HomeMy WebLinkAboutRC 6479470 - � 5Z09 11fi - . � � - ��- �-�. �
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1' �S II�ENfiUR� AND DECLARATI4N 0� caver�ants r�ning wlth the land, �ade
r� ��- ��lY of 'F��,�`�z-r , 19C�q , by Ka�npe DevelQpment Carporat4ot�,
; a Wa�'gtan orpara�ion.
1�lt�tAS, s�id par�tl�s ar� the loMmers in fee of Lota 3, 4, 5 and b of
URCM SU�oI'�1 I4N , a�n addi�fon ta Kfng Coanty. Washtngton, �s recordecl 1n Volume
� ' a�1� Pi�ts, pa+� , recard� df King County, which property
�. s �a � n� Go�n�y, Mst�rin , an
� 1iFlER�. it 1t tbie d��1re ofi a�at�d part�tea that s�4d �ae�ants be r�card�d and
� t�at ae�id pro�erstit� caven�ntt ba Lhereb�► fmprti�fed upon aa�id tand for tt� �utuat
benefi t of a'!1 �ers, pr�sent und future, no�► therefore
IT IS HER��Y MAaE l�PbMN TMAT sald part4ea �o by th�se pt�sents �►ke,
estabiish, �o�ffrm and he�y ia�presa upc�n tli�H �#!##€?IYI�IQN an add tlon tc Kfng Caunty.
Mashfngtori, according to p'�a�t �reof recarded #n Volu�e �# a{ �1atS,
page , racords of K1ng County, Y�s�ington, c prop�rt,� 1s atl
lacat n r�q unty� i�ashingtan, the follv�n prot��t�ve cavenarrts to run with
�a�id lat�d, a�+d do hereby blrut sald parties a�nd a 1 vf tihefr fu�ur� gran�ees, as�ign�es
a�d succes�ors to sald cov�c�ants far the ter� h�reit�t'�er stated a��nd aa fo�la�rs:
1. The area coverad by these cove�ants is ti�e e�tire area desc�lb�d above.
2, !� l�t shalt be used exc�pt tor rr�sidantiai purpose�. No buildfng
shall be erect�d. alterad placad ar p�rm#tted tQ re�in Qn au�y 1at other than ene
cletaEhed sf ng��-fami)y c�"t 1 i ng r�t to �xc�ed L�rc► stories i n he1 g�tt and a pri ra�e
gara��e fer na� �re tl�rn tr� cars.
3. �1a cl�111aq a�all �e permttted on any lot at a cost of less than
a12,�.t� 4exelu�lve of ta�ndl, based upon e�st 1ev�1s pravatlinq an tfi� date these i
cov�ena��t� ar� r�eco�rd�d, 4t bel�tg �he intenti� a�nd purposed oi' tt�c caren�nt to ussure j
tha�t a11 �re�'���s sha11 be of q��tity ot r�rk�anshlp and �teriais subs�antiaity '
the �e bP betteT than that Mh1Ch Ca�n be pf�rrduce� on th� ddte vf,#�e�e Co1►�1�rtt3 sre
r�cMrded at tt� �1�#� cast atated her�in far the �int�um permitte� dwelltng siz�.
The qrc�nd flovr area of tt� �atn structur�, exclasive ot one �tory open por�hea and
9ara9�s, ahall be nQt less than �A sqaare feet dor a or�e stary dwelling, nar 1�ss
than 754 squa�r� feet for a drr�lli�ng af more than one story.
i 4. t� bu11 d t ng sh�ti 1 be l acaitt.ed on any t ot nearer to the fmnt l ot l i�e
Qr nearer tn the side stre�et fihan the mtni�nn bu�lding aet-bacit 11nes shc�m a� the
recQ�ded pt�►t. In �n e�re�t no bcrtlding shall � 1c�cat+�d vn any lc�t nearer than
�0 f�et �a ttiee f'rc�t �et 11r�+, or nearer tha�a 15 feet ta anyr slde street tine,
except that the exlstfng hause c�a tot 8 me�y� re�1� riith a less than n�tnt� sid�
str�t 'lfne ctea�r�nce. Nv buitdfng shall be lvcated netrar than 5 fie�t �r an i�terior
iot itn� exc� t t�tat n� slde ard shail be u�red fow s ra or other t�aritt�cl
• P Y� �Q 9a 9e �a cl
accssa�ry buflding tacated �! teet ar more fr►om the �tnia�� b�tlding set-bac�llr�e.
No �erilf� sfia11 be loca��ed a� a lnterior 1c�t n�arer than 25 �eet to the rear
lvt 1��e � g�or pua�ose�� �f tt�l� c�vena�t, euv�s, s�+epa a�i opM p�►rche� s�11 not
!�e c�'�+��rd as a p�r�i ofi • bu4�dlag. Prevld+ed h�erer, that thi� s��11 �o� b� �
ce�sttr�d to pa�►tt ar�y pQrtio� af a 6ui'ld�n� a� �► �ot to i��croaah � �other 'Imt: �
5. No �1'�ing shall be erected Qr piaced on �ny lo� hav#ng a widti� of
1es� than SO feet at the �i�1� bulldfr�g set-ba►cka]fne, nc�r shall etfty clwalling be
er�acted �r placed on �r�y l�t having an �►rea of less th�� 7Q00 a�qu�re feet.
�. Ea��aents f�r drai��e facll�t�es a�e reserved orer a Z� faot wide
strip a�ong sw�1� s�dtt o1" 4�fia�r#�� tot iir�s a�d ev�r tt� rear 1'#ve �'eet of each
'l+�t. Addltl�tul lt� fi�o� �1ae �tr�ps m1a�� th� sides oi 1vt 5 ar� reser�d as
sl�,rn on t.ha p1�t i� 1#�a af t,t�ta stsndard Z� a�! � faot widt.��. Ea�se�ents for
� � � � � � � 52U9 . 117
r ,
, ' ._ , , r ,
insta11at1on and ��fn#en�t�c� of vther uti11t1es are rea�rved as shvwn on the
r�c�Yda�t pla� or other ins�t��aent of pubttc recvrd. W1th1n the$e ease�ents. nv
structure, ptanti�g ar other materi�t shait be placed or par�itt�d to r�n�ain which
�jr dax�ag� or fnE�r1°ene �►it� t�he inst�ltation and maintenance Qf atil#t#es, or �rhlch
��y► eh�nge the diracti�n ot fiaw of draina� ch�nnelz 1n the easemernta, or r�ich
�y obatruct ar reta�c# the firnr of water through dratn�� channeis in the easementa.
Tt�e ea�se�ent urea nf each lot and all 4�proven�ents in tt shatl b� ma�tntained con-
tir�o�s'!y by the �wn+er of the iot, except fvr thos� imprav�ments fior r�ich � publlc
muthorlty ar �atillty ca�pany 1ffi responsibte.
7. No r�oxioas c�r offe�sive activity �hatl b� carried on apon any lot, nor
� shal'1 araything be done �herer�� whlch �+ be or �► becoa�e ann�yanc� of nuisance to
� �he nelg�botrhe�d.
� 8. No sfiru�ture at a tenaparar�r character, trailer, bnse�rnt, tent, �i►a►ck,
�.� qarac,�e, barn Qr any other a�tbuilding shsti be u�ed on �ny tot at any ti�ne as a
resl�ns�, elth�r �o�arlly o� per�nentl�r.
9. Any drre111ng 4r structar� erected ar piaced on any i+�t in this �ubQivf-
' sion shall be co�+pyeted as to ext�rnai app�ara��c�, lnciuding finlsh palnting, wlthln
9 months from date �f s�rt af co�structlon ex�ept f+�r r�asans t�yond control in
which c�se � iQn�er pertod �y be p�r�nitted.
10. No slgn af eny kind shatl be df�play�d to the public view on any lot
exCept one ptrof�sslonal stgn of nct �or� than one squar� foot, one sig� of nct �ore
than tive square �'eet sdvert4sing the property fnr sale ar rent, ar si�+� us�d by
a twilder to advertise tfie prop+�rty dur4ng the co�sttru€tlon and �a1es period.
11, !�a► a�nimals, livesto�k or poultry �f any kind shail b� ral�ed, bred or
kept on ��,y lot except that doqa, cats or t�ther ��+s+�haYd �ts �r be kept, provtded
that they are not kept, bred or a�i�tair�ed for any c�xnerciat {wrpose.
12. No 1ot s#�11 be wsec! or ��tr�tain�d as a dumpi�g �aund !'or rubbish;
trash; qarb�ge ar other r�tste shall �et be kept except in aanftar�► contaln�rx. All
inc�r�rators vF othar +�quip�nt for th+e storag� or dlsposat of such mater�al �h�i1
be �Cept 1n a� clean and s�►�ltary conditlan. '
13. �b t�cttvic�al �ter aupply sys'� sh�li t�e p�rmitted on any lot untess
t�e �3rst�n t s deal�ed, lvcated and ccnstruct�d 1 n �cca�nce wi th th� reqnl rement.s,
� st�nct�rd� a�nd rec�ndationa of Ceur�ty Pub11c Ne�it� nr�t�ioritl�s. Approval of
st�ch syste� as t nsta'�1 ed shat 1 be obtaf ned it�c�n such ac�thori ty.
14. No +r�ti drill�ng, pil dev�lvpme�t op�ratians, 01l refining, 4uarrying or
min#ng aper�tions pf' any ki�et sl�all be pen�itted upon crr in any iot, nor sh�l] oi1
r�alls, tdnks. tunneta, min�ral ex�vatlo�s or ahaf�a be pera�ltted upan or in any
lofi. ' �b derrlck 0r other atrvctwre desS�ned for used tn boring far oil or natural
gas shat t be erected, rn�ti nta 1 ned or perml tted upor� �r t ot*
15. Na tndlvtdaal sewage disposal �yste� sha'�1 be �r�ltted on any tot
unles� the syst�em �s daslgnecl, lvcated and �onstructed fr► accordance witM the
reQui t�ents. standwrds ancJ rea►�mendatl ons or Cour�ty Pub11 e Hea►'!th authori ti�s.
�pproval of such �yste� a� irnstall�ed shall be abtained !`rc� such author�ty.
'� 16. N4 fer+ce, Kall or hedge shal� be �reeted� p��cced or a��ered c►n ar�y I
'tot nearer to aRy s�r�ett thaa !� batid°��g �tr�ck 'lirre, ex�ep� that notl�i�g sha11
pretrent the er�etion af a► necessary reta�lning rv�11 , the �op af whlch does not extend
mor� than ttra feet abov�e �he flnished grade at the bac& of said wall.
17. �ntoree�ent sha11 be by proceedtngs a�t 1aw cr in equfty aga�inst any
pers� arr pers�as vilating ar a�tten�ttng to Yicia�te any covendnt eit#�er to r+estrain
vtola�lon ar ta r�cflver da�ges.
16. Inval#datian of any vne ot' the$e covenants b,�r ,�ud�nt ot� co�rt sha31
� in no wis� uffect any vf fi� otRer pr�rv4sie,�s Nhicl� s��'�1 re�ain 1n f�11 1"orce and
- ! ��o� ��.�� . � � �
. - . - . . . -
19. These c�vrene�n�s a��+e t� run with the land and shall be binding c�n
att partie� and �►11 ptrtc�� clai�tng under the�n !ar a perivd ot thtrty yeara tr�o� I
the d+�t� these corenants are recarded, atter arhich t1r�e satd carenants shatl be
suto Me►�icatly exten�i�ed for succesaive perioda oi' 10 years unless an lnstrunrent ffiigned I
by a �ority af th� then - +o�rs of the �ots has bee� r�eeorded, agreeing to chang�
= . sa#d +r,�v�nan�s �n rrh�►1e ar fn part.
� :
, � I!� i�ITNESS WHEREt}F tl�e u�clersigned hare afi"#xed thalr sfgnatures.
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to e��cut� t.i�e satd tnatrument ar� that the seal a�ftlx+t� is �corp+�rate seal of
ssid corporatto�,
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