HomeMy WebLinkAboutRC 8307271099 ,� " Fibci �w RawA �t ntx�uast u� � �., �- ,,. �I .� ' �. ' ' + '� , :� . `. Fii�:;�r r�F�►���t�:r,r� �ir�E . . � -��, .�r :��r��}�? , � ' ` •' ' • FN11Ct111 r. 1�1 ��h..i7.�,�G IiLUG � � � ; • �� ` � , � i., V�A1 y ►M,,r�k, v��� y�i t i `' r �� 'r , � I. 1 ;,. ;. r ' •�i i 1 � '� ' DDC'IAT�tA`!'IQV OF F2ES1'RICTIVI: OOV�TrS . . �'n J � �' �` M . ' �r- , , �'�•i 1� �`'�,�? � `�, Delb�►.rt C. Beru�ett and his wife Bette Bennett � � •.�•� ,�.,,�. � �' '��:����, ��� � j ,t '� ', "r�C� � �J � "'L•"�'• � y'. •� .i ��i y1'1• ��iK�� ,I, �;� I•', ; C'�t1o�n .s Devel t ration� Multive$1. LTD� and R�ng County ,�,; y . :: � �.;� .uF � Water District No. 90 are the o�mers of the following real praperty in tt�e � `�• ��. ; ����;,� r�rC�1!� I C' o.E Rentorl, Coun of Kin , State of Washin , ` + � }• ' �t� ty g gton, described as follows; � � . . � , n • . , .�;,�����, .a �:-- �� . " � �ry; — L�X'�L DESCRIPTION �i`':;;^_, • . �''' "'�- r•:.. � � _ �, _ ED � �`�'- w' r� ,��C�� PAF� A: ' . 3�7�7 �0�9 ,. .�:-.;.>; , ,�r k��or� / � The West � c�f ttk 5outhwest � �f the Southwest � of Section 10, Zbwns�ip�:2:3�;��;,,�� , No�rth� Rar►9e 5 Easi:, W.M. ; \ F��:P tt�, N�u�.+� 52� fE�et L��e.:eof; \�--- ' AI�ID E�CF.PT t�he 'n�st 3L'5 feet of the Sauth 65 ieet of the North 694 feet thereof; � AAID � the Southerly 629 feet of the Wes-terly 396.4 feet thereof; ArID F��'I' that porki.on there�f described as tollows: � 8eqir�ning at a point 30 feet North of tt�e Southeast bonier of said West � I� of the Southw�est �t of the Southwes� � of said Secti�n lU; thence West 250 � feet� ' ��,'tt�ryoe North 436 feet; ' � ; t��erpe Fast 250 teet; � . . • ' `t2zerice Sauth 436 feet to the point of begiruzing; ' �AND �:PT the trost Sautherly 42 feet thereof for S.E. 128th St. as cvveyed to King County by deeds recordc�d wlder R�oording Nos. 574104Q and 5741044; �I�ID �Q'T the n]pst� Westerly 40 teet thes'eof for, �n�on Avenu� N.E. ; , , , � ;� • ,�( a�� ,. , , " , , , ' , PAT� B q, • , � �• , , ' , . �� ,--r--- � That�partion of �he West � of tr�e Sauthwest � of the Soutr�west �; of�Sectinn ' �0, Z1vVdzstiip �3 No�rrh; Range 5 East, W.M. described as foi?a,�: , , � . . . , , � Heg�nrainq 42 feet North and '�5 feet We$t of the� Sautheast oornear of '�ai,d Wesk ,' � �f � ' • ' � , . , ' ' . , ��,i, ' � � � � , � `' �� 1 , t'yer�z West 17� Fee�; � tt�er�oe North 424 feet; � tt�r�oe East 175 fe�t; , , � , , ' thenoe Svuth 424 feet to tt�e point of beginning;� , � ; � � � �. , , •� , . , ,, . � PAF�CEL C: �, � �. , .�; , ,,i . y , , ,. , �------- , . ,, . , , The �ast 75 feet at the following: � � ' , � . Begiruiirg 42'feet North of the Southeast oorner bt the West � of ttie Sauttn�st �'of the Souttnaest �; of Sc�tlan 10, Zbwnshi.n ?3 N�'h, Rar.�e 5 E?�t, �;�M. , � �3n Kln9 CouTlty, Washing'ttx1; ' . ' � � � � :�tt�ence West 250 feet; � :� North 924 feet; � . ' 'tt�erroe East 250 teet; ' ;t.herroe South 424 feet to the ��nt of begirning; � ' II , ,, PARC�, D: ', ' �� The West 175 feet of the Sauth 622 feet of the East half of the Southw�est ' qua�rter of the Souttn�st quarter of Sect:.ian 10, Z'c�nship 23 North, Range � � � � Fs3st W.M., sn Kir�j CcxuitY, Wash;ngtaz; ' , � � ,i�; ;i' ' � , � �ti, �� ,,r'. , , . , , � �, . �,•,, , ,�;,�,,;� +.',�• � the South 42 feet tt�xeof aonveyed to King County for ro�ci by deed � � � ',r ', ' , rec�e:aded under Reoording No. 57y:5U5. � � � • Situate in tl'�e City of Renton, Cau�ty of King, State ot Washington . ' ' .' � ' , „ � . .. PA� E: . �.__�. . Ti,e Sou�ch � uf �Y.e tvesc � ui tne Ea5-t � oI �he Southwest quarter or tt�e Sauthwest quarter of Sec.�ti.on 10, Zbwnship 23 Narth, Range 5, East W.1►i. , in King Caunty, Washingtan, e�ccept the South 612 feet of tt�e West 175 teet, and exoept the South 470 feet tlze,reof. .j:� �' f ; ` ' � .'.����ge�r with an'eas�n:nt for �gress arr3 egress �15 feet in t�e width across, ' � .pve,r and upon tt� Wes-t � of the Southeast quar-ter of the Southwest quarter ',�af the Southwest quarter of sai�d Sectian 10, the oenterline or which is described • as follaas: Heginnin9 at the Southwest carr�r ox said Sectio�n 10; thenoe $outh B8� 02'43" East 811.38 feet; thence North 0' 17'32" West 42 fee to the point af beginning; thence Nc�rth 0'17'32" West 58U feet to the tenninus ot sai�d lin�e; e�wept that porti�can ttiereof included in the nerei,riabove descri.bed main tract. . � P� F: , j Tl'�g $outh 150 feet of the West half of the East half of the Soutrnaest quarter "-. I of the Sauttnaest quarter, Sectio�tz lU, Zbwnship 23 Narth, Range 5 r:ast, W.M. in-Kirig Cau�ty• Washin9�; . �P the West 175 feet; . E�'P the South 92 feet aanveyed to King Cainty� ur�der King County Rc:oor'ding • No: 5738266. PAF� G: � . �_..._- . Th� Ncart2i 110 feet of the South 36u feet of the�West half of the East half `� tbe 6outhwest qua�z�ter of the 5outl�aest quarter of Sect�nn 10, �aanship n 23 N�th, Ranqe 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washingtan; �T the West p 175 feet thereof, TOC���t with an easem�zt for ingress and egress of 15 — reet in width over, across and upon the follawing described real estate in � ICjng Cauity, Washingt,on: Over the Sauth 220 teet of the West half of tt�e — East half of the South�a�st quart�r of the Souttiwest quarter of SectiAn 10, � TGwnship 23 Ncaz`th, Range 5 East W.M. , in King County, Washington, the oenterline •� at whirh is clefined as follows: C,anmencing at the Sauthwest corner of saici � Sect3On lp; ther�oe South B8' 02'43" East 821.38 feet; thenoe �lorth 0' 17'3�" West 3p feet to tt�e p�int of beginnu�g; thence Na�rth 0' 17'32" West 220 feet. PA�F'•L H: , The South 470 teet of the South � of ttle West � of the East � of tt�e Southwest quarter p,f the Southwest quart�.r of Secti�on 10, Zbwnship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., 3n King Caunty, W�i; F�'T the West 175 f�et t��ereof atxi �'r the�South 360,feet thereof� • �������, Togettler with �n eas�ent 15 feet in width tor roaclHay and utlities ac•,ross, . cxver and t�pon the West � of the Swtheast quarter of the souttriaest quart�r � of the Southwest quart�s' of savd Secti�n 10, the oenterline o� wi�i,�h is descx'ibed as faU.aws: 8egiiuLi�ng at the Southwest oarr�r of sai.d Section 10; thenoe South 88'02' 43" Fast ti21.3@ feet; tt�e.r�oe North 0'17'32" West 42 feet tc� the point of ' �v'1�1�gI {iJG1i�G •�IVL6+� ��1���ZN �St .Jc70 f�t W �1� t'P_T7n1Y111S �f �]� 1],T�r� ��T that porti,on there�f ixycl.iaded in herein�ove descril�ed main tract. (Tcvc lot 333, in sectian 10, �aiship 23 Narth, Range 5 Fast W.M.) Building Setbacks for Yrirr�y Shopping Center Stsucture Fliture e�cpansicm of a PrirnazY s�i�J center structure eastwa�d from tne Safeway stcare shall provid�e a setback line that is ooR�atible witn a w�ified shopping oenter de�v�elopr�nt approach, whLle providing architectural and design _ - f7.exibility. � Landscape suffer ' A min.imun ten '(10) foot wide landscape buffer together with a site c4�scuring fenoe stsall be pxwit�d alo�ng the North property 1 ine, and a minimun ten (10) foat wi�e ].and.scape buffer shall bs pY�ovidc�l aloryg tt�e East property line. � Such buffers shall be installeci as ��t of site dev�lo�nt oansistent with the extent of site developcmnt phasing. If additianal property ta the East �s inoon�o�rated in the s?'�oPP�9 oenter ooncept the Easterly bufter may be .maveci Fast�aard oonsistent with such poG�ntial future �ansian. • . •.r.,.,_ - �.{}� r�t,�tt Mr , - - ,�t . , , ` • • � DURr"�TIQV � .;"."�';` ., ' ' - - ± , , , , . ��,'-Th,er;�a �'tnts shall run with � land and expire on Dece�nber 31, 2025. If at a�,,y t�me inparvv�s�nts are instal2eci pursuarzt to these arv�nar7ts, ttie pofz:�tion of' the oover�ants p�:rtainuig to the specific installeu i�pmvat�ents as rec��r�d � by #�e Qridr�ac�ces of the City of Rentor, shall tenninate witha�tt necessity ' +Df �urt'.tx3r do�cun�entat.uan. Any amer�nents or moc3i.ficati�ans af this agreanent , .�all be valid anly if nutuallY agreed u�aon bY the City af Renton and the Orrr�ers (irycludirlg heirs, suc�ssors, ar,d assigns to the c�wraers) i�n writing and x�ec�ord+ed with rhe Kiryg Caui�y Depax�+r�nt of Rc:oards and Electi�arYs. � . • #'x+c�pt's 1�ec,�al Iat�oedures a.n the Superior Cowrt of King Coun�.y may be instigated by �i.ther the Cit� oz Rent�n ar anY P���Y c�mers aajoin�ng subject Prc��rtY � _. � �p are actversely atfecteci by any vialation or bre..ach ot these restri,ctive ' � ��ts. R�a�le attcarr�.�y"s fees ineu.rred c�xri.ng an enfore�nent pr�veeciin9 � wi11 3ae btar7�e by tt�e pa.rties wtx:m the oo�irt det.esn�ines are in error and st3a11 � be entered as a jua���t in su�ch actio�n. a _. ' . . 7Y �� t ,-' __. s �' q�zr r. ('�jr�2�.e�t � - 1 - -.� _. � �r- , -G • t#�, s L« Magstad�,, t � . �- ' I�andon Deve1. t , . , �i� � ...l.y� ` ' - -- � �t� Charles Ow�n, President ���-' OdYsseY De�t+�e].�gc�e�nt �. . � , ivest LTD. . . . . . I . Sta.te of Wastungton) r STATE OF WASHINC'I`UN,) � } ss. Ca�uaty ot� Ki ng 1 . On this � 30th day of Mdt"Ch , !9 $3 � t�efore me persanallY aPpeared ` Cheryl A. Henry ta me knawn to t�e tbe individua2 wha executed the foregoing instrument �s Attur�ey ia Fact tar 081bet^t C, $ennett drld 8ette A. Bennett aat� acknowleciged thai She signed ihe same as he�' free and voluntary act and deed as Atlorney in Fact tQr said princip;tl torthe u�s and purposes therein mentio�ed,and on oath stated lhat the Puwer of Attorney suthorizing tbe executjon�f,th�s�awtru�netjt has not been revoked and th�,t said principal is now tiving an� is not insane . GIY�3:lu�d�t,g�y�han�! an+� official se�,l ihe day aud year • s� e "tten. � , j,�::: L"�• �- • � +�: .�" j , — " �i�`•,u• t���+ '. . .. • ......N tary PuGli n eznd ior the SEate oJ Was ingtoa,.�. ACKNOWi.�t� (NENT-'l►TtOHNEY IN FACT � siding at FERST AMER�AN.7l�LE GOMPANY � WA-4� ''+�„ . .. t ... __ _..-._._ _ -. -.- -- - Notary Publ ic xn and fo�r tt�a State . � � of Wash�, resicting in� G'_��'� f �r 1i � � ., ���r":y��S � � C�d j� C�f� � �.g �•^', befare zre personal1Y a��ared - v !� ��y�4!!+`��� _._._�.._ ' / •',��e C�rporate representative of Ix�� Development Corp., the persan �o exec.vted ' � , . ' �he withan ancY fc�regoing instnanentt and acJuyawlec�god said instnutient to be � the frwe anci wluntary act and deed ot saict persan for the uses and purpases _ � : ; t.t�er'e:i.ri ment,�wr�ed. ; ,. • , �J WTI'1�5S W�DF, I have hereunfio set my tianct and affixad my affi�cal seal , � the da and ye�ar foar the � written. _ �.. � , :, . 'i ti � w:;�•� . . � � ��� . r �:,•�us..�,' � ` , ' •U •�•, .• I� 'i �„1 �� t!.,. ,.- t .. . • • ••,,v/' �..� .�'C/�C.r.r� � t�.•h�Lr�`�'xl� `., ;,� � . I �i c�`'��,ji=������"''" : ' tazy liC in"and for the State � �i� � '''" `,<, � ' - • f Wa , resi�cia.rag Sn " •v :r. l '4� �'•�� `j,�Iy� ~i C" . � \ r � �� , i . V�!•a r"` ,� .` . � 1 •i�� J'����t���s.�••��"• I . �, r� �i 1� 'j ���` . � ��I:, ' �'� lt�i11: • I / ' n7��- p 2 i Oi1 thLB �. T/ day Of� ^���� 19(J✓ , before me pessanallY aPP�� � � � ��'ate represetitative of C)dyssey Aevelopn�nt Corp., th� p�ssan wtn exe�►xGed. � t�'�e within axyd faregc�ing instrun�mt, arx� acknowled�ed said instnun�:nt to be I the fzee dr�d Wluntary act and dc�ed of said persons for the uses and purposes � 1�"wr'..'�.i+a N�iL..�i.��• �,. TI .�..} . ' . I / IN WIZ'II�►''SS �',. I have hereunto set �y t�am anct aff ixed my off�,cal seal � the day anct year for � at�ave writter►. . I . ' I . � . I � . ! '�'s���N���blq� ` � 'i jJ '�,,.� � • i ' + � t�• f I a' r,,1N�,,,1f �•,' ' /,� ' � i : •`+• •• +r, f�}nc f/ I �L1(�MC,(�Mjr�t/� � ,; \ / . '�►• li • �� �. . l/— ; �.. ,�1 �"'a . : . � ; '�;:� �i�,.i•i �Nr;'� � i � :.' �,�✓' := � � PU�.1C ].Il � �OX' 'k3 i � .� �;�, ��r�,,,C' :l. : , Gf WdSi�i:LI1�QTli I�'S3,�lI1g ! "e i 1�+;U '' / J�M��r:�y� �.r 1P,•`\` ? . ' I ;� �r�.........��.;� ��� � i * �{r ':! ,.� �,���f ` � ' ` �,+ t� tt�.i.s s "'„�'�„_� day ot,��� 19 �� , befare m� personallY aPP�r� I fi.��e C��ate z•egr�sentative af I�il.ti.vest Develc��r:nt Ccarp., �he pez'sori who �cuter3 �tr�e w3.thin and faregozng instrwm..nt, ar�d ac}cmwleged said instr�nent • ' to be t'�e f=ee and wluntary act ar�d dec�d o� said perscn tor the uses and purpases there:ui ment�ir�rled. IN �nTZ',LNI'�S.S�Wl�'JF, I have hereunto set my han�d and af!�ixed my offical seal fi� c�y ar�d year` tar the at�a�va wr�.tten. . .� ���,,,,��.��,��,,,,, t •*s � �'t �j . ,' �»J. �� ��i . ^ . +� ,}r�� •.s�., �!. _ I ,�w` ti"�., ,t�.Gli(,'�;��v_"'� ' • _ "(��yl_,�r�I�s��'�v��-��✓_ •� � _'.r '.♦ y -- - No lic in and far S`�a�te � . J�• J XM�I Y � ��� W� nQ, w�.��� i,{V S�� Jii �t.�w�'+� �++�•."'� • , i •,� r:�. . • . � � °�� ,,. ' � . � L � �._ . �-