HomeMy WebLinkAboutRC 9210261062 , . . .
�fhc�e of the City C9erk ' . �
Renton Municipaq g��ild�g �, SA-92-006 �
200 Mill Avgnue Sou� �
Renton,WA 98055 ,"`�,
THIS COVENANT is made by LONGACRES PARK, INC. , a Washing- �
ton corporation ("Longacres Park") with respect to propor- �
tionate share payments to Local Improvement Districts ("LIDs")
1 and 2 for transportation improvements needed to serve �
Longacres Park's Customer Services Training Center Facility
("CSTC") . �
N g
� WHEREAS, Longacres Park is the owner of certain real
� property located in the City of Renton ("City") , State of
,� Washington, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and
CV by this reference made a part hereof ("Property") ; and
N WHEREAS, on August 6, 1990, the City passed Ordinance
t� No. 4283 establishing a joint public and private transporta-
tion improvement program for the area south of I-405, east of
the westerly city limits, north of S.W. 43rd (S. 108th) , and
west of SR 167 (the Valley Freeway) (collectively, the "LID
Area") ; and
WHEREAS, the Property is located within the boundaries of
the LID Area; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:
l. Longacres Park acknowledges that (a) the City may
require property owners within the boundaries of the LID Area
to participate in LID No. 1 and LID No. 2 as described and set
forth in Ordinance No. 4283 aizd (b) consideration for this
Covenant shall be the approval of development of the Property.
2 . Longacres Park agrees to participate in LID No. 1
and LID No. 2 under the terms and conditions set forth in
Ordinance No. 4283 .
3 . This Covenant shall be a covenant running with the
land and shall be filed and recorded in the records of King
County, Washington, in the Department of Records and Elections
and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Long-
acres Park and its heirs, successors and assigns.
[03008-0352/SB921540.046]-1 8/4/92
, . , , , . , ,
. . . . � ' , ,
DATED this � day of (��}�j�,� , C��.
LONGACRES PARK, INC. , a Washington
� �
J es . Nelson, Vice President
N ) ss.
Q " �
' On this � day of ��,.�-p�QQ/v , �C1'Gl a, before me,
''� the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of
pWashington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
James J. Nelson, to me known to be the person who signed as
N Vice President of LONGACRES PARK, INC. , the corporation that
� executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged
said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of
said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,
and on oath stated that he was duly elected, qualified and
acting as said officer of the corporation, that he was autho-
rized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if
any, is the corporate seal of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and offi-
cial seal the day and year first above written.
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for t Stat
of Washington, residing at
My Appointment Expires: /U-//—Gi � .
[03008-0352/S6921540.046]-1 8/4/92
f • • � � • � . / �
.. . , , . � , ' �BISIT 11
, ' lage 1 of 6
All that certain real property siware in the City of Renton, Counry of King, State of Washington,
being Government Lot 14, and a portion of Government Lot 8, both in Section 24, Township 23
North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, and a portion of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said
Section 24, and a portion of die N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 24, and being more
particularly describod as follows:
BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 24; thencx
from said POIN'T OF BEGINIIING, along the East tine of aaid Government Lot 14 S00'S6'17'W
68.96 feet to the North line of Henry A. Meader'a Donation Land Claim No. 46; thenca along said
North line N87°13'S7"W 1462.38 feet; thenoe kaving aaid North line N00°22'11'E 1022.22 feet
to the southerly right-of-way line of I-405; thence along said southerly right-of-way line and the
south right-of-way line of S.W. 16th Street from a tangern that beara N62'S2'S7'E, along tbe uc
of a curve to the right having a radius of 543.14 foet and a antral angle of 26'45'00', an arc kn�th
of 253.58 fcet; thence tangent to the prr.ceding curve N89°37'S7"E 1079.63 feet; thena tangent to
the preceding course along the arc of a curv�to the left having a radius of 1944.08 feet and a cxntral
angle of 02°52'00", an arc length of 97.07 fett; thence tangent to the precerling curve N86°4S'S7"E
4.56 feet; thence tangecn to the pr�ceding course along the are of a curve to the right having a radius
of 1880.08 feet and a central angle of Ol°32'SS",an arc length of 50.81 fxt; to the northwest c�rner
of the parcel conveyed to the City of Renton under A.F. A�8911030810,King County ra�rds;thencx ,
along the boundary of last said parctl S08°35'S6'W 42.70 feet and N79°13'48'E 58.77 feet to the
west right of way line of the WhiUe River Drainage Ditch No. 1, as condemned in Superior Court
N Cause No. 32912, King County R�cards; th�nce along aaid west right of way line th� following
�p courses: S00°25'33"E 47.35 feet, SO1°48'32'W 44,26 fat, S07°14'42'E 48.28 feet, S19'25'S8'E
O � 66.50 feet, S20°OS'30"E 40.14 fett,S30°SS'SO'E 51.32 feat,S39°53'S4'E 32.19 fxi,S30'06'16'E
� 76.44 feet, S27°12'00"E 34.56 feet,S31'19'SO"E 41.01 fxt,S36°00'41'E 74.11 feet,S31•SO'12'E
N 42.02 feet,S42°OS'27"E47.21 fxt,S40•19'S7"E47.67 fxt,S45°25'S2'E59.32 fxt,S50•37'12'E
� 39.63 feet, SS 1°16'SS"E 68.16 feet, S81•36'SO'E 62.75 feet, N86°59'20'E 94.92 fea,
� S55°04'26"E 53.26 feet, S48°31'30"E45.85 feet,S39°25'24"E49.84 feet,S36°49'16"E46.76 fxt,
� S44°53'21"E 48.07 feet, S29°35'20"E 35.41 fea,S30'48'41"E 46.69 fat,S20°07'49'E 85.72 feet,
and S24°18'S9"E 68.7? feet to the South line of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Secdon 24;
thence along last said South line N87°26'45'W 918.35 fxt to �e POINT OF BEGINNING.
Contains 47.669 Acres of land more or kss. �
The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres Ine., recorded in
Book 1Q of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records.
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L.S. 11568 • ��
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JLW/FWC ��io���.5�'
12-04-91 �
3-2464-3806 '
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PrnllO On peCyCko P�per •, -
• � ' , EZSIBIT A
� Paqe 2 of 6
A11 that certain real property siwate in the City of Reriwn, Counry of King, State of
� Washington, being a portion of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4, and of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E.
1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 North, Rarige 4 East, Willamette Meridian, and being more
partiwlarly dcscribed as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the North margin of S.W. 16th Streei(South 153rd St),with
the West boundary of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Sesttle,
Division No. 1, as per the Plat n�corded 'm Volume 17 of Plats, P�e 74. Reoords of ICi�g
Counry;thence from said POINT OF COMMEIVCEMENT.Wesurly�long said North mar�in, �
350 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this PARCEL I; th�na from said TRUE
POINT OF BEGINNING, continuing Westerly �long said North margin S89°37'S7'W 257.00
fat; thence leaving said Northerly margin at ri�ht angles� N00'22'03'W 214.06 feet to the
Southerly right-of way line of.SR 405; d�ena alon� taid Southerly ri�ht-0f-way line from s
tangent thaz bears N78°13'S3"E,along die arc of a curve t�the right haviag a radius of 2765.00
f�et, and a central angie of OS°23'22', �n uc kngth of 260.09 feet; thena kavi�g taid
Southerly right-of-way line S00°22'03'E 253.41 feet to the TRLTE POINT OF BEGINNWG.
C1.: .
.13 �
` CONTAINS 1.39 Acres of land mon or ku. �
� The Basis of Bearin s for this des
g uiption is the Reoord of Survey for Broadacres. Inc.,
� recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at Page 2. tmder R�cordin� No. 7707289002, Kin� County
. records.
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L.S. 27193 * � t ' �
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11-21-91 �-
3-24b43806 �
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Prinleaa+Rec�koPioe� .. '•
• � � ' � gHIBIT �
, � paqe 3 of 6
All that certain real property siwate in the City of Renton, Counry of King, Staze of
Washington, being a portion of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4, and of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E.
1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 North. Range 4 F.ast, Willamette Meridian, and being more
particularly described u follows:
Commencing at the intersecxion of the North mar�in of S.W. 16th Strxt(South lS3rd St.).with
the Wat boundary of C.D. Hilirnan's Earlingwn Cardens Addition w the City of Se�ttle.
Division No. 1, as per the Plat recorde� in Volume 17 of Plau, Pa,ge 74� Reoorda of Kin�
County;thena from said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, Westerly along aaid Nor�mar�in. �
607 feet to the TRLTE POINT OF BEGINNING of this PARCEL J; thance from said TRLJE
POINT OF BEGINIJING, continuin�Westerly alor►� aaid North mar�in S89°37'S7'W 120.00
fat; thence leaving said Northerly margin st ri�ht an�les, N00'22'03'W 187.07 feei to the
Southerly right-of way line of SR 405; thenoe �lon� iaid Southuly right�f-way line from a .
tangent thaz bears N75°40'S6'E�alon�the uc of a arve to the ri�ht bavin�a radius of 2765.00
feet, and a antral angle of 02'32'S7', an uc kngth of 123.02 feet; �ena kzving said
Southerly right-of-way line S00°22'03'E 214.06 feet to�e TRL1E POINT OF BEGINNING.
� CONTAINS 0.55 Acres of land more or less.
o The Basis of Bearings for thia description �S tbe R�cord of Survey for Broadacres, Inc.,
N cecorded ia Book 10 of Surveys �i Page 2. uadu Reoordin� No. 7707289002, King Couuty►
� ncords.
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i 1-21-91
3-24b�4-3806 �
. . . � �
Rnlea a+Necyska�oa � ••
' � � gSIBIT 11
- Paqe 4 of 6
All that certain real property siwat�e in the City of Renton, County of King, StaLe of
Washington, being a portion of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 24,Township 23 North,
Range 4 East, Willameae Meridiar►, and beir� more particularly described u folbws:
Commencing at the intersection of the North mar�in of S.W. 16th Stroet(South 153rd S't.).with
the Wast boundary of C.D. HilIman's Earlin�wn Gardens Addition t+o the City of Seaule,
Division No. 1, as per the Plat reoorded in Volwne 17 of Plats. Pa�e 74, Reoords of Ki�g
Counry;thence from said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT,Westerly alor►�said North mar�in, „ -
727 feet t,� the TRUE POINT OF BEGII�IIJING of�is PARCEL K; d�enoe fcom said TRUE
POINT OF BEGINrTING, continuin� Westerly �long said North margin S89'37'S7'W 62.00
fcet; thence leaving said Northerly margin at ri�ht angles, N00°22'03"W 170.90 feet to the
Southerly right-of way line of SR 405; thence �lon� said Soud�erly ri�ht-of•way line from a
tangent that bears N74'21'17"E,along�e arc of i curve to the ri�ht havin�a radius of 2765.00
fxt, and a central angle of Ol'19'39",an uc length of 64.06 fxt;thena leavin� taid Southerly
� right�f-way line S00°22'03"E 187.07 feet t�o the TRUE POINT OF BF.GWNIIVG.
N COh'TAINS 0.25 Acres of land mon or kss. �
N The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Reoord of Survey for Bmadacna. �nc.,
. recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at Pa�e 2, under Raordin� No. 7707289002. Kin� Couaty
�ES H � G¢�ct`
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L.S. 2719 �
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11-21-9I �
3-24G4-3806 .
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Prrueo m tY.m�eo Pieer . �s M �
- . • ' ' � gHIBI? ]1
, � Page 5 of 6
All that certain real property situate in the City of Renton, County of King, Stau of
Washington, being a portion of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 24,'fownship 23 North,
Range 4 East, Willameue Meridian, and bein� more paRialarly descn"bod u follows:
Commencing at the intersecxion of the North mar�in of S.W. 16th Stiroa(South 1S3rd S�),with
the West boundary of C.D. Hillman's Earlington C�rdens Addition to d� City of Seatde,
Division No. 1, as per the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, P�e 74� R�cords of King
Counry;thence from said POINT OF COMMENC'FMENT,Westetly alon� uid No�th mit�in,
789 fxt to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINIIING of this PARCEL L; th�na from uid TRtTE ��
POIh"T OF BEGINNING, continuing Westerly �long said North mar�i� S89'37'S7'W 65.00
feet; thence N00°22'03'W 15.00 fxt; thence S89•37'S7'W 50.00 feet; thena leaving �id
Northerly margin at right angles, N00'22'03'W 121.79 feet to d�e Southerly ri�ht-of way line
of SR 405; thencx along �id Southerly right-of-way line from a tangent that bears
N71°S2'08"E, along the uc of a curve to the ri�,ht havi� a radius of 2765.00 feet, and a
� central angle of 02°29'09",an arc lenYth of 119.96 feei; thena leaving said Southarly ri�ht-0f-
� way line S00°22'03"E 170.90 fat t�o the TRLTE POINT OF BEGINNING.
� -
0 CONTAWS 0.39 Acres of land mon or kss.
s �
�he Basis of Bearings for this description is the Ra;ord of Surv�y for Bro�daaes, Inc..
recorded in Book 10 of Surveys it Pag� 2, under Recordia� No. 7707289002, K�n,� County
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� . - � . ' EZHIBIT A . . .
` ' ' , • • � - Page 6 of 6
All that certain rea] properry siaate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington,
being a portion of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Secxion 24,Township 23 North, Range 4 East,
Willamette Meridian, and being more particululy descn'bed as follows:
Commencing at the inuruction of the North mar�in of S.W. 16th Sttxt (South 1S3rd St.), with
the West boundary of C.D. Hillman':Earlin�ton Gardens Addition to d�e City of Seattle. Division
No. 1, as per the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Pa�e 74, Reoords of King Counry;thence
from said POINT OF COMMENCFMEIV'T, Westerly alonY said North margin, 8S4 feet; thence
N00°22'03"W 15.00 feet;thence S89'37'S7'W 50.00 feet to the TRiJE POINT OF BEGINNING .,:
of this PARCEL M; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, oontinuing alon� said .
� North margin S89°37'S7"W 65.00 feet; thenoe S44°37'S7'W 21.21 fax; �enct S89°37'S7"W
� 124.11 fcet; w the Easterly line of a paral oonveyed to tho State of Washin�ton by deed
N recorded under Auditor's Fle No. 5494126� King County reoords; �encx kavit� taid North
o margin of S.W. 16th Street along last aaid Fast�erly Wie N22'42'33"W 56.60 feet to the Southerly
, �N right-of way line of SR 405; �ence alon� said Southerly ri�ht-0f-way line on a spiral chord
bearing of N66°40'47"E 68.54 feu; thena from a tangent that bears N68°17'S6"E, along the
arc of a curve w the right having a radius of 2765.00 feet, and a antral angle of 03°34'27", an
arc length of 172.48 feet; thenct kavin� said South�rly riYht-of-way line S00°22'03"E 121.79 �
CONTAINS 0.46 Acres of land more or k,ss.
7�e Basis of Bearings for this description is d►e Rxord of Survey for Broadac�es, tnc..t+ecorded
in Book 10 of 5urv�ys at Page 2.under Recordin� No. 7707289002. King County reoords.
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11-21-91 """"`r
3-2464-3806 �
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