HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/2011 - MinutesRAAC December 13, 2011
Meeting called to order at 5:35pm
Round of Introductions
Prior meeting minutes approved unanimously
Ben introduced himself and explained what he is currently working on: On‐Call Surveying contract with
WH Pacific, Design for Seaplane Base Dredging for construction in late 2012, Drainage design with
Precision Design to finalize the work at Renton Gateway Center leased area.
Ryan on Airport tenant issues: Congratulated Diane on her new hangar , Bosair rebuilding hangar at SE
corner, and possibly Ellison rebuilding their hangars also.
Jonathan announced Taxiway Bravo project taking place over the next 2 years, including pavement
replacement and signage replacement for $11‐$12 million project. Includes rebuilding the surface and
replacing hydrants and utilities. Reviewed completed project of replacing perimeter fencing. Working
with BEFA to reorganize their leased space in order to continue the vehicle lane north past BEFA. Ryan
mentioned the fence behind Apron B will be replaced in the near future. Diane asked when fuel trucks
get to BEFA there is a plane that is at the vehicle lane that needs a cone to mark it. Snow preps are
complete, including a grader and broom, upgraded sprayer on trucks for de‐icing fluid which costs about
Ryan asked for questions – Marlene Mandt complemented the signage at the airport.
Marcie Palmer brought forward issue of Pete’s Auto shop and that Council discussed it at December 12
meeting. Pete’s business operation is grandfathered in. Council has tasked the owner with cleaning up
his property within a time‐frame. Matt D brought up that the exact code non‐compliances are vagrant
vehicles and non‐licensed vehicles.
Sustainability Management Plan – Brad Rolf:
Went over the agenda; goals of the plan.
Next phase will be the Sustainability Initiatives
FAQ’s: Why is the airport doing this/ PARTIcipating in a fAA sponsored program to improve econ, social
Why does the project relate to existing efforts? yes
Will implementation inhibit airport improvements? no
What compromises will result? none
Can tenants use and/or benefit from the plan? yes, can receive recogn for how they benefit the
How can the process be customized to meet airport needs? by working closely with the FAA and
Where are we in the process: detailed goals, developing initiatives to meet goals, then documentation.
Demonstration of how the study will make improvements. the plan can be used to tie all pieces
together (environment, economic, social)
Bob commented on how when Boeing increased production the study will help by identifying needs to
keep facilities in good shape. Ryan added further explanation on how Finance, Ops & Maint, Community
outreach, Noise, Economic values, Energy, water quality.
Diane commented that environment needs to better defined. Marlene added that this makes a good
customer service plan, but the environmental is missing animals from the graph, and Ryan answered
that we can include how to maintain pavement so that it doesn’t adversely affect the water quality.
Marlene brought up the threat of spreading non‐native plant/animal life.
Q: Bob D‐is there any recovery for the de‐icer? Ryan‐just the infield grasses.
Q: Diane asked how the Pilot Associations can be included in the Sustainability Management Plan? Matt
D asked how if it is included in the study it will be integrated into the action.
Brad continued with his presentation with how the first graph can be rearranged based on what the
needs of the user are.
Goals: Objective and targets that the Airport would like to achieve
Initiatives are the projects to make the goals happen
Re: Precision Approach – 5 goals:
Marcie – commented on email from Mark H the goals should diminish impact on neighborhoods—he
asked that neighborhoods be included in the plan. Ryan and Brad agreed.
Categories – Financials, Economic values, Outreach edu, Energy, Noise, Ops&Maint, Water Quality
Not all initiatives will meet goals in every category. Bob D asked how Boeing is charged with their
portion of the costs of initiatives to meet the goals because Boeing reaps the biggest benefit.
Discussion took place over making so many changes that only benefit Boeing. Ryan explained that
making improvements will benefit everybody. Brad asked if the Q is more that the plan needs to include
the portion of cost to Boeing vs. general aviation. Marlene asked why the slides don’t include all the
details. The slides are a draft and need the committees input.
Goals: Start at a reasonable level, specific and measurable goals, timeframes (qtr,annually), provide
biggest gain w/least effort.
Economic Goals: Brad opened this section up to group input.
Discussion ensued on how the graphic relates to goals and initiatives.
1. Improvements to attract aircraft operations that will increase economic vitality
2. Continuously improvements to meet Boeing’s needs
a. Bob I. wants to have general aviation and especially seaplane operators to be
included under the goals and initiatives.
b. Seaplane base isn’t mentioned in the presentation at all and needs to be.
3. Diversify airport operators
4. Increase employment
a. to either add more airport staff, or attract more tenants who will create more jobs
b. Diane added that every visitor to her facility spends $40‐$70 in local stores and
c. Ryan explained that we will get to a point where can state have specific goals like:
start with number of jobs on the Airport and increase. Marketing to bring in needed
businesses to satisfy customer needs such as aviation radio equip repair.
d. Richard commented that the study should be based on the number of aircraft on
the field, among other things, and so it is important to increase the aircraft storage
Ryan brought up the idea to have everyone write down 10 goals and put them on the graphic at the
next meeting.
Finance Goals: Balance rev/exp, improve rev to succeed with future development opportunities,
provide financial capacity for sustainability improvements that lower expenses
Bob I. asked if there is any limit on the type of revenue that we will go after. Ben will be working on
obtaining more grants to fund projects. There is no limit on the type of revenue that will be looked at.
Al B. asked about maintaining a contingency fund to cover emergency projects that have no direct
funding source. Requested that “establish a reserve fund for long‐term airport maintenance or specific
un‐funded projects” be added to Financial Goals.
Marlen asked about how community fits into financial goals. Brad answered w/ex. of airport restaurant
bringing in both pilots and community.
Community Outreach and Education Goals:
Bob D. suggested that airplane flights at open houses can be used to bring in the community and
educate them on what services they can get from the Airport .
1. Improve the airport’s relations with the surrounding community
2. Raise community awareness
Energy Consumption/Greenhouse Gases
1. Achieve compliance with Western Climate Initiative by 2020 by 15% below 2005 levels
a. Al B. requested an addition that this goal should include ”without adversely affection
airport operations.”
b. goal is specific to airport fuel and airport facilities and not what airport operators are
Noise Goals
1. maintain 65DNL noise contour on airport property
2. reduce aircraft noise over neighborhoods
a. Marlene commented that touch‐n‐go flights aren’t included in the goal. Marlene
suggested it be added as an initiative under the goal. ryan added that it affects tenants
w/flight instruction.
Operations and Maint. goals
1. Maintain safe airport for airports. Jennifer and Bob I. suggested making safety for all airport
a. Bob D. commented on how Boeing operations
2. maintain infrastructure in good condition
Ryan commented that we have several initiatives to add under these goals.
Sustainability Initiatives
1. Initiatives and projects that make progress toward meeting one or more goals
2. Initiatives can span multiple categories
3. Initiatives can be for any airport activity
a. Capital projects
b. Maintenance activities
c. Airport staff operations
Marlene mention Santa Monica air quality testing and what has been found in the air quality testing.
Diane stated that there Is no validity to the results as she was asked to testify
Brad asked for input on the goals to have input sent to himself or Ryan
Next step Is to look at initiatives to see how all the goals come together. Briefly went thru current and
past initiatives, and refining project goals, develop initiatives, and evaluation of effectiveness.
Deadline for the project is 2012, and only when the group is comfortable and understands the goals and
initiatives of the plan. There will be a deliverable provided to the FAA.
Jennifer asked if the group will have the opportunity to see what the other participating airports are
coming up with. Negative responses to that.
Next Meeting scheduled for January 31, 5:30pm at 790 building.
Brad and Ryan asked for the group to send new, revised goals in before the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:24pm