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For and in consideretion of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable
consideration, the receipt of r�rhich is hereby acknoWledged, NQ� 1 1988
THE CITY_ OF RENTON,_a munic_ipal _�orpor�tion _______—______
- ---------------- - --- ----�;�y ��
("Grantnr" h�r��in►. Rran�s. c�m���•s anc� ��•arrantt m Pt i(;�' Snl 1!�;p PO�'1'ER & I.IGHT CO\iPA!`l�'a 1'1 as i t � t"FfrF�C'F
Porati�n ("Grantc�" herein�, for th�� �urPnses her��inafler s�i f�rih a rcr��etual eas�ment under, across and o��er th� f�l-
lo�cinF descrihec� real F�roTrerh (th�� .'Pm���rt�.. herein) _-_King-- Count�. �1'ash�nRt�n.
That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest querter of Section
� 17, Township 23 North, Range S East, W.M. , lying Northeasterly of the Cedar
� , River Waterway and being within the area of Liberty Park and lying
� between Bronaon Way and Houser Way in the City of Renton.
i �
� F��-�`�' F��--;; �ECU�D AT REQUEST OF:
C� F>ut��i r��b�'ER
� P.O. E�X �7C34
� �
. �
ExcePt as ma�• be otherH�ise set forth herein Grantee's riRhts sha11 he exercised upon that portion oi the Propert�• (the"RiRht-
of V1'a��" herein) described as follo���s:
A RiRht-ot-�1'a�� _ Ten (10) feet in�n�idlh ha��in�__ Five (5) feet of such �ti•idth on each side of a center-
line described as follo�n�s:
1. Purpose.Grantee shall ha��e the riRht ro construct.operate,maintain,repair.replace and enlar�c�an underjzround electric
transmissic,n and/or distrihution s�•stem upon and undPr the RiRht-of-\�'a� to�ether ��•ith all necessan� or con��enient a�-
purtenances therefor. �n•hich ma�• include hW are not limited to the follo��•in�: underRround conduits, cables, communication
lines: �•aults, manholes. s��•itches, and transformers: and semi-buried or �round mounted facilitie�. Follo�sin� the initial cnn-
struction �f its facilities. Grantec� ma� from timt� to timc� construct such additional facilities as it ma� require.
2. Access.Grantee shall ha��e thP riRht of access to the Ri�ht-of-lh'a�•o�•er and across the Propert��to enable Grantee to exer
cise its ri�hts hereunder,provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for an� dama�e to the Propert�•caused b�•the exer-
cisr of said ri�rht of access.
3. Obstructions; Landscaping. Grantee ma� from time to timf� remo��e trees, bushes,or other ohstructions within th�� Ri�ht-
of-\1'a� and ma� l���el and t;rade th�� Ri�ht-of-11'a� to the exlent reasonabl�• necessar� to carr� out thF� purposes set forth in
para�ra�h 7 herPof, pro�-ided, that follo��•in� an� such ��•ork. Grantee shall. to the extent reasonabl�• practicahle, restore th��
RiRht-of-11'a�• to the condition it ti•as immediatel� prior to such ti�ork. Follo��ing the installation of Grantee's underRround
facilities,Grantor ma�•undertake am ordinar�•imE�ro��ements to the landscapinR of the Ri�ht-of-�1'a��,pro��ided that no trE�es or
other plants shall be placed thereon „•hich����ould be unreasonabl�� expensive or impractical tor Grantee to remo��e and
4. Grantor's Use of Right-of-Wa�•. Grantor reser�•es the ri�ht to use the RiRht-of-�ti'a��for an� purpose not inconsistent ti•ith
the riRhts herein �;ranted, pro�•ided: that Grantor shall not construct or maintain am•building or other structure on the RiRht-
of-V1'a�•��•hich ��ould interfere �n�ith the exercisP of the ri�hts herein �ranted; that no dig¢inR. tunnelinR or other form of con-
;!ruc'irm a������it. s�al; be d�r,e or, the P;age:t•,� w•h;ch E,ould distur'� t�e co,�,pa�tion or ur:2ar'�� C:an!�e's facil;t:�s on ��:�
Ri,eht-of-1'1 a�•, or endan�er the lateral support to said facilities; and that no blastinR shall be done H•ithin]5 feet of th�Kieht-of-
S. Indemnity. B��accepting and recording this easement,Grantee agrees to indemnif� and hold harmless Grantor from an��
end all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered b�•an��person which ma��be caused by the Grantee's exercise of the rights
herein granted; provided, that Grantee shall not be responsible to Granlor for am injuries and/or damages to am� person
caused b� acts or omissions of Grantor.
6. AbandonmenL The riRhts herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right-of-�1'a� for a
period of fi�•e (5) successive years,in H�hich e��ent Ihis easement shall terminate and all righ�s hereunder shall re��ert to Gran-
tor, pro�•id�d that no abandonment shall be deemed to ha��e occurred b�� reason of Grantee's failure to initiall�� install its
facilities on the RiRht-of-Way within an�• period of time from the date hereof.
7. Successors and Assigns.The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to Ihe benefit of and be bindin�upon their
respecti��<� successors and assigns.
R-2301/R-2314 8601773 - 8604696 235-66 K.]-AC001
M78E 37 1�79
; _ >; , � • '� •
For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable
consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
THE CITY OF RENTON, a municinal�ozpg�atiQn
("Grantor" herein), �rants;com�e��s and ti•arrants lo PIIGET SOl1ND POWER R LIGHT COMPANY, a WashinRton cor-
Poration ("Grantee" hereir�►, for the pur�oses hereinafter set forih a �er�etual easement under, ar,ross end ove.r ihe fol-
lowin� descrihed real ProPert�� (the "Pro�ert�•" herein) King Counh�, V1�ashinRlon.
That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section
17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , lying Northeasterly of the Cedar
River Waterway and being within the area of Liberty Park and lying
between Bronson Way and Houser Way in the City of Renton.
Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's ri�hts shall be exercised upon that portion of Ihe Property(the"RiRht-
of Wa��" herein) described as follows:
A RiRht-of-Way Ten (10) feet in width having Five (5) feet of such�n•idth on each side of a center-
line descrihed as follows:
1. Purpose.Grantee shall have the righl to construct,operate,maintain,repair,replace and enlarge an underground electrir.
Iransmission and/or distribution s��stem upon and under the Right-of-Wa�� together with all necessary or convement ap-
purtenances therefor, �n�hich mat� include but are not limited to the i'ollov��ing: underground conduits,cables, communication
lines; vaults, manholes, s�vitches, and transformers; and semi-buried or�round mounted facilitie�. Following the initial con-
struction of its facilities, Grantee ma�• from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require.,-
2. Access.Grantee shall have the right of access to the Right-of-Way over and across the Propert}�to enable Grantee to exer-
cise its ri�hts hereunder,provided, that Grantee shall compensate Grantor for am�damage ro the Property caused by the exer-
cise ot said righl ot access.
3. Obstructions; Landscaping. Grantee ma��from time to time remove trees,bushes,or other obstructions within the RiRht-
of-\'Va�� and may level and �rade the Right-of-�1�a�� to the extent reasonably necessart� to carr�� out the purposes set forth in
para�ra�h � hereof, provided, that follo�ving any such work, Grantee shall, to the extent reasonabl�� practicahle, restore the
Right-of-�1'ay to the condition it was immediatel�� prior to such work. Following the installation of Grantee's underground
facilities,Grantor ma�-undertake any ordinar��improvements to the landscaping of the Right-of-Way,provided that no trees or
other plants shall be placed thereon ���hich would be unreasonably expensive or impractical for Grantee to remove and
4. Grantor's Use of Right-of-Way. Grantor reserves the right to use the Right-of-Way for am�purpose not inconsistent with
the rights herein granted, provided: that Grantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other str�cture on the Right-
of-Wa���vhich would interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted; that no digging, tunneling or other form of con-
stru�tion ar.tivity shall be done on the Property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the
Right-of-Way, or endanger the lateral support to said facili[ies; and that no blasting shall be done within 15 feet of the Right-oi-
5. Indemnity.By accepting and recording this easement,Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any
and all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered by any person which may be caused by the Grantee's exercise of the rights
herein granted; provided, that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any injuries and/or damages to any person
caused bv acts or omissions of Grantor.
6. Abandonment. The ri�;hts herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Right-of-Way for a
period of five (5) successive years,in which e��ent this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder shall revert ro Gran-
tor, provided that no abandonment shal] be deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to initially install its
facilities on the Right-of-Way within any period of time from the date hereof.
7. Successors and Assigns.The rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their
respecti��e successors and assigns.
R-2301/R-2314 8601773 - 8604696 235-66 K.T-AC0o1
M788.37 1 J9
• ' r` _
DATED thi. �1sy of ' • � .
. �9 ". •
_ � ; CRAtJ'I'OR ,
��� a m�micina] rn nrafinn
� ATTEST: BY• ��� � _�2��-�, /o -i 9—��
City Clerk -
OOU�1'I'Y OF k ) ss.
; �� �
Qz this day of � . 19 88, before me
the �dersi , a notary public in and or State o Wa 9ton, dul camus-
sioned and sa�rn. Per'sonally appeared � ovn dL
tc� me lalaam to be the �.
maiicipal corporation that e�aecuted the orec��n9 �t��nt and ackr�awledged the
san� t� be the free and wl�tary act and deed of said naaiicipal oorporation, for
the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and,on oath stated that zs.q r�
authorized to execute the said instrisr�nt. -�—
WITI�'SS my hand and official �eal herem affix�ed the day and year in this
vertificate above writt�.
I`�O�Y � �n for �ttie S te o
Washin , residi.rig at �
APP�� a5 bD f�IIi1: � MY COPII�7I S S I ON EXP I R E S ���- 9 b
Assistant City A rney
x csul/K--[3.14 Pa$e, 1 ,of �2 •
86017�3t�gQ�696 �
City of Renton �
A strip of land ten (10) feet in width lying five (5) feet on each side
of the following described centerline, said strip being situated in Section
17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington, more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of Bronson Way North,
said Right—of—Way being 70 feet in width, and the Northeasterly line of
Commercial Water Way No. 2 (Cedar River) ;
Thence South 50'13'00" East along said Northeasterly line a distance of
209.53 feet to a lead and tack monument said point also being a point of
Thence continuing South 50'13'00" East a tangent distance of 90.47 feet;
Thence South 76'37 ' 15" West a distance of 40.3 feet;
Thence South 41 '19'40" West a distance of 7.5 feet to the True Point of
Thence North 41 '19'40" East a distance of 26.3 feet;
Thence North 05'37 '34" East a distance of 5.6 feet;
Thence North 40'40'37" West a distance of 12.6 feet;
Thence North 13'S8'S9" East a distance of 15.6 feet; ;
Thence North 04'49'S8" West a distance of 45.2 feet;
Thence North 38'41 '26" West a distance of 178.0 feet -and the terminus of
this centerline description.
The side lines of said 10 foot easement are to be extended or shortened
to meet at angle points and to terminate 5 feet Southerly of the existing
South 5' x 5 ' power vault and 5 feet northerly of the existing North 5' x 5'
power vault.
, Page 2 o�f 2
� -� Exhibit "A" Cont'd
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oa�wN AJH
CMEGKED� DGM SGA:E. IJF� re�n roa��560 ���'