HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/2013 - Minutes • ' . CITY OF RENTON SEP 0 �� 2013 �,`SY p ��lenlon RECENED * Ei * J1C11111CI�lJQ� CITY CLERK'S OFfICE ,�� � /`��TfS �1�iT� V01221221SS1011 RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Meetin�Minutes August 6,2013 Renton City Hall Conferencing Center(7th Floor) Present: Michelle Bettinger,Jaris English,Jerri Everett, Peter Hartley,T.Y. Lau, Britt McKenzie, Marsha Rollinger, Ben Andrews, Mitch Shepard, Bill Huls, Natalie Gress Absent: Paul Hebron, Evelyn Reingold Guests: Janet Halford, Rick Moreno City Staff present:Jennifer Davis Hayes, Community& Economic Development CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COMMISSIONER BRITT MCKENZIE PRESENTED THE MINUTES FOR JULY 2013 2013. MICHELLE BETTIN6ER MOVED TO APPROVE,SECONDED BY BEN ANDREWS. MOTION APPROVED. DOWNTOWN MURAL: Rick Moreno, a local artist, is coordinating with another artist and the Downtown Events Committee of the Chamber to improve the appearance of the burned out building on Wells Ave S. He presented two concepts for a mural to be painted on the fence. This project would involve about 25 children and he hopes to have it completed by the Art and Antique Walk in late August. The Commission has 2 roles in the mural: 1) respond to the "Make Art Happen in Renton" small grant application for$250 and 2) review and approval the content of the mural as art versus a business sign. COMMISSIONER PETER HARTLEY MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE MURAL AS ARTWORK,SECONDED BY MITCH SHEPHERD. MOTION APPROVED. COMMISSIONER JARIS ENGLISH MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SMALL GRANT REQUEST,SECONDED BY MARSHA ROLLINGER. MOTION APPROVED. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jennifer Davis Hayes passed around the correspondence folder for individual review. Additional announcements ■ Rocketman, a movie will premiere on August 10, 2 pm at the Roxy Theater; Commissioner Ben Andrews will appear the in movie ■ Downtown Art and Antique Walk,August 24, 11 am -5 pm ■ Defining Spaces exhibit at the Renton History Museum ■ Infinity Loop Project,talk by the artist, Renton History Museum August 15, 7 pm , � � Renton Municipal Arts Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 August 6,2013 ■ Memorial service for Judy Johnson will be held August 10, 3—5 pm at the Renton History Museum OLD BUSINESS: Communication Committee: Jaris English Lead The Video library is in progress. First video featuring Mary Clymer is finished. Possible future films hopefully include Kevin McPhearson, Michael Moore or Michael Simpson. The next meeting 8/8 at Luther's Table at 12 pm. Renton River Days debriefing Co-chairpersons Michelle Bettinger and Mitch Shepard thought the event went very well.The booth was well attended. We pulled the winner of the prize basket and she will be notified . GAP lighting project: It was decided to close the contract with Allessandra Panieri and Dan Brasher. MOTION MADE BY MICHELLE BETTINGER,SECONDED BY BEN ANDREWS TO PAY THEM BETWEEN $2,500-$3,750 FOR THE WORK ALREADY COMPLETED. MOTION APPROVED,WITH ONE COMMISSIONER VOTING NO. Fal) Equinox: September 19, 6—9 pm at Carco Theater. Budget$500-$850. The theme is Music with 3 performers scheduled. NEW BUSINESS: Council Update: The Executive Committee is working on an outline for presentation to the Community Services Committee tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 9 at 4:30 pm. All Commissioners are encouraged to attend. Executive Team for 2014: Commissioners interested in the chair,vice-chair or secretary positions should speak to the current officers. Britt McKenzie will be stepping down as chair and Jerri Everett would like to step down as secretary. Elections will be in November or December. ADJOURNMENT: The August 6,2013 meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm. The next meeting will be held September 2, 2013 in the Renton City Hall Conferencing Center(7th Floor) at 4:30 pm. Britt McKenzie, Chair �