HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes 06/26/2017 ., - - � CITY C?F � ` �a M I N UTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM -Monday,June 26,2017 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hali—1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Absent: Armondo Pavone, Council President Ruth Perez Randy Corman Ryan Mclrvin Don Persson Ed Prince Carol Ann Witschi MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER RUTH PEREZ. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Alex Tuttle,Assistant City Attorney Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Cliff Long, Economic Development Director Jim Seitz,Transportation Systems Director Vicki Grover,Transportation Planning Manager Abdoul Gafour,Water Utility Engineering Manager Carrie Nass, Neighborhoods, Resources & Events Manager John Collum, Community Development Project Manager CommanderTracy Wilkinson, Police Department June 26, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES s SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Neighborhood USA Award Recognition (Kennydale&LaCrosse Neighborhoods): Neighborhood, Resources& Events Manager Carrie Nass reported that at the Neighborhoods USA Conference, in Omaha, Nebraska,two of the 83 recognized neighborhoods in the City of Renton applied for, and were awarded, "National Neighborhood of the Year" awards. Ms. Nass presented these awards to the following neighborhoods: • Second Place- LaCrosse Neighborhood,for their Community Garden and Beehive project. • Third Place- Kennydale Neighborhood, Neighborhood Newsletter competition. Additionally, Ms. Nass thanked all the residents of Renton who participate in the Neighborhood programs. PUBLIC HEARING a) 2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program:This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), 2018-2023. Transportation Director Jim Seitz and Transportation Planning Manager Vicki Grover reported that transportation programs and projects are required to be incorporated into the TIP in order to receive State and/or Federal funding. Mr.Seitz explained that the TIP is a financially unconstrained document and its purpose is to develop a multi-year work plan and funding plan for the development of transportation facilities, it is used to coordinate transportation projects and programs with other jurisdictions and agencies, it allows for a reflection of involvement with citizens and elected officials, it is mandated by state law, and is required for state and federal funding programs. He also stated that the TIP is coordinated with public and private stakeholders in an effort to coordinate their facility improvements. Mr. Seitz and Ms. Grover highlighted the following projects completed in 2017: � 116th Ave SE Sidewalk Project. • Main Ave. Conversion. • Temporary Signal at 156th Ave. &SE 142nd Place. • New Crosswalk and Wheelchair Ramps for Maplewood Heights Elementary School. • The Landing Pedestrian Pass-through crosswalk with wheelchair ramps. Mr. Seitz further reported and described that there are 38 programs and projects within the TIP which is comprised of 22 corridor projects, seven system preservation programs,four non- motorized programs,two safety programs, and four other programs such as the 1%for Arts and project development and pre-design. Concluding, Ms. Grover reviewed current projects that are in construction, as well as current projects that are in the development and design phases, and projects that will be initiated over the next year.Additionally, she provided the project priority list,the funding summary, expenditures, and revenues sources for the 2018-2023 TIP.She stated that staff is recommending that Council approve the Six-Year 2018-2023 TIP and present the resolution regarding this matter for reading and adoption. June 26, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES There being no discussion and no audience comments it was, MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2017 and beyond. Items noted were: • Please remember that the City has a Fireworks Ban in place which means no fireworks are allowed to be set off within the City limits at any time.The City intends to have additional enforcement out this year in cooperation with Renton Regional Fire Authority. • Renton Farmers Market will take place Tuesday,June 27th,from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Piazza Park in downtown Renton, and it will be "Kid's Day." In addition to fresh flowers and farm fresh produce,there will be a Kid's Talent showcase from 3:30 to 4:30,followed by a kid-friendly cooking demonstration with WSU's Food $ense. Scheduling announcement: there will be no Renton Farmers Market on Tuesday,July 4th. • The City is in the process of updating its Bicycle and Trails Master Plan and is interested in public input.There will be an open house on Tuesday,June 27th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Renton Senior Activity Center, 211 Burnett Avenue North in Renton. • Join Renton Police Officers at one of the Coffee with a Cop events. The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve by removing agendas and allowing opportunities to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood.The next Coffee with a Cop will take place on Wednesday,lune 28th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Vince's Coffee, located at 401 Olympia Avenue NE, Suite 102 in Renton. • An informational meeting about the Renton Hill Utilities Improvement Project will be held for the Renton Hill residents in the Renton City Hall Council Chambers on Thursday,June 29th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.The purpose of this meeting will be to provide residents with a project update and schedule for the construction of utility improvements on Renton Hill, and to obtain input from the community. • King County Sheriff's office has closed the Cedar River to all in-water recreation use from Landsburg to Ron Regis Park. River closure signs will be posted on the entrance railing at Ron Regis Park and on a post at Maplewood Roadside Park, and at the latter to alert people who may be planning to drop off a shuttle car for a float ending at that point. • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. June 26, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Federal Way, extended an invitation to Council to attend the upcoming Ethopian Sports Federation of America Tournament that will be at the Renton Memorial Stadium from July 2 -July 8, 2017; additionally, she outlined the calendar of events for the tournament. Ms.Assefa-Dawson encouraged people to visit esfna.net for more information. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consentAgenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of June 19, 2017.Council Concur. b) AB-1942 Mayor law recommended reappointing Kevin Poole and Mike 0'Halloran to the Planning Commission with terms expiring on 6/30/2020.Council Concur. c) AB-1943 City Clerk reported the results from the June 20, 2017 bid opening for CAG-17-119, Maplewood Creek and Madsen Creek Sediment Basin Cleaning Project-2017, and submitted the staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid from Sierra Pacific Construction, LLC in the amount of$99,606.10. Council Concur. d) AB-1941 Administrative Services Department recommended adopting an ordinance approving the 2017 2nd Quarter Budget amendment in the amount of$6,542,763 with the total amended budget to be $549,988,882 for the biennium, and approving the resolution adopting the amended 2017-2018 Fee Schedule. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB-1938 Community& Economic Development Department recommended appointing Mitchell Shepherd, Board Member with the Renton Municipal Arts Commission; Angela Mose, General Manager of Red Lion Hotel &Conference Center Seattle-Renton; and Rusty Middleton, General Manager of Hyatt Regency Lake Washington to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, and approval of the related ordinance amending City Code to allow for additional committee members. Council Concur. f) AB-1939 Community& Economic Development Department recommended approval of a proposal, in the amount of$80,000,from Western Neon to design,fabricate, and install a Dragon sculpture on the top of the building located at the corner of S 3rd St and Wells Ave 5. Refer to Community Services Committee. g) AB-1936 Police Department recommended approval of the 2016 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) in order to accept funds in the amount of$26,542 to help fund the Domestic Violence Advocacy Assistance Program. Council Concur. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. lune 26, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Utilities Committee Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the interagency agreement for 2017-2018 between King County and City of Renton contract#5902868 (Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant)that provides $235,320 in non-matching grant funding in 2017-2018 to implement waste reduction and recycling programs. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Vice Chair Witschi presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation reviewed the 2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the annual updates to the 2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. (See below for resolution.J MOVED BY WITSCHI,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on lune 26, 2017 claims vouchers 5445-5455, 10019, 357110, 357113-357593, 6152017 and one wire transfer and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$6,098,102.32 and payroll vouchers including 633 direct deposits and 38 payroll vouchers totaling$1,313,655.63. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. d) Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve amending Renton Municipal Codes 5-4-2, 6-6-2, 6-6-6, and 6-6-7 to provide the City a mechanism to recover its costs for impounds at a private veterinary clinic.The Committee further recommended presenting the associated ordinance for first reading. (See below for ordinance.J MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CARRIED. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No.4314:A Resolution was read updating and extending Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for 2018-2023. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. June 26, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Ordinance for first reading: b) Ordinance No. 5848:An Ordinance was read amending Sections 5-4-2, 6-6-2, 6-6-6, and 6-6-7 of the Renton Municipal Code, removing references to licenses being issued annually and deferring to the City's Fee Schedule Brochure with regard to the Term of Licenses; updating references to State Law; clarifying the qualifications for a Low-Income Special Lifetime License; clarifying the circumstances in which an animal may be impounded and procedures for such impounds; requiring impounded animals to be licensed and microchipped as a condition of redemption; contemplating waivers, reductions, and/or payment plans for those who cannot afford to repay required costs when redeeming an animal; clarifying procedures for the disposition of abandoned animals; and providing for severability and an effective date. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETIN6.CARRIED. Ordinance forsecond and final reading: c) Ordinance No. 5847:An Ordinance was read amending Section 6-32-1 of the Renton Municipal Code, making the prohibition against income source discrimination permanent; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED.TIME: 7:33 P.M. t Jason A. eth,CM ity Clerk Megan Gregor, CMC, Recorder Monday,June 26, 2017 June 26, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REVISED Council Committee Meeting Calendar )une 26, 2017 July 3, 2017 Monday CANCELLED COUNCIL HOLIDAY - NO MEETINGS �U��/ 1�, Z�17 Monday 4:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson - Council Conference Room 1 . 2017 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment/Fee Schedule Amendment 2. Vouchers 3. Emerging Issues in Revenue Streams CANCELLED Public Safety Committee, Chair Corman 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Pavone - Conferencing Center 1. Affordable Housing Options/Recommendations 2. Sobering Center Update 3. State Legislative 2017 Wrap Up