HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - DES CAG-16-1 74 lee some 4,SA"t'4 hiiirOtt STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES 1500 Jefferson St SE,Olympia,WA 98501 PO Box 41476,Olympia,WA 98504-1476 November 19, 2018 TO: Jeffrey Minisci, City of Renton FROM: Kim Obi, Contracts Specialist, (360) 407-8273 RE Agreement No. 2018-027 A (1), Amendment No. 2 Project No. 2018-027 G(1-1) City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1 IAA No. K4137 McKinstry Essention, LLC SUBJECT: Funding Approval The Dept. of Enterprise Services (DES), Energy Program, requires funding approval for the above referenced contract documents. The amount required is as follows (see page 2 for funding detail): ESCO Professional Services Total $ 421,571.80 ESCO Measurement and Verification Total $ 5,500.00 �� • , � ESCO C.�nstruction ota1.-..--.------ $ 1,456,559.20 J DES Energy Program Project Management Services Total (IAA) $ 58,300.00 Or Total Funding $ 1,941,931.00 In accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.88,the signature affixed below certifies to the DES Energy Program that the above identified funds are appropriated, allotted or that funding will be obtained from other sources available to the using client/agency. The using/client agency bears the liability for any issues related to the funding for this project By gtiter 12 73 /1 Name/Title Denis Law, Mayor Date ,00kkiliii folio Please sign and eturn thi form to E&AS. If KsgliaCefaR3SAyttstons,please call me. Attest" / r Jason Seth, C,City C rlc SEAL: - * %,„-RA TED SEQ\\`\\? Agreement No. 2018-027 ), Amendment No. 2 woo Project No. 2018-027 G(1-1) Funding Approval Detail ESCO Professional Services Energy Audit and Energy Services Proposal $ 21,500.00 *Audit& Energy Services Proposal from Authorization 18-027 A (1) $ (21.500.00) Additional Design Engineering—Amendment No. 1 $ 22,600.00 *Additional Design Engineering— Amendment No. 1 $ (22.600.00) Design and Implementation of Energy Conservation Measures $ 379,238.00 Sales Tax (10.0%) (Includes tax on Audit proposal &Amd. #1) $ 42,333.80 Total $ 421,571.80 ESCO Measurement and Verification First Year Measurement & Verification $ 5,000.00 Sales Tax (10.0%) $ 500.00 Total $ 5,500.00 ESCO Construction ESCO Contract Amount $ 1,261,745.00 Sales Tax (10.0%) $ 126,174.50 Contingency Amount(with Tax) $ 68,639.70 Total $ 1,456,559.20 DES Energy Program Project Management Services Project Management Fee from IAA No. K4137, Amendment No. 3 $ 58,300.00 Total $ 58,300.00 Note: Items and dollar values shown in a lighter color shade have been approved via previous funding authorizations and are shown for informational purposes only. 20 1 8 027Gcontfundko City of Renton City Hall Phase 1 Energy Services Proposal WA DES #2018-027 A (1) MC 'nstry I McKinstry #202706-001 For Th ifs Of Your Building RENTON, WA 19 OCTOBER 2018 REVISION 1 - 5 NOVEMBER 2018 Project Contacts AREA OF CONTACT RESPONSIBILITY NAME NUMBER EMAIL Primary Client Contact Jeff Minisci 425.430.6643 JMinisci@Rentonwa.gov_ WA DES Representative Doug Kilpatrick 360.407.9380 doug.kilpatrick@des.wa.gov Account Executive Andrew Williamson 206.832.8489 andrewwi@mckinstry.com Program Manager Mark Nieman 206.832.8152 markn@mckinstry.com Energy Engineer Mark Nieman 206.832.8152 markn@mckinstry.com Mechanical Engineer Jessica Sanders 206.832.8298 iessicas@mckinstry.com Electrical Engineer Dan Steinert 206.764.1702 danst@mckinstry.com Performance Assurance Jake Landsiedel 509.625.3115 iakel@mckinstry.com Specialist Construction Manager Martin Knight 206.832.8766 martink@mckinstry.com CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Contents SECTION 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 1.1 Overview 1.2 Current Situation 1.3 Solutions 1.4 Summary of Benefits 1.5 McKinstry Differentiators SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK 9 2.1 Facility Improvement Measure (FIM) List 2.2 McKinstry Services 2.3 Extent of Subcontracting 2.4 Project Schedule Detailed Scope of Work SECTION 3. ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE 65 3.1 Guarantee Overview 3.2 FIM Specific Performance Assurance Methodology 3.3 Utility Rates 3.4 Standards of Comfort Service 3.5 Ongoing Owner Responsibilities 3.6 Non-Performance 3.7 Change of Use Table 3.1 - Energy Savings Summary Table 3.2 - Measurement and Verification (M&V) Plan Outline Table 3.3 - Base Utility Rates SECTION 4. PROJECT FINANCIALS 73 4.1 Maximum Project Allowable Cost 4.2 Project Cost Table 4.3 Items Included in Maximum Project Cost 4.4 Construction Contingency 4.5 Allowances 4.6 Ongoing Services 4.7 Accounting Records 4.8 Reconciliation of Labor&Material Costs 4.9 Compensation 4.10 Financing 4.11 Termination Value 4.12 Terms of Agreement 4.13 Insurance&Bonding 4.14 Diverse Business Participation Goals for this Project Table 4.1 - Budget Summary Table 4.2 - Facility Improvement Measure (FIM) Summary SECTION 5. INVESTMENT GRADE AUDIT 83 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY rrwr. 4 5 Executive Summary 1.1 Overview OUTCOME SNAPSHOT Through the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) Energy This project represents an Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) program, McKinstry has completed an excellent opportunity to extensive study and investigation of energy upgrades for the City of Renton. Our significantly improve Investment Grade Audit presents a holistic project solution for improving the facilities while saving energy overall facility efficiency and operation. Our proposed solutions will result in lower and trimming utility spending. McKinstry looks utility use and cost along with improved building system performance and forward to making this occupant productivity. project a success. McKinstry estimates these 1.2 Current Situation savings if proposed facility improvement measures (FIMs) are installed: CHALLENGES 0 $43,751 The Renton City Hall was built in 1987. The City purchased the building and Utility cost occupied it in 1997. Much of the HVAC equipment is original to the building and is savings/year at the end of their service life and in need of replacement. Prioritization of a first 0 $25,000 phase of critical items to upgrade in 2019 include replacing the main building air Operations& handler, PH-1, the smaller AHU-1 that serves the locker rooms and refurbishing maintenance the closed-circuit cooling tower (fluid cooler), CT-1. costs/year 446,246 GOALS el Guaranteed Goals for the project include replacing equipment that is past its useful service life kWh/year p 7 p g and to increase reliability of the main HVAC system. (979(i 1.3 Solutions cr ® G aranteed Guaranteed Therms/year This project includes: 599 FIM # 02.01A-RCH: REFURBISH COOLING TOWER 4 Guaranteed CCF/year Existing: The closed-loop cooling tower (fluid cooler) is at the end of its useful service life. Proposed: Refurbish the fluid cooler, including the following: 1. Provide and Carbon dioxide Install New Low Drift PVC Mist Eliminators. 2. Remove and Clean Spray Headers emissions reductions & Nozzles. 3. Apply CIM 1000 Coating Throughout Sump up to Coil Section w/ would equal: New Fan Snouts. 4. Provide and install all new fan housings. Conversion kit to 83 single Fan motor 20HP drive system. Includes new motor. Provide and Install Acres of trees New Horizontal Mechanical Shaft Kit and Fan Wheel Components. 5. Paint planted Exterior Surfaces with Protective Industrial Paint. 6. Provide and Install New Electronic Water Level Controller. 0 673,433 lbs. CO2/year FIM # 03.01-RCH: UPGRADE MAIN AND LOCKER ROOM AHU'S Existing: The existing Mammoth penthouse unit, PH-1, provides ventilation to the 1st and 2nd floor heat pumps and provides primary air to the variable air volume (VAV) terminals throughout the City Hall. No heat recovery is present. PH-1 is original to the building (1987) and is at the end of its useful life (31 years old). Also, the existing AHU-1 (Scott Springfield unit) a 100% outside air unit serving the 2nd floor Police station locker and shower areas is at the end of its useful life (20 years old) and has no heat recovery present. EF-1, located on the east side of the roof also serves the locker rooms. Proposed: Replace PH-1 with a similar custom penthouse unit (basis of design is an Alliance custom AHU with integrated water-cooled condensers). Provide heat CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY lest Page 7 of 156 Executive Summary recovery for ventilation air. Replace AHU-1 with a similar unit, with heat recovery. Remove EF-1 and provide ductwork to AHU-1 to facilitate heat COMPANY AT-A-GLANCE recovery from the locker rooms. Also incorporate EF-2 & EF-3 into the heat recovery of either PH-1 or AHU-1. • Established 1960 • Over 1,700 employees 1.4 Summary of Benefits • 23 offices • 55+Professional Engineers • 80+LEED Accredited FINANCIAL BENEFITS Professionals Section 4 of this document provides a detailed look at the project financials. The guaranteed maximum project allowable cost is $1,752,483. Including sales MCKINSTRY EXPERIENCE tax and DES management fees, the final project cost is $1,986,031. The annual energy savings are $43,754. Operational and maintenance savings have been included in the cash flows as agreed to by the DES energy project manager and Customer the City of Renton - these projections are based on reduced repair costs and $20 utility future avoided capital expenditures and represent $25,000 in annual savings. million savings guaranteed Total first-year savings are estimated at $68,754. Grants& ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS $100 rebates million secured for By taking the necessary steps to reduce energy consumption through the clients implementation of the various facility improvement measures detailed in this report, the City of Renton will attain the savings outlined in the outcome 636 Kilowatt snapshot on the left. This is equivalent to: million hours saved 453 Metric tons • 29 average-sized homes being removed from the power grid; or of 1,141,411average saveded • miles not driven by an avers a size vehicle. 91 Gas Therms NEXT STEPS million saved Next steps include review of the ESP by the Washington Department of CO2 emission reductions Enterprise Services and the City of Renton to approve the ESP. Pre-Design resulting from McKinstry efforts are already under contract to order the main custom AHU, PH-1 by projects have environmental December 2018, for installation in the Spring of 2019 before the cooling season impacts equal to: starts. 3,167 Forest acres saved from aaes destruction 1.5 McKinstry Differentiators 51.5 Gallons of gas not COMPANY OVERVIEW million used McKinstry has over 50 years of experience assessing and improving facilities in 83+ Cars taken the Pacific Northwest. With more than 1,500 successful energy and facility off the road improvement projects completed in the past 15 years, McKinstry has the thousand expertise to offer comprehensive solutions to the City of Renton. McKinstry is Homes more than just another energy services company, we believe in serving as your 40+ taken off trusted advisor"For the Life of Your Building." thousand the power grid MCKINSTRY APPROACH ADVANTAGES • Vendor- and product-neutral for truly consultative role • Transparent pricing • Total cost of ownership consideration • No"shared savings" model CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY `•" Page 8 of 156 i ( Scope of Work 2.1 Facility Improvement Measure (FIM) List For full descriptions of the scope of work of each measure, please refer to Section 2 - Detailed Scope of Work. FIM # 02.O1A-RCH: REFURBISH COOLING TOWER FIM # 03.01-RCH: UPGRADE MAIN AND LOCKER ROOM AHU'S 2.2 McKinstry Services McKinstry will include the following services related to this project: 1. Energy Audit: The energy audit is complete and is submitted under Section 5 - Directed Engineering Study. 2. Design Services: McKinstry will provide a detailed engineering design as needed to obtain permitting, Owner review, and approval of the proposed systems. In addition, McKinstry will also provide construction support services, start-up, testing, as-built drawings of systems installed, and provide operations and maintenance manuals. 3. Construction: Provide, or cause to be provided, all material, labor, and equipment, including paying for permits, fees, bonds, and insurance, required for the complete and working installation of McKinstry's equipment. a. McKinstry will provide a site superintendent who will be responsible for the onsite supervision and coordination of trades and subcontractors. This individual's responsibilities will also include regular work observations, quality control, site security, enforcement of the site-specific safety plan, as well as coordinating any impact upon building tenants with the Owner. b. McKinstry may perform portions of the construction work or may subcontract portions to qualified firms. In either case, McKinstry will share information regarding actual costs of the work with the Owner and DES. c. When McKinstry has completed the installation of the equipment, including start-up, operations verification, and training in accordance with the Proposal, McKinstry will provide to Owner and DES a "Notice of Commencement of Energy Savings." • d. At the conclusion of the project, McKinstry will submit a "Notice of Substantial Completion"to the Owner and DES. 4. Construction Management: McKinstry will provide a dedicated construction manager who will provide contract administration services for the project. The owner is expected to coordinate day-to-day communications with tenants and any scheduling of tenant relocations in and around occupied areas. 5. Operation Training: McKinstry will provide relevant training of building staff during construction as agreed to by the Owner and DES. 6. Performance Maintenance: McKinstry will provide ongoing monitoring and support services to help ensure that guaranteed savings are achieved throughout the term of the agreement. Ongoing services shall be under separate agreement. Ongoing services shall be at the discretion of the Owner and DES to terminate. Specific tasks associated with proposed ongoing Measurement and Verification (M&V) can be found in Table 3.2 - M&V Plan Outline. For this project, McKinstry has recommended an initial M&V term of one year to the Owner and DES. The CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY firm Page 9 of 156 Scope of Work reason is that the efficiency of the proposed HVAC equipment is not expected to change after the first year of performance has been verified. 7. Equipment Maintenance: McKinstry will provide no equipment maintenance or repairs after the warranty period. Following the completion of the installation and Owner acceptance of the equipment, the Owner shall provide all necessary service, repairs, and adjustments to the equipment so that the equipment will perform in the manner and to the extent set forth in the Proposal. McKinstry shall have no obligation to service or maintain the equipment after the warranty period. 8. Warranty: McKinstry will warrant equipment for one year following Notice of Commencement of Energy Savings. Specific information regarding equipment warranty will be passed on to owner. 2.3 Extent of Subcontracting McKinstry may subcontract the energy audit, design, construction management, start-up, and training portions of this Contract to qualified firms upon review and approval by owner. Construction subcontracts will be awarded competitively. McKinstry will endeavor to satisfy the Diverse Business Enterprise utilization goals of the Owner and DES. 2.4 Project Schedule The following information lists several milestone dates for the project. McKinstry will develop a detailed schedule outlining all of the various design, pre-construction, construction, and closeout tasks associated with the project and that interfaces with other construction work not under this proposal. See the following draft project schedule. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Mc 'Ilea Nibs Page 10 of 156 ( ( 00 C,...... 0 N' ('Si ri N• ___._. co (D c0 in Z• III N O7 N IO a e;O. it EHtilifLo ` N . 0. il jdjrJ 03 m c N, E 5 m co m > D1 co Co W Co co Co co Co co co Co co al Co Co Co al Co al Co Co Co Co co Co al al Co co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co al al Co al Co al +-I .1 .-1 .I .I .i .i .-I .1 .1 .I - .-i .. .i - .1 .a .-1 .-1 .-1 .1 .1 .i .i .i .i .i ti .i .i .i .i .i I-1 .i .i .i .I .I .1 .-I .-1 .-1 .-1 I U \ M. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Co I ti •"I .i a1 ID .c V V .n N oo N ID v1 1n b Co Co ID In N M .4 N 1n ID V N Co N Co M m ID N V Co N Co Co 1 N .i N M m N N .i N N N N \ .i \ N N \ N N .'I ."I N N \ \ N \ N .i .i N N sc., N N \ \ \ \ .i .i \ .i .i \ \ oo \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M \ e'I \ \ Al \ \ \ \ \ \ ,-1 N \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ In In N V1 \ \ In \ \ 'C ID N a0 co Ol al O .~-1 .~-1 .N-1 .N-1 Q! 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'n VE 0 a u u O O u u N ._ N E N O C E O • U aJ al 0 0 aJ al W (0) 1` a1 O ot c 0 c N y a aJ rp t0 C 7 - Y N E C Ca 3 ra v v 7 E -' u To E c 3 3 w v aJ 3 c w c m 7 > c > c p a z Tu., ''n A a' v1 v'1 m o W a z u m a i 'o � E 0/ c o a v 3 v 3 u N a 7 x `o N o o .E z o c goo co. 0 0 ii D u y w O O D O d r^ a o 3 'a O Q a u D u u W .r c v o a u u as C .- N M R in .G n c0 C. O N Io m a1 O N N N N N N N N N rM rt1 T i.1 1�.1 M M r^/1 gi T . V O Q 4 Detailed Scope of Work FIM ID # 40030 02.01A-RCH: Refurbish Cooling Tower Renton City Hall GENERAL Existing: The closed-loop cooling tower(fluid cooler) is at the end of its useful service life. Proposed: Refurbish the fluid cooler, including the following: 1. Provide and Install New Low Drift PVC Mist Eliminators. 2. Remove and Clean Spray Headers &Nozzles. 3. Apply CIM 1000 Coating Throughout Sump up to Coil Section w/ New Fan Snouts. 4. Provide and install all new fan housings. Conversion kit to single Fan motor 20HP drive system. Includes new motor. Provide and Install New Horizontal Mechanical Shaft Kit and Fan Wheel Components. 5. Paint Exterior Surfaces with Protective Industrial Paint. 6. Provide and Install New Electronic Water Level Controller. 7. Replace 3 kW pan heater. SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES 1. Cooling Tower Refurbishing A. Refurbish the existing fluid cooler(Evapco Model #LSWA-41B) serving the heat pump condenser loop B. Basis of design: Fluid-TEK(a division of Johnson-Barrow) C. Provide and Install New Low Drift PVC Mist Eliminators 1) Conduct lock-out/Tag-out procedures as required 2) Remove and dispose of old galvanized mist eliminators 3) Transport old materials down and new materials to rooftop 4) Install new low drift PVC mist eliminators 5) Cleanup as required. D. Remove and Clean Spray Headers &Nozzles 1) Conduct lock-out/Tag-out procedures as required 2) Remove and clean existing spray header system along with nozzles 3) Reinstall original spray header system 4) Clean up and testing as required E. Apply CIM 1000 Coating Throughout Sump up to Coil Section with New Fan Snouts 1) Conduct lock-out/Tag-out procedures as required 2) High pressure water blast from sump up to the coil section to remove sediment and loose debris 3) Remove and dispose of old failing fan snouts and suction screen 4) Grind down basin surfaces with mechanical wire brush as required. Remove corrosion and rust from all sump surface areas 5) Install metal patch plates as required to repair damaged areas of tower where pin holes are starting to form 6) Vacuum all surfaces, clean and wipe down metal surfaces with mineral spirits to remove dust and lightweight particles 7) Apply mist of adhesion promoter to all internal wet area surfaces to flash dry and create chemical bond for CIM 1000 to metal panels 8) Apply the CIM 1000 polyurethane coating from sump up to the coil section 9) Install new galvanized knockdown fan snouts and suction screen 10) Water-Leak test and cleanup as required F. Provide and install all new fan housings 1) Conversion kit to single Fan motor 20HP drive system. Includes new motor. 2) Provide &Install New Horizontal Mechanical Shaft Kit&Fan Wheel Components 3) Conduct lock-out/Tag-out procedures as required 4) Remove and dispose of old belts, shaft, bearings, bushings, and fan wheels 5) Transport old materials down and new materials to rooftop 6) Install new shaft, bearings, bushings, fan wheels, Motor and belts 7) Cleanup and testing as required G. Paint Exterior Surfaces with Protective Industrial Paint 1) Conduct lock-out/Tag-out procedures as required 2) Clean all exterior scale deposits and remove corrosion from unit exterior 3) Prepare surfaces for paint 4) Protect surrounding structures and equipment 5) Apply protective industrial coating 6) Cleanup as required H. Provide and Install New Electronic Water Level Controller 1) Install new WLC 6000 Electronic Water Level Controller PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Page 13 of 156 Wm MINN S ) Detailed Scope of Work 2) Install new solenoid valve, y-strainer, and ball valve if applicable 3) Install new external clear PVC standpipe 4) Mount new level probes 5) Supply power to probe and solenoid valve 6) NOTE: 120V power supply from existing tower power. Integration to BAS by others if desired. 7) Cleanup and testing as required I. Replace the 3 kW pan heater CLARIFICATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS 1. Per federal and state law, projects that include renovation or demolition must have an asbestos survey provided by the owner regardless of when the building was built. The survey only needs to cover the area that will be disturbed. If the building owner can provide proof that the building was constructed with asbestos free materials, then no survey is needed. A. For the safety of our people and avoidance of potential long-term liability, McKinstry no longer executes subcontracts for survey and/or abatement of asbestos and lead paint. Abatement of asbestos and lead paint shall be the responsibility of the building owner who should contract directly with qualified abatement specialists. B. The budget for owner contracted survey and abatement (if applicable) is shown as a Not in Contract (NIC) rough estimate in Table 4.1 for reference only. 2. If existing equipment or components are reused, repairs to existing are not included unless specifically noted in the scope above. 3. If this scope is not contracted within 180 days of the proposal date, we may need to adjust pricing to reflect market escalation of labor, materials, and equipment. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Page 14 of 156 EXISTING FLUID COOLER TO F th REFURBISHED , N▪ N O I N 1 Cr) a' 0 m r ` r H \ \ 111 O O U) (, In " 1 a: Z 1 1 r' Li v r, , _ictl _1 _I p !WWII' p m n` .cr. CO u" v \ Cam- Q L, .1-1 • CO _ •v I, N. O O C) - CS y r. I CD r Q CD 1 • N- CO �11 m C~n Z af a ., W 0 O O CD O O .'7• J .. .1 .-I r-, I, CD IC} t1? C7 ::J + Cr) Cr) v z U L 0 CI) a. 0 v 0. CT cc) W o CD CD 1n m > W W 'a'1 L ` 11}i1i111 '-1 •o a. r, m` m W Q a 7. r rz V U c' I � .- • • a CD o I J J Cl. • L ID ,D rn w w (� V m Q Q Q: a co -$ � s. I Q I r, } W v a 0 �� p d d 4 Q • 0 i M J --I ..-I - O /O a z CAA L-1 L=1 I t"...., 1.` LID e> I 4 :� cj CDC.) ,f p, cvn..... 0 Q s,—01 m O „�"'',1 car N ^J ' O • ,_ -e• O t -C. •0 U N r / til O w `n 1 ¢ rntal= tL U 0 U �~ a� o a Cr 0 .--.0 r---- E 0 W Cr Q O v C= W 1L L. T U. 0-1 o I-a O O Cr) CD ( TICS o•1.+ L11 w f- 6- n .; ti ,,.,U_m`a rl. id- O Cr r c. c N to ra.=to 1==1 2 Z — O Q D_ Q O N 4i c ®}...�� « cCO OV Cn .17 0I- LL; w Q cj w O o W 0 z¢o otn0o Mtn n==zz C).J ,--C CI) • Li/0\ ~' f.� I-Cn CD ••c-. Z r: 1 t j G^ Q W Z CO r^C l.t.O i.. N W [ ) O 0 C1 1-0 0 0 I-H '.+et--' •`c�-.' CU Cu CD Jn N- ..,.._ a . •!_ -•tic u _ N CrfL 7 ,W-.O W sr m .�.. qq CS W O CC.r•-4- ,C. t. 0 0I-X 0 XhCjI- +- \ 1.:!11 O 3R •Ca.X c.>U Z • O' *-0, 2, 3 e� a.0 m Cl_►-1 Cn C+=Q.. ''3-.yMA'i.:i- d • =ca CO ,c-- �+ O a. .\,, It W• -J CL< I 0 1•1 >�_n, r C\7 S Y 4- •I I Y'C W rI W..CD i. 0 c 1..... -• N W to 7 C7 .e(1. W ] l6,.y P 4� a Detailed Scope of Work FIM ID # 38397 03.01-RCH: Upgrade Main and Locker Room AHUs Renton City Hall GENERAL Existing: The existing Mammoth penthouse unit, PH-1, provides ventilation to the 1st and 2nd floor heat pumps and provides primary air to the variable air volume (VAV)terminals throughout the City Hall. No heat recovery is present. PH-1 is original to the building (1987) and is at the end of its useful life (31 years old). Also, the existing AHU-1 (Scott Springfield unit) a 100%outside air unit serving the 2nd floor Police station locker and shower areas is at the end of its useful life (20 years old) and has no heat recovery present. EF-1, located on the east side of the roof also serves the locker rooms. Proposed: Replace PH-1 with a similar custom penthouse unit (basis of design is an Alliance custom AHU with integrated water-cooled condensers). Provide heat recovery for ventilation air. Replace AHU-1 with a similar unit, with heat recovery. Remove EF-1 and provide ductwork to AHU-1 to facilitate heat recovery from the locker rooms. Also incorporate EF-2 &EF-3 into the heat recovery of either PH-1 or AHU-1. SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES 1. Mechanical A. Work in this building is sensitive construction planning shall include phasing, and temporary ventilation B. PH-1 1) Demolition (i) Demolish existing roof mounted Mammoth unit, PH-1 with (two) 75 HP supply blower motors and (eight) 1.5 HP exhaust/return blower motors (ii) Existing Mammoth unit (PH-1) roof curb shall be demolished (iii) Existing return duct roof opening to remain (iv) Existing supply duct roof opening to remain (v) Demolish existing 3"condensate piping ("25 LF) 2) New work(basis of design is Alliance) (i) Provide new AHU for 250-Tons Nominal cooling capacity, 100,000 cfm supply air flow, and an energy recovery section for ventilation air,460V/3 ph/60 Hz power, 65 kA SCCR (refer to cut sheets for electrical data). Unit is shipped in sections, provide allowance for sections assembly in place. (ii) Provide 3"condensate pipe to roof drain and pipe support to match existing ("'25LF) (iii) Provide two (2) 3"isolation valves (iv) Provide modification to existing 36"high roof curb to accommodate the energy recovery section C. AHU-1 1) Demolition (i) Demolish existing AHU-1, 3,060 cfm, 3 hp, 460V/3 ph/60 Hz power, unit on the roof (ii) Demolish existing AHU-1 roof curb (iii) Demolish existing 18"x14"supply duct(all the way to the roof termination) and SUPPLY duct supports (�10 LF of duct) (iv) Existing supply duct roof opening to remain 2) New work (basis of design is Scott Springfield) (i) Provide 3,575 cfm 3 PH 65KA SCCR 460/3/60 heat recovery unit to replace with existing AHU-1. (ii) Provide roof curb for ERV (iii) Provide 2"acoustic Neoprene isolation pad under the unit (iv) Provide airtight insulated and weatherproofed 18"x14"supply air connection between ERV and roof supply air termination (-7 LF of duct with 2 elbows) D. EF-1 1) Demolish existing EF-1 on the roof(460V/3 ph/60 Hz, 5 hp, 7,805 cfm) 2) Existing EF-1 roof curb to remain 3) Provide insulated and weatherproofed 34"exhaust duct from existing EF-1 roof termination to PH-1 location (-90 LF ductwork with minimum of 4 elbows) E. EF-2 1) Demolish existing EF-2 on the roof(460V/3 ph/60 Hz, 0.75 hp, 1,100 cfm) 2) Existing EF-2 roof curb to remain 3) Provide insulated and weatherproofed 14"exhaust duct from existing EF-2 roof termination to PH-1 location ("10 LF ductwork with minimum of 2 elbows) F. EF-3 1) Demolish existing EF-3 on the roof(model number: EBK18V1-C1UA2OSPC1, 460V/3 ph/60 Hz, 2.0 hp, 3,060 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Page 17 of 156 1W IMNMOW Detailed Scope of Work cfm) 2) Existing EF-3 roof curb to remain 3) Provide insulated and weatherproofed 22"exhaust duct from existing EF-3 roof termination to AHU-1 location (-73 LF ductwork with minimum of 4 elbows) 2. Controls A. Control contractor to provide control wiring between new equipment control panel and existing BAS B. Control contractor shall provide hardware and software for interconnecting unit control panel w/ BAS C. Provide schedules, set points offsets monitoring and alarms 3. Electrical A. Basic Scope: Electrical work associated with replacement of large,'walk-in'air handling unit'PH-1', and makeup air unit'AHU-1' B. 30-Day Metering: This project will result in a net added load. 30-day metering will be required at panel'H7'. No metering will be required at main switchboard -- utility demand data should be available. C. Demo 1) PH-1 (480V/3-ph., 516 FLA, 540 MCA, 600 MOCP) (i) See'Electrical Sketch 1' 2) AHU-1 (480V/3-ph., 59.4 FLA, 100 MFS) (i) Disconnect power from unit (ii) Retain existing 70A/3P breaker in panel H7 (iii) Retain existing conduit and wire. (3) #4, #8 ground, per as-builts 3) EF-1 (480V/3-ph., 5 HP) (i) Disconnect power to fan (ii) Demo existing conduit and wire back to serving electrical panel (iii) Mark breaker as"spare" 4) EF-2 (480V/3-ph., 0.75 HP) (i) Disconnect power to fan (ii) Demo existing conduit and wire back to serving electrical panel (iii) Mark breaker as"spare" 5) EF-3 (480V/3-ph., 2 HP) (i) Disconnect power to fan (ii) Demo existing conduit and wire back to serving electrical panel (iii) Mark breaker as"spare" 6) Service Outlet (i) Outlet (on north side of PH-1 enclosure) is old and missing cover. Demo existing outlet. (ii) Retain existing conduit and wire D. New Work 1) PH - 1 basis of design,Alliance (480V/3-ph., 589 FLA, 600 MCA, 600 MOCP) (i) All information provided below is contingent upon 30-day metering data of Panel H7/PH-1, and feeder to Panel stack H2-H4-H6 (ii) General scope is to utilize entire existing 600A feeder for PH-1 and move existing panel H7 to top of panel H2-H4-H6 panel stack (iii) Disconnect incoming 620 amp feeder to panel H7 (iv) Demo existing run of 620 amp feeder that goes from panel H7 to PH-1 (v) Extend new run of 620 amp feeder from Level 7 to new PH-1 (Note: Will require large junction box in Level 7 electrical room immediately adjacent to panel H7) (vi) Provide through-feed lugs in existing panel H6 on Level 6 (Note: It has not been confirmed that panel H6 can be field retro-fit with through-feed lugs) (vii)Provide feeder from panel H6 to panel H7. (2)4"conduits, each with (2) 750 kcmil aluminum conductors, #3/0 copper ground. (viii) See'Electrical Sketch 1' 2) AHU-1, basis of design, Scott Springfield (i) 480V/3-ph., 54.53 FLA, 56 MCA, 60.53 MOCP (ii) Replace existing 70A/3P breaker in panel H7 with new 60A/3P breaker, with AIC rating matching that of existing breakers in panel (iii) Existing conduit and conductors can be re-used (Note: Assumes that Code-minimum #4 wire was installed for the original AHU-1, in 1"conduit) (iv) Provide new 60A/3P disconnect on roof. Non-fused, NEMA 3R enclosure. 3) Service Outlet (i) Provide new service outlet, box, and cover (ii) Extend existing conduit and wire as needed PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Page 18 of 156 Detailed Scope of Work 4. Structural A. Provide details for curb extension, and tiedowns to the roof structure B. Provide calculations and details for unit tiedowns 5. Specialty A. GC to provide roofing patching, flashing and counterflashing 1) For AHU-1 unit 60 LFT 2) For PH-1 unit 80 LFT B. Crane pick 1) Coordinate a pick plan with the City 2) Expected one to two-da closure of S Grad Wa between Williams Ave S and 108th Ave see below) I 8. 1 , a. -., 14p1.' , yr . le . .tt 4. rfak C w a V I r Pi Dojo r 1 . .f. ytat H. '} . i ....-F 07.- ,,, - \ 3) 6. Testing,Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) A. Provide pre-construction baseline TAB of existing units PH-1 and AHU-1 B. Provide ventilation and supply air TAB of PH-1 C. Provide supply air TAB of AHU-1 7. Commissioning A. Provide support for factory start-up (PH-1 and AHU-1) B. Provide functional performance test of PH-1 C. Provide functional performance test of AHU-1 D. Provide trend set-up for M&V (see Table 3.2 Annual Tasks) 8. DesignProvide design as required for this FIM 9. Training A. Provide training as required for this FIM PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Page 19 of 156 Iles. Detailed Scope of Work CLARIFICATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS 1. Per federal and state law, projects that include renovation or demolition must have an asbestos survey provided by the owner regardless of when the building was built. The survey only needs to cover the area that will be disturbed. If the building owner can provide proof that the building was constructed with asbestos free materials, then no survey is needed. A. For the safety of our people and avoidance of potential long-term liability, McKinstry no longer executes subcontracts for survey and/or abatement of asbestos and lead paint. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by our CEO or President and our General Counsel. Abatement of asbestos and lead paint shall be the responsibility of the building owner who should contract directly with qualified abatement specialists. B. Unless noted otherwise in Table 4.1, the budget for owner contracted survey and abatement is not shown and will need to be budgeted separately by the owner. 2. If existing equipment or components are reused, repairs to existing are not included unless specifically noted in the scope above. 3. If this scope is not contracted within 180 days of the proposal date, we may need to adjust pricing to reflect market escalation of labor, materials, and equipment. • PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Page 20 of 156 M AwIYluy I—THd—QAI\''uoayi\•••qns\•••uo1uaa —609T\608T\9IO2\SPIfl :g-113 6896-SZ4(619) X d I—nd 'REZ 8896-8Z4(619)auogd SHHOIZI:Pun :a lEos 8T/6I/0T :alEQ HOVS HMO (I) :'416 ;tun 4SIZ6 VD`o9mj 11ES dKOAIZIV09 :'dug u815aQ 'PH Sl aTms•Lu,iEpE-'i lautPIAI SBZz :13PoyAl AID uo}uag aul �_ Vd 'VI0NRDSV Id'I :lug Toafold Iaafo1d id a 'anwuayos plalgoa,a 01 LOJa1 f!S Ln1O,aua Lo j` 'Pnop.2.1 8uuao n2ua 8uryuadap.0 oo in.suoneool Rupp pmpv N O I I 0 fl el l S N O 0 2!O d I❑N LN0 uopeluasuda/10;are 8m onip plannnpom no suopeoo,9n,8my17-• 9NIMV2JQ 1V3INVH031A1 AaVNIWI13?Jd t. - 0! v L[I El I IL 'x� i� rigibilefire 11 • _ i_l F 1 , „ _ Iv„,____ I�fl c ;- I II SL'BOT 1■F'S -- 1 }J■,,1 tI I .I��,\ 4 j_��]7J+ — f iF�� � I\ �- / by �i 1 / ICI OIL a1 zli I II ` \ �I�Vj1 7II ` \ I } 11 1 Q - ' \ -_I 4411 L VI - -- r 1/4 ,, 1 II f�6I tv 111 V' i 1 i f ., ' IIN1II Irl �_ / I k`-4 II VI . / — 1—a—i-L'1 '\\ 'q'' \\ ' \\ II II :.(1' I.��' .�� C:' I III aZylIII Li N },1 III — / 1 11 \\ ;tea II /� 1� I ii =I SG'Er \\ //t—1 III / I a \ I 7 I. \^ ; an Ili 4 ; all II�,I��pp� on Z /\ --1 fl / RI / \ 1 I III / Oaf La L6 p i/ ' , III li / U / \ ,[141 II � !/ II W F / 01 I III T n M ' t '1 W e — 11; ro I I 4I K I . '+ Bold ' — ; II .. -- . .- ..- tL L JINN a 3SN3ONO3 3AI1VNOdVA3 chapter output FANselect FANselect 04.10.2018 fan data version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) • type ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1 R article no. 115120/A01 I Portfolio STD-WW technical data motor ECblue mains supply - 3—460V 60Hz ambient temperature,max.limit(tr) °C 40 efficiency grade rist,tA % 64,3 efficiency grade Nam,'1 Ntarget 68,6 162 ErP-conformity 2015 1 EC controller integrated grille I influence Nein fan data SFP-class I SFP-value(PsFp) -I Ws/m3 1 1422 airflow volume(qv) ft3/min 7383.4 pressure,stat.(p,F)I tot.(pr) in.wg. 1.000 11.090 electrical power input(P,ye) W 1471 system eff.,stat.(gsF,sys)(tot.(rlF,sy,) % 59.0 164.3 fan speed(n)I max.(nm,x) rpm 656 1890 fan speed,set value(%nmex) % 74 frequency(fBP)I(fmax) Hz 60 160 voltage(00p) V 460 current(bp) A 2.00 acoustics,suction side(L1MA),$)I(L.a.5) dB 71 179 acoustics,pressure side(L1MA),6)I(Lw,6 dB 77 183 dimensions(w x h x d) mm 960 x 1023 x 805 product weight(mpr) kg 100 k-factor nozzle pres.(k) - 620 differential pres.nozzle(p,F nozzle) Pa 409 _ PF-PF_00;BR.BR_01.q.:7383.4 fttImin;p,F.1 000 in.wg.;mains'3-1460V/60 Hz 6:68"F;p:0.072 Ibs/8°:SToJ:+-10% www.ziehl-abedu.com Bewegung durch Perfektion 1 Movement by Perfection Page 23 of 1.41 7 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect performance curve/acoustics oa 10.2o1s version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) ® ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1 R measured in standard nozzle in installation type A according to ISO 5801 115120/A01 I Portfolio measurement density 0.072[Ibs/ft'] STD-WW air performance ISF 3- 1 min 2 5- 150 2- 600 1- 500 1 -wJ 400 0.5- 200 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 qv[ft3/min] acoustics(Lw(A),5) acoustics(Lw(A).6) 80 s0- 7D 7D 70 60 1111 63 m 60- 50 a 50- 40 40 1111 III - 3 30- 30- J 20- _120 10 1G 0 Lw(A).5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 C Lw(A),6 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 f[Hz] f[Hz] 1 ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1R f[Hz] sum 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 f[Hz] sum 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Lw(A),5 71 50 58 62 63 66 64 63 61 1-W(A),6 77 53 60 67 72 70 68 65 64 Lw,s 79 74 73 72 66 66 63 62 62 4,e 83 77 75 76 76 71 66 64 66 www.ziehl-abegq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Technical data are subject to change. Page 24 of 11 7 chapter output FANselect FANselect efficiency grade / power input 04.102018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.18 10 02 1 53501 I(user ZAFS43501) 0 ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1 R measured in standard nozzle in installation type A according to ISO 5801 115120/A01 I Portfolio measurement density 0.072[Ibs/ft3] STD-VWV efficiency grade fF,sys efficiency grade r1SF,s.s 70- 70 64.3 59.0 so- 60It"50- 50 40- 40 u_ 30- y N 3n c- 20- 20 10- 10 o 0 0 2000 443:00 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 166 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 qv[ft3/min] qv[ft3lmin] power input Psys 4000 1471 3500- 3000- 2500- T 2000- 0. 1500- 1000 • 500- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 qv[ft3/min] www.ziehl-abegq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 25of 15SUI 7 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect nominal values 04.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) Q 3-380-480V 50Hz P1 3.90kW 6.20-5.00A 890/MIN 40°C 3-380-480V 60Hz P1 3.90kW 6.20-5.00A 890/MIN 40°C IP54 THCL155 6, A. ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1 R 115120/A01 drawing 04.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.1810.02 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) _ _ 037.8 -4► "- 029.53 - 31.69 �. 1 ._..- ( 00,43 17.2 • 0.98 it ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1 R N • / . • 115120/A01 ov • -. . __,I ._.•/-, �"" • t N 4 Q 11111o t ec In 35.83 ! 28.35 1.4 �2.17 (�7. Y _— 31.69 N 44. ti 0 co cc w wiring diagram 04.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002).AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) ER80C-ZIK.GQ.1 R 115120/A01 www.ziehl-abeaq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 2of 151 7 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect fan data 03.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) 0 type GR56C-ZID.GG.CR article no. 114656/H01 I Portfolio STD-WW technical data motor ECblue mains supply - 3—460V 60Hz ambient temperature,max.limit(tr) °C 45 efficiency grade claw, % 70,2 efficiency grade Naetum I Ntarget 75,2 162 ErP-conformity 2015 I EC controller integrated grille I influence Nein fan data SFP-class(SFP-value(Pspp) -I Ws/m3 2 1567 airflow volume(qv) ft3/min 4250.0 pressure.stat.(psF)I tot.(pF) in,wg. 1.500 11.602 electrical power input(Pays) W 1138 system eff.,stat(90,sys)I tot.(rlF,sys) % 65.9 170.3 fan speed(n)I max.(nmax) rpm 1081 11550 fan speed,set value(%nm„a,) % 70 frequency(fBP)I(fmax) Hz 60 160 voltage(Uon) V 460 current(lop) A 1.59 acoustics,suction side(L„,1A),5)I(4,5) dB 68 175 acoustics,pressure side(L 1A1,6)I(LW,6 dB 75 180 dimensions(w x h x d) mm 730 x 730 x 480 product weight(m,,r) kg 58 k-factor nozzle pres.(k) - 308 differential pres.nozzle(psF nozzle) Pa 550 PF:PF 00;BR:BR_01:g,.:4250.0 R'/min;p,:1 500 in.wg.;mains 3—/460V/60 Hz;4168'F;p:0.0721bs/tl';SToi:+_10% www.ziehl-abegq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 2x of 155l 6 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect performance curve /acoustics os ZAFS43 is version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) o GR56C-ZID.GG.CR measured in standard nozzle in installation type A according to ISO 5801 114656/H01 I Portfolio measurement density 0.072[lbs/ft3] STD-\MN air performance psF 4.5-1550 1/Inn 4- 3 5_ 1400 3- 1200 2.5- cl 1000 1 5- 800 1- 0.5-470 160 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 qv[ft3/min] acoustics(Lw(A).5) acoustics(Lw(A0) 70- 80- 60-I 62 62 70- 50 69 69 m 50 m 63 uo 40- 30- ' : i,i, - 0 Lw(A),5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 0 Lw(A),6 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 f[Hz] f[Hz] 1 GR56C-ZID.GG.CR f[Hz] sum 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 f[Hz] sum 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Lw(A),5 68 37 56 61 61 62 62 58 50 LW(A),e 75 39 60 65 69 69 67 63 58 Lw,5 75 62 72 69 64 62 61 57 51 Lw,6 80 64 76 73 72 70 66 62 59 www.ziehl-abeqq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 2of 15�b1 6 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect 03.10.2018 efficiency grade /power input version FANselect V 1.01(181002)AMCA V 1.02 April,2018 1 1 18 10 02 1535011(user ZAFS43501) 0 GR56C-ZID.GG.CR measured in standard nozzle in installation type A according to ISO 5801 114656/H01 I Portfolio measurement density 0.072[Ibs/ft'] STD-Ww efficiency grade r]F,sys efficiency grade r]SF,sys so 70.3 i° 65.9 70- 60 60- 50co 4° 417 >, E NH30 - 20 10- 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1 qv[ft3/minj qv[ft3/min] power input Psys 3500 1138 3000- 2500- 2000- d 1500- 5C9-/r 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 qv[ft3/min] www.ziehl-abegq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 2g of 15t1 6 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect nominal values 03.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April.2018/ 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) 11D 3-380-480V 50Hz P1 3.40kW '� 5.40-4.20A 1550/MIN 45°C \717. 3-380-480V60Hz P1 3.40kW I EXHAUST FAN HEAT MOTOR a 5.40-4.20A 1550/MIN 45°C ® IP54 THC1.155 GR56C-ZID.GG.CR 114656/H01 drawing 03.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April.2018/ 1 53501 1(user ZAFS43501) 18.9 028.74 17.13 .__ d26.06 0.9: ■24.33 ♦ � I m� • GR56C-ZID.GG.CR 114656/H01 • )1C0). co • , 0. C7 wiring diagram 03.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002).AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.18.10 02 1 53501 1(user ZAFS43501) O GR56C-ZID.GG.CR 114656/H01 www.ziehl-abeao.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 3(1"of 1516 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect 04.10.2018 fan data version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.18.10 02 1 53501 I(user ZAFS43501) O type GR56C-ZID.GQ.CR article no. 115278 I Portfolio STD-WW technical data motor ECblue mains supply - 3—460V 60Hz ambient temperature,max.limit(tr) °C 40 efficiency grade ristatq % 69,9 efficiency grade%ataal I Ntaryat 72,3 162 ErP-conformity 2015 I EC controller integrated grille I influence Nein fan data SFP-class I SFP-value(PsFp) -I Ws/m3 4 11830 airflow volume(qv) ft3/min 6666.6 pressure,stat(ps r)I tot.(pF) in.wg. 5.000 15.262 electrical power input(Pays) W 5759 system eff.,stat(rtsF,sys)I tot.(riF,sys) % 68.0 171.6 fan speed(n)I max.(nmax) rpm 1846 11860 fan speed,set value(%nmax) % 99 frequency(fBP)I(fmax) Hz 60 160 voltage(Uop) V 460 current(lop) A 7.57 acoustics,suction side(L,a(A),5)I(Lw,5) dB 83 189 acoustics,pressure side(Lw A),6)I(L,,,,,6 dB 80 195 dimensions(w x h x d) mm 670 x 670 x 535 product weight(mar) kg 71 k-factor nozzle pres.(k) - 308 differential pres.nozzle(psF nozzle) Pa 1352 PF:PF_00;BR:BR_Ot,gv-6866.6 le/man p,,::3.000 in.wg.;main:)-/460V/60 Hz;4:68'F;p:0.072!barns:STol+-10% www.ziehl-abegq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 31 of 152.1 6 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect performance curve/acoustics 04.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.18 10.02 153501 I(user ZAFS43501) 0 GR56C-ZID.GQ.CR measured in standard nozzle in installation type A according to ISO 5801 115278 I Portfolio STD-WW measurement density 0.072[Ibs/ft'] air performance pSF- 7- 1863 1:min 6- 1670 5- 1495 3 4 c ` LL 05 n 3" 1100 ,. 2- �. 1 740 300 0-- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 qv[ft3/min] acoustics(Lw(A),5) acoustics(Lw(A),6) 50- 90- 90 80 80- 70- 70- 60- 60- u)- 50- 50- Q 40- Q 40- 30- 3 30- 20- 20- 10- 10- 0 Lw(A),5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Ly4lA1.6 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 f[Hz] f[Hz] 1 GR56C-ZID.GQ.CR f[Hz] sum 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 f[Hz] sum 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Lw(A),5 83 48 61 78 76 77 76 72 67 Lw(A),e 90 56 67 82 85 85 82 78 73 Lw,5 89 75 76 87 79 77 75 71 69 Lw,6 95 82 81 92 88 85 81 77 75 www.ziehl-abegq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 32 of 15U�6 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect efficiency grade / power input 04 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/ 1 53501 I(user ZAFS4318 ZAF543501) 0 GR56C-ZID.GQ.CR measured in standard nozzle in installation type A according to ISO 5801 115278 I Portfolio STD-WIN measurement density 0.072[Ibs/ft3] efficiency grade nF,sys efficiency grade fsF,sys 80- 71.6 $0 68.0 70- 70 60- 60 ' 50- rR 50 [41% Go to a0- U c. 30- 30 20- 10 1> 402D0 a o 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 qv[ /min] qv[ft3/min] power input Psys 7000 5759 6000 • - 5000- 0 a000 ///...,,.,,.., ......'.......-'--..,-•'''''''...-.'. '....."`•..ss\\,.............\\ - 2000- 1000- "'�•+. 1 v 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 qv[ft3/min] www.ziehl-abeaa.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 3of 11 6 Technical data are subject to change. chapter output FANselect FANselect nominal values 04.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.18.10 02 1 53501 1(user ZAFS43501) 0 M. 3-380-480V 50Hz P1 6.00kW 9.40-7.40A 1860/MIN 40°C l3-380-480V 60Hz P1 6.00kW l SUPPLY FAN MOTOR 9.40-7.40A 1860/MIN 40°C IP54 THCL155 i GR56C-ZID.GQ.CR 115278 drawing 04.10.2018 version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1 02 April,2018/ 1 53501 1(user ZAFS43501) 78.46r C�24.49 co ,/''0 ' 4 � t. _9.84-_ Ii i . • � aww � i GR56CZID.GQ.CR i 115278 .,.�. - + oi L -, i et ,''.. r� U + i 4 4 0 1 ,t, i . . di Ri 2.991 , 12.48 I 23r. .78 Ce 0 wiring diagram 04.10.2018 L_ version FANselect V 1.01(181002),AMCA V 1.02 April,2018/1.18.10 02 1 535011(user ZAFS43501) O I t GR56C-ZID.GQ.CR 115278 www.ziehl-abeaq.com Bewegung durch Perfektion I Movement by Perfection Page 3of 15UI 6 Technical data are subject to change. a Cabinet Pressure Loss AIR PFIOQl1CTS 2.20 GENERAL INFORMATION : Project Name : Renton City Hall Project Number : 1809-019 Unit Tag : PH-1 Revision : 0 Date : 10-03-2018 UNIT INFORMATION : Exhaust Fan : 12750 CFM Cabinet Height : 128 in. (Internal dimension) Cabinet Width : 236 in. (Internal dimension) Temperature : 70 F Elevation : 0 ft. Item DeltaP,In.we Standard Ducted Entrance 116 x 54 293 FPM 0. 003 90 Degree Turn 0 . 001 Heat Wheel 0 . 410 90 Degree Turn 0 . 007 Fan Plenum Discharge Axial 0 . 032 Damper 42 x 108 404 FPM 0 . 036 Total fan static pressure: (in. of water) 1.500 Total unit static pressure loss: (in. of water) 0.489 Available external static pressure: (in. of water) 1.011 Notes: 1.- Pressure loss coefficients for cabinet losses and cabinet effects are based on data published by ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook,Fan Engineering.8th ED. 2.- When there are multiple air paths,data shown is for worst case. 3.- falues for final filter pressure loss are based on dirty filters. 2285 Michael Faraday Dr., Suite 15, San Diego, CA 92154 Phone(619) 428-9688, Fax(619) 428-6989 www.allianceairproducts.com Page 35 of 156 ( ) M• Cabinet Pressure Loss Aim PROL)tJCTS 2.20 GENERAL INFORMATION : Project Name : Renton City Hall Project Number : 1809-019 Unit Tag : PH-1 Revision : 0 Date : 10-03-2018 UNIT INFORMATION : Return Fan : 66450 CFM Cabinet Height : 128 in. (Internal dimension) Cabinet Width : 140 in. (Internal dimension) Temperature : 70 F Elevation : 0 ft. Item DeltaP,In.we Standard Ducted Entrance 116 x 54 1527 FPM 0 . 062 90 Degree Turn 0 . 020 Fan Plenum Discharge Axial 0. 102 Damper 122 x 108 726 FPM 0. 087 Total fan static pressure: (in. of water) 1.000 Total unit static pressure loss: (in. of water) 0.271 Available external static pressure: (in. of water) 0.729 Notes: l.- Pressure loss coefficients for cabinet losses and cabinet effects are based on data published by ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook,Fan Engineering,8th ED. 2.- When there are multiple air paths,data shown is for worst case. 3.- Values for final filter pressure loss are based on dirty filters. 2285 Michael Faraday Dr., Suite 15, San Diego,CA 92154 Phone(619)428-9688,Fax(619)428-6989 www.allianceairproducts.com Page 36 of 156 ■ 1111. Cabinet Pressure Loss AIR PR001.1C1FS 2.20 GENERAL INFORMATION : Project Name : Renton City Hall Project Number : 1809-019 Unit Tag : PH-1 Revision : 0 Date : 10-02-2018 UNIT INFORMATION : Supply Fan : 100000 CFM Cabinet Height : 128 in. (Internal dimension) Cabinet Width : 236 in. (Internal dimension) Temperature : 70 F Elevation : 0 ft. Item DeltaP, In.we Standard Unducted Entrance 120 x 160 750 FPM 0 . 035 Damper 110 x 120 1090 FPM 0 . 187 90 Degree Turn 0. 016 PerfectPleat SC M8 30%-35% 526 FPM 1 . 000 Dx Coil 0. 610 Fan Plenum Discharge Radial 0 . 240 Total fan static pressure: (in. of water) 5.000 Total unit static pressure loss: (in. of water) 2.088 Available external static pressure: (in. of water) 2.912 Notes: 1.- Pressure loss coefficients for cabinet losses and cabinet effects are based on data published by ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook,Fan Engineering.8th ED. 2.- When there are multiple air paths,data shown is for worst case. 3.- Values for final filter pressure loss are based on dirty filters. 2285 Michael Faraday Dr., Suite 15, San Diego, CA 92154 Phone(619)428-9688, Fax(619) 428-6989 www.allianceairproducts.com Page 37 of 156 HEATE HEATEX AB Sweden, www. heatex . com 10/2/2018 Version: 513.1 EUROVENT - CERTIFIED Customer: PERFORMANCE Object: �. n... DESCRIPTION Heat Exchanger: 02300/200/020 Rotor Material: Aluminium Casing: Standard built-in casing E Drive Equipment: No Drive Hub Type: Ball bearing with shaft Consists of: 1 Module Well Height Version:*** 0.079 in Rotational Speed: 12 RPM Rotor Depth: 7.9 in Total Exchanger Weight: *** (The exact well height depends on the thickness of the material selected. See technical manual for exact dimensions. ) RESULT (Winter) Exhaust Air Supply Air Air flow: 12750 SCFM ( 7.225 kg/s) 12750 SCFM ( 7.225 kg/s) Pressure drop (dry) : *) .5 / .52 inch H2O .47 / .52 inch H2O Efficiency: N/A 73 / 55 / 28 % (temp/enthalpy/humidity) Effectiveness : 70 / 58 / 56 % 73 / 55 / 28 % (temp/enthalpy/humidity) Air Velocity: 595.87 / 617.17 ft/min 542.08 / 597.66 ft/min (face/channel) Free water: 112.1 lb/h, tcond 52.4 °F Transferred Power: 603475.1 BTU/h Energy class: ****: H1 * (Actual pressure drop/Pressure drop corrected to density 1.2 kg/m3) **** er consumption) 72.0 °F ::,.:..:.. 43.5 °F 50.0% r.h. :::::::< :: •:• tw 40.1 °F A = 90. 6 in 58.3 gr/lb 30.9 gr/lb B = 7.9 in C = 7.0 in g s Options: 58.8 °F • 24.0 °F tw 45.2 °F ! 50.0% r.h. 23.1 gr/lb B' � 9.5 gr/lb Inlet Pressure: 14.6959 psi Pressure difference: 250 psi The calculations are made in accordance with the European norm EN308 and its sub documents Owing to continued product development Heatex AB reserves the right to introduce alterations both in design and prices without prior notice. Page 38 of 156 Rating Sheet ALLIANCE AIR PRODUCTS 2285 MICHAEL FARADY DRIVE / SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 Phone # - 6194289688 / Fax# - 6194289689 German Carmona Customer: WorkArea Job: WorkArea Quote #: WorkArea Item #: ? 58D60X226-13-4-W-F-R No. Coils: 2 Coil Type: Direct Expansion Fin Height (In.): 60 Fin Mat./Thickness/Type: Aluminum/ 0.006/ Waffle Fin Length (In.): 226 Tube Mat./Wall/OD: Copper/ 0.02/ 5/8 Inch Air Flow/Coil (ACFM/SCFM) 50944 / 50000 (S) Tube Spacing: 1.5 x 1.299 Totals (ACFM/SCFM): 101888 / 100000 Tube Surface: Smooth ACFM/SCFM Velocity (fpm): 541 / 531 Distributors per Coil: 4 EDB/EWB (°F): 80 / 65 Configuration: Multiple Circuits Suction Temperature (°F): 45.9 Casing Material: 304 SS Liquid Temperature (°F): 90 Refrigerant: R-410A Rows/FPI: 4/13 FF Inside*: 0 SuperHeat: 20 FF Outside*: 0 Circuiting: 40/4/0/SE/Ful l Per Coil Total All Coils LDB/LWB (°F): 56.0 / 55.1 Total Heat (BTUH): 1,481,180 2,962,361 Sensible. Heat (BTUH): 1,306,840 2,613,679 Circuit Load : 3.09 Refrigerant Pressure Drop (psi): 4.64 Air Pressure Drop (in W.G.): 0.62 Connection Size (In.): 4.125 Uncrated, Dry Coil Weight: 1176.7 Suction header/connection temperature loss(.52°F[ .2898°C])exceeds recommended limit of.49°F[ .274°C]. AHRI Limit- Fins per inch(13 FPI)isoutside of the range of 8 thru 12. Printed on 10/3/2018 using Total Package II;program version 1.2.2018.1-DLL/Data * (Hr*ft^2*°F/Btu) Fouling Factor Units We reserve the right to change or revise specifications and product design in connection with any feature of our products. Such changes do not entitle the buyer to corresponding changes,improvements,additions, or replacements for equipment previously sold or shipped. Page 39 of 136 RAE Corporation 4492 Hunt St Pryor, OK 74361 Phone 918.825.7222 Fax 1.800.264.5329 441iaiee Compressor vs Evaporator Coil Crossplot AIR PROOI.JG7'r8 Project name: Renton City Hall Project Number: 1809-019 Unit: PH-1 Min./Max.Operating Point: 1 2 Compressor Model: GSD80295VA+GSD80295VA Evap Temp,(F) 42 50 Rev.: 0 Evap MBTU 889.30 587.80 Compressor Cap MBTU 686.00 797.00 Operating Evap Temp 45.9 Operating Evap MBTU 741 1000.00 --►—Evap BTU 900.00 — - Compressor Capacity 800.00 ��OP • 700.00 r� 600.00 587.80 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 -. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Page 40 of 156 BITZER Output data Created on: 04.10.2018 00:53:43 Page 41 of 156 1809-019 ; Renton City Hall PH-1 BITZER Software v6.9.0 rev2049 04.10.2018/All data subject to change. 2/8 Table of content Project survey 3 Selection:Scroll-Compressor 4 Application Limits 5 Result 6 Technical Data:GSD80295VA 7 Information:Scroll-Compressor 8 Page 42 of 156 A, 1809-019 �' Renton City Hall PH-1 BITZER Software v6.9.0 rev2049 04.10.2018/All data subject to change. 3/8 Project survey Selected compressors Scroll-Compressor 2x GSD80295VA Page 43 of 156 co in w 0 4 a) o) m a LL ry5 LLto LL • +µ b' N • r d C U. ID 2 a) 0) C a) L U O U a) n 7 a) CO CO ° o 0 m '0 V O_ D I el uoi a N E N O r` _ O co O d' = N N CO p = .0 C l.L LL O W m m ao 1 O O Q n M w CO O +. r N _ > o Q 1 O O p p Q '- • �y ^ L U a) pO O N Cn Cr 0 N IL LL a. Y R N N o L co 12- 0) r7, 0a, U= Dig 2 U) y n a o L a�i p co o.0_ a) COco 0 CO Q Q 0) �• ;.1 N f0 U U N 7 7 C) rn o) > > CC UN C C If) W Cl w O- O) N 7 a7 N ' m C _:.O O I- 0 C O a) a) Q 7 o W > O w co com Cl) O IY Ix In n. D W o i- 0 0 1809-019 Renton City Hall PH-1 BITZER Software v6.9.0 rev2049 04.10.2018/All data subject to change. 5/8 Application Limits GSD80295VA 160 Legend *A 140 120 LL 100 U 80 60 _:_.._. _ SH=20°R -20 0 20 40 60 to["F] Page 45 of 156 Q co % @ & £ ai ( CD to $ a// / « ] 2 sass;j�& § ti #§§§§/46 ; ;}\§- ƒ \ — \ § § «/! ! 0 a 6 / •a*�2)/"t oommbN \ k \ COc $)§m(/C'JCi \? 0 ali \ 6o o ® V m / =CO\ ƒ \ E E E / Co \\2 ) . 2� . ,{ co / «sr)I- e , f , sr/ I [§ , (\ A -0 o \ ) 7 ] E [� \ cr o 4e ` 7 2 ° ƒ ca / 0. co 2± K E //}#\ . > co C j �ra , _�0, \/ \q 6.{ S ,, ! & )} k\ k\- § ?$ O0 > k /mmoo0 a IX W o \ 0000uCCQo>000l3 Q ' 1809-019 t , • Renton City Hall PH-1 BITZER Software v6.9.0 rev2049 04.10.2018 I All data subject to change. 7/8 Technical Data: GSD80295VA Dimensions and Connections St_ DL / 7 8 --,�'`�► .; �, 013\ Ill ®M t 0317 .\ ` ` 237 - f — 2 __., ` r. i mMmi - - - - el I __ • , o ( i 1 mode i i i. I-. s 0308 t rn ; J .., I of -- ��_ 345 ,� N. 1411 i // \—cr-Y, zW [.. 238 d 5 N. 1 3/4-12 UNF 7/16-20 UNF Technical Data Technical Data Displacement(2900 RPM 50 Hz) 28 CFM Displacement(3500 RPM 60 Hz) 34 CFM Weight 313 lb Max. pressure(LP/HP) 450/650 psi Connection suction line Direct brazing connection 1 5/8(Standard"B"version) Rotalock adapter 2 1/4(Option) Rotalock shut-of valve 2 1/4(Option) Connection discharge line Direct brazing connection 1 3/8(Standard"B"version) Rotalock adapter 1 3/4(Option) Zotalock shut-ot valve 1 3/4(Option) Oil type R410A BVC32(Standard) Motor data Actor voltage(more on request) 460V Y-3-60Hz UL Vlax operating current 54.0 A Starting current(Rotor locked) 212.0 A ACC 63.5 A 2LA(MCC/1.40) 45.4 A 31.&4MC.C/_t.5 1,_ 4j1 7 a Max. Power input 37.0 kW Extent of delivery(Standard) Oil charge 179 fl oz Motor protection SE-B3 Enclosure class IP54 Available Options Oil heater 140 W Discharge gas temperature sensor Option Motor protection SE-El Vibration dampers Option Sound measurement Sound power level(+5°C/50°C) 84,3 dB(A)@ 60Hz Sound pressure level @ 1m(+5°C/50°C) 76,3 dB(A)@ 60Hz Page 47 of 156 l __ 1809-019 Renton City Hall PH-1 BITZER Software v6.9.0 rev2049 04.10.2018/All data subject to change. 8/8 Scroll-Compressor Legend of connection positions according to"Dimensions": 1 High pressure measurement connection(HP)-Schrader 2 High pressure connection(HP)alternatively:connection for discharge gas temperature sensor 3 Low pressure connection(LP) 4 Sight glass 5 Oil maitenance connection 6 Connection for oil and gas equalization(parallel operation) 7 Mounting position for vibration dampers 8 Mounting position for Tandem and Trio fixing rails 10 Economiser connection(7/16-20 UNF, 1/4(3/8 outer diameter))-ORBIT FIT only SL Suction line DL Discharge line Dimensions can show tolerances according to EN ISO 13920-B. Page 48 of 156 B Baltimore Aircoil Company AC Evaporative Condenser Selection Report Version: 9.2.3 NA Product data: December 08,2017 Project Name: Selection Name: Project State/Province: Project Country: United States Date: October 03,2018 Selection Parameters, Heat Rejection Method, Wet Operation Product Line: Series VC1 Coil Type: Standard Coil Design Conditions Multiple Refrigerant Circuit Refrigerant: R-410A Heat Load for Circuit#1: 950 MBH Total Heat Rejection: 1,900.00 MBH Heat Load for Circuit#2: 950 MBH Condensing Temperature: 105.00°F Heat Load for Circuit#3: 0.00 MBH Wet Bulb Temperature: 69.00°F Heat Load for Circuit#4: 0.00 MBH Model Accessories Selection Requirements Intake Option: None Number of Units: 1 to 9 Internal Option: None Reserve Capability: -3%to 10% Discharge Option: None Max.Total Fan Motor Power: 999.00 HP Fan Type: Standard Fan Max.Total Pump Motor Power: 999.00 HP External Static Pressure: 0.00 in.of H2O Max. Length(for all units): 999 ft. Max.Width: 999 ft. Max.Height: 999 ft. Material of Construction: Galvanized Unit User-Chosen Selection RI serve Total Capability Total Total Non final Heat At n Pump PI n Rejection 1900 MBH Moor Motor AreaA)nit Qtv Model (MBH) (%) (HP) (HP) (ft.x ft.) 1 VC1-110 1,971.1 3.74 10.00 1.00 04x12 Warning: 1.High pressure coil required.Condensing temperature over 91.3°F(32.94°C). 7 Engineering Data, per Unit 3taiiddi�1 TLlal Pail Mulut Puwci pci Uiill. (I) lD MP Total Pump Motor Power per Unit: (1)1 HP Unit Length: 12'+1'1.25"(Pump)=13'1.25"(Total) Airflow: 22,000 CFM Unit Width: 3'11.50" Spray Water Flow: 150.00 USGPM Unit Height: 8'3.25" Coil Volume: 13.01 ft' Approximate Shipping Weight: 4,530 lbs Heaviest Section Weight: 3,140 lbs Approximate Operating Weight: 5,500 lbs Minimum Distance Required: Approximate Remote Sump Operating Weight: 4,910 lbs From Solid Wall: 3 ft. Remote Sump Connections: (1)4" From 50%Open Wall: 3 ft. This selection assumes an open and unobstructed installation;no external static pressure unless specified above;and, unless specified above,no accessories which may affect airflow through the unit,such as capacity control dampers,solid bottom panels,discharge hood,and sound attenuation. If one or more of these assumptions do not apply to this project,please use the program to compute the applicable performance derate or contact your local BAC sales representative. Page 49 of 156 Job name:Renton City Hall Job number 1809-019 A 4 Unit Tag:PH-1 ""4 Revision:0 SJ OCIO r MCA&MOCP Calculation Power Current Total Load QTy Current 460V/30/60Hz (HP,kVA or kW) (Amps) (Amps) Supply Fan Motor(Typ.18fans) 6 kW 15 7.8 117 Exhaust Fan Motor(Typ.9 fans) 5kW 9 6.52 58.68 Exhaust Fan Heat Wheel Motor(Typ.3 fans) 3.4 kW 3 4.44 13.32 Evap Condenser Fan Motor 10 HP 2 14 28 Evap Condenser Pump 1 HP 2 2.1 4.2 Compressor Bitzer GSD80295VA 1 45.4 45.4 <=Max.Single Load Compressor Bitzer GSD80295VA 7 45.4 317.8 Sum of the rest of the loads 543.7 Transformer for Controls 0.18 kVA 1 0.4 0.4 589.1 Transformer for CCH,LLS,SE-E2 2 kVA 1 4.3 4.3 Total MCA= (125%x45.4)+543.7= 600.5 Total MOCP= FUSES (175%x45.4)+543.7= 623.2 FLA: 589 Notes: MCA: 600 CCH= Crankcase Heater MOCP: 600 LLS=Liquid Line Solenoid SE-E2=Compressors Protection Module Page 50 of 156 I i I it g&i fig. _ dg 4 w Iia'- _ IaS l! nLL m w Lk- a 6 yQ j 2 $ F. WM g gg gg I S i i z z z z <4 zL L 8 d d 8883 Z 60 ' w O S c U a w K N �\ Ii LJ � 1 rLJ �H / I / C%.71 o ��)� I 0 L J r--- , L f ram, L____1____J L_ J I ` T l 1 1 i T l 1 ; i --T 1W w 2 1 I I 1 I g i F, o °' rc� "... "... f ,. i EIN U.ll- N( I I I I�'� 4__ )/ , , K !EfiI • N ^t7 ii in 0 0 W W co co Ii! t /III/ co to 0 co Lo a) O) to a Q U N 2 LU N_ co z▪ < lD CO aJ = w O U I— _ C � v W a) a) J = > w J 0 v Q x a ° (nw z a z Ln O F- a 0 O p a`) 0 2 O a p -0 V-; n u 0 Q = Ln Ln 0 .-4 2 N N lD C c-i N N C co a) (./ d- * m * * a) Q ,t: * * * a Li-) * * * LD m (^J tf) m al o ri LD Tr T Q D a) a) a) Q In in tf)2 X D D D ti 00 CO )--I m Ln 4 rn Cr) m dr CO W II II II II I— O L Q O a) a E o U O � o i- v) N ate+ vt v) (B �' C v a s s to I— c O = U 0 = = tn O au 2 2 ra co 00 CO U e-i N m Lf) Lc) ri N CO Cr Ln lD L C v) 00— U CO CO 'a 'Q cU ti Li ti J LL J J Li li li U. Li a-+ O cca C v 0 0 > > O G t/) t/) to to t/') (P) cc cc cc a' cc cc = O U CD N W I— I— I— I— > 0 LC) Q Tr C i > rts N +_+ O - u ° - - U i CO s- -0 0 U a) CO a) 0. Q a) t�6 E ao L Q LL ° y ro Q L o CO CO Q ° CU a) 4, 0 > > U')) CO O 2 V I +J . 0) v) ,n a) 00 .>_ " a cc J m Construction Detail Equipment Configuration Elevation 0 ft Construction Base Welded structural aluminum channel c/w removable lifting lugs. Base Insulation 2" Spray Foam base insulation. Floor 1/8" aluminum checker plate fully welded with integral water dam. Exterior Casing 14 gauge aluminum exterior casing -air dried finish - SW 2114 Gris Grey. - 3000 Hrs Casing Insulation 2" insulation - minimum density 3 lbs/ft3. Interior Liner 20 gauge aluminum perforated/20 gauge aluminum solid/20 gauge alumina Door Type Double gasket seal Notes: Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. 146, Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 54 of 156 Static Pressure Calculation SUPPLY FAN in.w.g. E.S.P 0.50 PLENUM OA 0.10 PLENUM OA Hood 0.20 Discharge 0.14 Pre-Filter* 0.31 Final Filter* 0.47 HeatWheel 0.88 Electric Heater 0.25 T.S.P 2.85 RETURN FAN in.w.g. E.S.P 0.50 Fan EA 0.15 Fan EA Hood 0.30 Filter* 0.31 HeatWheel 0.88 T.S.P 2.14 NOTES: The above total static pressure is determined from the external static pressure plus the internal losses outlined above. *Filter APD based on Clean conditions. System effects caused by inlet and or outlet duct conditions cannot be accounted for by Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. and as a result it is not the responsibility of the air handler manufacturer to resolve performance issues as they relate to these conditions. lit Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall ,Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 55 of 156 Acoustic Analysis Upper Section Openings (dB) Frequency 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz 4 KHz 8 KHz Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LwA EA, Right 94 77 75 85 83 78 74 73 87 Lower Section Openings (dB) Frequency 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz 4 KHz 8 KHz Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LwA SA, Front 95 79 76 86 84 80 76 75 88 Casing (dB) Frequency 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 KHz 2 KHz 4 KHz 8 KHz Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LwA Casing Radiated 81 62 58 60 48 38 35 35 60 Floor Radiated 80 55 53 63 58 48 39 33 63 NOTES: The estimated sound power levels listed above are octave band values in dB (re. 1 pW). Casing and floor radiated sound power levels exclude air openings and are representative at the respective fan location. Values are calculated and are estimations. Check with the factory in acoustic critical applications. It Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 56 of 156 Supply Fan Selection FAN DESCRIPTION FAN PERFORMANCE Fan Type CP1-12.5 Total Air Volume 3050 CFM Fan Size 12.5 TSP 2.85 in.Wg. Fan Class N/A Fan RPM 3598 #of Fans in System 1 Max Class RPM 3680 Percentage Width N/A BHP/Fan 2.8 Hp Percentage Diameter N/A Static/Mech. Eff. N/A/57.8 Arrangement 4 Inlet Velocity FPM Fan Selected @ 0 Ft Outlet Velocity N/A FPM SOUND POWER LEVELS in dB re 10-12 Watts (Individual Fan) Octave Bands 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LwA Inlet 103 81 78 91 81 80 78 77 90 Discharge 101 84 84 95 93 88 84 83 97 Fan Performance Curve 8.4 —_._ __ —1 .7 6 I 7 .3 5.6 - -* — - oc4.9 4.2 N 3.5 2.8 2.1 1.4 0.7 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Air Flow(CFM) Min RPM Max RPM - -- -- RPM ------System Curve Ilit Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 57 of 156 Return Fan Selection FAN DESCRIPTION FAN PERFORMANCE 'Fan Type CP1-12.5 Total Air Volume 3050 CFM Fan Size 12.5 TSP 2.14 in.Wg. Fan Class N/A Fan RPM 3474 #of Fans in System 1 Max Class RPM 3680 Percentage Width N/A BHP/Fan 2.4 Hp Percentage Diameter N/A Static/Mech. Eff. N/A/51.5 Arrangement 4 Inlet Velocity FPM Fan Selected @ 0 Ft Outlet Velocity N/A FPM SOUND POWER LEVELS in dB re 1012 Watts (Individual Fan) Octave Bands 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LwA Inlet 102 80 78 91 80 80 78 78 90 Discharge 100 83 84 96 93 88 84 83 97 Fan Performance Curve 7.7 — - - - - - 7 - 6.3 5.6 ---- -- - - _ 4.9 --- -- oc 4.2 - c - 3.5 -- , - Q. IA 2.8 -- 2.1 - 1.4 - 0.7 . 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Air Flow(CFM) Min RPM Max RPM - RPM —System Curve Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. 04. Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 58 of 156 ODP Premium Efficiency Motor 460V/3Ph/60Hz #of Nominal Size Min Frame FLA Nominal Shaft Location Thermistor Motors HP Eff Size Amps RPM Grounding Supply 1 3.0 85.5 145T 4.8 3600 No Yes Return 1 3.0 85.5 145T 4.8 3600 No Yes r rf m � Motor Frames: Motor may be cast iron or heavy duty steel. Temperature: Ambient Condition 104°F Insulation: Class F. Motor insulation system shall be comply with NEMA MG1-1998 Part Service Factor: 1.15 NEMA Design: B Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 59 of 156 MERV 8 - 2" Pre-filter Nominal Size Height Width Depth Airflow Capacity Initial PD HxWxD(in) (in) (in) (in) (cfm) ("w.g.) 20x20x2 19.5 19.5 1.75 1390 0.31 20x16x2 19.5 15.5 1.75 1110 0.31 110) 44101 Ji11iIJflhuiI I I ip, 4 41 ,, I II 4110) tir iii to di4 isi 4111,,q1 4*z pi If ' Mt tit 140 Efficiency: MERV 8 and MERV-A when evaluated under ASHRAE Testing Standard 52.2. Temperature: Maximum continuous operating temperature of 200°F. Ratings: UL Class 2 Media: Blend of cotton and synthetic fibers in a uniform lofted media blanket. Final PD: 1.0"w.g. at 500 fpm. System design may define alternative changeout. 47* Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. I, Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 60 of 156 MERV 13 - 4" Rigid Filter Nominal Size Height Width Depth Airflow Capacity Initial PD HxWxD(in) (in) (in) (in) (cfm) ("w.g.) 24x20x4 23.38 19.38 3.75 1670 0.47 20x20x4 19.38 19.38 3.75 1390 0.47 it ,I !I i i ,i I i ? t, I 13 i t Efficiency: MERV 13 when evaluated under ASHRAE Testing Standard 52.2. Temperature: Maximum continuous operating temperature of 200 °F. Ratings: UL 900 Media: Microfine glass media in a loft blanket with a synthetic mico mesh media backing. Final PD: 1.50 "w.g. at 500 fpm. System design may define alternative changeout. Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. III Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 61 of 156 Heat Wheel Selection Wheel Diameter 39 Inch Wheel Type Enthalpy Motor Power 0.1 HP Media type Corrugated Aluminum Total Load Eff. Velocity APD Winter 45 MBH 75.1% EA 794.0 ft/min 0.88 in.Wg. Summer 3 MBH 75.1% SA 794.0 ft/min 0.88 in.Wg. Purge 0 cfm OA T1 Total Airflow DB WB RH Winter 3050 cfm 20.0 °F 20.0 °F 100.0% Summer 3050 cfm 86.0 °F 64.0 °F 29.2% SA T2 Total Airflow DB WB RH Winter 3050 cfm 58.6 °F 46.6 °F 38.5% Summer 3050 cfm 77.5 °F 62.9 °F 44.0% RA T3 Total Airflow DB WB RH Winter 3050 cfm 70.0 °F 53.0 °F 0.0% Summer 3050 cfm 75.0 °F 62.6 °F 0.0% EA T4 Total Airflow DB WB RH Winter 3050 cfm 31.4 °F 29.1 °F 76.3% Summer 3050 cfm 83.5 °F 63.8 °F 33.2% l x Ti I`' T2 4 r T4 T3 Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. V4tb. Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 62 of 156 Uninsulated Air-Foil Damper • iCZiiY(dl I� � _ i ' ' ..,.....W..4111. ...,..111111' 111:' ',:. , 440..", , alb.- \ ,0.),....„...„ 11111.. J f Blades available in opposed and parrallel blade configuration. Refer to drawing. Rating: AMCA Air Performance Leakage: Leakage not to exceed 3 cfm/ft2 against 1.0"w.g.. Temperature: Designed for operation in temperatures ranging from -40°F to 212 °F. Frame and Blades: Extruded aluminum Seals: Extruded EPDM blade seals and extruded silicone frame seals. Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. ,l Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 63 of 156 Drainable Louver Depth Blade Thickness Frame Thickness (in) (in) (in) 4 0.081 0.081 Drainable Head Drainable Blades ' Sloped Sill Certification: AMCA Air and AMCA water in accordance with AMCA 511. Blades: Drainable Design Frame and Blades: Extruded aluminum - mill finish Birdscreen: 3/4 in. x 0.051 in.flattened expanded aluminum. .►�-3 Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. �, Tag: AHU-1 Name: Renton City Hall Rev: 0 Date: 08-21-2018 By: Ryan Power Page 64 of 156 Energy Savings Guarantee 3.1 Guarantee Overview 1. Philosophy: McKinstry is prepared to guarantee any portion of a project over which it has direct control. Where McKinstry does not have direct control (such as operating hours associated with lighting), we are prepared to work with the Owner and DES to devise a method of Measurement and Verification (M&V), which will provide the highest degree of assurance that the energy savings are achieved. 2. This Project: For this project, McKinstry guarantees the performance of the installed initiatives to reduce energy consumption. The target energy reductions for the initiatives that will be implemented are shown in the attached Table 3.1 Energy Savings Summary. Based upon the stipulated conditions as enumerated by the Owner and DES personnel and the utility rates as described below, the utility cost savings estimates are also shown in Table 3.1. 3. Ongoing Services: Refer to Table 4.1 for the cost and duration of ongoing M&V. The cost of ongoing M&V beyond the duration listed in Table 4.1 is at the discretion of the Owner. McKinstry is prepared to continue the guarantee as long as the Owner continues the ongoing services as described herein. When the Owner chooses to cancel the ongoing services, the guarantee will also be terminated at the same point in time. Please refer to Table 3.2 M&V Plan Outline for a summary of the proposed measurement and verification scope. 3.2 FIM Specific Performance Assurance Methodology 1. Guarantees: Table 3.1 Energy Savings Summary provides the specific energy consumption savings for each Facility Improvement Measure (FIM) and the guarantee that McKinstry will provide associated with that measure. Savings calculations are based upon both baseline operating characteristics and proposed operation criteria: a. Baseline: Baseline refers to the existing operating characteristics that were used to calculate energy savings. The baseline values, including system performance and operational conditions, which were used for this project are provided in Table 3.2. In general, all parties acknowledge the baseline associated with any specific measure has been derived from the following sources: i. Actual operating information gathered through field observation, measurement, micro- data loggers, and Owner's operating logbooks. ii. Owner provided information concerning stipulated factors such as burn hours, occupancy, or operational expenditures. iii. In some instances, a modified baseline may have been developed to address areas whereby pre-retrofit conditions do not reflect a system that is operating per current code or what the Owner may deem as normal operation. b. Proposed: The proposed operating values, including system performance and operational conditions, which were used for savings calculations are provided in Table 3.2. Systems must be operated per the proposed criteria to ensure energy savings are realized. McKinstry will provide the initial start-up, commissioning, and programming of the system to ensure the systems operate per the proposed operating criteria. The Owner acknowledges their responsibility to ensure these criteria are maintained and associated energy savings are realized. Energy Savings Guarantees are predicated based on the Owner maintaining their responsibilities as provided below in "Ongoing Owner Responsibilities" in Section 3.5. Onstly CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY . Page 65 of 156 Energy Savings Guarantee 3.3 Utility Rates 1. Utility Rate: For the purpose of calculating energy cost savings, the utility rates used will be the utility rates as paid by the Owner to the utility company at the time the Energy Services Proposal was developed. In the event that a building has multiple meters on different rate schedules, the per-unit cost of the utility will be the average of all the rate schedules in effect at that facility. a. Base Utility Rate: Refer to table 3.3 for the Base Utility Rates (including sales tax). 3.4 Standards Of Comfort Service Where applicable, the following section provides the standards of comfort, which the Owner must maintain to ensure the comfort of the occupants and staff, and upon which all energy calculations were based. HVAC COMFORT Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems provided by McKinstry will provide comfort and indoor air quality in accordance with the Standards of Comfort below. This standard will pertain only to buildings and areas of buildings in which McKinstry is installing HVAC equipment that has direct control over space comfort conditions. HVAC comfort conditions cannot be guaranteed when operable windows or doors are open. INDOOR CONDITIONS Occupied: Winter Heating Minimum Set-point - 70 degrees F (Superseded by DOH Regs) Winter Heating Maximum Set-point - 74 degrees F (Superseded by DOH Regs) Summer Cooling Minimum Set-point - 72 degrees F (where mechanical cooling systems are employed) Summer Cooling Maximum Set-point - 78 degrees F (where mechanical cooling systems are employed) Unoccupied: Minimum - 55 degrees F Maximum - 85 degrees F (where mechanical cooling systems are employed) Relative Humidity (If humidity control provided): Minimum - 40% Maximum - 60% Minimum outside air per occupant: Minimum outside air per occupant shall be in accordance with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) standards and Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code. Less stringent conditions will not be proposed unless specifically approved by the Owner and DES (if applicable). CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Ns.rrrr Page 66 of 156 Energy Savings Guarantee 3.5 Ongoing Owner Responsibilities The Owner shall provide the following services as part of this energy services project. In the event that these services are not provided, energy savings and associated guarantees will be modified to reflect the associated impact. 1. Maintain all equipment per manufacturer's recommendations and proposed maintenance schedule. 2. Maintain all sequence of operations and performance criteria related to installed systems as proposed and designed. 3. Provide other FIM specific ongoing responsibilities as provided in Table 3.2. 4. Provide McKinstry with copies of actual monthly utility billing information on a quarterly basis for the duration of the M&V service period. This includes electric, natural gas, and fuel oil. The associated facilities where utility information shall be provided include all meters providing direct or indirect service to all buildings included in this project. 5. Provide McKinstry all internal sub-meter data, including electric and condensate meters, providing direct or indirect service to all buildings included in this project. 6. Provide McKinstry access to Energy Management and Control Systems for the purpose of collecting and logging data over time as required for performance verification. 7. The Owner shall notify McKinstry in writing concerning any changes or alterations to the building that will affect energy usage. This notification should be provided within two weeks of the change. This includes occupancy or use changes, computer load or other load changes, scheduling changes, and sequence of operations changes. 3.6 Non-Performance In the event the equipment performance is not met, McKinstry accepts responsibility for additional electricity and natural gas used by the equipment, due to reduced performance. McKinstry may, at its option, execute any of the following options: 1. Repair or replace equipment as necessary to meet required performance. 2. Make payments for the extra energy consumption to the Owner. In the event that McKinstry chooses the payment option, McKinstry reserves the right to select either an annual payment for the duration of the guarantee term or a one-time lump-sum payment of the same amount. In either case, the payment will be calculated based upon the quantity of additional electricity or natural gas used and the Base Utility Rate as described above. 3.7 Change Of Use In the event that the Owner chooses to make changes to the facility that require set point adjustments, longer operating hours, or continuous equipment operation, the Owner agrees that: 1. Savings deemed as met described above will continue to be deemed as met. 2. Additional cost of extended equipment operation is a cost of the change, not due to a failure of McKinstry or their equipment. 3. McKinstry shall not be responsible for any increase in energy, maintenance, or any other costs incurred because of the extended equipment operation. 4. During the M&V portion of the project McKinstry at its option may make a baseline energy use adjustment to identify and account for a change-of-use at the facility. 5. McKinstry will calculate the change in energy consumption due to the specific change made to the system's operation. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Page 67 of 156 2 15 V_ lih n 1 o $ ULL ® rc;; i» p m N ®a® a ";;" . i ,- LL gi O O • U U 11®® a E ,_ i t a Z L P1:1 ' f Y II V I a 0 wu L t p E Ii O L ^ *in g w w W g C o 2 H W C 1 n' E N i E w z o r ) f t _ C N rNi j Ot a m Z W C �7 C U �1/� n � E E - c c ( / N f z oL. y j a � - o m§- o m CD 2 c L_. (11 u 'E' v L1J aII f,N E v a ° o LI m UI ! C' — 8 li i OS O� w tiq Z'V 1 nS E v `� v 6 W, o agoy Lw 2 a 1- c Fa Fogfw — ca mc m rn -, Z = ca - V . uo LLO o c L r W 1� % A % Oz * OQu",, ) * * * U ( e : : : : _. £}|! ! )!\" /_g / g 1 g 7g" i g fi 2 i k 10 4 Ei© S. I !f| g off |L 2., rl &_ ! !gi p.,§ R C! /| §|! !!! ;|! !||O `E ! ! ! ! O| ! \ f� E/, : \ / §,5| v .�� \ \ -2 . E < - § : - \ # )� § > } ! | _ |i \ ® ! /! H \ /� H t� c H / /ƒ \ ƒ� ƒ� } . ,EA g 22;2 ° ° { \ \ : /! }! / ? r ., !! , O E . .n J —it ; �! ,! > g ` • \ \ . \ \ �| C ` - ! « . ± 2 52 _ _ . ! i ` , �� 82 \ co m a, a � o w r WI COoo co oO a) al O O 0 a) O N N N i N \i a\I N N < yN N .0 N a t E W W C v U U 7 Y _c U U 0 (7, 00 4. 4-41 ,400 a7 l0 M O O O,I 0 C0 O 0 wt o CO m v O O m m = tn. v, 0 al a T ro F� .� a, a) >44 ` 3 io Y a, v . v w � a) m a) T ro CC u 2 r0 u l7 (1, 0 N w 3 0 E U o ^ o = ro LL) z I at = a, E E E COce -0v E E c m O o m @ Y >, .— C W W O O CT d T T N (CI/' n 0 na `u ( ) U p C COC S TI CIDO O 0 = 7 7 c C O O a/ a) NON CO i/1 4/1 cc K K = ry N a! O O O S O j j T U Mims / ro to to to = 2 S 2 S Z T T T I O V U V C.) 0 C C C C 9 O O O O O C C C C mal a) aJ 4! f o a to Project Financials 4.1 Maximum Project Allowable Cost McKinstry guarantees that the Maximum Project Cost will not exceed the guaranteed value shown in Table 4.1 - Budget Summary; this cost does not include sales tax, WA State Interagency fees, or the utility incentive. The sales tax and interagency fees are shown in Table 4.1 for reference, and the utility incentive is shown in Table 4.2 for reference. (McKinstry does not guarantee the value of sales tax, interagency fees, or the utility incentive.) Costs presented in this proposal are valid for 30 days from the date of publication. If the notice to proceed is issued after 30 days from publication, McKinstry reserves the right to re-evaluate the project and make necessary modifications to the construction costs. 4.2 Project Cost Table See Table 4.1 - Budget Summary. All fee percentages and costs are unique to the project. 4.3 Items Included in Maximum Project Cost 1. Engineering audit, which includes the cost for the preparation of this proposal 2. Engineering design 3. Construction management services 4. Installation of McKinstry Equipment including the following costs as specified in the scope of work: a. All costs paid by McKinstry for the installation of the equipment. This includes costs paid to subcontractors or directly to McKinstry personnel, when related to installation or system verification of McKinstry equipment. b. The portion of reasonable travel, lodging, and meal expenses of officers or employees incurred while traveling in discharge of duties connected with the work. McKinstry will comply with OFM guidelines for reimbursement of travel expenses. c. Cost of all materials, supplies, and equipment incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation thereof. d. Cost or rental charges, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, temporary facilities, and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the work and cost less salvage value on such items used but not consumed which remain the property of McKinstry. e. Cost of premiums for all bonds and insurance, which McKinstry is required to purchase and maintain. f. Sales, use, or similar taxes related to the Work and for which McKinstry is liable imposed by a governmental authority. g. Permit fees, royalties, and deposits lost for causes other than McKinstry's negligence. h. Losses and expenses not compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by McKinstry in connection with the work, provided they have resulted from causes other than the fault or neglect of McKinstry. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of the Owner and the DES Energy Program. If, however, such loss requires reconstruction and McKinstry is placed in charge thereof, McKinstry shall be paid a fee for such services. i. Demolition cost and cost of removal of all debris unless specifically excluded within the Scope of Work. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY low Page 73 of 156 Project Financials J. Costs incurred due to an emergency affecting the safety of persons and property. k. Other costs incurred in the performance of the Work if and to the extent approved in advance in writing by the Owner and DES. I. Contingency as defined in Section 4.4. m. Allowances as defined in Section 4.5. n. Cost of equipment startup, training, system verification, and balancing performed by McKinstry. o. Construction Bonds (including Performance & Payment Bond), Liability Insurance, and Builder's Risk Insurance. p. McKinstry fee. This includes McKinstry's remuneration for compensation of personnel, expenses, risks related to the project, overhead, and profit. q. McKinstry shall provide a Schedule of Values. The schedule of values will include all costs related to the installation of McKinstry's equipment. 4.4 Construction Contingency A construction contingency as identified in Table 4.1 —"Budget Summary" has been established for this project. McKinstry can expend the contingency after a change order has been approved by the Owner, McKinstry, and the DES Project Manager for items necessary to complete the original scope of this project. The intent of the contingency is for"unforeseen conditions" beyond what was originally estimated. McKinstry and the Owner and DES will jointly manage any contingency left after the project scope is completed. All unused construction contingency funds shall reduce the overall project cost to the Owner. 4.5 Allowances McKinstry may set aside allowances as identified in Table 4.1 - "Budget Summary" for specific areas of work that have been identified as a potential cost impact but cannot be determined at this stage. Should the allowance not be adequate, the Owner and the DES Project Manager will be advised. McKinstry will be compensated for any additional costs via Change Order to the contract should the Owner and the DES Project Manager agree. In extreme situations, McKinstry may request additional funds to cover cost overruns that could not have been foreseen by either party. 4.6 Ongoing Services Refer to Table 4.1 for the cost and duration of any ongoing services. 4.7 Accounting Records McKinstry shall check all material, equipment, and labor entering into the worksite and shall keep such full and detailed accounts as may be necessary for proper financial management under this Agreement. The Owner and the DES Project Manager shall be afforded access to all McKinstry's records, books, correspondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, vouchers, memoranda, and similar data relating to this Contract, and the McKinstry shall preserve all such records for a period of seven years, or for such longer period as may be required by law, after the final payment. 4.8 Reconciliation of Labor & Material Costs The maximum project allowable cost is based on firm negotiated bids or estimated labor and material costs developed by McKinstry. In recognition that actual Labor & Material costs may vary from the estimate, the following procedures are established to reconcile this difference: MCONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY c I ! Page 74 of 156 Project Financials 1. If the total maximum guaranteed project cost at completion exceeds the estimated amount (plus contingency), the additional costs will be borne by McKinstry at their expense. 2. If the total project costs at completion are less than the estimated proposal amount (less contingency), the savings will be retained by the Owner. 3. There shall be no cost savings split between the Owner and McKinstry. The following Figure 4.A outlines proposed procurement and payment reconciliation methods. Changing the proposed method of reconciliation after the acceptance of the Proposal may require an adjustment to the Guaranteed Maximum Project Cost. DEFINITIONS: Major Equipment: Major Equipment is any single piece of equipment purchased by McKinstry with a value over$5,000. Negotiated: Construction contract value is to be established through negotiations with a select or single contractor (i.e. owner preferred controls contractor, mechanical contractor, etc.). Bid: Construction contract value is to be established through a bid process based upon formal bid documents including plans and specifications which will be bid to a minimum of two (typically three) pre-qualified contractors as approved by McKinstry and the Owner. Self-Perform: McKinstry intends to perform work with McKinstry personnel. Schedule of Values (SOV): Cost shall be substantiated with a properly executed invoice from the subcontractor or supplier that matches the schedule of values in their contract or purchase order. Time & Materials (T&M): Published sell rates will be established prior to issuance of contract to subcontractor or commencement of work by McKinstry. A monthly labor and material report will be provided which will include labor hours and dollars per individual, and material and equipment invoices. Firm: Fees that are negotiated prior to proposal and are not reconciled at the end of the project. FIGURE 4.A CONSTRUCTION COST PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION METHOD j END OF PROJECT - CATEGORY (REF TABLE 4.1) RECONCILED Controls Systems Negotiated Subcontract Sole Source SOV Major Equipment Negotiated Subcontract Sole Source SOV Sheet Metal Self-Perform SOV Electrical Self-Perform SOV General/Other Self-Perform SOV CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY 0111111;111 Page 75 of 156 Project Financials TAB/Start up Self-Perform SOV Commissioning Self-Perform SOV Change Order (CO) As Specified in CO T&M Fees Self-Perform Firm 4.9 Compensation 1. TERMS: Net 30 days (45 days for State Treasurer payments) from the date of invoice, monthly billings as the job progresses. 2. PAYMENTS: At a minimum, payments will be made in the amount of 100% at the completion and implementation of any individual facility improvement measure (FIM) in the amount of that FIM as delineated in the contract. If more than one FIM is completed in a monthly period, all those FIMS will be paid. 3. FINANCE CHARGES ON UNPAID BALANCES: Payments due and unpaid shall be subject to interest charges within 30 days (45 days for State Treasurer payments) of receipt of a properly completed invoice per RCW 39.76. Finance charges will be calculated on the un-paid balance per RCW 39.76 which specifies the interest rate shall be one percent per month but not less than one dollar per month on amounts due beyond 30 days. Interest charges will be calculated daily, compounded monthly. Charges accrue until balances are paid in full. 4. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD FINANCE CHARGES: McKinstry may charge construction period finance charges for projects, independent of financing method, whereby the anticipated billing lags the earned schedule of values by more than 90 days. If Owner controlled schedule delays occur during the progress of the project, the Contractor may request additional finance charges be added to the project. Construction period finance will be calculated on the un-paid balance at the rate of Prime + 2% per annum. Interest charges will be calculated daily, compounded monthly. Charges accrue until balances are paid in full. McKinstry and the Owner will work together to minimize finance charges. The construction schedule has been developed based on the following assumptions: a. Owner review of final Energy Services Proposal (ESP) 10 working days b. McKinstry receives notice to proceed within 15 working days from the final review responses 5. SUBSTANTIATION OF FINANCE CHARGE: McKinstry will do an accounting of finance charges progressively through the project, and at contract completion submit a change request itemizing the summary of additional costs for implementation. The contract will then be increased to reflect the same and finance charges will be paid within 30 days of the date of approved substantiation. 4.10 Financing Financing is not anticipated for this project. Funding will be allocated by the City of Renton Council. 4.11 Termination Value Should the owner choose to finance the project through McKinstry, a schedule will be provided showing the termination value of the financing agreement for each year during the term of the agreement. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Mc 'ally Me Page 76 of 156 i Project Financials 4.12 Terms of Agreement The Contract shall be effective and binding upon the parties immediately upon its execution and the period from contract execution until the Commencement of Energy Savings Date shall be known as the "Interim Period". All energy savings achieved during the interim period will be fully credited to the Owner. 4.13 Insurance & Bonding McKinstry shall provide a payment and performance bond and builders Risk Insurance. For The Purposes of This Agreement, the "Sum Amount of Bond" Shall Be (See Table 4.1 -"Budget Summary"). 1. The bond amount consists of Labor and Materials and State Sales Tax. 2. This bond does not include any construction contingencies. 3. Certificates of General Liability Insurance will be provided prior to Contract Signing. The State of Washington shall be named as An Additional Insured on all insurance certificates. McKinstry shall provide a payment and performance bond in the amount of 100% of the construction cost, as defined in the Energy Services Agreement Addendum. The amount shall include all authorized changes and state sales tax. The Bond shall be in the form attached to the Conditions of the Energy Services Agreement. The Contract listed on the bond form shall be the Addendum No. and Agreement No., which incorporates the work, and the"Contract Date"shall be the date of the Addendum. The full and just sum of the Bond shall be as defined above and shall include the actual cost of purchasing and installing McKinstry's Equipment. The Bond shall specifically exclude coverage for those portions of the Energy Services Agreement and/or Energy Services Agreement Addendum pertaining to design services, energy cost savings guarantee, maintenance guarantee, utility incentives, efficiency guarantees, and any other clauses which do not relate specifically to construction management and supervision of work for purchasing and installing of McKinstry's Equipment, or for work to be accomplished by the Owner. The Bond shall be with a Surety or Bonding Company that is registered with the State of Washington Insurance Commissioner's Office. While McKinstry stands behind our safety record, we cannot control the work flow around items we have no control over. At no point does McKinstry assume any responsibility for the loss of use of any equipment and we exclude any and all claims for consequential damages therein. 4.14 Diverse Business Participation Goals for this Project McKinstry will not be able to meet the McKinstry standard Inclusion Plan diverse business participation goals for the following reasons: (1) This is a major HVAC replacement project with a tight schedule and large labor force to execute the work to minimize down-time for the Renton City Hall. (2) The existing control system will be utilized to minimize cost and minimize down-time of the building HVAC. (3) Current scope of the ESP includes work to be performed by subcontractors including only controls, crane work and the cooling tower re-furbish work and that the anticipated companies do not include MWBE due to the nature of the work. McKinstry has provided information and training to many potential subcontractors, suppliers, and consultants on how to register for the State certifications. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY `"' Page 77 of 156 Project Financials The following tables are a list of diverse subcontractors or suppliers who may provide services or assistance on this project, and project specific inclusion goals. FIGURE 4.B, DIVERSE BUSINESS PARTICIPATION For this For this Project: Project: MESA Percentages Percentages for Amendment for Professional State Certification Category No. 1 Goals Construction Services Minority-owned business 10% 0% 0% Women-owned business 6% 0% 0% Veteran-owned business 5% 0% 0% Small/mini/micro business 5% 0% 0% CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Mc ._ _by deb Page 78 of 156 M h oo u1 o N .4 ', 0 .-A Lf1 o v rn ao o coIllik !O .-� N cr O No 0 0 0 h 0) +-f t0 V 0 'CrM 01 O • O N h In M V Cr O d- .i 0) -1 'cr N M LO O ti i Ln OJ M .-1 .-+ NiN N to N. O O h N In co M t0 a t(1 • a' '+ O N .-+ t0 40 0 N O N 111 h �/1 M CO .��, N N ..+ .--i .ti N h .-� N Cr, Lo IIIMIN r kA- i- �- et Ht kft IA - tit kff {k tfi kA 1ft Ht OF f- IA- If} O a 00 ' � d- L ! V ti _ O v u I O it) SI • N O u d Z CD . a m z il". • o c 7 to r t O a L. ci • o U O O v +�.� in H 0 2 cu.I ~ O 1. a, ari ttt a 'm • 01 h 12 C h h C 0 tit O C t m J lir • X0 L1 ti 1U f W _ Q 10 C O O f0 U U O Ln o ut O O O C C @ inn O U U U o 0 '• N U 2 2 U V V v lJJ O a) li1 LA C C W TO 0 t0 f0 O O C to coon [O V U cp LT _co i iT3 i TO To pV n F ° p r1-( r- t- cn co u OO O O O O O O _C N C C C C C C C U a) C a) a) a, a) N C L L i a) CD CV C a)kst a a s a a 0_ a) L tA u o CD a 0 o a O o a O a N O O O p p 0 p M O , O O O • co--i CD V 1 ^ U D a p_ + a �� Q m o c o 0 0 o o m 8- (1) O J J + J CC V N N IA U CV Y V 1,6 F VO C 01 Z en JE in M C Ca 2 V c W a L E d C + > E a ut °' C 0 t No 7— c= v o o u) E a' 3 C U • a O C C y C O m U OI C Q to c i p 00 = • p V) C C U cu C _ N T C N O a U u V C r0 I O C C V O X C O ` m ¢ c y c o f y a0 y a H o ° w o=rn U o n U I- CU `o v y v N y T 0 0 C C N C V `t O C C a� C O u O N 0-10 O `0 O a) O C C U > I o III 11 c E c — h 9 0 C L C To C T. 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Ey o.a = oZ m Svc CI c' i x o t m N g w o N i o w E m a S o w o.'. o 2 m a w LL c c W „G.f c Y�' £c.�. aC m _.h B1 aA 3 N ry L W m _ o `v n w 'm W O L"w o m oc> aEcNwo ENwo '•`ww _ u W c E W O q P 0 L E E 2 C E O m .o v V'n c a y E `° o m i S c ra m E q w E 1 3 u a c m m •, j oo cwwwu�V fE='. � 01 „92,o .2 _ ..+> 3 w 0 as R E w _ w 3 a CO E cn ' — rvcaPi'' moapt y%% . mamw yoV yaxNywt uc— na 000yy ~9 ycE vyt m?_ 0, x a c o c0 0 E n>" v 1 o g 3 d v N obar 3 • Y L o E a E V c v x E N Y a c=Y c o N u0o w wEEaw w 'aaa�� co ymm E q c m Y _ o E w E a oz Eu a SEE a` Et y 0 E 'i o: ID >f zH vy p1 E" c LL .¢. c J in LL." c a E o 0 o c o ri c 0 a un o o V 0. w i V City of Renton City Hall Phase 1 Investment Grade Audit [{ I ..�..-..tee......-.-..a,�. .�. .....«. ..........�..}.....�.�..e. ...- .._. 1 I RENTON, WASHINGTON (I i OCTOBER 19, 2018 I � 3 {i { I i I l Mc 'Wry Par Th Ifs Of Your Building Page 83 of 156 Investment Grade Audit Table of Contents SECTION 5.1 PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION 87 SECTION 5.2 EXISTING FACILITY DESCRIPTION 89 SECTION 5.3 FACILITY IMPROVEMENT MEASURES - CALCULATIONS AND EXISTING DATA 95 FIM # 02.01A-RCH: REFURBISH COOLING TOWER FIM # 03.01-RCH: UPGRADE MAIN AND LOCKER ROOM AHU'S SECTION 5.4 FIM'S CONSIDERED BUT NOT USED 141 FIM # 01.01-RCH: UPGRADE BOILERS, PUMPS AND STORAGE TANKS FIM # 02.01-RCH: UPGRADE COOLING TOWER FIM # 03.02-RCH: UPGRADE HEAT PUMPS FIM # 03.03-RCH: UPGRADE VAV BOXES FIM # 09.01-RCH: UPGRADE LIGHTING TO LED FIM # 09.02-RCH: UPGRADE EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO LED FIM # 11.01-RCH: UPGRADE DRY TRANSFORMERS FIM # 12.01-RCH: WATER CONSERVATION FIM # 13.01-RCH: UPGRADE ROOFING INSULATION SECTION 5.5 UTILITY DATA 143 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 85 of 156 arr 3 Investment Grade Audit 5.1 PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION This exhibit documents the analysis performed to establish the utility and operational savings for the project. The information is organized by FIM (Facility Improvement Measure) as follows: • FIM Narrative with key assumptions and criteria • Savings calculation methodology and analysis Additionally, relevant site survey data, measurement and verification data, utility information and miscellaneous back-up information are provided in the sections following the various FIM sections. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 87 of 156 eletfir Investment Grade Audit 5.2 EXISTING FACILITY DESCRIPTION GENERAL INFORMATION The Renton City Hall, located at 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, is the primary location of the City's administrative offices including the Mayor's Office, Police Department Headquarters, Municipal Courtrooms and Building Permit Department. The Renton City Hall is a seven-story building with two levels of enclosed garage below the 151 floor. The lowest level of parking (Level P1) is on-grade at the north end of the building and is below-grade at the south end. The 1"floor is on-grade at the south end of the building and two floors above the street level at the north end. Open parking surrounds the building to the west and south of the building. The open parking lot is approximately 54,100 square feet and the enclosed garage (Levels P1 &P2) are approximately 137,560 square feet for a total of 531 parking stalls. The gross conditioned area of the office (Levels 1 through 7) is 122,838 square feet. Use by levels are as follows: • Parking Level P1: Secured Employee Parking • Parking Level P2: Secured Employee Parking and Women's Shelter • Level 1: Main Lobby, Visitor Parking Level, Finance Department, Information Technology, Police Department and Human Resources • Level 2: Police Department and Domestic Violence Advocate • Level 3: Municipal Court, Passports, Computer Training Room and City Scene Café • Level 4: Emergency Management and Vacant Tenant Space • Level 5: Public Works and Finance Department • Level 6: Community and Economic Development (including Building Permits and Inspections) and Community Services • Level 7: Mayor's Office, Councilmember Offices, City Council Chambers, City Clerk, Communications, Conference Centers and Fire and Emergency Services The building was originally built in 1987 and then purchased and remodeled by the City in 1997. The building was built to comply with the 1982 Uniform Building Code and was classified as a B-2 Office with B-3 Parking Garage. Construction was classified as Type I F.R. Sprinklered (High Rise) and the zoning was B-1 Renton. Various remodeling and tenant improvements have been conducted by the City since first occupying the building, including: • 2008: A renovation of the 2nd floor Police Department, a remodel of the 1st floor HR Department and 3rd floor court, fitness room and office remodels • 2012: A tenant improvement for the 7th floor Community Office • 2013: A conversion of the P2 Level Jail into a Women's Shelter and a remodel of the 6th floor Administrator Office • 2015: A replacement of the entrance doors • 2016: A tenant improvement and moving of the Emergency Management Department to the 4th floor and a remodel of the 6th floor Permit Center General Space Types Weekly %of %of # Space Function TypeGross Floor Weeks! # Principal Principal HVAC Area Operating Year Occupants #PCs Lighting Type Type Spaces Spaces Hours Heated Cooled Exhaust Fans, Hydronic Heat P1 Parking 68778 168 52 5 0 4'LED Linear Pumps 0% 0% P2 Parking 52500 168 52 5 0 4'LED Linear Exhaust Fans 0% 0% Hydronic Heat P2 Residence Hall 16278 50 52 10 5 T-8 Fluorescent Pumps 100% 100% Hydronic Heat 1 Office 14740 168 52 36 36 T-8 Fluorescent Pumps 100% 100% Hydronic Heat 1 Data Center 840 168 52 2 2 T-8 Fluorescent Pumps 100% 100% Hydronic Heat 2 Office 17807 168 52 41 41 T-8 Fluorescent Pumps 100% 100% 3 Courthouse 17807 50 52 41 41 T-8 Fluorescent VAV Terminals 100% 100% 4 Office 17911 50 52 41 41 T-8 Fluorescent VAV Terminals 100% 100% 5 Office 17911 50 52 41 41 T-8 Fluorescent VAV Terminals 100% 100% 6 Office 17911 50 52 41 41 T-8 Fluorescent VAV Terminals 100% 100% 7 Office 17911 55 52 41 41 T-8 Fluorescent VAV Terminals 100% 100% Total 260394 304 289 Orzstry CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 89 of 156 Y�trMti Investment Grade Audit GEOMETRY AND ENVELOPE The City Hall is rectangular with two opposing trapezoidal corners (see the eQUEST Geometry Model screenshots below). The City Hall is oriented north to south, along the long axis of the building. The exterior walls are tile or curtain wall reflective glass spandrel panels with R-11 batt insulation and painted interior 5/8" gypsum wall board. Exterior columns are concrete with tile cladding. Underground exterior walls in the parking garage are uninsulated concrete walls. Exterior glazing is double-pane and is comprised of curtain wall reflective vision glass with a dark tint.The exterior doors are double-pane glass doors with metal frames. The 7`h floor roof is concrete with R-19 rigid insulation and single-membrane roofing. The City Hall roof has an estimated remaining life of 5 years. Interior ceilings are primarily T-bar suspended ceilings. Restrooms and interior corridors have hard-lid gypsum wall board ceilings. Interior walls are metal-framed gypsum wall board. The City Hall floors are concrete with carpet. The Level 1 floor has R-10 spray on insulation on the parking garage underside. Level l's floor-to-floor height is 13 feet, 6 inches. The height of Levels 2 through 6 are 12 feet floor-to-floor. The 13rd floor height is 13 feet, 6 inches from floor to roof deck. eQUEST Geometr Model of Renton Cit Hall Lookin• at West Fa ade and the Enclosed Parkin• Garage 11111 eQUEST Geometr Model of Renton Cit Hall Lookin• at East Fa ade and the Enclosed Parkin• Garage • err CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 90 of 156 Investment Grade Audit SCHEDULES The City Hall is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.The City Council meets in the Council Chambers,the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. The Police Department, located on the 1"and 2nd floors,operates 24 hours a day. LIGHTING Interior lighting is presently a mix of fluorescent lamps. Most office lighting is provided by 32-watt T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts in 2'x4'fixtures. The 7th floor conference rooms have 17-watt T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts in 2'x2'fixtures. Fixtures in an Electrical Room, Rest Rooms and limited 2nd and 5th floor offices still have 40-watt T-12 lamps with magnetic ballasts. Hallways, Elevator Lobbies, Rest Rooms, Conference Room and other common areas have a mix of 18 to 42-watt compact fluorescent lamps with mostly 4-pin sockets. (34) 2'x2'fixtures have 32-watt fluorescent T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts. Exit signs are incandescent T-lamps. A few 7th floor spaces have incandescent parabolic aluminized reflector (PAR) lamps. 159 fixtures have already been converted to LED and do not require conversion. Exterior lighting is a mix of 70 to 175-watt high intensity discharge (HID) magnetic ballast lamps. See the detailed lighting audit for fixture counts and details. DOMESTIC HOT WATER The majority of the City Hall's domestic hot water is heated by the main building boilers, located in the P2 Mechanical Room, through heat exchanger HX-1 (installed in 1998). HX-1 serves two storage tanks (ST-1 and ST-2, 375 gallons each). Domestic hot water is circulated by circulation pump, CP-5. Circulation pump, CP-4 provides circulation between the boilers and HX-1. Smaller domestic hot water heaters serve sinks located in the Print and Mail Service Room, the 3rd floor Employee Lounge and the 7th floor Break Room. A 120-gallon heater is also located in the Penthouse. �:.. Ic e v., Figure 1 - HX-1 HVAC AND CONTROLS Boilers Heating hot water for the City Hall is provided by three (3) Lochinvar CHNO500 series boilers, installed in 1996.The water source heat pump condenser water loop is heated through heat exchanger HX-2 (replaced in 2015). Circulation pump, CP-3 provides circulation between the boilers and HX-2. The boilers are at the end of their useful service life. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 91 of 156 CA rr Investment Grade Audit ..�I r.l!Ti 1 :'3 . F f R * tat 4 E BYt �4 `w 1 11 • 44,4.- It ti/1 `r ) e _ { 11 SnKer a T+ 4PIRI Ere TWINS . `"Mn'' ", ,144 ,„ . -Lfl T1 ! tl E TA!£ r ' Figure 2 - Boiler Plant Control Screen - � •. f _ .d v�+1•Ga 0 .( f' �7V t / Figure 3 - Typical Boiler Cooling Tower A closed-circuit cooling tower, fluid cooler (CT-1, Evapco Model #LSWA41B, installed 1987) provides heat rejection for the water source heat pump condenser water loop, located on the roof of the City Hall. CT-1 has a main fan motor(20 hp)and a pony motor(5 hp) for 2-speed operation. Lead/lag circulation pumps P-1 and P-2 circulate the condenser water to the water source heat pumps serving the 1"and 2nd floors and IT equipment closets located on each floor. The fluid cooler circulation pump is 1-1/2 hp. CT-1 also has a 3-kW pan heater for freeze protection, since it operates year-round. Air Handlers The existing Mammoth penthouse unit, PH-1, provides ventilation to the 1st and 2nd floor heat pumps and provides primary air to the variable air volume (VAV) terminals throughout the City Hall. No heat recovery is present. PH-1 is original to the • CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY ,�,,,,� Page 92 of 156 Investment Grade Audit building (1987) and is at the end of its useful life (31 years old). PH-1 is rated for 100,000 cfm supply air. PH-1 has two 75- hp supply fans. Cooling is provided by three screw compressors, cooled by a water-cooled condenser section built into the unit. Figure 4 - North Face of PH-1 Figure 5 - West Face of PH-1 A smaller make-up unit,AHU-1, located on the roof, is a Scott Springfield unit, model #HQ-45-AHU-3000-H, rated for 3,050 cfm of 100% outside air serves the 2nd floor Police Workout Room. There is no heat recovery present in AHU-1. AHU-1 was installed in 1997. 1111 Figure 4 -AHU-1 in Foreground Two small Pace air handlers,AHU-1 and AHU-2, located in the P2 Parking Garage Level, serve the Women's Shelter. Water source heat pumps (WSHP's), installed in 1997, serve the 15t floor and the south half of the 2nd floor. WSHP's also serve IT closets on each floor as well as the small data center located on the 151 floor(currently with about an 18 kVA IT load). The City plans to separate the 151 floor data center from the WSHP system and provide split condenser cooling units for that space in 2019 or 2020. The WSHP's are at the end of their useful service life. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 93 of 156 rr Investment Grade Audit Air-Handling System Controls The building automation system (BAS) is a direct digital control (DDC) system provided by Alerton Controls. The current version in Envision for IBEX version 2.2 (Build 0004). This control system is past its service life and will require replacement as support will be ending. Parts for this control system are now only available in the used market and are very expensive to repair. PR2"�54 Kf I c0\TN{ll 11\it+ r Figure 5 - PH-1 Control Screen Air System Terminal Units Most of the terminal units serving the City Hall are variable air volume (VAV) units with electric reheat for the perimeter zones. Internal zones are served by VAV's with no reheat. The VAV's were installed in 1987 and 1997. Exhaust Fans Three exhaust fans, installed in 1987 and 1997 and located on the roof, serve the restrooms located in the building core as well as the 2nd floor Locker Room and Fitness Center. Multiple exhaust fans, located at the 2"d Floor Garage,serve various small areas and the Women's Shelter. The enclosed Garage is also ventilated by two large propeller type exhaust fans. SPECIALTY AND PLUG LOADS Conveyance for the City Hall is provided by four elevators (serving Levels P1 to 7). Plug loads are typical for office space, including computers, desk lamps, copiers, refrigerators and coffee pots. There is a small data center, located on the 1" Level. rw. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 94 of 156 Investment Grade Audit 5.3 FACILITY IMPROVEMENT MEASURES — CALCULATIONS AND EXISTING DATA FIM # 02.01A-RCH: REFURBISH COOLING TOWER FIM # 03.01-RCH: UPGRADE MAIN AND LOCKER ROOM AHU'S CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 95 of 156 rr. Facility Improvement Measure (FIM) Detail Project City of Renton MC : inky Scenario City Hall 2019 HVAC For Th• ife Of Your Building Date October 19, 2018 FIM ID 40030 Facility Renton City Hall FIM Name 02.01A-RCH: Refurbish Cooling Tower FIM Description Existing: The closed-loop cooling tower(fluid cooler) is at the end of its useful service life. Proposed: Refurbish the fluid cooler, including the following: 1. Provide and Install New Low Drift PVC Mist Eliminators. 2. Remove and Clean Spray Headers& Nozzles. 3. Apply CIM 1000 Coating Throughout Sump up to Coil Section w/New Fan Snouts. 4. Provide and install all new fan housings. Conversion kit to single Fan motor 20HP drive system. Includes new motor. Provide and Install New Horizontal Mechanical Shaft Kit and Fan Wheel Components. 5. Paint Exterior Surfaces with Protective Industrial Paint. 6. Provide and Install New Electronic Water Level Controller. Savings Methodology eQUEST v.3.65 whole building energy model tuned to a 3-year average utility consumption, comparing the existing conditions to proposed. Confidential&Proprietary Page 97 of 156 ct cv Focn ,--I C C ry o ry ro CO @ . ry R a LU o F in a) U o Y 0 CO N N a O C � N N to m 000 Ql W ",Y to e m a E ' H a) T 0 = a e -- C p n v n a N to to on a ^ w` (j E o o F. c ` O W f0 L m o+ u v ~' H c z Q ? m S C m a.` L .y n n u 3 o a ) Y ry m w ti n n u m v a a Y U C_ Q O P Y C L n E n L N 3 F. F. ry Y O F ° Y a W 0 0 O o p u a_ N C Y Ti L i ro a LD E . m m v o A E v.• v Ul Z l— c w m a Y C W Y 7 R n Y m m a C 2 t'i LL> ry 'v 9 o c :° c C v Y rn ~ C Q W Y o v�i v1pi > Y 4' C Po Q n ry ry Y e < m Y O P Y = rt Y a A = V Y q o o ell o 0 W w \ mvn in in Yr. « rvury ry 13'OY CQ a a a U V E YY O e r. aamHEry ry v sr- 2 Y i > N T. 113. Y /\ A Y in INe w" I R ✓ O ., C_ y ri O co 01 < in O. S .. c It I A o a a m a C W Z j C 17 % I., c c 117 V3 LL > V. It' ^.'I o C >. "o o o N Li/ M ry o c W Cu 2 o _ 7%) '^ o to a▪) ci C Np o 4 A o .+. 01 + - rVD v f0 � c ? ni 7 1 W ° R H N C C 7 d 7 in W o C c u E a a Q Q o .. ry C .+ IN U• ry N V N aJ .--i a) CD @ v d LO CO („) is w _ _ `— m 0 H 0- CO gl w N ry O N w w w O w w O Cr, O a) m cc m E d E a, rc 10 11 o c b.,c o,.. CC v p 0 > C a! 'E'C v 3 0 _ m Si -, N U O O n I— v F4 N w A w w w y w w w u c m u c 01 (7 a m m u e n m tO 00" T m C P V V ZH w w w u w E w w CI cc E 5 m 10 E 0 O sl C O V < O n L R C v T a U w To ' w H u w w m A 1 C w w w 0 w VI- cc u c > w c ' Q N N W V U C W o V q a - 2 W Yco oo co w w C w V w w Ill iii L W u J N W > YJ L Lr' o v a! ro m w W W Y w w w w w w G 2 C 'q N O Y C A vN in in IN a, N A C 0 G ro N m 01 ro a I u m m m CA o C.-)in m < ,`-.2 Q L ; E n o oC Q N ymry Ao Ce f0 u c > rn u A E 11) 10 ~ ai C 7 W 7 (.11 W o C c C E D CY a` Q a o .. o H .. ^, 7 u .. r..1 a) us ^ ' oo ry i N cyl ^, m N N 0 n N ry p m u'. (.0to m OJ o a a .--t �O Di N p a, O a) Q o ai as a 0 o 0 0 o a F x = W NNN a, pp pp 0 0 c 7 a3 0 = Opp , , , a m m m N n�, v O v a a S 0 I: E ao. m d A o 0 2 � Y R N N N 9 C dU i Q) , i5 o : O O y p ' _ p p N i v o 2er a 1O+ ma R 3 O p m m U ID o ° E w c ! Y m 0 mo m Y R O N 7 tl p _ u m u En U m C ry N:ZI N N a.)N ..t Y b .; VI a 2 7 c c W W Si ^ 67 ` v 0, p CaE ry OO 'LT,-, Y C v m C N _ m T n a m m a Y F m if Y U n N 7 Y ^ o O ^ a / E.. Q ] O IJ.i O O O 7,R C N. b Y G R $ ° E 0 0 O O p o O Y L m nla 0. v, m t Jr. 0 0 0 CU R e U1 Y =1:1NN0 My Y Y A A A E o a .0 < a p p O c; C t71 a1 1 _ rrcc GJ .c0] c — 3 L WS W Z m V Y C W D ��° > N F. m ^-i 0 — >, n m m n c W O1 7 > > can > > ui a) W °-'.Iu1. g a LL a, a LL ,D f0 c Y CO' N PIW c o o y m o 0 0 A m rvp H e E Di a Q ap` N .�. .. N ' N 0' u v \ \ � \ \ ro a / o oo / 2 \ 3 ! ; ; ; „ „ a c e \ ! « ; ; : „ „ k ) : ; 2 ; ( ( } { _ _ S , ) ) /j { . . I cu� 0 � � \ \ \ t \ \ { 2 = l " ± E — - / �U \ \ \ .11 \ \ } \ } in # - 0 . . ® _ 2 \ O , : _ _ _ „ , . / in Ill 2 k > - - - Coo 20 = 2 E. § _ c -j _ _ _ / ' . . . ) !e. CU f \ & a \ � ƒ ( ( ( ° ! V ! : 2 : ; \ C & 2 ' ! Q f f I _ — 5 U - k § c w _ ` < S \ ■ k / \ - \ 2 — _ 2 . § : 2 2 \ j G 2 k \ \ \ k \ \ Uoo \ CO `o CO CO IN O O N o O., 0) E P ° 0 0 o a a) OO OO iil C O 2 0 . 0 , C C ^ m• r r p N a ., 2 C A O p E u a a u A m X E a 5 a n v M ry• a N 4 c N 0 c � u w a N m d°_ C O v. 0)ce N A ry N L a 01a �, O 8 sq. u, Tr a m ` A L, 10 ° E q v C a i A oaO E m o a „ U DWIn ALri Lei m O n0 rvry y m c 2c.o. . a1 2 c17 0. u > W u vp — > 10 C C,m Y ^ o o o C {n V N ry oo en in C 3 x r, M A 8. d a 2 a n u"m is m C u Illm .O a o m 'G W � � "m v a u C .-i n U Oo > ro 06 Y 0 0 o y C) u A 0 ^ 1Y , u C W A if- a Te a uA A c C V v A I Ul CU mm Li =U a Z In h C Z Qm `,O n _ C ca a LL w a ,2 0 a SDK CA D ill ea W C Oo o 0 O m 2 ry E o ry A m ry N C I u to m o --1 d o .+. 7 0 .+. In W O C C 0'C 7 a4 4 o .. ry .. .. ry U .. n, Q) 0.! c,: • moo .... - cn a co o c V N CD O N m E ca o 0, 0_E c 0' I= fa i . x ja, w o 0 0 „ az 0 c a) K 0 o = n n n a E a = a a = o 0 0 I o 0 o v a v A d C_ 2 C d O p F w O O O ' ' C L C .. 0 fad m d a > a X 2 d a, E a= E. v = a3 m m o (a a w E a N E " E u In C v a)A al a) o m u 2 c c w a = UI j v W ce O o O - > (p .q d F.'. C v 00 C R a A Si c u., on W C v 1 0 a o ,E,. V o 0 o y .t. , 2 m v E q 6 d C w w cr' 2 n a r q VI w o N m c = co Cr, m v > > N 0. 03 COq a v , o.. 3re a = 13 z 0-C w o 0 0 cC W C ro In 01 .. m = Tu L m co0.) m f I C Z to W s., c7 in CJ wIII Z m C7 M C m m A a 7 > rw n > > p rn Q .--i n C U. OI _ _to o = I m = ll1 al v < Li a ii 0! Q LL 113 O C .+ Z. n Pi W o o y o ory F- 41 C = m o .+r d . .-. o .+ Ln W O C C U E dQ Q o ti MI nCr .. ry U .. ry CY OJ EXISTING FLUID COOLER TO E a REFURBISHED CU CU O I Cu 1 CJ • ' °• m t'+ m m H to O o • Z C-Cfl to • 1 w *:1 1 1 u1 1 1 1 ai _ ,i 1 I 1 I I l I I t I-I Cr) vV v N CO cti Cu I Gl, `C 1 a C- Q Q w a 00 _ •I ti ^ ## Z ° 0 C-- 1 co p O O I t `Q - C9 G7 «r1 M ^'. = 1 1 NZ r -.. wG 0 0 0 O 0 O O c` ,.y .-t I-1 N. ID LC) Le: GC :� "4 ai- . .y� vsm Z Gs u :� uJN 0 ~ � U U T cc N >_ wN,^ In m W W ' o a) C) w a. a_ r} {fffi{} I ' xI CD C5 (J C' N. + CD O o ~ Lt1 ill c EL cn r- J [V UJ Q • I CD Z S _a Q ala v 0 �_ • 8t _. _ __ _� tl7 cn cn Q ,- 0 `f CIO O 1J ' ram,. ..-. G cD I m #k C7 u 4G (24 vi 0 tea--- I O '�"'' C) CuTitt m o 0 1 C.) .- xw w O i -+ m 1t1 G CL rn u i ¢ " .. u Z ? a C.O.) L O m U)W w CC 0 O 0 0 - 1 LO CD �� (n .• cr 0 _ . 7 c,' - cu t-a W W ›- f0_ 0 () '� �W za I ~ 0(I _ V a. QCCC V LiI = 1` n¢mO�Z �' Q Cu H O Cr (n d . L Q �� ® cc) CUw CnOC.)Q Li Q < Lii J 1:f I w w •6-1 Z U C� C� C� L� C -'20 OCAZO IX mm •8 'Q 00SZ20_I ._ . ... � 1-4 U7 • LLJ 0 N. a [ '"'` CD C ••X. • U Z D L O L� cv¢ iCc?A� CU o _ CV C. oac-o 1- :. J Z wZU i• •c 1 NO _I_�--� wOcC CC cr Co)-X Oxl- 1- *- b1 `. to ci3. •QXG.J0Z Za l'" i - .t C-.•-ito=MCl F. t m D-W a I2..w• wQIL lL6 •l U `i W a �m F- -cj Cr)• c In )' , _ Z t` . Facility Improvement Measure (FIM) Detail Project City of Renton MC nstry Scenario City Hall 2019 HVAC For Th• IfeOf Yaw Bnildilg Date October 19, 2018 FIM ID 38397 Facility Renton City Hall FIM Name 03.01-RCH: Upgrade Main and Locker Room AHUs FIM Description Existing: The existing Mammoth penthouse unit, PH-1, provides ventilation to the 1st and 2nd floor heat pumps and provides primary air to the variable air volume (VAV) terminals throughout the City Hall. No heat recovery is present. PH-1 is original to the building (1987) and is at the end of its useful life (31 years old). Also,the existing AHU-1 (Scott Springfield unit) a 100% outside air unit serving the 2nd floor Police station locker and shower areas is at the end of its useful life (20 years old) and has no heat recovery present. EF-1, located on the east side of the roof also serves the locker rooms. Proposed: Replace PH-1 with a similar custom penthouse unit(basis of design is an Alliance custom AHU with integrated water- cooled condensers). Provide heat recovery for ventilation air. Replace AHU-1 with a similar unit, with heat recovery. Remove EF-1 and provide ductwork to AHU-1 to facilitate heat recovery from the locker rooms. Also incorporate EF-2 &EF-3 into the heat recovery of either PH-1 or AHU-1. Savings Methodology eQUEST v.3.65 whole building energy model tuned to a 3-year average utility consumption, comparing the existing conditions to proposed. Confidential&Proprietary Page 107 of 156 Ln Tr ,. .-a C H F ry a •Ts, F m N oN .�-. a CO (o co V N N v- CV CV — Y O] 0 0 N a p) a, o o " o ? e mN N N y N co E a a F- v co o Ngz 3 C v E _ W N N rn m Z H Q mco 0 > 2 o C u• L na ET. P ? v ll rvo 2 YvM n 'C N J _ Yry UWACNC e dmN Lo 0 U., : .:i. , 0 o C (N ° ^y j n N u L� cS E 258 O vrnm 9 o oA m m EE ZNW oo u U C c= i Lc o 2mv C` o e Oc_NV ° � Y L E e � « o cO :: c w3m m Q W N2 i > P Y O v vT M g' a ° v R Y P R C V w N▪ o .2 a n W W . e o u a. ccN N N 0 o '' 2 v ° a c o IP E m c 2 ' c y y m o ° ° Q a a s u CO A P Fn N N n o N o C i v c ° S m o c i„ N 6 6 , IF w 0 >, Z. c ✓ r l O m Z co a f r v C m i U' " N c Mig LL > LL N a u N NO C ' ° n. QL c LIJ a) a No NoR eto CC . 0 vmo '. « o .t, vo � fa c 3 .0 W C h ✓ C C C d = U) W o C c it D a` Q < o .. N c N d u N a In CO B ! / ) \ � � � (\ \ � � 4. 4 \ E a. p E \ � Q 2 \ \ ii 11 ii \ \ \\ \ \ \ - 7 \ \ \ [ \ . E \ \ 2 \( \ j / § \ / \ \ # f CI \ � \\ \ Mg \ \ \ \ f. E2 2 \ \ \\ \ \ : \ \ \ eo 13 in ¥ CC rq CD \ \ 0 a co co ) \ 2 Z D � f \ j � }\ \ / \ \ ) \ \ \ ® - 0 - _ _ - r 1, 3 — E k G C k | / / 4 l0 � , I. - , u — , Ill F- \ 01 \ Sti \ � / } CO � / I. / / \ \ L \} \ \ \ \ \ 2 O _ c E \ . — o „ „ „ \\ ( F. 1 � '.^ } \ \ 2 \ \ § !t ° ' ! ! L. { E �0.� \\ ( I ! ! } \ \ \ - - ky / 7 ° ! 7 \ ( \ \ \ \ \ 2 { / ) goo ; ss ° " JOIn L I ) \ . _ _ . ! : : ■§ eu 7 2 { lakf - — & _ - — - 6 ® _ _ _ ■ . 2 — \ { E / § Z § ' ! # 0 ( $ { Vn { < : f . , \ � B ;§ G2 _ * * C _ - } y CC ■ _ . , k . , U .... , Cr' Crl 0.3 -. N a CO co o N W N cn Q) O m O W (6 a., m a E "j0 0 0 W o 0 0 , , a) a) 0 C CZ 0 o 2 o 0 0 CFA tell W IU ,n c o a o A v▪ o e o u 0 a Y R a E a' J U a n q m c v t c W u oA VW v I i O mm 0)K no 0 a Q , E ,n to v C o A L E E V E m m v a -- Y E c a 0 O Y A 7 a rn m In 0-4, x vi v Tr 2 1D W « c c uJ 0 E Y _ > N N m E ...2 ;o a c Ol nY c N u ° Q `/ p V A w, _ W > Y u x A = eu 5 if 1 c u W £ w m > E o o m o o XI i T! o V y N c a to Y 0 C L F > x CU J o 0 0 ' Q A o a Y f0 g 4 G) o a � '3 I ce u D D > > in > > n N W m Q LL 10 a LL N ¢ L up cc — rn RI W O o C 8 .. H n -, Eat 2 2 to ' 2 in N U C gmo .+. P. Eo ! Lu v 0 u a` Q < 0 .. o .�. eN u ) In N � 12 mm � o In kO ro m o a co coin co o N M O N o Gl Cr)N - rn (a E m 0 N 0 O i p ° a \ L n n N O O p 1G O O c 7 CC 17 0 I. 0 o p , , C N i Em r o > LL 9 C. ti H A P 8 a E o 01 v ' E A N X a a E ¢ c 2 df m ri u ° a e N 2 E O D .E ' O N ry c n c (0 v a) c , 0 = 01 °1 n ,P. > Y T P v, Rc; u v 01 Q C 0 O a T, v- C W ? Tt ^0 E, v a, E cY r0 u e E m p O , CDA E C In U ry o m 2 c m 2.9 In M A A v, a - • 7 01 « c a Y Y c > w N C c. A '- U N 7 C) m n w fl u 0 1I = 0 m Y m c c .7 , Y . O Y a 'p a N m C c U > u W M A R O. .. Y H Y � rI n1 n « a 1 La 0 u0i a" , RI E o p % o 0 E ° ` ° u 4 R Q n Y H li L c J O O yg a v Ay !C! Y V w +m' x A ,1 1. •U a a y m m m .'. o .', o E .- c F. ' F. a) 0 Y 0 0 O O V C 41 I .. in C C m 0 a _ o Z c Y 1 I 0 O m -X > •L U 17 NI U C40 .Zi ID onc u z > .. c rn LIJ W m a E 17 Q U N = U in c a to W pp 3 Y N o o 7.1.1 oti co V n H N _ C m 0 ± ` cr In ` p . E D a Q a p ti N a a) Ln — O P m o tY H O o O F i m o Ra m o m m N m p m a co c 0 m N N— c N O m v a E o CDF x j o 0 0 , a) w co O c n eL 0 = n n n a E a D a a 'I' I o 0 0 — 0 d ,C d C_ C C d v ro 0 0 `a m c - E C> d a a a ir, E v N Ea g o 2ir co o 0 0 0 c E j d E d A C a U) d C a.)N a L N 4.aC3 2 L C W = U) o o a > d o 0 0 - > _nj 2 . a E Fr C d C d Q A a p A C V N A V C m T O d a o y U o o a u a R d d g E im d F. w v▪ c' u c oa n m `9 0 0 0 7. Q' Tr W = m m m d g g m co a CA v d 0.1 Nv N A N U a 2 2 3 U — v Ln C W O O O W c > .v m >` > CO 01 m m • N m - F I > = f w W 0 U z -i Z N rn c GJ 7 "" - A o = ? m N m ¢ g. N > > _ > > to > > Ln a) d ' a LL A a LL d ¢ LL o f0 0 Co _ c a " In m E om 0 a o 0 H A m Ln N• C I m o .+. d o , 2 o 4 W o = c v E D a Q < o .. 0 0 U o d I J C F t - W . �^ E„ G V cr Goo -J 4 ( i c o } i { w U IL2 L.L. c a. CC 0co w ` • V) xo .. `_ LJJ z o J� �' i wQ ' r `� . _i i I (.0 oM 1.1 �! I i 1.- tiJ p a I. Q? Z N.... �� CJ cr 4 40 �I { 0 Q J O r . �Y m1 W= L CI, U cc Z w$2v Z W � (n 7 1 Of— ¢ JnW � a LI!, a ibi r I i t I � clo w m Hi 1 1 I , I I I I I . _ � I � Page 115of156 1 I 4 Ell\ ( ' ( ORDER SUMMARY SHEET s PAGE i OF 30 LEAR 'SIEGLEg INC L4i ' SALES ORDER NUMBER i 1-7-1--- Am Almon, 011'ISION UNIT SCHEDULE INFORMATION 01 I PH-1 1 I i CLBER - ----------2603X SZ I I I I 1 i 1 I I I I 1 1 I i I I i 1 I I I I I 1 i I 1 , _ ____ ____ ; I ! 1 _ 1 1 1 ; , i 1 I 1 1 1 I I r-1----nr--------- 1 1 I ----r'"--------...._____--------1 : 1 1 7-------H-------_____________ 1 _ - 1 ;___ ---_-____-----__ . , 1 ....._ _______ '___________- n-- *-----'----.- ----- -Page 116 of 166 , (7 3 of 30 UNIT SUMMARY SHEET k-ai S.0.# 20857-01 Shipment in (4) Pieces - C / B / E / R Weight Breakdown C - 15452 (shipping) 18802 (operating) B - 11360 E - 10579 R - 6224 Totals 43615 (shipping) 46965 (operating) Electrical Power Requirements 460/ 3/60 Total Full Load Amps 516.0 Disconnect Size (mold case switch) 100 Lugs Per pole 3 Min.iMax. Wire Sire Per Lug .3/0 - 500 MCM Unit Exterior Color to be Standard Mammoth Char Brown Page 117 of 156 PC. 4 of' 30 . CONDENSING "C" SECTION S.0.# 2085 7-( 1 "Required Enclosure" Section Size: Qty. (1) 7 'x25'x1D' -4" (H) Section End Closure Panel: Qty. (1) 25"x10' -4" (H) Section Internal Vestibule Wail: Qty. (1) 71/2'x10' -4" (H) EVAPORATIVE COOLED CONDENSING "C" "Internal Mounted Components" (Physical and Nominal Performance Data) Evaporative Condenser Model Number: Qty. (1) Size 2603X Nominal Capacity: 3000/250 (MBH/Tons - Total) Compressors: Circuit #1 - 6001 (H) * Circuit #2 - 6001 (H) Circuit #3 - 6001 (H) Liquid and Suction Line Sizes: Circuit #1 - 1 3/8 - 2 5/8 Circuit #2 - 1 3/8 - 2 5/8 Circuit #3 - 1 3/8 - 2 5/8 Condenser Fans: Qty. (4) - 30" Diameter with 5 HP each Fan Total CFM - 66,000 Water Circulation: Pump - Qty. (1) 5 HP GPM - 270 Capacity of Sump - 402 Bleed GPM - 3.4 Make Up GPM - 10.1 Electrical Data: Compressors Total (RLA - 258.0 Condenser Fans Total (FLA) - 30.4 Circulating Pumps (FLA) - 7.6 Total AMPS - 296.0 Water Service/Drain Connections: Qty. (1) 3/4" Supply Water Line In •* Qty. (1) 2" Drain Line Out ** Suction Temperature is 49.0 (°F. ) Design Ambient Temperature is 85 (*F. ) Design Wet Bulb Temperature is 67 (°F. ) NOTE Use a 78 (*F. ) Design Refrigerant Type to be R-22 * (H) Denotes Use of Hitachi Horizontal Screw Compressors - •* Refer to Unit Dimensional Plan View, (For Location) See Item (4) - Page 118 of 156 • ( 5 of 30 Condensing "C" Section (Cont. ) S.G.# 20857-01 1" "Internal Mounted Components" (Miscellaneous Items) Service Light (Fluorescent) Qty. (1) 6.0 KW Sump Heater Service Entry Door into Compressor Area: Qty. (1) Treadplate in Vestibule: 63 (Sq. Ft. ) 7.2 Total. Amps for Sump Heater Page 119 of 156 _,e 6 of 30 . BLOWER "B" SECTION S.O. c 2O857-01 "Required Enclosure" Section Size: Qty. (1) 71/2'x25'xlo' -4" (H) Section End Closure Panel: Qty. (1) 5'x10' -4" (H) Section Separation Panel: Qty. (1) 2O'x10' -4" (H) Section Internal Vestibule Wall: Qty. (1) 7 'x10' -4" (H) SUPPLY AIR BLOWER "B" "Internal Mounted Components" (Physical and Nominal Performance Data) 100,000 (CFM) Total Air Requirements 3.28 ("WC) External Static Pressure 5.0 ("WC) Total Static Pressure TAS 4900 Qty. (2) Supply Air Blowers (Class II Const. ) 1010 (RPM) Each Blower 71.0 (BHP) Each Blower 75 (HP) Open Drip Proof Motors Qty. (2) Varimark Damper for Qty. (2) Blowers 192.0 Total AMPS for Main Blowers "Internal Mounted Components" (Miscellaneous Items) Service Door into Air Stream with Site Port: Qty. (1) Service Light (Incandescent) Qty. (1) Service Light (Fluorescnet) Qty. (1) Treadplate in Vestibule Main Control Panel Page 120 of 156 1)4. 7 of 30 EVAPORATOR COIL "E" SECTION S.O. z 20857-01 "Required Enclosure" Section Size: Qty. (1) 71/2'x20'x10' -4" (H) "Internal Mounted Components" (Physical and Nominal Performance Data) 80/65 (°F.) Entering Air Temperature to DX Coil •56.0/55.3 (°F.) Leaving Air Temperature From DX Coil 3000/250 (MBH/Tons) Total Required Cooling 2604/217 Total Sensible Cooling 49.0 (*F. ) Suction Temperature 667 (FPM) Coil Face Velocity 1.19 ("WC) Coil Air Pressure Drop @ S.L. 150 (Sq.Ft. ) DX Coil Qty. (2) 50x216 8/12 (pow/Fins Per Inch) 1/2" Tube (Row Split) 100,000 (CFM) Total Air Requirements "Internal Mounted Components" (Miscellaneous Items) Service Lights (Incandescent) Qty. (2) Service Door into Air Stream with Site Port: Qty. (2) 55 - 20" x 20" (4") Farr 30/30 Filters 153.0 (Sq. Ft. ) (Face Mounted on DX Coil) 654 FPM Face Velocity .43 ("WC) Filter Air Pressure Drop OA/RA Dampers (Std. Type) (Configuration "B") .10 ("WC) Damper Air Pressure Drop • Does Not include Motor Heat Gains Page 121 of 156 P 8 of 30 RETURN "R" SECTION S.O.# 20857-01 "Required Enclosure" Section Size: Qty. (1) 7411x20'xl0" -4" (H) Section End Closure Panel: Qty. (1) 20')(10. -4" (H) PROPELLER EXHAUST "R" "Internal Mounted Components" (Physical and Nominal Performance Data) 79,200 (CFM) Total Exhaust Air Requirements .50 ("WC) External Static Pressure 30" Propeller Fans (Direct Drive) : Qty. (8) 14: (HP) Open Drip Proof Motors: Qty. (8) 20.8 Total AMPS for Propeller Exhaust Fans "Internal Mounted Components" (Miscellaneous Items) Service Light (incandescent) : Qty. (1) Service Hatch into Prop Exhaust Area: Qty. (1) OA/RA Splitter Deck: Qty. (2) Drift Eliminator Material in OA Louver Construction: (117 Sq.Ft.) Page 122 of 156 f4 Pc 9 of 30 CONTROL SUMMARY S.O.# 20857-01 "Required Controls" Temperature Controls - Solid State (SST) VAV Discharge Control - Includes: 24 Volt SST Transfomer, Master Control Module and Discharge Air Sensor ' Morning Warm-up/Night Setback - Static Pressure Controls (Electric) for Varimark Volume Control on (2) Blowers - Includes: Varimark Operators, Remote Static Pressure Controller, Static Pressure High Limit - Modulating OA/RA Dampers (Economizer) with Integral Minimum Position Override, Spring Return, Sensible Heat High Limit and Modulating Low Limit - Propeller Exhaust Fan Cycling Building Pressurization Control (4) Stages - Signal from OA/RA Damper End Switches - Ionization Type Smoke Detector (Manually Reset) Located in Return Air Steam of Unit - Timeclock (7) Day Surface Mounted - • ON-OFF: Warmup; Setback When the clock puts the unit into night setback, the fan and unit heater are cycled by a separate night setback thermostat. If heat is by others, an enable contact can be supplied in the unit. When the clock comes back to day mode, the fan is on with VAV operation and the unit mounted morning warm-up thermostat locks out cooling and holds on heating, or holds on enabling contacts for heat by others until the setting is made and then normal unit cooling is enabled and heating locked out. Page 123 of 156 �Ar T _ _ l ! 1 ` T' xr e ` l z i r + v� ; u i k.v- ii a; rr-,7, Pril I Ail cad ¢ ny .J� c c Wu a V�P 6 W 0 ij!i1 I i! O V V—, W 4 S 6 II1 0 C 4` 111) ___ arI II fij _,_1 ;_---- - R 8 - 4 h 8 -J__i- _ -,. 2)- L ---'-- I 1 ill" !IIITI=1 8 8 ---... , ._,- [ • 1-1 I. - a 8 R e 1 , R 8 8 e 8 . h G R I Page 124 of 156 1 i 1 I j UNIT SPECIFICATION S.O.a 20857 The Penthouse units shall be mammoth-Aire Custom Penthouse Units of the type, 3 size, and capacity as required and listed in the equipment schedule. Each unit shall include the preassembled components in accordance with the following I detailed specifications. CONSTRUCTION Cabinet Each Penthouse unit shall be fabricated in one (1) or more sections ready for field installation. Each section shall be fabricated with a structural steel ',, base reinforced and braced to permit the shipping PP� g and general handling of the completed section without damage to the section or internal components. The 1 section base shall be fabricated with a 8", 11.5 lb. per foot, structural member perimeter and have 8, 11, and 14-gauge formed structural cross members f at 30" centers maximum. Additional cross members or reinforcements shall be placed at critical locations to support internal components. The base section shall have a floor of 14-gauge galvanized steel, be insulated with 4" 1/ lb. density fiberglass insulation and the insulation shall be retianed on the underside by hardware cloth. Lifting points for the section shall be part of the section base. The section exterior wall structure shall be fabricated of formed 11 and 14- ' gauge members. The exterior siding shall be 22-gauge prepainted galvanized steel fabricated and assembled to provide a embossed exterior surface. The wall shall be insulated with 4" 11 lb. fiberglass insulation for minimum "R" value of 16.3. The interior surface of the wall shall form the air seal and shall be fabricated from 20-gauge galvanized steel. No exposed insulation shall be permitted in the air stream. Foil back or rigid board exposed stick- en insulation will not be permitted. i The top frame structure shall be fabricated of 11 and 14-gauge steel. The interior surface shall form the air seal and shall be fabricated from 20- E gauge galvanized steel. The top shall be insulated with 4" 11 lb. density 1 fiberglass for minimum "R" value of 16.3. The roof exterior shall be 18" wide roll formed panel of 24-gauge galvalume material with 2 3/4" standing seams. The roof shall be sloped a minimum of 2". i Sections shall be designed to be joined together by bolting through mating 1 frame structure. The section frame shall be completely prime painted after fabrication to prevent rusting. 1 Service Vestibule 's Each unit shall be provided with a full height, internal walk-in service corridor. A double wall insulated partition shall be used to separate the air flow equipment from the service corridor. The partition shall be fabricated with a 2" structural frame of 14-gauge galvanized steel, inner skin of 20- gauge galvanized steel, and insulated with 2" 11 lb. fiberglass insulation. The service corridor floor shall be constructed of 12-gauge treadplate. i Page 125 of 156 j fi {{ t 4 Unit Specification nt.) ,Page Two Doors The external access door(s) , and service corridor access door(s) shall be fabricated with an outer skin of 18-gauge galvanized steel, an inner skin of 20-gauge galvanized steel and insulated with 2" 11 lb. fiberglass insulation. The door shall have a continuous hinge mounted to a 12-gauge door frame and a continuous vinyl bulb gasket shall seal between the door and frame. The access door(s) shall be secured with latches which are operable from both sides. External vestibule access door(s) shall be 36"x75 3/4" and other access door(s) shall be 24"x75 3/4". DX COOLING Compressors The compressors shall be of the single stage, positive deisplacement, semi- hermetic, rotary screw type, operating at no more than 3500 RPM and featuring an • oil separating system, oil sump and oil filter integral to the compressors. They shall have internal 3-phase solid state thermal motor protection. The oil temperature shall be controlled during operation to maintain proper oil temperatures throughout the lubrication system. An electric oil heater shall be supplied to maintain oil temperature during shutdown periods. Each compressor shall be equipped with a capacity control system. Capacity control shall be obtained by an electronically initiated, hydraulically actuated slide valve within the compressor housing. Capacity reduction shall be of the contin- 1 uously rebalancing type and shall be fully proportional to the increase or decrease in load. The capacity control shall permit stable operation of the 1 refrigeration system at any point within its capacity reduction range and permit rapid control response to sudden load changes without producing "surging." Controls shall be provided for automatic restart and to automatically stop the compressors if load falls below a redetermined minimum. Evaporative Condenser The evaporative condenser coils shall have all prime surface staggered copper tubes, copper headers, and ABS tube sheets to allow for expansion and contraction while avoiding galvanic corrosion. A subcooler integral to the condenser coil shall provide a minimum of 10° F. liquid subcooling. The coils shall be factory leak tested at 400 PSIG nitrogen under water. The condenser fans shall be direct drive aluminum airfoil propeller fans. Head pressure shall be controlled by fan cycling with unnecessary fans being cycled off for minimum electrical usage. The sump shall be constructed of welded 14-gauge type 430 stainless steel. Non-corrosive continuous decking shall be provided under the sump and all plumbing to prevent accidentally escaped water from entering the building. The sump shall be equipped with a non-mechanical electronic water level con- trol with a brass solenoid valve in the fill line for positive shutoff. A manual 2" brass drain valve, electric sump heater and electric pipe heating cable shall be provided. Page 126 of 156 Unit Specification (t t.) • `Pat3e Three Evaporative Condenser (Cont. ) The water circulating pump shall be a close coupled, bronze fitted centrifugal type with mechanical seal. Pump suction and discharge lines shall have pipe unions. A type 304 stainless steel pump suction strainer shall be provided which is easily removed for cleaning. The spray water piping shall be non- corrosive. The spray header shall be PVC with non-clogging brass spray nozzles, which thoroughly wet all coil surfaces to give maximum heat transfer and minimum scaling. An automatic, factory set, field adjustable sump water bleed shall be provided. Units shall be factory piped and tested and ready for 3/4" supply water and 2" drain line hookup. Evaporator The direct expansion evaporator coils shall be fabricated from staggered 1" 0.D. seamless copper tubing expanded into plate type aluminum fins to form a positive mechanical and thermal bond. The fins shall have full drawn collars to completely cover the copper tubes. They shall be factory leak tested at a minimum of 400 PSIG under water. Evaporator coils shall be provided with thermostatic expansion valves equipped with external equalizer lines and adjustable for superheat. Refrigerant shall be fed to the coil circuits by brass distributors. Each evaporator coil shall be provided with a drain pan which shall be fabricated of galvanized sheet steel and coated with corrosion resistant mastic material, which shall be fire resistant (shall meet wet flammability per ASTM D93-73 and dry flammability per ASTM E84-70) , provide vibration dampening and thermal insulation. The drain pan(s) shall extend beyond the leaving side of the coil and underneath the cooling coil connections and shall have a common threaded condensate drain connection extending through the unit base frame. Refrigerant Circuits The refrigerant circuits shall be multiple independent cirucits which shall be dehydrated Each refrigerant circuit shall include liquid line service and charging valves, removable core filter drier, sight glass, liquid line solenoid valve, suction and discharge line check valves and compressor service valves, and ASME pressure relief valve. SUPPLY AIR BLOWERS Twin Air Foil Blowers (TAS) The blower wheels shall be dual airfoil, single width single inlet-SAS type, secured to a machined, ground and polished solid steel shaft. the shaft shall be coated with a rust inhibitor and shall be supported by twin outboard bearings. The blower assembly shall be dynamically balanced. Bearings shall be of the self-aligning ball bearing pillow block type and shall be designed for at least 200,000 hours average life. Drive shall be by means of multiple V-belts with a minimum service factor of 150%. Motors shall be heavy duty open drip-proof 3-phase, 1800 RPM, mounted on a heavy duty sliding base. Motor and blower assembly shall be mounted on a heavy duty steel frame supported by springs designed for 90-98% isolation efficiency. Page 127 of 156 'Unit Specification (Cont.) Page Four Variable Air Volume--varimark. The unit shil be capable of delivering a variable air volume by means of a modulating collar (Varimark) on the supply fans. The unit shall include a static pressure controller with readout, remote static sensor, static pressure high limit and Varimark actuator. OUTSIDE AIR (OA) Outside Air Dampers Outside air dampers shall be constructed of 16-gauge galvanized steel, and shall be permanently mounted to round damper shafts. Damper shafts shall be mounted in permanently lubricated nylon bearings to assure smooth operation. Damper blades shall operate without clatter or binding. Maximum air leakage shall be 32 SCFM at 2" of water differential pressure. Outside Air Louvers Outside air louvers shall be of a stormproof design and shall be provided with 4"x1/2" galvanized bird screen. A fully insulated divider shall be provided to separate outside air from return air. FILTERS The unit shall be provided with filters which shall be complete with galvanized steel filter rack. The filters shall be 4" throwaway. The filters shall be provided with easy access for insertion and removal. RETURN AIR (RA) Return Air Dampers Return air dampers shall be constructed of 16-gauge galvanized steel, and shall be permanently mounted to round damper shafts. Damper shafts shall be mounted in permanently lubricated nylon bearings to assure smooth operation. Damper blades shall operate without clatter or binding. Maximum air leakage shall be 32 SCFM at 2" of water differential pressure. PROP EXHAUST Prop exhaust fans shall be direct drive, propeller type designed for low tip speed. Motors shall be open drip-proof, 3-phase, 115 horsepower, 1200 RPM with internal motor protection and permanently lubricated ball bearings. Each fan shall have a top hinged damper constructed of 18-gauge galvanized steel, which shall be lined and insulated with 1" 115 lb. density fiberglass insulation. The dampers shall be gasketed with a dual durometer, EPDM, bulb seal gasket to provide a positive weather seal. ) Page 128 of 156 ' Unit Specification (Cont.) Page Five UNIT MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH The unit shall be furnished with a molded case switch (non-automatic circuit breaker) to disconnect the power supply. The design shall incorporate a switch handle to permit unit disconnect without opening the control panel doors. MAIN CONTROL PANEL The main control panel shall have an access door for direct access to the controls. The panel shall be equivalent to NEMA type 3R (rainproof) and shall contain a single, externally operated, molded case switch (non-automatic circuit breaker) suitable for copper wire up to and including 3" conduit. wire and conduit entrance shall be inside of unit curbing. The main control panel shall include the following: 1. A power terminal block. 2. A power transformer with 115-volt secondary and 115-volt circuit breakers. 3. A 24-volt control transfomer and circuit breakers. 4. Necessary relays. 5. A 115-volt terminal strip. 6. A 24-volt terminal strip which shall contain wired terminals for all controls, numbered in accordance with the wiring diagram. 7. An isolated 24-volt field wiring terminal strip. 8. An electric print pocket which in addition to the electric print shall contain a pre-startup form, a startup form and maintenance instructions. The above components shall be in addition to electrical components associated with other sections, which shall be incorporated in the main control panel to facilitate maintenance and trouble-shooting. All components shall be identi- fied with name tags and wired in accordance with National Electric Code. TEMPERATURE CONTROLS Temperature SST Controls, Variable Air Volume (VAV) Cooling Each unit shall be furnished complete with all operational controls. All controls in the basic control package shall be factory installed and wired. The control system shall be a solid state integrated system consisting of a master control sequencer, a discharge air temperature sensor, and a 24-volt control transformer. The discharge air sensor shall have a platinum resist- ance type element which shall sense average discharge air temperature and send a ramp signal to the master control sequencer. The master control sequencer shall accept the signal and initiate stages or modulate cooling (and heating (by others] at constant volume) in proper sequence to main- tain a constant discharge air temperature. The master control sequencer shall provide a variable time delay between cooling stages to prevent compressor short cycling. The economizer control system shall include a modulating spring return, outside air return air damper actuators, and an sensible changeover control. The sensible changeover control shall determine the capability of the out- door air to provide free cooling. On a call for cooling, the master control sequencer shall modulate the economizer damper actuators to maintain the discharge air temperature at the effective set point. If this does not Page 129 of 156 ) ,Unit Specification (C _t. ) Page Six Temperature SST Controls, Variable Air Volume (VAV) Cooling (Cont. ) meet the space demand, the discharge air sensor shall cause the master control sequencer to energize the required amount of mechanical cooling. The economizer cyle shall allow only enough outside air to maintain the discharge air temperature at the set point during a period of cool ambient conditions. If the ambient conditions rise above the sensible changeover control set point, the economizer shall return to the minimum outside air position. During heating, the outside air dampers shall be at minimum position. The economizer shall have a minimum position potentiomenter mounted in the economizer damper actuator. Heating, or night setback shall be activated by a timeclock and shall reduce the heating set point. The economizer shall be driven closed and the fan shall operate only full volume intermittently on a call for heat from the space thermostat . Cooling shutdown shall be activated by a timeclock and shall turn off the cooling output signal, stop the unit fan, and drive the economizer closed. The space temperature shall be allowed to drift. Morning warm-up shall be activated by a timeclock. After unoccupied periods, the outdoor air dampers shall be held closed and heat energized by a return air thermostat until return temperature reaches the occupied set point. Page 130 of 156 Pa..e 17 of 30' Compare the IV/amme.. Aire advantages... flQualityyoucansee g , :, :i l ', . 1 r II ,,„, ..... .. . ry qi . ..,1 o„..... _,.__, , :Nt. ,-... 4.1111 Walk In internal service vestibule provides. ...,,E weather-proof convenience for service personnel. The internal i= vestibule wall has two inch The roof pitch makes water run off, insulation and access doors, and the unbroken full span roof Double wall construction all panels are Joined by standing seam-cap strips to provide a corn- around includes 4 inch fiberglass pletely water-tight seal. insulation in exterior walls, roof, and base for an R-rating of 16.4. _, --- ---- - ' I 1 ' f+ ...,...-v,....4..:„., .: _.,... .„4,p,...,........s:.1/4z....d., -- ,....4.:,..,...7-,-„.,::,..., t-,.._, ", 'ws ... ; • . ' t' stir elk 3 V • - - •,ir ,4 # # t g ".•),,F I,-- i • Since the interior skin provides the TT�`r -"'--.r P,r- 1 air seal, you can specify exterior wall material and colors to corn- r : : . Welded construction is strong con- wall almost any architectur- '.:-- i 7.. +'*� is made The structural steel base al design. -� is made from continuous channel <- `' members; the cabinet remains The standard design exterior skin is 4ge f f l.;.-- rigid and square during shipping made of pre painted galvanized ilif�? and fitting. It installs easily and steel So rust is no problem. ,-...ei f 7,,,,'? I ,,,�-+i stays strong. - r"f' . 1 ) ,) • The base is washed with a phos- ipp I�� i'1;/) phatizer cleaner and nnsed with a J..-' ! F . non•chromated seal rinse.Then it's ... ..). ) 7 -� primed with a chromate primer and y i coated with a vinyl acrylic corrosion- resistant finish. tread plate flooring provides sure tooting without warp or give. Of course, there's quality in MammothAire cabinets that you can't see.A true square frame that only a carefully welded There's only one way to fully appreciate the quality of Mam- structural steel base can assure. Double wall"sandwich"con- mothAires custom-built cabinets. Step into one.Grab hold of struction of walls, ceiling,and floor.And workmanship so true the vestibule door handles. Theyre strong and secure. Made that our standard construction seals are rated for up to 10 of high-strength steel. Like all MammothAire parts and corn- inches of static pressure. ponents,they're built to last.Check the seals around the door. The exterior can even be built to match that of your building. Theyre fitted for a tight continuous air seal.Inside you'll see an Whatever the material.In every detail.MammothAire cabinets air tunnel lined with galvanized steel.Step onto the base deck. will compliment your building design, You put a lot of quality Its firm.No warp or give.And the vestibule floor is of tread plate into your project. Right down to the door handles. That's the design. kind of quality Mammoth builds into MammothAire Cabinets, Page 131 of 156 6 L m 1 , in N I Eli {R O 6 g mf g € � I I I ha a , Iii § ..V. I 004 1.51 oi _ >, t t gE Ili0 o 3s5 _Li $r ; s 11 ; ?in / 1 ' z A u tii a °g h E�' of vs� � `<'7 32�n i oc g i IE � '�'+ � Ioi �i i 8 , ge a 2,, a im 0 8 ■a®SS i I Ll' €, E 4 m E G &I G o r I Ni t z�i G _rn._. __- 1 �n w -}.LWd33itrtplJlli:.1-L1.1.1 .1 U��=tt_4U-1.J1_ -, ,F I ilt I II 1 4 TI. HilL i jl I_ I 1yyI4 i __+41 I4y 1 °14S_1i$Iyy�_u_-- v I .e -a 1 I -I -1 y ri 11 J I 0 J...,aarI1 1 1- ., JIJr___ ____ 1 1 _ 1 ___ -4I I I I' 4 oy4. i '�_—_c x 4 `I yyy gch I I -4 ys .4 R i ,i. i© 4 = ",\ v,I BITJ1' rhZTT-17-M-ITJf i ,74-Pri-rTTTr 'I- I-. X 1 m-1 s i al 0 tal a z rz 1 ' oLi, + ~ o 00 ppix Ver 1.01 AHU-1 Performance Summary (English) Project: Renton City Hall 1 Unit#/Ref#: AHU-1 /6274 Location: Renton ' Model #: HQ-45 Agent: Industrial Air Systems Quantity: 1 Supply Fan Data __ Return Fan Data Fan Size(in) 121DIDW-FC Class 1 F N/A CFM t Altitude 3050 @ 0 ft ESP/TSP(in.w.g.) 0.88/ 1.75 RPM/BHP 1085/ 1.52 L10 Brg Life 20K Supply Motor Data _ Return Motor Data Hp/Frame/Eff 3/ 182 / 89.5 N/A Volts/FLA/RPM 460/ 4.4 /1750 Enc/Drives ODP/Variable Coil Performance ' Heatin cooling Model N/A N/A Dimensions(HxW) Tube Material Fin Material • FPI/Rows Face Area (ft^2) Face Vel (fpm) APD (in.w.g.) Ed b/Ewb (F) Ldb/Lwb(F) I : MBH (Tot/Sens) GPM WPD (ft) Connection (in) Filters Specifications Pre Filters 30% Efficiency 16 Gauge Casing Qty (size) 2 c 24x24x2 ( 2 Inch Acoustic Neoprene Insulation . AreaNelocity 8 sq ft/381 fpm i00%Solid Liner Gauge Dwyer 2000 Magnehelic 14 Gauge Welded Floors 2lnch Base Insulation w/Liner Final Filters 85% Efficiency High Efficiency Motors Qty (size) 2 @ 24x24x12 Belt Guard AreaNelocity 8 sq ft/381 fpm 1 Inch Spring Isolation Gauge Dwyer 2000 Magnehelic Aluminum Airfoil Dampers — Access Doors civil Double Seal Enamel SW2115 Tinsmith Finish Electrical-refer to wiring diagram Electric Coll i 35 kW Duct Heater Notes: • 2 Position, Spring return actuator C:ISSMJ\ahudatal6274-1.per Page 135 of 156 • - a j 1 1 (dH8) aannod (0 Lt) d' co N ,- O 1111I IIIII IIIII ; III ! IIIII in - O a. ys ,� . �O _ o 0 N CD LC) - . . Ln II N W 0 1- p O Ij d- • 2 a _ V W mII N I I . . Cl) N O• u) _ I cn n O Cr) I IL • U IIII 111 1111 IIII 11I1 . O Un o in 0 It) 0 N N •e- A- O 0 (6nn .ul) aanssajd °RReis • r .. . Page 136 of 156 • t Scott Sp nn field Isolation Anal s>Is "e`5,os Renton City Hall AHU-1 Supply 6274 Input Informatioj C F Description Weight 1212 Inch Delhi DIDW-FC Class 1 113 3 Hp ODP 182 T Frame 92 Calculated Base Weight 246 Width (in) Base Material: 3x4x3/8 37,25 Tie-Down Only - �� Vinyl Flex ig■ Kinetics FYS-1 7 1" Isolation Efficiency 96.9% @ 1085 RPM B A Length (in) 19. Spring Selection Rating Spring Model Color Location Point Weight (#) 0070 FYS-1-70 070# GRAY A 62 0120 FYS-1-120 120# GRAY B 93 0070 FYS-1-70 070# GRAY C 47 j 0070 FYS-1-70 070# GRAY D 62 I Cut List Summary i aid"Section Label Dimension MaterialAB 19. 3x4x3/8 Kne ris CD 19. 3x4x3/8 i" AC 29.25 3x4x3/8 BD 29.25 3x4x3/8 2x3x3/16 -►I 2• Motor Support Stringer 29.25 Isolator Vole Pollen Stringer Location 12.75 Sheave Selection Information . Fan Shaft 1. Motor Shaft 1.125 Estimated Centre Line 9 Thrust Spring Selection Information Thrust Spring Not Required l Page 137 of 156 I 4116. 1 -. 5doLt .JpringffE DapPo Oft it. . . Manufacturing . ® CALGARY, ALE;.RTA ; • • Phone: (4 3 03)2 -1212 t!, I C ismopmemirmiewappeorir r. t l�oo�Nq�- 30 -a 4lt� 3t,©a — A N C TAG: `..1_ : • 'SERuL:C.2g--.•62�4'—M1 S?ECt,=iC�.1 iOfIS ' • 0 VOLTS.1- PH'3• RLA, • t=..';L CIRCUIT A.`.'.PAC.:,rY �`-+X FUSE = - SSl ?LY FA`! U YJD -•-FG e c' •t',`� - • - SLOWER SEE 12,11 RPM 1085. 2 Ca.( Z05© Ts? 1•?E' $ g BLOWER MOTOR HP3 F Le,, 4- BLOWER SHEAVE AK14"" MOTOR SHEA7E 1 V f�, ��%S ELrs LAX 1 , e E RETURN FAN s E BLOWER SIZE RPM , e CFM Tsp $ • r BLOWER i.iOTOR HP FLA ELOWER SHEAVE ' MOTOR SHEAVE 0, BELTS r. HEATING COIL • TYPESC. • A r ''s 5CC) ' rI r s(ZE30A2.4 s. FLA 13,9 F.P.I. MAX.INLET WATER TEMP. . • f ROWS h! X OUTLET AIR TEMP. P COOLING COIL TYPE SIZE F.P.I. CI 5 ROWS tt tJ HU;'.IOIFiE TYPE _ SIZE $ OPERATING PRESSURE e LIGFI T ING CIRCUIT @ WATTS ■ il r1 10 V ;�?S f.(AX. CONTROL CIRCUIT VOLTS ,, { r :S hSAK. [' PRE :3 -FILTER SIZES 01a t'✓FNg T /V 2@,2ei— X 4-X 2 FINAL FILTER SIZESB • I�5%//E��/FITIn I j ri OTHER COMPONENTS --. • . ....;.. �•. a • N • •.. t w �- •- •THIS EQUiPhichll SHALL RE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE.' YiTTH THE INSTALLATION • INSTRUCTIONS ANO APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. ALL COMPOUEKTS ARE aA APPROVED 1 UL I;tSTcn c,c, 4-1WiRI Ir TO CO sP^�'c>,�c, ,+,. ra 11 ; of156 Ili14 TIONAL x. 1 0C L ST.,,;r,�o^c ST C!�.�(FOR'.'. TO K Mc instry For TA: lie Of Vow Sulldleg Air Handling Unit PROJECT: Renton City Hall DATE: 10/15/2018 LOCATION: Renton,WA CONTACT: Dustin Entler PROJECT#: 202706-001 AUTHOR: SYSTEM/UNIT: AHU-01 Existing Tested By: Dustin Entler Date: 10/11/2018 -_ n Unit Manufacturer Scott Springfield Mfg. Inc. Actual Total SP 1.26 in.wc Unit Type Makeup Air Suction SP -0.05 in.wc Unit Model Number HQ-45-AHU-3000-H Discharge SP 0.77 in.wc Unit Serial Number C98-6274-01 External SP 0.82 in.wc Unit Discharge Horizontal 0/A Damper Position 100% Unit Location Rooftop R/A Damper Position 0% Unit Service Locker Rooms Design Airflow 3500 CFM Actual Airflow 2497 CFM Design Outside Airflow 3500 CFM Actual Outside Airflow 2497 CFM Design Return Airflow 0 CFM Actual Return Airflow 0 CFM SYSTEM/UNIT: AHU-01 Existing/SPP-01 Tested By: Dustin Entler Date: 10/10/2018 Test Pressures Electic Coil SP In -0.47 in.w.c. Electic Coil SP Out -0.49 in.w.c. Final Filter SP In -0.21 in.w.c. Final Filter SP Out -0.47 in.w.c. Pre Filter SP In -0.05 in.w.c. Pre Filter SP Out -0.21 in.w.c. Supply Fan SP In -0.49 in.w.c. Supply Fan SP Out 0.77 in.w.c. McKinstfy PageP3pof 1 5Qf 2 Mc instry For Th. Ito Of Your Building Air Handling Unit PROJECT: Renton City Hall DATE: 10/15/2018 LOCATION: Renton,WA CONTACT: Dustin Entler PROJECT#: 202706-001 AUTHOR: SYSTEM/UNIT: AHU-01 Existing/Discharge Tested By: Dustin Entler Date: 10/11/2018 Unit Data Final Data Type of Traverse Rectangular Sum of Readings 22830 Outer Height 14.00 in. Average Reading 1427 FPM Outer Width 18.00 in. Actual Total Flow 2497 CFM Air Flow Area 1.75 sq.ft. Duct Static Press. 0.77 in.we Number Of Rows 4 Readings Per Row 4 Total Readings 16 Location of Holes 1 Bottom Traverse Data Points < 18 Col 4 2:7 1821 283E 2122 4 Cola 57: 1389 1603 1732 I -,- Col 2 `:4 ,:72 1583 1601 Cot 1 E4E '4'4 174i 1615 i ra r: •t C It it CZ McKinstn PageP •o 2 f 2 4C1f56 • Investment Grade Audit 5.4 FIMS CONSIDERED BUT NOT USED The following FIMs were considered but not chosen for this phase. The measures below are recommended for further consideration in the future. • FIM # 01.01-RCH: UPGRADE BOILERS, PUMPS AND STORAGE TANKS Existing: The three, building heating hot water boilers, main four circulation pumps, three domestic water heaters, heat exchanger HX-1, two small pumps in the Police Department and four storage tanks are at the end of their useful life. Proposed: Upgrade the boilers with high-efficiency condensing boilers. Upgrade the four circulation pumps to high efficiency models. Upgrade the three, small domestic hot water heaters to high efficiency models. Upgrade the domestic hot water heat exchanger, HX-1. Upgrade the two circulation pumps in the Police Department. Upgrade the four domestic hot water storage tanks. This measure is recommended in a future phase. • FIM # 02.01-RCH: UPGRADE COOLING TOWER Existing: The closed-loop cooling tower(fluid cooler), CT-1, serves the heat pumps on the 1st and 2nd floor and server closets is at the end of its useful service life (31 years). The associated pumps are also at the end of their service life. Proposed: Upgrade CT-1 with a high-efficiency closed-loop cooling tower. Provide high-efficiency condenser water pumps. This measure was too expensive at this time and a full retrofit, sealing, repainting, replacing the fans, motors and control elements was very cost effective for another 10 to 15 years of service life. • FIM # 03.02-RCH: UPGRADE HEAT PUMPS The building water source heat pumps (WSHP's) are at the end of their useful service life. Upgrade the WSHP's with high-efficiency models. This measure is recommended in a future phase. • FIM # 03.03-RCH: UPGRADE VAV BOXES Investigate upgrading or replacing the variable air volume (VAV) terminals. Consider converting to water source heat pumps with dedicated outside air or replacing with high-performance VAV terminals. This measure is recommended in a future phase. • FIM # 09.01-RCH: UPGRADE LIGHTING TO LED Existing: Interior lighting is presently a mix of fluorescent lamps. Most office lighting is provided by 32-watt T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts in 2'x4'fixtures. The 7th floor conference rooms have 17-watt T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts in 2'x2'fixtures. Fixtures in an Electrical Room, Rest Rooms and limited 2nd and 5th floor offices still have 40-watt T-12 lamps with magnetic ballasts. Hallways, Elevator Lobbies, Rest Rooms, Conference Room and other common areas have a mix of 18 to 42-watt compact fluorescent lamps with mostly 4-pin sockets. (34) 2'x2'fixtures have 32-watt fluorescent T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts. Exit signs are incandescent T-lamps. A few 7th floor spaces have incandescent parabolic aluminized reflector(PAR) lamps. 159 fixtures have already been converted to LED and do not require conversion. Proposed: Re-use existing lighting controls. Provide (40) wall switch occupancy sensors in conference, kitchen and small rooms. Retrofit 2'x2'U-bend lamps to a 25-watt lensed retrofit kit with direct wiring. Upgrade T-8 lighting to LED T-8 lamps, including lamp and driver upgrades. Replace non-LED PAR lamps with 13-watt LED's. Replace exit signs with 2-watt LED exit signs. This measure is recommended in a future phase. al CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 141 of 156 Investment Grade Audit • FIM # 09.02-RCH: UPGRADE EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO LED Existing: Exterior lighting is a mix of 70 to 175-watt high intensity discharge (HID) magnetic ballast lamps. Proposed: Retrofit exterior fixtures with LED HID retrofit lamps. This measure is recommended in a future phase. • FIM # 11.01-RCH: UPGRADE DRY TRANSFORMERS Upgrade the ten (10) dry transformers to improve electrical system efficiency and reduce cooling loads in the electrical rooms(eight (8) 45 kVA and two (2) 75 kVA transformers). This measure is recommended in a future phase. • FIM # 12.01-RCH: WATER CONSERVATION This measure is recommended in a future phase. • FIM # 13.01-RCH: UPGRADE ROOFING INSULATION The City Hall roof has an estimated remaining life of 5 years. Upgrade the insulation to improve envelope thermal efficiency during replacement of the roof membrane. This measure is recommended in a future phase. r• r CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 142 of 156 Investment Grade Audit 5.5 UTILITY DATA ACONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page 143 of 156 a A to y 0 P O 1. H Qu lCD a I (. 1f) ,r) >` ;Y co w E Q Y n w tiY u X O ,� N I +J c, y y _ w F�Q __i: n, 4—) a U Q m G P N � K! o= i Qn as r, U U O s 642 MW - _ W Y. t :i� j CO .o to gx � '�,i� s ,�i i►tN c ° 3n ` tt as 03 „Lit. -�" . 4 s .. ao > No U. p 01 11 y .. y '9" IV il . . , . ' p ti • 1 a1 ,a1 c - > a1 -0 , .+ V 7 'PH, 7J M a1 Z IO N ALoan acn O }.. • `.i+ . t }y n E E E E v t, c > > > > u p ,.^za, . • , .. o z z z z a s '�,:.f, . ?`?i* m O 'Li ti • ?�St:. 14 V r4 co o a .a ao ,� ti rn to w 1- A. (, y M i..sy k"(. i.fl u h L adsr R W c I O O O O O O V U U U U O O u+ \ O v O u in a co M M /n ,iiA U V O O O O > a .0a .0> a a a0 0 m uu co 1_ c 9 a E ` ° t0 O o y m ±° co u .Ern u (O O O a) Cp \ -.I m —Co = 1'n N E a10i iii `m in '^ U in c L U .. o m a`1 � F ----,,‘.0 " aann 0� > U `o 11 - it II II II II II 1- . o'I' • o � a 0 w c u l7 3 c �f O u 0, •0, . u .-,� m a! N a u co os O ^ >a C LL a E c c ° `o rn a .. c .. U c c O O T L L 0 O O U U rn C C 0 O C N 0 ° O �J O al �, L 1a A '7 2, .0 OU O \r) VI r, O u_Ni rA O- CO00 Q V J Vl Y F E l7 C7 y A , U U' E f0 N• c Y v a2 a, v ELii ry .. a CD o t `-'' 0 - " cao - o U c arn' it y irila1 Eioce Ea V ~ VI F .in cn M N o V7 01 J U) OC >O Q C Q V O m3 16 0 a^, o - ,o a1 0 E� TN ~ o w � 2pEm3E � SEw>8 1- z c ` v m O c w a 0n R E m v � m E � a.i oT O�� +-1 5 C p v y to G N j E O Q > > w W y . a1 w N ` c C Z Ce ( W z E v a) ` L o P,' 0 0 0 - io �' aa)i In o o o w w w a1 < w z in _ LL _ a _ O z U) w au W U l- > N. 1- U x In* * * * P.7 ENERGY STAR® Data Verification Checklist LEARN MORE AT energystar.gov 33 Renton City Hall Registry Name: Renton City Hall Property Type: Mixed Use Property Gross Floor Area(ft2): 139,116 Built: 1987 ENERGY STAR t For Year Ending:Aug 31, 2018 Score Date Generated: Oct 26,2018 Property & Contact Information Property Address Property Owner Primary Contact Renton City Hall City of Renton Mark Nieman 1055 S Grady Way 1055 S Grady Way 5005 3rd Ave S Renton,Washington 98057 Renton. WA 98057 Seattle,WA 98134 - 2068328152 Property ID:6264122 markn@mckinstry corn 1. Review of Whole Property Characteristics Basic Property Information 1) Property Name: Renton City Hall ®Yes 0 No Is this the official name of the property? If"No",please specify: 2) Property Type: Mixed Use Property ®Yes No Is this an accurate description of the primary use of this property? 3) Location: ®Yes El No 1055 S Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Is this correct and complete? 4) Gross Floor Area: 139,116 ft2 ®Yes No Page 1 of 10 Page 147 of 156 Is value an accurate account of the gross floor area for the property? 5) Average Occupancy (%): 90 ®Yes 0 No Is this occupancy percentage accurate for the entire 12 month period being assessed? 6) Number of Buildings: 1 ®Yes []No Does this number accurately represent all structures? 7) Whole Property Verification: ®Yes El No Does this application represent the entire property? If any space or energy use has been excluded from this property, please describe it in the notes section below, Notes: Indoor Environmental Quality 1) Outdoor Air Ventilation ®Yes []No Does this property meet the minimum ventilation rates according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1,Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality? 2) Thermal Environmental Conditions ®Yes []No Does this property meet the acceptable thermal environmental conditions according ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy? 3) Illumination ®Yes El No Does this property meet the minimum illumination levels as recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America(IESNA)Lighting Handbook? Notes: 2. Review of Property Use Details Office: Building Use Page 2 of 10 Page 148 of 156 "et 1) Gross Floor Area: 97,665 ft2 ®Yes No Is this the total size,as measured between the outside surface of the exterior walls of the building(s)?This includes all areas inside the building(s)such as: occupied tenant areas, common areas, meeting areas,break rooms, restrooms, elevator shafts, mechanical equipment areas,and storage rooms. Gross Floor Area should not include interstitial plenum space between floors,which may house pipes and ventilation. Gross Floor Area is not the same as rentable, but rather includes all area inside the building(s). Leasable space would be a sub-set of Gross Floor Area. In the case where there is an atrium, you should count the Gross Floor Area at the base level only. Do not increase the size to accommodate open atrium space at higher levels.The Gross Floor Area should not include any exterior spaces such as balconies or exterior loading docks and driveways. 1- 2) Weekly Operating Hours: 55 ®Yes 0 No Is this the total number of hours per week that the property is occupied by the majority of the employees? It does not include hours when the HVAC system is starting up or shutting down, or when property is occupied only by maintenance, security, cleaning staff, or other support personnel. For properties with a schedule that varies during the year, use the schedule most often followed. rr 3) Number of Workers on Main Shift: 282.53 E-default ®Yes El No Is this the total number of workers present during the primary shift?This is not a total count of workers,but rather a count of workers who are present at the same time. For example, if there are two daily eight hour shifts of 100 workers each,the Number of Workers on Main Shift value is 100. Number of Workers on Main Shift may include employees of the property,sub-contractors who are onsite regularly,and volunteers who perform regular onsite tasks. Number of Workers should not include visitors to the buildings such as clients, customers,or patients. 'tom'4) Number of Computers: 245.68 E-default ®Yes cl No Is this the total number of computers, laptops, and data servers at the property?This number should not include tablet computers, such as iPads,or any other types of office equipment. 5) Percent That Can Be Heated: 100 ®Yes 0 No Is this the total percentage of the property that can be heated by mechanical equipment? *6) Percent That Can Be Cooled: 100 ®Yes No Is this the total percentage of the property that can be cooled by mechanical equipment? This includes all types of cooling from central air to individual window units. Notes: Parking: Parking Use Page 3 of 10 Page 149 of 156 {� used 0catc e lee 1-IgQ g LR< t$tAkmore 1) Open Parking Lot Size: 54,098 ft2 Yes No Is this the total area that is lit and used for parking vehicles?Open Parking Lot Size refers specifically to open area,which may include small shading covers but does not include any full structures with roofs. Parking lot size may include the area of parking spots,lanes,and driveways. *2) Partially Enclosed Parking Garage Size: 0 ft2 ®Yes []No Is this the total area of parking structures that are partially enclosed?This includes parking garages where each level is covered at the top, but the walls are partially or fully open. *3) Completely Enclosed Parking Garage: 137,560 ft2 ®Yes ID No Is this the total area of parking structures that are completely enclosed on all four sides and have a roof?This includes underground parking or fully enclosed parking on the first few stories of a building. *4) Supplemental Heating: No ®Yes Ej No Is this the correct answer to whether your parking garage has Supplemental Heating, which is a heating system to pre-heat ventilation air and/or maintain a minimum temperature during winter months? Notes: Police Station: Police Station Use *1) Gross Floor Area: 23,644 ft2 ®Yes Ei No Is this the total size, as measured between the outside surface of the exterior walls of the building(s)?This includes all areas inside the building(s)such as: occupied tenant areas,common areas, meeting areas, break rooms, restrooms,elevator shafts, mechanical equipment areas,and storage rooms.Gross Floor Area should not include interstitial plenum space between floors,which may house pipes and ventilation Gross Floor Area is not the same as rentable,but rather includes all area inside the building(s). Leasable space would be a sub-set of Gross Floor Area. In the case where there is an atrium,you should count the Gross Floor Area at the base level only. Do not increase the size to accommodate open atrium space at higher levels.The Gross Floor Area should not include any exterior spaces such as balconies or exterior loading docks and driveways. 2) Weekly Operating Hours: 168 ®Yes []No Is this the total number of hours per week that the property is occupied by the majority of the employees?It does not include hours when the HVAC system is starting up or Page 4 of 10 Page 150 of 156 shutting down,or when property is occupied only by maintenance,security,cleaning staff, or other support personnel. For properties with a schedule that varies during the year, use the schedule most often followed. 3) Number of Workers on Main Shift: 50 ®Yes No Is this the total number of workers present during the primary shift?This is not a total count of workers,but rather a count of workers who are present at the same time. For example, if there are two daily eight hour shifts of 100 workers each, the Number of Workers on Main Shift value is 100 Number of Workers on Main Shift may include employees of the property, sub-contractors who are onsite regularly, and volunteers who perform regular onsite tasks. Number of Workers should not include visitors to the buildings such as clients, customers, or patients. 4) Number of Computers: 50 ®Yes ❑No Is this the total number of computers, laptops, and data servers at the property?This number should not include tablet computers, such as iPads,or any other types of office equipment. Notes: Courthouse: Courthouse Use ti *1) Gross Floor Area: 17,807 ft2 ®Yes El No Is this the total size,as measured between the outside surface of the exterior walls of the building(s)?This includes all areas inside the building(s)such as:occupied tenant areas,common areas, meeting areas, break rooms, restrooms, elevator shafts, mechanical equipment areas, and storage rooms. Gross Floor Area should not include interstitial plenum space between floors,which may house pipes and ventilation. Gross Floor Area is not the same as rentable,but rather includes all area inside the building(s). Leasable space would be a sub-set of Gross Floor Area. In the case where there is an atrium, you should count the Gross Floor Area at the base level only. Do not increase the size to accommodate open atrium space at higher levels.The Gross Floor Area should not include any exterior spaces such as balconies or exterior loading docks and driveways. *2) Weekly Operating Hours: 50 ®Yes ID No Is this the total number of hours per week that the property is open to the public? *3) Number of Workers on Main Shift: 40.96 E-default ®Yes n No Is this the total number of workers present during the primary shift?This is not a total count of workers, but rather a count of workers who are present at the same time. For example, if there are two daily eight hour shifts of 100 workers each, the Number of Workers on Main Shift value is 100. Number of Workers on Main Shift may include employees of the property,sub-contractors who are onsite regularly,and volunteers Page 5 of 10 Page 151 of 156 { who perform regular onslte tasks.Number of Workers should not include visitors to the buildings such as clients, customers,or patients. IA/4) Number of Computers: 35.61 *'default ®Yes ❑No Is this the total number of computers,laptops,and data servers at the property?This number should not include tablet computers, such as iPads,or any other types of office equipment. 5) Percent That Can Be Heated: 100 ®Yes EI No Is this the total percentage of the property that can be heated by mechanical equipment? *6) Percent That Can Be Cooled: 100 ®Yes No Is this the total percentage of the property that can be cooled by mechanical equipment? This includes all types of cooling from central air to individual window units. { Notes: 3. Review of Energy Consumption Data Overview Site Energy Use Summary National Median Comparison Natural Gas(kBtu) 1,084,421 (8%) National Median Site EUI(kBtulft2) 80.8 Electric-Grid(kBtu) 12,447,101.7(92%) National Median Source EUI(kBtulft2) 215 Total Energy(kBtu) 13,531,522.8 %Diff from National Median Source 20 3% EUI Energy Intensity Site(kBtulft2) 97.3 Emissions(based on site energy use) Source(kBtu/ft2) 258.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions(Metric 1,142.1 Tons CO2e) Power Generation Plant or Distribution Utility: Puget Sound Energy Inc Note:Ail values are annualized to a I2•month period Source Energy includes energy used in generation and transmission to enable an equitable assessment. Summary of All Associated Energy Meters The following meters are associated with the property,meaning that they are added together to get the total energy use for the property. Please see additional tables in this checklist for the exact meter consumption values. Note: please review all meter entries,making note of any unusual entries,and, if they are correct, provide a manual note to explain. Meter Name Fuel Type Start Date End Date Associated With: 0001147504 Natural Gas 01/01/0001 In Use Renton City Hall Page 6 of 10 Page 152 of 156 Meter Name Fuel Type Start Date End Date Associated With: Z017537880 Electric-Grid 01/01/0001 In Use Renton City Hall Z003422708 Electric-Grid 01/01/0001 In Use Renton City Hall Total Energy Use ®Yes No Do the meters shown above account for the total energy use of this property during the reporting period of this application? Additional Fuels ®Yes El No Do the meters above include all fuel types at the property?That is, no additional fuels such as district steam, generator fuel oil have been excluded. On-Site Solar and Wind Energy 12 Yes El No Are all on-site solar and wind installations reported in this list(if present)?All on-site systems must be reported. Notes: Natural Gas Meter: 0001147504 (therms) Associated With: Renton City Hall Start Date End Date Usage 09/01/2017 09/30/2017 565.05 10/01/2017 10/31/2017 599 46 11/01/2017 11/30/2017 1,046.19 12/01/2017 12/31/2017 1,483 01/01/2018 01/31/2018 1,276.65 02/01/2018 02/28/2018 1,220.34 03/01/2018 03/31/2018 1,092.32 04/01/2018 04/30/2018 795.83 05/01/2018 05/31/2018 762.32 06/01/2018 06/30/2018 939.93 07/01/2018 07/31/2018 645.88 • 08/01/2018 08/31/2018 417.24 Page 7 of 10 Page 153 of 156 • Total Consumption (therms): 10,844.21 Total Consumption (kBtu (thousand 1,084,421 Btu)): Total Energy Consumption for this Meter ®Yes 0 No Do the fuel consumption totals shown above include consumption of all energy tracked through this meter that affect energy calculations for the reporting period of this application (i.e.,do the entries match the utility bills received by the property)? j I Notes: Electric - Grid Meter: Z017537880 (kWh (thousand Watt-hours)) Associated With: Renton City Hall Start Date End Date Usage Green Power? 09/01/2017 09/30/2017 0 No 10/01/2017 10/31/2017 0 No 11/01/2017 11/30/2017 0 No 12/01/2017 12/31/2017 0 No 01/01/2018 01/31/2018 0 No 02/01/2018 02/28/2018 0 No 03/01/2018 03/31/2018 0 No 04/01/2018 04/30/2018 0 No 05/01/2018 05/31/2018 0 No 06/01/2018 06/30/2018 0 No 07/01/2018 07/31/2018 0 No 08/01/2018 08/31/2018 0 No Total Consumption (kWh (thousand 0 Watt-hours)): Total Consumption (kBtu (thousand 0 Btu)): Total Energy Consumption for this Meter ®Yes No Do the fuel consumption totals shown above include consumption of all energy tracked through this meter that affect energy calculations for the reporting period of this application (i.e., do the entries match the utility bills received by the property)? Page 8 of 10 Page 154 of 156 Notes: This is an old meter that is no longer present. Data is auto-populated by Puget Sound Energy. Electric - Grid Meter: Z003422708 (kWh (thousand Watt-hours)) Associated With: Renton City Hall Start Date End Date Usage Green Power? 09/01/2017 09/30/2017 257,795.88 No 10/01/2017 10/31/2017 276,716.07 No 11/01/2017 11/30/2017 239,556.45 No 12/01/2017 12/31/2017 274,348.2 No 01/01/2018 01/31/2018 262,016.1 No 02/01/2018 02/28/2018 243,962.1 No 03/01/2018 03/31/2018 266,786.58 No 04/01/2018 04/30/2018 267,129.21 No 05/01/2018 05/31/2018 306,758.16 No 06/01/2018 06/30/2018 494,598.81 No 07/01/2018 07/31/2018 496,033.56 No 08/01/2018 08/31/2018 262,335.75 No Total Consumption (kWh (thousand 3,648,036.87 Watt-hours)): Total Consumption (kBtu (thousand 12,447,101.8 Btu)): Total Energy Consumption for this Meter ®Yes No Do the fuel consumption totals shown above include consumption of all energy tracked through this meter that affect energy calculations for the reporting period of this application (i.e., do the entries match the utility bills received by the property)? Notes: Page 9 of 10 Page 155 of 156 4. Signature & Stampof Verifying Licensed Professional 9 Y 9 Mark Nieman (Name)visited this site on 4/4/2018 (Date). Based on the conditions observed at the time of the visit to this property, I verify that the information contained within this application is accurate and in accordance with the Licensed Professional Guide. 074ki Signature Date 10/19/2018 Licensed Professional , � Mark Nieman ,4 ARD 1 5005 3rd Ave S WAS `11 ` Seattle, WA 98134 , ) �� ', c�t".F2 2068328152 markn@mckinstry.com t, 34965 � A,S, G � S1ONAL ' NOTE: When applying for the ENERGY STAR, the signature of the 4r,� Verifying Professional must match the stamp. Professional Engineering Stamp (if applicable) Page 10 of 10 Page 156 of 156 c ,:STAT:s{�.t Jam:, ::• 47 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES 1500 Jefferson St.SE,Olympia, WA 98501 PO Box 41476,Olympia,WA 98504-1476 November 19, 2018 RETAINAGE INVESTMENT ESCO Contractor McKinstry Essention, LLC ESCO Contract No. 2018-027 G (1-1) Description City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1 Client Agency City of Renton Pursuant to R.C.W. 60.28, you are required to exercise your option, IN WRITING, on whether or not monies reserved from the amounts due you on the above contract shall be placed in escrow. You are therefore directed to complete and return this form with the signed copy of the above contract to the Energy Program. Should you desire to have the retained monies invested, it will then be necessary that you enter into an escrow agreement with a bank, trust or savings and loan company, and the above Client Agency. This form will be transmitted to the Client Agency for further action in preparing the escrow agreement. ENERGY SERVICES CONTRACTOR'S OPTION I do not request retainage on the above contract to be invested. I hereby request retainage on the above contract be invested. I hereby request retainage on the above contract be invested and converted into bonds and sureties. Signature Date Title ENERGY SERVICES AUTHORIZATION AMENDMENT NO. 2 Project Title City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1 Authorization No. 2018-027 A (1) Facility City of Renton Date November 19, 2018 This Amendment, when properly signed, shall be the basis on which the Subject Authorization shall be modified. Authorization (this sheet) Project Completion and Compensation Scope of Work Options: Modify Basic Services Approvals Energy Services Company: Owner: McKinstry Essention, LLC City of Renton PO Box 24567 acting through the Seattle, WA 98124 Department of Enterprise Services Energy Program By: Name: Roger A. Wigfield, PE Title: Energy Program Manager Date: Compensation for Energy Services COMPENSATION Basic Services Current New Previous Energy Audit and Energy Services Proposal $ 21,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,500.00 Design $ 112,322.00 $ 89,722.00 $ 22,600.00 Construction Management $ 62,401.00 $ 62,401.00 $ 0.00 Overhead and Profit $ 227,115.00 $ 227,115.00 $ 0.00 Grand Total (Plus WSST as applicable) $ 423,338.00 $ 379,238.00 $ 44,100.00 Value of this Amendment=$379,238.00 (Plus Washington State Sales Tax) Authorization No.2018-027 A(1) Page 1 of 2 Scope of Work Energy efficiency measures under Contract No. 2018-027 G(1-1) will include renovation of Renton City Hall, including any and all necessary ancillary equipment. The ESCO will perform a detailed engineering design as needed to obtain Owner review and approval of the proposed systems and to obtain bids as required. The ESCO will provide construction management, as-built drawings, and O&M manuals. All work is per the City of Renton Energy Services Proposal dated October 19, 2018 and the revision dated November 5, 2018. This includes the transfer of funds from the Detailed Investment Grade Energy Audit & Energy Services Proposal Agreement to this Energy Professional Services Agreement. Schedule For Completion Final completion 161 days from execution of this Amendment. 2018027Aamd2ko Authorization No.2018-027 A(1) Page 2 of 2 ESCO Contract No. 2018-027 G (1-1) Project City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1 Agency City of Renton Date November 19, 2018 STATE OF WASHINGTON ENERGY SERVICE COMPANY(ESCO) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT For the DEPT. OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES, ENERGY PROGRAM This Energy Service Company (ESCO) Construction Contract, made and entered into this 19th day of November, 2018, shall be the agreed basis of performing the following work by and between the State of Washington, City of Renton acting through the Department of Enterprise Services, Energy Program, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, and McKinstry Essention, LLC PO Box 24567 Seattle, WA 98124 Telephone (206) 762-3311 E-mail ContractsDept cr mckinstry.com hereinafter referred to as the ESCO or Contractor. WITNESSETH: Whereas the parties hereto have mutually covenanted and by these presents do covenant and agree with each other as follows: FIRST: The said ESCO agrees to furnish all permits, material, labor, tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, etc., necessary to perform and complete in a workmanship like manner the work called for in the attached Scope of Work, Energy Services Proposal dated October 19, 2018 and the revision dated November 5, 2018, for: Energy Services Authorization No. 2018-027 A (1) Master Energy Services Agreement No. 2017-193 H (8) Audits and Proposals for this project were prepared by the ESCO according to the terms of the Contract Documents which include, but are not limited to, the Master Energy Services Agreement, Energy Services Authorization(s), the accepted Proposal, General Conditions for Washington State Energy Savings Performance Contracting, Addenda, Specifications, Drawings, Bond, and this Construction Contract. SECOND: Time of Completion: The work to be performed under this contract shall commence as soon as the ESCO has been officially notified to proceed and shall be substantially complete within 161 consecutive calendar days after the date of Notice to Proceed. ESCO Construction Contract No. 2018-027 G(1-1) Page 1 of 3 4 ( THIRD: The apprenticeship labor hours required for this project are 15%of the total labor hours. The undersigned agrees to utilize this level of apprentice participation. Voluntary workforce diversity goals for this apprentice participation are identified in the General Conditions for Washington State Energy Savings Performance Contracting. FOURTH: In consideration of the Performance of the Work, herein contained on the part of the ESCO, the Owner hereby agrees to pay the ESCO for said work completed according to the Contract Documents, for not more than the sum of$1,261,745.00, plus 10.0%state sales tax consisting of the following: ESCO Contract Cost $1,261,745.00 The ESCO shall bond this contract in accordance with Section 2.04 of the General Conditions for Washington State Energy Savings Performance Contracting. The construction value plus contingency is a guaranteed maximum not-to-exceed cost and final payment to the ESCO shall be reconciled to reflect the actual installed cost provided it does not exceed the guaranteed maximum cost. FIFTH: ESCO payments to subcontractors and materialmen shall not be contingent upon the ESCO receiving payment from the Owner. Unless otherwise agreed upon,payment to the ESCO shall be made only after completion of the energy efficiency measure(s)and the ESCO has issued a Notice of Commencement of Energy Savings and the Owner has accepted such Notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The said Department of Enterprise Services, Energy Program, has caused this ESCO Construction Contract to be subscribed in its behalf, and the said ESCO has signed this ESCO Construction Contract the day and year first above written. ESCO: Owner: McKinstry Essention, LLC City of Renton acting through the Department of Enterprise Services Energy Program By By Name Name Roger A. Wigfield, PE Title Title Energy Program Manager Date Date WA State Contractor's License No. MCKINEL874CL Federal Tax ID No. 46-1563231 UBI Number 603 259 907 MWBE Certification No. 2018027Gcontko ESCO Construction Contract No. 2018-027 G(1-1) Page 2 of 3 November 19,2018 SCOPE OF WORK ESCO Contract No. 2018-027 G(1-1) City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1 City of Renton Furnish and install the energy efficiency measures, including any and all necessary ancillary equipment, as described in the City of Renton Energy Services Proposal dated October 19, 2018, and the revision dated November 5, 2018. ESCO Construction Contract No. 2018-027 G(1-1) Page 3 of 3 MEASUREMENT & VERIFICATION (M&V) AUTHORIZATION No. 2018-027 C (3) City of Renton City Hall November 19, 2018 MASTER ENERGY SERVICES AGREEMENT NO. 2017-193 H (8) The Owner and the Energy Services Company(ESCO) named below do hereby enter into an Agreement under terms described in the following sections: Authorization to Proceed Scope of Work Compensation Schedule Compensation for M&V Services Project Conditions Schedule for M&V Services I. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: Energy Services Company: Owner: McKinstry Essention, LLC City of Renton PO Box 24567 acting through the Seattle, WA 98124 Department of Enterprise Services Telephone No. (206) 762-3311 Energy Program Fax No. (206) 658-1769 PO Box 41476 E-Mail Address ContractsDept@mckinstry.com Olympia, WA 98504 By By Name Name Roger A. Wigfield, PE Title Title Energy Program Manager Date Date State of Washington Contractor's License No. MCKINEL874CL WA Revenue Registration No. 603 259 907 Federal Tax Identification No. 46-1563231 MWBE Certification No. II. COMPENSATION SCHEDULE: Total Services being provided under this Agreement: Services Compensation New Measurement and Verification Services Year 1 $ 5,000.00 Measurement& Verification Services Years 2 through 3 $ 0.00 • Grand Total (plus WSST as applicable) $ 5,000.00 Authorization No. 2018-027 C (3) Page 1 of 2 III. PROJECT CONDITIONS: The Project Conditions contained in the Master Energy Services Agreement will be used unless specifically changed herein. Specifically, after the project is constructed and the Notice of Commencement of Energy Cost Savings (NCES)has been issued, the Measurement and Verification (M&V)period begins. The guarantee of savings by the ESCO shall remain in effect for the term of the M&V Agreement. IV. SCOPE OF WORK: Provide M&V reporting for one year starting immediately after Owner acceptance of the NCES for the City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1, 2018-027 G (1-1),per the City of Renton Energy Services Proposal dated October 19, 2018, revised November 5, 2018. The ESCO shall submit within sixty(60) days of the end of the annual M&V period, an M&V report consistent with the M&V procedures described in the ESCO's approved Energy Services Proposal (ESP). The M&V report shall describe the energy savings and equipment performance for the previous twelve-month period. The M&V report shall be consistent with and incorporate relevant data described in the ESCO energy audit, ESP and the project's Energy Services Authorization. Utility bill reporting, if appropriate, shall include reporting of current billing utility units compared to the baseline use both in tabular and graphic form, for the previous 12 months. Relevant data and calculations will support the conclusions and findings of the M&V report. It is understood that the ESCO and the Owner have agreed that the International Performance Measurement&Verification Protocol, will be used as a reference for the M&V report should there be questions or disagreements on the form or content of the report. V. COMPENSATION FOR M&V SERVICES: The Owner shall reimburse the ESCO annually, in accordance with the M&V fee schedule included in the original ESP or as agreed to under a separate proposal for ongoing M&V services. The total compensation for M&V services shall be $5,000.00, from the guaranteed savings for the M&V services. The M&V fee shall be paid to the ESCO within sixty(60) days following acceptance of the M&V report. Payment to the ESCO shall be contingent upon the Owner's acceptance of the ESCO's M&V report. The ESCO's M&V report shall be considered accepted 30 days after its submission; unless the ESCO is notified in writing that the report has been rejected. VI. SCHEDULE FOR M&V SERVICES: M&V Services shall start immediately after Owner acceptance of the NCES and will run for one year plus 60 days for final report preparation, unless this Authorization is amended earlier to add additional years of M&V services. The amendment shall be based upon a proposal by the ESCO for ongoing M&V services. The proposal shall indicate the length of the guarantee period and the cost of required annual M&V reporting. 20 1 8 027Cagrko Authorization No. 2018-027 C (3) Page 2 of 2 rG CA ,. Virt„:::;tz lag STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES 1500 Jefferson St.SE,Olympia,WA 98501 PO Box 41476,Olympia,WA 98504-1476 November 19, 2018 TO: Insurance Agent for McKinstry Essention, LLC FROM: Kim Obi, Contracts Specialist, (360)407-8273 RE: Contract No. 2018-027 G (1-1) City of Renton, City Hall Phase 1 City of Renton The bid documents for this contract require that McKinstry Essention, LLC provide the State of Washington with a signed contract, bond and insurance within 15 days of receipt. It is therefore essential that you provide the contractor with the bonds and insurance as soon as possible. Please refer to the attached Insurance and Bonding Requirements. Please note that the payment and performance bonds shall be written on the AIA Form A312 for the amount of the contract plus state sales tax, and that Builder's Risk or Installation Floater insurance coverage is required in the amount of the contract. Include the contract number and project name on all documents. We would like a preview copy by e-mail of these documents before finalizing. My e-mail address is: kim.obia_,,des.wa.gov Should you have questions, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance. Attachments INSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS (Paragraphs keyed to the state's General Conditions and Supplemental Conditions for Washington State Facilities Construction) 2.01 CONTRACTORS LIABILITY INSURANCE General Insurance requirements: Prior to commencement of Work, Contractor shall obtain all the insurance required by the Contract Documents and provide evidence satisfactory to Owner that such insurance has been procured. Review of the Contractor's insurance by Owner shall not relieve or decrease the liability of Contractor. Companies writing the insurance to be obtained by this part shall be licensed to do business under Chapter 48 RCW or comply with the Surplus Lines Law of the State of Washington. Contractor shall include in its bid the cost of all insurance and bond costs required to complete the base bid work and accepted alternates. Insurance carriers providing insurance in accordance with the contract documents shall be acceptable to Owner, and it's A. M. Best rating shall be indicated on the insurance certificates. A. Term of insurance coverage: Contractor shall maintain the following insurance coverage during the Work and for one year after Final Acceptance. Contractor shall also maintain the following insurance coverage during the performance of any corrective Work required by section 5.16. I. General Liability Insurance: Commercial General Liability (CGL) on an Occurrence Form. Coverage shall include, but not be limited to: a. Completed operations/products liability; b. Explosion, collapse, and underground; and c. Employer's liability coverage. 2. Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile liability B. Industrial Insurance compliance: Contractor shall comply with the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act and, if applicable, the Federal Longshoremen's and Harbor Worker's Act and the Jones Act. C. Insurance to protect for the following: All insurance coverages shall protect against claims for damages for personal and bodily injury or death, as well as claims for property damage, which may arise from operations in connection with the Work whether such operations are by Contractor or any Subcontractor. D. Owner as Additional Insured: All insurance coverages shall be endorsed to include Owner as an additional named insured for Work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, and all insurance certificates shall evidence the Owner as an additional insured. 2.02 Replaces Section 2.02—COVERAGE LIMITS INSURANCE COVERAGE CERTIFICATES A. Insurance Coverage Certificates The Contractor shall furnish acceptable proof of insurance coverage on the ACORD 25 form. B. Required Coverages 1. For a contract less than $100,000.00, the coverage required is: a. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance — The Contractor shall at all times during the term of this contract, at its cost and expense, carry and maintain general public liability insurance, including contractual liability, against claims for bodily injury,personal injury,death or property damage occurring or arising out of services provided under this contract. This insurance shall cover claims caused by any act, omission, or negligence of the Contractor or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns or servants. The limits of liability insurance, which may be increased as deemed necessary by the contracting parties, shall be: Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 General Aggregate Limits $1,000,000.00 (other than products—commercial operations) Products—Commercial Operations Limit $1,000,000.00 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000.00 Fire Damage Limit(any one fire) $50,000.00 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $5,000.00 b. If the contract is for underground utility work, then the Contractor shall provide proof of insurance for that above in the form of Explosion, Collapse and Underground (XCU) coverage. c. Employers Liability on an occurrence basis in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. 2. For contracts over $100,000.00 but less than $5,000,000.00 the contractor shall obtain the coverage limits as listed for contracts below $100,000.00 and General Aggregate and Products—Commercial Operations Limit of not less than $2,000,000.00. 3. Coverage for Comprehensive General Bodily Injury Liability Insurance for a contract over$5,000,000.00 is: Each Occurrence $2,000,000.00 General Aggregate Limits $4,000,000.00 (other than products—commercial operations) Products—Commercial Operations limit $4,000,000.00 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit $2,000,000.00 Fire Damage Limit(any one fire) $50,000.00 Medical Expense Limit (any one Person) $5,000.00 4. For all Contracts — Automobile Liability: in the event that services delivered pursuant to this contract involve the use of vehicles or the transportation of clients, automobile liability insurance shall be required. If Contractor-owned personal vehicles are used, a Business Automobile Policy covering at a minimum Code 2 "owned autos only" must be secured. If Contractor employee's vehicles are used, the Contractor must also include under the Business Automobile Policy Code 9, coverage for non-owned autos. The minimum limits for automobile liability is: $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, using a combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. 5. For Contracts for Hazardous Substance Removal (Asbestos Abatement, PCB Abatement, etc.) a. In addition to providing insurance coverage for the project as outlined above, the Contractor shall provide Pollution Liability insurance for the hazardous substance removal as follows: EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 or $1,000,000.00 each occurrence/aggregate bodily injury and property damage combined single limit. I) Insurance certificate must state that the insurer is covering hazardous substance removal. 2) Should this insurance be secured on a "claims made" basis, the coverage must be continuously maintained for one year following the project's "final completion"through official completion of the project, plus one year following. b. For Contracts where hazardous substance removal is a subcomponent of contracted work,the general contractor shall provide to the Owner a certificate of insurance for coverage as defined in 5a. above. The State of Washington must be listed as an additional insured. This certificate of insurance must be provided to the Owner prior to commencing work. 2.03 INSURANCE COVERAGE CERTIFICATES A. Certificate required: Prior to commencement of the Work, Contractor shall furnish to Owner a completed certificate of insurance coverage. B. List Project info: All insurance certificates shall name Owner's Project Number and Project Title. C. Cancellation provisions: All insurance certificates shall specifically require 45 days prior notice to Owner of cancellation or any material change, except 30 days for surplus line insurance.