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Amends ORD 4205, 4321, 4415, 4507
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SECTION I . Subsection 8-5-17 .B. 3 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of
Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled
"Code of General Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington" is
hereby amended to read as follows :
8-5-17 .B.3 : System Development Charge: The system
C) development charge which shall be assessed against any property
which has not participated in the development of the sewer system,
rwhich system shall include lift stations, force mains, interceptors
yand other collection mains, shall be assessed at the rate of:
a. Five hundred eighty five dollars ( $585 . 00) per single-
family residence.
b. Four hundred sixty eight dollars ( $468 . 00) per dwelling
unit located in mobile home parks and manufactured home
parks .
c. Three hundred fifty dollars ( $350 . 00 ) per multi-family
residence, except in the Center Downtown (CD) and Center
Office Residential (COR) zoned areas which shall be
assessed in accordance with paragraph 8-5-17 .B. 3 .d. Mixed
use buildings with over 50% of the floor space used for
multi-family residences shall be assessed at the rate of
three hundred fifty dollars ( $350 . 00) per multi-family
d. For all other properties except City properties, seven
point eight cents ( $0 . 078) per square foot of property
connected but not less than five hundred eighty five
dollars ( $585 . 00) .
t SO0333 hil4410 9Ns31 t4R 00•GO•CO 800I-8€tO�S
, } ORDINANCE NO. 4525 •
e. Fees are incurred upon the granting by the City of a
building permit or a construction permit, but are payable
at the time construction permits are issued for connection
to or extension of the public sewer; or in the absence of
the requirement for a public works permit, then at the
time of granting the building permit. All other sanitary
sewer service applicants shall pay these fees at the time
of building sewer application.
f . Fees are due immediately if the party owing the fee sells
to a third party, unless the third party agrees to pay the
charge, in writing, with the amount owing to the City set
forth in that writing, and further the City agrees that
the third party shall be responsible for that fee after
determination that such an agreement would be in the
City' s best interest. The burden of establishing the
agreement would be on the party owing the fee and not on
the City, and would be in the City' s best interest.
g. When the phrase "property which has not participated in
development of the system" is used in this section, it
shall mean any of the following:
( 1 ) Any property which has not paid a system development
charge for the property based upon the square footage
of the property and which is connecting to Renton ' s
010 sewer system for the first time (including but not
limited to new construction, or conversion from septic
Q9 system) .
'4 (2 ) Any property which has not paid a system development
charge for the property based upon the square footage
of the property that is to be served by the utility
and is developing or subdividing further. For
example, one single-family residence on a five (5 )
acre tract which has paid five hundred eighty five
dollars ( $585 . 00 ) under this section to connect to a
sewer system will have paid only for one, seven
thousand five hundred ( 7, 500) square foot lot at the
rate of seven point eight cents ( $0 . 078 ) . Additional
charges would be applied to any additional development
on the property at the time of development.
(3) Any property which has not paid a system development
charge for the property based upon the square footage
of the property that is to be served by the utility
and that requests or requires a larger or additional
domestic water meter(s) will trigger a utility system
development charge.
( 4) Redevelopment Credit: An option exists for receiving
a redevelopment credit for property which has not
previously paid in full a system development charge.
A redevelopment project that requires a larger water
meter, or additional domestic water meter(s) , will
trigger the sewer utility system development charge.
However, any parcel that currently has water service
is eligible for a prorated system development charge.
This prorated development charge is based on the
following formula:
[Proposed domestic meter(s ) capacity in gallons per
minute (GPM) - Existing domestic meter(s ) capacity in
GPM/Proposed domestic meter(s) capacity in GPM] x SDC
Fee = Amount owed. Fire flow meters are not included
in this calculation.
For example, a redevelopment project that involves a
change from a single family home on a 10, 000 square
foot lot with a five eighths by three-quarter inch
meter (5/8" x 3/4" , a standard single-family meter)
that has a safe operating capacity of 20 gallons per
minute (GPM) , to a four unit multi-family dwelling
with a one and one-half inch ( 1-1/2 ) meter with a
safe operating capacity of 100 GPM can apply to pay
Lo for the following prorated charge:
[ 100 GPM - 20 GPM/100 GPM] = 0 . 8
OD0 . 8 x [ 10, 000 sq. ft. x $0 . 078/sq. ft. ] = $624
Without the redevelopment credit, this project would
C) have paid $0 . 078/sq. ft. x 10, 000 sq. ft. = $780
Cr) The City will determine the safe maximum operating
capacities of all meter sizes using American Water
Works Association tables (see Water Chapter) . The
fee paid shall be recorded and applied to the total
system development charge applicable for the parcel .
Reduction in water meter capacity shall not result in
a payment from the City to the applicant.
(5) Fire Protection Credit: Installation of a water
meter solely for a fire protection system, such as a
new hydrant or fire sprinkler system shall not
trigger a sewer system' development fee.
h. Temporary connections to the City' s sewage system may be
granted for a one-time, temporary, short term use of a
portion of the property for a period not to exceed three
( 3 ) consecutive years . Permission for temporary
connection may be granted upon payment of an annual fee
equal to ten ( 10) percent of the current system
development charge applicable to that portion of the
property, but not less than seven hundred fifty dollars
( $750 . 00) per year. Said fee shall be paid annually
(nonprorated) , and shall be nonrefundable, nontransferable
(from one portion of the property to another) and shall
not constitute a credit to the system development charge
due at the time of permanent use of the utility system.
The application for temporary connection shall consist of
a detailed plan and a boundary line of the proposed
development service area for use in the fee determination.
i . No system development charge will be collected on City-
owned properties . The benefits to the utility from the
use of other City properties such as utility easements,
lift stations, and other benefits offset the amount of the
system development charge fee.
j . A limited exemption to the system development charge will
be granted to municipal corporations for portions of
property subject to the system development charge to the
extent that those specific areas available and maintained
at all times for public use (e.g. ballfields adjacent to a
school building) shall be segregated from the fee
determination as herein provided. In applying this
exemption to the extent possible, a single straight line
shall be drawn across the property separating the exempt
OD property from the property to be charged. If a single
C) straight line would not achieve substantial equity, then
O additional lines may be drawn to include substantial open
14"4 space areas in the exemption. For purposes of this
OD exemption, substantial open space areas shall be at least
one hundred thousand ( 100, 000) square feet in area. Lines
CD shall not be drawn closer than fifteen ( 15 ' ) feet to any
0 structure.
( 1 ) Nonexempt Areas : Parking lots, driveways, walkways,
similar areas and required landscape areas shall not
be part of the exempt area.
(2 ) Administrative Fees : The applicant shall pay the
City' s administrative costs for the preparation,
processing and recording the segregated fee. At the
time of application for system development fee
segregation the applicant shall pay the
administrative fee of seven hundred fifty dollars
( $750 . 00) .
(3) Restrictive Covenants : The exemption must be
memorialized by means of a restrictive covenant
running with the land. Should the property exempted
under this section later develop, then that property
shall pay the system development charge fee in place
at the time of development.
(4 ) Interpretation of Partial Payment: The Administrator
of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department
shall make the final decision on the interpretation
of this limited exemption and the achievement of
substantial equity.
k. When calculating the area to be charged the development
charge, undeveloped greenbelt and major easements within
the property shall not be included in the square footage
for the calculation of the charge. When determining
whether property is undeveloped greenbelt or major
easements, the inquiry should be to recorded easements or
dedications or restrictions on the Comprehensive Plan or
Zoning Maps or City policies that would prevent
development of significant usages . This exemption is
intended not to charge property that is undevelopable.
1 . When calculating the area to be charged the development
charge, Class I and II wetlands are exempt. It is the
responsibility of the property owner or applicant to
submit a study determining the classifications as Class I
and/or II wetlands and a legal description of said
wetlands so that these portions of the property can be
exempted from the development charge. Classification of
wetlands will be based upon the rating system as outlined
On in Title 4, Chapter 32 of the Renton City Code and any
subsequent amendments thereto.
m. The ability exists for the segregation of the system
OD development charge in the partial development of a large
t4 parcel of property. This segregation shall be based on
Othe following criteria and rules :
( 1 ) Segregation by Plat or Short Plat: The system
development charge shall be determined on the basis of
the specific platted properties being developed
regardless of the parcel size. Unplatted or large
platted parcels may be platted or short-platted prior
to development, in which case the system development
charge fee will be applied to the specific lots being
n. The ability exists for the partial payment of the system
development charge based upon percentage of the property
developed. The owner may apply for partial payment of the
fee on a percentage-based prorated basis proportional to
the percentage of the parcel which will be developed. The
application shall consist of a detailed plan, drafted to
current adopted City standards , of the proposed
development, which shall include a proposed boundary line
for the system development charge fee determination, and a
statement of the total area of the property and the area
of the developed portion in square feet. The following
criteria shall determine the partial payment of fees :
( 1) Application of Provisions : This provision shall apply
to all developments with the exception of single-
family residential and mobile home developments .
(2 ) Determination of Charge: The system development
charge shall be determined on the basis of the
percentage of a property that is developed (existing
development plus proposed development) .
( 3) Full Development: For the purpose of this Code, full
development is considered to be sixty ( 60%) percent
property coverage for multi-family development and
eighty (80%) percent property coverage for commercial,
industrial, mixed-use, and all other development.
Property coverage is defined as the portion of the
property supporting buildings, driveways and
sidewalks, parking areas, grass and landscape areas,
public access areas, storm drainage facilities and
detention ponds, and improvements required for
mitigation of environmental impacts under the State
Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA) .
(4 ) Developed Area: The "developed area" shall include,
GD but not be limited to, all contiguous existing
0 developed land for which the system development charge
r/ fees have not been paid: all existing and proposed
OD buildings, driveways and sidewalks, parking areas,
w4 grass and landscape areas, public access areas, storm
r drainage facilities and detention ponds, and
Q improvements required for mitigation of environmental
0 impacts under the State Environmental Policy Act
(SEPA) .
(5 ) Formula: Determination of partial payment shall be
performed by dividing the "developed area" by eighty
percent (80% ) ( 60 percent for multi-family
development) of the total area of the property, and
multiplying this number by the sewer system
development charge fee assessment for the entire
( 6 ) Partial Payment Fees : The partial payment of fees
shall be by formal, written agreement which shall be
recorded as a restrictive covenant running with the
land. The restrictive covenant shall list the
percentage of the system development charge fee that
has been paid for the property. The percentage of the
system development charge fee that has been paid for
the property shall be defined by dividing the
"developed area" by eighty percent (80%) ( 60 percent
for multi-family development) of the total area of the
property, and multiplying this number by one hundred
( 100%) percent.
Should the property partially paid for under this
section later develop, then that property shall pay
the system development charge fee in place at the time
of development. Should the property partially paid
for under this section later be subdivided, then the
partial payment credit shall run with the subdivided
lots . The burden of establishing that the partial
payment has been made would be on the party owing the
fee and not on the City.
(7 ) Administrative Fees : The applicant shall pay the
City' s administrative costs for the preparation,
processing and recording of the partial payment of the
fee. At the time of application for system
development charge fee partial payment the applicant
shall pay the administrative fee of seven hundred
fifty dollars ( $750 . 00) .
(8 ) Interpretation: The Administrator of the
Planning/Building/Public Works Department shall make
the final decision on interpretation of the partial
payment of system development charges .
at o. Any party extending utilities that may serve other than
0 that party' s property may request a latecomer' s agreement
CD from the City. Any party required to oversize utilities
,4 may require that the utility participate in the cost of
(D the project.
P. Inspection and Approval Fees : In addition to other
CD permits and fees, there will be an inspection/approval fee
0 for on-site and off-site replacement and improvements
QF) which shall be identical to that specified in Chapter 10,
Title IX and any subsequent amendments thereto (See
Section 9-10-3 .B of this Code) .
SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its
passage, approval, and thirty days after publication.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of June , 1995 .
cMarily !04etersen, City Clerk
APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of June , 1995 .
E. Clymer,Maylih
Approved to form:
(..-- 7
Lawrence J. Warr n, City Attorney
Date of Publication: June 16 , 1995
ORD. 459 : 5/31/95 :as .