HomeMy WebLinkAboutRC 7902200759 ` • G?�c � - �
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-, DECUIL►Tld�l o� cov�r�,,���rs, ccu�crrtr�s ,r,r�� kr.����;r,�;r�s;� �
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, THtS D�CLAR1►TION, msd� or. the date herEinnfter Set f�rth G� '.:�t:K�tK�D ,
w� BC�MES, II1C.* A washington eor�ratfon� h�r�•in�fter rpferred to ns "�ecloca�t".
--� � WI1'NESS�TN:
`" I�tNBREAS. Deelarant is the owner oE certofn pr�perty in itenton� c.ounty c►f
��.. Kitta, Stat� of Waahit�ton, which i• more particulorly describe�� ��,
:- PARKWOOD SOUTN DIVISION N0. 3� as recorded in Volwoe :�f Ylats,
� pasas �_ Lhtroush i^, recorda of Kit�y4 County� Waehington.
o NOii, THEREFORE, Declazent hereby decla�es ti��t all of the ��r�•�:�•rties
� de�cribed ebave shall be Aeld� sold� and conveyed subject to the follcn+ing
r' e�suients� r�atrictions, covenarts. and conditions, whieh are for the pusrose ot
`� protactit� Che vslue and dosirability of. and vhich shall run with� the rRal �
pzopert� and be bit►ding on all parties having �ny right, title or interest in the
� de�erib�d propertiee or any part thereof� their heirs� suacesaora, and asslane.
and shall inure to the benefit of esch a�mer thereof.
Section 1. "Aa�aeiatior" ahall mean and refer to PA�itW00D HaMEOMlN�RS
ASSOCIA?ION, INC.� a Wa�hinaton corporstion� its successos• and seaigos.
S�ctioa 2. "Ore�es" •hall mean arid reter to the secord amer. whether ume
ot mor• persons or sntitie�� uf a fee simple title to nny Lot which is a part of
tbs Prop�sti�s, !t►cluding contract a�ller�� but excluding tho�e heviag such
iatere�t �er�ly a� •ecurit� fot the perforaa�ce of an oblisacioa. ,
Sectian 3. "Pzoperties" shall mean and reter to that certaio resl ptopert�
h�reinb�fore de�aribsd, and such addition� theseto ao may lureafter be brouaht .
vitAin th� iuriadiction of the As�ociation.
Section 4. "Cos�on Aree" shall mean all real propertp �fncludin� improve-
sert• tbereto) am�d b� th� Association for the eeamon use and enjoyaient of the
oMe��rs. ?!te Ca�woR► Ar�a to be oyaed by the Aeaociation at the Li�ae of the con-
��ya�ce of the first lot is dascribed as foltows: Tract � of PAW(MOOD SOUTH.
� S�etias S. "Lot" •ball isean snd refer to any plot of l�nd •tw+m upoe► an�
tttorded wbdivt�ioet rap of tAe Properties with the exceptian of the Cas� Ar�a.
Section 6. "Dec2arent" •hsil *ean and refer to PARIQ�IOOD Hq�S� INC.. e
Ya�hin�ton corpor�tion� its •uec�a�ors and e��igns if auch auccessora or assfRns �
•ho�ld acquise wors than ane undeveloped 1.ot frew Lhe Ueclarant tor the purpose
ot dev�lopoent. �"
Ssetian 1. �NL1tS'Easeosnts of Enja�roent. Every awner ahall hav�a a right .
� � ri��i�.
aa! ea�eaM►nt of erjo�tnt ir �nd to the Ca�wn As�a whieb st�11 bc appurcennnt
to �d sh�lt pas• Mitb tM title to everp Lot, •ubS�ct to tha falioafng
ora►t•�ta+.: �� C�r �,
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(a) The sight of the Association to ct�rrge reasanable Admissi�n and
other fees for the use of any recreational facility Rituated ��pnn thP
Coaroon Area;
� (b) The right of the Aasociatton to suape�nd votieg riRhts .�nd right to
�. use of the Coaow�t Area by an owner for any period durin�; which any
Naasesaisent eRainat his Lot remains unpaid; attd for n period noc to exceed
� (60) sixty dar• for any fnfrection o� its publisbed rules and req��latios�e;
Q� (c) The right of the Association to dedicat� or trunefer all ur any part
of the Coauown Area to any public aRency, authority, or ��tility for such
pucposes and �ubject to auch conditirxts as may be egreed to by tt�r mEsmbera
and publie agency� authority. or utility. No such dedfeation or transfer
shalt be �ffective unless An instrument agrp.►inq to such dedicaticm or tra�-
sfer signed by two-thirde (2/3) of each claas of �embers hes bePn recorded.
Sectton 2. Delegation of Use. Any owner may Jelegate, in accardancu with
tt�e B7rlaws� his right of enjoyment to tt�e Coamon Area and facilities �o ch� m�+a-
bera of his familr� hia tensnte. �r c�ntract puccFiasers whu reside c�n the
Section l. F.very owner of a lot which is subJect to ��s�asaMnc •th�ii hP a
memficr of ttte Assoeiation. Hemberahip shall be ap�urtenant tu and may nc+t hc
seperated fraa ownerahip of any Lot which is subject ta assessauent.
Sectian 2. The Association ahall have two (2) clnsees of votinR m•�r,.berahtp �
Class A..Clsss A members ahnll be all Owner6� with the except !nn of tt��
Uetlar and ahall be entitled to one (2) vote for eacl� i.ot nrn�e4. '�ti��:rt
awre th.�n one (1) person holds an intereet in any Lot. all such ;�crsuns shall
be members. The vote for 9uch Lot ah311 be exerctsed ��a tt�ey �:�•L�rminc•� �.•it
in no event shall more thhn one (1) vote bP ca�t with resp�ct t� nny l.ot.
Cl�sa B. Ths Cl.�ss n membcr(s) ehelt be the Decl,�rat►L ���1 st�nt 1 t�e r.n-
titled to three �3) votee for eoch Lot o�rtted. The Ctasa B m�smbe.rshi.p �r�:+ll
ces�e and be corverted to Cless A aiemberehip on th� happening of �ich�r of
the Eollo�•ing events�"�hichever occurs enrlicr:
(e) when the Lotsl votea outstanding in ti�e Clas� A m�►mbe��st�i� c�uai th�
totel vote+s outstandinA in Lhe Cl�ss B membershtp� oz
(b� On December 31. 1978.
5ec t i o� 1. Cr�a tion of the Lien a»d Personal �bl i�Rt to� of i�Rs.:ssment y. i'��
D�clarant� Ear each Lot owned vithin Lhe Propertiea, herebr covenant�. ���f eoch
Owner of any I.ot bp �eceptance of a deed there�lor� wi�ethar aT not it ahell br sn :
expressed in such deed, i• deemed to covenent end aqrea to pnr to the Asoucioitu��:
(1) at�usl �s�easment� oc chsraes, ond (2) apecial esaes�wants fnr caFit��l ���- w
prav�nts. such Assesasents to be est�blished and collected os hfrein�tt�r prc.- .
vid:d. F
` „ • . . .' ' • • . � � � ,
?h� �nmtal aad �pecial asstsqeata� together with intereat. costs a�d reasonabte
attosas��s fees, shall b� s eharge on the land and ahall be a cantinuiag lien
upca t1� psoperty a�airat �fiich eacb such asse�se�nt ia aade. Each evch asseasa�ent.
Loa�tl�sr vith iat�rest� costs, aad reasanable attorner�� fees, shall also be the
� persooal obligatioa of tbe persoa rho was th� �er of such property at the tiaie
p Mhea t2►� usssaMot fell �e. Tbe peraonal obligatioa for delinguent aseessaierts
Nahall oot pa�s to his �uCews�or� in title unle�s expreasl� aa�wied b� the�.
N Sactioa 2. P�ttpo�t o! A��_ts. The assessaents levied
C by the Assoeiatioe�
� shsll � us�d �xclusivel� to prowote tht recreation� health, safety, and welfora of
the te�ideata in ebs Prop�rtle• and tor the isprave�ettt and miatenanee of the
Ca�son Ar�a.
S�ctiaa 3. M�xisu� AAanal Aase�sssat. Until Jannary 1 of the qear i�ed-
iatelr folla►ins ths convhance of the tirat Lot to an O�mer, the maxi�aum enr,ual
•s�e��sesit �hall be 1�r�lw dollars ($12.00) per Lot.
(a) Fros and aft�s Janwry 1 of tha ��ar la�ediatel� folloMing the
eoavhanc• of tLe f irst Lot to aA O�mer, the w�xiwm� snaual s��ess�ent may b�
inereased each ��sr not wort than fiv� pereeat �5Z) abo�va tha trxi�um assessment
fos the pr��iou� ��ar �rithout • �rot� of the wesbss�hip.
(b) Frao and aiter J�anar� 1 of the year i�oediat�l� follawing the con-
•��aoce of t1a fir�t Lot to �n Owner� the oaxi�w antswl aa��saosat ssr be increased
abo�e fi�� p�seent�Si) bp s rote o! tMo-thirds (2/3) of eaeh elss• of inesb�ss who
ar� �rotin� in p�rsoa or b� prox�, at a �ssetin,g called for this purpose.
(c) The Daard of Director• ma� fix the annual assesaoeot at an aa�oesnt not
la �xc��� of ths �aiciau�.
Seetioe► 4. Speeial Asseaaatata !or Cepit�l Impro�r�menta. Ia additioa to the
aea�wl •s�ssaa�at� avthazis�d abow� the Maotiatiot► wa� 1ev�, io an� assesao�nt
r�ar �ft�s the ul�ndar ��ar 1980, a �p�eial a�a���weTst applicable to that rear
ae�i� tor th� purpo�� o� defra�lag� in Mhole ar iA Part� tlu cost of any eon�truetion�
r�cautrvetian, r�p�ir or r�piaee�tnt of � capital iwp�ravea�nt npoe� the Cesmon As�a,
includius tixtus�• �ad psrsoaal prop�rtr r�lat�d thereto, p�ranrided that amr such
s�s���at shall t�aw th� as��nt ot t�ro-thirda (2/3) of tbe aot�� of sach ela�• of
wber• vbo ar� voti� in p�r�on or br proxy at a �setiag duly called for thie
S��tion S. Notie� atsd �uoruw for Any Action Authoris�d Under Sectlon� 3 ond 4.
_.. .
Yrittet+ aotice o! aa� weetio4 c�lled for the purpose of taking aetioe� authotised
under Seetiot� 3 or 4 �1�a11 b� s�at to ell �aoibers not le�• than thirt� (30) day• eas
•or� than sixty �60) da�� in advae►a� of the ��ting. ♦t th� fisat �ueh �s�tiag
esll�d. th� pt�a�e�u ot �b�rs os ot proxies Mtitlsd to e��t sixtr p�sc�nt (60Z�
of •11 th� vot�� ot saaA elu� ot wrb�r�hip �hall eoe�titut� • qdoru�. It tht re-
quis�d quosv� !a not �sa�t� �ooti�r a�tists y� b� eall�d �vbj�et to the s�
s�quir�nta� aad tb� r�quis�d qnosvw �t the wbs�qu�nt M�tia� �haii b� one-b�li '
(1/2) o� tha s�quis�d qiwr+� at tbs pz�c�dia� eNtinf. No w�ch �ub�equ�t �etins �hall i
1� h�ld �os� tAaa •istp �60) ds�t tollarin� t!a pr�a�dina sNtia�.
•.�. �
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. .:�
Seetiat 6. Ut�iform Rate of Aasess�cent. Both aiutua2 astd sppcial ,�ssr.ss�aenLa
ssust be ffxed at a u�i.fo7rm rate for all Lats and may be col2ected on r cwnthly basts.
Sactian 7. Dete of Caaroencea�ent af Anmual Assessocnts: Dve Datps, The annual
�._..... ...
assesa�nu prcn►3ded for herein shsll cca�et�ce as ta all Lots an the f irst dap af
t1�e �attth follovfng the conveyance af the Can�on Area. The first annual r�sseaemet►L
shall be adjusted accardtngly to the number of mat►ths remaininp, in the celendar yaat.
{T ?h: Saard of Dirtctors shell fix the amc�mt of the annual assess�aent �g�tast eaah Lot
� �t ie•st thirtr {30� days in advance af eacb snnnal assessaer�t period. Written nottce
O ot the emnual a�rsessawrt�t shall be •ent ta every Ormer subject thereto. The due data�►
Cshall ba estabtlslnad br the Bnard a� Directars, The Associatian stusll. upori dca�end,
tT �ttd fatc • xe�►satable eha�tge, furnt�h a certift�ste atgned by a� officer rsf the
A�sact�tf.on aetticys fasth whethas the ns�e�sa�stts ort a •pecifitd Lot havr been psid.
A progerlY executed certificste of the Associ+�tion aa to the status af assessmeat�
on a lat is binciing upon tt,� As.oGi�eioo aa af thie dat.� of f ts iasuance.
Sectia► 8. �ffect of N�onpaYment of Asseass�eats; xeaediea of tt►e �sociation.
.-.�.-,.._...... ..�._
AnY aa�remsaient aot paid xithin thfrtY (30} days att+�r the due date st�a12 bear in-
terest fxea� the due date at the rate of six percent (b'�} per annv�. The Assoc-
( iation sia� bring an attion of lav again�t the Ormer pexsonall�t obligated ta pay
I ths same. az farac2ase tha liea agafnst the property. No o�eet�rr eQay xalve or other-
� Mi�e excape ltabiliLy #or the a�raesau►ernts provided fon c�rein b� non-use of the
� Ccra�awn Are• ar �rbaadanment of his Lat.
� Sectfan 9. Subardisistio� of the Liett Lo Maztgages. Tha 2fen af the asaesa-
I �nt• provided for t►esetn ehsll be �u�oTai�t� to the licn of any first mortq�Rg.
Sals or tr�unsfer cf at►r Lot •hall nat affect tha •s�esa�a�enC lien. Hc�vrever, the s�le
i ar transf er of any LoL p�cirsaent to �wrtgage foreclosurit ar arty proceed4�t,g in 2 i eu
th�reo#, shatl extingutsb the lien af such assassrents a• to ps�a�enta which becaa�
due prior to suth sale or trensfer. No s+sle or trsnsfer •hall relfeve such Lot fraeu
Iiabilit�r for ar�y assasa�ts thereafLer hecasfng ctue ar €raa the l ie» thereof.
3ectian 2. Aesi�ntial Chsractar of Prataerty. �The tera� "i'esidetttial loN' as
u�red hes�itt, oeana all oi` tMi►-lot�r now or hexeifter p2atted a� the exieting property
�th the exceptian of the caan�a�n prapertieu. Na otructures or buildings of any kind
st►sil be erecied� altered, placed ar p�r�itted to remsin oa anp zesidantial lot
othar thr�n ane •inile-fa�iiy c�rei�tna for strxgle-fa�ily occupaacy anly, not to excer,d
tv�o �torie�r ia heightR with a private garaga or carport for not mare thea three (�)
stsadard sise passsn�e�r �uLaoobilce«
Sectian 2. Bvaitse�s �ad Can�aercial Us� o� Pra�ertY Prohibited. Na trade,
._._._.._��. ,._.._._�
crsit* bwiae��• prc►f��r�iat: ca�earciai or activiL"�r a3" athr kind shsll b� catducted
II or eszari+rd upo� an� r!slde�ntial lot, os �rithist au�► b+iildi� loeat�d +on a resld�►tial
lat„ ewr �iul l �►nr :ooda� +�quip�nt, whiclss {inalqdttns bwes� trucks s�+d traf l�ers ai
aaY ds,reription� ar �t�si�ria ar �upplif• us�d i� aone+u�etian r►ittl� a�y tr�de! •ervicr�, <
b� c d+uated ar +un vshicles in �u+essa oi
a�r bas tn�►ss* x��er�wr tl+N aaNw� wsY oa , T
6�OOa po�mda �ro�• �+i�h� ttncludis� bu��s, tsuatc�, sad trailar• of an� descripttan� ;
va�d tor p�ci�r�t� pu�rpo+r��r! br kipt* psrkrd„ •trar�dr diaart►tled or rap�►ir�d out�id�
a� sa� r�sid�nntial lot or on am,� str�ert �withtan th�► prop�st� nor shail +uirthin� bs
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doeM on sn� reaidentisl lot �rhieh �oay be or msy beccae an araaqat�cs or rweiance to
t�r s�iabbaPthood.
110 lot or ttact sh�ll b� wed as a dninp for tr�ah or rubbish of an� kind. AI1
sasbs�� iod other wst� shsll be ktpt io appropsiate eaniterr eattain�rs for psopar
di��al. Yard r�kitt��� �neA as rocks, lwn aad shrubbes� clippi��, and dirt and
� otlyr �at�siil r��ultia� lra� laadaeapin� r�rork shall aot b� dia�ped into pablic
� ats��ts or dite�hss. 1�u r�val aad di�posal of all saeh �t�ri�ls ohall be tbe �ole
o s.•poa.ibuit� oi cl� soairiduai ioc a+n.r. Shanld ary indi�idwl lot oMn�r ar
N cowts�at pare.bas�r fail to reaav� wch tacsab rabbi�h as
N � � � a bass� yard r�kios� snd
OC,, ot�b�r �uc6 �at�ri:l� trt� hia p�opestT or t.he itseet afd ditche� acl jaceAt tlwreto,
r� Mithiu t�n (10) da�� fol�.ariitg tbe date aa vhieh pR►tiee i� nailed to hie bp the
♦a�oeistioa infossius 6is af such violaLioa, thia t!r llasociation way ha�►e �aid
trub r�o�red md charsa th� �xpaos� of rmo���l to Nid� lot arner or purchsaer. An�
wcb eharg� shail beca� • aoatinviaf li�a oa th� prapart�, Mbieh shail bind th�
prop�rt� in the hattds o! tb�' then a�ar and hia sueesssor� ia iat�rest. Sueh eharge
�hall •l�o be s personal obliaatian of tbe a� Mbo is t6e o�ea�r o� th� lot inv�olved
oa tlu� dat� of r��al.
No a+nes o! aa�r rssideatial lot �hall pera�it an� wbiela aeeied by hia� or b�
ao� s�eb�r of hi• fa�ilx Os b� an saqwtptenan��� aod �rhieh i� i� �n extrea� •tat�
ot diarep�ir. to b� ab�andoo�d or to re�ain pariced upan �th► atsNt or iet withia the
s:i�tins prep�rtp for a pariod io exc�aa of tosty-eight (48) ha�rs. Should any wch
arn�r or ceatract purehaNr fail to rsmav� sueh �rehicle aithia t�ro (2) day follar-
in� tha dat� an vhicb aotics i� wiled to hi� b� the Associ�tion iatara�ing hia of a
�iolatim ot thi• prvi►iaioa� tb� A�soci�tion �a� h�ww anch vehicl� s�v.d ;e►d ehargs
the e�cp�n�e ot r�o�val t0 uid arnar or purchaser in accozdance Mith the provieioaa
of the i�■iediat�Iy pr�c�ditt� pasaas��hh. A wbicl• sAall be �aeed to be in an axtrese
•tat� ot di�r�pais vh�u !A th� opinia► ot th� Dir�ctore of tb� Aaaociatioa, its
pre��nc• oft�nda tsa sea�oaabl� s�uaibiliti�� af the oaanpsnta o! the n�ighbothood.
S�et_ i_ L`alial Us� o�T�or�Stsuetur�a Prohibited. No trail�r,
basMent� teat, �hrck� jasase� bara or otb�r outbuildia�s or an� �trueture of a
ts�por�r� eharaet�s �rsetsd or plae�d on ths prop�rty shall at anp tiae be wed •s
' a r��ideate te�posarily or p�!'Manaatly.
etia► 4. E�saNnts. Th�se are hereby speeiticslly reaerred for the ben�fit
� ot th� �asociation� th� Dit�ralop�r� aay �ppiic�bl• utilit� eanpary, the lot art��rs in
coa�on, aad �ach lot o�ra�r ss�rerally� �• thair rsap�cti�� int�re�ta shall obtain�
th� ea�e�sent�, r�ciproc�I negatire �a�srata� a�cendar� s�aeMnta� aod sigt�t• of
May� a• ar• •p�ciiic�lt� identifi�d lt�rein�fter.
(�) Utilit�ss�s�nt�. 0� �ach lot an ��aa�ent i� r�a�xrid ueder. av�er
and u9o�► lt�� (S) foot •tsips oi lsrid adjae�nt to iront, saar and aid� boand�tp
lines fos utility in�t�llation and w�intenanc.�� ineludi� 6ut not lialted to�
paws, t�l�phona, Mat�r, ��wr� dr�it►age� gas, •tc.� to`�ther with t!u ri$ht to
, .. 4 ,� • _� � � ' r .
etst�r npo�n the lots as all tiaies for said puxposee. Additionel utility esaeo�nts
are reserred as shrntn on the zecarded plat and athars as raqufrrd -rill �ilco be
r�ardtd a+� s►�atearazy essatwents requfred by grnrernmental subdivtsio�a; and
�b) �e�a�ent for AaoF Overhan� and Repatr and Meinte�eace ot Walls
YY�w���l ���i ��� 11, M i1! .
Ca►ti�uous ?o Sid�c 8v+tndazx Lines. where a dwelling has b+cen canatructed xfthir
._�..� .
fire {S� f+�et o# the co�nwn boundary line bet�ree� adjainin�, 1ots, there is
� •pecific�ll� reserved, upot► the adjoining lot which faces the exterior wall af �►uch
� d+M�lli� as the servi�aL tenesieret* tor Lhe be�nefit o! the �d3aini�tg lot on xhlch
0 such dw+eliins is locstsd and the arttier the�caof a• dastnaat tanswe»t� an ea�ement o�►er.
� uader, upon �nd thrauth auch servie�►t taneesnt for rooilag overhang and at reason�rbte
� places, for the gezfos�aa�ce of such xark d�tri7ttg dsTlight hours as �aar be a�ec�zssaz�r
�`� ar adnisabl• in ccna�actic� Mith th� maintenanc�� repair, o�c re�toYatian af the
dwelling of ahtch it is a pazt, arid an easen�ent for inegre�r� and egre�s to perfurm
sucb xorlc.
(c) There i• raserved to the Develop�r� snd to the AssoctattoRt, their
��enta snd �ervanCa* an aa�eaent to groas aver esch at►d tver� lat in the evbdtv�sion
tall 4� MI1�Ch ZOL= shalt canitiLvis th� �;r�ri�nt t�r�aa�stt? for Entr�r a�d access a�t
rea�ranabl� tt�s snd place�r far m+�intanance of cow�an �rse��r and decarative acreenin�
aad for th� perfo�nce geaerallp of their sights and duties as provtdrd ist this de-
c lar�t iast.
s•etsan 5. Date #or Cespletia► o! Can�truction. An�► dvelling ar siructure
�� �
•rected or pl+rc�ed oes any residential lot sh�ll b� carpl�t�d �� to externel appear-
anc�r� includi� finishsd paintiag� xithin ei$ht (8? sanths fro� dnLs of careate-
�rait ot cautruati�+► and„ Mhall be caanacted to the yuDlic •�wsr nrstenr.
S�►etian G. M� Na ani�al. liveatack, ar powults�► of ser� kind •hall bre
r�is�d; bred, or k�pi ass anT loL� �xcegt that cat�t* do�st birds, ar othes housahold
p�rt• sa� bs kept if th�y ar� nat kapt, bred, or dintainNrd for a�► ae�rcial q�z-
pa��, �nd that thet �ha11 aot b� kept !a aurb�r* or u�►d�r catdf.tiaa,r real�onabl�
a0lictieeub2e !a a r+eildeatial acwwnit�.
S�rettan 3. S_!_�:, 110 •i�n� �tull ba er�ct�d ar r�iatatned +on an►p z�sid�nt-
i�l lot tn tha tr�ct,� +:aapt thst aa �ror� th�re► a�r +�ppto�►�d P01t SALE or FOR RB?17
•!sa placed bT the a�rasr ar bnilder or bry► a lice�sad real estat� broker, aot ex-
ce�dfn,g si�ht��n t18� inch�• high and txentyfour (243 iach�� lang� e+sy bf di�rplayed
ir� .rr loc.
S�rctioa 8. Mortga�s• Protsatsd. Nothi� her+�la cvatained sha12 �lrpsir or
..+ ._.�. .
dei�at the tian of a�n� �astjag� ar dewd of tr��rt naM or her��fter retQrd�d co�►wr• �
ie� aAr lot orr lot�, but titla to anr psoperrtr obt�in�d •• a s�wlt ot fortclo��re
•hall th�rr+�aiter tu held �ubjett to att oi tM prarisions b+r�tn.
C1Q18W►L PitaVT3tp�1S
Sectia► 1. �fore�rnt. ?b� Aasoci:tia►, or snY OMa�t►sR shsll 1uw� ths rtgbt
to �afores� b�► aay prroee�dtt� at Inr or in �qatt�. •12 swtriettais, earsnasts.
caaditioT►�„ risfrratiau, lirr�a �nd ch�r��• ncn ar b�s�r�ltor i�par�d b�►► t1a►
provisioas oi this tlrals�atit�rn. l�!lrpte b� ths Asaoatati+on or bY �qq► 4�s to �wtort�
, ;4,
r 1���'a
— ���.3fesi.,
� . � � . .
• � � • � .
' any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a
waiver of the right to do so thereafter.
Section 2. Severability. Invalidation of any of these covenants or re-
strictions by judgement or court order shall in no wise affect any other provisions
which shall remain in force and effect.
Section 3. Amendment. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration
shall run with and bind the land, for a term of twenty (20) years from the date
� this Declaration is recorded, after which time they shall be automatically ex-
;�7 tended for successive periods of ten (10) years. This Declaration may be amended
during the first twenty (20) year period by an instrument signed by not less than
ninety percent (90%) of the Lot Owners, and thereafter by an instrument signed by
not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of the Lot Owners. Any Amendments shall
take effec`t when they have been recorded with the Auditor of King County.
Section 4. Annexation. Additional residential property and Common Area
may be annexed to the Properties with consent of two-thirds (2/3) of each class
of inembers.
Section 5. FHA/VA Approval . As long as there is a Class B membership, the
following actions will require the prior approval of the Federal Housing Admin-
is��ration or the Vetera�s Admir�istrat�ar: Annexation of additional properties,
dedication and of Common Area, and amendment of this Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarant herein, has hereunto
set its hand and seal this 1 � day of February , 1979.
�'Y1.- C���ws-,� �
n M. Nord, President
) ss
On this 16th day of February, 1979, before me, the undersigned Notary Public,
personally appeared JOHN M. NORD, to me known to be the President of PARKWOOD HOMES,
INC. , a Washington Corporation, the Corporation that �xecuted the foregoing instrumer�t,
and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said
Corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they
were authorized to execute the said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the
corporate seal of said Corporation.
WIT�I�SS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above
wri tt�ri���-::'�
NOTARY PU C in and for the State of
Washington residing at Redmond
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