••••••• • 2) "'r,:-41a994~ AN [AS8,~I.·F(R·-A PIPELU£ .::: ......... 3) ~~i ... I.':94 •• AN E>I~ FlJ< .·~II£ :':'. .'.:',.:/-:\. .,:: '~:" KING CDUNTY DEPARTM£NT IF TRAN$PQRTATIDN ROADS SERVICES DIVISION -SURVEY UNIT 155· MONROE AVE. NE. (206)296-6508 I' AX -,-:- . -:' ::-' CIT!' OF RENTON SI-tORT PLAT NO. LUA-01-090,SHPL -, _::--• ____ : ... _ LND-20-0299 --::-.-,::. ,:./:-- ,,5: .-·f :.j: 0( '" z'" c:!; "'z ~~~ I:J~ ~~ {\.'","""'~J,, "",il: .. -;:::., .>~. .:'. "' ... :.::": :-,: .. '" ., .. , \ -. : ~ •••• of ... 0; ~z -Ie :i! , •• "~~ "-+1'. ~ ~ .f··",/······· . ,:::: ... :~:;;.;'. :: .. : ...... . IH'LAr.TiD '" ',.:, ,. ~'"'' .... / @gl ® ., ............ r :i! Cl"'.., f~::: ,/ ... ,.". . ... /.,. ;':'~-ii .' ........ ;. 4315 ~tT. , ~~ :l:iIi ~ ~~ ~!:l ~ ~ .... zlo ~ "'CI CA)t:! ~N ::: "':"':':'" \DC ~ .... , ... ":"'''''S! I II .~ . ,/./"':·:JI~/''''''''j, , .: .. ' .: .... ::: ... ··,···:::· ••• 1\\ .... ,. '" CD <D ~ -~ , ... -·::1: ••.• , ....... 1. UN"LATTED .\' .' .' ···.' .. , ..... :~;tt£ ~>~. rzS''' GRAVD... PAJU(IN(i AREA LOT2 68.03706 .. ;~~~~ j"" ' ...... 't........ .. .\ ..... iBj .L s '1'1.1 w ~ .., ~.". 11 " ii ~ ... ''':ii!~' ACCESS .. UTILiTY r.,R ~~.~,(~,ETNDfE~i '~--"'-"'" .'" l~@ "~·,"··>-:-·~,r;:'·~~2~ .( S 01'04'31" 'w l~rf.S2' . :'::. ".: ......... :: .. ":'. ~';' .:: .... ::.: ..... " .............. . (('~, .. ", EAST ~iNE··i:rr.·.T.H( 1,1 1/2 Dr NE 1/4 or TilE NI,I 1/ t, SEC I~ • :/:,,:. .,-:'Y·.",..:=" "':2>· RECORDING NO. ~OO~05/1 SCALE: N 1'04'45" E 13eO.80' TDTAL -437.5iY 47 'DB '32" UNPLATT[D . .... ::. .... I lXeR -100 IT . .il' :":.:Y :":.::::., ~I.;:':·'-'· . PRIVATE 60' ACCESS L UTILITY ESHT(SEE NDTE 2) ® l)..cfA 150 100' 200 . ... ::- .:.':. :.:. -~.:. CI'fy"OF RENTON SHok'T PLALNO. LVA-Ol-090,SHPL '. .':: . """ .. l:'<D-eo-0299 i:'- .,'::' ""PlA~~~' .,/" , ..... . .. :." ~ ,;.," @ ....... ': <'''''''.r"r. 2 :* ~ .,'., ~. ~~'-. .' .:" ,,' .,' ,. ·'s 89'or'OIW E ;-::.,:~ .. -.-~ ;: ~.:---"'---- <@>' \":" .. ",,, .......... ' ~~;:ED : Lt4PLATTED 1< ;J ... CJ ... "' 'CD !~ ~I' om £!~ ~ ;,. P l'l z :> z i:; N ~ I'" 4J~ W CD Z If) ':l ... '" ~ . ',: :-,: .. ,. ~ .... :::: _I: -._:: ................ ,_~_ ... . :: :. f; ? l'l ,'''' :X .:::", ... ,., .................... , ... /::;;./ .. LOT 2 68.03706 AC. .:: .......... ,.,., ... .' ... , ..... >' .. @ \ltI'\.ATTED N 01'04'17" E 60.00' 89'07'2J" E 150.00' TH ~ ...: ........... c... ... " .. ·.l~'r: ,.:::., :l:_ •. \ .• , •• ~ ;'.:- ..... <,::::: .... , ... :: .... 'IJV~~ :.1":' - '>:s ~ :':~~ -:,:..::~ }3'> :::-:'" RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE ~()0003 15,;J../J).c/.8 ~O 150 I IHOB -100 n. 1 ... 11 I I ·UNPLATTED S 89'OJ' 40" E N 89'l17'08" 'y/ 30.00' \ ~ -..... ~ '--",:",//'~",:':':':>' .::*. " .................... : ..... ::: .. '-"':' .. 100 200 'y/ASHINGTON GRID NORTH NORTH ZONE 4601 :.'~.:: "-:;. "':"" :: ...... ,....: .. ? .. ,.,/·· ........ ·r'· .::<~J)~~.29'&;:2f •• :; :.;. /: .,./' SH~TT!~AI;:' . ~ ........ '" :.:' KING' COUN.ri' DEJl?'ARTMEJIlT OF . ..-'. N 89'01'14': 'y/ \ TH LINE S'y/ 1/4 [JF' /. TRA~P[]RT~.i'ION'S,...RENT.~ F'ACll'IT·Y.' 17 N 89'01'14" 'y/ 1326.811 NE 1/4 SEC 16 ... ·k.ING COUNti' DEPAR].f.iENT OF; .. 'tRANSPOR.:~A'T!ON 1326.88' ROADS SERVICES. :DIVISIIJIf'-SURVEY:-'UNIT .... LATTED ~ ~ 155 MOflRO(. A.VE. NE, ROiTON IJA 1.1'8056 ~ ,""u'V (206)e96~650B rAX (~06)296-nl~ •. JOB NO. 000.4 R4244B "~" ~T 3 or • • ', :' ..... !.:~;. :.: .. , .~"~~' .... .,' :~. ::r ~~ \:::: .... :.:. \" : .. ::,: .... "" HIY OF RENTON SI:-f.6"RT PLAT NO. ! UA-Ql-999 SHPL :' ~.:: ••... : __ :'.' ~D-20-o2'9 ...... "~" .. ':; .:::: .i·:· ., .' : .... : .\:: UNPLATTED @ N 01'04'17" E 60.00' • ~·~'I"""" @) ... ,.,., ....... /' . : .. ;' ' .. ~"'. ::: s Ol'04:~.l;'.l"'"! .:: .... : :: '''1 .' ............ :: .. "'ASHINGTON G~jD NORTH NORTH ZONE 4601 " ....... ' . ,.::::5: / .. / ........ .. :.:::::' {t"/' ';:'::" .:'.::',", ::.:':' :::~:":: . ,.;:://"""".} .... ':: ,.::' ,. ':':':::. .AI : .. ' : ....... . . ... . ,' 'I.:'" ,." ... :/ :,,/' ".: . ",: .. ,., ..... :: .:: ..... ; .......... , ... . \.::;" .. ", @> .' ~ ~~ w ~! ~ i~ !~ LOT 2 !)l!I 6e.o3706 AC • P"'M :z: .:::: .. ".:.;: )..0() SCALE: 1 mCH -100 Fr. 1!l!&!.H LINE S'W 1/4 OF' NUL!. SE~ S 89'03'40" E 30.00' ~ ~ N 01"04'17" E 301.Z4' rND. CONC. f10trL S Qi~~~~~(:5'N .. 0.1:1'[ ·{~:::' .. :5 ... ?50' @ /:: .. , .. /.:,.: ,," VOL./PAGE 15:4/ /2 Co 50 150 (II:'" [ « 100 200 .i"::>'.;'~:':::::"!':.') ,'III .. '::;"., .. ".,,,.,, .......... ::::::,. .:: ...... ,: ~ i ... ~"".'" .... :.,' S 10'02'59" E 271.0Z' , ~;~ ......... ! "ZZ~ ~#ar~~YOF' ............... ~.' ~.;~' ':'., ·;,i-··-..... ::. .~ ...... " ~ ............. :. .,' H .: .... @ 1 }(;;"r.;l .""Z~ / / /'; 1 :' ,m ,(,',i/';'" ,(':~':"::"""/..,, 'i'""" N 89'01'14" 'W SOUTH LINE OF' SEl/4 Of sou~:-1/~;-S ::-:::-E --C3' ~ ~ET SOUTH LINE SIJ 114 Of >~~ .. 0!,1. ': E , ••.• :::-=.,...: ;i/ SH~RT P.LA'f:~:. "}' me6.S8' N'W 1/4 SEC 16 C!Y' NE 1/4 SEC 16 47833' -. HE 1/4 SEC 16 /: K~G COU.tiTtD~P;ART~~n DF/"""'/ gE~~6 ~ -@ ---I ·':··T.g~NSPDRJ:i\n[]Nf& RE.~TDN F~!Z{LITY ~ R ZIlNlNG ol' ~ LOT 2 LOT 6 KING coutifv DEPAA'rHENT or TRANSP~TAnDN .. v> <0 6B.lI.3706 AC 964029 AC ROADS S~F!\lI!:El> DIVISI~ -SURVj;i' UNIT P ~ "4. .' .' 155 MONROE AVE. NE. RENTON 'WA '9~56 S '&-_~ l 60' PRIVATE ACCESS L UTILITY (206)2~6-6508 F'AX <2Pf>ll!96-77W z <.,,, ~ -. . EASEMENT (SEE NOTE Z> JOB NO. 00044 R4Z4.8 .. :".... ~ET • Of • <§ \.N'UITT£D 11 :r RECORDING NO. VOl./PAGE Cir-Y-·.OF RENTON s~o~r PL~t ... ~,~. LUA-OI-090, SHPL LND-ZD-0299 // <§) UNPLATTED 1;1.. 'I-D .' :.' .:: .. , ./:.,/'" ~.',i··i .. :::., SOUTH :tiNE Of' sF&i 4 w.'. ~ ;f ",~'f.'1/~ SEC/&,' cr;'itJr'. , ""'" , ® .,:,SEC 16 . f. ..... ~.;,. .:' 'R-1O" zaHi';"';,-. ".,.,., ....... 1..,.,.".,. ..:." ~f'i,.ATT[D .;': ::":" :.:: '1' ~ -J / 60' ACCESS .. UnLlTY ESMT TO THE CITV' OF" RENTON PER At' 91O'J13D53' AND 9&12090986 N 52'49'18" E SOUTH LINE SIJ 114 Of' S a9'Q~'14" E 613.34' 8.48' SOUTH LINE SIJ 1/4 Of' S 89'01'14" E N~ J/4 SEC 16 478.33' _ c.~'uu NE 1/4 SEC 16 ." ...... ~ ----I SHEET 5 __ --...... ..('S61~~~~~'~.3::.,~, .. , ...... :,..... --. • ... ,~~~~~~~T~S~~~~~E L2 U~ILI/ /" '" II //~.id~:~f 1:'L.;,~ .:;;:<i'/r',,, \ I .. . ... , ....... ,'. <P0.>~"t-""/ .. :t ~J'./" .. : ,.C ... ·,··· (,{ 200~ j .. ""~""o ". "'... '.,. ~'" R.~~~u.;-/ .;',..... "", 'It' " . /' " · .. ·:·i' ~ Ii! ./' ,' .. ,\ (S£E NOTE 4) I ,,,,.,,,,,.,,,, '! i'~~":"/", '·''',:·:/':Jr::'''::''':'~::;~::~~;~E~5'~:i:t.,,,,.!, 848.34' TOTAL S 89'01'14" E -l( L 335,93' . "") -1 "",a",) ~ :. ' .. < ~ .. I "'\.' "'"'''''''''' ,,= . ... : .. , .. ": ........ ,:.;.:-:. IJ .,' .:: ~I ~I UNPLATTED \ C@:>\ :!! ~ ~ w " Is \ l ... PU.TTO "t !,/,/':.'/f .,;.' , t;, .. I\· .. ::.- ,)lJj . ,,:./. I •••.• .----r r-:::J---r-----] 100 200 15 IJASHINGTON GRID NORTH NORTH ZONE 4601 '. i "r ,-.:,: N 0"'1)1'41" E 1~2,95' PIPELINE ESHT COURSE .... " ,/ , ,/ ... ~~;;; ~""/:"'.:",,i,.':~~:::,J:;" ~,~.. /' _ • .tfc'" '" ~<, "".,,,,,.,Tt-RENTO~'~RY ~ER TO r/""" " ~. '" . , ."".",,' """~~ ~ ~ ',', "', ~", "", UNPLATTED S 01'04'17" "Ii 1318.06' ... ::: ~ ~ -' " "."., '>""" "'....-"." I -· " ~" -I~'" ,."",/':""",i' : .. ,';,''''C)1 .,\,.,," """""1 U ~~ -, . • ..r.,,~.';'v i' ."'''''''' I "',' • r 40' STDRtt IRN ESIiT Til ClTY Dr S 99'00'54" [ 800.00' RElfTIIH '[0 .... B:102l~67 ... ' "' .. .r<j5'0~' .~80,oo'13~·~':1 . " '" sm.H "'" ..... ,' ... 1 IJ·· .. ~ R£HT~ PtRE!~!5!~~IT~"DF' n,..:-' ~~o.oO'1:.;::"1 .:: .. :: .... "'s'i;!;"\fo'" ... 7 ~ .~~: ."., 50.00' .• ?.~ .. IJ /.,,'; n'f;;:: v-.,,' ,', ': ".";::."'" ~~1253',37'35" IJ " ... .87.00' ... : . ..",' ,15 ...... ;,. :.; ~ ' .. ",', ',-:-:-"':':f/'!>"-"'~":.;·::· 673.38' ,.,::..'.:" .. ::" SMORT oc",T' .. {". "'®f@ ,:" K~G C(]l!t'{fY"'D~ART~NT or i.i· N B9;00'54"-IT13'26.7I' THE NIJ 1/4 Df' $E 1/4 SEC 16 UhPLATTED @ ® UNPLATTE6: :" TRA\NSPORJ:ATICN;S REN.,J'ON rAC!L:;[·:r-Y I ·"·KING COU/liTY DEPARTMENT !If' TRANSpclliATlON ROADS;.'SERVICES' DIVISIIlfi -SURvl?i'i UNIT 155 Mt!NRD~. ,WE. NE, RENTI!IN lJ,f 98656 (206)29'6::6508 fAX:I.206)296.!l·Z~~ JOB NO. 00044 R42448 \" sHEET • OF 5 .'.:.,', ~~:::.:- . , . .. ;.' . : ..... ,: .... ' .... : .. .... .. ,'.' .~,::-:-,.". :\ ...... . ........ :/. ~::. .,: .;.? ......... \. ~ ... , ..... ,'.:. !: fOUND bASED 4" x 4" COHC.."OHIJMENT VI1lH 940419!UH4 BASIS OF" 8£ARlNC(GPS) \... '.'~D2:J!. ~ N ':':7~~" E (N ...... " , - s iiii'O&i E ,'(lUND CASED ,." X 4" CONe. MONUMENT WllH MONUMENT IN CASE CPS STA BRH IUJI "COI"- (CPS COOROIHAlE USED) ~'Z USo . I ••• ,: I ,. '~"" •• ,., ....... ..-". l~:~~~:.~~~~' ..... ~ ~'.~ :,:,: .... n 2f5l.12~12""> 1/11-1'OUNO l" X l- CASED CONe. WONUUENT ¥11TH TACK IN lEAD 0.,,,'50. X 0.20' •• .... :", .. , ....... , .. 2" BRASS OISK CPS 5T" 8RH 1108 (OPS COOftDIHAlE POS1l1OH HELD) It \910 ...... nc."" ---;;r 16,15 ::' fOUND CASED ,'x " CUT STONE UONUNENT 'lTH TACK IN lEAD YllH CHISELED "CEN" . ,' ............ :: .. IN lOP ( FOUNO BY 0lIFfY 1149 ) L-) CEHlER SECTtOH 11 .. :.,,:',' ..... .... : .. .. ~,' :.' .,' ....... /:: .. ..... :.::: .... ,."":'Ill! .. ;" / ~ ··):·· .. :1~· ~ ft IF g oBU1£RAlED 1"5 '" OCTAGON 3" ~~ •• I' .r "" .., PUC(T POWER NOHUNENT ,.. . "'~'''''',........"T= .. '" z' ..... DISK, ... ~ . . ~; ...... I~ FOUND BRH 5/11" R£8AR . ,,l~?i,i;;r<:ii:~':F~~~~· .. 10, .:" 1)IY$' C(ltTER UJf( ~ • ~ w GRAPHIC SCALE '~i-.C'J .... HW>I. ~/~~fl • .:.;.,Jo! ........... "'....... ../"""'" ill ~oo 0 250 500 '000 ···"-r'.. 27';21' \E'l£RLV/T,u,.Tp .• :.' l .. ·· .. · ..... y / ~ ~-J W I ~: ~:~ i;"""{,i"",/",i~ ~ ""/\;",,,) ,~f":';:'/",'I ~ " . - ,.,. " '.j '. f~'''' :::'" '"-..... "j"""" {""'" ~ 0...... .. ..... " ...... sr .... " .. ~ ....... <' "'" L22' ., N 11'01'11" w 21~1.75· ". ," ":' .:·((If'I ~lt USED) ..... ;'\ •.•.•• .':-.~. ~~·,',"·"/'/~·,/(:;::i:,;:,,:;"~·~t',',::::','::",,,::,// :' .. ::::.::: w ~ ! .: ..... :. :·:··.:1 .......... · .. \ .......... , ............. .. ';"'::: ~ .... , ... " ........ ".'.'.' ' .. ---{ r """,,, ,"4 PUIUSHED OA1A 8'n aTY OF RENTON. REUm Cf4 FOfI HORtlDNT.-a.. COH1RCIL DATU ... : NAD 11 ~~.A1[ SYS1Df: '113 STATE l.AMBERT. STA Nw-con NOR'" S[C-16 181.14-5.14 Nlj ..... tOR SEC-UI 111,10,,40 ME-COR stC-16 111.ot7 .• COLF 1111.21'.71 WI/4-&JR--- SlC-UI 1' .. '01.911 EAST I,JOI,OH.10 l.lO8.' ..... 3 * l.l1',3H.11 1,31',ll2.17 1.3Ot."'07 mea'S. ;:; 0-21 fOUN) I" x r OJl STtIN[ wttfUloIENT ytlH OtSUD SfC1K* NO.·S ON J(P. HAlF WAY DO" HU ( f"CIUNO BY K.e. IN 1137 • 1'lI ) ... /,·t> ,,"""", II :: ..... :': .:.::::::::',~ :/.'./ /.: .... :." :' ........ :.;.::'~.... ...... ~~f,i;!~7~:;1 $o.TL,. ., 1:: "::"'5_21'. .. 200m:::.... 16 ~ Oi":;~";;;;:;':=::i"/"':'/"~;;'~',,~~;:::~, FOUND 8RH 2" IRON PIPE .:' sr:r LARGE PK.~MAL) (CPS ~IHA~SEO) , :. .:": RECORDER'S CERTIPICATE f1I.EII '(II RECOIl. MS./L •• V .. ~ ... ~ II .... IlL-a; .s:uL4-AT PAGE ~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ••• "" .. ,,, (I."'" •. 221: I ""'::::: :: .... ~:;,.~:~~.~.:'. .,/"""';:::.':" ... r :/:: J II SECTION 16, TOWNSHII{23 .. ~~RTH,::.RANGe.:.~ EIUl.T, .·W;M.""'-· .. ::.' II .. I,.. I' , :! I ", ......... ,.\,./' . ./ ...... :,:,,? :.::::::~, ~.:~~. BOYD & ASSOCIATES INCORPORA TED AT lHE REQUEST (f' ilA. SEQALf INC. .. ,~. ~<~,d"", rL.tiI'es>.Q.fP I;: ,.. SUP~1ENO£HT Of" Rfc-........ ntiS MAP CCAAEClL Y R£PRESEN15 A SUR'4Y MADE BY WE OR UNO£R MY DIA£C"nDN 1M CONFORtoWfC[ 'filTH 1H[ REQlM£MfNTS fE tHE SUR't!EY RECMDtHC ACT AT THE "IQUIST C1F ....... SEOAI..£!NC, 1N~1 • ..!!. R(.! 130 I ~ ...... II :W1hl lE , 171~' DA"IE 13039 6th AVENUE SOUlH SEA mE. WASHINGTON 98168 (206) 244-2869 a"No. 999~' SHEET '~' •• ; 1 OF 2 .:5':' .::-: .• : .. \,:., :/".:... .~.:~.:. ::? / ... ' ·i!:::.:, " .,,:.}, .," ......... :~. ~.:: . : .• ~"~' :: ::.' .~ .. ' .... ; .. ...... ."~' .... i ":'. ~ ::;., : ..... :!" • .:. .... :.:::::: ~ -. ~~~~' ~:. .;::;:., ,~::'::'::', ... ' NOTES 1. OCCUPA.lION. [ASDlENTS,. ROADS, RES1RIClION5. RESERVAlIOHS AND HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOSITS. F ANY, ARE NOT SHOWN EXCEPT AS fIDlCATED. ~R ~:r:~~~~~~S'IS=~A.-=E~'==~ p~~ OR TIn.[ TO WATU. If' N'Y. ARE NOT SHOW EXCEPT AS INDltAnD. ]. IPON4 tRIBAL CttIES OR REGULAlIONS..I;;~AN TR£ATY DR ~idrrlld.. RIGHTS, 1Na..tHKNG EA5DtENTS OR EQUfT,.tISL£ SER\fM)ES fF N'Y, ME NOl. ~::X:~IN~r: UHf X~;" SEClION 1 ... ·:~1 .... :::. '::::': 5. EQULPTIoI£NT AND PRocmJR~:.uSm: 1lI'CON G'fS,:.3C S-~ii ,a..osm :.:, fW.D ntA'-IOSE. LAST CALJllRAlroN fEB. "lb. 1'14, NGS BOEING;BASEl.JNE. ;; .. All WClHUMENTS \/I9tED ~a .JAMJMY .18M. :~. .::' 7. MS SURVEY WAS PR!P.~ fOR lHE ei~SM: USE or.{ .... SECAlL lNi::' AND DOES NOT £JC1EH1lITO N4Y UNAt.IEQ:i-ERSCft DR PER~S WITHOUT ElfRESS REC[RltfICAlIO( B~ .... SUR't'(.YtJR N~!AIO PERSON .~:"ERSONS. .:: .• , •• ,,' ••••• " .. ~~ .•••••• : • .. p~ EAsodin NOT SHOWN ~T AS IQC'l(im. PUGfT Porei UNt31.:i M: •... ME1/4 AND Sf.1;J .... DP' TH! """4 OF sECbott11i. lDYmSHP 2llittnH. flAJllGE 5 EAST, 94()U 99014 907 .:tw .':;. ~~ :' •• ,'.' -BUSH. ROED II HI"tot.aI"C5, ROUltMIENlEO nt LN: WITH r "ON PP[ •• ,... ..:.' :: .•.• NoNUt.IENTS 'M'fti Al..WlNUM DISKs, SIJD "tibT 10 lIE THE .,.cEN~-. ..,.. :··:·:· .. : .............. '\,··::S~;~~= .. ~::.;.~~·::··,·, ...... ·\:::·., ,." .. ) .. , " ... >,? • •• I I ",," -=J~:' ~.l'::s:: 1~:.t£R EA~9I' 1U:OOttbIWct NO!1.' .'1910.. -.", /. ..::5) ~.:::: -PSPL OftA., CAlL fOR.~1tJU..H·OF NEW son. fliGHT OF' WAY .:' .:: .. :. 75ft. FRDW JIJID,.pIAALLB·TO ~ t:JF ~-"'CiH'r·OI!':WAY". '.~' • .'~ .~ .. , -==-('::~~~:if,::·'·.:/· .. / ,~I· .-.. :;':': ,(" ..... : ... ;' N.T.S. ·'C,::· W.w. AM. PER PUlZT:I!'9'IO ORA'MNCS, NO 1I1l£ REPORT SU~,LD-.:: ,.'. \;'. ··"·'....-,,/::: .. :t:~",,::<, .. "<;'./' ...... " ::: ......... . .:.~c:..~~oc SURVEYORS NOTES nts SUR\a' COMMNES OATA FROM 0Uft !DU TR;'\oSU AS 'I1lEll. AS THE aTYs OPs. STATE PLANE LAMBERT. N~1l GAlO. PRODUCm IN 1111J 8'1 lUSH, ACED • HlTatNC5. 1Hl BAStS f"CR P051l1OH IS ntf N1/4 CORNUt 01 SEC'nON 'I, l'O'MoISHIf' 23M, RANCE 5E, W.w .. THE IA$lS aF 8EAMND IS lHE lOPS BfARWa 8£T'fEEN THE N1j" CORNER AND lHE NW CORNER Of SEC1ION 1e. TO\IINSHIP 23N. ItANCE ~ W..... a.DSURE ACAINST lWRa CPS STAlIONS DID NOT [XCIED o.05ft, USINO A COUII\IAlKlN GfUD fACTOR Of 0. ':::::" ,: I ••• , ~""_~' •• ,,,., ••• .:. ...... .. :. :/ .. '. 16 .,~.~ .:: ... ' .. ill .:. N175,7II1.1.· ..----:-::., .,' ii • 1.311.#27 .2~ r 2~ .... ;; ..... ,'.' ...• ..;. :::./.: ::~,~. ...... >.:: .. : .. , .. /.: .. Et,~~=:.::· .... ..~:~-~~L~J~B-':7)' 17-4.11-;-... , .. , ... :~ N:'~S,7-48.IO!: /:',' " . .,:=.'E ',311':;-~~ /~ ...... ::: .... ~' .. ' ., .... :..-:": .<:: .... '.:: ... :,. 'o .. 2~2Z~:t;;~~7~,./ .::: .... :. ".: RECORDER'S CI!I'ITIPICATE fl.ED few. REC(R] lMS __ DAY OF ____ • " __ .. BOOK __ ._ Of ___ AT PAGE _____ _ AT THE REQUEST rs W..... $EGALE IHC. SURYI!VOR'S CERTIPICATE THIS 1ItAf' CClRRECllY REPRESENTS A SURWY MADE IY WE ew. UHJ£R .,'1 OIREC1ION IN CONfOIUIANCE "'TH '!HE REClUIREMENTS 01 1HE SUR\£Y R[c;ORDIfrtG ACT AT 1H! REQUEST 01 N ..... SEON..E INC. IH ~1'-!!. SECTION 16, BOYD & ASSOCIATES INCORPORA TED JOB NO. .' .9"9~~ .:':~ ...... ........ !~c-At',! 1]"5 .... _ .... _ .... 641, /3o'J,/ 3/19/'( RCBfRT w. BO"ttI DAlE 13039 6th AVENUE SOUTH SEAffiE. WASHINGTON 98168 (206) 244-2869 SHEET '-, '. ; -: ." CDnII'1CATE , 171H 2 OF 2 ... ,.:" .... ,,/' ...... , ...... ,.:. ",:,: .:!"':>' (/>' ···:::·.: ....... t./::·· ~ • I! ill ~ ~ ! i;f '!l " ~ ~ ·::. ·: ... ·1 : I: •• ~~""'" .. ~~ "I'" .: ~;:.:. 5 ~":' ,. "I~ 0'"' 8~ ~:? .0.-02"2,"1,· R -4es.~1' l .. 11.'3 »611 , ~ If 0 06 9.10 - ---'lJtot:(I7---- -/,.a,s HE CORNER SEC 1'. FOUND ~ II (' CONCRETE WON. WR'H COPPER PIN, IN NOH. CASE, ....sf VISITED DEC. "Os. ~I;" ... m g~ "'"' "I~ :~ .... :!§ .. /:V 112 DESCRIPTION (PER STEWART TITLE COMPANY) THE WEST HAlF OF 1HE NDRTHEAS1' QUARTER or tHE _EST QUNI1Ut OF SECIION II • .-2' ~. ~&~~'NI~J:Q~oF~Y RIQHf_ OF-WAY OF NORTHEAST l1IRO SJR£Ef; TOGEIH[JI WIllI tHE _ QUMIOI Of THE _EST QUARTER Of'.SEC1IDN 1'. TOWNSHfP .u NORTH. flANGE 5 EASI', w ..... tI KItC COUHJY. WASHINGTON; TOGEtHER wmt lME soUnfwEsT OUNnER Of lHE NORTHEAST QUARTER Of SECIION 10. TOlINSHI' 2l NORlH. __ 5 [A$T. W.W., IN KING COUNIY. WQHINCm)N; EXCEPT 1HOSE PORtIONS 1& CONYEY£D UNDER KINC COUNtY RECORDING NUMBERS 1110070207 ... 01130534 " KIHQ COUNTY ORDIWICE NO. 11151 • TOGETHER WITH lH£ NORTHW£ST QUNn£R OF' THE SOIJI'HEAST QUARTER OF SECTION ", TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. w ..... tN KING COUNTY. WASHlNQ1ON. S 89'07'21· E -~;: -"';', 1J26.5S" ...... :.,"".04".. N."03·~W SURVEY NOTES' SOI.lO WASTE SITE 12 / :' ~jCIoP 00. RONI/CIoP ''\l' "....... .,' .... , •. , ... "" ......... ,. ME1I4QO USED" ... f1ElD _~SE • SET 51" ~ ...... WIllI I ,'.'.''', / :'. lS8501 '" ~ , .. ': .,.. ./ r"""XI'tt~J'Oc:-~ST:&D5· PlAStIC eN> -""" CDUNrI" 13287" •• :.' ..... ':: "2171' """ ,.: ;c' ........... , gas.' .... • F>lD. """"""" II CASE 17 .. ::~~}.,6"W ,,/':/' LS:).! :"~; "''0;''0"£ CENTE.LlNE Of 00' :':CESS . ~;"Ol:~~E ./; .. ::, .. ; '~S'''~'.'.'''':-.::.,..,.:::, .... :/::::.... ::./.: .. :. ':1 ::' * unUI'Y £ASDAENJ TO CIT'f" OF E 1/4 COftHER S£C. 1'. ".r.. ••• ' 3,' ::. ,. ~ ~ &i ••• I~· .. ::., ': .. , •.•• .:' .. :: ."~""" REfrrTON PEA A.F, '101020511 AND FOUND ~ II ~ CONe. WON. ., .. ' :: :. :,.,i ':::<::,:::~~~:C,::":;/~::i;'.~~ ~ -, ., i ~~~F !''''''''''':'i .;:.' .... :; .... , ..... MERIDIAN WASHINGTON STATE LAMBERT GRID NORTH ZONE -NAD83/91 490 290 ; ? 490 ego GRAPHIC SCAlE IN rEET 1".400' ~I~ ~G is:; ~~ ·::::··.:11 .... : .,-.:,:::: ...... :.:::.;.; N'9"DO'Ja~.W .... ...... :/.,: ··:;(·, .. Jtr .:.;.; ...... . 1328.71' ::N8!700'J8"W :.': .. "' .... , .... :.> .... ., ~ " .... ~ ... ~~ .:.' .. ~ t··:;.~ .,.::.i.i:·········:.t ...-- -m-oY38·E 210.00-./: /. I $01-04'13'\1 2124' o! S F>l0 ....... W/eN> FNQ. MQNUMENT + + S£C1IQN CORNER FOUNI) SEtTlDN CORNER CALCUlATED ~ QUARTER CORNER mut«) C:()c:l QUNn'ER CORNER CALCULATED 10 CfN Of' R£N1ON FOR S1RED RIQHJ'-oF'-WAY PEA KIfQ COUNJY OROOW«:E 11'. SIlO CORNER SEC. '8. ...:.::"." SE CotIM{~ SEC. Ii;' ./,. .:' .,'. .. ~.%"'~..= ~~~~.,: .... :; ::::::: , ... <P..~~L ~1:smlqT··eoliW. SITE :: ~: ~=. ~ ..:~:::w :,/ 1328.'" N ."00'00'" W "2 •. 74" .. ··: ~~: ":':-::/ J' ..... ,: .... ; ....... 7.:~·t·200 .. ;':',>' .. ~ __ JON£SSURYEY. NW1/4. NE1/4. \; S~Y4 ·see:"""l.6 .• ··1w.P. 23.:·N·:~· .. ,RGE. !}. E.{'·w:M·:"· RECORDING: CER'I'I.l?GATE Filed for r~cord this ~oy of .... -.-'t ..... 1~~.M in Volume~of Survoys on Pog~'~Records of KING County. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE KING .::. .,' MF .... .1' ..... 1~~tKED '/:~F" RECORtf"(:W;;SURVEY," :' COUNTY DEPT. OF rkANsPORTAtION::' ROADS DIVISION'" :./ .. :: Washington at the re\)st of BIU UelNTOSH 'All"", n'''''''4 _.~ h"'""",,,,, AudI\OI' This map represents Q survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at th request of King County Dept. o~Tra'lsportation in October. 1996. A I H/1//a'i--tii:J, SEATILE. WASHINGTON ......... :::. "D. RA~;<. JrnHEET ' ~ATE "i' 2 '~,~/06/9 . ............. , ... "·',-..Ii • l ....... , ••.•• ,,"' .• :: ........ : •. :. .. ' ::-' .. :.;::.". .:.' ........ :: :~"":'.', .~ .. ,. :.,,"' ..•.. .... ...... 10' fOOT ElECTfttC CONDUrr· EASEUOO TO PUGET POWER PER A.F. 7105240153. '='00" PUBLIC HIGHWAY AND UIY EASEMENT TO em' OF N PER A.F. 5142&13 . • PORTION THRU..KING. ·.WUNTV :: PROPE'W' QUIT CI."I"tD··~ • .: ~11lY PER A.F. &83411134 ••••••• . !:. "" .. ":,, .... , ........... , ....... :>, . ":,~¥~::::::~~:~':';':":'~" ............ ".,./"> /1 G&4 !;, -;~"';:""';;;./ ...... '\ \ ... <""',' ..... '=" "'" . .... ,.:. ~~~r.;:,.~~~. J .. ' "",...::' ./ "::: lAMBERT GRID \ :;:" ,:: .:' (. ''',; .,." /. NORTH ZONE -NAOS3/91 I --------t-.. -_··· .... . ..... " .... /, .. ,: :: '.". .:.' .;. . .•.. 400 290-"'-g-400 .c800 , , , -i~~::'·::'i·<.~,:"",;:::··;t':j"y::~'~:?·::·'/')' 10' fOOf ACCESS " Ul1urr [AS£WOIT TO CITY Of' RENTON PER A.f. 111101020&111 AND 11111110070204. ::'····· .... ···.· .. ~fA:S.E"M.ENTS u .::: ................ , ..... :.,:":;: •. :/" )' ...... ~ ::::: 2<>',~. £ASOIENT ~ •••• : ..... 200' TRNrCSMSSION UN£ rASEIIDIf TO CIlY or KAT1L£ PO A.'. Jtl4HO. "':': .. : .. ::: f.::.· .. , .. ,!'"'.: .:' NOTE: :rfit~~~ARJ,~~ ~~:= osg::; Of 80' ROADWAy RES~TION ~~~~.' ... UNTIL MARCH 2002. .,':: .... :':. "" ••••• -~ II" I~C. :,:=PQ,: ... ....... .~. :: . .:::',' . .::.: .. ~. ·::::···.:11,.;>" 2;V .. $TOR":·':~~· :~~;;;.,. ~.a:cir.~~ .. ~·QI-· A.F.IJ 1 2070188 •• ·':::·'.~;f·fl)O' PlPEUNE EAS€WENT ~OLYIIPIC PlPEUNE CO. .. ::,: A.'.~.~!, ••••. : .• :. :: 00' FOal I'iI'WN£ EASOiENT • ~ TO OlY_ PIPEUNE GO. .:" • • ~.:., PER A.~;.:'''052704.~7: ::. ~ .. , ... :./: .: .:' .' #.'.'y' ::,::":'.', ... . ... ,. EACH EAS£WENT, SEE tHE SP£CFtC DOCUttEN1' NaTUt ON THE DRAWlHC. !H( rau.0WIN0 EASOIENT$ ME NOT ~ DUE TO v.IGU£NDS Of 1HI: DtC"""" ') NI EASEWENT FOR IIAlJIOAD IUOHT-Of-WAY AS SHOWN ON A.F. J87'1510. 2) AN EASEUDIT FOR A PIP£UH[ AS SHOWN ON A.F. 4181145. 3) AN EASEM£NT FOR It PIPEUHE AS SHOWN ON ,.., •• 1 ...... ...... :i .. ·· .. ····· .... :: . . ,.::.;f~ •... ' .. ).; .~.:::.. :: •• "'-.... I •• ,}.~ :.:':: ~ ••• """"'" ••••• ".:.:.:' NW, /4, ":;,; 4"(:>f';:Ec'i;,::~~,il"~;~;"; E,:W,M"., ./'). RECORDING CERTIFICATE Filed for record this __ cloy 0'",,",:-:: __ 19_0t--.1A in Volume __ of Survey. on Poge __ • Records of KING County. Woshi.ngton at the reque.t of BILL iklNTOSH Auditor .I-• "¥o Deputy Auditor SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thi. mop repre.ents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirement. of the Survey Recording Act at th reque.t of King Co~tion in October. 1996. '- CertIficate Humber 11737 RECORD 6".,SUJl,v.E1/'/ ,;;.../ Ii <;" KING COUNTY DEPT. OF' TRANS~·o.~rATION,.::.::· ;:EGk~D /2.' .. /, .. , .. //. ROADS DMSION .... :.:' ~M . : OF . " SEATTLE. WASHINGTON :.: ......... : r,./~6/i 2 {. .... ',:-. ....... 14.1 ... ···:· ... i;t' - - --------o JEF: ERSON AVE I\JE EF ERSON AYE NE INBOUND SCALE • , "';",'--:. __ ..: c_,_, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 13 ------~----- EMPTY TRAILER PARKING LOT KING COUNTY ROADS DIVISION ----- ----------------. ----~ --- OUTBOUND SCALE ~5·50'46"~ 40~ 1-;-----JWQ::...· --- -----,-.. _ .. _-- -- 4" SS 8" SO - P.P. • CB SS MH SD MH co OWS F.H. SITE ANALYSIS ----~ -TOTAL SITE -441,263 SF -SCALEHOUSE BUILDING -436 SF -IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT -4,386 SF -IN FULL AND EMPTY TRAILER PARKING LOT -PERCENT OF SITE COVERED WITH PAVEMENT -22% -PERCENT OF SITE COVERED WITH BUILDINGS -4% -NEW SCALE HOUSE PREFABRICATED BUILDING -THERE IS NO CHANGES PROPOSED TO NUMBER OF PARKING AT THE TRANSFER STATION -EXTRUDED CONCRETE CURB ALONG f:AST SIDE OF THE FULL TRAILER PARKING LOT -330 L.F. -THE EXISTING SITE IS DESIGNATED Center Institution on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Mop and Zoned Light Industrial (p) I DATE REVISION ~~~------- - ~ '-'-;-' -;. -';-,~~~?-:-'9-~ -~.f_'~~Jj'~j...~--",--'i-~ , LEGEND: EXISTING: SANITARY SEWER STORM DRAIN WATERLINE CHAIN LINK FENCE POWER POLE LIGHT POLE CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CLEANOUT OIL-WATER SEPARATOR FIRE HYDRANT TRAFFIC FLOW 'i '. PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE AREA BY / I SCALE IN FEET S 0 / / ® KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SOLID WASTE DIVISION RENTON TRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION SITE MAP APPROVED ___________ DATE 6 2005 RECOMMENDED __________ DATE 6-2005 DESIGNED _______ DRAWN __ _ PROJECT NO. SURVEY NO SHEU OF s:\CAD\RENTON\COND-PERMIT -LMORGAN\DWIN-COND-PERMIT REOUEST\ITEM 13.DWG DEVEi.()P; ,~r.:I';--t\i>jr'_i:N,:] en y (:' '/ , 1'\'; JEFFE ro CJ ro Z N -"'XC<: 0::: <C D... o w ~ D... I I AVENE- I I I~ / / I -.~." W I 0<c ZW Wo::: LL<c C<:w Z-, -'0 >-ZO -W <CO::: I 0 0 ,-Z ~-=:J °0 I 0::: <C FENCE)( )( >1~ n (f) w W n:: , ~";l z wO o::Z I I I I 0"<;L8 o w > <C D... m o "' "'X r'l I x~ "' / I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 14 CJ '" Z I IN ~X 0::: <C D... 0 W > <C D... / I I / '" "'X / I I '" ! (L 0 w :;;: (L z :J XM I I "' n (0 Z y- 0:: « (L " 0 "' W "'X :;;: (L I I I I DATE 03 03 06 03 / " ~ n "'X / / I / --0-- (f) w w 0:: f- / X 0 w ~ (,0 I I "Q_ '" 0:: I I I I I I -.,1,1 -.. ~- REVISION BY REVIEWED PLAN AND VERIFIED SS AND SD, F.B. REVIEWED PLAN AND VERIFIED SS AND SD, P.D, 1 __ ro cO '" n cO,,~ X « f'.-LD· . ,N n .q--Ul !() N ..--">t 1.0 t') O~ I .011'--;> D.....Of'.-<D~ o....ZZWW I I I I I I (,0 Z y-o:: « (L o w :;;: (L Z :J w w_ Z --.J ~I ~ w- D-- ~I d - I -~ -CD I I I I _I. 0 '" Do: « (L o w :;;: (L Z =0 I I I I ~.~KING COUNTY D[PARTM[NT or NAlURAI AND PARKS RESOURCES Pam Bissonnette, Director SOLID WASTE DIVISION RENTON TRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 5 FT' CONTOUR MAP APPROVED,~ _____ ~________ DATE OS/2005 RECOMMENDED~~~~_~ _________ DATE OS/2005 DESIGNED ~ ________ ~_ DRAWN __________ _ PROJECT NO, ----SURVEy NO, _______ SHEET OF s: \CAD \REN TON \ COND-PERMIT -LMORGAN \Dwin-cond-prem it request \con tou r-Sft. dwg , ------ 6<:--~1',uO 10.". D. LL o w z ~ I f--- =:J o (f) Conditional Use Permit NO NEW LANDSCAPING - -----/ ® Item 15 ------------ II =-• --'--===Jl 20 10 ___ ~_ -_--20 ___ 40 6~1 "CAl F I~l FF'T o w ;c [I. ',-------- CJ 7' V [L <C n: o w ~ n DIITE CJ L Il_ o I, I ~ (l "> {) B) y [L -« [L CJ W ~ ~~----- [L z o ® KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SOLID WASTE DIVISION RENTON TRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE PLAN APPROVED~ ____________ ~ DATE 01-70001 RECDW~l~mw _ DATF 5-2005_ DESIGNeD ~_____ __ ____ ~ __ DRIIWN __ F'ROkC! NO. SURVEY NO. ______ SHEll Of DEVELOF'i.-'<::f-<: r -L':',i (·r (;ifVi) ;::,.":_;~,t.:_. JI'IL -,". u-I Zdl - SOL JEF ERSON AYE NE GATE POSTS~ INBOUND SCALE I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-ITEM 13 KING COUNTY ROADS DIVISION OUTBOUND SCALE ~520'46" 4 0 . 5 1-: --_w!.!--_ EMPTY TRAILER PARKING LOT SITE ANALYSIS ~ TOTAL SITE ~ 441,263 SF ~ SCALEHOUSE BUILDING ~ 436 SF ~ IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT ~ 4,386 SIc ~ IN FULL AND EMPTY TRAILER PARKING LOT ~ PERCENT OF SITE COVERED WITH PAVEMENT ~ 22% ~ PERCENT OF SITE COVERED WITH [lUILDINGS ~ 4% ~ NEW SCALE HOUSE PREFABRICATED BUILDING ~ THERE IS NO CHANGES PROPOSED TO NUMBER OF PARKING AT THE TRANSFER STATION ~ EXTRUDED CONCRETE CURB ALONG EAST SIDE OF THE FULL TRAILER PARKING LOT ~ 330 L,F, ~ THE EXISTING SITE IS DESIGNATED Center Institution on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoned Light Industrial (P) Oi\TF -- 4" SS 8" SD , P,p, • CB SS MH SD MH co OWS I F,H, - ---1----¢8- REVISION LEGEND: EXISTING: SANITARY SEWER STORM DRAIN WATERLINE CHAIN LINK FENCE POWER POI.E LIGHT POLE- CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ClEANOUT Oil-WATER SEPARATOR Flf<E HYDRANT TRAFFIC FLOW S 0 Ir==========j / ut· I / / / I I C-=-"--,, -----'-=-----='610 I 20 10 0 20 40 , SCALE IN FEET PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE AREA ® KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SOLID WASTE DIVISION flY RENTON TRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION SITE MAP AI'f'ROVED DATE 6-2005 RECOMMENDED __________ llAIEI3-2005 OFSICNFD _________ DRAWN . PROJECT NO, SLJRVry ~IO, SHEET Of s:\CNJ\RlrHON\ COND-Pf'RMITLMORGAN\DWIN COND pmfJllT REQLJFST\ITDA 13,DWG JUL-7 20U5 -_.------L ____ _ Renton Transfer Station-Impervious Surface o '. .' .' Scale House/North Chute Entrance -20,767 sf CD T/S Exit Road -3,410 sf (0 Full Trailer Parking No.-20,395 sf o Full Trailer Parking 80.-7,290 sf CD . Commercial Entry -4,446 sf o ) . Commercial Exit 3,573 sf 0) d South Chute Exit 8,004 sf 0· .' Self Haul Entry 4,218 sf (0' Self Haul Exit 4,694 sf o .' Transfer Building 14,860 sf / o Recycle Area 6,321 sf (0 .... " '.' ... ' " Empty Trailer Parking-10,526 sf Total Entire Site -108,504 sf c-",,¥c_ Swale Area (Approx) -28,890 sf \ LEGEND Ii'! CATCF! BASIN (STORM) !II CA TCH BASIN (SANITARY) 0 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE TYPE I OR [[ 0 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE -55-SANITARY SEWER -5D-STORM DRAIN -----SANITARY SEWER FLOW ----STORM DRAINAGE FLOW / -,.,'/ .. / ... " -" -, .: , ' ' ;.:. /. . : ' - -, -, .--, , ---r '-" r-: ---1----,' , . -'--.. --, -- \ ---- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 23 / / -i (0 .. ~. ~ .• ' / SANITARY SEWER TO SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT >y::==--"-- /ro 5)' S.,,· . ~'." SD-. '. 5 '...' ' "'~.' s~!"i!.'· ..... y " , \ --.\ ~ SS-9 : -----.......... SS . --c-r. -- ,~" ~,' ..... ...•..... ~ '" \\ .... , .. ',' ' ...... \. cS/" dJ· 1.\ \ /,\'1-"~.. ,\. ,. .. '," 5)/ " ~ ... ' .~ 0' /".,., . . ',is>D' / .. , .,',' . ' ).-': o en \ \ , , , ~ST~DRAlN \~TO 810 SWALE I , , " -------- ----------------- II. • 20 10 0 ~I DA TE REVISION 03/2003 REVIEWED PLAN AND VERIFIED SS AND SO. 06 03 REVIEWED PLAN AND VERIFIED SS AND SO. --- BY F.B. P.O. EXP. 5/4/07 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND PARKS Pam Bissonnette. Director SOLID \./ASTE DIVISION RENTON TRANSFER STATION '-' .. ~ i L!-\tj~J:['i(: .c'"'' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT JUL .. 7 2DU'i DRAINAGE CONTROL PLAN JUNE 2005 APPROVED K,Kiernon @) DATE 6/2005 RECOMMENDED -,-,-N.:.'.:Fu~ii-,-i ______ . ____ DA TE _§/2005 DESIGNED D.Ugwoaba DRAWN -'G'-'.TU=--______ _ PROJECT NO. ___ SURVEY NO. -----SHEET OF S: \CAD \Renton \cond-permit-LMorgan \Dwin-cond-permit request\ltem-23 dronage flow.DWG r-----------+--H---H~-H----H--:--K-S 0 N .-+-TRIINSFORMER PAD WITH 45 KVA TRANSFORMER (T -4) Asphalt I!!il J-~ I!il C) 0 [ -ss- __ • : I---• • -' -,--! SS~1 GI, POSTS LEGEND INLET BASIN CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN STor,M DRAIN TYPE I OR /I / I (STORM) (SANITARY) MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PLUG SANITARY SEWEll STORM DRAIN FLOW DIRECTION PLASTIC WASTE COLLECTION FIRE HYDRANT SD/MH/CB ID No SS/MH/CB ID No / GUY ANCHORS / / BOX LLGLND ========:~~~~ HB W/CAP ° HOSE PIPE OR RR SPIKE d'H HAND o o HUB W/TACK ICY PK NAIL ° TACK IN LEAD PlY MONUMENT °pM BENCH MARK ° IRRICATION COlvTRr.')( POST INDICATOR PARKING MaER BOLLARD SH CATCH BASIN/CURB INLa ° SPRlNKLtR HEAD '/ ' SIA VE o .LL CLEAN OUT ° S,GN POST ~ SIAMESE CONNECTION TRAFfIC CONTROL CABINa STORM DRAIN MANHOLE rpl ELECTRICAL MANHOLE LC.J POWER VAULT CABLE TV MANHOLE m TELEPHONE VAULT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TELEPHONE MANHOLE IVL TI VAULT (TYPE UNKNOWN) @ © © @ (j) @ o WATtR MANHOLE @ MaAL POLE MANHOLE (TYPE UNKNOWN) ©-P MaAL POLE W/LUMINAIRE MONITORING WELL -{)-WOOD POL[ @ SOIL BORING/PIT ¢---n WOOD POLE W/LUMINAIRE WATER MaER E-DOWN GUY Ell WATtR VALVE :n: YARD LIGHT FIRE HYDRANT ---[> TRAFfIC SIGNAL LIGHT [j GAS MatR ~ ill GAS VALVE =:co ROCK WALL > INVERT/CULVtRT * ~ TELEPHONE RISER . TREE, CONIFEROUS -5 TELEPH~NE> CONDUIT AT OFFICE/CONTROL BOOTH l~"wOOD POLE r ~ / / " I BURIED: I --p--" 0 STORM DRAIN --T--" --FlO I --c--~ GAS S SEWER --NT /G---- W r--------------~.-----________________ ~~ ______ . ___ ~__ ~ CABLE TV RISER , MAIL BOX 0 TREE, DECIDUOUS ITID~Egddmtr-------_C==~~~E~~~~-------------------------__ _ ----.fll... __ DRIP LINE 0 SHRUB WATER P POWER 2 PROPERTY LINE DATE 003 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -ITEM 22 003 / '''. r --'-'. (Y~;\iI: l " ABANDONED QUARRY / " / REVISION BIOFIL TRATION SWALE _x_-x ~x- II--20 10 0 20 "'"-' ~ «IT / / I ~I / BY / ~I o ;0 n ['l --1 --: ----, , ' , c. 8" COR. pvc CUL V. " , / / - I' , ' -"I / 1 / 1 / 1 / / / / / w z: ---.l >-r- 0::::: W 0... 0 0::::: 0... 1 J ....J ~ l-n:: td ~I I I I +-' 4- I~ CD I I L ~.t.)KING COUNTY DEPARTM[NT Of NATURAL AND PARKS Pom Bissonnette, Director SOLID W'ASTE DIVISION RESOURCES RENTON TRANSFER STATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UTILITIES PLAN JUNE 2005 APPROVED'--_______________ ~ DATE ____ _ RECOMMENDED DA TE ____ _ DESIGNED DRAWN _________ _ PROJECT NO ----SURVEy NO. _____ _ SHEET OF s; .dwg