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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/2010 - Minutes • • City o f Ren ton :��Y OF RENTON �E� � � zo,o Board of Park Commissioner,���R s�F�E ° C���O�. �� Meeting Minutes July 13, 2010 4:30 p.m. — City Hall Conferencing Center-7th floor I. CALL TO ORDER In Attendance The following members were present: Members: Cynthia Burns, Mike 0'Donin, AI Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Ron Regis,Tim Searing Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Kelly Beymer, Kris Stimpson, Vanessa Dolbee,Todd Black Chair, AI Dieckman, called the July 13, 2010, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Roll call was taken;Troy Wigestrand was absent. Larry Reymann made a motion seconded by Mike O'Donin to excuse this absence. All were in favor, motion carried. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Mike O'Donin and seconded by Cynthia Burns to approve the agenda as presented. All were in favor, motion carried, the July 13, 2010, agenda was approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Cynthia Burns and seconded by Ron Regis to approve the June minutes as written, all were in favor, motion carried. The June 2010 minutes were ' approved as submitted. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATION Jim McClaflin, Renton Sailing Club President, mentioned a couple classes being held. The Club currently has 50 families in their organization and they are planning to participate in the Renton River Days Parade. Jim also noted the positive impact with the bicycle clubs and changes in the parking problems experienced before when the bicyclists were leaving their cars all day at the park while they cycle. City of Renton • • Park Board Minutes July 13,2010 Page 2 of 4 Board Communication Public Budget Committee Board member AI Dieckman and Cynthia Burns attended the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee. This Committee is comprised of various citizens by the City initiated to receive feedback and put their best efforts to examine what the community wants. The Committee will meet six times. AI and Cynthia noted one commonality in conversations with the collective group is they "love the parks." Terry noted this is the first year the public has been brought into the budget process. Fifteen finalists are participating in this group. Coulon Restrooms Mike O'Donin, Board member, commented that on the previous weekend around 4:00 p,m. the park was very crowded. Comments were made to him that the condition of the restrooms were not up to the usual clean standards. Staff will look into current scheduling and formulate a plan to accommodate the additional traffic and guests when unexpected warm weather arrives. V. DISCUSSIONS/ACTION ITEMS Parks Recreation Open Space Natural Resources Plan An overview of the PRO Plan was presented outlining what the plan will do and why it is important to the citizens of Renton. The plan will promote a healthy community, improve livability,facilitate recreational opportunities, and enhance economic development while increasing funding opportunities. The plan is important to the City by providing a physical policy and funding framework for guiding the City's decision making over a 20-year planning period. It will assess, analyze, and predict the current ' and future demand and need for recreation facilities and services based upon the population, demographics, trends, and participation rates. When adopted the Plan will be submitted for certification providing the City state grant funding eligibility. The most recent plan was in 2003. Since completion of the plan the city has identified projects and received $250,000 in state grant funding and 1.2 million in local funding. The 2010 Plan process is led by the Community Services Department and Community and Economic Development Department and will be approximately a one year process. The 2010 request for proposal went out for advertisement for consultant services in ' March with twelve submittals received with a scope of services negotiated from the Inter-departmental team. Other groups participating will include the public, stakeholder �, groups, steering committee, inter-departmental team, Parks and Planning Commission and the Council. , H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board\2010ParkBoard\7min.docx City of Renton • � Park Board Minutes July 13,2010 Page 4 ot 4 ADJOURNMENT Troy Wigestrand made a motion seconded by Larry Reymann to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor, motion carried meeting adjourned at 5:49 p.m.. f ;�� ' Signature H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board\2010ParkBoard\7min.docx City of Renton � • Park Board Minutes July 13,2010 Page 3 of 4 Four open house meetings will involve the public and provide hands-on workshops in conjunction with household surveys and interactive websites. The Plan's key elements will include a new natural resources section, green infra-structure components, an inter- departmental stewardship needs assessment, and a recreational program needs assessment. The other essential elements will include an inventory and analysis of parks, recreation facilities and natural areas; level of service assessment; park system standards and classification analysis; trends analysis; gap analysis; conceptual plans for underutilized park areas; six-year implementation pla;n and comprehensive plan policy language. Impact Mitipation Fees Leslie Betlach and Todd Black updated the Board on the impact mitigation fees. The current fees were formulated in 1993 and SEPA based. Fire and Transportation are also going thru this process. Leslie is working with the consultant to review park levels of service (LOS) to determine current park capacity (surplus and shortfall) and utilizing population forecasts to determine future park needs based upon LOS. Maintaining as much latitude for use of the collected fees will be the goal, however under Growth Management, collected fees cannot be used to backfill identified park shortfalls (negative capacity). The parks impact fee schedule will directly tie into the development of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan and Capital Facilities Plan as the impact fee will be a source of funding for acquisition and development. Estimated completion is 2010. CED is coordinating this project for the City. VI. Administrator's Report The monthly Community Status Report was not mailed in July—the next mailing should not have repetitious information in it. Terry announced Gloria is retiring June 30th. As part of the budget cuts we are not planning on replacing this position for the remainder of 2010. We are working on getting it back for 2011. The number of teams for the annual Renton River Days Sam Chastain Golf Tournament is light. We need 16-24 teams to hold the tournament, we will make a decision on Friday if we have to cancel or can go ahead. There will not be an August meeting. Staff is working on revising the park rules and regulations. National Night Out will be held August 3, 2010, from 4:00-7:30 p.m. at Jones Park. Information regarding IKEA Renton River Days and the teen musical was distributed. VII. INFORMATION � Kelly indicated the golf course would initiate on a trial basis a single rider rate. � Terry invited the Board to attend Gloria Gamba's retirement party on June 28th in the Council Chambers at 1:30 p.m. H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2010ParkBoard\7min.docx � � . City of �1 �� --� ��, �--,.. �—t� c: °n ���.��.��'�� �I ���� � �a'�� � �, ��g� „�r��.-.� -�,.��.��� ;�l�. PARKS, RECREATION, OPEN SPACE AND NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN . STEERING COMMITTEE Organization 2010 Plan Representative Renton SChool DIStrICt (School Board Member), Citizen AI Talley Renton Community Services Administrator Terry Higashiyama Renton Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director Leslie Betlach Renton Recreation Director Tim Williams Renton Parks Commission Tim Searing Citizen Julio Amador Senior Citizens Marge Cochran-Reep Trails Committee Pete Maas Arts Commission Britt McKenzie Chamber Chairman Kirk Merrill Greater Renton Youth Soccer Assoc. (vP competition) Rich Turner Renton Little League (Pres�dent) Chris Hanis Renton Youth Council Bo Woo EIlVIC0111'T1211t8I �Renton Parks Commission) Larry Reymann Renton Community and Economic Development, Planning Vanessa Dolbee Renton Planning Commission, Member Gwendolyn High Page 1 of 1 C:IUserslspilaflAppDatalLocallMicrosoftlWindowslTemporary Internet FileslContent.OutlooklQVKBW5HT1Pks Rec Open Space Plan-Steering Committee Rv 2010 Membership • • �'�--__- `� CltY Of � 5 � Y�! �I�� �� �a :�,�'.. � l�J� �;.�.�����.�,.�rl C�� ,�� Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Natural Resources Pian Interdepartmental Team Name Department Phone No. Email Address Karen Bergsvik Human Services 425-430-6652 Kber�svik@rentonwa.�ov Comm Srvcs/Parks Planning& Leslie Betlach Natural Resources 425-430-6619 Lbetlach( Comm Srvcs/Parks and Golf Kelly Beymer Course 425-430-6617 Kbeymer@rentonwa.�ov Comm Srvcs/Parks Planning& Todd Black Natural Resources 425-430-6571 Tblack@rentbnwa.�ov Kent Curry Police Commander 425-430-7555 Kcurrv@rentonwa.�ov CED/Economic Development & Jennifer Davis Hayes Neighborhood 425-430-6589 Vanessa Dolbee CED/Planning 425-430-7314 VdolbeeCa�rentonwa.�ov Comm Srvcs/Parks Planning& Terrence Flatley Natural Resources 425-430-6601 Terry Higashiyama Community Services 425-430-6606 Thigashiyama@rentonwa.�ov Lys Hornsby Public Works/Utility Systems 425-430-7239 Lhornsbv@rentonwa.�ov Gina Jarvis Finance/Fiscal Services 425-430-6929 Giarvis(c�rentonwa.�ov Michael Nolan Comm Srvcs/Facilities 425-430-6608 Mnolan(«�rentonwa.�ov Peter Renner Comm Srvcs/Facilities 425-430-6605 Prenner@rentonwa.�ov Bonnie Rerecich Community Services 425-430-6624 Brerecich@rentonwa.�ov Jim Seitz Public Works/Transportation 425-430-7245 Jseitz(a�rentonwa.�ov Kristine Stimpson Comm Srvcs/Recreation 425-430-6713 Kstimpson@rentonwa.�ov Chip Vincent CED/Planning 425-430-6588 Cvincent@rentonwa.�ov C:\Users\spilatWppDatalLocal\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.0utlook\QVKBW5HT�Pks Rec Open Space Plan_Interdepartmental Team Updated 5/19/2010 � � . ii .,.:.:,�,}. �`.� �o,'.`::�..,.,'.:: .. .:.�� .,_,�. .. .�. .... . PARKS, RECREATION, OPEN SPACE AND What will the Plan Do? NATURAL RESOURCES Why is it Important? PLAN Parks I � Commission f, July 13, 2010 � ;� . �:: PLAN OVERVIEW PLAN OVERVIEW -.��- � Why is the Plan ImpOttant Why is the Plan Important to the City? o provides a physical,policy,and funding framework for to Renton Citizens? guiding the City's decision making over a 20-year planning period. e� Instrumental in promoting a c+ Blueprint for Parks,Recreation,Open Space and Natural healthy community �.'},., Resources acquisition,development,expansion,and programming. E: Improves iivability c� Assesses,analyzes and predicts the curtent and future r. Facilitates new/im fOV2d • '�''' demand and need for recreation facilities and services P based upon po ulation,demographics,Vends,and recreational oppoRunities y paRicipation ra�es. E� Enhances Economic � _ �� Once adopled the Plan will be submitted to ihe Washinglo�State Recreation and Conserva6on Office Development , (Rco)for cenificatian. K Facilitates habitat protection J fu�nding el gib1liytion provides the Ciry state grant r Increases Funding :� The Plan will also be an integrai part of applying for and OPPOftUfTlti25 receiving grant funding from other sources. 1 • , . � PLAN HISTORY PLAN HISTORY E� City Council adopted ptans in 1978,1984,1�993,�and y T Funding received helped to facilitate the N. ��y~r y, 2003. completion of the following projects: €� The most recent plan,2003 Long-Range Park, Recreation,and Open Space Plan: Edlund/Korum Property Acquisition Limited plan Heritage Park Property Acquisition and Adopted by Council in May 2003 Developme�t(formerly Heather powns, Six-year RCO certification expired in May 2009 this project was first identified in the 1978 Since adoption,the City has completed 11 of the 20 plan) __ - identified projects and received approximately Henry Moses Aquatic Center $250,000 in state grant funding and$1.2 million in Veterans Memorial Park �: ' local funding. Maplewood Golf Course Parkin ;.;�<�#.��_ Improvements �' ;D '• Tiffany Park Activity Building � _,� � And more.... � ' e - `� � ` �°�°.� 2010 PLAN PROCESS 2010 PLANNING .. ._ .�..4..,.. PROCESS + Led by the Community Services ° Department(Parks Planning and �~� Natural Resources Division)and the Community and Economic Development Department(Plannin Division) � �� Approximately a one-year Planning Process 4l. ..;:.� 2 1 � • 2010 PLAN PROCESS 2010 PLAN PROCESS , Progress to Date: Other participation groups: c Advertised for consultant services in March Twelve Proposals were received €� Public! A sub-group of the Inter-departmental Team �; Stakeholder Groups .� selected three consulting firms for interviews r5 Steering Committee SvR Design Company was unanimously selected ' and f i Inter-departmental Team A Scope of Services was successfully negotiated �a Parks Commission � with input from the Inter-departme�tal Team �, Planning Commission ' .::0.,:4 f� + City Council COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT COMMUNITY INVOLMENT . . ._..__._ .. � Four open house meetings �! Statistically Valid Random Household Survey , Leam about whaYs happening ° Interactive Website Provide meaningful input and Content will inctude copies of materials shared at Contribute to the project vision,goals,and pubiic meetings objectives Discussion boards and survey features � One Community F An interactive map Visioning Workshop •:•Zoom and pan capabilities will allow users to Three to four make site specific comments one-hour,hands- °=Public feedback will be summarized on workshops by geographic location Collaborative work station for , communitY � ,�:. "•�- a,:�' � planning areas =„. ., , y�;; , �-� 3 I • � � COMMUNITY INVOLMENT THE PLAN'S KEY ELEMENTS � Four Steering Committee meetings �"� """�"" NeW Key Elements: Y � Five Stakeholder Group meetings r A new natural resources section ��� FOUf j0lflt P8f1(S COfT1fT11SSiOn 8fld Pl8fif11flg - Eligible for expanded grant funding opportunities Commission meetings sa Green infra-structure component � Up t0 SiX Clty COUnCiI Identify and map the Citys en6re public land base meetings `w;� ,. ' ' exclusive of ownership and management authority,thereby � increasing lhe potential fw public access to green spaces; ci An inter-departmental stewardship needs assessment A holistic approach to land management,acquisition,and development belween City depaAments '"' ' � A recreation program needs assessment s, �-k Evaluate recreation programs for service gaps,efficiencies, and potential part�ership opportunities THE PLAN'S KEY ELEMENTS LET'S GET STARTED Essential elements will include: � " " - �� t An inventory and analysis of parks,recreation, ,'..°.;��,:� facilities,and natural areas ;�� E Level of service assessment ` F� Park system standards and classification analysis 1 x�� E. Trends analysis x� r� Gap analysis r� Concept plans for four undeveloped and/or under- utilized park areas r Six-year implementation plan with funding strategies �, �` and �{. �!I �° r Comprehensive Plan Policy language. � K� � .l..' � �,. . 4 PARK AND OPEN SPACE CLASSIFICATION . (Figures shown in Acres) Park and Open Space - 2003 Plan 2010 Park Name Neighborhood Community Regional Special Use Open Space Neighborhood Community Regional Special Use Open Space Black River Riparian Forest 92.00 92.00 Burnett Linear Park 1.00 1.00 Cascade Park 8.86 Cedar River Natural Area 237.00 237.00 Cedar River Park 20.45 20.45 Cedar River Trail Park 24.20 24.20 Cleveland Richardson Park 23.66 23.66 Community Garden/Greenhouse 0.46 0.46 Earlington Park 1.54 � 1.54 Edlund Property � 17.87 Gene Coulon Beach Park 57.00 57.00 Glencoe Park 0.42 � 0.42 Heritage Park 4.30 9.18 Highlands Park 10.40 10.40 Honey Creek Open Space 35.73 35.73 Jones Park 1.18 � 1.18 Kennydale Beach Park 1.76 1.76 Kennydale Lions Park 5.66 5.66 � Kiwanis Park 9.00 9.00 Lake Street Open Space 1.01 . 1 Liberty Park 11.89 11.89 Maplewood Golf Course 190.00 190.00 Maplewood Park 2.20 2.20 Maplewood Roadside Park � 1.00 1.00 May Creek Greenway 29.82 39.03 ' May Creek Park/McAskill 10.00 10.00 NARCO Property 15.00 15.00 ,, North Highlands Park 2.64 2.64 'i H:\PARKS\Parks Director\Planning\Impact Fees\FINAL DOCS\Park&Open Space Classification 9-21-2009(FINAL 6-23-2010).xls PARK AND OPEN SPACE CLASSIFICATION (Figures shown in Acres) Park and Open Space - 2003 Plan 2010 Park Name Neighborhood Community Regional Special Use Open Space Neighborhood Community Regional Special Use Open Space Panther Creek 4A Parcei 3.60 Panther Creek Wetlands 74.31 74.31 Philip Arnold Park 10.00 10.00 Piazza & Gateway 0.80 0.80 R on Wetlands 125.00 129.30 iew Park 11.50 11.50 Ron Regis Park 45.00 45.00 SE 186th Place Properties 0.57 Senior Center Propert 2.60 _ Sit In Park 0.50 0.50 � S rin brook Watershed 38.00 53.76 Springbrook Watershed Park 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sunset Court 0.88 0.88 Talbot Hill Reservoir 2.50 2.50 Thomas Teasdale Pa�-k 10.00 10.00 Tiffany Park 7.00 7.00 Tonkin Park 0.29 0.29 V terans Memorial Park 0.20 sor Hills Park 4.50 4.50 Nei hborhood Communi Re ional S ecial Use O en S ace Nei hborhood Communi Re ional S ecial Use Open Space TOTALS 93.87 127.74 57.00 190.46 666.53 141.35 129.54 57.00 193.25 666.31 Total Acres/All Classifications - 2003 Plan = 1,135.60 Total Acres/All Classifications - 2010 = 1,187.45 H:\PARKS\Parks Director\Planning\Impact Fees\FINAL DOCS\Park&Open Space Classification 9-21-2009(FINAL 6-23-2010).xls .� __,. CITY OF RENTON - PARK VALUATION - 2010 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY&REGIONAL PARKS Land Assessment (King County- Land Value per.' , Land.Value per Park Acrea e 2010) Acre Square Foot NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Burnett.Cinear Park ' 1. :.$' , :1;054r200<=E`.,i:'"<'=::1;054;200?'3``_;,<::..'�::�;f.:';24;20� Cascade Park 8.86 $ 240,000 $ 27,088 $ 0.62 .ClevelandlRichardsorr.Property(Undeveloped) 23.66: .� .;S . , 7;461#000;�$.. -. . ..,^61;750.,:,$;�':•.., � ,. .. 1:42: Earlin on Park 1.54 $ 336,000 $ 218,182 $ 5.01 Edlund Pro e 17:87 . :$ 1,889;200". .$. : ,:105;Z19�;$:>.; 2.43• Glencoe Park 0.42 $ 145,000 $ 345,238 $ 7.93 �Herita ePark�- . 9:18' :' .�a: 1;930�000>.;E . = :;:=210;240'=5�:::,::;';-;; "� :-4:83: Jortes Park 1.18 $ 1,488,600 $ 1,261,525 $ 28.96 . Kenn dale;Beach;Park*. ,::4:36 . : ::$�:: �'• ::1;505;000:'t:$� .• t1;t06;618'�y$:-.:r��:.>.>.25:40�: Kenn dale Lions Park 5.66 $ 835,500 $ 147,615 $ 3.39 :Kiwanis:.Park.... ._;,. - , 9: :.:;.=,S:,. _ -.':624;000'r;$.,.. . : :-:69�333��$`..:..:..:::..::. 1:59: Ma lewood Park 2.2 a 429,000 $ 195,000 $ 4.48 Ma Creek/McAskill;Undevelo ed ::. .: ..:: : .:.:,10:.-.�.:•S..%c,�; --:463�OOOm;�� ,:=:a;;:�46,300�'a3:��=-,�z::::- . •9:06> North Hi hlands Park 2.64 $ 675,900 � 256,023 3 5.88 Phili �Arnold�P.ark-:.,_ :...:. : .•. . �.10:. . e.S:�:.: �-::: .=351;000#s$:�.,..-,::.�.::�:35�'OOk,'$a.:-:::;;�: ..0:81: Riverview Park 11.5 $ 8,000 $ 696 $ 0.02 ,Sunset;Court PaFk: _•�.. , , . 0:88:�:. ',�S � r533f800„,;$:.' : :606;591�,.:$k�.:':-. :13:93: Talbot Hill Reservoir Park 2.5 $ 757,000 $ 302,800 $ 6.95 ThomasTea"sdalesPark •. : : ..10:. .`. -.�::�:%"�1;839;000�:';5;,..m;:=;_.183;900y>S-M�:s.�:���r: :::'4:22; Tiffan Park 7 $ 1,420,000 $ 202,857 $ 4.66 ;�ndsor:HillsPark:,:�:-;..:::::_;..., . :�..:.,4:5-:� ;�::S��;.'.:;.'��3TO;OOO�t;$:.>:::��;_�;�'82;Z22�::$<'<`<���'::�:1�:.1:89� TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS 140.95 $ 18,355 200 130,225 $ 2.99 *Acrea e owned b the Ci not includin 0.4 acres leased from BNSF. COMMUNITY PARKS . =Cedar>RiVer,Pa�k�=:,:.: ' -•_'20s45r ;�:%;S,'>?�_;-��:9;885;7.00R:5:�,=:>;:�:""-::�s483;408��3�z:`";-�_'::.: 11:10F Cedar River Trail Park 24.2 $ 6,506,000 $ 268,843 $ 6.17 'Hi Hlands:Park.;:.- :.. ;�� ,. :; �: ;:1D.4r::: ;:$s;:-:�:.::�2;�498;900�:5:='.�,;;c.".�240i27,9��$:i;,.;:�si��=;;:: �:;5:52; - � Libe Park 11.89 $ 7,341,700 $ 617,468 $ 14.18 � NARCO:�Pro e �:?;_�;:;�>:,::,:�:..;_;, ,:. ;;,.:,:;15:.x�.,-._.1�5-:;+:,:=�`.<-',7;637;833:;$k:!._�;,�:,.�i�109;189�?$�>;�:...;.: .�; ,:,-2:51T Renton Senior Activi Center Pro e 2.6 $ 1,016,500 $ 390,962 $ 8.98 ;. .. . :. _ ' . . Ron�Re is:Park:::::e �:..=_�<;.;':, . .. . ;-:.:;45�;. .=�$"..:_:.;,,-:;83&000#>S'r �>:_: ::�::318;622��3i:: .��::.,;.: :.`0:43. TOTAL COMMUNITY PARKS 129.54 $ 29,724,633 229 463 $ 5.27 REGIONAL PARK i `° :: Gene Coulon Memorial�Beach Park"��. ...:• .'; �:' ::27:69:::-;a;$-'.-,,;:�30;157;000;��.$;:°•;,.�.;��'1;089;094�.a�':.�.;,::;;;.-<: .�25:OOc *Actual acrea e owned b the Ci not includin 29.31 acres leased from BNSF. I Community Services/Parks Division Park_Valuations(FINAL 6-15-2010).xls � Page 1 ' ._ . CITY OF RENTON - 2010 PARK VALUATION OPEN SPACE PARKS Incomplete Incomplete Land Acreage Sampling Assessment Land Value Cand'Value Park Total Acreage" for Valuation"`* (King County 2010) per.Acre per Square Foot OPEN SPACE PARKS �Black:RiveryRipariantForest:;.. 92:...: .. .. .� 23:26=- .: " -:r;.5�=-:`-z :'5;066;800� ::=��';.�-;�: ..:::::.217;833§�$<.:.:,.`.;:'.:;;;��`;a:?;5:00� Cedar River Natural Area 237 115.94 $ 5,345,500 46,106 $ 1.06 �';Hone -Creek,.,.�...:.. _,.. , ._ - _ � .35:73 . 33:98• .:.'..� ,.$; •. ..:�. =1;646;900;�::.. ::+48;467�«$ =:�7;�'1`I� ,«•, . Lake Creek O en S ace 1.01 1.01 $ 246,000 243,564 $ , 5.59 Ma Creek Greenwa 39.03 11.87 $ 1,419,300 119,570 $ 2.74 Panthe�GreeK:14=A-• ,3:6 ':. 3:58� �- '$ �: .: ::7:7;900;:;':=: �<:_ s:�. :;21�;.7.60>>$'a.' . .... ...: :.::p450°, Panther Creek Wetlands 74.31 39.1 $ 1,189,000 30,409 $ 0.70 Renton>Wetlands= 129:3� :_ : . `= 101:61:._ :. � a�$'.-..;:.:'8;704;000<;''=<_=_:'. ,:�:�:��85;66�'I�:$;:: . �. ::::'�. :�1�97��� SE 186th Place Pro erties 0.57 0.57 $ 1,000 1,754 $ 0.04 TOTAL OPEN SPACE PARKS 612.55 330.35 $ 23,695,400 71,728 $ 1.65 ' Springbrook Watershed(53.76 ac.)not included due to management responsibilities and regulatory requirements. """ Incom lete acrea es created b usin a sam lin of arcels within each O en S ace Park. � Community Services/Parks Division June 2010 Page 1 «. . CITY OF RENTON - 2010 PARK VALUATION SPECIAL USE PARKS Land Assessment Land Value Land Value Park Acreages (King County 2010) per Acre per Square Foot SPECIAL USE PARKS CommUni` `Ga�den/Gteenhouse:-;� � ���0:46`•-. -:`:$•�::: 199762��' :=43�►;265��$1:;;��::xi:�. :9:97;; .... . . ..... __ ._. .. Ma lewood Roadside Park 1 $ 1,600 1,600 $ 0.04 �:Piaua�8�:'Gafewa �:::� 0:8:.<:. '$ :: . : 1;57.9;60�� 7;974;500;�;;$:i -.. 45:33_ Tonkin Park 0.29 $ 293,900 1,013,448 $ 23.27 • Veterans;�Memorial:'Park,. .;-,-�;� :.:,. :,0:2', : :.. : ,�:$:::�. :::,�:�410;000��::�• : .w�:2;050;000��$';;`:�_ =•:.:�.,•47AB< TOTAL SPECIAL USE PARKS 2.75 $ 2,484,862 903,586 $ 20.74 *Sit In Park(0.5 ac.)not included as it is within BNSF ROW;Maplewood Golf Course(190 ac.)not included as this is an ente rise fund. • Communit Services/Parks Division I� Y i June 2010 ' Page 1 � r i City of Renton Parks Property Value Assessment Renton - 2010 Average Cost Park Ameni Unit Invento Per Unit Ca itai Value Ballfieid field 9 310,000 $ 2,790,000 Ballfieid,Complete&Lighted field 4 710,000 $ 2,840,000 Basketball Court,Half court 3 125,000 $ 375,000 Basketball Court,Full court 7 190,000 $ 1,330,000 Basketball Court,Lighted court 3 240,000 $ 720,000 Boardwalk Trail linear feet 1,300 700 $ 910,000 Boathouse Pier pier 1 1,538,030 $ 1,538,030 Boathouse Pier Wood Floats float 2 154,750 $ 309,500 Kennydale Beach Pier,Bulkhead,Logboom pier 1 548,930 $ 548,930 Land-Passive/Landscaped acre 75 196,020 $ 14,701,500 Multi-Purpose Field acre 7 196,020 $ 1,372,140 Multi-Purpose Trail,12'wide,Paved mile 3.5 443,520 $ 1,552,320 Park Bridge bridge 4 $ 5,993,575 Parking Lot acre 18.5 305,000 $ 5,642,500 Pedestrian Trail,8'wide,AC Paved mile 3 295,680 $ 887,040 Pedestrian Trail,8'wide,Brick Paved linear feet 1,735 120 $ 208,200 Picnic Shelter shelter 7 55,000 $ 385,000 Play Equipment lot 19 110,000 $ 2,090,000 Skateboard Park,lighted park 1 500,000 $ 500,000 Soccer Field,All-Weather Surface field 1 340,000 $ 340,000 Tennis Court court 9 165,000 $ 1,485,000 Tennis Court,Lighted court 8 210,000 $ 1,680,000 Volleyball Court Sand court 2 45 000 $ 90,000 Park Amenity Subtotal $ 48,288,735 Coulon Park Amenities Restaurant building 2 $ 509,509 Picnic Gallery shelter 1 $ 323,673 Picnic Shelter shelter 4 $ 289,908 Bathhouse/Restroom building 1 $ 356,289 Restroom building 2 $ 259,676 ' Waterwalk,Small Boat Dock,Picnic Pads waterwalk 4 $ 4,390,025 Deck&Bulkhead @ Ivar's deck 1 $ 2,067,000 Boat Launch(8 lane) launch 1 $ 1,111,835 Sail Club Launch,Wood Float launch 1 $ 1,088,500 Bridge bridge 5 $ 1,110,250 Fishing Pier&Shelter pier 1 $ 457,938 Log Boom boom 1 $ 702,750 Coulon Park Amenities Subtotal $ 12,667,353 7/13/2010 • � . Average Cost Park Ameni Unit invento Per Unit Ca ital Value Buildings Activity Center building 5 $ 979,425 Neighborhood Center building 2 $ 2,490,064 Renton Community Center building 1 $ 5,062,334 CarcoTheater building 1 $ 1,998,806 Henry Moses Aquatic Center building 1 $ 3,966,232 Renton Senior Activity Center building 1 $ 2,742,035 Liberty Park Community Bldg. building 1 $ 569,716 Cedar River Boathouse building 1 $ 430,534 Kennydale Beach Bathhouse building 1 $ 81,466 Grandstand structure 1 $ 630,925 Greenhouse building 1 $ 65,293 Buildings Subtotal $ 19,016,830 . Land Value Neighborhood Park"` acre 140.95 129,856 $ 18,303,203 Community Park acre 129.54 229,463 $ 29,724,637 Regional Park(Coulon Memorial)** acre 27.69 1,089,094 $ 30,157,013 Open Space Park"`* acre 612.55 71,201 $ 43,614,173 Special Use Park**"* acre 2.75 903,586 $ 2,484,862 Land Value Subtotal $124,283,887 Capital.Value $204,256,805 2010 Population 86,230 Capital Value per Person $ 2,368.74 Assumption:Amenity costs include design,20%design contingency,Owner's 10%cont'rngency,&WSST. Note: Springbrook Watershed acreage(53.76 ac.)not included due to management and regulatory requirements. " Acreage does not include 0.4 acres leased from BNSF for Kennydale Beach Park. *• Acreage does not include 29.31 acres leased from BNSF for Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. "'* Open Space Park average acreage cost based on sampling of parcels,i.e.not 100%accurate. *'�* Special Use Park does not include Sit In Park(0.5 ac.),as the property is not owned by Renton,or Maplewood Golf Course(190 ac.),as this is an Enterprise Fund. 7/13/2010 -----Original Message----- � � From: Sandra J Pilat Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 9:33 AM To: Steve Brown; Kelly Beymer; Ernie Flowers Subject: FW: Windsor Hills Park -----Original Message----- From: 'Melissa Kamphaus'<> [] Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 12:17 AM To: Sandra J Pilat Cc: Subject: Windsor Hills Park Hello, I wasn't sure who to contact about a light that is out at Windsor Hills Park on Windsor Way. I live across the street and with the warmer weather we always seem to have our annual problem of teenagers in the park after hours drinking. Unfortunately they often break bottles and leave garbage thrown about which I end up cleaning up in the morning. I don't mind doing my part to keep the park clean, but my hope is that if the light is fixed it will make it seem less "friendly" for their nightly activities. My husband once again called 911 tonight about a car load of kids entering the park at 11:45. Thank you. This email request originated from the following link: z