HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 8610311858 . .. � � S- �o7 � � UTILITIES N1 E A S E M E N T ; TNIS INSTRUMENT� made this ls day of Auqust �9 86 � by and between NORTHWEST COMMERCIAL REAL � FSTATF ('C�MPAt�v — and and G� and U� � rl hereinafter called "Grantor(s)"� and the CITY OF RENTON � a Municlpa) Corpor�tion of Kin9 � County� W�shington� hereinafter celled "Grantee". � � uITNESSETH: • � That sald Grantor(s) � for and In conslderatlon of the sum of S l.00 (One and no/1oo Dollars) paid by Grantee� and other valuable conslderetTon,�o by I these presents� grant, bargaln� sell � convey, and warrant unto the ssld Grantee� Its successors and assigns � an easernent for publlc utilttles (including water and s�wer) with necessary appurtenences over, through� across and upon the followin9 descrlDed prop�rty In K(ny County� Washington, more particularly described as follaws: SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT DESCRIPTION ��J J.���,�1 ��},�..,t� �.� �;Er�:� � r.a �{�� r:�1�.}-i�.t.. �:�:�:�r„C�i� The North 10 feet of Lot 2; 1 # The North 10 feet of the West 10 feet of Lot 3; The West 10 feet of the South 185 feet of Lot 4; All the above Lots being a part of Valley Office and Industrial Park Subdivision No. 2, according to the Short Plat recorede under King County Recording No. 8507169002; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, 5tate of Washington. EXCISE TAX NOT REQU!R�U . ' �Co. Records Division , � _ ���.�_�1Fpii�t -�tG cp q c'�-C --i � �,r.,'�`�,�� `� t'�! ���,� 'R3 .d:. � ��e�i� ��R K���IW A� �1L�VL�� '��1� !' �` ; � e_ .,. _. ..�, -. �_:: -� ��: CIlr�L'E.�If���� ` --w:. � a R��iON MUNICIPALBLDG. ��'-� '+' � ?a0 MI�AYE.�. fl�1�ON,M{A 98055 UENI•i � �-.��.. � �� � _ . , � . , . Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns� shall have the right� without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of construct- ing. maintaining, repairing� altering or reconstructing said utilities� or making any connections therewith� without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore. provided, that such construction� maintaining� repairing� altering or reconstruction of said utilities shall be accomplished in such a mar►ner that tl�e private improvements existing in the rlght(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged. they will De replaced in as good a condition as they were imn►ediately before Lhe property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy th� aforedescribed premises. includin� the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utilities. However� � the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over� under or across the � right-of-way during the existence of such utilities. � � This easement� shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding pon the Grantor� his successors� heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they � are the lawful ownc�rs of the above properties a � t tl�ey have a good and lawful � right to execute thls agreement. ��� Paul S. hiado � ce resident � ��� ��� �I � CORPORATE FORt4: I�� STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF King ) � On this 18th day of Auaust � 19 � before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public n an�for the State of Washin ton � duly conmissioned and sworn personally appeared Paul S. Chiado � to me known to be the Vice President � . ��g� of the corporation t�iat executed ti�e forc- going tnstrument� and ac now e ge the said instrument to be tl�e free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation � for the uses and purposes tl�erein mentioned� and on oath stated that he authorized to execute the said ir��:trument and that the seal affixed 1s t e corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS rt�y hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certifi�cate above written. tary u�i �ic n an e Slate of ashington � residing �it Seattle My commission expires ��R �/ /�� J UEa2-2 b