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tj CORP. (hereinaft�r referred to as "First City") , a Washington
� � corporation, daes by these presents make, establish, canfirm
and :.mgress upon the followinq-described praperty which
' �' comprises a portion of the Plat of VICTdRiA HILLS, recorded
I � in Valume �!3 of Plats, Pages 3 and records of King �
Caunty, Was�i�gton (which graper�s herefnafter referred
� to as "VICTORIA HILLS," the following restrictiva covenants
to run with the Iand and does hereby bind First City and all
its grantees, assignees and successors to said covenants far
the term hereinafter stated and as fo].lows: The real property
which is, and ahall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed
and occupied subject to th3s declaration 3s located in Kinq
I County, Washington, and is desaribed as:
` � �
1. GENERAL PROVISION3: These restricti•�e covenants s
shall run with the land and shall be binding upon First
City, its qrantees, assignees and suocessors, and all persans
owning I,ots i.n VICTOkIA HILLS or claiminq under them until �
January I, 2009, at which time said restrictive covenants
shall be automatically extended far success��ve periods of
ten (10) years unless a majnrity of said Owners, by an � �
�Iinstrument or instruments in writing, duly signed and �
I acknawiedged by them, terminate or amend said restrictive
covenants insofar as they pertain to residential lots, and � I
said termination or amendments shall become effective upon � �
I the filing of such instrument ar instrumenta of record in � �
the Office of the Recorder of King County, washington. Sucri �
inetrument or instruments shall cantain proper referenaes ta �
the records of said offiae by valume and page number of both ; '
tt.e recording of the VICTORTA HILLS plat aild the recording �
of this instrument in which these restrictive covenants are , i
set farth, and to the recarcling af alI amendments hereof.
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If First City, the Owner c�.f lc�ts in VICTORIA HILLS, or
any of them or their heirs or assigne shall violate or
attempt to violate any o: the covenanta heroin, it shall be
lawful for any person or persons owninq any real property
situated in VICTORIA IiILLS to prosecute in proceedings at
law or in equity against the person or persons violating or
attempting to violate any such covanant, and either to
prevent him or them from so doinq or to recover damaqes or
� other due� for such violation, or both.
I Ln Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judqment
Oor court order shall in no way rsffect any of the other
,.._ provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.
� Section l. "The Association" shall mean VICTORIA
HILLS HOMEOWNE— RS� ASSOCIATION, INC. , a non-profit corpora-
tion to be established pursuent to the provfsions of Para-
graph 21. herein, its successors and assigns.
Section �. "Developer" shall mean FZRST CITY, a
corporation, and any assigns of its entire interest in
Section 3. "Trustee" shall mean RAYMOND .^..
SWANSON, or any successor Trust�se.
Section 4. "Properties" shall mean that certain
real property comprfsing VICTORIA HILLS described above and ' •
additions thereto as are subject to this declaration or any
supplemental declaration. � , ' '
Section S. "Common Properties" shall mean all � � ,'
real property owned by the Trustee or the Association for , .
the common use and enjoyment of inembers of tha Association �,:;:?
and shall not include any streets or other areas dedicated
to public use. The Common Properties fur VICTORIA HILLS fs .
particularly described as follows:
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All of said Common Pr�perties is designated in red on
the map of the final plat of VICTORIA HILLS attached hereto
as Exhibit "A."
Section 6. "Lot" shall mean any plot of land '
ahowr. upon any recorded subdivision map of the Properties
, with the exception of the Cammon Propertiea and atreeta or
other areas dedicated to public use.
Ser.tion 7. "Member" shall mean every person or
ti entity who ol�ds membership in the Association as provided
� in Paragraph 20. he�.reof.
— Section 8. "Owner" shall mean the record owner,
� whether one or more parsons or entities and specifically
� including the Developer, of a fee simple title to any Lot or
c� Lots which are part of the Propertiea, including contract
sellers, but excludinq those havinq such interest merely as
� security for the performance of an obligation.
Section 9. The term "the development period"
shall mean t�at—period of time from the date of recordinq of
this declaration until the date on which seventy percent
(708) of the Lots now or here�inafter platted on the Properti.es
have been sold by Developer, or until such earlier date as
may be established by the Developer. In any event, the
development period shall terminate on December 31. 1885 i
3. BUILDIrIG RESTRICTIONS: All Lots shall be known � �
and described as residenfi al lots." A "buildinq site" �
shall consist of one or more residential lots as shown on
said plat.
No building or structure shall be erected, constructed,
or maintained or perm�tted upon such residential lots,
except on a buildinq site as hereinabove defined. No build-
ing or struature shall be erected, constructed, maintained
or permitted upon a building site except a single detached
dwellinq house to be occupied by no more than one family and
attendants or domestic s�rvants of that family. •
The main floor finished area of the main structure or �
building of the single detached dwellinq house, exclusive of ,
.one story open porches and garages, shall not be less than
twelve hundred (1200) square feet for a one story dwelling '
, nor less than one thousand (1000) equare feet for a one j
atory dwellinq with a daylight basement, nor less than nine ;
hundred (900) square feet for a dwelling of more than one �
d story= provided, that for dwellings of more than one story, :
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the total finished aquare foatage area of the aecond and/or
third atory when added to the minimum nine hundred (900)
square foot main floor requirement, shall not be less than
fifteen hundred (1500) square feet.
4. BUILDING LIMITS: No dwelling shall be erected or
placed on any Lot av ng a width of less than fifty (50)
� fEet at the minimum building setback line. Where it is �
r_ architecturally feasible, it is recommended that all garagea,
� carports, storage areas, tool cabinets, garden houses and
� similar structur�s be attached to, or incorporated in and
,_ made a part of the dwelling house.
� No linea or wires for the transmission of power or for
`� telephone use shall be constructed, placed or permitted to
� be placed upon any residential lot outside the buildings
thereon unless the same shall be underground or in conduit
attached to a building. No television or radio aerial shall
be erected or place� on any residential lot which is more
than six (6) f�et in height above the highest point (exclu-
sive of chimneys) on thQ building or structure upon which it
is erected.
� buildinqs or other mprovements, nclu ng encea (wo�den
only allowed) and swimming pools, shall be approved by the
Building Committee, established pursuant to Paragraph 6.
herein. Complete plans and specificationa of all proposed ;
buildings, structures, and exterior alterations, including , �
exterior color, together with detailed plans showinq the �
proposed location of the same on the particular buildinq ,
site, shall be submitted to the Building Committee before
construction or alteration is started, and such constructioi� ' .
or alteration shall not be started until written approval '
thereof is given by the Building Committee. �
All plans and specifications for approval by the Build- ; �
ing Committee must be submitted, in duplicate, at least ten '
(10) days prior to the proposed construction starting date. ;
Said plans or specifications shall be prepared by an '
architect or a competent house-designer approved by the
Building Committee and all buildings or structures shall be •
erected or constructed by a contractor or house builder
approved �y the Building Committee.
Tn addition, each aubmitted plan must have a plot plan
attached showing the following informations
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l. Lot dimenaionaf
2. House placement on Loti
3. Elevation of basement and main floors with
relation to point on curbs
4. Elevation of highest ridge linet and
5. 3xterior color scheme.
� As to all construction or alterations in VICTOR2A
� HILLS, the Buildinq Committee ahall have the right to deny
p approval when such construction or alterations are not
� suitable or desirable, in the Building Committee's opinion,
"' for any reason, sesthetic or otherwiae, and in so passing
p upon auch application, the Buildinq Committee shall have the
v� riqht Lo take into conaidezation the auitability of the
proposed building or other structure, the material of which
it ia to be built, and the exterior color scheme, to the
site upon which it is to be builts the harmony thereof with
the surroundinqsj how the building or other structure or
alterations as planned will look from the adjncent or
neiqhboring property= the affect or impairm^^t that said
structure or building will have on the view of tha surround-
ing building aites, and any and all other factors which, in
the Buildinq Committee'a opinion, ahall aftect the daeir-
ability or auitability of auch prc.poaed conatruction or
6. BUILDING CONAlITTEE: The Building Committee shall '
be initially composed of two person3 selected by FIRST CITY
- and/or any additional person or pereons appointed from time
to time by FIRST CITY, ita successora or assiqns. In the
event of the death, disability, resiqnation, or inactivity
in committee work of any committee member, the remaininq �
members, or FIRST CITY, ita auccessors or assiqns, in the
event there are no remaining members, ahall be authorized to
appoint svccessor membera of the Building Committee. After
January 1, 1982, the Building Coiamittee shall be compossd of
no less than three (3) e�nd no mora than five (5) individuals
to bs selected by the Asaociation or by the Owners of majority
of the Lots in ViCTORiA HILLS, it the Association has not
been incorporated by that dete. All deciaions o! the Build-
ing Committee shall be by majority vote. .
atructure erecte or placed on any rea dential lot in VICTORIA
HILLS shall be completed as to appearance, including finished
exterior paintinq, within six (6) months after date of
commencsment of construction.
` 8. EASEMENTS: Easements for installation and main-
a: tenance of u�t�es and drainaqe facilities are reserved as
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� shown on the recorded plat of VICTORiA HILLS. Within these
` • easements, no structure, planting or other material shall be
1 . Flaced or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere
with the installation and maintenance of utilities or which
may chanqe the direction of flow of drainage channels in the
� easements, or which may obstruct or retard the flow of water
i through drainage channels in the easementa. That portion of
each Lot which contains auch easement and all improvements
� thereon shall be maintained conti�uously by the Owner of the
� Lot, except for those improvements for which a put�lic authority
p or utility company is responsible. Any and all drainaqe
70 collected or aufficiently concentrated to create erosion
— problems in the opinion of the Buildinq Committee shall be
p piped at the Owner's expense to the nearest underqround
� public storm sewer line or strret gutter. Plans and speci-
ficatfons for such underground piping must be approved by
the Building Committee at the time the house plans are
approved for construction, as provided in Paragraph 5.
9. NOXIOUS USE OF PROPERTY= No noxious, illeqal or
offensive use o propertp shall e carried on apon any Lot,
nor shall anythinq be clane thereon which may be, or bacome,
an annoyance or auisance to the owners of other Lota in
VICTORIA HILLS. No grantee or grantees, under any convey-
ance, shall at any tima conduct, or permit to be conducted,
on any residential lot, any trade or bueiness of any de-
scription, either commercial or reliqtaus, including day '
r� schools, nurseries, or church schoola n�r shall sain pre- i
mises be used for any other purpose whatsoever except for �
the purpose of rs private �welling or residence. -
No trash, garbage, ashes or other refu�e, junk vehicles, ( !
unclerbrush, or other unsiqhtly growths or objects, ahall be (
thrown, dumped or allowed to accumulate on any Lot. In the � �
event any auch conditi.on shall exiat upon any Lot, ar.y �
person or persons owning any real property situated in
VICTORIA HILLS may uae the legal powers as set forth in �
Paragraph l. herein to alleviate such condition. '
No trailer, basement, tent, shack, qarage, barn or ,
other outbuildinq or temporary structure erected or aituated �
in VICTORIA HILLS shall, at any time, bc� used as a residence, '
S temporarily or permanently, nor shall any permanent building ',
or structure be used as a residence until it is completed 3s
�; , to external appearance, including finiehed pain�ing.
of the plante�slan s n VICTORIA HILLS shall be the sole
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responsibility of the owners of thoee Lots directly frontinq
the cul-de-sac's containing said planter islands. '
11. FENCES AND HEDGRSs All fences muat be constructed
of wood or wood type mater al and blend with the architectural •
style of the houae occ�:rying the Lots on which aaid fencea
are to be erected. Any 'voundary walls must be approved by
� the Building Committee.
O12. ANINI�,LS: No animals, liveRtnck or poultry of any
_ kind shall be ra�sed, bred or kept on a�ny Lot, except that
dogs, cats or other houaehold peta may be kepts provided,
O that they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial
� purposes, and further provided that they do not become a
pLblic nuisaace.
13. MAIL BOXES: All mail boxes must be of a standard
accepted by the U.S. Postal authorities, and must be located
in those structures erected and so designated by the U.S.
Postal Department.
The Owners using �uch mail boxes ahall be responsible
for the in-maintenance, repair and replacement.
or othEr waste s al not be kept except n sanitary con- � .
tainers. All incinerators or other aimilar equipment shall
be kept in a cle�an and sanitary condition. All containera '.j
for trash, garbage or other waste must be screened so as not , . , .:':�
t� be visible from any street or adjacent Lota or residenr,es. ,
,� .
15. SIGNS: No aiqns of any kind shall be displayed , ' � '
within V2CTORIA HILLS with the exception of real estate "for �
sale" or "for rent" signa, the maximum aiz9 of which ahall ; j
� be in compiiance wiL•h the Renton City Code. ;
16. ACCESS TO SR 515: No Lots shall have direct
access to or rom the roadway known as SR 515, and tha only •
access from VICTORIA HILLS to SR 515 shall be bx way of
public street right of waya. ,
17. CLOTHES LINES: No exterior clothea linea are
allowed that can e seen from 3ny atreet or adjacent Lots or
residences. '
electric ut 1 ty systems s al be underground excluaively.
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' Section 1. Annexation of additional propertiea
into VICTORIA HILLS shall require the asasnt of fifty-one
percent (51$) of the membera of the Association, at a
meeting duly called for thia purpose, written notice of
which shall be sent to all members not less than thirty (30)
� daya nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting
� setting forth the purpoae of the meeting.
— Section 2. if, within fifteen (15) years of the
� date of recor�ng of this declaration, Dcv�loper ehould
' � develop additional lands within the area d�scribed in
c0 Exhibit "8," attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference, lands may be annexed to VICTORIA HILLS without
the consent of the members of the Association= provided,
however, that the development of such add:.tional lands
described in this Section shall be in ac:cordance with the
then-current Master Plan approved by the City of Renton.
r' shall be incorporated at the t me selecte by First City ii�
,�" its eole discretion, provided that said Association shall,
' in any event, be incorporated no later than the date sixty
percent (60�) of the houses to be constructed on the Lots (
are occupied. The Association shall be incorporated by
First City or its agent under the Non-Profit Corporation Law
of the State of Washington, as set forth in Title 24 of the � '
Revised Code of Washinqton.
VICTORIA HILLS a a e a me er o e Associationf pro- f ^
vidad however, that if any Lot is held jointly by two (2) or .
more persons, the several 0«iers of such interest ahall
designate one of their number as the "member." No Owner �
shall have more than one membership regardlesa of the
n�•mber of Lots owned. Membership shall be appurtenant to
and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is �
subject to assessment by the Developer or the Association
except that the incorporator(s) of the Aasociation shall be , �
eligible for membership without regard to ownership of an •
interest in a Lotf provid4d, however, that incorporators who
are not Ownera shall cease to be membere of the Association
at �he expiration of two (2) weeks from the date of incorpora-
tion of the Association. Upon transfer of the fee interest ,
t� any Lot, the membership and any certificate of inembership �
in the Association shall ipso facto be deemed to be trans- '
ferred to the grantee of auch Lot. Ownerahip of such Lot or �
Lots ahall be the aole qualification for membership.
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22. VOTING RZGFtfiSs Eaeh mamber of the Aasocfation
shall have one vote anc� the interest af eaah membez sha21 be
� ' equa2 to that of any other menber, and na member may acquire
�. aay interest whiah entit3es him ta any greater vofce, vote
.;�i!� ar autharity in the Association than any other member. In
� "� the casa of Lots awned jointly by two (2) ar more peraons.
only the joint owner designated as tha "memb�sr" pursuaat to
� Paragraph 21. hereof shall be e»titled to vote. I�
� .
p 2n the event that the Non-Prafit Corgoratian Law o� the
� '� State oE Washington as set forth in Titla 24, Revised Code
of Washington, is changed to permit one member of a non-
O profit carporation to sxercise greater votin� r+�hts than
� another member, voting shall thereafter be according to the
I number of Lots awned, that is, members sha11 be entitled to
one vate for eaah Lot in which they ho2d the fnterest re-
• � quired far membership by Paragrapii 21. heraof. When more
i than one persan holds such interest in any Lot, the vote for I
such I.ot sha11 be exerciaed as they amanq themselves deter-
' mine, but in no e�ent shall more than one vote be aast with
� raspeat to any Lot.
� Sectian 3.. Members' Easements of Enjayment.
I Every member o t e Assaciat on s ali a�a riq�it�and
� easemen*. o�' enjoyment in and to the Cc,mman Praperties and I
such erasement shal2 be agpurtenant ta and shall pass with
the title to every assessed Lot. subj�►ct to the following �
' (a) The right of the Assaciation to limit �
the number of guests of inembers; .
' (b) The right of the Assaciation to charqe , �
reasonab2e admissian and other fees for the uae of any re- '
areational facility sit�ated upon the Cammon Propertiesj �I
(c} The rigi:t af the Association, in acoord- '
anae with its Artfcles and By-Laws, to barrow maney for the '
' purpose af improvinq the Common Propertiea and facilitiea
and in aid thereof to mortgage said Common Properties, but
the rights af such mortqaqes in said Common Fragerties shall
be subordinate to the rights of the membera hereunder;
td� Tha right af the Association to tmke I
I such steps as are reasonably neceesary to prntect nny such
martgaged property against foreclosure, tncluding but nat �
limited to, the riqht to charqe admissian and other fees as
i a aondition ta continued enjoyment by the member�t and, if 1
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necessary, to open the enjayment of such Commor► Pzaperties
to the publict and
{e) The zight of the Assaciation to susgend
the voting rights and right to use the Common Properties and
the recr+�ationa2 facilities by any member £or �ny perfod
durinq which any assessment against his Lat remains unpaid
tt) and for a periad not to exceed thirty C3o) days far nny
� infractfon of the Assacia•tion's published ru2es and regula-
� tione. During the developmental periad, the Association
� shall be required ta ex?rcise its rtght to suspend the
— voting rights af, and the right ko the use af the Comman
�jProperties and the recreatianal facilities by a member for
I � non-payment of an assessment, upon the request of the
(fj The right of the Association, to dedi-
cate or transfer all or any part of the Common Progerties ta I
any governmental unit ar public agency or au�hority or
, pub2ic uti2ity far such purposes and subject to such candi-
tions aa may be agreed ta by ths members. No such 8edicatfon
or transfer shall be effect3,ve unlesa an instrument signed
by twa-thirds {2j3} of the members entitle3 to vote hae been
recorded, agree3ng to suah dedicat3on ar transfer, and
unlesa written notice of the proposed actian 3s sent to
every member nat less than thirty t30) days nor mare than
� . sixty t60? dals in advanae. �
(gy During the deveiopmental period, the
exercise of all of the rights and powers set forlh in sub-
paragraphs (b) , (c) , (d) and (f) shall require the priar
apprava2 of bath the Trustee and the Deve2aper. ;
, Seation 2. Dele�at�i_��o� n, of Use. Any member may , I,
' delegate, in a'r ccordance w t�h the By-Laws of the Association, �
' his riglits of enjayment ta ths Cammon Properties and facili- �
� ties to the members of his family, his tenants or contract �
� purchasers who reside an the property, and, subjeot to f
' requlatian by the Associatioa, ta his temporary guests. �
Seatian 3. Title to the Comman Prape�_�r�ties.
First City e�i r�covenants�iat�w�3. canve e simgle •
title to the Cammon Properties to the Trustee, free and
° clear of alI encumbranaes and iiens immedfately upan recorda-
tion of this Declaration af Protective Cavenants, Restrictions,
Limitations, Conditions and Agreements (hereinafter referred
to as the '"D,�cl.araticn") .
?�, Seation 4. The Trustee. The Trustee shall hold I
,�� sai3 Common Properties�trust�or the benefit and enjoyment I
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of the members af the Assaciatian duriag the develogmental
period, or until the Assaciation is incarporated, whichever
� is later, after whiah time tha trust shall terminnter and
the Trustee shall thereupon canvey the Common Pzoperties tc
the Association sub�ect to the proviaions of this Declaratian '�
or any supplem�ntal dealarations. During the term of said I
trust, the Trustes shall have all of the rights and powers ,
� provided for in thfs Declaration and/or in the Deed aonveyinq
r.. suah praperty to the Truatee. Durinq the term af said
GTrust, the Developer shall cantrol the callection an@ ctis-
� bursement of assessments and the development and maintenance
— of the Comman Properties and related faailities.
oQ I
Seatian 1. Creation �f the Lien and Persanal
Ob1i ation of Assessments. The Develaper, or eac Lot �
owned w t n t e Progert�.es, herehy covenanta, and each
� Owner of any Lot or I.ots by ACC.?ptanoe of a deed therefaz,
whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or
other canveyance, is deemed to aovenant and agree to pay to
the Developer duris�c} the developrnental period, or until the
Asaociation is inaorporated, whichever is later, and there-
after ta the Association, as provided herein: (1} annual
assassment or charge: and (2) special assessments for capital
improvements, such assessments to be fixed, established, and I
ccllected from time ta time as grovided herein. The annual
and special assessments, together with such interest thereon '
and costs of callection thereaf, as provided herein, shall '
be a charqe on the land and shall be a continuinq Iien upon
the Lot against which each such assessment is made. The
Developer shall not pay such annual and special assessments
and such assessmen�s sha22 not be a lien upon any Lat awned
by Developer. Each suah assessment, together with such
interest and costs of collection thereof i�.ncluding reason- �
able attornays' fees} sha21 also be the personal obligation �
pf the Owner of such Lot at the time when the a�sessment
fell due. The personal obligation shall not pass to said
Owners' successors in tit2e unless express2y assumed by I
them; provided, howeverl that in the case of a sale of any
Lot which is charged with the payment of an assessment or
assessments payable in instal'�ments, ttse person or entfty .
wha is the Owner immediately prior ta the date af any such
sale shall be personally �iable anly for the amount of the
instal2ments due prior to said date. The n+�w Owner shall be
personally liable for instaliments which become due on and
after the date of the sale.
Sectian 2. T.'ur��os��e �_o� f Assessments. The essess-
ments levied y the Deve oper or the Assoc�,ation as pravided
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herein shall be used exclueively far the purpose of promotinq
the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the residents
of the Praperties, inaluding, without limitatioa, the aon-
struation, establ3shment, improvement, repair and maintenance
of the Common Praperties and servicea and faailities related
'� to the use and enjoyment of the Common Properties, the
paymen� of taxes and insurance an the Cammon Properties and
the payment of Trustee's fees ta the Trnstee»
Section 3. Amount af the Annual Assessments. The
I tt') amount of the annual assessments shali be as follows:
� (a) During auch time as title to th�e Cammon
� � Properties is held by the Trustee, and subject to the pra-
' "` vfsions of Section 6. of this Paragraph 24., each Owner
p shall pay to the Developer as an annual assessment the
� amaunt cf twenty dallars t$28.88) per annum per Lot tsuhject
� ta inarease puzsuant to the provisions of this SEation 3.
and of Seotion 4. of thi� Paragraph 24.) whioh shall be used
for the purpases pravided in Section 2. af this Par�qraph
24. and for �o others. The extent of ths expenditures for
the purposes specified ahall be determined by the Developer
subjec� to the pravisians of Paragzaph 23.. Seoticn 4.i
provided that the Association has been incarpornted, said
j annual assessment amount may be increased durtnq the develop-
mental period by a vate af fiftyrone geraent {51�) af the
members oE the Assaciation voting i� person ar by proxy, at
a meetiag duly called for such purpoae, written notice of • I
which sha11 be sent ta all znemhers nat less than thirty (30}
days nor more than sixty {6Q) days in advance of the meeting.
{b} Upan termination of the trust and can-
veyance of the Common Properties by t,he Trustee to the
Assoaiatian, each Owner shall pay to the Association an
annual assessment af twenty dollars (S�0•003 Per artnum per
lot (or in the event triat amaunt has been inareased as pro- i
, vided in the preceding subparaqraph (a) or in 3ection 4. of �
this Paragraph 24. , the amount as so inoreased) subjeat Ca �
the provisiana af Seotion 6. of this Paraqraph 24.p gro- !
I vided, that said annual assessment shall be inareased as ; '
provided in Section 4. af this Paraqraph 24. and may be
inareased by the Association with the consent af fiEty-one
percent (518) of the members voting in person ar by praxy,
at a meeting duly ca22.ed for such purgoses, written notice
of which shall be sent to all members not less than thirty I
� (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the
meeting. After consideration af current maintenance aosts
�� and future needs of the Assoaiation: the Hoard of Trustees
. of the Associatiot� may fix the annual assessment at an
�; ar�tcunt less than the amount herein set farth.
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Section 4. Increase in Annual Assessmenta in
Conforrtar�ce w�th R�se n Consumer Pr ce In ex. From and
a�ter—January 1, 980, the amount o t e annual asaessment
shall be increased effective January 1 of each year by
multiplying the 1980 annual assessment by a fraction the �
numerator of which is the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumera (calculated on
t:ie base period: 1967 equals 100) for the United States as •
� � a whole (herein "price index") for January, 1980, and the
f f� denominator of which is the price index for January of each
0 succeeding calendar year. If said price index is not pub-
� lished on a monthly period basis, the smallest measurinq
-- period which includes the mon�h involved shall be used, or
0 if the price index is not pub�ishe3 for the month involved.
� the month to be used is the next month !or which the price
, pp index is published. If the price index shall be discontiaued,
there shall be substituted a comparable or substitute price
index prepared by the U.S. Government. In no event shall
the basic rent be less than the basic rent provided in
Paragraph 6.
Section 5. S ecial Assessments for Ca ital
Improvements. in addition to the annua assessments author-
ized above, the Association may levy apecial assessments for
capital improvements on the Common Proparties. Any such
levy by the Association shall be as provided in the Articles
of Incorporation and/or the By-Laws of the Association, and
during the developmental period shall require approval of
the Trustee and the Developer. �
Section 6. Uniform Rate of Assessment. Both � .
annual and specia�assessments shall e xe at a uniform I ;
rate for all Lots. i , �
Section 7. Quorum for An Action Authorized Under � /.
Sections 3. and 5. At t e irst meet ng ca e , as prov e ( • ,
in Sections 3. and 5. hereof, the presence at the meetinq of ( ►,: �
members of the Association or of proxies entitled to vote
sixty percent (608) of all the votes, shall constitute a ! ,.
quorum. If the required quorum is not forthcominq at any �
meeting, another meeting may be called, subject to the j .
notice requirement set forth in Sections 3. and 5., and the
required quorum at any such subsequent meetinq shall be one- ;
half (1/2) of the required quorum at the preceding meetinq.
No such subsequent meetinq ahall be held mora than sixty
(60) days followinq the preceding meetinq.
Section 8. Date of Commencement of Annual
Assessments - Due Dates. As to all Lots sub ect to this
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Declaration, the liability for the annual asseasments pro-
vided for in Sections 3. (a) and 3. (b) of this Paragraph 24.
shall begin on the first day of the calendar month followinq
the conveyance of the first Lot to an Owner. Said assesa-
ment shall be due and payable or, auch date and on the first
day of January of each succeedinq calendar year thereafter.
The first annual assessment shall be prorated accordinq to '
the number of months remaininq in the calendar year as of
� the date of the com►eyance. The due date of any special
� assessments undar Section 5. of this Paragraph 24. shall be
p _ fixed by the Trustee, or as to the Association, by the
_ resolution authorizing such assessment.
O Section 9. Effect of Non a .ent of Assessment -
� Remedies. I� any asaessment a not pa w t n t rty )
ayd-s a�er it was first due and payable, the assessment
shall bear interest from the date on which it was due at the
rate of twelve percent (128) per annum, and the Developer,
the Trustee, oz, upon termination of the trust, the Associa-
tion, may brinq an action at law aqainst the Owner personally
obligated to pay the same and/or forecloae the lien aqainst
the Lot, and interest, costa, and reasonable attorneys° fees
of any such action shall be added to the amount of auch
assessment and all such sums shall be included in any judq-
ment or decree entered in such suit. No Owner shall be
relieved of liability for the assessments provided for
herein by non-use of the Common Properties or abandonment of
his Lot. �
Section 10. Subordination of the Lien of Mort-
a ees. Tfie�ie� the assessments prov ded or here n
shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortqage (and -
to the lien of any second mortgage qiven to Recure payment �
of the purchase price) now or hereafter placed on any Lot.
Sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment ' ;
lien. However, the sale or transfer of any Lot which is
subject to such first mortqaqe, or purchase money secottd
mortgaqe, pursuant to a decree of foreclosure under such
mortga�e or in lieu of foreclosure thereof, ahall extingaish
the lien of such asseasments as to paymenta thereof w`,ich
became due prior to such sale or transfer. No sale or
transfer shall relieve such Lot from liability for any .
assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien there-
Section 11. Exem t Pro ert •. Tha followinq
property au �e�this Declarat on shall be exempt from
the assessmenta created herein:
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(a) All Properties dedicated to and accepted
by a local authorityt
(b) All Common Propertieat and
(c) All Properties owned by a charitable or
non-profit organization exempt from taxation by the laws ot
the State of Washington. However, no land or improvemeata
� devoted to dwellinq use shall be exempt from said assesaments.
� 25. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE: The Developer, durinq the
� development per o , and t ereafter the Association, shall
-- maintain all Common Properties and facilities and shall
p provide and maintain the landscaping of all open spaces
� and buffer zones within VICTORIA HILLS. Each individual
N Owner shall be obligated to provide exterior maintenance of
his own Lot.
of litigat on ar sitig out o en orcement o these restrictive
covenant8 for VICTORIA HILLS, the grantee or grantees so
involved ahall be liable for the payment of all attorneys'
fees, court costs and/or other expenses or loss incurred by
the Developer and/or the Association, in enforcing these
reatrictive covenants of VICTORIA HILLS.
The term FIRST CITY as used in the covenants of VICTORIA � �
HILLS shall refer to FIRST CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP. or to any I
succesaor of said corporation, whether by change of name, i
conaolidation, merqer, transfer of busineas, resignation cr I
otherwise, or any qrantee of said corporations' entire '
remaining interest in VICTORIA H=LLST provided, that said ! �
grantee is desiqnated by said corporation in the deed of � .
transfer or written document attached thereto, as "successor" I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersiqned have affixed their �
� signaturea. i
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On this day personally appeared before me RAYMOND C.
� SWANSON, to me known to be tha Assistant Secretary of FIRST
CITY DEVELOPMENTS CORP., the corporation that executed the
pforegoinq instrument, and acknowledged the said inetrument to
� be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, �
i = for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath �i
, O stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument.
�� � GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 27th day of ,
� " ,D�ovember, 1979. I
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