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ORD 0448
(Iin��>ro�����u��nt Orcliitauc�_--Iii»u��di�te Y�iS•izieut Fortn.) � � _ , f� ,` .�^' ORDINANCE NO, __..:._.�`�.- � :1� Ol�I)[:\:��CE PROti'ID��C� I'OR� 'I'�IF �:�I�]'ROti'F:�II�.�'I' O_t;• TY�,� parcel,por�inn or 1.ot of land 3�.�.� ; belc�ii�it�� �u �l�te city- o�' aaattle,lcnown a,s trle Cedar i�i.ver �i�e Line Righ� �f `;'Iay��rhich i� 3.n ths we�� on� ��,1f a�' �alock four,,:�.r.�. th� part�,�.of �.ots,;�'aurt�',�i,�r+� �nd, ;xx,:z�c�.t in�lude�._,i,�, �aici �i�ht� of '1aY. ' in �.4i�: ��a3.r�c�. �`o»�'--M�'�r3�? 1.nt�r �ev�n, �i�;ht,na.nt►�C ana terl in �aid ������ b].c�ck f��t.zr .._�`ynd �.ots �ne,�twc�, t,:�xe�,f<�urj��.ve, �ix., ����creri, ei�;�lt, nine r.zx�ci :�:�rt 5.n �,,.oe?c f':;.uF ,r�.� �' � �,bove l�c� i�+ c�e�cr�.�ed or� t'r.�e �ri.r;in�,:l. plat t�x' t��le '�av�;� (n.a�°�r cit;;f? 01' t��:I'�.�'iUXl,�fr.�.xl� cot�,;.',y�`>�tatQ ay '.7'�,s.yin.�,t�.oz�,�.nci tl�x�.t pcaY��3.�n �f :':ii.l��. s�re�t ��d�,�.e��t i,o �.bai�e c�esr,rib�c�. I�.n� �,n� lot� '.'� C4'�1�'�2^i].Ct�.Tl�'; a 1r:,ter<a,1. ��wer on t���� e�st N��e nf saic'. ?:ta.11 �tx,•eet,�e;',�.nrzing �� �:a�e enci af' �G��e �;re�ent se�r�r (�r1L�.ch �.�� �C�� �'e�t �out�; of' t?�!e �ou�;��� �,i�ie o�' `i.'hir� ��.veriut>j � �,nd runt��in�; tl�e.nc� snuth ta �Gl��� nortY� line o�' ��+'ifth Avenue (or StreEt) � `` �� � ��;�,„c`��..,�' ,' =. t. all ili �lec�ir�lr�nc��� �vith Kesril�iti��u \��. .�z 'i'� ��f th,� Cit�- C��lir�cil oi� th��Cit;C"`of����Ze»to�l, �r��t�n� a lA�t11 i��il,r�»-��iu��nt �li,Yri��t� tlu�i�rl`���r, tuicl pro�-��lin� �tliat I�a�-nie�it 1'or 5aicl i�uproveiuent be �n�de b�- �l�ecial r�ssess- inents up�ui ��ropert;y- in 5�id clistirict payable 1��- tlie �uudc of "Inini��diete Y,��-�i�ent." �rTl�, r�l-r�� c��r�cll, 01��� �rn�; cr�� or I�L��ro:�, «r���Irr���r���. I�or� �>rti��.�l� .�� �,��r.r,o�ti���: Se��ti�i�i ].: 7'li:it �.�'�.�•" ���`t3��.�,pp.�"U�K��'I dx"` �.t3�'+ �51' �.�3,t1d �.C'�'Z''�; k�t��.C�i»t:���=�; t� ���.� C3.ty 0�' '>c;�.�:�i��a:xat���1� ��; #'.:}�e �€3d.R�x` :�t.f�i+�2' �'1�ii. .�ainc� 1��.�Jrit C3�" '.:`�,,�r.ti:i��1 �.:, :�ri ��a� ����t �n.�: h;�.l�' c��` �alo�k fr��zx'}t.i�zxc� ��;� p�r�� r��' �,�'t^ x�';�tzr,�"i�re a�c�. rr�.x#no�G i�al.�.��.�c� �.r� ��i��. :5i�;�k�� af ``'z�Y, ., . , . ,, - ..�;: �.. �,�::�� :; .. ,r z�: �:raix' ':.,�zc�c}: " �.'�sz:.z Ir��• ��"v'+�r� €��.��a�: i�i+x�e �. � ...� .l Qi.l.� .i Y Ga �ir"F{� 4{.tiY �F� � �:�:�.�s;.�:�.� � � t �:� .�:�.�.:� � ��I.c��.�: :f'€��� : xa� . ,�" '""`„"iY2C ''" C2t1t���;'t'1()s�.�lj.Y E?f' r�,`:}!�1" �3.�t`{' :��1." "€ . , � .+ : .'r:y •v� ,iyC;�7, ?�;� t:a.r�r� �.�:::: l; .°x ��� :.:�erck �'iv�� ,azs �` ;= a"�c�ve �.�d i:•:p r'�����►r���e� ���� ����z t}:C"�.;:�.2`1�1E�. ;�7.�.�;�.�:. A�` t'i�"tf` `.`�.'Q4t8�I �2`ICl'`� C:':��'r�'+ t,�:�` z.il:i`:t''.lJY1� ..,'�.7".<;� t`t'l2�c : `"�'a �+�:Q�'i;+� � f}� 's�3�'`,'.12 tir�;ltrbt"[�4�.Y1� '�''�:�'�i �3C,I.i'L�.+'�t7. �'�` .�.t� c?I 4`�.{�� i r,,r'+ .x..,1. •t- y -� . _ . .,y�.'�;C . . v a�1 t7.;7"ti..� 1i: c?.e��r�::�.;��t� l�.�ta �3 I�t� z�proved � � ,r � �1�'�;.s'��'1,.k's.�.Ylr.; `.0 .�..�,'��'�`.:7,1. :IL3'�:3:;.^ C�l"� 1�t�;3 ���t ��c.f: ��' �ra�,ir;� "�,Z� ��;.��c�t,��;�,.�.a����.»� .z°� �?:� �,��:�. +�f i ,•:f? i"�`!:�`?;�'�. ��r�� {,���i�.h i<:, :I�t'� ���� �{nyi:;-, �+f ���c� ��u�� �»�.az� �f �"';��,r�:J 3:�r�:�5,ar�} �.r�d rur����.��,, t`rz�:z�eQ ��r��'G12 1�� �:`ze n�x�:�? ��,n� a�' .,'i�'�3� :�-rr,nu� i or �tr��t} ztnd th�tit stich other �vork be clone as mtiy be necessary in connectiou therewith, �ecording to the plans �nd epecifications therefor prepared imder the clirection of tlte City En�ine .r and on file i tl�e��� o�,�t �,� c��,�l�. � �i�� �.��. ��.�s r�� ��v a��'�.���.c� rar� ���'b��,r ��r' ,� ��` �ection 2: Th�it the cost tznd e�pense of saia iii�proveiiient, iuclucling all necessary and incidental e�- penses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property inclndec� iti the assess�nent district heieinafter � ci�eated in �ccorclance with law. The City o� Renton sli�l-11 not be liable in an3r ni�nnei for any ��ortion of tii� ��ost and eYpense of said i��provement, e���n* ^n ����r�'�» �r"�-�-''�. i , I ��'j9�".�T�Y!!1�^E�1'F:(aZ'iiL'0��11' Gillltri�intir�� �•• „ [V_ _ ,1 7�, 1 —J> } k �ectio�i 3: '1'liaty t �e i� l�iereby establishea a local iiuproti�einent district to be c��lled "Local Iinl�i�ove- iiient llistr.ict i�o. ../�_�_.," whicli said clistrict is described .as follo`��s: "��ll tlie proper.t,y bet���een the terriiiiii of saicl improveuient aUuttiii�; npon, acljacent, vicinal or pro�i- m�te t�o snch portion of saia streets and avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, as pro- ��ided Uy la�v." Section 4: '1"hat the cost and espense of said improvement shall �be defrayed by specie�l a�sessments �`� I��yable by the �Iode of "T�n�ec�iate Yayiiieiit" as defined by law �i1d the charter and ordinaiice5 of the City '�� of Reirt�on. �Varrants b��aring iuterest at the r�,te of S per cent. per annum until paia, sliall be issned to ��r the contractor loi the redemption of as� n�iany of tlle warrants issned on the Local Iinprovement District F'und � � on estimates of the City Enbineer, �s nia,p not be redeeinec� in cash. ' � � Section �: 'this orclinance sliall be in full foree �nd effect five (�) days from and after its passage, �; ap�roval and le;�al publication. 1� roved this _. . -� -- -..- y of .- �4-Z�`. __....., 191_.�... � � � ' pP -- da / ]/�. � , � � " / � �i-��� >�.,G�� t .. ----- --- --- - ... -- - -�------ - - . -.' - -. . .... . - ... , �Iayor. '; . Passed tl�is - - - -C.�..- - ----- day oi -- -- ./..1:..-.-�•-�- �---� 191--� • i i . ---• �- - ....--- - ---- ---------�------•------------ --�- --�----------- -�--------- - Clty Cil�Pl�. j �f �,,_, � i Date of lirst public�ltion .. .. ..,/�_ .�. .�.�.�.�._._.. .f�...�--. ,/���� ; �i r ,:: . �,_.�����_ ��,.��� -. . � ,... _ ��._ . , e.., .. � ,r� . q• _ �..'�-r-�c as°. _ :� ��s--.�ca1� . , ,,,�ii . .. � ' , .. ,} . �y�.�y{y�`�����,�y1p��ss , ,: { ��"�!F'�_:"`"'M"..",_�;'Ta'•�s'...5..?`.��pr.."s�'SF�t"1 '. . '�� *t':�r'�!V4'3 ����'1"��"Yhj'��.�.ti' dY.�+.t .�GP�`�+"�!��n�a�F'...d:4.��. �*��Sl",�' _ .. i . . . . «.. � . . �. . . , . .. . . . * � . � . .. '�. �. � s� � F� � . . . . . . ... ,� i . . „ �