HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 5005569�` � " ��1DS.s6i' . . �-
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I Y" For a valuable Conslderation, recoiDC whereo,`� is liereby ncknowledged, an essement is hereby gra�tted to
THE PACIFIC TEIk;PHONE AND TEI�:GRAPH COMPANY� a cor�oratlon, Sts oucceasora and arisigna, w1Ch the rigtit.
privllege and authority to construct, reconstruct. oDerate, insDect, mnintain or remove linea oI teleDhone
� and telegraph, or other aignal or co�nunication circuits, conaisting of auch uncfer�ound conduita, cablea,
manholes and other markers, poles. fixtures and aDDurtonancoe as tho grantee may from time to time requirie,
upon, across, over and/or under the follawing described property aM the roada, atrceta or highways thereto
ad�olning� sltuated in the county of �G , 3tate of Wa»hington:
Commencing at the center of �ection 5, Township 23 North, �an;e 5 East i�i. M.;
thence south g9° 30� 5011 east along the east and west centerline of said Section �
for 25.0 feet to an intersectior� with -L-he easterly right of way line o�' the Paci.fic
�„ Coast �ailroad the true 1'oint of Beginning; thence continueing south $9° 30T 50" east
,� a��ng��he east and west center line of said Section $ for 1�25.9 feet, more or less, to
an intersection with the �resterly right of v�ray of the Pacific Coast �ailroa,d, Nev�castle
�� Branch; thence southeasterly 30, inore or less, along said ri�ht of tiaay line to a point �
� on a line parallel to the said east and west center lirze of said Section $, and a -!
C� distance therefrom 30 ieet; thence north $9� 30' S0't west for 1�45 feet, more or less,
'� to an intersection zTith the easterly ri�ht of way of the Pacific Coast Railroad Compan�;
�f /) thence north along said easterly right of wa.y for 30 feet, more or less, to the True
`J Point of Beginning. ,
_ .
I It is understood and a reed that this eas�ment herein ranted is sub`ect to the ri ht
g g J g
of G'rantor to require .Grantee to relocate, changa ox modify their lines, circuits �nd
accessories upon.xeasonable notice to .Grantee of not less than 60 days, in the event
that Grantor decides and determines tn use said properties for any public p�trpose; any
such relocation or modification, as demanded by Grantz�r, shall be at the. sole eost and
expense of Grantee.
The grantee ahall have the r1Bht to remove any trees, or Darts of trees or other vegetatior
within fiVe (,�,) feet oP said lines and may level and �ade a striD of land extending not more than
• � -f1VP.(�. =eei ori each side ot the center llne of said linea. The grantor for himself, his helrs, eaecutcrs,
administrators� aucceasors and assi�s hereby covenants that no structure will be erected or Dermitted
wlthln fifteen (16) feet of sald llnes; that no digging will be done or permitted within tifteen (lb) Ieet
of said linea which w111 in a�y maruier disturb their eolidity or unearth any portion thereot; and that no'
blasting br discharge oi any exDlosives will be permitted wlthin fiiteen (ib) teet ot said lines. All
conduit° br�cable laid urider this �snt shall be laid upon a route as now located, and shall be btu�ied to
auch depth�as not td•in�e��ere with the ordinary cultivatlon ot said land. The grantee ahall at all times .
re sona
2�ave the right of�� ingress to and egreas from said proDerty for ali purposea hereln mentioned. including
the r1gY►t to Dlace and maintain gates ln tencea at the Doint or pointa where the Tight of way intersects
said'rencea:, bu�. 'same shall not interfere with the rights of Grant�r and its use of
said property fbr public purposes. ,
IN WITNE88 Wf�REOF, Che underal�ed has executed thia lnstrument thie llth�ay of Februa.r�r � 18�7
cz� aF x�rr�N
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On this day Dersonally aDPeared before me�r-R• B�►XTER. Mavor �tnc�
E. L.. 1�T.T:�AAT�IF:_R,� Cit� C1�erk
to me lmown to be Lhe Sndlvidual$_described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument�
, and acXnow2edged tk1$t�� eigned the same ae '�heiP oWri free anA voluntary act and
4eed� for the uaes and Dur'Doaes therein mentioned.
0lYea1 uriQer �v han4 and offlciai aeal this day of_ � 19�Q, G_ ,
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Nota�y Public in and for the Stsca ot ���
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� ,' ° � r - ? , Feturn t� �ant2e at
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, � '�� . � �� Seattle �. hashin�tea.
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' � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �-- 0 o S- �-6� . 4 � '
For a valuable conslderatlon, recaiDt whereof is hereby acknavledged, an easement Sa her•eby p,ranted to
THE PACIFIC TELE;PHONE AND TEIF:GftAPH COMPANY,�a corD�ratlon, its nucce�sora and arisigna. wiCh Lhe riettt,
Drivllege and authority to construct, reconstruct� operate, inapect, rnaintain or remove linea of tele phone
and telegraph, or other aignal or co�nunicatlon circuita� conalsting of such underground conduits, cables,
maMoles and other markers. Doles, flxtures and apDurtc�nancoa as tho grantee may from tlme to tlme reqult'e,
upon, acrosa� over and/or under the follawing described property an4 the roada, atreeca or highways thereto
adJoininB, situated in the county of,��� , 3tate of Waehington:
Commenc3.z�g a'� the �e��er �f ���it�r� �, �rs�msia5�p 23 I���'th, Ptia,n�� � �a�t, W�A�i.3
thEnc� �out�a �9° 3�3' �0�' ea�t a�.ong the east and west aer��erline nf s�,.d �ec�ia� 8
for 2�.i� f�e� to an i���rsec�ion r�i�h the ea.st�rly ri�h� c�f ka� 7.�.r�e o�' �t�e Pacif�.�
�o�s� Rai.lra�d tY�e ��e Poit�t o� Be�.n�a�; theuce cant3.neae�.n� �cauth 89�' 3fl� �fl" east
alflng th� e�.�t and wes� eer�ter 13.n� of �aid Se�t3a� 8 �'or 1�2�.9 f�e�, ��z�� or l�ss, ta
a�n ifitersection wi�h �he w�ster�,y right c��` way of ��i� Pac�£�.e C,rc�a� R,a�.lroad3 N��cast2e
Branch; �hence s�u�heast erl�► �t7, i�c�re or less, alc�ng �ai.d. r�.ght v� �ia� �.i.ne to �, po�.n�
or a I.i.n�; �ar�,�.Iel to the sa,�.d e�� and �s� �e�ter l�.ne c�f said Sectian �f and a
d�.�tanc� therefrom 3� ��e�� '�hence naac�h 89° 3C�' ��3" t��st .�or ��� fect, mti�e fl� �ee��
to an ixrtex�eecti�an �.�h the ea�ter�� �°a.�.t.af wa� �f th� Paci�'7tc Goast R��.road Compa�3
thence nnrth al��g �t�d ea.�te�l� right af �as.� f�r 3Q .£��t, mc��e ar I��s, t4 the fiz�.e
Poin� of �eg3.�in�g.
It is u�ders�ood. ar��. a;greed tha.t this �as�m�� h���3.r� �ran�ed i� sub�ee'� to �t�e right
of t�rantmr �a require Grantee to relocat�, ehange or moc�3.f'� �h��.r lines, c�.�e�ts arld
aeces�oa�.es upon reas�nab2e nQt�.c� to �rante� of �c�t le�� than f� c����, �.II '�'.P1E even�
tha.t Grantar dec�.de� at�d de�err�3.ne� �o use s�c3 praperties �or any pu1�13c purpo�e,� a,�
such relfl�a�3.on or rnQd3ficat:L�m, as derga�,�ed by Gratator, sha31 b� at the s��e es�s� asnd
e�ens�; 4f Grantee.
The Brantee ahali have the right to semove any trees, or Aarts of treea or other vegetatior
wlthin ��ti'�' (�1 feet oP said lines and may level and grade a strip of land eztending not more than
���f'�_feet oA each eide of the center line of said lines. The grantor for hlmself, his helrs. egscutors,
administrators� auccessors attd assi�s hereby covenants that no structure will be erected or permitted
withln filteen (16) feet of said linea; that no digging will be done or Dermitted within fifteen (16) teet
ot said lines which wlll in any manner dlsturb their eolidity or unearth any portion thereof; and tY►at ao
blasting or dlscharge o2 any explasives will be permltted r�lthin fifteen (16) Leet ot said lines. All
conduit or cable laid under thls �ant shall be laid upon a route ,as n.ow located, and ahall be b�sied to •
such depth as������r�ere with the ordinary cultivation oP said land. The Brentee ahall at all times .
l�ave the right o 3fB�=ingress to and egreas 8rom said proDerty tor all purposes hereln mentioned. including
the riBht to Dlace and maintain gates in Yences at the Doint or points where the rlght of way intersects
said tencea� but 8ame �hal.l not ir�ter.£ere with th� right� af Grantor a�d its use of
said pr4per��r .�ar pub).i.c purpo��s. ��
IN WITNE83 Wf�REOF, Che underaigned has executed .thls instrument this ���� �tay ot F�'��'u��, 191�.
�'r�`�'� ��' �s.'��'��
f�� s1o� �. �3a�er
f s! E. L. Alex�tader_
Cit� Clerk
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O�i t is da raonail aD sred betore me ��� �' ���+ �'�3�4r &Tic�
�. �. A���r�, c�.�� �i��� ,
to me ]mown to be the Sndividual $ deacrlbed in and-who executed the within and toregoing lnstrument�
and acknowledged that ��� aigned the same as �����` '� tree and voluntary act and
deed� for the uaea snd Durpoaes therein mentioned.
Olveq url4er n4y hand and orriciai aeal this�'�`�h day o* �''���� � ie��
/s/ �ox'i3'�tlteal $. GO88�'�
Notary Publlc ln and for the 8tsto ot ��'��"��'���
reslding at Renton.
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of/icv of sho Aud'itor oi
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�'"._a z ,�,� '� � Seattle 22, Washln�ton. c;
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