HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 5475309 � � , , , ��"���Qt9 � ' �(�l�.c)�..t'�` PaGEc���
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E. A. S: EMEN. T
KNOVV ALL MEN BY THESE FRESENTS, tha,t the United States of
� America, ac�Ging by and through the Public Housing Administration, for
� .
.� good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknovrledged,
�� ?~ does hereby remS.se, release and quitclaim to the City of Renton in Ka.ng
� County, Washington, an easement for the constru�ction, opera�ion and
maintenance of sewer and water rr�ains through, under, along and across
certain real prc�perty situated in the C3.ty of Renton, County of Kzng, {
State of ViTashington, as shown on plat designated '�Proposed Sanitary
Sevrer and Water Main Easement" dated A�ril 11, 1952, hereto attached, `
said real property being more par�icularly descr3.bed as follows:
A'. ten foot strip of la.nd, situated in �ection 9, Twp. 23 N.
Range 5 E. �i'M. in the �ity of Renton, �iTashington, 5� be3.r�g
on each side of the follo�ring described center line:
Beginning at a point on the 1/4 Section line of said Section 9, �
792.18t south of the NE Corner of the SW 1/4 of said Section 9;
Thence S 86° 43 t 41�� 'L'Y, 303.83� to a�manhole ir� "L'� Street in
the City- of Renton. _ � . _
TN WTTNESS WFiEREOF, the United States of America, ac�ing by and
throTagh the Public Housir�g Administration, has caused this instrument to �
� be exe cut ed t hi� __����day of , , 1952 a
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Dir ctor,
� San rancis co Fie ld Office
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' _ On thi.s � .� da� of 1952, before me �
ti.=..� �. - . o� , a Nota Public in and for the State of
Ca ifo nia, residing at San rar�cisco, appeared J. G. Melville, to me
personally known, who being du.lg sworn did say tha.t he is the Director, �
�an Franca.sco Fie1d Office, Public Housing Administration of the United
�tates of ,America, and tha� said instrument �ras signed on beha,lf of ths
United States of America by authority of 1aw, and that the �said J. G.
Melville acknowledged sai�. instruraen� to be the free act and deed of
the United States of America.
' IN TESTIMONY �REOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my ha,nd and affixed
. my offic3,al�;fseal the day and year first above written.
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Eiled tor Record .�1-�-�-� !1`�i�� �� f�Rr
Request of`�.C>,,...�.��.c.c'za-.,,�_ (�,�'� �,���C"'.
ROBERT A. MORRIS, Countv�A�toi'
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