HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 8801190412� � . . ' . l�OifER ' FASE!►1E!�T �!C\� �`i t.\� � 1
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f o��nd m ton.�dn���on of Onc Ik+lla�(11 OUi�nE ot�ci ►�Iwl+k ton.�d�r�tion.IA�na�P;ot�AK�n Acrc��
•clnowkE�ed. C1TY OF RE�10K, • munfcfp�l torpot�tlon
('Gnntor'�erun), Aercp� pant►,convc�y�na �u������o PUGET SOUKD POMER � �IGHT COMPA�I. • �
� M'u�mpon corpor��inn('Gnmcc'hcttm),for IAt purpoya Aeremahrr�et fonA.�perpeiwl qK�n�orer.�nc»s�nd
d undri�Ac followir�dacriDcd rc�i propenp(thc'Pwpcny'hecin)m Ki�a Count�.M'asA�e�on
� PARCEL A: TA�t portion of Government Lot 8 lyfng Nort�erly of tDe
�,.� ieurlln;t�n Northcrn R�llro�d rian�-or-�.r; TpGETHER MITH t��t portfon
� of �e�ndered Ced�r Alver •ccordin6 to tAe Government M�p of 1865, vhlch
� �ay h�ve •tt�c�ed Dy ope��tfon of l�v;
�J being • portfon of the Sout�e�st qu�ttcr o! tAe Northwe�t qu�rter of
� Sectlon 22, Twnshlp 23 North, R�nae S E�at, H.M.
REAL C.� . ':i�"i KmQ W. Raads Orv ,
' P.O.BOX 9:.>;;;
BELLEVUE.1'�';���;��,;7�N �30J99734 By�� !�-.;�,�
ATT£]:i i Ul:t9,�0/Tf7�
, Eacept as rtuy be o�Aern�isc�et fonh hercin Gnnta't rijhis cAall Ec txcrcised upon that ponion of t�c Propcn��tAc
, 'R��haof•N'ap'Acrein)dacriDed as followi
A RiQM-of-N'ay ten (10) fee+in widtA having�ive (S) fee+of:uch widtA on ach s,dc
of� emerlinc dncril,cd�s fpIlows
• ��e centerline oi Gr�ntee's f�cilSties •� conatr�cted or to Dc constr�cted
extcnded or reloc�ted, lying vit�ln the follovfng portfon ot t1�e •Dove deacrlDed
, ComnKncing �t tAe SoutTvest corner of the •bove described Sout�ea�t Qu�rter of
tAc Northwe�t qu�rter; tTence Nort� •long the We�t llne of s�id Sout�east
querter to tAe Nort�erly nargin of t�e •bove deccrlDed Eurlinaton NortAezn
R�ilro�d riaAt-of-v�y •nd tAe 7RUE PO1N7 OF BEGINNING; thence Sout�easterly
a�o�g ��id NortAerlr n�rain • dlstance of 300 feet; t�ence NortAeasterly •t
, risTt •n61e• • dist�nce of 15 feet; tAence Northve�terlr p�r�11�1 v1tA a�id
Northerly �nargin to s�1d West line of the Southe��t Qu�rter; t�encc South
•long •aid We�t lfnc to t�e 7RUE POINr OF BEGINNING.
(TAis e�sement swy pe �uperseded •t • l�ter date Dy � document v1t� • �noze
apecific e�sement description bssed on • •urvey furnls�ed Dy Gr�ntor •t no cost .
to Gr�ntee.)
I. �urpo►c.Gr�ntee iAa11 Aave the ri�M to const�uct,opentc,mainuin,rrpair,rep4a�nd enlar�c onc or s�on
` ckaric tnnsmission�nd/or OisiriDution Gnes ovcr and;or under the RitM-of-W�� lojelher with tll MtKL� or
; wmcniem�ppunrnance►thereto.rhich m�y include bw�rc na Gmited to thc(ollowinr
� �. Over�ad bctlf�la.Poks and;or towen with aossarms.►nas,�uyz�nd anchon,tlmric transmission�nd
dwtriDution unes:mmmuniution�nd cijn�llircs.Iransformen
E. Uader�round 4fiitia. Undcr�round eonduits,ubles,v�ults,manhola,twitcAa�nd Iransforrtxrt,rcmi-
� luried or pound moumed f�rihtia cuch as pads,trsnsformen�nd cwitcAa. �
' Followine the iniiial construction of ic farilities,Gnmtt rtuy from time�o time construn tuch�dditional lines and
aher facili�ia u u may requirc.
2. Accac.Gnntec chal]Aave the rigM of accas to the R i�M-ol-Way cvcr and aaoss thc Property to crubk Granuc to
, exerritt n rijrts hcrcunda,providod,tAat Gran�cc�ha���ompensate Gnntor for�ny damate to Ihe Propeny puscC�tbc
caercisc of aid ritht of�ccas.
3. Cutlin�of Treea.Gnntec challluve the ripM to cut or trim any�nd dl Erush or trca�undiny or`rowing upon thc
: Rijht-of-W�y,�nd�►so thc ri�ht to cut or trim�ny trea upon tAe PropMy w�hith,in fallin�,eould,in Gramn�C rcasonabk
jud�emcnt,bc�Au�rd lo Gnmce i(aal�tia.
�. Granlorti use of Ri=Mrof-N'��.Gnmor rcserves tht ritht to use the Ritht-of•Way for�ny purpost not inconsisunt=
with tAc rithu Aercin�nnted,Drovided.t1u�Gnntor tlull no�eonctruct or rtuinuin any puildinj or othcr qrunurc on thc
R ithtof-K'ay�nd Gnntor shall do no DlastinQ within�00 fed of Gnnteet facilitia wif hout Gnntec i prior w�riiten conscnt
S. Indemnky.By acaptint�nd rctordinj this uxment,Gnntce aQrees to indcmnify and hold Aarmlas Grantor Irom
' an)'�nE�II claims for injuria�nd/or d�ma;es�uffered by any penon wAic�may bc uused Dy�he Gnmee i cxerciu of tAc
rijMs Aerein�nntcd:provided,that Gnntee thall not be rapontiblc to Gramor for any injuries�nd i or damaga to�ny
penon pused��as or omusions of Gnntor.
' 6. AEandonmeM.TAc rijAts Aerein�nnted shall eontinue until tuc�time�s Gnntee ceases to uu the RiyM-ol-N'ay
for�period of fivc(S)tucassivc yan.in wAicA event this ascmem thall urmiru�c�nd�Il rijht►Aercunder�hall rcvcn�o
Gnntor,provided,that noabandommem thall be deemed�o have acurred py ruson of Gr�mee'�(aiturc to initi�llp�nnall
ps 6cilitia on thc Rithi-of-Way within�ny period of time from IAc date haeof.
+ „°"'i" R-2522 K.1-AC001
8706142 235-66 _ _ _
' ' �. Successor�nd Assijrts.T�c ri�ht�and ol+I� �tiom of thc w
� �ni��hall inurc�o thc hcncfit of and !►c binding upon
Ihc�r rca�+cai�c wceea�on�nd as�igns.
DATED ihi. a�• of ' 19�L
CITY OF RENTON • municipal corporation '
_BY: V4�l�a� `�'► •�Q�n c�nr
� - O , �
axine E. Motor, City Clerk
) ss.
oot�t�rrst aF j
Q� this - ---�:y of ejrri 19�, before me
the tindersi , a notaiy public in and or State o Wa , duly camas-
bioned and �rn, personally appeared
b� me l�� to be the
m,aiicipal vorp�ration e�ecuted �
�gOin9 u►strvnent and acknaw edge the
same to be the free and wl�tazy act and aeea of said m�icipal o�rp�ration, for
the uses and pur�oses therein mentior�ed, and on oath stated tha � a,�, �
authc�rized to execute the said instrvrent.
WIT2gSS my hand and official seal heretn affi�aed the day and year in this
oertificate above writben.
�O�Y ic for S te o
Was ' residing at �
APP�oved as tn fonn:
Assistant City Attorney
• 4