HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-087•• CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: November 30, 2005 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office JmI"1Il I. NIl I _ .. ( -~~ .... i Project Name: Sunnybrook Lot Line Adjustment 1 LUA (file) Number: LUA-05-087, LLA f ~ Cross-References: i: AKA's: ~ Project Manager: Valerie Kinast Acceptance Date: July 25, 2005 Applicant: Bud Condrey, Peterson Consulting Engineers Owner: Steve Jensen Homes Contact: Bud Condrey, Peterson Consulting Engineers PID Number: 8106300250; 8106300260 I ERC Decision Date: I ERC Appeal Date: August 25, 2005 . Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: September 15, 2005 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: " By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: t Date Appealed to Council: i By Whom: Date: ~ Council Decision: ;. . ~ i Mylar Recording Number: 20050916900002 I Project Description: The applicants are requesting the approval of a lot line adjustment between ,two abutting parcels, Lot 25 and Lot 26 of the recently recorded Sunnybrook Plat. The lot line t between the lots would be moved 3.08 feet to the east of its present location. This would increase ,the size of the western lot, Lot 1 of the lot line adjustment, so that a larger house can be f accomodated. A single-family house would also be constructed on the eastern lot, Lot 2 of the lot line adjustment. Location: 1001 & 1007 S 38th Court Comments: ~_""R ... -~"'_'liIiI:! ·:"\' lr OI{~~NTbN, WASH. J/LAND USE :,:.'" ACTION ... CONTROL DIAGRAM PER PLAT OF SUNNvBROOK N.T'&' ~~~8 E.1J0583e,748 JAN, 2001 \,.,~,,, .. '.'J' .. ' .. " " .'. ~~r&~, E: 130G752.848 ....... 2001 S1E'~ JE'.NSEN HOAIES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STA 7E OF WAS11IN(;TON COUNTY OF' KING ss ::1.'1; ••• "':'.::. I CERI~ 'THAT I KNOW OR HA'¥f; SA1lSFAC1t)R .... :·~V1DENCE . ":"::: THAT'" jIttlUO SIGHED ltIS INS~T, a.I OATH STATED THAT ~~ ~~OR=, ~,S;~1:~ INSTRUMEN~.:~~. OF' STEVE .£NS£N HOMES,. TO BE DiE fREE AND VCl.1Jt(t(RY AGT. Of SUCH PARTY FOR lliE USES AND PURPOsES MDl11ONED' IN THE :: IHSTRUWENT •• ::.' .. ::.' 1,1 IM~"" q{ 1 /o'if' .:. . ~ . J' ~ \\\\\.\1\111111111 9GfiA.1VRE Of c£'l H···· ", CYH III.: u~ ~ ~$o' ~~;filli)On~~~.::iIoTARY~: . .~ ,,: (:~~;;:,:$! ,,;,~,">' . :::::, lHEREOF, RECORDED IN ~'220 OF PLA~AGES ,': :.: .:' ::T::,OU,," J. IN KINC ':."~<::'?1t)N. :/:/. ::.::/ .,.::::/ ": ..... ' .... :~.;\., " LOT 26 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE Pl.At :. .' .~. ::1;: THEREOF. RECORDED IN WLUJ.lE Z20 or PLATS::PA~ -••.• .' 3D THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, • ':', ~::., :.\.:: .... \.:: SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1-BA5IS OF BEARING FOR lHlS SURVEY IS THE PLAT Or SUNNYBROOK RECORDING Nuuem 200-40227000216, RECORDED IN VOlUt.lE 220 OF' PLATS, PAGES 30-39, RECORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • 2-EQUIPM.e:NT: l£JCA TCR7QJAUTO. 3-INSTRUMENT WAS USED IN ~JAlNINt'" ).NGl.Ei ,AND DISTANCE UEASUREtJENTS F'OR .' TH~ I~~'EN~~W= c':i4'P=GA~~~n~~G.~ BASEUNE WITHIN ONE '\'DR Of l1iE DATE Of THIS :~~~~~~~ }:: .\.:·~WuI~~~N Mrc:~~~ :lH' ~&D6'MIt4I~~~:. .... ::. .. .:.;::::~".' .. ' .. : .. ;')/ 15' SE'M:R VICINITY MAP N.T.S. EASENENT TRACT B PER PLAT NA,TlVE GROWTH " r.mn&CTlON EASENENT- ':::::. 26' PRiVATE :::wrnAl(5)~ ••. ":'. ACCESS EA~T JJf WATER ';"PER PlAT \\\. ~SEMEHl .:-' S8.~'~ ,it " ... r'l>ER ,"LU 21 ct 40 02040 .. -1M ,._, 1-.40· ... ". 'I ;1 .. ~ ~ci., PER PlAT ,".00 I , I, 103.54 ":::'~~"""\" .. ,,:,) ./""")' .... ____________________ -II."'lRtsr'tOlS ARE syii..ECT TO .... CONDmONs. " •• :.~." -- r u.sEIrotENTS, COVEN"f'ITS. RESm.tTlONS, AND .: .. • .... RESERv ... nONS OR OJ)-lER SER.,.,~.Dl5\1tOSED BY.:' .:'. 10' S<'OER ~ '-EASEMENT I _ • 5 . __ ~__ 5 2846.49 ....... :.:.:: APPROVALS EXAMINED AND AI'PROVEO 7HI$ --'l... DAY OF ~ 2005. lJd f));;tt; -+tJI 6 .. " c,"''''t'''''''l CITY OF RF:II'/OII ADIoIJN1STRATOR OF PWININO/IMUJINC/PU81JC IKWI<S ~ /L.AU-/l.. 'itNDENT OF Ril ~~~'i:JG~U~~~ili=16~R~=~··Or.. :.=-\':,': KINC COONI'I, WA""NG'Rl~, ... ,"' •• " ... " ... ",""· :., ..... : it .......... ;,i :: LEGEND SET REBAR WITH CAP LSI 17672 FOUND REBAR ~TH CAP LSI 33555 s rOUND WON IN CASE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE C£RTlACA,lE NO. ·::·"" .. " ...... ~.::~.AREA~;.:': .:' 17672 OLD:A:R~S: .:' .:' LOT 2~'tO,288 SQ. n.:·± LOT 26-7,395 so. ff;':t .' NEW AREAS: ". : ••••••••• / lOT 25-10,670 SQ. FT, ± •. ' LOT 2&-e,g84 SQ. n. ± ,:"""":.:,: .. ,: e . ;,,;i .... ,;); .,::':::;':: .,",,.' .: .... : ... ..... :;. ............ :: :;~·::::~t ,r.r •• .r.,..,. •• -......... . ...... Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor September i 9,2005 Mike Mickewicz Peterson Consulting Engineers 4010 Lake Washington Blvd. NE, #300 Kirkland, W A 98034 SUBJECT: Sunnyb~ook Lot Line Adjustment , File No. LUA-OS':087, LLA ' Dear Mr. Mickewicz: CITY MF RENTON PlanningIBumMlglPublicWorks Department' Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator 'The City of Renton has cOIIlpletedprocessing the above referenced lot line adjustmentand'has forwarded the finalmylars to King County for recording. ' Please note the recording of the lot iiIie adjustment map alone does not transfer own~rshi~ of property. Ifnecessary, prepare and record 'a deed trarisfeningoWnership of the portion oflarid " depicted in the lot line adjustment map, We recominend that ,the legal description forthis docQrnentbe prepared by a:surveyor. It is the'apI>~ic~t's'responsihility to ensure this doc~ent " ispropedy prepared and recorded With the c()4riW ,<,:: ' ," , .' .' . ',.' -, ". If you have 'anyfurtherqu~stioris regatdirt~:llii~"i~Uilie'~djustmcitt':'Please contact me at(425) 430-7289. Sincerely~ (/a/tJa·/~.: " , ' , Valerie Kmast, Associate Plartm:r , Deve1op~ent Services " ' cc: Steve Jensen Homes ' , Yellow file __ E_:\P_R_O_J_EC_T_S_\O_5-_1 ~_:_:_.:_:_I:_::_\_:_~:_~_:_:_C_ay __ -R-e-nt-o-n-, W,-a-sh-j-ng-t-o-n-9-:-8c-: O -5-5-------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM Date: September 12, 2005 To: City Clerk's Office From: Valerie Kinast, Development Planning, x7289 Subject: Sunnybrook Lot Line Adjustment for Steve Jensen Homes; File No. LUA-05-087, LLA, LND-30-0294 Attached please find two mylars and three paper copies of the above referenced Lot Line Adjustment to be recorded with King County. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: x Priority service Rush service Economy service ($22.46) ($17.94) ($15.73) Attached is a check for the amount of$15.73 for the fee to CD&L. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent lot line adjustment recordings should be charged to account #000/007.5590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7289 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Management Jan Conklin APPLICANT E:\PROJECTS\O~87.Valerie\Clerk Memo.DOC " . ~ ~ ",' ,-'" .. ", • Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor CITM OF RENTON' Planningmuil~g/PublicWorks Department Gi:egg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator August 31, 2005 Bud Condrey Peterson Consulting Engineers 4010 Lake Washington Blvd NE #300 Kirkland, W A 98034 Subject: Sunnybrook Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA05~087,LLA Dear Me Condrey: -.. . '. ..' . The City hascomplet~d the review of your proposed lot line adjustnlentandhas made a decision. to approve it subject to the following coridition: -Condition of Approval· . _ . .... 1. Note the house ntiinbersdirectIy oothe l.o.tsonthe-lot line adjustrrientplan. Remov~the note in the lower right comer pertaining !osifeaddresses. >. . Once the necessary change.has:been,mad~; we Will signJherevised document~d s~d it to King . County for recordlng~ . Please'subrrrittwose1s of an original mylar an:da check for $15.73' made . out to CD&L for shipping to me"at the Devel<?p~ent Services counter on the sixth floor of Renton City Hall. -. " " -'" " -. -" " ." -, ' ;Plea~e verify that the myl~shave i>een:sl~~d:byailown:ers of record ·arid have b.een notariZed -; ~ With an ·i~kstamp_-(iJ.ot ethbp;S~ed).TheiIik, __ sbiDip nUlst be legible so' that KingCouilty will . promptly record the lot line adju~tment, -. -. . , . This decision toapprove theproposed,lolline adjustmeilt is subjecttoa fourteen(14)day:appeal . . '. period from the date-of this letter, .. ,Ap.yapp~~lsofthe;adniinistratjve decision mustbefiled with tlle City of Renton Hearmg Exam$er py 5:00cp1,l1,Septemb~r 1"5, 2005. Appeals to the Exannrier aregovemedl:>Ylhe.¢itY~f~en.tonM:~iclp~1:_qoc:le~e.ctiori'4~8-11 O. Additio)1al info~tio~' .' '_i-egardingtl:Ieappea~ -Ptoc'es's'rnay,1;>~ ~btairied'fr0mili~Ren~onCityClerk' I)' Office, (425) 430~ .': .': 65,t<L Appeals m4stbefiled.in\Viiting Jogeth~r, \ylththereqU'iij!d,$75 .00 aPpIicati(>ll."fee to: . 'Hearill~ ExamlIier;City'0f.l{enjon;)055 Sputh GiadyWay,'Renton, viA 98055~' •..•. , .•... " ' ,', If you have furthei:que~tio~ iegaidi~g~is-prpj~ct, please call me at (425)430~7289: . . : '... . ", . , Sincerely? 'tlUve4L~- .' . Valerie Kil1ast Associate Planrier cc: property owner Yellow file __ ~E~:\~P~R~O~JE~C~T~S~W~~~O~8~7.~V~al~en~·e~\D~e~a~si~on~,~,e~tte~r~.d~OC~·_·~~~ ____ ~~~ _____________ ~R··E·· NT' O' ······N· .• ·. 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 * This paperrontains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Date: To: From: Subject: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 19,2005 Sonja J. Fesser, Property Services Valerie Kinast, Development Services, x7270 Sunnybrook Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-05-087, LLA Review of revised Lot Line Adjustment plan Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all of Property Services' concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this memo below and return it to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Property Services apwoval: cc: Yellow File WorE ~ A-PP?JOVAL 15 ~UeJE:cr-,e> kl.c::5fJUGjIl-U:::=: -A..""bD~SSE".s 01= IHSlWo LqS OUlH-e 'bP.AWluq; . E:\PROJECTS\05-087.Valerie\Memo to Property Services. DOC Kathy' Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor CITY _F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator, August 10,2005 Bud Condrey Peterson Consulting Engineers 4010 Lake Washington BlvdNE #300 Kirkland, W A 98034 SUBJECT: Sunnybrook Lot Line:.Adjustment Project No. LUA-OS-087, LLA, Dear Mr. Condrey: , , , The City of Renton has completed the initial review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be necessary in order for the Citytoapptove your proposal: . ""-" 1.. Please revise the title from~'BoundarYLine:Adj¥stment" to' "1:;9t LineAdjustment." . ,2. Revise phrase and addO:umber to "City of Renton, WasK Bo~<la~"y Line Adjustment . No; ." to read "City'ofRentonLandUse Action Numbd LUA05-08'7." At the bottonileft . corner please inciude thep~a~e' "City of iei.toil'Land Re~ordNutrtber LND:.30-0294." The type size~sed fortheiand record.nllmb~r shou}(I,besm~lIIerthanthat used forthela:~d use actionnum.,er.· .' , .. , :'0 '. :::." '.' ..'.' .... . ' . 3. ReVise, old lot area for Lot 25 tolO~268 sq),ft. asID:{ecordedplat and forLot 26 to 7,395 sq, ft. Also, the sum ofthelot areas for 'both lots, should equal 1!,663~q.,ft as it does in the ' recorded plat. The lot ~~~s for,t:hep,?st-Lot Line AdjUstmenflo~s' shouldal~o equal 17,663 sq; ft. . ' . ", . . 4. Note the addresses on the lots'. Lotl'is 1001 S:3Sth Ct.'Lot 2is 1007 S. 38th Ct. -," '-..."-. 5. Please provide the full label of the Tratt B t~the north of the site: Native GrowtliPrQtection . East':ment -'Wetlands. ' 6, ,Pl~ase see the attachnitmts with two circled misspelled words. ' 7.' The proposed sewer easement (5 feet on new Lot lofthe lot lineadjustment and 5 feet on Lot 24 of the plat Sunnybrook) needs to be established via a recorded utility easement document with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. . Is said easement to be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment? If so, then said easement document should be prepared as needed for concurrent recording and proyide a space foithe recording number thereof on the lot line adjustment submittaL, If said easement is recorded before the lotline adjustment; then reference the easement on the drawing and also note the recording number thereof on the drawing. If said easement is recorded after the lot line adjustment, then do not reference said easement at all on the submittal. 8. Lots within or affected by the lotline adjustment are subject to the City's special charges, if any: ~ --tE~:\PlPR~09;JlEE:EGrt:T6lSI\Q,9Is~OeJ~8~~~gffl~iIe~~tee\8Bie'l~~~ytiei6W:~;f1'~le~qQt_tl~ist~::fiPt)€g)€gi-::,W;:::-Cas"':'h-:-in-g-to-n-9-80-5"""'5-~-----RENT 0 N ' * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer . AHEAD OF THE CURVE 9. On the final lot line adjustment submittal, remove all references to trees, utility facilities, wood decks, concrete pavement and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. Encroachments do need to he shown. Once the above changes have been made, please submit two copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mylars. If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7289. Sincerely, . . ()JkY!e(~ Valerie Kinast Associate Planner Attachment cc: Yellow file E:\PROJECTS\05-087.Valerie\Revision Request.DOC DEDICATION KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS lliAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE lAND HEREIN ~BED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT UNE AD.JJsn.tENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.030 AND DEQ.ARE llilS ADJUSlMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND lliAT SAID AO.AJSNENT MADE Yt1lli lliE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF 1HE OYMER(S) IN VlnNESS WEREOF WE HA \£ SET OUR HANDS AND SEAlS. S1El£ .ENS£N HOMES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STA 1E OF WASHINCTON COUNTY OF KING 3 ) ss I CERtFY lliAT I KNOW OR HA \£ SA nSF ACTORY EvIDENCE ··lliAT . ~~ INSTRlJMENT. ON .. OAlli STATED lliAT (HE/SHE) WASAUlHORIO CUlE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE . . . OF STE\£ .£NSEN HOMES. TO BE 1l£ -fREE AND WlUNTARY ACT OF SUat PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE . INSTRUMENT ... . DAnD, ______________ ~ ______ __ SlGNA7UR£ OF NOTARY PUSUC ___________ _ PRINTED NAM£'"--'-__ -..,--_____ _ "n£ ____ --------------------~ MY~~avT~~ ______ ~--- APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS· _-,.._ DAY OF _____ • 2005. OTY OF RENTON ADMIN/STRA TOR OF PLANNING/8UILDlNGjPUBUC Ma?KS ~r 286 L FOUND MON I JUNE, 2003 LEG~ LOT 25: LOT 25 OF SUNNY THEREOF. RECORDr 30 THROUGH 39 II LOT 26: LOT 26 OF SUNNY THEREOF. RECORDE 30 THROUGH 39 It 1-BAS/S OF BEARII OF SUNNYBROOK R 20040227000216. I PLATS. PAGES 30- WASHINGTON. 2-EQUIPMENT: LEICA' TCR703Auro OBTNNING ANGLE i lHIS SURVEY. THE lHE INSTRUMENT H BASEUNE WITHIN 01 SURVEY. 3-PROCEDURES: REill TRAVERSE ME REQUIREMENTS IN " 332-130-090. RE lHES£ LOTS ARE SL EASEMENTS. COVENl RESERVATIONS OR C lHE PLAT OF SUNN' RECORDING NUMBER KING COUNTY. WASH ... 'ENCE lOATH STATED THAT JUENTAND LUNTARYACT OF NED IN mE ____ .2005. VG/puBUC Ikl'?KS 'SSESSMENTS ____ .2005. COUNTY ASSESSOR 20 __ ;E: ¥GAL DESCRIPTION LOT 25: LOT 25 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF. RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 30 THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LOT 26: LOT 26 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 30 THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1-BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK RECORDING NUMBER 20040227000216, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS. PAGES 30-'39. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. . 2-EQUIPMENT: . LEICA TCR703AUTO. 3" INSTRUMENT WAS USED IN OBTAINING ANGLE AND DISTANCE. MEASUREMENTS FOR THIS SURVEY. THE DISTANCE MEASURING ABIUTIES OF THE INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN COMPARED AT AN N.G.S. BASEUNE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. .. 3-PROCEDURES: FIELD TRAVERSE METHOD MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE 1NITH WAC 332-130-090. RESTRICTIONS THESE LOTS ~~~ ~ TO ALl CONDITIONS. EASEMENTS, CnVENT~ RESTRICTIONS. AND RESER VA TlON SERVITUDES DISCLOSED BY THE PLAT· OF SUNNYBROOK, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER .20040227000216. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. . LEGEND • SET REBAR WITH CAP LSII 14469 o FOUND REBAR WITH CAP LSII 33555 FOUND MON IN CASE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENlS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DlRECT10N IN CONFORMANCE· WITH mE REQUIREMENTS Or THE ~.;~ ----.: if . ·f .. . -' . AREAS OLD AREAS: LOt 25-10,270 SO. FT. ± LOT 26-7,396 SO. FT. ± NEW AREAS: LOT 25-10,681 SQ. FT. ± Lor 26-6,986 SQ. FT. ± City of Re. Department of Planning I Building I Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & 0 ELOPMENT APPLICAT/~ REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 8, 2005 \ APPLICATION NO: LUA05-087, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 25, 2005 APPLICANT: Peterson Consulting Engineers PROJECT MANAGER: Valerie Kinast PROJECT TITLE: Sunnybrook Lot Line Adjustment PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 17,663 sQuare feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 1001 & 1007 S 38th Court I WORK ORDER NO: 77454 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicants are requesting the approval of a lot line adjustment between two abutting parcels, lot 25 and Lot 26 of the recently recorded Sunnybrook Plat. The lot line between the lots would be moved 3.08 feet to the east of its present location. This would increase the size of the westem lot, Lot 1 of the lot line adjustment, so that a larger house can be accomodated. A single.family house would also be constructed on the eastern lot, lot 2 of the lot line adjustment. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary EnvIronment Minor Major Information I",pacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UrjhtIGJare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Faet 14 000Faet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Signature of Director or Au City of RAn Department of Planning / Building / Public as ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fin:. COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 8 2005 DATE CIRCULATED: JULi(r2S),2605 ~ ~ n \;i7 r? r\\ APPLICATION NO: LUA05-0S7, LLA LS APPLICANT: Peterson Consulting_ EnQineers PROJECT MANAGER: Va I J11 <= ~ ria K nast \ \ \ \ PROJECT TITLE: Sunnybrook Lot Line Adjustment PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Hemhfnb~ I" , I) J\ 'XW, \Uj\ BUILDING AREA (gross): N ~U v---SITE AREA: 17,663 square feet LOCATION: 1001 & 1007 S 3Sth Court WORK ORDER NO: 77454 CITY OF RENT9~~ ... SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: FiKt ,utt'f'.I~ I Im_" The applicants are requesting t~e approval of a lot line adjustment QU'Jllill~ parcels, Lot 25 and Lot 26 of the recently recorded Sunnybrook Plat. The lot line between the lots would be moved 3.0S feet to the east of its present location. This would increase the size of the western lot, Lot 1 of the lot line adjustment, so that a larger house can be accomodated. A single-family house would also be constructed on the eastern lot, Lot 2 of the lot line adjustment. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable PrObable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals TransjJOrtation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS t,f( MI.., . .. ~ ." . Kathy-Keolkcr-Wheeler, Mayor July 25, 2DOS . Bud' Condrey..... .... . Peterson Consulting Enginee'rs .. 4010. Lake Washington Blvd. NE #30.0. Kirkland,WA 98034 . .' . "Subject: . ' Sunnybrqbk L.,otLineAdjus.tment .'. LUA-OS-D87LLA . . . . . ", .. ' .... :, '. Dear Mr. C()ndrey: . . . CITY 6F . RENTON PlanninglSuildingIPublicWorks'Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E~ Administrator . .. .." , , ,:-.... The Development Planning "S~ctionof t~e City of.Rent~r( hasdetermi~ed that the .subjectapplic~tionis. complete'~dPoraingtosubmitt~I' requ'if;$h1ents' and,' tl1efefor~,is .. I;I.cceptedfoue"iew, ,.:.., ..... ' .'.' . .' .. ,> '(oLJwill~~:r1otified"if allya~ditipnal_i'lfOf~~ir6rrist~qUir~dtoc6ntinue: processing your a~Plication ...... ~ .......••.. , .'. ',,:, .•..• :', ·'";'><~c.~;:'.!};/i~';~<."'(: .,:, ••...... ' .. ', ....... " ..... ' . ',.' ..... . . 'Please contact me' af(42S) 439'-7289 jffyb~have'any que.stions. '. . '.' .. ' ··.Sincerely, . . ",: . '3/ ...... ' ":".',:., - '. ·Vtavr£P'~:. . .. : ". ; : vaf~rietS,in'a~f .' .' ..... '. , . Associate Plahne( ••• '.' ... , r . ~ --. : co: Steve JensenHom~sJOwner . -: . .-. . '. . . -..;...,-----,-'-:-1.0....:0-5"-5 -=-S-'-ou-th:-'--G"'-ra-=d-y-=W-=-a'-c-y-.--=-R"'"en:-t....,on:-· ;'"'"W-a-sh-i-ng-t-on:-·· :-9-80~5-5"-. -----'--'--.. ~ • .. @ This pape,r conta;ns 50% recycled matenal, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF 'THE 'CURVE -/ .. .... :._.. ....;' < .;. City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT PROPERTY OWNER(S) ADDRESS: 'Z,~o ~~az. kJ. APPLICANT (if other than owner) TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: Q:web/pw/devserv/fonns/planninglmasterapp.doc PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME': . PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)JLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: Af~)l lAZ~t 1001 s. ~~t1 c...- KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Ld(26:~'O(P30-C>Z!iilO " EXISTING COMPREHEN~SPLAN MAP PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): / EXISTING ZONING: rz. - PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): /' , L£,t-ZS" SITE AREA (in square feet): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED . FOR SUBDMSIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if apPlicable):NA NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): '2- NUMBER OF NE'N DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 2- 07/01/05 , ' I..' ... ,: l ., ' P INFORMATION r------"'----- NUMBER OF EXISTING DweLLING UNITS (If appncable): PROJECT VALUE: A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if apprlCable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTAU-Y CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (If applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAl BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (If applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (If applicable): NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAl BUILDINGS (If appflCable): ' , NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (If applicable): Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA lWO Q FLOOD HAZARD AREA Q GEOLOGIC HAZARD Q HABITATCONSERVA~ON Q SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES Q WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq.ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq. ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following infonnation included) SITUATE IN THE~ 5H)~QUARTER OF SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP ~ RANGE.!Z. IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING C ,NTY, ASHINGTON. , TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. I3LA 1f~50. ~ 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print NameIs) ". declare that 1 am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corponrtion (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the infonnation herewith are in aD respeds true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of OwnerJRepresentative) (Signature of OwnerJRepresentative) Q:web!pw/devserv/fonnslplanninglmasterapp.doc 1 certify that 1 know or have s8tisfact0ry evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislhe-~-=Ith:-e-:-ir-:-free-a:""'nd-:-v-o~lu"""nta-ry-a-ct-:fo"""r"""'the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), ___________ _ Myappointmentexpires: ________ _ 07/01105 4258227216 PETERSON CONSUl.. TI'1 : -' PRfti T· --.... -_.... ~-._-" ~ ____________________ ~ __ ~ __ C __ .~~~ __ .~_~~~.~~~iRJ~ft~~· ~-~~~!~:~~~IIL-__ ~ ____ ~ ______ _ PAGE a3/B3 NUMBeR OF EXISTING DWEWNG UNITS (if~Ie): . ~A' SQUARE FOOTAGE Of PROPOSED RESlDEI'ITJAL BUIUJINGS (if appIIcaI:M): -, $QUARE FOOT~ OF EXISTlNG RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (If~): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PftOPOSlED NON-RESIDEtn'W. BUILDINGS (If ~1IIe): NET FI.OOR AREA OF NQNoRESIDENTW. ElUlLDINGS (if .~: HUMBER OF iMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED av THE tEN PROJECT (i appbbIe): PROJECTVAWE: IS.THE sma LOCATe) IN ANY 1'YPE OF ENYfRONMEN'rALJ.. Y CRI1'1CAL AREA. PlEASE 1fIfCLUDl: SQUARE FOOTAGE Of ~ a AQUIFER PR01"ECT1OH AREA·ONE Q AQUIFER ~nOH AREA 1WO [] FLOOD HAZARD AREA ___ 14tL _____ aq. ft. !;I HAJrTAT CONSEAVAnON ___ aq. ft. Q SHORELINE STREAMSNm LAKES _ .... _. ___ Iq. it Q \fVEl1ANDS aq. fL . ~~N~~~~u..=~: SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP a RANG~ IN1lfE crrv TYPE OF APPUCAnON & FEES list all land use applICations being applied for: ,1. J;LA' ~rtSD· ~ , 3~ ------- 2. _--_-__ 4. _ .. _. ___ ~_ Staff win oaloulate applicable fees and postage: $ ___ , __ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP 01101115 ~EVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION .A.. WAIVERlrJF SUBMITTAL REQUIRI!IIIIENTS :.,,". ,FOR-LANDUSE.AP,P·bICA,'JJONS~,·,,····~·· .-. " [::U::::U[:0:slrl.:'J.ili:'::'~~~S~0:S?ll:l:l:/nl:j~v~:;ll:: l::;s:~~~:;'[ U!:!:\;l:l(\:l:lll;l;!R?~i~!~~!l;l::·lll:l:l!ll!!lllU:!:l Calculations, ~~§r~~:~:~9~:~!#~~~:~~::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::~:::::::::::~:::: :::::~:::::~:::~::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Construction Mitigation Description 2AND.4 :~~~!~:W~#'~~~:~::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::~:::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~,!i~a9.~~ontrol Plan 2 ~ J ..... .... . ..... . .. :@.l~~~¥~~@:~:::~~:~::~:~:~~~:::::::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::~::::::::::::: :::::~::::~:~:::::::::::::::::; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: g:~:?~:::~:~}:~:::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::: Elevations, Architectural 3 AND 4 :$~~~~:¢~~~!i#.:~::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~:::::::::::;::~:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::: Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 4 ~i~~g:~~~~~fu@'?'~~:¢9P'y'):~::::~:::::::::~::::::::::::: :~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::~:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::~:::::::i:~:::::~::::::::::::::::::::: Flood Hazard Data 4 '" :.: ~F.!~~r: :p:~~ :~~~~ ~~: ~: ~:~:~:;: ~~ ~:~: ~: ~ ~~ :): ~: ~: ~ ~~: ~~ ~:~:~: ~: ~ ~~: ~~ >~~>i<~~< :j: ~::: ~:~;~ :::~~< :)~ :;~~: ~:~: :~:~:~: i~ ~ ::;~~>f: ~;:: :~<. :~ :;{::: ~: ~ <: ~::::::: ~::::: ~: ~::::::: ~:~::: > ~: ~: ~:~:):: ::~::: ~ :\~::::: ~ ~::< :~: .. ~: .::;: ::., .:::: Gebtech'nical Report2AND3 . 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Master Application Form 4 ~9~~~~¢~~~i~:~:~9~~i!i~~ij:~::~:::::::~~::::::::::::::: :~:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::: :~::::~:::::::::~:::::::::~:~:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:~:::~::::::::~~~::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~:::~:::::::::::::: Neighborhood Detail Map 4 .\.\ This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\waiver.xls 01/0612004 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION " WAIV_ OF SUBMITTAL REQUe=MENTS • .:;; .. :. .... . --.. '-:.-'--." _=~_-.. ".,.,."""-~~~-,,,.'nEO.R .. LAND .. USEAPPLICATIONS..·~.",,-, ... ·., """''"'-''''''''''''"''~""="=~'~ .:~_._ /~i~~\./~~~~~w~~~WeE6~=~~¥.:mm~Ji~i~2!~!!U!~!! ~!!!~~Ir-ff!~U!'A~~~ffi!:~ ~!!~!!!):!!/!2!~i!!!<BB~~~~~!:)!!!~C!!!/!:~!!!!Ui Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 RI~~:~~~~~:(~r~}.:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Postage 4 R#~~p.p.!i~ti~~:~i~9:~i¥.i~Jj:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Public Works Approval Letter2 ~~~~i!~~~~:RW.:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:!::::~~: r?!:::::::::~:~:::~:~::: ::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::\:::::::::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::~:::::::::::: " ' .. 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Inventory-of Existing Sites 2~D.3 ___ .'~"':"_';_~"=:;'''''''F '~~.-:::-::~leas~.Agr~~irrie·ci(eraft::;-AN=,;:~,,"~:~;~,'r;~~~::9~;f::';; Map of Existing Site Conclitions 2 ~D~' Map of View Area 2 AND. 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 , '.. \.\ This requirement may be walved by: , . 1_ Property Services Section 2_ Public Works Plan Review Section 3_ Building Section. 4_ Development Planning Section ...... " 0f~.:. ; I-' .. " Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Fonns\Planning\waiver.xls PROJECT ::,=':~:'1:'-' -::' Ir~f-/~()~s--=-'tz:--=-·'-=-..r:::.{l:_LA:--_·~_· __ -_- 01/0612004 DETERSON rCONSULTING PROJECT NARRATIVE STEVE JENSEN HOMES LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LOTS 25 and 26, Sunnybrook, AFN 20040227000216 PARCEL NUMBERS: 810630-0250 and 810630-0260 SITE ADDRESS: 1001 S. 38TH CT. and 1007 S. 38TH CT. The plat of Sunnybrook was recorded in February 2004. There are new homes under construction at this time. Lots 25 and 26 are vacant and the proposed use is single family residence. This project is for the adjustment of the lot line between lots 25 and 26. Lot 25 is a large lot, 10, 268 SF., however it is tOo narrow for the proposed house. The adjustment to lot 25 will add about 3 feet to the narrow width. The Easterly line of lot 25 will move about 3 feet East. to accommodate this house. All utilities are constructed for service to these lots and no changes will be required. All easements remain the same, with the exception of a 5 foot sewer easement to be added along the west property line for service to the south. There is a current application for a building permit on lot 25. There are no special site issues. The proposed use will remain the same. No code modifications are being requested. 4010 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVAKD NORTHEAST, SUITE 300 KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON 98033 (425) 827-5874 (425) 822-7216 FAX :._-. I t I 1ft ./ I ~r':ir'-• ID fl;· .;." .. ''' ..... , .. , .... '" :/ .:.:.: .. : .•.... '., . . :::: ~---... .. ~. SUNNYBROOK . A PORTION OF THE SW 114 OF THE SW 114 OF SEC. 29, AND THE BE 114 OF THE BE 114 OF SEC. SO, TWP. 23 N., Rr;,E. 5 E:~~W.M. 1,..,;' .~. '-'; --~ CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON .\.; ......... \. • ••. ~.. CITY···-QF REN KEY MAP ... ~ S.31THPL. t: .. ' .::/ .•... \:. ::' -:'~'''''''''' ' .. ....... ~ • SEE SHEEt·t .. ( (~"'\ .. \"".~:'" .""."j .. ,. '.' , . .•.. ",. "" ..... ::::: ........ ::/~ .{' .. . ..... . /'" , ... ' ... ' "''' .. ;:.,:>",, ,,,,,,,,,, f./ - .:' .... fILE Ti.o. LUA-03'-:o;.103- ::;" "':'.. ·::::.J.,ND-1 0-03~P '. . ... :::: .. :\... .: .. :::: .... ::~.:::: ..... :\. .~ ;. ::'\:'.. .. ... :; "';. .:SHEEr. < .. , .... ' .. ' .. ""'."""j l~\,/ • '0 '0 0, ~ • . /::. :.:::. '. : :\ .... '.: : ..... -.:.~:::: : .... :'.: :::: :'. : 0, j' ~:':::::"'-"'" \. & : -:~. ... ~ ~ ~ ~ \. "'~""'" ':. : ~~'" . ~~'. ~~~ .. ~:': .f ...... '''0; .:' { .' .. """\.:'."~> .. ' .. '" ./-'" '!::" .: "'/ -':.0,. GRAPHIC SCALE '.. °0 ' ... '.:. ~~ 40 0 20 40 "" ~. .. .. 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SEE NOn-.~ SHEEr:.f_.N'-flW: '\ • .~' .:.' GROWTH ",!,7EC~.fI01E -. • "~~.~, .::' ' . . ,', ': ~z '-. \ .~ ... ~ .. , '. . • .. • I . .... '.' • to ,,' '-.. .... .~ ... ~!' E .~. '~'I' ' .. :' .~: .. ' ;: 1M!EIf CASEllENT :: . m SOOS CII£EK 11M 1E'R :,' ....... . ~. :: AND stw:R DISTRICT ~ ~ 811'" ~~ E 292Jg59048 UNPLA,1!D-o .... i m !~I~ 1 J2 1 \! ~ r.m oq. It. I .~. .~. ., ''1,:. "., '~' .. ' . •..... i·... . ~ L07S 1£ 21 AND 17 • ':::'.:: • SEE E1' ' ... SItU:T I ~ 2923059092 UI'IPL.ArrEO . :" .. ~ .. ;.~.' EXlSl1NC 30' INCRESS/ECRESS unuTY EASEWENT RECORD NO. l ' 97513 (LECAL DESallPl10N PARCEl. 3) r-- • '0. ••••••• • o. 1 .... ":... :: Ll ----- "':',': .' . ElOSnNG 10' UllUTY EASENENT ~ECORD NO. 20030608001711 " . . : ...... . ~. '~'.~. '-. "::;'" .: .. : .. :;: ....... } \ ..•. : .. :. CUR.V,E TABLE .., .' CURVELENGTifft1l)fUS DELTA ... : ..... ~ .• :::a",5!i 2!I.oJ:··:78':13·S~;· C4 18760 2S.QO ~'OI'48· CII 18.5f'·.:.jl5.~·'.::.44·.2·43· ce 19.69 '20:00 '~:O7' 48" 19.69 2!I.00 45""39' '9 •• ' 25.00 44~n9" 25.00 ~.t 42" 25.00 40'1 nP" 25.00 48'33'111' . LINE TABLE UNCLENO'IH -BEAAlNc U 8.03 S44'o'08"E ~ 5.118 N4!I'JII"4"E L3 5,88 N45'O'OrW L9 11.02 S40'42·3&·W 3223059012 UNPl.Ai1£D «JtII1 LIC WASHINtnrJN BL lID. HE. 8U/TE 20D K/IfKJ.AND. WA8HlNGTON.., PH: (-J.,..,4 FAX: (416)""'" TADI-D008 SHEETBOF10 ~. Parcel name: LOT 1 SUNNYBROOK BLA LOT CLOSURES 7119/05 North: 165420.1350 East: 1300848.1572 Line Course: N 89-20-19 W Length: 110.00 North: 165421.4045 East : 1300738.1846 Curve Length: 150.28 '. Radius: 50.00 . Delta: 172-12-47 Tangent: 734.65 Chord: 99.77 Course: S 03-10-33 E Course In: S 00-43-03 W Course Out: S 07-04-10 E RP North: 165371.4085 East: 1300737.5584 End North: 165321.7886 East: 1300743.7121 Line Course: S 00-39-41 W Length: 38.80 North: 165282.9912 East: 1300743.2642 Line Course: N 86-50-38 E Length: 103.54 North: 165288.6917 East: 1300846.6471 Line Course: N 00-39-41 E Length: 131.45 North: 165420.1330 East: 1300848.1645 Perimeter: 534.06 Area: 10,681 sq.ft. 0.25 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed coUrses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0075 Course:S 74-10-54 E Error North: -0.00205 East : 0.00725 Precision 1: 71 ,206.67 · Parcel name: LOT 2 North: 165419.5131 East: 1300902.0334 Line Course: N 89-20-19 W Length: 53.88 North: 165420.1350 East: 1300848.1570 Line Course: S 00-39-41 W Length: 131.45 North: 165288.6938 East: 1300846.6397 Line Course: N 86-50-38 E Length: 54.00 North: 165291.6669 East: 1300900.5578 Line Course: N 00-39-41 E Length: 127.86 North: 165419.5183 East: 1300902.0337 Perimeter: 367.19 Area: 6,986 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0053 Course: N 02-39-59 E Error North: 0.00525 East : 0.00024 Precision 1: 69,281.13 Printed: 07-20-2005 Payment Made: ...cITY OF RENTON • 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-087 07/20/200503:06 PM Receipt Number: R0503919 Total Payment: inc. 450.00 Payee:. peterson consulting engineers Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 450.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description . Amount Payment Check 7446 450.00 Account .Balances Trans Account Code Description Balarice Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345;81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile. Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Return At/til.: City Clerk's Office City of Renton • 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON EAS PAGE181 OF liS 10/04/2185 09: 19 KING COUNTY, lolA • Title: trnLI'I1ESEASEMENT PropertyTaxPaFCelNuDlber: 3~:lJo5' 9" 7:2. Project File #: Street lnterJ1:C'CioD or Project Name: • Wn-ber(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional tef'ercncc numbers,,-e on pBgC_, G~s); ""Steve.. J{t\5e.n Gnlltee(s): 1-~-~ t. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. ~ - The Gnudor, as namad moyo. for or and. in c:onsidemtion of rmnual bem::fits.hcreby grants. barpins, sdls and ~ to the above IlIIII1Cd Gn ... , the following dcswibed personal propcny now tOCNeCl at: Addltionallepl is on page .-::!.- of document. (..4IIbM1I111ed btpI btCllptlDII MUST CO here.) LEGAL DBSCRlPTlON: A 't=ba:nou o~ un-c;. 2.'-1 6...u"" 2.~" 'PLAT c:Dt:" ~U,..lf.J"B~lc.., PE2. 'PLAT ~l!b IU "OLc.l~s. l.'20 AF PU'1S 'PAG.E40 30 ,...,..,Qr:t.O& .... 3~ e..et!C3~bt: 0 F t<:.1.u ~ Co"'AJ"t~1 u)4~"'AX",TCJaJ.I (,.,"~ ,"-I. ~E '$OL1t'\t.Lc)a.~.,.. QuA.a.T"£~ dF "T\\s ~'T1.L...aei"r &'NAQ11£2 o~ S&c!T\cuJ z.q ~"TGl4&.Lc;WIP 2.'3 aJ.oQ.N.) ~AAlG.c£. ~£A'-r; W.M. • • That said GrantGJ(s), for and in comlderation of mutual benefits. do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and wammts unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for pubUc utilities . (.Including water, wastewatm, and surfaCe water) with necessaty appurtenances over, under, through, acrosS and . upon the following described property (the right-of-way) in King County. Waslllngton, more particularly . described on pagel. (or iffilU legal is not on page 1-Exhibit A.) . FOT the purpose of eonstnzcting, reconstructing, inStalling, repairing, replacing, enlarging. opuadng and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited 10, watef, sewer and storm dtainage lines, together with tbe right of ingress and egreas thereto without prior instirution of any suit or proc:eedings Of law and without incurring any legal obligation or Jiability therefor. Following the initial C01l$1JUCIion of ks facilities, Gran1ee may from time to time consttuet such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the foUaWing tenDs and conditions: I. The Grmtcc shall, upon completion of any work wilttin the property covered by the easemcnL ICSU)te me surface of the CIISCIDCIlt, and any priV8le Improvements disnubed or destroyed during execution of tile work., as nearly as pI8Clicable to !be condition they were in irnmedialely befOIl: c:ommencement ofthc work or emry by the Grant=. 2. Graatot sbalI mtain the right 10 \lSe the surface ofthc eascmeDllIS long as sueh uso does nOI inrerfere with the easement rigllts granted to dle GranWe. . Grantor shall not, howc:vcr. have me right to: a. ~ or ~ Iny buildings or sInIctUl'eS wh:ltln the easement or b. Plam trees, sbnJbs or vegetation having dccproot pauems wbleh IDay cause: damage to or imerf'erc with dle ucitilies to be plaaid within the casement by the Grantcc; or e.. Develop. landscape. Or bea\ltity the easement an:a in any way wtricb would umcasonably increase the costs 10 thcGnunee of feSU)ring the easancot area an4 any private Improvcmcmts therebt. d. Dig. runnel or pmform other Corms of constrw:don activities on !be preperty which would diSQUb the compacdon or \DleadhGrantee's facilities on the rigln-of .. way, or cndangl:r the latetal support tiIdIitics. c. Blast wiCl\il'l fifteen (IS) t'tct ofthc rigbt-of-way. This-easement ihall tun widl the land describecl hemin. and shall be blnd~g upon the pardes, ~ir heirs, successors In fn1eIest and as.&igns. Grantors covenant thllt they are the law1\d owmn of the above properties and tbat they have a.good and l;t.WfW right to execute this agreement By this COI1veyance, Grantor wflI wammt and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and eveJy p8lll0ll or persons, whomsoever, lawfully cIaimiDg or to claim the saUl£. This conveyanc:e shall bind the heir&, ~ admiaistrators and 8S&fgns fcnver. . , m~~_~,_~~_~day~~2Da Page 2 \ .. if' • • INDlJIIIJUAL FORM OF A.aNOJflLEDGMlINT Notaly Seal must be withlD box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUN1Y OF KING ) 1 ~ that I blow or have satisfactory evidence that ______ _ ____ ~...,...____:~_:__:_:_-_:_'_:_'-sigfted tills instrwncDt and ecknowledged It to be hislherltbelr tree and volumazy act for the uses and purposes mmtionod iII dlo instturnent Notary Public in and for the State of Washington N~(Prim) ______________________ _ My appointment expires:, __________ _ Dated: REPRE4ENTA'Il1'E FOUl OF ACBNOJf1lZD(JfI,UNT N~ Seal must be within bOx STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) J certifY that I know or have:: satisfhctoIy evidence thaI ______ _ signed this instnIment, on oath -stB.tcd~~dmt~""'!'"hd--Shdtbey~--waslw--:--ere-autb---::--cHm:d-:--~to-c::x-:c:cute me ins1nIment and acknowledged it as the end __ --::---~-- of 10 be dle free and votmdaIy act of suoh panylpanics for the uses end pwposes mentioned in 1hc inslIume&n. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print),_.......-o: __________ _ My appointment expi*;, __________ _ Dated: COlU'DRATE F(J1fM OF ACKNO NOlIII)' Seal must be witbfn box STATE OF W ASfDNGTON ) ss COUNTY OF lONG ) On 1his __ day of ____ ,. 20----, before me personally appeami ________________________________ m,mcbKMnto be of1be COIpOrItioD_ c::xc:cutc::d the within insuvmenl, and acblowledp the saidillSlrWlJept to be the iicc and votunwy act and deed of said corpontion, for tbcuscs and PUlpOSC5 thcmn mentioned, and each on oath stated that hcfshe was authOrited to execute Sllid Instiurncnt and that lite seal afl"lXed is tile oorpome seal· of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the StAte ofWasDingtGn Notary (Print)_----:' _________ _ My appointment expires: _________ _ Dated: Pagel FORM 03 OOOOIbblCA2-46-2003 I I • EXHlBIT "A" LEGAL l>ESCRIPTION • A STRIP OF LAND, 10.00 FEET IN WIDTII, HAVING 5.00 FEET OF SAID WITH ON EACH SIDE OF THE PROPERTY LINE COMMON TO LOTS 24 AND 25, PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 30 THROUGH 39, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSIDP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. Peterson Consulting Engineers 4010 Lake Washington Blvd. NE Suite 300 Kirkland, Washington 98033 4~5.827.5874 Page 4 \ • • MAP EXHIBiT ; 29 1m. f ·Lm. ---:a:cr. '-N89'-S""'S,-,,7="W--+----=216.49 (!) ~ o c.o N ~ U (/) ::::?! X ~ > (/) ./ c.o N a u (/) ::::?! ./ (/) t- U W --o a::: ~ I o 20' 40' , I I SCALE ,-.. 40' "- \ \ \ 24 \ 10' SEWER EASEMENT REC NO. PAGE 5 I PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK VOL220, PGS 30-39 28 1 TRACT B I. ",1- NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT- WETLANDS " '\ \ / / / \ / \ \ 25 . ... " '.\ ~ . c . . ':':". ~~ .. ' ",:.' ' .'" ,', .. :.CIT~lT .)U:NTON· . eoiiuritrinty S~rvi~ ~D~n~is ~ Culp,A:d'mlnistrator .' . .. " ,. ~ '.' '. '. ···NaiioridllyA(:cr~diiet(Ag¢ncY·. ··cizLL}t~b.s-pJ> i:· "lfc-C)o~ 'Cfrv OF RENTON . . June 14,2005·. ··JUN 17 2005 -.: - . Steve Jens~nH6mes . RECEIVED . C.ITY CLERK'S OFACE Attention:Chandra;Ruch. P.O. 80)(1468 .... Sumner, WA 98390 Dear Chandra: This letter is to veritY our agreement corlee'mingthe.granting of~n .easem~nHo Soos Creek Water & Sewer District for theb~n~frt of the City of Rento'n.:··The 10' easement will consist of 5' Jromthe·easternside 'of Lot24 and 5' from the' . western ~ideof Lot 25 ·in The .Pointe '. 'SunnybrookSutx,liVision, in Renton, '. . . " . Washingto'1, e.xteiidilig frqrn .. . . ·sot.rttiem019~t60rder~(jflhe. ·.::propertY: ThiS'. .' .. ' '. . . sew~r;~tub from. : the sewe~lin~ori.S6u.th, . ". ffle:Poin~e~ SunnYbrook'Subdivision:. ntg,ntii"\n1tn perf();mthis.·\AiOtk befQre .' .t)efore,:thefiriisiJeti ~ro'c ·~al.·)·l Inalce'ls,;ciDDtuec];,to . ' -". -'~. . . :. ''-.~ ...... : .: .. '. Sii1cerelyyo,Q~! ...... . .. ~ ..•. ~. '. ", . .: ':" . . -.:-.: .... " ,."., ... Peter Renner,FacilitlesDirector . . C: Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer . Larry Warren, City Attorney .' ','., . Dennis Culp; Community Services Administrator .. Bonhie'Walton, City CleriC . . . , .,' , ." Soos Creek Water and SeWerDistrict ", -: ,". . ~ .. ' .' .:" . . .' .~' , , -, ' : ,':-;', .; .. , .' , ~;i: .::: '". -. -. ,. ;",' " ... ~ -, , ' " :,:'," , .', .~ ," -.~: .. CITY OF RENTON, WASH. BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. -------------------------- DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY lHESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT lHEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.030 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAll0N OF lHE SAME AND THAT SAID ADJUSlt.4ENT MADE WllH lHE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE Ov.t.lER(S) IN WITNESS WEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. S1Ft.£' J£NSEN HOMES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STA 1F OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS I CERIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED lHlS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED OT EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE OF STEVE JENSEN HOMES. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THE INSTRUMENT DA~D ________________________ _ SIGNA 7URE OF NOTARY PUBUC PRIN~D NAME __________ _ nnE _________________________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF __ . ___ , 2005. CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRA TOR OF PLANNING/BUILDING/pUBUC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROt.£'D THIS ___ DA Y OF _____ . 2005. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR RECORDER'SCERT1FICATE _______ _ ALID FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF • 20_ AT _M. IN BOOK OF AT PAGE_ AT THE REQUEST OF ____________ --" CONTROL DIAGRAM PER PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK N.T.S. C.O.R. #1640 N: 170648.976 E: 1305835.748 JAN. 2001 :..-"~--C.O.R. 11863 N:167989.621 9 E: 1305752.848 C'9!:e--;;--;;:2::::'6~62;T..40;.:.'_:::__I!IIoOiIII~:_:_::=~~;:_~~ JAN. 2001 N S9TJ3'1S-W j~ FOUND MON IN CASE JUNE, 2003 FOUND IRON PIPE JUNE. 2003 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 25: LOT 25 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 30 THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LOT 26: LOT 26 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS. PAGES 30 THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. C.O.R. #1866 N: 165408.62 E:1303018.74 JUNE. 2003 PLAT Of SUNNYBROOK VOL.220, PGS 30-39 15' SEWER EASEMENT PER PLAT VICINITY MAP N.T.S. TRACT B NaPE SE CARR RD I ,I __ :~_+-___ 2: _____ ~ 1~ N6~6·r::'5~7"r.-;:W--~"'" ----S.~2;~· - 26' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT PER PLAT 30' WATER EASEMENT PER PLAT SURVEYOR'S NOTES l-BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK RECORDING NUMBER 20040227000216. RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS. PAGES 30-39, RECORDS OF KING COUN1Y. WASHINGTON. 2-EQUIPMENT: LEICA TCR703AUTO, 3" INSTRUMENT WAS USED IN OBTAINING ANGLE AND DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS FOR THIS SURVEY. THE DISTANCE MEASURING ABILITIES OF THE INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN COMPARED AT AN N.G.S. BASELINE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. 3-PROCEDURES: FIELD TRAVERSE METHOD MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. RESTRICTIONS THESE lOTS ARE SUBJECT TO ALL CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, COVENTANTS, RESTRICTIONS. AND RESERVATIONS OR OTHER SERVITUDES DISCLOSED BY THE PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20040227000216, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LEGEND • SET REBAR WITH CAP LSi 14469 o FOUND REBAR WITH CAP LS# 33555 FOUND MON IN CASE " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '" \ \. '" " " "-.... --. , 24 " " ,/ ,/ f ,,'" .- / / / / Lcrr 25 LOT 1 OLD LOT ~ UNE I -I 5' WATER I EASEMENT-I PER PLAT Lcrr 25 LOT 2 27 o .. 1"=40' 20 ! I ;--\ 10' UllLTIY .1 LEASEMENT 28 ~---------~------ : PER PLAT ~ ~~~J';:~ ____ ~~~~----~----~54~.O~0~~+---------~----~~ 103.54 2646.49 ~ AREAS OLD AREAS: LOT 25-10.270 SQ. FT. ± LOT 26-7,396 SQ. FT. ± NEW AREAS: LOT 25-10,681 SQ. FT. ± LOT 26-6,986 SQ. FT. ± DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL 1 9 2005 RECEIVED 40 ! sw 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECT. 29, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF ______ __ IN OF ___ , CERTiACATE NO. __ ----=-14..:.-4:..,:6:..:::9 __ _ DETERSON 11:0NSULTING I '\ (, J :".J I I I~ " 4010 LK. WASHINGTON BL VD. NE SUITE! 300 KIRKLAND. WASHINGTON 98033 425-827-5874 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR STEVE JENSEN HOMES SITE ADDRESSES: LOT 25: 1001 S. 381H CT. LOT 26: 1007 S. 38TH CT. DRAWN: DATE: SCALE: PROJECT: SOM 7/12/2005 1"=40' MISC-0126 CITY OF RENTON, WASH. LAND USE ACTION NO. LUA-05-087 CITY OF RENTON LAND RECORD NO. LND-30-0294 DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY lliESE PRESENTS lliAT WE lliE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF lliE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.030 AND DECLARE THIS AD.lJSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAllON OF THE SAME AND THAT SAID ADJUSlMENT MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES Of lHE OVttlER(S) IN WITNESS WEREOF WE HA _.HANDS AND SEALS. -,'-., S7FVE JENSEN HOMES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STA 7F OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) J 55 I CERI~ mA Sl KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT\l(.WIw\ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUlliORIZED TO EXE~ mE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE C lJ..) n . Of STEVE JENSEN HOMES, TO BE mE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THE INSTRUMENT APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON DA~D ___ 9~1~·1~j~o~~~ __ , ______ __ SIGNA TURE OF 8 NOTARY PUBUC ~~ l.tuJrt.0 PRINTE:D NAM£. Lu t:'f H \J '0 ~ (" nTU: Wfl±Ccz \\ tJC MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES .Jilt 5 ( 0 B' EXAMINED AND APPROVfJ) THIS '1 DA Y OF S ~ ,2005. JJJ tJ4 fUl 6~.1f'f 2.IWfIf1NWf~Vf CITY OF RENTON AOUINISTRA TOR OF PLANNlNGj8UIWfNG/puBUC VtORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINaJ AND APPROVED THIS 1Sz;& DAY OF ,J~02005. ,f.i/ J il. . Scott NoblE'-. /ll1i4'1I·1f(H1~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR 810h30 -0250 O'LW CONFORMED COPY RE flU AT AT 20050916900002 CITY OF RENTON LLM 98.00 PAGE001 OF 001 09/16/2005 08:53 KING COUNTY, UA MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS l&J • ~ 0:1 ~ ~ 2 ~ ...... CONTROL DIAGRAM PER PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK N.T.S. CALC'D PER PLAT Of SUNNYBROOK N 89'17'44" E 2631.17' '--\oJ • ~ ~ ~ ~ -tq C.O.R. 11640 N: 170648.976 E: 1305835.748 JAN, 2001 ('>,j <: <: :.--<----C.O.R. 11863 j~ N: 167989.621 E: 1305752.848 JAN. 2001 C.O.R. 11866 FOUND IRON PIPE N: 165408.62 FOUND MON IN CASE JUNE, 2003 JUNE. 2003 E:1303018.74 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 25: LOT 25 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 30 THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. LOT 26: LOT 26 OF SUNNYBROOK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS. PAGES 30 THROUGH 39 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURVEYOR'S NOTES JUNE, 2003 ,~ 29 PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK VOL 220, PGS 30-39 28 ------+ -----------L_ ---~---.... VICINITY MAP N.T.S. TRACT B SE CARR RD 15' SEWER EASEMENT PER PLAT NAllYE GROWTH PROIECTION .EASEMENT- 26' PRIVATE WITLANDS ACCESS EASEMENT 30' WATER PER PLAT EASEMENT PER PLAT 1-BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK RECORDING NUMBER 20040227000216, RECORDED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGES 30-39, RECORDS OF KING COUNlY. WASHING iON. lL, at JJI~. 8. arTH CT, ._ N89'16r.:'5"'='rr.:'w:----...,'"",----,., Tt'r-------illi 2-EQUIPMENT: LEICA TCR703AUTO, 3" INSTRUMENT WAS USED IN OBTAINING ANGLE AND DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS FOR THIS SURVEY. THE DISTANCE MEASURING ABILITIES OF THE INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN COMPARED AT AN N.G.S. BASELINE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. 3-PROCEDURES: FIELD TRAVERSE METHOD MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. RESTRICTIONS THESE LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO ALL CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND RESERVA 11 ONS OR OTHER SERVITUDES DISCLOSED BY THE PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20040227000216, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LEGEND • SET REBAR Wi1l-l CAP LS# 17672 o FOUND REBAR WITH CAP LSI 33555 FOUND MON IN CASE ~----... ~ AREAS OLD AREAS: LOT 25-10,268 SQ. FT. ± LOT 26-7,395 SQ. FT. ± NEW AREAS: LOT 25-10,679 SQ. FT. ± LOT 26-6,984 SQ. FT. ± " \ \ \ \ \ " \ , "-, , " , , "-24 ........ , -I -" 10' SEWER -----!. EASEMENT REC NO. , Lor 26 Lor 25 21 LOT 1 LOT 2 I 40 0 1001 $. 38TH CT 1007 S. 38TH CT, I -.. OLD LOT ~ I 1"=40' UNE I --I 21 _ ~Ih-_---"--:~ -----~=:t~~2_-2~~46.49_-......4J.--_5~4~.0~0L-.-J1..i-------"'W" -'. 103.54 367.54 _ _ 2646.49 I. SW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECT. 29, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.I SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS MAP CQRRECTL Y REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECllON IN CONfORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF TI1E SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF ST", ~IAJISIHJ.Ioma5 IN ~«e OF ZOo£. CERllFlCA lE NO. __ ----01-=-7-=.6.:..7=2 __ _ DETERSON ICONSULTING I \, (, I " I I I~ "I 4010 LK. WASHINGTON BLVD. NE SUITE 300 KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON 98033 425-827-5874 DRAWN: SOM LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR STEVE JENSEN HOMES DATE: 7/12/2005 SCAL£: 1"=40' PRO..eCT: MISC-0126