HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/2013 - Minutes CITY OF RENTON ���� � • �.�C APR 0 3�0�� C RENTON MAYOR'S SENIOR CITIZENS'ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECEIVEO February 4, 2013 CITYCLERICSOFfICE MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Baylor, Mary B. Brown, Peggy Budziu, Ben Cheney, Bill Clapp, Marjorie Cochran-Reep, Dorothy Cook, Eric Eastberg, Mary Lou Gilbert, Ruby Griffin, Shirley Haddock, Elaine Koehler, Emilie McCue, Sandra Polley, Milt Tiede. EXCUSED: Tim Williams. STAFF: Shawn Daly, Debbie Little. GUEST: Kris Stimpson, Community Services, Recreation Manager President Ben Cheney called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. Attendance was taken. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, corrections noted and minutes approved. Ben handed a list of committees to each member and asked them to return the list with the committee(s)they would like to serve on this year by the next meeting, March 4th; this year, each committee will elect their own chairman. TREASURER REPORT—Sandy Polley Bank Statement as of 2/4/13 $16,397.54 RECREATION SUPERVISOR—Shawn Daly • Shawn thanked Sandy Polley for the fabulous job she is doing. • Received $100.00 from Lottie Calhoun. • Requesting a check for$450 to purchase Safeway gift cards for the bingo program; money comes out of the Cugini fund (earmarked account.) It was moved by Milt Tiede second by Peggy Budziu to approve request. Motion carried. • February 18 is President's Day and a Holiday for the Nutrition staff; no lunch will be served. RSAC staff will serve a wonderful breakfast of blueberry pancakes, sausage and fruit between 10:00-11:30 AM. Shawn asked Board Members instead of holding a meeting on this day to help prepare and serve at this free event; volunteers needed from 9:00-12:30 PM. • Housing Fair for Senior Citizens will be held Tuesday, March 12t"from 10:00-12:00 PM. This day is devoted to representatives from the Renton-area senior housing communities to answer questions about retirement homes, assisted living, senior apartments and low-income housing. • Knights of Columbus free pancake breakfast is March 23�d, from 8:00-11:00 AM. • If interested in the Float project we will meet on Monday, February 25, at 10:00 AM. Those planning to attend are Bill Clapp, Pat Baylor, Sandy Polley, Marjorie Cochran-Reep, Shirley Haddock and Elaine Koehler. . � ��y .Fs RECREATION COORDINATOR—Debbie Little • Debbie went over new activities, classes, special events for the following two weeks. • December Championship Poo) Tourney first place goes to Robert Hill; second place goes to Bill Clapp. • Babe Ruth's Birthday Luncheon on Feb 6th; homerun derby contest starting at 11:00 AM. • February is Renton "Heart Health Month"; each Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 AM the Renton Fire and Emergency Services Department will provide free blood pressure checks and blood glucose screenings. • Presentation---the Senior Companion Program provides companions for seniors and those with disabilities, enabling them to live independent, dignified lives for as long as possible in their own homes;Tuesday, 2/12 at 12:30 PM. • The Golden Years—couples married 50 years or more will be honored at our Valentine's Day luncheon with a certificate and a special gift;Thursday, 2/14; 11:30 AM. • Auburn Senior Activity Center/White River Valley Museum trip... first stop is Auburn Senior Center to have lunch and then shop at their Senior Savers Pantry. They purchase a variety of items in bulk then repackage them into individual sizes and pass the savings on to you. Next stop is to the White River Valley Museum. Thursday, 2/7, 9:30-3:00 PM. � Hearing Aid checks and cleaning provided free by a certified Audiologist from Costco; Friday, 2/19, 10:00-12:00 noon. Old Business: Pat Baylor gave an up-date on the Service Code of Conduct for Animals. Pat indicated that the committee, which consists of Dorothy Cook, Marjorie Reep and herself, has gone into extensive research to provide accurate documentation; final results will be provided at the March 4tn meeting. Emilie McCue regretfully gave her resignation, effective today. Her health this past year made it difficult to attend meetings; in constant pain, neck surgery and now unable to drive. President Ben Cheney adjourned the meeting at 10:56 AM. � i a l.�f�� ^ �,�� f ;U , � _ ;� Marjorie Cochra -Reep, Secretary Pro tem . Ben Cheney, President ''r � • NUTRITION STATISTICS Volunteer Hours Report Period—January 2013 ' HOURS VOLUNTEERS Center RSVP 438.0 46 Non RSVP 12.0 1 450.0 47 Nutrition RSVP 147.0 8 Non RSVP 82.0 6 229.0 14 Meals on Wheels 176.5 14 Non RSVP 79.0 11 255.5 25 GRAND TOTAL 934.5 86