HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/2013 - Minutes CITY OF RENTON C 1�'�-- � • APR 0 3 2L��3 G��'r RENTON MAYOR'S SElVIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY CONINNIITTEE RECEIVED / II March 4,2013 CITY CLERK�S OFFICE MEMBERS PRESENT: Ben Cheney, Pat Baylor,Mary B. Brown, Peggy Budziu, Bill Clapp,Dorothy Cook, Eric Eastberg, Ruby Griffm, Shirley Haddock, Sandy Polley, Milt Tiede EXCUSED: Marge Cochran Reep,Mary Lou Gilbert,Elaine Koehler STAFF: Shawn Daly, Tim Williams,Debbie Little on vacation Ben called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M., attendance was taken, minutes of previous meeting were read, corrections were noted and minutes were approved. Board secretary Kay Stone requested approval to purchase a new tape recorder. Milt Tiede made a motion that$50.00 be approved for this purchase,the motion was second by I�Iary Brown,was voted on and approved. , TREASURER REPORT- Sandy Polley Bank statement as of as of 3/4/12 $16,048.91 RECREATION SUPERVISOR—Shawn Da1y • A check for$100 was received from Dottie Calhoun and given to Sandy Polley. • February was Heart Health Month. The Renton Fire&Emergency Departments had fireman at the center taking blood pressure and blood glucose screenings. • Febru 18�'was the free Bluebe Pancake Breakfast. A roximatel 200 az'Y �'Y PP Y people were served. Shawn wished to thank those who helped serve. • The Ikuda Fund has a balance of$655,658.59. This fund is intended to benefit the senior citizens. At a staff ineeting it was suggested to do a low cost dinner. One idea was a Rockin on the River outdoor BBQ. Make it a special event, food, entertai.nment and etc. The staff will work more on the details for this i event arid for the ti.me being it will be tabled with follow-up later. • Housing Fair for Senior Citizens is to be held Tuesday March 12�'from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. • The Tax Aide Program has started. There have been 350 people registered for this program. • Knights of Columbus free pancake breakfast is March 23rd from 8:00-11:00 a.m. RECREATION DIRECTOR—Tim Williams • Ti.m would like to thank all who volunteered and helped with the Blueberry Pancake Breakfast. • 110 people attended the Daddy/Daughter Dance. It was a fun evening. r • � • March 28�'will be the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Liberty Paxk. This is held for children 7-14 years of age. • The Community Garage Sa1e is scheduled for Apri120�'. Ben had a question for Tim regarding the cities liability where trees may potentially fall onto public access places. Tim said he believes that falls under the Corp of Engineers responsibility. He will check this out with them and get back with an answer. Pat Baylor distributed a copy of a proposal for service dogs and other approved animals at the Renton Senior Activity Center. There was also a copy of the ADA 2010 Revised Requirement statement for Service Animals. Please review these and they will be discussed at a later date. Ben distributed Sub-Committee Assignment sheets. In the event a board member signed up for just one assignment,Ben appointed a second one. This will require full participation from all board members. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: Bill Clapp updated information regarding status of float proposal for Renton River Days. Chris Anderson has a tractor and would bri.ng it to the center so we would have an idea on what we would be working with. One suggestion for the float would be to have it represent a raft floating on the river. This is not going to be an easy project so full participation from board members is requested. Ben adjourned the meeting at 11:00 a.m. � ����w KayG�e, Secret az3' Ben Cheney,President